#and she killed magic users at this lady's command (which at some point she had internalized as a personal dogma)
outeremissary · 8 months
Although she was only played in one campaign (a 5e Greyhawk game), Carmen was originally put together for a 3.5 homebrew two years earlier. She had two radically different backstories between the iteration that only shared the concept of a knight errant with a horse named June. Depending on the iteration June's name had a few different origins:
June was a horse named after a dead girl
June was a girl polymorphed into a horse
Carmen believed June was a girl polymorphed into a horse; the real June had died
Although it never came up directly with the party either time, it was always a key point of her character that Carmen was devoted to this dead-or-alive June she had failed and had no hope of atoning to.
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travellingarmy · 1 year
✦❘༻𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝༺❘✦
Ch. 2 - The Day I've Been Betrothed
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Malleus Draconia x fem!reader
Chapter list + Summary
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Do not steal/copy + paste my works and upload it anywhere else.
You remembered that day.. 
“Mn..” Soft.. The bed, it was soft and warm, making you not want to get up despite the sun having risen hours ago and blaring its light on your face. You buried your face further into the pillow. Ever since the war had come to a halt just shy of six months ago, it had been peaceful and you could sleep easily without a constant nagging thought of enemies breaking down your door in the middle of your sleep. Your home is still situated within the kingdom’s territories, but it was so far out– far from the castle and the main city– that enemies would have no trouble infiltrating it and not alerting the castle of their presence within the land. 
Sure, you had guards situated outside and inside the manor and even had your father who was a commander of one of the Queen’s troupes but still, it did not completely quell your nervous anxiety. You’ve heard what creatures faes were during on one of the tea parties you’ve been invited to and honestly, you didn’t think the kingdom would last against them should the war go on for much longer. Unlike faes who are all natural-born magic users, not many humans possess them, yourself included, so it was not like the citizens could defend themselves while troupes were stretched far and thin across the land. Speaking of, since the war killed many soldiers, your father had to gather some of his from the manor, leaving not many to protect you which only did nothing but raise your alertness especially during nighttime where you’re aware that you could not see anyone past what the light of the lamp posts outside could reach. Those faes.. If they have sharp hearing, surely they have keen eyes, especially at night. You feel a chill crawl up your arms every time you think about it.
You planned to sleep just until a bit before lunchtime, enjoying the peaceful time. “My lady?” A soft knock was at your door, following an equally soft voice of a girl. When you ignored it to continue dreaming, another knock sounded and this time, it was a bit more firm and loud. “My lady, it’s half past eight now.” 
Sighing, you slowly sat up on your bed, the ruffling sound of your silk sheets could just barely be heard on the other side of the door. “Mm.. Come in..” Groggily, you finally answered. You rubbed your eyes tiredly when the servant girl came. “Thank you, my lady,” she said and smiled warmly. 
“What do you need?” You yawned and stretched your arms to shake away what the feeling of sleep remained.  “Yes, of course, my lady. I shall not dawdle longer,” she gets to the point and explained her reason.
“What?” You blinked owlishly after she had finished telling you. “The palace had asked to see me? Today?” You were surprised in all honesty since anything related to the palace is usually your father’s business. Besides that, you were still not of age to be handling matters of the court. 
“Yes, my lady. And the Queen had asked that you arrive on time– exactly 1 in the afternoon sharp,” she answers with immeasurable patience. You turn your head to the window adjacent to your bed and look at the rustling of leaves just past it with two black birds perched on a branch nearest to you. You were silent for a while. It was not as if you planned to decline order’s from Her Majesty, but you were wondering what today was for her to wish an audience with a baron’s daughter who has not made an effort to look worthwhile in banquets. One would assume that there is no chain of hierarchy within nobility, but they were quite wrong. It was a fight of popularity within the circle and you found yourself at the bottom of it.
“Huh, it seems that I’m not the only one who the Queen asked for..” You mumbled, looking at the long line of carriages outside, yours included. You peek your head out of the carriage window and find that those who have been invited were young ladies around the same age as you. If I remember correctly, they’re mostly unbetrothed daughters. You say mostly as opposed to all since you were unsure. You grew curious, especially after knowing that if you were told to come alone, it must mean that all these important daughters are without a guard either. 
Finally, your carriage rolls to the front of the castle and someone from the palace opens the door and helps you out. You had informed your father about the situation just before you left in your best dress. Seeing as you were going to meet the queen, you chose a red dress adorned in white pearls and lace. White pearls were also added to your updo to complete the look. 
But I guess the others also thought the same.. You sweatdropped at the number of girls wearing a red dress crowding the front steps of the castle, some flashier than others while some more modest. The questioning look they had on their face and the soft murmurs made you believe that they were in the same boat as you were; not having a single clue why you had been called so abruptly on the most random of days.
“Alright ladies, if I could have your attention.” The man who had been standing at the top of the stairs finally spoke loudly to draw attention after looking satisfied that all were accounted for. “Her Majesty, the Queen, is waiting for you all in the throne room, but I will first escort you to our great hall.” 
The ladies looked at each other with questioning eyes before shyly following after the man. You followed of course since you were one of the invited guests. With all these people, you had expected your audience with Her Majesty to be brief; maybe she just needed to ask you a favour. However, that proved to be wrong when you saw the carefully decorated hall with long tables on each side draped in a white tablecloth. On them were vases of  carefully assorted white and red roses and a few food and drinks. 
Even though you shouldn’t based on your assessment, you were surprised. It was almost like a banquet, if it weren’t for the lack of people. But you were pleased to know that there was something to eat since you had spent the last hour getting to the palace and did not have the time to enjoy lunch. That was one of the many disadvantages to live so far out of the kingdom’s walls. Although, you believed that you weren’t the only one that was famished; the look on the others suggest that they had fretted over what to wear to have eaten. It might have been due to different reasons, but it was certain that the majority had not eaten. 
“I apologize for the short notice,” the man spoke and then gestured to the tables and chairs in the centre of the hall. “I had assumed that you all must have not eaten so we had prepared you all sorts of food to fit your preferences.
“Please enjoy yourselves while I wait for further orders from Her Majesty,” he ends his little speech and exits from a side door tucked further into the room’s corner. There were slight murmurs before you dispersed. Some chose to sit while others stood idly by at the long table, but one thing remained the same: they all looked tense. Surely, seeing all these people must have caught them off guard. 
You wandered off to one of the long tables to see if there was something small you could eat so you wouldn’t be seen as a glutton. Although, despite all of the food laid out that was meant to be eaten, it had been barely touched. No doubt it is because they were too nervous. Understandable since you had this nagging feeling that you were being observed the moment you entered the hall and no, it wasn’t from the servants that came and went. Was this a test of some sort? 
With a small plate in one hand, your eyes scanned the hall for any abnormality, but you were disappointed to see that nothing seemed off. Actually, you should feel relieved if it truly is just you being overly sensitive. 
One thing that your father taught you that he learned while he was still a knight in training was to always trust your gut when you feel a predator’s gaze. Even if you don’t see it, this feeling of being watched that settles in you is not something you should brush aside. 
This time, you subconsciously craned your neck up. To the left side of the room, there was a door leading out to a small balcony that watched over the hall. There, you see it opened and although there were no lights, you squint your eyes at a particular part just past the frame of the door. You swear you can see.. Eyes? But they seemed to contrast the darkness behind it; it was glowing and unlike the shine of normal eyes when light is reflected on them. An abnormality. 
You stare at it long and soon, you see its eyes trailing. Trailing until it lands on you. ‘Oh!’ They really are real and just aren't a glass orb with a similar look of eyes. You should be scared, that much you understand, but when you finally look at it, you feel oddly calm. You didn’t feel relaxed, but you did feel like it meant no harm. 
After having what felt like prolonged minutes of a staring contest, the eyes vanish and you can faintly hear the sound of shoes walking away. Huh.. How odd.
You were all now ushered to the throne room just a few minutes after. “Greetings, your Majesty.” You all spoke in unison and curtsied. When you look back up, your attention was drawn to an oddity in the room which just stood beside the queen. There was a man standing there silently. He looks frightening. He was dressed in black head to toe adorned in silver here and there like his shoulder pads and the chain that held his cloak together. Other than that, the only striking features were the red crystal brooch on his cravat and his.. Eyes. 
You blinked owlishly as you stared at him— well, specifically his eyes. They were the same striking deep colour like the one you saw earlier. Was it him? As if to answer your question, when his wandering eyes stop on you, you swear you can see his eyes smiling musingly. Before you could dwell on it, your thoughts were interrupted when the guide spoke. At this point, you believed him to be the Queen’s advisor. 
“If you could please form rows..” He directs, gesturing with his right hand. There were looks of uneasiness passed around but did as told. When you got into formation, you couldn’t help but look towards the throne once more. This time, you see Her Majesty talking with the strange– huh? You blinked a couple times thinking that you might be seeing this but you’re sure you really were looking at pointy ears; not human ears. 
“Wonderful,” the advisor said and then offered the stage to the queen. When your eyes land on her strikingly beautiful figure, you feel your face warm in awe. She’s like a cold beauty.. Her eyebrows were naturally shaped into a high arch so whatever she does— or in most cases, whatever one does, she seems to always look down on people. 
“As you may have heard, today marks the start of proceeding through peaceful treaties with the Valley of Thorns,” she begins and you all couldn’t help but be all captivated by her stunning beauty when she spoke. “To keep the peace going during my reign as monarch, we had agreed to make arrangements so that no matter what, that peace will be unshakable.
“If you will.” She looks to her side—at her advisor— all the while having her nose still pointed high and to the front to show her superiority. “Yes, Your Majesty.” He does a quick bow and does the talking again. "Ahem. For the treaty to happen, the Valley of Thorns' Queen has chosen a representative to come in her stead."  
So he’s a fae, you thought. You’re well learned about the creatures that are at war with your homeland and something notable to know are their ears. You’ve been overly cautious of everyone after learning it and for a while, looked at the side of their head’s first. Silly, I know. 
You know how important this was and that you should listen carefully, but you couldn’t help but be drawn by the strange man who was talking to the queen with words you couldn’t hear from where you were and how low they were speaking. Normally, one would slightly shiver in the presence of the queen, but all he had on was an unreadable expression. 
“Very well..” The advisor looks side-eyeing at the fae just on the other side of the queen. When he looks at him directly, you notice his confidence slightly deterred, now speaking with a slight nervousness in his tone. “Uh– Ahem. These are all the noble ladies that you requested for.. Sir.” 
The fae’s eyes wanders over the heads of many until it lands on you, but you felt like its wandering eyes were just for show. That its true purpose was to spot you. You didn’t realize that you gulped a nervous feeling down. What does he plan to do? You see him now taking slow and elegant steps down the little steps that lead to the throne. 
“And what is your name, my dear?” Before you knew it, he was in front of you and looking with kind eyes. You stiffened up and stuttered out, “I’I’m [Name], sir.. From house–” “I don’t need your family name. To tell me your family name is to give up your life,” he interjects with a serious look on his face that tells you that he was indeed telling you the truth. You stood stone cold. You swear you felt your heart drop. 
He sees the look on your face but continues to talk, this time holding a hand out. “Your hand,” he said, hinting with his eyes. It took a second for you to snap back from your daze, blinking a couple times, and another to understand what he was asking for. While all the ladies look on apprehensively, you hesitantly place a hand on his palm. You had no idea what he planned to do and the cold sweat on your forehead was totally understandable, but it was soon answered rather blindingly. The moment your hand brushes with his, a soft light that seemed to come out of nowhere engulfed the both of you. 
Air gets caught in your lungs as a million images— a million scenes go through your mind. You also felt lighter as if you were floating— or to better describe your situation, drowning. Drowning in a pool of memories. It felt like you were looking back at memories, but you don’t recall having these as yours. Suddenly, you felt afraid. Just what are these..?
Before you could piece what they really were, you were brought back to the present with everyone looking at you worriedly and.. With sympathy? You were confused. Why were they looking at you like that? It was then you noticed that a single tear has cascaded down your cheek. 
There were so many ‘memories’ but one thing stood out to you. ‘They were all..’ You recall one particular memory and it alone gave you massive heartache.
You look at the fae who now stood in front of you with eyes just like the rest of them. And although it’s small, he is finally smiling, but also sympathetically. You wanted to croak out what you’ve been wanting to ask since seeing whatever those things were, but you couldn’t. You felt that the tears that were trying so hard to fight back down will suddenly have a chokehold on you and you didn’t want to cry in front of so many people. You bite your bottom lip as you stare in disbelief at him and that was all you could do.
“My lady.” There is a soft knock on the other side of the door with an equal soft voice. Normally, you would grumble incoherently and ignore it until they went away, but here you were, wide awake before the sun could have even greeted you with a proper soft, warm light gently caressing your face. 
“Come in.” Your voice is hoarse but is clear nonetheless. The same servant girl walked inside with a smile that shows how much she doesn’t know from yesterday’s event. Yesterday.. You hadn’t slept a wink when you recalled what you witnessed yesterday and it shows from the dark circles under your eyes. 
“Oh, my lady, you’re awake early,” she points out with a look of cluelessness. “Do you want to have breakfast right now? Your father is about to leave for his duties after breakfast.” 
“…” You stared aimlessly at the blanket that draped over your lap. It was only when she had to repeat herself that you answered with a quiet ‘yes’. 
You went downstairs with your nightgown and tried to have a normal breakfast and by which it meant trying to smile through the entire meal and ask your father about his plans for the day. He had known about the letter that the queen sent yesterday since he was still at the manor to receive the messenger so you had to lie through your teeth that everything was fine. You had told him briefly about what occurred, leaving out the small details such as the fae approaching you and.. ‘Whatever that was.’
‘I have no idea what that was all about yesterday, but I’m sure he meant no harm..’ Now sitting in the great chamber, you were now in a fresh change of clothes. You had no plans to go out today so you wore a simple dress and indulged in reading a book you had randomly picked up from the library’s shelf in your home. 
It was still midday with the sun still way above your head so you shouldn’t have gotten so startled when there was a knock on the front door. You were curious so you placed your book beside you on the sofa and got up to peek around the hall’s corner. One of the maids stationed at the entrance opened the door to reveal a man who dressed in a tabard embroidered with the card suits and a hat to match. Another of the queen’s messengers?
When he had made eye contact with you, you knew it was time to get out of your hiding spot and receive him. “My lady, are you the lady of this house?” The messenger takes his hat off and places it over his chest in respect. “I am.. Is something the matter? If so, my father isn’t here right now..” You said as you walked closer to the door. The servant steps aside for you to fully face the man. “Ah, you’re mistaken, my lady. It is you that I come for,” he explains. “If you will, Her Majesty, the Queen, has asked for your attendance relating to your marriage.” 
Now this is where you became visibly confused. You don’t recall being betrothed to someone and your father had made sure to tell you time and time again that he won’t force you into any proposals and that marriage was free reign for you to decide. You trust him so you earnestly believe that there must be a misunderstanding somewhere. “My lady, the Queen said this to be of urgence so..” “Alright. Just give me a minute to change.” 
You didn’t believe that you’d be invited to the palace again and in just a matter of hours. ‘Since the Queen sent the invitation..’ You looked out the window to see if there were carriages from other noble daughters but to your surprise, you pulled right up at the castle’s steps without any delay and got safely escorted down the carriage. 
“Ah, Lady [Name], we have been expecting you here today.” The advisor from yesterday was also in front of the carriage with a kind smile. You weren’t sure if you were growing two heads or something because while people do approach you kindly, it was rare and only happens during parties where you’d be forced to interact and the same goes for the others. It’s hard to believe that you’d be talking to the queen’s advisor. 
“Come, let us go. Her Majesty has been waiting for you for quite some time now,” he said smilingly and began to lead the way up the same very steps and down the familiar halls as yesterday. When you entered the throne room, the queen was sitting on her throne with a perfect posture. 
“Your Majesty, Lady [Name] has arrived.” He does a bow before turning his attention to you and gestures with his hand to go to the throne. You did so, walking across the long room all the while looking at the queen to see her expressions. “Greetings, Your Majesty..” You do a curtsy and stay like that until given the word. 
“You may stand.” You did as told and stared at her, your hands in front of you and fidgeting nervously. “Well then, I congratulate you on your marriage,” she said plainly. You were stone cold like a statue. ‘Marriage? So, it’s really true..?’ Your brows knit together and look at her with dubiety as if you had misheard it. “I.. Uhm.. You’re Majesty, could you have mistaken me for a daughter from another family?” You ask. You could feel your fingers growing cold and your heart slightly quickening. 
“You are the daughter of that baron from the far east of the kingdom, yes?” She asks, although she was mainly just pointing it out. “Ah.. Yes, Your Majesty..” You tried to find some confidence in your tone, but it was already nerve-wracking to be in the presence of such a cold beauty. “Then make no mistake that I have called upon you today,” she said rather coldly. How could this have happened? You were sure that your father hadn’t mentioned anything about you getting married.. And if that were to be the case, why would the crown need to come and congratulate you? Marriages between aristocrats happen all the time and not once had you heard about being congratulated by the queen.
You chose your words carefully.“T-then.. Who am I being wedded off to, Your Majesty?” Every millisecond she doesn’t answer, the more your head starts to spiral until you feel dizzy. “Why, to the prince of the Valley of Thorns,” she answers with a raised brow and adds, “You were there to hear it, yes?” 
Your eyes widened and felt a large, gaping hole in your stomach as if someone had ripped through it. You were frozen on the spot, not believing your ears. It was your fault that you weren’t really paying attention to the advisor yesterday, really. Otherwise, you would have made sure to not let guests come to the house, not even that messenger. You could have prolonged this news or even better, prevented it from not attending yesterday at all. You felt tricked, realizing how brief the explanations were from yesterday.
The queen could see the conflict in your eyes and decided to say something, “Lady [Name], I assure that you will be in good hands. The crown prince is amongst the strongest magic users out of all the rest in the world, which is why we have no choice but to go into a period of peace..” She grumbles lowly at the last part, but you heard it nonetheless. “No matter what happens, it is a sure fact he’ll protect you as written in the agreement.” 
You could only nod in a silent agreement. Before you could leave, she said one more thing, “Do remember that the Rose Kingdom is your home and so it will forever be open to you. I entrust that should anything happen, you will return home, Lady [Name].” 
You had only a week to prepare your belongings after telling your father that night on the same very day before someone from the Valley of Thorns had come to pick you up at your door in a black carriage pulled by equally scary horses. Where did it bring you? Well, to your new forever home of course.
That was the day when your chapter had suddenly taken a turn..
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igotswag77 · 3 years
Courtly Love In Thrawnbine - My Review
This Tumblr inspired me to try again on the concept of COURTLY LOVE -- thanks for the nice art.
This is long... No tl;dr. I have been writing my THRAWNBINE fanfiction since 2014-2015. The initial transcripts were lost because my computer and the external hard drive crashed. Therefore, the research, development, key ideas, metas, etc. are gone. I have to start from scratch, hope some of them are in the cloud, and rely on my memory, which is another discussion. This piece here is not about the validity of the THRAWNBINE ship. It is a discussion of story elements I wanted to include as I write this fanfiction. It is not about me forcing any fan to accept my proposal. As a Star Wars fan, I like creativity and this piece is an example of what I think about when I develop my creative writing for fanfiction. It is what I want to do with my life right now because I can do it now.
However, a while back in one of the SWAG77 blogs here, my group discusses the idea of COURTLY LOVE: As I understand it as a beginner creative writer, it is how the COURT of the kings, queens, princes, princess, (on down) and knights in the Middle Ages and Medieval times expressed their love to each other. (x)
From my interpretation on my reading, not just Wikipedia but others, when noble single men, who were knights, often fought "religious wars" returned home to the court and would appeal to royalty to marry a certain young woman. They planned to "woo" these women with sayings, phrases, poems, etc. as an expression of their commitment and love. The issue is, most young women at a certain age (late teens, early 20s in the 13th -15th centuries) were considered "old maids" (spinsters) and they were made to marry whoever their families could get who were often older men 10+ their senior. Once married couples could not divorce, because of Church, and if caught cheating on their husband, women could be thrown away or killed. Many marriages turned loveless. When the knights returned home, they discovered the love of their lives was married, and therefore, they could not marry her because it was against the Church. Of course, back then, there were not a lot of sexual infidelities, because women could be killed for that, and any resulting child was forced into servitude, enslaved, or killed.
What couples did that time to express their love, devoid of sex to relieve that tension, the nobles created "courtly love" where the knight would serve his lady in any command and he would in turn be chivalrous along with his poems and sayings of love.
"The Lady and the Unicorn" (x), (x) tapestry art from finished in 1500 in France, is an allegory for "courtly love" by its subjects in the art, and symbols. The art comprises six tapestries that depict individual senses in each of them:
In the sixth tapestry, the words display, "À mon seul dési," while obscure in meaning it says roughly:
"To my only sole desire" "According to my desire alone" "By my will alone" "Love desires only beauty of soul" "To calm passion"
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In my literature review to build the THRAWNBINE ship, I weaved the idea of "courtly love" as a plot element, in case my story hypotheses were inaccurate. That no matter what, Grand Admiral Thrawn knew he would have to serve under Countess Sabine Wren due to her royal status. By the time Thrawn meets Sabine face to face, she might be royalty with the rank of a countess, or she might be a rank higher than one because she has a direct right to Darksaber, as explained.
Sabine Wren might be a Marquise because she has an exemplary war record. I believe that Sabine Wren is the rightful heir to the Darksaber over Din Djarin because when Djarin defeated Moff Gideon, the Moff is NOT Mandalorian. All Djarin did is confiscate the Darksaber FROM Moff Gideon to give to the rightful heir. Lady Bo-Katan Kryze is not the rightful heir. She was given the Darksaber because Sabine believed in her. But the Darksaber is magical, like the Excalibur sword, and this saber did not choose Bo-Katan, and Bo-Katan never won it by ritual combat. The last Mandalorian who fought against another Mandalorian in ritual combat was Sabine Wren. Why Sabine gave it to Bo-Katan? Maybe the Sabine Wren character is like Nimue, the Lady of the Lake who gives worthy people the Excalibur, and in this case, it would be Sabine. But the Darksaber is ENTRUSTED to one that is worthy to wield it and NEVER lose it to scurrilous powers or persons. If Filoni et al. is using parts of the Arthurian Tales to explain why Sabine gave the Darksaber to Bo-Katan, then it was Bo-Katan's job not to lose the Darksaber. But she did and somehow, Moff Gideon "acquired" it -- he is definitely unworthy of it.
Maul, while he fought in ritual combat to obtain the Darksaber and killed for it, CHEATED during the fight with Pre Vizsla. Ritual Combat is a test of pure fighting skill, will, and strength. In the book, "Darth Maul: The Shadow Conspiracy", Maul has the fighting skill, a will, and the strength to fight Pre Vizsla, but there is the Force, and Maul used it to defeat Vizsla with his Force abilities in precognition. Maul knew all the moves that Vizsla would take before he made them. In my opinion, that is cheating.
While the Darksaber will work in a non-Mandalorian's hands who can wield a saber, the crystal used for plasma that Tarre Vizsla built, is responsive to the worthiness, nobleness, and chivalry of the wielder. Most stories written about enchanted swords say they do not work optimally in the wrong hands. Did it fail Maul, probably not, because Maul was so Dark Sided that he could "bleed" a lightsaber crystal for his uses. But I can imagine that a Mandalorian who uses weapons for his religion, like Tarre Vizsla who has the Force, would build his lightsaber in a way that his crystal, while it can be bled by a Dark Side user, still holds its resilience hoping for a worthy, noble and chivalrous Mandalorian to bring together the people and raise an army.
Another caveat to this story I think is Sabine Wren wielded the Darksaber while she was possessed by the Nightsisters trying to relive as Maul wanted. She almost kills Ezra Bridger, but Bridger was strong enough to pull the ghosts out of Sabine (and Kanan) in the Star Wars Rebels Episode 11, "Vision and Voices". Anyone who understands possession by spirits knows that not ALL of the spirits leave the body. Moreover, one possessed by spirits is not always evil. It is an ancient practice by those who are a part of the Vodoun culture in Western Africa, the Caribbean, Louisiana, and Gullah -- my culture (which I have some practice in it). Part of Sabine's ability to wield the Darksaber and other lightsabers come from the memories of the spirits that entered her body on Dathomir and the touch of the Daughter, which I have repeatedly written about on the Sabine Wren site (x), (x), (x).
The point is since the spirits entered Sabine Wren and not all of them left her in that SWR episode, and she picked up the Darksaber once clear of the complete possession, the Darksaber, especially the power of the crystal and the "spirit of Tarre Vizsla" encased in it, wanted Sabine to become the Mandalorian to rally all other Mandalorians together as one.
In SWR Trials of the Darksaber episodes, after Sabine defeats the Imperial Mandalorian, Gar Saxon, only to be killed by Sabine's mother, Ursa Wren, it shows that the Darksaber is rightfully hers. Why Sabine gave it away? The writers of SWR do not add scenes or dialogue meaninglessly, every piece of scenery with lighting, etc. and dialogue is added into each episode carefully to tell the story that these creatives want you to see. Sabine felt she did not have enough political skill to command Mandalorians, or better yet, military leadership to command Mandalorian -- for "you don’t tell Mandalorians what to do. You suggest it and they either heed your advice or not. (forgotten reference)"
Thrawn had to have learned that Gar Saxon died well before Season 4 Episode, "Heroes of Mandalore" part 2. Also, Thrawn knew a lot about Mandalorian culture through its history, philosophy, and art. What he did not count on is that he would find an artist -- Sabine Wren. I don't know when Thrawn discovered Sabine was an artist that painted the graffiti on the retaining wall. Through his studies, he deduced it was her by the armor she wears, the changes in her armor, and how important the armor is to the Mandalorian culture. This is why he was able to figure out that Sabine built the weapon. Her method of creating art reflects on how she builds weapons whether she knows this fact or not. But then, the Darksaber, which he has not seen, and would not really know its lore because it seems that story that Fenn Rau told Kanan is an "oral tradition" than a written one, and the fact that it was "liberated" from the Jedi seems like an embellished story -- liberated? More like "stolen" maybe? Thrawn had not heard that story. But Sabine knows it. I am not sure if Thrawn knew that Sabine is the rightful owner of the Darksaber. But during the battle sequences, he must have gotten glimpses of it and piecemealed what exactly it is as his job as a strategist to know what he is going up against. However, the Duchess Arc Reactor was not reconstructed to blast through Mandalorian Armor as the new leader of Mandalore, Tiber Saxon desired. It was a test and a chance for Thrawn to see the strength of the fight of Mandalorians (who fight each other all the time), and a chance to meet Sabine Wren in person. He had not met her. He met everyone except, her.
