#please no one attack me if I got something wrong lmao a lot of these things are way different across library systems
arostormblessed · 2 years
Please for the love of god how do u get a job at the library (also is your url stormblessed as in Kaladin bc FUCK YEAH)
First of all: YES Kaladin is thee character of all time he is my everything and Brandon Sanderson actually personally told me that he is aroace. So.
Second of all: OKAY I’ve got you friend. So getting a job at the library is largely going to depend on what kind of job you’re looking for. Unfortunately the more higher-paying full time jobs are going to require some degrees (usually a Masters in library science aka MLS) BUT there are way more options if that’s not feasible for you.
The easiest job to get at your local library is probably going to be a page position, though they’re sometimes called other names. These are your employees who check in books, organize them, and re-shelve them, as well as pulling holds and doing other odd jobs around the library (every library has a slightly different structure, so some duties may be distributed differently in your area!) Sadly it pays basically nothing, less than most fast food jobs, but literally anyone over the age of 16 can get hired and you need no experience or anything like that. It’s a great position if you’re not a people person (there’s very limited interaction with actual patrons!) Plus lots of people start from here and work their way up the proverbial food chain in their library. You’ll find lots of these positions open basically all the time because the turnover rate is so high, and it’s great if you’re looking for an easy, relaxing, low-stress part time gig that gets you real experience working in a library.
If you want a step up from pages that still doesn’t require a degree, your next option is a circulation assistant. These are the people who work the front desk (in adult or children’s sections), answer phones, help out customers, and deal with collection stuff that’s above the pages’ access/pay grade. Most of these positions are part time but some are full time! It pays more than pages- still not that much but depending on how many hours you work and which library system you’re in it can all depend. If you’re more open to customer service but don’t want to deal with food or retail it’s a good option, and it’s another stepping stone to higher positions with the added experience!
I would also recommend seeing if your local library has any special programs it houses that are hiring. Mine for example has a Makerspace area that has a 3D printer and cool machines galore, and those programs sometimes have full-time jobs available that don’t require a degree. Plus it’s a lot of fun.
(I will say that sometimes “””networking””” can be the key to getting hired in a library system. If you’ve been around the library a lot, whether it be volunteering or interning or working as a page or just being a memorable patron, if you know everyone’s name and are familiar with how the system works, it gives you a HUGE boost in the eyes of librarians. They also have a tendency to hire people just based on vibes, so if you’re just a super nice courteous cool person chances are you’ll get the job.)
Full time, higher paying jobs like reference librarians usually require an MLS but sometimes you only need a bachelor’s degree. It all depends on your library system. There are also soooo many different departments in the library that I’m not quite as familiar with (IT! Maintenance! Technical & collection services! Local history! Outreach! ILL! Children’s! Programming!) So if any of those are what really floats your boat I’d suggest doing a little research and seeing if it sounds like you!
Above all, the first step you can take is to just go to your local library’s website and check their job postings. It will (hopefully) give you way more accurate information than I’ve just rambled on about and give you a good place to start!
I wish you lots of luck, my friend. If you have any other questions about libraries I will do my best to answer them.
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1moreff-creator · 4 days
DRDT Chapter 2 Episode 14: First Impressions
Episode 14!!! If Ep 11 really was the 70% mark (apparently the dev said that but don’t quote me on it, I saw it in a YT comment), then it only goes up to Ep 16. In the first trial, the culprit was revealed in Ep 10, then Ep 11 was their final defense as the class unraveled all the remaining mysteries, and Ep 12 was mostly post-trial. If the pattern repeats, this might be the episode we get our culprit reveal!!! And it seems likely, with the forty minute mark. So excited!!!
Also fine if it doesn’t happen if course, but we’ll see!
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Spoilers for CH2 EP14. CW: Hanging, murder, Eden!Culprit and Ace!Culprit discussion, blood and wires.
Nico! Nico! Explain the blood on the wires and my life is yours!!! I’m still surprised Teruko got “hanging” out of that crime scene to be honest.
Ace is so funny. He’s technically right that people should ask the victim and not just the killer, but he has nothing to offer.
“That’s why she didn’t ask you.” J really is becoming the voice of reason huh?
“It’s hard to remember the evidence.” (Paraphrased). Eden.
[Teruko lists the evidence] And… she omitted the tape. Yeah, the trial would get pretty derailed if Rose noticed the oddity there right away.
Wow, immediately Rebuttal Showdown let’s go! Really cool Hu animation. I wonder if she’ll end up being the Ace attacker or not? She could still just be defending Nico because.
“That’s why I have to interrogate Nico.” I love the voice acting, the chillest Rebuttal Showdown ever so far xD
[Sword Reveal] Fan?… Oh, because the fan being broken implies a hanging, right? That’s where she’s going with this?
“Lost their temper at Ace” is not how I will put attempted murder, Hu, but you do you.
[Cut] Oh, the fan was used as a pulley??? Fucking how???
“The fan being broken would suggest a hanging.” (Paraphrased) Oh I was kinda right with my start of RS guess.
“Isn’t that wire Hu’s custom weapon?” Woo, Whit with the brain cell!
“Nico stole from Rose, so they stole from [Hu]” (Paraphrased) Yeah! Teruko and I think alike!
[Hu triple dots] Was the wire stolen? I’m almost second guessing it with how reluctant she is to say that.
{Hindsight between keys: Man I went back and forth a lot this episode huh}
[Veronika talks about Nico planning for the trial] Even though that kinda contradicts what Nico said earlier (I guess maybe they lied, makes sense in retrospect), yeah she’s right (assuming they aren’t wrong about Nico trying to frame Hu). Is she trying to help her newfound bestie, Hu?
“Did they even want to learn to paint?” Poor Rose T_T Also Nico please say something.
“If something was bothering you, you could have talked about it with someone you trusted!” You know, Eden tried to do that with Teruko, and Teruko shot her down. I wonder if that’ll come into play…
“I don’t trust anyone here.” :O Well that’s a reveal.
Woo new Hu sprite! She is breaking down! But bestie please I don’t think you can fix them!
“Hu, I—“ Nico looks so done lmao.
“You trust me, right?” They just say they didn’t. Man, she is not beating the savior complex allegations with this one, huh?
Bro please let Nico talk.
“Are you a billionaire? Because that’s rich!” Ace you are not as clever as you think you are. xD
“Murder is murder…” Indeed, J the voice of reason.
“Why can’t either Ace or Nico simply tell us what happened?” You know we’re fucked when Arturo’s the voice of reason. Although I imagine Ace will shout at him that he doesn’t remember because he was unconscious.
[Ace shouts at Arturo] Got the reason wrong, but the shouting was there.
“Don’t throw two birds and a stone in a glass house, asshole.” Mixing two idiots there, big guy.
“They put some sort of cloth on my mouth…” Ah, there’s the unconsciousness shouting. By the way, full confirmation turpentine is just chloroform in this universe, nice.
[Charles lays down the law on Hu] Thank you, resident brain cell holder! How did they even get out of the first trial without you?
“I was going to!” Yo new Nico sprite is crazy!!! They’re going in!
“I was going to…” Oh, they’re trying to remain calm. That’s pretty cool of them!
“If you say what you think happened, I’ll help.” (Paraphrased) Yeah I was wondering how the dev was gonna write this without it being a twenty minute Nico monologue, this tracks.
Yo “fake” Closing Argument is crazy.
“How would that have worked?” Broom to move the fan? I came up with that in my original theory on this thing, though I think that was for the very first method which was clinically insane.
[Broom reveal] Ah, close but not quite. That’s actually quite smart! I’m surprised no one thought of that either.
[Releasing wire] …Am I stupid or does this not work? What would the wire get caught on?
{Yeah I still don’t think I get it? Like if the wire was moving from above the fan to around the broom, there’s nothing stopping it from going from around the broom to above the fan, so Ace would just fall. Did it get caught on the tape somehow? But how would Nico be able to put it around the broom then? Also how does the fan break? The wire would exert force from above and the side, not below, which is what the image makes it look like. I don’t think I understood this I’m so sorry.}
Oh, Ace woke up before the murder attempt was over! Good job badjoe for calling that!
Also are we far enough in to confirm Nico did this by themselves? I don’t have anything against those that believed otherwise, but I personally like it better this way. I imagine the theories aren’t 100% dead, as always, but y’know.
“And then I… Y’know…” THAT’S WHY THE BLOOD ON THE WIRES DOESN’T MAKE FUCKING SENSE!!! Man, as much as I love the EP 6 CG, it was not clear at all that they were that close, especially when the loose wire seemed closer to the entrance. {Looking back, yeah, I’m just not good at perspective on these rooms. The wires were closer to Ace than it looked}.
… Well there’s the small bit on the end of the loose wire that I’m still not sure how it got there, but close enough!
{Yeah it’s not. Believe it or not, I don’t even think the canon method fully explains the fucking blood.
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How the fuck was Nico using this exactly? I imagine the small bit of blood on the end is from the noose (which funnily enough, I kinda called there would be a noose, just got where Ace’s neck would be wrong), so then the middle is the part they used as a garrote. But… then where did the blood on the wire on the fan come from? Where they using both simultaneously?
Am I losing my fucking mind? How is it possible I still don’t understand the evidence even after All That? Has my brain simply rotted? And don’t even get me started on everything that wasn’t brought up! What the hell even is this case?
Then again, it’s midnight when I’m writing these hindsight observations, so I don’t think I’m operating at full brain capacity}
“What an interesting murder plan.” Veronika I love you.
“I tried to kill Ace and pin the murder on Hu. What else should I say?” I love you too Nico.
“And after all’s said and done, you can’t even say something as simple as “sorry”?” … Is Nico about to secret quote us?
“I tried to kill you because I don’t like you. Even now, there’s still no use to try and pretend that I like you. If I say “sorry,” you’re still going to hate me. So what else should I say?” Okay crisis averted. Still, this is a really interesting perspective, and I love it a lot. It calls back to Nico not understanding niceties like “please pass the salt,” which, relatable. If they’re not sorry, and Ace won’t get anything out of it, why lie? Very fun.
“D-Do you even regret what you did?” Poor Rose she’s taking this so badly T_T She still doesn’t have an answer as if Nico ever wanted to paint or not.
“I’m not Levi; of course I feel bad about something like that! I’m not heartless!” Yikes on calling Levi heartless, but interesting line for character analysis I guess.
“That was the worst choice that I’ve made in my life.” Wow, really cool new sprite and a lot of Nico info, this is awesome for us Nico enjoyers! (I call myself a Nico enjoyer like I don’t love every single character in the cast lol).
“My teachers, my classmates, my father…” Holy shit this is depressing.
“I’m not the victim here.” Damn, Nico. Just loving all this.
“So I don’t see the point in acting sorry.” Holy shit the sprites and the writing are on point today! {I’m sorry if my commentary’s not exactly thrilling, sometimes I’m just too invested to do anything but stare in awe.}
Rose: “I don’t know how to feel anymore” Sibling can you please give her a fucking answer damn.
“What does this have to do with the case? Everything.” Are we… doing “the pulley was used because they weren’t strong enough to murder otherwise” or…? I don’t know where else this would go.
“Coincidence? Hardly.” Does… Does Teruko already have Eden clocked (heh) as the murderer? No, right? It’s the strength thing probs.
“…They specifically intended for this murder case to be similar to Nico’s murder.” Wait does she actually think it’s Ace or Eden what?
[Non-stop, Bound Wrists] … I have nothing. Nico didn’t bind Ace’s wrists. What is happening.
[Bullet fired] Okay, slight nitpick that I’m pretty sure bothers me and no one else. I get that it’s hard to come up with phrases to shoot bullets at, but “there’s no evidence of that” or some variation is the thing that gets shot in, like, 90% of these Non-Stops Debates. Again, not really important, just wanted to point out a pet peeve of mine.
“One of the pieces of evidence was taken directly from the crime scene…” Oh now we’re bringing up the tape! Teruko didn’t identify it in the spinny thing so I was wondering if she was going to make the connection on her own, but I guess I should have never doubted the Queen.
“I finally figured out what this tape is…” Okay that makes sense. But has she actually clocked (heh x2) that Eden or Ace must have taken it? She’s acting real chill about it.
“It’s the tape from the gym.” (Paraphrased) Woo! It feels super satisfying to finally read those words in a trial setting. Another exceedingly common badjoe W, as they’re who pointed out the tape’s disappearance to me.
“That time Rose and I went to the gym together…” Oh so she knows knows.
“But didn’t MonoTV clean up the gym?” Yeah that would be convenient for you huh. There’s still a chance Ace is the culprit and she’s trying to defend him, but it’s looking rough.
{Actually in retrospect yeah what the fuck?}
“…I attempted to restore the gym to its original condition.” Which would include the tape being there. It might be over chat.
“… why didn’t you recognize it earlier, Rose?” She didn’t look at the crime scene queen. But it was in the trash. Geez Rose is just gonna feel awful after this trial, I’m really interested to see where her character will go.
“Wooow!” Fucking David jumpscare-
Yo why’s David of all people being a hater you wanted them to lose the trial.
[David blames Arturo for Arei’s death] Considering Felicity, low blow. I hate David so much (/affectionate).
“I can’t even recall what day that happened.” Oh so she’s breaking down breaking down.
[Rose speech] The Rose angst is insane this episode, I’m loving every second. In addition, there might be a line here that could point to Rose!MM. But to keep the habit, I’m not elaborating on that (on this post).
“Rose. You are helpful.” Let me ignore the Terurose agenda for a moment and point out that Teruko’s still being way too chill about this if she’s about to call out Eden. Is she putting on a front? She mentioned hurting when Eden talked to her in the kitchen, so she probably does care, but isn’t letting herself show it? Oof if true.
“That I could be dismissive […] without consequences.” Oh we might be starting the “Teruko learns to trust a bit again” arc sooner than I expected. Cool! Also she’s not about to secret quote us right? {She wasn’t}.
