#and periodically buy a month of whatever i want to watch
rowenabean · 2 months
Inspired by finding Yet Another streaming service, I'm curious to know how many entertainment streaming services you have at any given time? I would include anything that you pay for in order to get exclusive content or a smoother/more usable experience eg include Patreons if you're in it for the content but if you're not using any extra content and just there to support the artist that's a you do you situation
(This is a repost because I forgot about zero)
For the record I would pay a one off for the content in question but am just not eager to sign up to something else that I'll probably forget to turn off that's not my jam
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saerins · 8 days
ᯓ ᝰ ONLY FOR YOU .ᐟ — gojo satoru
your new roommate is all sorts of mysterious. the biggest one of all? the fact that he keeps trying for you even when it seems like you won’t budge. (or, satoru’s preposterous attempts at getting you to date him.)
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gojo satoru x female reader. content tags runaway!gojo, modern au, also roommate gojo, they’re both about mid-twenties here, mentions of periods. word count 2.5k
ᯓ notes .ᐟ do not perceive me </3 haha with the state of jjk manga i just wanted some happiness so have some gojo !! this was random and came completely out of nowhere :’) anyway hope you guys enjoy <3
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six months after moving into an apartment in the city, your haphazard living quarters (haphazard mostly because the previous tenants had zero interior design sense) has nearly turned into your dream home.
new furniture litters every square feet, the old ones all tossed out. your living room spots a fresh new rug—black and white, thick and furry. the new coffee table is made of glass, magazines and newspapers filling up the space underneath. the couch has been upgraded to a dark leather, oozing a sense of old money somehow.
it’s not just your living room, your bedroom too spots some new upgrades. the single bed has been upgraded to a queen size, new vanity perpendicular to the study desk and your new wardrobe as high as the ceiling itself.
all minimalistic and black and whites and beiges, a far cry from the old and dreary dark blue walls that seem to evoke a sense of dread in you.
of course, while you’d like to claim the credit for yourself, your roommate played a much bigger part in all of this redecorating. he paid for most of it, after all.
“remind me again, satoru, how do you have this much money when you don’t even work?”
satoru stands beside you, having followed your line of sight as the both of you finally finished redecorating the house. he’s standing tall and proud too, like he’s pleased with himself because he knows you like what he’s thought up of here.
a six-foot-three human of godly proportions with the most beautiful face you’ve ever seen. too bad he’s managed to annoy you the moment he first step foot in the apartment.
he turns to look at you, a wink in your direction before that shit-eating grin and a “it’s a secret” being all he offers.
you roll your eyes. “whatever, satoru,” you shrug it off, slumping down on your new leather seats.
he opts to sit right beside you despite the sofa being the width of your entire living room. he’s annoying like that, always up in your space, has to make himself known—he’s been like this ever since he first moved in.
sometimes he makes you question your decision of having a roommate.
“hey y/n, i wanna ask you something!”
you sigh, in the exasperated non-friendly way and glare at satoru, who’s beaming from ear to ear, because every single time he says that, he’ll ask you some ridiculous question.
the last time he did was a few days ago, when he asked about your period cycle, and when you hit him with the pillow, he’d pouted and said, “hey, i just thought i could help you buy some during your time if i ever dropped by the store!”
(which is funny considering how the first time you went grocery shopping together he looked like a kid on a sugar rush, dumping only—and only—sweets and pastries into the shopping cart.)
“do i get to say no?”
“nope!” and he still has that happy lilt to his voice.
“why do i even bother with you, satoru?” you rub your temples before resigning yourself to look at him with a straight face.
satoru shifts his position so he’s leaning on his side, watching you dreamily. it’s such a crime that he looks like that—it’s so easy for him to make hearts melt. “do you have a boyfriend?”
he nearly makes you choke on nothing. as much as you want to manoeuvre out of such talk with him, you know that you’re just signing up for a much longer conversation with him if you don’t just give him a straight answer.
“no,” you say, contemplating just stopping there, but then again, you don’t want him to get any ideas. “and i’m not looking for one, satoru.”
right on cue, he pouts. but somehow, something tells you he expected your answer already. “but you don’t have one, so i can try,” he says, as if to affirm the idea to himself.
“yeah you can try, but i’ll keep saying no, satoru, so don’t even bother.” you’re trying your best to get him not to even try, but satoru’s optimism is probably one of the strongest things to exist on this earth.
after a continuous fifteen minutes of you insisting that the more he tries, the more it’d turn you off, you thought you’d gotten through to him.
until one week later when he proves all your efforts were for naught.
he shows up at the lobby of your company building, looking all dashing and everything like a modern prince charming would, leaning against the hood of his car while he scrolls through his phone, evidently waiting for you because you’ve decided to ignore all his questions for the past two hours (of which all were trying to get you to tell him what time you get off work).
thanks to his little stunt (showing up at your workplace and basically forcing you to ride with him or else he’ll make an even bigger display of affection), everyone at the office now thinks you’re already dating that tall dreamy man, or that you’re crazy not to.
after you say you’re still not interested, he’s moved on to other forms of… seduction.
one night, you go home to see him in just his sweats, cooking dinner and to top it off, it’s your favourite dish.
you scoff in disbelief, flinging your purse down onto the dining table. (a variation of light oak you both agreed would look good with everything else.) “satoru, what is this?”
he turns around, abs on full display as he acts coy. the spatula in his right hand turning a circle as he shrugs. “what do you mean? just cooking some dinner, want some?”
oh, you’ll get him for this. you don’t know how, but one day you will. he’s taken everything you said you liked about a contestant on a dating show and is currently trying to embody everything he is just to tempt you into dating him.
(it’s unfair that you somehow think satoru is much more handsome than anyone on tv, but you’re never going to tell him that. never.)
(your tone is nearly akin to that which his mother often used on him when he was young. you’re kind of scary sometimes.)
his disinterested expression eases into an easy smirk, his lower back leaning against the counter. “oooh, you’re so hot when you’re all angry, babe.”
“i’m not your babe and the answer is still no!”
(he ends up burning whatever he was trying to cook because he was too busy turning his attention to you.)
the next time he tries, he’s sending you bouquets of flowers to you. at your workplace, right in full view of everyone including your bosses, who all seem to be so interested in your love life now. especially when what they’re reading are things like “can’t wait to see you when you get home, miss you ♡”.
so now the entire office thinks you live with your boyfriend and rumours have spread that you’re going to get married soon. how on earth that second part got out of hand you have no idea.
now everyday when you get home, he has something for you. it varies from time to time, and they range from food to high-end jewellery. he keeps trying to play a game of hit or miss, trying to gauge by your expressions every time he gives you his gift, trying to decide whether you like it or not.
three months later, you can safely say he has your food preferences nailed. as for everything else, like fashion and accessories, there’s more to be said. you didn’t want to accept all his gifts, especially not when you’re going to hate yourself for possibly leading him on, but satoru has never been one to take no for an answer. ever since the day you first met him really, when he only insists on you calling him by his first name and refuses to tell you his last. (yet he wants to know everything about you.)
satoru’s infuriating.
“you know, you keep doing all this without knowing whether i’ll ever say yes, or whether or not i’m taking advantage of you, why won’t you stop?” you ask when you get home one day, tired as shit because an important (yet unreasonable) client has taken the opportunity to shit on you earlier today for things that they failed to do.
it makes you wonder whether satoru ever thinks the same about you; whether you’re an asshole for just… being the way you are.
he tilts his head to the side, the gift in his hand, inside a pretty paper bag, falling to his side as he thinks. “nah, you’re not like that.”
“like what?”
“whatever bad thing you’re thinking about yourself,” satoru decides, moving forward to ruffle your hair. usually you move away, but this time you let him.
“and how are you so sure?”
he pouts a little, as if it’s a disappointment you don’t already know. “i dunno what you’re thinking about, but i happen to like you. a lot.”
“satoru, you barely know me.”
“maybe. but i at least know you’re independent though, you always like to get shit done yourself and you do it all well. and i like the way you work hard, even after you get back home. and you always feed the stray cats outside our apartment, that’s why you hate it when you get off work late.”
there’s a lot of things satoru notices that you probably don’t know about. and here you are, thinking he’s just doing all this for the heck of it. still, it’s an awkward topic that you’re not sure how to continue.
“that’s it?” you mumble sheepishly, averting your gaze.
satoru grins, eyes forming cute little half moons. “want me to say more? i have more, how about—”
“okay you can shut up now!” you exclaim, lunging forward to cover his mouth with your hands, though all that does is give him a reason to shoot you his signature shit-eating grin.
you yank your hands away, realising it does nothing to actually shut him up.
“i like you,” he finishes. still grinning. still proud of himself. still holding your new gift in his hand.
and maybe it’s the way he’s trying relentlessly, tirelessly, even in the face of all your rejections. or maybe it’s the way you notice that he’s trying, earnestly. because honestly? you don’t know what you can offer him. he seems to do just well enough by himself. and with looks like that? you don’t doubt he can attract some powerful socialites if he wants.
or perhaps it’s the way he’s prattling on about how he saw you using up your planner pages already that one time you were perched on the balcony area doing your work that he’s shamelessly now praising himself for getting you more pages because the last time, you said to stop it with the super expensive gifts.
“i think i’m a pretty good listener—”
“okay, satoru,” you concede, a ghost of a smirk tugging the corners of your lips.
satoru blinks like an idiot, like he’s a deer caught in the headlights, because he can’t believe what you just implied.
“okaaaay as in…” he trails off for a moment, his confusion quickly giving way to a full-on grin, the widest you’ve ever seen on him. “y/n, are you my girlfriend now?”
you hold your pointer finger up and tut him, shaking it back and forth trying not to get him to jump the gun. it’s barely been a minute since you agreed and you can already tell he’s going to be a handful.
“we’re not together—”
“yet,” he corrects you, always the eager one. still grinning, still staring at you dreamily, white lashes and blue eyes the bane of your existence.
you sigh, deciding not to reiterate that. “but i’ll go on a few dates with you, satoru. then by the end of it, you’ll see why we won’t work out.”
that doesn’t dampen his spirits—and at this point, you doubt anything ever will. this time, he’s the one shaking his index finger. “or, you’ll wonder where i’ve been your whole life.”
“perhaps. but maybe because i wanted to murder you.”
satoru hums as if he’s pondering it, then shakes his head. “nah, because you’d curse that we didn’t have more time together,” he says, sticking his tongue out.
he may act like a child in a grown man’s body, and more often than not, you may lament internally that he’s annoying and doesn’t know the meaning of personal space, but right now, the way his cheeky expression slowly fades into a genuine smile, the way his big hand comes up to your cheek to caress your face, the way his beautiful blue eyes fall to gaze at your lips—you get the hint that satoru’s dangerous.
dangerous because it might be so easy to fall for him, and maybe next time, before you know it, you’ll love him.
for now, it’s enough for you to absorb, and so you bail first before satoru gets to kiss you on the lips.
“dinner saturday, eight?” he calls after you, and you can just make out his smirk even when you’re not looking at him.
you’re still bounding down the hallway to your room. “whatever, you’re paying, satoru,” you declare back to him, realising you’re still flustered from how close he was back there.
“aw, love you too, babe!”
“oh my god, satoru i hate you,” you groan as you shut the bedroom door behind you.
still, behind closed doors, you can hear him chuckling. “i’ll make you fall for me one day, y/n.”
you don’t understand why, but your knees grow weak, and you fall to the floor clutching your purse in your hands. satoru’s charming and handsome and he’s probably everything you dreamed that prince charming would be.
but you also know how easily romance can ruin you.
so why, for the first time in years, do you feel your heart skipping beats and a genuine excited smile forming on your face?
you fish your phone out when you feel the vibration and realise it’s a text from satoru. never one for any type of space, really.
i’ll take care of you, don’t worry. 🫡
you laugh at his use of the emoji, and for the first time, you feel yourself so easily warming up to someone. deciding to throw him a bone tonight, you text him back.
in his room, satoru smiles to himself as he reads your message.
i’m in your hands, then. 🫡
he’s let a lot of people down recently. but you? no, he doesn’t ever want to let you down. for the first time in his life, he’s wondering if this is what love feels like.
