#and that she wasn’t part of the prophecy that her two siblings were a part of as a final nail in the coffin
toothpastewolf · 4 months
What’s your favourite Warriors book?
i’ve actually yet to read them all (it’s gonna take a while as i’m on arc 4 right now lmao), but power of three is one of my favorite arcs so far so i’d have to say sunrise is my favorite book !! i am the number one hollyleaf defender
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Leo Valdez x Fem reader
This takes place after the events of the second great prophecy, Y/N was on the Argo II with the 7 and is a daughter of Apollo but really could be anyone. Y/N is mourning the loss of her best friend and crush Leo and when everyone gathers for the memorial of his death things change. Don’t judge me too hard its been a few years since I wrote anything and had to start my blog fresh. Not entirely following cannon and while calypso is mention she isn’t actually a part of the story.
It took 3 days of searching before Chiron decided they were never going to find Leo’s body, to declare him dead. It took 2 weeks for Frank and Hazel to go back to Camp Jupiter after Leo’s funeral, Jason followed them a few days later promising he’d iris message Piper everyday. After a month Annabeth and Percy needed to go back to school, it turns out going on a quest really messed up a demigod's grades and makes getting into New Rome university way harder. A week after Percy and Annabeth left camp, Piper went out to visit her dad and for the first time since the quest began, Y/n found herself completely alone.
At first she struggled to find a way to spend her days. Unlike her siblings she lacked any all all skills in archery and Y/ns musical abilities left much to be desired. It was winter at camp so there wasn’t as much going on, most days she spent alone. The snow covered camp was beautiful, quieter than normal it seemed, except for the occasional bit of laughter from the other year round campers. She tried to iris message the others occasionally, shed promised Piper that she would call everyday, but it was never enough. She spent time with will, practicing in the infirmary and getting to know Nico since they were basically joint at the hip these days. It was good to see them happy, but it made her feel more alone. Sure her and Leo were never together, but he was her world, her partner in crime. She never got to tell him she loved him.
Over time though, it became easier. It turns out crushes feel less strong when the one you like is gone, and while Y/n may suck at archery and music it turns out she had a real knack for pegasus training. Plus with all the time in the world to practice she was pretty good with a sword too. Eventually she spent less time moping and being lonely and more time focused on build relationships with her sibilings, especially Will. The two of them would talk for hours on and end and his southern accent, while not quiet like Leo’s was comforting on the night where she had nightmares that kept her up. By default she became close with Nico too, sure they’d spoken on occasion before the quest and became a bit closer while trapped together on a ship for a few weeks, but this was new. He was quiet and didn’t ask too may questions, but he understood her grief better than anybody else.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, Nico knew she wasn’t he only one still grieving Leo. He’d spoken to Percy and Hazel a few times and heard through the grape vine how Frank, Annabeth, Jason, and Piper were doing. He could see the sadness that lingered in their eyes, the lack of sleep was obvious, and he knew he had to do something. So it took it upon himself to plan a memorial for Leo.
6 months after Leo’s death, everyone came back for the memorial. It was weird, awkward almost to all be together again. On one hand they all knew each other like the back of their hand, but at the same time things had changed, they weren’t in any real danger for once and its almost like they didn’t know how to interact without a monster lurking or the impending end of the world to lead the conversation. Thank gods for Piper, she always knew how to get everyone talking.
"Remember the time Leo pranked Chiron by programming his wheelchair to go backwards only? Or that time he made that robot spider to scare the Athena cabin during capture the flag," she reminisced, a bittersweet smile on her face.
Percy chuckled, "I swore Annabeth was going to kill him for that, i swear she screamed so loud my mom could hear it."
”Rude,” Annabeth tried to be mad but even she couldn’t hide the smile on her face, “but yeah, I was planning my revenge”
She paused, everybody knew what she wanted to say, he died before she got the chance. The room was heavy for a moment before y/n changed the subject.
”You know what I was thinking about the other day, the time he 'accidentally' set the strawberry fields on fire while upgrading Festus's flame system.”
It worked like a charm. The room echoed with laughter and shared stories about the metal dragon and the boy who built it. Y/N listened as everyone talked, but her attention began to drift as she gazed into the sky, captivated by a mysterious glimmer.
Annabeth noticed her distraction, especially because the conversation had shifted a while ago, and asked, "Y/N, do you even know what we're talking about?"
"Festus," Y/N replied absentmindedly, her eyes still lingering on the shiny object.
Annabeth sighed, "No, we're discussing college plans, Y/N have you even heard a word we said?."
Before Annabeth could get into a lecture about how important having a plan is, Y/N's eyes widened.
"It's Festus," She whispered, so quiet almost anybody could miss it She rose quickly from her seat staring at the shiny object in the sky, her heart pounding with a mix of hope and disbelief. The group followed her gaze, their expressions changing from confusion to surprise. A metallic dragon, catching the sunlight, soared across the sky. The sight left them momentarily speechless. Then, realization dawned, and their faces mirrored Y/N's astonishment.
She ran out as fast as she could to the beach where the dragon was landing, when she saw him. Leo Valdez, presumed dead, had returned in the most Leo way possible. The daylight seemed to cast a spotlight on him as he stood there with a stupid smirk on his face. The poor boy had hardly a moment to prepare himself before Y/N jumped into his arms wrapping him a hug.
"What are you—how, I mean..." Y/N stuttered, her voice a mix of confusion and elation.
Leo, with his trademark smirk, simply said, "Surprise."
"Surprise? Surprise? What the heck, Leo!" Y/N's confusion turned into a whirlwind of emotions. "You died. I watched you die. We never found your body, but you were gone. I spoke at your funeral, and now you're back, and all you have to say is 'surprise'? Gods, what is—"
Leo's laughter cut through her words. "Hey, I had to make a grand entrance, right? Can't just show up without a little flair."
Y/N's frustration shifted to a mixture of relief and exasperation. "Flair? Leo, you had us all convinced you were gone. What happened? How are you here?"
Leo scratched his head, a habit that hadn't changed. "Long story short, Festus and I took a detour in the labyrinth. Ended up in Ogygia. You know, Calypso's island? Time flows differently there, and by the time we found a way out, well, time had moved a bit faster here."
"Ogygia? Calypso? Time travel?" Y/N's head spun with the unexpected twists.
"Yeah, yeah. I've got a lot to catch you up on," Leo grinned. "But one thing's for sure, I'm back, and we've got some serious catching up to do."
Y/N's initial shock transformed into a grin. "You have no idea how much we've missed you, Leo Valdez."
As they walked back to camp together, the reunion echoed with laughter, questions, and the comforting feeling of having a friend thought to be lost returned.
Later that night as the campfire crackled, casting a warm glow on the faces of the reunited demigods the Apollo cabin led the campers in a a few songs and Leo entertained the crowd with his tales of defying death. The atmosphere was one of joy and celebration, as the group sat together, reveling in the miraculous return of their comrade.
As the night unfolded, the campfire stories wove a tapestry of memories, both old and new. Y/N, caught up in the camaraderie, joined in the laughter and shared anecdotes. However, amidst the festivities, a moment of quiet reflection struck her. As she looked at the boy in front of her smiling and laughing her heart suddenly felt like it was being pulled in a few directions. He was really back. Maybe it was the days excitement or too much smoke inhalation or a combination of the two, but Y/N couldn’t breathe.
Pulling away from the group, Y/N wandered to the edge of the camp, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. The gravity of Leo's return, the mourning that had transpired, and the overwhelming joy of having him back weighed on her. It was all too much. Not to mention him being alive meant she’d have to deal with the whole unrequited crush thing. Not that she could even think about it right then, because Leo, sensing her retreat, followed her to the quiet corner.
"Hey, Y/N, everything okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.
She hesitated, then sighed. "It's just... Leo, I thought you were gone. We all did. Losing you was... I can't put it into words. And now you're back, and it's so much to process."
Leo nodded understandingly, pulling her into a comforting hug. "I get it, Y/N. It's a lot. But I could never leave you behind, you know? We're in this together."
His words resonated with Y/N, and as Leo held her, she felt a mix of emotions pouring out. The weight of grief mingled with the joy of reunion overwhelmed her, and tears flowed freely. Leo just held her, it was almost enough to make her feel better on the spot. As the two stood apart the rest of their friends watched them whispering to one another.
”So when are the two of them going to admit they’re in love” Frank joked.
”Y/n talking about her feelings? It’s never going to happen” Jason laughed receiving a slap in the arm from Piper.
”I wouldn't say never,” Nico said , “she thought she missed her chance once she won’t let it happened again”
”Well lets just hope its soon, because I cannot hear about how ‘y/n does like me like that’ from Leo again when its so obvious to everyone else she does' Piper laughed looking at her two friends.
This is the first thing I’ve written in a long time but hopefully it’ll get better. Requests are open and please let me know if you want a sequel to this or anything else. Also lmk if you want to be tagged in the next one!
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ajbullet · 9 months
My thoughts on episode 3 of PJO: (spoilers)
I so enjoyed doing this for the first two episodes and the response was great, so hey, maybe this will be an entire series thing
-The oracle was amazing. It was a perfect mix of creepy yet humorous with Percy’s perfect voice crack and “you’re a Halloween decoration” line. Having just reread the book, I wouldn’t have remembered that the prophecy came from Gabe so that was a really cool, book-accurate detail I enjoyed.
- The WAY PERCY CHOSE ANNABETH! I freaked out. Cause you know in the book Annabeth is just like “I’m coming” and that’s that. To see Percy go out of his way to CHOOSE her for his quest was so special to me and I loved it (even tho it was for a different reason than I originally thought.)
-Annabeth’s reaction to getting picked was perfect. This is a girl who has waited YEARS for a quest and in no way do I think she was expecting to be picked. Hoping, of course. But Leah’s expression of shock then excitement was perfect
- Grover talking to the horses
-Percy picking Grover
-“I’m going to back the best snacks” The snacks in question being tin cans
-Bro give Thalia a break Percy, wth 😭. He came at her so hard for someone he hasn’t even met. Which was hilarious and so Percy-like, but dang. I thought Annabeth was gonna kill him right then and there.
-“She met a Pinecone’s fate” Like this boy…🤭
-I loved watching Leah’s expressions the whole time the three of them were traveling to the bus terminal. I will never get over how subtle she is able to make her thoughts appear on her face. Like you could clearly tell she was taking everything in for the first time in 5 years, while still trying to remain calm and seem in control in front of the other two
-THE BICKERING OMGS. I wasn’t ready for the arguing, but it fits so well. It MADE SENSE. Like none of these kids know just how much they can trust each other and their all scared and they don’t really know what they are doing so of course they are going to fight and argue and take out their emotions on each other.
-Grover’s consensus song was perfect. I had no idea why he was clapping at first and when he started to sing I was scared because it had potential to be really cringy but I honestly think it fit his vibe and was cute.
-ok, so for the scene with Annabeth in the store, I loved of course cause it was my girl and I originally watched it as a kid with a lot of money placed in front of infinite candy and she couldn’t just pick ONE so she got them all and it was adorable. But I’ve also seen posts talking about her trying to read the wrapper and since she’s dyslexic she couldn’t tell what flavor was what so she got all of them, which would also make sense and is a perfect subtle detail. Now I just saw one post that said she was trying to pick the perfect candy to make Grover and Percy LIKE HER and that just about broke my heart. Feel free to comment or reboot with your opinions because I’ve loved seeing all these different takes on that scene. All I know is it was awesome and the contrast between a girl picking candy and immediately sensing something is wrong and putting up her guard was a perfect way of showing how life is for demigods
-The invisibility cap!!!!
-“We’re lost in the woods, somewhere in New Jersey and we’re never gonna make to LA” was all I could think about
- again the BICKERING. Annabeth calling Percy out. Her asking what he’s afraid of. Grover trying so hard to keep the peace. (As a middle sibling, I felt that in my soul). “He was my protector first!” Loved that. Just the whole conversation was so interesting
I’m gonna make a part two because I have so many more thoughts on Medusa and her story and I’m hungry so I’m gonna go eat.
Part two:
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asterias-corner · 8 months
hiiiiii would you care to tell me all about your diety oc (or ocs if you have multiple) I’d really like to know more about them!! It’s fine if you don’t ofc ^^
(ramble under the cut)
I’ll start with my deity oc, umbra! umbra is actually an Loz oc- the deity of shadows :3 not going off canon because why not! I designed umbra around the horned statues from botw/totk, being the entity that resided inside! They used the heart/stamina containers to regain some kind of power from lost travelers to escape, it only took a few millennia though… now they watch over whoever they deem interesting through their shadow! Whoever’s shadow their in, is tinted darker, no matter how bright the sun! (Also can time travel cus i said so)
rain pool!!!!! My sweet lil baby <3
rain pool was originally a lost kit abandoned by two-legs nearby river clan! She grew up there and was raised by not just one queen, but basically all of them. Because my fav characters/story arc is the power of three, she was born around the same time as jay feather, lion blaze, and holly leaf. They didn’t know each other, until river pool had accidentally communicated with star clan. She had been pulled into the dream, surprised but excited, when they turned her away- saying she should not have been part of the clans and she was not clan born- she could ruin the prophecy. This created a resentment, so river pool made it everyone’s problem. She managed to figure out that the prophecy was talking about lion blaze, jay feather, and a kit yet to be born. Holly leaf’s ‘disappearance’ did not go unnoticed. Cue an incident where she made star clan speak to her, ending up in jayfeathers dream, and she attacked starclan, causing them to make a brutal flash flood, and a lightning storm with rough hail. She got dragged away and drowned, now she roams and haunts wherever she pleases :3 not allowed in starclan or anywhere else- forced to stay on the lake.
