#and realized that I was walking on the ground she was buried in
mooniiify · 3 days
his imaginary girlfriend — jean kirstein x civilian! reader
contents: one shot, (almost) canon compliant, fluff; we’re gonna ignore that they’re like 14 here imagine they’re a little older idk
after two whole years of being away, jean finally gets to go back to trost.
granted, it was only because they were there to simulate an evacuation drill, so just for more practice. jean was nothing but lucky that it happened to be in his hometown.
he held the straps of his heavy military backpack as he walked down the familiar streets with connie, sasha and marco in tow. he was looking around, trying to take everything in — he couldn’t believe it’d been two years. everything looked the same; was he not at that parlor just the day before he left for the cadet corps?
“hey, jean.” sasha suddenly appeared on his shoulder, making him jump just a little. her eyes were wide, smile bright. “are you going to visit that y/n you’re always talking about?”
before jean could answer, connie scoffed from his other side. “if she exists, that is.”
jean rolled his eyes. this wasn’t the first time the topic had been brought up. jean has talked about her, of course he has, but connie never believed she existed, not even with the care packages and letters she’s sent.
marco frowned. “hey, jean seems pretty enamored with her. i’d say it looks pretty real.”
“yeah, right! i bet he’s writing all those letters by himself away from us so we won’t be able to see.” connie stood his ground. jean rolled his eyes at his friend, but didn’t say anything.
in truth, he was going to see her. he’d heard thomas wagner was visiting his family, so it must’ve been allowed. she didn’t know he was coming, never never mentioned it in the past few letters because he’d found out just recently. still, how hard could it be to find her? maybe he could start from her house, then if she’s not there, maybe at the flower shop she works at. if she’s not there, maybe—
he stopped in his tracks, as did his comrades. the four turned around, eyes falling on a lone girl stopped in the middle of the road. her clothing was simple, a long brown skirt, a white button up with a sleeves vest on top. a basket was hanging on her arm, part of it filled with vegetables, the other holding a few flowers.
jean couldn’t believe his eyes. you’d grown taller, he noted, though not by much. your hair was longer, but your eyes were just as bright, smile just as big. how has it been two years?
she wasted no time. y/n rushed over, putting her basket on the ground before she threw her arms around jean’s neck, making him almost stumble due to the added weight of the backpack. he managed to keep his balance, though — he’s been training to be a soldier for a year, it would’ve been embarrassing if he fell over — and wrapped his arms around her as well, burying his face in the side of her head, his nose brushing by her hair.
he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed her until he felt her touch.
“my walls, you’ve grown so tall!” y/n said as she pulled back just enough to put her hands on each side of his face and look into his eyes. “and strong! can’t believe you didn’t fall over.”
jean’s ears burned at that comment. “y/n!”
“see, connie? told you she’s real! you owe me bread!”
still holding onto each other, y/n and jean looked back, eyes immediately falling on connie. he was staring at the two with his mouth gaped, jaw almost hitting the ground, eyes wide. sasha triumphantly stood next to him, a smile on her face. marco gave a soft smile and a small wave.
“oh? are those your friends, jean-bo?” y/n asked, not realizing jean’s ears had become even redder at the nickname. she pulled away and moved in front of his friends, putting a hand out to sasha. “hey there, i’m y/n! let me guess, you’re sasha? the girl with the appetite?”
sasha gasped dramatically as she looked at jean. “is this all you told her about me?” she scoffed and looked back at y/n, her smile returning. “that’s me! also one of the best soldiers in the corps! and a good cook! there’s more to me than food, jean-bo!” sasha looked over y/n’s shoulder at jean for the last part. “i can tell we’ll be great friends! oh, oh, we can be pen pals!”
connie could barely greet her, still shocked that she was real. marco introduced himself nicely, shaking her hand.
“why’re you here? you need help with anything?” jean had picked up her basket and made his way next to her, a hand on the small of her back.
“oh, my mom sent me out to buy some things. i was going to head home, but i didn’t expect to run into you!” y/n slapped his chest with the back of her hand. “why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“i found out on a short notice, i would’ve otherwise,” jean told her, then looked at his friends. “i’ll walk y/n home and i’ll catch up to you guys later. can you tell shadis i went to visit family?”
the three agreed, bid y/n goodbye and left without protest. at least, sasha and marco did. connie was still in shock so they had to drag him along.
family, huh? y/n looked at jean — his jawline was so defined now, woah — and quirked an eyebrow. “i don’t need an escort home, you know?”
“i’m not your escort, i’m your company.” jean’s arm dropped from her back, though his hand caught hers in the process, starting to pull her towards her house. “as if you didn’t miss my ass.”
“eh, i mean, life’s been more peaceful the last two years than ever.” jean wasn’t amused at her words. y/n chuckled. “fine, it’s been boring as hell. sometimes i wish i’d joined the army.”
jean chuckled, shaking his head. “no, you don’t. it’s so much work and you’re lazy.”
it wasn’t long before they made it to her house. no one was home when they arrived. at least they can catch up properly without having to interact with others.
“are you hungry? i can make you this new recipe i learned, i—“
“hell yes, i’ll help you. i haven’t had a good meal in two years.”
jean dropped his heavy backpack on the ground near the front door, shedding his cropped jacket and letting it hang on one of the dining chairs. after helping y/n unload the basket, the two cooked a simple meal, though one that jean enjoyed way too much after living off of stale soup for so long.
they went to her room then, laid in her bed. her bed wasn’t very big so they were pretty close to each other, but neither minded. jean took in her features, every change and every part that stayed the same. she looked so pretty in his eyes — how did he get so lucky?
“so, how are you as a cadet?” y/n broke the comfortable silence. her hand was on his temple, her thumb drawing soft shapes. “sasha said she was one of the best around. how about you?”
“i’m ranked above her. sixth,” jean informed, his eyes never leaving hers. how was he supposed to live away from her for the next years? decades?
“sixth?” y/n’s eyes widened. “jean-bo, that’s incredible! you must be really, really good then!”
“‘course i am. i didn’t go there to slack off,” jean said as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “but I really missed your dumb ass.”
y/n rolled her eyes. “yeah, i missed you, too, i guess.”
jean’s hand had moved to her face now, too. copying her moves. “two years passed, just one more and we can go to the interior.”
y/n sighed, her hand dropping from his face and moving to hold the one on hers. “jean, we talked about this. i can’t just go to the interior because you’re going. that’s not how it works.”
“i don’t see why it wouldn’t work,” jean disagreed.
“it won’t work because i’m middle class and a normal citizen, not a solider. i can’t just go to the interior.”
the corner of jean’s lips lifted up just a little. “but if you’re the wife of an mp, there wouldn’t be a problem, would there?”
y/n’s eyes widened, her eyebrows shot up. then she slapped his chest and looked away, avoiding his gaze at any cost. “shut up. don’t say things like that. for all you know, you’ll change your decision at the end.”
“i doubt i will.” he ran a hand through her hair. she still wouldn’t look at him. “but even if i did, i would still find a way for you to be okay and safe.”
y/n faced him again, a small smile on her face. “you know, i don’t really deserve you.”
jean scoffed. “look who’s talking, miss sunshine-and-rainbows.”
“why do you have to always ruin the moment?” y/n rolled her eyes at his childishness, but her smile only grew. “i really love you, you know?”
jean nodded, the side of his face rubbing against the pillow. “i love you, too.”
“and i’ll support you no matter what you choose to do,” y/n said, her hand that had been holding his tightening. “just, wherever you choose to go, promise me to stay alive.”
jean nodded. there was no need to think about the promise — there was no danger in the inner ring. “i promise.”
“can you stay the night?” y/n asked after a brief moment of silence.
jean sighed. “i wish i could. i have to be back by noon for roll call. i’m sorry.”
y/n gave him a smile and nuzzled into his chest. “it’s okay. let’s just make the most of these few hours.” jean nodded, pulling her closer and nuzzling his nose in her hair again.
jean didn’t know back then his heart would waver, that he would choose a different path than he’d promised her. despite that, despite the danger he had willingly put himself in, the one promise he was determined to keep was to stay alive and go back to her.
and he kept it.
ummm okay this was NOT supposed to be this long idk what happened but uh enjoy it’s not proofread and it’s 3:39 a.m. so i’m not doing that loll
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
Sweet mama.
Joel Miller x reader
Summary: Joel gets baby fever watching the reader play with Tommy and Maria's baby.
Author's note: don't think too hard about the timeline please and thank you. Also, I got baby fever this weekend, so I figured I'd make everyone else have it, too. Also also- I use they/them for the baby since the gender hasn't been revealed in the show
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Oh, God. She was all that occupied his mind at the moment. 
Life in Jackson was not exactly what Joel had in mind, but even he'd admit, it had its perks. 
For example, this scene in front of him.
Y/N on the floor of their shared home with Tommy and Maria's baby.
At first, Joel had very much disliked the idea of babysitting for the night when Tommy asked. But how could he have said no when he saw the way Y/N's face lit up at the very thought?
So, he obviously said yes.
But now, here they were actually doing it. 
He was sat on the dusty couch with an old can of beer he had found, sipping occasionally when he fell out of his daydreams. 
How can he not enjoy the way she interacted with the kid?
He had seen just how fantastic she could be with Ellie.
Y/N had been with Joel a little less than Tess had. They had had a rocky start, especially right at the beginning.
She was a friend of Bill and Frank's. And Frank had decided that they should meet.
But he knew telling both parties about it would only cause conflict. 
So, he didn't tell them at all.
Imagine their surprise when unsuspected visitors appeared in the middle of Y/N's and Frank's tea time. 
She pulled her gun on Joel.
Things were tense for a while after that.
But, after some time, they found that they liked each other very much.
Sometimes, Joel worried that they liked one another a little too much.
"You know," Joel finally said to her. "I haven't even been around a kid like this since… well, when it was Sarah, I guess."
She looked up from her spot on the ground as the baby played with the wooden blocks in front of them, "Really?"
He nods, "Don't even know if I remember what to do. Thank God I got you."
She laughs, "You were the one that was a parent. I was just an older sister. That's how I got my experience."
He shrugs, "You have a gift for it."
She smiles, grabbing the 10-month-old. The baby giggles as she lifts them into the air. She walks to the couch, "Here." She holds out the baby to him.
He holds his hands up in surrender, "Nah. You're doing great, Sweetheart. I won't stop ya."
She scoffs, holding the baby close to her chest now with a teasing scoff, "Whatever, Miller."
"I'm serious," He argues, "I like watching you like this. Happy and… God, this looks so fucking natural for you."
"Joel!" She yelled. "Language."
He laughs, "See? You're…" He sighs in thought.
She notices, "What?"
He smiles and shakes his head, "In another world, sweet girl…"
She tilted her head, "Joel, I'm confused."
He stands up, inches from her face now. He gently takes the baby out of her arms and places them in the makeshift playpen. He returns to her quickly.
His arms grab her waist gently. His voice lowers, "If life was different, I'd give you a baby right now."
Her cheeks turned pink, "What?"
He laughs as he buries his face into her neck, "Think about it. You'd be a beautiful mother. God, I'd give you a baby."
Her gaze started to turn hopeful. She had never thought about having a baby. 
Her thoughts turned dirty as he started to kiss up her neck slowly.
"A sweet mama." Kiss. "Walking around here with my baby in you." Kiss. "Making every man in here green with envy." Kiss. "You'd be so pretty like that." Kiss. "God, you'd just glow more than you do now."
He pulled away at her weak voice.
She looks away in thought. "Do you think… if… if this whole 'cure' thing works with Ellie… You think there may actually be a world we could have a baby in? Where… we could be parents?"
He takes in her features carefully, not realizing just how much his words had affected her. "Well… I… I don't know." 
She nods and pulls away from him completely, her wishful thinking over, "Right." She walks back to the baby in the playpen, "Not worth even hoping for."
He pulls her back into his firm chest, and circles her waist with his arms, "Hey. Don't say that. We'll just… leave it on the back burner. Yeah?"
She nods. "Back burner. Okay."
The two watch the baby in front of them play happily, blissfully unaware of the world they all lived in.
Y/N sat in the backseat with an unconscious Ellie.
She was still shaking at the sight of seeing Joel in a murderous rage in the hospital.
She knew he was protective of her and Ellie but she had never seen him do anything like that before.
She cradled the girl's head carefully in her lap, gently running her fingers through Ellie's greasy hair. 
She looked up to catch Joel's eyes in the rearview mirror. "Guess we're not getting that cure, are we?"
He shook his head, "Guess not."
"Say goodbye to the chance at parenthood." She sighed.
They sat in silence for a while.
She watched Ellie carefully to check for signs of her waking up.
And she heard Joel's light chuckle.
She looked up, "What?"
He looked at her though the mirror again, "Nothing, sweet mama."
"I'm not… this is…" She glanced down at Ellie, and back up at Joel. 
She smiled slowly as she reveled in Joel's observance.
"I guess…" she noted, "I guess we've already been doing it."
Joel nodded, "Guess it really was made for you."
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thefandomthings · 2 months
Zuko x reader
"That's not what I meant, and you know it."
