#and that my friends is tyrany
zwolfgames · 8 months
Yandere Draco Malfoy x reader (Part 1)
Requested by: /
Warnings: None yet.
Not yandere yet, this is a part one.
parts: Part 2 , Part 3
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(3rd person POV)
Potions, always goddamm potions.
Yea, you hated the subject with a burning passion, as did many of your peers. Who could blame you when the teacher was such a greasy haired git.
You've had to suffer professor Snape's tyrany since you were eleven. But this, this is the last straw.
"Hello? Earth to who-ever you are. Atleast move."
Some annoying, grating voice whined in your ear.
Draco Malfoy, your potions partner for this year. He didn't seen happy with you either, as you're not one of his pure-blooded slaves.
"..Sorry." You sigh silently, did you want to punch him? Yes, but his dads Lucius Malfoy, so unless you wanted your parents to go bankrupt, you'd shut up.
Malfoy scoffs and pushes you aside so he can reach some random worm like ingredient.
You retreat back to your spot at the cutting board and cut up the root infront of you like the instructions said. As much as you hate the Slytherin you're working with, he knows what he's doing. Probably the only upside of this arrangement: good grades.
"Not that small. Gods you're useless." Malfoy grits his teeth and takes the knife away from you. He reminds you a bit of your friends' mean mother. So controlling and arrogant.
"They're as big as the instructions say." You almost scoff but you keep in a nasty scowl as to not anger mister blondie.
"The instructions are wrong. I've made this potion before, it's better if the roots are in bigger pieces." Malfoy lectures absentmindly and starts anew. At this point you'd just let him do everything since you do it wrong anyways.
But no, he'd tell you off and call you names. So what does he want you to do? You don't know. He doesn't want you to do anything but you also can't do nothing. At this point you should just drink the unfinished potion and see if thats alright for him.
The potions class ticks by incredibly slow. Due to not wanting to piss Malfoy off, you end up being the one who just has to hand him stuff and wash the used lab materials. Utterly boring, but oh well.
You don't think you're going to last a week more with him before you get mad and let loose all the damm insults you've carefully crafted.
But would it be worth it to endure years of bullying just to smack that smug grin off of his face? Yes. Yes it would.
But no! Don't doom yourself now, potions class is only for... Another hour. Okay yea, you're not making it trough this one.
"L/N, spoon." Malfoy orders and holds his pale hand out for a spoon you're supposed to hand him.
"It's next to you." You answer plainly. Not wanting your irritation to show.
"I didn't ask for words, I asked for the spoon." Malfoy snarls, as a 'last warning'.
"It's next to you."
You repeat calmly. This bossy Slytherin turns his head around in such a quick snap you almost feared he'd broken something.
You facial expression remains neutral, while on the inside, you're screaming at yourself to jump out of the window.
"The. Spoon." Malfoy hisses angrilly.
"It's. Next. To. You." You mimick him, done with this absolute shit.
"My father will-"
"Hear about this. We know Malfoy." The dude in the group next to you speaks. Neat, people who're not against you.
Malfoys eye twitches a bit before he glares at you with cold grey eyes.
He finally grabs the spoon himself and stirs the potion at a pace wich, to your knowladge, is way too fast for this potion.
A minute later, you were proven absolutly correct as the dark blue goo explodes and douses you, Malfoy and some neighbouring students under the hot slushie of grossness.
You hear multiple sounds of distaste around you, tough your vision is mostly obscured by the goo you refuse to let enter you eyes.
"Who did this?!" You hear a loud and angry voice... and theres the worst part of the day, Snape's wrath.
"Malfoy did!" Some brave student pipes up. Poor soul, thats the last you'd ever hear of her this class.
The blonde lets out an audible snarl of rage as he's tattletailed on. Hopefully he also has goo in his eyes, so that he won't be able to see who snitched.
"Malfoy, five points from Slytherin." Snape ends this quickly and sends all the damaged students off to the closest lavatorys to wash up.
You walk half blindly trough the hallways in search of a lavatory. A hand on the top of your back seems to be leading you, you haven't a clue who it is but you mumble a quick 'thank you'.
You reach a lavatory with the help of the mystery person and wash up. Tough when you're done washing the gunk out of your face alone, they're already gone... a shame.
As such, weeks go by of Hogwarts lessons. Malfoy's still a bitch, but that was expected, atleast it's only in potions class...
So it is to your dear surprise when the blonde himself comes up to you in the hall.
"L/N. When do you want to make that potions paper? I don't like making things last minute." Draco scoffs as he stands before you with his arms crossed.
You didn't have a problem with making things last minute. But bratty mac brat face did, ofcourse.
"I'm free now, if thats fine." You sigh and get mentally ready for this study session if he said yes.
"Great. Library." Draco organizes chastely and walks past you towards the library. Unfortunatly, trough a less popular part of the. Now, if he were to stick a wand up your nose you'd have no witnesses...
Tough, all goes well, Draco seems to actually just want to get this done. So you two silently walk to the slightly dark hallway.
You hear him sigh as you two walk, you're a bit on edge, yes. You've heard about Malfoy's urges to hex people.
Nothing happens... he just keeps walking.
That is untill you hear a creak from up above and a nasty metal sound.
You body reacted before you even knew.
You jumped at Draco like some kind of tiger and rolled onto the floor with him as the chandelier you two were under had crashed where he had just stood.
You blink rapidly to get the dust out of your eyes and stare at what could have been both of your dooms.
Draco coughs up some dust and focusses his gaze onto the chandelier just before he was about to insult you for pushing him.
"Did you do that-" You two asked in sinc.
Draco sighs as he realizes you have no clue either.
You get up and pull the blonde up with you. A lame 'thanks' comes out of his mouth as a mumble.
"So... You know, like who did that?" You look on at the chandelier in shock, your life had just flashed before your eyes.
"Maybe it was a coincidence?" Draco suggests. You side glare at him.
"Obviously not. Everyone hates you, someone must have tried killing you." You sneer now, realising you just risked your life to save him.
"Hate me? I'm the most popular boy in this school- outside of Potter- But my word still stands!" Draco protests. Glaring at you with cold grey eyes.
"You're a loud mouthed, insulting git. But sure, if thats how you wanna be know, do continue." You furrow your brows.
"Excuse me?! You could be a bit nicer after saving my life-" Draco stops mid sentance as he realises it himself.
"You... saved my life? Why?" Draco's voice gets quiter.
"Honestly, I don't know. I just did." You shrug, not wanting to make as big of a deal of it as it truly was.
"... Thank you. Y/N." Draco speaks, full on eye contact.
You've never heard him say your name... first name at that, in such a.. non mocking manner.
