#and so anything i say will be disregarded and ignored because i am no longer One Of Them
scattered-winter · 6 months
really really really fucked up how the only way out is through and i can't help them
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
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bucky barnes x reader
a/n miscommunication & close proximity trope is all i’m gonna say, it’s very fluffy once well- read it and find out reblogs appreciated!!!
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“You’ve gotta be shitting me” Bucky speaks under his breath, frustration evident in his body language and tone. A feedback sound started on the speakers on the ferris wheel.
“Ladies and gentlemen there seems to be some technical issues with the ferris wheel, remain calm and stay seated and we should have it back up and running soon”
You heard a heavy sigh escape from Bucky as his head hung back in defeat.
“They said it’ll be fixed soon, won’t have to be stuck with me for long Buck” Trying to cut the tension that sat between him and yourself only earned a side glance from the man beside you.
You looked down to the car just beneath you “STEVE, NAT!! ARE YOU GUYS OKAY??!” Their heads whipping towards you as you spoke at a far too loud volume.
“WE’RE OKAY! YOU?” Natasha replied back and you gave her a thumbs up, her and Steve getting back to bickering and giggling about whatever they were talking about. Meanwhile you were sat next to Mr Grumpy-
“Can you stop moving,” he spat out without looking at you. Bold of you to assume you were getting somewhere with him, even on the brink of considering him a ‘friend’ but that idea was shot down quickly.
“I’m not moving, it’s probably the wind or maybe it’s you and you don’t realise” Tapping your fingers on the barrier that held you in place, he turned to you and gave you a bitter look which only made the situation more awkward and tense.
“How’d i get dragged onto the ferris wheel anyway” He huffs.
“Because, Steve and Nat are your best friends and also Nat is really scary and saying yes was easier than saying no” You looked down at the two as you spoke, their flirting ever so obvious even from your height.
A few minutes passed where nobody said anything, you both avoided eye contact and it gave you time to reflect on what you could’ve done to make Bucky so impassive to you, you’d barely talked to him because if you tried he disregarded you or made an excuse to leave as soon as possible. You really wanted to be his friend too. It’s awkward when the four of you go out and Steve and Nat obviously want to do things together as a couple making you stuck with Bucky and him with you. At least being civil is all you want, for Bucky to be able to hold a conversation with you longer than a few seconds.
“Are you cold?” His voice broke you from your thoughts, you were shivering and you hadn’t realised as you were so deep in your head. You looked at the goosebumps on your arms and turned to him,
“I guess I am, yeah.” you laughed at your ignorance for not noticing your body temperature drop. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Bucky starting to take his jumper off.
“What are you doing?” You furrowed your brows at his action, there’s no way he was about to give that to you, he doesn’t even like you, you don’t think so anyway based on every interaction you’ve had with him ever.
“I’m giving you my sweater?” Now he was confused, it was quite obvious to him what he was doing, why else would he take off the jumper and sacrifice himself so you could be warm? He’s a gentleman first if anything. He got it over is head and handed it you, you took a second to take it as you were flabbergasted at his sudden kindness towards you.
“Oh.” You broke your gaze from him down to the jumper “Thank you,” you smiled gratefully and put the jumper on. The sleeves swallowed your hands, which helped because they were freezing before. Then you looked back at Bucky who now sat next to you in nothing but a black t-shirt “Are you not cold?” Once again furrowing your brows in his direction.
“Not as cold as you” He was looking straight ahead at the city view from your spot at the top of the ferris wheel. Reading his expression was impossible and you were really trying to—
“Okay well uh— thanks again.” You repeated your thanks as you snuggled into the jumper that now enveloped you, “So.. kinda awkward, huh?” You tried cracking a joke laughing a little as you did so which made Bucky turn to face you, analysing his features which you didn’t notice softened as he saw you smiling.
Bucky coughed awkwardly “Uh-“ He let out a small laugh too “Looks like Steve and Nat aren’t bothered by this disruption at all” His tone was lighter.
“Those two wouldn’t notice the world ending while they’re gazing at each other like that” You laughed again, Bucky liked that sound.
“So in love, it’s sickening” He retorted with a shake of his head and a smile which earned a glance from you, just a brief one before you looked back down at your sweater paws as they rested on the barrier, Bucky has noticed and he found it endearing, he felt warm whenever he saw you smile or heard you laugh and every time your thigh accidentally touched his due to your close proximity he swears a bolt of electricity travelled through him making his heart beat faster.
“I think it’s cute” You had a small pout on your face as you spoke, still looking down towards your two friends “imagine being stuck on a ferris wheel with someone you love, not the worst thing in the world in my opinion, it’s kind of like an impromptu date where you have no choice but to talk because the other option is incredibly awkward silence” You fiddled with the sleeves of the jumper.
“I guess, but what if you were trapped on a ferris wheel with someone you liked who you knew didn’t feel the same, that’s awkward all on its own” He was playing with a thread on his jeans as he spoke, you noticed.
“How would they know if the other person didn’t feel the same? Had they asked?” You inquired as the tension between you grew once again because the situation was too close to home.
“Isn’t asking embarrassing though?” Bucky asked breathily, like he was nervous.
“I don’t think so.”
“You don’t?” He looked at you.
“I mean the worst that can happen is they say no and you’re sad for a bit but you’d move on eventually” You smiled but you weren’t looking at him.
“Right, yeah” He coughed awkwardly again and the silence resumed until he broke it about a minute later “Uhm” clearing his throat again Bucky decided it was now or never “Are you doing anything Friday night?” He closed his eyes for a brief second because there was no going back now.
“No, why?” You looked at him and smiled, maybe he’d finally be your friend, that was progress and you could work with that.
“Would you uh- like to get dinner with me? Like a date..?” He avoided your gaze as he asked.
“What” It caught you off guard and you responded without thinking.
“Fuck” He swore to himself “sorry forget I said anything, I don’t know what was going through my-“ He began to ramble.
“Bucky no I mean, I thought you didn’t like me” His head turned to face you as he thought about your words.
“What? No I do like you” He furrowed his brows thinking back on the interactions you’d had where he hadn’t realised he’d been so nervous it came off as rude. “Shit i’m sorry, i’ve been an ass to you now that I think about it, I wasn’t trying to though, I thought I was uh- I thought i was disguising my attraction to you well because i didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I guess it came off dickish” He internally slapped himself at his mistake
“Oh, OH” The realisation and his admission hit you “Awe, Bucky,” you laughed at how silly it all was, if you’d have just talked to each other sooner this could’ve been avoided “Bucky I would love to go to dinner with you” You smiled at the man.
The ferris wheel suddenly began again and you were on your way down, both smiling like idiots and laughing whenever you’d glance at each other, two idiots that had liked each other this whole time who didn’t know it. You both stepped off the car and down the stairs smiling and giggling still and approached Natasha and Steve,
“What the hell happened up there?” Natasha laughed because she had never seen the two of you so cosy before, Steve raised a brow but you two only burst out laughing again and started walking ahead of them and snickering as they both stared in confusion and disbelief.
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shesjustanothergeek · 8 months
His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part Thirty-One
Masterlist of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: This will be a heavy one, besties. We're getting into the story's darker and potentially triggering side, so I've given more detail than I usually do about warnings. Also, the song Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain heavily inspired this chapter, and I really, really recommend listening to it to connect with the reader. Thank you so much for reading!
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Chapter Warnings: graphic depictions of dissociation, seizures, sexual assault, misogyny, incontinence, attempted rape, power imbalances, and murder. You have been warned.
Red Butterflies Meanings: courage, passion, the life-death cycle, fire, and survival.
"Even the iron still fears the rot
Hiding from something I cannot stop
Walking on shadows, I can't lead him back, 
Buckled on the floor when night comes along..."
- Ptolemaea, Ethel Cain
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Arryk's head spun when he finally reached White Sword Tower, his armor bearing the weight of his emotions as he yanked the knots that held them together, discarding it haphazardly across his chamber. The more he thought of what he witnessed, the more his head pounded, the pain building inside until he could no longer stand it, and vomit spewed into his chamber pot.
He was an imbecile, a fool, no better than the court jester who embarrassed themselves for others' entertainment.
Arryk knew that you and Prince Aegon were close. You spent most of your days with him or Helaena as any kin would, but he should have learned, paid closer attention, and protected you from the Prince's ensnarement.
Sometimes, the knight would notice the Prince too close, a hand resting in an unusual spot or a stare lingering far longer than what was proper, but he thought nothing of it. You were a capable woman. You were far better at standing your ground than any other noblewoman regarding a male's advances. He saw for himself with the Lord Reaper of Pyke.
Perhaps that was a lie. Maybe you were not the strong woman he believed. Maybe you rejected advances because your sights were set on someone else, your heart on someone else, not because you held your honor to a high degree. You made your own choices–made your bed. You could save your own against the vices of the opposite sex yet make the choices of a hoydenish woman, and that was what Arryk sinkingly realized.
It was your choice.
Your chest felt hollow as you stared out a paned window in Aegon's chambers as he laced the back of your dress. The hours after Arryk's intrusion were spent inside the Prince's rooms listening to his apologies. His pleas and snivels were disregarded as you stared at the vast expanse of King's Landing.
"I'm so sorry," he cried, rubbing his tear-stained cheeks into the crook of your neck. "I am a fool. I should never have done such a thing. I-I should have protected your honor," he stuttered, swallowing the excess saliva in his mouth. "Please, speak to me. Yell at me, strike me, please just anything."
Your emotions had switched off like the flicker of a candle flame, tears long dried and left to crack on your skin. "What is there to say that you have not?"
Aegon sobbed further into you in admission, the weight of his actions lowering him to the floor as he crumbled at your feet, shoving his face into your thick skirts. He reminded you of his son who screamed and wailed if you ignored him, the same soft, wavy blonde hair below you, begging to be touched.
You did not feel anger towards the Prince. It would have been better if you did, but you could not force it in spite of your best efforts. It felt like nothing. No simmering rage threatened to boil, no sadness or embarrassment pulling at your gut. No emotion. Simply and utterly nothing, and it felt wrong. You needed to show something to sense anything.
Imagining all the hardships you faced, Ma's abandonment and the death of Lyra and Sara proved fruitless. Only when Aegon became too grabby and pinched the flesh of your thighs then did you feel something.
It was the sensation that guided the victories of some and the downfalls of others. It brought you back to reality, feeling Aegon's rapid breathing on your wrist and realizing you had not been inside your body despite your mind moving.
"All will be forgiven with time," you decided, hand moving to stroke the fine strands on your fair-haired boy's head, "but you must swear to me you shall never do such a thing again. You will work on yourself to find what causes you to commit such atrocities. I cannot mend what has been broken if you do not know what needs to be."
You sensed Aegon's gaze on you before he spoke, nodding profusely. "I will, I will! I will do anything for you, my love!" he simpered, rubbing the tears and mucus from his lips.
"No, Aegon," you said firmly, his eyes snapping to his bleary ones. You must do this for yourself. Not for me."
He knew better than to speak again, for the only words he would utter would debase himself further, so he bobbed his head and pulled your legs closer in a mock embrace. He loved you so... so much.
"I must confront Ser Arryk about this," you began, your voice one of practice. "You will need to be the unmoving rock that the waves crash against for me. Arryk is furious and I fear he will say things that might hurt me far worse than any blow."
"I shall kill him if he tries to," Aegon declared with a fierce glint in his eyes.
While it pleases you to no end, the depth of his affections is unnecessary.
"No," you stated firmly, bending at the waist to pull your lover up to his full height, "you will do no such thing. I need your support, not your wrath."
He stared at you sternly as if ready to take up arms and defend your honor, and it warmed your heart, finally feeling something other than empty. You smiled delicately, the tug barely there as you kissed the wrinkles between Aegon's pale brows, smoothing his unruly hair.
"I love you," the words were like an oath as if this was the first time you had uttered them, "more than I could ever explain. I want you to remember that. Always."
Aegon was speechless, taken aback by the sudden gravity of your confession that he had already heard many times before. He knew he could only show his appreciation in one way when words were useless. Kissing your lips with a breathless intensity that nearly knocked you off your feet, he slowly kneeled before you.
The Prince wrote his apologies with his tongue on your cunt, drank the sweet nectar from between your legs gratefully, and once you peaked, digits twisting and pulling his silver hair, he thanked you and begged to allow him to do it once more. 
It was nearly impossible to track Ser Arryk after he left; even asking his twin brother led you to no answer. There was one place he could be, but you could not set foot in White Sword Tower. The mere thought of it stole the air from your lungs. Instead, you found it less vexing to wait until his inevitable appearance. After all, he swore an oath to you, and those who broke them received punishments worse than death.
Searching for your sworn shield, you ran into some welcoming faces and some not. Young Dyana was the first for you to greet along with another nursemaid now carrying the nearly fluent Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. Your littlest cousins were ecstatic to see you, almost knocking you to your knees as they squealed in delight, telling you of their day. Prince Jaehaerys declared with such vehemence that he would be as skilled as a swordsman as you, and when you brought up his Uncle Aemond, who was just formidable, he shook his head.
"There are a lot of Uncle Aemonds," he said, "there are no yous."
No matter the circumstances, the twins always make you smile. And just the same, Larys Strong's appearance asking you to share a bottle of wine regarding the previous subject he discussed always makes you scowl.
It was the hour of ghosts before the guard change, forcing you to stay awake with needlework in your hands. You applauded him for choosing such a late time, but he underestimated your will, as men often find themselves victims of.
And that was where you found yourself, staring into the once kind, soft blue eyes, now cold, impenetrable, and filled with venom.
Ser Cargyll's reaction confused you. He was your protector, not your father, but even then, you were optimistic that Daemon would be proud of what you had done. Was it because he only knew of the Aegon spoken of in rumors? The one who ate, drank, whored, and gambled in gluttonous amounts. Did he think you needed protecting from the contents of courtly gossip?
"I understand your apprehension about Aegon," you began, taking a deep breath and readying yourself for a monologue, "but I can assure you I can handle a spoiled prince."
"I have no doubt in that," Ser Arryk huffed, crossing his arms with a sneer. You were physically taken aback, your head shaking as if he struck you in the face. "Seeing as you took his cock like a common Flea Bottom whore."
Mouth gaping like a fish, you gasped, surprised at the gull of your sworn shield. The man who had comforted you after the abuse you received from Septa Mariam was insulting you and, in a way, he knew would hurt you deeper.
"I beg your pardon?" you questioned aghast, eyes wide as the conversation between friends turned to one of enemies.
"What? Did he fuck you deaf too?"
You sighed heavily, mouth in a deep frown as you glanced away, attempting to comprehend how to proceed. Anger was slowly rising within you, like the tide of Blackwater Bay, but you refused to let it control you. "I see," you answered dejectedly, "you believe like the rest of them... the rumors." It hurt to finally confront someone who thought of Aegon so lowly, having been woefully unprepared for the sheer hostility. "But you must put your trust in my judgment not to love someone who is so wretched."
"I loved you. I swore my life to you, my blood to you, and yet..." he paused, clenching his chestnut-beard jaw before cracking, "You desire a monster."
Arryk's statements befuddled you, causing you to let out an ugly guffaw. "You speak of oaths, yet your words are empty. Did you not promise to stay by my side no matter the cost? To spill your blood and offer guidance when needed and when not?" He gave you no response, his stare filled with all the hatred of the Seven Hells. "You are sworn to me!" You shouted in desperation, arms gesturing with each passionate phrase he refused to answer with only disgust.
"I am sworn to the King," he answered like a blade cracking through your ribs.
"You are an oath breaker, Ser Arryk Cargyll. Men have been punished more for less," you declared with ire, your voice husky from your previous statements.
Arryk understood what you meant by those words��the unspoken outcome of death to those who returned to their promises.
"You would never punish me," he flatly stated as if he had just said a mundane fact about the weather.