“Thank you, Rose.” Okay I am no longer ignoring the Terurose agenda this ship is about to pop off I feel and I love that.
“…that tells me exactly who the murderer could be.” It might be Edenover.
Select Two People! But she said after Ace ran out, right? Is she gonna point at Ace and Eden, or herself and Eden?
Nope, Ace and Eden. Well, those are the two I landed on!
“It’s you two, right?” [Voice Line] You make it sound like Ace!Accomplice or Eden!Accomplice are even like remotely possible, and I find that funny.
“What’s your reasoning?” Veronika I love you but she’s spent the last ten minutes explaining her reasoning.
By the way, while Teruko’s repeating more or less the same lockdown logic I must have explained in at least three or four different posts (honestly kinda surreal ngl), it’s gonna be really funny if the only reason the class can confidently rule out Teruko as a suspect is because her handwriting sucks too much which is honestly the best argument for her innocence besides protag privilege :v
“I’m the least suspicious because I’ve been helping” is the second best argument lol.
“But to be frank, most of you are incapable of [acting logically]” Tell ‘em Teruko!
I’ll refrain from pointing bv out every suspicious Eden line because I always feel like I’m leaning too much on confirmation bias for it, but let’s be clear, I’m seeing them.
Hu: “Eden isn’t the killer! Don’t accuse her!” Bro.
“I do have evidence!” BDA?
Called it! If we’re bringing it up this early, though… I’m assuming it’s not so simple.
“You all are moving way too fucking fast.” I feel the same way Ace. {For the first time in the trial}.
“Hold on.” Wait is David gonna be the one to bring in the possible workaround(s)? Why the- I thought you wanted to lose? What the fuck is he even doing anymore???
“Oh my my my. That’s an issue.” You saw the body didn’t you.
“Because I’m actually the first person to see the body.” Well, there goes the “See No Evil” idea, which I kinda liked. Unless he’s just lying, which would honestly make more sense; he’d be trying to lead the trial astray again.
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Okay but this is adorable.
“… at least one innocent person.” David, it’s- it’s at least two. How are this bad at math.
Nico: “Do you expect everyone to believe such an obvious lie?” This really is the Nico episode, huh? But it does make sense for them to push Ace as the culprit, I guess.
“He’s lying? Really?” Poor Levi’s got no fucking clue what’s going on.
“… he just conveniently avoided [the BDA group]” oh right they searched the whole floor before going to the playground David’s story is practically impossible.
Alright who’s gonna make the “What’s your source?” “I made it the fuck up!” meme with J/Nico and David?
“The only person who I need to believe me is Teruko.”
(I feel like I write that exact sequence of characters every episode)
Are you just trying to go for a Teruvid angle to counteract the Terurose earlier? (/silly but really what the fuck-)
[David explains about Teruko’s skepticism] Yeah I guess. But, just so we’re clear: David still thinks the culprit is Ace and is just doing this to make them lose the trial right? Because otherwise what the actual fuck.
“AllI want is for Teruko to distrust others.” Motherfucker what-
[David’s whole Thing] You know, I really thought, I really fucking thought after Ep13, that we would get a break of a few episodes of David Bullshit, but no! What in the ever loving fuck is he even doing anymore???? No theories at this point, it is almost 11 PM where I am I do not have the brainpower to deal with this son of a bitch.
Levi: “Now that I think about it, Eden is in a good position to be Arei’s killer after all.” I feel a scrum debate forming.
“…why would I help it piece [the note] back together…?” I was right to avoid the bias. This line could be perfectly innocent, but the moment I read it, my mind said “she’s saying this too confidently, she had it planned, it’s Edenover.”
“Why… Levi, why?” While I do think Levi!Accomplice just 100% died of it wasn’t dead already, this line does read very funny with the context of that theory.
[Eden Breakdown] Man, {even after how much I’ve been sussing Eden in this and every other episode}, it sure does look like Ace is the culprit huh? Like, this scene is so beautiful and incredible it might just sway me to Ace!Culprit. The CGs are amazing, the music and the voice acting is terribly moving, the dialogue’s fantastic, holy fucking shit. I almost want to cry that was so fantastic. I— I wish I had more words, but that just left me speechless.
General Thoughts:
I don’t think I could have asked for more, this is just fucking perfect. Nico’s whole thing was great, the Rose angst was unexpected but wholly welcome, the tape reveal was revealed, David… Chiem, and the Eden CG stuff. Just absolutely fantastic all around.
…Slightly miffed the blood on the wires is still somehow not 100% consistent with the described method but WHATEVER it WORKS i do NOT wanna look at those fucking things again.
Theory Updates
Yeah it’s Ace.
Okay that’s dramatic lol. Eden!Culprit is not 100% dead, but off the top of my head, I can’t actually think of anything the characters can use to clear Ace rn. The only reason I believed Eden!Culprit over Ace!Culprit is that I didn’t think Teruko and even Eden could have missed Ace grabbing the tape upon waking up, especially with the sprite disappearing when Eden was on the ground, but… uh… apparently Teruko doesn’t trust herself so much.
With that glaring issue fixed, I actually think Ace!Culprit is significantly more solid than Eden!Culprit. No workaround needed for the BDA, no weird “are they even strong enough to do this” questions, and while the fish paradox Exists, Ace might have thought that putting fish there would make people think of Nico. Which, given the killer also somehow expected the class to figure out the similarities to Nico’s method when only a grand total of four people saw it, one of them being Nico themselves; yeah, I’d think he might be stupid enough for that.
EDIT: Also forgot to mention, Ace waking up before the murder attempt was over solves the issue of him figuring it all out. He actually straight up saw the method, he’d know how to replicate it.
And those Teruko-Eden CGs, man… I always had to really suspend my disbelief on some of Eden’s lines, even with venus’ narrative defense, but… come on. I’ve said this before; I have my limits.
All that added to the fact that Teruko seems to really want to start her “begin to trust again” arc, the fact David pushed for Eden!Culprit… it’s looking Ace!Culprit.
To be clear, there’s still things like Eden’s “Teruko, wait—!” that work better under Eden!Culprit, but I feel those are comparable to other potentially small foreshadowing moments such as Ace being weirdly fixated on the carousel. Eden!Culprit is, again, not fully dead, as other than strength, BDA and fish (all of which have workarounds), there’s not much concrete evidence clearing her. But at this point, I… don’t know. I’ve always felt kinda bad reading scenes like the kitchen talk with Teruko with as much suspicion as I did, but these final CGs, hmm…
Maybe my perspective will change with a clearer mind in the morning, but these are “first impressions” for a reason. They’re not meant to be very cohesive.
And if I’m wrong and it is Eden, well then I’ll have been wrong for a week or two instead of a year, so. Who cares at this point.
Speaking of getting things wrong, the Nico thing. I got Nico!SoloAceAttacker (is that the right notation?) right, and the really obvious stuff like using the stool to reach the fan. I’m also gonna give myself half points for guessing the broom was used to move the wire on the fan all the way back in my first post, but other than that, I did not cook. In my defense, a lot of the evidence (Nico’s missing cloak, the missing tape on the pull-up bar unless it’s somehow the roll, the isolated weights and toppled weight rack, and who knows what else) ended up not mattering in the slightest, which threw me off. Also, I call bullshit on this explaining the blood on the wires, that splatter pattern still doesn’t make sense with what was described. I guess my life isn’t Nico’s after all.
On the other hand, I’m a bit more confident on the remaining aspects of the Arei murder theory now that I believe the culprit is strong enough to pull it all off without issue, but we’ll have to see on that. My guess for culprit ended up changing for now, but the reasoning for arriving at them (tape) was solid, so we’ll see how that pans out.
All in all, immaculate episode. Chef’s kiss. Perfection. Holy shit. See you again soon!
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schizoidcel · 11 months
I have an idea for a scenario.
Pomni x reader where Caine realizes that that girlfail has a massive crush on reader and attempts to wingman lmao.
Creating dumb situations and little adventures meant to encourage feelings to bloom, but he sucks at creating any sort of romantic atmosphere lol
He is just stressing poor Pomni out more.
LMFSAAOAOO I LOVE ALL THESE POMNI ASKS this is absolutes hilarious
warnings :: A VERY stressed out Pomni. Also not proofread urm
synopsis :: Pomni has had a crush on you for awhile, and this crush keeps growing bigger and bigger. Pomni dosen't really do anything to get together with you, instead just admiring you from near and afar, but a certain showman will not let this slide.
Pomni and you are currently talking in the hallway, both of you on the way to the main stage.
..Really, a blind person could see the way Pomni looks at you. You can see in her eyes just how much she admires you, looking at you like you're some kind of goddess or saviour.
And unfortunately, someones hundreds of eyes was seeing this.
"POMNI!" "UWAAHH???" Pomni shrieked and threw herself back, accidently hitting your side. "Ah- Sorry- Wait- CAINE WHAT THE F#()<;|<?!?" Pomni yells, clearly pissed Caine came out of thin air like that. She could've gotten another panic attack if she werent already so used to him popping out of nowhere left and right.
"Apologies Pomni, dear!" Caine is quick to apologize, though whether he will do the same 'mistake' again or not is something that isn't clear.
Pomni shakes her head, quick to calm down, as she dosen't want you seeing her quivering like this. "It-It's fine... What is it now? You're not gonna put me in... You know..." She questions, still traumatized from the entire knife action.
"The what?" You ask Pomni, and she jerks up. "Uhmm.. Well, you know.. One time -" she was about to explain what happened to her to you, but Caine interrupted her.
"Oh, goodness no! Well, if you miss it so much, we can redo it one day!"
"I don't-"
"Well, what I have planned today is an TOTALLY. EXCLUSIVE. ADVENTURE!" big ass words pop out of nowhere, then there is a slight pause.
"...Just for you two!"
"Wha- Wait, what? O-Oh god, oh god no, Caine- Caine please, not again." Pomni begs, already knowing what's about to happen. If she will truly be stuck in an adventure with you, she will either :
Stutter non stop
Blush non stop
Get overstimulated
Possibly 1 meltdown
And she wants NONE of those things to happen while she's near you.
You touch Pomnis shoulder in an attempt to calm her down, but instead she just seems to freeze in place. Uhh... Mission accomplished?
"It's ok, Pomni, I'm positive we'll have fun!"
No response.
'Is she ok ??' You think to yourself.
"Oh, you'll have lots of fun! And figure lots of things out, get it? Figure things out?!"
Caine just giggles. He really dosen't even want to ADMIT that that was a shitty pun. Can it even be considered one?
Eventually though, his laughter dies down, and he regains composure. "Well then, have fun!" "W-" Pomni didn't even get to start her sentence as you two immediately got transported into some... Uh... What is this.
"Oh god- Oh god oh god oh god oh god please.." you couldn't even describe how Pomni looked like in that moment, though speechless and baffled would fit pretty well.
Well... You kind of felt the same. Why exactly are you two in a very cramped and isolated 'Tunnel of Love' ride?
Pomni goes up to you, "[name], I swear- I-I totally don't know whats going on!" She obviously did, but she looked like she was exactly one wrong thing happening away before having a breakdown, so you decided to play along with her.
"It's fine, Pomni. Let's just get in the ride and see what this has in store for us." You step towards the boat. Once inside, you gesture Pomni to sit next to you, so it can start.
You swear you saw her mumbling lots of stuff while being really out of it. Infact, she still seems abit out of touch next to you, if not even more than before she sat down on the boat.
The ride begins, which lets out a quick shriek out of Pomni. "...Sorry..." You obviously saw how embarassed she was, you giggled at her cuteness and reassured her that it's not that big of a deal.
The ride was quiet at first, but there was some really weird stuff that you passed by that you and Pomni occasionaly made comments of, and that ultimately led to a conversation sparking between you two.
"Look at that small thing!" Pomni points towards something that looks like a small figurine of a yellow female robot. "That'd fit just perfectly in your room." you tease her, and shes quick to respond "H-Hey..! No way, it'd fit in Gangles much better!" she giggles, and you can't help but giggle with her.
Though as soon as both of you had stopped laughing, the rides atmosphere changed completely.
And I mean that word for word, it looks more like some kinda haunted house now.
Pomni gets nervous fairly quick, as she is not good with handling things that go by fast. "What... Huh? It-it was bright and pink just a few seconds ago..." Pomni says, comparing the darkness and colorlessnes from this part of the ride to the part you two just were in.
"Maybe this is the adventure? Or... This place is the haunted part."
"Ha-Haunted place?!" 'Oops. shouldnt have said that.'
"Oh, I mean it in a symbolic kind of way! I don't think this place is actually haunted!" You tried to lead Pomni away from the idea that this place is haunted, she didn't believe in ghosts in the real world but 'Since this is a digital world, everything can exist here..!' ...You remember her telling that to you.
"Who knows, [name]... This p-place is full of weird freaky things..." She says, you can't really tell if her tone is annoyed or frightened.
You decide to look around the tunnel you're in right now, to see if there is anything. "Well, I don't think something will show up, and besides- Oh. Wait, Pomni!"
You nudge her abit. She snaps back into reality, only to stare on the arm nudging her for awhile, before snapping back into reality again. "H-huh? What is it?"
"Look over there!" you point towards to what seems to be like the ending of the ride.
"Oh..! The ride is about to end?.." Again, you can't tell if she is dissapointed or not, what is with this girl today?
The cart comes to a spot, and you help her step out of it. "Looks like this wasn't really an adventure at all. ...But, I do wonder why it's like, literally pitch black here, yet I can still see you clearly." You ponder, realizing there wasn't even really a floor that you two stepped on, it's just ...black.
"Oh, maybe it's like a- uhm- video game thing! You know, how sometimes you still see your character even when you're in a very dark place??"
"You played video games?" You ask, genuinely suprised.