You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrasment.
"No problem... Let's go report this to a trusted adult." You brush off and start walking.
"Trusted adult? Really?" Draco snickers in amusement at your words and behavior. It's like your little life saving action opened his eyes.
You weren't incompetent anymore. No longer an annoyance. You were just.. Y/N L/N.
"Well I can't say teacher, theres a lot of teachers I ouldn't even trust to hold my pen." You scoff. Draco perks up in curiosity and walks next to you.
"Spill." He muses simply. Looking at you from the side.
"Obviously Filch. Snape, just because he seems to hate me. Umbridge, it explains itself. Dumbledore, don't ask, its a personal grudge." You roll your eyes and Draco nods, amused.
"Fair enough. So who are we telling?" He asks you as you two walk down the halls. Now on edge as the one trying to murder you both may be around.
"Uh... How about McGonnagall? Or maybe Sprout. I'm sure they'll care." You answer and keep walking. Draco nods along. Wow, this is the first time you two must have agreed on something.
You two end up finding proffesor Sprout's office first. Draco takes the lead in explaining the events and your houses both get five points... for not dying you suppose. Or maybe not being as stupid as Harry Potter and his squad and actually telling a teacher whats going on.
As you'd expected, the woman instructed you two to go to your dorms for the night, dinner would be in seperate houses as the school would be inspecting for the evening.
You and Draco parted ways, tough you could see the reluctance in the blonde's eyes as you were about to walk away.
So with a deep sigh you walked him to the Slytherin dungeons entrance and walked back on your own from there.
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This one shot was way too long for me to finish in one writing session, so it's getting split. Woops.
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keeper-of-magic · 2 months
Fragment Recovery log 2: made by Sheol
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he looks so calm here, resting after a long day's work of physical rehabilitation. being the unwilling mind of Rust took far too much out of him, physically. makes sense, since this is the first time he can actualy move in 1,000 years. we have set up a healing potion iv drip to get him neutrients and envigoration until he can move on his own.
he's been having nightmares and panic attacks far too often. i worry for them, but the way they always come to me for help... he has made other friends here, and is getting along quite well with my right hand man, so i wonder if he trusts me any more than the rest of them... perhaps i can ask them about it later.
oh! Krane! you made it in here by yourself? good for you! glad to see you recovering! huh? do i have time soon? well, yeah. i just have to finish up this report.
are you blushing? [distant flustured yelling] sorry, talk to you soon!
ah... that's good to know. oh shit, was this recording the whole time? eh, i already got the report done so let's ju- [the vocal report ends here]
[{creator comments bellow}]
Krane here is a rather unique person in the lore of my fictional world, being someone having to deal with the guilt of being the mind behind Rust's conquest and subsequent tyrany. in short, he has a lot of trauma, some of it stemming from his direct actions. they may feel guilt for what they have done, but they never stopped Rust, instead enabling the terror they both brought.
they also have a crush on their savior, Sheol, after seeing how kind they have been to him. and Sheol is single and is attracted to cute fluffy people, and cyborgs. win win!
friend tagging!
(let me know if you don't want to be tagged)
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I fully believe that Adrien had less freedom when his Mom was around, and that losing her was the final straw pushing him to rebel.
I know if Emilie comes back in Cannon she's almost guaranteed to be a perfect Mom who's presence automatically fixes everything wrong with the Agreste family, but hear me out
Emilie and Gabriel are the Carrot and the Stick. Get someone to do something by offering a reward, and if they refuse that, threaten punishment as motivation instead.
Gabriel often uses the treat of taking Adrien out of school to get him to comply. That's just cannon. He's the Stick.
Emilie, in my mind, often used a more gentle approach with paltry rewards to keep Adrien happy at home. Not agreeing to let him go to school or go out more, but using kind words and 'compromises'. She was the Carrot.
Adrien's dialogue at the end of Chameleon actually got me to think this. Him telling Marinette that 'as long as they both knew, they'd be able to get through everything'
That just raised a red flag for me. It sounded like he was parroting what Emilie could have said to him to keep him from rebelling against Gabriel.
'I know you want to go to school dear, but you know how worried it would make your father and I. But you know, he gets worried about me leaving the house too often as well. As long as we've got each other here at home, we'll be fine! Now, how about we go watch a movie?'
Something like that.
And without Emilie's Carrot, Adrien doesn't have that kind presence to keep him from getting fed up with Gabriel's authoritarian rule, and he finally has enough and sneaks out to go to school.
Of course, cannon is going to be completely different from this, but it makes sense to me.
Both of the Agreste parents worked together to keep Adrien tightly controlled; Gabriel made the rules, and Emilie enforced them, but with gentle manipulation.
Honestly it's kinda the vibe I'm going for? Not exactly but both make and enforce rules, Emilie is 100% on board with the things that they're doing and even has rules and restrictions of her own that Gabriel agrees with, she's just better at the... technically manipulation but not intentional manipulation?
Like. Like the 'going to school thing'. Where Gabriel just says 'no' outright, Emilie gives reasons that sound good. "We just want to make sure you're safe", "Public school won't have as good education as private tutoring! One teacher to nearly 20 students? You'd basically be learning on your own anyway! But this comes without classmates that can be distractions or delinquents who drag you down further.", "If you want social interaction I'm sure that Chloé can hang out with you! Or maybe Felix? We can enroll you in fencing classes and a youth basketball team and you can make friends of your own!"
She's better at that sort of thing. And it is done with the best of intentions(as is Gabriel's actions).
And the thing I always compare Gabriel and Emilie to are actually Tarot Cards.
Gabriel is The Emperor.
The Emperor represents Fatherhood. Authority, control, structure. The Emperor is filled with wisdom and understanding of how the world works, and does what he can to keep his empire(his life and family) stable.
If the card is reversed, it becomes tyrany, rigidity, and coldness. Not just being in control, but demanding obedience. The firm guiding hand begins to strangle its empire and lead to all involved suffering.
Emilie is the Empress.
The Empress is mothering, nurturing. She loves her empire(her family). She cares for them, and gives them all they want to succeed.
But in reverse, she is codependence, smothering. Allowing something to grow means giving it room to explore and expand. Can she do that while keeping the empire(family) safe and happy?
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I’m not gonna say anything about the lawsuit because I think it is inherently silly (derogatory) but I thought we all agreed that it was bad to get the law involved in fandom stuff.
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
I seem to have this memory of you ranting about the personality database, and BOY do I agree with you.
The tda ones are a mess! An absolute mess! they had Julian typed as a nine! A NINE???!! LIKE WTF??? Thst makes no sense??? He is the exact opposite of passive. This man will start a war without even blinking. AND IT GETS WORSE OMG.
