#and some of the office people have only recently started doing nice stuff like this for me so like
cherrymangos · 1 year
0 notes
shawnxstyles · 6 months
the only one
summary: you go on your first date with peter, and it ends even better than you could have ever expected. ;)
request: yes!
words: 6.3k
warnings: SMUT (f-receiving [oral, fingering, multiple orgasms], protected sex, dirty talk), language, and the most gentlemanly man.
note: i cannot believe i’m finally writing another gyno!peter after all this time… anyway, this is NOT an actual series, simply just more situations/scenes of these two together!
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gynecologist!peter x patient!y/n
Every date that you’ve been on in the past never made you this nervous. You didn’t spend two hours just deciding on what to wear and taking an extra hour to prepare yourself. You worked for a fashion magazine, editing and reviewing comments and critiques. You were surrounded by clothes and creativity all day, but struggled to pick a “first-date look” from your closet. You swore you read something about that before…
You never thought first dates were anything more than a simple introduction, a first impression of another human being. It was one of the foundations of the question, “Could I get along well enough with this person to go on a second date?”.
You had only been on two first dates: one with your ex, who you were with for four months, and recently with that guy from your work. The second one was mainly just a hook-up, and the first one obviously led to some type of relationship that didn’t work out in the end. Maybe you didn’t have enough experience in the dating world to be wondering if the amount of nerves you had right now was healthy.
Your hands were clammy as you strapped on your black heels. You noticed you were swallowing more frequently than normal, and you didn’t understand why. When you looked in the mirror, your hands flattened out your black dress more times than you could count, ridding wrinkles that aren’t even there.
After your appointment a few weeks ago, you had texted Peter. More specifically, you texted him the next day. Immediately after simply saying hello and your name, you thought of how many other people he may have given his phone number to. Or worse, how many people he had fingered in his office… You started worrying if you shouldn’t have texted him at all because he was a doctor. He was probably too busy for anything. It was just a nice gesture, maybe?
But an hour later, in the evening, he had texted you back with a short apology. He was working a little past the clock in order to get more doctor stuff done. Even his texts were sweet with a dab of charm. How do women control themselves around him?
Or maybe it was just you, and you were a fucking weirdo.
Yeah it could be that.
Peter and you went on to texting every now and then to texting daily. Texting him was something to look forward to after a long day at work. It also became pretty clear that he wasn’t texting anyone else because well, he was working throughout the day doing doctor stuff while you were doing editor stuff. He would even text you during his lunch break and that always made your heart skip to see his message in the middle of the day.
One night in particular, you were complaining to Peter (yes, you had gotten to the point where you could complain about little inconveniences) about your sink malfunctioning. Instead of asking you to send pictures of the pipes under the sink, he had you FaceTime him. It was the first time you guys have ever called and the second time you’ve ever seen his face, so your heart was a little race-y. But when that charming, wide grin flashed on your screen, he easily slipped into conversation. Peter helped you fix your sink with a little wrench movement along with replacing a broken screw through the phone.
It wasn’t awkward. It was relieving.
You didn’t have to force a certain personality in order to engage in a conversation with him. You felt more yourself than you ever have when talking to him, flowing easily like two streams into one. You hadn’t even realized how late it was by the time you guys ended the call until he was gone. The serenity of your place felt a little more emptier than usual without the sound of his beautiful accent from your speaker. It was nearly midnight by the time you went to bed, wondering how things would be if you and Peter took your friendship a bit further.
Would talking always be this simple? Would he always be this charming?
After that night, you would make excuses to call him. He never denied you, even after he told you he had a long day at the hospital. You guys were not only texting now, but calling daily. You would get excited for his texts and calls, looking forward to talking to him. That’s when you realized you wanted more with him. It felt like you knew each other forever, but it had merely been a few weeks. You wanted to go on a date with him, wanted to be with him in person again. And of course, your mind wandered to the thought of how he is in bed.
If he was that good with just his quick fingers, then how good was he with more space and time? You began to dream about it.
Then he finally asked you. It was so sudden, you honestly didn’t expect it.
You were debriefing your plans for the week and what you had to do at work.
“Sometimes, I feel like my life is on repeat,” You chuckle, but it sounds tired.
“You’re always doing the same thing every week?” Peter questions. He found that he loves just listening to you talk for hours about whatever. He prompts you with questions, and you always answer thoroughly. It’s like an unspoken routine for you two.
“I mean, it feels like that. I never have time to go out and do anything. And when I do, I don’t go out,” You half-smile to yourself as you look down at your lap. You sounded kind of lame, so you were trying not to cringe at yourself.
“You told me your agenda for this week, but what about Saturday and Sunday?”
“Oh, well, you know I don’t work on the weekends. Sometimes, I get extra stuff done at home, but only because I’m bored. I watch TV…” You squint your eyes, trying to think of things you do on the weekend when you’re not busy. “You know, I’m listening to what I’m saying, and I am so lame. God, I need a life outside of work.”
“You’re not lame. Just busy. Give yourself some credit,” he waves off your dig at yourself, and you don’t stop yourself from smiling. He’s just too nice. You can’t take your eyes off him through the small screen as he watches you back.
“Yeah, yeah. Enough about me. What are your weekend plans?” You definitely talk too much, so you always attempt to ask him questions back.
“Well, I was thinking of taking you out,” he very casually says, nonchalantly staring at you through the camera. “Unless you’re busy watching TV.”
“W-What?” Heat crawled up your neck and ears, skin flaming off of his quick words. He’s always charming and always confident with you, so why are you surprised he’s this smooth? You wonder if he’s been thinking about it for a while or if he just got the idea randomly. “Are you serious?”
“Yes. Unless you don’t want to. In that case, I am joking…”
“I want to, Peter,” You smile with the words. It feels impossible to lower your cheek muscles because of the giddiness coursing through you. “If I’m honest, I’ve kind of been waiting for you to ask me.”
“I was a little slow, yeah?”
“Yeah, both the turtle and the hare beat you to the finish line,” His wonderful laugh echoes through the speaker of your phone, and it fills you with warmth.
While other people have belittled you and forced you to be one way, Peter naturally allows you to be yourself. Your wit flourishes, and your insecurities fade into unique parts of you. Whether you two are friends or more, you need more people like Peter in your life.
After you two had confirmed the plans for Saturday, you two both went to bed when the call ended. When your head hits the pillow, it’s instantly filled with scenarios of you and Peter. Mostly how your first date might go. Is he the type to pull out a chair for you? Definitely. Would he pay without a second glance? Probably, knowing he has that doctor paycheck. Would he kiss you after walking you back to your door? Maybe, maybe not.
But he did finger-fuck you in his office, so nothing is really that impossible.
So, you let your mind wander for the rest of the night while you sleep peacefully. Yes, you had some great dreams.
Instead of texting you that he’s here, Peter knocks on your door. The sound itself made your heart accelerate instantly as you stride quickly to answer it. You’ve been overthinking all the ways that this day could go bad, seriously hoping that it doesn’t.
“Hey,” Peter says, clearly eyeing you up and down. He sounds slightly breathless, but not as if he just ran to your door. No, more like he’s speechless. But you could just be overanalyzing every little detail.
“Hey,” As you repeat the word back, you’re both silent for a second. It’s not awkward as it is tense. You’re both just observing and taking in the appearance of the other, appreciating the time and effort in the looks. Peter’s wearing a navy button-up with black slacks. The first two buttons are undone, giving you a peek at his seemingly smooth chest. He’s not wearing a jacket, so you get a view of his arms. From the way the rich fabric stretches around his muscles, it’s obvious that he works out. He just keeps getting better. He continues to check more of your boxes. “Let me just go grab my purse really quick.”
You snatch your bag off of the coffee table after checking you have everything. What if his one flaw is that he won’t pay for at least half the dinner? You must prepare for all the possible outcomes.
“You look brilliant,” You can see him swallow before his compliment, and you wonder if he’s as nervous as you are. He never makes it a point to look even the slightest bit unsure, which you admire. He’s very charming, which takes a lot of confidence, and he’s very good at it. When he asked you out in his office, you saw that persona slip just a tad, enough for you to see that he is human and that he gets nervous too. You found him adorable. You still do.
“You as well,” You blush as you shut the door behind you. The two of you walk to his car, and of course, he opens the door for you. You can’t stop blushing. “Seriously, how do you make such a simple outfit look so good?”
“Unbutton it,” he answers before gently shutting your door closed. Your mind instantly went to places that it shouldn’t have, making your skin burn. You thought about unbuttoning his shirt slowly and sensually until it fell down his bulky arms. You thought about unbuttoning his slacks and palming his cock. He would be so hard for you, and you didn’t hesitate to get on your knees. God, you wished it was real because you truly would not hesitate for this man.
You shake your head, attempting to rid yourself of those dirty thoughts, so you can have a peaceful date. A first date with Peter.
When you guys get to the restaurant, that small voice in the back of your head expects it to be awkward the second you sit down. But once again, you were proven incorrect.
Peter instantly engages in a smooth conversation, asking how your week was overall. You told him all about work and the papers you’re reviewing, and he told you about some of his patients. Every time he mentions anything doctor related, it just makes you swoon. It’s impressive how intelligent he is, and even more so how hard he works. It’s obvious he loves what he does, and you never realized that loving one’s passion was a must-have in your partner checklist.
You also just love the way he talks. His accent makes your skin hot and your spine tingle. Your mind wanders to places it shouldn’t more often than not. And his gaze never leaves yours, only when talking to the waiter when ordering.
There is never a dull moment. Even as you were patiently waiting for your food, you still found things to talk about.
“What do you think they’re celebrating?” he asks, observing two people in the back corner with smiles on their faces.
“They’re dressed nicely, and they’re holding hands too much to be together for that long. I’m going to guess the three or four month anniversary.”
“What about them?” he nudges his head in the direction of the people not too far from you two, sitting with straight faces.
“Oh, they’re not celebrating. Probably breaking up.”
“Who goes to such a nice restaurant for a break-up?”
“I don’t know. Sounds like rich people problems to me,” You joke, and you both share a chuckle. It feels nice to casually chat and people watch with somebody else. When your food arrives, you both eat with more adding silence, slipping in words slowly.
“Did I tell you you look really good tonight?” Peter changes the topic, eyes fixating back onto you.
“Yes… Thank you,” You feel yourself blushing all over your body. You use your napkin to wipe your lips, but you’re really using it to protect your face. It was so obvious what his words did to you, that’s probably why he said them. Suddenly, the room feels a little too hot, even just in your dress. “Took me a while to find out what to wear.”
“You could have worn a garbage bag and still looked great,” Peter says, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Oh, stop it. You’re such a charmer. What’s your game? What do you want?” Your words are playful, but the look in Peter’s eye seems more serious. More powerful and heated. Eyes you haven’t seen for a long time in another person, and it freezes you still. The only thing that’s countering the lust circling his irises is the uprising smirk on his lips.
“To take you home.”
Boy, was he a charmer.
“Don’t ask if I’m kidding because I’m not,” he adds, setting down his napkin on the table. He leans over, a curl falling onto his forehead. A hand reaches halfway across the white cloth and rests delicately on your hand. Even his touch was warm and soft, not forceful in any way. “If you want, I’d like to.”
“I…” You were speechless. You knew what your answer would be, but you were just starstruck. How can one person be so gentlemanly yet hot? Cocky yet so sweet? God really didn’t give anyone a chance when making Peter. “Yes, I would like that a lot.”
Your thumb rubs reassuring circles on his thumb while you smile like a fool. Peter’s smirk only got bigger as the night went on.
You talked. You laughed. You smiled.
But as he drove you to his house, you got nervous again. Maybe you guys would do something as normal as watch a movie. Maybe even cuddle a bit. But you really, really hoped it was more. Especially after your first meeting, you knew Peter wasn’t too shy about sexual matters. However, maybe he didn’t want to do that with you yet and just wanted to take things slow.
But his office…
When his hand was on yours on the table, your memory was brought back right to the moment of his fingers inside of you in the chair. You remembered the feeling of him pushing his digit in and out repeatedly and how good it felt when he removed his latex gloves. Your core rumbled with lust, getting off on the mere fantasy of it all.
When you arrive at his house, you both silently get out of the car. Besides the sound of nature, you could only hear your racing heart and how it was racking against your ribcage in intense beats. He unlocks his door, keying jingling while the breeze flows past. You’re hyper-aware of every noise as if Peter could hear your choppy breath. When he finally opens the door, he lets you in first and you smile, trying to not let your obvious nerves surface.
But you clearly fail when he points it out.
“What are you thinkin’ about?” Your eyes lock on his hands as he rests his key on his door side table and feet as he casually slips off his dress shoes. Everything about him was mesmerizing. You swear you could just watch a documentary of a regular day in his life and you could be starry-eyed.
“Bunch of things.” But it was really just one thing.
“Care to share?” Peter shifts to the kitchen and you follow him like a helpless dog, clutching your bag for dear life.
“I keep thinking about…the last time we were together,” the words fall from your mouth as you round the counter. You felt like you needed to create some distance between you two if you were going to admit something like that.
“What about it?” Peter’s knack to ask questions right now is making your face burn from embarrassment under his bright kitchen lights. He grabs two glasses and fills them up with fridge water without even asking if you wanted some.
“You know, the fun part,” You round the counter to reach the water, slowly taking a sip. When you set the glass down, your eyes don’t leave his chest. You’re too afraid to look into his eyes.
“I thought it was all pretty fun,” he says, placing down his own glass and taking one large step towards you “Especially the part where you came all over my hand.”
Your skin flames, eyes peering at him for a moment before dashing away. His finger slides beneath your chin to turn your face back to him. He could feel your radiating heat and could see the widening of your pupils under the luminous lights.
“Were you thinking of that?” His finger directs your chin upwards, forcing you to look at him. His voice was low and husky, only for you to hear. “Because I haven’t stopped since the day I walked out of that room.”
“Just say the word, honey, and I’ll kiss you right now.”
You could just melt into a puddle on the floor of his kitchen. His words are so sensual, there is no way you could ever say no to this man. He’s irresistible without trying too hard.
“Please,” You mustered out seemingly breathless while your eyes were locked into his surely.
He doesn’t miss the beat. His head turns as his lips crash against yours. Your lower back hits the island of the counter of marble, but you don’t flinch. His lips electrocute yours, sending jolts of energy coursing through your body like a shock. Your hands naturally find his neat yet messy styled hair on his nape, fingers rummaging through the curly ends. One of his hands holds your waist down from moving as if he already knows you’re antsy to grind on him. His other caresses your jaw in a stable position, the type of dominance you’ve been craving since that day in his office.
His hand goes underneath your thigh, leading you to wrapping your legs around his waist. You thought he was going to sit you on the counter, but he walked all the way to a bedroom without breaking the kiss.