(that was long- not 100% set in stone, nor going completely off the books- but that’s what I’m going with right now!)
Link/element! My link oc :3
element is a draconic, a dragon species that are similarly looking to hylians! Element and Zelda became siblings when they were very young, little babies :3 Zelda was dropped in their woods to die, but found by Umi! Elements mom! They grew up, the triforce symbol on their hands wasn’t something they really thought about, their kind was highly secluded and didn’t interact with many other species. They would worship the 4 dragons, each a representing a different element! (Wink wink, hence his nickname) but Zelda goes by Ayla, they save hyrule, and element is an autistic hopeless gay nonbinary king 🫶
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justminawrites · 1 year
Where The Stars Collide
Summary: When Team Natsu return from Edolas with Lisanna, the consequences set off a series of chain reactions across the Kingdom of Fiore, disturbing the long held peace between the wizard guilds and the Magic Council. Lucy Heartfilia is heartbroken to find that the celestial gate key of one of her oldest spirits, Aquarius, is missing, and with the help of Loke, her more-than-a-friend turned spirit, she sets off on a quest to recover it. Natsu Dragneel has had enough of waiting and joins Gajeel Redfox, Wendy Marvell, and a very, very reluctant Juvia Lockser on a mission to finally find the Dragons that left them all those years ago. At the same time, a mysterious prophecy is circulating around the town of Magnolia, tying two of Fairy Tail's strongest members and childhood sweethearts Gray Fullbuster and Cana Alberona into a tale of bitter and bloody revenge; and an ominous presence lurks on Tenrou Island, infecting the once-holy grounds. What will become of Fiore's fiercest protectors? What will happen to Fairy Tail?
prologue | 1 | 2 | TBC
1.1 : Mira
Mirajane Strauss knew better than to believe in miracles.
Magnolia was a metropolitan city soaked in more than its fair share of culture, marinating in so many different types of magic that even the most dedicated of archives couldn’t keep track of them all— celestial wizards, elemental mages, rune magic and healing spells, mimicry, puppeteering, requipping— but miracles were not one of them.
Of course there was an array of wish fulfilment and illusion magicks, tricks and trades that even the sleaziest castors knew to manipulate, but nothing could bring back someone from the dead. Nothing good anyway. Mira had long stopped peering into that part of her soul. So when she left with her brother to visit her little sister’s grave located in the cathedral church, one gloomy day, she didn’t expect to find a miracle waiting for her.
The door to the guild hall swung shut behind her and the scent of rain hesitantly kissed her nose, the smile on her face giving way to nothing. It had been 5 years since the incident. She could hear the guild members on the other side of the door recall the story in hushed tones. Lisanna would’ve turned 19 this summer. Her breath hitched and she swiped at her dry cheeks. Save your tears for the graveyard, a gentle voice in her head whispered, spring will be over soon.
A soft creaking noise and a large, warm hand on her left shoulder nudged her out of her reverie.
“Mira, we’re here.”
She blinked. The Kardia Cathedral loomed before them: located right in the heart of the town, a near fifteen minute walk from the guild hall, its four cylindrical pillars holding up the enormous green-domed building. It was one of Fiore’s more pretentious tourist traps, with billions of jewels being spent on the flattering archways, the high vaulted ceiling and the pristine marble floors, and little to nothing on its inhabitants. Any priests that survived the meagre wages never showed their faces, preferring to give sermons behind silk or wood screens to largely empty pews.
It was also where Laxus challenged Natsu and the others when he held his coupe.
“We’re here” she replied dully.
The creaking was coming from a tiny gate on the east side of the church, the path to the graveyard. Unlike her brother, Elfman, Mira wasn’t alarmed by her brief lapse of memory; she’d been forgetting more and more things lately. It always happens around this time of year, she noted, latching the gate into place.
Lisanna’s gravestone was one in a long row of similar grey, rounded tablets, inscribed with the Fairy Tail’s sigil, vertically apart from an empty stone coffin. Elfman opened a red umbrella just as a drop of rain plopped onto Mira’s head and they both stood quietly as it pattered around the two siblings, soaking their shoes and nearly all of Elfman’s hair.
Empty, because her sister disappeared right in her own two hands, she mused as she took the bouquet of lilies from her brother and placed it on the  grave’s flat, shiny surface.
Empty, because there wasn’t even a body to bury or burn, there wasn’t a single pice of her sister she could hold on to, only the memories of her bruises and the blood. So much blood. There were days where she would wake up in cold sweat, fingers wrapped around torn sheets because she couldn’t remember her sister’s face, just blood and a high pitched wailing. How could you Mira. How could you.
She didn’t know why she kept coming back here; Lisanna never had any fondness for churches and although Mira knew about the second grave that Natsu had built for her sister in a hut in the East Forest, where they had spent their childhood, she could never bring herself to visit it. Two graves were not better than one.
Mirajane looked around at the rows of headstones that surrounded her and for the first time in five long years, wondered how many of them were as hollow as their visitors.
Then she crouched down and ran her thumb along the smooth edge of the stone and sighed, her cheeks wet only from the rain: every year she told herself that the tears would come this time, and every year they never did. Both the Strauss siblings shared this strange grief. It was almost as though they were afraid that if the tears returned, Lisanna wouldn’t. If they could hold on for a little longer then maybe—
Maybe what? She’d come back? The thought was red hot and stung, sharper than a slap. Mira absentmindedly touched her cheek to check for a mark.
The bell began to toll.
Grow up Mirajane, your sister is dead. This voice sounded like her own, bitter and resentful, warped with pain and something she couldn’t name, spinning round and round in her head in time with the tolling.
Your sister is dead and it’s your fault.
It’s your fault.
It’s your fault.
It’s your fault.
Mirajane shook her head and looked up at Elfman, who stared back at her bemusedly.
Did she imagine it?
“Big Brother Elf!" 
There was no way.
She turned around to see a girl running towards them, unbothered by the rain— with short white hair like the siblings, and blue eyes sparkling with tears. Mira thought she saw the distinct frames of Natsu and Erza behind the girl. What was going on?
“Mira.. I think I might be hallucinating” Elfman whispered quietly, the umbrella slipping out of his hand; it fell to the ground with little protest.
“It can’t be-” she murmured, wrapping her arms around herself. Something vicious inside of her quieted.
Five years. Five long years of waiting and waiting.
“It can’t be.” She repeated. Mira tried to clench her palms to keep them from shaking.
The girl seemed to glow when her name was said, taking a step, two steps forward before throwing herself into the sister she hadn’t seen in so long. Mirajane didn’t realise she was crying until  she pressed her cheeks into the girl’s shoulder, dampening her warm skin- she was alive and she was warm and she was, she was-
“Welcome home.”
In her twenty-two years on Earthland, that was the first miracle Mirajane Strauss had ever seen. Soon after, she would wish that it was the last.
1.2 : Lucy
Something was bothering Lucy Heartfilia.
It begun the moment they left Edolas, a persistent itch, like a stray eyelash, that prodded at her subconscious, demanding her attention. They were making their way back to the guild after Lisanna’s tearful reunion with her siblings and Lucy couldn’t shake the feeling that she was forgetting something important. Gray was the first one to notice.
“Everything okay, Lucy?” He asked as he watched her fiddle with the cloak Natsu had given her, looking mildly frustrated.
“Huh- yeah it’s probably nothing, I’m just a little shaky from the anima I guess” she shrugged, her hand immediately reaching for the pouch of keys safely tucked into her belt, and releasing a small breath of air as she confirmed their presence for the fifth time. No matter how quickly she seemed to lose her clothes each time she went on a mission, her keys seemed immune to this particular trait; a fact that Lucy was grateful for every time they fought a villain with any fondness for water. Her hair really couldn’t take more of this.
Gray nodded and ran a hand through his hair, a strange expression Lucy couldn’t pinpoint— sad? wistful? crossing his face.
“I know what you mean, Edolas was really something… different” Erza interrupted, placing an armoured hand on both of their shoulders as they neared the guild hall. She’d been quick to requip back into her usual attire when they’d landed, Lucy noted— the return back to their world seemed to have recharged most of their powers, but her emotional batteries were spent. And of course, there was that itching feeling.
Lucy was just about to unhook her pouch and start counting through all thirteen of her keys when Elfman flung open the doors and a collective gasp descended on Fairy Tail as Mirajane walked in, protectively clutching a girl they hadn’t seen in five years; a girl they all thought dead.
“There’s no way. . .”
An explosive welcome would be putting it lightly— the guild hall erupted with happiness, confusion, relief. Lisanna was alive? Lisanna was alive! How could Lisanna be alive?
Lucy was unfortunately thrust right into the flood of tears and hugs eclipsing the newly undead Edolas refugee right alongside Natsu, Erza, Gray and Wendy.
Gajeel hung back, seemingly content with whispering to his newly found Exceed instead. He caught her staring and glowered until she turned away, Lucy wondered if she’d ever figure that guy out.
Master Makarov’s face had gone pale and he muttered something under his breath; if Lucy didn’t know better she’d think it was a prayer. Lisanna extricated herself from the crowd and knelt in front of him, pulling the tiny, old man into a fierce hug. A hush fell on the room as the usually upbeat and cheerful guild master’s eyes flooded with tears, before the shouts of joy rang out louder and clearer this time.
“Lisanna’s home!”
“She’s home!”
“Natsu brought her back from the dead!”
“Not just Natsu— Erza too!”
“She’s alive!”
“My beloved Gray, you’ve finally returned! I was getting so worried!”
The last one was from Juvia Lockser. The tearful (was she crying this whole time?) water mage flung her arms around Gray much to his chagrin and the two nearly tumbled into Cana who was nursing her second barrel of mead that day.
“Watch it!” Cana snapped as she shifted the cask onto another table, sounding grumpier than usual, Lucy noticed. She’d have to make sure to ask Cana what was wrong later. But for now- Lucy managed to pull herself away from the crowd and dropped back long enough to catch her breath and watch curiously as Gray led Juvia right out the wooden doors from which they arrived.
Maybe his time in Edolas had changed the way he saw her, Lucy pondered, hands drifting to her pouch once more. It had certainly changed the way she’d seen Mystogan, the man with the face of the most wanted criminal in Earthland— and Edolas’ lost prince. Or maybe it hadn’t changed anything at all, she frowned, catching sight of a tired Wendy rubbing her red-rimmed eyes as her exceed, Carla, berated her for being un-ladylike. Maybe it had made things worse.
A flash of golden light interrupted Lucy before she could go over to comfort the girl, and she caught a glimpse of tawny gold hair before she was staring into the hazel eyes of her favourite (though she’d never admit it) Celestial Spirit. If it wasn’t for the out-of-the-blue appearance, Lucy would have realised that it was the first time she’d ever seen him without his blue-tinted sunglasses.
“Lucy!” She could instantly tell that something wasn’t right. Loke never showed up without some grand gesture accompanying him and he’d never showed up looking so distressed before.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s no time to explain,” he shook his head and clasped her palm in his own, motioning for her to follow as he led them both behind the bar counter. Her guild mates were too caught up in the festivities to pay any attention to them.
“You have your keys, right?” She nodded and unhooked the pouch from the belt at her waist, pulling out the ring of keys that were her most prized possession. Loke quickly let go of her hand and handed her one of the many half-filled wooden goblets that lined the counter.
“I need you to summon Aquarius right away”
“With.. mead?” Lucy winced as she recalled The Water Bearer’s infamous temper when she summoned her once using water from a fish bowl— and just her temper in general.
“Don’t you think we should use normal-“
“Lucy, please.”
Lucy blinked and looked up. Loke looked the most disheveled she’d ever seen him, his trademark red tie missing, his shirt collar askew; his usual charm and charisma overshadowed by something that bordered on desperation.
“She might smell like mead for a while but otherwise she’ll be unscathed” he insisted, holding out the cup.
His voice was hoarse, as though he’d been screaming for hours and the shadows under his eyes were bruised purple; Lucy had a strong feeling he hadn’t even slept since the Edolas fight— but his panic was infecting her now, the bad feeling she’d been having all evening suddenly pooling into dread in the pit of her stomach.
“Alright” her fingers tightened on the key ring.
Lucy knew she was fortunate enough to possess contracts with 9 out of twelve of the zodiac spirits at this point, with Aries, Scorpio and Gemini being the latest additions to the team, but Aquarius had been with her the longest.
Their relationship often reminded her of Wendy and Carla’s, Aquarius was always correcting her, prodding at her, pointing out all her mistakes, but when it came down to it, Lucy knew Aquarius would protect her in a heartbeat. It’s why she rarely called on her strongest spirit; Aquarius would protect her a little too well.
That, and it was hard to find many water bodies that she’d consider appealing.
“Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo.. wait that’s not right-” Lucy frowned and held the ring up closer to her face.
“Hold on- Virgo, Leo, Taurus.. no, no this can’t be happening!” 
Loke’s face lost all colour. The goblet clattered to the floor, splashing both their feet with lukewarm amber liquid.
“The key.. it’s—“ her voice rose with panic.
Lucy barely made it in time to catch him before his knees buckled, and he fainted in her arms.
1.3 : Juvia
Juvia Lockser was convinced that nothing in the world mattered more than love.
After all, it was love that had saved her from falling and shattering into a million little raindrops. It was love that helped her find a new home after her guild was destroyed. It was love that had showed her the sun for the first time.
And it was minor technicality really, that her love hadn’t admitted that he loved her back.. yet.
But Juvia had nothing if not faith. She’d read enough novels to know that enough crying and near-death situations (both of which were easy to find) could solve the romantic tension between any pair of lovebirds, no matter how unlikely they were: ‘the bad boy and the good girl’, ‘the socialite and the socially awkward’, ‘the billionaire and the.. wait didn’t she do this one already?’
