#and that sucks specially since i ALSO felt like i had no future in the field. so. pretty happy with my course decision now)
sludgeguzzler · 9 months
i was gonna do design in college and i needed to do really well on some exams so i was really really nervous, but then i fell in love with archival science or however you call it in english and the minimum grade i need in the university i want is *checks notes* -82. so. safe to say im a little mlr confident now
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yanderecrazysie · 24 days
Twisted Zoo: Chapter 10
Surprise! Sorry for the lack of Jack content in this one.
I feel like this sucks but at least I wrote something ;-;
Prologue: here
Previous Chapter: here
This is based on the stories of a keeper reader with the octotrio by @ashensgrotto and @merakiui .
Also @twistedcece @cenatour @xiaopleasecomehome @bearshideout @koebishrimpuwu @vash-yuu @twstsandturns @help-whatdoimakemyusername @secret-potion @magmdnv @sunshine-for-serotonin @mel-star636 @silkkorchid @the-ace-reader @pamv11 @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @hrhqueenfox @goseew @luxthestrange @juno-of-wonderland @who-mst @despairingy-obsessed @lanxianschoenheit @ceramic-raven @m0063576 @kimdourden @rammylog @sushiperson @starshiningsirius @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it @the-monochrome-jester @owodi @girl-nahh-two @obeythehuman @berry-efoy @ivorette @the-broken-truth @losingmybrain @sxftiebee @queens-unheard-thoughts @medicine-san @strugglingsleeper and @rocketstyx  wanted to be tagged! Let me know if anyone else wants to be tagged for future chapters. If you no longer want to be tagged, please tell me! (I have removed the tags that weren’t working for me, apologies if yours was removed!)
Summary: You’re a brand new zookeeper at The Halfling Zoo- a place where half-animals live in captivity. Your job is simple- feed them and study them. Your main worry is that one of the more dangerous halflings might kill you. 
Unfortunately, that may become the least of your worries.
WARNINGS: yandere themes
Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.
Also, I can’t promise I’ll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.
NOTE 2: I decided to make this a little fluffy before shit goes down.
It was your turn to feed the halflings dinner again. The hyenas, lions, and wolves all were going to be given the same food: hamburgers. Each was individually wrapped, and there must have been a hundred of them between the two giant buckets you were forced to carry. 
Surely that’s way too much for even all three groups combined! You groaned as you lifted the buckets. Your arms were definitely going to get a workout from this.
You trudged into the savannah, your arms already aching from the heavy load you were forced to carry. Thankfully, the hyenas were gathered on the rocks not far from the entrance.
Ruggie’s eyes lit up as soon as they saw you, letting out a bark of excitement as he leapt down from the rock he had been sitting on with the grace of a cat. He stopped a few feet away from you, as though he were waiting for a signal from you. 
You placed the buckets on the ground and lifted your hands in a calming gesture, “You know I’m not going to hurt you, Ruggie. I’ve just brought food for you all.”
Ruggie grinned and bounded forward, taking you by surprise as he pulled you into a hug, rubbing his cheek against your own. He pulled away, a sly grin on his face as he stole a burger from the left bucket and slipped away, climbing onto a large rock and unwrapping the food.
You felt a little flustered by the sudden show of affection but, with a shake of your head, you dismissed his odd behavior. Yet, Ruggie’s eyes never left your figure, his tail wagging back and forth as though he was thrilled to be able to see you.
When he came for his second helping, he reached out a hand and slid it beneath your chin. He drew his face closer until you could feel his hot breath playing across your lips. For a moment, you thought he was about to kiss you, but he spoke up instead, stumbling a little over his words, “You are special to me.”
“I am?” you were taken aback by his sudden confession.
“Yes,” Ruggie said with a wide smile, “You’re my favorite!”
“Favorite what? Researcher? Aren’t I the only researcher you know?”
Nishishishi. Ruggie giggled at your confusion, “Favorite. (Y/n) is my favorite.”
Completely nonplussed now, you gave him an awkward smile, “You’re a strange one, Ruggie.”
His smile morphed into a pout, “Am I favorite?”
You reached out a hand and messed up his fluffy blond hair, “You’re my favorite Ruggie in the whole world.”
He gave you an annoyed look, his hyena ears flat on his head. It was clear he was hoping you’d be a little less specific. But you couldn’t tell him something like “you’re my favorite hyena”, as that wouldn’t be fair to the other halflings.
You took a seat on the rock as the other hyenas came for their second helpings, skirting around you with nervous looks. Ruggie practically threw himself onto your lap, his stomach back landing on your legs as he gazed up at you. You almost shivered when you saw his expression.
His gaze was hungry, eyes dark and lips pulled into a sinister smile. He lifted a hand and cupped your cheek. He whispered something and, though it was too quiet to tell, it sounded suspiciously like he had said “mine”.
Then, his eyes fluttered closed, his hand flopped to his side, and his breathing turned even. It took you a moment to realize he had fallen asleep. You were a bit jealous that he could fall asleep so quickly and easily (it took you much longer to settle down at night). 
Some of the hyenas came for a third helping, but once all of them had deposited their wrappers in a pile near the buckets, you realized you had to move on. “Ruggie, time to wakey wakey,” you teased.
Ruggie’s eyes fluttered open and his peaceful expression became cross. His hyena ears flattened themselves against his head again and his tail lashed once, but he obediently stood up, freeing your lap so you could stand as well.
You took the wrappers to a trash can near the entrance of the enclosure and returned to the buckets. Ruggie watched you from on top of a rock, eyes sad as he watched you walk away. You felt a little bad, but you had to move on. You couldn’t just spend the entire evening with the hyenas when you had to see the lions and wolves too.
The buckets were still heavy and you felt your arms ache as you took the long walk over to the lion halflings. As you approached, Leona sat up on the rock he was lounging on. You put down the buckets and waved at him.
He leapt down from the rock gracefully and walked towards you. When he was just a few feet away, he stopped dead in his tracks and his nose screwed up in disgust, “You smell like hyena. You let one of those bone-eaters scent you?”
“Huh?” you were confused for a moment before you remembered the way Ruggie rubbed his cheek against yours and lounged across your lap. Was he scenting you then?
“Disgusting,” Leona snapped, reaching out and snatching your wrist, “You should smell like lion.” His face drew closer and you snapped out of your surprise and confusion, pulling your wrist out of his grasp and taking a step back.
“You shouldn’t be surprised I smell like hyenas, considering you aren’t the only halflings I care for,” you snapped, “That doesn’t give you permission to scent me too!”
Leona let out a growl deep in his throat and you involuntarily took another step back. His eyes narrowed, as though he was deep in thought. Then, a somewhat sinister smile spread across his face, “Of course, you’re right.” Somehow, his tone seemed condescending, as though you were too stupid to understand him, “I’ll have a talk with the hyenas, and no one will scent you again.”
A shiver ran up your spine, “You don’t have to do that.”
“Oh but I do,” Leona growled, “Now, you brought us food, I believe? Or are you going to stand there gaping like a fish?”
You closed your mouth and pursed your lips into a deep frown. Leona was really getting on your nerves, “Yeah, I did. Feel free to grab something, your highness.”
Leona didn’t seem offended by your dig, if anything, a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. He grabbed a wrapped burger from the bucket closest to him and leaned in as close as he could while doing so.
The other lions followed his example, grabbing burgers and eating them under the tall rock that Leona had resumed lounging on. The king of the jungle gazed at you with darkened eyes and you were surprised to read the jealousy on his features. Was the great Leona really jealous of some hyenas?
You tried to shake the ridiculous idea from your mind, but you just couldn’t believe otherwise when you looked at his expression. You didn’t like the way he gazed across the savannah at the group of hyenas with a sneer on his lips.
“Leona,” you called up to him. He turned his furious gaze on you, eyes burning, and you shut your mouth, the words dying on your tongue, “Never mind.” You picked up the buckets and turned around. You heard a light thump as Leona jumped down from the rock again.
Arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you close to a toned chest. You grabbed his wrists and tried to wrench them from your body but Leona didn’t budge. “Let me go,” you demanded firmly. 
The lion halfling placed his chin on your shoulder and let out a sigh, “Why do you tempt me so?”
You furrowed your brow, “That sounds like a ‘you problem’. Now let go.”
Leona obeyed with a chuckle, his arms disappearing from your waist, “You’re entertaining, you know that?”
You refused to look back, angry that he had put his hands on you, and simply walked away. You didn’t breathe again until the enclosure door shut behind you. You leaned against the wall and slid to the ground, entirely nonplussed by what had gone on between you and the lion halfling.
You took a moment to process the encounter, then stood up with a sigh. You hoped all of the lions’ bellies had been filled with only one burger, since you hadn’t stuck around long. You checked your watch and were happy to see that it was still fairly early. That way, it wouldn’t be too dark out when you brought the burgers to the wolves.
You hurried down the pathway to the wolf enclosure, looking off in the distance where the sun was beginning to turn the sky pink and orange. Maybe if you hurried, the wolves wouldn’t all want to kill you.
Unfortunately, as you entered the enclosure, the only wolf you were met with was Jack. That wasn’t to say you weren’t happy to see him, especially as he gave you the most endearing smile ever.
“Is there any way to feed the other wolves without getting my skin torn off?” you asked him. 
Jack shook his head and your heart sank. He seemed to notice your disappointment because he spoke up, “But you have me.”
“I know, Jack,” you sighed, “But I want to get to know the other wolves too.”
Jack’s smile disappeared and his eyes narrowed a little, “But you have me. I protect you.”
“I appreciate that, I really do,” you said in a soothing voice, “But I need to interact with all of the halflings, not just you.”
Jack’s expression darkened, his shoulders hunching over, “They’re dangerous. They hurt you. I can’t let anything happen to you,” his voice grew tight with emotion, and he looked down at you with such a lost expression that your heart twisted.
“Maybe if you help me, they will grow to like me,” you suggested. Jack shook his head and grabbed the buckets off the ground. Before you could protest, he disappeared into the forest.
You tried to follow, but he had completely left you behind. Soon enough, you were lost in the trees, looking this way and that, before Jack returned to you with empty buckets.
“They have eaten,” he said gruffly.
You sighed, “Thanks…” Jack didn’t seem to understand your disappointment, as he merely took your hand in his larger one and led you back to the enclosure exit. He smiled gently at you and said in a soft voice, “Safe.”
You couldn’t really argue with that.
Ruggie and Leona watched in amusement as the zoo staff brought out the body bags from the wolf enclosure across the path from them. “She’s becoming quite popular,” Leona murmured, “Enough for a wolf to turn against his own pack.”
Ruggie pouted, “I want her to be mine. Not anyone else’s.”
Leona chuckled darkly, “You’ll have to put those thoughts aside if you really want to take our deal. You know that a war against lions who obey only me and hyenas that will run away with their tails between their legs will end in only one way.”
Ruggie’s ears flattened against his head, “I’ll share, but only with you. Three’s a crowd.”
The lion nodded, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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makeyoumine69 · 29 days
A Helping Hand (commission)
PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Pregnant!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: You and Patrick are engaged and about to become parents. One day, during a fancy party, you face the difficulties of being pregnant, as your changing body, affected by the hormones, hurts, but your future husband is always eager to help you.
CONTAINS: Semi-public smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship, nipple play/sucking, pregnancy kink (kinda), fingering, praise kink, body worship, dirty talk, pet names, sweet & horny Patrick Bateman himself.
WORDS: 1.6k
A/N: I'm so happy to finally post this! Hope you like it!💞
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After a lavish party on the roof of one of Manhattan's skyscrapers hosted by the Bateman family, the sun was setting and it was getting a little chilly, so the waiters brought everyone blankets to keep warm. You, wrapped in a blanket, sat next to your fiance on the small plush couch, waiting for the car to pick you up and take you home.
Sipping your hot chocolate that had been made specially for you, you looked at him with undisguised affection and embarrassment as you wanted to ask him a question. "Patrick, I... I'm so embarrassed that I... you know... bite and scratch you during sex. Is that a bad thing? I just don't think you like it..."
Thank God the other guests weren't paying any attention to you, but you still felt uncomfortable. Patrick's family was also out of sight, probably talking to someone on the balcony. However, you had already shown your appreciation for hosting such a great event.
While you waited for his answer, you stroked your little baby bump, your breasts already got bigger, so the dress you were wearing was too tight and your nipples could be seen through the fabric.
Patrick paused for a moment, considering your question with a thoughtful look that slowly changed to an approving one. The embarrassment in your voice was clear, but it only served to amuse him. 
"(Y/n)," he began, sliding closer to you on the small plush couch, "your... enthusiasm is one of your most exquisite attributes." He placed a hand on your knee, his fingers tracing small circles through the fabric of the blanket that covered you. "I revel in your responsiveness, Kitten." His grin grew wider, a clear indication that your concerns were unfounded.
"Really?" You murmured back, averting your eyes, still feeling so uncomfortable. "I just remember how meticulous you are about your skin and stuff."
The man leaned closer, lowering his voice so it was just for you, a husky whisper that brushed against your ear. "Let's be honest," his eyes glittered with a mischievous spark as he bit his lip lightly, teasing you. "You know how much I enjoy making a mess of you."
"Oh, Patrick…" You giggled shyly and rolled your eyes.
Bateman’s hand moved from your knee, daringly creeping up the blanket to rest on your slightly swollen belly, his thumb brushing gently over the fabric of your dress. The tautness of your nipples, visible through the strained material, did not escape his notice. "These marks," he continued, his gaze flickering down to where your breasts strained against the dress, "they are a powerful reminder of the intensity we share. And I wouldn't have it any other way." Patrick smirked while his touch grew bolder, fingers skimming the outline of your baby bump before sliding up to the outline of your breasts. 
The sudden tingling in your nipples made you squirm in your seat; his words always had such an effect on you. "Patty," you pleaded suddenly, placing your cup on the nearby table and looking around briefly before continuing. "My... my nipples hurt... can you help me with that?" Embarrassed, you lifted the blanket, suggesting that it could hide both of you and no one would see you, since no one was around so far. "Sorry for asking," you added, averting your eyes, ashamed as ever. "It's just...the hormones...I didn't want to tell you…"
Excited, Patrick's lips curved into a knowing smirk at your bashful plea. The fiery blend of your embarrassment and the raw need that spilled from your words was a concoction he savored with every fiber of his being. Sneakily, he cast a cursory glance around the room, ensuring the relative privacy, before refocusing on you with the predatory gaze of a man who thrived on such deliciously improper requests.
"Do they hurt really bad, hmmm?” he echoed, his voice a low, silky ribbon of sound that wound its way around you with the tender brutality of a python. "And here I was thinking you'd have the restraint to wait until we were home. But if my little girl is in pain..." The man leaned closer, the scent of your arousal mingling with the warm, sweet aroma of the hot chocolate you had abandoned. "You want me to make it better?" the man questioned, his breath fanning over your skin as he lifted the blanket to create a hidden sanctuary for your naughtiness. "You always were sensitive to my words, Kitten. Can't say I'm not pleased to hear they still affect you so... intimately."
Panting, you bit on your lower lip to suppress any noises which could discredit you. "Yes," you closed your eyes and sprawled along the softness of the couch. "You know how to play with words…" gasping, you trembled beneath his hot breath. "...to set me on fire."
