#and so i listed off a bunch of things like candy and toys and games and flowers
bnuyy · 1 year
🌸. . .
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erigold13261 · 2 years
so uhh what would the nsr cast have for halloween costumes
Unfortunately I don't have time to draw the costumes, but I did want to draw different outfits if I did have time compared to last year! I'm gonna put my list as "Character: Previous costume >>> Present costume" (maybe I'll do a quick doodle of some today if I have time)
Mayday: Cat >>> A bird or reptile/Ellie
Zuke: Bowser >>> Ace of Spades
DJSS: Crystal ball >>> Either the same, or a tesla ball thing (anything easy, even just a ghost using a sheet)
Sayu: Candy >>> Same theme, different design (sells candy)
Aoi: Vampire >>> Same theme, different design (sells cosmetics)
Haru: Angel/Devil >>> Same theme, different design (sells toys)
Yua: Pumpkin >>> Same theme, different design (sells pumpkins)
Renho: Ghost >>> Sam theme, different design (sells decorations)
Remi: Neon J >>> Ancient Greek outfit with a comedy and tragedy mask he switches between (or one on both sides of his head so he just turns around)
Tila: Yinu >>> Pop star or a Disney Princess
Dodo: Eve >>> Link from Zelda games
Sofa: DJSS >>> Missingno from Pokemon
Yinu: Plant witch >>> Little Audrey II/Flytrap
Mama: Plague doctor >>> Gardener
Neon J: Crayon Box >>> Scarecrow
1010 Group: Crayons (for a promotional shoot) >>> Fruits/Vegetables based off their colors
Rin: Princess Peach >>> Ace of Diamonds
Purl-hew: Little Red Riding Hood >>> Wanted to skip Halloween but West and Ex-Jay invited them to a party, so dressed up as a creepy porcelain doll
Zimelu: Vampire >>> Undead bride (matching with Celine)
Haym: Cat >>> Probably a cat again, or another animal (fox or dog)
Eloni: Sayu >>> Video game character (I don't know what one though, maybe Lady Dimitrescu or one of the Left 4 Dead zombies)
Dew: Knight >>> Maybe a knight again? I feel like he had fun last time as a knight, either that or an archer?
Maragold: Pumpkin >>> Squirrel
Carna: Like, a gothic vampire or something >>> Crow
Eve: Puppet >>> Body horror hand monster thing or spider queen
Tatiana: Pirate >>> Probably a pirate again, a witch, or a cowboy
Kliff: Jekyll and Hyde >>> I don't know... Maybe a famous rockstar? Elvis maybe? I have no ideas for Kliff honestly...
DK West: Big Bad Wolf >>> Raggedy Andy but creepy? I feel like West would do that. Try to match with Purl as best as possible since he's dragging them out for the night lol
[I also did a bunch of NPCs but this post would get super long, so here's the link to my last year's Halloween picture! I am going to reblog it later though lol! HERE]
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
The tit for tat game was well known to both of their top confidants and lieutenants because it had been going on ever since Natsu and Lucy broke up. Plus, it was hard to get around such knowledge considering most of them came from the same neighborhoods. These intrigues ebbed and flowed like waves. Months could pass by without any interactions between the two, at other times they’d go back and forth continuously until one of them finally gave up, and on the odd occasion ended in a huge fight that led to another round of ignoring each other. Up until now, it had been kind of amusing to watch them torture each other because it was better than a drama shows on television. But that didn’t mean Natsu, and Lucy’s friends didn’t worry about one or both being truly hurt one day because of it.
“It’s fine,” Natsu rolled his eyes as Gray chastised him after the soapland incident. The two men were at Natsu’s home after work hours and supposed to be relaxing. But clearly his friend didn’t want to drop the subject. “What’s the big deal?”
“Dude, you let yourself be blindfolded in a public space! Have you forgotten what kind of business we’re in? What if it had been an assassin instead?”
“Oh, that’s just ridiculous. We’re talking about Lucy’s company, and I trust their security measures because she has just as much to lose if a hit took place there.”
“Still, you should be more careful, at least take a bodyguard with you…”
Natsu’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “And what, so they can watch the show? We got any voyeurs on the payroll? Cause I can’t think of anyone here who’d wanna see another guy getting his balls fondled!”
Gray ran a hand down his face. “So not the mental image I wanted. You’re missing the point.” He sighed. “Natsu you are the head of this clan, and your safety is my top priority.”
“I get it, I get it,” Natsu drawled.
“And frankly,” Gray continued, “you’ve become distracted by her lately.”
“Tch! No, I haven’t!”
“Yeah, you are. You think I haven’t noticed? I know you drive by her place sometimes. I know you’ve followed her to that coffee shop she likes to frequent. But ever since her employee was robbed, things have escalated again.”
“You’re imagining things and apparently spying on me. I’m just keeping an eye on the competition.”
“Watching over you is my job! That’s not spying.” Gray crossed his arms. “And oh, it’s no doubt that you’re keeping an eye on her. That’s why you went to Katsunuma’s party and to soapland too. The problem is you’re getting sloppy and sloppy gets people killed.”
Natsu groaned. “Are you done yet? We’re supposed to be enjoying the baseball game, not psychoanalyzing my life.”
“Almost.” Gray placed a hand on his friends’ knee and leaned in. “Natsu, you’ve been chasing that tail since high school, just lock her down and convince her to work together already.”
Natsu snorted a laugh. “Gray we all grew up together, so what in all these years makes you think that’s a possibility? You know damn well Lucy’s not a woman you can control without her consent.” Natsu knew that, and frankly he loved that part of her. In fact, it made him even more fired up whenever he thought about it, just like a treasure you don’t just find but must win at the end of a game. “I’ll find a way, some day.”
“Well until that day arrives, could you promise me you’ll be more cautious?”
“Fine, fine,” Natsu waved his hand. “I’ll back off of Lucy for now.”
“Good.” Gray relaxed back onto his recliner thinking the drama was over.
“However, there is a new guy I want surveillance placed on.”
“The bartender from the party.”
Gray groaned. “Seriously? Why? He’s just a bartender!”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Was he spiking the drinks or something? Dealing drugs at the party?”
Gray huffed. “You really gonna try that? Do I look like an idiot? This is just straight jealousy talking.”
“I don’t care! I want someone to dig up what they can on the guy!”
“No, what you wanna know is if he fucked Lucy that night!”
Natsu jumped up with his fists clenched. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Gray stood up and matched his boss’s energy. “Unless you give me a damn good reason to check into him, I’m not wasting my guy’s time! You might be the boss, but don’t you fucking forget who you’re talking to! I’m not some punk off the streets!”
Realizing he was taking things too far, Natsu sat back down. “Sorry.”
Gray sighed and plopped back down too. “I only joined because you asked me to and you’re my best friend, then I helped you build this new empire, so I’m just as invested in protecting it as you are. But Natsu, personal emotions have led to the downfall of many in this business, and as a friend, I’ll check you any time I think you’re going to far.”
“You’re right…” Natsu sighed too. “She just gets me so worked up.”
“Don’t I know it,” Gray laughed, but stopped when Natsu glared at him. “Sorry, it slipped out.”
“But I swear, there’s something suspicious about him. When he saw me, I thought he just reacted because he thought I was Lucy’s boyfriend or something, but the more I think about it, he might have recognized me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious either.”
“True. But the look in his eyes just made me wonder.”
“Alright…” Gray groaned, “if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have someone do some digging. So, you said he has orange hair and glasses, and the name on his tag was Loke?”
“That’s an unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to check on.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, Gray sent out feelers for any information on this Loke guy. Katsunuma junior gave them their first small lead that the bartender had worked the party through a local food catering company. That catering company was a legitimate business who had both full-time staff as well as independent contractors brought in per event as needed. Loke had been one of the latter. From there Gray obtained a last name, de Lioncourt.
According to his sources at the local precinct, Loke de Lioncourt had no rap sheet, no prior dealings with police, and for all they knew was an average citizen. The man’s Line blog profile listed him as a 28-year-old, Japanese/French American, model and bartender, and it was filled with pictures from events, parties, as well as many gorgeous women— none of which contained Lucy. But as Gray trolled through the man’s feed, he did come across one person he recognized and passed the information along to Natsu.
“Wow, she’s in a bunch of photos,” Natsu mumbled as he scrolled through the blog.
“Well, considering Cana’s reputation are you surprised. Parties and alcohol are the two things that woman lives for.” Gray laughed. “Now see, this makes sense to me. Lucy and him, not so much.”
“Tch… still pisses me off he even tried.”
“Lucy’s a free woman, she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“We’ll see about that,” Natsu mumbled low.
“What was that?” Gray asked with a raised brow.
“Better be nothing, cause this is a dead end. He’s just a flirty bartender. It’s how they make tips.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Natsu sat back in his chair. “So, back to business. What this I heard about some missing stock?”
“Oh, right. One of the warehouse clerks noticed a shortage, but when I checked with Yura, he said the books were fine. I had him show it to me, and it appears the numbers were just inverted by accident. So, instead of 185 kilos, it’s supposed to be 158 kilos.”
“Did you talk to the clerk again? Does he have any history of messing up like this?”
“Nah, he’s one of our better clerks.”
“Just keep an eye on it.”
“Sure thing, boss. By the way, have you seen Gajeel today?” Gray questioned. “I haven’t seen him.”
“He called me this morning said he wasn’t feeling well, thinks he ate something bad for dinner last night.”
“Tch, seriously? Thought he had an iron stomach?”
Natsu shrugged. “Must’a been some bad sushi or something. We ain’t got much happening today, so it’s fine. Anything else? I got some stuff I need to finish.”
Gray tapped his chin. “Just a reminder you have an appointment with our tech guy dropping by later this week to go over some upgrades on the system.”
“Like I’m supposed to know anything about that stuff, it’s what I pay him for.”
“You still gotta approve it,” Gray shrugged and took his leave.
Once the man was completely out of the office, Natsu opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a nondescript box he’d hidden inside. He grinned to himself. It was time to make another special delivery. Even though he’d told Gray he was backing off the whole Lucy and Loke subject, there was no way he was gonna let it slide. Natsu didn’t care if the man seemed legit, and he wasn’t the first nor would probably be the last that he’d eventually scared away. And besides, being a Yakuza boss had a lot of down times too, easily filled with having a little fun.
Today’s little care package was being sent to Lucy by a courier service and Natsu just had to drop it off to the delivery company. Just a normal company like Kuroneko Yamato so it wouldn’t rouse too many suspicions. It was turning into a fun game for him just coming up with ideas of what he could do to rile Lucy up or irritate this Loke guy. Natsu chuckled to himself. So far, his favorite prank was a box of small sized condoms and a bottle of enhancement pills that he’d had delivered to Loke while on the job at another party. He’d even snuck in to watch it delivered, gaining a good laugh when the man took a peek in the box and frowned at its contents.
It was childish, but Natsu didn’t care. Every day for two weeks now, something new was sent to Loke. Random gifts like children’s candy to a toy gun, a big bottle of lubricant wrapped in a bow, a week’s worth of meals sent for lunch one day, even an empty box with rocks inside it just to drive the man crazy wondering who in the world was sending them. Lucy too wasn’t immune to his pranks, though hers had a different feel to them. Flowers with no note attached. Tickets to a canceled show he made up. A supposed dinner invite from Loke that wasn’t real— okay that was to test her, but she didn’t fall for it. And today’s little care package fit right into his prank scheme.
Natsu dropped off the package at a Kuroneko Yamato office with the address instructions already filled out and paid the company’s employee extra to keep their mouths shut. ‘She’s gonna kill me one day,’ he laughed to himself as he rode back to his office. ‘If it’s suffocation by her boobs it wouldn’t be a bad way to go!’
“Anymore stops sir?” The driver asked Natsu.
“Nope. Back to the office.”
He looked at his watch. The package should be arriving at Lucy’s office within the hour. Give or take another to open it, and by 4pm he would be receiving another phone call. Maybe he won’t answer it. Oh, that would piss her off even more! ‘Well, if she’d just take the hint...’
The afternoon was supposed to be mellow at headquarters that day. No shipments, and no appointments. But when Natsu got back, another general in the organization named Jellal Fernandez came to his office to inform him of a problem. One of the new local restaurants in their territory was refusing to cooperate and he wanted to know how Natsu wanted it handled. They were right in the middle of discussing it, when Natsu’s office door flew open with a loud bang!
In stomped Lucy who immediately threw a box at his head, causing Natsu to duck and Jellal to pull his gun.
“Don’t!” Natsu screamed at his general and motioned for him to stand down, to which the man complied. “Do you have a death wish Lucy!”
“Get. Out.” She snapped at the general. “Get out! This is between me and your boss!”
Jellal looked to Natsu, who nodded his head to scram. “I got this, don’t worry.” The man holstered his gun and left, but Natsu could see he’d stayed right outside of the now closed door.
“I take it you didn’t like the gift,” Natsu pretended to stay calm.
“Gee, me throwing it at you give you that impression? I know it’s you sending all these damn deliveries to me and Loke. That needs to stop now!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Play dumb all you want. Just stop! Why are you even doing this?!”
“Take a guess,” he sneered back.
“I could’ve sworn we were adults now, but apparently I’m the only one who grew up. Stay out of my love life Natsu!”
“So, you admit you’re sleeping with the guy!”
“That’s none of your damn business! I can fuck whoever I want!”
“Not as long as I’m alive,” Natsu growled back.
Lucy crossed her arms. “That could be arranged.”
“Is that a threat?!”
“Yes! If you don’t stay out of my love life!”
“A woman shouldn’t be sleepi—”
“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Lucy grabbed a stapler that was within reach and chucked it at Natsu’s head. “Stop trying to control me!”
“Are you crazy?!”
At that moment, Gray barged into the room. He’d heard the screaming from the other side of the office, and when he got close enough to see Jellal standing outside the door, he became alarmed. Why would a general leave Natsu vulnerable! The man told him their boss told him to leave, but as the sounds inside escalated, Gray couldn’t wait anymore.
“Stop it!!” Gray got between them. “What are you two doing! Lucy you shouldn’t be here!”
“Then tell your damn boss to leave me the fuck alone!” Lucy spat back. “Ask him how he’s been harassing Loke and me!”
Gray turned to his boss with a groan. “Natsu, we talked about this!”
“Tell Gray what you been doing!” Lucy pressed. “Show him the stupid packages you send!”
“What packages?” Gray looked to Lucy, then repeated the question as he stared at his boss. “What packages?”
“Tch,” Natsu crossed his arms, “it’s not even that bad.”
Lucy stomped over to where the box fell and picked it up, pulling the contents out. “Bullshit!” She snapped as she held up a very racy, red nightie with flame prints, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a large dildo. “See this shit?!” Lucy shook the floppy latex toy at Gray before chucking it to the ground again. “He includes messages too,” then handed the man a folded piece of paper.
Gray read it aloud, “to make up for what playboy lacks. Had it custom made to my size wink wink. Ugh, seriously man,” he tossed the letter.
Natsu shrugged. “I was just having fun.”
“This is the yakuza, not a daycare!” Gray snaps. “I’m not here to babysit the boss so he stops harassing the competition! There’s more important business to worry about!”
“That’s right listen to Gray,” Lucy sneered.
Gray turned to her. “Oh, you ain’t innocent either, so don’t even try it. You both do things to purposely rile the other up and get mad when there’s consequences. Stop it!” He looked back and forth between the two. “Just stop it already!”
Natsu and Lucy looked away from the man with scowls on their faces. Neither wanted to admit he was right.
“Jellal,” Gray called out. When the man entered, he instructed him to escort Lucy out of there. “Next time, just call me instead. It’s best you two just stay away from each other. Got it?!”
“Yeah,” Lucy grumped.
“Got it?!” Gray questioned his boss.
“Yeah,” Natsu mumbled.
“Fucking like high school,” Gray ran a hand down his face in irritation. “You two need therapy.”
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sparktober · 3 years
Sparktober Bingo 2021!
Back for a new generation: Sparktober Bingo!
Instead of coming up with an Atlantis-specific list of prompts, I compiled a bunch of 2021 -tober prompt lists into one google doc here. (Links to original prompt lists are on the google doc.) Add in a list of Atlantis episodes and...
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How to play:
Choose a “flavor” from the prompt sets below the cut, then paste it into this fandom bingo card generator.
Adjust your browser size til it looks right and take a screenshot, or use the html script if you’re familiar with using html on tumblr. Tag @sparktober​ if you want us to reblog it so everyone knows you’re playing!
  Sparktober Bingo Rules:
Complete a row/column, corners, or a blackout of your card by November 1, or not! Update as you go.
All fan-works are allowed: art, edits, fic, meta... bonus points to anyone who picks the “sprinkles” flavor and goes full mid-aughts by filling their bingo cards with 100x100 pixel icons.
You are allowed to pull multiple cards until you get one that inspires you, and you can also go through the prompt list of your choice in advance to pull out squicks or things you absolutely won’t write. I recommend not googling unfamiliar words from your work computer.
Use the prompts liberally! Episode titles can be treated as the episode or as generic prompts (e.g. “Epiphany” can be for an episode-related fic or a prompt for an epiphany of your choice).
  Flavor descriptions:
VANILLA: Gen prompt lists from Fictober, Inktober, Trektober Gen, and Trektober Trek.
CHOCOLATE: Zesty prompt lists from Trektober NSFW, Kinktober, and Whumptober. The multiple-prompts-per-day from Kinktober and Whumptober have been broken into individual prompts.
CANDY CORN: Fall / holiday themed prompts from TUA-tober.
SPRINKLES: Atlantis episode list (in order, in case you only want to copy certain seasons), along with characters and a few Atlantis-specific prompts.
TWIST: All of the above! (You can also manually mix and match different flavors, of course.)
Text blocks to copy into the bingo card generator are below the cut. Enjoy!!