Either way, the book would insist that the main couple always ended up together, even if it took a contrived turn of events to make it that way, and while Juvia lost all interest in it after they became an item, she too wanted that kind of heart-racing romance— and she’d cry the whole ocean if it meant she could have it.
That’s why she was caught completely off guard when her beloved Gray Fullbuster pulled her aside and told her that it’s over.
“W-What?” She must’ve been hearing things; there’s no way that he would-
“I don’t like you like that, and I feel like I’ve led you on by not making it clear enough,” Gray sighed running a hand through his already mussed black hair. It had barely been ten minutes into their arrival when he’d asked her to join him outside, a few steps away from the brightly lit guild hall, and Juvia should’ve known that something was off immediately.
Gray was missing a shirt (not new) and covered in budding bruises (also not new), but his shoulders were slouched and his eyes were glazed over, as though he was somewhere else entirely. From what Juvia could tell, they’d all just traveled back from some kind of magic-draining endeavour, she couldn’t remember much from that morning, had they taken a job?
“You’re not leading me on, darling I don’t—“
“See, that’s what I mean,” he said, irritation creeping into his voice, “can’t you just stop with all that darling crap? We’re not together.” 
Juvia flinched as a raindrop struck her bare shoulder and trickled down her upper back. She didn’t understand where it had come from, the sky was clear just a moment ago.
Gray pulled her towards a nearby kiosk to shelter from the incoming downpour, and they settled onto two unopened barrels. Juvia’s breath came out in white puffs, she hadn’t realised how cold it had gotten, and Gray’s entire torso was streaked with rain. Although he must’ve been freezing, his expression hadn’t shifted at all; serious and stern, only the shadows under his eyes betraying his exhaustion.
“If you just gave me a chance,” she began, reaching out to touch his cheek, to close the distance between them and pretend his words didn’t hurt; all fated couples had arguments before they got together officially -  this was probably just her moment to confess her undying love; she could still turn this around.. right?
“Juvia,” she blinked as he looked at her bemusedly, eyes unreadable as ever; holding her wrist an inch away from his face, “You don’t deserve this.”
“You deserve to be with someone who loves you back.”
Juvia felt as though she would faint with relief. Is that what this was all about?
Her beloved Gray didn’t hate her, he just felt unworthy of her love. She’d come across this trope so many times that she was almost disappointed in herself for not seeing it sooner. Of course he wasn’t rejecting her, he would never even think to do such a thing. Their love was too vast and too deep for him to simply cast aside with a few words. He was probably just embarrassed that he couldn’t be as forward about his affections as she was.
“Oh Gray,” she said, her voice softening as he quickly dropped her hand and crossed both his own over the black guild mark on his chest, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
Gray blinked.
“You know that I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait as long as it takes to make you love me back,” she gushed, “I can’t believe that all this time you were worried about me and my feelings, you wouldn’t do that if you didn’t care for me at least a little.”
“Uh-“ he opened his mouth to protest, but Juvia was on a roll.
“Oh I really did pick the perfect man didn’t I?” She squealed, completely oblivious to his growing discomfort, “You’re so sweet and attentive and tortured and cold—“
“I wouldn’t say tortured—“
“And you’re right we should definitely take it slow, I’ll hold off on the nicknames for now, after all we don’t want our future children to think we’re not cool enough to be their parents or some equally ridiculous notion.”
“Future children?!” Gray spluttered in disbelief.
“And you care so much about hurting my feelings because you think you can’t give me the love I deserve but it’s not true because no one else but you make me feel-“
“Juvia!” She winced as he took hold of her shoulders, his icy fingers digging into her pale skin, and met his frustrated look with one of total bewilderment. Had she done something wrong?
“Sorry,” he let go of her immediately, pulling away and putting his head in his hands instead. An uncomfortable silence saturated the conversation and Juvia thought she could hear the faint chirping of crickets in the distance. A few seconds passed and then—
“Have you ever thought about my feelings?” The words came out quiet and matter-of-fact, as though he had suppressed the urge to say it many times over.
The ground could have disappeared underneath her feet at that moment and Juvia wouldn’t have noticed. His feelings? He’d saved her, his sworn enemy, in their very first encounter hadn’t he? And he’d welcomed her into his guild— he wouldn’t have done the same for just anyone, would he?
“Gray, I’m sorry if I did something to make you dislike me,” Juvia said, her voice barely a whisper, almost lost in the plinkplinkplink of the rain spilling from the tiled roof onto the pavement.
“I can fix it. If you tell me what it is, I won’t do it again.”
The silence returned, thick enough that she could feel it bore into her skull and pound at her temples. Silence like soaked cotton filling her lungs; silence that clung to her skin, heavy enough to drown in.
“-if I love someone else..” he said finally.
Gray looked at her then and Juvia realised that she’d never heard such weariness in his voice before.
“And if I love someone else? Will you fix that too?”
Juvia had only ever known what it was like to drown once. It happened when she was six years old and the orphanage had taken them on a trip to the community pool as a treat.
The children were warned to stay away from the deep end everyone duly obliged, until it begun to rain. She couldn’t remember if she’d slipped or if someone had pushed her but the water was suddenly everywhere. In her ears, in her nose, it was suffocating her, dragging her down down down into its icy depths, the pressure in her lungs building and building, until she woke up retching in a medical ward.
The doctors promised her that they were able to get to her in time, and there was no cause for worry but Juvia never quite stopped believing that every drop of water she swallowed would somehow drip drip drip its way into her chest and fill her up until there was no room for anything else. That she would die a true Rain Woman. That was, of course, up till now, up until Gray.
Until she realised that this wasn’t her love story after all.
“You know what, forget it.” he mumbled, dispelling both the echoes of her past and the damp stillness they’d been sitting in, with his defeated sigh.
“You’re.. in love with someone else?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Gray’s eyes were cloudy again, his gaze fixated on something behind her shoulder but when she turned around all she saw were a few displaced barrels and a deck of playing cards atop one of them. There was no one else here. It was just her and him and the rain falling down around them as witness.
“But- but I love you, Gray”
Juvia hated her voice then. She hated how it cracked and spilled onto the pavement, mixing with the rain and the remnants of her love. She hated how it made her sound petulant, like a spoiled child in a store and how it couldn’t stop the tears that streaked down her face - desperate, hot, shameful tears that wouldn’t cease.
“I’m sorry,” he said, absentmindedly running a thumb over the shiny silver cross at his neck.
“I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I see,” she said dully, emotion draining from of her words, her eyes. A sharp ache began to gnaw at her ribcage.
For the first time since she’d met him, Juvia wondered if he was telling the truth. Gray didn’t meet her gaze as he stood up and walked back into the rainy streets of Magnolia City.
Away from the kiosk, away from the guild and away from her; leaving the rain woman alone with a heart she’d shattered all on her own.
Next Chapter ->
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So one of my Friends had this HC that what if The Big Three actually grew up together with Zeus' Foster Caretakers from the Mythos?
We all know that in Myths, Zeus was the last born to escape and was taken care by the Nymphs, Kouretes, and even breast-feeded by the She-Goat, "Amalthea".
I imagine that an alternate version where the Six Siblings actually grew up together would've been fascinating, especially on how that we would've imagine the moments where The Kids bond with their Step-Parents besides than their Biological Mother.
None of the less, do you have any headcanons you'd like to share about the Golden Age in the Hercules Universe? I'd like to hear your own thoughts/opinions on Zeus' caretakers (especially Amalthea).
Also, would it be heartwarming to imagine that whenever Hades has terrible flashbacks about the Titan War, Persephone would always be there to comfort him about his Troubled Past with his Father?
Oh wow! I actually didn’t know Zeus had foster parents! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m a dummy when it comes to original Greek mythology sometimes lol.
(long rambles ahead lol)
I did find out through the Hades Challenge PC game that Zeus was raised in Crete (it was one of the little trivia questions Hades asks in the game lol), so I guess that makes sense lol!
Honestly, my whole headcanon/theory I guess for the “Golden Age” of Greece is that (of course) Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were all born from Rhea and Kronos on the island of Crete. Back then, the world was run by the titans, some were good and some were bad. There were some Olympians that existed as well during this era like Demeter, Hermes, Athena, and Ares (and more of course). The three brothers had a pretty decent childhood and got along with each other (for the most part). They had a great relationship with their mother who loved them with all her heart, but their father was mean and cruel to them, so to protect them from their father’s wrath, Rhea sent her sons away to be raised by nymphs. The boys really missed their mother, though, and wished to stay with her forever.
One day, Kronos decided to start a war against the Olympians and the titans after learning about a prophecy that one of his sons would defeat him and the Olympians would rule. Kronos then kidnapped his two youngest sons (Poseidon and Hades) and swallowed them. Zeus and Rhea found out about this and made a plan to rescue Poseidon and Hades. Rhea would then trick Kronos into eating a rock, claiming it was Zeus. Zeus then leaped into action and defeated his father and rescued his little brothers. Kronos ended up coughing up the rock and placed a curse upon it, so if any Olympian ever looked at the rock they would fall into a deep sleep, but the rock was lost and forgotten for ages. Zeus and Poseidon (and possibly Hades, though, I doubt it because Hades seemed to be in good terms with the titans in the movie) worked together to take down the rest of the unruly titans and locked them away under the sea. For his heroic efforts of saving the cosmos, Zeus became a god and the new ruler of the universe. Rhea decided to become a guardian of the universe and watch over it so it wouldn’t end up the way it was when Kronos ruled. Zeus then created Olympus and granted all Olympians a role as a god and gifted his younger brothers their own realms to rule over, Poseidon: the sea and Hades: the underworld. Hades, of course, wasn’t happy about his new role as a god and to make matters worse, Zeus then commanded that their father, Kronos (as well as some other unruly titans), be sentenced to live in the underworld for the rest of eternity as punishment.
Eventually, Prometheus and Epimetheus (good titans) were given the task of creating mortals and animals with the help of Athena (who was given a city-state that became the capital of Greece: Athens, while her brother was granted his own land: Sparta). Mortals didn’t have much down on Earth though, so Prometheus sneaked up to Olympus and stole fire (which was only used by the gods) and gave it to the mortals and well…we all know what happened after that.
But yeah, that’s pretty much my “Golden Era” theory/story for the Hercules universe lol! I’ll give you a few headcanons about the Big Three when they were kids!
Zeus was the most popular of the three and had the most friends.
Zeus was the first one to discover Amalthea and make her their pet goat
Poseidon and Hades looked “normal” as kids, but after they became gods of their domain, their realms started to change their physical appearance over time.
Hades was actually pretty soft as a kid, but his personality toughened up as he got older.
Poseidon’s favorite activity was swimming when he was younger, but Hades wasn’t too fond of it and preferred playing on land.
Oh and yes! Persephone ABSOLUTELY comforts Hades when he has flashbacks about his father. It’s so freaking sweet lol! They usually come in night terrors and he either wakes up in the middle of the night panting and sweating or he’s tossing and turning and making noises in his sleep. Either way, Persephone wakes up with him and comforts him until they fall back asleep. He gets kinda embarrassed about having the nightmares at first because he didn’t want Persephone thinking he was some wimpy, pathetic god that’s afraid of his own father, but Persephone reassured him instantly that he had nothing to be embarrassed about and his feelings were absolutely valid, so from then on he was much more comfortable talking to her about it. Some nights when he struggles to fall back asleep after his night terrors (when Persephone is not around) he’ll drink a cup of hot tea or coffee (caffeinated, of course, because Hades is well known for hating decaf lol) and basically stay up until morning (of course, he’s much more irritable on those days because he didn’t get much sleep). But yeah, he does his best not to think about his dad or talk about him because it brings up bad memories of his childhood and the day he was nearly killed by his own father.
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Renaming some of the warrior cats
Yeah yeah, so basically I am grown now but when I was a young teen I was really into warriors, and I still look back at the series every few years to see what the Erin’s are doing and what different ideas the fans are doing. a little while back I made a post where I gave warrior names to deceased kits, apprentices, as well as adult cats who just never took warrior names. It was actually kinda fun and got some notice and views. So I decided to do something like that again. This time I will take various cats who already have warrior names and give them new ones.
I call upon the powers of starclan to
Bluefur/star: She was originally created to be leader of Thunderclan and have the leader name Bluestar. In Forest of secret when she tells Fireheart her backstory she just says her warrior name was bluefur, likely the first warrior name the Erin’s thought of for a cat with blue-grey fur. It stayed her warrior name up into Bluestar’s Prophecy. She is also like the only cat to share a warrior suffix with her litter mate, a thing that the Erin’s usually are careful to avoid. Pinestar already wasn’t in a state to be leader when he names the two sisters though, so I will fix his blunder for him. Bluefur’s warrior name is changed to Blueflame for her passionate defense of her clan (at least in the beginning), for the prophecy she chased as a warrior, and because then she would have in-part named Firepaw (the cat she passed the metaphorical torch to) after herself.
Snowfur: Might as well do both sisters. Snowfur warrior name becomes Snowstorm. In part because her son is Whitestorm, and if she had been Snowstorm then he could have carried the name in memory of her. Partially for the snowstorm in which she went to get Mosskit to take care of for her sister, just as Bluestar took care of Whitekit in her absence, Finally because “storm” is clearly a superior name for a warrior with the suffix “snow” but because of “the curse of the snow suffix” we have seen only a couple warrior cats named snow, and haven't seen any named Snowstorm .