Under the guise of the blanket, Patrick's hand drifted to the fabric of your dress, deftly unbuttoning it just enough to allow him access to the tender flesh you so desperately wanted him to soothe. His fingers brushed against your skin, feeling the hard nubs of your nipples straining for his touch. "Is it so?"
Grabbing the plush material of the furniture, you were about to lose it here and now. "Mmm…y-yes….ah-Patrick!"
"Shh, baby," Bateman didn't falter, not even as he looked once more over his shoulder to ensure no eyes were upon you. "I’ve got you."
Then, with a dexterity honed by numerous clandestine encounters, he ducked under the cover of the blanket, his mouth closing over one aching nipple with a gentle suction that belied the fervor within him. The warm wetness of his mouth enveloped you, his tongue tracing the sensitive bud before drawing it further into the heat of his oral embrace. Purring softly, the man suckled with a rhythmic persistence, each pull designed to alleviate the tender ache as much as to stoke the flame of your shared desire.
Above the blanket, he maintained the expression of a man casually enjoying the evening with his fiancée, his free hand resting on the arm of the couch, the very picture of nonchalance. Beneath it, however, Patrick was entirely focused on you, on the softness of your breasts, the sweetness of your need, and the sound of your subdued moans as they were muffled by the fabric that concealed your indiscretion.
"Better now, Kitten?" Bateman murmured against your flesh, a dark chuckle vibrating through your nipple, sending shivers down your spine. His free hand wandered to your other breast, kneading it softly, ensuring that both received the attention they demanded.
The way his tongue danced across your hard peak was maddening, to say the least. “Uh-huh,” you stammered, closing your eyes, your cheeks burning from the inside. Then, you cautiously grabbed his large palm and moved it between your legs, making it press against your soaked panties. "I need you, n-need you so much, Patty."
Breathing heavily, you looked up at him, knowing that what you were doing was wrong and sinful, but the storm of hormones from being pregnant raged through your morphing body, making you a prisoner of the current situation.
Fortunately, you were still alone, and the car hadn't arrived yet. “A-aww,” you whimpered into his mouth as Patrick sealed your lips with his plump ones, not letting the sound escape from them. “Mhmnn…”
It was a silencing kiss, a masterful stroke of control that muffled your moan. Under the protective shroud of the blanket, his hand maneuvered beneath the delicate barrier of your underwear, his fingers tracing the soaked lace before delving into the slick heat of your pussy.
The soft, wet sound of his fingers sliding through your folds was nearly lost beneath the hush of your ragged breaths. Hot and bothered, Patrick pulled back from the kiss just enough to watch your face, your eyes fluttering closed, your lips parted in silent supplication.
"You're so wet, honey," Bateman whispered, the rough timbre of his voice sending a shudder through you. "This is what you need from me, isn't it? To be touched right here...where anyone could see what a bad girl you're being for me?"
The pressure of his fingers increased, finding your swollen clit, teasing it with a firm, circular motion that drew a whimper from you. "Be quiet, Kitten," he advised, his voice carrying an undercurrent of threat and promise. "Or you'll force me to stop, and we wouldn't want that, now would we?"
Your hand gripped his wrist, a silent entreaty not to cease his ministrations. Patrick's chest swelled with a possessive pride—you were his to command, even amidst this semi-public setting. Your need for him, a need he had so thoroughly ingrained in you, was a testament to his mastery over your senses.
Your eyes met, his holding a compelling blend of dark yearning and authoritative control. Patrick’s fingers quickened their pace, coaxing you closer to the brink as he watched the storm of emotions play across your tensed face.
Patrick leaned in once more, his lips hovering over yours, his breath mingling with yours as he spoke. "Cum for me, (y/n). Quietly, right here on this couch. Let me feel you shatter against my hand." His words, laced with an illicit thrill, were a command that brooked no refusal.
And as Bateman brought you to the edge, as he felt the clenching and unclenching of your inner walls around his probing fingers, he savored the power he wielded. In the luxury of the waiting room, under the soft golden lights of the city outside, this man was the master of your pleasure—a master who would be worshiped in silence, in awe, and with the unspoken understanding that you belonged to him, completely and irrevocably, no matter where you were.
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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izzuku · 2 years
suck the soul out of me. - 1
summary- on one scary night, your car broke down on the middle of the road. Not being able to contact anyone, you searched for a nearby place to stay for the rest of the night. After discovering an old fashioned, crumbling house you decided to lie down for a bit before waking up some time later. Who would have known that there was a special guest waiting for a prey like you.
characters- luxiem x gn! reader part 1
c/w- dub-con (reader is half asleep but it doesn't lead to anything else) , biting, mentions of blood, suggestive touching, manipulation through magic, needy ike and luxiem being mysterious and hot (sorry if it's shorter in some of them)
a/n: since I realized I don't have the time to put everyone for Halloween I decided to split it into two parts, one for the 31st and other for the 1st. Please keep in mind these are not their real personalities, all of this is fictional and it shouldn't be taken seriously! also happy Halloween lovelies, I hope you have a spooky time 🎃
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The first encounter was with a man who called himself Vox. You didn't even notice him when you entered the house. You tried to make some more calls before giving up and lighting up old wood trunks, all thanks to your handy lighter.
As the hours passed your eyes started to get droopy, tiredness enveloping your body as you slowly lay down, using your jacket as a pillow. Finally, you got used to the hardwood floor and eventually got some rest.
In the middle of your slumber, a pair of boots creaked on the stairs, following the corridor that led to the living room. A tall silhouette lurked over your body before bending down.
“You look so fresh and young darling...” a deep voice rang in your ears when his hands grabbed a hold of your waist, pulling you on his lap so he could take a good look. You responded with a shuffle, mumbling something in your sleep and earning a sweet chuckle from the unknown figure.
Tilting your head to the side, he pressed his thumb over the flesh of your neck, circling slowly seconds before pushing his tongue over the place. You just looked so tasty he could even eat you right there. “Hmm..smells delicious, love. You're gonna make me drool over you” he muttered, hearing you inhaling deeply from the touch. The way his hands touched the skin under your clothes made your eyes flutter open for a couple seconds, wondering if you were dreaming or not.
“Hush now sweetheart...close your eyes and rest” his fingers caressed your cheek, small red particles flowing over you, making you close your eyes once again. “That's it...” his face grew wider as he put you in a trance. “So good for me...”
As your conscience wandered between reality and dreamland, you felt warm lips pushing on your neck. A sweet, tender kiss linked with a slow and deep bite. His lips tremble for a few seconds, delighted by your taste. “Fucking hell you're amazing...” he whispered as he dived again onto your skin, sucking the blood out of you.
For you, it felt like a fever dream. Some vampires had the ability to turn biting into a pleasurable thing and for your luck, this man wanted you to enjoy it as much as he was. Shivers were sent down your spine, and a warm and fuzzy feeling crossed your body... It felt like a million kisses and hands touching everywhere. Almost asleep you closed your legs, rubbing your thighs against each other, looking for some kind of friction and mumbling what could be translated into needy whimpers.
The unknown man giggled while looking. A large hand going down between your legs to satisfy your need, pushing his fingers over the fabric to release the increasing tension. Hearing your tired moans and feeling your body tense made him proud of himself.
After the delightful dinner, the black-haired man put you back on the old wood, leaving his coat as a "gift" for future encounters...
“Sleep tight my love...we'll meet again very soon”
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When you encountered Shu, you weren't sure about the place. It could protect you from the possible rain and stray animals, but it was big enough for someone else to hide and try to hurt you. Either way, you decided to stay awake, at least for some hours before exhaustion kicked in.
An hour passed and you heard something fall to the ground upstairs. There was nothing to protect yourself with except a long wood plank near the fireplace. Walking up cautiously you saw the figure of someone inside one of the rooms. It was barely visible but you could see the shape of his hair, the fact that he was wearing gloves, and a...purple glow in his eyes. Oh. He was staring at you.
You gulped down, gripping the plank in your hands. “Don't come closer. Who are you and what are you doing in an abandoned house”
“I could ask the same about you. Don't you think, stranger?” The colored hair man stood in front of you, a strange force pulling you in as if someone was pushing you from behind.
“Wha-” the man hushed you with a finger on your lips, smiling softly before looking you in the eyes. “I have to say...you look very appetizing, human. Maybe we could do a deal, hmm?”
Your pulse started racing, the glow in the stranger's eyes getting more vibrant. It felt like you couldn't control your actions, your brain feeling empty. When he saw the way your body relaxed he knew he got you under his spell.
“Good...now, if you let me bite you...I'll make sure you get home safely, okay human?” His gloved hands caressed the skin of your jaw, your weight falling on it. “Sounds...like a good plan” you blurted out, blinking slowly while your hand moved to your jacket so you could move it to the side.
The pale man grabbed your hips gently, brushing your neck before biting. Your body was burning, heat spreading through all endings and you felt weak. You were like a puppet in a puppeteer's hands, fully controlled. Then, the mysterious guest stopped with a 'pop' of his lips.
From his view, your face was so flushed. He could even see small hearts in your eyes, mouth slightly opened from the stimulation. “So cute..” he chuckled, pressing a deep kiss on your lips to leave the salty taste of blood. The kiss made you eager for more, to just grab onto him and get rid of any possible space between your bodies, to be out of breath. It made you feel alive, but it wasn't going to last long.
“I'll be your guardian angel for a while. Now let me help you get some rest.”
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Fortunately, you found the way to a house but things didn't go as planned. The walk through the forest turned out to be way more dangerous and you ended up rolling downhill, cutting your arm with a tree branch. The wound wasn't really deep but the blood spilled either way.
After getting inside and starting the fireplace you made some effort to clean the cut but a rustling from the next room stopped you in your tracks.
“...Hello? Is someone there?” you focused your attention on the dark area, seeing something move. When the shadow grew taller you stepped back, ready to run if needed.
“S'mell..blood....need blood” a voice muttered, stumbling till it could rest its weight on the wall. It was a man; brown and blue hair, glasses, dark clothes, and a look of starvation just from the way he was holding his own stomach.
“Blood..?” you glanced back to your arm, seeing it still smeared with dry blood then looking back at the man who was now walking up to you slowly.
“I can help...with the wound” he paused for a second, taking a breath; “Let me have a taste please...I'll treat your wound after”. You couldn't decide if it was a good idea to trust the stranger but the way his hands were trembling and his eyes never left yours made you feel sorry for him.
Measuring your steps, you sat next to him, pulling up your sleeve to let him examine the cut. In your eyes, you could see him practically salivating, touching lightly to check if it hurt. Once he made sure that it was okay, he brushed his lips oh so delicately on your skin to afterward bite and suck the blood coming out of it. You let out a hissing sound at the sting that was soon replaced with a whimper.
“God...your blood” he practically moaned when he pulled back just a little. “It's...addictive” his lips kept drinking that delectable 'red wine' and your mind was filled with only his voice. “S'o good...so, so good” he panted, licking the rest of the blood that was on his lips before looking at you more relaxed than before.
With a simple touch of his fingers and small blue sparkles, he started closing the wound.
“Call me Ike...that's the least I could tell you about me..”
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If you're a minor or nsfw makes you uncomfortable please please don't read under the cut ❗️❗️❗️
Carla Tsukinami x Female Reader
Bath, Gentle, Romantic, Oral, Slightly dominant but still romantic, Swallowing cum
You relaxed and let out a sigh of contentment as Carla gently brushed your hair. He was careful with it, so careful that somehow brushing tangles never even hurt. You supposed that because he had long hair, and who knows how many years of experience, he had learned a few tricks.
"All done." He said, kissing the top of your head. "Now..." he walked in front of you and tucked a stray hair behind your ear. You leaned in and he met you for another kiss. It was slow, nothing sexy, but you felt yourself wanting more anyway. He bent over you, holding himself up on the arms of your chair and your hands came to rest on his shoulders. "I've been thinking, we can practice having founders." He bent down and affectionately nibbled at you, causing you to giggle. It never stopped amusing you that he often called making love practice for future founders, but you were fairly certain he knew you found it funny.
"I'd like that." His eyelids lowered with lust. "Well...since we're already here." He stood up tall, so your face was aligned with his crotch. "Suck me off, love." His words were sweet but clearly demanding. You unbuckled his belt and got his pants down, before also shimmying down his briefs. His erection, long and hard, popped out, already glistening with precum.
He touched your head and you slowly took him into your mouth, holding his shaft in your hands as you swirled your tongue around his length, enjoying the slightly salty taste of his skin. Knowing his tip was ever so sensitive, you paid special attention to it with your lips and tongue, which made him grunt and hold your hair tighter. You started to bob your head back and forth and his hand fisted your hair, helping to guide your movements until he orgasmed with a loud moan and finished in your mouth, which you happily swallowed.
Carla hurriedly undressed and with your help took all your clothes off as well. "I'm still-" "I know, love. I'll eat you out on this chair. Spread your legs for me." Carla was a prideful man, yet he went on his knees to pleasure you. He kissed your folds and you shivered.
His tongue went in and explored your womanhood. You moaned as he touched every inch with his tongue, lingering on the perfect spots. One hand grabbed and held on tightly to the armrest, the other Carla's hair. You whimpered and squirmed as he pleasured you with his mouth. His tongue swirled over your clit and you found yourself getting closer and closer until you shattered completely, moaning and shaking as your release rocked through your body.
As you came down from your high, Carla soothingly rubbed your knee, then scooted his arms under your body and picked you up, cradling you close to his chest. You breathed in his scent, still slightly out of breath from your orgasm.
He laid you down in the bathtub and filled it. The bathtub in his mansion was so effective, it was full and perfectly warm in a matter of moments. Not to mention more than big enough for two. You reached for a knob and turned the warm water on from the shower overhead, wanting to feel like you were in a warm rain shower.
"Woman, I spent so long brushing your hair." Carla said, a teasing smile on his face as he carefully got in the bath and slid in next to you. He wrapped his arm around you and you rested your head and hand on his smooth chest. "Wouldn't it get messed up making founders anyway?" You teased back, moving your fingers along his chest.
His smile spoke of adoration for you and you both mutually leaned in for a kiss. You started to stroke his erection, feeling it's soft warmth in your hands. "Mm..." Carla let out a quiet sound of pleasure.
He quietly got up and spread your legs. He took his length into his hand and guided it towards your entrance, then started pushing in. He exhaled as he filled you with his member and you moaned and gripped his forearms. He started rocking his hips and kissed you. He made love for you sweetly, gently.
You moaned into each others' mouths as your bodies moved together, pleasuring each other. You wrapped one arm around Carla's neck and he deepened the kiss, tilting his head and pressing against you more. Your chests touched and rubbed together and when Carla angled his hips to hit your g-spot, you knew you would cum soon. You arched and cried out, moaning your lover's name. "Look at me." Carla demanded as he sped up for his own release. He stared into your eyes until he too reached his climax and moaned, his eyes shutting tightly as his seed poured out of him and into you.
Breathing heavily he gently lowered his body and ontop of yours and you rested your hands on his back. You kissed his ear and you nibbled on your neck slightly. "Maybe...maybe one day...it won't be for practice?" Carla looked up at you. He kissed you. "Certainly, beloved woman of mine."
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roodles03 · 8 months
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Hunter's Room (Fan Design)
It is about time I finally did this, now I can make so many drawing ideas come true with a room for Hunter designed. Also, for those who read my "Timeskip Watching and Dreaming AU" series of fanfics on A03, this is what Hunter's room looks like. This room is a room in Darius' house, so yippie Dadrius.
