#and obi-wan and anakin sometimes switch bodies
tennessoui · 11 months
So it's KUWSK for the next Ko-Fi ficlet? :D I can just imagine the drama during a KUWSK thanksgiving....I'm stoked!
i love this enthusiasm, thank you and i agree a KUWSK thanksgiving/family get-together/another holiday/christmas one shot would be great and full of drama (one that has dooku and qui-gon in it, a resentful suspicious anakin, an exhausted but petty obi-wan, young twins.....maybe the exact christmas where the skywalkers give obi-wan adoption papers (for the twins, not for obi-wan lol)
buttttt i changed my mind lol the next ko-fi ficlet is gonna be my first attempt at body-swap 🤩🥺
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 7 months
What about vaderwan where anakin is sometimes jealous of his children because obi wan switched his allegiance so wholly to them. and because vader is fucking obi wan, or vader is thinking about fucking obi wan, which is basically the same thing,, and he's a monster and his body is destroyed and he can sense obi wan's hatred of him, because obi wan does hate him even though he still loves him, and obi wan doesn't hate luke, or leia, he just loves them and is prioritizing them, and basically anakin is two percentage points away from going on a delusional tirade about obi wan wanting to fuck his son, which maybe sidious might make some insinuations about to get the ball rolling, and what about
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tranakin-skywalker · 8 months
Anakin has never dealt well with stillness. He exists in perpetual movement, energy burning and bursting inside him like a reactor core. “Always on the move,” Obi-Wan used to say about him during his apprenticeship. He never once asked about the burn scar in the middle of Anakin’s back. It’s less a single scar and more a collection of years, layered one over the other until all the nerves around them had died. More than a decade later and there is still a spot the size of his hand in the middle of his back where he can’t feel anything. He’d been young when he learned that an electric prod switched to its lowest setting and pressed against skin would cause third degree burns if left there long enough. It hadn’t taken him long to figure out the best way to keep the prod off his back was to look busy. Stillness is anathema to everything in Anakin’s nature. He can’t remember how many times he’s been told off for his inability to sit still. The need to move, to go. Be anywhere but here. His teachers used to hate it. Something about the night always makes it worse. There is the dark, and the stillness, all other life succumbing to the nocturnal draw of sleep- leaving Anakin alone with only himself. It’s not so bad when he’s awake still because of some project, one day without sleep, two, three, it doesn’t matter. He has something to do, something to busy himself with. Usually something important. He can exist like that just fine. It’s when the nightmares drag him awake into the darkness- still much too early to begin the day but entirely incapable of falling back to sleep. When all he is left with is the confines of his chambers and the stink of fear-sweat and his own mind trying to cannibalize itself. Nightmares always somehow seemed to make the restlessness worse.  Maybe it’s the shot of adrenaline straight to his brain more potent than any stim he’s taken- triggering his body into thinking he’s about to die. Root deep fear of a mind that can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what it has conjured by its own imagination. Only it’s not always in his head. Sometimes- his nightmares come true. Sometimes he feels like he’s being eaten alive.  In the past Anakin would sneak down to the salles to practice katas until sweat rained down off his skin like Naboo waterfalls and his night-terrors were half faded memories- or he’d steal away to the underlevels of Coruscant and race until mortality seems a foreign concept, flying fast enough that for a moment it feels like he can outrun the death on his heels. Neither is a viable option to him now. Not injured on a star destroyer, barely able to move on his own. But there is something else that might calm the shaking and the fear-sweat soaking through his night clothes. It’s been years since he was a slave-child kept awake by the terror of his own future- but old habits are hard to kill. He doesn’t remember how young he was when he discovered a good way to spend sleepless nights was elbow deep in machinery, hours passed repairing whatever he could reach until the skin of his bare hands split open and wept with blisters. Old enough to realize that he was safe as long as he was useful. That’s not saying much, though. One of his first memories is watching a man being blown up from the inside out. On Tatooine, a child’s first lesson is to learn that they are replaceable, and their second is to learn now not to be.
i swear this fic is just 80% depressing introspection about Anakin's shitty life
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Kitsune!Anakin Anecdotes Pt.2
More Kitsune nonsense? More Kitsune nonsense! I haven’t bullied Anakin nearly enough with this even after having him change species. Why you ask? For the fuck of it. Context for this AU here.       
Heightened Senses Anakin is now especially susceptible to flashbang grenades - light sensitivity and his highly sensitive hearing. It actually makes him throw up the first couple of times as the over-stimulation makes his body go haywire. This is a problem when you are on the frontline of a war. Cue Kix trying to wrestle his General into wearing some goddamn ear plugs when on an active battlefield.
Anakin: Doesn’t this just remove the advantage of my extra hearing?! Kix: I’d rather have to yell for you to hear me than have to watch you stand completley stunned and stationary in the middle of a battle again!
Additionally, Anakin and Ahsoka have to travel ahead of their troops in the dark because the light of their helmet torches would blot out their night vision. But if they happen to be lurking in a dark room and a trooper walks in, it scares the shit out of them because of the reflective retinas swivelling to stare back at them.
Cody: Why do you have motion activated lights on everywhere? Just use the switches Rex: Listen, the General and the Commander are damn quiet when they want to be, I like to know what I'm getting into when I enter a room Cody: Oh for god sakes. The Jedi are not that bad. Rex: Alright, Cody. Come back to me when your Jedi's eyes start glowing in the dark.
Familial Group Foxes don’t have packs but do operate as a familial unit. I can see Kitsune following the same trend, keeping close within the same bloodlines and the Kitsune with the greatest number of tails would be the highest in the heirachy of that family tree (usually this would also be the oldest member). The irony being, Anakin would already outrank the majority of the Kitsune population before the war even ended with his five tails.
The adult Kitsune urge to pick up cubs that have wondered off too far would creep up on him sometimes with the younglings in the Temple. Grabbing them with his teeth on the back of their robes and carting them back to their assorted rooms happens more often than Anakin would like to admit. He does it to Ahsoka as a joke. He does it to Obi-Wan as a threat.
Anakin: Go to bed. Obi-Wan: I will go when this is finished Anakin: [hauls him up] You will be going now.
More Transformation Pros and Cons Being able to shift just parts of his anatomy at a time takes a lot of practice but it comes in useful when he needs the extra grip claws grant him when climbing. Bigger ears to vent out extra heat like Fennec Foxes when in desert regions, or changing his limbs to furry, clawed apendages so as to avoid frostbite in the cold. Boots start rubbing the wrong way so Anakin takes them off and transforms just his feet into paws. Immediately steps in the bog without the protection of shoes.
Anakin: Ah. This is worse actually.
Having to deal with sensory hell on a new level when things get inbetween his paw pads. Suffering.
However, trying to hold Anakin prisoner now would be incredibly difficult. This bitch can turn himself into the most fidgety tiny fox known to man. Binders won't hold him because he can just slip straight out of them, any aircent not smaller than a datapad will just become an easy escape route, and manhandling him comes with the risk of having your hand bitten off.
Ventress throws him into a small cage at one point and Anakin doesn't want to risk going back to his normal size in case it damages him more than the cage. He spends the entire time glaring out from between the bars at his captors waiting for someone to try and get him out again. That or trying to gnaw his way through the bars.
Its like looking at an unexploded bomb. A very angry looking unexploded bomb.
Ventress: Nobody wants to unpack this, so let’s just throw the whole thing away.
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jedi-hawkins · 7 months
Bryn-Ayla Del Caro
Meet My Jedi OC! This is a living post with some info about her and her life! Feel free to send me an ask if you want to draw her or find out more about her character! More info and fun facts about her below the cut!
Pronouns: she/her
Born 56 BBY | Age 35 at the start of the war
Species: Human
Home planet: Takodana
Her family descended from a branch of House Vizla, but her ancestors left Mandalore at the end of the Mandalorian-Jedi war (738 BBY) and relocated to Takodana.
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OC Sunday: Shoes, Setting, First Impressions
OC Sunday: Voice, Home Planet, Weapon of Choice
OC Sunday: Favorite Book, My Favorite Trait, Weakness
OC Sunday: Most important thing, Hobbies, Starbucks
OC Sunday: Core Wound, Party Plans, Color Palette
OC Sunday: TV show, Plant, Body Type
OC Sunday: Song, Changes, Wardrobe
Shipping Questions: Bryn x Sergeant Hunter
Shipping Questions: Bryn x Obi-wan Kenobi
Ask: Battlefront 2 Lines
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Physical description:
Height: 5'8"
Tanned skin
Dark brown hair, worn in a braid that falls to her waist
Dark brown eyes; sometimes they're black as night to the point you can't differentiate her pupils from her irises, other times they're warmer, with flecks of honey amber that shine in the sunlight.
Fit, muscular figure that can carry more weight than it appears to be able to handle.
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Jedi Facts:
She was gathered by the Jedi Order when she was 4.
She and Obi-wan Kenobi were trained together at the Temple on Coruscant.
Became a padawan to Jedi Master Plo Koon at age 13.
Was also mentored by Qui-gon Jinn, and assisted him and his padawan, Obi-wan Kenobi on many missions.
She was present when Qui-Gon and Obi-wan rescued Queen Amidala from Naboo and found Anakin Skywalker.
Became a Knight at age 24.
Became a Master at age 31.
Gains a seat on the Jedi High Council at age 34 at the same time as Obi-wan Kenobi.
Her tunics are usually the basic tan, but her tabard is a dark maroon, and her cloak is a dark brown.
She was primarily a Form IV user (very Force-demanding and acrobatic), but after she built her second lightsaber, she became very skilled in Form V (switches quickly between offense/defense and incorporates dual-bladed combat).
After the construction of her second blade, she will switch between holding them in a traditional and reverse grip.
She had a padawan, a Twi'lek names Silais. He began training with Bryn when he was 13, was a very skilled prodigy and passed his trials and became a knight when he was 20.
She mentored Anakin in the same way that Qui-gon mentored her, and accompanied him, Obi-wan, and Ashoka on missions when needed.
She is close friends with Padme Amidala and serves as an unofficial liaison between the Jedi Council and the Galactic Senate.
She built her first Lightsaber when she was 12, and the crystal that chose her emitted a blue blade.
Her second saber, she built when she was 22 and emits a green blade.
Clone Wars Armor:
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Rather than use standard-issue Jedi Armor made for the Clone wars, Bryn actually uses pieces from a set of beskar armor that was passed through her family from the old days of Mandalore. Originally, it was plain metal with no designs, but for the Clone War, she paints it Maroon like her troopers. After the battle of Jabiim, her Senior Commander Steeler paints a set of jiag eyes on her chest plate.
She wears a headset similar to real-world bone-conducting headphones to tap into clone comm channels hands-free rather than use a comlink.
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Fun Facts:
She's fluent in Mando'a
She can communicate in some droidspeak, as well as some Huttese and Twi'leki, but does need communicators for complex conversation.
She identifies as polysexual; she is attracted to multiple genders, but is only attracted to humanoid species (though if there is a connection, she won't say no)
She has had a few intimate interactions and relationships, but she holds her duty as a Jedi above all else. She has no clouded judgement or shift in priorities from her affections.
Primarily, she and Obi-wan held an on-off relationship throughout their lives, but it was fully understood duty came first. When Cody comes along, Bryn is completely understanding and even encourages the relationship between Obi-wan and Cody and they become a throuple. Later on, after Bryn chooses to become the commander of Clone Force 99, Hunter eventually joins the polycule (no clone x clone). Same as Bryn did for them, both Obi-wan and Cody encouraged her bond with Hunter.
At the start of the Clone War, she was assigned the 43rd Attack Legion, designation, Khaos.
A lot of the 43rd Legion's command structure/call signs/command officer names were heavily influenced by Grecoian (Greek) Mythology, because she gifted the command batch a book of myths.
Her call sign with the 43rd Legion was 'Nyx'
Her father had started training her in with bladed weapons when she was 3 and gave her a Mandalorian dagger when she was collected by the Jedi Order.
For a Jedi, she is skilled with 'civvy weapons,' especially daggers/vibroblades and rifles. She trained with them periodically for undercover assignments, and trained with them more vigorously at the start of the Clone War.
She drinks caf (like any other self-respecting overworked individual), but Obi-wan got her hooked on having a cup of tea in the afternoon (damn you Scottish man).
She survives Order 66 thanks to the Bad Batch.
After Order 66, she scrubs the maroon paint off her beskar armor and paints a new set of jiag eyes on her helmet with forest green paint. She then keeps her helmet on at all times and poses as a Child of the Watch, fighting with DC-17 blasters and vibroblades.
She has PTSD in relation to sleep and will often slip into patterns of insomnia or have night terrors.
She's a trained Medic.
When she was in the Jedi Academy, she knew Pong Krell and threw a pastry at him (nailing him in the face) after he said something bigoted in the Temple dining hall. They never really got along.
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valorums · 7 months
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MATURE CONTENT WARNING. bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies. strikethrough what never applies.
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is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual  | identifies as pansexual  | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time | initiates | waits for partner to initiate | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex any time |   no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | hypersexual 
slender/lean build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build  | voluptuous build | wears boxers | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ | shaves/waxes  | doesn’t shave/wax | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9" in length | 10" or over in length
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is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand/partner/pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses | fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk | is turned off by dirty talk
(Shi’al is an opera singer. Of COURSE she is going to be incredibly vocal during sex.)
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their hair pulled | pulling their partner’s hair | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party)   | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner daddy/mistress/master [insert authority figure here] | being called daddy mistress/master | giving praise | receiving praise | biting/marking | being bitten/marked | being penetrated / the receiver  |  penetrating / the giver |  spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal  | choking | being choked | dirty talk | being tied up | tying their partner up | being worshipped | worshipping their partner  | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play | being pegged | pegging
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TAGGED BY no one.
TAGGING @vaderari (Vader), @mayxthexforce (Rajeev), @etoilebleu (Eris), @misfittcd (Kian), @rush-to-greatness (Rush), @realmoffantasysworld (Obi-Wan), @forcenexus (Anakin), AND YOU.
