#and probably a cig in his hand. just staring at the stars.
babayagakeanu · 3 months
Dating a jealous John Constantine (p2)
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Before you and John got together, you had your fun, and you had your friends. You were always headed to the next bar with your friends when you first met John in passing. Tall, dark, and handsome, you were immediately drawn to him.
You saw him again when you were closing up your antique bookstore and he stopped in.
“I’m sorry, sir, but we’re closed for the night.” You stare at him as he lights up a cigarette. “And we definitely don’t allow smoking in here, either.”
”Sorry, doll.” Flicking out his cig, he walks up to your counter. “I need a book, and I’m hoping you have it.” He was a little pale, like he’d seen a ghost, and if it wasn’t for your terrified scream at the looming dark figure behind him, you and him would probably be toast right about now.
Ever since he saved both your lives that night, you agreed to drive him around jobs in the city, and it was fun and terrifying at the same time.
he’d started to grow close with you after some time, the sound of your laughter making his stomach do cartwheels, the way your hair smelled right after your shower, and the way you applied your lotion to your legs had him stiffening in his pants. Doing this in front of him was an innocent act on your part, but you were oblivious to the torture you were causing.
Asking john to fasten your necklaces was a common reoccurrence. He was tall and could see the back of your neck anyways so it was just easier for him to do it. He’d fasten the necklace, all the while, holding his breath as to not sigh out in part of the sweet smell wafting from your neck; some old perfume of yours.
You had gotten your first boyfriend some months after meeting John, still oblivious to the huge crush he had on you. Everything was going fine, until John started to act weird around you and your partner.
He’d come out just wrapped in a towel from the shower, and you’d catch yourself staring at him, mouth catching flies as he states, “oh, sorry guys, thought I’d be alone tonight.” He smirks, and he knows what he’s doing.
Your boyfriend would try and talk to john about getting you gifts, asking what you’d like and John would give him wrong answers out of pure jealousy.
Don’t even get me started on how he would be starring daggers at the guy whenever he would kiss or touch you in front of John.
Dude is full on simp-mode at this point
When you finally break up with your current toy, John takes every opportunity to make you realize he’s it for you.
Purposefully placing things on the top shelf so you’d ask him too bring it down, his hands grabbing at your waist, sending shivers up your spine as he steadies himself.
The trailing of his fingers on your nap as he fasten your necklace once more.
The flirtatious teasing and glances from across the breakfast table.
One night, after getting ready to go out with your friends, decked out in makeup and one tight dress, he snaps.
“Don’t go.” He states, standing in front of the doorway.
”John, don’t be an ass, I’m going out with my friends. Please move.”
“I said, don’t go.” He stands up from leaning against the door wand walked towards you like a predator tracking his prey. “I said, don’t go because I don’t want to see you with anyone else but me.”
Your mouth opens and shuts as your brain rewires itself. “What do you mean, John?” You finally finds the words as you realize you’ve backed yourself into a corner.
”I love you, y/n. i fucking love you and it hurts me to see another man touch what’s rightfully mine.” He kisses you hard, and you find yourself melting, wrapping yourself in cig smoke and whiskey as the door closes, cutting out the sound of your laughter and John’s.
I’m sorry if this sux. I’ve been dealing with a nasty head cold but i wanted to get this out for you guys. Please enjoy!!
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spoopydooblr · 3 months
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Demons | Chapter 2
Pairing: Billy Butcher (The Boys) x Supe!OC
Summary: Over a year ago, Lilith Murphy escaped the experiments and torture of the Sage Grove Center. After laying low and stripping at Super Girlz, she’s found by Billy and The Boys.
Warnings: mentions of assault, grooming, cursing, drugs
AN: here we go againnnnnnnn!! super excited to be on this journey with y’all. as always please lmk ur thoughts 🫡
Taglist!!!!: @seeingstarks @a-rogue-tiddy-bot @scraftsku35
Lili clambered into the back of Butcher’s car, Hughie in shotgun. It smelled like take out food and cigarettes.
“Just so you know,” Lili mumbled. “If you’re trying to kidnap me, I can rip both your dicks off in a matter of seconds.”
Butcher grunted.
“Noted.” Hughie squeaked.
The rest of the ride was in silence, Lili shivering despite being wrapped in Billy’s coat.
A little while later, they pulled up to an abandoned apartment building. Lili followed the men inside, half expecting a collar and cage to be waiting for her. She didn’t trust either of them, and she probably never would (or could).
“This here’s the lair.” Billy said, opening the door to a dirty, old apartment. Inside, a few people sat, watching a movie. Lili was almost positive one of the movie-watchers was Starlight.
It looked like an old police station. Papers were scattered about, with pictures of Supes and crime scenes were hung on the walls.
The four people on the couch stood up, looking at Butcher expectantly.
“You got her?” Starlight asked.
He moved to the side, revealing Lili.
They stared at her, looking her up and down, probably confused why she was wearing Butcher’s coat.
“I’m Lili.” She whispered. The only person who looked relatively unthreatening was a taller black man standing to the side.
“I’m Star-I mean, I’m Annie.” Starlight said. “And this is Frenchie, Kimiko, and MM.”
“Nice to meet you, I guess.”
Kimiko started to rapidly sign something.
“She says she is excited to have another girl here.” Frenchie spoke up.
“I am too.” Annie smiled at her. “It’ll be nice.”
Lili furrowed her brow. Why were they being so nice to her?
Kimiko signed again.
“She says you can bunk with her.” Frenchie explained.
“Oh, um, thanks.” Lili pursed her lips. “So, uh, why does an anti-Supe group have supes?”
She sniffed the air. There were at least two other supes in the room.
Billy chuckled from behind her. “I be thinking the same thing myself.”
“We’re not all supes.” MM chimed in. “Just the girls.” He faltered. “And those two when they feel like shooting the V.”
Lili looked back to Hughie and Billy, who both seemed uncomfortable with MM’s answer.
Lili raised her eyebrows at Billy, who shrugged.
“Let’s crack on then!” He said. “More of this therapy session and I’m gonna fuckin puke.”
Lili tossed her bag in Kimiko’s room, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and searching for the closest rooftop. Fortunately for her, the top floor was a staircase away.
“Knew ya’d be out here.” Footsteps followed by a gruff voice.
She took another drag. “Tryna bum a cig?”
Butcher laughed. “You’re a little young for dat, don’t ya think?” The way she sat there, cigarette in her lips, it reminded him of Becca. Butcher tried to push the thought out of his head.
“They didn’t have cotton candy vape at Sage Grove, sorry.” She breathed smoke into the air.
“Yer welcome, by the way.”
“For what?”
“Breakin ya outta there.”
“Oh. Thanks.” She shrugged. “You also shot down my friend.”
“Ya saw that?”
Lili nodded.
“I ain’t like killin kids.” Butcher sighed. “But it’s the job.”
“You like killing Supes?” She turned to him, a sly smiled on her lips. She was challenging him.
Billy took a step towards her. He smelled really good. “Sometimes.”
“Why don’t you kill me, then?” She was a good head shorter than him now that her stilettos were off.
“I ain’t done with you yet.”
Lili hummed, taking a drag of her cigarette and offering it to him.
He nodded, and she handed the cigarette to him. Their hands touched for a second, shooting a bolt of electricity through her body. There was no way Butcher didn’t feel it to. “What you got going on with The Deep?”
Lili froze. “Um, honestly?” She thought for a moment. What did she have going on with him? It was much more complicated than she could even comprehend. “I-I think he like groomed me or something.”
Billy’s face hardened and he took a long drag of her cigarette.
She wished she could take back what she said. Butcher didn’t need to be involved in her situation with The Deep.
They were both quiet for a second, Lili trying to think of a joke to break the tension.
“It’s like, it’s fine though.”
Billy looked at her questionably. It was definitely not fine. “What they do to ya in there, love?”
Lili took a long drag before answering. “You read my file. You tell me.”
He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Please, Billy. When I lit my fucking body on fire you were the only one who didn’t flinch.” She turned, looking out at the sky. “The demon thing really takes most people by surprise.”
“I ain’t surprised by much anymore.” His hands wrapped around the ledge.
“Me neither.” She thought for a moment. “I didn’t know Temp V was even on the market.”
“It’s not.”
He flicked the cigarette off the balcony.
“Shouldn’t be smokin those, love.”
“Stop calling me that.”
Billy turned to her. “I can call ya whatever the fuck I want.”
Lili stared back at him, giving him a devilish smile as she flashed her spiky teeth. “Sure.”
She took out another cigarette. “So…why me?”
Lili shook her head. “I can’t kill him.”
“Maybe not…but ya can try.”
“And why would I do that?” She lit a flame on her finger and lit the cig.
“Because.” Billy said. “From what I recall, you got a bone to pick wit tha twat too.”
Lili chuckled. “Doesn’t mean I’m strong enough to kill him.”
“I seen ya powers, love. Remember?”
She rolled her eyes. “What is with you and Homelander, anyway?”
Butcher faltered. Lili knew there was much more behind the surface of the man.
Suddenly, flashes of memories clouded her brain. Was she reading his trauma? She hadn’t been able to do that since she was a child.
Before Homelander killed everyone she loved.
Lili looked at him. “Your wife…”
“Got ya abilities back, eh?”
She rubbed her temples. Butcher’s trauma was pouring into her like sand, weighing her down.
“Ah…fuck.” She toppled over, shaking hands hitting the ground. Her vision went in and out, from black to flashes of Becca. Then there was the kid…
“Homelander’s son—“ She struggled to get the words out.
Billy grunted, catching her arm. “Don’t strain ya self.”
Lili looked up at him, tears forming in her now blood red irises. “I-I’m sorry.” She regained her balance, unpleased that Butcher had to help her. “You’re dying, Billy.”
He froze.
“Billy.” She pushed. He reeked of death.
“Aye, I’m fine.”
“Let me guess…” Flashes of Lili’s time in Sage Grove clouded her mind. They pumped her with everything they had. If she wasn’t as powerful as she was, the drugs would have killed her by now. “The Temp V fried your brain?”
Butcher grumbled in response. “Fucked me up real good.”
“Do they know? The Boys?”
He shook his head. “And they ain’t gonna know.” Billy looked at her expectantly.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Lili pretended to zip her lips.
Billy tried to suppress his smile. Her demeanor surprised him. He wasn’t expecting her to be so…alive.
They were quiet for a second, passing the cigarette back and forth.
“If we do this…I want Ke-I mean, I want The Deep, too.”
“Lili.” Butcher smiled. “If we’re lucky, we’ll fucking kill them all.”
The next morning, Billy gathered The Boys and Lili for a meeting. Annie offered her a seat next to her on the couch. Lili appreciated the gesture, but was still wary of her. She was in The Boys now, but just a month prior, Annie was dating Homelander.
“How did you sleep?” She asked.
Annie started to say something but Butcher interrupted.
“Okay you lot. I gotta plan fo today.” He pointed to a map on the wall. “We going back to Sage Grove.”
Lili’s heart dropped. Was he being for real?
“When I got Lili’s file from Mallory she gave me a piece of key intel.” He pointed to another picture on the wall. It was some kind of chemical compound.
“This here is V Inhibitor. A drug that temporarily blocks powers.”
Lili felt like she was going to throw up. Even with her tender Butcher moment the night before, it was clear he was using her for information.
“Inhibitor works on any Supe.” Butcher smiled. “Even Homelander.”
“How do we even know this works?” Hughie piped up.
Billy’s eyes landed on Lili. “Patient zero is our very own Demoness.”
Annie looked at Lili, surprise and pity filling her face. “What did they do to you?” She breathed.
Lili gave Billy a death stare, keeping her eyes locked on him. “I’m not going back there.”
Sage Grove, 5 years ago
Lili was strapped to a cot, wearing nothing but a hospital gown. The straps electrocuted her every time she moved.
“Please…” she begged. “Don’t do this.”
To her left, a man wearing a lab coat and a mask fiddled with syringes. A nurse stood next to her cot.
The man grabbed a syringe filled with tar-like black liquid and tapped the sides. He turned to the nurse. “Hold her down.”
The nurse grabbed Lili’s shoulders and arms.
“Please!” She yelled. The doctor ignored her, taking her right arm. “I’ll be good!”
He ignored her again, pressing the needle into her arm and injecting her with the liquid.
Lili immediately screamed, fire flowing out of her mouth.
The cot shook as Lili continued to scream. The veins in her neck turned black, the injection entering her bloodstream. Instead of fire, she coughed up black sludge.
The doctor held a stopwatch, counting the seconds. “Five…four…three…two…”
Lili’s body went limp and her head smacked against the cot.
“Check her pulse.” The doctor said.
The nurse put her hand on Lili’s neck, “she’s alive.”
“I’m serious, Butcher.” Lili stood up from her spot next to Annie. “I can’t help you with this.”
“The fuck ya mean?” He growled. “You told me ya wanted to take Homelander down.”
“Not like this.” Lili’s voice shook. “Inhibitor is not what you think it is.”
Billy laughed. “You scared of a little prick?”
“No.” Her face turned red. How dare he call her scared in front of everyone. “Think about the consequences! If Inhibitor gets out, people will die.”
“Supes will die.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
He nodded. Lili remembered what she saw in Billy’s trauma last night. He wouldn’t stop until Homelander got what he deserved. Frankly, Lili understood.
“Okay.” She said, sitting back down. “Fine.”
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billlydear · 1 year
Can you do a billy Hargrove x reader and the reader kinda just gives off this : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRqVRPgo/
Vibe but can you maybe do it as he sees her on his first day and just knows she’s different
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W.C 612 - INBOX (please request) - GIF CREDIT TO OWNER
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Every single cheerleader at Hawkins High looks like a cookie-cutter mold to Billy. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect shoes, perfect boyfriend, perfect life. Looking at them is like looking at a row of dolls in a store, each packaged properly and unattainable to any passersby.