Alright, I know the doors can be confusing to let me break this down.
The door on the south wall with the small cuckoo clock like doors is the door to exit the room. I put cuckoo doors on the door because it's for Waffles.
The door that's on the wall that's jetting out is the door to the walk-in closet
And the the door on the west wall is the door to Hunter's private bathroom.
I originally wanted to do the entire Deamonne household at once, but, no way that would take forever. Maybe I'll do parts of it in the future but for right now, NO. If I did, I'd probably do Darius' room next and the living room after that.
This took such a long time to design, and it was my first time ever designing a background completely on my own. I needed to take off the training wheels and design my own background for once, and for my first attempt, I think I did a decent job.
The only thing that I couldn't add is a ceiling fan, but that was only because of the angles I had. I'm sure I could've if I had a different angle. Im going to have to design that separately.
This took since October 20th to finish, I probably could've got it done faster, but uni kept me busy and such. Either way, now that I've finished this, I can't wait to make drawings with this room. Yay!
Alright so: Tumblr exclusive content from here on out since insta has a stupid character limit, and their cropping system sucks
I'm gonna go on an infodump to why I decided to put almost everything here in Hunter's room.
North Wall:
Bed: I decided to make the headboard and footboard a cherry colored wood because Hunter would definitely like cherry wood because it's reddish. Referencing Willow's headboard that has a flower, I changed that into a bird for Hunter. I gave him a blue blanket in reference to Waffles. I headcannon that Hunter LOVES plushies, so I gave him some plushies I'd think he'd like. He'd definitely like squishmallows, so I gave him a blue-jay, cardinal, and wolf squishmellow. I also gave him a small wolf plush, as well as a small parrot plush and a peacock plush. The Sprig plushie is special, as it's not the same one as he had in the castle. It's a life-sized one Willow won him at a carnvial. (Reference to one of my fics).
Nightable: Nothing much to say here outside of the fact that I felt like Hunter would need one. I gave him a crystal ball because I felt like he'd like one.
Desk: This is where Hunter does work, from designing clothes to sew to studying for school. He has a log of regluar wood to practice carving on. (This room is set when Hunter is still a kid early during the WAD timeskip) He also has a punch a pencils, a desk lamp, and some books on there.
Corkboard: Hunter keeps notes for his school studies, and personal projects here. Sometimes he doodles things and puts them up there, such as the wolf and birds doodles.
Wall: Hunter would 100% be that person to have a trillion posters. I gave him a Flyer Derby poster, and a hummingbird poster. The Ruler's Reach poster is actually signed by King himself. Here's also a wolf calender, since I'd figured he'd like that, and a cuckoo clock that I headcannon Hunter and Dell carved together.
Bookshelf: On the bottom shelf, Hunter keeps a bunch of random books he likes.
On the second shelf, he has a photo of Flapjack, textbooks for his abominations and potions classes, and a photo of Willow
On the third shelf, he has textbooks for his illusions, construction, wild magic, plants, beastkeeping, and runes classes.
On the forth shelf, he has a photo of Darius, textbooks for his bard, oracle, and healing classes, and a photo of Waffles.
On the top shelf, he has his two favorite books of all time, Cosmic Frontier and Ruler's Reach, specially displayed with them propped up.
Jesus, that was by far the longest description we'll have.
East Wall:
Window: Hunter has a basic window with blue curtains. I originally wanted to make the curtains space themed for Cosmic Frontier, but then realized that would be a pain to draw over and over again, so I kept it blue. Maybe I can make Hunter's shower curtain space themed instead.
Other then that, there is nothing new on this wall that I'd like to cover. (I'd rather cover things that appear on other walls in their sections)
South Wall:
Wall: Hunter has two more posters on this wall. A Cosmic Frontier Poster. This is a reference in itself, where in Star Trek, the equivalent of O'Bailey has an asian wife that is a Bontonist, and that is sorta a parrel to Huntlow. So I decided to make a headcannon design for both O'Bailey, and the Bontonist I decided to rename to Aiko. So boom. Huntlow reference. The other poster is simply a wolf poster.
Box: This is pretty self explanatory. Its a box with sewing supplies.
Mannequin: Since Hunter sews, I'd imagine he'd like to have a mannequin to help make the clothing design process easier.
Table: This is the same sewing Machine from Thanks to Them, as Camila gave it to Hunter as a gift.
West Wall:
Outside of the door of the bathroom, there is nothing new on the west wall that I haven't already covered.
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Here is the original blueprint for the entire Deamonne household. I could go from here and design every last aspect of the house, but that would take ages. I'd definitely like to, but its just so much work. Like I said, the next two rooms I'd design are Darius' room and the living room. Plus, Hunter's room was by definition going to he the hardest, since he has the most stuff and therefore detail in his room.
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For when I wanted to focus solely on Hunter's room, I referenced the upstairs blueprint snd made a more detailed blueprint just for his room. As you can see, A LOT ended up changing from this to the final version.
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laurark · 6 months
2023 Wrap Up
A strange year that was both long and short. The main lesson to learn from 2023 is the same lesson I have been learning every year since I was 6 years old: Things happen if you try!
 I spent a lot of time this year hitting my head against a wall, or rather healing from an RSI that caused making art to become really fraught. I could bear the wrist pain in order to do my favorite thing (drawing!!!) but then the pain stuck around after I had clocked out for the day and was making dinner. It would go like this: I want to make pasta sauce using canned tomatoes, but using a can opener is so painful now that maybe I should just do something else. The onions and garlic are already cooking in the pan though, what can I pivot that to? I felt like the biggest dunce in the world. I worked my way into being cursed, I deserved it.
I have this craving to just commit to a big art project, like a graphic novel, and keep my head down working on it. Having all my time devoted to work feels a bit like doing penance, like earning my bread. But I look at the world and I know I cannot draw my way out of this. I can’t write my way out of this. I can’t post my way out of this. I am unprepared for what I need to do to earn a better tomorrow. But I am prepared to learn.
I changed up my desk ergonomics and my wrist healed. Thank you to the huge desk easel that I stole from my parents’ house. It’s ugly, heavy, stained, and I keep banging my elbows on its sharp corners. It sucks but it saved my life. Do not resist making your workspace uglier if it might help you! 
Making The Influence and participating in the ShortBox Comics Fair was a huge work highlight this year. I’m so grateful I can make a work with dark themes and have it be understood and appreciated. The encouraging response to The Influence did a lot to kill the bad faith reviewer in my mind. Things are possible if you try!
I started painting again and I really love it. I’m trying to just follow the image-making. Painting is play to me and I want it to remain so. I feel myself itch to turn it into some kind of profitable thing, to make it palatable, but I’m trying to resist so it remains a place of experimentation. 
I also wrote a short novel. It’s awful. I just re-read it and it’s so bad, but reading it makes me happy. It needs serious reworking to be a proper novel, but I did technically cross the finish line and write the whole story. It was very refreshing and informative to branch out like this, even if I don’t think this particular example is fit for human consumption. Earlier in my life I was so stubborn about ONLY working in comics but now I’d like to pursue whatever path I can to have a creative career. If you try!
I had a great time tabling at Short Run this year. Two different people came to my table and told me they came to the show specifically to see my table. One person said Bug Boys was responsible for facilitating “many special moments” with them and their niece. I don’t want to forget about moments like this. It means a lot to me. 
It occurs to me as I type out this year’s accomplishments, they’re mostly things I did at home alone. I haven’t rejoined the world after COVID in a meaningful way, the way I hoped I would during lockdown. It comes naturally to me to make up excuses to stay home, keep my head down, watch how things play out before joining in. That attitude does me a disservice. It isolates me. When other people are only in the screen, they become hypothetical. It’s not right to live this way, but it’s comfortable to me. It feels “safe” after COVID, even though it’s not safe. I know I need to change this. 
It feels sick and strange to be blogging in my safe little apartment during a time of bloodshed. To flip through my planner and think of my future while others starve is obscene. My entire life was obscene in this fashion. It’s my responsibility to sit with this feeling and do something with it.
Here’s to a better 2024. We can do it, we can try. 
In love and solidarity, 
Laura K.
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yeonjunszn · 1 year
like hot summer ☼
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pairing park sunghoon x f!reader
word count 8k
genres fluff﹒slight angst ﹒smut
warnings 18+ minors dni, mature language, best friends to lovers trope, sharing a bed/room trope, insufferable heeseung + slightly less insufferable jake, features enha jay, txt beomgyu, taehyun, and huening + skz jeongin, also features nct dream, i’m so sorry for doing u so dirty jisung 💔, mentions of alcohol, hoon is kinda mean for like a singular second, vaginal fingering, marking?, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it 😒), finishing inside, Lots of Kissing, they’re kinda gross at the end like i made myself mad with how cute they were being so of course i had to ruin it… u’ll see 😇
summary you’ve been best friends for years now, so why does the idea of sharing a room with him get you so flustered?
more HAPPY 900 FOLLOWERS!! thank u guys so much for giving me this platform to write even if it is for boys who have no idea i exist 😭 writing has always been something very dear to me since a young age and i’m so grateful for being able to get this far on this site. i’ve had an issue with reach in the past and this blog has been nothing but kind to me. i’m forever indebted to all of u and my future followers 🫶 here’s a small token of my appreciation — i havent written anything nsfw since ? march ? i believe 💀 so i apologize if this is rough.. it was originally a vernon fic before i decided not to write for svt anymore and i actually started it in july 😭😭 which is why it’s another summer based fic LMFAOAOAO anyways it was supposed to be like 5k and i got carried away so here u go <3
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“please do not take those with you.”
you look up from the suitcase you were stuffing clothes in, a pair of your most comfortable underwear currently in your hands. heeseung gives you a dissatisfied look, standing from his spot in your desk chair to snatch them and throw the garment behind him.
“okay? what the hell?” you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“we’re going on a trip where you’ll most likely be meeting new people. i don’t think you want to be dressed like a grandma when you do.” he explains with an eye roll, as if it was obvious.
“first of all, rude, they’re cute. second of all, i don’t plan on sleeping around,” you frown, glancing behind him at your poor underwear on the floor. “i should’ve just asked hoon to help me pack. you suck.”
“i’m pretty sure he’d also tell you to ditch the granny-panties.” he shrugs, sitting back on the rolling chair.
“n-no! i wouldn’t have even let him see me packing my undergarments.” you say defensively.
“you’ve been best friends this long and he’s never seen your underwear at least once? what makes me so special.” the brunette snorts.
“you’re… you.”
he gasps in feign offense, slapping his chest. “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“don’t take it personally! i’d probably let jake see my underwear too,” you defend your words, rifling through your clothes to make sure everything you needed was good to go. when you glance up at heeseung, he has a grimace on his face and you realize what you just said. “stop it! i meant because i see you both like brothers, so it wouldn’t be weird.”
“there are two things to be discussed here; one being the fact that you’d let bitchless, has never felt the touch of a woman in his life, jake sim, see your underwear— even if you think of him as a brother. and two being the fact that sunghoon is somehow different despite knowing him the same amount of time as us.” he raises an eyebrow as you turn to your dresser in search for a pair of replacement panties, since he so graciously tossed aside your favorites, then zip your suitcase shut.
with a grunt, you lug the thing off your bed, checking your appearance in the mirror since you were getting picked up soon. you peek over your shoulder at the brunette, narrowing your eyes. “i hope you know that you’re the absolute bane of my existence, lee heeseung.”
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a couple hours later you find yourself sipping on a margarita, poolside at the airbnb you and your friends were renting. the beach was within walking distance, but you didn’t feel like going so you stayed back by yourself. you didn’t mind it at all, because it was probably the only chance you’d get to be alone in a house full of boys.
nine of you crammed into a single house was not ideal, especially considering you were the only girl in your group, but you planned this trip every year. loud, gross, and annoying antics aside, you loved them more than anything. (except maybe when they asked you to set any of them up with one of your girl friends.)
you also felt like you needed a bit of reprieve before you called it a night, since you weren’t given the privilege of your own room this time. all of you made the grave mistake of putting beomgyu in charge of booking the airbnb and his dumbass forgot until about a month ago, when he scrambled to find something within everyone’s standards and big enough to accommodate your large party. and while he was able to secure something, it did mean you’d have to have a roommate.
everyone agreed that it’d be okay if it was just you and one other person to respect your boundaries. rooming arrangements varied from year to year depending on how you decided, but this was the first time you were included. the boys got straight into it the moment you all set foot on the property, arguing in the front yard while you figured out how to work the keypad on the door. due to your ignorance to their shenanigans, you didn’t know who your temporary roommate was until the whole ordeal was a done deal.
before anything was set in stone, there was a unanimous choice to give you and whoever you ended up with the master bedroom, because none of them wanted you biting their heads off for hogging the bathroom. in the first room (the one next to the master), was heeseung, beomgyu, and jeongin, delegated by a game of rock paper scissors. by some miracle or just sheer dumb luck, the three idiots wound up together and celebrated by hugging in a circle and jumping around like elementary schoolers. the second room went to jay, jake, taehyun, and kai. this left one person— park sunghoon.
had you participated in the actual game, you would’ve started a riot to switch roommates. hell, you’d even share a room with jake, and that said everything about how you were feeling towards this situation.
it’s not that you didn’t want to room with sunghoon, per se, it was more like you were afraid to room with him. he was decently calm and an easy person to get along with for the most part. except his ability to tease you in any situation lit a fire under you. his jokes that would seem belittling to anyone else felt flirty and it drove you crazy. all of the guys in your friend group were good looking, but you always found yourself gravitating more towards sunghoon. (besides, you could never in a million years see yourself making out with someone like taehyun; who you thought was quite honestly prettier than you or beomgyu; who enjoyed personally talking your ear off every opportunity he got.)
when the boys finally come back from the beach, the sun has set and you, yourself, had just returned from picking up dinner. the nine of you ate with comfortable conversation here and there, exhausted from the long day you just had, before drawing the evening to a close.
you feel awkward trudging up the stairs to your room with sunghoon in tow, like if you say the wrong thing you’ll alter the entire course of your friendship. he tells you that you can shower first and so you do, but halfway through, you realize you forgot to grab you clothes on the way in. you curse at yourself as you rinse your body wash, switching off the water.
you wrap your towel around yourself timidly, well aware that it’s the only thing stopping sunghoon from seeing your bare body. with a gulp, you reach for the door handle, pushing it open slowly. he’s sat on the edge of the bed scrolling through his phone, uninformed of your presence. you kneel down to your suitcase to quickly grab what you need so you can rush back into the bathroom and change, but the universe hates you and doesn’t think it should be that easy.
“shit shit shit shit,”
you frantically sift through your clothes after getting your undergarments, only for your pajamas to be missing. you remember packing them and you know heeseung was there when you—
you were going to murder lee heeseung.
fuck him and his overt desire to make your life a living hell. first there was the underwear thing and now this. did he not think your care bear pajamas were cute enough to bring on this trip? either way, you couldn’t wait to strangle him, your fingers wiggling in anticipation.
“hey, is everything okay?” sunghoon’s voice calls out, pulling you away from your nefarious plotting. your eyes widen almost comically because you’re still very much naked under your towel and you don’t have clothes to sleep in.
