#and thank you so so much for 3.5k and for sticking around for a whole year 😭
birdietrait ¡ 4 months
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JJ Cleary + Anya Katz (mini sim dump)
the happy couple from my attempt at the random legacy challenge (now deleted from my blog) <3 i would love to see them in your saves, so feel free to tag me if you want!
all cc included, one outfit for each category
don't claim as your own or put them behind a paywall
download here: google drive
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maximumsass ¡ 4 months
Don’t Forget to Breathe
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Synopsis: It’s PECSA weekend as much as Melissa is excited to get her relaxation and party on, her girlfriend (aka you the beautiful reader) is absolutely dreading it due to your social anxiety. But you can see that your anxiety is rubbing off on her and now she's more concerned about you, then she's excited about going to PECSA. Will you be able to use your coping skills and actually enjoy yourself at PECSA with Melissa by your side or will you be consumed by your anxiety despite your best efforts of trying to lower it and end up in the hotel room the whole weekend?!
Author's Note: First I have to shout out @woman-simp for requesting the idea of going to PECSA with Mel and the reader having social anxiety but really not wanting to hinder Mel's PECSA experience. I thank you for the request, I never would've wrote this on my own so many thanks! i just really tried to convey the immense care and just all around cuteness Mel and the reader's relationship is. Honestly it's the relationship that I want my next relationship to be like! And i want that for all you beautiful people too!! Hope you enjoy it! Like always share your thoughts! And send me any requests you have! Sending y’all all da hugs and love!
Word Count: 3.5K
It was Thursday night, the night before PECSA weekend. You had your suitcase open on your bed and you were running around like a chicken with your head cut off throwing everything you think you might need for the weekend in it. As you throw your favorite red bikini in it, you hear a snicker from the other side of the bed. You look up and see your girlfriend looking at you over her cat eye glasses trying to suppress another snicker.
“I’m so glad you find my packing anxiety amusing!” You say with a mock hurt expression.
“I’m sorry hun, you’re just so cute! And you have to admit it’s a little funny that you’re acting like you’ll never step foot into your place again.” She teases you with a chuckle.
“Hey, I gave you the option of us spending the night separately and then seeing each other tomorrow!” You retort and then stick out your tongue at the redhead. You quickly turn on your heels to the bathroom to double check you have everything in terms of toiletries.
You open the mirror that doubles as a medicine cabinet as you stare at it doing a mental inventory of all the medications you need. You feel strong arms wrap around your waist and then feel Melissa’s chin on your shoulder. You feel an instant release of the anxiety that had been buzzing around you just a second ago. You never had anyone in your life make you feel the calm that Mel has made you feel since you two started dating.
“I hope you know that I will never turn down an opportunity to spend the night with you angel. Especially if I know that your anxiety is rearing its ugly head. I know that you don’t want me to see you when you’re anxious, but it’s not just you anymore, anything that you go through from now on, I’m right beside you, we’re taking it head on together, let me in (Y/N), let me help you, let me take care of my girl.” She says softly and then gently kisses your cheek.
You take a deep breath. “I know, baby. I’m really trying to break down my walls to let you in, let you see all of me. It’s just a long and scary process. It may not seem like it but I’ve let you in more than I’ve let in anyone else. So that’s definite progress.” You say as you turn to face her and then take her face in your hands and place a slow and gentle kiss on those gorgeous red lips of hers.
When you break away, you turn back to the cabinet and grab two orange pill bottles.
“I thought you packed all your meds hun.” The redhead says with a concerned look on her face.
“I did but you know I am not the biggest fan of big crowds of people like there will be there at PECSA. I’m debating if I should just take both bottles, so I know I’m covered for the weekend.” You say as you stare at the bottles.
“That’s your anti-anxiety and panic attack meds right?” Mel asks and you nod your head. “Take both bottles, if not for you, do it for me so I know you’ll be good.” She gently instructs you.
You nod. As you take her hand and lead her back to the bedroom and place the meds in your suitcase. “See I’m already letting you take care of me.” You say to her with a grin.
“I see that! Now keep it up.” She says as she playfully bumps you.
You get this sinister look on your face. You quickly zip up your suitcase and place it on the floor. And then turn back to her with an evil grin.
“(Y/N) don’t you dare!” she screams playfully.
“I’m just smiling, I have no idea what you’re insinuating.” You say as you slowly step closer to her and then you lunge at her, pick her up, gently throw her on the bed and then get on the bed and lightly tickle her, her shrieks and your combined laughter fill the bedroom.
This turns into a passionate makeout session, which turns into you taking each other’s clothes off and a totally different kind of moaning fills the bedroom. You both sleep great and you wake up to your alarm, with the redhead’s head on your chest and arm curled around you. This is probably the cutest thing Melissa does with you, before y’all fall asleep she always makes sure she’s holding you and then she will not let go of you, even in her deepest sleep she doesn’t let go of you, and if you somehow you break away from her, just give her a few minutes and she will be holding you again. Even when y’all need to get up, it takes a bit of convincing for her to let you go. For a badass bitch who no one messes with, the fact that you get to see this cotton candy soft side of her, you know is a real honor.
“Baby, it’s time to get up.” You say softly in her ear.
“Mmmmmm noo, five more minutes.” She mumbles into your chest.
“We really need to get up gorgeous. You know how Barb will be if we make her wait.” You say softly.
You try to slide out from under her arm, this just makes her hold you tighter.
“No I don’t wanna let you go!” she whines playfully.
“What would the others say if I said that Melissa Schemmenti was a complete and utter cuddle bug in bed?” You tease as you kiss her forehead.
“Well one you wouldn’t dare! And two they totally wouldn’t believe you!” She said in a matter of fact tone as she traced patterns on your chest.
“You’re right, I wouldn’t tell them. Mostly because I love it when you’re like this.” You say as you softly kiss her.
“I love that you love it, I wasn’t like this with Joe or anyone else for that matter. You make me feel so safe and so happy, and I just want to be close to you at all times, it helps me stay grounded because a lot of the time this feels too good to be real.” She says as she looks at you with vulnerability mixed with adoration.
“I promise this is real and that you deserve to feel so safe and happy. I’ll do everything in my power to make you feel those things every day. And will always want you to hold me. ” You say as you gaze into her eyes. And then kiss her passionately, tongues colliding, lips dancing with each other, you pull her beautiful naked body so it’s pressed up against your nakedness. You both moan as your bodies make contact.
When you break away to get oxygen, Jessical Rabbit gives you a smirk. “You Miss We Need to Get Up Right Now, are not making it easy to get up.” She says as she gets this devious look on her face, and then she is simultaneously sliding her fingers along your folds while simultaneously giving your nipple a playful nibble. And then before you can comprehend what’s happening, she is climbing over you and walking to the bathroom.
“Dibs on the first shower!” She calls back to you.
“Now that’s just cruel!” You exclaim with sexual frustration.
You hear her chuckle to herself in the bathroom. You throw on some PJ’s and then order some surprise coffees to be delivered for the redhead. Barb, and yourself.
When she comes into the kitchen, you can’t help but smile. She's wearing a green tank top with a denim button down shirt and black leggings that show off her gorgeous legs and of course that juicy ass of hers.
“Even though you were mean to me, I got you a surprise coffee.” You say teasingly as you hand her the coffee and take another bite of the french toast stick you made for yourself while waiting for her to finish.
“Oh my god. Do not tell me that’s the frozen shit you used to survive before we got together?! I was gonna make us but you especially breakfast! You need more nutrition and calories, Miss I am 100 lbs soaking wet!” She exclaims in an exasperated tone.
You put on the puppy dog eyes and a faux pout. “115 lbs wet, thank you very much! And I was hungry and I didn’t want us to be late because you would’ve insisted on making me something because god forbid, I go without a meal on your watch.’ You say rolling your eyes.
“You can act annoyed all you want, I know you love how much I fuss over you and take care of you. I wouldn’t have to fuss if you would make caring for yourself a priority. I know it’s something that you’re working on in therapy, but until you’re there, I will always make your well-being one of my highest priorities and make sure you are doing the things you need to so we can live a long healthy life together.” She says as she wraps you in a warm hug and kisses your head.
“I’m going to get ready. Thank you for always having my best interest in mind, especially when I forget to do that for myself.” You say as you kiss her cheek.
“Hey before you go, I thought of something in the shower. I remember you saying that when you’re in the midst of high anxiety, you forget to breathe. So I had an idea. When you feel yourself going into that high anxiety mode, just remember me saying to you, “Don’t Forget to Breathe” and then do three deep breaths. And if I can see your anxiety spiking, I’ll say Don’t Forget to Breathe and we’ll do three deep breaths together. Will you at least try it once with me now? And see how you feel?” She asks in a pleading tone.
“Okay, I’ll try it, just for you.” You say to her as you rub her arm.
You look directly into each other's eyes. “Don’t forget to Breathe.” She gently instructs and then as if your souls become one you take three deep breaths in unison.
You both stare at each other for a moment, letting the silence wash over both of you. You actually feel yourself tearing up, and see that her emerald eyes have tears in them too.
“You are the most thoughtful person I’ve ever met. And from just listening to my experiences, you’ve come up with a coping skill that I think will actually help me. I really do feel better after doing that. And the fact that you came up with it, just makes it all the more meaningful for me. I never thought someone could care this much for me. I’m so grateful for you Mel and you just mean the world to me.” You wrap her in a hug and just hold her trying to transfer all the gratitude and all the love you have for her. And then after you hug and kiss for a little bit you head to the bathroom to shower.
When you are all done getting ready, you grab Mel’s and your bags and bring them to the front door so you can just head out. You walk back to the kitchen and see Mel and Barb sitting at the table chatting. You watch your girlfriend smile so big and toss her head back as she laughs, you love seeing Mel like this, so free.
“Good Morning my two gorgeous ladies!” You greet them chipperly.
“(Y/N)! Good Morning! Melissa told me you were behind the coffee I so needed this morning. How very thoughtful of you dear!” She says as she smiles brightly at you. “You have a wonderful woman on your hands Melissa, if you have any sense which I know you do, you’ll keep her around for the rest of your life, because you deserve to be treated like the queen you are and that little girl obviously understands the homework!” She says as she looks at her friend with a I know best look.
“Aww Barb, that's so sweet of you to say! And for future reference it’s understood the assignment, not the homework. But you were close!” You say to the brunette.
As Melissa loads both of your bags in the car because she insisted that she get yours too, and who can argue with a little chivalry, you pull Barb aside.
“I need to ask you a favor. I’ve told you a little about my anxiety. Crowds like the crowds at PECSA aren’t the ideal environment for me. But don’t worry, I’m fine and I’ll handle it. My favor of you is to keep Melissa entertained/distracted so she doesn’t worry about me this whole conference. I know this is one of the few times she unwinds and lets her hair down and actually has fun, and I will not be the one who takes that way from her.” You say as you look at Barb pleadingly.
“Of course I will (Y/N). But if you’re not okay, please let one of us know so we can help.” She says with a concerned look.
You just smile at her because asking for help is the very last resort for you and the likelihood of you asking for it is slim to none.
The car ride there is great because Barb and Melissa just talk the whole way as you doze in the back.
Melissa looks at you in the rear view mirror she smiles to herself, you look so peaceful as you sleep, she wishes that she could make you feel that peaceful for the entire conference.
“I’m worried about (Y/N) Barb. Being around this many people isn’t good for her anxiety. I just wish I could take on her anxiety so she doesn’t have to go through this shit.” She says quietly to her friend.
“I know it’s hard to watch someone you care about struggle and feel like there’s nothing you can do to comfort them. But you and I both know what a strong, independent, intelligent, and very capable young woman (Y/N) is, I know she’ll be just fine and just having you there I’m sure is a great comfort to her.” Barb says as she gently squeezes the redhead’s arm in assurance.
You get to the hotel, you check in and then Mel checks in. Mel and Barb discuss making an appearance at the opening EXPO and making their presence known before they hit the pool. You already feel the anxiety building up within you just seeing the vast number of people in the lobby who are checking in.
You don’t notice Mel and Barb’s conversation has ended until you hear your name being called and you feel a hand on your arm. You snap back to the lobby, you look down at the hand on your arm and then you realize Melissa is standing in front of you with a very concerned look on her face.
“You ready to go?” You ask, trying to act like nothing happened.
She takes a deep breath trying to calm herself down. “(Y/N), I had to say your name five times and touch you until you could answer me. Don’t act like that didn’t just happen. Are you okay?” She says in a concerned and frustrated tone.
“I’m fine angel, just tired, let’s just go find our room.” You say as you take her hand and squeeze it trying to comfort her a little.
“Hey. Look at me. Don’t forget to breathe.” She says and then you proceed to do three deep breaths together. And then you walk to the room hand in hand.
We get to the room and unpack, I tell Melissa that since I have to go to the sessions for my Continuing Education Credits, I’m skipping the EXPO and going to the pool and she and Barb can meet me there. I put on my red bikini as she gets ready for the EXPO.
“You better make it very clear to everyone that flirts with you because of how irresistible you look, that you are very much taken, and your girlfriend would do slightly unethical things to them if they tried anything with you.” She says with a smirk, you know it’s 40% of a joke, 60% of her being serious and just waiting for someone to fuck around and find out.
“You know that you are the only person in the world who has my heart, and that’s a forever kinda thing gorgeous.” You say softly as you kiss her.
“How do you always know just what to say to make me feel better?” She asks after we stopped kissing.
“It’s my special talent.” You say giving her a grin.
“It sure is. Okay I’m off to get Barb. See you at the pool, pretty girl.” She says as she kisses your head and rushes out of the room.
The rest of the day flies by, you sit by the pool by yourself and just enjoy the mellow vibes playlist that sends you into a zen bliss. Barb and Mel find you at the pool and you sit on a pool lounge chair with Mel, her legs draped over your lap as you listen to Barb and her talk while rubbing your hands over the redhead’s legs, and of course the redhead cant keep her hands off of you especially since she’s drank some of her pina colada. You then go and get dressed, and then go find Janine and Jacob to endure the sessions with. It’s not as bad as you thought, the only thing that spikes your anxiety is when everyone is filing into the sessions. You hear Melissa’s voice in your head, “Don’t forget to breathe.” And then three deep breaths just like you did with her at your place and the lobby. Before you know it, it’s PECSA Party time, the thing you’ve been dreading the most about PECSA.
You get ready in your room, Melissa is still with Barb you assume, they probably got ready and are having the time of their lives at the party. You are in the bathroom doing your makeup, and you hear someone try once, twice, three times before the door comes flying open.
“Baby!!!” Melissa squeals when she finds you in the bathroom.
You can’t help but laugh at your clearly tipsy girlfriend.
“Well someone’s had a fun day.” You chuckle.
“It’s been so much fun! I love Barb! And I love mathorita’s!” She exclaims.
“I will definitely have to try one of those mathorita’s. Now before we go back down, you have to drink this whole bottle of water. Okay?” You say as you pull out a bottle of water from the mini fridge. You take off the cap and hand her the bottle. She nods and starts drinking.
“Okay I’m ready!” You say as you walk out, the redhead is looking at her phone, when she looks up her jaw drops. You’re wearing this tight black bodycon dress that accentuates all of your curves.
“(Y/N), you look absolutely stunning. How did I get so lucky to have the most gorgeous woman at this conference on my arm and that you’re my girl?” She says in genuine surprise.
“You are the most gorgeous woman at this conference, miss.” You say as you smile at her. She comes over and hugs you.
“You feel tense, babe. Are you okay? We don’t have to go to the party, y’know we can just stay here, order some food, I can take this gorgeous dress off of you and then please you until I see you in that orgasmic bliss that I can’t get enough of.” She says as she gives you a seductive look.
That is literally all you want to do tonight. But you know how much Melissa loves the PECSA parties and you won’t be the reason why she doesn’t get to shut a PECSA Party down.
“No, let's go to the party, I promise I’m fine. Let’s go get our party on with Barb!” You exclaim.
“Okay but we have to do one thing before we walk out the door.” The redhead says with a smile.
You lock eyes with her. “Don’t forget to breathe.” She gently instructs. And then once again you breathe deeply three times in unison.
The party actually isn’t as bad as you think. And when your anxiety did ramp up, Melissa would instantly feel it sometimes before you felt it and would whisper those four words in your ear and then you’d breathe in unison and then be able to ground yourself enough to enjoy the moment you were in.
As Barb described the party the next morning “It was a film!” And you had to agree it was definitely a movie. One that did end with the redhead taking off your dress and sending you right into that orgasmic bliss.
161 notes ¡ View notes
simphornies ¡ 4 months
A/N: I'm not feeling well. It's that time of the month and I am struggling. I apologize if this part isn't written as well as the others :(
Word count: 3.5k (3,595)
part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5, finale
Deal Breaker [ Vox x Angel!Reader ] part 3
Your first day working with the Vees consisted of you being in one of Velvette’s shows. You were shoved into multiple outfits that were definitely out of your comfort zone. Your wings were out the whole time and boosted the popularity. At the end of the show, Velvette was trying to get you to be one of her official models.
“Y/N! As much as I hate your alliances, I do love the energy you bring on the stage.” She flicks her hand to get you into a more formal attire for your stay. You matched Vox’s suit, color scheme and all. You were convinced it’s just a dress version of his outfit. You let out a relieved sigh, happy that you’re finally comfortable.
“Flattered at your offer however I have the hotel to tend to. I have not the time to spare to become a model for you. Apologies.” You politely declined making Velvette groan.
Vox walks up to you, his hands clapping at your performance. “What a wondrous performance! I see you wore the necklace I gifted you.” He grins, glancing at the shining piece of jewelry around your neck. It was a diamond studded eye necklace surrounded with 3 sets of wings, something that matched your usual outfit.
“Ah, yes. I do adore it. Thank you.” You smile, “I see you’re wearing the bow tie I’ve gifted you as well?”
He fiddled the bow in question with pride, “Proudly. It was given to me by you.” He takes your hand in his to kiss it, something that became a constant occurrence between you two. “Shall we meet in my office?”
You nod, following him, hand still in his. The time you’ve shared with him has gotten you quite accustomed to the demon. You started to feel warm but you fought against it. You promised Charlie and Alastor both that you would keep your guard up and stay safe. Vox’s intentions weren’t clear to you and you still couldn’t comprehend why he suddenly decided to strike a deal with you.
In his office, you sat across from him, legs crossed awaiting him to start. He was staring at you, eyeing you down so much so it made you a little nervous at what’s to come.
“Y/N. Before we continue…” He starts, “I want to inform you of something you did.”
Your head tilted to the side, “Yes…?”
“The night you got drunk, you started to strip in front of me.” He blankly states, doing his best to maintain his composure while you lost yours.
Your face flushed in embarrassment, turning red at his words. “I sincerely apologize! That was unbecoming of me.” You profusely apologized, “I may have forgotten to warn you and tell you exactly why I typically stick to just one bottle of my usual champagne.”
Vox just laughed in response, “My dear, no need to get so flustered. For your sake, I did ask for someone else to help dress you and left as soon as I saw the state you were in.” He raised his arms up in defense, “I didn’t push my chances and left immediately. I hardly looked.”
You breathe out a sigh of relief, “Thank you. I truly apologize.”
“Now that that’s out of the way. Let’s circle back to our agreement from our first meeting. You said you will need 3 days to consider the offer. Have you chosen an answer?” The joy on his face was back to a serious one as soon as he asked.
You shake your head, “Unfortunately I have not decided. I struggle to understand your intentions.”
“What is it that makes you struggle? If I’m being completely transparent with you, you are a wonderful and beautiful angel. The 3 days we’ve spent together have been bliss. I would love to have you by my side, always.” He winks at you, “And I’d love to see you half naked again, but sober this time.”
The red creeped back up on your face. “Vox! That is inappropriate to say for this situation. We are discussing business.” You huffed.
“Ah but you are my business, dear.” He gets up and walks over to you, further teasing you by bringing his head up to your ear to whisper. “I absolutely want you.”
You get up quickly, taking a step back from him, absolutely unable to hide the fact that you’re flustered at his actions and words. “I am not well-versed in such things. I cannot provide you the companionship you seek.”
He took a step forward and held your hand, giving you a kiss on your knuckles. “I can show you how, my love.” His signature grin wide on his face, “C’mon baby~ Let me show you how fun it is with me by your side.”
If you were able to melt, you would have melted right then and there. You were a stuttering mess and Vox found entertainment and pleasure watching you be one. You pull your hand away from him and rush to the door.
“Pardon me! I must excuse myself!” You reach for the doorknob but Vox just zaps in front of you.
“Ah ah. Before you go, we’ll be going on a date in a little bit. I’ve already told Velvette to get you in the most gorgeous attire, paid for entirely by yours truly.” He opened the door for you to rush out and head towards your room.
As if on cue, Velvette swings your door open and drags you inside. She immediately swiped her hand to change your outfit into a gorgeous backless fitted dress that sparkled when the light hit it. A slit ran up your thigh and revealed a garter belt that went around it, bearing the VoxTek logo. The neckline plunged down to the middle of your chest. Your formal flat shoes were now black red bottomed heels.
“Alright now sit.” Velvette says, pulling out a chair for you. The speed of everything happening overwhelmed you to the point where you had to give yourself a second to react, “C’mon, I don’t have all day.”
You followed her instructions and sat down. She got to work on your hair quickly, giving you beautiful bouncy curls that rested perfectly on your shoulders. She even did your makeup for you. She worked quickly and quietly and by the end of it, she was grinning with pride from her work. “Perfect. You’re absolutely stunning. Now go. Shoo.”
You were kicked out of your own room with a gentle shove. You tripped over yourself and landed in Vox’s arms. You look up and see him giving you a wide-toothed grin, “You look absolutely beautiful~” He purred into your ear.
Your heart was pounding but so was Vox’s. He meant what he said. He was enamored by your looks and with you dressed up, he was even more attracted. He wants you but he doesn’t seem to know that the way he’s supposed to.
He showered you with gifts and jewels of all kinds. He put on the necklace he gave you around your neck and donned your fingers with expensive rings. He brought you to the most prestigious restaurant in all of Hell after he accessorized you and acted very gentlemanlike. You weren’t used to such things so this was all very new.
In Heaven, most interactions you’ve had with men were with Adam so being treated this nicely was a new thing for you. You remained flustered at everything that just happened. You swore your heart was going to jump out of your chest at the amount of attention he’s giving you. Back at the hotel you mainly stayed in your office to do paperwork and help around with cleanup which meant you lacked the social experience that most would have.
There was a singer performing for the restaurant’s customers that night and you distracted yourself by listening to her. It was Verosika Mayday, a famous popstar that you had heard of. Her voice was beautiful, her body and face matching. Vox watched as you relaxed in your seat, entranced by her voice. He made a mental note that you loved soft and slow music, which was exactly how Verosika’s current song was. He knew this because your eyes lit up the moment the piano slowed down.
After the show, he decided to introduce you to Verosika herself. Bringing him over to the table. You chatted with her about her talents and asked for tips on how she was able to have such a wide vocal range. It wasn’t long into the conversation until you were starting to get tipsy from the amount of alcohol you’d consumed.
Not wanting to repeat the events of the last time you got really drunk, Vox excused himself and led Verosika away, letting you know he’ll be back. He took Verosika backstage where Valentino awaited, somewhere private enough for him to talk to her and for her to not see Valentino. He put her in a trance with his eye and got her to sign a contract with Valentino stating that she will now take the place of Angel Dust. Valentino was more than happy to have the curvy, popular succubus popstar to be his and quickly decided to make her his new toy.
Vox worked fast to fulfill your wishes, swearing it was to steal your power when in reality he wanted to see your smile. When he came back to the table, you were getting ready to down an entire bottle of vodka to which he confiscated from your hands making you huff.
“Now now. I told you. Last time you got fucked up, you were stripping and I would rather not go through that again.” He had given the bottle he took from you back to a waiter. He lifted your chin with finger, looking deeply into your eyes. “Mm. You look wonderful with a blush across your face.”
He pulled away from you and held his hands behind his back, standing proudly. “I would like to inform you that the contract’s been broken.” He said with a wide smile. Your eyes sparkle with delight, quickly getting up.
“Is that the truth, Vox?” You ask, “Oh that is wonderful! Thank you!” You hugged him, your heart full of warmth and happiness. You felt his arms snake around you to hug you back.
“I told you, dollface.” He strokes your curled locks, playing with it in his hands, “I’ll do anything to keep you by my side.” He felt himself warm up at the feeling of you hugging him. The way your body fit perfectly against his in a hug was new territory. The scent of your perfume radiated gently, he felt your heart pounding as quickly as his own did. This felt new to him and it felt good.
Upon arriving back at Vox’s building, you walk with him, your hands wrapped around his arm. He walked you to your room and gave you yet another sweet kiss on your knuckles.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning.” He winked at you before zapping off into his own room.
You closed the door and slid your back against it, sighing. You placed a hand on your chest and felt your heart going wild. You felt uncomfortably safe and secure around him and at this point it was hard for you to separate your emotions with business. He gave you attention you’ve never received and never realized you craved. His sweet words, his suggestive comments, his compliments echoed through your head. You began to fall for him.
In the morning, you met Vox in his office a bit too excited to see him but you maintain your composure. He sat at his desk, drinking coffee, the scent of which covered the room. He perked up at the sound of you entering his office. “Ah. Good morning, Y/N. Help yourself to some coffee.” He gestured to his coffee maker by the wall to which you gladly poured yourself a cup. “I have a full schedule today, I trust that you’re able to stay in the building until I return?”
“Return?” You cocked your head at him, “I am to stay here? Do you require me to do anything to assist you?” You couldn’t deny the fact that you felt a bit bummed out at the thought of him leaving but you quickly shook away that feeling.
“Yes you have to stay here, I’m afraid. I can’t waltz into my shows and interviews with you hanging off of me.” He laughed a bit, “We aren’t even together. I’ll only do that when you accept my courtship and let me make you mine. Why? You gonna miss me?”
You hid your blushing face behind your cup, “Nonsense. Just a thought is all. I seek not to ruin your day nor make them difficult with my presence. I am perfectly content staying here.” You weren’t content with staying. You didn’t understand it but you wanted to be by his side for your entire stay at his company.
His phone buzzes, making him get up. “Well, that’s my cue. I have to head out, angel.” He held his hand out for you to take. You expected him to give it a kiss but instead he led you to his chair. “You can stay here or in my room. Maybe watch me work my magic on television. I’ll be back.”
He left without giving you the usual kiss on the hand. It left you bothered. You felt…empty without it. It didn’t feel right. Though you didn’t say anything about it, it didn’t leave your mind. You aimlessly wandered around his office, looking at the photos he had laying around. You ended up in his room, laying on his bed watching his shows until he came in through the door.
“Ah! There you are.” He says, “Come Y/N. I have a gift for you.”
You got up and followed him out of the room. He took your hand as you walked behind him. He took you to the meeting room, the table filled with wrapped boxes. You were speechless. “Surely this isn’t all for me?” You ask him.
“But they are! I’ve gotten advice from Princess Morningstar to make sure I got you the best of the best. Open them!” He held his hands behind his back, eagerly waiting for you to start.
You unwrapped and opened one of the bigger boxes and in it there was a gorgeous black and red version of the outfit you’d normally wear at the hotel. You glanced at him to which he gave you a proud look. The bigger boxes contained clothing from loungewear to nightgowns to robes. You reach for a smaller box and open it. You pulled out gorgeous earrings, studded with diamonds of course. In the last couple of small boxes, they were all pieces of fine jewelry to match the earrings.
You beamed with delight and gave Vox a hug. “These are wonderful gifts Vox! You spoil me too much. You are not required to do so.”
“Nothing is too much for you, angel.” He kisses your hand, looking up at you with a flirty look, “I do want to win your heart after all.”
You blushed at his words, looking away in embarrassment. “I need not for such gestures.”
“You deserve more, darling.” He gets his butlers to bring your gifts to your room, “Are my attempts working?”
“You flatter me so, perhaps I am leaning towards accepting your deal.”
He walks you to your room and wishes you a good night. You felt your heart flutter a bit, sighing happily as you got ready for bed in the same nightgown he gifted you. You soon drifted off to sleep, happily cuddling up to your pillow.
You were ready to spend your second day with Vox but to your dismay, he was “too busy” to speak with you. Not wanting to push in case he was stressed, you kept your distance. It did bother you when you would see him having casual conversation with Valentino or Velvette and as soon as he saw you, he would make himself seem busier by checking his phone.
“Vox~ Your little angel has eyes on us.” Valentino speaks, soft enough for you to not hear. “I know that look she has in her eyes. She’s longing for you.”
Vox smiled, “I know. By the end of our agreement, she won’t want me to leave her side.” He laughs menacingly, “I’ll make her obsessed with me.” Vox glanced behind him, seeing you in the distance admiring the plants that decorated the building. For a second, he felt his heart twist at the sad expression you had on.
You glanced up at him, a bit shocked at him giving you attention. You gave him a smile and waved. He gestures for you to come closer and with no hesitation, you make your way towards him. As soon as you were in his reach, he pulled you closer by the waist causing your face to flush up in red.
“Sorry for ignoring you all day, dollface.” He grins, “Red looks nice on you.” His hand caresses your cheek and you quickly pull away, embarrassed.
You cleared your throat and composed yourself. “It’s alright. You’re a busy man.” But it wasn’t okay with you. You found yourself longing for his attention all day and though you found your sudden admiration for him strange, you couldn’t help yourself when it came to yearning for his gaze on yours. “Tomorrow’s my last day. I wanted to know what you have in store for me.”
He puts his hands together, “You and I, my dear, are going out! My treat.”
“Vox! Surely I can cover tomorrow. You’ve showered me with plenty of gifts already for the past couple of days.” You protested to which he grabs your hand, giving it yet another kiss.
“Like I said before. I am…” He moves closer to you, his head by your ear, “...absolutely in love with you.” He whispers. You shiver at his voice, losing your breath for a split second.
“If you must insist…I’ll allow myself to find comfort in your adorations.” You whispered back, trying your hardest to steady your breathing.
“I’ll meet you there tomorrow.” He sneaks a kiss on your shoulder before zapping away into a camera.
You were dressed by Velvette again for your date with him the following day. You wore an off shoulder dress with the jewelry he’s gifted you. You felt warm and excited for your date. The spot he told you to meet him at wasn’t too far from his building so you denied the ride there and chose to walk instead.
You took in some of the sights, admiring the bright neon lights that covered the streets that seeped into the dark alleyways in between buildings. As you were approaching the restaurant, you spotted something in the alleyway out of the corner of your eye that made you backtrack. Once your eyes adjusted to the darkness you see Vox on the floor with a bleeding wound.
You rushed to his side, a bit in panic. “Vox! Vox what happened to you?” You gently help him up. He coughs, breathing heavy. You begin to heal his wounds, light emitting from your hands as you did so. Your eyes wandered to his ripped clothes, it looked like claws had ripped them.
“Alastor…” He says weakly, “That damned radio demon was just here…” He glitched and held your hand weakly, “I’m sorry, Y/N. My blood…My blood got on your beautiful dress and hands.”
