#and probably canonically older than him
berlingotesque · 11 months
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While I prepare my asks’ answers, please have this self-indulgent doodle of the music department, when all was still well and Jack and Norman could bully Sammy in peace + some Thomas and Wally art, because I periodically forget that they hated each other and still had to see each other seven days a week.
Also Susie’s here.
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lunarharp · 1 year
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scribbly first date type affair (continuation of my modern au stuff)
#witch hat tag#orufrey#idk when the next modern au thing will be so i'll just post this by itself. hehe#that art was one of qifrey's first drawings. it was of a creepy eye. (it was around the time he got glasses as a kid)#(and was told that he might lose his sight completely one day so he became an emo because he already wanted to be an artist#like beldaruit who ran his foster home where he encouraged kids to draw art to express their feelings.)#and an insidious deviantart group called The Brimhats idk stole it & reposted it. he never got to the bottom of who exactly did it.#but one day. they will fucking suffer.#(he believes their goal was to develop AI art as they said stuff like 'all art should belong to everyone anyway' & 'there shouldnt be rules'#but actually they were probably just regular mean ppl who have moved on to new things in life than stealing kids' art on deviantart.#who knows though.) i want people to retain their disabilities or general tragedies like beldaruit would be in a wheelchair#and coco's mum is in a coma. but its just so funny if qifrey just has regular bad eyesight#and it's so cute that he would say he doesnt think of beldaruit as a dad & is distant with him but now basically runs a foster home too#where he doesnt just encourage like he was encouraged but actively teaches kids from sad backgrounds to become wonderful artists one day#anyway i am so fucking hungry now goodbye#P.S. BELDARUIT IS NOT OLD !!!!!!! i mean if qifrey is late 20s or older in canon like i want... i guess he..but.... NO !!!!!! 😭#*edits in some follow-up drawings*#oru: i couldn't c-c-confess my feelings bc it always seems like he's worried about something..i shouldnt bother him..#qif: *always worried about how to confess his feelings*#ive decided meeting at 7 on da is kind of ridiculous actually. i think they probably meet at like age 10 in canon..not immediately =_=#since beru-sama is like 'he finally found a friend'. whatever... this'll be my last art post for a while probably so see ya <3
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raspberryjellybrains · 11 months
it's so funny to me that most of what dream consumes over the course of the entire series is alcohol. like of course he'd be the world's first male wine mom.
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idk what the fandom consensus is on yuma raincode's age but in the game i generally assumed he was like 14-16 and after the game im even more convince about that. the reason is after chapter 5 i was confused why makoto, yuma's clone who should be genetically identical to yuma and also the same age, is much taller than yuma himself. but if they used yuma's dna to clone makoto 3 years before the events of rain code, yuma would have been about 11-13, which is generally right before boys hit a growth spurt.
the idea of a boy detective becoming the head of a global detective organization isn't really too out there in a kodaka game tbh. and the child prodigy detective is a really popular trope anyway. but yeah yuma as the head of the WDO would have lived on nothing but coffee, protein bars, and like 3 hours of sleep a day during the time where he was supposed to be growing taller. meanwhile makoto, who doesn't really get to do much in kanai ward even after becoming the CEO, would have had three square nutritious meals a day and plenty of sleep. hence why makoto grew taller like a normal teenager and yuma will be a short king forever.
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
How old is Lucas really? I saw someone say that he is actually 17 years old because he fell asleep at that age and I am pretty sure that is not true 💀
I've been meaning to write a post about this but never got around to doing it. TL;DR: We don't know! So any specific answer anyone gives is only speculation and not canon.