“uh— i— i think i forgot to pack— i mean— i can’t find my pajamas.” you admit shamefully, too embarrassed to look up at him.
the bed creaks lightly, notifying you that he got up. you stand from your crouched position, careful not to accidentally flash him. he rummages through his own suitcase, spinning around to toss a t-shirt at you. you catch it with your free hand and your cheeks are still impossibly warm. you’re not sure if your mind is playing tricks on you, or if he really did rake his vision over your figure.
your heart is racing mortifyingly fast so you give him a tight lipped smile and raise your hand in thanks, bringing it back down just as fast when you think about the fact that you were holding your underwear in the same hand.
you think that’s the fastest you’ve ever run away from something, leaning back against the door while pressing the back of your palm to your forehead, your chest heaving. confidence wasn’t a weakness to you and it pissed you off to no end that it seemed to be only when sunghoon was around that you acted like a complete clown.
there was no chance of you surviving this trip.
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the following day, you and the boys had gone out for an early lunch. because you were such a big group, they split you into two different tables. yours consisted of jake, heeseung, beomgyu, and jeongin. the entire time you kept your glare on the brunette sitting directly across from you, even as you shoveled rice into your mouth.
“woah, y/n. if looks could kill, hee would be dead by now.” jake laughs, pointing at you with his chopsticks.
“good,” you say flatly. “that’s what i want.”
heeseung looks thoroughly offended by your statement, clicking his tongue in response. “i don’t know why you hate me so much.”
“oh really?” you ask with a small scoff, sarcasm leaking through your words.
“what’d he do?” beomgyu snorts, flicking his eyes between you and heeseung curiously.
you don’t take your eyes off of the latter, rather you give him an even harsher stare than before. you squint slightly, crossing your legs and leaning back into your chair. “he was with me when i was packing my clothes yesterday and when i went to change after i got out of the shower last night, my pajamas were missing. and i swear i packed them. i even double checked my suitcase.”
jeongin purses his lips and raises his eyebrows. “the care bear pajamas?”
“the care bear pajamas!” you exclaim.
“wow, heeseung, it’s like you’re asking to be suffocated with a pillow in your sleep.”
“that was such an oddly specific cause of death.”
“wait a damn minute! how do you even know it was me? why are you just assuming shit like that?” he defends, picking up his hands like he’s innocent of all crimes. jake holds back a laugh at his reaction and jeongin gives him a deadpan expression.
“why are you being so defensive about it? clearly that means it was you.”
“i agree! i know this is apart of his stupid ‘get-y/n-laid’ agenda. what if i don’t wanna get laid?!” you flail your arms exasperatedly.
beomgyu holds up a finger to halt you, scrunching his eyebrows together. “everyone wants to get laid. you’re no exception.”
you narrow your gaze at him as if to say ‘not helping’ and he shuts up, squeezing his lips together. if there was anything he could’ve said in that moment, that was not it. especially not when you were trying to prove your case. you were an independent woman! you didn’t need to sleep around if you didn’t want to! (you did, with a specific person, but that's besides the point.)
“so what’d you end up wearing to sleep?” jeongin asks, resting his chin in his palm before gasping. “wow, n/n, sunghoon got to see you half naked?”
“no! he lent me a shirt!” you dispute frantically.
“boring,” jake drags out the o. “i think i have an extra you can borrow for tonight if you don’t wanna wear that one again.”
“please, you’re a lifesaver, jake,” you clasp your hands together. “unlike someone by the name of lee heeseung, who’s currently on my hit list. you better sleep with one eye open by the way.”
“could you be a little quiet with it though? i share a room with him.” beomgyu throws in.
“don’t worry, gyu. i've been googling different ways that would be silent, quick, and successful.” you fist bump him, before resuming your eating.
“i don’t get why you’re not groveling at my feet and thanking me right now. i did you a favor, you know,” heeseung huffs, his words slightly muffled by the food filling his mouth. “you get to keep his shirt and sleep in the same bed as him. isn’t that a win?”
“i don’t like him like that, seung.” you say a bit harsher than you intended. the table grows quiet at your outburst, even if they all speculate that you’re lying. the silence causes the other table to look over in concern.
whether you’re just extremely unlucky, or the gods actually think you’re a waste of a human being, you don’t know, but things keep screwing up in your favor. you make accidental eye contact with sunghoon, whose lips are slightly turned downward when he sees how distressed you appear.
it pisses you off.
it pisses you off because all you want to do is kiss those same lips until you can’t breathe. you want him to press them all over your skin, making you hot and bothered. you want him to whisper sweet sweet nothings into your ear and pepper little smooches along the shell of it with them. it pisses you off because you know he doesn’t feel the same.
and it’s so fucking annoying.
you’re probably the only girl he’d never see that way, thanks to the long history you share. you’ll always be another one of the guys to him. you’re someone he knows will be there for him to fall back on when a talking stage fails. you’re someone he knows will sit there and listen to his tales of how he got his dick wet, listen to his bragging.
it should deter your feelings, honestly. not only due to the fact that you have no chance with him, but because he was your best friend. you shouldn’t be mad at him for treating you as such. except you can’t help that you are.
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after lunch, the group decided you might as well have another beach day, seeing as it was within walking distance from the airbnb. since you weren’t much of a beach fan (you hated the salty air and, even worse, the sand), the boys allowed you to pick the activity for the night.
there was a club you passed by on your way back from the restaurant that looked intriguing, so that was what you landed on.
you watched your friends mess around by the water as you stayed planted on a beach towel under an umbrella, sunglasses perched on the bridge of your nose. your body weight rested on your palms as you leaned back, soaking up the warmth on your skin. your cute white, shimmery bikini was a head turner, guys staring as they walked by you, ogling at your sunbathing.
you half hoped someone would just go up to you instead of drooling from afar, but at the same time, the thought of a stranger approaching you made you nervous. though, it would provide a decent distraction.
you try to act surprised when someone finally takes the bait.
he’s an attractive guy, you’ll admit, with dark hair that falls onto his forehead, slightly in his eyes which are also obscured by a pair of sunglasses. he ruffles it a bit before dropping himself on the sand beside you. he doesn’t talk for a few minutes, just copying your actions.
a small smile makes way onto your lips at his nonchalance and you turn to face him, pushing your shades up on top of your head. he does the same, giving you his own smile. now that you have a full view of his features, you can 100% say that he’s indeed handsome.
with an extended hand, he says, “hi, i’m park jisung.”
you return the gesture, shaking it with a firm grip. “l/n y/n.”
“wow, pretty name for a pretty girl. your parents must’ve known what they were doing.” he flirts with a laugh, almost like it’s second nature for him.
you can’t hide how bashful the compliment makes you, a tiny giggle bubbling from your chest. the bikini gave you a confidence boost when you put it on, but despite that, you were still you. so hearing little things like that always made you shy, especially because you weren’t used to it. how could you? being friends with a bunch of boys and all, guys never really cared to look in your direction.
“do you say that to every girl you meet, park jisung?” you manage to tease back, proud of yourself for recovering so quickly.
his smile morphs into a grin, his teeth peeking through his lips, and his eyes crinkle at the sides. “nope. just the really pretty ones.”
you tilt your chin into your shoulder as you feel heat spread across your cheeks. how was this guy so smooth? it’s like he knew exactly what you wanted/needed to hear and kept saying it.
when you compose yourself, you continue your conversation with jisung. it’s comfortable, even if you’d never met him before today, and it feels like you’ve known him for a while. you learn that he’s also on a trip with his friends, the six of them stationed just a few umbrellas over to your left. (he groans when you catch them spying on the two of you.) then he tells you that he noticed you earlier and his friends had finally convinced him to shoot his shot.
“you know, if you’d come up to me sooner, i would’ve been a lot less bored,” you sigh, scooting a little closer to him. “my friends have been ignoring me since we got here and i fucking hate the beach.”
he chuckles at that, subtly brushing his fingers against yours. “sorry about that. i guess you’re glad i saved the day, huh?”
“very,” you link your pinkie with his. “so, we’re going out later tonight to some club called allure? i think? it’d be really cool if you went, just saying. you can bring your friends.”
“that sounds like fun. maybe you’ll see us there,” he shrugs, nudging your foot with his. “depends on how bad you wanna see me.”
“nooo, don’t do me like that, jisung,” you whine halfheartedly, covering your face with your free hand. “i would like to see you there, but i don’t wanna beg.”
jisung laughs at how cute you are, poking your cheek with a nod. “okay okay, you convinced me. i’ll tell the guys.”
“okay, cool.” you breathe, tangling your fingers with his as you both stare at each other goofily. you almost lean in, the gap between you only disrupted by a centimeter, but then a throat clears itself and you jump apart.
it seemed that the guys all finally noticed you weren’t alone and decided to pay attention to you. you make eye contact with sunghoon and feel a shudder run down your spine, trying your hardest to conceal it.
“hey, y/n, who’s this?” he asks, albeit passively.
“oh, this is jisung. him and his friends are gonna meet us at the club tonight!” you give him a tight lipped smile, glancing over to gauge jisung’s reaction. he doesn’t look too fazed by their presence, instead standing up so he could introduce himself to each of them.
you sputter at the action, surprised that he was so willing to be buddy-buddy with the boys. you assume it’s because he isn’t too intimidated by them, considering they’d been ignorant toward your presence until now.
after he’s done, he turns to you and puffs his cheeks, blowing air between his lips. “i guess i better get going. i’ll see you later?”
“mhm,” you rub his arm. “see you tonight, ji.”
the nickname makes him grin and he ruffles your hair before bidding you all a goodbye. your eyes follow as he walks over to his friends, who are fist bumping in celebration of his success with you. your smile doesn’t go away as you look back at your own friends.
jake jumps up and down, shaking you aggressively by the shoulders. “y/n, holy shit! rizz master or what?”
beomgyu and jeongin burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter, falling into each other as you roll your eyes. jake would be the one to use such a gen z term at his age. “please never call me that again.”
“well jakey, looks like she won’t need your shirt tonight after all. chances are she’ll use jisung’s instead.” heeseung jokes, smacking your arm playfully.
you cover your face with both hands to shelter how embarrassed they’re making you feel. rule number one for being best friends with a bunch of boys— don’t. they’re nothing but menaces. and if you happen to acquire a friend group of just males— don’t let them meet your significant other.
as you wrap up your day at the beach, so you could head back to the airbnb to get ready for your night out, you realize sunghoon is keeping to himself a lot. and you don’t know what to make of that.
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you feel like a million bucks if you’re being completely honest with yourself. you packed one of the nicest dresses you owned in case you needed it and you were so glad you did. it would’ve been awkward rolling up to the club in shorts and a bikini top— though you’re sure management has probably seen that before.
it was gold and sparkly, with spaghetti straps and a lace-up back, low cut enough that it was cute rather than overly revealing. you styled your hair to preference and kept the makeup simple, soft glam that didn’t distract from the outfit. this was the prettiest you felt in weeks— months even— and it was a comforting change of pace.
when you step out of the bathroom, sunghoon is laying on his back on the bed, scrolling through his phone. the sound of your heels clacking on the wooden floor forces him to sit up. “how long does it take to—?”
his words die out once he sees you, his throat going dry and his stomach tightening with an incessant knot. you look so gorgeous, it almost makes him angry that it’s not for him. never in your seven years of friendship has he ever seen you put this much effort in your appearance. (he thinks that’s why he feels himself getting worked up.)
“woah, missy, you’re not leaving the house looking like that. where’s your coat?” he raises an eyebrow, masking the icky feeling brewing inside of him.
“hoon, it’s like a hundred degrees out. we’re in the middle of a heatwave at the peak of the summer, the fuck do i need a coat for?” you counter with a scoff, shoving your phone and some lip gloss along with your credit card and ID in the little clutch you were taking with you.
“i’m just saying,” he shrugs. “you’re practically wearing a piece of cloth, you might get cold.”
“shut up, i’ll be fine.” you snort, exiting the room and leaving him scrambling for control of himself.
the rest of the guys are already waiting downstairs, whistling and hollering once you reach the bottom of the steps. jake tells you to do a little twirl, cheering you on like he was best friends with bella hadid or something. (you won't admit that it fuels your ego.)
“where’s sunghoon?” jay asks crouching to see if he was visible from where he was standing.
“i don’t know, but he’s being weird. my vote is we leave without him.” taehyun holds up a finger, pursing his lips as if he was being totally serious about his suggestion. you laugh at his expression, flicking his forehead.
“don’t be mean, tyun.”
a couple minutes later, sunghoon finally makes his way downstairs, looking conflicted about something. as much as you wanna ask, you know you shouldn’t get into it right now, so you choose not to.
jisung and his group are already at the club when you arrive and he waves you over to the high tables they secured. he introduces you to his six friends; mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, and chenle. once you’ve met them, the two of you introduce your own friends to each other. it makes you happy that they seem to hit it off, breaking off into smaller cliques.
you and jisung wander off to the bar, ordering some drinks for yourselves. he helps you sit at one of the stools, his hand resting comfortably on your lower back. it doesn’t take long for the bartender to hand you your poison for the night and you take a gulp with a wince, letting the alcohol burn in its course down your throat.
“you look really good, by the way,” jisung compliments, his thumb rubbing circles into the skin that peeks through the straps in the back of your dress. “i didn’t get to tell you when you got here.”
his mouth brushes your ear as he speaks so you can hear him over the booming top forties music playing. there’s not nearly enough alcohol in your system to warrant the heat blooming under your skin so soon. you just giggle in response, spinning in your chair so you’re facing him. you hold your straw between two fingers as you sip at your beverage, looking up at him through thick lashes coated in mascara.
“you’re really something else, y/n,” he shakes his head, downing the rest of his drink before you return to your friends. “i’m gonna use the restroom, i’ll be right back.”
you nod with a smile when he pets your head, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple. it catches you off guard, but you don’t mind it one bit. at least someone was interested in you for once.
heeseung squeezes his way through the crowd to you and narrows his eyes, taking a hold of either side of your head. your cheeks squish together and your lips form a pout, so no matter how annoyed you try to come across, you just look silly. your attempts to get him off of you are futile, making you raise a brow to find out why he was being so touchy-feely.
“i still cannot believe you managed to make moves while you were alone. i literally never saw this coming.”
god, lee heeseung was such a lightweight.
“can you stop being sentimental? it’s kinda gross.” you grimace, your words mushed together much like your cheeks. it’s at this point that jake decides to join in, throwing his arms around your shoulders.
(jake sim was also a lightweight.)
“i love you guys! i’m so glad we’re here together right now!”
you spot jisung coming back from the restroom, pleading for him to save you with your eyes. he laughs and inserts himself in the conversation. “i appreciate you guys watching over y/n for me while i was gone, but do you think i can steal her back?”
