#and she said “you're not gonna be able to. they're being real bad. but you can try.”
anonymusbosch · 4 months
sometimes i feel like extending the kindness you can, when you can, is the only thing there is
#two days ago on the train home from work there was a woman next to me with three very young kids.#she was trying to keep them in the seats#exasperated and tired and yelling.#trying to make a phone call as the kids swung on the handrails and did cartwheels in the train car#i wasn't trying to listen to the call but caught that somebody had died in a station.#I tried to mind my business for a few minutes;#the kids bounced around as their mom tried to wrestle them down and took a swig from a bottle of vodka in their wagon.#when there was a break in her phone call i said “this is none of my business but if you want me to keep the kids busy I can try to help.”#and she said “you're not gonna be able to. they're being real bad. but you can try.”#so I took some post-its out of my backpack and folded them tiny paper cranes#(I tried showing them how to fold cranes but they were far too young for fine motor skills.)#I stuck post-its to the seats and gave them my pens so they could scribble and draw.#I told them I'd draw them anything they wanted if they sat in the seats while I drew.#I challenged them to a breath-holding contest.#When one started showing me that he could do cartwheels in the car aisle I asked him to come sit down and I could draw him doing a flip.#All in all I think they ended up more or less in the vicinity of the seats almost all of the time and having some kind of fun -#I almost missed my stop. I gathered my pens and pencils back from the kids and picked up the post-it confetti from the floor#and when I was putting my helmet on and grabbing my bike the kids waved goodbyeand the mom looked grateful#and told the kids to all say goodbyelike clearly they were in rough times#like clearly they were in rough times#money. health. holding on#there is so much I can't give#but I can give twenty-five minutes
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inbabylontheywept · 28 days
i did wrestling in middle school. on one hand, i was actually quite good at it, which was nice. being good at any sport was a new achievement for me. on the other hand, i was bi, and i was trying very hard not to notice that i was bi, and getting folded into knots by very kind, very muscular dorks made that task somewhat difficult.
adding fire to the problem was that my parents and my grandparents wanted to watch my matches, because they were very proud that their Gangly Nerd Son was actually Sporting, and they wanted to cheer me on. which would've been sweet and all, but if there are four people you do not want there during a key part of your Burgeoning Sexual Awakening, it is your mom and your dad and your grandma and your grandpa.
right? i mean, imagine some guy's got your head in his armpit, and you're going you know, old sweat smells bad, but fresh sweat has a sort of and then you make eye contact with your grandpa in the stands and you remember you're swearing spandex so if you pop a boner people aren't just going to be able to see the outline, they're going to be able to count the veins, and the only way you will be able to restore your family's honor after that would be by moving to siberia and renouncing joy, forever. that, or lift your entire body up by your kneck then twist 180 degrees without paralyzing yourself.
it’s a lot of pressure, is what i’m saying.
still it did motivate me to win my matches really fast. because i was so tall and skinny, i was stupidly good at the double leg takedown, and then once someone was knocked down, i'd just do the half nelson and kind of flip em over for the pin. then the ref would count to three and i’d win. EZPZ.
i had one match where that went great. won in the first ten seconds, sat back down, and prepared myself for a good hour or two of doing fuck all. didn't even feel bad the parents/grandparents were gonna be bored. the matches went up from me in 5 pound increments (i was in the 115 lbs division) and it was going great until we got to the 145 lbs division. the other school's wrestler stepped onto the mat, and she turned out to be a girl so our guy flipped, because for straight guys, wrestling a girl is not a pleasant experience.
i'm not entirely unsympathetic. my experience wrestling dudes was definitely a little traumatic. but also, i dealt. guy could've dealt too. instead, he refused to wrestle, and the coach went - fine. not even worth fighting over.
so he went to the 140 pounder, and that guy said, nosir, my mom said mormons can't wrestle girls. next guy down, 135 pounder, now he knew he could pull the same card and thus did. 130 pounder, 125, both tapped out. he got to the 120 guy, and that guy was catholic, but he said he was considering being mormon, and thus would have to pass. as a precaution.
coach blew up a little at that. he said "is there anyone - anyone - on this entire goddamn team that is willing to wrestle a girl?" and then he pointed at me and said "YOU. MAT. GO."
and i'll be real, if i'd been paying more attention, i'd have pulled the mormon card too, but i'd just been putting all that audio into a buffer file because i was reading, so i was halfway across the mat before i even processed what had been said and by then it was too late to turn back.
still i had a plan. and my plan - my beautiful, perfect plan - was to do what i'd always done. tackle, flip, pin, win. sit down. read. bore my family to death. move on.
i got the first part right. she was bigger than me, but she wasn't taller. just an incredibly stout woman. god built me like a snake with glasses, just as he built her like a combat cube. the problem was the half nelson. soon as she was down, i tried hooking my arm under hers from behind and for both genders, the defense for this move is just clamping your arms really fucking tight against your sides. if you're a guy, that's whatever, but if you're a girl - especially if you're god's chosen combat cube - that pins your opponents hand right against your boob.
so, i got the hook in, she clamped, my whole arm pressed against something soft, my coach was yelling THE HALF NELSON. BABYLON! JUST FINISH IT! FINISH THE HALF NELSON! and i was just trying to press hard enough to finish, when then my brain went
and i flipped out. of course i flipped out. i like girls, and touching a boob is an elemental experience, and i was not ready. i was not prepared. i had not committed the sacred rites. i recoiled like i'd just brushed my arm against the surface of the sun, stood up, and backed away. nobody in the room knew why i'd given up. all they saw was me, right about to win, suddenly flailing around and scrambling. so everyone started screaming at me to just get the half nelson again, and i couldn't really yell back there's a fuckin' boob in the way and it was very distressing, and the only way i could think of to make them stop was just doing it over again the right way.
so i did.
i hunkered down and prepared myself for Wrasslin' Attempt #2: The Sequel.
i knocked her down again, EZPZ. i went for the half nelson again, but she knew what i was about to do so she super clamped, and i knew she was gonna super clamp, so i wound my arm back like a pop-eye cartoon punch before swinging my arm through the gap between her bicep and her side, but the amount of time i spent winding back super signalled what i was about to to do, which gave her time to clamp even harder, which somehow redirected the entire force of the popeye punch to the bottom of her bra.
it spat out a single boob the same way an action hero might spit out one single tooth after getting a solid crack across the jaw. as if to say:
*ptooie.* "that all you got?"
i did not actually see this. my experience was that first there was an arm, then there was a bit of boob, but i was braced, i was ready, forward at all costs, tatakae motherfuckers, and then the boob went away, and i didn't know where it went but my team, and the audience, and everyone who was in front of me, they all gasped like i just kicked them in the stomach. except for my coach. he was behind me, and thus one of the four people in the room who did not see the boob. now my mom, my dad, my grandma, and my grandpa, they all got flashed but nooooooo, coach thunderbutt was behind me, and he didn't see shit so he was still yelling NOOOOOO BABYLON WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST FINISH THE NELSON! GO FOR THE KILL! BABYLON! BABYLON!
but i did not go for the kill. i stood up and she stuffed her boob back real fast, and we just kind of circled each other awkwardly until time ran out and i won on points. that's not technically allowed, but the ref had some mercy on me.
my coach did not.
i barely had time to sit down before he strode over to the bench to chew me out.
"babylon," he said, in that very calm way people get when they're too pissed to yell. "why didn't you pin?"
and i didn't know how to say well coach, i tried, but there was a boob, and it kept getting in the way, and my mom was watching, and so was my dad, and so was his dad, and his mom, and god (like bible god) and that's a can of worms because i'm pretty sure he was already mad at me, and i'm wearing spandex, and i think i might have to move to siberia, so instead i said
"i uh. i forgot how to do the half nelson."
which is actually impossible. forgetting how to do the half nelson is like forgetting how to swallow your spit.
and he looked at me, like i was the dumbest person in the entire world, and i looked through him like i'd just survived my 250th day in a trench at verdun, and he said: fine.
but we're all going to practice it for an hour tomorrow because you forgot.
and then he left.
and my buddies had the gall to be salty about it. i got so many comments saying "dude, why didn't you just tell him the truth?" and i said "you can if you care so damn much. you could've wrestled the girl too. maybe someone else should do the hard thing today."
but they didn't. so the next day, we did an hour of half nelson drills, and i spent a decent amount of time getting thrown around the mat, and it was pleasant in exactly the way that i hated and the year after that, to the surprise of everyone but myself, i quit wrestling and joined the trivia team.
and if you want more reasons to love my mom, my grandpa joked after the match that i might have to talk to my bishop about it, and my mom told him he would be allowed to make jokes after he stood in front of a crowd of 110 people in spandex underpants while wrestling a woman that was not his wife.
he paused for almost five seconds after that. then he said: aw. hell. sorry babylon.
and i'd have preferred my apology from god, but getting it from him was pretty good too.
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Your back! Hi! :D Ok, the guys adore and are protective of their female human best friend (fem reader). She shares a strong bond with them, and they with her. So, if she ever gets injured or sick, the guys are protective for a while. She is ready to help them again (as much as she can with being a human and all) but what she doesn't realize is that this time it's close to their spring season, making them very protective, territorial, and aggressive to outsiders. How would this play out as they are close to their primal time of the year, and she wants to go with them as they're about to leave on patrol, but they won't let her? Fluffy ending. 🥺(maybe some turtle noises and behaviors too)
Protective TMNT headcanons—reader wants to come on patrol
Bayverse, 2003, or 2012 if it suits ya. 🤷‍♀️. SFW! Mentions of "spring season" for the boys but nothing s*xual. hope u like it @pokemew119 !