Hurt prompt #11: "That's not what I meant, and you know it."
Pairing: Zuko x Gn!reader
Warnings: Angst, No comfort, Established relationship, !!SPOILERS¡¡, Takes place in Book 2. Ep. 18
Notes: Oh boy, I have so many avatar requests, it's amazing. Thank you guys for participating in my event it makes me so happy! Tell me if y'all want a part 2.
Prompt Event
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All you felt was pain, deep inside your chest. Watching your boyfriend take sides against the avatar once again was brutal. What made it even worse was Iroh was to be imprisoned, you would hold the same fate if you were captured.
You stood next to Katara and Aang, Azula and Zuko on the opposite side of the cave. Azula held the same malicious grin on her face, watching the three of you with smugness.
"My, my Y/n. You seem so down, how sad." She mocks you with a slight chuckle. Zuko gives her a glare, his eyes wandering back to you. They are full of guilt, pleading for forgiveness from you. Practically begging you to understand why he did it, to come with him.
"Leave Y/n alone, Azula." Zuko grunts, getting in a fighting stance with his sister. Azula clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes at her brother.
"They're the enemy now, Zuzu. Can't protect them forever." Azula laughs, blue fire erupting from her fists.
The blue flurries of fire woosh past you fastly. Katara quickly blocks the fire with her water. Using her octopus arms she slashes and whips at Azula, both going back and forth. The ground beneath the five of you shakes and cracks.
Aang and Zuko are going at it hand to hand. You watch out of the corner of your eye as Zuko takes a hit by Aangs wind, sending him flying back into one of the crystal pillars. Your heart stops, skipping a beat as Zuko groans.
You curse under your breath and run towards him, Aang is calling your name frantically. You slid against the rock surface and get the few rocks that landed on Zuko off. He lets out a huff of air, the weight of the rock off of his chest allowing him to breath.
He's quick to sit up, using his hands, he does a walk over away from you. Your heart felt like it was stabbed, watching as he gets in a protective stance. He knows you'd never hurt him on purpose, and he'd never hurt you.
"Why are you doing this, Zuko? Why are you so desperate to gain your honor back?" Your voice is meek, tears gathering at your waterline, blurring his figure.
"You know why I have to, Y/n. This is my chance to prove to my father I am worthy."
Zukos heart physically aches, seeing your tears making him question everything. He never wanted to hurt you, never wanted to put strain on your relationship. You're his everything, you've been with him since the beginning along with Iroh. Loving him even when he didn't love himself.
"But Zuko, when you get home and see your father, will he even except you? What if he hurts you again, or what if he tries to kill you?" You plead, knowing this isn't him. He's just confused and fighting himself.
Zuko stays quiet, thinking over your words carefully. You have a point. His father could easily do all of those things, Azula to. Does he really want to go through with this? Having Uncle imprisoned, possibly you too?
He closes his eyes tightly, fists clenched at his side. He lets out a long breath, salty tears slide down his cheeks as he looks back up at you again.
"He won't. I'm sorry Y/n. You can't change my mind. I'm going home." He lifts his fists back into a defensive stance, hands trembling.
"Please...Please forgive me."
You let out a strangled sob at his words, heart clenching and shattering. Zuko grits his teeth, holding back his own cries.
"Get out of here, before Azula realizes I haven't killed you." Without realizing it, Zuko was beside you. Taking you into his arms, he holds you as close as he can. His lips pressing multiple kisses to your head. His nose buried in your hair, taking in your shampoo scent one last time.
"Does this mean you don't love me anymore? Since you're leaving?" You asked, face hidden in his neck, tears hitting his skin like rain. Zuko squeezes you softly, kissing the apples of your cheeks.
"That not what I meant, Y/n. And you know it." He pulls away from you, taking a few steps back to create distance.
Water then wraps around his waist sending him flying. You scream his name as Katara takes you in her arms. You sob holding onto Katara as she sees you down.
"It'll be alright, Y/n. I promise." She hugs you tightly, the sound of wind echos in the cave as Aang enters the avatar state. Suddenly lighting cracks, blue electricity shoots towards Aang. Shooting into his back like a spear.
"AANG!" You and Katara race towards him, watching as he falls, his body is lifeless. Katara catches him, tears falling from her eyes. You use your bending to keep the three of you protected as Katara holds Aang and bends up the waterfall.
Zuko watches as the love of his life disappears. He lets out a sob, his fist pounding the ground.
He's sorry. So, so sorry. He never wanted to hurt you, cause you this much pain. Yet he has, and he might never, ever be able to fix it.
He hopes you're safe, and he'll come and find you when the time is right before it's to late.
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honeybeefae · 1 month
For headcanon monday, I have this one in my head that when Azriel finds his mate she’s going to be so SMALL in comparison to him, like just so short and little standing next to this big Illyrian warrior - but Azriel LOVES it, finding any excuse to pick her up/carry/generally hold her, constantly teasing her about her size, and omg how *protective* he is over her not only because she’s his mate but because of her size, and she is just a ball of feisty energy that clearly has no fear of a n y t h i n g
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Azriel With a Short Mate:
Azriel was already certain he didn't have a mate. He asked the Mother every night for years when it was his turn, when he would join his brothers, but when they went unanswered, he finally turned away from the childish dreams.
So, color him floored when he catches sight of you, his chest tightening with something he was too scared to think of.
You were arguing with someone right outside of Rita's; your small stature was immediately noticeable compared to the tall man you were fighting with.
He felt a surge of protectiveness overcome his senses, his shadows already reaching out to you before the guy not so gently pushed you.
Everything seemed to slow as he stepped forward, fists already curled, until he saw your own fist raise and collide with the man's jaw.
His eyebrows raised in surprise, stepping to the side as the man stumbled back and fell to the ground.
Your breathing was ragged as you shook your hand, curling and uncurling your fingers as you finally looked up at him.
And everything clicked into place.
The two of you grew closer quickly and, within months, already moving in together.
In that time, you realized Az LOVED your height. You had opened up about it one night as being an insecurity.
He listened and then held you close, able to completely cocoon you in his wings as he stroked your hair and whispered to you how beautiful you are.
"You're perfect, Y/N. Look how well we fit together."
He might also say this during sex but that's a whole other post.
He loves to hold you when he takes you flying, enjoying the way you can bury your head into his neck when he swoops down suddenly.
He carries you whenever you have too much to drink, when you're too tired to make it to bed, when you're sick, really just any time he can. It's his favorite thing.
He makes sure to match his stride whenever you two are walking, holding your hand and gazing down at you with the most adoring eyes.
Everyone teases you about your height difference, especially the IC, but Azriel makes you feel so secure that you no longer mind.
Even Az teases you sometimes, leaning his arm on your head or holding this where you can't reach when you're being a little bit of a brat.
The best thing about your height though is how protective he is of you.
You can hold your own in a fight, everyone knows that, but Azriel is so quick to rush to your defense. He'll stand in front of you, basically hiding you from how much taller he is as his wings flare and his shadows whisper against your ear not to be afraid.
You are his life. His heart. You are too precious to lose.
And, despite his protests, you protect him just as fiercely.
You basically have scary dog privilege. And you love it.
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
synopsis: the defining moment that changed the course of your relationship with them from being enemies to that of lovers
characters: kaeya, yelan, scaramouche, ayato, cyno, dottore, and alhaitham x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, injuries, blood, fighting, harassment (not from any of them), not proofread
notes: idk man i just wanted to write some enemies to lovers scenarios. each of these get longer as they go, so uh, sorry if you wanted some of the first ones to be longer cause i don’t really know what happened 😭 enjoy <3
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Kaeya watched how you laughed so loudly, so confidently at him as you fought somewhere behind him. It was as loud and recognizable as usual. He felt his heart beat faster — flushed, annoyed, and fed up with your constant need to one up him, laugh at him for no reason, and point out each and every small mistake he makes. As the Cavalry Captain racked his brain for a comeback, anything to take you off your high horse, his ears began to hurt as your laughter faded into that of dreadful screams. Blue eyes caught yours in an instant, turned so fast that his body almost gave him whiplash. No. He couldn’t lose you. Not like this. Not when he hadn’t realized his hatred for you was nothing more than a guise for his buried love.
Yelan’s faint laughs scared the people on the harbor. Such an intimidating women, softly — yet arrogantly — laughing to herself was certainly an odd sight to see. She had bested you once again, and you hadn’t even known it yet. And Archons she couldn’t wait to see the look on your face when you realized it. Her laughter quickly subsided at the faint sounds of desperation and begging, coming from somewhere within a nearby alleyway. Nearly walking past it out of the need to be in other places, Yelan stopped in her trail when the whimpering cries turned into your voice. Fury festered throughout her body in an instant. Nobody was allowed to mess with you, not unless it was her. Maybe she hadn’t realized it yet, but she would do anything to protect you — even if it meant giving her life.
When Scaramouche fell limp out of the robot, falling from great heights as he plummeted to the ground, he held no beliefs he would be caught — no less by the hands of you, his sworn enemy. Yet, there you were, arms wrapped tightly around him as the traveler and Paimon stared at you in shock. Something about the way your heart felt the moment you saw him fall was deeply painful, like weeds growing around your heart. Though, the strong heat from your love was enough to burn those weeds, enough to propel yourself forward without thought and save the man you had unknowingly come to love. And as Nahida watched the scene play out in front of her, a knowing smile crossed her face.
Ayato loved nothing more than to argue and debate with you. It came as a package deal alongside the fact that you were from the Tenryou Commission and he was from the Yashiro commission. Because god you were so smart and always had the perfect comebacks, even though it was infuriating when you would win. What he didn’t like, however, was when he would watch you argue with someone else. Especially when you lost to them. Ironic, right? He hated watching his enemy lose? So when his eyes spotted you around the corner of Ritou, backed up against a wall as a rude man berated you, his eyes filled with fury and his heart was racing. No one was allowed to treat you like that. So he took care of them for you, even though he knew you were fully capable. And as you stormed away from him, he was left with a single question: if you were supposed to be his enemy, then why the hell did he care so much about you?
The moment Cyno saw you fall backwards, he scoffed. Honestly, when were you actually going to beat him while sparring? But then you didn’t get up. Cyno swore he felt his heart fall out of his chest. And oh archons, the moment he saw blood, the weapon fell out of his hand and his feet propelled him forward. His knees scraped against the rugged bricks of the floor as his arms wrapped themselves around your torso and hoisted it against him. But then your eyes opened and the laugh he always thought was so beautiful fell from your lips. Stopping when your eyes met his serious expression, you joked, “What? Don’t tell me you were actually worried about me?” Cyno’s eyes pierced through yours, a serious, yet genuine, expression painted across his face, “Don’t scare me like that, it’s not funny…I thought I lost you for a second.”
Dottore felt annoyed the moment he heard you knock on the door. So he ignored it, knowing only you would be stupid enough to get hurt and go to him at such late hours of the night. You could’ve seen another doctor, but he knew you loved to annoy him more than anything else. But then the knocks came again, weaker and more fragile this time. Sighing, he opened his door, only to find you. Your eyes were kept on the floor, but he could see the tears that pooled in them. Blood adorned most of your body, and your clothes were all tattered and torn. The arm that was holding you up against the door gave out and you collapsed, but not before Dottore caught you in his arms. You were mumbling, shaking, and absolutely terrified as you leaned against him. And yet, for some reason, Dottore couldn’t help but feel a small feeling of warmth spreading in his cold heart at the thought of you coming to him when you were most vulnerable. Though, it wasn’t enough to stop the anger he felt for the person that hurt you.
Alhaitham sighed for what felt like the thousandth time that day as he spotted you in the library late at night. Shouldn’t you have already gone home? Or were you just trying to get ahead him again? Perhaps aiming to steal his position at the Akademiya this time? He never knew with you, but at least the competition kept things a little more entertaining each day. So, he made another sarcastic comment toward you on his way out. He couldn’t see your face from the way you were sitting, but your silence stopped him in his tracks. No rebuttal? No comeback? Not even an annoyed sigh? And then your shoulders started to shake, and small whimpers fell from your lips. Shit. Alhaitham didn’t know what to do in situations like this. But even so, he stopped and walked toward you. Sat down next to you and stayed quiet, only offering a few tissues and some water he had on him — which you hesitantly, but gratefully took. Maybe you were his “enemy” and maybe he didn’t know how to deal with people crying, but for some reason it felt natural with you and he sure as hell wasn’t going to leave you alone.
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sluts4matt · 3 months
Do you take requests if you don't can you make one where y/n is dating chris and she is slowly realizing that she's in love with matt and one day has her and chris are fucking she moans matts name and chris gets upset at her, then another day when she's touching herself all she can think about is matt, but she doesn't have the heart to break up with chris to be with matt.
If you want you can make her break up with chris and then she gets with matt and fucks him.
