#and talk to Applefur!
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they’re haties your honor
Read Hunted Lynx
these two give me so many feelings. just.... imagine dying and you don’t have anyone to greet you except your dad who ur not really close to either because he died when u were so young you dont remember or bcus he was kind of a sucky dad. and ur all alone, and ur dad has friends so its not the same, and all you can do is watch ur brother try and survive below and hope for the best but its hopeless for u bcus u kind of wish someone u know would die but its a horrible thought and u hate urself for it
and then you finally have someone who you know and grew up with but fuck its the girl who bullied you/the girl you despised
but you dont have a choice but to bond because, well, what else do you have? the lonely abyss of beautiful night stars?
maybe you can gaze together
(yes the background is the asexual spectrum flag. it provided the most night-sky affect out of the aroace-spec flags. Lynxpaw is demiromantic asexual, and Cricketheart is ???? unknown. just vibing. not particular interested in romance/sex so aroacespec maybe but who knows! she never thought about it. their relationship is queerplatonic friends. so like Copperleaf and Dawncloud’s, but the opposite way. instead of being romantically in love but with an undefined relationship, they’re just reluctant best friends forced to seek comfort from one another due to unfortunate circumstances. Lynxpaw probably develops a real crush but Cricketheart is just happy to have a friend again and oblivious yet also teases/flirts with her 24/7 and its not helping lol)
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Let's talk about Conflict Names.
If you've scrolled the Warriors Wiki, you've probably seen this message at least once.
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And in a universe FULL of name combinations and new prefixes and suffixes being added all the time, it's... Odd. How do names like Robinwing and Seedpelt get used so many times? Why are there 2 Nightstar's now? WHY ARE THERE 3 BIRCHSTARS AND 3 DARKSTARS?
Well, I think it would be nice to change that. In-Universe, all apprentices still go to the Moonstone/Moonpool to foster a connection with Starclan. Starclan will show the leader who goes with them all the name "slots" of the cats who have come before.
Sometimes, in an extremely rare circumstance, there have been multiple cats with the same name (this is more... easter egg for wcr/comedic effect; but lore-wise, Starclan will often not provide the names of Dark Forest cats in an attempt to "erase" them), but it can never be a leader. There cannot be 2 Firestar's, ever. A Star cannot lead if it is being outshone by another.
Where the fun lies, is that sometimes, a leader will give up their leader name in Starclan, freeing up that slot. Heatherstar gave up hers to go back to being Heatherstep, as she did not enjoy being leader. Heatherstar would now be a valid name again. Also, the ancient 2 word names (Sky Petal, Cloud Spots, Blue Whisker, Briar Bloom) do not take up slots. Post-mortem names, such as Swiftpaw being named Swiftclaw, or Mapleshade's kits, also do not take up slots.
During Tigerheart's Light, Starclan ran into a bit of a pickle. Tigerheart was going to become Leader, but there has been a Tigerstar in history who did not give up his name when he went to the Dark Forest. But... His spirit had faded away! But... The memory of him hasn't...
When they asked Tigerheart "Do you wish to be Tigerstar?" What Tigerheart WANTED to say was:
"Sure. It sounds like a good name. Though I have some bad memories with it too, and my relationship with my mother is really strained now because of it, I'm also not sure of the Clans will like having another Tigerstar around. Maybe it's not such a good idea."
All he managed to get out was "Sure. It sounds like a good name-" before Starclan slapped the title onto him without a second thought.
With that MAJOR issue out of the way, let's get to the renaming of cats! Note: Renames are not done on basis of who came first, but which one I like better for the cat. I think Frecklewish fits the Thunderclan cat more than the Skyclan one.
Note: This post is not complete and was only posted due to the Tumblr app being trash. I will repeatedly reblog this with more names added. Thank you.
Rabbitleap (TC) is now named Rabbitsong
Beechfur (TC) is now named Beechtuft.
Seedpelt (Mapleshade's Vengeance) has now been somewhat fused with Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice). Now a molly whose fur is streaked gray with age, and her name is Seedwhisker.
Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice) has been partially fused, as seen above, but the leftover cat (ew) has been named Dragonflypelt.
Seedpelt (FQ) is THE Seedpelt. Seedpaw is almost named Seedpelt as well (that's that little joke I mentioned, but also a sign that Bramblestar's got NO idea what he's doing)
Owlstar (SoTC) and Owlstar (CoTC) have been fused, the way they should have been.
Cloudberry (TC) is now Splashberry.
Applefur (TF) is now named Applefang.
Ashfur (ShC) is now given the very simple Honor Title Ashclaw by Nightstar, and comes out of retirement.
Marshscar now becomes Marshstar to avoid a future Conflict Name with Marshkit, who will become Marshscar.
Mudclaw (ShC) is now named Mudstep.
Buster, who used to be Rippletail, is now named... Well he still becomes Buster, but BEFORE that he's named Droptail. Pun.
Hollystar has been renamed Birdstar, Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower's daughter.
Shadepelt (AVoS) is now named Shadenose, and is the sister of Foxnose and an OC, Bumblenose.
Mintfur (RC) is now Mintwhisker, named after Mintclaw (Silverpaw TPB) a Rebel who was killed fighting against Tigerclan alongside his mothers Waterfern and Tangleburr.
Silverpaw (BOTC) is now in Windclan, as they need more padding, and OOTS Riverclan has enough apprentices. Their name is now Streampaw, and they become Streamsong. They are the offspring of Rustlewish, who adopted them from Riverclan, hence the name.
Applefrost and Appleshine actually had their names swapped. Appleshine is now the daughter of Appledusk and Reedshine. Applefrost is now Breezpelt and Heathertail's daughter.
Nightstar (RC) now never becomes leader, as Riverstar outlives her during Riverstar's Life towards the end. She and Nightheart (Ro) are now the same cat. She was inspired by a strange cat named Nightheart and made her name Night Heart.
Milkfur (YS) is now named Milkpatch, both after her mother and the slowly growing white patches in her fur. Her brother is named Troutfin (the name she was mistakenly given in the preview for Yellowfang's Secret) and he gave Hailstar a life!
Thrushpelt (WC) is now not only a girl, but this lady WAS named Thrushpelt and earned the title Thrushleaf for her handling of the epidemic caused by sick rabbits.
Gorsetail (TNP) is now named Eveningtail.
Wrenflight (WC) does start out as Wrenflight, but after her actions supporting The Rebels against Tigerstar, helping Tangleburr and Waterfern free prisoners at risk of her own life, Tallstar renamed her Wrensky, freeing up the Wrenflight slot for the Skyclan one.
Birchstar (WC) is now Warblerstar, she is an ancestor to Onestar through his grandfather, Woollytail.
Frecklewish (SkC) is now named Freckleshine.
Birchstar (SkC) is still Birchstar, but stepped down at his death, going back to being just Birch, the same one in DOTC. The second leader of Skyclan. Birchstar (RC) is now the definitive Birchstar.
Rainfur (SkC) is now Rainyfur, his old name having been Rainy, because "oh it's just a coincidence his name was exactly the same as a Clan name" is a pathetic cop-out.
Unknown Clan
Robinwing (SkC) is now Robintail, after her short, fluffy tail.
Emberdawn (TBC) is still Emberdawn... Because no one remembers her, and Starclan doesn't care much about names that aren't attached to it, meaning that TECHNICALLY, there could be another Houndleap, Emberdawn is not in the Dark Forest, but she is also not in Starclan. Her horror story will be revealed eventually, still working on the finer details.
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animatewarriorcats · 1 year
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Applefur! Specifically Tallpoppy's daughter, She is one of the few kittens who make the great journey, along with her brothers Toadfoot and Marshkit. They become good friends with Birchfall who was also a kit on the journey, and have a hard time saying goodbye when it's time to separate into clans again. She disappears for Power of three, but in Omen of the stars she is training in the Dark Forest. Though her motivations for why aren't explored, she remains stubbornly lawful and kind, talking back to Mapleshade and Brokenstar about killing or breaking the warrior code, and encouraging beetlewhisker to stay in the dark forest for his friends. In the last battle she has a brief encounter with Ivypool, who encourages her to fight for the clans. She is slain in the last battle, but seen among starclan cats slain in the last battle during a vision at a gathering.
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
I'd love to hear your other headcanons whether that involves cute things or their identities!
Ask and you shall receive!!
Doestar and Fallowsong were fond of long walks together. Fallowsong teased her about taking the leader away from her duties, something Doestar always scoffed at. To her, being a good mate was one of her duties
Mothwing loved Leafpool and longed to be with her. She had considered telling her, but after Leafpool ran off with Crowfeather, Mothwing believed her beloved friend would never feel the same. She tucked those feelings close, never once whispering a word to the ThunderClan medicine cat. When Leafpool was killed, Mothwing felt her life grow a bit duller, and only then, after everything, did she actually want those stars above to be real. All so she could see her Leafpool again.
Russetfur had many crushes and flings throughout her life, though nothing ever stuck. She liked she-cats, she'd get the feelings, but the settling down part of a relationship was never in her cards.
Ravenpaw leaned on Barley a lot after leaving ThunderClan. There was a deep trust they had in each other, something that went beyond where they came from. Even when Ravenpaw was offered a seat in ThunderClan, and even the newly formed SkyClan, both he and Barley said no. Even being together in either clan, they didn't want that. Ravenpaw and Barley wanted to live their own lives, without the confines and rules other placed on them. While they deeply loved their friends and family, the two chose to be loners, together, despite the many paws they could turn to.
Darkstripe struggled with compulsory heterosexuality, believing it was what he was meant to do. After all, legacy was of a great honor, and only taking a mate, a she-cat at that, and siring kits would grant him a "true" legacy. He sired Brindleface's kits, giving the she-cat the kits she always wanted without the promise of a relationship. Both were content with this arrangement, relieved in fact. The kits grew up not even knowing their father, for he was so distant that the clan could never have guessed they were his. He buried his feelings for toms deep inside him, seeing them as points of weakness and shame.
Jayfeather was given a great honor by the stars above, the creator beyond StarClan. He could walk with them forever, becoming immortalized in history and the stars as Blue Jay, the patron true to ones self. But in being the Blue Jay, being true to himself, he could never do that. After completing his journey and giving up his blessed powers, Jayfeather willingly returns to his mortal body to continue walking with his beloved friends and family, rather than passing on to a path of glory. His heart would always belong to Kestrelflight, and though they couldn't be together, they always knew they were under that same starry sky, just a single moor hill away.
When Jayfeather fell during the Great Battle, Kestrelflight wouldn't leave his side. Though the ThunderClan medicine cat still breathed, he did not wake. For a moon's time, Jayfeather did not move, many wondering if he'd ever wake up. But Kestrelflight stayed there with him, refusing to leave his side. He stayed in ThunderClan during that moon, making sure Jayfeather drank water, tending to both his clan and ThunderClan, acting as the sole medicine cat to both after they lost Leafpool as well. He worked tirelessly, to points of exhaustion, but could always return to Jayfeather's side in the evenings, and rest beside him in absolute bliss. He believed Jayfeather would return to him, and sure enough... he did.
Ratscar and Oakfur were childhood friends, and eventually became mates. After his sister Snowbird had her own kits, Ratscar and Oakfur began to talk about raising a litter of their own. With the help of Oakfur's younger sister Applefur as a sire, they'd become the parents of Redkit, Olivekit, and Shrewkit.
Runningwind may the fastest cat in ThunderClan, but he was often challenged by Redtail. The tortoiseshell tom often put up quite the fight, even back when they were younger. They'd go so fast, they'd trip over each other, falling down the heavy pathway and laughing as they tried to scramble back to their paws and continue the race.
Dovewing's gift of sight allowed her to see the territories clear as day, and a useful part of that meant she could find herbs wherever they were. With Briarlight helping Jayfeather in the medicine cat den, Dovewing would use her gift to find valuable herbs and bring them back, all in excuses to chat with Briarlight more and keep her company without Jayfeather snapping at her for taking up space in the den.
Hollystar never wanted kits, for being pregnant always sounded rather uncomfortable to her. However, Cinderheart never minded the idea. She talked with Hollystar about taking a sire a few times, but Hollystar always turned it down, finding even more discomfort in the idea of her mate carrying another cat's kits. Whether it was truthful or excuses to avoid motherhood, something she firmly believed she wasn't cut out for, circumstances would change when Flamekit was left orphaned, and Cinderheart believed the little one needed someone to look to now more than ever...
Hollystar and Cinderheart loved to sneak out at night and watch the views of the lake. Their thick fur kept them warm, even in the colder seasons. Those harsh breezes pushed them closer together, their fur brushing close against the other. Every night they'd watch the stars, pointing out which ones shone the brightest to them that night.
