#and raven's like yeah you lying biTCH
vancilocs · 2 years
Can we get some uu gabe and koldun? Anything you wanna answer on the list ^^
fighting for my life with tumblr copypaste formatting
What is their color palette?
Black & white with pastel blue
Reds and browns
What does your OCs handwriting look like? 
Very neat, easy to read
Very bad, he's not very good at writing
What architectural or design aesthetic would best suit them?
English gothic
Timber framing
If your OC likes art, talk about which piece they would love best.
Big fan of the human form, mainly sculptures like Ecstasy of St. Teresa or Guillaume Geefs's Le génie du mal
Likes all things birds, especially little figurines he can hold in his hands
If your OC could meet any historical or past figure, whether in the real world or in their own canon lore, who would it be and why?
He did reconnect with Raven, if for nothing else then to apologize
Did see his dad again after running into him as a toddler, he was really scary, refused to speak to him. He's heard of him and been warned about him his whole life so he was curious but in the end too scary
If your OC were to imagine their idyllic life (realistically or otherwise) what would it be like?
He would claim he's fine where he is because he can help people who need it but he really wouldn't mind being back at home with a partner and a cat without all the bridges burned
He would be a bird, is all
Who is your muse’s muse? (What or whom inspires/drives them?)
He gathers his inspiration from the internet, but also appreciates the hedonism Herah has going on
Mainly birds, when he moves to be with the birdfolk and raise griffins he learns about Wind and thinks he's a swell guy
What is their character theme song and why? If it has lyrics, which line best fits them?
'Cause Jesus made me outta flesh and I'm a fornicator
Is your character bilingual or multilingual? Which language are they most comfortable in or prefer using? How did they come to learn them?
He speaks Trade, English and Estonian
Just speaks common
Do they have an accent? How do they or others think of it?
Very slight Estonian one, hard to pick up and even harder to recognize, people just think it's exotic
Less of an accent and more of a dialect
What is a common misconception about your OC? (Alternatively, what do people assume about them which is either incorrect or misconstrued?)
Some people think his faith is an act he chose for his job but no he's genuinely a former priest
People think he's rude because he's not very talkative and has a resting bitch face, but he's honestly really sweet once you get to know him and a huge mama's boy
What trait do they find most attractive/appealing about others?
Kindness and honesty, generous people
Don't be too chatty, listen to him talk about his special interests
What sort of role do they take on in relationships, either familial, romantic or platonic. i.e. are they a defender, protector, nurturer, etc.
He usually ends up as a caretaker and a therapist to his friends, always asking if they ate and slept, mainly a giver in romantic relationships too
He mainly looks on from the sidelines
What is one thing that they only let those closest to them see?
Crying probably, not keen on showing negative emotions in general
Big emotions, leaves a scene with strangers if it gets overwhelming so they don't get to see
How would their life be different if they had never met their partner?
He wouldn't be dealing with a bunch of guilt from leaving him, for sure
The only partner Koldun has is a partner in crime in Kaede, they're like two peas in a pod
What was the moment at which they knew they were in love, or was it a slow buildup?
Slow buildup for Gabe, less so for Raven but he's got attachment issues
What was it about their significant other that made them fall in love with them? Was it a single eye-opening experience or many gestures over time?
His calm and collected manners, trustworthiness/dedication and how he looked after the other crew members built up over time
What is some advice or guidance they received that had a big impact on their lives or outlook? Was it a positive or negative impact?
His dad built him into being caring and making sacrifices for the greater good, meanwhile Herah has taught him to be more selfish and he's found a balance that works for him
He's gotten a lot of great advice from Mahran, Myra and Kaede that encouraged him to set out and seek his own path, even if they were sad to see him go. He learned the balance of following your dreams while staying in contact with his family and looking after himself
What sort of routines, rituals or rules do they have or set for themselves?
Pretty rigid workout, skincare and sleeping routine, also with meditation and prayers included before bed
Lives by the routine, gets very upset if it's disturbed. You can pretty much tell where he's at based on the time of day because he rarely changes his plans
Is mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing more important to them?
Values the mental and emotional side more, since they walk hand in hand. The whole body suffers from a stupid head etc.
Mental wellbeing, he doesn't really care for his physical health much
If they were to lose the person closest to them, how would they mourn them and how would they handle their grief?
He has good coping mechanisms and would be able to keep it together but if he lost Herah or Ivy he would be devastated and take extended time off work. Would want to lend any hand possible to their loved ones. Powers through it but accepts comfort from close ones
Isolates and focuses on his job, doesn't want comfort, very hard to get him to open up but would accept it from Myra, Mahran or Kaede. Doesn't want to talk about it.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
Wait so did Ike knoww about Stan and Kyle dating? Also I'd love to hear abt Kyle and Ikes sibling relationship thats so adorable
soooooo long story short:
...y-yes. yes, he Does know.
but long story Long...
i'll leave it in the crotch. xx
( edit: so...my bad, baby. i accidentally went on a crazy TANGENT about ike and jerseykyle's relationship bc i love them a lot and their dynamic is very complicated, so if you want that info about how ike found out about ravesey dating...i gotta put it in another ask.
bc this...got Very long.
you don't have to read this. soz. >.> )
oookay!~ so i got REALLY excited about this because rm!jerseykyle and ike's relationship is super duper special to me, in that, as sp fanfic writer girlie who tends to lean away from a more gentle, kindly, introspective kyle and much more heavily into the potential brutal parts and menacing aspects of kyle's personality when i develop my style dynamics with, ofc, jers being the most brutal of all ncu kyles...
...the way that he speaks to ike -- gently, softly, tenderly -- the way that ike disarms him, the way that j.k. unravels around ike, bends for him, it's one of the ONLY instances written into my actual published canon where we see jers be extremely vulnerable. ( not crying, lmao! )
however, i will say, it was not ALWAYS like that!
*rings the cd re-education bell*
so, per my rm!take on the south park lore, ike, ofc, was adopted from canada around age five and he...was Perfect. he was this lil gorgeous, perf, lovely thing, no health problems, dark hair, i like to think his eyes are dark brown, closer to black, sweet kid, easy-going...
...and very NOT like kyle.
and, interestingly enough, i think, At First, that sheila and gerald were super obsessed with ike, cooed over him, he was the baby, y'know? which made jerseykyle MAD jealous of ikey and an Anti from day one.
which is also v interesting because rm!ike, really just fkn Worshipped jerseykyle, wanted to be close to him, wanted his approval, craved that brotherly relationship with him, idolized him...and kyle was NOT having it, dawg! like, it took him so long to even let stan in and let his cold, black heart be light and bright enough in some spots to do That, so he pushed ike away, constantly told him to fuck off/get lost
( i do think that ike's vocab being more vulgar/him being precocious comes from wanting to impress kyle/being influenced by him ), also ike was really fkn smart from the jump in a way kyle wasn't like, to me, jerseykyle has worked hard for everything, studied hard, fought hard, and ike was naturally a child prodigy and didn't have to work that hard for anything, all while being gentle and docile and kind.
-- but going back to STAN for a minute...as a direct contrast to how jerseykyle treated ike growing up...gods angel saint ravenstan was always EXTREMELY KIND to ike. stan never had a brother: okay, he had shelley but his relationship with shelley was even more complex than ike and kyle's relationship used to be and the way shelley treated ravenstan was similar to the way jersey was treating ike, so he Deeply Sympathized with that and endeared himself to ike, encouraged him, and the more kyle pushed him away, the closer ike got to stan.
stan and ike i think ALSO had very similar interests in that they both liked louder, heavier music, revolutionary/counter culture stuff, fighting the MAN, sports ( namely hockey ) i think as a gift, actually, that ravenstan gave ike his wayne gretsky hockey yersey and ike STILL has it ( yes, kyle was jealous ), stan encouraged him to be different and carve his own path in life and while kyle, obvi, was the person most effected by stan's untimely passing...it did also do a number on ike who seriously considered stan like a brother to him and was one of the only other people who Never misgendered stan.
SPEAKING OF STAN DY*NG THOUGH: this was when everything sort of...Flipped. because when stan 'died', whatever part of kyle that could love things also died with him along with a lot of his stability.
so on top of all of his health issues, kyle got really, REALLY gnarly ptsd, would fly into blind rages, got randomly triggered by things and see stan everywhere, have really, really sever panic attacks, had to be put on several medications, got into TOOOONS of fights, etc.
and ike...was just sweet, introverted, lovely ike. stayed in his lane, did his work quietly, existed quietly...while kyle was Loud and VOLATILE.
also, to tie in Another ask where someone asked me while sheila didn't take care of ike as well as she could...fair warning, i am a liiiittle defensive abt this topic because it wasn't that she didn't want to take care of ike or meant to neglect him AT ALL, it's just...when you have a a child who has a lot going on mentally and physically, is more of a firestarter, is more aggressive or more outwardly mentally unstable...
...that tends to require more immediate attention ( especially since kyle was sooo unhinged that he was constantly in police stations, juvie, the psych ward ) and sheila's attention more helicopter parent-y in that she wanted to keep kyle safe, whereas geralds attention was more negative, felt kyle was a failure/embarrassment :/// </3 )
so ike, by COMPARISION to jersey, was VERY low maintenance, did not require to be constantly watched to make sure he didn't hurt himself or others, and so, unfortunately while sheila loved him very much ( gerald just wasn't very interested in him as the second kid other than that he not act up/argue w/ him ) he got swept under the rug because of how pliable and pleasant he was personality wise.
so sheila really does Adore ike, she just doesn't worry about him nearly as much and because of how glaring jersey's issues were, she also mistakenly assumes he's mostly fine where...i really do think ike has pretty gnarly depression, tbh. he is stan coded, i mean that. i will say that him acting out is starting to cause a stir in their house.
anyways...i am sorry this is such a MESS but jerseykyle was watched with laser focus and because of this, ike got off scott free most of the time and received almost no attention. like all his accomplishments went unnoticed or were pretty normalized because the standard he set v young being smart/capable, set the bar high. ilysm, ikey. </3
tldr; ike was The Good Child
and jersey was The Bad Child.
but, in being 'good', he got extremely overlooked by his parents.
thiiiiiiis...is where jerseykyle stepped in. so basically his entire life he was staunchly anti-ike, but he warmed up to ike a lot after stan died because they bonded over talking about him a lot/that grief, and also grew up under intense scary jewish matriarch sheila broflovski and the serious shit show that was having gerald as a father...who jersey actually regularly took shit from so ike wouldn't have to, i.g. when ike did something less than perfect or did misbehaved or fucked up, kyle always took the fall for it and was the messed up problem child, so that ike would essentially spared from gerald's mental abuse/wrath.
ike was also kind of the only person j.k. had in the world, so kyle looked after him because...again...ike is very stan coded, kyle is very protective of the lil gentle hearted people and he basically raised ike in the stead of his parents which forced him to be hard on him in a way that sheila and gerald were not hard on ike...which created a lot of dissonance when ike was becoming a teen and kyle was in hs.
so, essentially while when they were little kids, ike followed kyle around, wanted kyle to like him, thought kyle could do no wrong, as he got older and kyle started to nitpick him, actually care about him and start enforcing rules/curfews on him because no one else did, ike developed a rebellious streak and started to not like or listen to kyle because he was like, bro, whatever, you're so boring, it's one party, oh my god, just because you're boring doesn't mean i have to be!!!!
it's mostly just skin deep though, ike is only irritated because jerseykyle is mad overprotective, hard core and did not gentle parent him as an older brother at like, i shit you not fourteen, like i am so sorry but jerseykyle raised ike basically, and inspite of actin like a heartless monster...loves ike very, very much ( even if he can't say it ) and ike also loves kyle very much. jerseykyle is pretty much the only other person besides firkle, tricia, etc. ( i'll get into that in a diff ask ) that truly gave a shit about him and put weight behind his actions.
so jerseykyle is like ike's older brother/dad, rags on him about doing his homework and being an edgelord
( ike has been acting out a lot, one, because he's finally starting to come into his personality more, which, imo, my hc is that ike is p popular but mostly by accident sort of how stan was because he's pretty and very nice, ike is captain of the hockey team, his accent is cute, gets good grades ( he is slacking right now tho bc hes being edgy as hell ), is a lil skater boy gamer boy, IS V INTO TRUE CRIME, JOURNALISM AND ACTIVISM, creating positive change, exposing injustice, enjoys punk rock music, thinks emo boy stuff is neato,
IKE IS THEEEE DAWN SPAWN OF EVER AND I MEAN THAT, he is a raven of crimson dawn FAN BOY, he is obsessed; i mean that...and despite wanting to make waves in that way, like, he really is kind of an antisocial DORK but lots of girls like him, he gets invited to parties, firkle gets invited by proxy even though people think they are a crazy demonic satan worshiping freak of nature...but ike's super bestie, ofc...their relationship is also interesting...BUT YEAH! IKE! <333 )
also per rm canon, jers does miss ikes birthday every year bc going to south park triggers the fuck out of him which he feels very, very badly about, rags on him but is very pro ike doing what he wants to with reason of not acting like a goddamn FOOL and doing his laundry, his emo dirt bag phase is making kyle's eye twitch ooooof, him bleaching his hair and sticking a safety pin through his lip the second ravenstan walks through their front door while ravesey are secretly broken up and jk is extra mad at him; ITS A HOT MESS EXPRESS, Y'ALL!!!!
if you made it this far...i have to put the answer to the FIRST part of your question with all that dialogue in another ask so feel free to re-ask me that, but to reference it a little...ike is so team ravesey like it is actually painful, that is his ROMAN EMPIRE. firkle actually really does not like kyle bc they think he is lame as hell, help, and is anti-ravesey bc they think romance is a distraction,
( okay, spoiler, but firkle is in love with ike, ike does not know this, ike is super fkn oblivious and is actually very bi, so it's not like he's just not aware he is not straight, he just....actually has no idea, rip, he also has a crush on a girl in his class, it DOES make firkle want to actually dome themself to hear about it 25/8, stupid Feelings, smh, firkle b hating jersey and is lowkey a little jersey coded ) anyways they think kyle dating raven of crimson dawn is going to interfere with the band, their music, their sound and is a hater. like boooo! come on, FIRK! :/
tldr; kyle and ike have a complicated relationship but love each other very much and ike does eventually learn about ravesey secret dating bc they are the brothers of ever and cannot hide shit from each other BUT I GOTTA PUT IT IN ANOTHER ASK, I AM SO SORRY, BABY, YOU GOTTA ASK ME AGAIN ABOUT THAT! but i hope this thrills you?
-uncle nina, ceo of insane hs isaac moisha broflovski lore
#i am sorry this was so long and i am not sure who cares#but idk their brotherly relationship means a lot to me#and ike actually means a lot to me#he is often over looked and very very lovely#and very deeply treasured by kyle kyle does call him bubeleh#which is very cute to me like ew he really did raise him#they were a slow burn brotherhood but worth it#i also do think its really cute that ike really liked stan#and then really liked raven of crimson dawn#like he really just feels the vibes huh#with all due respect tho i would also think pre!rm!stan was really cool and raven of crimson dawn was cool...he is that guy#I GOTTA GO INTO THAT LATER THO I AM SORRY I HAD TO GIVE YOU SO MUCH LORE I LOVE IKE AND JERSEY SM#ike is a raven of crimson dawn fanboy and the captain of the ravesey ship so sorry to everyone he is in the trenches#he is constantly catching smoke from firkle all the time about it too smh...also yeah firkle and ike lore...Interesting#i can also get into that if people want that again i am not sure who still cares abt ninas weird unfinished au style fanfic#ANYWAYS RM ISAAC MOISHA BROFLOVSKI MY BELOVED#jersey does eventually spill ike does wrangle it out of him its funny as fuck to me bc kyle was CAPPING SO HARD#that man was like idk what ur talking abt i hate that man!#jerseykyle is the ceo of lying like stan lied to stay Alive JERSEY LIES BECAUSE HE IS LITERALLY A BITCH ASS FOOL#WHO REFUSES TO ACCEPT THE DAMN CONSEQUENCES OF HIS OWN ACTIONS I HATE HIM SO MUCH#like ok to be fair they were fighting and jk did think ravenstan was dating call girl but SUPER BESTIE DO NAAAAUGHT#EVEN ACT LIKE U DONT WANNA VIOLENTLY FRENCH HIM#DONT TRY IT WITH ME BABY I LITERALLY WROTE U!#the drama of them being broken up and having to share kyles childhood bed and bedroom is sooo iconic to me#i know they were accidentally cuddling i just KNOW it#nasty cute disgusting boy angst jail for WIMPY SIMP BOYS#KISS ALREADY!!!!
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icanseethefuture333 · 4 months
The Astrological Observation of Gen Z, (a series)
Part II 👶🏽🩷:
The birth of Gen Z children👩‍🍼:
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Now what is described as a Gen Z baby is different depending on what method you use, but since we are using astrology, we determine that by looking at Pluto. Pluto is one of the slower moving planets and typically lasts in the same sign for over 12 years. In tropical astrology, what all Gen Z babies share is a Sagittarius Pluto (and it is in Scorpio if you fancy Vedic astrology 😎), Which begins in mid to late 1995 and ends in early to mid 2008. Some other placements that are shared for early 2000s babies is a Aquarius Uranus & Aquarius Neptune, While mid to late 2000s babies share a Pisces Uranus & Aquarius Neptune.
The most populated birth years of the 2000s in order were 1. 2000, 2. 2009, 3. 2008, 4. 2007, & 5. 2006. The least populated birth year being 2001. While the amount of births stayed consistent in 2002-2003 with only a slight increase by a million in 2004-2005.
00: 143.01 million
01: 133.88
02: 134.02
03: 134.40
04: 135.23
05: 135.80
06: 136.91
07: 138.56
08: 140.16
09: 141.20
The year 2000 was the start of the 21st century, so parents being excited for the new millennium and having lots of babies in the celebration of the new year makes a lot of sense. If we use January 1st 2000 as an example for a baby's birthday. That would mean that the parents would had to conceive / the mother to get pregnant around in April (9 months). In 1999, Jupiter was in Aries and Taurus was in Saturn. Prince wasn't lying when he said "we gonna party like it's 1999 (all night long)" - because y'all parents were doing the *Raven Symone voice* NASTY 😭. Aries is action oriented and hasty. So I believe the collective during this time actually made new year's resolutions that they could accomplish. I always associate Taurus with fertility, abundance, & pleasure. So when the sign rules over saturn, it creates the need to be focused on security, comfort, & protecting personal possessions. Add a Scorpio Lillith to the mix and yeah... 🥴 The song sums it up pretty well (fun fact it was also released in the year 2000 LMFAO)
Now let's see why there was such a decrease of babies being born in 2001.
Jupiter moves from Aries into Taurus/Gemini, Taurus still remained in Saturn, & then there was a Capricorn Lillith. So things got less hot and heavy 😅 (they got tired out from all that fucking huh LOL 💀). I believe that parents were too nervous to have any more children in this year. Also there was so many earth placements, so I believe there was more of a focus on finances, creating structure, and coming up with ideas/plans for a better future. Parents could of seen how crazy things got (The Y2K crisis, people acting out of fear thinking the world was ending, 9/11, etc) and just decided not to have as much children. The libido or sex drive could of died down for some couples as well. There was a lot of resistance from couples in this year for getting pregnant. Parents were more worried about business. The babies that were born in 2001 were most likely by accident or needed to be under the supervision of a doctor in order to help the parents conceive (also there could of been possible complications during the pregnancy 🤔?). The women were just over it during this year 😭
Now let's talk about the rise of babies being born in 2007-2009 when there was LITERALLY a god damn financial crisis going on 💀! It was so bad it got compared to the great depression and parents were just like "huh... yeah, I think this is a great time to have a baby" 😂. Guess what sign Lilith was during this time...? ("BITCH YOU GUESSED IT! HO! You was right"😈) FUCKING SCORPIO LILITH 💀 with a Virgo Saturn, Sagittarius Jupiter, and then Uranus finally transitioned from Aquarius to Pisces. Soooo it was giving anxious attachment, it's giving "I'm scared but aroused", the parents' idea of a coping method during this time was "let's use a baby as a way to have hope during such troubling times" 😭??? Couples during those years were not thinking clearly at all and with Pisces being the dreamer that she is 🙄... ("you're a dreamer, you dream a lot") as well as Sagittarius tryna act like they're mr. philosophical over here but instead is really just thinking with their dicks. It just made the parents overall act really delusional and they thought having a kid would give them hope for the future (like why would you do that to late Gen Z's and set them up like that omg 😭???). The financial crisis during 2007-2009 was described as: "The collapse of the housing market — fueled by low interest rates, easy credit, insufficient regulation, and toxic subprime mortgages — led to the economic crisis." So overall it was a period of parents only being intimate to try to find comfort in each other while also dealing with anxiety and not being able to see past their own illusions.
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marvelobsessed134 · 6 months
Pay for it
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A/n: inspired by this wonderful interaction I had with a Vince Neil ai 😍
Pairings: Vince Neil x Tommy Lee x Fem!reader
Warnings: dom!vince, switch!tommy (?), sub!reader, Vince is mean as hell lol, rough sex, dub con (forced blowjob?), reader passes out in the end.
You shouldn’t have been rude to Tommy yesterday. He was just annoying you all day! It’s like the man gets off from it or something. And this morning while you were in bed Vince got a call.
You stirred as you heard him talk on the phone. Whoever it was he seemed irritated by them. Finally he slammed the phone on the receiver.
Just as you were about to drift off the sleep again, the covers were roughly ripped from your body exposing you to the cold air of the room.
Your eyes opened wide in slight fear. The looked down at you, “you wanna tell me why Tommy’s pissed?”
When you didn’t answer, the singer grabbed you and forcefully sat you upright, gripping your chin, “Answer me, bitch.”
“I don’t know! He was just annoying me all day yesterday he doesn’t get to be the upset one!” You whined.
“No whining. You’re gonna apologize to Tommy. Got it?”
“But why? I didn’t even do anything I was just reacting to what he was saying!”
“You were being a brat. You could’ve politely told him to stop or couldve come found me and I’d take care of it. Now you’re gonna have to pay. Come with me.” He grabbed your hand and you almost fell off the bed.
