#and that's separate from the group of people who simply don't wish to be in a romantic relationship
whenthegoldrays · 8 months
you know, seeing some of the awesome ladies here on Tumblr that are still single in their 30s and thriving has made me feel better about the idea of singleness and to know logically that in many ways, it's actually better to get married later — but on the other hand, my cousin just got engaged at age 30 and every single one of us (including me) has been absolutely shocked that she was single for this long
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penguwastaken · 5 months
Nobody Understands Mukuro Ikusaba (aka Mukuro Character Analysis)
...except for the people that do (lol).
But first I want to clarify what I mean by this title and why I even wrote this thread in the first place. Mukuro is my second favorite Danganronpa character, only beaten out by Kyoko. There's a lot of reasons why I really like Mukuro, but one of them is her writing.
I think she's one of the best written characters in the series. But unfortunately, she also happens to be one of the most misunderstood characters as well. Not even by the people who don't like her, but also by her own fans.
"Mukuro has incestuous feelings for Junko" "Danganronpa 3 retconned her character" "Mukuro was just a plot device" These are all claims that baffle me because simply just consuming the media will say otherwise.
To many, Mukuro is either a one note incest freak or a pure innocent cinnamon roll who did nothing wrong and both of those interpretations are wildly incorrect. I've been meaning to write this post for a while, but we're finally here.
Nobody understands Mukuro Ikusaba (a ""🧵"") (Spoiler warning for the entire series)
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Story Overview
We don't actually know too much about Mukuro's backstory aside from the fact that at a young age, she was separated from her younger twin sister Junko. Before being taken away, she claims that she was homeless and after she was taken she was forced to become a member of the military group Fenrir.
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So clearly Mukuro never really had the chance to have a normal life, and more importantly: never had a chance to feel the care of another person.
Her sister, who Mukuro had not seen in years, suddenly got in contact with her and called Mukuro over to participate in her plan to overthrow Hope's Peak Academy (and the world). Mukuro, who already felt bad for losing her sister and was desperate for any kind of affection, accepted and began working for Junko.
Junko took advantage of Mukuro's desperation and had her basically work as a servant to her plans. She started by having Mukuro wipe out the entirety of a middle school in order to prove Mukuro's skills and how far Mukuro would go for her.
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With that out of her way, Junko made Mukuro obey like her servant in order to overthrow Hope's Peak and cause the tragedy. Mukuro did so without batting an eye and disregarding any second thoughts she might have had, all while facing Junko's abuse.
During her time attending Hope's Peak, Mukuro met Makoto Naegi. Unlike most of her classmates, Makoto was friendly to her and showed her compassion. This confused her as we already established that Mukuro wasn't used to affection. Because of this and her tendency to latch onto anyone who shows her even an ounce of care, she began to develop feelings for Makoto (that even Junko acknowledged).
"In the past two years, Ikusaba had gained an interest in the world beyond her sister. And in that world, Makoto Naegi--the first person who smiled at her and bridged the gap between her and the world--had become like a sapling of sincerity taking root in her heart." -Danganronpa IF confirming Mukuro's feelings for Makoto
"Upupupu… I wonder what kind of fun you were having in the infirmary? Did you take care of your rival in love, or did you wish them a happy marriage? Either way, don't you think our nice guy Naegi standing side-by-side with Kirigiri makes for a wonderful picture? If this were a thriller, they'd be the last surviving couple!" "Upupupupu… Or how about just killing all of the others? If everyone but you and Naegi die, then the two of you can spend the rest of your student lives together! After all, we can't even hold a trial if there's only two people left. Maybe it'll be best if you just hole up here, safe in the building forever!" "And what're you going to do once he goes back to his old self? It's not as if you were dating Naegi, right? You were just watching him from afar all this time! Now this is a shock. You can shoot right through people's heads and hearts without even blinking, but you can't even steal away some skinny little boy's heart! You want me to tell you who Naegi had a crush on before his memories were erased? Upupupupu…" -Junko teasing Mukuro about her feelings as she aids Makoto in Danganronpa IF
Once the tragedy occured, Mukuro was locked inside of Hope's Peak with Junko and the rest of their classmates and she helped orchestrate the killing game. She disguised herself as Junko, under the impression that Junko would fake her death and they could spend the rest of the game together.
