#libraries are the coolest places to work ever and I will scream it from the rooftops till I die.
arostormblessed · 2 years
Please for the love of god how do u get a job at the library (also is your url stormblessed as in Kaladin bc FUCK YEAH)
First of all: YES Kaladin is thee character of all time he is my everything and Brandon Sanderson actually personally told me that he is aroace. So.
Second of all: OKAY I’ve got you friend. So getting a job at the library is largely going to depend on what kind of job you’re looking for. Unfortunately the more higher-paying full time jobs are going to require some degrees (usually a Masters in library science aka MLS) BUT there are way more options if that’s not feasible for you.
The easiest job to get at your local library is probably going to be a page position, though they’re sometimes called other names. These are your employees who check in books, organize them, and re-shelve them, as well as pulling holds and doing other odd jobs around the library (every library has a slightly different structure, so some duties may be distributed differently in your area!) Sadly it pays basically nothing, less than most fast food jobs, but literally anyone over the age of 16 can get hired and you need no experience or anything like that. It’s a great position if you’re not a people person (there’s very limited interaction with actual patrons!) Plus lots of people start from here and work their way up the proverbial food chain in their library. You’ll find lots of these positions open basically all the time because the turnover rate is so high, and it’s great if you’re looking for an easy, relaxing, low-stress part time gig that gets you real experience working in a library.
If you want a step up from pages that still doesn’t require a degree, your next option is a circulation assistant. These are the people who work the front desk (in adult or children’s sections), answer phones, help out customers, and deal with collection stuff that’s above the pages’ access/pay grade. Most of these positions are part time but some are full time! It pays more than pages- still not that much but depending on how many hours you work and which library system you’re in it can all depend. If you’re more open to customer service but don’t want to deal with food or retail it’s a good option, and it’s another stepping stone to higher positions with the added experience!
I would also recommend seeing if your local library has any special programs it houses that are hiring. Mine for example has a Makerspace area that has a 3D printer and cool machines galore, and those programs sometimes have full-time jobs available that don’t require a degree. Plus it’s a lot of fun.
(I will say that sometimes “””networking””” can be the key to getting hired in a library system. If you’ve been around the library a lot, whether it be volunteering or interning or working as a page or just being a memorable patron, if you know everyone’s name and are familiar with how the system works, it gives you a HUGE boost in the eyes of librarians. They also have a tendency to hire people just based on vibes, so if you’re just a super nice courteous cool person chances are you’ll get the job.)
Full time, higher paying jobs like reference librarians usually require an MLS but sometimes you only need a bachelor’s degree. It all depends on your library system. There are also soooo many different departments in the library that I’m not quite as familiar with (IT! Maintenance! Technical & collection services! Local history! Outreach! ILL! Children’s! Programming!) So if any of those are what really floats your boat I’d suggest doing a little research and seeing if it sounds like you!
Above all, the first step you can take is to just go to your local library’s website and check their job postings. It will (hopefully) give you way more accurate information than I’ve just rambled on about and give you a good place to start!
I wish you lots of luck, my friend. If you have any other questions about libraries I will do my best to answer them.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | chapter one
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summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, depressed spencer, reader has a daughter, falling in love, strangers to lovers
word count: 3,147
Read on Ao3
There’s this small, tiny part, of Spencer that wants to run away.
He’s always felt like he’s never truly been home, a never-ending and long yearning, a homesickness for a place he didn't even know, eating him alive day by day. It made him want to drop everything and buy a cottage in the woods, to fill it with books and coffee and never see another person again.
It got worse after prison and after his mom asked to go back into a care facility, it hurt the most when Penelope left the FBI and things with Max fizzled out. Then he was really, truly alone again. His apartment felt cold and uninviting, the BAU felt like a chore, using his brain for anything other than taking care of himself was extremely hard.
He needed a break.
So when he walked out of work and straight to his favourite park for an escape, he wasn’t surprised that he didn’t stop walking. Going further and further down the trail, following the dirt path towards a pond, covered by a beautiful willow tree and surrounded by pink, purple, yellow and white flowers. The contrast of the green grass with the colourful flowers, the blue sky and the light green willow tree reflection dancing on the surface of the pond. It was like he walked into Eden, taking a seat by the tree and picking a book from his satchel.
For the rest of the week, it’s his own little sanctuary, escaping desk work and home cases as fast as he could. Even then it wasn't enough and he started going every afternoon, he’d sneak out for an hour and just relax. Reading his book, feeling the breeze on his face, the sound of ducks and frogs competing with the crickets for loudest being in the area. Eventually bringing his bike on the subway to work so he could get there faster.
It was beautiful.
Almost as beautiful as what he walked in on when he arrived Saturday afternoon. Parking his bike by the tree, looking at them carefully as he took his satchel off his shoulders and placed it by the trunk. Craning his neck so he could look at who it was, seeing the purest display of human affection known to man.
A mother and her daughter were having a picnic, dressed up like Miss Honey and Matilda as they had lemonade and snacks, spread out on a blanket as the mother handed her a sandwich wrapped in checkered red wax paper.
Spencer was in awe, sitting on the other side of the pond by a second tree, pretending to read when really he was glancing at them. Their laugher filling the field, bouncing around the trees and filling his chest with warmth.
It reminded him of all the afternoons with his own mother. His head in her lap, the sound of her voice as she shared worlds wisdom with him. He missed childhood, freedom, hope. The will to continue…
When the little girl finally notices that they’re not alone in this little world she’s creating, he sees her tug on her moms shirt, asking her a question before cheering. She picks something out of the basket and comes running towards Spencer.
“Excuse me, sir?” Her sweet little voice asks. “Are you an archeologist or a palaeontologist?”
It makes him laugh slightly, a large smile erupting on his face as he pushes his glasses up and puts the book down. “No sorry, I’m not, what made you think I was?”
“You have a satchel and glasses like Milo from Atlantis, but you have a dinosaur on your tie, you look like you work at a museum,” she rambled all her thoughts out, much like he did as a child.
“I’m actually an FBI agent,” he whispered.
“Wow,” she whispered back in amazement, “are you like a knight? Do you save princesses?”
“I do," he nodded enthusiastically, "do you know any in need?”
“Her,” she pointed. “I’m Lady Amoreena, the Princess over there says I was a gift to the kingdom but that she’ll never need a prince or king to take care of us, but I think a knight would work!”
He laughed lightly, seeing her mom shake her head as she overheard it, covering her face with her hand, she looked embarrassed.
“It’s nice to meet you, Lady Amoreena,” he put his hand out to shake her’s as soft as possible, noticing the cookie in her hand. “My name is Dr. Spencer Reid,” he added softly.
“Would you like a cookie?”
He smiled as she placed it in his hand, “thank you.”
“Do you like Matilda?”
“It’s one of my favourite books,” he smiles.
“Do you want to have some lemonade and read with us?” Her face lit up, turning back to where her mother was watching from the pond.
“It’s okay, thank you for offering,” not wanting to intrude on their moment.
“We need a voice for Matilda’s father, please?” She begged, overly sweet and incredibly convincing.
“Alright, but I’m warning you if I upstage the princess with my awesome voices, it’s not my fault,” he smiled as he stood up, grabbing his things and starting to follow her over to the blanket.
She took his hand and tugged him along the edge of the pond, dragging him right to were her mother was sitting on the ground.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized softly as he sat down. “She’s very persistent about making new friends. We don’t see many people on this side of the park.”
“It’s fine, honestly, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, by the way,” he introduced himself. “I work with the FBI, normally I’d advice women and their children to avoid strange men they don’t know when they’re alone in the woods like this.”
She laughed slightly, “Y/N Y/L/N, I’m the head librarian at the DC library, and you don’t seem that strange.”
“Neither did Bundy,” he tried to joke, knowing she got it and trusted him when she bit back a smile, eyes twinkling at him in the sunlight.
“My name is Amoreena, like the Elton John song,” her daughter cut in, noticing how they were staring at each other and trying to get the attention instead.
“It’s a beautiful song, no wonder you love it here,” Spencer smiled at her, “do you come here often?”
She nodded, a blush flowing through her freckled cheeks, “have you ever read Tuck Everlasting? The pond here can make you young forever,” her whisper was the cutest thing. She was so full of life, personality and joy.
“I have, you’re right this feels a lot like the field from the book, what other books do you like?”
“I love books,” she lays back against the blanket ever so dramatically. “Matilda, Anne of Green Gables, Beauty and the Beast, I love every story that ends with true love and happiness, and cats.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at her explanation, knowing that feeling all too well. “I have read almost every book ever, more than the entire DC library probably."
“We dress up every week for what ever book we are reading, next week is Peter Pan if you’d like to join us? We’re here every Saturday at 11,” Y/N offered.
“You haven’t even heard me read Matilda from memory and you’re already asking me to come back?” Spencer smirked as their faces lit up.
“No way, prove it!” Amoreena shouted, shoving him lightly to encourage him to start.
“The Reader of Books,” he began, seeing the pages in his mind as he repeated the words. “It's a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful.”
“Okay so you know the beginning,” Y/N teased, opening the book to a random page, “what's on page 32?”
"My name is Jennifer Honey," Miss Honey said. "How do you do, Mrs. Wormwood." Mrs. Wormwood glared at her and said, "What's the trouble then?" Nobody invited Miss Honey to sit down so she chose a chair and sat down anyway. "This", she said, "was your daughter's first day at school." "We know that," Mrs Wormwood said, ratty about missing her programme. "Is that all you came to tell us?" Miss Honey stared hard into the other woman's wet grey eyes, and she allowed the silence to hang in the air until Mrs. Wormwood became uncomfortable. "Do you wish me to explain why I came?" she said.
Amoreena thought it was the coolest thing ever, reading the page and jumping up and down when he was correct, “how did you do that?”
“I can remember every word I’ve ever read, I have a pretty interesting brain,” he explained it as overdramatic as he could, knowing she would find it magical.
“You’re so cool!” She swooned, dropping back against the blanket just as dramatically.
Y/N was all smiles, running her fingers through Amoreena’s hair and giggling slightly at the sight of her silly child. “Spencer, would you like to do the honours today?”
She handed him the book, knowing he didn’t need it. He gently opened it, starting on the first page and starting to read it the way his mother would. Bringing out voices, hand gestures, all the bells and whistles.
They were in the field together until the sun started to set, casting a purple and orange glow over the pond. Amoreena was resting in Y/N’s arms, legs extended over Spencer’s lap as they sat close. It was the most perfect Saturday he has had in a long time. Probably the best day of his life, actually.
“Matilda leapt into Miss Honey's arms and hugged her, and Miss Honey hugged her back, and then the mother and father and brother were inside the car and the car was pulling away with the tyres screaming. The brother gave a wave through the rear window, but the other two didn't even look back. Miss Honey was still hugging the tiny girl in her arms and neither of them said a word as they stood there watching the big black car tearing round the corner at the end of the road and disappearing for ever into the distance. The end.”
He closed the book softly, setting it down on the blanket and looking at them softly, “am I still invited next week?”
“Absolutely,” Y/N smiled, “I’m dressing as Tinker Bell, Amoreena will be Peter Pan, and you can be anyone else of your choosing.”
“I’ll keep it a surprise until next week,” Spencer smiled right back.
Amoreena crawled out of Y/N’s lap and leapt into Spencer’s arms, hugging him tightly in her small arms. “That was the best story ever, thank you!”
Everything in the world felt right then, hugging her back while he smiled at her mother. Y/N had a hand over her heart as she swooned, watching her daughter bond with the man who just happened to wander into their picnic.
“Can I get your number?” Y/N asked softly, “you know, so we can arrange outfits and stories as the week's pass.” She shrugged, licking her lips slightly as she blushed.
“Of course, I’m not on duty for the rest of the month, so if you wanted to go to a museum or anything, I’m free? Since I look so much like I should work there,” he teased Amoreena.
“I’m sure lovey would like that?” Y/N leaned over Amoreena’s shoulder, holding her around her waist and tickling her softly.
It was a nickname that made perfect sense in his mind. Amoreena, the keyword being Amore, to love. She was very loveable, incredibly vibrant and full of innocence, a life that was full of possibilities, wonderful like her mother.
“We’re going to the Smithsonian tomorrow to see the Dino’s,” Amoreena’s face lit up. “Do you know anything about them?”
“Surprisingly enough, while I’m not a paleontologist, I know a lot about dinosaurs, and I might have some connections there to see the rare ones,” he exaggerated his voice again, watching her get so excited she started to run around with her arms in the air.
“You don’t have to if you’re busy,” she says softly when Amoreena is far enough away, picking flowers as she ran around.
“I’d love to, actually, thank you,” he whispers towards Y/N. “I haven’t been having the greatest week.”
“Is it okay for me to ask what you do?” She asked, just as softly as Amoreena kept running around the field.
“I’m a profiler, I consult on intense cases.”
“The strange man comment makes more sense now,” she smiled. “we’re looking for a literary historian at the library right now, I’m sure remembering every word in every book would get you hired, you know if you wanted to switch careers for something easier on your soul?”
“I have been thinking of leaving, in all honesty, I’ve actually been having more of a rough 15 years,” he tries to laugh but he just feels frustrated. “It’s been really hard.”
“For everything you see, you’re still a very sweet man, not many people would sit down and occupy his time with an autistic 7-year-old,” she complimented him with a smile, sharing something personal in a way that would fit right into the conversation and not make a big deal. “We really did enjoy your company today.”
He handed her a business card from his pocket, feeling a bit overwhelmed and emotional as he handed it to her, “I've had a wonderful time. I'm also autistic, I know what it's like to want to share the world while no one wants to listen, thank you for letting me join you. Let me know what time you’re going to the museum tomorrow and I will be there.”
Y/N’s face lit up once more, reading the card over before sliding it into her bag. “Do you want a PB&J or a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow?”
“PB&J is a great museum lunch,” he bit his lip so he’d stop smiling, it was beginning to feel embarrassing with how much he liked her already. Not used to random kindness from smart and beautiful women.
Amoreena came running back then, handing Spencer a handful of flowers upon her arrival. “For you, Sir Knight,” she bowed as he took them.
“I bid you a good day, my fair ladies,” Spencer plaid along, standing to curtsy back.
“We’ll see you tomorrow then?” Y/N asked from the blanket as Amoreena dove into her arms.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Spencer smiled one last time.
“Bye Spencer!!” Amoreena cheered as he waved, walking back down the path towards the main park entrance.
With his satchel draped over his shoulder, he pushed his sleeves up as he walked towards his bike, overwhelmed by the feeling of joy still swirling in his blood. Peddling his way down the path with a smile on his face, excited to get home and plan for the Smithsonian tomorrow, he was an excellent tour guide.
And he did actually have some connections.
Calling the museum curator, an old friend from years ago who owed him a favour. Asking if there was any way he could show his friend and her kid around the un-displayed dinosaurs and fossils, of course she said yes. People seemed to do anything for Dr. Reid of the FBI.
He thought about her job offer then as he hung up, reaching the train station finally and making his way back to his sad apartment. It would be nice to change things up for a bit, it’s not like he couldn’t go back to the FBI in 20 years like Rossi did.
15 years in the field and a metric fuck ton of trauma later, he was officially fed up. Opening his computer the second he got home, writing his 2 weeks notice to be forwarded to Mateo Cruz.
He woke up with excitement, for the first time in years.
Well, at first he was happy, then he thought about it too long. Despair creeping in, it was truly sad to think that he’s been sad for so long, desperately needing the happiness Y/N and Amoreena brought to his life.
Like when he spent time around Henry or Hank, there was something so rewarding about witnessing a child see something for the first time. Explaining the world to them, seeing their eyes widen as they enjoyed the world around them.
It was the best thing someone could do, spending the day living with the happiness of a child.
Y/N had texted him right as he woke up, the chime of a new message actually making him smile instead of panic.
Y/N: hey smartie pants, we’re thinking 11 am today. Can we meet you out front?”
Spencer: sure! You should start preparing to hear me ramble all day long. Also my I suggest bringing proper shoes for lots of walking and a backpack for the things Amoreena will get to bring home!
Y/N: oh you weren’t kidding about those connections huh?
Spencer: nope!
Y/N: well, can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! (And to hear your voice all day ♥︎)
It made his heart swell, he could swear it grew three sizes as it pushed against his ribs. Trying to break free from him and run to her, he hadn’t felt this strongly about another person in a very long time.
It wasn’t lust, it wasn’t greed, it wasn’t desperation. He didn’t just want to sleep with her or use her to fill his time, she wasn’t just another friend to occupy his days and talk to when he had to, she was special. She was interesting, she was kind, she was beautiful, she reminded him of his own mother in a strange way that made him fear Fraud was right.
He found a comfort in her that felt a little like home, like all his running led him to her. She was the end of the finish line, the cold glass of water, the euphoric pride of a job well done. She was everything good wrapped up in a beautiful bow and he was gone.
Feeling like he did when he met Ethan, Derek, or Elle for the first time, even Maeve when they were just talking on the phone, that butterfly feeling that excited him to try something new.
Y/N made him believe in possibilities again.
It felt nice to look ahead, to dream and wish of the future and not see death and destruction. Instead, dreaming of them running through the fields, flowers dancing everywhere as they hear Amoreena’s laughter. It’s how life is supposed to be.
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
Because, I love you
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Jaehyun x reader // FLUFF, SMUT, angst? rich kids! au Summary: You’re back and you’re completely a different person. From being rich and spoiled, now you see yourself as someone cheap. Even so, Jaehyun chase you as he tries to win you back even though you’ve been pushing him away over and over again.  Word Count: 4k Warnings: Mentions of poverty, ‘poor’, swearing, unprotected sex, mentions of alcohol, mentions of bullying, inferiority complex Note:  -inspired by my current situation. So I hope no one steals this. haha -I’m not mocking the poor -see end for few notes. 
After two years, you’re finally back in town and the word spreads fast. The moment you step down from the train until you arrive at your best friend Aisha’s birthday party you feel every pair of eyes look at you. Everyone is completely shocked and dying to talk to you but they can’t. Because in their eyes, you’re still rich daddy’s favorite daughter. In their eyes, you’re still the same girl who left before you could even graduate high school.
You left without saying anything to your neighbours, friends or even your boyfriend, Jaehyun. The only one who knew about your situation is Aisha, and she swore she will never reveal the true reason why you left.
As you walk to the party, Aisha gave you a big hug giving you a glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage. “You’re back for good, right?” she asked trying to fight the loud music. “Yes! I’ll start school on Monday” you answer as one of her visitor took her away from you.
Everyone looks familiar but you don’t dare talk them. Not because you think they’re losers, but you feel small in this party. It feels like you don’t belong here. You made your way to the familiar pool side where you and Aisha used to hang out. There you enjoy the silence and the sound of the bubbles from the pool.
“You left, me without saying goodbye and now that you’re back I don’t get a simple ‘hi’”
Jaehyun sat beside you with all his bravery with a drink on his hand. Still handsome as the last day you spend with him. Out of all the people you left in this town, you feel sorry for Jaehyun. He didn’t deserve to be left alone just like that. You’ve been together for four amazing years and you were crazy in love with each other. For sure he got hurt when you left, and maybe he got mad? To be honest you want him to get mad to you, that way it’s easier to fully let go.
“Hi. I’m sorry about that” you try to ignore him and leave but he grabs your arm. “You left me without a word. Aren’t we going to talk about it?”
“No. Stay away from me, people might get the wrong idea” you said, stern and hard.
He brushed his hair using his fingers and pressed his lower and upper lip together. “Fuck until now you make me so frustrated” he scoffed, “Let’s get back together” he blurted out without even thinking.
“What makes you think I want you now?” Jaehyun is really impossible to reason with, he has this ‘I want it, I got it’ attitude that you hate but you’re not letting him win this time.
“Nothing. But I’m certain I still love you. And trying to win you back would be worth it”
“I’m not the same person, Jaehyun” you try to walk away but he accidentally pushed you straight to the pool. Next thing you know you’re both soaked and he offered you a ride home because clearly it’s his fault and you can’t ride the bus with wet clothes.
He was about to drive you to your house. Your old house, the biggest house for the richest family in town. “I don’t live there anymore. I live in a small apartment now” it’s embarrassing but you didn’t have a choice but to tell him the truth.
The drive was quiet, just the way you like it. “Sorry about your car seat, It’s drenched” he gave you his jacket before you get out of the car. “It’s okay, we’ve done a lot of other filthy things here” you rolled your eyes and left him.
He was happy you’re back. He never let himself forget everything about you and now that you’re back he will try to bring back what was taken away from the two of you. That’s how much he loves you.
Now that you live alone, adaptation is important. This town knew you as the rich and spoiled daughter who knows nothing but to shop and go to the coolest parties. Little did they know those two years definitely changed you as a person. Who knew even poverty would look good in you. Kidding aside, now you know how to wash and iron your own clothes, wash dishes, clean the house, cook your own meal. Everything that involves surviving alone.
Today is your first day in college and you’re looking forward to it mainly because of one reason. It’s the start to build a new life. But you saw Jaehyun waiting for you outside your apartment and your day is ruined already.
“Were not doing this Jae” you said as you show him how completely annoyed you were.
“Come on, I’ll take you to school” he offered with a big smile, showing off his dimples.
“We don’t go to the same college, idiot”
“I know, I just want to spend time with you. Please get in the car or I’ll scream how much I love you” you can’t believe he threatened you and you can’t believe you got in his car. You told him what happened last night is a mistake, and you were never planning to be friends with him just because you’re back. But of course he just shrugged it off and gave you a grande coffee from Starbucks.
It’s sweet how Jaehyun still remembers old habits, but it’s not you anymore. As he drive you to your school, you can’t stop being embarrassed again because it’s a public university but of course you don’t tell him that. “Thanks for dropping me off, uhm please stop this. Whatever you’re planning it’s-“ he cut you off, “I’ll pick you up at 5” he said with a mocking smile that makes your blood boil.