“Alastor…?” You were in disbelief, you didn’t want to believe him but the claw shaped scratches on him matched the shape of his when he’s in his demon form. “No…It can’t be.” You felt anger rising within you. You told him he wasn’t supposed to mess with Vox. Could he have really gone against your word?
As soon as you finish, he sits up. “If you hadn’t come in time…I don’t think he would have left.” You held his hand tight. He looked at you and felt guilty at how hurt you looked. Your eyes were filled with tears, “Oh…Please. Please don’t cry, angel.”
“You were hurt! If I’d gotten here sooner…” You shook your head, “I’m supposed to be here to protect but you got hurt.” Your heart was heavy with emotions. Anger for Alastor’s actions, fear for Vox’s safety and sadness for not being there for him sooner.
“I’m going to be okay, Y/N.” He smiled at you, “You’re here now.” He wiped the tears that ran down your face. “I’m going to have to put a hold on this date. I’m sorry.”
“Nonsense! Do not apologize, you were injured. Let’s return to your home, you need rest.”
You brought Vox back into his room, flying through the halls with him in your arms. He looked up at you, the determination and anger that you had in your eyes filled him with even more guilt. You set him down gently on his bed.
“I’m afraid I must leave now but please, if anything happens, call me with no hesitation.” You spoke softly, the smile that you always had on your face was gone and didn’t return. You rush to your room, collecting all of your belongings and create a portal directly back into the hotel. You were enraged with Alastor and you were absolutely determined to find him.
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zinzinina ¡ 2 years
okay I'm not sure I'd you're still doing the uh. thing where you write a scene from a different pov but if you are and have time/interest, would you feel like doing poe pov with that part in directions where he asks how many other guys she's been with? I love love love that fic so much btw and I'm gonna go through your masterlist when I get off work <3
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Hello! ✨ A little confession: some of these have been sitting in my inbox for months. I secretly didn't plan on fulfilling this request because it meant that I'd need to go re-read Directions, and I very rarely read my own writing again once it's been posted. But I was in the mood for something fun and easy, and then I actually had a great time revisiting this story! So thank you so so much @buckyisdisabled, @lostinwonderland314, @mandaloriandin and sweet Yearning Human anon for asking for this and for your lovely messages. I really hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it x
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: PIV, creampie, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, squirting, feelings, implied cum eating, overstimulation, masturbation, friends to lovers
This is reworking of a scene from this fic, told from Poe’s POV.
from a certain point of view ask game ✨
Poe sucks his slick fingers into his mouth, and her taste hits his head like spice; sharp and sweet.
She pants up at him from his pillow (his pillow) her eyes wide as a nervous animal’s, her hands curled into fists. It takes everything he has not to blow his load in his pants right then and there.
He feels a little drunk. He needs to course-correct.
He’d meant it when he told her he thought this would be fun. Because everything is, with her. He thought she’d be giving him shit the whole time. He’d expected her to be unimpressed with him in the way only she ever is; doing what she does best and keeping his feet nailed to solid ground even while his head did tailspins around the sound of her laughing at him. 
But she’s not laughing at him. The way she’s looking up at him…
This, right here, is extremely fucking serious for her.
Maybe he should’ve tried to make this nicer. Maybe he should’ve lit candles.
For reasons that are not entirely clear, he catches himself remembering a particularly fucked up day from several months back. His comms and tracking had both shorted out after a hit in the middle of an above-planet dogfight with no visual, and for about two hours, the Resistance network listed him PKIA. 
When he’d eventually landed back in the hanger, it was chaotic with smoking, twisted astromech parts. Unbeknownst to him, Black One was a ghost ship. 
Mechanics and pilots alike had turned and gaped in silent shock as he’d climbed out of his cockpit, and he’d only had a moment to wonder whether there was something growing out of the top of his head before he’d been knocked off his feet by a sobbing projectile stinking of sweat and smoke in an oil-stained flightsuit.
She’d only stopped crying after socking him in the chest, her voice hoarse as she told him how much of an idiot he was for not switching over to his backup signal.
He’d never wanted to see that look on her face ever again, and if he hadn’t pushed her into verbalising the source of her terror here, he’d be too turned off to go any further. He doesn’t go in for that shit; he wants his partners relaxed and comfortable and enthusiastically willing.
But it’s knowing what she’s actually worrying about—stuck in her head as always, thinking about everyone else; what he thinks of her, rather than focusing on how she feels—that makes him determined to stick with her, as long as she says. 
He’s staggered by the amount of trust she’s putting in him. Shit, he doesn’t know whether it makes his heart ache more, or his dick. Like she has anything to be nervous about. Like she isn’t the prettiest fucking girl he knows. Like making her smile isn’t the single greatest source of pride he gets to hold over himself. 
Doesn’t she know? Can’t she already fucking tell? He’d worship the ground she walks on if he knew she wouldn’t laugh herself sick at him if he tried. 
It would be funny, if it weren’t so painful. That for all of her quick, sharp perception, she’d miss this, so entirely.
“Perfect. You’re perfect,” he says softly, and he can see how little she believes him. “Told you. Nothing wrong with you. I wanna try something,” he continues, before she can say anything to piss him off. He can handle her putting shit on him. He isn’t letting her do it to herself. “You’ll like it, I promise. And if you don’t just tell me and we’ll stop. Okay?”
“Okay,” she says, nodding, her eyes still huge. A sudden throb of affection makes his head feel like it’s filled with tibanna gas. 
“I’m gonna take your pants off,” he tells her, grasping each of her ankles to do exactly this.
She lifts her ass toward him as he wriggles her underwear and pants over her legs, giving him a brief glimpse of the most beautiful view he’s ever seen in his life.
His brain’s still catching up when he sees the furtive way her eyes keep flicking down toward where it feels like his dick’s trying to bust through his fly.
“Don’t you want…?” 
“It’s not about me,” he cuts her off. And if you touch me right now I won’t make it, and I’ll ruin my reputation, and kill any chance of living any of this shit down with you ever again, he decides not to add.
He bends, spreading her legs with both hands. Her clit’s so swollen her labia are parted around it, the soft skin inside her thighs smeared with her first orgasm. 
Her first orgasm—the first one another person’s given her, anyway—and it’s his.
And, oh, it had been so easy.
His ego is not immune to this.
But, nice as it is, it doesn’t quite feel like a boost in the traditional sense. It feels something more like a twinge, hard and new, right under his ribcage. Like vindication, maybe, or—and he feels like a fucking moron for even thinking it—fate.
He bows from the waist and nudges into her with his nose, his tongue laving a stripe up the entire length of her pussy. 
Her skin tastes like soap. Somewhere in the dimmest corners of his head he’s annoyed at this; imagines her scouring every inch of herself raw in the showers before coming to him, filled with nerves and doubt under the spray. He presses the muscle of his tongue into her opening in search of more of the her he’d found on his fingers.
The sound she makes zips lightning-hot straight to his guts. 
His eyes roll briefly closed, and he sinks down onto his elbows, the twisted line of the sheets digging into his skin under his weight.
She shifts her thighs together, her fingers twitching at her side. He steals a glance up and finds her watching him, her lips parted, her eyes too-bright.
“Open your legs,” he encourages, his lips barely lifting from her skin. She sinks her teeth into her lip as she lets her knees fall flat to the bed. 
She’s spread out open in front of him, and he dips his head to continue. 
She flinches and tenses and exhales in turn, reacting to every touch of his mouth as though speaking aloud. It makes him feel violently impatient, and so he moves slower, trying to temper himself. 
He wants to be inside her. 
He wants to swallow her, and to be swallowed by her. Fuck, he’s never wanted anything more in his life.
He’s pretty sure he’s leaking precum into his pants; all the blood having long vacated his brain to swell bruise-achingly hard in his cock. He tries to stay focused, but the reality is that Poe’s thoughts ran away from him the second she set foot in his room. The challenge now is to just try not to do something stupid.
Something stupider than fucking his best friend.
She hisses, tossing her head back, her legs twitching so hard his tongue nearly loses its place against the hot nub of her clit. 
He slides both hands beneath her thighs to lift her hips to his face in an attempt to keep her still, barely managing to tamp down the urge to rut helplessly against the mattress in search of relief.
The smell of her, the taste, fills his senses. But it’s still not enough. He wants to bring her to insensibility; to work that softness into the bed, glutting himself until her whimpers turn to those of overstimulation.
He’d never really considered himself a possessive person, but as she quietly sucks in a sharp, shallow breath, he realises he wants that sound all to himself.
He pulls it out of her with his tongue again, and again, his attention unwavering.
He wants her thinking of this, of him, from now on. Every single time she comes, alone or otherwise. He wants her to dream about him inside her; tongue, fingers, cock, he doesn’t give a fuck. At briefings. At meals. Waiting around bored for launch clearance in her fighter, standing alone in the showers, when someone else presses their hands to her skin, and lifts her chin to meet her lips (and fuck, that hurts to think about, like hitting realspace at-speed, hard enough to grind his bones together). 
She comes with a pained-sounding cry, her pubic bone bumping into his nose and pushing his face away. He drags himself up and finds her reaching her hands out as though to stop him. 
“You okay?” he manages.
“Poe, I want…please…”
“What, baby? Talk to me.” He leans up, bracing himself over her. Maybe she’s changed her mind. Maybe she’s had enough and she’s going to tell him to stop, to give her back her pants, to never mention any of this again.
It’s still more than he’d ever imagined he’d get.
Her eyes stay on his and she blinks slowly at him, as though trying to remember who he is. His heart thunks hollowly in his chest, and he waits.
“Fuck me.”
He pauses. It wasn’t what he’d expected her to say. His already-painful cock jumps in his pants at the demand. “You need a break first?”
She answers by trying to drag him down toward her, her hips lifting to press against him, ankles hooked around the backs of his legs. 
He doesn’t wait to be told twice. He shifts his weight, kicking his pants down, settling himself between her legs. 
She ducks her chin and kisses his shoulder.
His head swims. He barely feels the touch of her lips through the material of his shirt, but it hardly matters. The gesture is so small, so careful, so quick, as though she couldn’t help herself.
As though it’s something she’s thought of before.
Which is when it hits him: the one thing he’s never seriously let himself entertain. Does he…actually have a chance? 
Without undue vanity, Poe knows that his looks are the one area, at least, that he can afford not to worry about. He’s not an idiot. He knows exactly how people respond when he flashes his teeth at them, or holds their eyes with his own for a protracted moment from beneath a quirked eyebrow. 
But never her. She’s somehow always been frustratingly, crushingly immune to every single weapon in his arsenal. It had been a source of ire in the early days, while he was still learning the colour of her voice, and the shape of her mind. 
The sadder, slower ache of acceptance had come later; gathering like thunderheads, lingering long.
She wasn’t for him. She didn’t want to be. Letting himself pretend otherwise would have only ever been an exercise in masochism. 
Despite all of this, Poe’s still human. And, as he had come to realise, knowing something intellectually is very different to knowing it physically.
Whenever she smiles at him, and bumps into him, and rolls her eyes at him. Whenever he’s inside somebody else, tasting the sweat on their skin, or stretched out around their pleasure. Whenever he jerks his cock alone in his bunk late at night, ashamed and furious at himself for such a disgraceful breach of their friendship, for the things he’s imagined.
Everything he’s ever done with anybody else; every filthy, beautiful fucking thing, he’d turn himself inside out and crawl over hot coals to do again with her, to her, for her, if she wanted.
And now, here she is.
He might not ever get another shot at this.
He needs to make it count.
“How many other guys’ve you been with?” he says, his voice coming out rough. She looks mortified, but he doesn’t care. “How many?”
“S-six,” she says. 
He nods. He’d already known about Kip and Terrett, and he’d had his suspicions about Rau and Valen. He’s a little disappointed at the knowledge that Rau had let her down with all the others; he wouldn’t have expected it. 
“Then that’s six other times we gotta make up for,” he says, distractedly. 
He presses forward, and the first millimetre he sinks inside her already has him panicking. 
She immediately feels far too hot and close, but the hardest part, the part threatening to undo everything, is the way she’s looking up at him, as though silently pleading with him, and Gods, how she doesn’t need to.
“Oh, sh...shit. You good? I’m good. That’s…ungh, so fucking good.” He’s aware he’s making no sense, but that’s the only thing left in his head, probably the only thing he’ll ever know again: good, good, good.
Her fingers are clenched tight around his forearm, and he thinks she might be holding her breath, but then she lets it go, and the wet bloom of her cunt swallows him fractionally deeper.
“You’re doing so good baby, you’re taking me so well, you feel perfect,” he groans, hoping he doesn’t sound as wrecked as he feels, his guts on fire with need.
She squirms under him, and fuck, she feels incredible. After coming twice he can feel the evidence of how wet she is, the smooth glide of her body gripping close around him, giving way slowly. 
It’s suddenly too fucking hot in his room. He can feel his hair sticking to the back of his neck and around his ears, and it’s vaguely annoying, but he couldn’t give a shit. 
Her warm breath meets his chin, and he follows the line of her attention down the length of his own body, to the place where his hips are flush against hers. Between her parted legs he can see his cock half-sunk inside her, and his face presses to her damp, salty skin as he murmurs to her, pressing forward, enveloped entirely by her.
He has no idea what he’s saying. It just feels important for her to know. 
Whatever it is, he never gets the chance to find out.
Because then she’s kissing him, and her mouth is on his and her lips are parting and they’re soft and her teeth are catching at the dry ege of his lower lip and her breath is hot and it’s hers and it’s in his mouth and it’s in his lungs and it’s oxygenating his fucking blood and pumping through his heart and his brain and searing through every single part of him until she’s all that’s left.
He’s pretty sure he’s dying.
“Holy fuck,” he thinks he’s trying to say, and he feels her smiling, gently biting into his lip, keeping him quiet. 
She rolls her hips up against his, pushing herself off the bed. He can feel himself rapidly losing control as she throws her head back, her brows drawn, teeth cutting into her own lip.
“Baby, wait, wait a sec,” he pants.
“What’s wrong?” she gasps, and of course she doesn’t listen; she never fucking listens to him, rocking up toward him, making him see stars. 
“Just…fuck, hang on.” Cold showers, he thinks, grimly. Freezing cold showers, and depressurised-cockpit earaches. Nine hour-long diplomatic debriefs. The rancid-smelling mucus trail Klaud leaves behind everywhere he goes.
“Is this…not good?” she says, low and weak. “Poe?”
His eyes nearly roll back in his head as she whispers his name, and the sound jolts through him—her voice, the one he knows so well—like this, with him.
Whatever pitiful electricity’s still left in the meat of his brain fizzles out. “Oh shit, say my name again,” he begs, not even waiting for her to do so. 
He’s already moving, needing to feel the walls of her cunt stroking and sucking at his cock. “D’you know how many times I’ve thought about this? About being inside you like this? And I never, ever thought you’d wanna…” 
He shouldn’t be saying this. He’s gotta be real fucking careful, if he doesn’t want to accidentally tell her every shameful daydream he’s ever had about her and disintegrate what’s left of their friendship into dust. 
“You’re fucking perfect,” he tells her instead. “Your pussy is perfect.” 
She recoils, and it’s equal parts adorable and infuriating that even now she’d be embarrassed to hear him say this.
He almost laughs. “Why’s that make you shy? You don’t like me talking about your pussy? You wanna know how good you taste, baby? You’re sweet, so sweet and tight and—” and fuck, he can still taste her on his lips, and he watches her carefully, finding the place that makes her fall boneless and focusing there, right there, until the viselike grip on his arms weakens and she’s coming again.
Her voice breaks, but he doesn’t slow. She can take it. 
He pushes her hips down, fucking her into the mattress, skin clapping on skin. She’s yanking at his hair hard enough to hurt, but he relishes the pain because it keeps his vision clear; exactly where he wants to be. 
Her orgasm tumbles into another, and he seizes her knees, lifting her toward him as he picks up his pace. She moans, belatedly trying to cover the sound with her hand, and it’s the sweetest music he’s ever heard. He is never, ever going to be able to get that sound out of his head again.
“Hey, hey. Let me hear that,” he says, leaning closer, dragging her hand away. “Don’t you cover that up. Come on, baby, I wanna hear you.” She presses her lips together, and he huffs, driving himself into her just a little harder than strictly necessary.
He’s rewarded with a weak, throaty whimper, and he grins at her. “That’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard,” he confesses.
Her nipples stand through the thin, sweat-sheer fabric of her tank top, her softness rippling upwards with every stroke. He watches her body greedily, wanting more, wanting everything all at once. 
He wants, very badly, to lick her again, all the way from her neck to her sweet, trembling cunt. He can still taste her on his tongue as he presses his fingers down to her clit, just above the place where he’s still pumping in and out of her.
She cries out, coming again until she’s melting wet into the bed. 
He still doesn’t slow, but his thoughts have run away from him and all of a sudden he realises it’s too late, far too late to stop himself.
He wants her full of his cum, until he’s emptied out all of the ache of himself into her, and her pretty, swollen cunt’s overfull with him until he dribbles out from between her lips and onto his fingers, making a mess of the sheets so he can start all over again.
Right at the precipice of his climax, she opens her eyes and looks up at him. There are tears of overstimulation clinging to her eyelashes, and her fingers are clutching gently at the back of his shirt. 
Nobody has ever laid me down as low as you, he thinks, surprised at the strength of his emotion, willing her to understand.
But then he’s coming so hard his limbs go numb, and he isn’t thinking anything anymore. 
He presses himself deep, deep inside, shaking violently as she swallows every pulse of his orgasm. His heart is thunderous in his ears, his muscles liquefied. He slumps, panting.
If she objects to the deadweight of his body over hers, she doesn’t say anything. He stays there, smothering her, trying to regain his breath, until he can feel her beginning to shift uncomfortably beneath him.
“Was that…okay?” she says, ridiculously, like his soul didn’t just leave his body.
He doesn’t even bother responding to the question. “You’re crazy,” he muses instead. “She’s crazy.”
He’s lifting himself off her when his chain swings from the neck of his shirt, clocking her between the eyes. “Oh, shit,” he says, as she gasps in pain. “Sorry, baby.” He presses his fingers to the spot, feeling guilty. “Normally I’d’ve taken that off.”
He’s usually far more thoughtful than this when he has company, but this time he hadn’t unclipped his necklace, or changed his clothes or sheets. The thought simply hadn’t occurred to him. Because she doesn't feel like—has never felt like—a guest in his bed. In fact, her absences have only ever felt like temporary discomforts to be endured until her return.
She’s scowling at him, her nose wrinkled up like a Weequay’s, and it’s so fucking cute he wants to kiss her again. “Why didn’t you?” she says.
She needs to ask? “Because it’s you.”
As he crawls back down between her legs, he finds a spectacular mess of cum and sweat and the evidence of her orgasms on the sheets, and fuck, it’s soaking down here. He wonders whether she even realises what she’s done.
He’s disappointed he didn’t get to watch. He’s sure he can get her to do it again, though.
She blinks down at him, her eyes glassy. “What are you doing?”
His mouth waters watching the way her wet skin shines and he feels an answering twitch in his recently-softened cock. “Cleaning you up. We’re not done yet.”
Her eyes widen, but whatever she does next, he misses it.
He’s preoccupied.
Just tagging a couple of the lovely people who commented on the original and might be interested in this, absolutely no pressure of course! x
@saradika @oscarseyebrow @the-little-ewok @bacarasbabe @writeforfandoms @hardc0rehaylz @moonlight-prose @lcvenderblues @onfiretakemehigher @littlemousedroid @viceofdionysus @grufflepuff-writes-stuff @ifimayhaveaword @millllenniawrites @liamakorn @lilhawkeye3 @grumpymuffinmama @dailyreverie @mandelirious
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jimblejamblewritings ¡ 2 years
luck be a (leading) lady | part 5.
[Posted 2022.09.23]
Summary: Y/N has always been a background character. That’s just life for some folks isn’t it? But what if she’s determined to not just be another member in the ensemble? What if someone helps her step into the spotlight in her own special way?
Warnings for the Series: a teeny bit of angst but mainly fluff
Pairing: ricky bowen x black!reader
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: I will get back to the Harry Potter series when I finish this one
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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Somehow, opening night for the school musical was more hectic than any show you ever did at The Saltwater Company. Everyone but you was running around. You went to the makeup/green room area in between the men’s and women’s dressing rooms. A sigh escaped your lips. 
You turned to see Ricky. “Oh, just, it’s nothing.” 
“Tell me.”
“I guess Natalie wasn’t paying attention when she labeled the mirrors for everyone. She gave Nini my mirror. It’s the best mirror and the plushy seat. Gabriella is the star of the musical.” 
“It’s your mirror? For Clara?” 
You opened the drawer attached to the desk part of the mirror revealing all your make-up and hair accessories that were already in it for your other show. Ricky shrugged his shoulders and simply moved Nini’s stuff and label to his mirror. He took his label and put it over the one that Natalie had assigned you. 
“We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I think Clara deserves her seat.” 
You gave him a small smile and went to start getting ready. Carlos brought in a basket of flowers that someone had delivered for the cast. No one knew who dropped the flowers off and who they were supposed to go to. There was no card attached to the basket. You got ready in a calm fashion, walking constantly between the dressing room and the makeup room. You were finished before anyone else. Ms. Jenn walked in ready to give everyone a pep talk before the show. 
“Alright, team, circle up. As you guys know, our lovely Gina has a family situation and is now on the East Coast. She won’t be joining us this opening night so Kourtney will be filling in as Taylor.”
You ran back to the dressing room when you were no longer needed. Now you could rest for the rest of Act One until “Stick to the Status Quo” came on. There wasn’t really anything to do but rearrange your make-up drawer. You could hear through the intercom where they were in the show. You checked all around to see if you got an opening night card from Nini. Still, nothing. 
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the next number?” 
You turned at the voice. 
She set down a container of cupcakes that she baked and ran to hug you. She laughed as you stuttered through many questions about how she was possibly in front of you. The last thing you expected to come out her mouth was that EJ had bought her a ticket to show up. He was on this whole honesty and being a nice person kick ever since Nini broke up with him. Honestly, this was one of the few times you actually appreciated it. The only person more excited than you to see Gina was Kourtney. 
“You don’t understand. Y/N can only teach me so much Argentine Tango. I need you to play Taylor. It was fun and now that fun is over.” 
Ms. Jenn didn’t hesitate to allow Gina to play the part. There was almost a new life in the cast as you all went out to perform the number. That new life quickly died as you chased after Ricky when he finished the basketball number. He had quickly stormed into the dressing room, threw his Troy jersey at EJ, and told the other boy that he needed to help Nini impress some fancy arts school scout by finishing the show instead of him. 
“Ricky, wait!” 
You caught up to him in the lobby of the theater. 
“What happened? You were doing so well.” 
“She brought someone! I don’t even know him and-and sh-sh…”
“Ricky, Ricky, breathe.” 
“Why can’t I—”
“Breathe with me.” You grabbed Ricky’s shoulders and tried to get him to breathe with you. “There we go. Slow… okay. I’m gonna let go of you now.” 
“Thank you. How did you know to do that?”
“Social anxiety. I’ve had a fair share of panic attacks.” 
“Right. Thank you, again.” 
“There's popcorn and hotdogs in the concessions kitchen. You want something?”
“Don’t you have a dance number coming up.”
“Literally no one ever notices me. The background will live without my jazz square. I think my friend needs more help.” 
Ricky followed you to the concessions area. You turned on the lights and put two hot dogs in the warmer along with some fries. Ricky went over to where you pointed to the soda machine to get you both drinks. You guys sat on the checkout counter and ate. Ricky’s mom strolled up to the two of you. 
“There you are. Are you alright? Are you hurt? We were surprised to see you weren’t in the second act.” 
“You didn’t check your texts?” 
“Is it stage fright? Because people are counting on you, honey. You made a commitment.”
“You’re one to talk about commitment… You brought him to the show?” 
You jumped down from the counter. Ricky looked at you when you put a hand on his shoulder. 
“I think this is between you and your mom. I’ll be back in the green room.” 
“Wait, just.” He reached for your hand. 
“You got this.” 
Ricky nodded, watching you leave before turning his focus back to his mom. He looked much calmer when he entered the green room. You had been sitting and chatting with Gina while you waited. She linked arms with you and Ricky. 
“Let’s go cheer everyone on and watch the show.” 
“You know Carlos will never let us live if we miss the bows.” 
“Then get back in costume, Wildcat.” 
For all the ups and downs, the musical ended with a bang. You couldn’t lie and act like no one noticed all the cast changes. But you were positive that the audience enjoyed it. The cast was slowly getting back into normal clothes and preparing to go to Waffle House before saying final goodbyes for the night.  Soon it was just you, Gina, Ricky, and Nini in the green room. You and Gina had taken off all your makeup and were waiting for your third partner in crime. 
“Do you really have to go back?” you asked her as you tied your shoes. 
“No place to stay here. My mom’s job is keeping her in DC. FEMA can’t just let me have a single school year.” 
You shot up. “Stay with me. My sister’s room has been empty for a while now. My parents won’t mind at all.”  
Gina agreed to call her mom and see if it would be okay. Both of you looked over when you heard Ricky and Nini talking— more like confessing their love for each other. You and Gina stood up, linking arms once again. 
“Richard!” Gina yelled out, making him and Nini look over. “Y/N and I are leaving for waffles. We’ll see you later.”
“You know, I’m still not over you living with Y/N,” Ricky said as Gina opened the door. 
“Well, maybe you should get Big Red to live with you and we can all be neighbors.” 
Ricky and Gina smiled at hearing you laugh at Gina’s joke from the kitchen. You set the last coffee cup down along with the pitchers for milk and cream. The three of you had fallen into a very comfortable routine of eating breakfast at your home, switching of carpooling to school, and hanging out at Ricky’s after to do homework. Sometimes there were breaks in the routine, of course, when Ricky went on dates with Nini. You and Gina would simply go home. Occasionally, Ricky would show up after the date to talk and hang. 
“So,” Gina started as you got into Ricky’s car. “Do you have a date with Nini after school or are we spending the first day of winter break trying out that frozen hot chocolate at the skate rink?”
“I am all yours today. Nini and I are going caroling on Saturday… And why is Y/N trying to act like she doesn’t exist by staring out the window?”
“I have rehearsal today. Extra long. I’m also not allowed to skate this close to the show. An injury now won’t be able to heal before. But you guys have fun.” 
Nutcracker rehearsals weren’t exactly your favorite thing in the world. But that was because pointe shoes were never comfortable. You were just glad that Bennet had some strange obsession with sticking to certain parts of the traditional ballet which meant that while you were Clara, you wouldn’t need pointe shoes. Once it was time for the part where you’d be transforming into the Sugar Plum Fairy, you’d be en pointe. 
Now that the show was so close, every performance was in costumes and with tech. You always did at least one run that way and then Bennet let everyone change back into practice gear for the rest of rehearsal. 
“And the leg warmers are back,” Ricky said as he and Gina entered the theater. 
“Aww, I said you guys didn’t have to pick me up.” 
“And make you get a taxi?” Gina handed you a hot chocolate. “They wouldn’t let us take the frozen one to-go.” 
You smiled and took the cup anyway. Gina laughed as you threw your dance bag at Ricky. He lightly hit you with the bag but carried it anyway. You didn’t see much of Ricky or even Gina for the next few days. Taking your car, you went early for practice and got home late. It was all worth it though because it was time for the show. You couldn’t see them but Gina and Ricky were sitting in the theater. They got comfortable in their seats, already eating the concessions offered. 
“Is anyone else coming?” Gina asked. 
Ricky shrugged. “I texted the cast. I guess people still don’t know her that well?”
Gina was going to say something else but the house lights went down. She and Ricky watched with lots of awe as you danced around the stage. Ricky was so entranced with your performance almost jumped out of his seat when someone touched his hand. Nini sat down in the seat next to him, sorry for running late. They stood up to give a standing ovation when you bowed at the current call. You smiled as they made their way to the stage while everyone else was leaving. 
“That was incredible,” Gina and Ricky said at the same time. 
Ricky handed you another bouquet of flowers to add to the ones already in your hands. Seeing you play a lead, he wasn’t sure how you’ve only ever been in the ensemble. Your friends waited for your parents to congratulate you a bunch and for your mom to take your keys to drop your car home so you could go with them instead. You practically crashed into the backseat of Ricky’s car. 
“Richard, I crave sustenance. Can we get cheeseburgers?”
“Cheeseburgers coming right up.” 
You and Gina were dropped back home a little while later. You laughed as Gina danced around the living room pretending to do all of your Clara routines. Having Gina around was a lot of fun. She actually showed up for the rest of your performances. She was basically your second sister. 
You both bounced on the balls of your feet after your last performance— there was technically a week after Christmas that the show was still being performed but the swings and understudies got that opportunity. The door of a house swung open as you and Gina stopped bouncing. 
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Bowen!” 
“Hey, girls. Merry Christm— Hannu— Christmas?”
“Christmas.” You and Gina confirmed. 
Mr. Bowen ushered you two into the house. Gina handed him a Christmas present— fancy cups. Ricky stood up from the couch to hug the both of you. His eyebrows raised in surprise at the present shoved in his hands. 
“Gina and I went half on the present. Nini told us she got you a new helmet and pads set so we decided to splurge for the skateboard.” 
“Oh, thanks. I, um, money’s been tight lately and I barely got Nini—”
“That’s why,” Gina cut him off. “Your present to us is letting us drag you back to our house, bake sugar cookies, and watch movies.”
“I can do that.” 
The three of you waved to Ricky’s dad before leaving. You talked about everything coming up for the next school semester on the short walk. You guys were excited for Ashlyn’s New Year’s party. There was also excitement that Ricky liked the musical so much he was going to audition for the spring one. You all were pretty sure it was going to be High School Musical 2. It was pretty obvious. 
What no one was expecting was for Ms. Jenn to show up to Ashlyn’s New Year’s party and announce that the spring piece wasn’t going to be High School Musical 2. It was Beauty and the Beast instead. Not that you didn’t love the movie but you— and everyone else— were kind of expecting High School Musical 2. But the switch had to be made because you were now competing for really prestigious high school theatre awards. That and you had to beat North High who were performing “The Little Mermaid” because Ms. Jenn’s snarky ex-boyfriend who ended up getting a blossoming acting career was back in Salt Lake as a drama director for their old high school. 
“The Alan what?” Seb asked. 
“The Alan Menken Awards, specifically for High School Theater. We have to do a board-recognized musical to be eligible,” Ms. Jenn explained. 
While the cast wasn’t into it at first but quickly were excited. 
“Nini, you’re going to make a perfect Belle. I can see the gold dress already,” Ashyln said.
Everyone started going on about who would play what roles and how perfect Nini would be as Belle. You guess that confirmed everything. There was no point in even going for the lead. The chatter started to sound dull to you until Nini bursted out a few words that pretty much ended the party. 
“I’m moving to Denver!” 
Maybe you should have been happy about getting a chance but your attitude didn’t change. It was back to school, now without Nini, and the whole cast was sitting around some lunch tables close to each other. Not only was Carlos now trying out but so was Kourtney and Big Red. You had been riding a high at being Clara but it was quickly cut off. Sure, The Saltwater Company finally gave you a chance but at East High you were a nobody. 