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This is when the seeds of doubt began to sprout inside of Mukuro. I wouldn't say that she necessarily began to go against her sister, but she definitely was starting to get a little more hesitant.
"It was only recently that she began to question her mindset. Hearing about this plan from Junko and watching the world burn at the hands of people in Monobear masks did nothing to sway her, but when she heard that Junko was intending to plunge Naegi and the others into a game of murder, something within her began to move. The seed of doubt soon took root, sprouting into a thorny vine that twisted around her feet. And the moment she met her friends for the first time under the identity of Junko Enoshima and realized their memories were truly gone, the vines quickly tightened around her ankles." -Danganronpa IF describing Mukuro's feelings when the killing game began
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To Makoto and the player who are under the impression that this is Junko, they assume that she's referring to not wanting to be a model anymore. But given her backstory of never being able to live a normal life and always having to fend for herself or follow the orders of others, we can infer what she actually means. She expresses disappointment in the fact that she never really had a chance to do what she wanted.
This all culminates in the moment where Junko was supposed to fake the death of Mukuro, but that isn't what happened. Instead, Junko killed Mukuro and betrayed her. To say that Junko felt no remorse from this action would be a lie, however. Junko only did this because she knew it would hurt both of them.
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...but what if that wasn't what happened? What if Mukuro wasn't killed? What would happen then? That brings us to:
Danganronpa IF
Danganronpa IF answers the hypothetical question of what if Mukuro survived Junko's attack. Of course this means it isn't canon, but due to Kodaka being involved with its creation and its existence as an event that hypothetically could have happened, it is canon compliant. This means that while the events didn't happen in canon, they could have and things like characterization are all accurate. Think of it like an extended free time event. While the events themselves aren't canon, the things they say and imply are. I'll also be referencing Danganronpa IF a lot because since it's told from Mukuro's perspective, it gives a lot of insight on her thought process.
After regaining his memories, Makoto recognizes and rescues Mukuro seconds before her would-be death and he gets impaled by one of the spears. Mukuro rushes to save him, abandoning her disguise and goal.
During this time, Mukuro does a lot of thinking. Why did Junko try to kill her? For all the time they've been working together, Mukuro always assumed that her job was to prop Junko up and help her achieve despair.
It turns out that Junko didn't want Mukuro to obey Junko's every order, Junko wanted Mukuro to retaliate. She didn't want Mukuro to submit to her, but instead to fight back.
With this Mukuro changes her mind, choosing to fight Junko instead of assisting her. Not because she's on the side of hope, she never cared about hope or despair, but because she only wants what's best for the only person in her life who cared for her.
"'That's why… I'll take responsibility. I'll make you happy, Junko . I'll make youdespair. I'll save Naegi-kun… I'll make sure none of our friends die. I'll get them all out of here. And I'll kill every last one of the ones on the outside. You planned this for years and killed so many people to make this work… so I'll destroy every last trace of it.' She was not driven by resentment at the sister who abandoned her. Ikusaba would do all this for her sister's sake." -Mukuro changing her approach to making Junko happy in Danganronpa IF
Who is Mukuro Ikusaba?
Now this is the part where I finally exit the synopsis phase and finally get into the character analysis, explaining why Mukuro acts the way she does in all entries.
Now, I want to begin with a common critique of Mukuro's character, specifically one that's attributed to Danganronpa 3. The one that says that Mukuro's behavior is not only out of character, but also claims that she has romantic feelings for her sister.
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First point out of the way, Mukuro's blushy and flustered attitude is nothing new when it comes to her character. It's been an aspect of her since the very beginning of her characterization.