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
starting to dream for a short spell
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49784530 by passeridae Anakin and Obi-Wan, throughout the war. There's so much else happening that they barely have time to discuss troop movements, let alone their love life. This has some... predictable consequences. They don't ask, they barely speak, trading sloppy kisses and dragging each other close until there isn't room for air between them, only the slide of skin on skin and whines muffled into mouthfuls of fabric or flesh. Sometimes, if one of them's only just been released from the medics' clutches, the other will press them down and relearn every inch of their body with lips and tongue and fingertips until they're both shaking with it. Words: 2872, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Somnophilia, wartime sex, Boys Being Bad at Talking About Their Feelings, Switching, Anakin’s Anger Issues, Canon Compliant read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49784530
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mrschristensen · 2 months
Smut Alphabet - Anakin Skywalker
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I was thinking about making a smut alphabet series (ish) for all of Hayden's characters (and including the man himself), so here we go! Also, I'm SO sorry that I haven't been very active. I just haven't had the motivation to write, but I'm trying to be a bit more consistent! So I hope you enjoy, it's a REALLY long post.
includes: pretty much all versions of Anakin (there will possibly be a separate one for crispy, suitless and maybe another AU of Vader! However, I do think that he's about the same, just a lot more rough and cold.)
note: Anakin (by itself, nothing specific) just means all versions of him <3
WARNINGS: smut smut smut! (YOU'VE BEEN WARNED, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK), female s/o, my opinions, mentions of breeding, please lmk if I missed any!
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
AOTC ANAKIN would probably alternate with aftercare, depending on when/where he does it. If he has the time, then he'd totally do aftercare, being the sweetest boy ever. If he couldn't, he'd shoot you an apologetic glance and mouth "I'm sorry" before hastily leaving, adjusting his robes last minute to make sure he looks presentable and not like he just fucked.
TCW ANAKIN would be about the same, but probably a lot less aftercare because he's now a general and far more busy. If you were in the same predicament (being a general/involved in the war somehow), it'd be even harder. At least he could be closer to you and sneak in quick fucks in your living quarters on the ship (if you just so happen to be on the same one).
ROTS ANAKIN would really try and squeeze in aftercare somehow, especially since he’s matured more and is more aware that it is pretty much needed in order for such passionate moments to feel fully complete. He would absolutely pamper as much as he could (not like he didn’t in the previous eras of his life), and sometimes even forgets he has needs of his own.
B = Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and favorite on their partner’s)
ANAKIN really likes his eyes. If they’re more blue-green on a day, then it reminds him of the beautiful waters and landscape of Naboo. If they’re a bit darker, he’s reminded of the stormy seas of Kamino.
His favorite body part on his partner’s, however, isn’t exactly his type of thing to decide. He likes everything about his partner, no doubt about it (he’s an everything man: thighs, tits, ass… he could never get enough; and obviously pussy 'cause he's a cunt worshipper).
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
I feel like ANAKIN would prefer to do it raw and cum inside. Like there’s literally no doubt about it (I truly think that there’s such thing as birth control in the galaxy, but some people might say different). He might be a bit hesitant at first, but once he does it for the first time, he gets addicted. He is a literal sucker for creampies. He could just sit there and watch all his cum drip out of his partner’s pussy and would be satisfied (he also has a huge breeding kink so it goes hand in hand). Sometimes, if they’re going for multiple rounds (which is usually the case when he gets his hands on her), he’ll either cum inside all times, or he’ll switch it up. He doesn’t really like facials, but once in a while he’ll do one. He thinks it’s really hot when he cums on their tits, and he’ll occasionally do it if he doesn’t feel like cumming inside (for the millionth time ever).
-> "Where do you want it, sweetness?" he grunts as he climbs up the ladder of release, thrusting hard and deep, "I think I should stuff it in. Or do you wish for something different?" (it really doesn't matter though because he'll probably cum where he wants anyways)
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of his and his partner’s)
ANAKIN sometimes fantasizes about getting caught, specifically by a member of the Council (Obi-Wan already knows, obviously, because he’s just Obi-Wan). He’s wanted his relationship to be public anyways, to show the galaxy that she’s his and his alone, yet he can’t because of his position as a Jedi. He’s considered multiple times on having a meeting with the Council to discuss the matter, and hopefully get the rule abolished. However, he is still afraid that he’d simply lose his position with no questions whatsoever, and he wanted anything but that. I think he’d also really want his partner to ride him in his fighter.
I feel that her dirty secret is that she would just let him do whatever he wanted to her without question (not like that isn’t a thing already). If they were uncomfortable with something, though, they’d vocalize it, but besides that, he’d have free reign.
E = Experience (how experienced he is)
When they first start dating, AOTC ANAKIN would do his RESEARCH. He’d find ways on how to pleasure not just himself (because his hand is almost never enough unless it’s his partner’s anymore), but also his partner, obviously. He learns the basics, and does his own thing from there.
Later on in his life, TCW ANAKIN and ROTS ANAKIN knows what they both like by now, and basically goes rabid whenever he gets the chance. He loves pussy, end of story.
F = Favorite Position (his and his partner’s fav position)
I feel like AOTC ANAKIN would be fine with plain old missionary, but when he starts experimenting with his partner, there’s no turning back from that. After trying a few others, his favorite would be the mating press, no explanation needed, and would stay that way for the rest of his life (BREEDING KINKKK). However, he wouldn’t mind switching it up once in a while, even if he really does prefer mating press.
I think his partner would be fine with whatever, even if it was just basic missionary. If they’d want to try one or just felt a certain mood, they’d try and work up the courage to tell him, and he’d be more than happy if it meant satisfying them.
G = Goofy (how serious he is in the bedroom)
I feel that ANAKIN would be pretty serious. Maybe a few small remarks or jokes here and there, followed by a chuckle, but not much. If he laughed or said a “joke,” it would probably be mockingly. He’d smirk or smile or whatever, so lost in his perverse pleasure.
-> “So needy for my cock,” he commented, smirking and chuckling as he continued his animalistic thrusts.
H = Hair (how well groomed he is, if the carpet matches the drapes, etc.)
I think ANAKIN is a total CLEAN FREAK. Like idgaf what anyone thinks, he needs cleanliness or he won't survive. I feel like he'd be the type to whine and complain about being sweaty after a battle or something. So, naturally, he'd want to keep himself well groomed too. He wouldn't have it bare, but under enough control to the point where it isn't itchy and huge.
I think the carpet also matches the drapes, a dirty blonde/brown color.
I = Intimacy (how intimate he is)
ANAKIN is extremely intimate, doesn't matter if during sex or not, he's a hopeless romantic (yet he'd rather die than actually admit it). Some nights might be soft, gentle, romantic, while others are more rough, to the point, etc. Sometimes, however, he mixes in both, depending on his mood.
I think, more than not, he'd would be a lot more demanding because he doesn't get to see his partner too much. So he takes what he can get, and he takes it quickly, and whichever way he wants.
J = Jack Off (how much he masturbates)
I feel like ANAKIN would jack off when he was on missions, thinking of his partner in the most lewd ways imaginable whenever he gets at least five minutes of free time. It never compares to actually having sex with them, but he deals with it (even if he hates it). He'll only ever masturbate if he needs to or if he is with his partner actually present.
AOTC ANAKIN would definitely jack off a lot more often (thinking back to when he isn't secretly dating anyone), especially since he doesn't really have another person to release for/with. He'd probably do it daily, to be honest, because it's been researched that masturbating (or just having sex) is "stress relieving."
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I could name off an entire LIST (and this post is already long enough). So I'm gonna make a separate post about this one since I could literally go on and on.
Anakin's Kinks
L = Location (favorite places to do the dirty)
I feel like ANAKIN would ultimately prefer to do it in his (their because they share) chambers, being the romantic, intimate man he is underneath. He likes his privacy, especially if he's ravishing his partner. However, it doesn't mean he wouldn't do semi-public or public. He likes the thrill of it, possibly getting caught. But if both he and his partner are Jedi, then he'd be a lot more cautious and preferably stick to the bedroom (he'll probably do semi-public/public once in a long while anyways). However, he would do it pretty much anywhere. On the floor, in a dark closet, anywhere he could get at least a little bit of privacy. He would never want to let anyone see his partner in such a state, and he intends to keep it that way.
M = Motivation (what turns him on/gets him going)
Pretty much anything his partner does. ANAKIN is down bad for them, and even doing something as simple as doing work or saying a witty remark could get him going. Maybe he'll have a random thought about what he could do to them, and that'd instantly get him at least a little bit hard.
N = No (something he wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
ANAKIN hates anything to do with feet, I don't wanna hear it. However, he would in fact give his partner foot massages if they wanted one or if he just felt like pampering them. He just thinks they're disgusting, but he never felt that way about his partner's; he thinks everything about them is beautiful, even if he hates feet.
He'd also never share with anyone, and I mean anyone. His partner is his and his alone, no questions asked, end of story. He's a possessive guy.
-> "You're mine," he growls in his partner's ear as he picks up his pace, "never forget that. Or else I'll just have to punish you after slaughtering whoever dares touch what belongs to me."
O = Oral (preference in giving/receiving, skill, etc.)
ANAKIN is a GIVER FOR LIFE. Not that he doesn't love getting head, but he is a literally slut for pussy. Pussy drunk whenever he can get the opportunity. Perks of being The Chosen One: he knows what to do even as a virgin. He knows how to make both himself and his partner feel good, skilled with his tongue, his cock, his fingers, everything.
P = Pace (how fast and rough, slow and sensual, etc. he is)
It all really depends on his mood. ANAKIN in general would probably prefer deeper thrusts, loving the feeling of his partner's pussy gripping him so perfectly. He's a sucker for slow and sensual too, but he usually ends up going unimaginably fast because he's so feral for it.
Q = Quickie (his opinion on quickies, how often, etc.)
AOTC ANAKIN despises quickies. He likes to take his time, doing whatever he wants whenever he wants. However, he sometimes would have to suffice with a quickie; before a mission, at a random time/place that doesn't offer up a big time window, etc. I feel as he gets older (TCW ANAKIN and ROTS ANAKIN), he'd get a little bit more okay with them, but he still despises them nonetheless.
R = Risk (how game to experimenting he is, if he takes risks, etc.)
ANAKIN would be all for experimenting and taking risks. He'd definitely be a bit more cautious when he was younger (AOTC ANAKIN), but eventually he just didn't really care anymore, as long as it meant the best sex of his life.
S = Stamina (how many rounds he can go for, how long he lasts)
This man could go on FOREVER. ANAKIN has so much in him (pent-up energy, horniness, all the feels) that he could just keep going nonstop. If his partner wants a little break, he'll give them a few minutes (at most). But realistically speaking, he could probably go like 10 rounds depending on how he feels.
T = Toys (if he owns toys/uses them, either on himself or his partner)
ANAKIN would be an absolute FREAK when it comes to toys. He'd have an entire collection in a hidden place only he and his partner new about: vibrators, cock rings, bondage, basically anything him and his partner would be into. His favorite would probably be the vibrator; he likes to tie his partner up and torture their pussy 'till it's all puffy and they've cum like so many times just from it.
AOTC ANAKIN would probably just have one or two, if any. He'd be pretty cautious about it, thinking that Obi-Wan might accidentally stumble upon one when visiting or something.
U = Unfair (how much he likes to tease)
ANAKIN is the god of teasing. He loves it so much, seeing his partner writhe under him and just the slightest of touches. He'd sometimes do subtle actions in public (like maybe giving his partner a pat on the ass or a gentle caress while walking by), not caring if anyone sees or not if he feels risky.
V = Volume (how loud he is, what sounds he makes, etc.)
I think it (again) depends on his mood.
AOTC ANAKIN would be more whiny, whimpering and all that shit. He'd have subtle ones, and a little bit louder than that, but he really tries to hold it in because he wants to be the dominant guy (yes, he can be subby but I think he likes/prefers to be the one in control). If he were going pretty much feral (which he usually is), he'd let out grunts and growls and etc.
TCW ANAKIN would occasionally let out a little whimper or whine, but he's definitely more of a growling and grunting kind of guy (same with the other versions of him).
W = Wild Card (a random headcanon)
I think that, no matter what, ANAKIN would always like to be the one in control (even if his partner's on top of him). Yes, I know AOTC ANAKIN is a downright subby slut. However, I feel he could be subby and all that shit but still be in control. He likes to have that dominance over his partner, to know that he has that power over them.
-> "I'm gonna cum," AOTC ANAKIN breathily whines, thrusting at an ungodly speed and reveling in the sounds his partner makes below him, "please, please... I'm gonna cum so much, gonna fill this pussy up-"
X = X-Ray (what’s going on under the clothes)
ANAKIN is definitely a big guy, no doubt about that. I'd probably say 8.5-9 inches, one or two (distinct) veins and a pinkish-red tip, sort of curving upwards when he gets hard.
AOTC ANAKIN would probably still be growing just a little bit (since he's still pretty much a teenager), so I'd say a tiny bit smaller than that.
Y = Yearning (how high his sex drive is)
ANAKIN, having all those extra midi-chlorians, is horny 24/7, no doubt about it. He's constantly thinking about sex, fucking, anything lewd that may pop into his head (even if he doesn't want it to at that moment) even during times when he shouldn't be (like a mission). So, by that statement, he's probably masturbating or having sex (depending on if he's away from his partner or not) daily.
Z = Zzz (how quickly he falls asleep afterwards)
ANAKIN typically waits until after his partner falls asleep in his arms, gently playing with their hair, whispering sweet nothings, feeling fresh and clean after pampering them (gives the BEST aftercare) and joining them for a bath/shower. He loves them more than he can express, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the galaxy. ❤
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
OKAY so on the topic of Star Wars takes wrt “character ends up in an A/B/O universe where they’re an omega, but they were previously a cis male in their canon”
@atagotiak and I had some Thoughts on discord
So, obviously, Anakin would make a good omega and he’s also incredibly murdery. Foregone conclusion that we're using him for this.