“I need you.”; “You have no proof.”; “I’ve waited for this.”; “Fine, I give up.”; “I’m not saying I told you so…”; “Didn’t we already have this conversation?”; “That could have gone better.”; “This is it, isn’t it?”; “There’s no right side to this.”; “It’s so quiet.”; “I swear, it’s not always like this.”; “You keep me safe.”; “The things you make me do…”; “Your information was wrong.”; “I like that in you.”; “Not this again.”; “I’m with you, you know that.”; “This was not part of the plan.”; “I feel strange.”; “That’s what I’m known for.”; “What did I say?”; “No promises.”; “This time, do what I say.”; “Is this supposed to impress me?”; “Do you know what time it is?”; “I’m sure this has never worked, ever.”; “You could have died!”; “I don’t have to explain myself.”; “Why are we whispering?”; “Don’t ruin this.”; “Take me with you.”; Crystal; Suit; Vessel; Knot; Raven; Spirit; Fan; Watch; Pressure; Pick; Sour; Stuck; Roof; Tick; Helmet; Compass; Collide; Moon; Loop; Sprout; Fuzzy; Open; Leak; Extinct; Splat; Connect; Spark; Crispy; Patch; Slither; Risk; Meet-Cute; Amnesia; Age Difference; Pining; Sick Fic; Fake Relationship; Accidental Meeting; Epistolary; Secret Identity; Historical AU; Nightmares; Monster Hunter; Reunion; Soulmates; At Pride; Angst; Seasons; Fix-It; Coffee Shop; Movie Plot AU; Kid Fic; Actor's Other Crossover Work; OT+; Getting Together; Only One Bed; Pirates; Making Up; Forbidden Relationship; Tattoos; Halloween; Prime Directive; Lower Decks / Background Characters; Away Mission; Ship's Bar; Aliens Made Them Do It; Observation Deck; Crew with Family; Holodeck; Science Crew; Character Survives; Headcanons; Diplomacy; Decontamination; Trek Crossover; Replicator; Worldbuilding; Redshirts; Sex / Love Potion; Medical Crew; Transporters; Medbay; Interspecies Relationship; Mirrorverse; Uniforms; Mutiny; Stranded on a Planet; Rec Room; Academy Era; Second Contact; Command Crew; Off-Duty
A/B/O; Soft; Anonymous Sex; Penetration with Object/s; Sleeping; Intercrural Sex; Restraints; In/Under Water; Group Sex; First Time; Possessive Behavior; Dry Humping / Grinding; Overstimulation; Roleplay; Rimming; Stretching / Fisting; Power Imbalance; Food Play; Fingering; Body Worship; Sex Work; Voyeurism / Exhibitionism; Safewords; Technology; Oral Sex; Omorashi / Wetting; Crying; Underwear / Lingerie; Friends with Benefits; Pain Kink; Dirty Talk; Trick or Treat; All trussed up and nowhere to go; Talking is overrated; Sticks and stones may break my bones...; Trust fall; I've got red in my ledger; Touch and go; My spidey-sense is tingling; Coughing up a lung; Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated; Oops, I did it again; Just keep swimming; It'll be fun, they said; That's gonna leave a mark; Under pressure; Feed a cold, starve a fever; On a need-to-know basis; Field care 101; The doctor is in; Just a scratch; Lost & found; That's where the blood's supposed to be; They made me do it; You break it, you buy it; One down, two to go; Hide & Seek; You will go down with this ship; “I'm fine, I prom...”; It's (not) just in your head; All work and no play; Digging your grave; Hurt & Comfort; “You have to let go.”; Garotte; Taunting; “Do you trust me?”; Betrayal; Bruises; Helplessness; Pneumothorax; Presumed Dead; Hospital; Adrift; Torture; “This is gonna suck.”; Crush injuries; Delirium; Recovery; “Please don't move.”; “Now smile for the camera.”; Bitten; Trunk; Bleeding through bandages; Cursed; Auction; Self-induced injuries to escape; Escape; Fallen; Passing out; “Good, you're finally awake.”; “You're still not dead?”; Major character death; Disaster zone; Barbed Wire; Choking; Insults; Taken Hostage; Misunderstanding; Touch Starved; Numbness; Exotic Illness; (Blind) Rage; Flare-Up; Drowning; Made To Watch; Burns; Beaten; Fever Dreams; Scars; Hemorrhage; Doctor Visit; Bleeding; Trapped Under Water; Pressure; Demon; Ransom; Flashback; Flight; Waterfall; Vertigo; Nightmares; Too Weak To Move; Left For Dead; Trauma; Bound; Gagged; “Who Did This To You?”; Pushed; Broken Nose; Hunger; Blindness; “Definitely Just A Cold”; Tears; Ice Chips; Dehydration; Begging; Cauterization; Force; Bees; Aftermath; Dread; Cpr; Stabbing; Solitary Confinement; Blood-Matted Hair; Obsession; Pursuit; Revenge; Hiding; Trap Door; Collapse; Panic; Overworked; Ghosts; Prisoner; Losing Control; Threats; Caning; Mercy; Forgotten; Head Injury; Screaming; Comfort; Self-Sacrifice; Trapped; Near-Death Experience; Regret; Tragedy; Battlefield; Anxiety; Gore; Petplay; Bimbofication; Panties & Lingerie; Bondage; Double Penetration in 2 Holes; Breeding; Humiliation; NTR; Incest; Emeto; Omorashi; Free Use; Crossdressing; Public; Three (or more) some; Daddy & Mommy; Double Penetration in 1 Hole; Distention & Cockbulge; Xenophilia; Shotgunning; Watersports; Pregnancy; Lactation; Waxplay; Grooming; Human Furniture; Feet; Prostituion; MacroMicro; Spanking; Cockwarming; Glory Hole; Somnophilia; Body Modification; Temperature Play; Leather; Size Difference; Sounding; Stockings; Tentacles; Medical Play; Stripping; Orgasm Denial; Master & slave; Scissoring; Titfucking; Frottage; Knifeplay; Formal Wear; Breathplay; Fisting; Pegging; Scat; Beastiality; Fucking Machine; Tickling; Boot Worship; Bukkake; Collaring; Foodplay; Non or dubcon; Feederism; Sensory Deprivation; Oviposition; Clone & Selfcest; Exhibitionism & Voyeurism; Impact Play; Sadomasochism; Bloodplay; Praise Kink; Body Swap; Sweat; Branding; Massage; Role Reversal; Armpit; Masturbation; Inflation; Sex Toys; Burnplay; Menophilia; Stuck in Wall; Deepthroating & Facesitting; Dacryphilia; Hate Sex
Birthday; Sick Day; Autumn; Candles; Plaid / Flannel; Leaf Piles; Sweaters; Baking; Cinnamon; Pumpkin Spice Latte; Carnival; Movie Night; Candy; Graveyard; Black Cats; Goosebumps; Pumpkin; Party; Monster; Ghosts; Witch; Vampire; Traditions; Magic; Mask; Haunted House; Trick; Treat; Costume; Monster Mash; Halloween
Rising Part 1; Rising Part 2; Hide and Seek; Thirty-Eight Minutes; Suspicion; Childhood's End; Poisoning the Well; Underground; Home; The Storm; The Eye; The Defiant One; Hot Zone; Sanctuary; Before I Sleep; The Brotherhood; Letters from Pegasus; The Gift; The Siege Part 1; The Siege Part 2; The Siege Part 3; The Intruder; Runner; Duet; Condemned; Trinity; Instinct; Conversion; Aurora; The Lost Boys; The Hive; Epiphany; Critical Mass; Grace Under Pressure; The Tower; The Long Goodbye; Coup d'Etat; Michael; Inferno; Allies; No Man's Land; Misbegotten; Irresistible; Sateda; Progeny; The Real World; Common Ground; McKay and Mrs. Miller; Phantoms; The Return Part 1; The Return Part 2; Echoes; Irresponsible; Tao of Rodney; The Game; The Ark; Sunday; Submersion; Vengeance; First Strike; Adrift; Lifeline; Reunion; Doppelganger; Travelers; Tabula Rasa; Missing; The Seer; Miller's Crossing; This Mortal Coil; Be All My Sins Remember'd; Spoils of War; Quarantine; Harmony; Outcast; Trio; Midway; The Kindred Part 1; The Kindred Part 2; The Last Man; Search and Rescue; The Seed; Broken Ties; The Daedalus Variations; Ghost in the Machine; The Shrine; Whispers; The Queen; Tracker; First Contact; The Lost Tribe; Outsiders; Inquisition; The Prodigal; Remnants; Brain Storm; Infection; Identity; Vegas; Enemy at the Gate; Ronon Dex; Teyla Emmagan; John Sheppard; Carson Beckett; Elizabeth Weir; Rodney McKay; Jennifer Keller; Samantha Carter; Aiden Ford; Radek Zelenka; Kate Heightmeyer; Evan Lorne; Laura Cadman; Kolya; Chuck; Peter Grodin; Steven Caldwell; Lantea; Ocean; Ancient(s); Richard Woolsey; Athosians; Daedalus; Wraith; Nanites; Asurans; Genii; DHD; SGC; Stargate; Earth; Antarctica; Ascension
“I need you.”; “You have no proof.”; “I’ve waited for this.”; “Fine, I give up.”; “I’m not saying I told you so…”; “Didn’t we already have this conversation?”; “That could have gone better.”; “This is it, isn’t it?”; “There’s no right side to this.”; “It’s so quiet.”; “I swear, it’s not always like this.”; “You keep me safe.”; “The things you make me do…”; “Your information was wrong.”; “I like that in you.”; “Not this again.”; “I’m with you, you know that.”; “This was not part of the plan.”; “I feel strange.”; “That’s what I’m known for.”; “What did I say?”; “No promises.”; “This time, do what I say.”; “Is this supposed to impress me?”; “Do you know what time it is?”; “I’m sure this has never worked, ever.”; “You could have died!”; “I don’t have to explain myself.”; “Why are we whispering?”; “Don’t ruin this.”; “Take me with you.”; Crystal; Suit; Vessel; Knot; Raven; Spirit; Fan; Watch; Pressure; Pick; Sour; Stuck; Roof; Tick; Helmet; Compass; Collide; Moon; Loop; Sprout; Fuzzy; Open; Leak; Extinct; Splat; Connect; Spark; Crispy; Patch; Slither; Risk; Meet-Cute; Amnesia; Age Difference; Pining; Sick Fic; Fake Relationship; Accidental Meeting; Epistolary; Secret Identity; Historical AU; Nightmares; Monster Hunter; A/B/O; Reunion; Soulmates; At Pride; Angst; Seasons; Fix-It; Coffee Shop; Movie Plot AU; Kid Fic; Actor's Other Crossover Work; OT+; Getting Together; Only One Bed; Pirates; Making Up; Forbidden Relationship; Tattoos; Halloween; Prime Directive; Lower Decks / Background Characters; Away Mission; Ship's Bar; Aliens Made Them Do It; Observation Deck; Crew with Family; Holodeck; Science Crew; Character Survives; Headcanons; Diplomacy; Decontamination; Trek Crossover; Replicator; Worldbuilding; Redshirts; Sex / Love Potion; Medical Crew; Transporters; Medbay; Interspecies Relationship; Mirrorverse; Uniforms; Mutiny; Stranded on a Planet; Rec Room; Academy Era; Second Contact; Command Crew; Off-Duty; Soft; Anonymous Sex; Penetration with Object/s; Sleeping; Intercrural Sex; Restraints; In/Under Water; Group Sex; First Time; Possessive Behavior; Dry Humping / Grinding; Overstimulation; Roleplay; Rimming; Stretching / Fisting; Power Imbalance; Food Play; Fingering; Body Worship; Sex Work; Voyeurism / Exhibitionism; Safewords; Technology; Oral Sex; Omorashi / Wetting; Crying; Underwear / Lingerie; Friends with Benefits; Pain Kink; Dirty Talk; Trick or Treat; All trussed up and nowhere to go; Talking is overrated; Sticks and stones may break my bones...; Trust fall; I've got red in my ledger; Touch and go; My spidey-sense is tingling; Coughing up a lung; Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated; Oops, I did it again; Just keep swimming; It'll be fun, they said; That's gonna leave a mark; Under pressure; Feed a cold, starve a fever; On a need-to-know basis; Field care 101; The doctor is in; Just a scratch; Lost & found; That's where the blood's supposed to be; They made me do it; You break it, you buy it; One down, two to go; You will go down with this ship; “I'm fine, I prom...”; It's (not) just in your head; All work and no play; Digging your grave; Hurt & Comfort; “You have to let go.”; Garotte; Taunting; “Do you trust me?”; Betrayal; Bruises; Helplessness; Pneumothorax; Presumed Dead; Hospital; Adrift; Torture; “This is gonna suck.”; Crush injuries; Delirium; Recovery; “Please don't move.”; “Now smile for the camera.”; Bitten; Trunk; Bleeding through bandages; Cursed; Auction; Self-induced injuries to escape; Escape; Fallen; Passing out; “Good, you're finally awake.”; “You're still not dead?”; Major character death; Disaster zone; Barbed Wire; Choking; Insults; Taken Hostage; Misunderstanding; Touch Starved; Numbness; Exotic Illness; (Blind) Rage; Flare-Up; Drowning; Made To Watch; Burns; Beaten; Fever Dreams; Scars; Hemorrhage; Doctor Visit; Bleeding; Trapped Under Water; Demon; Ransom; Flashback; Flight; Waterfall; Vertigo; Too Weak To Move; Left For Dead; Trauma; Bound; Gagged; “Who Did This To You?”; Pushed; Broken Nose; Hunger; Blindness; “Definitely Just A Cold”; Tears; Ice Chips; Dehydration; Begging; Cauterization; Force; Bees; Aftermath; Dread; Cpr; Stabbing; Solitary Confinement; Blood-Matted Hair; Obsession; Pursuit; Revenge; Hiding; Trap Door; Collapse; Panic; Overworked; Ghosts; Prisoner; Losing Control; Threats; Caning; Mercy; Forgotten; Head Injury; Screaming; Comfort; Self-Sacrifice; Trapped; Near-Death Experience; Regret; Tragedy; Battlefield; Anxiety; Gore; Petplay; Bimbofication; Panties & Lingerie; Bondage; Double Penetration in 2 Holes; Breeding; Humiliation; NTR; Incest; Emeto; Omorashi; Free Use; Crossdressing; Public; Three (or more) some; Daddy & Mommy; Double Penetration in 1 Hole; Distention & Cockbulge; Xenophilia; Shotgunning; Watersports; Pregnancy; Lactation; Waxplay; Grooming; Human Furniture; Feet; Prostituion; MacroMicro; Spanking; Cockwarming; Glory Hole; Somnophilia; Body Modification; Temperature Play; Leather; Size Difference; Sounding; Stockings; Tentacles; Medical Play; Stripping; Orgasm Denial; Master & slave; Scissoring; Titfucking; Frottage; Knifeplay; Formal Wear; Breathplay; Fisting; Pegging; Scat; Beastiality; Fucking Machine; Tickling; Boot Worship; Bukkake; Collaring; Foodplay; Non or dubcon; Feederism; Sensory Deprivation; Oviposition; Clone & Selfcest; Exhibitionism & Voyeurism; Impact Play; Sadomasochism; Bloodplay; Praise Kink; Body Swap; Sweat; Branding; Massage; Role Reversal; Armpit; Masturbation; Inflation; Sex Toys; Burnplay; Menophilia; Stuck in Wall; Deepthroating & Facesitting; Dacryphilia; Hate Sex; Birthday; Sick Day; Autumn; Candles; Plaid / Flannel; Leaf Piles; Sweaters; Baking; Cinnamon; Pumpkin Spice Latte; Carnival; Movie Night; Candy; Graveyard; Black Cats; Goosebumps; Pumpkin; Party; Monster; Witch; Vampire; Traditions; Magic; Mask; Haunted House; Trick; Treat; Costume; Monster Mash; Rising Part 1; Rising Part 2; Hide and Seek; Thirty-Eight Minutes; Suspicion; Childhood's End; Poisoning the Well; Underground; Home; The Storm; The Eye; The Defiant One; Hot Zone; Sanctuary; Before I Sleep; The Brotherhood; Letters from Pegasus; The Gift; The Siege Part 1; The Siege Part 2; The Siege Part 3; The Intruder; Runner; Duet; Condemned; Trinity; Instinct; Conversion; Aurora; The Lost Boys; The Hive; Epiphany; Critical Mass; Grace Under Pressure; The Tower; The Long Goodbye; Coup d'Etat; Michael; Inferno; Allies; No Man's Land; Misbegotten; Irresistible; Sateda; Progeny; The Real World; Common Ground; McKay and Mrs. Miller; Phantoms; The Return Part 1; The Return Part 2; Echoes; Irresponsible; Tao of Rodney; The Game; The Ark; Sunday; Submersion; Vengeance; First Strike; Lifeline; Doppelganger; Travelers; Tabula Rasa; Missing; The Seer; Miller's Crossing; This Mortal Coil; Be All My Sins Remember'd; Spoils of War; Quarantine; Harmony; Outcast; Trio; Midway; The Kindred Part 1; The Kindred Part 2; The Last Man; Search and Rescue; The Seed; Broken Ties; The Daedalus Variations; Ghost in the Machine; The Shrine; Whispers; The Queen; Tracker; First Contact; The Lost Tribe; Outsiders; Inquisition; The Prodigal; Remnants; Brain Storm; Infection; Identity; Vegas; Enemy at the Gate; Ronon Dex; Teyla Emmagan; John Sheppard; Carson Beckett; Elizabeth Weir; Rodney McKay; Jennifer Keller; Samantha Carter; Aiden Ford; Radek Zelenka; Kate Heightmeyer; Evan Lorne; Laura Cadman; Kolya; Chuck; Peter Grodin; Steven Caldwell; Lantea; Ocean; Ancient(s); Richard Woolsey; Athosians; Daedalus; Wraith; Nanites; Asurans; Genii; DHD; SGC; Stargate; Earth; Antarctica; Ascension
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lex-n-weegie · 3 years
Ya know what screw it I'ma do a long ass ramble/gush post with Evie and Sunny because they're taking over my mind (especially Evelyn)
I don't mind if anyone RBs this, so feel free too if you want lol (forgive any misspellings or the occasional missed word, I think a mile a minute)
Okay starting off the ramble I wanna talk a bit about why Evelyn has quickly become very important to me.