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gureumz · 10 months
stained glass windows
rating: explicit
member: jungwon
notes: fem!reader, stepcest, dubcon, religious corruption, baby trapping (?), unholy use of scripture (sorry god), dom!jungwon, slight angst, mentions of death, step brother!jungwon, breeding, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, jay has a cameo appearance lol
a/n: so this is an amalgamation of everything everyone requested for jungwon,,,reciting bible verses during sex? i got you. stepcest? no problem. baby trapping (this is 100% what i want and yes my wish is my command)? you bet. religious corruption? hell yeah. something super filthy and kinky? say no more. enjoy, hoes! love ya mwa (the bible verse here is 1 Corinthians 10:13 if you were curious)
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sundays are your happy days.
a pretty dress, the stained glass windows, hushed chatter among the churchgoers—these were all the things you waited for at the end of the week.
your mother had always been proud of how involved you are in your faith, showering you with loving words before going to bed when you were little, calling you 'hers and God's favorite angel'. you'd smile and feel a sense of giddiness. God's favorite angel. can you believe it? you made sure to wear that as a badge of honor.
and then you grew up, went to a bigger school, met people who are different from you. even those who you knew were like you, devoted and obedient to their parents and God, seemed to have strayed down the path of parties, drinks, and the unthinkable. that is to say, premarital sex.
you never understood the appeal of it all. your faith and God were enough. you didn't need to participate in such acts to feel anything. you felt Him in every waking moment.
until there came a time when you were convinced He was gone altogether.
until sundays stopped becoming your happy days. every single day was void of any happiness.
your father passed suddenly, leaving you and your mother to fend for yourselves. you watched your mother grieve, grieved on your own, alone in your room. you went to school and saw the excitement in your peers' eyes, talking about a party here and buying drinks there.
you nearly caved. anything to take your mind off your dad.
but this was when your mother spent nearly every day at the church, despite it being mostly empty every day other than sundays. without anything better to do, you tagged along. and you started to feel Him again.
you knew God returned for real when your mother became friendly with a newcomer at church. a businessman who recently moved to your town, towing his son along.
mr. yang, as you later learned. he had a son.
jungwon wore an easy smile, deep dimples appearing every time he did. he shook your hand with a hesitant grip, palms smooth and soft. he had eyes that seemed to sparkle.
seasons changed, months grew into years, and your mother and mr. yang got married.
you saw the life return to your mother's face, easing her shoulders back, smoothing out the creases in her weathered face.
sundays became your happy days again, now that mr. yang and jungwon were in your lives.
jungwon is the poster child for the perfect sibling. or, at least that's what you think.
it's been a couple of years since your parents' wedding, and jungwon was nothing short of accommodating. he was kind, always letting you have first picks at whatever food your parents prepared, and offered to do things for you.
granted, it wasn't always like this. the two of you skirted around each other the first few weeks, both former only children, suddenly dealt with the fact that they had a sibling exactly their age. there was even a period of time when jungwon would bolt at the sight of you. though, you tried to not take this to heart.
but after all has been said and done, the two of you fell into a routine, becoming friends of some sort. eternal housemates.
"hurry up. this will be the second week we're late because you couldn't decide what dress to wear."
you turn, spotting jungwon poking his head through the door.
"sorry," you reply bashfully. "these people don't see me on weekdays anymore since i'm off at campus, so you can't really blame me for wanting to make an entrance on the one day they do see me."
jungwon quirks an eyebrow.
"since when did you care what they think?" jungwon questions, stepping fully into your room. he's wearing a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and crisp black pants.
you note that the watch he has on today makes him look particularly handsome.
you merely shrug. "i don't know. everyone at college dresses so nice and i thought i'd make an effort, too."
jungwon snorts. "everyone at college is a try-hard. it's a small-town liberal arts institution."
"hey, you're a student there, too," you point out, crossing your arms at jungwon.
you watch as he surveys your outfit, eyes slowly making your way down your body. you swallow, suddenly aware of how tight the yellow sundress feels. the fabric seems to dig at your armpits uncomfortably, and the hem is too short and—
"you look good," jungwon says, eyes meeting yours.
you breathe a sigh of relief.
"well, if you say so. i trust your word," you say, smoothing down your skirt.
you feel jungwon approach, circling an arm around your waist, ushering you towards the door.
"i am your brother. i think i'd know what would look good on you," jungwon points out with a wink.
the service goes by without a hitch. you participated as you always did, offered your prayers as you usually do. you thanked Him for another successful week of classes but also asking for you to ace your upcoming exams. it was all routine.
until your mother pulled you along, chirping excitedly about a new family that had moved to town and joined the church.
the parks.
a father, a mother, and their son who's a business major at some big-shot university a few towns over.
"i'm jay," the son said to you, reaching his hand towards you as his family introduced themselves to yours. you shook hands and you couldn't help the sudden heat that flooded your face and chest.
your hand still tingles with where he held on, even now on the car ride home
"that jay boy sure is cute," your mother says from the passenger seat. you turn to her, eyebrows raised.
"seems like he has a good head on his shoulders," your stepfather agrees. he looks at you through the rearview mirror.
"the kind of guy girls wanna marry."
you see your mother twist in her seat to give you a knowing look. you roll your eyes but the familiar warmth takes over your entire body again.
"i mean, i don't know. we just met him and his family," you point out, trying not to stutter. you turn to jungwon for backup but your brother has his back turned to you, his face angled toward the window.
"right, jungwon?" you try nonetheless.
"huh?" comes his clueless response. he looks at you and his face is crumpled in a frown. you're taken slightly aback.
before you can say anything, your mother speaks up.
"why don't you try and befriend him, jungwon? they said they only live on the next street over," your mother offers, unaware at how deep jungwon's frown has gotten in the seconds she said that sentence.
"i don't know," jungwon mumbles. "i can try, i guess."
you watch as jungwon turns back to the window, his hand balling into a fist on his lap. you decide not to pry, leaning your own head against the window beside you, watching the little houses in your neighborhood speed by.
you urge yourself to stop picking at your fingernails. but you can't help it, either. standing outside your brother's door, you're not sure what awaits you on the other side.
taking a deep breath, you decide to just get it over with. you're certain it's nothing. you're just concerned and you want to see how jungwon's doing.
you knock softly three times, waiting to hear jungwon's voice. after a few seconds, you hear a muffled, 'come in!'.
you push the door open a bit, taking a peek inside jungwon's room. he's sprawled on his bed, his phone in his hands as he scrolls through his screen. his eyes shift to you and he sits up.
"what's up?" jungwon asks as you let yourself in. you don't say anything until you're seated beside him on his bed.
"i didn't want to risk your wrath, so i wasn't sure if i should bring this up with you...," you begin, teeth worrying your lower lip.
jungwon raises a brow. "i don't know what you're talking about. but other than that, you know i can never get upset with you, right?"
you continue to bite down on your lip, unsure of what to say next.
"but you were upset today," you say after a few seconds. "in the car?"
jungwon's face morphs into mild recognition. he nods, finally understanding what you mean.
"oh, that," jungwon deadpans. "it's nothing."
"come on, you can tell me anything, remember?" you urge, pulling your legs up on jungwon's bed before crossing them. jungwon glances down as you do so but quickly averts his eyes back to your face.
"it's nothing, i swear. it's stupid and thinking back on it, it just seems like such a dumb thing to be mad about," jungwon explains, shifting closer to you.
you take his hand and you squeeze as jungwon threads his fingers through the gaps between yours.
your mother often remarked how the two of you seemed more like twins than regular siblings. mirror images of each other. the perfect balance. looking at jungwon now, you see what she meant.
"nothing you say would be stupid to me," you reply, voice soft as your thumb runs over the skin of jungwon's hand.
something flashes across jungwon's face and his eyes seem to trail over every part of you. your skin prickles as he stops right at your chest, pajama top showing the very tops of your breasts.
"i didn't like the way that jay guy was looking at you," jungwon finally admits, gaze returning to your face.
you look at jungwon quizzically. "what? how was he looking at me?"
"like he was undressing you with his eyes," jungwon complains. "he was practically flirting with you."
you laugh incredulously. "no, he wasn't. he said two words to me, wonie."
jungwon shakes his head. "i'm a man, too. i know how our brains and eyes work."
you stop for a second to ponder on jungwon's words. you can't deny the intensity of how jay seemed to be looking at you earlier and the way he held your hand so tight.
"so?" you retaliate. "he's cute. i don't mind."
you see jungwon's jaw clench, the muscles spasming under his skin. his lips press into a thin line and he pulls his hand back from your grasp.
"guys like that will only take advantage of you, _______," jungwon says, voice slow and deliberate.
your forehead creases. "how are you so sure?"
jungwon stares at you for a few moments. he reaches his hand out, cupping one side of your face in his palm. you gulp, your heart jumping at the contact.
"i just know. you trust me, right? i'm your brother, after all."
you nod.
your hand comes up to cover his that's on your face and the room seems to still. the steady hum of the ac fades away, the cicadas outside vanish, and the thumping of your own heart amplifies. jungwon is looking you square in the eye and you can't help but cower under his gaze.
just as jungwon makes a move to lean closer, a loud knock and your mother's voice rips the moment away.
"dinner's ready! come eat!"
jungwon pulls his hand back and you scramble off his bed. you hurriedly cross the room, flinging jungwon's bedroom door open and stepping out, not sparing another glance behind you.
you toss and turn that night.
your face still tingles from where jungwon touched you. your mind is reeling with so many thoughts, your imagination seemingly going into each and every unexplored direction.
you and jungwon grew close during the years you spent together since your parents got married. it was like becoming friends. you had to learn things about each other, know what makes the other tick. the two of you never shied away from showing who you truly are. you'd be living under the same roof for the most part, so what's the point in hiding, right?
and jungwon never hid his affection for you. brotherly hugs, encouraging pats on the back, kisses on your forehead. he told yu over and over again how happy he was that you were his sister. that you were the best sister.
and you never hid how much you needed jungwon, either. he taught you how to get home on the bus from college on the weekends. he helped you with any handiwork you required in your room. he gave you the ins and outs of the college cliques and clubs.
jungwon always told you he loves you. you always reached out to jungwon. neither was a secret.
so, what's making you so nervous?
before you can answer yourself, you hear the hinges of your door squeak as it opens. in the dim light of your room, you see a figure step through the doorway, startling you slightly.
"sorry, it's me," jungwon whispers. "i couldn't sleep."
you feel your heart quicken once more as you sit up, watching jungwon make his way to your bed. he plops down on the mattress and looks at you.
"mind if i crash here for a while?" jungwon asks quietly.
jungwon does this on some nights, reasoning the bouts of insomnia as he snuggles up to your side. half of the time he talks, telling you stories of what he did during the day, and the other half he spends holding you to his chest, fingers drawing patterns on your back.
on rare occasions, he asks you to turn away, pressing your back to his front. he sometimes rocks against you gently and whispers how much he loves you in your ear. you feel strange when he does this. but you never complain.
"sure," you reply, scooting to one side of the bed. jungwon moves to lay beside you, pulling the covers over him.
wordlessly, his hands find your hips, tugging you close. you let him, your own arms circling around jungwon's torso. he's warm and smells like fresh laundry. you don't hide the way you inhale his scent.
you stay like that for a few minutes and you almost think that jungwon has fallen asleep. but after a while, he pulls back slightly to look at you.
you meet his eyes, sharp shadows cast across jungwon's face from your night lamp situated on the other side of your room.
"stay away from jay," jungwon says. your mouth falls open in mild surprise.
"why?" you ask. jungwon sighs, cradling your face once more in his hand.
"he doesn't deserve you," jungwon responds, voice hardened with something you can't quite put your finger on.
jungwon's looking down at you and even in the darkened state of your room, you can see the seriousness in his expression. he's clearly still upset from earlier.
"but mom and dad seem to like him," you reason with a pout. jungwon lets out a 'tsk' grasping your face tighter.
you let out a whimper. jungwon was never this heavy-handed with you.
"but i don't like him," jungwon insists. "you need someone who knows you, who can do things for you, who loves you more than anything."
jungwon pushes you onto your back, his leg swinging over to plant his knee on your other side. he grabs at your wrists and presses them down, trapping you as he hovers over you, his face inches away from yours.
"you need me."
you gasp, unable to comprehend the words that had just left jungwon's mouth. you're given no time to work it out in your head because jungwon is kissing you, pressing his lips to yours. you protest, pushing against jungwon but he's too strong for you to fight back properly. he has you pinned down and there's nothing you can do.
"w-what are you doing?" you say as jungwon pulls away for a second. instead of answering, jungwon busies himself with your neck, nipping at your sensitive skin. you squirm and whine but jungwon doesn't let up.
"i love you," jungwon whispers in your ear.
you shiver.
"you love me, too, right?" jungwon questions as he looks at you. you blink away tears that have gathered in your eyes.
you're just so confused. what is he doing? what is happening?
"answer me, angel," jungwon urges gently. he leans down to kiss away at the tears streaming down the side of your face.
"i do," you return weakly.
"no no," jungwon tuts. "say it properly."
you sniffle as you feel more tears fill your eyes.
"i love you."
jungwon seems satisfied because he kisses you again, tongue running over the seam of your lips. you've never kissed anyone before and it feels so foreign, having jungwon's tongue licking into your mouth. but you follow what he does, parting your lips and moving your tongue with his.
jungwon groans, one of his hands letting go of your wrist to grab at your waist instead. he presses you to him and you feel something stiff against your thigh.
"you make me so hard, angel," jungwon groans. he grinds against your leg and you watch as his expression crumples into pleasure.
"t-this is wrong," you sob. "we're not supposed to do this."
and you do feel conflicted with it all. everything you've learned in church, everything you've read through His word, it all says that this is bad. that you should only lay with the man you love, the man you married.
oh, but you do love jungwon. you've loved him since the day you met him.
"do you want to stop?" jungwon asks, stilling above you. you continue to cry, your legs squeezing together as you feel wet heat pool in your underwear.
"God will forgive us, angel girl," jungwon coos, a hand dipping beneath your pajama top.
you mewl as you feel jungwon squeeze at one of your boobs.
"He knows how much we love each other, so he'll forgive us, don't you worry," jungwon reassures as he rolls your nipple between his fingers.
"then we'll make it up to Him with a cute little wedding at a faraway chapel," jungwon continues, his other hand tugging down your shorts and underwear.
you're breathing heavily now, head spinning as your whole body heats up. the ache between your legs grows stronger.
"then we'll have babies," jungwon says. "so many babies we'll be filling up our own pew at church."
you gasp as you feel jungwon's fingers press against your core, working on the nub that you've ever really encountered twice or thrice before, too scared to be condemned to hell if you continued to touch yourself.
"what if we have a baby now, huh?" jungwon asks, placing a chaste kiss to your temple. "make you a mommy so no one can take you from me."
you shake your head, initially appalled at his words, but the thought of carrying jungwon's child, it stirs something in you.
"no?" jungwon asks, voice hinting with playfulness. "you don't want it?"
you look up at jungwon, struggling to find the words to say. you want it but your conscience screams at you to refuse.