They had Jaime typed as A TWO! A FREAKING TWO. LIKE WTF????
This man is notoriously selfish and is not a nurturer no offense to him. Like Emma as an 8 I get although I think three fits her better. But this was inexcusable.
And Kit as a six like you said doesn't work? He's not a group person or a community person. He is very much a "I need to figure shit out on my own" person. At least they had Ty typed correctly but that's super easy.
I give up 🙃🙃
So youre ready to join the revolution against personality data base with me and @eugeniaslongsword
I think half my conversations with sol go along the lines of "burn the site". It is traumatizing and mistypes characters so badly and it PHYSICALLY HURTS, sPECIALLY when its like characters you have deep emotional connections to and know inside out and suddenly they just, they just *screams*
I'LL SPEAK ABOUT MY LATEST FIXIATION BUT THE FACT RAINE WHISPERS FROM TOH IS TYPED AS A 6 HURTS ME. LIKE DEEP EMOTIONAL PHYSICAL PAIN. Their entire arc is about people choosing security for them, and them showing over and over theyd rather do whats right than be secure. Their story is about destroying tyrany from the inside and puting evetything in the line for the good of their world. To restore morality.
I have never seen SUCH a 1 character yet since they were shown to have social anciety ONCE everyones like definetly 6
In tlh sense Mathew as a seven is a SIN
Two cordelia is gonna kill me, so is 6 kamala
six kit makes me sick
This enture site makes me sick abolish it joim the resistence the rebellion follow @watchingtheunivereeexpand FOR ACCURATE EMNEAGRAM ANALYSIS
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h0ney-c0tton · 4 years
//Going to remake this pinned, but i'm afraid it will take me a while... sorry DNI: basic dni criteria + proshippers + ageless Flowey deniers + people who force their interpretations/headcanons/ships/concepts to others.
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Okay you're warned lol
Honey Cotton MITF AUs aren't 100% done, it will have changes in the future for the best of the ship. I'm trying hard for finish it and make the best I can! Here I will post only for the ship in my aus, at the moment I don't have an offical blog of my au... but I will someday do it if people are REALLY interesed to know more.
Pd: My english... yeah, it's AWFUL! I also have suspicion I might have dislexia @_@"
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Welcome to my ship side account about my beloved OTP... Mad Mew Mew/Dummy x Flowey/Asriel (Adult Flowey/Asriel headcanon only).
This blog works with the context of my aus named MITF (and specially MITF AU PRINCIPAL)
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grrrr i'll remake this section
💙✨I hope you like this ship, or at least like my fanarts ^^✨❤️
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Others Social Media where you can find other fanarts (like doodles, concepts and memes).
And in the end here some questions I will answer here. I update this pinned a LOT. If you have questions, let me know in private!
Q- What Means MITF?
Madness in the Flowers. First honey cotton ship name, now tecnically it is the tittle of all my aus where honey cotton is present + personal headcanons.
The principal one is "MITF AU principal (failed pacifist)", it is the most "serious" and it is the canon timeline :] (I already explained the Summary).
MITF principal au what ifs: In short... Nonsence Fanfiction! Asriel getting their robot body before Mew Mew, Flowey and Maddie being in a relationship before they got their dream bodies, all the posibilities! Not serious and not canon! Enjoy all the possibilities :]!
MITF deltarune: My version of the past of the now young adults Deltarune characters; where Asriel and Maddie met as kids (it started as complicated thanks by Maddie revengeful spirit). But while they were growing up; feelings for each other started bloom and slowy their relationship got stronger.
MITF POTLE: (inspired on Luca Turilli album "Prophet of the last eclipse) After the revolution leader by Undyne; Monsters soon will face a prophecy that will put in danger their know world. Only Angry Mew Mew can stop it, and she will face the danger with her beloved and misterious Sanea.
MITF KOTNT: (Inspired on Luca Turilli album "King Of The Nordic Twilight) Asriel tired of the tyrany of his sibling Chara, where their identity and body was stealed by a vil entity when they were a child; he ran away with injuries to the north and ended in the old city called Snowdia. There he met Mewrienne, and with her love he earned enough motivation for free his people of evil and recover peace and their dear sibling.
Q- Since when you started ship these two?
July 29th 2016.
Q- Why you ship and still ship this fanon-pair?
I started ship this thanks to a silly comic I've made in 2016. These years I used to like it only for that reason... But now... It ended as my comfort ship, about my two fav characters.
Do you know the existence of Burgerpants x Mew Mew? Well... we can say honeycotton work in a similar way? Yeah the ship dinamic is different but I hope it helps lol
Q- You made this ship?
SADLY... Nop. I didn't. This ship borned probably in october 2015.... And I started ship it in July 2016. But I made the ship name, the universe, and the 70% of the fanarts. Whatever happened in 2015 have nothing with my ideas of the ship. SO, I DON'T CARE, I ADOPTED IT AND NOW IT IS mine. Mine! MINE!! >:3
Q- Isn't Mad Mew Mew a lesbian and Asriel aromantic?
Sorry bud but these aren't canon, buuut very valid hcs btw ❤️ here are my LGBTQI+ Hc of them :D!:
Mad Mew Mew: Transgirl (she/her) Bisexual+Biromantic (canon)
Flowey/Asriel (they goes by both names): Hermaphrodite Genderfluid (Any pronouns) Lesbian Demiromantic and Demisexual.
Pd 1: I was waiting for so long finally make canon lesbian flowey but i needed do more researchs for that first. And yes, Genderfluid people can be lesbians.
Pd 2: I want say in this space I'm so sorry for hc him as intersexual before and for the wrong reasons (him being a flower). After do many researchs Hermaphrodite ≠ Intersexual, it have a different meaning and searching testimonies about intersexual it is an offensive and stigmatizing term. Thanks for read and I'm so so sorry for notice this late by my own :")
I recommend this page for learn about intersexual people!
Q- You HC Adult Flowey/Asriel in the present only for this ship?
Short Answer: No! If that were the case.... yeah that would be weird. It is just a coincidence this is my fav OTP and a big hyperfixation. It is a mix of personal stuff, a lot of analisis and what works better for me.
// I decided delete the whole section explaining (not in a best way tho) about my interpretations and stuff because it was... useless.
Q- Are you working for a Deltarune MITF Au?
DUHHH, but not a priority. I'm waiting next Deltarune chapters!
Q- Do you see them in a romantic way when they're interacting in fanwork that wasn't made by you?
