#and some knuckleheads are still like 'hE's sO QUirKy!'
larrylimericks · 9 months
Products change but the method’s alike: Hype new girl on a tailor-made hike, Get Loewe in favor, And Styles’ new fruit of labor? Making green on a rented Lime bike.
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Writing Romance: Opposites Attract
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One of the most widespread among romantic tropes is opposites attract, and with good reason. When a couple are opposites, they’re meant to be one of a few things to each other: 1. An inverse reflection of each other. 2. Compliment each other 3. Cover each other’s shortcomings
In a sense, a good Opposites Attract serves to turn two incomplete people into one solid force. If they’re a battle couple, they’ll tend to fight very well together, often balancing force and finesse, melee and ranged, or physical and magical abilities. If the show or book has a lot of time dedicated to foils and character moments, they are more likely to be the ones that each other lean on, since their opposing characters makes them interesting to react off one another. Their roles, story arcs, and backstories tend to run opposite or parallel to one another depending on the series. If one character’s arc is to mature and become more responsible, likely their partner’s arc might be to learn to loosen up and have fun, learn to trust people, or to face a trauma in their past that made them so mature at a young age.
In terms of design, opposites attract partners tend to be inverse in color schemes. Light and dark hair or eyes, warm and cool color schemes, clashing or complimentary fashion styles, etc. The degree in opposition also varies. Some opposites attract look very similar with only a slight difference, indicating that something small is what set them on different paths in life but are otherwise very similar, almost as two sides of the same coin. Other couples are stark contrasts with virtually nothing in common to really emphasize their differences so that they can better make each other whole, as shown very literally through the character of Garnet in Steven Universe. 
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Femme and Butch
While typically, you’re mostly going to see this in femmeslash/yuri pairings, this dynamic is actually fairly universal. This divide focuses on a pairing where each couple reflects the values of masculinity and femininity. Although mostly used as lesbian terms, a femme and butch pairing can also be gay or heterosexual. A fashion-loving twink who cries during romantic movies dating a jock who likes sports and drinks beer is still an example of Femme and Butch. Heterosexual is rather obvious, but can also be inversed, with a tough, assertive woman partnered with a sweet, sensitive man, such as Calhoun and Felix in Wreck-It Ralph. A Femme and Butch pairing doesn’t need to check off every box on this list of traits, but these traits tend to be common in these types of relationships.
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Brains and Brawn
Also known as Jock and Nerd, this romantic dynamic prioritizes the usefulness of both intelligence and brute strength. Another variation is Book Smarts vs Street Smarts. The Brains will be good at doing research, organizing, and will tend to fight more strategically while the Brawn is primarily going to be good at fighting and likely protecting the Brains from serious harm. Princess and Bodyguard is another possible example of this dynamic, albeit a little less directly.
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Hot and Cold
Hot or Warm characters tend to be friendly, outgoing, upbeat, loudmouthed, temperamental, boisterous, and battle-ready. Cold or Cool personalities tend to be shy, calm, quiet, logical, reserved, serious, and emotionally withdrawn. However, while these extreme opposites of hot-head and cold-shoulder balance each other out, it’s worth discussing same heat relationships. Kiribaku is an example of a Hot/Warm relationship, as Bakugou Katsuki is an angry little spitfire with an aggressive streak, while Kirishima Eijirou is a happy-go-lucky sweetheart with a good attitude. This is sort of the same concept, just that both boys are on the warm side of the spectrum, with Kirishima being the cooler counter to Bakugou’s temperamental hot-head. This also works inversely, as the ship Tododeku is a Cold/Cool relationship. Midoriya is a shy, but upbeat young man who tends not to draw too much attention to himself, while Todoroki is stoic, logical, and a bit dense socially. In this case, Midoriya is Cool while Todoriki is Cold, with Midoriya serving as the “Hot” aspect of their relationship as the more friendly and outgoing of the two.  
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Light and Shadow
This archetype is often used as a “opposite sides of the same coin” format, where the characters serve as foils to one another. In Teen Titans, Raven’s powers are dark and demonic, while Starfire’s are bright and extraterrestrial. Both girls get their powers from their emotions, but where Starfire revels in her emotions to make her powerful, Raven must suppress her emotions to retain control of her powers. As the only two girls, they stick out as the obvious foils of the group. Many times, when this trope appears, it’s in the form of Classic Paragon Hero vs Cynical Anti-Hero. Superman and Batman are a great example. Superman is a boyscout token good guy, while Batman is a brooding loner. One is the hope for justice and goodness to always triumph while the other acknowledges that people are flawed, and maybe not everyone deserves to be saved. Naruto is interesting because he has two dark reflections. The first is Sasuke. While Naruto is the golden-haired idealist who befriends villains almost as often as Steven Universe, Sasuke is a dark counter consumed by a thirst for vengeance and the power to exact it. Naruto’s other dark counter however is Gaara. Both are Jinchuriki, but whereas Naruto eventually found friends and love in his fellow genin, Gaara was very much still alone when he met Naruto, reflecting what Naruto could have become without that love and support in this life.
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Protagonist and Rival
Another case of “two sides of the same coin”, most anime protagonists and their rival tend to either have very similar backstories, very similar motivations, or very similar personalities, if not some combination of the three. Both Naruto and Sasuke were abandoned in the world at a young age with the Hokage looking out for them from afar. Naruto started off having nobody, and was always reaching out hoping to connect with anyone. Meanwhile, Sasuke started with a family and lost it, and decided to keep everyone at arm’s length and isolate himself further. Rin Okumura and Ryuji Suguro are practically the same person. Both lost their families and homes due to Satan, both are strong-willed loudmouthed tough guys with a knack for leadership, and both share the goal of killing Satan. Natsu Dragneel is immature and battle-ready, but while Grey Fullbuster at least pretends to be above it, he’ll jump into a fight with Natsu practically unprompted. The main appeal of the anime protagonist and his rival is that they push each other to succeed, often coming from very similar roots, but where they end up is entirely up to the effort they put in and the path they choose to take. They both refuse to lose to each other, and that propells them to constantly want to out-do each other.
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Sweet and Sour
My best friend and I are polar opposites in this sense. When we met, she was far too trusting, submissive, and far too forgiving. Meanwhile, I was a lot more cynical, mean-spirited, and unfortunately, a little more closed-minded than I’d like to admit. After five years of friendship, my friend is far more assertive, has a lot more confidence in herself, is a lot better at handling criticism, and rather than just submitting in an argument, she now has the nerve to get in someone’s face and make her point heard. Because of her, I’ve become less stand-offish, more patient and polite, less of a control freak, more aware of valuing other people’s emotions, and more tolerant of a group I hadn’t realized I’d been intolerant toward. We saw the world in such distinctly different ways that we have managed to rub off on each other, and now we’re both such stronger and more complete people for having known each other.
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Serious and Goofball
A classic comedy duo, the comedian and the straight man. The Goofball character tends to be immature, a knucklehead, a jokester, and comes off as a bit inexperienced. Meanwhile, the Serious character tends to be mature, responsible, disciplined, but comes off as a bit aloof. The Goofball reminds the Serious character to have a little fun every once in a while, while the Serious character reins in the Goofball before they hurt themselves or somebody else.
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Hero and Sidekick
The hero has their act together and the sidekick is just doing their best. This happens a lot in Action movies where the handsome tough guy and the hapless damsel (who he kidnaps a little too often for my liking) is just kind of along for the ride. The two live in entirely different worlds. Sometimes this comes in the variant of Starlet and Manager where one in the relationship takes center stage while the other is content to help them run their life, promote their career, and help them. Another variation is Superstar and Random Extra, wherein one person leads a very visible life in the public eye being adored by millions of fans while their partner works 9-5 in an office dealing with insurance claims. Although they coe from very different worlds and lead very different lives, that doesn’t mean they still haven’t found love in an unlikely place. Often, the reason the hero or big shot loves this random nobody is because they fell in love with them before they ever became famous, or they didn’t know/care who the celebrity was and just liked them as a person without interest in using their celebrity to climb the social ladder.
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Loud and Quiet
She’s quirky, outgoing, bubbly, energetic, and talkative. Too talkative. She never shuts up. He’s quiet, simple, down-to-earth, and calm. Too Calm. He never gets excited. This pairing works to push and pull each other until they’ve harmonized. The Quiet one will be pulled out of their shell and learn to be more open and talkative, while the Loud one will learn to think before they act. This couple is divided along lines of Introversion and Extroversion, and together can navigate the anxiety-triggering unease of a social gathering, and finding joy and pleasure in just enjoying each other’s company without needing to fill the silence with pointless chatter.
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To be fair, many Opposites Attract couples will fit into more than one of these archetypes, and there’s probably more I didn’t list. But if you’re wanting to create a couple that balances each other out, I hope you find this helpful to you in your writing.
