#and side note i am very extremely proud of my url
arostormblessed · 2 years
Please for the love of god how do u get a job at the library (also is your url stormblessed as in Kaladin bc FUCK YEAH)
First of all: YES Kaladin is thee character of all time he is my everything and Brandon Sanderson actually personally told me that he is aroace. So.
Second of all: OKAY I’ve got you friend. So getting a job at the library is largely going to depend on what kind of job you’re looking for. Unfortunately the more higher-paying full time jobs are going to require some degrees (usually a Masters in library science aka MLS) BUT there are way more options if that’s not feasible for you.
The easiest job to get at your local library is probably going to be a page position, though they’re sometimes called other names. These are your employees who check in books, organize them, and re-shelve them, as well as pulling holds and doing other odd jobs around the library (every library has a slightly different structure, so some duties may be distributed differently in your area!) Sadly it pays basically nothing, less than most fast food jobs, but literally anyone over the age of 16 can get hired and you need no experience or anything like that. It’s a great position if you’re not a people person (there’s very limited interaction with actual patrons!) Plus lots of people start from here and work their way up the proverbial food chain in their library. You’ll find lots of these positions open basically all the time because the turnover rate is so high, and it’s great if you’re looking for an easy, relaxing, low-stress part time gig that gets you real experience working in a library.
If you want a step up from pages that still doesn’t require a degree, your next option is a circulation assistant. These are the people who work the front desk (in adult or children’s sections), answer phones, help out customers, and deal with collection stuff that’s above the pages’ access/pay grade. Most of these positions are part time but some are full time! It pays more than pages- still not that much but depending on how many hours you work and which library system you’re in it can all depend. If you’re more open to customer service but don’t want to deal with food or retail it’s a good option, and it’s another stepping stone to higher positions with the added experience!
I would also recommend seeing if your local library has any special programs it houses that are hiring. Mine for example has a Makerspace area that has a 3D printer and cool machines galore, and those programs sometimes have full-time jobs available that don’t require a degree. Plus it’s a lot of fun.
(I will say that sometimes “””networking””” can be the key to getting hired in a library system. If you’ve been around the library a lot, whether it be volunteering or interning or working as a page or just being a memorable patron, if you know everyone’s name and are familiar with how the system works, it gives you a HUGE boost in the eyes of librarians. They also have a tendency to hire people just based on vibes, so if you’re just a super nice courteous cool person chances are you’ll get the job.)
Full time, higher paying jobs like reference librarians usually require an MLS but sometimes you only need a bachelor’s degree. It all depends on your library system. There are also soooo many different departments in the library that I’m not quite as familiar with (IT! Maintenance! Technical & collection services! Local history! Outreach! ILL! Children’s! Programming!) So if any of those are what really floats your boat I’d suggest doing a little research and seeing if it sounds like you!
Above all, the first step you can take is to just go to your local library’s website and check their job postings. It will (hopefully) give you way more accurate information than I’ve just rambled on about and give you a good place to start!
I wish you lots of luck, my friend. If you have any other questions about libraries I will do my best to answer them.
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swiftiephobe · 4 years
thoughts on edit discourse, aka “you all realise this is meant to be fun?”
okay so buckle up swifties because i have some THOUGHTS about the whole edit discourse, the idea of needing to support editors by reblogging their posts and where i think some of you are a bit... misguided in how you approach sharing content on tumblr.com. this is a long post (i have put it under a cut because it is that long) because i am incapable of saying things concisely and i cannot think of another way to get my points across without having them misrepresented. i know a lot of people might ignore this because it’s a long ass essay, and that is valid <3 i just wanna get these thoughts out there. i do appreciate anyone who chooses to read this and try and understand my point of view. i love editors and the content they create. i do not love the idea that people have to run their blogs and engage with content on this website in a very specific way in order to be acceptable to the community.
also this isn’t directed at any one person in particular. the attitudes i am talking about are pervasive in a large portion of the fandom, and i’ve seen them building for quite a while now. i’m happy to have a respectful discussion about many of the points i’ve made here, as i know a lot of you will disagree with them. the purpose of this post isn’t to “attack” people, it’s to provide a different perspective.
i wanna preface this by talking about when i first started posting edits. i don’t do it a lot now mostly because i’m busy and don’t often feel like it but back in 2017/2018 i really got into editing. i remember when i first taught myself how to make gifs in photoshop, and i made my first gifset, and i was so excited to post it because i was so proud of myself for having created something. so i posted it, and then i kept making and posting gifsets. most of them didn’t get many notes, and frankly a lot of them were not very good because i was still learning, but i still posted them because it was nice to have created something. 
one day i posted a gifset and tagged it with some appropriate tags, including tagging some big source blogs. well, one of those big source blogs actually reblogged my gifset! and i was so excited by that. i even went and sent that blog an ask profusely thanking them for reblogging my edit. it’s a bit embarrassing to think about having done that now, but the point is i was so excited to have a blog that i considered “important” reblog my stuff, and of course that led to more notes on the gifset which made me happy. that gifset ended up getting about 150 notes, which still isn’t a lot but it made me happy at the time.
why am i telling this story, you might ask? because i want to put it out there that I GET IT. getting that reblog on that gifset made me, a baby editor, very very happy. ecstatic, even. the fact that i can still remember it now shows how much it meant to me. i was already proud of myself for having created something that i thought was good, but getting that extra bit of external validation to tell me that what i had created was actually good felt special. so i understand why editors want people to reblog their work. it makes us feel good to see that others are enjoying what we’ve made enough to want to share it with others.
so i kept making edits, some of them got a lot of notes while others really didn’t. i continued to learn new things about editing, i played around in photoshop and got excited every time i realised a new thing i could do with one of the tools. some of the edits i made were a lot of work, and i was very proud of them, and i still am very proud of them. a lot of those edits that hold a special place in my heart did not get many notes. one edit that i made (which was a url graphic for another person) took hours and a lot of hard work trying to figure out how to make my idea happen, and i think now it has less than ten notes.
sometimes i look back through my edit tag and i see edits like that one, that i loved making and thought turned out very well, but have relatively very few notes. and honestly? when i look at them, i don’t feel sad about the number of notes they have. sure, i think “well, it would’ve been nice if more people had seen this”, but for the most part i still feel damn proud of myself for having made it. i feel happy looking at them because they remind me of when i was making them and how much i enjoyed the process. 
at the end of the day, editing isn’t something i do as a job, for the sake of meeting a quota or reaching a benchmark of external achievement. it’s a hobby, something i do because i enjoy the process of creating something. i post my edits here so that they can be hosted publicly on my blog, and yes while getting notes is very very nice, it’s not my primary motivation. this year i’ve mostly been making edits for albums that i have enjoyed, some of which have practically no audience on tumblr and so don’t get many notes. and that’s fine. i don’t make them for other people.
which i suppose brings me to a point that i feel like will upset some people, but... the way some of you talk about editing, sometimes it seems like you don’t even enjoy it? i know that’s ridiculous because you all do, and many of you are crazy talented, but when i read people posting about how getting less than 100 notes on an edit makes them want to give up and never post an edit ever again, i frankly have to wonder if you even enjoyed making the edit in the first place, and if not, why did you do it? it just seems like a lot of you have a warped idea that the end goal of making an edit is notes, when in my opinion it really should be for fun. we’re in the taylor swift tumblr fandom. this is meant to be fun, remember? it’s okay to be upset when something you thought was great doesn’t receive as enthusiastic a reception as you were hoping for, but it happens to everyone and it doesn’t mean you, or others, are doing something wrong. if you enjoyed creating something, and you are proud of it, that’s what really matters in the end.
something else i’ve noticed is the extreme policing of how people interact with edits, mostly the notion that you HAVE to reblog edits and anything else is offensive and unacceptable. and sorry, but no. everyone runs their blogs in a different way. some people use their likes as bookmarks for things they want to reblog or queue for later. some people have a specific aesthetic they want to keep for their blog so don’t reblog every single thing, but they still want to acknowledge that they saw your edit and liked it. people have a million reasons why they don’t want to reblog something, and since it is their blog and their space, all of them are valid. 
when you post something to a public social media website, you have to accept that people are going to interact with it in the way that suits them most (this is of course excluding hate or stealing, those are not acceptable). if you are seeing a like on your edit and somehow extrapolating it into some “this isn’t good enough” statement, you are reading way too much into it. if people are liking your edit, it’s because they like your edit. is it nice when people reblog your stuff? yes. but people aren’t obligated to do so.
this also applies to the idea of keeping comments in the tags. i agree that commenting in the tags on edits is proper etiquette, and it’s something i always do. but the absolutely vitriol i have seen directed towards people who comment on their reblogs is not okay. i’ve seen people talk about blocking people who comment on their edits. it’s not nice. if you see someone say “i love this!” about your edit and your first thought isn’t “that’s so nice!” but instead “this person said this in the wrong place so i hate it”, please get your priorities straight.
i think most of the discussion surrounding edits starts off in a good place. it’s good to remind people that reblogging edits is the best way to support them, and that it will make people happy. i think that message has been made clear time and time again, but now it’s turning into something more aggressive. you all say that the fandom is “dying” because people don’t interact with edits (as a side note, edits aren’t the only valid form of content in the fandom. funny text posts, theories, discussions and ask games all contribute to the feeling of the fandom being alive just as much as edits do), but all that these rules you’re trying to implement do is scare people away. people will become more and more afraid to interact with anything, for fear of not interacting enough, not interacting in the right way, or not interacting with the right people. and that, ultimately, will do a lot more harm to the fandom than people liking your edits.