First day is first day. Classes from 7am to 5pm, new friends, a list of expensive books to buy, a quick tour around the university, and annoying Jaehyun waiting for you. “You’re unbelievable Jaehyun” you said a little angrier than ever, “Ugh- I need to go to the public library. Go home!” you don’t know what’s gotten into his head but he continues to pry. “I’ll study with you” he said as he runs off behind you, following you until you’re both sited at the library.
Focused and busy, you can’t believe he’s actually studying with you. You found of that he pursued engineering, and he’s already in his Junior year and actually doing really good. Deep down you’re proud of him.
As you continue studying in advance for a few subjects, you can’t figure out Math and it’s giving you a headache already. Jaehyun noticed that you’re kind of stuck to what you’re solving. So he offered help, he left a note in front of you that say’s, ‘I can help you with that’ You mouthed the word, ‘how’ and he made his own way to teach how to solve the problem, which actually really helped you.
‘Thank you’ you forced a smile. He winked back. Fucking Jung Jaehyun.
After studying, he drove you home and the ride was still quiet like the last time. He was incredibly a big help today, and you wanted to be nice just so you can return the favor. “I don’t have a choice but to be nice to you today. Do you want to eat something before you leave?”
He let out a small laugh, something that made you think he’s thinking about something dirty. And it’s clear as the night sky that he was thinking about eating you. “Forget I asked, you may leave and never come back again” you got out of his car and he quickly did the same thing, apologising over and over again as he follow you to your apartment.
The moment you invite him in, he was surprised to see your place to be so small. There’s no other room other than the bathroom, the kitchen is small, and there’s no furnitures. He knew better than to judge and ask about what happened to you. Instead, he made himself comfortable while you prepare the ramen in your kitchen. He’s not used to seeing you like this but he thinks you’re still amazing. You used to buy him expensive food when you were still rich and spoiled, but now you make cheap ramen for him.
You caught him smile as you place two bowls on the table, “Why are you smiling?” you brought him back to reality and shake his head, “oh nothing. I was just thinking about taking you for a long shopping tomorrow after school” that’s not you anymore, you down a glass of water and took a deep breath.
“The truth is Jaehyun, I’m broke. I left two years ago because my dad’s business crashed and burned. The bank took everything from us, the house, the cars, mom’s jewelries, everything. We needed to start a new life somewhere no one knows us because my parents can’t handle the humiliation and embarrassment. I have to take care of them both because they don’t know shit” and your story went on and on as he listens attentively on how you needed to be responsible for your parents, you told him how you learned doing house chores and being independent which made him fall in love with you even more.
“I know why you’re here Jaehyun. I don’t need your help-“
“I’m here for the reason, because I love you. Now eat your ramen before it gets cold” surprisingly he reached for your forehead and kissed it.
You won’t admit but the following days were bearable because of Jaehyun. He let’s you be your independent self as he takes care of you in his own ways. Spending time with you at the library made him study even harder and ace all of his big exams. When you were in high school studying with Jaehyun would end up having sex with him but now, studying is studying and he loved how he sees you accomplish all your school works just in time before the library closes.
The changes in his life with you in it is visible, and he loves it. Secretly he learned how to clean the dishes at home so he can offer to clean the dishes the next time you invite him in and eat ramen. Jaehyun loves spending time with you whenever and however but his favorite thing to do with you is going to the market. Picking fresh fruits and vegetables, buying fish and meat. It’s all fascinating for him which amuses you.
“Hey, I’m just wondering if you could go to this party I’m throwing this Saturday”
Going to the party means seeing a lot of people you already forgot about, of course you don’t want to. But you didn’t want to disappoint Jaehyun, “I can drop by” is the only answer you can think of. “That’s fine with me, as long as I get to see you that night” he said as he continues to drive.
That night you wished you didn’t say yes to Jaehyun. You don’t know how the rumors spread but everyone knew about the reason why you left. You can hear people making fun of you, telling you it’s probably karma because you were such a bitch back in the day. All you can do is cry at the bathroom and pray that Jaehyun won’t see you like this.
“Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you” Jaehyun found you as soon as you got out from the bathroom, faking a smile as someone bumped you on purpose and spill their drink on your shirt.
“Hey asshole you did that on purpose!” he shouts, clearly Jaehyun was not having a great time from his own party. “Everybody get out! All you do is gossip tonight you fucking ungrateful people, out!” seeing Jaehyun like this scared you, he never gets mad in front of you. When the house is already clear, he apologised to you for giving you a hard time tonight.
“I didn’t know they’ll gossip like hell tonight-“
“It’s not your fault Jae, it’s my dad’s fault” you sigh and sat on his couch, “Maybe they’re right, it’s karma. You know how I used to bully the students at school whenever I see someone bring packed lunch. I was a bitch, Jae”
He told you that y/n was long gone, “You’re like a completely different person now” he pulled you close to him as he tell you stories about him trying to wash his own clothes yesterday. The thought of it made you laugh like crazy, your voice echoes around his big house. He comforted you and made you laugh the whole evening, and you remember why you fell in love with Jaehyun in the first place.
On his birthday, it was a weekend and you had the whole day to celebrate. Nothing too fancy for this year, all he wanted to do is be with you. Spend the day like how a normal couple would spend Valentines day. Even though it’s clear to him that you’re not yet back together.
“I don’t have enough money saved up to buy you something you would actually like, so you can ask me to do anything today. I’m the gift” you present yourself playfully to him which made him laugh like loud, his ears are turning red.
“You know you’re the one that I want, be with me again” of course he’ll say that, and he’s serious.
“Don’t ruin your day you know my answer. Ask about something else” you said with a frown.
“Okay sorry you’re right. But I’m not changing what I said. Be with me today, pretend that we’re together again”
He held out his hand, waiting for you to grab it like how you used to do back when you were still together. Granting his wish you intertwine your fingers with his and you swear you felt something in your stomach. Butterflies, excitement, happiness.  
The day went on beautifully which was nothing as you expected. You held hands around the park, swinging it like little kids while giggling and talking about anything that comes out from your mouths. Kissing your hand whenever he feels like doing it, and you can’t complain about it because it’s part of the deal. “What? Be thankful it’s not your lips” he winked and kissed your hand again.
While watching movies, his arms are wrapped around you as you shiver because of the cold movie house. Kissing your forehead whenever it’s near his lips. And to end the celebration properly and avoid the crowded dine-in restaurants, you ate takeout in his car while you watch the city lights. He was holding your hand right after you both eat your meals and continue telling stories and laughing the whole time.
You wanted to admit to yourself that you fell in love with Jaehyun for the second time in your life. But given your life situation, you still have nothing to offer to him.
“Why did you leave without saying goodbye?” he asked as if he just heard your thoughts. While waiting for your answer, his eyes were looking straight to you, head resting on his seat, hands still intertwined.
“We have big dreams that time. I mean studying in New York. Together? I can’t have those dreams with you while I’m… poor”
“What about now? Still not convinced we can be together even if you’re ‘poor’” he kissed your hand again, “I don’t know if I can let go when the clock strikes 12” the atmosphere suddenly became serious.
“Then don’t”
He’s sure as hell shocked by what you said. He lean forward and you did the same thing, and he kissed you. Sweet and slowly at first but no one is stopping so the both of you got carried away. The kiss became wet and hungrier, you noticed he was pulling you to sit on his lap but you didn’t want to. So you stopped the kiss and catch your breath. Letting go of his hand and put it on your forehead as you massage it, pretending you had a headache.
“Did you just kissed me because you feel sorry for me? Or is it because you feel same way?” He asked politely.
“I never stopped loving you, Jaehyun” you keep your hand relaxed on your lap. “I’m sorry if I ruined your day last minute-“
“What? No you didn’t” he reached for your face so you could look him in the eye, “I only have five minutes left. Kiss me again? Please?”
And you did. This time it was wet, but not because of spit but because of your tears. You continue kissing him until 12:01, hands wrapped around his head as you ruffle his soft hair. “I don’t want to rush you or force you. And I know were still not together again even though we shared that kiss. But at least now I have hope. Take all the time that you want. Just don’t leave me again. Or else I’ll find you this time.” He kissed your hand too many times before kissing your whole face, peck after peck.  
Finally letting Jaehyun in your life again without boundaries, the following days were sweeter. He still studies with you at the library without distracting you but this time you two make out like crazy in his car at the library’s parking lot before he takes you home.
He still have dinner with you whenever you invite him in but this time he can finally hug you from behind and watch you cook from your shoulder. You even taught him how to cook and turns out he’s a fast learner. “Not bad Jung Jaehyun “
And because you taught him how to cook, he cooked for you in his big kitchen at home. You helped a bit but he did most of the work. “This is delicious” you praised his Spaghetti aglio e olio, ate almost half of the pan which made him happy because you loved his cooking. After dinner, you both clean up the kitchen washing everything on the sink, cleaning the table and finally snuggled up on his big couch with a glass of red wine.
“I think I deserve a good kiss” he said as he pretends to be tired. The next thing you know you’re making out on their couch before he drives you home. Which was sweet, he reach in for a kiss whenever the stop light goes red and continues to drive when it turns green.
“I didn’t want to feed your pride but, I hate going home after spending a great time with you” his smile was from ear to ear but you see tears and you started to panic.
“Did I say something wrong?” he shook his head and cupped your face with both hands and kissed you sincerely.
“I love you so fucking much” he barely said it clearly because of his sobbing, his tears are falling down on his face.
“I don’t get it Jaehyun why are you crying?”
“Hearing that makes me so fucking happy. It means you wont push me away ever again.”
you suddenly remember the time you push him away. You hugged him and saw the time, 3am. “I think you should stay. I cant let you drive at such a late hour. Come on I’ll make you coffee” you kiss him on the lips one last time, “stop crying.” You finished the day with bodies tangled on your cheap floor mattress as you talked and talked until you both fall asleep.
Time passed by so fast, you can’t believe it’s been two years already since you went back. Your relationship with Jaehyun has been the same, peaceful, happy and simple. Jaehyun is in his senior year and he became busier than ever. Guess what? Being a graduating student didn’t stopped him from seeing you. He sleeps more in your small apartment than his big house, “I can sleep better when you’re beside me” he said as he falls asleep beside you while you still study for a big test.
With no labels or whatsoever, Jaehyun couldn’t care less about it. As long as he could be with you and kiss you, you’re his girl. Labels or not.
“I have a big question to ask” he said while he’s driving. “I need to bring you as my date on this family gathering this weekend. I know you hate parties-“
“Yes. I’ll go with you” you said with a sly smile. Deep down you’re hesitating of course. Jaehyun’s family became the richest family after your father’s business crashed. Truth be told, you forgot how to be elegant. Now you’re just cheap.
As the most awaited weekend took place, you’re thankful Jaehyun bought you a nice dress fit for the party. Parties like this is full of business matters, yes it’s a party but everything they talk about in the four corners of this room is plain business. You know because your family used to throw tons of parties like this back in the day.
Hearing the continuous playing of piano made you remember how Jaehyun played nonstop at the piano you used to own… how you missed everything. Suddenly you don’t feel well. You wanted to get out of this place.
You tap Jaehyun’s shoulder as you excuse him from a visitor, “I think I should go home. I’ll take a cab, don’t worry about me” you kissed him on the cheek.
“Y/n your’e scaring me whats wrong?” he whispers, completely worried. You told him the problem and he told you he’s sorry, “It’s my fault. I’ll take you home”
A week passed and you told Jaehyun you need to bury yourself on thick books and you need to study for three big tests. Which does not exist. You just want to get away from him. But the space made you realise your new found love for Jaehyun. It’s not that you depend your happiness to Jaehyun, he just makes you look forward to living a simple life. Imagine having a delicious wine and perfect cheese on the side. Jaehyun is the cheese that made everything even more better.  
After having a 7-5 class, you found Jaehyun waiting for you at the school’s parking lot. Gloomy and not his normal cheery self.
“Are we back to square one?” he blurted out before you can even greet him. “Because I don’t mind doing it again” he said a little too aggressive.
You panic, you thought he’s mad “no no were not. Im sorry. The dinner was too much. I just needed to forget it. Im sorry, I missed you” he hugged you tight back.
“I thought I lost you again” you shook your head. “Take me somewhere today I’m on school break for two weeks”
And just like that, you two were back to being your cheery self again. He took you to his house, cooked dinner for you and enjoyed his home theater with you. You watched a tear jerker romantic movie and he was whispering ‘i love yous’ whenever the lead actor do something sweet in the movie. You do the same but not as bold as he is. You never actually said those three words to him properly, but you do love him unconditionally.
“Your room is still the same.” You’re fresh from the shower wearing a black shirt from Jaehyun with just your panties. Roaming around his room as you dry your hair using a towel. You saw a picture of you that he took, just beside his LP player and vinyl collections. His room is always this cozy, you remember doing your homework here when you were in high school and having sex whenever you want, because no one dares to disturb you two in his room.
And speaking of sex, you suddenly remember the last time you had sex with Jaehyun. That was a week before you leave. It happened in this room, he didn’t know but you were completely heartbroken that time.
“Hey stop snooping around and come to bed with me” he said as he pat his bed, telling you to lay beside him. You jumped right in and went on top of him. “What if I never went back?” he hugged you and switched positions, now you’re beneath him. “But you’re here.” you feel his lips on your exposed neck, “in my bed” you kissed him on the mouth as you both sit up and remove your shirts. He skilfully unclasps your bra and threw it somewhere, pulling down your panties and throwing it to the floor.
As he was busy getting you naked, you take your time admiring his perfect body. Pushing him down on the mattress and getting on top of him again “Remember when I do this?” you tease as you kiss him on his abs, “and this” down to his lower abdomen, removing his boxer briefs slowly as you keep on kissing him all the way to his hard cock. You threw away his boxer briefs just like he did with your underwear.
Brushing his soft hair as you kiss him softly, Jaehyun is slowly making his way in between your legs. “Be gentle okay?” you whisper before he plays with your folds, gently playing with your cunt while looking at you. Slightly rolling your hips, Jaehyun’s fingers feels nice inside. All you can do is moan and grab his shoulders.
Wet enough for his cock, he slowly lined his cock on you cunt. Pushing in slowly, feeling your tight walls that he missed so much. “I love you Jung Jaehyun” you whisper before he move. Happy that you finally said it clearly. He thrust in slowly just how you like it, kissing your mouth as you moan on every thrust he gives. Gasping whenever he gives you a sharp one.  
“Don’t leave me again” he whispers as he continue you to fuck you on a steady pace.  
“I wont” you whimper and reach for him to keep him close to you as he thrust. “I’ll make you happy everyday” no doubt about that, you nod completely out of words as he bring you to the edge.
“Jaehyun right there” you moan as you spread your legs wider.
“Right here, hmm? Feels good?” he grabbed your waist with both hands and kept going with a faster pace. You nod weakly, mouth open and eyebrows furrow as you let go. Whispering sweet nothings to you while still hitting your good spot.
You shiver and curl beneath him as he chase his own orgasm and cum inside you. Cum dripping from your cunt, he slowly pull out and replaced in with his finger. Kissing you softly, while you still spread your legs for him and let him finger you as you both ride your high.
He kept you warm and calm after cleaning you, kissing you on your temple just a little too long but quick enough to ask for more.
“As much as I miss having sex with you, I think we should sleep already. I know you, you will ask for round two in ten minutes after you stretch your body- Look you’re doing it now” he shook his head playfully with a smile.
“Jaehyunie” you pout as you stretch and whine. “No” he playfully refuse. “We’ll have round two tomorrow” you nod as you accept defeat and snuggle beside him. Eyes closed and really comfortable he suddenly whispers, “I love you, y/n” you don’t say it back but he knows you love him too.
Jaehyun’s graduation finally came and you couldn’t be more proud. His parents flew from America and you finally meet them, again. “We knew it. We always knew you’re the right one for our Jaehyun” his mom told you, as you help her around the kitchen. The dinner was just Jaehyun, his parents and you.
“I have everyone that I love in this table, the people who helped me graduate and made me a better person. Cheers!” he kissed you in front of his parents, for the first time. “And you, thank you for giving me a second chance” he clinks your glass, took a sip on his wine, and kissed you again.
Soon, Jaehyun bought himself a decent apartment and asked you to move in with him. From there on, you sleep and wake up beside Jaehyun. No need to pick you up from your apartment, or watch you study at the library. Jaehyun is your home now.
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iamdeku · 4 years
Friday (I’m In Love): Oikawa x Reader
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You don’t know Oikawa Tooru. You don’t want to know Oikawa Tooru. But when fate and circumstance bring you two together, you’re forced to confront, over a series of Fridays, your worst fear. You might have been wrong. Also, you might be in love.
Wordcount: 4.3k
Warnings: Some brief bullying from a girl I accidentally named Annoying. Pining.
Oikawa Tooru was one of the most obnoxious guys you had ever met. He thought he was the coolest guy in school, and he was not at all shy about sharing that opinion. He never stopped talking about himself in that high-pitched, whiny voice of his. You hated him. 
So why you had agreed to tutor him was beyond you.
You supposed it paid well enough, but you were dreading your first session. You had prepared yourself to bite your tongue until it bled through his mansplaining. You were probably going to want to die by the end of the experience, but at least you would have some extra cash for the holidays.
Your boots kicked through the drifts of snow, pure as a coal miner after a long day doing overtime. The cold ice crunched under your weight, and you pulled your coat closer, wishing you had a scarf to help provide protection against the biting wind from the cold flushed skin on your face. Your headphones offered some protection to your ears at least, blasting your favorite song in an effort to raise your spirits.
The warm rush of the library’s heating system slammed into you in a wall of heat as you searched for the annoying setter. It took you longer than you thought to find him, expecting the loud man you knew and instead finding someone significantly more studious. He was hunched over one of the library tables, gray cardigan wrapped around his body, glasses perched on his nose.
You hoisted your satchel more firmly up your shoulder, bracing yourself for whatever weird thing was about to happen. Was he trying to look like he knew what he was talking about? Did he want to show off? You really weren’t sure.
You were hesitant to venture forward, but you did anyway, taking a seat next to him. Oikawa immediately looked up, blinking at you a couple of times before giving one of his usual smiles.
“Oh good, you’re here! As much as I’m great at everything, I have to admit that this has been giving me a little bit of trouble. I was so happy to hear you could help me. Iwa-chan won’t anymore, that traitor.”
You couldn’t blame Iwaizume for getting frustrated with Oikawa’s behavior, even if he had chosen to befriend the disaster sitting casually in front of you. You pulled out your books, writing utensils and laptop. You were a self-professed nerd, so you had brought a surplus of pens, highlighters, and other instruments to the table. You had a reputation to keep up after all.
“Well, I guess we should get to work. What part of this are you having trouble understanding?” You asked, pulling open your textbook.
Oikawa explained his troubles to you, and you were surprised to find how intelligent he was. Everything he found difficult to understand was...well, understandable. You could see why he would struggle in those areas, and for some of them you had struggled as well, despite this being your favorite subject. 
Even more surprising, you found out he could be a good listener when he wanted to be. It was alarming, actually, how attentively he could listen. Damn it, he took notes on the things you said, writing down the important parts of your explanations.
As you started to pack up, you saw sparks of the Oikawa you knew.
“Thanks for that, cutie. You’re pretty smart, you know? Of course, you’re smart enough to already know that. Besides, I wouldn’t have asked you to tutor me if you weren’t the best.” He winked. “See you next Friday.”
He didn’t even ask if you wanted to meet him next week. Gosh, he was the worst.
 Even with Oikawa “I’m the Worst” Tooru dragging you down, you were still resolved to keep showing up to these tutoring sessions. They weren’t half as bad as you thought they would be, and you hadn’t stopped needing the money. You could have gotten a better gig, but frankly this was a pretty easy job, easier than you thought it would be. It was, loathe though you were to say it, the best option.
Besides, you were the kind of person who kept their promises, though you weren’t sure you could say the same of Oikawa.
He was late. He was a whole 3 minutes late and you were only on your second session. If he kept up this kind of behavior you were going to have to have a serious discussion with him about timeliness. Your time was valuable, and none of this had anything at all to do with you needing something to justify your dislike of him.
You were halfway through writing your future lecture on timeliness when Oikawa arrived, slightly breathless and windswept, cheeks pink from the cold. Despite looking as though he had run all the way here, he had the nerve to still look all handsome and charismatic. It irritated you.
“Sorry about being late. The guys and I were practicing volleyball and we totally lost track of time.”
He gave you a sheepish smile, recognizing his mistake, and something in the general area of your chest did a little flip. It was probably a rib rotating in disgust.
“It’s alright. Just don’t let it happen again.”
Oikawa gave you his signature charming smile as he sat next to you.
“You know, you could stand to loosen up a little. I know you’re more fun than this, somewhere deep down in that nerdy little heart of yours.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s not my job to be having fun with you.”
“Ah, but it could be.”
“Just open your textbook, Oikawa-san.”
He pulled the book out of his bag, flipping it open on the desk but not bothering to look down at it.
“Come on. Seriously. I got a way better grade than usual on the pop quiz we got this week. I feel like I should thank you for everything you’re doing for me. What are you doing tomorrow?”
The truthful, sad answer was that you were doing nothing at all, actually. You had tried to make plans with your friends, but they were all “busy” with something or other. While it pained you deeply, Oikawa was right. You had no social life.
You sighed. “I’m not busy tomorrow.”
“Well, that settles it then. The guys and I have practice. You can come watch the end of it if you want, and then we’re all going out for dinner. You should come.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Oikawa’s face lit up in a way you hadn’t expected, and he smiled down at his textbook as he turned it to the relevant page.
“Good. Prove to us that you can have fun after all.”
“Watch it. You’ll remember it’s in your best interest to stay in my good graces.”
Oikawa just laughed at your threat like it was meaningless. He was right to do it. You hated to admit it, but even now he was starting to grow on you.
