#and people who are more open and honest about themselves and their personality
br1ghtestlight · 1 year
btw a cheat sheet for animating /drawing my ocs (that is only really relevant for me) is that bubblegum is ALWAYS moving no matter what she never sits still she is always tapping/fidgeting, she talks all the time and she tends to ask questions abt everything and just generally be very vocal compared to others
rainbow is VERY expressive and the most cartoonish of them, bcuz of her design its very easy to draw her with big dramatic facial expressions and she also tends to be very touchy and affectionate with other characters, she's usually touching somebody or she has her hands somewhere
starr is very intentional in the image she wants to give off and that is true with everything she does, she wants to appear very confident rich famous and above it all and her posing tends to reflect that, would be very uncommon for her to be looking confused or awkward or really emotional at all she usually defaults to proud and confident or annoyed and kinda rude, same with how she walks she is not awkward or rushed bcuz she knows she's better than everybody
sunshine is very friendly and nice he's always smiling :) he tends to be a bit anxious but he isn't angry or sad very often, he likes helping other people but he's closed in on himself and avoids taking up space from other people or appearing confident/loud so he kinda follows behind other people and pushes himself down so he's unnoticeable, but he is very bright and positive so when he's focusing the attention on somebody else with compliments or whatever he gets bigger and shines brighter!!!!!
watermelon runs into everything headfirst and he's usually doing crazy poses bcuz like bubblegum he is almost always moving or doing SOMETHING and i think its funny to put him in ridiculous poses like upside down or whatever, he is a bit michevious and he rushes into things with confidence without thinking them through (something he shares with MANY of my characters) he is BIG and LOUD and loves running not walking, he is a bit impatient and craves excitement
blue is very shy and insecure so they're almost always hiding in the background and getting the attention away from themself, they are also very anxious in general so they worry a lot and they're very physically slow/small and they don't speak up or talk a lot, in group scenes they stick closeby to rainbow bcuz they feel more comfortable around her so rainbow is usually somehow touching/interacting with them more than anybody else
jayden is very cool and confident in himself which is usually seen in his posing but he also isn't very expressive and he sticks to like one default expression, he doesn't care as much as starr does but in general there isn't a lot of movement/expression with him and he keeps to himself and doesn't talk much, really he's just vibing in the background while everybody else does stuff so its very easy to ignore him entirely and not worry about it
two is an ANGRY guy and he almost always is on guard or defensively waiting for something to happen, he tries to be intimidating and scare people and he walks with a lot of aggression/confidence which is fun for me to animate (lying) he also isn't a very talkative person but he will speak his mind if he has something negative to say, the only scenarios where he isn't angry or defensive are with sunshine or sometimes bubblegum bcuz he feels more comfortable with them and he might be more open to actually laughing/smiling but overall he is pretty cynical
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prussianmemes · 9 months
you should kill yourself if you spend 12 minutes sorting around your notes on your desk, making sure they look messy but also the prettiest ones are on top, posing your textbook open and having the most "academia" looking web page or lecture slides on your laptop screen before taking a picture and posting it on your social media story while quietly scrolling through songs to put with it.
#every time exam season comes around#people do this religiously#i hate it profusely it's so incredibly vain and pointless#you're like the people who go to the library for an epic study day and set up your big environment#only to sit on your phone for 5 hours#have the humility to be honest about your study habits and what works and what doesn't#i feel like its a form of cognitive dissonance this type of stuff and a form of lying to themselves#which is the one person you should always be brutally honest to#txt#i plan ahead and give myself so much extra time because i know my time efficiency is dogshit and i compensate for that#i try to avoid talking to other people about studying and i try to insulate myself when i am#of course for med school it's impossible not to talk about it as your classmates will bring it up in every third conversation#which opens the pandora's box of listening to other people talk about it which is atrocious as all people ever take away from it is#'oh my god everyone is doing so much more i'm so behind'#which isn't true everyone is in their own variation of hell just slightly different#i try to block it out completely when i can#med students have this annoying tendency to group themselves into these circles of self feeding despair and nervousness#i mean all of med insta is full of dogshit memes like this of the same 'le epic med stress' memes#kill yourselves you people are self fulfilling prophecies#josef lada ice these fools#to chce klid#as the man said#a taky trošku sebevědomí#and also not listening or giving a fuck what anyone else is doing#každý ma svůj systém a svůj styl#and have a life outside of this as well
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astrobydalia · 1 month
Summer fling❤️‍🔥
Relatioship observations
work by astrobydalia
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❤️‍🔥 A thing about Virgo Venus is that since this is Venus’ fall they tend to be socially awkward or have struggles reading the room. The type to make jokes or remarks that are a bit too direct and low-key break the mood. They tend to behave in ways that comes across as robotic or dry
❤️‍🔥 A similar thing happens with Scorpio/Aries Venus too (venus is debilitated here as well) they tend to behave in ways that breaks social harmony by being a little too bold or even scandalous (Examples of this energy: Marilyn Monroe, Doja Cat)
❤️‍🔥In general, unless the rest of the chart says otherwise, debilitated Venus positions gives the native low charisma and lower ability to blend in socially. Their demeanor tends to be too forward or rub people the wrong way.
❤️‍🔥What is up with Leo placements and becoming romantically obsessed with people that reject them? Either that or they enjoy perusing people who they "shouldn't" be with like authority figures or someone that is way out of their league
❤️‍🔥Just like Jupiter in a woman's chart tells you how her husband will be, I feel like Jupiter in man's chart will tell you what kind of husband he'll be to be honest
​❤️‍🔥​ Whenever I had Vertex in the 5th house of a Solar Return, romance was a significant thing during those years!! However it was always flings, situationships and stuff like that. The sign with gives more nuance like one year I had it in Sagittarius and I had a fleeting romance with a foreigner
❤️‍🔥 With debilitated moon (Capricorn/Scorpio Moon) I've noticed these natives tend to believe or feel like love is conditional. Things like loyalty, trust and care are earned and come with a price or you have to jump thorough endless hoops first in order to get them. They refuse to be vulnerable so they expect the other person to show their cards first and then MAYBE if you earn their trust they'll open up too but good luck with that LMAO.
❤️‍🔥 That being said, I noticed men with Capricorn/Scorpio Moon tend to marry a woman that is very self-righteous and controlling. Their choice for a life partner tends to be... yikes
❤️‍🔥 Capricorn/Scorpio Moon can be the type to be skeptical of the idea of true love. The difference is Scorpio Moons are most likely to convert into the lovey-dovey train once they find their person cause being water sign deep down they crave that intimacy. However Capricorn Moons are most likely to freeze their heart out even when their soulmate is right in front of them, unfortunately the more time passes the more cap moons tend to harden their hearts
❤️‍🔥 Scorpio Moon’s greatest fear is to be alone I’ve noticed. And yeah nobody wants that but trust me for Scorpio Moon this is a HUGE thing. When I say they crave intimacy I mean they CRAVE intimacy. If they could hot glue their loved ones to their body so they’re connected to them for life like siamese twins, they would.
❤️‍🔥 Taurus Moons are just as obsessive and sexual as scorpio moons, literally copy paste. They can also be just as toxic when underdeveloped. The difference is taurus moons are more nurturing and if they don't want you to leave they'll create a paradise or "golden cage" for you (vs Scorpio moons who tend to resort to emotional or mind games for this purpose). I was also surprised to discover how needy taurus moons become once they like you?? Idk how to explain it but it's like they wanna insert you in every aspect of their lives and low-key gatekeep you LMAO. On the other hand Scorpio Moons will push you away and play cat and mouse for a while if they see themselves catching feelings
❤️‍🔥In my opinion both moons (Scorpio and taurus) tend to seek possessiveness or control in their relationships and they usually have the upper hand or the most power I've noticed
❤️‍🔥Praying for gen z babies born under Scorpio Venus cause a lot of them have that placement square Aquarius Neptune and that combo is.... ooof. Romanticizing toxic delusional love that brainwashes the shit out of them YALL NEED TO WAKE THE FUCK UP
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❤️‍🔥 When someone has their planets in your 12th house sign you have a fogged perception of this person, you tend to idolize them cause there are parts of them that you're blind to. However this person will feel confident in knowing your psyche as well as the unconscious motives behind your actions. This person has a knack to naturally know how to appeal to unconscious desires or fears you weren't even aware you had. For this reason you'll find this person either triggering and scary OR very addictive cause it almost feels like they penetrate your soul
❤️‍🔥 With that being said, people with planets in your 12th house are the best therapists for you or best people to vent to. Water houses in general can apply, but I feel like 12th house is better for this cause it rules over spiritual and emotional healing/cleansing specifically. This person can help you untangle your unconscious and you can feel sooooo much relief after talking or being with them. This will only apply if you trust them and they have good intentions ofc, otherwise they'll actually feed into your unconscious fears and make them worse
❤️‍🔥 People with placements on your 8th house secretly dislike and/or envy you, but still feel the need to be close with you cause they low-key wanna tear you down, wanna see you fail, wanna keep taps on you to make sure aren't too successful. I've seen SOOOOO many toxic fake friendships with this synastry... Although I've previously talked about positive manifestations of this overlay too, frankly this dynamic is what I've observed for the most part with this synastry if im honest with you
❤️‍🔥 I totally agree with @zeldasnotes when she said 8th house synastry is only good/tolerable when there’s mutual sexual attraction between the two, otherwise it’s annoying af. I believe this is because the two people can easily use sex to release all the intensity and tension between them instead of letting it build up or channeling it through toxic emotions like envy
❤️‍🔥 Okay but have you ever been genuinely loved by an Aries placement? When their heart is in it, they'll have unshakable loyalty. They’d move mountains for you, kill and fight for you. They are THE ride or dies
❤️‍🔥 A thing that I've seen a lot with women who have debilitated Jupiter (Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn) is that they have a husband that prioritized his work over their marriage/family. The husband is often away due to work or duties or just emotionally unavailable in general. These women tend to give up something about their life after marriage because they had to accommodate to their husband's life style, like if she has to move or give up her own job to be with him she will. For example: Grace Kelly (Gemini Jupiter) who quit acting after marring the prince of Monaco. Hailey Bieber (Capricorn Jupiter) who was exposed to a lot more public attention after marrying Justin and she said herself she's had to learn to adapt that being new part of her life now
❤️‍🔥 Another big thing I've seen with Saturn influence in the 7th house is that your spouse will have big, BIG ambitions. People only talk about Jupiter or Venus but to be real with you, Saturn is an underrated indicator for your spouse being wealthy. This placement indicates that your spouse is stablished, successful and can easily provide stability for you. All the people I've seen with this placement married someone who had a business!!!!, their own house, a successful career, a household name, a higher position, etc
What I mean by Saturn influence on the 7th (for both Vedic and Tropical): Saturn in the 7th house Capricorn or Aquarius DSC 7th ruler in the 10th house (also maybe 11th house) or vice versa Saturn darakarka