I think that Sabine Wren would be a higher royalty if Filoni et al. were to write that Sabine is a rightful heir with a title. Therefore, she would be a Marquise who protects the frontier. In this fanfic, Thrawn would have to marry Sabine to obtain the title of Marquis to protect the border of the galaxy from the Yuuzhan Vong (lite = Grysks), and his military background fits in this fanfic story. Therefore, he will do whatever it takes to keep Sabine alive, protected under the symbol of the Darksaber and her people with his military (army). He would have to show "Courtly Love" with the addition of sex, to serve as her advisor, confidante, and supreme commander of her militaries. While he could keep his titles, they are not royal, but political, such as "Ranking Distant" or "Syndic" or "Patriarch" -- but that's the Chiss Ascendancy and he has been exiled from it (on paper: meaning officially he is exiled, unofficially he is in a black operation for an intelligence-gathering mission.)
As a separate story, he knows he really can't return under his current position back into the Chiss Ascendancy. But he can annihilate threats in the Unknown Regions using Galatic Empire resources -- of course, the Emperor nor Darth Vader like that idea. When the Deus Ex Machina scene occurred, wherever the space whales took Thrawn and Ezra, the end result should be, IMO, someone in the Chiss Ascendancy rescues them. And it can't be just two people, it has to be a group of them, mostly Imperials. And they take them to a planet, apparently under snow and ice in the Dave Filoni art.
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Before I knew anything about SWR in my first fanfic, Thrawn met Sabine at an art auction.
After the Ezra Bridger Deus Ex Machina with space whales, it seems based on Dave Filoni's art of Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano, Thrawn officially meets Sabine. For many headcanons, metas, and short drabbles I can't get into atm, they kick off their relationship, and for Sabine, it is unexpected. And while Thrawn might strategically want Sabine to stay (to seal the deal), they have to have legacies. With legacies, Sabine would not want to leave unless she had to.
In this fanfic, any acts like these are about consent. I strive to write consent in my stories.
The conflict in this story becomes how the HAYLE did Sabine agree to all of this? She IS strong-willed like most Mandalorian women are. For Sabine to consent to this life path is:
Sabine DESIRES it; she WANTS to do a pair bond. She figures out that she is getting old and her biological clock is ticking, and perhaps she is tired of constant war and needs a break. But whoops, she did not think that her desire would overtake her and create many legacies. That does happen in real life. Therefore settles that now, this is her life. (This fanfic is the easiest one to write, but slightly dull).
From the LADY AND THE UNICORN held in Paris. Each tapestry depicts the physical senses: (1) Sight, (2) Hearing, (3) Taste, (4) Smell, (5) Touch, (6) Desire. There are allegories and symbols for each tapestry and element. The major symbols are a Lady, a young woman virgin, with a Unicorn, loyal to only her.
There is more information from this youtube: https://youtu.be/5hCWZNm3qpc. My issue about this video, while most of the information seems accurate, the poets are interpreting the tapestries with their modern experiences. In my opinion, it is difficult to understand these tapestries without historical context. To think the woman is in pain is a modern interpretation. Back then, people LIVED in real physical pain because there were no "doctors' like we have now; it is very judgy to make that assertion. Thus, the comments in the video are opinions, and the producers did not announce that opinions were going to be shared. It's kind of like the point of the tapestries was missed without the historical basis.
History for the THRAWNBINE ship is an important part of the fanfic. I am not a great writer, but I work hard to write it. I have reviewed the literature, not think up this ship out of my ass as some fans would assume. I have put a lot of work into it. Also, I am well-read on many Star Wars Legends books and the new Thrawn canon books. Therefore, it is not like I do not know much about Star Wars when I do. I have REAMS of information that I like to share with fans who ask me about it. A few fans do. Moreover, I am not so vain to think that my ideas are the ONLY point of view available. I like trying to write fanfics as close to the Star Wars canon because it is fun, and that is my thing. But there are other ideas out there. It would be wrong to say my way or the highway. Also, I am not young, and those who are asinine toward me, well, I know you're younger than me because I'm old, and I want to do this with my life, I like to do it, and I'm having fun. Some young people do not GET that idea until they fall flat HARD on their face with a lost future. But don't give up your bright-eyed and bushy-tailed aspirations -- you never know where life will take you, and you might be the one. Congrats. Believe me, life can get shitty when you're out there in the real world, like me. And when you can grab your chance at something you find fun, I say do it. Money isn't everything -- but it keeps the kids in touch. I bring up these issues because some young people take huge umbrage against the THRAWNBINE ship due to the perceived huge age difference. Okay, I can see why some young people are freaked out by that. Because someone taught them to be freaked out by the age difference. Moreover, I come from GenX, and most of us, aren't freaked out by that at all. Some of us are in that situation now. So it's no big deal to us. And any generation before ours -- THAT WAS THE WAY... I would not BE if not for huge age differences between my grandparents, great-grands, and great-great grands. Of course, for my greats- yeah, there wasn't much consent. But for my grandparents, at that time and age, there actually was consent. My grandmother was 18 years old when she married my grandfather at 26 years old. By 21, she had 3 babies. One is my father. So, I grew up not caring about age differences in relationships. But for some Millenials (not all) and GenZ (not all) and afterward (not all) -- IDK?
I guess the equivalence for some of the younger generation to understand why I am doing an age-difference story is that the younger generation demands older generation acceptance of relationships that were not allowed to exist in public because one could be killed. It was not until 1967 that people of different races could marry legally in all states. Shid, one couldn't divorce over irreconcilable differences (at will) until the 1970s. Women could not have their own bank accounts until the late 1970s, and LGBTQIA+ RECENTLY were allowed to marry legally in all states, although assholes are stopping them. Then... some of the younger generations are from IVF-assisted pregnancy situations. Some are surrogates. SHID.......... That was not allowed until the 1980s... Both 1970s and 1980s were when I grew up, when I hear younger generations wracking my brain over CONSENSUAL LEGAL age-difference, I think folks don't know the history and therefore are doomed to repeat it. It is NOT a suggestion to return back to that time where women had no choice. My fanfic is about a man falling in love from afar with a woman who actually has no clue, and he knows he is a lot older than her. Somehow, he has to tell her, and he is afraid because of rejection. Look, some Star Wars fans come from parents who have an age difference between 10+ years. If they grew up fine, and their parents are okay with their relationship, who would we judge? I am not talking about a child with a much older adult; that's not legal. I am not talking about nonconsensual (the age of consent in some states is 16-17 years old). I'm not talking about child marriage. My fanfic is about two adults making a choice to be together in an adult relationship. To say someone older can take advantage of someone younger due to experiences, well, that is a false analogy, and the opposite can be true, too. It isn't the age difference that causes bad relationships. It is the power and control, and all generations have individuals who use power and control manipulation to force and abuse another person.
Matthew Perry on that super expensive dating site was matched up with a young woman profile and wanted someone to talk to and have fun with. Not do unsavory things as the woman painted that picture. She lied about it too.
Matthew Gaetz is an asshole, and he deserves everything that the law can throw at him. I actually do not think he knew better. And as far as the young women, including the underage young lady, he manipulated them because he leveraged his power and control. This isn't because of age differences; it's about power and control by manipulation. "Oh, wow, I'm a big shot congressman; worship me." Bith, puh-leeze. You ain't shit. Look, fans teased me when I first discussed "Courtly Love," and I abandoned the idea because I could not justify it. Which is my choice; I made that choice, I chose to do it. But, some in the younger generation and nascent Star Wars fans must understand that you have no right to say who can fall in love with whom just because there a legal and consensual age difference. It is not fair. You cannot ask the older generations to accept your relationships and choose to have them if you can't accept, assuming that they are legal with consent. Because a long time ago, they were not... And when you have a longtime Star Wars fan who is older that is okay with your desires for legal and consensual relationships, killing us is not going to get these hateful toxic fans off your backs. You need longtime fans to be in your corner fighting for your cause because a lot of us have seriously fought for real shit, too. Not just protesting, but having rocks and police beatdowns and water canons, too. Blame by authorities for throwing in prison all the time. Shid...you should have seen us Spelman women rip a new asshole to fight Apartheid in South Africa against Amnesty International. We fought hard for that.
But you need to be cool with our stuff too. Just ask me. I'll tell you.
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c-atm · 5 years
Dance in the pale moonlight chapter 2
Connie followed behind Steven closely, as he lead them through the crowd. His eyes focused forward, determined to get away from that area. She didn’t know why, but it was something about the corpse that caused his demeanor to change. It was a horrid sight, though it wasn’t the worst they saw admittedly. One thing that she sure he picked up on was the magic that seemed to reside on it. Human and non-human both vastly different and yet similar. 
‘ It had a sense of familiarity to it, that magic. ’ This was the thought that was pegging Steven as they headed to the train station. He didn’t know a lot of people personally, human or not but what was left behind caused him a bit of concern. He felt that presence before..he just couldn't recall where.  Still that wasn’t the thing that really got him.
That's the thing about magic;it could be so telling. From impersonal things, like rather the caster was a demon, a human, or a contractor. To the personal; things like identification, intention and emotion. all depends on who sensing  it and when. While Connie can tell what the caster was, if they were still close by and how strong the magic used was...She's still not at a level to sense something personal.
An empathetic demon like Steven though, different story. He got something that drove him to be on guard. The demon wasn't killed due to obligation, money, (which reminded him they need to cash in on some hunts) or even sport. This demons death was a gift, an offering...An attempt to earn affection.
The lingering emotions of lust and adoration leftover made that clear to him.That combined with the unknown yet familiar presence his mind screamed to protect his lady. Paranoid maybe, but he wasn’t taking no chance on the possibility that the ‘offering’ could have been for one of them. 
“Steven. Slow down.” 
Almost instantly Steven paused and looked back at his contractor, whose concerned glance caused him to look away.
“We should hurry, my lady. You said it yourself, we should leave this to the witches”
“That doesn't explain your pace.”
Steven didn’t answer, but held her hand a little tighter. He breathed deeply before giving her a smile. 
“I’m just trying to get home, beside it’s twilight.  I really don’t want to be around when night falls. Not tonight.”  
Connie growled at his false smile, that wasn’t the smile of her demon. She sighed .at the same time her stomach grumbled. She blushed in embarrassment but gave her friend a  pleading look.Steven growled gently as he heard his own stomach. 
“Let’s get something to eat, my treat.Maybe it’ll ease your deposition of yours a bit.”
Steven sighed, he couldn’t deny his lady..and maybe she was right. A little food could help him relax.“ Lead the way my lady”
Connie smiled..His smirk was the one she became accustomed to. With a point towards the east she spoke.
“Let’s go.. There’s a nice little restaurant that serves some real food  a few blocks away.”
Steven nodded as Connie lead the way. He stayed back as he took a few more sniffs..trying to sense anyone near them. 
“Steven, let’s go or no food.”
Steven's eyes widen before chasing after her. The smirk on her face was betrayed by the worry in her eyes.He’d resolved himself to relieve them of it.
Upon a roof overlooking the city a teen stood, his hands behind his back in a closed fist. In his mind a memory of a few months ago played.
* 6 months ago*
They could only look on as the demon attacked their home. Its show of rampage and destruction. How it laugh and revel in scaring and harming humans. The weapons of their family guards only doing so much to slow it down. It giant wings swatting them away like flies. Some injured other dead on impact. They whimpered as they tried to hide from the beast inside of a closet..hearing it rip apart their parents with glee.The taunting his bloodline being descended from magic users, yet being so weak. The anger at his hopelessness. He closed his eyes as he heard footsteps getting closer . Suddenly he found himself tossed to to a pillar in his family manor, coughing as he slid down to the floor. He looked at the beady red eyes, bull like snout bat like wings, and humanoid body. He gave in ready to die. The demon pounced  toward him.
 And was  knocked away from it prey by a ball of flame engulfing it and knocking it to the wall. He heard the voice of a girl his age giving a command to attack the.monster. He didn’t see what followed her command.
He was too immersed in the beauty in front of him . Her pose, her strength, her magic...Her, brown skin, raven hair, black eyes full of determination..In his eyes she was everything he wasn’t and everything he wanted. After watching her shoot one more flame as her and her male compatriot end the demon..picking up a gem that was left behind, with a smirk. The girl walked up to him with a sad smile giving him an apology for everything..for not being there in time, before disappearing into the shadows with her male cohort..taking his heart with her.
"Master, I have returned." a cheerful voice said behind the teen. His hazel eyes still forward looking at the sights below.
"Still looking at your witch, I see.."
"Yes, what of it Azurite." 
The little demon of cobalt and ocean blue smirked at their master annoyed tone as they landed on bended knee from their flight. their butterfly like wings dissipating into bubbles, before  walking up to them.
"They saw the body..your offering."
"Do you think she'll be impressed? That I was able to kill such a demon." 
His hopeful and manic voice nearly made the demon laugh.
"Yes,  yes, a show of strength is always impressive to the tomboy types, though..Her demon may prove to be an obstacle.”  
Her master arched an eyebrow and scoffed. “Doubtful, I was able to beat what he couldn't, besides he just a familiar...Below her station, no more than a conduit, a path to power. Same as us."
Azurite balled her fist but kept her grin. Her master was a cocky one, but that is what made him entertaining. 
"Well, my master not everyone relationship is like ours. Some actually try to be more than business partners. They believe it makes them stronger."
"Your point?"
"He is quite taken with his lady from what I observed. The words and gestures all come from earnest feelings, master." She glanced at her contractor with seriousness.
"He's not afraid to kill any threat to his lady, if it means protecting her...Regardless of who or what they might be." 
Her master grimaced at the thought, before smirking."Be that as it may, I will not be scared off by anyone in my pursuit. After all I don't plan on fighting him directly..I plan on making her mines,on her own volition rather she knows it or not. Speaking off how long will it take for your spell."
Azurite smirked as she bowed "Soon master soon, just a few more demons and I will have enough to grant your desires.You will have her heart.."
"Excellent," He master laughed as he looked up in the sky a joyful look on his face. 
She grinned sinisterly as she watched his smile. 
 'Yes, you'll get her to be yours..If only temporary.  It will be the last thing you receive from me, weak brat.'
Azurite chuckled as her own plans for both her master and the city ran through her head.
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intensitystoner · 4 years
Adjective challenge 3 – Profuse Sifki
The lordess of the neighbouring land matched him well at being spoilt, people would say. Her lawless acts, cleverly forged but following only her own mood swings, were a mockery of the entire system. Oh, except the land’s riches, she abused that to the limits of tolerance, and then further out of sheer spite against those attempting to reason. They were going to be a good match, people would say. If only they hadn’t used that determining phrase; then Loki would have accepted the invitation without a second thought. But people, the people, these low-rank nobodies, determining his path? Not in this life, no.
He fiddled with freshly borrowed codices, next to the table loaded with adorned golds, cashmere, ivory, and a hint of seidr, unoffensive. These factors had intruded his consciousness even though he’d been deliberately ignoring the gift all day. It was the umpteenth token of Sigyn’s desire for his company, arriving since his mischiefs had outgrown the palace grounds and reached across the realm, along with his fame. He really couldn’t have denied he enjoyed it if he had wanted to. His discontent lay entirely in the interference of outsiders, such as rumours, Thor’s good-natured and witless goading, or Father’s belief that he had a say in it. Come to think of it, Odin was the one that initiated the relation, through a pact with the land’s ruler: Sigyn the lawless maiden. That made it a strong capital NO.
With the momentary grudge stealing his consciousness, he unwittingly reached for the intriguing item, the one enchanted, in the neat pile of gifts. It was in his hand before he’d have resisted the urge and kept denying his curiosity. His sigh escaped through his nose while he opened the long, shallow box lined with jewels.
Inside lay a knife, the light melting on its triple fangs of reinforced mercury – his trained eyes quickly recognised the hint of blue shine. The self-willed fluid entrapped in a solid form of existence bore qualities that would stand against most in battle. The handle magic-wrapped in the softest fabric, gentle to the palm’s skin but never pelting off from strained use. The majority of the sorceric energy, however, tingled under his fingertips in the container’s cushioned filling. He closed the box, placed it back on the table and contemplated the meaning of it. Something would happen the moment he removed the knife, so much he could tell. Most likely, she would find out this way that he liked the gift: this was a simple and useful spell. The other possibility was that she had lost patience and was trying to lure him into a trap through a binding spell. In her position, it wasn’t impossible to get help from an enchanter to bind either Loki’s body or his mind to herself. If that was the case, she’d made great miscalculations about his cunningness. Although she chose the honey trap quite well: the knife came from a faraway land where a cold star’s breath was used to forge it before its rebirth. As an addition to the fun, many would have killed for such a possession. Loki’s readings on it told that this fabric was both fluid and firm, capable of alternating in a second according to an experienced user’s will. It was a challenge intriguing enough for him to pick up the case again to just feel it around with his inner senses. Lounging with the box in an armchair, he sketched up some scenarios in his mind about using the unwrapped gift to turn the palace folks on each other: the list of possibilities and forks in the planned thread of events went up to Plan K by the time he finally decided in which nobleman’s path he would forget the enchanted thing for a start of the fun.
It was several days later that he saw the knife again, in the hand of someone he only expected in Plan H or so, and even there not like this, fending for her own life with it. She was being assaulted by a swirl of two moderately sized chain hooks, brave snarls against the sharp metals grazing her skin with a speed she struggled to overtake. She didn’t have her usual sword and shield, indicating that the attack reached her unprepared, though not frightened; light followed the knife in her hand tardily as she laboured to reach past the vicious chains and plant her weapon into her opponent.
The owner of the flying hooks was screeching like a Stormbird. Both her verbal and physical threats aimed to dishearten Sif. It was an unprecedented, most likely futile endeavour: although the Warmaiden seemed to overlook or deliberately ignore the potential of the volatile metal in her grasp, she was no less daunting as an enemy than with her double-bladed sword. Sigyn, who was suddenly here from her faraway palace for some reason, was tirelessly shredding the fort of resistance.
Eyebrows arching in surprise, Loki leaned to the wall with a shoulder to observe the amusing scene. The brawl halted for a moment as his presence was noted. But the ever-flying chains wouldn’t stop to fall idly: while the maidens glanced at him, Sigyn's upward slash sent blood drops into the air. Sif yelped and her lower arm collided with the second hook assaulting from upwards, possibly by a lucky accident. The chain dropped and jerked back up immediately, but the movement got broken as the Warmaiden pushed forth to hold down her opponent's arm.
"That is enough mindless fray," Sif pointed out firmly, her voice unaffected by the blood pouring from her left cheek.
"Thief," spat he foreign lordess. "I'll make sure you no longer have hands to touch what is not yours!"
"You are wrong if you accuse me of something as lowly as theft!" Sif retorted. "Look better before you throw your accusations! You're the one trespassing unannounced, summoned at your will! Be wary until I report you!"
"Liar! That knife isn't yours!"
"It is a present!”
“Like hell it is! You stole it, snake!”
The Warmaiden kept her prepared look on the lordess, who hissed her last note staring at Loki, her steel-coloured eyes narrow and urging.
The younger prince had solved most of the puzzle by now; it manifested in his tongue tip licking lips tight to prevent a triumphant expression. The spoiled ruler had indeed been trying to meddle in the events, and thus into Loki’s fate, by catching the moment he showed interest. A capital mistake. Pity.
“Lady Sigyn,” he greeted with a mild bow. “Your visit is mightily unexpected. How did you make it here so fast and quiet?” he asked, his eyebrows arching in innocence that clearly confused her.
Her tone remained unswayed, however. “Prince Loki,” she uttered while roughly jerking her hand away from Sif’s grasp and walking up to him. “I wished to be swift at seeing you once it occurs that my gift pleases you.”
“Your attention is precious. However, your unannounced entry to the land is likely to break the treaty between out nations.”
“That is no matter as long as there is a way to remedy it,” Sigyn said softer.
“You’d still better get briefed in with the rules,” Loki noted, royally ignoring the suggestion in her tone. “May I propose the library in the East wing?”
His smile was chosen lenient as she eyed him from personal closeness, her back deliberately turned to the brunette who idled around occupied with her bleeding wound. After all the years spent on common battle grounds, Loki recognised the readiness to strike in her casual posture. Was she worried for herself still? Or possibly for him?
“It could be a fine solution, if you care to guide me there,” said the lordess meanwhile.
“As much as it pains my heart, I have other duties to attend to. Please, have these fine soldiers show you the way.”
The eyes of faded blue didn’t follow as he gestured towards the three gold-clad guards entering the room. He waited patiently for her to process the words, the message, her proclaimed status. Her jaw was tense, her chin raised as she obeyed the royal command, although without an answer.
By the time she was out the door, Sif had made it halfway to the opposite exit. The prince was lucky to have long legs, because running would have felt mightily humiliating at the present situation.
“Lady Sif, I would take a look at your wound,” he announced across the hall before she’d have disappeared for good, as he knew she was never distracted by empty chatter.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” she dismissed him lightly.
“I know, not for you,” he said as he caught up and his closeness forced her to stop and face him. “Still, it would be foolish to leave it, or to rely on the healers. I have the spell that could make it undone without a trace. A moment, no longer.”
“It’s a gracious offer, but it’s a waste for a scratch like this.”
“Please, allow me. I couldn’t sleep well knowing your beauty got scarred permanently by my fault. Against my intentions,” he added quickly at her look that let him know how ridiculous it sounded from the infamous forger of cruel pranks.
“How would it be your fault?” she wondered aloud.
“Well,” he faltered but for a moment before finding the right words; “It should be if I let you pay such price for an insignificant blade.”
He stepped closer before she could have responded, and she let his teal-glowing thumb trace her cheek; her look cast down to the side all the while, motionlessly enduring the shiver at his fingers over her neck. Enduring. He didn’t realise he was holding his breath until he finished the silent spell. He felt a dire need to deny, to divert attention away from his urge to swallow.
“Let me guess: a devoted admirer?” he inquired slyly.
“It is indeed a present,” she answered while her gaze lifted to his collarbone. “One that means nothing to me, personally.”
“A great loss for him,” Loki assured her, and a mild bow ended their interaction.
So the precious knife had been given away. Not by the man Loki had left it with, that one thing he knew. Those inclined to court the Lady Sif had carefully been excluded from his calculations: there were a few people he didn’t want to harm purposefully, however unknown this fact was around the palace. Had someone stolen it then? Or gifted it away, as unlikely as it was with the general nature of any society? What route had the knife travelled on before ending up in the Warmaiden’s hands? Finding it out would be his primary occupation for the next period, he believed.
“Your Highness–”
He frowned lightly before turning back to her: she knew his name well enough, proven many times on unofficial nightly monster-hunting adventures of Thor and his entourage of fellow adventurers. He knew that such a thick formal veil must have been covering something up.
“This blade, it appears valuable,” she said in a tone wavering ever-so-slightly; “a fine ornament for someone’s matching grandeur. In fact… I believe it suits you best. So I’ve been meaning for you to have it.”
Been? For how long? Loki gazed at the knife offered on an open palm. He stood dumbfounded between his own greed for havoc and the rebellious benevolence of people.
“No,” he breathed through his surprise. “It would be but a speck amidst my powers. But it shall do good service in protecting you.”
“Are you implying, in exchange of my good intentions, that you hold me weak?”
He laughed silently now at her flaring pride, her well known desire to prove herself equal with the sturdy warriors all around. She most likely failed to see how it only gave away her fragility. His hands engulfed her persistent fingers and closed them over the blade’s handle, the warm skin smooth against his palm like they didn’t hold swords and shields every day.
“Your strength does not need boasting, it’s the truest power I have seen among these goofs. It wouldn’t be lessened by a little… friendliness.”
Her look was on his face by then, allowing the lights to dance in it.
“Thank you,” she uttered softly, and for a moment, Loki got startled that she knew everything, that his initial malevolence with the knife was clear to her, that she knew he had always held the knife his own tool, and letting her keep it was an act of purposeless grace. But there was no scorn or triumph or malice on her features, just a clear look he knew so well from watching her interact with others. He could never solve it, it looked too straightforward, too honest to be real.
And then all thoughts stopped when she rose on her toes and kissed him on the corner of his mouth, lingering there with her softness for a second.
“So I don’t remain in your debt,” she breathed onto his skin, and she was gone before he could even have collected his composure for an appropriate response, leaving his mind to be drawn back to it from any cunning route for the night.
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the-lady-bryan · 5 years
Untitled HP Arthurian Legend AU idea
This is mostly so I have my idea compiled somewhere that isn’t Google Docs or Evernote. I may or may not write on this idea, but it’s a good idea so if I never get around to actually writing it, then at least I put it out there for people to enjoy in some form or another anyway.
Each reblog is a different part stage of the AU that would be told as "tales" of a sort. And because each one is really fucking long, each one will have a “read more”. If this doesn’t work for mobile users, i’m sorry. But hey, at least i tried!
Anyway, on with the thing!
So basically it's this...
Part 1 “The Fall of Camelot”
Camelot was real. Of course it was because modern witches and wizards know about the great Merlin, a revered historical figure. BUT no one really knows what happened during that time because when Camelot fell around 280 years after the death of King Arthur at Camlaan, all records and such were lost, and in the two centuries after his death the magical population was hunted to near extinction.
The battle of Camlaan had nothing to do with a fight between Mordred and Arthur and in fact father and son fought on the same side against invaders who had already conquered the surrounding kingdoms. Morgana wasn't evil she just didn't agree with Merlin and the crown but didn't go out of her way to cause trouble until her eldest son was killed years after surviving Camlaan.
Anyway, so what really went down is forgotten and all records were destroyed, resulting in a lot of gaps that were filled in with myth and legends and made up rumours.
Okay, so. In this version, Merlin taught Mordred magic after he was brought to Camelot by Arthur to be groomed as heir apparent until Guinevere had their children at which point he would become Lord Protector I the event Arthur died before his children had grown up. Mordred was totes cool with this because he doesn't want to rule and wants the freedom he has as the king's nephew rather than his son. So nobody but Arthur, Morgana, her husband Lord Peverell, Merlin, and eventually Mordred himself know the truth and it stays that way for many years.
So, Arthur has this prophecy hanging over his head about this whole once and future king thing. And Merlin is this mysterious wizard with powers that are far beyond any other living being. He's fucking revered by the druids and various mystic orders. And it turns out he is cursed with immortality and has been roaming the earth for a thousand years because he gave into temptation and used a forbidden piece of knowledge given to him by the gods. The only way he can escape this date is to pass on that knowledge to another who is worthy of having the power, but also one Merlin believes will not use it as he had. He of course, ends up choosing Mordred, believing in his inherent goodness and nobility.
He teaches Mordred the powerful Charm of Making, which can give the user his hearts desire for a price. Merlin finds he cannot speak what that price is, so instead cautions Mordred never to use this power unless there is absolutely no other option.
The knowledge now passed on to another, Merlin is made mortal again. He is assassinated before Camlaan.
Mordred and Arthur go to battle. Mordred and Arthur are both mortally wounded. Mordred tries to save his king's life but none of the healing magic he knows is working. So he does the unthinkable and uses the Charm of Making, trying to will Arthur to live. Instead it heals himself and not Arthur.
Arthur's body is taken by Mordred himself back to Camelot. They get a priestess in to do the final rites and are informed that the gods have another date in store for the king. His body is to be committed to Avalon where his soul will reside with the gods and await the day of his return. Guinevere is not happy about this because this isn't the way things are done. Mordred insists that the do as the gods command. This causes a split and Mordred decides fuck it, I'll make sure it happens and the knights loyal to him accompany him. The queen brands him a traitor and Arthur's cousin through his father's family seizes the throne in Mordred's absence, branding him a criminal and wanted for treason.