It isn't until he catches you smoking behind the gym that he takes notice of other details: one of your white shoelaces is singed, blackened from what he assumes is a cigarette burn. There's a loose string on your skirt, and your cardigan is slipping off of your shoulder. There's a stain in the white fabric of your top, a deep red like wine.
He'd already been fumbling with his pack of cigarettes when he'd stepped out of the gym but he freezes for a second when he sees you, eyes flitting over your lit smoke.
You loll your head lazily to the side and it showcases a sticker on your cheek, a purple star. You glance down at the cig between his fingers, "Need a light?"
He wordlessly offers the cigarette to you, watching as you dig through your handbag. You pull out a pink, glittery zippo, and a flame bursts to life where your primly manicured nails pry at the wheel.
"Thanks," He murmurs and side-eyes you while you put the lighter back. There's a tube of lipstick in your bag, right next to a dime bag.
"Shouldn't you be in there with the basketball team?"
Your foot is propped up against the brick behind you, and you stare up at him with a raised eyebrow that's perfectly shaped.
"Shouldn't you be in there with the cheerleaders?"
You scoff and it yields a puff of smoke. "They won't notice I'm gone."
"Yeah, well, neither will the basketball team."
"That's 'cause you're new," You blow out your lungful of smoke less aggressive this time, "The cheerleaders just don't like me."
"Yeah," Billy snorts, "I bet your burnt shoelace ruins that picture-perfect thing they've got going on there. And the weed smell."
You shove at his shoulder, and he's surprised when it knocks him slightly off balance.
"Jesus," He hisses, rubbing at the sore spot through his leather jacket, "You've got an arm on you, sweetheart."
You hum, "And a knife. So mention the weed again and I'll cut the tires on that Camaro of yours."
"A knife? What are you, fucking crazy?" Billy slides away from you against the wall, staring at you indignantly.
"Just prepared." You delve into your bag and retrieve the lipstick tube, digging your thumb into the bottom to reveal a blade that pops up instead of makeup.
"Shit," Billy breathes, "I pity the next guy to lose a hand after he sticks it up your tiny little skirt."
“A hand won’t be the only thing he loses,” You vow, your sweet voice muffled by the cig in your mouth, “Tell your friend Tommy that if he tries it again he’ll never reproduce.”
Your snark draws a laugh from Billy that he almost regrets, because he doesn’t want you to know he isn’t on the greatest terms with Tommy. But he can’t deny that the other boy is audacious to say the least.
“Will do.” He promises, hearing a rousing shout from the crowd that probably means he’s supposed to be getting back, “That’s my cue. Don’t get caught.” He stomps on his cig, “And if you do, don’t tell ‘em I was here. Or that I'll be out in twenty minutes for another smoke. See you then?”
“See ‘ya.”
Your eyes trail him as he turns on his heels and ducks back into the gym, a soft smirk curling over your lips as his scent lingers around you where he stood.
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vampsquerade · 1 year
Could you do one where ghost finds a male reader smoking and asks for one then they just talk for a bit?
yes omg i would love to write this for you. i’m gonna make it really angsty but i swear it’s gonna have a good ending! it’s also pretty out of character for the way he is but i feel like this just would’ve been a nice moment
Ghost x Male!Reader: A Smoke Together, Just For Tonight
Trigger Warnings: angst, comfort/hurt, smoking (tobacco), emotional distress, comforting, out of character Ghost (emotionally), slight depressed humor
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Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the energy in the room after hearing Hasan needed to be let go, you silently make your way out and a bit of ways away from the safehouse. The only thing you brought along with you was your knife, a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter. “I should probably stop doing this shit so young…” you mumble before promptly sticking the cigarette in your mouth. You cover the end with one hand, using the other to flick your light to ignite it. Taking in a brief inhale of the smoke, you close the top of your lighter and put it in your pocket. You then exhale and spit on the ground, feeling a bit more relaxed now that something’s distracting you.
Looking at the scenery surrounding the safehouse, you sigh. It was such a nice night; there was a gentle breeze, the sky was clear, and the stars shone brightly. You knew what you were signing up for when you joined the 141, but you just hoped things would slow down at least a little bit. Guard completely down, you slump your shoulders and lean against the tree you were standing next to. You take another slow drag of your cigarette, taking it out from between your lips to spit once again. Upon exhaling, you hear the snap of something to your left and swiftly take out your knife in defense while still holding your cigarette. Heart rate slightly accelerated due to the panic and stress of getting your guard back up, you’re slightly annoyed once you see it was Simon that interrupted your smoke break.
“Don’t you know better than to sneak up on a guy that’s got an extensive military background?” you ask, putting your knife back in your pocket. “Don’t reckon I see someone with that title other than myself right now. Can I have a cig and smoke out here with you?” Simon asks, mask brought up to the bridge of his nose. Quirking a brow, you just nod and take your pack of cigarettes out again. Accompanied with it was your lighter, and as you were taking the cigarette out of the box, Simon spoke up.
“Put it between my lips as well, yeah? I’ll cover it so it doesn’t go out.”
Becoming slightly flustered at this request, you did as you were told. Simon covered your lighter at the cigarette end and you successfully lit it. You watch as he takes his first drag, removing the cigarette to exhale the smoke and spitting on the ground. “Bloody hell…I quite honestly forgot how terrible these are.” he joked. Chuckling softly, you just shake your head and put your lighter away. You take another drag of your cigarette, holding it in your mouth for a bit before exhaling some O’s. “How’d you do that?” Simon asks, watching you. “It’s easy, just gotta do this motion with your mouth,” you say then proceed to make the motions with your own.
Simon looks amazed and tries it out himself, only to slightly choke on the smoke. He begins coughing, and you could’ve sworn some laughs were mixed in there as you pat his back. “Holy fuck, don’t choke yourself doing it. Guess I forgot to leave that one out.” you joke as you help him recuperate. “Sorry. I- hah…thought a master of that would’ve at least warned about it…” Simon sneers. You find yourself choking on your own cigarette, the both of you erupting in laughter between dry coughs. “I reckon I haven’t had this much fun in quite a long time. I thought I was somehow immune to it after what I went through.” Simon said breathlessly. Your smile and laughter slowly faded, lips slightly agape as you stared at him in silence. “Anything I should know about so I don’t make a mistake over it and get my fucking ass kicked?” you ask.
Simon’s face grows somber as he takes a long drag of his cigarette. “You can tell me, you know…” you say. “Just don’t end up like me by the time you’re my age. There’ll be a lot of shit you’ll feel sorry about yourself for.” he says, exhaling. You put a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it. “If it makes you feel any better, you’ve become the strongest you could ever be. You defend the lives of people who are unable to protect themselves. We all lose a lot in our lives, it’s normal; but that definitely isn’t an excuse to not care for yourself because it’s what you lacked.” you say. Simon chuckles, taking another drag. “Since when did you become the 141’s therapist, eh?” he jokes bitterly as he exhales. “Since I decided I wanted to fix myself and everyone. Don’t leave yourself out of what you deserve.” you say.
He spits out some of the built up tobacco in his mouth before rubbing his eyes. “I reckon you've got a point, I’ll admit. It’s just difficult.” he says softly. “I know, but we all care about you here. We’re a family and we do not leave each other behind.” you reassure. “Y/N?” Simon asks. “Yes, Simon?” you reciprocate. “Promise you’re not lying to me. I’ll kick your teeth in, corporal.” he jokes darkly. Laughing softly, you punch his shoulder before bringing him in for a side embrace. “Aw, well I appreciate you too, lieutenant. But I promise, I’ll never abandon or leave your side.” you reassure. “Good. Thanks for at least being the semblance of a new family for me.” Simon thanks. “No problem.” you say.
The two of you then stay outside for a while longer, eventually smoking your entire cigarettes and putting them out. You spend a bit more time stargazing, enjoying each other’s company after such a moment of vulnerability. “Quite a nice night, eh? Feels fresh and clear.” you chime. “I suppose you’re right. You like to stargaze a lot?” Simon asks. “From time to time. I just like to appreciate the scenery whenever I can.” you say Simon nods, looking down at you. You look back at him, staring into his eyes. “You’re a good man, Y/N. Don’t change that.” he compliments. You smile and give him a nod and a wink, “I don’t plan on it, Simon.” you say confidently. Simon gives you a nod, bringing his mask back down over his face. The air feels much lighter now, and you could tell that that small period of gloom has effectively passed now.
You were now close to Simon “Ghost” Riley, the most intimidating person you’ve ever met.
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luvlanadr · 2 years
❝𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫❞- 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐧
𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
𝐜𝐰: 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐥
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 '𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫,' 𝐛𝐲 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐢𝐧
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❝𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲,𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬,𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞,𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫❞
͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘♡𐡘 𐡘 ͙ ͙۪۪̥
i sat on the window ledge of your bedroom window, humming the lyrics to love buzz by nirvana, staring at the stars intently, before bringing a cigarette to my lips,
fuck where did i put my lighter, i fumbled in my pocket it was here i swear,
my body jolted forward as a pair of hands grasped my shoulders,
'TATE' i shrieked 'god you scared me'
he smirked, 'i thought you weren't afraid of anything?' he sniggered at his stupid remark, to which i simply sighed. ' hey, i was only joking' he stated, as he lit up the cigarette for me, causing my cheeks to heat up at the slightest gesture.
'ugh, also to be frank i'm not scared of anything, i just-' before i could try to justify myself, inhaling the cig, as he simply just observed me, a wide grin on his face, i sighed in 'annoyance'.
to this which tate responded simply, 'you know you pretending to be mad makes you even hotter,' he paused, 'and you look so pretty in this light, the light of the moon radiating against your soft skin' he continued as he leaned closer to me.
he leaned in slowly kissing me, his fingers trailing through my hair, before they lingered down to my neck, he pulled away as he caressed my neck, before leaving faint marks as he slowly sucked and bit on the exposed skin.
'tate, i love you,' i mumbled as he continued kissing my neck, his deep eyes locked with mine,
'i love you too, y/n so fucking much,' tate responded,he spoke softly as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, before i leant into kiss him, his left hand trailing to my waist, whilst his other hand cupped my face bringing him closer, the faint lyrics of kurt cobain's and i love her playing,
❝𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲,𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬,𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞,𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫❞
i could feel tate smile slightly against the kiss, as he slowly pulled away, looking at me with awe, 'you know y/n this song reminds me of you, that's why its my favourite song'
he recites the lyric 'and i love her', pulling my body closer to him, ' i love my girl' he sings softly as his hand caresses my waist as we both look at the stars,
i continue the song 'bright are the stars that shine, dark is the sky' i pause as he kisses my forehead affectionately, ' i know this love of mine will never die,' i giggle slightly.
'and i love her,' tate hummed, as i rest my head on his shoulder, as we looked into the sky from the window ledge, his hand still snaked around my waist, a pure moment of bliss and tranquillity with the boy i loved most.
probably not the best, it's a draft from a while ago. thank you guys for all the support <3
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1800nosleep · 2 years
I Cry At Midnight
synopsis; everyone cries, and dwayne cries too much over a certain someone
dwayne x reader
part one of four parts
warnings; fluff with a bit of angst, bittersweet heartaches, dwayne is a softy, gn! reader, sweet! reader, reader is very caring, weed n cig smoking
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He spotted them in a certain store, a store that Star was in, a store that sold pastel pink, green, and blue clothes, clothes that Dwayne and Star would never wear.
But the certain beauty he saw was the most perfect and stunning person he had ever laid his eye on. He knew that he'd probably never see that person again, but a harmless crush could never hurt.
Which is what he thought before he saw them over and over and over again at the same store. They'd always just skim the racks and never actually buy anything. He had sworn he had seen them glance over at him through the windows of the store.
The worst part? It was always around five in the morning, right before the burning California sun began to rise. It's like someone above wanted him to suffer. He couldn't and definitely wouldn't just go over to them and spark up and have a conversation.
Yet every morning on the ride back to the cave, he had felt tears in his eyes and a pain in his no longer beating heart. The person he had always on his mind, would never know how he felt.
That was until that specific person had come up to him on the boardwalk, late in the afternoon. Right after the sun went down and the stars and moon came up.
He was mesmerized by their flashy and brightly colored outfit that evening. It was like nothing he'd seen them wear before.
"Hey! You're the biker dude always outside my store! You should come in sometime!" they spoke with the softest and most enthusiastic voice.
"So it's their store," he had thought to himself, "that would explain a lot." 
"I'm sorry. Do I look the type to shop at your store?" he asked jokingly with a small smile on his face. Making the beauty grin back at him. 
"No, I mean just come in and talk. I'm the only one who works the night and early morning shifts so it's sort of lonely," they spoke with their soft-toned voice. 
And so, Dwayne took up their offer, he came in almost every night, at eight o'clock on the dot, with a bag of dinner for the two of them to enjoy while they gabbed about everything that had happened in the previous hours. The hours that they weren't together. Dwayne would bring Laddie and Star in occasionally for them to look around the store while he stared into the eyes of his beloved and zoned off.
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In the early morning, the beloved would close up their shop, hug Dwayne and Laddie (if he came) goodbye, and, would walk home to their beach house.
Dwayne on the other hand, he would get on his bike and sob all the way home, he would be red in the face. Getting home, he'd wipe away his tears, go to the nest where the rest of the boys are and just fall asleep hoping that tomorrow would be the day his beloved would finally love him back.
Dwayne lay in the cave next to Paul with a blunt in between each of the two boys' lips. In hopes of numbing the heartache, he suffered each day he lived, Dwayne had avoided going to the shop, he avoided seeing his beloved and he attempted to drown out every thought that invaded his mind.
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"Dwayne, just tell the babe you like em!" Paul spoke out with passion, before continuing, "if you tell the sweetie that you are like super duper like in love with em, they might like, like you back bro."
Dwayne rolled his eyes at the blond before taking an inhale. "I can't tell them how I feel, it's too consuming of my time and I can't risk that pain."
He let out a sigh before finishing the blunt. "I just can't."