Peter gently lays you on the bed, causing you to depart from the kiss. He wordlessly goes to unbutton his shirt, but you quickly sit up to do it. You’ve been thinking about doing it since he picked you up, so it only seems right that your fantasy comes true, right?
Just like you imagined, you slowly flicked off the buttons and delicately removed the fabric until it was a bundle of cloth on the floor. On the edge of the bed on your knees, you stare up at Peter with a lustful glint in your eye. That glowy look caused Peter to kiss you again, hungrier than before. His force makes you fall onto the mattress again, making you gasp. He trails down your neck in sloppy kisses, touching every inch of your neck and chest with his lips.
“Where did you get this dress?” You didn’t expect him to ask you that while he was groping your breasts through the material. You moan at the feeling of his rough thumbs on your nipples. It’s very distracting while you try to remember where you got the dress that is currently in the way.
“Um Zara? I-I don’t remember,” You moan loudly, not having time to conceal it as he suckles a mark on your neck.
“Do you like it?”
“The dress.”
“S-Sure, yeah. It’s-It’s not my favorite, though,” His tousled hair tickles your face as he gets closer to your boobs.
“Maybe you should have worn a garbage bag.”
“Why?” You pull back a little, moving his head up so you can see his face. You thought maybe you would see some expression of disgust, but he only has pure enjoyment. His soft smile turns into a smirk that you’re growing really fond of. It means he’s about to do something hot.
“Because then I wouldn’t feel so bad about ripping it off of you.”
Just like that, the thin straps are easily snapped from his large hands while he yanks the long dress down your body and onto the floor. His mouth instantly went onto your nipple, sucking until he was satisfied with the raw peak of it. He repeated the same movement the opposite one until you were a panting mess, huffing and puffing from just his mouth on your chest.
You can tell he knows how to do this. Yes, he works in gynecology so it’s a benefit that he knows the female body inside and out. But he’s actually skilled in his technique. Although he is hungry and nearly primal, he takes his time with certain areas, making your body want him more and more each time. It’s incredibly smart, and you’re wondering why every man doesn’t know how to properly treat a woman.
You don’t even know your body the way he seems to know it.
His mouth is at your panties before you could even process it. Right when you think he’s about to widen your legs like you so desperately want him to, he stops when his hands rest on your knees gently. He had been going at a fast pace, but now, he’s slow and controlled. Taunting in a way. Torturing.
“I’m going to remove these now, yeah?” He knows you want it now because he has you in his bed right where you want to be. His tone is not as shy as it had been in the office. It’s more controlling yet still soft. “Words, Y/N.”
That demand was all too similar to his words back in the chair with his hands on your waist. He was about to pull off your underwear then for professional reasons, and now, he’s going to yank them off for selfish ones.
“Please take them off,” Just like you had then, you clenched around nothing. Just his sensual words that make you spiral into horny oblivion. Your wavering tone makes him smile as he tugs down the thin material from your legs, tossing them somewhere in the room.
Then he finally widens your legs, facing your aching pussy that hasn’t forgotten about him since all those weeks ago. You were throbbing and leaking to the damn bed sheets, but you couldn’t give a fuck less. You wanted his fingers, his mouth, his cock–anything that he was willing to give you.
“That day,” he starts, “I really wanted to taste you. You were dripping all over my fingers. It was so hard to stay professional.”
He leans down and gets really close to your cunt, inches away from doing what he really wants to do.
“You’ll let me taste you, right?” he asks in an innocent kind of way, but there’s hints of taunt in there. It makes your core burn, and you almost moan at the way his breath hits your center.
“Yes, please. Do whatever you want,” You say that because it’s true–he can do whatever he wants to you, and you would be grateful.
“So polite. So eager,” he kisses your thigh, dangerously close to you now, “And so, so wet.”
“Peter, please,” You were begging now, but you didn’t care. You would beg all night for Peter to touch you the way he did in his office. You’ve tried to replicate it, but it’s no use. You’ve been craving that feeling for weeks now, and he seems to be the only one who can get you there.
“So polite. Good girl.”
To your luck, he doesn’t say another word. He finally puts his mouth on your pussy by slurping up all of your juices. You immediately moan, just by the mere knowledge that his mouth is on you. His tongue slips through your folds all the way up to your clit. Peter suckles on it, feeling it throb in his mouth.
“Taste even better than I imagined,” You don’t know if his whispered words were meant to be heard by you, but you heard them. They caused you to clench right as his tongue slotted inside of you, desperate to taste more of you.
His large hands are pressed against the insides of your thighs, forcing you to stay spread for him. You can feel them ache, but nothing feels as prominent as his tongue inside of you. And then, just when it starts to feel good, he makes it feel even better. One of his digits finds your clit, circling pressure until you’re a moaning mess.
“Fuck, Peter. That’s… so good.”
His mouth pops off of you for a second to catch a breath. But he could honestly drown in the taste of you. He smoothly slides a finger to replace where his mouth was, filling you up just like in his office. Now, his mouth is sucking on your clit, needing to make it throb. You feel that feeling you’ve been chasing for the past few weeks building up in your stomach, and you know it’s not going to be long at all until you achieve it.
“Come. Show me what only I can make you do,” Peter grumbles, his words cascading over your body. The deep rumble of his voice tips you over the edge, causing you to come all over his fingers again. After cleaning up some of your orgasm, he lifts his mouth, but doesn’t remove his fingers. He continues to pump them in and out, even though you’re sensitive.
“So fuckin’ tight, and I haven’t even given you a second finger,” one of his fingers taps of your clit, causing you to gasp at how sensitive you are. “Can you give me another?”
“A-Another one?” You’re panting and sweating from just one, but he wants to give you another? Who is this man, and where has he been all your life? “I can’t.”
“Oh, but you can. The body is an amazing thing,” he inserts another finger into your cunt and increases his intensity on your nerves. You gasp again, moaning without caring how loud you are. “See, your clit makes you do that. And I love that.”
“Oh, Peter,” You helplessly whimpered. As he thrusts his fingers inside of you with that charming smile and a hint of a smirk, you already feel your high approaching you again. The sight and the feel of him was just too overwhelming. With each thrust of his fingers, his arms bulged, forearm veins popping deliciously. He was a sight for sore eyes.
“C’mon, baby. Give me another. Want to feel you clench around my fingers. Imagine it’s my cock. Imagine how big my cock is going to feel in your little, tight cunt.”
His words oozed sex. So it only made sense that you came not long after. Your release coated his skilled hand once again, and this time, he seemed satisfied with your two orgasms.
When you could finally catch your breath, you didn’t see him reaching for his belt like most men do. But you really, really wanted him to reach for his belt.
“Are you tired? How do you feel?” The tone in his voice was soft. He was easily able to change from sex Peter to caring Peter. Your heart melted at his concern.
“Tired, but good tired. I’ve only ever had three orgasms, and you just gave me two of them,” You laughed breathlessly while he chuckled. “Would I be selfish to ask for more?”
That made him laugh. It was wholehearted and deep, echoing throughout the room. “Not at all.”
And then he reaches for his belt. You feel your organs twist in that lustful, horny way that they do when he does anything. When all his clothes are discarded and you’re faced with his raging cock, you’re practically drooling. He was right when he said he was big; thick and veiny all along the sides. It seemed unfair, really.
He reaches over to the nightstand and grabs a condom, ripping it and rolling it on easily. You continue to watch him in awe as he strokes himself a few times over the condom. Truth be told, he’s already incredibly hard. The second he slips inside of you he fears he will come on the spot because of how tight you are.
But he leans over your body, elbows holding himself up. You can smell his fresh scent, full of pine and wood.
“Did I tell you you look beautiful tonight?” he whispers next to your ear, his warm breath hitting your skin, which gives you the shivers. Your hands trail up over his body until they’re resting on his broad shoulders. You can feel his tensed muscles working to hold him up right, even though it looks like an effortless task to him.
“Oh shush. But thank you,” His comment makes your face warm, like a candle right next to your cheek.
“You look especially pretty under me,” his cock brushes your cunt, sliding delicately through the folds. You’re not shy of gasping, trying to mentally prepare yourself for his impeccable size.
When he finally pushes the head in, you take a deep breath and release it in a small whimper. You know you’re tight because you haven’t been with anyone in a few weeks. The most you’ve taken are Peter’s fingers, which are nothing compared to his cock.
He waits a few moments before moving again, giving you time to adjust. But you don’t think you’ll ever be able to fully settle with his size. It seems like he’ll always be stretching you out, no matter how many times you take him.
“Breathe, baby,” his words are breathy and wavering, but so sweet. The small nickname gives you the butterflies you haven’t felt for a while. Not the nervous butterflies, but that tingling, excited feeling of fondness. It’s one of your favorite feelings, and you’re so glad Peter gives you them.
You listen to him, taking deep breaths. He takes the opportunity to push himself a bit further until he’s fully inside of you. He stays still, looking at your face as you grow more comfortable. He watches as your expression contorts into desperation, which is what he’s been waiting for.
“You’re so tight, honey. But you’re taking all of me. Knew you could,” Peter reassures you, even as you clench snuggly around him. It’s embarrassingly hard for him to stay still, given how warm you feel wrapping him.
“Please move. Fuck, I need to feel you.”
Slowly, Peter removes himself and then slots in again. You remember to breathe as his movements become less languid and more fluidly quick. Soon, his thrusts have a bit of speed, causing you to scratch his shoulders at the intensity.
“You’re so big… so deep,” Your moan bounces off the walls of the room, making Peter smirk as he continues to move. His cock pins your hips, shutting down your squirming.
“No one’s ever fucked you like this? Never been this good, baby?” A small huff of his breath hit your skin and you were awed. His words alone could get you off, and then he’s pumping himself perfecting inside of you too, just making you go insane. He knows where all the right spots are, lifting up one of your legs with ease to get a better angle. You love that you can just let him take over you without having to work for your orgasm like you’re used to. You’re used to being on top, but it’s evident that Peter just wants to take care of you. He wants you to be satisfied for once, and you’ve never felt so seen. You’ve never felt so… good.
“Y-You’re the only one,” You sigh as you bite your lip, loving the way he's speaking to you. He’s all sultry in tone and even sexier with his words. You believe he has no flaws that are worth noticing.
“S’right. I’m the only one who can make you feel this good. You can only take my cock like this, deep in your cunt,” All you can do is moan and shake as you feel your next orgasm approaching.
Just when you go to reach down to your clit to push yourself even further, he reads your mind and does it for you. His thick finger circles the throbbing bud until you’re arching your back. Your fingers play with the pebbled nipples on your chest as your insides grow more tight. You haven’t had an orgasm feel this intense yet, so it’s hard to anticipate the feeling.
“Gonna come, baby? Come all over my cock, I need to see it. Need to know I’m the only one who can make you feel this way.”
With one entire pump inside of you, you’re coming over Peter’s cock and showing him that he’s the only one. All you can see is his charming, fatigued smile surrounded by stars. His brown hair is tousled and a dash of sweat is above his eyebrows, but God, he’s never looked so fucking hot.
It’s not long after that he’s coming after you, his release filling the condom completely. Peter was trying his best to hold himself for as long as possible. But with you, he discovered it was very difficult. Like he thought, the second he was inside of you, he could’ve come. You’re so slick and warm, just so alluring.
He gets up from the bed to discard the condom in done trash while you lay there in naked awe. You already know that you’re going to be sore tomorrow like the day after the gym.
As Peter comes back, he has a wipe that he uses to clean you up.
“What are you doing?” You ask before he starts to wipe you.
“Cleaning you up. You know, like aftercare. You can go to the bathroom and even take a bath if you’d like,” Peter answers while you sit straight up dumbfounded. “May I?”
“Yeah, yeah go ahead,” You allow him to soothingly clean you while you just accept it. Your mind is still whirling with confusion. Are all guys supposed to do this? Or is he really just that great? “Thank you. I… No one’s ever done that before.”
“Really? God, you were really with some twats, Y/N,” he shakes his head and walks back to the bathroom while you chuckle. It’s funny that you had to go through those two guys in order to get to Peter. Third time’s the charm. “Want to take a bath?”
You ponder for a second. You were tired, but not like you would drown in the tub. Maybe if you had better stamina you would ask Peter to join you, but for now, maybe you just need to sit and think about what’s happening alone. Peter is too good to be true. He’s such a gentleman, he never misses a beat. You hope you’re not overstepping by accepting.
“Can I? Or is it too much—”
“Nonsense, I want you to be comfortable. Now, do you like the right or left side of the bed?” You stare at him in confusion. One, because that was a random question. And two, because when did he put on boxers?
“Which side do you sleep on?” You felt your cheeks burn for some reason, and then you realize you’re still naked while he’s semi-dressed.
“Um right, I think. Why?”
“So you can sleep there. You are staying, aren’t you?” Peter’s cheeks tint rosy red, that peek of nervousness shining through. It made you smile because even if he seems too good to be true, there is a little human in there who’s just like you.
“Yes, of course,” You can visibly see his tenseness fade as a small smile grows on his lips.
“I’ll start the bath then get you some clothes then, or else you’ll keep me hard all night.”
Your skin burns, but you feel like that’s not the last time that will happen to you. Not with Peter. No, you know.
thank you all for being patient!! i also think this is the longest taglist i’ve ever had, so thank you again!! 💞
-> @motheroffae @noa217 @nelly-belly97 @spidermanffh3000 @httpscomexe @mysticdaisy21 @emilyparkerholland @deathst9r @ellenita98 @ellabellabus07 @mrstealuregirl @bisexual-desi @sherlockstrangewolf @madsttx @graywrites20 @bradtomlovesya @princesspannnn @sageisswaggg @purplerose291 @girlbossnancy @lockwood-lover @marzipaanz @eatshitanddiee @invisibletrolleyson-jeremy @lnmp89 @crybabyddl @pretty-npeach @marine-mayday @aerangi @justanotherpasserby-blog @tinafuentes @moniffazictress11 @eywaheardyou @alwaysclassyeagle @raajali3 @likeapplejuicenpeach @winuvs
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rhoorl · 9 months
Turbulence | Part One
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Pairing: Frankie x reader
Word Count: 3.6k
AO3 Link
Summary: Your fear of flying is quelled when a handsome stranger sits next to you.
Warnings: Fear of flying, mention of a helicopter crash, and turbulence. Mention of CBD use, allusion to a bad past relationship. If there’s something else I need to add here let me know!
A/N: I took some liberties with some of the aviation stuff for the sake of the story. Aside from Delta Landscaping, this is my first time writing a solo Frankie piece, so I'm a little nervous!
"What time do you land?"
"Well, assuming I take off on time, we should land around 4:30. By the time I get off the plane and go to baggage claim and everything it will be like 5 at the earliest. But seriously, I don't mind waiting until you're done with work. Take your time."