"W-Well, used to... Couldn't really anymore because of my job..."
"First thing we do when we get out is search for a new job for you." You 'declare' in a way, Pomni has been telling you how her job stopped alot of new stuff she wanted to try out, how she couldn't do it because all it's been doing is eating away at her.
Pomni blushes abit, "O-Okay!" she almost yells, as if you were a sergeant and she was a soldier in an army.
"Woah there girl, let's calm dowwnnn..?" you were about to say, but something kind of appeared behind Pomni. Some kind of, eyes monster. ...Wait.
Pomni noticed your change in tone, "W-why are you looking behind me like that? If you're a-about to prank me, don't! This isn't some kind of ho-horror film!" she yells, obviously distressed.
"Pomni, we're running away right now."
"Just-" you grab her hand,
She quickly takes a glance behind her, and yells just as fast "OH MY F()|<&lt;!\|# GOD???"
"S#!|^, OKAY GO GO GO!" you quickly tighten your grip on her hand and run like hell, the abstracted monster just barely missed a hit on Pomni.
"WHY? HOW? THIS IS A DEATH SENTENCE!! HE WANTED TO KILL US, WHY ELSE WOULD HE BRING US TO THE LAIR OF THESE THINGS??" Pomni just kept yelling out stuff either similar to that, or something completely off topic, because you swear you heard her shit on Jax and Caine.
You're pretty out of breath already, even though you two are still running, so you can only attempt to say something over her breakdown. "Pomni- Let's, let's just- Calm down for now, put your distress into your legs, not- Not your mouth." Pomni was quick to shut up and nodded at you, doing what you said.
... She's faster than you now. Damn this girl has issues.
You two, thankfully, arrived back at the start. "Yknow, I just- I just realized we didn't even have to run this far." You say, still out of breath. You and Pomni decided to sit on the ACTUAL floor this time to catch a break. "They're- they're too big to fit through the tunnel."
Pomni looks abit paralyzed at this, "Son of a-" But, before she could start cussing, Caine appeared again. "No cussing!" "Waahh..?!??" Pomni stumbled back, again, she'll probably never really get used to this.
"I see you two survived! And? Did you two bloom?"
"...What do you mean bloom? -We almost, like, died or something!"
"Caine, you're just stressing me out more like this." "Oh, Pomni! Don't say that, it hurts!" Obviously it didn't.
"Look- " He takes Pomni by the shoulders and makes her face the other way from you, the two look like they're discussing how to defeat some kind of evil antagonist.
You just looked at the two with a deadpan expression as they seemed to fight over something. Pomni, once more, looked like she was one wrong step away from a panic attack. You heard stuff like "This will NOT help!" or "You're crazy!"
Eventually though, Pomni turned back, facing you again. She seems to be stressed out about something. "[name]- Look- Whatever happens next, it's because of Caine." "...What."
And just as soon as you said that, you two were in a completely different room. It looked like some kind of fancy dinner place. There was a table with professional looking cutlery infront of you, the plates contained steak with vegetables and potatoes. The table even had candles. The walls, for some reason, were full with red curtains. The floor was red aswell, and both of you even got different outfits.
"Uhm... Is he trying to couple us up?" You ask, looking around the room.
Pomni almost jumps out of her seat. "N-No way..! He's just, uhm... Messing with us..?" She gives up trying to lie when she saw that smirk on your face.
"Pomni, be honest... Do you like me?" Oh. Poor girl. Don't do that.
She just sighs and looks down, "Yeah... I like you." she looks back up, avoiding eye contact. "That's why Caine kept putting us into adventures together, and... Urhh... Did that..." She had a flashback back when you two were talking normally, and suddenly, out of nowhere, Caine decided that it would be a good idea to poof out a kiss cam out of nowhere.
"Honestly, what was he thinking..?" She cringes at the thought. If what he was trying to do is create romantic atmosphere, then 'romantic' has a VERY different meaning in that vocabulary of his.
You chuckle, "That was pretty bad, wasn't it? But, I'll be honest, him doing all of that made me notice how you looked at me at times when we were conversating, like today."
Pomni turns red, definitely out of embarassment. "Yknow... I thought I'd be having another panic attack or something, but I'm still having fun talking with you, even after you know that I romantically like you."
"Well, I like you too!"
"I like you too, Pomni."
"P-Pomni?" you see her falling out of her chair, she probably fainted from being too overwhelmed.
"...Oh dear."
Meanwhile, Caine looked over you two like some kind of proud father.
"Hahh.." he wipes a fake tear away, "Looks like it worked after all! Wait, what am I saying? Ofcourse it did!" He says, proud that his 'mission' was a sucess.
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
Bye I went cray omg 😭 I love writing Pomni like how she is in the german dub. Hope I fulfilled ur wishes anonsie 🌚
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starsandgutters · 1 month
wip wednesday: kevin!cowboy x aaron!doctor..... please?
I think you may have me confused for someone else, because I’ve never written anything like this 😃 definitely not one of my WIPs hahaha
Coincidentally though, I am skipping WIP Wednesday this week to do flash fic requests instead - so I did write you a little something 😌
I don’t really engage with anything Western themed & I don’t really write in historical settings, so just ignore any historical inaccuracies, mmmkaythanksx
CWs: Lot of blood mentions & probably dodgy medicine practices lmao Implied racism 😔 and background colonialism
Aaron sees Kevin ride up from the window of his practice and knows immediately something is wrong. Kevin usually has great posture on his horse. When he rides, it is like they become one creature, moving together with grace and understanding, set always to the same purpose. Right now he’s slumped down against Xanthus’ back, one arm looped around his neck. Aaron can’t see the other one as it’s on the side of the horse facing away from him. He gets to his feet and is out the door before Kevin even reaches him.
“What happened?” Aaron’s eyes skim over Kevin. He’s soaked with sweat, hair sticking to his forehead, his breathing weak and shaky. 
“Got shot,” Kevin says, and Aaron feels like all the blood has just drained out of his own body. Somehow, despite Kevin having over a foot on him, Aaron manages to get him off the horse and haul him into his practice. “Xanthus.”
“He won’t go anywhere without you.”
“Might. Needs tied.”
“Oh for fuck sake.” Aaron leaves Kevin to slump down into a chair and jogs back out to the horse. Xanthus is a tall and prideful creature, and he is distrustful of most people who are not Kevin, but he had taken a liking to Aaron relatively quickly. Kevin had hated this to start with, but eventually he noted that Xanthus had just been ahead of him in that. Fuckin’ sap. Aaron holds his hand out and the horse steps closer. He takes the reins and ties him up against the post outside. Usually he’d take more time to make sure he’s comfortable, but Kevin may be currently bleeding out on Aaron’s floor, so he takes priority right now.
“Can you get up on the table?”
“Dunno. Head spinning.”
“Yeah, fuckin’ wonder why, dipshit. Were you duelling again? I told you that would end badly.”
“No. Bandits. Attacking Finn’s settlement. Wanted to scare them off. Got me though.”
Aaron softens at that. It’s not often Kevin gets involved in other people's business, so for him to step in as someone’s defence is a bold move indeed. While most people in the town are distrustful of the Natives - an attitude Aaron finds ironic, considering they’re the ones encroaching on their land - Aaron has fostered a solid relationship with them. They have the best herbs and medicinal plants, and they know cures and practices that he didn’t learn in his studies. In return he trades them different foodstuffs, medicine, or supplies from stores in town. Finn is the one he interacts with the most, and Aaron would be devastated if anything happened to them.
He’ll be more devastated if Kevin dies though. 
“Let’s try. Get this shirt off first. Kevin. Can you move your arms? I’ll have to cut it off otherwise.”
“Do it. Ruined anyway.” Kevin moves his hand, and Aaron can see the hole in the shirt, the blood still coming steadily, but sticking Kevin’s shirt to his skin where some of it has started to dry out. Aaron doesn’t have time. He slices the buttons open and slides it off one of Kevin’s arms, then down the other. He tries to pry it away from the wound as gently as possible, but Kevin still hisses in pain.
“This is going to fuckin’ suck,” Aaron says. He leaves Kevin to retrieve a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. “Take a good long drink of that.”
Aaron has to hold it to his lips, but Kevin doesn’t need told twice. He gulps at the bottle, brow furrowing and nose scrunching up. Aaron draws it back when he thinks Kevin has had enough, ignoring his whine of protest. 
“Table. C’mon.” Once again Aaron heaves Kevin up. This time it is all bare skin pressed to him, but Aaron is too focused to be distracted by that right now. Kevin is always so warm, but his skin feels clammy beneath Aaron’s touch. It’s not a good sign. With some struggle from both of them, he manages to get Kevin lying on his table. Kevin’s been putting pressure on the wound again, but Aaron eases his hand away. 
“Bullets still lodged in there. Probably a good thing, it’s been stifling the blood flow. You’d probably have bled out by now if it were just an open wound.”
“Might still.”
“Shut the fuck up. You’re not allowed to die on me, y’hear? Don’t even fuckin’ think of it.”
“Kiss me. In case I do.”
“You’re not going to.”
“Kiss me anyway.”
Aaron doesn’t really have time to indulge Kevin, but there’s a bone deep terror running through him that he might lose him. Even if he gets the bullet out and wound stitched, it’ll be susceptible to infection for weeks, and trying to keep Kevin in bed resting is a nightmare. He has no regard for his wounds once they’re no longer an active threat to him. If something does happen, Aaron will forever feel like an asshole for not serving his final wish, so he leans down over him.
Kevin’s hand lifts to Aaron’s cheek as their lips slot together. His fingers are trembling. Even his lips feel cold, weak beneath Aaron’s, no real pressure on Kevin’s side of the kiss. Aaron lets it linger sweetly for a few moments, then he draws away. He pushes Kevin’s hair back from his forehead and drops a quick kiss there before focusing back in on the task at hand. 
Kevin has an impressively high pain tolerance, but there’s no delicate way to remove a bullet from inside someone without a fuck load of pain. Kevin screams. Hoarse and desperate, trying to muffle it ineffectually against his forearm. Aaron is not used to him expressing pain so evidently. It makes him ache to his core, but he has no room for sympathy. Tenderness will not save Kevin right now. Efficiency and speed will. Finally he pulls the bullet free of the skin, dropping it aside. He applies more pressure to the wound until the fresh flow of blood slows again, and then he goes about stitching Kevin up.
“This is the last bit. Just gotta finish stitching you up and I’m done.”
Kevin whimpers pitifully, tilting his head away from Aaron, only to immediately turn back. He can’t hold his eyes fully open, but he keeps forcing them partially open so he can watch Aaron. Not what he’s doing, but Aaron himself, eyes set on his face. Aaron clenches his teeth and does not take his eyes off his stitching until he’s done. 
“You’re staying here until I’m happy you’re healing.”
“It’s hardly gonna do favours to your business if folks find you harbouring a wanted man.”
“You can stay in my room. Not the patient room.”
“If I had known getting shot was all it takes to get in your bed, I’d have done it months ago.”
Aaron glares at Kevin, unimpressed. 
“You’re downstairs for tonight though. I don’t think I’d get you upstairs in this state.”
“You’ll stay with me?”
“Yeah, Kev. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
This is not technically true. Once Aaron has Kevin cleaned off, glaring at his suggestive comments about sponge baths, and settled into the patient bed, he has to go find somewhere more comfortable and inconspicuous for Xanthus. It takes Aaron some effort to mount him due to the sheer height, but he rides him out to Nicky and Erik’s ranch. He brings Hippocrates along in tow, so he can get back to Kevin as quickly as possible. Andrew is sitting on the porch smoking. The only shift of his expression when he sees Aaron on such a beast of a horse is to raise his eyebrows.
“I need you to keep this horse for a while, I don’t know how long yet, and don’t let anyone see him.”
Andrew’s brows stay raised. He tilts his head fractionally to the left. He looks at the blood on Aaron’s clothes. Kevin’s blood. He left in such a rush he didn’t even realise it was staining him. Aaron lets a touch of pleading soak into his tone: “Andrew.”
“You’ll explain?”
Aaron dismounts Xanthus at the stables, pressing his forehead against the front of his snout. Xanthus whinnies, his tail flicking, agitated.
“I know. I’m going to take care of him, but you have to stay here for a while. My brother will make sure you’re okay.” Aaron pats the side of Xanthus’ face as he turns to look at Andrew. “He can be a bit difficult. He’s a biter and a kicker sometimes, but be gentle with him. He’s just wary.”
Andrew nods, eyes sliding across to the horse. Xanthus looks back at him, but when Aaron moves, he gives another whinny and tries to follow.
“No. You have to stay.” Aaron pats him again, then quickly makes his way out to Hippocrates. His horse is smaller, and much easier for him to climb up onto. He looks back at Andrew, giving him a nod of appreciation. Andrew raises two fingers to his forehead, giving Aaron a lazy salute. Aaron prompts Hippocrates forward, building speed until he is cantering back. 
He quickly gets Hippocrates settled in the small stable at the back of his practice, giving him fresh water and rewarding him with an apple. His first stop once he enters the building is to wash his hands thoroughly, not wanting to risk Kevin getting an infection. Kevin’s asleep when Aaron enters the room, but it’s a fitful rest, his head turning as he mumbles incoherent nonsense. He’s still coated in a cold sweat. When Aaron draws the blanket down to look at his wound, he starts awake.
“It’s just me. No abrupt movements. You don’t want to pull on your stitches.” Aaron tops up the salve he had layered over the wound. It will hopefully help ward off any infections. That’s Aaron’s biggest concern now. He washes his hands again when he’s done, then fixes the blanket over Kevin. Kevin takes a hold of his wrist.
“Stay now?”
Aaron nods. He fills a glass with water and props Kevin’s head up on his arm, holding the glass to his mouth to help him drink. He presses a hand to Kevin’s damp forehead, frowning. Kevin is shivering. Aaron starts to remove his clothes. 
