#and other such truths about being this close with somebody (Somebody) who loves you this much
madamescarlette · 9 months
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luvtak · 28 days
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when you know, you know ✭ yji
✭ genre/tw sugary sweet fluff, est. relationship, innie being very sweet, innie and reader being so in love its sick, ‘tiny’ used as a petname, like one swear word ? mostly unedited
✭ w/c 1005
✭ a/n i wrote this in about 5 hours so it could be so bad, who knows :// also, i was listening to the most sickeningly soft love songs so this is where all my devastation went… i hope you love it!! (divider from @cafekitsune !!)
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There's something about the morning air that makes you look like an angel: Flushed cheeks and bitten-red lips, your hair still mussed from his hands. He can’t stop himself from staring at you, eyes sweeping to your form huddled in the corner of the practice room. You didn’t want to be here, adamantly refusing when he woke you up this morning, only agreeing when he told you he’d buy you ice cream for breakfast–a deal that left him exasperated until he tasted the sugary treat from your lips. He was reminded why he loved you then… it was the way the sun glinted off your cheekbones, warm light encasing you in a glow that hit him right in the heart. 
When you arrived at practice, greeting all the boys with tight hugs and uncontained grins, the lovesickness started rising up in his throat, and Jeongin did all he could not to embarrass himself in front of his hyungs. He never thought he’d be this gone, so incredibly smitten for somebody, alas the picture you form in his life is endlessly heart breaking.
“You know, in the last ten minutes Innie has looked over here probably five times…” Laughs Seugmin from his place next to you. 
“I did notice that, yes.” you respond. In truth, there hasn’t been one moment of your relationship where you haven’t noticed when Jeongin looks at you. Something about his stare being so hot against your skin that even with your eyes closed you would know he was looking. 
It makes you shy to think about Seungmin noticing your boyfriend’s devotion– your love is so often a secret, a whisper in the dark, a kiss shared with the light off. A love so intimate that it’s often masked with jokes and incessant teasing, anything to make it seem less than it is. When someone is your whole world, when you could survive just off the air in their lungs, that love is too great to be shared. 
Although, you can’t blame Seungmin for noticing. Your boyfriend has looked at you an inane amount of times in the last hour, glimpsing and glaring at you while he should be focused on the choreo. You could count on both hands how many times he’s been yelled at for messing up a step, even now during their break, with Minho berating him, he’s staring at you. 
“See! look at that! What a love drunk dummy, Minho Hyung is gonna kill him.” You can only half hear Seungmin, your eyes stuck on Jeongin’s smile, so pretty and all yours. You didn’t want to be here this morning, having plans to laze around the house in nothing but his sweater and watch stupid tv until he got home, but he begged and begged you to join him; cuddling into you and kissing all over your face until you agreed to come. The ice cream he bought you was only the icing on the cake, as sweet as all the kisses he placed on your skin. How happy you are now that you’re here, getting to see your boy smile and laugh and stare. “Oh god, there you go… you’d think you two would be over each other by now.” 
Unfortunately, the boy is left unanswered as Jeongin finds himself walking towards you, shit eating grin on full display, love in his eyes and mischief on his tongue. He’s so desirable, so undeniably handsome that it kills you to have other people around. 
“Hey loser,” your boyfriend says, “wanna go get a snack?”
“Will that snack be another ice cream cone? Cause if so count me in.” 
“Whatever you want, tiny.” he smiles, grabbing your hand to pull you off the floor and out of the room. Arms holding you tight through the hallways of the company, yet before you can go too far, he’s pulling you into an empty room and pressing his skin to yours. 
It’s not a hug really, his arms aren’t wrapped around you, but he’s so close to you. His nose is settled in your hair and his hands are so warm around your wrists, and even with your eyes closed you know his eyes are settled on you. He’s looking everywhere, from your sneakers to his sweater that wraps around you. Jeongin thinks you’re the loveliest thing he’s ever seen, and if he was braver he would’ve kissed you in the practice room. He would’ve touched you where the light hit, breathed in your air before stealing the words from your lips. If he was braver he would take the teasing from the other boys, if he was braver he would share his love with the whole world… but it’s so safe like this. 
The planet goes silent when he’s alone with you, the only thing on his mind your strawberry kisses. 
“You’re so pretty, tiny.” he whispers, his hands coming around your waist to clutch at you, holding on to you like he’ll never get the chance again. 
“You’re prettier, Innie, like a daydream.” In any other situation, your words would bring a scowl to his face, but here all alone in this empty room, he can’t help but smile. How lovesick can he be that he doesn’t find your silly confessions corny anymore? 
He can’t wait another moment without kissing you, without feeling your life bleed into his. In seconds he’s decided, and without hesitation he’s settling his rosebud lips against yours. The kiss is slow, a profession of everything he won’t let himself say out loud: He loves you, you’re perfect, you’re all he’s ever wanted. He kisses you in place of words that won’t come, his palms encasing your face so delicately, a caress that's been perfected. 
After a lifetime he pulls away, leaving you with goosebumps and shaky vision, you understood what he was saying. Heard every word he put into the kiss, felt every feeling he needed you to feel. 
He may not be able to love you in more than a whisper, but it’s the prettiest lullaby you’ve ever heard. 
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© LUVTAK 2024
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lovifie · 7 months
Angst | 1023 words | Back to Masterlist
Immortal!Ghost x Reader that always comes back
The first time they met, they grew up together. Neighbours on their little village, since they met Simon felt this attraction towards her. Every second of the day, his mind was flooded with her.
She didn't feel it. A new soul, too anxious to experience, too eager to see, too impatient to learn.
In her first life, she died young, a tragic death that the whole village mourned. A young woman who curiously travelled inside the forest ignoring the threats behind the tree line.
Simon took it the hardest, they were supposed to go there together, but they argued about something so silly, and he stayed home while she perished.
But he never forgot her. And when he grew up, a grown man, travelling to close villages for his business, he felt the attraction again. Feeling mad at himself for breaking your trust, he waited for the woman to turn, as if ready to fault you for his reaction.
But he came face to face with you. Again. After so many years, there you were. He could feel the tears prick at his eyes, teasing to fall; and he felt as if he had been punched on his lungs the moment you looked back at him.
To Simon, he was looking at his old love, the one that never returned said love, that he lost so long ago. But to you, an older man, crying, was looking at you. So you quickly run back to your house, away from him.
Simon doesn't remember much of your second life, there are so many that blend together, at least those on which you didn't love him back. He hates those the most when he had to live through centuries of looking for you, finding you, watching you fall in love with somebody else and then, as always, die.
But sometimes, there are lives in which you would look back at him, with so much love in your eyes. Not as much as Simon, that would be impossible, Simon had a millennium's worth of love saved up inside his heart and you barely had a decade or two; still, you came second to the competition.
At some point, he stopped ageing, or at least it slowed down to the point it seems he stopped. He was relieved he did, keeping his image of 30-something Simon Riley. But it still added pressure to him; now on top of having to find you, there were lives where he needed to stay in the shadows, waiting for the woman he knew you were going to grow up to be.
He was patient, he needed to be, and he didn't mind waiting. At least, in those lives where you were not together, you keep meeting death at a young age. Always involving yourself with dangerous people or just plain old stupid. Not in the lives you were with him, you always died peacefully of old age in the lives you stayed together, impressed with how young he looked, and with him taking care of you until your last breath.
Having lived so many lives, some memories blend into each other and some simply get forgotten, but there are some he remembers as if they just happened.
Like when you first kissed him, or when you first said you loved him, when he first held you at night or when he almost messed it up once.
He thought you were ready to know the truth, that he knew you from many lives ago, that he was immortal and that you have died so many times he couldn't keep count. You almost left your home that night, only stopping after hearing him:
"Wait, you thought I was serious?" Simon laughed. "That's crazy, love. I was just playing, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
He never tried it again.
In any of your lives did you have kids, he was selfish enough to keep you only for himself. But having a kid, knowing that he would outlive him, and at some point he would disappear to look for you again without being able to give an explanation. It was not the child's fault Simon was a selfish man. But he was patient.
In some lives, you would reappear close. On one live, he found you going out of his house, meeting you next door when you moved into the apartment next to his.
On other ones, you would reappear further away. On some, he wasn't even able to find you. He came face to face with you once when you stayed in Manchester for a while, only being there for work. You didn't even speak English in that life, not to worry, he quickly got to work on learning your language just so he could tell you how much he loved you in a language you would understand.
Now, he could almost speak every single language in the world, not wanting to risk wasting time, even though he was a patient man.
As you were reincarnated again and again, he noticed your personality change. In your earliest lives, you were so energetic, always looking for trouble, getting under his skin, ready to run around the world. As lives went on, you began to be calmer, preferring being a listener rather than a talker.
Simon didn't mind, of course, you always remained kind, gentle and as lovely as in your first life.
Simon was a patient man, he had waited for you so many many lives. Always finding you, always meeting you. You always came back.
You are taking your time on this occasion, but he doesn't worry. He is a patient man.
The original attraction is slowly growing weaker as time goes on, but he doesn't worry. You always come back.
He is starting to forget the last time he saw you, but he doesn't worry. He is a patient man.
You usually only take a couple of decades to come back, but this time is growing closer to a century. But he doesn't worry, you always come back.
Simon Riley is a patient man. And you have always come back.
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weird-is-life · 1 year
hii wondering if you could do hotch x younger!reader? where he's being insecure about the age gap and comforts him and says that she loves it and he makes her feel safe and stuff --thank you in advance!
Hii, ty for the request! I hope you like this, it's short but cute, well at least I hope it is.😅🥰warnings: angsty, fluff, pet names, age gap (reader is in her late twenties or early thirties), (0.9k)
It's your birthday next week and, if truth be told, Aaron has been kind of dreading it. Not because of anything to do with you, but because it's a huge reminder of the age gap between you two.
You've been dating for a few months now and the thought's always been at the back of his head, even if he doesn't want to admit it to himself.
And his strange behaviour gets your attention. At first you brushed if off as him being tired and stressed from work. But as he zones out around you even on his days off, you know something is up.
You are both sprawled on his couch, when you notice his mind is elsewhere. So you finally decide to ask him about what is bothering him.
"Aaron?" you call out his name.
He hums, acknowledging that he is listening, even though his eyes are on the TV.
"Can I ask you something?" this finally catches his attention, making him pause the film and look at you.
"Of course, sweetheart, what is it?"
"I just....- is something wrong, Aaron?" his face scrunches in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"Is it work? Or does it have something to do with me, if yes you can tell me, because I won't mind-"
"Honey, nothing is wrong with you or work," he reassures you instantly.
"Then what is it?" you question with a slightly desperate voice.
"Nothing, everything is okay," he lies, but you see right through him. His very skilled lying from work not working, when he is with you.
"Something's been bothering you lately and we both know it," you point it out softly, even if your voice is a little bit stern. He takes one look at you and sighs, he knows, he has to tell you the truth.