Mordred does not return to Camelot after sending Arthur's body to Avalon and he goes on many adventures, befriending all manner of creatures and beings, going by another name - “Antioch” and taking the name Peverell from his mother's husband who had raised him as his own blooded son. One of the beings he befriends and has adventures with is Gringott the Goblin, who was kicked out of his clan for swearing an oath of brotherhood to a human after their many (profitable) adventures. Gringott ended up starting a band of outcasts who had been banished from other goblin clans and they continued their adventures before eventually forming Clan Gringott, which over the following 1300 years or so became the biggest and most powerful of the goblin clans in all of Europe.
Anyway, so Mordred eventually settles down after meeting a young Baron and falling madly in love with him, and the Baron in love with Mordred. Problem, the Baron is already married to a daughter of another Lord. A magic hating muggle Lord. After she births a couple of children for the Baron, he releases her from the marriage so that she may find love for herself because he never did and married her out of duty. He is also really chill and is like "I don't want our children to not know their mother. In fact, stay and I'll happily pay for your upkeep and anything you desire because you are my best friend and I do care about you. Hell, fall in love and remarry and you can have the castle. Me and .ordered will happily live in a mud but in the back yard." And Mordred's like "if you want I can even get like, servants and stuff for you. And you can live like a queen." But the woman's super pissed about it, rightfully to be honest, and plots with her brother to kill Mordred because he has magic. When she finds out the Baron also has magic, she plots to kill him, too.
Hell's fury and women scorned and all that.
So she hires someone to kill Mordred, and it seemingly works! Mordred is killed in a tavern on his way back home from visiting his mother and younger brothers Cadmus and Ignotus.
When word reaches the Baron, he kills himself in his grief, not able to bear life without his love.
When Morgana, old and bitter about Mordred's reputation in the kingdom after Arthur's death, learns her eldest son has been killed, she uses all of her magic to curse the entire kingdom of Camelot and the king's and queens to follow, with her curse gaining power with time and each generation until eventually 280 years later Camelot finally falls. The curse is so strong it takes her life as the price for such magic, and in the process her bitterness and malice transforms the Ruby stone she uses as her focal point into a stone of pitch black. This becomes known in later centuries as the resurrection stone.
So, Mordred used the charm of making and is actually immortal, having made the same mistake as Merlin and given into the temptation to use the knowledge without knowing what price he would ultimately pay. He is pulled into Avalon, regressed to the physical age of a newborn baby but still has all of his memories and mind intact. Normally if one with there curse is killed, they may take time to heal but they will return to life a little worse for wear. This did not happen to Mordred because of a protection spell cast on him by Gringott during their adventures. The goblin magic interacted badly with the curse and oops! Baby Mordred!
Mordred is found in Avalon by his father Arthur, who not knowing what to do takes him to the Lady of the Lake. The lady in turn calls up a council of the gods, to which the spirit of Merlin is summoned. Merlin is tasked with "fixing this monumental fuck up because ultimately it's your fault for teaching the boy the charm before he was ready to understand the power and the consequences of it".
So Merlin comes up with a plan to send Mordred back, but the cost of doing so is forcing Arthur's destiny onto him. Arthur was destined to return at Albion's greatest need and it's darkest hour, but Mordred cannot remain in Albion. And Arthur MUST return because you do NOT fuck with prophecy more than necessary.
And so ends part 1, “The Fall of Camelot”.
4 notes · View notes
thisisatestsff-blog · 5 years
Newsletter #99 September — November, 2012
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Doctor Who Magazine #447
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Doctor Who Magazine #449
 (First look at the 2013 series; casting director Andy Pryor talks about his work; more) $8.99
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Other Worlds Than These
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Asaro, Catherine
Aurora in Four Voices
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Baker, L-J
Promises, Promises
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Paradox Resolution
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Beukes, Lauren
Zoo City
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Bradbury, Ray
Fahrenheit 451
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Broderick, Damien
Science Fiction: The 101 Best Novels 1985-2010
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Carey, Mike/Gross, Peter
On to Genesis
(Unwritten #5: PBO; Full color graphic novel. Not for kids. Reprints issues 25-30 of the comic. Tom Taylor's just a daring heist away from the journals that will reveal the truth: was he born of flesh and blood, or written into existence by sheer storytelling magic?) $14.99
Carroll, Jonathan
The Woman Who Married a Cloud
 (Collection; 37 fantasy stories, some original to this volume) $45.00
Chen, Haiyan/Li, Fang (ed)  
Eight Dragons on the Roof and Other Tales
 (Kids; Anthology; 34traditional dragon stories from China) $12.95
Conley, Darby
Survival of the Filthiest
 (Get Fuzzy: PBO; Black & white daily strips, color Sunday strips) $12.99
Cox, Greg
The Dark Knight Rises
 (PBO; Novelization of the film) $7.99
Cronin, Justin
The Passage
(Passage #1: A security breach at a secret facility unleashes the monstrous product of a military experiment. As civilization breaks down to predators and prey, FBI agent Brad Wolgast flees with 6-year-old Amy, a refugee from the project, whose odyssey will lead her towards the time and place where she must finish what should never have begun) $7.99
Dick, Philip K.
Now Wait for Last Year
(Reissue; Earth is trapped in the crossfire of an unwinnable war between two alien civilizations. Its leader is perpetually on the verge of death. And a new drug that haphazardly sends its users traveling through time has just entered circulation. Caught up in all of it, Dr. Eric Sweetscent has questions. Is Earth on the right side of the war? Is he supposed to heal Earth's leader or keep him sick? And can he change the harrowing future that the drug has shown him?) $13.95
Dick, Philip K.
The Simulacra
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Dick, Philip K.
(Reissue; Glen Runciter and his teams of anti-psychics protect corporate clients who want privacy and security from psychic spies. When he and his top team are ambushed by a rival, he is gravely injured and placed in a dreamlike state of suspended animation. Soon, the surviving members of the team begin experiencing strange phenomena, such as Runciter's face appearing on coins and the world seeming to move backward in time. As consumables deteriorate and technology gets ever more primitive, the group needs to find out what is causing the shifts, and what a mysterious product called Ubik has to do with it all) $13.95
Duncan, Dave
(PBO; An independent starship heads to Cacafuego, intent on beating the larger corporations to the exoplanet's resources. Will a yellow warning flag planted in orbit stop them? Or, if their prospectors venture to the surface anyway, will they survive?) $9.95
Egan, Greg
The Clockwork Rocket
(Orthogonal #1: Threatened by strange meteors, a planet sends a spaceship crew on a journey to discover the science their planet urgently needs and bring it back in time to avert disaster. The trip will last many generations for those on board, but will return after just a few planetary years) $14.99
Fies, Brian
Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow?
(Full color graphic novel. Depicts an optimistic and ambitious era fueled by industry, engines, electricity, rockets, middle-class popular culture, and the atom bomb, from the 1939 World's Fair to the last Apollo space mission in 1975) $14.95
Gaiman/Bealer et al (ed)  
Neil Gaiman and Philosophy
 (PBO; Nonfiction; essays on Gaiman's writing) $19.95
Grant, Maxwell
Prince of Evil / Messenger of Death / Room 1313
 (Shadow #60: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Grant, Maxwell
The Triple Trail / Murder Genius
 (Shadow #61: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Grant, Maxwell
Cyro / The Man Who Died Twice
 (Shadow #62: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Grant, Maxwell
The Devil's Paymaster / The Wasp Returns
 (Shadow #63: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Hand, Elizabeth
(PBO; Revised from the 1997 edition. Jack struggles to keep his life afloat and his loved ones safe while battling AIDS. A former lover gifts him with a mysterious elixir rumored to cure AIDS. But soon, the side effects become apparent, and Jack gets mixed up with a bizarre entourage of rock stars, Japanese scientists, corporate executives, AIDS victims, and religious terrorists, all competing to control mankind's fate in the 21st century) $14.95
Hearn, Lafcadio
Kwaidan: Weird Tales from Japan
(Reissue; Collection; 29 traditional tales of ghosts and monsters, collected and translated by Hearn during his 14-year stay in Japan) $15.95
Hodgson, William Hope
Horrors from Haunted Seas
 (Collection; 17 stories of nautical mystery and horror, originally published between 1905 and 1923) $16.95
Holt, Tom
The Better Mousetrap
(Insurance is indeed the force that binds the universe together. Frank Carpenter, one of the foremost magical practitioners of our age, felt himself irresistibly drawn to it - until he met Jane, with her annoying habit of falling out of trees and getting killed. Repeatedly. Soon they find themselves face to face with the greatest enigma of our times: When is a door not a door?) $15.95
Hopkinson, Nalo
Report from Planet Midnight
(PBO; Collection; transcript of a speech tackling sexism and racism in publishing, plus 2 short stories, an interview, and a bibliography) $12.00
Kane/O'Regan (ed)
The Mammoth Book of Body Horror
 (Anthology; reprints 25 stories) $13.95
King, Stephen
(On November 22, 1963, three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed. What if you could change it back? Al reveals that the storeroom of his diner is a portal to 1958, and enlists his friend Jack on a mission to try to prevent the Kennedy assassination) $19.99
Koch, G.J. (Gini)
Alexander Outland: Space Pirate
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Lundoff, Catherine
Silver Moon
(Becca Thornton, middle-aged and recently out of the closet, discovers that menopause has turned her into a werewolf. And a number of other women in Wolf's Point have had the same experience. As the newest member of the pack, Becca figures her nights will be spent protecting the town and running through the woods howling at the moon. But there are werewolf hunters in town, and they've got Becca in their sights) $15.00
Maas, Sarah J.
Throne of Glass
(YA; Celaena the assassin must defeat 23 other criminals in a competition at the castle in order to be released from prison. But something evil dwells in the castle. When her competitors start dying, her fight for freedom becomes a fight for survival) $17.99
Mandelo, Brit (ed)
Beyond Binary: Genderqueer and Sexually Fluid Speculative Fiction
 (Anthology; reprints 17 stories that question the ways in which gender and sexuality have been rigidly defined) $20.00
Marmell, Ari
The Abomination Vault
(Darksiders: PBO; Based on the videogame. Ages before the events of Darksiders and Darksiders II, Death and War are tasked with stopping a group of renegades intent on locating the Abomination Vault) $15.00
Martin, George R.R. et al
A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Companion Cookbook
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Matthews, Hugh
Song of the Serpent
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McMann, Lisa
The Unwanteds
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Merciel, Liane
 (Pathfinder Tales: PBO; Novel based on the game) $9.99
Moorcock, Michael et al
Elric: The Balance Lost Volume 2
 (PBO; Full color graphic novel; reprints issues 5-8 of the comic book) $14.99
Payton, T. Aaron
The Constantine Affliction
(London, 1864: A malady that kills some and transforms others into the opposite sex has spread upheaval throughout society. When Pimm, an investigator, and Skye, a journalist, stumble onto a plot that links a criminal overlord with the Queen's new consort, they find the forces of both high and low society arrayed against them) $26.99
Pinkwater, Daniel
Irving and Muktuk: Two Bad Bears
(Bad Bears #1: Kids; Full color picture book; Officer Bunny is the law in Yellowtooth. But can he protect the town's Blueberry Muffin Festival from muffin-loving polar bears Irving and Muktuk?) $6.99
Pinkwater, Daniel
Bad Bears in the Big City
(Bad Bears #2: Kids; Full color picture book; Irving and Muktuk have a new home at the lovely Bayonne, NJ, zoo. But with a muffin factory right next door, can mischief be far behind?) $6.95
Pratt, Tim
City of the Fallen Sky
 (Pathfinder Tales: PBO; Novel based on the game) $9.99
Quinn, Seabury
The Devil's Bride
(Jules de Grandin: Reissue; French occult detective Jules de Grandin tackles a case involving black magic, murder and mutilation, rape and torture, and genocidal race war. Plus bonus story 'House of Golden Masks', pitting de Grandin against white slavers) $14.95
Rankin, Robert
The Mechanical Messiah and Other Marvels of the Modern Age
(1897: The British Empire encompasses Mars, and an uneasy peace exists between the peoples of Venus, Jupiter, and Earth. In Whitechapel, a monster is once more committing hideous acts of murder, and it may take nothing less than the Mechanical Messiah Himself to save London, the Empire, and all of the solar system from impending apocalypse) $14.95
Riordan, Rick
The Lost Hero
(Heroes of Olympus #1: Kids; Percy and his friends have rebuilt their beloved Camp Half-Blood, where a new group of demigods must prepare for a chilling prophecy of their own. But to survive the quest they've inherited, they'll need some help) $9.99
Roberts, Adam
By Light Alone
(In a world where people have been genetically engineered so that they can photosynthesize sunlight with their hair, the poor grow their hair, while the rich affect baldness and flaunt their wealth by eating. The young daughter of an affluent family is kidnapped, but the ransom demands are refused. A year later a young woman arrives at the family home claiming to be their daughter. She has changed so much, she has lived on light, can anyone be sure that she has come home?) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
Murder on Wheels / The Three Gold Crowns / Death to the Avenger
 (Avenger #7: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
The Pirate's Ghost / The Green Eagle (Bama cover)
 (Doc Savage #50: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
The Derrick Devil / The Spotted Men
 (Doc Savage #58: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
Pirate Isle / The Speaking Stone
 (Doc Savage #59: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Robeson, Kenneth
He Could Stop the World / The Laugh of Death
 (Doc Savage #60: Pulp reprints) $14.95
Salvatore, R.A.
Charon's Claw
(Forgotten Realms: Neverwinter #3: Drizzt draws his sword once more to aid his friends, assisting the elf Dahlia as she enacts revenge, and helping an old foe break the bonds that have held him hostage for over a century $27.95
Scott, M/Barnett, L
Point of Hopes
(Astreiant #1: Reissue; In the great city of Astreaint, magic is real, stars guide lives, and Nicolas Rathe and his colleagues are attempting to establish a police force. Rathe and Eslingen work together to halt an astrological and alchemical conspiracy against the queen, and rescue scores of kidnapped children) $18.00
Scott, Melissa
Point of Knives
(Astreiant #1.5: Novella. Rathe and Eslingen work together to solve the murders of father-and-son pirates. When pirate treasure proves a threat to the throne, they must make uncomfortable choices) $13.00
Shepard, Lucius
The Dragon Griaule
 (Collection; 6 tales, 1 original to this volume) $45.00
Smith, Jeff
The Drift
(RASL #1: PBO; Black & white graphic novel. Not for kids. A dimension-jumping art thief races through space and time searching for his next big score - and trying to escape his past) $13.00
Smith, Jeff
The Fire of St. George
(RASL #2: PBO; Black & white graphic novel. Not for kids. A dimension-jumping art thief races through space and time searching for his next big score - and trying to escape his past) $15.00
Smith, Jeff
Romance at the Speed of Light
(RASL #3: PBO; Black & white graphic novel. Not for kids. A dimension-jumping art thief races through space and time searching for his next big score - and trying to escape his past) $15.00
Stauber, Katy
Spin the Sky
(PBO; After years away at war, Cesar Vaquero returns to Ithaca, an orbital colony that boasts the only cattle in space, to find his wife and son don't recognize him. Penelope swore off men after her husband disappeared, and has been busy running the ranch, raising her son, and fending off suitors. But something about the war-weary man stirs forgotten feelings in her, even as sabotage, rustlers, and a space stampede threaten to tear Ithaca apart) $14.99
Swift, E.J.
(Osiris Project #1: Osiris has been cut off from the land since the Great Storm 50 years ago. Adelaide is a jaded socialite. Vikram is a third-generation refugee, who sees his people dying of cold and starvation. As a brutal winter brings the city closer to riot and revolution, these two will try to bridge the gap dividing the city) $26.99
Szathmari, Sandor
Voyage to Kazohinia
(A dystopian classic in Hungary, available in the U.S. for the first time. A shipwrecked surgeon finds himself among the Hins, who live a technologically advanced existence without emotions, desires, arts, money or politics. Unhappy amid the bleak perfection, he asks to be admitted to the closed settlement of the Behins, beings with souls and atavistic human traits) $16.95
Tan, Charles (ed)
Lauriat: A Filipino-Chinese Speculative Fiction Anthology
 (14 original stories) $18.00
Tobin, Paul (ed)
White Cloud Worlds
 (Full color art book showcasing the work of 27 established and emerging sf and fantasy artists from Aotearoa New Zealand) $29.99
Walton, Evangeline
The Mabinogion Tetralogy: Prince of Annwn / The Children of Llyr / The Song of Rhiannon / The Island of the Mighty (alternate title: The Virgin and the Swine)
 (Omnibus reprint; 4 classic fantasies based on Welsh mythology) $24.95
Watson/Whates (ed)
The Mammoth Book of SF Wars
 (Anthology; 24 stories (3 original to this volume) of war in the future) $13.95
Whitehead, Colson
Zone One
(After a pandemic devastates the planet, a team of civilian volunteers is tasked with clearing out feral zombies from lower Manhattan. Mark is occupied with the mundane mission of zombie mop-up, the rigors of Post-Apocalyptic Stress Disorder, and the impossible tasks of coming to terms with a fallen world. Then things start to go wrong) $15.00
Williams, Mazarkis
The Emperor's Knife
(Tower & Knife #1: When the Cerani Empire is devastated by a strange plague, long-planned conspiracies boil over into violence, and an invincible evil intelligence known as the Pattern Master appears from the deep desert. Only three people stand in his way: a lost prince, a world-weary assassin, and a young girl from the steppes who saw a path in a pattern once, among the waving grasses - a path that just might save them all) $14.99
Williams, Tad
A Stark and Wormy Knight
 (Collection; 11 stories, novellas, and scripts) $40.00
Wilson, N.D.
The Dragon's Tooth
(Ashtown Burials #1: Kids; Cyrus and Antigone Smith join an ancient order of explorers who search for lost cities and powerful artifacts, and act as jallers to unkillable criminals who have terrorized the world for millennia) $7.99
Wingrove, David
Son of Heaven
(Chung Kuo Prequel #1: Dorset, 2085: Chinese airships are in the skies, and Jake finds himself forcibly incorporated into a global city of some 34 billion souls, where a resurgent China is seeking to abolish the past and bring about world peace through rigidly enforced order. But a civil war looms, and Jake will find himself at the heart of the struggle) $12.95
Wrede, Patricia C.
Shadow Magic
(Lyra #1: Reissue; Her kingdom's ancient enemies have kidnapped 20-year-old Princess Alethia, carrying her off through the forest. These are magic woods, home to fabled creatures whose existence she has always doubted. To find her way home, Alethia will have to learn to trust the old tales, which hold the only hope of saving her kingdom; Signed copies) $14.99
Wrede, Patricia C.
Daughter of Witches
(Lyra #2: Reissue; After her parents were executed for practicing magic, Ranira became indentured servant to a brutal innkeeper. While attempting to protect her from her master's cruelty, three guests reveal magical powers. Now she must unleash her own magical powers to save her new friends from certain death; Signed copies) $14.99
Wrede, Patricia C.
The Harp of Imach Thyssel
(Lyra #3: Reissue; Emereck, a minstrel, and Flindaran, a nobleman masquerading as a tramp, have found an abandoned castle, and in it, one of Lyra's most sought-after treasures. Emereck must learn to harness its strength to create and destroy, with the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance; Signed copies) $22.99
Wrede, Patricia C.
Caught in Crystal
(Lyra #4: Reissue; When a sorceress asks for a room at Kayl's country inn, Kayl is sure the woman has come to take her back to the life she renounced. To save her family and her world, Kayl will have to unlock a side of herself she buried long ago; Signed copies) $24.99
Wrede, Patricia C.
The Raven Ring
(Lyra #5: Reissue; Learning that her mother has died far from home, of wounds sustained in an attack, Eleret sets out to reclaim her mother's belongings - especially a ring etched with a raven. She doesn't know what's special about the ring, but someone was willing to kill for it. To make it home in one piece, she will have to unlock the mysteries of the ring; Signed copies) $23.99
Zeltserman, Dave
Monster: A Novel of Frankenstein
(19th-century Germany: When his beloved is murdered, a young man is accused of the crime. Broken on the wheel and left for dead, he awakens on a lab table, transformed into an abomination. He finds his tormentor, Victor Frankenstein, in league with the Marquis de Sade, creating something much more sinister) $23.95
Expected Early September
Aguirre, Ann
(Sirantha Jax #6: PBO; The planet La'heng is occupied by foreign conquerors, but Jax means to liberate it as part of a grass-roots resistance movement) $7.99
Aiken, G.A.
How to Drive a Dragon Crazy
(Dragon Kin #6: PBO; Izzy is trying to fulfill a ridiculous quest for a pushy god; sexy dragon warlord Eibhear the Blue is determined to come along to protect her) $7.99
Allston, Aaron
(Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi #7: Abeloth is on the run, but has not given up its plans to destroy the galaxy, even as the Jedi and the Sith abandon all pretense of cooperation and make plans to rout each other) $7.99
Almasi, G.T.
Blades of Winter
(Shadowstorm #1: Rather than risk another war, the four superpowers - the U.S., the Soviet Union, Greater Germany, and the Nationalist Republic of China - have poured their resources into creating superspies known as Levels. Alix is one of the best U.S. Levels. But when a decision explodes - literally - in her face, she uncovers a conspiracy that could upset the balance of power) $9.99
Anderson, K/Peart N
Clockwork Angels
(Companion novel to the newest Rush album; a young man travels across a steampunk world of lost cities, pirates, anarchists, carnivals, and a Watchmaker who imposes precision on daily life) $24.95
Anderson, Kevin J.
Death Warmed Over
(Dan Shamble #1: PBO; A resurrected mummy is suing the museum that put him on display. Two witches, victims of a curse gone wrong, are seeking restitution from a publisher for not using 'spell check' on magical tomes. It's all in a day's work for zombie P.I. Dan Chambeaux. And he's got to figure out a very personal question: Who killed him?) $15.00
Anthony, Piers
Well-Tempered Clavicle
(Xanth #35: Picka Bones and his sister Joy'nt are off in search of adventure with three creatures newly arrived from Mundania - and not the sort of creatures you might expect!) $7.99
Archer, Alex
The Matador Crown
(Rogue Angel #38: PBO; Invited to the Museum of Cadiz to assess some coins, Annja soon finds herself embroiled in a murder investigation that leads her to an illegal - and deadly - collection of Visigoth votive crowns) $6.99
Axler, James
Crimson Waters
(Deathlands #106: PBO; Stranded in a gutted redoubt in the West Indies, Ryan and his friends must escape before they are wiped out by pirates) $6.99
Baggott, Julianna
(Pressia barely remembers the Detonations, when the world turned to ash, dust, and damaged bodies. Having reached the age when everyone is required to turn themselves over to the militia - to be trained as a soldier, or used as a live target - she is on the run. Those who escaped the apocalypse unmarked are inside the Dome. Partridge - whose father is an important man in the Dome, and whose mother never made it inside their shelter - feels isolated. When he learns that his mother might still be alive, he risks his life to leave the Dome to find her. And when Pressia meets Partridge, their worlds shatter all over again) $9.99
Ballantine, Philippa
(Book of the Order #3: PBO; Sorcha is still unable to move or speak; even her partner Merrick cannot reach her through their shared bond. But when Sorcha is abducted by men seeking her lover Raed, only Merrick can find and rescue her) $7.99
Base, Graeme
Little Elephants
( Kids; Full color picture book; a boy living on a farm in Texas gets a big surprise when he discovers tiny flying elephants under his bed) $16.95
Battersby, Lee
The Corpse-Rat King
(Battlefield looter Marius is mistaken for a dead monarch by one of the dead soldiers, and transported to the Kingdom of the Dead. The dead need a King to remind God where they are. To recover his life, Marius must return to the surface and find them a King. Which he fully intends to do - just as soon as he stops running) $7.99
Bell, Alex
Lex Trent versus the Gods
(Lex Trent #1: Lex Trent's world is inhabited by magicians, crones, and a menagerie of gods and goddesses. And while Lex is seemingly dedicated to his legal studies, he leads a double life as a notorious cat burglar who has been evading capture for years. But Lex's luck is about to run out, because the Goddess of Fortune has selected him to be her player in the highly dangerous Games) $11.95
Beyer, Kristen
The Eternal Tide
(Star Trek Voyager: PBO; The fleet continues its exploration of the Delta Quadrant, investigating the current status of sectors formerly controlled by the Borg) $7.99
Blaylock, James P.