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cruisinfdr · 6 years
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~glendale parris~
hey this is glendale 4 @corporeal-ish !!!! who saiiid “henlo, id like to request a colorful beefy bear boy, like one of those big dudes with glitter beards and painted nails. i have all the packs n stuff and u can use whatever cc u wanna, im excited to see what u do!!”
so here !! im like. genuinely super attached to him after spending so long w him in cas so i have faith u will do him justice and lov him as much as i do jdsghkjsd
so i got carried away also and made 2 extra everyday outfits so pics of the extra 2 outfits r under the cut so u can choose if u want them or not obviously :’~) and theres some more of me babbling because like i said. i got carried away And attached so i came up w a strong idea of what kinda guy i think he is?? but obviously thts just my interpretation too u can roll w him however u want !
heres a song tht makes me think of him !! and a second one w a different feel !!
skin overlay / skin tone / eyebags / moles / nails / beard / hair (v3 w the widows peak) / body hair / lipz (neutral low opacity) / teef (lil gap) / brows / shirt 1 / jeans 1 / shirt 2 / jeans 2 / neckerchief / shirt 3 / i literally only used these slides for his partywear cuz i thought it was funny /
n for the beard also.,., i dont doubt that hes the kind of person to just. rock the flowers 24/7 but other than that u can put him in the regular base game beard :~)
anyway heres his tray files or u can get him on the gallery if u wanna :~P im bre611 !! n feel free to tag me if u use him i rlly wanna see :’’’~)
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hes seriously so cute !!! i cheated a tiny bit cuz i used one of my favorite randomly generated townies as a base for him instead of a complete rando from cas but he looks pretty much nothing like the original guy except for the nose :~P so he might have skills since he was in my game for awhile ! but anyway:: i get the feeling that he lives in selvadorada now and like. he got shitfaced on a cruise dskjhfksjd and thats how he ended up there. like the cruise ship left him on accident lmfao but hes not mad cuz of the MEN there and he got a bartending gig so. tis a good life 4 him. and he’d totally be friends w angus i think !! i got that vibe from the get go that theyd be friends,., also while making him i was SUPER inspired by ramon from archer so theres a clip oh look and heres another one !! u can see where i got an outfit from
also idk if youll wanna do this but like,.,., u might wanna size his hands down idk if i made them too big or not cuz i was trying to figure out if they were proportionate but hes got some fkin MITTS now HSKDHF his hands are huge but its ok hes sweet
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mr-moose-man · 2 years
Who are you, Really?
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Summary: Michael watches his show to destress after getting fired. Ennard however, is determined
TW: Darkness, Murder mention, Cigarette use, swearing, also he makes an oral sex joke lmao
This will be a multiple chapter series. Let me know if you want to be on the tag list.
He taps the top of his cigarette and let the ash fall into the tray. The fridge light illuminates the kitchen, but more importantly, that fucking gift basket of exotic butters. It’s like, half the size of his TV! Paycheck was ridiculously low cause of these damn butters. Michael takes a drag of his cig and stares daggers into the basket. 
The microwave interrupts him with a characteristically loud beep. He closes the fridge and takes the popcorn out of his radiation box, almost burning himself on the side. “Hm,” he thinks to himself. “Use bourgeois butter on popcorn…or sell it to my neighbors..?” He looks between his fridge and the bucket, but ultimately decides he needs the money more than he needs exotic tasting popcorn.
“As the trees sway in the wind,” the narrator begins as ‘The Immortal and the Restless’ smear across the screen. “So do the emotions of star-crossed lovers!”
“You burned down my house!?” Vlad exclaims.
“You call that a house? It was like a morgue in there!” Clara replies, pointing an accusing finger at him.
“I may be undead, but you sure are heartless!”
Michael pops a kernel into his mouth. “Ooh shit!”
“You need to see your son!”
“The baby isn’t mine!”
“He ate the cat!”
Vlad smirks, “Sounds like something he got from your side of the family”
“Clara’s family eats cats???”Michael thought with a chuckle. “She must have lesbian moms or something. I dunno.”
“How’s this? I’m keeping the diamond ring,” she states proudly
“Jokes on you! I found it in a kids meal!”
“You bought a kids meal?” Clara clarifies, admiring the ring on her finger. “Oh Vlad!~”
Vlad opens his undead arms to her. “Clara!~” 
The two kiss with great joy! 
“What about the baby!?” Michael questions, throwing his hands into the air
“As the hair stands on the back of a cat stands up straight, so also does the love of Vlad and Clara stand up against all obstacles! But what about the baby?”
“That’s what I’m saying! Oh shit my popcorn-”
“Stay tuned for next season for more answers and more~”
The television cuts into static. Shouldn’t it being going to commercial break? Something’s not right. Did he forget to pay his bills? That’s probably it, he does that sometime. It makes his bank, and himself, cry everytime. 
Out of the static, there’s a familiar sound, dragging itself across the carpet. Someone is in his house. Oh fuck someone is in his house. Michael stands up…slowly. The dragging is slow, heavy...and strong. He sees it, the reflective white paint out of the corner of his eye. 
“What the fuck!” Michael throws his armchair in front of him in a blind panic. He chucks his popcorn at the robot and makes a run for it out of the apartment. It wails and screams as it makes chase. He makes it to his front door and sprints out of it. He closes the door, but is stopped by its hand wedging itself between the doorframe. “How did you get here! Get out of here you fuck!”
“Please! Please! We’re not here to hurt you!”
“Don’t believe it! Out! before I call an exorcist!”
“I can’t go out! They’ll destroy me!”
“Good!” He slams the door on it’s hand, causing it to retract it.
“You were right, there was a misunderstanding. You’re not the man we were looking for.”
Michael didn’t respond to it. Maybe if he was quiet enough, it would just leave. He fishes a pack of cigarettes out of his pants pocket. Fuck…no lighter.  He puts one in his mouth anyway.
“There was someone we knew. We don’t fully understand why we know this, or how we ended up like this. He killed us, trapped us.”
“Sounds like a trip.”
“But you know Evan?”
Michael bites down on his cigarette. “I did, yes”
“Did?” It asked. “Oh right, you said you killed him.”
“Yes yes I remember perfectly.”
“Who were his parents?”
“Isabella and William. Why?”
“Ah, that was his name. That was her name too. Who were their children?”
“Evan, Michael, and Elizabeth. Elizabeth went missing when I was in middle school, and Michael is well, me.”
“Elizabeth didn’t go missing. She was killed. Isabella didn’t leave to go find her. She was killed.’
“How the fuck do you know that?”
“We are them, partially.”
“We don’t know. Ghosts?”
“Didn’t know my dad liked the occult,” Michael chuckled.
“Didn’t know that either.”
“So to be clear, you are my mother and my sister trapped in a metal body trying to kill the man that ruined our lives?”
“That’s fair. Well, I’m not my dad, so why are you here?”
“Maybe you could help us find him?”
Michael thinks for a moment, pulling at his hair.
His door opens to Michael with his hands in his pockets, cigarette hanging from his mouth, looking down at the robot. “You got a light?
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@hyperfixations-org @rockeater @literallyneurodivergentandaminor​
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venushasvixens · 3 years
Ch. 15 Effects of Venus - Life is but a Dream (Spike Spiegel x Reader)
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WARNING: contains strong sexual content and angst (also the L word is thrown around a lot, get used to it).
The cold breeze underneath your jacket was a welcomed sensation. The ache at the back of your legs from being on your feet for so long was a relief. You were back in the game as the main breadwinner of the Bebop, getting the bad guys and the coin.
You were overjoyed when told by Jet that you were back in the field, nodding politely and trying to hold your excitement in. How inappropriate it was to be taking someone’s job and being happy about it. For Spike, he didn't care one bit. Even though he didn’t actively try to get out of work, he definitely did not oppose resting at all. The only things he really needed were sleep, food and you.
Geez, he sleeps a lot. You recalled when you ran errands over a day stretch, running all over stars and systems to get things done. Didn't mind it one bit if that meant you left the ship to enjoy a day to yourself.
The days of being free were a constant thought.
You came back to Spike’s room that night, still passed out and snoring blissfully. It kind of irritated you that someone could sleep that much. What it did tell you, was that Spike had to be a cat in a past life.
“Spike.” You said, shaking his shoulder. Hot and sweaty. He was still out cold. “Spike, wake up.”
A deep breath came from his mouth, mumbling in his sleep. “N-nope.”
“Yes, you do. Come on, you need to wake up. I know you’re starving too, your stomach is louder than your snores.” For once, you thought.
“N-no, stay with me.” He mumbled, hands instinctively snaking around your body. “So alone.”
You chuckled, annoyance melting away at his neediness. “Drama queen, I’m still here.”
“Mmm good.”
Taking off your shoes and jacket, you did lay with him for a while. Ears filled with snores, you were trying so hard not to fall asleep with him. He had to get up, move around or he’ll get sore. And eat, because medicine works better with food in your system. God, you hated when that caring instinct came through with full force.
Eventually you got him up, albeit grumpy and whiny. It was late at night, the rest of the crew knocked out. Commanding Spike to take a shower and tossing him a freshly washed shirt, you took what leads you had and brought them into the bridge to put in the system. Getting a notepad and pen out, you flipped the computer on and stared at the screen.
Paranoia was getting the best of you. Like right now, it prevented you from doing anything because you were so worried for the future. What will happen? Told from all walks of life that not everything is guaranteed in the moment, and to let what will come happen. But you couldn't help yourself, it was so better to worry than to let things slide. It kept you prepared in case of heartbreak.
So enthralled in your anxious dilemma, you didn't even hear Spike creeping behind you, sitting on a stool with an unlit cigarette dangling out of his mouth.
“Oh, you didn't have to come up here, I just had to do this real quick.”
“I haven't talked to you all day.” He spoke, taking the cig out of his mouth and twirling it in between his fingers.
You scoffed. “I have, I've been in and out of your room making sure you’re okay. You were asleep of course, but I hope you got my messages.”
“Huh.” He nodded, “Don’t think I did, care to tell?”
“The usual, asking if you were still breathing or if you were comfortable. I can recall telling you that no human could sleep for that long and peacefully.”
“To be honest, I didn't get any good rest before. Tossing and turning all night until I got tired of doing that.”
“Selfish to say you didn't get any rest before I showed up?” You turned your head towards him, giving a slight smirk.
“incredibly.” He kissed your cheek. Going back typing, you silently prayed that Spike wouldn’t leave. Staying while you worked, keeping you company. In a second, the thoughts were back again.
He doesn’t want you here.
He probably doesn’t care.
He doesn’t love you.
Those thoughts made your stomach sink, an intense sadness overwhelming you. Biting down on your bottom lip, as you typed, big tears were threatening to drop on the keyboard. If you keep your head down and keep your hands as steady as possible, maybe he wouldn’t tell that you were upset. You were not ready for the “conversation”. Even if that meant you were stuck in purgatory for the rest of your time on the Bebop.
Spike’s eyebrows lifted, watching as your hands trembled and head was nearly pressed into the keyboard. The change of energy coming from you was very much felt. “You don’t look okay.”
You didn't call him eagle eye for nothing. “No, I’m fine.”
“ Your hands are shaking, you're obviously not fine.” He got up, leaning himself on the desk, his gaze searching for obvious answers.
You shrugged. “Trying to remember what I gathered today, that's all. Probably just hungry too.”
Enough was enough. He pressed the off button on the computer, taking the handrests of the chair and making you face him. “Tell me.”
“I- I..” you sighed. “I don’t know where to start.”
“Okay, then what is it?”
You averted your gaze from him, thinking for the right words. “I’d start a fight if I tell you.”
He knelt in front of you, either arms entrapping you in on the chair. “Well I like fighting, you’ve seen it. Fight with me. Trust me, I can take it.”
You gave a chuckle, relaxing just a little. You leaned in closer to him. “Remember when..when it was hot and cold between us?”
“ I don’t like to, but yes I remember.”
I think it's fine now, but the other day…”you began to wring your hands together, anticipating the reception at your confession. It was painful to even think of it, let alone say it. “I- oh God, I don't want to say it.”
“Say what?” He already knew what was coming, but if it could have been in a different setting, that would have been great. Granted, he did almost die, so that had to be the kicker for this.
“Do you care for me?” You blurted out.
“Of course I do.” Spike replied immediately.
“Would you care if I disappeared right now?” You said without thought. Your paranoia had found its words.
Oh no. Spike felt a panic he hadn't felt in a long time. “Are you leaving?”
“Would you care if I disappeared, answer the question.”
“I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Does that help ya?” He snapped, getting up. He definitely was not ready for this conversation.
“Then what will?” He said, looking back at you with scared eyes.
“Today was a good day. I felt the air outside. Heard the sound of people. Touched some grass.” You got up, letting your fingers run across the grooves of the navigation console. The honest and horrifying truth was coming out of you and you had no intentions of stopping it.
“And I felt danger all around me. I didn’t care at all, it gave me my energy back. If given the chance, I would have shot off into space and became my own starship.” Spike's face fell. How could he have ignored the signs?
“That's how alive I felt. I lived and hunted out in the open after so long. It reminded me of who I was, who I used to be.” Your voice cracked.
“Then what’s keeping you here?” He replied dejected.
You took a couple of steps towards him, holding onto his forearms. “Tell me how deeply you care.”
“I’m not good at this, (y/n).” He moved out of your grasp, turning to the windows.
“Say it please.” You moved around, facing him. You needed his truth now.
“What are you trying to get at?” He muttered, voice low and gravelly.
“Before you passed out from almost dying, you began to utter those three words, three words I've been dying to hear. And then you didn't. Can you remember that?” You said as clearly as you could, allowing the tears to flow down your face.
Spike nodded, looking away from you. He remembered how he had to switch it, and the hurt that followed.
“And that's why I’m saying it's hot and cold. Do you like me or you don’t like me? Goddamnit it, Spike you're doing it again!” You let out. Spike’s breathing turned heavy, lips a thin line, his head looking up. He didn't want to do this, but he had no control over you or him.