I have a huge respect for other people fanwork. Yes, I may be look happy as fuck seeing them interacting in art who wasn't made by me (because THEY are also my fav characters lol), but not for that reason I will ship them there if the context in the fanwork isn't for that AND MORE if on it Flowey is a CHILD. I have limits, and If I want people respect my universe I need respect other people universes too.
Q- Do you ship them in differents aus?
I will not lie, I used to do that years ago. But I learned thats wrong and I don't do that anymore without the consent of creators since that (the three fanarts I did are now delethed). If the Devs of the Au are comfortable with it I will love make concepts for the ship in their AUs (only in cases where Asriel/Flowey is an adult/Similar age with Maddie, not a toxic relationship and both characters have sexualities that let them be together... But I can also make platonic/frienship/rivals concepts too (both with similar age).
I will ship them in aus only in cases with consent/if people makes their own honey cotton content. If I don't have consent then I wouldn't do it.
Q- In your PRINCIPAL universe what is canon and what isn't canon?
//pd: All the honey cotton fanarts made by me are from my ship Au universes, but many of these are from alt timelines/universes. So, if you see art of:
•Mad (Dummy form) x Flowey/Asriel (both forms) kissing/being a couple isn't canon. In MITF au Principal they only became a couple much after Maddie's transition as Mad Mew Mew. These drawings are from an alternative not serious timeline. I'll be honest, i do those more for a nostalgic reason and as fanservice for myself and fans. Sorry guys for let you know in this way😔
•Flowey/Asriel x Mad Mew Mew/Dummy as evil. Not serious alternative neutral universe.
•Mad Mew Mew x Photoshop Flowey, not serious Alternative neutral universe
•Joke/Memes drawings aren't canon. These are made only for make me laugh. Only for that reason, for make me laugh. These have alt timelines where nothing is serious or logicall. If you find some of them problematic, let me know it. If the drawing is confusing (if it is serious or just a joke) also let me know it.
Q- I can use some of your concept for my au?
How this is only a personal Alternative Universe from a game that I didn't made... I can't own concepts. So, yes, take all the concepts you want I guess (ex: Asriel robot body, Undyne and Asriel being siblings, Flowey adult hc, etc). But you can't make changes to my AU... cuz, it is more personal to me. Instead I recomend you make your own version of it ;) (with an alternative name or idk use your head).
But I wouldn't mind crossovers 👀
Q- Is this ship dendrophilia/necrophilia/mechaphilia?
They're monsters (ok I know the flower tecnically isn't a monster BUT how Asriel dust fused with the flower... It should make him half monster????So, huh, yeah I don't think the ship is any of these stuff-
Q- Can I request other artists honey cotton?
Sadly I can't stop people do that... but if you really like my content and you have the need to see other people vissions of the ship... PLEASE, first ask what are their headcanons on Flowey/Asriel. NOT EVERYBODY HC adult Flowey/Asriel or are openly to rarepairs. I want build a healty community, be empathic to others.
Q- Can I RP/Kin your MITF Flowey?
How you can do rp of a character based on a story I didn't posted yet...?
Q- Can I RP Honey Cotton?
Not in my hands, so you can do whatever you want. BUT, I will not tolerate problematic RP. Example: If you RP as Child Asriel x Adult MewMew
Q- Can I request you?
Yeah, but I WON'T draw:
-Maddie as an adult and Flowey as a child or viceversa (Romantic, platonic/friendship, babysitting, etc) Idea that make me feel really really uncomfortable. Is like you ask somebody who HC child flowey/asriel and deny adult flowey headcanon draw Honey Cotton... IT. IS. WEIRD. And will be uncomfortable for both of US. Respect people!
-And everything that makes me uncomfortable but I can't put in words right now.
//Before finish... welcome to my page, I'm someone who sadly comited a lot of mistakes in the past (mistakes i'm not proud of, thanks because my 0 social skills). I still have to learn a lot, but I can promise you I will try my best to be better and better. How you can notice I always make changes on this long pinned post, it is thanks for my new experiencies talking with people (good or bad ones). I'm very grateful inside for all these experiences, it helps me be more mature (even if it toke me time realice). Thanks very much for being there, as a person with an inexplicable passion about a VEEERY rarepair...
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modernspellsword · 4 years
Annalise quietly polishes her single Pugio. Working on it to a finish before going to her back porch.
There is a single item there. It knows it’s crime.
She prepares the blade and in one swing it is cleaved in half. “Sic semoer Tyranis.” She says, before looking at her left pant leg.
“Dammit. I got dressing on my leg.”
“You also cut the dressing bottle, Ceasar was, ya know, stabbed.” Says a friend behind the camera.
“Well... happy ides of March to you too.”
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nvctfile · 4 years
                            -    I must be doing something right …
well folks, this is it. by some miracle, 150 of you guys decided to click that follow button for little ol’ me, and for some reason after seeing all the shit I post, decided to stay. uuhhhh wow-  ya’ll sure need some higher standards >-< I honestly can’t thank you all enough for all of the love and support I’ve received !! I made this blog for Koko approximately two weeks ago, maybe three, and I never could have imagined the growth its received in such a short amount of time. while I am unable to thank each and everyone of you personally, I will try to highlight some of the people that really stood out to me and made my experience on Tumblr enjoyable.
♥ Special Mentions !! ♥
@blareldur - My partner in crime, my ship buddy, the person with whom I write the most, what do I say to you? Well, for starters, I want to sincerely thank you for the genuine friendship you’ve given me throughout my time on Tumblr- I honestly couldn’t have imagined how much we would end up having in common when I sent you that first DM. And now we talk almost everyday and keep each other up past their bedtime- which you really should work on, eyebags !!
@fcolsgcld - Teeeaaa !! Words cannot describe how much I adore you!! You are probably the sweetest most innocent person I’ve ever had the pleasure of speaking with!! I love how you bring out my inner crackhhead to the point where I’m just keyboard mashing to express my excitement! XD We compliment each other so well, and I really do think we click on a lot of things- you’re so easy to talk to for me, and always willing to lend an ear, and I do genuinely want to express my gratitude for that :D
@kanshouku - Hmmmmmm how do you spell “best OC ever” ? Your muse is one of the best I’ve ever seen in my life, and your writing is PHENOMINAL!! You, my friend, have influenced my own blog in ways you can’t even imagine. I adore writing with you, and you’re so nice and personable!! It doesn’t matter if it’s IC or OOC, anything that has something to do with you is amazing!! I hope you continue to be my friend!
@rolypolygum - I know we haven’t spoken to each personally all that much, but what little we have chatted about, I’ve enjoyed so soooo much!! Not only that, but you are consistent in hyping me the fuck up with liking my posts and sending me support any way possible!! Your shenanigans with a certain Suneater blog crack me up- I absolutely love- LOVE- Seeing you on my dash every day >-< 
                               MORE LOVELY PEOPLE BELOW !!