"i want it," you finally answer. "want to give you a baby."
"fuck," jungwon curses as the words leave your mouth. he hurriedly discards his shorts, eyes seemingly ablaze.
"yeah? gonna give your brother a baby?" jungwon taunts, fingers circling at your core again. you moan wantonly, a million different feelings coursing through your body.
jungwon pokes in one finger through your entrance and you nearly scream, unprepared for the strange sensation.
"sshhh," jungwon says, pressing down on your mouth with one hand. he adds a second finger in slowly and your back arches off the bed.
"look at you," jungwon says with a grin. "your body responds so well to me, huh, angel?"
you cry into jungwon's palm as you feel him pump his fingers in and out of you, curling them inside every time he pushes in. you feel a tightness in your belly and more wetness pooling out of you. your body jolts with every movement of jungwon's fingers.
"shit, i can't take this anymore," jungwon mutters, pulling his fingers out. you whine, hips involuntarily pushing up as they search for friction.
"i got you," jungwon says, taking his hand off your face. the room is filled with your soft sobs, a mix of the lingering guilt and the newfound pleasure.
jungwon strokes his shaft a few times and you watch with bated breath as he aligns himself between your legs. you feel him push against you and you start to cry even harder, fear of what's to come gripping you like no other.
jungwon pushes halfway in and any scream threatening to break free from your lips is muted by jungwon pressing his mouth to yours. you cry and cry and cry as jungwon keeps pushing in, burying himself to the hilt seconds later.
he stills, pulling away to let you breathe. you hiccup, the stretch between your legs equal parts painful and filling in the best way possible.
"s-so big," you sob. "c-can feel you in my belly."
jungwon groans, his hip snapping up involuntarily. you whine, biting down hard on your lip.
"yeah? can you feel me here?" jungwon asks, a large hand pressing down on your lower abdomen. he starts to move then, slowly pulling out then thrusting back in.
"yes!" you gasp. "yes, yes, it's so deep."
"God, angel, you sound so beautiful when you're being fucked," jungwon says, speeding up.
"recite to me your favorite bible verse," jungwon commands. you barely hear him with the way he's moving his hips against yours.
"w-what?" you mumble in a daze.
jungwon takes hold of your face, forcing you to look directly at him.
"your favorite bible verse, angel girl. let me hear your pretty voice."
you rack your brain for it. you should know it by heart, have it seared into your consciousness. but the way jungwon is taking you right at this moment wipes away nearly all thoughts of scripture.
"no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man," you begin, trying to keep your voice steady as jungwon scrutinizes you, fingers still digging into your cheeks.
"God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability," you continue. jungwon smirks, nodding, urging you to go on.
you're about to speak when you feel jungwon's thumb press down on your sensitive nub. you cry out, the added sensation muddling your brain even further.
"go on," jungwon orders.
"b-but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to e-ndure it," you finish with a shaky breath.
"good job, angel," jungwon says, letting go of your face and leaning in to kiss you briefly on your forehead.
your head falls back against your pillow, your vision blurring as all you can feel is jungwon moving in and out of you. all you can think of is jungwon. all you ever need, right at this moment, is jungwon.
your brother. the man you love. the man you want to have all your babies with.
"so tight, so fucking tight," jungwon babbles, pushing your legs up so he can get a better angle. your lower half rises off the bed and jungwon fucks into you even harder, snapping his hips against your insides with a force that has you gripping onto your sheets for dear life.
jungwon continues on like this, sweat dripping down his forehead. any pain is gone now, replaced with a want, a need for some sort of release.
you don't know what compels you to talk, but you can't help the next words that come out of your mouth.
"p-please, jungwon. feels so good. w-wanna be a mommy, want it so bad. n-need it!"
jungwon seems to let himself go then, hips moving erratically, not caring if you're bent nearly in half, his grip on your thighs painful as his fingernails poke at your skin. it feels good, you think, your insides clenching and tingling at the sight of jungwon getting nearly animalistic with you.
it almost fills you with joy. knowing that he's only ever like this with you.
a few moments later, jungwon's hips start to stutter.
"gonna give you my babies, angel girl. i'm so close, so close to making you a mommy—fuck!"
the words from jungwon stop any coherent thought in your brain as a sort of euphoria takes over you, your whole body tightening up. jungwon completely stills, pressing himself in deeper. a warm feeling spreads from where he's sheathed inside you.
the two of you remain unmoving, panting as your minds catch up with your bodies. jungwon pulls out moments later, replacing his cock with his fingers. you protest weakly as jungwon moves his fingers shallowly in and out of you.
"i came so much, angel," jungwon says with a chuckle. he pulls his fingers out and shows you his fingers, coated with his milky white release.
"your belly's gonna be all swollen up in nine months, for sure," jungwon muses, pushing his fingers against your mouth. you part your lips hesitantly, licking at the saltiness.
"good girl," jungwon praises, pulling his hand away before kissing you sweetly.
"i love you," jungwon mumbles against your lips.
you hold his face steady, thumbs rubbing at his cheeks. you meld your lips together, the elation finally catching up to you.
there are no stained glass windows in your room, your body bare and void of pretty dresses, and the night is still and quiet.
it's still sunday. it's still your happy day.
"i love you, too," you say as you and jungwon share a smile.
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via-l0ve · 5 months
Hey-hey!! I'm so glad I came across your posts on SPN!!
Let's imagine that the reader has severe menstrual pain. I'd like to see the boys take care of her during "those days". If possible, add Gabriel, I love him soooo much.
Period Pains (SPN pref!)🩷
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a/n: hi honey!!! i absolutely adore this request. from someone with terrible periods, im sending you hugs and kisses
warnings: periods/menstrual cycle, mention of pain, cramps and things like that!!
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dean is scared
idk at first he thought you were gonna die
he was so scared when you curled yourself up in a little ball
he learned to just go with whatever you wanted
cuddles? always. stay the fuck away from you? gladly
literally ask him for anything he will be out and grabbing it for you within two minutes.
he’s always stocked with products for you
he also always has heating pads and medicine for you. he’s so worried about your health
he wants to make sure you’re comfortable
he makes you stay in bed and no hunts until the bleeding stops
he gets you presents
sam has a whole bag for you
emergency pads, tampons, extra underwear, medicine
he gets nervous
is ALWAYS right by your side
floods you with compliments and worries
“are you going to be okay?” “yes sam. just like every other month.”
“you’re so pretty, y/n.”
just. ugh. i love him
he will go out and buy you pads or tampons or cups or whatever the fuck you use with no shame
he tries to not make you mad or overwhelm you
he always takes off hunts to be with you
what a cute boy <3
he just wants the best for you
first of all, cas is horrified that you have to go through this
when you explain in detail why you get cramps, he swears he almost passes out
poor boy is so worried about his love
he tracks it on his phone
just so he can stock up on products for you
he writes you love letters and buys you candy
he also will watch all of your silly little movies with you
you don’t ever have to ask
Gabe is always tryna make you laugh
he’s very ill prepared and he dosent know what to do
he annoys you accidentally a lot and then gets scared when you yell/cry/other emotions
he buys you flowers for every day of your period
he also learned somewhere that orgasms help lessen the pain of period cramps so..
he watches your movies with you and cooks food you for constantly
he cried with you at bambi
“the mom dies????”
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anton-luvr · 8 months
can you do riize helping/comforting you when you’re on your period??🫶🏼
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⚝ bf!riize x fem!reader | fluff | tw: periods ⚝ note ; is it weird if i say this is one of my fav tropes... its just so sweet to think about riize taking care of you :( + reqs are open !
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# SHOTARO. - the moment you tell him that you're on his period, he'll run off to the store to get you everything you need. he'll stride down the feminine care products aisle without any embarrassment or hesitation, already knowing which type of pads you use. also buys you your favorite chocolates and snacks, and a cute teddy bear just to cheer you up :3
# EUNSEOK. - period hormones can get wild, so it's not unusual for you to lose your temper easily when you're on your period. even the smallest things could tick you off, like realizing you were wearing mismatched socks. but eunseok stays patient and understanding, gently calming you down with a kiss before he gets socks that aren't mismatched and helps you put them on.
# SUNGCHAN. - like the health and gym fanatic he is, he'll take you out on a small walk. you despised the idea at first, your cramps making it feel like your back was being split in half. but after sungchan's five minute long ramble about how light exercise helps with cramps, you decided to take him up on his offer. surprisingly, it does help! walking around the park hand in hand while watching a beautiful sunset makes you feel better than anything.
# WONBIN. - he will treat you like absolute royalty. no, you will not be getting up to wash the dishes. no, you will not be getting up to switch on the tv. wonbin will do it all for you. he knows how painful and exhausting periods can get, so he wants you to relax as much as possible. he'll even cook for you and bring it into your bedroom for you, and if you need it, he'll even feed you. he will do anything for you <3
# SEUNGHAN. - he runs a hot bath, adding some epsom salt to help with your cramps. he carefully helps you into the bath, leaving you to relax alone while he plays your favorite songs softly on the speaker in the bathroom. when you're all done, he'll lay you down on your bed so he can massage you all over, using your favorite scented massage oil and helping you relax.
# SOHEE. - whatever you want or need, he'll get it for you. need a heat pad at 3am? he'll warm one up for you even though he's half awake. you want cuddles? he'll stop whatever he's doing and cuddle you for as long as you want. you want to be alone? he'll let you have all the peace and space you need, because he knows how clumsy and loud he can be. whatever it is that'll make you feel better, sohee will do it with zero hesitation.
# ANTON. - when you first started dating, he had no idea what to do when you got your period. but as the months went by and extensive research was done, anton was prepared. the next time you tell him you're on your period, he'll have a box of pads, heat pads, snacks, essential oils, and whatever it is that you need already prepared for you. he keeps it at his place all the time, so he can always help you out when you need it. he's just such a sweet and practical lover <3
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart
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allexina · 11 months
↱ Content warnings: mentions of sex and suggestive comments being made by both the reader and the boys . ↰
↱ The Outsiders When You’re on Your Period (Fem! Reader)↰
↱ Summary: You’re on your period and your boyfriend helps you get through it. ↰
↱ Author’s note: I’m still getting a grasp on how they talk/act so they may be ooc for the time being but I’m hoping I can get everything down soon:). ↰
Word count: 3,191
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Darry Curtis:
You whimpered as another dull ache spread throughout your lower abdomen. Your thighs were beginning to feel sore and your lower back was killing you. You didn’t want to bother anyone though so you kept your head down and kept your whimpers as quiet as possible.
There was no pads or anything really. No medicine. No nothing so you were stuck with toilet paper in your panties until the cramps went away. You gritted your teeth and moved to lay on your back on the bed. You couldn’t tell whether these cramps were the worst you’d experienced as of late or if you simply couldn’t remember any periods before this.
It was eight at night so Darry should have been home by now. You looked up at the clock and waited to hear his boots coming onto the porch. He could take a quick bath and then come cuddle with you. His warmth would really help especially since you could force him to message your lower abdomen.
The front door opened and you heard Darry’s thudding boots hit the floor with each step. He went into the bathroom but quickly came back out. “Who’s bleeding? Did those socs get after y’all again?” You looked down embarrassed, knowing he had most likely seen some of the bloody tissue. You didn’t want him to though. You wrapped them all multiple times. Another wave of cramps hit as they came back to back. One after another. You closed your eyes and bit into the blanket.
Why were women expected to go through this every month again? Who decided this should’ve been a thing? You were cursing anything and everything in that moment as you heard the bedroom door open. Darry looked at you before realizing, his eyes softening a great deal. He gave you a gentle smile, “Can you wait for a second? I need to go take a bath but I’ll be out soon and I got enough money to buy you whatever you need.” He watched you nod and walked out of the room with a smile gracing his face. You let out a curse under your breath before rolling around on the bed. You were hoping to find the position that eased the pain the most.
With one more roll and a weird angle, you found the perfect position. You closed your eyes and let out a breath before patiently waiting for Darry to come out of the bathroom. Five or so minutes later, Darry came walking in with just a towel on. “What store do you usually go to? Do you know what you want to get to snack on?” Darry had dropped the towel and was cleaning everything up. He started putting his clothes on before coming to pick you up. “You don’t need to walk. Get comfortable and point to what you want.” He muttered out into your hair softly. You smiled as the pain picked back up. Even though you really wanted to kill him for moving you, you couldn’t bring yourself to actually say or do anything hurtful to him. He was trying his best for someone who had never had a period before.
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Sodapop Curtis:
You walked circles around the DX, looking at the snacks and drinks. You grabbed a water and a few pieces of candy. You’d already taken something for the cramps but they weren’t going away.
You walked up to the counter and threw your things up there. Soda looked you up and down before noticing the black pants. You rarely wore black pants and when you did, it signified that time of the month. You gave Steve a dirty look as he ran behind Soda. For some reason, his voice really pissed you off.
Soda told you what you owed before he pulled change out of his pocket. “You okay? I’ll kick Ponyboy from the room back home if you wanna come back.” Soda’s calming voice always managed to sooth you though this time, you still felt a great deal of anger.
“I’m fine. Why does it matter anyways? Can’t you just ring me up and give me my snacks back?!?” Before Soda could say anything else, you had burst into tears. Steve had come out of the back to check on the girl crying and slowly went back the way he came when he noticed it was you.
You didn’t like Steve one bit when you were on your period. Maybe it was because of the times where he’d stolen your chocolate cake or maybe his ego annoyed you but whatever it was, he learned from last time not to bother you.