“Why don’t you want to say it? I know I’m full of flaws and fuckups, but I didn't think I was so bad.” You sniffled, giving one last shove for the kill. “What am I doing so wrong that you don't love me?!
“I do love you!” Spike grabs your shoulders, giving you a shake.
“I-“ He sighed. “I love you.”
You shook. Bingo. “Why was it so hard to say?”
Silence, only the sound of Bebop’s creaks and groans. The pressure that Spike held on your shoulders lifted, falling limp on his sides. Defeated, he sat in your chair, leaning his elbows on his knees.
“I’ll tell you.” Here it goes. “Before all of this, I was going from planet to planet. I didn't care whether I lived or died. Sometimes I put myself in the way of death and it steered clear of me. All to escape what I had left behind and killed.”
“You never told me about this.” You stood in front of him, arms held to yourself.
“Didn’t think it was required. But you need to know.”
You nodded, indicating for him to continue.
“I was part of a syndicate.” He mumbled. “You can say I was one of their best men. Was making the way to the top, I was that ruthless. Killed, torture, you name it. There was no fear of death or emptiness. I was full from the violence. Then someone came along.”
Was it bad that you were more concerned that there was someone before you, then the amount of people that Spike aided in hurting and killing? Yes. But you had your skeletons too. It shouldn’t have been worth mentioning.
“All of sudden, I wanted to live. They gave me a meaning. Purpose. Kindness. Affection. So for the sake of us, I faked my death. Told her to run away with me. She didn’t take it and that was it. I was finally knocked out, put to sleep.” He nodded to himself, as if he was back to that moment.
“When I look back on it, I try not to think of it as a waste of time. Maybe see it as a lesson.”
Lately everything feels like a lesson.” You said, moving in front of Spike again cautiously.
“But now…” Spike grips his knees, the right words coming out this time. “I think I’m awake.”
You watched on as Spike swallowed, gaining the courage to keep on going.
“You woke me up. You breathed life into me, (Y/N). All I could think about before my ship fizzed out was you. If you were going to be okay and that you were safe. I would never forgive myself if you had gotten hurt.You showed me something I thought would never have been given to me again. Happiness. And I want to share that with you.” He outstretched his hand to you, hoping you would take it. You did just that, interlocking your fingers together.
Taking your hand away, you wrapped your arms around his neck. He hung onto you, keeping you firmly in his grasp. You were a little stunned, but nonetheless satisfied. “
“I told ya I’m no good at this.” He mumbled into your tits.
“That was perfect.” You said, pushing back his hair and kissing his forehead.
“I love you.” He whispered, reaching his head up and giving you a slow kiss.
“ Say it again.” You kissed him back, your mouth moving more feverishly as the thirst was finally quenched. As much as you wanted to hear him say it, you couldn't stop kissing him. He was so irresistible to you at this second.
“I-i..” One kiss. “Love.” Two kisses. “You.”
Both of your kisses flurried, moving furiously against each other. You pulled back panting, while Spike took the chance to attack your neck. Humming as he licked and bit so gentle, his hands massaged from the small of your back to your ass. Hissing as expertly skilled fingers dipped in between your cheeks, you giggled.
“A-are you so sure? I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself any more than you are now.”
“I don’t care, I just want to love on you.” He whispered into your chest. “Sit on the console.”
Your heart jumped to your throat. Obeying, you sat on the edge of the switched off navigation console in the middle of the bridge, allowing Spiketo get up and settle himself in between your legs. Dark eyes, full of affection, met yours as you sealed your lips to each other. Hands palmed his chest, the shirt’s material locking you out of what you wanted to feel.
“Can I?”
“Only if I could do the same to you.”
Smiling, you flipped his shirt off of him, tossing it to the side. “I have you up here for a reason.” He panted as his hands reached underneath your shirt and gave a nice squeeze.“I think you already know.”
As he groped you, you looked up at Spike. You undid him in the best way possible, and all you could feel was him. “Do your worst.”
He might as well rip your shirt apart.
Exposing your breasts out of your bra, Spike allowed himself to take a look at you. Face flushed, legs spread around his waist and your perfect tits erected just for him. This was his girl, all of his and belonged to him fully.
Taking your pants off, you hooked your arms underneath your legs for a better view. Spike could see your cunt glistening, drenched and just asking to be fucked. He chuckled at the thought of how attuned you both were with each other. He let a thumb trail your slit and press circles around your clit, hearing a gasping moan escape your mouth.
“There you go. ” He said softly, breathing in your scent. “I need to taste you.”
You allowed your hands at your side as Spike placed them over his shoulders as he lowered down towards your cunt. He winced, which prompted you to prop yourself up. Before you could get a word out, he pushed you back down.
“I’m okay. Just lay there like a good girl.”
Spike let himself hover over you. He wanted to see your desperation, to witness the want inside you. Whining, you bucked your hips up impatiently, practically begging for his mouth to bring you to paradise.
“P-please. I-if you say you really want me?” You keened, your hands reaching down and intertwining in his hair, massaging his scalp. How you hoped this would help you get eaten out.
“You got me there.” He smiled before placing a slow kiss on your inner thigh. Two digits prodded your pussy lips apart, tracing your clit before Spike flicked it with the tip of his tongue. Your breath hitched as he kept a rhythm of using his tongue on just your clit, sending little waves in your lower stomach.
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head as he slurped, lips meeting and creating an intense suction. As his mouth engulfed your cunt, he continued to lapped up your clit, his eyes never breaking off of you. As you looked at him, his grip on your thighs got harder, his work on you picking up a pace. You set him off.
Did you mind it? Absolutely fucking not. You wanted the man of your life to fuck you until kingdom come. “Oh, yes, yes…”
He pushed your thigh as far as he could, knees by your head. Like so many times before, he was going to make you cum with just his mouth. Grunting and groaning as he concentrated on your throbbing cunt, you let out a string of moans, either crying out obcensities or Spike’s name. A part of you prayed to God that the bridge was soundproof but the other part said fuck it. You had something no one else did on this ship, might as well let them know.
“God, y-you're going to make me cum!”
A pool of spit and your wetness dripped down from your pussy, spilling onto the console. It coated Spike’s chin, dribbling down onto his slender neck. The sensation made his cock jolted in his boxers, begging to be freed. Your sweet sounds bounced on the bridge, the pitch getting higher and higher. Words slurred as you tried so hard to grip onto your pleasure that was on the brink of spilling over. Intensive heat spreads into your fingertips and toes, tingling all nerves for an explosive peak.
Humming against your pussy, you could make out the bits of praise from Spike.
Doing so good for me.
That’s it, let me hear you.
Hold on baby, you’re almost there.
You couldn’t stand it anymore. Your poor clit was so overstimulated, growing even more sensitive with each lick. Eyes rolling in the back of your head, nails digging into your skin. You couldn't hold on for shit.
“Oooh I can feel it, baby. That’s it, come for me, come for me..”
Your eyes shut closed, a sharp intake of breath. A ball of fire erupted deep inside you, squirting into Spike’s mouth. Your thighs clamped around his head, bucking wildly as you were riding out one of the best orgasms of your life.A deep laugh came from between your legs as your cries filled the bridge, repeating your beloved’s name for all of space to hear.
Your legs hung limply off the side of the console as your consciousness was brought back to reality, away from your brief heaven. Opening your eyes, you realized that you never left your heaven. It was right in front of you, massaging your hips and smiling a big toothy grin at another job well done.
“Y-you…I-I..fuck, you’re just perfect.” You said, earning another laugh out of Spike, raspy and full of gruff. As you propped yourself up, Spike’s face met yours, enraptured at your post-orgasm beauty. Mascara ruined, rosy cheeks, and a cute, slightly swollen pair of lips.
An angel sent from above.
“Oh Christ, I do all that?” You swiped at Spike’s chin, coated with the result of a damn good mouth.
“Oh yeah.” He said, looking down at his chest, before his arms snaked around your waist bringing you closer to his torso. Your lips met, tasting yourself. You should have been resting for at least for a few minutes, but by the way Spike’s hands roamed your lower back, you didn't want to wait at all.
“Spike.” You said in between a kiss, sighing wistfully.
He hummed a response.
“Fuck me again.”
He wasted no time, his cock sprung out of his boxers. The ache on the insides of your thigh didn't mean anything to you as they spread, your cunt begging to be fucked once more. Your eye contact never wavered from him as your hand reached down, stroking his cock. A deep sigh rumbled from Spike, his eyes fluttering. The veins on his member slid so nicely underneath your palm, precum already leaking onto your thumb. Mouth slightly agape, you brought his face to yours, attacking him with your lips.
Your tongue clashed with his, feeling the vibration of his moans echo through your mouth. The movement of his lips were so tender, trying to focus on kissing you instead of falling over onto you. He wanted to be inside you so bad, but the way your skilled hands pumped his cock, he wasn't so sure that was going to happen. Just as the buildup was approaching, you pulled your hand away. Spike groaned.
“I know, baby, I know.” You said, smiling.
“Its great you stopped when you did.” His vocal fry was low. He spit into his hand, slathering himself before lining up at your entrance. “Or else I wouldn’t be able to do this.”
He pushed himself into you quickly. The reaction from both of you was shared, a mixture of moans and sighs emitting from each other as you watched Spike pull back and into you dangerously. Hands held you into place tightly as he began to fuck you. With each thrust, you could see yourself coating his cock with your juices, squelching with each movement.
“Fuck you’re so tight.” Spike hissed, his hips snapping into you. His thrusts met your grateful cunt with precision, hard but careful. All you could do was do babble sweet nothings to Spike as he railed you. But there was one you kept repeating, fuel for his endurance.
“I-i love you. Aah! I love you so much.”
It slithered into his ears, making his heart jump. He couldn't help himself but give you what you wanted, what you needed. Each pound shook the console, the slapping of skins so loud. Slamming over and over. So relentless in his quest to show you how good he wants to make you feel. He would give it to you anytime of any day.
It went beyond that.
A life with you, full of contentment and a sense of peace. It was here, with you. No heartbreak. Only a heart that grew ten times bigger.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
The grimy underbelly of a Mars city. Despite the heat of the day, the lowlifes had lived in the cold. Down here, no sunlight could reach. Dark, humid. The right combinations for the disgusting mold of humanity to grow.
Hat tipped down and collar of his trench coat up, a man briskly made his way down the street. Nobody bothers a man when in a rush. His spiked spurs on the back of his boots clinked against the concrete ground, spinning endlessly. The gun in his leather holster was a little cold too. Both him and his gun were aching for some heat, and where they were going, there would be plenty of it. The little piece of information he carried with him would surely keep him warm, a reward for his hard work.
Down an alley was his destination, hidden and heavily guarded. Standing in front of the heavy metal door, he gave a total of three knocks rhythmically. Knock, knock, knock.
“Doc sent me.”
A small shuffle and then the door open, revealing a tall heavyset man, smoking the end of his cigar. Tipping his hat to the bouncer, the man tried to sneak his way in as quick as possible.
“Hey!” The bouncer growled, grabbing the man by his collar. “We got rules, you ought to know by now.”
“That I do, fine sir.” His twangy drawl showed no hint of disdain or resistance. Unclipping his holster and knives in his boots, he dropped them in the grasp of the bouncer, who then threw it in a locker on his side.
“Enjoy yourself.” The bouncer called out.
“I always do.”
Sauntering in, the bar was dimly lit. Cowboys, holding their gin and whiskey, flirting with the servers and playing pool. The stage that covered the back wall had remnants of feathers and glitter from the nightly burlesque girls, gearing up for another show. A good old fashioned saloon. Hard to come by in a city like this. A taste of home for the man. Coming up to the bar, he leaned against the bar and rapped his knuckle against the deep wood surface.
“The boss in?” He asked, ignoring the annoyance on the bartender's face.
“That she is. But she’s not taking any company.” He replied, wiping away a glass rimmed stain on his clean countertop.
“I’m all the company she needs.”
Getting back off the bar, he stomped to the back, pushing past all of the room. Navigating himself through the sea of people, he could hear the silent cursing and comments made about him, but he didnt care one bit. He had a job to do, and the payment for it now.
The thick red curtains disappeared from around him, revealing the dressing rooms. How convenient, putting the boss’s quarters in the back, with a tantalizing distraction in front of it. Squeals and gasps came from the topless girls, not expecting a “customer” to have the balls to come back there. Covering their tops and hiding behind each other, the man had no interest. He had seen it all.
He reached the door, guarded by two rough looking men. They held their hand up, shaking their head. “The boss lady isn’t taking anyone.”
“Yes, I know that. But she’s been expecting me.”
They looked at him through beady eyes, not budging.
“Oh come on, fellas. You don't know the trouble I've gone through to get here.”
The door opened, revealing the boss’s right hand man. He motioned for him to come in. Shooting daggers as a lasting remark, the man stepped in. The room was filled with the smell of florals, vases of roses covering every corner of the room, illuminated by a grand fireplace. Its floors, dark wooded and squeaky clean. Not a piece of furniture out of place. By far the cleanest room this side of the city.
“Took you a minute.” A voice called out from the fireplace, sitting in their chair. The coffee table in front of them was littered with papers, deals with other syndicates and earning control from businesses.
“Because I was only getting the best for you, my love.” The man teased.
“Hmm. If what I’ve seen is your best, I don't think I want it.” She retorted, taking a sip from her glass.
“You’ll be even more disappointed when I tell ya I didn’t find the ones you wanted.” He said, sniffing and taking out a small manila envelope.
“Then why come here?” She replied, the snarl in her voice heard round the world. “I ought to have my boys shoot you here and now for being God’s born loser.”
Ignoring her quip, he tossed the envelope onto the coffee table. “Hurt my feelings, even when I got you a nice little surprise.”
Long ruby red nails pried the envelope open, revealing a set of photos. Infamous bounty hunters, acting inconspicuous and heads down low.