Because she is me.
I mean ofc she is, they're my s/i, but they're like a version of me I've wanted to be for a long long time: a weird and mysterious girl who's friends with the paranormal. Also her design is heavily inspired by the Marionette and I've recently realized I kin them but shhhh. She's still a little self conscious and whatnot, but she's still social, friendly, and funny (at least to me). She's incredibly casual about the weird, but weird about the casual. Also, she's a lot more silly and chaotic then she looks. A kid told her that their older sibling was stealing their toys and being really rude? Well, her response is to dangle the bully sibling upside down and shake the absolute fuck out of them on top of a high structure. She's basically a little crazy but in a fun way.
(Anyways onto Evie and Sunny lol) I'd like to say their relationship is complicated to say the least. At least, for awhile it feels that way. They find themselves imagining more "romantic" thoughts of the other, but they don't mean that stuff in the romantic way. Like, Evie thinks about covering Sunny's face with kisses, but not in a romantic way. However, not exactly as a friend thing either. It confuses the two of them for the longest time until they actually talked it out with each other. At that point, they basically went "why don't we just...be in a relationship anyways? It doesn't have to be a romantic one or strictly friendship, it's just a relationship for us both." It's not until later they find out that they're basically queer platonic partners.
Also!! Sun absolutely loves giving Evie a bunch of nicknames. I'm just gonna list a few of them here
Dew Drop (inspired by one of Evie's drawings)
Honey pot (yes you read it right lol)
Doll (due to Evie's intense love for them)
Evelyn doesn't have as many nicknames for them, but she does call him "Sundrop" or "Sunnydrop" after his candy, also calling him "sweetie" and "honey." She's jokes before that the honey nickname is because of his yellow/orange coloring.
Also!! Sunny likes to stim with Evie! When she first happy stimmed, he had no idea what she was doing but he found it the cutest thing in the world. Once Evie explained, he started to copy her happy stims so they could do them together! Even when she's not around he catches himself doing them when excited. Sunny also has an "odd" love for BB from Fnaf 2. He knows that they were in his arcade game, but Evie was able to draw him without even playing the game. When asked, she replied that she's seen him(BB) a lot in her dreams, and they're actually pretty close. He keeps all of the BB drawings in his room and sometimes will just stare at them.
Also, apparently Sunny is freaking 7 foot according to online math, and with Evie being 5'2, you bet he constantly talks about how small she is compared to him(even if that's not exactly how their heights are, she's always gonna be smaller than them lol). Whether when that's when they're cuddling or holding hands, he always mentions at least once how small she is compared to him, but it's all complements, he loves her small hands and head! It makes it so much easier to pick her up and twirl her around!!
Also!! Fun fact, Evelyn absolutely ADORES music boxes. After hearing this, Sun digs around storage and finds a mini Marionette music box that plays "Grandfather's Clock," which he gives it to her! It's been favorite gift and she keeps with her always. It's so calming and beautiful to her, it's her favorite song.
And before I stop talking (typing??), there is a few random ideas I've been thinking about for Evie that I kinda wanna write about! I'm listing these at the end as a sort of "gift" for anyone who's read this far :3
After the "homeless" ending of Security Breach, Gregory manges to wake up before Vanny can do anything to him and he runs, bumping into Evie. She immediately protects him and even sneaks him back into the Pizza Plex, the both of them getting up to shenanigans (along with some angst ofc :3). Gregory basically gets a weird, slightly chaotic older sister
Evelyn's "relationship" with all the robots and humans (she's surprisingly good friends with Music Man, but also doesn't get along well with Vanessa, something I'd love to go in depth on)
Possibilities for Evelyn's lore (like her death)
Evelyn at other FNAF locations and her hanging out with all the other animatronics :)
Anyways that's it lol, until next time that is
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freaoscanlin · 3 years
Put It On the List
3283 words, rated PG. Clint/Laura, Laura & Natasha, Natasha & Clint.
A few months before the events of Captain America: Winter Soldier, the spy life interrupts the Barton family on a normal errand. Perhaps bringing the scary ex-Russian spy was a mistake. She thinks so, at any rate.
A/N: I wrote this as something of a prelude to an Endgame fix-it fic in progress. It predates everything in that fic and it's cute, so I'm tossing it up here for now.
“Everybody’s allowed one fun item, too. House rules.”
“Not sure they sell anything I consider fun here,” Natasha said, glancing up at the rafters dubiously, “but I’ll take it under consideration.”
“Dirty,” Clint said, walking by with a green bunch of bananas.
“Sorry we can’t provide more excitement than grocery shopping,” Laura said as she pulled out the stash of reusable bags from the trunk.
“It’s fine.”
Laura was of the opinion that a vacation should be taken somewhere exotic, or at least filled with bottomless alcoholic beverages, especially given as young and unfettered as Natasha was. But the woman who had recently become Captain America’s partner at SHIELD had apparently decided a week off merited a trip to Iowa and she had been absolutely content to tag along on family outings with no apparently sign of boredom at all.
“It’s okay,” Clint said, hopping out from the driver’s seat as Natasha unhooked Lila from her car seat. “Nat’s secretly boring at heart. It’s the best kept secret at SHIELD.”
Natasha gave him a puzzled look. “Now, that can’t be true if even you’ve figured it out.”
“Excellent burn,” Laura said, laughing. “You really should come stay more often.”
“Somebody needs to keep Cap in line, otherwise I would.” Nat easily swung Lila onto her hip, following the other three as Cooper grabbed onto his father’s hand.
Laura had already spent the entire dinner the night before peppering her with questions about working with Steve Rogers, the Captain America from the comments. Clint had mentioned him a few times after that kerfuffle in New York with the Chitauri (“Nice guy, wears khakis.”), but Natasha had the inside scoop. And more willingness to share if he was as attractive in person as he looked on TV in that ridiculous star-striped uniform (“If you like that square-jawed All-American sort of thing, sure.”). Laura had even pointed out that, hey, if he was single...
“Yes, the ex-Russian spy and the American war hero. It sounds too much like a bad eighties movie.” Natasha had helped herself to more creamed corn. “I think I’ll have to find him a girlfriend to avoid ever having to answer that question again.”
“Hey,” Laura had said, protesting.
“Fair,” Clint had agreed.
And now here was the ex-Russian spy herself tagging along at the grocery store, carrying Lila and looking like there wasn’t anyplace else she’d rather be than the big chain grocery store a few towns over because they had a better selection of gluten free snacks than the Shop A Lot back home. She trailed along as Clint took over the cart, Lila kicking her legs happily from the child’s seat atop.
“You’ve got the list?” Laura asked.
“I thought you had it?”
“Clint, I said you need to grab it off the fridge before we left. Weren’t you listening?”
“I always listen to you. But it wasn’t on the fridge, so I thought you had it.”
“That’s ridiculous, I put it there last night and—” Laura turned to see Natasha silently holding it out, eyebrows high. “Oh, that works. Thanks, Natasha.”
A half-shrug. “He would’ve forgotten it.”
“They’re impugning my honor,” Clint told Lila and Cooper, the former of whom giggled back at him. “What’s first? Edible or not edible?”
“Food first. Oh, hey, did you remember to put the popsicle sticks on here? Cooper’s day camp was asking people to donate supplies, and I put us down for those.”
“Yes, I absolutely did that. For no reason whatsoever, may I see the list?” Clint grabbed it away and underhandedly passed it to Natasha. Since Laura caught the move, she figured they weren’t actually trying to hide it.
When the list returned to her, “popsicle sticks” was written on the appropriate line in slightly loopy handwriting. “Cute,” Laura said. “Also, if there’s food you want that we don’t have at the house, make sure you put it in, Nat.”
“I’m fine.”
“Okay. Just keep it in mind.” Laura smirked. “Everybody’s allowed one fun item, too. House rules.”
“Not sure they sell anything I consider fun here,” Natasha said, glancing up at the rafters dubiously, “but I’ll take it under consideration.”
“Dirty,” Clint said, walking by with a green bunch of bananas.
Natasha rolled her eyes at him, but a small smile broke out when Laura laughed. Later, Laura noticed that a small bag of nectarines had been added to the cart.
Normally she did this errand without two spies in tow, which was a matter of getting the groceries as quickly as possible and especially speeding through the aisles with the brightly colored boxes that would make Cooper and now Lila whine. Clint’s paycheck was more than generous enough to cover their expenses, but she liked to keep the sugar down at least a little. Grocery trips could be a nightmare from that alone. But now she could send one of them down the danger aisles, while the other distracted the children.
She could get used to this.
Of course, she could have just sent Clint or even Natasha to do the shopping—or gone herself—and she imagined they’d have it done in less than a fifth of the time it took them to wander the aisles now. But Clint had been called on so many SHIELD missions lately that it was nice to just have some family time together.
She was about to suggest they hit up the putt putt course on the way home when Clint’s body language snapped into readiness. On the other side of the cart, Natasha turned away in what most people would deem a casual fashion, but Laura was surprised to see tension running across the line of her shoulders as well.
Instantly, she began to turn her head, to see what had set them both off.
“Don’t look,” Natasha said, Clint echoing her a split-second later.
Cold panic sprang up, but Laura froze in place. The air conditioning turned abruptly frigid. In the basket, Lila had conked out, wheezing a little, and Laura had never been so grateful for her daughter’s ability to fall asleep anywhere.
“This way,” Clint said in a murmur, scooping up Cooper. To strangers, it would never look out of the ordinary, but Laura knew her husband too well to be fooled. And his partner, too, apparently, for she could sense something amiss as Natasha fell in step behind her. At the end of the aisle, away from the registers and most of the store, Clint began shoving aside various things in the cart to deposit Cooper in there. He glanced at Laura. “It’ll be okay, honey. Nat, are they here for you or me?”
“Me.” The word was flat. “They’re scoping out women.”
“Who? Who’s here for what?”
She’d seen Clint and Natasha’s silent conversations before, usually at holiday dinners, but those were always warm and amused. Now, Laura was treated to the fact that they seemingly had their own entire language—and the ability to hold arguments with little more than a few nods and pointed looks.
“Mom, what’s going on?” Cooper asked. “Dad put the stuff back wrong.”
“I know. It’s okay, though. The store employees will know where to put it back properly.” Her pulse had begun to hammer, but Laura did her best to keep her hands steady as she petted Lila’s bent head.
“Fine, you win,” Natasha said, the first words she’d spoken aloud. “Where?”
“Northeast corner, break room.” Clint collected an oversized bucket of licorice, and as Laura and Cooper gawked at him, popped it open and dumped the individually wrapped candies into the cart.
Natasha dropped her phone into it and grabbed Laura’s purse.
“What? Hey, don’t—”
Natasha pulled out a few items, including Laura’s phone. This she dumped in the bucket. An unfamiliar black box, she tossed to Clint. Laura stared mournfully at the shimmery blue phone case bought off of Etsy only last week as the entire bucket was hidden on a shelf behind a case of gum. Clint tossed his hooded jacket to Natasha, gave Laura one brief, heart-stopping look, tousled Cooper’s hair, kissed Lila on the head, and strode off without looking back.
“We were followed,” Natasha said in an undertone, pulling the hood over her distinctive hair.
Followed could mean anything from evil assassins to space aliens at this point, and both of those options led to nauseating conclusions. But Natasha shot her a look, so Laura nodded and swallowed back any panic. And then she changed again, quicksilver just like Clint, so that she was bright and happy Auntie Natasha once more. She picked up Cooper out of the basket and held onto his hand, swinging it cheerfully. “Time to play a new fun game. It’s called ‘Let’s be invisible.’”
“How do you play?”
“Our job,” and Natasha actually hunkered down so that she was on eye level with Cooper, “is to get all the way there,” she pointed to the back of the store, “as fast as we can without running. Because if we run, we won’t be invisible anymore.”
“This is a silly game, Auntie Nat.”
“That’s half the fun, isn’t it? Shh, come with me.” Natasha rose and made brief eye contact with Laura, then headed down the aisle in the opposite direction from Clint. She walked briskly, but not fast enough to draw attention, and Laura had to follow. “Clint’s scoping things out,” she said in a low voice as Laura caught up with the sleeping Lila. “He’ll be fine. I’m taking you and the kids to hide.”
“Are you going to stay with us?”
“You’ll be safe.”
So that was a no. Because she knew her friend well enough, she knew Natasha was tense and watchful, but not a single thing about her betrayed that fact. Natasha didn’t lead them straight to wherever they were going, either. They crossed the store through random aisles, first through the art department and then sporting goods, and Laura’s heart sank as she noticed they were approaching the toy department. They were never escaping without at least one meltdown.
But Natasha surprised her by leaning down and whispering something to Cooper that had him giggling. And right on through they went without a single problem.
“Shh,” Natasha said to Cooper as she pushed open the door to a break room. She peeked inside, then jerked her head for Laura to follow.
“What are we doing, Auntie Nat?” Cooper asked as Natasha immediately climbed onto a table and reached for the ceiling.
“New part of the game,” Natasha said.
Laura looked at the human-sized trap door she’d opened and thought Oh no.
“You get to go up there,” Natasha said. “And it’ll be like hide and seek.”
Cooper’s expression suddenly shouted that he found the prospect of invisibility much less enchanting now. “It looks scary.”
“I’ll be with you,” Laura said. “The whole time. We’ll be invisible together, okay?”
“You first, and I’ll hand them up,” Natasha said.
Laura clambered gingerly onto the table, wishing she’d worn better shoes for this. She put her foot into Natasha’s cupped hands and hauled herself into a very, very dusty vent. Darkness surrounded her and she thought Oh, no. Cooper needed a nightlight on the best of nights. Her son was far cleverer than most; even with Natasha’s easy cheer, he could clearly tell something was off. And if he began crying, Lila was bound to wake as well. Keeping them both quiet would be beyond impossible.
Natasha passed Lila up first, and the toddler barely even stirred. Before she could lift Cooper, she hopped off the table and down to his level. Laura couldn’t hear what she said, but she saw Cooper nod and hold his arms up, completely trusting.
When Natasha lifted him up into the vent, he had his chubby little fist wrapped around a little flashlight. Laura hadn’t even seen Natasha pull that from the shelf, though she recognized it as being from sporting goods. Cooper waved it about, wildly.
“I couldn’t grab much,” Natasha said, hauling herself up so that she hung half off the trap door. Laura would kill for that kind of core strength. She slid over two coloring books and crayons. “Sorry about that. Stay here until Clint or I come to get you. If somebody comes in, we’re invisible, right?”
“Invisible,” Cooper agreed, scrambling for the coloring books.
“Good man.” Natasha reached up to ruffle his hair like Clint had done. She glanced about the air vent in a distinctly sardonic way. “Cozy.”
“Stay safe.”
“Will do.” She raised an eyebrow at Laura, and disappeared down the hatch. A few seconds later, the trapdoor slid back into place, leaving Laura in a dark vent with her children and no cell phone to keep them company.
She had to remind herself that they were lucky something like this hadn’t happened before, though that felt like cold comfort when everything smelled like dust. She shifted the sleeping Lila in her arms. “Here, set it here,” she said, helping Cooper open the coloring book. “What shall we color first, huh?”
* * * *
Nearly eleven minutes later, Natasha knelt down next to the man she’d cornered in Home and Garden and resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose. “Coincidence.”
“Yup.” Clint sounded close to laughter, the traitor.
“The whole thing. Coincidence.”
“Looks that way.”
Natasha sat down hard on the bottom shelf, which held giant sacks of birdseed. Slamming his head into those rather than the concrete floor was probably the only reason the thug was even still breathing. She’d need to hide the body soon, and alert SHIELD, but she had a few minutes to recover. The cell phone she’d stolen out of his pocket after their fight didn’t show an image of her, as she’d expected, but a completely random woman who looked nothing like Natasha outside of being the same height.
It had definitely been a hit, but she hadn’t been the target.
At least they’d saved some random woman, so there was that.
“We should’ve known they weren’t here for you when there were only two of them,” Clint said over the earpiece. He’d teased her about stashing them in Laura’s purse before they left, the traitor. And look who’d been correct to do so. It had kept them in contact as he’d stalked his own target back to the clearance section in the back. “Mine’s taken care of. You?”
“One minute.” She hauled the man bodily onto the shelf and tossed sacks of birdseed over him.
“I’ll get the phones and swing by to steal the surveillance. You fetch Laura and the kids.”
Natasha winced. The last thing she wanted to do was face Laura after ruining this outing for everybody. “I think they’d rather see their daddy after being stuffed in a dark place out of nowhere.”
“Nah, Auntie Nat is just as good,” Clint said. “Face it, you’re part of the family now, god help you.”
“Yeah, part of the family that can’t even let us go grocery shopping without disaster striking.”
There was a warm laugh from the other side of the comms. “Disaster? This is nothing compared to getting two small children through the cereal aisle without a tantrum, Romanoff.”
Natasha, reaching up to fix the braids that had become disordered during the scuffle, wrinkled her nose. She debated whether or not to swing by the staff restrooms on the way and clean up the lucky hit the thug had landed, but decided it was more important to get la familia Barton out of the vents quickly. The less time the children spent in a dark, scary place, the better.
She resolutely did not think of the absolute darkness of thatshipping container, which unfortunately brought the thoughts closer to the surface than she liked.
But she also didn’t want to scare the children, so she grabbed a hand towel off an endcap as she passed, and dabbed at her face.
Mercifully, the break room remained empty when she stepped in. “All clear,” she said, moving the table back under the trap door. “Invisible game’s over.”
From inside, she heard thumping. “Auntie Nat!”
“Cooper, wait—” was the only warning she had before the trap door opened and Cooper launched himself at her.