“i guess,” jake sighs dramatically, dragging out the s. “but you better bring her back in one piece, park.”
jisung salutes to the brunette, even if he wasn’t at all intimidated by his overprotective parent persona, and whisks you away to get more drinks and then to hit the dance floor. the moment your foot reaches the tiled ground, a summer walker song starts, and all coherent thoughts leave your mind.
you keep one arm wrapped around jisung’s neck as you begin to sway your hips with the music, taking swigs of your drink every now and then. his is long forgotten in favor of gripping your waist like you’d run away any second. you have him wrapped around your finger, the way he’s fixated on you and your movements has your head spinning. but when you glance towards the general direction all of your friends were in, you accidentally make eye contact with none other than park sunghoon.
he’s glaring right at you, making no attempt to hide the distaste on his features while he watches you dance. you keep the eye contact when jisung leans into your neck, his nose grazing the sensitive spot just below your ear.
usually you’d fold then and there, crumbling in his hands and letting him take you home for the night. but there’s something about the darkness in sunghoon’s gaze that sends a shiver down your spine, not the person you were currently grinding into on the dance floor. it sends your mind into a frenzy.
your blissful ignorance to the amount of attraction you truly felt for him was causing more problems than solving them. here you were, a nice guy treating you like an absolute princess, but still thirsting after one of your best friends with not a single ounce of fucking shame. years of pent up frustration and insufferable pining bubble over, and you don’t stop yourself from what you’re about to do next.
you pull back from jisung, finally breaking the staring contest between you and sunghoon, and smile at him, pushing some hair out of his eyes. he gives you a look of utter confusion and you huff. “i’m sorry, but i’m feeling a little tired. i think the drinks are getting to me.”
“do you want me to drop you off at your place?” he asks, so sweetly it actually makes you feel bad about your true intentions. you shake your head ‘no’.
“it’s okay, you can stay here with your friends. i’ll just ask one of the boys,” you respond, patting his cheek. “one of the sober ones.”
“alright, if you insist. just be careful and text me later, yeah?” he gives you that award winning grin that made you weak at the knees just moments ago. this time you don’t give him a verbal response, too afraid of your voice betraying you.
you still don’t say anything as you grab your clutch from the table where your group was at, flickering your vision to sunghoon once before you walk out of the club. the air is cooler than this afternoon, serving as a nice contrast to your warm, sticky skin. your ears are still ringing from the blaring music and you’re pleasantly buzzed, but you feel great.
the sound inside the club travels outside for a second when the door opens and closes, signaling that someone had just walked out. you don’t want to risk the backwards glance in case it’s not who you’re hoping it is and you feel dumb. you opt to stare at the cars passing on the street, hugging yourself.
there’s the ghost of a touch on the small of your back and a broad chest pressed to your shoulders, causing you to jump slightly. “ditched that dude finally?”
you swallow thickly, his deep voice reverberating in your bones. “and if i did?”
sunghoon chuckles, his fingers dancing around the knot of your dress. “then i won’t have to feel like an asshole for what i’m about to do to you.”
you squeak as he starts to push you in the direction of the airbnb, your feet carrying you as fast as you can with your heels. the walk is silent except for the clicking against the concrete sidewalk, but it’s heavy with tension. half of you wants to say something, to ask what’s even happening. you don’t even realize he’s punching the numbers into the keypad and pulling you into the house until you’re pinned to the shut door, nose skimming yours.
sunghoon has a desperate grip around your wrists, breathing like he’d just ran a marathon. you stare up at him with wide eyes. you’re not entirely sure what you were hoping for when you executed this plan, but this wasn’t anywhere near the list of outcomes. in fact, you were positive that park sunghoon didn’t feel any sort of attraction to you.
“hoon,” you gasp, tongue swiping across your bottom lip.
he grins, his canines peeking through those lips of his that looked so soft. “you look so pretty tonight, n/n. can’t believe i get to have you all to myself.”
your head feels empty, like there’s nothing but cotton filling your skull where your brain should be. this was something out of a dream for you, something you’d only ever seen in your darkest fantasies. you wanted him to kiss you so badly it was beginning to ache. your head tilts to the side just a bit, your eyes alternating between his mouth and his own.
“need you,” you whisper, voice airy. “‘ve been waiting for this for so long.”
he connects your lips at that, a burning fever behind his actions as he does so. the dizziness doesn’t go away, instead amplifying. he releases your wrists in favor of grabbing at your thighs, his blunt nails digging into the plush skin. you tangle your fingers in his hair and tug at the silky strands, forcing a groan out of him. kissing sunghoon is sickening. it’s exactly how they describe it in books, the stomach churning and the goosebumps and all. this morning, you never would’ve thought you’d be here, but you’re completely satisfied with this turn of events.
“bedroom,” he breathes. “don’t want anyone seeing you like this but me.”
he doesn’t have to tell you twice, your heels discarded at the bottom of the stairs. the minute you’re in your shared room, his mouth is hot on yours again and you’re collapsing on to the bed. his hands are everywhere and there’s too many clothes between you. you slide your hands under his shirt, grazing your nails along his abdomen, smiling when it tenses under your touch. he gets the memo, removing his shirt and tossing it haphazardly behind him. you fumble with the button of his jeans and he laughs at how needy you are, solidifying just how real this moment actually is.
you notice that he’s already hard once his pants are gone and you palm his bulge as you lean back in for another kiss. he sighs into your mouth, reaching around your back to untie the knot on your dress. the straps fall instantaneously, the front of the fabric slipping down to reveal your bare chest. sunghoon’s lips move from yours to your jaw and along the column of your neck until he’s at your chest, looking up at you as he leaves open mouthed kisses all over your tits. you moan softly when the warmth of his mouth envelopes a sensitive nipple, slipping your dress off all the way so you’re left in nothing but your panties.
he steps back for a second to kick the article of clothing away, before caging your body with his. “i’ve been wanting to get you out of that dress all night. it pissed me off that you didn’t put it on for me, but he doesn’t get to see you all fucked out untouched, now does he?”
you shake your head, but that doesn’t satisfy him. his thumb finds your clit through the thin material of your underwear, rubbing tight circles into it to get a reaction from you. your lips part and your eyes squeeze shut, but it’s not enough for him. he grabs your chin a little forcefully, smushing your cheeks together like heeseung did earlier— however there was nothing wholesome about this moment.
“i asked you a fucking question.” sunghoon all but growls.
“n-no, hoon. only you,” you whimper, his mean demeanor turning you on even more. you’re embarrassed by the wet patch forming on the front of your panties and deep deep down you’re thanking lee heeseung for throwing the other pair out of your suitcase. (very very very deep down— you’d never give him the benefit of being right.)
“that’s my good girl,” he hooks his fingers into the waistband, glancing at you for confirmation. “are we really going through with this? you can back out now.”
your heart thumps disgustingly loud in your ears at how sincere he sounds and you pray to god that he can’t hear it. “sunghoon, i’m laying half naked in front of you right now— if you don’t fuck me—”
“alright alright… you got it,” he laughs that cute laugh of his, the one he reserves solely for you. the one that has crows feet forming at the corners of his eyes. it drives you crazier than anything else he’s done the entire night.
sunghoon slides your underwear down your legs with one hand, the other propping himself up to hover over you. you kick them off, biting your lip and hissing when he decides to run a finger up your slit. he curses as he watches how your arousal coats the digit. all you’ve done is kiss and you’re dripping.
“you’re soaked, baby,” he practically groans, pecking your jaw. “gonna ruin your pussy so you know who you belong to.”
you whine when he thrusts a finger in without warning, quickly adding a second and massaging your swollen clit with the pad of his thumb. your head rolls back as moans and expletives spill from your mouth. sunghoon takes the opportunity to mark you as his, sucking and biting your neck and chest like he was a leech, ensuring bruises formed in his wake. he finds the sweet spot at your pulse point, curling his fingers at the same time he nips at it.
“f-fuck, right th-there, hoonie,” you mewl, instinctively spreading your legs wider.
at this rate, you don’t think you’ll last much longer.
you know he can tell too with the way he speeds up the pace of his fingers. you clench around them and he connects your lips once again, his tongue tangling with yours messily. it’s so sloppy and so aggressive, but it’s perfect. it’s so sunghoon.
he keeps working at you, kissing everywhere he can until he pushes the right buttons to make you fall apart in his hands. when he finally finds it— a little nibble to your earlobe— your back arches further into him, your moans uncontrollable and incomprehensible as your orgasm washes over you. the skill of his mouth and hands has you reeling from the experience knowing no one else could ever make you feel like this ever again.
once you’ve come down, he slowly pulls his fingers out, sucking them so he can taste you and all that you are. he groans before pressing a quick kiss to your lips. you sigh in content.
“if you cum like that just from my fingers, i can’t wait to see how you look with my cock,” he mutters into your mouth, evoking a whine out of you. “so gorgeous.”
sunghoon steps away to remove his underwear, revealing himself to you. you have to stop yourself from drooling, reaching out to stroke his length languidly. he hisses as he goes back in for another kiss, biting on your lower lip when your thumb swipes over the slit on his sensitive tip.
he drags you to the edge of the bed, pushing away your hands so he can guide himself to your entrance. “are you ready for me, baby?”
“mhm,” you whimper, wrapping your legs around his waist to get him closer— if possible. “want you so bad, sunghoon.”
the sound of his name leaving your lips so filthily has the blood rushing from his brain to his dick even faster than before. he slips in easily, your arousal lubricating enough for him to bottom out almost completely. his balls slap against your ass when he does, his cock sheathed inside of you so far it’s like it’s poking your stomach.
his pace starts slow and consistent, his hips rocking into yours with timed thrusts that hit deep. your legs feel weak and your head is spinning, drunk off of his cock and how good it is. but it’s not satisfying you, you need more. you want more.
your heels dig into the dip of his lower back and you mewl, “faster, p-please.”
“anything for you, pretty girl.” he grunts, using one hand to grip your hip and the other to form a makeshift ponytail with your hair, tugging your head back so he can rest his forehead in the crook of your neck.
sunghoon angles his hips and pistons his cock into you quicker. each thrust is punctuated by his pelvis snapping into your own harshly and his fistful of your hair stinging your scalp. his hold on your waist is nearly bruising, but you don’t really care, too high from the pleasure he’s providing you. your moans raise in volume as you feel the band in your belly grow tighter.
your pussy clenches around him and he releases your hair in favor of rubbing tight circles into your clit. the stimulation of his cock driving in and out of you combined with his thumb on your most sensitive area has alarms blaring in your head as a warning for your second incoming orgasm. “i’m so so close, hoon, fuck— just like that,”
“c’mon baby, you can give it to me,” he coos, changing his angle again so he reaches that spongy spot in your cunt.
you swear you can see spots when it crashes onto you, your whole body spasming with the intensity of it. sunghoon prolongs your orgasm, still thrusting into you with a purpose. you know he’s closer to his edge too from how desperate he’s moving and the whines leaving his lips. you’re so sensitive it’s making you insane, but you allow him to keep abusing your pussy.
“where do you want me?” he asks breathily, his sweaty forehead sticking to your skin.
“inside,” you moan, your toes curling. “cum inside me, sunghoon,”
he just about loses it at that, fucking into you with everything he can manage and sinking his nails into the fat of your hips to hold you still. you’re overstimulated and your brain is foggy so you keep squirming around, involuntarily squeezing your walls around his length. it’s not too much later that he finally releases, painting your cunt with milky white ropes of cum.
he slumps forward once he’s given all he has to offer, his chest flat against yours while he attempts to regulate his breathing. the two of you lie there for a bit, recovering from what just happened. eventually he pulls out and disappears into the bathroom, only to return with a warm and damp washcloth seconds after. he hands it to you wordlessly and you awkwardly clean yourself up, wincing due to the acute sensitivity you were feeling. sunghoon sits beside you, naked and silent.
you think it’s funny how he was so confident not even ten minutes ago and now he’s acting like a shy teenager. you know you have to talk about the situation at hand and what it means for your relationship, but in this moment, the cloudiness of your head subsided, that fear of rejection has creeped back in. was it just a temporary lapse of judgment on his part? did he just feel attraction towards you because you dolled yourself up for once?
the insecurity rushes in like a tsunami wave and you want nothing more than to get out of here before you drown.
you both speak at the same time, cutting each other off before you can continue. he gestures for you to go first and you sigh, reaching for the t-shirt thrown over the bedpost from this morning. you slip it on, along with your discarded underwear, to hide your body, comparatively aware of how exposed you were. he follows suit, putting his underwear back on.
“i think i should sleep somewhere else tonight.” you say, your tone uneasy.
sunghoon’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. “w-what? why?”
“it’s already awkward enough,” you avoid his eyes. “i don’t think sleeping in the same bed is gonna help.”
“i was just trying to put together the right words,” he explains, brows still furrowed. “i don’t wanna give you a half assed confession after we just had sex, y’know? you deserve something more intimate than that.”
you blink, thrown for a loop by his admission. well now you felt like an idiot.
“c-confession?” you stutter, resembling a cartoon character with your jaw on the ground.
“did you— did you think i was gonna treat this as a random hookup?” his lips form a frown, like he was offended by your assumption.
“um, yeah? i mean, you never really expressed any interest in me before tonight, sunghoon. you’ve only ever talked about other girls you’ve fucked around with. you can’t really blame me.” you play with the hem of the (his) t-shirt.
his hand finds its way under your chin, lifting it so you have to look at him. the glint in his eyes is soft and you will away the tears threatening to appear. “you really have no idea huh?”
“what are you talking about?” you sniffle.
“y/n, i’ve been in love with you for like five years. any time i’ve talked about another girl, it was to see whether or not you seemed bothered by it. did you actually think i felt nothing for you?” sunghoon snorts, wiping away a stray tear that rolls down your cheek.
“yeah,” you laugh, feeling a little silly for not knowing he liked you this entire time. “i guess i was blinded by my own emotions.”
“that’s why it made me mad that you were hitting it off so well with that jisung guy,” he holds one of your hands in his lap, caressing your knuckles with his thumb. “i kinda figured you felt the same, but i was starting to doubt it after that.”
“hoon, i was only doing that ‘cause i thought i had no chance with you,” you shake your head. “if you had told me sooner, all of this could’ve been prevented.”
“or if you told me sooner.” he adds with a shrug.
you lightly poke his chest with a playful eye roll. he smiles at you fondly and you think this is perfect. you weren’t expecting the night to go in this direction, but you definitely aren’t complaining. somehow you feel like heeseung is to thank, in an odd way. (you’d never let him know that though.)
“can i kiss you again? for real this time?” sunghoon asks, scooting a little closer to you on the bed.
you nod, leaning into him so you can connect your lips in a sweet kiss. it’s not full of hunger or desire, but it still has that same passion from earlier. it’s loving and it’s everything you’ve ever needed from a kiss with park sunghoon.
you don’t get to indulge in the moment any longer, though, a thud sounding outside your room and hushed voices filtering from under the door. you and sunghoon share a look.
“shut the fuck up, they’re gonna hear us!”
“you’re the one being loud, what are you saying?”
“jake shut your fucking mouth, don’t back talk me.”
“wait why are they quiet?”
sunghoon scoffs before he opens the door, revealing your friends all gathered in front of it. jake and kai fall forward, ears first. they give you guilty smiles when they realize they’ve been caught, chuckling uncomfortably.
“beomgyu, you owe me five bucks.” heeseung says when he takes notice of the clothes strewn across the room.
nevermind. lee heeseung truly was the bane of your existence.
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© yeonjunszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
hello!! it's me again 🫶 may I ask you to make a larissa x milf!r where rissa is a friend of reader's child and visits her house and she dominates reader unexpectedly? thank you 🫶
- v
Unexpectedly 18+
*Authors note~ oooo soo think you wanted milf r who gets dominanted by our darling Rissa so her we go*
Trigger warnings~ dom l sub r Rissa strap on fingering corruption kink heavy praise oral
Prompt~see ask^^^^
Your adoptive daughter, Dahlia had recently joined Nevermore Academy and wanted to visit home for the holidays. Obviously you were overjoyed to know she was coming home, you had such a special bond with her due to the nature she came to you in. The fact she wanted to bring her roommate to stay as well was truly something special.  You'd heard of the girl your daughter called Isa.
