#and recognize the tugging in her heart she feels toward him toward all of them
crazy-ache · 2 days
Hope (Elucien drabble & head canon)
For anyone who wonders, what exactly did Lucien see when he tugged on the bond with Elain in ACOWAR? Based off a headcanon of mine in this post. Word Court: 1400
Read on AO3 or Below the Cut
See what he can do. If anyone can sense if something is amiss, it’s a mate. 
That is what the ancient healer had told them after examining Elain. Majda had looked right at Lucien and determined that he was the best course of action in figuring out how to best help Elain — to alleviate the suffering of a human girl the Cauldron changed and who lost everything with it. 
The words rang and rang through his head. It was the only thing he could hear, since neither he nor Elain were talking as they sipped tea in the foyer of the townhouse. What was there to even say? Feyre and Mor chaperoned by the bay windows, feigning distraction even if he felt the pelting of their stares with every muscle movement. There was no nicety or respectable conversation that could be shared that would make Elain desire him — not when the iron engagement ring wrapped around her finger served as a constant reminder of what he would never be to her. 
So there would be no words. He only focused on what he could do for his mate…which was to help. Lucien’s tea chilled as the minutes passed by while he worked on stilling his breath, pooling all of his mind and heart and magic toward the tether of the mating bond. 
Elain sat in silence and sipped from her teacup, never even so much as glancing in his direction. 
From Lucien’s metal eye, he could tangibly sense the golden bond that tied them both together, a visceral connection of magic so raw and powerful, it pulsed like a heartbeat. He breathed through his nose, unmoving, pouring himself into that bond. From deep within, he could feel the way it hummed quietly, as if in waiting and wanting. For a moment he imagined opening his heart, casting open every window and door and gate and shield he had harbored throughout his centuries—and only then was he able to feel his soul reach forward, wrapping his essence around that gilded thread.
A thread of fate. Woven long before either of them had ever existed. 
Rib to rib they were bound. 
He didn’t quite know how, but he was holding the thread. He pulled and pulled, moving further down the bond, as if he were climbing a rope—or a lifeline. The closer he pushed forward, he felt the murkiness of magic entangle around him. Where there was darkness, there was now light, like fragments of stained glass filtering through, until all he could see were flickers of images flooding his being.
He recognized the ruby red of his gleaming hair first. Then the deep scars that bore into his back across his bare skin. Lucien was smiling, a deep rumble echoing in his chest as daylight caught in his golden and russet eyes. His lips trailed up the spine of a female, slow and savoring, all the way up to her freckled shoulder. 
She turned her head and beamed, lips aching to find him.
Elain. It was Elain. It was her as she was now, but her body no longer ravished or weak. Beautiful, brown eyes clear, and shining brighter and warmer than the sun. 
Startled at their passionate, intimacy, Lucien accidentally tugged back on their bond. He could feel Elain here, as if they had been standing in the same room, watching the same scene unfold. When he had tugged the bond, she had ran off, as if he had surprised her with his presence. The images halted instantly; the thrumming connection of their bond vanished like the shattering of glass, breaking and cracking into an oblivion. 
He found himself back in the foyer. Elain shot to her feet and swiftly sent her down her teacup.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out. He hadn’t meant to intrude, hadn’t meant to induce such a provocative image that could only be from the hungry, maddening instincts of the mating bond. There wasn’t a bone in her body that desired him in such a way, he knew. Even if he what he had seen had filled him with a burning light he couldn’t control the thundering of his heart in his chest. 
“What—what was that?” 
Lucien could tell from the calm confusion on her face that she hadn’t been aware that he had seen it as well. Otherwise she very well may have thrown the tea in his face for the offense. She had only felt the sudden pull at the end. 
“It—it was a tug. On the bond.” 
That viper sister of hers was already in the room, wielding her words like a blade. “What did you do.” 
He debated telling the truth, for just a single moment. But the fierce anger and mistrust on both Nesta and Feyre’s face prevented the words from coming out—and then when he glanced back at Elain, he could feel her heart racing in sync with his own. But hers was not for the same reason. He swallowed the truth. “I’m sorry—if that unsettled you.” 
Elain moved closer to Nesta. “It felt…strange,” she breathed. “Like you pulled on a thread tied to a rib.” 
And as she stared at him, he could see the lucidity fade and fade into the depths of murkiness, into a place he could not find her. She shook her head, blinding twice, and turned to her eldest sister. “Twin raves are coming, one white and one black.” 
They ushered her away and Lucien could not breathe. They were always taking her away from him. Nonsensical images and ramblings—that’s all he had surely seen. It meant nothing. 
But the bond. That was indeed a real thread. One he could see and touch and feel. He told both Feyre and More, but it was really to himself in disbelief. A reminder that it had actually happened.
”And?” Mor asked. 
“And I got to Elain’s end of it when she ran off.” He ran both his hands through his hair, thinking of how Elain had run off—likely from embarrassment and loathing.
“Did you sense anything?” Feyre asked. 
“No—I didn’t have time. I felt her, but…” A blush bloomed across his unstained cheek. 
He had failed to figure out how to help her. But he would never forget that image—their bodies tangled, his arms wrapped around her, his lips memorizing the expanse of her skin. The happiness that had settled into his face and the joy she had reflected back at him. 
The kind of happiness he had never known before. 
“The Cauldron made you a seer.” 
They all stared at Elain as the truth finally broke free from the holds of her loneliness and suffering. Seer, seer, seer. The word sucked the air from the room and captured everyone in a stronghold of realization. All this time, she had been muttering and enduring the whims of magic, visions of a future they had not understood at the time.
Except for Lucien, who stared and stared. 
Lucien wasn’t stuck on that word that both seemed to claim and free Elain in a single moment. Lucien was thinking of what else Madja had told him before. Days ago. 
The mating bond. It is a bridge between souls. 
If Elain was a seer, if she was the beholder of visions and glimpses of the future, then it could only mean what he had witnessed through their bond had been a foretelling of what was to come. 
They spoke of queens and firebirds and an onyx box. He was still thinking of the way he kissed the knobs of her spine, his tongue tasting the freckles of her skin. He was thinking of her smile. He remembered the way there had been happiness and desire and—above all else—love. 
But was it within the realm of possibility? Truly? 
There was no doubt when he spoke up to the room. “I’ll go,” he had told them. What they didn’t know was it had been more of a vow than anything else. A vow to go to the ends of the world to discover if her vision was real. To prove her powers true. Because if it was right about this one—
Then maybe he could allow himself to hope that their future would one day come true, too. 
For hope was more dangerous than this journey. But for her, for the glimpse of happiness he had seen shared with her—it would be worth it. 
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emmaspolaroid · 8 months
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noremma week 2023, day two: sun & moon
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bby-deerling · 1 month
Please a Hc about them waking you up at night cause they're horny😋 with Law & Zoro
u got it, emoji anon <3 i added robin too hehe :)
waking you up for sex (nsfw)
ft. zoro, robin, law
tagging: @willowbelle @eelnoise @fanaticsnail @indydonuts @kibblz-n-bitz
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content as he watches the waves roll by in the early morning, zoro gazes down at the peaceful lump in his arms; you're nestled in between both his arms and a couple of blankets, perfectly snug and with a ghost of a smile tugging at your lips. rosy cheeks and the easygoing calmness on your sleeping face melts his heart, but the longer he stares, the more he craves, and his thoughts wander towards places less innocent until he can't hold back his desires any longer.
"hey." he murmurs in your ear, placing a kiss along the column of your neck. you try to respond, but your voice is so groggy and raspy that it turns into an unintelligible hum. determined to rouse you, he lets his teeth graze along your flesh, nipping softly until your sleepy sounds turn into soft moans. "wanna fool around?" he asks, hand slipping into your nest of blankets to play with the hem of your nightgown. the second that you nod affirmatively and hum out a mhm, his palm splays across your inner thigh as he grasps at the plush skin, earning a soft whimper from you in return.
"wanna sixty-nine?" you suggest with a yawn as you shed the blankets from around your shoulders and spread your legs a touch wider, giving his roaming fingers access to the apex between your thighs. you don't have to tell him twice; with a feral smirk he manhandles you so your thighs are fit snugly around his face as he turns you into a mewling mess with his tongue.
it was never an even give and take with zoro; as your moans are muffled by the presence of his length in your mouth, he only wants more from you, and with his hands firmly around your thighs, you don't stand a chance against his mouth, not one bit.
you can always tell when robin is dreaming about you by the way she grabs you in her sleep, which usually wakes you up in the process. soft sighs leave her pretty, cryptic lips as her hands wander, leaving her blissfully unaware that she's firmly grasping your breast while she dreams, her hand twitching ever so often as your face begins to burn up with need.
sometimes she doesn't wake up from this state, falling into another dream and leaving you feeling restless, hot, and needy; however, this time she stirs, making your thighs twitch with excitement as she slowly gains her bearings. her grip on you loosens, and she hesitates for a brief moment until you spin around and press your lips to her cheek. "how was your dream?" you murmur cheekily, stroking the side of her face lovingly.
relaxing into your touch, she allows her lips to curl into a soft, sly smirk. "lovely, though this is much nicer." she replies smoothly as the scent of rose petals wafts into your nostrils and a few extra hands grab at your waist, stroke your hair, and shift you onto your back; her touch is so gentle that you barely even recognize you're pinned to the mattress until you try to move your wrists to reach out and hold robin's face as she kisses you. she could spawn an infinite number of hands to touch you, to caress you and unravel you in countless different ways, but nothing compares to the way she uses her tongue—to kiss you, to praise you, but most of all, to defile you, making you property of the devil child.
and when she's done, you give her all she's given you and more, to the best of your ability; after all, you love her to pieces.
law feels so guilty as he shakes you gently from a sound sleep, especially when you let out a whine of frustration as you emerge from your deep slumber, but he found himself going crazy from the feeling of your warm breath on his chest and your hot core against his leg, your limbs tying knots together. "you okay?" you mumble, not quite awake as your arms loosen from around his waist and stretch above your head, letting out a sound somewhere between a grunt and a squeak in the process.
he nods, letting one of his inked hands trail along your side, gently tracing patterns along your torso until it settles at your waist. "just couldn't sleep." he replies, voice raspy as he presses a kiss onto your forehead, and then your cheek, and then your lips, claiming them with a soft, yet strong intensity that makes you melt into him instantly. fingers threading through his hair, you pull him closer as his hands start to wander; still shaking off the weight of sleep, you're putty in his hands, and want him to treat you accordingly, with heated kisses and gentle, kneading hands.
"i was dreaming about you." you murmur as his thumb softly caresses your cheek, complementing the slow drag of his tongue along the column of your neck.
"oh yeah?" he mumbles into your skin, amused. inked fingers slide down your supple skin, tattooed fingers running up and down your hip bone teasingly. "tell me about it." he prods, earning a bashful giggle from you as you lean into his ear and tell him all the things you want him to do to you with hushed tones and heated words.
he takes notes and follows through on each of your dirty thoughts, grateful that you didn't mind being woken up and that the two of you shared the same wavelength, craving each other in the dead of night.
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seventiesweetheart · 26 days
𓆩♱𓆪 party monster.
dark! ex bf! rafe x pogue! fem! reader
SUMMARY. in which y/n and the infamous rafe cameron once shared a secret relationship, one that she knew the pogues would be heavily against. and so eventually, after a series of events, y/n decided to break up with him and be done with his toxic behavior once and for all. but while sneaking into some kook’s house party with the pogues, she’s caught by the one person she was hoping not to find.
WARNING. smut, dubcon, a bit of violence, implied toxic relationship, oral (reader receiving), choking, manipulative behavior, jealousy, tons of swearing
A/N. this is the first ever fic i’m posting yaaaay >< just a note that this definitely ended up being way longer than i planned, so i might write a part two tomorrow since it also still feels kind of lacking :( but hope you enjoy!
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it wasn’t easy sneaking in. but with sarah’s help, they managed to slip through unnoticed. and of course, jj wasted no time diving into the kitchen where bottles of booze were scattered like treasure, hence why y/n found herself struggling to maintain control of the situation, fearing that at any moment, someone would eventually realize who they were and the fact that they completely weren’t supposed to be here.
to be honest, y/n never wanted to come here. if anything, the last place she wanted to be after her recent breakup was anywhere near the kooks. yet, as soon as john b and jj heard about the party, they couldn't resist the temptation to crash it in true pogue fashion.
as usual, y/n and ki couldn’t bear the idea of those boys getting their asses kicked again, especially after the millions of times that that happened in the past.
“jj, seriously, that’s enough. this is absolutely no place to get wasted right now. please.” she begged her best friend who was now downing his third bottle and moving along to music.
“god relax y/n, no one’s gonna figure us out, alright? just drink, dance, and we’ll be out of here as soon as possible.”
her eyes bored into him, clearly not believing a word he said, “uh huh, you say that now but—“
“c’mon! just dance with me.” before y/n could protest any more, jj had her by the hand, dragging her out of the kitchen and into the living room. the air was thick with the scent of flavored smoke and alcohol. loud trap music pounded from the speakers, the bass vibrating through the floors and walls, matching the rhythm of her racing heart.
“jesus christ…” the girl muttered, watching jj get lost in the music, his head swinging and hair flying as he danced amidst the throng of bodies.
y/n's eyes scanned around the room, her anxiety mounting with each passing second. sweat slicked her forehead as she continuously looked around the crowd for any familiar faces who might recognize them.
and then she saw him.
his pair of piercing grey-blue eyes locked onto hers, sending a jolt of fear through her body. those same eyes flicked between her and jj, and before she knew it, she felt a chill run down her spine.
rafe cameron lounged on a plush couch, arms draped over the backrest with the usual unreadable expression on his face. next to him was some girl who was bent forward towards the glass table, snorting a line of powder. she raised her head back and pinched her nose, waiting for the rush to hit.
but y/n’s focus was solely on rafe. whoever the girl was didn't matter. either way, rafe’s attention was fixed on her, and she couldn't tell if that excited or terrified her more.
snapping out of the daze, she turned to her best friend again, “jj, we gotta go. rafe’s here.” she desperately tried to tug on her friend’s arm.
“jj!” she yelled over the music and that finally caught his attention.
“what?!” he yelled back, irritation flashing across his face at the sight of her anxious expression.
“we have to go! now.”
rafe never liked jj. throughout their secret relationship, he always thought of him to be a little too loud, violent, and far too carefree. on top of that, he also thought jj was always too close to y/n for his liking.
and y/n knew this. she knew both of them well enough to understand that she needed to act quickly before things escalated and this night became another reminder of why sneaking into this party had been a terrible idea in the first place.
her hand wrapped tightly around her best friend’s wrist as she moved as quickly as she can through the crowd in order to find an exit.
but almost immediately, she felt jj's wrist slip from her grasp. her heart dropped as she pushed through a dense cluster of bodies, the press of people making it hard to move.
"fuck, jj—" she started, her voice barely audible over the pounding music.
but it wasn’t jj behind her anymore. instead, she found herself face-to-face with the same pair of ominous blue eyes she saw earlier. she barely had time to think as she shoved past more bodies.
finally breaking free from the crowd, she found herself at the foot of the stairs. without hesitation, she dashed upwards. it didn’t matter, she was going to find a window and get the hell out of here. kiara would find jj, y/n was sure of it. and pope had to be somewhere downstairs as well.
reaching the second floor, her heart raced even faster. she frantically looked left and right, searching for a room to hide in. she pushed open the first door she came to, only to recoil at the sight of two strangers making out.
“fuck, sorry,” she mumbled, cringing as she backed out and moved to the next room.
she hurried down the hall to the last room, cautiously peeking inside. finding it empty, she slipped in quickly.
but the door couldn’t close behind her.
she attempted to push it again, but it wouldn’t budge. y/n stumbled backward as the door pushed back against her efforts, her breath hitching when she realized it wasn’t any problem with the door—it was rafe on the other side.
“closing the door on me again? i’m starting to think you love doing that.” a mischievous smirk played on his lips as he slowly stepped into the room, his presence making the space more suffocating as he closed the door behind him.
the silence in the room was deafening and the growing tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. y/n definitely did not miss the sound of the lock clicking into place.
she could still hear the music blaring from downstairs, the bass vibrating through the walls and floorboards. or maybe this time it was just her own heart, pounding in her chest as she kept her eyes locked on his. every fiber of her being braced for his next move.
rafe took a step closer, his gaze never wavering from hers. the dim light cast shadows across his face, making his expression even more unreadable.
she never expected for this situation to happen again, wherein they would be both locked in a room and none of her friends were even slightly aware of the fact that they were alone together. every instinct screamed at her to run, but she stayed rooted at her spot.
“not running this time?” he inched closer, his voice a low and threatening.
“i know you won’t hurt me.” it sounded like a whisper, as y/n back slowly to the desk behind her.
rafe scoffed, “you say that but i see you still trying to escape from me.”
y/n glared at him, defiance flickering in her eyes “well, what do you expect? for me to run to you?”
his glare intensified, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he moved closer. but then, in a flash, his expression softened.
“i missed you, you know?” his tone turned manipulative, a tactic she recognized all too well from their relationship. she had fallen for it many times before, but she wasn’t going to this time. “i really did, y/n… we were so perfect together and you-you just left without giving me the chance to explain myself.”
“well, i don’t think any more could have been said after you beat the fuck out of my best friend, don’t you think?” y/n's voice grew more aggressive, her anger flaring.
“yeah well he hit me too! and what’d you do? nothing!” he yelled, and she flinched at every word, her body tensing as she tried desperately to find an escape from the suffocating situation.
his breathing grew heavier as he looked at her with pain and frustration in his eyes, “you said you loved me but-but you didn’t even come to defend me.”
“rafe… you started that fight and i-i told you if you laid a hand on any of my friends then that would be the end for us.”
“god, fuck!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the room. rafe's hand shot out, knocking the floor lamp until it crashed to the floor with a loud shatter, fragments of glass scattering across the hardwood.
y/n flinched, raising her arms to shield herself as she inched closer to the corner where the bed was.
“it’s always you and those fucking friends of yours.” he spat, his face contorted with rage.
and before she could even process his movements, his hand was on her throat, pulling her forcefully towards him. she gasped, feeling the pressure against her windpipe, her fingers clawing desperately at his chest in an attempt to break free.
but even in her panic, she couldn't ignore the familiar sensation of his solid chest beneath her hand.
“and now, let me guess, you’re moving on to that fucking blonde you claim to be your best friend.”
“jj really is just my best friend! p-please, rafe. let go of me.” y/n pleaded as she fought the urge to look at how close his lips were from hers instead of holding the weight of his intense gaze.
“see, that’s where you’re wrong, y/n. i’ve never let you go, and i’m not fucking letting you go now or ever.”
his lips crashed down on hers, the kiss intense and demanding, leaving her gasping for air as she struggled to keep up with his pace. his other hand found her waist, pulling her closer against his body.
“r-rafe…” the moan she tried to hide escaped freely from her lips, coming out as a breathless whisper as his lips trailed down to her neck, no doubt leaving a trail of marks.
“god, l-let me go.” y/n weakly pushed him while he backed her up towards the bed.
“you say that, but your body tells me otherwise. you’ll have to tell me what you really want, sweetheart.”
he continued to suck on her skin, marking her with dark red and purple bruises as his hands trailed down to the hem of her floral sundress. slowly, he slipped his fingers underneath the fabric until he was hooking one side of her lacy underwear.
“still haven’t answered my question, y/n. or do you seriously want me to fuck it out of you?”
his eyes locked onto hers with growing frustration and need, “just fuck me, rafe.”
finally, the mischievous smirk returned to his face, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes as he leaned in closer.
despite her initial reluctance, y/n lifted her hips, allowing him to easily pull her underwear down until it hung around her ankles.
her hand grew clammy as she clutched the sheets beneath her, her breath catching in her throat as she lay staring at the ceiling.
meanwhile, rafe moved his hand back up her thighs, brushing her skirt up slowly to tease her until the fabric pooled at her waist. she could feel the air around them mixing with his breath against her skin, making her exposed wetness grow colder.
“d’you let anyone get near this after you left me?” his voice came low and deadly as his fingers played at her entrance, sliding against the slick liquid between her lips.
y/n whimpered at his touch, trying to hide her face with her hand while she shook her head in response.
“use your words, princess.”
“n-no, i didn’t.” she stammered out, her breath hitching as she felt his finger plunge through her hole.
satisfaction evident in his voice as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against her skin, “good girl.”
her eyes shut tightly as soon as she felt his lips wrap around her soft bud, tongue lapping over and over it, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body.
“w-wait, rafe! slow down!” she groaned, her hands moving to tightly clutching his hair, her body trembling with the overwhelming sensation.
but rafe didn’t slow down, his hands holding her legs firmly in place before they tried to snap shut and he continued running his tongue over her clit, his warm saliva mixing with her wetness, making his actions even sloppier and faster.
“sh-shit, i’m close—rafe, please.” she begged, her voice thick with desperation. her hips moved involuntarily, seeking more friction and intensity, driving her to buck her hips against his face, urging him to keep going.
her fingers pulled his hair as she arched her back, and rafe buried his face deeper between her legs, his hands gently and possessively molding her thighs like they were lovers. like they never broke up and she had always belonged to him all this time.
