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"I don't deserve to cry..."
A sad Vash for @mykingdomforapen
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snorlaxlovesme · 8 months
what is your favorite line/section of your sick CXS fic? It is so good and I love when authors can share some of their thoughts!
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i feel so spoiled with these messages from you, thank you for being so kind my godd
(aforementioned sickfic)
it's hard to choose favorite lines bc genuinely i do love the whole fic so much. a lot of the time i'm writing off the cuff and it just flows out of me in one or two sittings (it's why i'm a one-shot writer) but this was a story that took me months to complete because of all the planning involved (and absolutely fruitless research into Chinese herbal soups, since literally NONE of that research made it into the fic lmao) and so the whole thing feels really special and different from my other stories just because of how much thought was put into it.
it took a long time, but i adored writing the second half, getting to write the same day over again and try to make it identical while FEELING totally different. having Lu Guang totally in pieces over every little change he accidentally makes to the timeline was mwaa *chef's kiss*
i think my favorite line was what i eventually pulling from to make the summary on AO3
"Lu Guang is so tired. He wishes he could freeze this conversation, this whole day, and go nap for a thousand hours. The stress of it all is sucking the marrow from his bones. He wishes he could do today over again. He doesn’t know if he’d have the strength to do today over again."
idk i just feel like it really encapsulates the struggle Lu Guang goes through in this fic and might literally go through on a day to day basis trying to re-live the timeline. like i'm sure every misstep feeling like something Lu Guang would want to do over, but how many times can he handle that, emotionally? like this day mentally broke him and it's literally the most nothing day. Lu Guang forgot to make one phone call and almost suffered cardiac arrest because of it.
plus its very sweet that Cheng Xiaoshi, sick as a dog and feeling down on himself for being left alone all day, comforts Lu Guang after this moment because he can see Lu Guang is going through like a panic-induced existential crisis and mistakes it for Lu Guang ALSO feeling ill, sweet boy ♥
i also really liked the simplicity of these lines (it includes spoilers so look away if you wanna read the fic first. )
But Lu Guang thinks of the tear-streaked smile after Cheng Xiaoshi took that first bite. Spending every waking moment agonizing over his next step won’t get him anywhere. Instead, Lu Guang folds up that smile and tucks it into a corner of his mind for safekeeping. Cheng Xiaoshi thanked him for today. Maybe that is enough.
that part wasn't in the original draft. these lines are in response to CXS thanking Lu Guang for caring for him and i think i had a bit of prose where LG internally laments that he spent half the day ignoring CXS and only took care of him when it was clear Qiao Ling wasn't going to be able to, so the thanks wasn't really deserved. or something self deprecating like that
i had sent my "final draft" to a friend after revising some bits in the flashback and said "i wanna post it but i feel like i need to mess with the ending still. it feels off" my friend insisted what i had was great but i didn't know if the last line of the fic ("Timeline be damned") felt earned. Lu Guang had been a slave to the timeline for the entirety of the story, allowing him to kind of/sort of say "fuck you" to the timeline for a brief moment felt like it was going against everything i had just established, of how IMPORTANT keeping to the timeline was to Lu Guang for the sake of being able to save Cheng Xiaoshi in the future.
it was my friend that gave me the idea to write a simple thesis line that shows what Lu Guang has learned from this. that disaster is definitely a potential outcome in Lu Guang's crazy plan, but seeing Cheng Xiaoshi at peace is enough to make him want to try. like you said in your comment on the fic, if you went back in time, you'd want to be kinder. those lines are Lu Guang reminding himself that seeing CXS at peace has an emotional effect on Lu Guang as well.