“Jet Black and the famous fearless.” She pointed to the tall, suave bounty hunter named Spike Spiegel. A target sought after on the list, but not the main focus. “That’s the surprise?”
“Keep lookin’.”
Pulling out the last picture, the boss lady’s plump lips curled back. A genuine Cheshire smile, giggling like a schoolgirl. Now this was a gift any vengeful woman could ever want.
“My little (Y/N). I guess I’ll say hi again, kiddo.” Adorable, gorgeous and as innocent looking as she had last seen her.
She wanted to tear you apart until the solar system would carry no trace of you. That wasn’t a threat.
It was a promise.
[A/N] Ladies and gentlemen, we have made it to what we’ve been waiting for! On that note, I do have to let y’all know about the releasing of the next chapters.
The fic will be going on a short hiatus. Think of it as this being the season finale, with the the season premiere coming in about a month. I’m going to have my hand in a Kylo fic, and at least get two chapters out of that fic. But do not worry, we will have our characters back in no time whatsoever. In that case, and if you’re on my blog for just Cowboy Bebop stuff, I will see y’all at Christmas!
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How To Court A Cryptid: 101 Chapter: 2
T/W: cursing, smoking, sex jokes/inuendos, jokes of murder
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I sat on our lawn chair in our backyard staring at the sky, the sun had set and the stars were out. It was nice, Baby our fat tabby cat sat on the table in front of me purring. 
“You’re thick as fuck bitch” I said petting Baby, he meowed in return leaning into my pets. 
“Not as thick as me” Ana said as she sat down in the chair in front of me. She pulled out her cigarettes' box grabbing one the holding it out towards me. I smiled before grabbing a cig and getting out my lighter. I light the cig then handed the lighter to her. She nodded before putting up the box, lighting her cigarette and handing me back my lighter. I took in a deep breathe of the smoke before holding and letting out.
“Yo, I saw your tweet. That’s cool you wanna stream, you know where?” Ana asked letting out the smoke and leaning back in her chair. 
“Yeah, probably twitch since I can do more things or what not. I have to set up stuff for it. I’ll ask Thomas for help if I need it” I replied petting Baby. Ana hummed in acknowledgement while looking up at the sky.
Ana is my older sister, she’s the second oldest to James, older brother. She has a buzz cut and a nose piercing on her left nostril. She has blue eyes and eyes shaved into circles, she was the first kid mom and dad adopted. She’s from Norway; she was adopted at five years old. After Ana was James, he was adopted from here in England when he was ten. He lives with his girlfriend near dads work. I was the final kid to be adopted, I was adopted a eight from (State) America.
“You know, I’ve been seeing your pictures around on Twitter, apparently one of Tommy’s friends posted it and you’ve been spreading like wild fire. All of their followers have labeled you the Dream SMP discord cryptid.” Ana said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes, my name on social media is ‘Cryptid_Bastard’. 
“How ironic” I said smiling. Ana laughed while breathing in her cigarette before blowing out.
“You know, me and the boys are recording our new song tomorrow. I’m pretty excited myself” Ana said looking over at me, I nodded. Ana is in a band called ‘No Rest for The Bastards; as the lead singer and bass. 
“Cool, I think your going to do great” I said finishing my cig before putting it out and putting it into the empty flower pot in the middle of the table.
My phone started to ring from my pocket, quickly I fished it out and answered.
“Ass and Ass Emporium, are you clapping or slapping today?” I said with a serious tone.
“Jesus Christ (y/n) that is quite inappropriate for a child to hear” Tommy said with a laugh on the other side. I chuckled, looking over at Ana who was laughing her ass off at my answering message.
“Yeah, yeah Thomas. Don’t act like you haven’t worse on the internet” I said leaning on the table.
“Yeah, well I was wondering. Do you wanna stream with me? Or well be in one of my streams? I know you’ve said no in the past but, you see one of my friends leaked some photos of you on his alt and everyone is raving about it. Some say your fake or whatever, anyway! Would you be down?” He asked, I could here him typing away at his computer.
“Uh, sure. I think that would be fun. I know I said no in the past, but I think it would be fun” I said “Cause, you see. I also need to learn how to be a streamer since my fans want me to stream”
“Oh! That’s cool! Yeah, I can teach you the ways of the stream life style! Don’t worry I am a big man who knows things!” He said giggling, I chuckled in response.
“Cool, we can set up a time then cause I’m free whenever” I said picking at my nails.
“Cool, cool. Just wanted to talk to you about that. I got to go, have a good night!” Tommy yelled to me
“Good night Thomas” I said back before hanging up.
Over the next few days, me and Tommy got together planning for our stream. He would now post cryptic pictures of me on his twitter as a teaser. Finally the day came where we would stream, I walked over to his about 30 minutes before. I said hello to his parents before making my way to his room. Today I wore my patch jacket, with a sleeveless shirt under, ripped baggy pants, platform boots and a bunch of accessories. I also did my hair and made myself look presentable, when I got to Tommy’s door I quickly knocked.
“Oi, you decent Thomas?” I asked keeping my hand on the door knob
“Yeah, come on in!” He yelled from the other side of the door, I then opened the door and let myself in. I had my bags strap in hand as I shut the door and looked over at Tommy. He was sitting at his desk getting everything ready, I smiled with a sense of pride seeing him doing what he loves.
“You have horrible posture you know?” I say as I go and sit on his bed, he turned to look at me offended
“Wow, your mean you know that?” He says crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, I laugh
“Guess, you won’t get any brownies my mama made” I said with a smirk. He imminently sat up straight and looked amazed
“The Mrs. (l/n) famous brownies! What let me have one!” he said holding out his hand. I shook my head at his enthusiasm before reaching into my bag a pulling out a small container of brownies. I popped off the lid and grabbed out a brownie, I made my hand towards his open palm before pulling back my hand and stuffing the sweet into my mouth.
“HEY! Give me one!” He yelled before trying to reach for the container, I quickly leaned back keeping it out of his reach.
“Say it” I said looking at him. He looked confused before sighing
“No, I am not saying it” He said pouting
“Then no brownie” I said grabbing another and eating it.
“FINE! You’re the alpha friend” he said with a pout, I smiled before grabbing a brownie and handing it to him.
“Good, here you go bubbs. So, whatcha up to?” I ask setting the container on his desk and leaning back on my hands. 
“I’m just setting up my stream stuff and making sure everything will come out smooth, speaking of which we are gonna go live in five minutes.” He said looking back at the computer monitor. I nodded before grabbing the extra chair and sitting off away from the camera’s view.
“How do we wanna start the stream? Or introduce me?” I ask leaning back in the chair
“I can make it seem very scary, with the lights off and then you wheel yourself into view of the camera and you introduce yourself or whatever” He said pulling up his twitch and hovering the go live button.
(A/n: I have no idea how streaming works, so if I’m wrong let me know!)
“Cool” I say walking over to the light switch and turning it off before returning to my chair.
“Alright, we go live in one minute, you ready?” Tommy asked looking over at me, I smiled.
“Ready as I’ll ever be”
(A/N: Here is chapter 2 done! I hope y’all liked it! The next chapter will be about the stream and meeting everyone! If you wish to be apart of my taglist, check out my taglist link and comment there so I can keep track of all of you. Hope y’all have a great day/afternoon/night in your little corner of the world. Stay hydrated! :P)
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renhaswritersblock · 3 years
Kinktober Day 1: Facesitting||Anonymous Sex - Johnson
Word Count: 2174
Warnings: Oral, overstimulation, faded sex, slight angst
A/N: Hello! So, I kinda got a bit carried away with this one *looks at the word count* hehe. But I hope you enjoy reading this fic. Was a bit hesitant at first while writing this smut, but with a few readings from a couple of friends, I continued writing! It's sort of unfinished, a work in progress. The rest of the kinktober day's will probably be short, not sure yet. I have a few exams this week and work is being a cunt, so the writing will be delayed for a short while, sorry. Also, I refer to Johnson in this fic as "The Man" cause of the anonymous sex part. Anyways, again, hope you enjoy reading! Let me know what you think. I do accept feedback/criticism, just don't abuse that power. And I hope ya'll are having a wonderful day. -Ren
“So, do you mind telling me where the hell we’re going, Frankie?” the strawberry-blonde glanced over at her friend sitting beside her, gripping anxiously at the steering wheel.
Frankie had her head leaned halfway against the open window of the moving car. Feeling the cool summer-night breeze hit her face while her hand traces circles on her wooden thigh. A small yet noticeable grin leisurely forms on the brunette’s face, thinking about tonight’s plans. She had been looking forward to this night for some time, finally be able to get away from the Bang-a-Rang - a place she once called home but is now a prison - and go wherever the river takes her.
“Hello? Earth to Frankie.” Frankie opened her eyes, turning her head swiftly towards the calling of her name. “Are you going to answer my question? Or do I have to turn the damn car around and drive back?”
Frankie pressed her lips together, letting out an exasperate sigh. “You worry too much, V,” she finally replied in a soft, choleric voice.
“No shit,” V retorted, “I rather not have Aunt Rosemary or Dennis be on my fucking ass if you’re doing something that could get us in trouble. Or worse, killed.” She glanced once more at Frankie with a furrowed brow. The brunette rolled her eyes with a snarl, glaring back out the window, head resting in hand. The pale broad’s narrowed eyes dropped into a pitiful look, sighing as she turned her attention back on the road. “Look, hon. I’m trying to be there for you more and back you up, but you can’t just leave me in the dark. You know what happened last time, fuck, it scared the living shit out of me.” Frankie’s eyes darted down at her wrist, seeing the visible dark-faded bruises wrapped around her like a cuff. Her face scrunched mournfully at the memory, remembering how painfully tight those bastards tied the chains. “I don’t want you to die, Frankie,” V finished, becoming teary-eyed.
The strawberry-blonde jumped at the gentle touch of something weighing on her shoulder. Looking over, she saw the olive-skin hand belonging to Frankie, giving a light squeeze for reassurance. “Didn’t know you cared this much about me, V. Thanks,” Frankie gave a half sympathetic smile, V returning a similar smile. “But you should save that melancholic shit-talking for your butch when it gets close to war,” She quipped, making V scowl and slap Frankie’s hand off her shoulder.
“Fuck you, bitch.” Frankie couldn’t help but tilt her head back and release a cackle as V continued staring angrily at the road.
“I’m just fucking with you, puta. You know I love you.” The brunette adjusted herself in her seat, now sitting up straight. “Anyways, a little birdie sent me a note to meet them at this motel in town,” Frankie pulled out a wrinkled note from the pocket of her shorts, handing it to V, “Mira. Thought I could -you know- check it out.” V quickly snatched the piece of paper, silently reading it while keeping an eye on the road.
In town only for tonight. Meet me at the Woodland Motel at 8 pm sharp, don’t be late. See you there.
Ps. bring the thing XO
“The thing?” V quirked up a brow, turning to Frankie with a puzzled expression. All the brunette could do was shrug at her response, fixing her spaghetti strap. V scoffed as she shook her head in disbelief, “Do you even know who you’re meeting? It could be some crazy lunatic who’ll bash your brains out or make you end up in a tub full of ice with a missing organ!” Frankie reached to grab the note out of her friend’s hand as she was waving it around in the air. “Honestly, Frankie. Do you not see the red flags here?”
“Nope.” The brunette answered with a popping sound on the p, “Plus, I know him. Known him for a pretty long time. And besides-” she bends down, tracing her fingers on the smooth wood of her prosthesis. Finding the split crack, she gently pulled at it to reveal a hollowed compartment and a revolver nestled inside. “-if I ever am in danger. I always have this.” She took the gun out of its chamber, swaying it in the air.
Lighting another cigarette, the man watched from his car as the brunette struts out of the front office towards the parked convertible, bending down to lean against the car’s open window of the driver’s side.
The last time he saw her, her shaggy hair was long and vibrant, reaching down to her backside, her bangs acting as curtains to shield away her flaws, as she called it. Now her hair was short - below the ears and sleek, it reminded him of Betty Boop.
It was unclear what she was saying to her friend, but not even a minute passed when the convertible came to life and started to drive off, leaving the girl wiggly waving goodbye. Once the car was out of sight, she twirled in the direction of her room.
He couldn’t help but stare longingly at her ass. How her shorts hugged tightly around the brunette, revealing more of her curves and backside. Even her tight-fitted tank top that displayed her womanly busty’s made the man’s cock twitch as they bounced merrily.
When she entered the motel room, the man waited a couple more minutes, taking one good draw of his cigarette puffing out a cloud of smoke before exiting the vehicle. Throwing the cig on the ground, he swaggers across the street, taking out a spare room key from the pocket of his blazer, and approached quietly to the door to room 6.
Frankie let out a faint moan, feeling a wave of pleasure overtake her as she played frantically with her clit. Her face growing red hot, firmly cupping one of her breasts, whimpering lowly when she twisted the nipple to feel the burning friction and pressed down on a particular spot of her clit that made her see stars.
After she stepped inside the room, the brunette did not waste time quickly disposing of all her clothes and hopped daintily on top of the bed, not even bothering to turn on the light. She wanted to start slowly, gradually roaming her hands around her body and steadily rubbing her slit on the outer layer of her boxers, but the brunette was impatient. Hungry for the pleasure that would push her over the edge. Intimacy she hadn’t felt for a long time.
Now, sprawled out on the bed, Frankie writhed in frustration, her free hand clenching the pillow below her head as she concentrated on the small squelching sounds of her pussy from teasing her bud. Eyes shut tight, biting back her cries of bliss. She could feel it rising, the knot in her stomach tightening, aching to be released. Yet Frankie refused to, not wanting to climax so soon. Not without him.
She wondered where he was. Wishing -fuck- begging for him to show up and claim her, ruin her, make her a mess. Turning her head toward the nightstand, she saw the red numbers illuminate from the digital clock reading 8:22 pm. Maybe he was running late. The river always kept him busy and distracted, slowly drifting him away from her, leaving her to sink further into the watery depths of the current to drown. Maybe she was set up, that this was another one of the pin-up’s sick jokes to get back at her. Frankie’s chest ached tightly at the many dejecting thoughts consuming her, stopping and removing her hand out of her boxers. He’s not showing up, Frankie thought, tears beginning to cloud her vision.