❤️‍🔥 Mars-Pluto aspects definitely will make someone have pretty extreme kinks
❤️‍🔥 I’ve seen this a lot in Pisces Moons and Aries Moons that they low-key wanna be babied in a relationship or they subconsciously end up being the one who’s more coddled and taken care of by their partner
❤️‍🔥 Aries and Gemini placements in the composite chart is indicative of a relationship that likely won't last long-term. I've seen this placement in long lasting marriages too but their relationships gave off fling vibes, really playful, they type where people said they wouldn't last
❤️‍🔥 I’ve seen Saturn in the 7th house synastry manifesting as the opposite of commitment. The Saturn person blocks off the possibility of having a committed relationship with the house person and the house person feels abandoned
❤️‍🔥 With that being said Saturn in synastry/composite can indicate rejection in that area and things one or both parties will deprive the other of or deny them. For example Saturn in the 8th synastry/composite can mean one person refused to have sex with the other or there are many conditions and restrictions in the sex life of both
❤️‍🔥 Aquarius and Capricorn Mars/Venus are SO good at hiding their attraction from you. They'll watch from afar for some time before making some move meanwhile you'll be clueless of their interest
❤️‍🔥 Moon square Neptune is an aspect that makes someone emotionally insecure, the type to need constant reassurance that you still love them. Can also be emotionally manipulative in very subtle almost undetectable ways
❤️‍🔥 Earth Venus find it very easy to engage in casual dating/hook up culture because they know how to not get too attached. They have a hyper awareness of what purpose a certain relationship is serving them at the moment so they act accordingly
❤️‍🔥 On the other hand I’ve noticed Air Venus natives have a tendency to play around because they know they get the ick quickly. But it's all fun and games until they end up catching feelings accidentally 😭
❤️‍🔥 My experience having Gemini Jupiter in the 7th house: Yes all my suitors/dates have been foreigners but the cultural difference was never that big. They usually came from a country close to mine or their cultural background was very similar from mine
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work by astrobydalia
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sardonic-the-writer · 4 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐗-𝐌𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes: charles xavier, erik lehnsherr, logan howlett, marie lebeau, and peter maximoff
↳ warnings: x-man type violence maybe? nothing much
↳ notes: just some self indulgent headcanons about how the gang would deal with someone who hates skin on skin contact. this is based on my own personal experiences, so it might not cater to everyone. charles and erik are written to be more of themselves around the first class era, peter is himself as seen in apocalypse, and marie & logan are more set in the first movie's portrayal of them
↳ song: heavy metal lover—lady gaga
masterlist | commissions | carrd
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐗𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐫 [𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐗]
• Oh this is not one bit of a problem for Charles
• He's never needed physical contact to connect with people. Whether that's because of his powers, or his 'natural charm' as he calls it, you aren't sure, but your strange request for no contact never seemed to put him off his friendship with you
• Charles has his own ways of bonding with you, no hugs or handshakes required. Instead of nudges used to alert the other of a particularly funny joke, he'd just send you flashes in your mind regarding the situation. The end result was always the same; with the both of you grinning at each other while the rest of the room was left to make their own assumptions as to what you were thinking about
• "Seriously, it's creepy when they do that. They could be talking about anything." Alex whispered to Hank one day as you and Charles stood across the room from each other, not caring if the Professor was able to hear him or not. The only sign that you were even talking was the occasional huff of laughter Charles would let out as you scrunched your nose up in a toothy grin
• "Oh, I wouldn't say that." Hanks eyes gleam from behind his glasses as he watches the two of his friends. "Charles tells me most of it is just really bad jokes, if you want to know."
• As if on cue, the spell between you and Charles breaks as you delve into a laughing fit, and Alex and Hank can't help but shake their heads at each other in slight amusement as they watch
• He does an excellent job at speaking for you when you can't quite explain to new people why you are the way you are—as long as you'll let him, of course
• Maybe it's because he's been in your head, or just because he knows you so well that he can say exactly what you're thinking before you even know it. And sometimes, he doesn't even need to explain much at all. One carefully worded sentence backed with that steady tone of his is enough to make even the most ignorant of people understand
• "No handshakes for them, please." Charles had found himself saying that sentence more times than he could count since getting to know you, but he never found himself growing tired of it; even when you eventually found the awkward courage to start speaking on your behalf. Especially when you started speaking on your behalf
• Charles is a very patient man, and he couldn't be happier than to wait for you to open up to the world like you had done for him, even if it does take a while
𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐡𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫 [𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐨]
• I'm going to be completely honest with you. At first, Erik finds your habit of avoiding touch annoying
• It's a weakness in his eyes that you have every opportunity to avoid acquiring. He doesn't see the point in being afraid of something so miniscule
• When he first meets you, he's probably an asshole about it. Erik doesn't go out of his way to touch you on purpose, but he won't take extra steps to stop himself from doing so. If the back of his hand brushes against yours as he storms away from another one of Charles' annoying lectures? Then so be it. Who cares if you pull back from him like you've been burned, clutching your skin tightly as you glare at his retreating form
• It will take a while for Erik to begin to understand you, much like it does for him to understand a lot of things about the rest of the world. I won't say that he ever officially apologizes for his past behavior toward you, but he definitely drops hints that he does regret it
• "Never thought I'd live to hear the Erik Lehnsherr himself say sorry for something he did. Next you'll be telling me you've always liked humans." Your eyes were wide in faux surprise as you stared at him one day, looking like you had just heard the best news of your life. It was a good thing you and Erik had a much better relationship than when you had first met, otherwise he wouldn't have had a second thought about shutting you up
• "All I said was that maybe I maybe could have been a bit nicer to you." He sighed, already regretting this entire interaction
• "Oh, you're not getting off that easy." You were already scrambling for the door, completely missing the way Erik rolled his eyes and flicked his hand up in preparation. "Charles! Charles, you'll never believe what just happened—"
• He ended up using your belt buckle to drag you across the room before you could embarrass him any further
• Once he's warmed up to you, I'd like to think that he's definitely used the fact that lots of people wear rings and bracelets to his advantage to stop people from touching you at bars or in crowds
• He swears up and down he doesn't get attached to anyone, and especially not someone that associates with the X-Men of all groups, but you've definitely have had a few people look at their hands around you in confusion while he's around. Almost as if someone else had a say in their actions
• "Big softie."
• "You do know I could kill you if I wanted to."
• "I'd like to retract my last statement, please and thank you."
𝐋𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 [𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞]
• Logan doesn't give two shits about your strange request
• Not in the way that he ignores it like Erik, but rather in the way that he literally doesn't give a fuck if you want to be touched or not. He wasn't planning on touching you anyways, so it's not like he really has to think about it
• If anything, Logan is one of the only people who can even begin to understand your mindset. He's never been too fond of people just outright touching him without a warning first, especially if they were strangers, but that's what you get after being experimented on for years
• He'll have to get to both know and like you before he starts taking your words more seriously. Otherwise, all you're getting from him is a gruff noise of disinterest and a roll of his shoulders as he blows past you
• Or ar least that's what he'd like you to think
• "Watch it, pal." You barely had time to process what that noise was next to your ear before Logan was standing dangerously close to you. You were about to ask him to back away before you saw his hand up, and when you looked at his hand you saw it was closed around a strangers wrist; the likes of which was outreached in your direction and just about to make contact with you
• Logans rough tone and sharp glare had sent the fellow stumbling away with an apology, and left you standing there with a bewildered look on your face. It only grew larger when he refused to look at you afterward
• "Don't let it get to your head." Was all he huffed out in your general direction before walking off to continue the mission the both of you were on. Through the com's in your ears, you could hear the rest of the team asking you what was going on, and with a slow upward tick of your lip you finally answered
• "I think Wolverine here has gone a bit soft on my end guys."
• You were given the cold shoulder for the rest of the week by Logan, and every time he glared at you, you couldn't help but try to hold in laughter
• "See, this is why I'm not nice."
• "No no no I take it all back, I swear. You're so mean. You're the meanest, toughest person here, never done a good deed in your life—"
• "Shut the fuck up."
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮 [𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞]
• She doesn't understand why you'd choose to have people not touch you
• For Marie, not being able to hug someone— to even so much as hold hands with the people she loved —is a curse. She wasn't such a fool to think that her mutation itself was the curse, Charles had managed to drill that thought out of her head a long while ago, but the side-effect that came with it would forever haunt her
• So when she found out that you actively took strides to make sure no one ever touched you (if possible), she was in disbelief
• "I just don't get it." She'd confessed to you out of the blue once. "How can you stand it? If I were you—"
• "But you're not." You cut her off and shrugged, voice devoid of any meanness or annoyance at the turn of conversation. "I get it. I must seem crazy to you. I'd imagine that you'd jump at the chance to be able to touch someone again. But that just isn't me. I can't stand the feeling of being touched. Makes me feel gross; inside and out. I don't ask you to understand it, just that you respect it. Yeah?"
• She had nodded slowly at you, not expecting the sudden explanation. It wasn't unwelcome, however. Quite the contrary. She'd rather understand you than stew in quiet confusion
• From that moment on, even if Marie thinks you're a little crazy in the head, she does her best to make sure that both herself and others take your wishes to heart
• You have to admit, it's nice having her look out for you. And it helps that she's one of the most powerful mutants on campus; one sideways look from her, and she could send anyone in the opposite direction from you if you need
𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟 [𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫]
• You're constantly having to remind him that you don't like people touching you
• It's not Peter's fault he forgets sometime. His brain is always going going going from one thing to the next. Thinking about the next mission, the quickest way to get from one end of the country to the other, how to beat that stupid kid at the arcade that keeps leaving him and his high scores in the dust—
• Okay so maybe he could do a bit of a better job of trying to listen
• "Peter, reach for the back of my neck again and I'm gonna break both of your legs." You didn't even have to turn around to know that he was itching to latch onto your neck, most likely to take you on a surprise trip a few states over. Or maybe just to the mall. He was spontaneous like that
• When you did manage to look up from your notebook and back at him, you found that Peter was already a good few feet away from you, holding up his hands with a deceivingly innocent smile; but respecting your wishes all the same
• "You sure you're not a secret nun or something?" He poked fun at the way you refused to let anyone touch you, even going as far to squint at you in an unconvinced manner. You ignored his clear misunderstanding of nuns to snort in amusement
• "No."
• "Could have fooled me, babe."