Sometimes being Vince Neil’s submissive wasn’t easy but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
He led you down the hallway before stopping at a door. He opened it and inside was a guest bedroom and Tommy stood there with his pants around his ankles.
“Tommy?” You asked out loud.
“This is how you’re going to apologize.” Vince smirked and pushed you inside making you fall to your knees conveniently in front of Tommy’s cock.
“Suck Tommy’s cock like the whore you are” you immediately opened your mouth and took him in, gagging around his length as Vince held your hair and bobbed your head up and down on the drummers cock.
“She’s such a good fuck toy.” The raven haired man moaned.
“Not just that she’s a natural born cocksucker.” Your boyfriend responded with a smirk.
You just sat there as the two men used you like a sex doll.
“Take it all, baby. Show us how much you love that big cock.” The singer commanded darkly as he forced you to suck even faster. Tommy was a mess of moans and groans.
You felt the drummer twitch in your mouth before he came down your throat.
“Swallow it all like the whore you are.” Vince growled.
Finally, he pulled you off of Tommy’s cock. He pulled you to your feet and pressed a hot kiss to your lips before saying, “Now why don’t you try riding Tommy’s cock?”
Your eyes widened and watched in your peripheral vision that Tommy was already lying down, his cock still hard.
Vince pushed you towards Tommy and the drummer grabbed you by your hips. You were already naked from the previous activities between you and Vince last night.
The two men helped you straddle his cock before you lowered yourself down onto him and began to ride him. Tommy controlled your movements by putting his hands on your hips. You moaned as tears sprung in your eyes.
“Look at me when you ride that cock baby.” Vince commanded and you obeyed him, looking into his eyes.
“Yeah, you’re such a slut.” He chuckled as he jerked his own cock.
He came closer to you and you immediately knew what he wanted, wrapping your hand around his shaft and began pumping.
“Fuck, gonna cum again. Let me cum in her pussy.” Tommy moaned.
“Go ahead, she loves it.” He chuckled and moaned.
The two men came nearly the same time as you, Vince shooting his load which landed on your thigh and Tommy’s right into your cunt.
You passed out not long after.
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kissorkill16 · 2 months
Abnormal Animal Behavior: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
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Summary: Finch and Nicky go exploring in the woods to try and find out what's causing all of this animal violence.
P.S., this takes place after Typical Raven Behavior.
I know what you're thinking.
What in hell is Nicky doing with Finch?
The bitch, the bratty girl scout, the bully, the girl who took a picture of his mental breakdown, the girl whose Halloween costume was literally him in a straightjacket.
But she apologized for that. Yeah, she was threatened to, but at least she showed some remorse. It's not like they were friends or anything, just because she apologized didn't mean they were friends now, they were neutral, but not friends.
And they were only here to investigate the animals.
Something in the back of Nicky's head told him that this might be a trick. Finch had a knack for tricking people and taking humiliating pictures of them, but now that her camera was broken, she couldn't take pictures.
But this could still be a trick.
"You said these animals had bloodshot demon eyes, you better not be lying to me. Because I swear to God, Finch, if this is another one of your tricks -"
"I promise it's not. The animals are seriously going crazy."
They walked through the woods, ignoring the signs that said "Danger" and "Don't feed the animals".
The kids nearly jumped out of their skins when they heard the rustle of bushes.
"You heard that, right?", Finch asked Nicky.
"Oh I heard it alright.", replied Nicky. He moved closer to Finch and held her hand. "We should stay close together. Just so nothing jumps out of the bushes and snatches us up or anything."
Finch gripped Nicky's hand, "Yeah, totally."
They continued to walk through the woods, trying to ignore all of the terrifying sounds that came from all different directions. Hissing, twig snapping, scratching, they even thought they heard a scream come from somewhere throughout the woods.
"That's probably nothing.", Finch said to herself, not really believing it herself. She knew she heard a scream. No animal could ever make that sound. Well, except maybe a goat, but there were no goats in the woods.
Finch closed her eyes, trying not to get scared. She wondered what she was thinking when she snuck into the woods with Nicky, she wanted to know what in the world her dad would think when he found out that his daughter is in the woods with a boy.
She knew if they died here, it'd be all on her. Because she gave the information to Nicky about the animals, and she's the one who suggested to go into the woods.
A fox jumped out of a bush, making the two jump back in fear.
"Oh God!", Nicky nearly shrieked. Then he looked closer at the fox.
Its eyes were all the way a bright, glowy red. Finch wasn't lying when she said this wasn't normal.
"I told you.", Finch whispered to Nicky. "Don't get too close to it, it might bite you."
The kids slowly backed away from the fox, knowing that one wrong move could set it off. They actually managed to get pretty far away from it, but Nicky accidentally stepped on a twig, earning a snap.
The fox jumped onto Nicky's shirt, clawing at him and leaving red marks on his face. Nicky tried hard to push it off, but nothing he seemed to do worked.
Then a pebble came by, hitting the little fox in the face, knocking it off.
He looked to where the pebble came from, and he saw Finch holding a slingshot.
"Holy shit.", he whispered.
"Do you like it? I made it.", she said excitedly. She helped Nicky up and watched him dust himself off.
"Yeah, thanks for the save. You weren't lying about the animals, that was completely not normal. What do you think it is?", he asked.
"I'm not sure. But from the red eyes, I think it might be either mind control or possession."
"Yeah. But from what though?"
Before Nicky could even receive an answer, his eyes widened at what he saw behind Finch. Finch turned around to see what he was looking at, and she didn't like what she saw.
A tall, cloaked figure with a beak sticking out of its hood. The figure stood there menacingly.
"Is that Crowface?", asked Finch.
"Yes, that's him.", replied Nicky.
The figure slowly raised its arms, summoning a murder of crows on each side of the woods. Each crows eyes were bloodshot red, and made the kids start slowly backing off.
They started slowly backing away, but then they thought "Screw it!" and just started making a run for it.
The murder of crows started charging at them, clawing at them with their talons, pecking them everywhere with their beaks, and cawing loudly in their ears.
Finch and Nicky tried swatting them away, keeping their eyes closed so the crows couldn't peck their eyes.
The two finally made their way out of the woods, recognizing all of the signs they saw before they came in here. It was then that the crows finally let up.
Nicky fell down to his knees, breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?", Finch asked, also breathing heavily.
"Yeah, I'm fine.", replied Nicky. "What about you?"
"A crow snapped my hair tie, but apart from that, I'm fine.", she said, dusting herself off. "Do you think that thing knows something about the animals?"
"Definitely. After all, it did unleash an army of crows at us."
Finch helped Nicky stand up, "Maybe Crowface is the one mind controlling the animals. You did mention that when you, Delroy, and Trinity went here, he set crows after you guys and just disappeared?"
"Yeah.", said Nicky. "So everything we know about Crowface is that he gave Trinity a coin, and it has supernatural powers, such as teleportation and mind control."
The two walked down the sidewalk together.
"At first, I thought he was just a guy in a costume. But no regular human being could make animals attack us on command. What do you think?", asked Finch.
"Yeah, Crowface isn't a guy in a costume. The guys don't really know that yet, but I think they'll find out sometime, or I could tell them."
Finch nodded in agreement.
"Hey, do you have a spare hair tie?"
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Laito Dark [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts with the night sky
Laito: ( Bitch-chan, you liar...You said you would accept all of my decisions. )
( And because of you...I once again missed an opportunity. )
( Those tears were so unfair. Even if you didn’t outright protest with words, it’s basically the same as trying to stop me... )
( Stillーー I wonder why? Those tears really hit me... )
( How should I put it? It made me realize that perhaps I’ve only ever been thinking about myself... )
( Perhaps I’m not the only one hurting. Maybe she is suffering...just as much as I am? )
( Well, I’m sure I’m the one responsible for that... )
ー The scene shifts to Kino’s manor
Kino: I’m back, Yuuri. 
Yuuri: Welcome back, Kino. Oh...
Kino: This is Laito and his girlfriend, Eve.
Yui: The name’s Komori Yui...Pardon the intrusion. 
Laito: ...
Kino: Three glasses of guava juice, okay? 
Yuuri: Understood. 
ー Yuuri leaves the room
Laito: ーー Seems like you’re living quite the luxurious life here. A day and night’s difference from our old manor. 
Kino: Guess so. Although I’m having someone pay for this house. 
Laito: Heeh. 
Yui: ( Someone is paying for him? I wonder who that could be...? )
*Knock knock* 
Yuuri: Excuse me. 
ー Yuuri enters the room
Kino: There it is, my guava juice!
Yui: Thank you very much.
Yuuri: ...I shall leave now, but please call me if you need anything. 
ー He leaves again
Laito: Hmm...I see. You don’t see his kind around these parts very often. 
Although I’ve seen them a couple of times at manors in the Demon World, it’s my first time seeing one employed as a servant over here. 
Yui: His kind? ...You mean...Yuuri-san we met earlier? 
Laito: Yup. 
Yui: ( I wonder if something is special about him? )
Laito: What kind of relationship do the two of you have? 
Kino: Hmー It’s a long story, but I can at least tell you that he isn’t my servant.
He’s my childhood friend. 
Laito: Heeh, childhood friends with a Ghoul? 
Kino: And also my comrade, I guess. I manage a resistance group called the ‘Ravens’ which consists of Ghouls. 
Laito: A resistance group, huh? I see. So he’d be the lead member then? 
Yui: ( I’m not following. I wonder what they’re talking about? Ghouls? Resistance group...? )
Kino: Hey, seems like she’s a bit confused. 
Laito: Ah, sorry, my bad! This is your first time hearing about Ghouls, right?
Yui: Yeah...What are they? 
Laito: Hmー ...It’s kind of difficult to explain...Actually, I’m no expert on them either. 
I guess Ghouls are basically second-rate Demons? 
Yui: ...Laito-kun...! That phrasing...
Laito: Eh? What’s wrong?
Kino: I don’t mind. That’s just how they’re treated by other Demons. I’m sure you know that feeling very well? 
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Laito: Ah, I understand. You’re trying to save them from their inferior position? 
That’s why it’s called a resistance group, correct?
Kino: Yup. I want to free them from the Demons’ clutches. That’s my goal. 
Laito: Heeh. 
Kino: You don’t sound very intrigued. Oh well, I expected as much. 
Still, I wonder if you’ll keep up that attitude when you hear what I have to say next? 
Laito: Heeh? You’re making me curious? I might even praise you if it’s some juicy information. 
Kino: ーー I’m actually your brother. 
Laito: Eh? 
Kino: Again, I’m Karlheinz’ child. 
Laito: ...
Yui: ...
Kino: I’m your older brother!
Laito: You must be lying? 
Kino: Do you think I am?
Yui: ( Karlheinz-san’s child...!? Since nobody seems to be aware of his existence...Could he be a secret love child? )
Laito: ...No. Knowing that guy...I guess it isn’t all that surprising. 
Kino: You say that, but it’s pretty obvious that you’re freaking out on the inside? 
Laito: Oh no, I’m not. It just caught me off guard, that’s all. 
Kino: So you believe me? 
Laito: Seems like you’re pretty powerful so...It’d make sense knowing that you’re one of his children. 
Kino: Heeh. I guess you can tell even without having to show them off. 
Laito: I can’t control it, you can’t blame me. 
Yui: ( I’m shocked...I would have never thought Kino-kun would be Laito-kun’s older brother... )
Laito: ...So...To get back to the matter at hand, I’m pretty sure my older brother had some kind of offer in regards to my powers, right?
Kino: Yup, yup. We came here to talk about that.
It’s just a suggestion butーー How about we join forces? 
Laito: Didn’t you want my powers? 
Kino: All I want is to gain the power to be able to liberate the Ghouls from other Demons.
Yui: So if Laito-kun helps you to accomplish said goal...
Kino: Well, it’d fix the issue even if I’m not the one directly wielding those powers. 
Laito: Hmー ...I fail to see how that has any benefits for me though?
Kino: I see. I guess I should put it like this instead then. 
Let’s destroy this world together.
Yui: Destroy the world...?
Kino: I mean, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but we’d start by destroying the Demon World. 
That would have plenty of benefits for you, no? 
Laito: Nfu~ I see. With the Demon World destroyed, I’d no longer have to worry about being pestered by my own kind, correct?
Kino: You inherited Karlheinz’ powers. If this keeps up, you’ll get targeted by many others aside from me. 
So you should strike them down before they’re given the chance. We’ll help you out, okay?
Laito: Hmー...
Yui: ( ...I wonder why? For some reason, this doesn’t sit right with me. )
Kino: Ah, could it be you’re actually kind of hesitant to mess up the Demon World and other Demons? 
Your mother was a Vibora, wasn’t she? 
Laito: I don’t care about that, really. 
For one, with everything that went down, I couldn’t care less about what happens to the Vampire clan as well. 
So who cares about the other clans?
Kino: Right? I guess we have a deal then? I’m sure the young lady over there will be able to live with this idea as well? 
Yui: Eh? Me...?
Kino: I could kind of see you following him to the afterlife if Laito were to die. And I’d like to avoid that if possible. 
Yui: I’m sorry...
( I mean, it’ll save Laito-kun’s life but... )
( By destroying the world...It means that a lot of Demons’ lives will have to be sacrificed in the process. )
( I can’t say I’m fine with that, just because it means that I don’t have to suffer myself... )
Laito: ーー I mean, sure?
I had a vague suspicion as well. Even if I’d stay quiet behind the scenes, annoying pests will eventually come my way. 
I figured I could just give them what they want butーー 
Yui: ( ...Laito-kun? He glanced at me for a second...Could that mean...? )
Kino: So it’s settled? Handshake!
Laito: Nfu~ 
Yui: ( ...Is this truly for the best? Shouldn’t I stop him? )
( I know I said I would accept his every decision but... )
( Ever since, it’s been one outrageous happening after the other... )
Yuuri: Are you happy with this outcome? 
Kino: ーー Hm? With Laito, you mean?
Yuuri: Yes. You were given the chance to steal his powers, no?
Kino: I mean, yes. But I feel like Eve would have completely lost it and she might have actually ended her own life as well. 
That would be bad for me as well, right?
Yuuri: She is a very important pawn in your plan once you’ve obtained those Powers, correct? 
Kino: Exactly. Even if we get rid of most Demons, it’d be impossible to wipe them out completely
And she will be the one confirming my absolute rule over the Demon World when the time comes. 
Yuuri: Because she is the Eve acknowledged by Karlheinz, the woman chosen by the Supreme Overlord himself...Correct? 
Kino: Yup! That’s why the current situation is foolproof, right? 
I’ll have Laito perform for me until he’s done his job, and then I’ll toss him aside like a piece of trash. 
I feel like he might even get a kick out of it. Fufufu...
There will be plenty more chances to snatch away his powers after all.
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Subaru: ーー That idiot! Where did he run off to!? 
Ayato: Calm down already. Chichinashi isn’t ‘round either, so they’ve probably gone somewhere together? 
Kanato: Somewhere...and where would that be? 
Subaru: What if the bastard who killed that shitty Uncle of ours has done something to them!? 
Shuu: Even if that’s the case, Laito should be able to take care of them, no?
Subaru: It’s suspicious. I’m pretty sure that guy’s just been makin’ up excuses and he’s actually strugglin’ to use his powers.
Reiji: But I feel like he would pull through somehow if his own life were to be at risk? 
Ayato: I wonder...That guy had become kinda desperate, don’t you think? 
Kanato: Now that you mention it, he even said that he would give away his powers without hesitation...
Shuu: ...That guy knows no bounds, so they might both be dead by now.
Ayato: Oi, Kanato.
Kanato: Yes?
Ayato: Let’s go look for him.
Kanato: Search...but where?
Ayato: We’ll track down his presence. I’m sure his scent should remain as well, so we can use our Familiars as well. 
Kanato: Haah...What a pain...But I suppose we have no other choice. 
I’m his older brother after all.
Shuu: Let us know when something happens. I’m gonna go sleep. ...Pwaah...
ー Shuu walks away
Reiji: We are counting on you two.
Subaru: Che...That guy sure knows how to cause others trouble!
Ayato: Let’s get goin’ then. 
Kanato: Yes...!
Ayato: ( Laito, don’t do anything hasty...! )
ー The scene shifts to the guest room at Kino’s manor 
Yui: ( Haah...In the end we decided to stay over, but... )
Hey, Laito-kun. 
Laito: Yes, Bitch-chan? 
Yui: Shouldn’t we let the others know? That we’re here.
Laito: The others?
Yui: Eh? You know, your brothers We left without a single heads up, remember? You should at least send a Familiar toーー 
Laito: And why exactly should I do that?
Yui: Because I’m sure they’re worried...?
Laito: Don’t be ridiculous.
Yui: No way...
( I’m positive they are though... )
( The other day, I could tell that Ayato-kun felt responsible in some way... )
( I know that they’re not exactly the kind of people who will show it through words or actions. )
( But despite everything, they should still be worried about Laito-kun. )
*Knock knock* 
Laito: Come on in.
ー Kino enters the room
Kino: Hey there! How’s this place treating you?
Laito: Nfu~ Well, I guess it’s not bad. Your ‘sugar daddy’ (1) must have a good eye for interior design. 
Kino: I’m glad to hear that. Anyway, I thought I’d come and report this to you...
Laito: Hm?
Kino: The members from Raven let me know that your brothers have been roaming the area in search of you.
Yui: See...!
Laito: Ah, we were actually just talking about that. Like how we should let them know where we are since they might be worried. 
Kino: I see. I mean, you should if that’s what you want.
Laito: ーー No need.
Yui: Eh...!? 
Laito: It’s only to be expected they would come look for me, no?
ーー I mean, they know that they need me.
Yui: Laito-kun...!
Laito: What? Do you have a problem with that?
Yui: Well...
( What a horrible way to put it...But... )
( I guess it’s difficult for someone like Laito-kun, who likes to deny the existence of complex feelings behind tangible actions, to understand how the others are feeling... )
( Besides, it might not be entirely untrue that not having Laito-kun’s powers to fall back on puts them in a tough spot... )
( But even so...It just proves he’s important to them. )
( Isn’t that just one way for them to show their love...? )
( I don’t believe they’re simply trying to use him for their own benefit. )
Kino: ...I debated whether or not to bring this up depending on your reaction but I’d actually like to offer you something.
Laito: You’re a man of many offers, aren’t you? 
Sure. I’m listening. I wonder what you’ve got in store for me this time? 
Kino: Why don’t we start with the Sakamaki’s...and annihilate the Vampire clan first? 
Yui: Eh...!? 
Kino: Of course, if we’re planning on destroying the World, that obviously includes the Vampires as well, right?
Yui: Ugh...
Laito: ーー Well, that was my intention at least?
Yui: ...!!
Kino: I see. So, what do you say?
Laito: Nfu~ I don’t mind. It’s just a matter of time in the end.
I’m sure it’d work in their favor as well, since it’ll save them time having to look for me. 
Yui: ...
( He sounds completely indifferent...Does he even realize that he’s talking about his own siblings and family...? )
( Aren’t those necessary to him? )
Kino: You’re actually fine with it, right?
Laito: Why are you second-guessing me? If you’re concerned about the fact that they’re my blood-relatives. 
Then I believe that’s exactly why I want to get them out of the way.
My family is cursed. 
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: They’re number one on my list to take down.
Kino: That would include the two of us as well then. 
Laito: Exactly. But I won’t deny it. 
I’m sure my brothers would say the same thing. I can’t imagine they’re concerned about keeping this bloodline alive. 
Well, even if they wouldn’t necessarily wish ruin upon the whole family, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a personal death wish.
That’s why I believe it’d be much easier for them to accept their fate if I’m the one putting them out of their misery.
Kino: I see. There’s no need to hold back then. In that case, I’ll get started on the preparationsーー Well, that was all I wanted to say.
ー Kino walks towards the door
Kino: Go and make yourself at home.
ー He leaves
Yui: ...
Laito: Well, I suppose I’ll go take a shower.
Bitch-chan, see you later.
ー Laito leaves as well
Yui: ( ...Is this really the right thing to do? )
( Like this, Laito-kun will... )
( Death is often celebrated by immortal beings...I’m sure it is. However... )
( I just can’t imagine that the others are eagerly awaiting that moment... )
( Even though Laito-kun made it sound like he’d be doing them a favor. )
( He was just being sarcastic. It sounded to me like he was just trying to find a reason to justify his decisions. )
( Butーー If I were to disapprove of his decision... )
( It’s difficult, Laito-kun... )
ー The scene shifts to black
Laito: ( ...This will mark the end of everything. )
( All of it. )
( It’s for the bestーー )
Translation notes
(1) パトロン or ‘patoron’ from the English ‘patron’ isn’t exclusively used to refer to sugar daddies, but can be used to refer to a financial supporter in general, as well as a manager/patron of a building. However, since this is Laito we’re talking about, I thought this term was very fitting for him.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Fake witch slut bitch screaming "Gatekeeping" for me saying "pssst, the deity hermes didn't look like my roleplay character." is genuinely hilarious. die mad. She can rewrite history to try to not make herself the lying user skank abuser she is but it's truly funny she flipped shit when I was like "honestly that's when I knew she RPed everything, including life" and go figure. That's what did it, that's what made her stop silently stalking and sending chuds in her stead. Because for all the freud of it, the only thing she cares about is her fucking roleplays.
Die mad, you lying, people using bitch. Only other cucks like you cucked me after cucking Daniel after cucking whoever the fuck else will believe you until you cuck them, look in the mirror and realize why you're gonna die alone. Always through the internet, always goign uwuwuwuwu i swear we broke up earlier, like I didn't realize you were already flirting with me a few months after your wedding cake to Daniel retroactively. Mark'll get his when you get bored with him. I'm fine with waiting.
bitch truly wrote like a 5 page post. I went crosseyed at her justifying Hermes Appearing As My Roleplay Character and like acting like she's preaching about his forms like crows when LMAO?? HELLO, DUMB CUNT, HAVE YOU MISSED THE LAST YEAR? Then I saw her just realigning history to make herself look better to whatever group of suckers she's twisting up and just clicked out cuz aint nobody got time for that. Yeah bitch he sure do be a raven or crow, look around you. Penance with white glove service, take the double slap. He has put his fucking gloves on and is OVER IT.