In the novel, Lucas goes to live with the old Wizard of the Black Tower when he was a teenager (I believe around 15 years old), but in the manhwa he was clearly way, way younger. After an unspecified period of time, his teacher gets married and has a child, his wife and child die (presumably) from old age, and then he kills himself in front of Lucas (as he was depressed because he didn't age with them because of his mana). Lucas tells Athy that his teacher lived for 1.200 years, but we don't know at which point Lucas met the man, so that information is irrelevant for our purposes. The novel also states that Lucas lived long enough for his younger brother to get old (while Lucas didn't, again, because of the mana) and have a daughter (fun fact: Lucas saved her as she was very sick and his brother asked him to do so). There's also the fact that Lucas tells the World Tree that he has known him for "several hundred years" when he was looking for its fruits.
We don't know how much time passed between the death of Lucas' teacher and him meeting Aeternitas, but it was long enough for Lucas to become a very respected figure as the new Wizard of the Black Tower. Not long after refusing to take Aeternitas as his student, he decided to take a depression nap that would last for literal centuries. It was never stated how old Lucas was at this point, but I think he was definitely not 17.
We also don't know how much time passed between Aeternitas' rule and the events of WMMAP (and just for how long did Lucas sleep). Athy does say he is an old emperor, and there are history books written about him, but that doesn't give us any concrete answer.
Lastly, the royal wizards in the novel call Lucas "a couple of hundred years old".
How old is Lucas? We have no way to tell. I also want to address that this is the nature of all magic users in WMMAP's canon, as Lucas himself tells Athy that she will live for hundreds of years too, so while obviously uncommon, powerful magicians in the canon setting are supposed to live that long. Should we also count the years Lucas slept as being part of his age? Physically, yes, but not unlike Athy, Lucas' physical and mental ages are very different matters. There's also the fact that the manhwa clearly has a different timeline than the novel: In the manhwa, Lucas met his teacher as a child, and he killed himself while Lucas was still a child (or at least looked like one). So how much of the novel's canon information we can apply to the manhwa's setting is also debatable.
So, the only answer I can give is: Lucas canonically is "a couple of hundred years old". There are way too many unclear variables to consider, so anything more specific than that isn't supported by canon information.
That been said, Lucas told Athy he made himself look "around the same age as her", so from a physical point of view, and for anyone that doesn't know his true identity, he is "the same age" as Athy.
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irregularbillcipher · 8 months
i do think it's funny how many people in the lisa fandom seemed to go "oh nern is one of the oldest party members," because it's something i've seen sort of consistently. i know he had a wife (god rest her soul) and they seem to have been married a while, so he had to have been an adult long before the flash, but he's not the only one who was married-- the DE even implies that olan's children reached adulthood pre-flash so there's a strong possibility olan is meant to be older than nern but everyone just assigned nern as the group's resident Old Man
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Soooo badly want to combine twin!au with the “chuck has been mindcontrolling luci for years and it’s only just now stopped working so he’s back in s5 character” because can you imagine how distressing that would be for everyone involved?
Like Lucifer’s in full control of himself for the first time in years, after all the shit that went down post-s5, dealing with the repercussions of actions he performed but now honestly can’t tell which ones were things he would have actually done of his own volition and which were God yanking on his strings. And ALSO during that time he had sex in order to have a kid, but instead ended up with twins who no one wants him near! Because everyone hates him! And Heaven’s gone to shit, most of the angels are dead, the only archangel left alive is Michael and he’s still caged and Luci’s got no way of getting him out if he even wants to. (Which. Presumably he does. If only because at least he knows Michael and Michael hasn’t been on the receiving end of the shit he did the past few years and yeah, might still think of him as a monster but at least that was an image Lucifer was almost in control of.)
And then of course when he finally gets to see the twins, he gets to have a horrible moment of going “oh. Oh no. Oh no they’re me and Michael. God’s replaying the story again and with my kids.” Which is! Horrifying! For someone who has only just gotten free of having his entire character rewritten for the sake of being villainized easier by his own father!