After helping Graystripe reach the mountains to visit his son Stormfur, Flipclaw was introduced to a way of life he had never seen before, and it was all through Feather. The two toms loved to perform little shows for the kits, Flipclaw enjoying playing the part of an eagle or mountain lion while Feather was the hero that fought him off and saved everyone. They loved seeing the kits laugh and squeal when Feather barreled Flipclaw over.
Tallstar couldn't help but wonder what it would've been like if Jake had joined him in WindClan. He'd try to pick some names, like Orangefur, and Fuzzybelly - but his favorite? Well, while nothing could ever beat the sweet sound that was Jake, Fireheart didn't sound too bad...
Gorsetail's fluidity was pretty even all things considered. Her clan got pretty used to just asking in the morning what she was feeling like and she'd say. He'd then operate under that until she let them know otherwise, and it became pretty systematic. Her brother Crowfeather and her nephew Breezepelt, despite what one may think, were actually pretty good at being mindful and asking.
Lark was born the son of Stormfur and Brook, alongside her brother Pine. Stoneteller Crag received a message in the waterfall, believing it was a sign Lark would be the next Stoneteller, and the young kit was trained from a young age to one day take the mantle. In truth, Lark never felt comfortable in her body, nor her position. She was the revered prince of her home, but she longed to be someone else. In truth the sign was of her leaving the group to find her place within the clans, and she'd flee to seek out the beautiful auroras only she could see, and the song of a silver she-cat that whispered in her ear. Upon finding RiverClan, well, she took on her new identity - the she-cat, Larkpaw!
The first cat Redtail told of his feelings about his identity to was Spottedleaf. The two were apprentices, and Redpaw came to her at the time hoping for advice on how he could tell Rosetail. He didn't really have anything to worry about, but it gave him reassurance that Spottedpaw was at his side. Willowpaw admittedly felt a bit sad being left out, though she never said anything.
Tree's affinity with ae/aem pronouns came from aer kinship with air. Ae always was an introspective tom, finding beauty in little things, and a big one was the air we breathed, and then released, circulating as we all share each breath. Like a tree, ae too took in that oxygen. Everything alive used it. Those pronouns made aem feel one with nature.
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bonefall · 1 year
Idk much about the blackstar situation in canon but from what u said i think someone just needs to fuckin talk to the man. Like genuinely. No trickery into thinking starclan is there or starclan showing up- someone needs to go up to him, tears streaming down their eyes, and *beg* blackstar to lead them again. Something like "blackstar sees a clanmate in trouble and saves them and realizes they need him" wouldnt work rlly, it doesnt convey that the clan loves him and needs him. It'd contrast Sol too- A god manipulating and tricking Blackstar is twarted by a mortal cat asking and pleading. The lies is beaten by the truth, that hes loved and needed. No idea who it should be that comes to him begging- Genuinely dont think it should be someone he was too awfully close to since he can just tell himself "they know me so they love me", needs to be some random warrior/apprentice hes only had 1 or 2 full conversations with to get it through his skull that even those he barely knows love him. Anyways ill stop rambling have a good night/day/week
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[ID: Meme of Persuadable Bouncer opening a door and gesturing to come inside]
Right this way to the Big Brain Club, anon
Adopted in a heartbeat. The turnaround moment for Blackstar is his Clanmates telling him that they love and need him. To this end I think it'll be good to have Rowanclaw be the person who coordinates the crowd in some way, so he becomes deputy after this.
It should be about quantity too, so he can have some of his family come in here. I feel like his niece Ivytail (or, if she's dead, one of her kids) should be with them, plus a mix of warriors, apprentices, and elders who remind him of how important his leadership has been to them.
And of course then they team up and throw Ratscar, Applefur, and Redwillow out of power. Shouldn't be too hard since they wouldn't have too many supporters-- but it will be VERY cool.
Others who should be Blackstar Backers who are part of the Rowan Rally (In addition to including some random ShadowClan cats who aren't close to him):
Tangleburr Also an ex-Brokenstar and Tigerstar supporter, lost her brother and changed in a similar way, knows what he's going through. If she's not a monster, how can he be one?
Talonclaw + Smokefoot One of these two is probably disabled in some way, but saved through Blackstar's actions
Ivytail Niece. Should be here just as a result of pointing out he's her embarrassing uncle and she loves him
One of the cats who watched Berrykit lose his tail (Whitewater maybe?) To remind him his punishments have always been fair and he isn't the tyrant he thinks he is
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Firepaw Joins ShadowClan AU
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firstly, hard agree that he's taken as kit
secondly, uh
fair warning
there is heavy amounts of child abuse mentioned here
as this is ShadowClan under Brokenstar's rule.
This starts with Rusty / Firepaw only being 4 moons old and being made an apprentice at a young age
with that said
Rusty is out playing in his yard, having recently been adopted by his twolegs and getting use to his territory.
Even now he's curious about the forest
One day he hears talking near his fence and he sneaks out of his yard. He finds a group of cats making plans [specifically to steal kits]. He doesn't understand what they're talking about, but they spot him.
He's almost attacked by one of the toms [Clawface] in the group when a she-cat - Fernshade - stops her Clanmate. Being a current queen she appears to be sympathetic to the kit.
Clawface isn't impressed, but the other tom in the group, Blackfoot, states that a kit is a kit.
Rusty is confused and immediately becomes frighten when Blackfoot holds and down and roughly pulls off the collar.
He has no clue what's going on and neither tom is answering his questions. Fernshade is sent back to camp with Rusty, since she was supposed to be the first one sent back anyway, and she brings the kit into ShadowClan's camp. Fernshade answers some of his questions, but dodges the ones where he asks why she's doing this [specifically she answers where she's taking him and who the other cats were and his questions about ShadowClan]
He is brought before Brokenstar and is terrified of this tom. Fernshade comforts him, stating that their leader will make him a strong cat.
Fernshade explains where they found Rusty and Brokenstar doesn't seem too impressed. However, he still accepts that Rusty is now one of them.
Fernshade is excused to the nursery.
Blackfoot and Clawface eventually come back with four more kittens; a black she-cat, a tortoiseshell tom, a tricolor she-cat, and a white she-cat. The latter two were littermates stolen from a loner and aren't even a moon old, while the first two were stolen from separate kittypet homes. The black she-cat seems nervous and scared and is about 3 moons old. The tortoiseshell tom is about the same age as Rusty and he has to be held down to prevent him from trying to claw Clawface.
Brokenstar stand tall and makes an announcement; he tells the cats that ShadowClan is becoming stronger and they will continue to grow thanks to these new cats
Rusty, the black she-cat, and the tortoiseshell tom are made apprentices right away and are given the names Firepaw, Nightpaw, and Wildpaw. They are mentored by Blackfoot, Nightpelt, and Brokenstar respectively. Wildpaw does not like this. The kits are named Ivykit and Whitekit and are given to the nursery to be cared for until they're 'ready'.
Firepaw has many questions for Blackfoot and it's clear Blackfoot regrets this arrangement.
Blackfoot, Nightpelt, and Brokenstar take the apprentices out to see the territory and while they're out they encounter a ThunderClan patrol.
A fight breaks out and Firepaw is forced to fight despite having no experience.
ShadowClan loses the fight and the apprentices are punished by now being allowed to eat.
They are also shown how to hunt and spend the rest of the day, until late at night, hunting. They are closely supervised by Blackfoot, Nightpelt, Applefur, and Russetfur.
Firepaw is tired and passes out as soon as they return to camp.
He doesn't get much rest as Brokenstar demands the apprentices wake up and all of them are gathered for battle practice.
Here Firepaw meets the other apprentices - Whitepaw, Quickpaw, Ratpaw [Ratscar], and Snowpaw [Snowbird]
A couple of the other apprentices are nervous while others are excited. Firepaw, Nightpaw, and Wildpaw all watch in horror at the absolutely brutal and bloody fights these apprentices are forced into.
Firepaw is forced to fight Quickpaw, who is a stolen kit like himself. Firepaw has no fighting experience and Quickpaw has been here for at least a couple moons.
Quickpaw ends up tearing off one of Firepaw's ears and slashes him up pretty badly, but running of pure instinct and adrenaline, Firepaw manages to fight back and eventually has Quickpaw pinned.
All the grown warriors cheer and demand that Blazepaw kill them.
Quickpaw doesn't wanna die and begs for their life.
Firepaw can't bring himself to kill them and is removed from the fight. He thinks its over, only for Wildpaw to be shoved forward instead. Brokenstar vaguely threatens Wildpaw and when that doesn't work, he vaguely threatens Ivykit and Whitekit.
Wildpaw hesitates before turning to Quickpaw. He ends up killing them. Immediately he is regretful, even as Brokenstar gives him high praise. Wildpaw goes back to sit with the apprentices and he's staring at his paws the entire time.
Another apprentice, Whitepaw, is told that it's time to prove he's ready to be a warrior. He only appears to be about 7 moons old.
Whitepaw is pitted against another apprentice and is, like Firepaw and Wildpaw, pressured to kill them.
He does and Brokenstar proudly makes him a warrior on the spot, giving him the name Whitethroat.
Whitethroat beams in the moment, but even Firepaw can see that there's regret seeping through him.
Blazepaw is sent to the medicine cat den by Blackfoot and meets Yellowfang and Runningnose. They heal him up and he is thankful towards them. Yellowfang seems heartbroken at him being here and he doesn't understand why.
As soon as he's patched up, even if he isn't healed, Blackfoot takes Firepaw out and the two do battle training. Firepaw is taught basic moves and Blackfoot states after training that now the apprentice couldn't make a fool of him anymore.
Firepaw is a little wounded by the words, but he does want to make him proud.
Firepaw starts training harder, but even still cannot force himself to kill any cats. He notices Nightpaw is struggling with it as well and that Wildpaw has gone quiet since killing Quickpaw.
A moon passes and Firepaw is taken to his first gathering. Littlepaw, Brownpaw, Wetpaw, and Badgerpaw are also now apprentices.
There he sees the other Clans and he's in awe at the amount of cats. Blackfoot warns Firepaw not to talk to them about any of his training and that ThunderClan cannot be trusted.
Firepaw remembers his first encounter with ThunderClan and believes his mentor
Firepaw meets some of the other apprentices; Ravenpaw, Dustpaw, and Sandpaw of ThunderClan [whom he doesn't get along with them well and Dustpaw even tries to pick a fight with him] Webpaw and Runningpaw of WindClan [who Blackfoot tells him are cowardly and weak] Heavypaw, Shadepaw, and Silverpaw [Silverstream] [who he's informed are lazy and self-righteous]
The gathering is fairly tame, but afterwards, Brokenstar gets Tallstar alone and tries to pressure him for territory
Tallstar says no
Brokenstar gives him one more chance
He doesn't take it
Brokenstar isn't thrilled with this and tells Tallstar that he'll regret not taking his offer.
The apprentices return and, despite it being late, are put into another battle practice.
Thankfully no cat dies this time around, but Nightpaw is pretty badly wounded after a fight with Ratpaw.
Ratpaw earns his name Ratscar after their fight
Nightpaw is taken to the medicine cat den.
The next day the apprentices are taken out hunting with the warriors. Brokenstar isn't with them, instead having left with Mintkit and Marigoldkit.
When the cats return, they encounter Yellowfang's exile and she is chased out of the territory. When questions are asked, they learn that Yellowfang killed the two kits.
Everyone is in shock.
Firepaw remembers Ivykit and Whitekit and goes to check on them. He is happy to find the two are okay.
He then also goes to check on Nightpaw and finds she's fast asleep in the medicine cat den. She had no clue what happened, but doesn't believe Yellowfang killed those kits. She honestly thought Yellowfang was nice
Firepaw isn't sure what to believe and he's worried for what this means for the Clan.
After another moon of training and fighting, Firepaw watches as Snowpaw becomes Snowbird. He is close to Nightpaw and Badgerpaw and he tries to be close with Wildpaw, but Wildpaw has been pushing everyone away.
Early one morning, Brokenstar makes the announcement that they're going to be attacking WindClan and taking over their territory.
Many cats are excited. Firepaw has mixed feelings.
Wildpaw is pretending to be enthused when Brokenstar looks at him, but this falls away the moment the leader looks away.
The worry for Wildpaw grows.
Badgerpaw is excited to finally be able to prove himself a good apprentice and Firepaw is happy for him, though he can't deny that Badgerpaw still looks very young and kit-like and he's not sure if this is a good idea.
Firepaw is sent out with the first wave of cats during the attack. He wants to make Blackfoot proud, but when the patrol of cats starts fighting, he realizes that some of the cats are going after the queens and kits.
He doesn't like this.
He's fighting Deadfoot, the deputy, when he sees a full grown WindClan warrior about to attack Badgerpaw He tries to abandon his fight, but Deadfoot won't let him get away and he's a witness of Badgerpaw's death.