"Okay, yes, you are right, sweetheart," he murmurs quietly.
"What is it?" You ask with a gentle voice, putting your hand behind his neck to play with his hair.
He doesn't know how to say it, so the words just spill out of his mouth," I don't think, it's a good idea to be together."
You look at him with so much hurt and move away from him, that he immediately wants to take his words back.
"W-what?" you puzzle, your lower lip slightly wobbling.
It takes Aaron every strenght he has not to take his words back," I mean, look at you and me, honey. You are so much younger than me, you should be dating somebody close to your age. Not somebody who already has a son. I mean, I'm not even home half of the time, what kind of boyfriend does that make me?" He is frustrated, but not because of you, never because of you, he just wants you to live the life you deserve and not waste it by being with him.
And immediately after he finishes his talk your whole face changes. You go from heartbroken to angry and you slap him on the arm (gently).
"You are being ridiculous, Hotchner," you argue. You are frowning so much at him, that in any other situation Aaron would have laughed at your expression.
"But I'm not, I'm being serious. You shouldn't be waiting almost every day for me to finally come home from work. You should be out going on dates, that you deserve, and I can't always, almost never do that-"
you put your hand over his mouth before he can continue. "Shut up, I can't believe you right now," you shake your head in disagreement,
"do you love me?"
Your question seems absurd to Aaron, because it is so obvious. "Of course, I do, sweetheart. But it doesn't change the fact-"
"But it does. You love me and I love you. I don't care, what other people say or think. And i don't care, that you aren't home as much as we would both like. But when you are, you always make it worth it, always. And I like being home with Jack, I don't even really like going out, I'd rather just be home with you guys."
"Plus, have you seen yourself? Guys around my age have nothing on you, handsome. You are too good looking to get rid of me this easily. " Your last sentence is teasing, but that doesn't mean your words are any less true.
"Really?" It's not often that Aaron feels uncertain about things as he does now. So your words are like a warm hug for him. Making him let out the breath, he didn't even realise he was holding.
"Yes, really," you scooch closer to him, caressing both of his cheeks," I love you Aaron. There is never a moment, that makes me doubt you or doubt us. What made you feel this way, huh?"
"I guess, it's always been somewhere on my mind," he confesses, as he completely melts under your hands.
"You should have said something earlier then, " you scowl at him," but I'm glad you told me now. We talk more about it later, yeah and work things out?"
"I love you," he doesn't know what else to say. He shows you his gratitude for you and your reassurance by kissing you, once, twice and more, until you loose the count of them.
There's still a little uncertainty about this for Aaron, but with you by his side, he knows, it will be okay.
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hauntedwitch04 · 5 months
Steve Harrington x reader
Words: about 0.8k words
Warnings: smut, possessive!Steve, swearing, kinda voyeurism, not proofreaded
Author’s note: Hi loves! New day new kink, hope you like it, your witch Becky
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KINKTOBER ...........-..........KINKTOBER TAGLIST 2023
DAY 13: Caught masturbation
Steve Harrington and you have been neighbors since you were born. When you were younger you spent hours and hours playing in the backyard, and when your parents forced you into the house, you kept playing in your rooms, since your windows were in front of each other. You used to spend hours looking out, imagining adventures and exploits of the older heroes, playing at being big, not knowing that after all, you grow up too fast.
You and Steve remained very good friends until high school, when he decided that you were not popular enough to be seen with him and that he needed to find new, "cooler" friends to really be somebody. This of course had made you feel very bad, but fortunately you had met other people, better than King Steve, who had become your friends, like Robyn, a skinny blond girl who played in the school band and was a real genius as well as being a very good friend. You and Steve didn't even say hello to each other anymore when you walked past each other to go to your rooms Those windows that used to be portals into each other's world were now nothing more than what they really are: cold pieces of glass, allowing each other to peek into the other person's life hoping it would be worse than their own.
Everything had remained that way until this evening.
Steve recently returned from yet another party; he doesn't even know how he managed to get home to tell the truth, since he doesn't even remember getting into the car.
The boy is lying on the bed, still looking at the ceiling and wondering how many drinks he has had, when he realizes that your bedroom window is open, which is not so strange since it is the middle of summer and the muggy heat is unbearable at night, but usually the curtain was always drawn so that no one could see your little piece of heaven.
Steve, confused by alcohol does not realize what he is doing, and so in the dark, he sits on the bed and starts looking at you, trying to figure out what you were doing.
Your room has not changed that much since you were children, but some posters and books now adorn those walls that little you had so insisted on, being your favorite color. The desk is covered with open school books and notes, while on the floor was a pile of clothes, probably dirty, among which Steve could make out some clothing you had worn in the past few days.
The boy's eyes roam all over the room, trying to absorb the details of your life, looking and hoping to recognize deep down the little girl he was in love with as a child. All until he sees you.
You're lying in bed, in semi-darkness, but somehow Steve can see you, wearing a simple tank top and a pair of summer shorts, hoping to fight the heat; but it's not how you're dressed that shocks the boy, but what you're doing.
Your eyes are closed, while your head is resting on the pillow. Your right hand squeezes your right breast, since you are not wearing a bra, from above your shirt, while your left hand is in your shorts. Your mouth is ajar as you let muted moans slip from your lips as you chase your pleasure.
Steve freezes for a second looking at you knowing it is wrong what he is doing, yet he cannot shake his eyes off you. He feels his erection growing in his pants, to the point that it hurts so much that he can no longer avoid touching himself, first from above the fabric, then in desperation, he unzips the zipper of the jeans he is wearing and pulls out his member, beginning to lightly massage it. All this without ever taking his eyes off you, as if you were a magnet.
She watches as your fingers continue to circle your most sensitive spot, faster and faster and hungrier. Your breathing becomes labored and uneven, until a few minutes later you reach orgasm. Slowly your fingers stop moving, and you try to catch your breath. Your eyes are still closed and you can't see in the house in front of you, your neighbor masturbating at the sight of you climax.
Steve also comes to orgasm, a couple of minutes after you do, thus making time to hide well in the shadows, when you open your eyes, looking around as if you have the feeling you are being watched. He watches you settle down for a moment, before getting up to go to the bathroom, and at that moment Steve Harrington, the king of Hawkins High School, decides something.
The next orgasm you have will be at his hands.
@digitalhearts @samanddeansannoyingsis @minkiles @ash04w3 @123345566 @the-house-of-rose-and-ember @nightfiress @theyluvtrinity21 @supernatural-lvr @starsval @imaraccoon @CaptainsBaby @titinkaaa @newtdumbledoorstarksoot @aunicornmademedoit @AlohaStitch0626
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furiousgoldfish · 8 months
While growing up in an abusive family, a part of me strongly refused to grow up, in fact it's still resisting it. I thought at first, it was because I was taught that I am less and less valuable as I age, but it wasn't only that. It turns out, growing around mostly abusive people, can give you some horrifying notions of what it means to be an adult.
I am going to write down how I perceived adulthood, as an abused kid, because I need to work on it myself, and if there's somebody else feeling this, know that these are not your only option for a future:
All adults are stupid, unkind, boring, bitter, aggressive, obsessed with money, do not understand people around them at all.
All adults have to play specific roles assigned to them and don't step outside of these roles. For instance: mother, grandma, father, aunt, teacher, uncle, neighbour. All roles are restrictive and people can only do whatever is assigned to this role (cleaning, cooking, working a job, going to army, being married, etc)
Adults can't play, be curious, or have fun. Adults have to be focused on their role and stay grumpy, serious, bitter and busy. They don't laugh except when drunk.
Adults are having it tougher than children. They are unloved, uncared for, nobody considers them nice or pretty, nobody wants them around or gives them gifts. Adults are permanently unwanted and undesired everywhere.
Adults have good opinions only of people who are already dead. Everyone alive is constantly being humiliated, shamed and criticized. It's better to be dead.
Adults don't care about children, and only think the worst of children. Adults think children should only exist to work and to be yelled at. Adults are dangerous.
Adults don't care about friendships, loyalty, kindness, courage, bonds, closeness, care, or love. Adults friendships are drinking and smoking in the same room while talking badly about every other person in their life. They don't play, laugh or share things. It's a big game of pretense that the other has it better.
Adults lie and fake everything. They lie about their home life, about what they know, about money. They lie about, and to their children. They tell lies confidently. They make things up if they don't know and then tell those lies as if they're truths. They don't feel guilt if caught lying and instead double down on it.
Adults have money but they can't spend it. They have to keep paying bills and they never have enough money for bills and food. They will buy alcohol and cigarettes though, but they're always stressed about bills. They consider it children's fault.
Adults are endlessly stressed about having to 'feed a family'. This is so bad that they actually end up hating their families. They wish all of their children were dead so they wouldn't have to feed them. They can't seem to stop having children but also hate feeding them. It's like they're forced into it.
Adults have to work constantly. They work their jobs and have to do endless chores when they get home. They have to get up early to do chores and do them late at night. They have to do everything alone, unless they can get a child to do it for them. They can't select not to do it, they have to shift it to someone else to avoid it. Adults have no free time, or hobbies. They have to work at all times and always know what needs to be done.
 Adults have bodies that work less and less. They can't run, climb or jump. They're always having surgeries and can barely walk. Their backs and hips hurt and they complain about the pain every time they need to do anything. They blame the work for this but can't stop working. They're still somehow stronger than children when they want to hurt children, and then they're fully mobile. But at all other times they appear sickly and need stuff done for them.
Adults never get over anything that ever happened to them. They're always victimized by everything that ever happened to them. We the children have to get over things instantly, but they are angry and bitter about the past forever. They hold grudges against family members forever. They freely take things out on other family members. They never forgive or forget or calm down.
Adults are not passionate about anything. Their main priority is looking good in front of others and convincing everyone they're better than they are.
Adults selectively care when someone is crying. If it's someone they don't know, they'll act nice about it. If they know the person they will tell them to shut up and stop annoying them. It's like they fall for strangers tears but see through anyone else's as pretense. I don't understand.
Adults die and then other adults get drunk at their funerals. They say you need to cry but they're only serious for the public part and then go and have parties where they just laugh with everyone. Adults don't care about the dead people but say you're not supposed to say anything bad about them now they're dead. They pretend they cared while the person was alive but they didn't. They obsessively clean and decorate graves just for others not to think they 'didn't care'.
Adults will betray anyone's secrets. Adults will tell other adults whatever you told them in confidence. Adults cannot be trusted with information.
Adults judge and badmouth anyone who doesn't act the way they think people are supposed to act. They will impose their own rules and morals on others and shame anyone who doesn't agree. They insist that everyone needs to follow their assigned family role even though they complain about hating their own. They use the most horrid slurs for people they consider 'bad at their role' and write these people off as parasites and worthless people
Adults all agree children should be obedient, quiet and never want anything or disturb them. They want children only to present them with achievements and work for the rest of time.
Adults have sex but nobody is supposed to say anything about it. It's unclear whether they want to be doing it. If it's a part of a role it doesn't seem like they can say no.