"'I don’t know if… she attracts despair, or despair attracts her, but… she’s lived her whole life with despair by her side. She lived while immersed in despair. That’s why she began looking for despair in others; she began to enjoy pushing people into despair. But you know… that’s normal. It’s no different than someone cursed by misfortune falling into hatred for those who are better off than them. But what’s special about her was that… she learned to enjoy inflicting despair upon herself. That’s how the link to despair began: as she chased down despair, she pushed it onto others along the way. Doing so caused her to crave falling into despair even more… and because of that chain to despair, the Ultimate Despair was born.' While she spoke, it was like she fell into a fever; the expressions on her face slowly turned into ecstasy. It was so completely absurd that it would have been difficult for anybody to think of it as anything but a joke, but I could tell that this was real. It might have been the hazy memories of Junko Enoshima inside me that led to that conclusion. 'You don’t get it right? That’s fair, I don’t think anybody could… But you know, only I can understand it…' Consumed by ecstasy, even Ikusaba’s breathing had begun to turn ragged." -Mukuro describing Junko in Danganronpa Zero
The second (and more important) point to address is the one that Mukuro holds some kind of romantic feelings for her sister. Now, in all honestly, I can't hold this against anyone for thinking this even if I think it's a wild misinterpretation of her behavior. Danganronpa has a track record of using incest for comedic effect (to always poor results). However, Mukuro's relationship with Junko is not used to comedic effect and it's portrayed in a negative light. Not only that, we know that Mukuro does not enjoy behaving that way.
"'She hoped that, perhaps her sister on the screen would say something like 'Not! You seriously thought I'd say something that sappy? Jeez, you're annoying! Can't you just disappear forever or something?'. She hoped that Junko might criticizeher and call her useless. Ikusaba was no masochist, but she would have preferred to hear scornful laughter and be shot at rather than continue to endure this pain." -Danganronpa IF explaining Mukuro's "masochism"
Mukuro doesn't behave the way she does because she has feelings for Junko, she does so because she believes that's how Junko wants her to behave. Danganronpa Zero and IF makes it clear that Mukuro was wrong about how Junko wanted her to behave.
“'You don’t get it right? That’s fair, I don’t think anybody could… But you know, only I can understand it…' Consumed by ecstasy, even Ikusaba’s breathing had begun to turn ragged. 'Only I’m able to understand her… That’s why she needs me. She still hasn’t realized it, but… maybe she’s only pretending not to. Ufu… It’s because she’s so shy. Ufufufu…'” -Mukuro explaining that Junko needs her in Danganronpa Zero
"Ikusaba knew that not even she herself was her own ally. After all, despite the fact that Junko had betrayed her and very nearly killed her, Ikusaba still believed that she was the only one who could understand her little sister. And that was why she felt that she had to protect her. That's right… you were just being you, Junko. You just wanted despair, right? It's because you love me. You wanted to kill me and fall into despair. That must have been it" -Mukuro in denial in Danganronpa IF
"Ikusaba believed that she alone could understand the despair known as Junko Enoshima. It was a ludicrous notion. The moment Junko said, 'I love you', Ikusaba realized--to her agony--that she never truly understood her sister. Only now had she come to realize Junko's feelings." -Mukuro realizing that she didn't understand Junko in Danganronpa IF
Because of Mukuro's incorrect interpretation of understanding Junko, Mukuro believes that Junko expects her to respond to her abuse with acceptance and masochism. Even if she was uncomfortable to, as long as it made Junko happy, that's what mattered. Of course, we learn that Junko wanted Mukuro to respond her abuse with retaliation, and as soon as Mukuro realizes that her behavior immediately shifts. Mukuro holds a great deal of admiration for Junko, so much so that she only wants to do what would please Junko the most.
She does not have romantic feelings for her sister and to say so misses the point entirely. She isn't behaving that way because she's a masochist, she behaves that way because she believes it's how she's expected to, even if she's visibly uncomfortable. Once she learns this isn't what's expected, she immediately changes course.
Danganronpa 3 also has official relationship charts that depict the relationship between characters. In this chart, crushes or explicitly shown romantic feelings are labeled with a heart (as seen with Kazuichi's attraction to Sonia or Toko's attraction to Byakuya). Mukuro's relationship does NOT feature this heart. You would think that if Mukuro's very obvious admiration towards Junko was romantic it would have a heart, but it doesn't because it isn't. If what I said before didn't convince you, I think this itself is proof enough.