Firepaw is horrified now and he kicks Deadfoot away and runs to join Flintfang. The two mourn the loss of the young tom.
WindClan is driven off and Flintfang gets Firepaw alone and tells the apprentice to not allow this injustice to stand. Flintfang specifically refers to Badgerpaw as Badgerfang.
Firepaw promises as he can't shake the thought of Badgerpaw's death. He has nightmares that night of being unable to save the young tom.
The next day Brokenstar takes the apprentices out training. He uses Wildpaw as his training partner, to show the best ways to kill cats, and he pretends to kill Wildpaw
Training continues and Wildpaw drags Firepaw and Nightpaw to the side. He's stressed. He admits Brokenstar was openly threatening him just then because he started challenging his mentor and he informs them that, if he dies Blame Brokenstar.
This is a lot to take in.
The next few days of training are rough and Firepaw ends up having to be sent to the medicine cat den after Brownpaw slashes open his shoulder.
While recovering a couple days later, he learns that Brownpaw died
He's still shocked, despite him hurting him
When he gets sent back to the apprentice's den, he learns Nightpaw has been having some pretty bad nightmares. He and Wildpaw come together to comfort her.
A couple moons pass and at this point a couple more cats had been stolen, only for them to not make it long before either running away or dying. Firepaw is worried about his future and the future of his friends
That gathering, he doesn't go. He stays behind with Wildpaw, but Nightpaw is dragged along by Clawface.
The two fall asleep waiting for her - the three taking to having their nests very close to each other. They are waken up by a shaken Nightpaw, who explains that Brokenstar is demanding territory from ThunderClan and RiverClan. She does add more relieved news that she's sure Yellowfang is alive and well, though she's unsure for how long.
The next day Firepaw and Blackfoot are sent to hunt on WindClan's old territory with a full hunting patrol. While out, Firepaw sees Bluestar of ThunderClan, a couple of her warriors [Tigerclaw and Darkstripe], and an apprentice.
Curious, he sneaks away and watches as Tigerclaw goes to the moonstone with Bluestar while Darkstripe waits outside with the apprentice.
After a minute of dull watching, he's about to leave when he hears the apprentice yowl
He turns to see Darkstripe is trying to kill the apprentice and, without thinking, Firepaw races over and attacks Darkstripe. The fight draws Blackfoot's attention and the warrior manages to stop them before Darkstripe can attempt to kill Firepaw.
Blackfoot warns Darkstripe that if he sees the warrior lay another paw on his apprentice, that he'll personally rip his tail off and tear his pelt apart
Firepaw is surprised to hear this coming from Blackfoot and, when they're alone, Blackfoot warns Firepaw not to tell anyone he stood up for him
Firepaw promises, but he still feels happy
When Blackfoot asks what happened, Firepaw remembers and tries to find the ThunderClan apprentice, but he can't locate him. He tells Blackfoot and he mentions having spotted a young cat running away from the fight, though he hadn't been heading towards Clan territory.
Firepaw asks permission to find this apprentice and Blackfoot reluctantly allows it. He says he's heading back to camp and to return as soon as possible.
He heads off and, after some sniffing around, Firepaw finds the tom.
After some assuring and being patient and gentle, Firepaw introduces himself and learns the apprentice's name is Ravenpaw.
The two talk for a bit and Firepaw ends up learning that Darkstripe was trying to kill him to silence him. Firepaw asks why and but Ravenpaw is afraid to open up.
Firepaw is sympathetic and Ravenpaw admits he's surprised to find a nice ShadowClan cat. Firepaw admits cats in ShadowClan are rough and show affection in a strange way, but he has some good friends there.
Ravenpaw wishes he could feel the same
Firepaw invites Ravenpaw to move to ShadowClan, but Ravenpaw expresses doubt.
He doesn't want Ravenpaw returning to where cats are trying to kill him and Ravenpaw doesn't want to, either, but he isn't sure if he sees ShadowClan as a better option.
Ravenpaw chooses to stay hiding out here for a bit and Firepaw lets him go.
When Firepaw returns to camp, he sees Brokenstar preparing a patrol. They're going to raid ThunderClan camp and Firepaw and Wildpaw are forced to go.
The two toms are tasked with helping Clawface and Blackfoot steal ThunderClan's kits, which shocks Firepaw.
They cats break into ThunderClan and the fight begins while Bluestar, Tigerclaw, and Darkstripe are still away. Blackfoot engages in a fight with Yellowfang and while she's distracted, Firepaw and Wildpaw break into the nursery. The queens are outside fighting warriors and the two apprentices see the kits.
Firepaw doesn't want to do this
Wildpaw doesn't want to do this, either, but he's more afraid of what Brokenstar would do to him - or worse, Firepaw and Nightpaw.
Firepaw is shocked to hear how much Wildpaw worries about the two of them and Wildpaw shuts up and tells Firepaw quietly that they should just grab the kits.
They're about to grab them, when Frostfur comes in and attacks the two. A fight breaks out and the two end up pushing the fight with her outside.
Frostfur manages to pin Wildpaw and, in a panicked reaction to being pinned down, Wildpaw lashes out and ends up cutting Frostfur's throat open.
A retreat is called by ShadowClan and the two stumble out. Wildpaw is celebrated for his killing of the ThunderClan queen, even without the kits, and Wildpaw hates it.
When the two are alone, Firepaw asks what happened and Wildpaw brings up how Brokenstar had threatened him and how he had been pinned down in the same manner with the leader threatening to slice open his belly
Wildpaw starts to have a breakdown and Firepaw tries to comfort him, but Wildpaw is going through a lot
Later that night, Brokenstar calls a meeting and Wildpaw is made a warrior. He is given the name Wildfur. During the same ceremony, Ivykit and Whitekit are made apprentices. Whitepaw is given to Wildfur and Ivypaw is given to Snowbird.
Everyone but Firepaw and Nightpaw congratulate him.
Wildfur is moved into the warriors den but Nightpaw and Firepaw keep their nests close.
The next day, ShadowClan is preparing for another attack. They make plans and are leaning towards a more stealthy approach.
Clawface and Firepaw are sent in to steal the kits.
While the two are sneaking into the nursery, they are confronted by Spottedleaf. Firepaw is about to try to reason with her when Clawface kills her right there.
He says ShadowClan doesn't reason with ThunderClan and tells Firepaw that if he shuts up, he'll tell Brokenstar that it's time to make him and Nightpaw warriors.
Firepaw doesn't like this idea, but is more afraid of Clawface killing him to argue.
He helps steal Brightkit, Cinderkit, Brackenkit, and Thornkit. Firepaw, since they have the extra paws, also manages to snag Lynxkit while they're there.
The five kits are brought back to ShadowClan and ShadowClan is excited for the kits. Brokenstar holds a ceremony right then and makes Firepaw and Nightpaw into warriors named Fireheart and Nightwing.
Fireheart is given Lynxkit - now Lynxpaw - as an apprentice while the other four are placed into the nursery for a moon.
Lynxpaw is resentful towards Fireheart.
Fireheart promises it's nothing personal, but this does little to help how angry Lynxpaw is.
It's later that day that a ThunderClan patrol and the ShadowClan elders raid ShadowClan's camp. Bluestar and Yellowfang are leading them and the fight gets confusing quickly.
Lynxpaw tries to join his Clanmates - his ThunderClan Clanmates - in the fight, but is snagged by Brokenstar. He kills the apprentice right in front of Bluestar, who growls and lashes out at the ShadowClan leader.
Fireheart is in shock.
Brokenstar is, eventually, chased away with Tangleburr, Blackfoot, Clawface, Applefur, and Stumpytail.
Nightpelt steps up to lead the Clan and names Cinderfur as his deputy.
Fireheart aids Nightpelt in helping those in need, though his focus is turned on ThunderClan, as he noticed some odd things going on.
Though he knows he should be focusing on his own Clan, he noticed during the rescue that this one cat was staring at his own leader with a look that reminded him of Brokenstar
sometime between here and then, ThunderClan sends their oldest apprentices and Whitestorm to save WindClan. The apprentices are made warriors when they return - Sandstorm, Dustpelt, and Graystripe. Ravenpaw is still 'missing'
One day he just happens to be near the thunderpath when he sees a sickly molly near the thunderpath and realizes it's ThunderClan's leader.
She's about to be hit by a monster when he comes out of hiding and rescues her.
Bluestar is shocked and confused and Fireheart apologizes for the sudden rescue, he just didn't want to see any needless death.
Tigerclaw 'stumbles' across them and attacks Fireheart. Bluestar stops him and Tigerclaw states, simply, that he was just trying to protect Bluestar, as he had assumed this ShadowClan warrior was attacking her
Fireheart sees them off, earning a silent glare from Tigerclaw
Fireheart then realizes this cat has darker motives
He tells himself not to get involved, that he's a loyal ShadowClan warrior, but he's stuck thinking about these cats.
Fireheart spends some time visiting Ravenpaw, who has been wandering around for some time. He offers Ravenpaw a home in ShadowClan again and Ravenpaw is still unsure.
Fireheart promises Brokenstar is gone, but Ravenpaw isn't worried about Brokenstar anymore.
He asks what he's so afraid of and Ravenpaw finally tells him about what happened between ThunderClan and RiverClan and how Tigerclaw killed Redtail, who had once been deputy.
Fireheart has vague memories of who Redtail is and is surprised to hear he was murdered by his own Clanmate.
He offers to protect the tom personally and he can see that Ravenpaw is tempted by the offer.
He heads home and talks with Nightstar, mentioning how he's worried for this cat. Nightstar isn't sure how well ShadowClan can offer safety but Fireheart assures he'll personally protect this cat if he joins.
Nightstar agrees only on those conditions.
Fireheart then spends time waiting for Ravenpaw's answer, staying close with Wildfur and Nightwing as he waits.
The three still stick close and have been helping each other the best they can with the trauma.
When Fireheart brings up wanting to bring Ravenpaw to ShadowClan, Wildfur is a little on edge. Fireheart is confused on why and Wildfur admits he doesn't trust anyone but Fireheart and Nightwing. That and the younger cats.
Fireheart is understanding towards this, but assures Ravenpaw is a good cat who is going through something similar to them.
Wildfur is confused, admitting he doesn't think ThunderClan has a single cat who'd be able to hurt others like Brokenstar and his group hurt them
Fireheart brings up Tigerclaw and repeats what Ravenpaw had told him.
Nightwing says that she had seen the tabby on a border patrol and he seemed nice enough. Fireheart doesn't believe Ravenpaw has any reason to lie, especially since a Clanmate was trying to kill him when he first met him.
After time, Ravenpaw finally gives Fireheart his answer
He's joining ShadowClan.
Nightstar gives Ravenpaw to Cinderfur and assures it'll only be for a couple moons to assure loyalty
Ravenpaw is soon brought into the friend group, though Wildfur still has his concerns.
However, when a warrior begins harassing Ravenpaw, Wildfur is quick to stand up for the nervous tom and becomes a protective force of nature.
[at this point my brain went blank and I might skip over some things cause I'm having a lot of bad health days back to back; also Fireheart mentors Oakpaw / Oakfur, I forgot to mention that]
Ravenpaw earns the warrior name Ravenheart around the time that ShadowClan learns that Brokenstar is still alive.
Wildfur is the angriest when ShadowClan learns ThunderClan is sheltering Brokenstar / Brokentail. He swears to break into their camp and kill the foxheart himself.
When Brokentail and his rogues attack ThunderClan, Fireheart and a ShadowClan patrol overhear. He convinces Nightwing and Wildfur to come with him, but no one else wants to. He is warned by Wetfoot, who is with them, to be careful and remember they're ShadowClan cats.
Fireheart assures he knows, but something is calling him to help these cats.
Wetfoot ends up telling no one and just waiting for them.
Fireheart ends up saving Bluestar from Tigerclaw and Wildfur is stopped from killing Brokenstar by Yellowfang, but is witness as she kills him herself. He is the only one who knows her secret and he promises to keep it, though he doesn't forgive her for sheltering him.
She understands.
It should also be noted that her apprentice is Brackenpaw [since Bracken and Cinder weren't apprenticed early since they had no reason to be]
Tigerclaw is chased out and ShadowClan falls sick
Nightwing and Ravenheart are two of the cats that have fallen sick and Fireheart is desperate for help
Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw secretly help ShadowClan and Fireheart is thankful, though he doesn't want the two getting in trouble
Brackenpaw assures he won't
During this point of weakness, Tigerclaw tries to join ShadowClan and Fireheart recognizes him right away
Tigerclaw is trying to smooth-talk the sick leader but Fireheart counters and even brings in Ravenheart [with his permission]
When Tigerclaw realizes who he is, the dark tabby tries to sow seeds of doubt towards the ginger tabby. Nightstar chooses to trust Fireheart, which is a relief.