#(​smashes my two most self-indulgent AUs together) aw yeah now we’re cooking with gas#endgame of this au is probably a) They Need To Kill God. and b) queerplatonic samifer raises angel babies#while struggling with the fact that Sam & Dean have been through the same rewrites over the years but since they came less drastically.#neither of them noticed#it’s just whump all around tbh#marieposting#neither s5 or late seasons lucifer would be good with kids is the thing but it’s like. in vastly different ways#s5 Lucifer is mostly like. why would he have experience doing this. why would he have any knowledge on it#besides what he took from nick’s memories when Nick had a Baby but per spn canon.#Jack & Marie aren’t babies long enough for that to help#and angels just aren’t children like that. they don’t grow the same way humans do.#Lucifer has been an older brother. but that’s about where his expertise ends in terms of ‘beings younger than him looking for guidance’#well. and also demons. but. I don’t. think. that will. help. much.#although. it would be very sweet/strange to me in particular#if Lucifer referenced Lilith around them and the twins were like ‘??? who that’#(​because it’s been years since Sam & Dean thought about Lilith. they’ve never mentioned her)#and without thinking Lucifer goes ‘your older sister.’#HELP THINKING ABOUT MARIE HEARING ‘older sister’ AND GOING AH. SOMEONE TO EMULATE. NOOOO DONT DO THAT ALJFKFLSJF#sorry I’m rambling again#allow me my self indulgence.
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kariachi · 6 months
Some pokemon au fic. This was supposed to be a basic-ass Kev-focused au, somewhere between a reboot and an OV-compliant setting, but sometimes what seems a simple thing changes more than you initially think, so it's really quite au.
Kevin's pokemon journey starts very differently.
Kevin joined the Journey Beginners program earlier than anyone else in his class. The youngest you could join without parent permission was nine, but he’d learned to forge his dad’s signature by eight. The workers had looked at him sideways- always dirty, thin, and flanked by a Shuppet- but asked no questions, giving him his paperwork with wide, fake smiles.
It wouldn’t be for years more that he realized they’d read his situation like a book, that kids like him were exactly the reason you could run off so young and without permission. But that wouldn’t be until he was nearly a grown man. At the time he’d seen it only as insult and challenge, the rough and defiant streak that would keep him through his early years already well on its way.
He’d thrown himself into the program’s classes with the same fervor he tore into his school’s prep courses. The sort of zeal you only got from someone just to one side of desperate to get on the road. To get and stay out of their house. His proper schoolwork suffered, grades staying only just high enough to keep him in the prep courses, as he took every class he could. When they ran out of beginner classes he’d passed, he moved on to the intermediate, the advanced.
The workers came to know him by name, greeting him as he arrived every day. The free food the gym provided shifted to accommodate his allergies. While relations with his agemates didn’t improve- by the time his classmates joined the program he was ahead of them, and most older wanted nothing to do with someone so much younger, who was never quite clean and had a tendency to lash out- he found some amount of companionship with the older crowd. Not often something stable, however. Other program members came and went as their journeys started, some seemed to think themselves above him and learned different with a decisive quickness, conflicts sometimes arose among the older lot that he quickly disengaged himself from, avoiding both sides from then on. On a few rare occasions people, and always ones he particularly liked, like his favorite instructor, would just vanish off to other places and other things without a hint of warning or a single goodbye.
Over two years? You learned not to get too attached.
Still, that didn’t fully prevent him making the odd connection. Classmates who proved themselves trustworthy enough to go to when he needed help with a lesson. Ones who would come to him to ask about the machines he was a budding master in. A few who grabbed hot meals before coming into evening classes and shared freely. Who nodded and moved the conversation along when he refused to discuss his family. Who would discuss pokeball customization or practice battling with him. It was one of the older lot that, upon realizing his tenth birthday fell in late December, talked him into overwintering in a local Pokemon Center rather than starting his journey off right away. Another who met him at the front desk when he came to finally get his license with a premier ball, a ball capsule, and a full set of seals, so he could officially capture his Shuppet and set her up in style from the start.
It wasn’t much, but it meant that come April, when he finally set out for the next big city, he was well prepared and had a little bit of company.