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pairing: mean!chris, sub!matt x reader
summary: falling for your boyfriend's brother was one thing but moaning his name during sex? that's a whole new story. but maybe that was the little push you needed to finally do something about your feelings.
warnings: SMUT, fingering, mommy kink because im a sucker, p in v, praising, oral (female receiving)
word count: 2052
author's note: i'm sorry this took so long @outerbanksstorys, i'm almost certain i may have ended up changing a few things up but i hope you like it. xx 🫶
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you couldn't help the way you giggled at matt's joke. you were on your boyfriend, chris' knee, his arms wrapped securely around you as matt told the two of you, plus nick about his day.
chris wasn't paying attention, not at first, too busy watching as matt's body language changed. his posture becoming a bit more confident at the giggles leaving your lips.
your giggling only stopped when you heard chris clear his throat. you turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "is everything okay, chris?"
he simply smiled at you, nodding his head. "of course, baby."
you smiled back, turning your head back to matt, only for him to no longer be in the room.
the small frown that grazed your lips made your heart pang in guilt. "can we go to bed?" chris asked, rubbing a hand along your arm.
"i'm gonna get a drink first, and then we can, okay?" with a kiss on the cheek, you slipped out of his arms, walking over to the kitchen.
you opened the fridge, taking out a water bottle, and closing the door.
as you took a sip, you jumped at the sudden voice. "he's a lucky guy, huh?" matt commented. you narrowed your eyes confused, "what?" you mumble, bringing the glass of root bear to your lips.
"i said, chris is a lucky guy, i mean look at you. anyone would be lucky to have you," he said, a hint of something you couldn't place in his tone.
your cheeks dusted a faint pink as you mumbled a "thanks," in return. you quickly walked back to chris' room, slipping under the covers beside him.
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not even thirty minutes later chris had your ass up in the air, his fingers digging into the meat of your hip bones, fucking into you from behind.
your face was buried into the mattress, muffling the noises coming out of your lips.
his thrusts were relentless, making you cry out in pleasure. "matt, fuck," you squealed, pushing your hips back into him.
you were too caught up in your own pleasure, you didn't even realize you let matt's name slip.
it didn't register until the movement behind you stopped. "what did you just say?" he growled. your head was yanked from the mattress, "what did you just fucking say?!"
your eyes went wide, "no, no, chris, i didn't-" "save it, just save it." he grumbled, pulling out of you, and grabbing his boxers off the ground, sliding them on.
the way his hands went up to tug at his hair made you feel guilty, your eyes watering. "chris," you say softly, though you don't make movement towards him.
scared that he'd lash out like guys have done in your previous relationships.
"fuck, why would you- god." he groaned, walking out of the room, and slamming the door behind him.
tears fell down your cheeks. how could you have been so stupid?
you grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, sliding them on, and grabbing your phone.
as much as you didn't want to, you knew it was best if you stayed away for the night, instead going home.
"hey," matt whispered, looking up from his phone as he heard you come downstairs. your eyes were puffy, and your cheeks were flushed a bright red.
"everything okay?" he asked, his phone dropping from his hand as he stood up to comfort you. "mhm," you hummed, shrugging him off. you knew if chris came out seeing his brother, who you just ended up moaning's name, comforting you all hell would break loose.
"i'm gonna go, i'll see you later." you smiled softly, not giving him a chance to argue as you left.
as soon as the door closed, chris stepped out of the bathroom. "you're fucking dead," he glared at matt. "what the fuck did i do?" he scoffed, his expression going from his previous worried one to one of confusion.
"she called out your name, dick!" he yelled. "i can't even have sex with her without your fucking name coming from her mouth." he jabbed a finger into matts' chest.
"maybe you should revaluate yourself then bud," he said, a sense of pride washing over him. "if she likes me better, then what does that say about you?"
and with that, chris was swinging a punch, landing a hard hit to matts' jaw. "are you fucking joking," matt scoffed as he held his jaw. nick came down the hall, turning into the living area.
"what's going on here?" he questioned. "nothing." they both said, glaring at each other as they walked away.
you sighed, leaning your head against the back of your sofa. it had been a few days since everything happened. the only messages you were receiving from chris were 'goodmorning' and 'goodnight' texts.
what hurt worse than anything was the guilt eating you alive at the fact that maybe, you had more feelings for matt then you let yourself believe.
you weren't sure when it started, but you had found yourself staring at him more and more, catching yourself wondering what it would be like if the lips touching yours every night were his instead of chris'.
how he would act if the two of you were more than friends. you felt so incredibly guilty. but that didn't stop the thoughts of him. that didn't stop the fantasies.
your hand trailed down your stomach, your hand dipping into the front of your shorts.
"oh, fuck," you groaned, imagining it was matts' long fingers rubbing circles against your clit. his voice whispering sweet praises in your ear.
"just like that," you whispered to yourself, a finger teasing your entrance.
"god," you cried out, sinking the digit into yourself. your eyes shut tightly, as you pumped the finger in and out.
"more," you whined to yourself. your free hand trailed up your shirt, grabbing onto your breast.
your breath was coming out in short pants, you could feel the coil in your lower stomach tightening, as your finger moved faster. your fingers pulled and twisted at the pink bud on your chest.
"f-fuck, yes," you moaned, the coil inside of you snapping. as you rode out your orgasm, your legs trembling, your brain went to one person.
you laid there for a moment, catching your breath, and thinking about what you had just done.
"shit," you sighed.
you couldn't stay with chris if all you thought about was his brother. that was wrong, and chris didn't deserve it.
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"chris," you called, knocking on his front door. the sound of the tv could be heard from the outside, the sound of a football game playing.
you were about to knock again when the door was opened. you were met with a shirtless matt, his hair disheveled, an amused expression as he staired down at you.
you couldn't help the way your eyes trailed up his torso, going to his left arms. his tattoos had always driven you crazy, so crazy in fact you almost had chris talked into getting some of his own.
"i uh, is chris here?" you cleared your throat, meeting his gaze again. it took everything in you to keep eye contact, not wanting to be the first to break.
"uh yeah, he's in his room," matt said, his eyes flickering over your body, his eyes lingering on the exposed skin where your shirt was riding up.
you nodded your head, walking past him and going to his room. when you got the door you could hear the boy's grunts, small noises coming from another female.
your heart sank. you weren't even broken up. i mean obviously moaning his brothers name during sex was one thing, but to go and have sex with a complete different person was another.
you backed up, walking back up the stairs. "where's chris?" matt asked, as he saw you coming up the stairs. "room." you muttered, pushing past him and making your way to the front door.
"i thought you were talking to him." he stated confused, "yeah, well he seems busy," you laughed bitterly, opening the front door.
"wait." he called, walking after you.
"what, matt?" you sighed, turning to face him. his hands cupped your face, and he pulled you in, his lips pressing against yours.
your heart thumped in your chest, your eyes wide, as you didn't move, frozen. once he realized you weren't moving, he pulled away.
"shit, i'm sorry." he mumbled.
"matt," you sighed, looking down at the ground.
"no, no, i get it. i'm sorry."
you looked up at him, seeing his eyes trained on the ground, and his cheeks a dark red. the next thing you did was unlike you. you ran your arm behind his neck, tangling your fingers in the brown locks tugging his head up.
the submissive eyes the boy gave you made you crash your lips into his again, this time the two of you kissing passionately.
his hands went to the backs of your thighs, picking you up and carrying you to his room.
"fuck, i've waited so long for this." he groaned, sitting down on his bed, you on his lap.
your lips attached themselves to his neck, sucking and biting at the soft skin. he whined, his hips bucking forward.
"shit," he groaned, as you ground your hips down on him.
he pulled your shirt over your head, throwing it to the ground, and immediately attaching his mouth to one of your nipples.
"god, yes." you moaned, his hands running up and down your sides. his lips trailed across your collarbones, his hands pushed your hips off of him, pulling the sweats you had worn down, tossing them somewhere in his room. he tugged you back on top of him.
"need you to sit on my face," he mumbled, laying back against the bed. his hands pulled you up his torso until you were hovering over his mouth. he placed kisses against the fabric of your underwear.
"please," you whined. he hummed against the material, his finger hooking into the side of the clothing, pulling them to the side.
"fuck," he groaned, licking a strip through your folds. "so wet for me," he murmured, latching his mouth around your clit.
"oh, fuck," you groaned, holding onto the headboard of his bed. his hands were gripping at the backs of your thighs, as his tongue swirled around the bundle of nerves.
you were a mess above him, grinding down against his mouth. his mouth was relentless against you, the tip of his tongue entering your cunt.
"matty," you moaned, the coil in your stomach tightening.
"i'm close," you whined.
"cum on my tongue, baby, please," he moaned.
"oh, oh, shit." you moaned loudly, your thighs shaking around his head. he helped you ride out your orgasm, lapping up all the juices, that fell from your cunt.
you climbed off his face, and down his body, pulling the sweats and his boxers off his hips, and tossing them to the floor.
"fuck, condom," he cursed, going to reach into his nightstand. "i'm on birth control." you stated, "you clean?"
he nodded his head, "yeah, fuck, i'm clean."
"me too, we're good." you grinned. his cock stood proudly against his stomach. the tip leaking pre-cum, his shaft was long and had some girth to it, though not like chris'.
you wrapped a hand around his cock, slowly stroking him, a thumb swiping at the beads of pre-cum.
"shit, shit, stop, you're gonna make me cum," he groaned, his hips thrusting up. "already?" you taunted, raising an eyebrow.
"fuck, you've had me waiting for years. i've been thinking about this moment for years." he groaned. "now sit on my cock." he ordered, grabbing your hips, and helping you line up with him.
"oh, fuck," you gasped, lowering yourself down.
"holy shit," he groaned, his nails digging into the skin of your hips. once you bottomed out, you stayed still, letting yourself adjust.
his head was against the headboard as he stared up at you. "move," he groaned.
"so impatient," you sighed, moving your hips up, and dropping them back down. his mouth fell open in a silent moan, his head falling back.
"such a good boy," you moaned, as he started to meet your thrusts.
"fuck," he growled, "yes, mo-" he cut himself off, "what was that baby?" you teased, slowing your hips down.
"shit, nothing, fuck, keep going," he whined, his own hips picking up the pace, as his eyes squeezed shut.
"no, no, use your words, pretty boy." you groaned, your own eyes shutting at the feeling. "i was gonna say m-mommy," he moaned. "there we go," you grinned, "good boy, being honest."
his hands reached up, grabbing onto your breasts, and kneading the skin. his teeth dug into his bottom lip.
"fuck, look at you." you praised. his cheeks were flushed a bright red, his pupils blown, a layer of sweat covered his body.
"so beautiful, all for mommy, aren't you?"
"yes," he nodded his head, his eyes opening. his mouth was parted open, a string of curses leaving his lips.
his breathing was coming out in pants, his hips moving erratically, chasing his release. "fuck," you squeak, burying your face into his shoulder as his hips thrust up and his cock hits the spot that has your mouth falling open and you seeing stars.
"right there," you cry out, his hips snapping into the same spot. your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving red crescent marks on the pale skin.
"'m close." he whimpered. "me too." you mutter breathlessly.
"mommy, please," he whined. "come on, baby, cum for me."
with a few more thrusts he was spilling into you. the warm liquid coating your insides, his head against the headboard.
"good boy," you cooed, bouncing on his cock. the overstimulation was making him a whining mess.
"fuck, come on, mommy. cum on my cock." he groaned, his thumb pressing against your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves.
"shit," you cried, your orgasm washing over you, his name falling from your lips. your legs shook, his hands holding your hips down, keeping his cock inside of you.
"sh, i've got you." he whispered, as you collapsed onto his chest. "that was so fucking hot."
you giggled, looking up at him. "can i take a picture? i promise i won't share it."
"mhm," you nodded your head, sitting up. he grabbed his phone, turning on the camera, and taking a picture of the two of you.
your face was hidden in his neck, your back being on full display. your body was glowing in a sheen layer of sweat. his eyes were focused on the camera, a grin on his face.
"you're so pretty." he complimented, showing you the photo. he set the phone down and kissed you softly. "can we cuddle? then maybe take a shower?"
"of course, pretty boy."