“come for me, princess. c’mon.” he voiced breathlessly, the tip of his tongue tracing maddening circles around her bud, pushing her closer and closer to the edge with each passing second.
it was all too overwhelming for y/n. she felt her orgasm building up, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to engulf her completely.
“fuck, rafe!” she moaned, her entire body tensing as her release crashed over her in waves, leaving her breathless and shaking.
rafe wasted no time in savoring all her juices, his lips and tongue eagerly lapping up every drop as they poured onto the sheets of some stranger's bed.
with gentle kisses kisses trailing along her inner thighs, he moved up to face her, delicately wiping the sweat off her forehead and gently brushing her hair out of her face.
still recovering from the intensity of her climax, y/n struggled to catch her breath as she locked eyes with him. the full weight of her actions had yet to sink in but she pushed the thought aside for later as his lips came down again to meet hers, softly grazing the bottom with a gentle nip.
“finally remember who you belong to, sweetheart?”
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© 2024 seventiesweetheart | do not plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my work.
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perlelune · 3 months
Training Wheels | Coriolanus Snow | v.
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Your mother's macabre work never appealed to you as you always preferred the comfort of your books, but when her apprentice takes a special interest in you, your safe, quiet world is flipped upside down.
Warnings: DUB-CON, NON-CON, Gaul!Reader, Shy Reader, Manipulation, Parental Neglect, Drinking, Peer Pressure, Hazing, University set, Loss of Virginity, Dumbification, Insecurities, Abusive Relationship, Degradation, Suicide Attempt
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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You flinch as you enter Livia Cardew’s house, the attention drifting towards you causing your stomach to knot. 
You suck in a lungful of bravery. 
What a strange sight you must make, strolling in with Clemensia Dovecote and Coriolanus Snow of all people, her arm twined with yours while his hand rests on the small of your back. Your heart pounds in your chest, the urge to retreat and run outside radiating from every cell in your body.
You don’t belong here.
They will laugh at you.
Silly girl playing dress-up.
Tendrils of doubt creep alongside the walls of your fretful brain. You feel assessed, and perhaps found to be lacking, with every step you take. 
“Don’t look down, angel.”
A sharp exhale flies from your lips as your chin is tilted upwards. You drown in the ocean beneath Coriolanus’ furrowed brow. His intense focus tugs you back to the present. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. 
“It’ll be fine. You look stunning,” Clemmie assures, bumping your shoulder with hers. 
You give a shaky nod. It’s true. After all, Clemmie put so much effort into your appearance. You should at least hold your head high and act normal.
Livia comes up to you. The dim candlelight reflects in her bouncy golden curls. Her bright red lips stretch in a wide smile as she gauges you.
“You guys came together?” 
Despite her perky inflection, you don’t miss the slight narrowing of her eyes, or how they track the position of Coriolanus’ hand on your back.
“I drove them,” Coriolanus informs.
“Oh,” she says, nodding. She opens her arms. “You guys should get a drink, make yourselves comfortable.”
“I actually don’t…”
Clemmie flashes you a reassuring smile. 
“It’s fine. We’ll get you something else.”
They both bring you to a table where an intense game of cards is in progress. You hear Festus curse and bang his fists over the table after seemingly getting a bad hand. The others around him laugh, one of them reshuffling the cards.
Some faces you recognize from the University and others you don’t. You feel their intrigued gazes when Coriolanus pulls a chair for you. As you take a seat, he and Clemmie do the same. Your eyes roam over the table. Piles of chips, row of cards and red dices. Clemensia mentioned games. You supposed she meant card games. And from the looks of it, money appears to be on the line. You suppose when they are not betting on the lives of children, these are the kind of things Capitol kids are up to.
With money and time to spare, it makes sense you suppose. Your head has always been buried so far in your books, you have never stopped to wonder what the future leaders of Panem are up to.
A sliver of fascination flutters through you as you soak in the scene at the table. 
“Snow. Clemmie. Took you long enough,” Ivy says.
“You cannot rush perfection,” Clemmie replies, flicking her glossy raven locks above her shoulder. 
Ivy rolls her eyes while Coriolanus grabs a set of cards from the draw pile. He frowns at them, a look of displeasure spreading on his face. A King, a queen and two aces. You don’t know how this particular game is played but you gather from his expression that he must hold a bad hand. 
Dices are thrown. Despite not understanding the rules, you try to follow along. When someone offers you a set of cards, you politely decline.
The dark-haired stranger cocks his head as he scrutinizes you. 
“So, you’re her daughter, right?”
Confused, you cast him a puzzled look.
“Gaul,” he specifies. 
You shrink. Wherever you are, you cannot escape the overwhelming reach of your mother’s shadow. Twisting your fingers in your lap, you give a mumbled reply.
“Yeah, she’s my mother.”
He shifts in his chair, letting out a quiet whistle.
“Wow. She always gave me the heebie-jeebies.”
Clemmie groans before scolding him. 
“Well, she’s nothing like her mother so shut up and play, Octavius.”
Another girl sitting across from him pipes up.
“All those snakes in the arena, just crawling around and climbing over that girl.” She shudders. “I still get nightmares about it.”
The boy turns to Coriolanus.
“What happened to her anyway, that songbird of yours?”A smirk blooms on Octavius’ lips, his eyes locking with the blond’s. “She was yours, wasn’t she, Snow?”
An eerie quiet falls over the table. Even the soft piano notes playing in the background dwindle as every eye travels to Coriolanus. You shift in your chair, curiosity driving your gaze towards him as well. 
A tight-lipped smile decorates his handsome features, his icy blue eyes zeroing on Octavius. 
Your blood chills as his cool baritone rises.
“It’s your turn to play,” Coriolanus says, completely ignoring the question. 
You swallow the lump in your throat. Everyone knows Lucy Gray Baird, the beautiful, sharp-tongued tribute who belonged to Coriolanus Snow, is a subject that should never be brought up in his presence. No one exactly knows what happened between the two. Perhaps they reunited during his time in District 12. Perhaps they did not. Coriolanus wouldn’t speak of it. And the rare times you witnessed him being asked about it, there was a coldness in his blue eyes that unsettled you. Like now. 
Whatever happened between him and the singing girl would remain a mystery. The only certainty is that he came back to the Capitol changed, with an aura around him that made everyone wary. 
You can only assume he and that Lucy girl did not last. So the subject must still be a sore spot. 
Octavius flinches under the blond’s stare, showing his cards for the entire table to see. 
The blond’s brow arches. Scoffing, he displays his own hand. 
Octavius curses under his breath as laughs erupt. He begrudgingly slides his entire stack of chips towards Coriolanus. 
Victory glints in the blond’s cobalt orbs.
“Perhaps you should focus on your game,” he says. “Instead of blathering about ghosts and district rats.”
Slack-jawed, you stare at Coriolanus. His expression before had you believe he drew a terrible set of cards. Obviously it wasn't the case. He somehow fooled you and everyone else at the table. 
The game continues. More chips are exchanged. Coriolanus’ pile keeps getting higher. It’s clear he’s an expert at the game. Everyone at the table tries to read him but his collected demeanor concedes very little.
“You must be my good luck charm, angel,” he says, sending you a smile that has your stomach fluttering. 
Luck…as you note the staggering amounts of chips he’s collected thus far, you wonder if that’s what this is. If there isn’t more to it. Coriolanus seems terrifyingly adept at luring his opponents with a false sense of comfort. He’ll make a bad hand look like a good one, and a good hand look like a bad one. Set a trap and watch as others confidently walk into it. 
Growing overwhelmed, you rise from your chair. The clamor of your heart fills your ears, the weight of others’ attention making your head spin.
Coriolanus’ head slants.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
The words leave your mouth in a breathless heap. “I just need a minute.”
“Is everything alright?” Clemmie inquires, concern scrunching her pretty features.
You shift and scratch your arm.
“I’m just gonna get a drink.”
“I could get you one,” he suggests.
“No, you guys stay and play,” you say, shaking your head. “I’m fine on my own.”
You ignore the way his eyes linger as you walk away, that itchy prickle over your nape that ripples down to your spine.
Swallowing thickly, you shuffle across Livia’s living room. An Avox maid offers you a glass on the way but you turn her down. 
You ask for an alcohol-free drink and the maid tosses you an apologetic look. Your shoulders slump. 
You peer around and find a spot at the bottom of the stairs. You sit, relieved to finally have a moment of peace. Being around so many people at once is still a novelty. You lean against the wooden railings. Was coming here a mistake? You can’t help but wonder. You noted someone pulling a bottle of morphling earlier and Ivy swallowing a handful of pills. At this point, everyone has imbibed, indulged, or both.
The thrall of oblivion is often strong in the Capitol. Too many things need forgetting. Too many sins. Too many horrors.
In that moment, as laughter from the living room rings inside your ears, you feel acutely out of place. 
“Sorry. I only have posca, wine or whiskey.”
You lift your head. Your eyes widen when you realize Livia Cardew’s standing in front of you. “Well. I swiped that last one from my dad’s stash,” she adds with a small giggle.
You shrug. “It’s fine.”
You’ve probably overstayed your welcome anyway. This isn’t your crowd. But Clemmie insisted and you had no idea how to refuse. How do you even refuse something you have painfully yearned for all these years? 
Livia scrutinizes you for what seems an eternity before speaking again. 
“He’ll throw you away once he’s done with you, you know?”
You blink, dismayed by her abrupt statement. “I’m sorry?”
She lets out a weary sigh, a look grazing sympathy flickering on her face. It vanishes quickly. Her mouth tightens. 
“Snow,” she groans, frustration evident in her tone. “He doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself.” Your brows knit. “I’m just trying to warn you.” She chews on her bottom lip, seeming to hesitate before bending closer to whisper, “Just…watch out, okay?”
Stumped by her sudden display of concern, no word leaves your tongue. You fold your arms, shifting on the stairs. Can you even trust any word coming from Livia’s mouth? Without Clemmie’s interjection, you’re fairly sure you wouldn't have been allowed into her home. Ever since she met you, she’s considered you with such blatant disdain. As if you were a stain that won’t let itself be erased.
You struggle picturing her delivering helpful advice.
“Liv, I hope you’re not giving her a hard time again.”
You let your body sag, grateful for Clemmie’s impromptu appearance. You get to your feet. Livia whirls towards the brunette, feigning innocence. “I’m being a gracious host,” she chimes.
Clemmie’s gaze narrows. 
All smiles again, she turns to you as Livia stomps away.
“Don’t worry about her.”
You nibble your bottom lip.
“Maybe it’s best if I head out.”
She frowns. “But you just got here.”
“I suppose…” Your mind scrambles for an excuse. You blurt out the first thing that springs inside your head. “I need to go feed Walter anyway.”
Curiosity fills her onyx stare.
“Walter? Who’s Walter?”
“My cat.”
Silence stretches for a long minute before she bursts out in uncontrollable laughter. 
Hand draping over her mouth, the brunette says, “Is that your excuse? You need to go feed your cat?”
Heat rushes to your face. Said aloud, you concede it sounds silly. Akin to a lame, hasty excuse. While there are bits of truth in your response, you can’t deny you’re craving for a way out. 
Clemmie cradles your face.
“The first time is always a bit awkward. You’ve got no idea what you’re doing, what is even going on…” She beams at you. “But you can’t back out. Not when you’re already here.”
You mull it over.
After all, wasn’t it what you wished for? Being seen, included. For years, longing twisted inside your chest while you watched your classmates form bonds and forge lifelong friendships. Meanwhile, you withered in a corner, making yourself smaller and smaller everyday. Clemmie has been nothing but kind. And Coriolanus…while his presence plucks at your nerves, you have to admit he’s been a gentleman so far. Offering to drive you home, carrying your books, and berating every guy who said something mean to you or brushed you off. No one’s ever stood up for you like that before.
Maybe you ought to try harder to fit in, be normal.
Giving a slow nod, you surrender.
“Alright. I guess I can stay a little longer.”
“You know what you need?” Her eyes twinkle. “Liquid courage.” She grabs two glasses of wine from the Avox maid’s tray. “Let’s just drink. To your first party. One of many, I hope.”
She tries to place one in your hand but you resist. 
“Clemmie, I told you I don’t-”
“I know. I know…but don’t you want to mark the occasion?” She tilts her head sideways, sympathy etched on her pretty face. “Come on, do you want to be that girl who finishes Uni and hasn’t tried anything new? The girl who’s never taken a chance?” She holds your gaze, pressing the drink between your fingers. “Sad, alone, not a single experience to reminisce…Is this really  what you want?”
“No, it’s not. You’re right,” you mutter, your fingers tightening around the glass. 
“You came here to be someone else. So be someone else.”
Her words embolden you to take a large swig of the drink. When there’s still some of it left, she encourages you to finish it. Then, she nudges you to have another glass, sliding a tiny yellow pill inside your other hand.
You scowl down at your palm.
“What’s this?”
“Morphling extract. It’ll help you relax.”
You look at Clemmie. Excitement sways in her eyes.
You toss your head back and gulp down the pill. She congratulates you. It catches in your throat and you wash it down with more alcohol. 
The effect is near instantaneous. 
Your muscles uncoil, your fear melting away. Soft, fluffy clouds replace the foggy cluster of your thoughts. A pleasant buzz spreads through your veins. 
“Come on, let’s join the others,” she says, seizing your hand and tugging you along. 
You end up on the sofa, wedged between her and Coriolanus. 
He drinks you in, a subtle smile blooming on his lips.
“You seem happy.”
“I am happy.”
Your sharp, immediate answer broadens his smile.
“What are you guys doing?” Clemmie asks. 
Livia sighs. “It’s a stupid game we haven’t played since the Academy.”
“Hey, it’s not stupid. I like it,” Ivy protests. She grabs a bottle of posca and begins to pour some in everyone’s glass. “You take a drink when there’s something you haven’t done. Simple right?”
The game is indeed easy. It also makes you want to crawl inside a hole and never come out as the night gets further along. A myriad of questions is flung at the group. Each of them grows the well of embarrassment pitting in your stomach. 
You’re forced to take a drink when Ivy asks who’s had sex, who has done it with more than one person, who has kissed a boy or girl. 
Many times, you are the only one grabbing your glass, exposing your lack of experience to the entire group. You hear a stifled laugh somewhere besides you. Your face ignites. 
You bolt upwards, shooting the group an apologetic look. 
“I’m gonna get some air,” you say. 
You stumble away. However after just a few wobbly steps toward the exit, you keel over and almost collide with the marbled tiles. 
A pair of strong arms slither around your waist, preventing your collapse. 
“Are you alright, angel?” Coriolanus whispers against your temple. 
You raise shaky fingers to your face, or what you think is your face. Your fingertips are like cotton, nothing beneath them feeling as it should. 
Your brows crumple.
“I can’t feel my legs. I-I can’t feel my face.” Your mind swirls as you look up. The room bends off its axis around you. Panic rushes through you. “I have to go home.”
“I’ll take you then,” he says.
You shake your head. Even that tiny motion makes you want to puke. 
You swallow the surge of bile in your throat. 
“No. You should return to the party. I couldn’t, I can’t…”
Coriolanus’ brows furrow. 
“I’m not letting you go home by yourself at this hour and in this state,” he says, practically carrying you out of Livia’s house as you slump against him. 
“What about Clemmie?” 
He smiles at you as you hobble alongside him. 
“She can find her own way home.”
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bonny-kookoo · 4 months
Green | Part 2
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"I don't jump around like that!"
Tags/Warnings: Bunny hybrid! Single dad!Jungkook, Fox hybrid!Reader, strangers to lovers, Fluff, romance, major fluff, crayons and frogs
Length: 2.5k Words
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
“Is it bad timing?” You ask over the phone, whine Jungkook can be heard fighting a fierce battle against his little toddler, who’s clearly currently winning.
“No- Minji-“ he starts, before he addresses you. “Not- not No towards you, you never call during a bad time, I promise, I always want to talk to yo- Minji come on now!” He sighs, little girl having escaped his lap again- refusing to bend to her father’s only wish. “I promise I want to talk to you. Minji is just..”
“Having one of those days?” You giggle, and he smiles to himself.
“I guess so.” He admits. “She wants to go out and play, but I can’t get her into her outdoor clothes.” He sighs, before he runs a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, you called because you wanted to chat and all I do is complain-“
“no, no no its fine, really.” You dismiss, truly not offended at all. “I uh.. I’ll let you battle your daughter for now. You can.. uhm, we can.. I don’t know. Talk later maybe.” You offer, and he looks at the phone a bit upset.
“I..” Well, there’s nothing there to apologize for. He’s not sorry he’s in his situation, neither is he sorry who he is or what his daughter is- it’s just an unfortunate situation you’re both in. “..yeah. let’s talk later.” He agrees, and you quietly say your goodbyes, making his heart hurt quite a bit.
Just because he’s not sorry, doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel guilty.
Minji seems to notice his shift in emotions quite quickly, quietly reaching for her outdoor pants again that he’s been trying to put on her these past twenty minutes or so- now obediently trying to put them on herself, though she does reach for his hands to get him to help her quite quickly. And even while dressing her, jungkook can’t help but think.
Will you ever be able to accompany him and his daughter out like that? Push the swing she sits on, hold her hand when he’s got his full? Maybe.
Maybe not.
All he knows is that once he’s at the playground, sitting on the bench alone again to watch the little toddler play in the sand with another prey hybrid kid, he feels as if he could be the one to throw a tantrum any second now.
Crying out, begging for the world to just let him have you.
Minji is happily walking through the mall with her dad, holding his hand tightly as to not get lost, when suddenly, as Jungkook has stopped to look at an interesting discounted product in the shelf, he can feel her tug a little as she seems interested in something as well now. “Hm?” Jungkook wonders without taking his eyes off the value pack of baby wipes, before he looks down at his daughter, who’s staring somewhere, one hand prodding at her mouth absentmindedly. “What’re you looking at, hm?” He wonders, looking into the direction she does, when he spots it.
Or rather, you.
You’re wearing simple clothes, clearly not out to impress anyone but just to get what you need, but he can’t deny that you’re still appealing like this, even though you’re not even wearing makeup from what he can see. Your fluffy tail is slightly swaying from side to side as you put something into your shopping cart, unaware of being watched.
Jungkook is curious. It seems like you must’ve made an impression on his daughter- because she appears to recognize you, most likely by your striking features. And while she’s still clinging to him, her interest in you is obvious.
As if you can feel eyes on you, you turn a little to lock eyes with Jungkook- who waves a little, before urging Minji to do the same- but at the obvious sign of being spotted, she instead hides behind his legs, as if that would protect her from the danger of you- even though there is nothing to fear. You wave back, and Jungkook can see that you’re masking your disappointment over the little girl still clearly feeling some form of natural fear.
“Come, let’s go say hi.” Jungkook tells his daughter, who looks visibly troubled by that proposal, torn between natural fearful instincts, and her inner curiosity. Suddenly however, it seems that her decision has been made- as she makes a sound of protest, slipping around his legs to attempt to walk off, if it wasn’t for Jungkook grabbing the back of her wintercoat in the last second. But she’s eager, whining in complaint- and only now does he realize, you’ve walked off, probably thinking that would be for the best.
But not for Minji.
Remembering the dinner, Jungkook has an idea on how to maybe solve this clearly frustrating issue for his daughter- picking her up easily, to walk after you as you’re now standing in front of a large collection of different tubs of ice cream. “One might think you’re the prey trying to escape.” Jungkook jokes, and the second you look at him, clearly worried, he feels his heart jump.
Because his plan is working.
The fact that Minji is now in close contact with her father gives her an intense boost of confidence- hands reaching out for you now, curious eyes fixated on your actual face now, no longer avoiding eye contact. It makes you both a bit intimidated but also hopeful that maybe, this is a sign that with a bit more work at familiarizing yourself with her, there might be a chance.
“Hello.” You greet, careful not to move too quickly, though the little hybrid girl is clearly not that jumpy anymore, giggling happily when she notices your tail wag behind you, hitting the metal shopping cart- pointing to it to show her father, who’s smiling just as much about it. “I didn’t mean to run off- just.. Thought, I don’t know.” You stumble over your words a little, but Jungkook reassures you.
“It’s fine, really. I don’t wanna.. Stall your shopping trip either. Just.. We both wanted to just.. See you, I guess.” He says, while his daughter becomes a bit fidgety, wanting to get down again. “Minji baby if I put you down you gotta stay close though.” He gently scolds her, simply receiving a sound of protest.
You’ve noticed this as well- the fact that she pretty much doesn’t talk, whenever she’s aware that people are watching. She only ever babbles with her father, but that’s to be expected. Most prey hybrids are very withdrawn and shy, so its already surprising she appears to be very much okay with you so close already. And the second he puts her down, she’s already running off-
Though not very far, as she instead happily holds onto your tail, even laughing when you look at her with eyes wide open, completely surprised.
“I’m so sorry-” Jungkook starts, but you shake your head, smiling, and waving him off.
“No, no-” You reassure. “I’m.. Happy.” You nod, carefully looking at Minji who’s running her hands through the fur of your tail, shyly grinning up at you before she lifts your tail to hide herself, making both you and Jungkook laugh.
Maybe she’s just not that scared of predators?
But that suspicion is instantly debunked as two wolf hybrids casually walk past you both to get to pay for their things, making the little bunny hybrid instantly jump back to her father, clinging to the fabric of his pants.
