#and she would never put it in the syllabus
kittyhazelnut · 2 years
guess who just lost another 5% of their professionalism grade for not handing in the papers that I was told we weren't supposed to hand in because they were for our benefit and not for the clinical instructors'? :D
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juyeonszn · 1 year
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PAIRING lee juyeon x f!reader
GENRES fluff ﹒ smut ﹒ minuscule bit of angst
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, boy next door/neighbor au, reader was in a toxic-ish relationship, juyo is so cute and so sweet, until he’s kinda 😵‍💫 yk?, um kevin and changmin appearances, reader being absolutely irrevocably impossibly down bad for juyeon’s hands, so hand kink lol, making out, vaginal fingering, cum eating…. lol, they get a little sappy at the end
SUMMARY maybe this was for the better. maybe it was okay to let your guard down every once in a while, so long as it was always for your flirty neighbor.
MORE i would like to apologize for putting this out a day late… um i was really busy preparing for my enhypen concert so 😭 not a lot of writing was happening since there wasn’t enough brain juice flowing. anyways. ENJOY <3 pls rb if u did! (ALSO THANK U REESE AND @sungbeam FOR BETAING AND EDITING <<<3 i love y’all sm)
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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If there was one thing you took pride in, it was your keen sense of hospitality.
You’d been raised as the type of girl to always be welcoming when a new face arrived, to be that guiding light for them as they adjusted to all the changes in their life. When you were little, your mother taught you to introduce yourself first, because you never knew if that person was shy or not. Of course, there was the usual ‘Stranger Danger’ pep talk, but it differed greatly from the new friend pep talk.
The first time you exhibited this wonderful trait of yours was in middle school when the foreign student in your class was forced to stand at the front of the room. He wasn’t necessarily shy, but you could tell he didn’t really enjoy being put on the spot, hands behind his back as he said his name and where he was from.
Kevin Moon. Age 13. Vancouver, Canada.
The only empty desk in the classroom was the one beside yours, and that was the golden opportunity to become best friends with the new kid. As soon as he settled into his seat and class had resumed as normal, you leaned over slightly and cupped a hand over your mouth to whisper loud enough that he could hear.
“Hi! I’m Y/N!”
He gave you a small smile in return and from then on, you and Kevin Moon were the best of friends.
The second time you proved your kindness was your freshman year of college. It was still syllabus week, but your professor had sent out an email over the weekend with papers that needed to be printed and brought to class. The guy next to you didn’t get the memo, freaking out over already messing things up on the first day.
You didn’t know him at all, but you felt bad that he was so stressed. In turn, you decided to rip up your own papers. He looked at you like you were crazy, maybe because you were. What idiot does something like that?
You give him a warm smile. “There. Now we’re both missing it.”
All he can do is laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. “I’m Changmin.”
After that, Ji Changmin came to be another one of your closest friends. It was kind of silly that something your mother instilled in you at a young age had become such a big part of your life. It brought you people who you’d cherish forever. But it also brought people you wish you’d never met.
“Get the fuck out.”
“Y/N, babe, we can work through this—”
“Are you deaf?” Your tone raises and your feet carry you to the front door, swinging it open. “I said to get out of my apartment.”
“We’ve been together for three years. You’re not gonna fight for us?” He pleads, clasping his hands as he stands in front of you.
“Why would I? Why should I stay with someone who doesn’t value me enough to stay loyal?” You seethe, your anger growing in size the longer you glare at his pathetic face. The face of a man you thought would love you until death did you part.
“She meant nothing to me!” He tries to rationalize with you, but you won’t have any of it. You weren’t stupid and you sure as hell weren’t blind.
“Do you take me as a fucking fool, Daehyun? I’ve known for months that you weren’t ‘working late at the office’. She even DMed me and showed me screenshots of your messages. Now get out before I call the cops.” You’re so pissed off that you don’t even realize you’re crying, fat tears trickling down your hot cheeks.
“After all I’ve done for you and all I’ve given you? You’re gonna act like a bitch?” He drops the innocent boyfriend act, backing you into the doorframe.
“Leave, Daehyun.” You say flatly. You’re not gonna give him the satisfaction of crumbling beneath the weight of his words. You knew the truth, you knew what kind of person he truly was after all this time.
He scoffs, grabbing his jacket off the hook beside him and finally storming out of your apartment. You cover your mouth with your hand to muffle the sobs that so badly want to escape. You watch as he bumps shoulders with a stranger holding a box, thankfully not looking back at you.
You make eye contact with said stranger, eyes wide like a child who’d just gotten caught with their hands in a cookie jar. His eyes resemble those of your friends’ when you told them you’d found out about your boyfriend’s infidelity. You both stand there for a moment, an impromptu staring contest ensuing.
Quickly, you snap out of your trance, cowering into your apartment. You vaguely remember the elderly woman across the hall mentioning that someone was moving into the unit beside yours. She had never told you a specific date, though. Had you known it was today, you might’ve expedited the dramatic break-up with Daehyun.
How could you possibly introduce yourself to him after he witnessed that? And in your current state; snot-nosed and teary-eyed? There was no way. You’d just have to postpone that for another day. Hopefully he didn’t mind too much.
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“Was he cute?”
“Kevin, why is that what you’re worried about?” Changmin’s mouth pulls into a thin line, smacking the slightly older male over the back of the head. He winces, caressing the spot to ease the pain.
“I wasn’t really paying attention to that when I had just shoved my cheating ex boyfriend out of my apartment,” you push around the ramyeon on your plate with your chopsticks. “I do feel terrible that he had to see that though. But how can I face him after that?”
Kevin taps his chin with his index finger, lips pursed in thought. “Why don’t you bake for him? Welcome him to the complex like the hospitable neighbor you are.”
“That’s not a half bad idea, actually.” Changmin nods, shoveling some rice onto his spoon. The Pisces deadpans and reclines in his chair.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Okay, enough bickering you two. I need you to finish eating so I can start planning what to bake.”
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The third time you practice your mother’s life lesson, is the next evening when you’re face-to-face with your neighbor’s door.
Your hands have begun to clam up beneath the warm tupperware of cookies you were holding. Were you supposed to just knock on his door like everything was fine and dandy? What if he wasn’t even home? Maybe you should just leave the baked goods with a note and—
The door swings open to reveal the stranger from a few days ago. However, this time he also wears that expression of shock, cat-like eyes widened. Your mouth moves like fish out of water, not sure what you should say or how you should say it. So you don’t think and you just act, extending the tupperware towards him.
“H-Hi, I’m Y/N, I’m your neighbor,” your speech is a little shaky, but you’re too nervous to focus on that. “I— um— I baked these for you as a housewarming gift to welcome you to the complex. As well as an apology for making you a bystander in my messy breakup.”
His features relax as a smile inches its way onto his face, graciously accepting the treats you made for him. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that. And don’t even worry about it, I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“N-No, you’re fine, I swear! We shouldn’t have aired our dirty laundry so publicly like that. You did nothing wrong.” You wave your hands as if physically dismissing his words. He lets out a little chuckle that warms your chest.
“If it’s any consolation, I’m glad that you left the dude. He sounded like a total asshole,” your neighbor tucks the tupperware under his arm, leaning against the threshold of his apartment. “You seem too nice to settle for somebody like that. From what I’ve seen, of course.”
You don’t know why that has your heart skipping a beat like a high school girl. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he really was cute. He had a boyish charm to him, but not so much so that it overpowered how handsome he was. Kevin was going to have a field day with this information.
“Uh, thank you. I should be getting back to my place now. I have an early day at work tomorrow. Have a good night!” You clear your throat to kick yourself out of whatever stupor you were about to fall into, bowing. As you’re turning on your heel to make the ten foot trip to your own apartment, he calls out your name.
“I’m Juyeon, by the way.” He grins, waving as you push open your door.
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“Now that is quite the interesting development.” Kevin snorts, helping himself to one of the raspberry filled donuts you’d just finished baking.
“If you keep eating my product, I’m gonna have to kick you out of the kitchen and out of my bakery,” you chide, swatting his hands away from the baker’s rack. “And how is that interesting in the slightest? I literally gave him the cookies, apologized, and that was that.”
“He was literally flirting with you, Y/N. Changmin, tell her I’m right. Apparently I’m no longer a voice of reason here.” He says through a full mouth.
“I mean, yeah? Kinda? Calling a girl nice is usually guy code for ‘I think you’re attractive and I could see myself sleeping with you’,” Changmin shrugs, tearing off a piece of Kevin’s donut. “But I also see where you’re coming from. You did just meet each other. He could’ve just been trying to console you in a way.”
“Why am I even friends with men when they’re useless?” You throw your head back, speaking to no one in particular.
Perhaps Kevin truly was overthinking the situation. Juyeon seemed to be a kind person who probably didn’t want any problems with his neighbors. It made sense why he’d side with you after witnessing your break up. Besides, the wounds were still too fresh to even consider thinking of anyone else in such a way. No matter how hot they may be…
You’d just have to wait and see for yourself. Only time could tell what would become of the nature of your relationship with your cute new neighbor.
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You look insane with everything in your cart, filled to the brim with baking ingredients. It was around 10 PM and here you were, at the grocery store buying the things needed to make cinnamon rolls. Being a baker with a bit of a sweet tooth meant your cravings got a little out of hand at times, forcing you to make drastic decisions. (I.E. grocery shopping so late at night.)
Even your clothing choice was silly: flimsy pajama shorts with Care Bears patterned on them, a baggy t-shirt, and matching slippers. It’s not like anyone cared anyway. And it wasn’t like you were trying to impress anybody either.
But as you’re walking towards the registers, you start to regret your outfit. You very quickly spot your neighbor with a basket on his arm, waiting in line for self-checkout. You feel all the color drain from your face as you stand there, staring like an absolute idiot.
He’s dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants, a hoodie swallowing his figure. He looks so effortlessly good, it kind of makes you upset. Because how are you just now meeting a guy who’s both kind and attractive? As far as you were concerned, they didn’t exist in real life— they only existed in fairytales.
Juyeon looks up from his phone and catches your eye, his hand coming up to give you a little wave and one of those crinkly eye smiles that he does when you pass each other in the hall.
As the weeks have passed, you’ve seen him more and more than you deemed normal. You’d bump into each other on the way to or from picking up your mail, you’d hold the elevator for the other in record time, and you’d even leave your apartments at the same time. Now it appears you’re running into the guy at the supermarket, too. You tried to chalk it all up to coincidence, that you just both happened to be thinking on the same wavelength.
But shyly waving back to him right now reminds you that divine intervention had crazy ways of working its magic. Perhaps those had all just been openings for you to engage in something more with your cute neighbor. And there was only one way to find out.
You psych yourself up as you walk towards him, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Juyeon’s smile grows wider as he notices you approaching. “Hey, stranger. What are you up to tonight?”
“Some late baking,” you giggle, wanting to punch yourself in the face for sounding like a goddamn school girl. “I was actually wondering if you’d like to come over and keep me company? Totally up to you of course! I just thought it might be nice to get to know each other properly.”
Your suggestion is what leads the two of you to meet back up at your apartment after purchasing your respective groceries. You attempt to tidy up as best you can while you wait for the knock at your door, setting out all the ingredients on the counter and preheating your oven.
The soft knock comes moments later and you find yourself practically running to open the door, grinning at the sheepish expression on Juyeon’s face. You allow him inside of your apartment, trailing after him into the kitchen. Part of you felt like you were moving on too fast after Daehyun. As a baker, your kitchen was your safe space. It was where you went when you needed to be alone and in the comfort of what you knew best. Kevin and Changmin were the only ones you trusted to be within that element. For you to let Juyeon in— to let him permeate the walls you’ve never let down before, not even with your ex— was brand new territory.
“I almost forgot you own a bakery,” Juyeon speaks up, fingers tracing along the stand mixer. “But seeing all this expensive equipment reminded me of that. It only makes sense that someone as sweet as you would constantly be around sweet treats.”
You fail to bite back your smile. Maybe this was for the better. Maybe it was okay to let your guard down every once in a while, so long as it was always for your flirty neighbor. He laughs when you nudge his shoulder, grabbing all the dry ingredients for the dough.
“On a scale of one to ten, how patient are you?” You ask, avoiding his eyes as you open the flour. The question was in regards to several things.
“I’d say about an eight or nine. Patience is a virtue, you know. It comes easily if you practice hard enough.” He answers, leaning against the counter and watching you.
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in, searching for your measuring cups. Both you and Juyeon begin to measure out the dry ingredients, dumping them into the mixing bowl. You decide to let him take some of the reins, folding in the mixture of milk, egg, butter, and yeast. While he does that, you prepare the cinnamon sugar.
“I think I’m done. What do I do next?” He turns to you, head cocked to the side slightly. You might actually die of cuteness aggression. The duality of man would one day drive you to the brink of insanity.
“Now you just knead it until it’s smooth.” Your back is to him as you say this, putting away any refrigerated items so they don’t go bad. But as you face him again, you wish you hadn’t.
Your eyes zero in on his hands, kneading the dough with careful, nimble fingers. You feel light-headed as you slip into a spell, gawking at how long and slender they are, massaging the dough like an expert. How had you never noticed how big and pretty his hands were?
Maybe baking with Juyeon was a bad idea. You could barely focus on anything but his fingers pressing the under-construction-cinnamon rolls into the counter. Oh how badly you wanted to be that dough— his hands all over you, groping and massaging and kneading and caressing everywhere they could reach.
The veins running up his arms weren’t helping either, instead fueling the fire burning in the pit of your stomach. You feel your lips part, eyes glossed over with that all too familiar lustful intensity. You wouldn’t be surprised if you had to wipe away drool after this.
“Y/N?” Juyeon glances up from the dough, a little taken aback by your reverie. He follows your line of sight, grinning to himself smugly when he realizes what has you so transfixed. He’s finally found your weakness, and he couldn’t wait to dangle it over your head. Patience was a virtue, but perhaps it would be okay for him to dabble with a vice for once.
He pushes out the dough, using his thumbs to spread it into a rectangular shape. He feels his blood pressure rising the darker your eyes get. However, he’s aware that you just recently got out of a relationship. He wants to move at a pace you’re comfortable with. So he won’t take the first step. He has to leave that up to you.
It’s at a certain point that you come to, blinking to force away the dirty thoughts plaguing your mind. You travel your field of vision to his face, where you find him already looking at you. Your cheeks heat up in mortification from being caught red-handed. You were just gawking at the poor guy’s like they were a piece of fresh meat. This was terrible.
You swallow thickly, averting eye contact to grab the bowl of cinnamon sugar. “Uh, we can start forming the rolls now so they can rise. And then— um— and then we can make the glaze.”
The burn of his gaze on your profile has you tripping over your words, cinnamon sugar sprinkling onto the counter space surrounding and the knife almost slipping from your grip when you go to cut the dough. Juyeon catches it for you, wrapping his fingers around yours to guide your movements and keep them steady.
You feel his breath behind your ear, his chest pressed to your back. His hand is so much larger than your own, nearly covering it entirely. He doesn’t make an effort to move either, rolling the dough into swirl shapes along with you. The whole time this is happening, neither of you are saying a word, letting the silence consume you and the air around you.
As the rolls are rising/baking, you set up everything necessary for making the icing. Juyeon watches with hearts in his eyes as you whisk the sugar, cream cheese, vanilla, and butter in a separate bowl. He wonders how many other people you let see you in this setting. How many people get to see you do the thing you love so dearly?
“I’d like to visit your bakery sometime, if you wouldn’t mind,” Juyeon suddenly says, resting his elbows on the counter as you taste test the icing. “I wanna try all of the desserts you bake.”
“I’m opening later tomorrow morning actually,” you smile, humming in appreciation when the sweetness of the glaze hits your taste buds. “You can come with me to try the fresh batches before I put them out? I’ll warn you though, I get there at like six.”
“AM?” His eyes practically pop out of their sockets.
“Yes, AM.” You laugh, lightly shoving him backwards.
“I’ll put like ten alarms so I can make sure I’m up in time, then.” He pokes his cheek with his tongue, tipping his head to the side. The goofy smile on your face remains even after minutes have passed and the two of you are just waiting for the cinnamon rolls to finish baking.
It feels like hours have gone by with the two of you standing there when they’re finally ready. The ding of the oven has you springing into action, putting on some oven mitts and taking out the baking sheet. Juyeon's eyes light up and even though you’d just been losing your mind over how insane he was making you, you find yourself cooing at him.
He laughs as you grab a couple spare icing bags for the cinnamon roll glaze, filling them generously. You hand one over to him and decide to split the rolls evenly, icing one half yourself while he does the other. And for once, you think that tonight might end normally. You think that nothing eventful will happen and you’ll just ice the cinnamon rolls without problems.
But you were wrong, like always.
“Ah, shit—”
You glance up from the roll you were glazing to see what the fuss was about. Juyeon’s icing bag tore somehow, the sticky topping getting all over his hand. Truly, you were no better than a man, with the filthy thoughts inhabiting your brain almost instantaneously.
He brings his hand up to his mouth, licking the glaze off the back of his hand and wrapping his lips around his thumb. You felt dizzy, drunk on the sight of your extremely attractive neighbor doing something so sensual without even trying to. You bite your lip, accidentally dropping your own icing bag due to lack of attention.
Juyeon smirks slightly, relishing in the way it takes absolutely nothing to hypnotize you with his hands alone. He really tried to keep himself contained. He really wanted you to extend the first olive branch, but he knows you’re apprehensive. So just this once, he tells himself that it’s okay to initiate, to give you a little push in the right direction.
He takes a step closer to you, caging you against the counter. You stare up at him with wide, doe eyes, as if you were completely innocent despite the naughty images flashing behind them. Juyeon brings his thumb up to your lips, the pad of it still covered in icing.
“Think you could clean this up for me?” He asks, voice low and husky. You could actually combust with that all on its own.
Just like your formal introduction, you don’t give yourself the time to think, and act, instead, running your tongue along the length of his thumb. Juyeon doesn’t restrain the groan in the back of his throat, holding your face in his hands and pulling you in for a kiss.
You reciprocate immediately, fisting his hoodie like it was the only thing capable of stabilizing you. Maybe it was, with the way Juyeon’s lips synchronized with yours and his fingers tangled in your hair. You thought the ground would swallow you whole and wake you up from this dream. On what planet did someone like Lee Juyeon like a girl like you?
His hands slide down your body, groping everything in their path desperately before cupping under your thighs and lifting you onto the counter. He knocks the baking sheet of cinnamon rolls out of the way, palms rubbing up and down the sides of your legs. You want more, so much more, but you’re afraid to ask. You’re afraid to start something you’re not even sure you can emotionally handle.
Juyeon senses your hesitation, detaching from you momentarily. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want. I understand if you still need time.”
“N-No, I want this— I want you— I'm just… scared.” You breathe, your forehead using his shoulder for support.
“I'm not him, Y/N. I can give you the world if you’d let me. I’d never do what he did to you, that’s a promise.” He holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger, kissing the crown of your head.
“Okay,” you nod, smiling up at him. “I trust you, Juyeon.”
You reconnect your lips as his fingers slip beneath your pajama shorts, toying with the waistband of your panties. His lips curl up when he feels you squirm, legs parting to make more room for him in the middle of them. You sigh, body shuddering when he drags his knuckle down your clothed slit.
Juyeon hooks his fingers into your shorts and underwear, hauling them down your legs. You place your hands behind you to brace yourself, a shiver trailing your spine when the cool air of your apartment hits your warm core. He groans again at the sight of you bare for him, using two fingers to spread your lower lips.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he swears, his thumb slowly circling your clit.
You whine, tossing your head back as he applies more pressure. Bit by bit, you begin to lose yourself to the pleasure of Juyeon’s gorgeous hands. Soon the stimulation on your clit amplifies when he adds another finger, thrusting it in and out of your entrance. He curls deep inside of you, like he was reaching for something he’d left.
One finger turns to two, and before you know it, Juyeon’s openly finger fucking you on the counter. He leans over your body to keep your lips together, kissing you sloppily while all his focus is on drawing you to the edge. You can almost taste it, your saccharine release in your field of vision now.
It’s a little embarrassing how quickly he was able to wind you up and trip you over the edge, but you feel too euphoric to care. You pause in your kiss to look down at his handy work. (No pun intended.) It makes your head feel foggy and your vision blurry to see his deft fingers fucking you open, veins bulging, like he’d done this many times before. Your hooded eyes follow them up his forearms, a whine escaping your lips.
A particular curl of his fingers and circle of his thumb have you clenching around him, creaming like you’d never had an orgasm in your life. He doesn’t slow his assault, bringing you down just to put you back up on that summit once again. The overstimulation has you cumming a second time in a matter of what felt like seconds, whimpers becoming voluminous moans.
Juyeon kisses you softly, gently pulling out his fingers to lick them clean like he did with the cinnamon roll glaze. A choked groan bubbles past your mouth, tossing an arm over your eyes. He laughs, towing you to the edge of the counter.
He brushes some stray hairs out of your face, moving your arm to smile dopily at you. “I hope you know I was being serious about the whole treating you better thing. If you’ll give me the chance.”
“I know. I told you I trust you, remember?” You nip at the inside of your cheek. His eyes crinkle up like they tend to do when he’s smiling so genuinely. It forces the wind out of you, because how could you ever get used to a sight so stunning?
“You’re so cute.” He laughs, kissing all around your face and smushing your cheeks together.