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tag list:
@hysteria-things @tillies33ssss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @sturniolossss @freshsturns @lily-strnlo @etvar12 @iloveurgf @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloa @chrryclouds @sturniolho @mayhem-72
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: the hashira men w/ a demon!SO that’s immune to sunlight pt2
characters: fem!reader x sanemi
warnings: blood, injuries, language, angst
pt. 1 w rengoku and giyuu HERE
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this poor man can just never be happy huh
now i find it very hard to believe that sanemi would be with a regular civilian
he’s gotta know that his SO is able to take care of themself
ur a slayer and you guys are paired up on a mission together
there were reports of several low ranking demons being sighted in a town
so Sanemi decides to split up and to meet back up when the sun begins to rise
when you don’t show up at the meeting place he knows something is very very wrong
tears through the town looking for you
and he finds you alright
laying in a pool of your own blood
haori torn to shreds
sword broken
he doesn’t even walk toward you
he’s frozen
his blood has literally gone cold
stands there staring at your broken body until the kakushi arrive
when they do they quickly realize that you are alive and sanemi snatches your limp body from them and SPRINTS to the butterfly mansion
he hands you off to Shinobu who gets to work immediately
he waits there for her to give him an update
and boy does she
you? a demon?
his sweet loving girlfriend is a demon?
it can’t be true. you were laying in the sun.
he tells shinobu this and she says that she’ll have to do some more testing when you wake up
it’s 3 days later when you finally do wake up
and when you do you’re greeted with 2 low ranking slayers pointing their swords at your neck
of course they had to keep you guarded in case you woke up and needed a snack
the human kind
screaming for shinobu she rushes into the room
she sends the slayers out and quickly explains what has happened to you
you ask for sanemi
and your heart breaks when she tells you that he hasn’t visited
not once since she told him what you had become
a few more days pass with shinobu running a bunch of tests
she concludes that you’re somehow immune to the sun and that you don’t have an appetite for humans
and still no sign of sanemi
he hasn’t responded to any of your letters either
when shinobu releases you from her care you head to sanemi’s estate
when you knock on his door he opens, looks at you
and then slams it right back in your face
so you leave
as the weeks pass you throw urself into training with Nezuko who you’ve become friends with
but other than to train you don’t leave your estate
you have locked yourself away from the world
believing that sanemi hates you because of what you are
a monster
it’s not until Genya visits you and sees how pitiful you look that something is done
Genya storms to his brothers home
the ground practically shaking under his steps
Genya literally slaps some sense into Sanemi
like actually slaps the shit outta him
Genya is the only person that could get away with something like that other than you lol
not 10 minutes after genya left your home you get a very hesitant knock on your door
you don’t answer
so Sanemi takes it upon himself to walk in
and he finds you sitting on the floor staring at the wall with a blank look on your face
he sets a gentle hand on your shoulder and you don’t react
you don’t move a muscle
you don’t even blink
it’s as if you’re in a trance
he takes in the dark circles under your eyes
and the frown that looks like it’s permanently stretched across your face
and the guilt hits him full force
kneeling next to you and pulling you into his lap
he buries his face into your hair
and he cries
“i’m so fucking sorry”
“if i didn’t decide to split up this wouldn’t have happened”
“it’s my fucking fault”
and then he feels you pull away from him
his eyes are still closed with tears slipping down his face
and then a small cold hand is wiping the tears from his face
“you left me” you say
and his eyes shoot open
to see you with tears in your eyes
he looks away
“i can’t look at you knowing that this is my fault” he says in between cries
“why are you here now?” you ask
he pulls you back into his chest and say
“Genya told me how you’ve been acting and I can’t stand knowing that you’re unhappy”
you push yourself closer to him and say
“if you want me to be happy, then stay”
he takes a deep breath
“i’ll stay”
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asuyaka · 5 months
Heyy, idk if u're still taking requests or not but if u're not just ignore this!
TikTok really came to drag me down the Satosugu hole by the foot this week goddamn. Anyways, I'd like to request my favorite sad gay boys with a m!reader who's a effeminate soft boy and is usually pretty quiet and cooperative but the second someone says something remotely negative about the two m!reader is already throwing hands and burying the offender's head onto the ground. Bonus point if he's from the Zen'in clan!
No one's ever calling Geto's bangs 'weird' with m!reader around lol.
- '🌈' Anon.
★ - yes! reqs are open !! when the first (yippie!!) one piece one shot comes out s'when reqs are gunna close briefly cause 've got other things m'needa work on! (❁´◡`❁)
☆ - Satosugu x M! Zen'in clan reader!
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Lulling chirping sounds sounded through the second-year classroom as the sun began to rise. The sound of sweeping and the screech of desks moving across the table sounded through your ears.
With a gentle hand, you plucked the dead leaves off the bouquet of flowers that usually resided on the window sill next to your seat; plucking off the leaves as well and shaking it so the petals could become more pronounced.
After cutting the stem so water could flow through them, you placed the flowers in their vase and put them in their designated position, a pleased smile on your face when you realized that was the last thing you needed to do for cleaning duty, even though it wasn't your turn.
The door slid open behind you as a tired-looking Yaga walked into class. His eyes widened for a bit when they saw you before his expression turned sour. "Good morning, [Name]. I thought Satoru had cleaning duty for today?"
You bowed politely in greeting. "He asked me to do it because he had to get limited edition crepes today."
Yaga sets his things on the table with an annoyed mumble. "Thank you, please make sure he gets to class on time."
You nodded as you left the classroom. The sun shone down on your face through the windows as you made your way to Suguru's and Satoru's dorms.
You pass by Shoko in the kitchen who was hunched over the counter making a cup of coffee. "Want a cup?" She asks, biting and finishing the remaining pocky in her mouth.
'If Suguru woke up a few minutes ago, he'd want some. Maybe Satoru would like some hot chocolate too.' You thought briefly before turning your attention back to the brunette. "Yes, please. One hot chocolate and black coffee."
Shoko grins at that instantly recognizing the order. "You've got it Mister Zen'in."
You wave goodbye and continue your journey. Suguru's dorm isn't that far from the kitchen so you got there in a short amount of time. You knocked, politely waiting for an answer.
"[Name]-chan? If it's you, you can come in!" Satoru's voice answered.
You open the door to see two bags of delivered crepes beside Satoru, who is painting Suguru's nails black. "See? Got some for you guys 'cause I'm such a nice person!"
Suguru rolls his eyes. "You only got them because you remembered flunking on cleaning duty."
You take a seat beside them, staring at Suguru's black nails. "Yaga says I should make sure you two get to class on time."
Satoru snorts, the tiniest bit of blue peeking out from his glasses. "Yeah, and when have we ever listened to what Yaga says?"
"You don't. Maybe Suguru, but I actually enjoy not getting punched in the head every time you do something stupid." You interject, causing Satoru to gasp loudly.
"Suguru! Do you hear this? I do everything I can to make sure you two are well fed and all I get in return is bullying!" Satoru whines as he sets the nail polish aside to let Suguru's nails dry and picks up the bags with a bright smile on his face.
Shoko kicks the door open with two mugs in her hand. "Here you go losers. Zen'in blink twice if they're forcing you to be here."
Suguru and Satoru stare at you expectingly, an exaggerated gasp when they see your eyes close twice.
Shoko giggles, patting the top of your head affectionately. "Yeah, I'd be scared if I was forced to hang out with them too."
She walks out of the room with a reminder that class starts in a few hours. Satoru brought out the crepes and immediately started eating them as he read the Digimon manga, periodically sipping his extra-sweet cocoa.
"[Name], why didn't you get a drink?" Suguru asks, picking up a crepe carefully so the paint doesn't smudge.
You shrug. "The place I normally get my drinks at is too far to walk in the morning."
Satoru looks at you blankly as he stuffs his face with more food. "I could've teleported, dummy. C'mon, road trip time!" He exclaims as he grabs you and Suguru.
"Satoru, no— you haven't even mastered it yet—"
You feel reality split and your stomach churns uncomfortably for a brief second before everything stills again. The sound of cars blaring runs through your ears as a familiar sidewalk reflects through your eyes. "See? easy!"
"[Name]? Are you okay?" Suguru asks, squatting in front of you with worry all over his face.
Taking a minute to breathe, you feel everything finally settle. You have no idea how Satoru can do that without throwing up. "Yes, I am... okay. Just a little disoriented."
Suguru shoots a glare at the albino who rubs your back apologetically. "Well, my apology is your drink! So come on, I wanna get back to the crepes before Shoko's fat ass eats them."
"Shoko doesn't even like the crepes you order. It's always too much sugar." Suguru defends, slapping Satoru upside the head as the three of you walk into the shop.
It's a small cafe situated inside a bookstore with soft Lofi music playing in the background. The three of you get in line. It's short, most likely due to how early it was but that only meant you could get back to the dorms on time.
You hear snickering behind you but pay no mind. After all, it was a public place, and whatever affairs other people had wasn't your business.
Then, you hear something about how a guy has his nails painted. In the corner of your eye, you can see them pointing at Suguru.
Either Suguru and Satoru notice and they don't care, or they don't notice. Either way, you weren't going to let them poke fun at your friend (boyfriend?) and get away with it.
"Is something the matter?"
They stare at you, visibly sizing you up. "Wondering why your friend has nail polish on, isn't that only for chicks?"
Satoru taps you on your shoulder. "Take it outside, don't want you to beat their ass and get banned, yanno?"
You acknowledge him but keep a sharp gaze on the two of them. "Giving gendered terms to inanimate objects is an extremely stupid thing to do. It is not on you, so why should you care what he has on?"
The implication of calling them stupid seemed to hit a nerve because a vein pops in their forehead and their fists clench. "Cause it's fucking gay. What? You like taking it up the ass too?"
"If a fight is what you want, then that is fine with me. Do not let your petty ideals and quite frankly shitty opinions mess up my morning."
They keep talking as you make your way outside. The instant the door chimes close, a loud groan rips through one of their mouths.
They hold onto their nose, now streaming blood and broken. "Dude, what the fuck?!"
"You wanted a fight, did you not? Now, I am quite busy at the moment so if that is all, then I bid you a good rest of your day."
As you were about to walk back into the store, Suguru and Satoru came out with your drink in hand. "Yo! Here, got the kind you like cause I loveee you so much!" Satoru kisses your cheek and hands you your order, especially as you like it.
"Thank you, Satoru. Would you like to go back to the dorms now?"
Suguru stuffs a cake pop in your mouth, handing Satoru one and eating one as well. "Thanks for... that, by the way."
"It's no problem. You are my... partner, after all."
Satoru grins as he latches onto the two of you again. "Teleportation time, let's go!"
"Satoru, no—"
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readychilledwine · 4 months
Hello lovely! Can I please request more cassian x reader as parents? 🥹
Keep Going
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Summary - When your daughter's little wings begin to flutter, Cassian realizes it is time for her to learn to fly
Warnings - children (I've been told I need to make that a warning), Azriel being a menace.
A/N - Some short Cassian fluff to break up the smut. I think most of us have probably watched the tiktoks of Cassian teaching his daughter to fly. This is based on that ❤️
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"Come on, baby! Keep going!"
Cassian's praise and shouts could be heard as you approached the training rings of the House of Wind. They had drawn you from reading, along with a little thud that had come earlier as well.
"Don't stop! Come on, baby! You're so close!"
"I can't do it, daddy." You could hear your daughter's strain and instantly began to walk faster, tugging the bond only to be ignored as your mate kept his sole focus on her.
"Yes, you can. Come on, princess. Just keep going. I know it hurts, I know you're getting sore. But keep going, baby."
Had you not been helplessly, truly, and madly in love with Cassian, the sight when you got to the top of the House would have sealed his place in your heart forever. Cassian held your daughter's hands in his. He was planted on the ground as her wings beat erratically, lifting her off slightly before she took a little break panting.
"You are so close, baby," Cassian kneeled down to her, holding her round face in his hands. "Do you want me to fly and hold you by your hands while I'm flying? Maybe getting some wind under your wings will help."
You stepped forward, going to your daughter to rub her back. "You're afraid."
She nodded, fat tears rolling down her face. "What if I get up there and my wings stop and I fall and daddy isn't there to save me?"
You shook your head, wiping the tears from her face. "You're so worried about falling that you have not even thought about the possibility of what happens when you fly." She snuggled into you, listening as you comforted her. "There isn't a single world where daddy isn't here to catch you when you fall."
Cassian joined you two on the ground, his large palm in between her wings. "Flying is one of the hardest things you will ever have to learn to do, princess." He tightened her little white ribbon, her little piece of Auntie Nesta, and grabbed her as she switched to being in his arms.
He continued. "We have to get those wings going, though. Think of how fun it will be to go somewhere with daddy, Uncle Rhys, and Uncle Az without someone carrying you. Or flying with Nyx." She hummed and buried herself into his neck, breathing deeply to surround herself with that scent of fire and freshly fallen snow that had been her comfort for years now.
You looked at Cassian, silent communication passing between the two of you. "You know baby, the sooner you fly, the sooner you get to go to Velaris behind mommy's back and get ice cream with daddy."
They both stiffened, Cassian's eyes comically wide as you cocked your head at him. Your daughter started a bell like giggle. She looked up at your mate, those brown eyes sparkling. "See? Mommy knows everything."
You nodded before mouthing, "everything," to Cassian.
"Maybe you should hold her up supporting her stomach and run with her," a smooth, deep voice came from behind you three. "That's how Nyx learned." Azriel patted your daughter on the head as he walked by, grabbing a few things for a mission and sighed. "Otherwise, I can teach you the way I taught Auntie Fey." The smirk on his face said it all. You thought back to Feyre, bruised and crying from soreness.
"Absolutely not."
"Fuck off, Azriel."
"I wanna learn like Feyfey!"
The three answers all came at the same time, making the shadowsinger smile. "When I get home then."
Cassian glared as he walked off. "You will not be getting taught by Azriel. This is my job."
He picked her up in one smooth motion, following the first advice from the shadowsinger. "Flap those little wings, princess."
A look of determination set across her face, one so similar to Cassian's, as she focused and made her wings move. "Let's do this, daddy."