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lostand-notfound · 3 years
Tagged by @tsar-devitsa – thank you so much! 
Why did you choose your url?  Quite literally, because I’m lost and I haven’t yet found myself. To be fair I don’t think I ever will, because life is always a work in progress and even when you feel like you know yourself, you start changing again.
Any side blogs? Too many. Most are just name-holders, a couple I use to reblog stuff that doesn’t fit this blog but I find interesting/useful.
When did you first join Tumblr? No idea, around 2015.
Do you have a queue tag?  I do, but it’s not really noteworthy. 
Why did you start your blog in the first place? I’m vain and I love hearing myself talk and subjecting everyone to my thoughts and likes. 
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? I find it pretty. 
Why did you choose your header? As cliché as it sounds, New York has always been and will always be my dream city.
What’s your post with the most notes? It’s a very old one, something about really wanting a girlfriend and being a simp – congrats, past me, you now have a girlfriend and are an even bigger simp.
How many mutuals do you have? Around 10, but could be more, could be less. I love them all, and always enjoy seeing their posts or noticing they reblogged something from me.
How many followers do you have? Around two thousands and three hundred.
How many people do you follow?  Around two thousands and five hundred.
Have you ever made a shitpost? Absolutely – and I stand proud behind them all.
How often do you use Tumblr each day? Depends on the day, could be never for a week and then five times in a day because I have free time and am bored.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Not that I can remember of.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? That Tumblr can sometimes act like people only get information from this app – I don’t like reblogging info posts here, but I still read newspapers, watch the news, donate to causes I believe in when I have the money to spare and inform friends of the opportunity (I find it distasteful when I see “you must donate!”. Sometimes people aren’t in the position to do so – most of the times I am not in the position to do so, if I want to eat during the month. That doesn’t mean I’m not keeping myself informed, sharing donation links and so on). Ultimately, Tumblr is a moment of relaxation for me, and I engage with serious matters in other ways. 
Do you like tag games? Love them.
Do you like ask games? I love anything that gives me the opportunity to ramble on random topics, so yes, definitely. 
Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? I have no idea and I don’t care – most of the blogs I love aren’t that big, and they’re extremely fascinating regardless. 
Do you have a crush on a mutual?  Romantically or sexually, no. I do think most of my mutuals think in an extremely attractive way, but then again I have intellectual crushes on all of my friends. 
I tag @hiddenlookingglass @hrimceald @questwithambition @kxowledge @you-better-rvn @slaytherinthoughts and @naramdil if they want and have the time to
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
April 2020 Angel Fish Awards
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(New Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
**Also, due to the number of afas and multiple nominations, each person on this list will only be tagged once. Please be sure to read the entire post so you don’t miss multiple nominations/comments!**
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Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Slow (oneshot) by @sunlightdances
Intimacy is sooooo sexy xox
Nominated by @manawhaat
Ritual (oneshot) by @winchester-fantasies
This fic is grounded, subtle, realistic, and has an incredible energy between Dean and the reader! There’s so many little things that play into the bigger picture to make this really flow and work seamlessly as a whole!
Temporary Scars (series) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Fucking hell. Dean x Donna x Benny is such a rare pair that it’s NOT something I knew I needed, but everything about this dynamic is fucking perfect. It’s a bit of an AU, but I still love the way each character was represented. What they all brought to the table and how they balanced each other out in exactly the ways they needed. There’s a dynamic here that I haven’t seen before, especially not with THESE characters, and they complement each other fucking GORGEOUSLY! 
Boyking fic (oneshot) by @whispersandwhiskerburn
This shit is fucking CRAFTY! There’s a lot of little things that carry through this and the way that ‘control’ is presented in each scene of this fic is very cool. 
Calm (series) by @winchesterswoonathon
Oof! This John series just totally fucks me up. It’s perfect in the way you swoon over him and yearn to see a side of him he so rarely shows others. Maggie definitely knows how to nail the pining for John angle! 
Dream Drabble (oneshot) by @theychosefamily
Sam’s comfort and sincerity in this kill me! It may have been inspired by a dream, but this tracks so well for each of them and could definitely be a scene plucked from the show! 
The Unexpected (oneshot) by @impalaimagining
Goddamn this is sexy as all hell! It’s intense and passionate and scary and dazzlingly wonderful! 
Nominated by @flamencodiva
Three’s A Crowd (series) by @1000roughdrafts
So I was browsing Kay’s Masterlist and came upon this very lovely Gem! I would love to see what happens next and I know Kay is extremely busy, but she is a talented writer and I wanted to put this lovely work out there. It is a wonderful concept and I can’t wait to see what happens!
Just Me & My Baby (oneshot) by @deanwinchesterswitch
A good way to rot your teeth with Dean fluff. This story pulls on your heartstrings and can be just what you need when you feel down.  
The Pact (series) by @coffee-obsessed-writer
This is an amazing AU Sam Fic! It is well written and traps you into the fantasy world from the very beginning. I can’t wait to see the roller coaster that is this story as it is beginning to unfold! 
Nominated by @deanwanddamons
The Sullivan Series (series) by @katehuntington​
I binge read this series and adore it. Zoe is such a badass and an awesome OFC.
It is so good it could easily be written as a series of SPN and I am really hoping it is continued as I can’t wait for the next series. Kate is such an awesome person, hugely supportive and a big influence on me as a writer. This series deserves so much more recognition.
Ride With Me (seires) by @katehuntington
This series is divine. I am so invested in this right now. The way Kate writes is a true inspiration to me and this AU is stunning. Her story telling and descriptions are totally immersive and I am so excited to see where she takes us on this journey.
He’s Not You (series) by @mummybear​
This series is awesome! It’s really building momentum and I’m loving where it’s going. Such a great idea for a story and can’t wait to see where Chelsea takes us!
The Man on the Side of the Road (series) by @supernatural-jackles​
This series was beautiful. I was so invested in this and so sad when it came it an end. It was very cathartic for me to read as I related to the reader so much.
Shatter Me (series) by  @winchest09​
This series is incredible. Such a superb concept and I love the way it has been written. The feeling of isolation and Dean’s desperation to save her had me engrossed all the way through. A must read.
D.W. (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage​
I have recently ventured into dark fic and was recommended this.
Demon!Dean is just 🔥 and this fic is dark, sexy and very explicit. And holy shit I LOVED IT!
Nominated by @moosekateer13​
House of the Rising Sun (series) by @kittenofdoomage
What I really loved about it shows the love can change your whole perspective of the world when love is thrown into the mix.  
The Ones You Love (series) by @kittenofdoomage
It shows how far the Winchester's are willing go when it comes to their family.  
Cosa Nostra (series) by @kittenofdoomage
Loved how in the end love and their bond was stronger than an obstacles that were thrown in their way.
Paid In Full (series) by @kittenofdoomage
Loved it! It taught you look past what you see at first.   
Poor Little Rich Girl (series) by @winchesterprincessbride​
Love how it showed the money is isn't everything love is more important.  
Political Animals  (series) by @winchesterprincessbride
Loved the sometimes it showed the its better to break away from people who are trying to control your life.  
Bed of Roses (series) by @crispychrissy​
Loved how it to taught you to look past first impressions and that there is always more than meets the eye.
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters​
Control and Release - 30 (series) by @thecleverdame​
I think I might’ve nominated this series before, when I wasn’t caught up yet, but I am now and I just have to recommend this chapter. The entire story is gold but this chapter in particular had me sucked right into the scene at the end. The intensity of the fight and the way they deal with everything that is going on; the emotions, the worlds outside of their little bubble of safety. I don’t want to say too much and spoil it for whoever hasn’t read this series yet. But, if you are one of those people, I highly recommend you change that ASAP.
The Secrets We Keep (series) by @princessmisery666​
Better late than never, right? At least that’s what I’m telling myself to ease the guilt I’m feeling for how long it took me to finally read this series like I said I would. I didn’t enjoy it any less, that’s for sure. And that was even before I got to the twist that made it even better. I loved the vulnerability between Sam and Erin, and the different kind of friendship she had with Dean.