There is no preexisting Anakin in the Omegaverse. He shows up JUST as the war is starting. Canon timeline is in the third year of the war (he’s 22), but whatever dumped him into omegaverse also tossed him back a few years. No de-aging, just a bit of mismatched timeline stuff.
He's... really good at war, and clearly a Jedi, so the Temple just kind of goes "WELL OKAY THEN, SURE, YOU'RE IN, EVERYONE PRETEND HE'S BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME." The Jedi, by and large, don't care about omegaverse dynamics beyond 'what do you need, medically, to be happy and healthy' and 'what do you need to be aware of so you can be prepared for biases you encounter in the field?’
None of the civilian natborns (mainly politicians) want to put him on the field because of those biases. Anakin, being Anakin, is VERY blatantly an omega in scent, has never been on suppressants (because it wasn't a thing he fucking NEEDED), is incredibly emotional as a person, loves kids, etc.
Like, nobody wants an omega fighting a war anyway, but THIS one is like PINNACLE omega, and those awful Jedi are making him FIGHT just because he's good at stab!
The Jedi: Actually, it's because he's got several years of war experience that we don't, and he's a good tactician that works well with the clones-- Coruscant: You MONSTERS The Jedi: Look, we gave him the option to not stab and he looked absolutely devastated. Anakin, several days earlier: You don’t want me? I’m not good enough??? Jedi: Also he can beat up at least half the temple.
He doesn't know a damn thing about dynamics, but he DOES know that sometimes he's so horny he wants to stab HARDER. The clones are largely disinterested in their generals' dynamics because between mostly-Mando* trainers and no-dynamic Kaminoans, they only really care if a person can shoot.
* Mandalore approves of Fighty Omegas. As far as (traditional) Mandalore is concerned, you want an omega that will kill the threats to your children as well as you do.
Anakin: You know more about being an omega than I do. Rex: ...I'm an alpha. Anakin: Yeah. Let that one sink in a bit.
We have two options for Obi-Wan!
Omegaverse local Obi-Wan (beta) has never met this man before, and is very unnerved that the immediate default reaction Anakin has to his presence is releasing Family pheromones as if Obi-Wan is his DAD and like. This strange, too-tall man from another dimension has got absolutely NO control over what he projects in the Force OR in his dynamic.
Obi-Wan was ALSO transplanted from canon to omegaverse, and is also an omega, for contrast reasons. He is nice and friendly and and likes poetry and that sort of thing... but also he has the highest dismemberment count in the movies. Also he doesn’t prioritize romance.
We went with the second one because it's hilarious.
Someone watching them spar: Wow, omegas from that universe are terrifying.
As previously mentioned, now with some tweaking to account for both: Obi-Wan and Anakin just straight up don't exist until they drop headfirst into the council room, already covered in blood. (It's mostly not theirs.)
Nobody realizes either one is an omega until they "naturalize" to this dimension and Anakin goes into heat... and doesn't realize it, actually, because his primary symptom is heightened protectiveness and aggression. Everyone else with the right nose realizes, because the man has no control over his pheromone production, but Anakin? No. He just stabs. He’s angry and horny and he will cut someone.
Ahsoka has no reaction to human pheromones but basically everyone smells Anakin's "my child!" reaction to her, so... Cool. Have a padawan, we guess.
Anakin ends up sparring a lot with Aayla and Ahsoka, because only humans and near humans have dynamics, so these two don't REACT to the pheromones situation.
(Palpatine is a Kindly Old Beta who tries to treat Anakin the way he EXPECTS Anakin wants to be treated, which is. Not. Accurate.)
(Anakin hates it.)
I'm just so in love with "An omega can't fight." "You wanna fuckin' bet?"
There are plenty of omega Jedi, by the way, it's just... most of them can keep it relatively low-key instead of Anakin's jet-engine broadcast. Some, if they're known to be omega, probably take advantage of being underestimated, like Obi-Wan probably (and especially a version of Obi-Wan that was always an omega, unlike this version). They have a very different way of presenting themselves than Anakin, who's not subtle about being an omega and also not subtle about being all aggressive and stabby.
At one point, Anakin has to protect some Very Traditional Individuals who get all "Stay back, Omega, it's not safe!" and he's just... so tired of this shit. “You are squishy civilians and I'm a trained Jedi Knight and accomplished GAR General who's killed more people in one sitting than there are in this entire palace. Sit the fuck down and let me do my job.”
It starts making the rounds that Anakin insisted on fighting in person, and the rumors shift from "how dare the Jedi force an omega to fight" and over into things that are deeply hurtful in-universe in the vein of "broken omega" and some people try to say it to his face but like...
He didn't grow up here.
He doesn't care.
Say that to one of his friends and he's going to rip out your spleen, probably, but say it to him and he's just staring at you flatly and asking if that's a negative on getting away from the encroaching battle droids, sir?
"You're rather unpleasant for an omega, aren't you?" [deeply offensive] "I literally could not give less of a fuck about your opinion. Move."
It's not that there aren't omegas that act like Anakin, either, it's just that most of them aren't, you know, Jedi who regularly interact with the upper crust, or capable of his level of destruction. Unbeknownst to Anakin, everyone clocks him as Outer Rim based on his behavior, well before his accent gives him away, and certainly before he mentions he's from Tatooine, because Core Omegas Don't Act Like That.
Someone they meet in a more diplomatic setting says something decently passive-aggressive about how at least Obi-Wan acts more like how an Omega should. Then a battle breaks out for some reason, and... well. Anakin and Obi-Wan cause such a scandal by keeping score of kills in a battle, don’t you know?
Turns out sending Anakin to fight Ventress is great because she keeps expecting him to react a certain way but NO he's here to STAB.
I like the idea that Obi-Wan's favorite opponent these days is Grievous because the cyborg doesn't have a nose, and thus gives zero fucks about dynamics or heats. Dooku is a rich old man who has opinions heavily influenced by Sith Juice Making Him More of a Dick, and the Dathomiri can smell dynamics even if they don't have them, and so they have biases about those things. Meanwhile, Grievous is just there to Kill, and Obi-Wan genuinely appreciates the lack of commentary on his dynamic.
Dooku’s probably an alpha, or a beta who's used the whole "we are more level-headed" thing as one of several angles to keep himself the public face and supreme commander of the CIS.
On to more fluffy things that have less to do with political biases.
There's a lot of "I'm upset that my loved ones don't know me," but also please understand the appeal of Obi-Wan marching up to Quinlan like "Yes, hello, I understand you've been read in on the full situation behind myself and my former padawan. I was close friends with your alternate universe self, which I feel is necessary disclosure before I propose the following: Would you like to join me for my upcoming heat, as I have minimal experience with the dynamics situation and even fewer people I actually trust, and I believe I can put my faith in you to treat it as casually as necessary while still having control and respect for my person."
(The Team is in a fairly safe place to process stuff, but having sudden unexpected changes to your biology has gotta be a little traumatizing, on top of ending up in a universe where none of your friends know you and people have a whole host of unfamiliar forms of sexism to point at you.)
Obi-Wan, who wasn't quite touch-averse but was much more easily overwhelmed by physical contact than Anakin (who craved it), suddenly finds his body switching gears and insisting on cuddles with Trusted Loved Ones, which is.... mostly Anakin, on account of nobody else really knowing him yet. Also Ahsoka, who is aware that she's something of a replacement for her alt-universe self, but Anakin explained it as "I love you so much no matter which dimension I'm in or what you're like, and I'd like to get to know you the way I got know her."
(It's rather eloquent for Anakin. He got Obi-Wan to help him draft up the script for when he pitched taking on omegaverse Ahsoka as a padawan.)
Anakin gets a more intensely sexual heat than 'usual' at one point for Reasons (IDK it could be as innocuous as 'we got better food than the usual rations and my body is reacting to the higher fat content with the belief that it's safer to have a baby now'), which nobody takes a whole lot of notice of because they're in a WAR, and also this is only his fourth one so it's not like he's got a lot to compare it to... except then the predominantly alpha clones can't stop themselves from reacting to the pheromones, mostly by wandering past his door and asking if he needs anything, offering up alpha-scented blankets and stuff for the nest to soothe the hormones, bringing snacks and electrolyte drinks, and like, Anakin is flattered, really, but fuck off please.
(He got a warning from medical a few hours before it hit that it would be different, so he actually does have alpha-scented fabrics to help him out. Apparently that's a thing you can just ask friends for, so he asked Rex if he had anything on hand that he could spare. He now has one of Rex’s recently-used sheets and a bodyglove in the nest.)
(Anakin has no idea how to feel about the nesting instinct, but at least it’s warm.)
Tia asked "Oh hey, who has the scared and horny reaction to his carnage?" and like.
Listen. I'm not saying I've been low-key imagining this as Rex being a very subby alpha who's really into Anakin's whole Thing but...
At one point Anakin gets injured in a way that requires painkillers and he ends up whining to the point of almost crying about the fact that nobody is cuddling him right now in medbay and Kix just gives up and comms Ahsoka to come hug her weird older brother.
And Then There Is Purring.
That’s a Thing Now.
Rex ends up in the pile somehow. He came over to check on Things and ended up yanked in by half-asleep, half-high Anakin, who has a grip like an octopus and no impulse control and is purring like a pod motor while NUZZLING HIM.
There’s a lot of blackmail photos featuring Rex’s very intense blush as he’s cuddled by his commander (giggling at him) and general (clinging like a tooka and rubbing himself all over).
Anakin is deeply offended that ANYONE thinks he'd want to get pregnant by just any old person, NO he needs to fall in LOVE there needs to be EMOTIONAL DRAMA and if Padme won't have him (apparently she's in a relationship and no he's not BITTER) then he'll find someone else to have a whirlwind romance with!
People think Anakin's a slut because he can't control his pheromone production (he has NO practice and for health reasons he can't go on suppressants) so he always smells open and ready for flirtations, which Obi-Wan also has to a somewhat lesser degree (he's older so his body just naturally produces less), and then someone tries to cross a boundary and grabs his ass and ANYWAY Anakin has to now fill out an incident report for breaking a civilian's arm.
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piratesfromspace · 3 years
The Mechanic (Anakin/Reader)
Anakin Skywalker/Reader, Obi-Wan is also here
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Smut 18+, mechanical arm, Anakin is a little shit, dom/sub undertones, humiliation kink if you squint.
AFAB reader but gender-neutral pronouns MASTERLIST
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“A… mechanic??”
“Yes, that’s what I am. A mechanic. The best in town. Isn’t it what you’re looking for?”
Obi-Wan scrunches his nose and turns to the poor clone trooper who had introduced you.
“Are you serious?” he asks in a whisper.
“Do you know how hard it is to find a biomechanics surgeon around here, General? That’s the best I could find.” the trooper seems really tired you notice.
Kenobi brings his hand on his chin, silently thinking for a few seconds.
“I guess they’ll do.”
And that’s how you’re recruited for a very special task. When you’re led to their temporary base just outside of town, you thought you were going to be asked to repair a secret-weapon, or some military speeder. Oh Maker were you wrong. 
You’re pushed inside of a medical ship, and instead of a speeder, you find yourself face to face with another jedi. He’s sitting on a table, his jedi robe badly torned, already pushed down and bunched on his hips, leaving his muscular torso entirely bare. You would have noticed his perfectly drawn abs if you weren’t distracted by his right arm. From his elbow down, it is entirely made of gold and black metal, with armored panels mimicking the size of his other regular arm, complete with what look like delicate fingers. A mechno-arm. You’ve never seen one quite like it. It must cost a small fortune, and it is definitely custom. But it’s also definitely wrecked.
“So, you’re the biomechanics expert?”
“Mechanic. Just a mechanic. But I know a thing or two about cybernetics.”
“Great.” He says with a cynical tone before making a pause, eyeing you down shamelessly for a tad too long, as you cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at his poor manners. He smirks at your reaction, and cocks his chin up before continuing. 
“Well, anyway, I’ll guide you, I know what’s going on with my arm, I just need a helping hand.”
He says that with a lot more confidence than what you would expect from someone his young age, almost condescending - but you can’t really be mad at him, considering the guy has the Force and looks like this. You would be insufferable as well. 
Sometimes life is unfair, you think, too bad he chose to become a warrior monk, because you wouldn’t mind tinkering with more than his arm.
You take a deep breath, and just get on with it, starting to work on his prosthetic, following his instructions. Even if he hasn’t all the correct vocabulary, the man actually knows what’s wrong with his arm, and you’re a little bit annoyed at the fact he was right. You would have gladly taught him a lesson, making his cocksure smirk and patronizing tone go away just for a second. Nonetheless, you listen to what he explains, and after a while, you realize you’re just executing his directions without second guessing him, lulled by his warm voice, scrunched over his mechanical arm, your face just inches away from his very human skin. 
After an hour, you’re done, and his fingers are back to life, the mechanism slightly buzzing while he lifts his hand to his face, watching with an honest smile as his movements resume. You’re watching as well, mesmerized by the way his metal fingers move with such great finesse. It’s almost surreal when you know the inhumane strength he could deploy thanks to the alloy ligaments, a deadly threat just lying under golden fingertips. 
Your gaze switches to his face, and you allow yourself to stare a little. He’s young but the toll of war is already showing, the kindness of his eyes hidden behind a steely veil, a scar running way too close from his right eye. His hair is a mess, long light-brownish locks with a few blond strands. His innocence is long gone, replaced by a mix of fierce resolve and cocky attitude. He’s handsome, you won’t lie to yourself. And his toned body matches his pretty face. Even the mechanical arm adds to his charm. You’re sure some would be repulsed by it, but you’re definitely not. You can’t stop wondering what it’s like for him when he touches something, when he touches someone. And you can’t stop wondering what it’s like to be touched by those fingers, to feel the smooth golden steel on your skin. Would it be warm? Or cold? 
You’re pulled out of your daydreaming by a cough. Anakin is now looking at you, and his knowing gaze is making you doubt if he’s reading your mind. There are many rumors about the powers jedi can have, and you suddenly blush at the realization he might actually be.