Nightstar also doesn't allow the traitors to return.
When Nightstar and Cinderfur die, Fireheart is named the new leader and becomes Firestar. Meanwhile, over in ThunderClan, their deputy is Whitestorm. He'll become Whitestar and his deputy will be his mate, Willowpelt. [much later, when she decides to step down, Sandstorm becomes his new deputy.]
ShadowClan is a little on edge on having an outside leader, though they are reminded that a lot of their cats are former outsiders. Especially the generation Brokenstar brought in.
[speedpointing cause i'm still feeling terrible, not even better and this has been a WIP for a while]
Ravenheart, Wildfur, Nightwing, and Firestar become mates. They are a polycule. Ivypaw and Whitepaw become Ivytail and Whitewater.
Tigerclaw and his cats had joined BloodClan, but Scourge killed him before going to the forest and being like "we own this now"
The cats are shocked
BloodClan starts doing targeted attacks on patrols
This leads up to the big fight
A couple days before the big fight, Scourge gets Firestar alone and gives him one chance to join BloodClan.
Firestar refuses.
Scourge is disappointed.
It turns out Scourge has gone to the other leaders, too. Leopardstar and Tallstar are actually considering it.
Firestar and Whitestar convince them not to. It takes a lot of convincing.
The four Clans come together and fight BloodClan.
Firestar loses one life to Scourge. Whitestar loses one to Bone and one to Scourge.
Firestar kills Scourge.
some random 'after fact' notes
Firestar is approached by Tawnypaw and Bramblepaw and want to join ShadowClan. He allows this and he and his polycule become backup parents and are the first 'kits' of them.
They later on have two other litters; Redtuft, Maplepool, Smokepaw, and Talonpaw [aka Squirrelfight, Leafpool, Smokepaw, and Talonpaw] sired by Firestar [Redtuft is a mostly red tortoiseshell while Maplepool is also a tortoiseshell, but her pattern is more evenly distributed; Talonpaw is a ginger tom] and Emberfur and Tinykit sired by Wildfur
Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw becomes Bramblefang and Tawnypelt. Bramblefang ends up moving to RiverClan to be with Stormfur as they two become mates on the great journey.
When Wildfur becomes paralyzed, Littlecloud and Maplepool fight tooth and claw to keep him alive. He is thankful.
Maplepool ends up in a relationship with Sorreltail of ThunderClan and [however you wanna headcanon how] the two end up having three kits; Badgerkit, a black and white tom Wildkit, a dark ginger tom Honeykit, a calico she-cat who looks a lot like her mother They grow up to become Badgerheart, Wildclaw, and Honeypool. [they take the place of Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf]
sorry this took so long and i'm doing my best to fight through my lung problems to get some stuff out here to you all
i hope you all enjoyed
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Discount Anna Ripley, Tangleburrrrrrr
Anna Ripley's voice actor is now my Tangleburr voiceclaim thank you
GENDER HEADCANON: actually i can fuck with nonbinary
FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THEM: too smart for her own goddamn good
LEAST FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THEM: girl cmon you could be doing so much better than whatever the hell you think you're doing right now
WHEN I STARTED LIKING/DISLIKING THEM: this is your fault and you know it
FAVOURITE MOMENT: one of us really just needs to write the official breakup between her and Applefur huh
FAVE SHIP: i mean her and Apple ofc
FAVE PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP: man now i'm wondering how she would've gotten along with the rest of the Loyalists, especially after being exiled? i feel like i should write a short about the Loyalists post-Brokenstar at some point tbh it'd make a really good short
SHIP I HATE: shrug
RANDOM HEADCANON: uhhh fuck i mean. it's so hard to talk headcanons about a character who is basically all headcanons atm, huh
WHAT COLOUR I PICTURE THEM AS: just solid brown tbh idk what i put as her official description
THINGS I ASSOCIATE WITH THEM: like...mechanics and crafting and shit and really really curly hair
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lionblazelover · 3 years
Talking abt my Dark Forest Wins AU
Currently feel like talking about my Dark Forest wins AU I've titled "The Last Star" here's a more detailed summary of what my idea for it is.
So basically, the Dark Forest, instead of attacking all 4 Clans at once, they mass ambush one entire Clan at a time. They go ThunderClan -> WindClan -> ShadowClan -> RiverClan. As soon as Ivypool realizes today was the day of reckoning, she tries to get the other DF trainees to rebel. Breezepelt immediately calls her a traitor and Hawkfrost attacks her severely-she's assumed to usage immediately died. The rest of the trainees spare a selective few (Tigerheart, Harespring, Thornclaw, Blossomfall, and Applefur) are too scared to retaliate against the DF.
They proceed to successfully ambush ThunderClan. The aforementioned trainees that do choose to rebel do so and they all attack the Dark Forest to try and stop them during the ThunderClan attack. Because of the nature of this AU, they fail.
ThunderClan is almost completely slaughtered. The leader and deputy, Firestar and Brambleclaw, along with the medicine cat Jayfeather, are all killed. The ones that survive all split up and run. (The rebel trainees-Tigerheart and Blossomfall both are killed, Harespring and Applefur realize ThunderClan is a lost cause- Harespring goes to warn WindClan and Applefur runs to ShadowClan. Thornclaw survives and helps Briarlight escape).
To make matters short, similar outcomes happen for the rest of the Clans. The leaders, deputies, and medicine cats from all the Clans are killed, with the exceptions of Ashfoot, the WindClan deputy, and Littlecloud and Willowshine, the ShadowClan and RiverClan medicine cats respectively.
Side note: when it came to RiverClan, Rushtail was a warrior who tried to run to another Clan for help only to realize they were already gone, but while doing so found Ivypool almost dead and carries her away with him and manages to find Littlecloud and the ShadowClan elders, who had all evacuated bc of the warning they got from Applefur. Rushtail saves many cats lives by running back through the territories to look for any survivors, including Blossomfall's kits who were still in ThunderClan's camp.
This has left all 4 Clans are in disarray. All of them have been driven out of the lake territory. A lot of warriors have just gone completely missing. Because all the leaders are now dead, a lot of cats are left without knowing what to do without the guidance of their leaders. Ashfoot, shaken and terrified, takes up the mantle of WindClan's leader, and she tries to find as many cats from all Clans as possible. Ashstar knows the Clans are very likely to collapse because of this, and she wants to preserve them as much as possible, which means trying to help her rivals find their Clanmates and friends. Ashstar finds Rushtail, Littlecloud, Ivypool, and the other few cats that Rushtail was able to find like Heathertail, Foxleap, Crowfrost, and Tawnypelt. and takes them in as well.
The ThunderClan cats that have managed to find each other don't know what to do. Squirrelflight takes the initiative and becomes the one to help keep them together. The ThunderClan cats and WindClan cats semi-join together for mutual support, as neither have many cats who are strong enough to catch prey and sticking together may potentially help them if the Dark Forest attacks again, a genuine fear.
One of these ThunderClan cats is Sandstorm. Sandstorm has an idea. She knows of someone, an old friend, who may help them. SkyClan. This is how everyone learns about SkyClan's existence. It seems far-fetched, but there's very little the Clans can do right now, so it wouldn't hurt to try. That also gives them the idea to ask the Tribe of Rushing Water for help. They have helped the Tribe time and time again, surely they will help them in return? The cats with the least injuries group up to go to the Tribe and SkyClan.
And that's kinda what I've gotten done so far! I don't really know where I want to go from here, but I thought it would be interesting to explore a scenario with a whole different cast than you normally see, with different cats in power than we will ever see in canon!
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smallfire · 4 years
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a tall lady!!!! ive always really liked her honestly, even if she didnt make many appearances i think her name is nice!
also i think there’s really a Story behind how both her surviving children, toadfoot and applefur, had trained in the dark forest and had ended up dying in the great battle on the side of the clans, and how their mother had died in the same battle.... i wonder if they had a lot to talk about in starclan
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furry-monster-trash · 4 years
Firestar Snaps - AU
What if Firestar had grown tired of the ‘kittypet’ taunts and used his Clan for revenge?
We’ll say this takes place during Omen of the Stars - when ThunderClan has the largest Clan out of all four. ThunderClan had around 28-29 warriors during this arc. ShadowClan had 18, RiverClan had 10, WindClan had 15. These numbers are based on “The Forgotten Warrior” in the allegiances.
Firestar had long grown tired of all the taunts and even the remarks from his own Clanmates. Even Sandstorm had said that it didn’t seem as if he ever wanted to fight anymore.
At a gathering, Firestar says that he won’t comment further on the ‘rogue scents’ inside the Clan’s territories. Several cats below (mostly from ShadowClan) murmur about his kittypet softness.
Back at the ThunderClan camp, Firestar storms off to his den without saying another word to his clan. Sandstorm, Graystripe, and Brambleclaw all share a look.
The next morning Firestar announces that ThunderClan will be going to battle with ShadowClan that night. The clan asks why, only for Firestar to claim that ShadowClan has been pushing too many boundaries with them and it’s time for them to learn their place.
Firestar actually wants revenge against all those ShadowClan warriors who seem him as a weak kittypet instead of the leader of ThunderClan.
Firestar chooses a rather large patrol of warriors to come to fight ShadowClan: Graystripe, Brambleclaw, Sandstorm, Dustpelt, Spiderleg, Lionblaze, Ivypool, Dovewing, Brightheart, Berrynose, Whitewing, Cinderheart, Icecloud, Birchfall.
Firestar leads ThunderClan directly into ShadowClan’s camp, sending several of his warrior’s to go into the trees to fight from above.
ShadowClan is completely unprepared for the attack, as many members of ShadowClan never saw Firestar as a threat.
Firestar fights with Blackstar, the two leaders attacking bravely amongst their fighting warriors. Firestar has Blackstar pinned when he notices Applefur racing towards them. He bounces off of Blackstar’s shoulders and lands on top of Applefur. Firestar bites down on Applefur’s spine and kills her - remembering her as the one who openly called him ‘kittypet soft’ during the gathering.
The battle ends with ThunderClan victorious, although not without their own injuries. Dustpelt is limping heavily and Dovewing can’t put any pressure on one of her paws.
Firestar takes his warriors and leaves, warning Blackstar to stay away from ThunderClan and their borders.
Sandstorm questions Firestar, asking why he really attacked. “I had to do something. Too many cats see me as weak, see ThunderClan as weak. Those who still can’t look past my kittypet heritage will see now that our clan beat ShadowClan in direct combat.”
Word of ThunderClan’s attack spreads to RiverClan and WindClan, who both begin to up the number of border patrols they have.
Firestar tells his warriors to attack anyone who crosses over (with the exception of apprentices and medicine cats), “ThunderClan has been the ‘nice clan’ for too long, doing too many favors for other clans when we receive nothing in return. No more! ThunderClan looks out for itself.”
Firestar tells Dovewing to use her ability to see if RiverClan or WindClan are planning anything and to see if ShadowClan is up to its own tricks.
Dovewing claims that WindClan is anxious, RiverClan is preparing to defend in case of attack, and ShadowClan is mourning Applefur.
Firestar feels a pang of guilt for taking her life but pushes it away when he reminds himself that he is a warrior, not a kittypet. He has no need to prove himself, but if they push him to, he’s more than willing to.
At the next gathering, Blackstar says nothing of the battle, but he has deep scars in his shoulders from where Firestar had been. Onestar and Mistystar keep their distance from the ThunderClan leader.
Firestar makes an announcement: “ThunderClan will no longer help any clan without benefits for us. We’ve given favors to all three other clans, and have received nothing in return. With the exception of medicine cat business, ThunderClan stands alone now.”
ThunderClan’s warriors growl at the other members at the gathering, supporting their leader.
A half-moon passes and a WindClan apprentice accidentally crosses the border while chasing a rabbit. Cloudtail and his patrol see the apprentice and approach him, snarling. 
Firestar’s word about chasing off intruders sticks in the warriors’ minds and Cloudtail demands to know what the apprentice (Boulderpaw) is doing. He stammers in fear, saying that he was chasing a rabbit when he crossed over accidentally.
Breezepelt, Boulderpaw’s mentor, tells ThunderClan to back off, “It’s a mistake, now leave my apprentice alone before I claw your ears off.”
Berrynose, also on Cloudtail’s patrol, steps closer to Breezepelt: “Try your luck, rabbit.”
Breezepelt and Berrynose end up fighting, with Breezepelt clearly superior in combat. Cloudtail steps in and hits Breezepelt hard across the head, “Come back to the border again and next time, my claws will be out.”
             “Next time, kittypet, you won’t be so lucky.”