"Ok, sweetie. I talked with Jeff and he said I could leave a few minutes early today…I have to say, I love having a millennial as a boss!"
I can't help but roll my eyes when Mom talks like this. Jeff treats her like a human being rather than a cog in the corporate wheel. Honestly, it makes me sad to think about the shit she had to deal with as a working mom when I was younger and the bosses who were less than flexible. I still remember the day I was throwing up at the nurse's office when I was in middle school and her boss wouldn't let her leave because she hadn't requested time off in advance.
"Well, that's nice of Jeff, but honestly I can wait. I'll probably need to hit up the airport bar to deal with the stress of the flight."
"I know you hate flying sweetheart, but luckily it's short. You’ll be here before you know it."
"Yeah, well…I made it to my gate so I'm going to sit here for a bit before we board. I love you."
"Love you too sweetie. Text me when you land!"
Moving to Atlanta was a big step in my career, but it also unfortunately meant I traveled more for work since I was so close to a major airport. I used to be fine with flying when I was little, but ever since that one flight when I was in college I've developed a lot of anxiety around it. I was flying back home when I experienced the worst turbulence of my life. I can still vividly remember coming out of my seat, the seatbelt was the only reason I didn't fly up to the ceiling unlike a few people a couple of rows in front of me. People were filming it, others were trying to frantically call their loved ones, convinced we weren’t going to land safely. 
Needless to say, the event was traumatizing and it took me years to fly again. The only reason I do it is because of work - I prefer to drive whenever I can. Unfortunately, this trip was a bit of an exception since I was flying down for my cousin’s wedding. I had an 8 a.m. meeting on Monday, so it was too tight of a window to drive down, thus forcing me to fly.
Because I traveled so much, I started experimenting with various methods to calm my nerves. I recently started dabbling with CBD and it seemed to be working. I had a bit of a ritual when it came to flying. I would arrive at the airport early with plenty of time to check any bags and make it to my gate. I’d buy a SmartWater from one of the shops and grab a People magazine to page through. I’d then take some of my gummies so that they would take their intended effect while I was in the air.
I already had collected my water and magazine and started rifling through my bag to find my gummies. They weren’t in the normal place I packed them, so I started checking a few more pockets.
"Shit," I sighed. 
I was in such a rush to get out of the door this morning, I must have left them on my kitchen counter. Knowing that I didn’t have them and I was without my safety net made the anxiety sweep over me like a wave. I suddenly felt helpless and was trying to not panic, despite the fact that I could feel my pulse quicken.
"Is everything okay?"
I look up and see a man looking at me, his big chocolate brown eyes fixed on me, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.
"Uh, yeah…actually no…I'm not the best flyer."
I feel so silly admitting that to anyone, I’m a grown-ass woman who has traveled enough to earn Silver Medallion status on Delta for fuck’s sake. I also feel silly admitting a flaw of mine to a guy like this. If someone asked me to describe my type it’s him. Although he was sitting, he seemed rather tall, with broad shoulders, the kindest eyes, an earnest smile, and the most beautiful curls poking out of his blue baseball cap. On top of his obvious good looks, he also seemed really sweet and intuitive, a combination I rarely encounter.
"Flying is actually safer than driving a car, you know." 
"I've heard that, still doesn't help."
"You headed to Tampa?" He nodded over to the gate.
"Yeah, I am."
"Me too," he smiled. "I'm Frankie."
Okay, his smile was adorable too. And the way his eyes crinkled. I need to snap out of it, this guy is just being nice, but I still give him my name and shake his hand.
"Look, ah, I don't mean to be forward or anything, but if you want to sit together…I'm a pilot, so I'd be happy to uh, talk you through it. The turbulence that is."
His eyes flit from my eyes to my lips and back. 
I can't tell if it's my imagination or I’m projecting, but I feel like he’s flirting with me…it’s been so long, I honestly forgot what it was like but fuck it, let’s see where this goes.
"Really? You fly planes?"
"Oh ah, well, I actually fly helicopters but I went to flight school and know the general gist of it."
"Oh wow, helicopters. I can't say I've ever been in one of those before. That seems scarier than a plane."
"Not when I'm the one flying," he winked as he rubbed his thumb along his lower lip, leaning forward, resting his forearm on his knee.
Yup, he's definitely flirting with me. This may be a better distraction than any gummy could provide me.
“So ah, what boarding group do you have?”
He pulled out a paper ticket, which was so endearing. “Hmm, looks like I’m in B, B10. Do you fly Southwest a lot? I hardly ever do and it seems stressful,” he laughed.
“No, I typically fly Delta for work. But when I go home I fly Southwest, the flight times are better. I’m in A…A34.”
“Oh fancy. You should save me a seat,” he smirked. “Try going for a row over the wings. You'll like it more, it's where you find the smoothest ride.” 
I know he didn’t mean anything by that last phrase but my mind resides in the gutter most of the time, and with a hot guy flirting with me it’s even worse. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, we will be boarding flight 3519 with service to Tampa out of gate C21 here shortly. At this time, I’d like to ask all guests in boarding group A to please line up in numerical order.”
“Well, looks like that’s my cue. I’ll hopefully see you in there?” 
“Yeah sounds good,” he gave me a smile as I got up. He thought he was being coy, but I caught the way his eyes trailed down my body as I gathered my things.
Boarding was uneventful and as I stepped foot on the plane I did my customary glance into the cockpit to see the pilots. I don’t know what I think I’m accomplishing by doing this, but it gives me some peace of mind to see who has my life in their hands for the next hour or so. I remember what Frankie told me and I head for the middle of the plane, opting for the exit row. I found an empty row that had only two seats so I decided to take it and see what happens. I lay my backpack in the seat next to me hoping it would deter someone from taking it.
I watch more and more people board. The exit rows were popular, only a couple of seats remained open, the one next to me included. I was trying not to get my hopes up, but the thought of sitting next to a handsome stranger, who apparently knew his shit about planes and flying, seemed like a great way to spend the flight.
His hat was the first thing I saw as he turned the corner to board the plane. My eyes found him and he gave me a nod and a smile and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He was getting closer and closer to my row, not taking his eyes off of me. 
“Excuse me, is someone sitting there sweetheart?” 
I look up and see what I can only describe as a total sleazeball leering at me.
“Um, I-”
“Oh honey, there you are! Hey man, sorry I was hoping I could sit with my wife, she’s terrified of flying. I was a dumbass and didn’t check in on time so we weren’t able to get our boarding numbers close together. Hey baby,” Frankie nodded at me, giving the man a look that was equal parts friendly and threatening.
“Sure man, yeah.” The man seemed annoyed but kept on walking back.
“Thanks, man, I appreciate it,” Frankie bent down to give me a kiss on the cheek to keep the rouse up. I felt my face getting hot, my cheeks had to be turning all sorts of colors from embarrassment. “Sorry about that, I just didn’t think he’d be the best seatmate,” he whispered as he sat down and put his seatbelt on.
“Well I appreciate it, that guy gave me the creeps.”
“I’m sure your uh boyfriend probably wouldn’t be too keen on a random guy giving you a kiss on the cheek,” he smirked.
“Oh, I don’t have a boyfriend…or anyone. I…I’m single.”
Why the fuck am I being so awkward right now?
“Ah, I see. Sorry, when you were on the phone out there I heard you say I love you, so I just figured…”
“That was my mom,” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yes, I’m in my mid-30’s and I call my mom before I get on a plane.”
“Nothing wrong with that. Hell, if my mom was still alive I’d probably do the same thing,” he smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
The rest of the plane boarded and the flight attendants checked the cabin. As the plane pushed back from the gate I double-checked to make sure my phone was in airplane mode. 
“Hello from the flight deck, we’ve been cleared for departure. Once we get in the air, we’ll share more about the weather in Tampa. But in the meantime please sit back, relax, and enjoy your one hour and 25-minute flight down to Tampa.”
I checked the weather forecast this morning and it looked like the typical Florida afternoon storms were going to pop up. The thought of flying during a storm made my anxiety ratchet up, so I started to self-soothe by rubbing my palms up and down my thighs.
“Hey, you alright?” Frankie whispers over to me.
“Uh, yeah…I mean, no. No. I’m not fine. There’s weather down in Tampa, why didn’t he mention that, it’s probably going to mean a bumpy ride, why wouldn’t he warn us about it beforehand-”
“Hey, hey,” Frankie grabbed my hand. “Shh, it’s ok. He’s probably waiting to get the latest from air traffic control and other planes en route. It’ll be fine, I promise. Just breathe. Does taking off make you nervous?”
I was finding it hard to talk, so I just nodded.
“Ok, I get it, take off can be scary. Just keep holding my hand. Squeeze it as hard as you need to, I promise it won’t hurt. Just keep breathing. Do you have any water?”
“Y-yea, in my bag.”
“I’ll grab it for you. I see it, I’m gonna let go of your hand real quick to grab it, okay?” I nod. “Ok, here you go,” he unscrews the bottle and hands it to me, returning his hold on my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth along the back of my hand.
I take a long drink and do some deep breathing. I have to admit that it’s pretty comforting to not be alone and have someone next to me, holding my hand. My ex used to always make fun of my fear of flying, saying I had to grow up. By this point in the flight he would have either had his AirPods in or he’d be faking that he was asleep.
The plane comes to a stop at the end of the runway and then starts its acceleration. For some reason, I always tried to visualize a gymnast running down toward the vault to try and track the plane’s journey down the runway. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, I feel Frankie’s hand tighten around mine.
“You’re doing great, we’re almost in the sky. Hard part is almost over.”
Just like that, I feel the plane lift off the ground, my stomach dropping a bit at the change. Frankie’s firm grasp doesn’t falter, in fact, I feel him bring his other hand to my knee, rubbing circles as I keep my eyes clenched shut as the plane continues its ascent. He continued to talk to me, explaining the different gears and engines, and telling me what certain sounds meant.
It’s hard to keep track of how much time passes, but eventually, I hear a ding and open my eyes to see the fasten seatbelt sign turned off. The flight attendant comes on and tells everyone that we reached our cruising altitude and that we can use any large approved electronic devices. 
“I’m sorry, I feel like I probably am cutting off the circulation in your hand,” I laugh as Frankie brings his other hand back to rest in his lap. 
“Oh it’s really fine, I don’t mind.”
I reluctantly let go of my grip and he retracts his hand, taking his hat off to run his fingers through his hair before returning the cap to the top of his head. In the brief moment he was sans hat I clocked the luscious curls he was hiding and thought about how it would feel like to run my fingers through his hair.
“Thank you, by the way. You’ve been so sweet this whole time. Don’t feel like you have to babysit me.”
“It’s ok. I’m good with talking if you want to, but I won’t be offended if you want to throw on music or a movie or something.” 
Now he was the one who appeared nervous, which was pretty cute. 
I turn my body so I’m facing him, “it’s such a short flight, I’d hate to start a movie and not finish it. We can talk, I think that would be nice.”
“Yea?” His face lit up.
We spent the next almost hour talking about all sorts of things. He told me that he used to be in the military, and he has three friends who he served with that he still keeps in contact with. It sounded like Santiago was his best friend in the group, but he spoke fondly of the other two men as well, I think they are brothers. 
I told him about my family in Tampa and how I grew up there. He’s lived there for a few years now, he fills me in on some of the new restaurants that have popped up that he likes. I learned that he was actually on a connecting flight, he started his day flying from Dallas to Atlanta. He was in Texas visiting family – he has an older sister who has two children. It was so cute hearing him talk about his niece and nephew. He even showed me a few photos on his phone from his trip.
It also helped that the flight was smooth, there was hardly a bump. I couldn’t believe what an amazing trip this had been from the unlikely encounter with Frankie who turned out to be a super nice and very single man. 
I check my watch and see there is about half an hour left. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, from the flight deck, we’re going to ask our flight attendants to clean the cabin and prepare it for landing a bit sooner so they can take their seats. We’re expecting a few bumps as we make our descent into the Tampa Bay area. Right now, winds are out of the north at 18 miles per hour, with gusts up to 30 miles an hour. There are some showers in the area, but it looks like a lot of the severe weather is south of us at the moment. We’ll have you on the ground in about half an hour. Flight attendants, please prepare the cabin for arrival.”
As soon as I heard the captain say that the flight attendants were going to need to take their seats sooner than normal, I didn’t hear the rest of his message. I immediately started to panic, flashing back to the turbulence I experienced all of those years ago.
“Hey, it’s going to be ok. I know it may feel like the captain is losing control of the plane, but I promise you turbulence doesn’t cause crashes…I should know.”
“W-what do you mean, you should know?” 
Frankie’s hand immediately comes back to mine. “I…uh, I’ve crashed before.”
“I thought you said it wasn’t scary if you were the one flying.”
The bumps were starting to pick up, and I instinctively squeezed my eyes shut, hoping time would speed up so  I could get safely on the ground. 
“Ah, well…there were some…extenuating circumstances, it wasn’t entirely my fault. Well, actually it was my fault as the pilot I should have known better but …it doesn’t matter. I’m here, right?”
“I know you’re trying to be comforting, but talking about a helicopter crash while we’re experiencing severe turbulence is kind of the opposite of what I need right now.”
“Right, sorry. And uh…not to minimize it, but we’re actually experiencing light turbulence right now.”
I opened my eyes slightly to glare at him, but I couldn’t be mad at him, he was trying to help calm me down and he was giving me these sweet puppy dog eyes.
“Sorry, I…uh…the pilot mentioned the winds. As we descend the wind is one of the reasons we feel the bumps. He’s actually been flying pretty well so far, so I know it will be fine, okay?” He squeezed my hand.
“Mhmm, yeah, sure whatever you say, captain.”
“Just keep breathing, you’re doing great. Only,” he checked his watch, “only about 20 more minutes and we’ll be on the ground.”
“Fuck. Twenty minutes?”
“I’m going to try and distract you, ok? Tell me about this wedding, what are you wearing?”
I opened my eyes enough to give him a narrow sarcastic glare. “You’re really taking advantage of me at my most vulnerable to ask what I’m going to be wearing?”
“I…uh…sorry, I-”
“I’m kidding Frankie,” how I managed to crack a joke amid the continued bumps is a testament to how safe I felt with this man. “I’m not in the bridal party or anything, so I got to pick my own dress. They’re getting married at the aquarium so I picked a blue dress. The color reminds me of the ocean.”
“Well, I’m sure that’s beautiful. What else.”
I continued giving him all of the minute details of the wedding including the drama between my aunts and why it was such a pain in the ass for my cousin to do the seating chart for the reception. I didn’t even realize we were slowly making our descent to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught trees and buildings coming into view.
“Holy shit, we’re almost there.”
“We are, you’re doing amazing. Just a little longer.”
I laid my head back against the headrest and took some more deep breaths, my hand still enveloped in Frankie’s.
The wheels touch down and I let out an exhale and turn to Frankie.