ALSO idk the "fold up his smile and tucks it in his mind" bit is cute okay? it's a very cute sentence and i'm proud i wrote it lol
this is very long so i'm gonna stop rambling but again THANK YOU so much for asking me this and for all your sweet messages. i truly can't get over how wonderful it's been talking about this story with you, it's only made me love it more and i already thought it was my magnum opus lmao
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saelterlude · 3 months
sooo, why's lu guang a loser haha
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i was on my phone so i know these 2 very similar asks came barely 5 minutes apart... how? (anyway @mykingdomforapen tag for your inbox purposes)
to answer your question, here's a snippet of 'loser lu guang'. warning: in true sael fashion, it contains wordplay and introspective angst :)
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oops, bad screenshot. i accidentally cut off the last line.
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misakarose · 11 months
I followed you for your Trigun stampede content and then you introduced link click to me and now I’m never going to recover
firstly, thank you for following me haha Trigun is still very important to me and has a very special place in my heart and it makes me happy to know that I drew you in with my ridiculous love for that series
BUT LMAO I feel incredibly accomplished knowing I dragged another person into the pain that is Link Click :D that show hit me like a truck let me tell you, it has had a chokehold on me ever since I watched it and it refuses to let go, the brainrot is VERY REAL BUT SO IS THE PAIN SO YOU'RE WELCOME
feel free to talk to me about either series whenever you want I am always wanting to hear people's thoughts jkhrgs;ghr;srge
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quarriart · 17 days
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baby frog-Guang inspired by Courage of Stars by @mykingdomforapen
black hair version to fit the fic canon under the cut
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doublxpresso · 3 months
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commission for @mykingdomforapen, thank you for your support <3
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 8 months
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Very kind of Link Click to illustrate a hit Shiguang fanfiction 'spinning silk' by a renowned author @mykingdomforapen 😌 so sweet to see smaller artists supporting the og creators 💕
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liesmyth · 6 months
top 5 royjamie / ted lasso fics!
picking 5 was like pulling teeth. I probably left out many faves but as we know the economy is tough rn
let it come down by @antspaul, amazing showstopping exceptional 1970s AU that is SO immersive and SO bittersweet and I need to go lie down just thinking about it.
One cold Manchester night in 1978, good-for-nothing Jamie Tartt comes across his childhood hero at a punk show.
the rookie by @belmottetower & @scoatneyhall. I'm being soo brave and limiting myself to only one Bel&Hall fic and I pick this one because of the untapped endless potential of S2 AUs! This is Roy & Jamie with background Roy/Keeley and I enjoy the dynamic A Lot
“Well now, back home, our friends in the NHL have this little tradition that I think might just be the solution to our problems. Sometimes, when a rookie is signed to a team, especially a younger player, someone who maybe needs a guiding hand, a bit of looking out for, they’ll move in with the captain, right into his home, when they first start out. Obviously Jamie isn’t new new, but he definitely needs a guiding hand. So how about it?” Roy stares in disbelief. “Fuck off. This is a joke, right?” (Roy and Jamie move in together)
Roy Kent's Dramatic but Inevitable Jamie Tartt Induced Bisexual Awakening by chelicerata. There's no description I can offer that will make this fic justice. Go read it!
When Roy’s world gets turned upside down, it’s because of Jamie. Fucking typical.
therefore, dark past, by @mykingdomforapen Gen! Jamie-cenytric. THEEE definitive Jamie & his dad fic (written pre S3), to me. It's so multifaceted and human and I love the ending very much.
“Christ, Jamie, he’s dying,” Dad said. His voice did something weird–it hitched. “What, you’re gonna pencil him in your busy celebrity schedule? Squeeze your own granddad in between your ickle interviews and your fancy dinner dates? My old man is fucking dying.” OR: Jamie breaks the cycle.
tied up in this yoga knot by @reinvent-and-believe. This is a 5 times / slice of life / getting together post-canon fic and it's guaranteed to improve my mood every time I read it.
The absolute worst person Roy can imagine meeting the yoga mums is Jamie Tartt. Not to mention, Jamie would inevitably pick up on how many hours Roy spent drinking rosé and glaring daggers as Jamie fucked his way through the cast of Lust Conquers All. And that sounds fucking exhausting.