So why is she alright with you?
“Would you.. Like to come over sometime?” You ask Jungkook, fidgeting with your hands a little nervously. “I.. You know. Just for some.. Casual chatting. Maybe cake? I can bake pretty well.” You rant, and Jungkook looks at Minji.
“You wanna visit Dad’s friend with him?” He asks her, and she looks at you, thinking- before she nods, reaching for something in Jungkook’s shopping basket, before she drops it in your cart- and on closer inspection, it’s a small pack of frog-themed hairclips. “Oh? You don’t want them anymore?” He wonders, but his daughter shakes her head.
“..for me?” You ask, and she nods, smiling before she runs behind her father again, curiously poking her head around his body as if to play hide and seek with you. “Well.. Not what I’d usually go for, but they might look nice. What do you think?” You ask Jungkook, who’s caught off guard for a second, having to look away a bit bashful, nodding.
“Y-yeah! I mean, anything would suit you, since you’re really pretty..” He rants, nervously licking his lips before his tongue plays with the piercings of his bottom lip, unsure how to act. This isn’t exactly what he expected- but it’s also a surprising turn of events that makes him happy.
“..thank you..” You respond, before you wave at the little girl, moving to do the same towards her father-
But Jungkook instead hugs you goodbye, unable to help himself in that moment.
When you open the door to your apartment, Minji is very wary.
It’s to be expected- it's not just a new environment, but it also smells entirely of you- a predator hybrid, her natural enemy of sorts, at least in instinct. So it doesn’t shock him, and neither you, that she’s clinging to her father, stuffed animal in her arm while the other one clings to her father’s pantleg. But one look at you does seem to make her perk up- ears suddenly standing tall and turned towards you, shy smile on her lips while she grins into her dark green frog-plushy. “Hey. We’re a bit late-” Jungkook apologizes, but you just wave him off, letting them both inside with a smile.
“No bother, you texted me after all, so I was prepared.” You tell him, inviting them both into your living space that’s fairly small, but clearly yours. It’s vibrant, a bit chaotic, but overall a home, and not just a place you exist in. The little girl looks around already, most likely having her attention caught by all the decoration, pictures on the walls and colorful interior design you have. Jungkook also notices two awards hung up on the wall near the TV in the living room- and he’s reminded of your profession again, giving him an idea on how to coax his little girl out of her shell again.
“Hey, do you wanna know something cool?” Jungkook asks, squatting down in front of his daughter who looks at him, ears pointing towards him in curiosity. “Dad’s friend can draw really well. Maybe if you ask her nicely, she can show you?” He proposes, and at that, Minji looks over at you, who seems caught off guard- but you instantly walk to open a small room- an office that looks pretty chaotic, obviously the place where you work.
The shelves are full of books of all sizes and colors, but what seems to catch Minji’s attention the most, is a familiar bookcover- the same she has had for quite a while now, green frog family something she remembers very easily.
“Wait- you’re the author?” Jungkook wonders, holding one of the multiple little picture-books in his hands, the specific one Minji is looking at a new one she’s not seen before.
You nod. “I didn’t know she read that one.” You giggle. “This uh.. It's the new one that’ll be published next month. You can look at it if you like.” you tell her, well aware that she most likely can’t read it yet, but probably enjoys looking at the pictures anyways.
“Well, she doesn’t read, really..” jungkook chuckles, watching his daughter carefully stare you down while she picks up the book, something brewing in her brain with the way her ears move so distinctively. “she mostly looks at the pictures, and makes up her own story.” He explains.
“it trains her creativity.” You tell him, as you walk out the room with her hot on your heels, eyes still burning Luke little lasers on the back of your head. “which is important, you know? Many parents.. just leave their kids with the TV or something and call it a day.” You sigh, closing the door behind you before you watch Minji jump on your couch, eager to look at the little book.
“minji, don’t jump like that!” Jungkook scolds, and you can’t help but smile to yourself at the almost challenging glimmer in his daughter’s eyes, as if she’s quietly sending a message- one that’s so obvious, even you receive the signal clear as day.
“But Dad does it!” she suddenly chirps at you. “All’the time!” she mumbles into the backrest of the couch. Jungkook gasps at both the sheer audacity of his daughter airing out his bad habits like this- and the fact that she actually spoke directly towards you.
“Well, I’d love for you both to feel right at home.” You say gently. “So I don’t mind if you jump a little, bunny.” You tell her- and at the nickname she grows shy, hiding away to instead bury her head into her book.
Jungkook smiles at the interaction, and follows you into your kitchen to make some tea, enjoying the moment with you to its fullest. “…I really don’t jump around like that, by the way.” He suddenly tells you with such a serious tone that you can’t help but laugh at him. “Hey, I’m serious!”
“serious? Maybe, but not honest!” You giggle, making him smile as well, unable to really do anything else but. This whole situation feels like a dream really, with you at his side and his daughter warming up to you. He’s sure there will be hurdles, it won’t be a smooth ride just because right now things are looking up- but he also has found a new unique feeling.
A feeling that this might actually work.
Back home, Jungkook has busied his daughter with her coloring book and favorite crayons, while he himself prepares some dinner in the kitchen. And all is calm and well, until his daughter calls out to him from her room, a whine in her tone signaling that she needs his help urgently.
“What’s up?” He wonders towards her, before she holds out two crayons she’s never used- one red, and one orange. “What’s with them?” He asks, while she pouts to herself, thinking seriously about something.
“which is dad’s friend?” she asks, and Jungkook laughs.
“I don’t know? Maybe both of them, hm?” He wonders, and she nods- suddenly determined as she runs back to her coloring book, occupying herself again while he smiles and shakes his head, directing his attention back to the pan on the stove.
It’s only later, when he cleans up the table and finishes putting away the dishes, that she stands in front of him again, this time with a neatly ripped out page of her coloring book. “Wanna put that on the fridge?” He asks, and his daughter nods.
The picture showing three frogs, two green and one thats colored in orange and red.
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soupangel · 4 months
Drunk - Gojo Satoru
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tags: established relationship, fluff, drunk reader, mentions of alcohol
Synopsis: You come home drunk from a night out with Shoko missing Gojo
a/n: did I proof read this? no. I hope you enjoy!
Shoko had called Gojo earlier to let him know you were coming home earlier than expected. So he had a feeling you’d be coming home drunk, but he wasn’t expecting this. He watches as Shoko struggles to get you out of the cab. You’re crying about something, but from where he’s standing, Gojo can’t hear what.
“Cmon y/n get out of the car,” Gojo hears Shoko say as she lightly tugs on your arm. “Don’t you want to see Gojo?” Shoko continues.
Gojo sees your head snap up at the sound of his name. He chuckles at how you stopped crying and looked up at Shoko. He sees you nod your head as you let Shoko help you out of the cab. You’re putting most of your weight onto Shoko as she helps you walk up the pathway to the front door. As soon as you're close enough to recognize Gojo standing in the doorway, you gasp and let go of Shoko to run towards him.
“Gojo!” you shout.
He rushes forward to catch you before you fall. Once you realize you're in his arms, you wrap into what Gojo can only describe as a bone-crushing hug. After catching his breath, he wraps his arms around you as well, only in a less bone crushing manner.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” He rubs your back as he asks you, realizing you had started crying again.
Before you have a chance to answer him, Shoko interrupts. “You happened. She wouldn’t shut up about you the entire night.”
“It’s not my fault I’m such a great boyfriend.”
“Yeah, okay,” she says, rolling her eyes. “But you owe me for tonight. I didn’t just spend my money to hear about you all night. I hear about you enough at work for free.”
“Alright, Alright, I know where to send it.” He laughs, readjusting his grip on you to help move you inside.
“Thanks for helping her get home!” He shouts to her before she gets back in the cab to go home. She just waves in response, giving them both a small smile.
“Bye Shoko!” you yell, finally speaking up, having just been enjoying the feeling of Gojo’s arms wrapped around you. She laughs and then gets in the cab to head home.
Gojo turns to help you walk inside, helping you take off your shoes once you were in the entryway. It seemed like by the time you made it to the bathroom; you were already half asleep with how limp your body was. Gojo sat you on the toilet seat and gently lifted your head so he could see your face. You weren’t asleep at all. Once he took a look at your face, he could see you smiling up at him.
“What’s got you so smiley?”
You hum for what seems like a minute before you finally answer him.
“I just missed you today,” you slur. “It feels like I haven’t seen you for like a million years.”
“You saw me just before you left with Shoko.” He laughs.
You shake your head back and forth in disagreement. “nuh uh it was a million years ago”
“Allright, if you say so,” he says as he goes to wet a rag to clean your face.
“mhm, I do say so.”
He doesn't speak again until he finishes wiping your face and it’s time to get you changed into your pajamas. To save him the hassle of helping you change in the bedroom, only for you to fall asleep as soon as he sets you down on the bed. He decides to bring your pajamas to where you’re already sat and awake.
He walks back in on you in the same spot he left you in, sitting on the toilet with your head tilted up. He knows you’ll be complaining of a sore neck tomorrow.
“Come on, it’s time to get changed.” He said, while lifting your shirt over your head.
“sir yes sir.” you say along with a sloppy salute, helping him by putting your arms in the sleeves of your pajama top.
Once on, he then helps you put on your pants. He’s glad he had you stay sitting for most of it because he could just imagine the amount of heart attacks he’d have while you drunkenly stand on one foot at a time. He takes your now clothed arms and wraps them around his neck to steady you as you both walk towards the bedroom.
“Time for bed now. We both have work tomorrow. Did you forget that while you were out with Shoko?” he said.
“I didn’t forget. I could never forget about my favorite students.”
“They’re your only students.”
“oh yeah.” you giggle.
He pulls the blankets up onto the bed before he helps you lie down on top of the sheets. Tucking you in once you get comfortable in your spot. He goes to walk over to his side of the bed when you hurriedly grab his wrist.
“wait where are you going? I haven’t seen you in a million years, remember?” you whine. And it takes all of Gojos’ willpower to not burst out in laughter. He gently takes your hand in his as he says,
“I’m just going to get in bed. Ill be right next to you.”
you pause.
“oh ok. but hurry!”
This time he does let out a small laugh as he makes a show of him jogging to the other side of the bed in the most hilarious way possible. Once he does, make in into bed, you're immediately tucking yourself in his arms. He makes a mental note to tell Yaga you won’t be coming in tomorrow because he knows how hungover you’ll be. He imagines this time around you’ll be in the same spot he left you in when he gets home.
“Goodnight. Love you.” he says
“I love you more”
“No, I love you more” he responds back deciding to entertain you.
“No way, I love you more” you say, dragging out the ‘no’.
“okay its time to sleep now.” he shushes you.
“But it’s true.” You mumble on the verge of sleep.
“we’ll agree to disagree, but you need to sleep now.”
He starts rubbing his hand along the length of your back to urge you to sleep. It only takes two minutes before you lightly snoring in his arms.
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! I would love to know what you thought!!
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missyandthemisfits · 2 months
Bakusquad x Chubby!Fem
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Katsuki Bakugo 
- So he actually prefers them on the thicker side??? That said his ideal match is someone who is thickfit, someone who's a little heavier than most other girls but doesn't shy away from working out or training
- Shows determination and drive and he's most definitely attracted to that above all else 
- It feels much less a confession from him and more like a feral dog laying claim to his favorite toy at the expense of a much less intense dog-
- He noticed how uncomfortable (Name) was getting with all the attention of the upper classmen, eyes narrowing as he watched you tug on your sweater nervously
- He was already a little miffed that they'd gotten out of class as late as they did, but having (Name) harassed right outside the school gates? Not on his watch
- "Hey zeros, get lost."
- "What did you say to me, blondie?"
-"I said," he slides an arm around her waist suddenly, the other hand crackling with miniature explosions, itching for a fight, "Get lost." 
- They're obviously nervous but attempt to play it off with a click of the tongue and an unconvincing 'whatever' - they scamper off into the distance 
- "Um...Thank you, Bakugo."
- She's kind of a blushing mess, hands on her hot cheeks and he releases her, quick to turn in the opposite direction, ears bright red
- "Dammit all - Do I seriously have to babysit you like this?"
- It's all he says but he makes no effort to ditch her, slowing up just a bit to match her speed
- I'm not saying he's whipped but uhhh ...he definitely softens up some around (Name)
- He won't say a single thing outright but she notices the subtle changes- it's in the way he finds an excuse brush against her soft skin (while complaining, naturally) when handing her whatever it is, the way he allows his knee graze hers as they sit on the sofa half listening to Kaminari's endless whining, in the way he always ends up standing next to her in any social setting.
- It's cute but the pining drags on for a while because truly neither of them knows how to bridge the gap between friendship and more-
- A very, very slow burn 
Eijiro Kirishima 
- He may be all about fitness, but he is WEAK for a soft, sassy girl. And believe me - the sassier, the better
- Cannot fathom why either he is just really, really into girls like that
- Coincidentally, he's into the shy type as well. But let's face it, he could really link up with most ANY personality save for someone overly bitchy- 
- Upon meeting (Name), there's a weird thump of his heart that he doesn't quite recognize, so he just shakes it off and introduces himself with that adorable toothy grin he gives out like candy
- They're friends instantly (because how could you not be?) and hit it off right away, hanging out with and without the entire crew quite often. He usually is unable to sit still for too long without getting drowsy (he exerts himself a lot so), giving (Name) the perfect opportunity to not only catch up on manga, but to sneak a few glances his way 
- She may or may not have snuck a few pictures of one sleeping Kirishima 
- Always wakes up with tousled hair, disoriented. And without fail, no matter the time of day, is greeted warmly with a "Morning Sleepyhead. Love your hair."
- He's always embarrassed just enough to adorn a light dusting of a blush while smoothing down his hair completely 
- It's during one of these peaceful and (usually) undisturbed  moments that he realizes his heart is beating a little faster than it should be and he enjoys spending time with (Name) far more when it's just the two of them- 
- And suddenly the lighthearted teasing Ashido had been subjecting him to makes total sense
- Plans probably the cheesiest confession one day after class, complete with a nervous but excited grin - too bad his friend group decided to eavesdrop
- "About time!" Kaminari 
- "I'll say." Sero, huge grin on his face
- He's quick to race toward them and roughhousing ensues, but not before tossing another glance at a giggling (Name)
Denki Kaminari
- While he's not necessarily against having a heavier significant other, he may prefer someone closer to his size - baby boy is a little insecure about his own physique, especially in comparison to his friends 
- That said he took one look at (Name) and immediately was starstruck by just the cutest plump girl he ever did see - he actually hesitated to approach, believe it or not
- But he lives by the motto 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take' so in true Kaminari fashion, he saunters over, smolder in full force as he shoots his shot
- She blinks once, twice as if trying to decide whether or not to respond and he starts to sweat, backpedaling under the gaze of the cute girl and her friends
- "...Or not? Sorry, I'll just uh head that way now-,"
- She catches his hand
- "I was waiting on you to introduce yourself properly, but I guess I'll go first. I'm (Name). And you are?"
- He stutters a bit, lamely and she finally cracks a smile
- "Nice to meet you Kaminari. So, Friday night you said? I may have to flake on something but you're just cute enough for me to bail."
- He is visibly taken aback by her boldness
- "Really...? I mean yea, that's - yea!" 
- Smooth
- They exchange numbers and things move pretty quickly from there since they're both pretty avid texters - he's pleasantly surprised to find she's as into music as he is, even his more eclectic selection 
- "I know it's niche and honestly I can't really understand all the lyrics cause English, but it just sounds like a lowkey banger, ya know?" 
- She nods enthusiastically
- "I see why you like it!" She's humming along with her eyes closed and his heart is doing backflips because somehow, he managed to find a cute girl who likes even the most embarrassing parts of himself
- His eyes flicker back and forth from her jovial form to her plush lips and he desperately wants to close the gap but can't seem to find the courage 
- Defeated by overthinking, he leans over just enough to let his head fall onto her shoulder, positive she could feel the heat radiating from his face 
- Getting the girl? No problem. Planning and planting a dynamite first kiss? Difficultly level 90
Hanta Sero
- Sero truly doesn't discriminate in any capacity, so it makes no difference to him what size his lady love is 
- Althooough it certainly excites him more than one might think, the prospect of having a thick woman on his arm to spoil and tease equally
- He's a firm believer in developing a friendship before pursuing a relationship, not only does it create stronger, deeper bonds but it sort of ensures that he gets to know and love the real them, no filter 
- Can't lie, the crush is more than likely instant, from the moment he saw (Name) he knew he wanted to try and woo her - but these things take time and finesse 
- So the hang out sessions are frequent and she's invited to pretty much every squad hangout from then on. He gets to know her that way; trips to the mall or comic book store, lazy rainy days where they decide which movies to marathon(Bakugo will complain if he doesn't approve mind you), video game tournaments they host in the dorm commons...he very much enjoys getting to know his plump companion and the crush starts developing into something a lot more substantial 
- He starts telling jokes to the group just to get a laugh out of (Name) and involuntarily deflates a bit if it doesn't land. Also starts making solo hangouts a more of a thing, partially to gauge her reaction and partially because, well, you know
- While he's still completely positive he wants to be in a relationship with (Name) the closer they get, the more apprehensive he becomes. He's not the most attractive guy in the room and he's certainly not the smartest or strongest, but he was still a suitable enough to date, right...?
- It's on a night where she's bundled up under his spare blanket and leaning into him that the confession tumbles out. They're watching some show he was only vaguely interested in on her phone, a perfect excuse to scoot in close enough for him to rest his chin on top of her head
- "So, hey," his voice is barely above a whisper
-  "Uh huh?"
- "Would you be opposed to going out with me tomorrow?" 
- She takes a beat
- "Like a date?"
- He inhales sharply before pulling back to look her square in the eyes so that she knew this was wasn't a joke of any kind
- He nods and confirms, hoping for the best but fully expecting the worst. Suddenly, she pulls him close shakily, hiding her face in his baggy shirt
- "I didn't think you'd ever ask..."
- He chuckles lightly, wrapping his long arms around her
- "Sorry it took so long."
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Can’t remember if I posted this here or not lol
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shadowdaddies · 8 months
I’m so sorry but these are not gonna stop anytime soon 😭😭 I have so many ideas for stories and I love seeing how they turn out and you’re the only writer I trust to do it. Feel free at any point to cut me off! Could I get one where the reader and az are in battle and one of them jumps in front of the other to save them and end up getting very seriously injured but they survive. And when they wake up the other can’t belive it and is still upset so they kiss all over them to prove that they are okay. Can I also get a little bit of worrying from cassian and Rhys in there too! Maybe if the reader is the one to get hurt they are worried about her and if it’s az then they’re the ones to comfort her. Thank you!!
lol keep em coming, love! I'm always happy for the requests💜
The Greatest Casualty
Azriel x Reader
Warnings: depictions of battle, blood, injury and death
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A storm personified, you surged through the battlefield, cutting down enemy after enemy in a blur of clashing swords and blood. Azriel fought alongside you, the two of you working in tandem as you fought in a darkly beautiful dance together. 
As you moved forward, you caught the archer’s bow directed at you, cutting her arrow down effortlessly with your blade. What you didn’t notice in time was the archer lined next to her, firing their arrow quickly after, aimed straight for your mate. You didn’t have time to calculate the swing of your sword to deflect another arrow in time, adrenaline taking over your thoughts as you pushed Azriel out of the way, diving in front of the arrow yourself. 
As your flesh began to burn, excruciating pain spreading through your veins as the world blurred, you realized the arrow was poisoned. Azriel’s raging scream was the last thing you heard before your vision faded to black. 
Fading in and out of consciousness, you were unaware of how much time was passing as your body warred with itself to stay in this world. There were occasional muffled voices, some you recognized and some you did not. You once thought you could hear Azriel crying as a voice that sounded like Cassian’s comforted him, but when you tried to send reassurance to him through the bond, the connection was weak. All that you could feel from his end was a maelstrom of emotions, swirling torment and agony. Your heart broke for him before drifting back out of consciousness. 
Another time, you could hear Rhys and Feyre, more clearly than you had heard other voices before. They were speaking in hushed tones, but the words you heard were enough to build a fire within you. As your High Lord and High Lady discussed what would happen to your mate should you never wake up, you felt a fire in your veins. You crawled out of that dark place in your mind where you had been resting, clawing your way towards the light in front of you, that golden mating bond tethering you to this life. 
You grabbed that thread and tugged it with all your strength as a blinding light overwhelmed your senses. Your eyes shot open as you gasped for air, the blinding light you saw proving to be daylight shining through the window of your room. Rhys and Feyre turned from their conversation, shock and awe in their expressions before Feyre burst into tears, running to you from across the room. She brought you in for a gentle hug, the ache of your joints eliciting a wince from you regardless. She turned and directed Rhys to get Azriel and a healer, refusing to leave you now that you had awoken.
You nearly sobbed as you heard Azriel’s voice coming closer as he argued with Rhys that they shouldn’t have made him go downstairs to eat, because he missed his mate waking up. The door burst open, Feyre stepping aside to let Azriel settle next to you on the bed. You tried to speak, but the words came out raspy as if your voice hadn’t been used in too long. Feyre and Rhys left you alone with Azriel, heading downstairs to greet the healer whenever they arrived. 
