#and she says 'you!' with the biggest smile and i had to smother her in hugs
bnuyy · 1 year
🌸. . .
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
The Undead Florist
Anon said: Basically, I just wanted Danny to deliver flowers to the Justice League heroes from his fans. If you can include Everlasting Trio. U can add whatever crack you think would be best! Thank you!
Clark is in the middle of blocking a heat ray attack from a robot that copies the powers of any Justice League member when the unexpected happens. A kid, no older than fourteen, boldly walks into the battlefield carrying a lavish bouquet of red roses and trigger lilies.
He's dressed in a worker uniform: light brown khakis, a black shirt with a light-born vest, and a black baseball hat resting neatly on his head. There is a company logo on the upper right of his vest but Clark does not recognize the stylized D.
There was a still moment when Clark's super speed could see the exact second Amazo spotted the child. The boy wasn't paying attention, staring at his phone screen, which had the faint details of a map, and had two headphones in his ear.
Clark's eyes widen in horror, and he opens his mouth to try to shout a warning—though he doubts the kid could hear him over the loud music playing in his ear—but before he can, Amazo flung out an arm straight at the kid's head, still pinning Clark down with a cheap version of his own laser ray eyes.
No! No, please, he's so young! He pleads mentally, frozen in horror as the robot's hand goes right through the kid's head. It took a solid minute for Clark to realize that Amazo's hand hadn't ripped through the skull of the child but rather had passed through him as if the boy was not physically there.
From underneath a black baseball cap, brim, electric blue eyes stare at Amazo. Gesturing vaguely to the arm going through his head, the boy frowns. "Rude much?"
"Access: Black Canary," Amazo says in response, his jaw opening wider as a super-powered scream is released, pointing black at the kid's face.
The frown on the worker deepens as the boy reaches up and- slaps the android in the face? "Dude, I'm trying to work. I have like eight flower deliveries today. Also, that was a weak imitation. This is a real Ghostly Wail."
He opens his jaw, letting out a sound that wasn't as loud as Black Canary or Amazo but somehow worse.
And the sound—the unholy screech that releases from the child sends Clark to his knees, quivering in his boots as Amazo disintegrates right before his eyes. The only thing left of the android is a smothering pair of robotic legs that fall over with a loud thump.
The boy huffs, paying no mind to the fact that he took out the enemy the league had spent the last six hours fighting before Clark tried to lure it away from the city. He merely glances back at his phone, following the little moving icon on the map until he stands before the fallen hero.
"Hi! Are you Superman?" The kid asks in a polite, chipper tone. It's such a whiplash change between his normal voice and his customer service voice that it sets in. This is really just a Tuesday for him.
Clark opens and closes his mouth with a weak "Yes" and is pushed out.
The kid's smile grows as he pushes the flowers into his arms. Clark nearly drops the vase, scrambling to get a good hold of them as the kid pulls out a harmonica and plays a little jingle. It sounds like a mix between Happy Birthday and Ring Around the Roses.
Once he is done, the boy holds out his arms wide open and loudly proclaims, in a very obvious Transatlantic accent, which makes him sound... rather otherwordly: "These flowers are sent by your fan Kattie Longsmith in Metropolis, wishing to thank you for rescuing her mother and brother from a fire. She wants to remind you that she is your biggest fan and hopes you have a lovely day. Thank you for selecting the Undead Florist as your means of flora travel!"
With a theatric bow, the boy blinks out of existence.
Clark is left kneeling alone in a destroyed cornfield, beating black and blue, while holding a vase of lavished roses and lilies. He is unsure how long he will stay there, trying to process what he just saw as the Batplane flies onto the scene, Bruce jumping out of it with a cry of his name.
Batman growls upon taking in the scene before his friend rushes to his side. "What happened?"
"I ugh...I got a flower delivery." He manages to utter, eyes still trained on the spot of the strange kid.
"Trust me, I'm as confused."
It turns out that Clark's delivery is not an isolated incident. Over the past three months, various Justice League members have reported similar interactions with the Undead Florist.
Flash got a bouquet while trying to stop Captain Cold. The kid had wandered in the middle of a fight, unfreezing the speedster to hand over yellow lilies and sunflowers from a little boy named Teddy Smith in Central City. He had melted the freeze ray that was shot at him while Barry was in the middle of a panic, thinking he would watch a child die.
One little jingle and message was delivered in a Transatlantic accent later, and the boy was gone without a trace again. Bruce had gone to the scene, trying to find anything that could give him some clue, but he disputed the clear picture of his face and the recording of his voice. Nothing about the boy came up in their systems.
Wonder Woman was next, receiving two large bouquets of roses from a fellow woman she had rescued named Trix Cooperman. Her jingle was slightly smoother jazz , and the message leaned towards romantic than gratitude from a fan, but the boy had delivered it nonetheless.
He also took out Cheetah with a well-placed punch, highly impressing Diana. He had the makings of a warrior.
Then Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Martian Man Hunter, Batman, Martian Man Hunter, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, Zatanna, and surprisingly Vigilante each got their own flower grams.
None of them were able to get any information about the child, seeing as he only appeared when the members were in the middle of a fight, which was driving Bruce mad.
Of course, they had tracked down all the clients but met a dead end when each claimed they had never placed an order with Undead Florist. Even when Diana was holding her rope, the people gave the same answer.
They had no idea why Undead Florist was delivering flowers in their name or where the message that came along with the flowers appeared from. The chilling part was that the messages did actively represent their emotions and feelings towards the heroes, but how the overpowered child knew that was left unanswered.
The other thing that bothered Bruce was that the Undead Florist only appeared when they were in battle.
"Maybe it's because he doesn't know how to find you otherwise," Nightwing suggested at the Justice League-wide meeting.
"He uses a GPS that is locked into the heroes." Batman grunts, not dismissing the suggestion but challenging it, which causes his eldest son to shrug.
"Undead could be following online tips or something. It's not like the Leauge is seen just strolling around the cities, but people tweak when they do happen to see us."
"We could test that. Have a group of heroes just relaxing at a cafe or something. See where he appears and if there is a pattern after monitoring social media." Red Robin suggests, rubbing his chin.
Batman considers it before nodding. "I shall divide the teams."
The Justice League goes out, doing as instructed, and sure enough, they find the Undead Florist appearing more and more. Red Robing happily puts together the pattern, pointing to social media generated by the younger generation's demographics.
Undead Florist is an actual teenager using DCtweets to find heroes to bring flowers to. They have enough proof of that to show he's harmless if one ignores his more than impressive battle skills.
"Now all we need to do is catch him," Clark announces. "We don't want to scare him, but the Justice League really needs to know how he's doing all of this. It could be a security risk."
Meanwhile, Danny chills in his haunt, watching Sam tend to the flowers in a large greenhouse he placed for her. Tucker is typing away on a ghost zone-powered supercomputer, looking at all the Soul orders their business is getting.
The Ghost Zone didn't have a formal currency; they had Deals instead. Even small unconscious deals—like wishing on a shooting star, throwing a coin in a fountain, or sending a prayer or two—could be turned into deals if a higher being encountered them.
Luckily for those people, Danny and his lovers are very kind higher beings and choose to complete their requests in a way that satisfies all of their obsessions without stealing souls.
Sam got to spread her greenery across worlds, Tucker got to spend time with tech from different universes and Danny was able to explore and protect the souls of humans.
That Danny could exchange these Soul orders for gold was no one business but their own.
"Ohhh, another order, Red Robin, from Universe Nine!" Tucker crows. "It's roses in the shape of a heart from Kon-el. Aw, he's in love with his best friend!"
"That's sweet." Danny smiles, leaning over his boyfriend's shoulder to read the message he must memorize when he struts into Gotham. "I know how much fun dating best friends is."
"Let's help those losers confess then!" Sam calls, raising her hands as roses of various colors burst to life around her.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Duck on a String
Jessie Fleming x Child!Reader
Summary: Jessie isn't at training
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Jessie was missing.
Okay, well, that was a bit of an exaggeration. She wasn't missing in the sense that the police had to be called but she was definitely missing from training.
She hadn't texted or let any of the team know why but Emma and the other staff hadn't seemed to mind. Regardless though, it was enough for Magda to drag Pernille and Niamh to Jessie's door despite their complaining.
The curtains are closed so Magda can't nose around through the windows so she knocks on the front door.
There's no answer.
She knocks again.
"Maybe she's not in," Niamh says, shoving her hands into her pockets," Can we leave now? I'm hungry."
Magda knocks again, harder this time.
"She's probably sick," Pernille says," She might be napping, Magda. We don't want to-"
The door creaks open.
Magda expects Jessie. Maybe Jessie in her pyjamas or with major bedhead, all red and feverish.
Instead, she gets you.
You're kneeling on the top of the entrance hall table that Jessie uses to put her keys on. You're absolutely tiny and there's no way you could have unlocked the chain lock without it.
Magda expected a sick Jessie.
Instead she gets a sick you.
You're still sitting on the table with wide eyes. Your cheeks are all red and even from the distance, Magda can feel the fever raging through you.
Despite this, you look absolutely adorable, dressed simply in a little duckling shirt and shorts.
"Er..." Magda's at a loss for words and it's clear that Pernille and Niamh are shocked too.
"Hi, sweetheart," Pernille coos at you," Do we have the right house? Is Jessie Fleming here?"
You wiggle down from the table and Pernille reaches out quickly in case you fall but you seem fine.
"Mama!" You call," Mama!"
Footsteps sound and the door open furthers.
"Duckie!" Jessie scolds," What have I said about opening the door?"
"Sorry," You say before pointing at the girls in front of you," Here for you."
Jessie lays a kiss on your cheek before pushing you further into the house.
You waddle off and Niamh smothers a laugh as you pull a set of wooden ducks on a string after you.
Jessie stands in front of her teammates awkwardly. Unlike you, she's not sick. She looks perfectly fine, if a little nervous.
"What's with the kid?" Niamh asks and Jessie looks unbelievably more awkward.
"That's my Duckie," She says," She's sick."
"That explains nothing."
There's a crash sound behind her.
"Mama! Duckies go crash!"
"Do you want to come in?" Jessie asks," It's just..." She jerks a thumb behind her.
"That would be nice, Jessie," Pernille says, guiding everyone inside.
You're sitting in the lounge when they make it inside. Your wooden ducks on a string are now sitting on their sides and you've got the biggest pout known to man on your face.
Jessie sets them right and you're off again, wandering around the room in a circle as you drag your ducks behind you.
"I adopted her," Jessie admits," Do you remember the club did that benefit for kids in foster care? Bought them new clothes and toys? I was holding a duck. She was really excited about it."
"A kid is a big step," Pernille advises, not unkindly.
"I know," Jessie says," But...But I looked at her and just knew. You know?"
"Er...not really no," Magda replies, scratching the back of her head as her eyes track your circular motions," But I trust you, Jess. She seems sweet."
The dopiest smile appears on Jessie's face. "Duckie's great. She so sweet."
You turn your head at the sound of your nickname and wander over. Your ducks come trailing after you and you keep a tight grip on their string.
"Hi, Mama!" You give her a big kiss on the cheek.
"Hi, Duckie." Jessie's still got that silly, dopey smile on her face as you give her another kiss. "Theses are my friends Magda, Pernille and Niamh."
"Hi, Magda, Pernille and Niamh!" You say before looking back at Jessie with the exact same dopey smile that she has. "Mama, my duckies say quack!"
"That's right!" Jessie says," Duckies do say quack!"
You giggle hysterically before breaking into a coughing fit that has Jessie gently rubbing you back.
"All better!" You chirp, swiping your nose with your sleeve before hopping down. You grab Niamh's hand and tug at her until she's standing, walking around with her in circles as you pull along your ducks.
"Duckie's usually shy," Jessie admits," She must like you all."
It doesn't seem like you're shy at all until the hours lag on and you grow tired. The sun has set and Jessie's made dinner for all five of you.
That's when the shyness sets in along with the fatigue that Niamh reckons comes with whatever sick bug you've got.
You don't walk in circles with your ducks on the string and you stay very firmly planted in Jessie's lap as she zips up your fluffy duckling sleepsuit.
You yawn, head slumped against Jessie's collarbone as you stare at the three football players. Mama's running her fingers through your damp hair and you really thought her friends would have been gone by the time that you had finished your bath.
You yawn again as your eyes focus on Magda and Pernille. You don't really want to go up to them but you've been having thoughts about them ever since Magda helped you with your farmyard animals puzzle when Mama was cooking.
You wiggle off Mama's lap and toddle over to them.
You take Pernille's hand and put it into Magda's.
"Love each other," You say in your sleepy haze," Forever. Date."
Magda looks up at Jessie in confusion but her teammate is already cooing over you, lifting you up into her arms. You burrow into them quickly and Jessie places a soft felt duck into your hands.
"I think it's bedtime," Mama says to you," Don't you think so?"
"Duckie go night-night," You agree.
Mama smiles. "That's right. Duckie is going night-night. Can you say goodbye to my friends?"
Mama carries you up to bed after taking your temperature one last time. She rubs your back and gives you kisses before tucking you into your bed with your duckie bedsheets and your duckie pillows.
"Goodnight, duckie."
"Night-night, Mama."
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Imagine Zuko is working at the Jasmine Dragon and you are a regular :)
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I love the small town coffee shop/ cafe feel, and when you throw in a romance trope- I will smother that MF in butter and eat it for my final meal. I love my grump x sunshine tropes, if you couldn’t tell. 
This one isn’t really following a proper timeline or story, cuz I’m not using Zuko and Irohs fake names and they really are just chillin in that tea shop for this story, BUT just a fluffy idea I really like. Anywho, fluffy and some steam ;) that gets steamy. (WINK WINK)
WC: ~2100 words
So let’s imagine…
Age of Admission: 18 and Wrinkled
Zuko is a server at the Jasmine Dragon tea shop owned by his Uncle Iroh. It became super popular very fast and you thought you would check it out. You walk in one morning and come to meet the owner, he introduces himself as Iroh. He is very kind and as you two talk, you find it is only himself and his nephew who work there. Iroh points out his nephew and when you turn to look where he motions, a figure disappears into the back. You thank Iroh for his kindness and say you cannot wait to come back. You would end up becoming a regular that would come in and read for a long time when the shop was quiet but leave when it got busy.
When you would come in, Zuko was always conveniently the one to help you. He would take your order, he would give you your tea and come by your table to check if you needed anything. He was nonchalantly cold to you but… not…? You would always smile and thank him and try to make small conversation, but Zuko never really engaged, he wasn’t rude and would agree with you then quickly move on. But over time, you noticed Zuko never stopped at any of the other tables to check on them, only yours. 
Over time it is very apparent that Zuko has the biggest soft spot for you but tries not to show it. He constantly stares at you, but glances away before he gets caught. Iroh obviously takes notice fairly quickly and tries talking with Zuko, but it is short lived. Iroh comments “You two would complement each other quite well. Not to mention the smile she brings out of you, now that's quite the achievement.” Zuko only rolls his eyes as he walks into the back. 
On another day you had been sitting for almost an hour finishing your second cup of tea, in the last few chapters of your book, Zuko was glancing at you from behind the counter as he dried a teapot. Iroh tried again, “You should talk to her.” Zuko visually tenses, “What?! No! What would I even say??” He said in a harsh whisper. “You are overthinking nephew, she always tries to spark a conversation, just let your conversation rivers flow and intertwine!” Zuko looked at him blandly, Iroh gave a soft smile, “A compliment can go a long way.” Iroh patted his shoulder and went to walk among the tables conversing with the customers.
One day you had stayed particularly later than you had thought as a rush didn’t happen and you were very into your book. Eventually Zuko walks over to you and places down a small dessert, it was some sort of pear tart. You smiled up at Zuko and thanked him for the kind gesture. “Yeah, we are closing soon and there happened to be some left that didn’t sell.” Zuko said. You shot up, not noticing the time, “Oh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize the time. Can I take it to go?” You say standing and gathering your things, you start apologizing for holding them up but Zuko was only half listening as he looked out the window at the dark street. He was worried about you being out so late and walking home alone. He cuts you off and insists it's fine and to wait till after they close and he would walk you home. Your heart flutters as it was something you knew you wanted but didn’t realize how badly. You smile and nod your head in thanks, but Iroh had overheard and insisted that Zuko could head out now as he could close himself. 