“I honestly can’t thank you enough for this. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here.”
“Well, I’m glad I was here then.” As he smiled at me and I felt a wave of sadness come over me, knowing that our time together was coming to an end.
“So, ah, is Santiago coming to pick you up?”
“That was the plan, but who knows with him, I actually should check my phone to see.” He pulls out his phone from his pocket, takes it off airplane mode, and waits for any messages or missed calls to flood in.
I take that cue to check my phone as well. I shoot off a text to Mom letting her know I landed safely.
Frankie shakes his head as he reads through messages on his phone. 
“Everything ok?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, he’s going to be a little late but it’s all good.”
“Well, my ride is going to be a little late too. Wanna grab a drink? I owe you for putting up with me this whole time.”
He smiles at me and takes my hand again, “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, but it was honestly not a bother at all. You helped me get through the flight too. And, yeah, I’ll take you up on that drink.”
A/N: The idea for this popped up because I took a few plane rides this summer, with some turbulence on a couple of them. Hopefully, I did Frankie proud on this one...what do you think happens next?
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swan-of-sunrise · 1 year
The Angel of Hell's Kitchen
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Summary: The office assistant for Nelson, Murdock & Page worries when her secret passion is discovered by her coworkers, but the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen shows her how much she’s loved for who she is.
Pairing: Matt Murdock X Reader, Franklin ‘Foggy’ Nelson X Marci Stahl
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I’m excited to share this one-shot with you because it’s my first time writing for Matt Murdock! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
The Angel of Hell’s Kitchen (Fanfiction Masterlist)
“Past due…past due…ah, a first notice!” Foggy glanced up from the stack of letters in his hands and grinned. “It’s always nice to have some variety, isn’t it?”
“Things’ll start looking up for us soon, Foggy,” (Y/N) promised, her happy mood unaffected by her friend and employer’s typical over-worrying; as the one and only office assistant of Nelson, Murdock & Page, she was allowed to indulge in her personal love of organizing and that morning, she was hard at work manually in-putting their next three weeks of appointments, consultations and court dates into their online calendar. “‘Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin-’”
“‘And I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.’” (Y/N) looked up in surprise as Matt finished quoting the Bible verse, his brows rising in surprise over the rims of his red-tinted glasses. “Matthew 6:28. I never knew you were Catholic, Miss (Y/L/N).”
She chuckled. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Counselor Murdock, but I’m just a simple theatre nerd. It’s a verse used in the play Lilies of the Field, based off that 1960’s film starring Sidney Poitier. I played one of the nuns back when I was a sophomore in college; the habit was pretty uncomfortable to wear and my German accent was atrocious, but it was still a fun experience.”
“A fellow thespian!” Foggy exclaimed and Matt grinned widely. “I’m a theatre camp alumnus myself, and my performance in Pirates of Penzance is the stuff of legend. But this stays between us, okay? I don’t need it getting around Hell’s Kitchen that Counselor Nelson’s a reformed song and dance man.”
“Well, your secret’s safe with us, Jazz Hands.” Matt removed his fingers from his refreshable braille display and did a decent impression of the dance move, making (Y/N) burst into giggles and his own smirk to widen at the sound. “Is performing onstage something you only did in college?”
“Yeah, I mostly did it during school but I still dabble in it from time to time; a lot of people I went to college with are up-and-coming directors and when they stage productions for potential investors or theatre owners, they give me a call to see if I’ll do them a favor and perform. They get a reliable cast member that knows how to follow stage directions, and I occasionally get to do something that I really enjoy.”
The lawyer shrugged a shoulder. “Sounds like a win-win to me.” It didn’t escape her notice that Matt’s attention was entirely focused on her while she talked and judging by the look on his face, he was truly interested in what she had to say; her face warmed and for a brief moment, she thought that he caught her involuntary reaction before inwardly rolling her eyes at her paranoia. “Have you performed in any shows recently?”
(Y/N) nodded and across the long wooden table, Foggy helpfully called out, “She just nodded, buddy.”
“O-Oh, my God, Matt, I’m so sorry, I just-” She stopped herself when she spotted Matt’s amused grin. “You really get a kick out of people making complete asses of themselves around you, don’t you, Counselor Murdock?”
“I think I’ll plead the fifth on that one, Miss (Y/L/N).” They both chuckled and (Y/N)’s heartbeat quickened when he reached over to rest his hand on hers. “Seriously, though, no harm done.”
Smiling to herself, she twisted her hand around to give his a gentle squeeze, distracted for a moment by his handsome features before recalling what they’d been discussing. “I’m, um, I’m actually in rehearsals for a show right now. One of my old classmates is staging a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at an old theatre on West 42nd, set to her own original songs inspired by 90’s Punk-Pop; it’s a pretty different take on the classic play, that’s for sure, but it’s been a really fun time so far.”
“I’m glad that you’ve been enjoying yourself.” Matt withdrew his hand from hers to gesture in Foggy’s vague direction. “You’ll have to tell us when it opens so we can come and support you and your friend.”
(Y/N)’s heart dropped in her chest. “Oh, it’s not really that big of a deal-”
“Of course it is! Our wickedly-talented office assistant is starring in a production that might end up on Broadway someday,” Foggy insisted with a grin. “If we see it now, we’ll actually be able to afford the tickets without selling off a kidney first!”
“As usual, Foggy makes an excellent point.” A smiling Matt chimed in. “Personally, I look forward to hearing you sing; you have such a pleasant speaking voice, so I’m sure that you’re a naturally-gifted singer as well.”
Despite her discomfort, (Y/N) felt herself flush at the lawyer’s sweet compliment but she was careful not to let him distract her. “Really, guys, it’s nothing serious; it’s only three performances, the theatre’s got a bad draft and there may or may not be rats living in the walls. Besides, I’m the one who’s in charge of your calendar and the three of you are practically booked up to your eyeballs next month.” She abruptly stood and crossed the room to grab her coat and scarf, a forced smile on her face as she quickly donned the garments. “I’ve gotta go mail some letters and pick up the Bulletin, so I'll see you guys later!”
She hurried out of the back room of Nelson’s Meats before either of them could reply and didn’t release the breath she’d purposefully been holding until she made it outside the shop. It wasn’t that she didn’t want her friends and colleagues to know about her passion for theatre, but she preferred to avoid their inevitable disinterest and the unavoidable heartbreak she’d suffer as a result. Not that I’m not already used to this particular brand of heartbreak, she thought with a small sniffle, blinking away the prickle of tears in her eyes before starting down the bustling sidewalk.
The door closed behind (Y/N) and across the table, Matt heard Foggy sigh and toss the mail he’d been sorting through onto the tabletop. “She was lying just now, wasn’t she?”
Matt bit his lip and nodded. “Yeah, she was. She didn’t look embarrassed, did she?”
“No, no, but she almost looked panicked at the thought of us going to see her perform.” The chair legs slid across the wood floor as Foggy stood up and began to pace beside the table. “And towards the end there, right when she was putting on her coat and scarf, it looked like she was about to-”
“Cry,” Matt finished for his best friend, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. “Yeah, I heard her sniffle and smelled the tears right when she stepped outside the shop.”
“Show-off. It’s like she wants us to see her perform but at the same time, she doesn’t. Weird, huh?”
While they both pondered the strange behavior of their friend and office assistant, Matt couldn’t help but think back to her enchanting laughter and the way her heartbeat elevated when he rested his hand on hers; her skin was soft beneath his fingertips and for one blissful moment, he could imagine moving his hand to cup her cheek and leaning forward to capture her lips in a slow and passionate kiss. His crush on their firm’s sweet office assistant had only grown in the six months she’d been with them, but he held himself back from fully indulging in them out of fear of overstepping his boundaries; he was technically one of her bosses and after the near-disastrous relationship breakdown between him and Karen, he was more than a little wary of entering into yet another office romance. But thanks to his heightened senses, he was starting to suspect that she had some feelings of her own that she was doing her best to bury for the sake of their workplace environment.
Matt had slipped his earbud back in and resumed going over court documents on his braille display when their law firm’s third partner walked into the backroom of Nelson’s Meats, balancing a to-go beverage tray in one hand and a stack of manila envelopes in the crook of her arm. “I motion that Foggy handles the drink orders from here on out.”
Matt chuckled. “I second the motion.”
“Hey, we all voted on a rotational schedule fair and square,” Foggy defended as he stood and took the drinks from Karen’s hands. “It’s not my fault that drink orders coincided with your case researching, Miss Page.”
“And yet, it somehow still feels like it is, Counselor Nelson.” Karen set her armful of full envelopes onto one of the empty chairs and practically collapsed onto another, sighing in relief when she slipped off her high-heels and took a long drink of her coffee. “Did either of you boys happen to upset (Y/N) today? I bumped into her on the way here and she looked a little bummed out, but I couldn’t figure out why.”
“We noticed that, too. One minute we were talking and having a good time, and the next she was practically sprinting to get out of here. She was telling us about the show she was set to star in for an old friend, but she started to panic when we mentioned coming to see her perform,” Matt explained, pausing his text-to-speech software and angling his head to the side as an idea came to mind. “Karen, could you do me a favor? Can you do a little digging and find out which theatre on West 42nd is putting on a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream next month?”
“There’s no need; I already know which theatre you’re talking about. It’s Pearl Theatre, 555 West 42nd Street, and the show’s scheduled to run from April 8th to the 11th.” Foggy whistled low and Matt’s brow shot up in surprise. “There’s a flyer posted at the coffee shop, and I always take a look at the bulletin while I wait for our order.”
Matt could sense Foggy holding in his laughter as he replied, “See, isn’t it a good thing you’re the one who goes and gets the coffee the most?” Ignoring the middle finger that their partner threw up at him, Foggy stretched his arm out and nudged Matt’s hand with the edge of one of his case files. “I can tell that something’s going on inside that ridiculously good-looking head of yours, so spill.”
“Well, I was thinking it’s about time that Nelson, Murdock & Page take their first corporate outing in honor of their hard-working office assistant,” He replied with a growing smile. “Who’s in?”
He could hear Karen tap her coffee against his in a subtle toast before taking a sip. “Why the hell not? I’ll work on getting us tickets when they go on sale.”
“I’ll get Marci to help me pick out a nice congratulatory bottle of wine-”
“And I’ll be in charge of getting her a bouquet of flowers.” Matt leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “And remember, not a word of this to (Y/N), okay?” His business partners assured him that they’d keep quiet and as the three of them began planning their surprise, he hoped that his suspicions about the root of their lovely office assistant’s conflicted feelings would be forgotten the moment she spotted them in the audience.
“Curtains up in five, people!”
“Thank you, five!”
The green room bustled with anxious energy as performers frantically finished getting ready and nervous techies checked that each person’s mic was properly secured. (Y/N) watched the chaos unfolding from her stool in the corner, sipping her lemon and honey tea and smiling to herself as she was reminded of her first few years of performing; she’d always been an anxious mess on an opening night but now that she was older, she was able to do a much better job of hiding it beneath a façade of confidence.
“Like chickens with their heads cut off, huh?”
(Y/N) chuckled as Marcus, the man acting opposite of her Titania as the Fairy King Oberyn, leaned a shoulder on the wall next to her. “I heard that some of their acting professors are in the audience and they can be quite the ball-busters when it comes to adapting Shakespeare.”
“Poor kids. Must be why I just caught one Googling a Wiccan good-luck spell in the bathroom, but I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was a Power of Three spell from Charmed.” After another reminder of the impending start of the show, Marcus took a moment to adjust his suspender while she tossed out her to-go cup and slipped her high heels on. “I’m surprised you’re not as jittery as the rest of our cast tonight, seeing as your friends are in the audience.”
Her head instantly shot up and her eyes widened in shock. “What?”
“Yeah, there’s four of ‘em; two men and two women, and one of the men is blind. They were the first ones seated when the house opened, and one of the women’s been describing the stage and sets to the blind guy. The front-of-house manager heard ‘em mention your name while she helped seat them.”
Marcus was soon called away for a last-minute mic-pack battery check and (Y/N) was left speechless by his surprising news; how the hell did they even find out about all this, she asked herself with a mixture of awe and wariness, a little unsure of how to handle the unexpected turn of events. A spur-of-the-moment decision led her to climbing the steep staircase up to the theatre’s proscenium lighting crawlspace, and she peered through the wire-covered opening at the audience down below. Sure enough, Matt, Karen, Foggy and his fiancée Marci were seated in the center row; the happy couple were excitedly perusing the show’s program together while Karen talked to Matt, and (Y/N)’s heart thudded in her chest when she spotted the beautiful bouquet of wildflowers resting on his lap. As she watched, Matt angled his head upwards and his lips curved into a smile, the action nearly making her wonder if he somehow knew that she was there, but she quickly brushed the impossible thought away.
Although a part of (Y/N) still couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing, tears began to prickle in her eyes. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had come to see her perform or shown any interest whatsoever in her passion for theatre and as she carefully made her way back down the steep staircase, she vowed that she’d give her friends and her secret crush the performance of a lifetime.
“Okay, ‘kay, one last toast before we head home so I can hurl all this up before passing out!” The group winced and groaned in disgust at Foggy’s bluntness but raised their bottles and glasses as he addressed (Y/N). “Thanks to you, I was able to witness the epically-unholy union of Shakespeare and 90’s Punk-Pop, and now my life is complete.” Marci loudly cleared her throat and they all snickered as Foggy quickly corrected himself for his amused fiancée’s sake. “Almost, it’s almost complete. Anyways, you were fantastic and while I don’t always understand theatre in my older age, I sure as hell respect the people who do. To (Y/N), our amazing office assistant and an even cooler thespian!”
“To (Y/N)!” They loudly tapped and clinked their drinks against one another before downing the last of their alcohol. After the show, they’d all gone to meet (Y/N) at the stage door and after gifting her a bouquet of flowers and a nice bottle of wine, they invited her to join them at Josie’s for a nightcap; one drink turned into many, many more, with their group even clearing out the celebratory bottle of wine, and they’d only decided to call it a night when (Y/N) reminded them that she had another night’s performance and a Sunday matinee to rest up for.
Matt could sense the blood rushing to (Y/N)’s cheeks and grinned when she ducked her head in embarrassment. “All I can say is thank you. I’ve never had…well, I’m not used to performing for friends, so I really can’t thank you guys enough for finding a way to be there tonight.” Matt detected the slight catch in her voice before the others applauded her, and a part of him knew that there was something more significant behind it than gratitude, but he decided that he’d wait until they were alone to ask her about it.
When their drinks were finally gone and even Josie’s patience with them was starting to wear thin, they all stumbled out of the bar and headed home; Karen decided to share a cab with Foggy and Marci while Matt offered to walk (Y/N) home. He opted to hold the hand she generously offered him instead of unfolding his white cane, smiling to himself as they swung their joined hands back and forth while they slowly walked down the deserted sidewalks and desperately trying to hide the smitten blush that threatened to appear on his inebriated face.