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siriusriola · 5 months
link click piece!
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hello!! wanted to show my piece I made for @mykingdomforapen for the SGDLR Gotcha for Gaza event!
been given a prompt to draw inspiration from a wonderful OST called time left (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPK4iU1O4Uc&pp=ygUQdGltZSBsZWZ0IHRyaWd1bg%3D%3D), so I decided to draw something relating to something more intense with the time aesthetic ^^
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wollemi-whump · 4 months
A List of My Favorite Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, & Helmut Zemo Fics + a few Matt Murdock fics
and from his bones the hills by bartonbones & LadyCharity ( @bartonbones @mykingdomforapen ). this rec goes out to my medical whump enjoyers, youll definitely get some here. really well written fic about bucky and sam getting kidnapped! :)
and the old linger by LadyCharity is GOOD FIC VERY GOOD FIC. i love the format of the three different characters confronting Bucky. the descriptions and dialogue flow so nicely into each other, it's really a wonder it wasn't written with old wizard magic (at least that i know of).
chance meeting by MedicBaymax. what an awesome crossover! macgyver and the winter soldier! this fic is short, sweet, and highly captivating. captures macgyver's wonderful resourceful antics and the winter soldier's seriousness and meshes the two characters very well together.
witness marks by bartonbones. a beautiful mixture of domestic and angsty moments and some lovely Wilson family! the emotional moments in this are wonderful.
irreplaceable by LadyCharity. this one is actually a Zemo fic! beautiful character writing in this and a really touching story. the writing flows gorgeously.
True Believers by scioscribe ( @scioscribe ) is another (mostly) zemo-centric fic that i love. i really love zemo in this fic, i think its a very good take on his character after the events of tfatws, and the plot of the fic is creative and serves the characters well. good fic!
I've got red in my ledger... by undertalefa. oh I love this fic. wonderful mix of emotional and physical whump! i love me a good beatdown :)
talking is overrated by undertalefa ( @undertalefa ). great writing in this short fic about Bucky and some trauma about the Winter Soldier he's maybe not dealing with so well.
Machines by novelti. wonderful! pure whump, this one. very angsty and dark. i love torture :)
Homecoming by Face_of_Poe. OH I LOVE THE SPUTNIK PART. I wish it would be used a million more times very awesome. Many good lines in the actual fic but I just have to share one from the author notes because "I just really like to rip out my own heart and stomp on it with the possibilities" is an incredibly funny and appropriate phrase for us writers.
Try To Do Something New by Red_Tigress ( @redtigress ). good fic with some hurt Bucky and hurt Sam! I loved the concept of the conflicting injuries too. very nice to read!
the prison disappears by LadyCharity. this fic has a certain feeling of comfort and domesticity to it that really makes it such a pleasure to read. the mood setting and descriptions work together in great tandem and the story is just so sweet. very lovely fic.
Rusted by Face_of_Poe is a fabulous collection of missing scenes/alt-pov scenes from tfatws. the character writing in this is phenomenal and the writing flows so easily. I love the Zemo POV he really is such a bitch (affectionate) thank you for your writing service.
straddled cooperation by VIKAN. ( @mustangst ) fantastic character dialogue in this, especially for zemo, and some very funny moments (ESPECIALLY for zemo lmao) the character interactions are so so enjoyable and well written. overall just a fabulous fic with some tremendous writing.
True Quiet by betterthanworse ( @betterthanworse ) A fantastic fic in which Bucky survives the war and encounters Zola. I loved how this fic explored the trauma that Bucky experienced specifically with Zola and his initial experiementation. I don't often see a lot of that in either fic or canon so it was very satisfying. and I also loved the emotional whump of course very good :)
Wrong About You, Wrong About Me by betterthanworse. In my reviewing of this fic, I accidentally read literally the entire thing again, so you know this fic is good lmao. 30k words and it literally flew by I was so immersed in the story. and boy does it have WHUMP. one of my all time favorite fics <33
open the door to heaven or hell by chaosy. one of my favorite crossovers, Matt Murdock and Bucky Barnes. exactly the scene you wanted to happen in canon but never did. well no matter! this does the job very well!!