(Pursued by kidnappers, three junior members of the Guild of St. George must descend into the depths of the hollow earth to return the Sleeper to his ancestral home. But awakening him might mean the end of the dream, the closing of the passage, and three intrepid explorers marooned in a savage land) $35.00
Bond, Gwenda
(YA; 114 modern-day people have disappeared from Roanoke Island. Miranda, from the island's most infamous family, and Phillips, who hears the voices of the dead, must dodge everyone from federal agents to long-dead alchemists as they work to uncover the secrets of the new Lost Colony) $9.99
Bornikova, Phillipa
This Case Is Gonna Kill Me
(Linnet comes from an affluent human family. When she begins her career at a vampire law firm, she discovers that, in a workplace where some humans will eventually achieve immense power and centuries of extra lifespan, office politics can be vicious beyond belief) $14.99
Brockmann, Suzanne
Born to Darkness
(Determined to end the scourge of a designer drug that can make anyone a superpowered Greater-Than, but exacts a lethal toll, operative Michelle Mackenzie is knocked for a loop when she meets the new test subject: former Navy SEAL Shane Laughlin, her latest one-night stand) $7.99
Brook, Meljean
(Iron Seas #3: PBO; Five years ago, Annika unwitting endangered the secret of her Iceclandic community. Now she serves on an airship - and her home is again threatened when David comes aboard, looking to expose her secrets. Disaster leaves them stranded on a glacier, pursued by a madman - with heat rising between them) $16.00
Buehlman, Christopher
Those Across the River
(When Frank Nichols returns to his Georgia hometown to write a history of his family's plantation, he soon learns there is a presence there that demands sacrifice - and has been waiting for Frank's homecoming) $15.00
Buettner, Robert
(Orphan's Legacy #2: Sent to bring down the local politicos of a politically quarantined giant habitat, Lt. Jazen Parker finds himself inclined to abandon the place to its ways - until he uncovers a plot to throw a 500-hundred-planet alliance into anarchy) $7.99
Carroll, Lee
Black Swan Rising
(Garet James #1: New York City shopkeeper John Dee offers jeweler Garet James a generous sum of money to open a vintage silver box. The symbol of the swan on the box matches a ring Garet's mother gave her, and when she opens the box, otherworldly things start happening) $7.99
Carson, Rae
The Girl of Fire and Thorns
(Elisa #1: YA; Andre Norton Award finalist. Once a century, one person is chosen for greatness. Elisa is the chosen one. She could be everything to those who need her most - if the prophecy is fulfilled, if she finds the power deep within herself, if she doesn't die young. Most of the chosen do) $9.99
Cassidy, Dakota
Accidentally Dead
(Accidentally Paranormal #2: After a patient bites her, dental assistant Nina Blackman ends up with a set of fangs, a taste for blood - and an irresistible attraction to the patient) $7.99
Charlton, Blake
(Nicodemus #2: The demon behind his curse has hatched a plot to force Nicodemus to change language and ultimately use it to destroy all human life. Nico faces challenges from all sides as he struggles to thwart the demon's plan) $7.99
Christopher, Adam
Seven Wonders
(PBO; Tony lives in a city under siege by hooded supervillain The Cowl. When Tony develops superpowers and acts to take down The Cowl, he finds that the local superheroes aren't as grateful as he thought they'd be) $12.99
The Book of the Dragon
 (Reissue; Full color. Reveals the secrets of the dragons, illuminating a culture filled with poetry, magic, and art) $17.95
Cook, Glen
A Path to Coldness of Heart
(Dread Empire #8: King Bragi Ragnorson is the captive of Lord Shih-kaa and the Empress Mist at the heart of the Dread Empire. Bragi's queen and what remains of his army seek to find and free their king, hampered by the loss or desertion of their best warriors. Dane, Duke of Greyfells, seeks to seize the rule of Kavelin. And in the ancient castle Fangdred, the sorcerer Varthlokkur waits, using his arts to spy on the world at large, and observing the puppet strings that control kings and empires alike) $15.99
Correia, Larry
(Monster Hunter #4: When hunters from around the world gather in Las Vegas for a conference, a creature left over from a WWII weapons experiment wakes up and goes on a rampage across the desert. A wager between rival companies turns into a race to see who can bag the creature first. But there's more to this case than meets the eye: the crew from MHI will have to stop an ancient god from turning Sin City into hell on earth; Signed copies; signing at Uncle Hugo’s Tuesday, September 18, 5-6 pm) $25.00
Crane, Carolyn
Head Rush
(Justine Jones #3: As Midcity cowers under martial law, sleepwalking cannibals, and a mysterious rash of paranormal copycat violence, Justine's search for answers leads her into the most dangerous mind game yet) $16.00
Curran, Kim
(YA; 16-year-old Scott learns he's a Shifter, with the power to undo any decision he's ever made. Pretty cool, until his world starts to unravel around him, and he realizes that using his power has terrible consequences) $9.99
Daniells, Rowena Cory
(Outcast #3: With winter storms brewing and raiders drawn by rumors of wealth, tension grows on the overcrowded ships of the mystics. And although Imoshen sent the Sagora Scholars a request for sanctuary, they haven't replied) $8.99
De Grave, Kathleen
The Hour of Lead
(Kansas, 2039: An earthquake that has slowed down time forces two people to confront their pasts in order to repair their broken lives in the present) $14.95
Dick, Philip K.
Upon the Dull Earth
 (Collected Stories #3: Collection; 23 stories and novellas written in 1953 and 1954, plus extensive story notes) $40.00
Dick, Philip K.
Solar Lottery (alternate title: World of Chance)
(Reissue; In 2203 anyone can become the ruler of the solar system - it all comes down to the random turns of a giant wheel. But when a new Quizmaster takes over, the old one still keeps some rights, namely the right to hire assassins to attempt to kill the new leader. After the most recent change in leadership, employees of the former ruler scurry to find an assassin who can get past telepathic guards. But when one employee switches sides, troubling facts about the lottery system come to light, and it just might not be possible for anyone to win) $13.95
Dick, Philip K.
We Can Build You
(Reissue; When Louis Rosen's electronic organ company builds a pitch-perfect robotic replica of Abraham Lincoln, they are pulled into the orbit of a shady businessman, who is looking to use Lincoln for his own profit. Meanwhile, Rosen seeks Lincoln's advice as he woos a woman incapable of understanding human emotions - someone who may be even more robotic than Lincoln's replica) $13.95
Dick, Philip K.
The World Jones Made
(Reissue; Floyd Jones has always been able to see exactly one year into his future, a gift and curse that began one year before he was born. As a fortune-teller at a post-apocalyptic carnival, Jones is a powerful force, and may just be able to force society away from its paralyzing Relativism - if he can avoid the radioactively unstable government hitman on his tail) $13.95
Doctorow, C/Stross, C
The Rapture of the Nerds
(At the dusk of the 21st century, Earth has a population of roughly a billion hominids happily living in a preserve at the bottom of a gravity well. Those who weren't happy have emigrated to the densethinker clades that fog the inner solar system. The metaconsciousness of the solar system occasionally spams Earth's networks with plans for cataclysmically disruptive technologies. A sane species would ignore these get-evolved-quick schemes, but there's always someone who will bite. So there's Tech Jury Service: random humans charged with assessing dozens of new inventions and ruling on whether to let them loose. Young Huw, a technophobic, misanthropic Welshman, has been selected for the latest jury) $24.99
Doctorow, Cory
For the Win
(YA; In electronic sweatshops, countless 'gold farmers', trapped by abusive contracts and physical threats, harvest virtual treasure for their employers to sell to First World gamers willing to spend real money to skip straight to higher-level gameplay. A mysterious woman called Big Sister Nor will use her experience, knowledge of history, and connections to real-world organizers to build group of young people into a movement that can challenge the status quo) $10.99
Douglas, Ian
(Star Corpsman #1: PBO; Navy Corpsman Elliot Carlyle and Bravo Company's Black Wizards are en route to the colony planet of Bloodworld, where the alien Qesh have made violent first contact) $7.99
Egan, Greg
The Eternal Flame
(Orthogonal #2: When a fuel shortage threatens the generation ship's voyage, Tamara the astronomer sees a risky solution in a meteor whose trajectory will bring it within range. Meanwhile, Carlo the biologist searches for a better way to control the ship's population explosion) $26.99
Elliott, Kate
Cold Fire
(Spiritwalker #2: Cat and Bee are caught in an intricate web of subterfuge and politics. Everyone seems to want something from them: the warlord who wants to conquer Europa, the Cold Mages who stand against him, and the dangerous Master of the Wild Hunt) $7.99
Flanagan, John
The Outcasts
(Brotherband #1: Kids; Skandians are known for their size and strength. Not Hal, Stig, and their friends. But that doesn't mean they don't have skills, or courage. And they'll need both to do battle at sea against the Wolves and the Sharks in the ultimate race) $8.99
Flavin, Teresa
The Blackhope Enigma
(Kids; Blackhope Tower is shrouded in intrigue, centering on a labyrinth and painting in the Mariner's Chamber. When 14-year-old Sunni visits the tower and sees her stepbrother Dean disappear, seemingly into the painting itself, she sets out to find him) $6.99
Flint, Eric (ed)
Ring of Fire III
 (Ring of Fire: Anthology; 20 original alternate history tales set in the world of  
, by Flint, Lackey, and more) $7.99
Friedman, C.S.
Legacy of Kings
(Magister #3: With the Magisters hunting her for killing one of their own, Kamala's only hope of survival lies in the northern Protectorates. There spells are warped by a curse, originally intended to protect the lands of men from the souleaters. But the curse appears to be weakening - and the threat of the souleaters is once more falling across the land) $7.99
Froud, Brian & Wendy
 (Art book; new and classic work by the Frouds, revealing the world of trolls) $35.00
Gaider, David
The Stolen Throne
 (Dragon Age: Prequel to video game  
Dragon Age: Origins
) $7.99
Gear, W.M. & Kathleen
The Broken Land
(First North Americans #19: Dangerous sorcerer Atotarho has set in motion a cataclysmic battle that threatens to destroy the Iroquoian world. To stop him, Jigonsaseh, Hiyawento, and Sky Messenger must find a way to unite five warring nations) $7.99
Gibson, William
Distrust That Particular Flavor
 (Collection; 25 essays and articles on technology, popular culture, writing, and more) $16.00
Gilman, Laura Anne
The Shattered Vine
(Vineart War #3: As conditions worsen throughout the Lands, Jerzy returns to the Berengia to delve into the magic that has been growing within him, knowing that his god-forbidden knowledge may be the only thing that can save the Lands Vin) $9.99
Golden, Christie
Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War
(World of Warcraft: When a beloved peacekeeper is pressed to the limit by an inconceivable horror, will it change her forever? Break her? Or redefine her role on Azeroth?) $26.00
Goonan, Kathleen Ann
In War Times
(1941: After his brother is killed at Pearl Harbor, Sam promises that he will do anything he can to stop the war, and is selected to study code breaking, electronics, and physics. He is seduced by a mysterious female physicist, and given the plans for a device that will end the war, perhaps even end the human predilection for war. But the device does something less, and more, than that) $15.99
Gorey, Edward
A Halloween Treat
(In a previously unpublished vignette, kids and cats go trick-or-treating, gathering loot that might be tricks - or their very own monsters. Plus a collection of ghastly ghost illustrations) $13.00
Green, Simon R.
Ghost of a Dream
(Ghost Finders #3: PBO; Renovations at the long-abandoned Haybarn Theater have been thrown off schedule by some peculiar incidents. The team figures investigating a haunted theater will be a walk in the park - until they encounter the Phantom of the Haybarn, an ancient evil with the ability to alter reality) $7.99
Greenwood, Ed
Elminster Enraged
(Forgotten Realms: Sage of Shadowdale #2: Inhabiting the body of a fallen dark elf, Elminster begins to rally Cormyr's Wizards of War. Manshoon has plans as well: to conquer Cormyr and be the new Emperor, and hunt down the Sage's clones) $25.95
Grimes, Linda
In a Fix
(Ciel Halligan #1: Aura adaptor Ciel Halligan takes on her clients' appearances and slips into their lives to handle situations they don't want to deal with themselves. Her current job, snagging a marriage proposal for her client during an island vacation, is pretty enjoyable - until her resort bungalow is blown up and her client's date is snatched by modern-day Vikings) $14.99
Grinti, Mike & Rachel
(Kids; Emma's family lives in a trailer park that's home to down-and-out harpies, hags, trolls - and Jack, a one-eyed, smooth-talking cat. He becomes Emma's friend, and she discovers that she, too, has cat magic - claws. She's going to need them to rescue her sister from the powerful faeries who stole her) $16.99
Harris/Kelner (ed)
An Apple for the Creature
 (Anthology; urban fantasy stories of unnatural education, including a new Sookie Stackhouse story) $26.95
Hartley, A.J.
Darwen Arkwright and the Peregrine Pact
(Kids; When he's forced to move from his tiny English town to Atlanta, Georgia, Darwen knows things will be different - but he wasn't expecting to discover that the old mirror in his new closet leads to another world - or that there are creatures there who are after something that only human children possess) $8.99
Hatke, Ben
Legends of Zita the Spacegirl
(Zita #2: PBO; Kids; Full color graphic novel; Zita is determined to make it home to Earth, but her robot doppelganger is wreaking havoc, and Zita is being blamed) $12.99
Herbert, James
The Secret of Crickley Hall
(Would you live in a place where ghostly things keep happening? Where hushed whimpering is heard? Where the presence of evil is all around you? The Caleighs did, but they had their reasons. They should have known better) $9.99
Hinks, Darius
Orion: The Vaults of Winter
(Warhammer: The forest-king Orion awakens from his winter slumber to discover he has been cursed. As the corruption spreads to the woodland realm around him, he must rely upon his loyal subjects to help him unmask a traitor) $11.99
Holkins, J/Krahulik, M
Magical Kids in Danger
(Penny Arcade #8: Full color. Collects the 2007 strips of the popular webcomic starring geeky heroes Gabe and Tycho, plus creator commentary) $14.99
Hughes, Alex
(Mindspace #1: PBO; Adam used to work for the Telepath's Guild. Now he works for the cops. His ability to get inside the twisted minds of suspects makes him their best interrogator. A serial killer is stalking the city, and Adam needs to solve the case, because he's just had a vision of the future - and he's the next to die) $7.99
Hunter, Erin
The Empty City
(Survivors #1: Kids; The humans are gone, and a new animal is ready to rule the world. Which animals are brave enough to take control when disaster strikes? And what enemies will stand in their way?) $16.99
Jacka, Benedict
(Alex Verus #3: PBO; Mage apprentices have been vanishing without a trace, and someone on the Council might be involved. Alex has no evidence, no witnesses, and no suspects, but he sees that he doesn't know the half of it - and that he could be the next to disappear) $7.99
Johnson-Shelton, Nils
The Invisible Tower
(Otherworld Chronicles #1: Kids; A mysterious message appears in Artie Kingfisher's favorite video game, leading him to a game store where a centuries-old wizard named Merlin holds the key to his destiny) $6.99
Johnson, Mat
 (A failed academic acquires an old slave narrative manuscript confirming that Edgar Allan Poe's  
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
 is a true story. He sets out for Antarctica to discover the land of black people that Poe describes, but instead he and his fellow adventurers are enslaved by the white ice creatures from the novel. Now this black crew must try to escape slavery all over again) $15.00
Kadrey, Richard
Devil Said Bang
(Sandman Slim #4: While ruling the denizens of darkness does have perks, James Stark isn't exactly thrilled with the course of his career. He has to hold off a host of killers while working on his escape plan. Meanwhile, a serial killer ghost is running wild in LA, and Slim's angelic alter ego is hiding in the lost days of time with a cabal who can rewrite reality) $24.99
Kibuishi, Kazu
Prince of the Elves
(Amulet #5: Kids; Full color graphic novel. The Elf King has forged new amulets which will allow him to invade Cielis and destroy it; Emily and her friends make desperate preparations to defend Cielis) $12.99
Kittredge, Caitlin
Soul Trade
(Black London #5: PBO; Crow-mage Jack Winter and former detective Pete Caldecott face formidable new enemies as they continue their quest to save Black London from destruction) $7.99
Kostic, Conor
(Epic #3: YA; In the virtual world of Edda, Scanthax the ruler decides he wants to invade another virtual world. This move embroils the universes of Edda, Saga, and Epic in all-out war - with three teenagers determined to try to restore peace) $9.99
Krentz/Castle, Jayne
The Lost Night
(PBO; Psychic Rachel Bonner has found peace and quiet on Rainshadow Island - until Harry Sebastian arrives to investigate strange events in the Preserve. She can sense the heart of darkness within him - and the stirrings of desire within her) $7.99
Lackey, M/Edghill, R
A Host of Furious Fancies: Beyond World's End / Spirits White as Lightning
 (Bedlam's Bard #3 / #4: Omnibus reprint; 2 fantasy novels) $13.00
LaValle, Victor
The Devil in Silver
(On his first night in New Hyde Hospital's psych ward, Pepper is visited by a terrifying creature who nearly kills him before being hustled away by the hospital staff. It's no delusion; Pepper rallies three other inmates in a plot to fight back) $27.00
Laws, Robin D.
Blood of the City
 (Pathfinder Tales: PBO; Novel based on the game) $9.99
Lee, Sharon/Miller, Steve
Dragon Ship
 (Liaden: Theo Waitley #4: Theo has a trade route to run for Clan Korval while she convinces the ghost ship  
 - and herself - that she wants to commit herself to being the human side of their immensely powerful symbiosis. While her former lover battles a nano-virus that's eating him alive, Theo faces the unexpected challenge of rescuing hundreds of stranded pilots and crewmen from an explosive situation in near orbit around a suddenly hostile planet; Signed copies) $23.00
Lore, Pittacus
The Rise of Nine
(Lorien Legacies #3: YA; The stakes are higher than ever as John, Number Six, and Number Seven desperately try to find the rest of the Lorien Nine before it's too late) $17.99
Maltin, Leonard
Leonard Maltin's 2013 Movie Guide
(PBO; Revised and updated guide with thousands of capsule movie reviews, DVD and video listings, mail-order and online resources for buying and renting DVDs and videos, and more) $9.99
Mandanna, Sangu
The Lost Girl
(YA; Eva was cloned to replace Amarra if she ever died. So when Amarra dies in a car crash, Eva moves to India to replace her. But does she want to live out her years as a copy? Or risk everything to be Eva?) $17.99
Marr, Melissa
Carnival of Souls
(YA; Aya and Kaleb both face bleak futures, unless they can win a competition hosted by the Carnival of Souls, fighting to the death to join the ruling elite) $17.99
Martin/Lowder, J (ed)
Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire
 (Essays by authors and critics looking at Martin's epic fantasy) $14.95
McDonald, Ian
Be My Enemy
(Everness #2: YA; Everett has escaped with the Infundibulum from the clutches of Charlotte Villiers and the Order, but his father is missing, banished to one of the billions of parallel universes. Everett and the airship crew have taken a Heisenberg Jump to a random parallel plane, where Everett is making plans to rescue his family. But Charlotte Villiers is one step ahead of him) $16.95
McGuire, Seanan
Ashes of Honor
(October Daye #6: PBO; While searching for a powerful changeling with the potential to destroy all of Faerie, Tobey is drawn into a web of kidnappings, political intrigue, and attempted assassinations) $7.99
McKinney, Joe
(PBO; Fleeing the cities and their flesh-eating zombies, Bob Richardson and his crew find sanctuary at an abandoned farm. But their stronghold may not be enough - the undead are banding together and working as a group) $7.99
McMahon, Gary
Beyond Here Lies Nothing
(Concrete Grove #3: Ben arrives in Concrete Grove to research a infamous paranormal incident from the early 1970s; when strange things begin happening, it's up to him to put the ghosts to rest) $8.99
O'Brien, Caragh M.
(Birthmarked #2: YA; 16-year-old midwife Gaia flees the Enclave with her baby sister, only to be captured by the people of Sylum, where women rule the men, and a kiss is a crime) $9.99
Oliver, Lauren
Liesl & Po
(Kids; Locked in the attic by her cruel stepmother, Liesl is surprised one evening when a ghost named Po appears. That same evening, an alchemist's apprentice named Will makes an innocent mistake that has tremendous consequences for Liesl and Po, and draws the three of them together on an extraordinary journey) $6.99
Packard, Edward
Through the Black Hole
(U-Ventures: Kids; You're in command of the most advanced spaceship in the galaxy on the wildest mission in history. Choose your own fate as you try to make it through a black hole) $5.99
Palma, Felix J.
The Map of the Sky
(H.G. Wells #2: Socialite Emma Harlow agrees to marry millionaire Montgomery Gilmore, but only if he accepts her challenge to reproduce the invasion featured in Wells'  
War of the Worlds
. Interconnected plots tell a tale of time travel and mystery, with appearances by a young Edgar Allan Poe as well as Captain Shackleton and Charles Winslow) $26.00
Passarella, John
Rite of Passage
(Supernatural: A series of accidents and strange occurrences in a New Jersey town attracts the attention of the Winchester brothers) $7.99
Paterson, K & J
The Flint Heart
(Kids; Freely abridged from Eden Phillpotts' 1910 fantasy. A Stone Age man demands a talisman to harden his heart, allowing him to take control of his tribe. The tribe's magic man creates the Flint Heart, but the cruelty of it destroys the tribe. Thousands of years later, the talisman reemerges. Can Charles and his sister Unity find a way to rescue humans, fairies, and animals alike from its dark influence?) $9.99
Paver, Michelle
Gods and Warriors
(Kids; Warriors have kidnapped his sister and tried to kill him; a stranger has given him a bronze dagger. Now young Hylas is on the run, trying to discover why he's being hunted, and to find his sister before the warriors find him) $16.99
Petrucha, Stefan
Dead Mann Running
(Hessius Mann #2: PBO; The living dead PI is drawn into a killer case when a severed arm leaves a mysterious briefcase at his office) $7.99
Phillips, Holly
At the Edge of Waking
 (Collection of short fantasy fiction) $15.95
Priest, Christopher
The Islanders
(The Dream Archipelago is a vast network of islands whose very locations seem to twist and shift. Some islands have been sculpted into musical instruments, some are home to lethal creatures, some are playgrounds for the rich. And a war being fought by two distant continents is playing out across the archipelago's waters) $14.95
Reay, Joanne
Romeo Spikes
(Homicide detective Alexis Bianco teams up with the mysterious Lola, who is more weapon than woman, to pursue the Tormenta, demonic predators who convince humans to kill themselves in order to siphon off their victims' unspent lifespans) $25.00
Redwine, C.J.
(YA; While other girls train to be ladies, Rachel trains to survive in the wilderness and wield a sword. When her father fails to return from a courier mission, her father's apprentice Logan is assigned to protect her. Together they will escape the tyrant's city to hunt for Rachel's father) $17.99
Reus, Katie
Primal Possession
(Moon Shifter #2: PBO; When a hate group targets humans known to sympathize with paranormal beings, December McIntyre turns to lupine shifter Liam Armstrong for help) $7.99
Rosca, Madeleine
The Clockwork Sky Volume 1
(Graphic novel. 1895: In the London slums, young Sally Peppers and automaton police boy Sky uncover a dark secret that could overturn all of London) $10.99
Scarrow, Alex
Day of the Predator
(TimeRiders #2: YA; When Maddy mistakenly opens a time window, Liam is marooned 65 million years in the past. He must make contact with Maddy and Sal before he's hunted down by dinosaurs - or alters history) $9.99
Sedia, Ekaterina (ed)
Circus: Fantasy Under the Big Top
 (PBO; Anthology; stories of circuses traditional, bizarre, and futuristic) $15.95
Shatner, William
Shatner Rules
(A collection of guidelines and fun facts, illustrated with stories from Bill's life and career, showing how to become Shatneresque) $15.00
Silverberg, Robert (ed)
Tales from Super-Science Fiction
 (Anthology; reprints 14 stories from the 1950s magazine) $32.00
Singh, Nalini
Archangel's Storm
(Guild Hunter #5: PBO; Angelic spymaster Jason and Princess Mahiya are drawn to each other as they work together to solve the murder of Neha's consort) $7.99
Slonczewski, Joan
The Highest Frontier
(On an Earth altered by global warming, with an invasive alien species threatening the surviving ecosystems, Jennifer Ramos Kennedy, daughter of a rich and influential family, is headed for the college of the future, in orbit) $7.99
Smith, Cordwainer
When the People Fell
 (Collection of Instrumentality stories and miscellaneous short stories, providing a sweeping saga of the centuries to come) $7.99
Smith, Sherwood
Blood Spirits
(Kim Murray #2: With the man she loves set to marry a look-alike princess, Kim returns to California to heal her broken heart. But family politics send her to London, where she winds up in a duel with a Dobrenican nobleman, and learns that her great sacrifice, leaving Alex, was a disaster. She returns to Dobrenica, where she finds ghosts, magic, and murder awaiting her) $7.99
Stein, Jeanne C.
(Anna Strong #8: PBO; Vampire and bounty hunter Anna Strong and her friend Culebra end up in Mexico, dealing with cartel infighting, a few old vendettas, and missing girls) $7.99
Stirling, S.M.
The Tears of the Sun
(Change #8: Rudi McKenzie - now Artos, the High King of Montival - must stand against the forces of the Church Universal and Triumphant, knowing he may lose his life in the final battle) $9.99
Stirling, S.M.
Lord of Mountains
(Change #9: To end the war, Artos must journey to the Lake at the Heart of the Mountains and take part in a coronation that will unite the realms into a single kingdom, granting him an army large enough to defeat his enemies once and for all) $27.95
Strahan, Jonathan (ed)
Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron
 (YA; Anthology; original stories celebrating the witch) $16.99
Swallow, James
Fear to Tread
(Warhammer 40,000: Horus Heresy #21: Horus sends the Blood Angels to the Signus system, where an army of Khornate daemons waits for them. The Warmaster's plan is to use the flaw in the Blood Angels' gene-seed to turn them to the worship of the Blood God) $9.99
Thomas, Shelley Moore
The Seven Tales of Trinket
(Kids; Guided by a tattered map, accompanied by Thomas the Pig Boy, and inspired by her heritage, 11-year-old Trinket searches for the stories she needs to become a bard like her father, who disappeared years ago) $16.99
Thorpe, Gav
Path of the Outcast
(Warhammer 40,000: Eldar #3: While Aradryan lives as a Ranger, Alaitoc is attacked by the Sons of Orar Space Marines, and must do what he can to help save the craftworld) $8.99
Tinker, Major (ed)
The Steampunk Gazette
(From the founder of the Victorian Steampunk Society, a lavishly illustrated history of steampunk, from its 1980s origins to today. Sections on fashion, gadgets, home decor, art, literature, media, and social events) $24.99
Trent, Tiffany
The Unnaturalists
(YA; When his Tinker family is captured to be refinery slaves, Syrus Reed finds that his fate may be bound up with that of Vespa Nyx - and with the Unnatural creatures she catalogues in her father's New London museum) $16.99
Varley, John
Slow Apocalypse
(Screenwriter Dave Marshall thought the scenario sounded implausible when he heard it from a government consultant on his last film: a scientist releases a virus that feeds on petroleum into an Iraqi oil field, but it spreads to infect the entire international fuel supply. Now it's become a terrifying reality) $25.95
Weber, David
A Beautiful Friendship
(Stephanie Harrington #1: YA; On the pioneer planet Sphinx, young Stephanie Harrington discovers an intelligent alien species, treecats, and forms the first telepathic bond with one. But a lot of powerful people are determined to make sure that Sphinx remains entirely in human hands - even if it means the extermination of another thinking species) $9.99
Wendig, Chuck
(Miriam #2: PBO; Miriam is trying to live a normal life, keeping her ability - to see when and how someone is going to die - in check. Which feels like keeping a tornado trapped in a tiny bottle. And then comes one really bad day) $7.99
Williams, Tad
The Dirty Streets of Heaven
(Bobby Dollar #1: Bobby is a rough-and-tumble angel who's always done his part in the long cold war between Heaven and Hell. But now he's stepped into the middle of something that's got both sides nervous - an unprecedented number of missing souls) $25.95
Wooding, Chris
(Malice #2: Kids; Having escaped from Malice, Seth isn't sure if he should try to destroy the evil comic book from his own world, or go back for an artifact that might help. Meanwhile, Kady is still trapped in Malice, trying to find a rebel group of kids who want to fight cruel overlord Tall Jake) $9.99
Zeltserman, Dave
A Killer's Essence
(When a serial killer terrorizes New York City, jaded detective Stan Green finds just a single witness, a neurologically disabled recluse who sees through the souls of others as demonic hallucinations) $15.00
Expected Mid-September
Andrews, Scott K.