• He sped away before you had the chance to throw your papers at his head
• Peter's probably the kind of guy to constantly tease you to your face, but the moment you're not in sight and someone's ragging on you, he'll shut them down. He's done it many times to stray students in the hallways of the school who talk just a little too loud about your personal boundaries
• "I'm just saying, man, they're a little weird. The other day, I asked to borrow a pencil, and they threw it at me. While standing less than a foot away. It's just strange—"
• Less than a second later, the student was sent falling to the floor over his shoelaces, which were suspiciously tied together in contrast to moments ago when they had been placed in neat little bows
• The only sign that this hadn't been a freak accident was the telltale burst of wind that sped by the student and their friend, a faint laugh following in its wake
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
“I need to tell you something.”
Shitfuckno. Eddie doesn't even know why he's still surprised. This is how it always goes, after all. He should probably just give up and stop dating altogether – again.
Steve looks at him exactly as ominously as the words I need to tell you something require. Perfect Steve. Funny Steve. Sweet Steve. Sexy Steve. Steve, who Eddie had genuinely believed to be different.
Eddie sighs, barely suppressing a dark chuckle while he turns away from that perfect face. He doesn't want to look at Steve when he'll tell him the undoubtedly messed-up shit he's about to spill.
“Lemme guess, you're married?” That was what the last guy he dated told him, seven months after they got to know each other. It can't be much worse than that, can it?
Steve grabs Eddie's hand, causing him to involuntarily jerk up his head and meet his eyes.
“How did you know?”
Jesus H. Christ. Not again.
Eddie roughly pulls his hand out of Steve's grip and laughs a joyless laugh.
“Apparently I'm a good guesser.”
He stands up from the park bench the two of them had been sharing. “Well, Steve, this has been a blast. You should go back to your wife, or husband – don't tell me, I don't even wanna know – and I should um, get going. Maybe tell the next person right away what they'll be getting themselves into. Would save them a lot of wasted time, just in case cheating and going around other people's backs isn't really their thing, y'know.”
“Eddie, wait, let me explain!”
Eddie picks up his pace, but Steve, stubborn as he is, easily keeps up with him.
“I'm really not interested, man.”
“It's not – I'm not cheating on her!”
“Okay, so you have an open marriage, good for you. Still the kind of information you could've shared with me, say, three months ago, don't you think?”
“She's a lesbian.”
And that makes Eddie freeze on the spot. It takes Steve two steps before he realizes Eddie has stopped moving; he walks backwards until he's standing right in front of Eddie.
“She's my best friend,” he says, immediately using Eddie's stunned silence to his advantage. “Robin, my roommate – I told you all about her. We wanted to buy a house together and that turned out to be very complicated when you're not... Well, when you're not romantically involved. So we got married. For the, um, practical reasons. We never – we're like siblings. I love her like a sister. But she's also my wife. Platonically.”
It takes a few seconds until Steve's words sink in. Then, Eddie leaps forward and basically collapses into Steve's arms, needing to hold onto him to prevent himself from crashing to the ground.
Steve's arms are warm, strong, and as safe as ever.
“Eddie, are you okay?” Steve asks softly. His lips brush against Eddie's ear while he speaks, and worry colors his voice.
Perfect Steve. Too-good-to-be-true Steve.
“Jesus Christ, Steve,” is the only thing Eddie manages to say.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” Steve says. “It's just – I've gotten some, um... Less than ideal reactions, in the past, whenever I told this when I was seeing someone. So I thought it'd be better to wait until things were getting serious.” He sighs, tangling his fingers in Eddie's hair. “I didn't wanna scare you off. Are we – are you okay?”
Eddie nods. He lifts his head from where it's resting against Steve's shoulder and raises his hands to squeeze them around Steve's face.
“We're okay,” he says. “And I'm sorry I didn't want to listen to you. I–” He stops; he can't find the words right away. It's still difficult to talk about those things; to let himself be vulnerable. But Steve has been honest with him, so it's only fair to return the favor.
“I've been hurt, Steve,” he confesses. “More than once. I've had some really shitty experiences with dudes not being honest with me. I thought that that was what was happening again, and I couldn't – I couldn't go through that again. Especially not with you.”
“Jesus, Eddie, I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay,” Eddie rushes to say, pulling Steve even closer towards him. “I trust you.” And as soon as these words leave his mouth, he knows it's the truth.
“I do want to be absolutely clear about one thing, though,” Steve says.
Eddie leans back in Steve's arms to give him an expectant look.
“Robin is my wife. I'm not planning on that to change anytime soon. We've been through a lot together. She's been the most important person in my life for years. We own a house and a dog together, and I love her more than anything. I like you a lot, and I promise you I'm all-in with you, but... Robin is still my number one. And that's not gonna change overnight. I need you to be okay with that.”
Eddie swallows. He looks into Steve's eyes. All he sees is a man who is honest, who loves his friends deeply, and who refuses to make any compromises when it comes to love – whether it be the platonic or the romantic kind.
It doesn't scare Eddie off; it only makes him fonder of Steve.
He smiles, glances around to check if they're alone, and presses a quick kiss against Steve's lips.
“I think I can live with that,” he says. “As long as I'm the only one who gets to do this.” He closes his eyes and lets his lips meet Steve's again.
The sigh that Steve breathes into their tentative kiss is one filled with relief.
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naburi · 1 month
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Long pitch black hair, white pale skin, dangerous curves that can lead you to hell, soft body that feels like heaven. You have been a member of this gym for 3 months now, you heard different rumors about how fine this young woman is, you don’t believe the rumor until you’re looking at her eye to eye alone in the gym.
She’s always wearing a mask, sometimes adding a cap, and wears baggy clothes to conceal her seductive parts but how long can someone hide their busty mounds, they lightly bounces in her every walk, her big front always revealing itself no matter her clothes. They said she’s trying to not attract any unwanted attention but her body does the opposite. That busty body takes all the eyes in every vicinity it occupies, they said when she’s around, men only do two things, they either try to keep their glances discreet or they try to lie to themselves that they are not distraught by how one woman can be that sexy. For everyone, her body is the perfect distraction.
She’s a former trainee who gave up on her dreams due to how dark the K-pop world is. They hear rumors about how small companies tried to take “advantage” of her while big companies tried to make her “audition” with a promise of debuting with their girl groups. Some say she’s too sexy for K-pop, that her body is made to be seen in a different “industry.” These rumors pique curiosity in all the minds of the gym members. They all wanted to see if there’s any truth to these rumors, regular gym members said they saw her during office hours, some say they saw her late at night, it seems like she’s actively avoiding crowded hours in the gym. Some say that these stories about this woman are just a hoax to attract more people to go to this gym. You believe the latter because if she’s real, she should be famous or trending in this social media world we live in.
Tired eyes but can’t seem to find sleep, it’s 3 am but your body feels more awake than ever, you decided to tire your body to sleep and hit the gym real quick. Driving on, you expect to see at least a few people in these early hours. When you arrived at almost 4 am, you saw a few cars in the parking lot. Sliding your card and entering the exclusive 24 hours gym, only background gym songs are the only thing that welcomes you. You walk around to see if there’s any people with you. It seems like you have the gym by yourself which actually excites you. You rush happily to the locker room to bring down your things, suddenly you hear the automatic doors open. You humorously get annoyed by the fact that you can’t enjoy the gym by yourself now, until you see the silhouette of who shares the gym with you.
Long pitch black hair, white pale skin, wears a face mask and baggy clothes that forms around a busty body. This is the first time you have seen this person, the sudden realization hits you. The rumors, the rumors about a woman, a woman who is now in front of your eyes. You're trying to keep your glances discreet because you don’t want her to creep out by you. Both of you doing some stretching at the same time, you're a few feet away from her, you saw yourself looking at their reflection through the big gym mirrors, which she quickly noticed. You got embarrassed how she caught you looking at her. After you both finish stretching up, you move to the dumbbell rack to lift some light weight first, she moves to the treadmills to do some light cardio first. She started to walk and you noticed the light bounces of her mounds, the mirror in front of her only gives you a better look of those bounces. You’re trying to do your workout but this woman is too sexy to keep lying to yourself so that you are not distracted. After doing some dumbbell raises, the only thing you can do is to stare at her, it seems like your body is more honest than you.
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She’s now doing light jogging, those mounds are bouncing even more. She’s wearing a large white shirt trying to cover her large mounds, her bottocks are also forming out of her large shirt with every jog she takes. Your eyes are glued to every curve of her, it takes you a minute to realize that she’s also looking at you through the reflection of the mirror. Your stares can’t hide their intentions, you want to see more of this woman, there’s a lot on your mind and none of them are morally right. You want to see more of her which excites her. She’s finally done with her treadmill warm which feels like an endless runway walk. You saw her smirk after turning around to move to the barbel rack. Looking at you to make sure she still has your attention, she removes her white shirt showing a gray tight shirt which reveals boobs that are made to be sinned. How those boobs shape, how they paired perfectly to her lustful body is what makes it Dangerous.
You're still stuck at your seat, still can’t believe what you’re witnessing. She’s now positioning herself to do RDLs, her ass infront of you, she leaning forward showing how those massive boobs are hanging down to her slim body. As you rise up, while torso is going down, your getting overwhelmed by the doggy positions filling your head, this distraught shows in your face which she happily saw, each movement she did feels more sluttier than the early ones, its seems like your in a trance with how her body moves. She moves inside the barbell rack, positioning to a barbell squats. Putting the bar on her back, she moves her butt straight down, stretching her black pants to conform to her busty ass, the thought riding you while slamming that ass to your dick. Made you caress your dick over your tight shorts, you didn’t care is she saw you touching your hard dick, her body made you unable to think properly, seeing her face in the reflection, you saw her give a head nod, you know what she was signaling to go on, but you don’t want to be wrong. Her seeing you hesitate made her look dissatisfied, this pushed you to rushly touch your dick again, she gave you a nod again, she’s now waiting at what you're about to do. You put your hands in your shorts to rub it. This made her smile for a while but she stares at you trying to indicate something. She wants you to let her see how you can’t control yourself around her.
You move down your shorts which made your dick sprung out in hardness, she put the bar on the rack, now she’s the one watching you. You move your hand from up to down slowly, letting her see how hard she made you feel. She gives a signal again, she wants you to let it out how horny she made you feel. You start to beat your hard dick while keeping your eye contact with her. She’s also getting hot from the scene she’s looking at, she starts to touch those busty boobs over her tight shirts. She put two hands on the side of her boobs squishing both of her inwards, she put her hands under her boobs pulling the massive pair upward to give you a better perspective how big they really are. This makes you hornier, you want to stand up to touch them yourself but she stops you with a threatening glare. She’s setting boundaries you can’t cross or else she will stop the session. You sit down again which she rewards you for. She pulls her shirt up to reveal a sweaty sports bra that keeps the seductive boobs to show its true beauty.