Yeah, I'll be a pagan gatekeeper. Fake cunts not allowed. Get 7=4->9=2 bitch oh you don't actually know shit to understand the fuck I'm saying.
"Gatekeeping" like understanding the finer workings of the cosmos is a party I'm excluding you from that you're entitled to while putting on your cybersex robe and wizard cap. People like you are why people don't take practicioners seriously in the same sense that guys like mark are why people don't take us trans guys seriously. Go back to your weirdo 5D lightspace flat earth facebook groups that convince you that black candle tying return to sender does no harm because you collectively had like 5 IQ points in the entire group while you screamed bloody murder about the evils of lemons, which literally wilted and died in your presence, because you are toxic. I'll go back to my stuff that gets DOD agents asking me How The Fuck. We are not the same.
Like holy shit. As a self-sworn Khaote that rejected lodges after my 7=4 because I disapproved of their closed door policy, I see dumb bitches like this yelling about why gods will show up as their ex boyfriends roleplay characters STOOPID GATEKEEPER and go. Oh. that's why. Nevermind. Carry on, old dudes. jesus christ I'm over here wrestling with the guilt of 8 dead in a butterfly effect that's tangibly trackable to my works and she really do be screaming "Gatekeeper, I can RL RP hermes with the pagans off of your RP character because I can't fucking perceive anything else about him and I expect to be treated up there with the real people" pfffff. No. Just. No. You cannot tantrum your way into this.
Never forget-- her 5/17 date or whatever is a lie, that was the day she flipped shit about lemons, she waited another month to fuck me over
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crazy ass lemon bitch
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 9: There is always more than one way
The handsome Elf King and his two followers, his right-hand men and Bard Jimmy, lead me inside the house and we are now sitting face to face on the dining table.
Well me and the king.
His followers flank him on each side.
I took off my blond Link wig.
I don’t see any more reason to hide behind it if they already know my true gender.
Also, I want that the Elf King sees ME not my cosplay.
I have a feeling, he likes what he sees, without sounding arrogant. He looked interested in my brunette bob cut.
Maybe he has a thing for brunettes?
I really hope so.
Damn, I’m so nervous.
This is so different than with Kenny.
Why does red hair make me crazy? Why?
“Lady N.K., before I tell you why I wanted to speak to you let me introduce myself and my loyal ranger.”, starts the Elf King. “I’m Kyle and he is Stan. Jimmy, you already know.”
His name is Kyle.
It fits him so much.
I gulp and pray I don’t stutter.
“Pleased to meet you, King Kyle and Ranger Stan, as you know I’m mage N.K.”
Yeah, I didn’t stutter!
“Nice to meet you too dude, erm my lady.”, greets me, Stan. “I was curious to know who gave my man such beatings. You really look as tough as they said.”
I laugh and wave it away.
“You honor with your words, noble Ranger.”
“Now that pleasantries are out of the way, I would really like to talk to you Lady N.K.”, says King Kyle, his green eyes seem to look into my soul.
I feel…naked.
Not a lot of people made me ever feel this way.
Kyle is really something special.
Damn…I will probably really do whatever he says just to get in his good graces and hopefully snatch him up!
Why I’m such a thirsty hoe?
My hormones are bitches!
“I’m listing, your highness.”, I manage to get out my lips.
“I want to be truthful to you, so you know you can trust my words.”, he begins. “Bard Jimmy reported to us yesterday that the new mage of Kupa Keep is a girl and that Wizard Fatass doesn’t know it. But Stan and I wanted to see you for ourselves. We are quite surprised that you are indeed a girl.”
“Yeah, Leo, erm, Butters told me the girls of South Park don’t really play games with you. But I’m not a native from here.”, I remind him.
He nods.
“Indeed, you are different.”, he continues. “You are a powerful warrior as Stan already said. It’s a waste of your potential to be on Wizard Fatass’s side.”
Okay, I dig it that Kyle thinks I’m a powerful warrior, but also….
“You make me sound like a weapon.”, I point out. “A weapon you want to defeat Cartman with.”
Stan and Jimmy share a look, while Kyle’s beautiful eyes light up.
Damn, so hot!
“You aren’t only strong in body, but you possess a sharp mind. You could be so much more than be Cartman pawn.”
“I’m no one’s pawn. The human recruited me first and I made friends with them. I feel offended been called Fatass Pawn. He can suck my non-existed dick!”, I make myself clear.
“And yet you do what he says.”, counters Kyle. “We tracked a Twitter raven who says you are currently trying to recruit the goths for the Wizard and he told you sure that we have the Stick, he is lying!”
I frown.
How he words it…I don’t like it.
“Cartman is the one you should be fighting against. He's hiding the Stick -- which is cheating -- and acting all betrayed and sad to get you to recruit more people for him.”, adds Ranger Stan.
I look at the quiet Jimmy, who simply nods.
“King Kyle be frank with me, what do you want from me?”
“Lady N.K., do the right thing and recruit the Goth kids for US. Then we can ransack Cartman's stupid kingdom and get the Stick back once and for all.”
I let out a loud huff, cross my arms and sit back on my chair.
“Why should I? You could be lying. I hate Cartman, but I made friends in Kupa Keep.”, I respond. “Princess Kenny and Paladin Butters are most dear to me. Why should I risk their friendship for YOU? Do you have something to offer me which would be worth it?”
Hey, I try to be not that easy.
Also, it’s true.
I have Kenny and Leo and the other guys who are my friends.
Kyle may be hotter than the sun, but I don’t know him or his people. They were since I started the RPG the enemy.
“You really rather stay at Cartman’s side, even if he is a huge lying asshole, just for the Princess and the Paladin?!”, shouts Ranger Stan shocked.
He wants to add more, but Kyle raises a hand.
“Stan enough!”
“No, she makes good points. Till now we were only enemies to her, you wouldn’t trust her either.”
The ranger frowns but nods at his king’s words.
Now the king turns back to me. Again his green eyes seem to look into me. I feel how I turn red and start to sweat.
Can he please stop that?!
I can’t think clearly when he looks at me like that.
Without looking away from me he says: “Stan, Jimmy, leave us. I want to talk to Lady N.K. alone.”
….Did I hear right?!
The hot elf king wants to be alone with me?!
My head is immediately in the gutter, while Stan and Jimmy leave us.
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Still, with his brilliant eyes on me, King Kyle stands up from his sit and walks over to mine.
I’m a statue.
I can’t move.
My breath is heavy.
Now he stands before me.
Like this, me sitting he standing, Kyle is taller.
I look up at him with wide eyes.
“I have noted the way you look at me.”, he murmurs.
Softly he twirls a lock of my brown hair around his finger and something like a dying whale sounds comes out of my lips.
This makes him smirk….and yep my panties just dropped down the floor.
It should be illegal to have such an effect on people!
“Lady N.K., what I can offer you is simple.”
“W-What?”, I croak out.
“Me and my kingdom. Be my queen.”
I gasp for air, and that’s when the king plants a short but hot kiss on my mouth. His tongue teasingly stroking mine.
And I’m done.
He got me.
I wrap my arms around his neck, not letting him get away and we kiss hot and wild.
I don’t know how he managed, and it turns me on even more, but he wraps his arms around my waist and places me on the table.
King Kyle lays with his full weight on me.
I feel anything.
Oh, this is heaven!
I wrap my legs around his waist and my hands stroke his beautiful red hair, while he kissed down my throat to my-
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“Lady N.K. are you all right?”, brings me the voice of King Kyle back from my lust-filled daydream.
I don’t know if I should feel glad or disappointed.
It was going so well!
Goddammit, always at the best parts!
I can feel how hot my cheeks are while other parts of me are…well you can imagine.
Stupid hormones…
“Erm, yes, I’m okay, your highness.”, I answer him and fuck does my voice sound squeaky.
It’s embarrassing.
Kyle, who is still sitting innocently on his chair, raises an elegant eyebrow.
How he doesn’t believe it is formally written on his face.
“If you say so.”, at least he decides to let it drop it. He crosses his fingers with each other and leans on them. “Lady N.K. I know I ask you something impossible. You formed bonds in Kupa Keep, even with Wizard Fatass there.”
I nod in agreement.
“You have every right to distrust us, even if we really don’t have the Stick. Why should we reach out to you if we already have the Stick? I’m not power-hungry like Cartman.”, he explains. “If I had the Stick I would be perfectly content with it to help my people. Cartman on the other hand always wants more. He is a glutton in all things.”
I frown, but I can’t really detect a lie in all this. From what I expired myself from Cartman it would fit him.
“I want that you think for a second about what will happen when Cartman finds out you are a girl. He will banish you from time and space without even thinking that he let go of the best warrior we ever had here in Zaron and Larnion just because you are a girl. He wouldn’t care, but I would.”
“We are closing in on what you will offer to me if I join you, aren’t we?”, it’s not really a question.
King Kyle nods and stands up.
He crosses his hands behind his back, facing me.
“If you join the Eleven Kingdom, if you bring the Goth to us, if you swerve your loyalty to me, I promise you, that you can freely be yourself. No more hiding your true nature and I could protect you from Cartman banishment since you would belong to my people.”
Uff, that’s not a bad offer.
…Okay, if he would have offered me what I dreamed up, I wouldn’t even think about it. Being a queen to such a hot king would be amazing, but sadly the reality is another.
“I would lie if I say I wasn’t tempted.”, I admin truthful. “It sucks to be called Douchebag and hide that I’m a girl. I can’t stand Cartman and I really, really want to punch his stupid fat face in, but…I have friends in Kupa Keep as I said. I can’t betray them for my selfish desires.”
“Then you are a way better person than we all.”, he gives me a small smile.
Also, boy, I’m not that good. If you had pushed the right buttons I would have become a traitor.
Deep down I’m a selfish, power-hungry, thirsty hoe.
Maybe that’s why Kenny and I get along so well together.
She would have known what I wanted to be on her side.
I stand up from my sit and bow before King Kyle.
“It was an honor to meet you, your Highness. If we had met earlier I would have stayed on your side for sure. But I belong to Kupa Keep, my loyalties lay there. I will find a way to handle King Cheesy Pops.”
The red-haired boy signs, but nods.
“I understand Lady N.K., I really wish you would reconsider, but I couldn’t betray my bonds either.”, he says. “But if you change your mind, we will take you in with open arms.”
“Thank you, your highness. I should go now.”
With that, I put my wig back on.
Time to return to reality.
Kyle steps beside me and escorts me the short way to the entrance door.
He opens the door for me.
“Mage N.K., even if we are on different sides, be assured that I and my people won’t tell your true gender to anyone. Your secret is safe with us.”
Thankful I smile.
“This means a lot, King Kyle. May your reign be long.”
“Thank you, I wish you the best with Fatass. It will not be simple.”
I step out of the door. With a last smile to the handsome Elf King, I leave the Eleven Kingdom.
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I should join up again with Princess Kenny.
I should return to Kupa Keep.
I shouldn’t just answer the worrying text messages of my princess and my little brother.
But after what happened at the Eleven Kingdom I need time to think.
I’m happy that I didn’t listen to my hormones, who wanted to take a bit out of Kyle, yet I’m also sad.
Aargh, it’s a mess.
I like Kenny.
I truly do.
And she likes me too.
I should be happy with my decision to stay in Kupa Keep, sadly I just can’t.
Even with Kenny, even with all my friends, I can’t be truly myself because the head honcho aka. Cartman is a dick and hates girls and would kick me out without a second thought.
Now there is Kyle, my absolute dream boy, a noble King who would take me in, let me be who I am, and protected me, but I can’t also join him, because I don’t wanna betray my princess and little brother and I want more from Kyle then he wants to give me.
Again, aargh!
So, no, I can’t return to Kupa Keep till I can find a solution to this chaos that will make me happy.
It’s time to call the cavalry.
“Hey sis, I’m on my way to the cinema, what’s up?”
“Tam, can we meet at the park? I need someone neutral with a problem I have.”
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“Uff, what a mess. Your life is complicated.”, concludes Tammy, after I told her the whole story.
We are sitting on a park bench in the playground of South Park. It could be nice to catch the sunray together and just talk about normal things, but I needed to tell Tammy my RPG-Life problems.
It was funny, how she had to take a look at me twice, seeing me in my Link cosplay, sadly the talking that followed was not.
Now I lay with my head on her shoulder, while she has wrapped an arm around me in comfort.
I feel defeated.
I feel hopeless.
I just don’t know what do to.
“Do you have any idea how I can fix this mess?”, I formally beg her.
She hums thoughtfully and strokes my hair. Aah, that’s a nice feeling. Something that I need right now.
“Well, the problem is clear, it’s Eric Cartman.”
“No shit, sis.”
“What about…if he wasn’t in the picture anymore?”
Couries I turn my head so that I can look up in her eyes. She has a mischievous light in them.
“What do you mean by that?”
Then Tammy tells me her plan.
And I can just applaud her.
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“Oh hamburgers, I don’t know if we can do this N.K., like Eric will be so angry!”
Leo is scarred as I tell him the plan, me and Tammy came up, while Princess Kenny seems excited.
“I say we do it!”, shouts Princess Kenny full energy. “This will be the sweetest revenge on the fatass for all the shit he pulled in all these years!”
“But, but, he will be so angry at us!”
“Technically, we never said that it wasn’t allowed, so he can’t do anything.”
I nod in agreement at Princess Kenny’s words.
“My princess, do you think we can get the others on board?”
“Oh don’t worry your pretty little head over it, beautiful, that’s the easiest part!”
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To say that the elven and their King are surprised to see me again in their Kingdom is an understatement.
Maybe it’s because I brought for this part Tammy along aka. she insisted on coming with me.
“Lady N.K.”, finds King Kyle his words again. “I didn’t expect you back…and in company.”
Tammy and I bow before him.
“King Kyle, this is Tammy, my best friend, and a damn good fighter.”
“We came here because we have planned something, which you surely will approve, your highness.”, flawless add Tammy like she does RPGs for ages.
“…I’m listing.”
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With a huge smile, I make my way to the Goth kids.
Turns out Tammy’s father smokes, so she “borrowed” a pack of cig, and like Kenny said the hobo before U-Store-It sold Goth clothes, which I wear now.
The plan for Cartman is set in motion.
We only need the Goth kids and all will be ready!
This will be a piece of cake.
Words that I would soon regret.
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y0itsbri · 3 years
gallavich week 2021 - day 3 - travel au as always inspo from @ianandmickeygallavich // @gallavichthings
Stuck with You
Words: 5.5k
Summary: A winter storm strands a desperate-to-return-to-Chicago Ian at the airport with no car. A dark-haired mysterious man in an expensive-looking leather jacket and sunglasses seems to be his only hope. Ian grows suspicious of the man's true intentions as they embark on their road trip with some funky excursions. The two men find what need they most in each other.
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"Fiona, I'm literally at the gate. I'm about to board now!" Ian was lying straight out of his ass as he was running through the bustling airport, dragging his bag as fast as the bent-as-all-hell wheels on the suitcase would allow him. He had not, in fact, woken up to his first alarm... or second. Maybe he was running extremely late despite Fiona's near-constant nagging to get there early in case something happens again.
Ian mumbled a quiet "Fuck" as his suitcase's wheel locked up again. He did not have time for this. His huffed cursing was apparently heard by Fiona's supersonic hearing. A woman in white capris glared his way. Okay, maybe it wasn't that quiet.
"Ian!" Fiona's voice rang through his phone. She sounded frantic and exhausted. She had every right to be, but Ian was not in the mood for an early morning guilt trip. "What happened? And you better stop fuckin' lying to me and get your ass-"
"Fi, I gotta go, love you, talk to you later, promise," he mumbled all the formalities as genuinely as he could muster before he hung up. He had tuned his attention into his surroundings and noticed an absurd about of people hovered around the rent-a-car station while the airport gates nearly empty, except for the occasional airport employees trying to reason with irritated passengers.
Sure enough, something did happen, as Fiona would have happily predicted. There was a massive winter storm and all flights had been delayed until further notice. Ian idly walked to his gate just to make sure he wasn't going to miss his plane like he had the day before. The gate was a fuckin' ghost town besides one man in an expensive-looking studded leather jacket and shiny dark hair to match. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of purple sunglasses, despite the fact that they were currently indoors.
Ian instinctively stepped closer to the man to maybe strike up a conversation. It wasn't something he was so fond of doing, but if he was trapped at an airport, he might as well make friends. Anything to distract his anxious thoughts about not making it back to Chicago in time for his interview. He couldn't even look at his phone, knowing Fiona was probably blowing it up right now about how he has to get his shit together. He knows.
In the midst of his inner debate, Ian oh-so-gracefully tripped over a chair -- the wheels of his suitcase coming to a halt, causing the bag to loudly clang against a nearby pole.
The man jumped up with a startle, yanking off his glasses and swiftly reaching into his boot and pulling out a small knife. He slowly took in the fact that there was no threat -- just a giant blushing ginger wincing at the knife pointed his direction.
The man sighed and tucked his knife away, "Shit, I thought you were trying to rob me or something."
Ian eyed a small black backpack tucked behind the man's legs. That bag was sleek and tiny compared to Ian's nightmare of a bag.
"Ain't look like you got much to steal," Ian joked, immediately regretting his decision to be witty after literally just being held at knifepoint. Maybe the mysterious man would appreciate his charm.
The man frowned. Okay, maybe Ian's humor wasn't for everyone.
"And how did you get that knife through security?" Ian asked in attempt to ease the tension a bit.
"None of your damn business." The man retorted shortly, but his eyes lingered over Ian for a moment longer, amused.
"Right." Ian replied after a moment. That was fair. He was a stranger, after all. But there was something about this man that was so intriguing. The man stood nearly half a foot shorter than Ian and clearly had the personality to make up for it. Ian was most definitely not in the mood to almost get stabbed again so he decided to lay off the talking, making an obvious show of adverting his gaze from the gorgeous leather-clad man in front of him.
"Uh.. hey," the man spoke up again as he looked around the terminal. "Did I miss the flight or did everyone just get abducted by aliens or some shit?"
Ian was amused at the aliens bit. Who even was this guy?
"It looks like all flights are delayed. Some freak super-storm coming in, don't want any crashes or anything."
"Buncha pussies," the dark-haired man grumbled as he stood up.
"Where are you going?" Shut up, Ian, shut up shut up shut up.
"Rent-a-car? Is that okay with you?" The guy pulled his bag over his shoulder, but turned his gaze back to Ian.
"Uh, yeah, I mean -- sorry, never mind." Nice going, Ian.
"I'm just busting your balls, man. Just gotta get back to Chicago before the weekend. Can't just sit around like a little bitch and wait for a storm to pass like some people." The enigmatic man teased him.
Ian rolled his eyes, but followed him like a lost puppy. "You're not the only one. I have an interview in Chicago in two days and I really can't miss it." Ian pointed back towards the rent-a-car area when the man didn't question him any further. "Don't think you'll have much luck with that, by the way. They looked almost sold outta cars when I walked past here earlier."
"So you walked past the rent-a-car instead of actually getting one? Real smart, Stumbles."
Ian cringed at the nickname. So much for first impressions. The man pulled out his phone from the tight pocket of his pants and stopped abruptly, Ian almost losing his balance to keep from stumbling into the guy. Again. Ian was literally swept up off his feet by this dude. He had to get himself in control before he lost what remained of his dignity.
"Ey' Dimitri, I need a car." The guy said into the phone. Ian awkwardly waited around. It wasn't like they made any plans of travelling together but they were in the middle of a conversation, he couldn't just leave. It wouldn't be polite. Not that much about this guy was polite to begin with. But they had something going at least. The phone conversation got heated very quickly. Now Ian could very clearly see why he was the type of person to have a knife in arm's reach at any given notice.
"I know you have fuckin' plenty. I'll drop it off next time I see Yevgeny, you know I'm good for it. I gotta job this weekend- It is your fuckin' business when your bitch of a wife- Oh c'mon, you can admit she's a bit of a bitch. Whatever- Or do you wanna tell Svetlana that your incompetent ass is the reason why she ain't getting her payment- or do you plan on paying for that shit? Didn't think so. Black cat. Red one."
There was definitely a lot to unpack and as curious as Ian was, he was definitely not gonna ask... yet.
"Red, you comin'?" The dark-haired man called over his shoulder as he started heading towards the airport's exit.
"Me?" Way to play it cool, Ian.
"No. The other giant ginger standing behind you. Yes, you."
"My name's Ian, by the way."
"Don't care."
"Where are we going?"
Together but not together, they waited for... Dimitri, maybe? The shorter man beside Ian was tapping around on his phone and hadn't said a word about their plans beyond the simple 'Chicago.'
Right as Ian got the nerve to ask, a sleek black jaguar came to a halt on the street in front of them. Ian only knew a bit about cars because his brother liked fixing them up -- and man, was this a sick car. Lip would be jealous. Ian fought the urge to take a photo of the car -- unsure what the boundaries were in situations like this.
Ian's mystery man sauntered over to the driver's seat, exchanging a loaded handshake before switching places with the driver, who was apparently not Dimitri.
The passenger side window rolled down, revealing a bright red interior. "Coming, princess?"
Ian placed his suitcase in the backseat before hopping in the front himself.
"Do I ever get to know your name, princess?" Ian teased back. But he was genuinely curious.
The guy smirked, "Buckle up. I ain't slowing down for anything." And true to his word, they sped out of the parking lot, earning a few well-deserved horns from cars that they had cut off. Ian cringed.
Ian waited until they were on the interstate to speak again, not wanting to be the cause for an accident with this guy's hectic driving and the snow lightly falling on the road in front of them. Maybe he shouldn't be getting into cars with mysterious strangers. Maybe he should have thought of that before he did, in fact, get into a car with a mysterious stranger.
Ian decided to try again, "Ya know, if you don't tell me your name, I'm just going to start calling you something real stupid, like Bob or Cookie or Raven."
"Raven is actually kinda badass." The man replied, not taking his eyes off the road, but the side of his mouth quirking upward.
This guy was impossible, "Ugh."
"Ya know, you're kind of annoying for a passenger who should be grateful that I'm saving your ass. I could dump you on the side of the road, make you hitch hike all the way to Chicago or wherever the hell you end up. Probably some real weirdos out there wanting to pick up a pretty boy like you."