You nodded in acquiescence, sucking your cheek as if you tasted something vile. "You are correct. I am not the vile bastard people claim me to be. I do not betray and break promises I have sworn before the Old Gods and the New! Do not go back on your words simply because of your own emotions."
"I love you! I care about you morning and night, not him! I've been the one to weather the storms of your life! I have protected your honor from those who thought to use it because I believed you were kind and good!" he yelled, blue veins popping from his pale neck. "I thought of breaking my vow to the King for you! Creating a life for us where you would be free of judgment and duties, from the whispers and gossip of nobles, but you-"
"You speak as if it is my fault for your fantasies, that I gave you love letters and kisses and sang ballads." You refused to accept any blame for this. "You are a man and responsible for your own emotions, not me. Take your leave and return when you have come to your senses," you declared with finality.
He acted like a petulant child- far worse than you had ever seen Aegon. The man seemed entitled to your emotions as if you owed him for not reciprocating his feelings.
Arryk could not stand this. How could you be so selfish and uncaring? He loved you. He loved you! Why didn't you love him back?
"You are your blood," he spat, raising a gloved finger in ridicule, "a harlot and a monster."
It felt as if you got a blow to the chest, arms wrapping securely around yourself. You loved your Father and your Mother; they were good people. So why did it hurt?
Ser Arryk left without another word, large oak doors slamming shut behind him. He entered without hesitance when he reached another set of intricately carved wood, fitting that of only those who lived in Maegor's Holdfast.
The Queen sat within her solar, a cup of evening tea resting on a saucer in her lap. She wore her dressing gown, staring idly into the warmth of the fire as Ser Arryk's presence caused a start. Ser Criston stood not too far from Alicent, the hand on the pommel of his sword as he began to scold the knight.
"Ser Cargyll, what is the meaning of this?" Criston questioned, irritation laced in his words. Arryk had not realized he was out of breath until he attempted to speak, words becoming difficult to create. "I must speak with her grace. Tis a matter of great urgency."
Ser Criston bristled, scowling as he stood tall in the face of the disheveled knight. "You may speak to her highness on the morrow. It is too late for audiences and hardly proper."
Arryk sucked in a breath as he readied to protest but was stopped short by the rise of the Queen's hand. Her protector stared at her in confusion, telling with his eyes that he was not pleased with her allowance of this.
"Please, ser," Alicent spoke with her smooth alto, gesturing to the area before her.
Ser Arryk took a few calming inhales, wanting to speak as eloquently before the Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms, giving her a brief bow. He was unsure of how to word it. He knew if he spoke with the scorn he felt within, Alicent might not perceive the honesty of his confession and take it as an upset man with bruised pride.
"I have served as a steadfast member of the Kingsguard. I have not shied away from any challenge nor dishonored him," he began, the rise and fall of his chest steady. "I did not cower when your father, the Lord Hand, tasked me with protecting the King's granddaughter. However, lately, there have been revelations that have caused me to question where my loyalties lie. I seek your guidance, my Queen, regarding the Princess." The Queen stared at him with concern, brows wrinkled, and plump lips pursed. 
"I happened upon your son, Prince Aegon, and the Princess within his bed chambers."
Ser Criston could not hide his shock, glancing at Queen Alicent to see her unphased reaction. "I initially believed the situation to be non-consensual, but her grace explained that it was not, that they are in love. It worries me that if word should travel and Prince Daemon discovers the relationship, I should be punished for not protecting her honor."
He purposefully hid the valid reason for his appearance, knowing he could be punished if he revealed it.
Alicent inhaled, silently relieved that someone else shared her concerns regarding you and her son. She placed her tea on the foot table before her, gently wiping the corners of her lips and clearing her throat.
"I understand your concern, Ser Arryk. Who all knows of this?" she inquired with a frown.
"Just my brother, Erryk, and I. He has known for some time but protects the Prince's secrets."
"I see," she responded, voice resigned. "I thank you most graciously for coming to me. You have done your duty well, ser. You needn't shoulder this burden any longer. I shall take care of the matter. You may take your leave."
The knight bowed his head, the weight on his chest still there, but not for political affairs, as he swiftly exited, thanking the Queen for her time.
Criston studied Alicent once the knight left, eyes scanning over her form. He could tell from the years of servitude when she was hiding something, her fingers begging to pick at her digits, but being the ever-dutiful protector, he remained silent.
The Queen stewed in the quiet, her teeth gnawing on her plush lip. Endless outcomes ran wild through her mind, all of them creating a ball of anxiety. Finally, when she was too far lost in her thoughts, she grabbed her tea and took a calming sip.
"Ser Criston," she spoke, startling her sworn shield, "please summon Lord Larys. I wish to speak with him."
You found yourself within the Godswood as you always did in times of strife, gazing up into the golden leaves of a Cottonwood, the soft rustle of branches reminding you of inaudible whispers. They were hard to make within the darkness, only able to see the outlines with the dusting of stars, but they gave you comfort. The Old Gods watched you with their unseen eyes as your fingertips traced the rough bark, grass crunching beneath your boots.
You recalled your first time within the Godswood since arriving in King's Landing, trying to seek peace yet being disturbed by a drunk and blubbering Aegon. The memory pulled a smile onto your cold cheeks, a nostalgic feeling coming over you as you thought of your time under the Heart Tree together. It felt like an age ago now. Such foolishness you did then...
You hadn't returned to Aegon yet, needing time within yourself to fully comprehend such a betrayal from your knight. It was still raw, the wound gaping and pooling with blood as it seeped into the sod below. Arryk hurt you far more than you ever thought him capable.
Your relationship with the knight began purely logistically. You needed to gather as many allies as possible, and you had succeeded by having your maids, Madam's web of spies in the Keep, and a Prince and Princess. The now missing piece was a protector. Some of you desired to march to the Commander of The Kingsguard, Ser Harrold, and tell him how Arryk had betrayed his oath in more ways than one, but you could not. 
You had unknowingly shattered Ser Arryk's heart, and some part of you that had grown fond of the knight was pained because of it. You were confident that he would return once he fully understood you did not mean to do so and would forgive him.
Suddenly, a quiet cracking noise came from the far corner of the Godswood. Your head snapped, and your hand instinctively went to your dagger. Instead of a foe, the metal and glass shack of Helaena's butterfly hut stood, the rhythmic thunk, thunk, thunk becoming louder as you trekked across the yard.
You observed in awe as a newly hatched butterfly, a mix of red, black, and tan, white dots that looked like eyes, flapped its inexperienced wings, repeatedly flying into the glass wall. Your heart broke for the insect, glancing at the door. If you unlatched the shack, you could free the singular insect for a time of freedom beyond its transparent cage but doom the rest of the cocoons to the frost. Or you could leave it to be the only one that dies, continuing the life cycle for the dozen other insects evolving into their destined form.
You stared at the lone creature for a moment, your teeth tugging at your lip before making your way to the inside of the Red Keep.
When you entered your hall, seeing no guard at the door was surprising. Usually, you expect to catch a member of the Gold Cloaks fast asleep outside your door, especially if Ser Arryk was not posted. You did not think the knight was so careless as to leave a member of the royal family unguarded, but people acted out of character in anger, so you did not hold it against him.
Upon entering your chambers, you found the cause of the missing protector. Lord Larys Strong sat at your dining table, the flagon of wine he promised glinting in the candlelight.
"I see now why there is no guard at my chambers," you began, eyes scanning the Lord for any potential threat. "Did you pay him or offer a girl indebted to you?"
Larys grinned, mirth in his stare, and bowed his head as his palms rested on the firefly of his cane. Would it be so terrible if you broke the thing?
"Princess, you speak so lowly of me. Words like that wound a man's heart." He brought his hand to his chest, emphasizing the mock pain. "I have come to have that drink with you."
You stared at him skeptically, your eyelids slit as you placed your fur coat across the back of an empty chair at the table. "I do not recall agree to such an invitation," you spoke, taking your seat and peering into the red liquid inside the glass.
Larys took his drink, lifting his cup in a slight toast. You followed his actions, sipping the cup demurely as only an action of politeness. It stunned you momentarily that the Lord had chosen your favorite Essosi wine, flashing him a tight-lipped smile as he watched expectantly. "I do hope your only reason for being here is not regarding our previous conversation. My mind has not changed."
"I understand it has not, Princess, but I want you to understand that I have yet to fail the Queen and do not intend to do so now," he responded with a stern furrow of his brow.
Rolling your eyes, you groaned, taking another sip of your wine before speaking. "I am not leaving King's Landing, and that is final. Queen Alicent knows now that I shall not, and neither of you has the power to do so." You stood from your chair, fists on your hips as you leaned against the oak table, looking down at the crooked man. "I am here in my Mother's stead. You recall the Lords trying to remove me from the Small Council and how it faired?"
The Master of Whispers nodded in recollection, crossing his ankles as he gazed above at you, his mousy brown hair falling behind his ears. "I remember that, indeed. It was quite a sight," he chortled, "you inspired enough courage in the King to leave his sick bed, and not even the namedays of his children could do that."
You giggled at his words, but it quickly became a cough, your mouth dry as you took a swig of the Essosi wine to coat your throat. "Yes, and you remember his words? That I'm to be retreated as an extension of Princess Rhaenyra. You would not remove the heir to the Iron Trone from her rightful seat?"
The Strong Lord hummed through his nose, taking a drink in silence, his beady stare on you. Something was always hidden with his gaze as if he knew the very thoughts inside your head. You grew uncomfortable as your mind wandered, fidgeting with the golden rings on your fingers. The betrayal of the Red Keep was profound, which you understood from a very young age and was the whole purpose of your prolonged stay here, but it still amazed you when you met it head-on.
The only reason for the questions around your Mother's legitimacy as heir was the fact that she had a cunt instead of a cock. The ruling lords feared what change Rhaenyra would cause with her rule. It threatened the centuries of tradition they had created, a tradition that served to their advantage. If a woman ruled the Seven Kingdoms, what would that mean for them? What would it mean for all the eldest daughters tossed aside in favor of a younger son?
It would mean women would no longer be the property of their fathers and husbands. They could not barter and sell for their advantage. It would tell women they weren't the lesser sex; they were not subservient but equal, and that threatened men's power.
"My Mother will create a new order for the realm, Lord Larys," you declared flippantly, your palms becoming sticky. "She will not be the exception but the rule, and you will either bend the knee for her when the time comes or lose your life." You raised a brow as if to invite challenge, daring the Lord to say the treasonous words that were written across the lines of his face.
Larys smirked as always, sighing as he twirled his cane between his digits. "We shall see," he stated wistfully, eyes trained on the object in his hands.
You moved yourself off the table to protest but nearly fell, an abrupt burning sensation radiating within your gut, catching you unaware. Groaning, you cradled your stomach and rested on the wood for support. You felt your body begin to weaken with every minute of discomfort, a sudden onset of symptoms that reminded you of when you ate tainted food. Grunting, you glanced at Larys, the man now observing you with an expecting look in his blue eyes.
"I apologize, my Lord. I believe I may have eaten something foul today," you gritted out, sweat beginning to seep from every pore in your body. "Please, excuse me and we shall reconvene at another time."
"No, Princess. I intend to stay. As I have said, I have yet to leave my Queen's wishes unfulfilled, and you are no different."
You stared at him perplexed, vision going blurry momentarily as a stabbing pain scorched your insides, and suddenly it all made sense.
Your gaze quickly flickered over to the half-drank cup of wine, the absence of a guard, and Larys' calm demeanor. You could see it in his eyes, the same cold, icy gaze as he watched your knees buckle beneath you. Pushing yourself off the table, you made your way for the exit. You would not sit idly and allow this man to escape with whatever he had done. You would fight until your heart finally ceased to beat.
The Lord stuck out his cane before you gained enough distance, causing your knees to crash against the stone floor, pain radiating throughout your body.
You whimpered pitifully, the sound causing shame to rise as you attempted to push yourself up, but your arms gave out, collapsing again. Larys stood from his chair, his dragging gait and rhythmic tapping of wood creeping up behind you as you turned to face him, back pressed to the cold floor.
"Tell me," you rasped, the mere act of speaking creating a combination of exhaustion and nausea, "what have you done?"
He peered down at you through the end of his nose, the tip of his cane pressing into your chest as you pushed your body away. You couldn't catch your breath, a buzzing within your ears sounding as Larys began to speak.
"I saw you, the morning of Ser Lorgan's death, in the lower quarters of White Sword Tower. I followed you in." He lowered himself to the ground next to you, your limbs unable to move as a helpless terror rose within your heart. "I saw what you did, Princess. You murdered an innocent man, severing his head from his body, and when finished, sat at the table, you broke your fast."
Tears cloud your vision, leaking from your eyes with abandon as you struggled to breathe, the once thoughtless task becoming laborious. He knew all this time that you were the killer the scullery maids feared at night, yet he said nothing. He could have easily used that knowledge to blackmail you from Kings Landing. So why... why did Larys Strong choose death? What could he possibly gain from your murder?
Larys' hands made their way to your skirts, sliding the thick fabric you once held pride in up your legs. You could not feel the sensation, nor your lower limbs, horror tearing at your mind as his fingers went to your stockings next.
"Stop," you inaudibly muttered, mouth full of lead. "Make it stop."
You were praying to anything, anyone who would listen to your cries– any god, Old or New, the Seven, Valyrian, Pentosi, the Drowned, anyone who would help save you from this fate. It was not enough that Larys had incapacitated you; he had to defile you, too.
"I was confused, at first, why you would seemingly murder someone at random. It took time, but eventually, a connection was made. Ser Edder and Lorgan were the ones that punished the two women who attempted to help you flee all those years ago." Larys removed your boots and stockings, baring your unmoving limbs for his eyes to feast upon. "Lyra and Sara I believe. A whore and a maid."
He stroked his thumb over the arch of your foot, admiring the concave flesh as he brought it to his lips. You gagged, abdomen lurching as you turned your head to the side, a mixture of blood and digested food spewing from your mouth and onto the floor beside you. The vile man proceeded to cherish the soles of your feet as one would a jewel, nuzzling his face into them as he licked a stripe from your heel to toe.
"Make it stop. Please, I've had enough," you cried, the words only a murmur.
There was fear within you, but what overshadowed it was sadness. You had finally found the happiness you craved, the missing piece within your life that would ultimately make you whole, and now it would be taken away. You did not mourn for the loss of life. You wept for Aegon, Luke, Jace, Joffery, Helaena, Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, your Mother and Father for the years you would miss, for the events you would never see. 
You would never see the twins grow into adults, little Aegon and Viserys speak their first words, or the babe growing within Helaena's belly. You would not see Aegon become the man he was meant to be, to watch him blossom into the loving father and husband he was always capable of being. You feared what would become of him without the one he depended on. Would all your planning and sacrifices be for naught?
Larys glanced back up at you, noticing the pile of gore beside your head, stained lips and tears, smiling as he gingerly placed your foot down, proceeding his assault onto the next.
You were relieved to some degree that you had lost all sensation in the lower half of your body, a welcomed gift from whatever poison he chose.
"You poor thing. Sweet, mourning lamb, there's nothing you can do. It's already been done," he cooed, leaning above you to brush a strand of loose ebony hair sticking to your forehead. "The poison will kill you soon, and you shall not remember a thing," he declared, kneeling as he shoved himself between your legs, undoing the laces of his breeches.
"Poison Hemlock is often mistaken for carrots by young children in the Riverlands. 'Tis a volatile thing. Sometimes, it starts with vomiting, tremors, and uncontrollable movements of the muscles, but one thing is for certain: you will die tonight, Princess, alone and at the mercy of a man who you think yourself above."
Your heart began to race impossibly faster as Larys shifted your skirts, pulling the knot of your small clothes and dragging them down your legs. He brought the sweat-soaked fabric to his nose, burying his face as he inhaled your natural scent. It sent another wave of disgust, coughing up excess saliva and leftover blood as you choked.