“While you were in the bathroom, Karen mentioned that you were the one in charge of getting the flowers.”
“Yep,” Matt replied, popping the ‘p’ at the end of the word and chuckling at her giggle. “Picked ‘em out all by myself; the florist tried talking me into buying roses, but these ones smelled much nicer to me.”
(Y/N) brought the bouquet up to her nose and inhaled their scent. “You made a good call, Counselor Murdock. I’ve always preferred the scent of flowers over the look of ‘em, and I’ve always thought that roses are far too cliché.”
“Well, I’m glad that you approve of my decision, Miss (Y/L/N).” He could sense the blood rushing to her face and hear the stutter of her heartbeat, and it took every ounce of his self-control not to stop walking and lean in for a kiss. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“You just did, but I suppose I’ll be okay with another one.”
Shaking his head at her silly answer, Matt bumped his shoulder against hers and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Why were you so dead-set against us seeing you perform? You’re an amazing actor and an even better singer, so I don’t really get why you wouldn’t want any of us coming to see you do something you so obviously love.”
“Oh. Well, um…” (Y/N) swallowed thickly while Matt patiently waited for her to answer. “I’ve performed almost all my life, and certainly for as long as I can remember. But the older I got, the less my friends and family seemed interested in supporting my hobby; coming to see me perform was more of a chore to them than an honor. The first time I got to play a lead in high school, I saw my dad asleep in his seat and my friends texting in the back of the auditorium. My junior year boyfriend missed my first Shakespearian monologue because he snuck out to go watch our school’s basketball game. Everyone I invited to my last high school musical made excuses for why they couldn’t come to any of the performances, and I missed our entire cast party because I was crying my eyes out in a Denny’s bathroom. Performing all throughout college was the highlight of my life, but I didn’t have anyone to share it with because by that point, I knew that asking anyone to come would only lead to unnecessary heartache. So when I saw you guys sitting smack-dab in the middle of the audience, I-I just…I couldn’t believe that you not only remembered a conversation from over a month ago, but you all took time out of your busy schedules just to come tonight.” Her hand tightened around his and her voice waivered as she added, “No one’s ever been that considerate to me.”
Matt’s heart nearly shattered at the hurt he could detect in her words and without a second thought, he stopped walking and let go of her hand to gently cradle her face between his own. “(Y/N), you deserve to have people around you who care about your interests. They’re a reflection of who you are, after all. All those people – your friends, your family, even that asshole boyfriend – they should be kicking themselves in the asses right now; they let an angel slip right through their fingers because they were too self-absorbed to appreciate her the way she deserved to be appreciated.”
“Do you…? You really mean that, don’t you?”
With a small smile, Matt reached down for her free hand and held it flat against his chest, directly over his heart. “I’m a good Catholic boy, remember? When we call people angels, we tend to mean it.” She exhaled a quiet laugh, and his thumb caressed the warm apple of her cheek as he sensed she had something she wanted to say. “What is it, angel?”
(Y/N)’s heart hammered away in her chest at his use of the pet name and after a long pause, she softly asked, “Do good Catholic boys generally give angels a celebratory kiss at the end of one of the happiest nights of their life?”
Matt nervously wet his lips in anticipation. “Only when angels ask them nicely.”
“Please, Matt…will you kiss me?”
He slowly leaned in – taking a moment to appreciate the sound of her quickening heartbeat, the feel of her warmth beneath his palm and the floral scent that engulfed his senses – and with gentle restraint, he finally brushed his lips against hers in the sweetest of kisses. It started out soft and undemanding, with the both of them attempting to respect the other’s boundaries, but it quickly devolved into a heated embrace when (Y/N)’s fingers curled around his tie and tugged him closer. He let out a deep groan at the sensation and she smiled against his lips as he wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her against him.
While the Devil and the Angel of Hell’s Kitchen kissed on a deserted sidewalk in the middle of the city they both cherished, a familiar Shakespearian line would come to mind…
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is wing’d Cupid painted blind…”
A/N: A lot of this was based on my own personal experience growing up as a theatre kid and if anyone out there can relate to this, just know that your people are out there and when you find ‘em, I promise that they’ll love you for exactly who you are 💖 Thank you all so much for reading and commenting, and I hope you enjoyed my first attempt at writing Matt Murdock!
Fanfiction Masterlist
Marvel Taglist: @brooke0297
All Works: @crowleysqueenofhell @momc95 @groovy-lady​
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#4 angst pls!
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This one's an AU!
Warnings: Mentions of depression
You knew that Harry was going through it recently. He had been struggling to find a new job and his current job was really draining him. He had an asshole boss and very self-serving coworkers that made advancing in the work and collaborating unnecessarily difficult. On top of that, you were newly married and well, despite what people think, adjusting to living with him had been hard on both of you since you hadn't cohabitated prior to getting married.
It was hard for him to turn his place into your place from one day to the next. Yeah, you had some stuff over there from before, but everything was shared now so it was a bit different. It was hard for you too to feel like his home was now your home as well. And you'd had the proper discussions long before you got engaged and even did pre-marital counseling just to make sure that you two could really do this together. With you both being children of divorced parents you didn't want to take that step if you knew from the start that you had irreconcilable differences.
But all of this to say that Harry felt like he was a bit stuck. He felt drained all the time and absolutely over everything. One of the hardest things for him now was that when he was feeling this way he didn't really have alone time. You knew that Harry really liked to wind down from his frustrations alone at his own pace. His home had always been his safe space to do that and well now, that was a bit different. But today, Harry felt that he was in luck.
He had just returned from a business trip to New York and he was absolutely spent. He decided to get a car service to pick him up as to not interrupt your day and also to have some alone time just in case you beat him home. You knew that he was coming back and that he hadn't had the best time on this trip with his coworker based on what he'd filled you in on briefly, so you made some plans after work to give him some time.
When Harry got home he texted you because you clearly hadn't arrived yet. You didn't say anything about when you'd be back so he decided to wind down with a nice relaxing bath. He kind of started to unpack and had a couple things strewn around the bed before deciding to take care of it after his bath when he was in a much better mood. He had a shower and then got in the tub for a good half hour before he wrapped himself up in his robe and headed back into your bedroom to change. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked up his phone only to see several missed calls from his office and he groaned as he called back.
"Harry!" he heard his name almost immediately after the line rang.
"Yes, Mr. Thomas? Sorry, I missed your call." he said to one of the directors that he got along with a bit better than the other bosses.
"It's alright, I have some news." he said and Harry hummed indicating that he go on, "Tomorrow, Roger's going to announce that he's decided to go with Byron's proposal for the deal with the investment firm." he sighed. Harry immediately frowned.
He felt completely devastated as he heard this. The only thing he felt confident about from this entire trip was his proposal to this investment firm. He had managed to strike up a better deal than Byron's. He had gotten them to agree on early access for new investment opportunities. He had gotten them to remove the "finders" fee that was charged on top of their standard fee as well. And yes, his plan was slightly more expensive than Byron's but based on the financial projections he had run, their company would be making a greater profit now because they'd have access to the more promising opportunities along with the bigger and more wellknown companies. With that profit essentially the cost of the deal would pay itself! He was at a loss and he couldn't help the rage building up inside of his body. His eyes started welling up as his tears threatened to spill over his waterline.
"Harry?" he heard Mr. Thomas call to him and he exhaled shakily.
"Sorry, sir. Just...processing." he said and Mr. Thomas hummed.
"I did what I could. I mean, I even told Roger he was backing the wrong man, but...you know how Byron is. And you know how Roger is..." he sighed in disappointment, "I just ummm...I wanted you to know so that little prick doesn't have the satisfaction of seeing you upset." Mr. Thomas explained.
"I appreciate it. Thank you."
"Of course. And look...you're a bright guy, Harry. And I just think that...maybe this is not the place for you. You're not like these other people, they've no self respect, no principles they adhere to. I'd sayit'll be sad to see you go, but no one here is interested in helping you reach your potential. Just... think about that." he advised and Harry hummed.
"Well thank you, I'll give that some thought."
"Yep. See you tomorrow. Game face, alright?"
"Yes, Mr. Thomas." he said and then hung up.
As soon as he pulled his phone away from his ear he started to cry. He was so frustrated and it felt like he just couldn't get a win, no matter how hard he tried! More than that, he needed to succeed now because your future depended on it. There was so much riding on him having a good job and bringing in money and he was failing at that. He felt like a failure as an employee, as a man, as a husband! He had felt like a shell of himself for months and he knew you saw it and you tried to help, but he felt beyond help. He just felt like giving up. He let himself fall back on the bed as he cried quietly, he'd unpack after...
You got home and were so excited to see Harry. He clearly hadn't eaten since there were no dishes in the sink. So you rushed over to your bedroom and quickly kept in your greeting when you saw him passed out on the bed, breathing heavily. You walked over quietly and you frowned when you saw his tear-stained cheeks. You pushed some of his things aside and gently laid beside him and raked your fingers through his damp curls. He woke up almost immediately with a deep exhale and he turned to you with a frown that soon relaxed upon seeing you.
"Hey, babe. Are you alright?" you asked him softly and he sighed.
"No. I'm just...done." he sniffled, "I feel like I can't do anything right! I'm always tired and irritable, and I work so hard and these people don't even care!" he vented, "My boss is a prick who values getting his ass kissed over actual thoughtful ideas! But I can't find something nearly as good and well now there's us and I can't just quit because I have a responsibility to you now and I just hate my life right now!" he groaned in frustration and you frowned.
You knew he didn't mean that he hated what you guys had now, but it still made you feel bad that he felt like he was responsible for you. Harry was a protector, he wasn't fragile by any means, but lately he had been and you suspected that the struggles at his job were making him depressed. And well, that tends to follow you around to every part of your life and this was the result. You hated seeing him be so unsure of himself, it just didn't make sense, it was wrong.
"I'm sorry." you said simply and he sighed and reached for your hand.
"I'm sorry for saying I hate my life. I don't hate our life. It's just...not a good time for me." he explained.
"I know, baby. And I get that you like to deal on your own before you share things but...we're a team. That's the point of us getting married, we're supposed to help each other out. And well, if you need to find something else then do it! I don't mind having to work a little more to make sure we stay afloat. Your happiness means a lot to me." you explained.
"I just...don't have the energy. Do you ever just feel like...giving up. Or like disappearing?" he asked you quietly.
"I have before, yes." you admitted and he sighed.
"Me too...but, not like this." he confessed, "It feels like...too much. Like it's out of my hands now." he confessed as he teared up again and you just hugged around him as he started to cry again.
Harry knew he had so much to be grateful for, but all the of the bad things felt like they were too overwhelming for him to even mind the good things. He felt like he was drowning, he was barely staying afloat and that scared him so much. He felt foreign in his own mind and body, it worried him, but he was scared of saying it. And now he was saying it to you and he was worried about your reaction, but when you held him and said nothing about it, it did help a little bit. He didn't need you to say anything, he just needed you to be there.
"I love you so much." you said quietly and he sniffled.
"I love you too." he responded as he just stared at the ceiling while you held him. And as you just laid there with him he decided that maybe it was time to get some help. He didn't feel like he could keep doing this alone. Not this time.
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
Hii!! hope you are having a great day! :) I recently been dragged into a yandere rabbit hole and I’ve been meaning to share this idea with someone, what if darling is aware of the yandere concept? like daring knows the yandere loves out of selfish desires and maybe they don’t understand yandere’s aggresive side and straight up confronts Giorno about it?
and im curious how he would react. Im thinking he would rub it off saying that it is not true or he would think abt this long enough but still choosing to avoid the topic, can we have some headcanons about this? Thank you :>
What exactly are yanderes?
After being kidnapped, a question always wandered into your mind. You never understood why he was so aggressive. Screaming if you looked at other men, threatening, he went as far as leaving a man unconscious only because he asked for your number. So, when you confront him, how will he react?
Featuring; Giorno Giovanna
GN reader, except from the use of 'gattina' (idk italian so idk if it's femine or masculine xd)
A/N: Finally, a yandere request. Ngl, I was really thinking about what I could write with Yandere themes and this gave me the perfect idea. So, I might prepare one or two one-shots with our favorite yanderes~. Anyways, thank you for your request, have a nice day and enjoy! <3
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You have always known what yanderes are and how they act and, in fact, it always seemed pretty interesting. Weird, but interesting. You didn't expect it to happen to you
But it did. And the truth is, it is a weird experience, with many failed attempts of escaping, punishments, gifts and other weird stuff. It's like everything that was happening was pulled straight out of a book. Somehow, with Giorno, you experienced them all;
Ah yes, Giorno Giovanna. The blonde mafia boss who had taken a like in you. You couldn't say you hated Giorno, he wasn't that bad. If you followed his rules, which were simple, showed him affection and didn't try to escape, eveything was fine. You were getting what you wanted, the moment you wanted it and you were basically spoiled in gifts and affection;
Well, that was when he was calm. And he was pretty easy to piss off when it came to you. Didn't give him his kiss the moment he entered the house? Punishment. Didn't like his gift? Punishment. Didn't thank him immediately for his gift? You guessed it, punishment. Oh, and don't get me started if you ever looked at other person. At home, he will throw a tantrum, claiming you were cheating on him, even if that was impossible since you never left his mansion;
So, after some time, you decided that you had to ask him why was he acting like that. You weren't sure if he would answer you, but it's worth the shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Said and done, you were now heading to Giorno's office, the place he was spending 60% of his time, when he was home, of course. Knocking softly, knowing he hates people who enter without doing so, you wait. "Enter" he said and the sound of papers being moved around could be heard. You walked into the room, closing the door behind you, a smile plastered on your face;
"What is it, gattina?" Giorno's face held a small smile at the sight of you, but his eyes seemed tired. "Have you been working all day again?" you asked, a hint of worry in your voice. You couldn't help but worry about him, after all, he was stll a human. One that was crazy over you, but still a human. He hummed and pushed his chair back, opening his arms; his way of telling you he wants a hug.
You complied and went into his lap, burying yourself in his arms. "You know, I always had this question..." you started and Giorno raised a brow as he waited for you to continue. "Why are you so aggressive? Like, I know that's what yanderes are usually like this, but why?" you asked and he just stared at you dumbfounded;
Yandere? So you knew about this topic? It was the first time that someone left Giorno this dumbfounded. "I don't think I get what you're saying, amore. You've never actually seen me being...aggressive" he tried to play it cool, not wanting to go into detail about why he was the way he was;
"Giorno...You left a man unconscious because he asked for my number. I'm not judging you, I'm just curious! Are there other types of yanderes? Also, why are you feeling the need to be-" "Enough." he stopped you, raising a hand. "You are talking nonsense. I don't know where you heard all of those things, but I want you to stop." Giorno said, clearly annoyed by your insistence;
That's how it went every single time you tried to ask him about that. He mostly told you to shut up, ignored you or avoided the subject. You had a feeling that, if you kept going you were either going to make him talk or get yourself a punishment;
"Come on, Giornooo. I want to know" you whined again, clinging onto his arm while he was cooking. He let out an annoyed scoff and ignored you while preparing the ingredients. The man loved your attention but he hated the fact that you asked him that stupid question. It's been a week, why were you still insisting? Sighing, he stopped and wiped his hands, pushing you a little far away from his body. He took your face in his hands and gave you a peck.