Oikawa started explaining what he was having trouble with, and just as you were really getting into your subject, you were interrupted by a shrill scream. You stiffened in immediate panic, swiveling in your chair to find the source of the sound. Oikawa, on the other hand, looked momentarily annoyed before pulling his Prince Charming façade into place.
“Oh my gosh!!! Tooru-kun is that you!”
You felt a wave of deep-set annoyance go through you at the girl’s tone of voice. Not only had she caused you to be genuinely alarmed, but she was clearly being way to familiar with Oikawa, unless he had a girlfriend you hadn’t heard about.
“Hey there!” Oikawa turned to face the girl headed towards you, an indulgent smile on his face.
“Oh my gosh! I saw your practice earlier and you were like, so good.” The girl gushed.
“Thank you. That’s very nice of you to say.” Oikawa seemed genuinely flattered at this, if you were so bold as to assume you could tell the difference between the fake him and the real him.
The girl giggled, stars in her eyes before they turned to you, darkening dramatically. “Oh, who is this? Is she like, your girlfriend or something?”
You didn’t like the turn the girl’s tone of voice had taken. There was something distinctly catty to the way she said the world ‘girlfriend’ that made your stomach turn. You had met plenty of mean girls in your life, and now alarm bells were going off in your head.
“No, no. Just my lovely tutor. She’s helping me out in my worst class. She’s very talented.”
Oikawa seemed to have picked up on the change in tone, shifting slightly to be in front of you. Presumably, this was to block you from the daggers the girl was glaring at you.
“Remind me your name, would you?” Oikawa’s smile had grown tense.
“Oh, my name is Miko! How could you forget?” She pouted elaborately.
“Silly me!” If at all possible, Oikawa’s megawatt smile grew brighter as he caught her attention again, drawing her in once more. “I remember now. How have you been, Miko-san?”
You smirked to yourself at the honorific, so different from how she had referred to him earlier.
“I’ve been great! Way better now that I get to catch up with you. I missed you!” She stuck out her lower lip like she was trying to catch something with it.
“Well, I hope to see you at my next game, once we’re back in season. Thanks so much for stopping by!”
Oikawa’s body turned towards the table, clearly indicating that the conversation was over. Miko didn’t get the message.
“What are you studying? Maybe I can join you. I’m pretty smart, you know.”
You had officially had enough. You stood from your place, glaring at the girl in a similar fashion to how she had looked at you earlier, but for very different reasons.
“Listen, Miko-chan,” you said, purposefully pitching your voice up into an imitation of her own calling for Oikawa. “I don’t know who you think you are, but this is a tutoring session. So unless you intend to pay me for my services, I really am going to need you to find somewhere else in this rather large library to study.”
The girl turned to you, and you expected some kind of temper tantrum, maybe a few crocodile tears before she walked away, but what you got was far worse. She smiled at you sickly sweet, planting a hand on your table and leaning in.
“Pay you for your services? Oh, so I guess you’re nothing more than a common who-”
Oikawa stood from his chair, the legs loudly scraping across the floor as he grabbed her arm. He turned her to face him harshly, and you would never forget the look on his face. You had seen the prince of Aoba Johsai wear many faces, most of them some version of the charming, charismatic boy you knew. You had never before seen the look of cold rage he wore now, grip firm on her forearm as he practically snarled at her.
“You’re not going to call her that. You’re not going to call anyone that ever. If I see you at one of my games, I will make sure you are promptly escorted out. Leave. Now.”
The girl stood still for a moment, frozen in terror, before turning on her heel and bolting as Oikawa released her. You blinked in shock a few times, unaware that your classmate was capable of such emotion, let alone such anger.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” you said quietly, the first words to cross your mind. “She’ll go around telling everyone you’re an awful person now. I wouldn’t be surprised if you got in trouble or if she started some kind of weird hate club.”
Oikawa scowled as he sat back down, mind clearly still elsewhere.
“I don’t care. People shouldn’t talk to you like that. Nothing about what she just did was okay. Whatever repercussions I face for that, so be it.”
You stared at him in surprise. Oikawa had come to your defense, at no personal gain to himself. Sure, anyone should have done that, but you never thought he would. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
“Hey.” You nudged his side gently, and he softened, looking down at you. “That invitation to your practice still open? I think I’d like to see you play. I hear you’re ‘so great’ or something.”
He smiled again at your gentle teasing. “Yeah. We’d love to have you.”
  As the months went on, you began to acknowledge that Oikawa was not what you had thought he was. Reluctant as you were to admit it, you considered him a friend now. As you had grown to know him better, it became obvious that everything you had thought about Oikawa before had been a mask he put up to impress people.
“If you keep poking me with that pencil, I will stab you in the eye with it,” you mumbled, not bothering to look up from your paper until a soft spring breeze floated through the library door as it opened.
“Iwa-chan! She’s being mean again!” Oikawa whined.
Iwaizume, ready to join your Friday study session, cast a lazy gaze over the both of you, assessing the situation in half a second.
He shrugged. “It looks like you deserved it.”
“I’m wounded, Iwa!” Oikawa threw an arm over his chest, falling back in his chair.
You rolled your eyes even as a smile tugged at your mouth. You had gotten used to Oikawa misbehaving. Some might go so far as to say you liked it. Some might even go so far as to say you liked him.
You would deny it if asked, of course. The way you blushed when he complimented you was the same as the way you blushed when anyone complimented you. The warm tingle left on your skin when he touched you was just because he was warm, infecting you with it, burning you alive. And the way you couldn’t breathe around him sometimes? Well, nobody could prove that.
Nobody could prove that Oikawa Tooru was your best friend, and nobody could prove that you were in love with your best friend.
Oikawa rested his head on your shoulder, and you wish you could say you had long learned how to ignore the jump of your heart, but you were only human. You still caught your breath, still felt an ache somewhere in your chest when he did it. It was the sort of feeling you got when you saw something in a shop window you couldn’t have but amplified by a million. It was so strong that sometimes you wanted to scream it out, wanted to stomp your feet and throw a fit like a kid in the grocery aisle because you wanted something you couldn’t have but oh, how you wanted it.
It consumed you some days, the way you wanted Oikawa. The way you wanted to peel back his layers, make him reveal that real self you caught glimpses of when he was with you. The soft boy who cried during sad movies, the brave boy who fought for you when you were sad, the silly boy who made faces just to get a rise out of you. It creeped like a sickness through your bones until you wanted to throw up, wanted to lay in bed all day in your sticky sweet misery and sob taffy tears, taste them on your tongue.
“Who are you going with to the spring dance?” Oikawa asked you, breath blowing against your neck in a way he couldn’t know sent shivers through you.
“I’m not going,” you said, returning to your textbook now that Iwaizume had established his presence.
Oikawa sat up, posture stiff with his indignance.
“Not going? How can you be not going? I know for a fact there are at least 5 boys planning to ask you.”
“They asked. I said no. I’m not going.”
“Why not? It will be fun!”
You grit your teeth, trying to ignore the nasty feeling in your gut. You couldn’t very well tell him that you didn’t want to go just to watch him dance with every member of his little fan club. You refused to explain how absolutely heartbreakingly awful it would be to go and watch him rotate through his carousel of girls, all of them beautiful, all of them wanting him, none of them you.
“I’m studying. You know, that thing smart people do when they want to pass their classes?”
Iwaizume snorted.
“I know what studying is.” Oikawa glared. “I thought you would want to come, though. I figured you would already have a dress picked out and a date and everything.”
For a guy trying to convince you to go to this thing, Oikawa sounded almost sad talking about it. He especially seemed rather melancholy at the prospect of your date. You wondered if maybe one of your potential dates was somebody Oikawa hated or something. Not that it mattered, since you had turned them all away.
“I don’t really want to go. These things aren’t really fun anyway. Besides, all the guys who asked me were jerks.”
“That’s true,” Iwaizume said. “Didn’t Itsuki ask you? That guy got in 4 fights just this week. Pretty sure I heard him in the bathroom bragging about…actually, never mind. Point is he’s a jerk.”
“Trust me, I know. They were all like that, too.” You groaned. “If one decent guy had asked me, maybe I would have gone, but apparently there’s something about me that draws in the Itsuki’s of the world. So, I’m not going. I’m just going to stay home and watch tacky movies and do homework.”
“Go with me.”
You froze at Oikawa’s offer. He couldn’t be serious. Didn’t he already have a date? Didn’t he already have girls lining up around the block to go to this stupid thing with him?
“Don’t you already have a date? I thought…” You trailed off, unsure what exactly you had thought.
“No. I…I heard the person I was planning to ask was rejecting everyone who asked her. Didn’t want to risk it.”
For whatever reason, Iwaizume rolled his eyes from where he sat across from you.
“Okay. Well…can’t you just go with one of your fangirls?”
You weren’t sure why exactly you were fighting this. This was what you had wanted, but not like this. You had wanted him to ask you because he liked you, not because he was too afraid to ask some other girl who was apparently too good for the student body population.
“I don’t want to go with them. I want to go with somebody I like.”
Oikawa’s soft brown eyes were too earnest staring into your face. You couldn’t say no to him when he looked at you like that, so open and vulnerable you could almost pretend it was a confession. It would have been terribly cruel of you to turn him down now.
You sighed. “I guess I have to buy a dress now.”
Oikawa smiled. “Yay! You don’t deserve to be cooped up all night in your room. I promise I’ll make this fun for you.”
“You’d better,” you teased. “I’ll tell you once I know the color of the dress. That way you can match your tie.”
If you closed your eyes and didn’t think about it too hard, you could almost pretend it was a real date.
 When the Friday night of the dance came, you really did almost believe it was a real date. Oikawa had told you he was going to pick you up, but he hadn’t told you that he was going to bring a corsage or charm the pants off your parents. He was acting like you were the girl he had wanted to take this whole time.
He opened your door for you before you got into the car, taking your hand to help you balance as you stepped into the car in your heels. You were dumbstruck when he reached over to buckle you in and make sure you were safe before heading over to the driver’s side. You tried frantically to control your breathing as he got the car started.
It was a short drive to the school, but the whole way there you could barely talk to him, trying to figure out his game. Was he doing this because he didn’t want you to feel like you were missing out? That had to be it. He was probably just trying to show you what a good date was like.
When you got to the school, he helped you out of the car, and you finally admitted it to yourself. When he escorted you in, despite everything, you sort of felt like a princess. Oikawa looked so dashing in his tux, his tie matching the shade of your dress, everything coming together perfectly for a moment before it came crashing down with the realization that you were not the person he had wanted to take to this thing.
In spite of that, though, he seemed intent to act like it. Oikawa’s fan club mobbed you as soon as you entered, but he ignored all of them entirely for once.
“Sorry ladies, but as you can see, I am escorting my date. Any other day you know you all have my attention, but I’m afraid tonight is all about us.” He flashed you a shy smile as he said it, cheeks turning pink on the word us. “Do you want to dance?”
He was being weird about this. You didn’t have much time to think about that though before he swung you out on the dance floor, swaying you to the beat of the music. The first few songs were fast, but eventually they played a slow song, and so you two danced a slow dance, Oikawa’s hands settled gently on your waist and yours around his neck. He had you pulled close though, enough so that his head curved over your shoulder and your ear pressed against his.
“So, I was thinking,” he said.
“Oh no. That’s always dangerous.” You laughed a little bit.
“Haha, very funny. But seriously, we’re graduating soon, and I…I don’t want to lose you.”
You couldn’t see his face with the position you were in, but you could hear the tenderness of his voice. Your heart ached with it even as he voiced the thought you had been having for a while now. You were coming to the close of your final year and you had wondered if, when you were no longer in school, you would have to face the reality of Oikawa no longer wanting to spend time with you.
“I don’t want to lose you either,” you said softly.
“Yeah but…” Oikawa released a shaky sigh. “I don’t know if that means the same thing to you.”
Oikawa pulled back, far enough to look you in the eyes. You were too astonished to protest, staring up at him with your mouth fallen open in surprise.
“I want something more. I know you’ve just barely accepted me as a friend and you hardly even tolerate me and I know I’m annoying and loud and brash and obnoxious. I know all of that, but I need you to know that you’re everything I’m not. You’re gentle and smart and careful and considerate and you were the one I wanted to take to this dance. You. Not anyone else. That’s all I have to say.” He laughed bitterly. “I guess that’s my confession. I don’t expect you to accept it.”
Before you could stop him, he let go of you, starting to retreat through the crowd of dancing bodies around you.
“Tooru!” You used his first name in your excitement, forgetting any need to pretend distance.
He stopped when he heard you, a look of desperate hope on his face. You grabbed his hand, pulling him back into you.
“I wanted to come to the dance with you too. You’re my best friend, but you’re so much more than that. I’m so stupidly in love with you, but I never thought that you would feel the same. I do accept your feelings. All of them. Even the big, loud, obnoxious, dramatic ones. I love them. I love all of it. So let’s not lose each other. I was thinking that after we graduate, I’m probably going to go to college, but I don’t know if you have plans to go pro with your volleyball, or maybe-”
You were cut off when he grabbed your face between his hands, crushing your lips to his. Right there, in front of everybody, Oikawa Tooru started making out with you in the middle of the dance floor. Nobody really noticed the two extra teenagers kissing on the dance floor, but you felt your heart soar.
“We can work all of that out later. For now, I just want to dance with you.”
“And kiss me?” You teased.
“Yes. I would very much like to keep kissing you.”
You laughed, leaning into his shoulder again. The song changed, picking up pace to something more upbeat, and you changed your dance style in accordance with it. You could see Iwaizume on the side of the dance floor looking at you two approvingly, and when you made eye contact, he gave you a thumbs up.
Later, you would have to worry about college and volleyball and everything else. Eventually, it would all work out in the end, though not without some troubles. That Friday though, you danced the night away with your best friend turned boyfriend, and finally admitted to yourself that Oikawa Tooru was the best.
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fanfictionaries · 4 years
Oh So Many Years: Ch. 16 - Flame Twin
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fred Weasley
What happens when two Weasleys get too involved?
Absolute chaos. 
Warnings: Swearing, Death, Smut/18+ NSFW
Author’s Note:
OKAY! After 14 hours of traveling back home yesterday I fell asleep editing this chapter! So...I mean I do and I don't have any excuse for that. Thank you for your patience!
I am back to updating every week before midnight on Sundays (US MST)!
I hope you have as much fun reading this chapter as I did writing it! And as always, please, please, please feel free to like, comment, and reblog. I LOVE interacting with you all!! 
<<<Chapter 15
   You are the hider
I am the seeker
My twin, I’m in flames
I’m rolling about
  I have a name
You call me by none
My twin, I’m on fire
Come put me out
  George Weasley loved his siblings very much. His eldest brother, Bill, was easily the coolest bloke he knew – somehow being a prefect, Head Boy, and working for Gringotts, without being dull as dishwater. His second eldest brother, Charlie, always knew what to say in a pinch; certainly, the most level-headed person in England, but then he’d have to be to work with dragons for a living. Percy, for all his downfalls, worked harder than anyone he’d ever known and sometimes George secretly wished he had an ounce of his ambition. Ron was always down for a laugh which George liked very much, but he also wasn’t afraid to challenge George more than any of his other siblings. Ginny, his little sister, was unapologetically herself and took zero shite from anyone. She also had a fondness for trouble, in her own special kind of way. But out of all of them, Fred had to be his favourite sibling by far. Sure, he was a bit biased considering Fred was his twin and all, but George reckoned he’d have no trouble disliking Fred if he were any different. While he and Fred were similar in many ways, they were also very distinct. Fred was more outgoing, daring, and had a penchant to take things a bit too far where he was more laid back, erratic, and carefree. George supposed that was because Fred cared more about things than he did. Most people assumed, if they even bothered to assume anything about him and his twin brother’s differences that is, that Fred was the more callous of the two. But where others saw reckless cruelty, George knew it was really the opposite.  
  Fred cared – a lot. Too much, in George’s opinion. He let his emotions get in the way of his thoughts and it often resulted in him taking things too far. He pushed people past their limits when he thought he knew what was best for them. He punished people too harshly when he felt they deserved it. For example, Fred was the first to suggest they find Percy and beat him to a bloody pulp when he’d made their mother cry. Fred didn’t care what the consequences were. No one made their mother cry.
But he also let the poor actions of those he cared about slide too much. Like with Angelina at the moment – there was no way George would ever put up with his girlfriend ignoring him without any proper excuse. But Fred wasn’t George. So, he sat in silent misery, justifying, and making excuses for why his girlfriend wasn’t in the wrong.
  Fred also forgave too easily where it wasn’t deserved. That’s why George knew without a doubt that Fred would be the first to forgive Percy if and when he inevitably apologized, and when Angelina eventually broke his heart, he would probably find some way to make it not her fault.
  All these things George loved about his brother. But it was also all these things that led to the one thing George did not love about Fred. He always had to be a bloody martyr.
  George knew Fred liked Hermione. He had had a subtle inclination that Hermione liked him back. And after yesterday morning’s little show in their bedroom, there was no question the two had chemistry. The way the electricity sparked between them…George was almost convinced they’d have started ripping each other’s clothes off if he hadn’t reminded them he was there. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say they’d already hooked up before, or something like it. But if that had happened Fred surely would have told him.
  In George’s opinion it would be the easiest thing in the world for them to just fess up to each other and finally snog it out. Damn Angelina and damn Ron alike. But that was too easy – no, Fred had to take everyone else’s feelings into account. He couldn’t possibly take what he wanted if it chanced hurting Angelina’s or Ron’s feelings and somehow those factors had made him blind to the way Hermione looked at him. Which only made it worse of course, because he was annoyingly convinced Hermione would never be interested in him. George didn’t know why – he was a handsome chap. But then again, he was a bit biased.
  It didn’t surprise him when Fred wasn’t in their room when he’d finally turned in for the night. He was probably somewhere in the house, sulking like the right stubborn prat he was. It was surprising, however, when he’d woken the next morning and found that Fred had never returned to their room. Where could he possibly be? wondered George, stepping out into the hall. He started with the kitchen. Fred was known to wake up early and enjoy a nice cuppa while he waited for the rest of the house to wake up. But the kitchen was empty – no signs of Fred or morning tea anywhere to be found. Peaking into the nearby dining room, he also saw no Fred in sight. Perhaps the parlour, thought George and he walked up to the second floor. Again, no Fred. He was irritated now. Was this tosser really going to make him search the whole bloody house for him?
  Stomping across the hall, he thrust the door to the library open and paused. He could just make out the top of Fred’s head, his red hair peaking out at the end of the sofa in front of the fire. George crept quietly across the room, expecting to give his brother a bit of a scare. He supposed the only benefit of having to go searching for his brother would be to get a good laugh out of it. But when he got close enough to peer over the top of the sofa, he didn’t find just Fred. No, instead he found Hermione Granger wrapped around his brother like a Grindylow attacking its prey. Even more curious, Fred was very much awake looking down at Hermione like she was a goddess divine sent from the heavens to please him.
  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” asked George, crossing his arms and grinning widely.  
  Fred’s gaze snapped from the girl sleeping on top of him to George. He looked guilty, splendidly so.
  “It’s not what it looks like,” whispered Fred, giving Hermione a tense glance when she stirred slightly. Fred only relaxed when he was sure Hermione was still asleep. She nuzzled her face further into his chest and her breathing deepened once again.
  George took a step closer, leaning against the back of the sofa and staring down at his brother who was looking especially uncomfortable. “Really? Because it looks like you’re cozied up on the sofa with Hermione,” George whispered back, fighting everything within him that wanted to jump and scream ‘GOTCHA!’.
  “We were only talking. She was knackered. She fell asleep.”
  “And you just decided to be a gentleman and be her mattress for the night?”
  Fred sighed quietly. “I fell asleep too.”
  “Mmm, I’m sure.”
  “Look, there’s no ulterior motive here. I’m going with Angelina.”
  “Sure didn’t look that way when I walked in. Now, correct me if I’m wrong since I’ve never had a girlfriend or anything, but are you allowed to lovingly stroke other girl’s hair when you’re in a relationship?” George tapped a finger to the end of his chin in mock contemplation.
  Fred let out a small groan of frustration, trying his best not to wake Hermione in the current situation. “Alright, fine. You’ve had your fun. You’ve taken the mickey out of me. Happy?”
  “Not necessarily, no,” answered George, not at all amused by Fred’s lack of fight.
  “What do you want from me, mate?” Fred asked in exasperation. He was bordering hysterics and George could almost see a bead of sweat forming at his brow. Good.
  “You know what I want.” George fixed him with a pointed stare. He raised his eyebrows expectantly. Now’s the time Freddie boy, thought George.
  Fred opened his mouth as if to say something in response, but no sound came out and he quickly closed it, scrunching his brow. This process repeated a few times, making Fred look very much like a fish in George’s opinion. It took a while, but George was willing to wait as long as it took for Fred to give him what he wanted. That’s it, that’s a good boy, you can do it, George thought encouragingly in his mind, hoping that Fred could hear his thoughts.
  Finally he answered in a harsh whisper, “Fine! I like her! I’m raving mad about her! I fancy her more than I’ve ever fancied anyone in my life. Are you happy now?”
  “Extremely—” George pushed off the back of the sofa and headed towards the library doors “—see you at breakfast.”
  An hour later George was seated at the kitchen table, sipping on a cup of earl grey, and flipping through the Daily Prophet. Goblin stock options – boring. New cauldron regulations – boring. Which witch and wizard’s fashion were in and out – double boring. A feel-good piece on the Minister – nauseating. He threw the paper down and folded it roughly with a sigh before pulling out his wand and charming the pages to fold themselves into individual little chickens. He didn’t know why he bothered with the paper anymore. It was just like his father said these days, all a load of rubbish.
  The house was mostly awake at this point. George could hear the hustle and bustle of his family combined with the odd Order member. They were always popping in. Sometimes they brought news, sometimes they were simply asking on the whereabouts of other members, and sometimes they simply needed a place to sleep. Despite housing a majority of the Weasley family, Sirius Black, and a full-grown Hippogriff, Grimmauld Place had more than enough room to spare. The kitchen was oddly empty that morning though, not even his mum had come down yet to start on breakfast. George heard the distant shuffle of shoes on hardwood as someone descended the staircase. He sat up a bit straighter hoping it was Fred. They needed to continue their conversation. The fact that Fred had admitted his feelings to George was a good first start; now he just needed to admit those feelings to Hermione.