Soda jumped over the counter and slung an arm around your shoulder. He planted a kiss on your temple and rubbed your back for a little bit, letting you push your body weight against him. To you, it felt comfortable being pressed against him. His body heat also made you feel a lot better. Steve’s head peeked around the corner before he began mouthing to Soda about him just staying with you until you calmed down.
Soda brought you with him to sit down, cradling you carefully on his lap. You were going through a lot and he knew any man would do the same thing had you gone to them instead. He began leaving kisses all over your face and even kissed the top of your head in an effort to make you smile. You hid your little smile in Soda’s neck.
One of his hands came down to rub your lower back, remembering all the times you would complain about the pain. Soda tried, he really did. Even if it didn’t seem like much to others, it meant the world to you.
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Ponyboy Curtis:
You began writing the notes down quickly, hoping to finish up with biology. It was a class you despised more than Bob which that statement alone spoke volumes. As you finally set your pen down, with your hand cramping up, you realized there was a slight pain in your abdomen. Of course, you waved it off at first as being hungry.
You also knew if you couldn’t see it then it wasn’t there but when the pain began to worsen, you knew you needed to go to the restroom. Ponyboy was sitting beside you, reading a book since he’d long been done with what you all were supposed to do.
You reached a hand out and gently tugged on his jacket sleeve. He marked the page he was on before looking at you with a gentleness that calmed you down. “Can you come to the bathroom with me? I need to do something.” Your teacher was surprisingly lenient and would allow you to use the restroom without even asking. So both you and Ponyboy stood up. With you leading, it most likely looked like something it shouldn’t have.
You scampered down the hallways in a panic to find your locker once you felt gravity do it’s job. Ponyboy was still as confused as ever as he mindlessly followed behind you like an innocent puppy. Before long, you’d found your locker and opened it to reveal your sanitary products. Ponyboy’s face went from one of confusion to realization.
“Baby..” He started as he reached a hand out for you to grab. He let you hold onto him to the trip to the bathroom, comfortingly whispering sweet nothings to you while also physically showing affection.
You had a hard time every month as the cramps and fatigue would usually get the best of you. That was okay though as you had your lovely boyfriend to get you whatever you needed.
Ponyboy placed a kiss on your head as you separated from him to go into the bathroom. He waited outside and once you got out, wrapped his arms around you.
You laid against him for a few minutes, almost falling asleep standing up. Ponyboy sighed from above you, wanting to take you home and comfort you in the best ways he possibly could. Unfortunately, the two of you still had three hours of school left. Fortunately, you two had all the same classes so Ponyboy could sit with you and comfort you every chance given to him.
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Johnny Cade:
You called the Curtis household, asking for Johnny. He responded almost immediately, telling you he would be over soon enough. You set out snacks and anything else you could think of in that moment as you knew Johnny most likely hadn’t eaten all that much.
When he knocked on your door, you couldn’t have been happier. All you wanted was to lay down and cuddle. For some reason, you’d gotten really physically affectionate with him and it made him skeptical. Why would you wanna cuddle unless you did something wrong? That thought process wasn’t healthy but it was how Johnny survived. Everyone must do something to fuck him up.
“Johnny, please come lay down with me.” You whined as you wrapped your arms around his waist. Those negative thoughts faded as he realized he was thinking about you. The girl who almost physically fist fought her parents when they told her she had to break up with him. The girl who chased Bob and Randy away when they tried to tease Johnny for being a greaser. You couldn’t have done anything bad. Not in Johnny’s eyes anyway.
“Okay.” The way Johnny’s voice broke made you give him a seductive grin before you realized you couldn’t do anything with him as you were in the middle of your period. Lucky for you, you only had about two or three days left.
Johnny followed you to your living room where you had a fort set up on the couch. Blankets were everywhere and a soap opera played on the tv. There was no reason for it to be as sad as it was but it mattered none the less to you. You loved watching or reading heart wrenching things.
You sat down on the couch and pulled Johnny down with you. Your giggles made Johnny’s day. They were so very sweet and innocent sounding. If a stranger heard it, they’d think you were excited and happy. Johnny knew the difference between a happy giggle and a mischievous one. It still made his day for him to hear you happy though especially when your period came around. You used to be embarrassed about it and tried to hide it as best as you could from Johnny but he figured out what you was doing during the week you avoided anything sexual. Not that Johnny minded. He’d have a week to simply coddle you and show you how much he loved you without having to take any clothes off.
It wasn’t like Johnny was a Dallas in the making. Instead, the two of you were genuinely intimate with one another. That’s what made your relationship work so well. You truly cared for one another.
Johnny laid down beside you and pushed his face into your neck. When you first met him, you were surprised to learn that he could stand up for himself and you if he had to. You found it kind of scary to see him pull a switchblade on someone but you also found it endearing, oddly enough.
You felt his arms snake around your waist and you let one of your hands slide down to intertwine with one of the hand’s on your waist. Your smile never ceased a bit throughout the entire ordeal.
Soon enough, Johnny’s breaths were even. You realized he hadn’t spoken more than one word yet you felt loved and comfortable in that moment.
You continued to smile until a random cramp attacked and you remembered why you wanted him to come over so badly.
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Steve Randle:
You cuddled into Steve with a frown on your face. “Just give me a bite and stop being so greedy.” You huffed as Steve finally lifted his fork to share some of his chocolate cake. You grinned and nuzzled closer to him.
He had an arm around you, gripping you tightly and was eating with his free hand. You were surprised to see that he could do that as when you tried, you usually fucked up whatever you had going on.
Your loving boyfriend stayed with you while the rest of the gang went out. Darry was working, Sodapop was off for the day, Ponyboy wanted to watch a movie and so did Johnny. Two-bit and Dally decided they didn’t have anything better to do and went with. You told Steve that he could go with them but he claimed that you needed him more than they did.
Which lead to you almost laying in his lap and the two of you arguing over the chocolate cake that sat beside him. “You’re so pretty, ya know that?” Steve suddenly muttered as he looked at you.
“Oh, don’t you dare. We both know that won’t stop me from getting more of the cake. Besides, I’m bleeding out right now so just give me the cake.” Steve pondered for a moment before finally giving you another bite. You made sure to bat your eyelashes at him as you knew he would give in almost immediately.
You pushed yourself further onto Steve’s lap and shoved your face into his neck. He smelt like car oil and something else. You couldn’t quite identify it but it was your newest favorite smell. Everything about Steve drove you mad. Especially now that sex was off the table for a week.
Well, more like it was off the table for him. Steve was perfectly fine with diving into it like you weren’t rapidly losing blood from that area. “It’ll get better. It always does, baby.” He pressed a quick kiss to your head. You curled in closer to him. Everything about him made you feel so very safe. You didn’t think you’d be able to survive without him especially since Bob and Randy had been staring at you like you were their next snack the last few days.
Steve had found you multiple times curled in the corner of the DX, breathing heavy and holding yourself. It made Steve more protective. On top of that, he just hated seeing you in extreme pain. He hated that he couldn’t fix what you were currently going through. He’d do whatever you’d want him to do if it eases the pain you felt.
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Dallas Winston:
Dally watched as you sobbed on the bed. You couldn’t get diagnosed with anything but the pain you were feeling were horrible. It had been ten or twelve hours since you started your period and it still felt just as bad as it had when it first started.
Dally was confused and genuinely didn’t know what to do. He wanted to help you but he didn’t grow up with any girls so he didn’t know what to do. He offered you water and you almost lunged at him. You had to remind yourself that it wasn’t his fault. He was just a little clueless about feminine issues.
Dally sat down beside you, shrugging his leather jacket off and setting it down on your hunched over body. You let out another pained sob and Dally finally stood up and left the room. He would call Soda or Darry. They’d know what to do with a woman in pain. Dally never witnessed you in extreme pain as you usually avoided him whenever your period came around. You didn’t know if he would react childishly or not and you didn’t want to find out either.
As it seems, Dally never made fun of you. If anything, he’s been in as much emotional distress as you were in physical pain. Dally grabbed the phone and called the Curtis household, impatiently waiting for someone to answer.
Darry’s tired voice came through the phone. Dallas immediately began explaining his situation and Darry gave him some advice about what to do. Dallas was quick to hang the phone up and get back to you. You were sleeping in an awkward position, tear stains on your face.
Dallas sat on the bed beside you, stroking your face. Maybe some sleep would do you good. Dallas looked around for a second, trying to see if anyone was nearby.
He leaned down and whispered a quick “I love you,” and pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head. You subconsciously curled closer into his leather jacket, forcing a smirk out of your boyfriend.
You were the cutest.
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Two-Bit Mathews:
Two-Bit sat on the floor with an arm thrown over your shoulder. He had a beer in his left hand while his right hand gently played with your hair. You were close to crying for no particular reason other than you felt like you wanted to cry.
Two-Bit wasn’t paying a lot of attention to you. He wasn’t hearing everything you were saying and you were repeating words over and over. You finally smacked Two-Bit’s shoulders.
He turned to look at you with a bewildered look covering his face. “What’d I do?” You gave him a dirty look.
“You’re ignoring me again. Why?” You finally glared at him. You elbowed him in the ribs gently. You couldn’t blame Two-Bit as you were the one to ask his alcoholic ass out. You finally laid your head on his shoulder.
“I’m not?” He muttered out as he finally brought you closer to him. He kissed your head and made sure to remind himself that you’re just probably in pain or maybe you were just a little emotional. He knew what time of the month it was and told himself you’d be fine. Besides, he tracked your period too. He knew that you only had about a day left. Unfortunately, you got random pain throughout the entire five days of your period.
You slowly grabbed his beer from his hand and sat it down beside the two of you. You were a huge cuddle bug when you weren’t on your period but being on it caused you to become almost inseparable with Two-Bit.
Two-Bit didn’t mind much. He enjoyed the way you stuck to him like glue. The two of you weren’t very touchy feely but you both had your times where you were completely involved with each other.
Two-Bit would aimlessly follow you, a beer close by along with watching Mickey Mouse if there was a tv. You got off of Two-Bit as the door opened and sat down above him on the couch. Ponyboy and Johnny came in, looking at the two of you and then went to the kitchen.
Two-Bit sighed and grabbed your legs, setting them on his shoulders. He reached a hand up, offering you his beer. You took a sip before handing Two-Bit his beer back.
He looked up at you for a mere second and you caught his eyes and gave him a gentle smirk. “I want something to eat.” You batted your eyelashes again before frowning at your boyfriend.
Finally, you gave a small smile as you remembered that Two-Bit was yours and even if he was a bit stupid, you still loved him dearly.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
They are here!!
Last year I released them in May, and I asked you when I should release it this year. You agreed I should release it early/mid april. And I think the perfect time is now! You have plenty of time to prepare your things for June!
So, here are 30 prompts, 1 prompt per day, for all of June! Use them for writing, or for art, or why not for something else creative you can come up with?
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I will now write all the prompts in the list if it's hard to read, plus some explanations/suggestion what you can do for them.
Day 1. Actually, I'm not straight. Someone kicking off pride month by telling their nearest and dearest that they aren't straight, like everyone seems to think!
Day 2. Surprise! We're dating! A couple comes out to their friends ;)
Day 3. Early signs. Early signs someone was not straight, or not cis. Or both!
Day 4. Gender euphoria. Euphoooooriaaaaa forever to end of time /j Ok no but yeah, someone experiencing gender euphoria :) It's great :)
Day 5. Surprise! We're engaged! Surprise engagement! Did people even know they were dating?
Day 6. Proposal. You can choose to show the proposal for the couple at day 5... or a brand new couple! :D
Day 7. Pride flags. Are they making pride flags? Buying pride flags? Identifying pride flags? So much you can do! :)
Day 8. Prideful baking. A return from last year! Who's baking? Are they doing it with pride? Are they making rainbow cakes? This is also a way to make some ships be cute together as they bake.
Day 9. Wedding. To quote Sam from Glee: "YEAH! COME ON GUYS! GAY MARRIAGE GOOD!"
Day 10. Shenanigans at the Pride Parade. Time to let those characters run wild at the pride parade!
Day 11. Coming out as trans. Pretty self explanatory I think ;)
Day 12. Planning for a child. Two women, two men, maybe a trans couple... any not-cishet couple are planning for a child <3 Are they adopting? IVF? However they're doing it, they're gonna get that child :)
Day 13. Two moms. Two mommies thriving with their kiddos!
Day 14. Are they dating or not? People are speculating the relationship of some people.
Day 15. First crush. Aww, someone's first crush! Have they ever felt this before?
Day 16. Alternate universe. Go crazy with this! This could mean anything from "a universe in which this ship is canon" to "they live in a fantasy world". Do whatever!
Day 17. Realizing they're ace. Self explanatory ;)
Day 18. Two dads. Two daddies on request (Sorry I've watched too much of Papás por encargo (Daddies on request) to not make that joke). They'll do anything for the kids!
Day 19. I thought everyone liked both? What??? They don't?????
Day 20. Fruity sleepover. Anything and everything can happen at a sleepover!
Day 21. Pining. They pine so hard and yet... will their crush ever notice?
Day 22. Secret dating. Or are they as they secret as they think? How much chaos do they end up in to keep this?
Day 23. Dinner. Maybe just a normal dinner in a queer friendgroup. Or maybe someone coming out at dinner. Maybe the first dinner at their partner's house. Or maybe someone's making dinner for their loved one.
Day 24. Confession. Coming out confession? Confession to your crush? Just a confession about your favorite food in the middle of a pride parade? Yeah, you decide!
Day 25. Date. THEY'RE ON A DATE THE BABIES!!! Is it a good date? I hope so!
Day 26. Gender is a construct. Not everything is binary.