♥  People That Lowkey Scare The Shit Out Of Me With Their Chaotic Energy  ♥
@rcging-muscle @ccpperflame @friedsewerrat @snake-oiled-chief @h-toga @siireniis @scneatrr @manifestedsun @blocdstained @bcnnymama
♥  People That Inspire The Fuck Out Of Me With Their Bomb Ass Writing ♥
@anarchyhorde @freklcss @unanimuse @quirkycombatants @manicvoice @miellamor @helsaiwa
♥  People That I’m Almost Certainly In Love With Through Their Dash Activity  ♥
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♥  People That Make Me Squeal When They’re Online  ♥
@snugglyporos @bakdoe @thousandbirds @wriithium @encoffiner @cardinalpinion @hxwk-eyes @simetrasmind @duoplicitous @aoiiryoku
♥  The Aesthetic Hoes That Catch My Eye Every Time  ♥
@mortifier @chisakure @alkhemya @cremaeted
♥  People I Wish I Wrote With ( More )  ♥
@qvru @darastrixethe @dad-for-one @mortisfurem @thebranchingouttoheroism @bcdtouch
♥  New Followers That Blow Me Out Of The Water  ♥
@anuniversedivided @crasurc @cremaze @implexaanima @thelunarrabbit @swornpeace
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
What if we rewrite the stars 22
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Anakin and Iris started clashing. "Iris its me Anakin your friend! Come on snap out of it! I want to help you but I can't when you are like this!" He yelled running down the hall to the hanger. She followed after him. He tried force connecting to her but all he could feel is sadness and pain. The two start clashing again he sees the tears in her eyes. "Ani....help....me" she struggles holding on to her sanity. Anakin knowing the window was short force pinned her to the wall. This caused her to drop her lightsaber. "Iris what happened?" He asked concern in his eyes. "The king and queen have fallen." She said the pain crushing her as her tears hit the floor. Anakin gose to her and holds her tightly. She returns the embrace both reminded of that night. It happened so fast the two didn't realize it till they pulled away. "Oh force what did we just do?" Iris ask in horror. "I believe what we did was kiss." Anakin said being smug. "I know that you dip shit. Your married I am in a relationship with your captain." She said placing her face in her hands. "Iris it doesn't have to mean anything. You were emotionally unstable." He said before pulling her into a hug. "You know I will always care about you. That will never change you were my first everything." He said before leading them to his fighter. "Iris will you be taking over as queen?" He asked starting up the small ship. "I have no choice in that Anni."she spoke softly as they flew to Coruscant.
Palpatine pov
"My lord it has been done." Dooku said on his knees. "Good now we wait for the coronation to dispatch her. She is to dangerous to be left alive Tyranis. Take care of it immediately." I said "Yes my lord it shall be done." Dooku said before cutting transmission. I felt something in the force coming of Anakin. it was confusion without a doubt. What is he confused about, and how will it affect my plan? I was about to stand when I felt the same feelings from Iris. Oh no it can't be what I think it is. It's must not be I will not allow it.
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subtleshenanigans · 4 years
I guess I’m just gonna make a list of my original work stuff???
I’m mostly posting them to AO3 because I know I’ll keep rights over my stuff, and so that people can enjoy them for free. Writing is personal to me, and I want to share it!
The Tale Of Dark Forest
This series is in a made up world called Arath; it’s full of anthropomorphic animals (all of which are wild cats, wild dogs, or hybrids) and is sort of medieval-esque; there’s also heavy emphasis on “Legend Figures”, which are historical figures known in certain regions. They don’t have modern tech, weapons are carried by everyone (it’s more about the skill and being able to defend oneself), etc. It mostly focuses on the town (once a kingdom long ago, a budding kingdom many years after the first book) Dark Forest, which is under tyrany at this period of time. Most of the information is from a smaller world-view as Dark Forest is kinda isolated, but is expanded in the sequel as the protagonist (the grandson of two of the protagonists from the first book) ends up leaving home. The first story is completed; the sequel is in the works and for now called Rius, after the protagonist.
Confused Chicken and Ashen Feathers
This story is about a few hundred-year-old (but stuck at fifteen) kid named Jake, and a girl named Zero. Jake somehow became an avian shapeshifter - he can shapeshift into any bird that has existed - but his default is a chicken (so when startled/scared/can’t think, he turns into a chicken.) Zero, which is a nickname, doesn’t know she’s a shapeshifter known as a Darkbird until the day she dies and comes back to life (she’s basically a Phoenix but dark and ashy, which fire inside; she basically heals herself from the brink of death and deadly wounds. There’s a set amount she can heal.) They end up getting chased by the guy who killed her and are on the run. It’s a one-shot series currently, mostly hurt/comfort(?) Zero and Jake are platonic.
To Wander
This one is about a person (a persona of me) named The Wanderer, also known as Ander. It’s more expiremental but it’s also a one-shot series about them wandering around and encountering different things. They currently have a companion animal simply known as the fox cub. (Kinda playing around with world-building on this one.)
The Arath
This one will probably never be completely done, but it’s about this girl who gets cut on a fossil (she has an older friend who works on a dig site????) and gains the ability to seperate into four aspects: A’eth the cat (who is her anger and justice and fiery feelings concentrated; represents fire, has a jaguar-like form and the human form is warmer colors), Araaknasan the wolf (ice; cooler emotions like apathy, distance, absolute justice before mercy, etc. Animal form is bigger than a dire wolf and human form is cooler colors, has a sword), Antethnesan the bird (wind; warm, balanced emotions like mercy, kindness, wisdom. Bird form is sorta Hawk-like, human form has wings that can curl forward and drape over shoulders like a cloak of sorts, is in soft/faded earth tones. Uses bows and arrows.), and Mescarnog (darkness element; hatred, similar feelings. Human form is faded, almost colorless, black hair and gray eyes, doesn’t speak much. Beast form is rarely used but it’s HUGE, fur kinda like a polar bear but with a shean almost like the Aurora. It’s definitely mammal looking.) I don’t have much besides that - eventually she gets an animal form with no human form (Green earth/plants; it’s a raptor of sorts) and vice versa (water; she’s in deeper blues, can grow algae in her throat that produces oxygen when she keeps her mouth and nose shut underwater so she can breath; this form is mute as well.) All the animal forms are big. Like, human sized maybe a bit bigger. Her name/title is The Arath.