Zuko and yourself walked along the main street, the night was dark but the street lamps lit your way. You hold your book with both hands in front of you as you talk about what happened in the many chapters you read tonight. Zuko and you walk side by side, you smile as you explain the events, Zuko listens but is watching around for anything to be cautious of. You both make it back to your apartment and you thank Zuko for the kind gesture and offer him to come in. To your dismay he declines, you were sad as he turned away and waved goodnight, knowing it was out of good chivalry. After what felt like the longest walk home of his life, Zuko returns to the tea shop. Iroh welcomes Zuko back and asks how it went, Zuko snapped “Do you stick your nose into everyone’s business, or just mine?” Iroh looked at Zuko for a moment, “She asked you to stay, didn’t she?” Zuko scrunched his nose and didn’t reply, he walked back to his room.
You had come down with a cold and didn’t return to the tea shop for a couple days. But little to your knowledge, through those couple days Zuko found himself waiting for you to walk through the front doors. He found himself looking at the door every time someone walked through but disappointment cooling his veins when it wasn’t you. 
After almost a week goes by you show up again, Iroh welcomes you back warmly and insists your regular order will be out swiftly before walking into the back. You smile and take a seat, pulling out your book, not long after Zuko is at your table with your tea. Zuko makes a comment about your absence and you explain how you had gotten a cold and then tease him about missing you. Zuko starts to try and back track his comment, you can see a bit of embarrassment peek through as he tries to cover up his feelings that showed through his concern of you missing. You decide to take a leap and try to show him it's ok. “Well, I missed your company too.” you said warmly, as Zuko composed, someone walked in and up to the counter. Zuko added it was nice to have you back before heading to serve the customer.
A rush started that afternoon so you marked your place in your book, paid and left. You spent some time in the market and on your route home you passed the tea shop. You walked by slowly to see Zuko sweeping by the front door, he looked up and questioned why you were out so late. You smiled and explained about the market, told him about the shops and liveliness. While you were talking Iroh pops out from the back mid question for zuko, but pauses when he sees you. He exclaimed how nice it was to see you again with a warm smile walking to you and Zuko. You return the gesture and brief him about the market that you explained to Zuko. Iroh agreed it sounded fun and insisted You show Zuko, all closing was basically done and could finish up by himself. 
You and Zuko made your way to the market and walked around, there were many food stands, flower stands, jewelry stands, fabric stands, anything you name it was probably there. As you both walked and you talked, a cool breeze started setting in so you looped your arm through Zukos and walked closer to him, commenting on his warmth. Zuko only hummed and continued on with you, even though his heart was totally a butterfly exhibit at that moment. Once the market was fully explored, Zuko offered to walk you home again as it was very late and he should get you home.
Once again you both ended up on your apartment door step. You thanked him for a great night and him walking you back, you unlocked and opened your door, offering again for Zuko to come in. Zuko starts to insist he leaves but you cut him off with a kiss. Zuko was surprised for only a split second, but kissed you back, placing his hands on your waist. You pull away and look up at him through your eyelashes, “Please, stay for a bit”. He looked at you, “Are you sure?” he asked, keeping his hold on your waist, your shirt parted slightly from your pants and the warmth of his hand hummed against your skin. You held his gaze while you grabbed his hand, taking him inside. 
Once you were both in, you handed Zuko the keys, he closed the door and locked it. The second he turned around you moved in, you placed your hand on his jaw and chest. Zuko lavished in your kiss and put his hands on the small of your waist, bringing you in as close as possible. You felt the warmth of his body against yours, but craved more. You grab the bottom of his shirt and pull up, Zuko releases you and grabs his shirt, yanking it off quickly, returning to your lips. But this time his hands didn’t fall on your waist, they reached to the back of your thighs, hiking you up with ease as pleasant yelp of surprise from you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. The kiss was so hot you pulled away, your head falling to the side as Zuko moved to kiss your jaw and neck. “Zuko…~ah!” He hummed in response, “Zuko, bedroom… behind us…” Zuko promptly moves to the door you mention, pushing it open with his foot, stepping in and swiftly closing it with a firm but gentle kick.
Zuko set you down on the bed, you eagerly took off your shirt and you laid chest bare, not having worn underclothing today. Zuko’s hands were immediately on your torso, and chest. As Zuko kissed along your neck and collar bone, you scrape your nails down his shoulders and slide your hands along his arms, feeling the lean build of his muscle. Zuko asks if this is ok, what you both were doing, you wasted no time in confirming you were more than ok with it. You grab the waist line of his pants and pull him close, he grunts and pushes himself further against you, you gasp. Zuko goes to remove your pants, you raise your hips to quicken the process. You now laid bare before Zuko, everything for him to see. You could feel the vulnerability creep in and the natural urge to cover, but you knew you were comfortable and this is what you wanted. Your hands worked his trousers and slid them off. Zuko stood proud as he hovered over you, laying between your legs. Anticipation slid around your stomach, you kissed deeply, you could feel Zuko at your entrance, you gasped. He leaned back and looked down at where you met, grinning. Pushing forward slightly, his head pushing against your kitten. “~mmh… ah!” You moan out as he pushes further in, Zuko lets out a breath as he rests on elbows over top of you. He pushes in all the way and an audible gasp leaves your mouth as you could swear he hit an organ. He pulls out and slides back in, in the most devilish way of feeling like he is hitting deeper with every thrust. Your eyes roll back as his hips move in the perfect way, feeling his skin against yours, his muscles move against your body. Zuko puts his arms under your knees and spreads your legs wide and pushes them up, giving him better access as well as deeper penetration, which is baffling to you in that second until he continues. Now nothing is going through your mind except Zuko's breath and your moans in the air. You felt a knot in your stomach form, you tapped on his shoulder and told him you were close. He groaned and kept going as you fell apart under him, almost reaching his peak as you became so sensitive you couldn't contain the moans coming from you. But before you could think, he was about to climax. Zuko cursed and pulled out, cumming on your stomach. You both are absolutely racked from the events, Zuko takes a deep breath in, kisses you and says he will be right back. He comes back with a towel, cleaning you up and laying next to you. 
You lay on his chest and relax, both being out of breath, Zuko said something that shocked you. He exclaimed how he missed you the week you were home sick, and not at the tea shop. You smiled sweetly and cuddled closer to his warm body, explaining how everyday you couldn’t stop thinking about him either.
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totaly-obsessed · 9 months
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Katie McCabe x reader request
-> Katie and you watch Aine play football for the first time
-> 2 requests in one - I hope you like it!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
‘I want another one’ somehow happened quite fast and not even a year later – Aine was getting ready to be a big sister. Telling her didn’t quite go as Katie or you had planned…
“Baby in Mummy’s tummy!”
A deadly silence had fallen over the kitchen as your wife and you just exchanged glances, trying to figure out who had snitched, both convinced that it was not you.
“What do ya mean lovie?” Katie tried to act unknowingly but apparently forgot that Aine had gotten the sass from her.
“You need to listen better!” You could barely hold yourself up with how much you were shaking with laughter and the Irishwoman’s shocked face. “Watch ya tone, Missy!”
By now the young girl had attached herself to your leg, clawing at you for ‘uppies’ as she had once called it. When you finally caved and sat her on the kitchen counter, she was quickly joined by Cooper who nuzzled his head into her side.
“You’re right doll. There is a baby in Mummy’s tummy – you will be a big sister.” Both of you were curious about how the seven-year-old would react to the news, not even caring at this point how she had figured it out.
“Like Mama and Auntie Lauryn!” Cooper by now had enough of the excited bouncing, opting to leave and look for a pretty spot in the sun where he could nap until his small human companion would inevitably find him and smother him in pets.
“That’s right bub! What do you think of that?” Back was the tense silence, as Katie grabbed your hand, giving it a loving squeeze – this was much more terrifying than you had thought. At least you didn’t need to actually tell Aine the news, she had taken that upon herself.
The small brunette looked around the open kitchen and living space, her pigtails swishing through the air as she scooted closer to the edge of the countertop, getting her face right next to yours. Katie’s hands were ready in case she fell, which she wouldn’t but Katie would always worry. “Pssshh! Don’t tell - this was my biggest wish for Santa! And it came true!”
Your wife couldn’t help but laugh, kissing her daughter's forehead before hiding her face in the very familiar brown hair. “Well, Santa came early then, huh?” It was in the middle of November, but ever since last Christmas, the seven-year-old had started a wish list. “He did! Cause I wanted it so badly – and Mummy did too!”
This had gone over much better than you could have imagined, and for now, you were just fine with her thinking that Santa was the way her little sibling would find its way to her. “You’re right Lovie. Mummy and Mama wished for it really badly too.”
It was no secret that Aine wanted to be just like her Mama, so her playing football should really not come as a surprise to either of you but it turns out that seeing her little girl get accepted into the Arsenal U8s team was something entirely different.
The little brunette had tried out for them, just like any other kid (no matter what haters would say), and got accepted with no problem. At their age group, it wasn’t considered as ‘Academy’ training, but rather ‘Pre academy’, with two training sessions a week and ten games across the whole season. They also weren’t separated into a girls' and boys' team just yet, so the Arsenal U8’s was a mixed team that would compete against other fixed games and also just boys teams.
With spring break coming up, Aine’s first match was also coming closer and closer. Katie had never felt so many emotions. Seeing you at six months pregnant and now well rounded while her little girl went to training after training, each time coming home with a bigger smile.
“Look at this! You’ll look just like Mama!”
Katie really couldn’t hold her tears anymore – with you holding her hand Aine admired herself in the mirror, wearing her game-day kit for the very first time.
But instead of Katie's 15 on her back, she had a 10 – for Kim Little, the best Midfielder there was and your daughter's biggest idol, much to her mama's disappointment.
“You look so grown up, Doll.” Seeing your wife this emotional, and Aine so happy gave you the rest. Now both of you were bawling your eyes out while the little brunette hopped around the house, before running back with Katie’s phone in her little hands.
“Take a picture, Mummy! For Auntie Kim!”
In the picture you were holding the grinning girl in your arms, as she proudly kissed your tummy, refusing to properly pose as she wanted to show Kim her little sibling as well.
This was the best day yet for the young gunner. After all, she was going to be a big sister, so she had to be a good example and play good football – just like the grown-ups.
“Do me a favor, my love?” Aine stood in between her mother's legs when she finally composed herself a little. “Hmmm?”
“Grow up a little slower, will ya?”
Turns out preparing for gameday, and actually experiencing one, were completely different experiences – especially when it was a double game day.
Aine was already hopping through the house like an excited bunny when Katie made her way down the stairs to make breakfast.
The Irishwoman had kissed your forehead, gently waking you up with a mumbled “Mornin Love. Thirty minutes.” Before going downstairs. God was her morning voice attractive.
It was seven in the morning. On a Sunday. Entirely too early for a six-month pregnant you who had put a giddy child to bed, that didn’t want to sleep. But your wife was gracious, giving you thirty more minutes to wake up fully before helping her daughter bring breakfast in.
You could get used to this – a delicious meal in bed with your wife and daughter, although a little later would have been nice.
“Mummy, when do we have to go?” This was the third time Aine had asked in the last ten minutes, and every time either Katie or you had given her the answer but the small brunette couldn’t help herself – she was just too excited.
This was the fastest you had ever seen the seven-year-old get washed and dressed after breakfast. She was so fast, that she had gotten impatient with your much slower speed. Aine took it upon herself to get you dressed while you brushed your teeth while sat on the closed toilet.
“Foot please Mama!” You did as asked, picking up your legs off the floor so that your daughter could slip socks over your feet.
And with a quick zoom, she was in your bedroom again, just to return with wide, comfortable pants that you just knew that your wife chose. Instead of giving them to you, she threw them on the floor. “Step in please!” Good thing you were already wearing underwear, huh? As good as she could, Aine helped you get them up and over your bump, but not before giving it a kiss and whispering a small “Hi!”
It went like that until you were fully dressed and she pulled you to the hallway, where your wife helped you into shoes as you could barely see the ground anymore.
“Is this okay? I thought maybe I should have given her longer socks because it will be cold – but then we have a blanket so maybe you will get too hot an-“ Katie’s rambling was cut short with a passionate kiss. “It’s perfect – Thank you, my Love.”
“Let go, let go, let's go!”
“Now you know how it feels to watch you play!” Katie was tense as she leaned against one of the beams that surrounded the football pitch.
The drive here had gone by fairly quickly as Aine made sure to tell your wife all about her teammates. You had met most of them already during practice or while picking her back up again – the small brunette would always chat with anybody who would listen until you walked over to take her home. Her chattiness definitely came from your wife – but right now there was nothing in the world that could make the Irishwoman relax.
“She’s tougher than she looks, my Love.” By now you had taken the footballer's hand, rubbing calming circles on it in a desperate attempt to calm her down.
Aine was one of four girls on the pitch – two on her team and two on the other. The rest were all boys. And while you knew that she was feistier than she looked, much more like her mother than you, the size difference between her and some of the boys was terrifying.
“Oi Ref!” Your wife’s hand shot up when an opposing boy had clumsily taken your daughter down with him in an attempt to stop her from getting even closer to their goal. “That’s a free kick! Ref!” The guy refereeing the game didn’t see the incident at first, angering Katie even further – but when he did look over the first thing that he saw, was a tiny brunette shoving a boy at least a head taller off of her.
The shrill sound of a whistle agreed with Katie, and the Arsenal U8s were indeed allowed a freekick in a very good position for them, as your daughter had been very central on the field and closing in on goal.
Katie’s grip on your hand tightened with stress – she knew what she would do in this situation. But did her seven-year-old know it as well? They spent countless dinner conversations talking about football and plenty of different techniques, with impressive input from Aine, so she had to know what she was doing, right?
 And she did.
The brunette passed to one of her free strikers and started running through the masses. She was small, fast, and agile – and before the opposing team could blink, her striker passed back to her when she was standing directly in front of the goal.
“Yes! That’s my daughter!”
Katie couldn’t contain herself any longer – the ball had hit the back of the net with a surprising amount of force, their keeper jumping in the other direction, making this a perfect goal. Her first goal.
After high-fiving every player on her team your daughter sprinted over to where you stood and gave a quick kiss to your belly just like she had done earlier in the morning. “For you, baby!”
The match ended shortly after Arsenal's third goal, assisted by your daughter who once again looked at you and Katie, to see if you watched her – which you did.
One of the trainers had brought a box of mixed ice-creams and even though the young brunette wasn’t supposed to, she took three of them and quickly made her way to you and your wife.
“Don’t you wanna eat with your friends baby?”
“Nuh-uh. You are my best friends.”
Well, there go your hormones again as you couldn’t hold your tears at bay any longer. “I love you so much Aine. And you played so well.” The seven-year-old kissed your forehead much like Katie did, before ensuring that someone had recorded the game so that she could show Auntie Kim her goal.
“That was my first win for baby sister, Mommy! Now Mama needs to win tonight so it’s a perfect day!”
“Geez no pressure huh?” Everything was packed up now and the pitch was getting emptier by the minute as multiple parents made their way to their cars at the same time you did.
“Aine I have a question.”
“What if it’s a baby brother instead?”
She was now buckled into her car seat, with Katie still at her door trying to work out something that has been bothering her ever since your daughter had announced that you were pregnant again. Neither you nor Katie have been told the gender of the baby, yet the youngest family member seemed sure that it would be a girl again.
“It’s not. It’s a baby sister.”
“How do you know that?”
You tried to watch their interaction as well as you could from your passenger seat. Your Wife’s eyes were wide with curiosity, something that you saw in Aine nearly every day.
“I just do.”
“You terrify me, Kid.”
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momotonescreaming · 8 months
Teenage Dream - Part 6
AKA - the Jeff and Eddie have crushes on jocks series Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Chrissy had waved him goodbye as they exited the library, a cute wiggle of her fingers as they went their separate ways down the hall. It was almost embarrassing how much it put Jeff in a good mood. How lighter he felt, giddy and happy, and trying not to smile in the halls. It made the rest of the day easier, go by faster. And Jeff sure as hell wasn’t complaining. She took his day and lifted it up, just by the virtue of being in it.
The rest of the day passed in a rush of classes, and of teachers, and of notes and a drifting mind. Drifting to band, and Hellfire, and Chrissy. To guitar chords and crooned words. To strawberry ponytails and matching scrunchies. And next thing he knew the bell was ringing.
Time for band practice. Corroded Coffin tried their best to get together and practice once a week, every week. It was a good excuse to hang out at first, when they were all building their friendships. Talk shit, talk music, riff off each other. Then they got their gig at The Hideout, and practice became a lot more serious.