Tigerclaw/star: He was originally Supposed to be Hammerclaw until it was pointed out that the cats would have no idea what a hammer was. His name was then changed to “Tiger” because in the old forest the cats had a part of their religion where they also believed in ancient spirits of Lions, leopards, and tigers. Tigers were the fiercest fighters. Tigerclaw was the best fighter in the clans throughout series 1 so he needed a fierce name. Well if that’s all he needed no need to go metaphorical with that. Tigerclaw’s warrior name is changed to Fierceclaw for his fierce courage and combat skills.
Fireheart/star: His warrior name is Fireheart I guess because even if he was not born with warrior blood he had the heart of a warrior. In later books the Erin’s go out of their way to emphasis his heart. Fireheart wasn’t all love and kindness though (at least in the beginning of the series) he was very aware of how harsh life in the forest could be, that cat’s were responsible for their actions ( broken record: at least they were in the beginning of this series), and had very little hesitation to fight and tooth and caw for his clan and code. If I change the name Fireheart, I will only change it to Firelight for the cat who found and to many was the light in the darkest of times. (note that would mean Nightheart would also become Nightlight (Lol on that warrior name) and since I do no give siblings, much less liter mates the same suffix his sister Finchlight can get her name changed to Finchheart).
more cats  names underneath
Graystripe: He a light gray cat with 1 dark gray stripe running down his spine. It’s apparently his most prominent feature and so he got his warrior name for it. Fine, fine it’s a name and a reason. I wanted to do 4 of the original apprentices on this list (Ravenpaw is Ravenflight on my other post). Graystripe’s warrior name is changed to Graypelt because it sounds similar to silverpelt a.k.a where Starclan live. Also for Willowpelt since he is apparently her son and none of her other children have her suffix.
Sandstorm: Named after Whitestorm who was her mentor. I like it; he was a good mentor and its a good name. But what if we gave Sandstorm a name that wasn’t after someone, but more a mark of her skills. Sandstorm is the best hunter in Thunderclan. One trait of a good hunter is the ability tread through the forest without prey being able to hear you. I do not think sand makes a sound when it is stepped on. Sandstorm’s warrior name is changed to Sandstep in honor of her quick and quiet nimbleness when going after prey,
Dustpelt: He’s brown like the dust dirt leaves on someone when they play in it???? He was a secondary character and there probably was not much reason to his name. Let’s give him a name with a reason. Dustpelt’s warrior name changes to Dusttail in memory of Redtail, his first mentor who admired greatly and still missed long after he died.
Ashfur: another cat who’s name is mostly meaningless. Ash is gray, his fur was gray, Ashfur. Ashfur’s warrior name is changed to Ashheart. I already hear people shouting that “heart” is only given to kind and noble cats. First of all no it is not. Both Hawkheart of Windclan, and Foxheart of Shadowclan were cats who were not nice (Didn’t the Erin’s try to put Hawkheart in the Dark Forest once)”. Secondly with Ashpaw volunteering to be one of the cats to help lure the dogs to the ravine, becasue he wanted to avenge Brindleface I could see Firestar mistakenly thinking that Ashpaw did it because he was noble and his heart was with protecting the clan (in reality this was probably his first time being consumed by anger and he wanted to be part of killing the dogs) and tucking the name Ashheart away in his mind for Ashpaw. The name also has a hint of prophecy because when Squirrelflight chooses Bramblecalw over him as a mate his heart does not just break it turns to ash and disintegrates, He never has a heart again, even in death.
Brambleclaw/star: Firestar named him “claw” because it’s the same suffix his father had and he believed that what nobility Tigerclaw took from the suffix Brambleclaw could put back... At least that is what the Erin’s say. In actuality any cat from the first series who was named after anything remotely sharp or pointy got “claw” as a suffix. I mean if “claw” really was a bad suffix in between Tigerclaw being banished and Brambleclaw going on the journey then why did Firestar also give it to Thornclaw in “Darkest Hour”. I have seen other fans changed Brambleclaw’s warrior name to Brambleflower for Goldenflower because she is his mom, or Brambleheart because it was Firestar’s own former suffix. For this list I am refusing to name him after another cat and giving him one that would be based on him. Brambleclaw’s warrior name gets changed to Bramblpath for the cat who spent so long walking a path of light and darkness, and faced so much pull from both sides.
Twanypelt: No real reason to her name. she supposedly has Twany colored fur (what does that mean? she is a tortishell that is more ginger than black???) Her defining character moment is leaving Thunderclan to join Shadowclan wee she better fit in. So for that moment Twanypelt’s warrior name changes to Twanyflight.
Hawkfrost: Well he big, and brown and black like a hawk. That might be the reasoning Sasha would explain his prefix with. Hawks are seen as really dangerous birds in warriors because they can carry off kits. “Frost” because he is cold-hearted. When he is first introduced at the gathering he never says anything, but they tell you right with his name that he the villain of this arc. He must be dangerous and cold-hearted. Those words have to circulate around Hawkfrost anytime he does so much as another cat a question about the weather. Yeah the Erin’s play all their cards way to early with Hawkfrost and his dangerous and cold-hearted name and discription. When you think about it the in your faceness of it does more harm than help with his ability to be a compelling villian. If I could rewrite Hawkfrost he would start as a loyal but paranoid cat, who was consistently afraid of his clan changing their minds once again about non pure blooded warrior. He  works consistently to prove and remind his clanmates of his worth. The strain of constentaly fearing that plus the manipulations of his father would slowly turn him into a villain cat by book 6. To help with that story I would give him a more neutral warrior name. Hawkfrost’s warrior name becomes Hawkstripe.
Mothwing: named Mothwing so that a moth’s wing outside of Mudfur’s den would be a clear sign that Mothwing was the right cat to become his apprentice. She is the only one named “Moth” in the clan though, wouldn’t that alone make the sign pretty obviously about her. Mothwing’s warrior name/medicine cat name gets changed int Mothshroud because so much of Mothwing’s character: her parentage, how the moth’s wing got outside of the medicine cat den, and her true faith (or lack of) are all clocked in a shroud of gray.
Feathertail and Stormfur: I am going to do them both together just to try and save time. When they were born I really wanted both cats to have prefixes for the two clans who’s blood mixed inside of them. Stormfur (along with his name being a tribute to two members of his kin) has a name like that but feathertail does not. Feathertail’s warrior name is changed to Icetail, in memory of ice her mother saved her father from when her parents first met (this would mean Crowfeather would name himself Crowtail, still a pretty good name). With Stormfur I at first wanted to leave his name alone because I really like his prefix being for Crookedstar (born Stormkit) and his suffix being for Stonefur. But the I realized that Stormstone would also be a tribute to both and hints that he would be a kinda rolling stone between Riverclan, Thunderclan, and the Tribe, plus that he would finally settle in the tribe which lives on a stone Landscape. Stromfur’s warrior name is changed to Stormstone.
Squirrelflight: Named “Flight” because she ran away from Thunderclan to go on the great journey, and it helped her learn to be the warrior that she is. I will keep that train of thought it mind with her new warrior name. Squirrelflight learns by leaping  head first into complicated and dangerous situations and from there having to use a combination of her own whit and main character plot armor to get herself out. For these reasons Squirrelflight’s warrior name is changed to Squirrelleap
Leafpool: she was named because when the medicine cats needed a new place to go to share tongues with starclan she went out and found the moonpool. This is another really good name that emphases her spiritual role as a medicine cat (a role she cannonly filled more than her own mentor did) as well as her deep connection to Starclan and I will have to think hard to do better. Leafpool’s medicine cat name is changed to Leafsign because she was always really good at reading and following signs from Starclan
Hazeltail: She’s is not an important cat, but I do not like her warrior name. I have never liked her warrior name. Her tail is not hazel, she is white and gray. Her mother gave her that name like the nut. And the Erins saying, years later, “Oh its because her tail is lean and whippy like a hazelnut branch” yeah no, that does not change that y’all probably just gave it to her in Outcast because “tail” was becoming your most common, go-to name. Hazeltail’s warrior name becomes Hazeleye because her eyes are green, which could be hazel-green, and because to personally give her a little character I like to headcannon that she was a sharp-eyed cat who was had a knack for being one of the first to notice things about her surroundings.
Lionblaze: Ahh the one cat from the original three to get his own suffix. “blaze” with an animal actually means a vertical stripe on their foreheads,  but many people associate Lionblaze’s name with being related to fire and the way his family blazes against their enemies. Lionblaze was the strongest of the three and fights with the strength of a lion, that was his one relevance to the trio, let’s make it his name as well. Lionblaze’s warrior name is changed to Lionstrike
Hollyleaf: Named for Leafpool, her birth mother who’‘s action in running away with a cat from another clan, getting pregnant with his kits, then giving way to her sister who she basically guilted/forced to lie to the clan that they were her’s. In Hollyleaf’s  own words these actions “shattered the warrior code and stomped it into dust”. Learning about her birth and bio mother devastated Hollyeaf and made her hate Leafpool (The Erin’s had her get over it, but if I remember it Hollyleaf is not depicted working through her feelings, or leafpool apologizing to her daughter for hiding this secret from them and making it seem likeshe was ashamed of their birth, or the two rebuilding a relationship. She just randomly got over it, mostly due to Leafpool being multiple Erin’s favorite cat and them feeling bad that her kits were angry at her.) I still do not think Hollyleaf liked her suffix when she found out where it came from. Hollyleaf’s warrior name is changed to Hollyshade partially because the truth about her birth was shaded over, and mostly because she hid in the shadows while fighting enemies and dealing with her issues (also to everyone who likes to headcannon that Mothwing is trans and the actual second parent of the three shroud and shade are similar).
Jayfeather: named for his bio-father crowfeather.. who did not raise him, rejected him multiple times after learning that he had fathered Jayfeather. Years later when Crowfeather had a change of heart and was ready to try and get to know his three remaining children, asking them if they wanted a better relationship with him Jayfeather is the one son who desides “No”. He does not trust Crowfeather, does not need Crowfeather, and no longer has any interest in having a personal relationship with Crowfeather. Crowfeather accepts and respects Jayfeather’s feelings. If Jayfeather isn’t to apathetic about his name to care what his suffix is ( besides not wanting to be called Jay no-eyes or Jaywing) I cannot imagine he was to happy to learn who Leafpool named him after either. Jayfeather’s medicine cat name is changed to Jaymoon. Moon is apparently supposed to be a rare suffix because of the moon’s association with Staclan. Jayfeather, even if he does not particularly like Starclan, is the closer to them than any other medicine cat, and during 12 books shared his ancestors powers and assisted them in many tasks.  
Breezepelt: I said on my last post that I wanted to name him Breezestorm. The thing is that is his name in an AU rewrite of TPO3 series and OOTS series where I try to keep his character more consistent to who he originally was in PO3. For who he is in the main series I am still going to give him a basic name, but one that better suits him. Breezepelt’s warrior name get’s changed to Breezeclaw because he is both a skilled fighter and a prickely and sharp cat.
Heathertail: named for her mother whitetail, and I think I heard something about Onestar also wanting to name her that for her older brother, whom he abandoned. Yet we never see her relationship with her mother and I guarantee you that despite what Onestar’s trail says its far more in character of Onestar that he never thought of Darktail at all between when he abandoned him and when a re-appeared Darktail whispered his identity to Onestar in battle. Let me give Heathertail a better name. Heathertail’s warrior name gets changed into Heatherblossom.
Dovewing: She is named after a bird and birds have wings? Was there any other reason? Dovewing’s warrior name gets changed to Dovewhispers for a cat who was always listening for and reacting to danger around every corner.
Ivypool: No reason I can think of for her warrior name other than that it sounds nice. You know what name also sounds nice and might fit her better? Ivyppol’s warrior name changes to Ivynight, for the cat who bravely served her clan every night while she slept.
Lilyheart: One more minorly important warrior cat/queen who’s name I really hate. This is a sweet cat. Heart’s a sweet name right? Anyone who owns a cat, or has been on social media has heard all the PSA’s that let you know that for cats Lil’y are an extremely poisonous flower. I would also assume that an organized government of wild cats with gull knowledge of medical plants also know they could die from Lily’s. This very sweet and loving daughter/sister/wife/mother is effectively named Posionheart, and that just does not fly with me. Wiki says Bramblestar tried t name her in memory of Sorreltail and Seedpaw. I will chalk this one up to Bramblestar not always being very good at names, because he missed the clear choice. Lilyheart’s name is changed to Lilyflower.
Sparkpelt: This is the name Harpercolins made the Erin’s give her. They supposedly wanted to name her Sparkfire after Firestar but were not allowed to do that. Well Harpercolins can go eat snails. Sparkpelt’s warrior name is changed to Sparkfire.
Violetshine: wiki does not say why she was named violetshine. I think I remember hearing once that the Erin’s let fans vote on it? What were they to busy coming up with Treebranch? (Note Treebranch’s is a perfect name, that is why I am not putting her sister’s on here). Violetshine is a nice name but I want to do more than 1 cat from that arc on this list, and I refuse to change Treebranch or Adderheart. Violetshine’s warrior name gets changed to Violetmist. That’s a nice name too.
Bristlefrost:a less common suffix, but still a pretty standard warrior name.I am changing her name to Bristlethistle. Because that is still a tough sounding name, and the rhyme is cute/silly.