Suddenly, you felt as if a wave rolled through your head, an intense pressure pounding inside your skull as you lost all the breath within your lungs. Larys looked up at the noise, seeing your horror-stricken gaze as your body went rigid, your eyes involuntarily rolling back until he saw nothing but the whites of them. Your body began to convulse uncontrollably, your mind losing consciousness and control.
Larys sneered in distaste at the abrupt cut off to his fun, adjusting himself more comfortably between your legs. He had hoped there would be more time before the hemlock took full effect, but this would have to do. At least he would no longer hear your pathetic mewls of protest.
He waited patiently until the tremors subsided, leaning back on his haunches as he observed the pink bubbly froth seep from your mouth, tearing his aching cock from his trousers as he began to stroke himself to total hardness.
Larys felt the warmth of liquid on his knees before he saw it, a puddle of urine soaking through the material of his breeches as he moved your legs over to the side. He was disgusted with his now urine-soaked clothes, insulted that you would do such a thing as if you had control over it, standing with the help of his firefly cane. He peered down at your still convulsing form, intrigued by your body's lack of control despite your unconsciousness.
It was disappointing that he could not derive some pleasure from his actions. It left him woefully unfulfilled, but he was satisfied enough to have kept his promise to the Queen, to reduce someone who thought so highly of themselves to a pissing, vomiting mess. Larys left your chambers with a smile on his mousy face, as silent as the rats within the walls of the Keep. 
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Masterlist of Series
So what do y'all think? I warned that it would get darker here, but it's ASOIAF. What did you expect? I wanted to express the reader's fear and the sense of violation she felt during the poisoning scene, so I hope I did a good job with that. I also really wanted to not just do the type of poisoning scene where people cough up some blood and then be done with it. I'm probably on the FBI's watch list for my search history because I did so much research on the effects of Poison Hemlock and different types of seizures. XD
Also, when I was little, I gave my mom a bouquet of poison hemlock. To be fair, the white flower is pretty, and I was like 8.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and thank you so much for reading!
Tagged Peeps: @zeennnnnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @silverslive, @ynbutbetter, @legolas017, @iiamthehybrid, @dd122004dd, @ladybug0095, @millies0bsimp, @kalfild, @sheislonelyalways, @tempt-ress, @minttea07, @trikigirl271, @esposadomd, @prettywhenicry4, @daenerysqueenofhearts, @justarandomflowerchildofthenight, @pastelorangeskies, @existential-echo, @priyajoyy, @merovingianprincess, @candy12110, @w3ird11, @ruhjkie, @somemydayy, @marikkjj, @zillahvathek, @sunfyresrider, @heavenly1927, @hjgdhghoe, @im-sidney, @aurorathi, @marihoneywk, @xitsemm
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ot3 · 1 year
While I see where you're coming from, isn't it a bit dangerous to police queer folks' language to appease possible assaulters? Also, "lesbian" used to simply be a term referring to "women who love other women" until it started being policed by biphobic radical feminists in the 70s-80s. Bisexual women don't have their own words and history separate from homosexual women, and excluding them from the history contained in the words lesbian, dyke, and such feels a bit cruel.
(Feel free to compleyely ignore this, I don't mean to be a bother but this is just a bit important to me)
I'm not going to stop anyone from calling themselves a bi lesbian or anything like that. I don't care if bi women call themselves dykes. At the end of the day I am pretty much wholly unconcerned with what words people use for themselves and it's never gonna be something that causes me to treat someone poorly or disregard their opinion. But that said I don't think it's policing anyone's language to ask them to at the very least think about the larger societal implications of any language shifts they're pushing for.
My personal stance here is that it would be very harmful to no longer have any commonly recognized terminology that women can use to identify themselves as romantically and sexually uninterested in men. A lot of people feel drawn to the lesbian identity specifically because of this exclusion of men. There's already so much pushing from outside the lgbt community to make lesbians sexually available to men. Can you at least understand why I think it might be dangerous for intra-lgbt identity politics to shift the current perception of lesbianism to include hetero attraction? Can you see why the loss of the only word women have to actively exclude men from their romantic and sexual lives would be a setback for feminism?
this comes back to what I was saying last night about political identity vs personal identity. I'm much more concerned with labels in terms of how they allow us to navigate larger society and less interested in what makes any individual person feel right. If you feel good about the words you use for yourself, cool. I'm genuinely happy for you. Once again, a disagreement on terminology is never gonna be my reason for dismissing someone. But the language we use for ourselves does not exist in a vacuum and I at least want people to consider the political implications of the way they choose to use their words.
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restinsodaroni · 1 year
I'll try posting the FAQ this way lol, hopefully this works better! So read below to see the asks I will and won't accept or answers to common questions I get! I'll be linking this in my pinned post!
Alright! Please read this before sending in an ask!
🚫Evidently I am going to have to be stricter now since I have been creeped out numerous times on here. So yeah I will be blocking folks who keep disregarding my boundaries, constantly ignoring my FAQ, or just being impolite! Sorry! 🚫
Here's a post where I talk about said boundaries.
Hey so please don't:
• Send me any questions that ask about what would Sun and Moon do if you were harming yourself no matter the severity or the circumstances. It makes me uncomfortable and I shouldn't have to explain why.
• Spam the same ask especially everyday! That is not gonna get me to answer you. Spamming = Block I am not going to be lenient about this anymore!
• Send me an ask to change Y/N's body type.
• Expect me to answer your ask right away. If I could answer them quickly I would but that's unrealistic for me
• Nitpick my art, it's very demotivating especially if it isn't a helpful critique. Like yeah you can point out bad anatomy or perspective, but if you get on me for making Sun's eyes glow in the dark, then that's just a nitpick.
• Tell me you don't like my art style, but you like my comics. It's not the compliment you think it is!
• Be rude to me in your ask, that's just gonna get you blocked. I ain't putting up with it anymore.
• Send me roleplaying asks, this counts if you send me an ask roleplaying as an OC or character. I always get confused because I get sent info that I have no idea what they are saying because I know nothing about the Oc or character. I just don't know how to respond to it.
Alright here's some answers to frequently asked questions, or some do's and don't's to send me:
How do you pronounce your Username?
It's rest in sodaroni ! It's a play on the phrase rest in pepperoni. I made a joke about it a while ago with my sibling and decided to make it my username lol. Yes I know separating the words would have been ideal, but I'm not changing it now!
Can I draw you fanart centered around your AU?
Sure you can! As long as it’s sfw then its fine!
Are you ok with nsfw being sent to you?
I am not! I’d like to keep this blog sfw please! 
How come you haven’t answered my ask?
Well that’s because I get sent A LOT of asks. And a majority of them need comic responses which takes time to do. Not to mention my schedule is pretty hectic, even when I have free time I don't know if I'll have time to myself lol.
And I have other projects, art, and my Daycare Attendant fics I want to work on too sometimes. So just know if you send in an ask it may take me a while to answer it!
Also I may not have a good idea how to answer your ask at the time. Or I'm just overwhelmed at the moment lol 😅 And please don't spam the same ask in my inbox. Spamming = Block
Where can I read your fanfics?
You can read them right here!
‼️ Disclaimer! Please read the tags and summary for either fics! I don't want you to be blindsided when you find out the fic isn't 100% fluff or wholesome! Just gonna give you a heads up lol ‼️
When will the next chapter of your fic(s) be out?
I promise you I'm working on it! It just takes me longer because of the drawings since I am putting more effort into them now! Thank you for your patience!
Can I use one of your drawings as an icon, wallpaper, etc?
Yeah that’s fine!
Why did you draw Sun, Moon, or Eclipse like *Insert questions here*?
Why does anyone draw the way they do? Because I wanted to lol, and I like how it looks. That's basically it haha. Everyone is drawing the Daycare Attendant how they want, I don't think there has to be some deep reason for it.
Will you ever turn on anon asks again?
No I don't think so, Sorry!
Do you roleplay?
Can you draw me/myoc/my sun and moon/a meme?
Sure! But please send a picture of what you want me to draw! I got a handful of asks that requested this but sent me no reference photos so I don’t know what to draw lol.
Also don't send me drawing prompts of your characters/You getting too intimate with Sun and Moon or even Y/n. (Yes, I have to add Y/n on here now...)
If you want a hug cool, anything more than that I will probably not draw since some people can't behave lol.
If you send a question about wanting to be mean or even hurt Sun or Moon just don't get upset by the response you are given lol. It's just a comic, it's not real and Sun and Moon are not really mad.
Where do you get your gifs/screenshots of the Daycare Attendant?
I watch a lot of Fnaf security breach sfm videos on YouTube so sometimes I come across a funny video clip and screenshot or make a gif of it. If you'd like to know which video I got the image from I can try to see if I can find it!
Who is your favorite? Sun, Moon, or Eclipse?
I’ll be honest, I can’t pick between the three lol. I like them all!
One of your drawings came out weird or bad.
Please elaborate. You aren't being very helpful if you just tell me my drawing is bad, then leave without an explanation or a way I can improve. People on here do this to me a lot and I am quite tired of it.
I don't like your art style/ I don't like how you draw Sun, Moon, or Eclipse/ You don't draw as good as the other artists.
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It's fine if you don't like my art style, but please just keep it to yourself, your blog, your friends, your grandmother, or whatever. Like idk why people on here felt the need to tell this to me, but yeah don't do that. And no, telling me you don't like my art style but like my comics isn't the compliment you think it is. I wouldn't have cared so much until I got a few people telling me this pretty much every time I posted. I ignored it as long as I could lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
I don't like how you interpret/write Sun, Moon, Eclipse.
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Okay 👍🏻
This pertains to a few asks so I'll address it here:
I know when someone is fetish farming, I'm not naive lol. Like it seems really suspicious when I have the same person/anon desperately trying to get me to draw a specific ask 👀 soooo cut that shit out lol. It's very creepy and goes against my consent. Also chill with the dark humor.
*Ok so I’m going to be talking about a heavy topic here so read no further if you experience thoughts of self-harm or depressive thoughts!*
I don’t believe I would get an ask like this again but this is just in case! ( Edit: nevermind I did get more asks pertaining to self-harm smh ) I don’t mind drawing you something if you had a bad day, but I will not draw something for someone who requesting me to comfort them with a drawing of Sun or Moon because they self-harmed. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but I just can’t. I go over my reasoning in this post. Please don't send me any self-harm related questions!
*End of the serious topic!*
And that should be it! I may update this down the line! Thank you for taking the time to read this! (I know it's a lot of do's and don't's 😅 sorry about that!)
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wip wednesday
thank you for the tag @racfoam @cringe-queasy @leafiloaf and @reggieblk 🥹 it is always an honour
tagging: everyone 😭 i'm sorry i still don't know a lot of people. and the people i do know have been tagged 🤦
i had a difficult time selecting a wip. i suppose this is my fault for having too many and never getting anything done before starting sixty more 🤦 and how long are these meant to be? i'm not sure. have this:
He didn’t believe in ghosts. Isn’t that how it always starts? Harry didn’t remember the first time. Or the second, the third, fourth, or fifth. Harry did, however, remember meeting him. Though, it’s not a memory he liked to dwell on often.  Harry had gotten quite good at disregarding the stains in his vision. The smudges that sulked just in his periphery. He learned how to ignore them, to avoid the whispers and stares, the pointing fingers from giggling children, and the concerned shared glances of his teachers.  He hadn’t yet grasped an understanding of shifts in reality. Of identifying when very real-looking things were not very real at all. At least not real to anyone else.  Because for Harry, who walked into walls people couldn’t see and whose skin bore scars from his curious nature provoking his detriment, there was no difference. Both realities were single, the same.  It was his…anomalousness that spurred their fated meeting.  As it happened, Harry was an easy ride for the lost, the damned. Something bright, whole, and alive that blipped in and out and promised the sweet, sweet temptation turned attainable chance at a second try—a do-over.  And though these damned, untethered and unable to pass on, appeared mutilated and broken, missing in more than just soul—they were people once. They are people still beneath the guilt and sorrow and anger.  In all, alive or otherwise, there was a desperation that couldn’t be snuffed out. Harry knew they saw him as a saviour, a beacon, a host. He also knew this desperation left them unaware of the harm they caused and the scars they left. Harry was too headstrong to let go. They tried to overpower him and failed. But Harry wasn’t always strong enough to keep himself safe and wasn’t always privy to his powers. He fought for Harry and taught him how to stay alive. “You’re thinking about me again,” a pleased voice interrupted Harry’s thoughts. It laughed at his disgruntled face, the sound humming from just beside him. “I am not,” Harry insisted and continued moving through the rubble of the fallen house around them. Scorched wood and ash still hot and popping.  “Come now, Harry. I’ve known you long enough to know what that look means. Hardly ever is it about anyone else.”  “Says a lot about you, then. Don’t you think?” “Oh, hush,” Voldemort walked a step further, blocking Harry’s path for just a moment. His towering height and dark mass blocked nearly everything else from sight. “You were much cuter as a child, you know. Coming to me for advice, hiding away in my protection, calling us Soulmat—“ Harry pressed his hands to his ears, “Get out of my head! Stop shuffling through my thoughts— you have no right.” Voldemort’s teasing wisps turned sharp. “No right? I have every right. You repressed me for half a decade and summoned my help like no time was lost, expecting me to go along with your desperate little attempts to make friendly with the beings on this side of the line even though we both know you’ll never fit in here or there.” Harry scoffed, “Typical. You’re acting out because I needed a little space? We’ve been attached at the hip longer than I can remember, and you’re throwing a fit because I asked for some time to sort things out—time that, for you, is so stupidly inconsequential that it’s laughable.” “What can I say, Harry?” Voldemort sighed all dramatics and grating callousness. His sarcasm was scathing enough to scatter Harry with the house’s ashes, “Ever since we met, all my time seems to revolve around yours.” “Great. I hope you had a fucking miserable five years.” Voldemort crept even closer. “What a tongue you have in you today. It would be a shame to cut it out so soon when we’ve spent so long apart.” Now Harry was sighing. He pinched the bridge of his nose, disrupting his glasses, “Alright. I’m being an asshole; I get it.” But so was Voldemort.  “I heard that.” You were meant to, Harry thought viciously and stalked around him to survey the damage like they were supposed to be doing. 
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acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
“Love and hate, how much more are we supposed to tolerate?”
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whumptober 2022 // Ambessa Medarda x Reader
ao3 — https://archiveofourown.org/works/42234144
There lives a cat in the neighbouring establishment. A chubby chunk of golden fluffiness oozing charisma, I usually take it on myself to caress and play with her.
In the beginning, she does not appear too keen on garnering my attention, but as time goes by, every time I make a move to scratch behind her little ears, she will readily tilt her head, putting her head rather eagerly into the palm of my hand. Then, she will happily revel in the attention as I proceed to rub beneath her soft little chin.
In all honesty, the cat does not leave a lasting impression on my mind. When I am elsewhere, I do not think of the cat. Nor do I mention the cat in the conversations with my friends.
Not once, even in passing, does the cat flash through my mind as I go about my day. Nevertheless, every time I return home, or whenever I cross paths with her on my way out, almost always, I will indulge the creature.
There are times when I am in rather a hurry. Believing that I am about to shower her with belly rubs and ear scratches, the cat tends to meow expectantly at me every time her obsidian, marble-like eyes lock onto me. On such days when I have a lot on my plate, I will whip past her with only an acknowledgment thrown her way, often even forgoing the gesture and disregarding her existence altogether.
Even though I have no place for the cat in my head, I wonder if the cat on the other hand thinks of me otherwise, or perhaps it is possible that she, too, enjoys the moment while it lasts, but carries me in her mind no more beyond our few interactions.
It gets me ruminating on the subject.
What if, contrary to my earlier assumption, the cat does in fact look forward to seeing me every day?
How will she feel, I ask myself, when she realises that despite her calling for me, I have wilfully ignored her?
Will it hurt her to understand that she is as important to me as a piece of fodder?