This one is about a society(?) of jaguars but it’s not. Jaguars are still solitary - females’ territories still overlap males’ to a degree, but male territories never overlap - and don’t really have reason to interact beyond the odd hello if they pass by. But there is appointed leaders, Yaguars, who will meet up if there’s a crisis. One male goes off to find his mate (he only ever took one) who was to have had his Cubs soon, only to find her and two of the Cubs murdered. One lives and he names him Sun, for his golden eyes (also as a pun on Son). He grows up raised by his father (which is HIGHLY unusual but jags keep to themselves so he’s not ostracized.) He tells his son stories and legends, especially about the Yaguara, an ancestor from the distant past. His eyes burned with the sun and he alone fought and killed the vile one ((I’ll need to check my notes on some names obviously.)) One day, as he’s almost three years old (an adult for a Jaguar), his father is murdered and when he goes to the council it’s to find that this villain Jaguar is taking over things, perverting their laws and order, killing who he pleases. He runs away, and makes friends with a puma around his age, despite pumas and jaguars usually having disdain for one another. Of course Sun, the protagonist, will one day become the Yaguara.
Unnamed story
This one is complicated so I’ll talk about it another time.
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ilivelikeimtrying · 4 years
Stand By Each Other
I remember once, back when I was maybe 12, we had an english teacher, a nice black woman with a welcoming vibe and a passion for teaching (she was one of my favorites cuz she was actually nice to me)(also because english was the only subject I was actually good at). She taught us so much and was so kind when we needed help, but there was this one boy in class who didn't really like her, because he didn't like the subject (he wasn't good at english). He was also, coincidentally, the bully of the school and decided one day to say something about her.
Now, I don't remember what he said, but I do remember how it made me feel in that moment, because the second the words came out of his mouth, the whole class started going off on him, even his groupies/friends, calling him racist and other slurs I didn't think a bundge of 6th graders would know, but even I was like WTF!
I looked at her, scared that he might have hurt her, but she just smiled at the rest of the class. She looked proud, not upset, though he did get introuble later.
I had this conversation with a few friends of mine last year regarding rasicm, or more so, racism in America.
Because to us (or to atleast this small group of a bunche of teens and adulesents) racism regarding anyone anymore, especailly in the 21th cetury 2019 (which is when this convo happened) is just so dumn. Even before 2019 I never really got it.
I'm not saying racism isn't a thing here, in the South Caribbean, ABC islands, racism (like most if not all countries) is apart of our history, the dark part that some people don't like to discuss because it's upsetting, but we need to because we have to remember where we came from and make sure such bullshit doesn't happen again.
Of course, you're gonna find the occasional jackass who wants to open his mouth for no reason (I know I have), but you better believe the moment someone says something so fucking ingnorant regarding the race of another person, you're not gonna fucking get away with it. Not with us atleast.
We all agreed afterwords that racism here, especially open racism, was weird, because we're so diverse in culture, race and religion, that it's kind of unthinkable (but not impossible).
And you know, that got me thinking, isn't America a land of diverse cultures, races and religions too?
I don't know. Maybe that's just me? But I always found going againts someone or saying something hurtful and ignorant towards someone else simply because they're of a different race or color, was so freaking stupid, and the fact that some people got away with it? Is even more so. It always made me angry when something like that would happen, but also kidna hopeless. I thought nothing was ever gonna change.
So when I heard about George Floyd, and I was furious, but immediatly just gave up because I thought they were just gonna push this one aside, again...
But then!
I heard about the protests, the riots, how people were speaking out. I saw news feeds and stories and videos my sister would show me of protestersnon the streets, speaking out against police brutality and the unfairness in the justice system. My first word to her was "I'm so fucking proud".
It was like a shock wave after that.
I heard about the Black Lives Matter movements in the Netherlands, people here started protesting against the decisions the goverment was making that was hurting us and the island, people started speaking out against injustice caused by those who were trying to cover it up.
It was amazing and something I never thought I'd see, but always knew would happen.
People, who have had enough, are fighting against tyrany and standing up for those who couldn't/can't for themselves.
Do we still have a long way to go?
Ofcourse, these things don't just get fixed over night, but now we know (I think we've always known) that we're not alone, there will always be someone standing beside you, ready to go into the great unknown to help however they can.
George Floyd, Elijah McClain, Breonna Taylor and so many others who's lives have been lost, your names will never be forgotten, your deaths will not be in vain.
Know their names: Black people killed by the police in the US https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2020/know-their-names/index.html
(Sorry, I don't know how to add a link that isn't Youtube and Tumblr yet)
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lorem-text · 4 years
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Good evening, Night Owls.
It’s another quiet night at the office, and with tonight’s show cancelled and Loki asleep, it’s quieter than ever.
So, to keep you company on this dark, seemingly endless night, I have another story for you.
This time, it’s the story of a stag and a crumbling manor.
When I was in primary school, my mother and I would move around often. Not for financial or work-related reasons; she just liked to travel, and my young curious self was eager to go along. It was during my fifth year that we moved to a small town just a few hours away from Oxford. I don’t recall the name, as we didn’t end up staying long, but to this day I’ve never seen a more beautiful forest than the one that surrounded it.
It was also where I met my very first best friend; a girl by the name Martha. 
She was new it town as well, having just moved there with her parents from York. Our parents became friends first, and then...we did too.
Every day we would walk to school and back together, and on the way we’d pass this old crumbling manor right on the edge of the woods. It looked ancient; a large part of the roof had given way to the deterioration caused by the passing years, the walls had been taken over by vines and flowers, there were holes on the floor trhough which a few trees had grown, and right in the middle of the lower floor, an old chandelier lay in pieces on the main stairway, the bits of glass scattered around catching and reflecting the sun’s rays to create tiny, colourfu rainbows. In the eyes of our parents and teachers, the manor was dangerous, and they had advised us repeatedly not to go near it. But to us? To us, it looked magical...
Still, neither of us wanted to get grounded so we did as we were told and kept clear of the manor and the surrounding woods on our way to and from school. 
That lasted all the way to summer and into the first days of June, until one day...something remarkable happened.
It had been a perfectly normal day up to that point; we had woken up, walked to school, just managed to stay awake for the seven long hours in the punishing summer heat and were on our way back, when something caught out eyes. There, inside the old mannor, walking down the steps the main stairway was a pure white stag with piercing blue eyes, only a shade lighter than Martha’s.
It was the most exciting thing we’d seen in our short lives, as it slowly made its way down the stairs and across the ground floor, coming closer and closer until it finally reached us.
We froze. Terrified that we’d scare it away or worse, anger it, neither of us made a single move or took a single breath until ever so gently, as if trying not to frighten us, it nudged Martha’s cheek with its snout. Very carefully, Martha moved her hand to its head until it leaned into it, letting her pet it.  Then, it left, but the next day, when we returned to the manor, there it was again, and that time it looked like it had been waiting for us.