Rootspring: Once again we have a pretty good name with a more unique suffix, Harestar is the only other cat I remember having it,buy I am not sure if there was ever a given reason for giving it to Rootspring... was he ever mentioned to be really quick or good at jumping? Rootsprings name gets changed to Rootspirit because his ability to see ghosts/spirits helped him get to the root of what Ashfur was planing
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Who: @trckstaer continuation of Percy & Margot
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆  
☆      despite not being cosmically linked to water, Margot had always been drawn to it. Though, given that storms were mainly water, it wasn’t all that surprising that she felt at ease with it. Margot sat in the shallows, allowing the water to ripple over her legs and torso as the tide rose and fell. There was an exhaustion pulling at them both, and Margot felt it like a tether that insisted on linking them, as if they didn’t already have a million threads holding them to one another. 
the words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, and only a small part of her wanted to take them back. Still, she let their fingers intertwine as he brought her hand into the water. Margot felt her wounds stitching themselves back together from the inside out as the water lapped over her skin. Briefly, she wondered if this was what it was like to have a brother - a sibling that knew her without words. 
an inelegant snort escaped her as she nodded, ‘ that’s not what I meant and you know it, ‘ she murmured, knocking her shoulder into his as she let out a slight laugh. Maybe it was because they knew each other so well, or maybe it was because she knew they were two sides of the same coin, but Margot knew that they were both hoping the other would be spared when the prophecy nonsense was said and done. Neither one wanted to be the person left behind, and Margot was sure he hated her conviction to die as much as she hated his. ‘ what if it’s not enough? what if I keep trying, and trying, and it doesn’t get better? ‘ she asked.
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roydeezed · 1 year
Chainsaw Man-Chapter Round-Up(Chapter 125)
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There wasn’t a lot that happened this chapter that we can talk about but it does give us an opportunity to look back and get a bearing on the series so far. The contents of the chapter can be summarized pretty easily. The falling devil harvests some ingredients from humans while leaving them alive and then kills a public safety officer attacking her before being attacked by Denji. One key moment in this chapter is that Asa needs to fall or in another sense the War devil needs to be afraid. Below I go over some key ideas presented in past chapters, more plot than the character stuff I have been focusing on lately, so click on the ‘Keep reading’ to check it  out.
I have to say, the short period where Fujimoto was doing Bi-Weekly releases felt really great as the chapters were always pretty substantial. Though this wasn’t a bad chapter as it built an eerie ambience, I would much rather prefer he take his time and give us a full story beat with each chapter. 
Let’s talk about some of the moments in this chapter, such as how the Falling Devil didn’t outright kill anyone until she was attacked. I don’t see her being a substantial character beyond this little part but I do like how this charecterizes her as someone with priorities and how death isn’t really her end goal. It also highlights something I want to bring up in the context of the whole history of the Chainsaw Man world, and that’s the fact that Devil’s aren’t inherently evil. They're a lot more instinctual than that, as any acts of evil or damage they do commit is a result of them trying to perpetuate the fear that they’re based on. In short, they do what they do to survive. Like humans and other animals. I think it’s a key part of the morality of the world. The Falling Devil doesn’t need people to die to exist, just fear falling. 
Devils don’t want to end the world, they need humans to survive. Devils feed on their associated fears to live and that piece of information helps us understand the motivations of some of the more prominent devils we’ve seen. Especially the four horseman. Though they’re siblings, they have wildly different goals. With Makima, she wanted to make the world a better place. And despite all of her talk about loving Pochita, survival is a key factor in that desire too. Because if the world is that free and peaceful, what can you be afraid of? That’s right, Control. Meaning her end goal would have helped her to stay relevant and get stronger as well. 
We see this with Yoru and Fami as well, as Fami is totally okay with Yoru accomplishing her goals as famine and the fear of famine is quite often a byproduct of war, as most areas in our world suffering from forms of famine were places of armed conflict. Yoru just needs nuclear weapons back as Mutually Assured Destruction causes a great deal of fear in war. Meaning Fami needs Yoru much more than Yoru needs Fami. But despite all of that needing humans to work something is coming to the Chainsaw Man world that is going to introduce a catastrophic amount of death, as can be predicted through the prophecies of Nostradamus and the convicts impending deaths. A great king of terror is coming. One that signifies the end of humanity. And the devils are helping this along as seen with the Falling Devil being the first to shepard this devil in. 
But if humans are to be exterminated where would that leave devils? As they need fear to survive. I see this going two ways. One, which is less likely as I don’t know how sustainable it would be to tell Chainsaw Mans story, is that the great king of terror somehow makes it so that devils don’t need humans to live. And that would be somewhat okay from a storytelling perspective as all of our main characters aren’t strictly human right now. The other more likely scenario is that Earth is made into a living hell, with devils actively living there and becoming either immortal or able to be fully killed(maybe a secret ploy by someone). This seems more likely as a world with humans living alongside devils would always be producing fear, much more than the earth as it is now. Also it would make sense as something Fami could get behind and not Yoru as the world might be too divided to form big enough factions for war. 
I do want to mention a few more things. With the fourth sibling being Death, probably the biggest fear most people have, and also a great king of terror arriving, Death could be this great king and the brother of the other three horsemen. Also I find setting the arrival of this great king being in July kind of odd and it makes me think that the Chainsaw Man story will conclude with the dawn of the year 2000 as it is an alternate universe and Y2K used to be a huge deal. It just fits the aesthetic of the manga. And finally, looking around for information on Makima I found a really fun piece of trivia, where Makima is based on Benten from the Eccentric Family, which is my second favourite anime of all time. In fact my profile picture is Yajiro Shimogamo from the same anime. It was just a really cool coincidence so I thought I would bring it up. But wow, learning that information really makes me look at Makima differently. Benten in The Eccentric Family always had this unfathomable sadness that she hid behind aloofness much like Makima. I guess Fujimoto’s conclusion as to the pain behind her sadness was that she couldn’t connect with others. I believe it’s that she can connect with others but that she is self destructive and self-sabotages those relationships. Wow, this makes me want to talk about Eccentric Family in full, I haven’t visited that in such a long time. 
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2yara · 3 years
Cyberpunk au idea
Abuela Alma and Abuelo Pedro were cyber engineers and made three AI’s(Julieta, Pepa and Bruno)
Julieta specifies on culinary, herbs and medical services, Pepa is meteorologic foresighter with unending emotions and Bruno is a prototype for a future telling, but in each 10 prophecies one is false
Bruno made 10 prophecies and all of them were weird and bad. Alma and Pedro thought that Bruno gone bad and shut them away.
Julieta and Pepa got robotic bodies to be helpers around their creators and sometimes around town. Because of that, Pepa is now can cause artificial rain if needed.
At their 40’s, Pedro and Alma born Mirabel(yes, she is Alma’s daughter in this au)
A year later Pedro was killed by people who were against cybernetics, which made Alma very closeted from human society. Julieta and Pepa are now forbidden to leave Alma’s property in case if people try to break them.
She handed babysitting Mirabel for Julieta and because of that, Mirabel was assured that Julieta was her mother and Alma was her Abuela.
While Mirabel and Alma were growing apart, Abuela managed to make two more AI’s, which were Agustin and Felix, she wanted to throw them away because they were failed AI’s of Pedro, but Julieta and Pepa insisted to keep them and soon they “engaged”(Alma made them ceremonies)
After they got engaged, Julieta and Pepa asked, if they could “make” children of their own. Longing for social interaction, Alma decides to help. She will not make them herself, but will guide her creations towards completion.
And so, Isabela and Dolores were made. At the time, Mirabel was around her 4-5 years, and happy to have bodiless siblings
On 8th birthday Mirabel asked for her Abuela to make bodies for her sister and cousin so she could play with them.
Julieta programmed Isabela to be interested in plants and flora generally, but since in Alma’s lab there were lack of it, Alma reprogrammed her “grandchild” to use wires and make them look like different flowers.
Pepa, on the other hand, made Dolores to hear everything for miles and miles around her and Alma, fearing that they will know how awful society is, muted Dolores to prevent spilling information to anyone.
Few years later, Abuela got weaker and she needed a strong helper. So then Luisa was made. Her body could lift up to 3 tons of weight
Abuela made Camilo for Pepa for maternity reasons, since Pepa mostly felt terrible because she can’t leave the house. Abuela forbids him to feel other emotions except happiness. At some point, Mirabel and Camilo became best buddies/pranksters.
On 13th birthday Mirabel wanted a pet. Which she could understand. Agustin got her a parrot. And Pepa made her a little cousin, Antonio, who could understand animals behaviors and somehow communicate with them.
By the time she grew, she became a cyber engineer herself and now helps Abuela around.
Mirabel was happy in her cyber-robotic-whatever world, but something wasn’t right. She now understand that she wasn’t born from a robot, since she know her mami and tia Pepa made her siblings who doesn’t look like her.
And her “older” siblings grew apart from her. They don’t look good. Like, they miss something in them. Her cousin Dolores can’t talk, Isabela looks like she hates what she does and Luisa will probably go insane if she continues only lifting things!
Of course, first thing she does is asking her mami and papi to explain what’s going on. But neither them or her tia and tio tells what’s wrong.
Asking her Abuela(?) is also pointless, since she wouldn’t talk to anyone now.
Mira is now exploring the whole house to find if there’s any clue to what’s going on. Can you guess who will help her?
You guessed it. Bruno. She finds him in a furthest room in a forbidden part of the house. He doesn’t have body, he’s part of the computer that doesn’t have a connection to internet, but is charged, and also covered in pointless wires all around him.
He’s happy to see his sister/niece for the first time. And also happy to explain why Alma is so closeted and why he was shut off from the world. His algorithms were right! They worked! But he couldn’t believe that he missed the part where Mira is born, which upset him:(
Mira connects tio Bruno to the Internet once again and he makes another future telling. The house will turn into ruins in about a week or so. To prevent it, Mira needs to talk through to Abuela and prove society that robots aren’t bad.
*insert here some cyber covers for Surface Pressure and What Else Can I Do*
I also headcanon that their songs are adding libraries for their programs. :D
Mirabel fixes Alma’s forbiddances for Pepa’s and Felix’ children and now Dolores can talk, Camilo can express all of the emotions, and Antonio finally has a body of his own!
She proofs to Alma that her creations are needed for the world and that haters are uneducated pigs
And then she proofs society that her robotic family is awesome
You can add whatevs you want:)
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Tied:The Huntress and The Original' part three
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester!Reader
Summary: Things gets hot and heavy between Y/N and Elijah and both open up to one another. Asmodeus sent out demons to find the oldest Winchester while Heaven is in a panic when word gets out the prophecy was fulfilled.
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Simping!Elijah, A bit of angst, Y/N being not good with feelings
Elijah kissed Y/N hungrily as the heat raised between the two and hands roamed one another's bodies. Elijah took off Y/N's bra and his mouth was on her collar bone right away pulling a soft moan from her. Y/N mewled burying her fingers in Elijah's hair as he left bite marks on her as more of their clothes were removed as Y/N let out a breathy moan.
Elijah took one of her breast into his mouth as his hand cupped her other breast and pushed her back against the pillows moving his mouth along her body leaving marks in his wake.
"Elijah." Y/N breathed shivering feeling Elijah's mouth on her thigh leaving a mark there. Y/N mewled burying her fingers in Elijah's hair when mouth finally was where she needed him most. Y/N trembled as Elijah left marks on her thighs then moved to your clit making her moaned loudly.
"Fuck.....so...good." Y/N moaned out trembling as he worked her with his mouth and slip two fingers into her making her arching crying out his name. Elijah added a third finger getting her to arch when he curled his fingers flattening his tongue against her clit.
Elijah raised his head watching Y/N come undone she was shaking gripping the pillows as she came all over Elijah's fingers as the vampire kissed between her breast.
"There we are, beautiful." Elijah says licking his fingers clean after pulling them from her. Y/N pulled Elijah down kissing him tasting herself on his tongue moaning against his mouth as he entered her dripping core. Elijah groaned burying his face in her neck while her hands moved a long his back feeling his muscles flex while he moved.
"Oh....fuck....why....are...you so....good at this?" Y/N moan out as Elijah raised her leg to the crook of his arm and her mouth latched her mouth on his neck trying to leave marks. Elijah growled fucking her harder and deeper as he reached up pulling her hair tilted her head back placing his mouth on her thoat leaving marks there.
"A 1000+ years of practice, baby." Elijah said moaning when she began moving her hips to meet his thrusts. Y/N cried out when Elijah kissed her roughly as he began to pounded into her. Y/N moaned arching as her chest heaving as the vampire leaned back watching her writhing in pleasure under him.
Y/N's face was flushed her eyes closed tears rolling down her cheeks as she shook arching off the pillows when Elijah rubbed her clit. She cummed as her lover growled leaning down holding her arms above her head thrusting rougher.
"Fuck.....Y/N." Elijah growled as she cummed again and he followed after watching her fall back panting as he peppered her body with kisses. Y/N pulled him into a soft kiss making him hum softly as he pulled out and was about to lay down to pull her into his arms. But Y/N just pulled Elijah against her pulling a sigh from him as he nuzzled between her breast.
"In the morning we should head for New Orleans." Y/N said running her fingers through Elijah's hair making him relax against her as her other hand grabbed a sheet pulling it over their bodies.
"We should but for now sleep, baby." Elijah said softly getting quiet mutters from her. Morning came as the sunlight shined though the window as Elijah woke finding Y/N sitting looking at a map dressed in one of his shirts. It made him smile and moved behind her enjoying how she relaxed against his chest.
"What are you doing beautiful?"
"Looking for an easy way to New Orleans." Y/N answered Elijah marking a rout on the map as he pressed kisses on the back of her neck taking in her scent. Elijah hummed buried his face in her neck as for the first time Elijah felt like his other half and he wasn't going to let her go. It was nearing 12 PM when they got back on the road headed for New Orleans but not before stopping in a town and Elijah decided to spoil the huntress.
"I'm fine Dean. I am headed for New Orleans." Y/N said as Elijah watched her on the phone that he got her earlier as they sat in the back of her truck eating well more like Elijah feeding Y/N a fruit salad as she sat in his lap.
'New Orleans?! Why? We need you to head back to the bunker.'