Adults can't be cared for or pampered like children can. Adults do not get candy or chocolate. Adults say it's because children are cute and they're not. Adults are jealous of children. Adults complain about not being cared for.
Adults don't understand how hard children have it and always say being a child is the easiest and best time of life. They seem jealous and tell children to be grateful because it's only going to get worse. I can't imagine surviving worse. They claim their childhood was better than anything they deal with now because food was free and they didn't have to have a job.
Adults have no freedom. They have to stay with family and play their role. They can't survive otherwise. They leech off of each other and hate everyone. They live by imposed rules that force everyone to stay together even if they hate each other. They hate everyone around them. They feel loyal to no one. They bring misery to themselves and people around them and don't feel shame or responsibility for anyone they've hurt or ruined.
Adults don't see others as people with their own inner world. They insist that everyone except them is stupid, shallow, mindless and worthless.
Adults are all cowards who will submit to anyone who is stronger and louder. They'll only fight those who are weaker. They don't care about justice and will happily punish victims in unfair fights. They themselves are bitter and upset if they don't get the justice.
Adults only ever look out for themselves. They don't care about other people. They want money and others to admire them and to serve them. If that is not happening they are angry and bitter at the entire world.
Adults don't see good in other people. They don't see what someone else needs or deserves. They don't care about adventures or magic. They don't have wonder or awe inside of themselves. They don't even look at beautiful things in front of them. They don't care about nature, animals or trees. They don't care about books or knowledge, or reading. They don't care about stories or legends. They don't care about people who suffer so badly they want to die. They judge people for suicide.
They don't care about creating or making something unless it can be sold for money. They don't even tolerate others doing it.
They love no one. Everything they do is a drag and a pain to them and they want to push their work on someone else all the time. They don't care about anything except money and how to get more attention and keep pretenses. They have no true friends or care for anyone. All they have is work, rules and roles they need to act. Their lives are meaningless. Even though they have money they cannot travel or use it for fun or joy. They don't think anyone should be free to do as they want. They have no dignity or honor but pretend they do when in company. They yell but pretend they're victims for 'having to yell'.
They don't care if someone wants to die because of their actions. They don't care for anyone who wants to live differently. People who live differently are worthless and stupid to them. They think they're the only ones who are always right even when they're always wrong.
Adults are convinced that when I grow up this will all make sense and I will grow up to be exactly like them
If you felt as a child, or still do, that these are the truths of adulthood, and something you'll end up becoming, it's not true, and it's mostly just abusers who live their lives in this manner. If this is the only thing you've ever known and seen as a child, adulthood would be terrifying and feel like you'd have to lose your soul in order to become like this.
I'll write another follow-up debunking these and writing what I feel adulthood is right now. It's just definitely not that. And living around people who act like this is normal, is traumatic.
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randomimaginesideas · 4 months
In the end we're all alone (Valtor x reader) One shot
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Summary;  You are Bloom’s sister, despite not being the keeper of the dragon flame, you are a strong fairy with passion in your heart. But fire is all consuming, and can leave ugly scars in one’s mind. But when you come across a person who knows just how to add fuel to the fire, can you resist or do you destroy everything you love?
A/N; Remember when I said that I would post a one-shot a couple of weeks ago in that same week. Well, it’s a bit later but it’s here.
Somebody asked me if they could request a Valtor x reader, and I said yes. I liked the idea, and that’s where this fic came from. To keep the surprise on what will happen in this one shot I made a brief summary. 
Trigger warnings; Manipulative Valtor, slight stalking, jealousy, open ending
Most people would be overjoyed when it turns out that one of their lost sisters returns to you after so many years. And don’t get me wrong, at first I was overjoyed. The day Faragonda had called me to her office, and announced that Bloom had returned to Magix. She had been hiding on Earth. Or rather, she had grown up there, unaware of the power she held, and the history of her family. Our family, and we are the only two left of Domino. 
Bloom was a few minutes older than me, making her the keeper of the dragon flame. Our big sister Daphne had saved us both when Domino was attacked. The difference being that she had sent me to Faragonda, knowing that the Ancestral Witches probably wouldn’t come after me since I held no real power. At least no power like the dragon flame. To hide Bloom from the witches she had sent Bloom to earth, a magic-less place. Faragonda sent me to live with a family on Solaria, knowing the family would take good care of me. My adoptive parents were kind and gentle people, who raised me as if I were their own, and told me, along with Faragonda, the truth about my heritage. And then it was time for me to go to Alfea, where a few days later I discovered my sister was alive. 
And like I mentioned, at first I was overjoyed not being the sole survivor of Domino, and Bloom was a nice girl, who accepted me for who I was. We lived comfortably, she had her own friends, the Winx club, and I had my own. But things started to go downhill very quickly. I am not a jealous person by nature, but when your sister becomes the center of attention, the most important person in the whole magic dimension thoughts will get the better of you. Because in the end, I was just the fairy of fire, nowhere near powerful enough to compete with Bloom. Everything took a turn for the worst when Bloom and I had to duel in a battle, to test our strength. She was able to easily take me out, her dragon flame consuming my own. It was until after the battle, and she had received all the compliments she had gotten that she bothered to ask if I was alright. 
I started hanging out with Bloom and her friends more, losing touch with my own. I just wanted to have with Bloom did, a close friend group who stood by each other no matter what, and maybe show that I was strong, like she was. The winx accepted me easily as I was Bloom’s sister, and a sister of Bloom was a friend of theirs. But maybe it was the fact that I wanted to be accepted, that I didn’t notice the distance there still was between the rest of the winx and me. That they weren’t really my friends. 
But even though I was jealous, she was still my sister. So when she was kidnapped by Lord Darkar I didn’t hesitate to offer the winx my help to save her. During the fight the Trix had been able to beat me, not without a fight, but even with my Charmix they had been able to defeat me. I had been separated from the winx, and saw my chance to flee from the Trix who decided they had more important things to attend to. That’s when I stumbled through Darkar’s library. The books screamed dark magic, but they also screamed power. The moment I had picked up a book I felt the power surge through me, promising everything that I was and could be. I admit, I was weak. The promise of becoming stronger, of being worthy of my sister made the decision for me. With a spell I had learned when I was younger, I transported multiple books to a box in my dorm room, which only I got open with a spell. It’s where I kept my most prized possessions.
The winx, and mostly Sky, managed to save Bloom from Darkars hold. That night, I snuck into the woods outside of Alphea with a book in hand, and tried out my first dark spell. It felt wrong, my body felt wrong, as if it was pushing me to stop trying, but I was determined, and when the spell finally worked the impact it had on the trees surrounding me was far greater than any other spell I had. And that was when the first seed had been planted in my brain. I could do this, I could become stronger than I was now. And so I practiced. 
It didn’t take long for another villain to rise up, and claim power over the magic dimension. This time it was a man by the name of Valtor, a powerful sorcerer, set on becoming stronger and taking over the magic dimension. He had escaped the omega dimension together with the Trix, and had taken over Andros. The Winx had made this elaborate plan to go to Andros and face Valtor, leaving Stella behind to create a diversion at the school. I came along, as Layla had always been one of the nicer Winx to me, and I didn’t want the same thing to happen to Andros, as it had with Domino. 
After traveling to Andros, fighting the enslaved mermaids, and finding out the Trix had escaped the omega dimension as well, I found myself holding my sister as the platform raised from the ground. Icy had attacked her in the back, the rest of the winx immediately started fighting her, but I flew after my sister as I watched her hit the water and I dived in after her. Water dripped down the columns of the ruined castle, as I assumed it had been just that, and from the edge a man appeared.
I had to admit that at first glance the man was a beautiful sight. He was tall, a lot taller than I was even in my heels. His long golden hair looked sleek and well kept, and he had this dangerous aura around him, tempting just like the books in the Dark Phoenix library had. Everything about the man screamed at me that I should run away, that he was dangerous, but another part, the same part that had made me pick up the Dark books, wanted to talk to the man, find out more about him. But his predatory gaze on my sister told me I had to hold him back. 
My eyes glanced in the direction of the winx, who were too caught up in battle to watch me, or Bloom. “Dark fire.” I whispered as I held out my hand in Valtor’s direction, as to not draw attention to the dark spell I just cast. A smirk came on the man’s face as he easily held out his hand and caught the fire ball, with purple flames, in his hand and extinguished it. “Nice trick, but I can do better.” Was all he said before he held out his hand again, and the same fireball came back at me, knocking me in the chest and off the platform. 
Musa was the one to get me out of the water, and was able to cover my eyes just in time as a bright light came from the platform my sister and Valtor had just been standing on. When the light faded we all flew down to the platform. I was glad to see my sister was safe and sound, even though I was jealous sometimes. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her, but Layla was a different case. Valtor hadn’t only taken her planet from her, but her eyesight as well. 
Valtor watched, arms folded together, as he stood in front of his scrying orb. Inside he could see the image of the little fire fairy. It wasn’t the redhead who held the dragon flame, although he kept a close eye on her as well. No, tonight the object of his interests was Bloom’s younger sister. 
Valtor couldn’t say for certain if she was part of their so-called Winx club. He had only seen her once, and now as he looked into the orb he could see a distance between the girls. Standing off to the side of the room, leaning against a table, while the others were gathered in the middle of the room, lying on the couch in their pajamas. “We’ll find a way to get your eyesight back, Aisha. And we won’t rest until you will.”
“What are you looking at?” Icy’s voice caught Valtor’s attention, glancing over his shoulders to see the Trix walk in. They’d just gotten back from a mission he’d send them on to Andros to cause trouble, to let them give their new powers a try. Before Valtor could answer Darcy had made her way towards the scrying orb. “What do you want with her?” She asked, curious as to why the orb would be following the spare domino princess as she walked towards her room.
Valtor could see the remaining two sisters also look into his orb. “Yeah, is one domino princess not enough for you?” Stormy commented, which earned her a glare from Valtor, but also from her sisters. 
“Not that it is any of your business, but this little fairy caught my attention the last time we fought.” Valtor waved his hand over the orb, and in it came the memory he had of standing on that platform, the fireball infused with dark magic - indicated from the purple glow coming from the flames-  coming towards him. “A fairy using dark magic?” Icy asked skeptically, as walked closer to the orb. The memory fading, and going back to present time where the fire fairy had made her way towards her bedroom, and towards a chest on the foot of her bed. 
The four of them watched as the fire fairy opened the chest with a spell and proceeded to grab a few books out of it. She placed them all around her, and then grabbed a notebook she also had in the chest. It was clear that she was translating some of the ancient books, or writing down the spells so she wouldn’t have to transfer the whole book with her. “Huh, don’t those books look familiar to you, sisters?” Darcy commented as she glanced at the rest of the Trix. Valtor briefly looked up from the orb, before returning his gaze back to it.