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General taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu
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yandere-avatar · 1 year
I'm Not Jealous... Well, Maybe a Little
Summary: How do they act when jealous? [Damn, 3 posts in one day? Wow. Popped this out in like 20 mins.] Characters: Katara, Sokka, Aang, Suki, Azula and Zuko
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She doesn't take jealousy well
She'll pretend she's not jealous and bury these feelings
But they'll end up bubbling inside her and it'll come up in a fit of rage
When your back is turned, she'll attack the person that was flirting with you
You'll be none the wiser to what she did
She'll smile at you and you'll probably be confused
The person won't even see Katara coming or even know what she did
She watches in fury though, while the person hits on you
It definitely irritates her more that you don't realize they're flirting with you
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He's like his sister, by burying his feelings deep inside
He'll probably know his feelings are bad, but he loves you and it feels so right
He might challenge them to a fight, just out of nowhere
You'll be confused, but the person won't take Sokka seriously
Sokka would make an absolute fool of himself, as long as it meant he had your attention back
He needs your confirmation that you still love him
He'd take your pity over your distaste any day
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He's the most passive about his jealousy
He's very extroverted and will join the conversation, turning the vibe off [at least hopefully]
If they don't, he will get a little angry
He'll control the conversation and the flirter can't do anything about it, because Aang is so likeable
He makes sure the hint is thrown out there, that they need to leave you alone
If they don't? Well, let's just say their house blew down, so now they don't have time to hit on you
You'll feel bad, but Aang will come up with an excuse on why you and the gang need to leave
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Ugh, she gets so huffy
She is very forward though and will enter the conversation
If the person tries to push her out, she will get aggressive
She's very straightforward and will confront them, even if you're there
You think they're just being friendly and the flirter will use that to their advantage
"You're just being paranoid, I was just telling them about the town"
Suki will glare, knowing it's bull, but she quickly realized she was cornered
She awkwardly smiled and turn towards you, "The gang needs our help, we should go now"
You won't think about it much and wave goodbye to the flirter
As you both walk away, Suki will turn around, smirking while waving bye to the person
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Oh, you screwed up bad
When she gets jealous, she gets violent [Though she gets violent a lot]
But, she doesn't know how to healthily express her emotions, or really just express them at all, so she acts out
She hates this feeling because she's used to be confident and adored
She hates when you even waste a second of your time on someone that isn't her
She deserves all your attention, why are you wasting a second on them?
She's mad at them for talking to you, but she's also mad at you for encouraging them
You'll have to calm her down, or she's killing everyone
Her fits of rage cause a lot of casualties
She then blames you for everyone that got hurt
"Well, if you hadn't been flirting with them, this never would of happened"
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Him and sister have anger in common
He wants to burn them into the ground
Make them suffer for making him watch
He's very annoyed, but doesn't know how to express his jealousy
He won't act out like a child, but he was glare and fire emits from his fist
Anyone can tell he's angry
He'll walk up to you both and glare at the person, before wrapping an arm around you and forcing a smile
"What are you guys talking about?"
You weren't really into the conversation, so you'll say nothing, but Zuko takes it as you not wanting him to know
Did you hate him? Wait, were you talking about him? Why won't you tell him?
God the anxiety eats him alive
He then begins regretting approaching you both. But you just grab him, before pretending to hear your name and pull Zuko along, saying something like "I think I heard Sokka call us. Let's go"
He'll apologize, but you'll laugh, and lightly punch his shoulder, "I didn't want to talk to them. They were so cocky. I'm so glad you saved me. My hero"
You kiss his cheek and he blushes a dark red and you'll continue to walk as he freezes
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Yandere Miguel
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Request: I’d love a yandere Miguel where the reader becomes paralyzed after he bites her?!?! He bites her whenever she tries to escape?!?!
Warnings: slapping, paralyzation, biting, falling, spitting, yelling, swearing, kidnapping, tying hands and legs, tainted reality, yandere, holding you hostage, abuse
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'Where the fuck do you think your going?' He hissed, storming off to your direction. He didn't know exactly how you got out of your restraints but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was to get your ass right back where you belonged, and that was with him. Just the two of you, alone in his home where he could do what he wants to you. Because frankly you were his, his property. He gets to do what he wants to what's his, so tying you up and paralyzing you didn't seem inhumane or insane to him in the slightest.
You backed away as you saw him rushing in your direction. Your heart rate picked up almost right away as you let out a small gasp, stumbling back onto your feet and eyes filling with anguish and fear. You turned away immediately and ran down the hall and to the door. He ran after you, yelling obscenities at you, telling you to come back and whatnot. You were too distracted to even listen to him, quickly your hands found their way to the locks on the door. There was a chain, 2 rectangular locks, and a lock on the knob.
‘Get over here Now’ he hissed out as he stalked over to you, a look of pure insanity and hatred filling is face as he watched you unlock the door.
‘No!’ You shouted, hands shaky and tired from the amount of time it took you to rip your restraints off. You finally got done with the last lock, the second you stepped out of the door a pair of fangs sunk into your neck. Your eyes widened as fear and realization hit you like a freight train, you looked down at your trembling—sweaty palms and then behind you. To find your captor staring down at you with an evil glint in his eyes. He looked absolutely insane, he had really gone off the rails at this point. Almost instantly your frail knees collapsed and your body became numb.
He caught you immediately, petting your head as he chuckled. ‘You thought you could get away from the love of your life?’ He asked teasingly as he threw you over his shoulder and walked back down to the basement. Tears streamed down your face as you sobbed into his shoulder, sorrow and failure filling your eyes before he kissed your forehead and placed you down on the basement ground and against the cold wall.
‘Ya know how much I love you right? I’m only doing this because I love you Mami’ he cooed lovingly, was it love though? He told himself it was, saying he knew what was best for the two of you. He loved you to the ends of the earth, the thought of losing you tore him to bits. So he never let you leave—and he made sure of it. He had cameras placed in every room and every corner, so when he did let you roam around the house freely he could see where you were at all times. He talked to you as he pulled out a thick rope and handcuffs from a large box, there were a variety of different ropes, gags, handcuffs, ties, tasers, and anything else that could make you stay put buried deep into that dusty black chest.
‘You do not love me?!’ you shouted back, looking at him with absolute disgust and hatred.
‘The fuck did you just say to me?’ He hissed back at you, turning to look down at you. He walked to you and crouched to your level, he frowned at you. ‘Why are you so disobedient today?’ He asked obviously annoyed, his eyes lit up as you spit on his shoe and yelled at him. Before you could even blink his hand slapped across your cheek, your face turning the other way from the blow. A red mark appeared on your face, a mark from his large hand.
‘Say that again I dare you’ he warned, grabbing your hands forcefully and placing the handcuffs around them, he cuffed them tightly and hard. Making sure there would be marks left, reminding you of where you stood with him. You stayed like that, in absolute shock—face turned to the side from his hit. He had never hit you before, you didn’t think he had it in him.
‘That’s what I thought’ he chuckled out as he tied a large rope around your hands for safe measure, he then grabbed your legs and tied them tightly together with a thinner—but sturdy rope. After awhile he turned your head to look up at him, a smirk plastered across his face at your helplessness.
‘If you ever try that again—I will not hesitate to do worse’ that was a promise, he wasn’t scared of hurting you. If hurting you meant you stayed with him, he’d do it in a heartbeat. As long as you were by his side, he was content.
‘I love you mami’
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Taglist: @jennieskimichi i @addictiontowardstheinternet @rawegggohan @raaaaainn @horror-cassettes @adrunkskeletonsduck @nejirehh @222a1yssa @beiroviski i @lana-4life @ladyfairenvale
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alyswritings · 17 days
Matt Sturniolo x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N gets a panic attack when she's overwhelmed.
Warnings: panic attack
(gif not mine)
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Y/N is at the triplets' house, the three having a bunch of their friends over to hang out. Nate is visiting so Y/N mostly sticks to him if one of her brothers are too busy hanging out with one of the friends she doesn't really know. Nate, being like her fifth brother, doesn't argue while she follows him around like a lost puppy when she can't be close to a triplet or Madi, her being the only other friend Y/N's familiar with.
Being socially anxious and introverted, Y/N hates meeting new people, especially so many at once.
The girl is currently curled up on the couch, pretending to look busy on her phone while all the conversations overlapping in her ears. She winces as she starts to feel hotter than she should, her face burning.
Y/N glances around the crowded room, biting her nail as she notices the uncomfortable feeling in her chest rise. She tries to take a deep breath, but that fails when she feels her heart start to pick up in speed.
Y/N lowers her head, rubbing her sweaty hands on her jeans, attempting to dry them. Her eyes sting with tears and she feels her hands start to shake.
Y/N gets up, trying not to attract too much attention, making sure everybody's too involved in their conversations. She makes a quick, quiet escape to Matt's room, shutting the door as quietly as she can.
Y/N struggles to breathe, sitting on the floor, leaning back against the wall. She squeezes her hands, trying to work on the breathing exercises Matt taught her the first time she ever had a panic attack.
Y/N buries her head in her hands, fingers tangling in her curls. She lets out a small sob as she fails to help herself.
The girl jumps at the gentle knock on the door.
"It-- i-- it's occu--" She internally curses herself for her cracking voice.
She panics as the door starts to open, but watches Matt slip in, his concerned gaze set on her.
"Hey." He quietly calls, shutting the door and quickly making his way over, kneeling in front of her. He easily notices the signs, starting to comfort her. "Hey, you're okay. You're safe. Focus on me." He rests his hands on her knees, rubbing her joints with his thumbs.
"Breathe in..." He instructs, Y/N attempting to follow his command. "And breathe out..." He slowly breathes out, Y/N doing her best to copy him.
Matt continues to coach her through the breathing exercise, rubbing her knees to help ground her.
Y/N sniffles as she finally feels like she can breathe again, wiping her nose and cheeks.
"You okay?" Matt softly asks, his blue eyes boring into the girl, full of worry.
"Mm-hmm." She nods, sniffling. "Just... just got overwhelmed." She dismisses.
"Okay." Matt mumbles. "Why don't you stay in here and relax? Nick, Chris, and I will get everybody out, all watch a movie? Or you just wanna sleep?"
"I don't wanna ruin your night." Y/N pouts.
"Do you realize who you're talking to?" Matt laughs.
"But Chris and Nick--"
"Hey, they care about your comfort more. Trust me." Matt promises. "Or do you just want me to hang out in here with you? I don't mind."
"But they're your friends too." Y/N says.
"I've been around them for 90% of the day. I need a break, too, Y/N/N." Matt says. "So?"
Y/N sighs as she mulls over the options.
"Can we just stay in here?" She asks. "We can watch a movie."
"Yeah." Matt nods. He gets up, holding his hands out to her and she accepts his help in getting up. "We made some pizza rolls. Want me to go get some?" Y/N nods. "Got it. Pick a movie." Matt tells her, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before leaving the room.
Y/N picks a movie and Matt walks in, a plate full of pizza rolls and two root beers in hand. He hands one can to her, receiving a small thanks. Matt climbs into the bed, putting the pizza rolls down, the food in reach for both of them.
"Thank you." Y/N tells him as Shrek starts.
"You don't have to thank me, kid." Matt ruffles her hair making her grimace. She lightly swats at his hand making him laugh.
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keerysfreckles · 6 months
tasm! peter parker who takes pictures of you any chance he gets.. and reader finds those pics with cute lil captions of whatever she was doing in that moment
pictures - peter parker (tasm)
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pairing: peter parker x f!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, pure fluff :)
a/n: I LOVE THIS SM OMG andrews peter will always have a special place in my heart <33
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
in the middle of impulsively deep cleaning y/n and peter's shared apartment, y/n was standing in peter's closet. he had a pile of clothes inside it that he was meaning to donate. y/n was in the process of grabbing all of the clothes and tossing them into a garbage bag. peter was somewhere in the apartment, but y/n was focused on her own task.
she looked around the closet once before leaving, to see if she sees anything peter hasn't used in over a year.
y/n stands on her tip toes to grab a pair of shoes on the top shelf that were worn out, and she knew peter hasn't worn them since high school.
standing back up on her tip toes, her hand flails around the space on the shelf slightly, as she tries to feel for any other things she can donate. however, her eyebrows furrow once she feels an unfamiliar box.
she grabs it at an awkward angle, before knealing on the ground and taking the lid off.
firstly, y/n's confused, once she sees the box filled with polaroid pictures. she rakes her fingers through all the pictures in the box, and notices they're all of her.
she giggled at the realization that peter was always taking her picture.
she lifted one, and saw it was of her decorating the christmas tree. the bottom was labeled with peter's messy handwriting, 'christmas 2019'.
she picked another one out of the box. her back was facing the camera, and she guessed she was cooking something, seeing a plate full of food next to her on the counter, as she stood in front of the stove. after reading the caption peter had written, she was right, it was when she cooked pancakes for her and peter.
y/n continued looking through the pictures. her heart only warmed after looking at them.
"y/n?" peter's voice echoed in his room.
"in here!" she called back, making peter walk into his closet.
"oh, you found those," peter kneels down besides y/n, with a shy smile on his face.
y/n looks at one with peter looking over her shoulder. he took the picture in front of the mirror, well y/n was the one holding the camera, as peter had his face buried into her neck.
y/n remember that day very vividly. it was the day peter asked her to officially be his girlfriend. they had just gotten back from their first date, and peter thought y/n looked absolutely adorable wearing his pajama pants, so he insisted to take a picture.