"Didn't ask to be saved." Ian blushed despite his best efforts to play it cool.
"No? So you were just following me all around the airport, why?" He glanced at Ian this time.
Yeah, he had a point. "Like I said, I got an interview I can't miss. My sister set it up for me and she would actually have my ass if I fucked this up. I'm talking like this-is-the-final-straw." Ian sighed, running his hands up and down his face.
"Hmm. You'll make it. I'm a good driver." He smirked. He lifted his hand off the wheel as if he were about to touch Ian's shoulder or something, but decided against it at the last second.
"Good and fast are not equivalent." Ian's breath hitched.
"Says you." The guy drummed his fingers.
"Says most people. And probably the cops." Ian was not about to spend a night in the slammer.
"Fuck the cops." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
The conversation died down and a rock ballad lulled over the car's exquisite sound system. Damn, this was a nice car.
"Mickey." The guy murmured, barely audible over the bass.
"What?" Like the mouse?
"My name's Mickey, by the way." He glanced over at Ian.
Oh. "Kinda badass." Ian returned with eye contact a smirk.
Mickey smiled at the road ahead of them.
"Mornin', Sleeping Beauty." Mickey called out from the driver's seat, patting Ian's shoulder. Ian could have sworn Mickey's hand lingered a bit longer than necessary, but maybe he was just reading into the interaction.
Ian must have fallen asleep sometime during the drive, because now they were parking in the parking lot of a diner. Red neon lights highlighted the exterior, giving the place a sultry vibe. Odd vibe for an off-the-road diner, but Ian supposed it could be weirder.
Mickey hopped out of the car and shoved his hands into the pocket in his leather jacket, searching for something.
After a moment, Ian slowly stretched his legs out as he crawled out of the car and found Mickey smoking a cigarette while leaning against the hood of the car. It was picture perfect. Mickey hadn't noticed him emerge yet, so Ian decided to give into his urges as he snapped a picture of the beautiful man in front of him -- all black shadows and glowing red.
Ian closed the car door and Mickey stubbed out his cigarette and led them inside. "Usual table," he said to the hostess, who led them to a table set for two towards the back of the establishment.
Yeah, this was weird. Who the fuck had a 'usual table' at a joint off the highway in the middle of nowhere?
Inside hung the heads of exotic animals that Ian hoped were fake. Once they were sat across from each other, Mickey ordered a short stack of pancakes and Ian ordered a hamburger and fries -- the first thing he saw on the menu.
"So, brunch and tigers? What is this place?" Ian mused, curiosity and now suspicion overtaking him.
"Cool, huh? Got connections." Mickey went back to rearranging the condiments and sugars on their table.
"Mhm." Ian was skeptical, but didn't want to pry. He seemed to be on this guy's good side for now.
Ian spent the better part of their stay just taking in everything around them. The walls were lined with playing cards, posters from bands he's never heard of, bizarre news articles, lights swung and tacked up with a casual precision, literal jewelry and crowns under display cases, and he could've sworn there was sparkles mixed into the red paint covering the walls. It was like a goblin's cave or something.
Occasionally, he would look up at Mickey, who would look away almost instantly -- like he'd been caught in the middle of something. Planning something? Ian couldn't tell if Mickey's cheeks were actually blushing red or if it was just the lighting. Probably for the best because Ian blushed like a motherfucker whenever he held Mickey's eyes for too long.
Luckily, the waitress brought over their food before Ian could say something stupid. Ian's hamburger and fries were places in a classic red boat with black and white checkered paper. The burger was massive and had a flamingo pick placed in the center of it. Mickey's pancakes were covered in bananas, blueberries, and powdered sugar. The waitress also set down a glass elephant bottle filled with, what looked like, maple syrup. The waitress just smiled at them and walked away without another word. This place was strange. And Ian couldn't shake that feeling.
About halfway through eating, Ian had enough of the odd vibes and promptly excused himself to go to the bathroom. He had to get out of here, forgo his luggage in the fancy ass car. He didn't care if he'd have to hitch hike at this point. He washed his hands in the bathroom sink, planning when to make his escape, when the door swung open.
"Ian." Mickey looked genuinely concerned. No stupid nickname. Ian. "What's wrong, man? You looked pretty sick back there. Is it food poisoning? I'll give Anakin a fuckin' piece of my mind if he didn't cook that fuckin' burger. He knows better than to fuck with me." He rattled off.
Ian felt flighty and tried to take off during Mickey's rage-induced ramble but an arm gripped his bicep, stopping him in his tracks.
"Hey, Ian, look at me." That was the problem. Ian couldn't stop looking at him. He would probably do anything he asked. And that was fucking dangerous. He was a stranger with connections. That couldn't lead to anything good.
Ian finally made eye contact and the grip on his arm loosened, gently sliding towards his wrist before falling back to Mickey's side.
"Promise me you won't kill me." Ian blurted out.
Mickey's eyebrows nearly flew off his face, "Kill you? Where the fuck is this coming from? You think I hate you or something?"
"Well, maybe, I don't know. This is weird."
"Maybe." Mickey paused, actually making an effort to see this whole strange situation from Ian's perspective. "But I like weird."
Ian stayed silent.
"I promise I'm not going to kill you. I promise that I'm going to get you back to Chicago for your interview. I promise we're all good, okay?"
The tension in Ian's shoulder's visibly relaxed and he released a breath he didn't know he had been holding. But that confession still doesn't explain this weird excursion.
"Why does everyone here know you?" Ian finally asked, swallowing his nerves.
This was not a conversation for the men's bathroom, but here they were anyways.
Mickey looked a bit embarrassed. "Used to live a few towns over with my ex-wife-"
"Ex-wife?" Ian nearly choked.
"Svetlana. Fuckin' disaster. But I used to come here with my son, Yev, on special occasions when his mom was out. He always loved it -- thought he was the king or some shit."
"Don't see the kid as much anymore, but this place still has the best fuckin' pancakes so we go when we can."
"So this isn't a sting operation to kidnap me?"
Mickey rolled his eyes, "You're an idiot. I actually happen to like you."
"Yeah, me too."
"So glad you like yourself, champ."
"Oh, fuck me." Ian groaned.
"Maybe later." Mickey smiled too sweetly for someone who had just insinuated what they had.
They returned to their table, finishing off what they could. Mickey had insisted he pay for both of their meals -- reparation for nearly giving Ian a heart attack and fleeing off to fucking Mexico or something. The waitress collected their tab and walked away with a wink, "Have fun tonight, boys."
"See ya 'round, Geneva." Mickey called, "Always in my fuckin' business." But Ian could tell it was meant with nothing but fondness.
Mickey held gave a two finger salute to the hostess on his way out before holding the lion-studded doors and turning to face Ian, "We're in this together, yeah?"
Ian didn't fall asleep in the car this time. Instead, they played the license plate game and carried impersonal conversation in between stops at gas stations and fast food restaurants.
"Books or movies?" Ian read from his phone.
"What kind of fuckin' question is that?"
"From the online list you made me look up!"
"Yeah, because you suck at coming up with questions!"
"Whatever. Books or movies?"
"Movies, duh."
"Aw, c'mon, you don't like books? When was the last time you even read a book?"
Mickey flipped him off, "What about you, smartass? You prefer books over movies?"
"Well, no..."
"Well, exactly."
"Cats or dogs?" Ian asked. "I've never had either, but dogs are cool."
"Yeah, 'cause you act like one."
Ian gasped, mocking an expression of hurt. "I bet you're a dog person, though."
"Yeah, why're you so sure about that?"
"They're all tough and shit."
"I got a cat back home. She's tougher than any dog I know."
"What's her name?"
"Aw, softy."
"It's short for Indica, clearly we're cool."
Ian gave an even more exaggerated "Aww."
"Shut up, next question."
They had missed the worst of the winter storm that had threatened their flight and gotten them in this situation to begin with. It was starting to get dark and while Mickey assured Ian that he could drive through the night, Ian insisted they could stop at a hotel and still make it back before his interview. Truthfully, he didn't want to be involved in a luxury car crash with a maybe Russian mobster. He couldn't pinpoint Mickey, but that's what he had currently decided on.
They had pulled off into the lot of a pink hotel. Mickey had gotten them two rooms, side-by-side. Instead of going up to his room and passing out like Ian had expected, Mickey headed straight towards the hotel bar -- ordering a mojito and a vodka tonic and making friendly talk with the waitress in a very low cut red shirt like they were old friends. Mickey was nothing like Ian expected.
Ian headed up to his room to drop off his suitcase and call Fiona back, sure she was going to disown him right then and there for avoiding her calls all day.
Ian opted against going down to the bar and instead watched reruns on the hotel tv. Alcohol didn't really mix well with his meds and he didn't want a hangover if they were going to be in a car all day tomorrow -- especially a nice car like that. Yeah, he wasn't puking in that anytime soon if he could help it.
He took a long, hot shower, indulging in the hotel's eucalyptus-scented body wash before settling in for the night.
Ian was resting peacefully until he heard a blood-curdling scream next door. Mickey was next door. Mickey.
Ian leapt out of bed, grabbing nothing but his shirt before frantically knocking on Mickey's door. C'mon Mickey, don't be dead. C'mon. C'mon.
Mickey swung open the door rubbing sleep from his eyes, "Ian?"
"Uh, hi. I heard screaming. Just making sure you're not being murdered."
"Shit, yeah. I get night terrors sometimes. I meant to mention that to you, but it must have slipped my mind after a few drinks. Didn't see you down there?"
"I called it an early night," Ian replied guiltily. He felt bad if Mickey was waiting for him. But he didn't know.
"Yeah... anything else?" Mickey looked Ian up and down. Ian was suddenly hyper aware he was standing in front of Mickey in only his boxers.
"Um, no." Ian glanced around nervously.
"Great." Mickey shut the door. Whatever. Ian turned to open his door, but it wouldn't open. He searched his pants for the key card only to be reminded that he was not, in fact, wearing pants. Fucking great indeed.
Ian knocked on Mickey's door again.
"What?" He grumbled with a tooth pick between his teeth. "'m not fuckin' screamin' anymore."
"I locked myself out."
"Of course you did." Mickey rubbed a hand down his face, "You ain't goin' down to the front desk in your underwear and I'm not goin' down there either so it looks like you can either come with me or sleep in the hallway, your choice."
Some choice.
Ian followed Mickey into his room, the same layout as Ian's -- just mirrored. Mickey tossed a blanket at him and then collapsed back into the pillows himself.
Ian tried to make himself comfortable on the ground but all he was going to do was bruise his fuckin' spine and freeze his ass off because apparently Mickey likes to sleep in Antarctica.
"Fuckin' cold." Ian mumbled, cocooned in his one tiny hotel-grade blanket that hardly covered his long body.
Mickey didn't open his eyes, but he lifted the comforter on the bed, "Get in here, Frosty."
Ian hesitated. But he was really fucking cold. He made sure not to touch Mickey at all as he crawled under the covers, laying as still as he could on the edge of the mattress. Mickey sighed and scooted his back into Ian's chest, grabbed Ian's arm, and draped it around his waist. "There."
Ian was still for a moment before settling into the warmth.
"Mickey." He said softly. He wasn't even sure if Mickey had heard him.
"Is that your real name? Mickey?"
Mickey sighed, "Mikhailo."
"Hmm. I like Mikhailo. It's like Mick-halo, like you're an angel."
"Baby, you've met me. There ain't nothing good about me. I'm more like the devil."
"Why's that?"
"Dude, I almost knifed you when we first met."
"I had that coming, though."
"Maybe so."
"Is that all?"
"Fuckin' terrorized my neighborhood as a kid."
"Me too, you ain't special. Got anything else?"
"I'm a raging homo."
Ian rolled his eyes. "Me too. Anything else?"
"Can't do enough for my own kid."
Ian was quiet so Mickey continued.
"Svet won't keep him in Chicago where my job is. I don't wanna be the asshole to choose work over my kid, but I can't just up and leave, either."
"Yeah, but it sounds like you visit him a lot. He must know you love him, though. Bet you're a better father than mine."
"Yeah, mine too. Ain't hard to beat. He's a real dick. I don't wanna be anything like that piece of shit."
Ian squeezing his grip around Mickey's waist. "You're not. I'm still betting you're all things good."
"Guess we'll just have to see."
"Guess so."
A moment passed before Mickey spoke again.
"Go to sleep, stupid."
"Goodnight, Mick-halo."
Ian nestled his head into Mickey's hair, smelling the eucalyptus on his as well. The two not-strangers drifted off together.
Ian woke up after Mickey, who was already packing up his oddly tiny back pack again. And Ian's suitcase. He took a moment to recall last night's events.
"How the fuck did you get that?"
"Morning to you, too." Mickey tossed a prepacked muffin at Ian's half asleep body. "Went to the front desk for a spare key after continental breakfast, duh. Eat up, we're leaving in 10."
Ian groaned and pulled the covers over his head. He felt a weight on the mattress beside him. He peeked from behind the blanket to see that Mickey had sat down and was currently staring at his legs? Ass? Who knew. Turns out 'thighs' was the correct answer as he set his hand on the outer part of Ian's right thigh. Just resting it there for a moment before getting up.
"Fine, we're leaving in 15."
Satisfied, Ian closed his eyes for a few minutes, feeling the ghost of Mickey on his leg. He was so warm. It was like his heart was on fire.
They ended up leaving 10 minutes after Mickey's initial 15 were up. But it wasn't Ian's fault that there was a hold-up at the front desk. Something about a scheduling conflict between a drag show and a speech contest. Hell, Mickey thought they should combine the two events and call it a day.
Back in the car, Mickey had some upbeat indie music playing this morning while they circled around the old town to find a gas station.
"Ya want anything?" Mickey asked before he turned away from the pump and towards the building, patting down his ass to make sure he had his wallet.
Ian was distracted by the patting for a moment before replying. "Uh, maybe a Gatorade or something?"
Mickey tapped the hood of the car twice instead of replying verbally, but the message was received nonetheless.
Ian pulled up the picture he had taken yesterday of Mickey in front of the bizarre diner, moments before he thought he was being hunted for sport. It was beautiful. He was beautiful.
After a moment, the driver's side door swung open, "Whatcha lookin' at, Smiles? Texting your girlfriend?" Mickey teased as he closed the gas tank and hopped in with a coffee balancing in one hand and three different flavors of Gatorade in the other.
"Nothing." Damn, Ian. Like that ain't an obvious lie.
"Ain't nothing, lemme see." Mickey took Ian's phone and dropped the Gatorades on his lap.
"Ouch! Well, thanks -- for these -- but give me my phone back!"
"Is that me?"
No sense in lying now. He was literally looking at it. "Uh, yeah. Thought it looked cool."
"That's dope as fuck, man. Send that shit to me, I wanna post it on my Instagram."
Ian certainly hadn't expected that response. But when had Mickey ever been what he expected?
"I don't have your number." And he wasn't asking for his number like some school girl. Mickey had literally requested he send him something. Ian had no idea why he felt so ridiculously nervous.
"Gimme." Mickey made grabby hands for the phone and began to plug in his number before Ian realized that this definitely counted as distracted driving in a very nice car. "Done."
The morning and afternoon went by pretty quickly. Mickey sang along to some pop songs while drumming his hands on the steering wheel. Ian took some photos of the inside of the car, earning some light teasing from Mickey. Shut up, this might be my only time in a car worth more than ten grand.
Ian watched the highway and the grass blurring past his window when he suddenly remembered the small notepad and pen he had swiped from Mickey's hotel room.
Mickey looked pretty distracted, so Ian took it out and began to sketch his profile. The man was too beautiful. He couldn't help himself. With a burst of confidence, he added a note to it before ripping the page out and sticking it in the side pocket of Mickey's back pack. If Mickey saw him, he didn't say anything -- for once -- and Ian was glad for that.
They were nearing Illinois state lines, so they had to get into travel specifics. Ian gave him the address to his apartment. Both being Southside, Mickey knew the area well enough that he wouldn't need directions until last minute.
Ian figured now was as good as time as any to ask, "What are you doing in Chicago?"
Mickey made a face like he was thinking about how much he wanted to explain to Ian. "Well, for one, I live there. Second, you've seen my tattoos right?" He held out his knuckles reading FUCK U-UP. Ian nodded and Mickey relaxed one hand back onto the steering wheel before continuing, "Tattoos were a family ritual. I help my brothers on runs when they need it -- those idiots can't plan for shit by themselves. Makes good money though. I also work part-time at this high-end restaurant downtown. Satisfies my sister that I have a legit job. Ain't too bad either. Lotta sketchy shit goes on, though, but they know I'm good to look the other way for a low low price." He grinned.
"Damn, you sure are something," Ian mused.
"Yup yup. What about you hot-shot? What's the whole deal with this interview?"
Ian sighed. "Never finished high school and uh, I have a mood disorder thing so a lot of places won't even consider me. Got fired from my last job for snapping at the dickhead manager --which was well-deserved by the way -- but still stupid. My sister, Fiona, got me this interview with the magazine company she works for -- she thinks I'm so sick like our mother and that if I don't have a job to keep me stable that I'll just fuck off. But the job would be really cool because I've been into photography and shit since like forever. I don't know, it's stupid. But I really just can't stand to let anyone down again, because I am better. They just don't always believe me."
Mickey frowned, and Ian worried he shared too much. But then Mickey rested his hand on Ian's thigh, "Hey, man. That sounds cool. But it's okay to not be okay. Just be honest with me, and I believe you. Promise?"
Ian's apartment was in sight before he knew it. It was starting to get dark out, but he would still be able to get a good night's sleep before his interview in the morning. Mickey's car definitely did not belong in his neighborhood. It stood out like a sore thumb. He couldn't stay for long if he wanted to leave with the car in tact.
Mickey helped Ian get his suitcase out of the backseat and then leaned against the car, watching Ian with a strange look in his eye. Before Ian could ask, Mickey stalked over to him and leaned up, and pressed his lip's against Ian's. He smelled so sweet. It wasn't the eucalyptus shampoo either -- that had long faded. This was just pure Mickey. Mikhailo.
The moment was over too soon and Ian groaned. Mickey gently patted his cheek, "Don't worry, big guy, you ain't gettin' rid of me this easy. I'll see you soon."
"Soon." Ian repeated back, still a bit dazed in the head.
Mickey smirked as he hopped back into the jaguar and sped off to wherever the fuck it is that Mickey goes.
Ian lugged his bag upstairs, unlocked his door, and plopped down on the couch.
After texting Fiona one last time, Ian had turned his phone off to avoid any distractions. Giving in to the urge to text Mickey would definitely be a distraction. He needed routine. At least for tonight.
It was a relatively quiet night in terms of activities. He had microwaved a frozen dinner and watched a couple episodes of Schitt's Creek before taking his meds, brushing his teeth, and heading to bed.
No matter how chill of a night he was planning on having, his mind kept racing with thoughts of Mickey with everything he did. That man was so cool and funny and kind, even if he didn't believe it himself. Ian didn't know what exactly had caused such a reign of self-doubt over him, but they would talk about it someday. Ian wanted him to see how good he was. Mickey just brought long-vanished excitement to Ian's life again. He trusted him and cared for him. And he missed him. They had only spent two days together, but Ian couldn't imagine sleeping without him. He drifted off to sleep thinking about what Mickey would look like in his bed with him.
Ian had gotten up at his first alarm for once and arrived to the interview 15 minutes early. He was genuinely passionate about this job so it was easy to turn up his charm. He would hear a call back later that afternoon, but given that he was pretty sure Fiona was sleeping with his would-be boss's boss, he was almost certain he would get the job.
Ian finally turned his phone on when he got home. One message from Fiona -- reminding him of the interview. But more importantly, three from Mickey. He immediately clicked on Mickey's name, absolutely no use in playing it cool anymore. He couldn't get him out of his head.
Mickey (9:27pm): *image attachment*
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Mickey (9:27pm): found this in my bag, i wonder how it got there🤔
Mickey (7:32am): good luck at your interview! hope it was worth literally dragging your ass across the country for
Ian smiled.
Ian (10:06am): I have absolutely no idea how that drawing got there. Maybe trolls? 😇
Ian (10:07am): And your luck helped! I think the interviewer liked me :)
Mickey (10:07am): hopefully he didnt like you too much
Ian (10:09am): SHE liked me a very healthy amount.
Mickey (10:10am): gonna keep it that way
Ian (10:12am): 🙄 Oh Mick. Can't be jealous over something you don't have.
Mickey (10:15am): i have you right where i want you dont you worry your pretty little head
Ian (10:17am): So you think I'm pretty is what I'm hearing?
Mickey (10:18am): i think your annoying go away
Ian (10:19am): I thought I couldn't get rid of you that easy?
Mickey (10:19am): changed my fucking mind
Their texting banter came to a halt when Mickey picked up a shift at his legitimate job. Ian unpacked his ratty old suitcase and cleaned up his apartment while he waited for his phone to ring. From the job... from Mickey.
Right when he was switching loads of laundry, his phone rang. It would be a lie if he said he didn't drop everything and run.
It was his new boss him on his new job. He couldn't hold back his grin as he immediately texted Mickey, then Fiona. He was proud of himself.
Fiona called and they chatted about the job -- omitting the part where he assumed she was sleeping with the boss -- and Ian's road trip -- omitting the part where he kissed his once assumed kidnapper -- and then about Fiona's kids and Carl's lately stunt. He was so invested in his little criminal brother that he almost didn't hear the knock at his door.
"Fi, I gotta call you back. I think I have a delivery or something." Ian wasn't expecting anything.
Ian nearly leapt backwards when he cautiously opened his door (there were no damn peepholes in his building) to find Mickey waiting on his doormat with a grin on his face. "Congrats on the job, man!"
"Oh my God. You're here?"
"Yeah, I told you I would see you soon. I'm a man of my word. And I brought cupcakes." Always the unexpected. "Well minus one. I didn't know which apartment was yours and I went to your neighbor's first and he wouldn't tell me where you lived without a fuckin' cupcake. Greedy asshole." He murmured, quietly smiting the old bastard.
"Mickey." Ian smiled, eyes crinkling with it. "You're good. You're so good."
