#and surprisingly im not talking about brazil
dizzystqrs · 2 years
hi im from Brazil, and here people don't know the shipp between emma and rikki, its a new thing for everyone including me. I want to know where this ship came from and have you seen something of the actresses talking about it? thanks and sorry for the bad English xoxo
hey!!! to be honest, i'm not sure where the ship came from, but it has been around for quite a while, even when the show first came out! there's a few fanfictions about them on fanfiction.net & ao3 from the 2000s, which is pretty cool! i've never really seen the actresses talk about it at all, which is pretty common given the show was in 2006 :') but yeah, it's a surprisingly popular ship!
i also definitely think there recently was a huge wave of incoming shippers thanks to tiktok & a few edits that went viral
but yeah, i hope this answers your question !!
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whorientexpress · 2 years
hey me remember when we decided to mute that one person that way you wouldn't see things that they vague-post about you to hurt you specifically
well then why do you keep checking in on their account eh bud?
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
Hi angel!! I just wanted to say that I just found you today and I think you’re really talented! But I was wondering if I could have hc’s for suga, oikawa, and kuroo where you’re best friends with them but one day you wake up with them in your bed and ur like wait we just had a one night stand 😳. I hope this is okay and if you aren’t comfortable writing this I def understand!! Thank you!! 💞
HI ANON!!! That’s literally so nice of you wtf😳✨💗 Im sending you all the positive vibes and I’m hoping you have a wonderful day/night. 😌💗✨💗✨💗
— Waking up from a one night stand w/ Suga, Oikawa, and Kuroo
a/n: all the characters are aged up!! And there are mentions of alcohol and protective friends and siblings but it’s all cute and fun :))
—Sugawara Koshi
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The two of you met in high school and immediately hit it off when you decided to become the manager for Karasuno’s volleyball team
Together, you, Daichi, and Suga formed the parent trio and looked over your little crows with pure dedication
But you and Suga had always been a little closer than the rest with your hidden sassiness and love for everyone around you
So five years after your graduation, it’s not a surprise that you two have managed to keep the bond alive
It’s been a long night at the karaoke bar with you crying over your ex dumping you and Suga doing everything in his power to comfort you
You’re definitely not in the best mindset right now as you sing your heart out to the boy who broke your heart and take shot after shot with your bestfriend
The sloshing of the alcohol in your stomach is burning and Suga tries his best to keep the two of you afloat as he calls an Uber
But he’s so out of it that he forgets your address??? So you two just end up at his house??? And the night is now fair game
You wake up with a killer headache and the smell of pancakes in the room next door
The clothes you’re wearing looks nothing like the ones from last night
Instead, you’re wearing an oversized gray sweater that smells like warm vanilla and laundry detergent
You step out of the strange bed only to notice the framed picture of you and Suga on his desk and you immediately knew where you were
As you make your way through the familiar hallway to the kitchen, you groan and whimper from the pain in your head
Suga is standing there in his pjs making breakfast??
And you stand there in shock as he turns his head to you and ask if you had a good sleep
You’re sputtering as you ask him why you’re here and what happened
And he sheepishly starts to explain the situation and how you two had ended up getting it on while drunk as hell
So you’re sitting on his chair trying to process the night as he serves you the pancakes and you go “what the actual fuck???”
You two eat breakfast in confused silence until you choke on a piece of the pancake and Suga is rushing to get you water and you two are laughing at how awkward you are
The laughing eases the tension and you two are back to just talking and teasing. He starts to apologize for last night but you reassure him that it’s definitely something to cross off the bucket list
And who knows; maybe it’s something you might want to happen twice
—Oikawa Tooru
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You’re Iwaizumi’s little sister and you’ve known Oikawa since you were children
You were always by his side and watching every game of his up until he left for Brazil to pursue his dreams of volleyball
You’ve always had a crush on him and your friendship has always been strong, but maybe a future with him was too much to hope for?
Until he came to visit
You two were catching up at a local bar and laughing as if you had never been separated at all
He begins to order drinks for you and you start to blush at his familiar chivalry
You two have basically caught up on everything when you start to feel your eyes droop and your body lose its normal functions
Surprisingly, even Oikawa is a lightweight and almost passes out until he feels you tug at his sleeve and he mans up just enough to call you both a taxi to his hotel room
The smell of alcohol on Oikawa’s breath was the last thing you remembered before your eyes drifted shut
You wake up to the blinding light of the sun coming from the windows and peek open an eye to see a tuffle of dark brown hair
‘omfg...’ is all you think before you let out an ear-shattering shriek
Oikawa’s head shoots up and is darting his head side to side before registering your terrified face as you gather the blankets to cover your naked body
“Oh god... Iwa-chan is going to kill me,” Oikawa let’s out before gulping nervously
As you two begin to put together the pieces of last night, you let out a little giggle
Oikawa is actually horrified and is slightly shaking as he asks you what’s so funny
“Isn’t it so funny how I haven’t seen you in over a year and this is the first thing we do when you come back?”
He’s scratching the back of his head and turns a dark shade of red
And that’s when you had a brilliant idea
You pick up the phone and dial Iwaizumi’s number, eagerly awaiting his answer to tell him everything that happened
“Hey y/n, what’s up? You do realize our timezones are hours apart and I should be sleeping right now.”
“OIKAWA AND I HAD S*X!!!” You shout excitedly
You put him on speaker when he didn’t speak for a couple seconds
Oikawa is literally shivering in the corner with no clothes on and you’re roaring with laughter
“P-please spare me!” Oikawa interrupts meekly
“But... just tell him to take good care of you since I can’t be there. You hear me shittykawa? Take good care of my little sister. Part of her belongs to you now.”
Oikawa looks from you to the phone and back to you before giving you a firm nod and a “yes sir” to the phone
Well, I guess that’s one way to start a relationship
—Kuroo Tetsurou
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You met Kuroo the same time he met Kenma
The three of you went to the same middle school and Kuroo is the reason why you decided to play volleyball
Your job as the libero was full of diving so of course you would go hang out with Kuroo and Kenma full of fresh bruises and scrapes
Kuroo was always super protective of you from the get go and never wanted you to feel any sort of pain so it wasn’t a surprise when he was the first to help you clean up your wounds
He likes to tease you from time to time about how a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be hurting herself like that but has always supported you whenever you lost a game and encouraged you to carry on
So when you decided to go pro after highschool, he was right by your side
And it was even better since he worked with the Japan Volleyball Association
But after a devastating loss against one of the best teams in the league, you were a crying mess in Kuroo’s arms
He held you tighter than he’s ever held you and whispered words of encouragement as you two sat on your bedroom floor
And you two did the regular ritual for a depressing night where you down shot after shot while letting out every worry and doubt you’ve ever had
You were lost in the alcohol and the room was swirling more than you’ve ever experienced
You woke up to a pair of familiar biceps around your body
As you turn your body to face him, you’re met with a sly grin and beaming eyes
“GET OFF OF ME YOU BAFFOON” you cry out as you try to shove the beautiful man off your bed
“That’s not what you were saying last night,” Kuroo responds while cocking a brow
“Oh shut it you Cheshire Cat,” you mumble half-heartedly
He snakes his arm back around you and inhales the sweet scent of your neck before continuing to talk
“You know princess, if I had known you would be this good, I would’ve hit on you a looong time ago.”
You roll your eyes at his comment before surprising him by cuddling him back
“It’s not like I would’ve let you,” you mumble back
You feel him press a soft kiss on your head before holding you even closer
The day after, you two met up with Kenma for dinner and he immediately picked up on your guys’ suspicious behaviour
“You guys had s*x didn’t you,” he deadpans
“KENMA AJAOSNOSKS” was literally your reaction
Kuroo just sat there like a sly kitty cat
“You told him didn’t you?” You basically sneer
“Ah ah ah, a man never kisses and tells. Or in this case, smashes and tells?”
“No y/n, you just happen to smell like trash today so I assumed Kuroo left his mark on you.”
“HEY I’m not trash!” Kuroo barks back with a slight pout on his face
He pulls you closer until you were basically one nose apart
“Although, I don’t mind leaving my mark on you to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
Kenma: get me out of here
@janellion @darkdinosaurpeanut @personality-still-downloading
People who may enjoy hcs of their lovers:
@herakosmos @myhaikyuuhq @shrimpyblog @sugacookiies @anianimol @spicyricerice @sstardusty
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arhvste · 4 years
Hi! I saw your Dad hcs and istg I wanted more 🥺 can you please make a part two with Sakusa (God i love this man) Hinata, Bokuto and Ushijima (do add more if you want) your works are amazing but the Dad hcs got me 💘
i re-read all my work last night and i consciously kept spelling sakusa’s name wrong 🤠 like i know his name i know what it sounds like but i kept getting mixed up between sasuka, sakura and sasuke because they all look the same to me 😳 I'm sorry sakusa pls forgive me 😼
also i will be doing ushijima in a seperate post for dad hcs with two other haikyuu boys a bit later so dw i haven't accidentally missed or ignored it! :) 
the two fo you only have one kid so far
a 3 year old girl 
you plan to extend your family soon though 👀
you already KNOW this man gets your kid every vaccination available for their age 
he is very protective over his daughter 
boys near her daughter at the playground
NOT on his watch 
he will simply scoop her up and suggest she play somewhere else 
this man doesn't care how mean it may seem
he’s not having his precious daughter surrounded by disgusting b-boys 🤮
“have they had their flu jabs? when was the last time they washed their hands? they're breathing their gross little germs too close to her”
“sakusa, they’re 3.”
sorry but no dating for your daughter 
sakusa teaches his little girl the concept of “boys have cooties” from a very young age 
this man is nothing but proud when that concept sticks with her 😈
“d/n, are you excited for pre-school?”