Cabin Fever (long oneshot) by @slytherkins​
I’ve already attempted (and failed) to express my thoughts on this story to the author privately, so I won’t try again here, in risk of my heart shattering all over again. But what I definitely will say (and I will break into my upstairs neighbor’s apartment to scream it from their balcony if I have to) is this: STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING and go read this fic if you haven’t already. It’s a heavy read, yes. But it is more than worth it, I promise you.
Equanimous (oneshot) by @imagineteamfreewill​
I love the tension in this scene. The boys are so in character and I could picture the demons perfectly. And, of course, Cas storming in, being badass, and saving the day, that’s always a plus.
Non-existent (oneshot) by @waywardjoy​
I’m definitely a sucker for a good crack-fic. To be honest, when I read the summary I was already sold. That signature bickering between the boys never gets old, does it?
Nominated by @impalaimagining
Handy Man (oneshot) by @deanwanddamons
Physically speaking, on the list of things I love about Dean Winchester, this checks almost every single box. I love the little things you’re noticing about Dean as the reader - his freckles, the contrast between his skin and the black shirt he’s wearing, exactly which Zeppelin song he’s singing while he works. The teasing is a nice touch too, especially the line about the night before. Proud Dean is so cute, and it’s exactly how I would expect him to react to being the hero around the house.
Nominated by @impala-dreamer
Almost Paradise (oneshot) by @amanda-teaches​ 
Amanda always always writes the fluff so well, but this little bit of bittersweet longing is delicious. Also, she nails Dean EVERY TIME. One of those writers who just gets Dean’s voice down so perfectly. Very Very well done!
Enough Time (oneshot)  by @dissect-me​ 
I was just scrolling the pond list and found this wonderful Destiel fic. I mean… the emotions were intense and I was a mess by the end. Just lovely and so well done. I will be diving back through their masterlist for more Destiel!!
  Nominated by @kittenofdoomage
Life For Rent (series) by @winchest09
@katehuntington told me to go read this so I did and I do not regret it. An amazingly sexy (and at times, heartbreaking) series, not for the faint of heart. Totally waiting on edge for the next chapter.
Call Of The Ocean (series) by @flamencodiva and @anatheweirdo​
I’m fairly certain I’ve nominated this before but it’s so good, I’m gonna nominate it again. You will absolutely become invested in Thasman’s well-being.
Nominated by @fangirlxwritesx67​
Communion (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
But Dean’s natural state is this – nesting, nuzzling, curled up and warm. He speaks softly and quietly. His voice isn’t always rough and hard. He sings. MY FEELS. This is beautiful and heart-wrenching all at once.
Sex with Dean is always really good. A lot of times it’s a rushed, life-affirming kind of thing. So when we have time, every touch is at once charged and grounded. And when we have time and are also able to imbibe? It’s metamorphic. All of this, just one perfect line after another. WOW
Just to be his in our own little bubble. And this, this is exactly how this story feels- so close and heavy and perfect Amazing work,.Like, really astounding.
Synesthesia (oneshot) by @there-must-be-a-lock​
Lou took this prompt and did something wildly creative! It’s so well done that the reader can see and feel and taste it.
Wild Thing (series) by @there-must-be-a-lock
I am in love with the Everything series so, so much. Lou has done a beautiful job of building a world with J2 x reader, so loving and creative and hot. This one is, for sure, a favorite! Incorporates one of my favorite quotes into a smoking hot fic. Good work!!
Dear Mr. Fantasy (oneshot) by @itmighthavebeenintentional​
But there’s one particular Other Dean, a favorite one his mind drifts to during rare peaceful moments. Daydreaming when he should be researching, drifting off when a particular song plays on the radio while he’s working on Baby, even washing his hands sometimes will pull him back to those dreams.
6 paragraphs in, and I knew Val was going to break my heart. This is a gorgeous gorgeous story! Creative premise, great characterization, and written so that you can see and taste and feel every moment.
I found myself wanting to both read faster, and slow down and savor it. And yes, it broke my heart, but so beautifully that I would let it happen over and over again.
Weight (oneshot) by @67midnightwriter​
This one is short and both painful and beautiful. So very heavy with experience and meaning. An excellent example of the ways that our favorite characters can help inspire us, lift us and encourage us to keep going
The Second Hand Unwinds (oneshot) by @mskathywriteswords​
Kathy is new-ish to the SPN family but not to either writing or fandom, and it is immediately apparent in her first piece of SPN fanfic. Her creative storyline, her grasp of the characters, and her way with words make it immediately apparent that you are reading the work of a master!
Salvation (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence​
This story feels like an episode of the show from earlier seasons, just the right balance of angst and monster fighting with tantalizing peeks of smut and feels. Excellent job!
There are no words that come close to explaining what she means to him. How she saves what soul he has left. These flashback scenes are both hot and tender. The voice the author  gives to Sam is spot on, achingly familiar. The contrast between the flashbacks and the action is painfully good.
What’s more frightening, a man like Dean, practiced in his violence out of necessity? Or a man like him, on the verge of losing everything and nothing left to lose? This is a well drawn distinction between the Winchester brothers, and such a good characterization of Sam! It’s easy to forget sometimes what a fearsome hunter he is, but this author reminds us with razor sharp clarity.
“You’re safe with me, Sam. You never have to hide from me.“ Such a beautiful relationship between Sam and this woman! It’s no wonder he’s fighting so hard to save her.
This story has an imaginative plot, fast paced action and some sweet hotness! Plus the author does such a good job with Sam, I’m in love with him all over again. I haven’t read this author much before but you’d better believe I won’t miss a story now!
Casual Affair (oneshot) by @fookinghelljensensthighs​
This Dean x Benny fic is short, smoking hot and painfully good. A must read!
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661​
The Force of Habit (series) by @littlegreenplasticsoldier​ 
I read that series at least 3 times now. I love this story, its witty and funny. This fic just makes me smile without trying! Even after reading 3 times, I still thoroughly enjoyed it like it was the first time.  
Satisfied (series) by @crashdevlin​
This is so good, the emotion that this series makes me feel is just out of this world!
Dangerous Signs (series) by @kittenofdoomage
Rhi always has brilliant idea!!! This is one of those and I just can’t get enough of her writing.
Control and Release (series) by @thecleverdame
What start as mostly just porn turned into such a great series with twist and turns!
Hunger (oneshot0 by @impala-dreamer
Oof… what to say about this? it’s Beka! It’s hot and sweaty and makes me want more! Like everything she writes!
Nominated by @myinconnelly1​
Couldn’t Resist (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
This is fun, funny, and sexy. Short sweet and to the point, while still getting you hot under the collar!!!
Dark Obsession (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Where do I even start in this drabble! It's so fucking cute and funny! I was laughing out loud and could totally see TFW trying to play their parts here
Promise Me We’ll Be Alright (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
What a pain in the heart this fic was. It hurt so good!! I was ready to cry
Say My Name (oneshot) by @idabbleincrazy​
Smoking hot! While in general Baby-girl is a turn off for me, this fic is so far from it! funny at the start with some cracky dean who is caught in the middle, then getting some possessive Sam which is like my fav! 
I’ll See You on Your Birthday (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87​
SOOO MUCH FLUFF!!! Like seriously i needed a dentist after. Some cute ABO pregnancy right here!
Just A Number (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
Again Sexy and Funny (I have a type ok) This was a great use of Age Gap and it wasn't creepy and didn't need a little blue pill at all!
Happily Ever After (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
HAPPILY EVER AFTER! It's all i need to say!!!! Read It!
Missing Person (oneshot) by @emilyshurley​
This fic is by my favoritest human in the world!!! It’s hilarious and silly but also almost canon. Plus I make a cameo as Garth’s friend!!! What’s not to love!!! 
Nominated by @lovetusk​
The Only Exception (series) by @ne-gans​ & @negans-lucille-tblr​  
While only the prequel so far, I’m too hyped for this beauty to NOT nominate it.
Survive (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage 
I’m always here for some Alpha!Sam, but this one punched me right in the feels. How dare anyone keep him from his Omega.
He Wasn’t In Love With You (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87  
Dawn doesn't angst often, but sometimes she does and I love it.
Nominated by @there-must-be-a-lock
Noises (oneshot) by @67midnightwriter 
Just. HOT. Hot hot hot like burning. Dom!Cas playing Dean like a goddamn fiddle... what more can you ask for!?
Come For Me (oneshot) by @fangirlxwritesx67 
My favorite thing this author has published so far! There are a whole lot of emotions in this one, adrenaline and fear and relief and lust and tenderness, and you can feel the depth of everything going on between them and the chaos of the moment. Also, nailed the “oh shit where did this predatory hotass come from” feeling that I totally imagine would happen during a first time with Sammy.