  However, it wasn’t Fred who rounded the corner and entered the kitchen. Instead it was his little sister Ginny, looking incredibly rumpled and cranky.
  “Orite, Gin?” George asked, eyeing her misbuttoned blouse and wrinkled shorts. Contrary to the last few days, the morning was uncharacteristically warm and when George had looked out the window earlier he saw nothing but bright sunny skies. Perhaps summer had finally come at last.
  “No. It’s going to be such a nice day out and mum’s got us cooped up in this ghastly place! I asked her if we could take the day off and go home to play some quidditch, but she said she found another Doxy nest in one of the fourth floor bedrooms,” whined Ginny, grabbing a loaf of bread from the breadbox on the counter and slicing into it with a sharp knife. “Toast?”
  George nodded, watching the paper chickens on the table chase each other down it’s length.
  “It’s just mental! We’ve always had chores and I’ve never complained…much, but we’ve also always had time for fun things too. But here it’s like every waking moment is devoted to cleaning this trash heap of a house and for what? Sirius doesn’t care, obviously and if Kreacher cared, well there wouldn’t be this mess in the first place!” She held a piece of bread over the flame of the stove, browning the side before turning it over carefully in her hand and toasting the other side.
  “Fuck!” Ginny exclaimed, dropping the toast onto the flame, and sucking on her singed pointer finger. She kept the digit between her lips for a moment before pulling it out of her mouth and inspecting the damage. “You know, this process would go a lot smoother if I had magic.” She shot George a pointed look.
  George rolled his eyes good-humouredly. With a flew flicks of his wand the bread began to balance itself over the stove flame, toasting to a golden brown before depositing itself onto a plate. While the bread toasted Ginny grabbed butter and jam from the fridge and placed it on the table before George.
  “Why don’t you just try out for the quidditch team Gin? You’re well enough at it,” said George, not really wanting to get into the endless number of chores they did daily. While he agreed, he’d also been listening to Ron and Ginny complain for a month now and he was growing tired of it. At a certain point whinging got you nowhere and it was better to shut up and put up.
  “Well enough? I kick yours and Fred’s butt more often then not. I’m bloody fantastic.” Ginny grinned widely, grabbing the now full plate of toast, and walking to the table with it. George grabbed a piece and began to butter it before globbing on an ample amount of raspberry jam. One of the paper chickens pecked at his hand and George broke a piece of his toast off, tossing it to them. The chickens pecked enthusiastically at it and George took a large bite off of the remaining slice. As he chewed, he looked across the table at his sister. She had four slices on her own plate, piled high with butter and jam. The amount was no surprise. Ginny always ate to excess. It was impressive more than anything. He honestly didn’t know where she put it all.
  “I think I’d want to try out for chaser this year. Are there any open chaser positions?” asked Ginny, taking a large bite.
  Fred shook his head. All the chaser positions were full. Ginny frowned.
  “But we need a new keeper. Still haven’t filled the position since Wood left,” George offered kindly.
  Ginny made a face that George didn’t quite understand. There was nothing wrong with keeper. It certainly wasn’t as cool as beater, but it was a respectable position. Perhaps it wasn’t exciting enough for his dear sister. She always did enjoy a bit of thrill, just like him and Fred. Speaking of Fred. His twin entered the kitchen looking wary as he sat down at the table and poured himself a cup of tea. Shortly after Ron and Hermione joined them. The atmosphere around the table was tense. Or at least George thought so. Everyone was too quiet. They chewed too slowly, as if the lot of them had stayed up late the night before drinking deeply from a bottle of Firewhisky.
  “Everyone excited for a day of Doxy wrangling?” George asked cheerily, trying to lift the mood at the table.
  His three companions groaned, their shoulders sagging. Ron, who’d snagged a piece of toast from the pile, dropped his slice onto the table and laid his head in his hands. Honestly, what was everyone’s problem these days? People needed to learn to lighten up, live a little.
  George did not try to lift the mood again. Sometimes it just wasn’t worth trying, especially when Fred wasn’t in the spirit to help him. The largest of the paper chickens hopped across the table and pecked at Ginny’s hand. She gave a little giggle. George smiled. At least his little sister could still be agreeable when she was cranky. Looking to the others at the table, George caught Fred and Hermione sharing a look. To anyone else it might seem innocent enough, but George assessed the situation like a trained auror looking for clues. It was much easier to spot things when you were looking for them. Their smiles were a bit too warm, their glances furtive, and whenever they came close to touching they both stuttered away from each other. The idiots clearly liked each other but didn’t want the other to know. Ridiculous.
  “Could you pass the sugar please, Fred?” Hermione asked politely, pouring herself a cup of tea from the pot in the middle.
  “I’ve got it, ‘Mione!” said Ron enthusiastically. He grabbed the sugar before Fred could reach it and placed it in front of Hermione.
  Fred gawped, looking slightly put out, and sat back heavily in his seat. He crossed his arms, decidedly mopey once again. Great.
  “…thank you Ron.” Hermione swallowed thickly and began to pile sugar into her cup.
  The table fell back into a thick silence. Thankfully, it only lasted for a few moments more as the distant sound of his mother calling them from the parlour on the second floor broke the tension. Ron, Hermione, and Fred seemed to jump from their seats, rocketing towards the door of the kitchen like they’d been waiting at the starting line and his mother’s voice was the signal to run. George and Ginny hung behind, cleaning up the last bits of breakfast before they went to their mother.
  “Merlin and Morgana…could you believe the tension between them? Could cut it with a bloody knife,” said Ginny, leaning against the kitchen counter.
  George paused, the plates in his hand hovering in the air as he went to place them in the sink. “How did you…?”
  “Oh come on George. I mean, it’s pretty obvious they fancy each other. Hermione doesn’t think he does of course. Just wish that brother of ours would finally fess up and tell her. That way we’d finally stop having to watch them make sad puppy eyes at one another.” Ginny laughed, pushing off the counter and heading towards the door out of the kitchen.
  George stared at his little sister in disbelief. He clearly hadn’t been giving the girl enough credit. That or Fred and Hermione’s actions were more obvious than he previously thought. Either way, it was nice to know he wasn’t the only one in the house suffering because of them. He just wished there were a way to force them to—
  “Ginny! Wait!” George reached out and grabbed his sister’s arm. Ginny spun around, giving him a confused looked. A large smile spread across George’s face and he knew he must look like an absolute maniac in that moment, but he’d just come up with a brilliant idea. An absolutely brilliant, devious idea.
  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” asked Ginny reproachfully.
  “Gin…how would you like to help me with something today?”
  “What? Like one of your pranks?”
  “No, not a prank. More like a…mission. A mission of love you might call it.”
  Ginny’s eyes widened in understanding and her mouth stretched into an equally evil smile.
  “Oh George, I thought you’d never ask.”
    Fred groaned. Just when he thought the day couldn’t get any worse, life found a way to torture him further. It was a hot day. England had finally found its summer heat and soon the temperature rose so high even the strongest cooling charm couldn’t cut the stifling warmth. As a result the lot of them had divested themselves of their layers until they were as stripped as was proper. Fred, George, and Ron were shirtless as they cleaned out the Doxy nests in the upstairs bedroom. Getting rid of the Doxies had been fairly simple, but the compact, intricate nests they’d made in the wardrobes and drapes was another story. It would have taken less time with wands, but Fred and George had made the mistake of launching one too many Doxies at Ron, and their mother had taken their wands as punishment. Ginny, Ron, and Hermione had glared daggers at them as it really was a punishment for all of them. Now they’d all be forced to remove the nests by hand. Sweat rolled down Fred’s chest as he pulled out an old box from the top of the wardrobe to reveal another clump of nests. Damn Doxies.
  Across the room, balancing on a ladder, Hermione prodded at the drapes. Staring at the girl, he thought this must be what they meant when they talked about forbidden fruit. She’d pulled her hair up, twisting it into a knot at the back of her head, but after several hours of work, tendrils had fallen loose, sticking to her damp neck. Her vest top had risen at some point, revealing the creamy skin of her midsection just above a pair of shorts that had to be the tightest things in existence, Fred thought. She hadn’t been wearing them earlier in the day, but after lunch when they’d returned to their work, she’d entered the bedroom and Fred had nearly swallowed his tongue. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say she’d done it on purpose. To torture him. But that wasn’t right. It was foolishly arrogant to assume Hermione wore anything for anyone, especially himself.
  In addition to the true agony that Hermione was causing him physically, George was causing him equal turmoil mentally. No, he hadn’t done or said anything, but that was entirely the point. After catching him and Hermione together that morning and finally getting Fred to admit his feelings for the girl, he expected a bit more from his brother. He was sure his twin would pull him aside to continue their conversation, or at the very least make pointed jokes. But there’d been nothing. In fact, it seemed George was hellbent on acting as if that morning never happened.
  Fred’s thoughts drifted back to earlier in the library. Once George left, he took a few more minutes to bask in the glory of having Hermione in his arms before he woke her. She had been mildly embarrassed when she roused to find herself wrapped so tightly around him. But Fred played it off like it was no big deal. But despite the moment of embarrassment something definitely felt like it had shifted between the two of them. Fred felt a little less on edge around her and she seemed to be more relaxed around him as well. Perhaps realizing that she could be physically close to him without him making a move had her less concerned about being around him again.
  Although Fred figured if Hermione could hear his thoughts at that moment she’d feel anything but an ease. He had to physically bite his tongue when she’d hopped off the ladder and bent over to pick up the duster she’d been using. A tightness formed in the front of his trousers and Fred turned his gaze away, banging his head on one of the open wardrobe doors to. Squeezing his eyes shut tight he thought about boring things like owl post, third year herbology, and potions essays. When that didn’t work he thought of disgusting things like Blast-Ended Skrewts and Hippogriff dung.
  “Hermione, could you give me a hand with this please?” asked Ginny, motioning to the second pair of heavy drapes as she attempted to get behind the tangled mess of them.
  “Yeah, of course.”
  Fred watched as Ginny piled the ends of the drapes into Hermione’s arms. “There’s a nest back here. I think if you lift the drapes high enough, I’ll be able to reach it,” said Ginny, instructing Hermione to lift the drapes higher in her arms.
  There really shouldn’t be anything sexy about cleaning out Doxy nests, thought Fred. But as Hermione raised her arms higher and higher, she revealed more of her sweat-slicked body. The wild-haired girl struggled under the weight of the drapes, now hold them high above her head. Fred supposed if he hadn’t been checking out Hermione in that moment, he wouldn’t have seen the way her arms buckled, dropping some of the drapes and tangling them in her legs. Sprinting across the room, he caught her just as she lost her footing, trying to untangle her legs from the heavy material.
  “Whoa!” Hermione exclaimed, landing hard in Fred’s arms, as the drapes fell back onto Ginny.
  “Hey! Hermione, what gives—oh…you okay?” Ginny had scrambled out of the drapes to see Hermione in Fred’s embrace, looking up at him in surprise. Fred’s mouth went dry as he looked down at the witch in his arms. Her face was delightfully flushed, and he could feel bare skin under his hands. He felt the tightening in his pants return and practically threw Hermione from his hold, stepping away from her.
  “Thanks,” Hermione muttered, looking pointedly down at the ground.
  “Yeah,” coughed Fred.
  He was just about to try and come up with an excuse to flee from the room when his mother entered, looking around the space appraisingly. “I think that’s enough for the day dears. It’s quite hot, why don’t you wrap up and we’ll finish this room tomorrow?”
  “Alright, thanks mum,” said George, wiping his grubby hands on his jeans and walking over to swing an arm around Ginny’s shoulders.
  “Uck! You’re all sweaty George!” cried Ginny, shrugging off George’s arm in disgust.
  George took a moment to assess himself, looking down at his sweaty form. “You’re right Gin. I think I could use a shower actually. What about you lot?”
  A chorus of agreement rang through the room from them all and they exited it, heading down to their rooms and more importantly, the bathrooms.
    Ginny was only slightly disappointed in herself. Her first “mission” with her older brother George and already she was failing at it. She’d never tell him, but she considered his invitation to be quite the honour. Sure, she’d helped Fred and George with some of their little schemes over the years, but never had one of them asked her specifically to help without the other. At first she wondered why Fred wasn’t involved in their plan, but they she realized it might be because Fred didn’t know Ron was desperately in love with Hermione and vice-versa. Perhaps Ron had only told George in confidence and didn’t want Fred knowing too – Fred was the type to tease Ron more than George would about something like that. Finding out that Ginny was clued in was probably a huge relief to George.
  “I’m not really sure how doing this will make them confess their feelings though,” said Ginny, knitting her brow and looking sceptically at her older brother.
  “Trust me, it’ll work. All we need is a bit of sexual tension to break them. Get them hot and bothered enough and they’ll be attacking each other before you know it!”
  She still wasn’t sure if she was 100% sold on the plan, but George knew about these things more than her. It had been her idea to spill pumpkin juice all over Hermione’s clothes after lunch, forcing her to change. She’d subtly offered Hermione a pair of her shorts, her smallest and tightest ones and a when the older girl had asked whether or not she should just wear her vest, Ginny encouraged it. A small part of her felt like it was a bit demeaning to resort to primping Hermione up like a prize fair farm animal for Ron to ogle, but at this point she was desperate to get the two of them to admit their feelings. Her wants in the world were simple. She wanted her siblings to be happy and she wanted her friends to be happy. If she could accomplish those things in one fell swoop then even better.
  When she’d piled the drapes in Hermione’s arms, she fully expected Ron to be the one to catch her. Bloody Fred and his chivalry. He already had a girlfriend, she thought bitterly, why couldn’t he just step aside and let Ron save the day?
  Either way, they were on to part two of their plan and Ginny would not let George down. Her job was to direct Hermione to the right place at the right time. Third floor bathroom at the end of the hall. George would take care of the rest. Easy.
  However, to her dismay, when she’d reached the third floor she saw Ron entering the first bathroom on the right and close the door. Damn him! Where was George? Wasn’t Ron his responsibility? Putting her ear to the bathroom Ron was currently in, she heard the rings of the shower curtain slide against the metal pole and the water turn on. Fine, she could improvise. This was fine. Ginny spun around at the sound of a door opening and closing and saw Hermione exit their bedroom with her towel in hand.
  “Ginny are any of the bathrooms on this floor open?” she asked, wiping a hand across her brow.
  “This one is—” Ginny stepped aside the door “—I started the shower, but mum called me and needs my help. You can take it!”
  “Thanks Ginny!”
  “No problem ‘Mione. What are friends for?”
    Hermione was grateful for Ginny giving up the bathroom. She was in desperate need of a nice long shower. For more than one reason. There was a moment in the fourth-floor bedroom that she thought she was surely going to combust. In what fair and just world should she be forced to stare at a shirtless Frederick Weasley for an extended period of time? It was painful how good he looked. Hermione cursed her inappropriate thoughts. He was a taken man. But then there was the way he’d held her in her sleep – the way he’d gently woken her in the library. She’d been embarrassed at first, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, he almost seemed sad to part, but that was ridiculous. Again, he was a taken man.
  Entering the small bathroom, Hermione scowled slightly at the running water. Really, Ginny should wait until she entered the shower to turn on the water. It was such a waste to keep it running. She placed her towel on one of the hooks on the wall and grabbed the hem of her vest top, sliding it up her torso. The fabric stuck to her skin, damp from the sweat of a hot day and good, hard work. If she’d known she’d be spending a majority of her summer doing exhausting chores, perhaps she would have thought twice about abandoning her parents. But then Hermione’s mind drifted to the thought of her grandparents’ cat-fur covered sofa and dry Madeira cake and suddenly she was sure of her decision once again. She was just bringing the vest top over her head when something very odd happened. The sound of water stopped. Hermione froze, arms raised over her head and top covering her eyes. Turning towards the shower, she pulled her top completely off, freeing her sight just as the shower curtain pulled back revealing a very wet and very naked Ron.
  While in reality it was probably only a few seconds, for Hermione it felt like an eternity that she stood still as stone staring at Ron absolutely starkers. Ron stared back, eyes wide and mouth hung open. How? Why? What? Hermione had so many questions and yet, nothing came out of her mouth. In fact the only thing her mouth could do was open and close like an idiot before she finally let out a high-pitched scream.
  Ron screamed as well, bringing his hands down to cover his more…vulnerable bits. It was a bit late for that thought Hermione but closed her eyes tightly all the same.
  “What are you doing in here?!” she screamed, blindly feeling for the door.
  “What am I doing in here?! What are you doing in here?!” screamed Ron back, the tile squeaking under his wet feet as he exited the tub.
  “Oh my god—” Hermione desperately felt for the door handle, letting out another scream when she felt wet skin “—OH MY GOD!”
  “Bloody hell, Hermione! Get out!” Ron yelled.
  “I’m trying!”
  Finally Hermione’s fingers found the doorknob and she flung herself from the bathroom, running as fast as she could down the hallway.
  “What is it?! What’s going on?! I heard scream—oof!”
  Hermione collided into someone, her frantic fleeing impairing her ability to watch where she was going. Whoever it was, she hit them hard. Hard enough to knock her backwards. Desperately, she reached out to catch herself on instinct, but the only thing her hand found purchase on was the soft fuzzy fabric of a towel that gave easily as she fell backwards. Hermione landed hard on her backside, feeling slightly dazed. Looking down at the towel in her hand, she looked up in mortification. There standing before her, at eye level she might add, was Frederick Weasley’s entirely naked body. She screamed again, covering her eyes quickly this time, a little more prepared and a little more experienced at accidentally seeing naked boys now.
  “Merlin!” Fred cried, yanking the towel from her hands, and most likely covering himself. Hermione didn’t know for certain though as her hands were still tightly glued to her face. She wasn’t risking it anymore. If another Weasley boy were to show up in the hallway naked, she was prepared.
  “Oh my god. I’m so, so sorry!” Hermione cried, attempting to stand without her arms or her sight. She wobbled and bumped a bit, but eventually found her feet.
  “What the hell is going on?!” asked Fred.
  “Hermione I—” she heard Ron’s voice start and then stop suddenly before he let out a confused exclamation. “What’s going on here?!”
  “What’s going on here? What was going on in there?!” Fred asked back, sounding quite angry.
  “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god,” Hermione chanted in humiliation as she was now blindly trying to find her bedroom door. She needed to get out of there desperately.
  “Bloody hell Hermione. You can open your eyes now,” groaned Ron.
  Hermione shook her head frantically. “Nope! Sorry. I’m not chancing it.”
  “What was she doing in there with you?” Fred questioned indignantly.
  “What was she doing out here with you?” huffed Ron.
  “I heard screaming!”
  “So you decided to come and investigate naked?!”
  “I wasn’t naked! I had a towel, but she pulled it off!”
  “Why would you run out in just a towel?!”
  “Sorry, next time I think there’s an emergency, let me just take my sweet time getting dressed before I come and help,” Fred bit back sarcastically.
  “Boys—” Hermione felt completely lost at this point, walking into a wall, and hitting her head “—ow! Please. Now is really not the time to fight. Can someone please just direct me to my room so I can kill myself?”
  “Stop being so dramatic Hermione,” Ron sighed. She could almost feel his eyes rolling in his head.
  “Yeah, it’s just a bit of skin ‘Mione. No need to be so affected,” said Fred.
  Hermione let out a high-pitched sound of disbelief. “Are you two seriously turning on me now?”
  “Well, you were the one who walked in on my shower,” Ron said sounded very irritated.
  “Yeah, and you pulled down my towel,” added Fred.
  “How in the world is this my fault now?!” cried Hermione, no longer attempting to find her room. Instead, she stood in the hallway, eyes still covered but entirely invested in the argument that was now happening between the three of them.
  It was that moment that they heard the loud and raucous laughter of two people from down the hall. Hermione knew at once who it was. Of course.
  “Ginevra Weasley, I swear to Merlin I will kill you slowly in your sleep for this!” Hermione threatened. “George, I know you were involved in this too! Don’t think for a second you’re in the clear!”
  Ginny and George’s laughter continued, both of them in hysterics at this point.
  “You two?!” cried Ron. “Why?!” He sounded deeply betrayed, as if he expected a lot from the two, but never something as horrible as this.
  “Merlin, this is…this is better than I ever could have hoped,” said George in between laughs.
  “Really George? Really?” asked Fred pointedly.
  “You know George, I was a bit disappointed you failed on your end of the plan, but I think this laugh was worth failing,” Ginny commented, finding her voice through deep breaths.
  “What do you mean?” asked George. “It was you that got it all mixed up!”
  “Me?! What do you—”
  “I can’t believe you two! Actually, George I could expect this from you but Ginny?” Hermione scolded.
  “Oh lighten up Hermione, it was just a bit of fun!” scoffed Ginny.
  “I mean, what was the point of this? Really?” asked Fred, continuing his rant.
  “I’ve been so nice to you lately George. I even did you chores the other day!” said Ron dejectedly.
  “Indecent George and Ginny! Absolutely indecent behaviour!” yelled Hermione.
  “That’s rich coming from someone only in their bra and trousers,” said George.
  Hermione gasped, pulled her hands from her eyes now and covering her upper half. In all the chaos and confusion she’d completely forgotten she was half naked herself.
  All five of them were now talking over each other, everyone yelling at someone different as they argued in the heat of the moment. The noise was beginning the rise in magnitude until the only thing that could be heard was the overwhelming sound of screaming voices.
  Their arguing was suddenly drowned out by the horrid sound of Walburga Black’s portrait two floors down. Everyone stopped. Now they’d done it.
  Mrs. Weasley’s shrill and angry voice drifted up the flights of stairs and mixed horribly with the shouting portrait. They heard stomping feat on the wooden stairs and looked at each other in fear.