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
I'd love to hear about either "how to save the world or die trying" or "an architect in his house of cards" they both sound like a+++ concepts...also your titles are mega cool ☆☆☆
I'll add more about How To Save A World separately, but first.....
So "The Architect in His House of Cards" is the one-shot I've mentioned before about the various OG Titans and Lilith giving Bruce their....opinions, on his estrangement from Dick and refusal to reach out to him, especially after adopting Jason. Ngl, though Wally, Donna, Roy, Garth and Lilith all get a solo scene with Bruce, its largely Lilith focused (with Garth getting the next longest scene) because I have been stanning Lilith for as long as I can remember and I'm not about to stop now that I've started getting other people interested in her ahfslkhfalkfhalkfhla. That doesn't sound like a thing that my 'loves being enabled' ass would do. Nah.
So yeah, that fic is basically what it says on the tin, and there's some snippets of Lilith's scene with Bruce here: https://bigskydreaming.tumblr.com/post/662170697734537216/bigskydreaming-from-a-one-shot-im-working-on-set
But some more, because why not:
“See, there you go again with that adorable thing you do,” Lilith sighed. “And by adorable, I mean I’m lying, and its actually tedious and could you stop, please.”
She rolled her eyes at whatever expression his features slipped into then, and waved a hand lazily. “Oh, don’t worry, you’re not special. You all do it. Every last one of our parents and mentors are just as guilty of this as you. We have a standing Friday night bitch session where we all take a turn with the mic. Well, all of us except Raven, but only because who wants to follow the girl whose Daddy invented being evil? That’s just awkward for everyone.”
“And what is it that I’m doing, then?” 
“I’m so glad you asked.” She smiled brightly. “Its that thing where you all look at us and just see reflections of yourselves, echoes of your own journeys. Like we’re all just You 2.0 and following in your footsteps and thus will never have the insights you have from walking the same path as us....only first, and further. Problem is....we’re not on the same paths. And we never have been.”
She leaned forward in her seat, elbows on her knees and hands clasped together between them.
“Because where you went home to your bed the night your parents died, Dick went and spent the next thirty days living in Hell. When Mr. Queen was getting his college orientation packet, Roy had already kicked a drug habit, fathered a child, and assumed sole responsibility as her caretaker. Wonder Woman’s origins are detailed on sacred scrolls, whereas Donna had to go door to door seeking clues to hers, and most of those have turned out to be lies anyway. Garth and Aquaman might have both been cast out as children for the color of their eyes, but his Royal Arseness was raised in a lighthouse while Garth’s childhood is more accurately described as what if the Little Mermaid had been raised in the wild by sharks. The biggest decision facing the first Flash upon graduating high school was what major to declare, where Wally’s already had to grapple with his mortality and weigh the value his own life holds for him versus the lives he could save via the powers that almost prematurely aged him to death.”
The psychic held up a hand forestalling any response and hastened to add: 
“Understand, I’m not trying to devalue your own experiences there. They were of course formative and launched each of you onto paths that have taken you to no shortage of places. I’m simply saying.....devaluing our own experiences - our experience in general - is exactly what you do every time you all look at us and see only our placement in life’s journey relative to your own. Ignoring the fact that none of us started from the same points as you did. That some of us had considerable head-starts in areas you did not, just as you did in areas we have not. You project yourselves into our shoes based on who you were when you were our ages, how far you’d dipped your toes into various life experiences at that point, when the actual truth is none of you have ever stood where we stand now. That many of us have already been submerged so deeply in those same experiences we’ve almost drowned multiple times over. And yet here we are, proof positive that clearly at some point, we already learned for ourselves how to swim, and we do not all owe that to your advice and guidance. Certainly not the guidance you think is born of understanding what it’s like to be where we’re at now, when the reality is you have no actual idea of what that is and your insights are not so much insightful as they are presumptive.”
She quirked her lips into a wry smile as he absorbed that, and cast her head forward so that her red hair cascaded down in front of her face and obscured the glint of her slate-gray eyes behind its curtain.
“With all due respect of the very same nature we’d like to receive from you, Mr. Wayne.....I have beheld the minds of gods. I have seen into the souls of demons. I have watched the world die in my dreams and known I’ll watch it again while awake if I do not personally take steps to change the events of my visions, and I know truths about men’s hearts that would make even you shudder to learn. I am only nineteen.”
“And every single one of my teammates can make similar claims. Now, if you truly have so much trouble reconciling that with the box you’ve built around us in your mind? Might I suggest you loosen the pursestrings of your considerable mental resources, splurge a little....and invest in a bigger box.”
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
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Summary: when you and your best friend, Hanji, were younger, you had made up stories about your dream guys - what they would look like and how you would meet. What happens when the one you had made up appears to be real?
Warning(s): mentions of abuse (if you squint). Please do tell me if there are anymore.
Taglist: closed
Status: completed!
part 1 > part 2
series masterlist
(a/n: i love mikasa, she’s a queen. But I’m sorry because she’s gonna be a bitch in this lol)
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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!!!!!!" Before that call, I was peacefully eating lunch with my friends and didn't wish for any interruptions from my crazy, loud best friend. I was just sitting there with some of my calm friends that I was in the mood for; quietly speaking about life, no stress, no laughter, no loud talking - just nice conversation. Other times (most of the time), however, I would be in the mood for my best friend, wanting laughter, craziness and loud talking. But this wasn't one of those times... So why the hell was she here sprinting and screeching for me? "(Y/N)!!!!!!!" "For fuck's sake," I murmured. "What do you want, Hanji?" I asked when she pushed off Connie, who was sitting opposite me, and sat in his place. She leaned forward and caught her breath as her gaze was not at me, but behind me. Before I could turn around, she grabbed my head and forced me to face her which made me frown. "What the hell is going on?" "Okay, so... Remember about five years ago when we would talk about our dream guy and meeting them later in life. And remember when we said that you would find your dream guy in university..."
"Hanji--" "Don't talk. Let me finish the story of the past." *FLASHBACK* With the sun beaming down on me and Hanji as we ate our lunch together on the grass, we stupidly and crazily told each other about our dream husbands. The appearance of my dream guy was based on a character from a show I watched. And because we were still young, horny and stupid, we let our imagination create stories of how we would meet our dream guy. Let's forget about Hanji's and skip to mine... So, Hanji had thought of it with that extraordinary brain of hers. She said that, "We would be having lunch with our new friends, and maybe some of our school ones like Connie, Eren, Sasha, Jean and Armin. Anyway, you would be talking to someone as I sit next to you, quietly eating--" "Hanji, that's already not going to be true. How are you going to be quiet?" "Hush, let me carry on. So, I'll be eating, maybe not quietly, and then I look around the canteen and see him... walking with his lunch in his hand. Standing there in his handsomeness, with black hair, grey eyes, a light complexion, emotionless expression. I don't know what his personality is when he's there, but his appearance is pretty similar to how we imagine him to be. I gasp and smack your shoulder many times to get your attention which you click your tongue at. I point towards him and you look where I'm staring, which is when you gasp as well, trying to find the words but I already know what you're going to say. And we get up and stalk him. As we do that, I spot his keys in his bag and cleverly take them, passing them to you. When he sits down, I tell you to give it to him but you're too shy so I push you forward until you're in his sight. He looks at you and you shyly hold them out to him, saying: 'I think these are yours. You dropped them'. And then he thanks you and you live happily ever after." "... That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. But, if that does happen, then I love you and your brain." And since that day, she kept on adding to the story which made me excited to meet my future husband. Of course, however, I knew this story of hers wasn't going to come true, no matter how young, horny and stupid I was. *END OF FLASHBACK* "Yes, Hanji, I remember that. But why are you telling me this?" "You idiotic fool! He's right there behind you!" "I swear, if you're lying--" "I'm not, I'm not!! Just look!" I slowly twisted my head to see the man I've wanted to marry for many years. Was he really there? Is Hanji just playing a prank on me? I took a deep breath and looked to see who she was talking about... And there he was, exactly how I had imagined. Well, maybe not exactly, but extremely similar. "Hanji, you already know what we're doing?" She vigorously nodded as both of us got up and raced towards him, and then slowed down when we got closer so we don't look like weirdos or creeps (which we technically were). He was holding no bag, but luckily, Hanji saw his credit card in his back pocket and somehow got it without him realising.
I never knew how much I loved her until this moment. This mysterious, kind of magical man sat down on a table with two of his other friends. But I could care less about them. Taking a deep breath, I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They may have had no shimmer or emotion in them, but they still entranced me. I didn't realise I was staring for too long until he spoke, "Are you just going to stand there and look at me, or actually say something, brat?" Maybe those weren't the first words I expected to hear, but at least it was something. His voice was deep and velvety and void of any emotion and I wanted to hear him speak more. It probably wasn't even that attractive to other people, but this was someone I had made up in my mind and he's right here in front of me, so I'm going to fall in love with every aspect with him. "Oh, sorry... Um, you dropped this," I said quietly and held out his card to him. He lifted an eyebrow at first before taking it from me, his fingers skimming my skin as he did that. "Hey, are you okay? Why do you keep staring into space like that?" "Uh, yeah, I-I'm fine. Just a little tired. Anyway, um... I'm going to go... eat my lunch. Bye." "Thank you, by the way, random person." I laughed lightly. "(Y/N)." "Thank you, (Y/N)." "So--" "Hey, (Y/N)!!" I mentally rolled my eyes when my name was called and my best friend appeared beside me, throwing an arm onto my shoulders. "What do you need, Hanji?" I murmured. "I just wanted to know who your new, little friend is. Looks like you were having fun." "Um, no. I just gave him his card since he dropped it." "Oh, so you're best friends now! Why don't you sit right next to him and have lunch together?" "Hanji," I said in a tone for her to back off. But she carried on anyway, pushing me onto the seat next to the man. "I'm so sorry about her. She's... insane." "I can tell," he said, eyeing both of us up and down. We were both definitely going to be the weirdos he should stay away from. "Well, you can go--" "(Y/N), I think you should stay! You seem like a delightful person!" the girl with pigtails opposite me squealed and I smiled at her. "It's nice to make new friends," a blonde male next to her stated with a polite smile. "Let her stay, Levi." "Oh, it's fine. My friends are probably wondering where I am," I stated, turning to find Hanji, but she wasn't there. "Shit," I mumbled. "What's wrong?" "Oh, nothing. I mean, I literally just came to give him his card and now I'm having lunch with you three. It's kind of weird." "'Him' has a name," he muttered bitterly. "It's Levi." "Sorry, Levi." I want to marry you, Levi. "You can leave now if you want." "Uh, yeah, I should probably go," I said and started to get up. "No, stay! Levi, you can't just push someone away!" the female with green eyes scolded him. "We barely even know her." "So? It's good to meet nice people and become friends." "Tch. You two can do whatever you want, then." "Maybe I can join you guys for lunch another time. Looks like Mr Moody doesn't want company." "Mr Moody?" he repeated and lifted an eyebrow at me. "You just met me and you're giving me that nickname?" "Uhh... I'm going to go now." "Bye, (Y/N)! I'm Isabel, by the way, and this is Farlan." "Bye, Isabel, Farlan. It was nice talking to you." I got up without addressing the raven-haired male and made my way back to my table, huffing as soon as I sat down. "I messed up bad," I complained to myself, causing the bald male beside me to inquire what happened. "It's nothing. Just me being stupid and childish to think that I'll magically be able to become some gloomy guy's girlfriend." "Who is this 'gloomy guy'?" "It's (Y/N)'s crush who's sitting right over there with that grinning girl and some other guy!" "Hanji, just forget about it. He hates me." "I've never seen him before," Connie stated, taking a secret glance at him. "We just saw him today as well." "And he's already your crush?" "Basically--" "Hanji, we promised that we won't tell anyone," I snapped. "It's stupid and I never want to talk about it again." "I mean, it's not really stupid if he's real. It could just be your fault because you were nervous and acted awkward around him. But then again, it could be my fault because I kind of forced you to sit next to him. Maybe I should let you do it your own way. So, for once, (Y/N), I won't get involved. I don't want this chance to go." "I doubt you'll be able to keep that promise." "I will! I don't want you to be annoyed and depressed forever. So you do whatever you want. And you can slap me if I get involved in the tiniest way." "Okay. Thank you, Hanji." "I'm still so confused," the baldie said. "Maybe I'll tell you one day, Connie. Maybe when I make progress." "Okay--" "Oh my god!! I just realised - he's actually real and right there!" I suddenly yelled, causing the canteen to quieten as students looked at me with confusion. "Ugh, I'm such an idiot. I need to stop making a fool out of myself. Did Levi look at me, Hanji?" "No. But he obviously still heard you." "God, I just want to die..." ~/~ Thanks to my roommate, I had to rush my morning routine and miss breakfast since I had to run to the university, which was about a five-minute walk away. Since I was running, however, it took me three minutes. I was definitely going to give Hanji what she deserves for not waking me up. I stumbled into the lecture hall to find that they had already started. I quickly apologised for being late and found a random spot to settle down and catch my breath. I took my laptop out of my bag and gulped on some water as I waited for it to load. And I soon got to work, focusing on the lecture and not taking notice of the people around me. As I was listening to my professor, someone beside me whispered my name and so I rotated my head to look at them. Act cool. Be calm, (Y/N). Just because you're taking the same course and you're going to see him more than you thought, doesn't mean you can freak out. "Do you have a pen I could borrow?" Levi asked in a hushed tone and I sifted through my clothes and bag to find a pen that he can use. After about a minute of looking, I found one at the bottom of my bag and passed it to him with a smile. He thanked me before both of us got on with our work. I could barely concentrate now that I knew who I was sitting next to, but I still tried my best. Towards the end of the lecture, which seemed like hours, my stomach rumbled and I froze and internally cringed. Why did that have to happen? Well, I didn't have breakfast so I guess it's understandable, but still. Shortly, I was able to leave, so everyone filed out and I packed my things away, slinging my bag over my shoulder as I made my way out. As I was leaving the hall, a familiar, husky voice called for me and I stopped. "You know, for someone that doesn't like people, you sure like saying people's names," I joked. "I was just going to give you your pen back and ask if you wanted to grab something to eat since it sounds and looks like you haven't had breakfast." "Shit, was my stomach that loud?" "I couldn't hear Professor Erwin," he said with no amusement, but something told me that he was just joking with me. I playfully rolled my eyes and let a small laugh escape my mouth before taking the pen from his hand and walking out with him following after me. "Hey, so yesterday, I was kind of in a bad mood which is why I acted like that. Though, I am usually cold and unfriendly and--" "What are you trying to say?" "Let's start over. Isabel and Farlan made me feel guilty, so let's get you some breakfast and know each other some more. All I know is that you and your glasses friend are weirdos." "Well, thank you very much for saying that, Mr Moody. We are weirdos, and we're proud." "Hey, Levi!" "Hey, (Y/N)!!" There were two different voices and two different names being called at the same time, yet they were coming from the same direction. Two sighs sounded when I saw Hanji and Levi saw Isabel. "What did I miss? Why are you two walking together?" Isabel asked. "We're going to get some breakfast. Since you, Hanji, never woke me up," I replied, arching an eyebrow and folding my arms over my chest. "I didn't know when your first lecture was, and I thought you would've put an alarm. How late were you?" "You weren't that late, you know. We started about a minute before you came." "So, I look like a mess and didn't make coffee for no damn reason? Ugh, I'm so glad I have no more lectures today." "Well, I need to head to my next lecture, so I guess I'll see you at home," Hanji smiled before fast-walking. "Me, too. Bye!" "Let's go?" I suggested and he nodded in response. Some words were spoken as we took our time in getting to a cafe that was a two-minute walk away. I told him a bit about myself, but he had very little to say as if he was hiding a shady past or something like that. Nevertheless, I didn't pry. "So you're not only a weirdo, but a perv as well?" "Hey! I'm not a pervert," I pouted, trying to fight back a smile. "It was a dare from Hanji... Though, I don't regret doing it," I muttered. "Perv." "Hush. Eren's ass is perfect to squeeze." "I don't want to know that," Levi said with a hint of disgust as he opened the door to the cafe, letting me go in first. We walked towards the queue and continued our conversation. "Well, if you want to start over and get to know me, then you have to know that I'm a weirdo, maybe a perv, and let's just say that you don't want to make me angry." "So you are a perv?" "Okay, fine. Yes, I am a perv," I announced. "And just like how I'm proud of being weird, I'm also proud of being a pervert." "Are you proud of letting your stomach rumble as well?" "Shut it, Ackerman." "Oh, hey, (Y/N)," the male at the register smiled. "Hi, Eren." I grinned back at him, seeing his gaze on the raven beside me. "This is Levi. I guess you could say we're acquaintances." "This is Eren?" Levi inquired and I saw a certain glint in his eyes. That is when I realised that I had told him I squeezed Eren's butt after getting a dare. Oh, why did I have a feeling that he was going to embarrass me? "Yeah. Nice to meet you, Levi. What do you guys want?" "You go first," I told the male and he nodded. "An Earl Grey, please." "Okay. And you, princess?" "Well, loverboy, could I get a coffee and pain au chocolat?" "Of course. Anything else?" "No, thanks," I replied, searching my pockets for my purse. Then my bag, but I couldn't find it. I bit the inside of my lip and turned to Levi. "I don't have my purse on me. Sorry. I'll pay you back." "You're too broke to do that, princess," he murmured and paid for our food. "Shut up. Thank you, Eren. Thank you, Levi." "No problem. I'll bring your drinks and food in a bit." I shot him another smile before strolling to a table with two seats facing each other. I took a seat, hanging my coat on the chair and dropped my bag to the ground, under my feet. "You and that kid in a relationship or something?" he randomly questioned after there was a moment of silence. "Me and Eren? No, no. We just have that kind of friendship where we act like a couple and call each other names. We don't actually like each other or anything. And he has a girlfriend, well, sort of." "What do you mean 'sort of'?" "It's not a stable relationship. There have been a few problems, and I've tried to tell Eren to just forget about her but he can't. I just want him to be happy with someone that truly cares for him and doesn't cause him any distress. He's come to me so many times just to cry over her." "What's her name?" "Mikasa." "What about Mikasa?" Eren spoke with a slight frown, placing down our things in front of us. "Oh, I was just talking about how she has the same surname as Levi and was wondering if he knew her." "Okay. Well, here's your coffee, tea and pain au chocolat. If there's anything else you need, just tell me." "Thank you." "... You're a good liar." "I'll take that as a compliment. Also, I'm surprised you haven't taken the chance to embarrass me yet." "Embarrass you? Why would I ever do that?" he remarked sarcastically, but obviously my dense ass couldn't sense that. "Because you know which boy's butt I squeezed, and you could expose me for being a pervert. Though, he already knows that I am. Everyone I know knows what kind of person I am." "A weirdo and a pervert," he stated after taking a sip of his tea. "I wonder what other traits you have." I snorted. "Are you sure you want to know?" He gave me a small glance, perfectly arching his brow. I felt as if I've known this person for longer than two days. Probably because me and Hanji have spoken about him for many years now. But, even then, I feel like we have a certain bond. And no, I'm not just saying that because he's the love of my life; I truly think we can create a strong friendship... and then, maybe something a little more. Even though he's a made-up person that became true, I sometimes forget who I'm talking to and just internally scream when I realise. But, seriously, how did this happen? I don't think I'll ever be able to believe that he became true (and maybe one day, I won't believe that I'm marrying him hehe). "Oi, you're spacing out again. Is that a habit of yours or are you just always tired? Or do you have someone on your mind?" "There's no one on my mind, I'm just always tired. Boys can piss off and leave me alone... apart from you, Levi. I love you-- Uhh, I mean, obviously I don't love you. We literally just met, I don't love you. It's just, uh, it's fun to hang out with you. You aren't like others... Ugh, I'm an idiot." I facepalmed the table and refused to look back at the male in front of me. "You aren't an idiot, you're a weirdo. Don't forget that. Anyway, I think we should head out because you look like you're going into a meltdown or something." "Sure. I'm just going to quickly finish my coffee." I gulped down the last few sips and left the mug on the table, thanking Levi for paying. He only nodded as I waved at Eren, who stopped us from leaving. "Could you wait like two minutes? My shift's over and I just want to relax at yours." "Yeah, sure. Levi, you can go if you want. I feel like I'm just dragging you around." "I'm the one that brought you here. I don't care about waiting for a brat." "Brat? He's the same age as us." "Yeah, I know. I just call people that, don't get offended, darlin'." "Darling? What's with these nicknames you're so generously handing out?" "Says that one that called me 'Mr Moody' in the first ten minutes we spoke." "Hey, you said yourself that you were in a bad mood." "Thanks for waiting. Should we go?" the teal-eyed boy beamed and I nodded, hooking my arm with his as he stuffed his hands into his pocket before all three of us left the cosy cafe. "So, where did Levi magically come from?" "He joined my uni yesterday, but we got off on the wrong foot and decided to start over. And since we're both doing biochemistry, he saw my miserable entrance, looking like a mess. And, my stupid belly chose to rumble so Levi kindly offered to get me breakfast. Now, we're just getting to know each other." "She's a pervert," Levi curtly said. "Yeah, that basically sums her up. Along with her being weird, tired, broke and an awesome friend." "You're lucky you added that last one before my fist was in your face." "Oh, she's also an adorable threatener. But, do not get on her bad side because she will be a monster towards you." "Yeah, Levi knows most of this already." "And I already regret talking to you," he teased. "Shut up, Ackerman." "Anyway, I'm going this way," Levi announced, pointing to the left as we were about to turn right. "We don't have any lectures tomorrow, so maybe I'll see you on Wednesday?" "Yeah. Bye, Levi." "See you later, darlin'. By the way, Eren, (Y/N) likes your ass." "Jerk," I muttered before looking at Eren, who just grinned at me. "And that's why you're a pervert." Both of us started to walk again but since I was holding onto him, I came to halt when he stopped in his tracks, pulling me to the side. "Tell me: why are you so comfortable around someone you just met?" "I'm not that comfortable. And you know I'm always friendly to new people." "Yeah, but not like this. What's the deal with you and him.?" "Nothing, Eren. Stop