Granted, they only played to a handful of drunks, but it was a start! It was invigorating, being on the stage, feeling the heat of the shitty lights, the sound of their music coming out the amps, the energy that flowed through them.
Jeff didn’t quite know how he was going to focus on it all tonight. This has been the first practice since her. Since she sat with him and they had an actual conversation, at least. If he finds himself recommending they start playing love songs, he’s going to put his head through one of Gareth’s drums.
He was walking through the halls in a daze, trying to leave the building without colliding into someone in the veritable flood of students all leaving at the same time. Bag strap clutched tightly in his hand, shoulders tight as he weaves past a row of jocks trying their best to take up the entire width of the hall. A voice shakes him out of his reverie.
“Hey Jeff,” Frank greets with a nod of his head, walking in tandem with Jeff as they finally, finally, leave Hawkins High for the day. “You heading to Gareth’s?”
“Gotta do the school run first,” He says with a grimace, slowly heading to the car park, Frank by his side. “Mom’s at work and Dad can’t pick my brothers up. So I’ll drop them home first. Why’d you ask?”
“Mind giving me a ride?” Frank asks, brows gently furrowed as he asks.
“Yeah no worries man. As long as you don’t mind tagging along as I deliver shithead one and two home.”
Frank snorts. “It beats the bus, and Eddie drives like an animal.”
“I won’t tell if you don’t,” Jeff jokes, tilting his head and smiling to Frank, braces bared. Eddie knows they think he drives like a maniac — they’ve all told him as such — but it hasn’t done shit to make him drive like a normal person. Eddie’s the one to drive them to their gigs at The Hideout — he’s got the van, it’s the biggest — and it’s a fucking ordeal every time.
Jeff collects his brothers, both of them only complaining the whole time that Frank’s claimed the front seat and taken control of the stereo. Had put in one of Jeff’s Black Sabbath cassettes to his delight, and his brothers dismay. They had groaned in unison the second the music started, so naturally Jeff turned the volume up. Him and Frank, head-banging the whole way home. Singing louder and louder to smother the sounds of his complaining brothers. His car, his music.
It was fun. Had helped him get more into the zone, the right mindset for practice. Left him breathless and laughing, volume cranked up high.
He had dropped his brothers home, picked up his guitar, and then it was just him and Frank in the car. Frank holding Jeff’s guitar in between his knees, making sure it doesn’t slip and damage anything. Making sure it doesn’t get damaged. It’s precious. It’s his. He had saved up for it, had asked for money for his birthday and Christmas, picked a day there was a big sale on at their local music store when he bought it.
It’s not Eddie’s sweetheart, but it’s fucking good kit if he says so himself.
They were making the drive to Gareth’s, and things were good. But Frank was giving him looks from across the centre console. Now that they were alone, without the annoying constant presence of his brothers — he had the room to do so. Frank was the ‘silent but deadly’ type. Was content to sit back and listen, wasn’t pressed to make a comment if he didn’t have to. But it also meant the guy was scarily good at picking up on things. Reading in between the lines.
Things you weren’t sure you wanted to be picked up on.
“Jeff,” Frank starts, voice only just loud enough to be heard over the music pounding out of the car stereo. There was something in his voice, his tone, something pondering. Knowing. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Oh fuck, he does know something. Whether he knows the specificity of the something is another thing entirely. So does the fact that he’s not sure if he wants to tell or not. Open this can of worms, release the hounds.
He focuses his gaze on the road ahead of him, on the chipped asphalt and the feel of the steering wheel under the palms of his hands. On Frank’s calm, steady gaze on the side of his head.
Frank wouldn’t be mean about it. Wouldn’t be unnecessarily rude, or cruel. Jeff wouldn’t befriend anyone like that, and Frank wouldn’t be that sort of person.
Maybe he doesn’t have to tell him it’s Chrissy specifically. Maybe he can just say he’s got a crush. Developed feelings. It’s just taking up a lot of space in his mind right now. It might be nice, to tell someone else. Ease the pressure. Lessen the burden. Maybe it won’t be so bad, if more than just Eddie knows Jeff is falling hopelessly.
But before he can say anything, before Jeff can even open his mouth — he’s pulling up at Gareth’s house. Drove the entire way without thinking about it. Completely on auto-pilot. He pulls to the kerb, parks the car, and turns to look at Frank. Gives him a small smile.
“I know.”
Frank just nods, and Jeff lets himself sigh a little. Guess they’re tabling this discussion for another time.
Eddie’s van is parked a little ways up the road — at an angle, tail end sticking into the road. Frank snorts as he sees it, exiting the car and shutting the door behind him. “Very glad I didn’t catch a ride with him now.”
Walking up to Gareth’s open garage, guitar in hand, Jeff sees Eddie and Gareth standing in the middle, an amp on the floor between them. Right in front of Gareth’s drum kit, unplugged, decidedly not where it should be.
Gareth’s kit was in the centre, right underneath the handmade Corroded Coffin banner they had strung across the back of the garage. It looked sick as hell, and thankfully Gareth’s parents were cool enough to leave it there. Jeff’s parents would never. Him wanting to learn the guitar was fine, great even. A creative outlet. His mother was less impressed when it evolved into metal music. And an electric guitar. It was louder.
She conceded it was fine when he told he he could plug his headphones into the amp, listen to it that way so he wouldn’t bother the family. No way in hell was she going to let him host band practice though.
Eddie lived in a trailer, and Frank’s place only had an open carport, not a closed in Garage. For a while at the start there they all thought they were shit out of luck.
Thankfully, they had Gareth. Who’s parents were fine with the metal, the band, the DnD. Who were just on the edge of rich that their garage was mostly sound proof. That they could shred as loud as they wanted and it wasn’t a problem (not until the neighbours complained, of course).
“I’m just saying, dude” Eddie exclaims, waving his hands around as he speaks. Rings catching the light, wallet chain lightly jingling at his side. “If we put an amp on either side of your drums, it’ll look sick as hell.”
“It’ll also blow my eardrums out,” Gareth retorted, that familiar scowl on his face, gesturing to his head, and then over at the wall. “Plus, all the outlets are over there, y’know, where we usually plug the amps in?”
“Where’s your vision Gare-Bear!” Eddie says, almost hopping in place. “Your sense of drama! Theatre! Performance!”
“Not here in my parents garage!”
“Jeff, Frankie-Baby,” Eddie adds, whipping around to address them as they approach. Hands clapsed together in front of him like he’s pleading.  “Tell Gareth he’s wrong.”
“I mean,” Jeff starts, dragging out the word as he thinks. Runs his tongue over his braces.  “Where are the outlets in The Hideout? What’s the point in moving them here, if they’re just gonna be somewhere different on stage?”
“See!” Gareth exclaims, before shoving the amp in Eddie’s direction. “We should just leave them off to the side as normal.”
“We are used to them over there,” Jeff adds, not sure if he’s helping anyone.
Eddie moves towards Frank, almost shuffling as his feet scoot across the concrete floor. Hands still clasped together. “Franklin, back me up.”
If the ground were softer Jeff thinks Eddie would be on his knees, really hamming it up, looking up at Frank like he was praying to an uncaring god.
“I think we should hurry up and start practising,” He eventually says, holding back a smile as Eddie groans. “Gareth, you still have my bass?”
Gareth nods, leading Frank over to the back of the garage with the pile of stuff they haven’t moved or organised yet. Jeff snorts as he looks over at Eddie to find him pouting. “Come on drama queen, lets plug this in.”
They get everything set up — still in the same layout they always use, despite Eddie’s complaints — Eddie and Jeff moving the amps into place and untangling the cables. Plugging in their guitars, Frank’s bass, as Gareth fidgeted and fussed with his kit. Adjusting his seat, moving a cymbal over, getting the pedals into position.
“We start same as always?” Frank asks, absently fidgeting and tuning his bass. Plucking strings, eyes flicking between it and the guys.
“Well,” Eddie teases, smiling and tilting his head.
“Do not start, oh my god,” Gareth replies, gathering up his drumsticks.
Practice continues as normal, playing covers, practising riffs, showing off for each other. Talking about original songs, snacking, invading Gareth’s mom’s kitchen for cans of coke. Well, mostly normal, if not for the looks Eddie is giving him from across the garage. Eyes wide, trying to gesture with his eyes, his head. Like’s he’s asking a question, inquiring, all without saying the words.
And Jeff knows exactly what Eddie is asking about. It’s what he’s always asking Jeff about these days — Chrissy. About their meeting in free period, about her sitting with him willingly. About Eddie’s unofficial bet about her being there again. About how he said he’d tell Jeff I told you so at practice. And ah fuck, Eddie’s trying to cash in. He tries to give him a look back from across the garage, saying not now, and also fuck off, you were right. Chrissy was there in free period, had remembered his name and sat with him again.
It felt like the start of a friendship, almost. The start of something new. Like kindergartners sitting together at the playground and declaring they were friends right then, right there.
But why did he have to do this now, where Frank and Gareth were there, watching, not knowing what they were trying to communicate. Gareth peering over his drum kit with his familiar scowl, brows furrowed and mouth tight. Fucking suspicious bastard.
He didn’t look at Frank. He knew he’d see that look on his face again. That he had figured out exactly what they were trying to talk about. He knew, but Gareth didn’t. And Gareth was going to be the tough one to crack, he was feisty, a real spitfire. Held on tight. Clutching onto that metal head title, the culture, the community.
“What the fuck are you two looking like that for,” he says, as one of their songs are winding down.
“Nothing,” Jeff deflects, letting go of his guitar, letting it hang from the strap across his chest. “Just Eddie being Eddie.”
“Oh et tu, Jeffus?” Eddie replies, feigning betrayal, but they can all see him smiling. “You’d betray me right here, in front of god and satan and everyone?”
“You started it,” he says with a shrug, tone light as Frank snorts back a laugh.
Eddie makes a noise of indignation, really starting to play it up now, as everyone watches him. He turns to Gareth, his hand on his heart, and bow his head. “It’s a guitarist thing, you wouldn’t understand.”
“Oh you can fuck right off then,” Gareth retorts, threatening to throw a drum stick over at Eddie. “Go eat shit somewhere else.”
“Maybe I will,” Eddie laughs, slowly backing out of the garage, watching as the cable extends between his guitar and the amp. “I don’t need you. Me and Jeff will go start a two man band, really kill it out there.”
“Don’t drag me into this!” Jeff says, laughing as Eddie continues to slowly shuffle his way out of the garage.
“Oh you’ve been dragged,” Eddie laughs, sweeping a hand out to the side. “You signed up for this, as my bestest friend in the whole wide world — and as my fellow guitarist.”
“What would you name your two man band?” Frank asks, successfully deflecting. Jeff feels himself sigh, the air leave his lungs. The tightness unfold its way out of his body. “And don’t say Corroded Coffin.”
Tag List: @goosesister @scarlet-malfoy @mavernanche @manda-panda-monium @yoriposts @grtwdsmwhr @panicatthediaz @m-owo-n @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaosgremlinmunson @thespaceantwhowrites @perseus-notjackson @eyesofshinigami @hotluncheddie @novacorpsrecruit @nburkhardt @pansexuality-activated @silentiumdelirium @steaddie-on @steddie-as-they-go @redfreckledwolf @lavender248 @actualwakingnightmare @queenie-ofthe-void @a-little-unsteddie
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adorethedistance · 2 years
Thought of You - Trevor Zegras x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, PDA
Words: 1386
Requested: hi!! can you please write something with trevor zegras where he is extra clingy after a long roadie? thanks sm!! 💗💗
A/n: This got a little heated at the end and I didn’t intend to do that lol whoops.
“Y/NNNNN!!!” I hear Trevor bellow outside as he bangs on the front door to my apartment.
“Give me a second,” I squeak as I clamber off the couch to answer the door. The cold tile under my feet is a shock that goes forgotten as soon as I see my boyfriend’s face for the first time in two weeks. “It’s almost midnight you’re gonna wake my neighbors.”
“I don’t care! I need everyone to know hOW MUCH I LOVE THIS GIRL, RIGHT HERE!”
“Get inside before you get me evicted,” I scold him, although I’m unable to keep myself from smiling. Once he practically slams the door behind us, Trevor smothers me with the biggest hug, unintentionally lifting me slightly off the ground for a moment.
“Oh my god, Trevor!”
“I missed you so fucking much, baby.”
“I missed you too, I-hmm,” I hum in surprise when he grabs my jaw in his right hand and kisses me with as much as passion as a lifetime could possess. The kiss is sloppy and desperate, it reminds me of the time we had sex the back of his BMW. When he pulls away he looks in my eyes and simply melts. Sweet relief doesn’t even begin to describe the way his gaze drinks me in. If this feeling could be contained and replicated, it would be the most catasrophic epidemic known to mankind.
“How was your trip?” I ask as if we haven’t facetimed everyday since he’s been gone.
“I mean we won three and lost three so,” he shrugs like it’s no big deal but I know how he mentally beats himself up for bad losses.
Trevor then smiles flirtatiously, reaching down to grab my hand in his and place a kiss on the surface of each joint. He leads us over to the couch and flops down looking around the room with furrowed brows.
“Where’s the big costco throw blanket you got?”
“Right behind you, dork. I thought you ran hot anyways?”
“Well, yeah, I do, but I know you don’t.” My heart soars at his thoughtfulness and I’m overcome with happiness. I blink back into the moment and sit on the couch directly next to Trevor. His arm is draped over the seatback of the small sofa as I lean into him, resting my head on his chest. He unfolds the blanket to cover my bare legs and then takes my left hand in his right once more. He absentmindedly traces shapes and paths over the surface of my skin, occasionally stopping to maintain unconditional contact.
“Did I already tell you about when Mason and I went out after playing Colorado and he asked a girl for her number and she said no?”
“Oh… Did I tell you about when Gibby dropped his stick during practice?”
“What about Terry’s fight-”
“Is there anything I didn’t tell you?”
“Maybe if you didn’t talk so much I could say yes, but for now, probably not.” I lift my head to look up at Trevor and he scrunches his face in annoyance. He falls quiet once again for a short moment before taking a big breath.
“I guess I’m out of- oh no wait there is something I haven’t told you!”
“Enlighten me,” I sit up and face Trevor completely, blinking slowly and attentively.
“Everywhere I went, I thought of you.”
“Well that’s not new information-”
“Let me finish! Everywhere I went, I thought of you because… music!”
“When I was away, I went to a ton of different places and all of them had music of some kind. And, I don’t know, just… hearing all these songs about love, I thought of you…” His hand stops tracing patterns on mine. He’s frozen, uncharacteristically silent. I can see the cogs turning in his mind as he’s trying to wrap his head around something unknown. “I thought of you…” he repeats to himself in a whisper.
“Hey,” I say, softly trying to get his attention without breaking the moment entirely. “I love you.”
More silence.
Trevor scans my face for a moment before declaring, “I’m gonna marry you.” The statement is so vulnerable it catches me off guard and all I can do is laugh. Trevor begins laughing with me, realizing how absurd that sounds because I’m missing the context of his internal thought process. “I’m serious, Y/n. I want to marry you some day.” I develop an endeared smile and place a kiss on his cheek bone. He kisses mine as well and then wraps both arms around me to hug me securely. His arms feel so sturdy around me and he smells like cedarwood, like home. I hold him close for a moment before he speaks again.
“What the fuck, dude. Have you never had your heart broken?” The question catches me off guard once more and I burst out laughing before pulling away just enough to see his face.
“Why do you ask?”
“You just hug with so much love. I’m surprised no one’s broken your heart yet.”
“I’ve had my share of heartbreak, but that doesn’t mean you get to add to the collection.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Trevor quickly pecks my forehead before singing a very off key rendition of “Don’t go breaking my heart” to himself. I let him get through the chorus before I decide I’ve had enough, and bring him in for a kiss.
“Not that I don’t love your singing but maybe don’t quit your day job.”
“I’m gonna quit hockey and become a singer full time just to annoy you,” Trevor says as he stops hugging me. He grabs me by my hips and nudges me gently, indicating he wants me on his lap. I comply.
“Oh my god, please don’t.”
“I’m the next Taylor Swift, dude.” Trevor unintentionally laughs at how ridiculous he sounds and I straddle him gently.
“I highly doubt that.” He rests both hands on either side of my hips, slowly inching the right one forward so he can grab my ass. The gesture is subconcious judging by the gleam in his eyes as he takes in my form.