• Like Leonardo, we'll be straight to the point with this one—he's not going to want you going out with them. Normally, he doesn't want you to. Now he really doesn't want you to
• Due to their biology, springtime can be pretty dreadful for the bunch (for Splinter, too, he's the one having to manage them). Aggression, sensitivity, protectiveness, fussing over their rooms, etc. So you asking Leo to go out on their nightly patrol with them was a "this really isn't a good time" moment for him
• "The Lair is warm and safe, why would you want to come out here, anyways? Leave the fighting to me. That's what I'm here for, that's my job."
• Can be a little bit of an ass about it ngl, because he just wants to know you're home with someone he actually trusts to protect you, their father
• You heard Leo bark your name as you started up the ladder out of the sewers. Blue eyes giving you a suspicious look. You were trying to sneak topside so you'd be out there before he was able to protest. "No, no, go ask Master Splinter to show you some stuff if you want something to do so badly."
• Pats you along back to the Lair, watching to make sure you actually go back inside
• If you DO end up out there with them, he's going to be stressing a little more than usual about the setup because it throws him off having someone he feels he needs to constantly look out for, unlike his brothers who are more or less self-sufficient. But you bet you're always going to be his first priority, no hesitation
• For once, the heightened senses of springtime had Mikey thinking slightly more rationally than usual
• "Babycakes, you sure you want to come? It's ugly out there, smells bad, full of dudes always asking for a beat-down, maybe you should stay." Ruffles your hair for reassurance. "We can play games when I get back!"
• Secretly tries to dissuade you from even wanting to go out with them in the first place with promises of fun back at home
• If you do go anyways, he's taking every chance to show off his nunchaku skills
• Gets annoyed at his siblings for taking your attention away from him (oop there's the possessiveness)
• Very touchy, constantly hanging off of you or trying to play-fight, sit close to you on the sofa, scoot his chair towards you at dinner, etc.
• You ask if you can go with them on their way out and you catch Mikey
• He smiles big and sheepishly shakes his head, "Sorry, y/n, not tonight! You're kickin' back in my beanbag tonight and hanging out, not running around New York." End of conversation. You try to say something, he interrupts you, thumping your shoulder. "I'll text you! See ya, angel!"
• More passive about his protectiveness and isn't so outright about it like Leo, but on the inside, still doesn't fully understand why he feels that way (even though Donnie has explained over and over again)
• "You want to come out with us? Not gonna work, y/n, this is real stuff," he said amicably, raising his brow ridges. "There's been a three-point-four percent increase in crime rate just around the next four blocks, and that's with us kicking tail every other night. Statistically, you're liable to become a target and..."
• Donnie gets real irritable in spring and tends to avoid his brothers, argues with Leo about about their rooming situation bc he wants to be alone (except for with you)
• Sets up an entire cozy corner in his lab for you to chill in while he's gone and hopes you'll use it, even though he'd definitely rather be home and not topside at this time
• When you ask him to tag along on their patrol, he starts spouting off all the reasons you shouldn't and ultimately wins that debate
• Compromises by letting you man his tracking/observation station and communicating with them on their missions from the sewers
• He actually loves knowing you're on tap while he's out in the city and he can just radio in whenever he feels like it
• "See, isn't being our control center way better?"
• Raph already has a huge attitude problem, make that tenfold in spring.
• Gets waaaaay too overprotective at times, verges on bothersome levels of spazzing over what you do and where you go
• "You wanna go on patrol? With us? Just, out in New York City? With the Foot? Ahah, ain't happening, y/n. 'You said 'maybe' last time?' Well, I'm sayin' no, this time. You'll be bored?" He shrugs. "Watch TV or something. But you're not comin'."
• If you do somehow manage to go (highly unlikely), he's going to be grumpy and complain the whole time because he's secretly just worried and his hormones are out of whack
• Gets overly aggressive defending you from anything and probably stirs up more conflict over it tbh
• "It ended up fine that time, but don't do that again, ya hear?" He doesn't want to seem like he cares too much, so he flicks your head. (That man is head over heels for you)
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lakesbian · 2 months
you know what. im going to follow my heart so we can move on with the wormread and just copy-paste what i said about danny in chapter 6.9 on discord with some minimal editing because it's not pretty but the general thesis is there and i don't feel like making it into proper paragraph form
okay so the thing thats fucking killing me abotu 6.9 is that danny is literally like. he tries to call taylor a nickname only her mom called her once he realizes he's fucked up bad and is trying to recover whichi s insane [because it's obviously going to be upsetting to her by reminding her of her mom being gone, and it also indicates that his fall-back for something going wrong w/ taylor is to try to appeal to her by poorly copying someone else's parenting style] and he also randomly tells her about how her mom wanted to move her a grade ahead but he wanted her to stay in school with emma to make her happy. and he's been Stewing On That despite knowing it's objectively not his fault (and i am reminded of how in his interlude he spends time Stewing about how he wishes annette were there to give advice) and he also cops up to the fact that that the whole thing about "being her parent and not her ally" (<- demented thing to say for obvious reasons) wherein he locks her in a room and demands emotional vulnerability from her even as she's becoming visibly upset & compares his actions to emma's was her grandmother's idea and then. here's the real kicker. once lisa shows up and prepares to take taylor away there are any number of actions a parent confident that they're doing the right thing for their child would normally do in response--not, like, Good actions, but things that a parent would be likely to pull. threatening to call the cops bc blah blah you're my daughter, wanting to speak to lisa's parents, any form of power move pulled over these two teenage girls but instead he speaks to lisa like she's an equal authority over taylor and seriously asks if she's "okay with this" (i should remind you of the concussion chapter where lisa is doing some insane power move shit over taylors dad covertly establishing herself as more competent at caring 4 her than him lmao) which is just like. it's so glaringly wildly obvious how this guy has Zero confidence in himself as a parent so he generally does nothing and then while he's doing nothing he oscillates btwn rationalizing it to himself as allowing her privacy/dignity, getting angry at himself/calling himself a coward, or getting mad at TAYLOR and blaming HER for not being the one to take initiation to be vulnerable with him and, like. he literally does make functional decisions prior to this for a bit! he's good and supportive at the meeting with the school board about the bullying!!! but it doesn't immediately solve literal years of distance between them that have led to taylor having to take decisionmaking for her wellbeing entirely into her own hands w/o being able to tell him about it [& having literally no route for human connection or support other than the undersiders] so he just completely crumbles on his own calls and seeks out/takes completely shit advice from taylor's grandma instead so i very much think what's insinuated here is like. especially given that he knows he has anger issues and never wants to Be Scary with them. he might have frequently leaned on annette for parenting decisions before she died and/or is really fucking haunted by the time(s) he didn't listen to her and it went wrong and now that she's gone he's just kinda floundering and trying to toss the baton for parental decisionmaking onto anyone else, including, at one point, the literal teenage girl who shows up to help taylor run away from his house. insane ! also. thinking about how taylor says her grandma (maternal) never liked her dad. that man would literally rather talk to the mother of his dead wife, who hates him, and take her advice than go 'yeah ithink im gonna keep using my own judgement for compassion towards my daughter' fucking worst anyones ever done it this guy has the spine of a twizzler it's great
...and then doing All That & severely triggering taylor's trauma from the bullying in the process completely shatters any trust he had built with her, catalyzing her realization that she wants to be able to have meaningful relationships with the undersiders & leading to her running away to leave with them! i don't think anyone can say for sure whether or not danny Not doing this would have led to taylor turning the undersiders in before realizing that she would regret it, but oh fucking boy does he make SURE she doesn't go thru with it. and it would be bad to call the cops on a bunch of systematically neglected traumatized teenagers regardless of how much crime they're doing so you know what maybe we should actually thank danny for his Shit Parenting stopping taylor from being a narc
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justgrey · 7 months
I have something worse up my sleeve on Vander that idk if im gonna post that includes the shimmered up version of him we see for 10 seconds before he dies and some bussy gobbling if yk what i mean 😈🥱🔥
Vander x Reader - General Relationship HC's
Warnings: Swearing cuz we fukin' balling
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b e e f y
He gives really great hugs, obviously. He's got so much meat on him that he feels like a really large pillow, and I'm here for it. And if you're reading this, I guess you're for it too 🤷‍♂️
Crazy protective, too. Man doesn't love easily after what happened with Silco, but when he does, mwah, you are not leaving his sight for longer than an hour before someone on his side is just "keeping an eye on you"
Vander loves jokes. Especially dad jokes. Because he's a dad. Please joke with him. Please, his kids always respond with "ughghh" and all he wants is an adoring audience. Please be that for him.
"What's the time?"
"It's... time to get a watch!" *big goofy grin*
"Hah- hahahahhahahahhaahhaahhaha please, Vander."
"Right, sorry. It's a quarter past seven, love."
Anyway, Vander loves nicknames. Like, a lot a lot. He loves nicknames. What one's? Great question. Take a guess. He loves playing games with you and this is one of those games
If you said anything along the lines of sweetheart, love, sweetie, or honey. You'd be right. He loves using generic nicknames with you because he wants to be as domestic as possible.
He likes to feel like his life is as normal as can be despite it being absolutely the opposite of that. He loves his children, and he loves you, so why not make the most of it? At least, that's what he figures.
The wackiest shit happens sometimes. There's a real mix of interactions in his little family and we living for all of them.
"Can you pass the sa-?"
*glitter bomb explosion from Powder's bunk*
"Oh, for the love of- POWDER, ARE YOU OKAY?!?"
His kids are all extraordinary. Mylo is very charismatic and is able to talk his way out of a lot of trouble, Claggor is great at lifting heavy shit, Vi can punch the daylights out of everyone, and Powder has the potential to be a great inventor someday. His goal is to inspire them all to be the best versions of themselves and to always be kind when they're able to despite living in the meanest area around.
You are also very intertwined with his children's lives to the point where they're basically your kids as well. If you didn't want that, break up with him. He's a package deal. All or nothing.
"Hey... what's that you're tinkering with, Pow Pow?"
"It's a bomb."
"It's a what."
"She means- uhm- it's full of confetti...? For... For Mylo's birthday! Y'know, that's totally coming up soon."