“Well, thanks, it works fine again.” he says with a falsely natural tone. “But I think I need to run just a few tests, you know, to make sure the sensation is back. Would you like to help me? I warn you, it can be a bit… overwhelming.” He says that as his mechanical hand grazes at your naked forearm, his self-confident grin back on his face, and you can’t miss the sexual undertone of his proposition. The feeling sends chills in your whole body, the metal of his fingertips is definitely cold — at least, for now. You’re a bit taken aback because you weren’t expecting advances from a literal monk, but at the same time you know you’re too curious and too horny already to pass down such an invitation. 
“And how can I help?” you ask not so innocently. 
“Glad you ask.” he answers, as he hops down from the table, an even bigger grin on his face. 
You don’t have the time to realize what’s going on, but he lifts you up and slams you down on the table before climbing back on top of you, resting on his knees, arms caging you. 
He hushes you when you want to protest against his manhandling, but you can’t deny the fact it’s turning you on even more. He watches your face intently as his mechanical hand is caressing your cheek, then shifting lower on your throat. He squeezes gently, just to see how you would react, and he’s pleased to hear you gasp at the tiniest of pressure. It’s making you dizzy, the knowledge he could literally crush you if he wanted to, and you’re being amazed at the control he shows instead. 
His hand doesn’t stay there for long though, and goes even lower, shortly groping your breast before sliding further down until it stops at the waistband of your pants. He waits a second here, scanning you for any form of approval, before resuming when you thrust your hips slightly up against his palm, letting him know you’re looking for more. 
He loses no time, snaking his hand under your pants and in your panties, cupping your cunt. The metal of his fingers is warmer now, thanks to your own body heat, but the feeling is still foreign although not unpleasant. He parts your folds, tracing a finger from your entrance to your clit, spreading your wetness there. The pitiful whine that escapes your lips as he starts circling the bundle of nerves makes him chuckle. He’s visibly enjoying the way you react under his touch. 
The smooth steel of his golden fingertips feels like heaven against your sensitive parts, and you already know you won’t last long. He rises a bit, sitting on his heels so he can use his left arm to pin you down, real fingers made of flesh cruelly biting in your hips to keep you in place for what’s coming next. 
He stops his ministrations and coats two of his metallic fingers in your juices before sinking them slowly inside of you. You stop breathing as you watch his fingers disappear between your legs with awe. You feel every ridges and bumps of the mechanical knuckles as they slide in and out of you, and when his thumb finds your clit again, you’re glad he’s actually pinning you down, because it’s suddenly too much to handle. Your back arches and your head slams down against the unforgivable steel of the medical table. In other circumstances, you would complain, but you just can’t find a good reason to care right now. 
Anakin keeps on moving his fingers, relentlessly bringing you closer to the edge. Your whines are now moans, and he gives you a mean look, mouthing a “shut up”. You almost forgot you were in the middle of a military base, and that anyone could enter the room you were in at any time now. You clamp your hand on your mouth, trying desperately to keep quiet as the bastard is slowing his pace but increasing the pressure of his touch, crooking the fingers inside of you to rub against that perfect spot that makes you see stars. It’s a matter of seconds before you come with a muffled whimper, eyes closed, hips rising up from the table. He doesn’t stop until you push his hand away as the pleasure-pain of overstimulation settles in. 
“It looks all good, thanks for helping.” he says with a cocky little smile, while you try to catch your breath. He wipes his mechanical arm on your pants, like it’s just a random rag, and you’re too shocked by the sheer audacity of the man to think of a retort. 
You barely have the time to get back on your feet, that the door of the room is sliding open, revealing a visibly displeased Obi-Wan. 
“You’ done yet?” 
You open your mouth to answer but Anakin is quicker. 
“Yes, Master. We were just making sure the repair is efficient.” 
He says that with his usual grin and while looking the older jedi dead in the eye. You wonder how he managed to do that when some of his fingers still smell like you. You’re also jealous of the fact his crumpled robe is making a decent job at hiding his hard-on, while the wet patch on your pants where Anakin wiped his fingers is all too visible.
“It seems your hand is working perfectly again, Anakin.” 
The tone of Obi-Wan's voice is half-amused, half-annoyed when he says that, his eyes on you, rather than on his padawan. You wonder if he knows what just happened, causing your face to grow hot under his suspicious gaze. 
“Just ask the trooper outside for your payment” he adds bluntly, before asking Anakin to follow him for a briefing where they’re both needed. 
As they exit the room, the younger jedi turns to you.
“I know I can count on you if I ever need more repairs. I’ll make sure to request you, personally.”
Your face is getting even more red as you mumble a good-bye to the two warriors. 
The paycheck was generous, but honestly? You would be lying to yourself if you would not admit you’d do it all over again for free.
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tennessoui · 1 year
#7! I notice you switch between POVs a lot in your fics, and it works so well. Would love to know how you figure out which POV to write in for what scene!
ooooo i was just answering #7 from another ask when you sent this in!!
(answer here, ask game here)
to expand a bit on what i said re: choosing povs, i also think about which character i want the audience to know more about and even which character i want to focus the growth and journey of the story on. like for use my body to break your fall, the majority of the story rests on the growth and journey of anakin, so it made sense for him to be the POV through which the audience reads the story, keeping obi-wan as an important, mysterious character set on his path while anakin fights internally with himself. same sort of goes with PBATMB
committing to a POV for a story means losing all the internal narration and fighting that the other person does, so i do often weigh the pros and cons between obi-wan and anakin when choosing which person I want to write from. sometimes it's easy though - for time & tide and like saints, like monsters, i wanted to explore anakin's mindset because he Goes Through It in both those fics with a lot of internal conflict and guilt and grief. i wanted those feelings/themes to be central to the fic instead of the flavors of emotion that those obi-wans are experiencing
for foolproof, foolhardy, it was a bit harder to decide because i know master skywalker was also internally wrestling with a lot of things that padawan kenobi was. but it came down to what sort of padawan i wanted this padawan kenobi to be and what sort of tone of the story i wanted to have!
for stories where they switch POVs it's because i really think the story benefits from a snapshot of both their POVs - like couples counseling au for example!
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tessiete · 3 years
hii so idrk if u take reqs but can we have some korkie and obi-wan on fathers day?
Well, I have no concept of time, BUT I have finally completed this prompt! Hope you find it, anon, and I hope it lives up to your desires! Featuring cameos from Anakin, and Satine! Buituur = Parent's Day (It's become a full week, at this point!) Ijaat'ilor = Honour Meal Amalios = August(ish) (Basic) Haa'Tabguri = February(ish) (Mando'a) Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum = I love you. Alright, I think that's all the preamble! HERE WE GO!!
Master Kenobi has never missed a single Buituur Festival - not in all the seven years that Kiorkicek has been on Coruscant. Every year, with careful diligence, his master has marked off the dates on the little chronocalendar posted just at the door of Korkie’s room. It is always one standard week, but it always changes.
“It is based on the cycle of the moons,” his master says. “And there are two to keep track of, you know.”
“Yes!” Korkie agrees, eager to display the quality of his education. “Concordia, for eternal friendship, and Amity, for change.”
“Very good, Kiorkicek,” says his master, as he uses his stylus to draw a thick line across five days near the end of Amalios, which Korkie knows will be sometime in Haa’Tabguri on Mandalore.
“And will we go again this year?” he asks, bouncing on his seat. The thin pallet of his bed doesn’t rebound with the same elasticity as the one on Mandalore, but that’s alright - his enthusiasm is buoyant enough.
“Of course,” says his master, just as he knew he would, and Korkie grins.
“Thank you, Bebu! Thank you!”
His father understands, and his father would never miss it.
But the turn of the stars serves no single man’s purpose, and events conspire to grind promises to ash. Four years later, they are somewhere else, somewhere far away when Buituur Festival comes, and they cannot make it.
“You promised,” he says, cloak drawn tight to his body as he slides down the co-pilot seat, propping his feet on the dash. “You said we would be back in plenty of time.”
“I know what I said, Kiorkicek, but I was wrong.”
His master flicks a switch, calculating a sedate and altogether conservative flightplan back to Coruscant. Korkie watches the numbers scroll, and scoffs. Anakin would laugh at such a course. Anakin would die of shame if Obi-Wan were his master.
“So you lied,” Korkie says, toeing at one of the atmocontrols with his boot.
“Feet off, please,” says Obi-Wan. “I didn’t lie. I miscalculated.”
Korkie swings his legs to the floor, and stands with all the indignant wrath of a sullen fifteen year old. “Same thing,” he sneers, then he sweeps out the door to find his bunk.
The ship is too small for true privacy, and he’s compelled to share the narrow quarters with his father, but he’s not feeling particularly generous right now, so he shuts the door, and locks it behind him. Master Kenobi can sleep in the cockpit for all he cares.
He flops onto his bed, and throws his boots aside, unpolished. His cloak he drops in an untidy pile beside his bed. Let it crease, he thinks, as he pulls his tabards loose and flings his belt to the floor to join them. Let them wrinkle. I hope I lose them all. From the depths of his rucksack, still splattered with mud from their uncivilised flight, and hasty departure, he digs out a battered Temple issued comlink. Beneath his feet, he feels the rumble of engines drop to something subaural, and his stomach bottoms out to follow. For a moment, he feels weightless, like he sits at the top of a huge fall, but then he comes back to himself, and he flings himself backward over his bed. They’ve entered hyperspace.
No matter. It won’t get them anywhere fast enough to turn back time. Forget Anakin’s embarrassment - if it takes them sixteen years to return to Coruscant Korkie couldn’t care less. It’d still be too late.
He flicks through his comdeck to find Anakin’s number, and pings him.
Anakin’s voice fills the room, staticky with distance and movement. There’s no image, so Korkie assumes he’s in the middle of something.
“Hello to you, too.”
“I’m kind of in the middle of something,” says Anakin, confirming Korkie’s hypothesis.
Korkie runs his hand through his hair in distress. “Well, I’m absolutely in the middle of nowhere,” he bemoans. “You should see the course my father set for this trip. I think Master Yaddle is a braver pilot than he is.”
“That sounds like Obi-Wan,” says Anakin. “One sec.”
There is the shuffle of fabric over the amplifier, and then muffled voices in the background. He thinks he hears Master Qui-Gon, and maybe distant blaster fire. A typical mission for the Jinn-Skywalker team. At least they have some excitement.
“You still there?” asks Anakin, a few minutes later.
“Nowhere else to be,” Korkie sighs.
“What’s wrong with your dad?” he asks, and Korkie frowns.
“Nothing,” he replies. “Why would you ask?”
“I dunno,” replies Anakin. He can hear the distraction in his voice. “Why else would you be calling me?”
Korkie sighs, making sure it is extravagant enough to be heard over the com. “Because I’m suffering,” he says.
Anakin’s tone hardly changes. Still that distracted disinterest. “Okay, well, tell him to call Master Jinn when he can. Something about remembering to bring back some nadashaap leaves from Sundari, or something.”
“We’re not going to Sundari.”
“Mandalore,” says Anakin. “Wherever. Look, I’ve really got to go. I - yes, master! I see them!” A lightsaber hums. “Korkie?”
“I’ve got to go.”
“May the Force be with you,” he says, but Anakin’s already signed off.
He ought to call his mother, and explain. She answers almost immediately, and he feels guilty - had she been waiting?
“Korkie, my love!” Her face appears, tinted blue and blurred with the flickering light of a hologram, but it is her, and Korkie aches to see her smile. “How are you, darling?”
“Fine,” he says, but he cannot smile in return.
“Are you keeping up with your studies?”
“Yes,” he says.
“Your father says you have top marks in Core History, and Outer Rim Politics of the Colonial Age, but that you failed your last assignment in Pollinators and Pests in Basic Agriculture.”
Korkie frowns. “Well, if you already know that, then why did you ask?”
“Korkie?” she says. Her voice turns inquisitive, and he hates the fragile note of hurt in the tone. He wishes now there were no hologram, and that he hadn’t called at all.
“Sorry, Belli,” he says, bowing his head, and picking at his fingers so that she can’t see the shame burn across his cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, all hurt transformed to concern, and that is almost worse.
“Nothing,” he says.
“Are you hurt?”
“Is your father -”
“Master Kenobi is fine,” he says. “Why does everybody ask?”
His mother recoils. Her image flickers as her expression shifts, and she lifts a brow in suspicion.
“Master Kenobi?” she repeats. “Not Bebu? Not father? What’s wrong?”
He lets out a groan, knowing that he cannot hide any longer. “It’s Buituur week,” he says.
“And, perhaps it is nothing to you, but you may have noticed we are not there!”
“I had noticed, cyar’ika,” she says, calm and soothing even in the face of his simmering upset. She speaks as though it is not the betrayal he knows it is. “Your father called me before you left Parvis to tell me you wouldn’t be back.”
“Did he not warn you?” she asks.
“No,” he replies. “He did.” He is angry, but he cannot lie. He will not slander his father with falsehoods, but neither will he defend him. “But he promised. He said - every year we would always go home for Buituur. Always.”
“And you have,” she says. “This is the first year that hasn’t been possible.”
“So he lied.”
His mother is taking none of this. He turns away so that he cannot see her lips press into a frown, and her brows draw together in displeasure.
“He didn’t lie, Kiorkicek,” she says, with the dreaded use of his full name. His mother never uses his full name. His father never shortens it. “He didn’t know you would be stuck in weeks of negotiations.”
“Then he shouldn’t have accepted an assignment so far away!” he retorts, some of the heat in his cheeks moving to his stomach to stoke those banked fires of indignation.
“It is his duty,” the Duchess reminds him. “And yours. Or do you think yourself above your vows?”
He rolls his eyes, and flicks his braid. “No,” he says.
“Excuse me?” his mother asks, a warning in her tone.
“No, ma’am,” he replies, just as testily.
His mother tuts, and Korkie tightens his jaw, biting back his resentment. For a moment, there is a strained silence between them, like the elasti-band tension between two armies before the first shot is fired. But some of his father must have rubbed off on him, because Korkie relents first, the rigidity of his spine softening, and he wilts into loose limbed resignation.
“I’m just...disappointed,” he says. “I miss you.”