“You don’t know how much musical talent I have!”
“I know how much hockey talent you have and your luck has gotta run out somewhere, so…”
“Follow your dreams until they annoy your girlfriend, that’s the saying, right?”
“Yeah, you nailed that.” When I finish my statement we stare at each other for a moment before breaking into gradual fits of laughter. Any other night and we probably wouldn’t think twice about what we’ve been saying, but seeing him after so long makes the both of us giddy inside. Trevor compulsively leans forward to kiss my cheek then rest on the back of the couch again. I chase after him, leaning in to close the gap between us. My lips are on his once again tonight and the kiss is far more heated this time. His tongue grazes my bottom lip before gently sucking it into his own mouth. I sigh into the kiss. Too many nights alone with a vibe will never do these make out sessions justice.
Trevor grips my hips harder as he deepens the kiss, running his large hands down the sides of my thighs. The action ignites a wave of chills over the surface of my skin and I shiver a tiny bit as an outlet. I reach up to hold my hands behind his head, gripping the tufts of hair on the back of his neck. Trevor hums into my mouth a groan of desire and lust. The pads of his thumbs are rough against my bare legs, and the sensation is replaced when I notice he’s run his hands higher on my legs to disappear under the hem of my sleep shorts. I bite down on his lower lip and Trevor takes it as a sign that he can get rougher with the kiss. The feeling of his lips against mine consumes my every thought as I get lost in his touch, his scent, his kiss.
“Do you want to take this to the bedroom?” Trevor asks, his voice low and gravelly in my ear. I look at him and nod yes seriously but enthusiastically.
“I missed you…”
“I need you.”
A/n: hope you enjoyed reading and my requests are still open if anyone has something they’d like to submit!
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everythingne · 5 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ out of the woods - chapter seven (ls2)
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Logan tries to give the two of short break in Bali. Which does succeed, but then the Canadian GP tears down anything Dhanishka had left to stand on. Good thing she's got Logan, the Norris' and Charles, right?
warnings/notes: alright buckle in. Like two sex jokes, car accidents, concussions/migraines, lightly mentioned injuries, the FIA doing their job, heavy heavy betrayal, me yet again trying to hint at the biggest Marketing Ploy x Out Of The Woods connection no one has noticed LMAO
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Logan's arm is firm around my waist as I stir the food in the pan, watching the sizzle of the chicken against the oil underneath it. I murmur along to the song playing, and Logan sways us to the rhythm. I'm home for a weekend with him while my parents are off in Cambridge with my sister for her college visit. We'd taken the invitation to house sit, deciding to take a full break in the short interim off we have before we both have to leave for Canada.
"We should go somewhere." Logan hums, mouth peppering a kiss to my bare shoulder next to the strap of my tank top. He's been abnormally clingy, and while I would usually mind... it feels nice.
"Where would we even go, Lo?"
He smiles, beginning to pepper soft kisses to my shoulder, trailing them up my neck as he speaks, "Well, Dalton and his wife are in Bali this weekend. He told me he wants to see you again."
"Bali? That's a like.. fifteen hour flight from here." I chuckle, squirming when his kisses get a little ticklish around my neck and the air he huffs out in a alguh rolls across my skin.
"Fifteen hours there, then a twenty three hour flight to Canada." He says, "I looked into it."
I blink, then look down at him, "You already bought the tickets, didn't you?"
Logan smirks and I laugh, capturing his lips in a soft kiss, "I'll tell my parents tonight when they get back. I'm sure they won't mind."
Logan grins and pops a few more kisses to my lips, cheeks, and forehead before I shooing him away so I can keep cooking. The meal I'm making is not something I'd typically be eating, because its for Logan's meal plan, but luckily his team had let me throw in a small bit of Indian influence to the dish via a makeshift biryani dish. Which I know Logan's been missing by the way he melts when he steals a bite.
"You cook like your mom used to when we were kids." Logan groans against my shoulder and I laugh, taking my own spoonful and pouting a bit because its not as flavorful as we used to make it.
"You have to come to Bahrain over your winter break so you can have a proper Aayi Dubey biryani with all the spices and such." I muse, "it's lacking my mothers proper smothering of spices, sadly meal plans do restrict us from going full Indian mother here."
Logan nods, taking a bit more of the rice dish into his mouth and I laugh softly before making us two bowls of it to eat. He starts washing up some of the dishes while I'm setting the table, and I mange to pull him away to eat--promising we'll finish cleaning later.
We don't talk of much, other than him calling Dalton to let him know we'll be in Bali in two days their time. He taps his sock against my leg as I stare out the window at the setting sun. It's comfortable, just existing with him.
"I never thought we'd get here." Logan admits and I turn, looking at him curiously which makes him continue, "I thought you'd hate me through this whole thing after that night and we'd never speak again."
"I did too, to be honest." I laugh softly, finishing off the last of my rice and setting the bowl aside to take Logan's hands to stop him from picking at his fingers, "I called Lando about it, since he was the only person I knew in London at the time since Oscar was... I don't even remember, and Charles was in Monaco. I went to his and Olivia's apartment, the one they have over here because of McLaren? They told me I should just go through with the plan and do the whole fake dating thing because we kinda had too, but also to see if it maybe wasn't as one sided as I thought."
Logan just starts to giggle, small laughs that slowly grow louder before he brings my hand to his lips again, kissing my palm and then each finger.
"What's got you like this?" I laugh in response, and he grins at me sloppily with the most lovestruck look as his lips hover over my left hand. His bottom lip just brushing along my ring finger as he smiles and shrugs.
"Funnily enough, Dalton told me the same thing.” He firmly kisses my ring finger now, and just resorts to playing with my hands as a fidget instead, “You really fell for me huh?"
And now it's my turn to laugh, standing up to lean over the table to properly kiss my boyfriend. He grins, meeting me halfway with a gentle caress of my jaw and when we pull back, I rest my forehead to his.
"I was always in love with you, dumbass."
Hours later we're at that same table, Logan making sure the little decorative centerpiece my mother has is perfectly clean while I dot my lipstick back to perfection.
I figured cleaning the entire house and then making ourselves well pull together would keep my father from realizing we'd done nothing but laze around for the last few days.
Hey, we were on break, okay?
“Aw fuck.” I complain as I twist out my lipstick a bit more. Logan hums, looking over at me as I groan impatiently as I pull the whole tube up.
At the second groan he asks, “What’s a matter?”
“I’m almost out of lipstick.” I whine in complaint and he huffs out a laugh, stepping around the table to press a few soft kisses to my cheek.
"We can buy more tomorrow, yeah? Isn't there a Dior in City Centre?" He hums, pressing a kiss to my lips that has me rubbing the lipstick off his lips with a laugh as his arms wrap firmly around my waist.
"Yes, but it's fine, I can get it later and--"
Logan cuts me off with a firmer kiss this time, letting me wipe the lipstick off his lips again as he says, "Let me buy you a refill. For old times sake."
"Fine." I smile as the door opens and Logan retracts to just make it look like he was taking the lipstick from me to put it in my purse. I smile as Anya bounces to my side and starts babbling about the campus and such. I glance over my shoulder to see Logan with mt parents and the smile and wink my mom sends me says one thing,
This is all gonna work out.
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liked by daltonsargeant, oscarpiastri, sebvettel, and 876k others...
logansargeant: booked the tickets before i asked her :)
tagged: dhanishkadubey, daltonsargeant, a.sargeant
dhanishkadubey: he deadass goes "my brothers in bali" 😭
a.sargeant: it was lovely having u and isa!!!
user2: dhanishka sargeant at this point fr
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I'm standing in the bathroom of the hotel this time when Logan wraps his arms around my waist. I can hear Dalton and Ashlynn laughing in the connected living room, it feels weirdly homely as he presses a soft kiss to my jaw as one of his hands rubs small soothing circles against my hip bone.
"James call you?" I asked, I had been the one to hand him his phone, so I had seen the caller ID.
"He asked about you, actually." Logan rests his head on my shoulder once I've finished fixing up my hair and I hum as I lean back into his touch. His arms are firm, and the way his gaze wanders across my face tells me he's thinking as he takes one of my hands. My left ring finger is pecked by his lips before he settles them back at my waist again.
"Me?" I hum, watching the way he nods and still thinks. I assume it's the wording as his hands fiddle with something. I'm too focused on doing my eyeliner to look.
"You didn't answer your phone and he wanted to say he’s got the final draft of your contract ready to be signed.”
I laugh softly, looking at him in the mirror, “Wow, already?”
"Mhm." Logan kisses my cheek once I'm done with my eyeliner and steps aside to just watch me finish up my makeup. Once I've sprayed myself down with setting spray, I go to grab my lipstick and open it, pausing when I notice it's refilled.
Logan wears a triumphant smile.
"You." I poke his chest and giggle, capping the lipstick before turning around to kiss him. He laughs into the kiss, catching himself on the doorway as his hands slide around my lower back. One kiss turns to two, and ever since we'd fallen back in love it'd been impossible to keep off of eachother. Like we were making up for lost time.
A few seconds after a soft groan leaves the back of Logan's throat, followed by my giggle, Dalton shouts,
"I'm walking in, you both better be dressed!"
Logan and I laugh and I part from him, lifting my hands to fix up the bits of his hair that I'd jostled. Dalton smiles as he steps in and looks us over.
"What did you think we were doing?" Logan says to Dalton who shrugs, punching his brothers arm.
"Something not PG." Dalton shrugs and I blush, now taking my turn to whack his chest.
"Not with your immature ass around," I hum, turning back to finish up my make-up while Dalton and Logan talk about getting to our dinner reservation.
It's weird how naturally I slot into this little family, like I've always belonged.
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Canada starts great. Luckily for Logan, and his success in straights, theres quite a few here. Unluckily for me, it means my overtaking this weekend is gonna be shit.
But, I know I'll fight.
I qualify Q3, beating Logan out by less than .5 or even smaller. I can't even really remember as the whole weekends a blur. Ferrari is practically running me ragged, insane amounts of training, simulator work, media... I'm exhausted each night when I fall into Logan's hotel room bed. His arms barely wrapping around me before I'm asleep against his chest.
He promises it's okay, but I feel like shit each morning for not spending time with him. But he just presses a kiss to my jaw and squeezes my hip as I get out of bed way too early to shower.
And after three nights of that, it's time for the race. By Sunday I feel like a husk, trudging myself to the garage with a water bottle full of Red Bull I'd stolen from Max. I go through the motions, take my migraine medication just as a precaution as I feel a headache forming.
And the first half of the race is fine, until I overtake Oscar to fight Carlos for P3. And I manage to get him on the hairpin turn, but something is weird about how easily he lets me by. The back wheel of my car clips something and I start to spin. I right myself, but narrowly dodge Carlos, who whips around me.
It's fine. I'm fine.
Something bumps me again and I check my mirrors, one of the RB cars coming very close to my side. I curse, steering in a bit more and understeering to get out of who I assume is Yuki's way before I'm blocking him from overtaking.
When did he get around Oscar?
"Wing damage, wing damage, I need to box." I curse into my headset, feeling the steering starting to go. It's always my steering first, I expect the rear wing to follow shortly.
I turn in a bit harder now, trying to get to the pit lane. It's becoming harder to steer and I feel panic rising in my stomach but I clamp it down. All I can do in this moment is trust myself, and trust my training.
I don't make it to the pitlane.
We go back through the hairpin and Carlos juts out, making me swerve to dodge. With my shit steering, it sends me into a spin. I shriek, grabbing my harness as the car--and the world around me, shuffles and spins. When the car stills I huff out slow breaths, willing myself to open my eyes.
I'm in the wall.
I can't move.
I force breaths in, force my hands to unstick from my harness. My hands come to the steering wheel and I shake, trying to disconnect it. Everything feels disconnected. I can't hear. The world is blurry. I feel sick. Sicker than sick. I manage to get the steering wheel out, tossing it up to the top of the car.
I realize no ones called for me over the radio, through the incessant ringing in my ears.
I click off the restraints slowly, trying not to jostle my aching ribs, and I get out of my car with shaking arms. And then promptly fall back in.
"Fuck!" I shriek, groaning and arching my back out of pure pain. Two hands come to my shoulders and I lift my head to see Lando. I know he's talking, but my head is swimming too much to focus on his words.
"C'mon, Danny." Lando's voice finally cuts through when he lifts my visor, "C'mon, we're gonna get you out, okay?"
"Your race..!" I gasp and he shakes his head.
"I can always get more points later, but I can't do anything if you're seriously injured and I don't help you now." He says and I nod. His hands grab under my shoulders and he helps hoist me up to sit on the halo. I try to focus, but find myself in a haze.
Somehow, I end up on a stretcher. My helmet is off and I blink slowly as Lando holds my hands.
"Dhanishka." He says softly. When did he take his helmet off?
"Lando." I hum back as the stretcher starts to roll. He follows, his hands tight in mine as he follows inside the ambulance. They've got me covered in blankets, and something clicks.
"Lando. Lando." I start saying, slapping his hands when he's not looking at me. He stops, taking my hands in his, but I just see that he's looking at me so I gasp out, "tell Logan to race. He's gonna wanna not because I got hit, tell him he has to. Tell him I said so."
When Lando nods, coaxing me to lay down again as they strap me in, I feel a bit more at ease... but the world is still soft and fuzzy and I still feel sick.
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Concussed, strained muscles around my ribs, and something fucked up with my shoulder.
I'm out fully for a week, I'll skip Barcelona and be back for Austria.
Lando and Olivia are by my side when I'm told. Olivia taking it upon herself to use my phone to call my parents to let them know what was going on, and when she disappears into the hall, Lando keeps a soothing hand intertwined with mine. It's my first injury, ever. Not just a sore spot that'll go away.
And of course, the hazy symptom I'd been feeling all weekend had to be a major migraine on its way. So I'm grumpy, in serious pain, and quickly losing my stomach in a hospital bathroom while a nurse gently ties my hair back and rubs my shoulders while Lando goes out in the hall to grab Olivia.
I'm so weak I can hardly move, and the nurse is so kind, so gentle. It makes me want to cry as she guides me through the hardest parts of my migraine and gets some painkillers for my IV when it's clear I'm only set to get worse.
It takes off the edge as I'm coaxed to lay down in bed once more, a bucket off to the side if needed.
I learn from the TV playing in the room that Logan went on to place P5 behind Oscar, Carlos, Charles, and Max, in that upwards succession. Which makes me feel better a bit as Lando and Olivia help me get situated. It's only been maybe twenty minutes since the race ended, but I can hear more commotion outside than before.
A nurse calls out my room number and it takes maybe two seconds before Logan comes through the door, still in his racing gear, holding his helmet, panting like he’d ran straight here.
He had, hadn't he?
“Isa.” he sighs and I smile, extending a heavy arm to him. He shuts the door, blocking the hall light and makes his way inside the little makeshift room. He slots perfectly against my side and gently kisses my head, sighing once he’s got me safe in his hands. I wrap my un-IV'd arm around Logan shoulder, kissing what part of his head I can reach without moving. He settles me back against the blankets as Lando gives him his chair, going to get another from the hall.
Olivia sighs softly and moves a bit closer to check my IV, “She’s pretty badly concussed. Strained some muscles around her ribs and her shoulder. She's out for Barcelona, they're gonna try to get her back in for Austria."
"Ah, shit." Logan hums and I lean into his touch so he shifts so one of his hands holds mine, the other running through the wispy bangs by my face that have fallen out of my ponytail.
"Lo..." I murmur softly and he hums, looking down at my small pout. A tiny smile crosses his lips as he leans down to peck mine, then rests his forehead to mine as I whine, "my head hurts."
"I know, baby." He's basically crooning, kissing the tip of my nose and squeezing my hand, "you're gonna be alright."
Olivia gives a tiny sigh, patting Lando's arm and making a vague motion for him to follow her out of the room. They leave me and Logan in silence, the only sound the soft noise of his thumb running along my knuckles, the heart monitors methodical beeps, and the occasional kiss.
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Logan, Lando, and Olivia take me back to Ferrari. The two Norris' waiting outside while I slip in with Logan. I'm only half sneaking him in and out, because if Ferrari even tried to raise hell with me when I was as in pain and as pissed off as I was right now, someone would be getting hit.
I nod to Charles when I enter and he gives me a half nod, trying to conceal the way I sneak Logan in by engrossing the engineer with a few more questions about... my car?