Plus One (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield 
This is smutty and raunchy and HOT but it also manages to nail the sweet, loving side of Dean. Smut can so easily be one-dimensional, but this fic managed to be both filthy and tender in a way that feels 150% true to character.
Dear Mr. Fantasy (oneshot) by @itmighthavebeenintentional 
An absolutely stunning exploration of some parallel universe Deans. Gorgeously vivid language, such incredible character accuracy, borderline heartbreaking but in a way that isn’t hopeless; it makes you feel FULL. My favorite SPN fic I’ve read in a long time.
The Second Hand Unwinds (oneshot) by @mskathywriteswords 
Incredibly evocative, gorgeous wistful tone, and a couple little plot twists that hit you with all the right feels.
Nominated by @winchest09
All I Want (series) by @katehuntington
I love this, so much. I love the take on this particular episode and how in fact it brings back the reader instead of *spoiler*. It’s still ongoing and it’s already tugging on heartstrings and has made me cry so if you read this, grab your tissues!
Ride With Me (series) by @katehuntington
This series has my heart. Like this could be a published book that i would read cover to cover, over and over. The spine would be broken, pages glued in because i would have read it that much. How everything is described, how the world is painted, the characters, the setting…just everything. It’s a must read..A MUST READ.
I Just Called to Say I Love You (series) by @talesmaniac89​
This broke my heart. This was so beautifully written to the point i was sobbing behind my screen mumbling incoherent words to my husband before talking to a few other tumblr blogs about it. If you read this, have tissues handy. Dean was so in character and my heart will never be the same. Must read.
The Man In Apartment 43��(series) by @talesmaniac89
This series has me so intrigued! It’s written amazingly, has me gasping, has me seriously flinching at some of the creepy goings on and I cannot wait to see where this goes! It’s an ongoing series and I’m loving it!
Handy Man (oneshot) by @deanwanddamons
This lovely little drabble satisfies all my domestic dean needs. Covering his fine ass, arms and back. I mean…Come on! It’s just everything that you need in a bite size package. I absolutely loved it!
Nominated by @katehuntington
One For Tomorrow, One Just For Today (oneshot)  by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Sex with Dean is always amazing, but there’s nothing hotter than him singing a classic while he’s doing it. After reading this, that famous song by The Doors will never sound the same. Sit back, relax and listen to the music.
Handy Man (oneshot) by @deanwanddamons
Dean fixing a blocked drain under the kitchen sink in a black shirt and Levi’s jeans; what a sight that must be. The writer of this fic is able to describe the scene in great detail. Besides the obvious appreciation of the gorgeous man, it’s great to see him doing something normal and domesticated. It’s the life we all wish for him. A great little drabble for a Sunday morning with a cup of tea on the side.
You’re Home (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
A drabble that’s absolutely worth mentioning, is this short story. Beka does Dean’s PTSD more justice in 682 words than the writers have ever done on the entire show. A beautiful piece of art. 
Imagine Dean debating asking you out (oneshot) by @luci-in-trenchcoats​
Dean has a crush on a girl, Sam is calling him out. When his little brother threatens to expose his secret, Dean tries to silence him, and it’s honestly the funniest read I’ve had this month. Writing comedy isn’t easy, but this was flawless.
I Just Called To Say I Love You (oneshot) @talesmaniac89
This one hurts bad, but in the most wonderful way. It’s exactly how Dean would go down, the characterisation beyond perfect. The descriptions, the dialogue, the details, the choices. It’s a Rembrandt painted with letters.
Side By Side (series) by @talesmaniac89
Another brilliant creation, based on the song Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. A song which surfaces a lot of emotions, much like this poetic and amazing piece of fanfiction. Words that come to mind are heart wrenching, tear jerking, and in a way comforting as well. A must read.
The Voices (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss​
Based on ‘I hear the voices when I’m dreaming. I can hear them sing’ from the Supernatural anthem Carry On My Wayward Son, comes this breathtakingly beautiful piece of fanfiction. Perfect lines, spot on dialogue and it couldn’t have been more true to the character. It’s painfully raw, sad, and tears will fall. It makes you feel for Dean in ways that are difficult to describe. The writer of this story is known for her talent with words, but she outdid herself here.
Nicotine (oneshot) by @talesmaniac89
This story is inspired by the song Nicotine by Chef’Special and was written for my 1K celebration. The lyrics to this song are surprisingly depressing, despite it being an upbeat song, and the writer has captured it better than I could have ever hoped for. If her writing was music, it would be a symphony played by an orchestra. Her way with words is melodic and moving. Goosebumps all over. 
 My Hero (oneshot) by @plaidstiel-wormstache​  
What I love most about this fanfic is the medical accuracy. I am no expert in any way, but after seeing countless medical dramas and having done plenty of research for characters and stories, I really appreciate it when knowledge about medicine practically drips from my screen. A lovely read. 
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
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@joonzreina: “hi tum, how are you?!. i wanna congratulate you on your 100 milestone!. keep up the good work!. if you don’t mind, may i please request a matchup with the hq boys only please?. i am she/her, straight, latina, and 5”0. i have light brown eyes, long dark curly brown hair, and curly bangs. my personality is described as wild, crazy, hilarious, hot tempered, blunt, sarcastic, brave, loyal, and kindhearted. i only have a 3 best friends that are like family to me. i will stand up for myself and them no matter what!. i’m a leader too. my hobbies consists of me watching anime, kdramas,/netflix, sleeping, eating, reading manga,webtoons, and astrology. i am a huge believer in astrology!. i love listening to rap/rnb and kpop!. i’m a very affectionate person too and who isn’t afraid of skinship. i would kiss my man on the lips all the time!. what i look for in a man is for him to respect me, who loves affection/skinship, tall, sweet, caring, funny, understanding, protect me, loves affection, and who will always be there with me through thick and thin. my aesthetic would be baddie vibes, like dark red colors, black, sexy colors, light pink, and just i don’t give a fuck vibes/bad bitch energy!. i’m 20 years old old so NSFW would be good to put!. my favorite color is pink and neon green!. thank you so so much tum, you’re such a sweetheart!. i hope you have a wonderful night!. take care hun!. i can’t wait to see what content you post!”
notes: firstly, thank you so much for your kind words, sweetpea 🥺 i love seeing your url in my notifs, your support means the world to me! i really hope you approve of this matchup, because much like the last one, bo was the first person i thought of after reading what you sent. thanks again for your sweet self and i hope to see you more ❥ drabble under the cut because it does include NSFW content!
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why i matched you:
» i might be completely biased when saying this, but bokuto is literally the whole package when it comes to relationships. he will always be there for you, will always protect you, will love you unconditionally, etc. like there is not a single thing he wouldn’t do for you once you have him wrapped around your little finger. 
» bokuto loves how passionate you are about your friends/family because he feels the same way about his loved ones. he knows you’d do anything for them, and finds it incredibly admirable that you’re willing to go through extreme lengths to protect them. he values loyalty a whole lot, so you’re a perfect partner for him in that aspect!
» your confidence and bravery are definitely somethings that attract him the most to you. we all know he’s got his lil’ “emo” moments, because in reality he does have the tendency to doubt himself and his abilities when faced with certain challenges he doesn’t know he’s ready for. but you’re always there to help him see how he is capable of facing those challenges! your own self confidence really pushes him to be the best he can possibly be, and he really idolizes you for that. even if there are times where you actually end up being the one to struggle, he’ll never fail to remind you how proud of you he is and how much he looks up to you!
» affectionate? bokuto’s got you covered. man LOVES having near constant skin-on-skin contact with you. whether it’s a hand wrapped around your waist/shoulders, fingers interlocked with his, or even resting his chin on your head, he’s gonna take advantage of any chance he gets to hold you. his favorite thing to do is come up behind you when you least expect it to wrap his arms around you, bury his nose in the crook of your neck, and whisper how much he missed you/loves you against your skin. the action never fails to make you smile.
» bokuto absolutely ADORES your aesthetic, he’s constantly in a state of “how can someone be so adorable yet so hot at the same time?”. because it’s true! your bad bitch persona really meshes well with your sweet n’ kind personality, and it definitely threw him for a loop at first. but now? baby he praises you CONSTANTLY. there’s not a day that goes by where he isn’t complimenting what you’re wearing, how your hair looks, how sharp your eyeliner is, etc. like he is your personal hypeman. and you DESERVE it.
» bokuto is really the kinda guy to keep you on your toes, but that’s just part of his appeal. there’s never a dull moment with him and he loves seeing you smile or giggle because of his antics. you really just make his heart melt like a marshmallow over a campfire with everything you do so he wants to make sure he’s enough for you with everything he does. he’s gonna give you his all no matter what - so make sure you’re prepared for that kinda commitment, because this boy will want to put a ring on your finger someday!