She pulls down her bra revealing a glistening massive boobs, it’s more than you can imagine, the sweat which looks like oil made her boobs more erotic, how her boobs have the roundest of shape, how her boobs might be the best pair of tits you ever laid eyes on. She's looking straight at you while making a circular motion touching her erect nipples. The sight of you beating your dick harder made her play with her nipples more and starting to pinch them, her erotic face while she’s touching her boobs made your body even hotter. She sits down at a nearby gym bench, resting her back, groping one of her tits while inserting one into her mouth, she’s sucking and licking her tits like she’s craving for it. One of her hands is touching herself over her pants. How her slim fingers made her boobs that much massive, her body sweating due to how hot she feels, how heavy she breathes as she’s having the highest of her libido. This sight of a woman touching herself made you have the best climax you ever had. You sprut it all over the gym mat, some still flowing out of your dick. Your head rests back on the bench, you're sitting and letting your high go.
“Let’s clean up”, are the first words you heard from her.
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ezukll · 7 months
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Aries Venus is a very passionate placement, as Aries is the sign of passion and action, while Venus is associated with love, beauty, and relationship. Someone with this placement likely has a very fiery and intense approach to romance and relationships. They are likely to be very passionate and enthusiastic about their partner, and they may have a strong desire to make their relationship exciting and fresh. They may also be very willing to take the lead and to be the one to initiate and take action.
⋆ Be spontaneous and adventurous.
⋆ Make an effort to keep the relationship interesting.
⋆ Take the lead and initiate adventures.
๋⋆ Show off your passionate side.
⋆ Express your desires and emotions clearly.
⋆ Be willing to take risks for love.
⋆ Show off your confidence and self-esteem.
⋆ Be willing to take the first step in a relationship.
Venus in Taurus is known for its strong sense of security, stability, and comfort. People with their Venus in Taurus typically enjoy taking time to appreciate the finer things in life and may find joy in material possessions and pleasures. They are often described as "old-fashioned" in their approach to relationships and values. They may seek commitment and stability in their romantic relationships and prefer a more traditional set of values when it comes to romance.
⋆ Show your interest and affection through small actions and words.
⋆ Give the Taurus Venus attention and allow them to feel heard by asking open-ended questions and focusing on them.
⋆ Be patient, consistent, and respectful in your actions towards them.
⋆ Make time for them and demonstrate that you are willing to put in effort.
⋆ Be honest and communicate your feelings and thoughts clearly and respectfully.
Gemini Venus is known for being a playful, lighthearted, and mischievous placement that adds a spark of fun and excitement to a person's romantic relationships. People with this placement seek out romantic interests who can match their energy and keep up with their witty banter. They may have a tendency to get bored in relationships and love to flirt, so someone who can keep them engaged and entertained is key to winning their affection. However, despite their flirtatious nature, they still enjoy a strong connection and are seeking a partner who they can have deep conversations with as well.
⋆ Be yourself and show your unique personality.
⋆ Make them laugh and keep the conversation light and fun.
⋆ Be spontaneous and try new things together.
⋆ Give them space to express themself and let them know they can trust you.
⋆ Don't take their flirtatious nature too seriously... they may just be having fun.
If you are able to capture their attention with your unique personality and keep them engaged, you may have a chance with someone with a Gemini Venus.
Cancer Venus is known for being emotionally expressive, caring, and sensitive in relationships. People with their Venus in Cancer can be very nurturing and tend to wear their heart on their sleeve. They may crave affection and emotional security, so someone who is understanding and supportive can go a long way in gaining their affection. On the other hand, people with this placement may also struggle with being possessive and overly sensitive towards their partner's actions or words. Ultimately, communication and empathy is key in forming a strong connection with someone who has their Venus in Cancer.
⋆ Show compassion and empathy towards their feelings.
⋆ Be understanding and emotionally supportive.
⋆ Create an environment where they can express themselves freely and feel safe.
⋆ Be nurturing and give the comfort they seek.
⋆ Build a strong connection with them through open communication.
⋆ Make them feel loved and appreciated.
⋆ Be genuine and honest with them.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ♌︎ 𝗟𝗘𝗢 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗨𝗦
Leo Venus is described as a passionate, creative, confident, and dramatic placement. People with a Venus in Leo seek out romantic partners who are self-assured and can bring out their artistic side. They may crave a strong physical connection and are often drawn to confident, charismatic partners who can keep up with their fiery personality. They also appreciate the finer things in life and may enjoy luxury or extravagant gestures. However, their passionate nature can also lead to being possessive or jealous in relationships, so communication and trust is key.
⋆ Display your confidence and take the lead.
⋆ Show your artistic side through creative dates or gestures.
⋆ Be fun and daring, and don't be afraid to take risks in your romantic interactions.
⋆ Be honest and complimentary, and make sure they feel admired and appreciated.
⋆ Be willing to receive their lavish gestures of affection and don't be afraid to show off a little.
A Virgo Venus is described as analytical, detail-oriented, and practical in relationships. They may be a bit reserved and prefer to take things slowly and be mindful in their romantic interactions. They tend to value efficiency and may be more objective, logical, and nitpicky when it comes to relationships. However, they also appreciate order and structure and desire a partner who can provide that. They may be more selective and picky when it comes to romantic partners, but once they find the right person, they can be loyal, devoted, and caring.
⋆ Make them feel heard and understood, and be mindful of the details.
⋆ Be honest and logical in your interaction and don't be afraid to communicate directly.
⋆ Be organized and methodical in how you approach the relationship.
⋆ Don't be afraid to ask follow-up questions and show curiosity and interest in them.
⋆ Demonstrate that you can provide stability, order, and structure in a relationship.
Libra Venus is characterized by diplomacy, balance, harmony, and fairness. Those with this placement tend to seek out relationships that are equal in nature, with both sides contributing and working together. They may have an idealistic view of relationships, tending to believe in true love and romance. They may seek a partner who is well-rounded, attractive, and charming, and who can engage in deep conversations and understand the value of compromise. They tend to enjoy relationships where everyone can get along and have a peaceful connection.
⋆ Be diplomatic and show your ability to keep it balanced and fair.
⋆ Be charming, courteous, and considerate towards them.
⋆ Don't be too aggressive or overpowering in your approaches towards them, as this can be a turn-off.
⋆ Show that you are willing to compromise and see things from their point of view.
⋆ Demonstrate emotional maturity and be willing to express your feelings in a respectful manner.
A Scorpio Venus is characterized by a deep and intense approach to relationships. People with this placement may have emotional walls up, making it challenging for them to open up and be vulnerable. They may have a darker side or be attracted to the hidden depths on others. They may have a strong intuitive nature, seek out deep and meaningful connections, and crave intimacy and trust. They may have high standards and expectations when it comes to relationships and expect their partners to match their intensity and be willing to explore deep levels of trust.
⋆ Be honest and genuine in your interactions and show them that you can go deep.
⋆ Be open to exploring darker sides and don't shy away from more taboo subjects.
⋆ Show that you can be trustworthy and keep their secrets.
⋆ Demonstrate your passion and commitment and be willing to put in effort.
⋆ Let them know that their emotions are safe with you and make them feel seen and understood.
A Sagittarius Venus is known for having a free-spirited, adventurous, and flexible approach to relationships. People with this placement may have a tendency to avoid commitment and prefer to explore and try new things. They may crave freedom and independence and may have a hard time settling down. However, they can also bring a zest and excitement to relationships and thrive in exciting and stimulating environments. They may prefer casual relationships with a lack of limitations but can still have serious long-standing relationships if their needs are met.
⋆ Be spontaneous and willing to try new things.
⋆ Show your adventurous and playful side, and be open to exploring and new experiences.
⋆ Don't be too clingy or controlling, as they prefer their freedom and can be more independent.
⋆ Be honest and upfront in your communication and don't be afraid to be straightforward.
⋆ Demonstrate your sense of humor and have a fun-loving attitude that matches their spirit.
Capricorn Venus is described as a responsible, practical, and loyal placement, seeking commitment and stability in relationships. People with this placement may be more reserved and may have high standards when it comes to selecting a partner. They may take things slowly and prefer to establish a solid foundation before committing to someone. They may require time to open up and express their emotions, but once they trust someone, they can be loyal and devoted partners who prioritize their relationship.
⋆ Be reliable, responsible, and trustworthy.
⋆ Demonstrate your ability to be practical and realistic in your interactions.
⋆ Respect their need for space and alone time.
⋆ Be open to committing and showing loyalty.
⋆ Show that you can take the relationship seriously and want something long-lasting and stable.
Aquarius Venus is characterized by a unique and innovative approach to relationships. They may prefer unconventional partners and seek out connections that are dynamic and stimulating. They may not fit into traditional relationship structures or dynamics and may be attracted to more progressive thinking and ideas. They may prefer to explore deeper connections and be attracted to someone who can match their independent and unique vibe. Ultimately, they will thrive with someone who is open-minded and can embrace their unorthodox nature.
⋆ Be open-minded and non-judgmental in your interactions.
⋆ Respect their need for independence and autonomy.
⋆ Allow them to express themself freely and don't try to control or limit them in any way.
⋆ Show your ability to keep up with their innovative and unorthodox nature.
⋆ Be willing to explore their unconventional thinking and ideas.
Pisces Venus is characterized by a sensitive and compassionate approach to relationships. People with this placement may have a tendency to romanticize their relationships and can be very forgiving and accepting of their partners' flaws. They may have a strong connection to their spirituality and have a heightened intuition about others. They may be empathic and perceptive, easily sensing someone's emotions. They may tend to get lost in their feelings and desire deep connections, but they may also get overwhelmed by their emotions or their partners' feelings.
⋆ Be compassionate and empathetic in your interactions.
⋆ Recognize their sensitivity and allow them to express their feelings freely without judgment.
⋆ Show that you can be reliable and trustworthy, and respect their need for depth and a sense of spiritual connection.
⋆ Be patient, understanding, and open-minded when it comes to their emotions.
⋆ Be a good listener and let them know that you understand and accept them for who they are.
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yuveenti-blog · 10 days
🤫🤔🫢🫦🧠🗣️ Your Communication Issues Based on Your Rising Sign 🤫🤔🫢🫦🧠🗣️
Disclaimer: If it don’t apply, let it fly ☺️😌
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Aries Rising:
* Speaking aggressively even when calm.
* Noticeable anxiety when they speak ( voice getting louder, shaky voice, stuttering, mumbling).