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Mukuro's admiration doesn't extend to just Junko though. Due to her unfortunate upbringing, Mukuro has a tendency to get attached to anyone who shows her the affection she's desperate for. So much so that her behavior changes completely around the people she cares about.
"The mass of monochrome spun round and round, making it look as though they were projecting a hypnotic image from three directions, but Ikusaba remained expressionless. In fact, the bizarre sight unfolding before her compelled the Super High School Level Soldier to regain her focus. She was an entirely different person from the girl who had panicked at Naegi's injury in the gymnasium." -Mukuro while fighting in Danganronpa IF, behaving completely differently from when she panicked over Makoto's injury
"Not only that, if anyone who knew her as the Super High School Level Soldier and mercenary were to see her now, the difference in her attitude might even make her look like another person altogether. And Monobear continued to drive the girl into a corner." -Mukuro panicking over Makoto's injury in Danganronpa IF
"The mask of ice she wore around others was entirely unlike the face she showed her sister, making it almost seem as though she had multiple personalities." -Danganronpa IF explaining that Mukuro's behavior around Junko is different from her typical icey expression
This is why around most people, Mukuro has a pretty blank expression. However when she's around Makoto or Junko, the two people who she cares about, she displays a much more soft and emotional side.
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That being said, an often overlooked aspect of Mukuro is that she actually has a slight ego and is proud of her skill. This is especially obvious in her fight with Peko in Danganronpa 3. Of course, if I spent years in the military without getting a single scratch, I'd probably have an ego too.
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Mukuro is also capable of turning off her feelings and going into a "killing machine mode" whenever the situation demands it, mostly when she's carrying out some mission. It's not because she doesn't feel bad for what she's doing or isn't having any second thoughts, it's that she pushes any doubts to the side to focus on getting the job done.
"In battlefields, where she made her home, her main mission was to kill and survive. And in that setting Ikusaba was invincible. She could put her own emotions on a leash in order to become a killing machine." -Danganronpa IF explaining how Mukuro is capable of ignoring her own feelings
"With a single whisper that was drowned out by the sound of gunfire, Ikusaba went completely silent. Thanks to her status as a member of Super High School Level Despair, her heart was filling with joy. And as if to offset the sudden surge of emotions, the sparkle in her eyes disappeared." -Mukuro turning her emotions off while fighting in Danganronpa IF
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So Basically...
Due to her upbringing Mukuro is someone who gets attached to people easily, particularly those who give her attention. Junko took advantage of this to make Mukuro essentially act as her servant. Believing that Junko expected her to return the abuse she faced with enjoyment, she forced herself to do just that. Even if it made her uncomfortable, making her sister happy at her own expense is better than being alone. She's capable of turning off and ignoring her emotions to following orders when necessary and is generally a proud and skilled soldier, though she has a softer side that she only shows to people who she cares for.
That is who Mukuro Ikusaba is.
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There's a lot of reasons I really like Mukuro. I think she's silly and cute and I like her singing voice. But I also think her characterization is really good in all of her appearances. I think a lot of the critiques made towards her (especially towards her appearance in Danganronpa 3) are misguided or just a result of her being misunderstood.
She's not a plot device or a character exclusively there to act as an extension of Junko. She's filled to the brim with character depth and interesting writing and has plenty of characterization on her own. I'll admit that her presence in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is a bit limited, however she doesn't just become an important character in four other entries without getting some kind of development.
Many think her characterization is inconsistent or different across entries, but I honestly think it couldn't be any MORE consistent. The only times where I'd say she acts out of character is in the comic anthologies, but those are non-canon media that's kinda known for flanderizing characters for the sake of comedy.
Basically, I like Mukuro. I hope I managed to change some minds or shed a new light on her to anyone who didn't before. And if you already liked her, I hope maybe I could make you appreciate her a bit more or just help you explain her in some way.