“As big a fan as I am of this development, not sure I’m up for much tonight.”
“Shut up. You’re cold. Body heat is the most effective way to warm you up.” Aaron slips into the bed on the opposite side from Kevin’s wound. He eases himself down gently, trying not to jostle Kevin or take up too much space. Kevin takes no such care, immediately turning towards Aaron, hissing even as he moves as it pulls on his stitches.
“Dumbass. I told you to stay put.” Aaron slides his arm under Kevin’s neck. His other hand rubs over Kevin’s bicep. Kevin is looking at him with a softer expression than Aaron is used to seeing on his face. He must be bleary from the bloodloss. He presses forward, and Aaron moves to meet him in a gentle kiss. Kevin sighs against his mouth. Aaron guides his head down to his shoulder, running his fingers through Kevin’s hair. 
“Thank you for saving me, Doctor Minyard.”
“Kind of my job,” Aaron says, though they both know there are plenty of doctors who would then Kevin away, or leave him to bleed out so they can claim the bounty on his head. Dead or alive. Easier to hand in a dead man. Aaron tightens his hold around Kevin at the thought. “Remember you’re not allowed to die.”
“It would take more than a bullet to keep me from you,” Kevin whispers, and presses a kiss over Aaron’s heart. 
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Theres a lot of cuss words in this one so be warned lol
Bro i just had this-- insane fucking idea when i saw your "flowery words" post and i just-- omg I just had to shareee
So reader right? Very blunt, straight to the point sentences that dont dance around the bushes for 6 hours trying to tell you "oh no your house is on fire" or something, yeah? Well-- what if it turns the OPPOSITE when they start to SWEAR--
Because like-- i know myself. Me and like, so many people i know speak like that (blunt and straight to the point) but like-- when i get even MILDLY inconvenienced, i will start swearing like i have a masters degree in cursing out you and your entire flippity flappity bloodline
So id imagine the contrast to be like--
Reader, chill: aether, we're supposed to be going that way, this is literally the wrong direction
(Yes this is the "i came out here to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked rn" post)
I can just imagjne the sHEER WHIPLASH-- like, this dude has been speaking in the "divine tongue" or whatever and then suddenly theyre immediately reverted to their "lowly mortal jargon" or something-- AHAHA
Or like-- if it just turns into a reeeeeally long string of curse words, everyone would probably be so scandalized or something lolllll
Anyway, with our sponsor's message out of the way,
Bless you for this 🙏 my pets are fed, my crops are watered, my skin is clear
✨️This is gorgeous, just a gorgeous idea ✨️
I LIVE for Teyvat being scandalized maidens from the Victorian era, gOD BLESS ITD BE WONDERFUL
Like our modern music?? Absolutely would give heart attacks, not even the most stoic of them would escape the blush
Esp with cussing pretty please i wish i could see the looks on their faces, they'd also probably blush at how creative it can get lmao
(daresay, maybe even impressed?)
oh the whiplash, its be so funny, every time. No one can keep up with you, you've got Teyvat linguists stumbling, the older beings cant understand you sometimes, the newer ones only understand you SOME of the time, and apparently most often? Only when you're cursing??
(I think various characters would find an ancient deity only deigning to speak their lang. when they gotta cuss smth out the funniest shit ever, like Venti, Itto, Cyno?, Diona, Hu Tao, Kaeya, maybe Kazuha, Lisa, Nahida probably would get a giggle, Rosaria, Heizou, Childe, Tighnari might like, be trying desperately to hold back a laugh but it's not working, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Xingqiu, Yae Miko would def commission a light novel for this, and Yelan - im so sorry i listed who exactly, this is so long ill stop, i just thought someone would like to see it 😭😭)
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quietbluejay · 4 months
The Crimson Fist 1
Things are a bit less on fire so I can read more
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you know if i had a nickel for every BL work of fiction that started like this i'd have like 2 nickels possibly more
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OH ITS ALEXIS the dude from Unremembered Empire that I wanted to know more about one of the big reasons I'm reading this
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ok but why yeah yeah i know about all the stupid space marine joining rituals but they're stupid and his brother died to save him
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oh we're going first person. groovy oh he woke up floating in the vacuum of space his armour is slowly failing he's surrounded by the corpses of the human crew
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isn't dread a type of fear?
so Alexis is not good at reading people and he's now stuck in command because his mentor listed him as next and his mentor is dead so they lost 2/5ths of their force to the warp, rip
okay so Dorn lost his temper and since he couldn't go himself sent thirty thousand imperial fists as a retribution fleet things i know about Dorn as a commander: -did this -ordered them all to return and they did regardless of the situation on the ground i am not filled with confidence about these guys
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he forgot to cherish them okay im memeing but it's true augh i. don't like when writers switch between third person and first person between chapters im reconsidering how i chose to write harem protagonist now like it seems to flow naturally to me when i read it, but i wrote it but also i don't alternate chapters third vs first okay so Alexis is chilling waiting, trying to make contact vs Tyr is unhappy and thinks they should go to Isstvan except lmao he's lost 10 ships trying to get through the warp storms …i wonder how the imperial fists would have dealt with The Buried Dagger i honestly keep getting similar vibes between them and the Death Guard in a lot of ways
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This explains a lot
they get hit by a psychic attack, not anything Alexis was expecting okay they found Something on Phall and now back to terra
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pleasant fellow
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oh they just got news about isstvan v and thus he orders the Retribution Fleet back oh hey over to Iron Warriors Perturabo is making a major if understandable blunder in assuming that Sigismund is in command
Dorn needs like something he can do as stress relief some kind of hobby he should take up embroidery ah Sigismund is going to confess the real reason he stayed behind on Terra to Dorn it was Keeler
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French really loves this kind of stuff huh
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okay! there is a LOT to unpack here me @ black library: PLEASE stop giving me potential primarch blorbos i have too many already im being attacked at all my weak points but also like i mean dorn you could have ordered him if you thought the choice was unwise ah, he feels betrayed because he trusted sigismund's judgement
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this guy is such a great villain
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and then Dorn is like "okay you stay you keep your command"
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wow so sigismund manages to finally screw up his nerve to be honest and it goes absolute worst case scenario in a way i'm pretty sure he was completely unprepared for and unaware could happen
it kind of makes sense that this guy ended up founding the Black Templars, huh i still need a moment to go AAAAAA okay im back from chewing furniture so the final bit Keeler said to him was
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mwah ghhh i need to rip apart dorn with my teeth like a dog he needs to go on a magical journey of discovery
sdkjflsdf the Iron Warriors start blasting the moment they enter realspace and manage to take out an Imperial Fist ship immediately
so, Alexis did not know the Iron Warriors were traitors so he's freaking out about that
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So does it have a sister ship named Euryale
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huh how'd Falk look at the warp then but honestly he's not wrong here people should stop looking out windows at the warp so the iron warriors are overall winning but the imperial fists aren't doomed yet
oh OKAY we get to see why Perturabo nearly killed Berossus and it's because he said "the fleet's being lead by some guy named Alexis Polux, not Sigismund" that was brutal anyways also Alexis ordered Tyr to kill Perturabo like talk about a tall order
ohh boy so they've been killing astropaths trying to get a message out and dorn is killing astropaths trying to reach them being an astropath sucks
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and then Lezzek combusts lovely
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oh okay so it's Alexis who decides this means RETREAT IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE okay okay he's worried Terra is falling and they're being called back as a last defence BUT ALEXIS DUDE Imperial Fists are not intellectuals but also given what we've seen of Dorn, I can see him meaning it re: LEAVING AN ACTIVE BATTLE and then regretting it later i want to impale him with a thousand pikes
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but then would even Dorn be like "LEAVE YOUR ACTIVE BATTLEFIELD"???
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okay his choice is. understandable i guess. he's inexperienced with command he's got Dorn as his commander given the thing about the warp storms it makes a little more sense BUT STILL
and I'm going to have to finish next post because I hit image limit (again, as usual)
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stanlunter · 2 months
“what terfs are you even talking about” well let’s see, how about people who are very obviously on radblr? gender-critical-analytical, liberate-women-now, quinntheestallion, and thistlefemmebi just to name a few? not to mention one of your recent posts about being anti-butchfemme, which has been one of their talking points about heteronormativity being forced upon lesbians since the 70s. and now i’m hearing from another ex-mutual of yours followed by a screenshot of your comment that you’re anti genderqueer/xenogenders? let’s not play plausible deniability here. like i said, i was in your position before and it always ends the same. i know some of the blogs i’ve seen you repost from, they’re blatant terfs, not just feminists.
and, lmao, imagine turning off anon because vulnerable people that rhetoric is affecting are calling you out with stuff as basic as “your takes are shit and we know it, please be warned” 💀 i was being sincere last time, not attacking you.
Oh, I think I got what you was talking about
I scrolled my acc and yeah, the was a post about abortions and how stupid pro-lifers areI reblogged from someone a gender-critic acc, probably there were more topic about women rights, but that's too far to scrol. Yeah, I checked some accs you referred to, and you're right, they were either terfs, or just radical feminits (still don't know if that's the same thing or not tho, but anyways). However, thistlefemmebi has good points, especially about bisexuality, even tho I can say I agree with some (especially with splitting women up on musculine and femine, bc yeah, I think that's a sexist thing that spreads stereotypes and if you wanna discuss it, I wouldn't mind)
Yeah, I didn't know about them and actually, I don't even know them, bc usually I don't check every acc whose post I reblog. I usually do it if U agree with the point of the post and don't even care who post it, may be I should check the people before doing stuff, Ill think about it later
Anyways, yeah, I should have been turned on the anonymous questions much earlier, being anon in the social media that already helps you being anon doesn't make any sense tbh, it already allows you to be completely honest, so there is no point in hiding something there
But I don't remember having any wrong takes tho and I obviously don't refuse of any of my bisexuality takes, or takes about pro-choice, or about Lunter, catradora, splitting women up on masculine and femine, or or that xeno"genders" have nothing to do with transgender people or even genders, that's enought to just google what gender is to know that tho and etc, so, Idc what you want for me
Like I said, if you wanna discuss any my take you disagree with, you can comment the post or ask me about that topic, or even directly send a message, bc for obvious reason, Im not gonna discuss all the topics you disagree with under one anon ask, I have written a lot of explanations before and have no wish to just copy them for you
Also, I don't think you can "call out" anyone in a social media which goal is to share opinion and discuss thing, which already implies being completely honest, which is basically the reason you are allowed to ask such questions
So, I hope we got each other
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thefinalwitness · 3 months
ok a lot of ppl are doing it and im just so *BUZZES* about dt so i'm gonna do it too!!! i'm gonna talk about dt and ocs!!!! the readmore contains huge and detailed spoilers so please please do not read it if you havent finished the msq!!!!
also just to set the tone of this post: i LOVED dt SO MUCH so this is going to be an extremely positive post!!!! i loved literally everything about it so ig if u hated it maybe just skip this one lmao!!
IT WAS SOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN WTF!!!! i honestly expected (and dreaded) we'd be immediately foist back into Sole Hero Of The Universe Mode, and the fact we weren't has made me SO HAPPY i decided to stick with l'aiha for dt msq!!!! this expac was PERFECT for her, a chance to learn about a new culture and get away from her mantle!!!! it's everything i could've asked for and so much more!!!!
tural is BEAUTIFUL and so detailed, i loved the rites half of the expac and the way the plot twisted midway through was really fun to me!! i've seen ppl say the first and second half feel like different stories but i honestly disagree, i think zoraal ja and sphene are perfect opposites of wuk lamat and koana, and i think getting to see how coming into your own can be done right and wrong was really neat. i think they're two sides of the same coin, the coin being the story, and while i do wish we'd had more time to set up sphene's storyline, i think all the story beats themselves are great!
i LOVE the implications of the ending too!!!! we have this artifact now that has provably opened passageways to other reflections—something l'aiha has been deeply interested in and researching since shadowbringers!!!! if this is where the next 10 years are going, i am STOOOOOOOKED
i'm also so pleased with how l'aiha and j'sera (her sister, i renamed her bc dyslexia) have developed through this expac! i wanted them to grow closer now that they're both out of their comfort zones, and that's exactly what this story gave me. l'aiha becomes deeply attached to j'sera to the point of overprotectiveness throughout the rites—then, it's decided that l'aiha should stay in tuliyollal during the barrier stuff because there are 4 wols in her canon, and ONE should stay in the city. she therefore has to let sera go, and sera gets the chance to come into her own during the second half of the expac, rising to the challenge without anyone—her sister, her mentor, her parents—to protect her. when they reunite and face zoraal ja together, l'aiha gets to see how capable sera is and how much she's grown since they left sharlayan. l'aiha no longer feels compelled to coddle her, and sera no longer needs to cling to l'aiha! it's SOOOOOOOOO GOOD.
(i've also decided that, when zoraal ja orders the second attack on tuliyollal, the dragons aren't as close as they are in canon, and l'aiha uses azem's crystal to summon them to the battle. because it's cool hehe.)
sera herself got SOOOOOOO MUCH out of this expac!!!! i haven't fleshed out all of it yet, but i definitely think dt is where she and leviathan-egi start to really bridge the gap between them. leviathan-egi deeply respected its previous master, sera's mentor, and it's reacted extremely poorly to sera. it doesn't respect her as its master, treating her instead like a kitten to defend. but like l'aiha, leviathan-egi starts to realize sera has grown a lot in tural, and that it doesn't have to do all the work alone, that they can cooperate and become stronger for it.
i did NOT expect to end up shipping her and erenville, but as the story progressed i really really felt like they were a good fit! i've decided they became friends over the three years erenville was in sharlayan, so they're already familiar with each other, and aside from wuk lamat and krile, they're only REALLY familiar with each other, so they provide one another with much needed support during so much uncertainty and newness! it's sera that goes with erenville to shaaloani, and he tells her a lot about his mom during that time, so cahciua's loss hits her pretty hard too. (cahciua also DEFINITELY knows they like each other LMAO.)
i'm still getting my thoughts together for minfilia and valensia—the expac was just SO perfect for l'aiha and sera that i basically forgot to think about them VKFNKHCCHKVM. i want to though!!! i have ideas, and i think they'll both have their own strong places in dt—i think minfilia and sphene will be SO interesting, as well as valensia and koana!!
i'm just SO happy. i think dt is maybe my new first or second fav expac. i adored every second of it, it's like it was molded perfectly out of what i wanted for l'aiha and sera especially! ough. hough!!! i'm so happy.