“Yeah, you think this little fairy is a little thief as well as just an overall nuisance?” Icy replied. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Valtor let the orb some in closer, to see the contents of the books more clearly. He knew that the Trix had worked for Darkar before him, and that the temple had been destroyed. He also knew that the Winx were the reason Darkar had died. He hadn’t expected a fairy to take some of the spell books the Dark Phoenix had in possession. Spells he could very well use himself, if only to make sure nobody else had them. It did explain how the fairy was able to cast the spell she did. Valtor felt himself getting deep in thought as the Trix continued their conversation.
“I’ve never seen a fairy use dark magic with her own free will.”
“Desperate sounds more like it.”
“What, are you surprised? You know how much she wants to be like Bloom. Now she’s even turning to dark magic like Bloom did.”
Valtor’s head snapped up, looking directly at Stormy. “What did you say?” Stormy felt herself getting nervous under Valtor’s piercing gaze. Not sure if the look Valtor was giving her was because he was angry, or curious. She sometimes found his emotions difficult to read. 
“Uhm, she’s turning to dark magic like Bloom did.” If Valtor was surprised by that fact his face didn’t show it. “When?” Was all he asked.
The Trix continued to explain about how Darker had captured Bloom by using one of his henchmen to infiltrate Alfea. And how Darkar casted something he called ‘enchanted darkness’ over Bloom's heart, resulting in her switching sides. They mentioned how much stronger she was then compared to her now, and that the Winx only managed to get her back to her normal self because of; “ugh…friendship and love.”
As Valtor heard the story he watched the second living domino princess, as she was alone in her room, making notes of the spellworks while the Winx were still where they had been previously, all together. “Something tells me that won’t be a problem here.”
A couple days had passed since that day on Andros when I’d seen Valtor. Aisha had even gotten her Enchantix and eyesight back all in the span of a few days. Luckily all in time for the party that would be happening on Eraklyon. Even as a child I had been invited to attend some of the more high end parties, seeing as I was still a princess of Domino. The invite was more of a formality, as there was no Domino more I would have been representing. But now Bloom also got invited to these types of parties. Me and Stella had helped Bloom the first time she had to attend one of these types of celebrations, and how the proceedings would go.
Bloom knew that I would still get an invite to the party, and I suppose it was kind of her to invite me along when Sky dropped by to bring the winx their personal invitations. But I couldn’t help but feel the small sting that act caused me. Did Bloom really think that I wouldn’t go to the party if she didn’t ask me to tag along? Or did she assume I wouldn’t get one because she was the keeper of the dragon flame? 
I tried not to let my mind get the better of me regarding the situation. Bloom had a lot of things on her mind, perhaps she had forgotten that the two of them would have gotten an invitation regardless.
To keep my mind off the situation I had brought my notebook with me towards the forest surrounding Alfea. I had spent the last couple of days in the woods during nightfall. One of the new spells I’d learned let me sneak back into Alfea without Griselda noticing, so I had more time to study. Every time I returned from the woods I felt stronger, and I was sure that the next time Bloom and I were put together to duel in class I would win despite her having the power of the dragon flame.
I ended up in the open meadow a bit farther from the school grounds where I had been practicing almost every night. I pulled my notebook from the bag I had been carrying with me, and made it float in the air, pages open and on eyesight. Rereading the spell, and studying the drawings of the hand movements that I had made earlier, I focused on a nearby tree. “Withering fire.” Black smoke shot from my hands reaching the tree. As the smoke consumed the tree I could see the leaves turning brown, and the tree bark shriveling and falling off the tree.
“Impressive.”  Startled, I turned around, my hand still raised in the direction the face had come from. I found Valtor leaning against a tree, his arms crossed casually in front of him. “Valtor.” I said, keeping my hand raised. “You remembered my name. Impressive.” He replied nonchalantly, pushing himself away from the tree and sauntering towards me
“What do you want? The winx aren’t here so you’re out of luck.” I retorted, earning a chuckle from Valtor. His head tilted slightly to the side, as if in pity. “Is that what you assume of everyone? That they come to you for the Winx? No, my dear. I’m here for you actually.” I just looked at him skeptically, waiting for the Trix to arrive any minute and attack me. “Your little trick the other day caught my attention. It’s not often a fairy throws dark magic at your face.” 
“There is more where that came from.” I answered, proud that my voice didn’t betray the fear I was feeling. Because just as he had remembered she had thrown dark magic around I remembered how well he had been able to reduce her spell to nothing. “How hostile, and here I thought you fairies were all about love and peace.” He countered right back. I couldn't help the humorless laugh that escaped my mouth. “As you’ve perhaps noticed I’m not like most fairies.”
Valtor’s expression darked, a predatory smile coming onto his face. Goosebumps started on my skin as he looked at me like that. As if I was the prey who had walked right into his trap, and he had me cornered, just the way he had wanted too. “Funny you should mention that because it is exactly the reason why I am here.”
Valtor snapped his fingers, and feet started to get heavier like my muscles and bones were turning into stone, keeping me locked in place. “Hey, what are you,-” Valtor disappeared in front of me, and before I knew it I could feel his presence behind me but with my feet locked to the ground I couldn’t turn around. One of his gloved hands reached for my hair and pushed it over one shoulder so it was out of the way as he leaned closer and whispered into my ear.
“You impress me. A powerful fairy like you I could use by my side. Imagine all the things you would be capable of doing. You think you learn from those books you keep locked in your room, but I will show you what real power is like.” Along with the goosebumps a shiver ran down her spine. How did he know she kept those books in her room? Had he been spying on her? And if he knew this about her, what else did he know? Not about her but about the winx as well.
And I hated to admit it that his offer was tempting. She had seen the power Valtor was capable off and the possibility of him teaching her was very tempting. But I also knew that it wouldn’t last. The good would always win from the bad. And as long as she remained on the good side, she could dip her toe in the bad, even if just for a few dark spells. But if she would betray the wink, she would close that door forever. She would never fit in with them, and she would lose her sister all over again.
“No. No, you don’t mean that. You just want to use me like you use everybody else. And the moment you’re gone I will tell Miss Faragonda and the Winx you were here and they will get you.” Valtor laughed as he stepped away from behind her and into her view again, still laughing. “And what will you tell them you were doing out here? The truth? That you are secretly a user of dark magic, the magic that is currently destroying most of their home planets. I think you keep forgetting that the winx’s are Bloom’s friends, not yours. To them you are just an extra, a charity case to keep around.”
I flinched at this words, but I tried not to let them get to me. “They will see that I was just trying to protect myself, protect them.” I tried to reason, but Valtor just shook his head. “You keep telling yourself that. My offer still stands, but I think it’s time for you to figure out what you really want.” And with that he disappeared again, and the spell on my legs disappeared.
I sank through my knees, tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. Figure out what you really want he’d said.
“I just don’t want to be alone anymore.” I whispered crying into the dark. 
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swiftholic-13 · 4 months
The Season's Scandal Chapter 3
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pairing → Eloise Bridgerton x Female Reader
summary → Eloise and Y/N are participating in scandalous activities at another ball
warnings → none
words → 1.2k
masterpost chapter 2 chapter 4
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The next ball was rather uninteresting. I spent the first hour searching for Eloise without any luck, mostly due to the reason that my brother pushed me on various suitors and I nicely tried to decline all of them. The Earl asked me to dance but luckily Victor came to safe me and danced with me instead. He told me about Lady Cowper and her daughter, who she is trying to force on him. We laughed and for once it seemed like my brother was satisfied with me, even if that was only the case for a short time. After our dance I was eager to find Eloise but my search seemed to be hopeless. On my way through the crowd my brother interrupted me “Why are you not on the dancefloor?” “Because I just danced with Lord Abery” “Maybe you should also consider other options” I rolled my eyes at his comment and tried to calm my temper “Maybe I do not wish to be on the dancefloor, brother” Before he could say another word I turned away from him and went into the opposite direction, bumping into somebody “I am so sorry” I looked up and realized who I just bumped into “Viscountess Bridgerton” my eyes widened in shock and I bowed my head. “Do not apolize, all is well” She smiled and caught the eyes of my angry brother standing behind me. “You must be Lady Y/N Y/L/N, Eloise told me about you” It flattered me that her whole family already knew about me. She took my arm and guided me away from my brother. In a quieter manner she whispered to me “Are you alright? He seems to not grant you any space” “I am now thanks to you Viscountess” “Please we do not need the formalities” I smiled, the entire Bridgerton family seemed like great company. Eloise was truly lucky to have such a supportive and great family, something I could only dream of having. “I am looking for Eloise, is she not here tonight?” “She is here actually, but I have not seen her in some time” “It seems that searching her at every ball is my favorite activity” she chuckled “Well good luck finding her” We said our goodbyes and I disappeared through the crowd into a hallway.
The string quartet faded away slowly the farer I got from the ballroom. The voices faded away and there I spotted her. Curled up on a bench, hidden away from the crowd and all the noise. She was focused on the book in her hands. I smiled to myself. I could not help falling in love with her even more. “Eloise” I said, trying to get her attention. She flinched and looked up at me. Her posture relaxed as soon as she realized it was me. “Y/N I did not see you” “How could you” I said smiling while sitting down next to her. She closed the book and put it aside. “What were you reading?” “Actually I have no idea, some book that I found, It is about ecology or something” I laughed along with her. I loved her laugh and seeing her happy was worth being at this dreadful ball and constantly having to escape my brother. We returned to a rather uncomfortable silence. She was looking down at the floor and fiddling with her fingers. “What is wrong Dearest?” I was still concerned, especially since it felt like she wasn´t telling me the whole truth earlier. She smiled and shacked her head “Do not concern yourself with me, I assure you I am fine” I leaned closer to her “I do not believe you”. I could hear the music fading away more, indicating a new tune starting soon. I stood up and straightened my dress. “You know why I hate these balls so much?” “Because of all the suitors?” She asked why still not looking up at me and keeping her eyes glued to the floor. “Because I am unable to dance with the one person I truly wish to” I stated as I held my hand out for her to take. She looked up at me surprised and her eyes locked with mine. “May I have this dance Miss Bridgerton?” Without breaking our eye contact she placed her hand in mine and allowed me to lead her into the middle of the hallway. As the next quartet started playing we started moving slowly and I placed my hands on her waist. I was mesmerized by her and the way we moved together. I felt her gloved hands resting on my shoulders and I was scared she would hear my heart pounding. We did not break eye contact and the intensity of it made me shiver. I did not care about anything else and the world around us ceased to exist. Our movements felt natural and intimate. My hands gently tightened their hold on her waist to pull her closer. Eloise eyes wandered from my eyes to my lips and back, her face only inches apart. As the music slowly ended I released my hands from her waist but did not dare to break eye contact. “Thank you for this dance” I whispered, barely audible. We were still looking deeply into each other’s eyes and I wished for nothing more than to lean forward and kiss her. “Perhaps one day, we shall find the courage to dance together in front of everyone on the dancefloor” She whispered back and a smile crept on my face “I hope so my dear”.