Day 27. Queer group meeting. You can toy around with this a lot. A group meeting with closeted gays? A group meeting with every character from your different fandoms that you headcanon as bi that you want to interact in the group meeting for disaster bi's? A group meeting for aces just vibing? Maybe we'll meet a lot of different groups!
Day 28. Accidental coming out. Oops!
Day 29. Alternate time period. You want to play out a little love story but instead they live in the 1950s? Or maybe they live in the future! Maybe they live in the medieval times! Woah!
Day 30. Growing old together. Look at them now. Who knew they'd find each other in the world and now they're here?
I hope I'm gonna see some of you in pride month! It's always a pleasure! Also, when the time comes in June, and you want to use one of these prompts, don't forget to tag me ;)
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w2sology · 9 months
Harry Lewis period comfort!!
by the book, harry lewis.
summary: how harry helps you through the unbearable butden to women that is periods.
warnings: shouldn't really be a warning but periods, language, moody reader, that's all!
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the first time it happened, harry was completely puzzled
as in when he got the please buy me pads from the shops :( text, he had zero idea on what to do
frantically calling his mum for help bc he felt like asking his sister was a bit too odd
but his mum came to his rescue as she always did
told him what he should do and what to avoid doing
that day harry learnt a lot about you
like what foods made you mad and what foods made the pain more bearable for you
and ever since, he makes sure that he's stocked up on pads whenever you're staying over at his
as you grew older and your body started to mature, you started to change as well
you went from craving ice cream and stuff to craving iced coffee and fruit
but harry didn't mind, he'd go to the shops at 2am just for you because he knew that there was a whole day's worth of cuddles waiting ahead for him
the cuddles were the absolute best
as in we're talking legs tangled together, sheets all messy around you two, his arms on your stomach to help ease the pain or help hold the hot water bottle, and your head resting on his chest as you watch whatever's on the telly
you would hate how harry cancelled plans just to stay and look after you, even though he claimed that he was "surveying what it's like to be a homebody"
kissed and kisses and kisses
anything can be healed with a kiss, or at least that's what harry believes. so he gives you a pass for unlimited kisses.
unfortunately he's also the type to make you laugh until you start cramping, which leads to you getting pissed off at him
"harry— fucking stop, my stomach!"
"no one told you to laugh that hard!"
"get off me, bitch"
him taking photos of you sprawled out which he shows you later, ignoring how you cringe and shrink at yourself knocked out in pain
if there was ever to be an accident on the bedsheets, harry would be an abode sweetheart
waking you up gently and telling you that he ran a bath for you, and whilst you're in the bath he changes the sheets, gets you some fresh clothes and makes sure you have all the things you need for the next week
everyone expects him to be the least experienced when it comes to this stuff but after helping you out through these painful days every month, he seems to have a good understanding of it
"so is it like... can you feel it right now?"
"harry, i won't feel it unless i'm in an uncomfortable position or if i sneeze or something."
"... can you sneeze then?"
defo the type to jokingly ask if you want to have sex, only to stop the joke immediately after seeing your dead straight face.
overall, he's a human heater, a great blanket, and a good cuddle buddy all in one
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hi bestieee i love ur work so so so so muchh!!!!
i just wanted to request a tan x reader where the reader gets her period for the first time since her and tan started dating, and her cramps hurt like hell and he takes care of her (like in my head their backstory on how they met is that they r both assassins and they just started hooking up here and there when they bumped into missions etc etc but inevitably ended up in a serious relationship cuz they fell in love, so that’s why he might be surprised to see her in this state and doesn’t know what to do at first cause she always just brushes off the pain during missions and is super tough IDK)
idk honestly anything u write is amazing and whatever u wanna do with this idea is perfect to me
a lot of fluffffff and i’m sorry for such a long request
hii bby!!! thank you thank you :( omg I love this idea sm!! thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
VULNERABILITY (period comfort)
tangerine x female reader
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word count. 734
As a contract killer, you’ve learnt to keep all vulnerabilities hidden - never display weakness. And because of your occupation, you held that ideology with you throughout your life, never once letting someone know when you were in pain - in case it gets used against you.
Though, things were different when you and Tangerine started to date. You tried to be more open, but it was a hard habit to break, often finding yourself downplaying your hurt.
When you used to bump into each other during separate missions, way back when, you'd keep your poker face on, pretending you weren't in raging agony when your paths met.
You and Tangerine decided many months ago that you wanted to give an actual, serious relationship a go, steering from casual hookups to proper dates and heartfelt touches. It was one of the easiest decisions you made. 
It was midday, and you were already wishing it was nighttime - wanting to sleep away the pain in your tummy without feeling like a coward. 
You were curled up on the sofa, blanket tightly wrapped around you, mindlessly watching the tv ahead as you clutch the sick bowl in your arms. You had the bowl there only as a precaution, feeling like it was better to be safe than sorry - to avoid cleaning throw-up from the rug.
The door knocks, and you groan at the interference, placing the bowl to the side as you make your way over. You pull the door ajar and meet your boyfriend's face on the other side, smile lit up wide.
"Was in the area. Thought I'd pop by," he says casually, crooking his neck to see you through the small gap, smile fading. "What's goin' on? You alright?"
"Yeah," you dismiss. "Just cold in here."
His brows furrow - his features telling you he didn't buy it. "Not gonna invite me in?"
You softly sigh at his question and reluctantly pull the door open, stepping aside. You didn't want him to see you like this - see you so unput-together, see you vulnerable.
He nudges the door open more, allowing him space to get past, and his eyes immediately soften - taking in your foreign, sluggish state. 
"You okay?" he asks, his tone cautious. "What happened?"
"Nothing," you shrug, avoiding his fixed gaze.
"Darlin', that ain't nothing. I've never seen you like this," Tangerine continues, placing his hands on either side of your face, forcing you to look up at him. "What's goin' on?" he asks again, eyes narrowing.
"Period," you mumble, closing your eyes as you melt into his delicate touch.
"Aw, love," he coos, stepping forward to pull you into him, holding your face in the crook of his neck. "Why didn't you say anything?" he asks, stroking down your back with one hand, the other holding behind your head.
You shrug off his questioning and pull from his grasp, wiping under your eyes with the back of your hand. "I don't like it," you admit, walking away.
He exhales heavily, kicking off his shoes and then follows after you, halting once he sees you curled up on the sofa - knees tucked up, head buried between. His footing slowly carrying himself over to you. "Love," he coos, crouching beside you, placing a hand over your upper arm. "How can I make it better? What can I do?" 
"Get me some chocolate?" you sniffle, a soft laugh muffling. 
"As much as you want," he snickers, standing with a faint groan. 
He returns from your kitchen a few moments later, bars of chocolate in hand, tea in the other, a hot water bottle wedged under his arm. He places the mug and chocolate on the coffee table in front and sits beside you - careful not to bump and knock you as he lifts your head to rest on his lap. 
He lifts the blanket and slips the hot water bottle inside, angling it at your lower stomach, propping it against the part giving you trouble. He brushes slow, loving strokes over your cheek, thumbing over your apple when he sees your eyes flutter closed at the contact. His other hand extends behind you, reaching for your lower back, and he repeats the motion - soft, gentle strokes over your sore skin, easing your pain. 
"Thank you," you sleepily murmur, nuzzling your face into his lap.
"Course, my love."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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munsonsmixtapes · 1 month
So... Request.. or recommendations request.. I'm all in my feelings and need some Eddie comfort while you're dealing with a bad time of the month.
Aww, period comfort always warm my heart! Thanks so much for the request, lovely!
Eddie x fem!reader
cw: mention of reader’s period
You never considered your periods to be bad, but this month’s definitely was. The pain was almost unbearable as you laid in your bed, curled up with a heating pad while your favorite comfort movies played on your TV on repeat.
You didn’t want to bother Eddie with your problems, but he had insisted on coming over with your favorite snacks along with some pain reliever and some movies he had rented from Family Video that he knew you liked. Your relationship was still fairly new so he was still trying to figure out the whole how to be a boyfriend thing.
Once he got to your room, he laid behind you and rubbed soft circles around where your cramps were, trying to relieve any pain and it helped to some degree, but not much. You were honestly just happy to have Eddie there, knowing that he was right beside you, bringing you comfort.
He rested his head on your shoulder and moved his hands to your sides, knowing that that was there you got your worst cramps and you turned around his arms, wanting to face him. He just gave you a sympathetic smile before pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“It hurts, Eds,” you whined and he nodded, not completely understanding what it felt like but sympathized because he knew that you had a high pain tolerance.
It was times like those where he wished he could take your pain and give it to himself so you wouldn’t have to endure it anymore. He hated seeing you like that, so unlike yourself, so fragile. He almost felt helpless, unsure if he was actually doing anything that was making your feel better, but trying his best.
“I know, baby,” he cooed. “What do you need? How can I help?” Those were always his questions during that time of the month, being nothing but caring and helpful. He wanted to do whatever he could to make you feel better even if what you wanted from him didn’t necessarily work.
Eddie flipped onto his back and took you with him, causing you to straddle his waist, knowing that sitting like that was always helpful to your cramps. His hands rubbed up and down your back as you laid your head on his chest, resting your hands on each side of your head.
The position wasn’t the most comfortable, but it was definitely preferable to the almost debilitating pains you were feeling all over your body. Especially your stomach. Having it pressed against Eddie’s relieved a lot of the pressure that you were feeling laying on your side and you wondered how he always knew what you needed before you did.
“Better?” He asked, resting his chin on top of your head.
“Much, thank you.” You let out a contented hum and you snuggled closer to him, finally feeling comfortable enough to fall asleep. You drifted pretty quickly and Eddie continued to lazily draw patterns along your back as you slept, knowing that it always helped you sleep.
You woke up from your nap, unsure of what time it was, but considering that it was now dark outside, you knew it was night time. How long had you slept? And why didn’t Eddie wake you? Apparently he thought you needed the sleep.
You removed your head from Eddie’s chest to see that he had fallen asleep as well, soft snores falling from his lips. You watched him for a second, admiring how at peace he looked and wondered if you looked that cute when you slept.
His eyes slowly opened and he gave you a smile, which you returned. He then pulled you in for a kiss before resting his forehead against your own, his eyes boring into yours.
“I love waking up and seeing you here.” Your heart melted at his words, loving that he was able to just say what he was feeling, not holding anything back.
“Me too,” you nodded. You could see it all, the two of you getting married and buying your first home together. Feeling so in love with each other that you decide to start a family, two kids who race into your room in fits of giggles as they climb onto your bed, snuggling up with you and Eddie. It sounded so perfect, like a dream.
“Think I could do it every morning and never get tired of it.” You felt the exact same way.
“Eddie, are you asking me to marry you?” You joked, but he wasn’t laughing.
“So what if I am?” What were you going to do? Say no?
“Then I’d have to accept.” You pressed a kiss to his lips them laid your head on his shoulder, hoping and praying that he’d buy you a ring to make the proposal real.
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ssho197 · 10 months
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period started, now what about bf xiao caring for you?
pls send help my stomach hurts real bad god sleeping at night is going to be hell. hoping my pad keeps my bed safe from everything
so…….. have you guys heard of a rainbow kiss before………….. yeah me neither…………….
boyfriend xiao who definitely didn’t understand periods at all and just never asked questions, until a conversation like this went down. “hey xiao i’m gonna go to the store to get some pads do you need anything?” x: “no im alright. also what are pads for?” then you had to sit down with him and have the talk. clearly zhongli didn’t educate his son on sex ed
boyfriend xiao who probably made “it’s that time of the month again” jokes until once you cried bc of how messy emotions feel before it hits (idk abt anyone else but that’s how it is for me, i feel so agitated all the time before it hits 😭)
boyfriend xiao who would lay in your lap and keep his hand on your stomach or hold a hot water bottle to your stomach while you’d watch a movie or smth together. even though you’d say, “xiao.. it doesn’t smell that good down there.. you sure you want to lay there?” he’d probs just give a nod and keep watching the show
boyfriend xiao who would take all the behavioural signs that you’re letting off so he can tell where you are in your cycle and whatever, yk oval week bleeding week and whatever else there is idfk.
boyfriend xiao who would either be super close with you or super far away from you during your period, he’d prepare hot tea and hot water bottles for you, he’d buy chocolate for you and cook whatever you’re craving (not that he can cook but you’re too tired to get up and make anything better)
boyfriend xiao who would MAKE his own chocolate for you (idk i just see xiao i’m the kitchen OMFG ITS VISIBLES CHEF XIAO SERIES AGAIN OMFG EBERYTHING HAS BECOME FULL CIRCLE)
boyfriend xiao who would not understand how oval week works and think that someone drugged you to make to behave this way in front of him, then you had to have another sit down talk with him.
boyfriend xiao who would make sure the bathroom is always stocked with pads OR TAMPONS (I TOTALLY FORGOT ABT TAMPONS) omfg wait there’s other menstrual products too 💀 forgot abt them. just imagine xiao keeps the bathroom stocked up mkay
boyfriend xiao who would still want to have happy banging time but doesn’t want to hurt you so you decide to just rub one out for him (i giggled at this 💀)
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writingduhh · 9 months
either ted or schlatt when reader gets their period?
- ⁉️, could I be an anon?
But of course my love! I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Also I’m open for requests! Preferably HC, Mood-boards, and longer fanfics for the chuckle sammy boys!
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Chuckle Sandwich ||Time Of The Month (HC)
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❥ Jschlatt
▷ I feel like he’s the type of boyfriend who would be a little uncomfortable, at least at first. Not because he thinks it’s gross or makes him uncomfortable, more like he doesn’t want to mess up or accidentally upset you (plus he only has a brother) .