EJ moved from the table with his friends to the seat right next to Ricky. “You’re welcome.”
“I’ve decided to take myself out of running for the Beast. I’ve just got so much on my plate, and I should start looking at Duke meal plans.” 
“You officially got into Duke?” Ashlyn asked, excitedly. 
“Well, it’s just a matter of time.”
“Back up,” Ricky said. “You’re not doing the musical either.” 
“No. I can only handle a supporting rol— what do you mean either?” 
“I’m not sure if I’m auditioning this year.” 
“You too?” You asked. 
Ricky turned his head to look at you. “What do you mean, you’re not doing it?”
“I’m not sure yet. I don’t think I’m in a mindset to be another background character right now.” 
“You were literally Clara. How are you possibly going back to the ensemble?” 
You stood up, finished with lunch. “Only you and Gina ever showed up to watch me. Even when I’m Clara, I’m not memorable enough to come see. I just… I don’t know.” 
“Y/N, wait.” Ricky got up to follow you. 
He caught you in the hallway. You took in a breath before turning to face him. Ricky held up a pinky. 
“Okay, I know my crappy reasons for my decision. But you’re too good to not give it a shot, so we’re doing this together, okay. You try out and I’ll try out and we see this dumb musical thing out to the very end.” 
“Okay.” You wrapped your pinky around his. 
Ricky and you practiced together for auditions. He was your hype man as you practiced your song and worked on lines. You guys did all this while packing up moving boxes at his house. He and his dad were downsizing to a more affordable place. The apartment complex wasn’t far away but you guys wouldn’t be down-the-street neighbors anymore. Because it was only a ten minute walk, Ricky promised to come over every morning for breakfast just like before. You made a promise that you and Gina would continue to randomly show up at his place. 
“You know my dad was thinking about giving you guys a house key. I think he just likes that you show up with food almost every single time.” 
“Can we get a gate key?”
“You can absolutely get a gate key. You and Gina better not abuse it.”
“Us? Never.”
Ricky laughed, not believing you at all. You guys went back to packing and practicing. Both of you felt totally ready for auditions. Gina was auditioning as a trio with Kourt and Ash. You and Ricky decided that even though you guys practiced together, you would audition solo and just see what happens. You guys were each other’s anchor during auditions, singing while looking at each other just like you practiced. You especially needed it because some new girl, Lily, decided to try out and she just had to be the star. It was a little unsettling, her entire demeanor. You left Ricky’s side to get water with Gina during the break. Lily approached you— well, Gina, but you were with her. You and Gina share a look as she flipped her blonde ponytail. 
“You sounded really good at warm-up.” 
“Thanks,” Gina said. “For someone who’s never done theater before, you’re a natural.”
“Oh, I meant I’ve never done local theater before. You know, with this kind of crowd.” 
“What are you trying to say?” 
“Come on. You and I both know we’re the only two contenders for lead around here.” 
Gina scoffed slightly. “I think everyone here is pretty amazing. Especially, Y/N.” 
You sighed while Gina stepped aside to show you. “Y/N. Only the Clara in The Nutcracker.” 
“Oh, right. I remember seeing that. Too bad you lost so much height on your jumps when it was time for the Sugar Plum Fairy dance. Can’t blame you for being too tired, stamina isn’t always easy.”
“I-it was a petit allegro combination, that, that was on purpose.”
“Ooh, well… I mean you were still fine. Just a shame that the Berklee scout was there. He probably thought what we all did. Choreography choices can be so detrimental.” 
Your smile faded. Gina knew you wanted to say something but she could also see your hand opening and closing as you uncomfortably struggled to find words. You ended up tapping Gina on the arm and running back into the theater. Ricky gave you a look when you sat down next to him. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it. Ricky gently pushed your head down to rest on his shoulder. He knew you’d tell him eventually, just like he did with you. 
Ricky only halfway paid attention to everyone else’s auditions. You got even quieter after Ashlyn, Gina, and Kourtney went in their trio. He could feel your head move in an almost weird pattern. Ricky looked back down to see you grabbing at your leggings, clutching the fabric rather tightly. He gently pushed your head back up so you would look at him. He dabbed at the tears rolling down your face with his shirt sleeve. 
“You’re fine. It’s fine, just breathe with me. Come on, Y/N, let’s just breathe.” 
“Than-thank you,” you said with shallow breath.
Your eyes went wide when Ms. Jenn called you up for your individual audition song. Ricky patted your shoulders and gave you a smile. 
“Go get ‘em, Wildcat.”
You looked at the cast list after auditions with not much feeling. Everyone else came up after you and left before you. Ricky started to follow before turning around to see you were walking away from everyone. He thought about calling your name but thought it wouldn’t be a good idea. Instead, Ricky just followed you for a bit while keeping a distance. He looked down when his phone vibrated in his hand. 
“Ricky,” you sniffled into the phone. 
The voice sounded a bit too loud to be coming just from the phone. You turned to see him behind you. He almost grunted when you practically crashed into him, throwing your head on his chest. Ricky patted your back as best as he could with your backpack in the way. You pulled away from him a little.
“Ensemble, again. I don’t even get a character name.” 
“There has to have been a mistake. There’s no way yo—” 
“Can we just get smoothies?” 
“Of course.” 
Ricky placed both his hands on your shoulders and guided you out of the school.
(part 6)
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107 
95 notes ¡ View notes
doeilovr ¡ 3 years
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-> Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
-> Genre: Angst, a bit of fluff
-> Warnings: mentions of car accident and amnesia, smoking, swearing, mentions hospital
-> Words count: 3.5k
Jaemin opened his eyes, the fluorescent light making his head hurt a bit. He looked around, mouth dry and mind blank. Jaemin’s eyes were still adjusting to the light, when he suddenly felt a hand on top of his.
Jaemin’s eyes wandered to your sleeping figure, head resting on the bed, while your hands were covering his gently. He froze, studying you with furrowed brows.
You moved in the probably uncomfortable position you were in, lifting your head to meet Jaemin’s eyes. “Hey”, you gently said, almost in a whisper and with a warm smile on your lips.
“You slept here again”, Jaemin stated, trying his best to smile back at you. You shrugged, properly sitting up in the chair, hands not leaving Jaemin’s.
Jaemin studied you, his eyes wandering between yours and your warm hands.
Why, just why was it so hard to remember. Jaemin wished he could remember you the way you remember him. He wished he could give back the love that radiated from your eyes.
You chuckled awkwardly, pulling your hands back to fix your hair and shirt. “So”, you mumbled, “I hope you atleast slept well?”
Jaemin smiled, seeing your awkward expression. “Like a stone”, he nodded, “why, did I often sleep unwell?” He was suddenly curious, wondering what else you knew about him that he didn’t.
You bit your lip, “actually, you just stayed up late often, working.” Jaemin was a photographer, that he remembered, but everything after one year ago was erased from his memory.
Which was a lot, since he had met you a year ago. You immediately fell for each other the moment his eyes found yours. You met in a park at midnight, both of you in need of a walk and some fresh air.
Somehow you both stopped by a busker that night, Jaemin being attracted by the voice of the singer performing in the almost empty riverside park and you overhearing the words of comfort hiding in his lyrics.
You and Jaemin had talked until the early morning, just sitting by the river. And afterwards you had both left, feeling happy until you realized you hadn’t even exchanged numbers.
Neither of you believed in fate, yet somehow you crossed paths only a week later in Japan. Both volunteering for the same organization. You couldn’t believe your luck, neither did Jaemin.
Jaemin didn’t waste any time after that and asked you out a few days later when you were both back home again. You were young, but every step with Jaemin felt just right.
The car accident happened so fast, leaving Jaemin with bruises and amnesia. And you with a shattered heart.
He was in the hospital for a whole week now and it was so hard to introduce yourself to him again, as if you didn’t date him for a year already. And having Jaemin constantly look at you like he didn’t promise to be with you forever just a week ago.
But as heartbroken as you felt, you saw how much he tried to remember and make you feel comfortable. You couldn’t help but get yourself together aswell, for the sake of Jaemin and your relationship.
“It’s lunch time”, the door to Jaemin’s private room opened, the male nurse walking in, holding a plate of food and putting it down in front of Jaemin.
“Thank you, Jeno”, you smiled, sitting on the edge of Jaemin’s bed. Jaemin looked between you and the male nurse, wondering if you were friends or something.
“There’s some food for you too, y/n”, Jeno smiled back. “Jaemin, enjoy the lunch!” Jeno patted him on the shoulder slightly, before he turned around to leave again.
You moved a bit closer to Jaemin, preparing the food for him and pouring him a glass of water.
“Oh, yummy”, you clapped, eying the food on the yellow tray, “it looks really good.”
Jaemin bit the insides of his cheeks, his eyes on you. “Can- can you help me?”
You stared at him, heart clenching at the sound of his almost helpless voice. “Sure”, you whispered, moving closer once again.
You fed Jaemin in silence for some time, smiling at how much he enjoyed the warm food. “Have some too”, Jaemin suddenly spoke, nudging his head in your direction.
You nodded, taking a bite from the food aswell, not even thinking anything as you ate with the same spoon. “It’s good”, you smiled, covering your full mouth with one hand.
Jaemin chuckled at the sight, “I’m glad.” You continue feeding Jaemin, making sure to also let him have a sip of water in between.
“By the way, the doctor said that maybe you could go home in a few days already. Isn’t that great?” You smiled again, watching carefully not to spill any food.
Jaemin raised his eyebrows at you, swallowing the bite quickly. “Home.. to my family?”
He seemed genuinely confused and you suddenly felt bad, having forgotten for a moment that he didn’t remember everything you shared together.
“We live together. In a small apartment. But I mean if you want to go to your parents’ house instead-“ you shrugged, Jaemin interrupting you quickly.
“No. I want to stay with you.” He nodded, more to himself, eyes staring blankly on the half empty plate in front of him. “Besides, my family’s in Busan. I would have to travel and I don’t want to do that right now.” You only nodded at his words, continuing to eat in silence.
On the weekend, the doctors agreed that Jaemin could finally go home. You packed his stuff, while he changed in the bathroom, before the two of you left the hospital, taking a taxi home.
For both you and Jaemin it had been a while since you were last out. Especially Jaemin seemed very careful and almost anxious.
You unlocked the door to your apartment, letting Jaemin go in first. You had asked a friend of yours to come by every couple days to tidy up the space.
Your apartment was small, a bedroom and en suite and a cozy living space. You had no balcony, but access to the rooftop, which was pretty great too.
You were almost a bit frightened, watching Jaemin drop his bag and look around, stopping by the pictures on the bookshelf.
Carefully you approached him, taking a look at the picture in his hands. It was taken in Japan where the two of you met for the second time.
You really liked that picture, both of you doing what you loved the most, helping others. “When was this taken?” Jaemin tilted his head, squinting his eyes a bit as if he tried hard to recall the memories.
“In Japan, a year ago. This was our second time meeting each other”, you explained, Jaemin nodding.
“We met while volunteering?”
You hummed in response, “yeah and we couldn’t believe we had the luck to meet each other again like this.” You couldn’t help but smile a bit.
“Wait, when did we meet the first time then?” Jaemin turned his head to look at you.
“At a park, a couple weeks earlier. We were strangers, but we both stopped to listen to a busker and I don’t know, we were drawn to each other somehow.”
Jaemin smiled a bit, not remembering the feeling, but still knowing what you were talking about. “Kind of romantic that we met again”, he mumbled.
“Yeah”, you giggled, “we stayed there for a few days, helping where we could. We sticked together for the whole time, probably afraid we could lose each other again.”
“And then? Did I ask you out?”
You nodded, meeting Jaemin’s eyes. “Yes, only after we spent a few more nights together. It was kind of cute how quickly you asked me out.”
Jaemin furrowed his brows, “we had a lot to talk about, huh? I mean, is it normal to spend so many nights talking?”
He seemed really confused, but you couldn’t help but laugh, smacking his arm slightly. “I didn’t say we talked”, you added with a cheeky grin.
Jaemin stared at you with wide eyes, suddenly flustered. “Oh”, he only mumbled.
You walked into the kitchen, feeling a bit bad for laughing at him. “Are you hungry, Jaemin? I can make you dinner if you want?”
Jaemin placed the frame back on the shelf, before he walked into the kitchen too, looking around. “I am yes”, he answered, eyes roaming around. “But could I maybe wash up first?”
You turned to face him, standing on the other side of the kitchen island. “Oh my god, sure. Sorry, I hadn’t thought about that.” You scratched your head, feeling a bit awkward.
“It’s fine”, Jaemin bit the inside of his cheeks, “ehm, where was the bathroom again?”
You gestured behind him, “it’s next to the bedroom. You can take a bath if you want. I can cook in the meantime.”
Jaemin nodded. “We have a bathtub?”
“We do”, you smiled, your heart hurting a bit when you remembered how much Jaemin wanted one when you were searching for an apartment together.
“Cool”, Jaemin grinned, “then, I’m gonna take a bath.” He turned around, disappearing in the bathroom. The sound of the water being turned on was heard soon after.
You prepared a simple dinner, consisting of noodles and a salad, while Jaemin washed up. You couldn’t wait to also wash up, rinsing off the smell of the hospital.
You turned around, having just poured the sauce over the spaghetti. Jaemin stood in the living room, a towel wrapped around his waist, his wet hair covering his forehead.
“Yes Jaemin?”
“Could you help me with this”, Jaemin held up a fresh bandage, indicating for you to help him with his wounds.
You nodded vigorously, putting the pot in the sink before you walked over to Jaemin, gesturing for him to sit on the bed, since it was more comfortable than the sofa. You kneeled down in front of him.
“I could have done it myself, but-“ Jaemin started. “Don’t worry, I’m happy to help”, you smiled, eyes focused on the bandage he handed you.
You carefully removed the old one from his stomach. The scar underneath looked a lot better already. “I’ll put some ointment on it”, you whispered, one hand moving to hold his waist, to have a steadier hand.
Jaemin hissed at the contact, “your hand is cold.” You looked up to him with apologetic eyes, mumbling a “sorry”.
Jaemin watched you intently, feeling so grateful to have someone by his side. He still wished he could give back the love that he always saw in your eyes.
It really burdened him that he knew barely anything about you or the life you shared.
“I’m sorry”, he suddenly mumbled, not even realizing he had started to cry. “I’m sorry I can’t give you the love you deserve. Or anything at all. I’m sorry that I hurt you so much, I really wish I could remember everything. I really do. I’m just sorry.”
You blinked back tears, your heart clenching at his words. “Dont apologize, Jaemin.” You sat down on the bed, pulling your boyfriend into a hug. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. And you don’t have to be sorry, okay?”
You couldn’t help but also cry, both of you just hugging each other tightly, sharing the same pain. Jaemin pulled back after what seemed like forever, holding your head with both of his hands.
“I’m gonna try my best to be the man you deserve again. I’m gonna go back to be the Jaemin you knew. I’ll try my best”, he promised, thumb brushing over your wet cheek.
You only nodded, overwhelmed by his loving words for you. Jaemin gently placed a kiss on your forehead, drying your tears with his thumb. “It’s gonna be okay”, he whispered, pulling you back into his arms again.
Jaemin’s promise was what gave you hope again. He really tried, learning about himself and you. Trying to be his old self again.
You tried aswell. Feeding him with the information he wanted and being there for him when he needed you.
Nothing could change your love for Jaemin, you felt like it only grew with every day. But you still couldn’t help but wonder if Jaemin even felt the same love for you.
A few days after you had shared these loving words, you and Jaemin sat in bed together. You were reading, while Jaemin looked through albums with pictures he took the past year.
They were mostly of you and the trips you had made together. They were mostly connected with volunteering, which made Jaemin happy. All he ever wanted was everyone around him to be happy.
He found a fairly recent picture, where you two were sitting at lunch. Jaemin couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw himself holding a cigarette.
He gasped, which made you immediately look at him in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“I- I smoke?” Jaemin was really shocked about himself. “Am I stupid?”
You wanted to laugh at his cute voice, but you remembered how hard the past few months in your relationship were because he started to change.
“Well you did. Doesen’t mean you still have to”, you shrugged.
Jaemin dropped the album in his lap, turning his head to you. “Any other stupid thing I did that you haven’t told me yet?” His voice got really high in the end, while his eyes only widened.
You bit your lips, a few things coming to your mind. Jaemin’s eyes widened, since it had only been a joke. But you really did seem to have some things to say.
“Actually”, you sighed, putting your book down, “I don’t know why you did all of these things, but at some point you really.. changed. It was only a month ago, when we would start to fight more often. I was really convinced you would leave me, but then-“, you cut yourself off, averting your eyes.
Jaemin tilted his head, “so I was an asshole?”
You looked back at him and couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh. “Jaemin”, you smacked his shoulder playfully.
“Only an idiot would do leave someone like you”, Jaemin mumbled, shaking his head at himself.
You cleared your throat awkwardly, “I mean, you’re still here right.”
“And I always will be”, Jaemin smiled, grabbing your hand and giving it a light squeeze.
At this moment it felt as if the Jaemin you had once met at the park at night sat in front of you again. Not the Jaemin he had turned to before he had the accident, but the Jaemin that looked at you as if you were his whole world.
You unconsciously leaned in closer, Jaemin now only inches away. His expression was of a mixture of fear and adoration.
Jaemin didn’t dare to move or lean in closer, he was scared. Scared he would hurt you again. Panicking, he lowered his head, dodging your kiss. “We should sleep, it’s late”, he mumbled, letting go of your hand and lying down.
You watched him with a sad expression, watched how he shut off just like he did back then. And somehow it hurt even more now. Was it because you had crossed a line? Asking something from Jaemin he wasn’t ready for?
Without another word you put your book aside, lying down aswell and hoping that tomorrow was gonna be better.
“Jaemin listen”, your sharp voice cut through the noise of the engine, Jaemin sighed as his grip around the steering wheel tightened.
“I don’t want to talk about it, we’ve had this before”, Jaemin answered, seemingly annoyed.
“There you go again, shutting off whenever I want to talk it out”, you shrugged, staring at Jaemin’s side profile as his eyes were focused on the street.
It was night and you were driving home from dinner. It was an evening he had planned out so well once, your one year anniversary. But the plan he had a few weeks ago just didn’t seem right anymore.
“If you can’t accept me the way I am then maybe we should stop it”, Jaemin suddenly spoke out. You couldn’t believe his words, couldn’t believe that your Jaemin was capable of saying something like this so easily.
“No, that’s wrong. Jaemin, you can’t do that.”
Jaemin let out a short laugh. “See? That’s the problem. You won’t let me do anything. To you I’m so perfect. Perfect Jaemin”, he explained with a loud voice. “But I don’t want to be that anymore.”
A tear rolled down your cheek. “So you say you wanna break up, because you can’t bear me trying to help you.”
“Help?” Jaemin took a quick glance at you, his focus quickly going back to the street. “When did you ever help me, huh?”
“What do you mean? I told you to start taking photography seriously. I told you to stop smoking, so many times. And you told me you were thankful. Was that all for nothing? Was it all just a lie?”
Jaemin was silent, his head spinning. You turned away from him. “You’re such a fucking asshole, Na Jaemin. I can’t believe I spent so much time on you. On loving you”, you muttered.
“What did you just say”, Jaemin sounded surprised, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“Just let me out, for God’s sake”, you shouted. Jaemin stepped on the brake, the car coming to a quick halt.
You were about to unbuckle your seat belt, taking one last look at Jaemin. He was staring at you, as hurt as you. “I- I’m sorry”, you whispered, tears streaming down your face. “I’m sorry for believing we were meant to be.”
Just when something flickered in Jaemin’s eyes, your gaze wandered behind him. It seemed like time had stopped in that moment, when two headlights came closer and closer until they fully illuminated your car.
You and Jaemin looked at each other and then the car hit you.
Jaemin who hadn’t buckled his seatbelt out of anger hit his head several times, unlike you.
Jaemin opened his hand a few times. One time when the ambulance had just arrived and his eyes wandered to your figure that was still in the damaged car.
Another time when they transported him down the hallways of the hospital. Several nurses and doctors shouting and talking.
“Stay with me Mr. Na. Stay with me”, a male voice shouted. Jaemin would always recognize Jeno, the nurse that took care of him the most in those days in the hospital that followed.
And then one time when he was already in his private room in the hospital and you were there beside him, crying. “Jaemin you can’t leave me. Please”, you sobbed, your warm fingers gently trailing along his arm. And that’s when everything went black until he woke up with amnesia.
Lying close to you, feeling your heart beating and I'm wondering what you're dreaming Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Jaemin halted next to the River, listening in on the sweet tunes from the busker nearby. He walked up to the young man, who stood alone in the park at midnight, singing his heart out.
He smiled to himself, the familiar melody warming his heart a little. He looked around, stopping on the figure on the right side of the busker. On you.
In a quick moment your eyes met and something inside Jaemin told him that everything was gonna be alright. All his grey days would become so bright and colorful.
And like that, like the little switch that turned when he saw you for the first time, all his memories came flooding back.
Jaemin sat up in bed, breathing heavily and sweating. Startled you turned on the light, moving closer to put one arm around him.
“What’s wrong Jaemin”, you asked concerned, rubbing his back gently to comfort him.
Jaemin’s breath was still shaky. “I had a dream”, he muttered, still trying to calm his beating heart. Jaemin turned to you, his eyes full of love and emotions.
“What”, you asked again, not knowing what was going on. Jaemin smiled, a tear building in the corner of his eye.
“I love you. I love you so much”, he smiled, embracing you tightly. You were still a bit confused from his sudden reaction. “I love you too Jaemin, always will.”
“I’m sorry for doubting we weren’t meant to be”, Jaemin whispered against your neck. You mouth fell open, but Jaemin didn’t let go off you, only hugging you tighter.
“Jaemin”, you whispered, at loss of words.
“I remember, I remember it all”, he cried, moving back so he could look at your eyes. “I love you so much and I wanna thank you for sticking with me for so long. For not giving up on me”, Jaemin confessed, feeling absolutely overwhelmed.
You didn’t know whether to cry or smile, your heart felt like it healed again. “I missed you so much Jaemin.”
Jaemin held you against his chest again, gently stroking your back like he always did whenever you were sad. He was back, your Jaemin was finally back.
“I’m not gonna leave you ever again, I promise”, Jaemin softly spoke, planting a kiss on top of your head.
“I know.”
a/n: this one has been in my draft for ages.. and finally I finished it hehe :3 I hope you enjoy it and I also wish you a nice weekend! Btw I’m also working on all the requests ;)
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tearsofellen ¡ 3 years
One Way or Another (yandere!Dabi x f!Reader)
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Pairing: Yandere!Dabi x f!Reader, Hawks x f!Reader
Synopsis: Being a doctor at the hero hospital is stressful enough. However, what happens when your beloved friend Hawks begins to take a liking to you? And what if he isn’t the only one who has his eye on you? An evil Dabi starts to fall for you immensely after one dark night. Nothing can hold him back from his urge to have you.
Part 1 / ?
Words: 3.5k
Warning: This story will eventually have mentions of stalking, violence, gore, language, and hard smut. Viewer’s discretion is advised.
The sounds of birds tweeting filled your ears. Today your bed seemed just that more comfortable as the sunlight dripped though your curtains. The sound of the traffic in your city was at a minimum as you sighed into your pillow. Finally, a day off from work. This week had kicked your ass hard. Your job at the Hero hospital was a privilege and a burden. While you were one of a very small group who could treat and aid the top heroes, it was a very stressful job. The hours weren’t exactly nine to five and some nights you were heading home with your head low in complete exhaustion. However, you still loved your job. You had a great sense of pride knowing that you could give back to the heroes who protected you and everyone around you. 
But today is your day off.  You knew how to separate your job and your personal life.  You lay in bed thinking of what you planned to do with your free time.  Your kitchen could do with a cleaning, but the idea of sitting on the couch watching bad reality television sounded more appeasing to you. You smiled into your pillow, finally a day to relax and do absolutely nothing.
Then your phone buzzed.
You opened one eye to see your boss’ caller ID on your screen. You grabbed the phone from your nightstand and reluctantly answered. Before you could even say hello, the sound of your boss yelling over the phone broke the silence in your room.
"_______ get in here now we need you!"
 With your shoelaces undone and a piece of toast in your mouth, you dashed outside of your apartment with your work bag tossed on your back. Your boss informed you of a villain attack in the city centre which caused some heroes to be injured. Fire injuries were your specialty, so you were called immediately. Your legs were running to the train station, hoping not to miss the train to the hospital and having to wait another ten minutes for the next train.
While you were fixing your tie around your neck, your eyes caught sight of a small red object flying across in front of you. After a small moment of confusion, you heard the sound of wings flapping behind you and immediately knew who it was.
"Hey hey hey, didn’t know you were into running these days ______?"
You scoffed, swallowing the last bit of your toast as you dodged hitting into a random person in the street.
"Not now Hawks" You yelled up at him. "I’m running late."
Hawks. Number 2 Hero. You both met each other when he had only just graduated from this hero training. He survived a nasty attack from a villain, resulting in his feathers being pretty damaged. You were the one who took care of him and patched him up.  He was in the hospital for two days straight and most of that time was spent with you monitoring his health. His determination to become a top hero and his snarky charisma allow you two to immediately have a connection. After he was discharged, he still kept in contact with you and now he could consider you one of his closest friends. Till this day, he is forever grateful for you helping him, but these days teasing you seems more fun to him.
The man was now gliding alongside you, clearly mocking your lack of speed.
"Why am I not surprised?" He chuckled, eyeing you.
You sent him a stern glare. Unfortunately, you could not argue with him and run at the same time without losing your breath.
"You know, sweetheart, the train is about to leave in a minute, and unless you just gained a speed quirk, chances are you're not going to make it," he teased.
You held your tongue at his words. When you first told him you didn’t have a quirk, he thought you were joking and laughed in your face. Needless to say, you weren’t too happy about that. So whenever he sees the chance, he always enjoys pointing it out.
Hawks continued to fly beside you, now sighing and crossing his arms behind his head.
"Only if you knew someone who could get you to the hospital in time." He groaned.
He raised his eyebrow at you. You knew what he was trying to imply. Your stomach immediately started to do flips at the thought of it. You hated heights and Hawks knew this about you. But he also knows about how much your work matters to you.
You eyed your watch on your wrist, already you were ten minutes late. You glanced down to see Hawks’ red feathers tying your shoelaces. You finally stopped running and stood trying to catch your breath.  You ignored the rational thoughts in your head and returned back to glare at Hawks.
"I swear Hawks if you do anything funny." You sneered at him.
His face immediately lit up with glee and a smirk spread across his face.
"Trust me _____. It will be like floating on a cloud. " He reassured you by putting his hand on his heart.
"Just don’t throw up on me again." He hushed quickly. 
Before you even had time to swear at him, he whooshed behind you and lifted you up in his arms. You immediately let out a squeak in fear, earning a laugh from Hawks. Your hands gripped his neck and your body tensed up as you both started to rise to the sky. You both were now above the skyscrapers and the whole city seemed so small. It was truly breath taking and you wondered if Hawks ever just spent his days looking down at the city.  
You cast a quick glance down at the people who had turned into ants. Your stomach dropped and you turned your face into hawks’ chest for the rest of the journey to avoid throwing up.
"You can look up now doll."
You cranked your head to see if Hawks was telling the truth. You were relieved to see that his feet were touching the ground. He had landed on the hospital roof, a perfect spot.
"Nice landing" you jerked at him.
"You’re welcome Miss." He said, rolling his eyes.
You hopped out of his arms and stood attempting to fix yourself up before you entered the hospital. You could tell the wind messed up your hair quite a bit.
"You look fine ____."
Now you were the one to roll your eyes. Last time he said that you walked into your meeting with your lipstick smeared across your face.
"Shouldn’t you have been helping save your colleagues from that villain attack?"
"Had to make sure my _____ was safe first." Hawks was always skilled at avoiding questions he didn’t want to answer. You chalked it up to his media training.
You made your way to the door leading down to the hospital as soon as you felt you had put yourself together decently. Hawks' mouth dropped at your actions. He flew to block the door to prevent you from leaving.
"Nothing else you want to say?" He pestered at you. "No thank you, hawks or hawks; you are my hero; you are incredible?"
He really made a poor impression of you.
"Thank you, Hawks. Now shove it. " You snapped thinking of the time you are wasting with him up here. Your words, however, did not convince the young hero.
"How about takeaway and a movie at your place?" He questioned.
"Did you just invite yourself over to my place?" You sneered at him; your arms now crossed.
"Is it a deal?" He spoke. You were beginning to realise that there was no way hawks was going to let you though unless you said yes. You both haven’t done anything together in a while, you thought to yourself.
"Deal." You nodded.
Hawks’ feathers fluttered and he busted into a sing-song voice.
"Perfect! I’ll buy the food and you can pick the movie. Bye _____! " He yelled, tossing himself over the building as he flew away into the clouds.
Your mouth dropped at how he was able to make you agree to invite him over to your house within a minute. You sighed, rolling your eyes as you pushed the door open to enter the hospital.
As you entered your unit of the hospital, your boss was stood there waiting for you and your co-workers busily hurrying around.
"Look who finally decided to turn up."
You did your best not to glare at him.  You apologised profusely about being late to him and how it wouldn’t happen again.
"I heard she was seen with her boyfriend Hawks" A staff member piped up with a sneer.
You cringed at her words and her attempt to cause drama in front of your boss. Hawks is many things, but your boyfriend is definitely not one of them. 
"He is not my boyfriend. He was helping me to work. " You defended yourself. 
"I don’t want to hear anymore of the bird boy. Get working now _____. " Your boss yelled. 
You gave a low nod and immediately jumped into work, making your way over to your first patient.
When you actually finished with the last patient, you had no idea what time it was. You gathered your belongings and exited the building, only to find the city engulfed in darkness. You sighed, your shoulders heavy from fatigue. The thought of a relaxing bath and a comfortable bed appealed to you. You checked your phone to find that the train station had closed long ago. Your eyes darted across the street for a taxi, but you had no luck. Walking it was, you thought.
You tried your best to stick to bright lit areas of the city. It was one of the disadvantages of being quirkless, you were practically defenceless. If a villain wanted to kill you, they would have no problem with doing it. That is why you prefer to work behind the scenes helping the heroes rather than being at the front of the violence.
Your walking stopped as you reached an alleyway. You debated or not if you should enter it. If you stuck to the bright areas, you wouldn’t reach your apartment for another fifteen minutes. However, if you went down this dark alleyway it would only take you five minutes. You stood listening for any noise to indicate if there was anyone down the dark path. After standing in silence, you made the decision to chance it. You took a breath and made your way down the narrow street.
All was well and you finally started to calm down as you walked. You thought of what leftovers you had in your fridge to eat when you heard the noise of glass breaking behind you. Your blood turned to ice as your body froze into place. When you looked to the source of the racket, a single drop of sweat ran down your brow.