She snatched him out of the air, and absolutely did not think about what could have happened if she’d been slower to react. “Whoa, okay. Excited to get out of there, huh?” Laura’s white face appeared over the edge, eyes wide. Natasha mouthed he’s fine back at her. “Here, climb down, let me help your mom and your sister out.”
“I stayed so-o-o-o quiet,” Cooper said. “We colored in a dinosaur for you, but we didn’t know your favorite color so I picked red like your hair. What is your favorite color? There’s another dinosaur on the page, so if it’s not red, I can use that color instead.”
“I do like red a lot.” Natasha thought about it. “Purple, too, maybe.”
“You can’t have purple, that’s Dad’s favorite color.”
“Coop, more than one person can have purple as their favorite color,” Laura said, transferring Lila down to Natasha. Mercifully the baby had slept through all of it. “I like purple, too, remember?”
Cooper wrinkled his nose at that. “Okay, fine. I’ll make it purple.”
“I can’t wait to see it,” Natasha promised. Once the entire family had been retrieved, she pushed the trap door back into place. Of course Clint had scouted this spot months ago. His paranoia remained legendary. “Family’s secure, Barton.”
“Got it,” Clint said. “Heading to the front.”
“Meet you there,” Natasha said. To the others with her, she tilted her head toward the door. “Ready to get out of here?”
Laura looked more or less composed, which Natasha had to credit her for. Civilians rarely handled those kinds of curveballs well, but she’d been married to Clint for a decade. It stood to reason this might not even be the first time something like this had happened. Her grip on the sleeping Lila remained tight. “Coop, hold Auntie Nat’s hand, okay? Humor me.”
“All right, I guess.”
“Everything good?” Laura asked.
“False alarm,” Natasha said.
One eyebrow went up. “A false alarm gave you a split lip?”
Natasha worked at it with her tongue, scrunching her nose at the brief spark of pain. “Just another exciting day in our line of work. It all turned out okay, if you ignore that we were unsuccessful in our primary objective.”
Laura looked blank, so Natasha prompted: “Getting the groceries, Barton.”
“Pfft, whatever. We’ll get takeout. We’ll consider it an adventure, and it won’t even be the first one today. Hopefully there will be less dust this time.” Laura leaned over, conspiratorially. “I am getting my phone back, right? I really like the case, and it’ll take forever to get another one like it.”
Years of espionage training kept Natasha from staring at her like she’d sprouted a second head. Clint had told her years before that his wife was far more pragmatic than either of them, but she’d never had a chance to witness it in action before. She almost wanted to ask if this was some kind of backwoods Midwestern thing, but it seemed better not to do that.
So she settled into a helpless laugh. “Yes, we’ll get your phone back. The case is really cute.”
“Good. I knew you’d agree.” Laura squeezed her shoulder with her free hand, and it felt more like a thank you than Natasha had ever received after years and years on the job.
“One point,” Natasha said, feeling a tiny bit shy as as she pulled out a package she’d swiped on their trip through the store earlier. “We should probably pay for the coloring books. And these.”
Laura looked down at the bag of popsicle sticks and laughed. “You really are a hero.”
(the target was a leaked witsec hit. Bad timing all around)
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derivativealigner · 4 years
Well I haven’t watched sp all the way through for about a decade now, so I thought it was time
Sometimes I wonder how accurate the fandom is when it comes to how we interpret the characters. Like, why is Stan a football star so often in fanfic and why’s Kyle always the smart one? So I thought I’d rewatch the show and make notes along the way to see where the source of all these interpretations is. I also wanted to see if I could get some fun info to analyze, but season 1 is pretty sparse in that regard so there’s not too much of that in this post, but I’ll make a post for all the other seasons too as I watch them
In summary, it’s established in season 1 already that Stan’s a star quarterback and an animal lover, Kyle’s an A+ student, and Kenny is poor and knows a lot about sex and doesn’t have many qualms about doing crazy shit. Cartman is a bit weird since he’s mostly just a naive brat in this season, but he and Kyle have a mildly antagonistic friendship already
I have all my notes under this cut. They include a bunch of small details and other observations. I also listed every Kenny death just because
Ike has freckles
Cartman says “Weak!” and “You guys” and “Seriously” a lot from the start, also “Kickass!” He doesn’t say weak or kickass much in the later seasons iirc
Stan says “Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here” three times in this season but they dropped that catchphrase pretty quickly
Bebe got named in episode 2
Stan’s been an animal lover since s01e03 Volcano since he won’t shoot a bunny or anything else. He does shoot Scuzzlebutt at the end though
Cartman’s a pathological liar but in a childish way
Randy got named in s01e03 Volcano (and it only got worse from there)
The mayor went to Princeton
South Park is next to Mt. Evanson
Kenny will literally drink gasoline
Stan’s a star quarterback in 3rd grade
Clyde’s voice is wrong as hell in S01E04 Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Boat Ride and he has a dog, Rex
Garrison says Kyle is an A+ kid
Shelly seriously abuses Stan, punching him, throwing him, maiming him with a lawnmower
Cartman had a pot-bellied pig called Fluffy
Cartman’s mom smokes crack and has sex with strange men
Dr. Mephesto is probably a Buddhist since he says “Thank Buddha” instead of “Thank God”
Clyde’s voice gets kind of fixed in S01E06
A guy called Mr. McCormick is killed in a protest, launched and splattered against a network building. He doesn’t look like Kenny’s dad though
Zombie Clyde attacks Bebe, rude
Wendy gave her costume contest prize (2 tons of candy) to hungry children in Nairobi
Cartman’s mom is on the cover of Crack Whore magazine. “Back do’ ho… Five on one action!” is the headline
Cartman genuinely cries at Kenny’s grave after the whole zombie thing but gets over it because of candy
Stan knows his mom’s credit card number and has no problem using it to adopt an Ethiopian child (the boys wanted a watch that came with the adoption, they weren’t doing it to be nice)
Cartman calls Stan a vas deference, Stan doesn’t know what that is so Kenny says “Dude, it’s a pipe for your peepee” (according to a transcript). Kenny sure knows male anatomy
Kyle sniffs Kenny after Cartman asks why poor people smell like sour milk and Garrison says “idk eric they just do”
Cartman thinks poor people should die and decrease the surplus population
When the boys get Starvin’ Marvin delivered to them, Cartman says “Hey mom, we found an Ethiopian, can we keep him?” and his mom says “Sure, hun.” She rarely says no to Cartman
Kenny’s dad is an alcoholic who drinks scotch according to Cartman. I mean, Mr. McCormick is seen drinking in multiple episodes and has a hat that says SCOTCH so it’s probably true
Kenny’s family says grace
Craig’s first appearance is S01E09. Also, S01E09 is the first time Kenny doesn’t die (Coincidence? I THINK yeah but it’s still fun)
Clyde got named in S01E10
Clyde and Bebe both spit on Pip’s face, friendship goals <3
Cartman and Kyle have their first fight at Cartman’s birthday party because Kyle didn’t give the right gift. Cartman slaps his face and  screams “I hate you! I want you to die! Die!” while on top of Kyle who’s not really fighting back
Satan throws a fight with Jesus after everyone except Satan bet that Jesus would lose, which leads to Satan winning everyone’s money. Mr. Garrison says “What a mean thing to do!” and Jimbo says “He is a jerk!” and I thought it was quite a laugh so I wrote it down
In S01E11 Tom’s Rhinoplasty Bebe and Wendy are sitting in the swings together and generally appear together throughout the episode, then Bebe gives Wendy a makeover so they’re bffs obviously <3
Craig first appears in the classroom, though not sitting down, in S01E11
Wendy’s not happy about Ms. Ellen taking Stan away from her, she says “Don’t fuck with me! Stay away from my man, bitch, or I’ll whoop your sorry ho ass back to last year!”
Kenny gives Ms. Ellen a scrumptious looking sausage as a valentine’s gift and giggles deviously. Wendy’s gift to Ms. Ellen is a dead animal
Even Kenny doesn’t know what a lesbian is
Wendy’s grandma died in S01E11
Wendy gets Ms. Ellen killed by hiring the Iraqi government (?) to put her in a rocket and shoot it into the sun, then she and Bebe have a pool party (very cool, they wear sunglasses 😎) and watch the rocket hit the sun
Cartman and Pip play a game of kicking each other in the nuts until someone falls. Cartman calls it “Roshambo”
Kenny has a sack of marbles
The boys aren’t fans of Barbra Streisand, but Stan is a fan of the Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway (he’s not a quarterback anymore, he’s an American football executive and the president of football operations for the Denver Broncos of the NFL according to wikipedia.)
Officer Barbrady is a fan of Fiona Apple (who was 20 at the time and had only one album released called Tidal)
Ned knows how to pilot a helicopter
Kyle’s mom is a fan of Streisand unlike literally everyone else, she even gets an autograph from Mecha Streisand
The boys are fans of Robert Smith, the lead singer of The Cure. Stan says “Robert Smith is the greatest person that ever lived!” and Kyle says “Disintegration is the best album ever!” and Cartman says “Robert Smith kicks ass!” and Kenny’s dead so he doesn’t get to have an opinion
Cartman has tea parties with his toys: Polly Prissypants, Clyde frog, Peter Panda, and a dragon called Rumpertumskin
Kyle wants to make fun of Cartman for the tea party but Stan stops him because he’s concerned that Cartman needs help
Craig is in front of the school counselor’s office in S01E13
A young miss Cartman drinks like a motherfucker at the 12th annual drunken barn dance where Cartman was supposedly conceived
Stan lets Cartman borrow his bike like a good friend
Garrison wanted to have a threesome with Chef and Cartman’s mom. I don’t know why I’m making a note of this but uh… yeah.
Cartman’s mom has had sex with everyone at this bar that Garrison’s drinking at, including principle Victoria, the mayor, Father Maxi, and Jesus (and maybe Kenny’s dad since he’s at the bar but the camera doesn’t pan to him when Garrison says they’ve all slept with Liane). Later Gerald Broflovski is a possible father to Eric, so he fucked her too. Also Mr. Mephesto and his friend Kevin, that little guy, are candidates along with a lot of other people, including the 1989 Denver Broncos (and Mr. Tenorman is included in that later)
Cartman doesn’t make fun of Kyle for being Jewish much at all in this season even though the Christmas episode is all about Kyle not celebrating
Clyde and Token appear very early on and Clyde has always been in the classroom (along with Bebe, Red, Kevin Stoley, Wendy, and Pip and uhh DogPoo too I think). Craig appears later in the season and Tweek’s not in season 1 at all, so Craig’s gang isn’t really a thing yet
And here’s a list of the ways Kenny died in this season. He dies in every episode except episode 9, and he dies twice in episodes 2 and 3. Altogether he dies 14 times
S01E01 Killed after alien shoots him, cows stampede over him, then cop runs him over which finally actually kills him
S01E02 Killed in a play by a falling teepee, then a second time shot by Garrison which sends him in the air and he gets impaled on a flagpole on the way down
S01E03 Killed by a volcano rock that burns him then rolls on him but he’s alive again in the end but gets shot by Ned’s gun that he drops and it accidentally goes off
S01E04 Gets his arms and head torn off in an American football game
S01E05 Stan’s clone punches Kenny into a microwave where he gets cooked alive
S01E06 Death touches Kenny
S01E07 Kenny gets crushed by a Russian space station and turns into a zombie because he gets Worcestershire sauce in his veins, then Kyle chainsaws zombie Kenny in half, then zombie Kenny rises from his grave and is crushed by a statue and a plane
S01E08 Kenny is killed by a bunch of turkeys. His eye gets plucked out. It’s dark blue
S01E10 After Kenny gets turned into a duck-billed platypus, Jimbo and Ned shoot him
S01E11 Ms. Ellen throws a sword through Kenny’s face
S01E12 While Mecha Streisand and a giant robot Leonard Maltin fight, Kenny plays with a tetherball and gets the rope wrapped around his neck and it strangles him
S01E13 Kenny gets stuck on a go kart and it drags him around but stops and he’s still alive! Too bad the go kart stops on train tracks and a train runs him over. Stan’s grandpa sends a video of the event to America’s Stupidest Home Videos and wins $10,000
If you read all that, first of all hello. I’m not new to the fandom even though this is the first thing I’ve posted on this tumblr blog. I’ve been writing a fanfic called Caffetamine though so I’m not a complete non-entity. Anyway, I’ll watch season 2 soon and post my notes on that too probably.
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bakugous-bakahoe · 4 years
It’s a bike not a truck (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)
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The image is not mine
Warning: A bit of a manga spoiler
Next up: Denki Kaminari x reader (Requested)
Summary: Bakugou and the reader go on a date but in the middle of the date the Bakusquad interrupt their date.
Bakugou POV
This date was going great (Y/N) is having fun, I was getting toys for her every chance get. I wanted to get a big ass stuffed animal but this fucking games are fucking rigged.But i did get her a bunch of little ones that she had to hold them all in a bag. Now we were walking around seeing all the roller coaster, games, food stand and a giant ferris wheel. 
I could noticed that  she was staring at the ferris wheel and the she started to talk to me.”Can we go on the ferris wheel?” she looked up at me while pointing at the machine. I looked up at the machine and started to say.
“How about we eat something before we go ride it.” I said to her 
“Okay, what should we eat? There a lot of stands around here.” She asked has she grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mines. When we got close the section of the food stand. (Y/N) looked around and pointed at one of the open tables. When we sat down and i started to say.
“Well, we got Pizza, tokoyaki, funnel cake and some other shit. What would you like to eat.”
“How about we share some tokoyaki with that spice sauce you like.” I raised my eyebrow.
“Okay, be right back” I went to the shop that was selling the type of food and ordered the plate with a couple of drink. Wile i waited i looked around my surrounding. There a lot of people tonight good thing i bought the tickets in advanced if not i think they would have been sold out. The worker called my order and i picked it up the tray and started to walk back to the table.
The second that i could start to see the table i saw yellow, red, pink, purple and (H/C). God damn it, no, not now, not here. Why are you idiots here. I got closer and i could hear laughter, I walked further and (Y/N) saw me and pointed to to her side. When she pointed at her side everyone turned around and saw me. I place the tray on the table and sat next top her.
“Baku-bro! What are you doing here?” Said Kirishima all excited.
“It’s non of you business.”
“There an even greater question at hand. What are you guys doing here together?” Mina questioned has she looked at me while on the other side of (Y/N).
“It’s obvious they are on a date” Kaminari said with a shit eating grin on his face.
“WHAT!” Yelled Mina, Kirishima and Sero. While Shinsuo was just stoic face.
“Baku-babe, you finally grown some ball.” Said Raccoon eyes while sticking her tongue out at me.
“Katsuki, calm do--”
“Finally going to get your dick wet, and not be so god damned mad all the time.” Knock off pikachu interrupted. I could give a shit right now because what he said made me even madder.
“Deki!” Sero yelled.
“Sero can you tape his mouth?” Shinsuo asked and he just gave him a thumbs up and proceeded to take some tape of his elbow.
“Wait no.” Sinsuo grabbed him and Sero taped his mouth.
“(Y/N), why didn’t you tell anything to us girls?” Mina said has she wrapped her hands around her arm.
“I’m sorry, Mina. We were trying to keep it a secret until we were sure.” she confess to her best friend. “But anyway, Katsuki let’s eat the food going to get cold”
“W sat back down and decided to eat out meal. After we ate out food Mina decided to take (Y/N) to play skee-ball. While the guys decided to pull me away to go play bumper karts. I was even more pissed this date was turning out to be horrible. Why in the hell did this idiots have to interrupted. So, i took out my anger out my smacking into Denki. 
“C’mon, bro. Why are you so made?” Kirishima yelled at me while he bumped into Sero. 
“Yeah this amusement park is cool as hell.” Pikachu yelled has he bumped me and i got even madder and bumped into Shinsuo.
“His just mad because Mina stole his girl.” Shinsuo said and before i could say anything a bell went off alerting us that our time was up.We got off the karts and went on our way, i went faster then the rest of them.
“Bakugou don’t leave us.” Sero yelled, I just kept walking further away from them until I spotted the girls and went their way. When I got closer to them the saw me and stopped. The girls had bags of candy and when Mina spotted the other boys she took tiny bags full of hard candy, gummies, lollipops and other types candies.
They took their bags and start to open it and eat their candy. When i looked back at (Y/N) was eating cotton candy, she looked up at me and moved her hand forward has asking me if i wanted any.n. I shake my head no and i could see that her other hand was full with bags. She moved her hand forward and i said no agan, That is when she swallowed the piece of candy that she had in her mouth and started to say.
“Babe, i’m asking you to hold it i want to give you something.
“Oh.” I grabbed the base of the sugar treat and she starts to search in one her bags, She took out a orange plastic bah with decorating on it. The bag was filled with candy just like the other but she was about to give to me she said.
“I bought this candies just for you the shop owner told me that this are spicy and i got them for you.” She said with a smile on her face and placed the bag on myu other hand.
“Thank you.” I took one of the gummy candies and ate one. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer, I could also feel eyes on us. This was getting embarrassing, just leave, I turned around  and started to yell.
“WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!” I grabbed (Y/N) ans stated walking way from them. I could start to hear them yell at us.
“Bakugo is finally a man. He’s finally a man.”Kirishima said with tears coming out of his eyes.
“Keep it PG, Bakugo.” Yelled Mina has she waved at (Y/N), has she waved back.
“He’s definitely going to become a man now.” Said Kaminari.
“Kaminari do me a favor.” Shinsuo asked him,
“Yea-” The second that Kaminari responded his eyes were frosted over meaning that he was under Shinsuos control.
“Now Kaminari, punch your self in the face.” When he said that Kaminari punch himself square in the nose.
“Really, Kaminari. Are you a dumb-ass.” Sero said, then he took his tape and wrapped it around Kaminari who at this point was bleeding from his nose. We just kept walking away from them.