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“Kou, c’mon, I’m trying to finish this chapter!” You whine halfheartedly to your absolute brick wall of a boyfriend, who is currently laying open mouthed kisses at the space just between your neck and collarbone. Your attempts at pushing him away are futile, and you begin to wonder if he has always been this dense. Bokuto only chuckles at the gentle gasp you emit once his tongue pokes out to lave at your soft skin. Of course he would take advantage of your distraction with his muscular hold. 
“Baby you’ve been saying that for the past half hour.” He shifts on the sofa to rest between your open legs, elbows perched on either side of you, thumbs doing god’s work at rubbing circles against your hips. You’d be lying if you said what he was doing wasn’t enticing, but…
“I-It’s just a long chapter, I can’t help it! Seriously, I only have a few more panels left.” Your bottom lip juts out into a pout, eyes wide in pleading. As antsy as Bokuto was to cover your entire body with his kisses, he can never say no to your sweet, sullen face. How could he? It always turns him into putty in your hands without fail. With a (fake) groan, he plants his cheek back against the surface between your breasts, arms looping around your frame just as they did before he started teasing you. That’s when an idea springs to the forefront of his mind. Oh, he’ll let you finish that chapter alright. 
“Fine,” He huffs, turning his head so his chin is resting on your chest. His eyes burn into yours with a playful glint and an equally playful smirk plastered to his features, “you have 1 minute.”
“Starting…” Bokuto’s grin grows impossibly wider, tongue peeking behind his pearly whites, “now.” And with that his skillful hands snake their way under your sweatshirt to feel as much of you as possible. Bokuto thanks his lucky stars that you opted out of wearing a bra today, making it much easier for him to trace his digits over your peaking nipples, calloused thumbs rolling sensually over each pebble. Your sharp intake of breath only spurs him on further - and your weak, breathy whimper encourages him to follow suit with his tongue trailing up your stomach, nimble fingers sliding the hem of your jumper upward to expose more of your heated skin to his merciless lips. 
Suddenly the comic on your phone screen has no room for your attention as Bokuto’s ministrations demand all focus to his sinful lips, eliciting another mewl from your agape mouth. You quickly lock your screen and let your head fall back into the cushions once his tongue finally reaches your sensitive tits. The feeling only intensifies when he lets out another heated laugh in response, relishing in the way your back arches into him. 
“Heh, that’s what I thought, baby.”
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deadline for matchups is (08/29/20)! be sure to submit your entry before this date and check the tag #tumplaysmatchmaker to stay updated!
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Writing Blog URL(s): @bumblebeenct 
Name: Milly
Age: 18
Nationality: Welsh
Languages: English
Star Sign: Capricorn
What fandom(s) do you write for?
 I write for NCT, but I have written for Harry Potter in the past
When did you post your first piece?
Around the empathy era I’m pretty sure, 2018? I used to do moodboards only but I was inspired by other writers to give it a go
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?
I find that I stick to the fluff/angst tropes because they’re easier to formulate because I can relate myself to the scenario more. I also find that its also more interesting to write angst because there's complications to a story that take longer to form and you have to really think about the different emotions the characters are feeling.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?
I write x reader mostly, but at some point in the future I’m thinking of writing an OC purely because the concept I want to focus on has a particular emphasis on name and I don’t think it would work with y/n
Why did you start writing on Tumblr?
I used to use Wattpad but it was very difficult to promote myself and I struggled to meet anyone through it. On tumblr it was much easier to orientate and the community was so much nicer. 
What inspires you to write?
My mutuals! And other writers on tumblr, everyone is so supportive and kind it’s amazing. Also the feedback I sometimes get from readers, it makes me really happy whenever I get a comment or someone interacts with a piece I enjoyed writing, or alternatively when someone supports a fic I wasn’t confident in as it really boosts my confidence :)
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?
School/ College aus because they’re very familiar and I am confident in getting the tropes and ideas right. But I also like works inspired by movies or songs because there’s so much to work from and it’s nice to see where you can take the plot and lyrics in your own story.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?
That writing is for everyone, honestly at the end of the day I’m just a kid in my room writing stories about artists I’m a really big fan of. If you want to write you can, and you don’t have to necessarily be a “big” blog or writer to do it. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?
Take a break, that’s my first port of call - usually in the method of food or I look at the inspiration material again, I listen to the song, read the lyrics, consult my friends and mutuals for help. It’s always good to be able to put something down to start again later when you’re struck with inspiration
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?
My favourite personally at the moment (since one I really like is currently, as of answering this question, unpublished) is ‘Remember Me’ purely because it was the work I was the most passionate about writing and it really let me explore a new field of writing, since a lot of my stuff had been fluff before. My most successful in terms of notes is my Mark one shot ‘Sugar and Spice’ and I’m very proud of it.
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Park Jisung, my ult bias, I have to convince myself to write for other members sometimes as I often resist the urge to be a Jisung blog. However I have been enjoying writing for Mark and Hendery recently, as my other NCT biases
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?
To a certain extent yes, it really depends on the writer. For many fanfiction stories, including ones we may label “cliche” the only difference is who it’s about, there are countless amazing fics I’ve read which I would assume could be made into a novel, the only thing making it fanfiction being the characters themselves.
What do you think makes a good story?
Feeling! There’s nothing that really constitutes a “good story” as it’s all subjective, but if you can read a story and feel what the characters feel, or even just see the emotions the writer is trying to portray then it’s definitely a good story. I’ve cried while reading most of, if not all my favourite stories.
What is your writing process like?
I plan first in a little notebook so I don’t forget any of my ideas or plans and then I try to churn it out whenever I have access to my computer, my speaker and a comfortable blanket. I like to “get in the zone” and then write as much as I possibly can. I usually think of ideas as I write so the notebook helps me put them in order and make sure I don’t get too ahead of myself.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?
I have thought about it and honestly, I’m not sure. My fics are not series’ and they’re all very short - most of them under 4k so I’d have to turn the idea into a full length thing you know? But I have thought about doing the opposite with a very old original story of mine I’ve otherwise given up on but still holds a special place in my heart.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?
I am a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope mainly because the character development in these stories can be so much more interesting and complex. On the other hand I’m not fond of “yandere” type fics, however I have read several well written ones which I cannot speak against because they were actually really good.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?
I’d say a lot, in terms of how much I write feedback means a lot to me - it’s also nice to hear what people think of things you’ve written because it’s a different view from your own and sometimes can boost confidence. I am also open to constructive criticism if any writers have any tips or suggestions for future works I’m always open to listen. 
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?
When I see anyone interacting with my work it’s really rewarding and I love when people reblog with custom tags because it lets me know that people actually like what I do and to me, that’s a success.
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite food: Pasta
Favorite movie: Heathers (1988)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookie Dough
Favorite animal:  I would say bees, but I don’t think that counts so I’ll say dogs
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?
Coffee, either black or a really fancy one with frothy milk
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)
 I’d love to be a singer honestly, but at the moment I’m working towards education I hope one day to be a lecturer
Go-to karaoke song
 Best Part by Daniel Caesar or Escape (the pina colada song) by Robert Holmes because it’s funny
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
 Stopping time because there’s so much you can do - except the question is, would I continue to age even if time has stopped?
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?
My mind goes to two extremes, I think either ancient Greece because why not and the 1950’s purely for fashion and music.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?
No, but I think if I could restart specific moments I would. There are so many good moments but some things you don’t want to relive even if you can change the outcome.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?
100 chicken sized horses, I’d be terrified of a horse sized chicken it would probably be able to eat me and I’m not about that life, tiny horses I can deal with. Kill them with Kindness or whatever haha.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?
A mix of quiet teachers pet and loud side character friend. The duality kills me, I can be shouting with my friends one minute but whispering the minute the teacher asks me a question.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?
I’d like to, I think some are really cool and it would be amazing to live among them, but also some are dangerous, but I would love to see or meet some creatures. Imagine living with dragons man that would be epic.
What are some of your favorite hobbies and how did you get into them?
I really like reading, courtesy of Harry Potter, but I also enjoy singing and playing the piano which I started doing more often in secondary school when my piano teacher suggested I started to sing as well :)
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?
I did Karate for about 10/11 years, and I’m a black belt *insert awkward smile here*
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?
A lot of the time yes, there is a stigma around fanfiction and often paints us in a negative light but we just happen to be a community of creative fans who want to share and support the people we write about. But I can see where the stigma comes from, sometimes it can be taken a bit far and I am aware that some things make the artists themselves uncomfortable. I think if people who judge fanfiction are referring to it as a single idea it becomes unfair because it is all different, but I also think that writers of fanfiction themselves have to make sure they don’t cross any boundaries when writing that could make readers or the artist (if they ever happened to stumble across your work) uncomfortable.