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daleisgreat · 3 years
Shawn Michaels: The Showstopper Unreleased
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WWE has release a few Shawn Michaels DVDs over the years, but continuing on the theme of my last few wrestling-centered entries, WWE Home Video stuck with their “unreleased” brand of DVDs in 2018 with the three-disc release of Shawn Michaels: The Showstopper Unreleased (intro - I could not locate a trailer for this anywhere!). In that clip Shawn quips that the producers deserve an award for finding previously unreleased matches. I believe the criteria for this release is still similar to previous “Unreleased” collections where they may have aired on television (and thus likely in the WWE Network archives) or long discontinued VHS tapes, but this DVD will mark the first time the matches are available on disc. Also included is a new interview with Michaels that they broke up in several parts and sporadically inserted throughout the collection. The first disc is something special as it essentially is a “Best of Rockers” DVD. The first two matches are from Shawn’s rookie year in 1985 for Mid-South in quick enhancement matches for Hector & Chavo Guerrero and Jake “The Snake” Roberts. Matches serve their purpose, but it is nonetheless fascinating to see how Shawn had that already apparent potential in him way back in 1985. The remaining 11 matches on the first disc are all Rockers matches, with the first three tag matches being from their Midnight Rockers AWA days with two bouts against Doug Summers & Buddy Rose and one more with Brian Knobbs & Dennis “I’m not booked” Stamp. The two Summers & Rose matches are show-stealers that had exhilarating beginning/middle/end structures, and was fun to watch the 1980s crowd go nuts for.
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The first disc is almost all AWA & WWF Rockers matches!! For the eight WWF Rockers matches, they consist of almost an all-star lineup of a golden age for WWF tag teams where they square off against the likes of Demolition, Brain Busters, Hart Foundation, Natural Disasters and Legion of Doom. The sad thing about The Rockers back then is that as charismatic and agile as they were back then, they mostly made other teams look good in their WWF run and that is the case here as they lose six of those eight WWF matches. Even worse is the two matches they win is a DQ win against the Rougeaus after Jimmy Hart’s megaphone is used, and a countout win against the Orient Express. That said, a lot of the other matches are pretty damn good, with high honors going to the Brain Busters bout, two Demolition matches and surprisingly working in a lot of good stuff against Legion of Doom. Worth pointing out is another good match against the Hart Foundation where it seems noticeable the teams missed their cue to go home because the match starts to feel there is no end in sight when out of nowhere during an abdominal stretch a bunch of wrestlers run in and an awkward impromptu brawl ensues and the match is declared a draw.
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Disc two has 12 matches from Shawn’s first singles WWF run from 1992-1998. Some highlights from this are an unsurprising technical showcase with Mr. Perfect, oddly having a positive dynamic with Bret Hart to team up against the Blu Brothers in 1995 and predictable-yet-high quality formula matches during his first WWF Title run against 1-2-3 Kid and Steve Austin. Disc two has a disappointing triple tag elimination match with Shawn, Diesel and Undertaker against Psycho Sid, Tatanka and Kama filled with lots of stalling and headscratching booking for the eliminations. There is also a questionable match against Vader a month after their controversial-yet-excellent Summerslam match, where in this match Shawn takes 95% of the offense and quickly squashes Vader in three minutes. There is also a fascinating bout against Yokozuna from the summer of 1996 in Kuwait, when Yoko is nearing the end of his WWF run due to him putting on excess weight, and the match kind of expectedly plods along, until something must have clicked for Shawn to motivate Yoko into a pretty watchable match in the back half, and the two show respect afterwards which was awesome to see….until Yoko suddenly darts off to the back like he really has to go to the bathroom. The third disc consists of 10 matches from Shawn’s return run to WWE from 2002-2010. All the matches here are from RAW, so that means they follow the formula that still holds true for WWE TV main events today where it is either a cobbled together tag match, or a really good one-on-one match with interference or a hokey finish. There are a couple exceptions with worthwhile clean matches against Ric Flair during a Japan 2005 tour and against Christian in 2004 when he was building momentum with Tyson Tomko by his side. HBK’s matches against Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho are the highlights on disc three, but all three contests have varying degrees of interference to effect the finishes, and in some cases it actually benefits the match as is the case with Angle with the story they were telling. I was delighted to see a post-RAW dark match included with Shawn teaming with Batista against Triple H and Edge. WWE is notorious for usually doing a fun untelevised promo or bonus match for the fans after the cameras go off the air with some quirky moments that would never fly in a televised match. That is the case here with Triple H doing lots of exaggerated selling and fun jawing with the crowd that absolutely ate it all up for a fun time.
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Shawn didn't disappoint in his 21st century run, with matches included here that don't disappoint against Ric Flair and Kurt Angle. A couple of promos are uncovered like Shawn doing an open Q&A with the fans when Sensational Sherri was managing Michaels early in his singles run. Another amusing bonus promo is Shawn and Diesel doing a Times Square workout session to hype up their upcoming WrestleMania 11 match with the one-and-only Todd Pentigill hosting. The several interview clips inserted throughout the DVDs has Shawn hitting on certain parts on where he was at that stage in his career and reflecting on the infamous Barber Shop break-up with Marty, his 2002 return, rebooting a less edgy, more goofball version of DX in 2006 and retiring in 2010 (this was filmed before his ill-fated Saudi Arabia return match). From these series of introspections, it was fascinating to hear Shawn think back on why he was not all-in for teaming with Jose Lathario in his WWE Title run, and hearing him settling on being a family man in retirement and turning down multiple
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WrestleMania return matches. There are also a few sets of interviews with NXT talent commenting on how lucky they are to have Shawn as a teacher at the WWE Performance Center. Shawn comments a few times here too on being proud of passing on his knowledge, and it is obvious he is genuine on his passion for his new role building talent in NXT. WWE has once again amassed another recommended collection of un-vaulted matches. I am digging this format following the Piper and Macho Man sets where they break up the action every few matches with a set of interviews. Wort mentioning is about a quarter of the 35 matches here have no commentary because they were either dark matches, or from arena shows WWE use to film at regionally in the 80s and 90s and never recorded commentary for and/or lost the rights for the commentary. While there are some skippable matches, the good-to-bad ratio is largely in the positive here, and the not-so-good bouts usually at least have an entertaining backstory or era they emanate from. This all adds up for Shawn Michaels: The Showstopper Unreleased being another must-have installment of the Unreleased branding. Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Hulk Hogans Unreleased Collectors Series Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold Randy Savage Unreleased: The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Shawn Michaels: My Journey Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania III: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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prismaticquartz · 4 years
So, new decade huh!
(they’re under the cut since theres a lotta folks-)
YES HELLO khkjlfshakljhLKJ- ok but fr suns I love you so goddamn much!!! When I first met you I really wanted to get to know you and be friends. You were and still are the funniest and rowdiest fuckin person I’ve met in a loong time!! And yet you’re so understanding and patient and honestly, there aren’t many people in the world like you, which makes me so happy that I found you. Tough, fiery, strong, funny and caring I love you more than words can describe! 
MY GOD you are such a sweetheart nebs you really are. Smart, sweet and so wonderful in so many ways. We have so much in common and that makes me feel a lot less alone in the world. When you joined the shit squad I never really knew what to make of you (PFFT I thought you were 17 for some reason and thought you were a compleTELY different person from quirky watercolors JHLKJDF), but meeting you again in shmeeps and in hell and other personal servers I really wanted to make a good impression!! And I really wanted to become closer! AND HOOLY SHIT DID THOSE DESIRES BECOME A REALITY AND I AM SO HAPPY  THEY DID HDSFGKAJ!!!! I love you man I do!!! you make me so happy you sweetie!!! I hope for the best of things for you in the future!!
*GRABS YOU* JHKJH ok but we have such a long history together nauti and I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. You’re such a vibrant and funny personality, you radiate such a vibrant and colorful prescience wherever you are and it lifts the mood of any conversation!! your art and stories are a majesty to behold and a testament to your colorful personality!! You’ve always been honest and dependable and there for me whenever I need you most.. and I can’t thank you enough for that. I love you my gay fish fillet!!!
dani devitoooooo you are a fantastic person to hang out with!!! Your stories and art have been getting better and better and better every time I lay my eyes on em!! You were there for me at a period of uncertainty.. I cut ties with my old friends and was unsure about the future.. but you, tony and simon helped me so much more than all 3 of you could ever even know. You’re funny and smart and just- a treasure to hang out with!!! I hope I can bring you the amount of joy that you brought me chick.. I love you!!! 