Before now, I have no way of knowing.
But, I think I have come to understand how the cat may have been feeling.
I am presently living the life of the cat.
While she has only but quenched her own thirst by humouring me, I have been a fool to mistake a fleeting fancy on her part as an everlasting craving.
Only the most foolish of fools could have dared harbour the feeble hope that someone who thinks nothing of them, someone who have no place for them in her life would waste her affections on them.
Such fool is me.
Who else can I blame but myself?
Turning a deaf ear to my brain’s cautious reminders only to naïvely pursue my juvenile heart.
“Do you think sweetmeats are meant to be consumed on a daily basis? Do people?”
She has asked me out of the blue.
“I don’t think so. My confectionery receives familiar faces but only once in a while.”
My eyes have moved from staring straight ahead into particularly nothing onto studying the valleys and mountains of her face.
“I do however have one patron who frequents the shop. I find it peculiar because she doesn’t strike me as someone with a sweet tooth.”
“Looks, little one, can be deceiving. Do you still remember what I’ve said to you during our first meeting?”
“How can I forget?”
“Contrary to what my appearance likes to suggest, I am not immune to pretty things. Nor am I unsusceptible to sweet stuffs.” so she has said.
“Ever since your first visit, you have come here almost every day. And yet, to this day, I’ve never seen you ingest anything close to sweets. It only fuels my suspicions when I find you one day throwing your purchases away.”
“Hmm…so you were aware. One may declare themselves a possessor of massive sweet tooth, but can they confidently say that sweets are all they need to survive? After all, not only can too much sweetness do more harm than good to your body, they also do not give you any real sustenance. They are merely titbits to occasionally indulge oneself in.”
“This is no longer strictly about the sweetmeats, is it?”
“Ever the brightest girl.”
“Lady Medarda, why exactly do you keep coming here if not for the confectionery?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head. It will change after today. In fact, everything will. But, to answer your question, do you really have no idea?”
“What do you mean?”
“I am going away.”
“What? Where? How long?”
“Far. Indefinitely.”
“And? Why are you telling me this?”
“For once, I don’t have an answer. I think when all is said and done, I want you to at least be aware that I am not here for the sweetmeats, but for the person who is behind their creation.”
“And will knowing it change anything?”
“Frankly, I don’t believe so. As pretty a sight as sweetmeats are to feast my eyes upon, I must accept that they come with damaging risks. I, as a person with more foes than friends, cannot afford a thorn in my flesh.”
If I tell you that I use to hate her guts, will you find it believable?
I do wonder at times when does the line between love and hate become but a blur?
Where does hate really end and love truly begin?
One thing I do know is that before I know it, I have started hanging onto her every word like a clingy little kitten.
How much of what she has said have been the truths and how much, the lies?
Then, when she hugs me suddenly, and my body is cradled close to her chest, I have half the mind to believe that buried in all those lies is at least a truth somewhere, or perhaps mixed between a few truths are lies everywhere.
“I have been taught that the only real effective way to deal with your weaknesses is to get rid of them once and for all. A wolf, after all, is never known to be merciful.”
But at the end of the day, as I lie motionless on the frozen ground, the only source of warmth coming from the gradually increasing pool of my own blood, I decide how ironic it is that the hands that, once upon a time, have breathed life into me have essentially become the very ones that have all the intentions of plucking it right out of me.
“Say goodbye.”
Will you think me crazy when I confess to you that while being cocooned in her surprisingly gentle arms, even taking a knife to the chest has felt more like a triumph than a downfall.
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actual-changeling · 1 year
To maybe add onto this post a little bit because I feel like this is something a lot of people who aren't really deeply informed on mental health and/or trauma might not know.
There is four different survival responses: fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. The first two are obviously well known but the other two aren't, however especially fawn is dangerous if it goes unrecognized.
I see people write fics in which Ellie goes from fight or flight straight into fawn and it is portrayed as good and healing, meanwhile she is just stuck in a different trauma response. It's just as unhelpful and just as harmful.
The fawn response is focused around appeasing people and keeping everyone else happy because your brain and body tell you that this is how you keep yourself safe. You disregard your emotions, feelings, boundaries, needs, everything in order to make the people around you like you, especially the one you register as a threat. For example, if you are stuck in survival mode and you get into a small, not dangerous fight with someone, your brain will see this as an immediate threat to your safety and slip into the fawning (in this case). You will ignore your own stance on the topic and take the blame for the fight/the problem, you will appease them and give up your position and take on theirs to make them happy and calm again. People very often apologize for things that are not their fault because it is safer to be blamed in a way you can control (and makes the other person less actively aggressive) rather than be stuck in a fight you have zero control over.
We do actually see Ellie fawning in episode nine, she is not only incredibly dissociated but the way she talks is timid and soft, she also apologizes for not being present when Joel points it out (kudos to him for saying "no it's okay" instead of playing into it). If you do not know what to look for, that moment might not mean anything, but it's a textbook fawn response.
Why am I telling you all this? Because writing Ellie as becoming incredibly obedient and "calmer" in how she responds to rules and expectations is a) not true to who she is as a character and b) actively exacerbates her fawn response and reinforces the beliefs and core assumptions of her CPTSD. Fawning means the people around you do not see your trauma anymore/it stops inconveniencing them, so on the outside they think it's great! Look, they're no longer being aggressive or irritable, this must mean they're getting better, right? But then you look at the person and they're terrified to death of upsetting someone and disregard their needs to make everyone else happy and that is the opposite of getting better.
So please, if you write about Ellie recovering from what she has been through keep in mind that there is more than one way to react to trauma and responses that look fine on the outside are usually *not* fine on the inside. Don't just push her from one survival mode into another one because it's more convenient for you, actually put in the work and make her process it, see where she actually ends up once can break out of it.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
mother knows best (Amity X reader)
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A/n: this happens mid-season 2
You and Amity have been dating for a few months now. And they have been the happiest months of your life. It filled you with a joy you couldn't describe. Every time you hung out with her it felt like you were on cloud nine. Which made it hurt more when she seemed to be getting more distanced. At first, you thought nothing of it, she probably just needed space. But after it had been happening for two weeks and she kept drifting further away. So you couldn't ignore it for any longer.
You asked her to come over to your house. With some hesitation she accepted. Once she arrived, her whole demeanor seemed to have darkened. Once you got to your room you took a deep breath before speaking. "Amity, are you okay?" Her frown seemed to deepen. "I am fine." "Then why haven't you been talking to me as much? I don't mean to seem clingy but you talk to me like twice a week!" "Please just drop it," Amity said with a strained voice. "I can't just drop it. It's affecting our relationship." Amity looked at you with tears developing in her eyes. She opened her mouth but words wouldn't come out. "Y/n... I'm- I'm breaking up with you."
You felt your heart drop. "Wh-what?" "I'm sorry. I'll leave." She said getting up and leaving. You just stood there stuck with shock. You walked over to your bed and collapsed onto it. You honestly had a feeling that your relationship was coming to an end. With how Amity had been acting towards you it wasn't an unreasonable assumption. But now that it was a reality. You wish you never invited her over. So your relationship could just continue with the few interactions you had a week.
After the shock wore off your eyes filled with tears. You cried into your pillow until you fell asleep. Once you woke up with a spitting headache. You got up and got ready for school. You didn't have the energy to do anything to your appearance besides just putting your uniform on. Once you got to school you saw Amity and Luz talking beside the door. You went through the other door and walked as fast as you could. The only words Amity said that you could make out were "happened again." Not that you really cared what she was saying.  Or at least you tried to convince yourself you didn't.  
You put your stuff in your locker. The bell started screaming. You sighed and went to your abomination class. You sat by Amity so the class was awkward, to say the least. Once class ended Amity turned to you. "So yesterday-" "No it's fine. Just leave me alone. Please." You said walking off. Amity reached out for you but retracted her hand. You sat on a bench in the hallway and did your homework.  Suddenly you heard a noise by you and saw a person out of your eye. You turned your head and saw Willow. "So I heard about what happened with Amity." Willow started. "Ah, you used to be are? friends with her, right?" Willow gave a small nod. "Listen if I'm correct then Amity didn't want to break up with you. Just try to talk to her, please." You could tell she was being sincere but you couldn't help but disregard what she was saying.
You just gave her a small nod and then got up. Once you started walking you spotted Amity. You tried to avoid her, funny how things change huh? "Y/n?" You heard Amity call out. You tensed. "What." You stated blankly without bothering to turn around. "I'm so sorry about last night! I didn't mean to say what I said." "How do you break up with someone by mistake?"
Amity looked at the ground nervously. "I just didn't you to get hurt because of my mom." "Your mom?" You thought for a moment then everything clicked into place. "Amity..." "I don't expect for you to forgive me I just thought I should-" She was cut off by you hugging her. "Amity you should have told me... aia won't let your mom hurt you or me, ever." Amity smiled. "Thanks, I-I needed that."
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goldenavenger02 · 2 years
between the lines of fear and blame
Chase and Donald both owe each other an apology. Takes place after Lab Rats vs Might Med
Chase knew that Douglas was right when he all but demanded that he get checked out by the medical staff when they arrived back at The Academy; he had almost died multiple times and had the energy literally sucked out of his body all in the span of twenty-four hours. If Douglas hadn't sent him down there, he likely would have made the trip himself.
What he hadn't expected was his blood to boil in a swirl of anger when he saw that Mr. Davenport was sitting on one of the beds, a solid black eye patch covering his right eye.
"Chase," he stood and approached, but stopped short as Chase took a step back.
'I'm so mad at you,' he thought to himself, biting back the anger on his tongue, 'this whole this is your fault and you think you can just apologize and I'll forgive you like always, but I could have died because of your selfishness,'
"How are you feeling?"
"Fine." Chase knew that he could have made the simple statement without making sure there was a bite in his voice, but he knew that his body ached too much for him to care and nothing sounded better by spending at least twelve hours alone in his capsule.
'Please let someone else come in here.' He hoped with his entire being, praying that Adam or Bree would come in and break the growing tension between him and Mr. Davenport because anything was better than looking the man who raised you in the eyes and wishing that he was anywhere else.
"That's good," Mr. Davenport nodded as if the anger that was evident in Chase's voice was nonexistent, "I'm glad you're okay."
Chase couldn't even pretend to be civil as he sat down on the bed and allowed a poor nurse just trying to get paid to take his blood pressure while snapping, "yeah, I'm sure you are."
"Chase, you could have died," though stern, his voice was heavy with concern as he spoke, "I could have lost you and-"
"I'm aware I almost died, but you and I both know that this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't tried to profit off of me for your own selfish gain!"
"I wasn't trying to make you angry-" he knew that the only reason he was getting away with screaming like this was that Mr. Davenport felt bad, but he wanted him to feel bad for this.
"You don't think that not crediting me, leaving me out of negotiations, and blaming me for being manipulated by the Incapcitator wouldn't have made me angry?! I worked just as hard as you on the transponder, maybe even harder!"
The room was hauntingly quiet after that as the nurse moved slowly, most likely trying to avoid being on the receiving end of Chase's fury, which made him feel bad for her because she was a witness to the fallout.
In fact, it was only after she had left that Mr. Davenport finally spoke again, his voice much less stern, being replaced with a hollowness that made Chase's stomach clench for a brief moment out of sympathy.
"You have every right to be angry after how I treated you, you're right. But, making deals behind my back to get even? That is not happening again, no matter how upset either of us is. You're sixteen, we can talk things out civilly."
"Are you even hearing yourself?! I tried that and you didn't listen to me! You disregarded my opinions and used me for my smarts. But no, it's my fault as always. "You shouldn't have gone into a mission on your own", "you shouldn't have trusted Sebastian", "you shouldn't have been angry because I ignored you." It's always my fault, isn't it?"
"That is not true, Chase, and you know it," Davenport's voice was no longer laced with hollowness and the stern tone returned as he took a deep breath before going towards the door, "I am glad you're okay, and I am sorry for how I treated you. But I know that you're angry so you are not going to believe me when I say that. Douglas will be in here in a minute to stay with you."
And before Chase could say anything, although he knew that he'd probably continue to lash out, Mr. Davenport had left, leaving him in a sterile white and blue room on a hospital bed waiting to be cleared.
However, after the stress of the day from nearly being killed, going from one bed to another and his heart pounding to having his energy taken away, the last thing he wanted was to lay here with a bitter taste in his mouth from his words and his body aching with regret.
As he stared at the ceiling, he couldn't stop the tears that brimmed at the edges of his eyes from falling down the sides of his face.
"Whoa, Chase, breathe." Douglas's voice had never been one that Chase found comforting, but his body shook with regret and everything hurt and he was so. damn. tired. It was the perfect combination that made everything spill over as a rushing river fell from a height, making a waterfall. It fell so fast that he felt like he had run a marathon by the time he had finished explaining everything that had happened.
'But maybe that's the exhaustion.'
The room was quiet for a few moments while the tears dried uncomfortably against Chase's cheeks while Douglas' face was one of being deep in thought until he finally spoke.
"You know what I've learned about my brother at this point?" He paused for a moment, even though Chase knew that the question was rhetoric in nature, before answering his own question, "he is one of the most stubborn people I know and even if he knows that he is in the wrong, he'll defend his point till the end."
"So that gives him the excuse to treat me like that?" Chase demanded, the fury threatening to rear its ugly head again.
"Did I say that?" Douglas asked which quelled the anger, "My point is that you and I do the same thing. You probably would do it even if I had been the one to raise you. But, in this situation, you're both in the wrong. He should have heard you out and credited you, but you shouldn't have tried to make a deal behind his back and let a stranger into the academy."
Chase hated that Douglas was right. But it at least meant that the instant regret hadn't just been exhaustion.
"What should I do then?"
"Well, first you need some sleep. You look like you're about to keel over. No offense," Chase couldn't help but agree with him on that point if he looked half as bad as he looked, "after that, you and Donnie both owe each other an apology. A genuine one."
Chase nodded, noticing that the tear stains had dried up and disappeared, the only remnants of them being his stinging eyes and his heavy heart.
"Good." Douglas nodded back as the doctor came in, leaving their conversation in the past aside from Chase's thought that loomed in his head.
'How do I apologize to someone who can't see that they screwed up too?'
The fourteen hours that Chase had just to sleep were some of the best hours he had ever had and it was the best sleep he had ever had that he could remember; luckily for him, no one had to train for the next few days, giving him the much-needed break.
As he walked into the cafeteria, he couldn't help but smile when he was engulfed in a hug by Bree while Leo quipped from his seat, "what do you know? He lives."
Bree let go shortly afterward, allowing Chase to go over to the coffee machine and pour some into a mug before sitting with his siblings, "when are we supposed to start training back up?"
"You almost died and you want to get back to training?" Adam questioned before delivering a shoulder squeeze that commanded Chase to look at his older brother, "don't worry about it and go shark surfing."
With that, the oldest of the bionic siblings left and Bree only had to shoot Leo a quick glance before the youngest of them ran after him, shouting something about how he would pass out if someone got bit by a shark.
"So, did you talk to Mr. Davenport?"
Chase winced internally as he remembered the screaming match from the night before that had been pretty one-sided, "not really." He admitted and gave her the condensed version of events before letting out a sigh, "what do I do to fix this?"
"Don't turn it into a debate, for one. You tend to do that a lot. Also, actions speak louder than words. Showing that you're sorry will be better for both of you after you apologize. But, if you want my opinion, Mr. Davenport is the one who should apologize to you."
Chase nodded as he started to figure out exactly what he was going to say in his mind. 'Hopefully, this works.'
He didn't have to wait long to figure out how this was going to play out because soon enough, he was called back to the infirmary for a follow-up and there was Mr. Davenport, the eyepatch still on his face as he stood next to one of the beds.
'Here goes nothing.'
"Mr. Davenport, I-"
"Chase, I need to apologize," being cut off was mildly irritating but the fact that he was actually trying made Chase go silent with shock, "I shouldn't have blamed you for what happened. This one is on me."