▷ However, he’s very willing to learn. Especially if it means being able to take care of the love of his life. ;)
▷ Finding things in his search history such as, “How to help partner on period?”, “How to stop cramps?”, “Why do periods happen?”
▷ Let’s you use him as a human punching bag if you need to release some anger.
“We really need to get you some boxing lessons, doll…”
▷ Offers you his hoodies/sweatshirts. He wants you to be as comfy as possible. Plus he loves to see you in his clothes, ofc
▷ He’d probably make you a whole blanket nest on the couch. Complete with pillows, snacks, and him waiting to cuddle with you
▷ Uses this time as an excuse to lay with you all day. (Totally not an excuse to be lazy… It definitely is)
▷ Suggests using the cats as ‘natural heating pads’ or just holding them like a stuffed animal
▷ He insists on going to the store himself to get you pads or tampons, so you can ‘rest.’
“Babe what size do you wear?“
“What do you mean the S stands for super?”
▷ Spends about 20 mins just reading the boxes or looking up reviews online He wants to make sure he gets the best products for you.
▷ Ends up buying 3 different strengths/sizes, plus a little treat for you.
“Thanks so much for going to the store for me… is this beef jerkey?”
“Well, I assumed that you might be craving something to snack on… So I just guessed and got you my favorite thing.” He explains, kissing your forehead.
▷ It’s the thought that counts, right? 😭😭
▷ Definitely babies you. He won’t let you get anything yourself. Definitely the Princess treatment 💅
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❥ Ted
▷ I feel like Ted is the type of boyfriend that is very knowledgeable about periods. So needless to say he’s very on-top of things.
▷ Keeps a stash of your products under the sink “Just In Case.” Probably even keeps an extra clothes for you as well. (Or just insists you borrow his)
▷ Very understanding of your mood swings, pains, and every other symptom periods have (rip)
▷ He’s always there when you need him. A shoulder to cry on, he’s right there. Someone to rant to, he’s listening. Someone to just hold you, his arms are wide open.
▷ Literally your professional teddy bear
▷ Theres a good chance he secretly keeps track of your cycle. (I low-key could see this) This way he knows whatever phase you’re in and how best to help you.
▷ Seems to always be learning some new techniques or ‘hacks’ in order to help you.
“I saw this video on how to massage out cramps. Can I try?”
“Can I try to find the pressure points that help cramps? I watched a video on it.”
▷ Let’s be real, it’s mainly an excuse just to touch you.
▷ Cooks all your favorite meals and makes sure you’re eating enough calories/protein.
▷ Essentially he gives you the princess treatment. You don’t have to even lift a finger.
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For Your Eyes Only // B. Wayne x gn!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: mention of fear toxin
Summary: Bruce Wayne has enough money to buy anything. That makes gift giving extremely difficult. Until you come up with an idea.
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The idea sprang to your mind like Athena from Zeus. It had been a hard night with numerous Rogues breaking out of Arkham and a newer, more potent fear gas strain being dispersed in the city. Tim’s rebreather had been broken, so Bruce gave him the one on his belt.
You had spent eight hours curled up in the cold metal chair next to the medical bay cot, your hand tightly clasped in his as he sweat out the toxin. You couldn’t banish the fears he was seeing from his mind, but you could be with him, holding his hand and kissing his brow. The kids periodically came in with snacks and water and blankets, but they only stayed for a few minutes before disappearing once again. You knew they felt guilty for letting Bruce take the brunt of the toxin, but you also knew that your boyfriend wouldn’t want his kids to feel that way. Once Bruce was up and moving, you would turn your attention on making sure the batlings and birds didn’t let the guilt eat them alive, especially Tim.
It was during hour seven when his shivering began to subside and his stare was less vapid and more focused that the idea came to you. Christmas wasn’t for another few months but, hey, you had a lot of people to shop for so might as well get started now.
But you didn’t want to buy anything for Bruce. Hell, there was nothing to buy. He was the richest man in Gotham and could easily purchase whatever he wanted, from a Porsche to a penthouse. When you first started dating, you teased him endlessly about dating someone from “the lower class” despite his constant eyerolls. Jason and Steph found it hilarious, however, and so you would keep up the jokes as long as you had two allies on your side.
This idea…it was special. It was sentimental. By god, it was sappy.
You really hoped that your emotionally constipated boyfriend appreciated it.
Christmas morning came and went. The kids were showered with gifts, of course, ranging in weaponry to books to new pencils and everything in between. You sat nestled next to Bruce on one of the couches, warm and content as the light and heat of the fireplace washed over you. A mug of coffee sat nestled in your hands and a blanket was tucked around your legs, courtesy of the worrywart of a man next to you.
“I’d like to give you my gift later. When we’re alone,” you murmured to him. His eyebrow lifted, curiosity staining his usually impassive face and you smacked his chest.
“Not like that.” Your scowl was met with a soft grin and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head as you settled back against his chest to watch the kids descend on their wrapped gifts.
Around noon, you slipped out of the living room where the kids were spread out watching Die Hard. You waited for a moment when strong hands curled around your hips and a chin settled on your shoulder.
“Merry Christmas,” you chuckled.
“Merry Christmas, darling.” You pulled him upstairs with you to your shared bedroom and pushed him down to sit on the edge of the bed so you could dash to the walk-in closet and rummage through your shoes.
“I know you could have easily found these, but it’s the principle of the matter,” you declared as you emerged from the closet. An old shoebox sat in your hands and you extended it to him, suddenly shy at the thought of him opening this gift. Once he took it from your grasp, you stepped away and wrung your hands together as he opened it.
Bruce was silent for a moment and you regretted everything. This was stupid. It had been a stupid idea and you should have just gone out and bought him new cufflinks or somethi-
He tugged you closer to him and rested his forehead against your stomach, his eyes still locked on the pile of letters in the box. Each letter was labeled on the outside with a small message.
“Open me when you’re at the Watchtower,” one read.
“Open me if I’m not home for the night,” another said.
“Open me when the darkness is too much.”
Letter upon letter crowded the small box, each handwritten with an outpouring of emotion. You wrote encouragement, love, and occasional derision when you knew he would have his head up his ass. Bruce was a reserved man and he didn’t take genuine compliments well.
Having a chance to read these in private and receive your love outside of verbal words?
“Thank you, darling,” he breathed as he tugged you down to sit in his lap. You nestled your head against the crook of his neck and played with a loose strand on the sleeve of his cashmere sweater.
“And when you’ve read them all, I’ll always have more words waiting for you here.”
His lips pressed against the crown of your head as he ran his fingers over the rough paper beneath his fingers. No words needed to be said. You both understood the love that you felt. It was all written out on paper.
Tag List: @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @alexxavicry​ @havingarebelliousstage​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @cursedandromedablack​ 
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender - Ch. 7
You realize something major just as the world ends. A continuation of Lavender Ch. 1-6, found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Length: 6k
Warnings: TLOU Canon-typical violence, attempted suicide, mention of sex. No use of Y/N. Overall fic is 18+ Minors DNI
A/N: Y'all, this is the outbreak chapter. Apologies in advance.
Tuesday, September 2, 2003 
You’d been throwing up enough the last few days that you knew the signs. When your stomach started turning on your drive to work, you groaned. 
“Goddammit,” you muttered, spotting a Walgreens on the corner. They’d have a bathroom. And maybe something you could use to kick this stupid stomach bug. You parked and all but sprinted for the bathroom, knocking once on the door before yanking it open. You barely made it to the toilet, throwing up everything you’d managed to eat that morning. Not that much sounded good. It had been a struggle finding anything worth trying to eat every day since you either got food poisoning or caught the stomach flu or whatever the hell was going on. 
Once you were sure it had passed, you sat back on your heels, groaning. This was getting so old. You rinsed your mouth out in the sink and ventured down the aisles of the store, grabbing a travel container of Listerine before going to the pharmacy counter. 
“Can I help you?” The cheery woman in a white coat said. 
“I hope so,” you smiled sheepishly. “I don’t know what’s been going on with me but I either got some crazy food poisoning or caught some stomach bug, I’ve been doing nothing but throw up for three days. I’ve tried Pepto, I’ve tried Dramamine, I’m hoping you have another idea…” 
“Could you be pregnant?” She asked, her eyebrows drawing together in a slight frown. 
“No,” you laughed and then paused, doing the math. 
You hadn’t had your period since June. That wasn’t super odd for you, you’d never been particularly regular. Some months it just didn’t show up. But it’s not like you’d been having tons of crazy sex since you got dumped last month… You’d just had lots of crazy sex when you’d last seen Joel seven weeks ago. Like the time in the pool the morning you flew home, where he came so deep inside you it felt almost impossible. Your hand drifted to your lower stomach. 
“Pregnancy tests are on aisle eight,” she pointed, giving you a sad half smile. You just nodded, leaving the Listerine on the counter and walking in a daze for the tests. You almost blindly grabbed a pack. There was a smiling woman on the package, like that positive test was the best thing had ever happened to her. You carried it back to the pharmacy counter. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, still dazed. “Can I buy these here? Even though I’m not getting a prescription?” 
“No problem,” she scanned the tests and the Listerine and you paid before walking to the bathroom. You weren’t sure when you’d last blinked. 
You peed on the stick, washed your hands and paced, checking your watch every few seconds as if that would make time go faster. But when the time was up, you didn’t want to pick up the test and see the result. Didn’t want to know what the answer was, like you’d rather not know a damn thing and then deal with whatever comes when it comes. 
You picked up the test. 
Two pink lines. 
“Oh God.” 
You didn’t remember driving to work. You didn’t really remember walking in, either. The first thing you were aware of was stopping at Louisa’s classroom door, poking your head in as she set up for her first class of the year. 
“When’s your planning period?” You asked. 
“Third,” she said. “Same as last year.” 
“Good,” you said. “I’m coming by.” 
“Not a great day for it,” she said absently. “I’ve got so much crap to do…” 
“Louisa,” you said, pleading. She looked up at you and frowned. 
“Yeah, OK,” she nodded. “See you third period.” 
You were on autopilot the first two periods. You doubted you’d be able to pick any of your students out of a lineup your mind was so full of other things. 
Pregnant. You were pregnant. In 15 years you’d have a kid this age. Oh God, you were going to have a kid. Were you going to have a kid? Were you going to do this alone? 
You didn’t even knock on Louisa’s door at the start of third period, just letting yourself in and closing it behind you. 
“So what’s so urgent?” She said, sitting at a lab table and cracking open a Diet Coke. “You look like death.” 
You wordlessly pulled the Walgreens bag from your purse, getting the test out and setting it on the plastic. 
“Oh fuck,” Louisa stared at it for a second, her mouth hanging open. 
“Oh Honey,” she leaned forward and hugged you. It took you a moment to hug her back. She sat back down. You still felt numb. “When did you find out?” 
“This morning,” you said, staring straight ahead. “I kept getting sick, went to a pharmacy to see what I could get, they asked if I was pregnant and…” 
“It didn’t occur to you otherwise?” She asked, brows raised. “Hon, you teach bio. You’re getting ready to go to med school.” 
“I know, I’m a fucking idiot,” you groaned. “I don’t know how this happened…” 
“Please tell me this is the product of some fling you had that you never told me about and not the guy who broke your heart so bad you were basically catatonic for a week,” she said. 
“Cute that you think I’m capable of having a fling,” you muttered. She groaned. “I know. This is the worst case scenario, I don’t know what the hell to do…” 
“Do you know if you want to keep it or not yet?” She asked gently. 
“I don’t know,” your hand drifted to your lower stomach again. “You’re a single parent, what do you think I should do?” 
“I can’t answer that for you, Hon,” she covered the hand that was resting on the table with hers. “First of all, I was 29 when I got pregnant and happily married - or so I thought. Yeah, my husband was screwing around on me but I was none the wiser then. You’re, what, 23?” 
“I’m 24,” you stared at her hand on yours. 
“You’re basically a kid yourself,” she said. You snorted. Kid. Joel’d always seen you as a kid, even after years together. “And you’d be on your own from the get go. That’s a lot to consider.” 
You just nodded slowly. 
“Have you told the asshole?” She asked. 
“Can you not call him that?” You frowned. 
“He broke my friend’s heart, I should call him a lot worse,” she said. “But fine. Because of your delicate condition…” you smiled and she smiled back. “Have you told Joel?” 
“No,” you said. “And I don’t know that I should. Ever. Even if I decide to keep it.” 
“You’d really keep his child a secret from him?” She frowned. “Honey…” 
“He’s just…” you felt like you were about to cry. “He’s the most dedicated father on the planet. The second I told him he’d uproot his whole life. All for something he doesn’t want. He already gave up everything once for a kid he didn’t plan for, I’m not going to make him do that again. He doesn’t want me, I’m not going to force it on him. I live far enough away now, I could never see him again. It’d be easy to never see him again, he’d never have to know.” 
You looked down to the hand against your stomach, covering the place where part of him was growing inside you. 
Part of you loved the idea of having a piece of him with you forever. But it seemed cruel, putting that on a child. And bringing a child into the world without their father’s knowledge. 
“Fuck,” you sighed. 
“I’ll support you, whatever you decide to do,” she said. “Want a clinic ride? I’ve got your back. Want tips on getting a crying baby to quiet down? I’ve got those. It’ll be OK. Whatever route you choose, it’ll be OK.” 
Thursday, September 25, 2003 
“That’s really still all you can eat,” Jessica, Louisa’s 13-year-old daughter was leaning across her mother’s kitchen counter at you. You broke off another piece of Clif bar and popped it in your mouth. 
“Unfortunately yes,” you said. “Don’t get knocked up, it’s no fun.” 