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pansy-placebo · 1 year
About me
Hi! Call me Pansy, or Bo.
I don't know what this blog will be yet, so it'll be a lot of reblogs for the time being. I'd like to make some friends here, though.
Content warning: brain damage, drug use, trauma, sex and rape mention, mental illness, er... politics? Also the DNI section includes a lot of difficult topics, I need to mention stuff to be sure to ward away assholes, sorry.
I'm mlm and polyamorous.
I'm a very gender little goblin man, I'm a drag artist with a couple shows under my belt. Said shows are very rare at the moment, so the drag I do the most is just dressing up lol. I'm really considering making a drag society/club in my local town- I'm Welsh, and re-learning the language since I went to live in England for a few years and completely forgot how to speak it.
My pronouns are he/him or xey/xem.
I have a degree in fine art, but got some brain damage (oops) which means my art production really slowed to a halt for the past few years. I still occasionally draw, paint and make jewellery though. At the moment, I'm too disabled to have any kind of job but I hope over time those issues will get better and I'll be able to support myself on my art again.
I have ADHDtism, here are some special interests and hyperfixations, some of which are active, some have passed and just left a lasting impact on my psyche:
goth music
nutrition, digestion, and diet culture (which is a scam btw)
art and art history
human anatomy
aquatic life, especially aquatic snails
religions, particularly shingon
sexual paraphilias, the more niche the better (that one lasted a decade) and I won't be posting about it here because honestly wtf is my brain
I write. So far this post has been a truly terrible showcase of my writing skills, because my brain is very blob-of-goo-sloshing-in-a-bone-fishbowl right now, but I used to produce mass amounts of poetry and I still write occasionally. Maybe I'll even post some of it from time to time, who knows!
I'm ok with some nsfw stuff, but I won't be reblogging or posting porn, and I don't want any of that on my dash please. PLEASE DON'T PUT PORN ON MY DASH.
I'm very mentally ill, but I'm reticent about it because I'm still feeling out the culture here. For now let's just say I have a lot of trauma in my past and sometimes my brain says "fuck you, lmao" and takes all my memories out of their filing cabinets and lights them on fire.
I'm also a drug addict, which exacerbates the amnesia, and a former alcoholic still wrestling with the bottle.
My politics: I'm very left leaning and very aware of societal issues. I'm somewhere in the arena of socialism and communism, and I've read enough theory to know I don't know how to correctly pick a precise label for my politics in that area. Initially while writing this post, the political section was super long and then I realized that this is not the point of this blog, so fuck that. You get the idea. I give a shit.
porn blogs
transphobes, "gender critical" people, transmeds
aphobic people: if you think ace people are not discriminated against, you are included here, so DNI.
racists, nazis, islamaphobes, antisemites: for example if you think white people/culture are under attack, you are included in this section, so DNI.
discourse-havers: I mean the people who will bring the discourse to my dash. I mean a sensitive topic discussion which devolves into a screaming wall of reductive rhetoric and contrived logic where everyone who disagrees in any way is a bad person and people just start attacking each other for having the wrong opinion instead of having actual conversations about the subject at hand. I was on twitter for years, and I learned early on that The Discourse was never something to engage in, and I'm aware that it happens here too. Keep it off my dash. Thanx.
Pedos, MAPs, lolicons and their supporters.
ableists, anti-self-dx people. Do you think you can tell when people "aren't really" disabled, or that there are a hoards of people out there claiming to be disabled for the money? if so, DNI.
if your blog has a lot of self harm, gore or rape content
people who think doxxing is generally okay. I don't think it's okay in most situations
classists: Do you think poor people deserve to be poor, that they have done something to "deserve" poverty, that they should just spend their money better and stop being poor? do you never give money to homeless people because they'll "spend it all on drugs"? if yes to any of these, DNI.
Do you think people with eating disorders should just "eat a sandwich?" if yes, DNI. EDs are complex, I won't want to interact with people who belittle ED havers.
can't currently think of anything else to add here but yeah i think you get the idea.
See ya,
Bo / Pansy
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
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I posted 2,470 times in 2022
That's 1,721 more posts than 2021!
223 posts created (9%)
2,247 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,655 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#maxi vibes - 322 posts
#nice people - 210 posts
#rora vibes - 209 posts
#hector vibes - 184 posts
#the morvants and their readers - 122 posts
#morvant mortuary - 118 posts
#and then rarae says - 101 posts
#general morvant vibes tbh - 100 posts
#greymoon vibes - 71 posts
#maxi morvant - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i cannot tell you how bad i want the hearse or the mustang to pull up in my parents’ driveway rn and be like ‘get in we’re bustin’ you out’
My Top Posts in 2022:
and absolutely no one’s dead (pt. I)
Maxi Morvant x genderqueer/non-binary & plus-sized Reader, 18+ 
Epilogue for the October Arc
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summary: after the events of Halloween, you and Maxi get used to a new normal. Hector makes an unsettling discovery and then an interesting one. Rora is plotting something.
warnings: description of a panic attack, mentions of death/funerals, some minor stalking but it’s fine. Things don’t get gory and/or sexy until pt. II.
general: *facedesk* I meant to have this up before Xmas, and now it’s nine days until Valentine’s Day. I think I’m going to just do my best not to tie chapters to holidays anymore, bc we’ve seen how that goes :’D though I’m absolutely still planning some shorter things for V Day don’t get me wrong
so this is maybe... less an epilogue, and more a setting up of Arc II, because more questions developed here than maybe got answered. But I’ve been looking forward to sharing it with y’all for a while, and can’t wait to see what y’all think!
as you can guess, it’s posted in two parts bc it’s Long :’D longer than spellbound (reprise) bc apparently I can’t shut up
okay, enough of me, here we go! thanks for your patience, as always!!
See the full post
32 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
For the smut prompts: Maxi with 69 please?
“I’ll take care of you.”
Oh man, Sarah. I had entirely too much fun with this. I had no idea this little phrase would set off my brain this way.
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to discover us would be fatal -
(18+, nsf tumblr/ios/apple below. the closest thing to dark!maxi I’ve ever gotten. established daddy kink, breeding kink if you squint. oral (afab receiving), bondage, blindfolding, knife kink, blood kink, fluids eating, remote vibrator, murder. reader definitely gets off while maxi’s torturing the latest offering to the House. dead dove do not eat, I am not even remotely fucking around with this one.)
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38 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
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So remember when I said I couldn’t draw? I really meant it :’D
If you’re seeing this, it means it just turned midnight my time, and we’re officially in the New Year. Thank you so, so, so much to everyone who’s been kind enough to stick around since I started writing this on a lark. I know this isn’t everybody, but I went through my followers list trying to find first names of the people I see interacting with my posts a lot. Please know I definitely try to make a point to know all of you, even if I’m not super chatty most of the time, and I have probably likely mentioned you to my mom at least once lmao.
I was just telling my friends that I write with that I really didn’t expect this to get as far as it did — when I introduced Maxi on the noctes blog, I thought he might be a weird little OC who popped up every now and again for my own amusement more than anything else. But you guys were so kind and supportive from the jump, I’ve not only finished an entire arc I didn’t know I was going to write in the first place, I’m planning on editing it and revising it to be an actual manuscript that I try to query while I work on Hector’s arc here :’D I don’t totally know how that’s going to go yet, and I’ll be sure to keep you guys posted, but I know I absolutely wouldn’t be here without all of y’all. 🖤
It’s been a real honor and a pleasure getting to know all of you this year, and I appreciate every single bit of feedback and enthusiasm you’ve all been kind enough to share with me. For real. I know how hard that is to come by, especially for fic that’s entirely comprised of OCs, so please don’t think I take any of it for granted whatsoever. We may be a fairly small blog, but this is still one of the largest projects I’ve tackled on a whim, and I’m excited to see where else it will go, so long as there’s someone still willing to come with. 🖤
I owe you guys the world, and while I don’t want to jinx anything, I hope all of us get the lucky break we need this year. I know I really did with all of you. 😘
Sending huge hugs and well-wishes all around, and I look forward to sharing this year with all of you, no matter what it brings. ✨
Cheers from me and the Morvants dead and living, we love each and all of y’all. 🥂♥️
39 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Maxi my love & 29 and/or 47 🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Come one more time for me, I know you’ve got it in you.”/“Are you holding back? Don’t.”
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nonny, I am. so, so incredibly sorry it took this long. I’m sure you’ve entirely forgotten you sent this in by now, and for that, I totally understand. :’D but you will see, hopefully, why it took me a while to finish. I think this thing was 15k when I finally cut it off, and I was deeply tempted to go on.
so! when I say these two lines got in my head, I mean I took them and I ran a whole usian football field with them. I hope y’all like it, bc I certainly enjoyed myself writing it. I meant to have it up for Pride month, but alas, the best laid plans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ here’s hoping you’ll find it just as queer now.
let me dirty up your mind (18+, mdni) --
See the full post
43 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Morvant Mortuary, Vol. I: Final Them. (The October Arc)
Maxi Morvant (male slasher/necromancer OC) x genderqueer/non-binary & plus-sized Reader, 18+ (minors dni.)
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Does it look like I’m afraid of you?
tear you apart 
hunt you down (eat you alive)
a notification on Maxi’s phone at 3 am (Enter Hector)
jane doe (Enter Rora)
lovesong (pt. I) 
lovesong (pt. II) 
bad moon rising (Enter Pierre, Enter Vincent)
bury us alive
you play the game, you’ll never win
and the dead start to dance in their masquerade (pt. I)
and the dead start to dance in their masquerade (pt. II) (Enter the Grey Man.)
spellbound (reprise) pt. I
spellbound (reprise) pt. II
and absolutely no one’s dead (pt. I)
and absolutely no one’s dead (pt. II)
See the full post
49 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Awww, this was fun! Thanks everyone who’s been part of our year, and @illegalcerebral for being kind enough to tag us!! 🥰
no-pressure tags: @bigtiddythanos @rosemaremembrance @maximoffwxnda @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lorna-d-m @scuttle-buttle @pondering-and-wondering (and your Clair blog!) @jmathesonandsiblings (and your personal!) @imalsonotsure @norabrice1701 @eldritchcircus @raven-blood-13 @snaxk and anyone else who wants to!! 🖤
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loominggaia · 2 years
Sorry for asking another question so soon, and double sorry if you've answered this before, but would Skel care about what happened to Rye?
You've mentioned before that he'd be ashamed of her, but how would he feel knowing that A. She was killed in a horrible way after being crippled? And B. That one of his friends was the one that caused it?
Also does Evan even know Skels full name? And even if he does, does he not remember Ryes full name?
Please take this meme as payment.
Ginger reading the letter that Itchy forged:
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Dude never apologize for asking questions, that's what this blog is here for! Every question helps me develop this world even further. I appreciate each and every one. <3 Flood this inbox with as many questions, comments, and memes as you like. They literally give Looming Gaia life!
Speaking of memes, this one gets a gold star. ★ It's SO easy to picture Ginger just squinting at that letter like "bitch wat the fuk..." lmao
And that is a hell of a good question too...I had to think about the answer for quite some time. Here's my logic:
We know Skel is ashamed of being a slave, and by extension, a goblin. He's ashamed of every aspect of his ancestry. I imagine he would be ashamed of his parents because of this, and by that I mean he wouldn't want to be seen with them. He doesn't want to meet them. He doesn't want anyone to know them or where he came from.
Skel remembers very little of his mother. He remembers her name, but he doesn't know that Evan's family used to own her as a slave. Evan doesn't have a close enough relationship with Skel to tell him something like that, nor does Skel know Evan well enough to tell him his full name, so Evan does not realize Rye was related to Skel.
In short, neither Skel nor Evan realize that Rye ties them together.
If Skel realized that Evan was responsible for her death, I imagine he'd have very mixed emotions. He'd probably feign indifference at first, acting like the whole thing didn't bother him. He'd say, "Well, that's what she gets for giving up her name! I'd rather bite off my tongue than let it speak my name to a lasher! So another worthless, lowly hob lies dead in the ground, who cares? Not me! I rose above that life! It's no skin off my nose!"
And I think he'd truly believe that at first. But deep down this knowledge wounds him, and over time this wound begins to fester. He'd carry this pain around for a while, stuffing it down over and over every time it tried to rear its head, telling himself that his mother got what she deserved and her life never mattered anyway, so why should he cry for her?
But there would come a day, probably months later, when he tries to reassure himself...and he can't, because no fae can lie, even to themselves. He would finally have to admit to himself that he's hurt. And with that admission, I think he'd fall apart emotionally. All that pain he was holding back would spill out at once, and his friends would see him suddenly "snap" for no apparent reason.
He'd go apeshit on Evan out of nowhere. Maybe the crew is having dinner in the dining hall, Evan makes a little comment that rubs Skel the wrong way, and it turns out to be the straw the breaks the camel's back. Skel stands up and attacks Evan with a telekinetic pulse, sending him flying across the room. He'd start screaming with tears in his eyes, calling Evan a heartless lasher and so on, and the crew would be utterly confused as to why...
Except Evan. Evan knows why, and he feels terrible about it. Skel storms off and Lukas is furious at him, advising Evan to suspend him for this--or better yet, fire him!