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treecakes · 6 months
curious if natsume is going to be more cautious around shinobu in the future. he didn’t really seem to dislike her at all until she attacked him 😭 but like does that matter to him. historically. no. unless you’re matoba…. but he didn’t like matoba initially…. he liked shinobu initially. midorikawaaaaaaaa new shinobu chapter please 🥺🥺
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just-ghaleon · 11 months
Ghaleon, scream-whispering and turning several worrying shades of red: DO THOSE LOOK LIKE TEENAGERS TO YOU????
Xenobia, nonplussed: I am 200 to 400 years old, everyone looks like a "teened ager" to me.
Ghaleon, ignoring her, struggling to unlock dungeon cell quickly: I am so sorry, oh god. Shit. I am so, so fucking sorry for-for the inconvenience. Oh. My god.
FANTASY ABBA, exit cell: It's cool.
Xenobia, rambling: What even is a teenager?? We don't have those in the wastes. "14ish to 19ish"??? That's a baby, that is an infant child.
Ghaleon, literally dying: Is there anything I can do to make it up to you two? Drinks? Are you hungry?? Can I give you a ride home???
FANTASY ABBA: No, we're cool.
Xenobia, lecturing: Did you mean "young adult"? Because the Vile Tribe equivalent would be 70 to 125 years, approximately. You have got to stop using all these human terms or this alliance is going to fall to pieces, Ghaleon.
FANTASY ABBA: So, like, we're cool to go?
Ghaleon, last shred of dignity dying dying dying: YEP. (cough) Uh, yes! Absolutely! Y-you're cool--t to go!!
(Dejected, distraught, uncool slump: Ghaleon)
(Exit attempt: Luna)
Ghaleon: NOT YOU. >:(
Luna: >:(
Xenobia: The vibe, as we say in the wastes, is in shambles.
~it's over!~
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azol-otl · 2 years
DC should capitalize on the internet and make wild ways for characters to have known each other for years. Like I can say that Jason Todd, Cassie Sandsmark, and Kyle Rayner are all childhood friends who met on the internet on a Wonder Girl forum and it’d be both in character, not contradicting canon, and absolutely hilarious.
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tearlessrain · 1 year
I still refuse to believe that Vector is a day under 30 when he meets the Agent. even disregarding the true fact that nothing about him scans as a guy in his twenties, how did he have an entire very successful career as a diplomat and then spend multiple years as a Joiner if he's 26. did he graduate space college at age twelve??
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lenofiga · 2 years
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Apparently 2/3 of my rare ot3 will have some canon interaction in the new hanamaru anime 😭
#they're called the bakeneko rider#also known as the 2018 uchigatana doukigumi#nansen and chougi have historical contact as tokubi swords#and they have this sort of kusare-en relationship in the game#they bicker a lot but that just shows how comfortable they are with each other#and then there's buzen mainly known as a masterpiece of gou no yoshihiro#other than that tho had no historical achievements in the battlefield/warring era#and unfortunately his current whereabouts is unknown#the only reason he's grouped with the other two is because he was released on the same year as them#but what makes him special is that he was the first sword released after chougi#so he doesn't have this yamanbagiri = kunihiro bias that the older swords have#and was probably the first (and only one?) to call chougi yamanbagiri#in a way he's a strong pillar of emotional support for chougi#and because chougi needs him their relationship keeps buzen grounded#when he's always on the brink of disappearing despite his sociable and welcoming personality#and for buzen his relationship with chougi and nansen is proof that he exists#i think nansen's always the first to sense when buzen's about to disappear tho and does something about it#and the two always act like chougi's hogoshas to chougi's annoyance and joy equally#nyanbuze hizamakura canon!!!!#i also like how in anyone in this trio can act as boke and tsukkomi#also have you seen their color scheme? you can't tell me none of this wasn't intentional#that said a good chunk of this is just my imagination (and other bakeneko rider enjoyers') running wild#sorry if i'm not very coherent it's been a while i do remember writing about them a long time ago#i rarely play touken ranbu now because of my dismay with the staff's lack of initiative to make improvements#to the game and leaving it to dust as a result of them#putting more effort in their 2.5 productions because that's their most lucrative income venue#but all this reminded me of what made this game appealing#in the sense that the lack of content gives way to the fandom's creativity/hcs
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vaugarde · 1 year
yknow on second thought maybe i wont 100% EVERY kirby game i have bc ngl. i do not care for kdl2
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kaluawoo · 2 years
Okay I know we're all still upset about the Happenings this chapter, but one thing I don't think I've seen anyone mention yet (spoilers, I'll try to add a read more once I'm not on mobile anymore bc idk how to do it in the app):
Mikuni's thoughts after the flashback. "I wonder if it's really true that [no one] could put him back together again if [he] fell from the wall" (the kanji for he was the one for Egg, and the ones for no one were the ones for iirc "even the king", because Mikuni was thinking about the Humpty Dumpty thing).