Az studied your face, pressing kisses to every part of you that he could reach. He brushed your hair from your eyes, aiding you as you sat up against the pillows. He helped you drink some water, making it possible for you to speak well enough to ask, “how long was I out for?” Azriel’s face crumpled, sighing as he clutched your hand as though if he let go, you might disappear. “Ten days.” Your lower lip wobbled as you attempted to hold back the tears, Azriel gently shushing you as he held you close to his chest. “You dove in front of an ash arrow with a poisoned tip.” You heard his voice break as he whispered, “We didn’t know how you could survive.”
Azriel pulled back to look in your eyes, a scarred hand stroking your cheek. “Why would you do that, love? I waited for you for nearly six hundred years. I didn’t know - I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.” You took Azriel’s hand in your own, pressing a kiss to his palm. “The arrow would have hit you. I can’t lose you either, Azriel. I would take an arrow for you again without thought. You are my mate, and I would give my life gladly knowing that I will find you in the next.”
Azriel laid down next to you, the two of you enjoying each others’ presence as you began to drift off to sleep. You were startled from your peaceful state as the door was bust open once more, Cassian running in to bring you into a bear hug, your stiff joints protesting as you winced at the overwhelming affection. Azriel pushed him off of you, snarling, “you’re hurting her, Cass.” Cassian pulled away apologetically. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I’m just happy to see you. The healers are here, by the way.” 
Madja entered with another healer who apparently specialized in poisons, the two of them examining your injuries as Azriel kept a protective arm around you the entire time. They left, clearing you for light activity until your next check-up, and Azriel carried you down to have dinner with your family, the both of you overflowing with love and appreciation for each other and the others in your lives.
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narcissarina · 7 months
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“An age-old vendetta between two powerful families erupts into bloodshed. A group of masked Kennedy’s risk further conflict by gatecrashing a Capulet party. A young lovesick Romeo!Leon falls instantly in love with Juliet!Reader, who is due to marry her father’s choice.”
— Romeo and Juliet AU
Romeo!Leon, a type of person who'd refuse such risk, such as crashing the Capulets feast. A feast to introduce their one and only daughter, Juliet!reader, but the temptation and thrill got the best of him. He'll join in, but! It was also to be sure that his friends won't make an utter fool of themselves at the feast.
Romeo!Leon, who got into his disguise with his friends, finally got inside the feast as he got seperated from his friends. People dancing along the melody of the music, panic somehow sets in to Leon as he could not find his friends within the party—causing him to bump his back to yours.
Romeo!Leon, whose eyes sparked when he set his eyes to you, like a chanted love curse. He was mesmerized and hypnotized by your sore beauty, he even forgot to breathe when you ask him if he's doing alright and that he might've stopped breathing.
Juliet!reader, where you finally have come to age and have your family plan a feast to officially introduce you as the Capulets only daughter that has finally had come to age.
Juliet!reader, whose parents aren't that strict and cared for your happiness and wishes. But news flashes to you when you found out that your parents had arranged your marriage with somebody whom you do not love, nor wish not to love.
Juliet!reader, who's in a panic and had the urge to ran away—away from the feast, away to anyone at all! Where you are wearing your red elegant dress, where the time strikes to finally have you introduce to the people.
Juliet!reader, who's in the run and hide bump to a “guest” and immediately apologizing to them as you finally set your eyes to him. Eyes sparks as if it was love at first sight, he too probably feel the same, right?
“sir?” you called, his eyes fixated to yours—his blue eyes could be described as the color of the midwinter sky. He was lost for words, he was mesmerized and got lost by your beauty. How perfect your eyes is and how melodic your voice is—as if he heard an angel call out to him.
“y-yes?” he stammer, fixing his composure and clearing his throat—his voice sounded kind and sweet. He could finally breathe as he hold his breath when he was so lost by admiring you up close. Despite the mask, you could tell that he's handsome, the way the corner of his lips tug a sweet smile as he greeted you with a bow.
Before the two could greet one another, your nurse called for you—desperate to find you and bring you to your parents to finally have you introduce, as such—seeing such scene. Your nurse was surprised, it was sweet but she does not recognize the man nor is he from the Capulets. Hence in a hurry, she escorted the two to the main hall to feast and join the dance.
Guests dancing, cheering and laughing, chattering then silence came along. You leaving the mysterious boy alone as you come up the stairs to your parents, a formal and welcoming greeting as the Capulets finally introduced you to everybody in the feast. They cheer and clap, but he on the other hand—was still lost by your beauty.
He fell inlove, it was love at first sight.
Absurd as it is, but it was the truth. Y/n, your name runs through his heart and thoughts. As the loud yell and chatter and claps faded from his hearing, as if the world had faded and thought that it was only you and him. Nothing more.
The only daughter of the Capulet, you, came down the stairs and walk towards the boy. No one utter a word, only the eyes could tell. The feelings were mutual, as the two of you really did fell inlove at first sight, “Leon.” He said, introducing himself, “so, you were y/n. You are a beauty, I couldn't help but feel captivated by you.” You smiled at his compliment.
The two dance, he offered first as you took his hand then guided you to the dance floor and gracefully dance along the soothing music. As each step you take, he follows—his eyes never leaving yours as he was memorizing every features of your beautiful being and his hand rest to the back of your waist, leans in to kiss you but soon rather interrupted when his two idiotic friends tried causing a ruckus.
He was exposed.
He wasn't from here, he wasn't from the Capulet, but your heart speaks his name as he flee from the feast and gave you a quick peck from the cheek as he yell, “I'll come back for you, my princess.”
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Romeo!Leon, who finally made his escape from the feast with his idiotic friends who caught him in the act with the Capulets only daughter. They tease him and acted out what they saw Leon do to you; hands on waist, slow dancing, and even leaning in for a kiss.
Romeo!Leon, who left his friends and gone off to bed but couldn't sleep when you linger through his mind. Preventing him to sleep as he recalls the way you smile and look at him with those pretty eyes. He could only smile and giggle at himself like a lovesick idiot.
Romeo!Leon, who snuck out from his room to go see you as you were out in a daze from your window. Smiling and giggling to yourself, as you repeat his name like a love spell.
Juliet!reader, who was caught in the act with the boy who wasn't from the Capulet side, you were brought back to somewhere private to have a matter of discussion with your parents.
Juliet!reader, whose parents finally broke the news to you that you got engaged to a marrage that you do not want, and to a man that you never loved. The man who will never be Leon, as your mind, heart and soul speaks his name.
Juliet!reader, who was upset and cried in front of your parents. Demanding nicely to call off the wedding, she doesn't want to marry someone who isn't Leon. You do not care if he wasn't from the Capulet side, your hearts speak to him. You need him, and he'll be the only boy or man that you will marry, and if your parents can't give you that. Worse things might happen as you take love and marriage seriously.
Leon saw you in a daze from your window, your expression speaks different emotions as it shifts to annoyed to happy to something you're pouting about and to something that makes your toes curl.
“y/n!” He yelled as it snaps you back to reality, you turn your head and smiled down at him, “Leon!” your tone so loving and sweet, he wants to climb up and kiss you here and there. And maybe do more.
Time pass as the two chatter and share their good times to one another, you were lost with your ramblings and never notice that Leon was finally behind you.
“And my parents set me up to a wedding that I do not want, making me marry to a man that my heart does not speak of.” You huff a pout as a hand embraced you from behind, his nose against the crook of your neck. He tilts up as his lips were next to your ear, “That's horrible, who does your heart speak of?” he asked.
“You.” you utter as heat rose from your cheek, you receive a charming chuckle from him. “Do not laugh at my situation, Leon!” you pouted, “aren't you a little concern that I will not be marrying you if that happens?” you added, turning your head to the side to look away from him.
“Then..” he turns you around to face him, your eyes close and focus to the side as his forehead press against yours, “I'll steal you away from your wedding.” he added, chuckling at his own joke.
“But in all seriousness, I want you to be mine as much as your heart wants me.” he leans and kiss your forehead, “Let's get married tomorrow..?” he propose the idea, you turn to him—hands on his chest as both of your bodies were pressed to one another.
“Talk about short engagement, but..” your fingers tracing circles over his chest, “I would love that...”
Leon pulls you even closer, eyes only focus to yours as his hand cups and caress your cheek—finally leaning in slowly to press his lips against the softness of your own.
“Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow.” — Romeo and Juliet, Act 2 scene 2.
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Juliet!reader, whose parents seek your presence to have another discussion with you as they realize their mistake in making this arranged engagement, wanting to confront you about the incident with the boy who snuck in the feast just yesterday.
Juliet!reader, who's anxious and nervous why your parents had called for you. Had you seated infront of them as silence followed.
Juliet!reader, who got understanding parents finally reasoned to you and will find a way to call off the engagement as they asked you a question regarding your feelings to the boy from the other side.
“We may just have met yesterday from the feast, but...” you utter, a smile on your face as Leon was always in your mind. “I know that he is the man for me, mother.. Father.” Both of your parent look at each other, sighing—not because of disappointment, but rather a defeat sigh.
“I will have the marriage cancel. I'll try my best, sweetheart.” Your father smiles, stands up and caress your cheek and brush back a strand of your hair as he left the room. Completely stunned as you are, you turn to your mother.
She only smiled and sat beside you as she took your hand to hers, “may this marriage bring you happiness and desires.” she said and caress her thumb to the back of your hand.
Speechless as you are, whether this is real or not—but all you knew that they acknowledged your love for Leon and how your eyes sparks when marriage with him was brought up.
Telling the news to him might will be a greatest surprise.
Romeo!Leon, who was careful and try to keep himself low and not get spotted as he wanted to visit the love of his life.
Romeo!Leon, whose mind wanders when he tried to see you again by the window, but soon got caught by a member of the Capulet.
Romeo!Leon, who was confused when your own father came looking for him specifically. Shock came after when your father asked him what he felt for you, even if it was just love at first sight.
“Her beauty captivated me, her eyes mesmerized me as it made me lost time—as if I was hypnotized, making me frozen like a statue. But to my surprise, my heart skips a beat, the world faded from my ears so that her voice will be the one that only I... could hear.” Leon confessed with a smile, it was sweet and genuine. Your father knew from that moment that he wasn't like any other Kennedy he had ever met.
The way he had described you; from your looks, your voice, your eyes—even how you took effect on him. How he melts under your touch, it may be just love at first sight. But the more your father hears Leon talk genuinely about you, how his tone of voice was filled with love...
Your father knew, that he may be the one.
“I'm deeply sorry if we crashed your party, sir. But..” he chuckles to himself, his cheeks warming. “If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have met your daughter.”
Your father took in his words, smiles planted on to his face as he nodded. Your father puts his hand to Leons shoulder and welcome him in the Capulet resident, and of course.
Away from you, away from everybody as the two discussed how your marriage with Leon would be. Your father wants it to be perfect, it has to. But the most important thing is; that you are happy.
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It was unexpected, really.
Already standing right at the door, bouquet of roses in your hands and veil covering up your face but can still be seen. How long your wedding gown is as the door finally flew open as you were greeted with the light and people standing up to clap.
Both sides of the family attended, some are either crying, cheering, chattering and even having a breakdown.
Making peace between the Capulet and Kennedys wasn't that easy, Leon had to reason with his family on how this kind of idiotic bickering can stop and be finally at peace.
No war, just love and friendship between the two powerful families.
You took a step whilst taking a deep breath as you slowly walk up to the aisle, the loud chattering toned down as music finally plays.
Oh, Leon.
How he watch you walk up to the aisle with a smile on your face, how beautiful and elegant you are with your wedding dress. How you were finally walking up to him in the aisle.
He wanted to shed a tear, oh yes he do.
He's a softie after all, but crying can wait when he finally said his vow.
You took his hand as the two of you stood beside to one another, you can tell that he was taking a glance at you. He couldn't ask for more, he couldn't wait—he could stare at you all day and tell you endless of times how lucky he was and that he'll do anything, and... that he loves you the moment he laid his eyes upon you.
“I, Leon Kennedy, promise to love you not just because of your beauty but also your being. I will cherish and treasure you whole.
I swear to be always by your side and protect you with all of my being, even when we may come across conflict nor when the world is against us or our love.
Y/n, the moment I laid my eyes upon you. I was stoned—I was lost in your eyes, I feel like that the world around me has faded.”
Leon took a breather for a moment before continuing.
“If it were not for my idiotic friends request that we ‘crash’ the party, I wouldn't have met you.
You were the unexpected experience that I'll ever have. Now, your eyes, your lips, and your voice. How I almost lost myself when you speak, how I melt to your touch when your fingers traces against my skin.”
Tears were already forming in his eyes, he chuckles and apologize to the audience—which was also sobbing and chuckling.
“y/n Capulet, I love you. Beyond the moon and back, to where we reach and catch a shining star. You were... everything. And I hope, that together, we'll stay.”
His vow reach to an end as he puts the ring to your ring ringer, he cups your cheek as his eyes never leaving yours—knowing fully that he means his words.
You sniffle with a smile, took his hands to yours as you spoke your vow.
You mean every words, every sentences and everything that you speak of. He was the book that you were thankful that you've read, and you were the poem that he took time to memorize and harmonize like a poet.
Taking the ring and pushing it to his ring finger as you ended your vow, your eyes never leaving his too—to let him know that you, too, mean every word you spoke of to him.
“And now, I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!”
Cheers roar along with the delighted claps, he has his hands on your waist as he delicately pulls you in for that sweet kiss that he's been eager to get.
A wedding kiss.
A special moment as he finally shed a tear, he would stop time if he would, right in this moment.
But moving forward and facing the future as a newlywed couple was much better in the back of his mind.
A wonderful experience, and a wonderful story.
A poem and the poet, to be the love of someones story.
A happily ever after.
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I would run away with you, when the world turn their back on ours.
I'll love you forever, from the moon and back.
— unknown
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psychedelic-ink · 8 months
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𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐝
pairing: pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader
genre: angst, smut, romance, slow burn, mutual pining, secret relationship
series summary: After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
word count: 4.2k
chapter summary: Summer break is finally here, meaning it's time to pick the annual vacation spot for the Miller's, only this time you also have a say in where to go. Later that night Joel makes you a promise.
warnings: none, just some fluff and family dynamics, mention of parent abandonment (sarah's mom leaving), mention of an unplanned pregnancy (again, sarah's mom)
a/n: yes there is a modern family reference in this. a heavy one at that because that show has been engraved in my brain from rewatching it over and over this year
special thanks to @undercoverpena for cheering me on and to all the lovely readers who continue on joining in for the ride. ily all xx
Chapter Twelve || Chapter Fourteen
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“I don’t understand. Sarah never in her life hurt anythin’. She hates it when I watch action movies and always calls me a caveman for it. How the hell is she gettin’ into a fight with some girl?”
He’s spiraling. That’s the easiest way to put it. His body is humming with worry, the light in the school hall burning his eyes. Sarah, his perfect little girl getting into trouble— 
Surely it was self-defense. 
He paces back and forth, then angrily looks at the door. Why is this taking so long? Why isn’t he already in there, learning what the hell happened? 
“Take a breath, Joel.” 
His head snaps towards the source of the voice, his heart easing a bit but not entirely calmed down yet. You offer him a kind smile, patting the seat next to you for him to join you. Joel shakes his head almost violently. “I can’t,” he sighs. “I need to know what the hell happened. I need to know if she’s alright.” 
“She’s in class, she’s alright,” you swiftly get up from your sweet and cradle his cheeks. He wants to look away. He’s still not used to being this vulnerable, this open. “I need you to calm down before we go in, okay? Don’t go on wreaking havoc without us learning what happened.”
Joel grimaces, his brows furrowing, he holds your wrists and tugs your hands down. He sees a moment of hurt reflected in your eyes but is quick to appease those worries by pressing his lips against your cheek. He’s glad you’re here. Truly. But he’s also worried about Sarah. She might be in class, however, that doesn’t mean that she was hurt in some other way. He lets out another breath and looks at the door. If looks could kill the wooden furniture would be dead by now.
He’s in the middle of leaning in for a proper kiss when the door finally opens. Both of them jolt, turning towards the interruption. Joel recognizes the woman on the other side. She has straight black hair that’s in a neat ponytail and thick glasses perched above her nose. Joel remembers her vaguely from Sarah talking about school... Ms. Pritchett, if he's not mistaken. He doesn't remember her first name. She’s young, maybe closer to your age rather than his. He gives the teacher a pointed look, to which she answers with a kind smile. 
“Mr Miller, welcome,” her gaze shifts to you “And…” 
You quickly offer her your name, flustered, as much as Joel can tell. He's a bit ashamed to admit it but at that point, he doesn't really care to figure out why you're suddenly tripping over your words. Joel turns to the teacher, his shoulders squared and tense. “You called about Sarah gettin' in a fight?” 
“Ah, yes. Please, come in.” 
He feels the brush of your fingers against the small of his back, a soothing touch and a quick one at that. He wishes your touch would linger, that your body would drape over his like a soothing velvety blanket. Sadly, he can't have that. At least, not now. You sit across from him and Ms Pritchett takes her seat behind the large wooden desk. Joel appreciates the craftsmanship of it. The way the wood feels smooth and new under his touch, polished to perfection, reminding him of something Tommy would make in his spare time. His eyes then linger on the nameplate right in front of him, Lily Pritchett. Now he knows the name of Sarah's teacher. 
Miss Pritchett laces her fingers on top of the desk, her sharp eyes fixed on Joel’s. He suddenly feels very exposed. Like this woman can see every mistake he’s made since the day he was born. Her smile isn’t soothing. Nor is the slight tilt of her head to make her seem whatever she’s about to say isn’t a big deal. But it is. He knows it is. He’s a single dad, no mom in the picture to help him out, and day by day those shortcomings are becoming more prominent in their lives. 
“Has Sarah told you about why she’s been having trouble at school?” 
The question is like a knife to the gut. It’s being twisted and pressed in deeper. He can feel your gaze on him but he refuses to look back. His heart skips a beat, then another. Why the fuck is he having trouble breathing?
“Her grades are high,” he manages to choke out between gritted teeth. “I ain’t aware of any trouble she’s been havin’.”
“I’m not talking about grades Mr. Miller. In that aspect, she’s excelling. But she seems to be having trouble fitting in—” 
“She has friends.” 
Miss Pritchett smiles again, albeit it looks more forced this time. As if Joel is working her last nerve, “She does. But those girls are in a grade higher.” she sighs and twirls her thumbs over one another. “I had a similar problem when I was her age. The thing is yesterday the girls were getting ready for gym class and started teasing each other by snapping each other’s bra straps.”  Joel’s mouth goes dry. He’s definitely out of his element. He holds his breath and waits for the teacher to continue, he feels your hand on the slope of his knee. “But Sarah didn’t have one and the other girls started teasing her.” 
“Why the hell are you talkin’ to us then?” Joel glowers and Miss Pritchett's mouth snaps shut. “Seems to me that my girl is the victim. Where are the parents of the others?” 
“Mr. Miller. . .” 
“No. I ain’t lettin’ her take the blame that was clearly some other kid’s fault!” his voice raises, his blood pumping faster, warmer. “You here blamin’ Sarah when she was clearly gettin’ bullied under your watch—” 
“Sarah tackled one of the girls.” 
Now it’s Joel’s turn to snap his mouth shut. Miss Pritchett's gaze turns sympathetic and you stiffen next to him, your fingers tightening around his knee. He shuffles in his seat and raises a brow, “Pardon?” 
“Some words were exchanged about Sarah’s mother abandoning her and Sarah tackled the other student to the ground. Things didn’t escalate—When Miss Crest came in Sarah was just holding her down.” 
“What did they say?” he growls, anger simmering right under the skin. 
He hates feeling like this. So out of control. Hates that her daughter is being targeted for something that was out of his and her’s control. 
“Her mother left us when she was young. A goddamn baby. Are you meanin’ to tell me that these kids are so undisciplined that they’ve been bullyin’ my girl for somethin’ that ain’t her fault?” 
“The girl who said it, Kimberly,” Miss Pritchett sighs softly when Joel fixes her another glare. A warning that she’s seen too many times from overprotective parents. “She apologized later on and the two have been talking a bit in class.” 
“I don’t care if she apologized—”
“Joel. . .” He finally turns to look at you. You say his name not as a warning, but more as an anchor grounding him to the moment. He’s breathing heavily. His body wrung out and ready to collapse. He takes a deep breath. In and out. He allows you to say what you want to say, what he’s too stuck in his own head to ask. Your gaze shifts from him to Miss Pritchett. “What should we do?” 
“Try to talk to her. If her mother left when she was young, like you said,” she gestures towards Joel. “She might’ve not fully registered what happened. Or what it means to not have a mother and only now she might be realizing it. As for the other situation, it might be good to get her a training bra for now.” 
A training bra, what does that even mean? It’s like he’s drowning, everyone saying things he just can’t understand. 
“The girls reconciled but I just wanted to get a chance to talk to you, Mr. Miller, before summer break starts.” 
God, they still have to pick out the annual vacation spot, “I appreciate it,” he mutters, not really looking at anyone in particular. He gets up from his seat and so do you and Miss Pritchett. She extends a hand and he takes it. 
“Feel free to call if you have any other questions,” she says. “Sarah is a good girl and has a bright future. This is just a little bump in the road.” 
And for the first time since he entered the office, Joel smiles. She does have a bright future. She’s the most amazing girl she knows. 