“daddy said there's going to be boys and boys have cooties so no 😠”
as she gets older though he does become more lenient with her and who she makes friends with 
he’ll secretly love it if you brought her to his games
he’s not huge on pda at all
but he won’t mind being caught on camera embracing the two of you when the team win 
atsumu is not allowed near your daughter when she’s a baby
“omi omiiiii why can’t i ‘ave a look t’cha daughter?”
“because she has been vaccinated and i fear your disgusting germs may be strong enough to over power it”
when she gets older though she straight up approaches atsumu on her own 
“so you’re the rat my daddy talks about a lot? you don’t look like much of a rat?”
atsumu doesn’t know whether he’s flattered that sakusa talks about him or offended that he refers to him as a ‘rat’
he won’t encourage your daughter to play volleyball
he wants her to pick her own hobbies and not feel pressured by his influence on picking an activity she’ll enjoy
secretly hopes your daughter takes up an individual activity like painting or something to keep away from other germ infected kids
but if your daughter does happen to pick a team sport he doesn't complain
she just has to wash her hands before she comes home and have a shower when she comes in
he is a very very proud father 
he may not be very expressive about it 
but he absolutely brags about his kid to other people
“my son won maths star of the week!”
“yeah? well my daughter won student of the year, highest achieving in her class and had 4 boys confess to her this week so”
he does make sure his daughter knows he is very proud of her despite his petty bragging
anything she does he takes pride in her 
it’s her who makes him want to have another kid
so get ready for round two y/n because when sakusa wants something he’ll make sure he gets it 😼
now, you may think hinata would be nothing but pure chaos with his kids 
he is actually very responsible 
it’s hardly a surprise though because he grew up with a younger sister whom he took care of a lot 
from the second your triplet boys are born hinata is on it 
at first when you found out you were having triplets your mind went blank
“so like, 3 little shoyou’s running around my legs? 😀”
“ma’am are you okay?”
“i’m finE :)))”
surprisingly  two of your sons took more after you
but the youngest one 
he doesn't have an off switch 
he’s just like his father 
but that’s what makes him so loveable too
hinata is a doting dad 
he also encourages his kids to go out and make as many friends
he explains all the opportunities he had growing up and how far these opportunities took him to reach is goal
and this is all because he was open to meeting new people and being friendly with them
he makes sure his kids grow up with lots of aunts and uncles surrounding them
he wants his sons to grow up in a close environment 
your kids have so many aunts and uncles because hinata makes a new friend everywhere he goes ufshfi
your oldest son takes a liking to kenma the most 
your second oldest takes a shine to uncle oikawa
and the youngest?
uncle kaegyama ofc 😈
lmao when kageyama holds one of your sons for the first time he holds it by the leg with a straight face 
nobody thought they’d ever see hinata having to show kageyama how to hold a baby properly 
kageyama is lowkey excited he’s the fav but he’s so awkward fjishsgjh
bring your sons to his games 
he will absolutely smile and wave at his kids whenever he scores
and will pull them out excitedly into the arena when they win 
he has you all plastered on his social media 
he thinks everyone should know that you guys are the light of his life
he already had a fulfilled life before his sons but you gave him a whole new concept of love and excitement when they were born
you guys will totally take a vacation to brazil at some point 
hinata wants your family to meet all his friends over in brazil too 
hinata is mr worldwide 😎
with hinata as a dad, your kids will grow up in a very nurturing home
he wants the best for your kids and will teach them from an early age that any goal is possible 
and he’ll support them in every single way he can
hinata as a dad isn’t chaos 
bokuto as a dad certainly is
he’s basically a child himself 
you guys have 2 kids
a 5 year old son and a 6 year old daughter
bokuto will try and BEFRIEND your kids
“kou baby, they're your kids not your friends”
“uh says who?”
“biology??? their dna?? the birth certificate??”
he literally lets his kids do whatever they want forcing you to be the bad cop (im so sorry)
your kids want ice cream for dinner?
consider it done
they want to adopt a snake?
bokuto has excitedly taken them to the pet store to pick out one each
you’re always the one who has to say no because if you didn’t these kids would be off the r a i l s
the first time your kids cries he cries
the first time your kids talk he cries
the first time they walk he cries
he’s full of emotion and the love he holds for your kids is often expressed through tears of happiness
when you leave bokuto and the kids alone 
things will go smoothly
until one of them starts crying and bokuto can’t stop them
then the other one starts crying and he is clueless on what to do 
he doesn’t want to call you because he doesn’t want to look pathetic 
so he calls the next best option 
uncle akaashi 😼
akaashi is like a walking parent website hfdjbgu
he literally instructs bokuto on what to do through the phone 
and if they still won't calm down akaashi will just sigh and agree to come over
you come home to the sight of akaashi reading a story book to your two kids who are staring up at him in awe from the floor
along with your husband 
“am i interrupting?”
bokuto will break out into smiles and practically pounce on you when you come home
“everything was under control wasn’t it? right akaashi?” :D”
akaashi will just sigh and give a small smile
“yes bokuto-san, everything was under control”
you give akaashi a small smile of apology and he’ll often join you for dinner
yeah your kids spend a lot of time with uncle akaashi but you know who’s adamant on being the favourite uncle?
uncle kuroo ofc 😎
he will spoil tf out of your kids 
we love rich, capitalist uncle kuroo
and he’ll tell them things about bokuto to irritate him
“kids, your dads a criminal he doesn't pay his taxes”
“money everyone has to pay the government - basically it’s illegal and i think you should call the police on your dad 😈”
you actually have to stop your kids from calling the police on their dad fbhjdsfgu
again, another dad who wants nothing more than for his kids to come to his games
no boundaries with pda
will pick you all up and shower you all with affection when they win
would love if your kids took up volleyball
would tell them it’s the best sport to play 
and they actually listen to him hduigefuiew
your son becomes a middle blocker 
and your daughter becomes an ace 
bokuto could die from happiness 
he will absolutely teach your kids and play and bring them to msby practices so they can watch up close and play along too
if bokuto is the father of your kids 
good luck but have fun with it
because while yes, he is still your big baby that needs taking care of from time to time
he is also an extremely loving father who would gladly give his kids the world and all the stars
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“How Did All This Happen?”- A Memoire by one Marinette Dupain-Cheng 5
hi. im back. after slightly longer than usual (my usual was like everyday, not happening again) i have returned. :) this update is also slightly longer than usual too but who complains about that?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
without further ado
Did Marinette Miss Her Own Wedding? I
Constantine was having a horrible time, as far as Marinette could tell. His phone kept ringing, which he was pointedly ignoring, and he looked more and more frustrated as he skimmed through one of his many grimoires. He was also very sober. Maybe that had something to do with it.
After Marinette’s little excursion out with Plagg the previous night, Constantine joined her and her grandfather and explained the lore behind the Renlings and what they were capable of. Marinette was already over it. It’s one thing to be magical guardians of one set magical gods, but animal spirits that transform the wielder into the respective animal is borderline ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. And Constantine wants her to find them. Why not the Justice League? Or their team of proteges? Well, apparently, Constantine has a healthy distrust of the Justice League and magic they are unfamiliar with. Something about a mystical house no longer existing because somebody was suspicious. They fucked around and found out, as Plagg so eloquently put it. She didn’t know how she felt about aiding Constantine in his paranoia.
Anyways, Marinette was now Constantine’s go-to whenever he wanted to keep things away from the JL. She would have said no like a reasonable person, but she was at least getting more magical training and could actually use some of the spells in the Miraculous grimoire. Speaking of which, the grimoire that Constantine was hunching over was supposed to help them in finding the other Prodigiouses. The Kwamis were surprisingly unhelpful as they have never heard of the Prodigiouses or Renlings. 
After what could have been hours of grueling translating and spellwork, Constantine had finally figured out the location of the eight total Renlings and what their prodigiouses looked like. While Marinette and Master Fu began scheming appropriate retrieval plans, Constantine went to answer his many missed calls.
“What?!” Well that sounded concerning. Constantine looked ready to pull his hair out from scalp with tweezers. Whatever news he just received must have been awful for him to lose his composure like this. Good.
“You lot are planning to do what now?” Oh, was this JL business? Should Marinette be listening to this, albeit one-sided, conversation?
“And why do you all need to do this?” 
“Don’t give me that attitude. I’m working on something important.”
“Yes it is important, Zatanna. Please don’t let that group of League Juniors do this.”
“You even got me saying ‘please.’ No I can not tell you why”
“Well what do you mean you can’t trust me?!” This was starting to sound serious. The popcorn that Wayzz brought was also making this ten times more entertaining. 