Why mine? Why not his?
I let the question slip from my mind, I figure I can ask him later, and go to my room. Logan helps me collect my stuff, having already brought me a change of clothes to the hospital given to him by Charles. Logan uses my phone to send a text to my manager Lucie to show her the damage to the suit, helmet, and shoes so she can get me set for new ones and then we make sure I have all my belongings and bounce.
I'm halfway through shutting the door when I hear Charles shout, "You did what?!"
"She's an idiot if she hasn't realized by now." I hear a mechanic say and I clamp a hand over Logan's mouth, he's about to complain (which, I'm sneaking him out of my drivers room, he has no right to) when a cruel laugh echoes followed by Charles' shocked gasp.
A short conversation in French, slowly getting louder and louder, is cut off by a loud slap and a scuffle. Eyes widening as I hear the two beginning to shout even louder and I grab Logan by the sleeve and shove him in my drivers room. His big eyes watch me as I pause, one hand on the door before I curse and look back at him with a sort of flame in my eyes.
"Stay!" I hiss, before slamming the door shut and following the hall to the garage. He feet carry me, sliding on the balls of my feet into the room as Charles shoved a mechanic against a wall.
"Charlie!" I shriek despite my head pounding, moving forward, knocking him to the ground with my shoulder. As he fall he pants up at me and I turn to the mechanic, then down to Charles, then step back.
"What the fuck is going on?!"
Charles wipes blood from his own nose and slowly rises to his feet. There's a challenge in his eyes, and a challenge in the mechanics--and I come to realize that Aakash stands off to the side with his fists tight.
"What is this?!" I shout again and look down the hall where Astrid is dragging Logan out of my room and I blink, straightening up. She basically tosses Logan at me, and my arms shoot out to grab him as he sticks to my side.
"Ferrari's been purposefully fucking up your car this entire season! Aakash and his--" Charles starts to say before Aakash moves. It's Logan who manages to intercept, shoving me behind him as he shoves Aakash to the floor. My eyes widen to literal dinner plates, backing up until my back hits something and I look up to see Olivia.
Lando seems to have given up on holding her back as she holds her phone up.
"Charles, talk." She snips and the Monégasques listens, quickly spilling everything from his lips as Logan keeps Aakash and the other mechanic at bay, Astrid glaring daggers.
"Aakash has been having the engineers purposefully loosen the steering and rear wings, causing any and all jostling to randomly disengage them. They have it all written out on Aakash's computers, even if he tries to delete the files Ferrari keeps all changes up to a month." Charles shouts, moving closer to where Olivia keeps a hold on my shoulders. Logan backs off as well when Lando calls him over, but the guys stand in front of me and Olivia, like a wall.
"Astrid's plan was to have Dhaniska continuously wreck out so that there would be positive PR of Logan coming to her aid, but bad PR for Dhanishka because she keeps wrecking." Charles says and I see Olivia's jaw tick, her eyes glancing back to Lando's who's are equally as shifty.
Somethings not right.
Olivia and Lando echo each other as they say, "Who?"
"My manager," Logan peeks over his shoulder, "Astrid Marina."
"Oh you've gotta be--" Lando starts but Olivia's shoving her phone in my hands. And I'm reminded of the time Lando had called her the 'most aggressive Piastri' at a bar during Monaco's weekend as he darts forward but not before Olivia delivers a strong backhand to Astrid.
"You fucking bitch! They're not your little PR playthings!" Olivia screams and Lando grabs her arm, pulling her back as she keeps shouting, "I should've made sure no fucking team ever hired you again but I didn't think anyone was that level of stupid!"
Logan and I share a confused look. How the fuck does Olivia know Astrid and what the hell did Astrid do to her?
“She’s Astrid?!” Charles shouts, “what the fuck?”
“Why do you all know her!” Logan shouts and the room goes quiet. Olivia's mouth gapes, but it's interrupted by a few stewards entering the garage to see what's happening. My headache flares and I grip Logan's arm when everyone starts shouting over each other and he escorts me outside where it's a bit colder and a lot quieter.
"I-I don't understand." I eventually choke out, and Logan wraps me tight in his arms. Soft kisses are pressed to my head as he coaxes me to sit with him on the ground outside Ferrari.
And when a steward approaches us, and he sits with us, I wish I could be surprised by the fact we're being interrogated.
But yet, I'm not surprised.
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f1: FIA Statement on the investigation of @ scuderiaferrari .
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blushyeleven · 9 months
Merry Christmas!! And yes, this fic idea is inspired by the TikTok trend but it was to funny to pass up and I had no better ideas so😭 anyways, have a good day everyone!
characters: ler!wednesday, lee!y/n
warnings: tickles
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𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓘 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓲𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾
The snow was delicately falling outside, covering nevermore in a thick white sheet. It was the night before christmas and you already had your first suprise planned for your girlfriend, Wednesday. She already strictly told you “no surprises” and made it very clear that she didn’t want any presents.. but this was something you didn’t think she could refuse.
Wednesay was out for the evening.. doing god knows what but you were actually waiting for this moment. Waiting patiently for her to leave so your plan could take action. As soon as the oak wooden door shut you leapt off your bed and scurried to the rapping paper, scissors and cello tape. You recently saw this trend on TikTok and you knew you had to try it. So you stood at your standing mirror and began rapping yourself in the festive paper like a mummy. You first started by wrapping your torso. This was a two person job if you were being honest but you had to work with the things you had.. and that was yourself.
You began slicing the cello tape and precisely sticking it to yourself as soon enough you were practically smothered in red and green paper.. as if it was a dress. You also topped it off with a red bow ontop of your head. Feeling quite proud of yourself and the masterpiece that you had crafted you then placed yourself infront of the christmas tree that was standing in the center of your dorm room (which took a lot of effort but Wednesday reluctantly agreed to it) and you patiently waited for your girlfriend to walk in and see her surprise.
After a few long moments of waiting you heard the door open “I’m back” she said walking in and spotting you immediately. You had the biggest smile plastered across your face as she looked at a loss for words. Confused but also amused. “what.. what is this?” she asked with furrowed eyebrows and you swore you could see a slight upcurve on her lips. “I’m your present” you said, trying desperately to swallow the stupid giggles forming. “how did you.. I.. oh my god y/n” the raven had no idea what to say. As she stood a few feet in front of you. Completely puzzled on what to do or how to even react. Meanwhile you were still sat there giggling to yourself at her complete shock and confusion. “I’m guessing this is the fault of your stupid social media apps..” she was clearly becoming more amused at the situation and how ridiculous it all was. “yup!” You nodded, stating proudly.
“and how exactly do you plan to get out of that?” she asked with a raised brow, still standing in front of you. you didn’t exactly know how to answer that.. you didn’t plan this far. “I.. uhm.. help?” You asked with a small and hopeful smile to which the goth let out an audible sigh. If Wednesday ever showed any emotions you could tell she’d be smiling right now..
“stand up” she ordered with a small smirk to which you tried.. but the wrapping paper that was clutched to you was making it very difficult to bend your knees. Wednesday just rolled her eyes playfully and offered you a hand which you politely accepted and stood up. “Where are the scissors?” She asked with a slight tinge of ‘annoyance’ (amusement) in her tone. The question made your eyes go wide “uhh.. I actually don’t know..” you giggled nervously seeing the raven roll her eyes. “okay.. I’ll just tear you out of it then” she replied with a small but noticeable smirk before taking a few steps closer and began searching for the best place to tear from. Since the paper had multiple layers and was practically covering ever inch of your body she was finding it difficult to know we’re to start. Until she found a loose area on your sides to which she moved her hand to pinch it; her fingers accidentally brushing against your side. This small movement caused you to lean away with a small squeak before biting your lip. Wedneday just looked up at you with a quirked brow.. clearly expecting for an answer. “uh.. sorry” was the best you could say before she carried on attempting to rip the wrapping paper off. She managed to pull a chunk off and threw it to the floor as it fell elegantly. She then grabbed the end of where the last bit of paper was torn off from and that was your stomach. But as she tried to grab it you felt a single finger prod into stomach to which you instinctively sucked your stomach in, stepped back a little and made a small gasp. Wednesday then stopped again to look up at you.
“something wrong?” she asked as emotionless and monotone as always. “n-nope!” you replied, avoiding her eye contact and thought it would be best to look at the floor instead of at her burning gaze. “are you sure because it looks like your having a hard time trying to stay still” she stated.. again.. expecting an explanation from you. “sorry I-.. it’s nothing” you tried to act like it was nothing but your cheeks had matched the colour of the red glittery bauble behind you. “if you say so” she said before still managing to tear off the paper a chunk at a time.. seeming as you did so many layers of cello tape to make sure it was secure enough.
As she was doing so.. every now and again she’s feel you shuffle around with either a small squeak or a gasp before she finally got the explanation she needed behind your strange behaviour. Although, she didn’t think to mention it.. just yet. But after a while of you wiggling in your spot and a few sharp noises Wednesday finally spoke up “will you stop squirming so I can get you out of this thing?” she requested. Well it was more of a demand. “I’m trying!” You countered.. but even still at the smallest of touches you would lean away and take a step in the opposite direction.
“you know what.. this isn’t working. New plan.. I’m tickling you until you manage to free yourself” Wednesday had a sinister smirk plastered on her face as she watched your eyes widen “w-what?” you said, your cheeks so red they were practically glowing. “you heard me” the goth replied and wasted no more time before she tasered her fingers into both of your sides, earning a ear-ringing, piercing shriek from you followed by the sounds of your own bubbly giggles. “nohoho!! dohohonttt!” you started squirming on the spot and desperately trying to break yourself out of your own trap. “to late, this is more entertaining then trying to tear it off of you manually anyways”she teased seeing you in your giggle fit. “bahahahhahaha nahahahhahaha!! plehehehheasee!!”
wednesay then moved spots, her hand positioned in a claw like shape into your stomach before using her fingers to rapidly scribble at the sensitive spot. She had to make sure to put a little more pressure on your stomach so you could feel the tickles under the paper which her fingers were just currently gliding across. Your squeaky laughter was bouncing off the walls as you couldn’t even escape Wednesdays evil fingers which stayed in its place, scribbling at your stomach. “ehehehhe nohohoho stahahahppp!” You tried to plead but your giggles were to jumbled in with your speak it almost made you incoherent.
“hm, no” wednesay stated, still with her smirk. Clearly getting great enjoyment out of this. “I’m going easy on you, you should by grateful” she added. you blushed at this seeming as she wasn’t completely wrecking you.. but even still it was enough to drive the laughter out of you. You also couldn’t stop the beaming smile that was spread across your face.. which was obviously a clear indication to Wednesday that you were getting a sense of enjoyment out of it aswell. “ahahaha thihis ihisnt fahahairrr!” You whined as you were practically stuck in one spot as you tried to squirm yourself out of the wrapping paper. “this is fair.. don’t act like your also not enjoying this” wedneday observed, her face was back to mutual.. which somehow made the comments and teases more flustering.
“I ahaham nohohottt!” You attempted to protest. There was no way you could let your girlfriend know that you enjoyed it.. she wasn’t even meant to find out you where ticklish because you saw how evil she was with it. “oh? your not? Then what’s that smile all about?” She asked ‘innocently’ but she knew what she was doing.. ofcourse she did. “shuhut uhuppp!!” you whined again, your brain was to scrambled to think of any decent comebacks or complaints at this point. Your mind and thoughts were all mush as the only thing you could focus on was the sensation coursing through your body.
Wednesday then moved her hands to a new location; your ribs. Not knowing that this would be the cause of your laughter to raise a few octaves and cause you to practically explode. “WAHAHAIT- NOHO! COHOME OHON!” You tried to bat at her hands but they dodged you with ease, it was useless. She was to quick for you. I mean, she was trained in ways to torture people. Unluckily (or luckily) for you.. one of them was tickling. So since she was so skilled she effectively and efficiently knew how to tickle you. “bad spot?” She rhetorically asked. It was such a simple question yet it was also so flustering. “YEHEHEESS!!” although this motivated Wednesday to carry on, spidering and clawing her fingers into your ribs as she watched your rather amusing reactions.
She was just scratching and scraping at your ribs as your laughter eoched and reached a new level of high to the point where it was practically silent with a few breaks of squeaks in it. “I CAHAHANTTT!!” you called out, your face turning into a deeper shade of scarlet. “okay your being dramatic.. your acting as if I’m killing you” “YOHOHOU AHARE!” You snapped back before desperately trying to wiggle out of the paper.
And just as it almost seemed impossible, all of your squirming caused a direct tear right down in the middle of the paper to which your hands desperately scrambled to tear it off and freezing yourself. Just as you did this Wednesday stopped with a small up-curve of her lips, seemingly impressed.
“well finally, I was beginning to think you weren’t even trying to free yourself because you just wanted me to keep tickling you” the goth stayed with a more teasy smirk as she walked of to sit at her desk for her writing time.
While you were just left standing there, a flustered mess.
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yellow-berrys · 2 years
december boy, losing joy | sirius black x fem!reader
summary: rockstar!sirius black proposing to you, and the show that made him realise he would do it. established relationship.
warnings: none, allusions to a rough childhood and mention of cigarettes
(a/n: song in this drabble is original <3, really just a bit of prose italicised!)
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“This next song is about a girl,” James fiddles with the knobs on his guitar, his voice cracking through the microphone. The crowd screams. 
“That’s right, Prongs,” Sirius grins from his place at the piano, “My girl. My biggest motivation and even though she might not be my biggest fan, I certainly am hers,” he takes a swig of water. 
He sweeps a glance around the arena, girls at the front drinking beer, some girls waving their undergarments at him, some guys drinking beer, some guys waving their undergarments at him. Some look envious and disappointed. Some are “awhhh”ing. 
He catches your eye in the VIP box, you grinning, barely visible as you stare at him. 
“And you’d be surprised that Sirius did pick up a pen and a book for this,” Remus drawls from his position at the bass.
“She’s certainly special enough,” Sirius looks up at you and winks, “Many of you might’ve heard it on the radio. Remus likes to call it “a lover’s musings” but I call it “December Boy, Losing Joy.” Yells and shouts echo as Sirius removes his earpiece. His eyes widen as he hears the noise and he puts it back in. You smile. You love seeing your boyfriend in his element. 
A bra is thrown onto the stage and someone yells, “Pick it up!”
“Sorry people, but I’m taken. Remember, I haven’t done it since ever.”
“No need to be jealous either,” Remus quips into his microphone, “Loving a two year old is harder than it sounds.”
“Right, boys. We good to go?” James asks.
James taps a hollow beat on his guitar slowly. The audience is quiet for once, as if instructed to do so. Remus starts strumming his bass, pick moving slowly as the sounds reverberate around the room. The tune is sweet and pleasant. You tap your foot slowly to it up in the box. Unknowingly, Lily is filming your reaction to it. You look down and follow the lyrics on the little card given to you by Sirius, waiting for him to begin. His eyes are closed, light illuminating his high cheekbones. You look at him like he’s your whole world and more.
He starts playing too. The melody is a toned down version of the Pop-esque one that you’ve listened to on Spotify so many times. You never knew the song was about you, thinking it was Remus’ penning or James’ tribute to Lily. But it’s beautiful. It’s also acoustic, you think, it gives the song a certain ethereal, timeless quality. Combined with your boyfriend with his hair up, eyelashes so long, eyes sparkling, you think this must be heaven. 
Sirius’ deep voice is angelic. “I was a December boy / Losing joy,” he sings. The crowd wave their phones to and fro, “Pretending I smoked cigarettes / Pretending I had no regrets.”
“Never one to be semantic / Always crude, brutal, unromantic,” The lyrics, now that you’ve thought about it, are undeniably Sirius’. 
“I was stone cold / And standing on my future’s threshold,” he smiles, “I was an incorrigible man / Shortening lifespan. My excuse was that I’m young / In years I haven’t spoken my mother tongue,” the crowd sings along.  
You hope the photographer they’ve hired is taking photos, because the warm spotlight illuminates where happy tears stain his porcelain skin. 
“December boy / Losing joy / Saying I’ll leave this town / Never wanting to settle down / December boy / Cast iron alloy / Wasn’t one who loved enough / Always trying to call your bluff.” 
“You were picture perfect / An idyllic circus,” you smile, idyllic, you had taught him that word, “Sweeping December clean / Smothering my burning gasoline / Never condescending of my ways / Lustrous, beaming gaze / What more, you cherish my past / Saying you don’t mind being my last / And you love the parts of me which I don’t / You tell me you will never leave me, you won’t.”