Suddenly, a pair of hands swiftly grabbed her by the leg and thigh, pulling the brunette down at the edge of the bed. Frankie released a startled squeal, opening her eyes widely to see the dark outline of a man hovering above, two dimly lit orbs longingly staring at her. She gazed back up at the man with a slack-jaw, blushing. Wondering how long had he been here, watching her touch herself soundlessly. Her breath hitched, jolting when she felt the cold but comforting touch of the man, delicately tracing her slender frame. Sending her body trembling every time the tip of his fingers draw near a sensitive bit. He moves down to her breasts, burying his face between them, giving small pecks and soft bites of reassurance that left the brunette flush, turning her head to the side biting her fist to hold back the moans. Noticing this, the man then latched his mouth onto one of her nipples. Frankie hissed and jerked at the pleasurable shock as he sank his teeth into her, granting a loud moan to escape from her lips. She could sense the man looking up, smirking smugly. He repeated his action one more time, greedily wanting to hear her whines and soundless beggings.
Hooking a finger on the waistband of her boyshorts, he steadily tugged the fabric down, opening her legs to fully exposing her wetness. The brunette’s breathed heavily as the man left a trail of tender kisses, going down between her legs. Before he could press his lips against her heat, his hand brushed her thigh accidentally, making the girl flinch and back away out of instinct. He looked up at her with a furrowed brow, questioning what he did to make her panic and flee so slightly. Then it hit him. His eyes darted back at her leg and at the wooden prosthesis still strapped onto her mid-thigh, realizing the mistake he made. He looked back up to her, kissing her other leg apologetically, signaling that he wasn’t going to do anything she was thinking of again. Frankie mumbled an ok before moving hesitantly closer, carefully leaning back and opening her legs once more.
Immediately, he sinks his face into her cunt, dragging his tongue up and down her slit to savor her juice. Frankie whined and stirred, arching her back at the feeling of him vigorously eating her out. As his mouth focused on engorging her clit, he worked two fingers into her hole, perfectly sliding inside her.
The brunette choked out a moan at the intrusion, grabbing ahold of the bedsheets as he slowly dragged his fingers out and quickly shoved them back in, setting a rough pace that hit her g-spot with every thrust. Her hips began to move to meet his fingers and tongue as he proceeded to fuck her, picking up his pace and going knuckles deep. She felt pressure build in the pit of her stomach, increasing by the second. With a brisk roll of his tongue over her clit, Frankie arched her back and spasmed into a powerful orgasm.
“Oh, f-fuck!” Frankie’s eyes rolled back as her body shook violently, huffing out of breath at the sensation.
When the brunette came down from her high, she thought that was the end of it. Only for the man to grab both her hips and pulled Frankie closer to his face, continuing to burrow his tongue into her, repeatedly hitting her sweet spot. Frankie tensed up at the feeling of being stimulated again, bracing for another climax that was closing in. She reached down to try and pull his head away from her. To no avail, the man moving it away by extending his hand out to hers, fingers intertwined. No matter how many times she squirmed away from the man’s face, he would always go forward and proceed to work on her cunt, digging his nails into her skin. Then the brunette made an attempt to roll over to detach his lips from her folds, but it only flipped him over to his back, pulling her to sit on his face.
“S-stop. I-It’s too -fuck- It’s too much,” The brunette arose, gripping at the man’s hands as support, as well as to pry them open, “Fu-Fuck, I’m gonna- AH!” She cried out, snapping her head back as another orgasm came crashing shockwaves of ecstasy into her. The man emitted a mm, parting his lips away from her snatch to breathe. Frankie took it as an opportunity to free herself from him, wearily getting off and slumping next to the man on her back, also catching her breath.
Not even a minute had passed when she heard the metal clang of a belt and looked down to see the silhouette of the man seated upwards. He began to remove his pants, tugging them down to his knees, and turned to face the brunette.
“Just give me a minute.” She responded with a raspy voice, lifting herself gradually. Frankie perched at the side of the bed, unclasping the leather strap of her prosthesis. Removing her leg, she leaned it against the wall and crawled back to the middle, spreading out to present herself to the man. With a slight close-lipped smile, she purred, “Ready when you are, cariño.”
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msookyspooky · 2 years
for the ask game… all of the lost boys! (maybe also including michael and star) 🖤
Okay, nice!! Thank you bby 🥰🖤
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Yeah....He looks identical to my Uncle when he was younger. Mullet, cig behind the ear, jacket, asshole attitude, smug smirk you want to smack off his face and all. Their faces are ALMOST identical. Like, me and my uncle both have my grandfathers nose and jawline if you can see it in my pics and say "Oh I see it" and just...No. Lol, so get that one outta the way! There's a picture somewhere of me on his lap crying as a toddler because he told me there was something outside my window going to eat me. Guess what? Mullet, jacket, asshole smirk, shades on while I'm terrified and he's laughing his ass off. I grew up with David as an uncle whether I liked it or not. He was a fucker and got joy out of scaring the shit out of us kids lolol. So those headcanons of David being the cause of a child crying in some situations are true. 💯
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
He could just stare at me like that, tell me to do something and I will be doing it gladly. Yes Sir. Whatever you say 🧎‍♀️😏 He was my crush at 12 he's my crush at 25. Billy Wirth is so fucking good looking and he's even hotter with fangs. Not to mention his vibe would instantly draw me to him like wow 💫 Okay, I'd let him suck the soul out of me 😳...I mean my blood.
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I don't find him attractive in a hot way but he's a cutie. (I'd probably fold if his lil impish self came on strong flirting with me tho. Ngl.)
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
You know, he used to not be my type at all but I'll admit the older I get the more I love his character and could definitely see myself falling for him. Like, I just know he is a blast to hang with and is probably the sweetest one of the bunch. Dwayne may be more my type sexyally but Paul's personality would probably win me over the most. And he really is pretty, like seriously, pretty 💖
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
He is so attractive. He might be a dumbass himbo half way through the film but he's hot and that makes up for it. Prettiest blue eyes and that jawline and hair 😍
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
She is BEAUTIFUL!! Like, when I was younger and still not sure I was bi I didn't know if I wanted to be her or be with her...Both. Even personality wise like yes please lets hold hands and dance with flowy skirts on the beach at night 🌌💜
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Out from the cold (Llewyn Davis x reader)
Summary: Llewyn (precious baby) needs your comfort, and oddly, looking after him comforts you too. Fluff but a lil angst to get to the comfort.
Author’s note: I’m doing soft blurbs bc you all deserve a hug from one of our fave fictional husbands. Let’s all destress and be comforted one blurb at a time, okay? (Dunno how many I can do but gonna try and blitz a few requests out tonight. I’m doing these quickly so they’ll be a bit scrappy, please forgive!) ALSO THIS IS EXCITING I’VE NEVER WRITTEN LLEWYN BEFORE AND I’M KINDA HAPPY WITH IT! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK? (I love this movie so much, one of my all-time favourites, and one of my fave Oscar performances.)
Warnings: just Llewyn swearing, as per. Alcohol and cigs. No drunkeness. Mentions of homeessness / couch-surfing. Mention of abortion.
GIF by @digginmovies​
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It’s late when he shows up at your door. Or rather, it’s late when you find him in your hallway. You don’t know how long he’s been standing there, because he didn’t even knock. Perhaps he was too afraid to, but by the time you eventually stopped pacing your floorboards and threw a scarf around you, you’d come to fear the worst; that he’d been beaten and left in a gutter or some doorway, or perhpas that he was just stubbornly wandering the streets, preferring to freeze to death rather than “bother” you. Or worse than that... perhaps he’d finally struck lucky and you’d never see him again. Now that he no longer needed your couch, maybe he no longer needed you.
Anyway, all of your fears were entirely unfounded, and it was a shock to find him there, leaning up against the wall. The shortest missing person recovery mission ever known.
“Llewyn?” you question, sighing in frustration and unwrapping your suddenly suffocating red scarf.
His whole body is an apology as he turns his head towards you. Eyes apologetic. Shoulders apologetic. That sorry cord jacket is very, very sorry indeed. Hell, even his curls slump over his forehead in a despondent way, as if they’ve given up too.
This precious man. Why doesn’t he know how special he is? Why does he always dwell in the shadows, rather than allowing himself to be welcomed into this warm, light-bathed apartment of yours. Why doesn’t he realise that he is a light himself, and not a burden? That his presence alone can furnish and illuminate any room. Can compel audiences and, certainly, can move you to train your eyes on him as if he is a star under a perpetual spotlight.
Well, you suppose you should just be thankful that he’s here at all, because he always seems an instant away from slipping into shadow and never coming out again. You are thankful. You are always thankful to find him on your doorstep.
“How did it go?” you ask him, and Llewyn pushes himself up from the wall, despondently shaking his head. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and simply stands there as if forgetting any purpose which might cause him to move. You have to shuffle forwards yourself to give him the hug you feel he so desperately needs, even if he doesn’t know he deserves it. You wrap you arms around him, and it’s a little awkward, and he’s stiff, and he feels of wool and cord beneath your fingertips. Smells of frost and cigarette smoke, and like he hasn’t managed to run his clothes through the laundry in a few days. You make a note to do that for him, if you can coax him into a warm bath later.
“Can I please stay with you?” Llewyn asks in a small voice.
You don’t let go of him, willing him to soften against you.
“Llewyn, you dont have to ask me that, you live here.” You say it like it’s obvious, yet this simple fact is something you are endlessly trying to convince him of.
“I sleep on your couch, because I have no fucking money. Because I’m a piece of shit musician who can’t book a gig except for the Gaslight. And that’s only because I knocked-up a chick who gets me a slot out of pity some nights because she aborted my baby.”
“Llewyn!” you say, heartbroken and disbelieving that he could talk about himself in such a way, and looking, in your shock, like you might come for a piece of him too for thinking so little of himself. But, the world keeps kicking this poor man when he’s down, and he’s running out of energy to keep getting back up, so there’s something in you which can’t blame him.
“I’m just tired. I’m just so fuckin’ tired.”
You bring your hands to the sides of his face, that thick, soft beard under your fingertips.
“Llewyn,” you say softly, searching his melancholy eyes. You want to tell him how talented he is, how important. How special, like you have a hundred times before, but he won’t beleive you. Never does. So, instead, you try something you never have before. At least, not while sober. You dip forward and press a chaste kiss to his lips.
You pull away before his lips have time to react, though even if you had lingered, you’re not sure he would have. You swear that man is so touch-starved that he can no longer recognise affection. That he can no longer remember how to move his lips against another’s. You swear he’s too down on himself that he doesn’t remember how to respond to being wanted.
“Come inside. Your lips are like ice,” you say, and it’s true. You only wish you could thaw him.
Llewyn picks up his guitar case and finally follows you inside, taking his familiar spot on the couch and folding his arms around himself, not even taking off his scarf or jacket. Sometimes you worry that his chill goes all the way down to his bones. Just incase it can help with that, you make him some warm tea and wordlessly pass the mug to him.
“Thank you,” he says earnestly, leaning forward in his seat as you sit at the other end of  the couch from him, watching him gripping the warm beverage in his fingerless gloves like he’s never known a warm touch like it.
You sit quietly next to him and allow him to thaw a little, watching the steam rising from the mug as he takes careful sips. It has begun to lash with rain outside, the percussive sound and howl of wind muffled against the window pane, and pleasantly soothing. At least, it sounds soothing to you; Llewyn probably thinks it’s that dark cloud following him around again.
“Have you eaten?”
“Waffles. Had some Gaslight money left,” he says in monotone, staring intently at a particular spot on your hardwood floor. He didn’t make nutritionally sound choices, it seems, but at least he’s had something.
“Good,” you nod. “And do you want to talk about the audition?”
“Nope,” Llewyn responds dejectedly, popping the “p” emphatically.
When he’s drained the cup he sets it down, eventually unwinding his scarf from around his neck and shuffling off his gloves and jacket. Without all his layers he looks a little like a lost baby bird without its nest, or like a winter tree without it’s covering of leaves.
You take a risk in an attempt to perk him up and head towards the vinyl player, dropping the needle on a record you know he likes. And then, you reseat yourself on the couch, a little closer to him this time.
Llewyn finally turns to you, elbows resting on his thighs, looking just a little less morose. “Got any wine? And cigarettes?”
Now, that you could do.
You oblige him, and before long you are sipping on a glass of red, and you let Llewyn rant freely about the audition he doesn’t want to talk about at his leisure, a cigarette bobbing in-between his lips as he talks, smoke wafting around his face and his hair like the ghost of his own curls. You let him rant about the cookie-cutter, soulless, talentless musicians who make it, and the blood-sucking label execs, and the tasteless consumers, and the whole damn thing, until his shoulders look a little less heavy. A little less apologetic. Until he forgets himself and picks up his guitar and begins to mindlessly pluck and strum away.
He starts to sing under his breath, because he can’t help but sing. Because it comes naturally to him, and suddenly he is the only light in your living room. He is under his own super trouper, against the backdrop of the rainy window pane. Light shining against melancholy.
As lovely as he is to look at, with the way his left cheek tugs up with his words and his brow creases with feeling, you close your eyes as his voice filters through into your bones, making you warm from within.
“I love it when you sing,” you say sincerely, and you don’t know it, but your simple, honest words are music to Llewyn’s ears. Those words are something he hears startingly seldom for a man with a talent like his.
Your eyes are still closed when you hear the chaotic thrum of strings as Llewyn sets the guitar down. Your eyes are still closed as Llewyn kneels before you and slides his hands along your thighs, palms down. Your eyes open just before he dips his head and presses a chaste, smoky kiss to your lips.