"I should be the one apologizing," Chase responded, looking at the floor to avoid looking up at his father's face and seeing his mistakes in the form of an eyepatch. "I should've thought it through for a few seconds, but I just wanted to make you angry."
"Your hurt allowed you to be blindsided, the hurt that I caused you. Plain and simple, I never would have understood the inner workings of the transponder without you. It wouldn't have existed without your brain. You deserve credit, more credit than I gave you."
"But you got hurt because of me," Chase couldn't keep his voice from quivering as he finally looked into Mr. Davenport's eyes, "if I hadn't trusted another stranger-"
"You have to stop beating yourself up about Sebastian, Chase. It's eating you alive."
"I know, I know. It's just really hard to do that when I thought I could trust him. And now with this,…it makes me wonder if I deserve to be called the smartest man in the world. If I'm even good enough to have my bionics if they constantly fail me."
"Even with the bionics, you're never going to be perfect. None of you are, because at your core, you're still human and at least for a little while longer, you're still a kid. Even though you grew up fast, you are still a kid."
That finally burst the dam that had been holding everything up for months. Sebastian, his anger towards Mr. Davenport, and his fear about dying, all came crumbling down with those words that he had needed to hear for a very long time.
But he didn't have to cry alone, because he was almost instantly pulled into a tight hug and was allowed to press his head against a shoulder to let everything out in shaking, harsh sobs that made his chest hurt and his eyes sting.
But the gentle hand rubbing his back and the soft voice whispering "I've got you" made him think that just maybe, he was going to be okay.
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memorymessage · 2 months
thoughts on brooke schofield situation BEFORE THE YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY
stream of consciousness. slightly problematic, i assume
i sympathize with being influenced by rightwing grandparents, because that was literally me when i was a self-hating queer and trans person that thought trump getting elected was perfectly okay in 2016, in a house playing fox news 24/7 because you live with closeminded old people
not for me to forgive brooke, not for me to say it's understandable or give her a pass, since she was posting racially ignorant things, like saying race had no part in the shooting of trayvon... like, even when i was under the influence of my conservative grandpa and the anti-SJW propaganda of the time, i knew that racial profiling and prejudice was a thing and played a role
however, i also know from my literal firsthand experience of being a self-hating trans person falling into the rightwing grift of ridiculing other trans people that people can genuinely change. i had to make that discovery on my own, though. i had to break out of the influences of my household and the internet and genuinely form my own thoughts through educating myself. after that, i no longer agreed with my grandpa, and would challenge him and admonish his views. you can actually change your views, even in the house you grew up in that primarily upholds opposing views
i will never understand this mindset of 'you said this once 10 years ago that contradict things you believe in now. unforgivable'—and it's like, yeah? are we really saying people's shitty political views by proxy of their upbringing means that a person can never change? i know brooke's situation is different due to being a cis, white, straight woman. but i can also attest to being within a marginalized subset of people, specifically gender and sexuality, and i still criticized other people exactly like me. the brainwashing can sometimes hit THAT deep
now with all that being said
disregard EVERYTHING
because brooke schofield thinks adin ross and trump are super cool ya. not only that, but both her and tana have said some braindead political opinions on their podcast. and i'm not talking 1-2 years ago. it's 1-2 weeks ago.
so, obviously, she really hasn't changed. or, at least, she doesn't care to take the time to truly understand why these issues are important
(edit to add, she addressed liking adin ross's trump post, though it's still annoying for her to not understand that positive engagement with these things boosts their algorithm pushes. i'd like to avoid promoting the extremely heavy-handed wave of indoctrination happening to boys aged 13-18 that we've seen in recent years, thanks! liking a post ironically is still liking the post!)
but, i guess the point of all this is that people can and do change
though the jury is still out on brooke
i really don't understand this 'never forgive anyone for anything they've done' mindset. it's perfectly valid to feel that they haven't changed, or that they aren't truly sorry, or they didn't educate themselves on how their upbringing hurt other people. but that doesn't seem to be the main rhetoric going around. i more often see people saying 'well, i knew better than to be like this at 16, so fuck this person'
like, hello? i am sorry, your saintliness? good for you for never needing to breakthrough a closeminded upbringing and need to educate yourself on social issues against the grain of your surroundings? i'm glad you were never a closeted, self-hating queer person that felt they needed to conform themselves to quell hateful judgment? you took a shot at brooke and hit a wide section of progressive people with conservative upbringings.
brooke may be another issue entirely, but putting an umbrella over people with a problematic past, like 'you can never be forgiven, i knew better at this age' is???? what do you want me, and others like me, to do? go back to being a self-hating, closeted, trans-critical trans person? that's all i'm good for due to having that background?
should go without saying, but i think the conduct of the person from the time of their upbringing should absolutely hold repercussions. if you were out there blasting slurs and spewing hateful vitriol, i'm not going to stand on the podium and champion the 'people can change' rhetoric in that context. during my worst years, even i was never actively bigoted or racist. harmful with my ignorance on racism by not realizing how big of a problem it actually is? yep. harmful with my own self-critical superiority complex on trans issues? yep. even passive or ignorant harm is still harm, but it is...less intentionally nefarious.
so, i think overall the nuance of someone's past does hold weight, and actions should absolutely have consequence. and there are some things that just... can't be forgiven. that's to an individual level, too.
i love talking about gender exploration now, and i love to help people in their own journeys if i'm asked, and i love to advocate for people's right to explore themselves in their identities. but do i think that gives me an automatic forgiveness pass from people in my past i likely made feel self conscious about their identity because of my views back then? nope. i literally deserve to be hated for that.
worse, i probably made people think they could relate to me or trust me with their similar life circumstances just on the basis of being queer and trans, only to end up being a proper Blair White. like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
again, i have NO PLACE to speak on racial issues, as i have not experienced the intersectionality of bigotry that is systemic racism. i will briefly say my understanding of differences between being ignorant to racism, to being not racist, and to being anti-racist, and knowing that active racism and being ignorant to racism often contribute to the same overall attitude of unconscious or systemic racism in society. hell, even being 'not racist' contributes to it.
(edit to add, after seeing all of brooke's tweets, it's EXTREMELY obvious that she was "actively racist" and not "ignorant to racism")
but anyway, yeah. it is not my place. i will defer to those it personally affects. the only thing i can truly speak on is my personal experience in being trans—a former trans-critical trans person. in no way am i saying that racism and transphobia have 1:1 comparable social impacts, either.
problematic pasts, politically influenced upbringings, the varying degrees of offensive behaviors, individual growth, interpersonal forgiveness vs generalized forgiveness
it's all extremely nuanced
but brooke...
this is like 98% not applicable to her (and even more not applicable after seeing the sheer amount of racism she engaged in)
i guess i just wanted to talk about the holier-than-thou rhetoric around her
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ilaiyayaya · 3 months
I think professional game players and like, other similar performative, skill based "jobs" are a really good example of why I think the idea of AI taking over every job is kinda ridiculous, like yea it definitely is going to ruin a lot of jobs and that's still obviously bad, but I think the idea of it completely phasing out humans in every regard is really dumb and disregards the entire point of a lot of things. Art is the biggest category of "job" I'm mostly referring to, but definitely not the only one, like, a huge part of the appeal of art isn't just the thing itself that you see/hear/etc. but also the idea that that thing had effort and passion put into it, a lot of arguments against AI I see say that AI could never replicate certain artstyles and visual features of art, like for examples hands being bad, but like, yea it can't now but it almost definitely will be able to physically replicate every aspect of art we see, but that completely ignores an entire other, arguably (I would make the argument, I am making the argument) far more important aspect, the feeling of something, not even just art, just anything, the way it makes you feel, the creator feel, the vibe, the idea behind it. I bring up video game players as a perfect example of this because I saw a tweet earlier today that said something along the lines of "'AI is coming for our jobs' I'd like to see an AI perform the same combo 50 times consecutively in one take" and like, yea even right now an AI could very easily do that, far easier than a human could, but like, do people watch AI do combos like they do for human players? do they get invested in communities centered around large tournaments of AI competitiors? no (I mean, I guess SaltyBet exists, but like, that's kind of an entirely different thing) because while yes they are physically doing the exact same thing, watching human competitors do it has a whole different vibe behind it, those are people, like me, and they have funny wacky thought processes behind the things they do, like me, and also they yell slurs when they lose to a hard counter-pick, like Hbox! Even like, non-art/competitive stuff I think this still applies to, like I always hear people complain about how fast food places like mcdonalds suck to eat at now because they know that they're just ordering at like, a screen or whatever and like, robot food (idk i havent eaten at a mcdonalds in years, woefully underinformed comparison), and like yea, companies don't care about that so those jobs probably will still get mostly phased out eventually on a large scale, but I don't think they'll be completely phased out, and if they do get replaced it may even end up being a short term issue anyways if John McDonkeys loses enough money from doing it.
Also like, the end goal for a lot of AI people is literally just making humans again, like just making AI that's the same as a real human and like, ok so like we have humans again now, what's the point??? You wasted decades, potentially centuries of research and money on something we already have? go out and touch skin bitch god i hate elon musk sorry the demons took hold again
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Basically moral of they story is AI is dumb and stupid and lame and dumb and bad, but also I have faith in humanity, even in the average random FUCKING IDIOT YOU YES YOU MINDLESS CONSUMER I SAW YOU PURCHASE THAT NINTENDO GAME YOU FOOL (haha me :)) to no longer care about or support AI stuff significantly enough in the long-term once the novelty wears off for it to actually be nearly as much of an issue as doomer internet people want it to be.
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thephilosopherwhofell · 6 months
The Fleeting Human Experience
TL/DR: Its harder to have human connections, take the cashier check-out line.
I am only twenty-two and I recognize that I have a very limited world view. I cannot make claims or ideas about the world that are not first going to be limited my a lack of experience compared to those who have been here longer. That said, I think we are in a very dangerous time in the context of the human experience. Never before have we had such barriers between our collective interactions. In our wars, our business, our media, and most importantly, in our relationships. Sure, there is a lot we have gained, but in the midst of our luxury, we forgot the price we pay for all of this.
As technology develops, the only way to keep the highly complicated machinery and computers affordable is to reduce the cost of the labor we need to make it. A sort of pseudo-slave labor in addition to literal slave labor is utilized to reduce the costs of modern tech. We choose to turn a blind-eye to this utter lack of respect for something we agree is a flagrant disregard of human rights because the results are enjoyable or comfortable. We ignore the damage we cause to people across the world because we have become so self-reliant on the technology we have now. I don't blame the average American or any regular citizen for this, but I can recognize that this is a problem.
However, in addition to this fine we pay with the lives and dignity of those less fortunate than us, we also pay a social and collective fine that people tend to forget. We have become so disconnected from each other in most avenues of our lives. As mentioned before, there are barriers in all of our human connections. As stated, we are disconnected in our wars. We do not even have to be in the same continent to do war against each other. The United States can order a drone strike on any target of their choosing from the comfort of the Oval Office and we can not do anything about that. War is no longer fought by soldiers, its fought by technology. That's not even accurate to say because the countries of which the United States has attacked with drones, did not have the means to properly fight back even with jets and anti-air defense. Our technology has made us near impossible to contend with. This is great for defensive purposes, technically speaking, but this is terrible for so many more reasons.
If its not our wars though, its one of the many other things I pointed out. Our business, for example, is done almost entirely online now. Every purchase I make is a set of instructions that is relayed to my bank on my behalf over the internet using a trusted system of card readers. At any point when my card data is available, such as when I insert the card or swipe it at the gas station, a little over-complicated, encrypted key pad can govern my financial future. Of course, when I go to the store its even worse. If I am unlucky or don't have the social battery, I can use a self-checkout kiosk. I never have to interact with a single person, many of which have my interest in mind, to get my groceries. I get it though, these devices are necessary for those who have greater social anxiety or even auto immune diseases. For them, I completely understand the use of a self-dictated machine. But this connection permeates B2B infrastructure too. Most companies move their money around near completely independent of human interaction.
On demand media is also another socially limiting element of our technology. Having media available all of the time whenever I want it means that I don't have to watch the show that everyone is talking about. Sure, I get a more personally curated content feed, and I also get to connect to people who share my interest online. But I never get the experience of discussing a show with my peers like my parents did because we all have our own, distinct, preferences. This is one of the more minor details but it fits within this problem that I am outlining.
Concerningly, this technology is getting in the way of our relationships. Not just friendships, family, or partnerships, but in all of them. Never before could a long distance relationship be maintained the way it is now. Before cellphones became common place you had to call on a landline with fairly pricy rates to use. If not that, then it was a pricy internet connection to send an email or use a chat room. Not unaffordable, but more expensive than not. Before that, maybe letters? I'm speculating a bit based on my knowledge of the internet before I started using it so I definitely could have some gaps on that front but the main idea still holds. With all of that said, maintaining a long-distance relationship is so much easier now that we often fail to recognize the lack of connection occurring. We find friends on the internet, keep connections with people over long distances, and never have to worry about losing track of people with how interconnected we are. These are all great, but we have lost the human connection we need as social animals. Online connections are great when nothing else is available, but when given the option we should be near to each others.
Lastly, and maybe frighteningly, we are moving into a time where interactions on the internet are not just between humans. AI language and image generating software is getting better at an exponential rate and soon enough we are going to struggle to differentiate people from AI. I don't think this is tomorrow but it is coming. I don't fear that AI is out to harm us, nor do I think that AI is going to be the ruin of society, but I do think that I don't want to be fooled. I want to know what my reality is and who I am talking with. AI is not going to replace us, but it may assimilate with us and that's something to be concerned with.
I don't write all of this because I think that technology is evil, but rather because I want to express the importance of interacting with real people. Sometimes people might refer to what I'm saying as experiencing reality or "touching grass" but its more than that. Don't just go to the store, go to the cashier line and have a human connection. Recently, there has been news of Walmart charging a subscription fee to use their self-checkout kiosk and we all agree, hopefully, that this is silly. But this is the perfect opportunity to disconnect from our isolated realities and experience people as people again. We are at a turning point in the technological boom when human interaction is a potentially endangered element of the human experience. It may be argued that we will always have other people in our lives, but what is important right now, is securing that connection for the future. This isn't an overnight process, and we aren't going to see the results of our actions for years, but if we value our humanity, we must remember that part of it comes from out connections to real others.
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1tad0ri · 4 years
hiii. can i request a rough nsfw with sukuna where he's so frustrated with jujutsu sorcerers that he decided to unleash those said frustrations on the reader? like he just won't stop until he release all the stress inside him— kshjsch i feel like sukuna would do that 😳 he'll be rough all night long
warning: degradation, choking, breath play, very mild pain kink, hate fucking
ryoumen sukuna x fem!reader
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i feel the same way so thank you, i’m going to be thinking about this for a long time
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“you know, i really thought you’d put up more of a fight.”
the grip he had on your neck was bruising, but certainly a lot looser than you thought the king of curses would be. your hands clawed at him nonetheless, although the whole current concept of being shoved against the wall of your bedroom wasn’t exactly something you were complaining about.
the three impatient raps at your door earlier had you rolling out of bed, wanting to sleep after your latest mission. you’d thought it was yuuji, hungry for your warmth, but when you unlocked the door, rubbing your eyes and stifling a yawn, you’d been unceremoniously shoved backwards, the wind knocked out of you when your back met the wall. the glint of tattoos on a familiar face in the moonlight coming from your window told you all you needed to know.
sukuna watched you curiously and then his sickening grin was back, fingers squeezing a little harder. you gasped, stretching your neck away. “what? not going to answer?” he sneered, “maybe you all really are the same. scared little fucking sorcerers.” he leaned closer, breath fanning across your face. “isn’t that fucking stupid? you’re all a bunch of scaredy cats, aren’t you?” he pouted mockingly when he spat out the name. his lips were so close, if you just tilted forward—
no. whatever morbid fascination you harbored towards him didn’t change the fact he was... well... him. you stood your ground, leaning forward to bump your nose against his, your own scowl evident. “you can’t do anything, sukuna. once we find all the—”
“all my fingers you mean? the ones you can’t destroy on your own so you have to come up with some little plan to get rid of me?” he laughed bitterly in your face and you bit your lip, trying to calm your fury before you did something you’d regret. “it’s all the same. you’re scared of me. you don’t have the upperhand. never will,” he whispered at the end.