Evan refuses to punish Skel. He simply tells Lukas that everyone has bad days, and later on he talks to Skel in private. The two have a real discussion about their feelings over this matter, holding nothing back this time, and they're able to finally reconcile with eachother about it.
That's just one possible outcome for this scenario though. I think there could be lots of different answers!
Lore Masterpost
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puppygirlsounding · 1 year
So it's been over a month now.
I'm pre-typing this. Going to drop this in your dms. I don't expect a response, and I'll take the hint and leave it at this if you don't respond.
I bet you still use your Tumblr, no idea if you still follow me because my list has been bugged for the better part of a decade. So If you saw some of my posts I'll be rehashing some things.
Long story short, Forced myself to be alone and completely lock away my emotions. I got so tired of it all I completely shut shop. Normally this would be the part where I'd admit how stupid and/or careless that was towards myself, my mental well-being, etc.
Except that it worked out somehow.
I still can't believe it myself, but it was like being compressed down into a new state of matter. Hitting rock bottom and realizing there was nowhere else to push the feelings, no one else to blame or use as a distraction. It made me finally come face to face with my self. My true, inner self and not the facade I've kept up for my entire life. A life of repression, anxiety and unmitigated hatred.
I spent 20 years basically trying to be anybody but myself because a handful of shitty people made me think it was a crime to exist. All of what I had been for the entire time you known me has been that pared down, sink water version. Too afraid of their own shadow judging them to be themselves.
And this isn't some "I totally re-invented myself nothing is wrong anymore lmao" level brainrot
I was still myself before, just incredibly neutered, and I chose to be that way for so much longer than I should have.
I still take responsibility for every way I acted and anything I've done
I'm finally able to say all this without it being run through a morass of epic irony or depression
I got to see myself for the first time, and show love inward so I can begin to regrow what was lost
So the past month has been crazy because of it, not hating every day you wake up sure does make time pass differently, it's felt like forever since we stopped talking, to the point I did a double take when looking at our dms
On a short list of notables, I came out to my coworkers as trans/bigender/genderfluid
Still.... Figuring that one out.
But my boss and trans friend coworker know, I have a support network for the first time.
I already naired all the hair off my arms once, and started displaying more femininity, as much as I can for now.
And I've stopped having my meltdowns and panic attacks.
I'm still as sensitive as ever, that is one of the things definitely still a part of me, it's just not being exacerbated by a roiling sea of vitriol tucked underneath the surface anymore.
So yeah, I'm not out here saying I'm some "completely new person" or something like that, but I am an incredibly different version of the Hunter you knew.
Which brings us to the topic at hand, and why despite all this positive change I haven't been able to bring myself to talk.
I'm scared
I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared.
Yes I felt the need to say it four times.
After learning to distance myself, resulting in finding myself. I realized a few days ago why I couldn't reach out to you like I had planned. At first I tricked myself into thinking I was mad. Made you out to be the problem in my head, because I didn't want to acknowledge I was being a coward. Because it hurts to look at flaws carved that deep right after coming out into the sun for the first time.
There are a lot of things that were said between us, I said some awful garbage. You said some things I want to believe we're in good faith, you trying look out for my best interests.
The fact of the matter is though, I lost it and lashed out because I was too afraid to address my real feelings and tell you how much you were hurting me unintentionally.
Doesn't excuse me trying to hurt you, but I'd I don't explain it this way I'll never be able to finish so just hang in there with me please.
So after all that, and the self discovery I was feeling great, cloud nine sublime.
But I still couldn't get over how we left off. Despite not being able to address it.
Because I learned the reason why socializing was so easy for me before was the fact that my love starved brain was primed to leap into the arms of anyone that would give it validation.
Now though, with the ability to self-actualize, love, and support my own mind... The thought of reaching out petrified me.
I'm finally learned how to not be a walking pipe bomb of human emotions after 25 years, but now the exact opposite was the issue.
I put distance between myself and everyone around me because the thought of putting myself back out into the world, and risking the little seedbed I had started was too much to handle.
So I'm telling you now, I'm scared. I'm afraid to even send this, and despite having my anxiety under control now, I'm still mortified about sending you this. Because I don't want to relapse, I don't want to go back. I'm starting over completely from scratch with my social skills almost, even the ones I can still use all have to acclimate to my new perspective.
The one where a potential friendship isn't all upsides, where I have to think about protecting myself first.
I still consider you the closest a person has ever come to really understanding me, and that means more than I could ever illustrate with words.
I've spent my whole life looking for it, and I don't want it to be a pipe dream.
I want you to be a part of my life as long as possible. I don't know if you could ever feel the same, but I'd spend an eternity with you if we could get us figured out.
That's it. Enjoy the novella. I'm going to go drown myself in chores now to try and feel better.
0 notes
fivegaze · 1 year
mm heres what i did today- i added the combo system (where you have to follow the key sequence on screen to add damage to your attack), fixed what was wrong with it (i kept trying to access the scene variables not realizing that with an additive scene there would be two science variables objects and it was trying to pull from the wrong one.) when that stopped being broken (aka i just plopped the whole thing into the same scene which felt like an anticlimactic solution but hey) i finally fit it into the state machine. it's not fully functional yet, but when i sat down they weren't even connected at all
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there she is! my incredibly janky combo system. please ignore the way everything just stacks on top of each other that's not. staying there i am going to animate it. none of these ui graphics aside from the menu buttons and text choices are final btw i am not leaving those govt street sign ass arrows in there.
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this is what the state machine looks like for the combo system :] i called it combo crusher <3 i always worry that my state machines look really janky and cluttered but i guess that doesn't matter as much as if it's working lol. ummm one day i'll learn C# (and html because god lmao) but for now it's just me and my little visual scripting machines against Da World.
the second pic here is how i'm currently detecting input which feels silly to me but there's no event block for "any key down" just this one so that's what i'm doing for now. my blatant abuse of on update is what got me into such a Freaking pickle with something's on the station. fun fact that game is Not built with fungus like space case and the VN scenes for soul squad. i wanted to do it myself and i spent so long building a prototype for UI that i didn't even end up using at all that by the time it was time to plug in the dialogue i didnt really have a lot of time to work the system out. so it's just the world's worst dialogue system. do you wanna see it it's SO bad
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i can't even fit it into one screenshot. every time you click the "advance dialogue" button it checks to see if you're on the last line and if not it's like okay what line ARE you on then. at which point it pulls from a list of every voice line (unlabeled and barely organized btw) and corresponding dialogue line which is, like, fine, okay, whatever, and ALSO,
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IT'S CHECKING WHAT LINE YOU'RE ON EVERY FRAME and just going through a giant if/else chain to make sure the right characters are active. also on every frame it's updating the text color, just in case. also sometimes more than one character is active and it just completely breaks the color coded character text. like okay this could definitely be worse but it sure could be better. i'm being overly self-critical bc i'm an annoying perfectionist (to the incredible detriment of my wellbeing and productivity, obviously) so the fact that it was all completed during a semester gives me SO much room to self-crit. i'm still really proud of it even though i ran out of time to bugfix and i didn't have time to level any of the audio or clean up any of the voice lines. (seriously though this is me being proud of something i make i just don't know how to not like pick my work apart. /neutral.)
anyway this is supposed to be a soul squad update so let's move on from that
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this is the turn system btw! combo crusher is brand new. i already have a (time consuming) move selection set up which is irritating bc i'm gonna have to go in and undo everything so i can add a new movelist but i'm moving that out of the priority spotlight(tm) because um my (writing) scripts are NOT done and i need them to be done. cheers and light and love this is gonna be such a meaty github upload im pumped. i love writing myself little devlogs for me and me only. like a little treat
anyway that's all i did today besides go to an extremely short job interview which was cool. i really hope i get the job because i would like to be able to afford rent :D
0 notes
base0h · 2 years
Hcs or scenario of Law falling for someone that is exactly like luffy pls & thank u 🙏💕
a/n - omg Luffy gives Law so much stress and anxiety lmao it’d be funny if he had an s/o like that too 😭
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, law having crippling stress and anxiety, I put Luffy in here for no reason 💀
“You’re just like him.”
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- It’s no wonder you’re best friends with Luffy-
- you two are so similar it’s crazy
- Luffy’s “friend” suffers from crippling anxiety and stress because of his shenanigans
- But with you, he can KIND OF tolerate you
- he doesn’t know why-
- dw you still give him anxiety 👍
- one (out of the many dumbass moments you’ve had) time you accidentally fell into the super tiny gap between your bed and the wall
- (I did this at 1 in the morning last night 💀)
- You didn’t even know how you fit in there, but the problem was that your limbs were all tangled in the weirdest positions ever
- and my god it hurt
- you managed to call Law since he usually saved your ass when stuff like this happened
- you were practically sounding like you were going to cry over the phone
- So Law immediately ran towards your home, banging down the door and running up the stairs as fast as he could
- He was having a mini heart attack- what if something was really wrong?!
- when he found you, he had the most dead-pan “you’re a dumbass” expression on his face
- mf just started to walk away at that point he’s done- 💀
- he struggled to pull you out since you were literally wedged in the crevice 🗿
- He had to lean all the way back, using his body weight before you finally slipped out
- You managed to fall straight on top of him, and law tried to hide his blushing cheeks 😭
- “get off me y/n.”
- You always had some kind of new scrape or bruise from being clumsy, so Law tried to fix every single thing on you
- he also lectures you 24/7 while knowing you don’t listen to shit he says 💀
- Man wants you to be safe, and worries about you a lot lmao
- also this is just a really dumb moment you had with your bestie Luffy
- you both decided it’d be so fun to try and swim in the ocean during the weekend
- (you both have devil fruit abilities)
- yeah. Guess how that went?
- Mhm. You drowned.
- FORTUNATELY- everyone else decided to tag along, and Law almost immediately saw you both drowning
- emo man can’t swim 🗿 so what’s he gonna do
- yea. PANIC (and shove people in to save you)
- Bitch literally shoved Zoro into the water to save you
- He also shoved in the simp love cook
- When Sanji came back with you in his arms, Law immediately performed a checkup on you, making sure you were breathing and everything
- (Zoro just stepped on Luffy, pushing the water out of his balloon stomach 💀)
——— >
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——— >
- Yes, there was a rainbow ✨🌈
- Law was shouting at you for about 45 minutes 😭
- you give this man so much fucking stress and he doesn’t even know why he likes you so much
- he just- does
- He could yell at you over and over again and never get tired of you 🥺
- but still his anxiety got 10x worse once he met you 🗿
- pls stop giving him minor heart attacks
- I don’t think his body can take it anymore 💀
- ALSO- for the scenario, I think that both you and Luffy would be the worst drivers of the year so- yep 👌
—————— >
Scenario - “You’re going to be the death of me….” 💀
(This is a modern scenario :)
Law was silently reading a book, laying on the couch, happily enjoying the peace and quiet in his room. The book was interesting to him, it was one of his favorite comic books after all. Everything was great, it was peaceful, calm, and quiet. Until he heard tires screech outside. He almost threw his book in the air from being spooked like that. He opened the blinds of his room, and he saw you standing outside and waving your arms at his window. You were standing next to a quite- beat up car.. He sighed heavily, looks like his quiet moment was over before it even began.. He reluctantly opened the door, walking outside to meet your smiling face. “Y/n-ya, what are you doing with a car..?” He asked with a tired and confused expression. “I thought we could take it for a drive! Luffy said I’m a good driver.” You said pridefully, smiling up at him brightly. He knew he’d regret his decision.. But how could he say know to that sunshine of a smile you had? “Fine.” He replied quietly, getting into the passenger seat. You looked so happy and excited to show Law your “decent” driving skills.
Hopping into the drivers seat, you made Law had his seatbelt on first! That’s the first thing you learned- “safety first” right? Law sighed, buckling your seatbelt for you, “You have to put on a seatbelt..” He grumbled with an irritated tone. “Whoops.” You replied with a giggle, getting your hands on the wheel with determination and excitement in your eyes. It was almost as if you were sparkling with anticipation. Law found it cute, seeing how excited and determined you were to show him your driving skills.. But he was also holding onto his seatbelt for his life, making sure he wouldn’t fall out of the seat if anything were to happen. “Ok! Ready…? Set. GO!” You said, pressing on the gas pedal with most of your weight. The car wouldn’t move, and you looked so disappointed. Law almost started laughing, “Why won’t it go?!” You shouted, looking around, and tapping different buttons on the car. Law saw your keys sitting on the dashboard, and he sighed with a laugh at how panicked you looked. He grabbed them and started the car engine with the keys, “OHHHHHHH-!” You said with amazed eyes. “Thanks Law!” You shouted happily, now pushing your weight on the gas pedal.
But wait… Why was everything outside of the car moving in front of you? Wait a damn minute. “Y/N-YA YOU’RE ON REVERSE-!” Law yelled, looking behind at the nearing wall that you were about to crash into. “WHAT?!” You screamed, immediately shifting the car out of reverse. You slammed your foot on the brakes, and Law’s head whipped forward with the sudden movement. It made him dizzy, and he almost saw his life flash before his eyes. “Ok… Phew that was kind close haha!” You laughed, wiping the sweat off your forehead with relief. “Y/n. We could’ve fucking died.” He said, grabbing you by your shoulders with wide eyes. “Sorry-!” You replied, stepping on the gas pedal, making Law fly back into his seat. Law’s eyes were wide with worry and anxiety, his body was shaking with stress. “WHOOO HOOOOO!” You screamed excitedly, taking your hands off the wheel and waving them in the air. “HANDS ON THE WHEEL-!” He yelled, slamming your hands back on the steering wheel. You swerved around approaching cars, almost barely escaping a car crash everytime you passed someone. Law reached up, trying to find the hand rest on the side of the door. But it wasn’t there, he fumbled around, trying to frantically grab onto something. “Y/n-ya where’s the hand rest?!” He shouted, clearly panicking. “It broke off last time I crashed!” You replied rather light heartedly. “Last time you wh-?!” He started to shout before you sharply turned to the right, making Law fly around in his seat. The seatbelt almost did nothing for him- but at least there was something keeping him alive. You laughed happily, continuing to speed rather quickly down the roads. “Law isn’t this fun?!” You shouted, looking towards him. Law looked absolutely petrified, he looked like a cat who was desperately clinging onto the door handle for his life.