Firestar is furious that Breezepelt didn’t obey the borders and insulted his own kin. “I’m going to speak to Onestar. Lionblaze, Cloudtail, and Squirrelflight come with me.”
The moment they cross over the border they are stopped by a hunting patrol. Firestar demands to see Onestar immediately.
Harespring runs ahead to inform Onestar of the incoming ThunderClan warriors. Onestar has his warriors prepared to battle, but Firestar walks into the camp quietly and peacefully.
“Onestar, it has come to my attention that one of your warriors,” he sent a glare at Breezepelt, “Has been attacking my warriors and insulting them for things they cannot control.”
Onestar claims that Breezepelt was within his right to defend himself, “And as for the insults, it is a well-known fact that you and Cloudtail,” the WindClan leader paused, looking over the cats in Firestar’s patrol, “And I believe all of the cats you brought with you, have kittypet blood.”
“Just because we have kittypet blood, doesn’t mean we can’t shed yours!” Firestar threatens Onestar and all of WindClan. His patrol behind him gets ready to fight their way out.
Onestar looks afraid for a moment, remembering what happened with ShadowClan, and then tells Firestar that no more warriors or apprentices will cross their border.
Firestar tells his whole clan that if any WindClan cats are even one paw-step over the border, shred them.
WindClan takes the initiative and attacks ThunderClan themselves, with Onestar saying that WindClan isn’t afraid of a half-blood clan.
Firestar leaps onto Owlwhisker, clawing out chunks of fur and drawing blood. The older warrior is no match for Firestar.
ThunderClan vastly outnumbers the WindClan warriors that Onestar brought with him, and it isn’t long before Onestar is calling for a retreat. Firestar tells his warriors to stop them from leaving. “I thought you weren’t afraid Onestar! Stay and fight!”
Lionblaze, Brambleclaw, Ivypool, and Sorreltail block the exit and push the WindClan warriors back into the clearing, where they are surrounded by angry ThunderClan warriors.
Onestar faces Firestar head-on, the two leaders circling each other, both spitting curses at one another. Firestar claws out Onestar’s chest and the WindClan leader loses a life. Once Onestar recovers, Firestar allows WindClan to leave.
Firestar tells his clan to be on high alert for RiverClan now. Brambleclaw, Graystripe, and Sandstorm all go to talk to Firestar. They accuse him of being more aggressive than normal, and that he has proved that ThunderClan is not weak.
Firestar realizes that maybe his friends are right, that maybe he is overreacting too much. He agrees to back down some but still tells everyone to be alert for RiverClan.
Mistystar comes to ThunderClan a few days after WindClan attacks, she comes alone and wants to speak with Firestar alone. The ThunderClan leader agrees.
Mistystar claims that RiverClan has no quarrel with ThunderClan, as they don’t even share a border, but she doesn’t want anything to come between them. “I cannot afford any injuries right now, and neither can you until those rogues are found.”
Firestar says that ThunderClan and RiverClan will not clash as long as both clans can keep things respectful and under control. “I haven’t forgotten the time that Leopardstar tried to lay claim to the whole lake.”
Mistystar promises that RiverClan will keep to themselves if ThunderClan does the same. 
Firestar is leading a patrol when a young ShadowClan apprentice asks her mentor if Firestar is the leader of ThunderClan. The ShadowClan warrior flashes Firestar a worried glance and nods, “Yes, that’s Firestar.”
The apprentice is young, but Firestar narrows his eyes, curious as to what ShadowClan teaches its apprentices: “He’s the former kittypet?”
Her mentor quickly tries to explain that Firestar was born a kittypet, but Firestar steps in and tells his own tale: “I was born a kittypet and joined ThunderClan when I was around your age. I’ve been with ThunderClan ever since, and, I would like to think that I’ve proved myself as a warrior more than enough times by this point.”
The ShadowClan warrior is alone with his apprentice and glances around the ThunderClan patrol, the ThunderClan warriors are all tense, ready for any command. 
Firestar dismisses his patrol, flashing a warning glare at the ShadowClan warrior and turning back to his own territory.
Firestar bristles, realizing that many other cats will never see him as anything other than a kittypet, former or current. Rosepetal, who was on his patrol, tries to comfort him, saying that ThunderClan has proved themselves to be more than a ‘real’ clan.
At the following gathering, Firestar is not blind to the glares from WindClan and the anxious body-language of ShadowClan. Even RiverClan had distanced themselves from the ThunderClan warriors.
Firestar notices Icewing, a RiverClan warrior (and a Dark Forest trainee), is glaring right up at him. The RiverClan warrior whispers something just loud enough for several ThunderClan warriors to hear: “ThunderClan won’t last much longer with all their mixed blood. It makes them weak.”
Firestar spits and tells his clan to leave the moment the gathering is over.
Back at camp, Firestar begins to plan a raid on RiverClan territory, despite not bordering the clan. He plans to bring as many warriors as necessary, with ThunderClan having nearly 3x as many warriors as RiverClan.
Firestar brings twelve warriors with him to RiverClan: Foxleap, Toadstep, Brackenfur, Blossomfall, Hazeltail, Squirrelflight, Sandstorm, Bumblestripe, Lionblaze, Mousewhisker, Birchfall, and Millie.
Firestar’s warriors surprise the sleeping RiverClan warriors, taking out the guards first with easy tree-drops. Mistystar is furious, claiming that Firestar went against what they both promised.
Firestar spits back that RiverClan has never been friends with ThunderClan, and those tensions run deep. “We don’t belong to anyone, nor will we bow to anyone!”
ThunderClan easily beats RiverClan in their own camp. Firestar has Icewing pinned to the clearing floor, his claws digging deep into her chest: “Who’s the kittypet now? ThunderClan doesn’t seem so weak with our claws in your pelts!”
Firestar spares Icewing, but ThunderClan left deep wounds in the heart of the RiverClan camp.
Firestar and subsequently ThunderClan proved their strength to every clan at the lakes, proving that kittypets could be warriors even more so than those with pure warrior blood. No cat or clan ever dared to call Firestar, or any of his kin, a kittypet. At least, not to their faces.
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bruttomisandro · 4 years
I finally finished my Yellofang's Secret Family Tree, here some ideas
Silverflame x Marmalade: Brightflower, Nettlespot
Lizardfang x Littlebird: Lizardstripe
Deerleep: Mudclaw
Cedarstar and Hollyflower as siblings
Archeye and Stonetooth as siblings
Blizzardwing and Sagewhisker as siblings
Amberleaf x Stonetooth: Newtspeck, Ashheart, Frogtail
Featherstorm x Hal: Raggedstar, Scorchwind
Brightflower x Brackenfoot: Yellowfang, Nutwhisker, Rowanberry, Mintkit, Marigoldkit
Poolcloud x Toadskip: Foxheart, Wolfstep
Crowtail x Mousewing: Clawface, Nightstar
Hollyflower x Tyr: Blackstar, Flintfang, Fernshade
Nettlespot x Toadskip: Cloudpelt, Littlekit
Lizardstripe x Mudclaw: Deerfoot, Runningnose, Tangleburr
Yellowfang x Raggedstar: Brokenstar, Hopekit, Wishkit
Poolcloud x Finchflight: Tallpoppy, Darkflower
Featherstorm x Blizzardwing: Dawncloud, Mosspaw, Volepaw
Ashheart x Cloudpelt: Wetfoot, Littlecloud, Brownpaw(adopted by Newtspeck and Russetfur because of Ashheart's depression after Cloudpelt's Death)
Newtspeck x Russetfur
Dawncloud x Deerfoot: Nightwing, Whitethroath, Swampkit, Blossomkit
Fernshade x Wolfstep: Badgerfang
Ashheart x Rogue(idk who): Quietkit, Rumblekit, Turtlekit
Windclan cats(idk who): Snowbird, Ratscar
Darkflower x Stumpytail: Rowanstar, Cedarheart, Lavanderkit
Nightwing x Cedarheart: Talonpaw, Smokepaw, Snaketail
Tallpoppy x Blackstar: Marshkit, Toadfoot, Applefur
Rowanstar x Tawnypelt: Dawnpelt, Flametail,Tigerstar 2.0
Applefur x Birchfall: Grassheart, Spikefur
There are a lot more shadowclan cats but Idk actually where to put them(whitewater, kinkfur, scorchfur, ivytail, olivenose, pinenose, owlclaw etc etc), if someone as something in mind, free to talk
Edit: I ship Newtspeck and Yellowfang and I made them first cousin dkdbdibdje change of heart, they aren't sibling anymore, Lizardstripe and Amberleaf??? Idk
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mxbitters · 4 years
Can you post photos of the stuffed animals? 🥺 Or at least your favorites?
bro you’re in luck you get to see ALL OF THEM(or at least everything i can see without getting out of bed yet). this is gonna be EXTENSIVE. names if applicable and lore will be under the photos :)
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simba!! this dudes 10 years older than me but he’s just vibing, this dudes probably the oldest stuffed animal i have and like the longest time ive had one but it never occurred to me til now!
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i’ll go left to right top to bottom here.
1. batman aka the only dude i ever won at an amusement park. it was six flags and that game where you spray water at the target by the way
2. you can’t see him but he’s a panda my friend got me two years ago, he doesn’t have a name yet because im bad at names. you wouldn’t think he’s newer though because i hug that one a lot so he’s been very loved :)
3. this dude’s name is applefur :’) i’ll just leave it at i lowkey had a warrior cats phase as a kid. he’s one of the dudes i had back when like. i was a kid playing with toys,, he has a very happy personality i love him very much
4. (first on bottom) patti, a mysterious friend of mysterious origins. no seriously i can’t remember where i got them. a thrift store maybe????? they’re a friend though. what i like about beanie babies (and certain webkinz like applefur) is that they can fit in a big pocket so you can take them on adventures :)
5. bucky!!! we went on vacation to new hampshire one year, everybody hated it except me! i’d pick new england mountains over any fuckin beach any day. i love it. anyway that being said his name was in honor of a different vacation moment. last summer we went to virginia, this specific place was like crawling with deer (which was wonderful!!! the only thing i liked!! well ok the arcade too but..) and i had a moment getting really close to a deer. like within a few feet.. i heard someone yell and thought i was in trouble but the dude gave me a carrot. this deer’s name was bucky and he was a regular, people just fed the dude. of course i had to put it on the ground for him to pick up but it was still super nice :) bucky is a good friend
6. i don’t think this dude has a name?? i’m pretty sure he too was a thrift friend. mysterious lad but another pocket adventurer if i’m wearing my super big denim jacket :)
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same arrangement as last?? i guess??
1. i’ll sometimes call this dude mumble like in happy feet but i don’t think any name’s specifically stuck?? they’re such a joyful penguin though.. :) 🖤
2. i. i don’t know their name. an insurance company gave my middle school a bunch of stuffed dogs with their logo on it so i just. got two? i don’t know where the other dude went.. :( my edgy “i hate everything and i don’t respect stuffed animals” phase was in 7th/8th grade and i am not fucking proud of it. he’ll turn up though..
3. ehh since they’re so tall LOLA! my slightly possessed friend here makes an excellent pocket buddy and they’re v soft like a lil kitten and sometimes i will just. deadass talk to them as i go through my thought processes which is fun.. i love lola :)
4. this friend i believe was a gift from my gramma, she’s got a big hole near her foot though so i need to patch that up :(
5. he doesn’t have a name either (y’all are welcome to suggest names for my nameless friends by the way!!!) but was a gift from my sister a few years back :)
6. tracker! i literally do NOT know where he came from he just turned up in the house one day and nobody claimed him so of course i adopted the lad,, sometimes i still wonder though,,,,,
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this is a really bad picture but everybody was falling!!!
1. sammy! like samson because the wild was a movie i really liked growing up, i’m,,,,using him like a pillow as i do this :’)
2. (horse friend) i think i started calling him rusty because of this horse i met who was lovely handsome and stepped on my foot once?? wait shit my writing teacher named him....oh fuck i forgot the name i’ll get back to this......this dude was totally my stuffed unicorns boyfriend.. where is that unicorn i gotta find them so they can reunite 🖤
3. beagle hidden behind everyone! i sometimes would call her jessie because growing up i had a beagle named jessie and she was like a mama dog,, she’d always look out for me. but like i don’t think they should have the same names so bear with me and offer suggestions if you want I guess??
4. chip! a lovely cat friend with those ghibli cat ears ☺️ i can almost guarantee she’s a thrift friend
5. (polar bear 1) fritz! my writing teacher named him, he’s just vibing out man,, v good pocket friend as well
6. (polar bear 2?) never named them, they got a heart they’re holding though and were a gift in a middle school secret santa from a friend who i guess might have liked me?????? we were weird kids who knows
7. scooby doo but you can’t see him :’) his origin is another mystery on our hands
8. (another horse friend) i guess his names oklahoma?? my dad used to go on a lot of business trips so would sometimes get souvenirs for us. this dude was mine,, he held my phone while watching the g interview yesterday, he’s nice :)
9. cinders! fell in love w him at a fair once and couldn’t leave without him his face is the epitome of joy!!!!