"Wait, my birthday isn't-"
"Yeah, yeah... for Mylo's birthday!" *innocent smile*
"For some reason... i d o n ' t b e l i e v e t h a t . . . Just... just stay out of trouble. As much as possible."
The kids treat you like a member of the family as well if you couldn't tell. They latch onto you, some take longer than others but they all eventually view you as their other parent.
First it was Powder, then it was Claggor, followed by Vi and then Mylo a little later on.
Vander actually wants to make it official with you someday and make you stay with him and his family forever by proposing to you, but with the current state of the Undercity, he may never get to. He's a busy, busy man, trying to hold the Lanes together. Sometimes, he gets too focused on that and forgets to share his attention around when crime is really bad.
But even just being around helps him out 🫡
Thanks gang 👍
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(Murder Drones Episode 8 spoilers!)
Space. The final frontier.
Poor robo-roaches always getting tossed around and killed.
They just left Braiden and Rebecca's corpses there??
Honestly the Teacher is such a mood, I can't believe I never realized it before.
Solvedcalculus reference???
Nori you can't say that this is a Christian Minecraft server.
It's amazing how they're able to make her still convey emotions when she's only got one eye.
Well she did tell you to "Die Mad" about it, so...
Kiss. Kiss! KISS! KISS!! KISS!!! KISS!!!! KISS!!!!!
New cute date idea: Skydiving from space and burning up in the atmosphere together <3
Why no kiss tho :(
Dang it, that was Thad's only good pipe.
No!! Bad dingo!!! We do not eat our friends!!!
So did J know the whole time or was she kept in the dark at first and only recently found out? Not entirely clear on that.
You really think it's not gonna dispose of you once all the universe is dead?
I was fully expecting her to chuck N into the core for a second there. But TBH I don't think continuing to destroy the planet is gonna fix it.
Y'know J thinks pretty highly of herself for someone who's literally never killed a single person on-screen in the entire time that this show has existed.
Huh, I guess those theories about Uzi not having a core icon were wrong.
You get a panic attack! You get a panic attack! EVERYBODY GETS A PANIC ATTACK!
Wait which part of this is the trap?
Uzi is not beating the bisexual allegations.
Nori I don't think most people call their daughters "babe."
Playing Nightcore during a final battle is the most anime thing ever.
And the J abuse continues.
*teleports behind you* Nothin personnel, kid.
Okay bye J, thanks for literally nothing.
Thad is confirmed the coolest dude on Copper 9.
Sorry y'all, Khori divorce real.
Man Teacher don't wanna deal with none of this, same TBH.
Everybody gangsta til the cowboy robot dinosaurs start driving buses
Nah you're not damaged you're just autistic and edgy.
Polyclue shippers low-key getting fed tho.
My heart goes out to all the Doll fans, y'all got done dirty. 😔
He's learning how to draw anime!!! His art is getting so good!!!
He finally got to play rummy with the WDF!
They're gonna passionately make love on that bed later.
Wow what did Rachel ever do to you. Also who's Rachel.
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thisismisogynoir · 3 months
My post about hating the Barbie movie and how it actually spat in the face of feminism and all that the franchise stands for is done and dusted, I'm afraid, but that being said there are still some points I left out of it that I would like to address, and I will do so here:
The movie portraying women as hopeless endless victims who have no hopes of succeeding or getting what they want out of life is bad enough, but there's a brief blink-and-you'll-miss it scene where Barbie is taking Gloria and Sasha back to Barbieland, and as they're on the spaceship, she says to them that women control everything and have all social and political power, which is fine...but THEN she goes "basically everything men do in your world, women do in ours" and that...that line just makes me so appalled and angry I could SPIT. Like you're really spelling out that you think women in the real world have no power or control in any aspect of society? I understand that it's supposed to be "commentary"(it's not good commentary tho) and that the real world IS a patriarchy, but we HAVE women in power in our world too! We HAVE female Supreme Court Justices! We HAVE women in high office! We HAVE female mayors and CEOs! We HAVE women in positions of power and leadership, period! And yet Barbie creates this illusion that women in our world such as Sasha and Gloria would have NO knowledge of or point of reference for women in power who do any important shit at all; it's completely fucking absurd. But then again, this movie was written and directed by a white feminist. A white feminist, who, like all white feminists, has a complete miserable victimhood/defeatist complex. So of course she projects it onto her female characters(even female characters of color, who are ofc SUPPOSED to be more sad and let-down than SHE is!), like the sad, pathetic fuck she is. And y'all wonder why I hate persecution flips so much. We need to shove that bullshit trope six feet under. If you want to tell a story about the patriarchy, then FUCK, WRITE ABOUT THE ACTUAL GODDAMN PATRIARCHY!!! Don't just do this nonsense "uwu what if men were the oppressed ones and women were the privileged--" no. Stop. Cut it the fuck out. This is getting ridiculous.
This part is probably incidental but fuck that, I'm still gonna knock it. Sasha and Gloria never actually get to experience the matriarchal utopia, and I just find that so depressing. Despite the bleak and frankly miserable lives that they lead, they never get to experience the escapist freedom of living in a society in which they are in charge, where womanhood isn't looked down upon and is in fact honored, where they have power and aren't in danger of being stalked, followed, or killed by men just for walking down the street. They leave their patriarchal world, hoping to see a world that is better, and instead enter a world that is just as bad and equally as patriarchal as the one they tried to escape from. It's truly depressing, especially for Gloria who specifically wanted to get away from her anxieties with real life and just have fun with her daughter for a bit. Instead she has to be confronted with ANOTHER patriarchy, watch the childhood doll she loved and played with have a panic attack and give up on life just like she did, and then give her infamous, cliche, and paint by numbers "being a woman is suffering" corny as hell speech. Before reinventing the matriarchy and getting her power back only by leaning in to patriarchal stereotypes about women's bodies and sexualities. And then leaving back for her regular patriarchy world without getting to experience any of it. It's almost like the movie was literally saying that women will never be able to free themselves from patriarchy and that a better world than this one does not exist. Patriarchy is insurmountable and all-prevailing, says this movie. It's truly tragic.
And honestly, with regards to that shitty ass clusterfuck of a speech, isn't it like, so totes ironic, that part of Gloria's speech is her complaining that women have to apologize for men's bad behavior...only for the "happy" ending of the movie to involve BARBIE HAVING TO APOLOGIZE FOR KEN'S BAD BEHAVIOR?!?!!??!?! Like no one fact-checked that shit and went "wait, something ain't right"? Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!?!?! I hate that scene with every fiber of my being and realizing this makes me hate it even more now. Just, ugh.
Tldr: Fuck this movie, but then again, I've said that shit like...several times before. lol.
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newtdrawz · 11 months
Could u do dally and pony friendship hcs🫣
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You don't understand,, how obsessed I am with their friendship omg 😭 (lil warning these are prolly ooc but I really tried 😭😭 I promise) (feel free to add on to these I love seeing other ppls hc's!!)
Ok throwback to my Ponyboy HC's post where I said Dally is really supportive of Pony's hobby in art!!!!!
Dally might be (secretly ofc he would never admit it) like the #1 fan of Pony's art, besides Johnny and Soda obvi
He really likes watching him sketch and paint, it's memorizing to him and he can't fathom how it looks like a picture from a camera almost, he tells him that too. ("I dunno how you're able to do that so quickly, Pone." "It looks like a photograph almost.")
Pony always tries to downplay his talents and Dally (ofc in his mean/tough love Dally way lol) tells him not to do that and to not sell himself short
Dally truly believes Pony could be famous from his art. That he could get out of Tulsa and make a name for himself. He doesn't really know how to communicate that to him besides the rare compliment here and there.
Another throwback to the post where I did the hc that Johnny and Dally will sit in and listen to Pony read,,
Dally doesn't like reading, never really cared for it. He thinks Pony reading all the time is a little funny and he'll tease him abt time to time.
When he first finds Johnny sitting in the lot with Pony and Pony reading one of his books out loud to Johnny he obviously had to interrupt and obviously sit with them (they're happy to include him btw they don't mind 😭😭)
Dally will not. Shut. Up. He asks Pony abt a million questions abt the book. ("Well why'd the guy go and do that?" "Why's he stupid?" "Wait what happened before that?" "What's that ladies name again?" "Wait What's she look like again?")
This is one of the very few (and probably first) times Pony talks back/sasses Dally ("Why don't you be quiet and let me finish reading the page? And then maybe you'll know what's happening.")
Idk how to explain this but Dally is def the type of friend to feed into his friends delusions 😭 or like hype them up for something they definitely SHOULD NOT do,, like ykwim?? And he def does it with Pony
He definitely encourages Pony to get into a little bit of trouble, just a tiny bit.
Obviously Pony can get in trouble on his own and he does plenty but Dally just encourages it a little bit more lol
He calls it "getting Pony out of his comfort zone" while Darry calls it "peer pressuring" (there was def a conversation/argument abt it 😭😭) (Dal: I am NOT peer pressuring him, I'm getting him out of his comfort zone. Dar: yes you are Dal! Dal: No I'm not! Pony do you feel peer pressured?! Say no. Pony: No... Dal: See?! He's fine. He's having fun!)
Dally 100% keeps Pony out of any real trouble tho, the kind that'd get him sent away or seriously hurt. He'd never encourage him to do something bad enough to warrant those things.
Ok, Dally is actually really nice but in a mean way. Like he's aggressively nice where no one's sure if they're being threatened or complimented or insulted. He's no different with the gang
If Pony or Johnny are like really bad at something Dally will threaten the rest of the gang to lie and be nice 😭😭😭 he won't be nice because it's not expected of him but he'll make everyone else be nice.
One time Pony tried to bake a cake and for some reason he just can't bake. He can cook fine but not bake. So it was like awful but ofc the gang tried it.