“Juyeon,” you mumble. “I’m half naked…”
“Even better,” he grins, pecking the tip of your nose. “Makes it that much easier to do all of the other things I wanna do to you.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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slutforitoshi · 1 year
nagi seishiro - illuminate *:・゚✧
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ft. fratboy!nagi x f!reader, 18+ minors dni
cw: intoxication/fucking under the influence (alcohol), nipple play, thigh riding, fingering, choking, cumming on body
synopsis: what happens when you lose your roommate at the biggest frat party of the semester?
wc: 2.06k
A/N: inspired entirely by a whiteout party i went to last night 
you stopped trying to look for your new roommate about half an hour ago, giving up the impossible search in a sea of sweaty bodies dimly lit by uv lights. 
“pleaseee” she had said with doe eyes, begging you to go with her to the first frat party of the semester. you barely knew anyone within greek life and the last time you were at a frat party some random girl threw up all over your new dunks. this was before you knew frat shoes were a thing, and the memory makes you shudder. 
“i heard ksig has really cute guysss” she continued, still trying to convince you to come.
you rolled your eyes, “sorry i’m not interested in lumberjack built gym rats whose greatest contribution to society is shotgunning beer cans in seconds.” 
“what else could you possibly be doing this saturday night? and don’t tell me it’s homework because it’s just syllabus week” she exasperates, not giving up, 
“well-” you started, but then realized she had a point. 
“come on it’s the biggest party of the semester”
and that’s how you ended up at kappa sigma’s fall rush social: whiteout theme. looking at the state of the frat house, you wondered who came up with that terrible idea. the uv lights only highlighted the filth on every visible surface area. upon entry you were already regretting your decision.
that regret only grew when you realized your new roommate was a runner. you lost her barely half an hour in, unable to find her in any public space. you chose to avoid looking in the private rooms though because well you know what happens in there during parties. 
low battery: 20%. great now your phone was running low too. there had to be at least another two hours before the party ended, and something told you your roommate wouldn’t be calling you back anytime soon. 
“HE JUST DOESN’T MISS!!” a deep voice booms followed by an eruption of incoherent yelling. a crowd was growing near the beer pong table, and you decided to join them. it had to be better than sitting alone doing nothing on a couch now that your phone was low.
you push your way towards the front to see what the noise was about, and you see a duo stood at one end along with a singular guy at the other. the one-man team was clearly dominating as visible by the cup ratio: 1 to 8. he is up, having to land a pingpong ball into the remaining cup twice. 
shoot, in. the first shot is successful, and you could hear people murmur in anticipation. 
shoot…in. the crowd erupts in an instance, and the guy is hoisted up onto another’s shoulders. there, you finally get a good look at him and your stomach flips. he’s fucking hot.
all your previous qualms about the theme were long forgotten as you see how his white hair glows under the dark lights, illuminating his figure. he’s tall too, nearly touching the high ceiling from the shoulder ride. 
“LET’S FUCKING GO THAT’S OUR SEI!” the guy carrying him shouts, earning whoops and hollers from who you assume are the ksig brothers. 
“so his name is sei” you murmur, liking the way it sounds on your tongue.
“can i go play games upstairs now?” sei asks, and his brothers boo in response. he seems entirely different from the other frat boys, almost bored at his win, like it was only obvious that he would sweep the other team. your attraction continues to grow.
“come on sei, you never come to these things. at least stay for a little longer.”
“what a hassle” you hear him say softly as he’s lowered back down to the ground. his brothers go to the next room for more drinks you assume, but sei stays put near the table. and suddenly you’re met with an opportunity. 
you swish around the remaining jungle juice in your solo cup for a bit before raising it to your lips and downing it in one breath. you needed a shot of courage (or multiple in this case because why the fuck did that taste like 80% alcohol). 
“you were really good back there” you lean on the pong table, facing your body towards sei who was currently occupied with his phone. he looks up from his device, and you don’t miss the glance he gives towards your body.  
suddenly you’re thankful that the only clean white fit you had was coincidentally your sluttiest one. the crossed fabric that wrapped around your neck defined your cleavage, and the short tennis skirt threatened to show your ass at the slightest bending motion. 
“oh thanks…do i know you?” 
“probably not, this is my first ksig function” you try to ignore the heat that flashes across your face, “not really a frat party person.”
“me neither. the bros made me come today since there were zetas talking shit about our pong game” he responded, and you’re thankful to find common ground.
“well clearly they weren’t much of a match. i’m surprised you’re a brother if you don’t go out often”
“hm i actually only joined on a bet. my friend said he’d buy me a ps5 game if i got a bid” he shrugged. “i’ve been trying to drop for over a year now, but they need me for the tournaments”
“tournaments?” you ask, clearly not the most knowledgeable about frat culture. 
“yeah for pong and beer die. they think ksig has a shot at the finales for the first time in years or something” 
they probably do judging by sei’s performance just a few minutes prior. you reach for a ping pong ball, purposefully grazing his arm lightly to reach it.
“can you show me how to throw? i suck” you pout slightly. technically it wasn’t a lie, you couldn’t aim for shit, especially not while buzzed. 
“it’s easy, it’s all in the elbows” he takes a ball himself and shoots, naturally landing it of course. you try to mimic him after, only to see the ball bounce off the cup’s rim. 
“you’re bending your wrist too much” he comments, handing you another ball. you try again, and it ricochets off one cup, barely missing the one next to it. 
“you’re overextending your arm now” he says, already with another ball in hand. 
“let me show you”, you expect him to demonstrate again but instead he places it in your hand and takes position behind you. he raises your arm with his own, showing you exactly how the movement should go. you’re focused on anything but the technique though, instead thinking about how warm his fingers are against your wrist. 
“now you try” he says, by your ear. holy shit he’s right there. he doesn’t move from the position though, and the nerves caused by his proximity makes you miss terribly.
“how did you get even worse,” he’s clearly shocked, doubting his own teaching ability for a second, “you should just give up” he concludes.
“hey it’s just because you were so close” you defend yourself, eyes widening once you realize what it suggested.
“do i make you nervous?” he smirks, and you’ve never felt smaller (maybe that’s also because he’s literally towering over you). 
“so what if you do?” you retort, digging yourself a deeper hole. 
“want to go to my room?”
the door is barely shut before your lips are on each other, tasting remnants of alcohol. he leads you to his gaming chair, seating you on top of his lap. immediately you can feel a bulge form under you.
sei’s kisses aren’t aggressive, but needy. his hands are on your waist, pulling you in further towards his chest. then back out, creating just the right friction beneath your skirt. you build a rhythm, grinding on his thighs, which you note are quite toned. 
“f-fuck sei” you moaned against him, resulting in a tightened grip on your hips. 
“you’re making a mess” he observes, pleased at the damp streaks forming on his pants. while one hand remains at the side of your waist, he moves the other one up, settling on your right breast. he eagerly tugs your shirt to free it, capturing the bud with his fingertips. pinching and rolling, emitting louder moans from you. 
“so fucking perfect” he murmurs before diving in, capturing the sensitive bead between his lips. the sensation pushes you further to the edge, eyes rolling back as his tongue circles it.  
he picks you up easily from the chair, face still buried in your chest. he sets you down on his bed and starts to unbuckle his belt. you remove your own drenched panties and move to do the same with your skirt.
“keep this on” he smacks your hand away from the waistband, “i’ve always wanted to fuck someone with a skirt on”
he takes off his shirt with one pull, and wow abs. he smirks again, seeing your eyes fixated on his body. 
“like what you see?”
“how could i not?”
if you looked closely you would be able to see his cock twitch, clearly thrilled at the validation. his lips are on you again, and he mumbles out a “you drive me fucking crazy”
fingers are prodding near your entrance, and you instinctively shut your legs from the sensitivity.
“keep them open” he pulls your knees apart, strong arms keeping them from shutting again. he circles your clit first, lubricating his digits with the surplus of slick. once satisfied, he enters with two at once, earning a particularly long moan from the stretch.
“so wet” he starts to pump, quickening his pace, “all for me”
“just like that sei just like that” you repeat, intoxicated by the feeling. the squelching noises are overwhelming, bouncing off the walls. then he curls his fingers.
“don’t do that i-” you choke out, “i’ll cum!”
he doesn’t stop though, still thrusting his perfectly curled fingers through your orgasm. wait, what kind of frat boy makes the girl cum first? 
before you could ponder too much he’s wrapping an arm under you, swiftly flipping you over onto your stomach. you go onto your knees, and he’s nearly cumming at the view of your ass up against him. 
glancing back you see him quickly rip open a condom with his teeth before slipping it on, as if he’s done it a billion times before. with looks like those you wouldn’t be surprised.
he positions himself behind you, aligning himself with your entrance before pushing. 
“seiii” you drawl, in awe at how perfect he fits within you. 
his hands are positioned at your hips, slowly thrusting his own against you as you grow accustomed to the intrusion. 
“y-you can go faster” you moan, and what can he do but comply. his thrusts are sharp and quick, and you begin to hear his own breathy moans at the feeling of your velvety walls. 
“your body’s so perfect…like it was made for me” he groans. his right hand moves away from your hips and rest against your throat, squeezing. 
the sudden loss of oxygen makes your mind go into a haze, unable to focus on anything but the pleasure. 
“flip over” he suddenly goes, before moving you himself. “need to cum while seeing you”
his hand remains on your throat as he continues to fuck you in missionary, getting closer as he hears those sinful moans and sees your face permanently plastered with an expression of ecstasy. 
“want you to cum on me” you plead, “want you to make me a mess”
unable to say no, he pulls out and rips off the condom with alarming speed. within a few pumps of his hand he’s granting your wish, decorating your upper body with thick spurts of white. 
you’re sure it would be a sight if you were to step back into the party under the uv lights. 
sorry i totally forgot to tell you i left with a guy >.<
you stare blankly at the text from your roommate displayed on your screen. yeah you were never going out with this girl again. 
“just stay here with me” sei says, also seeing the text from over your shoulder. “i’ll take you home tomorrow”
well you’d have to thank her for dragging you out this one time at least. you shut off your phone and succumb to sleep in the arms of your not-so-typical frat boy.
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
Your professor reminds me of the prof I had for a Queer Theory class where we only talked about lesbians and gay people and I was told that "if you want to talk about transgender people, you need to take a different class." And then I took an LGBT Studies class and trans men were never mentioned even once. I asked that professor if we would or could talk about trans men and she (a trans woman) said "No, I didn't put them in the syllabus. We're not talking about trans men here" and like the implication in the conversation was that trans women were the only ones who matter and trans men don't even deserve to be part of the conversation. In the Transgender Studies Unit.
cis liberals when a trans person asks them to do slightly more than the bare minimum to discuss trans people's existence:
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Monster In Me// Choi Seungcheol
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WordCount: 4.9k
Summary: For the last three years Y/n has been close friends with the 12 men that have come into her life by chance. She's not as close with one of them, and that's Choi Seungcheol. It's not that she hasn't tried, when she did try he'd get all stiff and ignore her. When Y/n finally had enough of him and enough liquor in her system. She decides to confront him about his behavior. She doesn't expect the answer that she's given.
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“How the hell am I gonna get through this semester?” I looked at the dramatic scene unfolding in front of me. Hansol just sat there with his eyebrow raised. At the same time, Seungkwan freaked out about whatever things he had to worry about for this semester. 
“Kwannie, I don’t know why you’re freaking out. You got this,” I said editing my monthly planner and looking up to meet his glaring gaze. 
“Says the girl who’s taking a social worker and psychology course.” leaning back in my chair and stretching my arms out, then sipping my coffee. “I don’t know how you make everything look so simple Y/N,” Hansol said. Honestly, I have no idea what the hell he’s talking about. I’m far from being calm about everything. I can’t even look at a syllabus without my eyes going cross-eyed. 
“What do you mean I make everything look so simple?” I asked, genuinely confused about what he meant by that. He shrugged and then gestured toward my iPad. 
“You just always seem so composed and focused. Like you done figured it all out” I laughed not at him, but at the fact that I seemed like I figured it out, because I do not have it all together. 
“Hansol, would you believe me if I told you I do not have it all figured out? Because I don’t, you know who has it together, Xu Minghao and Moon221
“Seungkwan! Hansol! Y/N!” Someone yelled. I saw Chan running over while the others walked behind him. When I first came to Korea I met Hansol, I accidentally ran into him at the airport, and then on campus. Once he opened up, he introduced me to his huge group of friends. They all accepted me. Well, I think they all did.  Chan, Hansol, and Seungkawn were my closest friends in the group, and they always made sure to keep me company. They were like brothers to me. They always looked out for me and made sure I felt safe and comfortable. Minghao is quiet, but not in a bad way. I realized that he just lives in the moment. Very observant and brutally honest. Mingyu and Seokmin are like rays of sunshine. Mingyu is a fantastic cook and that’s how he shows his love (I’m not complaining at all) sometimes Mingyu is clingy, but I love him anyway. Seokmin is just the most lovable person I ever met. He’s kind and gentle, the kind of man your parents will want you to bring home. Then you have Jihoon, Wonwoo, Soonyoung, and Jun Jihoon is a music producer and doesn’t leave his studio much. Wonwoo, he’s a game streamer and a very popular one at that. He’s a great person, nice, and caring, he also doesn’t talk much. Unless it’s about a game he finished the night before. Jun is a quiet man, but he’s very strange sometimes. Simply put he’s a cat in a human body, but I wouldn’t trade him for anything in this world. Last, but not least are Joshua, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol. Joshua is a gentleman, that you don’t want to get on the wrong side of because he can be very petty at times. Jeonghan is a very cunning, mysterious man. Who just so happens to know everything before any and everyone. Now Seungcheol, that’s a little difficult I’m not as close to him as I am to everyone else. Matter of fact I never actually held a long conversation with him. Every time we near each other he gets stiff and rushes to leave. That kind of makes me think he doesn’t like me. Also raises the question did I do or say something to make him so skittish around me? All I know is that he’s on the University’s basketball team and is the captain of the team, and he’s the most attractive guy I’ve ever laid my eyes on. No, I haven’t ever said that out loud before, At least I don’t think I have said it…Anyway, that’s beside the point. The point is what the hell have I done to the man that he acts like that this? 
“Are we still hanging out Friday?” Mingyu asked. Everyone hummed in agreement I just sat there silently. Until Mingyu nudged me. 
“Y/n?” I glanced up looking at him before looking at everyone else. Seungcheol and I  made eye contact before he glanced away. 
“O-oh yeah, I’m free Friday,” I said smiling softly. They all cheered. I glanced back at Seungcheol giving him a soft smile, he gave a shy smile and turned to talk to Joshua. Jeonghan on the other hand was just smirking at me. Confused I ignored it and kept talking to Mingyu and Seokmin about plans for Friday. 
For the next few days, I did the same routine. Class, hang out with the guys, and then do my homework, then go to work. Then home to do it all over again, but when Friday comes I meet up with Seungkwan, Hansol, Chan, and his girlfriend Gracie. 
“Did I do something to Cheol? I mean every time I try to talk to him, he seems to completely ignore my presence like it’s a real inconvenience or something.” When I asked they all got quiet. 
“I don’t think it’s the fact that he doesn’t like you Y/n. Maybe he’s shy?” Seungkwan said placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. 
“Three years shy? Kwannie let’s be serious. He just doesn’t like me and I don’t know why. Or want to know why at this point..” I sighed and realized we got to Jihoon’s house and walked in going straight to grab a cup of whatever sinful liquid I could get my hands on. 
After an hour I’m sitting in the backyard with Joshua, Wonwoo, Soonyoung, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Mingyu, and Seungcheol. We were currently watching Soonyoung and Seungkwan playfully bicker. That was until the four of them left leaving me with Joshua and Seungcheol. Who was surprisingly sitting in the chair next to me? I sat there in silence looking at the clouds and the moon and not paying attention to the conversation the two men were having. 
“I’ll be back, I have to go to the bathroom,” Joshua said getting up and jogging back into the house leaving me with Seungcheol. At this point, I had maybe 3 cups of mysterious liquor that Chan had made and handed to me so I was feeling pretty bold. Yes, I know exactly what I’m doing, but my brain and my mouth are not on the same page because the words leave my mouth before I can even realize it. 
"Do you dislike me or something?" I asked seriously making his eyes widen. We wouldn't be having this conversation if Joshua didn't leave us out here alone. Drinking. I possibly wouldn't have asked this stupid ass question. You know how in school they say there's no such thing as a stupid question? Well them fuckers lied. Cause I just asked one.  Seungcheol just looked at me for a few then at his drink. Lifting the cup to his lips and drinking the whole thing. before standing up grabbing my hand and pulling me toward him chest-to-chest.
"I don't dislike you. It's just hard for me to be near you." He whispered his lips softly brushing against mine. I didn't back away. I was anticipating his next move.
"Ever since you became one of the most important people in my life, I just didn't want to mess anything up. So I stayed away from you. I guess I should've thought it through, but since you wanna know so bad." His hand ran down my side stopping to grab my waist and pulling me closer. His head dipped down to my neck, Nose running over my skin leaving goosebumps on my skin.
"I crave you Y/N, I can't think straight when you're near me. I want to do so many things to you that just a taste won't even satisfy me. So if you don't want that, I have to stay far away from you, because if not, We'll be locked in my room for as long as possible so I can get acquainted with every inch of this beautiful body. I wanna break you and put you back together again, and make sure the only name you remember is mine" He kissed my neck. I sighed, but before I could say anything he walked away, which left me confused.
  "What the fuck was that?" I asked myself. Before walking after him. I caught up with him and grabbed his arm. "What was that?" I asked. He didn't respond just smirked. I bit my lip staring up at him.
“Cheol, you can’t just ignore me” He smiled. 
“I’m not ignoring you, baby. Just want to give you some time to think about what I said” He leaned down hand on my cheek, then gently placed his lips on mine. Before I could even kiss him back he pulled away. 
“When you’re ready..you’ll know where to find me” He whispered then walked away. Leaving me standing there in Jihoon’s driveway shocked.  When I walked back into the house everyone looked at me. 
“Where’s Cheol?” Joshua asked I simply said that he went home, and nothing else. Not even a summary of what happened. I told Seungkwan I was gonna go home, then bid my ‘see you later to everyone and their partners. 
“I’ll come with you,” Crystal, Wonwoo’s girlfriend said looking at the rest of the girls. They all nodded in agreeance. Walking over to me smiling. 
“Let’s know when you get there yeah?” Minghao said We hummed our answer grabbed our things and walked out the door. The walk started quiet, my brain on overdrive. Still thinking about the feel of Cheol’s lips on mine. Bonnie and Tara looked at me 
“Wanna tell us what’s going on?” Tara asked me. Shaking me out of my head 
“Huh?” I said 
“You and Cheol were the only two people that were outside. Only you came into the house, through the front door, when you both were in the back. What happened?”, I shook my head. "Nothing," I lied. They exchanged a look but didn't say anything. We continued our walk in silence, my heart still pounding in my chest. 
“I asked Seungcheol if there was something that I did for him to dislike me, and the answer I got wasn’t what I expected it to be. When I asked him what that was he told me ‘When you ready, you’ll know where to find me’ What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I said they all stopped and looked at me. 
“What?” I asked looking at them. 
“We need to get you home so we can all have some wine and talk this out,” Bonnie said. 
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It’s been a few days since the hang-out at Jihoon’s and the girls spent the entire weekend with me. I told them fully what Seungcheol said to me and they were flabbergasted, just like I was. When I asked them what should I do. They said and I quote: “After three years and the way he made you feel, he can wait a few more days for you”  Now I know they are right, but here’s the thing I’ve been dreaming about the man ever since that night. I dream about his lips and hands on my body. Him telling me that I’m a good girl and makes me cum over and over and over again until I can’t take any more. It’s so bad that my fingers aren’t even enough to satisfy me. I haven’t even kissed the guy and my body craves him more than anything else. I was walking to my lecture and bumped into him. 
“Y/n are you okay?” He asked steading me his hands on my waist. I nodded biting my lip he looked at my lips and leaned in my ear whispering. 
“Stop biting your lip, before I bite it for you baby”  I froze on the spot, my heart pounding. I soon pulled away and waved at him walking away. I obviously can’t avoid him since we are in the same friend group. Can I? Shit when did I get so down bad?  I took a deep breath and tried to keep my head up. I had to face him eventually. I just kept walking and tried to focus on getting to my lecture.
When my lecture was over I went to the cafe for a cup of coffee before I went the rest of my day, Until Mingyu, Wonwoo, Minghao, Tara, Bonnie, Seungcheol and Crystal walked in. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Bonnie said smiling standing next to me I smiled back at her. Feeling Cheol’s eyes on me. Trying to ignore him I strike up a conversation with Bonnie and Tara who just raised her eyebrow at me.    
I slightly shook my head and she frowned. Tara is supportive of me just giving into the temptation and just bending over for Cheol to have him fuck me 200 ways from Sunday. We all sat down at a table with our drinks and started talking about Seokmin’s play that was opening at the end of next week. 
“And he’s the lead male? I know he’s excited and working hard to make sure he puts on one of the best performances.” I said smiling at everyone, picking the straw up to lick at the whipped cream. I felt Cheols eyes on me the entire time. I tried my hardest not to look at him but glanced in his direction. His eyes are blank and dark with want. His eyes sucked me in and showed me how desperately he wanted me. His eyes scanned me until they landed on my l, making me bite on my lower lip. His eyes narrowed and he pouted. I chuckled at the cuteness. 
“Oh, Cheol don’t you have a game this Friday?” Wonwoo asked He looked away from me looking at Wonwoo. 
“Yeah, win this one, and off to the championships,” He said. I looked back a Bonnie and Tara who just looked at me. 