  “Don’t just stand here like idiots—” said George quickly.
  “—Scatter!” finished Fred.
Chapter 17>>> 
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blueeyedrichie · 4 years
okay as a ~*~*distraction*~*~ what part time job do you think each loser would work in the 00’s au? (or any timeline you want)
oop piggybacking off my last ask to add that I personally love Richie working at a movie theater/video rental/store like Newbury Comics (idk if that’s a national chain or not)
okay i’m not joking when i say that i read the first ask and was like “RICHIE VIDEO RENTAL STORE” and then saw your second ask and i fully screamed bc of course we would have the same brain once again :’) soooooo
richie: i’m fully thinking that like he would work at some local place when they are still living in derry, and when they move away for college he would work at blockbuster and think it’s literally the coolest thing ever. like he’s FINALLY gotten to the highest tier of video rental stores. and the other losers are like “dude you do realize that like rental stores are a dying business right” but richie works there til the bitter end, a big part of that being that all the kids that come in think his voices are super funny, like whatever movie they rent richie will talk to them in the voice of the main character or something and it’s just really fun for him. also free candy, helloooo? and the losers are all v supportive and come rent movies from him specifically. and he also tries to get eddie to go into the 18+ room, and eddie’s like “dude we literally are 20 years old, it’s not like we have to sneak in” but richie just thinks it’s funny and so sometimes they’ll run in there together only to run back out giggling like little kids because it’s fun and they can (pls ignore that my timeline here is probably way off from the actual 00′s au i’m just ~doin what i want~) and i think toward the end of working here is when he’d really start to focus more on like his rtvf degree bc i love that for him and he’d get his first dj job while he’s still in school
eddie: mechanic shop!!!!!! let that boy enjoy his love of cars!!!!!! again, he’d work at a local place until they move and tbh probably have a hard time finding a solid job because he just has the little bit of experience from derry. but with the support of his friends and his determination he finally lands a job at a pretty reputable mechanic shop in new york (i’m just going with new york but i mean they could be anywhere) and he quickly becomes one of their top mechanics. he also is taking automotive technology classes and i imagine him getting an internship or something and getting to work on really fancy cars and stuff, though he truly prefers working on like old cars and helping his friends out. he fully teaches richie how to change the oil in his truck at some point bc he gets sick of richie always taking it in for something so simple and paying for it with his ~blockbuster savings~ and he also shows everyone how to change their tires :’)
stanley: i think stan would volunteer at like zoos and animal adoption places. at first he’s mainly just like a janitor and cleans up the walking paths and runs concessions and stuff, which he’s honestly okay with because he gets to spend a lot of time just bird watching and admiring the animals and practicing his bird calls. and i think once they all move, he’d get a position at a big zoo as like a guide and he would teach lessons on how to tell different birds apart and how to do bird calls. i think even when he does get the job, he’d probably still volunteer at animal shelters on the side and he’d be the person in the room with the people who will potentially be adopting to see how the animals respond and he gets to decide if they get to adopt or not
mike: i really love the idea of mike working in antique shops. i can see him falling in love with some little shop in derry that is probably on its last legs and asking for a job, and they probably tell him they don’t need the help but he is persistent and basically ends up just working there and while they can’t afford to pay much, they let him take random things he finds home. of course, along with all the trinkets there would be tons of old literature there and he’d spend a lot of his time reading. in new york, he’d probably be in search of similar shops that he can fix up and find more cool items, and he always gifts each of the losers cool things he finds that makes him think of them. i can also definitely see him working in the university library sometimes, but i think he’d love finding old photos and books and knick knacks and learning about where they all came from
beverly: honestly i think bev would work at a movie theatre, but spend almost all of her time flipping through magazines and drawing up sketches of clothing and listening to music. she starts at concessions and moves up to box office, and she definitely sneaks the other losers in to watch movies for free. she and richie argue about whose job is better and who has the better candy (it’s literally all the same, eddie will tell them) and she also gets to bring home movie posters and distributes them amongst the losers. she definitely gets caught letting them all in for free movies and has to stay late to mop the theatre floors, but little does her boss know that the losers will continue to sneak in anyway and help her clean up. i think she’d keep working there until she gets an internship with a designer. all the losers keep the movie posters that she’d given them over the years
bill: bill works in used bookstores and libraries, and also prefers to accept his pay in the form of taking as many books home as he can. he’s usually there on his own, and he always brings notebooks (this dude can’t afford a laptop yet okay) with him so that he can write his own stories when he isn’t reading. i also can fully see one of the gifts that mike gives is a typewriter to bill that he finds in one of the antique shops :’)) the shops in derry aren’t very busy, so he gets to spend most of his time there reading not only novels, but also books on being a writer and this is where he learns a lot about becoming an author. in ny, i can definitely see him being a library aide and i just have a very vivid image of bill on one of those slidy ladder things looking through the books on the top shelf and being mesmerized by just how much there is to read. even when he isn’t actually working, he’s in a corner of the library working on his original works and just enjoying the atmosphere
ben: ben works at a comic shop, but most of his time is spent sketching buildings and rearranging the store shelves so that it’s neater and makes more sense in the aspect of ~architecture~ and his boss is like in true shock every time he comes into the store in the morning and finds not a single comic out of place like he always did with the people that worked there previously. he draws inspo for big, fancy buildings from things he sees in the comics and likes to redraw them to a realistic scale and imagine what they would look like in real life. the losers of course love to visit him here as well, and they help him choose his best sketches to create a portfolio before they go off to college where he presents it to his professor who would honestly be pretty impressed by it all (and i’m thinking would prob be like “is this the building from ~insert comic here~ and ben would be like YES) and that’s how he gets an internship in architecture
AHHHHH this got so fucking long omg thank you for sending <33333 
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theteenagemaze · 3 years
26th august 2021
today i came home from spending the night at my sisters house after a heated fight with my parents over seemingly nothing. during the fight my phone, door handle, tv remote and mental stability were destroyed. i hope to get a replacement phone in the near future since we claimed it on insurance by lying are saying it fell of the back of a car and was ran over. i also pleaded that we moved from the out back into my town since for the last 7 years of my childhood I've been locked in this 2 and a half acre block with a $40 dollar cab fee to freedom. although each time we fight I bring up my feeling on our living situation and how i feel cut off for my total of too friend but its mostly ignored since the realization of a new hole in the walls is a bigger problem then my worthless feelings.
schools going shit since a girl whos mother passed away gets treated like she’ll soon die too. the best guitar in music class. hers. the only available study room in the library. hers. the first to try a science experiment. hers. the solos in the school choir. hers. the lead role in the school musical. hers. i cant even name something that isn't hers. everyone eats out of her hand like an obedient ex-army dog that lives to protect their master. on the other hand the troubled girls from another school get given so many chances to succeed alas they flush them down the toilet like a fresh shit they plucked from their own self image. they can beat, threaten, verbally assault, stalk, and spit on people and they'll blame it on their home life. if its their home life that's the problem then fix that instead of throwing all of this under the carpet. another thing is this one sooky bitch whos father owns the restaurant that me and many other people i know work at. she thinks she suicidal when she's been sheltered her whole life and has never been exposed to drugs, alcohol, vapes, sexual assault, self harm, domestic abuse or anything else but somehow she's suicide and ended up at a $300 therapy session and never went back because “they asked too many questions” like is that not the whole fucking point you dumb bitch. all she does is act depressed and then takes it out on me at work witch is basically work place abuse but i cant fucking report her because what are they gunna do huh? fire her? they fucking cant she's the bosses daughter and might i add the youngest of three. 
on the plus side i've recently met two wonderful girls and re-connected within old male friend after he started his transition and they've really helped. edie who lives in my town is the biggest sweet heart i know, when my latest fright happened with my parents happened her first question wasn't. “your just lying for attention.” or something along the lines of “aha who one!”. it was “omg ore you safe? are you ok do you need someone to stay with my boyfriend and i can pick you up??”. and honestly that lit a small hopefully fire inside me. a fire that comforted me unlike no other. my other new friend, zoe. she live in outback brisbane witch is quite far away from where i live. she's 16 and smokes often. she's currently looking after two hairless cats that we refer to as “the testis”. they smell fear... shes lovely and we could talk for hours if he phone didn't die ever 5 minutes. i'm honestly tempted to mail her a charges since hers is held together by duct tape after she tried to hot-wire it to charge a vape. she has a great sense of humor that aligns with mine perfectly. we often joke about walking to each others home saying “be at your in 5 aha”. and last but not least marshal the only decent one of the many friends i've had. he's kind and funny and makes a lot of spelling mistakes when we text. well i cant really judge him on that myself whilst im typing this its hard to keep up with the red underlined words i keep correcting. but anyway back to marshal. we originally met at a dance group when he was pre-transition. back then he thought i was homophobic and hated him when i was actually deep in the closet and thought he was the coolest person ever and a matter of fact i still do! to be honest i thought i was bi but these days bi is such a thrown around term and really doesn't feel right. i only thought i was bi because i was attracted to some men but i could never imagine anything other then just looking at them, basically nothing sexual. but when i look at another woman it just feels. right. my parents, siblings, concealers, friends and even teachers tell me to settle down and find a nice boy to live with or to go to all the footy games and try to catch a partner. and during those moments i just want to scream “IM A LESBIAN I DONT LIKE MEN I NEVER WILL SHUTUP” but i know im to pussy so i plan to move out of state with whomever my closest friend is at the time when i turn 17 and never look back.
but anyway thanks for listening.
senscierly, maze
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A Short Fun One: It's happening!
Synergy booked it down the halls, pumping his legs faster and faster. He had to let them know, their work hadn't been for nothing. All the months of planning, biding their time, the ever so slight pushes and careful manipulations. It had been leading up to this. He just had to help make it official.
"So yeeeeh, all of you cool cats and fine fillies are welcome to join me at the hottest spot in town," Isao said with a snap of his fingers and the sway of his hips. "The coolest joint with a lil bit of everything!" "...an arcade you work at part-time?" Hachi said, lowering his glasses in skepticism, a band of intense light shining on Isao's face.
"Yes my illuminated lovely, the perfect spot to chill, hang, game, eat party and just have fantastic fun!"
"...your boss gives you extra time on all the Dance Dance Revolution Machines if you invite more people to this place, don't they?," Jaehee said, scowling at Isao.
"Someone has made it their mission to beat all my high scores. I gotta end this coup before the script gets flipped for good." Isao said with a level of seriousness no one at the table had seen before. They couldn't help but burst out laughing. Jaehee sighed. "Look, thank you for the invite Isao but between studying and all our internships starting soon-" "Loud noises of early 2000's electro pop rock, bright neon pixel lights, and food so sugary that even an American would think twice? I'm in." Yoko said, shaking some sort of mystery flavor lunchbox she had ordered. She scanned it with her quirk, shook her head, and tossed it into Ryouta's parasite. It munched loudly as Ryouta let out a laugh. "You had us at party and sealed it with sugary food! But I guess Jaehee isn't come-"
"NO! I-I mean Yoko's right, as usual. I was gonna say that uuuh...between studying, it would be a wonderful break, yeah, we should all go!" Jaehee's breathing seemed a little faster. "Perfect! I'll ask around for who else from our class can make it! It shall be a night to remem-" "IT'S HAPPPENING!" Synergy yelled slamming through the lunch doors and tumbling over a table. He leapt back to his feet, four of him in fact, all spoke over each together.
"Whoa whoa whoa Dummy-sensei, what is it? What did we do? Cause that thing with chickens, Mineta, and the pet food went very very badly and my parasite can only put so many out of their misery so fast."
"HOW THE HELL WERE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW BAKUGO WAS ALLERGIC TO CHICKEN FEATHERS?!" They each said in unison, prompting a loud shush from Lunch-Rush, the cafeteria cook and hero. Synergy scowled back. "Oh shut up, this is a mess hall not a library!" Jaehee jabbed the other Synergies. They all spasmed with the hum of an electric jolt in the air, and slumped to the floor. She grabbed the standing Synergy and pulled him to her level. "Dummy-Sensei focus! We cannot have a repeat of the chicken incident and I don't have Palm-sensei's number in my phone!" "I didn't know they could scream like that loud..." Yoko said with a shudder. Hachi put a hand to his sunglasses, frustration spreading across his face. "Do you want to get solar-glared Dummy-sensei?" " The face-off between Bāsuto Kosuke and Iida Tenya! The Roaring Star VS. Ingenium! THE RACE! I've finally engineered a series of circumstances where the two most extra cool supportive buff class dudes are ACUTALLY PISSED ENOUGH at each other that they go all out! I've got a whole crew of me down at the training courses, getting them ready."
The stared at Synergy, trying to process what he just said. "...wait, for months?" Hachi said, not sure what to make of this.
"I think we need to roll back to the fact Dummy-sensei has apparently been socially engineering us," Jaehee said, remembering that for all of Synergies odd tendencies, he was still a capable adult hero with too much time on his hands. "And that Ryouta has apparently been helping!" Ryouta looked between his classmates the same way a cornered rat did when looking for an exit. "uUUUUUUuuuUuUuuUUuh-hey look Chapu!" Chapu bounded into the cafeteria, exhausted. He looked between Jaehee and Hachi panic all over his face, flailing his arms and hopping in place. "Need your help! Need to stop him before-" Chapu felt his arms gripped by Hachi, trying to hold him in place. "Slow-down chapu what is it?" "Iida and Kosuke are racing!" "It's cool right?!" Synergy said with a massive smile on his face. "AND DAITAN IS ENTERING!" Synergy felt his heart sink as he fell to his knees shaking. He started smacking his stunned duplicates to try and get them moving. Eventually he gave up and jumped to his feet, looking around frantically. "No, no no not Daitan! ANYONE but Daitan!" "Why? Cause he'll definitely hurt himself?" "CAUSE KNOWING HIS CRAZY ASS HE MIGHT WIN!!" Synergy took off back down the hallway, shouting back to the students in the cafeteria. "And that'll throw off my bets!" The students watched Synergy round a corner, a burst of Synergies yelling "get out of the way, move!" as he scrambled through the school. Chapu was behind him, trying to get his attention. The rest of students were left in a now mostly empty cafeteria. "Soooo...are we gonna for sure watch that disaster of race. " "Oh absolutely," Yoko said. She grabbed Jaehee's hand and dragged her out of the out of the cafeteria, the other students running right behind them.
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The All Might Fan Forum Discussion Board, Part Two
ALL MIGHT FAN FORUM General Discussion All Might Battles Meeting All Might      Rescued by All Might      All Might Encounters      >Small Might Encounters (New!) Fanart and Fanfiction
Small Might Sensei
I like to go jogging. I started recently and I’m not very good at it – I can’t run very fast or very long. But I like taking different routes and discovering new places when I stop to catch my breath. It was during one of my longer runs that I bumped into All Might.
I’d heard someone behind me a few minutes before I stopped to put my hands on my knees and try to gulp down as much air as possible, but didn’t hear that he stopped when I did so I jumped and nearly fell on my ass when I got upright, then nearly fell again when I saw who it was and this long sentence doesn’t begin to cover the comedy of errors that was my life in these few moments.
He stopped cause I was running wrong. Sidenote: there’s a such thing as running wrong. Apparently, you want to land in the middle of your foot and try not to land on your heel at all cause that can cause problems. He also taught me a few breathing rhythms for different intensities of runs.
He ran with me for about twenty minutes, correcting my bad posture and seriously I know every post on this forum says it, but All Might is super, super nice. Like, you’d think he’d have at least a little ego or something, but he doesn’t. He just wants to help everyone. He said hello to everyone we passed and doubled back to throw away a bottle someone dropped. He’d so nice you guys.
I’ve been using what he taught me for a few days now, and haven’t gotten a stitch in my side once. It’s so much easier to run now. Thanks Sensei!
Small Might sat next to me on the bus. Pretty sure he could have had any seat he wanted no matter how crowded it was, but he was really polite and kinda awkward about asking if he could sit with me. Meanwhile, I’m internally screaming while trying to keep it cool on the outside.
He was texting someone on his phone – I tried not to stare, but it’s All Might, you know? I didn’t catch much, just that he was proud of someone, which, hello, is so frickking cute. He looked happy.
A brief conversation with my mother:
“Mom, do you know who that was?”
“That was All Might! All Might, mom!”
I leave my mom alone for five seconds to use the bathroom, and I come back to ALL MIGHT helping her with her English crossword puzzles. She didn’t even get an autograph for me.
the beach
I don’t know why it took so very long for it to click – after his last battle, I couldn't shake the feeling that I’d seen that tall, skinny man somewhere before. And he is such a distinctive gentleman; I was sure I knew him, somehow. It wasn’t until I met him on the beach that it finally fell into place.
I’m retired these days, so I have a lot of time on my hands. Every day, I take a walk from my home to the library and back. Sometimes I stay a few minutes, sometimes the entire day gets away from me. For months, almost every day without fail, there was a man and a boy cleaning the shoreline near my home. They would be there when I left for the day, and were still there when I came back. The boy was a scrappy, freckled little thing, cute as a button. The man was slender, but undeniably strong – he would step in to help with some of the bigger appliances, but mostly directed the boy and cheered him on.
I stopped to speak to them a few times; the boy was such a polite young man, and All Might was genial and humble. I never would have known. I could never have guessed had I not met him again, returning from the library with a book to enjoy near the waves.
It’s strange; heroes are so flashy these days, hustle and bustle and fight and move. And we appreciate them, need them. But there’s something so very special about the little things. All Might personally spent almost a year helping clean up a beach. Would anyone else in the top ten have done that?
He was every bit as kind as I remembered. He doesn’t accept praise very well, insisted the beach was all the boy’s doing. Which is fair enough I suppose – he did most of the heavy lifting. Even so, that man was out there almost every single day, with lunch and water and cheer and kind words. It warmed my heart, watching the two of them progress across the sand. I’m so glad All Might is a teacher now; those kids are in good hands.
again with the cats
small might plucked my cat out of a tree AGAIN – same cat same tree he even fucking remembered me is this guy for real?
All Might does not skip Leg Day
So I’m minding my own business, checking messages on my phone, waiting on my drink order, when there’s some commotion across the street – lotta loud noise, people screaming and running, standard-issue villain-tries-to-rob-the-till-at-the-combini sort of afternoon. It’s a tall guy with, like, I guess it’s a stretch Quirk off some kind? He looks like he walked out of some old-timey cartoon, all wiggly limbs bouncing everywhere, running from what looks like some rookie Pro – I don’t even think they were a rookie yet; maybe an intern? Anyway, Noodle Arms is booking it, Intern is after him as fast as his short legs can manage. Leggy clears the street in one jump and starts twisting his head around like he can’t decide where to go next.
It’s at that moment when All Might himself exits the building next to mine, one hand leaving his pocket to check his watch and Noodle makes a decision.
Now look, I’m gonna break this down into slo-mo for ya, cause seriously, it was a thing of beauty. It was one, smooth, impossibly cool-looking move, and every piece of it needs to be appreciated. This DUMBASS, who clearly had no plan whatsoever beyond “grab a hostage,” honestly thinks he can take on ALL MIGHT, I guess cause he’s skinny now or something. He wraps his stupid noodle limbs around him and All Might doesn’t even twitch when Dumbass constricts his arms and waves a gun around. Dumbass is yelling something, I don’t know what, who tf cares. All Might kinda tilts his head, wriggles his shoulders a bit, then lifts his arms up and slides out of the jacket so fast the fabric doesn’t even lose its shape. I’m not even kidding, it looked like it was on an invisible mannequin, this move came straight from the Acme school of How To Defy Physics. Dumbass has just enough time to look shocked before he’s eating a size 13 leather shoe – All Might dropped to his haunches, made a quarter-turn, and kicked his leg up and back, straight into the jaw of Dumbass. He kicks him so hard his feet actually lift off the ground and he flies backwards into a streetlamp.
All Might doesn’t even look angry; he just looks Annoyed, like someone forgot to put sugar in his coffee. He picks up his jacket and slings it over a shoulder and waits around a few minutes for the police to catch up and haul Noodle McDumbass into custody while Short Intern babbles away with stars in his eyes. It was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
A good man
Perhaps it’s a little unfair for me to comment since I work in the Tower. Still, there are some things I wanted to share with the world and this is a good place to do it.
I’ve been at the agency for three years now, mainly doing secretarial work. My direct superior is a man named Yagi-san. Yagi-san acted as All Might’s personal assistant, right hand man, concierge, whatever you want to call it. Telling something to Yagi-san was as good as telling it to All Might directly. I, along with everyone else in the Tower, learned why that night in Kamino.
I’ve read many, many posts on these discussion boards and if I were to identify a unifying theme that everyone seems to mention, it’s that All Might is a nice guy. That he really, honestly cares. That he worries about the little things just as much as the big things. I’ve worked with Yagi-san for three years and can confirm that none of it is a show for the adoring public – it’s all 100% true.
Let me tell you something, I worked with Miruko’s agency before All Might’s, and Wash before that, but unless the two of them also have secret identities, neither one of them was on the ground floor pushing pencils with the rest of us like All Might was. I’ve seen Yagi-san escorting new hires around the building when they get lost. I’ve seen him roll up his sleeves and change a busted printer cartridge, ink all over his shirt. He knows everyone’s birthday. He’ll do coffee runs, answer the phones, make deliveries, grab lunch, whatever you need. I’ve seen him as All Might, shutting the press down when they start getting pushy with the employees, or dropping by the daycare and making the kids light up.
I’ve never seen him complain. I’ve never seen him brush anyone off. I’ve never seen him be rude, or arrogant, or insulting, or aloof. I’ve never seen him treat anyone as lesser, as if they weren’t worth his time. Yagi-san lifted morale just by being in the building, the way All Might cut crime rates just by existing. Everyone in the agency loved Yagi-san just as much as they loved the hero; everyone had a story about All Might, and another one about Yagi-san. I’ve seen a few of those stories on this very board.