When he looked forward again, he saw the familiar faces of his friends. Luffy and Zoro were walking across the street, talking and obviously not paying attention. “Y/N STOP STOP STOP-!” He yelled, grabbing your arm tightly. You looked forward and screamed, slamming your hand on the horn. Zoro yelped, looking at the approaching car as he jumped out of the way as fast as he could. Luffy was confused, “Huh?? What are you doing Zoro?!” Luffy shouted, staring at him with a dazed expression. “LUFFY MOVE YOUR ASS!” He yelled, running towards him to try and move him out of the way. You instantly slammed your foot on the brakes, the car skidding as it slowed down. You were going so fast that it was hard for the tires to grab the ground. Law closed his eyes, it was embarrassing how petrified he looked. You cling onto him, wrapping your arms around him tightly while screaming and trying to shove more weight onto the brake pedal. You both closed your eyes, hugging each other and just praying that Luffy would either move, or the car would stop in time. Once you both felt the car stop, you slowly opened your eyes, and to your surprise, Luffy was still standing there. “Huh? OH Y/N HI!” He shouted, jumping up and down while waving his arms excitedly. Law was shaking, his fists clenched so tightly his fingers were turning purple. “You… Are going to be the death of me, y/n.” He said slowly, looking at you with a tired and petrified expression. “Hehe- don’t worry! I won’t let you die!” You replied with a smile. “I MEAN YOU’RE THE ONE WHO’S GOING TO KILL ME IDIOT!”
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a/n - I love law 😭 and this was the goofiest thing I’ve written today I loved it sm ty for the request anon >:)
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Marvel characters with s/o who has gen z humour !
warnings : swearing, jokes about serious matters, concerned avengers LMAO, fem reader in mind
characters included : tony, nat, thor, steve, wanda, pietro, vision, bucky
tony stank stark —
cue bug eyed expression
tbh he will probably make similar jokes but coming out of your mouth, the person he cares most about
he almost has a— i was gonna say heart attack but he ain’t got one 😟 you get the gist
when you reassure him it was a joke he just barely calms down
clings to your side for a bit after said concerning joke
if asked he won’t admit that he was scared shitless
eventually gets used to it tho
and even agrees sometimes
people are so concerned for the both of you they just watch your interactions like 😮
‘these hoes fr?’
he doesn’t really find your especially concerning jokes amusing per say but he won’t almost faint with worry for you
moral of the story is give the poor man a warning
so he doesn’t almost channel his endgame self bc of you.
natasha romanoff —
she’s like : 😶😮😦
“don’t say that.”
cue concerned pouting
and you’re like issa joke bby
but she ain’t convinced
from that day forth she officially declared PDA her thing and was all for it, just to show you how much she loves you
she’ll grow used to it
apologies to other concerned and bewildered people on your behalf
a lot of tired sighs
some hidden laughter
but she’s mostly concerned 😭
don’t get me wrong, bae has a great sense of humour but the gen z level humour is a whole other level
won’t really join in on the joking, she’s gotten used to ignoring it at this point
it’s normal for her after a while so she forgets that others are concerned
but hey? your sense ‘a humour is a part of you so she loves it... kinda.
thor odinson —
imagine the most horrified, appalled, shocked facial expression
that’s his reaction
exactly that.
“lady y/n why would you ever say such a thing?”
you have to sit him down and explain that it’s just how you speak, you don’t mean it.
... most the time anyway 😁
he’ll tilt his head confusedly
“why would talk of your demise be humorous to any sane creature?”
bitch i can’t he’s so cute
he’s like a concerned mom 😭
while always frown at the comments
so you lay off on them as much as you can, not liking the unhappy expressions he makes
the rest of the team find his reactions absolutely adorable tho they won’t say that
but also annoying cuz in the middle of full on blood guts and gory fights he’ll come over and hug you and check you ain’t feeling like throwing yourself in front of one of whatever it is you’re fighting
it’s cute but like-
miss ma’am we’re in the midst of a battle
anyway he’s the sweetest<3
steve rogers —
my guy would be FLABBERGASTED
and really sad :(((
he sketched out your whole lives together you couldn’t just leave him now
“what’s wrong? are you okay? did i do something- i’m so sorry if i did-“
and you’re like “no, no, sweetheart it was a joke.”
but he just frowns
“well it wasn’t a funny one.”
rude 🙄
we could say the same about your bland white boy 40s humour but we don’t do we
this humour and him don’t really mix well LMAO
but, for you, he’ll try and come to terms with it bc he would never want to change anything about you
and everyone around you is wondering how this relationship dynamic works
bc for shit half as worse as the stuff you say, steve reprimands other people
but with you
it’s just like a free pass
and everyone else’s like 👁👄👁
and you’re just like 😁👍
you’ve got the man whipped so he don’t do or say shit
not in public at least
wanda maximoff —
my baby is the cutest of them all :(
i love her so much
the first time you make the joke she knows you don’t mean it bc she can literally be your mind
but she still gives you a slightly frown-y look like ‘stop please’
and idk bout youse lot but i’d melt at that look
you smile at her in reply
and she gently grabs your hand and kisses your palm affectionately
sorry that was me malfunctioning
:) moving on
i feel like she might even laugh at some of your jokes because she knows you don’t mean them in a serious way
and she gets more clarity from seeing in your mind that it’s literally just how you joke
you & pietro would be besties
and wanda would be the tired but slightly amused mom
she gives you warning looks when you say things death related in public and she can FEEL the shock from other people
hand squeezes in warning
thigh squeezes, too
basically wanda is just my favourite. :)
pietro maximoff —
i feel like he would have the same ish sense of humour
he’d laugh at every single one of your jokes.. just cuz he’s a simp
and he’ll join in with the same energy
the two of you are in your own little bubble of gen z humour
and everyone not in said bubble is so concerned 😭
“hey piet what do you think about speeding the both of us off this cliff and ending my suffering?”
“only if as my dying wish i get a cheek kiss, princesa.”
“done deal.”
everyone is is like ‘uhhh guys..’
steve’s sneakily pulling out his written and rehearsed speech about mental health awareness
straight up cackles are always heard from the two of you when you’re around each other
cuz you just get each other’s humour
oh, and you’re around each other all the time
so the non stop laughing drives the team absolutely up the wall
vision —
please my mans would give you the number of a suicide hotline
and you’re laughing like —“it was a joke vision.”
his poor android self don’t understand
and probably will proceed not to understand 😭
you have to thoroughly explain your humour to him for him to like 🤔😯🙂 ‘i understand now’
still tempted to give you the suicide hotline number ngl
it would be okay-ish if the jokes were once in a whole bit it’s like multiple times per day
can you hear his electric brain frying ?
you confuse him a lot
like a lot a lot
but he knows he loves you
and will continue to do so
despite your confusing sense of humour
bucky barnes —
JAMES the love of my life
the last he remembers of society, it was still a majorly sexist time and the girls he knew certainly did not act like the girls now
especially the humour
so this fine ass man is SHOOK
bae fully freezes and is like - 😲
he just looks at you in stunned silence
and you’re like 🤨”what?”
“you- yo- are you okay?”
and you realise what’s the matter and it’s hard not cackle but you plaster a smile on your face and push down the laughter
“yeah, yeah i’m fine, that was a joke.”
“that’s how people joke now?”
you just explain to him it’s your sense of humour and his still in disbelief
will call steve later on that day on the device he doesn’t understand and inform him
the sexc grandpa duo share their shock
never gets used to the jokes
he doesn’t comment tho
he just shakes his head with a small smile
because even tho he doesn’t understand your humour or why you even find what you do funny, he genuinely thinks you’re perfect the way you are
plus if he understood everything about you and you were just normal it would be boring, he’ll admit.
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Accidentally Injuring Their Partner PT. 2
Part One Here
Y’all- the last one is like, my most popular post. As I’m currently writing this, it’s literally almost at 1K notes so... yeah. This one needed a lot of thought and effort if it’s going to meet people’s expectations. 
Please read the note I added at the end of the fic
Genre: angst
Type: drabbleshot
Warnings: gore, mentions of hospitals, crying, cursing, toxic relationships, self blame, some real ‘who cares how I feel, how do you feel?’ kind of unhealthy vibes, hazbin hotel reference (found in Todoroki’s section), talking down on oneself,
Other: this was requested multiple times, but this bitch was planning it before it was requested haha I’m so cool no I’m not I still feel like shit lmao. 
Angst Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy @catcherisvibin @thesubtlewhore
Tomura Shigaraki
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It was really all he could do to stare at you.
You’d moved from the theatre to an abandonment hospital, mostly to find any leftover supplies to help with your arm, or rather, lack thereof.
You’d only sort of expected this. Tomura lashing out at you, you getting hurt, you just didn’t expect it to result in you loosing a fucking arm.
Toga was helping to change your bandages, and Magne was speaking quietly with Twice, Spinner, and Compress.
Dabi was speaking with Shigaraki outside the room, and you couldn’t hear what they were saying. You were glad, you didn’t exactly want to hear his voice right now.
You didn’t think you were being that annoying, you thought you were just helping him. And you usually did. When he’d have his little tantrums, he’d get upset at you sure, but he’d never hurt you.
You knew you didn’t do anything differently than usual, maybe he was just more stressed than ordinary? Maybe you should’ve recognized that and altered yourself to fit accordingly.
Or maybe he’d just been horrible, and attacked you for no reason, and you had just been trying to help him.
You knew it was more likely the latter, but you couldn’t help but blame yourself. People don’t just try to kill their partners that they love so much
The door slid open, and Dabi stepped in. He glanced around the room, waving his hand to usher Magne, Spinner, Twice, and Compress out of the room. Today stood up, but you grabbed her hand.
Dabi pushed the door open a little wider, and your boyfriend stepped inside. For once, you were glad he had that horrible hand in his face, you knew that if he took it off you’d probably vomit.
“Call us in if you need anything.” Dabi offered uncharacteristically, sliding the door shut behind him.
Everything was quiet.
Not even the people in the hallway wanted to say anything.
He slowly walked towards you, pulling up a chair and sitting down.
You sat cross-legged on the creaky hospital bed, staring at him as Toga held your hand.
“Why are you here?” You asked quietly.
“I- I um. Why is she here?” Tomura ignored your question, pointing to Toga next to you.
“She’s here because she chopped off my arm after you dusted it. She’s here because she saved my life. Why are you here, Tomura?”
One of his hands lifted to his neck, scratching lightly.
“Shit- I didn’t want anyone else in here-“
“Why not? Don’t want anyone to see you loose yourself and hurt me more? Don’t want anyone here to save me?” You snapped.
“You- you know I didn’t mean it-“
“It doesn’t matter if you meant it or not, Shigaraki.” He flinched away when you spat out his last name like that. “I still got hurt. I lost a fucking arm because of you. How horrible are you that you have to cover up your own insecurities by trying to kill me? No really, I could have died.”
“I’m sorry!” He exclaimed, nails digging deeper into his neck. “I love you, okay? And I promised I’d protect you so-“
“So you broke your promise in the worst way possible.” You swung your legs over the side of the bed, squeezing Toga’s hand before letting go. You walked up to Shigaraki, lifting your hand and gripping his shoulder tightly.
“I’m going.” You whispered. “I can’t be around you. I still have family outside the League, friends that aren’t villains. I can build myself a semi-normal life. I’ll be happy without you.” You turned back to Toga, offering her a smile. “You can come over whenever you want, you’re my friend.” You headed towards the door.
You paused when you heard a soft noise, like a gargled scream. You turned around, seeing Shigaraki shaking.
“No, no please no- don’t go!” He spun around, grabbing your shoulders. You shoved him off you in an instant, curling into yourself
“GET OFF ME!” You screamed. But he was already launching himself at you again, you saw his palm flying towards your face. This time, it wasn’t an accident.
And you knew you wouldn’t make it out this time.
You were pulled back by a strong force, realizing Magne was holding you tight. Compress and Dabi were on either side of Shigaraki, holding him back, while Twice had ran to Toga.
“No! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Please don’t leave me!” He screamed, the hand fell loose on his face, tumbling down to the floor. You turned away, not wanting to see him.
You could only imagine his expression.
“Goodbye, Shigaraki.” You whispered, ducking out of Magne’s grip and rubbing off.
Touya Todoroki/ Dabi
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It had been a week since he’d seen you, a week since he’d felt your hands on his. A week since he’d heard your voice. A week since he’d seen your smile.
A week since he’d burned you.
Called you inferior.
Threatened to kill you.
Well there was certainly a reason why he hadn’t gone to see you since the incident.
He missed you.
He felt so guilty, knowing what he’d said and done to you, and he needed to see you.
Maybe he was just being selfish.
Maybe he knew he’d done something wrong.
Maybe he needed to call you.
He flipped his phone upside down, then right side up again on the counter of the bar.
Toga sat on a stool next to him, tapping her hands against the marble in boredom.
“So... what’s up with you?” She asked, cocking her head and glancing at him.
“Like I’m telling a brat like you.” He growled, flipping his phone over again.
“You’ve been off all week!” She exclaimed, leaning towards him. “Somethings happened to you.”
“If i tells you a little, will you shut up?”
“Mhm mhm!”
“Ughhhhh fine. I had a fight with someone close to me. I... I really hurt them. I know it. I haven’t spoken to them in a week.”
