#and stuff isn't centralized
I love how these two don't give a flying fuck about their own safety but when it's about the safety of their best friend? Their childhood buddy? Their good-time pal?? Their brother in arms?!
You better goddamn believe they'll take that seriously.
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Dick's all 'oh a bunch of assassins and mob bosses are after me and I'm injured but it's fine, I got this handled-' and Wally already has the man tucked into the pullout couch bed at his house before he's finished the sentence.
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Wally's all 'okay so I know that the future version of me is dead on the floor and I'm supposed to die after fighting a fire BUT I can't not help if there are people who need me, so I'll just fight this forest fire and-' Meanwhile Dick already has 60 tranq darts locked and loaded and the floor lined with anti gravity beams.
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sleepnoises · 5 months
people keep on saying stuff like undertale and homestuck (?) and orv on my badly designed time loop poll. i feel like stuff with a scope of more than one day shouldn't count but i didn't put that in the post and also I'm not a formally trained loopologist
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everysongineverykey · 2 months
begging people to realize that the back warehouse of a grocery store is not a second, secret grocery store that has everything you need plus some extra secret items the first grocery store does not have
#look it probably varies from store to store#but at least where i work the back is a fucking mess.#like. you're imagining neat tidy shelves and specific sections for each product#that is not what the back is. it's a disorganized hellhole with every type of product piled haphazardly on top of each other#wheelers lying around with the most random items.#you have to understand that if a grocery worker were to 'check in the back' for something#it would likely take 10ish minutes if it WAS there.#and like. stuff like produce isn't just going to be kept in boxes in the back either. or meat or seafood.#if they have sellable meat or produce they're not just going to stick it in some deep freezer in the back#and wait for it to become two days away from unsellable before they bring it out.#with those departments especially if they have something you want it is going to be on display#and if it's not they don't have it.#stuff like soda is a bit easier to find usually#but even then there's so many different brands all piled together in crates on the same wheeler#not even opened#and i hate to say it but most grocery workers honestly just have more important things to do#than go rooting around like truffle pigs in the back for the stuff you want.#they might be doing price change or they might be stocking a new product#or they might be trying to fill a central display case#or they might be filling an online shopping order and thus on a time crunch#and even if none of those are the case a grocery worker can get called away to a different task on a dime.#they can't just drop everything to hunt in the back for whatever fucking granola bars you want so bad.#absolutely we can tell you where things are#and we can recommend alternatives to out of stock items. sure. but you'll only be wasting your time and ours#if you ask us to check for something in the back.
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dnangelic · 7 months
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on one hand my stubborn refusal to make a lot of crossover verses (i refuse to ever separate dark and dai AND it's hard as hell to get the depth of their shared existence juuuust right) may someday be the death of all interactions for me, BUT on the other hand i also think it's very cute and potentially really interesting that dark and daisuke can world-jump already. it CAN add another fun fairy tail/biblical layer to things whenever it happens. here's alice in wonderland who's come through the looking glass, here's a monstrous boy-messiah fluttering out from the frame of a beautiful painting. here's a red-headed cherub lost and bewildered after dropping like a shooting star into your yard or your camp, here's a fallen angel landing at your feet from someplace beyond, suddenly lifting his head up and talking about/knowing completely bizarre things that nobody else in the world they've only just arrived in knows about. daisuke's sense of 'mundane' can be completely, utterly incomprehensible to some crossover muses, the same way he can end up lost and alone in their worlds. just like a real angel, even if daisuke is just an ordinary, albeit cursed boy by most standards. do u get what i mean!!
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goldiipond · 9 months
ithink that every tpn trio merch set would be vastly improved by including don and gilda. i like them
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mrs-gauche · 2 years
Hey, you know what? It's a good day to remember that
- The hashtag #TheDreadWolfRises that was first used in the 2018 teaser is most definitely a reference to Sandal's prophecy in DA2, talking about how “All magic will come back” and “everyone will be just like they were, when he rises“.