hello :thot: you’d better not be surprised to see yourself here JHKLJF BUT ANYWAYS YEAH DUDE YOU’RE SICK AS FUCK!! You’ve always got my back and I promise I’ll always have yours!! You bring such a calming atmosphere everywhere you are and are a trustworthy and intelligent friend!! I can also confide in you to talk to about anything and you’ll listen and understand!! Thats something I really value!! You’re so chill and hjdhkajhdkj!!! you’re fuckin epic bro gosh bless,,,
EHE hi- I know we haven’t spoken all that much until recently, but honestly bro, you are a gem!!! An actual gem!! Your writing is superb, you’re one of the sweetest people on the face of the planet earth, you’re talented, charming, *COUGH* gorgeous, and you bring such a warm prescience and are overall just fantastic to talk to!!! From the moment we started chattin, I’ve been wanting to know more and more about you and become closer!! And I hope that we can in the new decade!! Love you mot, gosh bless,, 
YEAH YOU’RE ON HERE TOO LITTLE HEXAGON COME HERE- Since we met in shmeeps I’ve been interested in gettin to know you bro!! And I’m SO HAPPY I COULD YO!!! You’re a rabid feral knucklehead and I couldn’t be happier to have you around!!! And honestly bro, I’m super proud of your work with Out Of This World. I’m not much into jsab anymore, but you’ve done something not alot of people have done yet, took an idea, made a story and made it real!! Alot of peoples passion projects have been worked on for years and only some have really been released, but you? You’re crushin the game!!!! And thats a rare, sight!! And I’m so proud of you!!!! I hope for more attention to OOTW in the coming years bro!! (if ya start sellin merch tho you gotta give me 20% off cuz we’re friends :thot:
HAHAAAH YOOOOU!!!! Before we added you to the group chat all we could talk about was how much of a delight you are!!! You’re talented, kind, funny and creative and we HAD to throw you in there!!! I know we’ve not known each other for long but I can tell that we’re only gonna become even better pals into the future!!!! Whenever you pop in everyone is always so happy to see you!! And why wouldn’t we be?? You’re amazing!!! And I hope that life will be even more amazing for you in the next decade!!! godspeed you funky axolotl,, godspeed,,
*SCREAMS AT YOU* I STILL CAN’T GET OVER THE FACT THAT I WAS ABLE TO MEET YOU IN THE FLESH!!!!!! Mys I still have those drawings you made hung up on my door and so long as I HAVE  a door they will STAY hanging there,, because getting to know you was a fuckeeen trIP!!! I see this breathtaking artist with an interesting jsab blog on my dash, give them a follow then I get a message from nipp saying they’re freaking out because they know about me too??? DUDE I WAS SCREAMING!!!! And even through some rough ass drama related shit you were always there to have mine and our friends back through it all!! All leading up to that magic day where I could give you a bear hug and wander around the museum with you!! Me and my dad couldn’t stop talking about that experience!! He said it was almost like we’ve known each other since kindergarten!!! I really hope to meet you again.. gosh bless Mys.. you funky man,, 
Ahh yes the 8th wonder,,, You’ve done nothing but bring comfort and joy you funky mongoose. You’re super funny (and horrifyingly cryptic at times-) and sUUPER talented!! I’d absolutely adore hearing about your original stories n shit bro!!! And I’d love to be able to get to know you better and talk more!! And I hope we will in the new year!! You’re epic as fuck bro!!!!
Ah yes, the serotonin woman, right here right oon time. That my friend is my thought process everytime you enter a room!! Seeing how supportive you are of so many people?? Honestly I have no fucking clue how you do it?? Either way, I’m so happy to have been able to talk with you!!! I’ve seen you around for a long time, but actually talking with you was a delight!!! I hope that one day you’ll be given as much support for your original series and other creative projects as you’ve given me and so many others. You really deserve it!!
YOUNG MAN- It’s been pretty tough, I recognize that, but I’m glad that I was able to get in contact with you!! I’ve actually known about you for some time!! But like with many people, I was nervous,, and really intimidated. But after getting to know you it’s been confirmed in my mind that you are actually a mASSIVE DORK!!! It makes me really happy to get a message checkin in on me every once and awhile!! It always reminds me that you do genuinely care!! I thank you so much for our conversations and I hope that we’ll have many more on the road ahead!! bless you!! 
@oddlyoglingowl @suna-bara
HEY MOM!! HEY DAD!! JHKJHSK- No but fr you two are actually such parent friends gosh bless- Hanging out in the server with you \two has been such a great time!! The minecraft shenanigans, the voice chat shenanigans and more have always been such memorable things to me and I thank you both so much!! Rose!! I’ve been so intimidated by you for the longest time and when we spoke my brain just lit on fire djhkjAHK- I was stoked to be friends with such a sweet and awesome creator!!! Playing minecraft with you that day was such a wonderful time!! I hope we can do it again sometime!! And yOU Lecter!! Your voice acting is sooo goood!!!! I’d really like to do something like a comic dub of some kind together!! That’d be fuckin epic!! You are such a lighthearted a goofy guy and I hope for more shenanigans to ensue!!!! 
There are a lot of people I missed here, but if I were to include everyone I’d be typing for another TWO hours hjfdslkjf- To everyone, friend, foe, or mutual.. thank you all so much for making this year what it’s been. From last November to present day I can say that I’ve been living in a golden age!! I’ve experienced things that I could have never DREAMED of experiencing before. All of this feels like life has rewarded me for pushing past the strife I’ve faced, the ignorance and ineptitude I held, and the knowledge and wisdom I’ve gained. Thank you so much to you all, these past months I will never EVER forget.. And thats a promise. To everyone, even those I don’t talk to as much, thank you for everything you’ve taught me, and for the memories you’ve gifted me. I love you all, each and every one of you. 
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coneygoil · 5 years
The Home We Built Together, part 16
Two young Vikings. An arranged marriage. Hiccup always wanted to win the girl of his dreams, but not like this. Now he and Astrid must learn to live together and maybe one day, learn to love…
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9| Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
“Hey Gobber,” Hiccup’s voice called from the arena floor, standing by casually as a Deadly Nadder chased the other teens in training. “I noticed the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? A sequel? Maybe a Night Fury pamphlet?”
A blast suddenly scorched the wall beside him. Astrid resisted the urge to not jump down through the chained roof and shake her husband back to his senses.
“Focus, Hiccup!” Gobber yelled, “you’re not even trying!”
Hiccup seized up as the Deadly Nadder spotted him and made a mad dash his way. He looked almost comical as he sped off this way and that before choosing a path through the maze.
“How’s your hand, lass?” Gobber’s question shook Astrid from her focus on Hiccup and his lack of trying to fight the Deadly Nadder tearing through the maze.
“Better,” she replied, distantly. She flexed her right hand, the sting not as sharp as it had been. “I think I’ll be ready to return tomorrow.”
Gobber’s students raced around the maze like trapped mice with Hiccup trailing behind them. The Nadder cornered the twins, both trying to fit in its blind spot but failing. Hiccup slowed right under where Gobber and Astrid were observing.
“Hey, how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?”
Gobber did not look amused. “One has never seen a Night Fury and lived to tell the tale.” He stabbed a finger through the air. “Now get in there!”
Astrid rolled her eyes. It was strange, she mused. Ever since the whole Night Fury fiasco, Hiccup had become overly interested in the elusive dragon species. It was almost like the incident changed his perspective.
Fishleg ran by screaming as the Nadder threw spikes at him, the deadly objects penetrating his shield.
Gobber sighed in frustration and rubbed his aching head. “I fear for our tribe’s survival with this lot.” His hammer prosthetic gestured toward Astrid. “You’re the only one that has any sense around here.”
“I don’t think Hiccup will ever be ready for battle,” Astrid pointed out. She’d been adamantly against his involvement in dragon training, but the Chief had spoken and there was no going back on his order.
“None of these knuckleheads are,” Gobber flung an appendage out toward the arena floor, “so he fits right in!”
As if on cue, Snotlout threw his hammer at the Nadder missing it by a mile. “The sun was in my eyes!”
The lame excuse made Astrid roll her eyes. Gobber was right. These knuckleheads weren’t fit for battle. She itched to get in there and show them how it was done.
The Nadder hopped onto the top of the maze walls, it’s weight no match for the wooden structure and it began to topple like a domino effect.
Hiccup was back again, standing under them. “Has anyone ever seen one in person?” he asked, paying absolutely no mind to the other teens running in terror right passed him.
“Hiccup!” Gobber pointed to the Nadder practically surfing upon the wooden walls as they collapsed.
“Idiot!” Astrid hissed through gritted teeth. She ducked underneath the rails, unsheathing her axe from her back as she leapt down without a thought for her own safety.
She toppled upon Hiccup and they both hit the dusty floor. She shook the stars from her vision, her face incredibly close to her husband’s. She tried untangling herself from him, but he ramblings and struggling weren’t helping.
“Oooo…love on the battlefield,” neither was Tuffnut’s remark.
The impact of her jump had caused her axe to embed in Hiccup’s shield. She tugged with all her strength to dislodge it, but it wouldn’t budge. She gasps at the Nadder came barreling toward them. It took several yanks, but she finally dislodged the shield from Hiccup’s grip and smashed it on the Nadder’s head just in the nick of time. The dragon retreated, shaking its spiky head.
Adrenaline had taken over in that critical moment. Astrid’s hand throbbed and she curled it into itself, ignoring the sharp sting. So much for returning to training tomorrow. Her breathing began to calm, and she spun around to find her husband curled up on the ground.
“Is this some kind of joke to you?” she spat at him, pointing her axe that still had a chunk of broken shield stuck to it. “At least try to do something, Hiccup! Anything besides paying no attention to the death machine coming at you!”
Astrid pivoted toward the arena entrance and stormed off, her anger lingering in the air. She wanted so badly to keep him safe, but he was making that rather difficult when he freely put himself in the path of danger.
It was passed sunset when the front door creaked open. Hiccup had run off – again – and stayed gone practically the entire day. Gobber was fit to be tied that his apprentice was slacking on the job for a second day in the row.