Mikuni is imo planning something with Tsurugi's "broken"/dead body, something that probably involves trying to "put him back together", because that'd make the little flashback scene make the most sense. (Or it was just general foreshadowing that he may come back, but I'm willing to bet that Tanaka Strike put "Is it really true that no one could a broken Tsurugi together again?" right before Tsurugi losing a very vital body part with at least some intention to follow up on that.
I'm still gonna cry about it until we finally do see Tsurugi get put back together, though.
... also, that implies Mikuni was thinking about chopping off Tsurugi's head and sewing it back on, or some equivalent, since he was a teenager. Classic Mikuni tbh.
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bayleaf-2 · 1 year
*takes off glasses and pinches bridge of my nose* god hpw much vivi lore have i posted here again
#asked a friend what they thought vivis lore was based on what id posted and their reply was like.#something involving the words vague and meta#Based on the 'do it all differently' post probably#anyway#lore drop#So Vivis an undertale oc based on an RP i did with a friend yeaaaaars ago. like. the year undertale came out and in early middleschool#they were much better at it than me on accounr of being 2 years older and also a DM so theres the disclaimer on her og lore being shitty#Uh. The reason I dont talk about it is because there Is no plot. the plot of vivi constantly changes#originally it was just goofing off in the world messing with magic the occasional edge trademark of middleschoolers ya know how it is#for a while i had one of those angsty things canonized that being g//ster kidnapping her for no reason no im not exaggerating#altho i did give him a reason#that being that shes the 2nd human to fall being purple and so SOUL EXPERIMENT TIME BABY#CURRENTLY and emphasis on the currently the experimenting does happen but hes not. evil he just makes a grave miscalculation#that being the power needed to take down the barrier. if you havemt seen her toyhouse basically sjes the reason they know the exact#number of souls at the price of hers getting really damaged#where was i#oh yeah shes also the skelebros adopted sister because that was the easiest way to label and carry over the relationship she had with#s//ns in the og rp (it was not weird or romantic in the slightest my friend just wanted a character to play and he happened to be the one#they chose) ive been playing around a lot with the 3s dynamics its fun lol#uhhh what else. Oh yeah shes an undertsle oc rrom middle school so half the stuff i draw is not canon events that happen vivis like a jar#of raw edge and 'idc if it makes sense its fun to draw' that i crack open every once in a while (cough like weekly)#As for when she gets on the surface thats a bit more cringey lore wise but this is tumblr and yall can just fuckin skip past this honestly#if youve made it this far hi???? sorry for mmakin you read this many tags??? haha aw man#anyway basically shes. classified as a glitch because of the whole barrier incident and when frisk falls (yes that happens) everything#Breaks and shes suddenly on the surfsce. Alone.#After months of rrecoverin and being with her family and in a nice town shes suddenly got no one#plot holes abound but stories and ocs are for fun so#until she meets a girl who seems to know stuff about mt ebbot like shes been down there before. she also??? doesnt have anyone??? which is#scary (shes little. not single digits but Little) so vivis like I need more information and also you are smol come here#And for whatever god damn reason because luck hates her Gasters there! yayyyy!
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