- The now official title of DA4 "Dreadwolf" is an anagram for "World/Fade". “Dread Wolf” became one word, the space between the two literally and figuratively disappearing, like the World and the Fade coming together when the Veil is gone.
- The cover of Mark Darrah's "mysterious red book" from 2016.
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Which was since revealed to be (quoting the BioWare 25th anniversary book) "an internal guide for developers and publishers to summarize the vision for "Joplin" (the first code name for DA4, until that project was revised in 2017 and renamed "Morrison", the version of DA4 we're getting now), but that "still contains plenty of ideas that will appear in the next Dragon Age", showing a flaming rook and a wolf head, which is suspicious considering that a rook is a piece in a game of chess...
“Rest assured, Solas is placing his pieces on the board as we speak.” (- BioWare in their blog post announcing the official title)
...A game in which a master strategist like Solas was willing to go so far as to sacrifice his queen (*cough* Flemeth *cough*) to win the "Immortal Game", but the word “rook” can also be used in the sense of a swindler/trickster/deceiver. Though if we take the alternative term for the rook and call it a tower instead, isn't it interesting how:
- Solas' final tarot card is "The Tower", commonly interpreted to symbolize massive change, upheaval, revelation, destruction, liberation and chaos.
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Let me just quote bestselling author Brigit Esselmont's interpretation of the meaning of this card here and I’ll leave it to you to guess what it could indicate for DA4, but GOD, do I get CHILLS just reading this flippin paragraph:
"Your world may come crashing down before you, in ways you could never have imagined as you realize that you have been building your life on unstable foundations – false assumptions, mistruths, illusions, blatant lies, and so on. Everything you thought to be true has turned on its head. You are now questioning what is real and what is not; what you can rely upon and what you cannot trust. This can be very confusing and disorienting, especially when your core belief systems are challenged. But over time, you will come to see that your original beliefs were built on a false understanding, and your new belief systems are more representative of reality.”
“The best way forward is to let this structure self-destruct so you can re-build and re-focus. And let’s be real – with a card like The Tower, you have no choice but to surrender to the destruction and chaos, no matter how unwanted or painful. Change on this deep level is hard, but you need to trust that life is happening FOR you, not TO you and this is all for a reason. This destruction will allow new growth to emerge and your soul can evolve."
- Promotional stuff for DA4 keeps repeating concentric circles, which is widely believed to represent the Veil itself, and appears to get more broken with every new update. (There are also seven “spheres“ surrounding it = There are seven Old Gods/seven Evanuris that were banished when Solas created the Veil. With only two of these spheres still “lit” = There have been five Blights, two Old Gods left that are still sleeping.)
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Also, the new background image of the official website showing even more broken pieces resembling those in the circle, completely falling apart...
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What I’m trying to say is... If that Veil isn’t coming down some way or another in this next game, I’m calling false advertising! 😂
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triple-pupil · 2 years
"...Without me are nothing more than a rat from the gutter. Something only worth killing, as a mercy to its existence."
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"Now you, my love, can either help me with this task or leave and return to the gutter where you belong. Your choice. Either way, I have work to do."
Hi, hello, just started reading The Strength and The Sight by @inkwell-intrigues and I declare myself as deceased, I am now deeply scared and hyped for what's to come, even though I'm barely on part 6 and nothing really happened yet.
Now a tiny little rant on one of my favorite aspects: The Devil himself.
This is one of the most fascinating, mysterious and scariest versions of the Cuphead Devil that I've ever seen because he's so manipulative and adaptive yo who he interacts with and the reasons behind the interaction. I really can't tell when he's honest or not except the one line of his "rare genuine smile" to King Dice and the rest I don't know.
And just the worldbuilding is already so complex and interesting and I just want to see more of everything.