“Zatanna-” Oh he got cut off. Serves him right.
“Fine, be that way.” Constantine forcefully ended the call and was pouting like a child. 
Marinette didn’t know if she should ask anything but she had the feeling it was related to the prodigiouses and tracking them. Were the League getting involved? It would explain his desperation to not have them interfere. 
“I can’t believe them.” Looks like Marinette didn’t have to make the decision after all. He was going to rant about it.
“What can’t you believe, Constantine?” Her grandfather appeared equally as curious.
“The Team are going to try and track down the prodigiouses. Luckily, they only think there are five rather than eight.” He paused to run his hands through his already disheveled hair. “I don’t know which five they’re tracking. Also, they probably know you have the Snake’s Fang.”
“Pardon?” Marinette doesn’t know what she would do if she was on the Justice League’s most wanted.
“Zatanna didn’t outright say it, but Kobra probably told them it was taken from him. That’s probably how they knew about the others too. Thanks for that.”
“First of all, I didn’t even know what these things were so don’t blame me. Second of all, this could have all been avoided if you just told them!” Marinette did not appreciate the blame being put on her for the League’s involvement. She wasn’t done ripping Constantine a new one yet either. “Especially considering the fact that you knew that their secondary team had a mission there. UN rules or not. But no! You wanted to keep all your magical secrets to yourself. So don’t blame me for the consequences of your own actions.” She was fuming at this point, probably overreacting, but she was tired of cleaning up after people who won’t so much as thank her. 
The ensuing silence was deafening and eyes that weren’t on Marinette were on Constantine. He looked rather surprised at Marinette’s show of spine, probably forgetting that she was born and raised in the League of Shadows. He never will again if he keeps pushing his luck. 
Fu cleared his throat, probably clogged from the awkward tension. “Well, now that that’s all dealt with, do you know what your next move is Constantine? Do we actively hinder the League for the sake of your own peace of mind or do you talk to them and work collaboratively with them?” 
Constantine, who was still doing his best fish impersonation since Marinette—no, Mei Fu—dragged him for everything he’s worth, tried to string together an answer. 
“I still think it’s best we don’t involve the Justice League with this. We should try to intervene and cut off their attempts of retrieving the prodigiouses.” He sounded like a child trying to convince their parents that they didn’t break the expensive vase. Very pitiful and very unconvincing. 
“Fine.” Pardon? Did her grandfather just agree? “We’ll help you keep the prodigiouses and the Renlings away from the Justice League.” Wow. Okay. So he’s just agreeing with him. Three guesses as to who will actually be the one to retrieve them. Wonderful.
Groaning with the weight of a thousand suns, Marinette also voiced her consent. The Kwamis were silent throughout this, not expressing their opinions. Except for Trixx, who had periodically rolled his eyes so hard Marinette would have been concerned he had popped a few blood vessels, if he had any. 
They spent the rest of the week planning and convincing her parents that she wasn’t in danger with her grandfather. They agreed that Marinette would retrieve the Dragon’s Claw first. Despite Brazil being closer, the Monkey’s tail would be harder to find in the dense forestry so they didn’t want to waste time on an extended search until much later. 
If you were to ask Marinette, the week was not enough to prepare. She made arrangements to stay with the Tsurugi family and convinced Kagami to help her in the mission. Her mother would be providing them with non-miraculous weapons as a back-up. Lady Tomoe was too understanding of her daughter being a magic-wielding superhero in Marinette’s opinion. Not one to look a gifted horse in the mouth, Marinette did not make any comments about the very impressive artillery of weapons. She chose a pair of double broadswords while Kagami stuck to a katana. Kagami also had the Dragon and the Ladybug prepared while Marinette stuck to the Tiger and Horse. Plagg didn’t want to miss out on the action and planned to tag along again. Wayzz made an off-handed comment about Plagg’s sixth sense for chaos and his recent desire to accompany Marinette on these missions. Overthinking whatever that was supposed to mean had cost Marinette six hours of sleep. 
While everything had been physically prepared, Marinette had yet to cope with the whole ‘going behind the backs of the Justice League because Constantine was paranoid’ thing. But this will not be the worst thing she has done. She also has the godsend, Kagami, to pull her out of any impending mental spirals. Now all that’s left is to actually get the Dragon’s Claw.
According to Constantine, the Dragon’s Claw was located inside the dojo of a martial arts master, O Sensei. Kagami, to be referred to as Tonbo, meaning Dragonfly, was to guard the perimeter for any individuals who could get in the way, while Marinette, codenamed Tigerlily with this combination of miraculouses, was to find the Dragon’s Claw, camouflaged by the tiger miraculous, and teleport them both back out. It was simple enough in planning and should be simple enough in execution. Even if the sensei of the dojo was to be made aware of their presence, They were expecting the element of surprise to give them an advantage. You know, outside of Marinette’s assassin training. So, yeah the plan was simple.
Except for the part where a group of the young Justice League heroes were already there negotiating with whom she assumed was O sensei. She recognized Kid Flash, Robin and Nightwing. The two women with them were unfamiliar. She also found the Dragon’s Claw in the sensei’s hand. She was positioned on a tree branch looking into a window in the room. If she timed this right, she could grab the necklace and portal out of the room to Tonbo and then portal back to the Tsurugi residence. That plan carries the risk of being seen but the pay-off should be worth it.
Poised to leap from the branch, Tigerlily steadied her breathing and prepared to call on the Horse’s Voyage. Still camouflaged, she jumped through the window and summoned the portal, about to grab for the necklace. Except she grabbed nothing and was suspended in the air. 
Who she knew now was Ms. Martian was using her telekinetic abilities to suspend her. Kid Flash sped his way over and quickly tied her, the contact breaking the camouflage charm. They must have figured she would appear at one of the locations eventually and planned a contingency plan for her appearance. The martian hasn’t read her mind yet, so maybe they thought she was non-hostile. That thought wouldn’t last long however as Tonbo emerged from the portal and, using the Flame Dragon, took down Ms. Martian. Tigerlily used the distraction to undo the bindings and get in a fighting stance. Nightwing and Robin were protecting O sensei while Kid Flash and the other woman charged at the two. 
Kid Flash was circling the two faster and tighter, corralling them together. Tigerlily drew for her broadswords and slashed the old floor boards. Kicking them in Kid Flash’s path, she knocked him off balance and thumped him the back of the head with the butt of her blade, knocking him down. Tonbo called for her Storm Dragon to subdue her opponent, who was also knocked down, then strung up both with the Ladybug yoyo. Tigerlily began a steady approach to the two batboys. She was ready to attack first but Nightwing got the upper hand. He drew his escrima sticks and swiped for Tigerlily’s head. She blocked with one sword and jump kicked to his chest, missing him entirely as he had crouched to sweep her legs from underneath her. Rolling out of the fall, Tigerlily slashed for his rising back but he intercepted with his other stick. He turned to face her and barrelled his full strength into her. They crashed into the nearby wall and at a standstill.
Tonbo was caught in a clash of katanas with Robin, neither side giving way to the other. If Tigerlily was more conscious of their fight than her own, she would have noticed familiar fighting techniques that were ingrained in her since birth. Alas, her attention was on the blue bird in front of her. Using his force that kept her against the wall, She double kicked him in the chest, forcing him away. Robin and Tonbo had broken away from each other and Tonbo aimed to stab Nightwing in the leg. Nonfatally of course, she wasn’t an ex-assassin as far as Tigerlily knew. Right? 
Anyways, her attack switched up the fight as now Tigerlily tried to dodge under Robin's incoming blade. Sliding on her knees, she reached to where O sensei was situated with the Dragon’s Claw. Frustrated with the night’s turn of events and forgetting all sense of pleasantries, Tigerlily tried to grab for the necklace. The business end of a katana was swiftly placed under her jaw. One wrong move meant game over.
“What do you want with the Dragon’s Claw?” Robin sounded like he was holding back from saying something. 
“An acquaintance of mine wishes for you all to not have it. I am merely doing him a favor, Tweety Bird.” Where did that nickname come from? She must have been internally catastrophizing more than she thought she was if she was actually trying to flirt her way out of this. Tonbo’s exasperation was made loud and clear with that answering sigh.
“Flattery gets you nowhere, Mei.” Robin’s arm twitched at that.