The first few days went swimmingly, your daughters friend was rather reserved and polite. You could see why your daughter raved about her, she's respectful and ever so thoughtful. Also stunningly beautiful. The moment Dahilla told you she was a shape shifter you were truly shocked, you'd heard about shape shifters having gorgeous features but seeing one in real life was something else. Knowing Isa was one of the older students meant that she was some years younger but nothing too drastic.
So the day you caught her wondering into your bedroom you decided to take advantage of the way she looked at you. The young blonde thought she was sly but truthfully you'd caught them since her arrival. "Isa darling?" You purred startling the girl. "Oh I'm so sorry Dahilla said that will she um I " the poor blonde looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Shhhh darling I know why you're here" you murmured stepping towards her which caused her to step back until she found the bed. "So pretty like this" you muttered, "you want me" you stated. You left no room for argument after all your already foreseen what would happen.
"I uh um you're a Lia's mother I um it's inappropriate" she mumbled flushing bright red. "Oh darling, it's not inappropriate and I want you too, so badly. I've seen it happen you know? How you respond to me, the whimpers and whines you make while you take mommys strap" you teased watching the younger woman bite her lip. "Go on baby, say it, moan for mommy" you murmured before kissing all over the expanse of her neck. "Oh fuck mommy please!" Larissa whined before realising what she had done.
You smirked at her embarrassment and reminded her that Dahlia had nipped out to see her other mother for the day and she wouldn't have to know. "Isa, I know you want me love" you purred and lent over to whisper in her ear, "and I want you pretty girl." The little whimper of recognition was truly driving you insane, you needed her but you knew you had to be sure. You could've attempted to see the future and the outcome but where was the fun in that?
"I um I have never um" she stuttered turning her head away from you. "Oh is mommys pretty girl untouched" you teased trying to hide the fact it made you want her more. "Can I be the first?" You murmured guiding her head to look at you and she nodded. "Words love" was all you offered only to be met with "please take me mommy I'll be good!"
That is how Larissa Weems found herself as naked as the day she was born with your head buried in between her thighs. You peppered her pale thighs with kisses and little nips loving how responsive the younger girl was. "Please" she whimpered squirming slightly. "Okay pretty girl mommy is gonna make you feel so good Angel" you murmured before taking an explanatory swipe of her slit. "Oh!" She whimpered falling back against the bed, only encouraging you to continue.
You eagerly lapped at her core, achieving some of the most beautiful sounds you ever heard. When you felt her cunt start to drip you decide to add a finger all while sucking on her clit to help her adjust to the intrusion. "Oh mommy feels so good don't stop" she mewled hesitantly rocking her hips to meet your mouth while your finger slowly worked it's way through her tight heat. "So beautiful" you murmured before kissing up her stomachs to play with her boobs. "Oh fuck me" she whined when your lips latched and onto her peer bud. "I oh god my stomach fills weird" she whimpered unsure if she wanted more or for you to stop.
"Oh sweet girl, you're so innocent aren't you. You wanna cum baby. Go on let go for mommy" you encourage while curling your fingers to stroke her G spot with every thrust. The cry she let out while drenching your finger was truly something magnificent. Brought your mouth to her soaked folds to lap up her cum. "Mommy!" She whined squirming as you cleaned up every last drop of cum. "Mommy more, please" she whimpered and lucky for her you knew just what to do.
"Sweet girl, do you really want to be mommys? I can make you mine forever love" you whispered before kissing her neck and allowing her to fill the bulge you'd been hiding all this time. "Oh fuck! Is that um a" she mumbled a blush covering her cheeks. "Oh now my darling Isa don't go all shy on mommy, yes it's mommys cock and she'd very much like to burry it deep inside that pretty pussy of yours. Own you. Make you mine and mine only. Watch you squirm trying to get it deeper inside your aching cunt."
"Please mommy I need you, I need it" she mewled you strip off your clothing, the girthy six inches purple strap standing to attention. Her eyes hungrily dancing over the length, "mommy won't fit too big" she whined, her beautiful sapphire irises holding nothing but lust and fear. "Then mommy will have to make it fit won't she" you purred smothering the faux cock in lube before lining it up with her dripping folds. "Mommys gonna push into your tight hole now okay? It may feel a little uncomfortable or hurt but I promise you it will feel good okay?"Larissa let out a cry as her virgin walls stretched out to accommodate the intrusion. "Shhh baby it's okay you're doing so well, taking me so well darling. Almost there. God your beautiful" you murmured hoping to ease her pain a little, "breathe my darling, it will help with the stinging."
"Oh mommy!" She mewled as the pain turned into pleasure. "See that's my good girl, feels good huh?" Your teasing tone combined with the bucking of her hips have you the answer. You were gentle at the start. But soon enough your thrusts became faster and harder, the blonde withering and moaning blow you. "Oh fuck me yes god more more please mommy I'm so god more" her moans driving you absolutely wild with the need. "Cum for me baby, cum with mommy, I know you're close" you whimpered into her ear. Your hand sneaking down to her clit.
To see the innocence drain from her eyes was truly something else, and knowing what you knew of the future, this wouldn't be a one time thing. Larissa would come back time and time again. So you made sure everything felt perfect for her first time. Slipping the dick from her tight walls, her hole gaping as her cum leaked onto your sheets. "So so good baby. You did amazingly for mommy" you reassured getting rid of the strap and coming to hold her. "So good, such a pretty girl."
After some snuggling and reassurance Larissa finally felt her legs were stable enough for her to return back to the guest room and shower, ensuring that Dahila would have no idea that you just stole her friend's innocent and fucked her absolutely senseless.
Word count~ 1352
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the-fluff-piece · 10 months
OMGGGG just finished ‘extra training’ and I absolutely loved it, it was so sexy and flirty, would you indulge us in a second part??? Pretty pleaseeeeeee maybe zoro getting hooked or something and just being the I don’t deserve you but no way in hell anyone else is having you so I’ll be better for you omg I’d dieeeeee
Hello dear anon! I am glad that you liked it :D
This one will not be explicitly smutty since its an anon request, but I hope you like it anyways, i also hope i understood your prompt correctly. Send me a private message if you want to confirm your Age and I'll ad a sexier part
Extra training 2
-> part 1
You and Zoro have been doing it for a few weeks now, that's when the wheel in his brain starts to turn and ask the inevitable question: what's between you and Mihawk???
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You got Zoro to play tag with you in the castle, you thought it would be fun and sexy when he would catch you and that it would lead to lots of sex in different places around the castle. You didn't take his special needs into account though.
It turned into a game of Marco Polo because he lost you at every bend and you had to call out to give him a clue where you are.
"Zoro!" You cooed.
"FUCK WHY IS THERE A WALL" Zoro answered.
"Honey, maybe you just need to follow the hallway?" You helped him.
"Ah yeah I guess" you heard is rough voice come closer and had to giggle.
He peeked around the corner like the green haired monster he was and began chasing you again, arms raised and ready to grab you.
You lead him to a part of the castle where there was a massive room full of couches and mirrors that promised to be lots of fun. If he ever got there.
A loud bang could be heard - "fuck another wall!"
"Honey we're inside, there are walls, just look where you are going!" Zoro looked at you a bit crossing eyed - and since his gaze was fixed on your ass, he bumped against any corner and obstacle in the castle.
Visibly confused, but grinning like the idiot he was, he spotted your ass and chased you into the room.
"oh no, what am I going to do?" you mused, maybe overacting a little as you let yourself fall backwards into the cushions.
He didn't mind.
"I know what I am going to do now" he grinned and jumped on top of you.
Apart from being separated from his crew and captain, things were going great for Zoro. He got trained by the best swordsman in the world, he got a girl that was a goddess of sex and was fun to be with. She took care of him and sometimes had more stupid ideas than him.
He could get used to this. He could tease her and chase her, fuck her in all holes and fall asleep in her arms every day. She was like a sexy surprise in this stupid castle.
After spending the day training and the evening pounding her through the mirror room, he was exhausted and fell asleep with a smile. Although he sometimes wondered - why was she here? He didn't ask anymore since she evaded the whole topic pretty expertly and didn't intend to be pushy. But he wondered.
Breakfast with the others has turned somewhat awkward since he and y/n had become a couple. Everyone pretended not to be flustered after another night of explicit sounds echoing through the castle. The pink haired brat was so ashamed as if she had been part of it and moped, Mihawk just looked slightly annoyed, but arrogant as always.
Didn't she mention that Mihawk saved her or something? Zoro wrecked his brain about the first conversations with her, but all he could think of was what had happened when she didn't speak.
He felt like living without her was no option anymore. She had sucked his brain out through his dick and he would always come back for more. He feared, thinking about the future, what he might do without her. Probably no good things, that was sure. She was like sustenance he never knew he needed, both when she satisfied his carnal tastes and when she gave him safety and support.
Maybe he would just ask the old swordmaster to tell him more about her. Zoro didn't know what he expected it to lead to - maybe he would learn where she came from? Maybe he could find whoever hurt her before and bring her their head on a platter.
"Yo Mihawk, where did Y/n come from?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Can't you ask her?" he inquired, stoicly eating his breakfast.
"I...I kind of hoped you could tell me" he grunted, already annoyed.
"Well, I found her on a pirate ship. I think they wanted to sell her at the human market." Mihawk told Zoro with a level voice, while Zoro clenched his jaws.
"She would have been sold as a servant, both for houshold and personal services. I surely put her to good use. As I know you are making use of her now." Mihawk still talked like he bought a horse at the market. His voice trailed off as he looked out at the window, already distracted.
Zoro could see y/n and the ghost girl playing some game outside, laughing and enjoying themselves, just as his whole body tensed with rage. Jealousy.
"Are you telling me that you....and her?" he whispered, so as not to scream.
"Isn't it obvious?" Mihawk shrugged.
"Relax, I am sure she is content with serving a hardly mediocre swordsman." Mihawk looked at him with an unspoken challenge in his eyes and turned around. They both knew that even like this, Zoro wouldn't be able to scratch that man.
Zoro swallowed hard as his teacher left the kitchen. His head spun with an explosive concoction of emotions. Instead of examining them one by one, they mixed together and only left darkness.
Zoro didn't show up for dinner - or for dessert. That idiot probably got lost. Again. You packed him a hearty lunch and went to look for him. Soon, you heard him grunt and found him repeating slashes with huge training weights, again and again, without pause.
"Hey baby, I brought you dinner." You greeted him. He didn't even turn his head or stopped.
"Not hungry." He grunted, strained from the training.
"I'll just leave it here, just in case you change your mind" you inform him, setting the small package down. No reaction.
"See you later, I'll be in bed" you seductively mentioned. Finally, his brows creased.
"Not coming tonight" He said.
"What?" You snap at him, when he finally set his weights down.
"I said I'm not coming. You're distracting me too much. Leave me alone." The finality of his words stabbed you right through the heart. Just yesterday he was praising you while you made love - now he was wielding his words like his swords, cutting deep. He became more and more like mihawk.
"Fine. Do what you want." You stomped back to the castle, he would not get the satisfaction of seeing you cry. He resumed his training, you heard him grunt and swirling the huge weights through the air.
His new, cold and detached self lasted through all the week. Acting like Mihawk on speed, he either brooded, trained or drank. And didn't look at you like he couldn't bear the sight.
As his body became emaciated, your pity for him dwindled as well. He wanted this.
Life became quiet and uniform again, grey days bleeding into each other, burying all the laughter you had shared.
The gloom was cut by the most unexpected of actors - the ghost girl's strange, high pitched laughter echoed through the castle until her head popped through the wall, her round eyes focusing on you.
"Y/N, you gotta see it! Zoro challenged Mihawk to a duel!" She shouted, already vanishing again.
"Out in the gaardeeeeen" her ghostly voice vibrated through the hallway.
You hurried outside, it was not hard to find. The clashing of swords was enough to guide you. Mihawk, lazily holding his signature sword, stood before Zoro with his three weapons. No expertise in fighting was needed to see that Zoro was losing, hard.
He was exhausted, starving without realising it and probably drunk. Sweat ran down his face and body.
"You Bastard" He growled past the sword in his mouth.
"Why is this do Important to you?" Mihawk asked, exasperated.
He played with Zoro, let him come, evaded his attack but didn't counter. Clearly tiring his opponent more. Usually, zoro was more intelligent than this. He seemed distressed, angry.
"If anyone is to be punished here, it would be you. Neglecting your training, ruining your most important weapon- your will and body. A disgrace. I will teach you." Mihawk lectured and finally struck.
Zoro was hit, tumbling back, holding his head as blood streamed from his eye.
"If you let your emotions get the better of you, unbalance you, you're finished. Come back when you've learned that." He said and left.
You ran to him, determined to help.
"Get away" he weakly said, while trying to prop himself up on one arm, just to immediately collapse again into a weeping heap of pain.
"You stupid bonehead" you muttered already wrapping his head in parts of your shirt, he barely protested. As you looked down on him, he looked utterly and completely defeated, he wouldn't even keep you from helping him anymore.
The defeat was so complete that he even let Perona and you haul him to a bed, where he lost consciousnes from all the overexercion, it gave you the opportunity to check his face.
With horror you had to accept that his beautiful eye was damaged beyond repair and you did your best to stop the bleeding and prevent further infection.
He slept through to the next day, leaving you alone with your questions and your anger over his recent shitty behavior.
On the next day, he finally woke up, one bloodshot eye watching you from the bed with a stoic expression.
He didn't say anything as his eye fixated on you and he began to pad his injuries with his hand, feeling the bandages you had applied. When his hand came to his damaged eye, his expression darkened. You slowly nodded, almost tearing up at the thought of his loss.
He just closed his other eye and sighed. You couldn't hold back and gently let your fingers trail over his cheek, feeling a silent tear run down when he finally spoke.
"I lost bad, huh?" he asked with a hoarse whisper.
"yes" you answered. A pause followed, the silence intensified by the ticking clock and wind blowing through all the cracks in the castle.
"I'm sorry" he muttered.
"Damn right you're sorry" you answered, assuming he meant his strange behavior.
"I am stupid, I run against walls, I am not even a great fighter. I am not good enough for you. Sorry." He continued.
"What are you talking about? Don't you believe me when I tell you how much I love you?" You ask him, a bit irritated.
"It's...I.." he stammered, trying to prop himself up on his arms but failing. Lying on his back, whimpering, he cries: "You used to be with Mihawk! I can't best him. Fuck!" Desperate, he pulled his hair and eventually covered his face with his hands.
"What? How do you know? All of this - hust because youre jealous?!" You ask.
"Yes...no..." He mumbled through his hands.
"Than what do you want?" You guided him through his feelings.
"You" his answer came swiftly and with confidence, his one weary eye wandering over you.
"Really? You're not acting like it. You act like you want to punish yourself" you told him.
"Goddammit!" He cried out. "We're not in therapy here! I want you so bad, but I can't even...I have nothing for you. But Mihawk is even worse. Fuck!" He seemed unable to loosen the knot he made in his thoughts.
"Oh, so you want me to fuck Mihawk?" You provoked him.