And that was that. Every day after school, Martha and I would rush to the manor where the stag would be waiting by the old stairway, and every day the stag would stay longer and longer until eventually we would spend our entire afternoons there, making it back home just before curfew, telling our parents we had been playing at the main square and lost track of time. When summer vacation started, we would go to the manor earlier and stay there for hours at a time, some times simply petting the stag and others playing pretend at being knights and wizards on a mission for the pale lord of the forest. 
Those were happy, carefree days, filled with fun and games and constant laughter... But days such as those rarely last.
It was the day of the summer solistice. The town was holding a celebration and our parents had volunteered to help with preperations, so Martha and I took the chance to sneak to the manor early in the morning, knowing we wouldn’t be missed. Once again, the stag was already there, as if it had known we would be coming.  That day, I was the lord of the manor; the evil wizard Kandarah, and Martha was the Queen of Roses; a warrior queen who had vowed to defeat me and free the townspeople from my reign of tyrany.  We ran around the crumbling halls of the manor, Martha chasing me with a stick she had for a sword. She had won the last two times and this time I was determined to defeat the queen of roses and claim her magic sword for myself...so I ran up the stairway to the second floor.
That was the first time either of us had gone up there. 
The floor was crumbled in places with holes leading to the main hall bellow, and there was a single corridor, its decorated with a faded dark red tapestry.  Martha said it reminded her of roses. It made me think of something else entirely. We should’ve headed back, down the stairs and back home; it was nearly time for lunch anyway and neither of us wanted to be late...but something drew us further down that red corridor to the far end where we found an old wooden door, its rusted hinges threatening to fall off the rotted wood. It was locked tight. There seemed to be no other way to get through and into the room beyond, and we were about to head back, when the stag suddenly appeared behind us. Its snow white fur stood out against the red walls, its cold blue eyes stared at us challengingly, and in its mouth it held a key. It was silver and small,  engraved with carvings of vines...and it seemed to be a perfect fit for the locked door. 
Something felt off. How had the stag found the key? Why had it given it to us? Why did the walls suddenly seem smaller and darker than before? Before I could ask anything, however, Martha had snatched the key from the stag and was already unlocking the door, pushing it open with all her strength.
The room inside was dark, save for a single ray of sunlight that snuck in trhough a chipped part of the roof. The windows were barred and heavy drapes hang over them, and the room itself was empty...save for a single marble pedestal right in the middle and atop of it, a thin cloth, draped over what looked like a canvas.
We moved closer, draw in again by the mysterious force that had led us to that room, and the wooden floor creaked beneath us with every step. Then we reached the pedestal and Martha looked at me, eyes blazing with determination. Together, we grabbed the cloth, counted to three...and pulled it away to reveal what was underneath.
It was the painting of a white stag with cold blue eyes looking forward with a dark forest spread out behind it.
I heard a noise and snapped my head back only to find that the stag had followed us into the room and was now right behind us, staring at the painting, and the painted stag stared back. It felt like looking at a mirror...only Martha and I weren’t in it.
Suddenly, the was a loud snaping sound as the rotted wooden floow gave way underneath Martha. Quickly, I reached for her, trying to grab her arm, to save her- but I wasn’t fast enough, and Martha fell into the darkness bellow.
Horrified, I ran to find my mother. By the time I reached the square, I had tripped three times, tearing my clothes in the process, and I couldn’t stop crying, and when I found my mother, I ran into her arms and told her what had happened between desperate cries and sobs. I told her about the manor and the white stag,  about the stairway and the red corridor and thewooden door, until finally I told her about the painting...and Martha’s fall. Al the while, she shushed me and told me to calm down because I was drawing too much attention. I remember I asked her how I was supposed to calm down knowing that my bets friend had died and it was all my fault, but she just held me and took me further in the square, amidst the crowd of people that had gathered to celebrate the solistice. I didn’t know where she was taking me, but I was too tired and scared and numb to protest so I followed her until we reached the centre of the square, where Martha’s parents sat by the fountain making flower crowns.  “See?”, my mother said, “Nothing to worry about. Everything’s alright.”  I didn’t, couldn’t understand how everything was alright after what I had told her so I ran towards Martha’s parents to...I’m still not sure what, but I froze dead in my tracks. There, between the smiling couple with flower crowns on their heads, was Martha, weaving a flower crown and smiling just as brightly. It was her, safe and sound and without a scratch on her...but her eyes were a shade lighter than they were before.
I turned and ran.  I didn’t stop when my teacher waved at me from her house, or when Mister Greene shouted ‘good evening’ from the window of his corner bookshop. I didn’t even stop when I reached my house, but only after I had ran to my bed and hid under the covers, weeping to myself quietly.
I didn’t go out the next day, or the day after, scared of what would happen if I saw my best friend again, but eventually my mother convinced me to go for a visit, saying that Martha had missed me and was worried she had done something wrong. So I did, and it was as if nothing had changed.  Neither of us mentioned the stag or the manor, and we played wizards and knights and ate spaghetti and meatballs for lunch like so many times before, but Martha was...calmer than before Gone was the spark of rebellion and the fiery determination, having given way to knowing smiles and a wisdom in her eyes that seemed too old to belong to her.
Even so, June soon came to an end, and my mother and I left for our annual vacation to Skiathos. We only went back to the town for a few days in autumn to gather our belongings, as my mother thought Oxford would make for a nice change of scenery, but I didn’t see Martha during those days, and I haven’t heard from her since.
To this day, I’m still not sure what happened in that manor, but Martha was never really the same after that...and somewhere, burrowed deep in my heart, there is a part of me calling out, whispering that it wasn’t Martha at all...
Eliot Wilde, journalist and writer for Night Owl and host of Night Owl FM
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ao3feed-klance · 4 years
Hunk and Rosa McClain: The Cook-Out
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3bzD3gP
by Creecket
Two sweethearts are passionate about their on-the-side hobbies. While their way of bouncing ideas off each other is unconventional, its always rewarding to the McClain family.
To all of them, except for the youngest son and best friend of said sweethearts.
footnote: Lance had to get the idea of Rivalry from somewhere, right?
Words: 2916, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Oneshots
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Lance's Mother (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron)
Relationships: hinted Keith/Lance, Keith & Lance (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Lance & Lance's Family (Voltron), Lance & Lance's Mother (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Team as Family, Family Shenanigans, Light-Hearted, Light Angst, Voltron Return to Earth, except its different, they've been there before their visiting, it takes longer than a year to stop tyrany, it will take longer if that tyranny is over the entire universe, you cannot fight me on this, Fluff, Trauma, except no, Rivalry, Cooking, Domestic Fluff, Not Beta Read, i wrote this with my friends at 8ish for two hours straight, idk if that counts, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3bzD3gP
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letmebecomeataboo · 5 years
My thoughts on GoT episode 5
This is so much bullshit and bad writing and random thoughts I had while watching. Enjoy!