“Oh, my love,” Satine says. “I miss you, too. Always. But I will see you soon, yes? Your leave will just be a bit later this year.”
“But we’ll have missed the festival.”
“Do you miss me, or do you miss the festival?” his mother demands, with a playful lilt, intent now on jollying him out of his gloom.
“You, of course,” he says, tucking a reluctant smile away before she catches him at it.
“Then it doesn’t matter when I see you,” she says. “The festival is only meant to be a reminder: honour your parents, and celebrate them.”
“I know,” he says. “That’s what I wanted to do. Honour you.”
“You know, Korkie, you have two parents.”
He cocks his head, and looks up at her sharply. “Well, yes!” he says. “But I’m always with bebu.”
“So I wanted this week to be about you.”
“But we have decided that is impossible,” she says. “So how else might you celebrate it?”
He finds his father slumped over a datapad in the tiny galley, a cup of tea at his elbow. Korkie touches it as he sits down across from Master Kenobi, and feels that the ceramplast has grown cold with time, the liquid in it only half drunk. Obi-Wan looks up, blinking away the blur of distraction at his arrival.
“Kiorkicek -”
“I just wanted to apologise,” Korkie says, not waiting for his father to speak. Perhaps that might be considered impolite, but he knows that he is in the wrong, and he doesn’t want his father to excuse him before he can express his regret. “I’m sorry that I blamed you for the delay in Parvis, and I’m sorry that I was so unkind to you. I know that you couldn’t have foreseen that we would miss Buituur Festival, and that it was unfair to accuse you of lying. I was disappointed, but that is no excuse for my behaviour, and I promise it won’t happen again.”
His father is nonplussed. “Well…” he says, slipping his hands into the folds of his cloak. “Well, thank you. And I apologise for being unable to -”
“- To command time?” Korkie cracks a smile. “It wasn’t your fault, bebu. Don’t apologise.”
“Bebu?” says Obi-Wan, eyes sparkling. “Now I know I am forgiven.”
Korkie leans over the table to bring his father close, and pulls his hand from out his sleeve. He holds it between his own, and draws it to his lips leaving a delicate, reverential kiss upon the knuckles.
“Always,” Korkie vows. “And just because we can’t be home for Buituur Week doesn’t mean we cannot celebrate it.”
“Yes!” Korkie says. He releases his father’s hand, and leaps to his feet. “Now, I know that we are rather limited in our supplies, but I am not limited in my creativity, and I have a plan. Belli says that one of the most important traditions of Buituur is the Ijaat’ilor.”
“The honour meal.”
“Well, I am certain that we might come up with something suitable enough, and arrange a holocall with your mother so that you might dine together -”
“No, not with belli, alor,” says Korkie. “With you.”
“Are you not also my buir?”
“I am,” says Obi-Wan.
“Then I would honour you,” says Korkie.
He shifts away to search the stores and cupboards, seeking something moderately edible, something that may be reconstituted into a feast fit to exalt his master suitably enough, but in the hollow, ascetic reserves of their tiny ship there is nothing to match his desire. He gathers what he can, combining this packet with that tin, and adding the few spices that he knows his father can tolerate. He is done in minutes, thanks to the dull efficiency of ready-pack meals, and he sets a steaming plate of instant noodles, and nutricubes before him. As a last minute touch, he boils a little more of their precious water reserves and steeps a fresh cup of tea for his father.
Then, he sits, and together they lift their grub-sticks to sample his work.
His father chews, swallows, and sips at his tea, wincing slightly at the heat. Korkie grimaces in distaste.
“Well,” says Obi-Wan. “At least it’s hot.”
Korkie shoves his plate away, his heart sinking down to his scuffed up boots.
“I’m sorry, bebu,” he says. “I did try.”
“I know you did, my one. It is not your fault. There is nothing to be salvaged from ration packs.”
“But I wanted to please you,” Korkie protests. “I wanted to show you how I admire you. I wanted to honour you for Buituur Week.”
Obi-Wan pushes his plate to join Korkie’s at the side, and stands. With a single step, he is around the edge of the table, and kneeling at his son’s feet. Korkie doesn’t resist when his father tugs him to the end of the bench, turning him to face him where he waits, and taking his hands in his.
“You always please me,” his father says. “You always honour me. Kiorkicek, I do not need Ijaat’ilor, I do not need Buituur Week. You honour me every day, just by being you, and it is my admiration I must express. I am so proud of you, my son. So proud. And I am honoured to be your father.”
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, bebu,” Korkie says, throwing his arms around his father’s neck.
His father wraps his own around him in turn, and holds him close. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Kiorkicek Kryze. Always.”
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binaryeclipse · 2 years
I've clicked so fast on your story update. So excited about Blueshift, their dynamic and the way you portray them is so interesting and good!
Sometimes (only sometimes) I almost don't know what I'm doing with Blueshift, but I'm really glad people are enjoying the portrayal of the boys. I really thought it was going to be a shorter story than it's turning into but the idea of exploring how two Sith can come to trust and love each other is too good to pass up. The fic really does need to earn it's title of celestial bodies moving closer to the viewer. It's why I'm switching between their points of view, so they can both have revelations and biases going forward.
Next chapter will be fun because it will be Anakin's point of view while Obi-Wan is actually there so that will be fun 🤭
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siennahrobek · 3 years
In a new attempt to turn Anakin Skywalker to the darkside, Chancellor Palpatine orchestrates the disappearances of heavily pregnant Padme Amidala and Master Councilor Obi-Wan Kenobi. It backfired.
Nobody really won.
It had been ten years.
Knight Anakin Skywalker and Knight Ahsoka Tano were sent to a distress call far out in the outer rim, almost in wild space. Anakin didn’t mind the long journey. His former padawan was good company and sometimes, sometimes, it was nice to get away from the Temple for a while. Away from the sympathetic and pitying stares and lingering theories or rumors.
Things hadn’t been the same for many reasons.
Ten years ago, the two most important people in Anakin’s life disappeared, the man who raised him and his heavily pregnant wife. Eight years ago, they had found what was left of her body. Five years ago, the Order declared Master Kenobi one with the Force.
Anakin never truly stopped looking, but he was becoming dim in ability and stamina. It had been so long and there were no leads to follow. No trace or evidence of his old masters presence anyway. Nowadays, it was pretty much just research and keeping an eye out for anything that vaguely resembled him. He was trying to have the life Obi-Wan always wanted for him, balance and happiness. He tried to connect with others, with Jedi. He spent quite a bit of time mediating, walking the gardens, helping as many as he could throughout the galaxy. He was a good Jedi, he thought, at least on the outside. He was working on the inside. He had a jedi’s life.
It was all he had now. And he would do his best to make Obi-Wan proud.
But being happy, truly happy, Anakin wasn’t sure if he could truly achieve it anymore. Being balanced with that type of hole in your heart, it was difficult. He could accept loss better now; there was no stopping that sort of thing. When it was one’s time to leave the planes of this galaxy for the Force, it was something to rejoice. It was supposed to be home. It wasn’t so easy when there were no answers.
Ahsoka had been knighted several years earlier and Anakin could not have been more proud. Her friends had been there, had congratulated her and she was happy, he had to believe that. But even she missed the presence of another who should have been there. Obi-Wan would have wanted to be there, to witness such a great occasion. They did their best and afterwards, they had a good time, were happy with the rank that came with her knighthood. It wasn’t that either of them were mourning during the time. It was just, they could feel the missing piece. It has been a few years but lately, they had found themselves partnered up quite frequently for missions. He hoped Ahsoka didn’t mind too much but there was never going to be an easy way out of this. Around it. Because this was the type of thing he and Obi-Wan did. They were the Team. They did everything together, even after knighthood.
The Council was trying, he gave them that.
He didn’t know if it really helped, though. It was nice, though, that they cared. They kept an eye on him. Years before, he would have read that as they didn’t trust him. It took him a very, very long time to realize that wasn’t always the case. And partnering him up with someone he was close to, someone he trusted above most else, it was some way of caring. He still struggled with those thoughts, even years later, but he was easier now.
The mystery however, was not any easier. There was an abysmal void where his loved ones should have been. A tear in his heart from the mystery. The lack of answers. He still found himself grieving for Padme but it was easier now. Although no one was entirely sure exactly what had happened to her, at least they had found a body, they had a storyline about what had happened and how it happened. It wasn’t sometime Anakin liked to think about particularly, but it was easier to grieve knowing. She was gone and eventually, he had accepted that. Let go, so to speak. She was with the Force and Anakin could feel her in some of the things he did, some of the objects and people and actions he witnessed and saw. There was grief, but there was also knowing.
The same could not be said for Obi-Wan.
No one knew what happened to him. There were no clues, no evidence. He had disappeared one day, alongside Padme and no one ever could figure out how it happened or why or anything. Although they had found a body for her, they never did for him. Not even a glimmer of anything.
Some darker rumors, cynical beings, spread that he had abandoned the Order. That the war had made him go mad. That he had kidnapped the senator or worse, was the one who slaughtered her. Anakin had quickly put a stop to it. Everyone had felt it the moment he knew about these ideas and theories, diminishing and tarnishing Obi-Wan’s name that was atrocious. He was not the only one who felt this way, but he was the strongest and most determined and the most furious…
No one said anything now.
No one dared.
The Jedi kept him in high honors. He was mentioned in classes, with his thoughts and theories on the Force, his research on all the things he loved to learn; animals, plants, cultures, languages. His strategies from the war were taught. His negotiation fame was spread; everyone knew the stories of the Negotiator. He wasn’t just a war hero. He was a Jedi, and a great one at that. His faith in the Order, his faith in people, his faith in the Force, was incredible and Anakin hadn’t really come to realize how that was until years after.
Obi-Wan loved in such a way that Anakin hadn’t understood since he was a child. He wished that he could talk with him one more time, just to show his old master that he was right, that Anakin was okay. That Anakin knew how much Obi-Wan Kenobi loved him.
That Anakin was doing his very best to be the Jedi and person he knew he could be.
The clones continued to think of him; believe the best in their General Kenobi. They always had liked him. He was a high general, one that appreciated and valued their input and their lives. He was their finder, all the cadets – former and current – had been told the stories about how he found them like a true Jedi searcher. Even if it was by accident, it had jumpstarted their journey into being free. He had worked to help and protect them alongside other council members and the few politicians who saw them more as canon fodder. It amazed Anakin how long and intense the memories of the former soldiers were because he was still brought up.
Cody and a lot of the 212th had taken it hard; harder that most of the rest of the military. He was their direct general, someone they followed personally up until the very end of the war. Some of them had been friends, even. They had helped Anakin search for a long time, but it was getting harder for them. They had jobs now, they had to start lives, be citizens. Things were expected of them, like for some reason, they had to catch up to the rest of the citizens. It was a struggle and a fight but luckily, they did have allies for assistance.
Many clones got adopted into or employed at the Temple. There weren’t many force-sensitive ones, none enough that they would have made an actual Jedi knight, but the Order was loyal to them as they had been to the Jedi. Many troopers filled in other roles, of teachers, sparring partners, cooks, guards, and researchers. Waxer and Boil had made it from being aides to a creche master to being crèche masters themselves, with leading their own clan of initiates.
Obi-Wan would have loved that.
“Coming up to origin of signal,” Ahsoka announced from the pilot’s seat, flipping a few switches as she began the sequence for landing and attachment. In the middle of nowhere, Anakin noted. There wasn’t a planet near here, in sight or on the scanners. He wondered how they even got out here. Hopefully this wasn’t a mortis situation all over again. He did not want to deal with something like that again. The ship in front of them was small and broken down, floating aimlessly in the abyss of space.
He doubted anyone survived.
“You never know, master,” Ahsoka tried to keep herself upbeat as she shot him a grin, sharp teeth showing unabashedly. “Perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised,” she suggested with a bit of a shrug. The ship had made a thud as it hit the abandoned one and the latches untangled themselves to strike into the hull of the ship.
Oh. He had said that out loud. Oops.
“Latch engaged,” she added and turned to smile at him, tentatively once again. “Come on master. Let’s see what adventure awaits us.”
“I’m no longer your master, Ahsoka,” he reminded her, idly.
She shrugged once more. “Right,” she replied with a small smirk, her voice laced with sarcasm. It was practically oozing out of her. She remained him of his former master sometimes, with her humor and quick wit. With a mischievous side eye, she continued, slyly. “Let’s go, master.”
Anakin rolled his eyes and followed her out, making their way through their ship’s hatch and towards the abandoned one. He still didn’t think that anyone survived but this was their duty. And the calm silence of their journey and the nature of the mission was a bit of a relief from the fast-paced ones that he was normally sent on. Usually, it was a good way to keep his mind off of everything else. This was a nice reprieve.
As the two of them got into the derelict ship, Anakin started talking and he had absolutely no idea where it came from. It was like his mouth had started moving and his brain had not given it permission. “I’m sorry, Ahsoka.”
She glanced at him, curiously. “What for?”
He couldn’t quite meet her eyes, as they waved a flashlight around, searching the cockpit for life or anything else that could give them an idea into what had happened and who may have been there. “I know I haven’t really been…the same since…”
“Since Padme and Master Obi-Wan disappeared,” she supplied with a frown. It had been ten years since it happened and several years since she had been knighted and she still remembered. It was almost always the reason.
He nodded and swallowed heavily. “I…I got through Padme, to some extent at least. I knew what happened to her. But Obi-Wan…I still wonder.”
“What happened. I know everyone says he wouldn’t leave me, not like that but…” he drifted off, looking down, his light flickering towards the floor, near useless. “I was a pretty terrible person around the time he disappeared, unbalanced and in a bad place. Listening to the wrong people, making terrible choices,” Anakin shuddered at the thought of what Palpatine nearly got him to do in his desperation and fury. It had been a dreadful time and everyone else had nearly paid the price for his mistakes, for his foolishness. Ten thousand Jedi, millions of the clones, all the people in the galaxy. He feared now what would have happened if he had not been pulled from the edge, if he had made that leap into the dark side, into the fear and anger and hate. “Perhaps…. maybe it was just too much for even the great and infinitely patient Master Kenobi.”