“I uhh, I need to go study. I have an exam tomorrow and unfortunately, Professor Park is a major ass” I said getting up leaving the cafe, and walking home. Once I was a few blocks away I heard someone call my name turning to Seungcheol. I stopped waiting for him. 
“You are such a fucking tease baby girl,” He said to me once I was within earshot I smirked, but didn’t say anything back. Just continued to walk. He followed me, and not a word was spoken. That was until we got to my place. Once inside with the door closed it was like a switch flipped on because he grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the wall.  His lips were on mine and his hands were everywhere. He was rough and forceful, and I welcomed it. I felt my body come alive as I felt myself getting lost in the moment. He grabbed my neck, his thumb stroking one side. He pulled away looking down at me. 
“Fuck baby, you're killing me,” He said. I looked at him through my eyelashes, biting my lip again he groaned, his finger pulling my lip from my teeth leaning down and biting it making me gasp. 
“You even make the most pretty noises, fuck pretty,” He said  He pulled me closer, his lips crashing against mine, his tongue pushing into my mouth. I moaned into his mouth, his hand traveling down my body, unbuttoning my jeans, he put his hand in my pants. 
“Take them off,” I said against his lips. He smiled.  He slowly unzipped my jeans and pulled them off, leaving me in just my panties and a shirt. Kissing me again, his lips left mine and trailed down my neck, his hands cupping my breasts. He groaned in pleasure as I moaned in response. Still moving down my body, I glanced down seeing him on his knees, I spread my legs as he started to kiss up my thighs. 
“Cheol” I moaned. 
“I meant what I said about wanting to break you and put you back together, make you forget about everything else and remember my name only.” He said before sliding his tongue over my clit. I gasped my hand reaching down and pulling his hair making him groan.  His tongue circled my clit as my body trembled in pleasure.  Cheol continued to work his magic with his tongue, expertly teasing and pleasuring me. Every flick, every swirl of his tongue sent waves of pleasure through my body, making me moan and squirm against the wall. It was as if he knew exactly how to drive me wild, and I couldn't help but surrender to the overwhelming ecstasy he was giving me. I was close. So. Fucking. Close. That was until he pulled away. Making me whine. 
“Cheol I was so close..” I whined he spanked the inside of my thigh making me gasp at the sudden action.  He smirked and whispered in my ear “Not yet baby. I’m not done yet.” He stepped back and left me trembling against the wall, wanting more. I couldn’t move. The wall was the only thing keeping me up. Standing in front of me looking me up and down I spread my legs, My fingers sliding down as I held eye contact with him 
Cheol's eyes darkened with desire as he watched me, his breath becoming more ragged. The anticipation in the air was electric, and I could tell he was struggling to maintain control. I continued to tease him, slowly running my fingers along my inner thighs, feeling the heat and wetness building between my legs. Sinking my fingers into my cunt, I moaned he just watched. His breathing picked up as he balled his hands into a fist. 
“Fuck, Cheol don’t you wanna fuck me? Can’t tell you how many times I thought of you fucking me on every surface of this place.” I said fucking myself with my fingers. He took a small step towards me. “Always wanted to know how your heavy cock will feel in my mouth” I whimpered. That was enough to get him to grab my wrist and take my hand out from between my legs, up to his mouth sucking the arousal from my fingers and pulling me towards him in the process. 
“Who told you, you can touch my pussy baby girl?” He said, sucking my fingers. Muttering how good I taste. When he was done he dropped my hand grabbed my thighs picked me up and kissed me.  I moaned into his mouth, feeling my pussy getting wetter. He carried me to the bed and laid me down, then leaned down and kissed me again. He pulled away and looked at me, his expression intense.
“Your pussy? If it’s yours why haven’t you filled it up hmm? Why have I had to fill it with my fingers instead?” I said kissing down his neck 
Cheol's eyes burned with desire as he devoured my words, his grip tightening around my thighs. With a wicked smile, he whispered, "You want me to fill you up, baby? Well, tonight, I'm going to make you beg for it. And when I finally do, you won't be able to handle the pleasure." His words sent a shiver down my spine, fueling my desperation.  We got to my room and he dropped me onto the bed. Sitting he reached for my shirt took it off then reached for my bra unsnapping it. He sucked in a breath, putting my feet on the bed and spreading them while playing with my nipples. My eyes darted down to the bulge in his pants. I made my way off the bed kneeling in front of him and unbuckling his pants. His dick sprung out  I slowly took him in my mouth, savoring the sensation as he moaned in pleasure. His grip tightened on my hair as he felt my expert touch. I continued to work my way up and down his shaft, feeling him grow harder with each movement. He sighed, touching my hair when I finally took him into my mouth. I continued to work my way up and down his shaft, feeling him grow harder with each movement. The taste of him filled my mouth as I savored his pleasure, my tongue swirling around him. 
“Fuck Y/n” His grip tightened on my hair, guiding me deeper, and I eagerly obliged, taking him in as far as I could. The sound of his moans of pleasure spurred me on, my desire growing with each passing second. I couldn’t help but slide my hand between my legs and rub my clit making me moan against him. He pulled me off of him. 
“Aht, aht, I didn’t say you can touch that pretty pussy did I?” He said I shook my head, 
“Words baby,”  He said. 
“No, you didn’t say I can touch myself,” I said moving my hand onto his thigh he smiled. Guiding my head back to his cock. I opened my mouth and took him in, my lips and tongue exploring every inch of him. His moans of pleasure echoed in my ears as I worked my way up and down. His grip tightened on my head, I looked up at him, Cheol's eyes darkened with lust as he pulled me closer, his hand still tangled in my hair. "Open wide," he commanded, and I obediently complied, parting my lips and allowing him to slide his length back into my mouth. He began to thrust, his pace steady but insistent, each movement pushing him deeper into my throat. Tears welled up in my eyes as I gagged slightly, but the sensation only seemed to heighten his pleasure. 
“Fuck, so pretty like this baby, ” He said as my nose hit his lower stomach, I gagged again, drooling. He pulled out of my mouth and thrusted back in hitting the back of my throat. Breathing through my nose he looked down at me mouth dropping open. 
“Shit, can I cum down your throat baby?” He asked I made a noise, saying yes. He moaned at the vibrations coming from me  He smirked as he watched me choke and gag, his thrusts becoming faster and more intense. I could feel myself getting wetter with each movement, my breathing ragged and my body trembling. Finally, with one last thrust, he came. I swallowed as much as I could before he pulled out. Licking the rest from his tip making him shiver in pleasure. 
“Such a good girl…” He said bending down and kissing me. I moaned “Good…fucking…girl”  He pulled me close and whispered in my ear, “Now, it's my turn.” He picked me up and took me to the bed, I spread my legs he looked at me like a predator ready to eat its prey.  Cheol's eyes darkened with hunger as he knelt between my legs. He leaned in, his breath hot against my sensitive skin, and placed a gentle kiss on my inner thigh, making me shiver. Slowly, he traced a path of kisses closer to my core, teasing me with each soft touch. Finally, his tongue flicked out to taste me, sending a jolt of pleasure through my body. His hands gripped my hips, holding me in place as he delved deeper, his tongue exploring every inch of me with deliberate, skillful strokes. Moans escaped my lips, my fingers tangling in his hair. 
“Oh fuck,” I moaned out. His fingers joined the fray, sliding into me with ease, curling just right to hit that perfect spot inside. The combination of his tongue and fingers sent waves of ecstasy crashing over me, my body arching off the bed. Cheol's pace quickened, his free hand gripping my thigh to keep me still as he devoured me with unrestrained hunger, my moans filling the room as I teetered on the edge of release.
“Yes, yes, yes! Fuck!” I screamed toes curling, he didn’t let up, and our eyes made contact, as he put his lips on my clit and sucked making me give into the pleasure. I was lost in a whirl of pleasure, my body trembling as I reached the heights of pleasure. Cheol's lips and fingers continued their assault on my body, pushing me closer and closer to the ultimate release. Finally, my body exploded in pleasure, my orgasm washing over me in waves. Working me through my orgasm, My thighs closed around him, but his hand spread them. He pulled away his thumb on my clit fingers still hitting my g-spot. 
“Give me another baby,” He said kissing my thigh, then placing his tongue on my clit.  Cheol didn't relent; his relentless fingers and expert tongue continued their assault, driving me to the brink of madness. The intensity of his touch sent shockwaves through my already sensitive body, my breath coming in ragged gasps. I could feel another orgasm building, even stronger than the first, as he pushed me beyond my limits, making me cry out in a mix of pleasure and desperation.
“Please Cheol!” I moaned, He didn’t move, 
Tears of overwhelming pleasure streamed down my face as Cheol's relentless assault on my body continued. His fingers curled inside me with perfect precision, while his tongue flicked my clit with agonizing skill. "Please, Cheol! I can't... it's too much," I whimpered, my body trembling violently. He looked up at me with a glint of determination in his eyes, his free hand stroking my thigh soothingly. 
"You can do it, baby. Just one more for me okay?” I felt that familiar tightness in my core again my back arched as I had another earth-shattering orgasm 
“Seungcheol!” I screamed out gasping. Working me through it. When I was finished he pulled away kissing up my body. 
“Good fucking girl” he kept repeating he got to my face and kissed me. Sliding his tip between my lips hitting my clit. 
“Please fuck me…” I whimpered out grinding against him. He hummed kissing my neck and making sure he left his marks on me 
“I wanna mark you until there’s no space left on your body..” He whispered his voice rough, I couldn’t help, but grind against him again making him slide in me. Just the tip, he looked down. 
“So needy aren’t you baby?” he said, I couldn’t say anything, just tried to pull him into me, He stopped me. 
“No baby, beg. Beg me to fuck your pretty pussy” He said slipping out of me and spanking my clit with his cock. I whined. 
“Please Seungcheol, please fuck me..” 
“You could do better than that princess can’t you?” He said teasingly, Pushing into me slightly, and pulling out again. 
“Seungcheol, f-fuck.. Please fuck my pretty tight pussy, I wanna cum around you, Fuck don’t you wanna cum in me, please fill me baby” I begged. He smiled thrusting into me and filling me up. He groaned out, not giving me a chance to get used to him. He started slow and deep, taking my legs in his hands and kissing my ankle. 
“Cheol, don’t hold back” I moaned out he raised his eyebrow, and I nodded 
“Fuck me…fuck me,” I said repeatedly each time I said it he sped up, Dropping my legs down. My hands on his arms nails digging into his arms. He groaned at the pain leaning down to kiss me. I bit his lip and he moaned. 
“Fuuck, princess,” He said against my lips. He grabbed my hips and told me to wrap my arms around him. Listening to his words he flipped us over. His back on the headboard me on top of him, He didn’t have to tell me what to do I leaned back got on my feet, and started bouncing on his cock, He met every bounce with a thrust. Moaning his name like a mantra he wrapped his hand around my neck cutting off the blood flow, making me even wetter. I couldn’t even think about anything, but him. His other hand spanking each thigh then playing with my clit. 
He has me seeing stars. My core once again tightened, my walls squeezing him making him whimper. 
“Ahh shit, you gonna cum on me baby?” He said the circles on my clit getting faster, My eyes on his vision blurred. I nodded. 
“Cum for me, be a good little princess, and cum for me.” He said, My body shook and my eyes closed tears falling from the pleasure. My body tensed and I let go. Which triggered Cheol’s orgasm. His thrust picked up, breath hitched, he let out a grunt then gasped. 
“Shit, you feel so fucking good baby…So fuck beautiful” He grunted out. I collapsed on him still writhing. His arms wrapped around me hands running up and down my back. 
“You were so good, baby..” He said whispering sweet nothings in my ear. When I caught my breath I looked at him he smiled kissing me. Then said. 
“Baby, I’m not even close to being done with you.” I laughed. 
“Give me a few” Kissing him again resting my head on his shoulder. He kept his promise that night, he broke me and put me back together multiple times that nigh
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☆ I have a secret to tell you ☆— Han Jisung
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word count: 2.3k
paring: Jisung x afab!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: afab!reader, best friends to lovers, college!AU, Roommate!Minho, some cursing(Fuck), pet names (sweet girl), bestfriend!Jisung, comfort, if I left anything out tell me, kinda proof-read
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Jisung and you are honestly quite inseparable. No matter what one of you was doing, the other was there to “support” the other, if that's what you'd call it. The two of you were always up to something, whether it was helping him with his papers or simply reminding him to eat, you were right there.
With that being said, today was no different. You were currently in his apartment, reading over the essay on his laptop while he was making some food when you were interrupted by his roommate Minho opening the front door. He looks at you, used to you being there, basically their third roommate at this point, before looking around.
“Where's Jisung?” Minho asks, dropping his bag by the couch before pulling out his own laptop and working on his own papers. You hum and point into the kitchen where your friend had disappeared to about 10 minutes ago, eyes never leaving the screen. This paper was due at midnight and it's currently six o’clock.
“Ji! Are you aware of how many typos you have in this fucking paper?” you yell towards his direction, just to hear him laughing, coming out of hiding with two bowls of ramyun. “That's why I'm having you look over it Ms. literature major.” he says while putting the food on the coffee table in front of you, greeting Minho finally.
“You know that's not what my major is about. And it's definitely not for being your auto correct.” you spat at him before fixing the last of the mistakes that you've found, sitting on the couch with an ungodly hump in your back while working, only for Minho to sigh and take Jisungs laptop from you. Minho, the anatomy major, hates when he sees how terrible both Jisungs and your posture is, to the point that when you're not here, he'll lecture Jisung on how to properly sit and keep his back straight.
You look up at him as he's giving the laptop back to Jisung, shaking his head when he sees the other male pouting. “Do your own work after you eat, I'm sure she's got something that she's supposed to be doing as well, that isn't your homework.” Minho says to him before handing the food that Jisung had brought you now that it's cooled. Minho looks over to you now, putting his hand in the middle of your back, tapping it softly, “sit up straight, you're too young for back problems.”
You do as he says, eating your food as you watch Jisung, unsure if he is looking over the things that you've changed in his paper but once he sighs with a smile, you know that he's happy that you're helping. Your face suddenly feels warm as you look down while continuing to eat your food. Was Minho right? Yes. But have you been putting off this project since last week even though it's due in a week? Also yes.
The look you give him seals your fate before he starts going through your bag, finding the book and syllabus for your paper. The look on his face is udder shock before looking at Jisung, who's too engulfed in his paper to notice the two of you. “Y/n..” is all he can say before you're cutting him off, shushing him and standing up to walk into a different room. Minho follows you when he realizes you want to talk to him in private.
Once out of earshot from Jisung, you run your hands through your hair, looking up at Minho. “Listen, I know what you're thinking, but I've still got a week on that project. His paper is due tonight. I'm just trying to help him.” You say, rubbing your temples, the dull feeling of a headache creeping up on you. “Y/n I get that but you need to do yours as well. If you keep doing this for him, he won't realize that you're struggling." Minho says and you know he's correct.
The conversation continues but in the living room, “Chan never said majoring in music theory would be so-” Jisung starts but suddenly realizes that you guys are gone. He quickly stands when he can still hear your voice in the apartment, walking towards it, wanting to make sure you're okay. He gets closer to the door, your voice becoming clear making his eyes widen when he hears you say “yeah because I'm totally gonna walk up to him one day and say ‘Han Jisung, I'm madly in love with you and want to spend the rest of my life with you’ Minho.” 
“Why not?” He thinks to himself, but before he can let his thought wander any further, suddenly it sounds like you're walking towards the door that he's currently leaning against to listen to you talk. Panicked, he runs to the bathroom right beside the room that the two of you are in and slams it shut wanting you to think that he'd just made it back there and has heard nothing.
It's about ten o’clock now, Minho had put a movie on for himself to watch, Jisung had submitted his paper and you're currently reading through the book your professor had given you for this report. Your legs are curled under you, Jisung using what he could of them as a pillow and you're using his back as a table to take your notes when suddenly his arms wrap around the small of your waist, signaling that he's fallen asleep.
This is quite normal for the two of you but after finally vocalizing your feelings for the boy in your lap to the one across the room, you can't fight the blush that floods across your cheeks. Putting your book down, you slowly run your fingers through his currently bleached hair with dark brown roots, humming softly when you can feel him relaxing more against you.
You let him stay like this a little longer before slowly patting his shoulder. “Ji, you need to go get in your bed.” you say even though your words fall onto deaf ears. You shake him a little more when you hear Minho from across the room. “Call him that name you only use when you're sleepy. That sets a fire under him anytime you say it.” Minho says, voice just barely above a whisper, fighting a laugh when your cheeks turn red.
Minho points his finger to his mouth, tongue out and fake gags before switching his attention back to the movie. You look back down at Jisung, taking a deep breath before you whisper to him, “Sungie? Are you asleep?” This time, he's up and tense against your legs, realizing his arms are wrapped around you making him sit up quick enough that he almost falls off the couch.
His cheeks are fiery red when he rubs the back of his head, feeling your hand fall onto his bicep, he looks up at you quickly with a small smile. “Sungie, I think that it's time to go to bed.. Do you have any classes tomorrow?” you ask him only for him to shake his head, trying to wipe the sleepiness from his eyes.
“Are you staying over or do you have morning classes?” Jisung asks, not realizing the time until he looks down at his phone. It's 2am. His eyes suddenly show panic as he gets up quickly to let you get up. “Oh my god! It's so late! How come you didn't wake me up to walk you home so that you can get sleep?” His voice is full of panic, making the other man in the room cringe, doing another fake gag even though neither of you can see it.
“Easy Ji, I don't have any classes in the morning. Plus if I did, how could I wake sleeping beauty in my lap?” You say to him trying your best not to giggle, not knowing what's come over you, making you flirt with him so obviously like that but it gives you confidence. He looks over you quickly, before sitting down beside you again, leaning his head onto your shoulder, closing his eyes with a hum.
“So.. sleep over.. I can't remember the last time we cuddled.” He says to you, you'd both been so busy that you couldn't do the one thing that the two of you love to do the most, just cuddle. It never led to more, even if sometimes the both of you wished it had (unbeknownst to the other). You simply nod your head before pouting slightly. “I didn't bring anything to sleep in though..”
His eyes light up when the new option hits him. “You can.. Um.. you can sleep in one of my shirts if you want. Use my boxers as shorts since I know you hate basketball shorts..” He says as his face is bright red and staring at you. You stand up and nod before going to his room, changing into one of his black shirts and just a random grey pair of his boxers. Once you've stepped out to get him from the living room, you've met Minho in the hallway, looking at you laughing softly. 
“Keep the noise to a minimum, yeah? I’ve got lunch with some friends tomorrow and I reeaaallllly don't wanna tell them I’m tired because I had to listen to my roommate fuck his best friend all night.” The words fall from his lips so sadistically it causes you to become a bundle of nerves. 
Had Jisung said something like this to Minho? Does he normally do that type of thing? You push the thoughts away remembering that the only girl you'd seen Jisung with in the past couple of months was yourself. Pushing past Minho, you walk into the living room, finding Jisung on his phone waiting. “Sungie? Ready to go to bed?” you ask him.
His eyes meet the skin of your thighs first before looking up at the shirt that you'd picked out. Normally, he wears that shirt to the gym with Changbin and Chan but he'll now have to find a new one since you look much better than he does in it. The sleeves had been cut off, making it a muscle tee, the collar stretched from how often he pulls on it.
Finally his eyes meet yours but before he can blink, yours are glued to the floor while your hands play with the hem of the shirt you have on. Quickly he stands up, walking over and taps your chin to make you look up at him. “You look.. Really pretty in my clothes, sweet girl.'' After this he takes you back to his room.
Silence fills the room as you lay down in the bed while he gets undressed, putting on just some shorts before crawling into the bed next to you. He turns to face you as you do the same, smiling up at him as you feel the butterflies filling your stomach, heart racing when his hand comes to you and slips some of the hair out of your face and behind your ear. This has happened in your friendship so many times why does it feel so different this time?
You close your eyes just wanting to take in his warmth and the smell of him filling your nose, instinctively making you move closer to him. This causes him to get nervous about what he was going to say to you. Since he heard you talking to Minho, he's been thinking about what you said and it made him realize that he felt the same way that you did. 
“I have a secret to tell you Y/n..” is all he can manage to say in a low whisper as he pulls you closer to him. You lay your head against his pillow, putting your hand on his shoulder. “And you can't tell anyone, okay?” His eyes fixed on your face when you simply nod, jestering a lock over your lips and throwing away the key. It makes him laugh before taking a deep breath. He looks at you to find the confidence in what he needs to say, pulling you closer to him. “I think I've fallen in love with you..” He says voice just barely above a whisper but it runs through you like a scream. 
The man that you'd just said you were in love with hours ago is now telling you that he's in love with you? You quickly sit up looking over at him before climbing out of the bed with a pained look. “You listened to my conversation with Minho.. Don't pull this joke.. It's not funny, Jisung.” you say, hands desperately clinging to the hem of your shirt.
“But I'm not joking, I promise. Hearing you say it made me realize what this feeling I couldn't address was. Y/n, I'm in love with you and I really mean it.” He stands as soon as you do, walking over and taking your hands into his to help calm his own nerves and hopefully yours as well. You both stare at each other in the silence before you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him as tight as you can.
“I love you too, Sungie. I have for a while but I came to realize it when a month ago Minho said that you might find your someone soon if I didn't make a move..”
“As if I'd ever choose anyone over you, love.” he says, pulling the both of you back into the bed. You curl up into him, making him hum as he plays with your hair. “Never leave my side, yeah? I love you.”