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anyways follow me on twitter cough cough
Also special thanks to Twitter user @LKSixtyfour for their tweets about Mukuro's characterization, many helped me organize my thoughts to form the thread that you just read.
Edit: didn't make any changes to the post, just fixed some typos
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starlightomatic · 4 months
Saw a post about how the function of private school is to insulate rich people from the conditions that most people experience, and while I'm sure that's largely true, I wanted to surface another piece of it. I didn't want to add it to that post because it would have been an "excuse me, your post didn't account for my specific situation, I am uncomfortable when we are not about me??" addition, so I'm making my own post instead.
I attended private school as a child -- specifically, a Jewish day school. I learned Hebrew, prayers, and Jewish history. I only went through fourth grade but it provided a really solid skill basis that I've been able to build on ever since, and it's a big reason why I can so confidently navigate Jewish spaces as an adult. There's simply so much content to pass down, and twice-weekly supplemental Hebrew school lessons don't really provide enough time to transmit that much of it. I'm not saying this to gatekeep people who didn't have this experience, but rather the opposite; I wish this was available and accessible to all Jewish children.
I digress a little; the point is, while private school in general may be about rich people separating themselves off and giving themselves treatment that their wealth-hoarding denies the rest of us, there are other functions of private school as well, such as a minority group passing on important cultural and religious knowledge to its children.
And to be honest, that doesn't need to happen outside the public school system; there is actually a school in Canada that, by way of being Hebrew-immersion (because language immersion schools are a thing in that municipality), is actually a Jewish school fulfilling that same purpose. But in many places, people object to public school funding being used for religious content (and in the US I'm not even sure it's constitutional), so this model doesn't work everywhere.
Anyway, just wanted to add this piece of context to help round out how folks view private schooling.
(And side note, my private school was not particularly fancier than the public schools; half of it was in the basement of a local community building and the other half was renting space from a local synagogue. My second grade classroom was in an old, weird little outbuilding on the synagogue grounds.)
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incorrect-riordanverse · 11 months
It's really disheartening that Rick Riordan stance on the war I understand that he wants to be neutral on this stance but in my opinion by becoming neutral he only worsening the issue as many Palestines are dying that are mostly children, how the majority of Israeli are supporting the Genocide of Palestine, and how the government is trying so hard (but miserably failing) to justified the genocide. I will hold him accountable for what he said on this issue as during this period the choice is basically "you are with us or against us."
Part of me wishes he will realize what he said was wrong and understand the bigger issue that plays at hand. I will criticism for his actions as how can a man who promotes LGBTQIA and representation of minorities and disabilities in his books turn a blind eyes to Genocide of people. However we can only wait and see on his next move.
One last thing about your previous you said you don't group Riordan with other authors where do you would group him with? Also this is more on an opinion base answer but many people are boycotting companies that support Israel there as been another post on Twitter on boycotting authors. Rick Riordan happens to be one of them. Do you believed that he should be boycotted with other authors or he should be properly educated and apologized for his previous statement? If you believed he should be boycotted what do tou have to say to those who might have the mentality of "separate the art from the artist"
thank you for this ask, and i completely agree with you! it is extremely hypocritical of him considering what he preaches for in his books. i think he’s convinced he has properly addressed the apartheid by using very vague language that can be applied to anything, and in doing so, he’s addressed nothing really.
your first question on who i would group him with— probably other authors who are doing the exact same as him in their virtue signalling. i always like to link my other blogs to each other, so i don’t think it’s a secret that i have a red queen account and i’m pretty passionate about that. unfortunately, victoria aveyard is another fantasy author who has literally wrote a whole four-book series on the uprising against oppression but is now playing neutral in her address of the apartheid. rebecca yarros is in the same boat, although i haven’t read ‘fourth wing,’ fans have said there are large themes of oppression within the book. so if i had to group riordan it would probably be in the ‘i-like-to-write-about-it-for-profit-and-praise-only’ group.