"this doesn't really look like cleaning to me," peter chuckles, noticing how distracted y/n had gotten.
"oh shush," she giggles, "what have you been doing this whole time?"
"i was actually cleaning the kitchen. just like you said you were going to go through donations, which clearly is going so well," peter laughs while gesturing to what y/n was doing.
peter kisses the top of her head, before standing up, "since i love you, i'll let it slide just this once."
y/n only giggles again, and waves goodbye to peter before he walks out of his room.
even though she knew she had more cleaning to do, she went back to her previous task, her smile never leaving her face.
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melodygatesauthor · 6 months
Always Yours, Never Mine
Yandere Miguel O'Hara X f!Reader
Universe Four - The Student
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Series Masterlist - Beta Read by @campingwiththecharmings
This time I found you at a university. Of course things couldn’t just be simple. You couldn’t just be a faculty member or even a damn janitor, no…you had to be my fucking student. Why couldn’t things be easy just for once? It’s fine…I’ll just have to figure out how to work around it…
NSFW, dub-con due to identity issues, non-con, rape, More tags on the masterlist.
Word Count: 5k
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It was a morning like every other.
You were on your way to your physics class, coffee in hand and your two friends on either side of you, Mira and Stacy. Mira had a skip in her step, excited about a guy she met at the coffee shop just a few minutes ago. You rolled your eyes, too concerned with the results of last week’s test in Dr. O’Hara’s class to be bothered with your friend’s endeavors.
“Hey!” Stacy screamed your name, grabbing your collar and pulling you back from the street and onto the curb.
A car flew by you, stopping your heart in your chest as you moved back from the street two more steps. You were so caught up in your thoughts you hadn’t paid any attention to the road. Stacy spat your name in a scolding manner.
“Jesus, you almost got yourself killed, what the hell are you thinking?” She shook her head.
“Thank you,” you said, taking a deep breath, “I guess I’m just…I’m so nervous about my test I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Clearly,” she agreed, putting both hands on her hips like a parent scolding a child. “I’m sure you did fine on your test. You said you studied right?”
The three of you started walking again toward the building where your classes were held.
“Yeah, I did, but I mean…the last test I took I failed, I can’t fail again.” You felt dread weighing heavy on your chest as the large brick building blocked out the sun on your approach.
Mira patted your back. “You’re smart, I’m sure you did fine.” She chuckled as she jogged ahead toward the building. “Besides! I’m sure that Dr. O’Hara would let you suck his dick for a better grade!”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks at Mira’s comment. She never ceased to say things that were embarrassing beyond belief. Everyone knew that Dr. O’Hara was hot. The man wore dress shirts, sure, but either he couldn’t find ones that fit properly, or he intentionally wore a size too small so people would know he worked out. It was hard to think about much else when his pectorals were so prominently displayed under a thin veil of fabric. It didn’t help either that his nipples seemed to be perpetually stiff, clearly visibly underneath his shirt, just like they were today.
“Good morning cl–”
Dr. O’Hara’s failure to finish his sentence caught you off guard, forcing your eyes on him as you walked the rest of the way into the room. You felt nervous, averting your eyes immediately and staring at the floor as you walked to your desk. After your friend’s inappropriate comment, and his lingering gaze, you couldn’t help thinking about things a student shouldn’t imagine about their professor.
Things like…what if you could suck his dick for a better grade?
He cleared his throat. “Alright class, I’m going to pass back your tests now.”
You’d done a fine job on your exam. Miguel’s predecessor, the Miguel of this universe, had already graded your paper and even put a little smiley face next to the number 87 in red ink. It was obvious that this one hadn’t made any moves on you, but he had taken a liking to you. That wouldn’t work in Miguel’s favor though. He needed you to be so desperate that you might be willing to go to great lengths to get your grade fixed.
The jealousy that stabbed Miguel in the gut when he realized that his alternate was enraptured by you made it easy to rid himself of the man. In fact, he felt nothing as he watched the life leave Miguel’s eyes. He felt nothing as he buried the man so far into the ground that no one would ever find his body.
It wasn’t that Miguel wanted to be predatory toward you, in fact, that was the last thing he wanted to do, but it was clear that you were younger in this universe than in previous ones. Your birth date was the same, he saw it in your records on the school database before he took over for your prior professor, but the year was different. He’d already gone through great lengths just to find you, so what was a little manipulation just to have you? You’d be grateful in the end, he just knew it.
He passed the tests around, watching you carefully to gauge your response to his little note he made at the top of your test. 
Come to my office after your classes so we can discuss your grade and your future in my class.
You looked down at the glaring 62 on your exam with the note to meet Dr. O’Hara in his office later. A pit formed in your gut. The words, ‘your future in my class’, stuck out more than the rest. You gulped, hands shaking as you put the failed test in your book bag and turned your attention back to class. You hated that professors seemed to do that, handing out your tests prior to the start of class. How in the hell were you expected to focus for the rest of the class with the looming threat that you might be told to retake the class next semester?
He felt a little bad after seeing your face drop at the sight of the failed exam. In some ways Miguel missed the therapist. She was bold, more mature, and he felt like she was, personality-wise, the closest to you he had found thus far. In this universe you were naive, young, bright-eyed and inexperienced. In some ways that was exciting, thinking about how easy it would be to mold you into the woman he’d lost, or at least as close to the original as possible. In other ways he didn’t love the idea of corrupting you like that.
It didn’t matter though, in the end as long as he had you, whether by moral means or immoral, that’s all that mattered.
Later that evening, shortly after finishing your final class for the day, you found yourself standing outside of Dr. O’Hara’s office, knuckles rapping on the door in an uneven rhythm. The sound of your heartbeat in your ears was deafening while you waited for him to open the door. Earlier you and your friends had joked about what you were going to do in there, but this wasn’t a movie, this was reality, and your professor wasn’t going to let you sleep your way out of a bad grade.
Not that you really wanted to do that anyway.
Your unusually tall professor opened the door, stepping back to let you inside. He was quiet when he locked the door, so quiet that you wouldn’t even notice he’d done it. You seemed a little smaller in this universe. Miguel wondered if it was because you were actually shorter, or if the fact that you were younger made it seem to be the case.
“I don’t understand why I got such a bad grade, Dr. O’Hara,” you turned to face him, failed test in hand, eyes already glistening wet with the threat of tears. “I worked really hard after you helped me understand it better.”
Fuck, he thought. His cock was already springing to life, slowly making his pants feel tighter while he looked at you. This was new territory that he didn’t know how to navigate. This wasn’t the type of person Miguel wanted to be, but he also wanted to start establishing his control over you now. If he could control you, he could keep you safe; he could have you.
“Yeah well, as you can see…” he snatched the test from your hand, “you didn’t do a very good job, did you?”
Something was different about Dr. O’Hara, you felt it as he ripped the paper from your hands. He was normally a very calm and collected type of professor, everyone loved him for that. You couldn’t understand why he was acting so harshly now. You clutched your book bag closer to yourself as though it would teleport you out of the room. He took a step closer, and you stepped back until your rear was against his desk. You felt trapped.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” he said, seeing the terror in your expression. Miguel’s intention wasn’t to make you fear him, but at the same time, he was willing to do what it took to make you listen for once, since your alternates didn’t seem to pay his warnings any mind. “Look, I’d be willing to…fix your grade.”
He’d hoped that when he said it like that you would get the hint so he didn’t have to spell it out for you. Surely you’d seen enough pornos to know where this was going, right? It would make it less guilt inducing for him, and a lot less scary for you, at least that’s what he was thinking. 
“Fix it how? Is there extra credit?” You decided to continue on like you didn’t know what he was playing at.
“You could say that,” he said, taking another step toward you.
There was no way he meant what you thought he meant. He couldn’t possibly be insinuating that you were supposed to fuck your way into a better grade could he? That was just a stupid joke you and your friends had laughed about, albeit frequently, but it was just a joke. He couldn’t be serious.
You couldn’t stop your eyes from wandering down to his tight-fit slacks and the way they were especially tight around his groin. You gulped, looking back up at his eyes quickly, trying to appear not to have seen anything. Maybe if you kept your eyes anywhere but on his bulge it would go away, and he would let this go.
But you wouldn’t be so lucky.
Miguel took another step forward, bringing a hand to your cheek and rubbing his thumb along your skin gently. He smirked, feeling satisfied to touch you again. Spending all the time in the last universe, he’d almost forgotten what you felt like.
“I’m not going to hurt you, and if you just listen to me you might even enjoy yourself.”
No matter how much you told yourself to run, to kick, to scream, you just stood there while Dr. O’Hara leaned forward, claiming your mouth in his and melting into you. He lifted you onto the desk like you were weightless, pushing himself against you until he was almost laying on top of you. You kissed him back, but the rest of you was frozen, unsure how to respond. Should you even be allowing this to happen, or should you be trying to stop him?
What would you do anyway? Fight him off? The man was built like a damn tank. You could work out for a hundred years and still never come close to moving him. On the bright side, you would probably pass your class, though this wasn’t how you wanted to do it. This wasn’t what you wanted at all.
“P-please, Dr. O’Hara, s-stop–”
“Shh,” he whispered, kissing you deeper, “you want me to fix your grade right? You want to pass this class? Hm?”
He looked down at you, waiting for your answer, the guilt still nagging at him as he noticed a stray tear fall down the side of your face.
You nodded. “Y-yes, yes I do.”
“Then be quiet, and do what I say,” he demanded, sliding a massive hand up your skirt, his fingers teasing at the hem of your panties.
Your mind was racing with feelings you could hardly comprehend. On one hand, your body was tingling an overwhelming desire, a need to feel his touch in the most intimate way. His thick index finger tucked into the leg of your panties, knuckles sliding softly over your pussy lips. When he kissed you it didn’t feel like a dirty professor trying to take advantage, but rather a lover who wanted to take his time with you.
On the other hand, he was much older than you, and he was your professor. Not to mention the fact that you weren’t really interested in sleeping with him, despite the teasing from you and your friends.
That didn’t seem to matter now, he was pulling your underwear down your thighs and tossing them to the floor. He rubbed the pads of his index and middle fingers over your clit, forcing a choked whimper to escape your lungs. You thought about protesting his actions again, but decided against it. You didn’t want to piss him off, and you didn’t want to fail the class.
“There you go, honey,” he whispered against your lips, “don’t squirm too much okay? You’ll like it, I know you will.”
You nodded, unable to find the words to say otherwise. Dr. O’Hara pushed you down so your back was flat against the desk, his large hand pressed against your abdomen while his other started to undo his pants. You didn’t even want to look at it, so you stared out the window and kept your eyes trained on the gate at the entrance to the college campus. He exhaled a low and deep breath as he dragged the tip of his cock along your folds.
“Look at me, hermosa,” his voice was low, but still demanding.
You complied, turning your head slowly to look at him. Miguel tried to convince himself that you would come around, that you were just nervous for your first time together. He wasn’t an idiot, and he wasn’t delusional either, but he needed to believe that you would come around, because working with the you that was right in front of him was better than the unknown of whatever versions he may encounter in other universes. ‘The devil you know’, and all that.
“Hold on tight, honey,” he warned, sliding his dick through your slick entrance. He couldn’t even make it halfway in before it was too tight. “F-fuck baby…shit.”
You cried out, all of your resolve falling to the wayside. It hurt, it hurt so fucking bad.
“Dr. O’Hara pleas–”
Before you could even finish your plea his hand was covering your mouth. He shook his head, eyes narrowing dangerously in warning. You tried to beg with your eyes, your small sobs blocked by the brick wall of his palm only serving to make his cock throb inside your cunt. You grabbed onto his forearm, gripping it so tight your nails dug into his skin, but it may as well have been a pillar, unmoving and sturdy while he kept your mouth covered.
“Honey, please,” he hissed, his breaths of arousal interrupting his irritated tone. “I know it’s painful now but if you just relax, I’ll stretch you out so it won’t hurt anymore alright?”
You didn’t respond, and Miguel felt the guilt in his chest. The guilt didn’t outweigh the delicious feeling of your hole squeezing around the mere three inches he’d managed to get inside. He slid forward a little more, your eyes rolled back in response, your breaths turned into labored panting while you took him further.
“You’re doing great, hermosa,” he encouraged, “taking me so well.”
Your legs tightened around his waist as your cunt stretched even wider around him. He was bigger than anything you’d ever felt, and you couldn’t get free from him. Finally he bottomed out inside you, when you looked down at where you were connected you could see a bulge in your abdomen. Your eyes widened in fear, as though seeing it made it feel that much bigger.
“Shh, baby, shh,” he cooed, rolling his hips back and then snapping forward again, forcing a guttural groan to erupt from deep within you. “That’s it, fuck, so tight-that’s-it.”
Miguel established a steady rhythm that was made easier by how wet your little hole got. At least you’re physically enjoying yourself, he thought to himself, still trying to ease the guilt brewing inside him. His free hand grabbed onto your thigh, leveraging himself even deeper. The sight of his fat cock bulging up through your stomach made him harder, if that were even possible. He thought, for only a second, about the fact that you might not be on birth control, but then decided he didn’t really give a shit.