I did not kiss her that night as much as I wish I had. It was too early, If she’s not feeling the same I am risking a scandal and nobody would forgive me for that. My brother was angry enough with me already. On the way back home in our carriage he started to shout at me for disappearing from the ball again. I tried to ignore him as much as possible. But back at our house I could not keep my temper any longer. “I am a Duke, do you understand in which position I am” He said while following me inside. I did not look at him and pulled my gloves off my hands “I surely do, but that does not give you the right to tell me what to do” I started walking up the stairs and towards my bedchambers but he stopped me in my tracks “I do have every right to tell you what to do, I am your brother” I took a deep breath in and tried to relax myself, screaming at him would not make matters any better “You used to be nice to me and not force me on strange callers, who want me for one thing only” I stated. “We all have to play our part” He simply replied to me, now standing much closer. His eyes were full of anger, but I also spotted a hint of sadness as he tried to appear superior. Something changed in our relationship the day our father died and he became the Duke. It was certainly not the loss of our father, since he never truly loved us, but now he seemed to struggle a lot more. “Does your ‘part’ grant you true happiness?” He simply looked away from me, trying to escape my gaze “That is not the question” “Simply because you cannot live the life you dream of does not give you the right to dictate mine” I said and finally took my leave. This time he did not try to stop me.
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This time a bit shorter but I still hope you enjoyed it. Also the dance scene was wayyy better in my head I swear. Also I am not a very experienced writer, especially in this genre, but I am trying my best. plus I am not very good with the Bridgerton language I am so sorry hahaha.
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chasingcomets222 · 2 months
I got bored and decided to decipher Rodrick Heffley's music taste to close this years-long debate once and for all.
This post will be on the lengthier side, but a TLDR is attached at the end of the post if you want the basic cliff-notes.
Disclaimer: this is a dissection of the film adaptation of Rodrick rather than his source material counterpart. Comparisons to the books are welcome but irrelevant to this analysis.
During the roller-rink scene in the opening of Rodrick Rules, Rodrick and Bill take over the DJ table to sabotage Greg's moves on Holly. The song they play is "Cut Throat" by the all-female heavy metal band, Kittie. Aside from Löded Diper's music, this is the only song in the series explicitly used to establish Rodrick's music taste.
However, there's many songs off of the Rodrick Rules soundtrack alone that can be reasonably assumed to fit his music profile as well — for example, those used during the party sequence.
I wouldn't doubt if one or two tracks were intended solely as crowd pleasers, but let's not rule out the entire playlist.
In order of appearance, Rodrick's party mix includes: "Heart Heart Heartbreak" by Boys Like Girls, "Electric (feat. Miss Amani)" by The DNC, "Wait Up (Boots of Danger)" by Tokyo Police Club, "Shake" by Bikini Machine, "Move Like This" by Hammerwax, and "Jump In The Line" by Karl Zéro & The Wailers.
There's additionally three other, albeit more subtle, uses of background music to nod toward Rodrick's preferences.
The first instance is during the scene in Rodrick Rules in which Greg confides in Rodrick about his embarrassment from his failed "100 Years Ago" assignment. It's so quiet that it's easy to miss without a keen ear, but "Light Love" by Free Energy plays in the background, mixed to fit in with the ambience of Rodrick's bedroom.
The second is directly before the Löded Diper band rehearsal scene (somebody farted btw), in which Frank pulls into the Heffleys' driveway. "Rock and Roll Slob" by The Boneless Ones can be heard from the garage, once again mixed as part of the ambience.
The third again utilizes The Boneless Ones' discography, and is inserted during the opening sequence of Dog Days at the municipal pool. Rodrick explains it's "time to sell some CDs" for Löded Diper, and turns on his boombox (more on this later), blaring "Miss Fresno."
With the last two points in mind, one can assume the film universe is some twisted version where Löded Diper originally wrote and performed The Boneless Ones' discography (or something closely resembling it).
Band Tees
Rodrick mostly wears seemingly thrifted or upcycled shirts and graphic tees with witty/edgy prints, but there are outliers at times. For example, there's not one, not two, but potentially so much as five moments in Dog Days that he's seen wearing merch from Dead Kennedys, The Who, and Ramones.
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While most of his band tees simply include the band's logo or iconography, the latter design takes it a step further by being specific to a particular song title: "Rock 'n' Roll High School" by Ramones.
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There's another moment which this may be the case, but it's purely speculative on my end. The Ramones also have a song named "I Don't Care," which is a phrase featured on one of Rodrick's shirts. It's not an explicit reference, but likely a reference nonetheless.
Room Posters
Guns N' Roses, Brutal Truth (Evolution Through Revolution), Stars (The Five Ghosts), Buried Inside (Spoils of Failure), and Decibel are the most notable.
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I assume Decibel is in relation to the 70's/80's Italian punk rock band, although I can't find any association between them and this particular artwork. If not connected to them, there's a possibility it may be to the metal magazine of the same name, but I have my doubts.
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In this image giving an alternate perspective to Rodrick's room, just off-screen is a Metallica poster, based on the stylization of the ending A. Beside it is a Hanson Brothers poster, which was later replaced in Rodrick Rules with a duplicate of the Stars poster for some reason.
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Among his collage of Löded Diper flyers, there's Danny Echo posters as well as Denounce and Billy Talent stickers receiving the Hidden Mickey treatment (also a cameo from the iconic cheeseburger phone on the table).
Of course, there are many other pieces of memorabilia scattered across Rodrick's room, but several of them are blurry from the camera's depth of field or are seen at angles which make them difficult to read or for reverse image sites to identify. So for now, this is the best possible analysis of Rodrick's room in regards to music.
An easy-to-miss detail lies in the infamous Löded Diper van. Within the final few moments of Rodrick Rules as Rodrick drops Greg off at school (01:31:52), there's a semi-clear shot of the van's dashboard. On it are a set of stickers, including one referencing Huevos Rancheros, an instrumental rock-and-roll group from Canada.
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In Dog Days, Rodrick brings a personal boombox with him to the municipal pool. Along the top is a large sticker for Street Machine, a Czech hardcore/metal band.
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Cut Content
In the second studio draft of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, on page 23, scene 43, more of Rodrick's favorite artists are revealed.
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The nature of this may be written off as not canon, as it was added into the script while it was still a work in progress and the posters themselves didn't make it into the final product.
What sells it to me as remaining "silent" canon though is that TOOL and Slipknot are often lumped together with Kittie (previously mentioned) as they share an overlapping fanbase. This was more prevalent during the early 2000's within the mall goth subculture, but it's remained fairly consistent for other variants of metalheads over the years too.
To recap, the various genres across all of the bands Rodrick is canonically into include indie rock, pop rock, punk rock, hardcore punk, hard rock, industrial, thrash metal, heavy metal, nu metal, death metal, sludge metal, and grindcore.
His musical preferences are punk, rock, and metal-centric but quite broad and inclusive of countries of origin and lesser-known underground artists (some don't break even 100 monthly listeners on Spotify). This leaves the door open for endless possibilities in terms of headcanons.
He's not emo despite popular fan belief, but I still think there's a chance some of his musical leanings could cross over with bands considered emo adjacent for their presence in the community. August Burns Red and The Devil Wears Prada come to mind with his music taste accounted for, but that's just my headcanon.
EDIT: 9/9/24
I've since made two Spotify playlists from my findings: one being what I imagine would be Rodrick's regular rotation, and the other being an extension of his party mix. I feel I've channeled him well, since a lot of his music taste is basically mine circa 2008/2009.
If you've read this far, thank you so much for your patience, and I appreciate any and all interactions left on this post. Happy listening!! <333
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starmosaics · 4 months
Venus square Neptune
I have this aspect in my own chart and I've known many people with it in theirs. When Venus squares your Neptune, you can often brush past people’s flaws by magnifying and highlighting the good things about them to the point where you're not seeing the other clearly. Oftentimes these folks don’t see people for who they are because they unconsciously choose to only see another's positive qualities, looking at them through a rose colored lens or placing them on a pedestal higher than where they place themselves, which is why it’s so important for people with this aspect to learn the importance of somewhat detaching themselves from the other and to examine whether or not they're projecting their ideals and expectations. The idea of a person will always be more appealing than the actual person who's standing in front of us. Wishful thinking is huge with this aspect and it can be incredibly destructive as they can perceive something to be greater than it is or put high unrealistic expectations on others.
With this aspect, you kind of choose what you want to see in a person, especially in romantic relationships and when the illusion breaks, what’s underneath can be deeply unsettling for one with a Venus-Neptune square. This is one of the hardest aspects a person can have on their Venus in my opinion because it puts a veil over one's Venus beautifying everything; even the ugly. Red flags turn into a pretty pink and once that veil is lifted we have a hard time forgiving ourselves for not seeing the obvious blaring cautionary signs or for not being rational enough. Tina turner, Whitney Houston, Diane Keaton, Joan Collins, and Stevie Nicks all have this aspect in their charts and all have faced major challenges in regards to their romantic relationships.
These people may attract partners who may not always have their best interests; they may date people who portray themselves as one kind of person when they're the complete opposite, get into a relationship with somebody who is deceiving, or they may face a painful unrequited love. They can often take rejection personally as if it reflects something about themselves, but the truth is rejection is to protect us from those who aren't the right person for us. Neptune is a very distorting and illusive planet when harshly aspecting another planet. These people have a hard time saying no and often fall into people pleasing tendencies as well. Dating is confusing, exhausting and oftentimes very heartbreaking. These people may feel a sense of sorrow for putting in so much effort towards their relationships or a towards person that did not reciprocate.
In romance, Venus-Neptune people are often looking for the love of their life. They're hopeless romantics waiting to cross paths with the one. Venus-Neptune people go through the ringer when it comes to dating and over time they become discouraged and soon realize that maybe their fantasy was never going to come true. Because of this cyclical pain and rejection, they can become entirely closed off to romance by creating ideals that absolutely no one can fulfill.
They can also get into a relationship with someone who does love them, but if it’s not the kind of grandiose fairytale love the Venus-Neptune person is seeking or if the person doesn’t perfectly match their ideals or meet their expectations, they can exit the relationship out of dissatisfaction. A good way to combat this is to ask yourself if you yourself could fulfill all of the things you seek in a partner. This is the challenge because Venus-Neptune folks are hardcore lovers and they tend to repress that part of themselves if they’ve faced enough turmoil in their relationships, or like I said create unrealistic expectations in others, ruining their chance of being in a healthy relationship.
Something a Venus-Neptune individual should know is that the love that they so badly want does exist because they exist and that they don’t need to go over and beyond to receive the love they deserve; they should never plead someone to love them. They need to provide the love that they so badly want to offer another person to themselves first. They also need to determine whether or not their ideals are rooted in reality. Self love, self appreciation, and self examination are deeply needed to be practiced when one has this aspect.