She cocked her head. “Can I try one?” She asked. You made a face. 
She shrugged. 
“It looks good,” she said. You looked at her skeptically. “You make it look like it would be good. Because you’re so pretty.” 
You narrowed your eyes. 
“What do you want.” 
“Can you get my mom to let me go to a party tomorrow?” She asked quickly. “Everyone’s going…” 
“You can’t go,” Louisa cut her daughter off. “Stop trying to get your aunt to help butter me up, it won’t work.” 
“Mom,” she groaned, dragging the word out. “Please! I’ll clean the house for a month!” 
“Gotta put in that work beforehand,” she shook her head. “Not happening.” 
“Ugh!” Jessica stomped off to her room and slammed the door. Louisa sighed. 
“See what you’ve got to look forward to?” She muttered. 
“Counting the days,” you broke off another piece of Clif bar. 
“Know if you’re telling him or not?” She asked, sitting next to you at the breakfast bar. You sighed. 
“I’m leaning towards telling him,” you said. “It doesn’t feel right to have his kid and have him not know about it.” 
“It would be a rough situation,” she nodded. “I think telling him is right. He should know there’s a little human that’s half his wandering around out in the world.” 
“Did I tell you my friend Cassie from college got engaged?” You asked. She shook her head. “Well, she did. To the guy she’s been dating for less than a year. I probably should have figured this wasn’t going to stick when we were still just dating after three years… Anyway. Her engagement party is in October in Austin. I was thinking I could fly down, I shouldn’t be showing much yet. Could always just wear a flowy dress or something. See if he’ll talk to me and decide then.” 
“That will give you a bit more time to think,” she said. 
“I’ll have time to come up with a plan,” you nodded slowly. “That’s what I really need before I have this conversation. A plan for him to not need to be involved. We can play pass the baby once they’re old enough if he wants, ship them across the country to visit Dad for the summer. Alternate Christmases. But I’ll have a plan so that he doesn’t need to do anything. No child support, no obligation to me, nothing.” 
You sighed, taking a sip of water. 
“You know what really sucks about all this?” You asked. 
“What?” She said. 
“I really fucking need a glass of wine.” 
Louisa barked a laugh. 
“Yeah,” she said. “You really do.” 
“His birthday’s tomorrow,” you said, staring at the wall. “Think I’ll text him. See if he’d be OK seeing me in October.” 
“Have you talked to him since…” 
“Nope,” you ate the last of the Clif bar. “Not a word.” 
“Fucker,” she muttered. 
“It’s a clean break,” you shrugged. “He wanted out. I don’t blame him.” 
Louisa sighed. 
“I’m sorry you’re going through this but I think you’ll be happy this way,” she said eventually. “You’re going to be the fucking best mom. And for all the asshole’s…” 
“Joel’s,” you interrupted her. 
“For all Joel’s faults,” she corrected herself. “He will be a devoted dad. Even from afar.” 
You leaned your head on her shoulder. 
“I know you’re right,” you sighed. 
“You’ll get there, Kid,” she said. You smiled a little. You’d never told her what Joel used to call you. It still made you happy to hear it. “You’ll get there.” 
Friday, September 26, 2003 
It was a nice night. The air was cool, crisp. Cool enough that you’d thrown on a sweatshirt before going to lay in the grass in your grandmother’s back yard. 
You couldn’t be happier that the week was over. Pregnancy was exhausting, you were tired all the time and the steady diet of nothing but Clif bars had gotten old really fast - though it was better than the constant vomiting. The cashier at the camping store in town had looked at you like you were crazy when you’d ordered several hundred of the damn things but, at a certain point, you were tired of going to the store for the same stupid thing every week when they had the half life of plutonium. You’d just picked up your stash earlier in the week and you’d been rotating through the flavors, pretending that made it so you were eating something different. 
When you’d had lunch with Louisa that day, she told you she’d caved and told Jessica she could go to the party. Jessica was giddy. But Louisa had texted you just after you got outside, asking if you could watch for a text from Jessica if she needed anything later. She wasn’t feeling well, needed to lie down.
Something was probably going around. Nan had gone to bed early herself, complaining of a headache and just generally not feeling well. You were giving it until Monday, then you would call her oncologist. See if the cancer was back. Fuck, you hoped it wasn’t back. But you’d just have to cross that bridge… 
You’d managed to text Joel earlier, too. It had gone better than you’d expected. You wrote and deleted the text four times before you sent it. “Happy birthday! Hope you’re doing well, old man.” You just hoped he’d respond, give you an in to see if he’d meet you in October. He replied almost instantly. 
“Thanks, Kid. Hanging in there. How’s life up north?” 
You hesitated. You didn’t want to look too eager. 
“Not bad. Already ready for the school year to be done. How’s Sarah?” 
He replied quickly again. 
“Good. Loves her classes so far. Made me eggs with shells for breakfast.” 
You laughed. 
“Crunchy. Cassie got engaged. I was thinking of coming down for the party in October. Would you want to get coffee?” 
There was a longer pause this time, but he eventually replied. 
“How about dinner?” 
You smiled. You doubted you’d be able to eat much but dinner with Joel sounded like heaven. 
“Dinner works! I’ll let you know when I know details. Try not to break a hip, old man.” 
“Take care of yourself, Kid.” 
The sky was clear and wide and you wished you knew more about the constellations. You knew the big dipper and the north star, but otherwise were at a loss. You tried to invent new ones when the soft sounds of crickets and the breeze was broken by the roar of jet engines. Two small planes streaked overhead, flying low. You frowned, sitting up and turning to watch them. 
They looked… military? Like something out of “Top Gun.” Which didn’t make any sense, you’d never seen planes like that near you. They disappeared from view and you were about to lie back down when the scream of engines returned. This time, there was a huge plane, flying lower than you were used to seeing. You could see the red, white and blue paint on the side. The smaller jets flew alongside it for a moment before falling back and you saw something launch from one of the smaller planes, streaking across the sky until it collided with the bigger plane, exploding on impact and sending the bigger plane crashing to the Earth. 
“Oh my God!” 
You didn’t remember standing up but you were on your feet, running toward where the plane would come down. The smaller jets tore off, engines roaring, and you felt as the larger plane hit the ground, the force of the impact shaking the Earth and knocking you down. The plane landed in the field of the lavender farm, an orange fireball casting the farmhouse in a ghoulish silhouette. 
You just stared for a second. It didn’t make sense. Why would fighter jets shoot down a fucking passenger plane? Would anyone have survived? Was there anything you could do? Was there another terrorist attack, were people crashing planes into buildings again, was that why? 
Your hands shook as you went for your phone, just staring. You were fumbling with it, trying to open it to call 911 when the screen lit up. It was Joel. You managed to answer. 
“Joel?” Your voice shook. 
“Baby,” he sounded frantic. “Thank fuck, are you OK?” 
How did he know? It couldn’t be on the news yet, how could he know? 
“I’m OK,” you said. You were in a daze. There was so much fire… “What’s happening? I was outside, there were jets… they shot down a fucking plane, Joel, are we under attack?” 
“Has anyone tried to hurt you?” 
You tried to make sense of the question. Aside from almost having a plane shot down on your head? 
“No,” you said. “Joel, what’s happening, why are you asking me that?” 
“Somethin’s happening,” he said quickly. “I don’t know what the fuck it is but people are going crazy, one of the Adlers just tried to kill Sarah…” 
“What!” You screamed it. “Is she…” 
“She’s OK. But they’re not the only ones, there’s somethin’ happening,” he said. “Baby, I need you to listen to me, do exactly what I tell you, OK?” 
“Remember all the gear we got for our hiking trip last year?” He asked. You just nodded for a moment before you remembered that you’d need to talk. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I remember.” 
“Good,” he said. “Go get that. All of it, pack your backpack and only take what you need to survive. Get food you can live off of for a bit. Your grandma still have that shotgun?” 
“Yes,” you were still watching the plane burn. 
“Good,” he said again. “Get that, too. And all the ammunition. Car have gas?” 
“Good. Try to make sure you can carry everything you need and have it ready to go but load your car. Try to get to Martha’s Vineyard, OK?” “Martha’s… why?” 
“Sounds like it might just be the cities,” he said quickly. “Get there. Far enough from the cities but enough rich people that they’ll keep it safe. I’ll come get you, OK? I’m coming to get you.” 
“Joel,” your voice broke. 
“You kill anyone who comes near you, you hear me?” He said. “It’s going to come down to you livin’ or them, make sure it’s you.” 
“I can’t just kill people, Joel…” 
“Yes you can, Baby,” he sounded so desperate. “Yes you can. Protect yourself, keep yourself safe, that’s all that matters. I’ve got Sarah and Tommy, we’re coming to get you. I love you. I love you so much, don’t let anyone take you from me, do you understand?” 
“I love you too,” you breathed. 
“I’m coming to get you, Baby,” he said. “Stay safe. Please, please, Baby, stay safe.” 
“Dad!” You could barely hear Sarah’s shriek before the call dropped. 
“Joel?” You knew it was useless but you yelled into the phone anyway. “Joel!” 
You tried to call again but just got the dissonant sound of a call failing to connect. 
“Martha’s Vineyard,” you said to yourself, forcing yourself to run for your house. “Martha’s Vineyard.” 
You went to the basement and found all the gear from your hiking trip, packing it as quickly as you could while keeping things somewhat organized. You still had a fair bit of room left in the large hiking pack when you lugged it up to the kitchen. You grabbed all the Clif bars plus some of the protein drinks your grandmother’s doctors had told her to drink. You grabbed water, too. 
“Nan!” You yelled, tucking the shotgun below your arm as you headed upstairs. “You awake?” 
You were sure she was, there’s no way she slept through the plane crash. 
“We have to go, Nan,” you called as you went to your room, grabbing a few pairs of clean underwear, socks and a waterproof jacket. There was still a bit of room in your pack, so you grabbed your quilt off your bed. You could always ditch it if you absolutely needed to later, but for now you had the space and you wanted it with you. You pulled the pictures you had of you, Joel and Sarah from their frames and stashed them in a pocket on the pack. You grabbed your favorites of you and your grandmother, too, and the one you had of you and Becca. You grabbed your phone charger. 
“Nan?” You took one last look around your room, hoping you’d see it again. You weren’t so sure you would. There was a scraping sound behind you and you turned. Your grandmother stood in the doorway but she didn’t look quite right. Her head was cocked, her arms dangling. Her eyes looked dead. 
“Nan?” You frowned, walking over to her. “Are you feeling OK? We have to go…”
You never had the chance to offer to pack her a bag. A horrific snarl ripped from her throat and she lunged for you, fingers reaching and grasping. 
“Nan!” You caught her by the shoulders, her teeth bared. “Nan, stop it’s me!” 
Her nails dragged down your neck, ripping through skin. She pulled back from you just enough to launch herself at you again, knocking you prone. “Nan!” 
It was like something else had taken over her body, her clawing hands and gnashing teeth straining to reach you. “Nan, please!” 
You shoved her as hard as you could, sending her slamming into your dresser. She hit her head, blood splattering on the flowers you’d painted on the drawer fronts. You scrambled to your feet, grabbing the pack and slinging it on your back before picking up the gun. You tried to back out of the room, not wanting to turn your back on your grandmother. She snarled and rose onto all fours, pulling herself toward you. 
Time slowed and you heard Joel’s voice in your head. “Don’t let anyone take you from me.” His child was inside you. He was coming for you. You had to live to get to him. 
You raised the gun and fired, the recoil sending you stumbling back as your grandmother’s body flew away from you with the force of the blast. She lay sprawled on the ground, a horrible screaming sound all but deafening you. It took you a moment to realize that it was you making the sound, a choking sob cutting it off. You aimed the gun at the ground, cautiously approaching her, hoping that the blast had somehow killed whatever has possessed her but left her intact. Your shot had caught her in the chest, a gaping hole in her rib cage. You dropped to your knees beside her body, her eyes staring emptily up at the ceiling. 
“I’m so sorry Nan,” you choked out, smoothing her hair back. “I’m so sorry, I love you, I’m so sorry…”
You almost didn’t see it through your tears, the creeping, fibrous tentacle sliding through her lips. You scrambled back, gasping for breath through rasping sobs as it reached and groped. You forced yourself to your feet and staggered from the room, feeling almost drunk. 
It almost didn’t feel like you were safe to drive but you had to keep moving. You grabbed your keys, leaning on the counter in the kitchen for support, and stumbled into your driveway. Another fighter jet shrieked overhead and you instinctively ducked, but no other planes fell out of the sky. The horizon still burned, the air smelling like smoke. You put your bag in the back seat and the shotgun in the passenger seat, some extra ammo tucked in your pockets. You took a second and reloaded the gun, holding the wheel for a moment. You had no fucking clue how to get to Martha’s Vineyard and the only maps in your car were for New York State and NYC. Just as you were trying to come up with a plan, your phone rang. 
“Joel?” You said quickly. 
“It’s Jessica,” she was sobbing. “My mom, there’s something wrong with my mom, I don’t know…” 
“Get out of the house,” you said quickly. “I’ll come get you, don’t touch her don’t try to help her, just run! I’m coming to get you, just run Jessica, do you hear me?” 
“OK,” she said, breathless. “Don’t leave me…”
“Not leaving you,” you said. “Just hanging up for now. Avoid people, avoid anyone who isn’t me. I’m coming for you.” 
You were almost thankful for a direction to go in. You had to get away from your house, from your grandmother’s body and the thing inside it, from what you’d done there. Jessica was a place to go, a purpose. You drove fast. 