“Wait, you know her?” “You know him?” Nightwing’s and Tonbo’s voices overlapped but Tigerlily registered none of it as her ears were ringing with spiked emotions she thought she had buried years ago. Only a few people knew her by that name. Kagami, Chloe, Luka and Adrien were the only people outside of the League of Shadows who knew her by that name. Even then, there was only one person her age with the Shadows who knew her. But it couldn’t be him. He was supposed to be dead. There was no way in hell that the Boy Wonder holding a katana to her throat was—
@deathwishy @neakco @virtualreading @f-rget-lt @your-resident-chicken-nugget @nathleigh @toodaloo-kangaroo @irontimetravelflower @trippingovermyfeet @t1dwarrior-of-earth @tip-tap-tired @fidget-eep @thenillabean @officiallydarkgeek @mystery-5-5 @moonlightstar64 @just-an-observer-ignore-me @nightstarblue @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @fan-written @jjmjjktth @vixen-uchiha @zorua-adorable @nnon-it-up 
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furuyalover · 3 years
— ᥫ᭡ for: @kirishima-cheeks
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your matchup is… 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝒀𝑶 𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑨
idk if you’re aware but i LOVE the introverted sarcastic gf & extroverted bubbly bf trope <3 SO YOU & HINATA ARE PERFECT FOR THAT
you balance each other out so well <3 and you two would be so cute *sobs*
how you met & your first date
he was your classmate and while you tried to seem indifferent towards his antics, you couldn’t help but smile with him because the boy has a contagious smile.. when you got to know him you learned he’s really sweet and he even plays volleyball! but he was just as eager to get to know you too
your first date was after one of hinata’s games! you cheered him on as you watched him play, but as soon as the game was over you greeted him with a hug, and congratulated him on the win! then you both went to a nearby ice cream place, got some ice cream, then just walked around a park and watched the sunset. this was a great way to just talk to him more <3
some relationship hcs!
shoyo KNOWS that you pretend to not like his cheesy affection, which is why he’s over the top lovey dovey all the time. yes he is sincere with his words + actions, but the fact that he knows the affect it has on makes it even more fun for him >:D
a great listener. doesn’t matter what you’re telling him, if you’re talking in his general vicinity you have his undivided attention and he’s so focused it’s so cute
in all of your pictures together shoyo is smiling from ear to ear and has the biggest grin on ever, while you let a small smile peak through. he loooves your smile and even if it’s a small one he gets so happy when he sees it :’)
he brags about how he’s the only one that can make you smile <3 while its not entirely false you sarcastically assure the people he’s bragging to you’re capable of smiling but you’re saying this while you’re smiling bc of shoyo….
your song!
brazil by declan mckenna
shoyo + this song makes so much sense. whenever either of you hear this song it makes you think of the other. you came across this song while on a walk together on accident, and you made a remark like “oh shit wait this song is kinda good” then shoyo would always play it when he was with you, and surprisingly neither of you have gotten sick of it yet
runners up
KOUTAROU BOKUTO: HES SO BUBBLY ITS SO CUTE! he’s honestly like hinata 2.0, but the only reason why i didn’t choose him is bc i feel like he’s kind of clingy and codependent which could be an issue for you… other than that he’s a good option for you!
GOJO SATORU: gojo satoru. what is there to say about him that hasn’t been said already. NO IM KIDDING HED BE GREAT FOR YOU! if you like someone who giggles and will flirt with you gojo is perfect for you! THE ONLY DOWNSIDE IS THAT HES AN ANNOYING LITTLE SHIT LMAO
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eucherry · 4 years
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         hello everyone !  i’m b and i’m very happy to be here !  i look forward to writing with and getting to know you all !  ♡  but before all that ,  allow me to introduce my daughter sherry ,  better known as cherry !  here is a little carrd that i’m currently working on for her .  it only has her stats at the moment ,  but i’ll add more stuff as soon as i can !  let’s begin the rambling !
⟨ BRUNA MARQUEZINE. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, SHERRY “CHERRY” VAZ is actually a descendent of HYPNOS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old NURSING MAJOR from NEW YORK, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite COMPASSIONATE & WORRISOME.
          sherry luiza vaz was born on may 13th ,  1998 ,  in new york city .  her mother ,  juliana pereira vaz ,  was a writer who had never quite pictured herself as a motherly person ;  she was the daughter of an immigrant couple who hailed from brazil ,  and starting a family had never been a priority ,  or even an item in her bucket list .  sherry wasn’t planned ,  she was but the consequence of a night of curiosity and interest in a man unlike any juliana had ever seen .  yet at the same time ,  it only took one look at the crying baby’s face for her to realize she’d do anything for that child .
         growing up ,  sherry was always a cheerful and energetic child .  she was quick to make friends ,  surrounding herself with all kinds of people  ---  but mostly good ones .  she loved to go on adventures ,  to learn new things everyday and discover the world little by little .  while raising a child on her own wasn’t an easy task ,  juliana did wonderful ,  and nothing lacked for the little girl with bright eyes and red - colored lips .  
        every night ,  her mother would read her a bedtime story ,  which was probably the little girl’s favorite time of the day .  whether it was from exhaustion or due to the sweet tales that cradled her brain ,  sleeping was never a problem for cherry .  if anything ,  it was just an extension of her ever exciting daytime activities .  it was when she felt at her peak !
         as cherry got older ,  the curiosity surrounding her mysterious father began to grow .  she wasn’t quite sure why ,  but she would often see a strange man in her dreams and surprisingly enough ,  he wouldn’t say much about himself .  in fact ,  he’d tell her about her “powers” ,  or things she would be able to do in no time .  it wasn’t long after his first visit that cherry found herself levitating in her sleep ,  only to be woken up by a scream coming from her own mother .  it was right then and there that she was claimed by hypnos ,  &  the rest is history !
       flash forward to the present day ,  and cherry couldn’t be happier .  despite the many differences ,  the demigod camp from years ago  &  eonia have become a second home to her and although she misses her mother dearly ,  not to mention every little corner of new york ,  she loves the feeling of belonging ,  of being a part of something new .  she’s currently in her junior year as a nursing student and if you see her around campus ,  don’t hesitate to say hi !  chances are she’ll invite you to grab some coffee and ask what you dreamed about last night .
hypnokinesis — every other night, cherry will wander into her friends’s dreams. rare are the times she makes herself noticeable, but those who she is closest with might notice her presence; a calm aura, almost as if to let them know that nothing bad will happen, for she’s keeping an eye on their dream. for her, making sure her loved ones have a good night’s sleep is a duty, but also extremely fun! of course, if someone hurts her or someone she cares about, they should expect no rest for however long the demigod sees fit.
shapeshifting — being observant in nature, there’s been countless times throughout her life where cherry shifted into different creatures, often small in size, to blend in with her surroundings and be able to simply watch people as they went on about their days. one of her favorite past times was to transform into a small bird, much like her father, and people watch from the top of a branch in between the many trees of the central park. slowly but surely, she’s been learning to shift into bigger creatures, hoping to be able to shift into a wolf one day. so far, her list includes a variety of birds, a doe and a bunny.
memory retrieval — during cherry’s teenage years, there was a period of time where her mother struggled with providing for the two of them. as a means of helping her mother and having recently discovered her ability to play with memories, the girl started to secretly offer her services to people who were desperate to forget something. anything. an embarrassing occurrence, heartbreak, a bad memory … all they had to do was say the word, and cherry guaranteed they’d find the will to move on with their life within the next forty-eight hours. of course, her results were always positive, and people were eternally grateful for her service, despite not being able to understand just how it worked, or come they’d always feel as though a weight had been lifted off their shoulders.
levitation — one of her favorite abilities. levitation was the first power to blossom inside her, and is still one of her favorites to this day. it isn’t unusual to catch cherry levitating while she sleeps, or even while she’s focused on a book. it’s a very nifty skill to have, and she absolutely no problem using it to make life easier !
seeing the gods in dreams — while being a helpful skill (especially when she wants to communicate with her father), cherry tends to avoid seeing the gods as much as possible, and rarely seeks to find one of them in her sleep. it’s not that she’s afraid of them, but she simply would rather keep her distance unless communication is extremely necessary.
friends !  cherry is an extremely sociable person ,  and loves meeting new people .  if you’re nice to her ,  chances are she’ll like you right away and boom ,  a wonderful friendship is sure to blossom !
cherry’s please-help-me-i-can’t-sleep list !  while she avoids using her powers so as to dodge any trouble ,  there’s been a couple occasions where she may or may not have dabbled into people’s sleep in order to help improve it .  it would be really interest to see the dynamic between her and someone who relies or once relied on her abilities to get some rest !
a sibling - like relationship !  despite being twenty - two ,  cherry feels a certain level of responsibility for most people in her life ,  even the ones older than her .  please let her be the protective sister no one asked for oh god .
an ex / past fling !  this is pretty self explanatory ,  but yes !  we can talk about how and why things ended and whatnot ,  and where they stand !  cherry is a firm believer of love ,  so it’s only natural that she’s been in love once or twice or however many times .
a friend with benefits / one night stand !  while these kinds of relationships aren’t her favorite ,  i can see her having made an exception once  ---  or perhaps still making an exception .  she’s not proud of it ,  but it happens !
anything your heart desires !  i’m open to all things ,  so just hit me up on discord or IMs !
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disaster-fruit · 4 years
do you have any random Brazil headcanons? I already learned a lot about him but everything you say about him is gold (heh) so I’m interested in anything you have to say about him! I want to UNDERSTAND him more 👀👀
He is a dumbass. Big dumbass. But he’s not DUMB. He’s actually very smart, but in an unusual, unconventional way. He doesn’t read thousands of books or is super great at math or anything, but he has a creative cleverness that can genuinely surprise people when he shows it. Basically, boy can look at any problem and see the weirdest (and maybe a little dangerous bc dumbass) solutions that no one else would even think, and tHEY WORK
Adores America as we know but its MEGA SALTY abt him insisting that the Wright bros invented the airplane when brazil KNOWS THE FACTS.
On that matter yes he can absolutely fly a plane
Listens to the weirdest songs unironically. His playlist is a mess, and half of it is meme songs that he listens 5 years later in the bus.