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elllisaaa · 4 months
Hihi , im not really sure if it would be ur style of writing but i had a dream abt it and i thought u could write smth along those lines(i think for this fluff would be good🥹 but if u wanna add smut is fine too hehe)
Heres the prompt:
Basically most of the days you would be hanging out w ur bff beomgyu after sch, just hanging out in each other’s presence is enough. You guys wont force a conversation if its not needed n sitting in silence gives you both a peace of mind.(thise type of fs)
But one day u told him that u were going to an event with ur girl bff , where she could see her fav artist , and you being a supportive bestie decided to go with her!
Somehow thru the night things changed and you ended up with beomgyu saying these words: “ It’s always been you y/n, my eyes are only for you”
(Not rlly sure if this is how a prompt should be(if im giving too much cos this is my first prompt) but i hope it sparks interest >_<)
hiii anonie !! this definitely so damn cute, i got a little overboard with this one but i love it so much, it's so soft omgg ! this definitely such a good idea i love it, and don't worry - the longer your thoughts are, the more i'm happy !
BFF!BEOMGYU who never stops annoying you every day, be it by sending you tons of texts or by dropping by your place when he's done with his schedule. well, you always claim that he's annoying but he knows that it isn't the truth and that you're always happy to see him.
"by the way, i will not be there for our movie night tomorrow, i'm sorry." beomgyu turned to you with a judgemental look on his face. "you're letting me down !?" you rolled your eyes as you threw one of the cushions of your sofa at him. "don't be so dramatic. i'm just going to a fanmeeting with one of my friend because she didn't want to be alone."
and even if your reasons were very valid, beomgyu couldn't help but be bothered. you always spend your free time with him, and it didn't even matter if the two of you just laid in your bed in silence, watching a serie while playing stupid games on your phones. it didn't matter because what he seeked was your presence, feeling you by his side. he loved to know that he could lay his head on your lap anytime and that you would drop your phone to thread your fingers through his hair until he fell asleep.
but sometimes, just sometimes, he wished he could be even closer to you. the type of closeness that would allow him to feel jealous about you going to a fanmeeting of another idol. the type of closeness that would allow him to kiss you, and love you like you deserved to be loved.
a pout was visible on his face, but what was even more striking was the slighlty hurt look in his eyes. and even if your best friend was always a little drama queen whenever you cancelled plans with him or hung out with somebody else, you never took him too seriously, knowing that he just liked to yap. but today, it seemed different.
beomgyu didn't want to separate from your warm body, but he still sat up, already missing the feeling of your hands in his hair, but his heart was hurting too much to keep pretending this time. it was nothing, he was aware, and he didn't have any right being jealous or feeling like he was. but he did, and he wished you would feel the same even if it was impossible because he was him and you were yourself, and there was simply no way that you would love him like that.
"why are you taking it like that gyu ? i know it's a little late to let you know, i should've told you before but it's no big deal, yeah ? i'm free this weekend if you wanna come by after practice, i'll even cook for you if you want."
beomgyu could feel a knot forming in his throat the more you talked, realizing how wrong he was for making you feel guilty about something you weren't responsible for. but the question he was dying to ask still got out of his mouth, the words coming out almost against his will : "do you like him more than me ? do you think that he sings better ? is that why you're letting me down ?"
his shaking voice made your heart clench, and you paused the movie that was now serving as a background noise, focusing entirely on your best friend and the way he was fidgeting, not daring to look you in the eyes but he seemed more than anxious, more than sad.
"where is that coming from gyu ? i've never said that. or did i make you feel this way ?" but beomgyu shook his head no. "you didn't. it's just…" he stopped for a moment, seemingly thinking about something before he curled up on himself on your couch, gaze fixed on the frozen tv screen. "forget it, i'm just being selfish."
the entire mood had changed, but you couldn't care less - you were only very worried about your best friend. "you know you can be selfish sometimes, i don't mind. tell me what's going on, please ?" and beomgyu finally looked at you in the eyes, biting his lips as if he was still unsure about what he was going to say : "i'm making a big deal out of this because i want to be the only one you're fangirling over, okay ? i want to be the only one you find handsome, and the only one you gush to your friends about. i wanna be the only one for you because for me it has always been you y/n, my eyes are only on you."
you looked at him dumbfounded, as you clearly didn't expect a confession, especially from your best friend. but quickly, a little smile spread on your lips as you reached for beomgyu's hand. he let you do that, and he let you pull him closer to you too, your face only inches away from the other.
"you've always been the only one for me too gyu, i simply didn't think that you would feel the same because you're always surrounded by the most beautiful girls of the country, so why would you choose me ?" - "because i'm in love with you, so in love with you it hurts sometimes." your smile was matching his, and you could see his brown eyes sparkling with joy again. "i'm in love with you too, have been for so long." - "does that mean i can kiss you now ?" you chuckled but still nodded : "yes, you can."
so beomgyu kissed you, and the way his heart exploded in his ribcage was only another proof of how down bad for you he was. and he didn't want this feeling to ever stop if that meant he could wake up by your side every morning.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
eddie x reader where they’re best friends but the reader confesses her feelings and eddie doesn’t reciprocate. they pull apart from each other a little bit from the awkwardness and she decides to move on with someone else. eddie starts to get jealous realizing that he did feel the same way but he fucked up, but he decides to let her move on bc she deserves somebody to make her happy. but it turns out that her new boyfriend is actually really abusive and once eddie finds out he beats the shit out of him and confesses his feelings.
I changed it slightly because the more I write fics about abuse or SA, the more upset it makes me. So I'm going to change it so that the guy is just an asshole who cheats on her.
Not proofread
Happy ending
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Y/N knows for a fact that she has been in love with her best friend since he picked her off the sidewalk when she fell off her bike. Freshman year, a struggle for every teen but completely eating shit outside the school building was not how she wanted to start the year.
She didn't expect a beautiful boy with brown eyes to be picking her up. His hands were covered in jewelry, his chains decorated his black jeans and his smile accompanied his dimples. He was gorgeous.
Ever since that day he likes to believe she saw him and crashed her bike. That his beauty had her falling right away. He didn't know that everything he joked about was reality. Y/N has never seen Eddie as just a friend. And being his best friend for the past four years has been a blessing but also a curse.
Over the years that crush became something a lot deeper. And that meant it was something she needed to be honest with him about. She knew he'd never leave her behind but maybe there was room in his life to become something more.
One main reason she hasn't said anything was Eddie Munson declared he was not a relationship guy. And he's been truthful to his word. Y/N has watched countless girls walk into his life for just one night or a week at max, then they are gone. Eddie didn't like feelings and he definitely didn't like dealing with other people's feelings.
She knew him loving her or even liking her back was a long shot, but it's a shot she's fine to make. Either they'll stay best friends or become everything she's always wanted with him.
Y/N could feel her whole body filled with anxiety. She felt seconds away from throwing up every step that led her to Eddie's bedroom. Knocking on his door, taking the biggest deep breath, and smiling when he came into view.
"hey gorgeous" he smiled, opening his door wider as she sat on his bed. She always got butterflies when he called her that. And the smell of his room was making her head fuzzy.
"hey Eds, can I talk to you about something? Kinda more serious?" She breathed out
Eddie nodded immediately, sitting close to her. He could sense she was nervous, playing his hand in her lap, knowing she likes to touch his rings when she grows nervous.
She immediately went for his thumb, twisting the ring as she looked at his face. His worried eyes and crinkled eyebrows.
"tell me, baby" he encouraged
"I'm just going to jump right into it" Y/N laughed nervously. Eddie smiled at her, nodding his head to show he was listening.
"I...I have very strong feelings for you. As in I love you way more than as a friend. I know relationships aren't your thing. But, I didn't want to miss a chance if there was one for us. Is there a chance at all?"
Eddie felt his body freeze. He knew deep down she was perfect for him. She loved him in ways he didn't think he deserved. She cared about him and has been by his side since they met. But he couldn't be in a relationship. He couldn't be with her. He was too scared to be vulnerable with her.
So he did what he knew best, he lied.
"I'm sorry, but there isn't a chance for us in that kind of way. I don't feel the same. I'm sorry" he meant every sorry that left his mouth. He hated the way her face dropped but a fake smile was painted on in seconds.
"it's okay, I figured it was a long shot. But thank you for letting me take it." She smiled, blinking back her tears as she let go of his hand.
"we don't have to change right? I love you, I really do even if it's not in the same way. I can't lose you. Please, I'm sorry." He begged. He couldn't love her the way she would need it, but he could love her as a friend. He knows he wouldn't disappoint her as a friend.
"you won't ever lose me. We will still be best friends" she reassured him. Giving him her best smile. He smiled back, throwing his arms around her. She breathed in his smell, allowing the comfort of the hug wash over her.
It'll hurt for a little, but he'll always be in her life and that's what she wants.
It's been two months since she confessed to Eddie. And it was going well. They were still best friends, less flirting which took a bit to get used to. But they were still close, and nothing had changed.
Until she met Brandon.
Some guy that was new to town, and ended up at her work. Looking for a job at the run down restaurant. She was assigned to train him, and now they worked all their shifts together.
Eddie felt his heart drop when he walked into the restaurant, joining her on her break like he does every Saturday night, to find her in a booth giggling with this new guy.
"Eddie!" She squealed excitedly, sliding out of the booth to greet him. Eddie hugged her back, eyes not leaving the guy sitting in the booth.
"this is Brandon! He's new to town and he now works here. Brandon this is my best friend Eddie" she introduced them happily.
Eddie watched her smile grow bigger every time Brandon looked back at her.
Eddie knew this was going to happen, but he didn't prepare for it to happen so soon.
Within the next month, Brandon asked her out. She knew she still had feelings for Eddie but accepted she needed to move on. Brandon made her smile and laugh, she wanted to give him a fair chance.
Eddie was forced to hear all about Brandon for weeks and weeks. He never told her to ask, he knows if he did that she would. But he couldn't be that selfish. He didn't want to be with her so he has to accept someone else gets their chance.
Watching them hurt more than hearing about him. Eddie felt tears in his eyes anytime he watched her fiddle with Brandon's thumb ring. Eddie's rings have been left untouched by her since that night. She hugged and kissed Brandon anytime they were separated. They held hands, whispered into each other's ears, and ignored the world around them.
But she looked happy and that's what she deserved.
Gareth didn't give two craps about Eddie's "no dating rule". Watching his best friend slowly fall apart over losing the girl of his dreams was tearing him apart.
"Eddie seriously! You love her the same way she does you. Are you really going to let your fear of being in a relationship ruin this for you?" Gareth argued. Sitting across from Eddie at a diner. Eddie needed a break from that restaurant.
"yes man. Listen, she is picturing this perfect relationship with me. I wouldn't ever live up to her expectations. She'll be disappointed. It's easier to be her friend and disappoint her than to fall in love and fuck it up for us." Eddie explained. He truly felt like his reasoning was smart and he was keeping them safe.
"that girl is already in love with you, and you wouldn't ever disappoint her. She loves you Eddie! Not this idea of you. It's you she loves. The same guy she met years ago. She doesn't have expectations, she just wants to be with you." Gareth wanted to slap his words into Eddie's head.