We were far away from them, so i stopped and grabbed (Y/N) hands correctly and intertwined my fingers with her. I looked down at her and she was looking at me with a smile that very much like. We kept walking and we were around a lot of rides but i was interested in one in a particular ride that was at the end of all the booths.
“Bakugou, where are we exactly going?” She asked me with curiosity all over her face.
“Just wait until we get there.” I said with my normal tone voice. That is were we saw it the ferris wheel. Luckily the line was empty, so that was great.
“We’re going to the wheel!” She said all exited, looking up at me.
“Yeah, i told you we would go once we finish eating.” I said without looking at her, because i know that if i looked at her i was going to blush even harder then I already am.
Once we got to the front of the line the worker asked for out ticket and i gave them. When the workers small door for the ride and (Y/N). Before I got in I asked one of the workers if he could stop the ride at the very top. Once i got in she sat on the opposite side of the cart. She started looking at her surroundings.
This is the only time i could sit down with out getting made fun off. How the hell did i get so fucking lucky. She is sweet, caring, nice and very soft spoken. So, how the fuck did get to be with someone so fucking nice. I still don’t understand.
“I’m sorry.” For the first time in my damn life. God i feel fucking weird, (Y/N) was even more surprised. Because she had her eyes widened .
“What do you mean you’re sorry.” She raised her voice.She stood up and sat next to me."
“This most be the worst date you've ever been to. I wanted this to be something special but it’s not” I was looking down at my hands. She grabbed the side of my face and turned my head to face her. I was now looking at (E/C) orbs.
“Katsuki, just because our friends found out that we are dating it doesn’t mean that it was a bad date.” (Y/N) said while pleasing her other hand on the other side of my face.
“Are you sure? Because that walking charger doesn’t know when to shut his damn trap.” I said angrily.
“Katsuki, if we take what Kmainari says to heart, we might as well be idiots like him.” She said while laughing. I smirked. The ride stopped  signaling us that we’re at the top, we look out the window and we could see the whole park. Her eyes were shining from all the light of the park. 
“You might be right” I turned her face to face me. We were close enough that we could feel each other breath. I got a bit closer and kissed her. The kiss didn’t last that long.
“Have I ever mentioned that your kisses are great?” She said
“Ha, Of course they are great.” I said with a bit of a smirk.
“You say that has if you ever had a girlfriend.” 
“OI!” She just laughed 
Tag list: @cuddlesslut​, @myrelizlely​, @vixenpen​, @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten​
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pietropatrol · 4 years
Marvel High (Part 4)
Read Part 3
A/N: Happy Fic Fri--Saturday! Had this most of the way written up yesterday, but my daughter has not been going down at her bedtime very well so I didn’t get it done before bed! But here I am now, posting as my husband is now trying to get her to go back to sleep. Babies, I tell yah.
Welcome to Marvel High, where being the new kid wasn’t the worst. Your homeroom couldn’t be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the “Avengers.” Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join.
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, teenage substance abuse Words: 1,300ish
The dynamic of the group was odd to witness. They all had drastically different personalities, something you had already gleaned from the bickering during the school day, but under the influence of alcohol, it became even more obvious. It was as if the group was comprised of smaller groups. 
The Maximoff twins were obvious. Natasha and Clint were a pair, that you were sure of. The way they shadowed each other and communicated in their body language was hard to ignore. Either they had been friends for a long time or something was going on between them. Though you felt it would have been inappropriate to ask. Tony and Bruce seemed close, from what you had overheard from their in-depth science conversation at lunch earlier. You could always find Steve, Bucky, and Sam together, but Bucky seemed annoyed whenever he was left with just Sam.
Thor was an outlier and seemed to bounce around all of them seamlessly. His cockiness rivaled Tony’s. Thor appeared to be about six beers deep and enthusiastically telling a story about how he wrestled some unnamed beast in is home country.
“Where is Thor from again?” You turned to Pietro who was watching the group from a distance with you. Though you had felt him watching you when you weren’t looking.
“Some Scandinavian country… we think.” Pietro shrugged. “You sure you don’t want another drink? Nat makes a mean cocktail.”
“I’m sure she does, but I should probably keep my wits about me and not smell like I’ve been drinking. My dad is like a bloodhound with that stuff. One beer was already a risk.”
“So, what is up with your dad anyway? He seems…” Pietro struggled to find the right word.
“Hella protective?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Yes, hell-ah protective, as you so put it.” Pietro inclined his head in your direction, closing the small gap between your bodies.
“He means well. I haven’t made the best choices in my life. And trouble seems to follow me wherever we go. It’s only a matter of time before it finds me here.” You were being intentionally vague. It was a can of worms that someone you just met shouldn’t have sprung on them.
Pietro furrowed his eyebrows but didn’t push. “So, you set fire to your previous school?” He guided you back to the group and you sat next to Wanda on a loveseat, Pietro perched on the arm.
“Fire? Is Y/N talking about setting her school on fire?” Tony had been making his way to the bar when he heard the word fire. Another lit cigarette dangling from his lips.
“Yes, but don’t even think about sitting next to us with that lit.” Steve waved his hand to the offending object.
“It’s my house,” Tony guffawed.
“Rule eleven, specifically made for you, is not smoking within the group circle, because not all of us are trying to get lung cancer before twenty-five.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“I think it’s unfair that we have rules specifically aimed at me. But fine.” Tony dropped his cigarette into his glass and joined the group.
“Rules?” You echoed.
“Top secret,” Tony winked, “Back to the fire, what did you do?”
“It wasn’t anything crazy. I was in wood shop and got bored, wondered if I could burn in a design on a plank with my lighter, and it was highly flammable, apparently. It didn’t take long for the rest of the shop to start on fire, the air was basically half saw-dust.” You shrugged, honestly, it wasn’t the stupidest thing you’d done. It was also an accident for once.
“It only went as far as the home-ec classroom. No big deal, aside from being expelled." 
"Lame!" Tony yawned. "Let's play truth or dare!" 
Everyone groaned and threw empty solo cups at him. 
"Why do you always insist on playing?" Nat looked to him, incredulous. "We've been friends long enough that it isn't fun anymore. You just want us to do stupid shit." 
"What's wrong with stupid shit?" Tony insisted. "Besides we have a newbie now!"
  You looked at your phone and saw it was almost ten o'clock. Had it really been two hours already? "Sorry, but I have to head out. Curfew." 
"And here I was thinking you were a trouble maker," Tony smirked. 
"Oh, I am. But I don't want to be grounded for eternity. Great party though, Tony. Thanks for the invite." You made to leave with Pietro and Wanda on following behind you when a young boy, probably about 14, came running in, out of breath. 
"Alright, who invited the freshman?" Steve rubbed his temples. "We agreed, no freshman." 
"Parker isn't going to cause any trouble, the kid's a saint," Tony argued. "What's going on?" 
"Some--oh hi," the freshman saw you. "I'm Peter Parker. You must be new."
"I'm Y/N. You okay, Peter?"  
He was still trying to catch his breath. "Oh yeah! There's a bunch of Hydra High douche-bros who snuck in. They're by the pool." 
"Fuuuucccckkkkk." Bucky cursed. "They're definitely here to start some shit." "Alright, is everybody sober enough to deal with them?" Steve looked pointedly to Tony who was rolling up his sleeves, already looking ready for a fight. 
"We should probably go, you don't need me and Wanda, right?" Pietro looked to Steve. 
"Umm... if you're parked in the driveway, you won't be able to get out. They blocked it with their own cars." 
"Looks like you're going to be late. Sorry." Pietro frowned at you. A heavy sigh escaped your lips. 
"Nah, it's not your fault. How quickly do you think we can scare off these guys?" Tony held up his hand, gaining everyone's attention. "I might have a solution. Let me go down to my basement, and I will meet you out there." 
The group made their way down to the pool. Your other classmates had crowded around, keeping a distance from Hydra.
  Hydra was raiding the outdoor bar and the scariest student among them was lounging on a wicker chair, sipping lazily on a bottle of vodka. A small voice in your head said he was the leader. Maybe it was because everyone else was at work nabbing whatever they could and he was already enjoying their spoils. You just knew. 
"Avengers!" he called out, happily. "Great party!" 
"Avengers?" You whispered to Pietro. 
"I'll explain later." 
The leader's eyes narrowed in on you. "New recruit?" 
The hair stood up on the back of your neck as he stood up and stepped closer to you. He looked you up and down, perplexed. "Do I know you?"
"Doubt it." Pietro pulled you behind him, breaking his line of sight. 
"Maximoff onto a new toy already?" 
"What are you doing here, Keller? I thought we told you not to come near this place again?" Steve pulled the attention to him. "The message was pretty clear when Thor cracked open your forehead." 
"We heard about the dope ass party, Rogers. Thought some of your classmates would want to have a little more fun--" 
"We don't want your shitty drugs." Peter piped up. "Like weed is cool and stuff, but--" 
"Your shit is garbage." Tony sauntered through the group, a contraption strapped to his arms. "And calling it 'Candy Andy' is kinda lame." 
A light emitted from Tony's palm and beam jutted out and shatter the bottle of vodka in Keller's hand. Tony hissed from the hot metal burning into his palm but stood his ground. 
Keller remained calm and held up his hands, though you could see a slight look of terror in his eyes. "Alright, we'll see you around another time then. Good to see you again, Y/N." He winked at you and they took off. 
You froze, you didn't know him, how did he know you?
@mcfuccfairy@hannah1234543@fandomstucklover87love@aegonsgarden@superavengerimagines@racheltheclumsy @little-hufflepuff-badger@sherlocklover123@secondxreality@electricstar13@dusknightmare@pastell-niall @lesh-targaryen @erreneous@nerdyfangirl4lyf@pietrosprintesa@geminifangirl3@rageofcaliban@psycopathic-turtle@extremelyintroverted@themightycrybaby@zoziemoore@wincensfw@goldenfairytaleprincess@weehawkendawngunsdrawnyouron@cuteykittens1313 @saysomethingorimdone@hogwarts-mischief@kayzie-chu @barely-emily @vantastic-booty@wonderxluster@itsjusthaawo @mikey-girl12 @are-you-in-the-game@chameerah@wzndamaximoff@linellin@rainbowtheninja@hipsterhipster-wannabe@ofbandsandyoutubers@eternalanxious@soldierstans @geebearway @sokoviantrash@blubberwhalecurdlesnoothings @mermaid-princess-wannabe@everlasting9@random0213@erissapphire@softhor @allyzaq@genjisbuttfriend @mcusebstan @lexiethegiantslayer@pebblesz892@wellfuckbuck@marvelbase001 @reckllesslyareuforreal @mischief-managed1987 @captain-purpledinonatalyimagirl@armyprincess02 @mottergirl99@cupcakelover615@aweways@flirtswithdanger@lanie103@rebbie444@iwanttorunawaytohogwarts@draconicuchiha@callme-crowley@jessicajjones@doctorwho2013@onepiecelover1223@deadpools-wife@shannonxbarnes @justapolinaris@dont-fillintheblank@imaginary-world-of-mine @warriorsofasgardia @mymindplayshopscotch @tachibubu @cringedyIan @theawesomefrenchie@hortonhearsahoeblr@lavelay@nothinghappenswithouthope @potterpineapple1975@infj-universe72@dancingpizzasarelife @galacyan @nuitrhodes@seb-satann@leoniford@ciaramcgeesprat@hiimangelique@bywonater@umwhatandrea@riverpotterimagines@iwanttorunawaytohogwarts@araceli91103@flirtswithdanger@harrisonholland@weirdestmentalityphilosopher @supervalcsi@somethingwitty-somethingsweet @destiel-is-bae-18 @123louis-blog @bloody-doctor @skybaby-potter @galacyan @jollyholymoly@ginger-wayward-assbutt @avatar-moist@brokensurvivor@flubbernuggets @red-writer13 @capsicle-steve-rogers @broken-pieces @punkdoor @hiding-in-the-backgroundx-x@silverwhispersandash@geeksareunique@serenastark@straightasdeanwinchester @nina-winchester4life@bywonater@sh00kbois@tayrae515@xdsockmonkey@kaitmcu@willowruemellark@weirdestmentalityphilosopher@curlycals@justahappylilblog@sameemaximoff @alonna-oxoxoxsavvvcobainnn @rosaquinn @futzingclint @princess-unicorn124 @racheltheclumsy @kenzie-cold-greenkale@mottergirl99 @snailhoard@thisismysecrethappyplace@sweetpeas-serpent-princess@multifandomphenomena @hoeposey@dmv49 @tomhollandhasnolips @waytoobsessedwithmyfandoms@minuteandahalf @igoldieloxi​ @lovelydreamer-2000​ @justahappylilblog​ @ciochesono @the-fandom-ness​ @ithoughtfullyglitterycollection​  @heartbeats-wildly​ @erinsquinns
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
Summary: Kuro and Mahiru celebrate their daughter’s birthday. (KuroMahi, Fem Mahiru)
“Happy birthday, Machi!” Tsurugi cheered as he entered the apartment. His call was quickly answered by Machi’s excited squeal and the little girl ran to her uncle. Mahiru followed her to greet Tsurugi in the doorway. He held a large present box and he placed it on the ground so he could hug his niece. “How is my favourite niece?”
“Machi is excited! Mama made a big cake! She said that we had to wait for everyone to come before we can eat. But, Machi’s hungry for cake! It has a bunch of shiny strawberries.” She made wide gestures as she described the cake. Yumikage and Jun entered the house with presents as well. Mahiru couldn’t contain her smile as she watched Machi interact with her uncles.
Machi noticed a fourth person enter the house but she didn’t recognize him. She pointed to him and declared, “Old Man smells like smoke! That’s bad for you!”
“Old man? Didn’t your mother teach you that it’s rude to call people by names like that? Well, it’s your birthday so you can be a little cheeky. Here.” Touma said and held out a bag of treats to Machi. She didn’t take the candy and looked to her mother instead.
“You can take it, Machi.” After her mother nodded to her, Machi accepted the bag and thanked him politely. Mahiru picked her up into her arms and carried her closer to Touma. “This man is your… His name is Touma. You met him when you were very young so you don’t remember him but you can trust him. Can you tell Papa that your uncles are here, Machi?”
“Okay!” The moment she placed her on the ground, Machi took Tsurugi’s hand and dragged her uncle to the party. “Machi will show you the giant cake!”
Mahiru stayed in the doorway so she could speak with Touma. She learned that he was her father when she was a teenager but it was still difficult to see him as a parent. They would only speak with each other a couple times during family events. Sometimes, she would question why her mother would be with a man like Touma. Was she born from love or simply a mistake to her parents?
“The Shirota family has strong genes, don’t they? Machi looks exactly like you and you’re a mirror image of your mother.” Touma commented. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette but he stopped himself when he heard Machi’s laughter in the distance. “There’s not a single resemblance of me in you. No one will think that I’m your father at a glance. I’m surprised that you invited me to your daughter’s birthday party.”
“I’m surprised that you came.” Mahiru retorted. He took out a wrapped box and she saw that Machi’s name was written on the tag. She had assumed that the bag of treats was his birthday gift and she wondered what he bought her since the box was rather light. Did Tsurugi tell him what to buy for Machi’s birthday?
“They’re shoes.” Touma told her. “I don’t know what a kid would want. When Tsurugi was young, I bought him a pair of shoes and he liked them. I thought I should get Machi the same thing. If they don’t fit her, the gift receipt is inside and you can exchange the shoes.”
“Shoes are simple and practical. Machi will like them. Thank you for coming. Machi said she wanted her grandfather to come.” Mahiru carried the present into the living room and placed it on the table with the other gifts. The table was overflowing with colourful boxes and the sight made her happy. She was glad that her daughter was so loved. As a mother, the only thing she wanted was for her daughter to be surrounded with happiness.
She recalled her own birthday when she was four years old. Her mother had died only a few months before that. While her uncle took time off to celebrate her birthday, a young Mahiru couldn’t help but feel lonely. She didn’t want her daughter to ever feel the same way. She invited as many people as she could to Machi’s birthday party.
A strong arm wrapped around her shoulder and she was pulled out of her thoughts. Kuro stood beside her and there was a hint of worry in his red eyes. He was able to read her expression and he knew that there was something on her mind. Without a word, he kissed her temple. They were able to understand each other without speaking.
“Next month is your birthday. I was talking with your uncle and he said that he’s already planning to take time off for your birthday party. Hyde and Licht said the same.” He told her and tenderly rubbed her arms. “I know you would want to be with everyone on your birthday. Can I take you on a private birthday dinner the day before your big party though?”
“I think that’s a great idea.” She nodded to him and a smile spread over her lips. Mahiru couldn’t begin to tell Kuro how much he had changed her life the day they met. He had filled her days with so much happiness and she gained more friends through their adventures. Now, they had their own family.
“Mama! Papa! Look at this trick that Auntie Mikuni taught me just now. I can make thunder!” Machi called their names as she ran to them. She held a balloon over her head and vigorously rubbed it against her hair. After a few minutes, she walked to JeJe standing nearby and touched his hand. He wasn’t facing her so he didn’t expect to feel static electricity shock his hand. He winced and pulled his hand away from her. She only smiled up at him innocently. “Thunder attack.”
Machi waved the balloon in front of her and explained. “Auntie Mikuni told me that the attack is more effective if the person doesn’t expect it. I should aim for Uncle JeJe since he’s easy to pick on.”
“You shouldn’t listen to everything your Auntie tells you, Machi. She likes to play pranks on people sometimes.” Mahiru smiled warily. She knelt in front of her daughter and smoothed her hand over her hair. The balloon had made her hair frizzy and disorganized. Once her hair was fixed, Mahiru kissed her forehead. “That was a cool attack though. Only use it on villains.”
“Okay.” She nodded. Then, she ran back to the party to show others her trick. Mahiru sat on the couch and watched her play with her cousins. “Lucy, let’s fight demons together with this new lightning attack. Auntie Mikuni taught me this attack and I will share it with everyone.”