You hear a bang on the wall making you both quickly look over before you can hear a familiar voice. “Y/n, I swear to god if you guys get any louder, I’m gonna lie to everyone tomorrow and tell them what I said to you earlier!”
You giggle when Jisung gives you a confused look, shaking your head before kissing his cheek. “Don't worry about that okay? I'll tell you about it tomorrow. For now, let's get some sleep before he outs us.” You say as you lay your head back down on his chest and fall asleep.
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©️ dearestaussiechannie, all rights reserved.
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lawva-girl · 3 months
Historically.. We don't mix. pt. 2
Law x fem!Reader, College AU
Pt. 1
Notes: Sorry i took forever, i kinda forgot i even posted this... HERES PT 2!!! let me know about any ponderances or possibly any errors... i dont have a beta reader or anything.. ALSO i could not come up with a nickname for reader..... so in the chat rooms i put "Y:" for "You". PLEASE tell me suggestions i will go back and fix it :D
WC: 2526
Back at the dorm that Law and Bepo shared, there was no chatter. Law was simply laying in bed with his laptop open to 5 tabs, one for each of the classes he was taking. He was taking all history classes this semester, since his counselor told him to. He would definitely miss the bio information but he did like history. Scrolling through each class, he breezed through all of the syllabus quizzes. Once he felt satisfied, it was onto checking his email, with one catching his attention. 
“DIRE!! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT OR TEXT ME ITS EMERGENT!” The email title felt like a scam but he knew it was not, in fact it was a daily burden. The man who had sent it, his counselor and adoptive father, always communicated like this. After opening the email, he found himself irritated again, Cora had only wanted to remind him that classes start today. 
“How would I not know?” Law muttered to himself. Reading through the email, then deciding he had been too neglectful of the man Law opened up their chat.
L: I know it was the first day, I got to my first two classes on time.  C: Good!!! I miss you! <3  C: Any new friends?!  C: Do you like your professors?? I hand picked them :D  L: Hand picked? You are making me socialize on purpose.  C: Not true! Nico Robin is the smartest! She already had her masters by the time most have an associates!  L: The classes are fine. Bepo made a friend, her name is Perona. C: Oh! Mihawk’s kid! Good to know she’s here! Is his step-daughter here too? Maybe y/n?  L: Yes.  C: Oh! I heard she’s similar to you! Maybe you two can be friends or something?  L: How long did you have to think to come up with this plan of yours?  C: No idea what you are talking about…. L: Cora.  C: … C: Anyways, have you gotten all the textbooks you need?  C: I want to make sure you find them all!  C: It's my job, you know.  L: I still have two more classes to go to tomorrow, but i’ll be fine.  L: Thanks.  C: Anything for you! We should meet for lunch soon! I can make you salmon rice balls! Like when you were still a baby… remember? You loved my cooking! L: I did not. You should not be in a kitchen alone, Ill meet you on friday at 11.  L: Don’t start until i'm there. Please.  C: Okay !!!!! C: I'll see you then law! C: Cant wait ! C: Sleep tight <3<3<3 
Law closed his laptop, relaxing his shoulders. He glanced over and Bepo was already asleep. He kicked off his blanket and got up to go to the bathroom. After he finished his business, washing his hands like any good bio major, he strolled to the microwave area. He had only wanted water but he saw the picture of him holding a letter, standing next to Cora. Staring at it, he wondered why the giant had wanted him to socialize so much. It’s not like he never sees human faces, or stays inside all day everyday. He just liked being alone when he could, no one to ask him stupid questions. 
After finishing his water, Law went back to bed. 
The two went through the rest of the week, meeting each other an embarrassing amount of times. Neither one had any reason to talk to the other, so they didn’t. Until Wednesday rolled around, and they were back in Nico Robin’s class. 
“Someone has it out for me. I know it for sure” You wrote in your journal, along with the date and class name. Looking at Law, like you had these past two days, made you realize it more. 
“I have pissed off whatever god actually exists and they want me to repent. There is no way that all four of my classes are naturally shared with Trafalgar.” You finish scribbling away in your journal, just in time. 
“Okay, pass forward the paper I handed out to you. This was just a fun assignment to see what areas we, as a class, are most interested in.” She spoke smoothly, with an even tone. It was almost like she didn’t care, or like she had done this 20 times. 
You heard some of your classmates groan and while you agreed, you thought it was inappropriate to voice that. Tapping a pen on the paper of your journal idly, you waited for more instructions. Even though your classmates weren't raised well, your father had done a fine job with you. You were nice, respectful, studious. Sure you are shy but it's not like it mattered. 
Why speak to people and risk being embarrassed if they don’t want to talk to you? 
“Okay, as I said before this class is based in groups and communication. Please tell one person about what you studied for this assignment.” Robin had said before sitting at her desk with a book in hand. 
Suddenly everyone was talking but you and one other person. 
“My assignment is on the Five years war. I chose it because of a coin flip, I found the sources in the library database.” Already you were irritated. Another interaction with the man who had no manners. 
“Hello. That is how you start a conversation, who raised you? Anyways, my assignment is on the First Crusade. I chose it because it was the first war I thought of-” “Really? The first? Liar.” He interrupted you, of course a man like him would. 
You squinted at him, before responding with “Not lying, I was watching a documentary on the pope a day before class, which made me think of all the holy wars. It's not polite to interrupt people.” 
“Okay. I think we have discussed enough.” “Fine.” You scoffed at him mentally, before turning back to face the front of the room. 
“Okay now, I want someone to tell me about their partner's work! This is worth participation, as a friendly reminder.” She smiled eerily 
You did not raise your hand, in fact you looked away. If you were called on you would end up having to lie, since stupid Trafalgar didn’t tell you anything about his assignment. 
“Okay, randomly generated, we will have Mr. Trafalgar, Mr. Reyes, and Ms. Churchill. In that order please.” “My partner researched the First Crusade, she told me that she learned about the context of the war. Specifically Pope Urban the second’s motivations for launching the crusade, who was mainly following the lead of the Byzantine emperor. She also learned about the cost of the war, not only economically but also what it did for the Pope’s approval rating.” Incredible. He pulled all that from his ass? Wasn’t he a double major? How long ago did he even learn that? How was he able to say it so confidently? He is actually smart?! Hold on, he could’ve seen the same documentary you did and just so happened to remember important stuff. But even then, he didn’t even hesitate, he was so confident, even with a professor like Nico Robin. 
“Very good, point earned. Mr. Reyes?”
As he relaxed into his chair, you couldn’t help but stare. His hair was sticking out, a bit unruly from his beanie. It was white with weird black spots on it, maybe a statement about faux animal fur? Could he be vegetarian or something? Maybe he likes to hunt? His sideburns went right into his weird facial hair, “should be shaved” was scribbled into your journal, along with “spots?” and of course “T is smart?”. You saw his black hair under his beanie and thought of your father, who would never slouch like the man in front of you was. 
“Okay good to hear. This wraps up our class for today, I’ll see you all on monday.” 
You started gathering your things, excited to go back to Perona. She promised she would have your favorite food ready for you as soon as your class ended. It was a little weird, but you two always were close. 
“Are you always the last to leave?” The sudden voice pulled you from your thoughts, and made you drop your pencil case. No pencils escaped but the case clunked right under whoever had just shocked you. Law, with no expression on his face, immediately thought of his giant  adoptive father; who was extremely clumsy.  
“No. Are you stalking me? I feel like the campus police or a trusted adult should know about this.” You looked up at him, not reaching for your case at all. 
“I’m not, somehow, we have the exact same class schedule. With the exception of my online class.” “That's crazy buddy… Will you grab my case?”
“You can’t get it yourself?” He scoffed and folded his arms. 
“I think the reason why I dropped it should be the one to get it for me, no?” You thought he looked childish, folding his arms like he just got told to go to his room. 
“Fine.” He reached down, grabbing the case and placing it on your desk, “even though you were closer to the floor… I'm sorry.” He looked away as he said it. Once again you thought he was childish. 
You found yourself staring again. This time you noticed his hands, the word ‘death’ tattooed on his fingers, and the heart on the back of his hand. Shocked to say the least.
“Holy shit.” Huh? You said that outloud? Maybe you weren’t nice. 
You looked up to see Law’s face, somewhere between shock and disgust.
“Oh uh.. I meant, holy shit your tattoos are cool. They look like they hurt.” Maybe you saved it, you really did mean it in admiration. 
“It was painful, but worth it. Bearable at times.” He looked at his hand and held it up between the two of you. Shocked that he held it up for display, you raised your eyebrows. Staring at the tattoo, you were about to reach out and hold his hand closer so you could get a better look at the line work. Then your thoughts were interrupted.
“I know we aren’t on the best terms, but you heard the professor. I think it would be a good idea to bite the bullet and partner up.” He said it so matter-of-factly you almost agreed without realizing you were lost. 
“Huh? Partner?” you blinked up at him. “Of course you weren’t paying attention. The collaborative presentation that you and another student must present on the 18th?” He sounded annoyed, but his face wasn’t telling. 
“Yes! Sorry I got lost in my thoughts, we might as well partner up. I don’t have anyone else in mind, so I can stick with you.” You finished packing, finally, and stood up. Swinging your bag onto your back, you held out your hand towards him. 
“Okay… What is that for?” He nodded down to your hand. 
“Give me your phone. I’ll put my email in. We can make a google slide and share it that way.” 
He paused, with a semi frown on his face then gave up. He put his phone in your hand, and watched intently as you typed in something. Then you returned his phone, much to his delight. 
“Bye then. Just do 5 slides on the First Crusade or whatever other war the pope has started.” He put both of his hands in his pocket as he casually strolled out, leaving you to the room. 
“Hey! We should at least pretend you won't be a dick this whole time! Don’t boss me around!” You realized that you had said that just a bit too loud for the circumstances. Maybe you weren’t nice. 
Y: Okay! I just left class, do you have my salmon nigiri?  Y: You won't believe how good I was today. P: WHST  P: who are you?  P: The y/n i know would never ever say that.  P: Yes i do have it ready :) Y: I had to partner up with Him :/  Y: The strength  Y: Also he has finger tattoos?  Y: What the fuck.  P: You didn’t see them before?  Y: Sir traffy has been through it P: I wonder if hes like some ex-gang member? P: That is such a gang member thing to get tattooed P: Why aren’t you responding?  P: Helllllooooooo  P: y/n P: y/n P: ….
“Rona! You are literally crazy. I was walking over here, that's why I wasn’t responding.” You closed the door behind you, making sure to lock it. 
“Anyways! I’ve never seen you have such a strong reaction! To a guy no less, did he like to recite everything in the declaration of independence?” Perona called out to you while you entered and took off your shoes.
You walked over to the kitchen, where she wasdoing some dishes. Tossing your bag on the couch, then taking a seat at the bar that was connected to the kitchen. “If he did that I would’ve proposed on the spot… He just is kinda smart? It’s freaky! One second he’s brushing me off and not wanting to talk to me at all, the next he's explaining the cause of the First Crusade? Well… Kinda.” Perona turned with two plates in hand, and took a seat next to you. She placed the plate of sushi in front of you, “Well honestly i'm not surprised… Bepo says he is always studying.” 
“You talk about him with Bepo? Perona…” you made a disappointed face at her as you pulled your plate closer to you. “Noooo it’s all kosher! Bepo just offers up info about everyone he knows. I think he just doesn’t have a filter or whatever.”
“Yeah…” you took a piece of nigiri and dipped it, then ate it. As you chewed and swallowed you thought of your dad, “Do you think your dad would come visit us here?” 
“Hmmm only if your dad forced him to. I can picture it now ‘don’t you miss our girls?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then lets go! You pay and ill bring the beer!’ ‘beer isn’t allowed on a plane shanks’ or something like that…” Perona tried her best but didn’t really get the overall attitude of your dads. You decided not to comment and just take another bite. 
“Do I get to know why you asked?” Perona said, food in her mouth.
“Traffy, as you call him, has hair as dark as Mihawk’s. It made me think of him today…”
“Sigmund Frued would have a lot to say to you right now.” “No he wouldn't, he’s dead.” 
“Not for long…” “What the fuck?” You both burst out in laughter at the same time, something you had only ever done with your sister. 
After dinner it was off to bed, except you weren’t actually sleeping. Your laptop was open on your lap, on the google slides page. The document was created, named, and shared to Traffy. It wasn’t the most well-mannered thing, but you decided that nicknames meant you’re friends. Your sister desperately wanted you to have friends, and this would make her think you had them. You didn’t like the deception, if you could call it that, but it's not like you were gonna go out and get real friends. 
You started typing away, filling out 3 slides with information and pictures before deciding to get actual sleep. 
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wen-kexing-apologist · 3 months
Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
Oh hello again everyone! Apologies to the three people who are probably interested in this syllabus journey for falling off the face of the earth for the last few months. Had a lot of life changes and travel going on and have not been falling desperately behind in all of the things I have been watching. Now that I am back home for more than two days at a time, I figured I should get back into the swing of things with @bengiyo’s queer cinema syllabus.. With this post I am officially wrapping up Unit 4: Heartbreak Alley and will get to reap my reward with Lesbians and Gems for Units 5 and 6. As a reminder the films in Unit 4 are: Bent (1997), Strange Fruit (2004), Boys Don’t Cry (1999), Brokeback Mountain (2005), Parting Glances (1986), Philadelphia (1993), The Living End (1992), Holding the Man (2015), Jeffery (1995), and Boys on the Side (1995)
Today I will be talking about:
Boys on the Side (1995) dir. Herbert Ross
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[Run Time: 1:55, I watched it through Plex, Language: English]
Summary: Robin shares a ride in her car with Jane from New York to Los Angeles. They stop at Jane's friend Holly's place in Pittsburgh and take her with them west, making a long stop in Tucson. The three very different women become close friends.
Cast:  - Whoopi Goldberg as Jane - Mary-Louise Parker as Robin - Drew Barrymore as Holly
OKAY. Shout out to me for getting through the final film in Heartbreak Alley without crying! 
A trend I have noticed throughout the sad films in this section is that the vast majority of them hold the sadness until the end, which is super fair, but also something I would consider to be rather kind. Maybe it’s just me, but seeing Mysterious Skin so early on in this syllabus really altered my perception of what a difficult movie looked and felt like. The movie that compromised me the most in this unit was far and away Strange Fruit, which sits in the Mysterious Skin camp of being great and also something I will struggle to ever watch again. By comparison, a lot of the Heartbreak Alley films were fine. 
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I liked how much Boys on the Side was about the bonds between women and the importance of found family. I love a movie where the premise is: girls do crime and then hit the road together. I like how expertly this film was able to pull back the layers on Robin, until you hit the reveal of her HIV diagnosis. When we first meet her, she’s just a kind of put together, somewhat annoying and anal white woman that wants to hit the road for god knows what reason, and you (and Jane) roll your eyes a little at how often she is sanitizing things. 
And then she vomits, and you can kind of just dismiss it as the allergies she says it is. 
And then Jane leaves the car to go see Holly and Robin uses that moment alone to take some medication, and things start to unravel. She goes to bed really early, she looks haggard the longer they are endurance testing their driving on the road. Something is definitely wrong with her, and BOOM, she’s collapsed and is hospitalized, and you find out she’s HIV positive. 
I liked how distinct all three of the main characters felt, and I liked their friendship with one another. The full blown, silent conversations that can pass between them. I like the little moments in a slice of life, the birthday parties, the dancing, Jane making Robin shout “Cunt” because she feels uncomfortable referring to her vagina. I liked that having HIV was just a detail in her life, and that the movie itself didn’t feel like An AIDS Movie. 
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Even though Robin is surrounded by red the whole time, something which I usually associate with AIDS itself because of blood and red ribbons. Robin’s car is red, the lighting in her first hospital room is read, the list of plumbers and landlords she leaves on the fridge at her old apartment in New York is red, they settle in Tuscon, they live in a house made of red clay. But she is never the one that is painted in it. She never wears red, she is not the one painted by it. Jane is the one that bleeds in this film, Jane is the one washed in the red lights of the hospital. But the bigger instances of red: the car, the house contains an entire life inside it. A friendship. Happiness, sadness, anger, joy. You barely even notice that it’s there. 
When Robin’s initial case of pneumonia was resolved, the doctor wasn’t worried about it, and even though Robin did pass by the end of the film, the movie itself wasn’t about her dying of AIDS. It was about the friendship between Jane, Robin, and Holly. At least that’s how it felt for me. 
Definitely my favorite part of this film was that Robin was allowed to be absolutely pissed and to kick Jane out of the house when Jane revealed her status to the man Robin liked. Jane was just trying to be helpful, and the man himself was very chill and totally fine with her status. But Jane didn’t have a right to disclose that information. 
I want to know more about the writers of this film, because I liked that the person in the movie who had AIDS was not the former drug user, or the queer person, but the heterosexual, cisgender, white real estate agent. That it seems to have been a little bit of time since she got her diagnosis, and she’s got a handle on how she is dealing with her grief. She doesn’t pity herself, once Jane and Holly know about it, she’s very casual with her references to the blood tests she needs, etc. 
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Even if AIDS is a death sentence still in a movie like this one, I still think the film itself is kind about how they portray it. Robin can still be there for the people she cares about. She can get a very violent situation under control, she can fly across the country and testify to try to help Holly, she brings Jane happiness, music, fun. She doesn’t want a funeral, she wants a big party in the house they shared. She makes it long enough to tell Jane she was loved, to go home and meet Holly’s baby. 
We don’t have to watch her die, and even though the last scene of the film itself is an empty house, the understanding that Robin is dead, we don’t have to see her mother, who already lost her husband and her son, mourn her, we don’t have to watch her die. And we are immediately handed the end credit title cards that are just a compilation of the happy moments between Jane, Holly, and Robin. They don’t make you sit in the emotions there for very long. You get the sad scene of Robin seeing the visage of her dead brother, telling Jane what she wants to happen after she’s passed. And then it is immediately followed with a birth, with happiness and humor. You get the happiness of the baby shower when Holly gets out of prison and then the sadness of a shared song and an empty house, and Jane painting her nails in the car as she continues on her journey. And then you get Robin’s face, smiling away, laughter, chaos, joy at all these little moments in the film. 
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A good movie to end this section on, both as a wind down piece and as an appetizer for Unit 5: Lesbians. 
Favorite Moment
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I think my favorite moment of the film was when Jane and Robin meet Abe for the first time. Mostly because it is absolutely fucking hilarious to watch the paragraphs of silent, judgemental conversation they are having with each other while simultaneously trying to process that Holly who accidentally murdered a guy is dating a cop. It was truly such an expert portrayal of the psychic connections you forge between close friends. 
Favorite Quote 
“Everyone go potty, we don’t want to have to stop,”
I know what you are thinking. “Wen, why the fuck is that your favorite quote of the film?” It’s because of the context. Picture this, you have entered an apartment that is not your own after seeing through the window that the person who responded to your newspaper ad looking for a road trip buddy is in a fight with a random guy. The apartment you enter is a mess and your road trip buddy and her friend are bleeding at the hands of an abusive, drug dealing, asshole. You have managed to get the situation under control once already through sheer force of reasonable suggestion, only to have it ruined when this woman you do not know hits the abusive fucker over the head with a baseball bat. 
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THEN because you don’t want to murder him, but you also don’t want him to catch up to you, you and these two women you barely know, tie this man to a chair with rope and duct tape. You have thought through the timing of how long it will take him to break through the binds and have thought about the noise and found a music disc that will last long enough to give you one hell of a head start. You are standing next to this guy who just beat up two people you barely know, who you have hog tied, and who is bleeding from his temple, and in the flattest, most mother telling her child to do a simple task way, you suggest that everyone uses the potty before they essentially enter a getaway car and escape from the scene of this assault. It was just so fucking funny to me. 
I enjoyed the movie, but I think I wanted a little bit more attention and depth on Jane and less on Holly. I think there were a few too many threads going on, and that some of the set up was unnecessary. But I had a good time. 
And that’s it! I have finished Unit 4, I have so many more films to watch, but I inch ever closer to getting to rewatch Big Eden so onward I charge!
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One Day Closer to You
Sequel to One is the Loneliest Number, One on One, One Little Thing, Only One I See, One Thing Leads To Another, One Message Waiting
Warnings: none, Professor Steve (that’s a warning in itself)
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Dunno if I’ll be doing an exhaustive drabble series but there’s at least this. Let me know if you’re enjoying it or not and any thoughts you have. Love you!
“Do you mind sticking around?” Steve stops you before you can leave. Inez is conveniently absent as the submission deadline looms for the essay. You have no excuse left to avoid him.
Since that night with the mistaken messages, you still haven’t figured out how to face him. Of course, it’s easy to sit among the rows of students and blend in. You know it’s inevitable, that sooner or later, you’ll have to bear through the embarrassment. He probably won’t mention it and you’ll try not to think of it.
“Figured, we might go over stuff for your placement. I have a draft of the syllabus for you and–”
“Sure,” you answer as he begins to ramble. Inez’s jokes echo in your head. Is he eager to be with you or just impatient to get through the work? “I can hang out.”
You put your bag down on the long table next to the podium as he reaches for his briefcase. He flips up the flap and searches around, pulling out a bright pink folder. He smiles over the top of it as he returns to you.
“I put together a few things. The standard TA introductory package. Things to get you ready.” He puts it down between you, “you should start your first class by going over your expectations and rules for the class. You’ll be teaching, really.”
“Oh, yeah,” you flip open the folder, “makes sense.”