"No! That man's a total psycho!" He said, shocked. He seemed to think hard for a moment.
"Even if I'm not worthy, I'll have you anyway." He concluded.
"Am I selfish?" He asked, weakly.
"You're stupid." You swung yourself onto his bed and straddled him like so many times before, he deserved a little comfort. His arms gripped your thighs weakly.
He smiled at you, and you were finally feeling the bond between you again. Sweat beaded his forehead as he began to move.
Once again he tried to lift his upper body off the mattress, but failed miserably, panting.
"Fuck, it hurts" He cried out.
"What would you do to keep what you have?" You softly asked.
"Anything" He said, his gaze fixed on you.
"Right answer. Such a good little boy." You began to enjoy his helplessness. His body was unable to move, he was at your mercy.
You began to run your hands up and down his body, careful not to hurt him, sparing the deep cuts and bruises. Letting your fingers glide slowly over his chest, you felt all the new and old scars, his muscles. He closed his eye and sighed. Bending down to bring your face close to his, you peppered his face with kisses, on his cheeks, his nose, his forehead and his smiling mouth.
"I may not be the best swordfighter yet, but I'm not gonna give you up. No one else can have you" He whispered.
You caressed the damaged side. He leaned in a little, seeming to forget the pain of his injury.
"And I'll lose the other eye too if it means I get to keep you" He said.
"Don't be so dramatic. And don't you run into a senseless fight like that again" you told him.
"Yes ma'am." He said.
"Or do you want to miss this sight?" You asked, peeling out of your shirt.
His eye widened, just as his dirty grin returned.
"No ma'am" He growled and once again failed to lift his arms.
You lay down on top of him and caressed his skin.
"Don't you ever, ever do something like that to me again." You whispered, seriously.
"Never" He whispered against your hair.
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So, I'm Sorry that this one got a bit darker and less sexy than the one before, it kind of...happened. I feel like the thought fits zoro well, he never feels good enough and decides to punish himself for it. I also just wanted to write how he lost his eye.
I also like the thought that every time after the big fights, he's absolutely immobile and can be used like a toy 🥵
Taglist @yeeeeezly @waitingmydemons @stariski @violetmatcha
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sonicboomseason3 · 5 days
Sonic Boom - Theft
NOTE: Here you guys are, a random excerpt from the larger Sonic Boom Season 3 project I've been working on! If people like this one, then I'm down to share more in the future as well (but only occasionally because I don't want to clog up any of the tags). But yeah, I'm not usually someone who's super confident in my writing, but I genuinely did like how this one ended up, and I want to test the waters with this so. lol.
Some context for this: Shadow has a part-time job at Meh Burger. and it's a running bit for Sonic to have a shitty time every time he tries ordering from him, but people who have been on my blog long enough already know about that particular lore. Also, sometime before this, Meh Burger replaced all of their menus with thin slabs of steel with words etched into them due to Reasons. Don't worry about it. Smiles.
“Uh…” Sonic faltered when he noticed that Shadow’s expression was visibly stormier than it usually was. “You… okay?”
“Where are my gloves.”
“Come again?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, hedgehog,” Shadow snapped. He pointed an accusatory finger right between Sonic’s eyes, causing him to go cross-eyed. “I haven’t been able to find them since this morning, and so I’ve had no other choice but to wear a backup pair provided by Meh Burger. Where are they.”
It took Sonic another moment to register the words coming out of Shadow’s mouth. Indeed, the latter was wearing the standard white gloves that everyone else wore instead of those weird gauntlet things. Aside from the golden rings clamped around his wrists, Shadow’s whole look was suddenly looking very, very plain.
“I… don’t know?” Sonic slowly replied, pushing Shadow’s finger back towards its owner. “What makes you think I have anything to do with that?”
Shadow scoffed and crossed his arms, clearly not believing him. “Because you are the one who would gain the most out of stealing from me. You want my gloves to enhance your own gear, which will in turn make your battles more efficient.”
“Are you serious, Shadow? I don’t even know where to begin with any of that,” Sonic said, beginning to get annoyed at all the hoops Shadow was jumping through just to blame him for his personal problems. “One, if I really felt like upgrading anything, I would’ve just asked Tails instead of going through all that trouble. Two, I have a perfectly good pair of gloves that I’ve been wearing for years, and I have zero problems with them. No holes, no chafing, no nothin’. I don’t even see what makes your gloves so special.”
“Of course they’re special. They’re the only pair in existence, unlike your inferior ones.”
Sonic’s eye twitched. “Yeah, well, at least mine don’t make me look like I’m wearing a couple of toilet plungers on my hands.”
Honestly, Sonic didn’t really think that Shadow’s gloves were that bad, but he had his limits to how much he would take lying down before dishing right back. While he was definitely getting better at the whole ‘ordering Meh Burger when Shadow was on his shift’ thing, there were still times when he lost his patience. This was one of those times.
“Hey, can you exchange insults somewhere else?” Dave, showing up out of nowhere to stand next to Shadow, whined. “I’m sick of doing overtime cleaning up after your fights.”
Sonic supposed he should feel some semblance of gratitude towards Dave for preventing the fistfight that had definitely been about to happen, but he was still too irritated at being falsely accused. “Dave, tell Shadow it makes no sense for me to steal his gloves.”
Dave turned to Shadow with an eyebrow raised. “Your gloves are missing?”
“Since this morning. And if it truly wasn’t Sonic who took them—”
“Dude, for the millionth time, it wasn’t.”
“—then I will hunt down this unknown thief if it’s the last thing I do,” Shadow finished, completely ignoring Sonic. “And they will pay for daring to steal from me.”
“Wow, it’d sure suck to be them then,” Dave yawned, raising a hand to cover his mouth. The other two immediately took notice of the fact that he had on a very familiar red, black, and white gauntlet. “Too bad I don’t know anything.”
Sonic stared at Dave’s hand shielding his yawn, and then stared at his other hand hanging by his side. Sure enough, there was Shadow’s other glove. “Seriously?”
“David,” Shadow ground out through clenched teeth as he reached for one of Meh Burger’s steel menus.
To Dave’s credit, he didn’t even flinch at the realization that he had been found out. Instead, he closed his eyes in acceptance right as Shadow smacked him in the side of the head with the menu, the CLANG resounding throughout the entire restaurant. He fell to the floor, out cold.
“What’s wrong with you, Shadow?” Sonic asked in exasperation. “You’ve been here with him for hours at this point. How in the heck did you not notice until now?”
Shadow didn’t reply, only gazing down at Dave’s unconscious form with open disdain. Something else in the corner of his eye caught his attention, and his scowl deepened. “Sonic,” he snarled, his mood worsening even more. “My air shoes are missing.”
“Come again?”
Shadow, growling like a wild animal and possessing more flexibility than a limp pool noodle, kicked his leg high up in the air and slammed it down on the counter for Sonic to see.
Thankfully, he had socks on, but Sonic still could have gone on with his life without the increased proximity to Shadow’s unshod foot. “Oh my god, dude, don’t—”
“I said my air shoes are missing,” Shadow repeated dangerously, his leg still resting on the counter. The counter where food was supposed to be served. “If you have something to do with this, say so now.”
Sonic threw his hands up in the air. “We’ve already proven I didn’t steal your gloves, so why would I steal your stupid shoes?! And again, how do you go around not noticing this stuff?!”
Shadow opened his mouth say something, but the sound of an evil laugh coming from above cut him off. They both looked up at the sky and saw Eggman hovering in the air… with some newly acquired footwear and not his Eggmobile. Sonic slapped a palm to his forehead as Shadow’s eyes narrowed into slits.
“There you are, Sonic! Behold, my greatest plan yet!” Eggman announced smugly, descending to the ground and striking a pose in front of his foe. He was trying to look cool, but the effect was slightly dimmed by how he was clearly in pain despite all his gusto. Of course he was, given that Shadow’s shoes were a few sizes smaller than his own. “I’ve figured out a way to match your speed, and now I can finally defeat you, thanks to my new roller skates! Don’t even try to stop me—”
“Trust me, I don’t have to,” Sonic sighed, hand running down his face.
“Wait, what?”
“They’re air shoes,”came three menacing words from right behind Eggman. Eggman barely had the chance to realize that Shadow had teleported from his spot at the counter before another CLANG even louder than the last one rang out. Down the street, a few villagers in their homes opened their windows, poking their heads out in confusion.
“This pathetic island is populated by trash and trash only,” Shadow sniffed. He threw the menu off to the side and bent down to take his shoes back. When he couldn’t remove them so easily, he growled again and resorted to yanking on them with so much force that Sonic was surprised that Eggman’s feet didn’t pop off with them. Putting them under one of his arms, he stomped back over to Dave’s body to do the same with his gloves. With all his gear now back in his hands, he glanced over his shoulder at Sonic. “I’m out of here. You can go get your swill elsewhere. Or starve. It makes no difference to me.”
He teleported away to who even knew where, leaving Meh Burger completely unmanned by anyone still lucid.
Sonic stood quietly for a second before looking down at Eggman, who was face down on the floor with his butt in the air, his toes red from being crammed into ill-fitting shoes, and his hands covering the rapidly forming bruise on the back of his head. “You okay, Egghead?”
“Mombot…” Eggman whimpered, dazed. “I want Mombot…”
“Yeah, I dunno how you thought that could’ve ended any other way, to be honest.”
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snorlaxlovesme · 5 months
what is your favorite line/section of your sick CXS fic? It is so good and I love when authors can share some of their thoughts!
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i feel so spoiled with these messages from you, thank you for being so kind my godd
(aforementioned sickfic)
it's hard to choose favorite lines bc genuinely i do love the whole fic so much. a lot of the time i'm writing off the cuff and it just flows out of me in one or two sittings (it's why i'm a one-shot writer) but this was a story that took me months to complete because of all the planning involved (and absolutely fruitless research into Chinese herbal soups, since literally NONE of that research made it into the fic lmao) and so the whole thing feels really special and different from my other stories just because of how much thought was put into it.
it took a long time, but i adored writing the second half, getting to write the same day over again and try to make it identical while FEELING totally different. having Lu Guang totally in pieces over every little change he accidentally makes to the timeline was mwaa *chef's kiss*
i think my favorite line was what i eventually pulling from to make the summary on AO3
"Lu Guang is so tired. He wishes he could freeze this conversation, this whole day, and go nap for a thousand hours. The stress of it all is sucking the marrow from his bones. He wishes he could do today over again. He doesn’t know if he’d have the strength to do today over again."
idk i just feel like it really encapsulates the struggle Lu Guang goes through in this fic and might literally go through on a day to day basis trying to re-live the timeline. like i'm sure every misstep feeling like something Lu Guang would want to do over, but how many times can he handle that, emotionally? like this day mentally broke him and it's literally the most nothing day. Lu Guang forgot to make one phone call and almost suffered cardiac arrest because of it.
plus its very sweet that Cheng Xiaoshi, sick as a dog and feeling down on himself for being left alone all day, comforts Lu Guang after this moment because he can see Lu Guang is going through like a panic-induced existential crisis and mistakes it for Lu Guang ALSO feeling ill, sweet boy ♥
i also really liked the simplicity of these lines (it includes spoilers so look away if you wanna read the fic first. )
But Lu Guang thinks of the tear-streaked smile after Cheng Xiaoshi took that first bite. Spending every waking moment agonizing over his next step won’t get him anywhere. Instead, Lu Guang folds up that smile and tucks it into a corner of his mind for safekeeping. Cheng Xiaoshi thanked him for today. Maybe that is enough.
that part wasn't in the original draft. these lines are in response to CXS thanking Lu Guang for caring for him and i think i had a bit of prose where LG internally laments that he spent half the day ignoring CXS and only took care of him when it was clear Qiao Ling wasn't going to be able to, so the thanks wasn't really deserved. or something self deprecating like that
i had sent my "final draft" to a friend after revising some bits in the flashback and said "i wanna post it but i feel like i need to mess with the ending still. it feels off" my friend insisted what i had was great but i didn't know if the last line of the fic ("Timeline be damned") felt earned. Lu Guang had been a slave to the timeline for the entirety of the story, allowing him to kind of/sort of say "fuck you" to the timeline for a brief moment felt like it was going against everything i had just established, of how IMPORTANT keeping to the timeline was to Lu Guang for the sake of being able to save Cheng Xiaoshi in the future.
it was my friend that gave me the idea to write a simple thesis line that shows what Lu Guang has learned from this. that disaster is definitely a potential outcome in Lu Guang's crazy plan, but seeing Cheng Xiaoshi at peace is enough to make him want to try. like you said in your comment on the fic, if you went back in time, you'd want to be kinder. those lines are Lu Guang reminding himself that seeing CXS at peace has an emotional effect on Lu Guang as well.
ALSO idk the "fold up his smile and tucks it in his mind" bit is cute okay? it's a very cute sentence and i'm proud i wrote it lol
this is very long so i'm gonna stop rambling but again THANK YOU so much for asking me this and for all your sweet messages. i truly can't get over how wonderful it's been talking about this story with you, it's only made me love it more and i already thought it was my magnum opus lmao
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38sr · 2 years
Welp, I Got Laid Off
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Hey, everyone. I know I’ve been quite radio silent this month and well a lot has happened haha. As you’ve read from the title, yes, I’m no longer working at Marvel Studios due to layoffs. Although I was informed of this very early November, my last day was last Friday and this month has been a whirlwind. I know when reading something with layoffs in the title there’s gonna be a lot of questions expressing confusion and shock (I did the same thing these past few weeks). Some of y’all might be thinking: Woah wait! What’s gonna happen to the show you worked on? Rest assured, the production will aired as planned so please do support Spiderman Freshman Year once it’s out on Disney+ in 2024!
Why did this happen? Hmm, honestly I wish I knew too haha. Even if I had the full scope of what was happening, legally I wouldn’t be able to share that information. But I won’t lie that it really did suck when I got the news and it felt like the rug got pulled right from underneath my feet. I’m confused. What does this mean for the second season that was announced at SDCC 2022? I’m confused as well buddy! But again, I can’t say anything about what will happen to Sophomore Year (whether I had that information or not). If you want to see more of the show and same the same crew, please stream the fuck out of the show once it comes out while also supporting the insanely talented team that created the show. Watch parties, fanart, hashtags on social media, the whole gambit! Even though I don’t know what will happen in the future, I feel like our production is in a special situation where fans can really make their voices heard if they really enjoy the show and want more. That’s just my personal opinion tho haha. Whatever happens will happen so don’t take my word for it. What about you? Are you good? Have you found another job? Mmm, I’m doing a lot better than I was 3 weeks ago haha. Am I still upset about the situation? Of course. From my perspective, it really did feel like it came out of left field and unprompted. But I can’t change the past and have to accept what’s done is done. I’ve cried all the tears I could about it and I’m doing better now. As for if I’ve found another job yet, I’m lucky enough that I had freelance already on the side which will keep me afloat for a few months until I find another full-time gig. But yeah, I’m good.  Even though it’s not really the circumstances I would have chosen, in a weird way I see this as an opportunity to 1) finally take a rest after working non-stop since 2020 and 2) make use of the free time to further produce a current personal independent project I’m working on. 