Astrid was waiting for him, arms crossed over her chest and a scowl that could spoil milk. “Where were you this time?”
Hiccup froze still holding the door handle. He looked positively stunned and guilty. He swallowed hard then threw on a quirky attitude that was fooling no one. “I went for another walk in the forest. Had to clear my head after training.”
Astrid narrowed her eyes. “Should I be jealous of the forest? It seems you two have been spending way too much time together.”
Hiccup took her hand and rested it over his heart. “My heart only belongs to you, milady.”
Astrid huffed then gritted her teeth, trying to ignore the little tingle in her chest. She was supposed to be mad at him! For what happened in training and slacking on his duties! He’d fallen back into his irresponsible behavior ever since the dragon raid. His unexpected fascination with Night Furies was becoming a distraction.
But somehow, he’d softened her like butter sitting on a windowsill.
Astrid glared for an extended moment, causing Hiccup’s cheesy smile to droop. His hand was still atop hers over his heart, and she twisted her wrist to grab his.
“Come on.”
“Where’re we going?” nervousness tinged his voice as she dragged him out the door.
“To eat,” she replied, moving to grip his hand instead. “Gobber and the rest of the gang are eating around a fire atop the lookout pillar. We’re joining them.”
It was hard enough being in training with the other teens. “I really don’t—”
Astrid gave his arm a quick tug. “Oh, you are.”
She heard him groan. There was no escaping this time. After the last few days of screw ups, she was through treating him gently (as gentle as she could manage) as she had been the first few weeks of marriage.
They trekked along in silence for a couple minutes, their footfalls the only sound. Darkness had fallen over Berk and most individuals were either at home or in the Great Hall. She felt Hiccup finally relax in her grip. She focused on his hand in hers. They’d never held hands this long, and it was another little intimate gesture that Astrid could learn to enjoy.
“Y’know,” she cut through the quiet of the evening, her recent contemplations manifesting into words, “I bet you and Fishlegs would get along. You’re both huge geeks, and Fishlegs knows a hel of a lot about dragons.”
“I don’t know.” The hefty boy was usually projecting the stink eye at Hiccup. “He seems to look down on me.”
Astrid glanced over her shoulder, flashing a grin that was caught in the passing torch light. “That’s because he’s taller than you.”
Hiccup rolled his eyes. “Har har, Astrid.”
Astrid laugh rang out as she playfully gave his arm another yank. “But really, I think you two would make good friends.”
“Maybe—” Hiccup mumbled, unconvinced.
They arrived at the lookout tower, firelight glowing bright from the top. Astrid inwardly lamented releasing Hiccup’s hand as they began to climb the stairs. The haughty voice of Snotlout then Gobber’s knowledgeable lilt filled the night air. Already a rollicking conversation was in full swing.
“You two made it!” Gobber smiled as they approached the deck. His wrath must have been dissolved – at least, until morning – by a few drinks already in his gullet. “Grab a stick and your choice of meat.” He waved at the two buckets of raw chicken and fish.
Astrid glanced at Hiccup, noticing his posture was less than confident. His head hung and an arm was secured across his torso as if to shield himself. In training, he seemed fine around the other teens. There was (loose) structure in training and he wasn’t put on the spot to socialize with the others. In this situation though, there was more chance of interacting.
She promised him she’d take care of him in situations like this, so Astrid reached for his hand once more. Hiccup snapped up his gaze to meet her encouraging smile that she hoped to show him that they were in this together.
Astrid chose the chicken while Hiccup chose a fish. They skewered their meats on the sticks provided and sat down on the bench near the stairs.
It was a perfect night. A full moon illuminated the sea, the gentle churn of the water rippling its light. The fire’s heat was just right, driving away the night’s chill. The conversation was…lively to say the least. Fishlegs brought up an outrageous thought about if a you could still control your hand after a dragon swallows it. Snotlout, in all his thick-witted glory, proclaimed he’d chop off the legs of any dragon he found…with his face. Yep, he said that.
Astrid shook her head. No wonder why this group was doing so poorly in dragon training. She looked at Hiccup as he listlessly picked at his fish. She softly bumped his shoulder with hers grabbing his attention to exchange small smiles.
“It’s the tails and wings you want,” Gobber corrected, ripping off a wing from the whole chicken carcass he planned to eat. “A downed dragon is a dead dragon.”
A rustle beside her drew Astrid’s attention. Hiccup had gotten to his feet and was setting his half-eaten fish dinner down. “Where’re you going?”
Hiccup gestured for her to join him on the stairs so he wouldn’t have to raise his voice over the boisterous conversation taking place. “I just thought of something I really need to get done at the forge.”
“Do you want some company?”
He shook his head. “Nah, I’ll probably work late. You stay here and enjoy the nice evening and,” he glanced around her, “fascinating conversation.”
“Okay.” Astrid couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed that she couldn’t join him, “I’ll see at home.”
Hiccup leaned up to press a kiss to her cheek. Astrid fingertips touched where his lips had just been, shook by how much a simple kiss on the cheek could affect her. She watched him disappear down the spiraling stairs then made her way back to the circle.
She felt someone’s gaze on her and looked over to find Ruffnut nodding her head and gawking. The other girl waggled her eyebrows suggestively. All Astrid could do was roll her eyes and go back to roasting her chicken leg, tucking away one more weird behavior from her husband in the past few days.
She’d fallen asleep with her arm draped over his pillow waiting for him to come home. Hiccup was burning the midnight oil at the forge. How Hiccup could live off a few hours of sleep was a mystery to her.
After weeks and weeks of awaking to his charcoal pencil scratching over parchment, she was in tune to listening for him. She was roused from slumber at a noise of metal thudding on wood. Astrid opened her eyes, blinking away the blur of sleep.
Hiccup had set his lantern down on his desk, his back to her. He pulled off his tunic, exposing his skinny form. Astrid watched entranced by finally catching a glimpse of the skin underneath his usually fully covered body.
She’d become comfortable removing her clothing in front of him. Though Hiccup had not seen her front half completely nude, he’d seen her bare back multiple times. During those times, she could sense his gaze upon her. It was a bit unsettling at first with a boy catching a glimpse of a state that only her mother had seen in recent years. But now that she was used to it, his gaze sent lovely little shivers along her skin without even a single touch.
She continued to watch, the fur blanket tucked under her chin, as Hiccup covered himself with his white nightshirt and removed his tights. He turned and gave a comical double take at finding her staring at him.
“Were in waiting for me?” he asked in a whisper as if speaking any louder would be wrong.
“I tried, but dozed off.”
A warm ball of contentment rested in her chest as she watched him join her in bed. It was strange how the haze of sleepiness could affect your way of thinking. All Astrid wanted right there was to be close to her husband, and that same sleepy haze gave her fortitude to be forward about it.
She sidled over to Hiccup, lifted his arm, and cuddled up against his side with her head resting on his chest. She barely noticed the hesitancy of his arm wrapping around her as she snuggled her head to find the most comfortable place on his bony chest. She finally settled on his right breast.
A comfortable warmth radiated from him that seeped into Astrid’s skin. His palm idly rubbed across her back. This was what she had been craving.
“I’m happy your home,” she murmured into his nightshirt.
She vaguely registered his cheek pressing gently onto the crown of her head. “Me too.”
Tags: @martabm90 @chiefhiccstrid @lauracalabresi 
Writer’s note: I'd been wanting to have Hiccup and Astrid cuddle for a while now! I wasn't sure if they were at that point in their relationship, but it felt like this was a good spot to put it. AND Stef (@chiefhiccstrid) convinced me that it was time for them to cuddle :D Thank you Stef for the input!! <3 
Hope yall enjoyed this chapter! It's moving along at a nice, steady pace!
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nezanie · 6 years
Summary: Catra's acclimatizes to life at Bright Moon and plays a playful prank on two unsuspecting princesses. The queen remembers and sees the image of a good old friend in the girl.
Fic live on Ao3 and Patreon
Pairing: Glimatradora (fluff!)
Catra didn’t like to wear her heart on her sleeves, she played with words and slipped around the people closest to her which meant she usually managed to evade any concerns. Theirs and her own.  Adora was easy to please but relentless never one to give up. She stuck close to her and her support was both endearing and somewhat cumbersome. Catra struggled to get used to the soothing atmosphere in the bright moon castle. Often the tension of war was palpable and to the ex-horde soldier a comfort at times. She did feel a little bit guilty about that, years of training and familiarising with weapons and warcraft couldn’t just be forgotten. Even Adora would sometimes slip back into the exercise drills when left to herself and admittingly Catra would join her more often than not for some semblance of normalcy she was used to, in a vain attempt to keep up with all the changes around them.
Time was not on their side though, Hordak lost his second in command, and fortified his defense and soon would double his efforts to take Bright Moon. While the tension with Catra was still high he needed to strike fast. The princesses remained wary of her and Catra let them be, it made more sense to her to stay out of the way and enforce the idea she wouldn’t bother them if they did the same. She lied to herself like that. It had worked well enough and the battles remained at a stalemate, neither side relenting their areas to the other.