“Please, have a set,” he waves to the chair not far from you, “I can forward you the slides I typically use,” he bends a leg over the table as he sits atop it. His hand rests on his thigh as his other tugs at his collar. Nerves or impatience. “You don’t have to use them but they should be a good guide for you. I’ll have to approve your lesson beforehand, of course.”
“Uh, okay, yeah,” you shuffle through the papers.
As you read through the list of classroom tips, you feel him watching you. You get to the syllabus and thumb through it as you flick the top corner back and forth, bending it. You peek up, sweltering in the silence.
“This is very helpful,” you say, “thank you so much.”
“Ah, well, I mean, all I did was hit print,” he rubs his neck as he adjusts his perch on the table, “so, uh, I… I’m sorry about the other night. I got confused between numbers and I didn’t realise it was you until… after.”
“Oh, ha,” you force an awkward laugh, “no, please don’t– you don’t have to– I get it. I hope everything went okay. But uh, it happens.”
“Mm, yeah,” he drops his hand and huffs, “it… was a long night.”
You nod and give a weak smile, trying to be sympathetic. You look back at the folder and skim through the schedule. He shifts and clears his throat.
“Sat there a whole hour and she didn’t turn up,” he says, “but I had a nice meal. Alone.”
You hide your discomfort, wondering why he was sharing all this. He could’ve left it. It was done. Over. You hadn’t asked any questions. You really didn’t want, or need, to know.
“That’s too bad,” you say without looking up.
“It really is. I’ve been trying this Tinder thing, you must get it, you’re young,” he chuckles thinly, fingers tapping on his slacks, “it’s been a disaster.”
“Dating’s tough,” you say as you hide a cringe and gather a semblance of composure. You don’t know what to say, “so, uh, which week would I–”
“It really is. Tough. Are you… dating? Got any helpful tips?”
You sit up and look at him, speechless. What can you say? You’ve never been on a date. You’re focusing on school. You don’t get boys and they really don’t get you.
“Sorry, I don’t know, professor,” you exhale, “how about your friend, Professor Barnes? I think he said something about a girl. You could try… a double date.”
Your tone quavers in the air at your uncertainty. You’re no good at advice and you really don’t want to overstep. You really just want to quash the subject.
“Huh,” he scratches his chin, “that’s a good idea. I’ll have to ask, thanks. How was your night?”
“Just studied,” you say evasively, “uh, reminds me, I still gotta do my final edit for Friday’s paper.”
You stand up and close the folder. He doesn’t move as he watches you, crossing his arms over his chest. The fabric of his shirt draws taut around his arms as the buttons strain up his torso.
“You already submitted,” he says.
You pause, once more struck silent. How would he know? He must get a notification each time someone does. That lines up but you wouldn’t think he would check each one.
“Another class, history,” you lie through your teeth. “Professor, I really appreciate all the help. I’ll look at the slides and get back to you.”
“We should schedule something, a meet-up. Oh, maybe we can get tea again and go over ideas,” he suggests.
You smile tensely, your cheek twitching. He just seems so sweet, harmless. Inez can’t be right. Maybe he’s a bit awkward but he only means well. He’s only trying to help. And he’s giving his time to make sure you do well and you could use all the help you can get.
“Um, well, okay,” you sputter, “yeah, um, I’ll check my schedule and get back to you. I have some study groups coming up for finals and er, nobody can make up their minds.”
“Sounds good. Great,” he stands and drops his arms, framing his hips with his large hands, “you can text me.”
“I’ll send an email,” you offer evenly, “anyways, I really should head out. I’m sure you have lots to do.”
“Dinner for one. Again,” he says glumly.
“Instant ramen for me,” you chime as you put the folder in your bag and zip it up, “have a good night, professor.”
“Steve,” he corrects, “you can call me Steve. We’ll be working together for a while.”
“Uh, Steve,” you repeat, “sorry, I’m just not used to it.”
“It’s fine,” he assures you as his right hand balls at his side, clenching the fabric of his pocket, “I’ll see ya later. Oh, and good luck on your history paper.”
“Thanks,” you swoop your backpack over your shoulder and spin on your heel, “have a good one.”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 12
Hello! Sorry this is late, but I had to take this week super slow because I went and sprained my middle and ring fingers on my left hand tripping and falling into a wall. The hand is mostly better, but it still twinges a bit.
Edie is going through some things, Eddie gets lost, and Steve learns where Harri gets his name.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Steve got home and found Edie at the counter munching away at cereal.
“You do know cereal is breakfast food, yes?” he asked as he went to the fridge to pull out the stuff he’d need to make dinner.
“Cereal is a state of mind, Dad,” Edie said, grinning around a mouth full of milk and Frosted Flakes.
“You’re going to spoil your dinner,” Steve said with a glare.
Edie cocked one eyebrow at him and he sighed. “Yeah, all right. So how was school?”
“Algebra is still the bane of human existence,” she murmured. “I just don’t understand it. I can do the geography portion of the syllabus just fine. But when it comes to algebra, I just...” and then blew a raspberry.
Steve grimaced. “I’m sorry, honey. I’ve explained it, Uncle Dusty explained it a different way, and Aunt Robin an even more different way than that and if you’re not getting, I don’t know what to do.”
Edie sighed. “I talked to Mr Olsen and he’s just going to have me take geometry next year instead of forcing me through another year of hell.”
“Are you going to get enough math credits to graduate if you do that?” Steve asked.
Edie sighed. “Probably not, so summer school it is. Yay!” she said waving her hands sarcastically.
“We’ll get you through this,” he promised.
“I know,” she murmured. She looked over at the counter where Steve had put aside enough food for an army. “You skip lunch again?”
He rolled his eyes. “No. Half of this coming with me to the office because Callen, one of the techs’ mom is going through chemo and he forgets to bring lunch.”
Edie looked at the food on the counter and back up at him. “It’s not for you?”
Steve sighed. “No. You’re not going to get hung up on this again are you?”
She shook her head. “I just worry about you, you know.”
He sighed again. “I know you do, but you don’t have to worry about this. You remember what Dr Rushing said, right?”
Edie heaved out a sigh of her own. “I know. It was a one-time thing. It’s never happened before and it hasn’t happened since.”
“Good,” Steve said firmly. “Now help me chop these vegetables.”
She drank down her milk and put her bowl in the sink. She got out a knife and the chopping board and got to work.
“Anything exciting happen at work today?” she asked.
Steve’s spine stiffened and went completely still. “About that, honey. Has your mom tried to get into contact with you recently?”
Edie frowned. “I guess about a month ago. She wanted me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. But I thought she was trying to trap me again, so I just ignored it, why?”
Steve let out a shuddering breath and told her about his afternoon. “So I’m calling the school and letting them know that she is in town and isn’t allowed anywhere near you, okay?”
“God, I swear that woman is like a bad penny,” Edie muttered. “She just keeps coming back.”
Steve nodded. “Violating the order is bad, and she will get in trouble for it. But she hasn’t tried to physically harm either of us, so I’m not sure what the police can even do.”
Edie nodded back. “I wish she would just go away. Because apparently not even finding another man to scam is enough to get her to forget about us.”
“Nothing warps the mind quite like greed,” Steve agreed. “I’ll talk to a lawyer about what more we can do about her, just to set both of our minds at ease. There must be something more we can do.”
Eddie was lost. He was sure Dustin told him to take the second elevator to sixth floor to meet up for lunch. But now he was starting wonder if Dustin had said the sixth elevator to the fourth floor.
And then he saw his savior in the form of a single glass name plate. He wrenched open the door and went up to the desk.
“Hey, so I was wondering if–” he began.
The woman at the desk cut him off by tapping her sign. Eddie’s eyes followed her finger and went, “Oh.”
He started signing instead. “My sincerest apologies, fair Vanessa! I should have been paying better attention. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of Dustin Henderson’s office. I am meant to be having lunch with him, but I have sadly lost my way!”
Vanessa giggled and pressed a button on her desk. She signed back. “I could, but I’m pretty sure he’d take you if you wanted.”
Eddie frowned and signed back. “Who?”
She pointed behind him and he turned. There leaning against his now open door, was Steve. He had his arms crossed and was smiling fondly.
Eddie turned back to her and blushed. Vanessa raised an eyebrow.
“This idiot is on the wrong floor,” she signed to Steve. “Can you take him to Dustin? Tell him to stop letting his experiments run around the building unsupervised.”
Steve laughed. “Come on, Eddie. I’ll get you to where you need to go.”
Eddie signed “Asshole” to her before turning around and following Steve. Her laugh echoed down the hall.
“You have a mean receptionist,” he told Steve as the walked down the hall.
Steve grinned. “I know, isn’t she great? I love her.”
Eddie gulped and shoved his hands in his back pocket. “Didn’t know you were the kind to date the secretary, Harrington.”
Steve laughed. “If I tried that, her husband Nick would make sure my next hearing aid exploded.”
The knot that had formed in Eddie’s chest loosened. “I didn’t see a ring when we were signing, so I wondered.”
Steve nodded. “That’s fair. But he can’t wear one doing his work, so she told him that she wasn’t going to wear one either.”
“Is he deaf, too?” Eddie asked. He knew from Dustin that the company liked to hire hard of hearing and deaf individuals.
Steve shook his head. “One of my best interpreters, though. They came as a packaged deal. I can’t live without Vanessa and Dustin trusts Nick implicitly, I do too.”
Eddie smiled. “It seems like you two have made quite the company here.”
“It absolutely was a team effort,” Steve replied. “Dustin could MacGuiver that shit from his mom’s basement, but he couldn’t get people to listen to him about the technologies.”
“Whereas you could smooth talk a snake out of its skin?” he said, ducking his head and looking up at Steve slyly.
Steve laughed. “Something like that. So it worked to both of our strengths.”
He stopped at a door and then opened it. “Hey, Dusty! Look what I found wondering the halls like a lost puppy.”
Dustin’s head shot up. “There you are! Why didn’t you just message me on your phone, dumbass?”
Eddie flushed in embarrassment. “I thought I could figure it out. But this place is huge.”
Steve laughed. “Well Bo-peep, now that I’ve found your sheep, I’ve got to get back to work.” He jerked his thumb behind him. “Also Vanessa says to keep a tighter leash on your experiments.” He winked at Eddie who protested loudly.
“Hey,” Dustin said, glancing at Eddie quickly, “if you wanted you could come with us to lunch.”
Steve paused at the door and looked to Eddie. “If you don’t mind...”
Eddie shook his head. “You are more than welcome, Stevie.”
Steve felt that familiar swoop in his stomach at the old nickname. “Then sure. Where were you guys thinking of going?”
“Sushi!” Dustin said proudly.
Steve rolled his eyes. “I’ll pass thanks.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Not a fan of raw fish, sweetheart?”
Steve’s stomach swooped again and he really needed Eddie to stop with the nicknames and endearments otherwise Steve wasn’t going to have much of a stomach left after a single lunch the way his stomach kept hollowing out.
Steve shrugged. “I’ve tried all kinds, including the cooked kind and it’s just not my thing. You two have fun though.”
Eddie may have panicked a bit because he blurted. “We could change the restaurant.”
Steve smiled sweetly. “I wouldn’t want to ruin your fun. I’ll just pick something more my flavor on Monday.” He waved goodbye and they waved back.
As the door was closing Steve could hear Dustin ask Eddie, “What happens on Monday?”
Steve was in his office when there was a knock on his door. He had taken out his contacts and pulled out his glasses, the beginning of a migraine floating just beyond the horizon.
He had been chugging water and had long since downed pain killers to stave it off. But he could still feel the pressure building behind his eyes.
When the knock came he looked up to see Eddie standing at the door with a take away box and smile.
“I come bearing gifts of the apology variety,” he said holding up the bag.
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “You didn’t have to do that. I would have grabbed a candy bar or something later.”
Eddie grinned. “It was Dustin’s idea, I am merely the messenger.”
“Why is everyone fussing about my eating?” Steve sighed.
“He said you tend to overwork and forget to eat.” Eddie raised an eyebrow.
Steve shoulders slumped. “He’s right. Sorry. It’s just that Edie’s been going on about my eating habits lately and it’s set me on edge.”
Eddie walked into the room and set his prize down on the table, sliding it over to him. “They got a reason to worry?”
Steve pulled the styrofoam box out of the bag and hummed happily when the scent of sesame chicken hit his nose. He pulled out the chop sticks and dug in, suddenly ravenous.
After a moment or two of stuffing his face, he shook his head. “Not really. Which is why it’s weird, it’s come out of nowhere.”
“You been eating less lately?” Eddie asked, leaning forward on the desk, having pulled up a chair up close.
Steve cocked his head as he thought about it. “I mean not really. Like yeah, sometimes I’ll work through lunch, but I always make sure to grab something later. It’s not disordered eating or whatever they’re calling it these days.”
Eddie nodded. “Anything that’s happened recently that maybe put her on edge and had her latch on to your eating habits?”
Steve scoffed around a bite of chicken. “You mean other than this really great guy I used to be friends with suddenly coming back into my life via his seventeen year old rockstar in the making?”
Eddie grinned. “Other than that, yeah.”
Again Steve gave his question the weight it deserved before shaking his head. “Nothing I can think of.”
Eddie threw himself back against the chair with a heavy sigh. “You got me then man. I don’t know.”
Steve smiled. “At least you tried.”
“Speaking of my rockstar in training, how’s your rockstar in training?” Eddie asked.
“Other than the fixating on my eating?” Steve asked. “She’s fine. Her mom tried to fuck with us again. Sent her packing via cops and lawyers. Hopefully she’ll stay away this time.”
Eddie winced. “Look, I love the name Edie. It’s beautiful, but who the hell names their daughter Edith anymore?”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “I know, right? I fought hard for Lilian. Or even just Lily. But no...it had to be Edith. I think it was a family name or some such bullshit.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “God, I think that honestly makes it worse.”
“Hence Edie,” Steve agreed. “So how did you and your husband come up with Harri. Edie said it’s spelled uniquely. With an ‘I’ instead of a ‘Y’?”
Eddie huffed and rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
Steve tilted his head to the side. “I think Dusty or Nancy said it was after some prince or something.”
Eddie shook his head and ran his tongue over his teeth. “Yeah no. That’s official story. Prince Harry was born to the Prince and Princess of Wales two full years before Harri was even conceived. And when people started guessing that with Jay being English, we just didn’t bother to correct them.”
He grabbed the plaque that had Steve’s name on it and turned it around, covering the last five letters of his last name. It now read STEVEN HARRI.
It took Steve a moment before his eyes went wide. “And Jay was okay with that?”
Eddie shrugged. “It wasn’t Steven or Stephen with a ‘PH’. And I didn’t know your middle name.”
“Why what?” Eddie asked. “Why is my son named after a guy who’s name I’ve never spoken aloud in twenty years?”
Steve pursed his lips together and then licked them. “Yeah, man. That.”
“Jay wanted to name him after the man that save my life,” Eddie said softly. “But I was still mad at you about missing Brian’s funeral. Which I now know was because you thought Edie was being born, even if she waited a whole other week to finally make it.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I couldn’t make something up. Not with it in newspapers who the Hawkins hero was. So we used Harri.”
Steve finished his food and threw it away. He wiped off his hands. “Anyone ever guess the real meaning behind the name?”
Eddie shook his head. “Maybe Jeff. But no, everyone else thinks we were British snobs.”
“Well, I’m honored,” Steve said. “Not just because you think I’m a hero, but because Harri’s a good kid. I’m guessing he doesn’t know.”
Eddie shook his head. “I’ve got a letter from Jay that he’s going to get on his twenty-first birthday that will explain it. The surrogacy, his birth, his name. All of it. I wanted to tell Harri sooner, but Jay made me promise.”
Steve nodded. “He’ll probably still be angry. But at least a twenty-one, hopefully he’ll be be mature enough to understand why.”
Eddie slapped the desk with his palm. “That’s the hope.” He looked at his watch. “I’ve got to go. Harri’s got a dentist appointment. See you on Monday?”
Steve grinned. “Yeah. See you on Monday.”
Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos  @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @cardigangoth @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall
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Nothing But The Truth ~ Kai Parker One Shot
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*not my gif
Pairing: siphon!Kai X witch!Saltzman!Reader
Word Count: 3,388
Requested?: Yes
This is a sequel to "I'd Rather You Lie." I've done my best to make sure this piece is readable as a one shot, but if you'd like to read the prequel, please read it here.
This IS a reader insert fic; I just don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of names. Use Rosalie/Rosie/Rose as a placeholder for Y/N :)
Description: Kai betrayed her trust, used her for his own selfish means. Now, he can't bear the pain and hurt he's caused her. Malachai understands now that he loves her, but is love enough to mend a broken heart?
Warnings: angst/heartbreak and minor mature language
The story begins after the break! I hope you enjoy reading it :)
“I’d rather you lie.” 
It was easier for Rosalie when he lied. It had been easier to believe it was real. Now, she’d heard the lies so often she couldn’t possibly know what was true anymore. Kai’s ramblings came to a halt. Rose’s smile was more akin to a grimace. There were no tears in her eyes; there was nothing in her eyes as if there was no soul behind them.
Malachai had hurt many people in his life. He’d murdered his siblings, and he’d spent years torturing himself. Somehow, this emptiness in her was worse than all the damage he’d done combined. “Rosalie…” She just shook her head, walking passed him. There was still no emotion on her face as she hugged her winter jacket around her body. Kai watched her walk away, feeling the snow settle in his hair. The cold did not compare to all the pain that consumed him. 
He tried to take a shaky breath. With a choked gasp and unbearable pain in his heart, Malachai watched her until she became a speck of dust in the distance. The worst part of it all? She didn’t turn to look back at him once.
Was it his fault for breaking her heart, or was it hers for allowing him to hold it in the first place? Her brain and heart grappled over this question every night, making it impossible to sleep. Thanks to Kai, she couldn’t return to the life she’d once loved. There was nothing left inside her that would allow her to love. 
It wasn’t as if Rose was a stranger to pain. She’d been abandoned by people before. The people who brought her into the world had died. The ones who adopted her into their home as a child saw her as only a paycheck. Even Alaric was dead for a few years before miraculously coming alive again. None of those heartaches had destroyed her in the same way Malachai had.
Perhaps it was because it was her first time truly being in love. She couldn’t feel anything anymore, not even anger. Though her mind and heart disagreed on whose fault it was, they both knew feeling the agony of that betrayal would consume her.
For now, all she could do was continue existing in an endless cycle – school, work, Dad, friends, eat, sleep, repeat. ~
A new semester was starting after winter break, and Rosalie considered it a fresh start. She would put herself out there again; she’d try to come back to life. Rose was sitting in a large lecture hall, waiting for the professor of her creative writing course to arrive. She twirled her stylus around her fingers, making random doodles on her iPad. Someone sat down a few seats away from her, but she paid them no mind. 
The hall continued to fill, and Professor Smith arrived ten minutes late. She was fun, and her quippy nature made up for the tardiness. Listening to a professor review a syllabus wasn’t boring for once. Rosalie was paying close attention, jotting down miscellaneous notes about due dates and assignment details. 
“Your final paper, worth 30% of your grade, will be a writing piece: eight to ten pages long with attention to all topics and techniques we’ll review throughout the semester. Students who do best on this assignment never fail to present their learnings in a unique, refreshing way. Nothing should limit your imagination. Isn’t that right, boy who can’t stop staring at the girl in his row?”  Rose was looking at the professor when she singled out the student not listening. As did the other students, she, too, looked around to see who the professor was scolding. Her grip slackened on her stylus as she heard his voice a few feet away. She would know that voice anywhere. “Y-yes, Professor. I’m sorry.” The professor nodded and continued. Malachai stole one more glance in her direction when the professor’s back was turned, and his eyes met Rosalie’s after weeks of not seeing each other.
Before he could talk to her, Rose rushed out of the lecture hall. Was he stalking her now? Swallowing away the bitter taste in her mouth, Rosalie instinctively made her way to her dad’s office. Glancing at the time, she knew Alaric was giving a lecture. Unlocking the door with magic and locking it behind her, Rose collapsed onto the couch. Her head fell into her hands, and her foot tapped against the ground anxiously. 
Rosalie hadn’t yet asked her dad for Kai’s true story. She didn’t want to know it anymore; she told herself she didn’t care about him and whatever was causing him pain. Whether she would admit it or not, Rosalie was lying to herself, just as Kai had lied to her for weeks. 
She stayed in the same spot for hours, finally looking up when she heard the door unlock. Alaric smiled at his daughter, unsurprised to find her here. This was a first-day-of-the-semester tradition for them – tea in his office and unpacking what happened in their new classes. Ric turned on the hot water kettle, pulling out mugs and tea for them. He only noted her troubles when she greeted him without energy, and his smile faded quickly. “Rosalie? What’s the matter?” 
Rose sighed deeply, not knowing where to start. “I need you to tell me everything about Kai, Dad. Please.” The turmoil had been suppressed long enough; she bit the bullet and watched Ric’s expression twitch. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Hot water and honey were poured into their mugs. Rose kicked her shoes off, curled her legs under her, and claimed the steaming cup of tea. The silence was broken only when Alaric sat beside her on the couch.
He was torn about how much he should involve her but hiding the truth from Rose allowed Kai to hurt her. Ric wouldn’t hide things from her anymore. “Malachai is Josette’s twin brother.” A confused expression came over Rose’s face immediately. “Jo is in her early 40s. How is that possible?” To his credit, Alaric told her everything without biased embellishments, telling her the story exactly as Jo told him. 
Of course, even he didn’t know the story from Malachai’s perspective. 