"And I want you to shut up and just stay with me without making me lose the last bit of sanity that I still have. Now be my good pet and stop asking me that stupid question, okay?" Giorno said with a small smile and, by the look from his eyes, you knew this was your last warning.
A/N: Nah you can't tell me Giorno doesn't call his darling 'pet'. I hope you liked this. Reblogs are appreciated <3
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jolynesmom · 2 months
if it’s okay with you, tell us about your tokyo revengers DR. i’d love to know how you relate to that world, your background story (if that’s okay), and whether you’re part of any gang 🙂🗣
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hii, yes omg I would love to talk about it thank you for the request!!
while I really like this dr, it’s definitely one of my more lackluster and simple drs. I usually write more complex backstories for my drs, but for this one I kept it simple for a few reasons + I actually haven’t seen the last season, but I plan on doing it soon and update my script
so basically before baji met the others and formed toman, I moved into his apartment building with my family and our moms became friends instantly because of a common interest and they forced me and baji to become friends too. we hated each other at first because of our literal opposite personalities but after some time we became inseparable. this dr follows the ‘canon’ story from the anime just like the majority of my drs because I just like it the best (well it somehow follows it because I scripted a bunch of deaths and situations out)
so after some time we befriend mikey, all 3 of us start going to his grandpa’s dojo together and after some time we befriend the others and form toman while we’re in our last year of middle school. I aged everyone up because I preferred it this way plus would make more sense irl, so at the moment everyone in toman is finishing up highschool or maybe even in uni (I scripted uni is chill because I couldn’t be bothered to care about studying 😭)
my position in toman is acting vice president because I don’t really like to lead or give orders, but can do it if absolutely necessary when draken and/or mikey are not available for some reason
one very small difference I added in this dr is related to my s/o. I usually don’t script partners because it’s either not on my mind or I’m just curious to see who’d be into me without scripting, but here I added han from stray kids as my s/o because recently he’s really had my attention and I don’t know why, but I just feel like he fits in the tokyo revengers verse/a gang, especially when you think how he used to act predebut 😭
so he’s part of a notorious enemy gang to toman (I didn’t script much about this gang, but honestly I might add some more stuff) and after this enemy gang is brutally defeated by toman they’re going to disband and han will seek me out to join us and yeah
a lot of the time I like to connect my drs with things that happened in this reality to overcome there what I couldn’t do here, and this includes my tokyo revengers dr as well. here I grew up very sheltered and I would always be punished or humiliated by my family if I ever tried to rebel because of their positions in the society I grew up in. in my dr they hold important positions as well (dad is a police officer and mom is a nurse) and me being in a gang without their knowledge is my way of revenge (no pun intended) for both realities. I hate being constrained, and being in a gang, especially as a girl, is my way of saying ‘fuck you’ to my family (and honestly the society I grew up in) for keeping me in chains. I know they only wanted the best for me but it really messed me up as I grew up
also growing up I never had male friends, let alone best friends, because my parents didn’t like me hanging out around guys, so I think my best friend being a guy and having mostly guys as friends is going to be a nice change for me, so yeah that’s definitely another thing I’m excited about
another thing I love about this dr for is how it’s set in the early 2000s. I’ve seen a lot of people (esp on tiktok) complain about places they want to shift to being set in the 90s or 00s because they don’t have access to the internet and tiktok and blah blah blah!! y’all are boring!! the 2000s were literally superior in so many ways. I miss so much the vibe from back then and the technology like the funny phones or when the internet just became a thing and people used yahoo and hi5 to talk to each other; it was so great how people were more connected back then and that’s one of the main things I look forward to;
like it’s going to be so fun how the guys will need to come get my ass personally for a meeting because phones back then had a limit on how much you can call and text, so it was preferred to talk in person unless absolutely necessary 😭
most relationships feel so shallow here, so I’m genuinely excited to go hang out with my friends and talk about everything and nothing instead of everyone playing on their phones; I also scripted yahoo and hi5 are the most used social platforms in japan because those were sooo fun to be on
I hope you found my answer interesting!! <3
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after-witch · 4 months
I got a lot of lovely messages about my back pain at my first day of work so I'm answering them all in one post!
thank you for the kind messages & logical responses, I really really really really truly appreciate it when people take the time out to send something thoughtful to me.
under a keep reading!
Anonymous asked:
I'm not sure if it'll help at all or if you could use one, but there's some companies that make cushions that are portable (or semi portable) for office work and truck driving and stuff, they can help with bad chairs and back pain (I got one for my mom years ago after an injury, she quite liked it) (I'm so sorry if this unsolicited advice is unwelcome)
no it's not unwelcome! I have one for strapping into chairs that I got last year, but tbh I found that a rolled up pillow was better for my back, at least with the chair I have.
Anonymous asked:
hello Theo! it's okay to feel the way you feel after your first day. a new job is a very stressful experience and there's an element of shock, because you rapidly enter a new environment and are required to adjust to it very promptly.
I'm more than sure that neither your boss, nor your colleagues will be against it if you bring yourself a pillow to support your back to work. you can start small with a pillow, if you feel awkward about more significant adjustments, and then later negotiate a question of bringing a more comfortable chair, if you have resources. you need to be a special sort of asshole to start picking on your employee for a back pillow.
this is an immediate health need that should be met and an absolutely valid reason to request making adjustments on your workplace, doctor note or not. 1) the more comfortable you make yourself the more chances are that it will improve your overall performance; 2) from the employers's POV accommodating to the needs of an already on-boarded employee is better than going through the hiring process all over again.
I wish you all the best and I am sure you will do great once you adjust! sending you a mental hug
"shock" definitely fits… it's all very fast and just, jarring I guess?
I brought a cushion today and no one said anything. I did find out what I need to do in terms of requesting accomodations via an online FAQ (I didn't want to ask my manager so early;;) but I will need a doctor to fill out a form, so I have to wait until next month when I have health insurance.
Thank you for the kind words and logical thought process. I sometimes just need people who are not me, currently in hysterical emotional frenzy, to be like no, this is not a big deal, only assholes will care about a pillow and employer's would rather complete an accommodation request then find & hire someone new.
Anonymous asked:
You absolutely should ask for accommodations this early. They hired you because they know you were right for the job, they want you there, so they will help make it easier for you. They are obviously nice people so ask.
You've been through alot of stress and anxiety recently so having that all build up on you after your first day is normal.
It's hard to not think negatively I know but don't let your brain spiral you until you have talked to them. We are always are own worse enemies!
It will be fine, you will be fine
It turns out I do need a physician to fill out a form so I will have to wait until next month when I have insurance. But thank you for the logical thoughts... I get so wrapped up when I feel negative emotions, I kind of lose myself in them. I brought a cushion today and no one said anything.
I have been really stressed & anxious and it's kind of like the Cherry on Top when something went wrong with my back. I'm always waiting for something bad to happen so to speak, when things go right... so when my back hurt so bad yesterday I was just like "Welp!! here it is!!!! right on cue!"
Anonymous asked:
First few times I took a flight I dealt with horrible muscular pains the days after, the first few days I could barely walk each time. The reason why that used to happen to me, even though I thought I was relaxed and just sitting, was because I was unconsciously straining my muscles due to stress I wasn’t aware of. Eventually the whole thing became casual to me, so the stress and the pain went away and these days I’m completely unaffected.
Of course a condition such as yours might further exacerbate the pain, but as you get used to the new climate and process I doubt you’ll have to deal with it for months or years. It’ll become like sitting at home.
I think for sure, I was straining when sitting at the chair, because it doesn't have the same type of back (nor is it as wide) as my chair at home... so I feel like my back muscles were straining for hours and I didn't think about it. But also the chair is rather awful (other people were complaining about them, especially with it hurting their thighs!) so I hope I can get an accommodation request.
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dijeh · 2 months
I got tagged in a fandom meme! I haven't done one of these in a lot of years, so thanks @endless-season
I'm putting my disappointing answers under the cut, so you can enjoy this photo of a snail instead and scroll along.
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3 ships you like: I'm... not the type to talk about that... They exist.
first ship ever: Oh man, no idea. Something from Greek mythology maybe? Or from one of those compulsory readings in middle school? Maybe earlier?
last song you heard: This. Also in French. It's apparently based on an actual love curse song and I can't stop listening to it.
favourite childhood book: Either a two-volume book on Greek mythology or the Mary Poppins series. I received the Greek mythology book when I was about 6 and it was the first "serious" book I managed to read all by myself (I'd only read some Bamse beforehand). I used to like the first volume, the one on gods, better than the second one which focused on the heroes, which I found sort of boring. I wanted to read about cool powers and the like, not guys doing things. I lent the books to a friend a few years ago and haven't seen them since, but I recently leafed through the volumes at another friend's house (every kid has them), and noticed my tastes have sort of reversed now.
As for Mary Poppins... I still remember that frustrating Midsummer Eve volume which created more mysteries instead of answering longstanding questions. Immortal Mary? ??? Also that Halloween chapter where I would mentally replace the park and lane with the park across the street and my own street. My mental image of the MP world was half whatever I read, half my own home. (I only watched the Disney movie much, much later and found it rather disappointing.)
currently reading: - A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I had forgotten how verbose he is! I appreciate the irony/dry humour but there are so many unneeded passages. It's also quite quotable, in fact it contains my favourite quote ever that I learnt of before knowing the book.
Alamut by Vladimir Bartol. It's ok so far, I'm only ~70 pages in, so I can't draw a conclusion, but I can't say I'm awed or anything. I'd be tempted to blame the translation, but it might also be my expectations (cool assassin action yeah!) vs reality (newcomer learns about stuff in painstaking detail).
The House on the Borderland by W. H. Hodgson. Literally just started it, I'm looking forward to being spooked. I've only read two other things by Hodgson, The Voice in the Night, which I can't remember for the life of me, and The Night Land, which I read the only time I worked in an office and I still can't tell whether reading that book or working in an office was worse. I Very Much Dislike working in an office if you couldn't tell.
currently watching: The Last Kingdom. I quite like it, despite the biker vikings and the ridiculous premise that everything in (future) England worked thanks to 1 (one) guy™ and some REALLY unneeded character changes (historical power couple turned into lil bitch husband vs long suffering wife who fucks the protag of course). Can't talk yet about the writing quality after Netflix took over (started season 4), but I do appreciate the better costumes and accessories. People finally wear rings, necklaces, brooches, armbands etc! Wew. I do not appreciate the Middle Ages filter even though some colour does manage to make its way on screen from time to time. I also miss the battle tactics, but well, as long as the character interactions are nice...
currently consuming: Coffee in a coffee appropriate cup I randomly found in the kitchen. Where do all these cups even come from?
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currently craving: Infinite time to read what I want to read and enough money and warm sunny weather to travel. I miss Naples! My love 🥺
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smellydano · 2 years
Can I please get a Calvin x afab!reader where Calvin is a little bitch and you’re like hopelessly in love with him. Maybe he has been spending too much time in his office working (not just writing but on the phone with his agent and other people and maybe u hear him semi-flirting with a new publicist? Idk I’m a slut for hurt/comfort) and you’re like “wow I moved in with you and now I’m getting the cold shoulder?” I dunno. Love your writing!
calvin is a huge asshole but i want him in my bed JDHSKFHDJ ,, thank u for your request i actually really liked this one !! it’s kinda angsty and i never write angst but guess who’s gonna start writing more LMAO ,, also thank u !! it makes me so happy that people actually like my writing :3
cold || calvin weir-fields
calvin weir-fields x afab!reader
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warnings: calvin being a little bitch, use of (y/n), angst(ish), if there’s any more i should add pls lmk!
synopsis: calvin is spending more time in his study and talking to his new publicist, which makes you question things
word count: 1509
you laid on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. you just recently moved in with your boyfriend calvin into his nice apartment. you loved everything about it, you also loved everything about living with calvin. watching movies until late in the morning, making breakfast for each other in the kitchen, setting up cute little date nights at the dining room table. you loved it.
though, recently you’ve noticed he’s spending lots of time in his study. which you didn’t mind, he’s a writer so of course he spends most of his days in there, typing away on his typewriter. you’ve also started to hear more phone calls happening. he’s never on the phone, unless it was with you before you moved in.
you once walked into his study to go bother him, but as soon as you opened the door he shushed you and signalled you to get out. stunned, you rolled your eyes and shut the door confused. he later explained that he was just talking things over with his new publicist.
you shrugged it off, it made sense. he’s got to talk to them and figure out work stuff, so you just let it be. you continued to live your housewife fantasy for him, because you loved him so much. you made lunch for him and would bring it up to his study, you’d clean the apartment, you’d take scotty for walks and play time in the park. all for him.
but the phone calls were only getting longer and more frequent, making you wonder what he’s been talking about. you started to wonder, what else do they have to talk about other than work? you started to question yourself, does this make me a crazy girlfriend if i just listen? is that stepping over a line?
after some time, you decided you do some laundry, which was basically right next to his study. you gathered a few items to toss in the wash, when you overheard calvin’s boisterous laughter come from the other room. you were curious, but continued to mindlessly grab items from the bedroom floor and laundry bin.
curiosity got the best of you, who is he talking to? you couldn’t help but slowly creep towards the door and place your ear on it, your face shrugged in a focused attempt to listen to his conversation.
his chuckle filled the closed room, “yeah, i’d like that actually.” stunned, you didn’t know what or even who he’d be talking to. “well, you know how to make me happy.” he said, which made your stomach turn. who is he talking to.
you knocked on the door, waiting for him to open the door. he quickly ended the call, almost sounding like he was caught doing something he shouldn’t.
“come in.” his voice sounded cold.
“hey, i-i’m just throwing some stuff in the washer, do you need anything washed?” you questioned, not knowing how to approach him with the conversation you just heard.
“my blue button up, should be in the bin.” he said without taking his eyes away from his laptop. you rolled your eyes, taking a big sigh.
“calvin, who was that?” you felt sick to your stomach confronting him. but, you obviously had to figure out what was going on.
“hm? oh just my publicist.” still, no eye contact, no change in facial expression, not even the awkward side hug you usually get when you enter his study when he’s working. you grew more and more suspicious, against your better judgement, you continued poking.