"No can do. I have a witch to kill also to let Elijah's siblings know he is alive." Y/N tells her younger brother leaning back against Elijah's chest seeing his playful smirk something she had the pleasure of seeing the last few days.
'Wait?! You are with the guy that is the father of your prophecy baby?'
"Yeah for two days now," Y/N tells Dean pausing hearing a sound of wood snapping as Elijah held her tighter, "Dean gotta go. I'll call back later." Y/N said hanging up pulling out her shotgun cocking it with one hand as she got out of Elijah's lap.
When a large pitbull came walking out making Y/N lower her gun smiling crouching down hands out.
"Juliet, sweet baby." Y/N cooed softly as the Hound bounded to her licking and whining at the Huntress as she petted the Hellhound and another Hellhound trotted up whining to be petted too. Elijah blinked as he got out of the truck as a suited man stepped out frowning at Y/N seeing her making kissing faces as she mushed the hound's faces.
"Kitten, I wish you would stop baby my Hellhounds."
"Well Crowley tell them stop being such cute little Hell puppies." Y/N said in a baby voice as she mushed Juliet's face as the Hellhound had a derpy look on her face.
"Only you would find Hell's most feared beast adorable." Crowley says sighing stepping out noticing the Original and was quick to stand straight. Crowley knew of the Original family so to have one of the oldest vampires in front of him was quite imitating.
"What brings you by?"
"Asmodeus is looking for you since you kill his demons." Crowley tells the huntress making her frown.
"So he was the one that had all that set up."
"Of course. Your child is said to be a powerful being rivaling an Nephilim so I am leaving Romeo with you."
"That's sweet of you. If I didn't say any better you are getting soft Crowley." Y/N teased petting Romeo who licked her face leaning his body against her. Crowley smirked shaking his head leaving after telling her that Heaven knows of her being with Elijah.
"So you are friends with a demon." Elijah says as Y/N helped Romeo up into the truck getting a bright smile from the Winchester.
"Crowley is a friend started out as an enemy. He has always been looking out for me no matter what he says."
"And your love for the Hellhounds?" Elijah asked as Y/N closed the back of the truck when Elijah noticed the far off look on her face. Elijah gently cupped her face seeing the pain on her face as she subconsciously covered her abdomen.
"Love? Are you......" Elijah was cut off when Y/N pulled away harshly her eyes walking to the driver side of the truck.
"Let's get going."
"I don't want to talk about it." Y/N said lowly as Elijah picked up the pain in her tone one he knew all too well. Elijah made a note to ask later as he didn't want her in pain let alone holding onto it.
"I am here to listen when you want to talk." Elijah says cupping her face leaning in to kiss her but Romeo stuck his face between them. Y/N let out a laugh making Elijah smile enjoying the sound of it while Romeo licked her cheek.
"Alright boys let's get going."
Romeo had his head on Y/N's thigh as she drove with one hand on his head rubbing his ear. Elijah was surprised how comfortable he was with sitting in silence with Y/N.
"What is your family like?" Elijah heard Y/N ask making him look at her smiling.
"Well Niklaus is a headache but I can see good in him along with my younger brother Kol. Rebekah is....well a bit bratty but I know she'll adore you. Freya is my older sister calm trying hard to be a good sister. What of your brothers?"
"Dean is a hardheaded but as a good heart. My baby brother Sammy is too smart for his own good....tried to stay out of this life."
"You didn't grow up hunting?" Elijah asked her looking at her seeing a frown on her beautiful face.
"No....mom was killed by a demon. John train us in hunting and what started out as revenge turned into chasing a ghost." Y/N said remembering the long days of training and how John pushed her harder than her brothers.
"Your father sounds all most like my own."
"Really?" Y/N asked looking at him as the truck stopped at a red light as Elijah chuckled a bit nodding but he did know the difference between the men was the fact John didn't try to kill his own children.
"Mikael was a brutal man. But one thing I can take away that I learned from him is how to be a better father than he was."
"Elijah." Y/N said face turning red at the thought of Elijah holding their child or the three of settled off somewhere away from everything. Y/N tore her green eyes away from his mocha ones and started driving again as Elijah smirked hearing her heart racing.
"We should stop for the night."
"Yeah I'll find a motel."
"Oh love no. We are staying in a hotel." Elijah said having Y/N pull up to the nicest place in the town they were in. The room was nice every nice and Y/N let out a moan when she layed on the bed as it was the most comfortable bed she layed on.
"Comfortable?" Elijah asked smirking moving over Y/N as she reached up cupping his cheek and he leaned down kissing her softly.
"You are spoiling me."
"I am aware. I want to, I find myself adoring you."
"You are a giant sapp aren't you." Y/N teased as Elijah smiled leaning down kissing her then pulled away. Both got ready for bed and Romeo layed on her side of the bed as Elijah got in behind her.
"Night big guy."
"Goodnight baby." Elijah said softly kissing her bare shoulder lacing their fingers together as he held her close. Y/N relaxed against Elijah surprised with how safe he made her feel and was happy that he would be the father of her baby. Sleep came easy for the two unaware that Ketch was on his way toward their hotel along with Sam and Dean.
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asher-the-diaster · 3 years
the sister planets part 9
the penner project
this is part of a ingoing humans are space orcs series that i'm not totally sure how i ended up writing, as always the link to the part index is here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DYMuKK5CIgJgDapNbu5sBqr_b5uT1Yz4pJoJ2fuAk4w/edit?usp=sharing
Earth was in chaos, and I had never felt this useless in my whole life.
After first contact with extraterrestrials, the government tried to keep the information classified, which did not work. And when footage leaked and people discovered that the Canadian prime minister had been at diplomatic contact soon the fact that i was the one who made contact was out of the bag too.
My crew was on leave to recover from the ordeal, and deal with the fact that ourship exploded, so I was on earth witnessing the chaos first hand, unable to do anything.
Everyone was up in arms.
Riots in the streets, death prophecies, just general incoherent panic.
My crew ended up in a secure facility, partially to monitor our health both physical and mental, mostly to keep us safe from being targeted by the riots outside.
Governments went largely silent on the issue. Censorship cut off information from the general public in an attempt to curb the chaos, it did not work.
After three weeks of non stop general panic a nurse told me that there was someone who wanted to see me.
I got dressed as professionally as you can in a hospital with a broken leg and walked out on my crutches, now a human model. I was kinda sad they didn’t let me keep the one twee-ake had given me.
The nurse led me into the common room, then handed me a translation device.
“The fuck? I thought this was my family or something.”
“They’ll call you in when they're ready.”
“Okay...” i put on the device, it looked like a pair of over the ear headphones someone had removed one ear from and pushed the other one out, the point to that was to ensure that you could still hear your environment during translation, i put it on and pushed the bottom that let the mic pick up my voice to translate.
Soon after I had the device on, the other members of my crew started to arrive in the common room. Unsurprisingly Olivera looked the most put together, how she had gotten her uniform in here I don't know. Davoin wore jeans and a t- shirt, and Richardson was in sweats.
None of us seemed to have any clue what was going on.
I was called in first, they led me to a conference room type place at the end of the hall.
Inside was my platoon leader, the nato and spto generals, a rep from the UN, and my brother, the prime minister of canada.
“Should I be in uniform?” I asked.
“It's fine captain, we understand that you are recovering from your... ordeal.”
“Right.” get abducted by aliens one time and everyone puts the kiddy gloves on around you, “May I ask what is happening here?”
“Sure, so you are obviously aware of our first contact with extraterrestrials, and the problems that have arisen on their front and ours.”
“Well our delegations and their contact crew, I believed they were called, have come up with a solution to the problems that have arisen due to these particular circumstances.”
“You mean the fact that the two most advanced species in interstellar life happen to be martians and venusians who are terrified of us because they think they were children of a death god? Or the riots about aliens existing?”
The UN rep looked at Mathew, “don’t look at me I've seen her cuss at a president, that is filtered for her.”
“Anyways. The spto rep said, “the solution that was reached was a joint study in interstellar space, we send a crew on a interspecies ship that will run odd jobs in order to help with the galaxy and they also send crews to join us, we get to study and learn from each other.”
“That sounds like a plan but why tell me?”
“Because,” Matt said, putting his head in his hands, “they want you to run it.”
“Well you too captain the ship, not necessarily do the study.”
“Why me? I stuck at improving humans opinions on humans, why woud anyone want me to represent the planet?”
“The martians and venusians, twee-ake and titita? Asked for you by name.`` Mathew said, rubbing his temples.
“Ok,” i trusted those too, they had saved my life, if they were involved i trusted the project.
“As long as my crew can come I'll do it.”
“Catain,” the nato general said, “we are talking about being light years from your home, at the wimes of a race and we know nothing about, I implore you, think this through.”
“I have, these people saved me and my crew's lives, that bodes a lot of trust for me, plus they legitimately think we are children of a death god, they won’t try to hurt me. If my crew is allowed to come and is willing, I'm in.”
“Your crew, if willing, were on our list of potentials, along with an even number of citizens from the spto, we refuse to let nato do this without our input.”
“Can I talk to my sibling out in the hall?” Mat asked, “great” he said not waiting for an answer, he pulled me by the arm and into the hall.
“What are you doing?” he asked in a whisper yell.
“Agreeing to help my people advance, how is this different from you running for pm, this is my way of helping earth.”
“This could end badly, we don’t know anything about these people. What if they hurt you?”
“Did you miss the part where they saved my life?”
“You could get even more hurt.”
“My leg wasn’t there flaut, and even if it was you can get hurt walking down the street, the possibility of injury is nothing new to me matthew.”
“Sam please.”
“I love you, but this isn’t your decision to make.”
10 minutes later me and my crew were in front of the brass, as they finished the project's explanation.
“Well?” i asked, “we can’t force you to go but i’m not doing this without you, what do you say?”
“Let's blow this popsicle stand.” Richardson exclaimed.
“In 5 weeks when the ship and your broken bones are ready.”
“Am i the only one who is wondering how this is going to stop the riots?” Oliveira asked.
“We are keeping the interior mission declassified, we are working for open information and familiarity to stop the panic.”
“I feel like that logic is flawed but okay…”
As we discussed the details I caught a glimpse of Mathew, he looked worried sick, but he would come to understand, wouldn’t he? This was what the oracle started, and what our remaining members would finish.
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Dark Forest Resident: Rookstorm
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: tom
Sexuality: asexual, homoromantic-demiromantic
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Honeyshade (adoptive mother, grandmother), Sweetwhisker (adoptive father, grandfather)
Other Relations: Tigerblaze (mentor), Elkdawn (former mentor)
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: warrior, rogue
Characteristics: wishes to be part of a prophecy, kills cats who actually were in jealousy
Number of Victims: 4
Number of Murders: 3
Murder Method: tearing belly, tearing throat
Known Victims: Addermist, Lynxblossom, Swiftchaser, Elkdawn
Cause of Death: killed by Tigerblaze
Cautionary Tale: ??
His life began with death. Shortly after his birth, his mother had a fatal seizure, while his father, riddled with anxiety, was killed by a fox after leaving camp to calm his nerves during the birthing process.
Rookkit was raised mainly by his maternal grandparents, Honeyshade and Sweetwhisker, grandmother and grandfather, respectively. 
He spent much time in the elders’ den, relishing in the stories they told, and other general activities and conversations that took place there.
He had a favourite type of story, too: cats chosen by Starclan themselves to be prophets, destined to save all the Clans, destined to be remembered as a legend.
What a thing to be. What a thing he should be.
He threw all his energy into trying to get Starclan to notice him. It only worked in making him an outcast among the other kits, save for Swiftkit. Swiftkit was younger than Rookkit by two moons, suffering from the horrid affliction of ‘falling head over heals for Rookkit at first sight.’
Rookkit didn’t take kindly to this newfound attention. Preferring to be alone, he wasn’t too fond of someone else impeding on his ‘destiny.’ Swiftkit never got the hint, constantly trying to butt into Rookkit’s fun.
At six moons, Rookkit, rather Rookpaw, decided to train as a medicine cat. Surely that would put him in Starclan’s sight? He was appointed apprentice to Elkdawn, a sweet and motherly she-cat.
But patient and kind as she was, she could only put up with Rookpaw for so long, removing him from her wing after only a week after he had insulted her herbs to the point of bringing her to tears.
With the leader’s approval, Rookpaw was forced to become a warrior apprentice under Tigerblaze, with a big and mean appearance that differs from his actual nerdy personality.
Rookpaw’s narcissism managed to be thawed out, if not a lot than a bit, by the warrior’s joking attitude. Rookpaw even began to see the warrior as a brother figure.
Swiftpaw was still high over heels, Rookpaw was still annoyed by him. Nothing much changed in that department, other than Swiftpaw becomeing the new medicine cat apprentice.
At ten moons old, Rookpaw began to notice strange things about littermates Lynxpaw and Adderpaw, two older apprentices.
Often, the two slept fitfully, waking with a look that said ‘I just saw a ghost.’ Additionally, they often visited the leader’s den following these dreams, who would then seemingly make decisions based off of them.
They were receiving messages from Starclan? Two mediocre cats over him? Greatly angered, he vented his feelings to Tigerblaze. 
Unfortunately, as close as Rookpaw and Tigerblaze were, Tigerblaze was equally close, if not moreso, to Lynxpaw and Adderpaw, who he was the actual older brother to, and he didn’t take kindly to his apprentice slandering his siblings.
The fight got decidedly heated to the point of permanently damaging their relationship.
More moons passed and the apprentices each received their warrior names. Addermist, Lynxblossom, Swiftchaser, and Rookstorm.