He told her about how Kai was meant to merge with Jo and become the leader of the Gemini coven, how he was never worthy of the position. When he found out the thing he lusted after for twenty-two years would never be his, Kai snapped, murdering four of his little siblings in cold blood. Kai stuck a hunting knife into Josette and took out her spleen. Ultimately, he was after Lucas and Olivia. The Coven locked him up in a prison world, and he escaped when Bonnie and Damon ended up there after the Other Side collapsed.
Rosalie listened to everything, finding it impossible to believe that the guy she knew – the guy she thought she knew – was capable of all of this. Even as she left her dad’s office, Rose repeated the story in her mind. There had to be more to this story. No one was born evil. Something must have happened to Kai - something so horrible and cruel that his only choice was to protect himself this way. 
Alaric had heard the story from Jo, but he hadn’t seen the tears Kai shed when no one was around to see them. Whatever caused him to snap tormented him even now, and no one should live that way. Despite this, Rosalie didn’t have it in her to forgive him. Maybe it was selfish, but he’d used someone who trusted him for reasons she could barely justify. 
The door to her apartment closed behind her. Trying to push the thoughts away, Rose walked over to her fridge. She pulled it open, and the wave of cool air sent her mind reeling back…
Even on the drive back to Mystic Falls, her thoughts were consumed with Kai. He’d kissed her, and then he disappeared. What kind of decent person does that? Rosalie had begun to think that maybe she didn’t know Malachai at all. Her thoughts would be proven right a few minutes later.  When Rose entered the Salvatore House, she heard the flames of the fireplace crackling and voices coming from the living room. “How do you know my daughter?” Her dad was threatening someone, holding them by their neck as he tilted the chair towards the fireplace. Damon forced him away, trying to calm Alaric down. “Easy, Papa Bear. Kai’s going to cooperate. Talk. Now.”  Kai? Her Kai? No… “Didn’t you know? I’ve been dating her for a while. Here I thought she told you everything, Alaric. Of course, she thinks it’s real, which is sweet, really. At least someone among us has a heart.”  Kai kept on talking, but she heard none of it. It was as if her senses had been disconnected from her brain. “She’s just so welcoming… it was so easy to step into her life. I could get into all of yours and take what I’ve always wanted. But you really didn’t need to torture me to get that out of me, did you? I think I’m an excellent communicator.”  Damon and her dad had already seen Rose standing there, and when Damon forced Kai’s chair around, she registered the briefest flicker of remorse in his eyes. She didn’t have it in her to care, not right now. All she did was turn around and leave. The air outside felt so much colder than she could bear. It bit her cheeks as tears filled her eyes. Rosalie refused to let them fall. She would not cry over someone who was using her.
The tears that had refused to spill all those months ago came bubbling to the surface. Her knees buckled below her, and her hands rushed to cover her mouth as a pained scream came out. All the agony at his betrayal created burning trails on her cheeks, and as she curled up on the ground, her shoulders shook with each sob. 
Rosalie finally let herself admit that she had loved Malachai: she probably still did. She’d put her heart into someone’s hands for the first time and this was what she earned in return. Nothing in her life felt fair. How many more people would hurt her before she could finally be free? 
The anguish she’d failed to acknowledge and process now took over. It subsided hours later when the chill from the open fridge had coated her spine and the door beeped in protest. Rose gave it a weak push and it creaked shut. 
She’d loved him, and now she didn’t think she could love anymore.
Caroline smacked a piece of paper down on the table in front of Rosalie. “The annual Whitmore Bitter Ball is on Saturday, and you’re coming.” Rose picked up the flyer, smiling without amusement at the clashing black and grey letters. “Come onnnn, you’re the one that’s most bitter in love out of any of us.” 
Elena and Bonnie gave Caroline a withering stare, while Rose just shook her head. “Sorry… insensitive.” She cleared her throat, trying to dispel the awkwardness. “You should come, Rosalie. We all deserve a night out.” Elena was gently encouraging in stark contrast to Caroline. Rose didn’t know how she felt about it. “Okay, dance or no dance, at least come dress shopping with us? We need your opinions.” Truthfully, it sounded dreadful. After a long blink, Rosalie smiled and agreed. “Fine. It’ll be just like high school.” It wouldn’t be for her; it would be for her friends.
A few hours later, Rosalie was walking between aisles upon aisles of dresses. Some were gaudy and drew way too much attention. Some were too plain for a ball. Then again, maybe plain was best – something that could help her hide in the shadows as she attended the dance for the sake of her worried friends. 
Rose ultimately chose a silken, black gown. It had an attractive sweetheart neckline and golden embellishments around the waist. The skirt didn’t puff out obnoxiously, and with a golden mask to abide by the masquerade policy, it was the perfect disguise.
On Saturday evening, Rosalie found herself standing in the corner of the grand ballroom. People were all over the place: some drunk, some dancing, some crying, and some doing all of the above. Rose watched people move about behind her mask, twirling the straw around in her gin and soda with extra limes. She’d promised Caroline she’d stay out for an hour, and thankfully, the hour was almost up. 
Downing her drink, Rosalie walked across the dance floor. She had managed to artfully avoid the masses until she reached the bar. The glass clinked down onto the granite counter, right beside someone also attending this ball alone. He turned around slowly, setting down his own glass. They looked at each other silently for a few heavy seconds, neither saying a word. 
Malachai’s eyes shined in the dim lighting of the ballroom, swimming with numerous feelings yet glistening with the joy of seeing her. Rosalie’s expression remained passive, unreadable. She’d cried her heart out already. What was the next step in the process of healing from heartbreak? 
“I don’t know how a ball for the brokenhearted could be such a hit,” Kai said. Rose smiled without amusement, looking around at the crowd once again. “You never know, maybe lots of people have broken hearts around here.” Malachai swallowed away the knot of emotion in his throat, his eyes darting to the dance floor. “Maybe you’re right.”
He refused to meet her eyes, and it sparked something inside her. It was some convoluted mixture of rage, pain, desperation, and, most unexpectedly, a tinge of hope. “Dance with me?” She held out her hand to him in challenge. Kai’s gaze flit between her hand, the dancing couples, and the gleam in her eyes. Whatever brought it back, he’d missed it dearly. He took her hand, leading her to join the crowds. 
Rose let out a soft laugh at the song change, wondering if Caroline had something to do with the music. War of Hearts played over the speakers as Kai’s hand came to rest on her waist. Their fingers linked together, and this time, everything else fell away. 
Come to me in the night hours. I will wait for you.
Both recalled the same memories as they stepped in unison. Their awkward first interaction in the coffee shop. The first date where Kai was trying to be charming but ended up spilling soda all over his shirt. His tears when the thoughts of his past tormented him. The devastation they both felt when Rosalie found out about Malachai’s betrayal. 
“Have you been stalking me, by the way?” Kai almost smiled, his brow rising. “Would you believe me if I said I had no idea you’d be in the same section?” He twirled her around, pulling her back to him. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’m supposed to believe, Malachai.” 
She’d been the only one who could use his full first name without making him flinch. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and Kai sighed, resigned with himself. “I don’t know what I can say, Rose. You have every right to not trust me. Let me just ask you one thing, and then I will leave you alone.”
I can’t help but love you, even though I try not to. I can’t help but want you. I know that I’d die without you.
“Do you honestly think I didn’t break my own heart when I broke yours?” His arms wrapped around her as Kai selfishly pulled her close. If this was the last time, he needed to hold her close. The back of his hand brushed her cheek, and he memorized the feel of her soft skin. He was close enough to see the reflection of his dark, satin mask in Rosalie’s eyes. 
Rose didn’t know how to react. Her first instinct was to say no. He had sounded so convincing when he gloated to Ric and Damon about how he used her. How could that be the voice of someone with a broken heart? That same person stood in front of her now, looking at her with deeper affection and sincerity unlike anything she’d known before. 
Rosalie held the hand brushing her cheek, wrapping her own around it before stepping away from Kai. “Malachai, I can’t do this again.” Kai had let her walk away once. He wouldn’t give up without a fight this time. “Please… I promise I won’t ever hurt you. I won’t lie to you. From now on, nothing but the truth.” 
I can’t help but be wrong in the dark, ‘cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts. I can’t help but want oceans to part, ‘cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts.
With those words, Rose threw her arms around Malachai and kissed him. Maybe it was wishful thinking, or maybe it was just plain stupid. It didn’t matter. Not trusting him had been so unendurably painful; even if he played her again, it would be worth it.
Kai froze in surprise for a fraction of a second, not expecting her to give him the one thing he wanted most. He took her face in his hands, suppressing a sob of relief and joy. Malachai brought her closer, hugging her flush against his body. 
People still danced around them, oblivious to the two souls who’d found each other and would never part again.
The end of the semester approached, faster than anticipated. Malachai and Rosalie had spent the last months together, and true to his word, he hadn’t lied to her… until tonight.
In his lonesome years in the prison world, Kai had honed his cooking and baking skills. Tonight, after a long week of finals, they were making Kai’s chocolate chip cookies – a recipe he’d refined and mastered over twelve years. Rosalie was whipping together browned butter and sugar, and Kai was chopping chunks of dark chocolate into shards with a knife. The apartment smelled like toasted sugar, and their playful banter brought them much-needed laughter. 
“Where’d you put the vanilla extract I brought over?” Rosalie was looking in Kai’s kitchen drawers, and just as she reached one near the edge of the counter, he stepped in front of her. “Not in that one! There’s nothing in that one. Let’s move on.” Why was he in such a rush to get her away from that drawer? 
“Malachai… what are you hiding from me?” He sighed and stepped aside, remembering his promise to her. Rose didn’t take her eyes off him as she opened the drawer. Looking down, she halted in shock at the only object inside: a small black jewelry box.
Kai grabbed it before she could, putting it behind her back. She gave him a look, raising her eyebrows in question. “What are you hiding from me?” She repeated her question, her voice even more pointed, now with curiosity rather than suspicion. Adorably anxious, Kai nipped at his lower lip and tugged at his hair momentarily. 
Setting the box on the kitchen counter, Kai flipped its lid. Within it, tucked into cushioned velvet, lay matching silver rings. They were similar in style to the ones Malachai often wore, the metal bands thick and fairly plain. He removed them both, showing her the inscription inside the bands: nothing but the truth.
“This isn’t a proposal. Not yet, at least.” Kai’s nervousness didn’t help him get these words out, but when he looked up, looking into her eyes, suddenly it was much easier. “I wanted us to have something that reminds us of our journey and how far we’ve come. I want us to have these.” Before he said anything more, Kai slipped his ring onto his middle finger. Rosalie accepted his gift and put on her ring. She took his hand and laced their fingers together.  “Thank you, Kai,” Rose spoke with tenderness, holding Kai’s face. “I’ll never take it off.” Their lips met in a sweet kiss, and the smooth metal of their rings clinked together quietly. They squeezed each other’s hands lovingly, now certain neither would let go.
That's all for this piece! Thank you to the anon who requested I give them a happy ending; this story would not exist without you :)
Please feel free to send any thoughts/comments/constructive criticisms my way. I always welcome them.
If you’d like to be tagged in future Kai Parker works, feel free to message me/leave a comment here. If you liked this story, feel free to check out my other stories from my Malachai Parker Masterlist (pinned to the top of my profile).
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel
Master Taglist: @socio-kai-path1972, @bluelicious, @genevivetaylor, @kolsangel, @callsign-luckyshot
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lxdymoon0357 · 6 months
Here's a crossover idea. Sovieshu and Minho friendship in modern au. Sovieshu is from way richer and powerful family than wookyung and he helps Minho by hiring him as Gloryem's tutor. Slowly they become close friends and wookyung still tries to destroy Minho but Sovieshu protects him. I mean canonically Sovieshu has a thing for helpless being and likes to help them. Maybe they'd form a brotherly bond and Gloryem would get an uncle. Rasta is the best sister in law.
(..This is one crossover I can love!!! I need my best bois to be with each other, honestly if Sovieshu was in actor AU, I'd like to believe he was twins with Minho!! Also Sovieshu has a good relationship with Rashta and doesn't like Navier in any romantic way, she's his sister figure! Ian and Gloryem are both with Sovieshu and Rashta!)
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Parallel lines...
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╟ Minho met Sovieshu as he was friends with the principle of the school despite not liking the man cause Sovieshu found him annoying knowing he was only sucking up to the boy...when his eyes fell on another black haired boy, quite pretty he was....Sovieshu couldn't lie, and he looked so small and sensitive despite being so well-built and having such an intimidating face...
╟ Definitely easily befriended Minho and they became close and learning of his great teaching begged Minho to tutor Gloryem and Ian...Minho was worried for scaring the girl, but Sovieshu comforted him saying they won't be...They're Rashta's kids after all and Rashta.....she either never learnt what fear was or she wasn't intimidated by scary facial features....and the kids inherited that...
╟ Minho agreed, albiet a bit nervous to get mad at the kids, but he followed the address Sovieshu gave him and arrived at one of the most grandest houses he's ever seen, tall with a palace like feeling with a dark turquoise and black columns... Leaving Minho FLABBERGASTED...my mans was too stunned to speak..but softly knocked on the door
╟ He expected the door to be opened by Sovieshu, but was instead pulled open by one the most gorgeous women he's seen; pale skin, white-blonde wavy hair, gorgeous, large, grey doe-like eyes and dresses in a soft white dress with the brightest smile he's ever seen...she reminded him of himself as a kid... she happily welcomed him and introduced herself; Rashta, wife of Sovieshu and mother of his two kids..
╟ Rashta spoke happily in a bubbly explaining how Sovieshu often talked highly of him, as she called two kids to meet him, seemingly Sovieshu's genes decided to put up not a single speck of fight as the kids were carbon copies of her and were just as bright and bubbly, especially the girl; Gloryem...
╟ He had a talk with Rashta who decided on the timings, syllabus and what to teach the kids. He agreed and she had him stay for dinner; he wanted to leave but Rashta wouldn't take no for an answer and so he stayed as Sovieshu and Rashta happily served him dinner...
╟ He started tutoring the two kids, and Sovieshu began inviting him for drinks or things like that and they got close, during this time the situation with Doona and Wookyung happened and the first person he told that to was Rashta who cried with him in her arms and raised hell until her husband did something about the situation.
╟ Sovieshu first told them to wait as there was a business deal going on, but a argument and two crying session from Rashta later, he called up his company in anger and called it off while Rashta simply winked to Minho with a cheeky smile with her crocodile tears still streaming down her cheeks...
╟ Basically becomes his sister and mother, always gifting him things like a mother, Rashta is rather protective of Minho, making sure his inner child is safe, he reminds her of himself when living with his abusive father..she doesn't want him to experience that, he has gone through enough in his life in her opinion..
╟ Whenever she introduces him, she calls him "Dear brother, Minho-ssi" and she never lives it down, she refuses to say he's Sovieshu's brother, even though people believe Minho is Sovieshu's brother and even if Sovieshu claims that Minho is his brother, Rashta will refuse to believe it because she likes being his sister. It's a petty thing, she rubs of off Minho ...
╟ Rashta is most likely to be a fashion model, on top of trends, the trend-setter and maker and she has Minho as her top model, they're called "the moon and sun twins" because of how much of a moon Minho looks and how bright Rashta...they go viral on insta for their matching photos!
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celestialrosesgarden · 5 months
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[SPIDER-MAN X READER] Silk Threads 2.4k words
Chapter Two: Syllabus Week
  There were times when the city didn't seem so bad. The sun would shine just right, and the air wouldn't smell of garbage and dirty smog. No rats would scamper across the sidewalk and people would smile at you, but not in a creepy old man way. These days were rare and yet, today was one of those days.
   The girl walked the same path she always did  to school. Empire State University was not far from her apartment when the conditions were right and today was one of the few days that her walk was swift. No earbud graced her ear, after yesterday she realized that she needed to be more vigilant of her surroundings. Her little mishap had plagued her mind since it had occurred.
   After Spider-Man had left, the police questioned her. With her story matching the witnesses, the thief was put into a police car and taken away. She had then returned home, much later than she anticipated, cleaned the cuts on her hand and did her work. Dinner that night was not the shrimp scampi she initially planned but instead, a frozen meal warmed up in her oven. Yet all she could think of was Spider-Man. She had never crossed paths with him, in any form. Never even seen him swinging throughout the city. If it wasn't for all the articles and videos about him, she would have believed that it was just some made-up story.
   But last night confirmed it. Spider-Man was real. Spider-Man had come to her rescue, he spoke to her. It was a lot to take in. As she approached the gates to the school, she reached into her bag to grab her student ID. She scanned it as she reached the main entrance, and with a soft ding, the door opened up letting her enter. She placed the card back into her bag, making her way towards the science building.
   Microbiology at nine in the morning hopefully wouldn't be too bad; she had the professor in the past and they seemed to have a good bond. However, syllabus week sucked. Because like every STEM major could tell you, there was no real syllabus week. It was simply a façade that the professors made up to get the students into class; just so they could begin lecturing and giving out work on day one. And as much as she adored her professor, Dr. Gravitz, she knew that he was the number one offender of this lie of the so-called 'syllabus week.'
   She checked her phone screen as she made her way to the door of the building, letting herself in: 8:37 A.M. Not too bad. She wasn't too early to be considered a try-hard but not late enough to be stuck with a crappy seat. As she continued to make her way to the classroom she flipped to her camera, raising her hand slightly to catch a glimpse of reflection. She swiped away a stray piece of her hair before deeming herself presentable and placing the phone into her back pocket.
   A couple more steps before she found herself in front of the classroom door. She peeked into the glass window to see a few seats already taken. Taking a deep breath, she gently opened the door and entered. She ignored all the eyes that had turned to look at her as she made her way into a seat. Middle row, one row behind what would be the dead center of the classroom. Close enough to see everything and pay attention while not close enough to be constantly called on or acknowledged by the teacher. She placed her bag on the floor next to her, leaning it against her leg. She could feel the eyes still staring at her and in a lousy attempt to ignore their lingering gazes grabbed her phone to zone them out.
   She continued to check her socials as more people came into the room. Ignoring the guys in every chair around her, their staring, and the comments they made with the other guys. She was used to it. She wasn't stupid. All sciences were male-dominated fields and while she wanted to blend in and disappear that was impossible. She didn't think her style was anything crazy— jeans and a nice shirt or blouse, but that seemed to capture the attention of many. In addition, the makeup and jewelry that she always wore seemed to place the spotlight on her. If it wasn't for her intimidating demeanor, she would've been a pretty interesting person.
   Instead, she was just always watched. Always being perceived by a bunch of guys that were too cowardly to talk to her. Not that much would happen if they had. She refused to laugh at their 'jokes' if she didn't find them funny, and the few times she would actually respond instead of ignoring them, she was extremely short. She didn't care too much about making other guys comfortable when they had no issue making her uncomfortable with their staring.
   Her eyes remained on her phone until she heard the door swing open, "Good morning class! How is everyone this morning?" She turned her phone off, turning to face the man, as grumbles of responses passed over the classroom. The professor placed his bag on his chair before pulling out his laptop and attaching the wires to the projector. "You all sound so excited to be here. Alright while I get this started, can someone pass out the syllabus? How about you?" He pointed at the boy who sat right in front of him, tossing the stack of papers at the end of the desk. That little act was enough to reassure her that she chose a good seat.
   The boy passed the papers around and once he was finished, the projector was one displaying the syllabus on the board. "Alright, there's some new faces in here so I'll introduce myself. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Doctor Lorenzo Gravitz. I'm the head of the biology department, I teach microbiology, obviously, and I'll also teach cell biology, molecular biology, and pathology and I also conduct research here at the school. Any questions so far?" When no one responded, he proceeded with going over the syllabus which seemed to be never-ending.
   "Alright if no one has anything to say, then I'll go over the seating chart. The people I put next to you are to be your lab partners for the rest of the semester." Sighs of annoyance could be heard throughout the room. Friends gave each other annoyed looks while the guys around the girl stole a glance, an almost excited look on their faces. As if being forced to talk to them for the rest of the semester was a blessing instead of a curse. "If there are any issues, you will have to come to me privately and we'll work something out."
   Dear god, how she didn't want a guy lab partner. Ever since middle school she was forced into the male lab groups and was stuck doing all the work, grabbing all the materials, and all the cleanup. Just so they could take credit for all of her work and they could get their stuff done before her so they could go goof off. Her eyes swept quickly around the room noticing the class was almost all guys. Only two other girls were present. Please let her be in a group with one of them.
   "Let's start with Miah Rivera. Your partner will be Aisha Kerr." No. No way. She thought she and Dr. Gravitz were cool, but apparently not. He obviously hated her by doing this to her. And to think she sang his praises to almost anyone that asked her about him. Not anymore, she would— wait did he just say her name? She looked back up to him to notice that other kids had moved their seats so that their partner was next to them. The professor let out a hum before announcing, "Let's partner you up with Peter Parker."
   While the girl refused to talk to anyone that she didn't know, she was aware of almost all the people in the classroom. Maybe not their names, but their faces were familiar. Whether it be from past classes, honors college meetings, or research and presenting, she recognized everyone in the room. Except for the name 'Peter Parker.' He had to be fake, who gives their child a name with that much alliteration? The guy next to her got up, giving her a forelong look before moving to a different seat. He was quickly replaced with a different man, who avoided her gaze.