* Struggle to listen as their minds are fired up.
* Changing their opinion frequently and playing devils advocate.
* Easily able to manipulate others, watch out for their convincing ways especially when they want something.
* Can come across as judgmental and can make people uncomfortable with this aspect.
Taurus Rising:
* Can be hard to know how they truly feel, they can play off just how emotional they are, closed off.
* Reserved and private, hard to get these people to open up.
* They can tell people what they want to hear, instead of choosing to be honest.
* They can retreat into their own world especially to deal with their emotions, hard to reach.
* If they feel a certain way towards someone they can be stubborn, defensive, and take things personally.
* Can hold a lot of their real feelings in.
Gemini Rising:
* Needs an audience or some form of validation to be talkative and social or they will be quiet.
* A lot of pride over their opinions and perspective.
* They can dish it, but they cannot take it.
* Can struggle to allow others to shine, they want to be the brains, beauty, and more.
* Selectively choosing to engage with those who give their ego a boost.
* Saying things just so people can like them.
* Telling lies.
Cancer Rising:
* Categorizing people into boxes before getting to know them.
* Indirect communication style. ( skimming around topics, avoiding certain conversations, not allowing anyone in, passive aggressive).
* Not being authentic in their communication, saying what they believe the other wants to hear.
* Can become detached and emotionally distant when sorting through their own issues.
* Difficulty expressing their feelings, but can be a therapist for other people.
* Criticizing the way they speak too much, over analyzing their communication.
* Can be a complainer.
Leo Rising:
* Perfectionist about your social image.
* Feeling a sense of importance amongst others that can come off as a superiority complex.
* Easily see the flaws of others, but can have a hard time being forthright and transparent about their flaws.
* Always trying to make everyone happy and feel good, but struggling with their own insecurities.
* Being superficial and caring about outward appearance too much, constant criticizing people’s appearance.
* Have a big ego and feel slighted and personally offended fast.
* Wants to be popular so will people please to fit in with the in crowd.
* Can be avoidant or disappear when issues come up.
* Can gossip about people behind their back.
Virgo Rising:
* Can be detached due to their introspective and analytical nature.
* Withdraw a lot and need a lot of time to themselves to process their experiences.
* Intensely introverted and retreats a lot into their own world.
* Going through extremes of isolated and constantly socializing and talking.
* Either dead silent or chatter box’s.
* Scrutinizing themselves too much so others feel awkward around them.
* If not scrutinizing around others, mentally doing it in a conversation and then feeling the need to be quiet.
* Psychoanalyzing and probing others but get uncomfortable when people do this to them.
* Speaking intensely.
Libra Rising:
* There is an excessive need to appear positive, bordering toxic positivity.
* Head in the clouds
* A tendency to overpromise or overextend theirselves to others.
* An issue with instilling boundaries.
* Do things just to keep the peace.
* Will run away at the sight of any issue or problems.
* Friends with people they outgrew but just keep thinking things will get better.
* Can be naive in conversations.
Scorpio Rising:
* Negative, pessimistic, cynical mindset which can often undermine their communication.
* Chronic complainers.
* Feels restricted in speaking freely. Feels they need to speak when spoken to or with people they are close to.
* Reserved and timid.
* Can have a mindset that nothing matters so can a bit dry responding to people’s issues.
* Or may take on other people’s issues as their own and act like a therapist.
* They can probe and psychoanalyze others but keep a lot of their personality and business hidden.
* Need to have control when communicating with others. Control and power dynamics are apparent in their communication.
* May feel more mature than others, so constantly feeling they have to dumb theirselves down or parent others.
* Can be grammar and pronunciation police.
* Judgmental of how people present themselves. May think everyone should be like them.
* Usually ends up trauma bonding or attracting people who vent a lot of their emotions on them.
Sagittarius Rising:
* Has big ideas that often are not yet accepted or people deem crazy, unrealistic, or wishful.
* Want others to join along their ideas, and may deal with pushback from more conservative individuals.
* Interrupts mid conversation cause they have something they have to just get out.
* Doesn’t listen well when people talk to them about things that aren’t interesting.
* Challenges others beliefs which can come off as personal attacks.
* Detached and insensitive when engrossed in a new idea, project, or interests.
* Unpredictable communication.
* Can have random outbursts or random moments where they are super happy and social.
* High energy which can be overwhelming to some. Talks a lot and then distant.
Capricorn Rising:
* Feeling restricted in communication. Wanting to express themselves freely but feeling that they have to control a lot of what they say.
* A sensitive soul with a hard exterior.
* Finding that people project a lot onto them.
* Feeling you they cant be themselves , so choosing to stay silent.
* Being deceitful or lying.
* Having to hold in a secret that weighs heavy on them.
* Needing someone to stimulate a conversation with them or else they don’t know what to say.
* Unclear on how to assert themselves. May come off passive aggressive.
* Off into their own world, withdrawn from the world.
Aquarius Rising:
* Can come across as less emotional and detached. Can say things bluntly and outright that shock or upset others.
* If someone isn’t being forthright and honest you can become irritated easily.
* Needing space to do their own thing. Can feel smothered by too much interaction.
* Unexpected communication. They might go weeks without talking to someone and then call them.
* On the other hand they can attract abrupt personalities where communication is spontaneous.
* Controversial opinions.
* Some of the ways they talk can be strange or odd.
* Females might carry a masculine theme to them that can intimidate others.
Pisces Rising:
* Withdrawn and uncommunicative.
* These people are sensitive and will retreat if they sense an issue or conflict.
* These people struggle to initiate conversation.
* Stubborn towards other people’s ideas.
* Can lie and fabricate things.
* Masters at deflecting and gaslighting.
* Can rationalize their feelings or at times make it seem their feelings are insignificant. They can also do this others.
* Rose colored glasses and can come across as delusional.
* May refuse to take any criticism.
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k-rising · 8 months
𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
What's the 9th house?: This house is ruled by Sagittarius and represents ethics and morals, spirituality, cultures, travel, studies, luck and philosophy.
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𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Scholars and visionaries. These people attach great importance to personal growth and have a great ambition for knowledge. They give others their knowledge to enhance their growth. They like to investigate topics that seem interesting to them. They seek to have a broad vision beyond common sense. If the Sun is badly aspected, they can become arrogant people who demonstrate intellectual superiority.
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Curious and volatile. These people tend to end up living far from where they were born. They are susceptible to the opinions of others. Intellectual stimulation in this position is very important for them. They dream a lot about the future, but they don't focus on the present. They need to absorb knowledge to expand their worldview. They also need to build their own values so that they can feel more secure and emotionally stable.
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Restless and curious. Studying and reading will always be part of their life. They are interested in the culture of other countries. They may be interested in topics such as human rights and religion. If Mercury is well aspected, they tend to learn new languages easily.
𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Adventurous, open-minded, sociable and optimistic. These people love to travel and learn new things. They attract people from different countries and cultures and learn a lot from others. They are attracted to people who give them new experiences. Some may easily fall in love with more than one person.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Honest, straightforward, lovers of life and open-minded. These people prefer to experience certain things for themselves rather than believe the opinions of others. They tend to rebel against traditions and religious beliefs. Some may move abroad to teach.
𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Restless, optimistic and intuitive. These people are focused on their destiny and seek to understand life in a deeper way. They tend to be quite incomprehensible to others. They have to learn to respect other points of view.
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Practical. They tend to be closed-minded and it is difficult for them to change their minds. They do not tend to believe much in the mystical, but instead seek to give a scientific explanation to things. It is possible that they were forced to follow a religion from a very young age and that always generated rejection. They may also have had a lot of school problems or even been denied going to school in some way.
𝐔𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Unique and eccentric. These people see life from different points of view. They tend to rebel against traditional beliefs and the opinions of others. They do not usually follow a religion that many people follow. They often experience unusual and unexpected things on their trips.
𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people believe that anything is possible. They are attracted to mystical experiences and are open to all kinds of thoughts. Religion or some other belief is important for them. It is very likely that they will experience some type of spiritual journey. They have to be very careful, since they can become blinded to certain beliefs.
𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Persuasive and intelligent. Knowledge is power for them. They need to find some meaning in their lives and are always searching for the truth. They may experience dramatic crises in their lives. They are firm when it comes to giving their opinions and they always back up their arguments. They also like to change other people's minds. Traveling may cause them some type of trauma.
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‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 ���𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Astrology observations from real life 🪷🪷🪷
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Credit goes to astrology blog @astroismypassion
A few in my mailbox asked me to post about astrology playing out in real life. I still have to preface that the view is mostly based from the viewpoint of my own individual Natal chart. So it’s coming from a perspective of Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising.
🪷 For me 8th house Synastry with Cancer or Taurus, Libra over the 8th house is not the usual “love or hate connection” at all. So this is one thing I definitely didn’t relate. I think love hate dynamic could be perhaps more prominent if you have a malefic, Capricorn, Aquarius etc. over the 8th house. So I have Cancer over the 8th house. And best I could describe 8th house Synastry with Cancer placements is “failed attempts”. I really like them, but nothing ever gets of the ground with them. I had already someone’s Cancer Sun and Mercury in my 8th house and another person’s Cancer Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars in my Cancer 8th house. Each Cancer was completely different, but there was usually a pattern I noticed, that after 3 years of knowing them, there is usually a breaking point and it’s always after 3 years. They either rejected me, friendzoned me or weren’t looking to enter a committed partnership. So technically, on paper is nothing particularly wrong in the 8th house Synastry, just stagnant and not much happening and the connection just never got of the ground to begin with. So that’s why I don’t really understand the 8th house love or hate thing. I would say we are pretty neutral toward one another and don’t hate each other, but aren’t in love either.
🪷 Aquarius Moon can end up being quite narrow-minded in a way that they have hard time fully accepting the other’s perspective, but only their own. That’s why sometimes having a conversation with them, doesn’t feel like a dialogue, but more so like they are in a monologue with themselves. Some can end up being quite preachy, because of that.
🪷 In my experience Taurus Moons, natives with Taurus IC are some of the most secure individuals. Because they have the needed self-love and most that I have met don’t even feel the need to start a partnership, just because they are just so comfortable on their own.
🪷 Pisces Moon can either be incredibly intuitive, compassionate or really mean “in the name of the truth”. But I feel like you have to know them for years, before it really becomes apparent how blunt, truthful and sometimes mean they actually are. They can kind of be unhealthy towards themselves by not believing they are capable. But also have the ability to negatively influence others with their negative mood as well. They are really observant and good listeners, therefore often times they choose words that know will sting you.