Ahsoka scoffed good-naturedly as she rolled her eyes, finding the sliver of humor to work through. “One, Master Obi-Wan was not infinitely patient,” she pointed out, glancing at him pointedly. She wasn’t completely wrong. Obi-Wan had a lot of patience but even he had his limits, generally with those he didn’t care for. His patience with Anakin though, that was legendary. Not that he would ever really admit that. “And two, they are right. He would never leave you out of choice. I mean come on. Master Obi-Wan.”
“Yeah. You’re probably right,” he replied half-heartedly and tried shooting her a smile. It wasn’t very convincing, but it was all he had at the moment. After a suggestion of splitting up, the two of them went to opposite ends of the ship, Anakin towards the living quarters and Ahsoka towards the cargo bay. Perhaps Anakin could find some clues with the former inhabitant’s belongings or Ahsoka with whatever they were travelling with.
It was a bust. There was very little there, aside from some blankets. Anakin imagined there were a couple of people stuffed within the quarters, perhaps a man and a child or two, with the toys he found. There were some handmade wooden carved ship toys laying on the bed and Anakin picked one up. It was a Jedi star fighter, he realized. It wasn’t the most amazing rendition of the ship, but he was probably a little bias, considering he had not only flown one of these during the war, he still had one.
What was really interesting about it was the feelings imbued with it. The signature felt familiar, like he should know it, but it was weak. Whoever made this toy was filled with so much love, for the recipient, for those in general, that he cascaded off the toy in waves.
He wondered if the former inhabitant had been force sensitive. It might explain the feelings in the ship and the toys, especially.
“I don’t see anything!” Ahsoka shouted from the opposite end of the ship. He could hear her just fine, even though she was on the other end, but Anakin was still a bit entranced with the toy and the feelings coming off of it. “You?”
There was a brief silence and a clatter. Not big enough to be her body but it had sounded like she had dropped her flashlight.
Anakin glanced back towards where she had headed. He couldn’t see her but it was more instinctive than anything. “Ahsoka?”
“Ahsoka?! Answer me?” Anakin started to panic, his heart beating faster and faster as he moved towards the door, calling her name.
She sounded scared and small, like back in the early days of the war and casualties were high. When she was worried about those she cared about, troopers, jedi, citizens. She sounded like she was in tears. Anakin couldn’t really remember a specific time where had sounded so fearful, so worried, so sad. Not in a way that was as blatant as this. “Skyguy?” Her voice called out. That was a name he hadn’t heard in a while. “You…you have to come see this.”
Anakin raced across the ship, panicked, and leaping over crates and objects. She didn’t make it sound like she was in danger, and she didn’t appear to be, but he didn’t stop until he was right next to Ahsoka. He had nearly crashed into it. She was standing in front of a large gray slab, some kind of relief sculpture of some kind. At least, that was what it looked like, although he hadn’t gotten a very good look at it. His attention was on Ahsoka. But he could tell what it was made out of. He had never seen such a large slab of carbonite before.
“What is it?”
She was crying, he could see a multitude of silent tears. They were running down her face in a cascade and although he couldn’t hear them, he could almost hear her sobs in the Force. But she just pointed up and Anakin followed her hand and gaze.
The face was distorted, like it had been looking down when the carbonite had been applied. The slab was huge and only made bigger by the cloak the figure wore. It was sweeping and wide, like he was trying to cover, hide or protect large objects underneath. Possibly, he was. But even with the odd, defensive pose and the face not looking straight on, even after ten years, Anakin knew that face.
He always knew that face.
Frozen in carbonite.
Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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to love is the greatest gift
3. The Child
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pairing: obi wan kenobi x f!reader (past!din djarin x reader | past!obi wan kenobi x satine kryze) characters: f!reader, din djarin, baby djarin obi wan kenobi, anakin skywalker-amidala others word count: 6k+ warnings: angst, fluff, death, longing, slow burn, guilt summary: au! It has never been the right timing for you and obi wan, but maybe this time will be different. a/n: so, this was planned and partly written before we knew grogu’s name, and there’s actually a reason why baby’s name is baby, but probably won’t come up lol — now we’re just upping the ante and I’m not sorry lol if you have any questions about this story or requests, send them my way and I will try my best to answer ☺️
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The loud noises of the bar were swallowed alive by the cars that rushed by and the occasional helicopter that flew overhead—faint music thumping from all directions; neon lights so bright like artificial stars, fading headlights moving in all directions.
Pretty. Picturesque, but not what you focused on for too long.
You moved fast, hand pulsing with pricks of pain and refusing to listen to Obi Wan, who followed closely behind, pleading for you to stop and—will you listen to me? Your determination to get away from him, the bar, and find his stupid piece of junk car in the packed parking lot drove you forward. He already dragged you out, might as well leave altogether—if only Anakin and Padmé would hurry!
“What were you thinking?” he asked after you, voice thick with worry and indignation as he kept up with your quick pace.
“He was being an asshole!”
“So you decided to punch him?” He heaved a sigh, grabbing your wrist and keeping you from continuing (or from running away from his impending lecture). “A man twice your size?”
You jerked away from his hold, refusing to meet his gaze and find disappointed blue eyes staring back at you. “You didn’t hear what he was saying—”
“Oh, I heard perfectly, my dear, but I wasn’t about to engage with some drunkard.” He said it so dismissively and judgmentally that you recoiled, the anger you managed to release earlier coming back tenfold, but this time for a different reason. 
Why did he always have to be so non confrontational, so unlike Anakin and his hit-first-think-later personality? Why couldn’t he allow himself to get angry even for only a moment? Why did everyone else have to get angry for him? More importantly, why did you have to get angry for him? You don’t understand!
“How are you not mad then?” you outcried, throwing your hands up in the air. “He called you—”
“Why would I be?” He smiled, like he knew something you didn’t, and it only made you more frustrated. “I have you to defend my honor.”
“That's—Obi Wan! Seriously?” Maker, he was too much! “Take this seriously, will you?”
He chuckled and reached for your hand, the same one that had glocked the giant’s jaw. It hurt, a lot, much more than you were willing to admit, but in Obi Wan’s hands, the pain felt nonexistent. 
“I didn’t expect you to hit him.” You wished he looked at you, showed you what he was thinking. He squeezed your hand in his, inspecting it gently. “Could’ve gotten hurt.” He sighed again. “I wanted to—needed you safe.”
“I wasn’t going to let him get away with saying those things about you,” you murmured, the cold air harsh in your throat, hard to swallow, but his hand was warm—he was warm.
“I know.” He ran his thumb over the area, careful to not cause you more discomfort—always so careful and sweet with you. But there was something swimming in those eyes of his, a hint of something you couldn’t quite place as they followed the movements of his thumb. 
“I’m sorry I ruined your birthday,” you murmured.
“You could never.” He lifted your hand higher and you allowed him to—let his warm breath fan over your stinging skin. “My little warrior.”
Lips connected with your knuckles—soft, plush, delicate, and your breath hitched—he was never this bold with you, always keeping you at a certain distance for as long as you could remember—his darling, but never truly his.
“I am envious of the person you will choose to spend the rest of your life with,” he said, hesitant—barely breaking through the blood rushing in your ear—wanting to say more than what he was allowing himself to; hand dared to push back a stray piece of hair that couldn’t stay in place, choosing to dance with the wind. “Your future family will be lucky to have you.”
Din’s love can be powerful and kind. But he is also a man with too many layers and shields up to protect himself from the onslaught of cruelty life can gift to one human being.  
Someone once told you (joked really) that loving him was like the age old question of how many licks did it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop. It was a stupid analogy then and it’s still a stupid analogy now, but it didn’t make it any less fitting.
Anakin never understood your relationship with Din, seeing only the surface level of the man you were once in love with. Padmé saw beyond the gruff and tough exterior, but she grew worried that you’d expend too much of your love and energy to get to where he could finally return it with equalness.
And she was right.
Sometimes, it was too much, and the selfish part of you wanted to walk away many times; wanted to give up the patience that you had thought you’d nurtured and grown over the years. But you’d fought against that selfish part of you, stood strong and tall as you worked through all of his layers of armor. Loved him and his toddler that you saw as your own (because he was, he was much more yours than the mother that left him on Din’s doorstep a couple of years ago).
It was Din who gave in first, the struggle of having someone wanting to be part of his life, wanting to give their all to him was so foreign to the poor man that sometimes he didn’t know what to do other than fight against it—against your love. 
Even if he was the one to end it, there was no denying he had loved you, loved you in ways that were intimate, kind, and sweet. He made you feel things that no one else had, made your mind and body sing in ways that you sometimes search for in other partners.
Although the love you share now is different, like friends that have seen each other grow and blossom into who they are today, you don’t regret the time you spent learning and loving each other. He’s the first real, adult relationship you have ever had (and in a way you’re his first too), after all. You don’t regret any of it.
You don’t think he does, either.
“Are you sure you can watch Baby?” His fretting is still as cute as ever, worried that he’s asking too much of you. He knows Baby is yours as much as he is his, but his insecurities always get the best of him.
“Yes, yes!” You wave him away, too busy focusing on your little one with his chubby hands grabbing at your necklace. Maker, how you adore him. “I don’t have any meetings today”—thankfully—“I only have to go over the checklist for the Winter Charity Gala.” You finally spare him a glance as he hovers by the door. “Besides, people love babies, and if they don’t we could just switch guides or kick them out—either or, isn’t that right, my little womp rat?”
Baby giggles, slapping your chest gently in excitement, his little legs squeezing your middle as you balance him with one hand holding him and the other holding his leg. “Yes!”
He sighs heavily, muttering your name like he used to when you “sacrificed” nights to help him when Baby was teething and wouldn’t let him sleep. 
You roll your eyes affectionately. “Stop it, Din. It’s fine. My work is flexible and besides, I've been wanting to spend more time with Baby during the week, anyway.” 
His expression falls and his eyes fill with remorse, and stars are you a horrible person. You didn’t mean to make him feel bad!
“Din, I didn’t mean it like that.” You would never blame him for spending time with his son. The fact that he even lets you take him on weekends or even spend days with him during the week is such a huge thing. You’re not Baby’s mom, but Din lets you be his mom. “I just meant I love spending time with Baby.”
“I’m sorry,” he croaks.
“Don't be! You do more than enough,” you assure him, berating yourself for even making him think you don’t appreciate what he does for you. “You don’t need to let me spend time with Baby, but you do. You make sure I do.”
“Of course, I could do no less,” he says, soft and warm, like the blankie you and Din bought Baby when he turned one. “You are Baby’s buir. Blood or no blood.” He closes the distance between you and wraps his arm around you and Baby, pressing his forehead against yours. “We are family.”
You look up at him with glassy eyes, and he smiles down at you, kind and tenderly. His own eyes glassy and the area around his eyes red. “Family,” you repeat, heart bursting in your throat.
“Family!” Baby exclaims, making you and Din burst into wet laughter.
“That’s right, ad’ika,” Din says, rubbing Baby’s back. “Who am I?”
“And who am I?”
“Mama!” It never gets old hearing him call you that.
“Our Baby is so smart,” you coo, kissing his chubby cheeks loudly, making him giggle and lean into you for more kisses that you’re willing to give. “So, so smart!”
There’s a knock on the door and Din moves just slightly to where you could see the door as you ask who it is.
“It’s, uh, Obi Wan.” Your breath hitches, the hold you have on Baby tightening slightly—I’ve missed you, my dear. I will see you soon; warmth on a cold night, hands brushing hair away from eyes and tears away—shit.
Glancing at Din, you realize you haven’t told him about Obi Wan’s sudden return… visit… whatever this is, not two nights ago when you showed up at his apartment and asked if you could spend the night or yesterday morning when you woke up with puffy eyes and made them a breakfast too large for a family of three. 
His eyebrows furrow in question, trying to figure out who Obi Wan is on his own. He practically knows everyone you work with or are friends with except for Obi Wan, whose picture he has definitely seen and name he has definitely heard offhandedly from Anakin and the others but can’t quite place. 
“Come in, Obi.” It’s a slip of the tongue, an affectionate nickname that you can’t quite stop yourself from saying even in the presence of an ex-lover.
“Obi?” Din mouths.
You really owe him an explanation.
“I’m sorry about my sudden intrusion, darling. Anakin”—of course Anakin has something to do with this—“had hoped we could have lunch together. He’s sent me—” The door opens slowly and Obi Wan peers into the room, almost as if afraid to enter. And with good reason, when he sees Din and Baby his mouth falls slightly agape at the unexpected sight and he trails off. “Sorry, I didn’t know you had company, if I had known—”
“It’s fine, Obi Wan,” you interject softly, hiking Baby higher on your hip. He’s getting bigger and heavier now, harder to hold, but it doesn’t stop you from carrying your little one. “You’re not interrupting.”
“I was just leaving,” Din follows, glancing at you with intrigue and the silent question of—who is he? You exhale softly.
“Din, this is Obi Wan Kenobi, an… old friend of mine and Luke and Leia’s godfather.” Recognition flashes in his eyes. “Obi Wan, this is Din Djarin.”
“It is nice to finally meet you.” Din moves away from you to offer his hand to Obi Wan, who accepts it. “I have heard a lot about you.”
“As have I,” Obi Wan says, stern and firm, guarded and completely unlike the Obi Wan you once knew. 
Din raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t say anything while you groan internally. What exactly has Anakin been feeding Obi Wan?
“What about Baby?” The little one in your arms squirms indignantly and you laugh, finding him looking at you with a scrunched up face, displeased that you haven’t introduced him, yet.
“I’m sorry, honey.” You nuzzle his little button nose with yours, closing some distance between you and Obi Wan. “Obi Wan, this is Baby Djarin, Din’s son.”
“Our,” Din corrects, shooting you a look.
“Right.” You bite your lip to hide your wide smile, ducking your head before nodding. “Our son.”
Obi Wan blinks, taken aback by the sudden information, and you don’t blame him. You’ll have to explain this situation to him, since apparently Anakin and Padmé chose to omit this part of your life from him, at a later date. (You ignore the fact that you have as well, but then again, you weren’t the one that kept in touch with him after he left the second time, and it’s not like you’ve had a chance to tell him since he got back either.)