It didn’t last long, the more they fought together, the more all of them got used to each other’s presence. The first one to approach Catra was the archer boy, it was amusing how he fumbled through small talk and she offered some offhand remarks that seemed to please him. Bow, or so he introduced himself as, didn’t stay too long and always knew when she wasn’t up for it. In the coming days, he’d look for her more often, and she gradually got used to his presence. On the battlefield, she made it a point to have his back, after all they were the only two who weren’t princesses. Soon after that, it was the queen’s daughter that approached her and the outcome was rather messy. She knew exactly who had pushed her to try, ‘Meddlesome boy,’
Catra snorted remembering the black eye she sported for the coming days, Glimmer was not so keen to remember the event as fondly, her face had been scratched up and itched for days on end as the narrow lines Catra caused healed. Their fights became a sort of common event, always comical and bombastic, and the other princesses often teased them about the silly arguments they had. It pushed them to talk to Catra a little more openly, and in a strange turn of events, she found herself fitting in with the girls in her own way. They were more than just fancy royals, the girls were all their own quirky as heck person.
And soon enough, as fate and some coincidences, Glimmer and Catra were paired up and found themselves working well together even if the circumstances forced them to. Secluded and alone, they had talked finding their own worries overlapping. Coming to an understanding meant accepting one another and Ctra was surprised to feel that she didn’t mind. The anger she was used to bottling up in the horde wasn’t as ever present anymore.
The weeks turned to months and Catra’s favourite past time turned to messing with the princesses. She played the silliest of pranks and it offered her a way to destress without having to confide in her new gang. It was one of those slow, quiet days in between attacks when Catra spotted Adora and Glimmer chatting and laughing, enjoying the peace while it lasted.
Cocking her head, ears flicking an deliciously mischievous idea sprang to her mind. At the very last second before she called out to the unexpecting duo, nearly slipping as her hand had already sprang up to greet them before impulsively changing her mind, she slid between some columns examining the area at hand. The corridor was vacant save for themselves, or so she thought, too enrapt in her games to notice anything but her prey. The Queen frowned at the spectacle before her, noting how her daughter and Adora seemed to be the targets and with a sigh she prepared to call for the feline girl. The words died in her throat as Queen Angella blinked at the self satisfied smirk Catra wore, a suppressed chuckle escaping her every now and then. The cheekiness something she had been familiar with, a trait shared by another she called a friend long ago. Angella’s mind spiralled into the possibility that seemed to reinforced day by day as she got used to the presence of the ex-Horde soldier. Perhaps it was time to face that plausible connection and trust the new generation with the past of Etheria not just it’s future. That was how the Queen found herself a spectator to Catra’s latest antics, nostalgia gripping her heart painfully.
They didn’t have their backs to Catra, both Glimmer and Adora were angled towards one of the many murals depicting the history of Bright moon, it was easy sneaking around to one of the statues by their side. She’d have the time of her life teasing them about how they hadn’t even noticed her climbing up on the pedestal and looking down at them from her perch. Whether she was on the good side or not, it always felt glorious having the higher ground. It took merely a second, though they had been trained to expect the unexpected at any time Catra went unnoticed. She wiggled her tush, the queen suppressed a laugh letting the tomfoolery unravel. With an expert eye she managed to aim her jump just before a sparkle of recognition lit up in Glimmer’s eyes. By then Catra was already airborne and freefalling.
“FOR the glory of epic dive bombs!” she cried spreading her arms wide and gloating in the sounds of the shrieks beneath her. It did a number on her ribs but it was certainly worth the aggravated expressions she was given
The trio was flung to the floor, Adora had slipped and couldn’t hold them and Glimmer in her shock forgot she could even warp away grabbing onto Adora’s jacket and pulling her down along with Catra’s entire being weighing them down. Adora was the first to react shoving Catra’s legs off and glaring at the grinning fiend. “Catra!” they both cried in perfect unison. Music to her cat ears! Glimmer groaned grumbling under her breath and teleported from beneath Catra’s upper body causing her to welp and fall on her back. Adora was onto her the next second, her hands grappling her in an attempt to submit her into a headlock.
She shrugged in the hold feeling pretty confident, “It’s not my fault you guys are the slowest princesses in Etheria,”
“You bloody…” Adora growled, smiling and taking it up as a challenge right away. Oh how they missed the good old days and scuffles.
Catra managed to slip away laughing mockingly, wearing the smuggest expression she could before hearing a pop above her. ‘Oh Dang!’ The next thing she knew, she was on the floor once more, hands ruffling her hair into an even scruffier mess.
She cried indignant, “That’s cheating, twinkles!”
“HaHA, all is fair in friendly squabbles!” Glimmer replied squishing her cheeks and being as obnoxious as possible. Catra made it a point to shove her away, elbowing her, hand in the princesses face and all. She mewled when she felt a pinching sensation on her side.
“Adora, that’s foul play!” Catra swatted the hand away but Glimmer made it all more difficult messing with her hair and face. Adora gave Glimmer a nod who winked back. They were ganging up on her.
Adora grinned wickedly meeting Catra’s warning stare full on, “As if that’s ever stopped me before,”
Glimmer gushed as Catra couldn’t help but laugh out with Adora’s well aimed pokes getting more and more tickly. Glimmer went in for the kill aiming for her neck. Catra promised divine retribution for exploiting her weak point, but then again, she might have deserved it just a tinsy bit. Feathery touches reaching her most aggravating spots and reducing her to a mewling, giggly mess. Catra was sure she must have broken somebody’s rib with all the thrashing around she was doing and eventually she managed to grab Adora’s collar and pull her down. The empty corridor was filled with the laughter of the three teenagers as they rolled around trying to get the better of one another.
“I give, I give,” Catra dramatically huffed and puffed, although she really did need to catch her breath.
Glimmer chuckled by her side waving her hands in excitement, “I can’t believe you’re-”
“AH uh, don’t finish that sentence, I can barely take this knucklehead-,” Catra pointed her thumb to her other side were a satisfied Adora stretched her arms raised high above her head, “-using it against me,”
Glimmer rolled her eyes, sitting upright accepting a well earned high five from Adora, beneath them Catra stuck her tongue out at them with quite a vocal ‘Bleh’. The three burst in chortles feeling liberated more than anything, up until they heard the clicking of heels close by them.
Catra jumped right up to her feet as the Queen of Bright Moon approached them. She felt the woman’s eyes on her more often than not, and she couldn’t really blame her. She accepted the suspicions that came from switching sides especially as the move had done nothing to mellow her sharp tongue. Adora and Glimmer followed glancing at her in question. They were mostly sympathetic, specially Adora who had been subjected to the same wariness. For Catra, it wasn’t that simple, there was something else beyond the doubt in those watchful eyes.
“I see you’re having fun,” Queen Angella smiled at them, cocking a brow at Catra’s tense posture, “At ease, we’re not soldiers here...Catra,”
Catra nodded trying to slouch a little, she couldn’t really relax, the queen had a similar kind of feel to Shadow Weaver and although she knew they were two completely different individuals it still proved a little unsettling to be addressed by the queen. The fact Angella used her name didn’t go unnoticed..
“We were just playing around Mum,” Glimmer cleared her throat a little bit embarrassed, she nudged Catra’s arm and gave her a supportive glance ‘It’s just my mum,’ she seemed to say. Catra shrugged nonchalantly, it did help a little especially since she could feel Adora’s shoulder touch her own on the other side.
“May I request your presence for a little...talk?” Queen Angella asked softly. Catra didn’t notice she was being addressed until the queen’s brow furrowed clearly looking straight at  her. She awaited her reply and not her daughter as she had assumed.
“Eh ah sure?”
The vague reply seemed to please her enough, a soft smile gracing the queen’s lips, her wings fluttering as she turned around expecting to be followed.
Catra glanced at Glimmer and Adora who could offer no explanation and instead a few pats on her back. Catra leaned down to whisper in Glimmer’s ear, “Your mother’s a vegetarian I hope,”
Glimmer snorted but added encouragingly, “It’s okay her bark’s scarier than her bite,”
Adora shook her head at the exchange but gave her a quick thumbs up. It seemed she couldn’t count on her to make up an excuse this time.
“Somehow that doesn’t reassure me,” she exhaled exaggeratingly and followed the woman making it a point to stay two steps behind her all the way.  The implication that there was bite to the Bright moon ruler’s wasn’t comforting. The queen looked back at her and smiled warmly, Catra felt herself flush due to her own childish antics. And in a way, it was a blessing, back in the Horde, there wasn’t really any time left to be a child amidst the adults.
Catra stared at anything and anywhere from the brightly lit murals, the clean, pastel columns and didn’t notice Queen Angella had slowed down her pace until she glimpsed her by her side. She must have flinched because a hand found the small of her back and patted it.
“It’s alright, take it easy,” she mumbled clearing her throat. The awkward effort effective to Catra who nodded and found herself appreciating what she considered a prime brownie point tactic more than anything because it was new to her.
“Is this about my pranks? I was just playing,” she laughed nervously. ‘Way to keep your cool, attagirl,’
Angella shook her head, bemused, “No, it’s about your roots, if you would listen to the rambling of an old royal stick in the mud,”
Catra grimaced, remembering her very exact words describing the queen before she had defected.