School's Out Forever
(Afterblight Chronicles: 15-year-old Lee and his boarding school's Matron must try to protect their charges from cannibalistic gangs, religious fanatics, a bullying prefect, and the surviving might of the U.S. Army) $12.99
Bachmann, Stefan
The Peculiar
(Kids; Bartholomew is a changeling, child of a faery father and a human mother, who lives in the faery slums of Bath. When he witnesses the kidnapping of another changeling, he finds himself at the center of a web of intrigue) $16.99
Balaban, Bob
The Creature from the Seventh Grade: Boy or Beast
(Kids; Charlie has suddenly morphed into a giant mutant sea creature. Now his best friends are treating him like a science project, the cool kids are recruiting him for their clique, and, for some reason, his parents are acting like everything is perfectly normal) $15.99
Barnhill, Kelly
The Mostly True Story of Jack
(Kids; When Jack is sent to Hazelwood, Iowa, to live with his crazy aunt and uncle, he expects a summer of boredom. But the people of Hazelwood have been waiting for him for a long time. He makes friends. The town bully beats him up. And the richest man in town begins to plot Jack's imminent demise. It's up to Jack to figure out why - but to do that, he'll have to believe that magic is real, and has something to do with him) $6.99
Bray, Libba
The Diviners
(YA; 1920s: Evie is shipped off to NYC to live with her Uncle Will, curator of the Museum of American Folklore, Superstition and the Occult. They find themselves in the thick of an investigation of occult-based murders. And Evie has a secret - a mysterious power that could help catch the killer, if he doesn't catch her first) $19.99
Brower, S/Heller, S
Breathless Homicidal Slime Mutants: The Art of the Paperback
 (Reissue; A celebration of the art and design of the mass-market paperback, from the late 19th century to today) $7.98
Jane: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan
 (PBO; Authorized by the Burroughs estate. The Tarzan story told from Jane's viewpoint; $25.99 hc also available) $14.99
Carlson, Amanda
Full Blooded
(Jessica McClain #1: PBO; Jessica has become a werewolf. It wasn't supposed to happen: female werewolves don't exist. When a killer comes looking for her, her Pack finds themselves caught in the middle of a war. It's up to Jessica to find out why everyone wants her dead) $12.99
Chabon, Michael
Telegraph Avenue
(2004: Archy and Nat rule a kingdom of used vinyl located in the borderlands of Berkeley and Oakland. Their wives, Gwen and Aviva, are two semi-legendary midwives who have welcomed more than a thousand newly minted citizens into the community. When a former NFL quarterback announces plans to build his latest megastore on a nearby stretch of Telegraph Avenue, Nat and Archy fear it means certain doom for their vulnerable little enterprise. Meanwhile, Aviva and Gwen also find themselves caught up in a battle for their professional existence; Signed copies expected) $27.99
Cornwall, Emma
 (In a steampunk London, Lucy Weston confronts Bram Stoker to find out why he lied about her in his novel  
. Then, with Stoker's reluctant help, she sets out to track down the fiend who turned her into a vampire) $15.00
Davis, Jim
Garfield Gets in a Pickle
 (Garfield #54: PBO; Full color comic strips) $14.00
Durst, Sarah Beth
(YA; Liyana has trained her entire life to be the vessel of a goddess, but the goddess never comes. Abandoned by her tribe, Liyana expects to die in the desert, until a boy arrives. Korbyn is a trickster god inside his vessel, who tells Liyana that five other gods are missing. They set off in search of the other vessels, for the tribes cannot survive without the magic of their gods. The closer she grows to Korbyn, the less Liyana wants to disappear to make way for her goddess. But she must die for her tribe to live, unless a trickster god can help her to trick fate - or a human girl can muster some magic of her own) $16.99
Edward, John
Fallen Masters
 (A final confrontation between good and evil unfolds on both the Earthly plane and the Other Side) $25.99
Erikson, Steven
The Forge of Darkness
(Malazan: Kharkarnas #1: In Kurald Galain, the commoners want Vatha Urusander, their great hero, to take Mother Dark's hand in marriage, but her consort Lord Draconus is opposed. As the impending clash disrupts the realm of Darkness, an ancient power emerges from the long dead seas. Caught in the middle of it all are the First Sons of Darkness, Anomander, Andarist, and Silchas Ruin) $27.99
Griffin, Kate
Stray Souls
(Sharon Li has just discovered she's a shaman, and not a moment too soon. London's soul has gone missing. To solve the mystery and rescue the dying city, she'll need help from the support group she's just set up for people with magical issues) $14.99
Johnson, Kij
At the Mouth of the River of Bees
 (Collection; 16 works of sf and fantasy from an award-winning author; Signed copies expected) $16.00
Jones, Stephen (ed)
A Book of Horrors
 (Anthology; original stories of horror and dark fantasy from top writers) $15.99
Jordan, Hillary
When She Woke
(In the not too distant future, the line between church and state has been eradicated, and convicted felons are no longer imprisoned but chromed - their skin color genetically altered to match the class of their crimes - and then released back into the population to survive as best they can. Hannah is a Red; her crime is abortion) $14.95
Kenyon, S/Love, D
The Curse
(Belador #3: PBO; When Svart Trolls invade Atlanta, Evalle tries to stop the bloody troll-led gang wars; she unwittingly exposes a secret that endangers all she holds dear and complicates her tumultuous love life with Storm) $7.99
King, A.S.
Everybody Sees the Ants
(YA; Andre Norton Award finalist. Lucky has a secret that helps him wade through his dysfunctional life. In his dreams, he escapes to the war-torn jungles of Laos, where he can be a hero. It's dangerous and wild - a place where his life just might be worth living. But how long can Lucky hide in his dreams before reality forces its way in?) $9.99
Knaak, Richard A.
(Legends of the Dragonrealm: Shade the spellcaster struggles to find an end to the curse he brought upon himself millennia ago) $16.00
Kristoff, Jay
(Lotus War #1: After disaster befalls her mission to capture a griffin for the Shogun, Yukiko finds herself stranded in the wilderness with a crippled griffin. They will face intrigue, betrayal, and murder as they try to save their homeland) $24.99
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Finding My Elegy
 (Collection of some of her best early poetry plus a group of poems written over the last four years) $22.00
Leslie, Mark (ed)
Tesseracts 16: Parnassus Unbound
 (Anthology; short works of speculative fiction about art, music, literature, and culture) $15.95
Marillier, Juliet
(YA; Possessing a powerful ability to communicate with the fairy-like Good Folk, 16-year-old Neryn sets out for Shadowfell, a home and training ground for a rebel group determined to overthrow the evil King Keldec) $16.99
Benjamin Franklinstein Meets the Fright Brothers
(Victor Godwin #2: Kids; When giant bat planes and mysterious attacks bring mayhem to Philadelphia, Victor knows only the Wright Brothers could pilot such creations - but the red-eyed brothers don't seem quite like themselves. Can Victor and his friends stop them from taking over the city?) $7.99
McOmber, Adam
The White Forest
(Jane has a gift that allows her to see the souls of manmade objects. When her friend Nathan becomes interested in a cult - led by a mystic who encourages his followers to explore dream manipulation - and then disappears, the famed Inspector Vidocq arrives in London to untangle events. But when a sinister truth emerges, Jane realizes she must use her talent to find Nathan before it's too late) $25.00
Shirley, John
 (Resident Evil: PBO; Novelization of the film) $7.99
Starmer, Aaron
The Only Ones
(Kids; Martin arrives at the village of Xibalba. Like the other children who've journeyed there, he faces an awful truth. When families and friends all disappeared one afternoon, he and these other children were forgotten. Inspired by the prophesies of a mysterious boy who talks to animals, Martin believes he can reunite them with their loved ones - but believing and knowing are two different things) $7.99
Tanner, Lian
City of Lies
(Keepers #2: Kids; When his sister is stolen, Toadspit and his friend Goldie follow the child-stealers to a neighboring city. Along the way, Toadspit is captured. When Goldie discovers some secrets that the child-stealers will kill to protect, she'll need all her skills as a thief and a liar to survive and save her friends) $6.99
Tolkien, J.R.R.
The Art of
The Hobbit
 (The author's complete artwork for the book) $40.00
Weber, David
Midst Toil and Tribulation
(Safehold #6: A vicar of the Church of God Awaiting has engineered a rebellion against the Lord Protector of Siddermark, bringing civil war to the nation at harvest time) $27.99
Weeks, Brent
The Blinding Knife
(Lightbringer #2: Gavin had thought he had five years left, now he has less than one. Magic is running wild and threatens to destroy the Satrapies. The old gods are being reborn, and their army of color wights is unstoppable. The only salvation may be the brother whose freedom and life Gavin stole) $25.99
Ziegler, Rob
(After economic, political, and environmental collapse, the US is now controlled by Satori, a corporation that is also a living, intelligent city. Satori bioengineers the climate-resistant seed that feeds the nation, as well as the post-human genetic Designers, Advocates, and Laborers. When a Designer goes rogue, the government hopes to regain power by using her to break Satori's stranglehold on seed production) $15.99
Expected Early October
Anderson, Kevin J.
The Martian War
(PBO; What if the Martian invasion was not entirely the product of H.G.'s imagination? What if he witnessed something that spurred him to write  
The War of the Worlds
 as a warning?) $12.95
Anderson, Taylor
(Destroyermen #6: Even as the Allies and the Empire of New Britain Isles stand united against the Grik and the Japanese, the Holy Dominion - a warped, power-hungry mix of human cultures - threatens destruction with a devastating weapon neither Allies nor Empire can withstand) $7.99
Archer, Jill
Dark Light of Day
(Noon Onyx #1: PBO; Noon is capable of wielding the destructive power of demons. But because she's human, the demons consider her an abomination- and a threat to their rule over Earth) $7.99
Bein, Steve
Daughter of the Sword
(Fated Blades #1: Tokyo cop Mariko Oshiro investigates the attempted theft of an old samurai sword, forged by a swordsmith whose blades may have magical qualities. She is only the latest in a long line of warriors to confront this power, and it threatens to turn against her even as she learns to wield the sword) $16.00
Benford, Gregory et al
The Wonderful Future That Never Was
 (Between 1903 and 1969,  
Popular Mechanics
 magazine included hundreds of predictions about the future. This book recaps some of those ideas, illustrated with the original futurist art. Benford supplies modern perspective on why some of the predictions were made. Full color throughout) $17.95
Briggs, Patricia
Cry Wolf Vol. 1
 (Alpha & Omega GN #1: Full color graphic novel; adaptation of the novel) $24.95
Brown, Eric
Helix Wars
(For 200 years, peace has reigned on the Helix. But when shuttle pilot Jeff Ellis crash-lands on Phandra, he interrupts an invasion by the neighboring Sporelli - who scheme to exterminate Ellis before he can return to New Earth and inform the peacekeepers) $8.99
Buehlman, Christopher
Between Two Fires
(1348: After an orphan tells him that the Black Plague is only part of a greater cataclysm, Thomas, a disgraced knight, finds himself in a macabre battleground of angels and demons, sinners and saints, in a struggle for nothing less than the soul of man) $25.95
Tarzan Centennial
 (Lavishly illustrated official history of the Tarzan phenomenon) $39.95
Caine, Rachel
Black Dawn
(Morganville Vampires #12: YA; Unless Claire and her friends figure out how to cure Amelie - who has been infected by the master draug's bite - and defeat the draug, Morganville will become little more than a ghost town) $9.99
Campbell, Jack
Tarnished Knight
(Lost Stars #1: Betrayed by the brutal Syndicate government, Artur Drakon and Gwen Iceni launch a battle for control of the Midway star system) $26.95
Carey, Jacqueline
Dark Currents
(Agent of Hel #1: Fathered by an incubus, Daisy lives in a Midwestern resort town that is home to eccentric locals, wealthy summer residents, assorted paranormals, and eldritch folk presided over by reclusive Norse goddess Hel. When a boy drowns and signs point to eldritch involvement, Daisy investigates with the help of a sexy werewolf cop) $26.95
Chan, Kylie
Earth to Hell
(Journey to Wudang #1: On Earth, Simon Wong, the Demon King's son, is no longer around to trouble Emma and Simone, but his associates have taken over Simon's underworld activities. The otherworldly stones are being targeted and are in danger of being completely destroyed. It seems that the Demon King is the only one Emma can turn to for help) $7.99
Chance, Karen
Fury's Kiss
(Midnight's Daughter #3: PBO; Dory and Louis-Cesare will have to face off with zombie vampires, fallen angels, and a mad scientist to get to the bottom of a deadly smuggling ring) $7.99
Clarke, Cassandra Rose
The Assassin's Curse
(YA; When Ananna runs away from her arranged marriage, her cutthroat parents hire Naji the assassin to murder her. When she inadvertently saves his life, she activates his curse: whenever her life is in danger, he must protect her. This development pleases neither of them - but to lift the curse, they will have to complete three impossible tasks) $9.99
Cobley, Michael
Seeds of Earth
(Humanity's Fire #1: The planet Darien hosts a thriving human settlement. But hidden on Darien's forest moon are secrets that go back to an apocalyptic battle between ancient races. Darien is about to become the focus of an intergalactic power struggle, and the true stakes are beyond human comprehension) $7.99
Connolly, Tina
(Jane, who wears an iron mask to contain the fey curse that scars her cheek, answers a carefully worded ad for a governess, certain that the child is fey-cursed, and that she can help. She finds herself fascinated by the girl's artist father: a parade of ugly women enter his studio, and come out as beautiful as the fey) $24.99
Crossan, Sarah
 (YA; In a world where air is restricted, three teens find out exactly what they're willing to do for the freedom to breathe) $17.99
Cummings, Sean
(YA; To save her witch mother's life, 15-year-old Julie and her uber-geek friend Marcus must find out who is responsible for increasing levels of poltergeist activity all over their town) $9.99
Doctorow, Cory
Pirate Cinema
(YA; In dystopian near-future Britain, artists and activists are trying to fight a new bill that will criminalize harmless internet creativity, making felons of millions of British citizens. Parliament is in thrall to a few wealthy media conglomerates, but the powers-that-be haven't reckoned on the power of a gripping movie to change people's minds) $19.99
Drake, D/Lambshead, J
Into the Hinterlands
(Sent to clear the power-hungry Terrans from a star sector where they're encroaching, greenhorn commander Allen Allenson must also overcome the machinations of the alien Riders) $7.99
Drake, David
Night & Demons
 (PBO; Collection of horrific, weird, and fantastic tales) $13.00
Dunn, Christian (ed)
Shadows of Treachery
 (Warhammer 40,000: Horus Heresy #22: PBO; Anthology) $8.99
Dunn, Christian (ed)
Treacheries of the Space Marines
 (Warhammer 40,000: PBO; Anthology) $8.99
Emson, Thomas
(Vampire Trinity #1: When a new drug starts turning users into vampires, Iraqi War veteran Jake Lawton finds himself doing battle with immortals and their human cohorts. And beneath the London streets lurks a bigger evil, waiting to be resurrected to reign over a city of human slaves) $14.99
Evans, Chris
Ashes of a Black Frost
(Iron Elves #3: As the human-dominated Calahrian Empire struggles to maintain its hold on power in the face of armed rebellion, the Iron Elves' perilous quest to defeat the power-hungry elf witch, the Shadow Monarch, takes on greater urgency) $9.99
Evenson, B.K.
 (Dead Space: Novel based on the video game) $14.99
Feehan, Christine
Dark Predator
(Carpathian #19: When he leaves his life as master executioner behind, Zacarias wonders who he really is. The answer awaits him back home in Peru, where he will face old enemies and a bloody family legacy - and find his lifemate) $7.99
Fforde, Jasper
The Last Dragonslayer
(YA; 15-year-old Jennifer runs Kazam, an employment agency for magicians, but it's hard to stay in business when magic is drying up. Now visions are predicting the death of the world's last dragon at the hands of an unnamed Dragonslayer. If the visions are true, everything will change for Jennifer and Kazam - because something known as Big Magic is coming) $16.99
Fforde, Jasper
The Woman Who Died a Lot
(Thursday Next #7: After an assassination attempt, Thursday returns to Swindon to recuperate. But there are problems at home: Friday's career struggles in the Chronoguard; Tuesday's trouble perfecting the Anti-Smote shield in time to prevent an angry Deity from wiping Swindon off the face of the earth; and the issue of Thursday's third child Jenny, who exists only as a confusing and disturbing memory. With Goliath attempting to replace Thursday with synthetic Thursdays, and a call from Bookworld to hunt down Pagerunners who have jumped into the Realworld, Thursday's convalescence is going to be anything but restful) $26.95
Fisher, Catherine
(YA; Desperate to regain the power and wealth her family had lost, Sarah made a bargain with Azrael, Lord of Darkwater Hall, who gave her 100 years and the means to her objective - in exchange for her soul. A century later, will she be able to stop young Tom from making the same ruinous bargain?) $16.99
Flint, Eric
1635: Papal Stakes
(Ring of Fire: Trapped in a mire of papal assassins, power politics, murder, and mayhem, Pope Urban VII and uptimers Frank Stone and Ambassador Sharon Nichols and their downtimer spouses need help fast. Special rescue crews converge on Rome, and an uptime airplane is on its way to spirit the Pope to safety. When everything goes wrong, it's once again up to the rough and ready Grantville natives to set things right) $25.00
Gear, W.M. & Kathleen
A Searing Wind
(Contact: The Battle for America #3: After learning of de Soto's plans to target the Chicaza, Black Shell is determined to set the perfect trap to preserve his people's pride, traditions, and winter stockpiles of food and supplies) $9.99
Giallongo, Zack
(Kids; Full color graphic novel. Can Broxo - the only survivor of a barbarian tribe - and Princess Zora defeat the man-eating walking dead that drag themselves out of a fetid lake?) $16.99
Gibson, William
Zero History
(Campbell Memorial Award finalist. A Department of Defense contract for combat wear turns out to be the gateway drug for arms dealers so shadowy that even global marketing magnate Hubertus Bigend, whose subtlety and power in the private sector would be hard to overstate, finds himself outmaneuvered and adrift in a seriously dangerous world) $9.99
Gilman, Charles
Professor Gargoyle
(Lovecraft Middle School #1: Kids; At his brand new, high-tech school, 11-year old Robert finds some anomalies: rats in the lockers; a student gone missing; a library corridor full of worm-eaten antique books; and a science professor who seems to be undergoing a strange transformation) $13.99
Gladstone, Max
Three Parts Dead
(A god has died, and it's up to Tara, a first-year associate at a necromantic firm, to bring Him back to life before His city falls apart) $24.99
Gropp, Richard E.
Bad Glass
(PBO; The military moves in to quash rumors of unexplained phenomena in Spokane and figure out what's going on. But after weeks of news leaking out of the quarantine, it becomes clear they have no idea. A young photographer sneaks into the city, hoping to make a name for himself documenting the unimaginable - if he doesn't go insane first) $15.00
Hamilton, Kiki
The Faerie Ring
(YA; 1871: Pickpocket Tiki steals a ring that could lead to all-out war. For the ring belongs to Queen Victoria, and binds the rulers of England and Faerie to peace. A group of faerie rebels hopes to break the treaty with dark magic - and Tiki's blood) $9.99
Harris, Charlaine
The Sookie Stackhouse Companion
(Southern Vampire: Agatha Award finalist. Tour Bon Temps, Louisiana, prowl around the werewolf and werepanther communities, visit Tara's dress shop, and belly up to the bar at Merlotte's in this guide to Sookie's family, friends, enemies, lovers, and adventures. Includes an original Sookie novella, recipes, and more) $18.00
Harrison, Kim
A Perfect Blood
(Rachel Morgan #10: Ritually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and other. Pulled in by the FIB to help investigate, Rachel Morgan soon realizes that someone is determined to make demons. But it can't be done without Rachel's blood) $7.99
Hayes, Erica
(Seven Signs #1: PBO; Dr. Morgan Sterling doesn't believe in angels, but Luniel is one of the fallen, bound to fight evil to earn redemption. Together they must stop a zombie plague ravaging Manhattan's slums) $7.99
Heinlein, Robert A.
Starman Jones
 (Reissue; Classic sf novel) $7.99
Hendee, Barb
Ghosts of Memories
(Vampire Memories #5: PBO; Not all vampires want to live by the Four Laws. Now Eleisha must confront the deadliest predator she has ever faced, or lose everything she has fought to protect) $7.99
Hidalgo, Pablo
Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Companion
(Looks at all published Star Wars fiction, providing a synopsis of each story, behind the scenes facts and anecdotes, and a chronological listing of titles placing each in context. Illustrated with over a hundred full-color paintings) $28.00
Holm, Chris F.
The Wrong Goodbye
(Collector #2: PBO; Because of his efforts to avert the Apocalypse, Sam has been given a second chance, provided he can stick to the straight and narrow. Which is all well and good, until the soul he's sent to collect goes missing) $7.99
Hunter, Faith
Death's Rival
(Jane Yellowrock #5: PBO; To uncover the identity of the vamp who is trying to steal Leo's territory, Jane will have to venture into the underbelly of New Orleans vamp society) $7.99
Jerome, Celia
Sand Witches in the Hamptons
(Willow Tate #5: PBO; As if Willow didn't have enough problems coping with Otherworld visitors, now she has a stalker, her doom-seer father has a secret, and Paumanok Harbor has Otherworld sand stealers) $7.99
Jones, Darynda
Death and the Girl Next Door
(PBO; YA; Why is Cameron, her high school's designated loner, standing outside Lorelei's house every night? What does tough, sexy newcomer Jared know about her parents, who disappeared years ago? And what will any of them do when Death comes knocking for real?) $9.99
Jones, Diana Wynne
 (Collection of essays, speeches, and biographical pieces written and/or chosen by Jones) $24.99
Jones, Stephen (ed)
The Mammoth Book of Zombie Apocalypse! Fight Back
(Mosaic novel; interconnected eyewitness narratives - text messages, emails, blog entries, letters, diaries, and transcripts - telling of the fight against the New Zombie Order) $13.95
Joyce, William
The Sandman: The Story of Sanderson Mansnoozie
(Guardians of Childhood #2: Kids; Full color picture book. When the moon is less than full, who will keep the children safe at night? The Man in the Moon thinks sleepy sweet-dreamer Sandy is the perfect choice to help thwart Pitch, the Nightmare King) $17.99
Joyce, William
Toothiana: Queen of the Tooth Fairy Armies
(Guardians of Childhood Novel #3: Kids; Toothiana can spin herself into a multitude of selves, depending on nightly teeth-placed-under-pillows rates. And she is tiny, but very fierce - the villainous Pitch has no idea what he's up against) $14.99
Karpyshyn, Drew
 (Star Wars: Old Republic #3: Novel based on the online game) $7.99
Kessler, Liz
Emily Windsnap Boxed Set: The Tail of Emily Windsnap / Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep / Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist / Emily Windsnap and the Siren's Secret
 (Reissue; Kids; Four fantasy novels; the adventures of a teenage girl with a human mother and a merman father) $23.96
Ketter, Greg (ed)
Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores
 (Anthology; 16 sf, fantasy, and horror stories, each with a bookstore at its core) $15.95
Kiesbye, Stefan
Your House Is on Fire, Your Children All Gone
(Four young friends come of age in Hemmersmoor, a place shrouded with fear - and talk of revenants. Their innocent games soon bring them face-to-face with the village's darkest secrets) $15.00
L'Engle, Madeleine
A Wrinkle in Time graphic novel
 (Kids; Adaptation of the classic sf novel) $19.99
Lackey, Mercedes
(Valdemar: Collegium #3: Magpie pursues his quest for his parent's identity, while being trained as an undercover agent for Valdemar. Bardic Trainee Lena has to face her uncaring father, a famous Bard. And Healing Trainee Bear struggles with his parents, who are pressuring him to quit the Collegium because he lacks the magical Healing Gift) $7.99
Lackey, Mercedes
(Valdemar: Collegium #4: A mysterious new enemy has taken an interest in Herald trainee spy Mags, but why? The answers can only be found in the most unexpected corners of Mags' past. Assuming he can stay alive long enough to find them) $25.95
Lamberson, Gregory
Tortured Spirits
(Jake Helman #4: PBO; Jake's ongoing quest to save his best friend Edgar Hopkins takes him to New Orleans, Miami, and the jungles of Pavot Island, where undead slaves harvest narcotics for a ferocious dictator) $14.95
Launet, Francois
Unspeakable Vault (of Doom)
 (Collection of webcomics providing a humorous look at the Cthulhu mythos through the daily lives of the Great Old Ones) $19.95
Lazellari, Edward
(Cal MacDonnell and Seth Raincrest have nothing in common - except they both suffer from retrograde amnesia. It's as if they just appeared out of thin air thirteen years ago. Now their forgotten past has caught up with them) $7.99
Lin, Grace
Starry River of the Sky
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codus571 · 5 years
A Wizard and a Warrior, Part 1: A strange coincidence, or a plot hook...or maybe just character introductions
Date: May 5th, 3012 SC, Year of the Sasquatch
A horde of monsters gathered around a large, dark altar in a circle of stones, glowing with dark purple energy. Those gathered were a collection of Ogres, Satyrs and the undead as well as a few of the goblinoid races scattered in the group. On a raised dais in behind the altar, stood a black clad man, arcane and demonic symbols graced his robes. He had a drawn and pale pallor to his face, his eyes wide with madness and lips curved in an evil grin.
A young woman lay helpless on the altar, blonde hair flowing down the cold, stone slab. Her hands and feet were bound carefully; ever struggle was to no avail. Panic rose in her gut, her screams piercing the night, though this deep in the woods it would take a miracle for anyone to hear her. She whispered silent prayers to her god Sear, god of the Sun, the bane of evil.
“SILENCE!” shouted the man, the force to his voice was enough to silence the woman as well. The monsters in attendance stopped their low murmurings. They turned to look at the man with expectation.
“Tonight! Tonight, with a sacrifice of a virgin, we shall open the way for our lord, Sheogar. Tonight, he shall feast upon this young woman’s blood. Tomorrow, he shall feast upon the WORLD.”
The monsters erupted into a cheer as the man pulled a dagger from his belt. It was designed to look like a small, thin wave and would serrate and cut viciously. He prepared to plunge the blade into the woman’s chest, drain her life’s blood onto the altar and open the gateway that would lead to his dark master. She prayed, beseeching her lord Sear for salvation. And as if in answer, light flared in empty space between the monsters and the altar.
A teleportation gate appeared, filling the entire dark, fire lit area with blinding light. When the light disappeared, two men stood in its place, both with a somewhat confused look on their faces.
The monsters looked on, stunned as the two human men began to get their bearings.
“Uhh, Aeron, I thought you said we were going to the Silver Hawk restaurant.”
“I think it’s the moons’ alignment, Klydus, it threw us off course. You don’t suppose…,” the man named Aeron, dressed in a simple dark grey tunic and breeches and carrying a staff suddenly stopped, realizing they were in a hostile situation, “…weeeelllllll… shit!”
The other man, Klydus by name, noticed as well. He was armored in grey plate and chainmail, a vicious looking flail hung at his belt and a shield graced his back. He had the holy symbol of Sear, God of Sun and Light, on his breastplate. He drew his two handed flail with one hand, the heavy ball catching fire as the holy knight ignited the magic in the weapon. He caught sight of the young woman on the slab and the man who was preparing to stab her.
“Aeron!” Klydus was deadly serious.
“Yeah, I see, Klydus, we’re surrounded by monsters,” said the practical wizard, sizing up their odds, “Let’s divide and conquer, you take…”
“No, look,” interrupted Klydus as he pointed at the dias and the robed figure on it There was a pause as Aeron looked and caught sight of the woman on the slab and the obvious magic user poised over her. Aeron sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“Yeah I see a dam…” Aeron couldn’t finish before Klydus interrupted.
“A Damsel! And she is distressed!” Klydus jumped up onto the dais, stalking the magic user.
Aeron looked back to the assembly of monsters that were fast approaching him and raised his hands in frustration, “That’s…that’s great, Klydus, you deal with the lone magic user… and… save the captive. I’ll take out this horde of monsters. It’s cool, I can handle it….all by myself….with no help.”