He clears his throat and a smile settles on his lips, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “It is a pleasure to meet you too, little one.”
Baby is absolutely delighted that Obi Wan is offering his hand, practically jumping out of your arms to shake his hand. Din quickly balances him and you by placing a hand in your back and another on Baby’s tummy.
“Careful,” he murmurs, which makes Baby pout and mutter, “No, thank you,” even though he’s straightening up. Chuckling, he ruffles his son’s curls. “I should get going.”
“Good luck,” you tell him, watching him lean down to kiss the top of Baby’s brown curls. “There’s no doubt you’ll get the job.”
He sighs, a corner of his lips lifting into an unsteady smile. He’s nervous. “I hope so.”
“Hey, you’re going to do great,” you assure him firmly. “You know all the ins and out, and have Cara and Greef vouching for you. You are more than qualified for this position.”
He cracks a small smile. “Yeah, you’re right.” He doesn’t sound super convinced, but he still manages to nod resolutely and picks up his sling bag, but then he pauses. “You sure this is fine?”
You roll your eyes again. “Yes, Din. It’s fine. Baby being here is no trouble at all. The team loves him.”
“Okay. Okay. Just—I’ll try to head back as soon as I’m done.”
“Take your time and don’t worry. We’ll be fine.”
His head tilts slightly, but then he nods, finally relenting. Turning to Obi Wan, he says, “Again, it was nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” Obi Wan supplies back, it’s still tense and stern, but there’s something else too, something detached and unfocused.
Din doesn’t let it bother him, instead focusing on his son. “Bye, Baby.”
“Bye, Papa!”
“I’ll see you both later.”
“Yeah, yeah, go!” you urge. He shoots you a look and you laugh. “Go.” 
Din finally slips out the door but not without another kiss to Baby’s head.
“Son?” Obi Wan breaks his silence as you put Baby down.
He’s quick to run to his bag and pull out a blanket, handing it to you to place for him on the floor, in front of the blue, grey loveseat. Din and you always place it on top to make it easy to take out, and after seeing you and his dad do it so many times, Baby just knows his ground blanket is always on top.
“Yes.” You spread the blanket out, smoothing it, and Baby tries to help by grabbing the corners and tugging.
“How old is he?”
“Hey, Baby,” you faux whisper, “wanna tell Obi how old you are?”
Holding up four fingers in Obi Wan’s direction, he practically yells, “Thwee, almost four!”
Obi Wan chuckles, thoroughly amused at how excited Baby is to share his age and his inability to truly say the letter r. “Wow! You’re so big.”
“Yes,” Baby says, dropping himself onto his bottom once he’s satisfied with how you’ve laid out the blanket. “Very big!”
“He’s turning four in a month,” you inform him with a smile, sitting down next to your little one. “It’s why he’s starting to put up four fingers. Luke and Leia have been teaching him.”
“So Anakin and Padmé know?”
“Of course they do. Why wouldn’t they?”
His eyebrows furrow and he looks away from you for a moment. “They didn't mention it to me.”
“Oh.” Probably because Anakin didn’t think they’d be part of my life after Din and I broke up. But that’s not what you voice, instead you say, “I figured they hadn’t with how you reacted earlier.”
“Baby is from a previous relationship of his?” He wasn’t, not exactly, but Obi Wan doesn’t need to know what isn’t your information to give. “And you and Din are co-parenting?” He raises an eyebrow, a perfectly arched eyebrow, and it reminds you so much of the young Obi Wan Kenobi that you’d try so hard to impress with your ever growing knowledge.
You’re sure he doesn’t mean to sound like he’s being judgmental, but it sure as hell sounds like it when he stares at you like that—like he’s questioning your choices. You don’t like it. Never did.
“Baby was only a few months old when he came into our lives.”
“You have grown attached.” It isn’t a question, it’s a statement, a heavy loaded statement, one you don’t know if you even want to begin to decipher.
You sigh slowly and say, “Yes, Obi Wan. I am attached.” Baby slaps his hands on your thighs, grinning toothily, and you smooth his hair away from his wide, brown eyes. “How could I not be? We are family. Blood or no blood.”
“I see.” He wants to say more, you can tell by the way he speaks his words slowly, with restraint.
Something bubbles in your stomach, nothing pleasant. It's anger and frustration and this need to yell at him like when you were both younger and less mature. It only ever happened when he wasn’t listening to you, treating you like you had no idea what you were doing or saying. It was rare those moments, mostly born from lack of sleep from all-nighters focused on essays and exams, or sometimes born from nothing at all, just bad luck and circumstance.
It makes you want to push, just like then; to force him to tell you exactly what he wants to say. It’s never stopped him before, so why now? But Baby babbling in full sentences to himself while trying to pull his toys out of his bag reminds you that you are not that person anymore, haven’t been that person in such a long time. And maybe it’s for the best.
 “Wed truck?” Baby asks, showing off the newest toy in his collection, and when you place your hand out, thinking he wants to give it to you, he stands on his two little feet and walks over to Obi Wan, careful to not trip over the blanket. “Cheer up, pwease. Wed truck will help!”
Any hint of anger or frustration or hurt that may have remained, dissipates as Baby looks up at the standing man, his little hand holding onto his pant leg and the other holding up the truck. 
Obi Wan stares down at him, and that earlier aloofness, that stern way he regarded Din, and even you with, is gone, replaced by something tender, warm and soft. “Thank you, Baby,” he says, dropping to his eye level and gingerly taking the truck from chubby hands—the toy that seems so big in Baby’s hand completely swallowed by his larger one.
Baby lets out a pleased giggle and tilts his head, grabbing onto Obi Wan’s knees. “You're very welcome!” With a random smooch to Obi Wan’s nose, he moves away from him and makes his way over to you, grinning proudly.
Obi Wan stands, watching the little boy fondly as you ruffle his hair, giving him a wet kiss to his cheek that makes him laugh loudly. “You’re raising a wonderful boy, both you and Din.”
You pause your onslaught of kisses—Baby managing to slip away from your grasp—and you watch him closely, love filling your chest. “I like to believe we are.”
Baby moves to his bag and pulls out his learning tablet, immediately plopping down with it and opening up the case to pull up one of his many learning apps. It had taken you and Din a long time to finally give in and get him the darn thing, but Padmé had vouched for the item. Now Baby can’t have enough of it, always curious about everything and waving the thing in your face occasionally to ask you a question.
“I always knew your future family would be lucky,” he says, far away look in his eyes and smile barely lifted—there, just not wide. Your breath stutters. “You and Din make a lovely couple.”
Did he not know? Is this why he didn’t know about baby?
“Obi—” Your eyebrows furrow and you find yourself standing, tentatively reaching for his hand—and why do you feel like easing whatever turmoil he is in?—“Din and I… we care for eachother, deeply. He is my friend, the father of my child, but he and I—we haven’t been together in such a long time.”
“Maker.” He breathes in and out, squeezing your hand and lifting it to his face. “I have no right to be—I have been gone for too long, haven’t I?” He rests it against the slope of his cheek, nuzzling into your palm. “Missed out too much on your life. You’ve grown so much.” 
“So have you,” you whisper, allowing him to press kisses to your palm, wanting nothing more than to weave your hands into his hair. You repeat the words, because it’s true. You can see it in his tired eyes, how they don’t shine as they once used to—the lines that have appeared at the edge of his eyes and the beard he’s starting to grow out, keeping it nice and trim.
“Not as much as you think, my darling.” He chuckles, kissing your wrist one last time and just allowing your hand to cradle his cheek. “Appearance wise, maybe. But mentally…”
“That can’t be true. You wouldn’t be here if it were.” Even if it’s only for a couple of days.
Baby giggles and you briefly glance at him. He’s perfectly content, mouthing words and sounding them out.
“If I,” Obi Wan starts, stealing your attention from your baby, “if I told you I wanted to stay, what would you say?”
Your throat swallows—dry, like sandpaper, eyes wide as they study him, searching for a semblance of uncertainty or lie in his words. Perhaps for a confirmation that this isn’t a cruel joke meant to tug at your heartstring and pull them apart until you’ve become undone. There is nothing in his clear, blue eyes that tells you it is. 
But you know that Obi Wan wouldn’t say something like this without it holding some truth.
He waits patiently for you, eyes searching yours just as intensely—but he’s worried, eyes wavering, unconfident.
This isn’t you. This isn’t him. This topsy-turvy, unstable relationship where you’re trying to figure out the other person, learn who they have become in the years lost without asking or finding a reason to talk. No, your relationship was always about comfort, knowing the other by watching and observing, of making the other feel safe—at home.
You know how to respond, “I would say: welcome home, Obi Wan Kenobi.”
“I’m home,” his voice hoarse and thick, “my little warrior.”
Your mouth falls open—the words, the question: “are you truly staying?” stuck in your throat and trying to form on your tongue, but you’re in disbelief. “Obi-Wan, what—”
A small arm slivers around your leg, and you stumble forward from the startle and momentum, knocking into Obi Wan. Strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you upright and steady against his chest. Your eyes lock onto blue ones in surprise and he mumbles a soft, “Hello, there.”
You huff under your breath, mumbling your own, “hello” and he smiles at the sound. Ignoring the flutter in your tummy and chest (blaming it on the stumble you almost took), you glance down to find Baby with an arm wrapped around Obi Wan’s leg and yours, hugging you both tightly. 
“Welcome home, Obi,” he exclaims when you both glance down.
Obi Wan laughs loud, head thrown back and hair falling over his eyes—your heart constricts at the sight. When was the last time you saw him laugh like this—not in pictures or videos but in person? 
Too long, your heart supplies in a broken whisper.
“Why thank you, little one.” He slowly untangles himself from you and crouches down in front of Baby, brushing his curls away from his face. “Would you like to see a magic trick?”
“Magic?” Baby claps, letting out an excited chirp of agreement, ready to be wowed by whatever Obi Wan was about to show him. “Yes, please!”
Warmth takes over you as you watch how gentle Obi Wan is with Baby, which doesn’t surprise you. But it hits differently when it’s your own child he’s being sweet to. Is this what it would’ve been like if he had given you both a chance? Kids of your own? Marriage?
Your phone rings, pulling you out of a spiral of thoughts you would rather not go down when he’s present. You thank the maker for the timely call and answer without a thought—“Anakin.”
“Where are you?”
You sigh, turning away from Obi Wan and Baby to focus on your shelves full of astronomy books. “I’m not coming to lunch.”
Baby squeals in delight and you can’t help the smile that tugs at your lips as he grabs the quarter Obi Wan produced from thin air.
“Is that the little womp rat I hear?” You hummed in agreement, briefly explaining why Baby is with you and not his father. “That usually doesn’t stop you from coming out to lunch with me.”
Baby shows you the coin and you mouth an excited, “Woah, that’s amazing!” He laughs giddily and returns it to Obi Wan, asking him to do it again.
You briefly glance at Obi Wan and Baby and lock eyes with the former. You offer him a small smile before quickly turning away. “You have something to tell him, don’t you? You said you would.”
“I—I know.”
“Not so easy, is it?” you murmur, trying to make a joke out of it, but it falls flat, and you know it does when he sighs.
“I’ll do it. I will,” he affirms. “Rip it off like a bacta strip.”
“Ani, you don’t have to.”
He’s quiet for a moment and when he breaks it, his voice does too, “I owe him this much.”
This much. Clean—the air was too clean when there was blood and death and—stop!
You shake your head and your heart drops to your stomach. Stars. You should’ve figured this had nothing to do with Obi Wan but everything to do with Anakin. Maker, how stupid could you have been? You were so worried about you and Obi Wan that you neglected Anakin completely!
“Ani—“ your breath stutters.
“Darling?” You turn around, and Obi Wan stands only a few steps away from you, Baby sitting on his forearm as if weighed nothing—blue eyes watching you worriedly. “Everything all right?”
“Yes.” You clear your throat. “I think Baby and I will be joining you for lunch, afterall.” Anakin says your name, and you cut him off. “We’ll meet you by the pendulum.” Anakin once more says your name, but you hang up on him.
“Shall we get going?” You meet Obi Wan’s gaze with a shaky smile, pushing your hair away from your face. 
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There was never a dull moment when it was you, Padmé, and Obi Wan. Your headmistress used to call you and Padmé trouble, wondering how it was possible you two could influence each other so badly and still keep up with your grades—as if sneaking out and fooling around occasionally was so blasphemous.
Things only got livelier when you graduated and Anakin moved to Coruscant. Thankfully for your headmistress’ blood pressure, you were long gone, starting university and finally moving into the apartment your parents had promised you would be yours (and Anakin’s). Instead, you were giving Obi Wan headaches and Padmé heart palpitations.
Much to their dismay and your amusement.
“Remember when you punched the guy?”
“Don’t remind me!” You groan, clutching your hand. “My hand still hurts whenever I think of that night.”
“If I remember correctly, Anakin also punched him,” Obi Wan says pointedly in Anakin’s direction. “And that ultimately got us banned from the bar.”
“To be fair, he was asking for it.” Anakin shrugs. “I only finished the job she started.”
“Go!” Padmé yelled, louder and with much force than Anakin. 
“What?” You didn’t even get to finish the word as the large man you had punched emerged from the bar, blood caked to his face and eye swollen beyond belief—which you know for a fact you didn’t do. And he wasn’t alone; four other men with menacing mugs followed after him, heads whipping in different directions—until they landed in your direction.
Your eyes widened and your heart dropped to your stomach—that’s not good. “Kriff!” 
Without waiting for the others, Obi Wan took your hand in his and began to lead you away from the parking lot, ignoring your sudden yelp at being tugged in the opposite direction of where you were positive he parked his car. 
“What did you do, Anakin?” Obi Wan yelled back at the twenty year old, who looked far too amused by the situation than he should’ve been.
“Gave him a little taste of what he deserved!”
Padmé yelled something, voice drowned out by a motorcycle rushing by you, but it was followed by laughter so loud it overpowered the sounds of the ever alive city.