A sudden disappearance of prey plagued the Clan. Starvation took many, including Honeyshade and Sweetwhisker. Destroyed by the loss, Rookstorm became increasingly aggressive. He went out at night often, picking fights with loners as a stress reliever.
While returning from one of these excursions, he noticed Elkdawn and Swiftchaser talking to Lynxblossom and Addermist, seemingly giving the siblings... travelling herbs?
Slinking closer curiously, Rookstorm began to make sense of what they were saying. “Don’t worry, your role in the prophecy is safe with us. Starclan be with you.” He was just barely able to make out Elkdawn’s words.
Rookstorm snapped right there and then.
Leaping from his place, he bowls Elkdawn over, tearing at her stomach. 
He leaped for the littermates next, but before he could reach them, Swiftchaser blocked his way, shouting at the pair to run. Annoyed, Rookstorm demanded why Swiftchaser had to interfere in everything he did. 
Swiftchaser responded by saying,  "Because I know that you can be better than this. I know you have the potential to earn StarClan's respect."
With a snarl, Rookstorm responded that if Starclan really respected him, they would have chosen him from the start. He then launched himself at Swiftchaser, running his claws down his face and gouging his eyes out in the process. 
Unfortunately for Rookstorm, the commotion was loud. It woke everyone in the camp, including the leader, who had him exiled. As Rookstorm slunk away, seething with rage, his eyes locked with Tigerblaze. The warrior looked back at him with deep sadness.
Rookstorm dedicated his life in exile to tracking down Addermist and Lynxblossom, prophecy-stealers. After a long time that consisted mainly of starving, Rookstorm was about to give up when the two perfect and familiar scents caught his nose.
Lynxblossom and Addermist were walking along, chattering happily and cluelessly to his presence. 
In spite of his weakened state, Rookstorm wasted no time. He bolted toward Addermist, knocking him down and ripping out his throat before anyone else could react. Lynxblossom could only cry out her brother’s name before meeting the same fate.
Yowling in triumph, Rookstorm wasn’t prepared for the large ginger shape to burst from the bushes. 
Tigerblaze had followed his younger siblings on their journey to keep them safe, and now stood pinning Rookstorm to the ground while the blood of said siblings pooled around them.
Showing his teeth, Rookstorm claimed that none of this would have happened if Tigerblaze had simply listened to him as an apprentice. 
Tigerblaze responded with a sigh, telling Rookstorm “you know, you were as much of a little brother to me as Lynxblossom and Addermist were” in a murmer, “it was your own hunger for fame that caused this."
Before Rookstorm could make a comeback, Tigerblaze sunk his teeth into the back of his neck.
And everything went black.
A smile spread wide. He knew where it was in which he woke up. Starclan wouls regret the day they had abandoned him.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @starfalcon555 ! Thanks for the submission, I really enjoyed the story!
--I like the curled stripe on his head
--Picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1644754
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squib-2006 · 2 years
I am going to rewatch one episode of ninjago a day until I ether give up or finish I will put my thoughts down as I watch it and rate each episode out of ten. I missed a day because I was busy all day.
Day 5
Season 1 episode 5 can of worms
All the other ninja have legitimate reasons to be mad at Lloyd. But Kai is just angry over a video game score which I find hilarious.
This is gremlin Lloyd at his finest
Why is Zane so upset at his gi being pink. He literally wore a pink apron back in episode two
Baby Lloyd’s laugh :)
Kai had no problem with nya living with them two episodes ago
Also kai stop being sexist to your sister
He looks so guilty when nya says she can hear him. I guess season 1 & 2 kai dies have a Conscience.
Nya did not hesitate to throw the darts at her brothers head. Sibling bond at its finest. Also revenge.
Jay everyone can see your simping from a mile away.
Why would the elemental alliance put the tombs in the snake shape. It just makes it easier for trouble makers to open the tombs
SIMP. JAY IS SUCH A SIMP. Also post season 8 jays simping has nothing on season ones jays simping
Yes, jive the one thing that can stop the Sneks to your immature students who more times than not mess up and loos what ever they had been guarding.
This is funny because Cole is literally carrying a cars worth of metal on his back.
Mail man :D also what the heck is he saying
Oh yes the plot convenient prophecy on a wall. Could they not just had pythor monologe about the devour instead
Small detail, Cole notices the constrictai burrowing underground first because he is the master of earth
The constrictai are probably my least favorite Snek just because of how boring they are. Like all the other tribes have cool powers but the constrictai just have super strength.
Why is Zane’s vision getting blurry he is literally a nindroid.
Once again coles slash should have literally chopped his head off
Music 10/10
Coles chili must be really bad if everyone hates it
I love the tree climbing
Why does I am only echo not evrey thing else Jay said
That frog is just eww
Best part of this episode kai gets high on venomari venom
Kai is aparently afraid of gingerbread men and elves. I don’t know wether to find that funny or sad.
Butt jokes always make me laugh for some reason
This is why wu should never give the ninja any important thing. They always lose it
High Kai is peek Comedy
Kai’s hand is clipping into jays hand
Samurai x kicking butt since 2012
Zane talks with coles voice
Jays simp-o-meter can simp over nya even in disguise
Kai’s Santa? Makes me loose my crap every time
How do they not notice nyas bracelet. Like come on they have probably scene it like a million times. Kai especially, but I can give him a pass because he is high
Also how does the sleeping gas work on Zane?
Says samurai were the highest class of Warrior and were noble. Literally insults them in the pilots calling them slow and clunky
They look like they are so done with Kai’s crap. I love high kai
Smack. After I first watched this episode any time I would get potstickers with my family I would smack them on my face and laugh and my family would look at me like I had grown two heads
Can of worms roll credits
They don’t blame Lloyd for this or say it wasn’t his fault they just say you can’t change what you did in the past but you can change your actions in the future. I love this because it’s avoiding the we forgive you it’s not you fault trope.
And rip high kai you will be missed. Also the venom just wares off for plot convenience. I wish they would have kept the gag going untill the end of the episode. It would have been hilarious
Small detail, Zane’s spinjitzu changes from white to pink when he changes his clothes
Kai’s scream is hilarious
That is very specific Cole
Our first time seeing ninjago city. And it looks so bad compared to newer Ninjago city.
Kai being smart :)
How not they not see the ninja
This makes me angry that they didn’t notice him
Zane be Indiana Joansing
Bros support bros
Oh zane I’m so proud of you, you are using phrases :D
Jays gonna have a lot of bad frostbite after this
Gremlin Lloyd my son
Final thoughts
This episode was just as enjoyable as I remembered. The jokes were funny and Kai being high was amazing. There was a reason this was my second favorite episode from season one. Over all I give this episode a 9.5/10
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birdsareblooming · 4 years
Sonic may actually be lost royalty
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I keep going down these rabbit holes I shouldn’t go down BUT! Although this theory is one that I don’t fully believe in (unlike the infinite/solaris theory and the chaos emerald theory) I still have a good argument that I want to talk about very bad.
I also tried to make this as short as possible but there’s a lot of ground to cover, but at least it’s not the infinite/solaris theory. But I have a TLDR at the end.
[Spoiler Warning for Sonic and the Black Knight]
let’s start with a ✨numbered list✨
1. Blaze the Cat
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Blaze is the biggest caveat for this theory, but I think it’s best to start with her.
Now, firstly I need to clear up some things.
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[Eggman: My world...]
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[Eggman Nega: and my world...]
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[Eggmen: are in a manner, inextricably linked!]
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[Blaze: Like two Eggmans?]
Part of the Blaze’s world is that it’s a parallel universe. Parallel Eggmen, Parallel emeralds, Everything else that isn’t stated outright. Like how Tails and Marine are definitely counterparts. Seeming as Tails came from South Island and Marine came from southern island, Tails is definitely based on a kitsune and Marine, in theory, based on a tanuki. 
And, although not stated completely, Blaze and Sonic are universal counterparts.
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[From Sonic Wiki: Blaze was designed as a charater who was equivalent yet and alternate version of Sonic’s character.]
Much like the Sol and Chaos emeralds, Sonic and Blaze are a mirror version of one another, although slightly different.
Alright, now that we have that out of the way:
Looking at the connections between the others, Sonic and Blaze seem, a bit too different.
The Sol and Chaos emeralds fulfill the same role, although their different appearance, and have a similar story.  Tails and Marine fulfill the same role, although their different appearance, and have a similar story. The Eggmen fulfill the same role, although their different appearance, and have a similar story. 
Blaze and Sonic fulfill the same role, although their different appearance, and have a... completely different story. 
Blaze was born to a royal family, and set to protect the Sol Emeralds and the Jeweled Scepter as her birthright, and it’s somewhat hinted that her powers may also be a birthright. Sonic, on the other hand, has no known past, and seems to have just run into the Chaos Emeralds by accident. 
You could claim that Blaze does take on the role of both Sonic AND Knuckles, which is fair and stated on the wiki, however Knuckles is also never stated to be any kind of royalty, and certainly doesn’t have that kind of past, his past being one of the more tragically alone ones. 
And here’s something interesting.
Time has warped our vision of Blaze. We all know her as “Princess Blaze the Cat.” But from watching Sonic Rush, her opening game... she is never mentioned to be a princess until the very end.
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[Burning Blaze: As princess, it is my duty to protect the Sol Emeralds...]
From what I remember, this is the FIRST mention of her royal status. 
From this game’s viewpoint, they reveal the mirror status of the dimensions. They then show both Blaze and Sonic having mirror super transformations using their emeralds, highly implying that Sonic and Blaze were mirror versions. (also this was implied already by just Blaze’s shoes.) and then it’s revealed that Blaze is royal, and a princess. 
So if she’s the mirror of Sonic, what does that mean for Sonic? Especially right after showing the two of them being, well, mirrors.
2. King Arthur
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SATBK is much less transparent about the counterpart universe thing.
Now this is an alternate universe, set up by Secret Rings, and surprisingly not just a story Sonic told as an elaborate excuse.
They don’t hide obivous Sonic characters being put into roles, and their in these roles for a reason.
Blaze and Silver as Percival and Galahad, the knights who quested together for the holy grail. Knuckles as Gawain literally only because of “Gawain and the Green Knight” But I respect that so much. Jet as Lamorak because of Lamorak’s fiery temper and competitiveness.  Shadow as Lancelot because he’s the “closest knight to the king” stated in game (👀) Tails as a Blacksmith because that’s p much the medieval version of a mechanic. Amy as the Lady of the Lake because like. Fuck she’s the most powerful one there. (but seriously, in forces she’s shown to be the most level headed leader and strangest, especially in Sonic’s absence. As well as “sensing” that he was still alive and having a past in tarot.) And Merlina as Merlina because... well that’s a whole other theory.
(all my theories are being brought up in the post. like i know the first two were expamples of theories I fully belive in but damn this is like a avengeners, ok,)
But Sonic as King Arthur makes sense when it’s revealed. Although he wasn’t anyone’s counterpart in Secret Rings (because secrets rings was confused as hell) He is in this game, and as the ring leader of everyone following him in SATBK, it makes sense. 
Although something that was never brought up...EVER is the Knight’s backstories, which are EXTREMELY important not only in Arthurian legends, but for the knights in Sonic lore. All of the knight’s mentioned backstories are important to their character, in both contexts. Although their never brought up.
*DEEP BREATH* Alright. The similarities between Sonic Character/Knight backstories.
Shadow and Lancelot have pretty simmilar backstories when getting down to it. Shadow/Lancelot were both raised for greatness, but still outshined by Sonic/Arthur. Although remaining loyal to them, even if for Shadow it’s only in times of need. Shadow doesn’t want to admit he’s a supporting role to Sonic, although Sonic generations kinda throws that Idea out of the water when Shadow cheers Sonic on while watching from the sidelines, much like early Lancelot.
For Blaze and Percival, in multiple interpretations Percival is of noble birth. Upon meeting Sonic’s Gang/The Knights, Blaze/Percival get’s inspired by their heroics and eventually joins them.
“Lancelot and Percival prove morally superior to Gawain who follows the rules of courtliness to the letter rather than the spirit.“ Is an actual quote from Wikipedia. Although it is VERY hard to find a concrete backstory for Gawain other than “separated from his home”, I think this proves enough. As well as the Gawain and the Green Knight story (in which Gawain tries to slay the green knight and then he picks up his head and says “see you in a year” is pretty representative of Knuckles constantly breaking the master emerald in a comedic light.) 
Lamorak/Jet are known for challenging Arthur/Sonic to competitions. 
Galahad/Silver are searching for an object/person aided by Percival/Blaze
So now that we’re all good, do you see the similarities between part one.
Although everyone else has given backstory similarities, Sonic is given none, seeming as, as far as we know, Sonic HAS no backstory.
But isn’t it interesting that King Arthur’s backstory is being lost royalty? And the secret son of the king? Wack.
3. Sonic Fucking Underground
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Now, most of you are probably unfamiliar with Sonic Underground. Good.
If you’re not, you watched it as a kid and you’re nostalgic, and let me tell you I watched the entire show recently and it’s not as good as you remember.
But Sonic Underground’s quality and history could be a post on it’s own, it doesn’t matter here. What matters is the plot:
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[From Sonic Wiki: Sonic, Sonia, and Manic are the children of Queen Aleena, the rightful ruler of Mobius and are pursued relentlessly by Doctor Robotnik and his bumbling bounty hunters sidekicks, Sleet and Dingo. As infants, the siblings were separated and placed in hiding to fulfill a prophecy made by the Oracle of Delphius (a spoof of the Oracle of Delphi of Ancient Greece) that the triplets would grow up to find their estranged mother, overthrow Robotnik and take their places once more as Mobius' rightful rulers.]