But this one is mine:
Ever since high school, I’ve used a ribbon to keep the hair out of my face. I love my curls, but they can be a nuisance waving around at the edge of my vision, so I keep them pulled back. I like using ribbons because scrunchies often get caught in my un-tameable mess of hair.
My ribbon snapped one day at work. It wasn’t a big deal – just a minor annoyance to have to keep pushing my hair back. But Yagi-san noticed. He noticed without anyone saying anything, and came back from lunch thirty minutes later with a beautiful red ribbon that he tied into my hair.
It really is the little things that matter the most. This tiny little gesture made me feel seen, acknowledged, valued. Not just as an employee, but as a person. All Might cares about those kinds of things – his employees aren’t subordinates, they’re people. He doesn’t rescue victims, he recuses people. He doesn’t pull you up to his level; he gets on yours and puts you on his shoulders.
I’ve worn that ribbon nearly every day for two years. It’s gotten thin in places, kinda frayed at the edges, but still doing its job faithfully. A bit little like the man who gave it to me.
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ms-aleli · 5 years
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My MC - Rosalynn “Lynn” Day and her daughter Synnove (means “Gift of Sun”). I HC Lynn as a second-generation immigrant from Filipino parents because I was inspired by Alma and Thomas. I hope you like this.
There’s nothing a mother would not do for her child.
It’s the one truth that Rosalynn “Call me Lynn” Day, has lived with even before her wonderful took her first breath all those years ago.
It’s the one truth that became her foundation when her daughter was born.
It’s the one truth she dedicated herself to when her ex-husband left the two of them to fend for themselves.
For her daughter, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do; no mountains she wouldn’t cross; no risk she wouldn’t face head on; and as today would prove, no place she wouldn’t move to.
That’s how she found herself driving all the way to Goldcliffe, a place she never even thought she’d ever be going to, and ready to leave all the security of her life in Seacrest behind her.
As she turns to park next to an immaculate silver Lexus, she looks at the seat beside her to see her daughter visibly nervous. Her lips curve to a smile as she thinks back to the letter she got two weeks ago that she has read over a hundred times already.
Dear Ms. Day,
Your scholarship application has been reviewed, and you have been approved for the next phase.
Please bring your child to the Bernhardt main office on May 22 at 10:15 AM for a brief interview.
Anne Tinsley
Bernhardt Academy
The letter never fails to incite the mix of emotions within her - pride, disbelief, pride, gratefulness, and pride again. It doesn’t help that her mind returns to the meeting with her daughter’s previous principal, Ms. Gupta, who commended her daughter’s intelligence and even pushed for this scholarship.
It was nice that there are people in the world who would not let her daughter’s bright flame diminish because of her unfortunate lack of money to send her daughter to a high-end school where she would shine best.
At present though, she can see her daughter’s bright flames dwindle as she fidgets nervously on her seatbelt.
“You ready to go, kiddo?” She reaches over to smooth her daughter’s brown hair from her face.
Her daughter’s eyes meet hers and she can see how truly anxious she feels. “I-I guess so,” she mumbles as she looks down to avoid her gaze, “but, Mom, what if I’m not smart enough to go here?” Her eyes look outside the window of their car and she can see how it could be jarring to her young daughter.
In comparison to the public elementary school her daughter went to, Bernhardt’s building stood tall and imposing. Even the exterior screams at Lynn that she’s out of her league.
But no, this is for her daughter’s future and she knows that her daughter will thrive better in this kind of school.
“Hey, hey, none of that now, Synnove Day,” Lynn took her daughter’s face on her hand and gently made her raise her head so their eyes could meet. “You are a star. You’re smart and talented and hey, remember what Ms. Gupta said? You’re way above your age group in terms of smarts and I know you’re going to crush this, okay?”
Synnove bit her lower lip, “But what if I can’t do it? What if I screw up?”
“You won’t,” Lynn says with the conviction of a mother - unbending. “I know it’s hard for you to speak up sometimes, but if you start to freeze, then you just remember that mom believes in you. I know you can do this.”
Lynn can see the way her words affects her daughter - Synnove sits straighter, eyes gazing outside to the Bernhardt building now with a mixture of excitement alongside her nervousness.
“Do you need an energy zap?” Lynn smiles as her daughter give a nod and hold out her finger. She meets it with hers and grins, “Zzzzzap.”
“Zzzzzap!” Her daughter chimes.
Lynn breaks off and helps her daughter out of the seatbelt, “Alright, sunshine, you’re all charged up and ready to kick butt.”
“Mom, I can do it myself,” Synnove whines but there’s a beam on her face as she exits the car.
The inside of Bernhardt Academy is even larger than it was outside. Lynn almost got lost if it wasn’t for the kind security guard who directed her to Ms. Tinsley’s office.
“Good morning, I’m Rosalynn Day with my daughter, Synnove for an interview with Ms. Tinsley at 10:15?” Lynn approaches the secretary with an amicable smile.
The secretary is a young woman who didn’t have a friendly face but she was polite as she waved them to the cavernous office where a grey-haired black woman sat behind an imposing desk.
Lynn smiles as she moves forward to shake the woman’s hand, “Hi, I’m here for the scholarship interview? I’m Lynn Day, and this is my daughter, Synnove.”
“Hello,” Synnove’s voice is soft and she hides behind her, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Principal Tinsley,” the woman says and motions to the plush armchair in front of the desk, “Please, have a seat.”
Lynn didn’t even get the chance to be comfortable on the obviously high-class armchair as Principal Tinsley went straight to the interview.
“What, in your opinion, is the most important value to instill in our children?” She asks.
Lynn blinks and wonders why she’s the one being interviewed instead of her daughter, but she answers honestly, “It’s important to teach them curiosity. It’s important that we encourage our kids to question how things work - to explore, to love learning.”
Principal Tinsley raises an eyebrow, taking down a few notes. She looks at her paper for a hot second before saying, “I see here that you’re not currently a resident of Goldcliffe?”
“Oh, well, if Synnove were to receive this scholarship, we’d look for a place to live in town,” she answers.
The way that the principal’s microexpression spoke volumes and Lynn knows she’s not about to like where this line of question is going. “Do you think that would be economically feasible given your current job as a… waitress?”
Lynn felt indignant but tampers it down for daughter’s sake. “I’ve managed to save a little for the potential move, and I’d find a job as soon as--”
The principal cut her off, firing, “To maintain this scholarship, you are required to be a member of our PTA, which would be a considerable time commitment.”
“Oh, that shouldn’t be a problem, I’m used to balancing a lot of responsibilities,” she says. What she doesn’t say is that she has plenty of experience, what with juggling three to four jobs just to save for her daughter’s future.
“I’m sure,” Principal Tinsley says. She then returns her eyes to the paper and taps her pen on it, “I notice you’ve left the father section of the application blank. Would you be so kind as to tell me about Synnove’s father?”
Lynn can feel the rising of the familiar rage inside her but she tries to stamp it back down as she forces a smile on her face, “Synnove’s father hasn’t been on the picture for a while now.”
The principal frowns and makes a note on it. What ‘it’ is, Lynn doesn’t know. But the silence that follows does not bode well for her.
“Are-are there any more questions you need me to answer?” She asks. “Or, do you have any questions for my daughter?” since it is her merits that should be on focus right now, she doesn’t say.
“Ms. Day,” Principal Tinsley says with a sigh, “I’m going to be frank. I was not impressed by your daughter’s application.”
From the corner of her eyes, she sees Synnove stiffen. The way that she holds herself close as if she wants to hide causes Lynn to feel anger rise within her.
“I-but your letter--”
Principal Tinsley cuts her, “My vice principal was moved by Ms. Gupta’s glowing letter, but I see nothing here that suggests your daughter is Bernhardt material.”
A part of Lynn wants to stand and ask the principal to fight her for her daughter’s honor but she settles for the indignant cry, “Are you serious? She’s already reading at ninth-grade level!” She clenches her fist under the table, “What about the science project I mentioned?”
Principal Tinsley does not look impressed as she gives a cursory look at the paper, “Ah yes, the Saturn model,” she says blandly. “While it was very… artistic, it hardly proves she has any detailed understanding of the--”
“I understand a lot about Saturn!” Her daughter, whose dream since she was a toddler was to become an astronaut and had studied every single book in the public library, cries out. Her face is red and her brows are scrunched as she defends her passion, “I wanted to make the Phoebe ring, but Mom said it wouldn’t fit in the car.”
Now, it was Principal Tinsley’s turn to be surprised, looking at Synnove as if she was something curious, “I’m sorry… the ‘Phoebe ring’?”
Synnove’s face suddenly brightens, and she leans forward in her chair, happy to chatter away about her favorite subject. “It’s so cool! It’s like nine point nine million miles from the planet, and it has a retrograde orbit!”
Seeing the surprised look on the principal’s face, Lynn saw a chance and says, “Sweetie, why don’t you tell the principal about Saturn’s compositions?”
Lynn has heard this a million times before, and she still can’t fully understand what her sweet daughter is yammering on, but she can see the way that Principal Tinsley’s eyes brightened as she listens to Synnove yammer on about how Saturn is a gas giant but the planet isn’t gas at all.
“Ooh! It’s also the only planet in our solar system that’s less dense than water.” The open delight on Synnove’s face never fails to make Lynn smile. Her little girl continues with a grin as she discloses a ‘fun fact’ to the principal, “That means that if you put it in a really, really big bathtub, it would float.”
Synnove’s face read clear as day, ‘isn’t that the coolest thing you’ve heard?’
Principal Tinsley stares down at her forms, then turns back to Synnove, looking suddenly thoughtful.
“Tell me, Synnove, how would you calculate the surface area of a sphere?”
Principal Tinsley’s careful words contrasted the way Synnove quickly pipes up, “Four pi times the radius squared.”
“What three things that distinguish insects from arachnid?”
“Insects have compound eyes, antennae, and six legs instead of eight.”
“What year was Marie Curie awarded the Nobel Prize?”
“Um, which one?” Synnove tilts her head, “Because she got one for physics in 1903 and one for chemistry in 1911.”
The curious look on Principal Tinsley’s face stays there, even as she sits back in her chair and take it all in. After a long moment, she turns to the proud mother and asks, “Synnove, she’s really only nine years old?”
“Nine and two-thirds!” Her daughter pipes up.
“And she’s wanted to be an astronaut since she was six. She’s got a whole life plan laid out - majoring in astrophysics, pilot’s license,” Lynn beams at her daughter.
Never let it be said that Lynn Day is a humble woman when it comes to her daughter. She’s a bragger and she can’t help it. Her daughter truly is amazing.
She turns back to the principal, “Of course, the first step is to enroll in an elementary with a famously strong STEM program, so…” she trails off.
There was silence in the room again. But this time, it’s not an uncomfortable silence.
Principal Tinsley sighs and gives a small smile, “Well, nothing’s official until all the paperwork is submitted, but,” she leans down and offers to shake the little girl’s hand, “Synnove Day, welcome to Bernhardt.”
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waltzofthewifi · 5 years
And the Golden Touch (Librarian Prompt Month Story 1)
The door opened into the open, hot air. Around the four librarians and one guardian, life on the small, rural street around them continued on.
“Who are we looking for, again?” Baird asked.
“Oriana Abbadelli,” Flynn said. “She should be at this house, right here.”
The house was small, as was everything else on the street. One of the windows was duct taped, and the car in front was missing a wheel.
Together, the librarians (and guardian) walked up to the front door. Flynn knocked.
A college-aged girl opened the door. “Who are you?”
“We’re the librarians,” Flynn said. “Are you Oriana Abbadelli?”
The girl nodded.
She didn’t look threatening, dressed in a tank top, driving gloves, and denim shorts. She had solid black hair pulled into a top knot, vivid brown eyes, and tan skin, with a tattoo of a heart on her shoulder.
“You ordered a rare book the other day?” Stone added. “We were wondering if we could take a look.”
“Oh? Of course.” Oriana girl gave a small smile. “Come In.”
The inside of the house was a mess. Two half-empty suitcases sat open in the living room. Each trash can was overflowing, mostly with papers. Oriana led them to a back room full of books - some on bookshelves, some in backpacks, and others laying on the ground in stacks.
“I apologize for the mess,” Oriana said. “I just got back from college a week ago, and I haven’t begun to put everything away yet.”
“What are you studying?” Cassandra asked.
“Pre-med,” Oriana said. “I want to be a neurosurgeon.”
“Impressive,” Baird noted.
“Thanks.” Oriana picked up a big book and plopped it on the only desk in the room. “Here it is.”
“Stone?” Baird called.
Stone and Flynn both quickly checked over the book, muttering to themselves.
“It’s genuine,” Stone said. “How much did you pay for this?”
“Like, five bucks?” Oriana replied. “At my school?”
That had all been covered in the clippings book, but that didn’t make the find any more impressive.
“How about we confer back at the library,” Flynn said. “We’ll call you with more information later.”
“She’s definitely used one of the spells,” Stone muttered. The four librarians and Baird were gathered around the desk in the annex, going over what Stone and Flynn had found.
“Could you tell with one?” Baird said.
Stone shook his head. “Whatever it was, it was Greek in origin.”
“It was the Hand of Midas,” Flynn said.
“What?” Stone asked. “How could you tell?”
“I’ve been around enough college students to know when ones drowning in student debt,” Flynn answered. “Especially a pre-med student like her.”
“The hand of Midas is a dangerous spell,” Jenkins noted, from where he was making tea. “Almost every time someone uses it, someone else turns into gold.”
“The good news is that it’s reversible,” Stone said. “The item that’s gold can be reversed back if dumped into a stream.”
“Unfortunately, the last librarian to deal with this spell wasn’t found in time to be reversed,” Jenkins added. “He’s still in the statue room to this day.”
“Also, Oriana is in the middle of a desert,” Jones added. “Not a lot streams in Phoenix.”
“Yes, that would also be a problem,” Jenkins said. “If one of you were turned.”
“Okay, but how do we reverse the spell?” Cassandra asked. “So that Oriana doesn’t turn everything into gold?”
“She has to willingly give the power up,” Jenkins said. “In the original instance, Midas gave up the power when he turned his daughter into a gold statue.”
“It didn’t look like she had many people living with her,” Baird noted.
“There were two bedrooms,” Flynn noted. “She probably lives with her parents for the summer. They must have been at work.”
“Also, purposefully turning people into gold isn’t exactly the coolest thing to do,” Cassandra noted.
“Speak for yourself,” Jones said. “If there’s one way I want to go, it’s by golden statue.”
“You’d definitely be more likable than you are now,” Stone muttered.
“Of course. Who doesn’t like gold?”
“Focus,” Baird said.
“What about something else that won’t exist as gold?” Cassandra asked.
“She’s just sell the gold and buy a new one,” Jones pointed out. “We need something she can’t replace, but that’s not alive.”
“What about pictures?” Baird asked.
“Momentos,” Flynn added.
“If she‘s ever handmade something, we could use that,” Cassandra noted.
“Her hands!” Jones said. “That’s it!”
“What do you mean that’s it?” Stone said. “We can’t turn her hands - they’re the ones with the spell.”
“But she can’t use them anymore,” Jones said. “Think about it - those gloves were gold, weren’t they? They were restricting her motion. She can’t be a neurosurgeon if she can’t use her hands!”
“Good thinking,” Baird said. “Do you think you could convince her of that?”
“I could,” Cassandra said. “I’ll distract her while Jones and Stone take the book, and then convince her to give the spell up.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Flynn said.
They waited for the next morning, after Oriana’s parents had left for their jobs.
Cassandra called Oriana, using the number she had gave them the night before, and asked if they could meet at a local fro-yo place, with Cassandra offering to pay.
“What did you want to talk about?” Oriana asked, sitting down with her banana-flavored yogurt.
“Oriana, we both know that that book is more than just a book,” Cassandra said.
Oriana froze. “What do you mean?”
“It’s a spell book,” Cassandra said.
“What makes you think that?” Oriana asked. She laughed nervously. “I mean, magic isn’t real.”
“Yes it is,” Cassandra said. “The library I work at, we collect things like that. Because they’re dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” Oriana asked. She looked down at her yogurt. “I only used that one spell.”
“Hand of Midas, right?” Cassandra said. “Everything you touch turns to gold. But have you heard of the original story?”
“Midas turns his daughter,” Oriana remembered. “I did my research. I won’t turn anyone, though. That’s what these gloves are for.”
She slid one off to show Cassandra.
“But do you want to spend the rest of your life wearing gloves?” Cassandra said.
Oriana shook her head. “But that’s the thing. The spell only lasts as long as I want. I just need enough to pay for school.”
“I know how desperate you must feel, being so close to achieving your dreams just to feel stopped. But magic isn’t the way to do it.”
“Say who?”
“Says the millions who have tried just for it to end badly,” Cassandra replied. “When I first learned of magic, I let the idea of magical solutions lead me into nearly helping end the world.”
“I don’t think it will ever get that big,” Oriana said.
“Maybe not. But it could lead to the end of your world.” Cassandra sighed and reached for Oriana’s gloved hands. “I had to quit on my dreams for health. I know what it feels like, and it sucks. But I have a feeling that this won’t happen for you. You have a destiny beyond this.”
“And I promise-“ Oriana reached out with her other hand, and it brushed against Cassandra hand.
In a second, Cassandra turned gold.
“No!” Oriana screamed. She scrambled to put her other glove on, reached in Cassandra’s bag for her phone, and dialed the last number.
“Is this one of the librarians?” Oriana asked.
“.... basically. Who is this? What happened?”
“I turned her to gold.”
Silence. “Stay where you are. We’ll come get you.”
“Jenkins we need a door,” Baird said the second he picked up the phone.
Jenkins sighed. “Who got turned this time?”
“Cassandra,” Baird said.
“Oh dear. Bring her in,” Jenkins replied. “Once she’s in, we can set the door for a river. I just hope Ms Abbadelli has learned her lesson.”
“I think she has.”
Cassandra knocked on the door, and Oriana opened it.
“You’re alright,” Oriana said. “I wasn’t sure they’d find a river in time.”
Cassandra nodded. “We have a way of finding what we need. But I came to talk to you about something else.”
“You don’t have to worry about-“
“Something else entirely.” Cassandra handed Oriana an envelope. “Congratulations on winning that scholarship.”
“What scholar-?”
“Just read the envelope. We can’t afford to pay for everything, but we thought a little bit would help. You’ll make a good doctor some day.”
“Thank you.”
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist Ch 3
Warnings: My attempt at some Deadpool humor. An origin story for Juliet. My 1st attempt at creating a new hero character. Some fluff and lots of smut. Oral, multiple orgasms, sex that lasts hours. They are still going as the chapter ends. Next chapter will pick up when Zeitgeist gets a notice Deadpool is looking to put a team together.
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 4
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Axel Jr says, “Our Mom kicks ass.”
Peter said, “That’s why Daddy loves her so much, right Uncle Deadpool?”
Deadpool says, “That and some other skills she has.”
Both boys say, “Tell us more.”
Deadpool says, “Daddy would follow your Mom anywhere.”
Deadpool says to you,” Go on read the flashback that might be more to your liking. I’ll tell the a kids a romanticized version.”
Axel’s eyes widen as Juliet heads straight for a mountainside. At the last second the mountainside opens and they both head into the tunnel which closes behind them. He laughs to himself as he catches up beside her to make sure she still knows he is there. He looks in her window with grin and a wink. She smiles and then laughs stepping on the gas, so he needs to follow. Down the tunnel a way, they pull into a garage. Julie gets out of her car. 
She stands leaning against the car waiting for Axel to approach her. “Go ahead and put that mouth thing and anything else you consider to be part of your costume over on the table to your right. I’ll be right back.”
Axel says, “But I might…”
She changes behind a curtain. “Don’t worry Axel. You can’t hurt anything here.”
She comes back out in dark denim jeans and a hot pink t-shirt. He is reluctant about taking his mouth piece off in such a situation he might get excited and spew. She walks over to him lifting her hand to touch his cheek. He pulls away.
Juliet smiles, “Take it off and let me touch that handsome face of yours.”
Axel Stares into her kind blue eyes, “I can’t. I’ll hurt you.”
She  keeps her hand on his cheek.  “You can’t hurt me or anything else in my place.”
She unhooks his mouth piece and puts it on the table. Then her hand caresses his cheek again. He looks like he is scared to death of what could happen in this moment.
 He is trembling.at Julie’s touch. “I bet you haven’t had anyone touch your face in a long time Axel.”
Axel nods yes. “You’re not scared I will scar you for life?”
Juliet shakes her head no. “Not at all baby boy. I had Maddy cook us up some steaks. You want a beer with yours or a soda? That is if you want to stay to get to know me?”
Axel follows her to the elevator. “A beer would be cool.”  When they get in the elevator, he rubs the back of his neck. “Um thanks for the assist today. I had him but ,you know, it was fine you stepped into the situation. It could have gotten messy.”
Juliet says, “Yeah, I bet it could have. I was just trying to meet you. The extra money for the collar wasn’t bad either.”
The elevator opens on the first floor. They get out and Axel walks beside Julie glancing around at the glass tables and chandelier on the ceiling spinning slowly in the hallway. 
He thinks, there is a lot I could really destroy here.  “So what’s your deal Juliet?”
They get to a large kitchen with every amenity a person would need. Juliet sits down at the table already set for two with beer already waiting for them. Maddy comes in with the dinners and a smile on her face. She places the steaks and baked potatoes in front of Axel and Julie.
Enthusiastically Maddy says, “I saw todays events live on television as it was happening. Such heroism from you both. I’m glad you came for dinner Zeitgeist. Julie could use some after work company.”
She winks at him. Julie blushes.
Axel says, “You can call me Axel when I’m here Maddy. I do everything I can to protect citizens. Of course, Zeitgeist is thankful for Receptacle’s assist.”
Julie giggles at Axel going directly into hero mode talking to Maddy. “Thank you Maddy for whipping up this meal so quickly. That will be all for now.”