“What was it that Padme said while we were running?” you ask, trying to remember with narrowed eyes.
“That they couldn’t take us anywhere nice,” Anakin says with a shit eating grin.
You scoff, muttering, “That’s right,” while turning to Baby to make sure he was finishing his soup.
“And she was right.” Obi Wan shakes his head. “Having to pick up my car from the tow yard was a nightmare the next morning.”
“Hey! Padmé and I thought you two were already in the car.” Anakin gestures between you and Obi Wan. “I was kind of chancing on our getaway car being ready, but no, instead you two were just standing there in the middle of the parking lot.”
Lips connected with your knuckles—soft, plush, delicate and your breath hitched—he was never this bold with you, always keeping you at a certain distance for as long as you could remember—his darling, but never truly his.
The corners of your lips drop and you try to pick them up again as best as you can, hoping it doesn’t look like a grimace. It does. You know it does with how Obi Wan’s smile wavers and Anakin glances between you with a raised brow.
“Well,” Obi Wan starts, hoping to remove the uncomfortable veil that has fallen over you, “it’s a birthday I’ll never forget.”
“It was a good one, wasn’t it?” Anakin takes the bait, recalling that night fondly. “But nothing beats turning 18 and finally moving to Coruscant, for me.”
You laugh under your breath and Obi Wan chuckles, both sounding a little strained, but Anakin doesn't seem to notice. Probably for the best.
“All done,” Baby suddenly celebrates, raising his arms with glee in your direction.
“Good job, you little womp rat!” Anakin reaches for Baby and cleans his face with a napkin, your little one allowing him to do so, unlike when you try to do it. While Anakin might have some thoughts towards Din, there was no denying Baby holds a spot in Anakin’s soft heart.
“I’ll get the check,” Obi Wan offers, waving to get the attention of your waiter. You’re about to refute him, but Anakin nudges your shoe and shakes his head. Sighing softly, you close your mouth and watch him give up his card to the young man that had been serving your table.
“Thank you,” you whisper gratefully and he smiles at you.
“It’s my pleasure, darling.”
With your meal paid and Obi Wan’s card returned to him, you exit the restaurant with Baby holding your hand and walking, refusing to be held and carried to the trolley. It means you’ll be walking slower, but maybe this is exactly what you need to be able to tell Obi Wan—more time.
You and Anakin exchange looks and he gives you a little nod while you let out a sigh—it’s now or never. 
Rip it off like a bacta strip, little one.
“Obi Wan,” you start slowly, “there’s something we need to tell you.”
He pauses mid walk and steps aside to leave an area of the sidewalk free for people to walk by. It’s a busy day, even for a weekday, but it’s not surprising. The plaza and park near the Observatory are always busy on bright, sunny days.
“We’ve been—we’ve been having—” Anakin lets out a growl of annoyance, struggling to be able to form the words. His eyebrows scrunch up and he scowls, and you gently pull him back with a squeeze of his shoulder. He glances at you and you tilt your head to the side.
He sighs and steps aside, taking Baby from you and leading him over to the grassy field to distract him for a few minutes.
“Is everything all right?” There’s a hint of panic in Obi Wan’s words and you quickly nod to try and dispel it.
“Yes!” He’s taken aback by the volume of your voice and you soften your next words, “Everything is fine. There’s just something he’s—we’ve been wanting to tell you for quite some time.” Now that your hands are unoccupied, you wring them and keep your eyes leveled with his chest. “Every year, for the past few years, we—we’ve been visiting your father’s resting place,” you whisper, afraid of what speaking these words aloud might do to him. Last time you tried telling him, he shut down the idea before you could even bring it up completely. 
“I—I see,” he answers with trepidation, unsure.
“Everyone gets together to clean the area and replace the flowers we leave for him when we visit.”
“I—I appreciate it.”
“And when we’re done we go home and we—”
“You honor my father,” he says hoarsely, finishing it off for you.
“It’s what he wanted,” you murmur. And it was. He knows this. He was present when Qui Gon said so. “We would—we would like it if you joined us, Obi Wan. Everyone brings a dish and we have live music, and we share stories—”
“I—I see… and when is this happening?”
“The day before—”
“The day before he passed,” he once again finishes for you and you nod hesitantly, finally looking up to meet his gaze, and although he’s already looking at you, his eyes are glazed over, not exactly focused on you.
He takes a step back and clears his throat. “I’m sorry, darling. I—I need to go.”
Not again. Please, not again!
“Obi—” you try once more, reaching for his hand, but he jerks away and your hand falls, grasping the empty space between the two of you—again.
“Please tell Anakin I will speak to him soon.” He turns on his heels and swiftly walks away—shoulders tense and never once looking back.
“You must let go when the time comes, little one.”
Your shoulders sag, letting out a shaky breath as Anakin comes to a stop beside you. There’s no need to look at him to know he’s been hurt by Obi Wan’s reaction, because you have been too. But what is there to expect of a person who doesn’t want to let go of the dead?
Obi Wan was right, he hasn’t changed at all, and you were a fool to hope otherwise. 
“Let’s go,” you break the silence, taking Baby from him and placing Anakin’s hand—that hand—in yours, not missing the way it trembles in your hold.
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Mando’a translations
Buir = parents/son/daughter
Ad’ika = my child
101 notes · View notes
ayo-cowbelly · 4 years
Anakin Everlasting
read on ao3 here
wowww look at me, posting writing two days in a row... here’s to being productive
again, blame discord. those amazing angst-lovers keep inspiring me to write and make everyone sad.
hope you enjoy!
p.s. pretty sure it's a thing that jedi live a lot longer than average people, usually over 100 years. so that's why that's in there.
Anakin wandered throughout the temple. Not the Coruscant one, as you might think- no, he was on Yavin IV now. Years ago, the Jedi had decided to expand and, seeing as there was an unused temple on a lush planet, a planet that was strong in the Force- it was perfect for a new branch of the Order.
He stared out at the greenery, so different from what he had been used to. Even though he came to this place almost 100 years ago, Anakin couldn't find himself getting fully adjusted to the new environment.
Anakin was now surrounded by greens, blues, and browns, so different from the golds and tans he was used to. Those colors represented everything he loved, everything he'd lost, and that which he could not bear to see taken from him. That was why, even if it was a bit uncomfortable, Anakin had moved to Yavin IV. He has lost so much- and Anakin had never been good with loss.
Yes, time heals all wounds, and of course he'd spent time meditating with Yoda, learning how to let go; Yoda was the only one who could even begin to understand Anakin's plight. Despite that, however, he still found his heart aching when he thought of his friends, his family, and how they had left him.
Padmé had been the first to go. She lived to be 97, and Anakin never stopped loving her. As she got older, Padmé had insisted on Anakin moving on, finding a younger person who could keep up with him, now that she was too frail to even leave the apartment most days. He knew she'd be gone soon, so he promised he'd try to find someone.
It was the only promise he'd ever broken.
"I don't want you to mourn the moment you spent with me for an eternity," She had told him.
Anakin, tears in his eyes, whispered back, "You are my eternity, Angel."
That, even 1000 years later, was still true. He loved her, as many others in the galaxy had loved someone; fiercely, eternally, even if she was dead. Anakin and Padmé had a love that would always be real, be true, as long as he kept her memory alive as he traveled across the stars.
Anakin cried for days when Ahsoka died.
His first and dearest Padawan lived to be 117, and she had been feisty until the very end (only Leia had been able to keep up with Ahsoka in that regard- oh, Force, Leia-)
When she left, laying in her bed with soft condolences and gentle teases and whispers of "Don't forget me, Skyguy," Anakin had thought that would break him, as he held her now-limp hand.
Obi-Wan was worse. Obi-Wan, the oldest family member he had left, had been gone for a long time. His brother had lived to be around 124 (or maybe not, Anakin seemed to be getting worse at keeping track of time the longer his life went on). Obi-Wan had lived a long life, a happy life; and when his time came, he learned enough of the Force that he could still visit Anakin, sometimes.
Every once and awhile, the two could talk (it used to be always, back when Obi lived- but Anakin would be the only one who would get an always). But it wasn't the same. Not even close.
He'd never admit it, but Anakin cried for over a week when Obi-Wan faded away. At that time, he was sure he would shatter; If Padmé hadn't broken him, if Ahsoka hadn't, surely his older brother would.
Obi's death had to be the worst, he was positive.
He was so, so wrong.
Nothing could compare to the pure heartbreak that came with the death of his children.
Luke, who was bright like sunshine and serene like water- and Leia, who was pure fire and somehow engulfed everyone she met. They were the brightest parts of Anakin's life, both in the Force and not. They were the best parts of him and Padmé, and he loved them so incredibly much. And, being twins, Luke and Leia spent almost every moment together since their birth. Throughout their lives, it was rare to see one without the other, for nobody was as closely intertwined as they; save for Anakin and Obi-Wan.
So, when Death came for his children, Anakin had to watch as they left together (there was no other way they could go). He'd had them for an amazing 156 years, years he would forever cherish.
Now he didn't have anyone. But somehow, he was still whole. He hadn't broken then, and he hadn't broken when his later Padawans had died (death was hard for Anakin to think about. Even though he somewhat feared it, he also wanted it, if it meant he could see his dearest ones again). But Anakin knew Death would never claim him, so he made the most out of his eternal life (but it was a half-life, for what is a life without love?)
He took other Padawans, trained other students and treated them as his own. Though he knew it was a bad idea, as nobody could stay forever, they became his family. Just as Ahsoka once had, when she'd stepped out of a shuttle on Christophsis.
Anakin also found he was good at storytelling. Every night, he made his way to the Crèche and regaled the younglings with his stories. The now-legends of a beautiful queen, a wise Jedi Master, a snarky Togruta (who had become a Master in her own right), an exasperated clone captain; and later the stories of a brave young man and his fiery twin sister, the smuggler she fell in love with, and how through it all were two droids who were the best of friends.
He told the next generations about their adventures, how they found joy while fighting a war, and he told them of how they had managed to discover and overthrow the Sith. He taught them how to find the Light, find love, even when hope seems lost.
The younglings loved the stories, ate them up until Anakin had no more, so he'd retell them again. He told them to the children, to the Padawans, to the Knights, and even the Masters (even if they were old, most had grown up hearing of Anakin's adventures). His only rule for those who heard the tales? Pass them on, so the memories stay alive.
He taught them a truth he had discovered: Nobody is ever really gone, as long as you keep on telling their stories.
Anakin forever would.
He made his way to a special room he had reserved for himself in the Temple, for as Grandmaster (now that Yoda was gone, Anakin had become the Grandmaster. Yoda's death, of all people... that had hit Anakin harder than he'd thought it would. When someone who seems to be forever dies, said death is shocking) he could do such things.
When he entered, he looked around the room. He surveyed the pictures and trinkets that lay there, waiting for him.
By Padmé's picture, there was the old Japor snippet necklace- along with a small flimsi paper flower he'd once made for her, onboard a Star Destroyer while thinking of how he missed her.
Beside Obi-Wan's, there was a lightsaber that hummed. It seemed to have a mind of its own now, and the buzzing got louder as Anakin approached- or rather, his own blade did. Just as their users were connected, these lightsabers were as well. There was also a small holo of Anakin and Obi-Wan on Cato Nemoidia, just after that "business" that Obi-Wan always said "didn't count". In the picture, Padawan Anakin is grinning widely, arm slung around a very disgruntled Obi-Wan's shoulders.
Next to Ahsoka's lay her two lightsabers and the golden headdress she'd worn since she was young. Anakin remembers how he'd gently lifted it off her head at the funeral, for if he couldn't keep his sister, his beloved Padawan, then he would keep this small part of her.
Alongside Luke and Leia's (their pictures were one and the same, since they almost never did something without the other) there were their own 'sabers and two drawings the twins made when they were toddlers. If Anakin remembered correctly (as time went on, he found it harder and harder to look at such things) the pictures depicted their family- which of course included Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Rex, R2 and 3PO.
The two droids had been shut down long ago, finally going out of use just after Padmé's death.
The room housed other pictures, which showed the rest of Anakin's Padawans- including Ahsoka, there were six in total; But even though he kept all their lightsabers, he only had trinkets for two of them.
Uchani, who had been his second Padawan about 40 years after Ahsoka died, had been a quiet but strong Zeltron. She was a calm person, but there was spunk in her that rivaled Leia's. Uchani was amazing at calming Anakin down when he was angry, the gentle waves of her Force presence dousing out the embers in his. She had become his little sister as well.
Then there was Myn. A young Tholothian, Myn was brave and outspoken, and him and Anakin fit well together. He was the sixth student Anakin had taken, and though he loved all his students, Anakin remembered Myn vividly.
In all his eternal years, Anakin had not been prepared for seeing his Padawan die young. In battle, no less.
Myn was slain by a Darksider in the catacombs of Akiva. Anakin had been too late, moments too late; after cutting down the enemy, he watched as Myn's life dwindled.
Knowing Anakin well after ten years of training, Myn had wheezed, "Don't- Don't do anything- anything reckless, Master." 
Anakin refused to look at the wound on his apprentice's stomach. "Myn, we need to get you to a healer-" 
"Master- Anakin-" Myn coughed, and Anakin felt the tears in his eyes overflow and run down his face.
"No, please, not you too," Anakin said, but he already knew what the outcome would be.
"It'll be okay, Anakin," Myn murmered, and then he was gone, just like all the others.  
Anakin shook off the memory of his last Padawan, and he sat down in the middle of the room. Rex's helmet (Rex, who had lived to be 105 once the accelerated aging was healed, had never stopped standing up for what was right. When his body failed him, he switched to words, fighting until the end. Anakin missed his twin so much), which Anakin had kept in as good condition as possible, stared back at him as he told his family of his day.
When he finished, he felt a presence behind him, and wasn't surprised to see the faint blue glow of Obi-Wan's ghost.
"It sounds like you had a good day, Anakin."
"I did," He said back happily. "But it's not over yet. I'm about to go see the younglings- care to join me, Master?"
Obi-Wan smiled softly. "I'd be delighted, Padawan mine."
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