   The professor continued to rattle off names, as she kept her gaze on him. She knew it was creepy, but he was pretending as if she didn't even exist. Maybe he was shy, or maybe he was snobby. Maybe he was annoyed that he had to work with a girl for the entire semester. She wouldn't know unless she talked to him, right? It's not hard at all. All she has to say is 'hey', tell him her name, and ask for his. But Dr. Gravitz already said his name, so is that stupid? But to not ask for his name was rude. She's going to seem stupid to him and then the rest of the semester is going to be so awkward and god was this dumb—
   "Hey." She surprised herself as the words slipped out before she could stop herself. He turned slightly to look at her before she continued, telling him her name and slightly raising her hand for him to shake. He looked at her bandaged hand, his gaze softening slightly before he gently shook her hand.
   "I'm Peter Parker."
   "Nice to meet you," she smiled at him. "What year are you?"
   "I'm a senior, you?" Their hands separated and he turned more towards her, leaning in so that the two could whisper and the professor continued his list.
   "I'm a sophomore." His eyes widened, as he looked her up and down briefly.
   "Sophomore? I thought you needed to be a junior or senior to take this class" he questioned.
   "I got a lot of prerequisites done when I was in high school. Took a lot of APs so they let me take it now," she paused. "Honestly, I'm kind of intimidated by the idea of being the youngest in here. I don't want to look stupid." That and being one of the few girls put more pressure on her to prove that she belonged there.
   He shook his head, "Don't worry about it. Microbio isn't as hard as everyone makes it up to be. Especially with Dr. Gravitz. This class will be an easy A." He offered a small smile before turning back to the professor who now stood back at his desk.
   "If any of you have noticed, in addition to your syllabus I have provided the notes for today's lecture. After I finish these notes, we'll take a brief break before making sure we have everything prepared for our lab next time we meet." He nodded to himself, before looking back at his presentation slide. "Today we'll start with a brief explanation of microbiology as well as some brief history..."
   An hour had passed from the beginning of his teaching to grabbing all the materials needed for the lab and placing them into individual drawers that were locked. A discardable lab coat, Bunsen burner, flint spark lighter, wax pencil, blotting paper, and all the like. Once all the materials were checked off the lab safety paper had to be signed and then everyone was free to leave.
   The girl stayed behind a bit letting others turn in the paper first before giving in her own. She took this opportunity to take in the appearance of the boy next to her (who was too busy burrowing through the objects in his drawer to notice): slightly messy, mousy brown hair that swept over his hazel eyes, his long eyelashes— that guys always seemed to have but truly didn't know how to appreciate them— his checks have a roundness to them while still having a slight prominence of a cheekbone there. Her eyes moved over to his nose, taking in the curvature of its prominent arch. She let her gaze lower to his jaw, angular in a natural way— compared to the botched Botox, a mewling-looking jaw that almost every guy seemed to support nowadays.
   She stood up abruptly. She had been staring for way too long, in a creepy stalker-ish way. In the way that some of the other guys in this class had done to her. The same ones she detested for staring agape at her, and yet here she was doing the same thing. She tossed her bag over her shoulder, quickly snatching her paper off the desk. She saw two boys standing at Dr. Gravitz's desk, one she recognized as the boy that first sat next to her and the other from her genetics class the year prior. She had quickly made up her mind to toss the paper down, saying a quick 'Have a nice day' to the professor before leaving this place as soon as possible. A simple plan. Truly foolproof.
   "Ah, there you are! I was wondering what was taking you so long." Dr. Gravitz turned his full attention to the girl, completely ignoring the two boys who were talking to him first.
   She tossed him a smile, handing her paper to him: "Sorry about that. Just wanted to make sure everything was there and in order." The professor returned her smile, his eyes seemed to shine with an unknown tint.
   "All is well. I just wanted to see if you would be available to start research with me tomorrow? After one pm of course." He questioned.
   "Yeah, that works for me," she was aware of the new presence of a boy that lurked next to her. Dr. Gravitz reached out, accepting the paper from Peter Parker. He went to thank the boy before she cut him off, overwhelmed by the situation. "Okay great, I'll see you tomorrow." She started to make her way to the door, ignoring the eyes that followed her. She grabbed the handle before turning to face the figures at the desk. "Have a nice day Dr. Gravitz"— her eyes meet his, before meeting Peter's gaze against her will— "You too Peter." She swung the door open after hearing them return her niceties, exiting the room.
   Maybe syllabus week wasn't too bad.
   "Bro, what the hell? She talks?" As the door slowly closed she could hear the guy that originally sat next to her announce to his friend.
   "Yeah! Just not to you, loser."
   Never mind. Syllabus week still sucks.
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hi! hope you’re doing good :) can I request a morpheus x reader where reader is stressed and busy with uni or work, she's been away from the dreaming for a while and she's not been with morpheus at all, so he's worried but at the same time he misses her attention, so he goes in the waking world, tries to distract her until she gaves up and decides to follow morpheus into the dreaming? thank u!
[MASTERLIST] | [Sandman-inspired playlist]
It was a sudden thought, really. Morpheus was in the midst of tending to his royal duties when a question popped up in his head: when was the last time he saw you? A feeling of dread told him that it's been quite a while - a suspiciously too long while. If he wore a watch, he would have checked the hour like any lover does when their object of desire is late to the silently scheduled intimacy they should be sharing. But he didn't, so he settled for a more hands-on investigation:
Your desk was littered with papers and books. The air in the room was stuffy, drenched with the smooth aroma of strong coffee and spring onion that definitely had something to do with the opened packaging of flavoured matza sitting on the edge of your desk.
"What are you doing?"
The sound of his voice startled you. "Jesus Christ, learn to knock," you said with a groan. Looking at Dream's surprised face, a pang of guilt resounded in your chest. "Sorry, you don't deserve that. I'm studying."
"Studying?" he repeated while giving the mess surrounding you a once-over. The book you were quite literally falling asleep on was thick enough to be considered a weapon.
"Yeah, I pulled an all-nighter and I'm still nowhere near done." Visibly having no strength in your limbs, you turned the page. Mechanically, Morpheus read the title of the chapter. Although he understood the separate words, he had absolutely no idea what they meant when put together. It was insulting, really, to think that this was more important to you than him.
Morpheus pushed the textbook away from you and closed it, keeping his hand on top of it. "You need rest."
"I'll sleep after sitting this exam." Unsuccessfully, you tried to pry the book from him. Even if he was human, in your state you'd be unable to swipe a lollipop from a toddler.
"I can not allow this."
"And I can not fail," be it anxiety, frustration, exhaustion or everything at once, your voice broke as though you were about to cry, "so we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one."
"No, we shan't."
Before you could fully comprehend what he was doing, Morpheus was carrying you to bed. You wiggled awkwardly, hoping to get out of his embrace and continue your fight against the syllabus but, once again, he proved to be stronger.
"Please," you whined in a tired, desperate voice. His thoughts almost slipped away into something quite unsultry. "I really need to read a few pages more before I can rest. I haven't done even half of what I had planned for today," the longer you spoke the more you felt tears stinging your eyes, "this is going really bad, I'm so going to fail an-"
Your rant was cut short when Morpheus dropped you on your bed. Shortly after, he lay there with you only he found himself on top of you, in a devious attempt to stop you from getting up and reaching for that textbook (he never hated a book until now). His generally skinny physique was a curious lie - there was no way you could scramble from underneath his weight but maybe, as your exhausted mind pondered, you were fine with that.
"Sleep," he demanded.
Whether it was the cosiness of your bed or the inexplicable security and comfort his presence provided, you felt your eyelids becoming heavier and soon it was awfully difficult to keep your eyes open. This was the last chance to bargain. "Come on, Morpheus, don't be like this. I want that degree and that means I have to work hard."
"Do not make me force you."
A heavy sigh left your nostrils. Maybe a short nap would do you well, actually? You felt his breath on your cheek. Although you didn't see his face, you were sure Morpheus was intensely watching your profile - your greyish skin, bags under your eyes and dirty hair. Out of all the wonders in this universe, he was desperate to admire just that. His hand was gently caressing the other side of your face and for a moment you wondered whether he knew that it would lull you to sleep.
When you had clearly given up on defying him, Morpheus moved slightly off you, only to wrap his legs and arms around your body. Intentionally or not, his lips rested against your temple. He was like a child, desperately clinging to their favourite plushie after it had been gone for ages (3 hours, washing and tumble drying). It was something both of you needed, even if you required some convincing to realize that. When you wake up, he'll still be clinging on to you but then he might begin considering letting go. Whether it's good or bad, it won't be an easy haggle.
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natashasnoodle · 2 years
Daydreamer | Robin Buckley x Reader
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Masterlist | R.B Masterlist
Words: 7.7k
Summary: A fluffy lengthy slow burn thanks to useless socially awkward lesbians :) Both you and Robin are the only ones in your group project willing to put in the effort to get the job done.
Looking around the hallways of your High School made you want to cry most of the time. It was far too early in the day for anyone to be functioning, and yet you had to bear witness to people apparently trying to reproduce against their lockers at seven in the morning, alongside people roughhousing just to prove that they pack a punch, and of course the popular girl cliques who decided to sing an entire concert together even though their voices sounded like a bag of cats dying.
The moral of the story is, High School wasn't your favourite.
Five days out of the week in which you attended school, you would always go home and dream of the days after graduation. Everyone always told you that High School would be the best days of your life and that you should treasure them.
At that, your eyes always widened. This was the best? Boy, that was a kick in the teeth.
Though you were sure that that didn't apply to everyone. Everyone in the world couldn't possibly think that their school days were their best days. It just wasn't possible. With certainty, you thought that you would be part of that percentage.
Freedom was all that you wanted. You wanted the freedom to choose what you wanted to do.
Sure, being stuck in a 9-5 didn't exactly scream freedom. But school most certainly didn't either. Yes, you would have bills to pay and a house to upkeep, as well as keeping yourself alive, but you wanted the time that came with finishing work for the day.
Currently, your schedule consisted of waking up at an ungodly hour for school, returning home and having a power nap, finishing homework and revising, sleeping, and then repeating. Your hobbies dwindled to the point where when people asked you about yourself you truly had no clue what to say.
Reading used to be a giant part of your life. Getting immersed in the web of tales spun by the great minds of the world always held your mind captive. Though when homework and exams took over, you just felt no motivation to pick up the pages anymore. Still, whenever someone asked what you liked to do outside of school you would always say reading, even if you hadn't properly picked up a book that was outside of your syllabus for at least two years.
Just because you hadn't been able to read properly in years thanks to the greedy hands of societal pressures didn't mean that it wasn't an activity that you enjoyed. So, you weren't completely lying.
Once school was over and you could do your 9-5, you imagined that you would be able to pick up a good work-life balance if you selected the right job that didn't stomp on you with overtime. Imagining driving home, cooking up one of your favourite dishes then settling down with a good book or doing some scrapbooking after a hard day's work always puts a smile on your face.
It gave you hope, and you just hoped that it wasn't all completely false.
Plan B was working freelance out of a van that you would somehow scrape enough money together to purchase. Maybe you could be one of those people that always showed up to markets on random fields with a selection of books and trinkets that people go wild for so that it looks like they don't buy everything from 'the man'.
You would never admit to being one of those people. It is perfectly harmless in thinking that buying a mini globe from a market is better than from your local store. It helped you feel slightly more cultured than you actually are.
The visions that you concocted for later in life may have been a clear sign that you were somewhat of a homebody, which is true. You were. But occasionally you allowed someone to enter your perfectly planned out evening.
She didn't have a face, but you knew that future you were devoted to this woman that you would potentially partner up with in life. A warm feeling spread through your chest when you allowed yourself to daydream about getting home from work to see your wife, cooking together and rambling about your days before settling down with some hot chocolates and a board game.
Getting lost in these daydreams was what kept you going through the build-up of waiting for your first classes of the day. A reminder that being here wasn't forever, and if you manifested it enough then the good things that you want in life will happen for you.
It didn't seem too unrealistic.
Again, hopefully.
"Hey". Your body shuddered as your eyes zoned in on the hand clicking its fingers in front of your face. A laugh came from beside you as you frowned and sucked on your teeth as you turned to your friend, Jen, trying to get your attention.
Pushing your backpack straps further up your shoulders from their fallen position you gave her a fake smile, only earning the all too familiar eye roll. "You were in your own little world again don't get huffy with me you gimp". As you were about to reply, she grabbed your bag handle and began guiding you towards the classroom that you shared for first period.
Unfortunately, she was dragging you behind her backwards, causing you to stumble and almost lose your footing far too many times for your liking during your short time of being kidnapped on your journey to hell. "I can walk on my own you know", you grunted out, but with a small smile as she shoved you through the classroom door.
"Oh I know, it's just more fun this way", she smirked whilst walking past you and sitting down in her seat all prim and proper.
That was the main difference between you and Jen. She seemed to take school a lot more seriously than you did. Not that you didn't work to get the grades that you needed, how could you graduate and move on if you were flunking everything? That wasn't the issue.
She just had a better outlook on the school system than you did. Making sure to properly do her hair every morning, and buying all of the stationery items that she saw, mostly to help with the organisation of due dates. You simply wrote stuff down and hoped that you'd still remember your new essay submission day after washing your hands an hour later.
Another thing about Jen is she seemed to actively pay attention in every class, with her notebooks getting full to the brim with the way that she could take copious amounts of information down with her pen at lightning speed. You don't know how she did it, she was honestly Superwoman when it came to school.
On the other hand, you dragged your feet across the floor as you yanked your bag off your back, holding the worn-down fabric handles loosely with one arm before dropping it on the floor carelessly as you slumped in your own seat, one over from Jen's.
For a few seconds, you closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths, getting ready for your insanely boring psychology class. The subject itself wasn't too boring, it was something that you enjoyed doing, hence picking the subject. But the drawling voice of your elderly teacher droning on at the front of the class, plus the way he gave you assignment after assignment really put a downer on the way you viewed the subject.
You needed to pass it though, so you worked hard when you needed to. Mostly when cramming with revision at home, during class you felt no need to listen to him. His method of teaching was 'death by textbook' anyway, inputting no new narrative into his classes. You thought that his entire class was stupid.
Once more, your body shuddered as you jumped. The bell had rung, and class had started.
Eyes snapping open, you trained your attention to the front, knowing that you would only be able to do so for five minutes anyway. "Good morning class", Mr Watts stood straight at the front of the class, wearing his usual disgusting mustard suit with weird patterned elbow patches on.
Almost instantly your eyes glazed over. The next hour and a half was going to be long.
The table was much better at holding your attention than whatever the man at the front was saying, and judging from the way your subconscious picked up on the way people robotically changed the pages of their textbook at the same time, the death by textbook method was still in full swing.
You were expecting to be able to get through the next hour and a half of uninterrupted daydreaming like you normally did through Mr Watts' psychology class, though this time around something horrifying caught your attention.
The very words that are enough to put any student into an early grave.
Ones that make people want to tear their notebooks in half with their bare teeth.
"Group project".
With your head snapping up so fast, next to you Jen almost jumped out of her seat, not used to seeing you moving during most of your classes. Though the collective groan around the room covered up her embarrassment.
Letting out a large puff of air from your lips like a pufferfish, you slowly nodded your head as you tried to get through the five stages of grief about this project within the next thirty seconds. A group task would probably be okay. They have proved to be hellish in the past but as long as you could choose the people in the group then-
"And I shall be assigning the group members", Mr Watts continued. Pain rang through your forehead as you allowed your face to drop harshly onto the desk in front of you.
"Ow", you mumbled and rubbed the fresh mark that was smack bang in the middle of your head, all the while hearing Jen snort next to you at your idiocracy.
You didn't get why she was so smug in the moment, she may excel in being able to get through the average school day, but she hated group projects as much as the next guy. Especially when she couldn't be put with you. Yes, in class you paid no attention, but you were still very smart considering and weren't one of those people in groups who did no work but claimed the hard-earned grades.
Nope, you were both going to have to deal with whoever you were assigned to.
The wait was hellish. Your heart was beating in your chest as the names slowly dwindled down. Each and every time someone you liked was called your anxiety rose. The numbers were so small now and almost everyone left you knew for a fact did no work in these things.
Then Jen's name was called without yours. You shot each other apologetic looks as she got up and moved over to her group across the other side of the room, you watching longingly whilst still waiting for your name.
When it finally happened you think you must have aged ten years. It was honestly astounding how slow this man could get through a simple task. "Y/n Y/l/n". Your face scrunched up with a wince as you awaited the next names. Praying with everything within you that you got at least one person who would work with you and not leave you picking up all of the pieces.
"Michelle Coleman". Oh no. The scrunch of your face deepened if that was actually possible. She spent all of the class looking into her pocket mirror.
"Alan Howell". Good lord, he spent all of the class looking at Michelle Coleman.
"And Robin Buckley". A head tilt by you accompanied this name. Robin. Your heart thrummed in your chest as you comprehended her being in the group. Robin was someone who you had not had the pleasure of speaking to properly other than in passing but was someone who when you did pass in the halls it was an effort to look away from.
Much like you, she was someone that didn't get much attention from those in school, she stuck with her small circle as you did. She wasn't noticed often. But you noticed her.
But because you had never seen her pay you any ounce of attention back, you didn't bother with trying to speak to her. It was just some silly hallway infatuation. Not even a crush in your opinion. You didn't know her, she didn't know you. Simple as that.
The prospect of having to actually talk to her properly was still daunting to you though. Getting out of your seat to make your way over to Michelle and Alan, who didn't even think about getting up to go to you or Robin, you dragged your feet again.
Sure, getting to know someone else in the class who had piqued your attention sounded fun, scary but fun. Though working with Michelle and Alan came with their own set of obstacles. It was a fact that they wouldn't do any work, there wasn't any point in questioning it.
A few moments after you sat at the desks in front of theirs, after receiving a minimal response in return, Robin placed herself in the empty seat next to you, offering you a small yet warm smile. She got the same dry response from the other two, giving her a visible divot in between her eyebrows as she concluded that those two would be the problem in the group too.
So, after a small sigh, she turned her full attention to you, who was already zoned out and staring at a table. She released an even bigger sigh. You were notorious for not listening during classes, but she was still holding out hope that out of the three she was lumped with that you would be her saving grace.
Clearing her throat awkwardly she spoke, "So... it's Y/n, right?". Being snapped out of your daze you peered up to see her expectedly staring at you.
"Yeah", you chuckled awkwardly and tried to sit up straighter, "And you're Robin", you nodded.
With a laugh she confirmed that it was in fact her name and pursed her lips before continuing, "Do you have a preference on the study topic?".
Study topic? Right, this was a group project after all. Grimacing, you looked over to the board and noticed Robin huffing slightly. This was not a great first impression that you were making, only solidifying her fears that you would dump all of the work on her. Which was not the case, you simply just tripped when the race gunshot went off and need a few seconds to unscramble yourself.
Social cognition or social identity. You shrugged.
"It's up to you, both are interesting topics. Social cognitive theory is so interesting, being able to read how other people read other people like a textbook. Plus seeing how we all fit into the machine of society with how we interpret that 'textbook'. As for social identity, well similarly it's like having an inside scoop on that machine, but from within us based on that textbook. The internal versus external battle", your eyes widened as you realised that you had been talking her ear off. You really did love psychology, just not the class.
"Uh... sorry I'm rambling now, but yeah it's up to you both are- both are pretty cool", you shrugged with nonchalant energy, trying to play off the embarrassment. But when your eyes met Robin's you saw them sparkle with a smile.
Yeah, she wouldn't be abandoned with this project.
"No, no it's okay. I mean I agree they're both super interesting, I'm stumped on what to pick too", her brows furrowed as she looked towards the other two of the group, who were just disgustingly and shamelessly flirting in hushed tones, ignoring the fact that there was a project going on altogether.
Your lips quirked to the side, wanting to take initiative to start cracking on with the work considering there was still 45 minutes of class left, you took a gamble "Cognition?".
She tilted her head ever so slightly it was almost unnoticeable as she cracked a grin, "Sure, is that good with you two?", Robin turned to the others who frowned and looked at each other as though you were the crap on the bottom of their shoes before going back to their own conversation. "Yeah, I think it's good with them", Robin turned back to you with an eye roll, this time moving herself to fully face you, completely ignoring those on the tables behind.
You couldn't help but let out a small giggle, even through the annoyance of your project team. "You think?", you quipped in return, basking in the raspy laugh let out by the girl next to you.
It was nice. It wasn't as though you thought Robin would ever be hard to talk to from the times you had seen her in classes, but talking to anyone new is nerve-wracking. It was a fresh break from some of the other people in school who act all holier than thou. Alan and Michelle being exhibit A.
But of course you got distracted again. This time by her. She intrigued you. "How about we focus on how schemas develop, you know, how they're acquired?", she voiced, only to you this time.
Back in the land of reality you nodded, "Sounds good". Making a mental note to really try and stop getting lost in your own head, you pulled a physical notebook out of your bag. One that had seen almost no action of pen to paper, earning a somewhat judgemental look. "Do you ever do any work?", she queried with teasing undertones whilst beginning to sketch up a spider diagram.
"It's all up here", your finger harshly prodded your temple a few times to prove your point as you started writing down the titles of some journals you had read during any late-night study cramming sessions you had. Within moments you had managed to write down a variety of papers written by psychologists and their poor et al friends.
Impressed, she copied down the titles and put them into the relevant spider diagram sections. "See, not just a hatstand", you fake bragged.
"Okay genius, you can remember names, let's see how well you can put a project together though", she returned, clearly trying to add in her own bragging. The next half an hour was spent working well as a small team, without your other members. A plan was composed on milestones to complete the project within the month, it was a big one. A bohemoth of a project. Thanks Mr Watts.