A man with his head hanging low sat beside one of the big trash bins. You quickly realised the man wasn't all there when he didn't acknowledge you as you walked by. Your brain was screaming at you to keep walking. Your heart and morals, on the other hand, told you to check on the man's safety. You bit your lower lip, carefully weighing your options. Your morals came out on top.
"Sir?" you asked.
You were met with silence since the man did not respond. As you got closer, it became clear that the man was in pain. When you were within arm’s reach, you cautiously put your hand on the individual's neck to check for a pulse. Fortunately, it was at a consistent rate. You now knelt beside him. You tapped his shoulder lightly. Finally, the man let out a groan. You breathed a sigh of relief.
You gently pushed his head back, allowing you to see his face in the moonlight. You immediately noticed the faulty stitching and staples all around his face and body. The damaged deep purpled skin contrasted sharply with his pale skin. His eyelids hung low, but the brightness of the moon resulted in the stranger opening his eyes halfway. You were almost in shock at his bright blue eyes as they stared into yours.
"Am I dreaming?" He mumbled painfully.
You shook your head as you examined his body.
"What is the problem sir?" You questioned.
He sent a sly grin at you. Your concern was able to amuse the man. His finger weakly pointed at his opposite arm. One of the stitches on his arm had obviously ripped open and blood was steadily pouring out and onto the dirty ground.
You stared at the wound for a moment and considered if he needed to be taken to the hospital.
Almost as if he were reading your mind, he said, "No hospitals."
You chose not to question him and began to act on your feet. You removed your bag from your back and pulled out your first aid kit and some tools you used at work. You began to place a thread into your incision needle and prepared the medical stapler for use.
You could sense his apprehensiveness as he eyed your needle.
"Trust me sir, I’m a doctor." You explained to him.
"You'd better cut the sir crap; you're making me feel like an old man." He laughed lightly,
Feeling like you were getting somewhere with him, you continued the conversation. 
"Do you have a name?" You asked, hoping to distract him from the pain about to happen.
The man had a slight hesitation as his name fell from his mouth.
You placed some hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton ball as you continued to talk to him.
"You have a lovely name, Dabi."
"I bet you say that to all your patients."
You smiled at his words and you placed the cotton on his wound. He immediately tensed up and hissed in pain as the alcohol did its job.
"I can promise you I don’t, Dabi." His name fell off your lips with such ease.
After you felt the wound was disinfected, you grabbed the needle and began to stitch his skin together. Dabi was now sat up straight admiring your concentration with the needle. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had cared for him like this.
"Did you get caught up in that villain attack this morning? “You asked him.
Dabi's mouth turned into a smirk, "I guess you can say I was."
"I bet it was scary," you said.
Dabi raised his eyebrow at you. "Do I look like the sort of person who gets scared?"
You took your attention from his wound and looked at his unamused face. You giggled slightly at his expression.
"You can tell me. I promise I won’t tell anyone. " You teased him.
He chuckled at your humour. You really did do a good job at distracting him from the pain.
"Those villains are pieces of shit, aren’t they?" He said, hoping for your opinion.
As you took the stapler in your hand, you moved on to the staples of the wound.
"Hmm, I don’t know if I would say that." You mentioned focusing on placing the stapler in the right position on his skin.
"What? You side with the League of Villains? " Dabi pried at you, staring at you with interest.
"Not exactly." You explained, "I believe a lot of the villains didn’t exactly have a choice of which side they wanted to be on. Also, working with Heroes, you begin to see that quirks determine what society thinks of you. If you don’t have a quirk, then you must be useless. If you have a dangerous quirk, then you are destined to be a villain. I find it all very frustrating if I am honest. "
Dabi listened intently to your rambling. It was nice to see someone agree with some of his opinions. You were obviously very intelligent. As you continued to work on his arm, he made note of your face and its beauty.
As you had just finished the last staple, you asked him, "Did you patch your skin up yourself?"
"Yeah, I did. I prefer to do it my own way because the majority of my skin is brunt to a crisp.” He explained.
"You have a fire quirk?"
He nodded as your eyes moved across his body to look at his skin. Your eyes finally meet his face. Without even thinking, you reached your hand out to cup in check and brushed your thumb along the staples in his face.
Dabi let out a small gasp. It had been a while since someone had touched him. You finally realised what you did and immediately yanked your hand away from him and stood up, hoping he wouldn’t see you blush in embarrassment.
"I’m really sorry Dabi" you said, putting your face in your hand, "I’ve just never seen anyone with a fire quirk like this."
He smiled at your embarrassment.
"Don’t worry. There is no need to be sorry. I didn’t mind it. " He reassured you.
You sighed and reached a hand out to help him up off the ground.
As he towered over your frame, you suddenly realised how tall he was in comparison to you. As soon as you realised your work was done, you let his hand out of yours.
"Well Dabi" you said, "I guess I better be heading home."
"Thank you" was all he said.
While your arms hugged you around your stomach, his deep blue gaze on you made you feel even more insecure.
"Are you going to be okay?" You asked him.
A small smile was on his face.
"Don’t worry about me."
You nodded to let him know you understood.
"Then I better go." You said, turning away from him.
Before Dabi could open his mouth to say anything to you, a black car drove into the alleyway with a large honk of its horn.  The tinted window rolled down the slightest bit and a voice called out Dabi’s name.
"That’s my ride," Dabi explained.
He didn't want to abandon you in the dark, but he also knew that you getting into the car would be impossible.
"Well take care Dabi", You said your last words and turned the corner away from him and the car.
You knew that it wouldn’t have been a good idea if you stayed any longer. You did your duty and left without anything else occurring. You had visions of the man’s blue eyes and face. You could tell from his body and face he was probably conventionally attractive before his burn scars. You ignored the flutters you had in your stomach as you took the stairs up to your apartment floor.
After entering the code to your apartment, you quickly tossed your bag to the floor and threw your jacket off. You sighed with relief to finally be home alone. Peace and quiet was the thing you needed after your long day.
"Finally home sweetheart?"
When you saw the man behind you holding a plate of takeaway sushi, you shrieked and nearly fell to the floor in shock.
"Hawks you little-!"
Dabi threw up his hands in frustration as he approached the LOV's hideout. He completely forgot to ask for your name. After you had taken care of his injuries, the very least he could do was ask for your name.
He sighed and sat on the grimy couch. His thoughts returned to the events of your and his meeting. He was still bewildered that you chose to help a random stranger in the dark. Dabi knew that if it hadn't been for you, he would have bled out until he passed out and died. His fingertips traced the stitching on his arm that you had done. It was noticeably better done than his own work.
"What are you smiling about?" Toga spoke up, breaking Dabi of his thoughts.
His face immediately dropped, and he muttered a nothing. Toga shrugged off his reply and reached for the TV remote. The sound of the TV made Dabi’s head throb, so he stood up and headed out of the room to find somewhere more peaceful to rest for the night.
"What was the situation like in the hospital tonight Doctor?" the interviewer asked.
"Well, I would personally like to thank the heroes who were able to transport the citizens and other heroes who were harmed in the attack to the hospital so quickly."
The sound of your voice echoing throughout the room made Dabi freeze in place. He turned around to face the TV and ordered Toga to turn up the volume.
Dabi barely heard your voice as he continued to stare in a trance at your lovely face.
"We would like to thank you and your unit for all your help today. We are all grateful. " The interview told you.
You nodded and smiled at the camera as you wished everyone well.
Your name suddenly appeared at the bottom of the screen.
"Doctor _____ ______"
Dabi's face lit up with a big grin, and he couldn't help but laugh. He figured it wouldn't be that difficult to find you after all.
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sweeterthansammy ¡ 3 years
Better Than Sex? || Trevor Belmont
Trevor Belmont x Female Pirate!Reader; Reader plays the role of Trevor’s wife.
Summary: When Trevor claims that ale is better than sex, Y/N gives him the worst case of blue balls.
Genre: Smut
Written in third person point of view.
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, fingering, fisting (?), vaginal penetration, rough sex, unprotected sex, overstimulation, orgasm denial, hair pulling, biting, choking, mild language, sexual innuendos (throughout the imagine), mentions of drinking, mentions of smoking, mentions of pregnancy, & Trevor being the horny little shit he is lmao
A/N: So, I posted this on my first piece on AO3 and let me just tell you...I FUCKING HATE IT. Anywho, enjoy this while I go to sleep :)
Word count: 3.5k
She twisted her neck as she sat down, groaning audibly at the stiffness in her neck.
“Rough day, m’lady?” the clerk asked, filling a tankard with the cold ale before slipping it in front of her.
“You bet your arse it was a tough day,” she replied, taking a swig of the ale as she gripped onto the stein. “I’ve got my husband groaning about the number of night creatures he’s killed in one night, my crew complaining about me leaving. I just needed a nice cold-”
“Stein of ale.”
The voice was familiar enough.
“How the fuck did you find me?” she asked, annoyance bountiful in her tone.
She loved Trevor to bits but having him up her behind all day was becoming a whole task.
“It isn’t very hard when you’re practically married to yourself,” he snarkily chuckled, tilting his head back as the yellow liquid streamed down his throat. “Oh my god, that is better than sex.”
She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest before kicking his stool. Never underestimate the leg of a pirate - that was rule number one in Trevor’s book to marrying a pirate. His malt came spewing out of the mug, landing all over the lower half of his face and the collar of his shirt as he landed flat on his bottom.
“Glad it’s better than sex, Trevor,” she hummed, taking one last sip of her ale before slinging her coat over her shoulders, swiftly making her way out of the pub.
“That’s why I never got married,” the clerk retorted, drying a stein before placing it rim-down on the counter.
“Better than sex, he says,” she grumbled as she lathered lotion onto the spans of her legs after stepping out of the shower. “Can’t fucking believe he’d embarrass me like that!”
She trudged out of the bathroom, slamming their bedroom door shut behind her before dropping her towel, stepping into a silky nightgown before getting under the covers. She cried aloud as she heard his groans downstairs, just now coming home from the bar. She placed the covers over her head, trying to drown out the sound of him stumbling up the steps but it was near to impossible. He barged into the room, reeking of nothing but ale and other assortments of alcohol.
“Trevor, go take a shower-”
She was cut off by his hands taking a hold of the underside of her knees, pulling her to the edge of the bed.
“What are you doing?” she asked, her voice stern as he caressed her thighs.
“Can we?” he questioned, tilting his head to the side as she rolled her eyes.
“You don’t want me to kick you in the balls, do you?”
“Then I highly suggest that you let go of my legs before I do.”
He dropped her legs with a whine, falling forward so his forehead rested against her chest. She carded her fingers through his hair, a residue of his sweat on her fingers as he pulled away from her, leaning on his hands as he towered over her.
“Go shower and maybe I’ll let you bury ya little cock inside of me,” she chuckled, softly kissing his lips before pushing him away.
He stood, rubbing his eyes like a child as he left the room.
“It’s not little!”
“Hurry up! I’m not wearing any underwear,” she teased, a fit of laughter consuming her as she heard the shower turn on in an instant.
By the time he’d drunkenly lathered soap all over his body, he was near to asleep. Y/N had been fast asleep, the shower running for twenty minutes straight. He blundered into the room, briefly waking Y/N before she scolded him “to turn the light off and go to sleep.”
“But you said-”
“Trevor, just get in bed,” she said, her voice fading into a whisper before soft snores left her mouth.
He dove under the covers, a heavy arm throwing itself over Y/N’s waist as his hand reached up to rest itself atop one of her breasts.
“Horny even in your sleep,” she muttered, turning onto her other side to face him before throwing a leg over his waist, her arm splaying itself across his back.
A week or two had passed and Y/N was quite proud of herself. She hadn’t fallen for Trevor’s weak attempts to get in her underwear. She wasn’t letting her hard demeanor fall no matter what he proposed. 
Though she wasn’t giving in to him, she was doing a whole lot of teasing - biting and sucking his sweet spots in the midst of a makeout, wrapping her legs around his waist and running her nails over his clothed black, and most of all, stripping down to just her underwear before heading to the bathroom to shower. 
Tonight they were taking a trip to Alucard’s castle, visiting him after many long-awaited months. Y/N was far more excited to rejoice with their friends than anything, hurrying to get on the carriage while Trevor struggled with her bags.
“Oh, right,” she muttered, hopping off of the carriage before taking her bags from Trevor, throwing them in the back.
“Thank you,” he snarled, a sigh following.
The ride was everything Y/N could have imagined. Though it became cold at night, Y/N greatly adored the trees adorned by emerald leaves and birds chirping throughout the forest. Night creatures were the least of her worries, she and Trevor taking them down in less than ten minutes. 
On the contrary, the ride was dreadful for Trevor. He and Y/N spent many hours with their lips locked, her ending up on his lap somehow, but it was her motive to stick to her plan, hopping off of him as he went to undo the buttons of her shirt. At this point, he was tired of it but he hadn’t exactly done anything to prove so.
“Please?! I won’t be long, I promise,” he’d beg.
“It’s quite a bumpy ride, it’s going to become uncomfortable very quick.”
“Then we can pull over!”
“Night creatures. And villagers. It’d be embarrassing if we were to get caught by anyone or anything. Besides, I’d lose my drive after having to sever off the head of a human-sized wolf.”
Trevor indignantly accepted his fate, remaining silent for the majority of the rest of the trip.
She was quick to jump off of the carriage, stretching a bit before running to greet her pale best friend.
“Hello to you too, Y/N,” he chuckled, his hands lingering on the small of her back as he peered at her. “Y’know, I’d expect you to be knocked up after not seeing you for so long.”
She chuckled, glancing around to find him popping a cigar between his lips.
“I’ve given him possibly the bluest balls ever since we’ve been together.”
“You are a terrible woman,” he grinned, slipping past her as he went to greet Trevor.
Settling down in the castle that night was far beyond elating, Sypha arriving quite late but still making it in time for dinner.
“You know,” Y/N started, taking a sip of wine after swallowing the bit of roasted potato in her mouth. “I was seriously stunned by how attractive you were when you first floated out of your coffin and I was tempted to drop to my knees right there and then only to be turned down after telling me that you didn’t go that way.”
As Sypha and Alucard laughed away, Trevor glared at her, his jaw clenching at the unnecessary insight of information.
“And I was greatly upset when Trevor made his move on you. I was waiting to pounce on him but then I realized how hot you two looked together,” Sypha giggled, bringing her attention to Trevor’s reddened face. “Of course, I don’t feel that way about you know. I’m more so jealous of the fact that you’re married to her. I’m not sure if it’s the insane amount of sex you guys have been having but she looks gorgeous. She’s always been beautiful but the pregnancy glow that is to come,” she paused, kissing her fingertips. “Chef’s kiss.”
“Why does everyone think that I’m pregnant or I’m going to be pregnant?” she asked, a fit of laughter following as she took a sip of wine from the glass in front of her. “I wouldn’t be drinking this much if I were.”
“Well, you’re postponing it,” Trevor mumbled, earning a guffaw from the other pair as he’d muttered loud enough not only for Y/N to hear but for anyone within five feet to hear.
“Piece of shit,” she muttered, quiet enough for no one to hear.
Drinks flowed like water, the group intoxicating themselves as each hour passed.
“Come dance with me,” Alucard encouraged, standing in the center of the living area as he put his record player on.
“Had you figured out how to not step on someone’s feet while dancing or do I have to smack you upside the head like I did the first time?” Y/N asked, fixing the button of her blouse ere to taking Alucard’s hand.
“You’ll just have to find out,” he winked, pulling her body flush against his while his other hand slithered around to meet her waist.
Y/N watched as Sypha dragged Trevor to dance with her, her eyes getting caught with the cerulean ones she was infatuated with. She grinned at him, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth as she shot him a wink. Alucard spun her around, their feet moving in a series of patterns with one hand onto his shoulder and the other in his palm.
“And switch,” he called to Sypha, the two boys switching their partners.
“And we meet again, Belmont,” she sultrily spoke, one arm draping over his shoulder while the hand of the other took ahold of his stubbled-chin.
Her chest was pressed against his, her breasts nearing his collarbones as his arm that remained tight around her waist found a way to hoist her body.
“You’re such a little fuckin’ tease, you know that?” he grumbled, his teeth nipping at the skin of her neck.
“What? Am I gonna get punished for it?” she mocked a pout, her cleavage on full display as the buttons of her shirt slowly came undone.
He responded with a growl, his fingertips digging into the plump flesh of her ass. Their legs were an entangled mess; her knee pressed right up to his crotch and his thigh firm against her clothed sex.
“Might as well just fuck me in front of them,” she muttered as he spun her around, her back against his front with one of his hands fixed on her breast.
“Trust me, I’ve considered it.”
Adrian and Sypha looked up for a moment, feeling the thick, tense rope between the couple. They simply looked at each other, stifling their laughter as he spun her around yet again, this time switching her off to Adrian while Sypha was reeled back into his arms.
“That was quite intense,” Alucard retorted.
He slammed her back against the door, knocking the wind out of her lungs as his lips attacked hers. Their lower regions ground against one another, his hands holding onto her knees while his upper half held her up. 
He pulled away for a moment, groaning at the sight of her swollen lips, a combination of their saliva coating the flesh. He bit the skin of her neck, rolling it between his front teeth before letting go, sucking on the skin to alleviate the tingling sensation.
“Strip for me - don’t take off your underwear,” he ordered, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, panting.
She did as told without a fuss, shimmying out of her skirt and her blouse. He took one look at the white garter around her thigh, letting a scoff-like chuckle fall from his lips. Quite amusing she was. He watched as she stood there, nothing but white lace adorning her body.
“I told you to strip,” he said blatantly.
“But I want you to take it off,” she whined, folding her arms over her chest as she frowned like a toddler.
If he weren’t so desperate to have her around his cock, he would have no problem spanking her until she began to cry. However, he didn’t give up his rough demeanor. He held onto her waist, her chest right up to his.
“Fine, since you want to be such a little fucking brat.”
His arms reached around, fingers effortlessly undoing the hook of her bra before coming back to her front. One leg of his came up, his heel planting itself into the mattress of the bed before he spun her around, one of her arms throwing itself over his leg while the other held onto the one that trailed down her stomach, making its way into her underwear.
“Why can’t you just be a good fucking girl?” he quietly grumbled, his lips hiding into the nape of her neck as his fingers played with her clit. “You’re really fucking wet for someone who has so much mouth.”
His pinky and his thumb resting on the insides of her thighs, serving as a mini obstacle to halt her thighs from caving around his hand while his middle and index fingers fucked her furiously. She moaned aloud, her head rolling onto his shoulder. 
He continued at a vigorous pace, profanities tumbling from her lips as he curled his fingers inside of her, reaching for her sweet spot. Her legs quivered as he continued doing this, the tips of her fingers digging into his clothed shoulders.
“Trevor, please,” she murmured, her voice light and airy as ecstasy took over her.
“Please what, darling?” he asked, his voice gruff as his mouth neared her ear.
“Please let me cum.”
The chuckle that came from his lips elicited a groan from her throat.
“We barely even started and you need to cum already?” he tsked, pulling his hand out of her underwear and swiping his fingers over her bottom lips, requesting access as her saliva coated his digits.
“Mm, I should torment you for needing to cum in less than five minutes when I’m sucking your cock, shouldn’t I?”
She’d earned it. But he hadn’t decided whether or not he wanted to edge her until she broke or overstimulate her until her cunt was quite literally palpitating. He pulled his fingers out of her mouth, a dark chuckle leaving his mouth as he pushed her onto the bed. 
As she attempted to get onto all of her fours, he held onto her neck from behind, pushing her upper body down so her ass was in the air. He pulled her underwear down, earning a string of moans as he blew air onto her soaked pussy.
“You love tempting me, don’t you?” he queried, his fingers entering her one by one with each pump he gave, his thumb stimulating her clit.
His knuckles were deep inside of her, her moans lewd as they curled and twisted.
“Fuck,” she whispered, the side of her face planted deep into the sheets.
“Go ahead, be the loud fucking slut you are. I want them to hear.”
She didn’t give in to his commands, groaning into the sheets. A yelp came from her mouth as his free hand wrapped her hair around his fingers, grasping at her scalp afterward. He leaned over her yet again, not having anything to say at this point. His hand removed itself from her cunt, placing a taught slap on her swollen folds. 
He undressed in a matter of minutes, cursing at the layers of clothing that adorned his brawny build. He looked at her body, her body shaking from not receiving its release. He laughed to himself, rubbing the head of cock along her folds, her body shuddering under his touch.
“Shit- just fuck me already!”
That had come out a bit more pushy (and a bit louder) than she’d hoped it would come out. She was pretty sure that even Alucard, who was all the way at the end of the hall could’ve heard that.
“Such a little whore,” he spoke, swiftly burying his cock between her velvety walls.
Her back arched as he pushed himself further and further into her womanhood. Had it really been that long? She felt so full - for a moment, she forgot what it felt like to be filled up with Trevor’s cock. She felt every inch, their skin slapping with every inch. She instinctively clenched around him, enticing a loud, dragged out groan from Trevor. 
She knew she didn’t have much longer as she had two previous orgasms pent up inside of her, her hands clenching onto the sheets while one of his were on her neck and the other digging its nails into the skin of her hips. Her legs shook, confusion consuming her as he didn’t stop. She came around him, an utterly intense moan rippling from the back of her throat.
“Fuck,” she cried out, her back arching even further as both of his hands held onto her hips, pounding into her.
“Turn around, I wanna see your tits,” he grunted, breathless as his hips snapped into hers.
She did as told, struggling as he still screwed her.
He hoisted her legs, the pit of his elbows supporting the back of her knees.
“What the fuck are you doing?” she got out through moans, one hand throwing her leg over his waist so it could occupy the free space of her neck.
“Making up for lost time, angel face,” he obtained a “matter-of-factly” tone, adding a wink while bringing her to her second orgasm.
And it continued like this all night. His abdomen flexed as each orgasm washed over both him and her, the moonlight shining on their gorgeous bodies. 
“Gonna make you cum for each fucking day you decided to torture me.”
His hands had practically been engraved into her neck, red marks forming from how much time his nails spent digging into the sides of her necks. Her chest was littered in bites and hickies, a particularly dark bite embedded into the skin below her collarbone. 
His semen painted her walls, filling her stomach as the curvature of his cock protruded her womb. He pulled out of her after earning a whopping twelve orgasms before her walls clenched around him unbearably tight, squirting around his length as her hands scrambled for any bit of his skin. 
This orgasm waved through her like no other, her back entirely leaving the mattress as her nails pierced into Trevor’s skin. He pulled out of her, her jaw fallen slack as pants fell from her mouth. He admired the way his seed threatened to spill from her cunt, yet she clenched around nothing, sort of any attempt to cave it inside of her. 
He hurried to the bathroom, returning with a warm washcloth. He tenderly maneuvered the wet fabric around her folds, muttering encouraging words as she fought sleep.
“You can sleep down, angel. You did so well for me.”
“I can’t believe how outstandingly you performed.”
As much as she desired it, she didn’t go to sleep, waiting for Trevor to return. She let out a content sigh as she rolled over, one leg throwing itself over both of his as she held his body close to hers in her arms.
“You are one very determined man, aren’t you, Belmont?”
Her voice was hoarse, surely moaning and praising him for how well he was fucking her caused more than half of it. Her eyelids grew heavier and heavier, eventually shutting once Trevor kissed her temple.
“Only determined when it comes to you,” he muttered, his arms caving around her waist as he too fell into a deep sleep.
“Oh, fuck me harder,” she heard Sypha as she approached the kitchen, rubbing her eyes as she looked to see the three people she loved most.
“Don’t stop, Trevor! You’re fucking me so well!”
She couldn’t fight the pink tint that splayed itself upon her cheeks, the warmth radiating through the rest of her body.
“Oh, you guys are just jealous that you aren’t getting any of this Belmont dick,” he muttered, keeping his eyes on the scorching frying pan in front of him.
“Eh, you might be right about that one,” Alucard muttered, earning a snort from Y/N.
“Look who’s finally awake,” Sypha chuckled, looking at the deep red, soon to be purple marks decorating her best friend’s neck. “You two really went at it last night, didn’t you?”
“Pfft, it’s like he’s having sex with an animal or something,” Alucard retorted, his eyes trained on the bright red scratches on Trevor’s chest, back, and arms.
“Oh, shut it,” Y/N snapped, trying to hide the embarrassment by burying her face into the pit of her laid out arms. “When’s the last time you got laid?”
“Touché,” he muttered, an exaggerated sigh coming from his mouth as he took a sip of his overly brewed coffee.
“Besides, weren’t you two begging us to give you godchildren?” Trevor grinned, earning a groan from the rest of them. “I thought you’d be happy!”
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fuwushiguro ¡ 3 years
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@dabitdabi Welcome to playmate life gorgeous! Hawks is one of my favourites to write so thank you so much for sending him my way, I hope this is worth the wait!!
This is part of my Playboy Mansion event, feel free to participate!!
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Hawks x f!reader
Genre: smut, (idk if this might be a bit fluffy too??)
Warnings: 18+, virginity loss, consensual sex, mentions of alcohol, oral (female receiving), fingering, mentions of cum, vaginal sex, unprotected sex.
Words: 3.5k
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This wasn’t your first Playboy party, and you were sure it wouldn’t be your last. You’d been working as a bunny for around three months now, the first party was a little overwhelming, but the other girls were more than happy to hold your hand through the whole experience. The more parties you attended, the more comfortable you became. You never worried about guests being inappropriate, you weren’t just employees to your boss. You were bunnies, and you deserved to be treated with respect like everyone else attending the parties, you were the stars and made these extravagant events what they were.
You knew being a bunny came with the connotation of being hypersexualised, but becoming a bunny was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You weren’t one of the most popular bunnies since you were a little shy, but you were known by all of the guests who regularly attended these parties. You were often tagged in photos where you’d posed with guests. They’d always leave little comments that made you smile. You had the best job in the world.
Your first instance of trouble came at this particular party. You’d never experienced any guests acting unseemly, but this evening was different. You leaned over the bar to collect a tray of shots to walk around with, when you felt somebody tug on the tail attached to your corset. You ignored it at first, understanding that guests enjoyed playing with the bunnies. However when the assailant delivered a stinging spank to your ass cheek, your attention snapped in their direction. You recognised the man, he was a gruff looking entrepreneur who’s name you couldn’t place right now. It was apparent that he was drunk, you hoped it was just a little bit of teasing. He became a little more aggressive with you, begging you to kiss him and spend the night with him. There were no members of security nearby, but a few of your fellow bunnies did their best to help you get away from him, to no avail.
“Hey, get away from her.” You heard someone speak. You turned to face the soft voice, and struggled to see the man who had came to your defence through your bleary eyes. The drunk man tried to argue. Quickly you rubbed the droplets out of your vision so you could see who was helping you. Before the drunkard could state his case, your rescuer had grabbed him and pulled him towards a member of security to deal with. Some of your friends crowded you and coddled you, making sure you were okay after what happened. The blonde-haired hero came to check on you once he’d dealt with the situation. Before you could think, you rose to your feet with tears flowing from your eyes and ran to the nearest bathroom. You locked yourself in a stall while you broke down, feeling bad that your makeup would be ruined. You hoped that you wouldn’t get in too much trouble for taking the rest of the night off, but you’re sure that the other girls would defend you and explain the situation. You wouldn’t be surprised if the man who groped you got banned from attending these parties. There is a strict policy against any fornication at work, it was a fireable offence. But guests also had a one strike and you’re out rule, they mostly knew better than to try anything as brash as that man had, but he’d regret it now that he wouldn’t be invited to return ever again.
While you continued to cry, you heard the door squeak open, and footsteps approach your stall. You sniffed slightly, but mostly tried to calm yourself down. You couldn’t cry all evening after all, you didn’t want to give yourself a headache. You waited for the person to reveal themselves, assuming it was one of your friends. It would have been hard to tell who was who from the crack under the stall door. You were all in the same uniforms after all. But the shoes were nothing like your uniforms. It was a man, clearly, wearing a pair of bulky black boots and tan trousers.
“Um,” You sniffed, “Sir this is the ladies bathroom.” You alerted him, sure he already knew.
“Yeah, I know, I just wanted to check on you birdie.” He spoke back to you.
“I’m a bunny not a bird.” You corrected him, completely glossing over the pet name he’d decided to give you.
“Yeah I was just, never mind… You’re okay right? Can you come out here?” He queried. Obvious concern in his voice. You declined, you didn’t want him to see you like this. Your eyes were clouded with unshed tears. Your mascara had ran down your cheeks and you were sure your foundation underneath had probably ran too. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer, he asked you again… and again… and again…
“Fine.” You responded.
You flushed your crumpled up pieces of tear-stained toilet roll away and unlocked the door. His expression flickered from concern to sympathy as he saw how upset you were. You walked by him so that you could wash your hands, and you noticed in the mirror that he walked into the cubicle you’d just left. You weren’t sure what he was doing, but he returned to your side with several layers of toilet roll. When you washed and dried your hands, he ran the toilet roll under the tap. He cupped your face in one of his hands and lightly dabbed the damp tissue into your cheeks and under eyes. He was trying to help you; he was trying to tidy up your appearance. Why was he being so sweet?
“I think that just might make it worse.” You announced, knowing you were right.
“Okay then. Show me what I need to do.” He requested, “Please let me help you, I don’t want to see you upset like this over that scumbag.” He explained. Your heart clenched a little he was so caring and considerate; you could almost feel your heart melting. You took him by the hand and led him out of the bathrooms. You knew there were a lot of areas off limits and you’d risk losing your job, but you wanted to spend more time with your saviour and give him the chance to help you out again.
☆ ☆ ☆
You brought him to the bunny dressing room. You barged in with him assuming your co-workers wouldn’t be here, but one of them was sitting in a dressing chair topping up her makeup.
“You know you can’t bring people in here to hook up!” She reminded you.
“We aren’t here for that!” You protested, feeling extremely embarrassed. You felt the heat rise to your face and you tried to change the subject, “He just saved me from some trouble, please don’t tell anyone, he’s just checking on me.” You stated, hoping she’d take pity on you.
“Oh I don’t care, you know I won’t tell. I’m just about finished here so I’ll let you love birds do what you need to do.” She teased as she exited the glamorous pink dressing room.
You tried to protest once again before she left but it was too late. The honey-haired man smiled but decided not to join in the teasing. He simply requested that you show him what he needed to do to help you fix your makeup. But instead, you gave him your removal kit. You were done for the evening, there was no way you could go back to work when you felt the way you did. You both smiled and giggled sweetly as he did his best to remove your makeup for you. You chatted a little and got to know each other better, you found out his name was Keigo and he was a friend of the hosts. Once your makeup was off, you gave him a grateful, “thanks” and stood to your feet. The least you could do was escort him back downstairs before you turned in for the night.
“You know angel, you look just as cute without makeup as you do with.” He told you. You were stopped in your tracks as you couldn’t help but blush at the compliment. “Don’t you wanna hang out a little while before I have to leave?” He wondered, hoping you’d stick around. You knew that you shouldn’t, but you were too drawn to the handsome stranger that you couldn’t resist. You sat back down on the comfortable carpet with him and couldn’t help but coyly shy as he stared deeply into your eyes.