“Thank you.” 
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The sky is crystal clear not a cloud in the sky. Joel hates it. And not just because he’s in a sour mood but because there’s nothing he can stare at in the sky. Nothing to distract him. They’re waiting for the final bell to ring so they can get Sarah and go home together. Tommy is supposed to pick them up. 
“You have to calm down,” you say, walking up to him enough to leave a friendly distance in between. Joel is tired of keeping you a secret. He wants to feel the softness of your body against his own, want to feel your breath on his skin as you speak. “I can go with her and get her a training bra. But you need to be the one to talk to her.” 
He cocks an eyebrow, “You think I don’t know that?” 
“I. . .I know you do. But let’s be honest you’re not exactly the most talkative. We’ve been together for a while and been living side by side for even longer—I still have no clue about Sarah’s mother or what her name is.” 
“Her name is Jessica,” he deadpans. Then with a sigh, he drags his palm down his face. “It’s hard for me. I don’t really have answers, sweetheart. She just up and left one day. She must’ve planned it because it was right after when we switched to formula.” 
“Did Sarah ever ask about her before?” 
“Once. When she was little.” 
His cheeks burn with frustration and he stammers of his words, “I don’t know. I don’t remember, she was really young so I think I made up somethin’ about her having a job far away or somethin’.” 
Joel groans and looks up to the sky. He watches the blank blue sky. How fucking boring. 
Your touch on his cheek brings him back down, your smile a balm to his soul, “Just talk to her. Ask her if she has any questions and be honest. She’s a smart girl. I’m certain she’ll understand that you’ve been hurting too.” 
Joel leans into the curve of your palm. A grateful smile tugs at the corner of his lips. You’re too good for him. That much he knows. You’re everything. 
“Thanks, sweetheart,” his heart melts between the bones of his ribcage. “I lo—” 
The sudden sound of the bell makes you both jerk away from one another. Joel’s eyes land on your face, you look horrified and panting with parted lips. He can’t help the burst of laughter that drops from his mouth as he places a hand on the top of your head. 
“So jumpy,” he mutters, and as he does his eyes catch sight of a bubbly girl with beautiful brown curls. “And there’s Sarah.” 
He might be imagining it but Joel swears you frown when he removes his hand from your head. Before Sarah comes over, he gives you a quick pinch on your waist and your smile is back. 
“Hey there baby girl,” he says. “How was school?” 
Sarah’s eyes flit between you and himself, “It was fine. . . Am I in trouble?” 
“Not at all.” Sarah looks skeptical but accepts his father’s words for now. Just as she opens her mouth, a loud familiar honk interrupts. The three of them turn towards the song along with a couple of children and families. 
“Whoops.” Joel can vaguely hear Tommy say as he jumps out of the truck. He makes his way towards them with quick steps, only slowing when his gaze lands on you. Joel hates the way his chest puffs up like a rooster at that. He doesn’t like the sudden kicked-puppy look Tommy is giving you. As if you’ve betrayed him in any way. . . He runs a hurried hand over his jaw. If anything all of this is Joel’s fault and not yours. He refuses to let anyone think otherwise. 
“I thought the teacher called you?” Tommy asks, gesturing with his head to Joel. His gaze swiftly moves back to you. “What are you doin’ here, sweetheart?” 
The endearment rolls off his tongue a bit too rough, which rubs Joel the wrong way. Joel watches you shift from one foot to the other, looking like a deer in headlights. “I asked her to come,” he steps up. “I was worried.” 
Tommy’s eyes soften and Joel’s heart threatens to shatter. He knows his brother cares about him. It hurts especially when he shows his emotions so easily, the complete opposite of Joel, he’s like an open book. 
The younger Miller holds Sarah’s shoulder and pulls her close, “You a’right? Anyone givin’ you trouble?” 
“No, Uncle Tommy. It was more like I was the one causing trouble.” 
All of them start towards the truck and as they do Joel doesn’t miss the way Tommy’s eyes light up at what she said. 
“The perfect student finally getting her hands dirty? Now I’d pay good money to see that—” 
“But I wouldn’t obviously,” Tommy clarifies, ignoring Joel’s warning. He leans into Sarah’s ear. “Did you get them good, baby?” 
Sarah smiles and Joel realizes he would let her get away with murder if he must. 
“I did.” 
“That’s my girl.” 
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You and Sarah sit in the back while Joel sits in the passenger seat and Tommy gets behind the wheel. An uncomfortable silence surrounds them. The car starts moving and Joel turns a bit, looking between both you and Sarah. You’re looking out the window, your forehead smushed against the glass and Sarah is pretty much doing the same thing excluding the smushed forehead part. He sighs and turns back. Tommy is also tense which Joel can tell by the way he holds the wheel. He can’t really blame him. If you coming along with Joel wasn’t a tell of some sort he doesn’t know what is. 
“So,” Joel says loudly, cutting the silence in two. “We might as well plan the family trip while we’re drivin’ back home.” 
“Italy.” Sarah piques. 
“Every god damn year—no Sarah we’re not goin’ to Italy. But we will one day. Promise.” 
“Then I’m out of suggestions.” 
“What about you?” Joel asks, addressing you. For a second you look unsure, and he notices your eyes finding Tommy’s through the rear window mirror. “With how often we see each other you might as well come with us on vacation. It’s only for a week.” 
“Are you sure?” 
Your voice comes out tiny, insecure. He hates it. 
“‘Course I am.” 
Tommy jumps in before you can respond, "How about Lake Buchanan? You know, where we used to take Sarah when she was little. There's a resort there now, called Canyon of the Eagles or something."
Joel raises an eyebrow, considering the suggestion. "Not a bad idea, Tommy. What do you think?" he asks, stealing a glance at you through the mirror.
A small, genuine smile forms on your face. "Sounds perfect. I'm in."
"Great," Joel grins. "Lake Buchanan it is."
Sarah, who had been lost in thought, perks up at the mention of the destination. "Lake Buchanan?"
"Yep, that's the place.” a fond smile playis on his lips. “Remember the stargazing?"
"Not really,” Sarah scrunches her face in concentration. “But it might be fun."
"It's gonna be a blast."
Joel shares a glance with you, both of you secretly reveling in the joy that Sarah's excitement brings. 
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He has no idea how long he’s been staring, but he knows it’s been for a while now. 
Sarah walked up to her room pretty quickly when they arrived home, Joel wasn’t happy about the way she practically ran away from having a discussion, however he also figured he learned from the best—which was himself.
He takes a deep inhale, feels the way his chest expands, and exhales all of it from his lungs. He can do this. He can talk. 
Joel knocks three times with his heart in his throat. He never felt more relieved in his life when he heard the faint permission to enter the room. 
“Hey there, kiddo,” he says, leaving the door open. “I think we might have some things we need to discuss.” 
“Is this about Kimberly?” Sarah sighs and closes the book she was reading. She sits up on her bed, pulling her skinny knees up to her chest, she stares at her dad. “I’ve already delt with that. We’re fine. And I’ll never do it ever again,” she raises her hand as if she was pledging herself to the American flag. “Promise.” 
“You know that’s not why I’m here. There’s more we need to talk about and you know it.” 
“I know you don’t like talking about her, dad,” she sighs. “I’m sorry I tackled Kimberly. She just got on my nerves. I don’t even know where it came from.” 
Joel decides not to tell her that she did good tackling her classmate and that he’s proud. No one gets to bully his daughter, and he’s glad she knows how to defend herself. But it’s probably a good thing he doesn’t encourage it. 
“I don’t mind talkin’ about it,” he says instead. “What do you wanna know?” 
Sarah blinks, “Why’d she leave?” 
The second time today Joel is indescribably gutted. It was a question he didn’t know the answer quite himself. He hated calling Sarah an accident—but if he had to keep it blunt that was what it was. They were young when they got married, and eager to be with one another. Joel still remembers the night. The creaking of his old truck as rain fell upon them. At the time he would’ve called it romantic. Jessica had just left work, Joel was waiting for her right in the parking lot. He didn’t want her to get soaked under the rain. She was upset at something that happened at work and searched for relief in his mouth. He remembers the way her curls tickled his face, how eager she was to mark his neck—
That was the first time he came inside her. She said she would take a pill the next day. Three weeks later they were pregnant. Joel, despite their crippling finances, was excited. A baby—what else could he have wanted? Sure he had to make some adjustments to his career but that didn’t matter to him. 
Jessica left as soon as Sarah didn’t need to breastfeed anymore. She didn’t even leave a note. Her family was out of state and technology wasn’t as savvy as it was now. He couldn’t track her down. He’s also ashamed to admit he didn’t really try. He was hurt. Heartbroken. He thought they had something special, that having Sarah was both of their dreams. 
But apparently, it was only his. 
All he can feel is pain as he takes a seat next to Sarah on the bed. He wants to console her, tell her some solid truth that would ease her pain. But he can think of none. 
“I don’t know, baby,” he says barely above a whisper. “She didn’t leave a note when she left and I could never track her down.” Sarah’s eyes shine with coming tears. He can’t handle it anymore, he pulls her to his chest, hugs her tight. “I’m sorry baby girl. None of this is your fault. I—I wish I could be better. I know I have shortcomings but I’m gettin’ there promise. And. . . And if you want we can. . .” A knot forms in his throat. He can barely speak. “We can track her down. Ask her for the truth. Because I swear sweetheart I don’t know. Maybe I did something to run her off,” Sarah stiffens under his hold but he continues. A faint sniffling reaches his ears. “I was workin’ day and night at the time. Tryin’ to get the business goin’. It’s possible I wasn’t attentive as much as I wanted to be—I might’ve—” 
“Dad.” Sarah’s voice comes out harsh as she peels herself away from Joel’s embrace. He sees the fire in her eyes but also the pain, her sweet cheeks wet. Her brows are furrowed much like his and he can’t help but think it’s the cutest thing. “Her leaving isn’t your fault,” she then says, taking him by surprise. “I don’t know what you did—or if you did anything— but she lost all credibility when she just got up and left. Both. . . both of you were dealing with something huge. That burden can’t just be yours.” 
Joel blinks rapidly. His eyes sting when he does, he takes a sharp inhale and refuses to wipe his eyes. He’s not crying. He’s not emotional. It’s just the remains of the damn perfume Sarah likes to spray so much of. 
“And sure, we might have some problems, but that happens in every family. I love what we have. You’re the best dad a girl can ask for.” 
“You think so?” Joel chokes out. Sarah quickly nods, her own eyes suddenly wetter than before. With a smile, he shakes his head and pulls her in for another embrace. “For what it’s worth you’re the best daughter a dad could ask for,” he murmurs. “And I ain’t mad at you for tacklin’ that Kimberly girl. She deserved it.” 
Sarah’s laugh comes out muffled, “Dad. . . you’re not supposed to say that.” 
“I don’t care.” 
They hold on to each other with no urgency of breaking apart. He doesn’t care about the others. About the other families and their children. All he cares about is his daughter’s wellbeing. His own family that he built from jack squat. 
The rest of the world can eat shit for all he cares. As long as his little girl is safe, his brother doing alright and you in his life, he doesn’t care about the Kimberlys of the world. 
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“So everything went alright with Sarah?” 
Settling beside Joel, a bowl of popcorn rests comfortably on your lap. The DVD menu is on, faint music of the movie he popped in echoing from the speakers. You were a bit hesitant to come over after today. And you were surprised to hear that Sarah went out to stay with her friends. You’d expected the two to have a long talk, maybe even share a pint of ice cream. But Sarah was Joel’s daughter after all, just like his father she probably cut it short, told her how she felt and they both moved on. 
You can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. However, as long as they’re both happy you don’t care all that much about how they get there. 
“It went fine,” Joel responds, throwing an arm over your shoulder. “Just like you said, I was honest and she understood. I’m tryin’ to figure out where to go from here. I think there are a bunch of old pictures in the garage, including Jessica and Sarah as a baby. I don’t know if she would wanna see those though.”
“Yeah. . .” Your eyes shift to the screen, sadly, you don’t really have an answer to that. It’s not like Sarah thinks of her mother fondly and would want to see pictures. Your brain and heart are both worn out from everything that happened today. Both organs scrambled and twisted. You let out a soft sigh—a sigh so soft that it barely parts your lips, but he hears you. 
“I haven’t asked how you were feelin’ about all this,” he squeezes your shoulder. “How have ya been? This wasn’t all too much for you was it?” 
You smile. After all this time you’re still not used to being looked out after. 
“I’m okay. I just. . .” You think of Tommy and the look he gave you right before giving all his attention to Sarah. The hurt look in his eyes. The suspicion. “I need you to promise me something—I need you to swear on it.” 
His brows furrow, the deep crease between them making your heart clench. You chew on the inside of your cheek, your stomach suddenly full of knots. “I need you to swear you’ll tell Tommy soon. We—We can do it together if you want but I can’t handle seeing him almost every day and just lying—”
“You’re—We’re not lyin’—” 
He turns to you now. The soft light of the TV illuminating his face, making it appear softer. More innocent and full of hurt. His eyes grow kind, understanding. Your eyes widen slightly. Your breath catches in your throat. Your heart plummets. You don’t think there’s a man out there capable of better understanding you than Joel Miller. He’s everything. And he makes you feel like everything. 
“On my life.”
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we're entering the vacation arc babes 🚗🌲🏞️
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daigina-3 · 2 years
Steve comes home to a sacrificial ritual being set up in his living room.
Or that’s what it looks like.
He kicks the door closed and chucks his keys and wallet in the little bowl by the door like always, pushes his glasses up- they always slip down when he fiddles with the lock- and rounds the corner to head for the kitchen via the living room.
Except there’s a bunch of candles, a mix of black and cream colors, set up in the living room. Most are in plastic candelabras- bought from the DollarTree, maybe- and a big black blanket is spread in the center of the room, the couches pushed back from their usual center placement.
“What the fuck?” Steve calls, knowing exactly who’s going to answer because only one person could have done this-
“Steve!” Eddie rounds the corner from the other hall, his arms full. “You’re home early.”
“Uh- yeah-“ Eddie side steps past him, sparing a quick kiss on the cheek, which Steve returns, confused. “Are we.. sacrificing something? Or is this like a dark-themed romantic surprise because you know how I feel about wax-“
Eddie laughs and starts laying the things in his arms down on the blanket, forming a perfect semi-circle on the floor in the center of the room. A little plastic axe, a fake plastic branch, a mini ukelele, a toy sword, among others.
“No, definitely not-“
Steve cuts him off and, realizing something is missing, whips his head around in minor panic. “Where’s-“
“Heeeeeere she comes!” A voice calls from the same hall Eddie appeared from a moment ago and Steve recognizes the voice before he sees who it is, heart unclenching from his momentary panic. He’s relieved to see Gareth- a chubby little baby in his hands, held high above his head like he’s Rafiki taking Simba to Pride Rock. “The lady of the hour!”
Behind Gareth, shuffling and staring up at the baby he’s holding aloft are Dustin, Will, and Jeff, looking like occultists following their sacred baby-leader to the altar.
“Hi Gareth- hi guys,” Steve pushes down crazy helicopter dad mode and reaches up. When she sees Steve, Sam’s eyes light up with recognition- a smile breaks out on her round little face, all dribble and just one or two teeth that recently started coming in. She screeches in excitement m and reaches back to Steve with her tiny, tiny little hands- tiny little hands that might as well have Steve’s heart in a vice grip.
“Hi hi hi, Sammy,” Steve coos, taking the squealing, arm flailing ball of excitement from Gareth’s hands.
Steve will literally never get tired of how excited she is to see him, how even when he goes for a two minute bathroom break Sam screeches at the sight of him returning- will wiggle out of Eddie’s arms or bang on her high chair until Steve picks her up.
(Much to his husbands dismay- Eddie jokes that he’s nothing but a source of bottles to Sam and while they both know that’s not actually true… Steve can’t help feeling a little itty bitty bit smug when she kicks her way out of Eddie’s grip and reaches for his nose or glasses to tug on in delight).
Steve settles the smiley little butterball on his hip, rubbing little circles on her side as she grabs at the collar of his t-shirt. It only takes a couple seconds for Eddie to drift toward them both, attaching himself with an arm around Steve’s waist and Sam tucked between them.
Steve leans into the warmth of Eddie and the way he’s wedging Sam close to them both.
Around them, Gareth and Jeff light the candles around the room while Will and Dustin find a spot to set up Will’s phone.
It dawns on Steve- “Oh! Is this the Gundam and Gadgets thing for Sam’s first birthday?”
Eddie can’t hold back his laugh and he knocks Steve’s head gently with his own. “You know it’s Dungeons and Dragons, you old coot,” he says lightly, his breath tickling Steve’s cheek.
Steve smirks. He knows, but he likes to hear Eddie’s exasperated laughter when he calls Orcs “Shrek guys” or asks if the scores work like golf. He bonks Eddie’s head back lightly.
Eddie had mentioned it- said he’d seen a thing online but Steve had imagined picking papers out of a hat or something, maybe spinning a wheel.
Eddie twists a finger in Sam’s curls, his mouth pursed. “Paper in a hat? That would hardly be appropriate for such a tremendous occasion.”
Sam slaps at Eddie’s finger, grabbing it and yanking it down to her mouth. Eddie lets her slobber on it with the indifference of a man who’s had way, way worse than baby slobber on his hands.
“Our little Samwise is choosing her class- her lifelong craft that she’ll work to perfect. You can’t choose that with paper.”
Steve glances up from where he’s watching Sam gnaw on Eddie with her little ridiculously tiny hands wrapped around his. He knows the rings are non-toxic, made Eddie get them all checked, but still wonders if the metal is good for her teething gums.
“Isn’t that right, Sammy-fries?,” Eddie wiggles the baby- still gumming on his finger- into his arms. “This way she gets to choose what she gravitat- OW, fff-“
“Language,” Steve chides.
“-forks, Sammy, those teeth are deadly! Jesus, what’re you gonna do when you have a full set?” Eddie shakes his hand, inspecting his finger where two little red indents mark where Sam had bitten down. Hard.
She never touches her expensive doctor recommended teething rings, but biting on hands and fingers til they bleed? Her specialty.
Sam giggles as Eddie shows her his boo-boo and pretends to be fatally wounded.
“Candles are all done,” Jeff announces. “And Erica texted. She wants us to Skype her in after.
“Oh- Lucas and Mike made us promise to record it, too,” Will finally steps back from where he and Dustin have carefully propped the phone against a teddy bear elevated by books on a side table, looking like it could fall any second and angled perfectly at where Eddie is setting Sam down, equidistant on the blanket from each of the symbols surrounding her.
Steve recognizes some of the things- the sword is probably fighter, the little branch is probably meant to be a mage staff? Or maybe the other magic class, Druid? There might be more classes that use staffs or branches though. The ukelele is easy, that one’s a bard- Steve knows it’s Eddie’s favorite class- and a few other things that are obviously to do with fighting or something but he can’t really tell what’s meant to symbolize what.
Behind him, Gareth dims the lights just a little and saddles up next to Steve “This is gonna be so fuckin-“
“-Language!” Chorus Will and Dustin at the same time-
“Sorry- fricken awesome.”
The excitement among all the guys is palpable and Steve finds himself getting wrapped up in it too- they’re all sitting down around the special little blanket, Dustin and Jeff leaning across Will to make bets (Jeff’s money is on fighter but Dustin’s heart is set on Rogue) and Eddie sets Sam up, smoothing her hair down and gently explaining to her the sacred ritual they’ve set up for her. She barely understands much more than “yes” “no” or “dinner” but she looks up at Eddie with the biggest, most interested eyes a baby can have. Steve gets it- that’s probably how he looks at Eddie too, most of the time. Wide-eyed and love-struck.
A little ‘ping’ sounds softly as Dustin hits record on the phone and Eddie holds Sam up.
“Today,” he says like he’s making a speech to a crowd of several hundred rather than a living room of five dudes and a baby, “marks a special day in the young life of Samantha Munson-Harrington. Also known as Sam, Sammy, Spammy, Samwise, Samfries or Spud. She has reached the end of her first calendar year and it is time to choose the path down which she will walk for the years to come.”
He sets her down carefully equidistant from all of the symbols and scoots back among light cheers from the guys- including Steve, who gives a little ‘woo!’
“Aaah-oo,” Sam claps.
The guys start beckoning Sam this way or that- Gareth trying to get her attention towards the little axe and Will tapping the floor in front of the little play sword.
After a lot of looking around the room at all the crazy grown adults yelling at her, Sam surveys the items in front of her. Gareth’s little calls of “over here! Sam! Sam-erino, look at the cute little deadly weapon!” get more insistent and Will’s tapping is almost drowned out by Dustin making weird bird noises, as though cawing like a raven is gonna do anything but weird the kid out.
Finally, she crawls forward and reaches out her hand-
She grabs the ukelele.
Everyone goes wild.
Steve laughs at the way they all cheer anyway, even though Sam didn’t choose what they wanted, and Eddie scoops her up with the ukelele in hand, smothering her plump little cheeks with kisses.
“A bard,” Dustin bounces from where he sits cross cross applesauce. “She’s a little bard!”