“I was a maximalist before I knew you / Rings on every finger, clouded world view / But you became my everything and now I need nothing more / And I told you this when you were unsure / Pretty thing / Please never leave me wondering / Where you are / I’m just a man without you, not a rockstar.”
“December boy / Losing joy.”
You sing along, reading the words, until there’s a diversion of them. You flip the card, but there are only lyrics to other songs there. The mood turns brighter.
“I was a December boy / Wearing black corduroy / Never one to be semantic / Now I’m a hopeless romantic / Not afraid of drowning in love anymore / Because my boat has arrived at your shore.”
“I tell everyone I’m going to marry you / Down Pleasant Crescent near Lover’s Avenue,” The crowd yells and shouts, “And this isn’t a proposal / You deserve one that is more than ambrosial,” he grins up at you, eyes smudged with adoration. 
“And I cannot believe / Heart stealing thief / That I was once a December boy / Losing joy.” 
The song goes viral. Everywhere on the internet you can see the tag #decemberboy, and the Marauders, however popular they already are, grow their fanbase tenfold. Sirius records the alternate version of the song again and he names it “December Boy, Losing Joy (Her Version)”.
The PR manager is very impressed, and gives all the boys a holiday. Remus goes home to see his old flame, James takes Lily on a trip to Honolulu and you and Sirius stay home. You’ve talked about getting married, and both of you are very keen on it. It’s just that Sirius is busy most of the time and the opportunity hasn’t ever arisen. But Sirius secretly has a ring picked out for you, one that he’s seen you look at when you think he wasn’t watching you at the mall. Lily has sent him the video of you beaming when marriage came up in his song, so he thinks you definitely like the idea. 
Lily and James should arrive the Sunday after, you learn, but they’re coming home earlier. Remus is already back but re-doing his house. 
Sirius comes into the room where you’re tapping on your computer, “Do you want to go on a date, pretty? The restaurant near the beach?”
Your cheeks heat up, “Now?” 
“When else?” He laughs, and he’s already wearing a suit. It clings to his body in all the right ways and makes you flustered and hot. His eyes gaze at you intensely. 
“Everything okay, lovely?” He stoops down to curl a stray lock of hair back. You’re still a blushing idiot in front of him, after all these years. 
“Yeah,” you choke out, leaving quickly, “I’ll get dressed.”
You had bought a new dress just a few weeks before, Remus’ old flame begging you to go date night shopping with her. 
You slip it on, getting ready with the aim to look date-able. Grabbing your things, you meet Sirius in the walk-in-closet, where he’s studying his ties intricately. He turns in greeting and he smiles cheesily, “Wow.” He’s blushing now too.
He picks out one that matches your dress. 
“You’re really, really beautiful,” he says as you tie his tie for him. 
You look up at him bashfully, “Just tryna catch up with you, handsome.”
“You don’t need to catch up with me, beautiful.”
All the way to the restaurant, he’s tense. He feels your small hand on his thigh, patting him. 
“You okay, Siri?”
His hands grip the steering wheel tightly, and his knuckles turn white. 
“Are you sure, honey?”
You’re so sweet he almost wants to ask you here. Even though the ring is still in Remus’ pocket. But he forces a smile, “Great.” 
Sirius is not normally this tense, but the meal is nice and he’s perfect. Instead of leading you back to the car, he pads onto the sand nearby, “You coming?”
“Shoes, Siri, shoes.” 
You sit down and he takes them off for you, holding them. 
“Why are we here?” 
“The view is nice, I thought you’d appreciate it.” 
“It is.”
You bask in the worldliness of it all. You miss Remus approaching quietly and handing Sirius the ring, having mastered the art of slinking away. It’s only when you see all of your friends approaching, a camera in every second person’s hand, when you frown. You turn to Sirius. He’s looking at you like he’s infatuated, and shakily gets down on one knee, dropping your shoes and taking your hands into his. Is this really about to happen? 
“My love, I love you with all my heart and I promised to give you a proposal more than ambrosial so here it is. These last few years have made me realise that I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side and let everyone else know that too. I want to love you as much as I can, and I want you to be with me in everything that I do, everywhere I go. Will you continue making me the happiest man in the world and marry me? Please?” 
The delivery is short and sweet, Sirius’ way of doing things. You grin, throwing your arms around him. 
“Yes. Yes!” 
Sirius breaks out into a big smile, and slides the ring you had been marvelling at the other day on your finger. 
He lifts you and kisses you, deep and passionate and loving. Your friends cheer. 
You spend the rest of the night on the beach with your December boy, finding joy. 
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Injured II
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: A look back to when there was Mami and Jenni
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Before Mami is injured and before there is Olga, there is Jenni.
"Hola, hola," She greets as she lets herself into your home.
You're on your special time playmat with your trains, making them crash into each other while Mami is sitting with you. She's playing trains the normal way and it's a bit boring but you let her because it makes her happy.
"Hola, Jenni," Mami says, abandoning her trains to kiss Jenni when she thinks you're not watching.
"How are my favourite girls today?"
"Trains go crash!" You report, slamming your Thomas against your Percy and laughing gleefully.
"She's just learnt that trains can hit each other," Mami says fondly, stealing another kiss.
"Are you having fun?" Jenni asks you and you grunt your affirmation," That's good."
You grunt again and reach for Mami's Gordon to slam against your Thomas.
"She looks...occupied," Jenni whispers, wiggling her eyebrows.
Alexia rolls her eyes and slaps Jenni in the chest in warning. "No," She says," I'm not leaving my baby alone just so you can get laid."
"So dirty-minded," Jennie teases, tapping Alexia's nose with her finger," I would never dream of abandoning the baby to get in your pants."
"Not baby!" You insist, only really catching the end of their conversation," Big girl!"
Jenni chuckles, swinging you up into her arms. "And what a big girl you are! Look at you! So big!"
"I am!" You agree," Mami, Jenni says I'm big!"
"You're very big," Mami promises you and you nod in acknowledgement, turning back to your trains.
Jenni toes off her boots and heads to the kitchen to put away the groceries. She watches as Alexia returns to playing with you, letting you run your trains over the skin of her arms and crashing them into her socked feet.
"Jenni!" You call out to her," We play tonight?"
"We can play now." She gives you a silly smile as she sits on your other side. "Have you got any trains for me?"
You think for a moment before reaching into your toy box. "You can be Toby Tram," You say," And the Fat Controller."
Alexia smothers her laughter at the semi-insulted look on Jenni's face as she takes the toys from you.
"Why can't I be James? Or maybe Edward?" Jenni asks.
You give her a look that can only be described as condescending. "Because they're sleeping, Jenni," You say, shaking your head," Mami put them to bed."
"That's right," Mami says," I did."
"You have to be Toby or the Fat Controller. You can be Cranky if you want."
Your Cranky crane is at the very bottom of your toy box because he's your least favourite but you'll let Jenni be him if she really wants to.
She winces. "I think I'm good with Toby."
"And the Fat Controller," You continue for her, pushing the two figures together. You slam Thomas against Toby and Mami gets up to make dinner.
You and Jenni play peacefully with each other as Mami cooks and, somehow, you end up sitting in Jennie's lap when you grow bored of your trains.
Her fingers card through your hair as you babble about the day you had with your babysitter. Her arms wrap around you easily as you continue to talk, wiggling your feet happily when her nails scratch lightly at the base of your neck.
Alexia watches you both with a smile as she plates up the food, effortlessly balancing all three in her hands as she comes back. She places them all on the sofa and scoops you up into her arms.
"Dinnertime," She says and you whine.
"Mami!" You say," Was playing!"
"Really?" Alexia replies, amused," Because it looked like Jenni was sending you to sleep with her magic fingers."
Jenni smirks over your head and winks. "You'd know all about my magic fingers."
"Jenni!" Alexia hisses," The baby!"
"Not a baby!" You say," Big girl!"
"The biggest big girl," Jenni promises you, settling on one side of the sofa while Alexia settles on the other and you get squished between them.
Mami puts on an animated movie for you to watch as you feed yourself (although it's more like you getting distracted and her and Jenni taking turns spooning food into your mouth). Sometimes, when they think you're particularly distracted, they will lean over the top of your head and kiss.
You catch them a few times and both times, they go a little red before trying to distract you with more food. It gets to the point that you don't even want to look at them when you feel one of them move to kiss the other.
After dinner, Jenni gives you a bath and helps you play with your bath toys as your pyjamas get nice and warm on the radiator. Mami pops in a few times to give Jenni your bubble bath mixture but she's on the phone with someone so she doesn't stay long.
Jenni dries you off and gets you all snuggly in your Thomas the Tank Engine pyjamas and guides you to your room.
Mami's already there waiting and you get bundled up into bed as Jenni plucks a book from your bookshelf to read. Her voice is upbeat and Mami does the silly voice for all of the characters.
It makes you sleepy and you're all nice and warm between your Mami and Jenni.
You yawn and Mami takes this as time to switch off your big light while Jenni finally turns on your special nightlight that projects stars onto your ceiling.
"Night, night," Alexia says even though she knows that you're already asleep, slipping out of the door with Jenni behind her.
You don't answer (she didn't expect you to) and you snuggle against your soft pillows as you drift off.
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
Ok so everyone to together having a good time talking, laughing, ect, but y/n and Julie were talking and Julie tells reader they should kiss wally under a mistletoe!! And so y/n walks up to wally and y/n has mistletoe over them then they surprise wally with a bunch of kisses!!!
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- there was always christmas parties in the neighborhood where everyone got together to watch movies , talk and just enjoy christmas eve. they always took place at julie's home since it was the biggest home around. it was set up with cozy blankets , pillows and everyone was chatting away.
- julie had been handing out everyones preferred hot chocolate then she got to you and sat down with you. “ hmm...hey y/n ya know what would be cheesy but adorable? you kissing wally under the mistletoe! its silly but I think it may surprise him but in a cute way. ”
- you thought about it before sighing. “ but that's so cheesy! ” “ he's as cheesy as cheesy is , go on do it! ” julie smiled and gave you a small encouraging nudge. “ I'll watch your drink for you. ”
- you rolled your eyes with a smile and stood up from the couch and snatched a mistletoe that was hanging up. wally was sitting by himself with the hot coco held in his hands but his eyes were closed , the liquid just disappearing from the cup but you didn't think much about it. “ hey wally dear. ” you hummed which caused wally's attention to turn to you and he opened his eyes. “ oh..hello sunshine , is there something you need? ”
- you just look up at the mistletoe you held above you both which caused wally to look up as well. “ ..is this just an excuse to kiss- ” before he could finish his sentence you smothered him in kisses with a laugh. “ kiss attack! ” wally couldn't say anything and just went wide eyed as he looked at you before giving you a small kiss back. “ was this julie's idea? tell her i said thank you. ”
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koemiii · 2 years
Sagau flirty GN creator ; Genshin Impact!!
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WARNINGS; religious themes
SUMMARY; Archons! You have now been isekai’d to teyvat, and you’re now their creator all of a sudden! Your favourite characters kneeling below you, paying you with their utter respect; how’d you react?!
NOTES; Imagine saying something you really want to some characters from the start!!
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“I don’t want you all to be my acolytes nor my followers,” you made your best expressionless and cold face, exclaimed. You are now sitting on your throne, those vision wielders currently in your biggest room (which is more like a ballroom actually) Bitterness and surprise displayed on their aspectabund, pretty features. You continued, “Why be my acolytes when you can all be my husbands and wives~?” Oh how the tables have turned, even the Yae Miko and kaeya had a teeny little blush on their elegant features. Everybody went silence.
-> Venti
“Y-your grace~ thank you for favouring us!!! From now on can I call you windblume? Love? Which do you like?” As he jumped onto you, tackling you into a hug. “Ha, Venti, honey, I can’t breathe! You’re hugging me so tight!” As all of the remaining people finished processing what you had just said. You can see Venti’s really really happy with what you’re saying, smothering his face into the crook of your neck, and maybe even inhaling your scent. He laughed so sweet.
-> Zhongli
“Barbatos, get off of their grace! That’s blasphemy!” He half-ordered, who would know the oldest grandpa would react just after Venti? But you didn’t actually want Venti to get off of you. You always wondered what if you get isekai’d to the Teyvat and hugged the playable characters with different vision would feel (Klee and hutao would be the warmest people you’ve hugged so far, kaeya and Eula would be a bit colder than the others etc). Venti radiates warm and gentle, maybe even some chaotic vibes. You liked it so much. “Venti, get off of their grace!” “No, zhongli, honey, c’mere,” He immediately went red. What?? Did you just call?? Him?? He so red right now! He’s Morax—the very archon who won the archon war, the very archon who fought so many gigantic and even strong opponents before, the very archon who’s the oldest amongst the seven of them, be indulged in such a not so gentleman-y act? He, of course wanted to say no but you threw a pout in his direction and exclaimed, “This is an order. Now.” Uh oh. Those not so divine orders again! He could not say no this time! He obliged, sighing in defeat, coming over. You gave him a heat pat and ruffled his hair, and invited him to your archon’s sleepover party tonight.
“Ah yes, y’all don’t need to kneel ever again~!! Stand up, you’re all my husbands and wives now!!” You happily stated, “This is an order,” Added. Venti is still engulfing you into a full body hug, while zhongli is standing beside you, face red. Hm, this is truly a rare sight!! The Zhongli flustered??? Dayummmmm.
“Venti, love I’m afraid that I’ll have to get off my throne. I have to go see someone!” You chirped, venti letting you go but having a small pout on his cute face. You walked through rows of your husbands and wives (heh), looking for a certain someone, until you saw the blue haired female you’ve searched for so long.
“Lawerence Eula,” “Yes, your grace,” she looked down to the floor, seemingly to be nervous. “No— (L/N) Eula. How does that sound to you, Hm? You like that?” A smirk placed onto your face, actually you kind of mean it. “Eula, even if the whole world turns their back on you, I’ll always be by your side no matter what. The Mondstadtians are the rude ones, they only take you as the cold and rude Lawrence but not the Eula. The Eula I know, is a nice, good-looking, kind girl. And thank you for staying strong all over these years despite the hate you got, Eula Lawrence, I love you so much,” and you hugged her, have her a small smile over the confession. “Your grace, thank you so much…” she hugged back, although you can tell she’s also a bit stiff. How can she tell the others that their grace confessed and hugged her? Something she has never thought of became true!
You then walked back to your throne, throwing Miko a look, with that she immediately knew this is gonna be a long session all about you trying to fluster the others…
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Can you do a Larissa x Age regressed f! Reader? I rlly rlly like the nicknames “princess” and “dear”! Larissa is one of my biggest comfort characters and I’d like to read it when im regressed :]]
My baby| fluff
*Authors note| ahhh little r momma Isa is filling my heart with joy, making it hard to not be slipping into that headspace right now.*
Trigger warning~ sfw agere
Prompt~see ask^^
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You hadn't allowed yourself to slip for days. Truthfully, you knew you needed to let yourself slip, all the signs were there but with how busy you knew your girlfriend was you didn't feel it was fair. She needed you and she always took such amazing care of you that you truly wished to do the same back. If that meant ignoring the nagging to slip then you'd manage it. It was a struggle the past few days, Larissa not picking up on it due to all the chaos Wednesday Addams was creating. Your girlfriend would be up before the sun and you'd be lucky if she joined you in bed before you passed out in exhaustion. You knew it was affecting her too, you saw how tense her shoulders were, the way she scrunched her eyes up indicating a migraine and you had caught a few frustrated sighs falling from her lips as she sat at her desk attempting to fix yet another incident.
It was the weekend and yet again there had been an altercation involved the Addams girl, meaning you were left to your own devices after receiving multiple apologies and forehead kisses from Larissa. You didn't know how long she would take to sort this out so you decided a nap would be a great idea. You snuggled up in bed nuzzling into the older women's pillow, her scent smothered the pillow and invaded your senses.  She always managed to soothe you. This time perhaps a little too much, you slipped into your little space just before sleep overcome you.
When falling asleep as a little you tend to be pulled in deeper, which is exactly what happened this time too. You awoke to the slamming for a door and the frustrated sighs of your girlfriend. You heard your name being called, yet you were unable to reply. Instead a string of babbles took the place of your words, "Babab mamamama?" You brought your tightly balled up fists to your eyes in attempt to clear the fogginess from your brain. "Momomomo?" You cried out confused, you could hear your momma but not see her. Was it a dream?  It was those cries that caught the attention of Larissa and guided her to where you were.