Maddy says, “Of course Miss.” As she is leaving the room she says, “Oh, I’m going to put my noise canceling headphones on while I read in the library so that is where I will be and I won’t be able to hear a thing going on anywhere in this house.”
Axel’s eyes look up without him moving his head as he is mid bite of a piece of steak when he hears what he believes is an insinuation he’s getting laid tonight.
Juliet blushes, “She is always trying to give me everything I need. We are best friends although she technically works for me. I really have a hard time making friends.”
Axel said, “I’ll be your friend or whatever.”
He chews another forkful of potato and steak. Grabs his beer to wash it down.
Julie smiles sweetly, “Thank you Axel.” She takes a bite of her meal and a drink after. “Now I think you asked, ‘what’s your deal’?”
He nods with his mouth full. Julie takes another bite before answering.
To you Deadpool chimes in to say, “Wow, a back story within a backstory is coming up next. What the fuck is that all about? Is that even legal? Well, you might as well keep going since you put in this much time reading.”
Juliet said, “My father worked in a lab when I was growing up. I used to go watch him work and sometimes got a little bored and curious as children do. He was working on something that absorbed Mutant abilities or Meta Human abilities which I think sounds nicer. I don’t think of myself as a fucking Mutant and you shouldn’t either Axel.”
Axel says, “Of course not. You’re to, well your beautiful so mutant isn’t at all how I would describe you.”
Julie blushes again, “Thank you. And you are to sexy to be a mutant.”
Axel says, “Of course I am.”
She stifles a laugh, “Anyway, I was running around his lab one day while he was busy at a meeting and a whole bunch of chemicals dumped off a table all over me. My Dad came running in to grab me up. He took me in his arms to this really hard shower scrubbing me down. I just remember screaming because it hurt and him screaming, “What have you done to yourself Julie?”.
Axel, done with his meal, is enthralled with her backstory, “What did that do to you?”
Julie said, “It fucked me up for life. Its not a good memory but it’s the last one I have of my Dad spending time with me. The next day he didn’t take me to work. His lab exploded and no one survived.”
Axel said, “That fucking sucks. So, when did you find out you were a Meta? What is your power exactly?”
Julie sighed. “I still visit my Mom sometimes. She stopped even talking after the incident, so she is somewhere where she is well taken care of. Maddy pretty much raised me. She knows more about me than anyone. It was a year after my Father died when my powers showed themselves. I was getting into cupboards when Maddy was on the phone. She came in the kitchen and I had flour everywhere. She scolded me and turned around to grab a broom. When she turned back around the mess was gone and I was giggling.”
Axel said, “Did you speed clean the mess? That would explain you not being burned by my acid and getting that collar on Anarchist.”
Julie said, “That might explain things, but superspeed isn’t my power. I absorb anything I want. I was able to absorb the acid covering Anarchist to put the collar on him. When you accidently covered my backside with acid, I was able to absorb that also. I did some research with my blood and was able to create cloths and pretty much everything in this house that absorbs anything. That way Maddy doesn’t really have to do much cleaning.”
Axel says, “That’s the fucking coolest power ever. So, I really can’t hurt you if I get excited.”
She leans over kissing his lips. He grabs her face looking in her eyes before pulling her back for a deeper kiss which he hasn’t done with anyone in along time without some damage involved. She feels the sting of acid in her throat only for a second before its absorbed. She looks at him and he looks at her as she pulls away. She gets up from her seat straddling him. Her lips smother his as his large hands support her back. Their mouths open slightly. The chair falls backwards onto the floor. Neither of them are hurt. He rolls her on the floor. He sucks and nips at her neck as she moans softly.
She manages a few words, “Axel, it’s been so long.”
He says, “Its going to been good baby girl,. I promise.”
He picks her up, “Where’s the bedroom baby. I think you deserve a more comfortable place for the next few hours.”
Her arms wrap around his necks, “Up the stairs. Last room.”
She kisses and nibbles his neck as he carrier her up the stairs. He tosses her on the bed and starts to take his cloths off. She takes her cloths off as she watches him amazed at all the secret places, he has tattoos that not very many people get to see. Her eyes wide as he comes to hold himself over her licking his lips. He stays there a few moments as her hands move down his chest slowly feeling down to grab his cock as they keep eye contact.
Axel reaches down to grab her hand away, “Wait baby, I can wait…There’s something I have been want to do for so long and it wasn’t safe.”
He takes her hand pulling it up over her head with the other one. Then he kisses her softly. His lips continue down her jawline and clavicle to between her breasts taking his time to enjoy the tastes of her. He spends time caressing each breast licking her nipples until they are rock hard and then taking them into his mouth one at a time. She moans feeling his lips on her skin and taking in each breast in a gentle pleasurable way. He continues down slowly taking his time getting right to where he wants to worship. He spreads her legs more to nuzzle his face comfortably. He licks down her slit and she gasps.
Axel looks up at her. “You sure I can’t hurt you? Even inside?”
Julie take a breath ready. “Your doing great Axel. Don’t worry and don’t stop. Your lips on me fill me with so much pleasure.”
Axel smirks. “I’ll be filling you with pleasure soon enough. Right now, I just want to eat you out until you cum for me.”
Juliet bites her bottom lip. “I’ve never been able to cum that way, but you can…” She feels his tongue dip inside, “try.”
She feels the burning acid at the same time his tongue finds her most pleasurable place inside. It is the most intense pain and pleasure she has ever had at one time as her orgasm builds ever so close.
Julie screams, “Fuck, Alex. Right there…”
He tongue fucks her for a good five minutes while she bucks her hips into his face. He gets her right where she needs to be and pushes her right off the edge with his oral skills. He takes his time kissing, licking and nipping back up her body sucking her neck when he gets there. She is already a mess and he’s just getting started. As he hovers over her his tip just teasing her sensitive clit.
 He kisses her lips.  “All of you tastes so good Julie. You need a break baby or you ready for me to fill you up? I can stop if you need me to?”
She is breathing heavily, “fuck me Axel.”
He starts slowly entering her. She gasps biting her lip as she wraps her legs around him. He moves in deeper and slowly pushing to find her comfort zone. She moans out softly until he finds that special spot that makes her scream out louder.
Scream again, “Axel, Axel…”
He works her up again making sure to back off when she is right at the edge for just a few moments so her cries for him sound desperate.
She moans out, “don’t stop, harder. Just a little more, right where you were.”
Axel grins, “Like this baby.”
He thrusts into her right where she needs. Her hips pushing back against his every thrust intensifying the rush. He is breathing heaving trying to hold himself back from cumming before her. Multiple waves of pleasure flow over her body as her orgasm hits her.
She throws her head back. “Yes Oh fuck yes…”
Axel groans, “Fuck baby I need to cum. Can I fucking cum in you? I just need it, fuck…”
Juliet says, “Go a on Axel. Its ok. Oh fuck it’s so good.”
Axel lets him self go releasing into her. Slowing his movement after he is depleted.
He wipes sweaty hair from her face, “I fucking love you Julie.”
Panting Julie looks at him surprised. “You can’t know that yet. You just loved fucking me. Love is different. I hope you truly mean it someday.”
He Pulls out and lays beside her, “I do mean it, but I’ll keep saying it until you believe me.”
Julie snuggles into him. “I love fucking you and I know I could easily let myself fall in love with you.”
Axel Pulls her closer. “Just let yourself baby because I love you. I’m not done satisfying that body of yours tonight either. I just need a minute.”
She looks up at him and nods watching his chest as he breaths. As soon as she feels he is ready she plans on getting a ride on top.
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yukippe · 6 years
her spring embroidery
@minamomoweek: day 4, soulmates/flowers
you grow up watching your mamas keep a hand on each other always, they never say why but you can follow the flowers that bloom everywhere they touch.
you have a teacher who comes to school with faded petals and flushed cheeks, classmates who chase after each other screaming about flower diseases, your best friend whispers in your ear that he wants his flowers to be peonies. flower language is taught before english and you hope for a girl who’s touch leaves flowers that match your skin.
bedtime stories are about heroes with unknown flowers and magical properties, the kids with plant quirks turn their nose up at others but no one cares, your mamas plant the flowers on their arms in the windowsills of your apartment and when you visit kirishima he shows you his moms part of their family garden.
in class he and you pass notes about the dandelion you passed by, or the dangers of getting flowers that mean things that can do you harm. no one in your schools met anyone, but you’re the daughter of a hero and your momma warned you about everything she sees. you plant flowers for love in the school garden for luck.
you’re on the end of elementary when the fire starts. it could’ve been some dumb kid or it could’ve been something worse, you’ve never been the type to ask that question. when it starts your in class and you feel your skin itch. you look to your classmate with the fire eye quirk, but there’s nothing out of ordinary. you turn to kirishima and he’s already getting out of his seat.
the alarm rings and the students start to pour out of the building, you try to wait for everyone to leave and rush down and make sure the little kids are safe. kirishima tells you the garden was set on fire.
you go to yueei because your momma went to yueei and she says that if you’ve gotta b a hero you’ve gotta do it the right way. kirishima did wonders with the exam and your mamas treat your families out in celebration. it still seemed easy on the first day, your lack of orientation shows you it’s not.
class 1a has your best friend and kids who’ve been taught to keep their distance if they want to be heros. you learned a different lesson you realize is the exception when you walk into class arm and arm with kirishima.
a boy with engines in his legs asks if its even aloud for students to touch at yueei, aizawa-sensei has faded petals on his wrists and shrugs, “i don’t care.” (you think he does, your momma says his husband is half the reason yueei gave up on the rule)
there are only six other girls in your class so you leave kirishima to the wolves and introduce yourself. there’s jirou with earplugs on her earlobes and ibara with vines and yaoyorozu who can create cool stuff but wont make money and tsuyu-not asui-with a frog quirk and hagakure can manipulate light and makes a rainbow and uraraka can change somethings gravity. but she has to touch it.
“do me!” you suggest as the girls get her to show off and the others share looks. uraraka pauses and seems to think about it.
she nods, “i’ll have to get used to it if i want to use my quirk right, anyways. “ you beam at her decision and when the tips of her fingers touch your hands you’re feet lift of the ground.
there’s clapping and laughter for a second-and then aizawa climbs out from his nap and you have to do tests. uraraka lets you back down and you walk with her to the changing rooms. the uniforms are kind of ugly and hagakure pokes at them with her invisible fingers.
the tests are even worse. you’re in shape so you know you’ll be fine but there are kids like midoriya and hagakure who don’t seem to have quirks that help them out in that department. yaoyorozu does great at everything and you tell her so, she flushes and you hold up a hand for a high five and. she goes still, “ashido, i don’t want to know. if i know i could hurt someone.”
that doesn’t make sense to you. you try to understand/lower your hand and pretend you understand, “thats cool yaoyorozu, wanna race me back to the changerooms?”
she laughs at you, but you win the race. her laugh was so pretty you almost didn-no, you tell yourself. there isn’t any hope in hoping for a girl not hoping.
year one is hard, there are trials that could get you expelled and aizawa scares you a little even if you’d never admit it. you somehow managed to make friends with the most dramatic guys in the class and they’d drag you for days. (eijirou tells you you’re worse than all of them together but you think he’s the worse) your momma tells you it’ll get harder, that you’ll have to adapt.
you know you will. you still didn’t expect villains in the first month. class 1a took a field trip to a simulation facility and you got to meet the rescue hero thirteen and it was the coolest school trip you’d ever been on up until real villains showed up and your best friend since forever was thrown through a warp into a different part of the facility and you didn’t know if he was okay. you saw a pro get hurt, your friends scared. iida ran for help and it felt like the worst shit ever. your momma never said anything about fighting villains when your teacher was hurt and your classmates were missing.
after the trip the class stopped caring about touch as much. you saw tsuyu and uraraka start hugging on the bus home and the flowers that followed their touch. there still wasn’t as much hugging but bakugou let you hug him and you have dog piles with sero, kaminari and kirishima. It feels good to know that your friends are so close to you after you lost them.
it feels as if there’s no real break because after the trip the sports festival is coming up, you go to the gym with your bros and race yaoyorozu, she has you over to her house once she hears you think you’re going to fail and she helps you scramble through the material. you want to reach out and hold her hand everytime she smiles at you. you want to see almond blossoms and daisies and hawthorns grow up her arms from your touch.
instead, you race her to the front door, you race her to class, you race her in the sports festival and you race her to the stands after you race to one of the food booths. soon, she starts to race you places.
she races you to the coffee shop near yueei, your bus station that  her driver picks her up at so you can spend more time together, she races you to the library and wins but you maintain that you would’ve won if you’d know yueei hand a library and where it was. momo laughs when she hears that, “we’ve been at yueei for months, our exams are almost her. what have you been doing?”
you smile at her as if you have a secret. you couldn’t keep a secret from momo if you tried.
eijirou is the one who tells your mamas. he and the rest of your brothers were over and your mamas were letting them make fun of you because all of your families seem to like to pick on you and you ruffle up sero’s hair in revenge and tease kaminari about ojiro. eijirou bounces off that and brings her up.
“mina has a girlfirend!” the traitor and liar says. then bakugou smiles and you fling yourself back in shock (your mom rolls her eyes at you) he snorts and tells your mamas about how you’ve been racing momo around school and your mamas start making fun of you too and at that point you give up.
the next time you see momo you complain to her, “momooooooo, all my brothers suck!”
“yeah,” she says as she works on her english.
“they were at my place and making fun of me and told my mamas i have a girlfrie-”
“wait,” momo interrupts. she looks up from her homework and looks a little sick, “do you have a girlfriend?”
you blink, “no. im a disaster lesbian. i’ve like this girl for months and haven’t told her because yo-she doesn’t want to date anyone.”
momo exhales and reaches for you hand, “oh okay, okay.”
you don’t hear her. your hand has mayflowers and an orchid flowering. momo follows your gaze and her hand has daisies and orange roses twining around her fingers. Your brain shuts down and then you’re leaning across the table and so is momo and you press your lips to the flowers blossoming and she lifts your head and presses her lips to yours and your mind goes blank in bloom.
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Shard Sister’s Texting: The Noatak Horror (part 2)
Under readmore for length
Alora: Sup nerd?
Elisi: Who is this?
Alora: The dumbass sister. How the hell do I get to your place of work?
Elisi: Airplane
Alora: Well, yeah, I’m landing in Anchorage soon. How do I get to you from there?
Elisi: Airplane
Elisi: Literally
Alora: Cause there’s no buses or trains that go there!
Elisi: Unless you can make magic portals
Elisi: Or find the Anchorage Trollmarket and get in a gyre
Elisi: You need to get in an airplane
Elisi: And take it to the local airstrip.
Elisi: There is literally no other way to get here. There’s no roads.
Alora: You picked the worst place to live.
Elisi: Why are you coming here?
Alora: (sends the picture of the statue from earlier)
Alora: Look familiar?
Elisi: Very. Where did you find that?
Alora: It washed up on my beach yesterday with a couple of others. Nadia said you’ve been finding a bunch more.
Elisi: I have. A lot of them since I last talked to her.
Alora: These are trolls.
Elisi: What?
Alora: It’s K-Spar. The ones I found took sunlight straight to the face and look it.
Alora: Like men looking at Medusa and screaming as they turn to stone.
Alora: Am I wrong?
Elisi: No. You’re not.
Elisi: So what warrants you coming here to investigate?
Alora: Hunch.
Elisi: Okay. I can arrange for a plane to come and get you. But you’re coming in late, so it’ll have to be tomorrow morning. Can you check into a hotel when you land?
Alora: (sighing emoji) Yeah, I can do that. Meanwhile, anything weird happening that might be considered troll activity?
Elisi: Now that you mention it, yes.
Elisi: There’s been a shortage of wildlife lately. May is when everything starts coming around, but there’s been almost nothing. Sometimes it takes a month or so for animals to show up, but combined with this and stone cadavers of very small trolls...
Elisi: What kind of trolls are they? I’ve never seen anything like them.
Alora: Me neither. Nadia is doing research of her own.
Elisi: Okay.
Elisi: Some of the locals are finding pets going missing as well.
Alora: That’s troll activity if I’ve ever heard it.
Elisi: Yeah, now that you mention it.
Alora: Anything else?
Elisi: No, nothing. Odd, we would have sniffed out any other weird trolls in this area. It’s been peaceful other than this.
Alora: Hey, I’m gonna see about that gyre. Are any of the trolls in Anchorage... from way back when?
Elisi: I think you’re okay. Most of them are reformed or retired Gumm-gumms.
Alora: OMG please tell me you’re serious!
Elisi: (pleased emoji) I’m sure they’ll let you use the gyre if you ask.
Alora: (happy dance gif)
Alora: I’ll be there tonight! I’m a steak and potatoes kind of girl!
Elisi: I’ll invite you to dinner, and I’ll let you stay the night, but that’s it.
Alora: Aw, c’mon!
Elisi: I’ll see you in the morning. If you get here by gyre tonight, you’re free to walk around the basin and see things for yourself.
Alora: Well, does the village have a hotel?
Elisi: A Motel 6
Alora: Good enough for me. Fine, I’ll see you in the morning. Lemme know if Nadia texts you with something.
Elisi: The same for you. If these things are messing with my eco system, I’m going to have to exterminate them. So, I’ll need your help if that’s the case.
Alora: No complaints here. See you tomorrow.
Elisi: Safe travels, worst sister.
Alora: WORST?!
Alora: You mean coolest.
Elisi: You’re the only Shard who’s still a war criminal.
Alora: (surprised Pikachu face)
Elisi: I jest, I still love you.
Alora: Imma punch you in the face when I see you.
Elisi: I will punch your face clean off your head
Alora: I will punch you first
Elisi: We’ll see when you get here.
Alora: Fine. Touching down in three hours. The gyre should take ten minutes. But I’ll see you in the morning reguardless.
Elisi: Safe travels, worst sister.
Alora: (one punch man gif, of Saitama punching the camera)
Alora: Seriously, see you then. Bye.
Elisi: Bye.
(Nadia is sent a video from Alora’s phone the next day.)
(The video is a selfie shot of Elisi and Alora, arms over their shoulders, Alora waving at the camera before making a fist and punching Elisi square in the nose with it. Elisi is unfazed, slowly turning to look at Alora. Alora chuckles nervously before Elisi puts the phone down and Alora mocks screaming in fear as she’s chased.)
Nadia: (texts) You two play nice!
Nadia: Nothing found about the statues yet. I’ll keep you informed.
(Nadia is sent another video from Alora’s phone.)
(The video is of a herd of caribou walking on the other side of the river.)
Alora: Elisi said the herd goes through these parts this time of year, and the park was set up exclusively so they can migrate in peace. How cool is that?
Alora: I told her this, but this would be a prime target for trolls. If the living versions of these statues are hungry, I bet this is the first thing they’d go after.
Nadia: The video is lovely. Thank you.
Nadia: And I must disagree. These new trolls are roughly the size of possums. The caribou are one hundred times their size. It wouldn’t be feasible.
Alora: (sends several pictures in rapid succession. More statues along the river bank, in various poses, some broken up and a few in tact.)
Alora: A lot of these were found were grouped together. Probably pack hunters.
Nadia: A whole caribou seems to be a stretch. But not rabbits or mink or fish.
Alora: There’s plenty of fish, though. So much!
Alora: Also!
Alora: (sends a picture of a bear salmon hunting in the distance)
Nadia: Oh! Wow!
Alora: Elisi showed me a whole family that came out of hibernation last week. Two cubs! The cutest!
Nadia: Pictures?
Alora: Maybe tomorrow. Was more focused on mystery trolls.
Nadia: And your hunch?
Alora: Well, have you found any in Arcadia?
Nadia: No. And I haven’t seen my customer today.
Alora: Okay, keep keeping us posted. Want me to send more video of wildlife? This place is actually really nice.
Alora: Super remote. Clean, clear water. Lots of greenery now that the snow’s all melted.
Alora: It’s perfect for trolls.
Nadia: It does sound nice. Sure. If you find something worth taking a video of, I’d love to see.
Alora: Cool.
(Nadia to Elisi)
Nadia: Hi, good time?
Elisi: Sure. Find anything?
Nadia: No, I haven’t found anything.
Nadia: I’ve scoured through all of Heartstone Trollmarket’s libraries, resources and talked to everyone I can think of. No one’s heard of this kind of troll.
Nadia: Though, it might help if I tried to take the paint off this statue, but he worked so hard on it!
Elisi: Hmm... maybe if we went more local. The market in Anchorage might have something. Alora and I are going at sundown.
Elisi: There’s no way no one’s heard of these frograts before.
Nadia: !!!
Nadia: Did Alora tell you that name?
Elisi: Yeah, and it’s growing on me.
Elisi: Frograt.
Nadia: No!
Elisi: (laughing while crying emoji) I like the name, alright?!
Nadia: Ugh!
Elisi: Anyway, thanks for the update.
Nadia: Let me know if anything happens.
(Nadia is sent a video from Alora’s phone)
(They’re in a gyre tunnel, the gyre is knocked off it’s track to one side. Alora is pointing the camera on the phone down by her feet. There’s several dozen of the live trolls gathered around her, squeaking and shrieking in hunger. They all are covered in white, fuzzy fur that’s starting to turn brown, their rather small eyes give off eye shine as they look up at the phone, all are scurrying around like kittens pestering for a treat, when their mouths open there’s rows and rows of small teeth. Also in the frame is one of Elisi’s limp arms; Alora is carrying her unconscious sister on her back with one hand while filming with the other.)
Alora: Well, sis, there’s good news and bad news. First, good news. (points the camera down at the small trolls swarming around her and trying to climb up her leg) Here’s what the live ones look like. And sound like. I’d show you what they bite like, but I’ve got my hands full. And there’s... (she points the camera further down the tunnel, where there’s so much more eyeshine staring back at her) ...there’s probably hundreds of them down here. So.... there’s your references.
(There’s a loud screech just down the tunnel that lowers into a roar, but it’s so dark that the camera doesn’t pick it up. Alora starts walking backward. She can’t do anything about this situation with Elisi out for the count.)