“So... Dabi has a soft spot?”
“That’s not the point of this. Also say that again and I’ll kill you.”
“Oookay then. You should just call them. Say something to them and apologize.” She offered with a shrug.
Dabi sighed, pressing his face into his hands.
“They don’t want to talk to me. Trust me on that.”
“Welp- that’s just my advice. Cent for my thoughts kind of thing except you didn’t pay me. You owe me a penny.”
Toga shrugged, hopping off the chair and leaving the room.
“Don’t owe you shit.” Dabi grumbled, glowering down at his phone again. He pulled up your contact, staring at the picture he’d set for you.
You had a bright smile, emoji hearts decorating your cheeks. It was from your first ‘date.’ When you’d hung out at your place after he broke in looking for shelter and food.
You’d taken care of him, let his spend the night, and even offered to let him stay whenever he needed to.
You were an Angel on earth.
And he’d burnt you.
Called you dirty.
And selfish.
You were anything but.
“Why the hell are you calling me?”
“Dabi. Why are you calling me? You hate me, don’t you?”
“I don’t hate you...”
“Jeez, coulda fooled me.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“I- I didn’t mean it.” He choked out. “Everything I said, I didn’t mean it. And I-“
“I really don’t care. The doctors said my arms would scar. I’m burnt and scarred like you. Are you happy? Is that what you wanted to achieve? Make me like you so that no one would want me? So that only you could have me?”
“No! I never wanted to hurt you, ba- Y/n please,”
“Please what? Please what, Dabi? What do you want from me? Huh? You want me to cradle you and say is all going to be okay? You want me to kiss your scars and tell you you’re beautiful? You want me to suck your dick and tell you I love you? After everything you’ve put me through?”
“It’s not just you burning me. You’ve left me for days without contact, and then showed up like nothing’s happened! You’ve hit me and then groveled and cried for my mercy! You’ve made me do so much shit for you in bed that I never wanted to do! Our entire relationship, I was scared you’d get sick of me and kill me!”
“You really thought that?”
“Well guess what motherfucker? You can’t come after me! I’ve told the police what happened. Everything between us. They’re helping me move across the country. You’ll never see me again. Happy?”
“No. No no I’m not happy why would I be happy? You made me happy, when I didn’t even know what the word meant, you don’t have to go through with this, please don’t go through with this!”
“Don’t flatter me. I never made you happy. Nothing could make you happy except watching the world burn. I don’t make you happy, Dabi-“
“Yes you do!”
“Just shut up. I’m going to hang up. If I’m being honest... I’ll miss you. You made me happy. But with so much anger and fear surrounding you, it’s hard to even remember the last time we were happy together.”
“I’m... I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
You were gone.
Shouto Todoroki
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If you thought Shouto was quiet before, you should see him now, wait, you were seeing him now, in class, eyes boring into your spine.
You still had a large bandage on your face, being hit in the face with plus added fire power is bound to leave a mark that lasts for over three days.
Did I mention it had been three days now?
It’s very hard to ignore Shouto, seeing as you were in the same class and lived in the same dorms. 
Plus everyone in class wanted to know what happened between the two of you, why Shouto seemed so down, why you had the bandage on your face, and if it was all connected.
You’d only told one person what had gone down between the two of you, and that was Bakugou.
Which maybe was a mistake, because he took to trying to fight Todoroki every time he saw him, and repeatedly told you that he ‘fuckin knew that icy-hot bastard was a good-for-nothing bag of of poorly packaged horse shit.’
You appreciated his comfort, but it hurt you every time he said something about Todoroki.
“I don’t get why you’re defending the scumbag. His hand hasn’t even healed off your face yet!” 
You and Bakugou were heading to the dorms after class, and he had gone on his usual tangent about how Todoroki did this, Todoroki did that, Todoroki was an asshole, etc etc.
“I mean... he’s technically still my boyfriend. And he’s been nothing but kind to me up until this point. He just... he was stressed, and I was being a bother. I’m sure the injury will fade at some point, then he’ll talk to me again and we can get back to normal.” you shrugged, rubbing at the back of your neck. “We’ll be fine.”
“You know what you are? A pushover.” Bakugou glared at you. 
“Wha- I am not! Where did you get that idea?” 
“Oh I don’t know, maybe from the fact that You forget to check in with how you feel and keep thinking only about that Half n Half bastard! ‘Oh, he must be so upset with himself!’ Fuck that! How do you feel?” 
You kept your eyes on the ground, speeding up. Bakugou grabbed your sleeve, tugging you backwards. His hands found your shoulders, thumbs rubbing soft circles. Your breath hitched, did Shouto ever do this for you? 
Not that you could remember.
“I feel... nervous.” you admitted. “I’m nervous that he meant what he said to me. That I’m nothing but a bother to him. I’m nervous that he’ll never come and talk to me, never apologize. I’m worried that if he does talk to me, he’ll think it was my fault. It wasn’t was it?”
You looked up at Bakugou warily, and squeaked when he tightened his grip on your shoulders.
“The fuck? Of course it’s not! Idiot.” he poked your forehead, and you couldn’t help but giggle a little. “Keep talking.”
“Um... I’m...” you took a deep breath. “I’m angry. I’m angry that he hasn’t talked to me. I’m angry about what he said. I’m angry that he even hit me to begin with. If we were training, of course it’d be different, but we weren’t training. And he hurt me. And now I’m doubting everything between us.”
Bakugou was silent, Cardinal eyes met yours. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife, and for a moment, you feared Bakugou would try to blow your ass up for being a pathetic little weakling.
I mean... compared to people like Todoroki and Bakugou, you were right?
Bakugou took a step forward, pulling you into his arms. You held your breath, wondering if he was going to finally snap and kill you. 
But... it felt nice. 
You lifted your arms, wrapping them around his body and tugging him a little closer. You buried your face into his uniform shirt, body shaking a little as you cried.
You almost wanted to scream, but then the school would panic.
So you just cried, sobbing into his arms and letting him hold you. His embrace was war and comforting, nothing like you’d felt from your so-called boyfriend.
Maybe he was right, maybe you really shouldn’t try to think about him.
You did deserve better.
You sniffled, pulling off Bakugou with a soft smile.
“Thanks, Bakugou. I really needed that. And you’re right.”
“What was that second thing?”
“You’re right.”
“Hmmm?” Bakugou cupped a hand around his ear, feigning deafness.
“Oh my goodness- I said you’re right!”
“That’s it.” he patted you on the shoulder, proud smirk traced across his features. You chuckled. “Now you’re going to tell that to Mr. Daddy Issues and get the fuck over him.” 
“Alright, but you’re coming with me!” he nodded, keeping his hand on your shoulder as you returned to the dorms, heading to his dorm.
You paused just outside his door, knocking lightly. Bakugou was a few feet behind you, out of the way, but close enough to step in if something were to happen.
The door swung open slowly, revealing a bored-looking Todoroki. WHen his eyes landed on you, he jumped a little, taking a step back. His hand tightened around the doorknob, his other hand gripping his pants
“Y-Y/n-“ he stuttered, eyes flickering between you and Bakugou. “I-“
“We need to talk.”
“Listen I- I’m sorry!” He exclaimed.
“Todoroki, I don’t think you get it. ‘Sorry’ doesn’t cut it. You might have scarred me, so your one mistake might stay with me my whole life!”
“I know.” His head drooped, and his grip on his pants loosened. “I know. I’m- I’m just like him.”
“I promised I was nothing like him but here we fucking are!”
“Shoto what are you talking about?”
“I’m the worst kind of person!”
Shouto looked up, eyes brimming with tears. You took a few steps forward, taking his face into your hands.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered “it was an accident, and you didn’t mean it. Please don’t talk about yourself like that.”
Bakugou grabbed you, yanking you away from him
“Uh, what the fuck? You came here to sever ties with him, not fucking comfort him!”
“Look at him, Bakugou. He needs me.”
“Trust me.” You smiled at Bakugou, pushing him away from you slowly before turning back to Shouto. You took the boy into your arms, rocking back and forth with him.
You ignored the heavy feeling in your chest, and the screams your brain slew ar you to get off of him, get away from him, and let Bakugou protect you.
You ignored logic, emotion, and all better judgement.
For this boy who’d hit you.
But Bakugou would end up being right, he was smart.
You’ll see.
Katsuki Bakugou/ Dynamight
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Shit wrong Pomeranian
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That’s better
Katsuki stood outside Recovery Girl’s room, waiting for Kirishima to come out and tell him what was going on.
He was chewing on his nails, foot tapping against the ground as he stared at the door. He could hear people moving around and talking inside.
He couldn’t get the sound of your screaming out of his head, the large dark patch that formed on your skin around your face, the way you just... fell.
The door slid open, and Bakugou stared forward and Kirishima stepped out, smiling and thanking Recovery Girl.
Bakugou was on his feet in an instant, grabbing Kirishima’s arm.
“How are they? Do they hate me? Can I see them?” He rambled, Kirishima gently pushing Bakugou off him.
“Uh, they’re fine for the most part, they haven’t said anything about you at all, and ask Recovery Girl.” He said, backing off down the hall as Bakugou stared helplessly after him.
“You uh- you might want to apologize. They are really upset.” Kirishima told him, quickly running off down the hall. Bakugou faced towards the room, stepping inside.
A cyan curtain blocked him from seeing you, and he heard shuffling behind it. It slid open, Recovery Girl stepping out. She looked up and saw Bakugou.
She wacked his leg with her needle/cane, and he yelped, stumbling backwards.
“You have no shame!” she snapped. “With what you did to them, you should be cowering outside right now!”
“Shhh!” Bakugou pressed up against the wall. “Do you want them to know I’m here?”
“Are you that clueless?” she grumbled, pulling herself up into her chair. “They’ve gone temporarily deaf.” Bakugou froze, glancing back at the curtain.
He’d blown up your eardrums.
He felt Recovery Girl press something into his hands, and he glanced down. 
It was a small whiteboard, with a pen and washcloth.
This was how he’d have to talk to you.
On a fucking whiteboard.
RG pulled the curtains aside, revealing you.
You were laying in the bed, half your face wrapped up in bandages, hands resting on your lap.
“Y/n...” he murmured. You remained still, staring out the window. Bakugou cleared his throat, and you still didn’t react.
“They can’t hear you, remember?” RG shook her head, waddling over to the other side of your bed, pointing at Bakugou. He watched your face slowly turn, before his eyes shot away from you, staring at the ground.
He heard you swallow, and you let out a soft whimper.
Were you scared of him?
Bakugou lifted the whiteboard, quickly scribbling some kanji on it 
ごめんなさい (Translation: I am sorry)
You reached forward, taking the whiteboard from him and erasing his words, putting your own down instead.
分かってる。(Translation: I know)
Bakugou pursed his lips, fidgeting with his shirt before he watched you put more writing down
どうして?(Translation: Why?)
Bakugou reached out, taking the whiteboard back, quickly putting down his excuse explanation
私は弱いと感じました。 じゃあ霧島を助けてくれたんだ。 うらやましくなってきた (Translation: I felt weak. Then you helped Kirishima. I got Jealous)
お許しください (Translation: Please forgive me.)
He handed you the whiteboard back, tapping his foot against the ground. You passed it back to him, and he hurridly read your response.
私はそれについて考えます (Translation: I’ll think about it.)
He had a chance. His eyes finally lifted off the whiteboard, landing on you.
The visible part of your face looked exactly the same, although there was a large bandage on your ear. Your eye looked sad, fearful, and nervous. You had a shaky smile on your face, trying to make him feel better.
You were always thinking about him.
それは再び起こらないだろう (Translation: It won’t happen again)
You sighed, smile falling.
本気?(Translation: Are you sure?)
Bakugou felt his heart drop into his stomach.
Well of fucking course you didn’t trust him, look what he’d done to you!
おっしゃる通りです。. もうお前を放っておいてやる さようなら、y/n。(Translation: You are right. I will leave you alone now. Goodbye, y/n.)
He stood up, leaving the whiteboard on your bed. He headed towards the door, with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He ignored the soft cry of your voice, surprised he was leaving.
He ignored the way you managed to choke out his name in a warbly, unsure voice.
He slid the door shut behind him, slumping against it and sliding down until he sat on the cold ground. He buried his face into his arms, finally allowing himself to cry.
He wasn’t going to try and talk to you, he resolved. He wasn’t going to bother you or scare you.
He’d keep you safe by refusing to talk to him.
He’d let the author end the fanfiction right then and there.
The door slid open behind him, and he flopped backwards, staring up at your face. You were holding the whiteboard.
オマンコにならないでください。 事故だったのは分かってる 頑張って俺を捕まえるのか諦めるのか? どんなヒーローがあきらめるだろうか?
(Translation: Don't be a pussy. I know it was an accident. Are you going to work hard and get me or give up? What kind of hero would just give up?)
A smirk slowly spread across his face. Yeah, he’d work hard. He’d never scare you or hurt you again. He’d do better.
He’d be the best boyfriend.
And he’d accept your help to stand up next to you.
After fic note: ohmygod I’m finally finished. This took fucking forever. You loved part one so much, I had to make sure part two was perfect.
Some of these ended in heartbreak
Another ended in a questionable descision
The last ended happily
All of them are different! 
I hope you get my references, and appreciate the Japanese Kanji I put in Bakugou’s part (if any of it is inaccurate, please let me know so I can try my best to fix it. I don’t speak or write Japanese, I used this translator to get what I needed). 
I worked hard on this, so if y’all could tell me what you like and dislike about this so I can improve my writing, that would be lovely. Don’t be afraid to pop a comment or pop into my ask box, I do my best to respond to every comment and ask, so don’t worry about being ignored.
I love all of you, and I’m so glad to be able to write for you.
Thanks for all of your support, I promise I’ll work hard on all of my drafts to make sure you get entertainment constantly! 
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