A bunch of facts and figures were also dotted around the pages you had both created, so that you wouldn't forget them later and go through the annoying motions of knowing that you had forgotten something, but not remembering what it was. That was the worst.
Then the end of class bell rung, with Alan and Michelle hightailing it out of the room before you could get a word in edgeways. "Right", you slowly nodded at the now empty seats, sharing an eyeroll with Robin as you packed your bags.
"So, you have my address now".
"I do?", you frowned, you had no idea where Robin lived.
She laughed, making your frown increase, "Yeah, it's at the top of your journal page, in your book", she gestured her head towards your bag perched on the desk, and your mouth opened in an 'o' shape as you nodded. "How on Earth did you not notice me leaning across to write that?".
"Not a clue man".
Another shrug, "Anyway, if you wanted to make an early start on it, you could come over tonight? If you want, you don't have to, my Mom's making some burgers tonight so it's not like I'd let you starve, and Mom won't mind", now it was Robin's turn to start awkwardly rambling. It was sweet.
"Hey, I'd love to", you gently and quickly placed a hand on her arm to reassure her before shouldering your backpack, "What time?".
"Like 6? We can eat then study?". Sounded like a good plan, so you happily agreed before bidding her farewell and making your way over to Jen who was waiting at the door, with a smirk.
"What do you want?", you asked in monotone, walking beside her to your next class.
She simply turned to you with a smirk for a few seconds before answering, frustrating you to no end with her usual antics, "I don't want anything, just noticed that you and Robin got on like a house on fire during that class".
You turned to her confused when you reached your lockers, Jen always had to go to her locker between every class thanks to all of the supplies she brought. Every time you got a good look in her locker you could have sworn that she could supply an entire army of students. "We just talked, Jen, it was an average interaction", you justified whilst mindlessly taking her bag so that she could organise her locker shelf.
"I've been in plenty of group projects with her, sure she participates, but she doesn't talk any more than she needs to. She spoke to you". You huffed, heat rising to your cheeks at her implications, causing Jen to give you a somewhat sympathetic head tilt when she looked up. "I'm sorry I'm just pointing out the obvious. Anyway, I'm guessing it's just gonna be you two doing the work?", Jen moved the conversation along slightly.
"Yeah, I can't see them doing anything. But I'm going to Robin's for burgers and a study session tonight so we'll get the work done, even with the lack of help".
Jen's eyes widened and you groaned in frustration, having inadvertently gotten back onto and proved her point. "You're having dinner with her?".
"Burgers", you corrected, as if it made any difference.
It didn't.
An odd squeaking sound fell out of your friend's mouth, one that you had never heard before. It caused you to take a step back, to which she quickly dragged you back to your original position. "You are having dinner with her?".
You fumbled on your words, which was really not helping your case, "I mean technically but-". That was all that you needed to say for Jen to start freaking out and rambling about how you two had better not be one of those oblivious pairings where she was forced to scheme in order to get you together. Though she did admit that it sounded fun, she wasn't sure if she had the time.
With firmness you assured her that it wouldn't be the case as there wasn't a pairing to scheme for in the first place, to which she just scoffed before taking her bag back into her possession. Sometimes Jen confused the everliving hell out of you. But you gotta love her. She always has your best interests at heart.
"Robin!", Mrs Buckley yelled from the front door where you stood awkwardly on the outside waiting to be let in, right on time for 6pm. Within seconds you heard scrambling motions upstairs before hearing the speedy, rhythmic thuds of someone sprinting down the stairs. It wasn't long before you saw a flustered Robin Buckley appear next to her mother, looking a bit out of breath.
Your head tilted to the side as you took in her appearance. She looked slightly stressed?
"Your friend is here", her Mom spoke with a smile before presumably moving back into the kitchen, where she was before you pressed the doorbell.
"Gathered that, thank you Mom", was Robin's reply, earning a small shake of the head from her Mom as she walked away. "So, you can come in", she opened the door wider, giving you space to enter and remove your shoes, awkwardly placing them by the door, not quite sure where to put them as there were no others nearby. "Oh yeah, you can just leave them there", Robin smiled delicately, sensing your apprehension.
"Cool", you grinned and looked around the hallway. It seemed to be a small house, but one that was cosy, and full of character. There were lots of trinkets hanging from the walls, including a collection of spoons made from various metals.
The corners of your lips tugged up as you stared at them. "Oh yeah, my Dad found them a while back, always insists on having them by the front door for some reason", Robin shrugged, "Anyway, dinner should be ready in five, do you wanna put your bag in my room?".
After nodding, the two of you walked up the stairs and you placed your backpack full of your minimal study supplies at the bottom of her bed, safe for after dinner. "Nice room", you looked around, seeing the Blondie and Bowie posters, mixed with some floral paintings and shelves full of books.
"Nothing special", Robin followed your gaze, though you disagreed with her. It was a cool room, and like the rest of the house seemed cosy.
The next few moments were rather awkward, you were awkward anyway with being in someone's house who you'd barely spoken to before, and Robin like you was awkward by nature. Luckily, you were saved by her parents calling you both down to dinner.
You followed closely behind Robin on the way to the kitchen, having no clue where to go and feeling slightly out of place. Graciously you accepted the tasty-looking burger from Mrs Buckley and placed yourself opposite Robin on their small, circular kitchen table, considering it was the only empty placemat left.
She offered you a friendly smile before tucking into her meal, with you following suit after putting a generous amount of ketchup over your food. It was far too much, you were aware, but it wasn't harming anyone. Can't have a burger with no ketchup.
Robin failed at holding back a teasing smile at seeing how you handled your condiments, causing you to tap her foot under the table. Very soon after she managed to wallop your shin rather hard with her foot, forcing a grunt out of your chest right in the middle of a silent moment, with Robin's eyes widening.
"You okay dear?", Robin's Mom placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, concern lacing her features.
"Yeah, I'm all good", you let out a fake cough, "Just went down the wrong way is all". She moved her hand onto your back and began lightly patting, ensuring that you weren't going to choke to death in the middle of her kitchen and handed you some water before everything went back to normal, and the occasional small talk was resumed.
Robin's Dad was very interested to hear about your plans for the psychology project and was glad to see that she had made friends with someone just as eager in the group, due to having to listen to his daughter complain about everyone for 70% of her school projects.
You smiled knowing that the 30% she didn't have to complain about was because of Jen.
Robin's Mom was just glad that she wasn't being 'an anti-social hermit', receiving an embarrassed glare from her daughter that made you laugh, forcing the glare's attention to change to you.
"I am not an anti-social hermit", Robin clarified once you entered her room again, and you let out a harsh laugh before opening your bag.
"You read all of those?", you gestured to her books with a lazy flick of your head, with a mumbled 'yes' in response. "Then I think I'm going to have to disagree", you perched yourself down on her rug cross-legged clutching your notebook to your chest.
She quickly sat down next to you and eyed you curiously, making you feel like you were shrinking on the spot. Having no idea why she seemed to be staring into your soul, you pursed your lips before she spoke. "You don't think it's a bad thing?", laced with insecurity.
"No, why would I?".
She shrugged, "Most people think it is, my mother included", Robin simply said, no malice in her words, just purely believing that it was fact. A frown flitted over your face once more, being someone who preferred their own company wasn't a bad thing, so long as you weren't isolating yourself to an unhealthy degree.
"I mean, I'm the same. I like just being in my own space, doing my own thing". She considered your words for a moment and nodded before grabbing her own notebook, promptly opening it up to the pages that she created earlier.
The rest of the evening was spent compiling your notes on the topic onto one big sheet of paper, most of your information coming from your head and not physical notes, and sharing tender smiles whenever eye contact was made.
Okay, maybe Jen was right.
Damn it Jen.
On your walk home it gave you time to think. You were genuinely excited to go to Robin's the following afternoon, as it was a weekend, to continue the project, which is something that you rarely felt. Even with those you have known for years you usually want a day of socially recharging, especially on the weekend. Yet here you were wishing for the next day.
Robin seemed equally as enthusiastic that you wanted to stick to the plan of meeting regularly for at least two weeks to get the work done with plenty of time to spare. Considering her similar outlook on social life, you were left pondering if she felt the same way you did.
She did.
You were easy to get along with, someone who was finally on the same wavelength. Now, she loved her friends dearly, she really did, but occasionally there was an energy clash that left her social battery feeling low for a few days. But with you she was eager to see you again as soon as you stepped foot outside her door to begin your journey back to your own humble abode.
Throughout the night she just thought that you brought a sense of calm, the way that you spoke softly but with confidence, how you also appreciated the comfortable silences and didn't feel the need to constantly fill them, casually checking in if she was okay whilst trying to wrap her head around some harder parts of the topic. It was nice.
You were nice.
If only you had both not been so oblivious to the way you noticed each other in the halls sooner.
The following day went without a hitch. As did the next few study sessions over the following weeks held at either yours or Robin's. There had been quite a few dinners, mostly made by Robin's Mom as yours had the tendency to overcook and simultaneously undercook a dish. In order to survive a family meal at your house you had to have been acclimatised to it since infancy.
After many burgers and delicious casseroles had been digested, the two of you would work well into the late hours of the night, forgetting that you were actually doing schoolwork due to enjoying the topic and the company so much. It felt like just hanging out with a truly good friend, no academic validation and societal pressures attached.
Though you did feel the pressure to act like a normal human being whenever Robin touched your hand to get your attention. Pair that with Robin looking like she was contemplating something during accidental touches, it made you slightly paranoid. But the rest of the time was the most stress-free you had ever been, so you coped with it.
Due to working so late into the night half of the time, and not wanting to say goodbye quite yet, there had been a few instances where you spent the night at her place, considering it was usually hers you were at late thanks to the dinners.
The night would be spent polishing off the project that had quickly become something you were both incredibly proud of, and once you were sufficiently tired from the work the activities switched between browsing her impressive collection of books, to which she let you borrow a few - bringing back the flame of your adoration of reading - and watching movies in the background whilst talking late into the night.
Robin had swiftly become your go-to person.
For the longest time you lived in your own little bubble, rarely letting anyone into the world that you had created to get through life. But somehow she had burst her way in. And you loved it.
The anonymous person in the visions of your future were starting to get a face.
Of course, whenever you showed up to school at Robin's side after an impromptu sleepover donning one of her jackets thanks to you not having any spare clothes, Jen had a whole lot of words to say about it.
She would wait for you and Robin to say your goodbyes and for her to join her friends, which took forever in Jen's opinion, and then she would bombard you with questions. Mentioning that it looked like you were doing the walk of shame. You responded each time by telling her that she was being ridiculous.
Deep down, you knew that she wasn't.
Sitting in class draped in Robin's clothing made you feel warm. Clutching the fabric in your hands a small smile rested on your face, even with Mr Watts' droning occurring in the background. You were on cloud nine.
You hadn't even noticed the way that Robin had a similar dopey smile on her face whenever she looked towards the desks in front of her and saw the back of you, her favourite jacket on your back.
The day of the project submission came and went far too quickly. You added the names of the other two members, begrudgingly earning them a grade, and the two of you handed over the giant booklet of information that you had synethesised. Glancing at each other with solemn looks, you sat back at your desks, knowing that you didn't have an excuse to constantly hang out with Robin anymore.
Yes, you had become good friends, but you were unsure if she wanted the same friendship as you. The one where you could just rock up to each others houses when you were bored, ones that wanted to spend nearly everyday together. Or if she just wanted to be more casual. Hanging out every now and then, checking in on each other if you pass in the hallways.
After the last few weeks that you had of many dinners and hangouts together, you hoped that she wished for the former too, but you were too socially awkward to check. So, you just assumed it was going to be the more casual friendship, and allowed yourself time to wallow for the rest of the day.
You weren't even sure at that point if you wanted to just be friends with Robin.
Sure, you had always admired her from afar, having always seemed like a nice and down to Earth person, and after getting to know her you wanted to be around her more, and got flustered at minimal actions. But that didn't mean-
You snapped out of your thoughts, once again looking like you were daydreaming in class. The norm. But this time instead of drifting back into your own little land like you usually did when you heard the teacher still incessantly talking at the class, your eyes were wide as you stared ahead. For once, looking like you were paying attention.
In actuality, panic was surging through you.
The remainder of the class went by agonisingly, painfully slow. Contemplating every part of the new conundrum that you were experiencing. You wanted to see Robin tonight, for the last few weeks you had seen her after school everyday, you suspected that if you stopped today you might get withdrawal symptoms. But again, the first major issue, you didn't know if Robin wanted the same, or if she was going to take this as a welcome break away from you.
Just the thought of her thinking that made your throat close and your chest constrict.
The second major issue was that you didn't even know if Robin was gay. Like you, if she was she probably had to keep it concealed thanks to Hawkins being Hawkins, so it wasn't as though you could casually waltz up to her and ask, putting both you and her at risk.
The third major issue was that even if she liked women, who was to say she liked you? Being oblivious to social cues really did have their downsides. When together you noticed the little quirks she had around you, the lingering looks, making an excuse for her hand to brush yours. However, Robin's Mom would also describe you as an anti-social hermit, so you had no clue how to properly interpret those actions.
You were a very smart person, and for once, you were stumped.
Which brings on the fourth major issue. Now that you knew, how in God's name were you supposed to tell her? To confess this giant Earth shattering confession to her?
Well the answer was simple.
You wouldn't.
Not yet at least, you wanted to ponder it. Sit on it for an unnecessarily long time until you were either forced to play your cards, or the problem disappeared completely. That is one of the best ways to go about life you thought, and so you sat there satisfied with your decision, ignoring the gnawing feeling in the back of your mind, letting you know that you were being a complete and utter idiot as you sat watching the clock tick, ready to move onto your next lesson.
Jen had once again started the topic of Robin whilst you were trying to peacefully eat your sandwich at lunch time. "Would you give it a rest?", you exasperated after painfully swallowing a hunk of sandwich that wasn't quite chewed enough yet, making you gracefully wretch before downing some water.
You hadn't choked to death.
"That was attractive", Jen laughed.
"Whatever", you grumbled, about to take another bite of your lunch, but once again interrupted by your best friend, who definitely knew how to pester a person.
"She's looking at you". With a sigh you turned to Jen, sending her a disapproving look for teasing you in this way, but when she gestured across to the other side of the cafeteria subtly with her eyes, you caved and looked. Lo and behold the person who had been plaguing your mind was indeed looking at you.
When you eyes locked, hers widened and she quickly looked down to her own food, beginning to awkwardly prod it with a fork before letting out a faux-laugh, faking participation in her groups conversation.
With a gulp you turned back to Jen who was wearing a knowing smirk. "Whatever", you again grumbled, not being able to contain the tiniest of smiles that graced your features.
"They grow up so fast", Jen mocked and wiped away a fake tear, leading to you repeating the same look of disapproval, one that you wore oh so very often these days.
Sitting at your desk at home, you couldn't concentrate. At all.
Work was piling up, and due to your nature of procrastinating you had left all of your work until last minute, which usually managed to kick your ass into gear to get the work done. But that night you were struggling.
It all just felt so empty.
You hadn't sat alone in your room to do work for almost four weeks, having had Robin over or you at hers doing the project and also getting some other classwork done. Usually, you would revel in the silence, other than some music quietly playing in the back so that you could peacefully get on with your work.
But tonight, it felt as though there was a void. An uncomfortable one.
A solid forty minutes passed of you chewing on the end of your pen like a hamster and shuffling around in your chair, with only three sentences of your essay written before you admitted defeat.
Waving the white flag, you stood abruptly, almost falling over as you lurched across your room to grab your old tattered shoes. Without even bothering to untie the laces you slipped them on, wiggling your feet around for a few seconds to get them on properly, and you bolted out the door, down the hall and towards the exit.
"I'm heading out!", you yelled into the open hallway, hoping that your Mom heard it as you rushed out into the chilly air of the night. You winced when the door accidentally slammed in your rush, knowing that your Mom would not be the most appreciative of that, and began your brisk walk, knowing that you would not be able to run all of the way to your destination without giving yourself a collapsed lung.
Robin's was only fifteen minutes away if you walked quickly, you kept thinking to yourself, keeping your gaze locked onto the pavement whilst walking, knowing that with the speed that you were going, you would definitely trip over a crooked slab or some random pebble.
What you hadn't been expecting was to bump into a person who was walking with just as much speed as you were, also not looking ahead. Groans came from both you and the stranger as you hit each other with a lot of momentum.
Instinct kicked in a split second after your brain had comprehended what was going on, and thank the heavens it did considering that person was about to fall backward onto the pavement at full force. Swiftly, you grabbed their arm and pulled them into you, keeping them upright.
"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking wh-", you began spluttering out as you regained your own balance, only to be interrupted by an all too familiar raspy voice.
"Robin?", looking up you saw the very person who was the centre of your mission. "What are you doing out here?", you queried, considering you were still rather close to your house, and Robin lived in the other direction.
She cleared her throat, an awkward energy hanging around the air as she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, both of you noticing how close you still were to each other but neither of you daring to take any step backwards. "I wanted to see you".
Blinking a few times, your mind froze. Having expected Robin to not want to hang out with you as much outside of school anymore, it was like your brain had gone static at hearing that it was the opposite. "I was on my way to see you too", you laughed, "Guess we met halfway".
"Yeah, I guess we did", she smiled softly, gently scanning your features. You were standing so close to each other. "So, um...", she trailed off, tugging on the bottom of her jacket.
"Um?", you smirked as she stifled a laugh.
A moment of silence passed, neither of you knowing how to go about what you were feeling. Truly useless.
"I need to tell you something", you both blurted out at the same time, wincing at interrupting each other. "Sorry!", again you spoke at once. Shaking your head you urged her to speak first, though she was hesitant, she put on a smile. One that gave you butterflies.
"I don't even know what to say... I just- I missed you, even though we literally hung out last night, and saw each other at school, I really missed you. I've never met someone that makes me wanna spend 24/7 with them".
"I know exactly what you mean", you breathed out, butterflies racing in your stomach as you stared up at her.
"You do?".
"Yeah, you're amazing".
She swallowed thickly, the nerves building up as her lips parted, both of you staring at each other like there was nothing else in the world. She entranced you, the delicate way her freckles dusted over her nose, how her eyes stared at you with devotion, how you could feel her breath on your face, keeping you warm in the cold night.
You got lost in your thoughts again.
Whispering, Robin brought you back to reality, "Can I kiss you?". Your entire world froze and flipped upside down within a nanosecond. Heart thrumming uncontrollably in your chest, you nodded far too enthusiastically. Ordinarily you would have cringed at yourself, but before you could read too much into the overthinking and self loathing, Robin leant down and her lips were on yours, and her hands gently reached out to touch your waist.
It was clunky at first, you weren't sure how to stand, and all too quickly she pulled back, her eyes shining more than you had ever seen them shine. You couldn't help it, you leaned in again, which she eagerly accepted.
If it was possible, you would have stayed there forever. Being connected to Robin like this made you feel complete, made you feel whole. The empty feeling from earlier was gone, and now you were simply full to the brim with joy, which was unfortunately the reason that you couldn't stay like that forever.
When you starting smiling against her lips, Robin's own face broke out into a grin and she placed her forehead against yours, not wanting to let go of you just yet.
The next minute was spent smiling and staring into each others eyes, resembling an awful romantic movie that you would probably spend your entire life avoiding. But in the moment, you finally understood them.
"We have an essay due tomorrow", Robin started with a smirk.
"Indeed we do".
Her lips quirked to the side in thought, "Wanna get your stuff and head back to mine for the night? It feels empty without you", she snaked her arms around you, managing to hold you closer, which you hadn't thought possible.
"Absolutely", you gave her a quick peck, laughing at how she whined when you moved back too quickly for her liking, and started the short journey back to your house, trying not to think about how you needed to tell Jen that she was right.
As always, Jen was right. 
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Taglist: @fxckmiup @itsdoni @rob1nbuckl3ys
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emilyjunk · 3 months
Do you have any WIP fics going on? Sorry for asking, I just missed reading your fics!
oh please do not apologize!! that's really nice. feel free to ask anytime. i do actually have a WIP going rn that is and has been sooooo close to being done for like a week but i have been insanely sleep deprived this week and have not been making much progress lol i'm hoping to finish soon. here's a snippet
One day, everything was fine. She had a boyfriend she loved, a major she found fulfilling if not easy, and Cady was content. Happy, even.
She doesn’t know what changed. She was sitting in Denny’s with Aaron like they did every Sunday morning, and he was putting syrup on his pancakes while going on about some track thing like he always did. And Cady, just sitting there listening, had some kind of out of body realization. 
There she was, fork poised halfway to her mouth, and she had a brief thought that she’d be just fine if she never spent another Sunday in a Denny’s eating mediocre pancakes. That brief thought flitted away, only to be replaced by the passing thought that she might not be just fine, but she would actually be perfectly happy if she never heard another track anecdote in her life ever again.
Then she looked up at Aaron, and those brief and passing thoughts solidified into something a little more permanent, a little more real. 
Cady didn’t want to do this anymore. Everything suddenly felt stale, washed out and colorless like the cracked and fading booth she was sitting in. 
When, she distantly wondered, was the last time something interesting had happened to her? 
Cue the crisis.
And so Cady made some life changes. Big ones, like breaking up with Aaron. And small ones, like enrolling in a film elective about horror movies because they scared her and some crazy part of her that had been inspired by The Denny’s Crisis decided she would endure this class and overcome her fear.
So fresh out of the summer and newly single, Cady walks into “Topics In Film: Philosophy of Horror” nervous about the syllabus, but determined to seem like she’s not.
That’s when she meets Regina George.
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