“Can you blow me a green balloon?” Yuu asked and handed it to Tetsu. “Father’s strong lungs will make a balloon large enough to carry all of us into the sky.”
“Kids have wild imaginations, don’t they?” Toru laughed and sat next to Mahiru. Whenever he looked at Machi, he couldn’t help but remember when Mahiru was her age. He did his best to raise her with his busy job and he came to love her like his own daughter. “You liked to play ‘Superheroes’ too. I don’t know how I was able to keep up with you.”
“You’re talking as if you’re an old man, Uncle.” Kuro sat on Mahiru’s right and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Weren’t you the one who said that you’re a thunder god and you would watch over our family forever?”
“Uncle Toru is a thunder god?” Machi overheard their conversation and stared at her great uncle with awe. “When you attack the villain, you must go like this: Rawr-jin!”
The childish way she mispronounced ‘Raijin’ brought a tear to Toru’s eye. He hugged Mahiru and Machi close. “Mahiru, you’ve raised a wonderful daughter who knows the power of a great pun.”
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“Thank you, Uncle Youtarou! This is fluffy just like a cat.” Machi thanked Youtarou as he wrapped the warm scarf around her neck. She played with the fluffy balls that were sewed onto the ends of the scarf. A box was placed next to her and it stood taller than her. “Is this really for me?”
“I have the best gift of the night.” Misono wore a proud grin after she saw Machi’s reaction to the gift. “The subclasses loved this toy when I gave it to them. You’ll have a lot of fun with it too.”
“It’s so tall that I can’t reach the bow on the top.” Machi stretched onto her toes but her fingers barely brushed against the top of the box. She was suddenly lifted into the air but she wasn’t scared. She immediately knew that her father had picked her up. “Thank you, Papa!”
“You should say thank you to Tetsu and Misono since they’re the one who gave you this present.” He told her but she was distracted with the wrapping paper. Kuro held her over the bow so she could tear off the wrapping. He could only imagine what the gift would be. While he was grateful that their friends were generous with gifts for Machi, he didn’t know where they would put the present.
“A cat sized house!” Machi gasped when she saw the glossy image printed onto the box. “It can fit me too. Can we open it and play house right away?”
“Okay.” Mahiru said even as Machi struggled to open the box and take out the playhouse. She helped her pull out the large pieces from the box. “It’ll take us some time to set this up for you. How about you choose everyone’s role while we do that?”
“I wanna be the daughter!” Machi decided quickly. She started to list roles for everyone in her game. She hugged Mahiru’s leg and grinned up at her. “Mama will be the mom. Papa is the dad. Uncle Tsurugi and Uncle Youtarou are my uncles in the game.”
Gear tapped Kuro’s shoulder and then whispered to him. “You have a simpleminded kid, don’t you?”
“Uncle Gear, you will be the family pet!” Machi declared and her innocent smile never faltered. Kuro didn’t try to hold back his laugh. She appeared confused by her father’s reaction so Gear knew that she didn’t hold any malice in her choice. Machi reasoned that they exchanged a joke that she didn’t hear and she laughed along with them.
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Mahiru was exhausted by the end of the day. She was grateful that Licht and Hyde stayed to help clean the party before they returned to their hotel. The house was now quiet and she walked down the hall to the bedroom she shared with Kuro. The bathroom door was opened and she could see Kuro help Machi brush her teeth. “You ate a lot of sweets today so make sure to bush extra well, Machi.”
“Okay, all done, Papa.” She said after she spit out another mouthful of water. Machi didn’t climb off the step stool she used to reach the sink and held out her arms to him instead. Kuro knew that she was likely tired after the party and she wanted him to carry her. As he picked her up, he saw Mahiru’s smiling reflection in the mirror.
“I said I would put Machi to bed so you could go to sleep first. You stayed up late to work on the cake last night.” The birthday party was important to both of them and she spent the past week planning it. He walked to the doorway and kissed Mahiru softly. “You still push yourself too much. When you traded our vows, we promised to lean on each other.”
“I’m certain that promise was first made when I became your Eve.” They had kept that vow to each other since that day they met. She was tempted to ask him to carry her to bed but he was already holding Machi. Their daughter was already sleeping soundly against his shoulder and Mahiru hoped that she had fun at the party. “She called Touma an Old Man this morning.”
“Apparently, Gear is a pet to her because of his wolf form.” They both laughed softly. She opened the door to Machi’s room and they quietly placed her on the bed. Mahiru was careful to not wake her as she kissed her brown hair and pulled the blanket to her shoulder. As she stood, she noticed Kuro staring at her. “Machi speaks her mind the way you do.”
Kuro wrapped his arms around her and Mahiru thought he simply wanted to hug her. Instead, he lifted her off the bed and held her against his chest. He brought her out of the room to return to their own bed. He leaned his forehead against hers and said, “Your birthday is next month. Is there anything you want? I know you’re going to say that you already have everything you need but you can be selfish on your birthday.”
“Well, it has been a long time since I’ve seen you in a fancy suit.” Mahiru said and traced her finger over the collar of his shirt. “Formal clothes are ‘troublesome’ but you look great in them.”
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somniabundant · 4 years
For the character thing: Skov :)
Duuuuuuuuude. I’m about to go off
Sexuality headcanon: okay I think that Skov is pan. He just has chill, carefree vibes and I feel like while Proko doesn’t want to label his attraction in a way that he picks something ambiguous, Skov doesn’t want to label his attraction in a way that he’s like ‘everything! Everyone! I am open to possibilities and I do not care what you identify as as long as you are hot!’ And I love that for him.
Gender headcanon: listen. Listen. My guy is ftm trans and I will fight you in an alleyway if you tell me I am wrong. I will stand by this until the day I die I swtg he is trans and it’s beautiful and his boys support him and it’s wonderful and I’m so proud of him (the fact that typing that all out is making me emotional...) Anyway in another timeline I was Skov and therefore this is true, thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Just kidding, I’m not done yet. Skov is a trans dude, but he’s also pretty chill and very secure in his identity. He knows who he is and really found himself after he joined the pack and their support means a lot to him. Because of this, he’s able to experiment with his style and wear eyeliner n shit and sometimes borrows Proko’s skirts and drives his expensive-af car in an electric blue miniskirt with fishnets like the king he is and I love that for him. He’s out here destroying gender norms, just a dude being hot and wearing a skirt and still being a dude and he’s an icon and I love him. I could keep going for a while, but let’s move on...
A ship I have with said character: ngl I stole this from a thread between @prokopenkokavinsky and @non-mortem-somni-fratrem they showed me the possibilities and I got hooked. Gansey/Skov. Idk why the idea of this is so appealing to me, like before I was just here for shipping him with Swan and K but now I’m like dang him and Gansey, that’s the kind of out of the box thinking I wanna see. Can you imagine?? Gansey just has no idea how to deal with him and he’s blushing all the time because his boyfriend is so hot and confident and he /wishes/ that was him, but at the same time Skov brings it out in him and Gansey is more adventurous when they’re together and it’s wonderful :))
A BROTP I have with said character: okay so like. Totally ship Swan/Skov in a non platonic way, but I totally see them having an epic bromance as well?? Like they just know each other so well and they do SPORTS together and they got that jock bonding going on for them and they’re so bro together the rest of the back just rolls their eyes at how dumb they are. But then at the same time they’re totally in love more than bros (romantic or somewhere that transcends labels) and they cuddle every night and are like absolute soulmates and it’s beautiful.
A NOTP I have with said character: hmmm. I actually had a lot of trouble coming up with one because I feel like he works with everyone, but I’m going to have to go with Blue/Skov. I feel like maybe they hooked up once and it was fine like they had fun, but then afterwards they mutually decides to never do that again because it was kinda weird and they’re still chill with each other, but they don’t mess around or anything, just platonic pals.
A random headcanon: there are so many... I legit don’t know where to start... okay okay a couple days ago @prokopenkokavinsky and @townpunk and I were just going off on a thread about him so I’m just going to list some from there and then a couple other random ones. First off, he has electric blue hair, I’ll fight you on that one too. Also, he def has a sugar addiction like blue sour patch and monster and just candy and energy drinks galore, he’s got that gamer aesthetic but he spends most of his time playing soccer instead of video games, though he and Swan do play Xbox together sometimes. Ngl I’m not sure where this one came from but I feel like he smokes weed?? Don’t ask me more about this I’ve said it before but I know nothing about drugs I literally don’t leave the house I’ve never been to an actual party all of the stuff I write is completely imagined so like I have nothing else to say about this, but he smokes weed and he also lets himself go wild in every way at K’s substance parties and the regular ones. Another one from the thread: he has ADHD and has a bunch of stim toys and the boys carry some around with them at all times to make sure he always has something to keep himself occupied with. One that I just randomly decided on is that he plays electric guitar and like he’s not that good at it, but he likes it cuz it’s loud and he just has fun messing around and half-assing songs and stuff. Also, this is just my thought, but his actual name is Jacek, but in America aka at Aglionby he goes by Blake. Okay I feel like I should cut myself off before I just keep talking forever but yeah those are a couple...
General opinion over said character: I mean I think you already get the gist... but yeah, he’s an icon and I love him and I want us to meld and become the same person, I very much look up to him XD
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baby-pigtails · 5 years
Kiddo Sites/Apps!
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Hi hi! I always see a lot of posts recommending sites and apps for age regressors but a lot of the time they’re the same things, so I thought I’d make my own! All the sites and apps on here are free, don’t worry! (Some may have ads or in-app purchase, though!) It’s under the cut cause I tried to include some preview pictures which made it kinda long! If anyone would like to add more or have me add more, just let me know! Have fun and stay safe during this time of quarantine and social distancing!
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- DisneyClips
     This is probably my FAVOURITE site for when I’m regressed! It’s made by Disney fans for Disney fans, and is updated with new activites pretty often! It has a bunch of safe and fun games, quizzes, coloring pages, and even things like analysis charts for kiddos whose special interest or hyperfixation is Disney! It has dress up games that are super-duper easy and cute, and I love them because their style looks like it could come right out of the film it’s from! Like the dresses and everything, and they stick to each princess’s style while making different dresses from the original ones! It’s crazy!!
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-PBS Kids
     A classic but awesome site!! You can watch all sorts of episodes for free, you don’t have to put in an email or anything! There are even games and episodes from shows that have long since gone off the air!
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-American Girl
     Don’t be fooled by the site’s title, this site is for everyone! If you’re familiar with the American Girl characters, there’s lots of dress up and themed games, and if you’re not familiar with the characters, don’t worry cause there’s still super cute games like pet grooming and, my favourite, Coconut’s Safari! I linked to the games page, but there’s quizzes and polls, too!
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     I’m sure a lot of you know about Webkinz already, but it hasn’t gone anywhere even after all these years! It’s one of my favourite sites, and it’s free to play now! For people unfamiliar with Webkinz, it’s a virtual world where you can raise a pet, decorate rooms, and collect all sorts of objects, food, and clothing! You can play this one online, with their new desktop app, or with their mobile app! (I will warn you, though, the mobile app does not have that much stuff on it)
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     Poptropica has been around for a while too, but it’s changed a lot in recent years! You can play it online and there’s also an app. This one is probably for older kiddos, though - it has a lot of puzzles and requires a lot of thinking at times, so if you’re looking for a relaxing game this probably isn’t it. 
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    Poptropica has been around for a while too, but it’s changed a lot in recent years! You can play it online and there’s also an app. This one is probably for older kiddos, though - it has a lot of puzzles and requires a lot of thinking at times, so if you’re looking for a relaxing game this probably isn’t it.
- Habitica
     Habitica is a super-duper easy habit tracker/reminder app! I use it to remind me to take my meds, shower, brush my teeth, things like that! But you put in your habits and to-do list so you can personalize it! Usually I don’t like apps like this because they offer no incentive but Habitica turns it into an RPG like Dungeons and Dragons!! So you can level up and get equipment and even pets! What I love about it, too, is that if you ever have any question, their FAQ is super clear and easy to understand, which makes it ideal for autistic kids like me!
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- Cookie Run
     Cookie Run is an oldie but a goldie! It’s a running platformer game where you can collect lots of cute cookies and their pets and learn their stories! Plus there’s canon LGBTQ+ rep with some of the cookie heroes! Cookie Run has a lot of bright colours and fast movement though, so it might not be the best game for kiddos with seizures or sensory issues!
- My Tamagotchi Forever
     Super cute revamp of tamagotchi!! Your pets don’t run away or anything in this one, haha! You can decorate your town and your house with coins you earn from simple minigames, and you can dress up your tamagotchis in different outfits and fill out their scrapbooks and collect them all! I really liked this app, definitely one of my favorites :)
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- Hello Kitty Lunchbox
     Super simple “cooking” game! Again, this is a super easy, no hassle game and is good for really young kiddos. You get to make a lunch for Hello Kitty and decorate it, along with her lunchbox before “eating” your meal. But again, I wanna stress this one is super simple and some kids may get bored of it.
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-Pocket Ponies
     A My Little Pony version of the classic ball shooter game. You aim to hit enemies with your balls, and eventually charge up your ponies so they can perform their special action. You get to collect My Little Pony characters and each one has a different ability.
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-Hello Kitty Music Party
     This one’s more of an idle tapper game. It wants you to tap on your screen along with the beat of the music, but even if you don’t tap with the beat you can still get rewards! It has a couple cutesy pop songs in the app, but it can also access your music library on your device so you can tap with whatever you want! The app itself doesn’t offer much instruction but it’s fairly simple to figure out. But like the other Hello Kitty game, it can grow boring quickly for some kids, which is why it became an idle game for me. 
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-Disney TsumTsum
     This one is kind of like Bejeweled or Candy Crush - you connect little Disney characters to make them “pop!” You get to collect a bunch of different characters and each character has a special ability.
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-RescueHero’s Nostalgia Zone
     A lesser known channel but it’s one of my favorites! It’s a gameplay channel, but pretty much every video is old video games like TV plug and plays, leapster/leap frog games, or CD-ROM games from the 2000s. It’s an active channel, too, and tends to upload every week or so! From what I can tell, there’s no voiceover and their videos are just simple, nostalgic gameplay.
-Shirley Curry
     This one’s a little weird but it’s very wholesome - it’s a grandma in her 80′s(?) who loves to play video games! She mostly plays games for older kiddos like Skyrim, but her videos are very calming and she’s very cute in the way she comments on games. She’s super sweet to her viewers and calls them her grandkids, and usuaslly responds in comments. Her videos are also easy videos to listen to in the background, too.
     I don’t watch a lot of toy channels because a lot of the time they’re over the top and super corny or just... really weird, but this channel is run by two people (I think they are a couple but I’m not sure) named Shannon and Paul, and they’re very casual about their videos (despite the corny thumbnails, lol). Anyway, they mostly do blind bag openings for trinkets and toys that are currently on the shelves - things like Tokidoki, LOL Dolls, Shopkins, minifigures, things like that. It’s a very good channel if you like those cutesy sorts of things but don’t have the money to get them yourself! To my knowledge they’re not really sponsored, so there’s no encouraging you to buy a product or anything like that. Like I said, they’re very casual and do talk during the videos but they talk a little slow and there’s no background music, so they are very easy to understand! I believe Shannon also has a doll-specific channel, too, if you’re into that.
     Better known as piropito, this channel is well known for its really cute and wholesome Minecraft gameplay that you can start watching here. This is a Japanese channel, but he captions his own videos, so don’t worry! Anyway, his goal was to figure out everything in Minecraft with absolutely no cheats or searching the web for information or anything like that. That’s really the only thing I’d recommend on this channel, however, and do be careful because they do have some horror game playthroughs on there so stay safe!
-Sesame Street
     Not much to explain here! It’s Sesame Street, and they post clips of the show, songs, and sometimes even full episodes.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
(found at xxbieberburnham)
“The rest of your life”
Are you independent or dependent? Dependent as all hell. I’ll put my foot down on very certain things, but most of the time I prefer hearing input or suggestions from people I trust. I definitely think it’s something I still have to work on because I know I’ll have to be mostly independent at some point.
If you could put your life into a category, where would it go? I feel like this would be easier to answer if you gave a list of categories. I don’t know what kind of insight you’re looking for.
How many animals do you have? I have two, but I call them pets.
Are you popular? Idk and I don’t care. All I know is I don’t actively seek to be so.
What time were you born? 9:11 in the evening.
Have you had any candy this week? Yeah, I had a gummy worm this morning. Mom bought a box of Halloween-themed sweets and there were cupcakes had gummy worms on them alongside marshmallows designed to look like a tombstone.
Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Hurricanes are terrifying, but I’m used to them. We don’t get tornadoes at all so I’ll not only be unprepared for those, but would definitely be more afraid of them too.
Do you like those nerd glasses? Sure, I still think they’re cute and look good on people but I never called them nerd glasses lol. Mine are kinda shaped like one.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Nah, I’d be wiped out pretty fast.
What color is your house? A light shade of beige.
When was the last time you saw a rainbow? More than a year ago, I’m sure. It was during our ride back home from a journalism workshop, which if I remember correctly was all the way in Cavite. Goddamn we traveled a lot for those workshops.
Have you ever ate a crayon? I’ve never bitten off a piece but I’m not ruling out at least licking.
Ever rode in a helicopter? Nope. Would love to.
Do you like rabbits? Sure.
Do you like mushrooms? For the most part I don’t even think they taste like anything, so I never really had a problem with mushrooms.
“It’s like you step into the room and just press play”
What was the last movie you cried at? That Thing Called Tadhana. I had watched it five years ago after my first breakup; I got to go to Sagada shortly after that breakup, so that movie was actually very therapeutic for me at the time because it allowed me to release my feelings the way Mace did, also in Sagada. Now I’m stuck at home and can’t travel and that movie just hurt too much to finish.
What ice cream flavor best describes your personality? I don’t really...pair ice cream flavors with types of personalities.