While it sucks I lost my job, I want to welcome this change that might open a new door of possibilities that I might have never thought of doing before (or I have but never had the guts to go through with it). I don’t know. Life is weird...but I’ve just always notice for myself change always happens when I am comfortable and need a new challenge (and I will admit I was comfortable on Spiderman since it was an amazingly run production). I don’t know where I’ll go next....but all I can say is that I’m gonna look forward to the next chapter after I  stuff myself with all the NY-only foods once I go back home for holidays haha.
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Demo Version 1.1 Updates
Hey, y'all! 🤓 I'm feeling better after my food poisoning. I just updated the demo. Now, the changes are kind of minor plus I had a really busy week at my life-sucking corporate job lol...sorry. Also, the saves are broken so...sorry again. The stats screen is still incomplete, but I hope to update it soon to accurately reflect characters and relationships. Here's the updated demo.
Uncategorized Updates:
Added a quick build so you can customize your character, answer key questions, and then skip forward (if you want - sorry again about the saves!!) it's a lot of questions though so BE WARNED and don't come at me ahahah...;
Added some new variables in coding to properly track super simps 😬 AKA flirt all you want <3 but be prepared...
Made some edits so MC isn't as teasing (you can still tease/banter, but I tried to give additional options when it felt natural to do so.)
Updated Oracle Davina's pronouns to "they/them". The Oracle is NB and the game will reflect that moving forward. They will obviously be a part of MC's journey in their own way since they oversee the blessing of the gods, so I look forward to further highlighting them in the game. This is a decision that I've been thinking about for a while and based on what I know about them as a character, it feels right. If you see an error when interacting with the Oracle that refers to them as "she/her" or has the wrong tenses, please let me know so I can fix it.
Prologue Part II Updates:
After selecting MCs birth name, you'll confirm if that's the name to be used or you can enter a new one;
Can now choose the family motto choice during Constantine's introduction scene while simultaneously setting touch-averse;
Anna will no longer slap MC on the back of the head during her introduction scene;
Added additional choice for reacting to the Anna/James moment;
Added additional pet names. Might be some special flavor text in the future depending on your pet and name combo!
Prologue Part III Updates:
Added additional customization options when preparing for the ball, specifically: added laurel crown option, hair type, and (optional) facial features (like, freckles, scars...); For customization, if you see an option missing (for example, a specific hair type or eye color) that you want, simply ask and I'll be happy to include it. I'm not purposely trying to leave any out;
Added an additional choice for responding to James when preparing to enter the ball;
Added additional choice for reacting to Vivian when showing up late to the ball;
Added a couple additional choices for interacting and/or reacting with F.
Added additional choice for Constantine's last scene at the ball. (When MC is interacting with James, Vivian, etc.)
Revised after-ball scene with Anna and MC. Additional choice has been added.
If there are any typos/errors, or game-breaking errors (sorry), let me know and I'll fix them as soon as I can. This isn't necessarily the last update to the demo as I have a few more places I can add some additional choices, including Chapter I, but those need some consideration first.
Quick note: Thank you for all the feedback on the demo. Please know, that it's perfectly acceptable to send me feedback that doesn't include praise, etc. Seriously! The only reason I was previously a bit sensitive to feedback is a.) this is the largest amount of people to ever look at my writing which brings a lot of anxiety and b.) some of the scenes were reported as triggering and I never want to trigger another person so I really hated that any of you experienced that! Again, feedback is fine, and don't feel like you need to do a praise sandwich to offer it. Thank you!!
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melis-hellis · 1 year
Onward's 3rd Anniversary - A (Long) Self-Reflection Post
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three years. three gosh darn years old. you're not allowed to be three years old, onward.
the world has obviously changed a lot since this humble pixar film came into my life. when it released, i was an 18-year-old in senior year of high school, and now i'm a 21-year-old junior in college. animation has changed a whole lot, and has been challenged by the perpetrators of the stigma more than ever. and for me...well, there have been a ton of developments in just these past several months.
for two and a half years, this film was my entire life. it was the only thing i thought about. i created tons of art and stories to expand upon this universe that deserved more love. i adored and connected with the characters...i hadn't quite related to a pixar film this much. i connected with the depiction of loving siblings, the emotions, the fantasy world...i've adored animated films before, but not to this extent.
and despite the film's unfortunate reputation - viruses, lawsuits, lesbian cops and all - i wasn't alone in my love. there was a small group of people on this very website who shared my love for this underrated gem, and we came together to create amazing things. we lifted each other up during dark times, and while things weren't always perfect, we powered through.
what's so unique about this particular anniversary is that this is the first one where i'm not active in the fandom. in fact, i'm not the only one who's inactive - most of my friends have also moved on to other things. but our love never went away. if my love went away, i wouldn't be writing out this post. but i'll be honest - i tried to draw a fanart last night, and i couldn't put anything on that procreate canvas. and it breaks my heart because i wish i could put out something like fanart today. but given my business with other fandoms, this post will suffice.
my one major goal i had in this fandom was to complete at least one season of my fanmade series. and that i did - my series was loved throughout this small fandom and seeing the reactions every time i posted an episode warmed my heart. on onward's 2nd anniversary - one year ago today - i completed the first season and started preparing for the second one. by the end of may i began scripting, and i was really getting in the groove...until late june.
something started feeling off by the end of june. i didn't want to admit the possibility of my onward hyperfixation waning, but that's what it felt like. it felt like the magic was being sucked from me. i blame lightyear partially for this; the film was so underwhelming that it soured pixar a little bit for me, and between that and dreamworks coming back with banger movies again, it made me stop paying attention to disney for a bit. i began looking back at older fandoms again.
july and august came and went, and while i still had a bit of onward motivation in me, it wasn't enough to continue writing. i did all i could - but nothing would bring it back up.
then i started junior year of college on august 22nd, 2022. a few days before, the whole warner discovery HBO max fiasco went down, and put the future of TAWOG - one of my old special interests - in jeopardy. while that special interest was a in a dark place...the youtube channel of the special interest i had directly before disney/pixar/onward hit one million subscribers.
in the 2010's caddicarus fandom, the prospect of him hitting one million subs felt like a legend. something that wouldn't really happen. back when i came along in 2014, he was projected to hit one million in 2017, as this was his peak in popularity. but as time went on, that 1 million goal moved further and further away as jim kept steering the channel into its demise. he had no self-awareness and felt he had to grind and pop out videos like rabbits to keep his numbers up...which, if you were a fan at the time, you probably knew was not true. the videos lost their quality and magic...and, funnily enough...i lost my patience on march 7th, 2019.
i unsubbed that day, but i'd been irritated with the channel's output for a while before that.
of course, if you know me, you know the story - exactly one year later, i saw onward in theaters with my sister and my life was changed. after a year of changing between many different fandoms - jontron, game grumps, seeing TAWOG for the last time before its finale, vinesauce, ducktales - pixar was now my new special interest home. the subsequent lockdown was a time where i produced tons of edits, fanarts, and fanfiction experiments.
on the caddicarus side of things, jim almost shut down the channel in late 2019 as his numbers were at their absolute worst. after having an epiphany at a convention in january 2020, he completely shook up his content style, and his channel was suddenly rejuvenated, bringing him the largest figures in the channel's history. before 2020, every caddicarus video gaining a minimum of 1 million views was completely unheard of, let alone none of the videos being under 30 minutes.
what's so ironic is that caddy began making banger videos again around the same time i got with onward. and yet i completely refused to watch them. i knew what was going on, i knew people were saying the newer videos were better. but i couldn't make myself watch them.
i had actually tried to come back for my 7th anniversary in august of 2021 - fun fact, my caddica-versary is august 21st, one day before august 22nd, aka what's now 1 million sub day - but i had just committed to my onward series, and i couldn't have another interest interrupting me.
so another year passes, and we're back at august 2022. i watch caddy cross over to 1 million subs, and it doesn't feel real at first.
i didn't immediately return to the fandom, but i knew in my mind that i needed to go somewhere as my onward hyperfix was thinning.
so what's the last thing i create in the onward fandom? do i draw an elaborate fanart? do i put out at least one episode of the second season i'd been hyping and pushing back for months? do i tease even more OCs and episode ideas? do i put out another chapter of that other fanfic i was writing? or a one-shot?
...on august 28th, 2022, the last things i ever created in the onward fandom were these two fortnite dancing gifs.
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this reminds me a lot of alex lasarenko and his disney channel jingle. he's created a lot of breathtaking orchestral pieces - and yet the thing he's most known for are those four notes that have been used on the disney channel for over 20 years. for me and onward, the thing i go out on are these two silly gifs...and honestly? i don't mind that.
the following friday, i finally began watching the 2020-present caddicarus videos...and it was like falling in love with the channel all over again. i love both the original and current runs of the caddicarus show for completely different reasons - but the current run is the one i rewatch, quote, and remember the most of. because it's actually amazing.
needless to say, i resubbed that night, and i could comfortably call myself a caddicarus fan again.
something very funny about this is whole thing is that caddy says the word "onward" a whole lot. like, a whole lot. on interviews and streams, he usually brings up how new fans should only watch his videos from 2020 onwards. in his video talking about his merch box, he says the jokes and references within the box are from his videos from 2020 onwards.
it's like pixar had been sending me a subliminal message this whole time - onward (2020) came out just as caddy's videos became the best they've ever been. pixar was basically telling me "hey, caddy's moving onward too, so you should give his newer stuff a try and stop thinking he's living in the past".
here we are at onward's 3rd anniversary, and i'm still waiting for my caddicarus blu-ray to arrive. it'll be the first caddicarus merchandise i'll be able to hold in my hands and cherish - back when i was a teen, i couldn't just ask for caddicarus T-shirts as my parents couldn't find out that a swearing youtuber was my big special interest. and now, when that box arrives, i will have merchandise of all the major special interests i've had. i'd finally added the missing piece to the puzzle - or maybe for this case, a missing brick in the wall, or... the last check on the bucket list...
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...and i've never felt more complete.
thank you pixar. thank you onward. thank you dan scanlon, kori rae, tom holland, chris pratt, literally everyone who made this movie a reality. no matter how much it's overlooked, memed on, dogged on, etc., there are people who adore this film for what it is and the emotions it has brought. it has helped me with many of my personal struggles, and to this day it stands as a glowing reminder that we should all strive to keep moving onward.
so, with all that said, keep putting it in O my friends. because you'll never be ready if you don't try.
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
Oof, it's been a hot minute since I've sent you an ask... Sorry 'bout that and also for not sending you any New Year's wishes, irl stuff kept me pretty busy lately. I hope you had fun celebrating! <3
...Admittedly, part of the reason for my absence was that I've also been feeling unpleasantly drained by the Nightmare Pass missions, on top of everything else. I feel a little bad about pretty much coming here and complaining, but I'd like to hear your opinion since you have the Pass activated and I'm f2p, so I wonder how our experiences differ.
I feel like the rewards are.. lackluster, in all honesty. The yellow keys are nice, the frame is pretty... And that's about it. Aside from a small bonus of getting some gems after completing the daily missions, there's really not much to look forward to. It feels like there's far too much effort required and not enough rewards.
Not to mention the missions themselves. God, the missions. I hate the way they work with a passion. The fact that you need to log in daily is fine, the fact that you need to grind a bit is also fine... But then there's shit like "claim a likeability reward" which I'd love to do, except I only have one left over from Andrealphus and still half a Pass to get through. I remember you writing that it feels like being punished for unlocking content, and I completely agree. That's exactly how it feels. I am not going to waste all of my red keys in an attempt to get a new L-grade card since I have all S-grade devils maxed out already.
And speaking of wasting red keys! The "special draw" missions also leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. I remember making those single-pulls while sighing deeply because, well, it just doesn't feel like all of the resources I'm consuming are going to be compensated. I spend Solomon's tears, both types of keys, a lot of energy (in-game and irl) and most of the time I get... A few boxes of randomised jellies? That I can get extremely easily through other means? At least make them select-type like the ones in event shops, damn it!
Basically, I'm salty and kind of sad. I love the game dearly, but I think I'm going to give up on the Nightmare Pass. Once I hit a likeability reward mission that I cannot complete, I'm out. The frame is pretty, but getting one from an event shop is going to be way easier and less stress-inducing. I don't want to burn myself out (any more than I already did) by trying to complete it.
So sorry for such a long rant, I ended up getting a bit carried away... I'm really interested in how the effort/reward ratio feels like with a purchased Pass. I'm not really active in the fandom (I pretty much only follow you and the official acc, lol) so I haven't seen people speak about it yet. Hopefully, at least some people have a better time with that hell of an event.
— 💛
So, I used my premium pass from the pre-order rewards on the Nightmare Pass so I could study the way it works from a p2p perspective. I must say, the reward you get in p2p are much better. I received many yellow and red keys, Solomon's Tears, Puddings, Books, Coins, etc. I had unlimited auto-fights in the nightmare dungeon so I can grind coins for the shop easily. Over all, the amount of rewards you get may justify the $60 price tag IF you can afford it and you want the card at the end. Also, this assumes they do this within limited quantities. Like, I would say once every few months at most. Maybe very 2-3 months at most. Still sucks you can only get the card if you're willing to pay out the nose for the rewards. I did look at the f2p rewards and... yeah, not worth it. That is a lot of grinding for very little payoff. I was getting 2-4 reward every day because I was getting the rewards for every tier so it felt more worthwhile.
Also, yeah. I have been playing the game less since the Nightmare Pass started because I was afraid of locking myself out of future requirements for the missions. I had trouble with likability (something I usually max out within 2-3 days of getting a new unit), I was afraid to level up characters and their skills, I wasn't promoting anyone, I wasn't doing anything because I was so afraid I would screw myself by playing the game.
That's why I think Nightmare Pass kind of sucks the most. I felt like I was being punished for having played the game up until this point. Some missions were, as you said, fine. Any missions involving pleasing someone in the Secret Club were fine (not the unholy board because some of those I had maxed out already and it was pain to advance them more). Any missions where I had to fight were good. That I can always do. But missions that have finite end points are terrible (there is a max number of levels characters can have, a max amount of promotions I can do, only so far I can go on an unholy board, likability stops at 100%, characters can only evolve 5 times before they are maxed). Those missions suck because I can screw myself by actually having invested the time into the game before the Nightmare Pass is even out. It actually sucked to basically stop playing this game because I was afraid to play and screw myself out of getting Gabriel.
And the missions are kind of sucky too. Because each stage only unlocks after the previous one is completed, it's hard to know what is coming up and easy to screw yourself. Not everyone has 20ST available multiple times. Not everyone hoards their keys to do the multiple draws over and over again. And having 25 stages that can only be unlocked once daily rather than continuously (since the one mission on each day is to login) it means that if you miss a few days, you are screwed. You can pay to unlock the path with Nightmare Coins, but that assumes you have enough (and each reward gets more expensive as you go).
Overall, Nightmare Pass feels like the kind of event that is aimed toward people who dedicate time to the game to complete the rewards, but those same people can easily get screwed if they put in all that effort too early. The nightmare Pass isn't terrible, but it definitely needs some tweaking. It's the kind of event I would only continue in the future if I really want the card/haven't invested so much I screw myself. Honestly, it feels like the kind of event you finish and only debate purchasing the other rewards after you see how far you've managed to get to see if you can justify the expense.
Also, never feel like you can't rant to me. I rant all the time. Goodness knows I rant all the time... I don't do it because I hate the game. It's me trying to point out issues for others and because I want to see things changed for the better.
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