worrying. I'll tell you what this is all about one day." "... Fine. But, I have a bad feeling about him." "Levi? Why? He's perfect. I mean, I don't know that, but his friends seem to be really nice. And you can't get friends like that unless you're nice, too." "If you trust him, I'm going to have to trust you to not get into any trouble." "Yes, yes. Now, stop worrying." Eren rested an arm around my shoulders as we carried on going towards mine and Hanji's apartment. We walked there in silence, but my keys broke that serenity when they jingled against the door as I unlocked it and opened it, allowing Eren to walk in. We both took off our shoes as I locked the door behind us. Eren plopped down onto the sofa as I went to the bathroom to see my reflection. God, I looked like something out of a horror movie. How did people stand to look at me, or even talk to me? But I was home now, so I didn't bother fixing my appearance as I went to the living room and dropped onto the comfortable furniture next to Eren. "I would ask you if you want a drink, but we went past that stage of formality ages ago. Help yourself to whatever." "Thanks, but I just want to rest." "What's up? I know there's something you need to tell me," I said, ruffling his brunette hair like he was a little kid. "... I barely got any sleep last night. I was meant to go on a date with Mikasa yesterday after my evening shift. I reserved a table at some restaurant that has great reviews. So, after my shift, I dressed all nice and left to go to the restaurant. I took the bus and it took me half an hour to get there. She then called me as I walking up to the restaurant, saying she can't make it because she's sick. Obviously, being my stupid self, I just said okay and said that we can postpone our date. However, I was starving so I wasn't going to put that reservation to waste. When I got there and told them about the booked table under my name, they told me there were already some people that took the table, telling them that their name was Eren. I was so confused and looked over at a table, where I saw Mikasa and that jerk: Reiner." "And then you stormed off, went home and cried?" I asked, saying it like it was something ordinary. "... Yes..." "What's this, like the fifth time you've seen her with a different boy? I swear, it's not the same boy every time as well. I still don't get why you don't just break up with her. She doesn't deserve you, she doesn't make you happy, which is what you deserve. I say you break up with her sometime this week." "(Y/N), that's too soon." "I don't care. She's causing you into depression, and I don't like seeing you like this. I haven't seen you be happy once after you got into this relationship. And I don’t want to hear any excuses. You know that you aren't happy with her, so I don't get why you don't break up with her. Is she threatening you or something?" "..." "... Eren?" Shit. Eren, you better say something before that silence gives me the wrong idea. That bitch better not be hurting or threatening you, I thought, biting my lip as I waited for him to speak. "Eren, please say--" Once again, I pulled him into an embrace when he requested it and he quietly sobbed, nestling his face into the crook of my neck. This time, I truly felt sorry for him because he wasn't crying over another wrecked date, or another man he caught Mikasa with; it was something I've never heard about. I still haven't, but his silence implied it. I didn't want to say anything as I got lost in my thoughts. What kinds of things has this girl done to Eren - one of my closest friends? As I was in the middle of pondering, a phone's ringtone sounded in the room. It was Eren's and I didn't know if I should pick it up or not. When I saw the name of the caller, my bitchy side took over and I grabbed his phone which was on the coffee table in front of the sofa. I answered it with a sweet 'hello', waiting for a reply as I continued to hug Eren with one arm. He soon lifted off of me and tried wiping away the tears as he looked at me with an expression that destroyed my heart. "Who are you?" "It's (Y/N). You probably can't recognise my voice since I haven't seen you in so long," I said with fake politeness. "Oh, (Y/N)... Where's Eren, by the way?" "He's in the bathroom. I can take a message if you'd like." "No, it's fine. Just tell him to call me when he's free." "Yeah, like I'd do that, whore." "Excuse me? What did you just call me?" "(Y/N), what the hell are you doing?" Eren whispered angrily so I retracted the phone from my ear and covered the speakers. "Teaching her a lesson. How's she going to threaten you, cheat on you, reject every date, and still have the balls to call you? She's stupid to think that I'm going to let that slide. I don't like her, and neither do you, so I'm going to invite her here and you can talk to her." "(Y/N), please don't do this. I know you're doing this for me, but I don't know, I just can't break up with her. Even after everything she's done." "Eren, this is for your own good. You're always depressed and tired because of her. You need to let go and be free. This isn't how you're meant to be enjoying life." "... Fine. Bring that bitch over here." I smirked. "Good." I brought the phone back to my ear. "Sorry about that--" "What are you going on about? Why did you just call me a wh0re?" "If you want to know, come to my apartment. You know where I live. You can see your precious boyfriend as well." "I will. Because no one talks to me like that." She cut the phone and I passed Eren's phone to him. I got up and gave him some tissue to wipe his face that had some snot and tears. "Hey, I'm kind of nervous." "That's normal. Anyone would be nervous if they were about to break up with someone. Though, I feel bad. Did I just force this onto you?" "It's fine. I'm glad I'm finally getting it over with." "Also, was she threatening you?" "Yes..." "I would say you should've told me, but that was obviously something you couldn't say since she would do something. Damn, she's some messed up girl. Sorry. But I just had to say that." "No, I understand. I don't even know what I saw in her in the first place." "Don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone makes mistakes and you're going to learn from this for your next girlfriend. First of all, if she cancels a lot of your dates, break up with her. Second, if she cheats on you once, break up with her. And third, if she barely talks to you, or tries to avoid you, break up with her." "Okay. Thank you, (Y/N). I'd literally run back to her every time if you weren't here." "No worries, love. Just helping you with your problems." "Well, let me help you with yours, baby girl. What's on your mind? You've been acting a little distracted." "Mm... I guess I'm thinking about Levi..." "What's so special about him?" "... All right, I'm going to tell you this. But don't tell Levi, or anyone, because it's a stupid thing me and Hanji made up." "What happened to trusting me all the time? You always told me everything." "Yeah, but since you got with Mikasa, you've been a little occupied. Don't worry, though, you're still my second best friend," I grinned at the statement I had said years ago when I was around ten years old. I then changed the subject and told Eren about what me and Hanji created in our young, horny and stupid minds. "Wow... That's actually crazy. You guys never thought he was going to be real, but damn... Still, I don't think you should trust him too much. To be honest, that guy's suspicious, even supernatural if he was just someone made up." "That's what I was thinking. But, half the time I forget that he was someone I dreamt about. I feel like I've bonded with him before and we're just catching up with each other's lives." "I understand. But, unless he proves to be completely normal, don't get too attached to him." "Okay. And, it's been about twenty minutes since Mikasa hung up. I think she's going to be here soon. Do you know what you're going to say?" "Kind of. I've been thinking of a breakup scenario for a while, but I was never able to make it happen." "Hey, me and Hanji made up a guy and he happened. I think you can make this breakup happen; I believe in you." "Thank you so much, (Y/N). You honestly don't know how grateful I am for you." "Whenever you need me, I'll be here." I heard the buzzer echo through my apartment, meaning someone was asking for an entrance. I shot a glance at Eren before getting up and walking towards my front door, answering the phone and speaking a confident 'hello'. "It's Mikasa." "Oh, it's you," I spat with disgust. I pressed the button for the main door so she could come in and waited a couple of seconds before opening my front door. She barged past me, and I muttered: 'Never met someone so rude'. My bitchy side was locking in again and I locked the door before following her into the living room. Eren was now standing up, appearing as bold and someone who was ready to break up with Mikasa. "Eren, why did she call me a 'whore'?" "Well, is she wrong?" he pointed out.
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not-your-damsel · 3 years
Upstairs Neighbor Wakes Me Up While She Gets ✨〜Reamed〜✨ Update
Bruh, lowkey why did that title start of sounding like a sleazy porno? I’m fucking dying of laughter omg 😭
So, as some of you may know, I was struggling with a sinus and ear infection, (I’m at the tail end of the ear one now, and my sinuses are so much better) and I happened to be woken up by my upstairs neighbor - cause someone was layin’ the pipe for her at like… something o’clock at night (can’t remember the exact time at this point) and I was like, 😵‍💫 “omg what the hell’s happening up there?!” My lovely friends @deleteddewewted, @literotica, and @blossominglark gave me advice and pepped me up on what to do so I cranked my music up on my Amazon echo dot since I couldn’t put earbuds in cause of my ear infection! 😭 Cause it’s like, bitch, if you’re gonna interrupt the more precious type of sleep I needed that night, the type that helps people start feeling better, you need to suffer too with the music I was recommended and know that I can hear you and whatever the hell that sound you’re making that’s trying to pass for a “moan”! 🤣 And just as I had predicted in one of those previous posts above, round 2 took place a bit before 3am, fml 🤦🏽‍♀️
why couldn’t I predict the lottery so I could finally buy the tiny house of my dreams and not have to ever worry about paying someone rent or a mortgage to anyone, just me and my Black Lab, Raven in our mini cottage 😮‍💨
Well, the next day she, called me and she was like, “Mar*… um, I’m so sorry if you heard what happened last night.” *another nickname for me btw. I was like, “Yeah, yeah I did and honestly, you gotta do what you gotta do but PLEASE try to remember next time. I wasn’t lying about me being able to hear everything once it’s at a certain level of volume!” We both had a good laugh about it and I explained to her that I’m in the process of trying to get better from my dual infection which made her apologize even more. All in all, we had a laugh and she understood and was truly, genuinely sorry about it. Also, I won’t lie, despite us laughing about it, that didn’t mean it was any less awkward to have the conversation.
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kissorkill16 · 4 months
When We Were Once Happy: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: A story before Trinity moved to Raven Brooks.
Chapter 9
Nicky was just lying down in his bed, relaxing after a long day of school. Today was his first day at an after school club.
Lucy was the leader, and for a seven year old, she was extremely smart. It was too adorable for Nicky to handle. He had fun, he made a whole lot of new friends, and got to help out with a lot of inventions.
The only downside was that Aaron wasn't there, he told Lucy that while he'd love to join her little club, he had better things to do than watch a bunch of nerds try to put stuff together.
"Narf! Can you come down here? There's someone we want you to meet!"
Hearing his mother's voice, he got up and trodded downstairs, and was absolutely surprised by who was at the door.
"See, we know you've met this Aaron Peterson kid, but have you met his father, Theodore Peterson?", his father said, stepping out of the doorway.
Mr. Peterson stood there on the front porch, holding a tray of cookies. He smiled at Nicky, but nothing too creepy, he was just being friendly.
"Hello, Nicholas."
While he was being nice, Nicky was still a little scared of this guy. So he stood closer, and hid behind his mother.
"It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Peterson. Would you like to come in?", his mother said.
"That'd be lovely, Mrs. Roth."
Mr. Peterson stood inside, and Nicky got even more scared. He hid behind his mother completely, not wanting to be anywhere near this hulking man in argyle.
"Let's talk in the living room, shall we?"
The family walked to the living room, and started chatting while eating cookies. Nicky had a cookie himself, and he hated to admit it, but they were delicious.
"I tell you, Ted. These are so fucking delicious.", said Mr. Roth.
"Jay! Would you cool it on the swearing, at least don't swear in front of the guest.", said Mrs. Roth to her husband. Then she turned to Mr. Peterson. "But all BS aside, these are very delicious."
"I said BS."
Nicky sat beside his parents, listening to them playfully argue. He was too busy watching Mr. Peterson, he was just sitting there, minding his own business, and he somehow looked less terrifying.
"But everything aside, why're you here Mr. Peterson?", asked Nicky. Mr. Peterson turned his full attention to Nicky.
"To welcome you to Raven Brooks. I'm sorry I'm a little late, I've just been so busy with this new project I've been working on.", he said. "But also to ask you all to come by Golden Apple Amusement Park for the grand opening of my latest and greatest creation."
Jay and Luanne's eyes widened in awe, then they turned to look at Nicky. "He's a theme park designer, Narf. How cool is that?", Jay said.
Nicky nodded, as if he didn't know Mr. Peterson was working on a new rollercoaster that Aaron really wanted to see. "Yeah, so cool.", said Nicky. He didn't mean for it to sound sarcastic, but it just came out.
"LUANNE! I NEED YOU'RE HELP!", Bubba called from upstairs. Luanne angrily got up and went upstairs, before turning to Mr. Peterson, "My mother is a giant bitch."
"Shut up, Jay!", Luanne said before stomping upstairs.
Jay got up, "I need a drink, all of these cookies have made me parched.", he said before trodding off to the kitchen.
Nicky immediately curled in on himself, he was left all alone with his partially creepy neighbor.
"Now now, Nicholas. I'm not going to hurt you.", said Mr. Peterson, raising his hand. "I'm also here to talk to you about Aaron."
Nicky uncurled himself, "What about Aaron?"
"Listen, I know he can be a little intense, but I see it as a good thing."
"Because so am I."
Nicky looked Mr. Peterson in the eye, while it was scary and kind of uncomfortable, he wanted to try and have a reasonable conversation with this man.
"I get really intense when it comes to my family, and I would do anything to protect them. So it's truly an honor for you to be friends with him despite his intensity. It reminds me of an old friend I used to have."
Nicky's eyes sparkled with glee, "Thank you, Mr. Peterson. But I don't hang out with him because he's intense, I hang out with him because I think he's a really good guy. I'd stay by his side no matter what."
Mr. Peterson smiled.
Just then, Jay and Luanne came back. One tired and angry, the other holding a glass of milk in his hand.
Mr. Peterson stood up, "I should be going. It was a pleasure meeting you."
"It was a pleasure meeting you, too, Mr. Peterson.", said Jay.
And with that, Mr. Peterson left.
Nicky sat alone with his thoughts, replaying what just happened in his head. After that encounter, he thought maybe Mr. Peterson wasn't so bad after all.
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bimsha · 3 years
Head in Her Heart (Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader)
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Warning : Mentions of Suicide, Violence and Major Character Death. Read at Your Own Risk. Don't tell I Didn't Warn You. If You Are Sensitive About These Topics, Please Refrain From Reading.
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"'Cause it's easier to keep holdin' on to something sweet In her mind the more he lies, she justifies But why?"
Song: Head In Her Heart - Nico Collins
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Tetsuro Kuroo had come a long way in his life. His love for volleyball has made him the man he was. He patted against his wristwatch a few times, he had an hour before he had to attend the meeting. He didn’t want to arrive early and sit by himself in that gloomy meeting room and not be ready to drink the stale coffee they serve in those places. Kuroo decided to cross the road and head to the nearest café. He missed breakfast and it felt like a good chance for him to grab some food. Ordering his food, he walked to the nearest table just beside the front window of the place. One of the workers brought his food and he was certainly surprised by their speed. Not every day you get to meet good workers and fast service. He smiled at her, turning back to his food when a movement caught from the nook of his eye. He turned and registered the familiarity. A young woman, possibly around his age sat by herself in the far corner of the café. Her hair draped against her shoulder as her eyes darted along with the menu in her hands.
It didn’t take Kuroo much longer to recognize her. She hasn’t changed much since High School. “Y/n?” He talked, waving his hand a bit to take her attention. She looked up from the menu and turned to him. Her eyes frowning for a second before the recognition flooded in. She smiled. The same smile he had grown to love through his high school years. She stood up and walked over to his table without hesitance. The raven-haired male gestured to the seat in front of him. “It’s been so long,” She said, her smile still painted on her lips. It was only then he realized, maybe she did have changed a bit.
“It has” Kuroo replied, tapping against his lukewarm coffee. “I thought you moved to America. That’s what the rumours said anyway.”
She paused for a minute to smile at the waitress who brought her order and thanked her. “I did move to America but I came back a few months after.”
“Oh” Kuroo wondered about the reasons. He still remembered how she was excited to start a new life back in America. In their post-graduate ceremony at high school, she looked at him right in the eyes when she confessed her dream to be a fashion designer. Kuroo wished her luck and let go of her, wishing her best. She had always been the kind of girl to follow her dreams. The kind of girl who wanted to live her dream, not just thinks of it. “America didn’t sit right with you?” He asked, his tone light. He didn’t want to build up any tension between them.
“Kind of.” She was staring at her drink, he noticed. She had been avoiding eye contact since she came to speak with him. That was peculiar. As he remembered, she always used to look anyone in the eye. There was never malice in them, but the positive energy that could light up anyone’s day. Gosh, he was being sappy again. Their light-hearted conversation continued until a man walked into their table. He looked at her and frowned.
She stood up with a smile. “Right! Kuroo this is my fiancé, Fujino Toru, and Toru this a high school friend of mine, Kuroo Tetsuro.”
He extended his hand for Kuroo to take. But the only thought going inside his mind was that: she was going to get married. “Nice to meet you,” He said in a stiff voice.
Toru merely nodded, his dark eyes giving him a judging glare. Kuroo stood his ground as he stared back at him with the same stoic look. Y/n seem to be clueless about the tense situation. “Were you two close friends?” Toru asked with a smile, aiming the question at her.
She just ducked her head that her bangs bounced over her forehead, “We were more like acquaintances. He was a good volleyball player. He was always inside the gym”
“Oh,” Toru said, raising his brow.
Kuroo simply shrugged as his response. Toru wrapped one of his arms around her leading her towards the café door. Kuroo watched them leave and turned back to his seat, only to see her untouched food and the coffee mug still filled to the brim, not a sip taken.
Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours and hours passed. Kuroo focused on his job, recruiting members and finding the fresh raw talent in the country. That was something that didn’t change all through all these years. His love for volleyball. He still adored the sport. It had been raining two days straight. He knew it should be past ten in the night when he walked to the car park in the diner. Kuroo worked late and decided to stop by the diner because he knew he’d be too tired to make his inner. The car park was almost empty except for his own SUV and some other black car. He didn’t pay any attention until he heard the voices. It was the aggressive note of a man. Curiously, he turned to them.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out who they were. Especially for Kuroo who had watched her staring out at the window during the English period. Who glanced during the breaks to catch her sweet smile. He frowned, the man was Toru. Did something happen? He thought torn between two worlds. He wondered whether he should ignore them and just leave, Y/n was going to get married and this should be some minor problem. But on the other hand, seeing the rude gestures and the loud voice of Toru, a part of his mind hesitated to go on. Only this time, he promised himself and approached the two. Carefully wearing a smile just to make sure he wasn’t intruding on them. Just spotted them by coincidence. Toru stopped to look at him, “What are you doing here?”
Kuroo put his hands up in surrendering motion. “Just saw you two while passing by, I thought I’d say hello”
He squinted at him and turned to her one last time. “I’m leaving”
Y/n smiled, “Sure and I’m sorry, again”
That’s when Kuroo noticed her swollen cheek. She was holding her hand over it as if to subside the pain. Kuroo immediately turned to Toru who was walking to his car about to call him back when she tugged on his elbow and shook her head. She was still smiling at him, and Kuroo realized what was different about her.
That smile didn’t quite reach her eyes like it used to.
“Y/n” His voice was soft as he talked, “Did he-”
“It’s okay. I did something stupid.” She blinked, slowly running her smooth fingers on her skin. “It’s my fault”
She shook her head, “Just some business problems, don’t mind it” She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the numbers.
“I can drop you at your house if you want to” He offered, trying to keep his eyes away from her reddened cheeks and tired eyes.
She blinked, “Ah, no, it’s okay. I’ll find a taxi.”
“It’s too late and too dangerous for you to ride alone in a taxi” That idiot should’ve thought about it before leaving you alone here. He didn’t speak the words out loud. “Let’s go”
She reluctantly nodded, following him to his car. As they sat inside, an awkward silence settled between them. Kuro turned on the radio, trying to break the suffocating silence. He wanted to ask her about him. Why did she look so sad? Why did she look so hopeless? “Y/n, should I stop by a pharmacy and get an ice pack for that?”
She shook his head, “It’s fine. I have some at home”
Kuroo nodded, stopping the car by the red light. “Did he-” Kuroo stopped, trying to compose himself. “Does he always do that?”
She didn’t answer right away. There was it, the smile again. “It’s not a big deal”
It is, Kuroo thought.
“It’s my fault. I’m a clumsy person” She laughed a strangled sound.
You were never clumsy, Kuroo thought.
“When did you meet him?” He took a turn as she pointed out the directions.
“It was a proposal by my parents. They wanted to find me the best husband.” There was no cynical tone. She was honest, she always had been.
“Oh,” Kuroo simply said, “You always loved your parents and never complained.”
“You remembered?” She asked, certainly surprised.
I remember everything, “Yeah,” Kuroo said, awkwardly smiling. “You were pretty popular back then”
“Says you” She rolled her eyes, “Girls flocked around you. You were a star in high school, captain”
But I only had my eyes for you.
“Anyway, enough about me. How’s your life? Any girlfriend?” Her voice held the hint of excitement as she asked.
“Already married to Volleyball at this point”
She laughed, “Weren’t you always?”
“Good point,” Kuroo said, chuckling. The conversation continued until they reached her apartment building. They laughed at their past, beautiful high school memories. There will never be a time like that in your life. Life was not too complicated back then. Kuroo waved at her as she walked in. She looked just like the past Y/n at the moment. Her smile reached her eyes.
After that day, both of them kept in touch with each other. Even met in some cafes with several of their other friends back in high school. Everyone was in different places, working with different people but when they got together again, it was the same madness they had in high school.
Kuroo didn’t know when Toru arrived at the shop until he saw him storming to their table. They had organized another get together of high school friends and two of them arrived earlier than expected. Y/n immediately stood, her fact neutral and passive but her eyes glistening with fear. “Toru” Her voice was remarkably calm.
“What are you doing here?” His eyes rested on Kuroo, “With this man?”
She smiled, “We organized a high school get together. We’re waiting for the others.”
“You lying bitch” His voice was quiet but strong. The impact on his words made several of them turn.
“I’m sorry” She murmured.
“It’s not your fault” Kuroo blurted out, “This is a misunderstanding. What are you going to do to her?”
Y/n gave him a surprised glance. Almost as if it was the first time someone had talked for her. She smiled at him, “It’s okay” She muttered, “Let’s go, Toru”
“Yes, we’re leaving” He yelled, taking her wrist as he dragged her out of the door. Kuroo wanted to run after them. He didn’t know what that man was capable of doing to her but he was frozen to the ground as he watched. The girl he once loved, still had feelings for, getting dragged by her fiancé. If this was love, it was a love made in hell. He’s destroying her.