“I jest,” the teasing tone elicited a smile from Catra. And the atmosphere around them felt just a tad less tense. Who would’ve guessed, talking to others did do something other than tire her out. The offer still hung between them in the silence that followed.
Her roots, huh. She had always been curious about them, were there others like her? Had the horde taken them out, did she have parents, actual real parents, not fake ass guardians who played with her head and pitted her against others. Glancing at the queen, she wondered if her mother had been anything like her. Pretty, hard working, regal, a little bit clumsy with her daughter but full of love.
“I’d like that, the root exploring thing, i mean,” Catra said quietly. If it meant she could find her own place in the word, outside of being someone’s right hand man, and getting her own goals in this war. It was worth the effort.
The queen’s wings ruffled and she clapped her hands enthusiastically, “Well, then, where to start?!”
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masterofmunson · 7 years
Saudade (3)
Bucky x Reader
Saudade: (n.) Portuguese for a melancholic nostalgia for someone or something from the past.
Summary: She's willing to do anything to keep Bucky out of harm’s way, that's why she's so expendable, and expendability is dangerous.
Word Count: 2.4k+
Warnings: swearing, angst, violence
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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The days go by slower when she's all by herself. She hasn't seen Bucky in days and she was starting to worry. She could hear his gut wrenching screams from all the way across the building (courtesy of the deadly serum the mad scientist injected her with). It was always the same; he was begging for him not to harm her, and then they buzzed him into oblivion.
She barely ate the food they gave her, no matter how good it fucking looked.
They were taunting her with it. Of course they'd want her in good shape for whatever they have planned for her next. She barely had an appetite anyway, so it's not like it mattered. However, she always drank the water. It was always cold and they gave her a large glass each time. She would much rather be hungry than thirsty.
On day number four of Bucky's absence, he was returned to their holding cell. He was drugged with some muscle relaxer and he couldn't move on his own. His face was a ghostly pale, but his eyes remained the beautiful ocean blue that she fell in love with. He wasn't fading, not yet, anyway.
“Baby,” he cried to her and she hurried over to him as fast as her weakening body would allow.
“I'm right here, baby. I'm not goin’ anywhere. I'm right here,” she cooed, running her hands through his hair as his head sat in her lap. His eyes met hers and his breathing returned to normal. “What happened out there? I was starting to think---I thought I---” she chokes, tears spill out over her cheeks and into his hair.
“They're trying to erase my memory,” he pants, attempting to sit up. She wraps an arm around his torso to bring him up to his butt. He pulls her into his lap despite her protests. “You're not hurting me, relax love.”
They're silent for a beat. His hands rub patterns on her skin, pulling the goosebumps up to the surface. They're so close to each other, closer than they have been, even before they started dating.
“The torture isn't working, not yet at least,” he mutters, squeezing her hands. “If and when it does, they're not going to allow us to be together anymore. I won't see you. I probably won't remember you either. So, before I forget, I want to give you something.”
He gently pushes her off his lap and she waits silently, attentively, patiently, for whatever he has planned. His hands are rough, but they're gentle with each touch.
“As cheesy as it sounds, I knew the moment we met that I wanted to be with you, and that was a scary thought for a 12 year old,” he confesses with a soft smile. His hands tangle with hers and she blushes. “Making a fool of myself on that double date was the best accidental decision I've ever made.”
She laughs and playfully rolls her at him. She remembers that night perfectly.
Steve had set her up with Zack, at the request of Bucky. He had begged her to go on a double date with him and Dot to help ease the nervousness of his ‘blossoming’ relationship with her.
“Y/n, doll, please come on my date. I don't wan’ta screw this up,” Bucky begged her, grabbing her hands and falling to his knees. “I also kinda told Zack to come over at seven?”
“You did what?” she shouted, fury laced in her voice. “That's not cool! I'm not interested and you said yes without my knowledge?! You're insufferable, Barnes!”
“Does that mean you'll still come?” he asked in a quiet, hopeful voice.
She sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Yes, Bucky. I'll come.”
“Thank you! Thank you! You're an angel, Y/n. Thank you!” he exclaimed, bringing her into his arms and squeezing hard. He kissed all over her face and she faked a disgusted expression. “I owe you. You're amazing, honey.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she waved him off, rolling her eyes, “I gotta get ready. You should be too.” He nodded eagerly, kissing her cheek.
“That was your best accidental decision?” Y/n teases, scrunching her nose up at the memory. “I seem to recall that night differently.”
She looked absolutely gorgeous in a baby pink lace dress. Her hair was pulled back into a fishtail braid and the moment Bucky saw her, his insides warmed. The doorbell rang and he's pulled from his daydream and into reality. He opened the door and Zack appeared, dressed up in a nice suit with a bouquet of flowers.
“Hiya, Barnes. Is Y/n ready?” Zack asked, shifting awkwardly on his feet.
“Oh really?” Bucky challenges playfully. “If I seem to recall, it also worked out in your favor.”
Y/n stormed back into apartment, fuming with anger. Bucky had no damn right. He had no damn right to be upset with her. He had Dot, and she had a perfectly attractive stranger giving her attention. Zack was sweet, she’d give him that, but he wasn't Bucky.
She tossed her purse down angrily on the kitchen table and kicked her heels off. She pulled her hair out of its braid and let out a frustrated huff.
“You don't get to do that to me, James,” she barked angrily, glaring at him. “You don't get to beg me to go on your date with someone I barely know and then when I'm enjoying myself embarrass the shit out of me! You're unbelievable!”
“What do you want me to say, Y/n?” he shouted. “That I'm sorry? That I'm an asshole?”
“Yes, that's exactly what I want you to say because that's what best friend’s say to each other. You apologize and you forgive!”
“I don't want to be your best friend!” he screamed, silencing her. She took in a sharp breath and felt tears prick at her eyes. The silence consumed her, eating away at her bones. It was weighing down on her, breaking her piece by piece. “I love you,” he confessed quietly, causing her to think that she misheard him.
“What?” she croaked, swallowing the impossibly large lump in her throat.
“I love you,” he stated firmly, stepping towards her.
She shook her head in disbelief. That didn't make any sense to her at the time. She was head over heels for him, but she swore to herself she wouldn't let her feelings for him get in the way of their friendship and their living situation, and she didn't. She blinked rapidly, swallowing hard. They had just come back from a miserable double date, thanks to him, and now he had just confessed his love to her.
“You're with Dot. This makes no sense. How---how could you go from Dot to me in just a few hours? That's not fair to her,” she muttered, trying to make sense of the situation.
“Honey, you and I both know it's been more than just a few hours. You're telling me that you've never suspected that I’ve had feelings for you?” he asked curiously, raising a brow at her.
“Uh---was I supposed to? It's not like you screamed your attraction towards me. You have girls coming in and out of the apartment left and right, Bucky. Excuse me for not noticing,” she snapped without meaning to. She winced at her harsh tone, “Sorry.”
“No… you're right. I guess I didn't really express my feelings towards you for you to catch up on. I just thought that since… since we lived together you'd catch on. I shouldn't have assumed, I'm sorry,” he muttered, dropping his head.
“Oh my god, you're such a guy,” she huffed in annoyance. “I live with you and Steve because you knuckleheads are my best friends and because both of you are fucking idiots and would probably die without me, not because I love you,” she confessed accidentally.
Her eyes widened to the size of saucers and her jaw dropped. She's frozen in place. Her brain is moving a mile a minute. She just admitted her deepest darkest secret to the one person she would refuse to tell, no matter how much he begged who her recent eye candy was (to tell you the truth, it was always him). Bucky's somber expression changed immediately. The asshole smirked smugly and crossed his arms over his chest before taking a tentative step towards her.
“So…,” he trailed off with a grin, “you love me?”
She sighed, rolling her eyes at him. Annoyed, she crossed her arms. “Like you didn't already know,” she grumbled under her breath, attempting to shrink under his gaze.
God, she was so embarrassed. They had known each other for so long‍, and now she felt out of her element. She was uncomfortable because her best friend was just grinning in satisfaction. He had gotten her to spill the can of beans she held close to her and now she felt exposed. He wasn't saying anything and she just wanted to slap the stupid smirk off her best friend’s face.
“Could you… I don't know… say something?”
He bit his lip and reached out to hold her face. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “I love you and I'm going to kiss you now. I've waited too damn long to pass up on that opportunity.”
She laughed breathlessly and her eyes flutter shut. She remembers the feeling of his hands on her face. They were so damn soft and gentle and he touched her just enough to leave her wanting more.
His lips were soft against hers and his lips tasted of the lingering coke on his tongue. He was so damn gentle with his movements and she wonders if kissing is suppose to feel like that all the time. Is she suppose to feel the buzzing in her ears, the butterflies in her tummy, the aching feeling of wanting more, the tingling of electricity everywhere he touched? Was that normal?
She pulled away and forced her eyes open. Her chest rises and falls with slow deep breaths. Her hands rest on his shoulders and she looks at him with a quirky expression. “Is---is kissing suppose to make you feel like that?” she panted, swallowing hard.
“Like what?” he asked, brushing a stray hair out of her face.