"it doesn't matter, she moved on and she looks happy. I'm not ruining that. Best friends are all that we will be." And Eddie was learning to be fine with that.
"Just one last question, you are completely fine with letting this girl, that we both know you are incredibly in love with, move on from you? You are actually okay with never getting to kiss her, call her yours, and be romantically attached to her? You are okay with missing all of that and all of the opportunities that a relationship with her could actually lead to, just because you are scared?" Gareth asked, watching as his words settled into Eddie's brain.
But Eddie did what he knew best, he lied.
"I'm okay with her being happy without me."
Brandon and Y/N hit three months together and Eddie was still accepting his decision. He kept reminding himself it was for the better and she was happy.
But when he caught Brandon's tongue down another girl's throat at the bowling alley, Eddie wasn't so sure anymore.
Eddie was dropping Dustin off for his "date", at least Dustin was man enough to admit his feelings. But once Dustin made it in the building, Eddie's eyes found a familiar face in the parking lot. And that familiar face was not kissing the face he was supposed to be kissing.
Eddie knew he acted irrationally, and he knew that jumping out of his van and marching to Brandon was not the best idea.
And it was not the best idea to grab Brandon's arm and yank him off the girl.
"DUDE THE FUCK!" Brandon yelled as he felt himself being harshly yanked off the girl.
"YEAH DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK!" Eddie repeated, screaming as he used his hands to gesture to the blonde standing a few feet away from him.
"you and Y/N still together? You cheating on her?" Eddie accused Brandon. Y/N has not spoken about them breaking up, and that made Eddie's stomach turn.
"dude. Man to man, just keep this between us" Brandon said, a dumb smirk on his face
"man to man? Nah this is a fucking boy to a man. Men don't cheat on their girlfriends. Especially when you are dating a woman like Y/N. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Eddie questioned.
Brandon had the most perfect girl in the world, and he was fucking it up. All Eddie wanted to do was protect her, and her heart was hours away from being shattered.
"look, she won't put out. You know what it's like, no one wants to deal with blue balls. She won't get my dick wet, so I'm looking elsewhere" Brandon explained.
Eddie couldn't believe the words coming out of this guy's mouth. He was selfish, a pig, and an asshole.
"you are cheating on her because she won't fuck you? That's fucking pathetic" Eddie growled. Now he was even more pissed off.
"I was looking for a good fuck. I didn't care to have a relationship with her. I figured if I waited she'd give in. She can't wear those skirts and not expect a guy to ask."
Eddie hated every word coming out of Brandon's mouth. Eddie adored those skirts, and not because he wanted what was under the skirts. But because he was there when she bought them. The way she twirled and smiled at her reflection. Eddie knew how to protect her heart, why was he allowing it to be out on the battlefield for anyone to break?
"and you can't say that shit and not expect to get your face smashed in" Eddie growled, not wasting a second before his right fist smashed against Brandon's face. Knocking him to the ground, blood gushing down his face.
The girl panicked and ran to get help. But Eddie didn't care. This disgusting pig had the nerve to talk about Y/N like that. He didn't deserve to have a mouth that could speak again.
Eddie relentlessly pounded against Brandon's face. Not caring that his knuckles were breaking apart and he was staining his rings in blood.
Within seconds he was getting pulled off by random strangers in the parking lot. Shoving them off of him as he raced to his van.
Y/N panicked at the hard pounding at her front door. Racing to open it and seeing Eddie holding his bloody knuckles.
"Eddie! What happened?" She panicked, yanking him inside as she dragged him to the bathroom.
"I'm sorry but I beat the shit out of your boy toy" Eddie snapped, guilt in his bones when she flinched at his tone.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped" he quickly apologized.
"um, what the hell happened?" She asked, confused as to why Eddie was beating the shit out of her boyfriend, and a little guilty that she didn't care how Brandon looked.
"I'm sorry but I caught him kissing someone else. I lost it, and he said some nasty shit about you and all I saw was red. And I couldn't stop. I'm sorry. " He apologized again. Hissing as she began to clean his cuts.
"what did he say?" She asked, she knew Brandon didn't like that she didn't want to have sex. They had a huge fight hours before. She felt stupid knowing she was upset over it and he was already filling her spot.
"I am not repeating the nasty shit he said. Because it's not true and you don't deserve to have someone talk about you like that. " Eddie growled. Trying to keep himself calm.
"well thank you for standing up for me. I guess I'll talk with him tomorrow" she sighed.
"to break up, right?" Eddie questioned. Not approving of the way she refused to look at him as she shrugged.
"you are breaking up with him. You are not allowing that asshole to touch you or even look at you" Eddie argued. Why did she even want to stay?
"I know, and I know I deserve better. But I don't know, it took me years to find someone that liked me. What if I can't find someone else?" She worried out loud. She hated being alone.
"you will find someone else" Eddie argued. He let her go and it backfired. She wasn't happy and now her confidence was destroyed.
Eddie wasn't keeping her safe, he was throwing her to the wolves.
"yeah right" she scoffed. Rolling her eyes as she bandaged up his knuckle.
"stop that. You are beautiful and amazing. You will find someone" Eddie said, picking up her chin to make her look at me
"if I'm so amazing, why am I not enough for you?" She asked, voice cracking slightly. All she wanted was him.
"you're too good for me, that's why I had to lie" he confessed, trying to keep his eyes looking into hers and not dropping down to her lips.
"lie?" She squeaked out
"yeah, I lied. I'm so fucking in love with you. And it scares me. I will never be the man you want me to be, I'll never meet your expectations and I don't want to disappoint you. Saying no was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." Eddie's eyes dropped down to her lips again, and her eyes caught it.
She felt her face burn as he slowly leaned in. Her heart was racing and palms were sweating.
"I don't need you to be anyone, I want you to be the exact person I fell in love with" she confessed back. Leaning forward as she moved her hands up his chest.
"don't say no this time" she added, using all her confidence to close the gap between them. Connecting their lips in a desperate kiss.
Eddie wrapped his arms around her waist. Smashing her against him as close as he could. His heart racing as he tasted her lips. Feeling her body melting into his. Her lips were soft and warm. Fitting perfectly against his, and her body fit perfectly against his.
Eddie hated to pull away, slowly pulling himself away. Watching as her eyes slowly opened.
"definitely not saying no" Eddie smirked, laughing as she punched his arm
Eddie was terrified, but the best way to protect her heart was to take care of her heart. Loving her was easy and that's all she was asking for.
Eddie didn't need to lie.
He loved her and he'd show her how much he did.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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gazeofseer · 6 months
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'There is a veil of body over our soul if unleashed what it would be ? a shadow, a light, a love or a night..what makes you, a life? when you are not called after a thought and an idea, but seen and felt..by another heart..unlike the way you kept feeling all these times, there is a difference of love that reflects as mine but not as me..there is a lie behind the truth I am'
Know Yourself by Picking an Image that lasts when you close your eyes and you open it all you could go for it ;
Note : This is an general reading not everything could resonate but there is always a word with meanings left in between only to be read by you differently
Have faith & Chose
Image 1 :
Vulnerability is webbed by the subtle nuances of resilience you rely on the times, when you know, you know speaking would not help, asking would not answer, and doing would not fix who you are, you have fatale despair where you have no faith to know there is one where you did not hope it be, brutal broke are not your thing but they sound exact when somebody screams, you can sense the agony, the harsh rubs of the day to day noir around..drama goes and goes on without the idea of being an subject in it..
Signs : Puffy Eyes, Soft Hair, Sensitive Ears, Great Visions, Pisces, Aquarius, Unrequited, Second Lead, Female Fatale, Orange Red, 777
Message : 'You see the things in your head only to see it your way, once you are out it is an different reality'
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Image 2 :
Been through the dark this much now that I have been the ashes of ground where people do not seen the burnt before expecting me to flame their desires, world can be too much at times that putting it down becomes the only choice even if it stands near and dear to you for some reason who have been doing and being more then enough giving up seems like a pill of freedom and vividness to attain out of their routinely set auto-piloted expectations around. you are everything you want and need to be still you crave to be nothing sometimes, like a magic happening without a trick or technique effortless and etiquette.
Signs : Red Roses, Taylor Swift and Lana del rey mixed vibes, fusion culture, hippies style, breathless and sighing habits, or maybe smoking at times ( Quit it Honey ) wavy and messy hair, cheeky smile
Message : 'What you long in, is longing for you too..learn to let it come after a few steps of walks running a mile to see what went down the hill was only you'
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Image 3 :
Everything smells nice, isn't so only if the world was exposed to sunlight I would not needed to held wars of battles and fights at the darkest nights of my life, feeling tired enough to mourn over the memory and exhausted enough to not shed any sweats at the sake of blood that flows from heart and mind, I bleed in nightmares, crawling and shouting in the void ceasing all under the facades of my different smiles, only to crack break at the hands of divine and the dark to enlighten the journey I have embarked so far.
Signs : Project, Healing Journey, Spiritual Growth, Subtle Traumas, Triggered by loudness and control freak, birthdays, parties, introvert
Message : 'Take your time, after all as an life you will get the space well aligned to keep moving upward and high'
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Lately I have been feeling a little worth issues is when I thought things being alone it is not about others where I find myself it is within me for which others can be one of a way to it - S
Hope today's reading served well to your resonance of energies !
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
jealous max who won’t let himself come off jealous but failing my beloved… an essential headcanon in these times lol. also reassuring daniel…
"You are still coming to Monaco, yes?"
It's the third time in just as many days that Max has asked him this. Over phonecalls that he initiated too. It's- Strange. Normally, getting ahold of him while they're in different places is impossible. Daniel once downloaded fucking discord in a desperate attempt to check his boyfriend really was just too busy on the sim and not like, dying in some corner of their apartment.
"Max, of course I am coming," Daniel tells him. For the third time. Then, because hopefully it will remind Max that he can't exactly get out of it- "It's in my contract, remember?"
Instead of the reasuring 'of course,' Daniel is expecting, followed by a mile a minute play-by-play of his charity race on Sunday, there's silence.
Or, at least no words from Max's mouth. Daniel can hear him breathing, the soft drag and drop of air, the rustling of sheets. It's easy then for Daniel to picture him shifting in their bed, and the familiar ache of missing him blooms in his chest.
"You can, of course, probably get out of it," Max says after another pause, voice casual in a way Daniel knows him well enough to have nicknamed his 'fuck the media' voice.
Why do you think you have crashed so many times this year, Max?
"Why would I do that?" Daniel asks with a startled laugh. Then, "come on, don't you miss me?"
Their joke that never quite felt it, not when Daniel has had so many things to miss over the last few years. Max, when they're apart. Family. Driving. The version of himself he used to see mirrored in Max's eyes as he watched Daniel climb up onto that top step.
It's even less funny now, when Max asks like he really is uncertain, "I don't know. Do you miss me?"
"Of course I do, baby," Daniel insists, sitting up from where he's been sprawled out on his back, the shitty pillows of the hotel bed too hard. He doesn't know where this is going, but he knows it's nowhere good.