Would you rather work for a small or large company? Large, because I feel like I’d be challenged more in those and thus learn more. Also it just looks nicer on resumés, if I’m being honest. Smaller companies are ok too but I prefer those that already have a rep for churning excellent results and having a good track record for workplace culture, like the company I’m currently working with.
Where's your favorite place to buy clothes? Ukays. I used to not like them, but my mom and sister did a great job reeling me in and making me see the appeal.
How many languages do you speak? Two.
What was the worst movie you've ever seen? Me Before You was such a waste of my time. Predictable, cheesy, and typical asshole-guy-softens-up-over-time-oh-and-just-as-you-start-to-root-for-him-we’re-gonna-kill-him-off. But idk, I was with friends who were into movies like those and I wanted to support them, so I went along to watch.
What video game have you played the most? Cumulatively, pretty sure it’s Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
What was your favorite TV show as a child? I was a Nickelodeon girl and Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, and My Life as a Teenage Robot were my top 3, with Jimmy Neutron closely trailing at #4. I loved Disney shows too but wasn’t really able to appreciate them as much until I got a little older and could understand their humor better.
What's your favorite sport? My answer won’t change - if it counts, pro wrestling. If it doesn’t, my next favorite is table tennis.
If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it? Nothing creative is coming to me at the moment.
Do you believe there’s life on other planets? Yes. Maybe not the ones in our solar system, but those out in the distant universe for sure.
What was the worst place you ever traveled to? Can’t say I’ve truly disliked a particular place we’ve been to. I will say that Chinese people have a...culture that I’m not used to, and I did not enjoy touring with a bunch of them during my cruise. They had buffet habits that I would consider unhygienic, they would sit at the same table my mom and I were eating at if there were available seats(??????? imagine if I just sat beside you at a diner while you’re having lunch?), and apparently it’s acceptable for them to actually look you in the eyes and point directly at you if they’re talking about you with other people. It was honestly a lot to put up with for six days, and the only reason I didn’t lose my temper was because my dad works in the ship and I didn’t want to cause him any trouble.
What is one thing you’re really bad at? Making art.
Do you believe in angels? No. I like referring to my grandpa as my guardian angel, but I don’t actually believe in angels.
Would you rather be a famous actor or musician? I know I’m awful at either, but I’d much rather act.
“where have you been all my life?”
If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been? It’d be cool to come up with something that ends up being widely popular and/or beneficial to society, but do it accidentally; like how popsicles came to be. Imagine building a legacy from your own oopsie lmao sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
What's your favorite exercise workout? I don’t do workouts.
What's your favorite thing to do? Wow, very straightforward. Hmm these days I’m slowly inching back to wrestling, so I’ve been watching compilations and documentaries and doing some catching-up here and there. Lately I’d say that’s my favorite thing to do, but that can always change.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? Gab and I went to Pinto and she brought me to Filio after. Then I got back home to see what Athenna had done to my room while I was out, which was to cover the floor with balloons and the walls with printed photos of Zayn Malik.
Does your local Wal Mart have benches in them to rest? First, we’ll need to have local Wal-Mart stores here.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? I never liked stuffed animals, so I didn’t even have a teddy bear.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? Not fuck with the ghosts/spirits.
Are you crazy in love currently? Not crazily, but in love.
Are you good at swimming? I can tread and do several strokes, but I also tend to panic so I think that eliminates the concept of me being a good swimmer.
What's worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? Slow internet. I can get around slow walkers; but unless I have mobile data, slow internet is out of my control for the most part.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? I can’t pick between whistling at me, catcalling me, lunging at me, or flirtatiously harass me in front of his friends while I was minding my goddamn business carrying a goddamn box of cake at the mall. Yeah, not a very big fan of men.
Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? Out.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? Put on a YouTube video and let autoplay take over.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? Yeah I used to, until I lost it.
Ae you afraid that one day you might get cancer? The fear of the possibility is there, but it’s not predominantly in our family history and so I’m more afraid of other issues I have a higher chance of getting, like high blood pressure.
“Letters to Juliet”
Are you a fast or slow walker? Fast if I’m running errands, slow-ish if I’m out for leisure.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? No.
Does it bother you when people's underwear hangs out? Kinda. Even more when their crack decides to show up too.
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? No, I am one of the last people in line when it comes to that.
When's your birthday? April 21st.
Do you own a bobble-head toy? Nopes.
What color was the towel you used to dry off with today after a shower? Turquoise.
Has anyone ever walked you home? I’ve had someone drive me home. Walking isn’t really applicable here.
Have you ever liked someone and they were taken? That’s never happened to me.
When was the last time you went fishing? In my past life, maybe.
True or false: You've read the book Lord of the Flies? False.
Have you heard of the band Yellowcard? Yes.
Have you ever seen the show Teen Wolf? I’ve seen an episode and oh my god it was so boring.
Do you have any quotes, lyrics etc on your walls? I used to until my mom took it down while I was in school. I made it myself, so it stung.
Are you a fan of Star Wars? No.
“Our parents never let us cross the street, but we did it anyway”
Has anyone ever told you that you have nice hair? Whenever it was actually nice, yeah. It was never my best feature though.
What brand of camera do you own? I have...an iPhone, if it counts, ha. My old DSLR was a Nikon.
Is there something you're not looking forward to? The next day. Having to go through rounds of anxiety is not enjoyable.
Have you ever read the book Thirteen Reasons Why? Have not read the book nor seen the show, but have read enough of the premise to know I am not a fan.
Do you wear white pants? Sure, I have a pair of white jeans that I absolutely love.
When was the last time you were really angry? Yesterday. My sister and I were ordering KFC from a food delivery app and no driver was taking it because drivers in that company are notoriously picky bitches about their destinations. They kept canceling our orders and at some point I had enough and proposed that we just get Pizza Hut, this time straight from the Pizza Hut website, which has always worked out for us before. So Pizza Hut confirms the order, calls me up and says the ETA, so far so good. Around 15 minutes later the doorbell rings and it’s...KFC? With our original orders? Apparently that stupid ass app took our order anyway after repeatedly canceling it, and I never got one fucking notification that our order was received. Tried to cancel Pizza Hut but they said they had already started making the pizzas, so in the end we had to pay for both meals. I had never been so angry.
Have you ever made a 3 pointer in a basketball game? Hah, of course not. I’ve barely made one of those free throws that are worth one point.
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down? I’ve gotten more compliments whenever it’s up, so that must look better on me even if I personally don’t necessarily agree.
Do you warm up before you hardcore exercise? I don’t exercise, but isn’t warming up recommended anyway?
Do you want a pair of Converse shoes? Not really; I suppose they’re alright. It’s not my favorite brand in the world, but I wouldn’t turn down a free pair either.
Are you more of a studs or hoops type of person when it comes to earrings? Hoooooooooops for days.
How many shirts do you have of your favorite band? Just one. I’m not a band shirt person.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? There’s no TV in this room.
Have you ever wore a tie before? Yeah, as a kid my mom sometimes made me wear neckties. They made me SO uncomfortable I was having internal breakdowns about being seen in public. I was 7 years old. Neckties to me were a boy thing and I felt 0% boy; and so it gave me such serious dysphoria. It’s like making a boy wear a pink tutu even if he’s already visibly distressed. Whenever I told my mom I felt uncomfortable, she would just tell me it “looks good.” Jesus Christ. Why did no one ever drag my mom to a parenting seminar? Did no one seriously see the signs???
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Garlic rice, bacon strips, and glazed ham.
“For the Krusty Krab”
Are you good at art? Of course not.
How many times have you read your favorite book? I don’t have one.
Name one thing that you really hate. Raisins, on their own and incorporated in a dish.
Have you ever tried walking on stilts? I haven’t.
Is there a war that you find interesting? Eh, not really. So many of historical accounts are bombarded with war narratives as it is, and I’ve just never really found disputes or tensions among countries to be the most interesting part about history. Plus women were mostly absent, and that makes it even more boring.
Would you rather live in the city or country? City.
Do you think $7 is too much for a movie ticket? Not always. $7 or ₱350 is actually pretty reasonable if you wanna see a movie at an upscale mall; people who watch movies in places like that shouldn’t be complaining about movie tickets that cost that much. But all movie theaters are the same anyway - pitch black, freezing, comfy chairs - so I just go to midscale malls where tickets would be like a hundred bucks cheaper since it’s gonna give me the same experience anyway.
Would you like to be a newscast person? For a long time I thought I wanted to be one because that’s what my entire family was rooting me to become. Eventually I realized reading from a teleprompter, interviewing guests, and asking questions to reporters is not a career I want.
Do you like word searches, coloring or crosswords better? Word searches, then coloring, then crosswords.
Close your eyes and press a random key on the keyboard. U.
How many William’s do you know? I don’t think I know anyone. It’s too foreign-sounding a name.
What time did you wake up this morning? I woke up at around 6 AM, but I fell back asleep immediately and woke up again around 30 minutes later.
Do you enjoy crutches? ...No? That seems a little insensitive for people who actually need them.
What's better: Snapple or Arizona tea? Arizona. It’s because I’ve never had the Snapple one, but tbh Arizona is already pretty delicious anyway.
Make a word out of the word: Dinosaur. Round.
“she said I love this song, I’ve heard it before”
When you were younger, did you play with legos? Yes. I was never a creative kid, but I liked playing with them anyway.
Do you like Trix cereal? It was only my absolute favorite cereal as a kid, no biggie.
Do you get nervous easily? Ugh, yes. My parents asked me to get water containers from our local water station last Saturday and I literally had to allot like two hours to brace myself and make a script in my head. I constantly rehearse shit nearly every time I have to go out of the house.
How long is your Facebook password? I’m not sharing that.
Do you like the movie Mean Girls? No, I didn’t find it funny the first time and that made me uninterested in giving it a second chance.
How do you want your wedding to be? Big, grand. Lots of friends, lots of food. Not Catholic/Christian.
Have you seen the movie or show Catfish? Nope.
Do you hate it when you arrive to something early? Not usually. Being early is my goal in most situations, unless I’m headed to like a party.
Have you ever been on Omegle? A few times as a teenager.
Are you still in love with one of your exes? Yes. It’s not going away for a while.
Do you think it's attractive when guys wear beanies? I don’t necessarily seek out men with beanies lol but I don’t think it looks bad on them either.
What's something that makes you feel shy in public? Unfamiliar situations.
Do you like the shows on MTV? No.
If you could go back and relive one day, what day? That last Friday I was in school before the lockdown happened. If I knew what the next eight months were going to look like, I would’ve stayed much longer in school, dragged my friends out to drink, blew my money on food, had more fun basically.
What's one word you hate to be called? Exhausting. Like being told I’m exhausting to be with. How does that not hurt?
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system-of-a-feather · 5 years
Some DID "Accommodations” We Have
Here is a list of some of the things (off the top of my head) we as a system use to help members feel comfortable, handle trauma, work on therapy, and generally communicate and function
The “Current Edition” which will expire in a few days (since we mark the school year as a new therapy year) is just a simple journal book with a few note references, an alter index (what pages each alter appears on), and just general entries regarding concerns, updates, details, conversations, requests, etc etc among the system
The “Upcoming Edition” which will be started soon has five mini-journals. Each of them are independent for each individual of the main alters that front a lot. These journals are for them to do as they please with privacy unless requested (we have tabs for marking)
There is also a “General Mini Journal” which has a table of contents, alter’s list, log (for general switches and important info), important contacts / numbers, wishlists, contracts (system agreements), system map, therapy plans / notes, a general journal (where everyone can write in), and yet another alter index
“Totem” Chains
We haven’t used these in a while, but they are a bunch of items chained to a pocket watch which represent / are connected and tied to a specific alter. We started these in therapy to help work on communication and to find something to help ground / reach other parts but I accidentally packed them away after a bit of not using them.
I have an anime character keychain, Lucille is a pocketwatch, Aya is a pair of chickens, Aderis is a nail clipper (since I wouldn’t let her have a knife)
Fidget / Stress Toys
This is partially to help with Trichotillomania (shared by Aya and myself) but also to help ground ourselves and / or give us important distractions
System Playlists
This is under-developed but it is a work in progress
Emergency ____
These are various items that either are very good at calming one of us down or causing a switch if needed. These often take the form of characters, videos, or songs that we make sure are always able to be accessed on our person as they help with panic attacks and trauma episodes and can be snuck around easily.
Clothing for Alters
We try to give everyone at least one outfit that they are comfortable in that fits their aesthetic. This is so that when they are out, they can feel a bit more like themselves and be more comfortable.
ALL the Little Stuff
A lot of this not going to lie. There is too much to list. Dolls, candy, games, things to hold and cling onto, etc etc.
“Designated Driver” Items
We struggle with driving - or at least I do - as I am the host and easily dissociate while driving. As a result we make sure to have items to help us drive which tend to bring an alter that is good / comfortable with driving near the front.
Aderis = Her playlist + Loud Volume Music + Flavored Drink (Dr. Pepper)
Lucille = Has yet to be figured out.
53 notes · View notes
fallen029 · 5 years
Parenthood: Gift Exchange
"Alright," Mirajane began after she'd placed the huge plate stacked high with pancakes down on the table beside the other covered in bacon and sausage. As her boys, husband, and the Master all dug in, she only moved to snag her one-year-old daughter from her highchair, bouncing the girl in her arms while saying, "Everyone knows the plan for the day? Boys? You all made your lists last night, right?"
There was a murmur of agreement, but it was a distracted one as Nate, the oldest boy, was totally taking too much bacon again while Pike, his younger brother, only began to whine loudly about it and Mace, their always trapped in the middle cousin, decided that meant he could have much of the scrambled eggs as he wanted.
"Let your gramps," Laxus was growling at them then, "get his food first, you brats."
"It's fine, you grump," Makarov told the man with a frown. "They're growing boys. And Nate, you're training hard already, aren't you? On your magic? You need all that bacon." When Nathan beamed at this and Pike looked wounded, the elderly man was sure to add, "But if you don't give your brother a few pieces, I'll bend you over my knee."
"Share, boys," Mirajane sighed as she carried her baby with her over to the counter to get the drinks for everyone. "And you didn't answer me. Everyone wrote their list? And knows what they're getting? I don't mind taking some time at the market today, but I'm only going to do it today. So you have to make sure you get something for everyone you want. You understand?"
"I'mma get somethin' for everyone, Mommy," Pike told her as, finally, Laxus moved to divvy up the food, as he should have been doing from the beginning. "You and Daddy and Gramps and Nate and Mace and Aunt Lisanna and Uncle Elf and Freed and-"
"I'm not getting anything for Laxus!" Nathan yelled this, fueled a bit by his denial of all the bacon, but having been holding that in since the last night, when his father made him sit in timeout over something super dumb (if neglecting your chores was something dumb; it was).
"Good!" Laxus was not in the mood, it seemed. "I don't want anything from you."
"I'mma get you somethin', Uncle Laxus," Mace offered helpfully. "But, I was lookin' at how much everything'll cost so you're probably just gonna get a keychain. Or do you want a mug? Some candy?"
"Boys, don't spoil it by telling people what you're getting them," Mira chided over her shoulder as Ivory, her little one, mewled in her ear. "That takes the fun out of it."
But Laxus, who definitely did not want another fucking keychain or mug was thankful for the heads up.
"Candy," he grunted to his nephew, "will do."
"Mark me off your lists, boys," Makarov told them as Mirajane brought him his coffee first, drawing the ire of his grandson. As his great ones looked on with frowns, he assured them, "Getting to send another festival with you is gift enough."
"Aw, Master," Mirajane giggled while Laxus only rolled his eyes. Still, she was sure to add, "You can still make your grandpa cards, boys."
It was Winter Festival and that meant that Laxus had given each of them a stipend for the month, to buy gifts for one another. Money didn't feel as tight however, this month, after a successful S-Class job, and Laxus gave them a bit extra, telling them to buy for anyone else they wanted as well.
This meant big decisions had to be made.
Between the three of them, the two older boys knew how to game the system just a bit. Buying one another gifts that they would want to play with as well. Poor Pike though, he wasn't as savvy, and actually always got his big bubba and older cousin toys they'd like, not himself. He was a bit of a chump, thankfully, in the eyes of Nate and Mace.
Market day was usually one that all the boys avoided, because it meant carrying heavy groceries all the way home and being told no a bunch, by Mirajane or Laxus, and that sucked. But one days like this one, where expectations and anticipation melted into one, the hype was high.
"Here, dragon." He got his coffee with a kiss to the cheek, but when he tried to snag his baby as well, Mirajane only held tight to her. Making a face at him, she added, "She's mine."
She was not.
But he was going to give in for the moment because his stomach was growling.
"Ivory and I will probably take a nap, I think, while you all are out at the market," Makarov sighed to himself as Mirajane then took to getting the boys their juice. "Unless this coffee manages to wake me up."
"Egg probably wants to come to the market too," Nate argued, just a bit (no one was risking getting into too much trouble, that morning). "I bet if she could, she'd buy me a gift. And only me. And you too, Mommy."
Laxus seethed silently.
"Don't call your sister an egg," Mira chided absently as, finally, it was time for her to make herself a plate and Ivory one as well, from the leftovers.
"I'm gonna get Ivy a new bow," Pike announced, mangling his little sister's name with the same abandon as always. "It's okay to say, I think, Mommy, 'cause she doesn't know what I'm saying."
"Ivory doesn't want a bow," Nate retorted. "She wants some new toy cars."
"Nate, don't just buy what you want," Mira sighed, but oh, he definitely was.
"I think Ivory wants a new teddy to chew on," Mace mused softly.
But Laxus, who knew what his baby wanted was to be with him, not trapped back in her high chair, only grumbled to the boys, "Just remember your budgets. You run outta jewels, you're outta luck."
"Oh, dragon, they're big boys," Mirajane assured the man as she still neglected feeding herself, instead, watching over Ivory as the baby mostly made a mess of her eggs. "Remember, Daddy's gonna go with you, Pike, to get your list, and I'm going to expect you two, Nate and Mace, to take care of yourselves while I buy some things for the big dinner. Okay? Ooh and I gotta do some shopping for the guild-"
"We'll be good, Mom," Nate assured her with that bright grin only the woman got out of him. "Promise."