When Pony isn't paying attention Dally turns to the gang and straight up threatens them. ("This thing tastes like shit but you're all gonna tell him it tastes good or I swear I'll shove your faces into the cake.")
Dally has no idea WHY he does it, cuz he's not nice (he is) and he doesn't care abt Johnny or Pony's, or really anyone's, feelings (he does he's just emotionally constipated 😭😭😭)
Dally still is kinda mean to Pony though, not mean but like teasing?? Like in a big brother way
Sometimes he just says things without really thinking abt it or randomly teases him (like Pony reading all the time and being a nerd and not talking to girls)
One night they're both sitting on the porch smoking and it's kinda late and Dally randomly just says "ya'know I don't really mean it, right?" And Pony says yeah and Dally just nods and they go back inside.
After that Dally still teases him and stuff but Pony kinda knows now to not really take it heart cuz that's just Dally being Dally.
From an outsiders perspective it does look/sound like Dally is just being and a-hole 😭😭 but the gang just knows him enough that it's some weird love language he has to just be mean to them 😭
Whenever Dally's about to do something really stupid/dangerous/illegal he threatens Pony and Johnny to not do it
Before he does anything he'll look both of them in the eyes and either tell them to beat it incase the police show up or back up and hideout
He looks directly at Pony and goes "Do NOT tell Darry I did this infront of you or else." ("Do not, and I mean do not, EVER do what I'm about to do or I'll beat both of you.")
Dally is basically like the only one rlly allowed to be mean/tease Pony (in his head at least 😭)
Dally makes fun of him plenty and Pony just rolls his eyes and laughs. Dally will ruffle his hair and punch him in the arm and all that.
But the minute someone who isn't Darry or Soda or himself says something rude to Pony he just gets so mad 😭
One time he threatened Steve cuz Steve said something to Pony. ("You better shut up and leave the kid alone, Steve.") (Steve's confused cuz like not even 5 seconds ago Dally just called Pony an idiot or something 😭😭)
He's especially this way with socs and authority figures
And it's not like Pony can't defend himself or anything, Dally knows he can but he just gets mad anyways and again he just starts talking before thinking and next thing he knows he's nearly throwing hands with someone cuz they were an a-hole to his friend lol
He's basically the "only I can be mean to him and no one else can" type of friend 😭
Ok this post got a little out of hand 😭
I had waaaaaay too much fun with this I just really love talking about and making hc's 😭 I'm still trying to nail down Dally's personality so if (which he probably is,,) he's ooc sorry 😭 I literally can't help taking the characters and literally changing sm abt them from canon 😭😭 it's truly a problem but I will try to get him right 🙏
(If there's any spelling mistakes or anything sorry I did this half asleep w/ a headache cuz I was so excited abt this ask 😭 I couldn't wait)
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scmoobly · 2 years
Why I don't think Alexis is a villain.
not in the prime universe anyway. (Morally grey? Sure)
Warnings: (Mild language)
This post contains an analysis of "Getting Closer to your vampire Mate."
"The kind of friends that don't do much talkin' when they're together. If you catch my drift. I didn't want anything more than that out of her, and she kept saying she felt the same way."
▪︎OKAY, SO- right off the bat we understand that they were fuck-buddies. Consenting on both sides and a mutual agreement for it to stay that way. This is also while he was still human so it's safe to assume that he trusted her enough to spend time with her in that way.
"Anyway, I started getting the hint that she was expecting more out of all that than we'd agreed on. Certainly, more than I felt. So I told her as much. That it had been fun and all that happy crap, but that I wasn't wanting anything more with her. And if we were wanting different things out of it, it'd be best if we just closed up shop."
▪︎Noticed that his partner (in whatever sense of the word) wishes to be more than what they are and reiterates how he didn't feel the same way and told her that if expectations were being held then he thought it better to part ways. (Which is a good thing in my opinion. You'd wanna air these things out early so it doesn't get messy)
"The writing was on the wall. She was catching feelings. I wasn't. And I said we just needed to call it. Needless to say, she wasn't too happy about that but she agreed. I was driving us back from the dinner where we had it out."
▪︎Sam is extremely direct in the way he dealt with the situation and while Alexis probably felt hurt over it (Which she had a right to feel) she agreed to it. I'm stressing this to show that there was no initial aggression but an understanding of what was best for both of them. There was a reluctant compliance by Alexis and if that was out of respect for Sam or to protect her pride, we don't know. (Also Sam, sweetie. Who invites someone to dinner to reject them? I get you'd probably not wanna do that on the phone or by text but if someone asked me to go out to have dinner with them I wouldn't be expecting them to tell me to get gone. :")
"I was in a bad way. There was blood everywhere. Alexis was screaming, I could- I could barely hear her. Piece of the door was in me. Right here. It was real bad."
▪︎This was something I failed to notice the first few times I listened to the audio. Alexis was clearly panicking and worried for Sam. Sam brushes this off by saying he couldn't hear her but in my opinion, this is where the fact that Alexis was genuinely upset got lost on us as the listeners because we are being shown Sam's point of view. I'm not saying Sam is the bad guy here for overlooking Alexis's concern because as he said a piece of the door was in him so I'd imagine it'd be pretty hard to focus on somebody else's distress when you're bleeding out.
"We were out on some backroad. No one was gonna be able to get there on time. Alexis didn't know any magic that could've helped. But I was a healer. Damn good one. One of the best. I knew I could heal myself."
▪︎Here we can gather that there was no way to receive outside help and another important detail is that Alexis didn't know healing magic. So that begs the question that if she did know, would that have affected the situation differently? Also establishing that Sam was a good healer.
"I knew I could do it. And I told Alexis I could do it. Then she starts talking about turning me. And I told her no. And even if I can't. I don't want that. I don't wanna live like that."
▪︎As a vampire herself she knows that Sam's only guaranteed safety net for survival is to turn him. She was probably not thinking with the clearest headspace at that moment. She can smell and see the spilt blood and the damage done so she suggests the surefire way which Sam promptly rejects. He then says that he'd rather die a human than live as a vampire and that was when Alexis seems to have lost her edge. We know well that Alexis has feelings for Sam at this point. Whether they were feelings of love or just liking him isn't clear but if you've been sleeping with someone for a while and you want to take the relationship further then it probably wasn't some simple, impulsive decision she made overnight.
"I hated her for that. I still do. And I don't plan to stop anytime soon. She never even apologized."
▪︎obviously at first glance people are going to look at this as an extremely sadistic act. But what if her thought process was different? What if she didn't apologize because she didn't feel sorry? Not in a villainous way. She's not sorry because in her head she didn't let him die. She did what she could to save his life (while he was clearly telling her not to do it yes- but can you honestly tell me that if it was you in this situation you wouldn't have done everything you could to try to save someone you love? That it wouldn't hurt to know that you were so insignificant to them that you weren't worth living for in their eyes.)
"I don't know for sure what made her do it. If it really was her sick idea of mercy or if she saw it as some fucked up opportunity to keep me at her side forever."
▪︎I think this statement here is to make a point that this is all from Sam's perspective and Alexis's motive when it came to his turning weren't necessarily evil which most people consider it to be.
She hasn't even shown up in the canon universe yet, so it's a little surprising the amount of hate she gets. I even saw someone outright call her an abuser and while she betrayed Sam and turned him against his will, it's not made clear yet that she did it because she wanted to hurt him. Alexis does her part to actively avoid Sam and doesn't gloat in his face about how the situation played out. Maybe she doesn't feel sorry or guilty about it but again reaches an understanding that she shouldn't hope for a relationship with Sam in the future and respects that. In light of that statement, let's back track to something Sam has said.
8:49 Cuddles and confessions with your vampire mate; "I also know that the way we throw ourselves at the world doesn't have to reflect the way we tackle everything in life. People aren't simple. We all exist in shades.."
This post wasn't meant to justify her actions but rather to go for a deep dive into how Alexis is as a character.
I still cry listening to Sam explain his turning. Yes it was cruel and Alexis was in the wrong for doing things the way she did but is there space to assume that her intentions weren't evil? Yes, absolutely.
Feel free to correct me if I get anything wrong, I'm very much open to conversation.
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fizhingtrawl · 8 months
uhhh. TW for stuff like blood, implied murder, possibly puke
You grasp the edge of the sink, sweaty hands slipping off of marble as you try to compose yourself. Your blonde, Curly hair had draped over your face as you heaved over the sink. You felt sick to your stomach, so, so sick. the hand of one of your friends rubbed your back, the two of them talking to eachother. you couldn't focus on what they were saying, you just felt so sick. bits of blood and skin in your teeth, the taste of iron on your tongue- it was all too much. Ringing. You heard ringing in your ears. God, Why wouldn't it stop? You had sworn this was all a bad dream. just a bad dream. but as you sat in the shower, the steam burning your skin, the red running down the drain- it became all too real. An Hour. It's been an hour since it happened. You still don't know what to do. you still feel sick. you feel like you're being eaten from the inside out. you feel like you're filled with worms. worms that whisper to you about what you've done. Your friends are still talking, You can't tell what about. maybe they're discussing what a monster you've become. No, they don't think that, Do they? No, they're your bestfriends, Come on... But.. You are a monster, aren't you? You grasp your golden locks in your hands and sob, the cold water of the shower you'd been sitting in hit your skin harshly, and it only made you sob harder. They help you out of the tub, the one in blue clothing gives you a towel. it feels so rough against your skin. the shorter one walks to your room and grabs some clothes for you, handing them to you. they wait outside of the bathroom. Once you're done, they come back in. you sit in the corner, holding a trashcan against your chest as you sob. you keep dry heaving. you want to throw up, you want to but you can't- all you can do is cry. Finally, you can somewhat understand what the one in orange was saying. "It's gonna be okay, Robert- You didn't mean to! It'll- We're gonna make sure it's okay. No one needs to know, Okay, man?" You try to respond. all that comes out is a sob.