🪷 I noticed that stereotypically labelled as “players” when grown up, Aries Moon men, even Moon aspect Mars natives, appear that way only in adulthood. But what I found, that in childhood/teenage years they were often ignored by women or didn’t receive much romantic attention at all. They were rarely picked or chosen. So later they seem to quite enjoy the attention. I’d say maybe it’s the same for Aries Moon women? I don’t know, but Selena Gomez (Aries Moon) did talk about how boys were never interested in her when she way much younger, that she didn’t receive much romantic attention.
🪷 Libra Chiron people have strange behaviour. They still pursue people who rejected them and fall even deeper in love. Like what?? You guys deserve reciprocal love and not this one-sided thing.
🪷 Scorpio Rising, Pluto in the 1st house native is really one of the realest people you meet out there. They become so open and honest about life with time and in adulthood. They are not pretentious at all and I noticed they even don’t mind if they embarrass themselves a bit, as long as they are being authentic and living their own truth and purpose. A lot of them also went through a major breakthrough in life (dropped out of education, lost an important job etc.) and that launched them in a totally new life direction, career path, where they end up being successful then. They are very artistic, even though they appear logical, excellent problem solvers too.
🪷 Natives with Moon at a Leo degree (5, 17, 29) low key are Cancer Suns. I noticed you have troubled love life, because you get taken advantage of your kindness and you are genuinely so nice. I wouldn’t say this rings true too for Leo Moons or Moon in the 5th house natives (you more so attract rather selfish people).
🪷 Libra Moons probably rarely saw the conflict resolution between parents, so many of them are so conflict avoidant (are even scared to have tension) in a partnership, because deep down they didn’t really learn conflict resolution and don’t know how to solve it.
🪷 Cancer Moon men desire a wife, a housemaker, a best friend, a lover, a wifey in one person. They often secretly wish for a very traditional marriage. But to be fair, they probably had parents that were married for years or married couple goals, so they had role models and want the same for themselves.
🪷 A lot of Scorpio Risings or Pluto in the 1st house native have this idealisation with wealth going on. A lot of them dream of extreme wealth and are very money, financial stability oriented.
🪷 You really get along with someone who has their Rising sign in the same sign of your 11th house. For example: you have Scorpio over the 11th house, you could have a good chance to get along with Scorpio Risings.
🪷 Libra Chiron don’t find themselves attractive. But y’all are models for real. So so many people find you very conventionally attractive.
🪷 Aquarius Eros people can have a tendency to be so random. And you guys love love surprising others. Just not the other way. 😂 You dislike surprises. But I don’t find the stereotypes of being into “group sex, threesomes, kinky af” true at all. Most of them are oddballs with specific humour and often postpone intimacy, because they prefer touching people with their words. They really like hangouts and long talks over physical intimacy or touching. A lot of them also don’t understand why people rush intimacy so much. They like to take their time. However, they are into connection with people that has proved time. The longer they have known you, the more they are likely to consider you an intimate option. They really like people that stick with them or have been in their life for years.
🪷 Pisces Descendants doesn’t come across to me as delusional. Instead quite controlling towards the actions of their partner. They are idealistic about love and want their partner to act accordingly with their wishes. So they get “their way” by presenting themselves as a hopeless romantic.
🪷 Cancer Moon, Moon in the 4th house both men and women often feel like they can’t protect or defend themselves in the world. So they are often attracted to “protector” type of partner. However, the potential downfall of not learning how to protect themselves is falling into a parent child dynamic with their partner (with Cancer Moon, Moon in the 4th house native acting as a child).
Credit goes to astrology blog @astroismypassion
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bouquetface · 3 months
Future Spouse Based on Nakshatra - Pt. One
Please read the following for accuracy:
Check for which nakshatra of your dakarkaka.
You may want to check the nakshatra of your Venus (for wife) and Jupiter (for husband) as well.
You may want to read for your moon & AatmaKaaraka nakshatra to see if the traits apply to you.
DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind accuracy is influenced by the ENTIRE natal chart.
General Neutral traits:
Often tall & lean. Ofc not always.
Talkative. Often witty/clever & educated.
Wealthy - Can come from a family that has a known name within their community. Or they will build wealth and become known in their community.
Drawn to social & humanitarian causes. They can help change lives - in small ways or big. EX: Provide jobs, Provide help of some sort to people who need it.
Modest person - may express this as being mostly uninterested in materialistic things.
Quick learner. Good listeners Good teachers & counsellors.
Often marry partners who are helpful to them. Spouses can be open minded. Married life is generally said to be good.
Negative traits:
Open minded views BUT stubborn to change views once decided on.
Gossip often. Jealous people. This creates many enemies/haters. This will be a problem as they often care A LOT about their reputation. However, it is only a problem IF people find out. Often, they are generally well liked & well spoken upon meeting.
General Neutral traits:
Responsible. Independent. Protective. Likely due to being the eldest sibling.
Analytical & Clever.
Good communication skills - writing or speaking.
Good humour. Entertaining personality. As a result a popular personality.
Leadership qualities. Likely to work their way up in their industry or company.
Adaptable & philosophical side to them.
Not conventionally attractive. Considered “lucky” as they often find a spouse who is more attractive than them.
Negative traits:
Intelligence can be used to manipulate.
Secretive. Keep true feelings to themselves.
Prone to depression, anxiety, and overall negative feelings. May be due to keeping a lot to themselves. Can feel burdened with too much responsibility.
General Neutral traits:
Round face. Often Attractive. Cute & soft appearance. Simple modest style.
Attracts jealously - sometimes from family members of the same sex. EX: younger sister loves you but dislikes being in your shadow. Mother loves you but criticizes your life choices - career or romantic partner or other things.
Good communicators. Persuasive. May enjoy reading/writing poetry.
Success comes at their own efforts. If they desire it AND work for it, they can succeed in academics & career.
Leadership qualities combined with their communication makes it likely they have leadership roles in career - EX: Managing, teaching, someone to be respected/looked up to by newcomers in the field.
Negative traits:
Controlling. Prone to jealously. This can lead to difficult romantic relationships in their younger years.
Others may judge this person on their appearance. People will try to tear them down. Often, they have strong comebacks.
Others may try to take advantage of this person’s good nature. While they appear sweet & polite, they aren’t naive or stupid. They will catch on to people who are untruthful or fake.
General neutral traits:
Large forehead, attractive eyes. Prominent butt.
Honest - sometimes harsh. The type of person who may unintentionally hurt your feelings. Speak before thinking.
Good memory. Analytical. Likes to dig deeper - get to the root of the problem. This may make them good in fields of research like sciences.
Better writers than they are talkers. Clever people.
Able to defend themselves. & often it is said they will defeat their haters & conquer despite obstacles.
Likely to enjoy thinking type games - EX: Wordle, crosswords, puzzles, chess, checkers, etc.
Negative traits:
Argumentative. Fights with family. Likely misunderstood by the family. Results in anger for the family.
Being misunderstood makes them uncommunicative. Will struggle with periods of loneliness in life.
Wish to hide any signs of weakness. May appear emotionless/lacking compassion - however, they are compassionate, they just don’t like showing it.
Feel restricted. Experience periods of deep isolation.
General Neutral traits:
Curly hair. Sharp features. Above average height. Muscular body. Generally, attractive. Eventually, become physically active.
Generally small social circle - few true close friends.
Gain wealth later in life. Often the most successful in their family.
Independent. Doesn’t like to rely on others. Good organizer.
Generally humble, chill/down to earth.
Negative traits:
Bad childhoods. Struggles in early life. Anger towards family. Ego is a problem with these people. Unlikely to fully resolve a conflict - will hold secret resentment.
Manipulative tendencies - Secretive about true feelings/intentions.
General Neutral traits:
Often attractive. Broad shoulders. Lean body type.
Polite & Charismatic. Good listener. Helpful. Builds good karma. Often popular & social.
Generally truthful but will lie to appear nice.
Responsible. Strong devotion towards their family. Will go out of their way to help family and other loved ones.
Often has a good education. Good career. Financially does well.
Good moral compass. Strong sense of purpose - this can manifest as being career orientated.
Negative traits:
Can be quick to anger. Can seek revenge. Difficulty forgiving. Difficulty holding oneself accountable.
Indulgent side shown after marriage - EX: they may end up indulging too much in foods that are bad for their health. They may overspend/become overly materialistic.
General Neutral traits:
Long faces. Large bodies - may be bulky or physically tall.
Friendly. Good social life - often well-liked/popular.
Intelligent. Curious, open to learning new things. Witty person. Flirty.
Good communicators. Good debaters. Enjoy learning more/exploring more.
Action orientated people. Hardworking people. Leadership roles in career.
Negative traits:
Short attention span. Many interests. Do not realize when they are being friendly or being flirty - may upset their marriage partner.
Experience bad relationships -could become suspicious of their partners.
Secretly desire being the center of attention. Insecure. Need for validation.
General Neutral traits:
Often tall. Expressive eyes. Often smiling. Can appear mischievous.
Unique people - unconventional behaviours &/or interests.
Logical. Witty. Success in academics is likely.
Self-reliant. Good communicators. Likely to obtain good to moderate wealth.
Imaginative. Future orientated. Dislikes injustice.
Negative traits:
Eccentric behaviour can make them unpredictable. Not the best person to depend on.
Not the most generous. Understanding to other’s issues but at the end of the day, they’re looking out for their own desires.
Later in life, must be cautious of financial or marriage problems. These problems are often a result of immature behaviours. They can be resolved if correct steps are taken.
Mix of sharp and soft features. Narrow, sharp eyes. Soft cheeks & face. Sharp jawline. Smaller forehead.
Friendly. Well liked. Benefits from connections. Mostly will experience a comfortable life.
Artistic interests. Ambitious. Like to create.
Compassionate. Generous. Reliable. Dependable. These traits make them popular. Their connections help them gain comfort & wealth.
Open minded to an extent. Certain beliefs are unchangeable with these individuals.
Negative traits:
Receive a lot of help and luck - they may not acknowledge this/be ungrateful. EX: Claiming to be self made when it is not true.
Can have a “my way or no way” mindset at times. Some will view them as arrogant and bossy/demanding.
General Neutral traits:
Moderately tall. Good complexion. Heart-shaped/pouty lip. Stick out in a crowd due to appearance.
Good hygiene. Sociable. Well-liked by most. This can help them advance in career.
May have a wealthy or well connected family. This can help them in career or education. EX: Parents will pay tuition or for transportation.
Lover of animals. Nurturing personality - however, often have children later in life or not at all.
Creative. Artistic interests or skill like drawing/painting as a hobby.
Negative traits:
Vicious when hurt. Can become angry when they feel their compassion & generosity is not being reciprocated.
Karmic relationship with people in the family.