Aeron swallowed the rest of his complaints as the first wave of monsters advanced. It was mainly the undead at this stage, the more intelligent monsters staying farther back so as to test Aeron’ strength.
He grimaced at the wave of undead and flourished his staff. Bright orange, almost yellow, fire swirled around the head of the staff and a wave of fire spread out in a cone in front of him. The undead, mainly comprised of skeletons and zombies, disintegrated upon impact with the specially crafted fire spell. He didn’t have time to relax, though, as another wave came within striking distance. In the instance a skeleton’s sword sliced down at Aeron, he winked out of sight, teleporting behind the line of monsters.
He drew in magical energy using his staff as a focus. The energy coalesced in the staff’s head and he shot it forth. A great fireball sailed into the horde and exploded in their midst. The explosion was a miniature cataclysm, engulfing many of the monsters in its blast radius. Howls of pain split the air as goblins and orcs and dark satyrs burned alive from the unnaturally hot and tenacious fire. Wanting to maintain his advantage, Aeron unleashed bolts of lightning. They arced outward, jumping from monster to monster, putting more down.
Klydus stalked toward the altar. The black clad man held the dagger over the woman. His hand trembled as he watched the approaching Holy Knight.
“Stay back! I’ll kill this woman before you can reach me. You can’t stop this ritual, our dark lord will rise.”
Klydus, in a deadly calm voice, “You fiend! You dare to distress a damsel? That, I can not forgive.”
Klydus swung his flail at the man even though they were some 3 meters away. The chain of the flail extended outward and wrapped around the black clad man’s arm. The ball of the flail hit the man’s arm with a loud smack and the man’s arm broke with a wet pop. He cried out feebly as Klydus reeled the cult leader towards him. The man fell in front of Klydus, who twirled his flail.
“Ahhh, what…what did I ever do to you two? I don’t recognize you as local heroes,” whined the black clad man in pain, “Is this revenge for something?”
Klydus growled in response, “No….this is Justice."
He smacked his flail downward on the man’s head, killing him. Klydus let the magic in his flail subside and he hooked it back on his belt and shouldered his shield. He approached the young woman and cut her bindings with a skinning knife.
“Madam, are you hurt?”
She burst into tears and crumpled against Klydus’ chest, “Th…th…thank you, kind sir, I was so frightened. It seems my prayers were answered.”
Klydus held onto her, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. He had done a good deed this day. In the background, his friend Aeron danced with magical energy fending off several ogres and satyrs who had regrouped and attacked him in mass. Everything from fire to electricity to water to ice to air, even rocks, flew around as Aeron used everything he could to stop the approach. Klydus was still holding the scared woman when the last monster fell.
“No….” Aeron breathed heavy, speaking in gasps as he approached Klydus, “It’s all good… here… Klydus….I killed the monsters….you just keep… holding the girl.”
Aeron joined the two on the dias, using his staff to lean on. He’d expended a great deal of energy in that fight.
“Aeron, today, we’ve done a wonderful thing. We have saved a distressed Damsel from certain death.”
Aeron nodded, “Yep… he...he….nevermind the...horde of monsters that a certain someone...fended off…by himself, I might add.”
Klydus didn’t hear him and clasped his friend on the shoulder, “Truly, this is a victory for justice and order.”
“Or it was an act of outright genocide and religious intolerance against monsters we perceived as evil strictly based on their racial upbringing and a biased outlook of human-centric conditioning,” said Aeron.
“What did you say, Aeron, I didn’t hear you. The damsel still needs caring for.”
Aeron just sighed, “Nope it’s nothing, just talking to myself.”
The young woman recovered quicker than the two expected and stood under her own power. She raced over and hugged Aeron as well. Aeron tensed, uncomfortable with the sudden contact..
“Thank you as well, bravely fighting off that horde of terrible monsters and giving your friend here the opportunity to save me.”
Aeron chuckled nervously and tensed, patting the once captive woman gently and awkwardly on the back, “No…no worries, don’t mention it, all in a day’s work, or…night’s…work…I guess. Speaking of which, eh…who are you?”
She smiled and turned to face both of the men, “I’m Jeanna Andermann, Priestess from the Temple of Sear in Lacona. Who are the two of you?”
Aeron made to speak first but Klydus beat him to it. Aeron remembered it was futile to get a word in edgewise when Klydus could be of assistance to or engage in conversation with a maiden or damsel in distress.
“My lady Priestess, I am Klydus, Knight Captain of the Order of the Sunblades in service to Lord Sear stationed in Mu City. I am at your command, my lady.”
He knelt deftly and kissed her hand. Despite the look of his plate mail, it was magically enchanted and weighed nothing, giving him full range of movement. Aeron shook his head at his friend’s sudden suave demeanor.
“I’m Aeron, nice to meet you,” said Aeron, waving.
She looked to Aeron confused, “Master Aeron, you seem to be a formidable sorcerer, surely, you must have some title or something?”
“Don’t let, Aeron’ humble nature fool you, my lady, he is Archmage Aeron, Mage-Knight of Lunaar.”
Her eyes widened, “A Mage-Knight of Lunaar and a Knight Captain of the Sunblades! You two are both so young. I truly am impressed and humbled. Thank you again for saving me.”
She bowed to them both. Aeron just chuckled awkwardly while Klydus beamed with an all too wide smile.
As if to rain on their good mood, what started as a subtle yet imperceptible tremor, turned into a full fledge earthquake centered around the dark altar. A swirl of dark, cold energy started to rise from cracks within the altar that Aeron, Klydus and Jeanna stood on.
“Ehhh, I thought this ritual needed the blood of a virgin?” asked Jeanne.
Aeron and Klydus exchanged a look and then glanced down at the dead Cult Sorcerer. Aeron gulped and Klydus pursed his lips
“He he he…eh, now I feel a little bad for killing him,” said Klydus with a nervous chuckle.
“Well, I did not see that coming…” added Aeron.
The trembling continued, the cold energy growing ever more powerful, turning the relatively humid spring night into a frigid one. Klydus helped Jeanna down and moved farther back from the altar, ensuring she was safe then returned to his friend’s side. Aeron had also stepped clear of the altar but was much closer than where Klydus had deposited Jeanne. Aeron’ hand and staff were both outstretched and glowing with a pale silvery light.
“Can you close the gate before whatever it is escapes?”
Aeron shook his head, “The tunnel’s already open and it’s just about here. Anything I do now would be a waste of energy.”
Klydus nodded and activated the fire around his flail with a thought. He brandished his shield and said a brief prayer to Sear. His shield started to glow a pale yellow light as did Aeron’ staff. Aeron glanced over to his friend and nodded for the blessing.
To be continued...
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argxntxus · 5 years
A Saint’s Enlightenment
Grabbing the opportunity to learn more about the fell creatures known as nightmares, and moreso to make amends with Flip, Xalroc wasted no time in getting on board. Dangerous as it were, knowing that more than likely, he would face a number of individuals who shared Flip’s colorful opinions about adult humans in general, he almost wished he could literally steel himself from perceived acid stares directed at him, and as a distinguished sit-in who walked quite a few paces behind the new recruits down the descending path leading to the oubliette, it seemed to be the case for at least a few of them. He could tell from the harmful intent emanating from such individuals that Flip was not here. Hers was an anger with the intensity to make his stomach turn.
It was quite the surprise to know, however, that most of them weren’t outright hateful of his presence, yet it was rather nerve-wracking to see many curious gazes from them directed his way. Some were quite entranced, even. In any case, anything’s better than direct loathing. Perhaps Flip’s animosity rubbed so much on him.
Still, the tension in him did not fully abate as he was filled with anticipation, and admittedly, a little bit of dread and excitement in acquiring new knowledge to deal with a new kind of threat more effectively, which would hopefully foster good relations with the new race of people he’s going to be working with, that is, if they ever let him.
He sat stiffly, almost mechanically as he processed what he saw. Truly this was another world altogether, the likes of which he had not seen. Dark and cavernous, his senses kicked into high gear out of instinct, although he fought to keep himself focused in spite of it. Now, the elderly faerie he had seen in the middle of the oubliette commanded attention. Frail and old as she was, his combatant instincts still perceived her as one who had the experience of millennia, a being beyond his league. His argent eyes were transfixed at the old female sprite, all ears to what she had to say.
A grim introduction, something he identified with as a fellow educator in practical applications. A faint snort of amusement breathed out of his nostrils, to which he hoped no one would hear, especially the elderly faerie in front. He would then keep on listening intensely as the lady sprite gave the class a brief history of how the creatures came about, as his humor faded completely. The past was what shaped him to be the warrior he is today.
His solemn face slowly but surely turned sour as his ears picked up every syllable of the elderly sprite’s croaking voice. Xalroc wouldn’t be able to confirm if the humans on his plane practiced such atrocities, but then again, he had never heard of faeries being exploited back in Gaia…
And then it hit him.
He never bothered to study about Gaia’s magical history, as the Academy, being unorthodox in their methods, never utilized the more orthodox ways of magical expression, as it was too inefficient. Faeries did spirit away the occasional human child as he read quite a long time ago, but never did he realize it may be out of revenge, only as acts of mischief more than anything else, and where small cases of missing children come up due to faerie activity, they were somewhat agreeable when their conditions were met before giving up the child in question. An overwhelming urge to get back into the Academy’s Library took over him as he kept himself up to listen.
Xalroc’s breathing slightly labored as the uproar grew, hostility growing to such an intensity that it made him nauseous. Most eyes that gazed his way scowled and muttered something in a language he didn’t understand, but had the feeling they were cursing him. Thankfully it died down eventually after Madam Silt made her point across. For someone who had been closely acquainted with the creatures, she had a good sense of justice, even indirectly defending him from her kind’s acid gaze. A wave of gratitude welled within him, but seeing as he wasn’t technically welcome, he decided to hold his peace.
The way they came about was eerily similar to Sodrak’s case: Broken hearts filled with rage, regret, and revenge. Xalroc had since made peace with what his enemy has done, despite the latter’s lost cause to evil. The being, he realized, was to be pitied for his predicament, not hated, especially when the man understood how he went down that corrupted path. Such a tragedy must not be repeated again and steps were eventually made to contain it, at least, that was how things ran back when Arciva was still standing. And that was why the authorities never again allowed for Source Users who manifested fire.
Again, he was painfully reminded how humans can be as much of monsters they can be compared to the actual thing, and it gnawed at him how naïve he was to believe back then that some humans could change when given mercy, or rescued from certain death. He could fondly recall the way he kept his integrity as he walked down a prison corridor for beating several people half to death, traumatizing them for exploiting the guardian to slay a huge Warg, claiming it to be terrorizing the town when in fact it kept the town safe from other monster attacks. He eventually learned that all the petitioners wanted was to process its hide which would allegedly fetch a commanding price in the black market.
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He bit his lip, his face relaxing a little bit as he kept his focus to learn all that he could, trying to ignore the lump on his throat after hearing Silt’s somber tale about Drift. Successfully fending off his instinct to take action at her sudden appearance was brought in part by Flip’s grudge against him, and when Silt defended her sternly, he knew he made the right choice.
Now he perfectly understood why she was so upset with him for even suggesting to kill the nightmares outright. He did not even contest Silt’s suggestion, connecting the dots to what he was sure was what Flip perceived as “keeping the balance”. Jotting down notes as much as he could, all ears to every word that came out of Silt’s mouth, Xalroc nodded in satisfaction, partly because he knew how important it was for learners to stumble in pain every once in a while, so they could grow from it, and partly because he felt he finally understood what Flip tried to tell him ages ago. His heart was weary from holding back his sorrow and guilt. He could only wish that Flip were here right at this moment so he could apologize wholeheartedly for what painful memory he’s caused her to relive, and the realization that her past wasn’t any less painful than his.
That would be ideal, but in case she never does forgive him, he could only thank the Source for allowing him to have the privilege to learn from the best, and to learn that dealing with the creatures needed a very specific form of control so he may rout them properly. A sense of determination welled from his heart, but he still needed to prove himself with his new peers given the chance, if only they would trust him to work alongside them. Unlike Sodrak, these creatures still have a chance to turn back.
Mention of nightmare swarms took him back to his first meeting with Flip, back when they were still on good terms, and Silt was absolutely right on both counts, nodding absentmindedly as he could attest from his encounter – he barely escaped alive from the swarm that chased him and yet it was deftly handled by Flip as he led it to her.
Sighing in relief when Madam Silt took her leave, Xalroc felt a renewed sense of purpose, silently vowing to protect both humans and sprites alike with the newfound knowledge he acquired, starting with setting up correctly the repellant sigil using the parchment he clutched in his hand.
At the very least, he will be sleeping soundly tonight.
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50funny · 5 years
Mage-Chapter 6: Runaway Train
Written By 50funny 
Part 1- Tickets Please
Alex, Liz and Bip sat on a small wooden bench in the busy Seaside train station, tightly squeezed elbow to elbow to fit them all.Alex impatiently tapped his foot on the ground as the group waited for the train.
“Stop that Alex. You’re shaking the whole bench,” Liz scolded.
“I’m so booooooooored. Why can’t the trains just run on time for a change?” Alex complained whinged, doubling the pace of his tapping.
“Stop complaining. It’ll get here when it gets here’s,” said Bip.
Alex turned his head to face his friends.
“I can’t believe you two aren’t more worried about this. It’s a day’s travel to capital city and we only have two days left to register for the guild test, or we’ll have to wait for next year. Plus we haven’t even decided which guild we’re gonna join,” Alex said.
“You have a point, but it’s not like shaking your leg around is gonna speed up the train,” Liz retorted.
The train tracks began to let out a high pitch hiss, getting louder and louder as the train began to approach down the tracks.
“The train arriving on, platform one, is the, capital express” a mechanical women’s voice came from over the loud speaker.
“You were saying,” taunted Alex.
The long train pulled to a screeching halt in the station. Suddenly, all the doors began to pull open revealing a well-dressed hostess behind each. The women stepped off the train and onto the station platform and began to deliver their well-practiced script.
“Good afternoon all, and welcome to the capital express, twenty of the finest train carriages ever put together. If you would please form an orderly line in front of the door and present your ticket and we will be on our way shortly,” the ladies said in unison. “And a reminder for all magic users traveling with us today. For safety and security reasons, all magical items must be kept inside your baggage at all times.”
The passengers shuffled forward on the platform and began to form lines behind the doors. Liz, Alex and Bip joined everyone in the queue.
“So Alex, mind if I ask exactly why it is you suddenly want to be a mage?” Liz asked.
“Huh, what are you talking about? I told you being a mage comes with certain perks that are very useful for someone like me,” replied Alex.
“Yeah, but what does that mean? I mean what perks does being a mage get you?” Liz questioned.
“Wait,” said Bip his eyes wide with surprise, “you mean you don’t even know all the perks about being a mage?”
“Huh well I mean… isn’t being a mage a perk in and of itself,” Liz said.
Alex looked down, unsure of how to best answer Liz’s question.
“Well mages get access to a wealth of resources and information to help them on their various missions that aren’t available to the public… And,” Alex paused.
“And?” Liz pushed.
“And well, mages often receive lenient treatment for crimes committed in the course of completing their quests. Basically mages have a license to kill, of sorts,” Alex admitted, his mood darkening. “Liz, I can’t guarantee that if you stick with us, I won’t have to do what I did to Lance again. And next time, Bip might not be there to protect you from it.”  
Liz looked down and took a deep breath as she listened to Alex’s explanation, trying to push horrors of the night before out of her mind. She clenched her fist and raised her eyes to look steadily at Alex.
“I already made up my mind Alex, I’m coming with you and that’s final,” Liz stated firmly.
A smirk began to stretch across Alex’s face.
“Glad to hear it,” he said.
“Tickets please,” the hostess said as the group reached the front of the line.
Liz and Alex reached into their pockets and pulled out a small piece of paper each, handing it to the lady. The hostess pushed her stamp down on the tickets before handing them back to the pair.
“Thank you Mr. Alex and Miss. Liz please step aboard,” the hostess said.
Alex began to step up onto the train followed shortly behind by Bip.
“Ah, excuse me sir,” the hostess said getting Alex attention. “I’m sorry but for safety and security reasons your magical item can’t come on the train with you.”
“Magical item?” Alex said confused. “You mean Bip? He’s my Seeing Eye familiar”
“Seeing eye familiar?” the hostess said in disbelief. “You’re blind?”
“Extremely,” Alex replied nodding his head.
“Well, be that as it may, he must be confined for the safety of other passengers.”
Alex looked over to Bip.
“Well you heard the lady, guess you’re going in the bag,” Alex said unapologetically.
“Wait what, that’s not fair,” Bip panicked.
Alex reached out and grabbed his friend tightly. Bip struggled against Alex’s grasp with little success. Alex began to shove his friend into his back pack.
“Come on, this is discrimination! You can’t do this Alex. Oh yuk, when did you last do your laundry!” Bip complained.
Alex zipped his bag up trapping his friend inside. The hostess gestured Liz and Alex into the train.
Part 2 - Hostile Takeover
Liz’s eyes began to flicker open, looking over a wide hilly grass land glowing in the orange early morning light. She stretched out her arms as she began to wake up from her deep slumber. She looked over to Alex who sat next to her tapping his foot quickly against the floor.
“Morning,” Liz said.
“I’m booooooored,” Alex complained.
“Good to know,” Liz said, uncaring as she rubbed her eyes, beginning to fully wakeup. “How long have we been going for?”
“‘Bout twenty hours.”
“And you haven’t gotten any sleep?”
“To bored to sleep.”
“Well ok then, how’s Bip doing?”
Alex looked over to Liz confused.
“What? Oh yeah right haven’t checked. I’m sure he’s fine,” Alex said uncaringly.
“Wow some friend you are,” Liz said shocked by Alex’s lack of concern for his friend. “Anyway we should talk about what were gonna do when we get to capital city.”
Liz and Alex continued to talk.
Two men sat at the front of the train wearing dark clothes, one sitting on either side of the aisle. The man on the right looked down at his watch. He looked over to his companion and gave him a subtle nod, which was returned to him. The men reached into their coats and pulled out two small pistols before jumping up and holding the guns over the passenger. As the passengers noticed the men’s weapons the carriage began to fill with screams.
“Everyone shut up!” the man on the right yelled in a deep commanding voice sending silence over the train.
“This train is ours now,” the other man stated. “So nobody do anything stupid!”
The two men continued holding their guns over the passengers until they had completely calmed down. The man on the left reached into his suit case and pulled out two large garbage bags. He passed one of the bags to his companion.
“Now each one of you is gonna chuck you bags into theses, and don’t try anything tricky,” the man yelled.
The two men started walking down the two isles of the train carriage taking the bags of each of the passengers row by row. Liz looked over to Alex subtly as to not draw attention to them.
“Alex, what are we gonna do?” Liz asked
“Just follow my lead ok?” Alex said continuing to look directly forward.
The man walking down the right isle reached Alex and Liz. He pointed his gun at Alex sternly.
“You, bag, now!” the Man stated.
Alex didn’t respond continuing to look directly forward. The man grew frustrated as Alex continued to ignore him.
“You deaf kid, or you just got a death wish?” the man said leaning in to Alex.
Suddenly Alex swung his bag at the man’s head at full force. The man went flying to the floor with a loud thud as the bag hit the side of his head, knocking him unconscious. The man on the other side of the carriage looked over to Alex who stood over his unconscious friend.
“What the hell?” the man yelled, raising his gun towards Alex. “Your dead!”
He pulled the trigger of his gun, and nothing happened.
The man continued to pull the trigger to no effect. Ice began to form in the barrel of the gun blocking it complexly. Liz lowered her hand as the gun became completely disabled. Alex flung his bag towards the man hitting him in the face and knocking him unconscious.
“Jeez, what’s that bag got in it? Bricks?” Liz questioned.
Alex’s bag lay beside the unconscientious thief, opened by the force of the impact.
Bip emerged from the bag, dizzily drifting over to Liz and Alex before collapsing on the floor. Liz and Alex looked back to each other.
“Well anyway, at least that’s over with,” mused Liz. “Why would two guys think they could take over an entire train?”
A loud static sound began to fill the carriage from the speakers.
“Hello passengers, this is your conductor speaking,” a voice came from the speakers. “I’m sure by now you’ve met my men. I’m truly sorry if they’ve scared you, but as long as you stay calm and do as they say you have nothing to fear from them. So just sit back relax, and enjoy the trip,”
The speaker turned off sending the carriage into a terrified silence.
“Crap this isn’t good. What are we gonna do?” asked Liz.
“Don’t worry, I think I’ve got a plan,” Alex replied.
Part 3- The Cab (Part 1)
Teka placed the small microphone down into its holder as he let out a deep laugh.
“Ha, well I think that went quite well, wouldn’t you say,” Teka cackled. As he looked over to the two men, gaged, striped to their underwear and tied together in the corner cab. Teka walked over to the men standing menacingly over them.
“I’d say I make a pretty good conductor, wouldn’t you agree. Maybe I chose the wrong career,” Teka said gesturing to the tight fitting conductor’s uniform he had stolen.
The two men whimpered in fear, struggling against their bindings.
“Ha, guess I’m a little too scary for the job.”
“Boss, over here,” a voice came from behind Teka.
Teka looked towards the control panel with two men sitting behind it.
“What is it?” demanded Teka.
“We have a situation, Cio and Hatai haven’t reported back in yet,” one of the men stated.
Teka stomped over to the control panel.
“Those idiots. Give me your radio,” Teka said.
The man handed Teka a small radio from the control panel. He held down the button on the side of the radio as he began to speak.
“Cio, Hatai, you’ve got 5 seconds to report in or I’m gonna give you the ass beating of a life time,” Teka said aggressively into the radio.
A silence came over the cab, broken only by the static of the radio. Teka chucked the radio down onto the control panel.
“Hmmm, somethings up. Those two know better than to ignore me,” Teka said stroking his chin. “Those two idiots where in the back carriage right?”
The men behind the console nodded.
“Do we have any video?” asked Teka.
“Video but no sound.”
The man pulled up security footage onto the screen. Teka hunched over the console staring into the monitor. Alex and Bip huddled together talking to each other, standing over the unconscious bodies of Cio and Hatai.
“Hmmm, looks like we’ve got some trouble makers on board,” Teka said, as he began to grit his teeth in anger. “Send out a message to all the men, I want those two bastards off my train.”
“Yes sir,” the two men said in unison.
Part 4- Carriage Crawl
A man walked down the aisle of the train carriage, holding his gun over the cowering passengers. Another man stood leaning against the wall at the front of the carriage, talking on a walkie talkie.
“Yep, got it, will do boss. Long live Lemia,” The man said before clicking the walkie talkie onto his belt.
“So, what’s the big man say?” the other man asked.
“Apparently we’re on high alert now. A teenage kid and some cat thing are making their way up the train, taking out all our guys as they go.”
“Heh, I’d like to see em try that crap on us,” the man said pointing his gun at one of the passengers. “Pop pop and they're gone. I’m telling you man, we’re the biggest bad asses on this train haha.”
The thug looked closely at the man he pointed his gun at, the man leaned forward covering his face with a coat and broad brimmed hat.
“Hm? Hey wait, wasn’t this seat empty just a second ago?” the thug asked himself as he leaned in for a better look.
Suddenly the man lunged out sending his coat and hat flying to the ground revealing Alex underneath as he punched the thug in the face.
“Surprise attack!” Alex yelled.
The thug fell to the ground with a loud thud. The other man pulled his gun out pointing it at Alex.
“What the hell, where did you come fro….!” The man’s yells where cut off as he began to spasm violently.
The man fell to the ground continuing to twitch slightly, his hair standing up and skin lightly singed. Bip uncurled his tail from around the man’s leg and floated out of his seat towards Alex.
“It’s not a surprise attack if you yell it beforehand,” Bip sighed.
“Shut up, it worked didn’t it!” Alex snapped back.
Alex and Bip walked down the carriage.
“This is gonna take forever. Why does this train have to be so long? We’re never gonna get to the front,” exclaimed Alex.
“Come on, we’ve only been at it like an hour. Still though…” said Bip pausing briefly as he looked up to the camera hanging from the roof. “I wonder what’s waiting for us when we get to the front.”
In the cab, Teka looked back into Bip’s eyes through the security footage.
“Damn it!” Teka yelled. “What am I paying these idiots for, how has no one taken these trouble makers out yet.”
“I didn’t even see them enter the carriage. Their already half way through the train,” one of the men behind the console exclaimed.
Teka clenched his fist and ground his teeth as he contemplated what to do.
“Sir, Eto wants you,” the other man behind the console said, holding out a radio to Teka.
Teka stomped over to the console and violently snatched the radio, placing it up to his mouth.
“What is it Eto? You better have some good news,” Teka scowled.
“My teams finished down here sir” Eto said.
“Good good,” Teka said before having a moment of realization “Hey Eto, I got a new job for you, get your men to carriage 15. You’re gonna be on pest control duty,” Teka laughed.
Part 5- Carriage Crawl (Part 2)
Alex and Bip stood on the connector between the carriages.
“This is exhausting, what carriage is this now?” Alex asked.
“Seriously man, why’s it my job to keep count. This is number 15. The rest of the carriages from here should just be carrying cargo, so this should be a piece of cake,” Bip said optimistically.
Bip wrapped his tail around the handle of the door, twisting it and pulling it open with a loud creak. Alex and Bip walked into the room. Immediately as Alex’s foot entered the doorway 20 men jumped out from behind the cover of the cargo, aiming a verity of weaponry at the pair. The carriage was suddenly filled with the defining sound of gun fire. Alex and Bip quickly ducted back outside leaning against the wall of the carriage.
“Crap, that was a close one!” Alex yelled over the sounds of gun fire.
“Yeah, too close. So what’s the plan now?” Bip asked.
“Guess we don’t have any choice but to wait for our chance to strike.”
“It’s gonna be dangerous, you could probably use this,” Bip said as he raised his tail up.
A small handgun dripping with a clear gooey liquid dropped from the orifice in Bip’s tail. Bip picked the gun up with his tail and reached it out to Alex.
“Here, go ahead take it,” Bip insisted.
“No way, that’s disgusting, and anyway…” Alex said as his blade began to appear in his hands. “I’m good with this.”
“Suit yourself then,” Bip said.
The gun fire inside the carriage began to die down.
“Sounds like this could be our chance,” Bip said.
“Yeah I agree, you ready for this?” Alex asked.
“Ready as I’ll ever be?” Bip replied.
“Alright then.”
Alex and Bip looked at each other, prepareing for the fight. Alex took a deep breath as Bip drew himself back ready to charge back into the carriage.
Part 6-The Cockpit (Part 3)
Teka laughed menacingly as he watched his men fire at Alex and Bip through the monitor.
“Ha, those bastards are dead now. I’d like to see them get out of this,” Teka cackeled.
“Yes sir, nothing can stop us no…” one of the men from behind the counter said looking over to Teka before being cut off.
“Yes sir,” said one of the men from behind the counter. “Nothing can stop us no…” he looked over to Teka and stopped suddenly.