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You knew your life wasn’t meant to be smooth. The bruises on your arms were easily covered by long sleeves. In summer, you always gave the same excuse, I get cold easily. When in reality, you were a summer child. You loved the sense of sunlight on your skin. He robbed you of your simple pleasures but you kept holding onto that man. Because you had faith that he will change. Any man could, you’re giving him chances. One after another. Just till you break. Kuroo stumbled again into your life by pure coincidence. He was the one who reminded her of the beautiful past. Those high school years you could never take back.
Toru didn’t favour Kuroo from the start. Sometimes, you sympathized with him. He was insecure about himself, about his abilities to love her. You sighed, pressed one of your hands against the bruises on your wrists. He wondered whether he would ever change. Maybe you’re meant to be with someone like this. You should’ve known before. People like Kuroo was never meant to be with you. He was just so kind and out of your league. He had been like that, always. You smiled at your crush on him back then. You weren’t the only one. Many girls in the class asked him out. You were quite jealous for some time until you learned to let go. Kuroo would never like you. You weren’t meant to spend a beautiful life.
Toru came and went and you stayed back at home for few weeks. He was growing out of his jealousy towards Toru. Jealousy is something toxic. Something that could devour a man out of his positive qualities until their vision tunnels into a murky green smoke. Toru could be a good person, sometimes. He would cuddle with you after work when he was in a good mood, if it was bad, you knew you should stay away. But several blows were inevitable. Sometimes, you wondered whether it was all worth it. Maybe you should fade away. You didn’t know when the feelings started but they seemed like they were here to stay.
When Kuroo called that afternoon, checking up on you. You realized how much you wanted to talk with someone. You have grown sick of your loneliness. You just wanted an outlet. So, you invited him into your apartment out of pure desperation. Trying to find a way to chase the demons growing stronger by each toxic word, each desperate feeling. The bell rang. You walked to the door and opened it to see Kuroo’s face, concerned and caring. You hated yourself for feeling secure in his hold. You weren’t supposed to have feelings for him. Toru was your fiancé. Nevertheless, you invited him in and saw the paper bags in his arms. “Why did you bother?” Your lips painted to a smile but he looked at you as if you are transparent. Almost as if he could see you for the girl you are.
“It’s your favourite sushi. I passed a sushi shop and it reminded me of that ridiculous party we had after graduating”
A smile instantly touched your lips as memories flooded in. It would be amazing to live in past but the sad part of life is you have to move on from those beautiful memories. “Y/n?” He called again, “You’re spacing out”
“Sorry,” You said, inviting him in. “I was thinking about the party”
“Right” Kuro placed the bags on the table. “Wanna have some?”
You didn’t have any appetite. The past few days, you haven’t had any appetite either. You ate just to survive and wondered what it felt like for everything to stop. To stop hurting. To stop loving. To stop thinking. To stop breathing. But his dark eyes made you falter, “Sure” you answered.
You both sat by the dinner table and started to eat. You nibbled at your food, pushing them against your plate. “You have changed” Kuroo observed, showing a piece of fish into his mouth.
“Everyone changes with time.” You said, smiling at him. “But you’re still the same kind guy acting like an old geezer”
“Hey” He objected, “That’s offensive. Aside from all that, Y/n, what’s wrong?”
You stiffened on your seat. Of course, he would notice. They had known each other for so long to point out the differences among them. Maybe, you didn’t ask him to come over because you wanted to talk to him. Maybe, it was because you wanted to see his face one last time. You’ve already given up. “Nothing. I’m fine. Just getting on with life”
Kuroo didn’t look like he believed it and you knew that was a lame excuse. “How’s it going with Toru?”
“It’s okay. He’s trying.”
Kuroo sighed, setting down his chopsticks. “From what I’m seeing, he’s destroying you, Y/n”
You froze, your gaze lingering on your plate. Your heart was racing. It was the raw truth. The truth you wanted to hear. A little hope bubbled inside your chest. Maybe, he’ll save him. “It’s easier though. To hold onto him rather than letting go. Everyone will be there, talking about things, talking about me. It’s a hard life”
Kuroo shook his head, “It’s your life, Y/n. You choose what you want. I think-” He was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Both of you turned in surprised to see Toru, walking up to you two. Kuroo immediately stood up. You just waited, looking at his furious face and raging eyes and wondered, does it matter anymore?
“What’s going on here!?” He let out a ragged cry, grabbing Kuroo by the collars. You sprang onto your feet.
“He was just talking with me. Toru, stop this!” Toru released Kuroo and grabbed you by your hair slamming your face against the side of the table.
“What the fuck-” You heard Kuroo yelling before pushing Toru back and punching him right on the face. “Stop hurting her!” Toru wiped the blood off his nose, switching his glances with you and Kuroo.
“Get out of my house” He yelled at Kuroo.
“No, if I’m leaving, Y/n is coming with me. I don’t trust you anymore” Kuroo was determined. You watched his eyes filling with something unknown. The same look he had when he always stared at you. The look that you weren’t able to understand.
“Leave,” You said, your voice shaking. “I’m okay, I’m sorry”
Kuroo looked at you with reluctance. “But Y/n-” he started when you finally snapped.
“Leave!” You screamed, your throat was dry. Your soul was dry. Your heart was dry. There was nothing to think about anymore. Your life had collapsed right in front of your eyes. You didn’t want Kuroo to be a part of your destruction. He deserved a better life with someone better than you. Hence, you did all that you could, to send him away. For the first time in your life, you yelled at him to leave. Not giving him any other choice than to meet your commands. You watched his hesitant eyes and reluctant steps. Toru couldn’t do anything to you rather than hurting you because he was a man acknowledged by society, murder will ruin his reputation.
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Kuroo didn’t want to leave. Even after leaving the apartment, he hung around the door deciding his next move. There was no noise coming inside and he didn’t have any other choice rather than to back down and leave it. Y/n was right, no matter how violent Toru can be he cannot cross the limits. He valued his reputation. But he didn’t want to see Y/n hurt. He walked out of the apartment building and waited for a while, patting against his pockets to find his cellphone. He should call someone and ask about his next move. He hasn’t been insecure about his decisions before but regarding this sensitive topic, it would be better if he called Akaashi or Sugawara. “Did I left it back there?” He wondered, looking over his shoulder to see the apartment block again. He shook his head running back to the building, half glad about the excuse and the opportunity. Half wondering what her reactions would be. He exited the elevator, thinking of walking to her apartment when the elevator beside him pinged close, giving him only enough time to see the disappearing figure of Y/n behind the two metal doors. Out of sheer surprise, Kuroo froze to the ground. She didn’t see him. An unknown feeling of anxiety filled his stomach as he smashed his fingers on the elevator buttons. He tried the staircase but soon find out it had been close due to construction, he raced his way to the elevators back again as the doors pinged open. He raced inside, wishing she would be okay. Wishing he would be able to save her.
His ride to the rooftop seems to take forever. He paced around waiting until the door opened. He stepped out. The cold night wind welcomed him, brushing away his raven hair out of his face. Kuroo froze: there she was, still alive, standing at the edge. Her head tipped back to stare at the eerily beautiful stars in the night sky. “Y/n?” Kuroo talked.
She turned, surprised. Her eyes filling with thousands of emotions. “Kuroo? What are you doing here?”
“Get down from there. It’s dangerous” Kuroo didn’t answer her question. He didn’t have the time to answer her question. The only thought running inside his mind was: get her out from there!
She turned back to the sky, “This world is a terrifying place, Kuroo. I don’t think I can endure it anymore.” She looked over her shoulder at him, smiling. “You’re a kind person, you know? It’s rare to see people like you. Wish I would’ve-” She stopped, shaking her head. “My life, it doesn’t have to go on anymore.”
“You still have the chance, Y/n. Come down and we’ll sort it out, please.” Kuroo knew his voice was shaking. He was surprised he had the strength to talk at all at the moment.
She suddenly turned and opened her arms, “I wish it was different for me, different for us. You can call me selfish for thinking like this. But” She smiled, and Kuroo’s heart stopped for a moment. It was the same smile. The one that reached to her eyes and wrinkled the edges of her face. The one that lighted up her face like a star. Her smile. The smile that only belonged to her.
(The smile that she gave only to him.)
"I love you"
Kuroo’s heart was racing as she grinned, “Tetsuro, keep that beautiful heart forever. You can make someone’s life better. I know it”
I want to make your life better, he wanted to say but just watched her. His whole body was frozen to the ground as she waved slightly. The hope in her eyes was nowhere to see. Her eyes were empty again. He took a step, ready to take her down from there. Ready to save her life. But, she jumped.
Kuroo would’ve screamed, he would’ve run to the edge of the rooftop to see her. But he just stood there. His arm still hanging midair, trying to reach the girl that was already gone from his life. He fell to his knees, clutching his shirt as he punched the ground repeatedly. The girl he failed to confess. The girl he loved but never was his. Sitting there, he regretted all the words he didn’t say. He should’ve tried harder. Should’ve confessed to her. Should’ve made her life beautiful but he failed.
Then again, no one could blame him. We’re all living lives filled with regret. Just one after another problems crowd inside our minds but, we’re humans. We make mistakes but our pure existence can make someone smile. Make someone happy. We can be the reason that someone’s alive.
Kuroo stood up and collected his courage. Streams of tears flowed down his tears and he didn’t attempt to wipe them away. An ambulance blared breaking the silence of the night. Her words echoed through the air around him. Her last confession. Kuroo finally screamed, letting out the agony and the pain inside his heart as he sobbed openly. Tears streaming without mercy.
It was just three words: I love you. But it can make the deepest mark inside someone’s heart. Either a pleasant beauty or an everlasting regret.
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"She has her head in her heart and a broken body Never wrong but she always says sorry Takes the pain, and throws away her pride"
Word Count : 3954
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secret-keeper18 · 4 years
So I’m finally watching the x-men movies and here are my comments and ratings so far. These ratings are completely arbitrary and completely based on how much fun I had while watching it. Also some great memes I made and sent to my roommates who dont appreciate it as much as you all will.
X-Men: First Class
Okay so we pirated this and there was no subtitles for foreign language, and about 30% of it is in German, French, Spanish, or Russian. So my understanding of these scenes was reliant solely on my rudimentary understanding of basic phrases, vocab, and counting in each of these languages
Watching Erik fuckin murder nazis while casually taking a drink of beer
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Also I love Michael Fassbender but i feel like Erik’s character should have a german accent. Can’t complain too much though ngl
They went to a strip club and literally only looked at each other like sorry i dont make the rules but that is not heterosexual
I’m new to these movies so I hope I don’t offend any like, Mystique stans but Raven you win World’s Worst Sister. like bro doesnt wanna see ur tits out he doesnt care that you’re blue OKAY he’s ur brother. I’m just saying if my brother got shot in the spine by his boyfriend i wouldnt leave him lying in the sand to ditch him with said boyfriend idk maybe i’m just built different
Charles fuckin waits for Erik and Raven to leave before saying he can’t feel his legs. Anyways who else wants to cry? 🙃
Barely passes Bechdel test but loses points for immediately killing the only black man character and then have the only black woman character turn traitor 🤷🏻‍♀️
My guy decided to betray his boyfriend then break the woman he almost killed and then arrested out of prison. Then sometime inbetween those two events he decided “i need... a cape.” And then he STUCK TO THE CAPE for the next like forty years. Imagine being so stubborn you stick to the same purple and maroon color scheme for half your life.
Pretty gay. Friends to lovers to enemies. Utterly heartbreaking. 12/10
X-Men: Wolverine Origins
Honestly not as bad as I was expecting but that might be bc I’ve only heard negative things
This movie honestly was one big middle finger to my ADHD bc the pacing was kinda weird
Damn i hope we get Remy in the other movies his powers are hella cool in this
Deadpool who? Never heard of him he doesnt exist.
Oh yeah I think there is something called a wo-man in this movie?
Knowing that this movie is from 2000 really made it palatable tbh. Like, surprisingly good considering it came out a month after I was born
Why do i got a feeling that Charles is gonna be so useless in the next like three movies
I forgot movies before like 2016 couldnt write women for shit. Jean is to the X-Men what Black Widow is to the Avengers tbh. Love the characters and their potential, but played with the emotional range of a teaspoon
Also Scott is pretty cool but why is his only lines about his girlfriend? Like calm down bro.
I’m so here for Dad Wolverine tbh. Like my guy really was just like:
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Somehow despite having many female leads it still doesnt pass the Bechdel Test???
Gonna be honest here. I was making dinner while watching this, so I was only like half present.
Bobby “coming out” to his family is just *chef’s kiss*
Kinda boring conflict ngl but I’m here for the characters at this point
Magneto murdering someone w the iron in their blood is fuckin metal as hell. No pun intended.
The moment Rogue sees Magneto for the first time since he tried to kill her in the last movie and she about to take her gloves off deceased me on the fuckin spot. Bitch really said call an ambulance but not for me.
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Anyways Charles is one of the most powerful characters in the comics but he has once again been relegated to plot device in this movie. I get it, I get it, mentor character. He could fix every problem in these movies if he wasn’t such a liberal about his powers :/
I’m so SICK of the silent and dangerous Asian assassin character archetype. Yes I KNOW it was 2003 so let’s take this as yet another reminder that we need to do better
Okay ik we’re not supposed to know that Mystique is his sister yet bc it’s only 2003 and First Class wont come out for another eight years but STILL yall really left him in there to die can you NOT
Also real question: was i supposed to be sad that Jean died?
131 notes · View notes
baepsaesbae · 4 years
Heal Me, Kill Me Ch.5 (Final Chapter)
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x female reader
Genre— Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire Hunter!reader, SMUT +18, angst
Warnings— Unprotected explicit sex, fingering, blood mentions, death, oral (f and m receiving), creampie, overstimulation 
Word Count— 6.3k
Summary— You’re one of the best vampire hunters in the world. That’s to be expected when your parents are the best of the best. Your life had solely revolved around ruthlessly killing vampires, making you a cold blooded machine. However, things take a turn once you meet Kim Taehyung, your latest target.
A/N— Huge shoutout to @dee-ehn for this beautiful banner! Thank you to everyone who has given this series a read. It’s very special to me and it’s bittersweet that it’s now over. Please let me know what you guys think!
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“Let me get this straight, the VEC HQ is completely gone? Wiped out?” you questioned as you tried to grasp the situation.
“Apparently they were hit with a massive ambush. A huge horde of vampires led under a single commander, it seemed like. I got a call during the middle of the raid. All I could hear were screams and the caller’s laugh. I was given a time and place for a meet up,” Yoongi explained further. 
“Perfect, let’s go burn the sons of bitches,” Jungkook got up energetically.
“There are only four of us,” Taehyung observed with a judgmental glance towards the young man. 
“There are only THREE VEC members left. The only reason you’re still alive is because ___ insisted on it. Mark my words, one slip up, and you’re dead. Got that?” Yoongi corrected him. Taehyung solemnly nodded. 
“So, what do we do? HQ is gone, but surely we can contact the other agencies around the globe,” you suggested.
“Already tried that. They saved the best for last. There is no one we can ask for help,” Jungkook shook his head. 
“I can go. Alone, I mean. To the rendezvous point you were given,” Taehyung offered. 
“And do what? Join forces with them?” Yoongi glared. 
“An attempt at diplomacy would be ideal. Should they choose violence, then so be it. If I die, I die. But at least you will be safe,” Taehyung looked at you while he said that last sentence. 
“Sounds good to me--”
“Absolutely not,” you interrupted Yoongi, “If we really are the last people qualified as vampire hunters, I say we go down swinging. I can’t just sit by knowing there are murderous vampires on the loose. We all took an oath to protect mankind. I intend to keep that oath.”
Yoongi and Jungkook exchanged looks. Jungkook was all for it, eager to let out his rage. It took a bit more to convince Yoongi, but he reluctantly agreed. He really took to heart what you said about the VEC oath.
“Here are the coordinates I was given. We have three days to get there,” Yoongi brought up the site on Google Earth.
“What the hell? That looks like an abandoned castle. That’s kind of badass. Major Castlevania vibes,” Jungkook gawked as he zoomed in closer.
“I know this place,” Taehyung said quietly. 
“You do?” the remaining VEC members asked in unison.
“I believe so. And if who I think is involved truly is involved...I fear we may be in deeper trouble than I thought,” he said ominously. 
“Fuckin terrific,” Yoongi grumbled. 
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“Thank god Yoongi brought the private jet over here,” you sighed as you watched the trees below you grow smaller and smaller.
“Thank god I have the credit card for the VEC funds. I would be remiss if we lost all that money,” Yoongi called back using the intercom. 
“Flying via private jet is probably one of my favorite parts of the job. Hey, you good over there, Fangs?” Jungkook coined a nickname for his new vampire acquaintance. 
You looked over to see Taehyung’s face paler than usual as he tightly gripped the armrests of his seat. He slowly looked over towards the pair of you and nodded, though he was clearly lying. You couldn’t help but chuckle at him. His fear of flying was adorable, who would’ve known that an undead creature could be scared of planes?
“I’m gonna go join Yoongi in the cockpit, I love the view from there,” Jungkook said to no one in particular as he stood up once cruising altitude was reached. 
You unbuckled your seat belt and went over to comfort Taehyung, who looked queasier by the minute. You handed him a bottle of water.
“Sorry, we don’t have any blood bags on the plane,” you joked.
“I appreciate the gesture, darling,” Taehyung meekly smiled.
“I didn’t know you were scared of flying,” you said with an amused grin.
“I’ve never been a fan. People traveling in the air? It’s just not natural,” Taehyung shook his head in distaste.
“I don’t think you’re one to talk about what’s natural, but I get that. I wish there was a way I could get you to unwind. We have quite a long way to go before we reach our destination,” you straddled his lap and ran your fingers through his hair, “I can get off if you feel like you need to puke,” you quickly added.
“No, I think a distraction is exactly what I need,” Taehyung’s eyes darkened as he unbuckled his seat belt and gripped your hips.
Your hips began to move on their own as they grinded against him. You could feel his clothed erection growing under you, which only spurred you on more. Taehyung leaned forward to kiss you, and accidentally bit your lip in his excitement. He quickly lapped up the small dribble of blood that surfaced, and that alone seemed to make him more ravenous. Taehyung started to guide your hips, pushing you harder and faster against him.
“You want me?” Taehyung exhaled against your lips.
“I need you. Take off your pants, Tae,” you instructed as you climbed off of him.
“The others won’t intrude?” Tae asked with a smirk as he tugged down his pants.
“Yoongi is flying the jet, and I don’t give a fuck if Jungkook walks in on us,” you answered as you sank to your knees. 
You wasted no time in taking a firm hold of Taehyung cock. Your now ice cold hand caused Taehyung to shudder, a feeling he would now have to get used to. Luckily, the friction from your quick pumping warmed him back up, and he was able to fully enjoy himself. How could he not, when he sees your eager eyes gazing up at him with your lips wrapped around his tip. Your tongue swirled around his sensitive head, making a small moan escape from his lips.
“You have to be quiet, or else I’ll stop,” you warned him. It felt good to hold somewhat of a dominant position over him, but also you would rather not be walked in on. Taehyung nodded his head and licked his lips as you returned to the task at hand. 
Drool dripped down his long cock as you bobbed your head up and down. You tried to fit as much of him in your mouth as you could, but his sheer size made it damn near impossible. Taehyung couldn’t help himself as he grabbed the back of your head and shoved his dick further down your throat. You gagged as he took control of your mouth, but he stopped as soon as he saw tears welling in your eyes.
“I’m sorry darling, did I hurt you?” he asked with concern as he stroked your cheek.
“I’m fine, it’s an involuntary reaction. You’re too sweet,” you smiled as you stood up and unbuttoned your pants, “But since you made me cry I guess it’s only fair for you to make it up to me.”
You straddled over Taehyung, teasing your bare pussy over his hard cock. You wanted him to feel how wet you were before he even penetrated you. As much as you wanted to milk this moment, you really would rather for Jungkook to NOT walk in on you in the middle of getting down and dirty. 
You slowly lowered yourself onto Taehyung’s dick, softly gasping as he stretched you out. You both let out a blissful sigh once you reached his base. You took your time fucking him slowly, as this was one of the few times that you had control in an intimate setting. Taehyung gripped your hips harshly; his eyes begged for you to go faster. Lust took over and you gave in. You began to ride him harder and faster, and soon it was a struggle for both of you to stay quiet. 
Lewd wet sounds echoed around the cabin as you hid your face in the crook of Taehyung's neck at a poor attempt to muffle your moans. Taehyung in turn could barely hold back his deep grunts since he took control with a tight grip on your ass as he fucked upwards into you. With Taehyung drilling into your sweet spot with inhumane speed, the intensity made you clamp down on his neck hard enough to draw blood. Taehyung came quickly after you bit him, releasing his load into your ravaged pussy. 
You licked at his wound, his blood only adding to the euphoria pulsing around your body. Taehyung kissed you passionately before you hopped off in search of napkins to clean yourself off with. The sound of the cockpit door opening sent you and Taehyung into a frenzy. Clothes were put back on in record time and you both were sitting properly in your respective seats when Jungkook came to rejoin you.
“You’re looking better, Fangs,” Jungkook observed. 
“I just needed some time to adjust,” Taehyung said smoothly. 
“You guys know we have cameras and microphones rigged around this cabin right? And it’s all viewable from the cockpit?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
Taehyung’s eyes grew large and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Neither of you could make eye contact with Jungkook, who was looking at both of you expectantly. 
“This is why I do not appreciate modern technology. Personal privacy is a thing of the past,” Taehyung confessed.
Jungkook burst out into a fit of laughter, clutching at his sides as he tried to talk.
“I was fucking with you. I mean yeah there are cameras and shit but security is in the back and gets sent directly to HQ. Which no longer exists. Fuck, you guys are so horny,” Jungkook laughed.
“Fuck off Jungkook,” you rolled your eyes and turned away to hide your reddened cheeks. 
“How’s it feel being part of the Mile High Club?” Jungkook slung his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders from behind. 
“I am assuming that has something to do with intercourse in the sky?” Taehyung questioned. Jungkook nodded excitedly.
“In that case, I rather enjoyed it,” Taehyungn concluded thoughtfully.
“Tae! You don’t have to indulge this idiot,” you cried out.