Your makeup was ruined, black rivers running down your cheeks while you cried even harder. When Miguel looked down at where your pussy was split around his dick he could see why, you’d made a bloody mess between both your bodies. He questioned why he thought that was hot. Causing you pain shouldn’t feel that good, but it did, the sight of your blood making his pace even faster.
“Didn’t know you had such a little pussy,” he breathed between thrusts, “so tight, so-wet-fuck.”
When Miguel thought about it, the two of you - himself and you from the original universe -, never got that rough. It wasn’t something he knew he would like, having power over you like that, causing you pain and listening to your cries. Hearing you whimper now though, laying on his desk with your legs wrapped around him while he split you open, was making him feral. If making you cry was bad, then why the hell did it feel so fucking good?
“Are you going to come for me, honey?” He asked in a low whisper.
You didn’t answer, you just kept your eyes on his, a silent prayer that he would stop. He couldn’t stop now though, he was so damn close.
“Next time m-maybe, holy-shit-fuck-fuck-FUCK!”
His hips snapped forward, stuttering and halting against yours. You felt the searing hot ropes of his spend while it spilled inside your walls, cock throbbing and stretching you further with every spurt. His breathing was deep, low, and you guessed that if he weren’t afraid of being caught he would be much more vocal. He tossed his head back, using the hand that was on your hip to push his hair from where it fell into his eyes.
Once he was finished, Miguel released your mouth, the post-orgasm clarity making his guilt take over tenfold.
“Shit,” he muttered, pulling out of you, the sudden feeling forcing a quiet cry from your swollen, trembling lips.
You didn’t speak. Now that he was finished you didn’t have words to say. What could you say? ‘You’re a monster’? ‘How could you do this to me’? ‘Why would you do this to me’? None of his answers would matter, and part of you still wondered if you’d asked for it some way. What else did you think your professor wanted you to come into his office for after all the classes had ended for the day? The red flags had been waving in your face and you ignored them. Maybe, somewhere deep down, you wanted this all along.
“Good morning handsome,” you said, laughing and wiping a bit of spit from Miguel’s stubbled cheek, “you were out. Having a good dream?”
Miguel shot up in bed, quickly realizing that he was dreaming, the reminder of that day still so fucking clear in his mind.
He looked at the calendar sitting above the coffee maker in his apartment. Well, his apartment. It had already been four long weeks that he’d spent in that universe trying desperately to get you to like him. He could tell by the look on your face though that you were still terrified of him. 
He wondered if he should just leave, call it quits for this universe and move on to the next one. Miguel couldn’t shake the probability that something might be worse in the next universe though. What if he traveled there only to find that you were already dead? What if the next ten universes took him years to get through and eventually he was too old to keep looking for you? No matter how he looked at it, logically speaking, it was still better to try and work with the you in front of him, than to risk the unknown.
You couldn’t put into words the way you felt when you saw Dr. O’Hara every week in your physics class. You started sitting toward the back, hoping some other girl might grab his attention instead, but it never worked. He continued to summon you to his office in the late evenings, and he continued to fuck you until you could barely walk your way out of his office.
He terrified you.
And that terrified him.
“Dr. O’Hara,” the head of student affairs walked into Miguel’s office, pushing the already ajar door open and stepping inside.
“Oh, hi, Janice,” Miguel said, feeling his body become tense.
You better not have opened your fucking mouth, he thought.
“One of your students…” your name coming out of her mouth made him start to sweat, “...came to me and said she would like to drop out and take this class another semester. She said it doesn’t fit into her schedule right now so we need you to sign–”
“Halfway through the semester?” He asked, tone sharper than he intended. “No. She’s doing so well it would be a mistake.”
“It’s not really up to–”
“What’s the cutoff date for this kind of thing? Isn’t there always a cutoff date?”
“This Thursday is the–”
“You don’t really have a choice.”
“Let me talk to her.”
The woman sighed, handing him the paper, “I think it’s a mistake too, for the record. It would be a shame to have to do all that work all over again.”
The woman left, the sound of her clicking heels fading as she walked down the hall. Miguel looked at the sheet of paper, hands shaking as he looked down at your signature. There it was. The same signature on your fucking marriage certificate, right there, telling him that you’d had enough and wanted to leave him. 
He slammed his office door and walked over to his bag, the one where he kept your wedding photo. He hadn’t looked at it much since he’d left the original universe. The image of the two of you together brought him nothing but pain. He wanted you back so badly he was willing to rape a poor college girl that looked just like you in order to live in a fantasy that, deep down, he knew would never really hold a candle to the reality he once had.
Looking back he remembered the day of your wedding, the way you looked took his breath away. He was still mad that the therapist hadn’t worked out, if only she’d listened. Even the barista wasn’t too bad. She was a bit mouthy, but…no, he couldn’t stand the damn barista. She was a lost cause the moment she broke up with him.
Something told him that this version of you, the student, wasn’t going to work out from the beginning. He wanted it so badly though. When he tried to imagine a world where he could be happy with that version of you, he couldn’t. Even in the event he was able to convince you to marry him, or hell, even go on a date with him, he knew it would be all done in fear. You’d never look at him the way you did. 
You would never love him.
You startled him when you opened the door to his office unannounced. You could tell because he scrambled to put something into his bag as you entered. His gaze was still so harsh, and you thought maybe you shouldn’t have come at all, but you were afraid your consequences would be harsher if you ignored his long standing request to meet him in the office during the evenings. You closed the door behind yourself, knowing that he would probably do it anyway if you didn’t do it yourself. 
This is the last time, you thought. You do this one more time and then you’re done.
You hoped that by giving him what he so clearly wanted from you one last time, and perhaps being mature about it, you could convince him to let you go.
“D-Dr. O’Hara I–”
“You’re trying to drop out of my fucking class?” He snapped, eyes shooting spears through you.
You gulped, stepping toward the door, immediately regretting closing it behind yourself.
“W-well yes but I came to, um…well I thought we could–”
“Thought we could what?” He asked, standing quickly.
Regardless if you’d never love him, he was going to have to work with what he had, and right now he had a crying twenty something in front of him who was willing to do anything he said.
“We can do it just one more time and then I want to leave your class,” you whispered.
Dr. O’Hara strode over to you slowly, each step a booming quake that tore through what little determination you’d had when walking in there. He grabbed your jaw in his hand, leaning forward so his lips were against your ear. You hated that your body had become conditioned to react pleasantly to his touch, a tingling sensation spreading down to your core.
“What did you say?” He hissed against your ear.
You couldn’t speak. You wanted to repeat yourself. You wanted to convince him that this was what was best for both of you since getting caught would surely end his career. No matter how much you willed yourself to speak though, not a fucking word came out. The only sound you made was a pathetic whimper, a dumb little sound that you knew he liked; he always moaned whenever you made it. 
“That’s what I thought, hermosa,” he whispered, “you can come back to my office tonight, and I’ll take good care of you like I always do, hm?”
He let go of you and stepped back, eyes scanning over your body and taking it all in as he had so many times before.
“Well, I-I can’t come tonight,” you admitted hastily, as though you might choke on the words if you didn’t spit them out.
“Why?” Dr. O’Hara’s eyes snapped to yours.
“Well my friends and I were going out tonight and–”
“No,” he said firmly, “you’re coming back here.”
Perhaps he’d said it too harshly, but knowing that there was a good possibility that this was the night of your death, your ���canon event’ as he’d taken to calling it, he couldn’t risk you leaving his sight.
You opened your mouth to protest, but the dark glare in his eye told you that arguing was futile. It was clear that whatever this had started as, an exploitative endeavor, had turned into some sort of obsession that you weren’t going to be able to get out of easily.
“Please,” you mouthed, keeping your eyes on the floor.
He couldn’t remember a time he’d felt so much guilt. Could he really keep this up? Would he really be able to spend the rest of both your lives looking into your fearful eyes and convince himself that it was alright? As long as he had you it didn’t matter if you were a little afraid…right?
“I know this is hard for you to understand, so I’ll make it simple for you,” he moved to grab you, but you slipped under his arm and started backing away.
“Stop doing this, please,” you were trying to get away from him now, another sign that this was probably a dead-end universe for him.
Miguel couldn’t imagine much worse than you being dead, but you feeling so afraid of him that you died trying to get away from him was right up there. He wondered if closing his oversized office window would’ve still resulted in your demise that night.
“Honey, I’m sorry, if you can just come here and have a seat we can talk–”
“No!” You yelled, continuing to back up, the open window at your back.
Miguel took a step forward.
“I’m not going to hurt you, let’s just–”
“You already did!” Your lips were trembling, your whole body was tense, “Stay away from me!”
“Mi vida, please!”
He watched you hit the low-sitting window sill. The school would get sued, no doubt, for not putting a screen, or at least some form of safety precaution, in place to prevent your fall from three stories up. He looked over the window sill, watching the blood spread from your body outward, covering the pavement below.
Miguel genuinely felt bad. He didn’t know if it was because he felt like he was losing you again. No, this wasn’t really like losing you. This felt more like guilt around causing the death of some college student who happened to look almost exactly like you, but she wasn’t really you.
In all honesty, appearance was the only thing this girl had in common with you. So Miguel wouldn’t shed a tear for her, though he would hold on to the turmoil he’d caused you in that universe for a while. He’d wear it with him to the next one, like a pin he’d collected as a souvenir. That thought actually made him laugh. It was the laugh of a man gone mad, but a laugh nonetheless.
Maybe by the end of his journey he’d have a whole stash of pins. Perhaps he’d be so weighed down by them that he wouldn’t be able to move anymore. It was entirely possible that a suitable replacement didn’t exist, and that maybe he’d never find the perfect one.
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Innate Desire to Protect
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Simon Ghost Riley X Reader
Synopsis: Reader puts themselves in harms way to protect Simon.
Warnings: violence, swearing, blood, mentions of death, angst
Note: As promised here's the ghost version of reader sacrificing themselves to protect him.
If anyone has any requests please let me know, I'd be happy to write them!!
Still new to writing, so apologies if these aren't super good!!
It was a few hours before 141 had to ship out for a mission, and you found yourself still locked in Simon's embrace in your bed. It was peaceful, and you knew to take advantage of moments like these, before going out into the field. 
“Ready for today?” Simon asked, rubbing small circles on your back.
“Ready as I can be. Always makes me nervous, missions like these. We are grasping at straws, trying to find intel we don’t even know for sure exists.” You huffed in frustration.
The mission was to infiltrate a small gang’s hideout near the Russian border. Laswell had told the team that she received a tip, that the gang had possible intel leading to the whereabouts of Makarov, the current notorious criminal your unit was investigating. Needless to say, it was hard not to question the validity of this “tip” Laswell was going off of, as she wouldn’t disclose her source to the team. 
“I get it. But I trust Laswell, I know she would never put us in harm’s way, if she didn’t think it was vital.” Simon said, trying to soothe your increasing worries.
You hummed in response, burying your face into his neck, breathing in his scent of old musky cologne, stale cigarette smoke, and sweat. This always brought you calmness, and allowed you to step away from your anxieties.
You both stayed there for a while longer, the silence that engulfed you was comforting. Like all good things, you knew this small piece of sanctuary had to come to an end. You looked over to the clock on your stand and saw that it was time to prepare for the mission.
You looked over at Simon solemnly, “ Alright, suppose it’s time to get up and face the music, yeah?” 
“From the way you’re talking, one would think you hate this job , love.” Simon chuckled, making his way out of your small bed.
“Oh hush, I wouldn't be here if I didn’t enjoy it. Just some missions have me more on edge than others.” 
“I know love, just messing with you.” Simon replied, kissing your temple. “I’ll see you out there, okay?”
“Of course.” You said, standing on your toes to give Simon a kiss, which he gladly returned.
“I love you, Simon.” you said softly, pulling away from the kiss.
“I love you too Y/N.” 
Later on, Price was giving a debrief as to what was to be expected on the mission. It was simple enough, two teams, Alpha and Bravo would be infiltrating the two buildings held by this small gang. Alpha would be infiltrating building A, Bravo team would be infiltrating building B. You, Soap, and Ghost would be on A: Price, Gaz and a stand-in from Kortac would be on team B. 
Price dismissed you all, and sent everyone to the chopper. Ghost fell in step alongside you, and you struggled to not grab his hand for comfort. You looked over to him and gave a small smile, which was returned with a hard glare from underneath the mask. You realized this was no longer Simon you were interacting with, this was Ghost. You would find little to no comfort in this man until hours after the mission was completed, when Simon would finally show his face again.
On the ground, you and Soap were trailing behind Ghost, who was taking the lead on infiltrating the building.
“Reaper, Soap, clear those two rooms ahead, rendezvous with me once they are clear. I’ll push ahead upstairs.” Ghost said, walking away from you two. The authority in his voice made it clear there was no questioning his orders. 
“Copy L.T.” Soap replied.
“Reaper, I’ll clear the left, you clear the right, copy?” Soap turned to you.