in terms of boycotting, i think that’s a great idea! i would also like to remind everyone that the percy jackson tv show is coming out in a little over a month, but disney is a huge industry financially supporting israel as well ($2 million in funding), which is obviously far more damning than a poorly written address by one person. there is a boycott happening for disney as well— and the pjo show will be released on disney + . i implore everyone to not watch it on that platform!! personally i will be pirating it online (idk if i’ll get into trouble saying that here but lol oh well), because im pretty sure the boycott is only for withdrawing financial support, not simply consuming media.
i feel like separating art from the artist only works if that artist is… like, dead, and you’re using that art and its values as a historical insight to how the world was during its time. you can still like a piece of work that has a problematic artist, you can engage with the work (to an extent). but separating art from the artist barely works because either:
to engage with the art is to support the artist in some way, so that artist is making money based on your interaction with that (particularly in the case for singers and streaming of songs)
that artists’ views and values are so rancid that it’s literally embedded within the text itself. to ignore it is harmful.
harry potter is my all-time favourite example to use, because jkr is the scum of the earth, and her views are entrenched in her work. a lesser known example is sarah j maas and her books (she’s also not as dogshit as jkr, but then again, its not hard to be a better person than her). i’m not going to bag on these people for liking things by problematic people (would be hypocritical of me), i just think it’s cowardly not to address it when you come across it, or at least admit to it. to simply write things off as ‘separate to the artist’ is like purposefully turning off your critical thinking skills.
on whether boycotting or an apology is enough— if riordan did apologise and used specific language and not the nonsense he had in that blog, expressed his remorse for his ignorance and then actually did or said something to support the people of palestine then, yeah. that’s fine and that’s how we learn ig. but he should educate himself, too many activists, people from the arab community and especially palestinians are expected to be all-knowing and to educate everyone else on an already draining and personal tragedy. it’s been exhausting for me, i can’t imagine what they’re going through. if riordan (or anyone) needs to be educated, he should do it himself, and (at least in my opinion) i don’t think the info is very hard to find now. it’s just about weeding out the misinformation.
i think boycotting is a good idea as of now. it can serve to be a catalyst for self reflection for many people. also, as much as i hate most online discourses, talking about it online needs to happen. i don’t want these authors to forget, for a moment, about the ignorance they posted online during a time of international crisis.
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
I think a fundamental misunderstanding of morality is so prevalent in Star Wars discourse and I wish more people would think in complex nuance rather than 'this side is right and if you listen to a single thing the OTHER side says, then you're falling to evilness'.
I don't think Osha listening to Qimir's side of the story and understanding it is 'her seeing she's like this evil person, and so deciding she might as well be evil too!'.
I don't see Qimir as evil. I don't see the jedi as good. So where are we when we analyze character choices?
Fighting for freedom and choice is not inherently evil (see: The Rebel Alliance). You have to dig deeper than 'I don't like the Jedi code' when determining if that person rejecting a super high-control cult is doing so to harm others or simply seek freedom for themselves or the galaxy.
Is it possible to fight against the Jedi for evil reasons? Yeah (see: Palpatine). But that's not the ONLY option.
It feeds into this idea that once you 'identify' the 'good guys' in a situation, you need to back them uncritically and to listen at all to those you're 'identified' as the 'bad guys' means you're falling to corruption and evilness. That's just...a terrible way to 1) engage with media, and 2) engage with the world.
You could have been wrong when you identified the 'good guys'. But if you never listen to the things the 'other' side says, if you dehumanize them to the point where even when they're making valid points, you shut them down simply because 'well, you're the bad guy, so it's physically impossible for you to have any 'right' things to say at all', you stagnate as a person/group and corruption thrives in your ranks and the conflict between you and 'the bad guys' will never end. Not to mention, you miss out on a lot of good philosophy when we're talking about media analysis.
It's about actually looking at what people are saying and doing critically, with as little bias as possible, that will help you make your way to 'the truth' of the matter. If you've decided you're going to put on rose-colored glasses when you look at all the decisions made by 'the good guys' and piss-colored glasses for all actions taken by 'the bad guys', then you're going to miss the actual path forward.