She believed them.
But only because they were all so excited.
Laxus didn't wanna leave poor, whiny Ivory with Gramps. But everyone's arms would be so full, coming back home, too full for her stroller, and, well, she was looking a bit sleepy, ready for her mid morning nap.
"Remember," Mira cautioned the boys as they approached the busy market, "no looking in one another's bags. And no talking to strangers. Unless they're shopkeepers, I guess. Maybe. And do not leave the market, Pike and Nate. I mean it. And oh, Pike, remember to hold Daddy's hand."
Oh, he definitely was.
"Alright, Pike," Laxus sighed some as he led his white haired child through the busy market, packed to its fullest as holiday shoppers perused the wares. "where should we head first?"
"Well, I wanna get Mommy some nail polish. And for Aunt Ever too."
"And Ivy a bow."
"And when I need to get you your gift," Pike asked, looking up at his father, "should I just tell you to close your eyes?"
"Sure, fine, whatever."
"Okay." Pike came to an abrupt stop in front of some mugs. "Close your eyes."
Laxus humored him, but only because Pike deserved it.
Mirajane was too busy though, planning out the family dinner after the festival as well as worrying over the list she had for the afternoon guild festivities to worry about presents. She and Laxus already had the boys big joint gift locked down and had for a few weeks. She'd just get her sister and Bickslow liquor, Freed some nice new cuff links, and Evergreen and Elfman something small since, you know, they were raising their son for them ninety percent of the time…
Or maybe she'd just also get them alcohol.
She did sigh some, when she thought of her dragon. The past year hadn't been the worst of their relationship, honestly, but it hadn't been the most pleasant either. Things were trending upwards though and she wanted to get him something nice. Special. He'd gone through a lot, providing in the past year for them all, and she didn't ever want him to not feel appreciated.
But Laxus felt much the same, glancing about at random things as Pike drug him through shop after shop, passed merchant displays. This pregnancy had been a bit more difficult on Mira than her first and having three kids (well, four) was a lot to balance. And she did so much work up the bar. Took care of his grandfather. Him. His demon looked out for all of them. He couldn't keep track of things, the way she did. For all the back breaking work he put in, training and taking jobs, it was always so much more draining, when he was filling in at home. He couldn't imagine dealing with the dumb guild, on top of that.
"I love the Winter Festival," Pike told him with a giggle as he blinked up at the light snowfall from above.
Laxus, not nearly as thrilled, made a face at the white specks as they drifted down, but still only grumbled to his son, "Yeah. Me too."
Still, the boys were all energized, on the long walk back home, carrying their bundles of gifts as their parents struggled with the other groceries.
"Nate, take your stuff to your bedroom," Mira sighed as, once the house was in sight, all three boys took off in a sprint, wanting to get there first. "Pike, go to yours. Mace, go to me and your uncles, huh? And I'll be by soon to give you all your wrapping paper and tape. No peeking at one another's stuff, okay? And Lax, just set the other stuff down in the kitchen, huh?"
Oh, he was. And then he was going to go steal his baby from dumb Gramps.
Ivory was excited to see her father, who only took her with him down to the hall a bit later, under the instruction of Mirajane, along with the things she needed brought there. The kids didn't go to the hall often, and Ivory even less than the boys, so she got made over a bit, when he entered with her, by the female members and that was fine; they could keep her for a second while he put the groceries in the back.
"Sis did the shopping, huh?" Lisanna asked from behind the bar as he walked in, all loaded up. "Hey, do you know what she's cooking for dinner? After the festival? Bickslow's cut out garlic."
"Why?" the slayer grumbled as she followed him into the back area. Not to help or anything, oh no, just observe. "In what world would garlic have any affect on-"
"Well, he just has, so-"
"Then I guess be better not eat, huh?"
"Are we eating something with garlic?"
"I don't fucking know, Lisanna. I-"
"Is someone grouchy?"
He was sour now, at least, but she only grinned at the face he made.
"Lighten up, big brother," she teased him openly. "It's almost Winter Festival."
Yeah. And that's why, after leaving the hall, he decided to stay out for a bit longer, to avoid the mess this was causing back at home.
It was a good time for Ivory, at least, who always enjoyed being pushed around in her stroller. But eventually the temperature felt like it was dipping a little bit too much and he decided to take her home. The boys were enjoying the outdoors, however, when he arrived, no doubt kicked out of the house by their mother, who was probably inside stressing over dinner and presents and ugh.
Pike was very busy hiding behind the big tree in the yard as Mace and Nate pelted one another with snowballs and Laxus only sighed, watching for a moment, before opening his mouth to call out for them to calm down a bit. But at the sound of his father's voice, Nate only turned to look at him, a devious look in his eyes, and turned his rapid fire onto the man.
Only, well, Laxus was just so tall and kind of far away still and the snow balls didn't smack into his father's face like he wanted, but rather into his sister's stroller and, well, she was not happy about this.
"Damn it, Nathan!"
"I'm sorry," he complained, rushing over as his father only moved to lift the baby into his arms. "I didn't mean to!"
"You have to be more careful!"
"Stop yelling at me! I already said sorry!"
"Lax, what's going on?"
And Mirajane was coming out there then, at the sound of all the yelling. She'd been expecting to break the boys up from, honestly, picking on Pike, but to find her husband back around, causing the issues only made her roll her eyes.
"He just threw a snowball at his sister."
"It was an accident, Mommy!" And Nate, who'd been going over to argue with his father (and comfort his sister) abandoned ship as he ran to his protector instead. "And he's yelling at me about it."
"We just have to be more careful," she sighed as, after patting her oldest on the head, she came to collect her youngest. "And Pike, why don't you go ahead and come inside too? You can help me make hot chocolate."
Anything to keep him away from the snowball fire. He'd come outside to make snow angels. If Ivory's reaction to getting a snowball to the face was any indication of how much it sucked, Pike wanted none of it.
Nate didn't have long to steam over his father (and, honestly, of missing and hitting his little sister) because Mace, seizing the older boy's distraction beaned him one, right in the face and oh, that would be paid back in full.
Inside, he could hear Pike going on and on to his mother about how he'd really wanted to build an igloo and make snow angels, not get pummeled by snowballs, to which she listened sympathetically and assured him, before winter was over, she'd make sure he got to do both.
Laxus wanted to go snag Ivory, from where she was hanging off her mother's hip, but Mira seemed rather insistent on keeping her, so he only slunk off to go check in on the old man.
Makarov was standing up, over by his bedroom window, looking out over the front yard, no doubt watching his great-grandson. Great-grandsons, maybe. Depending on who you asked.
"You're too hard on him, Laxus," the man remarked without turning to look at his grandson. "Children make mistakes."
"You gotta be hard on them," the man retorted. "Or else they turn out like-"
Makarov glanced over at him then, but only to ask, "And what of my hall?"
"Runnin' just fine without you anywhere near it," the slayer reported with a bit of snark. "Amazin' how that works, huh?"
After making a noise in the back of his throat, the older man remarked, "You should enjoy your boys. All of them. While you have them. Laxus."
"What are you talking about now?"
"Winter Festival only comes once a year." He was looking back then, out the window, down at where Nate had finally gotten the better of Mace once more. "Don't spend all of it looking so down."
He didn't want to. Had no intentions of doing so. Hadn't realized he was. But it was with furrowed brows that he ran into his wife, not soon after that, her headed into their bedroom to put Ivory down for her midday nap.
"Oh, dragon, did you want to take one with her?" she asked with a bit of a yawn herself, but while the man did lean down to brush his forehead gently against his sleepy baby's, he still found himself shaking his head.
"No," he sighed as he walked on then, to the kitchen to collect Pike and take him out into the backyard, away from the older boys for awhile. "I have snow angels to make."
And after that, a snowball fight to win.
And maybe even an igloo or two, in the coming days.
They passed quickly enough, the days, and then it was Winter Festival and man, the boys sure were hyped. They went down to the guild with their parents, a rare treat, where all the adults were having an early morning party with their guild family before the parade and other festivities.
As great as the parade was (and being at the hall where, each three hoped, even timid Pike, to one day find their own place), it was even better when it was over and they got to go home, where Mirajane and the reluctant Lisanna busied themselves in the kitchen while the others all sat around, drinking and talking as the boys sat in the corner, unwrapping their gifts first.
"Wow!" Pike lit right up when, upon unwrapping the presents from his cousin and brother, rather than finding toys the two older boys would be more interested in, he found that Mace had gotten him this extremely cool toy pirate ship to play with in the bathtub and Nate had gotten him a dark bandanna with a skull and cross bones over it.
"You gotta wear it like this," his big bubba said as he helped tie it over the bottom half of Pike's face.
"Now you're a real pirate," Mace assured him with a quick nod and the little white haired boy wasn't so sure, but he hoped so.
When the boys finished with their own gifts though, they were quick to go around to all the adults in the family, passing out the tiny ones they'd gotten them.
"I almost didn't get you anything," Nate remarked to Lisanna when he came in there to present his mother with a very nice spatula (he felt like she could use this a lot, when she was flipping him grilled cheeses; Mira pretended to not only be happy, but also surprised). "'cause you suck."
"Same," Lisanna remarked back as she handed him his very own five jewels! And he gave her this dumb keychain that she definitely wasn't going to keep forever or anything.
"I wrote you a card too, Mommy," he added to Mira who only nodded and sent him back into the living room to finish passing his things out.
Mace was very pleased with the holiday as it seemed to be the only one that ever got to his mother and convinced both of his parents to stick around, just for a bit. They were both gone so much, off on jobs or just busy, and that was fine, maybe, because Uncle Laxus and Aunt Mirajane weren't, they were there, they could be there, but…
There was just something different, about your actual mom and dad.
His father tossed him up in the air, like he was a very little boy again, instead of just a little boy, and told him that he'd wear his new tie everywhere and Evergreen sighed some, around her glass of wine at the cheap pair of earrings her son presented her with, before looking off and maybe she was just really sweaty. From being inside with the fireplace going and all. But it almost looked like she teared up. Maybe. As she thanked him.
Master loved all cards all three boys presented him and Nate declared that Egg liked his present the best, but Mace was pretty certain his littlest cousin loved her new teddy the most.
Laxus was talking with Freed over in the corner and Nate finished his rounds with the two of them, going over to give the green haired man a really cool comic book he found, with a sword fighter on it.
"I feel," Nathan told him simply, "like you need this."
Freed didn't, but bowed to the boy all the same.
Looking to his father then, Nate almost just stuck his tongue out, because Laxus was still a butt, he was the biggest butt, but he was still his dad and, well…
"Three coffee mugs," Laxus remarked as his oldest too presented him with one. Different, technically, than the one Mace had, with the lightning design, or the one he'd witnessed Pike get, with #1 Dad printed upon it, but not by much, considering it just said Magnolia on it and seemed to be some sort of touristy shit. "I...don't know how I'll pick which one to drink from first."
"Choose Pike," Mace suggested as he came over to beam up at his uncle. "He doesn't win lots."
But he felt like he'd won the world, as he just couldn't wait for once, until bath time, when he could play with his new pirate ship.
Bickslow was conspicuously absent, however, and it was about then that the boys were taking notice of this. As Nate was just about ready to eat the chocolate he bought his kinda uncle, kinda not, there was a loud knock at the door.
"Oi, boss," came a call from the other side. "Is it time?"
No better, anyways, as Laxus rushed to go toss the door open.
"Oh, wow!" Pike forgot all about his pirate dreams then as, along with his uncle, something else came barreling into the Dreyar household. "A puppy!"
The brown haired pup ran straight to the first equally excited thing it saw, which happened to be Mace, and as the boy fell to the ground, letting the new dog sniff and lick all over him, while Pike only observed with great interest, but from the safe distance of behind his Uncle Elf's legs, Nathan only stood there, silent for once.
Mirajane had come to peek in from the kitchen and frowned at first, seeing this. She'd been worried about it, getting a new dog without keying the boy into it at first. She'd had Laxus hold off on it for a few months, to let them process the loss of their last one. It had been rather devistating to the boys, especially Nathan, and while Laxus felt like the only way to cure this was a new beast, his wife wasn't nearly as certain.
She felt like her fears were founded as Nathan only stood there for a few moments, watching his cousin play with the puppy, and maybe they were. Because he did hesitate, feeling a bit of a pit in his stomach, because he wasn't so certain he wanted a new dog yet. Or a new anything. Two had been his entire world since, well, in his mind he was born, but in actuality, since he was just two himself, and…
"HE's my dog, Mace, so knock it off!" Nathan was running over there then, to make sure the dog knew who it belonged to.
"She," Laxus grumbled to his oldest as the dog seemed just as happy to attack the blond boy as well. "And she's all your dog, Nate. Mace. Pike. And I expect her to be cared for and trained and looked after. Not by your mom or Gramps either. By you."
It felt like a lot of responsibility. A lot to be dealt with another day, of course. And, as Pike tentatively went to investigate their new puppy further, the tension in the room was all but gone and things were at ease again.
Until that dang dog noticed Ivory over on the floor, happily chewing on her teddy, and came over to do so as well. And, well, as Laxus went to snatch her up and snuggle his little baby to him, he was glad to find her displeasure in Two hadn't been a fluke; she, much like her father, saw dogs for the foul beasts they were.
The time would be much later, after many drinks and a heavy dinner, as the boys drifted off not in their beds, but scattered around the living room with their toys and new puppy snoozing along beside them, and Gramps in the recliner as the rest of their family stumbled off drunk, that the demon and dragon finally found themselves alone.
"We have to," she yawned as she laid Ivory down in her crib and Laxus only stood over her shoulder, observing, but silent, "put the boys to bed. And Master. And the dog needs to go pee, before we do. Go to bed, I mean. And pee, I guess. And I need to-"
When she turned to look at him, her blue eyes were glassy, from the wine with her dinner, and he only smiled weakly into them.
"I couldn't find the right thing to get you."
And she giggled, as he seemed disappointed in himself, reaching out to pat at his chest as she reassured him.
"I couldn't either."
And they both laughed, maybe a bit too loudly as it made Ivory whine from her crib, but as he peeked in at her once more, Mirajane only leaned forwards to rest her head on his chest.
"I got you a new coat," she told him softly. "It's all I could think of."
"I got you a necklace. It's nice, I guess, but it just… I don't know. I wanted to get you the perfect thing-"
"That's what I wanted to do for you."
"You are perfect for me."
"You are." And he leaned down then to kiss her sleepily, drunkenly, but purposefully as well. As they blinked at one another in their dark bedroom, he whispered, "You're so perfect for me."
She blushed, more from the wine than his words, but nodded as she whispered, "So are you for me."
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interstellix · 5 years
OwO which one is your favorite game?? and favorite character?
oof this is tbh a hard question to answer :((
first one first, i really really liked birth by sleep. i love the trio and the whole story line and oh my gosh the connections it had to the other games :(( tHe freaKinG bOarDgAmES pISSED ME OFF so hard fjidjfdk but other than that i really like most of the other game features and combat styles :’) and?? i actually came to like all the melding too haha??
second, i also loved kh3 a bunch. ngl i have a bunch of issues with this game. i kinda disliked how they put all of the org13 boss fights towards the very very end of the game. the caribbean was fun, i’ll admit that but it was ridiculously huge with all islands to visits aNd tHE BATTLESHIP FIGHTS pls end me. arendelle... had me crying in frustration through the world : ) they also degraded twilight town and its map to absolute nothing and rly, we all expected 100 acre word to be all mini-game but honestly i just kinda felt it was like playing candy crush fjdfld. and. and. kairi’s character development is still non-existent and i’m still questioning if all the training with axel even paid off hhhh. also there’s donald
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idgi why is he saying that like he’d do any good he healed me liked three times
oooon the other hand, as harsh and petty as i may sound lol, kh3 is still among the top games. i loved the story line and i don’t think it’s that complex as many others make it sound to be (let’s be real a whole bunch of them have only played kh1 and 2). monstropolis and toy box were really fun to play and they included my favorite worlds - kingdom of corona and san fransokyo - and tbh did pretty much nothing wrong with it. i loved the new additional features too and the soundtrack is amazing oh my :((( also?? can we just?? talk about the whole game design like
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on top of that, they really nailed building up sooo much tension and excitement and all the connections to all the other games?? holy shit. and the fact that there’s gonna be dlc in barely three months? hell yes.
aaaall that said, i thinkkkk my favorite must be kh2. i’m not even gonna explain myself here, the game is just :’) close to top notch :’)
as for my favorite characters?? ooh boy. ngl i pretty much hated riku during kh1 with him being the pissy bitch he was. but the more i played the more i loved him like?? he loves sora sm, he only wants the best for him and i’m all here for it. for some reason i also love his relation with mickey lmao and his character development was pretty damn great. also cAn we pLEaSe talk about his character design in kh3?? i still don’t understand just how the hell the heartless gave him a new haircut but i’m legit grateful for it i mean look at him pls
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sis idk he’s just the real mvp here
and. ventus. listen the only thing i can say about my reason for this is that he’s an absolute cinnamon roll and you can’t convince me otherwise.
my third is probaby aqua. come on. like 99.9% of the fandom stans her and i totally get why.
speaking of ventus, we might as well put vanitas to the list as well uwu big bad guy or not idc i just love his character at this point and after his fight with sora and ventus?? end me pls.
theeen there’s namine. i just love her. period.
AND LUXU??? LUXU?????? FREAKING LUXU I HATE HIM BUT I ALSO LOVE HIM holy shit. he just?? went from a normal org13 member to one of the most important characters and in the most epic way ever : ))
also i just have to mention that sora isn’t among my absolute favorites but i still love him with my whole heart oh my god and like, he has way more character and traits now than before and we stan this ok. other than that i also love his relation with rapunzel it’s so cute fjdjfdfk
i’m sorry i didn’t mean to write a whole essay on this but here we are lol
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