Your lips do not react. If Llewyn was too touch-starved to kiss you back earlier, you suppose you are too surprised that he might want you back. You want to kiss him, and apparently he wants to kiss you, but you are singing different bars of the same song. Your timing is all off. So, your lips do not meld with his, no matter how long you’ve waited for this. Wanted it. This time too, his mouth was even warm against yours. His hands warm against you. Thawing.
You smile at him, softly. Catiously. As if you might scare him off. As if he is a wild animal who has dropped to his knees for you.
Instead, he remains as you bring your hands back to either side of his face, and lose yourself in his dark, turbulent stare. It is you who suddenly feels catious, as if he is a storm which might swallow you. Might paint you in licks of grey if you don’t first heal his pain. His eyes are raw. Broken apart, and his beautiful soul so exposed beneath them. No wonder he is so guarded. Feels so vulnerable. His heart is so open and so wounded beneath the expletives and the apathy and the lucklessness, isn’t it? It would be so easy to break, like a lost bird far from its nest.
But this time, he stays. Llewyn simply looks right back into your eyes, for once. And when he undoubtedly notices your evident desire there, all he does is question why you are looking at him at all.
“Why do you want me?” he asks you, plainly, shaking his head softly. He doesn’t say more, but you swear you could guess his thought. You could have any Tom, Dick, or Harry. Or a Chad. Some rich, muscly dude with a centre part and a Corvette. I’m nothing. Nobody.
Your mouth forms a bashful, thin line, and you shrug your shoulders, placing your hands over his palms. You desperately want to show him he is somebody.
“I dunno. Why do you sing, Llewyn? Why do birds make music? I just do. I want you. My soul tells me I should, and I listen.”
He looks sad. So sad, So tired, and so you do the only thing your soul tells you to in this moment. You comfort him. You reach up and tangle your fingers into that mess of crotchet black curls on his head. You stroke him and soothe him, and he gives in to you, burying his head in your lap and letting you touch him. Letting you smooth your hands and your fingers and thumbs over his hair, his neck, his back, his shoulders. He wraps his arms around your lower legs and curls around them, still sat at your feet like a stray who refuses to be a house cat, despite how many times you try to coax him in from out of the cold.
“Llewyn, come lie with me a while?” you ask gently, and he looks up at you, unsure. Still, he clambers up from his position and is about to recline on the sofa when you grab his hand. “No, Llewyn. Come lie with me in my bed?”
He gulps, as if you might eat him alive, but he follows as you guide him as if it might be a relief to climb into your jaws anyway, and you lead him by the hand along the hallway and into your room.
He watches you with hesitant fascination as you shrug off your layers, down to your underwear. Then, he follows suit, letting his worn trousers and white t-shirt pool on to the floor at his feet, until he’s standing in only his patterned boxers.
You climb under the covers, shivering at the autumn chill in the room, and you hold the tented covers open for Llewyn to climb in after you.
“Y-You want me to... W-what do you wanna do?”
“Nothing you don’t want to, darling. But if you’ll let me, I just want to hold you.”
He hesitates, but he’s cold, and so, so alone, and he’s so tired of never having anything he wants. So tired that he’s willing to forget, just this once, that he can’t give you what you deserve. Or at least to stop consciously reminding himself of it.
He slots his soft, slim body under the covers, and you let the blanket fall over him. Then, you lie on your back and pull him on top of you, until his body covers yours and his head nestles on the cushion of your breasts.
It is quiet enough in the room that you hear him gulp again, but he doesn’t bolt. Once he’s settled, your wrap him in your arms, your fingers twining in his hair, carding through those thick, tangled curls. Your hands smooth up and down his back, until he is humming softly, his face entirely buried in your chest. “Sweet man,” you soothe, and listen to the sound of the rain outside, and the background noise of the record player filtering through. “I know it’s not much, but I love it when you sing. I wish I could give you riches for it, and record deals. But all I have to give in return is a little piece of my heart, and you steal a piece of it every time I hear your voice,” you whisper gently.
Llewyn is silent, and you wonder if you might have scared him off, but he seems quite content exactly where he is. You wish he would stay, but you know he has a cycle of houses, like a traitourous street cat with nowhere he feels deserving to call home.
For now though, he is here, and you begin to sing gently along to the song filtering through from the living room. It’s one of your favourites. One which Llewyn has sung for you many times before.
You look down at the side of his face, his eyes closed, his eyelashes fanned on his cheek, and his beard twitching as his full lips tug up into a faint smile. Finally.
“You have a pretty voice, dove,” he says, and your heart clenches at the pet name. At the fact you have finally found a way to make him happy. You should have realised it would be music.
“No, Llewyn. It’s nothing compared to you.”
“I dunno. You probably have more chance of making it than I do. Maybe you should have gone today instead.” You worry that he has been tugged back into a slump, but you see he is still smiling, and you recognise the humour in his tone, self-deprecating though it is.
By the next chorus, Llewyn begins to softly sing along too, and your heart flutters as his voice vibrates against your bosom.
You tug in a deep, happy breath, and exhale spring into the autumn room.
Llewyn props himself on to his elbows and shuffles up the bed, until his face is level with your own.
You regard him catiously, feeling suddenly as flighty as he usually is.
“What do you want to do?” you ask him, as his lips hover close to yours.
“Nothin’ you don’t want to,” he says, mirroring your words from moments ago.
This time, when your lips meet, softly, neither of you are surprised. This time, your mouths are both warm and moving together, like you sing the words to a shared song, both melding in time.
As Llewyn curls around your body and snuggles into you for warmth, you hope you can get him to stay. You hope you’ve showed him he doesn’t need to wander in the cold any longer.
He has your heart after all, and you need him to bring it indoors; out from the cold.
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feirceangel · 3 years
Imagine | Skinwalker pt. 1 (Lost Boys)
Pt. 2
Imagine being a skin-walker (an immortal who can transform into an animal, in this case a large wolf like dog) and being taken in by the guys.
Word Count: 1609
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You've been living alone for quite some time now, always on the move. Never staying still for too long in case someone discovers your secret.
Skin-walkers are rare; only a few have ever come into existence since the beginning of time. You're one of them, wise and ancient beyond your appearance.
Anyone who saw you in your human form would assume your age to be around the twenties, and they would be terribly wrong.
Being immortal can be lonely, though, especially for a skin-walker of your kind. Dogs are loyal and loving, craving affection just as they crave food.
That's why it's hard when you find someone to love, and they are taken from you in only a few decades.
Fed up with the pain, you've been living solo for years, out in the wilderness where no one can find you.
You've missed civilization, though, so one day you decide to go back.
Nighttime on the boardwalk in Santa Carla. The perfect time to be out and about, discovering awesome things to do.
People, each individual as different as the sands of the earth, wander around, listening to the live concert, and enjoying the sights and activities available.
The Lost Boys, as they are called by the locals, arrive at the boardwalk on their motorbikes. Paul and Marko laugh and jostle each other as David smokes and Dwayne observes the crowd with a smile.
The vampires are accustomed to the night scene of the city. People dancing and yelling and doing everything else imaginable as the boys look on, sometime joining in.
Tonight, something feels different. The air sparks with more electricity and the stars shine a bit brighter, although no one except Dwayne really pays attention.
A loud howl cuts through the air, trying its best to break through the many noises of Santa Carla. It succeeds in gaining the attention of the four vampires.
"You hear that?" Marko asks excitedly. He was sometimes easily entertained with the seemingly smallest things.
Paul grins, "Yeah, dude. It sounded like a wolf or something."
"A wolf around Santa Carla? That's never happened before."
"It's probably just a mutt," David drawls, taking a drag from his cigarette. "But let's go check it out anyways."
He drops the cig and crushes it under his heel before mounting his bike. The others follow suit and soon they are racing towards the forest where the howl came from.
Another howl sounds, more sorrowful than the last. They slow as they approach the source, looking around warily with excited grins plastered on some of their faces.
In the centre of a small foggy clearing, sits a marvellous creature. As large as a wolf, although some of its features varied from the traditional wolf, sits a dog, whose h/c coat gleams in the starlight.
Its e/c eyes stare soulfully at them as they come to stand in front of it.
"See, told you it was a mutt," David states, clearing unimpressed. The dog flattens it's ears at the remark before shaking its head pointedly.
"Look, it's tied up!" Marko says, noticing the heavy chain wrapped around its neck.
"C'mon dude, help," Paul moves closer towards the animal, who doesn't move a muscle, it's eyes trained on Dwayne.
The curly blond cautiously approaches alongside Paul, helping him take the chain from around its neck.
"Shh, it's alright," he pauses. He doesn't know the sex of the creature, so he glances down. "Girl," he adds, nodding to himself.
Marko tosses the chain aside before petting the dog, grinning wide at the soft feeling of her fur in his fingers. Paul joins and pets the dog as well.
The dog's foot thumps rapidly as they ruffle her fur in a loving manner, getting that sweet spot on her neck.
"Can we keep her, David? Please?" Paul begs, looking up with a large grin.
David rolls his eyes, "Seriously? We don't need a stray."
"Max has one," Marko argues, making puppy eyes at the group's secondary leader.
"Max has a hellhound, not some runaway mongrel," David shoots back.
"I say we vote on it," Paul declares, scratching the dog's chin before standing with his arms crossed.
Marko nods but sits down beside the dog with a happy smile as the dog licks his cheek affectionately.
"I vote we keep her!" Marko chirps.
Paul states his agreement.
They turn to Dwayne pointedly and so does the dog, her head tilted questioningly.
He sighs and smiles, "Let's keep her."
David scoffs, but shrugs in defeat, "Fine, but I ain't dealing with it."
Marko and Paul let out yips of joy as the dog lets out a happy howl. The dog leaps up and goes to Dwayne, pressing her head against his hand. He pats her with a soft smile.
Back at the cave, David is seated on his old wheelchair, Paul on the broken fountain, Dwayne by his stereo, and Marko on the floor next to you.
You had followed the boys to their home, instantly liking it. There was a couch and a bed, and other things that you haven't seen for a long time. A bond had formed instantly between you and three of the boys, although David was more opposed to your presence.
"I guess we better name you, huh?" Marko says happily.
You whine and nod as David rolls his eyes. "It can't understand you, Mark. It's an animal."
Shaking your head, you paw at Marko as he stops rubbing circles through your fur. He continues the motion, making you smile in appreciation.
You know they're vampires. How could you not notice the otherworldly scent coming from them. You've met vampires before, although none as nice as these.
Vampires can read minds, or, at least, most minds. Yours is impenetrable when you so desire. And, right now, you want your mind all to yourself.
The whole chained-up-in-the-forest act was precisely that: an act. You put yourself in that position and cried out for help, determined to find someone worthy to befriend.
And, these four vamps heard your pleas and helped you.
"How about 'Girly'?" Marko suggests.
You growl and shake your head, baring your teeth.
He laughs, "Okay, something more badass then."
"What about 'Princess'?" Paul offers before inhaling some suspicious smoke from his joint.
Another loud disapproving growl sounds from your throat.
He chuckles.
David sneers, "How about 'Bitch'?"
You turn your e/c orbs towards him, glaring at him. He's unfazed, so you stand, ignoring Marko's protests, and stalk towards the platinum blond.
He raises his eyebrows and stares you down. You sit directly in front of him, staring right back at him.
A moment of silence.
"This dog is freaky."
Nods from all of the boys.
"That's why she's perfect for us!" Paul exclaims.
You look back to Marko, silently telling him to continue searching for a name.
He seems to get it as he hums thoughtfully. "'Biscuit'?"
He sighs, "I'm out of ideas."
Dwayne speaks up, the first time in awhile that he has done so, "Venus."
He says it like he knows it fits and that you'd like it.
You yip with approval, wagging your tail.
He smiles knowingly.
"Aww, why'd she like your suggestion?" Marko complains, tossing a pillow at the dark haired boy. He snatches it from the air with a smirk.
You get up and stretch before heading onto the bed behind the curtain. They each watch you, curious as to what you're gonna do.
Scratching at the covers, you bury yourself in them, away from prying eyes. A cracking noise fills the cave as your bones rearrange and your body shifts.
It's been a long time since you've been in your human form, but you love the fresh feeling. Carefully wrapping the blanket around your naked form, you peek out from behind the curtains.
Everyone looks at you, slack jawed. Paul then glances at the joint in his hand in disbelief. "Are you guys seeing it too?"
"Yeah, dude," Marko breathes out in awe. "Venus is a woman. A hot woman."
Dwayne smiles, "Skin-walker."
"What's that?" Marko asks, confused.
"It's a being who can change form," David says, grinning. Apparently, he likes this fascinating turn of events.
You step out completely, still covered by the blanket, "If you're quite done talking about me like I'm not here, would one of you be so kind as to lend me some clothes?"
Marko leaps up, ready to fetch one of his crop-tops. He knows you'd look stunning in his clothes.
Before he has the chance, Dwayne tosses you a large loose shirt. He doesn't really wear his shirts anyways, so he won't miss it.
Marko pouts, but watches dumbly as you drop the blanket without thinking and tug the shirt over your head, letting it slip onto your body.
Paul whistles and David keeps smirking.
"What is your true name?" Dwayne questions, eyes boring into yours.
"I was called Y/n L/n on the day of my birth, although I've had many since. The newest being Venus."
David addresses you, "Why are you here?"
You smile shyly, "I was lonely, so I found a family."
"Family?" David echoes.
"I like her," Paul announces, "I like you."
The smile on your face grows wide as he hugs you.
"Hey! I like her too!" Marko exclaims, not about to be outdone.
You open your arms, inviting him into the hug. He eagerly accepts, and you embrace the two blonds.
Dwayne smiles again and, surprisingly, joins in. David watches from his seat, a grin on his face.
"Welcome to the family."
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achliegh · 3 years
Thank you to: @walking-crisis, @clearsuitcasecookienerd, @blingywitch, @waltzintherain, and @moonofthenight, @onlydreamofmysoul (If I missed anyone who answered my asks please let me know! I know some haven’t answered yet but I am hoping they will)
TW/CW: High school bullies, Coming out to homophobic family, Slurs, Homophobic languages and attitudes, mentions of sex, and pregnancy, teen pregnancy, probably food and drink. Oh! And cigarettes and underage drinking.