Now, Sonic Underground is VERY SEPARATED from Sonic Lore, and nothing has ever taken from it besides Manic appearing in some comics, although from what I know he’s never mentioned to be Sonic’s brother. So This is the part I always take with a grain of salt, however;
4. In conclusion/TLDR
We have Two Instances of Sonic being lost Royalty (One in a separate reality and one in a separate continuity) We have Two Instances of Dimentional Counterparts of Sonic being Royalty (Blaze and King Arthur) We have zero given backstory for Sonic We have Three instances of Sonic, or a counterpart, being royalty
And from what I remember hearing, three’s a pattern.
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ashdumpsterpile · 3 years
Ohmygod YES Susan Pevensie is awesome please talk to me about Susan i want to know everything you have to say
Literally THANK YOU for asking me this bc Susan Pevensie is a character I never get asked about and I have So Many Opinions.
I'm going to start by saying that Susan used to be my least favorite character in the series. This goes for the books and the movies. Some of it was for personal reasons--she reminds me of a couple of annoying ppl I know irl--but it was also bc I watched Prince Caspian which shoehorned her into a relationship with Caspian which I hated.
HOWEVER. I ended up rethinking this position after interacting with Susan fans and realizing that there are so many wonderful things to love about her!
(putting under the cut bc this got long)
Things Ash Loves About Susan Pevensie
Aight I'm not going to do a formal analysis yet on her, but instead rant about some of the unrelated things I adore about Susan Pevensie.
Susan the Archer
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Look we all love archery here. I don't have anything more to say.
Okay, I actually do have more to say. I love the fact that Susan is a complete badass with the bow. You get the general impression that she's one of the royals in charge of public relations, traditions, foreign policy, etc. and yet she's the most competent archer in the series. One of the few things I liked about the movies is how they didn't downplay this. They actually let her be a badass and show off her skills.
Also the part where she kicks Trumpkin's ass was awesome.
Susan the Gentle
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Susan being the most passive Pevensie was something I definitely underappreciated as a teenager. I think my non-ability to see past "I'm not like other girls" narrative and the combination of Susan being described as the most traditionally feminine woman in the Narnia series is what initially turned me off from her.
HOWEVER, now it's one of my favorite attributes! I love that Susan is a badass and the most beautiful woman in Narnia. She has hair down to her feet, every man and woman in the kingdom want to fuck her, and she's still a fucking badass who will not hesitate to kick your ass.
Susan the Sister
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Most of my thoughts of Susan as an older sister mostly stem from my own personal headcanons, but she is an awesome sister to her siblings. She's Peter's voice of reason, Edmund's sass partner, and Lucy's big sister.
Susan the Mom-Friend
She is a literal mother-figure for Corin.
"[...] the most beautiful lady he had ever seen rose from her place and threw her arms round him and kissed him, saying: "Oh Corin, Corin, how could you? And thou and I such close friends ever since thy mother died. [...]"
-The Horse and His Boy, 33-34
Most everything I have to say about this ventures into headcanon territory, but I love the idea of Susan basically adopting Corin after his mom dies. The way she trusts Cor--who she thinks is Corin in this chapter--is really sweet and I wish we could've seen more of that relationship.
Susan the Flawed
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Something I notice from the fandom is a lot of people who hate Susan tend to because of her flaws. On the other hand, most Susan stans like to wave away these flaws and blame C.S. Lewis for being misogynistic or Aslan for being a "cruel god" and ignore the fact that she is a deeply flawed person.
Susan gets something of a "reverse redemption arc" in The Chronicles of Narnia. This makes her not only a fascinating foil to Edmund--as both are analytical, logical people--but an interesting character by herself.
She starts out in TWW as very skeptical of Narnia and it's whole deal and also very condescending to Lucy throughout. She ultimately does admit that Lucy was right and does get on board with the whole prophecy at the same time Peter does, and ends the book being crowned "the Gentle Queen."
In The Horse and His Boy, she has a very interesting dynamic with Edmund and in even more interesting relationship with Rabadash. They don't even interact on-page with each other, but it's highly implied that she was interested in him when he was a guest in Narnia. His behavior obviously changed when she visited him in Tashbaan, but you have to wonder what their dynamic was like before for her to travel all the way to his home when relations between the countries were strained at best.
Prince Caspian is where the cracks start showing through. Susan has lived an entire life as an adult in Narnia, gets thrown back to England with her siblings, and is yet again in Narnia as a child. This book is what really emphasizes her one fatal flaw: convenience.
(Put a pin in that thought, I'll get back to it.)
Susan denies once again that Lucy saw something that the rest of them can't seen. She continues this narrative until every other sibling finally acknowledges Lucy in the right and only then does she apologize.
The last mention of Susan is in The Last Battle, where all of her flaws rise up against her in the worst way possible. I have a lot of controversial opinions on this that I'm going to address later, but I just want to say that Susan's reverse-redemption arc is something I actually like about her.
(There is also evidence that Susan does get a full redemption arc, just as Edmund and Eustace did, but C.S. Lewis was pretty much done with The Chronicles of Narnia at the point and instead encouraged fans to write their own version of how that went down.)
Okay, back to convenience being Susan's fatal flaw. So the one thing that comes up time and time again in the series is that Susan is very focused on material comforts. I believe it's implied that she's vain, and it's canonical that her own personal comfort spurs her to make decisions.
"[...] I really believed it was him — he, I mean — yesterday. When he warned us not to go down to the fir wood. And I really believed it was him tonight, when you woke us up. I mean, deep down inside. Or I could have, if I'd let myself. But I just wanted to get out of the woods and — and — oh, I don't know [...]"
Prince Caspian, 81
Prince Caspian has the strongest examples of Susan doing this, but certainly there's evidence elsewhere. There are a lot of fans who are distressed by this, claiming that Aslan and the others are too hard on her and shouldn't judge.
Honestly, I like that she's written with this flaw. Not only is it very relatable--(my own personal comfort and convenience is something I highly prioritize too)--but it humanizes a character who otherwise is ridiculously op and basically the Helen of Troy of the series. It may sound like I'm using this as an excuse to rant, but I really wouldn't have her any other way.
Susan As Portrayed by Anna Popplewell
Movie!Susan is a fucking delight.
She's sarcastic and badass and awesome and I could spend hours heaping praise on Anna's acting and her portrayal of Susan, but I can already tell that this post is going to be long so, I'll just stop here.
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(10/10 want to be stabbed by her tho.)
Personal Headcanons
Let's talk about my fanon thoughts. I have many.
Susan is Aro
There's canonical evidence for this! Susan is a character who is heavily pursued by suitors everywhere, and even lets herself be courted by many of them, but chooses not to settle down. Even when she gets back to England and is described as only having interest in parties and material things, boys aren't mentioned.
I like to think that in The Horse in His Boy Susan was interested in Rabadash at first because he was a brilliant conversationalist. Nothing she says about him implies romantic interest, before and after she realizes the truth of his intentions.
Susan and Edmund Were Best Friends
This might be my love for The Horse and His Boy showing itself, but I think Susan and Edmund were thrown into circumstances where they interacted the most with each other.
Edmund is the ruler in charge of politics. Susan is the ruler in charge of Cair Paravel's public image. I imagine they spent time as ambassadors to other countries and planning royal functions.
They're also the most level-headed and logical out of their siblings, so they probably found a lot in common.
Susan Fancast
I literally just said I loved Anna's potrayal of Susan's (and I love what they gave us of older Susan too in LWW!), but I read the books in 2008 and my parents didn't let me see the movies bc I was like...nine years old and they thought it would be too scary.
So I had to headcanon my own interpretations.
Queen Susan the Gentle:
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For some reason Merlin wasn't too scary for me to watch and I fell in love with Katie McGrath in like. Two episodes so. (On an unrelated note, I also fancast Bradley James as Peter at the time.)
Anyway, fanon Susan is basically Morgana Pendragon pre-evil arc. Sassy as hell, hot as fuck, and can kick your ass.
Unpopular Opinions
Yeah, feel free to skip this part if having controversial fandom opinions is a deal breaker for you.
The Problem With Susan Isn't Actually A Problem
I'm about to start so much discourse in the Narnia fandom, but C.S. Lewis's choices with her in The Last Battle weren't misogynistic. Bear in mind, I'm not saying that all of his writing choices in the series were A++ or excusing away certain racist/sexiest bits, but it's honestly baffling to me that people are so up in arms over Susan's exclusion in the final book.
So the part that everyone loses their shit over is as follows:
"My sister Susan," answered Peter shortly and gravely, "is no longer a friend of Narnia."
"Yes," said Eustace, "and whenever you've tried to get her to come and talk about Narnia or do anything about Narnia, she says 'What wonderful memories you have! Fancy your still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children.'"
"Oh Susan!" said Jill, "she's interested in nothing now-a-days except nylons and lipstick and invitations. She always was a jolly sight too keen on being grown-up."
"Grown-up, indeed," said the Lady Polly. "I wish she would grow up. She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now, and she'll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one's life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can."
The Last Battle, 83-84
There's a lot to unpack here and I first want to say that everyone's opinion on this part, no matter how different than mine, is valid. I'm going to be quoting some other ppl's opinions on here and by no means am I bashing them. I just want to address my feelings on the matter and the best way to do that is to cite the thoughts of ppl who have opposing ideas.
Here are some arguments on Tumblr I've heard regarding "The Problem of Susan":
"How about we talk about what might have happened if Narnia hadn't deserted Susan? [...] What if we didn't tell Susan she had to go grow up in her own world and then shame and punish her for doing just that? She was told to walk away and she went. She did not try to stay a child all her life, wishing for something she had been told she couldn't have again."
"Narnia is filled with metaphors (often not very subtle ones) that are supposed to teach us how to be, and the most glaring one for any young girl to absorb is that it's okay to be a girl like Lucy, unthreatening and cheerful and valiant and faithful, but to be a girl like Susan gets you punished - in fact, you aren't just punished, you're destroyed."
"why do we call it ‘the problem’ where’s the problem about a young woman dealing with her trauma and choosing her own path, actively making the choice to keep living and to stay and to carve a life out in England when her siblings couldn’t? what is the problem about susan forgetting to somehow cope with what she’s experienced? why is it ‘the problem of susan’ that she recontextualised her faith?"
And then there's JK Rowling who said this:
There comes a point where Susan, who was the older girl, is lost to Narnia because she becomes interested in lipstick. She's become irreligious basically because she found sex. I have a big problem with that.
It's weird how I'm still finding new ways to hate JKR in the year 2021. Again, there is absolutely zero implication that Susan had sex when she came back to England. ZERO. Did she actually read the books? IDK. If someone shares this opinion pls reply with actual canonical evidence.
Back on topic, I'm a firm believer of death of the author and interpreting art via your own experiences. Which is why I'm also going to share my own interpretation by saying y'all are wrong.
Susan Pevensie was not abandoned by Narnia. She was not barred from Narnia because she is traditionally feminine or because she "owned her sexuality" (another opinion I didn't have time to condense down for this post) or because she recontextualized her faith or even because she deserved to be punished.
I also fail to see how Susan recontexualized her faith, as the entire point of it all is that she has none. Bringing this back to Susan's fatal flaw (personal convenience/material comforts), her prioritizing herself over her own faith is the reason she is "no longer a friend of Narnia." Not...whatever fanon y'all are imposing on her character.
Susan is not being punished for liking lipstick and looking pretty. Susan's not even being punished. Y'all read Neil Gaiman's The Problem of Susan and forgot it wasn't canon.
There are many reasons Susan is not in Aslan's Country (one of them being that she's not actually dead yet), but the main one has to do with this:
"[...] But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”
Voyage of the Dawn Treader, 215-216
Yeah, okay that's why Susan is no longer a friend of Narnia. The implication when the Pevensies are told that they can no longer enter Narnia is that they are to find Aslan in other places. Susan doesn't do this, instead choosing to focus her life on material things. It isn't the lipstick, it's that she only wants the lipstick.
Susan Had Sex In The Books
Oh and not in the context y'all are thinking. (Again, there are no implications that Susan was barred from Narnia for having sex or that she had sex when she came back to England.)
So there's actual canonical evidence that Susan and Rabadash had a sexual relationship. Sort of.
"What think you? We have been in this city fully three weeks. Have you yet settled in your mind whether you will marry this dark-faced lover of yours, this Prince Rabadash, or no?"
-The Horse and His Boy, 35
Edmund calls Rabadash her lover. Not her suitor. I don't know if the word had a different meaning in 1954, but it feels like C.S. Lewis is saying that they're fucking. I'm not really happy with the idea of Susan sleeping with an abuser, but really proud of her for Getting Some as a woman born in a time period where having premarital sex was a big no-no.
This also invalidates the weird opinion going on that Susan was barred from Narnia because she had sex.
Suspian Is The Worst
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I haven't really talked about Movie!Susan much, but as long as we're talking unpopular opinions, it's worth noting that I hate Suspian. Some of it is the "Susan is Aro" headcanon screaming inside of me, but it's also the fact that it's written poorly, does nothing interesting for either character and generally comes across as awkward.
I feel like they were trying to make Prince Caspian sexy and relevant to teens. It came across as super heteronormative and unnecessary.
It also gets really really weird bc the next movie then gives Caspian and Edmund mad chemistry and we're all just like........ok.
Final Thoughts
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Susan may not be my favorite character in the series, but she's grown on me over the years. I have many issues with fanon interpretations of her--which definately fueled some of my disdain for her initally--and I don't identify as a Susan Apologist.
I do however adore Susan and have many headcanons for her not mentioned here. I love reading fanfic, writing fanfic and meta, and generally having conversations about her and would love to talk more about it.
I welcome criticism (CONSTRUCTIVE) and conversation on all of my opinions and observations. Please drop into my inbox. <3
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