You were curled up cuddling her pillow and sobbing, babbling incoherently, clearly in such a state it made her heart ache. How long had it been since you had slipped? She couldn't quite remember but knowing you had slipped alone caused guilt to arise. "Is that my little princess I see there" she murmured bringing you blurry eyes to hers. "Momomomom?" You whimpered before stumbling from the bed to throw yourself in her arms. "Yes dear momma is here, such a pretty little princess aren't you baby?" She cooed bringing a hand to mess with your hair, knowing how comforting you found that action to be. Your only response was to get embarrassed and hide in her neck. You loved your momma and you knew she loved you. You were her pretty princess, her baby girl and she would do anything for you, so why had to put off slipping for so long?
Unbeknownst to your little self, looking after her princess was exactly what Larissa needed. Looking after you gave her that release she so desperately needed and allowed her to lean into those natural motherly instincts she had. "I missed you dear. Are you okay there?" She murmured dropping a kiss to your cheek before moving her slender fingers to tickle your sides. You shrieked and giggled trying to squirm away from her. "Momomomo nananana" you babbled not really knowing what you were trying to say, but somehow Larissa knew exactly what you wanted. "Oh I'm so sorry princess, momma just missed those pretty giggles so much" she shot you a bright smile causing you to blush and hide your face again. "Wuv momma" was mumbled into the bed spread, where you had buried you face. "Momma loves you too dear, now how about we go and get your sippy love? And maybe we can put baby shark on? Hmm?" She suggested knowing just how much you loved that show. You shot a quick nod her way before clambering back into her arms and wrapping around her like a koala, "uppie uppie momma uppie" you giggled excitedly warning the older women's heart. "Come on then my princess" she murmured standing easily carrying your weight.
It wasn't long before you had settled in bed, snuggled up on your mommas chest, sippy cup in hand and baby shark playing on the tv. This right here and now was your safe space. One you were forever grateful to Larissa for supporting you, giving you what you so clearly needed.
Word count ~ 868
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dsireland86 · 7 months
The Best Kind of Danger: Chapter 5
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His body pressed hard against hers, where nothing could come between them made her feel the safest she'd ever felt. The horrible moments of rejection that shrouded her past mean nothing now that she was in the arms of the man who truly wanted her for her. The past no longer hurt. He wanted to protect her, keep her safe, and let nothing come between them. He didn't care that she was inexperienced. That only meant her body would learn to fit him so well and nothing made him want her more than knowing she was entirely his; finally. Separately, they were weaker; facing the world around them was harder. But together, they were a force to be reckoned with, and trying to tear them apart would prove to be impossible. 
TAG LIST: @bngurngheart, @blackveilomens, @myownthoughts12, @vinyardmauro, @iknownothingpeople, @lilylovesdew @sprokat @lma1986 @jilliemiw86
"Sounds like you and Cassie made up last night. Everything good between you two now?"
Noah nudged Folio in the shoulder while he poured himself a cup of coffee. Folio grinned sheepishly, stirring the hot liquid around. 
"Yeah, uh sorry about that. She wanted to be quiet, she tried to, but I wouldn't let her."
Noah stuck out his bottom lip, shaking his head.  
"No apology needed. It wasn't that loud. I barely heard it."
"What the fuck ever dude. Y'all were loud as shit last night," Matt laughed, taking out his first Celcius of the day from the fridge. 
'Hey, look, don't say anything about it around Cassie, please. Last night was kind of a big deal for her, and I'm not sure how she's gonna feel about it now that she's had some time to process it."
"What do mean -kind of a big deal-? It's not like you two haven't had sex before." 
Noah and Folio's eyes both widened as they looked over at Matt. Matt raised an eyebrow, cracking his can open.
"I don't mean together, shit, I mean separately, before you know," tirling a finger in the air at Folio, "you two."  
Nick's eyes shifted to the floor. "Well, I have," he paused.
There was an awkward silence for a minute.
"No fucking way Folio. Cassie's a virgin?" Noah's mouth fell wide open, completely shocked.
"Well, not anymore she isn't," Matt stated, taking a long sip from his can." Noah slapped him in the chest, causing him to choke and almost spit out his drink.
"Shhhh, come on guys, this is serious," Folio pleaded, while Matt continued to cough, trying to catch his breath. "I don't want Cassie feeling uncomfortable if she's not already. Just please, don't say anything to her, okay?" 
Noah nodded, immediately agreeing. "I honestly never would've thought she was a virgin. Dang. And she chose you, huh?" 
Folio shrugged his shoulders. "There's a lot more to it, but yeah. It was her choice." 
"I'm happy for you man," Noah smiled, patting Nick on the back. "So does this mean you two are a thing? Like together?" Folio nodded, his head bobbing up and down rather quickly as his face lit up with a bright smile Noah smiled again too.
"Speaking of," Matt pointed out, nodding behind Folio. He turned around just in time to see Cassie come bouncing down the stairs, slowing down the instant her eyes landed on him. 
She smiled the biggest smile, looking down at Folio looking up at her. Her heart was racing with excitement and all she wanted to do was run and jump in his arms, wrap herself entirely around him, and smother him in kisses. But she wasn't sure if he'd said anything yet to any of the guys and didn't want to overstep or embarrass Nick. 
Images of last night flooded Folio's mind when Cassie walked into the kitchen. He felt himself already growing hard and quickly adjusted himself behind the counter, thankful it was there to cover for him.
"Hey," she smiled at him. 
"Hey," he replied, taking a few steps toward her. Cassie smelled amazing, the scent of her body spray and body wash resinating off her clean body. It was a little discouraging to him that she'd already washed away his traces from off her skin, but now that things were as they were, he knew his chances of fucking her filthy again were highly likely.
Cassie's body screamed when Folio's lips found hers, making her clean red panties already wet. She held in the moan that was dying to escape the second his tongue brushed her bottom lip. 
"You taste like mint," he grinned, liking his lips when they parted. Cassie was looking at him, eyes wide with surprise. 
"What?" He gave her a simple smile.
"Nothing," shaking her head slightly. She tried to hide the way her lips were curling in the corners of her mouth.
"Hey, come here," Folio said, reaching out and taking her hands, pulling her closer to him. 
"They know," he whispered in her ear and then kissed her temple. 
"And I don't care if anyone has a problem with us. You're mine." 
Watching her reaction and loving what he saw, Folio lifted Cassie's face to his and kissed her lips. "I'm yours," kissing her cheek. "We're an us. That's that," kissing her forehead and then wrapping her up in his arms and holding her close. Cassie smiled against his chest as last night played on repeat deep inside her mind.
"Are you comfortable?" 
Cassie nodded, shifting slightly beneath him. 
"Do you want me to remove my shorts?" Folio lay on his side with their legs intertwined, debating in his head what he should do next. Cassie looked at him, puzzled causing Nick to release a soft, nervous chuckle.
"I mean, how? Do you want me to stand up and take them off or would you rather I just slip them off right here?"
A sheepish grin curved her mouth.  
"Maybe it's my turn to see you now?"
He kissed her nose and then her lips, agreeing.
Reluctantly sliding off of her, he stood up and with one swift move, removed his swim trunks entirely, kicking them to the side.
Cassie took in the scene before her eyes as they drifted over Nick's body. His skin was perfectly tanned and so smooth. He was muscular and toned in all the right places, not for fitness but for strength and his tattoos, some she didn't even know he had, were vibrant and stunning. She longed to touch them; to trace every line of each one and feel him beneath her fingertips. He was beautiful.
A slight smile crept across Folio's face. Cassie's fixed stare on him was magnetic, pulling him willing back to her. Slowly climbing back onto the bed, he spread her legs apart again, making room for himself. His eyes glanced over her entrance, and Cassie caught the subtle smile that came and went. 
The thought that he was going to be the first man to enter her, to feel her tight walls squeeze around him until he made them collapse made Folio a little light-headed. He was about to take the most important thing a girl could give to a guy and the fact that Cassie chose him was unreal. 
Looking into her soft hazel eyes and seeing them burn with desire made his cock twitch. Faintly, he grunted, pressing himself hard against her folds, exhaling in comfort once she relaxed and her legs went limp around him. 
"This feels unreal," he confessed. His lips were pressed tight against her neck, his favorite spot on her, nibbling on her pulse point. 
"It does, doesn't it," she agreed. 
Her breasts were flush against his chest, the quiet beating of her heart resonating in his body as he sniffed her neck and behind her ears, breathing in her perfect scent, before kissing her nose, her cheek, and then her lips again.
Their eyes met and a silent moment passed between them. There was no need for talk, no need for any noise. Just the silence that swallowed them, bringing them closer together. 
"I love the way you look at me," Folio confessed, eyes darting back and forth between hers. Cassie grinned, running her nails gently over the skin of his back and sides. "The way you look every time you see me," kissing the end of her nose again, "the way you look when I touch you," running his fingers over sex and up her slit. 
Cassie sucked in a quick breath, lifting a little and bringing her chest closer to Folio's mouth. He saw that as the perfect opportunity to take them into his mouth and so he did, running his tongue over her nipples and massaging their soft, tender flesh with one hand. A sweet moan slipped from her lips. 
"Goddamn that sound coming from that pretty little mouth of yours is going to drive me off the edge, baby," he confessed against her breast. He nipped her nipple, causing her to squeal.
"Take me with you then," Cassie replied. Folio looked up at her, that sudden sparkle in her eye making her look so cute, and huffed a slight laugh, before going back to working her breasts. Cassie sighed, sinking into the bed sheets.
"Tell me, how do I look at you, Nick?"
With her eyes closed, she ran her hands through Folio's hair repeatedly. Eventually, he brought his face back up to hers and their eyes found each other's, making Cassie's heart race again. How he could do that she'd never know, but every time Nick looked at her, it made her insides flutter like butterflies. Maybe that's what he meant.
Nick took a deep breath 
"You look at me like you love me; as if you care deeply about me. No other girl has ever done that."
Cassie's heart skipped a beat. She smiled warmly at him.
"Really?" she asked, cocking her head a little.
Folio nodded slowly, caressing the side of her thigh and around to her ass, pulling her pussy harder into his cock. He wanted to fuck her so bad. 
Cassie pulled Nick's face down to kiss him, sliding her tongue inside his mouth and letting out a quiet moan as she tasted him. He pushed his hardness against her tender core making her gasp as a delightful look drifted over her face.
"Maybe I do."
"Maybe?" He cocked an eyebrow.
Cassie nodded. "Do you think I'd be beneath you right now if I didn't?"
"Hmm good point," Folio chuckled, planting his lips firmly on her's again. He very slowly began to move against her sex, rocking back and forth and pushing in harder each time. Her fingers tightened on his back as their kiss quickly became heated.
"Ughh, Nick," Cassie breathlessly moaned, tilting her head back a little further, and closing her eyes. 
"You like me teasing you, baby," he asked, enjoying the view.
 "Mmmhmm," she nodded quickly.
 He kissed her shoulder. When she opened her eyes, Nick saw the slight apprehension in her eyes.
"What's wrong? Are you still okay with this? If you want me to stop, just tell me and I'll stop," he insisted, about to move off her and give her some space, but Cassie reached for him and pulled him back into her. 
"Don't leave me," she pleaded, suddenly feeling awkward.
"I just thinking," she hesitated, lowering her eyes and focusing on Nick's chest tattoo. 
The eagle was huge. Its wings stretched across one collarbone to the other and took up his entire chest cavity with the head and body resting at the bottom. The tail and feet that gripped the trout traveled further down, stopping only a few inches above his belly button, and expanded across to the bottom of each rib. Her fingers traced every line until Folio stopped them, bringing them to his lips.
"You just thought what?" 
"Are you stalling?"
His forehead creased. Folio wasn't following.
"I was thinking maybe you don't want to do this. Or is it me? Am I overthinking too much?"
He huffed a laugh, letting his head hang down. 
"Is that what's got your pretty little mind all riled up? You think I don't want to have sex with you anymore because maybe I got enough satisfaction watching you cum all over my fingers?"
Cassie swallowed hard, clenching her thighs together.
"Something like that, yeah; maybe."
"You're unbelievable, you know that? I wish I knew what makes you think about the things you do sometimes."
Cassie shrugged her shoulders.
"You're crazy Cassie," he stated, sitting back on his knees and running his hands down her chest, over her breasts, down her stomach, and stopping right where he was straddling her leg; just above her pelvic area. Cassie's breath hitched in between her giggles. Nick slowly touched her, and with his thumb, began to slowly make small circles on her clit. Cassie whimpered, sitting up on her elbows to watch him.
"I want to have sex with you, Cassie," Folio began, scooting a little further down, keeping his eyes on hers. "I want to make you feel so fucking good that you cry tears of ecstasy."
He lowered his face closer to her heated sex, continuing eye contact. "But, I want it to be at your pace; not mine. I want you to feel safe and I want you to know that I've got all the time you need; I'm not going anywhere." 
He gently licked her clit, flicking it with his tongue, and caused her body to fall back against the sheets and arch up. 
"Shit, Nick!" she cried, fisting his damp hair. He smiled against her skin kissing the tender flesh a little lower than where he started. Cassie moaned, tugging his hair. 
"You've never been," his eyes drifted between her legs then back to hers. 
She shook her head, giving him a firm "no". Folio's lips widened into his beautiful smile, easing Cassie's worries.
"Oh shit," he said, licking his lips. His mouth watered at just the thought of him being her first.
"You know what I want to do right?" He needed to be sure Cassie was aware of everything that was going on so that she didn't feel or think the wrong things later on. 
"Maybe," she whispered with a coy smile, biting the side of her thumb. "But why don't you tell me anyway," 
Folio ground his teeth together and squeezed her knees. She was playing a dangerous game with him. He was trying to be gentle with her, but at this point now, all he wanted to do was flip her over and take her at his hungry pace.
"I want to eat you." His voice was deep and low, making Cassie's stomach muscles tighten as soon as he pushed her legs apart with some force. "I want to make you cum in my mouth." When his eyes gazed over her glistening pussy that was already wet just for him, hearing a soft whimper fall from her lips. 
His hands planted themselves on her breasts again, fingertips squeezing each nipple and making them hard and perky; just the way he liked them. Then he brought his mouth to each one, taking his time to suck and lick them until he was sure they were numb. The sounds that fell from Cassie's mouth made the precum ease out of his throbbing hard cock, instructing him to reach down and pump it a few times.   
"Okay," Cassie said, biting her lip and nodding. "Okay, Nick. Do what," but her words faltered when she looked down at Nick and watched his mouth and tongue work her nipples effortlessly. If they could do that to her breasts then she could only imagine what they could do between her legs.
Folio didn't waste any time. He slid down to her sex, spreading her legs open a little more while gently running his finger down her folds. Glancing back up at her, he watched Cassie's head fall back against the pillow. He prodded her entrance with the tip of his finger, causing her to squirm and give him a slight little whine. Then lifting her leg and resting it on his shoulder, Folio pulled her down closer to his mouth, and dove in without hesitation. 
The second his tongue landed on her warm pussy and began to move, Cassie thought she would explode. She lost her composure, letting the cries and moans escape without thinking anything about it. Nick's mouth on her, his tongue deep inside her, made her entire world spin faster, and the heat pooling in her lower back told her she didn't have much longer before her second orgasm was about to rip through her.
He pushed further into her sucking and working his face against her sensitive clit and Cassie couldn't resist the urge to shamelessly grind against his face. Folio's moans and soft mumbles that gave away his own pleasure, vibrated against her opening as he dove his tongue in, licking and swallowing everything his mouth came in contact with. 
Her cries suddenly became desperate and she attempted many times to cover them with her hand, but Nick stopped her every time. 
"I want to hear you; I need to baby. Tell me how good I'm making you feel." 
Her breath hitched each time Nick's teeth nipped her clit and from the way her stomach and her pussy clenched, he knew she was close. 
"I know you're about to cum for me, Dove. Don't overthink it; just let it go."  
Cassie gripped the bed sheets, gathering them up in her fists. Nick's words were bringing her quicker to the edge, but she needed just one more thing to drag her over. As if he could read her mind, Folio inserted a finger into her, twisting as he slid in and out before curling it, making every muscle in her body tighten. 
"Oh my God Nick," she moaned so loud, throwing her hand over her mouth.