“Copy.” You said turning to your right. You peered around the room checking every possible hiding spot for anyone to be. “Soap, Ghost, it’s eerily quiet here. Has me a bit concerned that we haven’t seen anyone yet.” You said into your mouthpiece. 
“It’s fine Reaper, keep your head up, and weapons -.” Ghost got cut off before he could finish his sentence.
“Ghost?” You asked. 
Soap came into the room you were in, and met your concerned eyes. Then you both heard a loud bang and shouts from above.
“Shit, he's probably being ambushed. We have to go assist him!” You cried out, going to make a move.
“Hold on, we need to be smart about this. If we go rushing in there, it may not end well for any of us.” Soap said grabbing your shoulder, preventing you from running to Ghost.
“Okay cover my 6, we will go up the stairs and assess before charging in.” You said, making your way to the stairs.
“Careful Reaper, we don’t know what’s ahead of us.” Soap whispered from behind you.
You made your way up the stairs, and peered around the corner. Ghost was engaged in a fight with three armed gang members. His gun had been knocked from his hands, and from the looks of it, he was taking a pretty good beating. 
At that moment, everything started to go in slow motion for you. Seeing the love of your life being brutally beaten triggered an innate burning desire to protect him, no matter the cost. You rushed into the fight, taking out two of the men each with a shot to the head. Ghost used this to his advantage, and tried to stand up to take the final man out. In doing this, he left an opening for the final man to lift his pistol to Ghost’s head from a few feet away. Without thinking, you threw yourself in front of Ghost, the minute the gang member pulled the trigger.
From there, everything went hazy for you. Next thing you knew, the gang member was on the floor, a shot to the chest taking him out. Soap came in right after, and inspected the bodies of the gang members, making sure they were out of commission. 
“Y/N!” Ghost called, running over to your collapsing form. “This is Ghost, we need an evac NOW! Reaper’s been hit.” He said into his comms.
“Shit, what did you do?” Soap exclaimed, assessing your injury. 
You looked down, and saw the bullet had hit your side, just where your vest didn’t cover you.
“S-Sorry, I wa-asn’t thinking.” you stuttered, struggling to get the words out.
“No shit you weren’t thinking! Why would you have gone in like that? There were so many better ways that could have been carried out!” Ghost yelled, his voice booming.
“Ghost, maybe this isn’t the place?” Soap said, trying to calm his Lieutenant down. 
“Mind your place, Sergeant.” Ghost snapped back.
Soap put his hands up and slowly walked to the window, checking for the evac, every so often looking over to check on you.
“Simon, please look at me.” You said, trying to get the man holding you to show you some sort of comfort.
“It’s Ghost.” He replied, his voice eerily cold.
“P-please. I’m sorry. I couldn’t take it… seeing you on the ground like that. I couldn’t think at that moment, my body moved on its own.” You cried softly, tears starting to fall down your cheeks. 
You could see the internal struggle in his eyes, he wanted to stay mad at you, you were careless and needlessly got hurt just to save him, but you were hurt nonetheless which was a sight that broke his heart into a million pieces. 
Just as Simon was starting to appear underneath the mask that was Ghost, Price called out on the comms. “Evac is approaching, get Reaper outside now, Bravo team will meet you there.” At this, Ghost immediately went back into soldier mode, any trace of your Simon vanished once again. 
“Soap, help me move Y/N, have to bring them down to the evac point.”
“Copy L.T.”
“How is she?” Price asked as the three of you approached the Evac point, Soap and Ghost holding either end of you as gently as they could. 
“Bullet got her in the side, where the vest didn’t cover. She has lost a lot of blood.” Soap replied.
“Get her on the gurney, we will leave at once. Hang in there kid, no dying on our watch.” Price said, patting your head gently, his eyes showing the worry he was trying to hide.
As they placed you on the gurney, you felt yourself growing unbearably weak. You reached for your lover’s hand, which he just started at. 
“Simon, please.” You begged. You were scared beyond belief at this point, and wanted nothing but the comfort only Simon could provide.
He softened at this, and grabbed your hand, giving it a tight squeeze.
“I’m s-sorry. If I make it through this, give me whatever lecture I know you have brewing in your head.” You said, trying to ease some of the tension.
“Believe me, love, it will be more than just a lecture you’ll get. You’ll make it out of this, just keep your eyes on me, yeah?” He replied, giving your hand another squeeze.
“O-oh yeah? What is this other thing you, you…” You slowly were losing consciousness. The darkness pulling you under, no matter how hard you tried fighting it.
“Y/N? Y/N! Love no, please don’t leave me.” He called to you, his cold facade disappearing completely now. He was desperately shaking you to keep you conscious. But it was too late. You had already slipped under.
Note: I left this ending open as well! If anyone wants a part two, let me know! I'm not sure if I'd make the part two super angsty or fluff!
Thanks for reading!!😊🖤
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boydepartment · 7 months
“i love you in every universe.” with enhypen
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a/n: arggggggghhhhhhhhhg minecraft music started playing so i’m a lil soft rn i’m sorry
warnings- none maybe slight angst for the most part fluff
wc- 100 words at least per member
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jungwon- living mice
you and jungwon have been dating for quite awhile now, definitely longer than anyone thought you would. it wasn’t a fault to either of you, you were both busy all the time. when you had quiet moments with him like this, you cherished it. every second with him felt like you were floating. every soft breath you heard next to you, every small chuckle that fell from his lips, this was your own personal heaven on earth. you watched him scroll through his phone, probably on tiktok. you watched his reactions and how his teeth would peek out sometimes when he found something funny. he felt your eyes on him and so jungwon looked up at you. “y/n?” “hmm?” you smiled at him, getting up to walk over and sit next to him. “do you think we love eachother in every universe?” jungwon’s voice was quiet, your heart was screaming. “i do… i really do….”
heeseung- wet hands
when you first met heeseung, you thought he was exactly like his stage presence. so safe to say you steered clear of him. for months… little did you know he was secretly pining after you. he’d ask around about you, try to befriend your friends, it was honestly scaring him how much he just wanted to talk to you. when he finally did, you realized that his stage persona was kinda bologna. heeseung was a grade A dork who didn’t know how to speak to someone at all. it was the perfect example of he fell first but she fell harder. you ended up falling hard for heeseung. everything about him, even his stage presence. you stood by the door of your abode, heeseung’s uber was here and he had to head back to the dorms. it would be the last night you’d see him for a month. heeseung walked up to you and buried his head in your neck as he hugged you. “i’m going to miss you…” he mumbled, you smiled into his shoulder. “i know… you’ll be back home soon though..” heeseung pulled away and put his hat on you, his favorite beanie. “i love you.” you smiled up at him, adjusting the hat. “i love you more.” he was stalling, he really didn’t want to leave “i love you in every universe.” that made heeseung’s jaw drop. then he smiled at you. softly leaning in he kissed you like he never wanted to leave your side.
jay- dry hands
yours and jay’s relationship was grounded pretty quickly. you both knew what you wanted in this relationship and you both communicated that very well. when he was off work, you’d dance late at night in the kitchen, go on shopping trips, everything. you both were practically married mentally. one thing that a lot of people were not aware of, was that you’d go with them to different countries. mostly everyone just saw you as staff. so you got to tag along. it was a night in france and everyone had gone to sleep, jet lag hit you both and neither of you could join your friends in slumber. you and jay sat on the balcony sipping wine and watched as the city wound down. “all those people have separate lives than us…” you spoke softly, people watching. jay sipped his glass and set it down, “it’s crazy to think huh?” you looked at him, “it really is… i just hope they find as great of love as we have. although that would be difficult wouldn’t it?” you we’re tipsy and were sure hard to understand but jay understood you. “it would… because i love you in every universe.”
jake- cat
ever since you were young you were infatuated with romance movies. you always wanted your life to be one, you yearned for it. yet as you were growing up, you had terrible luck. so at some point… you just stopped looking. you let life rule you, and it was mundane and almost depressing. that was until someone spilled his entire hot ramen on you at 2am on a curb. jake apologized profusely and even took you to an urgent care, just to make sure you weren’t burned too badly. you weren’t mad at all in the slightest. he was charming in a way, and in your mind, the universe threw someone at you finally. to you, it was love at first sight. unbeknownst to you, it was for jake aswell. you didn’t find out about his work until you asked for his instagram and saw this barren sketchy account, when you asked, he broke down and told you everything. expecting you to be mad and to never want to talk to him again. you just smiled, you weren’t mad at all. you were just thankful to be around him. one night, something really bad happened. it caused you to spiral and not pay attention to anything. you ended up getting hurt and taking another trip to urgent care, which they immediately sent you to a hospital. you spent the night there, exhausted and not thinking. when jake finally got back in the country he was made aware of what happened and immediately rushed to you. instead of talking to the doctors and asking your state, he immediately jumped to conclusions and thought you were in a coma or something. he ended up at your side professing everything he had been too scared to tell you. “y/n i’ve always been in love with you ever since i met you. anytime i’m around you it feels right like my soul is at peace. i think- no i know… im meant to love you in every universe…” you were starting to wake up and you looked at him, “when did you get back?” you were dazed and kind of drugged up. “Y/N!” jakes eyes lit up as he looked at you and your eyes that were now open.
sunghoon- mall
sunghoon felt doomed. everything he did he felt he had to be perfect at. everything was a test to him. everything that represented him HAD to be perfect. he was caught in a loop. until he met you you were the opposite, things didn’t have to be perfect for you. if things were perfect then they could get ruined at any second. why would anyone want that constant fear? definitely not you. when you worked at a retail store sunghoon frequented, he didn’t pay attention to you at all. that was until he needed help with a clothing opinion. after that day you both hit it off. which led to sunghoon falling for your laugh and your urge to be outside of the box weird. your first date was NOT perfect, but sunghoon loved it anyways... you looked at the spill in your kitchen and started laughing, coffee splattered the cabinets and dripped off the countertop. sunghoon hearing you immediately rushed in, your mug broke aswell. your favorite mug. “my love what happened?” you were holding your stomach in laughter, “i broke it! i wasn’t looking where i was setting it!” you died down a bit and looked at the pieces, “i should go make a new mug next week.” you crouched down and sunghoon followed your lead, helping you clean up. he felt his heart smile, you being clumsy, and not perfect in the slightest made him love you. you taught him that things don’t have to be perfect to love. all that mattered to him was you being yourself. “do you think i’m clumsy in every universe?” you nudged him after cleaning. sunghoon chuckled, “i don’t know… but i do know i love you in every universe.”
sunoo- mice on venus
you were never overly confident in yourself. always picking apart insecurities and sighing everytime you saw a mirror. your appearance and how people saw you stressed you out heavily. that only got worse when you met sunoo. sunoo was absolutely perfect in your eyes, even his “flaws” that other people said he had, you didn’t see. you loved him for who he was. his smile, the way he’d laugh. everything. when he confessed to you, safe to say you were in shock. it scared you a bit, as your confidence was being tested. you both had a couple months of dating and you still couldn’t help but ask him. “are you sure….?” sunoo looked at you funny and tilted his head to the side, “of course i’m sure. i’ve always liked you.” sunoo rolled over and pulled you closer to him, “i’ve always thought you were perfect for me. every part of you.” he whispered. your eyes welded up with tears and you covered your face, “i don’t know sometimes i just don’t feel like i’m deserving of that.” sunoo’s face dropped, “baby… you are… in fact in every universe you are deserving of love. i’m grateful that it’s my love to give you. if anything i don’t deserve that honor…” you looked up at him, “you promise?” he pecked your lips softly and nodded, “i promise.”
riki- subwoofer lullaby
the way you met riki was embarrassing, severely embarrassing. a few months prior you went to a fansign and then next thing you knew you were stood frozen in front of him at a bookstore. “i recognize you.” he chuckled to himself, then walked away. after that instance, your paths would cross more often than not. at some point he assumed you were stalking him, until he started showing up to places you were already at. then he felt weird because what if he was stalking you accidentally? “give me your phone… please…” he shuffled awkwardly in front of you. you handed it over almost instantly and that’s how you both started showing up to places together. instead of being freaked out by the other one. after that day you were inseparable. you would bring food and water to him during late night practices. and soon the relationship grew into more, and he would look forward to your visits to his workplace. he was proud to say his girlfriend was coming over to take care of him. one night you were headed over, you couldn’t sleep and riki gave you the okay to come over. your bag was filled with snacks and drinks for him. you knew he was always too hard on himself and sometimes it hurt your heart to see him like that. you can imagine the feeling in your stomach when you walked into the practice room to him with his head in his hands leaned against the wall. you shut the door quickly and rushed over. sliding to sit next to him. “hey…” you mumbled putting your hand on his shoulder. riki immediately caved and hugged you. trying to calm himself down. “stressed?” all he did was nod. you took a deep breath and rubbed his back softly, “i’m really proud of you yaknow… i think that what you’ve accomplished in such a short span of time is incredible….” you noticed his breathing started to become more normal so you continued, “i’m really proud to say i love you. and i’m really proud to say that i love you in every universe.” your hands went to his hair, once again trying to calm him down. “i love you too…” he mumbled, “also in every universe…”
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