“Thanks again for saving me Keigo.” You repeated, you were so grateful for his help. You were sure that security would have helped you sooner or later, but you were truly fortunate that Keigo had been there to rescue you from his clutches.
“It really shook you up, didn’t it baby?” He sweetly questioned, “Have you never had to deal with something like that before?” He added. You shook your head.
“It was scary, obviously, but it wasn’t just that.” You expressed, not sure why you felt so comfortable sharing your personal life with this man.
“What do you mean?” He asked you, placing a hand on your leg. He stroked over your pantyhose with his thumb as he held onto you.
“Oh… I’m not sure I should say,” You started, “It’s a little embarrassing.” You followed. He didn’t speak, instead he just stared intensely into your sweet eyes, willing you to continue if you felt like it. You kept stuttering, starting and stopping your sentence as you tried to get the confidence to confide in him.
“Birdie, I promise I won’t judge you if you want to tell me.” He soothed, hoping to help you get your words out.
“It’s just… I’ve never…” You began. You screwed your eyes shut as you couldn’t bare to look at him when you finished your sentence, “I’m a virgin.” You blurted out. Your eyes were already closed but you felt so exposed you decided to cover your face with your hands too. You were so embarrassed; you were sitting with a guy who seemed too cool for school and probably had a wild sex life. You wouldn’t have been surprised if you opened your eyes and he was gone. But instead, you felt him grab your wrists and remove your hands from your face. Instinctively you opened your eyes, and right at that moment Keigo planted a delicate kiss onto your lips.
“I’m sorry if that was a little forward, I just wanted to show you it doesn’t bother me.” He smiled as he parted from your lips slightly. It was your first kiss, you weren’t upset. If anyone had to steal your first kiss, you weren’t mad about it being this beautiful stranger.
“Can we, um, do that again?” You asked, the words left your mouth and you instantly began to cringe. You hated how awkward you were, but he just had this effect on you. But before you could overthink your graceless comment, his lips were on yours once again.
You got lost in the feeling of his soft lips on yours. He tasted so heavenly; you couldn’t get enough. He got more adventurous and slipped a tongue into your mouth. You weren’t sure what to do so he did his best to guide you. Once you eased into it a little more, your kissing became more frenzied. You couldn’t get enough of each other. What started off soft and sweet became hot and passionate, but you knew you had to hold back. You couldn’t risk getting caught with him or you’d risk losing your job. He lightly groped your breast as his kissing traversed from your lips down to your neck. You couldn’t stop the moan that huffed from your lips, and you bucked against his thigh trying to gain some friction against your clothed cunt.
“You look fucking hot in that outfit.” He mumbled between kisses.
“Stop!” You raised your voice as you pushed yourself away from him.
“Did I do something wrong?” He wondered, confused by your sudden outburst.
“No, you’re great I’m sorry. It’s against the rules for Playmates to hook up with guests, I will lose my job if we’re caught.” You explained. Keigo nodded as if he understood, giving you an innocent smile as he planted a kiss on your lips once more.
“I get it. Sorry I got carried away.” He told you, picking himself off the ground. He held a hand out to you to help you to your feet, “I think I’ll get going. I’ll see you at the next party though, right?” He explained. You didn’t want to see him at the next party. You didn’t want him to leave. But you didn’t want to risk losing your job for the sake of keeping Keigo around. And you really didn’t want to throw your virginity at him just to prevent him from leaving.
“I, um…”
“I’ll have no reason to come to these things anymore if I don’t get to hang out with the prettiest bunny in the whole mansion.” He smiled, lightly brushing his thumb over your cheek.
You weren’t usually one for compliments. You knew guys would say anything to get in your pants. But there was something so sincere about Keigo. The way everything seemed so genuinely sweet and affectionate when he spoke to you. The way he made you feel like you were the only other person in the whole world with him. You loved being a bunny. You loved living with the girls and you loved all of the fun you had at the mansion. But you were in a role in which you were hypersexualised to everyone around you. How could they expect guests to not want to fuck you? How could you be expected to resist someone as sexy as Keigo? You didn’t think you’d lose your virginity like this, but who were you saving it for anyway?
☆ ☆ ☆
You pressed your lips against Keigo’s once again, and he was more than happy to respond. You began tugging at his clothes, indicating that you wanted them off. You didn’t break your kissing for more than a second. He took his jacket off while still deeply kissing you but removed himself quickly whilst he took off his t-shirt. You didn’t break the kiss either while you removed your high heels. You shrunk a few inches but Keigo didn’t mind leaning down a little further to keep smothering you in affection. He began to travel down to your neck once again but settled on the flesh of your breasts that were being hoisted up by your corset. You let out soft sighs as he continued. He crouched down slightly as he began fondling the bottom of your corset that resided between your thighs. He managed to unbutton it as he pulled down your sheer tights and panties. You were about to remove your corset when he asked you not to.
“You look too fucking good in that outfit to take it off.” He alerted you.
You felt slightly embarrassed by the praise, but it didn’t last long when he pulled you down to kiss him again, you were looming over him a little as you did. “Lie down.” He commanded. You did as you were told, eagerly awaiting whatever he had planned. He parted your legs a little, he repeatedly kissed your leg as he travelled up towards your pussy. He spread your legs wider when he reached your sopping sex, and instantly got to work licking your clit. You moaned almost instantly at the contact as your body softened into his touch. He slowly plunged a finger in, carefully working your innocent interior.
“Tell me if it hurts or if you want me to stop, okay birdie?” He instructed.
“Y-yeah…” You moaned. You’d be crazy to want this feeling to end.
He latched back onto your clit. His licking started off slow, but he eventually picked up the pace. He alternated between licking and sucking at your sensitive bundle of nerves all while still pumping his digit in and out of your tight cunt. The euphoric feeling caused you to writhe around on the ground. You were compelled to close your legs and clamp them around your lovers head, but he used his free hand to pin one of your legs to the ground while he continued working at your desperate cunt. He slipped another finger inside of you and continued his motions. He frantically began scissoring you open so he could prepare you for his cock. The sensations were too much, you hadn’t felt like this before. You felt a rising knot in your stomach and you were sure it was going to unfurl at any moment.
“P-please, Keigo I… I think I’m gonna.” You panted, your chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.
“No.” He spoke. Halting all actions. You were crushed. Why did he stop? You whimpered at the loss of contact and Keigo admired your little virgin hole clenching around nothing. You sat up a little, wondering what was going on. “Lie back down for me angel.” He commanded. You did as you were told, anticipating what he was doing. You knew instantly when you heard the unzipping of his pants. He was going to fuck you.
“Keigo… N-need it. Need it s’bad.” You whined. Your bratty voice earned a smirk from Keigo.
“Yeah? My mouth and fingers made you a little needy huh? I wanted to feel you cum around my cock.” He told you as he made contact with your dripping pussy. The feeling of him sliding his cock up and down your slit alone was heavenly. You were desperate for him to fill out your hole.
“Please, please fuck me now.” You requested.
He lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly sunk himself into you, making continuous eye contact with you as he did so. He was paying attention to every facial expression you made, he didn’t want to hurt you. He was impressed that you took him like champ, he completely bottomed out inside of you and he was more than ready to fuck your brains out.
He set a harsh pace almost instantly, he was aching with such a desperate need to cum. As soon as he saw you he knew that he had to have you tonight. He could see there was something untouched and innocent about you, but he didn’t expect you to be a fully fledged virgin. You were his now. No matter what you’d remember him as your first sexual encounter and no one would ever be able to compare.
He continued drilling into you, thoughts of owning you bringing him closer to his climax. Your arousal was rebuilding too. He began kissing you once again, although it was hard for each of you to focus. The building pleasure in the pair of you caused you both to occasionally moan into each other’s mouths. The sounds being devoured by each other arousing you more, bringing you closer and closer to your highs. He bent both of your legs up to your chest so he could continue pounding you at a deeper angle.
“K-Keigo,” You whimpered, “It hurts.” You expressed, not used to the feeling of him nudging your cervix.
“I’m sorry birdie, I’ll make it better I promise, I just-“ He stopped as he moaned through his speech. Making no attempt to change what he was doing to alleviate the pain you were feeling, “Cum for me baby you’ll feel better, I wanna feel you cum around me.” He huffed into your face. He reached down and began toying with your clit as he encouraged you to let yourself go. The contact was more than enough to send you over the edge. You were forced to keep constant eye contact with Keigo as he fucked you through your release. Your cunt clamped down on him, milking his cock for all it was worth. He rested his forehead on yours as you both came together, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes.
You’d always heard mixed reviews about losing your virginity. You would either hear that it was a beautiful and romantic moment you should give to someone meaningful, or that it’s a terrible time and it has no meaning on your life. You didn’t know Keigo very well at all, but you felt grateful that he was the one you got to share your first time with. For someone who was a stranger, he truly did care about your enjoyment and keeping you safe. He was still between your legs, letting you warm his cock as he laid on top of you. He gently peppered kisses on your forehead and cheeks while stroking your hair.
You were lucky you hadn’t been caught, you were lucky that for now you still had a job. But if he comes back to the next mansion party, you knew that you wanted to do this with him again.
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Š 2021 dabistiktokdance
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Thank you so much again for participating, it was a pleasure to write this and have you be a bunny for the night! I hope you enjoyed your experience at the party!! 
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spenciegoob ¡ 3 years
A Short Film
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A/N: hey hey hey... mid writing this I realized how much I jumped the gun and thought this was a good concept, but now that I’m thinking too hard about it, maybe it’s not. I also wrote too much of it to back down now, so hopefully someone out there enjoys this as much as I did in my head lol.
Summary: Spencer steps way out of his comfort zone to ask his film major girlfriend a question.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warnings: nothing really...  Spencer hardcore struggling with technology
Word Count: 3.5k
“Hey Garcia, do you think you could help with something?” Spencer asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and not looking up from the floor of her office.
“Of course, Boy Wonder? What can I do for you?” Garcia answered while excitedly turning her chair back to her wall of screens.
Spencer grabbed the extra chair in her office and mumbled, “Actually um,” causing Garcia to completely abandon her position and fully face the genius.
“Spencer, are you okay? Is something wrong?” Spencer couldn’t blame her for asking. He was sweating more than usual, his face was bright red and he hadn’t stop fiddling with his hands since he shut the door.
“Oh no, nothing’s wrong. I just, uh, I don’t really know how to ask this,” Spencer stumbled back. It was the truth after all. No life experience had prepared him for such a request, one that in the grand scheme of things was not a lot, but to Spencer.
To Spencer, it was everything.
“That’s okay. Take your time,” Penelope stated back, and coming from anyone else, Spencer would have believed it was sarcastic in nature. But he also knew that Penelope was one of the only people he could never find judgement or maliciousness from.
You were the other.
“So Y/N and I as you’re probably aware have been together for 2 years now, and you also know that she just got her degree in cinematography and design, which is really funny if you think about it because I know nothing about any of that, but she knows everything. You know, sometimes she’ll explain to me what she sees through her eyes and it’s nothing like what I’ve ever been able to. I’m rambling now but I want to do that,” Spencer spurted out, and once he was done, he took a breath so deep Penelope whole-heartedly believed if he spent one more second talking, he may pass out.
“Woah there, slow down. First of all, that’s adorable. I love Y/N so much. Second of all, how exactly am I supposed to help you see things that way? Shouldn’t she be more help?” Penelope questioned, now completely confused about Spencer’s intentions with this very early morning visit.
“She can’t exactly know. It’s kind of a surprise thing,” Spencer answered shyly. He hadn’t even gotten to the punchline and yet, he was contemplating every move.
Was this a good idea?
But when he saw the way Penelope lit up before she yelled, “Tell me everything, and spare no details. None!” He knew he would stop at nothing to make this perfect.
“So here’s what I was thinking.”
That was 1 year ago today, and since then, Spencer has tried to figure out what to say when he revealed his big project. He stood in front of the mirror every day for 365 days trying to find the perfect way to put it. Still when you sat on your shared couch gazing up at him in amusement, confusion and adoration all at once, his mouth was dry and his throat clamped up.
“Spence, you’re starting to scare me. Are you okay?” You asked, watching as your boyfriend stared at you like a deer caught in headlights with a laptop and assorted cords in his hands.
“Uh, yes! Yes I am okay. I just need to um, this needs to go. You know what? I wasn’t told how to do this part, can you help me?” Spencer paced back and forth between you and the TV four times while he was talking before he stopped defeated in front of you. He wouldn’t have asked for help unless he was certain Penelope was smart enough to insert a black screen in the beginning of what caused the laptop to burn a hole in his hand.
“Yes, of course,” you said, slightly chuckling at his confusion. Spencer Reid and technology, whilst tragic, was also very adorable. “What are you trying to do?”
“I need the video on the laptop to play on the TV,” he stated simply. At least he knew what he wanted. That was a new, first step in the right direction.
“Okay easy. Just hand me that cord, and,” you drew out the ‘and’ as you bent around the TV and plugged in the cord. “Perfect. Now just plug this end into the laptop and hit play.” You handed Spencer back his end of the cord, watching as he examined the object and the side of the computer to know where exactly to put it. It almost felt like watching a toddler try and find the rightly shaped hole for the triangle piece, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t endearing.
Before he could break anything, you stepped in. “I know you’d be able to figure it out, but it’s that one.”
“Thank you,” he mumbled back sheepishly. 
“Okay so a little back story. A year ago today, I asked Penelope to teach me how to record videos on my new phone. Thank you for that by the way, the camera on it is really cool, and I’m not just saying that because it’s one of the only things I know how to work. Anyways, I started secretly recording videos of you, of us, anything that reminded me of you, and me talking about you. So I sent them over to Garcia and she pushed them all together, and I think what I’m trying to say is I made a short film? Home video? It doesn’t really matter, but I’m showing it to you now.” Spencer didn’t acknowledge the shocked look on your face as he settled next to you and put the laptop on the coffee table.
But as you watched him find the video and set up, your jaw stayed slack. Spencer Reid, the world’s biggest technophobe, figured out how to use an iPhone camera just for you. While to others it may not seem like a lot, to you. 
To you, it was everything.
“Spence, I don’t even know what to say. This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” It didn’t feel like enough. The amount of awe, and love that filled your chest was so comforting, so warm.
It felt like home. It felt like Spencer.
“You don’t have to say anything, just watch,” he stated before hitting the spacebar, something he’s seen you do plenty of times.
The video started out with Spencer crouching down slightly to where the phone was set up against a bookcase in front of the couch.
“Is it recording?” He whispered, and when he realized it was, he took a step back and gave a thumbs up before rushing to sit on the couch. You couldn’t help but let a full smile stretch across your face, an involuntary act when it came to Spencer.
“Hey, love bug. It’s Spencer, but wait you knew that because you can see me.” There was a small pause as Spencer squinted to see if you could actually see him from his position on the couch. When he realized he was in frame, he continued. “This is totally weird that I’m technically talking to myself right now, but I hope future me gave you an explanation. I tried to wait for a good time to start recording this, and in the two weeks I’ve known how to work that thing,” Spencer said as he pointed to the camera. “We’ve been on a case. I came home tonight, and you’re sleeping right now, but if I stay quiet enough I can say what I need to.”
You looked over at Spencer as he was twiddling with his fingers. Something he only did when he was nervous. You reached over and grabbed one of his hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze, but when you tried to pull away so as to not truly disturb his fidgeting, he caught it. So, you intertwined your fingers together, and continued to watch past Spencer.
“I came home today, and all I wanted to do was hold you. Granted, that’s every day, but today was just, it was really hard. When I came home you were asleep on the couch. One time you told me you didn't like to sleep in our bed while I was away, something about it being too big. At first, I was mad because your poor back, but today I changed my mind because the amount of steps to get to you was much less.”
Spencer unlocked the door to the apartment, resting his head against the wood as he inserted the key into the lock. The most recent case had ended with the death of both the latest victim and the unsub, and he couldn’t bear another second of remembering the scene play out in front of him.
All he wanted to do was lay in her arms, but when he opened the door, the apartment was completely silent.
And then he saw a little fuzzy sock clad foot sticking out from underneath the huge, fluffy blanket on the couch. Slowly, he walked towards you, finding you fast asleep with a t-shirt of his tightly snuggled up to your neck and face.
Spencer got down on a knee in front of you, and brushed the hair that had fallen over your eyes. Slowly, they fluttered open at his feather touch, only to widen with realization.
“You’re home!” You squealed, throwing your hands around his neck. Immediately, he reciprocated the hug, tighter than usual. Spencer tucked his head into your neck and inhaled the scent of your shampoo, a grounding technique he would never tell you he developed. The hands he delicately placed at first across the expanse of your back grew heavier, drawing your body closer to his. 
You pulled your head back, him following your movements, and stared deeply into his eyes for a second. The moment you two locked eyes, he knew the jig was up. Spencer knew you could see right through him, and he knew that even if you weren’t there to witness what he had, you saw it replaying over and over in his eyes.
“You must be tired, let’s get you to bed.” Your words shocked him at first. Usually, the people in his life would ask insistent questions on his mental well-being, and while they were greatly appreciated, Spencer was never one to open up when asked to.
You, however, didn’t meddle, you didn’t push. You simply gave him a place to feel safe as you two settled under the duvet together, never letting go of one another even for a second. You held the back of his head, slowly brushing your fingers through his curls as he laid against your chest. Your fingers were medicinal to him, softly taking away the pain and violence of the day, and replacing it with security, comfort, love.
“No one’s ever been that excited to see me before, let alone knew how to take care of me the way you did. I just,” Spencer trailed off and looked towards our bedroom, where you stirred in your sleep looking for him. “You’re about to wake up and wonder where I went. Now you know what I was doing in “the bathroom” for 30 minutes actually meant. Alright, see you next video, love bug.”
The screen cut to Spencer obviously holding the phone close to his chest, the only thing in frame the space where his shoulder and neck met. The soft chords of the start of Vienna by Billy Joel can be heard from outside the room he was in. 
“Okay, I’m gonna have to sneak up on you. I’m sorry in advance.” 
Spencer finally addressed the camera. As the Spencer on the TV quietly left his position in what you could only assume was your bedroom, you looked over at your very real Spencer softly smiling at the TV.
When he caught your stare, he said “Watch, this is my favorite part.” Turning back to the TV, you watched as Spencer carefully tiptoed to the living room, placing the camera to lean against the vase in the middle of the dinner table to face the kitchen.
In the kitchen, you watched yourself very poorly sing along with Billy Joel using a whisk that you just got done washing as a microphone. The blush that crept up your neck and to your cheeks with embarrassment still felt the same as it did that day.
You hadn’t heard Spencer sneak up on you, not until he was right behind you and let out a soft chuckle at a note you missed. Spencer had never seen someone jump out of their skin as much as you did when he made his presence known. 
“Jesus Spencer, you scared me!” You yelled before a smile crept up your face. You couldn’t help it, even in the most embarrassing times, not when Spencer looked at you like that.
“Sorry, love bug. Although, I didn’t mean for you to stop the show.” At that you hit his chest with the whisk/microphone, both of you laughing fully now. “Come here.”
Spencer took your hand, pulling you softly to his chest where you laid your head to his heart. Wrapping his hand around your waist, the two of you started to slowly sway to the music. You both were incredibly offbeat to Vienna, but listening to Spencer’s heart, you realized that the tempo you were dancing at matched up. Unbeknownst to you, due to the adrenaline of being scared, Spencer could feel your heartbeat on his abdomen, and was swaying to that.
You didn’t know how long you stayed like that, dancing to the in sync beat of each other’s hearts.
The clip of you dancing however only lasted 10 more seconds as the next scene of Spencer bundled up for the fall played. You had met Spencer during the fall, and fell in love with the way the red, yellow and orange leaves contrasted against his honey eyes. This clip was no different.
“Hey, love bug. I’m on my way to deliver this coffee to you in between classes, but I had to stop so I can show you my new friends I’ve made along the way.”
The camera panned down to 4 little ducklings surrounding Spencer’s converse, most of them just waddling around, but one was insistently pecking at the rubber toe of his left shoe. Spencer pointed at the little deviant and said ‘that’s you’ before bringing the camera back up to his face.
“I may have made the mistake of feeding them the fruit I was bringing you, which reminds me I should probably go get you more. I don’t think you’ll be mad though. How could you? Look how cute they are! I kind of want to take them home, but I definitely know that’ll make you mad. Anyways, I just wanted to show off that you’re not always the animal person in this relationship. See you soon, love bug.”
“Oh my god, Spencer. That was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, but to confirm your thoughts, yes, I would’ve been mad,” you stated, the giddy smile never leaving your face, and giggles spreading themselves through your words.
“I know, I know. They belong in the wild,” he said back, holding up his free hand in faux defeat.
A new scene presented itself to you, this one being Spencer setting up the camera on the bathroom sink while brushing his teeth. You knew you were approaching by the music slowly getting louder.
You entered you and Spencer’s shared bathroom, Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John playing out of your phone. He was brushing his teeth, and you followed suit, not stopping the small dancing as you did.
You looked at Spencer, and started moving side to side, your free hand grabbing the crook of his elbow to join you. Looking in the mirror expectedly, you watched Spencer look up at the ceiling before joining you, a smile on his face.
Slowly, the two of you fell into a rhythm to the beat of Elton John, making funny faces to each other in the mirror as you did so.
You reached out fully to lean your head on Spencer’s shoulder as you watched.
The scene on the TV shifted once again to show a very flustered you standing in front of the TV with Citizen Kane paused. Your hair was in a messy bun, and you were sporting one of Spencer’s old Caltech t-shirts, and fuzzy black pants with little pumpkins printed everywhere.
Spencer was also wearing the same fuzzy pants.
“Spence, I’m gonna sound crazy here,” you sprinting off the couch after pausing the film you were currently trying to study for your film analysis class. 
“You’re not off to a great start here,” Spencer laughed out. Spencer once told you that no matter what he thought about a book or film, he wanted to listen to you ramble about it for hours. The first thing he fell in love with about you was the way you challenged his thinking, expanding his mind to the possibilities of learning about the difference between production design and cinematography. You taught him something that no class, book or person could ever.
Your mouth dropped open, an over exaggerated gasp leaving your lips, your hand meeting your chest softly. 
“Meanie.” Spencer and you chuckled at the antics, and when the laughs died down, you continued. “Here me out, though.”
And from there, you went into a deep dive about the unreliable narrator, and how it affects camera placement in the scene you two just watched. 
“Oh my god. I talk that fast?” You asked Spencer, who just let a breathy laugh out at your realization.
“Don’t worry, I think it’s adorable,” he whispered the last part, the smile on his face turning from one of hilarity to one full of love.
30 seconds into your rant, you realize the phone he was attempting to hide close to his lap. Your eyes flicked between the camera that was pointed at you, and Spencer, who’s face filled with confusion as to why you stopped talking.
“Are you recording me?” You asked, a smile never leaving your face. Oh no, he’d been caught. Spencer has to think of a believable excuse, and quick.
“Uh, yeah, sorry, I just uh... I figured instead of you trying to write it down later, you’d want all your notes now.” Perfect!
“Damn, that was good,” you said, nodding softly at his swiftness. You couldn’t be mad he lied, how could you when the truth was this beautiful?
“I know, right? I came up with it on the spot,” Spencer joked with you. As if TV Spencer knew he was interrupting a moment, a throat clearing came from the video. The Spencer you saw was from 3 days ago, and was sitting in his car in what looked to be the Quantico parking garage.
“Hi, love bug. I’m days away from showing you this, and I still don’t know what to say. I hope the me you’re with now has figured it out. So, uh, yeah. That’s it. Uh, take it away, future Spencer. Actually, you’d be present Spenc-” The video cut off, courtesy of Penelope Garcia.
“Y/N,” Spencer started, turning to face a very emotional you fully. “I still haven’t found the right words. None of them could express my love for you, and perfect doesn’t come close to describing you. I know you have a thing for supporting evidence, and I think I just provided a lot to prove that the best thing to ever happen in my life is you.” You let out a small giggle, the tears welling in your eyes breaking free. “Oh no, if you cry, then I’m going to.”
You let out a full laugh now as Spencer wiped the tears falling down your cheeks before continuing.
“Before you, I was reckless. I didn’t care what happened as long as I did something to help. Now, I have a reason to be careful, a reason to care. I can’t do that to you, and if I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you, I need to live.”
You inhaled softly as Spencer reached into the pocket of his pants, taking your hand in his.
“Which brings me to my question,” he said with a small smile and cocked his head. Slowly, he dropped down to one knee in front of you.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?” Spencer opened the velvet box to reveal a simple silver band with a square cut diamond delicately placed on top.
“Spencer Reid, yes. I will marry you.”
With shaky fingers, he slid the ring on your fingers, the fit perfect. You couldn’t wait any longer, and grabbed his face in your hands to pull his lips to yours. Your lips molded together in perfect harmony, lulling you deeper into Spencer’s embrace. 
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips.
“I love you, too,” Spencer answered, only pulling back far enough to mumble before kissing you again.
Note to self: thank Penelope Garcia.
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dreamerstreamer ¡ 4 years
Never Meant To Be Yours
Pairing: Wilbur Soot x gn!reader
Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] Wilbur Soot’s heart may belong to you, but yours? Well...
Warnings: some cursing (hi, Tommy) + one scene with slight violence 
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: i realized that i hadn’t written a story that was strictly just angst, so... ta-da! this story takes place during the betrayal of l’manberg. inspired by both the events of the smp and also heathers: the musical. remember folks: pog through the pain <3
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The campfire crackled and popped as Wilbur tossed another stick into the roaring flames, the embers leaping up and soaring into the starry night sky. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance as Tommy opened his mouth again.
“I’m fucking telling you, Wilbur. Just let me sharpen some sticks and I can win this war for L’Ma—”
Wilbur sighed, reaching over to rip the two branches from Tommy’s hands. “Tommy, if you pick up another set of sticks one more time, I will throw your discs into the fire.”
Tommy gasped, absolutely appalled that he would even suggest it. “Big man, you wouldn’t fucking dare—”
“No,” Tubbo said, smiling as he threw some more kindle into the fire, “I’m pretty sure he would.”
“Oh, he definitely would,” Fundy confirmed, his tail swishing this way and that as he looked on in amusement.
Tommy frowned, snatching another stick from the firewood pile and turning to glare at Wilbur from where he sat on his log. “Fucking fight me for them, you beanie bitch.”
Wilbur stared back, unimpressed and his patience wearing thin. “Tommy,” he said, “I’m not doing this, again.”
“Oh? Are you scared of my sharpness 1000 sti—”
Without even an ounce of hesitation, Wilbur grabbed Tommy by his arms and hoisted him into the air, his feet dangling dangerously close to the campfire. Fundy hooted as Tommy let out a piercing scream, Tubbo watching with wide eyes and a grin on his face as the flames licked at the soles of his shoes. “I swear to fucking god, Tommy,” Wilbur nearly shouted, “I am going to drop you into the fi—”
“You lot seem like you’re having fun.”
Wilbur froze, Tommy practically melting in his arms in relief. “Thank the lord, I’m saved,” he muttered.
You walked over to the group with a small wave and a bashful grin. In an instant, Wilbur had released Tommy, dropping him back onto the log as he walked over to you. The irritation seeped out of his bones as he took in the sight of your face, your eyes glowing in the golden light of the campfire.
“You’re finally here,” he said, leaning over to press a quick peck to your cheek before sitting once more.
You giggled, settling into the space next to him. “Hi.”
Beside you, Tommy made a gagging noise. “Jesus Christ, you guys are actually fucking gross. I would never do some shit like that.”
You gave him a quizzical look. “But Tommy,” you pointed out, “I thought you loved women. Don’t you want to date one, one day?”
“I do love women!” Tommy confirmed. “And I respect them! But you know me, [Y/N].” He patted his chest, smirking with pride. “I’m married to the grind.”
You tilted your head at him, bemused. “Are you, now?”
He nodded with full confidence. “Of course I am!”
“And you didn’t invite me to the wedding?”
Tommy shot you a condescending look. “The grind and I have been married far longer than you and Wilbur have even been together—hell, I’d say we’re a better fucking couple than you two!”
You feigned a gasp and turned to your lover with a dramatic pout. “Hey, Will? Do you hear that? Tommy says his marriage to the grind is better than our relationship.”
Wilbur paused for a moment, blinking, then shrugged. “Well, that’s an easy fix.”
Confusion flashed across Tommy’s face. “How?”
Wilbur stood up and turned to look at you, a serious expression crossing his face. “I suppose we’ll just have to get married.”
You felt your jaw drop, a wave of shock running through you as Tommy sputtered, “Pfft—what the fuck?”
Taking a deep breath, you sighed, rubbing your temples. “Will,” you said, “getting married in the middle of a war doesn’t exactly sound like the best idea you’ve had.”
“But Wilbur never has good ide—”
“Well,” Wilbur said, cutting Tommy off, “how else are we going to beat Tommy and the grind?”
You cocked a brow at him. “Are you implying that are relationship isn’t already stronger than Tommy’s with the grind? That we have to prove it?”
Now it was Wilbur’s turn to sputter. “No, uh, I’m just, um—”
“Will,” you said again, “you realize you have a son that we both care for, right?”
Wilbur paused. “Oh. Right.”
You could see Fundy groan from the other side of the campfire, hanging his head in his hands. “Jeez, thanks, dad.”
Wilbur flashed his son a bright grin. “You’re welcome, son.” He whirled, triumphantly pointing at Tommy’s face. “See? Do you and the grind have a physical representation of your love in the form of another living being?”
Tommy’s face contorted in disgust. “Wilbur, what the fuck, no. I’m a fucking minor.”
The smile dropped from Wilbur’s face like a dead fly. “Oh. Right.”
Tubbo let out a whistle, raising his fist in the air. “Aaand, scene! That’s a point for Tommy!” He shook his head apologetically at the general. “Sorry, Wilbur, but you lose.”
Wilbur looked offended. “How did I lose? [Y/N] and I have a Fundy!”
Tubbo’s expression shifted to something more serious. “Didn’t you know that I’m a lawyer, Wilbur? You don’t mess with the law.”
Fundy let out another groan as Tommy howled in delight. “Oh, no.”
“Big Law is back!”
It didn’t take long for the bickering to start up again, and you found yourself zoning out, simply smiling and nodding every once in a while. A lone crow squawked in the trees above you, and you cast your gaze up at the night sky, watching as the campfire sparks danced and faded into the shadows above. Something stirred deep within your chest. 
It really was a lovely night, and you were surrounded by some lovely people, even if they were rather chaotic. With the campfire keeping you warm and their peals of laughter tugging at your lips, you almost felt sad.
Only a few more days remained of this idyllic life. Just a few days more until—
“[Y/N]? Are you okay?”
Wilbur’s worried voice drew you out of your thoughts and you turned to face him, plastering a small smile to your face. “Yep! Just thinking.”
He leaned down to peer closer at you, his gaze scanning your face. “What about?”
You averted your eyes from his, your cheeks dancing with warmth. “About you.”