Barefoot or flip flops 99% of the time
Loves animals, but can’t teach his dog tricks if his life depends on it. Lucky Tomé is there to teach Zé to sit bc brazil is completely helpless on that area
He doesn’t actually care about the gold. He just likes to annoy Portugal. 
He smells REALLY GOOD. Everyone asks what perfumes he uses and he’s just like ??? idk dude I just showered today ??? and ok maybe its bc he showers 2 or 3 times a day.
People look at him and just how generally HotTM he is (I mean we Are talking about the world’s most iconic ass after all) and assume he gets around but he really doesn’t hahsua of all the things he and port have in common, being a slut is not one of them.
Can play a lot of instruments and has a lovely singing voice that is surprisingly deep (like, considerably deeper than his speaking voice). Give the boy a guitar and tell him to play some bossa nova and watch everyone in the room instantly fall in love with him
Learned to play electric guitar in the 60s, and played it a lot during the dictatorship, in secret.
BUT ALSO KARAOKE. Loves karaoke. Absolutely has those old videoke things (I don’t know if that’s a thing anywhere else but Brazilians know what im talking about AQUELE LEAO VERDE ESTRANHO DE FESTA DE VELHO) . A lot of it has to do with the big Japanese influence here
Also he always sings vira vira on karaoke mocking port’s accent to make fun of him. When Port is drunk enough, he might sing Maria’s part.
Also yeah he really likes Japan in general ?? like a lowkey crush that is way too old for him lol
Has hours long conversations in portunhol with Uruguay over the phone.
On that note Uruguay is his best friend like as a person. America is who he THINKS is his best friend but is not. Venezuela and Colombia are also special friends.
Angola would be his best friend but she’s already his sister so it’s a different level. Also they totally roast each other 24/7 but go full “EXCUSE YOU ???” when someone else says to the other the things they can say specially if someone is port
Commercially he’s close to china but I don’t think they would be actual friends beyond business.
Him and Argentina go on a totally not romantic trip to Iguaçu Falls together every year. They both pretend they don’t really care about it and its tradition or whatever like its not special SURE
Also him and Argentina are SO CHAOTIC. These two be getting drunk and riding motorcycles naked in front of Uruguay’s house at 3 am and then not remembering shit the next day, but Uru has the video.
Has a…. complicated relationship with the state-tans, especially Pernambuco, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. Is closer to Rio de Janeiro.
Still lives with his mom
 Lol this got super long asdhusd but look! Theyre mostly fluff! That is unusual. Also feel free to ask anything specific you want to know about him, I love rambling about my boy!!! And I am gonna work on that imperial brazil ask I didn’t forget it I promise
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Who: Vernon
Word Count: 1655 words
Warnings: None really.
Request: Yes. “hi!! could u possibly do a husband!vernon scenario. im feeling extra fluffy tonight lol”
I hope you enjoy this, it started as a husband au but then I got sucked into the domestic black hole and it ended up being mostly a father au.
Vernon is young, so for him to get married, he’d have to be like 300% sure they were the right person. 
Like he’d want to be 200% sure before he proposed and 300% sure before he was ready to put a ring on it finally.
The wedding was probably highkey planned by his sister and mom, like honestly, he would just want you to be happy and probably give you the reigns over it and they were so excited you passed the control to them.
You know those men that cry when watching their bride walk down the aisle, Vernon is one of those men.
Before the wedding Vernon would probably be like “Baby you’ll probably cry more than I do”, but then plot twist you aren’t crying but he’s crying badly.
He probably starts to mutter “Damn I’m marrying her” and “How did I get such an attractive wife” and “How does she look so beautiful” under his breath, when he sees you, before the tears start.
For a good thirty minutes after the I do’s, he’s just staring into space because it hasn’t hit him he’s married now.
When it hits him he’s married, he’s introducing you to everyone as his wife and Mrs. Chwe.
Like he just introduced you to his sister as Mrs. Chwe and it’s like “Honey I’ve known her for years” but he’s like “Yeah, but not as Mrs. Chwe.”
Your honeymoon is probably to somewhere that you never thought about visiting for your honeymoon, like Thailand or Brazil, like somewhere that isn’t usually the first honeymoon spot that people think of.
Vernon probably planned the honeymoon so expect to do some of the cliche honeymoon things, and some not as cliche things.
Like he’ll take you snorkeling but also hiking, he’ll take you horseback riding but also just like half a movie night in where you are staying.
He probably has to carry you across the threshold, like he feels like it’s not official unless he does.
You 99% believe he’ll manage to slam your head against the doorframe, but surprisingly, he doesn’t. 
He probably carries you in and then into the bedroom and drops you on the bed, and then looks at you while raising his brows, but you are just like “Vernon, it’s like three in the afternoon, no.”
But he suffices for cuddling you while watching the tv.
Your first night as a married couple will be hella sweet, like he’ll get your favorite foods and give you a candle light dinner, and you are like “Babe you didn’t have to” and he’s like ‘“You should have told me that before I did it.”
You think he’s joking, but he’s not, he’s serious, had you told him he wouldn’t have done it.
He probably plans this hella romantic evening for your first night as a married couple, but then he knocks a candle over and sets something on fire and you’re like yep, mood ruined and nothing happens.
He’d honestly be such a devoted husband, like you are his ride or die and he is your ride or die.
He’d always be there when you need him, like you are sad and he’s at practice, he’s leaving to come home and cuddle you.
He’d send you little gifts when he’s away from you, to remind you that he loves you.
He probably writes raps about you and how much he loves you.
He could probably make a full album with just songs he’s written about you.
He has his moments of being awkward and shy though, like you’ve been married years and he gets all blushy if he walks in on you changing, and it’s just like “You’ve seen it all before why are you covering your eyes”.
He’d random come home with flowers for you whenever he does something that he knows you’ll be mad about, but since he’s usually not like that, you are like “What did you do” and he’s like “Why did I have to do something maybe I just wanted to get you flowers” and you are like “Hansol” and he’s like “Sorry I accidentally spilled something on your jacket”, but the flowers lessen your anger.
He constantly kisses you, like you’ll be in the middle of a sentence and he’ll kiss you and be like “You looked so adorable I just had to.”
He won’t admit it, but he loves seeing you wearing his clothing, like he loves nothing more.
You two probably adopt a dog or cat or both, and then take the dog for walks daily, and just do cute domestic things.
For the first few years, like first five, children isn’t a discussion you have. 
It’s not that either of you are against the idea of children, it’s just you are young and don’t really want to start a family yet.
When you did talk about it, he would respect your wishes 100%.
Like you don’t want children, fine by him, you can adopt another animal or two.
You want a big family, fine by him, he just wants to know when you can start trying.
You want children but don’t want to actually give birth, he’s contacting the adoption agencies and arranging visits.
Honestly he wants whatever you want, you could say you want an alpaca farm and he’s asking you how many alpacas.
If you decide to have children and are pregnant, he’d probably never leave your side.
Even if Seventeen is having a comeback soon, he’s dragging you into the studio and practice room since he doesn’t feel like it’s safe leaving you at home.
He probably spends more time asking you if you are alright than actually doing his work.
Honestly all of Seventeen spends more time asking you if you are alright than doing their work.
The members probably suggest baby names and stuff, and you have to be like “No Mingyu, we aren’t naming the baby BongBong”, “No Jeonghan we aren’t naming it after you”, and “No Seungkwan we won’t let you name the baby”, it happens daily..
The baby will have 12 uncles, which is good, since free babysitters.
When you do have children, whether adopted or yours or even just animals you call your children, he’ll be honestly the best father.
Like he’s always up for bathing them and feeding them, now changing them might take a bit for him to warm up to, but everything else he’s willing to do.
He’ll always offer to go to the store, whether it’s something you are craving at 1 am, or you need more diapers.
He probably has a mandatory thirty minutes of baby and me time daily, where it’s just him and the baby.
During that time he probably softly sings to the baby or raps or plays music he’s working on for it.
Hansol is that father that would have his baby backstage at his concerts wearing those cute little noise blocking headphones, since he wants his baby to see why he’s so passionate about music.
He probably brings the baby on stage at least once a show also, the baby is a month old and has a fandom like let’s be serious. 
The baby is the unofficial 14th member of Seventeen, at this point.
He’s into matching outfits, but not with you, but with the baby.
Like he buys matching little jeans and a leather jacket for the baby, and it’s adorable.
He probably has an instagram where he just post cute family pics of you all and baby pics.
Your child is like three months old and probably been offered a modeling contract or something since the baby is so cute.
Hansol says it’s all because no child of his can be ugly, and takes full credit for the baby’s cuteness and it’s like um it takes two to make a child.
I can see Hansol wanting at least two children, so if you have any, it’ll probably be two at the least maybe three.
And Hansol would be the same for all of them, and buy matching outfits for all of them, even the girls, all of them are dressed like their dad, but you are dressed different since he’s not into couple outfits.
Your children are all unofficial members of Seventeen, and honestly Hansol’s jealous since their fandoms are probably bigger than his because who can resist babies.
Hansol is always up for helping with the children, around the house, just really anything.