Starring through the small window behind Teka he saw a girl. Surprised by her unexpected presence he raised his hand to point at the window.
“S..sir, look,” the man stuttered.
“What?” Teka said turning around.
Liz was startled as she was noticed by Teka.  She ducked down out of sight as Teka began to quickly stomp over to the window. He placed his face up to the window scanning the area with no sign of Liz.
“Who the hell was that? Was I imagining something?” Teka muttered.
Suddenly there was a loud smash behind Teka as Liz broke through the window on the other side of the cab. She jumped through the smashed window landing next to one of the men at the control panel, punching him hard in the head before he had time to react, knocking him unconscious.
“What the hell!” the other man exclaimed, pulling his gun out of its holster.
Liz raised her hand shooting out a fine white powder.  The powder swirled around and formed into a tightly packed snow ball as it shot through the air. The ball struck the man hard in the face, breaking apart on impact. The man collapsed onto the console unconscious. Teka raised his gun, pulling back the hammer as he aimed it at Liz.
“Hello there, and who might you be?” Teka asked.
Liz took a fighting stance.
“How rude. But I suppose it doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna let you get in the way of my plans,” Teka continued as he prepared to fight Liz.
To Be Continued
Thank you for reading chapter 6 of mage. if you like what you’ve seen please consider following my tumblr for a new chapter every Friday. Until next week, have a good day.
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improbabledreams900 · 6 years
Summary: The Inheritance of Eden
Below the cut. Yes, there are spoilers. All of the spoilers.
The Inheritance of Eden (133k) & In the Beginning (6k)
We pick up our story with Crowley collecting a cake from Harper in Midfarthing, which he takes to Heaven to give to Aziraphale. The guards at the gate to the individual heavens, however, don’t want to let him pass. The archangel Azrael, who is in charge of the deceased righteous human souls, arrives and tells them to let Crowley enter. Crowley is reunited with Aziraphale in Heaven again, and Crowley promises not to leave.
Aziraphale gives Crowley a tour of his bookshop but it’s very awkward, and neither of them can quite believe they’re together again. When night falls, Crowley tries to sleep and then goes downstairs and runs into Aziraphale, who can’t sleep either. They sit on the sofa and Crowley confesses that he missed Aziraphale. He holds Aziraphale’s hand and falls asleep on his shoulder.
Crowley and Aziraphale continue living together in Aziraphale’s heaven. They go to his imagined, heavenly St James’s, but having more than one person in a heaven makes all animate life there vanish, and there are no ducks at the park. All of the imagined food in Heaven is also sub-par. Aziraphale worries that Crowley will want to leave him to go back to Earth. Crowley examines the mirror that Aziraphale had used to watch him when he’d thought Aziraphale was dead.
An angel named Gedariah arrives and takes Crowley to an assembly of the archangels. They question Crowley on how he unFell. Michael and Jophiel, who is in charge of Heaven’s security, are especially sceptical of his motives. They agree to let Crowley stay in Heaven, and come and go as he pleases. Elsewhere in Heaven, Crowley’s Redemption has split popular opinion, and there are camps both for and against him. Gedariah suggests that Crowley change his name to something more angelic, but Crowley declines.
Crowley spends time on Earth fetching food and other things to bring to Aziraphale’s heaven, trying to make him feel at home. Aziraphale worries that his heaven is inadequate. Crowley doesn’t like the idea of Aziraphale being trapped in Heaven and suggests that they try to find some way to get back to Earth. They decide to break out of Heaven.
As they examine their options, Ludwig II, Alexander Hamilton, Harry Houdini, and the Roman emperor Otho stumble into Aziraphale’s heaven. They’ve been running around in the heavens even since Aziraphale unwittingly showed them how to move between the individual heavens in The End of Eternity. They agree to help Crowley and Aziraphale escape Heaven. Otho asks for a single feather of Crowley’s, which he gives him.
Crowley reads the last of the journals Aziraphale wrote him and has an epiphany—if they can get to Eden, Aziraphale can eat from the Tree of Life and become functionally immortal. They also think this would be able to give him a physical corporation. Eden, however, is on Earth, and how is an ethereal Aziraphale supposed to eat a peach from the Tree of Life? Eden is also sealed, and the swords of its original guardians are its keys.
Crowley finds a passage in one of Aziraphale’s books that suggests that he could potentially use his power to make Aziraphale physical on Earth if he had a constant connection to him; such a connection could be made by giving Aziraphale part of his soul. Aziraphale is very worried about the potential damage this could do to Crowley, but it seems like it should be safe.
Aziraphale sends Crowley to Heaven’s library for further research. There, Crowley meets Harahel, the elderly librarian, who is a sort of mentor to Aziraphale and very protective of his books. Crowley finds a mention in one of the books of a spell two angels, Ishtyr and Venus, performed before the Fall. The spell allowed them to share the same corporation temporarily, and Crowley wants to use it so he can smuggle Aziraphale out of Heaven and get him safely to Earth. Aziraphale balks at the idea, since the spell killed Ishtyr, but Crowley convinces him that they’ll be careful and make it as quick as possible.
When leaving the library one day, Crowley runs into Kazariel, who realises what their plan is and tells Crowley she wants to help. If Crowley and Aziraphale go missing, she explains, she’ll be stationed on Earth again, and won’t have to sit around in Heaven all the time being bored. Crowley asks if she can steal the sword for the Eastern Gate of Eden from Heaven’s vaults.
Everything is now ready, and they proceed with their plan. Crowley gives Aziraphale a piece of his soul, and they escape through the gate guarding the individual heavens while Ludwig and company provide a distraction. Crowley and Aziraphale sneak through Heaven and reach Raphael’s villa, where she makes corporations. They use her sigils to put Aziraphale’s ethereal self into Crowley’s corporation.
Now sharing the same body, Crowley and Aziraphale hastily make their way to the edge of Heaven. The whole way there, their souls are in very close proximity, and they intimately understand each other’s thoughts, emotions, and insecurities. This makes them even fonder of each other, and more certain that their feelings are reciprocated. They reach the edge of Heaven and jump. Aziraphale is very excited to have wings again, since his burned when he Fell, but Crowley’s corporation is beginning to fail under the weight of two occupants, and they begin to lose control. They crash-land in St James’s and run to the bookshop, where they unbind Aziraphale from Crowley’s corporation, rendering him an ethereal ghost while Crowley heals his damaged corporation.
The next day, Kazariel meets them and delivers the sword to the Eastern Gate, which she stole by bribing a guard with one of Crowley’s feathers that Samkiel had torn out when he’d tortured him at the beginning of A Memory of Eden. Crowley casts the spell that pulls Aziraphale into the physical plane, making him physical but constantly draining Crowley’s power. They head to Eden, which is in Iran. By the time they reach the gate, Crowley is very fatigued and running low on power. They use the sword to open the gate and enter Eden.
They reach the Tree of Life, but see that it is warded with a sigil. The text around the edge is written in the language of God, and though Aziraphale has a book at the bookshop that can translate it, he can’t read it now. They see that the sigil has the seals of Metatron (a seraph) and the seven archangels, meaning that it’s extremely powerful. It’s too late for them to back down now, and Crowley convinces Aziraphale that it wouldn’t make sense if the sigil killed him. He steps into the circle and the sigil attacks him, drawing away his power. He breaks off the spell keeping Aziraphale physical, grabs a peach, shifts into a snake because it requires less energy to survive, and just barely makes it out of the sigil.
The ethereal Aziraphale frets over snake!Crowley as he takes a short nap and then sets off for Eden’s gate with the peach. Crowley is exhausted and all out of power, and even after he sleeps for the night his power has still not started recharging. He uses his mobile to call Bert, Midfarthing’s barman and pub proprietor, and asks for a favor. Bert arrives in Iran and Crowley has to convince him to help him, even though he’s currently a talking snake. Bert flies back to London with Crowley in the plane’s cargo hold.
Back in Aziraphale’s bookshop, Crowley explains Heaven and Hell to Bert and how he and Aziraphale fit in. They use a minor sigil, which doesn’t require its user to possess magic, to briefly bring Aziraphale back into the physical plane just long enough for him to eat the peach. It renders him immortal, and gives him a physical body. Bert is astonished to see that Aziraphale isn’t dead, and Crowley can’t believe their crazy plan worked.
Now all they have to do is figure out how to turn Crowley back into a person, since his powers still aren’t recharging. Aziraphale and Bert do research to try to find a spell they can use, but nothing works. Crowley, meanwhile, is beginning to act increasingly more like a serpent than a person in serpent shape. Without his power to preserve his mind, Aziraphale fears he is slowly regressing into a serpent.
Bert continues to help them, despite the fact that he is supposed to be marrying Donnie, a sweet old cat lady who runs a B&B in Midfarthing. Aziraphale tells him he can go home, but Bert says it’s not just that. He tells Aziraphale about his first wife, Ann, who died young, and the unborn daughter he never got to meet. Now that he knows Heaven is real, he doesn’t know if he can marry Donnie in good faith, even though he very much wants to.
Crowley continues to regress, seeking warmth for his cold-blooded body and hissing at Bert. Crowley can’t stomach any of the human food Aziraphale tries to give him, and Aziraphale worries he might starve. He tries feeding Crowley a dead mouse, which Crowley is instinctively interested in, but he hates the idea of eating another creature and refuses. Crowley bites Bert at one point, but he doesn’t seem to be venomous and Bert is fine.
Aziraphale calls Adam to ask for his help, and Adam says that they might be able to break the spell the sigil put over Crowley if they have something more powerful than two seraphim—something like God. Aziraphale realises they need to find an artefact God imbued with his power, and he and Bert start eagerly searching for one.
Crowley is almost wholly a serpent now, increasingly losing his higher thought processes but still clinging to the knowledge that Aziraphale is very dear to him. Bert has a breakthrough in their research and Aziraphale decides to go to Hell to retrieve a fragment of the Ten Commandments from their vaults.
As he readies to leave, several demons burst into the bookshop looking for Crowley, who they see as a traitor. They attack Aziraphale and Bert, who are unprepared and unarmed. One of them, a demon with a streak of grey in his hair, is about to run Aziraphale through when Crowley darts out from under a bookshelf and bites his heel. It turns out that Crowley can be venomous when he wants to be, and the demon is discorporated. He swings his sword at Crowley first, though, and mortally wounds him. The other demons grab Bert and run off.
Crowley is losing a lot of blood, and Aziraphale panics as he tries to think of a way to save him. He wraps Crowley around his neck so he’ll stay warm and drives to the nearest veterinary clinic. Aziraphale hands Crowley over, and the last thing Crowley sees as he falls unconscious is the lily-patterned wallpaper (Death cometh amongst the lilies’ bloom, says Agnes’ prophecy).
Aziraphale returns to the bookshop, opens a portal to Hell, and goes in with the Edenic sword and the book An Historical Narrative of Our Lord Lucifer’s Fall. Many of the demons flee from him, and he makes his way to Hell’s prison to free Bert. He gives him the book, which is semi-sentient and can lead him out of Hell. Aziraphale continues to Hell’s vault and steals the fragment of the Ten Commandments. As he starts back towards Earth, he feels Crowley die via the part of his soul Crowley gave him.
Death comes to Crowley, but cannot reap him. He explains that, when Crowley gave Aziraphale a fragment of his soul, he received an equal part of Aziraphale’s in return. Since Aziraphale ate from the Tree of Life, his soul is immortal. Because Crowley has a piece of that immortal soul within him, Death cannot reap him. He tells Crowley he needs him to carry a message to Lucifer for him, stating that “Ishtyr forgives him.” Ishtyr, it turns out, was turned into Death upon his untimely demise before the Fall, and Venus was the name Lucifer previously went by. Death explains a secret to Crowley, and then sends him back to Earth.
In Hell, Aziraphale starts fighting demons left and right in the hopes that someone will kill him, because he doesn’t want to live without Crowley. He is captured. Back on Earth, Crowley escapes the veterinarians and slithers back to the bookshop, where he meets a surprised Bert and goes through the portal to Hell. He is followed a few minutes later by a group of angels, who have discovered Crowley’s whereabouts and think his unFalling is a sham.
Crowley is captured in Hell and taken to Aziraphale, who is astonished to see that he is still alive. The demons are split on their opinion of Crowley—hero or traitor—and while they’re still debating the angels burst into the cavern after Crowley. In the ensuing chaos, Aziraphale breaks free and uses the fragment of the Ten Commandments to overcome the spell preventing Crowley from using his powers. The spell he uses breaks any enchantments placed on Crowley, which happens to include one placed on him by God to hide his true nature.
Crowley explodes in light, and it is revealed that he is a seraph, one of the most powerful angels, seven times more powerful than even an archangel. He is the seventh such seraph that God made (with the other six divided evenly between Heaven and Hell). Crowley starts vaporising everything around him, and he grabs Aziraphale’s hand and leads him upwards out of Hell. On the way, he stops an archdemon and gives him Death’s message, which he instructs him to take to Lucifer. Crowley and Aziraphale finish blazing their way out of Hell and emerge in a field. Aziraphale is very confused but so happy Crowley’s alive.
As they head back to London, Crowley explains the secret Death shared with him. Venus and Ishtyr had been close friends, and after Venus had accidentally killed Ishtyr and invented mortality, God had been ready to scrap this universe and make a new one. Aziraphale came to Him and asked him to reconsider, and God devised a new Plan. Since Aziraphale would be part of this plan, God wiped his mind of the memories of the very beginning. God only had a single seraph left to create, and he decided to use that seraph to steer the future away from the darkness that had consumed it. The Plan would last six thousand years and bring much pain to the world, but it was the only way that Redemption might be achieved and the sting of death finally overcome. To this end, God created Crowley, making him a perfect companion to Aziraphale and naming him Phanuel, “hope of God,” for the hope he would bring to the Fallen. Crowley’s unFalling was the most important part of the Plan, setting wheels in motion in Heaven and Hell and raising the idea of Redemption for the Fallen. Crowley’s death as a serpent and subsequent return to Earth allowed him to take Death’s message of forgiveness to Lucifer, which was the only thing capable of thawing Lucifer’s heart.
Back on Earth, Crowley and Aziraphale try to work out a way to stay off of Heaven and Hell’s radars, since they just want to live in peace. Bert has an idea, and shows them the pit from the peach from the Tree of Life. They return to Midfarthing and plant the peach pit by Aziraphale’s gravestone in the church cemetery, directing Father Gilbert to look after it. This way, they can use the existence of the Tree as insurance in case Heaven or Hell tries coming after them. Adam’s shield is also still over the village, keeping them from prying eyes.
They take a trip to London to visit the Ritz, and while they’re at St James’s Crowley tries to confess something to Aziraphale. He is interrupted by a very low-ranking demon named Golgoth, who has tracked Crowley down and is wondering if he could share some wisdom about how to unFall. Crowley is surprised to be asked, and suggests community service, repenting for sins, and meeting people. Golgoth takes this to heart, thanks him profusely, and returns to Hell.
Beelzebub, a demonic seraph and Lucifer’s right-hand man, bursts into Hell’s throne room and demands to know why Lucifer is doing nothing while Hell falls into anarchy. Lucifer says that he’s received a message from an old friend, and no longer thinks Hell is worth it. Beelzebub is suspicious, but assures Lucifer that he follows the Morningstar. Lucifer asks him to follow his lead one last time.
In Heaven, Azrael captures Ludwig and company and gives them a tongue-lashing. The four of them have been going through the heavens telling people they’re dead and trying to reunite friends and families, and Azrael thinks this is an affront. Ludwig and company, however, believe they are doing the right thing, and many people want to be reunited with their loved ones instead of living in imagined worlds with imagined versions of them. They convince Azrael to let them test their theory. They also think they’ve found a way to solve the problem of all animate life disappearing when more than one person inhabits a heaven.
Kazariel calls Crowley and explains that he’s become a bit of a celebrity in Heaven. Since he was revealed to be a seraph, many in Heaven believe that this is a sign from God, and seek to follow him. Additionally, when Crowley blazed a trail out of Hell with Aziraphale, he accidentally destroyed the gates to the individual hells, and damned human souls have started escaping. The demons, against all odds, have listened to the advice Crowley gave Golgoth, and are trying to help them in an effort to unFall themselves. Some angels are even in Hell helping them out.
Later, Crowley and Aziraphale are enjoying a much-deserved break in their front garden. Aziraphale goes inside and briefly touches the Edenic sword, which, to his astonishment, starts to light on fire. Aziraphale realises that he has his powers back. He returns to Crowley to tell him, and they work out that he’s actually tapping into Crowley’s powers through the soul bond. Aziraphale is flustered, but Crowley doesn’t mind in the slightest, and he automatically leans over to give Aziraphale a kiss on the cheek. Crowley panics and hastily tries to flee, but Aziraphale assures him that the feeling is mutual. They kiss.
Crowley and Aziraphale are now awkwardly cohabiting, and they wind up sharing a bed for the night, though they’re both too shy to get too close. By the morning, Crowley has shifted closer and snuggled up to Aziraphale. They are both giddy with relief and happiness, and very awkwardly but enthusiastically settle into their relationship. Crowley uses his newfound power to bring all of Aziraphale’s books from his imagined, heavenly bookshop to Midfarthing (these being the books he lost during the Apocalypse).
In Hell, Golgoth helps free the human souls. When the archdemon Asmodeus arrives on the scene ready to split some skulls, Golgoth throws himself over a human soul to protect her. Asmodeus prepares to smite him, but several other archdemons arrive just in time and convince Asmodeus to stay her hand; these days, all of the demons just want to go home. As Golgoth stands, he realises that he’s begun to unFall, and he has a single white feather on each wing.
Otho returns to his heaven, leaving Ludwig, Alexander, and Harry to continue their work with Azrael. He pins the feather he took from Crowley to his toga, as a memento.
Crowley finally finishes reading Aziraphale’s journals and finds his confession of love. Later, he takes Aziraphale into the back garden and shows him that he can manifest Crowley’s wings using the soul bond—and since Crowley, as a seraph, now has three pairs, he has plenty to go around. Aziraphale is thrilled.
Bert and Donnie finally get married, and after the service Father Gilbert thanks Crowley and gives him a potted plant. Father Gilbert and Adam chat briefly about the Plan. Crowley and Aziraphale slow dance at the reception, still awkward with each other but confident that they’ve reached an Understanding. As they dance, they realise that the soul bond also resulted in each of them getting a fleck of the other’s eye colour. Aziraphale briefly gavottes, and then Crowley and Aziraphale drive off into the sunset to the tune of “Crazy Little Thing Called Love.”
Link back to masterpost.
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bffhreprise · 6 years
Entry 256
 “Would you two mind joining me for dinner at my home?” inquired our son.
 “Isn’t this a bit short notice, son?  Your mother surely has something planned already.” suggested my husband.
 I hadn’t gotten around to talking with him about dinner before… things happened.  “Well, dear, I was actually going to talk you into eating out after we finished shopping.”
 “Perfect.  Mind taking your car?” asked James.
 Before either of us could respond, Mila’s voice came from his pocket.  “No need, master.  The restorations to your vehicle are complete.  I already have the new model parked outside.”
 “Oh.  Excellent.”
 “What happened to your vehicle, son?” questioned my husband.  He seemed a bit startled, probably because he had really loved that car.
 “When we confronted the man who was making the aforementioned zombies, he destroyed my limo and car.” explained James nonchalantly.
 Imagining my son in danger, I asked “What?  Why would you confront such a man?”
 My husband quickly agreed.  “That sounds extremely dangerous.”
 “No more dangerous than being shot.” replied James as if that shock had been nothing much.
 “Speak for yourself.  I nearly died where a bullet wouldn’t have fazed me.” argued Lady Pendreigh, smiling slightly.
 James sighed, obviously not wanting to take the bait.
 “Wh-what?” I asked, disturbed by how casually these two talked about death.
 My husband stared at Lady Pendreigh as he inquired “What happened?”
 “Same thing that happened to your son’s car.  The man was able to produce some form of light absorbing spell that devoured everything it touched, except James.  Your son’s virtually invulnerable to magic when he has enough energy.” she explained, sounding proud.
 “Son, is this true?”
 I had moved to embrace my husband’s arm as he spoke.  This was all too much for one day.
 “Yes, and he’s still out there.  I was too worried over Alma to stop him.” replied James.
 My husband tensed even more.  “Stop him?  You wanted to pursue him?”.
 “How do you think you’d feel if someone harmed Mother in front of you?” retorted our son, staring him down.  “I felt rage like I hadn’t known before and almost gave into it, but Alma was calling for me.  I could see the ragged beating of her heart, Father, exposed in front of me.”
 We sat in silence as I continued embracing my husband, feeling his tension gradually ease.  I knew he was thinking things over.
 Eventually, he cleared his throat, looked to Lady Pendreigh, and asked “How did you survive?”
 “A vampire arrived to save me.  She used another type of rare magic to heal my wounds.” she replied.
 “I… see.” he stated, not sounding sure what to believe anymore.
 I certainly didn’t know.  Superheroes, vampires, and the like…  How had we never known?
 “Shall we be off?” questioned James with a smile.
 “James, dear, I know you have a chef, but I don’t want to impose on him with such short notice.” I replied, uncertain whether or not we really should be taking up his offer just yet.
 “Marco has already been informed of you joining us.  If you don’t come, he’ll have prepared too much.” insisted Mila from James’ pocket.
 “Oh-oh.” I replied, not seeing a good way to excuse us.
 “Since her return, Mila has taken over a great deal of scheduling from what I’ve been told,” stated James.  “She has a great knack for handling situations before they evolve.”
 “Returned?  Where did she go, son?” questioned my husband.
 “Her primary systems were in the car when it was destroyed.  The new model’s safely in my home.” explained James.  “Come on.  Let’s be off.”  He strode outside, confident that we’d follow, but there was no car waiting for us.
 My husband and I looked around, feeling anxious, but there really was nothing.  I jumped when the car materialized in front of us.  Was this magic too?
 “I see this is every bit as much of a Bond car as before.” suggested my husband, smiling and not seeming nearly as surprised as he should have been.
 “I can give you a rundown of many features if you would like.” offered Mila, her voice now coming from the car.
 “Later, please.” commanded James.  “Alma, would you mind squeezing in the back with Portentia and me?”
 “I am actually off the clock now.  I was planning on going out on patrol.” replied Portentia from the doorway.  Barely any of her red suit was visible.
 James nodded.  “You know I wouldn’t try to stop you.  I’ll see you later then.”
 “Be sure to lock the door.” ordered my husband.
 “No need, Mr. Somerset.  My integration into your home’s security system allows me full access to the locks.  Your home is always protected.” insisted Mila.
 My husband’s smile vanished as he nodded.
 Lady Pendreigh stepped around my husband to get up to the driver’s door as she said, “I don’t mind allowing your parents the front.  They’ll be more comfortable.”
 I frowned, looking at my tall son. “Are you sure, dear?  You have such long legs.”
 “I’ll be fine.” he stated.  “Just don’t smash me with the seat.”
 Once we were inside, James said, “Let Mila do the driving, and she can update you on what exactly I had placed in your home.”
 My husband seemed more relaxed than I felt.  I half-expected things to pop out at us with how this day has gone, but nothing did.  The vehicle went into gear and started pulling out of our driveway without anyone touching a thing.
 “Lady Pendreigh, would you mind signing a few things, so I can start my briefing?” questioned Mila.
 There was a light coming from the back of the seat, so I guessed she had a screen there.  She certainly reached forward and did something.
 When Lady Pendreigh was finished, Mila explained to us that our insulation had been replaced with a type of insulating armor which could stop some very large-looking bullets.  Then there were weapons hidden throughout our home, which she controlled.  Tons of sensors had been installed as well.
 “So much for privacy in one’s own home.” stated my husband, sounding exasperated.
 “Privacy versus security is always a debate, but I can assure you that Mila is trustworthy.  Though Aaliyah may review anomalies that arise, she has no need to actively look into your home through the system.” insisted James from behind me.
 “The master is correct, sir.  Mother has never invaded your privacy through the security system, and no one outside of your immediate family has access.” confirmed Mila.
 “Mother?” I questioned, uncertain why she’d be using that term.
 “Mila’s taken to referring to Aaliyah as her mother.  Recovery seems to have been an intimate process for them.” explained James.
 “Oh.” I stated, not able to picture it with Aaliyah being so tiny and adorable.
 Motioning to the windshield, which was acting as our computer screen, my husband said, “I still don’t understand how all of this was installed without us knowing.”
 Mila explained “That information is classified.  I can formally forward your inquiry to Mother if you would like, but I doubt she will declassify the material.”
 My husband turned to look back at our son.  “This technology is extremely useful, son.  Is this how you pull off studying with your schedule?”
 “Oh, yes.  I don’t utilize it as well as I might, but I do get things accomplished.” replied James.
 “Your son’s being modest.” insisted Lady Pendreigh.  “He learned Mandarin in under a week.”
 “Actually, I learned seven dialects of Chinese” he admitted.
 “Really?  That’s very impressive, James.” she told him with a smile, sounding a touch surprised.
 “That’s incredible, son.  I never knew you had such a gift with languages.  That must come in handy with my old business.” suggested my husband.  “How is the company doing?”
 “Well, the vampires are still in my employ, but the werewolf was fired.” teased James.
 Not amused, my husband told him “Son, I’m being serious.”
 “As am I.  The vampires you had employed were very nice people, but the werewolf was a killer.  I wasn’t entirely open with the reason behind my purchase, father.  Your hotel was a known favorite of numerous patrons you would deem to be supernatural, including the necromancer I mentioned earlier.” explained James without a hint of mirth.
 “I truly am sorry for pressuring you into selling, Mr. Somerset, but I needed greater access to the hotel to pursue the man.” interjected Lady Pendreigh.
 “But why would you look for such things, knowing they’re dangerous?” demanded my husband.
 She glanced at James, nodded, and said, “My family acts as a sort of governing body over many creatures.  We’re part of every major government and eliminate dangerous creatures before they get too out of hand.”
 “What?  You kill them?”
 “Yes.  Disposing with false modesty, I am one of the most gifted magic users alive and far more skilled than most.  My failing with the necromancer was due to me underestimating him, nothing more.  The explosion you surely saw on the news wasn’t a terrorist cell but a clean way to cover up the mess that man made.” she explained as if relaying facts of life.
 “So many people… why?” I questioned, remembering how terrible that mess had seemed on the news.
 “I didn’t kill any humans.  He had already turned every last person in the vicinity into a zombie.” she stated.
 James quickly said, “We did look around.  I promise.”.
 “But how could you be certain?  There might have been children hiding…” argued my husband.
 With a nod, Lady Pendreigh told him “Magic.  I can tell you the precise temperature of anything you point out around us as well as things you cannot even see.  I’ve proven capable of creating temperatures you would find on the sun.  Of course, I have to be prepared to contain a nuclear blast at that point.”
 The idea was startling.  I remembered seeing the view of the scene from the news helicopter… so much fire…  I took a breath, not sure how to feel about all of this.
 James then told us “More recently, she created an abundance of snow in my yard, which she used to make a snow village around a small ice palace.  The snowball fight was pretty great, though I didn’t win.”