He grinned and pulled you into his chest, ignoring the way Tommy pretended to choke at the sight. You giggled, your hands wrapped around Wilbur’s arm in return as he held you close.
High above you, the stars winked down at you from the pitch black sky, waiting and watching to see what came next.
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Wilbur sighed, staring down at the map on his desk.
Just how was he going to stage an attack on a nation as large as the Dream SMP? Every opening would have been accounted for, and Dream was not a foe to be taken lightly. Even if all of them came in, bows blazing and swords drawn, Dream was still very much capable of taking them on, even by himself. That, he knew, and that was what weighed him down.
He slumped over, dragging a hand over his face. What in the world was he going to do?
A knock sounded at his door, startling him out of his thoughts.
“Knock knock,” you greeted, leaning against the doorframe with a smile. “You doing alright in there?”
Wilbur offered you a tired smile. “Not really, if I’m being honest.”
You stepped inside, slipping into the seat next to his. “What’s going on? Tell me.”
He sighed. “It—It’s just that the odds are so incredibly stacked against us.” His eyes were sad as he stared blankly down at the parchment. “It makes me wonder, is freedom even attainable, or is it just another one of my silly pipe dreams?”
You frowned, reaching over to stroke his face with the back of your hand. “Freedom is more than just a dream, Will. You know that.” You squeezed his shoulder. “Fundy is living proof of that. Your son is living proof of that. He was born in these walls, remember?” Your voice dropped to a whisper, and it sent a shiver down his spine. “He was born free.”
You pulled away from him, sending him a sugary grin. “We can become free, Will. I know you can do it. You’re not alone. You have me. You have us.”
His smiled crookedly at you. “Even Tommy?”
The look in your eyes was kind as you giggled. “Yes, even Tommy. I’m sure of it. Why else would you have made him your right hand man?”
He chuckled, turning his attention away from the map and onto you. “You’re right. You always know how to make me feel better, [Y/N].”
You offered him a small smile. “I try my best.”
The two of you set into a comfortable silence for a moment or two with you watching Wilbur strategically move pieces across the map while he jotted down notes on a slip of paper. It was only after a few minutes had passed when you spoke up once more.
“Hey,” you said softly, reaching over his ink well to slip your hand in his, “I want to show you something that’ll make you feel even better.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, his hand freezing on its quill. “Oh?”
You nodded, smiling sweetly at him. “I’ve been working on it for a little while, and I really think it’ll help us win that freedom of ours.”
He smiled at you, his gaze fond as he stood, setting his quill on the table. “Let me gather the men and I’ll be right there.”
It only took him a few minutes for him to rally everyone together, although he did have to silence Tommy when he let loose a string of curses yelling about his dedication to the grind. In practically no time, the whole battalion stood in front of you, eager to see what you had in store.
“Alright,” Wilbur said, bowing towards you, “lead the way.”
You grinned, jokingly curtsying back before turning on you heel, a skip lining your step as you strode toward a small tree sitting near the edge of the walls. “If you come down here,” you began, sliding down the side of the hill to point behind the tree, “you’ll see that there’s actually a small entranceway here.”
Wilbur’s eyes widened in surprise. There really was a hole in the hill dug out just here. He wondered just when you made it. “How the fuck did you keep this hidden from us?” Tommy muttered, squinting as you led them inside. “You didn’t even try to hide the fucking door.”
You shrugged, still strolling comfortably. “It was pretty out of the way and it faces the wall itself, so you weren’t likely to spot it, anyways. I didn’t really think it was necessary.”
The walls were dark and dank, lit up only be the occasional torch, but even then it was still dim. “This is a long tunnel,” Tubbo murmured after they had been walking for a minute or two, his head swiveling this way and that as he took in his surroundings.
You laughed. “Well, this place was pretty well-hidden, if I do say so myself.” Suddenly, you stopped, turning to look at the rest of the group. “Well, lads, here it is.”
You stepped in and to the side, and Wilbur gasped.
Lying just within the hill was a grand room. Every surface was made of smooth, polished, black bricks, and pale blue lanterns hung from each corner of the room, emitting a faint light that painted the room in an enchanting glow. Chests lined the walls, and in the center of the room sat a single button atop a panel.
Wilbur was floored—he had no idea when you had built all this.
“What is this place?” Fundy asked, his dark eyes wide with awe.
You hummed, tapping a finger on your chin as you strode to the middle of the room. “Well, I guess you could call it a secret base, but I’ve been calling it the final control room.” Something glinted in your eyes. “I spent a lot of time gathering resources and forging weaponry that we can use to fight.” You pointed at each labelled box with delight. “Look—you each have your own chest!”
Wilbur felt his heart swell with pride. Just when he didn’t think you could be any more perfect, you just had to shatter his expectations.
Everyone split apart, each rushing toward their respective chest with anticipation thrumming in their fingertips. Wilbur grinned as he reached his, unlatching the clasp on the front and flipping the lid open to reveal... nothing.
There wasn’t anything in the chest.
Uneasiness seeped into his stomach.
“[Y/N],” he said slowly, turning to look at you, “these chests are empty.”
You still stood in the center of the room, sending him that same sweet smile you always did.
“I know,” you said, lifting your hand to hover over the singular button lying on the control panel.
Something like terror struck his heart.
“[Y/N]?” he whispered.
It was only then that he noticed how cold your eyes were.
“It was never meant to be.”
What came next happened so quickly that Wilbur almost didn’t process it. He watched as your hand slammed down on the button, and a hole in the wall opened up to reveal the Dream SMP, their swords unsheathed and armour polished to shining. Screams rang out all around him, echoing in the tiny chamber of the so-called final control room. He could only watch in horror as his men were slaughtered at his side until a sword pierced his chest as well.
With a pained gasp, he looked up to you as he fell back, disbelief and the pure, utter pain of betrayal sinking into his veins while he coughed for air.
You still wore that saccharine smile of yours, the one he had fallen for long, long ago. Something menacing shone in your eyes.
He wondered how you could still be smiling at a time like this as his world went dark.
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Wilbur awoke with a gasp, lurching forward with wide eyes. Panting, his hand flew to his chest, grasping at where he was just stabbed—or had been stabbed. His shoulders sank in relief as his fingertips met unmarred skin and the softness of his shirt, a sigh escaping his lips.
Coming back after death never really got any easier after the first time. He could only wonder what Tommy and Tubbo were going through—they were so young.
“Oh, you’re awake.”
Wilbur’s head shot to the side, his eyes briefly noting the fact that he was indeed lying on the bed in his room. On the opposite side of the room, you sat on a wooden chair, a book clutched between your fingertips. Something warm flitted through his chest as his eyes met yours, and he almost felt glad to see you.
“What are you doing here?” he spat, a cruelty he had never felt for you before brewing within his gut. “Why are you even here?”
You blinked innocently at him, shutting the book in your hands and setting it on the table next to you. It was the declaration of independence, he noted with disgust. He felt sick knowing that you held it in yours hands, that you even signed it at all.
“I’m keeping you company,” you said casually, as if nothing had happened at all, as if you hadn’t just gotten him killed. “I didn’t want you to be lonely.”
Rage ripped through him, roaring through him like a wildfire. With shoulders shaking with agony, he tore the sheets from off his legs. “‘Didn’t want me to be lonely’?” he parroted mockingly as he stood to his full height. His glare was as cold as ice. “Is this some sick joke to you?”
You tilted your head at him, your mouth remaining a straight line—hard and firm. “Not particularly, no.”
That was when it hit him—when everything came crashing into him all at once.
You had sold them out.
You had abandoned them.
Did you mean anything you ever said to him? Did you ever really love him? Were your kisses ever real? Did his love really mean nothing to you? 
“[Y/N],” he breathed, horror wracking his every word, “what have you done?”
You stared at him, your expression blank and unreadable—an impenetrable wall standing between him and your psyche. He hated it. He hated how unreadable you were in this moment, and his anger older burned brighter.
“What were you thinking?” he shouted, his voice growing louder and louder. He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair, pushing it away from his soot-stained face. “We were going to get married. We—we were going to start a new life together. With Tommy, and Tubbo. Niki. Fundy, my son.” His eyes flashed. “Our son. Whatever happened to that?”
He sank to his knees, suddenly feeling very tired. The fire burned out, and an indescribable sense of sadness flowed in instead, flooding every inch of his being. He felt his eyes begin to water as you simply stared down at him, unfeeling and harsh. His voice cracked.
“[Y/N], why?”
There was no denying what you had done. He had seen it with his own two eyes, had watched a wicked glint creep into your gaze as you pressed the button and vanished.
You were a traitor, through and through, yet he still could not fathom why.
Suddenly, you took a stood, taking a slow and deliberate step toward him. Wilbur’s breath hitched in his throat as he saw you draw closer and closer, his heart pounding in his ears. Even after all that you’d done, after you’d betrayed him, his heart still yearned for you—still ached for you.
Just a step before you reached him, you stopped, crouching down to be level with him. For a moment, you simply stared at him with those eyes—those eyes he loved so, so much. Then, you opened your mouth.
“Wilbur,” you murmured, soft enough only for him to hear. “Oh, my darling, lovely Wilbur.”
Your voice was sickly sweet, dripping like honey that stuck to the roof of his mouth. He swallowed, the tiniest flicker of hope igniting in his heart. Perhaps this was all just some big misunderstanding, some prank that you were pulling on him—you always did love your mischief.
You smiled at him, the glimmer in your eyes wicked and unkind as you stood up. The sun hung just behind you in the sky, framing your face in a heavenly glow.
In another life, you would have looked like an angel.
“I was never meant to be yours.”
His heart shattered.
The tears were now freely streaming down his cheeks, running down like tiny rivers. He half-hoped that he would drown in them, that he would never have to see your beautifully wretched face again for as long as he lived.
Bending over, you pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, pulling away just a second later after gently patting his head. The spot where your lips met his skin burned, and he hated himself for wishing you would stay.
You strode over to the door, swinging it open with one last glance over your shoulder and an empty half-smile. “Goodbye, Will.”
The door closed. Wilbur stared at the solid oak wood, feeling an abyss open up inside him.
Gone—you were gone.
And he was left alone.
So much for getting married.
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“Was it worth it?”
You stopped swinging your legs from the gold throne you sat upon and cast a glance up at Dream, his green eyes boring into you from where he was perched on the chandelier. How he got up there, you still had no idea.
“Was what worth it?” you asked, examining a diamond between your fingers.
He cocked his head at you, gesturing to the castle surrounding the two of you. “This life. Your new title. You gave up so much for them, after all.” He began counting off on his fingers, his lips quirking. “You faked a relationship with Wilbur, pretended to love his son, befriended that brat, Tommy, and then blew it all to smithereens for the crown on your head.”
His gaze flickered back to yours. “Well?” he said again. “Was it worth it?”
You looked at him for a long moment, your expression pensive.
You thought of soft, brown curls tickling against your face as you awoke on the couch. You thought of fluttering laughter and bashful giggles. You thought of a pearly white grin flashing at you from the other side of the campfire. You thought of an old acoustic guitar that was almost always just a little out of tune. You thought of gentle kisses pressed to hands, cheeks, necks, and mouths. 
You thought of Wilbur Soot.
And you smiled and felt nothing.
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i-need-air ¡ 3 years
Oh-- I really really -really- liked your wolf hybrid Bakugou and-- if you don't mind, can you do one on Kirishima? Just the general headcanons, if this is too bothersome then you can ignore this once again- thank you
Just general headcanons you say? Okay, I had this written 2k words in before I got this ask and now it's at... ehem, let me take a deep breath for this;
Word count: 3.5k 💀 [of HCs 💀💀💀]
Why do I keep doing this to myself aksdjkd I love Kiri so much, my god! Thanks for the ask!! 💗
[ Masterlist ]
Hybrid!AU Kirishima Eijirou HCs
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× i mentioned him as a dog hybrid and we're sticking with it because it just feels right, yano? anyway!
× you found out about how the new hybrid shelter in your city helped bust a fighting ring
× which was horrifying to think about
× one of your friends explained the process to you and you were definitely interested in helping someone out
× shelters were still underfunded and didn't provide much to help the hybrids adapt to society
× so you found yourself in front of the shelter without a plan
× just a dream and a spare couch that could thankfully convert into a bed
× before you could chicken out you stormed through the doors like a mad person, catching the attention of the guards and the front desk man
× it surprised you how disinterested they were though; were they seriously the people that dismantled a whole illegal fighting ring?
× they called a sweet old lady to accompany you
× when you explained your situation her eyes sparkled, looking you up and down and nodding her head
× she took you through some hallways, showing you around the precinct, questioning you about what type of hybrid you'd want
× to which you honestly didn't know how to respond, like anyone you could help????
× it kinda pissed you off how she spoke about the hybrids like they were pets, suggesting you'd get a kitty or a bunny, since [her words] they were low maintenance
× is this really a good shelter?
× you looked around, finding prison like cells left and right, some with people that looked at you curiously, some covering from your glance
× they were locked in...
× some growling could be heard far away but the woman shook her head at you, disapproving gaze turned to the side as she took you further into the building
× another room, this time cells were bigger, a few occupied, yet covered from you, indiferent and uninterested
× a man was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands in his hair
× "Kirishima, boy, get up to greet someone"
× his red eyes snapped up, whatever he was thinking about slowly forgotten
× he blinked curiously as you hugged your frame, feeling uncomfortable, even ashamed to be there
× but a sweet smile took over his features
× "Hey! I'm Kirishima Eijirou!"
× it's really all it took for you to grow fond of him; he got up and came closer to the entrance of the cell and introduced himself in such easy-going manner you forgot about everything and anything
× he calmed you with his presence, even if it was very disheveled, with old ripped clothes and hair messy, painted red with obvious dark roots showing
× he had a black fluffy tail waving slowly behind him too
× you introduce yourself with his encouragement and mumbled how you wanted to help someone out today
× he just smiled at you, taking you in
× let me tell you something about dog hybrids: they can sense emotions and intentions so Kiri would be a very good judge of character and he really, genuinely took a liking on you
× the problem is how the fuck do you say out loud that you wanted to help him out
× because you sure as hell weren't going to say you'd adopt him; he's not a child? we're talking about a grown ass man here? literally looked like 6'4ft/1.95m?????
× it was so shameful, your gut turned as you cursed society and he sensed it, expression changing, falling a little as he saw you look very out of place
× "Hey, hey, everything's gonna be fine!" he said
× he told YOU that
× instead of YOU telling HIM those words;;; you almost burst into ugly crying, forgetting about everything else, your minuscule problems or shame or whatever and just nodded at him
× "Would you like to come home with me, Kirishima?" you said, ignoring the happy clapping the old lady was doing, watching carefully how his expression, clear as water, switched from easy-going and reassuring to shocked then hopeful
× "I'd like that" he breathed out "—a lot."
× as you went out the lady was telling him it was a shame they separated his group of friends, something about being sent to different shelters, how he had to be a good boy, to behave, yada-yada and seriously;;; he was taking it so lightheartedly, as if he was so used to this behavior or even was thankful for it?
× it was starting to get annoying, specially when they gave you a collar for him, like no fucking thanks, but you'd take care of it later
× since it was very random and unplanned, you were making mental gymnastics to figure out what to get and what to do first, like clothes, food—
× journey home was pleasant as he walked close to you, asking you questions about yourself with a gentle smile on his features
× meanwhile people got out of both your ways because he was intimidating and big and large but his smile screamed sunshine
× all while he never really mentioned anything about himself
× you made a point to ask him if he was hungry, to grab a quick bite at any restaurant you could get at then go buy some clothes and necessities
× you were so casual and this guy was so shocked
× i swear, looks at you blinking stupidly then ✨beams✨
× spoiler alert; big boy was hungry
× it didn't matter honestly, just seeing him eat without a worry [even if everyone at the restaurant was wary of him but got a stink eye from you] was a relief
× since you answered his questions about you, you decided to ask some about him; you were going to be roomies soon so might as well get to know each other
× shocked again
× stops mid-bite when you ask him something and stares wide-eyed
× doesn't answer but you can see he wants to and you're confused??
× "did I—... did I say something wrong?" you'd press, scared you'd spook him away or something
× he just gulps down and looks ashamed
× casually tells you they've been told at the shelter owners don't care about them
× 🙃 say what now bby?
× he kinda starts apologizing because he understands why you wouldn't wanna know and you put your hand on his; kinda mutes him for a second
× "Kirishima, we're gonna live together and hopefully be friends in the process, right? I'd like to know about you, as much as you're willing to tell me"
× [ falls in love right then and there ]
× he's met humans before, many actually—
× even in the short weeks he's been at the shelter he's seen people come and go and none talked to him like you did
× stares with stars in his eyes and chuckles awkwardly, blush on his face
× "You're really nice, [Y/N]" he said before eagerly answering your questions; course, it leaves you confused lmfao but you brush past it
× okay! shopping next, long story short it was very hard to find hybrid clothes for his size so you pick to change human clothes and adjust them for him
× as you again mention this stuff casually he's just awestruck
× when you got home, bags in hand, you were explaining to him how you really didn't have much; you were working to get a promotion soon but for now you had a couch that could open up into a very comfy bed, which he assured you it was enough
× you were lowkey unsure if he fit it because like i mentioned, big boi is big
× he does! so that's a relief but you started considering giving him your bed; you mostly fell asleep on the couch anyway and to be fair, it was really comfortable and you mention it as he looks around
× his head snaps at you, wide eyed, yet does not talk
× so you ramble bc that's something fun to do! "I mean I went to the shelter without a plan and uh, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and maybe the bed is a better fit and—"
× Kirishima Eijirou sees: 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕
× has never been treated like this, like he's an... equal... something he'll take months to share with you, but we're getting ahead of ourselves
× the thing is this boy will fall pretty hard pretty fast, but will definitely take time to make a move
× bc he is respectful
× so he thanks you for the offer and tells you it's probably the best place he slept in all his life
× can your heart stop breaking for him? i mean it's a good couch but it's no luxury hotel bed???
× [ we need to pause, OP made herself sad ]
× ok, so he's really helpful around the house, and he knows how to cook!
× takes no time to talk about his friends, special his best friend that cooked for everyone at the fighting ring and forced them all to help and that's how he was pretty decent at cooking himself
× wasn't the best though, but followed instructions like a boss
× he lives for your compliments
× literally his tail wiggles with no shame
× seriously;; tell him he did a good job even at the dumbest thing and—
× puffs chest
× wiggle-wiggle
× "Thanks!"
× 🥺💕💞 make him stop, he's so cute
× did i mention he has like floppy black ears? Omg his earsssssssssshnnngggggggggg
× because they move whenever he walks and they're mesmerizing
× and one day that you're observing them for science [not because your heart was like 💘pom-pom💘] you noticed his roots
× remember when your heart broke for him? hah, have some more because as you asked him, he started telling you that he was pushed into dying his hair red for the spectacle, diversity and what-not
× reassured you he grew to love it now, being part of who he is
× also gets a little bit shy when adding he wouldn't want to change the color in hopes of finding his friends someday and for him to be easily recognizable
× you bought him hair dye that same day
× WHICH! apart from gaining extra 🥺💕💞 from him, it created a nice routine between you two!!
× you offered to dye his hair and it was such a great time; he made you laugh, conversation going just as easy whenever you talked, you got to know each other a little bit more and—
× heh
× at the end, after applying all the red hair dye, you massaged his scalp gently
× guess who melts in your hands? yes, giant ass dog-man melts into a puddle under your hands and it's the cutest fucking thing you've ever seen
× I'm serious, he sighs and leans into your gloved hands with zero [0] shame, eyes closed and peaceful expression on his features apart from a small smile
× you tease him and he laughs it off, but promise him you'd give him head scratches when he was finished with the dye, washed off and hair dry
× and you better deliver
× "Don't think I forgot!" he'd say as he'd hop on his make-shift bed in the living room by your side, tail moving from side to side
× as you start playing with his locks, he falls into your lap and starts snoring
× move an inch and he opens his eyes to look at you confused
× puppy eyes questioning you if you're leaving 🥺
× yep, you fall asleep together
× you point out to yourself that those puppy eyes will be the death of you
× he's a touchy guy, okay? since he's been touchy with you from the very start you never questioned it, even read on the internet that many hybrids descended from house pets need physical affection, like hugs, pats, scratches, all the bag, so it wasn't a big deal for you
× except it was a big deal because he's been around for a month and you're already catching feelings and that's bad because you did not bring him there to fall for him but to help him start a new life and—
× oh my god, what if he thought you were one of those people from the horror stories about hybrid adoption that only wanted them for one thing—
× no, no, no, nO, NO.
× anxiety was getting to you as the guilt of catching feelings for him, plus the fact that he was financially dependant on you for the time which would've made it even worse if he found out, PLUS he comes from such a rough life, he definitely needs a break and doesn't need his first human friend in forever to be a piece of;;;
× Kiri catches on this really constant and increasing feeling of anxiety; he starts to send you worried glances but doesn't know how to proceed
× in such a soft voice he asks if you're okay, if something is on your mind
× and since you weren't sharing anything but acted as if everything was alright even when he felt you lied, Kiri started to get worried too
× why were you anxious? why weren't you talking to him about it?
× oh, god, was he a burden? because he felt like one;;; did you want him out? he felt like an extra weight for you and wanted to do something about it but maybe you got sick of him? he felt unmanly...
× the fact that he knew he cared about you as more than just a friend made him even more anxious and it didn't help that whenever he touched you he heard your breath hitch or your heart beating louder; he got his hopes up then down because
× you smelled like people; people he didn't know, people he wanted to know because he needed to know why did you smell like them? were they a treat? were they potential partners? he really did not want to ask bc Kirishima felt like it wasn't his place to know
× as tension grew in the house you decided to gift him a new phone, ready to give him some news that reached your ears
× it seems Kiri himself liked to do sports and mainly jog to keep himself active and he's started to pass by the local dog-park to play with the dogs
× imagine your surprise when a few neighbors asked you if he'd be willing to train their dogs bc he's been teaching them stuff like once a week and the dogs listened
× big time dog whisperer; he says "Sit" to one dog and all dogs in the neighborhood sit too, you get me?
× so you said it would be nice for him to have his own money; not like you didn't help him without care, but you saw his face every time you bought something for him and really felt like he needed some real independence
× he's in ✨awe✨ because you came up with clients already that were very eager for dog training sessions, which he loved??? and suggested hours, wages??????
× and you gave him this new phone to help him with it if he's interested too?
× "Well, the normal price on the internet around the area is—"
× "[Y/N]."
× "Hmm?"
× "You're really amazing, you know that, right?" he'd have his lips curled into a sweet smile
× which makes your heart go crazy and this man notices how you get flustered
× loves it
× get ready for compliments; a lot of compliments just expecting your sweet flustered reactions
× he's slow at realizing your feelings for him because he beats himself down and seems himself as less of a man but tests the waters nonetheless and a d o r e s every time you struggle to thank him for said compliments and don't know how to continue functioning
× catches on and gets his hopes up
× and so you do
× listen, this is hilarious because you're both dumb idiots and want to be respectful towards the other meanwhile he hugs you tighter and for a little bit too long, loving how you melt into him, kisses you on the cheek and sees you get all flustered, looks at you like you're the only one to ever matter until you stop talking, turning everything into a giant mess of silence until you both grin at each other???? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment, just kiss???????
× and it happened with an accidental kiss
× you greeted him as he walked through the door, excited to tell him about your promotion, rambling about the take-out you ordered while he smiled at you
× and it started to be usual for you to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, right? just what normal roomies do, you know [mhmm~]
× he's taking his shoes off and knows the kiss is coming, but just before you press it on his cheek you whisper/squeal "I got the promotion!" to which he turns his head in surprise at you making your lips press together by accident [mhhhmmmmm~~~]
× cue both of you apologizing, looking like a mess
× he's blushing
× you both loved it
× why are you standing so close to each other?
× why did he lick his lips in daze while staring at yours?
× which one of you was leaning in for another kiss?
× it didn't really matter because he's kissing you slowly, taking you into his arms like you were made of porcelain
× glues his body to yours and breathes you in, lips locked, neither believing it was real
× lifts you up in his arms with no difficulty and smiles, both inches separated from another; "Congratulations..." his breath would fan over your face;;;;
× yeah, okay, he takes no time to confess, resulting in a mess of manly words skdjekldj you guys talked that whole night while cuddling and stealing kisses, you on his lap
× [ his nose brushing your neck; he loves your scent omg ]
× it becomes official pretty much instantly and then all your worries wash away
× all the anxiety, all the stress and overthinking, they've all been sorted out in one night and trust me, afterwards this man is pure honesty and loyalty
× he won't hesitate to talk to you about anything and will be such a patient sweetheart with you, listening to every word you say without judgment
× loves cheesy stuff? as in the most cliché stuff seen in movies? that's his shit right there; whenever you two see each other after some time apart [sometimes 5 minutes apart] he'd pick you in his arms and spin you around, then expect you to kiss him
× if you don't, i will skfjdkfk step aside 👀
× skin contact; please, touch him
× if you're not he sends you those famous puppy eyes and we all know they're killer
× sighs, happy to hold you tight against him, engulfing you into his big frame; yeah, you're where you belong, in his arms.
× everyone in the neighborhood loves him; it's ridiculous, seriously, because you find out he helped around all the time when you were at work and gained everyone's love
× makes an instagram account to teach people how to train their dog and becomes an internet sensation, a small celebrity
× also bc he's hot and sometimes posts working out pics
× skdksjs imagine this: makes dinner for both of you, lits up some candles, goes all in, then fucking posts it on ig saying "waiting for my baby to come home #surprise" forgetting you can see it lmfao
× you see the story on your way home and 🥺💞 "ye i love his oblivious ass"
× soft gasps when you tell him after dinner
× has the audacity to be surprised, like babe????
× Kaminari finds him through social media and this baby cries in relief for a good half an hour
× both team up to find all the gang
× guess who talks praises about you all the time? mhm, this guy right here is proud to have you
× and Denki has to deal with it;
× anywho! want to break him for good? tell him you love him for the first time
× but forgets how to speak
× finds his words to say it back after staring at you entranced, grinning like an idiot, taking you in his arms and giving you a bone crushing hug while shaking in place
× he's never felt this loved and adores every second of it
× you're like a drug and he's deep gone, man
× tells you he loves you every single day
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ptergwen ¡ 3 years
call me cupid
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w/c: 3.5k
warnings: very mild angst and a few swears
summary: despite your hatred for valentine’s day, peter attempts to make you a card
a/n: happy valentine’s day my loves!! i hope y’all get to spend some time with your people today and eat lots of chocolate <3 love you & enjoy mwah
it’s no secret that peter is terrible with words. he gets so flustered he can’t talk or forgets what he wants to say altogether. school presentations are torture. ordering food out is impossible. he’s accepted it at this point, that speaking just isn’t for him.
the one place it doesn’t come across is on paper. peter is ridiculously smart, and he knows all the right words to string together, which is why writing you a valentine should be no trouble at all. should be no trouble at all.
to tell the truth, he’s been sitting at his kitchen table with a blank sheet of paper in front of him for what feels like hours. nothing is coming to him. he’s not sure why this is so hard. you’re his girlfriend, he loves you, he’s said it so many times in every way he could think to. what’s different about it now?
everyone puts way too much pressure on giving the perfect gift when they should really just be enjoying each other’s company on a holiday about love. or, in your words, a meaningless holiday that was created by capitalists as another excuse to take people’s money. 
alright, you aren’t too fond of valentine’s day.
it makes anyone who’s single feel like shit and anyone who’s in a relationship lose their shit.
only mj agreed when you shared your criticisms. ned and betty gave you looks like you were insane, and flash muttered something about you being undateable. peter had laughed and swung an arm around your shoulders, but he didn’t fully agree.
although valentine’s day has its flaws, peter likes to see it as twenty four hours of extra appreciation for the people in his life. you can buy chocolate for your friends and family. it doesn’t have to be a significant other, really. him and ned would do it before he had you and ned had betty.
peter wants to remind you how loved you are even if you’re not into the festivities like he is, that bringing him to writing your card. it’s a simple and clinically underrated way of expressing his gratitude. he’d write you love letters every day if he didn’t suck at them.
may comes out of her room to see peter in the same place he’s been since he got home from school. she looks at him through her glasses, smiling as she comes into the room. he’s tapping his pencil on the table, eraser down, searching his mind for anything to write.
“still nothing?” may asks him, making her way over to the cabinets. peter puts down the pencil and sighs. his shoulders slump. “nope. i haven’t gotten past the intro.” “intro, huh?” she teases her newphew and grabs a jar of sauce. “y/n isn’t your teacher, kiddo. you’re not writing her an essay.” she looks at peter over her shoulder. a sheepish smile creeps onto his face.
“you know what i mean.” he reads over the only words on his paper at the moment. dear y/n. he’s starting to feel like spongebob the one time he wrote a paper. “what are you making?” peter asks may so he can temporarily take the focus off his unwritten valentine. “pasta,” may shakes the box in her hand. “and meatballs.”
“should i dial 911 now or wait until we’re in flames?” peter jokes about her awful cooking skills. may shoos him off and puts the box of pasta on the counter. “worry about your own kitchen nightmare.” she nods at the sheet of paper tormenting him. frowning, he glances back at her. “i’m the worst, may. i really don’t know what to write.”
may struggles to open the jar of sauce as she replies. “i thought you said- jesus.” it pops off. “y/n doesn’t like valentine’s day.” she slides over a pot from the stove and dumps the sauce in. peter stares up at the ceiling. “she doesn’t.” that’s probably why he’s having such a hard time. “why are you writing her a card, then?” may questions, turning on a burner.
“because, i dunno, it’s nice? it’ll make her happy? she might not care, but i do.” he mumbles the last part. he’s a bit of a hopeless romantic, so he hasn’t quite adjusted to the idea you had of not getting each other presents. you’re treating it like a regular day. some takeout and cuddles is all you’re doing.
peter would rather buy you things until his pockets are empty. not that there’s much in them, anyway. the point is that you deserve proper spoiling instead of corny words in his shitty handwriting.
“peter, honey. it might be better to stick with what y/n wants,” may suggests while stirring the sauce in the pot. she’s well aware that a few paragraphs from peter won’t change your mind. your opinions belong to you, and there’s nothing he can do about it, though he does have good intentions.
ignoring what may just said, peter makes a request. “what if you help me write it?” she faces the stove again. he can picture her playful smile when she quirks back, “she’s not my girlfriend.” “no, but you’re a girl... a woman,” he corrects himself, earning a scoff from may. “you’d probably know what sounds good.”
“you know y/n better than me, peter. do it on your own,” she exhales and turns back around with the wooden spoon in her hand. “it’ll be more... heartfelt.” peter hates that may is right because he’s completely stuck. his heart is being stupid today. “okay. i’ll try.” he gives her a slow nod. “why don’t you take a break? come stir the sauce. i’ll start the pasta.”
peter gets up from the table and grabs the spoon from may. she pinches his cheek on her way to the sink, getting a tight lipped smile from him.
this is not good.
the next day at school, peter asks around the lunch table for advice while you’re on line getting food. he feels guilty about it because may told him not to. he’s never going to get your valentine done if he doesn’t, though. it isn’t the worst thing in the world to bring on some co-writers.