You could tell him to mow the carpet and he’d probably ask where the mower is but not question why. 
He’s a pta dad, because he is highly concerned with the quality of education his children are getting. 
If his children were girls, he’d be that father that always volunteers to chaperone the school dances since no boys are going near his daughters.
He also volunteers to chaperone field trips because he’s honestly just a big kid and wanted to go to the museum or zoo also.
He’s known as that dad, the one that always sends tons of snacks and treats for the kids.
Your family is that family, the one that all the other kids in class love and you both don’t mind.
Honestly even the other parents love you both, since they can tell you aren’t only concerned for your own children, but also the others.
Like all the children in your children’s classes are your children now.
He’s also that parent that always jumps to volunteer for fundraising events and all, and volunteers you also.
Like that one time he agreed to cosponsor the bake sale, and then just told you that you needed to make like 30 dozen cookies and 15 pies and they need to be done in 2 days, and it’s like “Really Hansol”.
You two would honestly have just the cutest relationship ever, and he’d be pretty much everything you could ever want. 
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langblog · 7 years
11 questions tag
thank u @lemonadeandlanguages & @amor-fusion (i kno u tagged me a while ago and i told myself i would get to it eventually so here i am!!) for tagging me!!
1. post the rules
2. answer the questions given to you.
3. make 11 questions of your own.
4. tag 11 people.
@lemonadeandlanguages questions:
1. what languages have u studied?
mandarin, french, portuguese, spanish, a couple years ago i learned how to read hangul, & when i was in like 7th grade i learned a couple of signs in asl (idk if that counts lmao but w/e)
2. if you could have one wish granted, what would it be?
hmm this one is kinda hard bc up to now one of my greatest wishes was to see fob live and i did on sunday !! i guess maybe have a successful career and be financially stable 🤔
3. whats your favorite season? why?
i havent experienced seasons in years tbh over here is just Hot and Humid but i guess i would say fall 🍂
4. what language are you most comfortable speaking in?
5. did you ever sleep with a stuffed animal? how old were you when you stopped?
wym stop i still do sometimes when i get really scared at night 😤
6. do you spend a lot of time on tumblr?
hell yea i do i have 3 different blogs that i run
7. if you could study anything in university, what would it be? why?
if this is referring to just one class i guess portuguese bc i was really looking forward to taking it next semester but i had to switch it out for psychology 😔
8. whats your favorite tv show?
wow well rn im obsessed with stranger things i finished season 2 last night and it was just amazing i would DIE for the whole cast BUT my fav show ever would have to be the office
9. have you ever visited a country where you didnt speak the language? how did you communicate?
yes!! i’ve been to a couple of countries where i dont speak the language but fortunately in france, italy, portugal, and brazil, a lot of people speak spanish so thats how we got by. but in russia & the czech republic, we got by through our tour guides who did speak english and they showed us around the cities
10. are you shy?
yes definitely i am and surprisingly im more shy on the internet than in real life bc all my mutuals seem like such cool people that i want to talk to but i get way too intimidated so i kinda just keep to myself most of the time lmao
11. whats a fun fact about yourself?
i hate scary movies and getting scared so much but its ironic bc my fav movie of all time is a horror movie (the shining)
@amor-fusion questions:
1. what target languages do you want to learn?
well apart from the languages i already am learning i would like to learn asl, arabic, japanese, & italian in the future
2. whats the funniest word in your target language(s)?
mandarin: 屁 pì - fart (im literally 10 years old guys)
portuguese: borboleta - butterfly (its not really as funny as it is amusing the way its pronounced idk)
italian (its not a tl of mine but still): burro - butter (i find this funny bc burro in spanish is donkey)
3. what advice would you give to aspiring polyglots?
dont give up!!!! no matter how hard it gets!!! also dont feel bad if u need to take a break and come back later ur target language isnt going anywhere
4. would you learn a minority/ endangered language?
tbh i wouldn’t im just not very interested in them atm but who knows maybe i’ll change my mind later
5. what places do you wanna visit?
wow so many places but im too lazy to list them all lmao
6. do you have friends in your target language?
yes! i have one friend in brazil who i met in my junior year he actually inspired me to learn portuguese lmao
7. would you consider working in a field related to languages?
yup im actually aspiring to be an interpreter
8. is there a holiday you like in your target languages?
im assuming this question means holidays in the countries where my tls are spoken and yess i really like the chinese new year & mid autumn festival as well as carnaval in brazil
9. whats your favorite food?
pancakes 🥞🤤
10. if you had to convince a person to learn one language (any language), what language would it be and why?
M A N D A R I N like its such a beautiful language and its so fun??? plus its the language with the most native speakers so why not 🤷🏻‍♀️
11. are there any memes in your target language(s) that you would like to share?
umm yea but they’re videos on instagram so idrk how i would share them here :-/
ok now my questions:
1. what is your fav song in each of your target languages?
2. what is your fav method of studying your target language(s)?
3. are there any tongue twisters you know in you target language(s)?
4. do you have any hobbies?
5. who are your favorite bands/artists/groups?
6. if you could become fluent in any language that isnt your target language what would it be?
7. what is something that most people dont know about you?
8. how long have you been studying your target language(s)?
9. what is your dream job?
10. what would you do if you woke up and realized you were in a country whose language you did not speak?
11. what do you like the most about your native language?
i tag @somalang @watashiwahaksaeng @woailanguages @rosyrevision @stuclyblrs @spanishland @aspoonfuloflanguage @chat-got-your-langue @bonbonlanguage @lukas-langs @languagemoon
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thiagosalcantaras · 7 years
Football tag game
1. Gigi Buffon or Manuel Neuer?  Interesting since one is the goaler on my NT and the other the goalkeeper of my club. However I think everyone knows what my answer is. At present Neuer is better, but there’s of course a big age difference and Gigi still slays at 39 years. My answer is Gigi. He’s not only my all-time fave but also the reason I even started watching football in the first place.
2. Why is your favourite player your favourite player? I don’t even know why Gigi is my favourite, he was always just… there. I always truly admired him off and on the pitch, and when I was young I used to watch many matches just to see him tbh. Same thing with Basti, but I fell in love with him even more during the World Cup 2014 final. I saw a side of him I had never seen that strong before. A fighter. Then with Thiago I remember the exact moment I did. When I started following Bayern, he had already moved to the club but he was injured so I didn’t get to see him play straight away. Then a few months after I saw him play I started really liking him, but the moment he won my heart was when I was scrolling through Tumblr one afternoon (I looked it up a few days ago and it was actually on December 4th 2014) and I saw a gif set of his celebration when he scored a goal in the 93rd against Stuttgart and won us the match. He kneeled down with his face in his hands, nearly crying, and the others were all around him hugging him ahhh binch it was the cutest I’m getting emotional writing this
3. How long have you been supporting your club and what made you support them? I started supporting them in April 2014. Idk, I used to say to people I supported Juve just to be like my mum but I didn’t really feel that connection to them the same way I did with the Italy NT and my local club, so I knew they weren’t really my team. My brother and father support Bayern and I always used to interest myself in them wayyy more than in Juve. On April 9th Bayern were playing Manchester United. I was just doing my homework when suddenly I just called mum and was like “Can I go to the Bayern supporters club with dad and [my brother]?” They were all confused, but they let me go. I just knew I belonged there.
4. Who do you think is going to win the World Cup next year and why? Ohhh it’s a bit early to tell I guess. I’d say Spain have a pretty good chance tbh.
5. Best goal ever? I’m probably forgetting many goals, but one that I couldn’t shut up about is Florenzi’s goal against Barca. It was insane.
6. Best moment in football? There are too many and I’ve only been a football fan for 3 years, I don’t know much about anything before 2014. One that makes me really emotional was when Brazil were knocked out of the 2014 World Cup and that supporter handed the trophy he was holding to a German supporter. Bayern vs. Juve in the 2016 CL was pretty damn amazing, as well as Liverpool vs. Dortmund. Idk I’m probably forgetting many other great moments, those are the first that came to mind.