I'm just so scared and intrigued for what Will happen next, holy shit, I'm already destroyed and nothing happened yet (Except poor Elder Kettle)
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the-mountain-flower · 4 months
When you realize that you unintentionally made your main WIP's primary romantic relationship:
neurodivergent(AuDHD)-coded, fat, disabled, POC-coded, woman, queer + neurodivergent(autistic)-coded, fat, disabled, mixed, enby queer
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torgawl · 6 months
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i was playing luocha's quest "guide for a knight stranger" when i spotted a genshin character. this is like finding beyoncé in a supermarket. what is chang the ninth doing here? i think it's pretty cool that he's a detective romance novel character in this universe instead of a writer, it's like the world is inverted. and he's the killer's uncle, nonetheless. too bad we don't know (as far as i'm aware of) if genshin's chang the ninth has nephews, but with at least 8 siblings it's very likely.
#i'm a curious person so i went to see what book xingqiu wanted to get from him in his quest and it was 'legend of the shattered halberd'#unfortunately i didn't find anything that could relate to hsr so it was just a little detail for funsies probably#but the book is actually crazy!!!#it talks about how in ancient times when the axis mundi was unobstructed there were 9 realms each a world of its own#zhongzhou was the realm of humans (literally translates to central axis or core) and the gods resided in shenxiao (to sneer or laugh at is#the only translation i found). it talks about how there was a war between gods at the end of the last calamity and how the god king fell#which obliterated all living things. but now the realms were reborn and life thrives again although the passageway between the nine realms#by axis mundi has been seeled off#if that isn't intriguing i don't know what is. i should read more books to make sense of the lore better#this just adds to my belief in the theory that there are 9 elements. 9 symbolising perfection and completion is also so good#the quest about the nine pillars of peace in liyue being associated with the calamity that struck khaenri'ah. the pillars symbolising human#vices/desires. the connection to the yaksha tasked to exterminate the blight that originated from the defeated gods of the archon war which#corrupted their body and spirit eventually going mad and slowly vanishing from the people's memory. a lot of things about the archon war#in liyue the number 9 and it's funny that chang the ninth's book also talks about a war between gods. i could go on but anyways fun stuff#honkai star rail#genshin impact
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bitchfitch · 2 years
So I've started a writing group. Want in?
Basically, The Name TBD writing group is meant to be a small group for writers of all skills or subject. There's no set restrictions for what type of writing you can chat about or create so long as it's discussed in the appropriate channel.
Beyond that and the normal writing group stuff we will be hosting a twice monthly Most Goodest Writer contest. where everyone who wants to can submit 1000 words of whatever they've written in the last two weeks. An anonymous vote will be held, and at the end of it someone will be named The Most Goodest Writer. and be given a special roll that does nothing but make their name a different color.
(this is almost entirely to encourage people to hit a low word count, 1k every 2 weeks, and get people talking in the server, it's entirely a joke and for funnsies and is not at all a serious decision about who's the Most Goodest.)
Anyways, if you want in the gform is here:
There's 9 spots up for grabs bc I'm one dude and don't think I'd be able to handle the mgw and mod stuff if there was more than 12 people submitting in a single period.
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fourspiceblend · 1 year
It's funny cause for the most part of the game, I didn't really care about people's criticisms of Engage's writing and thought they were just mad the story was straightforward and didn't try to be overly complex... But now that I'm (finally) reaching the endgame, there's a loooot of weird plotholes that 3H would be jealous of lol.
#i think that what bothers me the most is the fact that we don't know how elyos really works#because with a few exceptions the supports don't really go into it#and the paralogues focusing on the emblems and fanservice references to the older games is a huuuuuge missed opportunity#my experience has still been overall positive but the cracks are definitely showing lmao#thinking thoughts#to be fair i do love how unlike 3h we do actually get to see the four nations have their own identity and explore them after a battle#because BOY was 3H lacking in that aspect just because they wanted to sell you a red herring#but there's telling and not showing. and there's showing and not telling. and one isn't necessarily better than the other#i need a bit of both you know#3h doesn't wanna delve too much into the intricacies of each country because the second it would do so#the whole ''da church controls errything'' red herring would fall apart and the devs really don't want that#so we gotta stay in the monastery at all times and since the monastery is in the very small chunk of land the church DOES control#it helps to keep you in the dark about how things really work#even though the storytelling makes it clear the central church barely controls anything and only intervenes when ASKED#meanwhile elyos really really shows you each kingdom with detail when it comes to aesthetics and culture. which is neat!#but we know little to nothing else even though they keep hinting that the kingdoms each work differently#and we know even LESS about lythos which bothers me the most!#and none of this would bother me at all if we didn't have stuff like the brodia/elusia conflicts in the background#or the existence of a fell dragon religion. or fucking gradlon. or the many dragon races. or kagetsu being a prince#or lumera suddenly having a child and everyone going along with it etc
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merchantarthurn · 2 years
I'm sorry, but do we actually know Wolfwood's age in tristamp canon? Is it stated anywhere? Cause what I get from the series is that he can as well be a minor and now I'm pretty uncomfortable seeing all the shipping just because he looks old enough.