“just your publicist? who knows how to make you happy?” his eyes darted to the wall in front of him, then to you.
“are you listening to my conversations now?”
“calvin, i can hear you from the laundry room. the walls are paper thin.”
“okay, whatever. i’m going to continue working. if you’re going to act like that, go downstairs.” he huffed, resuming his work. you muttered under your breath an insult, and went back downstairs as he said.
some time past and it was your usual bedtime. you usually got ready together, but tonight you got yourself ready, by yourself. a small tear fell from your face, you’ve been crying all night. calvin didn’t even come down for supper, which was the final straw for your emotions.
you sat on the edge of your side of the bed, wiping your runny nose with your sleeve. you collected yourself as soon as you heard calvin walk towards the bedroom. you sat there, waiting for him to notice how upset you were. but, shockingly, he minded his business and got ready for bed.
he walked over to his side and pulled the covers back, sliding under and going to bed. small whimpers escaped your mouth, as hard as you were trying to hold them in, you couldn’t. you don’t understand why he was being this way. why is he being so sweet to this new publicist? why wasn’t he being his usual self? why is he giving them more attention than you? you felt out of your mind thinking he would be flirting with them. but what if? these thoughts made you feel inferior. they’ve been stewing in your head all day.
“how was work?” you asked, wanting to take your mind away from your thoughts.
“it was fine.”
“just fine?”
“yes, (y/n). i’m trying to get some sleep.”
“why are you being so cold to me recently? all i’m getting from you is the cold shoulder when i just want to know how you’re doing.” you blurted out, eyes closed from the fear of what his reaction would be. you held your knees to your chest, back towards his.
he let out a scoff, sitting up and turning his bedside lamp on. he looked over at your frail frame on the edge. “what are you on about?” he responded, shaking his head. you turned around to face him, he then noticed your puffy face from crying all day. his face grew a softer expression, placing his hand on your knee. you lightly pushed it off, “i want to know what you and your publicist were talking about. how you’d like that? and they know how to make you happy?”
“why are you listening to my phone calls?”
“calvin i told you, i could hear you from the laundry room. i’m not just listening to your calls all day.” which was sort of a lie, but you weren’t going to tell him that. he’d think you lost it.
“i don’t know calvin, ever since i moved in with you, you’ve been giving me this cold shoulder that i don’t appreciate.” you said through sobs, putting your head in your hands.
“(y/n), i’m not trying to give you any cold shoulder. i’m busy, i’m working non stop. i have deadlines to meet, which is what my publicist and i were talking about. she extended one of my deadlines that i wasn’t able to meet even if all the stars aligned.”
you looked at him with anger, looking back down at your legs. he brushed the stray pieces of hair from your face, tears still falling down your cheeks.
“why are you always shooing me away? i don’t get it, calvin! do you not want me around? i can leave-”
“honey, no please. i don’t want you to go.” he cut you off and grabbed your hand, sighing.
“i’ll admit, work has gotten me a bit more stressed out than usual. i think i was just acting out of stress. i’m so sorry, i don’t mean to shoo you away or be mean, i don’t mean to take my stress out on you.”
you looked up at him, sniffling once again.
“i promise you, i love you, and i want you around. i shouldn’t have acted the way i did and i apologize.” he said while trying to look into your eyes. your eyes met his as he gave you a comforting smile. it felt like the first time he’s smiled at you in a couple days.
you took a deep breath, trying to regulate your breathing from the crying. he held your small hand in his, placing a kiss on the back of yours. he slowly pulled you over, you scooted towards him as he slowly embraced you. you rested your head on his shoulder, placing a small kiss on his neck.
“i’m sorry.” you blurted out, unsure of what to do.
“it’s okay, honey, you did nothing wrong. you’re the sweetest person i’ve ever met, i shouldn’t have been so cold.” you giggled, nodding your head.
“hey, since i have a day off tomorrow, did you want to stay up and watch a movie? you can pick whatever you want.” he pulled away and smiled at you, rubbing your thigh in an attempt to comfort you. “you can go downstairs and pick a movie, i’ll make popcorn and some snacks.” you nodded, getting up off the bed with him and made your way downstairs for your movie night.
SORRY this was a bit shorter than i wanted it to be! i want to write cool long ass stuff but my brain is never working LMAO ,, thank u again for the request anon! hopefully it’s what u we’re thinking abt! <3
if u have anything u want me to write; drabble, headcanons, blurbs, whatever u wanna call it ,, lmk by shooting something in my asks!! they’re always open :3
as always thank u for reading !! (does anyone even read this far o.0) likes/reblogs are always appreciated !! 🖤🍄🧚🏻
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emilee-has-legs · 1 year
that one really cool sim tag thats been going around.
wasn't tagged by anyone in particular, but @loafysims and @ravensccfindss both mentioned me in this tag recently so i thought i'd give it a shot. also my need for attention is a bottomless pit so.
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1.) What’s your favourite sims death?
honestly, the classic, putting a sim in a pool and then taking out the ladder. theres no common sense to the action it's just genuinely so funny.
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? 
technically im maxis mix, but i tend to lean very hard to maxis match clothing.
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
no not really. if i want them to loose weight i'll have them work out
4.) Do you use move objects?
if you dont use moveobjects, i think legally we can consider you clinically insane.
5.) Favorite mod?
this is so hard... ummmmm, probably like better build buy. i spend a good amount of time in build mode and use debug/live edit objects a ton when i build, so it's pretty useful.
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
i think it was get to work, i even bought it in a physical case thingy and i still have it lying around somewhere. (as well as seasons.)
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
LIVE mode.
8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
you're asking me to pick a favorite? out of all my children?? i honestly can't pick a favorite, but here's layla, and i love her.
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9.) Have you made a simself?
yeah, i've tried on multiple occasions, but none of them have ever really captured my essence all that well. eventually i gave up and just started using my mascot sim, Nellie, for my quote-on-quote "branding"
10.) What sim traits do you give yourself?
im gonna go ahead and give myself five traits assuming we all have the "more traits in cas" mod:
creative, goofball, loves-outdoors, squeamish, foodie.
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the darkest brown swatch is my go-to.
12.) Favorite EA hair?
ima be so real rn i dont use EA hairs at all.
13.) Favorite life stage?
young adult. might be biased because that's around my age-frame
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
builder. i have the most fun in either buildmode or cas.
15.) Are you a CC creator?
not offically, but i've converted defaults and skin details for personal use before, and i've even released some load screens.
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
yeah baby, check these amazing people out.
17.) What’s your favorite game?
i cant decide, it's between the sims, halo 3, minecraft, stardew valley, and splatoon. i want to play zelda: tears of the kingdom as well, but its just not in the budget rn sadly.
18.) Do you have any sims merch?
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims?
yeah actually, if you can ignore my 13 y.o sounding voice, check me out
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
omg so much. here are some side by side comparisons of my different eras/progression.
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(its the way the first sim looks like she could be a trademarked lego piece that gets me)
21.) What’s your Origin ID?
pretty sure its just emilee-has-legs. i have a couple of builds on the gallery if you wanna check me out, i just never posted them on here because that was before my simblr era.
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator?
dogsill, softerhaze, greenlamas, ceeproductions, sentate, serenity and simstrouble take the cake for me
23.) How long have you had a simbIr?
i've had my blog for a minute but i only became an active simblr like a couple months ago.
24.) How do you edit your pictures?
i dont really edit except for a few touchups in picsart, and also srwe.
26.) What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
probably get together, never got around to purchasing that pack and there's a couple things i want from the ep.
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tagging: anyone who wants to have some fun. it was nice to chill on call with friends and fill this out. cya besties ily.
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andysandfordcomedy · 1 year
Some Things To Consider While Writing Jokes
Lately I have been doing one on one Joke Machine sessions with comics of all levels where I go over all the material they send me and see if we can improve upon that material. I’ll also watch a set they send and give feedback. It’s been interesting and very informative to see the different ways people stray from doing their best stuff the best way. Generally speaking, the comics who came to me were concerned with self awareness and open to criticism. That allows them to progress so much further than someone who would scoff at the very idea of doing that. I have a lot of respect for comics willing to do whatever it takes to get better. 
Earlier this month I was asked by Blue Ridge Comedy Club in Bristol, TN if I would be able to do a 3 hour joke writing seminar. Having recently done those Joke Machine sessions with comics turned out to be crucial in putting together a 3 hour lesson plan of sorts. That brings me to this: an attempt at a condensed version of that seminar. Just some things to keep in mind and steps to consider when writing jokes that I think will help you no matter what your particular style is. and with that; a caveat of sorts: I cannot make you funnier than you are. I can’t tell you how to guarantee yourself a successful comedy career. I can tell you that the most important aspect to a succesful comedy career is being good at comedy. I mean, really really good. Better than what anyone would expect. Try to get into a mindset of constant progression. Always try to envision what the better you looks like, and then be that you the next time you’re on stage. It’s the only way I know of to reach the level necessary to do comedy professionally. Ok, let’s get into it.
This is something people don’t like to hear. Many comics, when asked about their writing process, will say something to the effect of “I don’t really sit down to write.” Just know that this is bullshitting yourself. If you want to get good at something hard, you can’t be afraid to dive in and work. The time you spend on stage is a fraction of the time you put into your act, or should be. Set aside a couple hours every day to sit down and write. You will find that you can’t force your creativity to a tight schedule. That’s ok, don’t let that stop you from trying. When you are in a groove/the zone/whatever...when things are popping, RIDE THAT OUT. Cancel appointments if you have to. The time spent in the zone has to be maximized. That is as important as sitting down to write every day. Don’t bring things to a halt while you are in a groove and think that you will resume that creative rush later: you won’t. So, big takeaway here is write often, and when in a groove, ride it out. 
Stand up is only written to be spoken. As you are writing, talk out the joke. Find a comfortable rhythm. Find that perfect wording and assess each line. Always keep in mind that the joke’s final form is vocal. I personally hate writing in coffee shops for this reason. I can’t say messed up shit out loud in a coffee shop. I like writing outside if the weather is nice. If that’s not doable, I write at my desk. If you are able to, try to have a dedicated office space where everything you do while sitting at that desk is career related. The second you get away from important things and start dorking around on facebook, get away from the desk.  
My definition of word economy may be more in depth than other people’s, but it isn’t about just making everything shorter or using less words. Yes, conciseness is key, but overall just always consider every line you say. Does that line serve a purpose? Does it need to be said? Could it be said better? Remember that a setup is just the information needed to get the joke. If you can make the setup funny while being concise, perfect, but it’s more important that it is concise. One thing that helps me is to write jokes in outline form. Write down only the lines you know you need to say and have a space in between them. Then think, “get from this line to the next line as quickly and naturally as possible.” I find if I write down the transitional sentences I get hung up on them. It helps me to think of everything I say filling a balloon up with air, so the longer it takes me to get to the next laugh, the bigger the pop(laugh) should be. Sometimes I won’t be comfortable with how much setup is required to get to a mediocre pop, so I will find an “on the way” joke to get a little pop along the way. That visualization seems to help a lot of people I have shared it with. 
If I were to ask you, “what’s the premise of the joke,” do not say “well first I say this...” No, I mean the concept of the joke. The idea that is funny. If you just come up with something that’s funny, assess it and be able to explain why. You don’t want to have to explain why it’s funny to an audience, but you should be able to explain what is funny so that you can find the best way to get that premise across to people. Drill that into your head: Know the premise. KNOW THE PREMISE. Know the premise. 
As you identify the premise, consider how much meat there is to that premise because that will determine what kind of joke it should be. You may think you have majority of the joke figured out and then need to stop and zoom out. Ask yourself, is this actually one aspect of a much wider premise than I originally thought? If so, the rest of the joke may kind of write itself. 
Remember to keep talking out the joke vocally and find that wording that works. Don’t work it most of the way out and put a pin in it. Get the joke to a point where you can try it on stage. Don’t put too much on yourself. Doing any joke for the first time is an undertaking, but you have got to follow through and write a complete joke once you start. Not doing that is a really bad habit. Once you try the joke on stage, consider what worked/what didn’t, then change the joke as necessary, and when you do: make sure you have a new complete version to try. Remember that a joke is always malleable. You can always change it/make it better. Do new jokes right up top. You may want to open with something reliable to get em first, but then do the new thing. Don’t put off doing the new thing. If you are confident in how funny it is, go ahead and open with it. 
Stand up is just one premise presented to completion, then another premise presented and performed to completion. One after another. Over and over and over. Don’t make it more complicated than that. Don’t try to weave some complicated tapestry filled with little half baked joke ideas and expectations from the audience. Keep it simple, crisp, and clear. This joke, then this joke, then this joke. One after another. That’s it. 
I have learned over 15 years of comedy that the one way to make sure you don’t do well is to not have fun doing it. If you can see that this show is gonna be a nightmare, find a way to make it a fun nightmare. It’s the only way to do well. The good news is: this is always possible, I promise. You will bomb occasionally: There is no escaping it. Do not concede to bombing though. Don’t speed through parts of the joke to get to the part you think they’ll like. If you don’t like how things are going, slow down. If things are going well, speed up a little. 
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Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
Chapter Two
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Warnings: none all nice
Chapter one | Chapter three
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When dad first picked you up from the airport, you were wearing a Spiderman shirt you bought from a street vendor in New York. Dad didn't look too pleased about you moving from fictional heroes to real ones who are breaking real life laws.
"Why can't you like firefighters or something?"
Those were the first words he spoke to you while packing your luggage into the back of his car.
"Why can't you like, I don't know, like Spiderman?"
Your father is a retired police officer. Used to be in the military and when he left working for Uncle Sam, he went into the police force. You love him! Really do, but it wasn't easy being his kid. Especially when you had a rebellion phase, it had put a strain on your relationship with him.
Mom and dad lived separately. Mom couldn't handle his PTSD and dad couldn't handle someone who wasn't understanding about his job. You stayed with mom until now, it has been a long time since you have seen your father.
"So are the fish and chips better here than back home?" After the awkward silent drive to his place, you speak up while taking the lift up to his… Flat. "Ever really thought about why they call it a Flat and not an apartment?"
"No." He grabs your bags with ease and walks out if the lift once at the floor he and now you live on.
"Maybe because after rent you are left," A pause for dramatic effect, "Flat broke! Ey!"
Your dad does not have a great sense of humor.
After showing you to your room, the amenities in the apartment, and giving you a copy of his keys. He laid down the standard ground rules, plus how the chores in the place are divided. Dad is well, you can tell he is trying to keep busy and pretend things are normal. "Congratulations." Talking was more of mom's thing than dad.
You smile, "Thanks." And you mean it. "Do you want to talk about it? Last time I saw you was at the funeral, dad." It still hurts to mention it. Mom died a few months back and you were staying with her sister, your aunt. "Because talking helps!" Trying hard to be there for a man who isolated himself completely to the point he moved to a whole different other country!