Struggle with insecurities. Results in self doubt & low self esteem.
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limitlessgoddess · 9 months
your guide to manifesting your desires in 2024.
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i have manifested getting into my dream college, straight As every semester, visiting NYC, and a HUGE glow up (nourished hair, clearer skin, beautiful body, pretty face, emotional intelligence, baddie mindset, and supportive friends + family) in 2022. here's all the things i did that worked for me! i understand everything does not work the same for everyone, for example i find visualization fun and easy to do while affirming, even though natural to me, seems like work to me so i use it as an aid to fuel my visualization. i have had bad mental health days but i persisted in my desires regardless because i know i always get everything i want. 
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1. understanding yourself and your thought processes:
this is not necessary for you to manifest what you want but it helps in creating self-awareness in the long term. i used to overthink a lot (manifested it away) so i affirmed and visualized during any free time i had, and eventually my doubts faded away. even if they pop up sometimes, i'm just like meh that's not true and brush them aside. for me, processing all my complicated emotions is essential to me because i get to know my patterns and start working on changing them. it does not matter what triggered them, you've to live with them for the rest of your life if you don't feel them and let them go.
2. discovering new things:
you should get out of your comfort zone. there are thousands of things in the world you haven't experienced. desires can change and you aren't obligated to stick to this one dream when something else lights up the fire inside you in the present. i had the dream of living in NYC for a long term but I became more open to DC, LA, Philadelphia, and other cities after visiting them. i have explored new hobbies too and they've become an important part of me now. being adaptable is important!
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3. never settle:
a dream might be small for someone while the same dream might be unattainable for someone else. it's all about persisting in your desires and making them seem attainable to your subconscious. you don't have to lift a finger to manifest, so why aren't you being stubborn about what you want? why are you settling for less when you deserve to have so much more? don't settle for bread crumbs when you can have a WHOLE DAMN LUXURIOUS MEAL.
4. self-concept:
the qualities i find most attractive in a person are communication, efforts, dedication, honesty, and loyalty. so i start affirming for those qualities in myself! i embody them by telling myself, "i am dedicated, honest, and loyal", "i am irreplaceable and unforgettable just because i exist", "i communicate and put in efforts for the people who have the greatest in mind for me." we love people who are secure in themselves and so, we naturally gravitate towards them. i don't care if someone has a pretty body or a pretty face. if they have the drive to succeed in what they're doing and they're giving me princess treatment, i'd immediately fold. it's the inner qualities that stay in the longer term (though you can forever be ageless and youthful, but to complement that you need a beautiful mind and heart - those make you more attractive). 
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esoteriamaya · 2 months
Astro thoughts : short n sweet <3 moonshinin' <3
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Moon in the first house - Very empathetic sweet creatures. Def could be used a lot by people that they love and trust because they can be very giving to their energy a little too much. Attractiveness is through the roof as their auras are usually more open. Very smooth, soft bodies and have an innocent energy around them majority of the time. Its hard to stay mad at them.
Moon in the second house - They need time alone so they can get their thoughts in check. This is a taurus ruled house, so sometimes their emotions can be thru the roof, but they can be extremely level-headed/grounded with the way they move through their circumstances. Money can flow to them smoothly if they keep their focus high on the prize. Other wise, they can be duped by peasants with their fortune if they are not careful.
Moon in the third house - Very practical, intelligent nature. Honest and self aware. Very deep and can bond with anyone if you let them. Truly can keep you on your toes with each convo they have. Can talk to much, or can be way too quiet No in between. Can make a friend outta anyone tbh.
Moon in the fourth house - Light hearted nature. Very sweet and kind to anyone they meet but they keep to themselves a lot. They do NOT like too many people in they're space and it is a treasure to meet them AND to have them around 24/7 because they do not like being around just anybody. You gotta be more complex to get to know them, they are truly a one of a kind. Mysterious nature.
Moon in the fifth house - Great actors. Have a lot of gifts in the arts and could soothe people's emotions with them if they allow their vulnerable side to show. Children LOVE them and are usually inspired by them. The personality of this individual is raw, gentle and nurturing and they must be protected.
Moon in the sixth house - Boundaries is a big thing for this group. Gotta keep their energy in check because they can almost be like in hermit mode. Needs friends that understand their nature to keep them balanced. Animals and plants are their best friend.
Moon in the seventh house - Can have issues with lovers do to their high intensity with their emotions. It's almost like people can't see them for who they are and theirs a lot of potential of a transformative love. With the moon shining its light here, they are almost capable of turning anyone into a special relationship if the chemistry permits.
Moon in the 8th house - Beautiful souls that have a gift in penetrating the minds, souls and bodies of the people they meet. They have internal woes that never seem to make it to the sky, but they know how to water them and make them grow in the ground. True balance is needed with them so they almost always are going thru dark nights of the soul just to get them their. They have a lot to learn, but also so much to show to themselves and others as the journey is a long beautiful one in the end.
Moon in the ninth house - Captivating souls who are needing to bond with people who can change the perception of their mind through the eyes of travel or simply growing in this lifes journey. They know a lot about their favorite topics and would love to share it with anyone who wants to listen to them. Calming auras who enlightens you with the way they think, and are meant to teach and inspire in some way, shape, or form.
Moon in the tenth house - The sweet talkers of the group. The audience just adores them. You really can't stay mad at them for to long. They have sensual energy and people feel this right away. Celebrity energy. Secretive by nature. Most don't know a lot about you, even if your emotional state is in full view to everyone. Masters of manipulation, don't say I didn't warn you ;)
Moon in the eleventh house - Can make friends as soon as they walk out of their house. Shy and reserved in new environments but tend to be a lot sweeter and open up when their comforted. Has a unique presence and a distinctive style. Could almost convince anyone of anything as their looks and attraction tends to make people look the other way.
Moon in the 12th house - Alluring. Majestic. Spontaneous & a wanderer. Protect these children at all cost. There is more than what meets the eye. They attract a lot of people like bees to honey. But flies like you too. Can't let everyone in, they don't know what to do with you. Gotta be more open with being yourself, no matter how mysterious you come off. Boundaries are needed for this group since they are more prone to evil eye as their secretive by nature. People are always trying to spy on them and see what they have that they don't.
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verstappenf1lecccc · 4 months
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7140 Characters 1343 Words 🦋
All Lando did was regret everything, he regretted the moment he snapped at the only girl he actually started to love. He didn’t even remember the words he threw at her; he knew he stepped way out of the line. Their relationship was blurry; they were not together, not in the slightest.
She was free to date whoever she wanted, and yet Lando’s blood boiled looking at her interact with anyone else but him, especially when she talked to Oscar. Everyone always mentioned how well they complimented each other; he seemed like he would be perfect for her.
So when Lando saw her hug and congratulate Oscar with such joy and passion, all he saw was red. It felt like salt was being rubbed onto his raw wounds.
Only he could get hugs from her; only he could make her smile to the point where her little dimples showed; only he could be that close to her. He was jealous, and in his jealousy, he ruined his only chance of being with her.
Do you know what it feels like to be completely disrespected and have your words being thrown at you in the worst possible way? Not a feeling anyone would want to feel, but unfortunately, fate hadn’t spared her of that feeling.
She hated herself for opening up to Lando; why did she think he would be any different? Everyone she ever loved always ended up hurting her and inflicting more pain and anguish. She didn’t know what she did wrong; she knew she didn’t deserve that. It wasn’t her fault that Lando was driving like crap.
His words ripped open both old and new wounds, but how long was she going to let people do that to her? Her parents, her sister, her family, and now Lando? When will she ever be free of this type of betrayal? She didn’t want to believe that it was Lando who said those nasty words to her; his words were almost as bad, if not worse, than the words the media used to call her.
Her swollen red eyes and the dark red scratches all over her arms were proof that it was Lando’s words that caused her such anguish.
She knew she had to change; she wanted to hide and cry her eyes out, but she knew this was a sign to change and become a stronger version of herself who lives for her own dreams and not for anyone else. The love she was searching for was never really found, so she decided to love herself.
It had only been a couple of days since Lando let himself lash out on her, too many days if you’d ask him. He knew he needed to pull something massive just to get her back. He wanted to tell her how he felt and why he did what he did, but each time he rehearsed that speech, he sounded more and more like a jerk.
Lando needed help, and he knew only one person could help him, much to his dismay it was Oscar, the other Aussie.
Lando still remembers the way she told Oscar how adorable his accent was; yeah that ticked Lando off. It was almost like she tried to tempt Lando into lashing out on her. It was at this moment that Lando realized that he was Lando Norris. (A terrible realization) he didn’t need her; he had a hundred girls willingly throwing themselves at him.
Who cared about a girl who was flirting with her teammate to get back at him? Lando didn’t understand how stupid he sounded in that very moment, and so it goes the pictures get out of Lando sucking faces with a pretty blonde.
Those images were the wake-up call y/n busmante needed. She left the paddock in a haste, finding it more than necessary, especially when she saw the ugly snarl Lando sent her when she bumped into him. It was almost as if he didn’t realize how bad his words hurt her. Lando’s eyes snapped down to the sheer cover-up she wore; he would see the red marks.
To be honest, he didn’t care. She wasn’t his problem; she won’t be messing with his head again. It was her fault that he lost; the pretty blonde who had her arm around his bicep made him feel powerful.
Lando felt like a weak little boy, looking at his favorite toy being thrown out or donated, but having a new toy in hand, he didn’t realize the significance his old toy had. The excitement of gaining something new overcame any stinging pain that the loss of something so valuable and important made him feel.
Y/n decided that she was done with men in orange; it was one of fate’s twisted games. She left the paddock in such a hurry that she didn’t realize she bumped into Oscar.
Her raced breathing and red eyes made it obvious to even the blindest man, but it made it clear for Oscar, someone who had kept his eye on the younger busmante sibling since the day she walked into the paddock. Oscar saw the way she looked at his teammate; there were often times he wanted her to turn his way and look at him the same way; he’d give her the world if she wanted it.
Oscar saw the faint red lines on her arm. In a hasty decision, he dragged her to his driver's room. He was always known as a gentleman, always asking for permission before letting his hands wander. But the way Oscar pulled y/n in was urgent; he knew something was wrong and was secretly hoping that Lando had done something to her so that he would have an excuse to beat the crap out of him for it. Most importantly, though, Oscar wanted to know if his girl was okay? She looked up at him, eyes glossy and looked like they hurt based on how red and irritated they looked. She looked so sad and quiet, the Aussie didn’t know what to do or say to make her pain go away.