"C'mon, Robbie.. I Promise." You still can't make out the words you wanted to say. And Finally, you throw up into the trashcan. You heave and sob, you could still feel the skin that had brushed against your teeth, the way your hair was pulled. the way you felt yourself fall back. What was your brother going to think of you? Your uncle? Oh god- Your little sister. she looked up to you, and now you were a monster. you didn't deserve your families love anymore, did you? you were horrible. Knocking. Knocking on the bathroom door. You nearly screamed, and the one in orange covered your mouth. "Shhh, Robbie- Robbie, It's fine, dude! I'll handle it!" you sniffle. after a moment of staring with red, puffy eyes, you nod and decide it would be best if he talked to them. you wouldn't be able to face whoever it was anymore. it didn't matter. He got up and cracked the door. You could see the familiar glasses- the red and blue. It was your older brother, Radford. You shied away from the door and hid your face beneath your golden hair. "Is He okay?" "Uh.. Yeah, Dude. don't even worry about it, we're helping him-" "With what? You said he was okay, Roy. Robert? Robert, hey, are you okay?-" "UH- HERE, YOU COME BACK LATER--" The one in orange slammed the door shut, and the knocking happened for another few seconds before your brother gave up and walked away. He sighed, sliding down into a sitting position against the door. "Wow, That was close, wasn't it robbie?.." You nod silently. What would Radford think if he knew?
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tenkobitch · 4 months
𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦
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Kira (OC) x Shoto Todoroki
Genre: Slow burn, angst, strangers to friends to lovers, tragic backstory, heroes
A/N: I stayed up until 12 a.m. to write this chapter, and I do not regret it. Lots of love <3
Word Count: 2.6k (2,606)
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫? 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧...
𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐚: 𝐀 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐅𝐎 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝. 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐀𝐅𝐎'𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧, 𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡?
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
I thought that I'd be living a crazy life that involved going on intense adventures and being undercover. Instead, I'm being forcibly confined in my Da Da's villain base with a doctor, a man capable of creating portals, and the only psychopath that's close to my age. All I want to do is be able to roam the streets and interact with any random person that's willing to listen to me. Y’know if I were All For One, I'd think a bit more logically by allowing my daughter to go out more that way she doesn't decide to turn on me later for a sliver of freedom, but that's just me.
Even when Da Da does allow me to go out, I have to be supervised by one or more of his less recognizable villain followers so I don't run off. I wish that everyone in the base could understand why I'm frustrated, but they're all either fully grown adults who have chosen to make bad choices, or they're (Tomura) traumatized and brainwashed to follow whatever Da Da says. The only way that I can vent my frustration is to violently practice my quirks until I pass out…
Or I talk to Tomura.
I walk into the room, ignoring the “Do Not Enter!!” sign sloppily taped to his bedroom door, and sat next to the 19 year old as he click-clacks away on his video game. I lean my head on his shoulder and watch him play a little bit before speaking.
“Tomu… you ever wanna leave the base for hours on end sometimes? Y'know, just for fun?” Tomura shakes his head, not bothering to pause his game to look at my expression.
“I used to when I was younger, but I've gotten used to it here. I like not being forced outside all the time.” He responded, using his head to nudge my head in acknowledgement. I pursed my lips in disagreement, muttering, “At least you get to leave.”
The boy finally paused his game to give a pointed look in my direction. He dropped his controller carelessly on the floor, propping himself on his bed. Tomura patted a spot that allowed us to lay in the bed comfortably. Sighing, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and spoke quietly to avoid anyone eavesdropping.
“I get what you're feeling, but ya kinda have to accept that Sensei's not gonna let you leave.”
“Do you think Da Da would let me leave if there was a fire?” Tomura tapped a gloved finger against his chin as if he were actually thinking about it. Finally coming to an answer, he smiled at me.
“Even if a tsunami came through and hit your room, he probably wouldn't even let you call for help.” I slapped Tomura’s arm as he laughed uncontrollably. I tried to calm him down as he coughed up a lung.
In a way, his statement felt as genuine as his laughter. I laughed a little to keep from ruining the mood, but he could tell that I was hurt. He shook his head to deny his response, trying to ease me.
“I'm sure he'll eventually let you run around out in the real world. I'm sure he's just doing this to protect you…” He said as he rubbed my arm reassuringly.
I did not feel reassured.
But I smiled regardless, thankful for the encouragement. Tomura wasn't usually an encouraging person because he had no use for it, but he always knew what would cheer me up. I leaned against the headboard, closing my eyes to come up with what I wanted to really say. I allowed my quirk to dig through the boy’s head and projected a message.
‘Thanks. You always know how to cheer me up, don't you?’
His cheeks grew red as he turned away from me, trying not to show me his expressions. I huffed, sliding off of his messy bed and back into the floor. He slid into the floor as well, pressing ‘continue’ on his game, playing it once more. He lost himself in his fictional world, allowing me to leave his room to enter my own fictional world.
To my dismay, I had read my small collection of books I hid under my bed, which meant I couldn't lose track of time until I was supposed to train again. This was the only thing I had to keep me from losing my mind, even if some of the books were about how sleeping can heal your body, or how plants survive. Some of my stories were about love, loss, and happiness, and I'd do anything to get that back…
I have to at least ask so I have a chance to gather more books. If I can't have complete freedom, I'd gladly take a whole library of books in exchange.
I hid my books back under my bed and walked out of my room. I made a small lock and key and attached it to my door, locking it to the best of my ability. I didn't want anyone to look through my room without my knowledge, but it would probably happen regardless of what I did.
I sauntered towards Kurogiri, the only person in the room, putting on my most nonchalant face. If Da Da was sleeping or busy with The Doctor, then I'd be good to leave on Kurogiri’s permission. It'd be a lot less trouble to go through him if I could.
I took a calm breath, giving a small smile to the man who could create portals. I can do this… the worst he can say is that I can't leave and I'll never be able to leave as long as I'm under All For One's rule…
I definitely don't want that response.
“What is it, Kira?” I couldn't help but start sweating as I was confronted with this actual conversation. I thought I'd be smooth about it, and this would already be over with.
But this is actually terrifying. Asking if I can leave is always terrifying.
“Is it okay if I leave to go to a store. I just want to buy a book.” Kurogiri gave me a blank expression (at least what I assumed was a blank expression), thinking about what to say. He looked straight into my eyes, causing sweat to roll down the side of my face. As nervous as I was to receive an answer, I was still on the edge of my seat, ready for anything to happen.
Kurogiri stared at me for what felt like an eternity before he went back to polishing liquor glasses.
“All For One says you should be back before your training starts. He sent for Victor to escort you on your outing.” I nodded, ready to head towards the door before Kurogiri spoke again.
“He states that you are only allowed to roam in the shopping center close to the base. You should have enough time to see or buy something and be back before training.” I stopped in my tracks, allowing myself to inhale deeply, focusing all of my energy into my creation quirk.
I thought carefully about every little detail on the coins and bills I would be using to buy my items, and I felt a part of me drain into making these pieces of money. I created thousands of yen’s worth of money, and stuffed it in my short’s pockets. I thanked the portal man and waited for Victor outside of the building.
I could hear heavy breathing as Victor ran to my side, hunching over as soon as he made it to me. He eventually slowed his breathing to be less unstable, but he was still out of his element. We nodded to each other – his being less coordinated than mine – and we both began to walk to the shopping center.
I would never get over the sight of actual people walking around and going into their desired stores to buy everyday items. I especially wouldn't get tired of seeing all of the glowing store signs and the colorful displays outside the shops. I always dreamed of walking outside whenever I wanted and just looking inside the stores just to look. I wouldn't have a reason for going in, but it'd be nice to be able to do so.
Victor led the way after I told him what I was intending on buying, leaving me no chance to sight see if I wanted to catch up to him. He slipped by random passers-by effortlessly while I kept bumping into people, apologizing left and right for the intrusion. He flowed smoothly through the large crowds while I struggled to keep up with the amount of people. If only I was allowed out more, I'd be able to handle this, easy peasy.
We eventually met in front of an unfamiliar store. It must be a new store. I bravely walk in – back and shoulders straight – as I walk to where I see the wall of books.
This store had more than books it seemed. There was only a big shelf of books, and everything I saw ranged from tiny clothes to glow in the dark pens. I had never seen such a diverse room before. It filled me up with adrenaline, causing me to pick up a random book and scan through it almost immediately. I couldn't stop myself. I was just too excited.
In my excitement, I came up with a master plan to keep my book trips from being too frequent: I was going to scan all of the books and store them in my photographic memory. I wouldn't even have to flip through every page of the books in order to gain the full story. I could just commit the titles to memory and I'd have the full book. Victor couldn't be less bothered, standing with a foot propped against the wall. He tapped to an infrequent beat as I expertly studied all of the titles.
I finished faster than I thought, ensuring that I wouldn't be caught. I pick up a random book, glancing at the first page, finding it interesting enough to purchase. I found another book alongside it, choosing to buy them both to avoid leaving empty handed. I looked back at Victor to find him glaring at the other side of the room. I tried to find the cause of his irritation, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front of the store.
I found myself in front of a small woman with long tiger claws and sabertooth teeth, gently tapping away at the cashier’s device. She looked up at me and gave me a beautiful smile, muttering a small, “Welcome to Everything Palace, how are you doing today?” I froze, only moving to give her the books and to pull out my money. I wasn't used to talking to someone so… nice. Even Tomura had his moments of teenage angst and disrespect towards me.
I nodded my head and gave a small, “I'm fine,” with my best attempt at a smile. The woman gave Victor a side glance, making me worried that he was coming off weird toward the store staff. I attempted to excuse his standoffish behavior.
“That's my brother. He doesn't like shopping at all, so he's not in the best mood.” The woman nodded in understanding, giving me another beautiful smile as she gave me the price for my books. I gave her the exact change and she handed me my bag. As we walked off, I heard the cashier say, “Have a nice day.” I turned around and gave her a small head bow.