Okay we’re starting off
Varys writing some shady letters
Have we seen Varys and spy child before? No? Hm
Brooding Tyrion
Dany is depressed I guess?
Stop being a good person Jon! Ugh
Dany has messy hair, tb to season 1
Begging isn’t pretty Kaleeshi
Sansa is smart tho
How does Emilia still look so perfect?!?!?!
More shady writing
Grey Worm! I hope he’s okay
Love Dany’s new jacket
Excuse me, That’s my emotional support background character that you are killing here!
The dragon just yeeting into the picture
So much burning of humans this season
Noooo a Missandei is dead meeting plz no
Why did you do that, do that, do that, do that to me?
Dany finally realising the truth.
Wha Jon, wha?
The Jonarys fandom must be so happy
Oh wait, he stopped. Again.
Hope for Jonsa???
Probs not.
Shawn Mendes in the background: Please have mercy on me!
Tyrany looks good on you Dany
#MadQueen but we stan anyway
Dany is actually all alone!
Row row row you boat gently into war
What is Jon thinking? I want to know his plan
Arya Stark!
Tyrion trying to speak to the unsullied is me trying to speak in french class
Brother bonding
Dragon killer evil
Arya and Clagane the ultimate Brotp
Cersi looking FINE
That mother and child gonna die
Go dragon go!
So much burning
Okay the destroying of the wall was great!
Cersi knows shes about to lose
Jon, Davos and Grey Worm: boyband of westeros
Why must they focus on the children?
Holy shit the Lannister army gives up?!?!
The bells rings!
Welcome to the shit show Ms Mad Queen!
Jon «shit I’m dating a psycopath» Snow
Grey Worm honey no!
Davos helping ppl
Euron can’t just die can he?
Dany really went for it with the whole «they fear me thing» didnt she?
Jamie does not deserve this
Papa hound and his stark puppy
We could all use a friend like the mountain, holding up the roof for you.
And maester what’s-his-name is dead
Cersi just yeeted outta there
I would almost say it was a sweet reunion, if they weren’t you know, SIBLINGS!
Arya get to safety!!!!
Holy shit the transitions!
Mommy and child from earlier!
Sandor no!
And there the fucking wildfire...
Oh my god Arya!
God damn Dorthraki
I actually feel bad for Cersi
Aaaaaand they’re dead
Arya still alive somehow
I said they were gonna die
Arya looks so much like Jon! I love it!
And next episode is just Sansa arriving to clean up everyones mess
This is so much death, I’m going back to season 1.
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one-starry-knight · 6 years
i understand that that is a very simplified version of your lore but i've legit read fanfic that is like that nightmare thing
but like. how can you look at scary warmongering tyrant and think “loving dad who misses being a dad :) wants to live a normal life” like.
I’ve talking abt this concept before with friends, but the ONLY way I think is valid to write “loving dad” Nightmare is overly attached dad Nightmare. consider, Nightmare destroying planets FOR his kids, showing his love through tyrany and war, would do anything for them including slaughter, constantly offers his kids a throne at his side ruling the galaxy and would do ANYTHING to have them under his control. they’re his kids after all and he wants the best for them, the best being them ruling with an iron fist alongside him. loving, but much much more terrifying.
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wicked-virtue · 6 years
Writing Prompt #5 Show of Hands: Tyranie Tiberiah
Tyr had tried to settle back into a routine at the guild. It wasn’t the one she was used to, but she was trying to get back a sense of normality. She had taken up a new class of students. These were mostly young adults. Wide eyed, glory seeking, naive, wannabe adventurers. Today was her first class with them and she had already picked out who was going to have trouble, and who was going to be good. She had started the training out with words, and not fists. Some of them had groaned when she had started talking and she stopped and sighed. 
“Show of hands... how many of ya came here to learn how to fight?” Almost all of them raised there hands. There was only one young girl that didn’t. She had caught Tyr’s eye quickly. “Hmm... and how many of ya came here to learn how to win?” Again, all the hands shot up, but this time the girl’s hand went up too. Tyr smiled, “How many of ya think that winning is kicking the other person’s arse?” Again the girl was the only one that didn’t raise her hand. Though this time a few of the smarter ones realized she was going somewhere with this line of questions and were more hesitant as their hands went up.
“First thing ya learn here...is when -not- to fight. Winning means walking away with your life. Winning means walking away without being permanently disabled after the fight. Winning means being smart, not tough. Smart fighters live to see another day. The rest... well, the rest end up feeding worms.” 
She pointed at the girl, “Girly... what’s your name?” There was a moment where the girl looked panicked for being called out, but she summoned up her courage and spoke up, “Camilla... Cami is what my friends call me.” Tyr nodded, “Ya didn’t raise your hand with the others Cami.. so tell me, why are ya here?” Cami drew a breath, “To learn how to protect myself.” Tyr beamed at the girl now sure of who was going to end up on top of this class, then turned to the rest of the class, “That is why ya come to learn here. That is the point of being here. Anyone can throw a punch. Ya all want to live long enough to have tales told about ya.. ya come here to learn to protect yourself.” 
A few of the tougher lads rolled their eyes and Tyr called the biggest one up to the mat. “Whats your name?” The large highlander nearly spat out the answer in gruff tones, “ Alwyn.”  Tyr was used to his kind though, they thought their lot was tough, so they were tough. “Alright... show me.. How do ya beat me?” 
Alwyn swung a heavy fist at Tyr like he would in a bar fight, and regretted it almost instantly. In less than a heartbeat she had him down on the ground, a large lump forming what would become a black eye. He wasn’t quick enough, brute force wouldn’t help him here. All she had to do was duck under his swing and land a good hit in herself. 
While he was seeing stars Tyr looked at the class who had mostly all gone wide eyed. One of them looked rather confused as he had blinked and missed the action. “So anyone else wanna show me how ya beat me through brute force? or are ya ready to learn how to really be fighters?” 
The rest of the class they had listened attentively. It had been a day for talking. Fighting wasn’t a part of the first lesson, or the second, or the third. It came much later, when a student knew how to think, see, and breathe right. It came after they learned to meditate. After they learned to feel their inner strength. After they relearned their own bodies. It wasn’t her class of kids, but it was a start, and it was something new. Perhaps they had some hope yet.  
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