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(pardon my homosexual posters)
easily we got cheer bear, who was collectors edition but too soft to keep in the box, and funshine! funshine here was based off this movie which in retrospect was slightly traumatizing, he can still sing a song from the movie if i turn his box thing on though! it’s called “all i wanna do is make ‘em laugh” or something like that!! the full movies on youtube if you want that experience
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the owl doesn’t have a name, i’ve only had them for like 5 months (short time when the days fly by ok??) but they’re a generous defender. then there’s swiftheart rabbit but they’re my mom’s and i don’t want to damage them even though it hurts :( oh! also g masterfully displaying his creation— jumba style!!!
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this pug friend doesn’t have a name, he was also a gift from my sister though! he barks if you squeeze him! it’s given me many heart attacks at night. and then this reindeer lad.. his name miiight be dasher which is a nod to my emotional support gerard way song??? but i can’t remember and don’t wanna guess..
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OH also rainbow dash :)
anyway that’s everyone i can see right now but i hope you weren’t bored to death i enjoyed this almost hour talking about these friends and will proceed to actually get up now :D thank you for asking!!!!!!
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
Mothpool AU Rambles - Omen of the Stars + Super Editions / Novellas
More of me rambling about the Mothpool AU, this time going through Omen of the Stars!
Two kits were born to the young queen Whitewing not long before Russetleaf fled to the tunnels.
One, a pale gray she-kit with white markings on her side and green eyes, was named Dovekit by the queen. The other, a gray-and-white tabby she-kit with blue eyes, was named Ivykit.
Once Russetleaf was presumed dead by the Clan, Dovekit started to know the names of cats who were from other Clans she’d never been to. She knew Flamepaw was a medicine cat apprentice before Littlecloud announced it at a Gathering, she knew who Mothwing was without having to be told, she knew Lynxcloud as well.
Anyways, the time comes for them to be apprenticed. Dovekit is apprenticed to Quailwing, while Ivykit is apprenticed to Cinderheart.
Dovepaw’s apprenticeship is difficult despite her enhanced senses. Quailwing spaces out a lot, as if distracted by something in the distance despite his blindness. Ivypaw on the other paw is great at hunting and fighting. She’s even more uncertain when an old gray she-cat with matted fur comes to her dreams and gives her a prophecy.
The russet leaf hasn’t truly left. It’s only descended deep, deep down. For now, look for the dove’s feathers that will rain down.
In her dreams, she sees starry cats and hears them whispering the same thing, over and over again. There will be three who will hold the power of the stars in their paws.
But she also sees dark, bloody cats with a strange mist surrounding them that make her feel sick to her stomach.
She just wants to have a dreamless night for once.
Eventually she tells the Clan about the beavers. Quailwing immediately knows. He never knew about Russetleaf’s power since she had it for such a little amount of time before leaving. He knows.
She tells him about her dreams. About the starry cats and the bloody, misty cats. Quailwing tells Firestar. He knows too.
Firestar sends them to get Lynxcloud from RiverClan. Lynxcloud has an apprentice, Hollowpaw, who desperately wants to go on the mission as well. But Rippletail and Petalfur say they should go in Lynxcloud’s stead. Mothwing dismisses their argument and says that all three of them can go and that Hollowpaw can be mentored by Icewing until they come back. He’s mad about this, but reluctantly accepts.
And so at the next Gathering, Firestar announces the news and Leopardstar announces that Lynxcloud, Petalfur and Rippletail are all going to represent RiverClan.
The cats from the other Clans include Oakfur, Tigerpaw and Toadfoot from ShadowClan and Sedgewhisker and Whitetail from WindClan. After getting some herbs from their medicine cats (in Quailwing and Dovepaw’s case, Brightheart, who’s in charge of medicine cat duties until further notice), the group sets off and that goes about as normal.
Unlike in the original book, we get Ivypaw chapters instead of Quailwing chapters. Dovepaw apparently getting a dream from StarClan does make her feel a bit jealous, but she’s a great fighter and hunter so it doesn’t bother her too much. Note that while Poppyfrost does go to the Moonpool, Breezepelt doesn’t attack her because he actually has a father who cares for him.
During the fight against the beavers, Dovepaw sees Tigerpaw use his Dark Forest moves and is intrigued. The two become relatively close on the journey back.
Once they get back to the Clans, Dovepaw sees how great at everything Ivypaw’s been. Yes, she has a connection to StarClan, but she’s... jealous. And uncertain about everything. Shouldn’t Russetleaf, Quailwing and Lynxcloud’s sister, be the third cat? Was she? Did StarClan change their destinies after Russetleaf’s presumed death?
The Dark Forest can finally get into her dreams and bring her somewhere StarClan can’t reach. Hawkfrost first comes to her in a flowery field. He says he wants to teach her how to control her powers and how to be a great warrior. She believes him. She wants her Clan to believe in her not because of her power, but because of her.
Now let’s go to RiverClan. Lynxcloud and Willowshine are still dating, though Willowshine’s had to spend less and less time with Lynxcloud due to Mothwing’s de-promotion. This saddens Lynxcloud. The Dark Forest tries to manipulate him, but he’s aware of their tricks already. Instead, he goes to the ThunderClan border, where Quailwing and a few other cats (Berrynose, Cinderheart, Ivypaw and Dovepaw) find him. He explains he wishes to meet with Firestar. Quailwing agrees. Cinderheart, who knows about the prophecy from Russetleaf, is less confused then the other cats... but still confused.
Quailwing brings Lynxcloud to Firestar’s den, surprised when Firestar requests that he and Dovepaw come too, but they do as he says. They talk to Firestar about the prophecy for a bit, and Dovepaw is even more uncertain when she hears about Firestar’s last notable interaction with Russetleaf.
“I remember what happened not long before Russetleaf left,” the leader mewed, “I was talking to Brambleclaw about patrols, when Russetleaf entered, asking to talk to me in private. I assumed she’d received a prophecy, so I followed her. We went into the forest, where she asked me if I’d ever broken the warrior code. I suddenly felt... compelled to tell her everything. So I did. Once I was done, I felt like myself again. I think that was her using her power.”
Russetleaf was one of the Three. She was meant to be there instead of her. Dovepaw should’ve been a normal apprentice. Why couldn’t she be normal?
Training in the Dark Forest makes her feel... important. A StarClan cat is choosing to train her of all cats. But slowly, as the Dark Forest gets more of a hold on her, the scenery in her dreams changes to be more eerie. 
At first there’s just blood red and dark mist slowly forming, like the ones the dark cats from her older dreams had.
Then the flowery field starts to turn into a misty, muddy forest. Dovepaw doesn’t know what’s happening. But she doesn’t stop going. She can’t, not when she’s not even done with her training yet. So she continues going to the Dark Forest.
Ivypaw notices her sister acting... odd. She asks her about it, but Dovepaw simply says that she’s focusing really hard on her training. She keeps waking up with bloodied fur, so much so that it can’t be from thorns in her nest like she insists it is. Ivypaw doesn’t know what to do, so she tells Quailwing and Cinderheart, who both promise to keep a close eye on her. Note that here, Cinderheart knows about Quailwing’s power due to them being close. Quailwing told her about the prophecy because he felt that she deserved to know.
Cinderheart suggests Quailwing walks in Dovepaw’s dreams. He doesn’t want to because he hasn’t used his power very much in this AU due to not being a medicine cat... and because Leafpool told Brightheart and Longtail about his power and they taught him about violation of privacy.
Anyways, the tree falls and Briarpaw breaks her spine and Longtail dies. Quailwing is devastated by the latter event.
Brightheart takes care of Briarpaw, though she struggles a bit due to not having been trained as a medicine cat. Quailwing and Squirrelflight go to ShadowClan to get Littlecloud’s help, and Flamepaw helps out as well, though he mainly just bonds with Dovepaw and Ivypaw, especially the latter.
Anyways, Briarpaw gets her warrior name of Briarlight, Blossompaw and Bumblepaw are named Blossomfall and Bumbleflight (name subject to change, I just think Bumblestripe is lame). Briarlight and Dovepaw end up getting really close... Blossomfall still gets jealous of her sister and when Dovepaw sees her in the Dark Forest, she decides to try to help their relationship because she doesn’t realize what she’s doing is bad - she just wants to be cared for by her Clanmates because of her, not because of a prophecy that she just so happens to be playing a part in.
I imagine that after their training sessions and before they wake up, Dovepaw and Blossomfall talk sometimes. At one point Hawkfrost joins in upon hearing them talk about their feelings, telling them how he came to be in the Dark Forest. It’s at this point that Dovepaw realizes that it’s wrong to be here...
Night Whispers starts with a Flamepaw chapter as he and Littlecloud go to the Moonpool and he gets his full name of Flametail before dreaming of a strange place... a dark misty forest. A dark brown tom with a red aura around his scars approaches him before he wakes up.
After this, Dovepaw goes to Quailwing and tells him everything. About the Dark Forest, about Hawkfrost, about Blossomfall... everything. At the next Gathering, he asks Dovepaw to tell Lynxcloud what she told him, and she does. Ivypaw and Tigerpaw (yes, Flamepaw got his warrior name first... don’t question it) eavesdrop and this helps Tigerpaw realize that mouse-dung, everyone is right about Tigerstar being evil. Ivypaw and her sister start to fix their bond.
I can’t decide if Flametail dies or not but if he doesn’t then like in Veil of Shadows with Shadowsight (and Squilf’s Hope with Squilf but that book isn’t canon-), he becomes a ghost and has to wait while his body heals from almost drowning.
Anyways in Sign of the Moon, Quailwing and Lynxcloud, alongside their apprentices, meet up to check out the tunnels. Dovepaw and Hollowpaw have gotten relatively close due to the Dark Forest and are both of their Clan’s respective spies (Lynxcloud asked Dovepaw to spread the news to as many Dark Forest trainees as possible - Hawkfrost and Tigerpaw helped out. They all decided to have Tigerpaw and Applefur spy for ShadowClan, Hollowpaw and Minnowtail spy for RiverClan, Harespring and Sunstrike (Me about Sunstrike: “I don’t know who you are but you’re pretty.”) spy for WindClan, and, of course, Dovepaw spy for ThunderClan... I’d have someone else spy with her but at the time she was like the only Dark Forest trainee in ThunderClan).
Hollowpaw and Dovepaw just hunt so Leopardstar doesn’t get mad while Lynxcloud and Quailwing block off the tunnels and end up finding a tuft of Russetleaf’s fur and realize that oh sheet, she’s alive.
Anyways they go back to their respective camps and Firestar decides that Dovepaw and Ivypaw should have their assessments, so they do and manage to both pass after a misadventure in the tunnels after Icecloud falls in. Dovepaw is named Doverain due to her friendliness and intelligence (had to look through a naming dictionary’s meanings for -splash, -pool, -creek and some others) and Ivypaw is named Ivypool due to her fierceiocity and strength in battle... her name’s more obvious.
Doverain, Foxleap, Squirrelflight and Quailwing all go to the mountains since Quailwing got a message from Half Moon saying that he had to go... the Three’s connection to StarClan is lessening due to some reason that no one knows the reasoning for. Hint hint, Dark Forest.
Quailwing possesses Quail’s Feather again because he wants to violate this dead cat’s privacy. Rock tells him to not violate Quail’s Feather’s privacy. He pretends to be deaf.
Anyways back at the lake Blossomfall and Ivypool end up in the tunnels and meet Fallen Leaves. After totally not Russetleaf leads them out Fallen Leaves won’t leave Ivypool alone. I had to make Ivypool’s character arc interesting, okay? She keeps getting dreams of the ancients and death and a battle... starry cats on one side and misty, dark cats on the other... a starry tortioseshell cat fading right from someone who she can only assume is Firestar’s grasp... she doesn’t know what they mean but they scare her and she just wants them to leave her alone.
In RiverClan Lynxcloud is having a crisis because StarClan is visiting his dreams and telling him that the Clans will have to stand divided and he’s just like “but,,, my bro’s in thunderclan” and they’re just like “sorry bruh” and leave. Willowshine’s also confused because she also keeps having these dreams and she’s pretty sure StarClan’s shipping them.
Back at the mountains, Quailwing comes back to the present and names Crag Where Eagles Nest the new Healer. Note that here just to make it make more sense, even if they are generally called Teller of Pointed Stones / Stoneteller, they are sometimes referred to by their old name, usually in dreams from the Tribe of Endless Hunting or by cats close to them.