He looked at his watch before getting up from his chair, the 'man of the house' stereotype chair, "I got to go to work." He places his hand over your shoulder then pulls you into a hug, you hug him back recalling how he would do this often: kneel in front of you and hold you, his kid.
"I'll call you when I get to work."
"Are you still a cop?"
"With these old bones, no. I work at a restaurant."
"Wow." That's a big career change.
"See you later. Remember: no boys, or girls, or persons are allowed while I'm gone."
"Thumbs up on inclusiveness." Waving at him.
You sit there for a minute, looking around with your eyes, then playing with the fabric of the couch. "Form update tonight!" Getting up bolting to your room.
There's a dark (not really) mysterious (government is probably tracking it) site (it's reddit) where people come together posting videos, sharing fan art, and theories on heroes and villains. Got a forum starting from Captain America to Squirrel Girl, this place has everything. Recently, you and about five other people have been talking about a new hero videoed in Cairo. Eye witness reports, and few sketched out descriptions of two people. The one with bird wings is a really popular one. You find the person in white fascinating. The forum is updated every Thursday night, not a lot of posts about the mystery in white since there hasn't been much sightseeing of them since Cairo.
You lay on your bed making a long drawn out huff seeing the only new update is a theory post.
There are over three to four actual photos of the person in white. The shot and angles aren't the best but it is all anyone has. You hope to see the guy in the white suit the people in the forum say was seened in London.
You decide to just draw some sketches out and look over some class stuff before scavenging for food. Really doubt dad went food shopping.
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Two months in London.
If you pretend it is New York you actually find it easy to navigate. If New York was easy to navigate! You have been taking public transportation to get used to rather than have your dad spend gas on driving you everywhere (not that he minds). Two months, you are trying hard to adapt to this branch of your college. Lots of white collar students, you are here on scholarship and because dad knows a guy here. You stand out being American but not too much given there are other international students.
Friends are nonexistent. Socializing is not easy when you are hyperfocusing on getting a shit ton of projects done! Also your Art History professor is a dick.
However, for the minor bad things you have a cute guy asleep on your shoulder. Nothing new given you lived on public transportation back home.
Cheap and helps the environment.
The jerk of the bus wakes up the man on your shoulder, you barely noticed until he spoke.
"Sorry 'bout that." His accent is cute! The classic British movie type! Sipping what smells like coffee from his tumbler.
"Nah, man, you're fine!" Bright and smiley, he noticed you have an American accent, "You looked like you needed it. Hope you didn't miss your stop though." You talk while stretching in your, what looks like a notepad. "Oh here, thanks for being my muse for the ride." Still half awake he takes the piece of paper you give him before getting up. "This my stop, uh, cheers!"
Once off the bus you stand there then facepalm yourself.
You forgot to ask his name!
Too many essays, too many people in the study lounge, and you need to buy another sketchbook. Add on you started taking commissions online to get an extra pound or two (you want to say dollar so bad). Busy, busy, and the spring semester just started!
The library called the British Library has become your only safe haven to have any peace to do work.
Be back home by 8 - Dad
You groan. Your father works graveyard shift at the restaurant meaning you need to be at the apartment before he leaves. Glancing at the book next to your tablet you figure might as well start heading back. Bus schedules being shit is an international problem, who knew… Packing up is fairly quick and walking over to the reception desk like any normal person.
Then you see him.
Placing books on a cart, then typing something quickly on the computer behind the low desk. You stare at him longer than you intended.
"Miss?" He waves his hand in front of your face, "Do you need help?"
"Yo!" He raises an eyebrow at that reply, "Wait, sorry." You laugh nervously, "Hi, you're the sleepy bus guy, right?"
He blinks twice clearly confused before realization hits him, "The sketch?"
"Yeah, that's me, oh wow," You place your hand out, "I'm (Name)!"
He takes it, "Steven with a 'v'."
"There's another way to spell?"
"You'll be surprised." Deadpan about that. You laugh a little at it.
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Had a conversation with someone today about browsers, and it made me decide to write a post about a thing many people have written posts about before, and I saw those posts for a long time and largely ignored them, but then one day I decided to follow their advice, and it was so much quicker and easier than I’d expected. It turns out everyone’s right: it really is a good idea! Really! So here is my post to be that person telling everyone to: switch to Firefox!
Most of the posts I’d seen about it before focused on the way it’s the only browser that doesn’t mine and sell your data, which is of course important. Dating mining by giant corporations is evil for many reasons, I understand that as a broader issue. But to be really honest, on an individual level, I don’t care all that much whether Google knows what I’m doing on the internet. For quite some time, I never cared enough to bother switching browsers.
But then I did, and learned there are a lot of advantages besides the data privacy. Mainly, Firefox is so much faster. All else equal, on the same machine with the same capabilities, Firefox will open things quicker and more cleanly and easily than Chrome. “Cleanly” is the best word I can think of for the interface – it doesn’t bombard you with ads and widgets the way Chrome does. It’s not constantly pushing stuff at you.
In terms of extensions and stuff, it can do everything Chrome can do and some things Chrome can’t. It can import your bookmarks, browsing history, and saved passwords so quickly and easily. I’d seen before that it could do that, but had assumed it would be a whole process, hadn’t realized it would take literally thirty seconds.
So that is my PSA to say don’t stick with inferior browsers for too long like I did, just due to being used to it. You can import all your stuff into Firefox and it’ll be just like what you’re used to but better. While I’m at it, here are some other applications on my laptop that I recommend:
For the video and audio player: MPC-BE. It’s open source (open source means “free, but in a really good way of community and collaboration”, so you get the free stuff and don’t even have to feel bad for benefiting from the labour of the people who created it without compensating them, though it’s nice to donate if you can), and it’s so, so much better than the default Windows video player. You can customize everything in it to work with your keyboard. I have it set up so I can play/pause, go in or out of fullscreen, go to the previous or next file, and go forward or back by 5, 10, or 30 seconds with one key each. You can set it up to not have the bar at the bottom appear on the screen when you pause it, which makes taking screenshots so much easier.
It can open almost any video or audio file type, including plenty that the default player won’t play. It’s good to have VLC downloaded as a backup, because I’ve come across a couple of file types that MPC won’t play, and I had to use VLC to play those ones, VLC will play anything at all.
Also, you can have more than one video/audio file open at a time. The default Windows player doesn’t even let you do that, which is absolutely ridiculous. Download MPC-BE and change your default video and audio players to that, it’ll make your life better.
Audio editing: Audacity, obviously. Well, it should be obvious, though I actually didn’t start using that until somewhat recently. I found it a bit difficult to work out the controls in it, so instead of taking ten minutes to learn it, I was cutting up audio in my video player. Last year I finally took the time to learn to work Audacity, and it was so worth it. It’s not complicated, it only took about ten minutes to figure out. And now that I’m comfortable with it, it’s so much easier than anything else.
Video editing: NCH VideoPad. This the only software on my computer that I’ve paid for (besides Microsoft Office, I guess), and usually I try to find open source versions of stuff I want. But I’ve tried a bunch of different video editors, and just haven’t found any free ones that work nearly as well as VideoPad. I found myself editing a video in one program, exporting it, then importing it into a different program that has features the first program didn’t have, so I could use those too. VideoPad eliminated the need for that, it’s one program that does everything I want it to.
VideoPad isn’t expensive, and what I really like is it’s a one-time fee. Fuck the software subscription system, if I’m going to pay for something like that, I want to actually own it and get to keep it forever. I think VideoPad does have a subscription system, but it also has an option to pay a one-time fee to buy it outright, and that’s what I did. I paid for it once quite a few years ago now, and that was a very good purchase, I’ve gotten great use out of it.
For downloading: Jdownloader is an excellent way to get video and audio files off the internet. Doesn’t work every single time, but it works for a lot. I have used it so much in the last few years. The “allow right click” browser extension can be pretty useful too.
For screen recording: ShareX. Lightweight, fast and simple program that does everything I need it to, for free. Sometimes, if Jdownloader fails me so I try a whole bunch of other options and still can’t work out how to download a file, I find it can be easier to just play the whole thing while recording my screen.
For conversions: Media Mobile Converter. There are plenty of internet programs that do this, but I found it was really worth downloading a program that will let me do this right from my computer, so I can convert multiple files at a time. I use it most often to convert video files to mp3, like if I download a song off YouTube and just want the audio. But it’s also nice for taking video or audio files that are in weird formats, and converting them all to mp3 or mp4. Occasionally I’ll get an mp3 that’s too old for Audacity to read, so I use this convert it to wav and then it works no problem. It’s a useful tool to have on hand, and again, open source.
This has been a PSA about the pieces of software that make my life better.
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
I can't tell if I'm misunderstanding local culture or if my coworkers are just the rudest people on earth: A sort of tumblr AITA.
Any other south Texans out there, care to add your two cents?
I've lived in several cultures with wildly different gift giving practices so I'm pretty adaptable but since starting my current job in south Texas I'm at a loss for the first time. Having been a person who's struggled to afford food in recent years the best way I know to show gratitude and camaraderie is by gifting and sharing necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. I've always loved cooking for other people. Granted I do cook some weird stuff like curry and gluten free snacks so I don't expect people to want everything I make. I have a pretty stellar track record though. At my old office my deserts were legendary. Still, I'm not offended when someone turns down gifts of any kind. I wouldn't want anyone to feel obligated to give me anything in return.
Well... I wouldn't have been offended a few rejected gifts, but these people have accepted literally NOTHING I've tried to give them all year—usually just by tossing it aside on a dusty shelf or leaving it sitting out so that I find it later, spoiled. The muffins I made? Left on the counter for 3 days until I finally threw them out. The pumpkin pie with cool whip on thanksgiving? Left sitting on a workbench overnight. The nice warm waterproof coat I made available for the kid who only has a hoodie? Shoved in a dusty sink full of spiders. The spare room in my company house: always open, but they've told me they slept in their cars instead. I've even offered them full access to my kitchen (on the worksite) in case they ever need a snack or a sandwich and NOT ONCE—not even during severe storms—have they ever asked for so much as a breath mint.
I can't wrap my head around it! If someone had offered me any of these things while I was struggling or even just as a kind gesture I would've done everything in my power to show them how grateful I was even if I didn't want whatever they were sharing. The one coworker has literally come up to me at work and talked about how they couldn't afford anything but canned beans for a week—BESTIE, you could've helped yourself to a whole steak I had in the fridge! Or a vegan burger! Have I not told you so a dozen times?! I know what you're thinking: "They clearly hate you!" Not particularly. At least, I try not to let the paranoia get to me. We get along well enough on most other fronts. But wait—there's more!
They also rudely reject all gifts from our boss and clients. A client gave us special cooling scarves in the heat of the summer and I made sure to thank her and be seen wearing mine (it was super nice), and what did my coworkers do with theirs? They're still in the box in the back of a dusty bin. A coffee maker? Also left in its box for 9 months. A mug of hot chocolate? Left to mold. Leftovers of fried chicken and pizza from work meetings goes bad in the break room fridge every time (if I don't eat it). The candy and snacks our boss brings 'round on holidays ends up sitting in the feed room unopened for months (until I finally take it). Sometimes clients bring leftover desserts or donuts, and if I don't take those and put them away they will also sit out until they calcify.
It's no wonder I'm the only one who gets gifts from clients most of the time—I know how to at least ACT grateful. Even if you don't want the thing it's about basic manners.
My two coworkers come from different cultural backgrounds in the sense that one has a rich family and the other has always lived in poverty. Both still own land, horses, and big trucks (because Texas). Both are from south Texas and haven't spent a lot of time in other cultures. My best guess is that this is some kind of sick hyper-individualist mentality bullshit in action. I just don't get it.
No matter what culture you're from I'm pretty sure it's always downright rude to reject gifts the way they do. I'm to the point where I've decided to stop trying to give them anything and I just hope that doesn't make me the bad guy. I'm tired of being insulted for no reason and I hate to see food go to waste. Really at a loss here.
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canadianlucifer · 1 year
1, 4, 6 and 14 for takizawa!
Tysm for this, this entire reply is going to pretty much just be Takizawa because he is my poor little meow meow!
1. (Hands you a free card to ramble about whatever for your favorite character/ship)
Toss up between hidekane and seiakimon but I’m gonna go with seiakimon bc there are So Many Thoughts with these three. Akira and her two ghoul boyfriends
Obviously Takizawa need So Much Therapy before any romance stuff can happen so we’re gonna assume he’s been getting the help he needs for this (and so have Akira and Amon honestly, they’re not completely insane but they’ve got problems too).
Taki was the only one who truly saw Akira as Akira. People in the academy chalked up her success to the fact that both her parents were investigators and didn’t acknowledge the work she herself put in. Everyone saw her as a product of her parents except Takizawa. He competed with her, not her parents and that’s why Akira liked him. He saw her as a bitch because he was jealous of her natural talent and how she often got more opportunities than him in the CCG, she got to go on missions while he was stuck in the office even though they were equally talented. And don’t even get me started on them only ever seeing each other from the side and the first time they truly look straight at each other is when Akira throws away her life career to protect Taki and lays her heart bare to him, telling him about how she tried to live up to everyone’s expectations but failed and how she never stopped thinking about him, wondering if she had just stopped him at the Owl Execution Operation. That shit hurted.
Of course we’ve also got the canon Akira and Amon, they work alright but need some more development. I really think Ishida has no clue how to write romance, every single one just comes out of left field, most prominently Yoriko and Takeomi. “Hey, haven’t seen you in a long time, nice to see you again. Anyway, you make good bread, wanna get married?” ????????
And with the right development, Amon and Taki would work well too. Amon’s closeted bi ass learning that it’s okay to be queer (thanks Donato for instilling religious trauma into this himbo /s).
In conclusion: Akira has two hands.
4. What character do you (the asker) remind me of?
I don’t really know why but Mutsuki kinda! No idea what my brain is doing at any moment in time
6. What’s your favorite piece of TG fan content you’ve made?
Hmm, I haven’t made much recently do NOT ask about my 2015 era art lmfao but I’d have to say this meme, it just fits the dude so well lmao
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He's a little silly.
14. Song you associate with (character/ship)
Oh dear here we go.
So Mother Mother makes some AMAZING songs and I could write an essay on how every song in Oh My <3 fits him, but besides that, I think Control by Halsey fits Takizawa quite well!
“They send me away to find them a fortune” getting sent to fight and kill the Owl
“I sat alone, in bed till the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me"” being scared outta his wits and writing “I DON’T WANT TO DIE” on his will
“I paced around for hours on empty I jumped at the slightest of sounds” post Kano trauma
“I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head” listening and giving into his ghoul side
“And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?” Taking control over his own life and becoming a terrifying monster of a ghoul and killing Tatara while his former coworkers watch on in fear.
Gasoline works really well too!
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