Alora: And here comes the bad news... so I need to get out of here. So, um... I think these are all babies... (something starts to claw into view, bringing with it two large shining blue eyes and a low growl) ...and that’s mama. Hold on, I gotta send this...
(The video stops, but was successfully sent.)
(Nadia to Alora)
Nadia: ALORA!
(She tries calling the phone but it goes to voice mail)
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rawrzimon · 6 years
Ask a Writer Meme!
Tagged by the amazing @solverne-02, feel free to do this as well if it inspires you. 
Q: What is your coffee order?
Iced coffee or mocha. 
Q: What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?
Skydived with my dad a month before my wedding? Climbed the steps of Notre Dame? Was an extra in the movie Logan? I’ve been pretty lucky in my life the last few years. 
Q: Who has been your biggest mentor?
It depends on for what. For myself? Honestly my husband. He’s been the biggest supporter of me and has helped me learn how to dissect my emotions, my anxiety, and everything in between. Otherwise it’s my friend Jose. He is a brilliant person that gives me such amazing advice, whether it be DnD or writing. I look to him for a lot of things, including our matching Yuri on Ice tattoos. :)
Q: What has been your most memorable writing project?
Tales of the Fadewalker. Hands down. 2.5 years and 600k words into it and I hope to be finished this time next year and start working on my individual works. 
Q: What does your writing path look like, from the earliest days until now?
I started writing on Gaiaonline and Neopets on the RP forums. I can’t exactly remember what drew me there, but that was around 5th grade. Then I was recommended to an MMORPG website called DaeLuin that I was on for 12 years. I started from the bottom and ended up becoming a site admin before the site closed. A friend from the site (what up @the-nuup) started linking me to fanfics and that’s when I got the idea to start writing things other than 500 word ping-pong style posts. It’s just grown from there and now I have 2 independent WIP’s in the works on top of my fanfic WIP.
Q: What is your favorite part about writing?
Making something that I can get excited about, and something that makes other people excited. The creator/feedback loop tends to be a very beneficial one. 
Q: What does a typical day look like for you?
Work day?  Wake up at 5, snooze until 530, breakfast and out the door by 6, work for 12 hours hoping to take my lunch around 1-2. Get home, eat dinner with my hubby, play a game of LoL or two or play Minecraft to destress the sleep by 0930.  Off day?  Write or game with the husband in his school library, run all sorts of errands, feed the animals at 6 and 6. Normally throw a movie or something in there. 
Q: What does your writing process look like?
It really varies from writing to writing. Most of the time I have to get into what I call “headphone land” where I’m trapped in music and already have the chapter I want to do outlined in my head. I’m shit at writing my outlines down, it never pans out how I want so I just go with the flow of my mind. I try to do it in a few hour increments because if I want to do it for a whole day then I get exhausted easy. If I find myself getting too distracted or alt+tabbing onto social media then I take a break or quit for the day.
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve gotten?
I think it was Stephen King that said to just write every day? Besides that, I was told to pay attention to the swarms of positive feedback, even if the one negative one in front of you is the loudest. 
Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
To ignore all of the small voices inside of my head that tell me I’m a bad writer, to listen to my friends, readers, and random tumblr followers that scream in the anon box about what they like about my work, and also to pass that kind of commentary along to a fic that I’m reading so an author can feel the same way about their work. 
Q: What advice would you give someone who wants to start writing?
Just do it and write the kind of story you would want to read. Write whatever comes to your fingertips, and don’t write just for someone else’s pleasure. There are some short stories and poems I keep to myself because sometimes I just need to get it out of my mind, but don’t let other people stop you from doing what you like. If you have trouble writing your own thing, take prompts, pick up a writing journal that gives you different topics, find a comfy place to write, just find what makes it the most enjoyable. Then don’t look back. :)
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THE NEW GIRL (She’s a Natural)
Ishtar Knoxville sat on the walkway one floor above and perpendicular to her family's three bedroom condo. Here she could observe her family's comings and goings discreetly. Not that her family took any notice of her except for when she was in trouble. But she learned early that the lack of attention provided ample opportunities to observe and learn. Ishtar wasn't like the other girls that attended her public high school. All they cared about was clothes, Instagram likes and what kind of cars people drove. When Ishtar was seven, her little brother Giuseppe Jr was born, erasing any presence she had in the family. Her school life was painfully ordinary until middle school when her friends wanted to act all grown. They were suddenly immersed in makeup, boys and social media. Ishtar tried to keep up but her “friends” quickly made it clear she was cramping their style. Ishtar rejected the conformist matriarchy her ”friends” embraced and they made her an object of mockery and ridicule. Ishtar took refuge in the school library, the last place any “cool kid” would be seen.
The last day before winter break of her seventh grade year, Ishtar was exploring a box of used books donated to the school when she discovered a copy of Justine by Marquis de Sade. The librarian told her it was inappropriate for school but didn't mind if she took it home. She read the whole book that very night. She was enamored with the philosophy, violence and sex. For the first time in her life she saw a world free from the superficial bullshit and embraced a life devoted to the pursuit of pleasure. Of course at age 11 her pleasures consisted of reading, candy and masturbation. And read she did. By her first day of high school she'd read every book deemed pornographic and subversive she could download. Her parents were all too happy to get her gift cards as gifts because it was relatively inexpensive and readily available. When her family asked what she was reading she just responded with the current most popular young adult novel. She was packing a bowl of the low quality high priced weed 14 year old girls have to buy when a strange little man knocked on her family's door.
His facial features made him look like a rat, a rat wearing an expensive suit. He seemed out of place in a suit to Ishtar, more of a blue collar man. The cigarette he was smoking didn't seem out of place. Her father, Giuseppe opened the door recognized the man and stepped out, closing the door behind him.
“You outta your fucking mind coming here!?” He exclaimed in hushed tones, unaware that his voice echoed of the walls. “I got kids in there.”
“Oh sorry bother you at your home Giuseppe,” the French accent and added sarcasm made the man's voice slightly more pleasant than nails on a chalkboard, “But you don't return my calls, texts, e-mail or faxes.” Ishtar swallowed a chuckle at that line. “And we need to talk. We've gotten some complaints about your high prices. The Syndicate doesn't mind if you skim a little here and there but you've been marking up the prices and pocketing the difference. Other dealers do the same. And that was cool but now your prices are so high customers are thinking about going to other suppliers. Now the competition knows they could potentially corner the market by simply lowering their prices. Imma tell you the same thing I told the other guys,” he handed him a slip of paper “these are the new prices. Be a good boy and stick to them, or else.”
Giuseppe Knoxville being half black half Italian suffered no disrespect, especially from a man a foot shorter and 75 pounds lighter than himself. But it was the pat on the cheek that set Giuseppe off.  He grabbed the little man by the throat and balls, threatening to toss him over the rail snarling, “Who the fuck you think you are? Come to my house, disrespect me, in front of my kids! You fucking worm! You're just a goddamn go for! A fucking bell boy! I've taken shits with bigger balls than you! Don't ever come at me with no disrespect! Next time your candy ass will be flying to the ground floor!” Giuseppe released the man and stormed back into the condo. The man took 70 seconds to massage his balls and throat before leaving. Ishtar noted it was the coolest thing she'd ever seen her father do.
A week later, Ishtar was sitting in the same spot when the same rat looking man appeared. He wore the “Canadian tuxedo” comfortably with a Dallas Cowboys hat on backwards. Behind him were four eccentrically dressed individuals. The first was an African American wearing a burgundy top hat, tailcoat, dark glasses, and cotton plugs in the nostrils, as if to resemble a corpse dressed and prepared for burial in the Haitian style. The grouped stopped so a rubenesque Asian woman cosplaying as Saya from Blood-C could paint an ornate skull on the Black man’s face. A 6'1" natural blonde woman wearing a Pocahontas costume watched the painting with visible signs of impatience. Ishtar mused that her breast had to be fake. Last was an is immensely tall and and bulky man. He has long, powerful arms and legs, massive hands and feet. He has shoulder-length slick black hair and imposing facial features. He was dressed like pro wrestler Pete Dunne. The face painting completed, the Big guy turned the knob and opened the door. Ishtar knew the door was locked, having locked it nine minutes prior behind her, and surmised he broke the knob with his hand. The five entered and closed the door behind them. Ishtar dashed home. The doorknob was indeed borken when she entered. Before she could take in the scene, the blonde woman closed the the door and stood guard in front of it. Ishtar noted the woman appeared to be in her 40’s and clearly worked out. The big guy had his foot on her fathers left cheek, pinning his face to the floor. He had her father’s arm left torqued up in a such a manner that guaranteed damage. Her mother, Jessie was holding eight year old Giuseppe Jr., covering his eyes and ears. Isis, her older sister had her face pinned against the refrigerator. A kunai pointed at her throat kept her docile.
The Black man squatted, his crotch inches from Giuseppe's face and spoke with an Eastern European accent, “Permit me to introduce myself; my name is Count Demon Lord, leader of the Black Magick Syndicate. It seems you ignored my instructions and disrespected one of my men.”
The big guy released some of the pressure on Guiseppe’s arm so he could speak rationally.
“Please I can get you the money! I’ll apologize! I’ll do anything you say, just don’t hurt my family!”
Demon Lord rolled his eyes and stood up, the big guy added more pressure to the arm until Giuseppe was silent.
“OH, please er… what was his name le Fou?”
“Giuseppe Knoxville” the French rat looking guy replied.
“Right. Now see here Giuseppe this isn’t about the money. We have plenty of that. Hell this isn’t even about the thievery or the disrespect. We’re big fans of that kind of behavior. The truth is we have money and power beyond your wildest dreams. and the boredom that comes along with it. So when le Fou told us of your altercation, we found what we always seek, a flimsy excuse to act on our most deviant desires. So spare us the pleading and begging, we’re not interested. We’re not here to scare you or teach you a lesson. You all are our prey, and no amount of money or words will change that. Accept your fate so that you might entertain us a bit. Teah…”
The big guy took his queue and loudly broke Giuseppe’s humerus. His scream was drowned out by the laughter of the eccentrics.
“le Fou, search this hovel for anything of merit. Teah, break his legs. Zara, bring me that girl.” The rubenesque Asian woman dragged Isis by her dyed blonde hair to Demon Lord. Isis was 20 years old and had the kind of body other women slave in the gym for. Her face has always been described as angelic. She had her own room, but was suppose to move out and college so Ishtar and Giuseppe Jr. wouldn’t have to share. Their parents never pressured her to do so though. Demon Lord had Isis down to her bra and panties with seven strokes of a karambit he had secreted on his person. Giuseppe had his protests silenced by Teah loudly breaking his left tibia, much to the delight of the eccentrics. Giuseppe groaned an idle threat which provoked Teah to break his right femur. Demon Lord was roughly fondling Iris while Jesse, their mother, continued to cover Giuseppe Jr’s eyes and ears; begging for God to deliver them from this ordeal. Isis took this moment to resist, clawing at Demon Lord’s face. His response was a right hook that landed just under her left eye. Isis hit the carpet barely conscious, the bruise already starting to form under her tears. He then sliced off her bra and panties and raped her. Teah held Giuseppe's head, forcing his eyes open so he could watch.
Before he could discharge, le Fou returned with a pillowcase full of items in one hand and a book in the other. Ishtar could see it was her copy of Justine. From the sudden tension in the room Ishtar assumed interrupting Demon Lord’s raping had dire consequences for the interrupting party. Le Fou apologized saying, “Please forgive my rude interruption but I thought you’d find this of merit.” and handed him the book. Demon Lord took the book, his face expressed shock as he stared at the cover. He stood, his erection pointed directly at Ishtar, still staring at the book, “Which one of you animals reads this filth?!” he venomously demanded. The only person who spoke was Jessie, reciting the book of psalms from memory. “Brynhild!” Demon Lord was enraged “Cut pieces off that little boy until I get an answer!”
The blonde woman moved, but Zara grabbed Ishtar by the back of her neck so she couldn’t escape. Brynhild snatched Giuseppe from his mother’s arms effortlessly. She produced a balisong and threatened to cut off the crying boy’s middle finger. Giuseppe was having his broken arm manhandled by Teah. When Demon Lord started to sodomize Iris with his lizard skin shoe did Ishtar proclaim the book was her’s. Demon Lord approached Ishtar, kneeling in front of her asking, “This is your book?”
“Yes.” Ishtar murmured.
“You’ve actually read this?”
“Twice.” she nodded.
“What did you think about it?”
“Well, I like how the characters do whatever they want without fear of any consequences.”
“Have you read the sequel? Juliette, or Vice Amply Rewarded?”
“Yes, I finished it about a month ago.”
“What is your name Child?”
“After a goddess of sex, desire, justice, and political power; perfection. Ishtar, our syndicate is full of libertines who follow the treatises outlined in de Sade’s books. Our money and power allow any action to go unpunished by law enforcement. That’s why no police are coming, none of your neighbors will check on you. I offer you an invitation into our syndicate, and a life of vice amply rewarded. Or you can watch us rape, torture and murder your family and luxuriate in it. But know that revenge and justice belong to the rich and powerful and none are as rich and powerful as us. We’ll never be arrested or tried for this. No one would deign to take our lives on your behalf.”
Ishtar thought it over. Her father was a successful contractor out of high school until three years ago, when he injured his back on the job. But because Giuseppe wasn’t following established safety protocols, the company refused to pay his medical bills. He exhausted their savings on a lawsuit he lost. All because he wanted the world to understand he was a real man, full of arrogance and machismo. In the seven years since Giuseppe Jr was born, Ishtar could count on one hand the number of times her father had a meaningful conversation with her; save holidays, birthdays, and half assed parenting during the commercials of baseball games. His son was the focus of his love and affection. Why should she act in the interests of such a man?
Jessie Knoxville wasn’t Ishtar or Isis’ biological mother. That honor belonged to Isabelle Flores-Knoxville, currently known as Prisoner #97S444. She was convicted 12 years ago for arson in the second degree and two counts of attempted murder for fire bombing a warehouse owned by an alleged racist. Two security guards were present with one dying, though she was found not guilty of one count of murder in the first degree. Sentence: 18 years, eligible for parole in five which was denied for amassing other charges while incarcerated. Jessie Knoxville was a woman who assumed her first two marriages to abusive douchebags were due to her lack of faith in God. Every ill and woe in this world was due one’s poor relationship with God, according to her. She became devout and seven months later she meets Giuseppe Knoxville. After a 298 day courtship they were married, which Jessie believed was God’s blessing on her. Ten months later Giuseppe Jr was born, another miracle she attributed to God because her first two marriages produced no children. God didn’t keep her from gaining 65 lbs from an increasingly sedentary lifestyle since becoming pregnant.
Ishtar wished her sister refused to move about just to spite her, knowing once her room became Ishtar’s, she’d never get it back. But the truth was Giuseppe squandered their college fund on that failed lawsuit, and Isis would throw this in their father’s face whenever Jessie wasn’t in earshot. But that was a smokescreen for Isis did not talent of any kind. Her grades have always been poor, since kindergarten. Jessie and Ishtar have openly pondered if she has an undiagnosed learning deficiency. She couldn’t learn high school cheerleading routines, sing to save her life or act her way through a high school play. She couldn’t paint, draw, sculpt or weave.
She could barely add an app to her phone without assistance.
Giuseppe Jr was only seven and understood his parents would never believe he could sin. Twice his school accused him of vandalism and both times they denied he was capable of such behaviour. Ishtar once accused him of stealing a pair of her panties, but their parents assumed she’d misplaced them. Isis accused him of stealing some money from her and nothing was done. He acted with impunity and at that thought Ishtar had her answer. Thinking upon characters from the books she’d read, she put her hands on her hips and replied, “Vice amply rewarded please.” earning an applause and cheers from the eccentrics.
“Excellent!” Demon Lord mused, “You may have the honor of orchestrating their fates.”
“Do we have to kill them?” Ishtar asked.
“Only if you desire it child. Some fates are worse than death”
“Good. I really want them to suffer and go on suffering. I assume no act is taboo?”
“My child, if one here will not commit the act you envision, we can have someone here who will in thirty minutes.”
“In that case, I want one of you to sodomize my little brother.” Ishtar chose her words so the Giuseppe Jr wouldn’t understand. The eccentrics all looked to Teah, who released the father, licked his lips and took hold of the son. Brynhild took over the job of guarding the father while Demon Lord resumed his raping of Isis. Jessie became hysterical and tried to rush Teah, but Zara stopped her with a quick kick to her liver. By then Teah had the boy naked and on the carpet in front of his father. Teah removed his own clothing, revealing an uncircumcised member as large as Ishtar’s forearm. Using only his spittle as lubricant, Teah violently forced his prick into the boy, pulling his hair to keep his face in his father’s line of sight.
Jessie began to scream about the wrath of God and how vengeance will be his and how they’re all going to Hell. “Le Fou was it?” Ishtar asked of the little man to which he nodded, “Go into my bitch sister’s room, find her dildo and stuff it into my STEP mother’s mouth.”
“I thought these would come in handy.” Le Fou replied producing Isis’ John Holmes Realistic Dildo and a roll of duct tape from the pillow case. Zara zip tied Jessie’s hand behind her back as Le Fou approached. Between the two of them, it only took 50 seconds to get the dildo secured in her mouth.
Ishtar used the basting brush from the kitchen to paint an inverted pentagram on her father’s face with the blood leaking from her brother’s continually violated anus. She then kicked him in the ribs six times before asking someone to castrate him. Brynhild was happy to oblige. Le Fou brought her a fillet knife from the kitchen and helped Ishtar strip and restrain Giuseppe while Brynhild did the deed. Ishtar took her father’s genitalia and put them in the microwave and set it to cook on full power for 29 minutes. Giuseppe fainted from the pain, much to the disgust of the eccentrics.
Ishtar then approached Teah, staring at Jessie as she said, “I want you to discharge in my mouth so I can show these cunts I’m in for well more than a pound.” Teah intensified his thrusting to expedite orgasam. When on the verge, he pulled out so swiftly splattered wherever possible. Ishtar aimed the blood and shit covered member to her mouth. Ishtar was startled by the kinetic energy of the discharge; it’s thickness made it impossible to swallow in two gulps. What she couldn't swallow, she spat in her little brother’s face. Taking this cue, Demon Lord pulled out and discharged his thin, yet plentiful semen all over Giuseppe Jr’s face; the eccentrics applauded.
Ishtar went to the kitchen and returned with a can of insecticide. She handed it to Brynhild and ordered her to shove it in Jessie cunt. Upon hearing this, Jessie offered the fiercest resistance she could, which was futile given her condition. Brynhild laughed as dodged and blocked Jessie’s kicking as a diversion, Teah grabbed her by the neck, picked her up and slammed her back into the armchair only Giuseppe was allowed to sit in. Before she could recover, Brynhild tore her cheap sweat pants and cheap panties off and Teah grabbed her heels and spread her legs as wide as possible. Ishtar took the cap off and opened her mother’s vagina for penetration. Brynhild lubricated the spray can with juices fingered out of Jessie and herself and used both hands to shove it in. She simply whimpered through the ordeal, until the spray activated; then she screamed and thrashed about as best she could. This amused the eccentrics. Teah and Brynhild released her so she could fall to the floor and give birth to the spray can.
Isis began to stir and at Ishtar's command Zara stood her up by her hair and cuffed her behind the back. Ishtar caressed her sister's smooth skin with the flat of the fillet knife as she spoke, “How many times did you call me lesbian, dyke, creep and retarded?”
“Please Ish…”
“How many times did you punch, kick and slap me? Why did you hate me just for being your sister?”
“I'm sorry Ishtar. Please stop…”
“YOU'RE ONLY SORRY TO SAVE YOUR MISERABLE LIFE YOU STUPID FUCKING COW! But I have no plans to murder you, yet. I want you to experience the lesbianism that disgusts you so. Zara, can you make this bitch cum like she never came before?”
“Not my bag babe, but Brynhild can.” Zara shoved Isis into the armchair and spread her legs like Teah had done Jessie as Brynhild knelt and began cunnilingus. Meanwhile Jessie began to make coughing and choking noises in between random spasms. Demon Lord lacerated her left cheek while cutting the tape. He removed the dildo from her mouth and she vomited violently. This brought Giuseppe back to consciousness, who could only wail in pain and despair.
“Yes! Oh my gods yes!” Ishtar shouted. “That sound is what I wanted to hear! The sound of a man being devoured by is despair, his anguish!” Ishtar stripped off her clothing and began frigging her hairy cunt. “Teah,” she commanded, “fuck my father up the ass. Lube it with his whore’s vomit. Le Fou, fuck his whore up the ass. Have them face to face so they can kiss each other. I wish to discharge my fuck upon their faces.” Demon Lord to position behind Zara adding, “This cunt craves prick, and prick it shall have!”
It was arranged and performed as described.
When all save Giuseppe and Jessie had discharged, Ishtar packed a suitcase with her meager belongings. She dressed and departed with the eccentrics. Teah Demon Lord, and Le Fou were in one car, Zara, Brynhild and Ishtar in another. Demon Lord’s group had sped off ahead, and as Ishtar’s group followed the spotted Giuseppe Jr three blocks away. He walked like a zombie, naked and dripping blood from his rectum. Ishtar bade Brynhild pull over and she opened her door saying, “Junior! Thank God you got out of there too! Quickly, get in before they find out we’re gone.” Giuseppe Jr was apprehensive, also seven and in a lot of pain. No one answered any door he knocked on, no passerby offered him help or listened to his pleas. This was the only help offered him since leaving the condo. He took Ishtar’s hand and got in the car. Ishtar closed the door behind him and told Brynhild to drive. The doors loudly locked and they sped to catch up to the other car.
“Relax little brother, everything is gonna be alright from now on.” Ishtar smiled. This brought a cackle from the driver seat. Giuseppe Jr got a good look at Brynhild in the driver seat and panicked. He tried to open the door but couldn’t, the doors had childproof locks.
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