We pushed through the glass doors, springing into the calm yet bustling sidewalks of the shopping center, Victor already taking off to head to the base. I pulled him back, receiving a questioning look from the unrecognizable villain. I spoke loud enough for him to hear me through the chatter of more passers-by.
“Can we go to a store that has a hair brush or something? I have extra money…” Victor nodded, warning me that we only had an hour left before I was needed for training. I acknowledged his message and we walked through more busy crowds towards another unfamiliar store.
The wind picked up quickly as we hurried out of the store back to the quieter walkways. I exhaled, wanting nothing more than to wander to more shops or areas to release my stress levels. I seriously did not want to leave. Even with all of the discomfort of bumping into different people and such, I would rather remain here than in another place.
I was gonna go crazy if I went back to the base. I was gonna do something crazy…
I let myself fall behind as Victor continued to stride back to the lair. I couldn't move away from the front of the store. I couldn't even push myself to move back into the store. I just continued to stand there, waiting for something to happen – for someone to take me away to a better place than where I was living.
But as I continued to stand here, I realized that my “bodyguard” hadn't moved at all. He was staring at me from a distance, urging me to come with him, but I wasn't thinking straight.
And because I wasn't thinking straight, I started running.
Oh my God, I was running!
Running away from Victor.
I could hear his feat pounding harshly against the sidewalk as I kept on running. He was already tired, despite the fact that we only walked to every place we went to, but it didn't seem to stop him from running… just like me. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, making me feel absolutely invincible to the world. I didn't know where I would run to, but I knew that I wouldn't stop.
And I knew Victor wouldn't stop either. I kept my pace, even when he started using his energy to run faster. My brain turned off the moment I started moving, so I turned myself invisible and sprinted into an alleyway opening. I searched my body for anything that would give me away, and I found a small tracker pressed firmly to my shirt. I managed to peel it off and stomp on it before throwing it as far down the open street as I could.
Before I could catch my breath, Victor was right in my path. I held my breath as the villain stopped in the alleyway, trying to sense where I was. I couldn't give up this easily – it would be a waste. If he found me right now, I would be dragged home and tied to a chair and probably tortured to death. Or until I became obedient.
He walked slowly down the small area, getting closer and closer to where I was hiding beside a dumpster. I prepared for my end long before I started my chase, but before the man could get any closer, I felt my mind connect to his, projecting an out of breath voice in his brain.
‘I ran into a dead-end! I need to go deeper…’
The villain's legs twitched, pulling away from my hiding spot as he decided to run deeper into the alleyway. Far away from me…
He dropped my bags of things before rushing to my assumed destination. I wasted no time in gathering my items and pushing myself in the crowds of people as I turned off my invisibility. I had no idea where I would go, but I would find out once I got there.
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𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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pyropsychiccollector · 2 months
AssClass ask
ok so about my last ask, i realized you did smth similar already lol. with the school play where nagisa had to kiss somone else, around mid last year. I think that one only had kayano, nakamura and kanzaki so im wondering what the others reaction would be or if they got jealous over it.
I couldn't seem to find the one that included Rio and Yukiko… XD I have a vague recollection of possibly doing another school play with them involved with reacting alongside Kaede… But I think Kaede was the main reaction I did. Then again, knowing me I just didn't tag the post… Very possible. XD Regardless, I did Yukiko and Rio again anyway~ And some others. Including a bonus girl~ (✿◠‿◠)
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OC: ಠಿ_ಠ
Nagisa: What's up, OC? You look spooked.
OC: jolts a little U-Um! Y-You don't have to worry about the play anymore. You can go home. ಠಿ_ಠ;;;;;;;;;
Nagisa: But didn't you need a last minute sub…? I can't just abandon you guys! >_<
OC: Yes… Well… (✿◠‿◠)* You didn't tell me your girlfriend was terminally ill…
Nagisa: T-Terminally…? Huh??? She's not… ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: (✿◠‿◠)* seems to appear out of thin air Let's go, Nagisa-kun.
Nagisa: B-But why? OC needs help on this play? I promised…? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: I need you help more. coughs weakly (✿◠‿◠)**
OC: P-Poor thing. You're so young. Σ('◉⌓◉’)
Nagisa: I don't understand what's going on…?! gets dragged off by Yukiko
Yukiko: when they're far enough away Now, when were you going to tell me about this play? Dear? (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: I'm just trying to help out a classmate. >_< They had no one else able to take up this role, so…
Yukiko: Did you know about the kiss scene? (✿◠‿◠)****
Nagisa: No?? But I figured you wouldn't mind since it's not real. ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: And when were you going to tell me, dear? (✿◠‿◠)*
Nagisa: … To be honest, I kinda forgot with all the practicing and line memorizing. >_<
Yukiko: voice reaches subzero temperatures You… already practiced…? (╬≖‿≖)
Nagisa: The lines? Yeah. :O
Yukiko: The KISS, Nagisa. (╬≖‿≖)
Nagisa: Oh, that was only gonna be during the performances. I think counting dress rehearsal there was gonna be three shows.
Yukiko: ………
Nagisa: B-But. Um. I did feel bad after hearing about the kiss part, so I was gonna take you out to a nice dinner after it was all over.
Yukiko: ………
Nagisa: … A-And shower you with as many kisses as you wanted? ^^;;;
Yukiko: (╬≖‿≖) You're lucky you're cute.
Nagisa: What was that lie about being terminally ill??? It's not good to lie about that stuff, Yukiko-chan. >_<
Yukiko: (✿◠‿◠) It wasn't a lie. I've got a fever, and the only cure is…
Nagisa: … More cowbell? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: … A boy just as dense as Mister Karasuma. (✿◠‿◠)
Nagisa: … I don't get it. ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: We'll work on that. (✿◠‿◠) … And new rule: No kissing other girls. That's just rude.
Nagisa: A-Alright… ಠಿ_ಠ
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Nagisa: I'm sorry, I beg your pardon? (⊙▂⊙✖ )
OC: holds out the dress exasperatedly You heard me the first time. The new director says the main characters swap bodies. (╬≖_≖)
Nagisa: But I didn't sign up for crossdressing?! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
OC: Yeah, well, I didn't either. Other girls might like being tomboys, but I LIKE the frills. (╬≖_≖) But the director says jump, we're only supposed to say, "how high?"
Nagisa: @~~~@* The director was not this unreasonable when I first started practicing with you guys.
OC: I said we got a new one, didn't I? Our first one must've ate something bad the other night, and this new chick came in with his blessing. Supposedly. (╬≖_≖) I hear the bitch is thinking about the whole cast swapping bodies. Apparently she wants pictures before, during, and after the show.
Nagisa: ……… Is this new director blonde by any chance? Blue eyes?
OC: Yeah? How'd you know?
Nagisa: I quit. Σ('◉⌓◉’)
OC:You can't quit when we're a week away!!!
Nagisa: I can so. (⊙▂⊙✖ ) Whoever's bright idea it was to let Rio Nakamura take over, they can suffer the fallout. I am NOT letting her use me as a Barbie doll. AGAIN.
OC: It's just one "body swap", how bad can it be? :P
Nagisa: (╬≖_≖) You go on believing that. She won't ever be "content", not when she has all the power in the world as "director". She won't be satisfied until everyone wears all the costumes. You absolute F O O L S…
OC: Yeah, yeah, whatever drama queen. :P
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠) rips up his script Clearly I have sinned and should have been faithful. I can't save your poor souls, but I'm gonna make it up to Rio. That should at least save me. prances off
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Yuzuki: You disgust me… (๑ `н´๑)
OC: … I'm sorry? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yuzuki: A vanilla Shakespeare play?! In this day and age?! (๑ `н´๑) Did you even TRY to look up adaptations, you swine?
OC: Adapt…huh? ಠಿ_ಠ The student council approves the scripts, and they hafta get approval from the principal!
Yuzuki: I bet you didn't even TRY searching on rattles off random script website! (๑ н´๑) Audiences are gonna be bored to TEARS with your outdated English and crusty Shakespearean humor! (๑н´๑) Nope. Your play receives a 0/5 stars from me. No witty, clever anime references. Vanilla Romeo and Juliet plot. You're just the worst, and we will be boycotting your "play", madam. (๑ н´๑)(๑н´๑)(๑ `н´๑)
OC: Okayyy, bye, Queen Otaku…? C'mon, Nagisa. stares ಠಿ_ಠ
Nagisa: getting dragged away by Yuzuki ^^;;;;;;;; S-Sorry, OC-chan… Yuzuki says no, so I can't…
OC: huffs Freaking doormat. (╬≖_≖)
Yuzuki: (๑ н´๑) Not a single artistic bone in their bodies, not one!!! (๑н´๑)
Nagisa: It's just a school play, Yuzuki-chan… ^^;;;
Yuzuki: We have STANDARDS, Nagisa-kun! (๑ `н´๑)
Rio: … Does she even care about the "kiss" scene? ಠಿ_ಠ
Kaede: Well, you didn't, Miss "unlimited power". ಠಿ_ಠ
Rio: True~ Art is so subjective~ (✿◠‿◠)
Kaede: (╬≖_≖) Crossdressing isn't art, it's a sin.
Rio: So old-fashioned~ Even when ya get to see Nagisa's L E G S~? (✿◠‿◠)
Kaede: If Nagisa doesn't wanna do it, he's not gonna do it, you swine. (╯°□°)╯
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OC: (✿◠‿◠);;; Nagisa-kun, you're relieved.
Nagisa: ಠಿ_ಠ I am?
OC: Yes, effective immediately. (✿◠‿◠);;; I should be able to find someone else to handle your role.
Nagisa: Even when we're a week away…? ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: ……… Yes. (✿◠‿◠);;;;;;;;;
Nagisa: You look nervous… Are you sure???