“i’m not scared of you.” your thoughts tumbled out of your mouth plainly without a second of hesitation, but the tilt of his head in question, his forehead brushing against yours, made you think that perhaps telling the truth around him was a very bad idea.
it was dark, hard to see his face, but god he was so close. “yeah? what are you then?”
good question. wait, no, bad question. bad, very bad, because you already knew the answer to it. or... did you? vocal chords at a stand still, there was no way to verbalize what you felt.
“hurry up, brat.” sukuna tightened his grip on your neck before loosening it just the smallest bit so you could speak. “i don’t have all day. how do you feel then? you with your little human emotions.”
words... what are the words. it turns out staring down a literal demon king in the eyes wasn’t the optimal place to think. “i... i don’t know.” your voice was small, unsure, lying.
the staring contest, backed by deafening silence, continued for a mere beat longer as you regarded each other with quiet contemplation. you could just barely make out his eyes and the curve of his lips, parted slightly. his breath was warm.
you couldn’t take it anymore and it seemed like he couldn’t either—you both automatically tilted your heads, lips pressing against each other easily, eyes falling shut. mouths sliding against the other, he gently pushed your head back to hit the wall, tongues running over one another. it was slow, hot, and you decided you should probably thank yuuji for keeping his lips so soft.
sukuna sucked your bottom lip between his own and your hands fell away from his grip on your neck to pull him closer by the front of his shirt (he hadn’t ripped it apart yet, an impressive feat). his leg slipped between your own, and you pushed down on it with your hips, the friction making you open your mouth further to him, something enticing about the fact he was a very good kisser.
but then it was like a switch flipped and his hold on your neck tightened once again. “what... what am i doing,” you thought he mumbled, voice hoarse (then again, your brain wasn’t exactly listening when you were busy making out with someone like him), kiss faltering for a brief moment. his lips curled into a frown, disdainful.
shoving you further into the wall as he pushed against you with his mouth, sukuna was all sharp teeth and rough lips now, swallowing up your whimpers, nothing soothing about it like his previous actions.
“i fucking hate you,” he spat, his hand abandoned your neck and moved up to squish your cheeks together, finding satisfaction in the way your lips puckering out, barely able to move. “do you hear me? i hate all of you.”
“the feeling’s mutual,” you mumbled around his grip, hazy from the kiss but knowing what you stood for, fury evident in your eyes and furrowed brows. he was the enemy. and you were... you. and... and...
you were met with a bitter laugh, your stomach curling into knots at the sound. you hadn’t noticed his free hand tugging at your waistband until it was too late, his hand slipping in and wasting no time running two fingers harshly against your soaking folds. “why are you dripping wet then? a slut and a liar?”
“fuck off,” you mumbled again, a lot quieter this time, face burning hot from embarrassment.
“i’ll fuck off when you stop acting like you want to fuck me.”
his words made you straightened up. “i- i’m not—”
“you’re not acting? mmm,” sukuna let go of your cheeks just enough that he could properly kiss you, tongue forcing it’s way past your lips, “of course you’re not. of course.” he was mocking you and you couldn’t say anything.
a finger pushed into your heat and you bit down on his lip in surprise, although the pain only seemed to spur him on further, a second finger easily shoving its way in next to the first. curling, pushing, rubbing against that sensitive, spongy spot inside of you, sukuna’s fingers had your legs shaking, the knee he still had pressed between them the only thing keeping you up at this rate. the grip on your face as he hummed against your mouth prevented you from avoiding eye contact with him, lips wet as he disregarded any type of mess he was making.
he was everywhere at once and you felt trapped. hot—it was too hot, your body was burning.
“su- ku... n... a,” his name came out garbled between the onslaught of your face being squished together and the sloppy kisses he pressed into you at irregular intervals. when his thumb rubbed against your clit as the two fingers continued to pump in and out, you gripped his shirt so hard you were sure you would rip it this time. “too... mmm,” a kiss that was more tongue than lip cut you off and you weren’t even sure if he heard you as you choked out the next words, “mmm, hah— much, suku—”
at once he released you, almost letting you drop to the floor, but you were able to just barely steady yourself against the wall in time. sukuna stepped back and away from your shaking form. you were gasping, lungs burning.
“w...why did you—”
“i can listen you know.” you could practically feel his eye roll from his dripping tone, even if you weren’t looking at him. “‘too much.’” he laughed as he mocked you. “more like you’re too weak.”
you were thankful he actually seemed to have a brain, but still— “you’re an idiot.” fuck, your lungs hurt, the retort scraping against the walls of them. he was good. it had been a while since anyone had left your head spinning like that.
sukuna flicked a hand dismissively. “‘an idiot’ who’s giving you a chance to breathe, you brat.” he decided to ignore the name for now, thankfully for you (although you didn’t exactly see it that way).
you couldn’t choke out another snarky response and simply focused on clearing your head. he gave you a chance to think and once you seemed clear-minded, he wasted no further time.
you blinked, eyes bleary, peering up at him from where you bent over, trying to catch your breath. “w...what?”
“on the bed. now.” he shoved his hands into his pockets, watching you blankly as you regained your senses. “unless you want me to fuck you on the floor?”
“no...” god, what was with you? or rather... what was with him? the ache in your core answered your question, your cunt feeling so empty now—he hadn’t even bothered to let you cum and you already wanted his fingers stuffed back into you. he was irresistible—you felt stupid even having the thought.
sukuna’s eyes narrowed, close to shoving you to the ground to finish what he started but exercising restraint for your sake. you’d need it. “i’m being nice and giving you a chance to get comfortable on your stupid bed, you idiot. go. now.” he was getting tired of repeating himself.
the last few snarky words and your own desire for him actually had you moving this time, climbing up onto the bed a few steps away and settling uncertainly onto the covers. you went to look up for further instructions but he was already on you, both of you tumbling back onto the mattress as he practically shoved his tongue down your throat, hands pushing up and under your shirt to squeeze your tits.
“take this off.”
you automatically pulled at the hem of the flimsy t-shirt at his command, sukuna giving you just enough room to get it over your head, and then his teeth were on your exposed breasts, marking them up. your fingers threaded through his hair, his head moving under your touch as you watched his mouth work with half-lidded eyes.
you didn’t think you’d be able to change in front of anyone any time soon, already knowing the blossoming colors of bruises would be apparent the next morning. reminder to self: cancel your upcoming shopping trip with nobara; the dressing rooms with her would surely be a disaster if he kept this up.
“who’s are these?” his grip was rough when he cupped your breasts, squeezing.
you immediately knew the answer he was looking for, all too eager to hand it over. “yours. fuck, they’re all yours.” your hands ran through his hair, urging him to continue his onslaught on the previously unmarked skin.
sukuna laughed, thumbing your nipples, giving one of them a light lick that made you squirm. “you’re more obedient than i thought you’d be.” he pinched the buds, rolling them between his fingers as you squeezed your eyes closed, gasping at the pain. “but that’s enough of that.” your eyes snapped open, about to ask him what the fuck he meant by that, but he was already setting to work.
his fingers hooked around your sleeping bottoms and pulled them down with your underwear, the night air cold against your damp lips. you rubbed your thighs together but his hands on your knees forced them apart as he peered down at you. you felt so exposed under his hungry gaze, entirely bare for him to see while he was still dressed. unfair.
“wanna see. don’t close them,” was his short, clipped explanation as he kept your legs spread. one hand on your knee, sukuna brought the fingers of his other to run along your folds again just as he had done before, except this time he could actaully see how you quivered under him, cunt glistening and dripping. he slipped two fingers to run between the folds and then popped them in his mouth, sucking the slick from his fingers and maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. you couldn’t look away.
he hummed, content as he licked the last bit off of the tips. “you don’t taste bad for a slut.”
all the focus was on you, him criticizing everything little thing you did, and you were a mess because of it. not even a chance to run your hands over his chest? unacceptable. you pointedly ignored his comment, pining after some form of a reward instead. “at least take your shirt off. thought you hated those things.” the clothing ratio here was starting to grate on your nerves.
sukuna rolled his eyes but crossed his arms over his chest to grab ahold of the sides of his fitted t-shirt and tug it over his head. you watched, mouth watering at the sight—the moon provided excellent illumination for the scene, his body revealed inch by painstaking inch as he disposed of the fabric. god, he was so hot. you hated it.
muscles on display, sukuna raised an eyebrow at you as though he were asking, happy now? your silent reply came when you reached up to run your hands over the dips of his abs, his chest solid and tattoos curling over the surface.
“that’s better.” you made a show of your gaze tracing over the surface before looking up at him, smiling to yourself. “surprised you didn’t just rip it off.”
sukuna simply scoffed and swatted your hand away, moving from between your legs so he could work off his pants and kick them off to the side.
“knew you’d like to see me take it off properly,” he answered at last, back to you as he wiggled out of his boxers finally and chucked them off the foot of the bed. you didn’t get much time to admire his flexing back muscles before he was on you again, settling between your legs like he knew he belonged there (you weren’t sure you could argue with that point).
he pumped his cock, grabbing one of your legs and pushing it back. precum leaked from his tip, length already fully hard, and sukuna was enjoying your gaze on him maybe a little too much. leg shoved back and in the air, you whimpered when he rubbed the head along you. you didn’t need prep after being fucked by his fingers earlier you supposed and you weren’t sure you’d even be patient enough to sit through him stretching you out any further with anything but his dick.
you wanted to feel it yourself and so you reached a hand out to wrap around the base, captivated by how he watched you as you thumbed the slit, breathing heavy but not saying anything, letting you do what you wanted.
you wanted it in you so badly.
when he opened his mouth in question, eyes flitting up to yours, you were quick to cut him off, already knowing what he was going to ask. “yes, i’m sure.” you didn’t know curses could actually be compassionate, and it was cute when his jaw locked hard at your confirmation and he nodded, shifting his gaze back to your hand.
you released his cock and sukuna set back to lining it up with you, grip on your leg locking the limb in place. you shivered under his hold and he grunted when the head nudged your entrance, slowly pushing in.
“fuck. take it. take it all in. fucking slut.” he sunk fully in in one motion, the pace enough not to have you screaming out at the stretch but making your breath catch in your throat all the same. “yes, just like that. a good bitch, that’s what you are, aren’t you? look at you.”
you didn’t even know what to think at this point, a shaky resemblance to his name tumbling from you, more so a moan than actual talking. you could feel him everywhere—so full, so overwhelmingly full.
shoving your leg back further until it was almost painful, cock bottomed out in you, sukuna snapped his fingers in front of your face. “i asked you a question, brat. or are you already too fucked out of your mind to answer?”
you couldn’t breathe, head heavy, and tried to nod in confirmation as you struggled to puzzle through his words, but then you shook your head to answer no—god, you were confused. what was the right answer? what was happening?
maybe you really were already too fucked out of your mind. you vaguely recalled his words from earlier and were able to form a somewhat coherent response. “a good bitch... yes, i a- wait.” what were you saying? first you let him fuck you and now you’re openly submitting to him? the curse that had nearly cost you and your friends your lives countless times?
pride wouldn’t let you go along with his little game even as your dripping pussy told a different story. “i’m not anything to you.”
sukuna scoffed, hips grinding into you as he leaned over you, hooking both of your legs over his shoulders and pressing them back, close to your head. “and here i thought we were actually starting to get along.” a mirthless laugh left him, both of you eye-to-eye now where you lay.
fire burning in your eyes, you were very much reminded why you hated him so much. a self-obsessed asshole was what he was. “i’m not exactly looking to be friends with the king of curses, you idiot.”
“but look at you now. you wanted this.” he licked a stripe up the side of your neck, pausing at the base of your jaw to grin and press a sweet kiss to the area. you shivered and your hands found his shoulders to grip onto. he wasn’t wrong about the wanting it part—the amount of times you’d fantasized about exactly this was concerning. “i wonder what would happen if your little friends knew about how you really felt. what’s that term you like to use? ‘fraternizing with the enemy?’”
sukuna laughed again when your expression fell, face hot at the reminder of the others. “i suppose this is considered a bit more than mere fraternizing though, hm?” he continued, smiling and kissing your cheek.
whatever. no one would find out anyway. expect... expect maybe... yuuji—what had happened to him anyway for this to happen? knowing him, he’d probably been too tired after the last mission and sukuna had easily switched in—the same mission that seemed to have set sukuna even further along in his fury against jujutsu sorcerers this night.
you weren’t dating yuuji per say (it was... complicated), so your qualms when it came to fucking the curse possessing him were... minimal to say the least. you wouldn’t have done it if you were already taken, couldn’t have done that to yuuji, sweet as he was. but even in spite of all that, sukuna was right... this whole thing was so... no, don’t think about it.
you didn’t care either way (...maybe)—you couldn’t let his words get to you.
“just move already.”
you heard him grumble, annoyed, and he propped himself up to hover above your face. “i was giving you time to adjust. you’re so ungrateful.”
and with that, sukuna snapped his hips into yours without another moment of hesitation and you dug your nails into his back, mouth open in a silent scream because fuck.
“ungrateful fucking brat.”
“more,” your voice was hoarse, focus narrowing in only on the way he was fucking you.
you weren’t sure if it was your words or his own desire that spurred him on, but he set a bruising pace from the start, the places where your hips met hurting every time he rammed back into you. he was marking up your neck, the area already feeling sensitive and oh-so overabused, yet you not wanting to tell him to stop.
sukuna’s hand wrapped around your neck again, the feeling familiar now and you clenched around him at the sensation, him growling when you did so. the slight squeeze of his fingers had you seeing stars, the light-headed feeling going straight to your building arousal.
just like before, his hand traveled up to squeeze your cheeks and he was hovering over your mouth again, lips brushing against your own from the momentum of his thrusts. “let me kiss you again.” sukuna’s eyes were dark, unreadable.
you were quick to act at that, not letting him lean down, but rather craning your neck up to latch onto him, moaning as your mouth fell open for him to push his tongue in. his hand released your face to travel down to tweak at your nipples and grip your breasts again, other hand holding your leg steady against him. “filthy fucking slut.” he forced the words into your mouth, speaking around your lips that kept chasing after him. “fuck, you’re so fucking tight.”
sukuna’s attention returned to your neck, leaving you to gasp into the air and missing his warmth against your face. when his thumb found your clit, your breath hitched and you knew you so close to coming undone. the rubbing of his cock against just the right spots inside of you, filling you so wholly was not helping.
“su...kuna, please, i’m gonna—” you were babbling, chest heavy when his teeth sank into your shoulder, stinging. his wet kiss on the area was cooling, the contrast making your head tilt further back, wanting to give him easy access to whatever he wanted.
“i’ve got you.” he was whispering against the wet skin, voice low with his pants, and you shivered, digging your nails into his back even more. “come on, brat, you want to cum for me, don’t you?” yes, you did. the stretch, his hands everywhere at once, his scraping lips—yes, you wanted to let everything go.
“fuck, fuck, fuck.” you let yourself come undone, heat filling your chest. everything was him—that’s all you knew in this state.