After returning to the lake, Doverain finds that her powers have seemingly vanished. She doesn’t know how to feel about this. She vents about it to Ivypool, Blossomfall and Briarlight. She vents about everything to Ivypool, Blossomfall and Briarlight. How she feels like Ivypool was always better then her even though she had a power, how she felt like she was only cared about by Firestar and StarClan was because of her power, how she only felt at home in the Dark Forest, how she just wants Blossomfall to get along with Briarlight and be a happy family again, all of it. Blossomfall stays quiet while Briarlight and Ivypool comfort her.
Doverain notices that Blossomfall has stopped participating in training sessions, even when it’s just between the spies (Hollowpaw and Tigerpaw have since become Hollowflight and Tigerheart), a few others and Hawkfrost. When she asks about this, Blossomfall says that Doverain saying all that made her realize that she was being petty and that she’s been thinking.
Anyways, during a Gathering Doverain catches a glimpse of a cinnamon and red splotched and striped pelt through the trees. It looks exactly like...
Doverain had already had her suspicions that the torbie she-cat wasn’t actually dead due to the prophecy she’d received as a young apprentice, but seeing her was a whole ‘nother story.
Also I just now realized that I didn’t elaborate on Briarlight so here we go: after Doverain vents about all that to Blossom, Ivy and Briar, Blossomfall confronts Millie and tells her that “hey, you’re being really helicopter mom-like towards Briarlight, I don’t think she appreciates that, maybe stop and let her get out?”. She agrees so Briarlight gets out sometimes. While hunting on her own is still a bit challenging, she manages. She and her siblings go on their own hunting patrols sometimes and Bumble and Blossom scare prey towards her so she can catch it since pouncing and chasing it is... kind of out of the question. Also “[...] due to [Briarlight’s injury], she can never have kits”... w h a t ? I... hm... Kate... are you okay?
Anyways, Doverain goes on a walk in the middle of the night in order to think, and ends up coming across Russetleaf and her ghost boyfriend Fallen Leaves! She tries to convince Russetleaf to come back to the Clan...
“It’s nice talking to you Doverain,” Russetleaf mewed, smiling, “isn’t it, Fallen Leaves?”
The ghostly tom simply nodded, uncertainty in his eyes. “Er, Doverain, can you see me?”
“I can,” Doverain smiled at the ancient cat - what did Quailwing call his rank the other day? Softpaw? Yeah, Softpaw - as her tail whipped back and forth happily, “anyways Russetleaf... why don’t you come back to the Clan? If I can see Fallen Leaves, surely others can too! Or at least, Quailwing when he gets his visions and Lynxcloud... well, when he’s Lynxcloud,” she chuckled at herself.
The torbie looked to Fallen Leaves, uncertainty in her eyes as well. “Doverain... I can’t come back. I just can’t. I don’t want to cause more pain then I must... and then I already have.”
A puzzled look glazed the younger she-cat’s eyes. “What do you mean?”
Russetleaf sighed. “You know who Ashfur is... correct? Ferncloud’s brother, a brave warrior, formerly mates with Squirrelflight,” she speaks her foster mother’s name as if it’s a curse, though Doverain had heard from Quailwing and Lynxcloud had no trouble cursing, “him.”
“Yes, I do,” Doverain was confused, “why?”
“I... killed him.”
But she refuses.
She and Doverain keep meeting at night. It helps Doverain become more certain with herself. And eventually, she convinces Russetleaf to come back home.
She has a tearful reunion with Cinderheart and (somehow) manages to introduce Fallen Leaves to her, though given everyone else in the Clan’s looks they likely think they’re insane.
Seeing how happy Russetleaf looks being back with her brother and (albeit, foster) parents, and knowing that she isn’t going to get her powers back soon, Doverain wants to obstruct any connection with the prophecy.
Doverain smiled back at Russetleaf, Quailwing and the torbie’s mates as she pushed through the overgrowth and entered Firestar’s den.
“Doverain,” the tom purred, “you’ve proven yourself to be a great warrior, even beyond the prophecy. You’ve brought Russetleaf back to the Clan and have accomplished several other great feats. With that aside, what do you need?”
She paused. Did she want to do this? She wasn’t the third cat... did she have any involvement in the prophecy? Or was she just a temporary replacement?
She did want to do this.
“I... I want to change my name,” she mewed, “could you give me the proper ceremony for that? I understand if you think it’s silly or-”
Firestar cut her off. “I don’t think it’s silly at all Doverain. In fact, I’ll let you choose your new name when the time comes. I understand that you may not want to be connected to the prophecy any longer. I’ll host your ceremony right now, in fact. I already have something I need to announce anyways.”
And so, Firestar calls a Clan meeting. Cats still gossip about Cinderheart and all that, but after he shares the news of Sol...
“Before everyone leaves, I have something else I must do,” the leader announced just as cats were beginning to disperse, “Doverain, please come forward.”
The pale she-cat stepped forward, anxiety in her pelt. She heard a comforting whisper of “you got this” from Briarlight.
“Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name,” Firestar began. She gazed around camp, seeing a few confused yet supporting looks on cats’ faces. They know it from Brightheart. “I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what she is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name,” he jumped from the Highledge, looking to the currently nameless she-cat, “I give you the privilege to choose your own name.”
She paused, looking to her pelt. Pale gray... pale.
“I would like to be known as Palerain,” she mewed, hoping her trembling voice wasn’t obvious. Firestar nodded.
“By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name,” he mewed, “from this moment onward, she shall be known as Palerain.”
The newly named Palerain felt as if a weight had been lifted off her chest. She no longer had the burden of a prophecy on her shoulder.
But she knew what was coming.
Now note that I’ve never fully read the Last Hope... I read like the first couple of chapters and then stopped cuz it was boring and I knew what was coming (I spoil myself about shit that happens in the books sometimes... I knew who died in it, I knew about the battle, etc, etc)... but I just used the cliffnotes for every other book here so who cares!
So like the first chapter of the original Last Hope (with the change of it being Palerain instead), Palerain is training her Dark Forest apprentices (Birchfall isn’t one of them because the idea of her training her dad in the Dark Forest weirds me out) and Tigerstar and Mapleshade come to tell the trainees to wake up and go back to their nests. The trainees (reluctantly) agree but Hawkfrost stops Palerain and the other spies (alongside a few others... Blossomfall and the other ThunderClan trainees are there since most of them have started doubting the Dark Forest’s claims of being good and StarClan being bad) and brings them to the Gray Area, AKA where cats who did do bad things but had good reasoning for it but did too much of a bad to go to StarClan go. This is the area where Palerain’s Dark Forest training first started, the flower field. Note that none of the Dark Forest cats except maybe Mapleshade (I feel like she might also be in the Gray Area but leans closer to StarClan) know that Hawkfrost is in the Gray Area and think that he’s just in Hell outright. Anyways, he talks to the spies about the other senior Dark Forest warriors’ plan... not the battle, but another.
You know how when Antpelt died he got hypnotized in a way to believe that the Dark Forest’s plans were right and to care about them more than his old Clan? Well Hawkfrost tells the trainees that Tigerstar and the other senior Dark Forest warriors are planning to kill the trainees while they’re in the Dark Forest so the same thing will happen to them. Anyways Quailwing comes and brings some StarClan cats to violate the trainees’ privacy because he learned nothing from his training (the cats he brings are Bluestar, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, Whitestorm, Oakheart, Redtail, Leopardstar (she’s just there because she was Hawkfrost’s mentor), Half Moon and Cinderpelt - note that here Cinderpelt was more of an imaginary friend / guardian angel to Cinderheart and Cinderheart just had her memories for some reason... it’s based on this AU and a post by @/the-broken-code-rewrite).
The trainees make a plan to fight back when the Dark Forest cats attempt to kill them and Hawkfrost is just like “good luck ig i’ll help u get 2 starclan if u die”.
Anyways at the Moonpool Russetleaf has the same dreams Jayfeather has in the canon book (yes, she does get POVs) and she’s confused when she sees Mothwing there... Willowshine and Lynxcloud also tag along here. Russetleaf tells them they need to unite their Clans and Lynxcloud promises to tell Mistystar that.
Mistystar’s not having any of that.
“but ur half-thunderclan”
“yeah but if starclan’s telling willowshine that the clans need to stand divided then i’m going to listen to starclan”
“mistystar, ur my mom, i love you, but listen to the child”
“i’m an adult reedwhisker”
“sure u r bab”
“ur not even my dad”
“leopardstar nursed you and i acted like ur dad”
Anyways Dark Forest shit happens. Palerain and the other spies are anticipating getting killed.
Brightheart announces she’s having babies and Russetleaf’s just like “brightheart... maybe wait”.
Skipping some shit/shuffling events around, the Three and Palerain discuss who they think the fourth cat might be.
Canidates: Lynxcloud and Russetleaf both think Cinderheart, Palerain thinks Ivypool. Quailwing doesn’t really have any ideas until Mothwing shows him and Russetleaf the flaming reed, after which he thinks Flametail. However, here, the reed itself wasn’t the omen. Instead the fact that despite steady rain it didn’t go out was the omen. Do you get it yet?
Anyways Dark Forest patrols. Only the Three, Palerain, Fallen Leaves (yes, he’s still awkwardly roaming ThunderClan), Cinderheart and the trainees can see them. Also like in the canon books Brokenstar slaughters Beetlewhisker. This is when the Dark Forest decides to attempt to kill the trainees. The spies and ThunderClan’s trainees fight back, and a few other trainees fight back too, but some of them (Redwillow... that seems to be about it canonically so it’s time for OCs! Cherrycloud and Leechfeather, both RiverClan cats) fight the “betrayers”. The spies and ThunderClan cats are escorted out by Hawkfrost and a few StarClan cats (mainly Goosefeather and Crookedstar) who know the way to the Dark Forest. Said StarClan cats fend off the Dark Forest cats and Redwillow while Hawkfrost and the spies / ThunderClanners escape to the Gray Area.
The ThunderClan trainees go on a patrol led by Palerain and find the spies and some of the other trainees by the island - Icewing, Hollowflight, Minnowtail, Harespring, Sunstrike, Furzepelt, Larkwing, Whiskernose, Ratscar, Applefur and Tigerheart. When asked where Redwillow is, Tigerheart explains that he woke up with lots of injuries and scars and is in the medicine cat den healing, and that he thinks that he swore loyalty to the Dark Forest and they killed him so he’d stay there. Icewing and the other RiverClan cats report the same for Leechfeather and Cherrycloud. Hawkfrost then appears because no one cares about privacy in this AU.
The Three and Palerain tell Leafpool, Mothwing, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw about their destinies, blah blah blah, Lynxcloud accepts his destiny... and also tells them that he’s dating Willowshine and that he’s pretty sure she’s expecting his kits and Leafpool and Mothwing are just like “lynxcloud honey no” and Lynxcloud’s just like “lemme have a girlfriend”.
They’re not saying that about him dating Willowshine. They’re saying that about the kits.
Lynxcloud asks Willowshine if she’s cheating on him and she says that no, she’s not, she just wanted to have babies with him so she got Pebblefoot to sire some babs. Lynxcloud is both happy and realizes that she’s gon be in trouble but then Mistystar comes in like “yo i heard y’all talkin’ and i was already thinkin’ of givin’ mothwing her medicine cat position back and y’all have made me decide that maybe i should” and I don’t know why Mistystar’s Southern but anyways-
The medicine cats (Mothwing and Leafpool are there too because Brightheart’s struggling and Russetleaf’s like... a teenager) all decide they need to unite StarClan and Russetleaf tells them about the Dark Forest. Willowshine tells them she’s expecting kits and they all decide that that rule is pretty damn stupid so they should abolish it. Bluestar tells Russetleaf that Palerain’s the fourth cat and she’s like “y’know what that makes a lotta sense”. Russetleaf invades her privacy and hears Bluestar say this and tells Palerain and then brings the medicine cats to the Dark Forest to watch a training session. Palerain and most of the trainees are in the Gray Area with Hawkfrost while Redwillow, Leechfeather and Cherrycloud are all training for the battle.
Quailwing somehow gets to the Gay (I’m keeping that) Area and the medicine cats conspire there, all agreeing that they need to get their leaders to meet at the island.
Firestar brings Russetleaf, Quailwing and Palerain to the island (Palerain didn’t want to go but Firestar doesn’t know she doesn’t have her power anymore) and Lynxcloud comes with Mistystar. The Three reveal their powers to the Clans.
Russetleaf’s truth revealing/hypnosis, Lynxcloud’s inability to be hurt in battle, and Quailwing’s invasion of privacy.