Do you think art can be a medium for change?
Yes in some ways of course. Art is not only a way to express what the creator themselves is feeling but it is also a way to teach others about issues, prejudices and ideals. For literature specifically it allows you into the shoes of another person you may not have understood before, in art pieces there’s a clear message and encourages people to educate themselves on certain issues which in turn makes room for change.
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?
Sometimes if i’ve been suggested or requested to write something because it isn’t an idea that comes for me but mainly if I am aware that someone is waiting for a fic or someone has said they’re anticipating it I feel like I’m writing for others, but I don’t particularly mind it because it almost encourages me to write to a better standard.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?
Not particularly, I'm often as clear as I can be when portraying meaning, or I will straight up say it in a different thread or to different people because I can’t keep secrets and I’m a sucker for a spoiler. Although I am constantly worried about the way I come off in messages and things like that - I am a terrible overthinker.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?
A few of my closest friends and other kpop stans I am friends with irl are aware of my blog and support me as much as they can with what little information I give them. I think only one of my irls has my url because she reads and I send her my binge reviews when I do them.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?
Thank you so much, honestly it’s cheesy but without them I don’t know where my blog would be. The amount of them surprises me everyday and I don’t think I believe it half the time. Also if anyone ever needs help or support or just wants a chat I’m open, its 100% likely that if you interact with me or my posts on the regular then I will recognise you when you come say hi, I’m not that scary I promise.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?
Just do it! It’s better to get your stuff out there and circulating to get a better idea of what people like and where your strong suit is, the more you put out the more you grow. But if you’re scared, talk to other creators, we’re always open to help and we can let you know what to do, it was something that helped me out :)
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?
When I first started there was a lot of struggle with me trying to figure out my style and what I wanted to do, and it was a learning curve of what can I do, what should I avoid and who am I doing this for. Sometimes when I’m really down I will question why I do it, but I never regret it because it has allowed me to make some wonderful friends and be exposed to some amazing creations and get more into something I’ve always liked doing, writing.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?
I don’t want this to be too long, but I feel like it could be. I’ve met so many wonderful people and I love all of them so much, but in terms of being formative and supportive these are some of the people I talk to the most. @renjunwrites - I am a huge fan of Denise and to even be able to be in conversation with her about the stuff she writes is mindblowing to me, @nanasarea - nana was one of the first people I spoke to (before I joined discord) and was really accepting of my antics from day one. @glossyjaems - me and Louna have become very close recently and I can’t wait for our project to launch, keep an eye out for that. @mjlkau Anie is really one of the biggest supporters I have, always willing to read what I send her and give me support and love. There’s so many more people I’d love to mention but this would go on forever, to anyone ever involved in my writing process I’m thinking of you as I write this and I love you all (I feel really bad not talking about every single one omg).
Ending thoughts:
“We’ll be alright, I want to try again” - Try Again d.ear (ft. Jaehyun) because this is something I hold close, ‘try again, we’ll all be alright in the end’
Interested in your very own episode of The Sunny Show? Find out how to apply here.
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3,9,12,18 & 33 💬
I know that these are going to be loooooooong so I’ll put them under a cut! Thank you for sending me the rant ones lol 💕 Below the cut is a rant about kindness and Louis Tomlinson and a bit of something else.
unusual(ish) asks
3. rant. just do it
First thing that comes to mind is what we were talking about in our gc today. Why can’t people be nice to each other? It’s sad to see fellow bloggers leave this site because they don’t feel good/safe/happy, like they felt before. I get sad every time I see someone I follow or someone I have seen on my dash deactivate their blog. And I get more sad when they explain that they’ve been getting hate. Some people come here to see and experience happy things, but then they are getting (anon) hate or evil comments etc, which sucks. I can’t relate to this because I haven’t gotten any anon hate - I’m lucky in that way. What if people remembered this: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say a thing. I don’t get the idea behind anon hate, why would you waste your energy on saying bad things to each other? And if you can’t say it with your nickname/url/name, then don’t say it. And before you send the hate message, think: How would I feel if I got this kind of comment? If you feel like it would be mean and make you feel bad - don’t send it. You can send constructive criticism on someone’s work, sure (if they ask for it), but plain hate is not nice. And if you don’t like someone’s content or blog or opinions - the unfollow button is right there! I feel like people would rather take the unfollowers than the hate. But I can’t speak for everyone here, so this is my opinion and my rant. Remember, YOU create YOUR social media experience by (un)following. Spread kindness around. I’ll use Harry’s line - Treat people with kindness.
On another note, I feel like tumblr isn’t that happy place compared to what it used to be, in my point of view. I feel like there’s a lot of negativity and drama here, which I don’t blame on anyone, it just feels like it. So I haven’t been that active here, yet I can’t really stay away so I scroll around. I have gotten friends from here and I still can find happiness here, but sometimes it feels a bit much, so I might take a break from scrolling around.
ALSO I feel so stressed because of university, I feel like I have too much stuff I have to do so I stress and procrastinate a lot which makes me feel bad about myself.
9. favorite brand of clothing?
I don’t have a favorite brand to be honest, I like clothes that are comfy and feel nice. Although I have to say that Billebeino hoodies are one of my favorite ones - they’re soft and nice and they’re not that expensive (says me, who has three of their hoodies, two of which I have bought when they were on sale)
12. what’s the most interesting schools gossip you’ve ever heard?
I’m so boring, I can’t really think of one... or can I? Maybe one of the most interesting ones was when one boy from our class was caught kissing one girl (who was not in our high school) in the toilet corridor and it was such an unusual couple that people couldn’t believe it. Like, they were complete opposites in every aspect. (who am I to judge tho)
18. rant about your favorite musician
THANK YOU for giving me this time to talk about my fave, Louis Tomlinson. (Harry dear I’m sorry I had to choose) FIRST, Louis is so brave and inspirational. He has been through a lot, one could say he’s been through too much. I will not go into detail, but he’s lost family members and I can’t even imagine his pain. I’ve cried while reading his interviews and while watching his performances, and while listening to his song Two Of Us. He’s so raw in a way, like he shows his emotions and he really shows what’s important to him. His teachers have told him that he’ll never amount to anything, like, that’s not a thing you say to a child/teen/student of any age (side note: do some teachers realize that they have a huge influence on children’s lives?). Rather, you don’t say that to anyone. Louis has said that he doubted himself and his solo career. He has written amazing songs during 1D days, the albums are bangers (listen to Midnight Memories) and the lyrics are so different compared to their first and second album. He’s the one who changed One Direction’s sound from the boyband style to a more mature style. He’s an amazing songwriter and an amazing artist, yet he was insecure about his success as a solo artist. This sounds weird, because he has the potential to be a huge star and he is exactly that. He didn’t believe in his abilities and I feel so sad, who made him think like that??? I’m not completely on board with things but his record label held him back and didn’t promote his songs and album in any way. He was told not to release that song, instead he had to release this one etc. He has had a very bumpy ride to where he is now, and he’s come so far and proved the critics wrong, and I’m extremely proud of him. His voice is angelic, his vocal range is amazing, he’s come from the few lines per album to a song that’s basically Louis ft. One Direction (No Control, check it out thanks) and eventually to a whole album of just him. And more is to come, or so he hinted. The opening/closing line “Nothing wakes you up like waking up alone” in Walls is something very powerful and deep, I think it’s amazing how that line can include so much.
Louis is soft, kind, sweet, adorable and funny. His accent is so nice, you can hear it in his songs and when he talks it’s kind of his own language, but it’s so him. He might seem like a tough guy on the outside with his middle fingers and all that but he’s a real softie and he cares about his fans so much. He has fairy lights around his house, and if that’s not soft enough for you I don’t know what is. He looks adorable in sweater paws and he’s so tiny (yes he’s taller than me but shh) and I love the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. He’s sarcastic and his giggles are precious. He loves his fans as much as his fans love him. He has said “It’s not a bad life, it’s just a bad day” to his sister, and that quote stuck with me. I don’t necessarily live by any quote, but I try to remember that one everyday.
Lastly, please give this talented man a chance and listen to his album Walls, here’s a link to Spotify. Thank you for reading this. I love him.
33. what do you think about a lot
One Direction. All the stuff around them and the unanswered questions. I also think about life and my future and what if I fail at things. Like what if I fail in my studies or what if I won’t succeed in anything. This got kinda deep, it started as a joke. Oops.
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replicantdeviancy · 5 years
Just a small note; long rant under cut. This rant involves a personal experience involving internet libel and bullying. Please use discretion if this makes you nervous or upsets you.