“look at you, creaming all over my cock. god, you’re so pretty. pretty little slut.” the words just kept flowing as he fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own release.
when he finally came, your hole was aching, abused, the sound of skin against skin the only thing you could focus on, mind cloudy. his cum was hot and filling when it spilled into you, your stomach doing summersualts at the feeling. his pace gradually began to slow, the sopping sound of him fucking his cum into you as he rode out his own high the only sound besides your ragged breaths. when he eventually stopped, he was leaning over you, sweaty foreheads pressed together, and he pushed one final bruising kiss to your lips that you gladly returned.
you were panting, chest rising and falling unevenly. “fuck, oh my god.” you reached up pull him back into another kiss, needing something to hold onto. it was an easy kiss, no thought going into its form, just knowing that lips were meant to be on each other and slotted together. his lips were so soft, and his fingers along your side were so soft, and his chest against yours was so soft and you were absolutely lost to everything.
sukuna finally pulled back to let you breath, knowing you were probably stupid enough to just keep pulling him in more and more and ignoring your lung capacity until the very last second unless he stopped you.
chests heaving, you stared at each other and he brought a thumb up to rub at your swollen lips. you flicked your tongue out to lick at the digit playfully and smiled. a laugh bubbled out of you and he returned the grin, his own deep chuckle vibrating through you where you were still pressed against each other.
it was laughing that you moved to push him to roll off of you. “oh my god, i can’t believe we just-” the hand that gripped your wrist, your own hands still planted on his chest, stopped you immediately. his smile had morphed back into one that was anything but sweet.
you were suddenly aware of the ache in your legs where they were still pressed over his shoulders and the dull throbbing of your pussy as it begged for a break, him still not having pulled out—the look on his face told you that you wouldn’t be getting a break from those sensations any time soon.
“who said we’re done?” his teeth glinted in the moonlight and god the line was so cliche and he must’ve known you’d hate it so much. what you hated even more was the throb in your core at his words despite all that. “wanted to cum in you at least once, but your tits-” he paused to squeeze one of them for emphasis, “are looking a little too clean.” body covered in sweat and marks all over your chest from his handiwork made you think clean wasn’t exactly the correct description, although you understood his sentiment.
surprise ridden expression falling away, you rose to meet his challenge, your own grin reflecting back. how would it feel when he came on your stomach, on your face, on your ass—anywhere and everywhere? would it be the same feeling as before when he’d spilled inside of you? (would you get to taste it?)
the thought was horrible, you knew, but the trickle of white out of your hole around his cock and dripping onto the sheets made you think maybe it was okay to be horrible for once.
“do your worst, king.”
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seiyasabi · 3 years
(Here’s a Yandere Todo Aoi x Female Reader story :P I wrote up the layout for this a while ago, and I’m currently madly in love w him, so here we are! 
Thank you all so much for your support and being so understanding of my situation. I love you all so much ;)
TW: !noncon/dubcon!, !Has a whole ass shrine dedicated to you, you literally don’t know he exists lmao, !claims he's ur bf to everyone, manipulation!, intimidation!, sort of kidnapping!, !forced cunnilingus!, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!)
“(Your Name)-Chan, why didn’t you tell us that you have a boyfriend?” You slowly stop chewing, chopsticks going slack in your hand. Eyes darting towards your friend Mika, you raise an unamused eyebrow. 
“What are you talking about, Mika-Chan? I don’t have a boyfriend,” All of your girlfriends look at each other, unbelieving of your claim. All giggle, thinking that you’re just being shy. 
“Ne~ don’t be coy! It’s okay to tell us about your boyfriend! From the pictures I’ve seen, he’s quite handsome, huh?” At this point, you’re completely confused. Are they pranking you? You don’t have a boyfriend! 
“I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about-“ The seat next to you slides out, and a hulking figure plops itself down on the wooden chair, the wood creaking horrifically underneath their weight. 
Their arm wraps around the back of your own chair, practically engulfing you in the crook of their enormous elbow, “Hey, Pretty Girl. I’m sorry that I’m late, you know how late my classes run sometimes.” 
You’re too scared to even turn towards the large man, choosing instead to look at your friends with a horrified expression. They don’t notice it, too busy ogling at the apparent eye candy next to you, “Uhm, I’m sorry, but who are you? And why do they think that you’re my boyfriend?” An awkward silence immediately follows after, the man’s hand gripping the wood behind you so hard that it creaks. 
He forces a deep laugh, which sounds quite menacing. He moves his hand onto your back, his warm palm felt through your stylish top, “You’re so funny, (Nickname)-Chan! It’s alright, you don’t need to hide me anymore. I messaged your girls last week, they know about us.” 
“Yeah, (First Name)-Chan! It’s okay! We think you’re both so adorable,” They practically fawn over the two of you, trying to push you closer into each other’s arms. The man next to you takes this in stride, practically hauling your chair up next to his. His arm is now fully around you, as you lean in close to your hair and neck. He inhaled deeply, a satisfied grunt rumbling through his chest. 
“Don’t do anything stupid, (Your Name)-Chan. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll follow my every whim,” Tears of fear and anxiety bead your eyes, which your friends take as relief that you’re no longer hiding away from them. 
“Don’t cry, (First Name)-Chan! It’s okay! We all support you wholeheartedly!” 
The rest of the lunch consisted of you being extremely uncomfortable, and your closest friends being none the wiser. Somehow, they don’t notice how you constantly inch away from him, only to be dragged back to his side. Somehow, they don’t know how he’s whispering mild threats into your ear. 
But, through this time, you learned the name of your so-called ‘boyfriend.’ Todo Aoi, the beast currently keeping you glued to your seat in fear. He’s so much bigger than you, so much faster, seemingly so much smarter. 
“Bye, (First Name)-Chan, Bye, Todo-Kun! It was nice to meet you!” Your friends wave the two of you off, one of his large hands securely on the small of your back. His grip is bruising, controlling. Todo practically pushes you towards an unknown destination, your body only able to continue forward, whether you wanted it to or not. 
“I’m proud of you, (First Name)-Chan. I knew my girl was smart, beautiful, and capable. This just proved it to me,” A small whimper escapes your throat, as fresh tears bead your eyes. 
“Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?” A booming laugh is heard, practically shaking the ground below you, causing you to flinch. 
“Why am I doing this? Well, I’m doing this, because I love you. I want us to be together, so we’re going home,” He says this as if it solved all of your problems. 
“But we don’t know each other, why even bother-“ 
“We know each other. I saved your life, remember?” For the first time tonight, you look at him. His distinct scar immediately catches your attention- this man did, in fact, save your life. Two months prior, someone or something shoved you onto some train tracks, right in front of an oncoming train. In a mere moment, the bulky man grabbed you from the tracks, and hopped back up onto the platform, effectively saving your life. 
“I-Bu-But what? We met only once, and-“ He shushes you, forcing you closer to his side, his entire hand practically engulfing your waist. 
“There’s no need to worry. In that Moment, I knew that you were meant to be my beautiful Princess. You need me to care for you, and I’m up for the task.” 
“Princess? Sir, I think you need help! We’ve only talked once, and while I’m grateful for you saving my life, I think this is excessive! Please let me go!” 
He ignores you, sighing dreamily about what the two of you will get up to. Todo couldn’t wait to add more to your shrine at home! He’ll be sure to get as much dirty clothes, used tissues, and everything else he could ever want! 
Forcing you into an upper class loft building, he guides you by the small of your spine into a lift, disregarding the old woman inside. She looks at you as if the both of you are the most adorable couple she’s ever seen, making you shift in discomfort. Todo takes it in stride, practically preening under her gaze, but pretending it has no effect on him. 
He nonchalantly presses his floor’s number, before placing that hand on your hip, and rubbing it in circular motions. You try to move away from him, but his grip is solid. 
Before long, the lift stops on his floor, and he pushes you out. You stumble into the area outside of his front door- his home being the only one on the entire floor. The door itself has a pin pad on its handle, which he quickly typed in, once he’s directly in front of it, leading you to believe that there’s most likely a second pin pad on the other side. 
Once you hear the click of the door being unlocked, Todo moves away from the entryway, and motions you inside, “Go ahead, Princess.” 
In a Moment of defiance, you shake your Head no, “I think this has gone on long enough,” His eyes narrow slightly, yet you continue, practically shaking in your shoes, “I-I don’t want to go inside. Please let me go home.” 
His booming laughter fills the small space, as he shakes his head in disbelief, “You’re adorable, (Nickname)-Chan! Now, go inside before I become angry.” The bite in his final words forces you forward, into his dark flat. 
He flicks on the light switch the moment you step inside, momentarily blinding you. Once you’re able to blink away the dots swimming in your vision, you’re greeted with a fairly normal sight. The living room, kitchen, and dining room are conjoined in an open concept, making the large place seem even larger. Two hallways branch off on either side of the large room, most likely leading to a master, a guest room, bathroom, and an office. 
“What do you think? I read in a magazine that women like clean homes, so I deep clean this flat at least once a week.” 
You aren’t sure what to say, but you nod along anyway, “Yes, it’s very nice.” He beams down at you, cheeks practically stretching to the fullest extent. 
“This shows that I know how to make women happy! I believe that’s a redeeming quality,” You awkwardly give him the side eye, “Oh, don’t look at me like that, silly girl! I have many more redeeming qualities if that one isn’t good enough. Now,” He clasps your shoulder with a large hand, “Why don’t I show you our bedroom?” 
“Our?” Your eyes are practically bugging out of your skull, as he nods gleefully. 
“We’re a couple, aren’t we? And couples share everything with each other.” 
With that, he practically drags you down the left hallway. There’s only one door at the end of the hall, signalling that this is the master bedroom. With one hand, he pushes open the door, before coaxing you inside. His hand that was previously on your shoulder migrates to the bottom of your spine. The room is a mixture of black and your favourite colour, showcasing that this room is the both of yours. 
The bed is quite large, most likely to accommodate your large captor and yourself, “I thought you’d like that your favourite colour is in here.” 
You say nothing, tears beading your eyes. You wring your hands in anxiety, as he leads you to the bed. He sits you down on the edge, before kneeling in front of you. Todo leans forward, resting on your thighs, all whilst still practically towering over you even when sitting. 
“Why’re you crying, Princess? There’s no reason to,” He swipes under your eye the moment the first tear falls. 
“Why am I crying? You must be joking! You-you just kidnapped me!” He shushes you once more, causing a spark of anger to course through you. He hasn’t listened to a single complaint you’ve voiced! “Stop doing that! It’s rude! I’m allowed to be upset-“ 
With two massive hands, he forces your thighs open, “I know your work has you stressed, Pretty Girl- why don’t you let me calm you down?” He pushes his hands up your thighs, your skirt barely covering your pussy,  allowing his thumbs to ghost over your panty clad cunny. 
You try to thrash out of his hold, pushing against his hands, “No! Let go of me!” Your thrashing does nothing, as just the weight of his forearms we’re enough to press your thighs to the bed. His left hand rubs against your clit and hole, trying to make you as wet as possible. You try to push against his forearms, but he presses down harder. 
His thumb rubs fluidly over your clit in an even pressure. Your hips press up, trying to buck him off, but it only causes him to press down harder. In no time, you’re growing wet against his ministrations. You choke back your whines, smacking his arms, before pushing against his head which hovers just above your cunt. 
“Do you feel that, Princess? You’re getting so wet!” He suddenly presses his open mouth against your mound, tongue matching pace with his thumb. A moan escapes your throat before you can stop it, halting the large man in his tracks. You sound so perfect to him! 
In one swift motion, he yanks your panties down your legs, and tosses them onto the mattress beside you. You try to close your legs, but it’s no use. I’m seconds, he has your thighs presses as far open as they can go, and his face is buried in your pretty cunny. His tongue dips into your folds, savouring your taste, before flicking against your clit. 
His tongue rubs against your clit in swift, smooth motions, quickly causing you to grow wetter than before. Your slick drips down your cunny, coating your ass and inner thighs. More moans escape your mouth, as you writhe against him. 
“Sto-Stop! Oh my god-“ He gives a small laugh at your begs, eating you out faster than before. Loud slurps and ‘mms’ are heard throughout the room, as you quickly go over the edge. Your juices squirt out of your cunny, coating his chin and his shoulders in slick. A loud keen is heard throughout the room. 
The mixture of your wonderful cum and loud moans causes the large man to bust a load in his pants. He groans against you, causes your thighs to tremble in overstimulation. Todo removes himself from your pussy (not before licking up as much slick as possible), and smiles up at you. 
“You’re so wonderful, (Nickname)-Chan! I should’ve done this sooner!” 
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
An Accident
Yeah... you may have seen this before, earlier this week when I accidentally posted it. Anyways, this is a part 2 of the Todoroki clan being obsessed with reader's hair. So, um enjoy.
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Yandere Todoroki Clan:
Rei is obsessed with reader’s hair.
She’s taken such good care of it, and after years of hard work, your hair now reaches just around your butt. Your hair is healthy, thick, luscious, and cut into a smooth, U shape; of course all trims are done by Rei herself because she doesn't even trust professionals. And even though you’ve asked Rei on multiple occasions to cut it short, at least up to the middle of your back, she just wouldn’t, always saying that you’re being unreasonable. But you’re not; you’ve given her multiple valid reasons.
For example, Rei and Fuyumi do your hair themselves. And initially, they would let you choose whatever hairstyle you wanted, but now they pick one for you, saying they know which one will suit your outfit of the day better. Rei likes to do double buns, or ponytails tied with ribbons or just one high pony with a pretty big bow on the top of your head. Fuyumi on the other hand makes super intricate hairstyles, and while they look pretty, only you know how much pain your scalp is in. Fuyumi does your hair as if you’re her doll, yanking and twisting hard, saying that she needs to be this rough to achieve the distinctive braid patterns. Thankfully, Rei usually does your hair most of the time.
One of the main reasons you've begged Rei to let you cut your hair short is how much time she (and you) would safe. Since your hair is so long, it takes a lot of time for Rei to put in hair masks, serums, oils, etc. It takes even longer to wash and dry them out, and then style them as well. But she smiled oh so kindly, and told you that she doesn't mind. She looks forward to taking care of your hair, forcing you to sit between her legs for hours as she applies some expensive magic growth oil, ignoring how you didn't like this.
And even if your hair is curly naturally, like even 4C curly hair, Rei will have it straight as a stick in no time (don't bother telling her that you like it natural). But don't worry, its still quite voluminous.
Of course, Rei washes your hair herself, telling you that you’re simply not capable enough to manage it. (At least she lets you wash your body yourself.) And due to your hair being so long, it takes time to not only wash it, but also dry it. Rei will detangle using a wide tooth comb, starting from the bottom and working her way up. Then she’ll dry it with her cold breath, and if required, call Enji to dry your hair with his heat. You like it when Enji dries your hair, because he does it quickly and your hair becomes far smoother.
And its not just Rei and Fuyumi that are obsessed with your hair, the boys are just as fond of it as well. Enji likes to card his fingers through your hair while he’s working on some papers or listening to news, his warm hands always putting you to sleep in his lap. Its an adorable sight, gives him a sense of peace.
Shotou also likes to run his hands through your long hair, especially after a stressful day. The feeling of his fingers through your smooth, long locks, it calms him. And if he’s feeling extra stressed, then he might braid your hair loosely as well. He always wears a scrunchie on his wrist for you.
You wouldn't ever admit it, but you enjoy it when Natsuo played with your hair. Its like he can sense when you're having a headache. He'll have you sit on the floor while he takes a seat on your bed, and then his fingers will do their magic. He knows exactly where to put pressure on your scalp, and exactly how much force to use. His massages always relieve your migraines, and he always massages with expertise to ensure their is proper blood flow in your scalp.
While you are more than happy to let Natsuo touch your hair, you hate it when Dabi's around. If you didn't know better, you'd think he wants to rip your scalp off. He knows how much it annoys you, always pulling at your ponytails, tugging at your braids, even yanking it a few times when you ignore him. And you've complained to your family, but all of them say that "oh he's just playing around." Or "no, he just misses you. He's only teasing." And when you ask Dabi to stop it, he'll just smile and say "big brother privileges."
He's insufferable.