7. First football memory? I have no idea what match it was, but all I remember is we were sitting in the living room watching the German NT and I was thinking about how cute Ballack was ansksndkskd he was my first football crush, but then in that same match he got injured 🤷🏽
8. Who do you think is going to win Champions League this year? who do you WANT to win Champions League this year?  I think it’s between Real Madrid (yes I’m being a negative Nancy for next Tuesday once again) and Juve. Of course I’d want Bayern to win, though the odds are a bit against us now. Then tbh I’m rooting for Juve as much as I’m rooting for Bayern, not for Juve itself but just for Gigi. I’d give up anything to see him lift the Champions League once in his career. No one deserves it as much as him, and some people would then stop saying that goalkeepers X and Y are better than him just because they have won the CL. It’s not like the entire team depends on him, so the honours of a club do not reflect the work a footballer puts in, but that’s how some dumbasses see it. 9. Player you hate the most?  Just one? Pepe, Pique, Suarez, Diego Costa…
10. Have you met any of your favourite players? If not, who would you like to meet? Aha, so I’ve met quite a few I guess I’m pretty damn lucky. I’ve seen all of the Croatian NT and met & took pictures with Olic, Pivaric, Vrsaljko, Rakitic and Vida. I met Lena Lotzen, Clara Schöne, Katrin Hartmannsegger and Sarah Romert from Bayern's Ladies team. Then I also saw all of the Italy NT. Pelle and Zaza waved at me, then I met & got the signature of/took pictures with Immobile, Darmian, De Rossi and Florenzi (aaaahhhhh 😍😍😍😍). I also got Gigi’s signature, but that’s cause one of the security guards saw me waiting there for 9 hours and felt sorry for me so he took my jersey and asked him to sign it for me, bless him. But I didn’t exactly meet him, I just saw him like 5 times though. Then I wouldn’t exactly consider myself lucky on this but I SORT OF MET THIAGO??? That was actually the worst though lmao we were exactly 6 people outside and his driver stopped his car, then Thiago signed exactly 4 people’s jerseys. The other two were my father and I. I was next, I was literally less then one foot away from him (he looks even lovlier irl aaaahhh help). Then his driver drove off hahaHAHAHA im not ok. (I got so frustrated that about 2 hours later I was still trying to hold the tears back, which then resulted into the only nosebleed I’ve ever had in my life and it ended up all over the jersey I had just bought the day before HAHAHAHAfuck.) I mean I’d be happy meeting anyone tbh, but I’d love to get a proper shot at meeting both Gigi and Thiago, and also Basti. I really want to meet Florenzi again because the moment he left I just really regretted not hugging him lmao. Also yikes I talk too much.
This was hella fun, thank you so much for the tag @ilmiracolodigigibuffon 💕 Even though I talk a lot, surprisingly enough I suck at asking questions, so I’m not going to tag anyone.
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fishingowls · 7 years
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(Versión en Español más abajo)
How do your friends call you? Back in Brazil people call me Ju, but in America is kind of weird coz it sounds like jew, so some people call me Juls, no idea why.
What are you studying? Chemical engineering, but in Denmark I can do a little more focus on the energy/embiromental area and I really like it. I think I wanna work with energy.
Where are you from? Born in San Paolo but I live in Rio. I moved to the US to do my bachelor but my parents are still in Brazil, I'm doing college in Wisconsin.
How is to live for that long time away from your family? I wasn’t sure about working outside Brazil because I feel I should be there for my parents as well when they get older, but i feel I’m gonna have well better job opportunities in the US or Europe, but they are very open about it since they say "When we retire we can come and visit you". With my parents and my older brother we have a close relationship, but we don't have a strong relationship with the rest of the family. My brother 26, he's studying an MBA in Brazil...hopefully... he's not a very responsible person so we hope it all goes well...I feel like all the pressure is on me all of the time, but its ok.
Living in the US for 3 years must have changed you in some ways, how do you feel right now: more brazilian or american? Yeah, that's a good question. I kind of joke with my friends about it and I see I have identity issues; coz I actually don't know, I think i feel more american than brazillian at this point. Like I don't have any thing that holds me back in brazil talking of culture in general. So probably a mix, but I would consider myself at least half american I think. Yeah that's a think I wanted to ask you because when we first met, you told me you were brazilian but I found you more american, but not just because of the accent but...The way I act?, yeah and I also dress like an american. I really like their culture and people there, I kind of realte with them, I'm comfortable. Soccer is something I just grew up with and in american people don't care about it; so that's one of the main things I keep from Brazil. Food as well, I take a lot of brazilian food, when I go home we always do barbecue with my dad with a beer. It's a different barbecue, it's not in a grill and it has a lot of type of dishes, not just an american "burger barbecue".
Why did you choose Denmark to study?When I was 15 I decided to do an exchange program or this kind of thing, and actually Denmark was my second choice but the US was my first. But it was well, that's how I learned the English that I needed for college.
That's the reason because you came to Denmark for an exchange, because it was your first option? It's kind of funny because I don't think I would have looked into study abroad in the US if it wasnt becasue when I was 15 and I was deciding and Denmark was my second choice. But I then told my parents to watch me because “When I’m gonna go to college I’m gonna do an exchange and I’m gonna do a semester abroad in Denmark”, and now I'm here.
Why Denmark? I don’t really know, but looking at the list they gave us Denmark looked very appealing and Legoland may have a little influence on that too...
What plans do you have when you finish the exchange? When I come back my plan is to start working after my bachelor to be able to pay my master because otherwise it's not affordable in the US. But I'm completely open to come to Europe to study my master too if I had the italian citizenship.
Now you've been for 2 months in CPH, do you have any newbie funfact? Well, the fist night I was supposed to have my keys picked up by a friend , coz theres a guy I met in Madison that also studies in DTU, so I asked him for help and to pick up my keys the day before I came here so I didn't need to do all the way to dtu and back to the dorm with the luggages and the linen bag. So he went there and the keys weren't ready and they told him we would have to wait for 2 days, and I started freaking out because I was about to go to the airpot. So I just booked a place close to the airpot to stay the first night, and then the next day I cannot leave the hotel, I just did the chek out and then I went to this place where the hotel had the breakfast and sat down thinking "What am I gonna do, should I take a bus, but I don't know what bus and how to take a ticket because I was no longer at the airport.". So I stayed there there for a couple of hours looking at my computer and then I called my friend and told him to grab my keys and meet together in half the way with an uber. After that he helped me to take a Rejsekokrt and all of these things, and also in the first week, the introduction week, I was every single day getting lost with the bus. It was the most horrible thing, so many times. 
What do you miss most since you arrived in Denmark? I miss my friends a lot, and the american football games. It always lasts the whole day, it's very intense and people are allways excited about it. I miss watching sports with people, its a social event. I thought I would miss more the food, but surprisingly not: it's frustating going to the supermarket and not understanding all this strange brands, but finally it's not a big deal.
What meal do you feel most proud of having cooked? Since I arrived I have stopped cooking but the last good meal I prepared was for Thanksgiving lalst year. I was meeting my boyfriend's mother and I had to impress her, it turned out really good thank god! It was a very traditional brazillian meal: chicken with a bunch of other things like risings and corn... My boyfriend is american but he was born in Ukraine, he also has this mix of cultures.
If you had to choose one hobbie, which would it be? Right now I would choose rock-climbing, I started doing in DTU and I am addicted now. I go there like 3 or 4 times a week and they have this cool wall and I finally finished this part I tried for two weeks, it's very fun. What have you learned being in Denmark? I think one of the main think about the culture here: danes look very cold, they look like they won't talk to you and they are not. If you make the first step, they are so nice and polite. They just let other people be, so if you want to have a conversation and you start they are going to be very charm. And they are also calmed people, not like rushing in London to going to places, it's chaotic. I really like this environment and I guess I can understand why they are called the happiest people of the world.
What do you think about the weather here? I thought the bad weather was just a bigger generalization and then I came here and people just said it, but omg look at outside right now: IT'S GRAY AS ALLWAYS.
One last fun question: what is the weirdest thing in your room? I have one biking hut corn thing, that I hung up on my wall and I use it as a hanger. You can't put too heavy things but it works!
¿Cómo te llaman tus amigos? En Brasil la gente me llama Ju, pero en Estados Unidos sería extraño porque suena como “jew”, judío, por lo que algunas personas me llaman Juls, ni idea de por qué.
¿Qué estás estudiando? Ingeniería química, pero en Dinamarca puedo hacer un poco más de enfoque en el área de energía / medioambiental y me gusta mucho. Creo que quiero trabajar con energía.
¿De donde eres? Nací en San Paolo pero vivo en Rio. Me mudé a los Estados Unidos para hacer mi licenciatura, pero mis padres todavía están en Brasil, estoy yendo a la universidad en Wisconsin.
¿Cómo es vivir durante tanto tiempo lejos de su familia? No estoy segura sobre si trabajaré fuera de Brasil porque siento que debería estar allí para mis padres también cuando se hagan mayores, pero siento que voy a tener mejores oportunidades de trabajo en los EEUU o Europa, pero son muy abiertos sobre ello puesto que dicen "Cuando nos retiramos podemos venir a visitarnos". Con mis padres y mi hermano mayor tenemos una relación cercana, pero no tenemos una relación fuerte con el resto de la familia. Mi hermano tiene 26 años, él está estudiando un MBA en el Brasil ... esperamos que vaya bien... él no es una persona muy responsable así que esperamos que todo vaya bien ... Siento como toda la presión está en mí todo el tiempo, pero está bien.
Vivir en los Estados Unidos durante 3 años debe haber cambiado de alguna manera, ¿cómo te sientes ahora: más brasileña o americana? Sí, es una buena pregunta. Lo suelo bromear con mis amigos y veo que tengo problemas de identidad; porque en realidad no lo sé, creo que me siento más americana que brasileña en este momento. Como si no tuviera nada que me retenga en Brasil hablando de cultura en general. Así que probablemente soy una mezcla, pero me consideraría por lo menos medio americana, creo. Sí, eso es lo que quería preguntarte porque cuando nos conocimos, me dijiste que eras brasileña pero te encontré más americana, pero no solo por el acento sino... ¿Cómo actúo ?, sí y también me visto como las americanas. Realmente me gusta su cultura y la gente allí, estoy cómoda. Sin embargo, el fútbol es algo con lo que crecí y que a la gente americana no le importa; así que esa es una de las cosas principales que guardo de Brasil. La comida también, como un montón de comida brasileña, cuando me voy a casa siempre hacemos barbacoa con mi padre con una cerveza. Es una barbacoa diferente, no es en una parrilla y tiene un montón de tipo de platos, no es la típica "barbacoa americana de hamburguesas y bacon".