I would like to begin this statement by saying that no names or urls will be mentioned for the sake of privacy and to protect the identity of those involved. The bullies in question has been blocked and since reported on all active accounts and at this time no legal action has been taken. I do not condone the act of call outs, cancel culture or witch hunts. I am simply seeking to explain my side of things in hopes that if one comes across these falsities involving my name they will be sensible, rational, and think twice about their validity. Please feel free to open up a dialogue with me at any time (work/sleep schedule taken under consideration) and I will be happy to speak with you. Not just about this unforeseen issue, but in general. Please also have the decency to approach things with a respectful mindset as I will be nothing but respectful with you.
Thank you.
In light of a recent conversation I feel I must address this issue as the individual in question seems to have made an unfortunate resurgence. Just under a year ago, in a misguided attempt to use my writing as a means of self-therapy to combat a past trauma I had endured, I decided upon using a narrative in a single AU verse with a single RP partner. Due to some very negative responses from one single individual (I’ll refer to them as A) that narrative had since been abandoned and deleted. However, A brought it upon themselves to perpetuate their false perception of the situation without a rational attempt at speaking with me. Instead of trying to clarify my reason for choosing to participate in something that we, in all actuality, found mutually repugnant, they decided to send me a very harassing message. (I still keep the screenshot of it for legalities sake).
At that time I thought nothing of it. Just a troll trying to shame me for something which offended them. Like most trolls, I expected A was in a very bad place emotionally and was simply deciding to take a shot at low hanging fruit. As such, I responded flippantly. (Please do also not that I personally suffer with extreme generalized anxiety and panic disorder and while I don’t recall every detail of that evening, I do remember I was trembling uncontrollably). I spoke with a few friends about the incident, and they helped me feel better about it. I expected it was over and done. I was incorrect.
A had taken this out of context narrative and my flippant post and decided to call me out, involving a small group of fellow anti’s, perpetually spreading misinformation about the entire situation and framing screenshots to fit their narrative. I wasn’t too upset at the time, still under the impression this individual was someone in a bad place in life, someone with anger issues in need of counseling or therapy. My impression was further proven when this group also began calling out others within the fandom, making outlandish and baseless claims involving the race of some muns and antisemitic remarks. I was also removed from a group chat due to the libel upon my name. Now frightened, I spoke with a few friends again and discovered they too had received call outs. Many of these people had anxiety and similar emotional traumas, mental disorders and the like, which only ended up hurting them further.
I cannot hope to understand why A chose to harm these people, nor what their reason is to blindly make accusations and harass others in place of reasonable dialogues. I did at one point open communication with them, noting their issues on the matter and explaining in no uncertain terms that I agreed with them, that it was simply an exploration of a theme, very closed off and not open to anyone else under any circumstances. (screenshots also kept for legal purposes)  I imagined this communication went well but it appears not to have, as I have come to notice several blogs whom I do not know and have had no contact with already have me blocked.
I am not saying this to garner sympathy, nor to I condone action on anyone’s part involving the individuals in question. I’m a grown adult, perfectly capable of dealing with my inner demons. I have far more concern for those who can’t fight back or don’t have the ability to brush off such vicious negativity directed towards them. I hope others in the future will make the right decision in regard to seeing things on others blogs that they don’t approve of and, rather than go into a fit of wild accusation and blocking that person, being big enough to open up and speak with them with a little compassion.
I will express that some of the themes on this blog are used as a means of personal therapy. Some have worked out, some did not. I have been very private when it comes to my personal life, as no one is entitled to my life story nor my reasons for writing what I choose to. However, apart from a few choice individuals, this has been a very open and caring fandom ( in spite of it’s size ) and most people are rational and compassionate people who just adore their characters and love Detroit: Become Human.
I personally owe a lot to DBH as some chapters helped me get into a better place when it comes to past trauma. The more negative scenes involving Todd and Kara actually had me shaking and needing to take a break, the scenes with Hank involving alcohol made me nervous. But over time and with exposure I no longer automatically have such negative reactions. I began to be able to take a step back and look at these things with a clearer, more objective mindset and could see this as a characters journey rather than something frightening. It still disturbs me and I don’t like it, but I’m more comfortable now.
It’s rather the same with some of my writing. I only have a few things I will absolutely, expressly NOT write about, because no matter the context I simply cannot make myself write it. That’s an individual thing, and everyone has something like that. I hope we can all be understanding to one another on this matter.
Moving forward, I want to make it expressly clear that I do not condone or even agree with any questionable acts my or any characters engage in on this platform. Please take into account that if someone - anyone - writes about something questionable that they in no way condone these things and that the mundane does not, in fact, equal the muse. They are two separate entities with separate opinions, feelings, emotions, thoughts and mindsets. If we begin to police others on their ethics based solely on the theme portrayed or character written, we fall dangerously towards a slippery slope of thought policing. I urge all of you to read a book entitled 1984 which examines the dangers of this very narrative.
As a closing note, I want to say that I am not angry at A or the group of anti’s for their actions. I’m not even upset that they seem to be keen on spreading misinformation a year after the incident had been resolved. I only wish to say that I sincerely hope they get the help they need and that they someday find themselves in a better, happier place emotionally.
If you yourself are bullied or preyed upon but internet trolls, harassed or otherwise a victim of libel, please have the courage to report it to staff. Block the harasser in question. Do as I have and keep screen caps of their harassing messages and posts and show them to staff. Libel is a federal crime and online bullying is a prosecutable offense in a court of law. And if you yourself are someone who participates in cancel culture or bullying, please, I encourage you to speak with someone and find the source of this anger within yourself. Speak with your primary care physician and begin the path towards therapy, because your mental health is important and there are people who love you. There is no reason to take your aggressions out on others or jump to conclusions. If you cannot afford therapy, I encourage you to use one of the services from the list linked HERE. The saying “Walk a mile in my shoes” should be adopted, for you should be willing to open yourself up and empathize with others. Everyone does something for a reason.
Friends, please be careful out there. Bullies are a rare thing in this fandom as it stands and as they have slowly been banned or moved on, the DBH fandom has become a better, positive place for many individuals to express their love of characters, actors and the game itself and can engage others in fun, inventive writing projects. Let’s continue to be the fans that Bryan and Amelia would be proud of. Let’s stay positive and accepting towards one another. I have been so grateful for the people who chose to follow me and wanted to write with me, who put up with my stupid gushing and silly thread ideas. Not a single one of you is a number to me. You all bring something to the table and I’m glad to be here, two years in and having a blast. I hope each of you have such good fortune.
Take care and be well.
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ijtsrd · 5 years
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25 Years of Creation, Development and Implementation of Seismic Isolation in Armenia
by Mikayel Melkumyan "25 Years of Creation, Development and Implementation of Seismic Isolation in Armenia" 
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, 
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd22983.pdf
Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/other/22983/25-years-of-creation-development-and-implementation-of-seismic-isolation-in-armenia/mikayel-melkumyan
ugc journal list, list of ugc approved journals, research publication
I am proud to announce that the year of 2018 marks the 25th Anniversary since I started to create, develop and implement seismic isolation technologies in Armenia. It has been a hard path indeed, but with God's help and my persistence, I was able to successfully struggle my way through, overcome the conservatism, opposition and malice of state officials and of the so called earthquake resistant construction experts . As a result, in the field of seismic isolation a small and developing country like Armenia now stands side by side with more powerful and advanced countries. Currently, by the number of seismic base and roof isolated buildings more than 50 per capita Armenia is the second in the world after Japan. In this regard, the opinion of the well known scientist Prof. Stavros Anagnostopoulos, expressed in his interview to the Journal of the Builders Union of Armenia – Architecture and Construction, 6 64 of June 2011, about the works performed by the author of this paper is presented “Prof. Mikayel Melkumyan is a very well known worldwide for his pioneering works on this technique, base isolation, which is probably the future of the earthquake protection. Prof. Melkumyan published a book with his contributions in earthquake engineering in Armenia and with all the pioneering works of base isolated buildings that he has designed here in Armenia. Now, from my international experience I do not really know anyone else and anywhere else in the world who has made so many designs of base isolated buildings. In this respect, I think that Prof. Melkumyan has placed Armenia in one of the top countries in the world as far as application of base isolation is concerned. As the matter of fact, if you take into account the size of Armenia, I would imagine that maybe Armenia is in the top two to three countries where base isolation has been used so extensively. I can tell you now that among many people in the world who worked and carry our research on base isolation Mikayel is unique in the fact that he is not only doing research in base isolation but he applies it as an engineer and you cannot find that many people worldwide who combine this – generating the knowledge and also applying the knowledge and I am in the unique position to appreciate the difficulties in taking some theoretical research results and apply them into practice and making them practically useful. This is where Mikayel has to be congratulated. I am sure that his book will be extremely useful not just in Armenia but worldwide in many countries because it is a combination of theory and practice, and most of the books that you will find in the literature on base isolation are mainly theoretical”. To commemorate this Anniversary, we have prepared posters Table 1 describing our activities and achievements in the field of seismic isolation during the past 25 years. The information in the posters is given in Armenian, English and Russian. We have also compiled a booklet and published it for distribution in Armenia, as well as distributed it electronically among scientists and engineers across the world. And this is all what I could do on my personal means. It is worth noting one of the feedbacks received to the booklet from KPFF Portland Structural Dr. Jeff Diephuis, who wrote “Congratulations! I hope that one day we begin to design with these systems in the USA as regularly as you do in Armenia. Keep up the good work”. Armenia is well known as the only developing country where “…the number of new applications of innovative anti seismic techniques, especially seismic isolation, is particularly large…”. “Some other countries are beginning to follow the excellent example of Armenia …where seismic isolators are locally manufactured also for foreign markets… ” “…an existing bank building at Irkutsk City in Russia, retrofitted by applying the technology invented by Prof. Melkumyan in Armenia…” Martelli et al., 2001 . Another opinion on Armenia's achievements in seismic isolation expressed in Garevski, 2010 “A greater success in application of base isolation with isolation of a large number of buildings was achieved in Armenia where, in addition to placement of isolators in buildings, their production was also adopted”. In Martelli et al., 2012 it is stated that “Armenia… remains second, at worldwide level, for the number of applications of such devices per number of residents, in spite of the fact that it is still a developing country.” Thus, let me emphasize that in Armenia we have achieved significant results in the development and application of seismic isolation to a large number of buildings and in local manufacturing of about 5100 seismic isolation laminated rubber steel bearings SILRSBs . 