“Like my skin is on fire? Like there’s a zoo in my stomach?”
His grin widens and he kisses her again, pushing her against the kitchen table. “When you're with the right person, yeah.”
“Well,” she grinned, “looks like I found the right person.”
“Yeah,” he teased, “I think you did.”
Bucky raises his eyes in question at her, as if to challenge their sacred memory. “Okay, mister. I guess it did. I got you out of it, didn't I?” she asks with a grin.
God, seeing her smile always made his day. Now, it's a rare occasion because they barely allowed them to be together. It was a good torture tactic on HYDRA’s part, make them go insane by tearing them apart. He nods and squeezes her hand hard.
“You're the love of my life, nothing and no one can change that, no matter what they do to us. You love the best and worst parts of me. You see the best in me and you are my world. You are my rock. You are my anchor. You've changed my life and our story isn't over, I know it. I want to give this to you before they take me away from you, so you always have a piece of me. If anyone can get through this shit show, it's you,” Bucky states firmly, sticking his hand into the torn pocket of his pants. Something clinks against his metal fingers and she waits patiently.
He pulls out his dog tags and she starts to protest. She couldn't take them, she wasn't allowed to anyway. Those were a piece of him. The only thing keeping his identity and human nature intact. He shushes her with a passionate kiss, catching her off guard.
Her hands tangle in his hair and his mouth is all over her. Her breathing is labored and she's drunk on him. She takes him in for as long as possible, savoring his touch. She wouldn't know the next time they would be able to share an intimate moment like this.
Bucky pulls away and tugs at her hand. He places a gorgeous diamond ring in her palm and a gasp leaves her throat.
“Bucky, I---”
“I was planning on proposing after the mission was over. I was so scared it fell out of my pocket when we fell,” Bucky whispers, staring into her beautiful eyes.
She can't help but laugh. “That's what you were concerned with? Not your inevitable death?” she teases.
“Nope, as long as you were with me.”
“This was your mother’s Buck. I can't just---”
“Yes, you can. She gave it to me and now I'm giving it to you,” he interrupts her, squeezing her hand. “Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
“Yes, of course. I can't live without you, of course I'll marry you, you goof,” she grins at him, kissing him like it's the last thing she'll ever do. He's grinning and kissing all over her face. For a split second, they both forget where they are.
“Gotta keep this a secret from ‘em. Lemme see your tags,” he mumbles, reaching for her dog tags. She unclasps it and he slides the ring onto the chain. “Fits like a glove.” He puts the necklace back on around her neck and tucks the ring into her shirt.
The doors to the cell block open and the pair scramble off each other, careful not to rise suspicion. The guards open the door and grab her by the arm, pulling her to her feet. She growls at them and starts to thrash around.
Tired of her antics, a gaurd silences her with a hard slap across the face. An animalistic growl comes from Bucky as he pushes himself up onto his feet and storming towards the bars, sticking his arm out, trying to reach her.
Her eyes meet his and tears swim around at the tips of his eyes. He looks helpless, lost, hurt. It breaks her more than Zola ever could. “I'll come back to you,” she states.
He swallows the cry in his throat. It wasn't a statement. It was a promise.
A/N: this chapter was so much fun to write!! tell me what you think!! also, some of my tags aren't by working rn and i'll fix it asap
PERMANENT TAGS: @jessevans @gingerbatchwife @ria132love @aenna-4@bubblyaschampange @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x @queen–valeskaxx@lilasiannerd @sammnipple @blueeyedboobear @mcuimxgine
SAUDADE TAGS: @frenchtherainbow @logan8546 @xxchexchickxx @cevans-sebby @angelicaxhouston @steves-bitch @thedemonsweshare @tenleylines @writingblockswriters @captainmqmeep@themanwiththemetalarm @rougedemigods @imamoose @radrouda @missmotherhen @sandycoelho @mytrueself @melconnor2007@undiscl0sed-desir3s @38leticia @the-witching-hours12-3 @howiseethesethings @elaacreditava @brazier25@wantingtobekorra@xbiebersqueen812x @prostheticsoldier @buenostardissherlock
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crystalelemental · 7 years
Atelier Meruru Plus Opinions
Meruru Plus is a game I feel very positively about, while also feeling like it was the most stressful game I played.  On the one hand, it feels very much like Rorona, in that it's a game that's very fun and I would gladly pick up again to play.  On the other, it's very difficult to get things done in time, and I don't think I've ever been as caught off-guard by some of the stuff that opens up when you think you’re done.  It definitely makes it high on the replay value scale, but I also feel like getting everything I wanted done may as well have been impossible.  Which...may be the point?  But it’s still weird to me that I played through this game twice and still have less than half of all available characters outfitted properly.  I don’t even think Gino has armor right now...
CHARACTERS As a whole, characters are great, but Meruru is by far the lowest number of new entries to a game.  Most of your playable cast is in returning characters, with only 4 (5 if you count Meruru herself) being complete new, and two of those are DLC in the base game.  In a cast of 13 playable characters, the largest thus far, that's...a very small percentage.  It's not bad, but it does kinda detract a bit from this being a separate kingdom.  It's also tough for the newcomers, who can be fairly bland, to compete with the development that returning powerhouses bring.
Meruru - Meruru was my least favorite of the alchemists initially, but she's grown on me a lot.  She's boisterous and loud, but is also presented as an alchemist who, more than the other two, is highly driven toward a goal with alchemy in mind.  Totori arguably could've accomplished her goal just through physical training, and while Rorona's goals were entirely based in alchemy, it never really amounts to more than "keep the workshop."   Meruru aims to develop her entire kingdom using alchemy, and I think it's a neat little parallel to the history we get at the start of Rorona Plus.  More on that later, but Meruru just winds up being a really fun protagonist.  Plus, as her alchemy skills develop, so does her personality.  She shifts from seeming highly self-centered on just doing whatever she wants, to a character who is driven both for her own sake, but also for the sake of the people in her kingdom.  It’s a really nice development path.
Keina - I like Keina.  She's fine.  But she is not very interesting.  Her main character traits are being really lucky, and really devoted to Meruru.  She doesn't really bring a lot to the table in terms of being interesting on her own, and serves more as an addition to Meruru.  Her primary problem is just not standing out, which, again, is partly because of the returning characters.
Lias - Same issue.  Lias has some fun stuff going on, in his own negative self-perceptions and having to overcome them, and his constant looking up to his brother as a role model.  Like Keina, there are endearing traits, but he does feel entirely overshadowed.
Totori - TOTORI IS BACK!  Totori is a delight, and honestly, I'm super glad she's back as Meruru's teacher.  She does well as a foil to Rorona's teaching style, being very explicit and clear in her teachings, and a lot more hands-on than Rorona ever was.  She's very involved in Meruru's learning, and the bond they have as teacher and student is really precious.  Plus, her basic attack is a massive AoE, so she's fantastic in combat.  And of course, there’s her interactions with...
Mimi - THE OTHER BEST GIRL RETURNS!  And oh my god, what a return.  I love adult Mimi's design, and she carries over the difficulties with expressing herself, but with her entire character arc this game being about trying to...okay, the game will say it's expressing her appreciation for Totori being her friend, but this is a love confession.  These two are married now.  Canon.  The trophy is called “Friendship, Love” for god’s sake!  Mimi's arc of trying to move past her resistance to being open and expressing her feelings for Totori is the most precious thing imaginable, and I love it.
Gino - Oh good, this guy.  Gino returns, and has learned nothing.  He's still the same knucklehead as before.  I really have nothing good to say about Gino, so I guess it’s nice of him to make sure that not all returning characters were better than the new faces.
Esty - Esty shows up again, and her role as a sort of spy within Arls is...actually super cool.  The entirety of the Arland group being here is interesting, really.  For Esty, a lot of it is in how she examines others within the kingdom and brings Meruru along to get a closer look at her subjects to build that sense of commitment to her people.  It's a nice little arc.
Sterk - Sterk is back again, and with the same knight complex as always.  This time, though, he's within a kingdom with royalty left, and he once again pushes to become a true knight, only to be reminded that this kingdom is fading out too. He continues to struggle with moving past a dying dream, and it's a nice continuing story arc for Sterk.
Rorona - Okay, listen.   Rorona's return is arguably the worst part of this game, not because of Rorona coming back, but how she does so.  Why is she 8?  Did we really need this plotline, Japan?  Kid Rorona can be cute and all, but this is just...so bizarre to me.  I really can't appreciate kid Rorona.  At all.
Astrid - Astrid, being outside of the kingdom that she despises, should be more tolerable.  The opposite happens.  She demonstrates the same issues, where she's needlessly cruel to people who have done nothing to deserve this.   It's just her nature to be awful to people, and it makes it really hard to appreciate her.  It's worse this time because she tried to change Rorona back to her 14-year-old self and messed up, creating the awkward child Rorona piece. "Who wants a Rorona in her 30s?"  ME, THAT'S WHO!  WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?
Rufus - Lias' older brother.  I love this guy.  The super-serious counter-point to almost everyone in the cast.  Sterk winds up being an over-zealous crazy person compared to Rufus staying ever calm, and of course with Meruru he's a stern advisor who genuinely cares about his princess and wants her to succeed in her goals.  He's a sweet and serious character, and I really appreciate that.