given there's a whole montage of him murdering folks post-experimentation and he's written like an adult, im pretty sure he's been post-procedure for plenty of years. it certainly comes across that way to me.
though, most (well, all) people who i've seen insist he must still be a minor are weirdos looking to "gotcha" people so sorry if this is short but: i don't trust that this confusion is actually genuine because he's so obviously written as an adult? not just a kid who looks like one.
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pochapal · 2 years
watched glass onion the other day and i can't stop thinking about it and i also can't decide if i actually liked it or not even after watching it twice which is very frustrating
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dmclemblems · 2 years
reminder that shinon is one of the best non-main characters to come out of this franchise and that most side characters don’t get a full story of character development within even one game, let alone character growth throughout two games in a linear progression. 😌 
#by which I mean he has a beginning middle and end for his characterization#he has a full story of growth that begins in PoR and ends at the end of RD#so his character progresses right along with the story from Tellius' entire story's start to finish#stuff like that usually only happens to the central characters who are involved in the plot#and like you don't have like to shinon or be a fan of his character to be able to admit that#he's one of the best characters development wise in the franchise bc not many side characters#get to have a fully fleshed out characterization or story even with their supports considered#in fact most of them ONLY have supports to rely on but he has supports base conversations and time in the plot#tbh I'd actually have to say he has more growth than a lot of the plot centric characters bc like for example#Ranulf is a fantastic character and one of my absolute favorites but he has like NO growth whatsoever between two games#he's one of the most static characters in the franchise itself#he's one of my favorites in the whole franchise too. there's nothing I don't like about him!#HE'S MY BLUE KITTY FFS. watching u bk back off fr#but he has like no growth and he's the same person beginning of PoR to end of RD#I can't look at a man who throws around the word sub-human freely and discriminately as the same man#who respectfully uses the term laguz to laguz kings and treats them like respected allies#I can't see him as the same person from beginning to end of the Tellius story bc he's NOT the same person#static characterization isn't always bad (see: Ranulf) but the character has to be at a certain point in their behavior#to be seen as a fully grown character prior to the story (ex. Titania also has little to no growth bc her story is prior to PoR's start)#then you have static like... Gatrie. that's not exactly bad static but it's not good either#he's the same person from start to finish of the whole timeline and has zero depth#Ranulf on the other hand does have depth but he doesn't grow from the point you meet him at#Shinon has depth and growth and his growth doesn't just stop dead in its tracks. it keeps going for the whole length of the story#which mind you like people irl always continue to grow for their whole lives and that's their whole story#your growth doesn't just stop halfway into your life. the people we are will always change and fluctuate#a lot of characters don't have that and I think with FE having such large casts that we come to expect that#which is in part what makes Shinon's whole story as good as it is. we expect growth to stop before the story ends#but his story starts and ends with PoR and RD respectively which not many characters get to have#i will stan him forever and he will always be my blorbo my little blorbo
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wild-at-mind · 2 years
TW- murder, transphobia, racism, incarceration, suicide
I remember in 2018 (I think that was the year) I went to a TDoR vigil at the cafe in the next city over, which at the time was the source of much of my LGBTQ connection, along with a meetup group I attended in the same area. The vigil ceremony was not ideal in many ways- some local reporters talked over part of the address, and during the name reading it was clear that the Latin American names were being pronounced wrongly. In the UK it can be harder to find someone who is culturally connected to Latin America who could do the reading or at least advise than it might be in the US, so I don’t know if they would have ever been perfect, but it seemed that pronunciation had not been even checked and it was really noticeable. But while there is room for improvement I still think it’s an overall good that this vigil happened.