They Skype Erica in- after, of course, they spend some time passing the baby around so they each get their turn cooing and snuggling their new little bard. Jeff holds Sam and plucks the ukelele in her arms, making her eyes go wide at the sound it makes. They laugh as she searches for what made the noise and aww appropriately as she discovers that instruments make sounds, slapping her little fingers against the strings with Jeff’s help.
Erica’s busy with her life as a new lawyer, as always, but never too busy for Hellfire. She answers on the second ring.
“Okay, nerds, I have a case in about fifteen so don’t waste my time-“
“Bard!” Eddie announces, holding Sam up to the phone so Erica can see her. She still hasn’t let go of the ukelele- it has, as all things must inevitably, ended up in her mouth. She’s chewing on the frets and smiling at the phone like she knows the camera’s on her.
(She always smiles for the camera. She’s a little show-boater like that.)
Erica makes a couple snarky comments about how she knew Dustin’s as gonna lose their bet- which, not surprising; they always have some kind of bet going and Dustin’s always losing- and she blows Sam a few kisses before she has to head out.
Will sends the video off to the group chat Hellfire has and spends the next few minutes laughing over Lucas and Dustins responses.
Sam ends up in Steve’s lap, doing her new little tick where she stands and bounces up and down. Steve keeps his hands on her arms for support and showers her with little kisses every few minutes- both as a little congratulations and because he can’t help it.
Jeff breaks out the beers. Eddie takes up the little ukelele, which definitely still has some Sam-spit on it- and plays a couple songs. He starts with her current favorite- one he and Steve play around the house for her to make her smile.
“I wanna rock n’ roll all night, and party every day-“
Sam goes nuts, squealing and dancing until she falls back into Steve’s lap and gets up to do it again.
The guys join in- all six of them singing (at different stages of off-key) to this bright little light, the center of Steve and Eddie’s whole world, of all of their worlds, really, who’s pulled them all in and made their lives a little warmer. Made their rag-tag family a little bigger.
“Happy birthday, Sam.” Steve whispers into her curls. “Little bard baby.”
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seiya-starsniper · 4 months
For Fluffy February 15 Dreamling
SOMEHOW, I managed to finish this before February ending 🤣🤣
Enjoy the shamless fluff anon!
Fluffbruary Prompt List || AO3 Link Here
“Oh! Let’s look at this stall, Hob!”
Morpheus looks up from his crafting table and is met with the sight of a couple in their early thirties approaching his shop. Or rather, the woman is dragging her partner towards his shop. Morpheus thinks he recognizes her, a thought that is later confirmed as he slowly recognizes the various pieces of her outfit from other vendors on the fairgrounds. She’s adorned in one of Lucienne’s gorgeous handmade corsets, and Morpheus is pretty certain her peasant blouse and skirt are from Matthew and Jessamy’s pirate themed shop. The flower crown expertly woven into her bright blonde hair confirms that the woman is definitely a dedicated attendee. One with plenty of money to spend.
Her partner though, he’s wearing a rented costume so Morpheus thinks it’s probably his first time here. She did call him Hob though. How period accurate for the Renaissance Faire. 
“Good morrow my friends,” Morpheus greets them, falling easily into his shopkeeper persona. “How may I assist the Lord and Lady today?” The woman giggles at being addressed as a lady. 
“I’ve heard,” she stage-whispers, holding her hand up to her cheek, “that you are the best jeweler in all the lands, good sir.” Her face is full of delight as she says this, and Morpheus cannot help but play along. 
“I dare say you have heard the truth m’lady,” Morpheus answers with his own conspiratorial smile. “Shall I show you my collection of wares?” he asks, gesturing to the glass display case just underneath his hands. The woman squeals in delight.
“Oh Hob, they’re so beautiful!” she croons as she dips her head to look at the jewelry displayed inside. She points at a few items she’s interested in, some necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, but decidedly foregoes the rings. Interesting. 
“Did you hand make all of these yourself?” the woman asks as she and Hob try on a matching set of Celtic knot necklaces.
“Aye, milady,” Morpheus answers. “We can also customize any piece, and also resize, if needed,” he adds. 
“Pretty handy,” the man, Hob, says, finally joining the conversation. He smiles at Morpheus, who feels his face grow warm at the compliment.
Though he hadn’t paid attention to the man as much as the woman when they’d first entered the shop, upon closer inspection, Morpheus realizes that Hob is quite attractive. He was maybe an inch or two taller than Morpheus, with broad shoulders and muscled thighs that were clearly on display in his rented Faire outfit. His chin-length brown hair framed a kind face with thick brows and a full mouth that looked like it had been built for laughing.
And oh, that smile. Hob smiled with his entire face, creasing his brows, eyes, cheeks, and mouth all at once as he appreciates the look of Morpheus’s work around his neck in the mirror. It makes Morpheus’s fingers itch. He wants to dress this man in the finest jewelry he could craft. He wants that smile, that radiance, that warmth, to be directed at Morpheus instead of the woman he’d come here with, even though she’d done nothing to deserve such a fate. But Morpheus has never been looked at the way Hob looks at his girlfriend. He’s rather certain he hasn’t seen many men look at any of their partners that way. It tugs at Morpheus’s freshly broken heart, and he has to force himself to refocus his attention on her instead of her partner, who seemed to have his own gravitational pull.
They eventually leave with the matching necklaces, and the woman, Eleanor, signs up for his mailing list, promising to buy more jewelry on his website. Morpheus believes her too. In addition to the necklaces, she’d bought a set of earrings and bracelets for herself, insisting that Hob not pay for her purchase. Her independence makes Morpheus smile, despite his jealousy. He wonders if next year, he might convince them to upgrade to the engagement, or even the wedding bands. 
Morpheus forgets all about the couple by the end of the day, but he feels a sense of melancholy and longing that he cannot quite explain as he packs up his shop for the night. He wonders if maybe he should take up Matthew and Jessamy’s offer for drinks tonight. If only to break out of his monotonous routine. 
It wasn’t like there was anyone waiting at home for him anymore, after all.
Morpheus doesn’t recognize Hob at first when the man wanders into his shop a year later with a rowdy group of friends. They’re all clearly drunk, and Morpheus is curious as to what about his shop could have possibly caught this group’s eye.
But then he sees the Celtic knot hanging from Hob’s neck, resting on a very hairy chest, and recognition dawns on Morpheus.
“I’d recognize that pendant and chain anywhere,” Morpheus greets with a smile, which causes a rowdy set of encouraging shouts and playful ribbing to erupt from the group. 
“You do, do you?” Hob asks, his words only a little bit slurred as he smiles at Morpheus, a tankard of what smells like mead and beer in his hand.
“I do,” Morpheus answers with his own smile. “But it seems to be missing its partner. Tell me, where is the Lady this lovely afternoon?”
Morpheus knows immediately he’s asked the wrong thing when Hob’s face falls.
“Oy mate, don’t bring up the man’s ex like that!” one of Hob’s friends scolds Morpheus, which makes Morpheus wince. A small chorus of boos erupts from the group as well.
“Ignore them,” Hob says, waving at his friends to shut up. “They mean well but I walked in here wearing one half of a set, it only makes sense you’d ask.”
“Still,” Morpheus insists. “I’m sorry about—er—” Morpheus is horrified to realize he has completely forgotten the woman’s name. 
“Hah!” Hob laughs, clearly amused rather than offended. “Her name was Eleanor. I’m Hob by the way.”
“I know,” Morpheus says, then winces again. 
“Do you, now?” Hob asks, with a cheeky grin. He places his tankard of unknown alcohol on Morpheus’s display case and then leans on it. “You remember my name, but not Eleanor’s?”
“She called you by name multiple times, and Hob isn’t exactly the most common of names used when taking on a Faire persona,” Morpheus says, hoping that his explanation doesn’t sound nearly half as creepy as he feels.
“I know, that’s why I picked it,” Hob grins. “I do use it outside of here too, you know.”
“You do not,” Morpheus replies, aghast. What man in his right mind would willingly go by the name Hob and risk endless jokes on doorknobs and stoves?
“I do,” Hob says with a wink before he bows dramatically. “Professor Hob Gadling of the Medieval Studies Department of XX University, at your service, my good sir.”
“Oy Hobsie, stop showing off!” one of Hob’s friends calls from a different part of the shop. Morpheus hadn’t even noticed they’d dispersed to look around, he had been so entranced by Hob’s reappearance.
“Yeah, are you buying anything? You’re the one that wanted to come here!”
“Ah, is the good sir looking for something new?” Morpheus asks, slipping back into character, and hoping to hide his embarrassment. “Mayhaps something to help ease a broken heart?”
“Something like that,” Hob answers, sheepishly, his fingers fiddling with his right ear. Morpheus tries to show how entranced he is by the motion. “Listen I was wondering if—uh—well, you know—if there was time—”
“He wants to know if you’re single and ready to mingle!” one of Hob’s friends shouts, followed by a loud chorus of agreement. “And if you’re into men!” another one adds. 
“What the flying fuck Davey!” Hob turns and shouts at his friends, who all laugh and raise their glasses to a toast. 
“Get your man Hobsie, so we can keep getting drunk!”
Hob groans and hides his face in his hands, muttering something about ‘worst wingmen ever’ and Morpheus cannot help it. He bursts into laughter, and has to clutch at the cash register behind him for support.
“I don’t suppose we can forget this whole thing ever happened?” Hob asks, once Morpheus has caught his breath. His face is red with embarrassment, and Morpheus wonders if the man blushes so prettily on other parts of his body as well. 
“I’m afraid not,” Morpheus answers, shaking his head solemnly. “But my evening is available after the Faire closes tonight,” he adds with a wry smile.
Hob’s entire body perks up immediately. “Seriously? You’re interested?”
“As long as you intend for us to be alone,” Morpheus answers, his eyes falling to Hob’s posse behind him. 
“Abso-fucking-lutely!” Hob exclaims, nodding eagerly. Morpheus cannot help but smile as Hob’s friends continue to tease him while they exchange contact information and make plans to meet outside the Faire grounds later. He even manages to make a few sales from the group. Morpheus wishes Hob could stay longer and that they could talk more, but the post-lunch crowd that spills into the shop dashes those plans for now. 
Hob doesn’t miss an opportunity to show off again though. He takes Morpheus’s hand and kisses it, bowing deeply, and causing the rest of the shop to coo and cheer at the romantic display.
“I shall miss you dearly, beloved, until we next meet again,” Hob declares loudly as he exits the shop with his friends.
“You’re seeing him tonight you dingbat!” Morpheus hears one of his friends laugh.
After the post-lunch crowd leaves, Morpheus sits at his crafting table, looking over his in-progress projects, and wonders if custom jewelry is a bit too much for a first date. Hob had worn the Celtic knot necklace though, and it was clear he needed a replacement.
Rubies, Morpheus decides. Hob would look good in rubies. Morpheus readjusts the setup of his table and gets to work, mentally counting down the minutes until he’d be able to see Hob’s smiling face again.
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cowboybrunch · 4 months
writerblr intro
i've been around for a minute but i never made one of these so
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hi! i'm sav (she/her). i'm a twenty-something poet turned fiction writer. i have two WIPs that I post about regularly: a supernatural romance and an urban fantasy drama. i also write poetry (posted under my general writing tag).
i spend most of my free time writing (or thinking about writing), but i also love to crochet, play video games with my love, or hang out with my dog.
i mostly write character-driven stories with unreliable narrators and complex villains. if that sounds like your kind of thing, hop in!
i love tag games (please tag me please please) but it might take me a while to get to them
feel free to say hi! let me know what you're reading! tell me about your WIPs! and my final demand: have a great day!
WIP Intros:
Burden of the Reluctant Death (revising)
I do not want to kill the boy. The blood underneath my fingernails and the wet, labored breaths bother me less than the incessant tug low in my gut, the hunger that calls to the monster that I pretend not to be. I’ve spent the better part of three centuries rejecting Death, as all things do, and she has spent three centuries teaching me the futility of that opposition. “One soul before sunrise,” she commanded, “or I’ll replace you as easily as I created you.” If she’s bluffing, I’m not brave enough to call her on it.
Character Introductions
Judas Wept (finished)
A prequel to Burden of the Reluctant Death that follows Elias as he tries to balance loyalty, love, and duty.
He does not remember his first thought after he dies, likely something so inane that even white-knuckle sifting through his wretched brain leaves him with nothing but a resounding headache. He does, however, remember his second thought: Christ alive, that sucked, and his third: Why is there a beautiful woman straddling me?
Posted here
Dust to Dust (first draft in progress)
A murder mystery with necromancy, ghosts, politics, and an absolutely non-sentient skeleton.
The rattling of bones warned her approach. She kept the skeleton with her when she was nervous, and she was nervous more often than not, try as she might to deny it. Nobody else would’ve been able to tell; her anxiety manifested as bursts of irritation, often lashing out at whoever (or whatever) was nearest. Robbie had known her for far too long and was not fooled. Most thought her immature and youthfully rebellious, a phase she’d grow out of— or not. It was of no consequence. She was not the heir, only the younger sister. Her fits did not matter. She also had greater necromantic ability than the crown prince. This did not matter either.
Posted here
Untitled Vampire Story (first draft in progress)
“You are exactly how he described you.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a neatly folded paper, extending it towards me. “The prodigy. Nicolai’s assassin.” “In the flesh.” I take the paper from her, unfolding it and skimming over the names. Seven, and none that I recognize. I pocket it. “Any special requests? Parting remarks, items you’d like me to leave, messages you’d like me to relay?” She grins, fangs glinting in the dim moonlight. “You’re not one for small talk, are you?” I don’t reply, proving her point. “Start at the top and go down the line. I want them to know you’re coming. I want them afraid.” She laughs suddenly, cruelly. “Your dagger in their heart will be enough of a message, don’t you think?”
chapter 1 part 1 / part 2
chapter 2 part 1 / part 2
chapter 3 part 1 / part 2
Poems/Journal Dumps
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poetatorturadaa · 3 months
Have my back, everyday, fels like home.
jason todd x fem!reader, light angst?, hopeful ending. soeees, I had this saved in notes for a long time, it doesn't have an exact beginning and nor an end, but I wanted to share it. English is not my first language, so let me know If I missed something, I hope you like it. <3
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Jason looks at her and his eyes soften with something else, something like tenderness as he watches her take the strawberry from the bowl and chew on it. It's strange for him to think that she was ever interested in romance. It's not that he thinks romance doesn't suit her—he's seen her living with his siblings, she's a sweet, warm presence who can bring out the best in anyone. Hell, even Damian's. But she always plays the role of friend, of platonic confidant. No one seems to be able to see past her pretty face and realize how alone she feels.
Jason is not a poet, nor does his training as a vigilante offer many insights into romance. But he can see that there is something in her that craves attention, to feel loved. It's not Jason's place to fill that void, or at least, he's not supposed to. He then looks away and continues cleaning his motorcycle.
A weight floats in the air. Y/n doesn't recognize it, but the silence becomes too pronounced. It's almost as if even the cartoon on her phone knows there shouldn't be such an absence of words.
Jason's gaze moves back to Y/n's face, who remains focused on the screen. It's like it's easier to pretend that a cartoon is more interesting than whatever else is happening in the room. There's a strange electric hum in the air and her skin tingles when his gaze meets hers. There are so many different possible futures, each of them tugging at her heart in a thousand different ways.
He couldn't say anything, let the energy dissipate and pretend it never happened. He might give in and confess a secret that could turn everything upside down. He could engage in a monologue about the state of his soul.
Instead, he speaks plainly, as if none of these things were possible or even worth mentioning. "Do you want another strawberry?"
Y/n looks at Jason and feels a strange kind of kinship with the silence that hangs between them, even if he's doing her job, making the sound of metal scraping against stone. Still, she can't let herself get comfortable with the silence between her and Jason, and her thumb flicks across her phone to change the cartoon episode she'd just finished. "Yes, of course," she begins, looking at Jason, "So...what were you saying about Dick?"
"Dick seems to think you're keeping me balanced," he says quietly, taking a couple of seconds to extend the now half-full bowl of strawberries toward Y/n. There's a subtle change in her tone, a slight drop in sharpness. It's subtle, but is there anyway. "He thinks you... tame me or something." He lets out a soft, almost imperceptible laugh, though that's completely accurate to her relationship with Dick.
In Jason's eyes, Y/n could only be described as the sunsets that seem to be longer in summer, a cup of coffee with the perfect amount of sugar on a winter night, and the sweet, pungent aroma before the rain. She is able to bring a strange feeling of calm to anyone who crosses her path. And as a close friend of the Bat-family, she is one of the few entities capable of talking reason to them. Y/n has the unique gift of being able to keep all of their tempers in check.
She lets out a small giggle at Jason's words, amused by the way Dick perceives her, oblivious to the fact that Jason actually thinks of her the same way too. "He must know something to think that." She scoffs, her voice as reserved as ever as she turns off her phone and puts it in her back pocket, turning around and placing her chin on the back of the couch to now look at Jason as her hand goes to grab another strawberry from the bowl he's holding. He extended it to her.
"He has this idea that you... calm me down" Jason continues, looking at her now. His expression has softened. "He has told me more than once that as long as you are in the game, I will be fine. That you will keep me in line and make me less destructive."
He pauses, turning his gaze to the metal of the motorcycle, which is now in perfect condition to be used again. "It's actually a little insulting," he says, his voice thick with sarcasm. Y/n brings out the best in everyone, but it seems like no one believes she might be the one who needs to let her guard down.
Y/n discovers that she admires Jason more than she should. Maybe just a second longer, but Y/n is detail oriented. And that extra second was incredibly countable. The vigilante, and his gray-green eyes, tired and constantly expressive, in which she felt that if he looked for a second too long she would get lost again. Distracting hands. His expression was so different and complicated to put into words.
"I think we all need someone to take care of us." She responded softly, expressing between the lines her inner desire to have someone to take care of her too.
Jason's expression changes again. It is something so subtle that it cannot be pinpointed. But the weight is still there. And it's almost as if an entire novel has been written since his last words.
He looks up again and again his expression is hard to read. "I doubt anyone has ever taken care of you." His tone is soft, almost calm. It may seem like a shot to the heart, and maybe it is. But he says it sincerely, he knows that even though he and the rest of his siblings, even Bruce, or many other superheroes, are always there, she doesn't have a person to take care of her like she wants to be taken care of. And she deserves more than that.
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ray4hotchner · 10 months
Fate's Gentle Nudge
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Chapter 3: Magnetized
<< previous chapter ❀ next chapter>>
❀ 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: aaron hotchner x reader
❀ 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: The Hotchner boys unexpectedly encounter Y/N at the park, and a few days later, she helps Jack when he falls sick at school.
❀ 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 9.4k
❀ 𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣’𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖: I'm not sure how this chapter ended up being so long. Initially, I had planned for two separate chapters, but fuck it. Let me know what you think and comment if you want to be tagged in the next part🤍
❀ 𝕞𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕒𝕔𝕔: @iyv-ray24
On Ao3
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The weather today was on the better side, considering it was already early October. So, Y/N chose to go on a jog in the park rather than go to an overcrowded gym on a Saturday afternoon. Drawing near the end of her second mile, Y/N once again jogged past the playground. This time, her attention was drawn to two figures she would recognize anywhere. On the swing, the familiar mop of blond hair belonged to the little boy she saw nearly every day. Behind him stood Aaron, gently pushing him. It had been a few weeks since Y/N last encountered Aaron. She had grown accustomed to Jack's aunt picking him up from school, but she wouldn't deny that she occasionally found herself waiting for the sight of the familiar FBI agent entering the school gates.
In contrast to his usual suit and tie, Aaron was dressed in casual attire. He wore black jeans paired with a dark blue quarter-zip sweater over a grey shirt. He looked effortlessly handsome. Y/N hesitated for a moment, torn between approaching them to say hello or simply continuing her run. She didn't want to appear like a creeper, just standing there and observing a kid and his dad at play. As Aaron stood there, she realized that, somehow, she had missed him. It might sound ridiculous, given they had only talked twice before, but the feeling was there nonetheless.
A slight smile tugged at the corner of Y/N's lips as she watched the scene unfold, the sight of him with his son brought a soft warmth to her chest. Their interaction was so heartwarming that she pulled out her headphones to listen more closely to Jack's laughter. Jack noticed her and his eyes immediately lit up. "Ms. Y/L/N!" Jack's voice rang out with excitement, and Y/N's heart warmed at the sound of her name. She turned towards him, a bright smile on her lips, and saw him hopping off the swing with uncontainable energy. His small legs carried him towards her, his enthusiasm infectious.
"Hey, buddy," she greeted, bending down slightly as he approached. "How's it going?"
"Hi!" Jack exclaimed, his eyes shining as he stopped in front of her. "I'm good! Look, Dad, it's Ms. Y/L/N!"
Aaron was walking over to them, and Y/N thanked all the gods that she had worn her extra-strong deodorant today. She glanced down at herself for a second and cursed inwardly. She didn't feel presentable at all, wearing running leggings with an old, oversized t-shirt thrown on top. Her baby hairs were probably flying in every direction, and she could still feel the flush on her face from her run.
"Hello, Mr. Hotchner," she greets Aaron with a smile, her heart racing slightly at the sight of him standing beside Jack.
"Hi," he replies, a warm and genuine smile gracing his lips as he meets her gaze.
"Dad and I are playing here every weekend when he's not working," Jack chimes in, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
"I remember you telling me about it, Jack," she says, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and delight. She gazes between the two Hotchner boys, her eyes lingering on Aaron for a moment before returning to Jack.