All it took was one tight hug; the moment Oscar's buff arms made contact with her, she lost control. Her eyes bled more tears, each one a stab at Oscar's heart. He wanted to rip Lando apart limb by limb for doing this to her. Oscar had heard everything.
The day Lando ended up DNF-ing, Oscar went to his room to talk to him. What he heard made him never want to look at his teammate again. He sat there holding her for an hour, both seeking comfort. Oscar slowly raised the sleeves of her cardigan to look at the damage she had inflicted upon herself. A slight whine came out of the girl, a weak protest, but she didn't really care. She felt mentally drained and didn't know why Oscar was bothering so much, but it did feel good that someone cared.
When his rough fingers made contact with her irritated skin, the moment felt intimate. He ran his fingers through her hair, coaxing her to spill all her deepest thoughts and darkest secrets. She complied, incoherently mumbling everything Lando had said to her and how he had acted. All while being hugged close to Oscar's midriff, his scent intoxicating her, making her feel calm.
It was funny, really, when you looked at it from an outsider's perspective. Two young adults sitting on the floor, one holding the other, while the older one stared intently at the wounded younger one.
The moment looked like a scene in Shakespeare's plays, where instead of Romeo and Juliet, it was Benedict and Beatrice, the calmer, more stable ones.
Oscar knew she was hurting; he saw the pain in her face each time she mentioned him. "Will you go back to how it was if he comes up to you and apologizes?"
That simple question made her blood run cold.
She knew the answer, but she didn't want to admit it to anyone, most importantly herself.
tag list -: @dessxoxsworld @laneyspaulding19 @hc-dutch @slytherinholland @landoslutmeout @socially-awkward-eliza @ilovechickenwings @fanficweasley @ushygushybaby @bbl32 @the-untamed-soul
thank you to everyone who asked to be tagged and to everyone who sent suggestions obviously there will be a part 3 but it will be out :) as always let me know how this was :)
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power-handmaiden · 1 month
Day 223: Pounded In The Butt By My Bizarre Assumption That Chuck Tingle Books Are Just Covers And Not Actual Books
Can't relate to the protagonist of this one! That's okay, though. I relate enough to his friend. Having enough thoughts on the Tingleverse to fill an entire college final presentation... easy!
OK, I'm aware of the existence of people like the protagonist, though more often I've encountered people who are aware of the stories but assume that they must be formulaic and it wouldn't be worth reading more than one or two of them. And... to be honest I even understand why they make that assumption. If most people set out with the stated goal of writing as many erotic absurdist stories as Dr. Tingle does, I think they would end up repeating themselves a lot. (Because that isn't what most people are particularly passionate about and they would run out of ideas!) They don't go far enough to imagine themself in the position of dedicating themself to a topic they love, rather than someone else's niche of living object erotica.
Believing the stories are only covers, or that the stories are all the same, or that Dr. Tingle is a collection of collaborators or an AI... it all comes down to the same thing: the belief that one person couldn't possibly have so many unique stories in them. The refusal to consider the great accomplishments that are possible when one creates while following nothing but their passion. Refusing the reality of Chuck Tingle means living in a world that has a limit on creativity. Accepting that one person channeled love and passion into such a large collection of works opens one up to such a nicer world of possibilities! Like the protagonist at the end of this story, all of us can benefit from believing that every creator is capable of achieving something impressive with their passion.
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thedivinetarot · 26 days
If I can't have you no one should
Who is stalking you?
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☆How to chose the perfect pile for you?
1) Close your eyes.
2)Take a deep breathe.
3) Ask the question in your mind.
4) Open your eyes and the picture you are drawn to the most is your pile.
- This PAC can be applied on social media too not just real life.
- Please don't think of anyone while you are choosing.
- If you think that someone is stalking you or your social media and you find their energy here then consider it as a confirmation.
- The energy of this reading is open.
- This reading is just for entertainment purposes, and the energy is not set in stone. This reading can't substitute any medical or professional advice.
Stay safe❤
Pile 1 - Elivera
What are you coming from?
This pile’s energy is a mixed bag to be honest. Some people here are celebrating their anniversary; could be you and your boyfriend, you and your spouse or any anniversary in general. If it is not an anniversary then there's someone in your family who is getting married and you are so happy and excited for the wedding. And if you are the bride then you are so happy that you are going to be a bride. The second energy in this pile are people who are dismissing a connection. Like you might be dating someone for a while but you discovered that this person is no longer good for you or have the same values as you. I see that this person is crushing on you so hard but you are like "ew, stay away". Or if you are not being pursued by anyone then you are learning how to put healthy boundaries with people you are dating. The third energy in this pile is about people who are dealing with trauma. You guys might be holding on this trauma and refusing to heal and let go. There's this sense of "I'm happy with this pain, I don't want to let go". Like you are holding on too tight on this pain and this is what kills me. You don't have to hold onto that pile one, you are way better than this. Also I see that you might be someone who has been victimized themselves all of their life, you might be the type of person who is like "yeah it is my circumstances that made me do that". You might see yourself as a victim or refuse to see the power you hold within yourself. So you stay at that role and you keep carrying on the trauma baggage and refuse to let go of the past. My own advice is to try and heal yourself and try to forgive that person because you'll only hurt yourself pile one.
Who is stalking you?
Ugh, it is an Ex. And if you don't have any Ex then this is a woman from your family. She could be your mother, aunt or a female sibling with water placements (Cancer, Scorpio pr pisces) she is worried about you and she really want to be around you and spend more time with you because she loves you. Okay returning to the Ex, this person is refusing to let you go. He is so damn possessive over you. I'm not seeing any action but he is just watching you from afar and acting prideful. He doesn't want to approach or return, I don't see that. This might just be curiosity, how or what you are doing in your life. And if this person is not an Ex or a female family relative then this is your Ex fiance. And if this is not your fiance or an Ex then this is your crush (for the second energy who is being pursued by a crush). This person might have moon in sagittarius, strong pisces placements or taurus placements, or it could be you. I asked for advice on how to deal with this person and the cards are telling me that if you feel like this person is annoying you by always invading your life and space then go and face them. The cards are encouraging you to be more assertive about who you want in your life and who you don't.
Stay safe pile one and thank you for reading this❤.
Pile 2 - Elaine
What are you coming from?
This pile is is for people who are planning to travel somewhere. and if this is not the case then you collecting your courage to end a chapter in your life with someone who treated you like trash. This person traumatized and made you feel like you don't matter. This person might be a narcissist or a player and this situation left you anxious regarding your love life. I see that you used to be happy and joyful but this perosn sucked your light and made you feel powerless. Pile 2 I'm sorry to see this, I hope you recover and be happy and content on your own. Other people in this pile have an investment that they DON'T want to do, this chance is so good I advice you to take it and if you do take it you'll be so successful and content because of it. It will pay your bills and other expenses. I also see that other energies in this pile, you might traveled somewhere and you ended up being scammed? I see scam here and if you want to travel then be careful of getting scammed, okay?. Pile 2 have you just came from hanging out with your brothers? I see two young guys one have light brown hair and the other is dark brown or black hair one have fire placements and the other have water placements and if they are not your brothers then they might be your friends? Are they teenagers pile 2? I see you hanging out with them or you will. Anyways let's get into the reading.
Who is stalking you?
I see that this is someone you blocked? Were they an option to you? Or have they treated you like an option? This person wants to work things out with you. They might be rich or stable financially and if they are not that rich they could be more stable financially than you. This person is older than you, he have taurus, gemini, aries and cancer placements or it could be you. I see that you walked away from this connection. You gave up on this person and now you are seeking new and more fulfilled connections, especially the romantic ones. I guess this person saw you as a romantic option but never really pursued anything serious. He might have flirted with you and then ghosted you. He might have a strong masculine energy. Or desired by many. I see that you are trying now to put a full stop to this connection and move on with your life. Did this person made you feel desperate for his attention pile 2? I see that you tried to act cool and non chalant but you ended up feeling desperate and devastated by his actions. Let's see what does he want from you; oh yeah, he want a new start with you guys. He is reminiscing over the past and he remembers everything you did together. He want to be involved in a platonic connection with you, and he want to truly be happy and give it a chance. I see that he has a hidden motive; it could be conquering you and making you his. And if not then just enjoy, he doesn't seem harmful but please DON'T TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY!. Detach pile 2, try to Detach.
Stay safe pile 2 and thank you for reading this ❤.
Pile 3 - Vanessa
What are you coming from?
Pile three have you been doubting yourself lately? I see you doubting yourself and avoiding to do the hard work which is taking the lead and be decisive and assertive. You guys have been ignoring that you should do the work and get out of your comfort zone but somehow you either postpone the work and put it off so you can't be uncomfortable. I see that you are thinking negatively and falling in despair, you might be reading a classic literature or just a sad book. I see you overwhelmed by the choices and the "where to start" phrase kept popping in my head. I see you refusing to face this and you can't literally see what is behind this overwhelming feeling of despair. But I see that at some point you should take action and stop postponing what should've been done. Anyway, other people in this pile are my "I'm healthy, I'm wealthy and I'm rich, I'm that bitch" I guess you might like listening to Doja cat or you just repeat this phrase as an anthem to keep your vibrations high. Have you finished working out? I'm seeing you focusing on your health too. Also I see that you are working with high vibrations and trying to manifest a beautiful life like you pile 3. Other people have just finished having sex? Ngl I see you just finished pile 3. He might be your date, soulmate or boyfriend? Maybe a hookup but the sex was so heavenly? I hope you're doing good pile three. And now let's get into the reading.
Who is stalking you?
Okay pile 3 I see that the person who is stalking you was someone you felt discouraged by them romantically?. I see that this is someone with earth placements (capricorn, virgo and taurus). I see that you used to know this person but the divine stepped in between you two and now you don't really know how he is doing? I see that you turned your back on this person. He is a young guy like between 20 and 25. He might be an acquaintance, a friend of a friend I'm seeing. You might know someone who know someone who knows them? This person is not a crush; it is not giving any crush type of energy. They might be a classmate or someone you worked or studied with. I see that they hear the tea on you from a friend? She could be a female friend with air placements. I asked the cards why he is stalking you; the cards are telling me that he want to be your friend and seek a fulfilling connection with you. He might be interested in you and that passion keeps him up all night. Omg 😭 I don't know why I'm getting this feeling. Like he want to act cool but he is so into you. I see that he is so stable and wealthy and if not then he might be mentally stable. I asked for advice and the cards are telling me that if you are interested then you can pursue something with them. I see that you are very independent pile three, and you are so happy and content with how things are in your life. You don't need this person pile three, you want them and that's the difference.
Stay safe dear pile three and thank you for reading this❤.
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26th/Aug/2024 - Mon
*Feedback is appreciated
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