Chapter 3
The Beginning
January 2016
“I feel like shit.” Indigo was laying on the couch with a cold cloth on her head, wearing Leo’s new Dallas Star sweatshirt and her shorts she showed up in a month ago. They hadn’t been about to grab much from when they snuck back in through Peri’s window. She left him a note under his pillow because he has this weird habit of flipping his pillow every night before he goes to bed. It just said she was safe and if he ever needed a way out to call Leo’s house.
She has been feeling like absolute shit these last few weeks, headaches are constant, she can’t keep a lot down, her and Leo are sharing a bed because he is such a fucking worry wart and it is just to warm. She only gained like four pounds in the last couple months and she was already sure she was showing, even if Leo and his parents didn’t see it. She always got so anxious before going to school, they didn’t know what to tell the coach except that Indigo had gotten sick with something and is still going through testing so she can’t practice. Which… wasn’t wrong per say. It did bring more attention her way.
Leo and her had a talk the other night about how many people should know, obviously their parents. The doctors would have to know, but they didn’t want anyone else to know. Especially because Leo’s parents hadn't even told the world they had Leo yet. So, the baby had to be secret.
“I know you feel like shit, here.” He hands her a glass of water and a rice Krispy bar, they have been her favorite snack for as long as she can remember. She takes them from him, sitting up to take a big gulp of water. Setting the glass on the side table she starts messing with Leo’s hair as he sat on the ground near her knees. Eating her treat she twists his curls around her finger absentmindedly. Comfortable silence falls between them as Leo works on his homework.
“I hope this thing has hair like you. It’s so curly.” She finishes her snack and starts making a couple of tiny braids in his hair.
“Hmmm, I bet they will have your hair color though. I hope they have your skin tone. It’s beautiful.” He feels her fingers stop in his hair and he looks up at her. Her brows are furrowed and she appears to be thinking which is a rarity these days.
“I don’t want them to… I don’t want them to face all the stares and shit thrown at me because I'm Hispanic. I don’t want them to have to be afraid like I am sometimes.” Her hands fall into her lap, glaring at her hands.
“I know I can’t protect them or you forever, but I will for as long as I can. People are shit and we both know this… and I’m not saying this to feed my hero complex you say I have. I never want to see anything happen to you because of someone thinking skin color means separation. I’d separate their skin from their body if they laid a finger on you or our kid. But I also have seen you try to fight an old man before so I know you can hold your own.”
“OH MY GOD! I threaten a racist old man once and you will never let me live it down!” she flops back down on the sofa dramatically, pouting and kicking Leo in the back of the head lightly. “I should go change, we have an ultrasound in like an hour.” Leo hums in agreement with her, she gets up with minimal grumbling and goes to change. Leo can’t help but watch her to make sure she get up the stairs safely.
He sits there for a moment swallowing the absolute guilt he feels for this whole situation. Every time she throws up, it feels like he should take the sickness away from her and put it on himself. He feels awful about this even if it wasn’t his decision to go through with the pregnancy, he still feels like this is all his fault. Sighing her closes his homework knowing he isn’t gonna be able to focus on it anymore.
He stands up and goes out to the sun porch outside of the kitchen, pulling out his cigarettes and lights. He decides to take the edge off. He has been smoking a lot less because he can’t smoke around Indigo, and her having to stop cold turkey has really affected her. Taking his time to finish his first and then second cig he puts the second one out on the sole of his shoe. Walking back in the house he finds Indigo back on the couch in her normal doc appointment outfit. Leggings and a loose t-shirt. If he wasn’t a raging homosexual he probably would have found her cute, but instead he just found her endearing.
“Ready?” She looks up at him as she slaps her hair up in a ponytail. They make their way to the doctors office, everything is going smoothly. Indigo’s weight is healthy so is pretty much everything about her, but when it comes to the ultrasound things get a little weird.
Leo is starting to get nervous, the doctor is staring at the screen of the ultra sound having not turned it towards the two teens yet. Indigo was squeezing his hand and watching the littlE wand thing being moved around her stomach. They never had to wait this long to see the screen before and it put them both on edge.
“So, this is going to be a very hard pregnancy with your body type I’m afraid.” The doctor looks at them and is met by one terrified and one confused look. “Is there a history of multiples in your family?”
“Like twins? I mean I have twin brothers… Wait.” She looks at the doctor with wide eyes. Nodding the doctor moves the screen to show them the two alien forms inside of Indigo. “Holy Fuck.” she slaps a hand over her mouth, staring at the screen that just told her it was double what she was expecting.
“I was not expecting that.” Leo chimes in giving her hand a supportive squeeze.
After the appointment is over and they are driving home Leo’s phone goes off. Indigo answers it still in shock from the news they were just told. It’s Eloise, she’s calling to hear how the appointment went. Leo’s parents were so excited to hear about Indigo and Leo’s opsie. They told the teens they would take the last four months of the pregnancy off of work to help.
“Eloise… It's twins.” The time goes quiet for about a solid minute, Leo pulls into the driveway and turns the car off waiting for the response. They hear shuffling on the other side of the phone and look at each other nervously, which probably isn’t good for the baby or babies.
“That’s amazing news. Oh honey we are so happy for you!” They let out a sigh of relief. They were gonna be okay.
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sexyshakespeare · 3 years
Kurodai Day 5: Ass-assination
[Prompt: Locked in]  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kuroo was woken up by the loud clangs of the cell door. What now. Jesus, can’t a guy get some shut-eye in here. Well, he should’ve thought about that before embezzling from the JVA. At least that’s the voice in his head said, for the first time that day, and not for the last. It had been 5 months in here already, and he was slowly settling into a routine. It was bad, but not quite that bad. He tried to keep his head low, not say much to anybody, mind his own business. He’d manage to keep out of trouble for months now. The only exception being that time he fought that fucker for getting his chocolate confiscated by blowing the cook or whatever he did to make it happen. Fuck that guy and his greasy hair, fork-tongued motherfucker.  
Kuroo sat up in his bunk, wondering who his new inmate was. Broad shoulders, brown hair, and ripped. Shit, he better not get on his bad side huh. He watched him quietly from his side of the cell, waited for the last pat down from the guard- who nodded towards Kuroo, handed him his cigarettes, and headed out, locking the door in place. The man sat down on his bunk. He looked like he’d lost a lot of sleep lately. Tetsurou looked him up and down, sizing him up for his crime. Most likely battery, maybe arson. He looked deadly enough to do it. Or maybe he was just caught at the wrong place at the wrong time- like him. A rich person’s worst nightmare- Kuroo liked to believe he wasn’t a criminal, just a businessman. That was probably why his sentence was still as long as it was. There was absolutely no remorse behind his sweet smiles and promises to live a good, honest life when he was out of here. Fuck that. He wanted that villa in the Caribbean. “What are you in for” Kuroo directed the question at the other man. The mysterious man built like a goddamn grizzly, looked him straight in the face, the look of a killer in his dark eyes. “This ass-“ . .
Tetsurou stared at him for a good minute watching him as he laid back in his bed, folded his arms over his chest and closed his eyes. Alright. Alright, that’s how he was going to be?  Being in-mates and everything, hey, he’d hoped they could’ve been friends. Fine, fucker didn’t want to share? Fine, he’d be smoking this entire pack of cigs by himself, he thought to himself and laid back on his bed as well.
Weeks went by the same way as they always had- and rookie here didn’t need much help around the place. Funny. It was like.. he’d been to prison before, or at the very least, knew how they worked inside-out. Kuroo kept a close eye on him as he ate at his table with his regular group. It was purely a protective group he hung around, they weren’t exactly friends- definitely not anyone he’d keep in contact with once he was out of here. In fact, he was hoping to ditch his name altogether if he did get out of here. Big goals, big dreams. Before long, he’d learnt his name- since he hadn’t offered it on his own. He was lucky he was such good eye candy, and by default maybe had a soft spot in Kuroo’s generous heart. He even saved him some chocolate one time- offering it to him in the cell. “Don’t like chocolate” Kuroo’s eye had twitched when he said it, the way he said it. But the time he heard his name- was when they were receiving mail. Kuroo never got mail- his friends were ashamed to be associated with him. His dad had disowned him altogether. Well, Kenma did come visit him last month- telling him he’s done waiting and he’s moving on with his life. Which meant, of course, that he was finally going to admit to sleeping with Hinata behind his back. Kuroo couldn’t have cared less by then, he’d let him go a long time ago. Daichi. Sawamura Daichi was his name. And it was called out every week, sure enough- there was a care package of sorts, from somebody, that came through every week. “Daichi..”, he ventured one night when he was in bed. The man grunted in response, signalling that he hadn’t slept yet. “You really got into prison cause of that ass?” Not a moment’s hesitation, or any sign of his gruff, sleep ridden voice wavering as he said, “Definitely” And that was that, the days following that night, Kuroo was off at lunch time telling the story of how Sawamura Daichi got his ass thrown in prison- quite literally, for it being a goddamn menace. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday passed- and the rumors were flying- Did you hear? Sawamura smuggled coke into the country in his ass for months before getting caught- No no- Sawamura was the personal security guard for the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who committed crimes against his country by allegedly tapping that ass, then flat out handing him the royal throne in marriage. Come Thursday and Daichi had finally caught on with what was happening. He walked up to Kuroo’s table where he was animatedly explaining the cause of his demise to his companions- and everyone hushed. Almost instantly looking a little pale when they saw the bearish man walk up behind Kuroo, who might easily lose a fist fight against him. Tetsurou stopped talking then- turning around to see the man, staring down at him. Then without another word, he put his tray down on the table next to him and sat down heavily. He nodded at Kuroo, then began eating his rice quietly. “Go on- tell them how it really happened-“, he said in a deep voice that would bring chills to anyone who heard it. The guys looked spooked, and Kuroo- well, he got less chills, more thrills. And he was happy to oblige.   With a little smirk on his face, he turned back to the table and continued, unfazed, “Sawamura was a security guard at the governor’s last speech- the one he died at-“ “Yeah, didn’t he get shot?” “Nah nah man- they cover all that shit up in the papers-“, Kuroo waved his hand at the guy, “Yeah the media guys getting their cocks sucked by the governor’s PR team to cover it up-“, Daichi answered without skipping a beat, nodding seriously as he slurps up his gravy like a hungry beast. Kuroo nodded, his hands coming into action as he hunched over the table conspiratorially, “Yeah so, he was head of security right- and the governor knew his face, he’d been in town for a while right-“ The silence around this table now. Kuroo felt like a star, his story was reaching hundreds- he was making history right now. “Daichi here, bless him, he bends over right- and what, you were going commando that day you said?”, a nod his way as Tetsurou feigned asking for confirmation. “Yep yeah- hot day, May’s just fuckin murder-“ “Yeah so my guy turns from the podium for a second to check if his deputy had the perimeter secure- he bends over to talk to the guy standing down the stairs- and his, will you believe it- his pants rip” At this point Kuroo gives a grin- not too big a grin, just a shrug of his shoulders like, ‘hey it happens’. “His pants rip- and he ends up mooning the governor- who was, looking DIRECTLY at him when he was giving his speech-“ Daichi smirks at this point, agreeing in full. “And the governor.. trips- over the wires on his podium- and falls-“, Kuroo’s strong fist smacks hard into his palm, “Head-first into the concrete 3 feet below-“ At this point, the entire table was staring hard at the two men- waiting for the punchline to this joke, waiting for a crack of laughter, a smile- a flash of tooth. They got nothing. Kuroo shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head at his tray and biting on his bread. “Damn tragedy- wrong place, wrong time, man..”, he finished in a low voice. Sawamura glared at them, daring them, any one of them to laugh. Not a soul dared. And then the man finished his meal, smacking his lips, slurping up the rest of his gravy and scarfing down his fish. And with that, the duo of Kuroo and Sawamura exited the scene, making it back to their cell in one piece. Once inside their cell- they exchanged one look, and were falling all over the floor, Daichi clutching at his stomach, Kuroo pounding the floor with his fist as they laughed their hearts out. “My ASS IS MAKING ROUNDS BABY” “FUCK YEAH IT’S MAKING ROUNDS- YOU SEEN THAT THING? YOU PACKING BACK THERE MY MAN” Hi-fives were exchanged- the two men slapping each other’s backs as loud as thunder- till they heard a loud yell from their floor guard, and tried to choke back their laughter, giggling like a couple of schoolboys as they watched each other. Each one with some wonder in their eyes as they did. “Man.. you’re alright-“, Kuroo said with a big grin thrown his way. “You’re.. brilliant- did your mouth get you into prison?”, Daichi leaned back on his bedframe, stretching his legs out in front of him as he asked. “You could say that-“ “Bet it could get us out of prison too-“ “I’m not blowing any guards again man-“ “..that’s not what I.. again..?” Kuroo took his pack of cigarettes out from under his blanket- waving them at him like it should’ve been obvious. “..you a lawyer?”, Daichi asked now. He chuckled at him, his body vibrating as he lit his cigarette with the lighter he would have to chuck down the toilet when they checked the cell this weekend. “You know, I could’ve made a great lawyer.. made more money like that too probably-“, he shrugged his shoulders, taking a long drag. “So- did you?”, Tetsurou looked back at him with teasing eyes, a smile on his face, “Did I what-“, he answered, his face was considerably softer on him now. He had a handsome face, especially when he smiled. Kuroo reckoned he’d like to see more of that over the next few months. “Get in here for your ass-“, he said as he stretched his arms above and behind his head, a little too suggestive a look on his face. He fully expected Daichi to close up again, turn a cheek- or maybe give him a hard punch to his exposed ribs. But instead, Sawamura looked him in the eye, a growing smirk of his own on his lips, “Why don’t you find out..”
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