OC: YES, Nagisa, I am ABSOLUTELY FREAKING SURE!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: But…why? ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: Oh, I don't know. Had an omen the past few nights. (╬≖_≖)
Nagisa: … An omen. ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: Someone threw a rock in my window with a message - "find some other chump." And when I didn't do anything but board up my window… The next night I had a "friendly" red dot on my pillow and I swear I heard a barrage of paintballs decorate the side of my house. The next morning my dad had to call some people to repaint the side of our house, and I found a message in my mailbox that said, "I mean it." And I've had the dot of deadly doom following me since yesterday!!! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: . . . ಠಿ_ಠ Rinka isn't one for subtlety…
OC: Oh, you KNOW that psycho?! Why am I not surprised?! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: Well, she IS my girlfriend. ^^;;;
OC: (✿◠‿◠)*** Kindly bugger off, Nagisa. My life is in shambles. From just a few days.
Nagisa: … I'll send you an apology gift. ^^;;;
OC: Nooo, no, no, no. No gifts.
Nagisa: A card, then-
OC: NO CARDS!!! Just polite acquaintanceship. (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: … I have to do something for you…
OC: The best gift money can by is a red dot free life, Nagisa. (✿◠‿◠)*** That psycho's all yours.
Nagisa: …………
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OC: Watch your hands, you perv?!
Nagisa: I-I'm so sorry…! (⊙▂⊙✖ ) backs away
OC: I thought you were a kind, unassuming boy, Nagisa-kun. (╬ಠ益ಠ) What was with that groping, you pig?!
Nagisa: I-It's just how my girlfriend's been training me…! Σ('◉⌓◉’) Sh-She said to do everything like the simulation…
OC: I don't CARE what horny bs you and your… huffs bitterly GIRLFRIEND get up to… Just leave me out of it!!!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ) We are NOT doing that in private. And we are most certainly NOT doing THAT in public. You disgusting pig. (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)
Nagisa: Why do I feel like Touka-chan set me up…? (人◕_◕)
OC: Oh, you think your perverted soulmate tricked you?! At least try to take responsibility for your own unsightly beastiality!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)
Nagisa: No, no, I think she wanted me booted out of the play. >w< I thought it was a bit extreme we took all our clothes off last night…
OC: … Yeah, you can get out of here. Great idea. (✿◠‿◠) Go back to mating like rabbits. Dirty, disgusting perverts. (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: ……… (人◕_◕) I can't even dispute that with what she made me do…
OC: OUT!!!!!
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OC: What the?!
Ritsu: Hi, OC-chan. (✿◠‿◠) I heard Nagisa was going to be in your little play.
OC: How'd you get my number?! And who the heck ARE you?!
Ritsu: Let's dispense with the small talk and get to the heart of the matter. (❋•‿•❋) Like how you're going to beg me for your life.
OC: Excuse me?!
Ritsu: I have suitable blackmail on you ready to be posted on all social media platforms. (❋•‿•❋) What are you going to do for me? (❋•‿•❋)
OC: … What do you want? ;;;>_>
Ritsu: Find someone else to play opposite you in the main role. Nagisa-kun is mine. (❋•‿•❋)
OC: … And if I let him go, you'll delete all that blackmail?
Ritsu: Never go near Nagisa again, and I'll think about deleting some of the backups. (❋•‿•❋)
Ritsu: (❋•‿•❋) Do we have an accord?
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genericpuff · 1 year
Same anon as before talking about writing stuff and worrying about if people will find it (but not the same anon as the other asks before that) - I think many people who are budding writers and artists have these concerns and bring them to you because you A). Are a creator yourself so you know what you're talking about in a verified sense and B). Idk about other anons but some of us (like me) take your reasoning (and critique) in regard to writing seriously because of your experience and how you analyze stuff such as LO.
I think at least some of us (again I can't speak for everyone nor can I or should I) wants to make sure they're not making mistakes such as the ones RS does in writing.
Also I might just take you up on your offer of Zelda fanfic - I do so love LoZ 😅.
ugh god, am I y'all's role model now or smthing? why would you do that to yourself (ㆆ_ㆆ)
okay but jokes aside, obviously people can't help who they look up to and I'm not gonna be a dick if y'all look up to my work and what I do here, just remember also that you're not obligated to agree with everything I say or take it to heart, you also shouldn't take my analysis of LO and how it's written/drawn personally because so much of that analysis is within the VERY specific definitions in which LO exists, definitions that don't really apply to many other webtoons on the platform. If there's anything I say or criticize LO for that speaks to you and your own work on a certain level, try not to take it as a direct personal attack towards you and more just like... if the things I'm saying about LO feel like they apply to your work, take it as advice for improving your own craft.
Or don't! You can literally ignore me and do what you were gonna do anyways. I literally cannot take that away from you and you absolutely shouldn't let me. I have no real power over anyone here, that's what I mean when I say I'm just a guy participating in their hyperfixation so don't feel like you gotta take me too seriously lmao
Also, yeah, okay, I'm a webcomic creator myself, but to put myself on the cross for once - I've never succeeded at this gig. Rekindled is the most consistent audience I've had in years, I think the last time my work was in a banner rotation was in 2015 (and it wasn't on WT), and I somehow make something like $20/month off Patreon. I've had small victories along the way, it hasn't been all bad, but this isn't my living and chances are low I'll ever find mass success with it. Everything I said about not taking my opinion too seriously because I'm just a random Internet guy applies to people like Rachel as well, while I criticize her work on the basis of it being a commercial product that should know better and I DEFINITELY harp on her for a lot of shit, at the end of the day she's in no way obligated to pay even a second of attention to me because she's made way more money in webcomics in the last 2-3 years than I could ever dream of making in the 10 years I've been doing this, that's something I can't take away from her and that was never the goal when it came to discussing her work. All I have to show for my own efforts is experience and rhetoric, and a few odd readers who have been around so long I wonder why they even still follow me LOL I am your typical "can never live up to the success of those who they criticize" chronically online shitposter. I don't think I should have to be on Rachel's level to be able to discuss her work, mind you, that's half the function of an audience to begin with, but it's not like I have any real legitimacy in this industry that you should worry about what I have to say. It's not like I'm capable of robbing Rachel of her awards or the money she's made lol
And by all means, go ahead and look for my fanfiction stuff, but I'm not providing any eye bleach because I wrote it when I was like, 13 years old, so search at your own risk lmao
(and if you do find it, no you didn't (︶^︶)/hj)
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Beth Revis Quote Rp Meme
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A new york times best selling author who is most famous for her Across the Universe Trilogy- please feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
“I never thought about how important the sky was until I didn't have one.”
“You never know. Something small and broken really can be powerful.”
“Is almost a good enough reason for fear ?”
“I will do anything to make her happy again, so I give her the stars.”
“A leader isn't someone who forces others to make him stronger; a leader is someone willing to give him strength to others so that they may have the strength to stand on their own.”
“Science can make a heart beat,but it can’t make it race.”
“Love without choice isn't love at all.”
“But there's a difference, isn't there? Between saying goodbye and death.”
“What if eternity is nothing more than me, alone, in the darkness?”
“When you wake up, your face will be dry. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t cry.”
“They'll never truly be able to comprehend how much was lost for their limitless sky.”
“We can fight, and we can disagree, but I'm never going to let you walk away from me thinking I don't love you.”
“If it's a matter of dying here or dying there, I think I'd like to at least see the world first.”
“Don't you see? Those monsters you've been so worried about. Not aliens. People. The monsters have always been people.”
“What matters right now is this: we're each of us standing here, together, alive, together.”
“It’s not selfish to be yourself and pursue your dreams.”
“I want her so much that it overrides everything else, every other thought in my head, every instinct, every restraint.”
“And I know what I told my father was true: let us taste the world, and we’ll do whatever it takes to shape it into our home.”
“This ship is built on secrets; it runs on secrets”
“So you’re sticking with me, and I’m sticking with you.”
“I’m sorry.’ The two most inadequate words in the English language.”
“A leader doesn't make pawns - he makes people.”
And there is nothing between us but rain.
Then there is nothing between us at all.”
“Choice or no, my heart is his.”
“I would trade all the stars in the universe if I could just have him back again.”
“But i don't care. Because we can say them or not; it doesn't matter. What is in our heats is real whether we name it or let it exist only in darkness and silence.”
“Even when you're silent, even when you block out all noise, your body is still a cacophony of life.”
“Because I can think of no better way to meet a girl than to see her through the eyes of the story she loves best.”
“It's bad, being frozen, but it's better than waking up alone.”
“Who are the real monsters?”
“It wasn't that he called me a freak. It was the way he said it. Like he really meant it. Like he believed it.”
“He's the only stable thing in the swirling chaos.”
“And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars.”
“This is the secret of the stars. In the end, we are alone. No matter how close you seem, no one else can touch you.”
“Well, sometimes home is a person.”
Dreams are like that: they go in and out of memories and scenes, but they're never real. They're never real, and I hate them because they aren't.”
“My heart stutters—not why? or how?—those are not the important questions. The really important question is: by whom?”
“You gonna fight for something, you fight for something that you're willing to die for.”
“But of course these are scientists. Tell them to leave something alone, and all they want to do is poke it with a stick.”
“I've never seen the stars before.And I never knew they were so beautiful.”
“But, really, grief left a hole in you, and while you healed around the hole, you never didn't have it. A piece of you was gone. You couldn't heal something that wasn't there.”
“Maybe the secret of the stars has nothing to do with being alone.”
“But...If my life on Earth must end, let it end with a promise.
Let it end with hope.”
“It's not knowing that's killing me. Not knowing if there's a chance that something can change, not knowing if there's hope at all.”
“There is only him and me and this thing between us that I cannot name, not out loud, but that my heart knows is love.”
“I can think of no better way to meet a girl than to see her through the eyes of the story she loves best.”
“It is like a piece of my soul had been lost, empty, and it is now filled with the light of a million stars.”