The leaders decide to send patrols at each camp at dusk to prepare for the upcoming battle, and they decide to have reinforcements - cats who will send news to other Clans (I’m copy-pasting stuff from the Wiki now).
Palerain turns down Tigerheart with the reasoning of “i’m gay, ur gay, go marry bumbleflight”. Tigerheart is just like “wait i’m gay” and leaves to contemplate his sexuality.
Firestar tells the Clan about the Dark Forest and battle plans and stuff and Russetleaf talks to Cinderheart and they decide to be gay together. Fallen Leaves is there too.
“ily russetleaf”
“ily 2 fallen leaves”
“... hi i’m here 2″
“ily cinderheart”
“ily 2 russetleaf”
“we can be polyam”
“that sounds gucci”
The battle happens. Hawkfrost starts fighting on the side of the Dark Forest before he, Snowtuft and Thistleclaw “ambush” Palerain, after which he fights on the side of the Clans. Russetleaf almost dies but doesn’t.
Palerain sacrifices herself in order to save her sister from almost getting killed. However, due to her former unstable powers, her spirit simply gets disconnected from her body.
Spottedleaf double dies.
Firestar still dies, Brambleclaw becomes leader and appoints Cinderheart as deputy. Leafpool gets her medicine cat position back.
Let’s quickly quickfire through post-OotS pre-AVoS Super Editions / novellas in chronological order.
Dovewing’s Silence
Palerain gets back to her body after having some strange dreams. That’s basically it. I don’t remember this book. Foxleap and Icecloud don’t die. Hazeltail doesn’t either. Basically no one dies.
Crowfeather’s Trial
Instead called Crowfeather’s Peace as he comes to a peace with his past “relationship” with Feathertail and reflects on his relationship with Nightcloud. The first half of it takes place with him as Crowpaw during the journey to the Sun-drown Place while the second half of it takes place a bit before Po3 but after TNP, around the same time as Leafpool’s Wish, as he and Nightcloud become close and eventually have Breezepelt.
Bramblestar’s Storm
This book’s about the same.
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beelas-bees-art · 4 years
10% Left AU// Chapter Two
With a fierce squeal, Applefur slashed Snowtuft's belly. He squirmed but succumbed to exhaustion, leading to his death as he left a puddle of black sludge in his absence. She then scanned the horizon, searching for anymore enemies, but all she can see are the bodies of her fallen clanmates. Shrewfoot gives her a silent glance, once they've determined everything safe, they can relax. Shrewfoot checks inside the den they had been guarding "It's safe. You can come out now." Applefur looks back to see her two remaining clanmates emerge, she blinks in surprise. "Cedarheart and Snaketail? Where is everyone else?" Snaketail shook their head but paused as their ears pricked at something. A kit mewling. Cedarheart immediately dived back into the den and, after a couple of heartbeats, he brought out two scraps of fur, one bigger than the other. Applefur's gaze softened at the sight of Mistkit and Spikekit, from two separate litters, Mistkit was about 3 moons but Spikekit still looked newborn.
"That's it then?" Shrewfoot exclaims "We're the last remainin' cats of Shadowclan?" She laughs hysterically, claws scraping at the moss under her.
Applefur is quick to rebuttal this "No! There- there has to be others around."
Applefur cuts herself short as Snaketail approaches her with a hiss. "You!" They jabbed a claw into her chest "Shouldn't be here! You don't deserve to have survived while real, loyal warriors died." Shrewfoot gawked at this.
Cedarheart, after having set down the kits in his mouth added "You should be crowfood with the rest of those Dark Forest cats, like Redwillow!"
The two elders attacked Applefur with their words and she couldn't fault them. They were right, she had been allied with the Dark Forest before the battle. She gazed out over the camp turned battlefield and at all of the dead bodies, every death weighing on her shoulders.
"Oi!" Shrewfoot interrupted, getting in front of Applefur protectively "she fought alongside us, didn't she? I'm sure Apple has payed for whatever crimes she committed but we don't have time for this." Shrewfoot easily reassured the two elders, having them both plop down with a sigh. "Firstly, I see a cat that ain't Shadowclan standing over there, Applefur, go check 'em out."
Applefur considered stammering out a protest but this was a chance to prove her loyalty to Shadowclan, so she padded towards the brown and white dappled molly.
After hearing pawsteps, the molly turned her blue eyes towards Applefur, her hackles raised but she forced them to flatten down.
Applefur stopped a foxlength away "Applefur of Shadowclan, you?" She inquired.
The molly paused a moment, looking down at the cat near her paws, before responding "Poppyfrost of Thunderclan."
Applefur had guessed as much considering her scent, she glanced at the cream-colored cat at her paws. She instantly recognized the problematic Thunderclan tom from gatherings, Berrynose. The once talkative warrior lay silent and dead, his face still contorted in anger.
When Applefur looked back at the Thunderclan cat still standing, she saw the intense sadness in her eyes "That was my mate, Berrynose. We had two kits together, they're apprentices but I haven't seen them."
Applefur barely remembered the announcement at a previous gathering, Cherrypaw and Molepaw. Her heart ached for the grieving cat but she needed to focus "Could you come with me to the rest of Shadowclan?" Poppyfrost stared at Berrynose's body once again before giving a pitiful nod.
Stepping over the forms of dead clanmates, the both of them swiftly made it back to the group. Applefur made to sit down but Shrewfoot prevented her with a swish of her tail.
Noting the motion, Applefur continued to stand at attention, albeit uncomfortable, and turned to face the dappled cat.
"This is Poppyfrost of Thunderclan. She seems to be able to walk and speaks properly." Applefur confirmed.
Poppyfrost laughed nervously "What's with this?" She flattened her fluffy ears against her head, a notion of unease and hesitance.
"Just inspectin' your condition, dear." Shrewfoot stated rather matter-of-factly, she circled around the Thunderclan molly, paws landing with precision and care. One couldn't wonder why she earned the name "-foot".
The wounds on the warrior's coat were not gushing but rather trickling and no care was immediately needed, which was good, the cat narrowed her eyes by instinct at being scrutinized by former enemies.
"Okay... you've had your fun now stop pretending to be better than me, come off it."
Shrewfoot stopped circling and stopped in front of Poppyfrost's face, she examined the molly's stature. "Are ya hungry?"
Poppyfrost blinked in disbelief, so did the elders "Huh?"
"I said what I said didn't I?" Shrewfoot flicked her tail on Poppyfrost's chin, half-apologetically, half-teasing "Well for now you're a guest in our camp, gotta make sure you're keeping healthy." Shrewfoot crossed the camp to check on the prey pile, doing her best to avoid looking at the dead cats, just to find the fresh-kill ruined and flattened.
"Hmm," she twitched an ear, she then turned to look at Applefur "Apple, go get her a frog please?"
Applefur nodded, knowing it was more a command than a request. Feeling uneasy, the mottled brown molly left in search of prey.
Once alone, Applefur could feel the sting of her wounds. She lifted a paw to her right eye to feel the cut, she had been blinded. A great despair clawed at Applefur from inside her chest, a feeling that things weren't right in her little world.
A feeling that I shouldn't be standing...
Applefur shook the grim thought from her mind, but similar ones took its place while she searched for prey. Every corner she looked she found a new body, every time she inhaled she picked up the scent of death instead of food. The feeling only grew stronger once she found the body of her brother, Toadfoot.
Taking the time to reel in her racing mind, Applefur crouched down beside the tom's body. His fur was cold and matted with blood and his face remained strained even through death, but his familiar scent was still there. She gently pushed her face into her brother's usually well-groomed fur, letting out her grief in little sobs. After a few heartbeats, Applefur gathered her wits once more, she muttered a quick prayer.
"Starclan... if you would dare listen to a traitor's plea," she took a breath and lifted her head to the sky "Please guide Toadfoot to your endless wood and let him rest easy in the stars as he deserves."
As expected, receiving no answer from the stars, Applefur continued to search for prey until she heard something suspicious.
A twig snap.
Instinct told her it was danger, that another Dark Forest cat was waiting to kill her, another part of her reassured it was just a mouse.
However when she spotted green eyes staring at her from the bushes, she could deny it no longer.
Like a fox-heart, instead of attacking the hidden cat she let out a wail of fear. Backing up so abruptly that she tripped over the tree roots and fell miserably to the dusty earth.
She heard the bushes rattle and accepted her fate with no fight left in her.
Someone like me... she thought. Shouldn't be around anyway.
But no searing pain followed the rustling, instead the soft, albeit big, paw of a cat rested upon her shoulder.
"Um. Hello?" The voice of a molly piped up from her would be attacker.
Applefur just couldn't seem to gather the courage to look up, let alone reply. Instead she whimpered in agony as feelings of despair and hopelessness flooded her.
"Woah!" The paw quickly released whatever weigh was put on Applefur, the unknown molly jumped back in worry "I'm sorry! I didn't hurt you, did I? I thought the wildcats were supposed to be tough." The last part was more to herself than Applefur but the poor excuse if a warrior paid it no mind.
Applefur, still, couldn't bare to move from her uncomfortable position but managed to speak up "Are you going to kill me?" She hated how her voice sounded weak, she would end up in the Place of No Stars for sure "If so, please do it already."
A startled yelp resounded from the molly "Of course not! Are you hurting that badly hun?" The cat made to help her but thats when Applefur's strength flooded back into her muscles. She fiercely stood to face her attacker.
Applefur was a fool to think the hesitant molly was a Dark Forest warrior, rather if she had used her brain sooner she would have realized that the cat was a mere kittypet, although missing the collar. Her pelt was mostly dark ginger, with a white muzzle, underbelly and tail, black legs, face and rings on the tail. Her green eyes now sparkled with fear now seeing that Applefur was well enough to move.
Applefur thought what to do next, and that was to follow Shadowclan protocol.
"State your name, now." The harsh snap of her tone was enough incentive for the kittypet to reply.
End of Chapter Two
First/Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Your headcanons for Applefur ?
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I always imagined her being a bit more "pudgy" by clan cat standards. I liked her being very round and soft looking, with her brown fur being a warmer tone to reflect her name. Also I couldn't decide between green or amber eyes, so she got heterochromia, which I really like on her.
Her father was Boulder.
She has two older brothers in the form of Oakfur and Wildfur. They were Boulder and Tallpoppy's first litter. While Oakfur is still alive, Wildfur passed away after a burrow collapsed and crushed his backbone, leaving him paralyzed. He ended up dying later of a chest infection due to not getting enough movement after his injury. Applefur never knew him, but was told stories of him by her mother.
Tallpoppy's sister was the Applefur from The Prophecies Begin, Tallpoppy naming her daughter after her sister. Them sharing the same name was something Applefur requested to honor the aunt she never knew.
Personality wise, Applefur is very honorable and open-minded. She isn't very hostile by nature towards other clan cats, still having fond memories of the journey with Birchfall. While her brother Toadfoot became more standoffish and reserved as they got older, Applefur actually did make an effort to talk to Birchfall here and there. They didn't actually rekindle a friendship until they trained in The Dark Forest, lulling them both into a false sense of security as they reminisce on their days as kits.
I changed it so Applefur was the one nearly carried off by the eagle instead because I wanted the kit that Brackenfur saved to live specifically, as a moment of redemption for failing to save Snowkit in The Prophecies Begin. This is also why she's honestly pretty kind to other clan cats as it was a ThunderClan cat who saved her life.
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bonefall · 1 year
applefur toadstep birchfall friendship? on the journey them (and marshkit, rip in peace) were very close friends, and it’d be amazing to see them continue to interact and stay friends after they separate. im pretty sure in one of the guides birchfall, as an apprentice, mentioned being excited to talk to them at his first gathering, but after that it’s never really mentioned at all.
In this rewrite, Marsh and Toad are swapping places!
Marshkit was saved by Brackenfur from the eagle, and has grown into a respected warrior named Marshwing. He's a friend of Birchfall, as ShadowClan has a tentative alliance with ThunderClan through Po3 and their battles are controlled and honorable (unlike canon where they're legitimately hostile).
Marshwing is mentored by Oakfur, and becomes the mentor of Tigerheart.
His sister Applefur is jealous and resentful of him. Their brother Toadkit died in a fox trap that Marshkit was investigating, and Applefur has never been able to forgive Marshwing for it. As they've grown, Marshwing has become a prodigal warrior on 'stolen time' while Applefur feels left behind.
This is how she's pulled into the Dark Forest, at first hoping to get a leg up on him, but eventually having this spite exploited.
She eventually is able to have a takeover of ShadowClan with Redwillow and Ratscar following the death of Russetfur, when Blackstar refuses to lead because of Sol's influence. Blackstar returns at the request of his clanmates, and kicks them out of power.
(And why was Toadkit killed, you ask? Because everyone including myself always confuses his name, Toadfoot, with Toadstep of ThunderClan.)
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