The gathering in the cafe beforehand was better. I was very tentatively exploring my gender stuff back then, and being around so many trans and nonbinary people of all ages was very powerful. I remember seeing a group of older trans women who looked weary and tired talking at one of the tables.. or perhaps they were cross dressers. The line between them can be blurred, especially in older generations. And being a male cross dresser who doesn’t identify as a trans woman does not protect you from violence. One of the murder victims on the TDoR list this year is Jimmie ‘Jay’ Lee, a black self identified gay man in the US who was murdered while wearing women’s clothing. https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/08/jimmie-jay-lee_lafayette-county-mississippi-usa_348b20a4  Plenty of historical transfemme people identified variously as cross dressers or drag queens as well as trans women. I’m hardly the first to say this but I hope that an obsession with correct labelling in the LGBTQ community does not mean the important things get ignored.
At that 2018 gathering before the vigil the cafe was packed, full and standing. I felt a sense of community with people there suddenly, even though I didn’t know most of them, because I felt we were all coming together for something bigger than ourselves. I think it’s easy for something as personal and identity based as gender to become very inclosed in our own heads, especially for the comparitively privileged (Western, white, ok financially) and that’s something I’ve found difficult. For me at least, because of these things that I have and the comfort they provide, it can feel self indulgent to focus on myself. Coming together in this outward focusing way with so many trans and nb people at that time was incredibly moving and poweful. Especially important to me is that it had nothing to do with the kind of awkward self flaggellation that self conscious white queer communities can end up doing when trying to support people much more marginilised. I hate that this seems to be so inescapable sometimes. Though maybe that was a misguided view as I later saw an overview of some of the criticism of TDoR on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_Day_of_Remembrance  in the Reception section. (It uses a lot of language about ‘bodies’ rather than people, a language choice which I have seen pushback on recently from black people especially, so warning for that.) As a way to honour trans and gender nonconforming people who were murdered or took their own lives, it is vastly imperfect, as we saw from the badly done reading of the names I talked about earlier. It’s ok for things to be imperfect and nuanced, and I hope I will make an effort to actively learn more about these issues. It’s common for activists for a particular cause to be asked to think of and draw attention to related injustices, and I think TDoR should be no different. Starting in the UK, where I live, the story of Taylor really gripped me. Taylor was a trans man who in prison serving an IPP, Indeterminate sentence for Public Protection. He was in a situation where he had served 10 years over his initial sentence, due to the nature of the IPP, and had no release date. They no longer give out these sentences, presumably because they are inhumane, but they were not retroactively repealed. I encourage you to read more here: https://tdor.translivesmatter.info/reports/2022/07/09/taylor_wotton-under-edge-gloucestershire-united-kingdom_87fabb44 and here: https://iwoc.iww.org.uk/free-taylor/ (Note- this was written before Taylor’s death.) Taylor took his life in prison while under an insufficient suicide watch. Transphobia was one of the problems he faced in his life but it was one of many, and all were exacerbated by him being locked up for so long. This makes me want to learn more about UK prison advocacy- we have the highest rate of prison suicide in the world according to the IWOC link there, and that horrified me. A homeless man in my hometown who to be honest was mainly known for acting strangely in public (shouting in megaphone while wearing odd outfits- mildly annoying I guess but harmless) was jailed for one of those ‘crimes’ they get homeless people for, and soon after he took his life in prison. There was a shrine to him in the town centre when the news came. His name was Lee and they called him Superman because that was one of his outfits. It made me think of him and how fucked up the system is, if he hadn’t been locked up he could still be alive.
Got a bit rambly there. I hope it made sense. Sending my love to all trans and gender nonconforming people today. And I hope I can focus on the wider issues in UK society in the name of the amazing trans people I know, for the love of humanity and people of all kinds in our country.
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