“But death doesn't work like that. It doesn't care if someone loves you, doesn't want you to go. It just takes. It takes and it takes until eventually you have nothing left.”
“I want to take her into my arms and hold her tight. But at the same time, I know that is the exact opposite of what she wants. She wants to be free, and all I want is to hold her tight against me.”
“More than the sound of my own beating heart, I miss the sound of a ticking clock. Time passes. It must pass....”
“I feel alone.”
“I have the whole world now, but I don't have him.”
“Sometimes home is a person.”
“You could have valued our lives more than your secrets.”
“That is what a book is: a million little things, a thousand feelings, hundreds of experiences, all melted together and sculpted into a book-shaped vessel.”
“If we don't have that, what do we have to live for? Does it matter if it's a lie if it keeps us alive?”
“She was a good person. She didn’t deserve to die.”
“The sea is a dangerous place because it makes you believe in forever.”
“Memories always kill nightmares.”
“I cannot imagine a more perfect hell than being trapped inside my own mind.”
I don't mean i feel lonely; I mean i feel alone, the same way i feel the blanket resting on my body, or the feathers of my pillow under my head, or the tight string of my sleep pants twisted up around my waist. I feel alone as if it were an actual thing, seeping throughout this whole level like mist blanketing a field, reaching into all the hidden corners of my room and finding nothing living but me. It's a cold sort of feeling, this.”
“Sorry? Sorry? Sorry isn't enough. Every. Single. Thing. I ever loved is beyond my reach now. Everything I ever wanted. Everything I ever was.”
“Power isn’t control at all — power is strength, and giving that strength to others. A leader isn’t someone who forces others to make him stronger; a leader is someone willing to give his strength to others that they may have the strength to stand on their own.”
“Old people die. It's what they do. “
“If I can only see him in madness, is it worth trying to hold onto sanity?”
“You must dedicate your whole life to this idea: you are the caretaker of every single person on this ship. They are your responsibility.
You can never show weakness in front of them: you are their strength.
You can never let them see you in despair: you are their hope.
You must always be everything to everyone on board.”
“This is the secret of the stars. In the end, we are alone no matter how close you seem, no one else can touch you. Maybe the secret of the stars has nothing to do with being alone.”
“You never know all of a person; you only know them in a specific moment of time.”
“Even though I know the rain is fake, it feels the same as real rain, and I desperately need that.”
“I can't be the kind of leader you want me to,I will never, ever be the kind of leader you want me to be. And I will be better because of it.”
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
The people who made raincode and danganronpa are making another game and you're the most raincode person I know so I'm coming straight to you
It's called "The Hundred Line: Last Defense Academy" and it seems really swag and I was wondering if you knew about it, cus it's coming out next year and I'm looking to get it and ik you like raincode, dunno your thoughts on danganronpa but uhhhhhh yeah
I'll be honest I have no idea about any of the games that are coming out currently everything I learn about whatever it is going on in the game sphere has been through mutuals posts. I do not like knowing things. Like I knew about Tribe Nine (but like. just barely a few days ago i found out that's a thing) but this one is new. What's up with that Kodaka. Since WHEN are there two of these now and WHERE are they coming from
I'm not really, uhh, interested? in any of these? So far? (That being said I also wasn't interested at all in Rain Code when it was first coming out either and just wanted to check it out real quick with no intent to succumb to the demons and then return to my normal life, so this statement has the potential to age) Somebody in one of their comment sections said they look like gacha games and honestly yeah they do and I don't trust that. I don't trust them
Basically, uhh thoughts:
Main boy and his fit especially looks suspiciously similiar to Yomi and I think that for that he should be executed
They're reallyyyy pandering to all the Danganronpa fans in the chat aren't they. Aren't they. 16 students locked in an academy with a quirky mascot (who. also looks exactly like is Shinigami Rain Code procreated with Humpty Dumpty) while UDG happens in the background. Like, all these Unknown Assailants are literally just UDG monokumas. Also people die there. Also the style is just. Danganronpa.
What do you mean Kodaka apparently went into debt over this. How and why on earth
Yeahhhh sorry I won't be able to actually play this I think. Even if it did not suspiciously resemble a barely disguised gacha game, I am neither good at nor do I like these sorts of strategy type games. I'm pretty bad at gaming and grinding especially, just give me the story let me read the words on the screen.. I only ever successfully finished ndrv3 because you can't lose at Danganronpa. Thank you dr for being easy I am kissing you on the mouth. If a MDARC sequel ever comes out then I will probably actually buy it too because the first one's gameplay mechanics looked doable for me. But also like. If it's gonna be switch exclusive again then I'm just gonna watch it on yt or something I'm not getting an entire switch just for Rain Code. Basically what I'm saying is that I don't like strategy games cause they're too hard for me
The edgy blue hair girl looks like a middle schooler's deviantart oc no offense to all the middle schoolers on deviantart and their ocs just an observation. She looks so bad. Eyesore. Speaking of the character designs HOW are they so fucking white. They're making Kanai Ward residents look like they actually getting suntan in comparison
I spit on it. Disrespectfully. Why is everybody getting so excited over it yall said NOTHING when Tribe Nine game trailer was out this month too what's special about it. You will never be Danganronpa. I spit on you. I spit on you, disrespectfully
I just watched the... Second trailer apparently and it's looking a liiiiiiiiiiitle better but not enough. I'm still mad over the protag stealing Yomi's fashion. The enemies look so goofy and nobody is hot. Nobody is even hot.
Seth don't care
Similiar feelings on Tribe Nine also (esp. the whole gacha thingy except with this one it's pretty much confirmed lol), however. I am actually interested and will definitely check it out if it comes out (even if it's just to watch like, a few videos and then be done), because of two reasons.
One. The entire premise of the anime, which came out first and I'm pretty sure will influence tha actual game somewhat, is glorious. This is peak fiction. Rain Code wishes it had what Tribe Nine has. Futuristic dystopia where in order to combat the rampant youth gang on youth gang violence the government tells them to do baseball about it. But not normal baseball. EXTREME baseball. Where all of our balls are on the line. In Neo-Tokyo, we live by the ball, we die by the ball... The ball is love, is life itself. Don't you get it, my arch nemesis? This team. This baseball team is my found family, their balls belong to me and my balls are theirs fully, and I will do anything for it, for its honor... No matter how many balls I shall crush for it on my way. Get into position, the time has finally come for us to battle, and only one of us shall come out alive... Also there's robots watching us
Two. This fucking guy. This FUCKING guy they put Makoto in Tribe Nine. I thought they couldn't make Makoto any cuntier, and I was wrong. I believe their name is Zero. And I want them so fucking bad . They will not leave my mind. I swear to god even if I wont be in any way interested in the game after all if it comes out I will literally just obsessively look up videos of every time Zero appears on screen this will be my only exposure to Tribe Nine.
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I hope they get an incredibly serious mental breakdown in the middle of losing at baseball with protag team when they monologue about what the ball means to them and without the ball, who are they. Protagonist boy, you must turn back now you do NOT know what you're during right now your ball dreams are meaningless compared to the reason as to why I continue to pursue it. I cannot fail. Failure is forbidden in my family. If I fail my human original whose DNA I have been created from will discard me to the dungeons, the tennis dungeons, to be forgotten. And I yearn to be loved and have abandonment issues and trauma I just have so much trauma mannn and when I was a child they locked me in a washing machine which is why I lost the ability to trust people. Not ever again........ *flies away screaming wildly gripping head and summons giant baseball robot with rocket launchers*
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chocolatebageltje · 1 year
I've just finished watching the Fear Street trilogy and I'm. I am living for these movies omg they've been spinning in my head like a hamster in a wheel for the past few days. They're so good, I haven't had a movie that kept me so fully engaged all throughout in a while and especially the sound design is what does it for me. I will be watching them all over again soon just to see if I didn't pick up on some things that were concluded later. Despite being a pretty rounded whole I'd almost wish they'd make more sequels about the individual Shadyside killers just to get more content out of the universe. The series is going into my favorite movie catalog for sure.
Also, I deadass need someone to do a thorough character analysis on Nick Goode specifically lol. @ me if you're that person bc I need to DISCUSS. (Spoilers below)
I found him sus on so many occasions throughout the series but every time I ended up letting my guard down regardless because he was just portrayed as so likable to me?? After he turned his back on Ziggy at the end of part 2 I felt he might've known something and that it was a dick move, but I also kinda felt that there might've been a good reason for it and that he'd get a redemption arc. But BOI that turned out...different. Deadass though, as evil as he ended up being, I kinda felt there had been some shreds of good left in there as well, just heavily overpowered by all of the rest.
Idk if this is supposed to be the actual meaning of it but, to me it seemed that as it was said the Goode's were able to get whatever they wanted through the deal with the devil, Nick desperately wanted Ziggy survive her injuries and so she did. (Like deadass the chick got stabbed big time how tf does one survive that??) And if that was the case, that they could technically wish for whatever they wanted, couldn't he technically also wish for Ziggy to stick with him regardless? But that could blow his cover so... But when they met again at the mall, I found his expression quite hard to read. I felt maybe he had a moment of guilt maybe? Feelings coming back to the surface? But then he deadass tried to human sacrifice her right after so even if so it was pretty meaningless in the end 💀 Maybe his ego was just too big to be fully real with himself? Am I giving this man too much credit?
Also what I found interesting is that it seemed like the dudes could pick the name of the sacrificed person themselves. Did they just pick at random given the killers ended up so random or was it deliberate in some way? Would they know when it'd happen? (Bc if so it'd be kinda stupid of Nick to choose Tommy, the boyfriend of the sister of the girl he crushed on, with a camp coming up where said girls both would be at. 😂)
I'll probably have more to rant about after I get some sleep, but his character was something that I found particularly interesting. Every character honestly was so layered to me with both bad and good perspectives to them and how they behaved. I'm gonna stop so this won't become endless lol, but pls tap in if you too want to gush about these movies!
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