 “Alma did then?” I asked, remembering their speed.  
 “No.  I can’t actually claim to be the strongest person your son knows.” she stated.
 James looked a touch nervous as he said, “Ummm… yes.  Well, let’s say that someone far more swift than us easily hit everyone with a snowball as we did our best to remain perfectly still.  She gets… skittish.”
 My husband sighed and shook his head.  “Son, do you realize how that sounds?  Lady… er... Alma just told us that she can create nuclear explosions, and now you want me to believe there’s someone worse?” questioned my husband.
 “Huh?  No.  I wouldn’t call either of them bad, father.  Yes, they could be dangerous if provoked to it, but that’s different.  They’re just… powerful.” argued James defensively.  “I hope you can at least see why broaching this subject was difficult for me.  Things are far stranger than I ever would’ve guessed before exposure to them.”
 I frowned.  Though my husband nodded, I could tell he wasn’t taking things very well.  Neither was I, in all honesty, but I was trying.  There was so much strangeness to all this.  Too many new facts about the world were piling on us.  What was reality when myths walked the streets?
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crystalelemental · 6 years
FE Fates Replay - Part 5
I was having such a good time.  And then...
Chapter 9 starts out with Corrin returning successful from her mission to suppress the Ice Tribe’s rebellion.  Even Garon is impressed, and makes some hesitant comments about being proud of her.  Honestly, this is the Garon I want.  The one that’s slightly unhinged, but generally does care about the well-being of his children.  You know.  The one with any level of complexity at all.  For a moment all is well, until Iago decides to be the way that he is and announces that Corrin didn’t do it alone as commanded.  Xander’s response here is kinda funny.  “That’s really shitty, Iago, even for your slimy ass.”  Or something to that effect.  Anyway, Garon’s slightly miffed, but let’s it go because damn, she did a real good job on suppressing the rebellion without taking lives.  Again, the Garon with some level of complexity.  Instead of just murder man, he commends her specifically for not taking life in the suppression, which would be cool if that mentality of “not taking life in the conflict is a good thing.”  Shame about the way this game handles villains.
You’re immediately given another assignment: go to...uh...shit.  I can’t remember how to spell the place.  Basically, he wants you to go capture a territory.  Chapter 9 involves going through a fortress that’s the remains of a dragon, which is held by the Hoshidans.  This is a fairly fun chapter.  Not too difficult.  Mostly Effie and Silas carry the day.  You also recruit Azura and Nyx, making this the best recruitment chapter so far!  I really like both of them.  It’s a shame that Nyx is at level 9 when you get her.  Her stats are, uh...pretty terrible.  Okay, really terrible.  Skill, Luck, and Defense are all abysmal, with Magic and Speed being her only worthwhile stats.  They wouldn’t be as bad if she showed up a few levels lower, but at level 9, a lot of her stat spread is unsalvageable without stat boosting items.  Which means if you’re gonna use her, you have to invest.  And I absolutely intend to use her.
The map is your standard Seize map, after clearing everyone out, so not much to report on in terms of combat.  After the fight, Azura explains that she’s stuck here because the Hoshidans, wary after Corrin’s decision, turned on her too and had her locked up here.  So I guess that proves I made the right call.  So much for family, am I right?  Fuck Hoshido.  Azura instantly joins up with you, since she’s got nowhere else to go.  As for Nyx, just to give a bit of info on her, she’s apparently a really old magic user who, for reasons unknown, is in the body of a child.  Honestly, if it weren’t for her outfit, she’d be perfect.  She’s sassy and fun, and admittedly I like her hair.
Chapter 10 has the group arrive in some port town looking for passage to this territory they’re to take.  At first, it’s assumed this port will be safe, but unfortunately for them, it’s now crawling with Hoshidans.  Fortunately for me, Takumi is leading the charge, meaning it’s finally time to kick his ass.  He goes on about Corrin being a traitor and all that, but what’s interesting is he mentions that some Hoshidans took Azura away, and that Ryoma was worried about her.  He wasn’t, obviously, but what’s neat to me is that the eneimes from last chapter were apparently in active defiance of Ryoma, who is essentially their king now that the old queen is dead.  At the very least, the Hoshidans are very disorganized.  So that’s funny.  Good job, idiots.
Honestly?  This is my favorite chapter so far.  I mentioned last time, I think, but while the developers of this game were insistent that Awakening’s weak point was its story (don’t ask how one can be so out of touch, I don’t know either), its actual weak point is mostly its maps.  It’s been a while since I’ve fully played Awakening, but I remember about 90% of it being “route the enemy,” with very little else aside from standard Seize and Defeat the Boss.  There aren’t too many weird conditions or gimmicks.  Fates, at least on the Conquest route, has given some more interesting stuff.  This one in particular is really fun.  You’re defending the territory, so you have four squares at the far north of the map, where your units start, that the enemy can’t reach.  If they do, you lose.  To help out, you get a bunch of ranged weapons near your position to help weaken, but not KO, foes.  There are also a lot of homes around the area that you can access to get some items.  Naturally, as with any defending map, there are tons of reinforcements.  What really makes the map interesting to me is that, so far, we’ve been using a lot of Dragon Veins.  Allegedly.  I don’t use them that often.  They’re not always as helpful as they think.  But in this map, Takumi activates one, and dries up all the water, allowing the enemies to traverse around the paths you’ve been defending.  It’s incredibly frustrating, but a neat surprise that the map pulls to make your attempts at defense even harder.  I know for me, I had spread out my units by this point.  We’d managed to put a dent in their forces and were alerting the houses and trying to push south.  But as soon as that happened, a bunch of reinforcements came in.  The only one who could continue to move forward was Dragon Corrin.  Everyone else had to start back-tracking to defend.
Chapter 10 also introduces three new units to our party.  In order of least to greatest importance, we first have Beruka, one of Camilla’s retainers.  She’s quiet and doesn’t talk much, but honestly was pretty funny in her debut.  Selena, or Severa for those of us who played Awakening, is the same as she ever was, so you kind of expect her to tease Corrin about being heartless for not remembering them, but Beruka joining in was pretty good.  Speaking of, Selena’s the other character who joins, and just like as Severa, she’s a lot of fun.  She’s a bit more mellow here, if only slightly.  A little more in tune with herself, perhaps?  Then we have Camilla.  She arrives, and is surprisingly intense about murdering dudes.  Almost a bit Faye-like, only instead of the love of Alm, it’s for the love of her sister.  It’s a bit disconcerting, frankly.  I go back and forth on really liking Camilla and really disliking her.  They just go a bit too heavy on some of her more intense traits, you know?
The map is pretty tough, but Corrin and Azura wound up kicking Takumi’s ass no sweat.  In fact, I first had Corrin do it, and then with save states thanks to Casual, went back and had Azura finish him instead.  Both of their dialogue reveals about what you’d expect.  Takumi’s just a butthurt baby.  After you win, he whines about Corrin’s betrayal again, and then gets a migraine or something and fucks off.  This is one of those “Camilla is great” moments, because as Takumi is throwing insults as Corrin, Camilla just goes “What a rude boy.  Perhaps I should beat some manners into him...”  Corrin stops her and says no violence, but we really should’ve allowed it.  Takumi mentions the Rainbow Sage, which is apparently our objective that I don’t think anyone has mentioned until now.  He says Ryoma got the blessing so it’s all over for you fuckers now.  Camilla lets us know that it’s fine, Xander also got the blessing ages ago, so the Hoshidans are really just one step behind.  Though depending on time frame of Xander getting this blessing, this would mean that Ryoma could potentially be considered stronger, based on them being “even” in Chapter 6.  Though in fairness, my run involved Xander immediately getting a crit and taking Ryoma out in one shot.  So that was fucking hilarious.
Chapter 11, we finally arrive in this territory.  We meet a nice lady who tells us about the dangers of the mountain the sage lives on, and that he’s been taken captive by the Hoshidans.  Corrin naturally hurries to his rescue, and the fight is on!  This time, it’s against Hinoka.  The map itself is alright?  It kinda forces you to take two separate paths and gets a little cluttered, but not too bad.  Azama is, without question the worst part of this map.  Staves don’t count as a weapon, so his special ability means you continuously take counter damage equal to what you deal to him, and he has some bullshit Hexlock Staff that cuts the HP of anyone hit by it to half for the remainder of the map.  It’s such garbage.  Thankfully, Jakob is very fast, so haha, idiot.  I did get special dialogue with Hinoka, though.  Camilla is just...so incredibly petty here.  “She’s my sister now, you lose, bitch.”  The amount of pettiness on display is unreal.  Corrin, by comparison, actually has a pretty touching conversation.  Hinoka seems to understand Corrin’s resolve, and doesn’t really pressure her the way the others did.  She’s not happy with Corrin’s decision at all, but ultimately accepts Corrin’s decision and lives with it.  This automatically makes Hinoka the best Hoshidan sibling in my book.  I don’t regret siding against the others, but I do regret siding against her.
After the battle, Hinoka recognizes they need to retreat, and makes a comment about gathering their dead later.  She is then informed that there are no dead, only wounded.  Corrin gave the command to not kill anyone in this fight, and announces that she wants to end the war peacefully, without bloodshed if possible.  Hinoka is taken aback, but flees quickly after.  Kaze, however, remains behind to speak with Corrin.  He’s impressed by her devotion to peace, and pledges loyalty to her.  Another new ally!  And a ninja at that!
We meet the Rainbow Sage, who activates something with Yato.  He tells us to seek out the Nohrians who will activate the blade’s true power and awaken it as Grim Yato, the ultimate blade of darkness or whatever!  Given that we already have two Nohrian siblings, I wonder who the two we need could be.  Honestly, I’ve been holding on to this complaint, but now’s a good time: it’s bullshit that the female siblings don’t get unique weapons.  Xander and Leo get unique, powerful weapons, as do Ryoma and Takumi.  But the sisters?  They have to make do with generic weapons.  That’s such utter horseshit, and frankly, kinda sexist.
Immediately after this, Iago shows up and again, decides to be the way he is.  Garon gave a command to kill the sage.  Corrin outright refuses, stating the obvious: Ryoma already got the power, we’re not preventing anyone important from getting it because everyone already has said blessing, you’re doing this for nothing.  The Rainbow Sage thanks Corrin for wanting to spare his life, but proclaims it was time for him to die anyway and just dies out on the spot.  So I guess Mission Successful?  Weird.
I was gonna cut here, as the natural end to a particular thread of the game, but I’m kinda having fun, so let’s keep going.  Chapter 12!  Elise takes ill from a weird virus thing in that territory, and we need to find help!  Garon gives another command, specifically, to go to this one place for rest and relaxation.  Oddly kind.  It also turns out this place is the medical hub of the world, so suspiciously fortuitous.  They group hurries there and fucking surprise, there are Hoshidans everywhere.  Led by Ryoma.  Amazing.  Corrin begs him to let her pass, telling him about Elise’s condition.  He offers the trade: Corrin comes with him, and they’ll let her pass without a fight.  Corrin, of course, refuses.  As she should.  Listen, I get that it’s war, but by now they know what Corrin’s about.  She’s aimed to prevent the death of their soldiers in every battle.  They know she’s shown mercy where protecting life is concerned.  So what does Ryoma do?  Insist on fighting, potentially allowing Elise to die.  Bastard.
Thankfully we get reinforcements in the nick of time, in the form of-oh fuck me.  Laslow, listen.  You’re cool.  I’m glad you’re here.  I liked Inigo too.  But Peri.  Motherfucking Peri.  She is the worst character in the entire series for me.  There’s no question.  Not even a close second.  Even Tharja doesn’t come close, because some of Tharja’s supports were at least endearing in some way.  Peri is just a little sociopath who can’t shut the fuck up about murder.  Xander, where the fuck did you find her, and why is she not in jail?  I honestly feel it’s hypocritical to complain about Hans when you hired Peri on purpose, you asshat.  Honestly, for your belief in doing right by people and wanting to protect others, I cannot believe you thought putting Peri in charge of anything was a good call.  This is actively a blemish on your record.
Fuck, I can’t do this now.  I can’t deal with Peri.  We were having such a good day, then this little freak-ass gremlin shows up and prattles on about stabface of whatever the fuck, and now I’m just angry.  I’ll deal with her later.
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c-atm · 5 years
Dance in the pale moonlight chapter 2
Connie followed behind Steven closely, as he lead them through the crowd. His eyes focused forward, determined to get away from that area. She didn’t know why, but it was something about the corpse that caused his demeanor to change. It was a horrid sight, though it wasn’t the worst they saw admittedly. One thing that she sure he picked up on was the magic that seemed to reside on it. Human and non-human both vastly different and yet similar. 
‘ It had a sense of familiarity to it, that magic. ’ This was the thought that was pegging Steven as they headed to the train station. He didn’t know a lot of people personally, human or not but what was left behind caused him a bit of concern. He felt that presence before..he just couldn't recall where.  Still that wasn’t the thing that really got him.
That's the thing about magic;it could be so telling. From impersonal things, like rather the caster was a demon, a human, or a contractor. To the personal; things like identification, intention and emotion. all depends on who sensing  it and when. While Connie can tell what the caster was, if they were still close by and how strong the magic used was...She's still not at a level to sense something personal.
An empathetic demon like Steven though, different story. He got something that drove him to be on guard. The demon wasn't killed due to obligation, money, (which reminded him they need to cash in on some hunts) or even sport. This demons death was a gift, an offering...An attempt to earn affection.
The lingering emotions of lust and adoration leftover made that clear to him.That combined with the unknown yet familiar presence his mind screamed to protect his lady. Paranoid maybe, but he wasn’t taking no chance on the possibility that the ‘offering’ could have been for one of them. 
“Steven. Slow down.” 
Almost instantly Steven paused and looked back at his contractor, whose concerned glance caused him to look away.
“We should hurry, my lady. You said it yourself, we should leave this to the witches”
“That doesn't explain your pace.”
Steven didn’t answer, but held her hand a little tighter. He breathed deeply before giving her a smile. 
“I’m just trying to get home, beside it’s twilight.  I really don’t want to be around when night falls. Not tonight.”  
Connie growled at his false smile, that wasn’t the smile of her demon. She sighed .at the same time her stomach grumbled. She blushed in embarrassment but gave her friend a  pleading look.Steven growled gently as he heard his own stomach. 
“Let’s get something to eat, my treat.Maybe it’ll ease your deposition of yours a bit.”
Steven sighed, he couldn’t deny his lady..and maybe she was right. A little food could help him relax.“ Lead the way my lady”
Connie smiled..His smirk was the one she became accustomed to. With a point towards the east she spoke.
“Let’s go.. There’s a nice little restaurant that serves some real food  a few blocks away.”
Steven nodded as Connie lead the way. He stayed back as he took a few more sniffs..trying to sense anyone near them. 
“Steven, let’s go or no food.”
Steven's eyes widen before chasing after her. The smirk on her face was betrayed by the worry in her eyes.He’d resolved himself to relieve them of it.
Upon a roof overlooking the city a teen stood, his hands behind his back in a closed fist. In his mind a memory of a few months ago played.
* 6 months ago*
They could only look on as the demon attacked their home. Its show of rampage and destruction. How it laugh and revel in scaring and harming humans. The weapons of their family guards only doing so much to slow it down. It giant wings swatting them away like flies. Some injured other dead on impact. They whimpered as they tried to hide from the beast inside of a closet..hearing it rip apart their parents with glee.The taunting his bloodline being descended from magic users, yet being so weak. The anger at his hopelessness. He closed his eyes as he heard footsteps getting closer . Suddenly he found himself tossed to to a pillar in his family manor, coughing as he slid down to the floor. He looked at the beady red eyes, bull like snout bat like wings, and humanoid body. He gave in ready to die. The demon pounced  toward him.
 And was  knocked away from it prey by a ball of flame engulfing it and knocking it to the wall. He heard the voice of a girl his age giving a command to attack the.monster. He didn’t see what followed her command.
He was too immersed in the beauty in front of him . Her pose, her strength, her magic...Her, brown skin, raven hair, black eyes full of determination..In his eyes she was everything he wasn’t and everything he wanted. After watching her shoot one more flame as her and her male compatriot end the demon..picking up a gem that was left behind, with a smirk. The girl walked up to him with a sad smile giving him an apology for everything..for not being there in time, before disappearing into the shadows with her male cohort..taking his heart with her.
"Master, I have returned." a cheerful voice said behind the teen. His hazel eyes still forward looking at the sights below.
"Still looking at your witch, I see.."
"Yes, what of it Azurite." 
The little demon of cobalt and ocean blue smirked at their master annoyed tone as they landed on bended knee from their flight. their butterfly like wings dissipating into bubbles, before  walking up to them.
"They saw the body..your offering."
"Do you think she'll be impressed? That I was able to kill such a demon." 
His hopeful and manic voice nearly made the demon laugh.
"Yes,  yes, a show of strength is always impressive to the tomboy types, though..Her demon may prove to be an obstacle.”  
Her master arched an eyebrow and scoffed. “Doubtful, I was able to beat what he couldn't, besides he just a familiar...Below her station, no more than a conduit, a path to power. Same as us."
Azurite balled her fist but kept her grin. Her master was a cocky one, but that is what made him entertaining. 
"Well, my master not everyone relationship is like ours. Some actually try to be more than business partners. They believe it makes them stronger."
"Your point?"
"He is quite taken with his lady from what I observed. The words and gestures all come from earnest feelings, master." She glanced at her contractor with seriousness.
"He's not afraid to kill any threat to his lady, if it means protecting her...Regardless of who or what they might be." 
Her master grimaced at the thought, before smirking."Be that as it may, I will not be scared off by anyone in my pursuit. After all I don't plan on fighting him directly..I plan on making her mines,on her own volition rather she knows it or not. Speaking off how long will it take for your spell."
Azurite smirked as she bowed "Soon master soon, just a few more demons and I will have enough to grant your desires.You will have her heart.."
"Excellent," He master laughed as he looked up in the sky a joyful look on his face. 
She grinned sinisterly as she watched his smile. 
 'Yes, you'll get her to be yours..If only temporary.  It will be the last thing you receive from me, weak brat.'
Azurite chuckled as her own plans for both her master and the city ran through her head.
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nieloxychen · 5 years
time to ramble abt a weird and super real feeling dream i had that ill now try to make a story and multiple ocs out of
important: takes part across several worlds with one single connecting character. most of the ocs exist in the last, most recent world (that main oc tries his fucking best to stay in bc its actually not a complete dumpster fire)
main oc is tito (he/him, they/them, it/its on occasion)
world 0 - 
doesnt remember much
his origin
died in a car(?) crash somewhere in a desert next to a broken down rv
world 1 -
 wakes up semi corporeal somewhere in a desert next to a broken down rv
something bad (not defined yet) happened and a young woman is hiding in the rv from the sth bad that happened
shes looking fr her sister
tito cant help but help her out and they look for her together since 2 is better than 1
she has been looknig for help for a while
no one has been willing to since she thinks her sister is in the middle of the bad thing
(also the big city. lots of gross stuff everywhere, lots of ppl trying to murder)
no one wants to go there
they go together and nearly die a lot
both get infected w a strange illness
shes geting better, hes slowly dying
they find the sister (why she was there idk yet) and tito basicly sacrifices themself so the sisters can escape the bad thing
badly wounded he crawls away into an alley and breaks down next to some trash cans
(just remembered that somewhere in this world there was like a hill made of grey bodies all weaved together and like tunnels in there and the arms were moving and shit what)
colour here were mostly grey and brown
world 2 -
wakes up in an alley next to some trash
hears music, its a festival!! 
he goes to check it out, its a sports thing w like speed and stuff! 
seems like a nice place right? wrong. 
that sport is forced, loser gets sacrificed to big weird monster thing
 kind of a hunger games situation happens, he offers himself up so a parent isnt seperated from a child (just cant not help, its a bad decision and they get that but they just *clenches fist* hero comlpex a bit)
obviously looses, he doesnt fucking know the sport, what did he expect? 
BUT the infection from world 1 did sth to him? (superpowers kinda, has no clue what anything is or does) 
hes still affected by it somehow and is able to escape the ppl leading him to the monster thing to eat
finds out they picked a rando instead and feels bad
tries to save the rando
figures out monster thing is basicly a big fungus that uses ppl to carry spores 
-> the infection he carries infects a spore carries and they die immediatly
quick plan: infect fungus w a disease it is completly unkonw to
doesnt work, spore carriers actually are connected to fungus, its building anti-bodies
he dies in the sewers trying to escape the ppl feeding the fungus.
world 3 - 
wakes up in the sewers
THERS WERE-PPL!! dont change into any specific animal, but tend to have a favourite
theyre kinda nice, help them out, give them food 
they accidentally get infected through shenanigans (it was very non-specific in the dream yo)
tries to figure out both infection based power systems here, quicker to get the were-thing since ppl aroung them actually know what that is. everything else is just weird to everyone
also - possibility of first infection evolving through each world change? didnt notice powers in world 1, only some in world 2, more here?
BUT also very little time to try and figure shit out till now
very chill for a while, hopes they can settle down and maybe not die maybe
SURPRISE children are getting kidnapped!!
by who?? to where? why??? no fucking clue!!
so tito goes to help bc thats just what theydo by now fuck
gets captured, basicly forced to do what kidnappers want w threat of children getting killed (im just gonna say they were able to do them damage for a while before the kidnappers figured out who he is/ a weakness. there was no reason anywhere)
they find a hole in the command chain, go out in a blaze of glory, all the kidnappers are gone (as far as they know)
theyre also very dead and bleed out in the middle of a field
world 4 - 
flying vampires, flesh-goo ppl (idk, the pic i remember was a lady changing into a black-greyish flesh-goo to climb up 90° walls in a seond), theres slenderman maybe????? all kinda sorta want to kill tito for the reason of...
well there has to be a reason he keeps waking up in different worlds right?
but hes not super good at thinking and they dont stop to explain it so??
arent just trying to kill him though, theres also some old man theyre going after
helps the old man, is the grandchild (adopted) of some immortal lady
she is very thankful and gives him the gift of 3 very specific magic powers of his choosing (theyre like marbles and he has to pick 3)
1. Open any door anywhere (doesnt need to be connected) and just wish to go to a place (the more specific the better)
2. Change anything he wants to into a small marble though sheer will power. has to concentrate to keep the shape
3. basicly featherfall but more controlled. actually, more like steven universe floating powers
by now the first infection is basicly a magic system of its own but its all very instinct based. poor tito has no fucning clue
the colour here were very bright, lots of flowers and sunshine and stuff
and just a fucking slenderman flying behing dream-me, blasting through houses and trees and shit?
dies after being chased by flying slender-vampire and goo lady (wasnt fighting back bc they were proctecting sth? idk what though) in like an abandoned farmhouse
world 5 -
wakes up in farmhouse, theres a person!
ocs here we go
person is helke. shes nice but kind of scary sometimes. its mostly a joke for her though
she helps him get used to the world
his powers are by now vry fucking op. but there are SO many powers here too and she fills him in
silver minds: can sense things like weapons if theyre being carried w the intent to harm them or someone they want to look out for. can redirect them against their users, or just stop them alltogether. somewhat staticy voice when stressed, very cold to the touch. born this way
schalks: completly immune to mind intrusion based powers. somewhat of a pack mentality. cannot be located if they dont want to be, very selective in what contact they want. group together for social contact, and also: need contact to eachother bc they need to share excess energy between eachother or they kinda implode. infection based, 2 schalks can have schalk bbys but not often
werewolves: ya only wolves. helke is one! grow up in packs, but adults tend to seperate from larger packs to form their own. can change whenever, super strong always, also fast when changed. just really like raw meat yk? born this way, packs can be made up from basicly anything
more im gonna add, but these i remember. not including the names
basicly helke wants to start a pack and invites him to stay since she doesnt like being alone and wants to help, and ofc he wants to help her
they meet another young werewolf (i think. big fighty and a beard. might be sth else at some point) and he joins them. this is nikola
they meet a young girl, whos a silver mind and kinda running away from home bc bad home life. her names rita.
they invite her to join the pack, which she does and pack rules are kinda big so after proving themselves as reasonably good guardians for her shes officially adopted
she runs into a lonely (very lonely, kinda dying) schalk who lost contact to their group and the pack help them find their group.
their name is an
the group becomes kinda part of the pack, but the rest of the schalk group isnt a fan of big groups of ppl, so the 4 schalks and the 4-pack live in different locations
now /someone/ notices tito like how goop-slener-vamp did in world 4 and tries to capture tito (who was hanging out w rita while that happened.
thank fuck for marble magic, so rita is safe, tito can flee to the schalks (take us somewhere safe)
an turns tito into a schalk, so he wont be found anymore so now he has to kind of move between the 2 camps a lot
on their way to and fro they meet another kid called jacko (also running away, wont say why). is taken into the pack after more safety precautions
hes just a lil human, no magic nothing 
thats the story ig
tito - (he/they/it), roughly 25 (time is weird) not good at thinking, wants to be nice, wants to help, very op, kinda whimsical, very sweet person. DOES NOT WANT TO DIE AGAIN it sucks just want to be happy and make others happ, protective big sibling, everyone is their baby sib
helke - (she/her), 27 wants to help and have a big family/pack, big jokester, tries to be scary, only strangers will believe that, great at handywork and making every sort of meat food. also hunting. lumberjack vibe, chills w nikola, sports w tito, gmaes w kids
nikola - (he/him), 24 chill weed vibe. big fan of cleaning, lock your door if you dont want him to do your laundry. big into birdwatching. somehow in a pack w very intense or op folk which he finds a bit intimidating. doesnt realise hes also big intimidating. has gotten into 3 fights in his life but they were SCARY af, safe zone for tito, fun zone w tito
rita - (she/her), 15 good girl, can be kinda scary, very competetive, VERY COMPETATIVE, will draw hearts on your cast and help you and stuff, after having broken your arm, close w helke and tito
jacko - (he/him), 11 good boy, v shy, v opinionated. would have a blog if older. tried to make one but fled after 1 bad interaction. had to talk abt that a lot to understand it. arts n crafts boy, also climbing, looks up to nikola a lot
an - (they/them), 26 very quiet, thinks theyre right p much always, wants the best for everyone, but not super great at respecting ppls wishes. needs sense knocked into them every now and then. tries very hard. fails. plyam w leena and karim, not good w nikola
leena (she/them), 25, big into animals, big into food, big into random interest of the week. looses interest quickly though
karim (he/him), 26, big art, the one braincell between all the schalks (including tito bc omg BOY), draws creepy things on trees to fuck w ppl, prankster fuck
essek (he/they) 24, fashion and food, loudest of the schalks, goes into the city to get neccessities and general stuff, kinda crushing on tito, sib of karim
in general, the pack is very close. even an and nikola, but theyre kinda cold since an turned tito (tito is ok w it, nikola is big mad an didnt give tito an option, big fight 3, very fucking scary). but they do love eachother a lot, what ive noted were just the stand outs.
same w the schalks, theyre very close but i havent had any of these long enough to get a super good feel on the relationships between eeryone
but i love them already
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sorayahigashikata · 5 years
Chapter 89: "You really think the President would do that? Just sit on the ground and tell lies?"
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