“ok, what do you have so far?” betty asks, fully invested in the situation. she’s hoping this will switch up your views on valentine’s day. peter pulls out the same piece of paper from last night and says verbatim what’s on it. “dear y/n.” he looks up at ned and betty, the corners of his mouth twitching down. ned motions with his hand for peter to go on.
“that’s it,” peter confesses and folds the paper back up in shame. “dude, you told us it was a work in progress,” ned winces, betty taking his hand that’s resting on her shoulder. “where’s the progress?” betty patronizes him. they’re making him feel worse than he already did. what great co-writers he’s collaborating with.
peter throws a hand up, an eye roll included. “yeah, it’s terrible. can you help me or not?” mj narrows her own eyes at peter from the other end of his bench. she’s not interested in participating when the conversation is about forcing you to celebrate a holiday you don’t like.
“ooh!” betty squeals and squeezes ned’s hand. “you should make a list.” ned grins, leaning his head on hers. “genius, babe.” “a list of what?” peter furrows his eyebrows as he looks between the two of them. “what you love about y/n,” she explains, ned adding on, “stuff you do together, or you appreciate.”
“put whatever you come up with into sentences and voilà,” betty says in her best french accent. “oui oui,” ned agrees, both of them giggling. that doesn’t sound half bad. peter could manage a list about you. “thank you so much, guys. you literally just saved valentine’s day,” he confidently tucks his paper into his pocket. “it’s what we do,” ned tells him coolly.
“you never asked what i think,” mj cuts in, staring down her friends, who reluctantly meet her gaze. she pushes her bag of goldfish aside and raises an eyebrow. “mj, we know how you feel about valentine’s day.” peter presses his lips together. “y/n feels the same way,” mj reminds him dryly.
it’s true, but he doesn’t want to hear that right now. he’s having a breakthrough.
like clockwork, you appear at the table. you slip into the spot next to peter and put down your lunch tray. “what’d i miss?” you comment on the obvious tension, eyeing betty for an explanation. mj gives it to you. “valentine’s day discourse,” she tells you knowingly. peter shifts in his seat, uncomfortable, like he’s been caught doing something he isn’t supposed to.
he technically has.
“yuck,” you murmur, winding your arms around peter’s neck. “yuck, yuck, yuck.” he finds your words ironic because you then kiss his cheek, and peck his lips when he turns his head. peter puts a hand on your side and lets his eyes go up and down your face. a smile spreads across it, which he returns without thinking about. mj huffs in disapproval. she’s seen enough pda.
peter makes his list later that night. he decided he isn’t being inauthentic because he’s coming up with everything himself. he breezes right through it, jotting down what he loves most about you across the paper. it’s a mess. scribbled out misspellings and shreds of eraser, single words and whole phrases covering both sides. he’s proud of his actual progress.
he’ll write the official letter tomorrow since you’re coming over tonight. he at least has his material. the next, thankfully final, step is to reword it.
you’re ranting to peter about some drama with one of your teachers. he listens intently as always, chuckling when you crack jokes and grinning the entire time, feeling so lucky to have the most passionate, say whatever is on her mind girlfriend ever. seriously, it’s inspiring to watch.
“no, like, i never know what’s going on in that class,” you snort, peter snaking his arms around your middle from behind. “because you don’t pay attention,” he hums with his face nuzzled into the back of your neck. “because it doesn’t make any sense!” you defend yourself. his lips brush against your bare skin, drawing a giggle out of you.
“back to what i was saying,” your voice drips with sarcasm. the two of you naturally gravitate to his room, you walking in first. “she called on me, and i- what’s this?” you escape peter’s arms and head over to his desk. crap, he was working on your valentine and forgot to put it away. it caught your attention because it’s surrounded by crumpled papers and glitter.
peter was... experimenting... with designs for the front of the card. he’s learned that he isn’t too artistic either.
“wait, don’t read that,“ peter tries, but you’ve already got the list in your hands. he anxiously sucks his lower lip into his mouth and comes to stand next to you.
you first see the ‘dear y/n,’ then focus in on a few other words. my person forever, which makes you coo at the paper. insane (in the best way), which makes you gasp dramatically. i know you don’t like valentine’s day, but...
you drop the card back on the desk and let out a breath, shutting your eyes as irritation creeps in. it wouldn’t be fair for you to be mad at peter because it’s a sweet gesture, it really is. just, not for you personally. you’re on opposite sides of the valentine’s spectrum. you despise it, he sort of loves it. you’d hoped to meet somewhere in the middle.
“i thought we said no gifts,” you keep your voice level and spin around to look at peter. his face is painted with guilt. “it’s a card,” he murmurs, then meets your eyes with his brows knitted together. “i can’t even give you a card?” “i mean...” you shrug and shake your head. “look, peter. we had an agreement. i’m not doing valentine’s day.”
his disappointment comes out in the form of hanging his head. “yeah, you’re right. sorry.”
may tried to tell him this would happen, mj tried to tell him, and now you’re telling him. he should’ve expected it. he isn’t sure why he’s being so mopey about it because he was fully aware of your hatred for anything with the word valentine in it. it still hurts. peter just wishes you’d let him have the one day to love you and only you, give you some special attention.
“it’s nothing against you, babe,” you reassure him, noticing the shift in his mood. you put a hand on his shoulder. “i really just don’t like valentine’s day. it feels so... fake to me.” peter musters up a smile that doesn’t meet his eyes. it drops when you loop your arms around his torso.
“if i celebrated, you’d be the first person i’d wanna spend it with.” you punctuate your words with a kiss to his cheek. he rests his chin on your head, you nuzzling your own cheek into his sweater. he’s feeling a bit better now. it’s not about him, that’s what he needs to remind himself. “thanks, baby,” peter speaks lowly into the air. you hum as if to say no problem.
scratch literally everything he’s done.
peter rolls over in his bed, rubbing at his eyes as his alarm goes off. it’s today. happy valentine’s day to... himself. he doesn’t think you’d want to hear it.
he’s not as broken up about everything as the other day. you have your reasons for not celebrating, and peter accepts them. hey, he still gets to spend the whole day with you. you’re technically having an unspoken valentine’s date.
he gets up from his bed with a yawn and starts to dig through his drawers for an outfit. you should be over soon.
before you head over to peter’s, you decide to make a quick stop at cvs for a few things. you ended up feeling pretty terrible about snapping on him essentially for loving you. it was over a harmless valentine, something to make you feel good and be an outlet for the hundreds of romantic bones in his body. basically, you were bitter about having a thoughtful boyfriend.
you want to make it up to him by giving him gifts instead. you’ll never be down with the whole exploitive and capitalistic side of valentine’s day, but there’s a deeper meaning to it than what you give it credit for. you see that now. peter was able to show his love for you through a homemade mess of a card, and you felt it. the price tags don’t matter. the meaning does.
dressed in his nicest sweater with his hair all styled, peter answers your knocking at his door. a grin instantly paints his face as he takes you in. you’re bundled up in a coat and holding a bag by your side. “hey,” he greets you and lets you past him. you shut the door behind him, returning the smile and winding an arm around his neck for a hug. his drapes around your back.
“hey. happy valentine’s day.” “happy valentine’s-“ peter realizes what he’s about to say and what you just said, then stops himself. “what?” he breaks the hug, squinting at your odd behavior. you’re the last person he’d expected to hear that from. “it’s valentine’s day. so, happy valentine’s day,” you tell him like it’s nothing.
he stays quiet while you shrug off your coat and throw it over one of the kitchen chairs. you bring your bag along with you, peter following you in. he’s suspicious. intrigued, and suspicious. it’s been less than a day since he last say you. you had a change of heart that fast? you aren’t the biggest valentine’s day anti he knows anymore?
“where’s may?” you wonder aloud, taking both of peter’s hands in your now free ones. he eyes the shopping bag you put down while you lace your fingers together. “with happy. they’re getting brunch.” he’s never particularly psyched to talk about their relationship. it’s always been in a joking way, though. now, he sounds genuinely upset to go over may’s whereabouts.
“they’re so cute,” you comment, tugging on peter’s hands so he looks at you. “you good?” “great,” peter half lies and nods, then presses a reassuring kiss to your cheek. he’s not bad. puzzled is the word. what you say next only adds to it.
“good. i have a few things for you,” you beam at him and grab your shopping bag off the chair. that’s what that’s for? peter isn’t fully sure what you’re up to. it doesn’t stop a smile from stretching across his lips, though.
“what happened to no presents?” he tests you as you reach into the bag. “well, i feel bad about how i acted the other day.” you pull out a heart shaped box of chocolates. “the card was really sweet, and i was too caught off guard to appreciate it. i’m sorry, pete.” peter’s eyes twinkle at you, gazing as you give him a smile with a hint of shyness behind it. you’re leaving your comfort zone and entering his.
“i was wrong and cynical and just, yeah. happy valentine’s day,” you add on and shove the box into his hand. he finally grins, so wide and then lets out a breathy laugh. “thanks, y/n. i know it was probably hard to shop being surrounded by this stuff.” he holds up the box. he’s right. you’ll unfortunately be seeing pink and red for weeks. “it was, but i did it for you.” you happily open up your arms for him.
peter puts down the chocolates and pulls you into his arms, his cheek squished against the side of your head as he hugs you to his chest. “oh my god, i love you so much,” he mumbles out, you squeezing him in response. “i love you, pete.” you press a quick kiss to his neck and hold him at arm’s length so you can see him. “i have something else for you.”
“baby,” peter coos, a pout on his lips. “you don’t have to do all of this. i would’ve been fine without the chocolates, even.” “stop, you deserve it,” you shut down the part of him that’s way too nice and selfless. “you’re my real present,” he says lower and with a toothy smile. shaking your head, you reach behind you and into the bag.
he can’t believe you’ve switched stances on valentine’s day. you’re the present pusher, and he’s refusing them. peter thinks it’s some sort of miracle that you’re not only acknowledging the holiday, you’re also partaking in it. his hopeless romantic side tells him it’s actually love, and it is. that’s the cheesy, hallmark movie truth. you suffered through shopping at a heart themed cvs because you love him. simple.
you return with a pink envelope that you place into peter’s hand. his face softens as he closes his fingers around it. “y/n, you made me a card?” “kind of,” you laugh at his overstatement. it’s obviously pre-made. you’d used a pen to fill it out in the store, scribbled a few words and tucked it into the envelope.
“it really doesn’t compare to yours, though,” you simultaneously warn and compliment him. peter dismisses you with a lighthearted click of his tongue. “oh, shush. that was only a rough draft.” “which proves my point even more. open it.” you grip onto the bottom of his sweater and grin.
he keeps his eyes on you while ripping open the envelope, then looks down and chuckles at the gag of the card. it has r2d2 and r4d4 from star wars on the front. inside is already written, “r4 is red and r2 is blue. if i was the force then i’d be with you.” you giggle to yourself, watching him read what you wrote next. i love you more every day, especially on valentine’s. xo, y/n.
peter holds the card to his side and slings an arm around your waist. “they make star wars valentines?” he murmurs, another smile breaking out on his face, one that you of course return. you use his sweater to pull him closer. “apparently. perfect for you.” peter tosses the card down next to the chocolates, both arms now holding you.
“thank you so much, baby. you’re an angel,” he sighs and pecks your lips after. “call me cupid,” you answer.
you give him a longer kiss back, tilting your head up to deepen it. your hands find their place on his biceps, earning a hum from peter as he moves his lips against yours. you can feel his love in every little movement, how he hugs your waist like you’re made of glass, rests his forehead against yours. when your lips mutually detach, peter speaks first, voice slightly husky.
“happy valentine’s day, cupid.”
you breathe out, peter closing his eyes in content.
“happy valentine’s day, r2.”
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oftenderweapons ¡ 3 years
Natural Connection | KNJ | Ch 4
A Small Town Swoons story
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Plum)
Wordcount: 3.5k
Genre: stragers to lovers, fluff, mild angst; ranger/trainer!Namjoon, Chef!reader
Rating: 18+
Synopsis: Plum and Namjoon slept together. Actually they had sex in the woods, against a tree. All they want to do is look into the strong, unnatural connection that they’re building, but it becomes quite impossible when new guests join their team.
Trigger warnings: swearing, Namjoon and Plum discuss the sex they had before they met, and then what they did together. Making out, groping, heavy flirting. Namjoon snaps at a friend while discussing his past.
A/N: Just recognising my wife’s hard work. @joheunsaram, you saved me once more. Thank you for everything, as always. This is for you 💖
Here is my Masterlist, enjoy!
Navi: Part 1 – Part 2 — Part 3 – Part 4
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You didn't know what was waiting for you the moment you walked towards the main hall.
Would he be indifferent and act as if nothing happened? Would he turn protective? Would he act nice, friendly, platonic, completely ignoring the fact that he had lit up a mastodonic pire within your guts? That the mere thought of seeing him was making your insides churn with longing, your hands shake with nerves and your nerves to sizzle with adrenaline?
All your expectations were quickly changed since none of your scenarios had included the addition of other characters.
Namjoon was statuarily waiting while a bunch of overexcited man-shaped puppies flocked around him.
You squinted a little, trying to understand the situation.
“Okay, now that we're all here…” Namjoon started, the bunch of guys gathering around him. “Today we're joining teams. Plum, these are the guys who will come canoeing with us today. You can introduce yourselves on the way. Guys, she's ____. She's in my current team.”
They let some space for you in the circle, Namjoon explaining some special precautions for the day. You listened, but you were also somehow confused. It was chaotic.
They all introduced themselves while on the way, and although they were intimidating at the beginning, they all pretty soon turned out to be sweet and very considerate young men. The first one — the most friendly — was Bangchan. He was warm and apparently innocuous, no matter how large he appeared. He was excited and positive about the experience, wanting to unlock a memory from his childhood. Mingi, no matter how tall he looked, was truly a puppy, with a thick layer of bravado wrapped all around him that shamelessly fell once his smaller and more boisterous friend, Wooyoung, stretched a small stick towards him, telling him to "look at the spider!", which subsequently made Mingi leave his body in fear.
Then there was loud and vaguely annoying Jackson, who seemed to have an excellent connection with Namjoon — no matter the fact that the broodiness of one could be perfectly mirrored by the briosity of the other.
Last, but not least, there was Jaebeom.
He was oddly quiet, only to come up with some weird jokes and expressions that had you doubting his mental wellbeing a couple times.
Apparently, they had made him drink first thing in the morning since the weekend was intended as his stag party.
“Are you from here?” asked Bangchan, who you had been talking with for a while.
“Not really, I'm just here for a break.” You didn't know but from the end of the line, Namjoon was observing the two of you, which didn't go unnoticed by Jackson.
“Is she a client? Just a client?”
Namjoon stayed silent.
His patience didn't last long. “You know. I dig the whole tough mountain man shit, this... grumpy grizzly vibe, but you're see-through, man.”
Namjoon shushed him. “Listen, stop right there cause this is inappropriate.”
“No. It's not—”
“It's unprofessional.”
“Oh, is it now? I just see a guy brooding over a girl and being too much of a coward to take the first step. And no matter what you say—”
“You know what happened.”
Jackson shrugged. “So what? You think every girl is like your stupid ex? Aria was always mean towards you. You were her puppet and you know it.”
Namjoon looked away. “I'm okay now, I've found my balance. I don't see why I should mess it up for a fling.”
Jackson nodded at that. “I still remember the guy who wanted marriage and kids. And I know you still want that, Joon. You can drop out of school all you want—”
“Uni didn't make me happy!”
You turned around, your ears catching on his stressed voice. You looked at Jackson.
They both didn't make eye contact with you. Apparently the reason why the man was so connected with Namjoon is that he was someone from his past.
When you reached the boathouse, you realised the experience would be complicated. The river which ran through the valley had some interesting places to visit, mostly caves and small lakes which hid at the very start of the mountains. Once at the boathouse, the guys had you sitting in the van while they loaded the canoes on the carrier.
It took you thirty minutes, the chatting going on continuously. You sat in the middle, Mingi on one side, Wooyoung on the other.
They asked you endless questions about your job, your favourite food to eat, to cook and to serve, fighting for your attention ceaselessly.
Namjoon simply drove, his hands clenching and unclenching around the steering wheel. His jaw was tense and he kept chewing his cheek.
You felt helpless as you couldn't reach out to him, simply pat his back to help him relax.
Once you reached the chalet at the beginning of the canoe trail, you were happy to wear your wetsuit, paying close attention to where the room for personnel was located.
You slipped into your suit lightning fast, grateful for all your years of training as you sneaked out your changing room and knocked at the door to the private area.
Namjoon unlocked the door. He was only wearing the lower side, his torso majestically in plain sight.
Your eyes met his tattoo. Then his piercing. Then slowly, very slowly, his lips.
“Staying or going?” they spelled.
You placed your hands around his waist and pushed him back into the room.
He swiftly shut the door behind you.
You stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his jaw — as high as you could reach. “You're stressed,” you said plainly.
He grabbed you by the waist and picked you up, making you sit on a table before he cupped your face and kissed you so gently it made you want to cry. “I am,” he admitted. “Thank you for noticing.” He kissed you again, kissing along your cheekbone until his lips met yours again. “That's very considerate.”
You smiled into the kiss. “Considerate enough for me to earn a reward?”
He chuckled. “You're a demon.” From the way he slid his tongue into your mouth, you took it as a compliment, especially as he started to grope your behind, lifting your thigh and wrapping it around his waist. “You're impossible to resist,” he whispered, trying to get some air into his lungs. “You're such a distraction.”
You pouted. “A pleasant one?”
He nodded, teasing his lips against yours. “Very pleasant one.” He pressed himself against you. “A very wanted one, too.”
“What's the reward for the wanted?” you asked, bending down to kiss where the silver barbell winked mischievously at you.
You watched a shiver course through him. “I'm gonna eat you, Plum.”
You grinned. “Like you did yesterday?”
He snickered. “Better.”
You were ready to throw yourself at him when he pressed his fingertip to your lips, shushing you as he heard voices from the corridor. “Exit from the window. It's safe. I'll tell them you're waiting outside already.”
You chuckled and placed your lips right between his pecs. “See you later, you sexy giant.”
Namjoon blushed in the most adorable ways, watching you exit from the window with a Robin Hood smug grin.
He wore his suit and, still electrified by the tete-a-tete, tried to calm down. He headed out a minute later, after calming down — he couldn't afford a hard on.
Would he survive a full day without having you up close and personal, all to himself?
Suddenly he really didn't like having other people around. He wanted you all to himself.
Instead, he had to deal with Bangchan while you were seated with Wooyoung, his weight much more similar to your own so you would have an easier time kayaking.
Mingi and Jaebeom were seated together while Jackson dealt with himself, as usual.
Namjoon led the group from the back of the kayak, Bangchan perfectly synced up with him. Jackson came last and was ready to help any team in need.
You had plenty of time to make friends with Wooyoung.
He was energetic, funny, a bit loud and adorably cheesy. He was flirting with you in the clumsiest way and you couldn't stop giggling. Your conversation often overlapped with Jackson giving Mingi suggestions, calming down his fearful tendency and giving him straight orders whenever he neutralised Jaebeom's efforts.
“Come on guys, if you want to swim, we still have thirty minutes to go.” Namjoon's words came right when you were starting to falter. It had taken you ten minutes to sync up with Wooyoung, achieving the perfect rhythm to keep up with Namjoon and Bangchan's strong, wide strokes. They seemed to be pushed by some supernatural strength as they cleaved through the water perfectly.
Jackson also became more quiet. Everyone was more silent now that physical effort was starting to burn through them.
But then the lake opened before you. It wasn't too large, just enough to have a beach to host twenty or thirty people, no more. The rest of the shore was surrounded by trees, enriching the colour palette of the place.
“This is Lake Lannor. We can bring the kayaks to the shore and then take a swim.”
You paddled to the beach, noticing that it was covered in small rocks, some of them of very strange colours and shapes.
“The mountains here are rich with minerals,” Namjoon explained. “That gives them the colours.”
You nodded, crouching down to collect a dark green one.
"Serpentinite,” he said, watching you stare at it.
You were both distracted by the boys running to the water and screaming as they entered the cold lake. The water was indeed cold for it being late May.
“Do you want to jump in too?”
You shook your head. “I'll rest in the sun for a while.”
You took your waterproof backpack and pulled out a towel, spreading it down and sitting on it with a little groan.
“I'm sorry I didn't ask. Are you sore from… you know.”
You shrugged. “Barely. It just feels strange. It's been a while.”
He gestured for permission to sit down at your side. You scooted aside to make room for him. “You might not believe me, but it's been a while for me too.”
“I think I've barely had sex at all. What we did yesterday, excluded, I mean. I had maybe two or three partners. And it always felt pretty much impersonal. Like a very naked version of shaking hands.” Both of you were looking in the distance, watching the guys splash around.
“I get that. I think I had that too. Well, that's how it felt at the end anyway. I was in a relationship for a very long time and when it was coming to an end, that's how it became.” Namjoon started fumbling with the zipper of his wetsuit. He took off the top half and then started talking again. “I think it traumatised me, somehow. I was sex repulsed for a pretty long while after that.”
You nodded. “I think it was never truly repulsion to me, more like indifference. I didn't know what all my friends talked about. I only felt that with toys, but it was just pleasure, so I felt like it was somehow less valid.” You looked at him before shrugging.
“But it is valid,” he argued back. He waited for your reply, and when none came, he continued, “So what we did was different? Did you like it?” He realised he sounded like he was fishing for compliments, so he quickly corrected himself. “I mean, for yourself. Not… I mean, if you… if you don’t regret it.”
You felt confusion veil your thoughts. “Of course I don’t regret it.” You frowned. “I thought it was clear that… I really liked it?”
Namjoon shrugged and hid into his shoulders. “Sometimes we change our minds. I was afraid. I liked it. I hope you liked it just as much as I did, not as a praise to myself but as a satisfaction to you.”
“Of course. I liked it. And it wasn’t just because I was horny or stressed or because of the… context. It had a lot to do with how you made me feel.” You looked at him. “And I don’t mean it as a praise, but as a simple statement.”
Namjoon was nervous. How was it that you’re the first person he has so inevitably been attracted to, and you like him too, you both make each other feel nice, but at the same time your time is so limited.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked, letting your finger toy with his on the towel.
He looked at you. “I'm thinking about how many days we have left.”
You shook your head. “It sucks, I know.” You snickered. “I wish you lived in my city. Men fucking suck there. Nobody, in twenty-eight years of my life has treated me like you do. It feels insulting that I had to meet you here.”
“If we were neighbours, do you think we would have ended up like… like what happened yesterday?” He let his fingers tangle with yours. It was reassuring.
“I can’t tell. I’d like to think we would have.”
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You spent a few more hours at the lake, the guys plopping on their towels and sunbathing a while before they grew hungry, around two pm. Once more, you hopped into your canoe and the crew was back to its usual bickering. You and Wooyoung were happy to paddle someplace close to Namjoon and Bangchan, who was extremely encouraging to both of you. Being the smaller of the group, you and your teammate were by far exhausted once you reached the cabin on the river. Namjoon made sure he fed you some honey, using his time alone with you to touch your face and pamper you a little.
“Would you like a pillow to sit?” he asked while you were both sitting on the benches along the open patio just outside the wooden building. It looked like a boathouse, and the large patio-Dock built over the water was an amazing location for a reinvigorating lunch.
“I'm doing okay, don't worry,” you reassured him.
“I've never seen you so tired.” He took his own honey, as you'd already finished yours. “Here, have some more.”
You shook your head. “I'll take a sugary drink, don't worry. Let's keep that for the trip back up.”
He shook his head. “We're not going back up, you're too tired.” He shook his head. “Poor little plum.”
You looked at him with disbelief. Had he really cooed at you?
But before you could ask him about that, the guys were back. “Namjoon. Are we heading back up for the van or are they picking us up from here?”
It was Jaebeom who asked the question.
Namjoon looked at you. You tried to convince him you were fine.
“If we're going back up, I'm taking you with me,” he looked at you intently. “You and Wooyoung are too tired.”
“There would be a weight imbalance, I would be nothing but a bother,” you tried to reason.
“I'd like to help you. Please, take this into consideration. It would be a great advantage to both you and Wooyoung.” Namjoon was almost imploring you, but still he hadn't imposed.
“We'll see once we've eaten.”
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Lord, if you ate…
You had grilled fish, which you shared with Bangchan because you wanted to leave some room for the pancakes and ice cream. It was delicious, very simple in the way it was cooked and presented, still with impressive quality and taste.
The fish had been brought to you with an olive oil, garlic and parsley mix, in case the filet had dried up too much.
It hadn't, at all. It was perfectly cooked while also being incredibly juicy.
And the ice cream. That was real cream it was made with. No fake surrogates, no milk with days behind it. Fresh milk. Maximum one day from when it had been taken. You couldn't believe just how precious the valley was, so amazing in all its gifts: landscape, environment, wildlife, food. Oh, and people.
Namjoon paid for your meal — without the others knowing, of course — and then he managed to convince you to paddle with him. You sat on the front while him, heavier and more energised, sat at the back. The trip up was difficult, the current, although weak, was against you. It took you two and a half hours. It was exhausting. By the time you were back to the main cabin, you were barely able to stand, Namjoon making you sit on a bench and bringing in his canoe before helping you up again.
“Honey,” he murmured, feeding his sports pack to you. He was also tired, but taking care of you was more important. “Can you go get changed? We will drive home.
You nodded and stood on wobbly legs; he studied your frame as you walked to the changing room.
He reminded himself he needed to unload the canoes at the main boathouse and then drive back.
He just wanted to sit beside you and enjoy the trip, somebody else driving. He only wanted your head on his shoulder.
He shrugged. He needed to stop fantasising over a stranger, no matter how lustful you had made him feel after so many years.
He watched you drag yourself into the van, picking your seat in the front, right by the driver.
Maybe he did stand a chance.
He noticed the guys also seemed too tired to fake bravado or talk much, which was a blessing. He managed to drive without disturbances, reaching the main boathouse in record time. And with their help, unloading the canoes wasn’t too much of an ordeal. All the better — he could accompany you to your cabin and make sure you were okay, maybe even spend some time with you.
By the time you reached the lodge, the guys were more than happy to head to their cabin straight away, without making too much of a fuss, and without noticing anything strange about him accompanying you to your own place.
He borrowed a mini cart from the main lodge and drove it through the peaceful narrow lanes, letting you enjoy the great lawns and the woods in the distance, the outline of the mountains painted in darker blue onto the horizon.
“Thank you for today,” you said, climbing the stairs of the patio. You lingered by the door, unsure of what to say, what to do.
“My pleasure,” he murmured. He took the first step without much surety.
You took a step towards him. “I love it here.” You stared at the floor, at his calves. He was so strong.
“I’m glad you do.” He took one more step. Why did he feel so delicate?
You met on the last step of the patio, your eyes aligned with his lips as he stood one step below you.
“I wish we weren’t on borrowed time.” You looked into his eyes.
His desire was scorching, so turbulent and exasperated. He looked ravenous and tormented, conflicted. He looked around briefly before placing his fingers on your nape, so delicately, his expression almost painful as he leaned in and pressed his lips to your brow. At the start he pressed them hard, and then it turned into a faint lingering, his plush petals drawing the length of your nose reverently, until he reached your lips.
“We’ll make the best of what we have.” And when he kissed you, it tore your lungs in fireworks, the anticipation, the longing, the burning feeling of being kissed by him, of being desired in no way you had been, ever.
“Come inside,” you begged, nibbling his jaw, trying to make him act upon the hardening flesh pressed to your thigh.
“You’re exhausted.” He tucked you underneath his chin, his strong arms securing you against him. “We need to shower.”
“I have a shower here,” you murmured with a pout.
Namjoon tried to be reasonable. He tried to think with his brain. “Saying no to you right now is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, believe me.” He held your face in his hands. “And I need us to have dinner tonight. I’m not quite sure that is an achievable goal if we add a shower and a bed to the current equation.”
You pinched the skin of his throat with your teeth. “Room service,” you tried to counter.
He hissed at the feeling before he moaned. “No. We shower, we rest, and I’ll see you at dinner. In the main hall.” He fondled your hair. “Come on, Plum. Be a darling for me.”
Pressing your forehead to his sternum you whined a little and then took a step back, finally obeying, although with a scornful gaze. “Go.”
He exhaled a little laugh. “I’ll see you later. And don’t have dessert. We’ll have it here.”
Your expression turned curious just as he turned around and left.
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Taglist: @blushingatyou @ladykadyrova @sweetjellyfishland @starxclouds @ayanyamnyam (taglist is open!)
43 notes ¡ View notes
knivesareout ¡ 3 years
My Best Decision
Pairing: Javier PeĂąa x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Smut (18!!!+), Oral sex (fem receiving), Unprotected sex, Filth, Possible typos and bad usage of commas.
A/N: I have a whole ass universe to these two tucked away somewhere in my mind and this scene felt like it needed to be written so here we are. I haven’t written anything substantial in years so pls be nice to me, thanks. You can also read it on AO3 here. Big thanks to @dirty-holy-things​ for being a general gem of a friend and proofreading this for me. Hope y’all enjoy!!!
Summary: Time to yourselves is something hard to come by for you and Javi. When his dad offers to take your little one for the night, you have a few things in mind on what you can fill the quiet with.
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Texas was a different kind of hot, you quickly came to realize. Colombia had been sticky and humid, the feeling of your clothes sticking to your skin the absolute worst. Texas came with a dry heat compared to Colombia and it was a change that was welcome in your book.
It’d been about two years now in Laredo and it always made you wonder when you’d stop comparing the two places. It’s not like you lived in Colombia all that long, anyway; just the time it took to complete your Master’s Degree and a few months after, staying behind with Javier until his assignment with the DEA was over. Javi had warned you of all the different things moving to Texas entailed when the decision had been made, even offering up a few other options- like Miami, where Steve had tried to entice the two of you to join him and Connie and their kids. But, Texas had felt right for some reason. Being close to Javier’s father and having that sense of family was something you craved and so, Laredo became home.
Once you had your first child, it just cemented that moving to Texas had been the right decision. Javi had been a mess in the delivery room, pacing constantly and offering to get you anything every 10 seconds. It would’ve been funnier if you weren’t in pain and almost screaming at him to fuck off. Your daughter was born screaming and crying into the world, Javi’s tears unstoppable as he cut the cord and passed her over to you, the gentle grip on her so tender and careful. 
The sight of Chucho crying when he’d met your little girl at the hospital, whispering to her how spoiled she was going to be by her abuelo, was something you’d never forget and with Javi rolling his eyes behind his father’s back, you knew he was going to be just as bad as his father, if not worse, and he was. Tiny little Emilia Anaís Peña had the two men wrapped around her finger the second she yawned, her fists popping out of the blanket she was wrapped in, in search of a finger to hold on to. 