Everyone gets to play with your hair, but God forbid if you do. Oh no, apparently you'd "destroy it", as if you're not capable of managing your own hair. You're not allowed to open your ponytails because, quoting Rei, "you're yanking your hair. You're going to rip your follicles- baby, stop. Just let me do it." But you know that she does that because she wants to brush your hair with the soft, bristle brush before you go to bed. And somedays, Rei doesn't tie your hair in a bun or something, letting your hair fall, and it gets in your way, and even then you're still not allowed to put it up because "oh honey, your hair needs to breathe too. If you keep it in a pony, the band will leave a mark in it." Honestly, everyone finds it adorable when you're dressed in your little, fluffy skirt paired with a cozy oversized sweater, all mad and pouting, trying to blow the hair strands blocking your field of vision. Like a little baby.
While Rei looks at your hair and sees years of her hards work and patience, all you see is losing control over your own life. And you are. They decide everything for you, from the clothes you wear, the food you eat, and even things you should like and dislike. They choose when you should go out, what you should watch, when its time for bed. They disregard your opinions and feelings, and if you show that you're frustrated, then its means that you're just throwing a "tantrum", and you need to be put to bed like some cranky child. You've told them that they're too overbearing, but they always say that they just love you.
What kind of love is controlling?
They're so lost in their delusions, that they don't even see the deteriorating effects it has on you mentally.
Actually, one person did see them. Dabi.
He saw how much everything was overwhelming you, how you were near tears when they talked over you, made choices for you.
He felt a bit bad for you, just a tad. Mostly, he felt there was another opportunity to mess with you.
When Dabi came to bother you one night, tugging at your hair again, this time a bit harder than usual, he saw you were ready to cry. You didn't even bother saying anything to him anymore, just kept quiet and did your best not to cry. Of course, now he ridiculed you. Called you a little crybaby and used that annoying patronising tone with you. And just as he was about to leave, he said "if your hair bothers you so much, why don't you just cut it, you big baby?"
As if something had finally snapped in you, you let his words echo. Why don't I cut it? What's stopping me?
Was it because you had learned to just give in?
You didn't even realise you had walked to your bathroom until you were holding a pair of scissors. Which surprised you, because you weren't allowed to use scissors unsupervised. It was almost as if a sign from the universe motivating you to do it, and definitely not Dabi who left them on the sink.
Holding the pair of scissors in one hand and a chunk of your hair in the other, you hesitate for a second and wonder what will Rei do. But before you could stop yourself, you cut.
I'll cross that bridge when it comes.
You start low, maybe 2 inches above your hips. It looks okay, but maybe you could cut a little more. And a little more. And a little more. Before you know it, your hair is around shoulder length, in an uneven, chunky bob. Its not perfect, but somehow you feel much better. Like you’ve finally gotten some control back. Wiping your tears away, you ruffle your hair a bit, the cool air on your neck adding to the feeling of freedom. You feel normal, happier, peaceful. Things you haven't felt in years. And all because you had 3 am meltdown.
After you cleaned up the bathroom, you went back to bed, anxious how everyone will react in the morning. Maybe they won't care. You thought. Its only hair. My hair.
Everyone was waiting for you at breakfast the next morning, and to everyone’s surprise, Dabi had joined them as well. Rei was cooking up some eggs, while the kids chatted. Enji was suspicious of the mischievous glint in Dabi’s eyes, and it was filling him with unease. Just as he was about to question him, you walked in.
Everyone went silent.
Then Fuyumi let out an audible gasp, while Dabi chuckled darkly. Natsuo, Shotou and Enji looked at you with their mouths agape.
“Good morning.”you greeted them.
Rei, who was facing away from you, finally turned towards you. “Good mo-”Rei’s breath hitched, eyes blown wide, as the plate of bacon fell from her hands.
Its funny how everyone in the kitchen, including you, had the same thought at that moment.
What the fuck?
Taking a deep breath, you moved to sit in your usual spot between Fuyumi and Rei, but Shotou suddenly pulled you back and pushed you into the seat beside him. He knows his mother is in a better state mentally, but something tells him not to risk it. Fuyumi snapped next, quickly getting up and cleaning the mess on the floor while Enji pulled Rei, who was still staring at you in disbelief, to sit beside him. You remained indifferent to everyone’s stares, quietly eating your food. As soon as you were done, Shotou got up and quickly pulled you out of the room, Dabi following close behind.
They sat in your room as Shotou looked at your hair with worry. “Looking nice, doll.”Dabi chuckled as he plopped down on your bed beside you. “Thanks.” you mumbled. “Y/n how did- why did you- why did you cut your hair?” Shotou asked, still looking at your choppy hair. “Do you not like it?” you asked. “N-no I do. But what will mom say-” “Shotou, its my hair.” you snapped. “Yeah, Shotou.” Dabi mocked. Fuyumi and Natsuo soon joined you guys, worrisome looks on their faces. “Why did you cut it? Oh my god, do you even know how much trouble you’re in?” Fuyumi was freaking out. “Its my hair.” you rolled your eyes. They ignored you. “Okay, okay. Shotou why don't you stick around with Y/n for a couple of days? Fuyumi and dad will try to keep mom away from her.” Before Fuyumi could nod, you stood up. “No.”
Natsuo looked at you confused. “what do you mean “no”?”
“I mean no. I don't need Shotou to babysit me. I can handle myself.” Fuyumi walked towards you, reaching her hands for you but you backed away, “Y/n, sweetie-” You cut her off ,“Stop treating me like a child.”
Shotou spoke this time, “Its for your protection-” “Protection from who? Our mother? Why?”your words dared them to say the truth. To agree that Rei was unstable. They didn't say anything.
A few days had passed by and things were returning to normal. Almost normal. Rei still had this thousand yard stare when she looked at you, but she never said anything. Cutting your hair was the best decision you had made, because not is it only easy to manage, but it also got the family off your back. Rei doesn't wash your hair anymore(although you think she's just not over the shock), Fuyumi doesn't need to do your hair, they dry faster, and all of your brothers (including Dabi) doesn't mess around with them anymore. Enji was the first to adjust to your new cut, he even complimented you one day.
Did you feel guilty because you know how attached Rei was to your hair? A bit, but then realised that you needed this. You need some control over your life, and if this is how they react to your new cut, then maybe you could start taking back reigns over other aspects of your life as well.
You thought that maybe Rei had finally gotten over it a week later, when you were laying in the bathtub, enjoying the hot bath. When you heard her walk in, you were a bit startled. Why was she here- is she finally over it? "Um- hey." She smiled at you. "Why are you here?" She took the bath stool and sat behind the tub. "You know why." She replied and started rolling her sleeves up. Is she here to wash my hair? "Oh, are you here to wash my hair? I don't need help with that anymore now that they're short." Rei smiled again, this one looking forced, before dipping her hand in the tub. "No, silly." And with that, Rei froze the entire the tub in 2 seconds. The ice trapped your limbs, and reached up to your clavicle. The sudden change from hot to cold had you jolt, but you couldn't move due to the frozen ice. "Mom-!" You heard the buzzing sound of a trimmer and then felt Rei entangle her fingers in your hair to yank your head back. "I'm here to complete your haircut." You tried moving your head but her grip on your scalp was unrelenting. She started trimming the right side of your head, moving it slowly as to get every single hair. "Honestly, you should've come to me. I do agree that it'd be a good idea to start again." Tears fell from your eyes, your teeth chattered and you could feel your heart beat slow down as the cold seeped into your bones. "M-mom, I'm col-d. P-please s-stop..." Rei was done with one half of your head. "You know, I read somewhere that your grows thicker if you cut it. I'm sure that after I've shaved your head, your hair will grow even fuller. I've already gotten some new oils and hair masks! Maybe we could do them together." You couldn't hear anything besides the slowing of your own heart beating. Your breath had started to become shallow, you couldn't think about anything except for how painful ice could be. Your lips were turning blue, eyes were getting clouded with black spots, all sensation from your body was losing. Just before you lost consciousness, you heard the bathroom door open and a panicked yell.
You felt warm.
When you came to, your entire body felt warm and weighted, probably due to the heavy blanket spread on you.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself in a dimly lit room. It was...your parents room. Why am I here? You turned your head to look around but your eyes stopped at the large figure sitting on a chair next to your bed.
The figure's head snapped towards yours. "You're awake." He paused. "How- how are you feeling?" You moved the blanket off you, your body felt dense and ached. "Warm and...sore. What happened? Why am I in your bedroom?" Enji shifted in his seat. "I think its best if you stay here from now on, so that... your mother and I can look after you." Your eyes widened. "What? Why?" You moved to sit up but then a pain shot through your head. "Ah shit." You hissed in pain as you went to massage your temples but your hands halted at the feeling of your hair... or lack there of. You tried to run a finger through your choppy bob cut, but all you felt was your shaved head. Your eyes met Enji's, looking at him in disbelief as you recalled the events that had led up to this. "Darling-" You jumped off the bed and ran towards the vanity mirror, praying that this is just a nightmare. But as you looked at your reflection, you realised that this was the terrifying reality you were living in.
Tears dripped from your eyes as you took in your appearance. Trimmed- no, shaved pink hair. You couldn't see a single bit of hair above the roots, only a baby pink scalp. She had not only trimmed your hair first but then also proceeded to shave your scalp off. Your head looked like it had peach fuzz.
You couldn't bring yourself to look away, not even when Enji placed a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n-" He didn't even what to say. He was still in shock from what would've happened if Fuyumi hadn't yelled for him when Rei was-
Enji shook his head. Now's not the time. You're here and you're fine. You're fine. Enji pulled you towards him, burying your face in his chest as you cried. "You're fine." He repeated, more to himself than to you. "Why- why would she do this?" Your voice was muffled by his chest but he understood. He understood your pain and it tore him apart that he still wouldn't be able to help you.
Enji honestly didn't know what to tell you. He didn't know what words would bring you comfort. "It... it was an accident." His chest rumbled as he spoke. You pushed yourself away from him as you looked at him perplexed.
"What?" Your eyebrows raised, nostrils flared and blood rushed to your face. You were going to blow up.
"An accident? Is that what you said? Oh okay. Was it an accident when she froze the fucking tub? Did the trimmer accidentally fall from her hands to my head?! Oh and did she accidentally pull the razor over my head?!" Angry tears fell from your eyes but you were far too enraged to care.
Enji opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by the sound of the bedroom door opening. Turning around you saw her.
Rei was standing there with a tray of food and water. Her face turned to shock before turning to happiness. She set the tray on a nearby table before she rushed towards you, her hands reaching for your face.
"Angel, you're awake-" you pushed her hands away roughly as you backed away from her.
"Dont you dare touch me."
The couple, they had never heard your voice such hostility. It wasn't like you. Rei shook her head as she tried to reach for you again, taking another step in your direction. But you smacked her hands away again. "I said don't touch me!" Your yelling had got your siblings to rush in the room, wanting to see what the commotion was about.
Rei's eyes shifted from you to Enji, looking at him for help, before they returned back to you. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Y/n, darling. What's wrong?" You scoffed at her soft tone that tried to quell the storm of negative emotions bubbling inside you. "What's wrong? What's wrong? I don't know, you tell me, Rei. Why the fuck am I bald?!" Your head was pounding with rage, raw unbridled anger.
When Rei didn't say anything, Fuyumi stepped forward to help her out. "Y/n its-"
"Shut up."
Fuyumi's- everyone's eyes widened. Of everyone, you never even rose your voice at your favourite sibling. But to hear your voice turn so cold towards her, it shocked everyone. "Y-Y/n-" she tried again but you cut her off. "I said shut up. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Rei and she'll answer for herself."
Enji placed a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back slightly. "Have some respect. She's your mother-" You yanked your shoulder away from his grip. "No, she's not!" You inhaled deeply, trying to stabilise your voice. "No, she's not. You're not my dad. I'm not a part of this family. And I'm so sick of playing this game."
Dabi's eyes narrowed. "Stop being an ungrateful brat. You've been given all the luxuries one could only imagine, spoiled to no end-" You laughed. "Did I ask for anything?" "You never had t-" "And all these luxuries that you're talking about, I didn't get them for free. I had to give up a lot. No, wait-" you laughed again, tears blurring your vision. "I didn't give up anything. You all took it. Yeah, all of you snatched everything away from me. My family, my friends, my privacy, my sanity, everything. And you-" you moved towards Rei, pointing a finger at her. "You have been the most greedy one of them all."
Rei's jaw fell open, as she shook her head. "No-" You shook your head.
"Yes! I gave you everything. I let you dress me up in those god awful clothes, feed me whatever you wanted, stick to your side like glue because you don't like it when I was out of your sight for a more than a few minutes. For fucks sake, I didn't even go to college this year because you weren't ready to see me become an adult!" You ran a frustrated hand through your hair. "I played into your sick little fantasy. I let you treat me like a child, talk to me like I'm some helpless baby. I let you touch me even though it disgusted me to no end. I never even complained when you gave me ice burns because I was throwing a tantrum." You looked at the rest of your family, and they were shocked to hear that last bit. You smiled cruelly at them. "Yeah, you didn't know that did you?"
Rei was crying herself by now, as she reached out for you once again but you moved away. "I let you have everything. All I wanted was this little bit of freedom, for my own sanity. But you couldn't stomach that could you?" Your head hung low, your tears hitting the floor.
"Why do you have to be so selfish?"
Your voice held so much pain and defeat. Rei couldn't help but engulf you in her arms, wrapping herself around you tightly before you could even protest. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She cried out. "I- I promise I'll fix this! Yes. I-I've already gotten you some new hair oils! They say that they'll help you grow 6 inches in a month! Oh and Natsuo also brought some stuff for hair growth! Some vitamins and- Natsuo whats that spray called? Minoxy? Mi-minoxidil! Yes! He said that'll help you grow your hair in no time! Doesn't that sound nice? You'll have long hair like before!" Rei pushed back to look at you. You couldn't believe it.
"Are you- are you really that delusional?" Your voice was so soft, almost like you would break any moment now. "Are you so blind to see what you're doing to me?" Your eyes held so much pain and confusion. "Sweetie, don't worry- mommy will take such good care-" You pushed Rei away from you, your anger rolling back in full speed. "YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER!" You shrieked. "Y/n-" Shotou tried to interject. "I'm not a part of your fucking family."
Enji stepped towards you. "Calm down."
You looked at him. "You said that what happened was an accident. What will you do if another one happens? And you're not around this time to save me? Hmm? What will you do? Continue playing house with my dead body?!"
Rei's sobs shook her body. "Shut up. Think before you say stupid shit like that." Dabi spoke this time, moving to stand between you and his mother. "Or what? You're going to hurt me? More the reason why all of you, but especially you-" you pointed at Rei "deserve to be in that nuthouse-!"
You were on the floor before you could even process what had happened. Had you- had you fallen? But when the searing pain of the burn on your cheek came alive and you looked at his hand that had erupted in blue flames, you realised what had happened.
Dabi slapped you.
Your cheek felt like someone had placed a hot iron on it, the sting spreading to your entire cheek, but you were far too shocked to care about the pain.
Dabi slapped me.
Shotou, Natsuo and Fuyumi quickly rushed to your side, picking you up and out of the room, while Dabi stood there in stunned as his own hand throbbed. The image of his handprint branded on your scared face wasn't going to leave his mind anytime soon.
Enji hesitated, looking at his wife and son in disbelief, before leaving the room to look for you.
Rei walked towards Dabi and smacked his arm. "What did you do?!" She yelled at him. He opened his mouth to explain but nothing came out.
"She's your little sister, Touya! W-why would you do that?!" Rei scolded him.
He hurt you. Like Enji hurt Rei.
He hurt you.
Rei sighed before closing her eyes and engulfing Dabi in her arms. "Its okay. Its not your fault." She rubbed his back soothingly. "It was an accident, wasn't it?"
Dabi wrapped his arms around his mother, burying his face in her neck, before nodding.
"Yes. It was an accident."
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So... how was it?
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