"Are you out for a run?" Aaron inquires, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
"Oh yeah, the weather was too nice today to be stuck at home," she replies, a small laugh escaping her lips.
" Mrs. Y/N, can you play with us on the playground? Dad is pushing me, but not high enough. He says it's dangerous" Jack pleads with an excited grin.
"I think he's right about that, buddy," she responds with a chuckle, giving Jack an apologetic look before glancing back at Aaron.
"Uh, well, you know," Aaron starts, "if you want to, you're welcome to join. But you don't have to, we don't want to hold you up in your free time."
Y/N can't help but notice the tinge of shyness in his voice, and she smiles reassuringly. "Oh, it's no trouble at all. I'd love to join you guys if that's okay."
Aaron's lips curl into a small smile, a mixture of relief crossing his features. "Really? Well, that's great. Jack would love it."
They walk over to the swings, and Aaron starts gently pushing Jack again as Y/N stands beside him. They begin a casual conversation, talking about their weekends and other light topics.
A couple of minutes later, Jack's enthusiasm for the swings wanes, and he announces that he wants to go on the slide. "Sure thing, buddy. We'll sit here and watch you," Aaron agrees, giving his son an encouraging smile.
Turning towards Y/N, Aaron gestures towards the nearby bench. "Would you like to sit down?" he asks, his tone warm and inviting.
"Kids have so much energy," she giggles as she takes a seat on the bench.
"Tell me about it," Aaron adds, chuckling softly.
"I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks," she says, looking at him with a hint of curiosity.
Aaron raises an eyebrow playfully. "Oh, did you notice my absence?" he asks, a playful glint in his eyes.
Y/N smirks. "Well, let's just say the school gates have been a little less eventful, without your intimidating FBI presence, Mr Hotchner."
He feigns offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Intimidating? I prefer 'authoritative'," he quips, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
He laughs, and their playful banter continues, both of them finding it surprisingly easy to talk and flirt with each other.
Even after weeks of not seeing her, it only takes one smile from her to rekindle all the warm feelings he felt on the first night they met.
As they talk, Y/N can't help but notice how his eyes light up when he laughs, and how he seems genuinely interested in every word she says. She tries to keep her emotions in check, reminding herself that they're just getting to know each other and that he's still the dad of a student, but the crazy attraction between them is undeniable.
"Work was just really busy these past couple of weeks," he answers her initial question.
"I guess you being busy means bad things happened to people?" she asks, not sure if he's even allowed to share details from his job.
He lets out a sigh and begins to explain the recent case, which involved a serial killer on the loose. He goes into detail about the case, describing the patterns and methods of the serial killer they were tracking. Y/N listens intently, her eyes focused on his face as he speaks. Despite the grim topic, there's a certain intensity in his voice that captures her attention.
As he talks, she can't help but feel a mix of emotions—concern for the victims, admiration for his dedication, and a strange sense of closeness that comes from sharing a part of his world. She nods sympathetically, understanding the weight of the responsibility he carries in his job.
"I can't even imagine dealing with something like that," she says softly once he's finished explaining. "It must be tough."
He meets her gaze, his expression somber. "It is," he admits, his tone heavy. "But it's also why we do what we do, to protect people and bring justice."
She offers him a small, supportive smile. "Well, I'm glad there are people like you out there doing that."
He smiles back, appreciating her understanding. "Thank you. It's not always easy, but it's worth it."
Their conversation takes a serious turn, but even in these moments, there's an undeniable connection between them. They're sharing parts of their lives that they might not normally reveal to others, and it creates a sense of intimacy that's hard to ignore.
As they continue to talk, Jack's laughter can be heard from the nearby slide, reminding them that they're still in the middle of a playground. They both turn their attention to him, chuckling at his exuberance.
"Well that was not the typical playground conversation," Aaron agrees, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "But I appreciate you listening."
She smiles back, her gaze warm. "It's not every day I get to hear about the inner workings of the FBI. It's kind of fascinating, in a twisted way."
He chuckles softly. "Twisted is a good way to describe it."
They sit there for a moment, caught in comfortable silence, the sounds of children playing around them. It's a strange contrast—the serious topic they've just discussed and the carefree atmosphere of the playground.
Jack runs up to them and whines, "Dad, I'm so hungry."
Aaron looks at his watch and says, "It's already lunchtime, so how about getting you something to eat?"
"Can Mrs. Y/L/N have lunch with us?" Jack asks Aaron.
Aaron hesitates for a second. He doesn't want Y/N to feel forced to join them just because Jack asked. Y/N notices his reluctance and answers before Aaron feels obligated to invite her. “Weekends are for you and your dad, buddy. I don’t want to get in the way.”
"You are not. You are not getting in the way,” Aaron says immediately, his voice slightly urgent, a hint of desperation in his eyes as he meets her gaze.
She looks back at him, surprised, her lips curving into a faint smile. “You sure?”
“Definitely,” he confirms, his smile warm and inviting, his eyes holding a mixture of hope and eagerness that he can't quite conceal.
As Y/N stood in line at the taco truck, Aaron excused himself to accompany Jack to the nearby bathroom. Just as Y/N is about to pay, a gentle grip on her wrist makes her look up. Aaron stood there with Jack in his arms, his warm smile urging her to put her card away.
“We invited you, so it's our treat,” he insisted, pulling out his wallet and gesturing her not to worry about the payment. The small, genuine gesture touched her, and she couldn't help but smile in response.
Sitting at one of the empty tables with an umbrella overhead, Aaron carefully slices apart Jack's quesadilla, making it easier for him to eat.
“I don't know how you take care of 20 kids at the same time. I sometimes get overwhelmed with this little one,” he said with a chuckle, his expression a mix of fondness and amusement.
Y/N chuckled, taking a bite of her own taco. "Well, I guess it's a bit like handling multiple cases at once. Just with more crayons and fewer suspects."
Aaron smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I never thought of it that way."
"Yeah, well, you've got the whole FBI thing going on," she teased, raising an eyebrow playfully. "I'm just a humble teacher."
His lips quirked up into a grin. "A humble teacher who managed to capture my son's heart with those amazing cookies."
"Oh, so it's the cookies that won you over?" she asked, feigning surprise.
He chuckled, shaking his head. "I meant both of you, actually."
She laughed, the sound light and genuine. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment, Mr. Hotchner."
"Please, call me Aaron."
She smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Alright, Aaron. But only if you call me Y/N."
"Deal," he said, raising his taco slightly as if sealing the deal.
Aaron found himself captivated by Y/N's presence, her laughter resonating like a sweet melody in the air. He couldn't help but be drawn to the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled, and the way her expressions shifted with every topic they discussed. As she took a bite of her taco, he couldn't help but notice the way her lips curved around the food, and he found himself imagining what it would be like to kiss her.
As they playfully bantered back and forth, he realized that her quick wit matched his own, making their conversation feel like a comfortable exchange rather than a forced interaction.
But beyond her professional qualities, there was something about Y/N that resonated on a deeper level. Maybe it was the kindness in her eyes, the way she paid attention to every word he said or the genuine interest she showed in getting to know him. Or perhaps it was the way her laughter seemed to light up the whole area around them, creating a sense of warmth and comfort that he hadn't felt in a long time.
As Jack chimed in with his cheerful comments, Aaron couldn't help but notice the easy way she interacted with his son. She was patient and attentive, responding to Jack's questions and stories with genuine enthusiasm. It was clear that she had a natural rapport with children, and seeing how she made Jack laugh and smile only deepened his appreciation for her.
"I want to try something," she says, her tone playful as she takes another bite of her taco.
"What is it?" Aaron asks, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
Y/N grins mischievously. "I want to test your profiling skills."
His lips twitch into a half-smile. "Alright, shoot."
"Tell me something about me that you've observed so far," she challenges, her eyes dancing with amusement.
Aaron takes a moment to study her, his gaze thoughtful as he tries to put his profiling skills to use. "You're highly organized, but you have a spontaneous side that you let out on occasion. You're the oldest child in your family, and I have a feeling you've taken care of a younger sibling at some point. You're ambitious and dedicated – top of your class when you finished school. And," he pauses for a moment, a twinkle in his eyes, "green is your favorite color."
Y/N's eyes widen in shock. "Wow, Agent Hotchner. You're good”, she concedes, still looking amazed. "But I must admit, I'm a bit speechless at how accurately you just described me. How did you guess my favorite color?"
His expression softens, and he smiles at her warmly. "Sometimes, the most observant people are the ones who understand others the best."
True," she concedes, her eyes still fixed on him. "But here's something you might not have deduced yet."
Aaron raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "And what might that be?"
"I've thoroughly enjoyed our conversations," she admits, a subtle blush dusting her cheeks. "And I hope we'll have more of them in the future."
His heart skips a beat at her candid confession, and a warm smile spreads across his face. "I'm looking forward to that too, Y/N."
Y/N's lips curve into a genuine smile, and for a moment, the world around them fades away as they share a connection that goes beyond mere small talk.
A brisk breeze rustles through the air, causing both of them to look up. It's then they notice the sky has grown darker, and massive rain clouds are gathering on the horizon. The weather is shifting, a typical occurrence for this time of the season.
"Maybe we should start heading back," Y/N suggests, eyeing the gathering clouds warily.
Aaron nods in agreement and starts to clear their trash. Just as he's about to toss something away, rain starts to pour down suddenly. They quickly seek shelter under the umbrella, but it's not enough to keep them dry. With a laugh, Y/N sits down on the table, motioning for Aaron to join her. Jack finds the situation amusing and joins in the laughter as he perches on Aaron's lap.
"Looks like we'll be here for a while," Y/N comments, her voice lighthearted despite the unexpected rain.
As they sit close together, Y/N can't help but feel a rush of warmth. The accidental touches of their arms and legs send tiny sparks through her, and she's acutely aware of the proximity between them. Her heart beats a little faster, and she finds herself stealing glances at Aaron, wondering if he's feeling the same electric charge in the air.
Meanwhile, Aaron can't ignore the sensation that his skin is on fire when it touches Y/N's. Her laughter and the playful energy that surrounds them seem to resonate deep within him. He's keenly aware of her presence, the way she fits perfectly next to him on the table. The rain's rhythm mixes with the thumping of his heart, creating a melody that he wishes could stretch on forever.
They sit there for nearly 15 minutes, the rain showing no signs of letting up. Jack's patience is wearing thin, evident from his growing restlessness. "I think someone is getting antsy," Y/N chuckles, looking down at Jack.
Aaron's suggestion interrupts their little sheltered haven. "Let me drive you home," he offers, his voice warm and genuine.
Y/N begins to shake her head in polite refusal. "Oh, you really don't have to, Aaron. It's not that far, and I don't want to trouble you."
But as she glances upwards, the steady fall of raindrops from the grey sky convinces her that it's a wiser choice to accept his kind offer. "Actually, that sounds like a good idea. It doesn't look like the rain will stop anytime soon."
Aaron gives her a reassuring smile. "I promise, it's no trouble at all. Plus, Jack here seems ready to go," he says, glancing at his son who nods in agreement.
With a chuckle, Y/N concedes, "Alright, you win. Thank you."
"The car is parked around the corner," Aaron informs them.
"Let's have a quick run then, so Jack doesn't get soaked," she suggests and Aaron agrees.
Jack buries his head into his father's chest, using him as a shield from the rain, and Aaron and Y/N set off toward the car. The rain pelts down around them, the sound of it creating a soothing backdrop to their hurried steps. Jack's laughter punctuates the air, ringing with pure joy despite the wet weather. It doesn't take them long to reach the car, but by the time they do, both Y/N and Aaron are laughing too, caught up in the contagious energy of the moment. Aaron unlocks the car and helps Jack into his booster seat, the raindrops running down his face like tiny rivulets. Finally settled inside the car, they exchange amused glances before Y/N turns to Aaron with a grin. "Well, that was an unexpected adventure."
Aaron navigates the rain-slicked streets with ease, glancing at Y/N from the corner of his eye now and then. The patter of rain on the car's roof fills the silence, and he finds himself enjoying the quiet companionship. As they near her apartment building, he slows down and smoothly parks the car along the curb.
Turning off the engine, Aaron swivels in his seat to face Y/N. "Here we are," he says, a small smile playing on his lips.
Aaron watches Y/N as she turns her attention to Jack, who fell asleep in the backseat. A soft smile plays on his lips as he sees the tenderness in her gaze. He can't help but feel a swell of affection for both of them.
"He must be really tired," she giggles, looking at him fondly. She unbuckles her seatbelt, "Thank you for the ride, Aaron," she says sincerely.
Aaron meets her gaze, his eyes warm and sincere. "He had quite the day. It was a pleasure having you join us for lunch."
Y/N smiles back, her expression a mix of appreciation and something more. The rain outside seems to have softened, casting a calm ambiance in the car. "Thank you for everything, Aaron. It turned out to be a much more eventful day than I expected."
As she opens the car door, she turns back to him with a small smile. "Take care."
"You too, Y/N," he replies, his voice carrying a hint of something more.
With that, she steps out into the fading rain, leaving Aaron in the quiet cocoon of his car. He watches her for a moment longer, her figure illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights. He lingers there, the feeling of their shared moments filling the space around him.
With a sigh and a small smile, he shifts the car into gear and drives away. The rain-soaked streets seem to echo the emotions swirling within him, and as he heads home, he can't help but feel that their paths will cross again soon.
As Aaron steps into the bullpen, his team of profilers pauses their work momentarily to glance at him. A few exchanged curious glances, noting the subtle change in his demeanor. Emily and Derek raise an eyebrow exchanging looks, Rossi smirks knowingly, and Penelope's fingers pause over the keyboard sitting at Spencer's desk, as she's helping him with a problem on his computer.
"Hey there, Hotch. Did someone slip you a happy pill this morning?" Derek teases, a playful grin on his face.
Aaron chuckles, shaking his head. "No, just feeling a bit more optimistic today."
Emily smirks and raises her coffee cup in his direction. "Well, whatever it is, keep it up. We could all use a little positivity around here."
Garcia, always the one to pick up on details, leans in and narrows her eyes at him. "So, did you have a good weekend, boss? Do anything fun?"
Aaron gives a nonchalant shrug, "Just spent some time with Jack."
Spencer, engrossed in his book, chimes in without looking up. "It's nice to have quality time with family."
"Yeah, and maybe some other things too," Penelope adds with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
Aaron raises an eyebrow at her, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "I don't know what you're talking about, Garcia."
She winks at him, her fingers dancing across the keyboard again. "I've got a knack for spotting a man with a secret, boss. But don't worry, your mysterious aura is safe with me."
As the team goes back to their work, Aaron retreats to his office with a small smile tugging at his lips. He knows he can't hide everything from his observant team, but for now, he's content to bask in the residual glow of a weekend spent in good company.
Rossi follows Aaron into his office a couple of minutes later, a knowing smile on his face. He leans against the doorway, arms crossed, and raises an eyebrow at Aaron. "Feeling chipper today, Hotch?"
Aaron chuckles and gestures for Rossi to come in. "Just a change of pace, Dave. The weekend was good."
Rossi nods knowingly. "You know, we're all a bit curious. The team noticed the shift in your mood. Something you care to share?"
Aaron leans back in his chair, his fingers steepled. "Spent some time with Jack over the weekend."
Rossi raises an eyebrow. "Quality father-son bonding time?"
"Yeah," Aaron nods. "And a little extra."
Rossi's interest is piqued. "Oh? Do tell."
Aaron briefly explains how he and Jack had run into Y/N at the park, the unexpected rain, and the impromptu lunch. He recounts their conversation, the laughter, and the connection he felt. He doesn't elaborate on the subtle undercurrents of attraction, but Rossi seems to catch on.
"Sounds like you had quite the weekend," Rossi remarks with a knowing smile. "And Y/N?"
"She is just… wonderful. Smart, kind, and easy to talk to. But she's still Jacks teacher”, he says and lets out a big sigh.
Rossi raises an eyebrow. "And is that all she is to you, Aaron?"
Aaron's lips curve into a small smile. "Honestly, I don't know. We're just getting to know each other."
Rossi chuckles. "Well, my advice? Enjoy it. Life's too short to ignore sparks when they fly."
J.J. enters Aaron's office as he and Rossi are still talking. She wears a focused expression that immediately signals that something important is happening. "Hey, guys, we've got a new case."
Aaron and Rossi exchange a glance before they both stand up and follow J.J. to the briefing room. The rest of the team is already assembled, their expressions serious and alert.
As they settle into their seats, J.J. projects images on the screen at the front of the room. "We've got a serial shooter case in Indiana. Four victims so far, all in different locations. The local authorities believe it's the work of a single unsub. They're looking to us for help."
Emily leans forward, her brows furrowed. "Do we have any leads on the shooter?"
J.J. nods. "We've got witness reports that might help us with the profile. Our unsub seems to be targeting random individuals, but there's a pattern emerging in the locations. We're thinking it might be someone familiar with the area."
Rossi leans back in his chair, his fingers steepled under his chin. "Any connection between the victims? Similarities in background, maybe?"
J.J. taps a few keys, bringing up more information on the screen. "Not that we can find so far. Different ages, genders, occupations. No obvious links."
Aaron takes a deep breath and leans forward. "Alright, we need to hit the ground running.. Garcia, I need you to dig into the locations. See if there's any connection we're missing."
Garcia nods, her fingers flying over the keyboard. "On it, boss."
Morgan leans forward, his gaze intense. "We need to find this guy before he strikes again."
Aaron's expression hardens. "Agreed. Let's get to work. Wheels up in thirty."
On the flight there, the team launches into a detailed discussion, analyzing the evidence and checking possible leads.
They work diligently, honing in on the profile and strategizing their approach. The jet is filled with the hum of brainstorming, a mix of tension and determination in the air. The case has taken over their focus, but somewhere in the back of his mind, Aaron can't help but remember the warmth of the conversation he shared with Y/N just days before.
Meanwhile, Y/N is at school, taking her first break. Instead of heading to the teachers' room, she stays in her classroom, needing a moment to herself. She knows the second Liz lays eyes on her, she will know something is up.
As Y/N sits at her desk, looking out the window, her thoughts drift back to the events of the weekend. The past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions. She can't deny that Saturday was one of the best days she's had in a long time. The easy conversation, the laughter, and the genuine connection she felt with Aaron and Jack were something she cherished.
But along with those positive feelings comes a swirl of guilt and uncertainty. Y/N can't help but question herself and the situation. She feels conflicted about her growing attraction to Aaron. While she enjoys talking to him and being around him, there's a nagging voice inside her, reminding her that he's a parent to one of her students. It's not just about her feelings, but also about Jack and his wellbeing.
"Why couldn't he be a random guy I met at a bar or a coffee shop?" Y/N thinks to herself, her emotions a mixture of longing and frustration. She sighs, taking a deep breath, and tries to push aside those conflicting thoughts for now. Focus is key, especially with a classroom full of kids waiting for her.
"Your overthinking is starting to stink up the room," Liz jokes, poking her head through the door and pretending to fan the air. She enters the room, her concern genuine as she walks over to Y/N's desk. "Seriously, what's going on? You usually don't hide in here unless something is up" she asks, her eyes full of worry.
Y/N hesitates for a moment, debating whether to share her thoughts with Liz. She knows that Liz's enthusiasm might not help her current state of mind, but she also knows that she can trust her best friend. With a sigh, she finally decides to open up.
"It's just... Saturday," Y/N starts, her voice soft as she looks down at her hands, fidgeting with a pen. "I ran into Jack and his dad at the park. We talked, and it was really nice. But now... I can't stop thinking about it."
Liz's eyes widen in excitement. "Oh my God, finally. You wouldn't shut up about him for weeks" she laughs, unable to contain her enthusiasm.
“Hey, rude!”, Y/N exclaims, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Liz lets out an excited squeal, causing Y/N to chuckle despite herself. "Okay, tell me tell me!" Liz demands, pulling up a chair and sitting down next to her friend.
As Y/N recounts the events of Saturday, she feels a mixture of emotions. Liz listens attentively, interjecting with gasps and exclamations of delight. When Y/N finishes, Liz places a supportive hand on her shoulder.
"It sounds like you had an amazing time," Liz says gently. "And I can totally understand why you're conflicted. But you can't control who you're attracted to. Maybe there's more to this situation than you realize."
Y/N sighs, appreciating Liz's understanding. "I know, but he's a parent of one of my students. It's complicated."
Liz nods sympathetically. "It's not an easy situation, but life isn't always straightforward. Maybe you should give it a chance, see where things go."
Y/N leans back in her chair, gazing out the window. "Maybe you're right. It's just... I can't shake this feeling of guilt, like I'm doing something wrong."
Liz gives her a reassuring smile. "You're not. Just follow your heart and take it one step at a time. And hey, if it doesn't work out, at least you'll have a great story to tell."
Y/N chuckles softly, feeling a bit lighter after talking to her friend. "Thanks, Liz. You always know how to make me feel better."
Liz winks. "That's what friends are for. Now spill more details about this handsome dad!"
And just like that, Y/N finds herself caught up in Liz's excitement, talking about Aaron, Jack, and the unexpected encounter that has her heart in a whirlwind.