Louisa and Jessica’s place was a townhouse and the area around it was chaos. Several cars had crashed near the entrance to the neighborhood and one was burning. People were scrambling to load cars. One man was boarding up his windows with a rifle strapped to his back. As you got closer to Louisa and Jessica’s unit, there were bodies, splayed on the ground in unnatural positions. You parked haphazardly in front of their place, grabbing the shotgun and locking the doors as you left the car. 
“Jessica!” You yelled, gun up and ready to fire. “It’s me, where are you?” 
There was an inhuman shriek from behind you and you spun, gun up. A woman who looked vaguely familiar - you were pretty sure you’d seen her walking her dog when you sat on Louisa’s porch with a beer in your hand - was running for you, her arms outstretched. You didn’t hesitate this time, aiming for her stomach, the shot knocking you off balance and sending you stumbling back over a body on the ground behind you. You fell but the woman did too, her going immediately still. You shook, breathless, staring at her. You’d killed her. Your hand went to your lower stomach. You’d killed her. She might have been gone before you shot her but you’d killed her. 
You leaned over and threw up, what little you’d eaten that day coming up. 
“What’s happening?” 
You looked behind you. Jessica was shaking. There were scratches and blood on her knees and it looked like Louisa had gotten her the same way your grandmother had gotten you, long scratches that looked like they were from a human hand down her arm. 
“Hey,” you tried to smile reassuringly and then remembered that you’d tripped over a dead body. You scrambled back. 
“My mom…” her eyes were wide, wild. 
“I’m sorry, Jessica,” you said softly as you got to your feet. You brushed her hair back, holding her face in your hands. “I’m so sorry but she’s gone, whatever is inside your house isn’t your mom anymore.” 
“What?” Her eyes went wider, she started hyperventilating. 
“I know,” you said, trying to keep your voice calm. “I know. But I have a plan, OK? And part of the plan is getting out of here. You and me. We’re going to get through this.” 
She just nodded, still gasping for breath. You put an arm around her, the gun in your other hand, watching for whatever might come running for you. But nothing did. You made it back to the car without an issue, putting Jessica in the passenger seat. You reloaded the gun and grabbed the compass from the side pocket of the backpack, giving both to Jessica. 
“Just keep the gun handy, OK?” You said. “Don’t shoot anyone, just give it to me when I ask you for it, OK?” 
“OK,” she nodded quickly. 
“The compass is going to be what I need you for most,” you said, driving slowly back the way you came through the neighborhood. “I don’t have a map for where we’re headed. I can get us there but I’ll need some help navigating.” 
“Where are we going?” She asked. 
“An island,” you said. “Where there’s hopefully less of… whatever this is. We’re meeting Joel there.” 
“Joel?” She looked at you. “The guy my mom says is a douchebag?” 
You laughed a little even though there was nothing funny about this situation. But Jessica reminded you of her mom and it was what you needed. 
“He’s not. Well, he’s not all the time,” you said. You passed the burning cars, pulling slowly onto the main road. “What matters is, I’m going to keep you safe. OK?” 
“OK,” she nodded, swallowing hard. 
You immediately went for the back country roads, hoping there would be fewer burning cars and possessed people. And there were, for about an hour. It was almost eerily quiet, you driving slow with just the running lights, wanting to avoid drawing attention to yourselves. But as you got closer to another town, you heard the faint sound of a helicopter. You pulled off the road and shut off the car. 
“Stay put,” you ordered Jessica. 
“What’s going on?” She asked. 
“I don’t know what that helicopter is doing here and I don’t want to find out,” you said. “So we’re just going to lay low.” 
“But what if they could help?” 
You shook your head. 
“We can’t afford to trust them,” you said. “We don’t know who they are or what their job here is…” 
As if on cue, there was a spray of gunfire down the middle of the road, the chopper flying overhead. You ducked down low, grabbing Jessica and tucking her head down, too. You heard bullets hit your trunk and glass break behind you. Jessica sobbed. You held her down until the helicopter left, trying to not hyperventilate. “Don’t let anyone take you from me.”
You tried to start the car again but the engine wouldn’t turn over. You realized it must have been shot. It was sheer luck that you’d been missed. You pulled your sweatshirt over your head and handed it to Jessica. She just looked at it. 
“It’s chilly,” you said. “You dressed for a party tonight, not to go traipsing through the country side. We’ll find something that fits you tomorrow but for now, you’ll need this.” 
She took it, holding it in her hands for a moment, staring down at it. 
“Whose blood is it?” She asked. “I saw it, earlier, when you picked me up. Whose blood is it?” 
You hadn’t even realized there’d been blood on it. 
“Probably my grandmother’s,” you said softly. “She… She was like your mom.” 
She nodded, pulling it on. While she did, you tried calling Joel one more time. It wouldn’t connect. 
You got your backpack out of the car and clung to the gun. 
“We’re going to get through this,” you said, as much to convince yourself as it was to convince her. “We’ve got this.” 
She nodded at you. You took a deep breath. 
“Let’s go.” 
Saturday, September 27, 2003
The sun was up. It didn’t feel right that the sun was up. How could the sun be up. 
Tommy’s voice felt very far away. Everything felt very far way. 
“Joel, we have to keep moving,” he said. “C’mon. If we stay here much longer, trouble’s gonna find us, we have to go.” 
He got up. Part of him was aware that his body hurt but it was hard to actually feel it. Any pain in his body was a relief. It was better than burning, stabbing, gaping wound at the center of him. Anything, anything to take away from that was a blessing. 
They’d already passed dozens of bodies. They kept off the highway, sticking to tree lines where they could, Tommy’s head on a swivel when they couldn’t. 
Joel couldn’t bring himself to care enough to watch for anything. Every body they passed was a reminder. Sarah was gone. He’d held her body, she was gone, he’d never hear her or see her or touch her again. He’d been right there, right there and he couldn’t save her. She was gone. 
The dead made him think of you, too. There were so many bodies. He hadn’t been able to save Sarah. There had been no one there to save you. 
You were a lot of things. Brilliant. Funny. Beautiful. You weren’t a killer. You were too kind, too sweet to survive something like this. You’d have taken pity on someone who turned on you, someone who slit your throat for your pack or shot you to take your car. Or you wouldn’t be able to hurt someone who came at you in that foreign, inhuman way. You’d wait a second too long and they’d rip you to pieces. God, he hoped it had been quick for you. He hoped that they’d just killed you and hadn’t done worse to you first, just because they could. Whatever had gotten you, he hoped you hadn’t felt it. That it hadn’t been like Sarah, gasping and choking and in pain. 
He wasn’t sure how long they’d been walking. The sun was low in the sky again. 
“We should stop here,” Tommy said. “Good vantage points…” 
Joel didn’t say anything. He just stood there. 
“You hear me?” Tommy said. 
“What?” Joel asked. 
“I said stay here,” he said. “Saw something down that hill, looked like a truck for a grocery store. I’m going to see if I can grab some food for us.” 
He looked up. Tommy looked like he was in pain. 
“Just sit tight, OK?” He said. “Just sit tight.” 
Joel watched him leave, standing and staring at nothing. 
There was nothing left for him here. Nothing. Without Sarah, without you, it wasn’t worth it. Life before whatever was happening wasn’t worth it without Sarah, without you. Now? How could it be. 
He sniffed and pulled out his gun. 
He thought, for a moment, about the last time the three of you had been all together. It was the day you flew back to New York. The two of you had woken up early, decided to have coffee by the pool, go for a swim before Sarah woke up for the day. She was a teenager, she slept late. He made love to you in the water. You tasted like coffee and cherry chapstick. You smelled like lavender, even with the chlorine. You were soft and warm and felt like home.
When Sarah got up, you and Joel had already dressed for the day. Your bags were by the door. Sarah asked if you’d make French Toast and you’d agreed, as long as she helped. He watched the two of you in the kitchen, Sarah picking egg shells out from the batter because she’d never quite gotten the hang of cracking eggs. She was singing some pop song that grated on Joel whenever it came on the radio but he liked it when Sarah sang it. You bobbed your head along to it, using the spatula as a drumstick on the stove top. The coffee was hot and smooth. The world felt right. 
He held onto the moment in his mind, pressing the gun against his head. He wasn’t sure he believed in an afterlife but he hoped it would be like that. Just that one morning, on loop, over and over and over again. Just him and Sarah and you, until the end of all things. 
He started pulling the trigger when he heard your voice, so clear it was like you were standing next to him. 
“I’ll always love you, Joel. Til the day I die.” 
He flinched. 
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houseoftulips · 2 years
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Personal Period Tracker | K. Nanami ~ the one with your boyfriend being more observant than you thought
➤ pairing: boyfriend!nanami kento x f!reader
➤ mentions of: period things, fluff, more of a self-insert bc i’m on my period
➤ what reader goes through is something to similar that i go through but i hope some of you can relate
visit the bakery
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Never thought you’d see the day where you’d have a partner who’s a period tracker.
It’s been about eight months since your blonde and stoic boyfriend, Nanami Kento had asked you to be his girlfriend. With your relationship growing, you’ve both learned great many things about one and other. Sleeping habits, each other’s schedule, hobbies, mood changes, etc. But one thing you did learn about the blonde is how observant he is.
So much so that he had managed to learn your period schedule in less than four months. He had claimed that he got the jist of it around the third month in of your relationship. Reason being he learned so fast is because he hated to see how much you were going through before and during your period.
“Well, what did you learn about my period?” you asked with a appreciative smile as you watched him cut some vegetables for dinner.
“It’s basically you on your period for nearly two weeks,” he says in a factual tone.
You scrunched your eyebrows together i’m confusion. “But I only bleed for three days?” you question with a small laugh.
Nanami smiles softly as he turns his direction towards you to see that you a have a small pout on your face. He knew right away that you wanted him to explain further. “I say two weeks because of your symptoms that you get before you get your period,” he says, “You start cravings sweets like they’re going to run away from you,” he laughs.
You laugh along with him because it was true. About a week from the day you’re supposed to get it, you start craving sweets. Not like candy sweets; cake and ice cream sweets. If there are ingredients for the cake your craving you’d make it in a heartbeat. It you don’t? You either buy the ingredients or just buy the the actual cake itself. If you want ice cream and don’t have any, you go get whatever flavor you’re craving.
“Okay but knowing cravings is something that everyone learns fast. Do you know my actual period cycle?” you tease.
“28 days, if I counted right,” he said immediately without batting a damn eye.
You almost choked out of shock because you didn’t know how to check your cycle till your mom told you to download a period tracker app. “How the fuck did you learn that?!” you said in disbelief.
Kento laughs again at you being dramatic before answering, “To be honest I just counted back to when you told me you were going to miss dinner with me because your cramps were killing you,” he said.
“Then you showed up to my apartment with dinner and took care of me,” you smile as you lean up to kiss him, “Thank you for that by the way.”
“No need to thank me when I’ll always take care of you,” he smiles before kissing you again.
You pull away with a happy hum and kiss his shoulder. “What else did you learn, my love?” you asked.
“If you get cramps you have to take Tylenol right away or else they’ll get worse,” he sighs as he kisses your forehead before going back to making dinner, “You also have migraines two days before you get your period. I really hate seeing you like that, baby.”
You shrug it off because as much as the pain hurts, you’re used to it by now. “You worry to much, Ken,” you smile, “There are days when it’s even worse than that.”
“That doesn’t make me feel any less worrisome.” he sighs with a shake of his head.
“Okay, wait,” you say with a small cheer, “Do you know how my flow is?”
“Your flow?” he questions.
“Yeah! Like am is my period heavy or light?” you ask.
“Ah,” he muses, “You’re heavy the first day then gradually get lighter the next two.”
“It’s scary that you know that much,” you say to him.
“I’d rather know more than not know at all, love.”
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nazwrites-2002 · 27 days
ENHYPEN WHEN YOUR ON YOUR PERIOD - TW: Cuddling , kissing , periods , cramps , confused Niki , tooth rotting fluff ,use of boyfriend once . HEESEUNG - The absolute sweetest . He’d send cute messages ,bring you Ibuprofen when you’ve got cramps . He’ll give you cuddles and will bring you an endless supply of snacks . JAY - Knows when your period is coming and has the whole app to be prepared . He will come over everyday and cook you the best food and buy you anything you crave . He would snuggle into you and make you a hot water bottle . He will have you wrapped in his hoodies comfortably , full and happy . JAKE - The sweetest boy ,gives the best hugs and makes the best ramyeon for you on your period . He will run to the nearest convenience store and buy every snack you could want . The two of you will be sat on the couch with banana milk and watching studio ghibli movies .
SUNGHOON - he would make sure you stay hydrated and bring you hot chocolate and making you your all time favourite chocolate strawberries . He would give the best cuddles as you lay in fetal position in pain . He’d probably start crying if you cried because of pain . He’d bring you ibuprofen to take . SUNOO - He would come over and the two of you would have the most fun ever and he would take your mind off the cramps with face masks, skincare and silly hairstyles . He would make you smile and enjoy each second despite the horrible pains in your abdomen . JUNGWON - He always gives the best gifts he will bring you a stuffy with a hot water bottle inside to ease the cramps . “ you know you don’t have to get me a new one every month ?” You told your boyfriend . “ I know but it’s stitch look .” He said smiling at the blue stuffy . He would make you so comfortable and hug as you both ate Tteok- bokki . NIKI - Niki would be so clueless the poor boy . He would be stressing because you sent him a message complaining about your cramps saying they felt like death . You would say something like it wasn’t a big deal it happened every month and he say “ EVERY MONTH !!?” He can’t cook anything for the life of him so he’d Order you whatever you wanted and just cuddle you until you felt better . His best tactic is to make you laugh
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