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priscilla9993 · 3 years
Blog tag
Tagged by the amazing @piracytheorist
Brain typed out the old username before this, but I do love the new one. You should check her out!
1. Why did you choose your url? I chose my url on a whim for this site. However, the true story behind this is similar in the sense that kid me, having to create a username for Neopets and Fantage, not used to how the internet worked, went with my name and age at the time. Obviously, a username that normal would be taken or just stupid to put. Thinking I was so clever, I put a 3 at the end to symbolize the three 9′s. Little did I know, it stuck and here I am today.
2. Any side blogs? I wish, but no. At least not on here. I can barely maintain one as I’m not very active on social media.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? Since January of 2021, lurking in the background until February when I finally posted or reposted something, so not that long.
4. Do you have a queue tag? Nope.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? I was captivated by this whole new world of people who loved a bunch of fandom related things and shared their opinions without politics or society playing an oppressive role. It felt like Wiki Fandom, but social media version. Not to mention my love for Once Upon A Time with their ships and characters led me to start my blog. I had my own opinions on some things and mainly wanted to reblog things I loved on here too. Eventually it turned into me posting my own meta though.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? It’s a picture of the Barnes and Noble copy of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass as well as a brown stuffed animal rabbit of mine that has been with me since childhood. I chose it because I love the story and it contains a part of me that never wants to lose a child’s sense of whimsy. Partially joking, but it was either that or a Dopey plush since I wanted something from I loved but took a picture of irl. I don’t take a lot of photos...
7. Why did you choose your header? My header is a Madarcher/Curious Archer scene with Alice and Robin in a dungeon. I love both the characters and the ship. It’s one of my favorite moments from the show and was around the time I joined Tumblr. I think it’s so special how in a scene where they are trapped with only each other for company, they vulnerably talk and Robin gently brushes Alice’s face/moves her hair. Albeit, she’s trying to grab Alice’s hairpin, but it was a sweet moment all the same. Brings me joy every time I see it.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? “Foreshadowing at its finest” Ooooh, I believe this is my first original post! I am proud that it has triumphed as a Madarcher/Curious Archer post as that is a ship I will take to my grave. Also, it’s funny how it hasn’t been a long time, but re-reading that post, I still think I’m reaching too far. Thought it was brilliant then, but I change my mind every time I see it. Let me know if you check it out and agree/disagree/have other thoughts.
9. How many mutuals do you have? None actually, but I like to think it’s quite a few and hope think of me as a mutual too. It’s probably because I haven’t been on here long and don’t follow that many people, lovely as most of them are.
10. How many followers do you have? 10. Just like this question # lol. I’m not into Tumblr for the followers, but I’m honored that some people want to follow the stuff I post.
11. How many people do you follow? 6. I should really go follow more considering the amount of stuff I like. There are some people I want to follow, but they either get risque or extremely spammy with their posts.
12. How often do you use Tumblr a day? Probably an hour or less.
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? No and I’m quite thankful as of yet.
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? I feel indifferent to them I don’t need to reblog. Although, I do feel guilty sometimes as I typically love and support the things people want reblogged, but skip over the reblogging since I have nothing to add on and don’t want to unwillingly shove/spam the post to others.
15. Do you like tag games? Yes, they are a joy to see and participate in.
16. Do you like ask games? Yes!  I love to answer and ask questions.
17. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? I don’t have a mutual, but I think in my small bubble of following others, @killian-whump, @wyntereyez, @piracytheorist, @enixamyram, and @bleebug are Tumblr famous. They are some of the first people I got knowledge of from tags and reoccurring names/reblogs.
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual? Nope, but I admire so many people on here. <3 I don’t know if any of them constitute as a crush because I don’t know if I’ve ever been in love. Probably irl, but then I’d be in denial and chalk it down to admiration or desperation from crush culture. But to answer the question on crushing anyone online romantically, no. I’m tagging @jlsadphoenix, @fairytalepsuedonym, @mefyys, @of-monsters-and-werewolves, @sals86, @mary-margaretblanchard, and @intothewickedwood.  Feel free to do this blog if you want, and if you do, please tag me on it so I can learn more about you too. :D
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tagged by @supersofts, thank you bābbūb! putting it under a read more bc it got long
1. why did u choose your url?
i settled on this one in like 2017 i think, after cycling through a series of generic non-fandom urls. i wanted one related to cabin pressure, specifically carolyn knapp-shappey, and after trying different combinations i got this one and i’m keeping it for as long as i’m here !
2. any sideblogs?
@schwarzevulkan is my motorsport blog (overwhelmingly f1 right now, but it started for the group b era of rally, and i also reblog extreme e). @mcintiresmolly is a doll-related blog but i rarely use it.
3. how long have u been on tumblr?
been lurking since 2015 after a very long stint on google+, but i didn’t start posting or caring about my blog until the following year.
4. do u have a queue tag?
i don’t use queue
5. why did u start your blog?
knapp-shappeys has always been a multifandom blog. i’ve contemplated trying to make it follow an aesthetic but that approach just wasn’t my cup of tea. i set up schwarzevulkan in late march as a motorsport blog to serve two purposes: to scream about michèle and fabrizia, and to keep from bothering people on my main about f1. mcintiresmolly was a very impulsive endeavor. i didn’t figure out how to reblog things quickly there and it’s fallen out of use since.
6. why did u choose your icon?
linda fairbairn my beloved! sure she was only in one episode of cabin pressure but i am inexplicably attached to her!
7. why did u choose your header?
ojs air is a family and half of that family is filipino in my head. also carolyn and theresa are best friends in my head. also i’m still really proud of that drawing it’s such an improvement from last year
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this one, with nearly 50k notes
9. how many mutuals do u have?
i don’t keep track of it hehe
10. how many followers do u have?
331 on this blog, 43 on my motorsport blog
11. how many people do u follow?
too many probably! and it’s grown bc of me getting into f1 rip
12. have u ever made a sh*tpost?
everything i do is a shitpost
13. how often do u use tumblr?
few times a day, primarily in the morning, afternoon, and late at night
14. did u ever have a fight with another blog?
life’s too short for that
15. how do u feel abt “u need to reblog” posts
discomfort. i know this might be a Controversial Take but i prefer to use social media to unwind and not as activism. i’m a well-informed person away from the screen, i take my news from many different sources, i keep up with local organizations and initiatives and periodically check out websites of the Indigenous nations on whose land i live. i try to educate people in my life and help in other ways (boycotts, donations, volunteering in non-pandemic times, etc). so social media is just the lighter side for me. i remember when #stopasianhate was super big and being asian in the usa i was already fearful for my family, coming onto social media and seeing post after post talking about another attack was just horrifying like i don’t come to social media for my fears to be restocked
it’s not the same for everyone of course, that’s just me. i’ll stop now
16. do u like tag games?
of course!
17. do u like ask games?
oh i love them so much!
18. which mutual do u think is famous?
hmmm idk!
19. do u have a crush on a mutual?
i do not have crushes on people i am only acquainted with on the internet.
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