It's later in the afternoon, during the last period of the day, and the classroom is filled with a quiet hum as the kids work on their assignments. Y/N is at her desk, grading papers, when she notices Jack approaching her table. She immediately senses the discomfort in his face and the way he clutches his stomach.
"Hey there, Jackie. Are you okay?" Y/N asks, her concern evident as she stands up and places her hands gently on his shoulders.
Jack looks up at her with teary eyes, his lower lip quivering. "My tummy hurts, and my head hurts too," he murmurs, his voice small and strained.
Y/N's heart melts at the sight of his distress. She crouches down to his level and smiles softly. "I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, sweetie. Let's get you to a comfy spot."
She guides him to a corner of the classroom with a small couch, helping him sit down. Y/N rummages through her bag and pulls out a small water bottle and a pack of tissues. She hands him the water and he takes a sip, sniffling as he wipes his eyes.
"Take your time sipping the water, Jack. It might help your tummy feel a bit better," she says gently, her hand rubbing his back in soothing circles.
He nods, still looking a bit miserable. "Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N," he says softly.
Y/N smiles and pats his shoulder. "You're welcome, sweetie. Is there anything else I can do to help you feel more comfortable?"
He sniffles and looks up at her with a shy smile. "Can I have a hug?"
Y/N's heart melts even further, and she pulls him into a gentle embrace. "Of course, you can, sweetheart. I'm here for you."
She places her hand on Jack's forehead, noticing that it feels a little warmer than it should be. Concerned, she gently brushes his hair away from his face. "How about we call your dad, and he can come pick you up? Maybe getting some rest at home will help you feel better. What do you think, Jack?"
Jack nods weakly, his eyes still watery from not feeling well. "Yes, please," he replies in a small voice.
Y/N offers him an understanding smile and pats his shoulder. "Don't worry, buddy. We'll make sure you're well taken care of."
Returning to her desk, she takes a moment to locate the list of emergency contacts that parents had filled out on Parent's Night. With a quick glance, she finds Jack's father's number and dials it. After a few rings, it goes to voicemail. She leaves a message, her tone reassuring, explaining that Jack isn't feeling his best but assuring him that it's nothing serious.
Next on the list is Jack's aunt, Jess, listed as the second emergency contact. Y/N dials the number and waits as it rings, hoping for a quick response. However, it goes to voicemail as well. She leaves another message, her voice maintaining a calm demeanor, explaining the situation and requesting a call back as soon as possible.
Feeling a bit frustrated that she couldn't reach either of the emergency contacts, Y/N returns to Jack's side. She crouches down beside him and offers a soft smile. "Well, buddy, it looks like we're going to wait a little bit."
Not long after, she moves on to the next contact option and uses the email that Aaron had provided on the emergency contact list. She quickly types out a message, detailing Jack's condition, the fact that she couldn't reach him or his aunt, and her intention to contact Penelope Garcia as the last resort. After sending the email, she waits anxiously for any sign of response.
Ten minutes pass, and there's no reply from either Aaron or his aunt. Y/N begins to feel a growing sense of unease. Deciding not to waste any more time, she dials the final number listed, which belongs to Penelope Garcia.
"Penelope Garcia," a woman's voice answers the phone.
"Hi, I'm Ms. Y/L/N, Jack Hotchner's teacher," Y/N introduces herself quickly, her voice a mix of concern and urgency. "Your number was on my emergency contact list. Am I speaking to the right person?"
"Oh! Yes, yes. Is everything okay with my Jackie?" Penelope's voice is filled with genuine concern.
"Yes, don't worry," Y/N reassures her. "He's not feeling well, and I couldn't reach his dad or his aunt. I wanted to make sure he's taken care of. Do you think you could pick him up?"
We are on an important case, and he's out of town right now,” she informs the teacher.
"Oh, you're from the FBI too?" Y/N asks, a touch of surprise in her voice.
"Yes, technical analyst," Penelope explains, her voice sounding more and more concerned. "But I can't leave the office right now.” She thinks for a moment and suggest, "Let's do it like this, I will send over an agent to pick Jack up and bring him here to me. I can take care of him until we get a hold of Aaron or Jess”
Y/N considers the situation carefully. She looks over at Jack, who appears even more tired and flushed. His fever seems to have worsened. The idea of sending a random agent to pick him up doesn't sit well with her, as it might only stress him out further.
"How about I drive him over to you? Would that be alright? I... I don't want to send him off alone when he's not feeling good," Y/N asks Penelope, her concern evident in her voice.
There's a brief pause on the other end of the line, and then Penelope's voice sounds pleasantly surprised. "Oh, you're an angel! I'll send over the address right away. Just bring him here, and I'll be waiting."
As Y/N hangs up the call, a sense of determination fills her. She turns her attention to Jack, whose eyes are drooping from the exhaustion of being sick. She gently rubs his back to comfort him. "Hey, Jack, I'm going to take you to Aunt Penelope okay?"
Jack looks up at her with a small smile. "You're nice, Mrs. Y/L/N."
"Thank you, Jack," she says softly, touched by his words.
Before they leave, Y/N quickly dials Liz's number. "Hey, Liz, I need to ask you a huge favor. Would you be able to watch over my class for the last half hour? Something came up, Jack is not feeling good and Aaron is out of town. I need to take him to someone who can look after him."
Liz agrees without hesitation, offering her assistance without questioning. "Of course, Y/N. I've got you covered. Take care of Jack, and let me know if you need anything else."
Feeling grateful for her supportive friend, Y/N ends the call and focuses her attention on Jack once more. She helps him gather his belongings and guides him towards the exit, holding his hand as they navigate the school hallways, after Liz took over the class.
The FBI building appears even more imposing than Y/N had anticipated. As she and Jack make their way towards the entrance, she can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the serious-looking individuals rushing about. However, the thought of helping Jack overrides her nerves.
Thankfully, Penelope had already informed the reception of their arrival, so the process of getting a visitor pass is relatively smooth. Y/N can't help but notice that Jack is clutching her hand a little tighter, his big eyes taking in the surroundings with a mixture of awe and trepidation.
Once they have their passes, Y/N guides Jack towards the elevators.
As they step out of the elevator and onto the sixth floor, a woman with flowing blonde hair, dressed in a vibrant pink butterfly-themed dress and high heels, approaches them. Her appearance and warm aura are a stark contrast to the typically formal atmosphere of the building. The woman wears a large pearl necklace and matching earrings, standing out from the sea of suit-clad individuals.
"Oh my little baby angel Jackie. Are you not feeling well, my little prince?" she coos, her voice incredibly sweet and endearing. Y/N can't help but smile at the woman's affectionate words.
“My tummy hurts, Aunt Penny,” Jack replies and rushes forward to hug her.
Penelope looks up at Y/N, her expression grateful. "Hi, thank you so much for driving him here."
Y/N smiles and extends her hand. "Hi, Agent Garcia. Nice to meet you, and it was not a problem at all."
"Call me Penelope," she insists warmly. "Come, I'll bring you two to Aaron's office. Jack can lay down there."
Aaron's office is just as Y/N had imagined. Piles of paperwork clutter the desk, surrounded by an array of impressive-looking plaques and sports trophies displayed on the shelves. The room carries an air of professionalism, yet personal touches are evident. Y/N notices several pictures of Jack placed around the office—a baby picture, a recent one, and one with his late wife. The photo of Aaron's wife stands out; she looks radiant, and it's evident where Jack inherited his blond hair from.
As Jack lays down on the couch, he quickly drifts off to sleep. Penelope gestures to an empty chair. "Please, have a seat," she offers with a warm smile.
“So you're the Ms. Y/L/N that Jack talks about all the time?" Penelope smiles warmly, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
"That would be me," Y/N replies, returning the smile.
"Now I know why he adores you," Penelope continues, her tone carrying a mix of admiration and appreciation. "You truly care about your students. Not many people would have gone out of their way to drop him off like this."
Y/N glances at the peacefully sleeping Jack and responds, "Thank you for saying that. It means a lot."
Penelope's expression softens as she looks at Y/N. "It's not just about saying it. It's obvious you're a wonderful teacher."
The two women share a moment of mutual understanding before Penelope breaks the silence. "I managed to get a hold of Jess. She's in a conference but will be here in a couple of hours. There seems to have been some miscommunication between her and Aaron. She thought he was picking Jack up today."
"That's good to hear. And what about Aar-... Mr. Hotchner?" Y/N clears her throat, changing her wording at the last moment to avoid using his first name in front of Penelope. She doesn't want to give the wrong impression.
Penelope notices the switch but doesn't comment on it. "The team is on an operation right now, but one of our agents, Agent Jareau, knows what's going on. She'll pass the message on to Hotch as soon as possible."
“Will he be alright?”, Y/N finds herself asking without thinking, "I mean, will the team be alright? They have such a dangerous job. It must be really worrisome waiting for them back here." She blushes a little, embarrassed by her rambling.
Penelope smiles warmly at Y/N's concern. "You're absolutely right. It's not an easy job, and we do worry about them. But they're a strong team, and they look out for each other."
Y/N nods, appreciating Penelope's reassurance. "It must take a lot of courage to do what you guys do."
Penelope's expression grows serious for a moment. "It does, but it's all about making a difference, keeping people safe, and kicking bad guys asses.", she laughs.
As they chat, Y/N begins to feel more at ease in Penelope's company. The initial tension she felt when she entered the building has faded, and Penelope's friendly nature helps her relax.
Jack stirs on the couch, letting out a small sigh in his sleep, and both women glance over at him. "He looks so peaceful," Y/N comments softly.
Penelope nods with a smile. "He's in good hands here. We'll take care of him until Jess arrives."
Y/N's gratitude shines through in her eyes. "Thank you, Penelope. I really appreciate your help and it was really nice to meet you."
Penelope waves it off. "No problem at all. That's what we're here for and I'm glad that I finally met Jack's favorite teacher."
With that, Y/N says her final goodbyes to Penelope and drives home.
In Indiana, the team returns to the police station after their first unsuccessful attempt to catch the unsub. The tension from the case hangs heavily in the air, mixing with their exhaustion as they re-enter the familiar surroundings of the bullpen. Despite their collective fatigue, their sense of duty remains strong.
J.J. approaches Aaron with a mixture of concern and urgency etched across her face. She's the bearer of news, and as she delivers her message, Aaron's eyebrows furrow, his worry etched into the lines on his forehead.
"Is he alright?" Aaron's voice carries an undertone of concern, his thoughts immediately shifting to his son's well-being. The mere thought of his son not feeling well triggers an instinctive sense of protectiveness.
JJ reassures him, "Penelope says he has a little fever, but Jess will be there shortly to pick him up. He's sleeping in your office."
Aaron's concern deepens as he processes the information. "In my office? Why is he there?"
JJ's explanation brings some clarity. "Jessica was at a conference, but she's on her way now. She mentioned that she told you, but you might've forgotten."
The realization hits him, and he curses softly under his breath. The whirlwind of the case had momentarily overshadowed his responsibilities as a father. His worry for Jack mixes with a hint of self-criticism for not being more vigilant about his son's situation. His colleagues exchange knowing glances. The team is used to Aaron's dedication to his work, but they also recognize his deep attachment to his son. Despite his frustration, Aaron manages to maintain a composed exterior, even as his worry for Jack continues to chew at him from the inside.
A frustrated sigh escapes Aaron's lips, and he mutters, "Did Penny pick him up?"
JJ shakes her head gently. "No, Ms. Y/L/N, Jack's teacher, actually brought him in. She contacted Garcia, and while Garcia was ready to send someone to pick him up, Y/N decided to drive him herself."
Aaron's surprise is evident in his raised eyebrows. "Y/N? She took care of Jack?"
JJ confirms with a nod. "Yeah, apparently she's been really helpful and genuinely concerned about Jack."
Aaron's heart warms at the thought. He hadn't anticipated that Y/N would step in to help, and the gratitude he feels is undeniable. "I should thank her," he states with determination.
JJ smiles at him supportively. "I'm sure she'd appreciate that."
As they talk, Aaron's thoughts are divided between the current case and the unexpected kindness Y/N has shown to his son. He finds himself admiring her more with each passing moment, and despite the stress of their work, there's a glimmer of hope in his heart. He's beginning to see that there might be something more to their interactions, something beyond just chance meetings.
As he listens to her voice message and reads her email, a mixture of emotions swirl within Aaron. Gratitude, surprise, and a growing fondness for Y/N all mingle together, creating a unique warmth in his chest. He contemplates reaching out to her, wanting to express his appreciation, but a sense of hesitation holds him back.
He hovers over his phone, considering calling her, but then decides against it. He realizes that a call might not be entirely appropriate. Instead, he starts typing an email, carefully crafting words that convey his gratitude. But even as he types, he pauses and deletes what he wrote. A simple email doesn't feel like enough.
Closing his laptop, Aaron makes up his mind. He wants to thank Y/N in person, to show her how deeply he values her kindness toward Jack. The idea of seeing her again stirs a mixture of excitement and nervousness within him. He's determined to let her know how much her actions mean to him, face-to-face.
The night stretches on, filled with tense moments as they close in on the unsub. Finally, after hours of hard work, the case is resolved, and Aaron and the team catche their flight back home. Throughout the flight, he's anxious to return to his son, knowing that he's been through a challenging day himself.
Once back, exhaustion tugs at him, but his first priority is Jack. He quietly enters his son's room, relieved to find him sleeping soundly and no longer feverish. He gently touches Jack's forehead, a small smile forming on his lips as he watches the peaceful rise and fall of his chest.
After changing into more comfortable clothes, Aaron's thoughts turn to Y/N. He wants to express his gratitude and also, he must admit to himself, he's eager to see her again. Taking a moment to compose an email, he sends a short message, a request for a conversation.
Now in his pajamas, he walks back to Jack's room and crawls into bed with him, holding him close. His mind is filled with thoughts of Y/N, the events of the past few days swirling in his head. As he lies there, his mind replays their conversations, her kind gestures, and the way she cared for Jack. The feeling of connection and warmth he felt when he saw her smiling face flashes vividly in his mind, leaving a lingering sensation that he can't quite shake. It's a feeling that intertwines with the tenderness he feels for Jack, creating a sense of contentment that lulls him into a peaceful sleep.
Y/N woke up to Aaron's email, and a pit formes in her stomach. His simple question, "Are you available for a chat today?" left her feeling slightly uneasy. She had expected a message from him, maybe a thank you, but the tone of this email made her worry a little. She began to overthink – had she overstepped by driving Jack herself? She types a response, suggesting they could meet in her classroom after school around 4 pm.
As expected, Jack isn't at school today, and she hopes that he's feeling better. Y/N has a busy day at school, but she can't shake the anxious feeling in her chest throughout the day, hoping that Aaron isn't angry at her. When her last student is picked up, she tidies up her classroom a bit as she waits for Aaron to arrive. Feeling a bit suffocated, she opens a couple of windows to let in fresh air. Just then, a soft knock on the classroom door catches her attention.
"Hi Aaron, come in," she says, offering him a little nervous smile.
"Hi," he says, shaking her hand. "It's good to see you again."
"Likewise. Please, sit down," she offers him the chair in front of her table. He sits down and places the big paper bag he had with him on the ground in front of his feet. She takes a seat as well.
"Aaron, I..." she starts, her nerves getting the best of her. "So I..." They both start talking at the same time, letting out a little giggle. Aaron gestures for her to go first.
She takes a deep breath. "Aaron, I'm sorry if I overstepped," she begins nervously, her words tumbling out. "I just wanted to make sure everything was okay with Jack. I didn't want to send him off with a stranger, especially when he wasn't feeling well. I'm sorry."
He gently grabs her hand, which is on the table, and squeezes it tight but tenderly. "Woah, woah, woah. Why are you apologizing for taking care of him?"
"You're not angry?" she asks, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.
"No! Why would I be angry at you for being an amazing person?" he answers sincerely, his thumb mindlessly caressing the back of her hand.
Their hands remain intertwined for a moment longer than necessary, and the air between them is charged with unspoken emotions. As they continue to talk, the initial nervousness fades away, replaced by a sense of ease and comfort. The genuine connection they've been building grows stronger with every exchanged word, promising the potential for something more.
Aaron's gaze is unwavering as he looks at Y/N, his eyes revealing a vulnerability he rarely shows. "I need you to know something," he begins, his voice soft but firm. "Being a parent is... it's a challenge, especially on my own. I'm always concerned, always worried about Jack. I want to be there for him, to protect him, but I can't always be. Knowing that there's someone like you, someone who genuinely cares and looks out for him, it... it means the world to me."
Y/N listens to his words, her heart swelling with understanding and compassion. She can see the weight he carries as a single parent, the responsibility he feels for his son. And in his vulnerability, she sees a side of Aaron that touches her deeply.
"I'm so thankful, Y/N," he continues, his voice gentle but filled with sincerity. "For what you did yesterday, and for being a constant presence in his life at school. It eases my mind, even in the midst of all the chaos I deal with at work."
Her eyes meet his, and the tenderness in his gaze resonates with her. Their hands, still entwined, convey a sense of connection that goes beyond words. The touch feels comforting and reassuring, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they've formed in such a short time.
They sit in that moment, a mixture of vulnerability and appreciation flowing between them. The weight of his words hangs in the air, and she can feel his emotions as if they were her own. As the seconds pass, neither of them makes a move to release their grasp. It's as if they're holding onto something precious, something that has the potential to change the course of their lives.
And as they continue to talk, their eyes locked, and their hands held, they both know that this connection, this understanding, is something worth exploring further.
"This is for you," Aaron says, placing the paper bag in front of her.
"Oh, you didn't really have to," she responds, her excitement evident as she opens the bag. With anticipation, she pulls out a pink bakery box and lifts the lid. Inside, she finds an array of delicious-looking cupcakes, instantly bringing back memories of the night they first met and shared treats.
"They may not be as good as yours," he adds with a smile.
She turns the open box towards him and suggests, "Have one with me," accompanied by a big smile.
Their conversation flows effortlessly, a mix of sincere moments and playful exchanges. With each passing minute, their connection deepens, and it becomes evident that the chemistry between them isn't just a fleeting attraction. There's something more substantial, something that has the potential to grow into a meaningful bond.
As the afternoon light begins to fade, Aaron finally stands up, a reluctant expression on his face. "I should probably let you get back to your evening."
Y/N nods, a touch of disappointment in her eyes. "Yeah, it's been a long day. And you should go back to Jack."
They both stand up, and he thanks her again, shaking her hand with a goodbye.
"I’ll see you around," she says, but it sounds more like a question than a statement.
"Definitely," he promises and lets go of her hand, immediately feeling the emptiness and loss of her warmth.
He turns around to walk away, but something inside him pulls him back to her with a force that’s almost suffocating. He swiftly turns around, not even sure what he wants to say, but he's surprised when she is right behind him, following him to the door. He bumps into her, and she stumbles, but his hands immediately find her waist to steady her.
Suddenly their faces are so close, their breaths mingling in the charged space between them. The weight of their unspoken emotions hangs heavy in the air, creating an intoxicating tension. Y/N's gaze drifts up to meet Aaron's, and for a moment, the world seems to fade away, leaving only the two of them standing there. Her eyes flicker down to his lips, and in that instant, Aaron's own gaze follows hers. Their desire hovers on the precipice, ready to tip them over, but both of them hold back, their restraint only adding to the intensity of the moment.
Their eyes lock again, the electricity between them crackling like a live wire. The temptation to close the gap is overwhelming, but something keeps them rooted in place. It's as if the universe itself is holding its breath, waiting to see if they'll succumb to the pull between them.
Their hearts pound in rhythm, the tension between them a symphony of longing and uncertainty. Y/N's fingers tighten their hold on Aaron's biceps, a silent plea for him to bridge the gap that separates them. Aaron's eyes search hers, his own breath hitching as he feels her touch. He inhales deeply, his warm breath mingling with hers, bringing them impossibly closer.
With a feather-light touch, he cups her face, his thumb caressing her cheek in a gentle, hypnotic motion. The world around them seems to melt away as his hand guides her head, their noses brushing against each other. Y/N's lips part slightly as she exhales, her anticipation almost tangible. Every nerve in her body is alight, her senses attuned to the electric charge that fills the space between them. It's a dance of restraint and longing, a battle of wills and unspoken confessions. And in that charged moment, time seems to stretch, granting them a suspended eternity where the weight of their emotions hangs heavy in the air.
Their lips are a mere millimeter away from that long-awaited connection when a sudden, loud clatter from the corridor shatters the fragile bubble of tension they had woven around themselves. The abrupt intrusion jolts them back to reality, their bodies tensing as the spell is broken.
As the echoes of the noise fade, they find themselves standing apart once more, heavy breaths mingling with the suspended atmosphere. Their eyes lock for a brief, intense moment, both realizing how close they had come to crossing a line they might not have been ready to confront. Unspoken emotions swirl in the space between them, a complex mixture of longing, attraction, and the realization of consequences.
Aaron's gaze flickers away from Y/N's, his expression a mix of turmoil and restraint. He clears his throat, the words hanging unspoken for a heartbeat before he finally speaks, his voice tinged with a trace of regret. "I should... go."
Without waiting for a response, he turns and strides toward the door, his steps purposeful and quick. The classroom door closes behind him with a soft click, leaving Y/N standing alone in the dimming light, her chest heaving with the weight of the moment that had just passed between them.
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