Pamela - WOO, PAMELA!  Pamela's been in the other games as well, but only ever as a shopkeeper who is delightfully quirky.  Now she's playable, and it's great.  I wanted this so badly.  Just a shame her basic attack is all elemental, so she's borderline useless against post-game bosses.  At least, I’d imagine.  I never really tried.
Hanna - Hanna has shades of Melvia, without being quite as bad.  She's definitely the primary source of uncomfortable moments (most notably, the "someone's drunk" trophy from every game that's always super uncomfortable to get), but it doesn't feel like she's as...constant as Melvia.  I'm still not a big fan of her, but there's at least some appreciation for her upbeat and energetic attitude.
Gio - This guy.  The king of Arland shows up, and is basically a sort of advisor to Meruru, at times.  Although, he's sort of far removed from a lot of the first run through the game.  Only when you start NG+ do you start getting anything from him.  Gio then gives his history as an adventurer with Meruru's father, and another alchemist named Sofra, and their ill-fated attempt to take down the demon of the volcano and how Sofra lost her life.  It's a nice backstory, really, and is kind of Totori-esque in how it establishes Meruru as a successor to a legacy.
Hagel - This guy is back!  That’s neat!  He’s still great.  No changes.
Homs - Male and Female Hom are both present here, and they can be interesting.  They get a fun little sub-plot about their role as servants being completely invalidated by Keina’s maid expertise, and have some interesting conversations about the difficulties of rapid social change with the chims.  Odd that the only characters that ever address this are the Homs...
Dessier - Did you know that Meruru’s dad was in this game?  Because it’s real easy to forget, outside of the four scenes he shows up in and the Airshatter sidequest, the latter of which is solid, as it introduces him as a competent ruler who once had the same ambitions as Meruru, but lost that drive when Meruru’s aunt Sofra died trying to subdue the demon. 
STORY This is an odd one.  Your story is that Meruru is a princess who hates being such, and wants to be an alchemist.  Her father, the king, refuses, but she pursues it anyway, and with Rufus' help, an agreement is struck where she can use alchemy to develop the kingdom, but if she doesn't meet the goals that are set, she has to give up.  The odd thing is, there's a simultaneous plot running where the kingdom of Arls is about to be integrated into the Republic of Arland. So Meruru won't even be royalty in a few years anyway, and developing the kingdom is...kind of a moot point, since the kingdom won't exist soon?  It's really odd when you look at it from that angle, but I honestly think they’re going for something interesting on this one.  The game focuses a lot on this theme of "the more things change, the more they stay the same."  Meruru's entire arc with Keina is about how their changing roles won't matter in the grand scheme, since they're going to stay together regardless of what happens.  That's a pretty good parallel to the game as a whole.   The kingdom isn't going to be a kingdom anymore in a few years, but the development is for the individual people that make up the kingdom, not the stature of its royalty.  It feels like it's an attempt to demonstrate what's important with Meruru's actions, and how the changes she makes will have a lasting impact for the people who won't change when the political climate does. SETTING I mentioned this in the Rorona breakdown, about how I feel like Meruru is a parallel to the bit of history we got at the start of Rorona.  Part of this is because of Arls itself.  It's...kind of a dump.  All nearby locations tend to be overrun with plant life and untamed wilderness, and there are several areas that, just based on appearance, are run down and have little to offer even in the way of alchemy resources.  Through development of the kingdom, things become better. Farmlands have actual crops, energy is harvested from the windiest areas, drinking water is diverted to the kingdom, and enemy threats are combated and removed.  Meruru's actions turned a generally uninhabitable area into something that people would dwell in, and I feel like it's a good showing of how Arland came to be in its current state.  Arls certainly doesn't feel any smaller in terms of locations you can go within its walls, but the safe locations outside of its walls has expanded dramatically, and I like to believe that this is exactly how Arland was developed back when their original alchemist began their work.
SYNTHESIS SYSTEM Exactly like Rorona Plus.  Like, almost exactly the same.  There are a few things that are different, in terms of traits that can be inherited, but it's the same sort of Cost system with the combining of traits and everything.  There are also development items that Meruru can equip that make certain actions easier. Rorona Plus also had these, though they were just kept in the Atelier and had their respective effects.  For Meruru, they're equipment that you can put on or take off as needed to apply or remove the effects.  Generally, you just put them on and leave them on forever, though there's maybe one time you might want a low quality Sage Herb for an Elixer that recovers MP.
BATTLE SYSTEM Much like Rorona, it's very fast-paced, and your equipment is everything.   You don't really need items at almost any point in the game, barring Elixers for end-game and maybe some good bombs.  The biggest difference is the post-game bosses.  In Rorona, post-game bosses required a good amount of items and planning.  Things could still ultimately be completed with just attack skills of allies, but you needed items to cause debuffs and deal consistent damage, especially past bosses that would heal indefinitely.  In Meruru?  Just bring Gio.  Bring Gio with Shadow Essence, skill cost reduction traits, and call it a day, because you do not even have to TRY anymore after that point.  With Gio's Slash skill, which costs very little, you can potentially earn an extra turn. With Shadow Essence, you attack twice in one turn.  So Gio will do a regular attack, then follow with Slash, an 99.9% of the time, gain another two turns, and can do this indefinitely.  I beast most of the post-game bosses before they could attack.  The only reason the Machina Domain final boss got a shot in was because I forgot which attack was which after getting distracted and Gio missed his turn.  It was dead on his next action.  There is zero challenge with these post-game bosses, and it's entirely because of Gio.  I'd almost go so far as to say it's not fun because of it.  The post-game bosses become a chore rather than a fight.  You just have to keep up the pattern until they die, which isn't particularly engaging.  Post-game superbosses are always hard to design, but these ones...I just don't feel like they're all that fun.   Maybe if I replay and try to insist on beating bosses without using Gio there would be engagement, but with the amount of HP they have and the damage they deal, I kind of wonder if it's worth it.
OTHER MECHANICS Development points replace license points from last game, and at set intervals your kingdom ranks up.  The difference is, when you rank up a kingdom, you just get new requests for development, and maybe new characters showing up. Locations on the map can be accessed as soon as you move there.  Your stopping points are because Meruru noted something interesting about the landscape, and you have to go back to Rufus to develop. Once you develop it the first time, you can progress through to the next area.  This is a really cool system, and there's an area north of Arls that's really close by that opens up fairly early, but is SUPER hard to fight through because enemies are so strong.  I honestly love that.  I love when the game establishes boundaries not through arbitrary progression points, but by letting you go through and then brutally kicking your face into the dirt to say "Maybe come back when you are not baby weak."
The development points are also stockpiled and invested into different facilities.  These facilities confer benefits, such as increasing experience for battle or synthesis, giving extra uses on items or reducing needed materials, and most importantly, giving you an allowance on certain days of the month, which is HYPER-VITAL, because money is tough to come by in this game, and you have a ton of characters to outfit.  To give an idea: I have finished NG+, and still have only half my party fully outfitted.  It's that rough.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS I think it's worth noting that endings are very, very different in this game.  In the previous games, and even in subsequent games, endings are based entirely on character friendship levels.  When you max a character's friendship and complete their events, you unlock that character's specific ending.  Usually this is some manner of adventuring with that specific person, and that's it.  With Meruru, endings are determined based on what you accomplish in the world. There's one ending for getting max friendship with all characters, and that one takes highest priority (barring the new Plus-exclusive ending), but the remainder are all based on what you accomplish.  One is for meeting the population goals without anything else.  Two are based on finishing the lizard army sidequest, one with beating Masked G and one while losing.   Two are based on beating the volcano demon, one with Gio and one without.  Three are based on creating the Potion of Youth again: one for completing it and nothing else; one for completing it once and reaching Alchemy level 50; and one for completing it twice, reaching alchemy level 50, and then creating a new type of potion that actually works.   That last one takes FOREVER, and is, I believe, the highest-priority ending, which shows adult Rorona.  And I gotta say...nice.
We also get a few of the uncomfortable fanservice moments in this game as well.  They're less constant than Totori, but we still get the "Drunken Person" trophy, which has been in every Arland game and involves the main character getting molested by a drunk person.  Oh, and there's a scene where you run into Hanna bathing naked.  That was super necessary.
CONCLUDING THOUGHTS Atelier Meruru is, much like Rorona, a very fun game.  I think it has a bit more going for it in terms of an interesting story, but ultimately runs exactly the same. If there's any major faults, it's that the new characters are very few, and not all that interesting compared to previously introduced characters.  Combat also tends to feel like a drag in the post-game, as the only real strategy needed to win is "Bring Gio, spam Slash."  As a result, the game can really feel like it lacks teeth, especially when you get your best equipment set up.  Still, all in all, it's a fun game that's definitely worth picking up.
If you enjoyed this (for some reason), consider checking out the write-ups for the other games in the series as well!
Atelier Rorona Plus Atelier Totori Plus Atelier Meruru Plus Atelier Ayesha Plus Atelier Escha and Logy Plus Atelier Shallie Plus Atelier Sophie Atelier Firis
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