Bandaids Don't Fix Bullet Holes (But Punisher Does) by our lovely @whumpdoyoumean !! (221Browncoat on Ao3) An awesome Daredevil fic with plenty of whump and plenty of Frank!! :D whumpy, touching, and very funny. fantastic read! :)
Witness by ysande. A wonderful bit of Matt whump and angst. Paints very well the relationship Matt has with Stick and provides a rational perspective (thank you, Foggy) on how messed up it is.
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terresdebrume · 1 year
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Cover art for therefore, dark past, by Lady Charity / @mykingdomforapen
“Then don’t be a brat and get your arse up to Manchester,” Dad snapped. “He’s in hospice. The whole family’s coming to see him. And so are you.” “When?” Jamie asked uneasily. “Christ, Jamie, he’s dying,” Dad said. His voice did something weird–it hitched. “What, you’re gonna pencil him in your busy celebrity schedule? Squeeze your own granddad in between your ickle interviews and your fancy dinner dates? My old man is fucking dying.”
In which Jamie breaks the cycle.
More fic covers | More fic recs
I knew I wanted to make a cover for this fic the second I finished it--I love the tender, if bittersweet way the author approaches Jamie's relationship with his dad, and the way it digs into the generational transmission of abuse.
The whole story is well written, soft and touching in a way that truly convey the complexity of Jamie's familial situation. Absolutely a must read, in my humble opinion.
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snorlaxlovesme · 3 months
I’d love to know more about colors 👀👀
HAAA that was me trying my hand at writing smut. like i know i CAN do it, i've read enough, but my hands...won't physically type the words....
Cheng Xiaoshi stands before him now, that same impish smile on his face from this morning, and Lu Guang is glad they established the color system. Something feels different today. It starts with the tie being wrapped around Lu Guang’s wrists as Cheng Xiaoshi ties him to the center point of their headboard. Lu Guang tests the tightness of his bindings and finds them secure. “These are good knots,” he says appreciatively. Cheng Xiaoshi shakes his head. “Your dirty talk sucks.”
they use the green/yellow/red system because Lu Guang is afraid Cheng Xiaoshi will forget a safe word in the heat of the moment
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saelterlude · 3 months
WIP Tag Game!!
thanks for the tag @mykingdomforapen :D
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
problem is, i have a lot of wips with no clue who to tag soo, imma pick and choose like 4 hehe. also, tiny comments bcs i cant help it
- lc signal au (signal is a really good show, pls watch it)
- how to ruin a wedding (and make it better)
-untitled document :)
-loser lu guang (ahaha)
imma tag... the first writers that came to mind @spilledstars1234 @sakira35 @shiguangism @kkomaism
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months
Summary: When Roy was at the height of his football career, he received a letter from a nine-year-old fan that haunted him for fourteen years. He finally decides to track down the child who had written him the letter, if only to break it to himself if they were alive or dead. And then he finds his answer.
Author: @mykingdomforapen
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wafflesrisa · 2 years
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Much love for @beterparker for the tag x (you made me actually open the Google doc I’ve been avoiding, damn you x). Here, have three sentences.
A deep part of Goose’s heart recognizes this man is his son. It’s written in the bones of Rooster’s wings, in his laugh, in the way he fills out Goose’s Haiwaiian shirt like it’s his own.
Goose barely knows this Bradley, but he loves him.
I can’t tag that many ppl i’m small and anxious but @eirianerisdar @marbat @scientistsinistral @lizofalltrades @mykingdomforapen if ya want to participate x
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doublxpresso · 4 months
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For @mykingdomforapen, for the SGDLRaction event!
Childhood friends shiguang you are so dear to me...
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