“Thanks for being honest. Yoongi and I made a bet. He’s gonna be so pissed,” Jungkook sing songed as he walked back towards the cockpit.
You and Taehyung quietly listened as you heard Jungkook say, “Hey Yoongi, time to cough up that $200!”
“Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell ___! God dammit,” Yoongi exclaimed loud enough to be heard clearly through the door (and with your heightened sense of hearing).  
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The decrepit castle basked in the pale moonlight as the four of you peered at it through the bushes. The rest of the plane ride was awkward and Yoongi hadn’t been able to make eye contact with you since. He kept shooting death glares at Taehyung while Jungkook kept making funny faces at the both of you. You sighed knowing odds were that the castle was filled with bloodthirsty vampires guarding the strongest one of them all, and the only ones going up against them was your ragtag team. You suddenly made peace with dying...again. 
“So what’s the plan again?” Jungkook asked.
“I can go and try to reason with them. If you hear the sounds of an altercation then that would indicate your cue to join the fight,” Taehyung offered.
“I’m not risking you turning over to their side just to screw us over,” Yoongi sneered. 
“Yoongi he wouldn’t--”
“That’s reasonable. What other plan do we have then?” Taehyung interrupted your oncoming protest.  
“We go all at once. A cool final last stand thing. The grand finale. I don’t want to go into hiding and spend the rest of my life trying to pick these suckers off one by one. They’re all here. Or at least, the one that matters most anyway,” Jungkook gave his input, “Oh, but you matter to me, Fangs,” he shot a smile at Taehyung, who gave him a small polite bow to show his gratitude. 
“So we go in guns blazing?” you asked to sum up the plan. The men all nodded in agreement. It was now or never. Jungkook was right, this was a prime opportunity to take out the ring leader. 
All of you sported long black trench coats that concealed many weapons. Guns with blessed bullets, blessed blades, and water guns filled with holy water (Jungkook’s favorite) were among the vast assortment. You subtly left out wearing crucifixes as you normally would, hoping that no one would notice. Taehyung didn’t need any fancy weaponry, but Jungkook gave him a coat so that he could “match the team in its kickassery”. 
Yoongi was staring at something in his hand away from the others. You approached him slowly. You didn’t know what to say to him on the potential last night of your lives, but you hoped something would come to mind.
“Whatcha got there?” you questioned, peering over his shoulder. 
“An old picture. Have you ever seen this before? Here,” Yoongi handed you the picture. It was old, and the camera quality was not the greatest. However, you were able to make out a smiling Yoongi off to the side.
“Wow you look the same,” you joked.
“This was my VEC graduation picture. See anyone else you know?” he asked. You examined the picture a second time.
“Mom and dad…” you trailed off. They were practically strangers to you. It was odd seeing them like this; young and happy, not knowing their grim future. Before you knew it, you were crying. You didn’t realize it until Yoongi called your name with concern.
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on,” you apologized while wiping your tears away, “I guess I just don’t want to lose you too.
“I couldn’t bear to lose you either, ___. I promise I’ll do everything I can to protect you. But knowing you, you’ll probably be the one saving my old ass,” Yoongi chuckled as he patted you on the back.
“Guys! We gotta go!” Jungkook beckoned.
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If this were a movie, the scene where the main characters walk in slow motion like badasses towards the enemy would be playing. However, this was not a movie, and you were scared shitless. Sure, you technically were a vampire now, but that won’t stop them from killing you again. 
“I know I said this place was cool before, but now it’s giving me the creeps,” Jungkook whispered as you all followed the rugged path that led to the stone bridge in front of the main gate.
The once grand door was now ripped off its hinges, laying a few yards away from the entryway as if it was carelessly cast aside. You took a deep breath as you followed Taehyung into the castle. Beams of moonlight illuminated the castle in rays as it shone through cracks and holes in the walls. The castle was oddly bare, most of its belongings were probably looted a long time ago. All that was left was memories of the past that no one cared about and a few rats that have lived there for decades. 
Your party made it to what must have been the throne room. There was not a single sign of life. It was eerily quiet, and the only movements you saw were those of the vermin that dwelled within the decaying walls. The throne room was dark, and Jungkook led the way with a single lighter. 
“What the hell? Is this place really empty--”
“Welcome, honored guests!” a loud voice boomed as braziers suddenly lit up the room. 
You cowered at the sudden brightness. Once your eyes adjusted, you saw a single figure sitting in the throne at the front of the room. One of his legs was slung over an armrest as he rested his chin on his hand over the other. He depicted a spitting image of a cocky King drunk on power. 
“I’m so thrilled you all could join me this evening. Oh, what’s this? An old friend? How serendipitous,” he sat up straight now as he leaned forward to get a better look at his visitors. 
“Why did you summon us here?” Yoongi cut right to the chase. 
“Very blunt and straight to the point are we? You must be the failed VEC’s headmaster. Min Yoongi, was it? I wanted to talk business. But I must say, this is a rather odd bunch you have here,” the man chuckled, “Are you aware that there are vampyres amongst your company?”
“Yes, this one--wait, vampires? With an ‘s’?” Yoongi’s face scrunched up in confusion. 
“Oh yes, that girl over there,” the strange man gestured towards you with his chin.
“What?!” Yoongi yelled with incredulity, “Taehyung, if we get out of here alive I’m gonna murder you myself!”
“It was my decision! I asked him to do it!” you admitted while jumping in front of Taehyung to protect him from a furious Min Yoongi. 
“Hah, I knew it,” Jungkook said with a devious grin.
“You know what? I’ll beat all of your asses after this,” Yoongi hissed before turning his attention back to the man on the throne, “Anyway, what do you want?”
“I simply wanted to negotiate with you Mr. Min. But I believe we’re all in for a rather interesting night,” the man licked his lips, “Tell me, how long has it been, Taehyung?”
In an instant, Taehyung was strangling the man on the throne. He was so fast that you didn’t even register his movement until you heard him yelling.
“You bastard! You ruined my life! Over and over again! Now I can finally kill you with my own hands,” he growled with a murderous look in his eyes that you have never seen before. 
“Taehyung stop! You’ll have your chance with him, but for now we need answers,” you pulled Taehyung away as Jungkook put the vampire in blessed restraints. 
“Ouch, that hurts,” the vampire pouted, “Still just as dramatic as ever I see, Taehyung. I like your spark though. Almost the same as the night we met, all those years ago.”
“I will kill you,” Taehyung threatened. 
“What did this guy do to you, Fangs?” Jungkook asked.
“He’s the one that turned me,” Taehyung admitted. 
“Can you believe that? It feels like it was just yesterday when I slaughtered your little village. How silly was it that all the men were in the tavern, drinking and fucking whores while their families were left unattended. That didn’t sit right by me, I’m a man of morals. So I killed everyone in the tavern after I had my fill of lonely housewives and innocent children. Except Taehyung. He was the only man who was ever able to put a scratch on me. I forgot I could even bleed, it was honestly a refreshing sight. In the spur of the moment, I rewarded him with eternal life. Could you believe my surprise when he said he didn’t want to be my henchman?” the detained vampire explained. 
“You killed my family and everyone that I knew! Of course I wouldn’t want to be your stupid sidekick, you daft idiot,” Taehyung rebuttled in disgust.
“It was a shame. Poor sweet Maggie didn’t deserve what happened to her,” the vampire looked down at the ground somberly.
“You...you did what?” Taehyung interrogated with a shaky voice. 
“I managed to catch a glimpse of you and your happy life in London. Excuse me for being a little petty about you declining my offer to be my travel buddy. I get lonely, you know. Every other vampire I turn becomes such a drag and I end up killing them myself. So I gave a little tip to the VEC and the rest is history,” the vampire shrugged. 
“Hoseok you snake! You’re the scum of the Earth! I’ll tear your throat out,” Taehyung screamed as he shook off Jungkook and lunged at the captured vampire. Taehyung slashed a giant gash in the middle of Hoseok’s chest, spewing blood everywhere.
“If I die, so do they,” Hoseok said nonchalantly as Taehyung was about to sink his fangs into his jugular. That made Taehyung reluctantly pause and shrink back.
“Taehyung, you can have the honor of killing this piece of shit after I’m done talking to him,” Yoongi stated, “Your name is Hoseok?”
“Jung Hoseok, at your service. I’m thinking of J-Hope as a street name if I decide to make my dancing skills public. Not to brag, but I’m also the strongest vampire to ever live. I normally don’t bleed this much, it’s embarrassing,” Hoseok looked away bashfully as blood flowed freely from his chest.
“Why did you say that if you die we die?” Yoongi asked with urgency. 
“Well because there are roughly 100 vampires who haven’t fed in a month waiting at my command. My dominion over them is the only thing keeping you safe. With me gone, they’ll be free from their invisible leashes,” Hoseok smiled.
“Nothing is stopping us from dragging your sorry ass away from here,” Jungkook snarled.
“You think they’ll idly sit by and watch their master be whisked away in shackles? I can tell who wasn’t top of their class,” Hoseok giggled. 
“What was the deal you had in mind?” Yoongi kept up his stoic act.  
“Total immunity. I’ll even have all 100 henchmen kill themselves as a show of good faith,” Hoseok flashed a sly smile. 
“No can do, I already promised Taehyung he could kill you,” Yoongi sighed.
“Is he part of the VEC? The deal would have to last for the rest of eternity between me and the VEC. If I die in a vampire fight then that’s on me,” Hoseok tilted his head in confusion. 
“Give me a minute to discuss this with my colleagues,” Yoongi said before leading you and Jungkook to the opposite side of the room, “What do we do? His offer seems too good to be true.”
“It seems fair since he said he’d kill off his henchman on his own. I’m sure Taehyung can kick his ass,” Jungkook added. 
“And if Tae loses? Then we have nothing that’ll stop him from killing us. It’s too risky. I don’t trust him one bit,” you concluded. 
“We can’t possibly win against him plus 100 starving vampires. We’ll be dead meat in seconds,” Yoongi argued. 
Meanwhile, Taehyung looked down in disgust at Hoseok as they had their own conversation.
“I think we were fated to be together. I never thought you’d be here,” Hoseok batted his eyes at Taehyung.
“You’re lucky they’re here to stop me. Otherwise you’d regret letting me live,” Taehyung snapped.
“So why are you here? I’m guessing it has something to do with that girl. Don’t tell me, did you turn her?” Hoseok’s eyes grew large, “Wow, you’ve grown stronger than I could have hoped! If we combine our powers we can rule this world.”
“You’re delusional if you think I’d join you after all of this.”
“Then I’ll enjoy tearing apart your plaything in front of your eyes,” Hoseok smirked. 
“If you lay a finger on her then I’ll--”
“We’ll accept your terms after a few more clarifications,” Yoongi interrupted, “First of all, we don’t think we can trust you. After all, you wiped out the VEC HQ. I have no doubt that the global branches have fallen as well. There’s nothing stopping you from killing us as soon as we let you free.”
“We both know that you never would have agreed to meet with me if I hadn’t done anything drastic. I needed to get rid of the grunts to get to the King, simple as that. Believe me, if I wanted you dead you all would have been slain the moment your fancy plane landed,” Hoseok shrugged.
“Then why did you let us live? Why go through the trouble?” Jungkook questioned.
“For the drama of it all, dear boy. When you get to be as old as I am, living gets boring. I’m not sure if you could tell, but I live for theatrics and thrill. Oh and I’m planning on taking over the world or whatever,” Hoseok admitted happily. 
“And you think we’d let you get away with that?” Yoongi scoffed.
“I’m simply offering you a little peace offering. Of course I wouldn’t hurt you three, and you’re all welcome to kill any vampires that come across your path. It’s more of a mutual immunity actually. This benefits you people more than me. If you disagree, you’re dead anyway,” Hoseok smiled wide enough to show off his fangs.
“Fine. The VEC accepts your terms. You have my word that the VEC will never harm you,” Yoongi declared, “But first, we must see your troops fall with our own eyes.”
“Pleasure doing business with you, I knew you’d be smart. And that’s fair,” Hoseok whistled and the ground began to rumble as an army of vampires came running into the throne room. 
The soldiers made orderly lines and awaited their orders. Some of them salivated at the sight of your party, but they didn’t dare move an inch without permission. They were the most ravenous vampires you’ve ever seen, and would want to avoid fighting them at all cost.
“My dear underlings. You have all served me well. You’ll be in my heart as I create a new world. I ask one last thing of you. Rip out your own heart to show your devotion to me. May your souls rest in peace,” Hoseok gave a short uninspiring speech.
You watched in horror as the army chanted “Long Live Hoseok” along with random whoops and hollers. They were extremely lively and hyped up as they plunged their own fists into their chests. Fountains of red erupted across the room as they ripped out their own hearts. You let out a sigh of relief as you watched the last soldier fall. 
“That was wild,” Jungkook said with a deer in headlights expression. 
“Really makes you feel something huh? A deals a deal,” Hoseok chirped up expectantly. 
Hoseok was tackled to the ground as soon as he was released. Taehyung yelled with fury as he reopened the nearly healed gash he inflicted earlier. Hoseok reacted by hurling Taehyung into the opposite wall. 
“I haven’t had a real fight in ages. Don’t disappoint me, Taehyung,” Hoseok laughed as he spat out blood.
A rock was hurled at incredible speed from where Taehyung landed. Hoseok was quick enough to dodge the rock, but not Taehyung. Once again, the vampires were on the ground and Taehyung was aiming for Hoseok’s throat. Jungkook shot a blessed bullet into Hoseok’s leg, causing him to howl out in pain.
Hoseok tossed Taehyung aside with newfound strength as his eyes glowed red. He set his sights on Jungkook and his lips curled up into an evil smile.
“You dare to break the contract, boy? I’m gonna make you regret that,” Hoseok warned.
Another blessed bullet lodged itself into Hoseok’s back, making him crumple to the ground. He turned in distress to see you wielding the gun with a cocky smirk plastered on your face. Yoongi kicked him onto his back, and spat in his face. With a quick motion of his arm, a wooden stake peeked out of the opening of his sleeve. With a yell, he plunged the wooden stake into Hoseok’s chest.
“Filthy liars,” Hoseok sputtered as blood dribbled down his chin.
“We agreed that the VEC would never harm you. However, you singlehandedly dismantled the company and the establishment is no more. I was the headmaster, but now I’m just a jobless son of a bitch,” Yoongi said triumphantly as he pushed the stake deeper.  
“We did it Yoongles!” you cheered before you heard the sounds of bones breaking. The smile dropped from your face instantly as you zipped over to Yoongi.
“An eye for an eye. Well played, Mr. Min Yoongi,” Hoseok croaked with his hand buried in Yoongi’s chest.
Taehyung quickly decapitated Hoseok with a strong kick. Hoseok’s body turned to dust as his head rolled across the floor for a few seconds before it also reverted to nothingness. 
“Yoongi! Yoongi!” you cried as you cradled him in your arms. Warm blood gushed out of his chest as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Jungkook sank to his knees beside you and held onto Yoongi’s hand. 
“Taehyung, go start up the jet! We have to get him to a hospital!” you demanded with tears running down your cheeks.
“He doesn’t know how to,” Jungkook said softly, trying to comfort you.
“We have to help him!” you sobbed. 
“___,” Yoongi whispered weakly. 
“Shhh, you’ll be okay. Don’t speak,” you begged. 
“Love...you...Be...happy…,” Yoongi rasped before gagging on his own blood. 
You and Jungkook cried over Yoongi’s body for a long time after it had gone cold. Jungkook held you as you cried into his chest as you soiled his clothes with tears and snot. To be fair, his tears and snot ended up all over your hair. Taehyung wanted to comfort you, but he knew Jungkook was a better fit for this job. Afterall, Yoongi was special to both of you. He was the parent neither of you had, and always took care of you guys in his own special way. 
After the sobs subsided, you and Jungkook stared blankly at the body before you. You’ve always been surrounded by death, it never bothered you. You didn’t need emotions in this line of work. You never thought you could feel pain like this. 
“He was a hero. I’m sorry for your loss,” Taehyung finally spoke as he placed a hand on both of your shoulders to show his condolences.
“Thanks, Tae.”
“Thanks, Fangs,” both you and Jungkook said in unison. 
Yoongi was buried outside of the castle, in the clearing where the private jet landed. There were no fancy rituals or blessings. Only a few words of gratitude uttered by both you and Jungkook. It was still too soon to say much more before either of you would start crying again. The feelings were there, and that’s all that mattered. 
The sun began to rise as the three of you sat inside the private jet in silence. You were lost. The VEC was truly no more. The biggest vampire threat (that you weren’t even aware of until a few days prior) was defeated.  Now what?
“What are you going to do now?” you asked Jungkook. 
“No clue. I guess I’ll travel. I have nothing else to do,” he shrugged, “What about you guys?”
“I think I want to open up a flower shop,” you said absentmindedly.
“A flower shop? Like the one Yoongi set up for you?” Jungkook was confused. 
“Yeah. I can either try to make that one work or start up my own elsewhere. I don’t know. I just think that would...make me happy,” you answered softly.
“Would you like some help with that?” Taehyung asked as he interlocked his fingers with yours. 
“Who else is gonna teach me how to make such beautiful bouquets? Plus I don’t have a green thumb so I’ll need you to help keep the plants alive until we can sell them,” you answered and squeezed Taehyung’s hand. 
“It’ll suck now that we don’t have a job but--wait,” Jungkook scrolled on his phone, “___, check your bank account.” 
You stared in disbelief at the obscene amount of extra zeros that had magically appeared in your balance. Yoongi must have transferred what was left of the VEC funds to you and Jungkook at some point. Thinking about Yoongi looking out for you one final time made you tear up again. 
“I’ll drop you guys off wherever you want. I’m assuming neither of you know how to fly so I’m calling dibs on the private jet,” Jungkook stood up.
“Bold of you to assume I don’t have a piloting license, but you can take it since Taehyung hates flying,” you rolled your eyes at Jungkook before continuing, “Tae do you want to go back to your estate?”
“We don’t have to. I like the idea of starting anew,” Taehyung smiled.
“How does Paris sound?” you offered. 
“C’est magnifique. I’m sure we’ll find a way to start a successful flower shop there,” Taehyung nodded in agreement. 
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It had been five years since the VEC was destroyed. You never knew what a normal life was like, but now you wouldn’t trade it for the world. Sure, your new “normal” still technically wasn’t normal since you needed to consume blood to live and the sun was your mortal enemy, but you made it work. 
Business was booming. “Min’s Blossoms” was the name of your flower shop, and every day was an adventure. Having Taehyung as your business partner proved to be more beneficial than you thought. Other than his floral expertise, his appearance is what really got the business off the ground. Apparently, rumors of a mysterious and handsome man who worked at a local flower shop were being spread around the city. Women flocked to the store to catch a glimpse of Taehyung, and soon they all started buying flowers just for a chance to talk to him. Taehyung was worried that that might upset you, but you reassured him that you were happy that the store was doing so well so early on.
Now Min’s Blossoms had become part of the Paris landscape along with all the other little fancy boutiques. Taehyung was in charge of putting together orders, while you handled most of the business side. Your teamwork was impeccable and made even the busiest days enjoyable. 
“Are you happy?” Taehyung asked one morning while in bed.
“Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible to be this happy,” you rolled over to kiss his forehead.
“Do you ever miss your old life?” he prodded.
“Why so many questions today? As much as I loved brutally murdering monsters and constantly putting my life on the line, I would say no. This life is more pleasant. How ironic is it that I had to die in order to truly live,” you stared off into the distance as you uttered that last sentence.
“My apologies, I only wanted to ask since I know you tend to get pensive during this time of the year,” Taehyung stroked your cheek. 
“Thanks for always being so sweet to me. I love you, Tae,” you whisper before leaning in for a kiss. 
What started as an innocent kiss soon turned into something more tainted when your hand found its way to Taehyung’s already hard cock (who knew vampires can still get morning wood?). He didn’t let you take the lead as he pushed you flat on your back and pressed his thigh against your cunt. You giggled as he kissed a trail down your neck and over your collarbones as he fondled your breasts. He latched his mouth onto one of your breasts and his tongue swirled around your nipple as his free hand ripped off your panties. 
Taehyung’s fingers slipped inside you easily since you were already sopping wet for him. He smirked as the curl of his fingers made you moan and squirm beneath him. Taehyung pulled away from your breast with a satisfying “pop” and slid down to face your bare pussy. He licked shallow stripes along your folds to tease you, and let out a low chuckle when you whined for more. He placed a finger on your clit and started to rub it rapidly, not giving you any time to adjust to the intense sensation. It only took a few seconds before you were moaning and shaking at his touch.
Taehyung wasn’t finished. He went back to eating you out while pumping two fingers inside of you. The overstimulation had you seeing stars. You cried out as you came again, drenching his chin with your juices. Taehyung gave you a satisfactory grin as he rose from between your legs to align his dick with your dripping pussy.
You groaned as he filled you up. He went slow at first, his eyes closed with pleasure. You gazed at him fondly while he fucked you. He was so beautiful even when your cum was on his chin and his sweaty hair was stuck to his forehead. Taehyung opened his eyes and looked down at you with a smile. He leaned forward to kiss you once more as he snapped his hips against you. 
“You’re gonna make fun of me for cumming so soon. But I can’t help it when you’re wetter than usual,” he panted as his strokes became sloppier. 
“I won’t complain, you already made me cum this morning, now it’s your turn,” you answered between moans. Taehyung grunted as he came inside of you, his hot semen filling you up. He gave you one final kiss before collapsing beside you. 
“You know, you never told me how I saved your life,” you said after a while.
“Hmm?” Taehyung hummed.
“You mentioned it the night you turned me,” you clarified. 
“Ah, yes. My life had been meaningless for a long time before you came. For a while I was contemplating on ending it myself. But you came along and rescued me. You gave me purpose again,” he explained.
“Wow. Not to be cheesy, but you did the same for me. Honestly my life was mundane before you,” you blushed.
“Surely the best vampire hunter in the world led an exciting life,” Taehyung teased. 
“I suppose I did, but I would take a lifetime with you over it any day,” you smiled, “I love you, my little vampire.”
“I love you too, ___. There’s no one else I’d rather spend eternity with.”
Published December 14, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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