¿Por qué elegiste Dinamarca para estudiar? Cuando tenía 15 años decidí hacer un programa de intercambio o este tipo de cosas, y en realidad Dinamarca fue mi segunda opción, pero Estados Unidos era la primera. Pero estaba bien, así aprendí el inglés que necesitaba para la universidad.
Esa es la razón porque has venido a Dinamarca para un intercambio, porque fue tu primera opción? Es un poco gracioso porque no creo que hubiera estudiado en el extranjero en los Estados Unidos si no fuera porque tenía 15 años y decidía y Dinamarca era mi segunda opción. Pero luego les dije a mis padres que me vigilaran porque "Cuando vaya a la universidad voy a hacer un intercambio y voy a hacer un semestre en el extranjero en Dinamarca", y ahora estoy aquí.
¿Por qué Dinamarca? Realmente no lo sé, pero al mirar la lista que nos dieron, Dinamarca parecía muy atractiva y Legoland puede tener un poco de influencia en eso también...
¿Qué planes tiene cuando termina el intercambio? Cuando vuelva mi plan es comenzar a trabajar después de terminar la universidad para poder pagar un máster porque de lo contrario no es asequible en los EE.UU. Pero estoy completamente abierta a venir a Europa para estudiar mi máster también si tuviera la ciudadanía italiana.
Ahora que llevas 2 meses en CPH, ¿tienes alguna anécdota de novata? Bueno, la primera noche se suponía que tenía las llaves recogidas por un amigo, porque hay un chico que conocí en Madison que también estudia en DTU, así que le pedí ayuda y para recoger mis llaves el día antes de venir aquí para no tener que hacer todo el camino a la DTU y volver a la residencia con las maletas y la bolsa de sábanas. Así que fue allí pero las llaves no estaban listas y le dijeron que tendríamos que esperar 2 días, y empecé a enloquecer porque estaba a punto de subir al avión. Así que reservé un sitio cerca del aeropuerto para alojarme la primera noche, y luego al día siguiente no podía dejar el hotel. Cuando acabé de hacer el chekout fui a este lugar donde el hotel tenía el desayuno y me senté pensando "¿Qué voy a hacer, debo coger un autobús, pero no sé qué autobús y cómo comprar un billete porque ya no estaba en el aeropuerto.". Así que me quedé allí un par de horas mirando mi portátil y luego llamé a mi amigo y le dije que cogiera mis llaves y me recogiera a mitad camino con un Uber. Después ya me me ayudó a tomar un Rejsekokrt y todas estas cosas. Y también en la primera semana, la semana de introducción, yo estaba cada día perdiéndome con el autobús. Fue lo más horrible, tantas veces.
¿Qué es lo que más echas de menos desde que llegaste a Dinamarca? Echo mucho de menos a mis amigos, y los juegos de fútbol americano. Siempre dura todo el día, es muy intenso y la gente siempre se entusiasma por ello. Echo de menos ver deportes con la gente, es un evento social. Pensé que echaría más de menos la comida, pero sorprendentemente no: es frustrante ir al supermercado y no entender todas estas marcas extrañas, pero finalmente no es un gran problema.
¿Qué comida te sientes más orgullosa de haber cocinado? Desde que llegué he dejado de cocinar, pero la última buena comida que preparé fue para el último Acción de Gracias. Estaba cocinando para la madre de mi novio y tenía que impresionarla, resultó muy bien gracias a Dios! Fue una comida muy tradicional brasileña: pollo con un montón de otras cosas maíz ... Mi novio es americano pero nació en Ucrania, él también tiene esta mezcla de culturas.
Si tuviera que elegir un hobbie, ¿cuál sería? En este momento yo elegiría la escalada en roca, la empecé a practicar en DTU y ahora soy adicta. Voy allí como 3 o 4 veces a la semana y tienen esta pared fresca y terminé finalmente esta parte que intenté por dos semanas, es muy divertido.
¿Qué has aprendido en Dinamarca? Creo que lo principal sería la cultura aquí: los daneses parecen muy fríos, parece que no hablen con nadie pero no lo son. Si tú das el primer paso, son tan amables y corteses. Ellos sólo te dejan vivir, por lo que si quieres tener una conversación y la empiezas van a ser muy encanto. Y también son personas calmadas, no como en Londres que corren de un lado a otro, es caótico. Realmente me gusta este ambiente y supongo que puedo entender por qué se les llama las personas más felices del mundo.
¿Qué opinas del clima aquí? Pensé que el mal tiempo era sólo una generalización pero luego vine aquí y es verdad, pero mira OMG en el exterior ahora mismo: es gris como SIEMPRE.
Una última pregunta divertida: ¿cuál es la cosa más rara que tienes en tu habitación? Tengo una cuerno de plástico de un casco de bicicleta, que colgué en mi pared y lo uso como un colgador. ¡No puedes poner cosas demasiado pesadas pero funciona!
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viralhottopics · 7 years
These 21 bedrooms from across the world will help you understand millennials.
What can you learn about someone from seeing their bedroom?
There are all kinds of theories about how things like color and clutter can convey everything from romantic viability to mental health and so much more. But suffice to say: Those private places where we rest our heads can sure reveal a lot.
Perhaps a better question is: What can you learn about people in general from seeing lots and lots and lots of bedrooms?
That’s what French photographer John Thackwray wanted to know.
As part of that vaguely-defined group of ’80s and ’90s babies known as “millennials,” Thackwray saw firsthand how technology was changing the world at increasingly rapid rates and began to wonder about the impact that was having on his generation all around the world. What was the relationship between internet connectivity and inequality and things like education, women’s rights, and poverty?
What better way to find out than to look at people’s bedrooms?
Over a period of six years, Thackwray photographed and interviewed more than 1,200 young people in their bedrooms (or other sleeping spaces) in 55 different countries.
Like him, they were all millennials. Thackwray found his subjects with the help of friends, social media, and local NGOs although he did occasionally ask random people on the street if he could photograph their bedrooms, which was just as awkward, and as dangerous, as one could imagine.
But it also helped him learn a lot along the way.
“Each person has their own story and they can talk about something that is wider and more universal. […] such as living into the war, adoptions, the traditional values, the rural exodus, or the African unity for example. Im trying to do a big story in a small one,” he explained.
Take a look at some of Thackwray’s personal favorites and see for yourself what kinds of patterns or other surprising things you notice.
1. Room #24: Joseph, 30, an artist in Paris
2. Room #192: Andreea, 24, a civil engineer in Bucharest, Romania
3. Room #205: Gull, 29, an actress in Istanbul, Turkey
4. Room #219: Maleeq, 28, an entertainer in New York City
5. Room #256: Ryoko, 25, an IT engineer in Tokyo
6. Room #290: Yuan, 22, a seller in Dali, China
7. Room #313: Fha, 20, a farmer in Ban Sai Ngam, Thailand
8. Room #348: Asha, 17, a housewife in Bamansemilya, India
9. Room #385: Pema, 22, a Buddhism student in Kathmandu, Nepal
10. Room #416: Oleg, 24, a telecom engineer in Novosibirsk, Russia
11. Room #458: Zhalay, 18, a high school student in Zhambyl, Kazakhstan
12. Room #466: lah, 29, a painter in Tehran, Iran
13. Room #561: Ben, 22, a movie student in Dallas
14. Room #665: Marcello, 18, a high school student in La Paz, Bolivia
15. Room #711: Claudio, 24, an archivist in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
16. Room #733: Fatou, 17, a seamstress in This, Senegal
17. Room #807: Mohamad, 18, a high school student in Saint Catherine, Egypt
18. Room #867: Ezekiel, 22, a warrior-nomad in Echo Manyata, Kenya
19. Room #915: Josee, 22, an accounting student in Kigali, Rwanda
20. Room #1049: Osia, 18, a shepherd in Ha Selomo, Lesotho
21. Room #1093: Sabrina, 27, a kindergarten teacher in Shatila, Lebanon
These photos are all clearly similar in their bird’s eye views of smiling subjects. But they have more in common than one might notice at first glance.
“Most of them share an access to Internet and social network, including Saudi young women and farmers in the African bush. This is definitely the connected generation,” Thackwray said. “And something important to keep in my mind is that this is the youth who is designing the world of tomorrow.”
They also all have items of personal significance that they keep close to them which perhaps isn’t surprising, but is still a moving reminder that we all fall into the same habits, and seek those small moments of happiness in surprisingly similar ways.
“Many people confuse comfort and happiness,” Thackwray said. “Actually I’ve see more smiles in poor countries, and much more depression in developed countries.”
The private places where people sleep reveal a lot about us as individuals. But viewed together, they make a powerful statement about how we all seek solace and serenity, despite our differences in race, religion, gender, career, income, and experience.
Read more: http://u.pw/2oSZZCX
from These 21 bedrooms from across the world will help you understand millennials.
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