There's more quiet, just the sound of Max wriggling. If Daniel was there, he could roll himself into Max's lap, hold his wrists above his head. Kiss him, tell him he's not letting him go until he turns that frown upside down.
Over the phone, all he can do is wait. Say his name again, until-
"You just- With Scotty, I think you have more fun. Than with me."
Max's voice is small, but his words knock the breath from Daniel's chest.
"Max," is all he can croak out for a moment, unsure of how to fix this.
Clutting the phone harder with one hand, his other comes stupidly to his mouth, knawing. In his mind, he tries to retrace his steps, to work out how they got here, but he knows he and Scotty have been hanging out a lot. And-
And there's some truth to it, Daniel can't lie. It's just not in the way Max thinks. It's not a question of fun, more-
"Sometimes, I just need- I don't know baby, to get away from it all," he rushes to explain around his bleeding nail bed, hating that all has to mean Max too. "The reminders that I'm not driving. That- That I failed."
Scotty is good for talking about everything but. His one good friend that never came with him to every fucking race, wasn't employed because of his career. Didn't see every crack, tear and scream that way Michael, Blake, Max did.
Somebody he can still be Danny Ric with, when he's sick of being Daniel Ricciardo, washed up and left out to dry.
"You did not fail," Max says, petulant, and Daniel doesn't deserve the smile he can't quite bite back, the way Max defends him even against himself. "You- I love you. I do not want to be something you need to run away from. It- It frightens me, feeling not so close."
Daniel is such a cunt.
"We are close," he insists, desperate, because they have to be. This can't be another thing he loses. "We- I'm going to get in the car and drive home right now, and show you how close we are. I'm going lie on top of you, squash you until we become one person, I- Fuck, Maxy, I'm sorry. I love you too, you- You know that, right, that I love you?"
To his relief, Max lets out a noise that's close to laugh, though it sounds wet like he's crying and Daniel wants to wring his own neck.
Instead, he gets up and starts packing.
"Yes?" Max says, checking. "Even if I remind you of all the bad things."
Daniel shakes his head though Max can't see, pausing where he'd been shoving his wallet into his pocket.
"Maxy, you are all champagne showers," he promises, and sometimes he can lie when he's sure that one day soon it will be the truth. "Champagne showers and Monday lie-ins. Just- Fuck it, I'll drive back in my PJ's, just give me a few hours, yeah?"
"You are coming home?" Max asks, hopeful through his tears.
Daniel so badly wants to kiss him.
"Yeah, baby, I'm coming home."
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kitashousewife · 1 year
someone you need
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an: based on somebody else by the 1975!!! wendy and her smart mind helped me come up with this
pairings: geto x fem!reader turns gojo x fem!reader
warnings: angst angst angst, hurt w/ not a lot of comfort for geto, ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP, geto's downfall is its own warning, alcohol mentions, violence mentions, death mentions, just a whole lotta angst, reader is in a dress and is wearing makeup
the bass humming through his chest does nothing to sooth geto's numb heart. he's not entirely sure why he thought coming here would make any difference, maybe it's just wishful thinking. at least he's out of the house.
he's alone in a booth, watching the happy couples and groups laugh and dance with each other, not a care in the world. if only they knew just how much their presence is ruining his life. for tonight he'll leave it alone though. he's feeling tired.
geto's heart pangs when he senses your energy. hoping it's just a fluke, only for his heart to break again when he sees you walk in.
he hasn't seen you in months. truth be told, he hasn't wanted to. he's heard through the grapevine though, that you're starting to see someone else. that was like a slap to the face. out of anyone in this foul world, you would be the one to talk him out of everything.
bring him home.
after that night, he stopped talking to you. the years of love and connection screeching to a sudden halt when he destroyed his phone and threw it amongst the rest of his destruction. he misses you, he misses satoru, he misses shoko, everyone. everyone in the jujutsu world he misses with at least a sliver of his being, but he's over it. it's too late to turn back now, especially after all that he's done.
every scream of pain, every death he's caused, all comes to sit on his chest at once when he sees who you're with.
you've been at the bar alone, tapping your finger on the counter mindlessly, unaware that your former lover is sitting mere feet from you. soon after though, a certain white-haired man joins by your side, hugging you tight before sitting down.
geto sighs. all he wants is to run over, sit down with you guys, grab a drink and go home. but he knows that wouldn't even be a possibility at this point.
he's listened to your sobs, your screams, your disbelief each time you find out what he's done. he was outside of the window when gojo told you about the murder of his family. he sobbed with you while you screamed, shouting at gojo about how you know him, and he would never do such a thing.
but does anyone know him anymore?
you're in the dress he bought you a year ago, one he'd never gotten the chance to see you in until now. as he expected you look absolutely stunning, especially in the colored lights of the club.
geto's chest tightens when he sees a tear roll down your cheek, smearing the makeup under your eyes. he never wanted to make you cry, never wanted to hurt you.
unfortunately, he's not really here to make friends anymore. the paychecks are lovely, he's able to live a lifestyle he'd only dreamt about. his house is incredible, he's got a family that loves him for who he is. but there is a hole in his heart, and the missing piece is now right in front of him.
his blood boils when gojo dries your tears with a napkin, giving you a knowing smile. and this lighting, geto can see the tears in his former best friend's eyes as well.
he watches for a while, just observing the two of you. you're talking almost non stop, hands gesturing wildly as tears stream down your face. you shake your head after a while, biting your lip to stop the tears. a habit you've kept up, it seems. gojo nods along, offering you his napkin which you take with a teary laugh. the white-haired sorcerer sits close by, knees touching yours, comforting you.
keeping you close.
geto begins to spiral, thinking about how much the two of you have probably connected over himself. shared in tears, shared stories and laughed together at the good times. he tells himself that he doesn't want you, knowing you would be much better off without him, but it still stings. he really becomes upset when he thinks about just how close you are. what you've done together now. he feels sick.
deciding he can't take much more of this, geto stands up to leave. instead of wasting his free night in pain, he might as well spend time with nanako and mimiko. that's his new life, after all.
as he stands up, the two of you stand up as well. gojo pulls you into a hug, your back still to him. gojo looks directly into geto's eyes, causing shivers to shoot up his spine. of course, he would feel him here. sense his presence.
they hold their gaze for a while, but when geto takes a step towards the two of you, gojo shakes his head. he stops, but after geto places a kiss to the top of your head, he begins to walk again.
you pull gojo towards the exit, entering the crowd of people to head home. geto picks up the pace, but by the time he reaches the crowd he's lost the two of you. frantic, he looks around, scanning every person in the room. he can feel you two here. finally, he makes one last look towards the door and locks eyes with blue ones once more, just as a tear falls from them.
geto stands in the middle of hundreds of people, but feels incredibly alone. the numbness returns, heart shattering into a thousand pieces as the most important people in his life walk out the door. a lump in his throat forms as he decides to leave as well, fighting back the hot tears that threaten to slip with each step.
when the cold, night air hits his face he finds himself alone on the sidewalk. the bass thumps in the background, but the two of you are long gone. he looks both ways before summoning his shikigami with his head hung low.
at least he knows that you're with someone good, someone he loves and trusts.
it's better this way.
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Could I request some reader/Gabriel, or reader/Jim? Either with Gabriel’s musings over falling for/being fascinated with a human(?) partner, or reader and Jim indulging in soft courtship and just being idiots in love with each other? Thank you so much for doing these, love your writing so much! 💛
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this was fun! I love jim 💕 enjoy!
Jim x reader w/ background aziraphale x Crowley
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The first time Jim hears you singing, he’s the only customer in the coffee shop. Aziraphale trusted him with a ten pound note and an order in his head. You clearly don’t even realise that he’s there, you simply belt along with the music you have gently playing over the speakers as you set up the espresso machine. 
It’s lovely. He’s so enchanted by it all he can do is listen. 
When you turn, you yelp. A look he doesn’t realise crosses your face - it’s embarrassment - and you bristle. 
“How long have you been standing there?”
He blinks, put off by your hostility. 
“Not long,” he states. You still seem to want something more from him. He doesn’t know what it is, so instead he offers the truth. “I like your voice. What song is it?”
You seem surprised by that, and it drops your guard and your irritation. 
“You don’t know this song? It’s pretty famous.”
Jim shrugs. 
“It’s Take A Chance On Me by ABBA,” you tell him. Jim listens to the music for a bit, enjoying the tune, then smiles at you. 
“I like it more when you sing it.”
You’re a bit taken aback but finally end up smiling. 
“That’s very kind, uh…?”
He reads your name off your employee badge and commits it to memory, only to find he’s totally forgotten the drinks order. 
He next hears you sing when you’re closing up a few weeks later, but it’s okay - he works there too now. Aziraphale let him get a job there under the promise he’d behave. And he does. He’s quite a natural at it, actually, he enthuses about the coffee to every customer who comes through the door and they’re happy to chat with him. 
And he’s pretty easy on the eyes which doesn’t hurt. 
You’re singing under your breath, he can hear the music you have playing quietly on your phone. As he wipes down the tables, he peers over your shoulder. 
“Is this ABBA too?”
You laugh, not unkindly. 
“Huh? Oh, no. This isn’t ABBA. This is I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston.”
“Oh.” He listens to a few bars. “I like this one too, I think.”
You take it easy on him. Apparently he has amnesia, so that’s probably why he doesn’t remember a lot of music. You start the song again, louder this time for him, and hum along to it. 
He listens to your voice more than the song, and finds himself getting a strange fluttery feeling in his chest. When he goes home and asks Aziraphale about it, he’s told it might be affection. 
He listens to the radio a lot when he’s in the bookshop now. 
The classical stations, the oldies, the top 40. All of it. He listens and he listens. He makes a mental note of what he’s heard you singing, because those are the ones he likes the most. He uses the internet - under watchful supervision - to research the artists he knows you enjoy. He likes to be able to keep up a conversation with you, likes the way you light up when you talk.  
He likes you. 
“Are you sure about this, angel?” Crowley asks, narrowing his eyes. Aziraphale straightens Jim’s tie. 
“Yes, I think it’s a perfectly lovely idea.”
When Jim suggested he would quite like to ask you out to dinner, Aziraphale had decided it would probably be fine, under the condition that if you declined he wouldn’t bother you about it again. Jim didn’t know much about human culture but understood that it was frowned upon to pursue someone who said no, so agreed. 
And now here he was. In his little suit Aziraphale had loaned him. A bunch of flowers in his hand. Waiting for your shift to end. When he sees you coming out of the shop and locking up, Aziraphale sends him off with an encouraging pat on the back. 
He and Crowley watch from the window. 
“If he remembers who he is, this could turn into a nightmare.”
“Perhaps. But look at them, they make each other so happy. I think… maybe they both deserve that.”
Aziraphale loves love, and Crowley loves Aziraphale, so keeps his mouth shut and watches the scene unfold. 
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