Now, at just six months, your little girl was a handful and that was putting it lightly. She was crawling everywhere and yanking on anything she could get her hands on, and that included yours and Javi’s hair. A moment of peace was hard to come by, her cries loud and piercing if no one was paying attention to her. Javier was always the first one to give into her pleas, placating her wails with quiet songs sung under his breath and a soothing hand across her back. She was a daddy’s girl and you couldn’t even find it in you to be upset about it, the sight always putting an instant smile on your face. 
It was crazy to think there was a time where you believed something like this wasn’t possible- the family, the house together, and anything really beyond a late night hook-up with Javier. Yet, here you were, and Emilia was the perfect blend of you two as you caught her dark eyes slowly drifting close on Javier’s shoulder. 
“Javi?” You ask, shuffling the bills that cluttered your kitchen table into a neat pile and setting them aside to go through after dinner.
“Yeah baby?” He slowly turns to glance at you, his hand spanning across your daughter’s back as he holds her to his chest. You could already see the drool mark on his salmon colored shirt and smile softly to yourself. It was still early, and any sleep she got was a blessing. 3am wake up calls were getting tiring and Javi was taking the brunt of them, letting you sleep.
“I was thinking,” you start, walking towards him to brush a fallen strand of hair across Emilia’s forehead as she breathes in slowly. “Maybe Chucho could take Emilia tonight? He called earlier and mentioned I sounded tired, asked if we needed a break. I thought it would be nice to have a night to ourselves. Maybe actually catch up on sleep, watch a movie.”
You would’ve been offended at Javier’s father calling you out, a quiet chuckle escaping you when he brought it up, but you knew he was right. Sleep was a myth at this point and it was only made worse now as Emilia was slowly starting to get her teeth in. You told him you’d let him know what Javier thought by lunch time, giving him a quiet thank you before you’d hung up. 
The look on Javi’s face was one you knew well. It was his thinking face. Brows furrowed in thought, lips pursed. He was silently going over the pros and cons of being away from your daughter for the first time, his lips pursed. “It’s gonna have to happen at some point, right? I guess that’s fine,” he finally acquiesces, hiking Emilia higher up on his chest while she snoozes. “Call my dad and let him know we’ll be over in an hour. I’ve got a few things I need to finish up.” With a kiss to your forehead, he turns out of the kitchen and whispers quietly to Emilia that her ‘daddy was going to miss her so much’.
You nod mostly to yourself as he leaves, watching as he heads through the house to no doubt hole himself up in the office with Emilia on his chest while he read over papers he needed to grade. There wasn’t a task he did day-to-day where he didn’t try to have Emilia with him. He’d take her to class with him if you didn’t physically remove her from his side in the mornings. Watching Javier hand her over to Chucho would be interesting and you smirk as you walk back to the kitchen to call your father-in-law, a little pep to your step as you thought about all the things you could do in the next 24 hours.
The handoff had been hilarious, your giggles quiet behind your hand as you watched your daughter reach for her grandfather with a giant smile on her face and paying no mind to Javi’s scowl. Emilia was just as smitten with her abuelo as she was with her father and she wasn’t nearly as torn up about the goodbye as Javier was. She’d giggled and waved bye with the help of Chucho as you’d left and it almost looked like Javier wanted to cry. He’d huffed once you were back in his truck and remained quiet on the short drive back to your house, your hand reaching for his in a comforting squeeze. 
The house seemed strange, feeling almost empty, without Emilia’s presence despite her toys being scattered throughout the living room. Some part of you felt guilty at your excitement to finally have a night without your daughter but, it was needed and you’d be damned if you didn’t try to make the most of it. Locking the door behind you once Javier was sitting on the couch, you kicked your shoes off and sat down to curl yourself into his side, his arm wrapping around you tight.
“Are you gonna mope around until we pick her up tomorrow?” You tease him, reaching up to tilt Javier’s gaze towards your own.
A slow smile breaks across his features and he shakes his head, looking guilty. “No. I’m sorry,” he sighs, taking your hand from his chin to lace your fingers together. “It’s just weird and I know it’s something that we’ll have to do but I just. Miss her.” 
“I know, Javi,” you nod, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Why don’t we take a nap and then I’ll make us lunch and we can just bask in the quietness for a little bit, hm?”
“Yeah, that sounds,” he yawns, making you chuckle. “Good. Yeah, a nap sounds good.”
As you push yourself up off the couch and stretch, Javi’s calloused fingers reach out and brush across the bare skin of your hip, your t-shirt raising with the stretch of your arms and the feeling of his hands on you sends a slight shiver up your spine. It’d been far too long since the two of you managed to be intimate, your mind blanking on the last time it wasn’t just hurried hands and covered mouths to muffle the moans and grunts from seeking a quick release before running off towards Emilia’s cries.
It’s like Javi’s tiredness is suddenly forgotten, the bareness of your skin a reminder that he hasn’t touched you in so long. A smirk slides across his lips while his hand travels further up your shirt, squeezing along your side until his fingers skim across the underside of your left breast and this thumb seeks out the hardened peak of your nipple to pull between his nimble fingers.��
“Javi,” his name is quiet on your lips and you’re not sure if he even heard it until you feel his hand engulf the entirety of your breast and he squeezes and kneads the sensitive flesh in answer.
In a flash, Javier is pulling you down onto his lap where he still sits on the couch and you’re almost winded at the move as you sit on his strong thighs to steady yourself.
You hate that you want to stop this and move it to the bedroom where his back won’t hurt as bad, where you both can spread out and enjoy each other because the spontaneity of it all is sexy and a call back to your time in Colombia where you and Javi couldn’t get enough of each other. 
When you don’t automatically start grinding down onto his lap, Javi glances up at you curiously, “What’s wrong, baby?
“Take me to bed?”
He gets it then with a quick nod and you know he’s thinking the same things you are and pulls you close to his chest as he moves off the couch and slides you back down to the ground. Taking your hand in his, he guides the two of you down the hallway towards your bedroom. It’s almost comical, the eagerness of your steps, and he presses you against the wall just next to the door of the room once you’re inside. 
“Can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner when you suggested dropping off Emilia at my dad’s,” he breathes against your ear, hands falling to your hips and squeezing them tight. 
You laugh against his ear, his mouth moving across your neck and his lips trailing across your collarbone to sponge heavy kisses on any bare skin he can find. “Kinda figured it was an unspoken thing. I’ll be more blunt next time,” you grin, running a hand through his dark hair and tugging him away from your neck to lock your gaze with his. “Fuck me, Javi. I’ve missed your cock, baby. Please.” 
His eyebrows raise in surprise at your bluntness but he wastes no time, pulling you away from the wall to back you up against the foot of your bed where you fall back, your hands reaching back to catch your fall. Biting your lip as you watch Javi’s chest heave, the tight pink shirt stretched across his chest, your legs instantly pressing together in search of some relief. Even just looking at him has you wet between your thighs and the movement isn’t lost on him. 
Javier is quick to undress, his clothes haphazardly tossed to the side, leaving him in only his boxers where his cock is straining against the seam in the middle. Seeing his clear arousal causes another wave of wetness to pool between your legs and you crook a finger, hoping to entice him to come closer. Kneeling on the bed, he brings you up with him to lay against the pillows and trails a finger down your thin t-shirt to where your leggings sit on your stomach, tracing along the waistband. 
“Tell me what you want, hermosa,” Javi asks you quietly, nose nudging against your cheek while his fingers dip just slightly under the fabric. 
Normally you weren’t so bold, but with how pent up you were there was no hesitation to your voice when you spoke up, turning to look him in the eye. “I want your mouth on my pussy, Javi. Then I want you to fuck me so hard I can’t walk the next day.” His fingers still against your skin, the side of his mouth quirking up and he sat up suddenly, yanking down your shorts along with your underwear to leave you bare from the waist below. 
“So wet for me already, hm?” Javier spreads your legs wider, putting you on display for him and your body is shameless in the way it opens itself for his greedy eyes. Your hands slide up your tummy and under your shirt to grasp at your breasts, tugging on your nipples while you watch him watch you. 
Rough hands smooth up your thighs as Javi moves to settle himself between your legs. Your eyes follow his movements, watching as he licks his lips once he pulls your pussy lips apart and sighs softly to himself. “Most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen,” he makes sure to tell you before flicking your clit with his tongue. 
Javi is relentless in the way he eats you out, mouth sloppy and slick after just a moment and when he looks up at you from his place between your thighs, you can see how debauched he already is. You blink quickly as Javi spits on your pussy, bringing a finger up to rub the wetness against your clit and you cry out. Your hands move from your chest to grip the comforter below you and you pant his name like a prayer once his two of his fingers slowly slide inside of you. 
“It’s been so long, baby. Gonna have to stretch you out a bit before I slide my cock in you.” Javi’s voice is rough, scratchy and you bare down against his fingers once he starts a slow rhythm of fucking you. “You always take me so well though. Like your pussy was made for me.” 
“Want your cock, Javi. Please,” you plead in reply, your left hand releasing the comforter from your grip and sliding it through his hair and tugging softly to get his attention, hoping he would look up and see the desperation on your face. 
Javier pays you no mind. His fingers start fucking you in earnest, a third slipping in next to the other two thick digits and you can slowly feel your orgasm building. A slow simmer through your body, like a current that was waiting to crash. Your whines fill the room, along with the wet sound of his fingers fucking you. Once his thumb starts rubbing your clit in time with the thrust of his fingers, you feel like you’re about to tip over the edge. 
“Come on baby, can feel you squeezing my fingers so fucking tight. Come on my fingers. Come.”
At the sound of his voice, something snaps inside of you and you cry out his name as wave after wave of pleasure wracks through your body. Your body pulses around his fingers, back taut as you ride his hand. 
Javier’s voice is soft as he coaxes you through your release, “Such a good girl. So good for me, aren’t you?” Peppering kisses across your thighs and up your tummy, he slowly slides his fingers out of you and into his mouth to lick them clean.
The sight is obscene as you watch him, your body still pulsing from your release. A smug grin is painted across Javier’s face and you bring a hand through the damp hair on his forehead and push it out of his eyes. “God that was good,” you laugh, scratching at his scalp. 
“Thanks for the glowing review, querida.” Javier kisses his way up your stomach, tugging at your shirt that had been bunched up under your arms to finally rid you of the last bit of material that was blocking your body from his.
You can taste yourself on his lips when they finally meet, his tongue sweeping across your bottom lip before kissing you slowly. The kiss is languid and soft, your hands grasping at Javier’s back to pull his chest to your own. Your hands wander down to his hips, tugging at the band of his boxers with a frustrated groan when you can’t manage to pull them down all the way and you move away from his lips, “Javi, take them off. Fuck, please. I need to feel you.”
Javier pulls away just enough to tug down his boxers and kick them off before he’s descending back on to you, his cock hard and wet at the tip smearing across your thigh. Your hips move around as you try and line him up, a whine slipping past your lips, desperate. It’d been too long since you’d been able to fully appreciate the heavy weight of him inside you and you were needy, body wanton and open for him.
“Baby, calm down. I’ve got you. Shhh,” he quiets you, a quick kiss to your lips. 
Your eyes widen as you feel the tip of his cock running through the slit of your soaked pussy, the head catching on your clit and you cry out as he continues to tease you. The feeling is torture and you dig your nails into his back, a silent plea that you need more. Javier seems to get the message and presses into your cunt, the thickness of him splitting you open in the best way. He’s wide and long, the perfect fit and once he’s bottomed out you feel pure euphoria at the pleasure it brings you. 
“Shit you feel so good, squeezing me so tight,” Javier  grunts, his hips slowly starting a rhythm as he fucks into you. The slapping of skin fills the room, his cock slick with your arousal.
No one had ever felt as good as Javi did and he knew it, the smug bastard. You nod quickly, agreeing with him as you were at his mercy. “So good, Javi. So good. Harder, please.”
He’s quick to comply, his hips fucking into yours at a brutal pace. His hands pull your thighs up at an angle that makes your vision blurry, calves thrown around his shoulders and he’s relentless as he thrusts into you. You watch him lick at the pad of his thumb, the digit finding your wet clit quickly and he rubs in time with his thrusts. 
A moan catches in your throat as your climax nears, head dug into the pillow beneath your head, legs going rigid against him and you tighten around his cock as you cum, Javi’s filthy words muttered low. “God you feel so fucking good around me, squeezing me like this. Cum for me baby, fuck fuck fuck-,” and he finds his own release just behind your own, spilling hot and wet inside your cunt. 
Your body feels boneless, the tips of your fingers numb as you drag them across Javi’s back as he breathes slow and hot against your neck trying to catch his breath. Feeling starts to return to your limbs, and you card your fingers through the sweaty curls at the back of Javi’s head. “You still got it there Agent Peña,” you tease, tugging the short hairs up to get him to look at you.
The look on his face is pure annoyance and you give him your biggest shit-eating grin as he shakes his head and slowly pulls out of you with a groan before sliding next to you and tugging you into his side. “You’re lucky I love you,” Javier grumbles, arm wrapped around you and fingertips trailing along your upper arm in a soothing motion.
“I love you too,” you sigh against this chest, tucked underneath his chin. “How many more rounds do you think we can get in before we have to pick up Emilia tomorrow?”
Javi pauses before he answers and hums to himself, knowing he’s genuinely thinking about it putting a smile on your face. “Gonna shoot for 5 but, I’m an old man now so who knows huh?” He digs his fingers into your side, tickling you. 
“Shut up and go to sleep, Javi. I’m tired.” You pat at his chest blindly as you yawn, kissing his chest once you’re more settled under the blankets.
He grumbles quietly to himself but is out like a light a few beats later, snoring softly in your ear, filling the silence of the unusually quiet house. Your hands trace carefully along his chest, mind already filling with other things you two can get up to before you pick up your daughter, wondering if you still had your toys stashed away somewhere.
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alwaysmarveling ¡ 3 years
Sticks and Stones
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Warnings: death (it gets pretty depressing)
Word Count:��3.5k
A/N: I do recommend reading Chapter 1 before this one, which you can find here.
Fair warning, I normally don’t read angst, let alone write it, so this could all be a failed attempt at a depressing storyline. But hey, I tried :) And thank you so much @vancityfire13 for helping me out with this chapter!
“Mama, I don’t want to go to school. I think I’m sick,” Igor trudged into the kitchen, his steps heavy and his brows knit together.
“You don’t feel warm, Igoryok. Why don’t you sit down and have some breakfast and then we’ll see how things go, yeah?” Igor nodded reluctantly as Natasha carded her fingers through his hair, trying to tame the bee’s nest that had formed on his head while he was asleep. When you entered the kitchen, you quickly adopted a look to match the frown on Igor’s face.
“What’s wrong, Iggy?”
“I don’t feel good.” You copied Natasha, feeling his forehead but finding it perfectly normal.
“What doesn’t feel good, Igoryok?” Your frowns only deepened when he shrugged.
“If you don’t tell us, we can’t help you.”
“I just don’t feel good, okay?” Both of you flinched slightly at his anger. Although he could get rambunctious and excited at times, Igor was generally sweet, always offering to share his toys with other kids and giving you and Nat random hugs “just because I love you.” Plus, he was four, and you weren’t expecting the attitude for another couple of years at least. After sharing a concerned glance with your wife, you knelt down and held Igor’s hand in yours, noticing his bottom lip wobbling and his eyes beginning to shine.
“Igor, sweetheart, what’s the matter? Why don’t you want to go to school?”
“It’s okay, Igoryok, you can tell us anything,” Nat reassured him when he started to cry, gently rubbing his back in an effort to soothe him.
“I don’t want to see Jackson.” You squeezed his hand, urging him to continue. You knew Jackson and his family; Jackson had even come over to play a couple of weeks ago. While you tried to keep the conversation going, you saw Natasha tense up the second Igor finished the sentence.
“Why don’t you want to see Jackson, honey? Did something happen?”
“Jackson said I’m stupid because my letters don’t look right, and he said I was a baby for having light-up sneakers. And he pulled me down when we were playing tag.”
“And your teachers didn’t say anything?” Natasha gritted out. It was obvious she was trying to stay calm for Igor’s sake, but any second now and Mount Vesuvius was about to explode, bringing all of Pompeii with it. Igor shook his head, his whole body trembling as he cried.
“They didn’t see it. He waited until recess and we were in the back of the playground behind the slides.”
“Igor, sweetie, why didn’t you tell them?” You tried wiping the tears off of his face as they fell, but they were quickly replaced by new ones.
“He said if I did he’d tell the whole class I was a weirdo because I wet the bed.” You butted in before Nat could start yelling, placing a hand on top of hers to try to remind her of the situation.
“I see. Igor, do you think any of the things he said were true?”
“No.” The muttered answer was hard to hear, but it was there.
“That’s right, they’re not. So don’t let that boy get in your head for one second, okay? For every bad thing that he says to you, I want you to remind yourself of at least one good thing about yourself, okay?”
“Okay, Mom.”
“Why don’t you start right now? Tell me three things you like about yourself.”
“Um, I draw good dinos.”
“That’s right,” you smiled. “Mama and I love when you give us dino pictures.”
“Maybe I can draw you one today in school.”
“We’d love that, Igoryok. Two more, buddy.” The redhead had relaxed slightly, her fingers beginning to comb through his hair once again.
“I’m good at soccer. And I have cool cleats.” You nodded at him, rubbing small circles over the back of his hand to encourage him to continue. By this point, his crying stopped, and he only paused every so often to let out a hiccup.
“I can read some of the big kid books in the library. Mr. Goldman says that it’s very impressive for a four-year-old.” Natasha chuckled as Igor puffed out his chest, Jackson’s insults long forgotten.
“It is very impressive. So-”
“Wait, Mama, I have one more!”
“And what would that be?” the redhead smiled.
“I have the two best mamas in the entire world. And they love me so much, and I love them so much too.” It took everything in you not to cry at that moment, and one look at Natasha’s face told you she was struggling as well.
“That’s right, Ig. Mama and I love you more than anything or anyone in the entire world, more than you could ever imagine. You never forget that, promise?”
“I promise, Mom, but don’t cry! It’s happy!”
“I’m very happy,” you whispered, giving him the tightest hug you could without crushing him.
“Igoryok, I need you to listen to me.” The four-year-old nodded as he turned to give your wife his full attention. “When Jackson says mean things to you, you tell him to stop, okay? Don’t be mean, but tell him firmly.”
“Firmly,” he repeated.
“And if he doesn’t stop, you tell your teacher. Okay?”
“Okay, Mama.”
“Miss Olivia is going to pick you up from school today, but Mom and I are going to talk to your teachers about Jackson as soon as we can, we promise.”
“Okay, Mama. Does that mean you and Mom are going to fight the bad guys again?”
“Yes, but just for a little bit. We’ll be back in time for dinner. Which means you have to be good for Miss Olivia or you can’t have any dessert,” Nat winked.
“Now, group hug and then it’s time to go to school,” you ordered, wrapping your arms around the two of them.
Igor remained mostly quiet on the car ride to school, which wasn’t unusual for him, but you and Nat found yourselves checking on him regardless.
“Mom, in school, Miss Taylor told us ‘sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.’ Is that what she means, with Jackson?”
“Well, yes. Basically, it means that when people say mean things about us, like the things that Jackson said to you, we shouldn’t let it hurt us.”
“How do you do that?”
“You do what we did at breakfast. You know in your heart that what he says isn’t true, so you ignore it. And then you remind yourself of all the good things about yourself.”
“Okay, Mom.”
“We love you, buddy,” Natasha reminded him as she brought the car to a stop. “If anything else happens, you tell us and we’ll help you, okay?”
“Yes, Mama. I love you too.”
“Alright. Then you have the best, most amazing day at school, okay, lovebug?”
“I will, Mom. Bye bye!” With a kiss on each of your cheeks, Igor put on the Avengers backpack that was half his size and jumped out of the car to meet his teacher and friends at the front of the school. With Igor out of the car, Natasha’s anger returned ten-fold.
“‘Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me,’ huh? That’s the best they can teach?”
“You know it’s outdated, and it’s totally not true at all! Of course words can hurt, you know that, Y/N!”
“I know,” you murmured, thinking back to all the pain and chaos a bunch of reporters had caused over some rumors about the Avengers.
“And who does that kid think he is talking about Igor like that?”
“Natty, he’s four.”
“Being four doesn’t give you an excuse to be a bully!”
“You’re right, it doesn’t,” you sighed, “but being four means he has time to change. You know that at this age they usually get it from seeing other people do it.” Two minutes of driving in silence passed before Natasha spoke up again.
“You’re right,” she sighed, her shoulders slowly dropping. “It just makes me so angry that he’d do that to him. And Igor didn’t do anything about it. What if something else happens in the future and he doesn’t protect himself? Igor doesn’t even wet the bed anymore. He knows that and he still let that kid scare him. Or what if Igor doesn’t want to tell us when bad things happen?” The longer she spoke, the softer her voice became as anger dissolved into sadness and concern.
“Well,” you placed your hand over hers that rested on your thigh, “the good thing is Igor is also four. It’s good that something like this happened now rather than later because we have time to talk to him and teach him that we’ll always be there for him. Today was one step towards that. It’ll be okay, Nat. We’ll make sure it is. Especially if we’re going to have another little one on the way.” Your wife smiled at that.
“Igor’s going to be an amazing brother.”
“He really is,” you laughed as you picked up her hand and linked her fingers in yours.
“I will admit, though,” your eyes returned to your wife’s face in time to notice her quirk an eyebrow, “I thought we’d have some more time before we had to deal with the ‘sick to get out of school’ trick.”
“You and me both,” you giggled. “That kid is too smart for his own good.”
“How much do you want to bet he learned it from Tony?”
“Well, he definitely didn’t learn it from Steve.” All the remaining tension in the car dissolved as you two chuckled at the thought. 
When the car became quiet once more, you brought her hand up to your lips. “I. Love. You,” you murmured, each word punctuated with a kiss to her knuckles.
“I love you more. And everything’s going to be okay,” she repeated, more so reassuring herself than you.
“It is. Now, let’s go over that mission plan one last time. We have some butts to kick.”
“Okay, Steve’ll meet you guys at the rendezvous point. Get in, and get out. And don’t let yourselves get caught. It’s just an info grab, but it’s an important one.”
“Got it, Hill. See you later.” After ending the call with Maria, you turned to Natasha. “You ready, hon?”
“Yeah, I just can’t help but shake this feeling. I know the mission’s short, but…” You tilted your head slightly to meet her eyes, which was a bit difficult since she’d lowered her gaze to the floor.
“No, I get it. I think it’s just the events of this morning, yeah? And it definitely doesn’t help that we can’t have outside communication.” After a recent mission gone wrong, Fury had temporarily prohibited all outside communication on missions unless absolutely necessary, meaning you and Nat would only be able to communicate with each other until Steve picked you guys up. “Let’s just finish this mission and get back to Igor. Things’ll be better after that.”
“You’re right,” the redhead agreed, giving you an uneasy smile. You rolled your neck once before giving your wife a quick peck on the cheek.
“Alright, let’s do this.”
“Where have you guys been? I’ve been waiting for two hours!” His check and money was lying on the table, his meal eaten long ago.
“Sorry, Rogers, a minor complication meant we had to be a bit more careful. But we got all the info, and there’s no trouble.” Natasha slid a small flash drive across the booth. He simply nodded, pocketing the device and standing up.
“Let’s go.”
“Everything okay, Steve?”
“Um, yeah. Fury asked that you guys stop by the tower first though.” You frowned, prompting Nat to slip her hand into yours.
“Is it important? We wanted to get back and see Igor. We told him we’d be back for dinner, and we’re already late.” Before Steve could respond, a waitress walked up to the table.
“Oh, hey! I see your friends are here. Do you guys want to place an order?”
“Um, actually, I’m so sorry. Something came up and we have to go. Thank you so much, though.”
“Of course, have a nice night, guys.” You flashed the waiter a smile and handed her two twenty dollar bills as an apology before following Steve out of the restaurant.
“Steve, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” he responded, his voice void of emotion.
“C’mon, you know neither of us is buying that. Is everyone okay?”
“Just hurry up,” he muttered. He was walking so quickly that you and Nat were practically jogging to keep up. You shared a worried glance with Natasha, but neither of you spoke up again.
After a thirty-minute drive, you’d reached the tower, and Steve sent the two of you up to Fury’s office without another word.
“Do you think we did something wrong, Natty?”
“I don’t see what we could’ve done wrong. We’ll find out soon enough, though,” she sighed. She sent you a small smile in an effort to calm you, as she could tell you were becoming quite anxious, but she was rather nervous herself.
Fury was waiting for you guys when the elevator doors opened, which only served to make the two of you even more on edge than you were before.
“Romanoff, L/N, follow me please.” He led you to his office, his demeanor stoic and unreadable as per usual, but something was off. As you placed a hand on Nat’s lower back, you found her spine to be stiff. She must’ve sensed it too. “Sit.” The three of you sat in silence for about thirty seconds, during which you realized what was wrong. The twinkle he always had in his eyes, whether from playfulness, determination, or something in between, was missing. That realization was enough to make you crack.
“Fury. Why’d you call us in here? I hate to rush you but we’ve got a kid to go home to.” You and your wife noticed when he flinched at your last sentence.
“Right.” Both of you stared at him expectantly but quickly became agitated when he didn’t seem to make any move to continue.
“Fury. What is it.” You placed a hand on Nat’s arm before she could jump out of the chair, but if he didn’t speak in about two seconds you’d be right there with her.
“We received a call about three hours ago about a car crash. A massive pileup caused by a drunk driver during the school rush hour. Two people were seriously injured.” 
“I- I don’t understand. You want us to help with a car crash?” you asked, your voice shaky but light. “Fury, with all due respect, this is ridiculous. This isn’t our area of-” 
“Why are you telling us about this?” Natasha cut into your rambling.
“Romanoff… this was three hours ago. Just outside of the elementary school.”
Three hours ago. What was three hours ago? Three hours ago would’ve been when Olivia was bringing Igor back home from school. But that couldn’t be what Fury was talking about. It was a different kid, a different family, maybe even a different school; Fury hadn’t been specific. No, you and Nat would go back home and they’d both be there. They had to be there. 
“By the time the ambulance got there, paramedics suspected that they were both gone. They called time of death at the hospital. I’m so sorry.” You couldn’t tell when exactly your heart stopped beating, when all the blood left your face. He couldn’t be talking about what you thought he was. He wasn’t even looking you in the eye, dammit.
“Gone? What do you mean by gone? Who’s ‘they’?” You spoke in a whisper, not able to speak any louder. With each second that passed, you could feel Nat’s forearm getting tighter as she clenched her fists harder and harder.
“Fury,” Natasha finally spoke, her voice gravelly, “If you’re telling me what I think you’re telling me, you’re going to have to be very clear with me. So what. Are. You. Saying.”
“Igor is dead. Your son is dead. I’m so-”
“Stop saying you’re sorry!” This time it was Nat’s turn to hold you back, grabbing onto your waist when you slammed your hands on Fury’s desk. “You have no reason to be sorry, he’s not- No, you’re wrong. That doesn’t make any sense. How in the hell would there be a drunk driver at 3 in the afternoon? No, you’re wrong! Nat, he’s wrong, right?” You looked at your wife, eyes shining, but her expression was unreadable. Her arms were crossed against her chest as she stood in the center of the room, and you couldn’t help but remember the last time she looked that alone—at the SHIELD party all those years ago.
She was standing in the corner with her back to everyone in the room. You didn’t believe it was her at first—sure, redheads weren’t that common, but how could it be her? You hadn’t seen her in months, although it wasn’t from lack of trying. Besides, this woman looked so unbelievably… small. And sad. And alone. This was a party, for heavens’ sake, and she looked like she was stuck in solitary confinement. None of those sounded anything like the woman you’d met.
But with a shake of your head, you turned back to the bar, taking a sip from your drink with the intent of clearing her from your mind. You got over her months ago, Y/N. It was literally just one date. Stop thinking about her. Besides, what are the chances she works for SHIELD anyway?
Yet, ten minutes later, the woman remained in her place and looked just as pitiful as she did when you first saw her. Your mind couldn’t stop your legs from swinging off of the chair and walking over to her.
“Um, excuse me?” Your heart stopped when you saw her face. It was her. She was glammed up for the party, but it was Nat, and she looked just as beautiful as the first time you’d seen her. 
“Y/N?” Your heart caught in your throat for a second as if you hadn’t thought that it could be her, not allowing you to respond until after you’d taken another sip from your drink.
“Nat.” You didn’t know what else to say. You hadn’t really planned it out, to be honest. Your body just kind of… brought you here. The two of you just stared at each other, neither of you too sure of what to say. Suddenly, all the anger you’d had towards her over the past few months pushed its way to the surface. “Did you lose my number or something? Get a new phone?”
“Y/N, I- what are you doing here?”
“Really? We had an amazing first date, you told me you can’t wait for the next one, and then you didn’t talk to me for months? And then, when I do find you, that’s all you have to say? I mean, obviously I was the fool for believing yo-”
“Are you stalking me?” Her eyes narrowed.
“Are you serious right now? No, I’m not stalking you! I work for SHIELD now, which you would know if you didn’t freaking ghost me!”
“You- you work for SHIELD?”
“Yes, I’ve been working for SHIELD for six months.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I… I have to go.” You watched her, your eyes blazing and nostrils flaring, as she walked out of the room. She never came back that night.
“I have to go,” Nat interrupted the silence.
“Natasha, wait. You really shouldn’t be going anywhere like this.” Fury stood from his chair but remained behind his desk.
“I’m going home.”
“Natasha, please, just hold on a seco-” Unlike that night, you followed Nat out of the room. The two of you were out the door before Fury could stop you.
When you got home, the house was dark and Olivia’s car wasn’t there. That didn’t deter either of you, though.
“Igor! Igor! Mom’s home!”
“Igoryok, it’s Mama!” When neither of you heard a response, the two of you frantically began running through the house. You searched room after room, checking each one and the hallway closet at least three times. When your legs turned to lead and you couldn’t breathe any longer, you dropped to your knees, completely unaware of what part of the house you were in.
That’s how Natasha found you—in Igor’s room, sobbing, your knees digging deep into the hardwood floors and your head resting on his pillow right next to his stuffed pig and the green baby blanket he refused to sleep without.
“Y/N,” she murmured, her voice broken and tears trailing down her flushed cheeks. Your wife stumbled her way over to you and collapsed by your side. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder, she pulled you as close as she could, and you let her.
The two of you cried for what felt like a million lifetimes, not stopping until you physically ran out of tears, your eyes so dry that it hurt to open them. Your head leaned against Nat’s shoulder. Both of you stared at the wall ahead of you with an empty gaze, the only sound heard in the room being your shallow breaths.
“You were right,” you whispered, your throat dry.
“About what?” Nat’s voice was as quiet and hollow as yours.
“Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Miss Taylor had told your son that words could never hurt him, but she was wrong. Hearing the words that Igor was dead; that your son was gone; that you would never get to see him earn his high school diploma, or get a job that he was passionate about, or grow up to be a happy adult, or even hug him one last time; that you would never get to see him become an amazing warrior like you’d predicted just five years ago—those words caused you the most pain you’d ever felt in your entire life.
Tagging: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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