Her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, swallowing up every thought, and drowning her in only the feeling of Nick's mouth and hands. Her body shuddered, releasing her arousal that Folio willingly took. He moaned, pleased with his work, as his finger continued to work her through her orgasm. 
"Holy shit," Cassie exclaimed, breathlessly, dragging her hands down her face. Her body was trembling, her legs were shaking, and as Folio wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before kissing her quivering lips, he lay in between her legs once more, pressed close against her.
Tasting herself on his kiss, she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him close and holding him. "How did that feel, Dove?" he asked, not needing to know the answer, but his ego just wanted to hear her say it. 
Cassie shook her head, her body still shaking. "There aren't words," she answered as he kissed her again. "I don't know if I want to know where you learned how to do that."
Nick smiled, planting kisses on the side of her face and neck. He positioned his over-stimulated cock against her entrance, hoping now he'd be able to find release. 
"It doesn't matter. You're the only girl who's going to feel it from now on. It only matters how it makes you feel." His silver chain hung low, brushing Cassie's chin. She grabbed his face, forcing him to look at her. 
"Really? You don't want anyone else?"
"No," he shook his head. 
"But we haven't even had sex yet."
Cassie ran her hands through his hair, something she found herself loving to do, and pushed it back out of his face. He kissed her wrist and then her lips.
"I don't need to fuck you to know I don't want anyone else. No one else could make me feel the way you do. I already knew that; before we even started this." 
"Really?" she asked again.
"Really." He smiled.
They took a moment to relish one another, enjoying the brief sound of just their heartbeats.
"I want you inside me, Nick. Take me, use me, mold me, make me entirely yours." Cassie's words went straight to Folio's dick. 
"Holy fuck, yes ma'am," he chuckled.
Fully confident now, he reached over to the bedside table and opened the drawer, retrieving a small foil packet.
"You don't have to," Cassie said when she saw what Nick was holding.
He narrowed his eyes, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm allergic to latex," she admitted, blushing. "I've been on contraceptives for a while for other health reasons too."
He frowned. "Anything serious?"
Cassie shook her head. "Nope, just girl stuff."
"Fuck, I knew you were too perfect," he laughed, throwing the packet on the floor and resuming his place in between Cassie's legs. 
Cassie gazed up at him lovingly, reaching up and cradling his face in her hands. 
"I won't break, so don't hold back, please. I want to feel all of you, Nicky," she said confidently. Her pet name for him would eventually be his undoing. The way it sounded, falling from her lips, made his stomach flutter.
"Spit," Folio commanded, holding his hand out. Cassie obeyed and he used it to pump himself a few times. He lined himself up at her entrance and slowly he entered her, pushing carefully through her incredible tightness that hugged his throbbing cock the further in he went.
"Holy fuck, baby," Folio sighed, swallowed by her warmth and pleased with how well Cassie was taking him. 
"You're so fucking tight," he grunted, pulling back out a little in an attempt to use her wetness as the lube he needed to go deeper. Cassie expelled a loud satisfactory moan the instant she felt him slide inside. Her breath quickened as she worked through the slight discomfort of the pressure of being stretched and was grateful when Folio found her lips to distract her 
He groaned deep in her throat. Finding her legs, he grabbed them and hitched them to his sides, commanding her to wrap them around his waist. Cassie clutched his biceps tighter, tilting her head back more and trying to get impossibly closer to him. 
She felt fucking divine wrapped all around him as his thickness spread her open, the tender flesh sliding over his rigged, pulsing cock like it was the perfect glove. It gave him so much satisfaction; the kind he'd never felt before.
"You good," he asked, pausing after seeing Cassie wince a little. 
"Mmmhmm, I'm good, she nodded, eyes shut tightly."God, I'm so good," she breathed, gasping the further she felt him go. She couldn't hold back the moans that escaped, no matter how hard she tried. 
"Let me hear you baby, you sound beautiful." 
Folio's praise was driving Cassie mad in the best way possible. It touched her heart knowing he was trying to make this moment as easy and enjoyable as possible. It made her want him even more. 
Once he was fully in, Folio lay there for a moment giving Cassie a moment to adjust making sure she was alright before continuing.
Taking her legs and bringing them up higher she wrapped them around his waist again and slowly, while keeping direct eye contact with her, began to take her at his pleasure. Cassie whimpered, dissolving into the pleasure of Nick's rhythmic thrusts inside her. Her nails raked across his tight shoulder blades, the muscles beneath them that had been worked and shaped from all the years of drumming moving up and down with each push that was deeper than the last. Her hips moved with his as Folio filled her so full of him that she lost her breath every time he went hard into her. 
His lips found her neck and they latched on to her skin. His hands found hers bringing them above her head and locking them together.
Cassie breathed in deeply inhaling his scent that she'd come to know well, one that always brought a sense of comfort and warmth. It had become her security.
"You smell like home, Nicky," she spoke against his ear in between small gasps and moans. Cassie's breath on his skin gave him goosebumps. The way her body arched into him, molding itself around him like it was made for him, made his hard shaft throb even harder inside her wetness. He wanted to go hard and all he could think about was thrusting faster into her, grunting as he did so and feeling her push against him.   
Cassie's back arched up toward him again, pressing her bare breasts against his chest. He squeezed her hands tighter and sucked her skin longer than intended. 
"You are home," he said, releasing her skin and licking the remaining saliva off before moving to another spot, pleased with the bruise he left behind. Her breath hitched when he lifted himself, pulled out a little bit, and then slammed harder back into her. 
"I'm your home now, Dove," he declared in between thrusts, enunciating "dove" with such a hard one that Cassie cried out the prettiest moan he'd heard yet. She was quickly coming undone again. The whimpering of his name once he found that spot that made her walls flutter and tighten around his cock, brought out the most feral growl in Nick, forcing him to quicken his unrelenting tempo.
Muttering something against her lips and leaving only an inch or two between them, he slid his cock out so his tip is right at her entrance. Meeting her eyes, he gave her a devilish grin right before he slammed back into her. Cassie released a choke sob of pure pleasure.
He was close too, and he just couldn't get enough of Cassie. But he wanted this to last for as long as possible, so he slowed his pace, fucking her softly and massaging the now very tender flesh. His hands found her hair, releasing their grip on her hands, tangling themselves in her dark auburn locks. With a voice so low, he whispered, "Give me all of you, Cassie. Please? Be only mine. I don't want to see you with another man," he pleaded, slowing himself now to a slow, rhythmic tempo, pushing himself up to look her in the eyes. 
Cassie brought her hands to his chest, smiling at the feeling of his hammering heartbeat, running them up and over his shoulders.
"Why do you call me dove?"
"It means "peace". You're my peace, Cassie."
He lowered his face and ghosted the tip of her nose with his, something he really loved doing, and breathed deeply.
"You already have me, Nick. You've had me for a long time. Why do you think I always refused the phone numbers of all those other guys who tried to pick me up at shows? It's always been you; since the very first time I watched you set your drum kit up and you dropped that huge freaking Floor Tom on Kooters foot. I thought he was going to kill you."
Folio laughed. His head fell into Cassie as his body shook. 
"Yeah," raising his head and looking at her. 
"I think I might be in love with you."
".......... Don't tease me; I'm not that tough," his face turning very serious.
She grinned. "I'm not teasing you, baby. I'm serious," caressing his cheekbone. 
Folio intertwined their fingers together.
"Is it time for us to stop lying to ourselves?
He began to move again, leaning back and repositioning Cassie's legs tightly around him. Her head fell back against the pillow with a soft smile gracing her lips and her expression turning angelic the moment he pushed up into her, hitting that perfect spot that pulled the right kind of sounds out of her. Folio continued to work her for a few moments, looking down and watching himself disappear into her body over and over, feeling more confident knowing now that what he'd feared would push her away was the very thing bringing them closer together.
"Yeah, I think it is," Cassie admitted between moans. "I'm in love with you Nick," she admitted again, squeezing tightly around him. Falling into her, Folio wrapped his arms around Cassie's body and while he was still inside her, pulled her until they were both sitting up and she was fully in his lap. Cassie threw her arms around his neck, holding onto him despite the sweat covering his chest and back, and together they moved, quickly overtaken by heavy breathing and voices of pleasure. "I love you, Cassie," Folio finally confessed against her lips, her hands tangled in his hair. 
"I'm so fucking in love with you," he chuckled, as their teeth clashed together. 
Her hot breath poured into his as their tongues fought for dominance, 
"And if anyone has a problem with us, they can come fight me," he said, flipping her over onto her back again. Cassie squealed, giggling. 
"You'd fight someone for me?"
"I'd fight the entire world if it meant I'd still end up with you."
Folio chuckled again, kissing her forehead. He traced a path of kisses from her cheek, her nose, her lips, her neck, then back up to her lips where he devoured her mouth and unleashed all the passion he felt for her right in that moment. Watching as Cassie absorbed him and everything he was doing to her ignited a fire in him; a fire he would gladly let burn forever. 
With Cassie on her back, Folio dove back into her, determined to drive them both off the edge, but this time together. 
Every thrust, every whisper, every kiss was her undoing. She kept him trapped inside her by locking her legs tightly around his waist and with every deep push he made in her, she moaned his name and cried out strings of words that made Folio's heart beat even faster.
"Nick," she panted, urging him on, moving her hips to his and watching him. 
"Louder baby," he growled through clenched teeth, quickening his pace. Cassie moaned followed by a slight cry. 
"Nick, harder," she pleaded. Folio loved it when she begged. 
Surrounded by nothing but the sound of their breathing and their bodies coming together Folio managed to bring Cassie to the full height of her climax. With one quick push, he felt her tight fluttering walls collapse around him as her third orgasm came crashing through her, igniting both their bodies in a sensual fire unlike anything either one of them had felt before. It took him over the edge with her. 
"Where do you want it, dove," he fervently pleaded.
"In me," she softly cried with a shattered breath. Folio all too willingly obliged.
His loud sudden grunt caused his body to shudder and in one more violent thrust, he emptied himself inside her, spilling his release all over her once-virgin walls that he now claimed as his. Shockwaves gripped his body, making him jerk and then finally collapse. 
They were quiet, panting with shaky breaths and letting their bodies come down slowly together. Folio jerked off inside her a few more times, milking himself before pulling out, earning him a sudden gasp and a whimper from the sleepy girl beneath him.
"I'll be right back," Folio whispered, kissing Cassie's shoulder. She nodded tiredly, turning onto her side and curling her body up into itself. What felt like forever was only a few moments until Folio returned with some towels and a warm cloth. 
"Here, let me see baby," he said, turning Cassie onto her back and wiping up his mess. He was gently and sweet, occasionally stealing a glance or two from her and seeing a faint smile grace her tired face. 
"There," tossing the towels on the floor. He opened his arms to her and she curled herself up against him. He held her close and kissed her hair, sighing over the feeling of her beautiful body pressed up against him. Cassie could feel his warmth and smiled as she closed her eyes, feeling cared for. Nick made no other effort to take things further, seeming to be quite content with how they were now and it made her feel safe.
Wrapping her arms around his that were tangled in her body, she drifted off to sleep with Folio right behind her. 
"You know packing up your life and moving away from everything that you know just for a guy isn't the best idea."
"Nick isn't just a guy. He's THE guy; he's my guy."
Cassie drug the roll of tape across the closed box and marked it with the word "bathroom" across the top.
"I support you. It's just dangerous, that's all." Cassie's friend lifted the packed box and walked out the bedroom door, hitting Folio in the shoulder on the way out, never apologizing. 
"I don't think she likes me very much," he pointed out, with a grin. Cassie stood up and grabbed Folio by the front of his red, sleeveless shirt and pulled him close to her. After removing his hat, small pieces of his hair fell into his face and Cassie could only stare up at him with such an adoring gaze. She was mesmerized by him. 
"You're staring again."
"Am I?"
"You're making it hard not to."
Nick smiled, kissing her softly.
"That's my line, Dove."
"Please, like you don't know how incredibly hot you are."
He snickered. "Whatever you say." 
Cassie stared at him, absorbing all of him that she could
"You're my everything, Nicky."
He kissed her nose as she laid her head on his chest. 
"And you're my world, Dove," kissing the top of her head and holding her tightly against him. 
They shared a kiss before grabbing a box each.
"You ready to do this?"
"More than ready. The movers will be here by seven in the morning and once they've loaded everything up, we're good to go."
"I'm so glad you're doing this." 
"Me too."
With one more shared kiss, they picked up the remaining two boxes and left the room, closing the door behind them.
She looked at him as a friend until she realized she loved him.
He looked at her a little too long until he realized she was more than just his friend. Meeting each other was fate, becoming friends was a choice, but falling in love was out of their control. It was simply meant to be.
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yanda! speaks: hi my loves! so here’s chapter 1! i’ll hopefully have chapter 2 out by tonight since this one doesn’t really have any carmy in it but i really hope you like it still! also let me be so real and say that i did use google translate for the spanish parts and realise that i probably should have left this part to actual hispanic/latino authors, so if you’d like to give suggestions or just yell at me if the translations are wrong, please do so. i face claimed alisha boe as my baby camila but feel free to visualise any other person as well! lots of love and light 🤎
night rain ; chapter 1
Music, the soft sizzle of pans on the stove and a beautiful, sweet aroma flooded the small home as Camila’s mother rushed into the kitchen while putting on her earrings.
“Mija, what are you making? It smells wonderful.” Tina asked as she peeked over her daughter’s shoulder.
“Raspberry souffle pancakes.” Camila smiled, slapping her mom’s hands from taking one of the berries on her right in a dish. “My little pastry chef,” Tina said as she kissed the brown girl’s curls. “¿Quieres venir conmigo a la tienda hoy?” [Do you want to come with me to the shop today?]
“Mami, I already told you that I-”
“You don’t want to go in yet, I know but Camila, you’re going to have to tell him at some point. The more time goes on, the less understanding he’ll be when he finds out that you’ve been hiding an entire-”
“I know, I know.” Cam sighed.
Rubbing her daughter’s shoulders, Tina attempted to comfort her. “It’s okay, I know you’re not ready. Is she up yet?”
“No, but I'll wake her up soon when I’m done.” Camila said as she flipped over the last pancake.
This caused Tina to immediately perk up, asking “Can I do it? Please please please?”
Before the young mother could even answer, the older of the pair was already quickly shuffling in the direction of the bedrooms. The heartwarming sound of Emelia’s giggles rang through the home as Tina walked in holding the child in her arms before handing her over to her mother.
Emilia Antonia Ivy was born in the late fall of 2019 and was the perfect byproduct of Camila Ivy and Carmen Berzatto alike. Though not even yet reaching the age of three, Emmy already demonstrated having the biggest heart and mind that her mother had ever seen. She was polite, kind, never threw tantrums and was always eager to watch her mother in the kitchen. She enjoyed seeing and mimicking the same focus exhibited on her mom’s face while cooking, characterised by a small pout. However, it only reminded Camila of the toddler’s father more than anything.
Camila and Emelia moved back to Chicago to stay with Cam’s mother and help her deal with the death of her chosen son, Michael who had committed suicide a few months prior. From the moment Camila heard the news, she instantly thought about everyone else who might need her at that moment, completely forgetting her own pain that seemed to be consuming her chest. She was unselfish in that way, or maybe too selfish, rather opting to focus on everyone else than allow herself to hurt. And so she packed their bags and flew straight to Chi-town to take care of her mom, help Sugar with the funeral and even check on The Beef, though making sure to leave the shop before Carmy’s arrival.
It had been about three years since she had seen the man who she once called the love of her life. Granted he was only demoted from that title by his very own child, but Camila still loved him very much. One however could attempt to dispute that statement by the fact that she had still not told him about said child. At first it was understandable, most of her friends and family supported her choice for the first couple of months, but then months turned to years before it just never felt like the right time.
“Morning, Bear.” Camila laughed while smothering the two-year-old’s face with kisses before setting the girl on the kitchen stool and pushing a plate of warm pancakes dripping with white chocolate sauce in front of her.
“Why don’t you two ever eat your pancakes with syrup like normal people?” Tina laughed, watching both girls tear into their respective plates.
“Because of the tartness, Abuela.” Emmy said with her mouth still full.
“What, are you gonna go to the CSI now too? Huh?” The older woman smiled as she tickled the toddler on her sides. Just then, she realised she would be late for work and so she bid her two next of kin goodbye.
“You wanna go to the park today, Bear?” Camila queried excitedly.
🏷️ list: @rexorangecouny
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