Sometimes, NO ONE is 'the good guy' and sometimes, NO ONE is 'the evil guy'. What we CAN do is look at everything, the effects of their actions, their philosophies, and analyze it dispassionately to try to glean some lessons from it. After all, this is a fake world filled with fake people - acknowledging Qimir might have some valid criticisms of the Jedi order isn't putting a dictator in charge of your real-life country. This isn't a life or death situation here, so maybe take a breath and realize it's ok to sympathize and understand characters in fiction who might have done things we consider to be bad.
But it's also correct to say that the way we conceptualize morality in media CAN impact how we interact with our real world. That's why I think it's so important to expose people to the idea that there isn't a clear 'good side' and clear 'bad side' you can neatly separate all people into in a safe environment such as storytelling. You cannot separate real people into 'orcs' or 'hobbits' in the real world and I think a lot of people with their purity politics are forgetting that. Is it easier to dehumanize those who do things that harm others? Yeah. Is that good storytelling to make a clear and irredeemable enemy? It can be! But it's not the ONLY way to tell a story.
Seriously, look into some more 'lit fic' stories and you'll see that the common 'good vs evil' storytelling of fantasy/fantasy adjacent genres isn't the only way to write a compelling and meaningful story. Everyone can have good traits, everyone can have bad traits, and some traits can flip flop depending on the situation. Most importantly, identifying with the antagonist and certain traits they posses DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON!!!!
I guess the tl;dr of this is that it's ok to not be able to identify the 'good guys' or the 'bad guys' - it's ok to look at the characters and say 'boy, this is messy' and leave your moral judgement at that. There's no law that says you have to correctly identify the perfect people in fiction and if you get it wrong, you're punished somehow. Release yourself of that expectation and I think you'll find engaging with media a much more rewarding and eye-opening experience that can help you learn things about yourself and others that you can take into the real world in a non-combative manner.
Black vs White morality is not the only dynamic available in media and it's time we reminded ourselves of that, especially when looking at Star Wars.
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I understand why a lot of people would NOT like this and they are in their right to either dislike it or provide valid criticisms towards it...
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HOWEVER, the response to this series (that isn't even released yet and the pilot has NOT been created) just feels too hostile tbh.
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(Not censoring Gangle's username because.... imagine wishing death on someone for just liking harry potter and being cringed--) Like, we should be encouraging small indie game devs, series creators and such not discourage them by being hostile/bullying said creators while not providing actual criticism or simply hating them because the art-style has already been done before...
Like yes, I do find it kinda cringe to have your Harry Potter houses up on your kickstarter like that but I'm not going to judge because as long as they ain't actually supporting JK Rowling and these guys aren't freaks of nature.. I don't see any real harm. If you couldn't tell, I'm a firm believer of separating the art from the artist in some cases.. I'm willing to give Steph and Kris the benefit of a doubt, also I don't think they did anything that warrant the hostility and toxicity their getting, like none of them diddled a child or donated money to a hate group (correct me if I'm wrong lmaooo)
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I think you guys need to stop judging a book by it's cover.. again, you're allow to critic them, give them a few pointers and yeah, you can dislike the upcoming show's art style (I personally don't like the art style and if this series becomes successful, I may or may not watch it) and all but being hostile towards a indie series is just trashy and discouraging towards not just them but other people who WANT to start a kickstarter, patreon or even a ko-fi so they could fund their own indie series, games and all. I think we should give all Indie series and games a chance instead of being judgey. (Go support them)
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zombiewhor3 · 2 years
daryl dixon x fem reader
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WARNINGS: emotional reader, crying, rude daryl, mentions of weapons, pet names, soft smut, boner, grinding, dry sex. Daryl never trusted anyone, it was just a common fact, it wasn't a shock why he was the introvert of the group.
He had been an outsider his whole life peering onto the others in a group wondering why he hadn't fit in with them.
y/n wandered her way up to a separate cell block of the prison where Daryl had spent his time alone carving up pieces of wood or simply just thinking about every damn life experience he's ever had.
y/n knocked on the doorframe watching him draw his crossbow at the shock, "woah!" she shouted raising her hands away from her hips where her knife and gun were holstered.
Daryl let out a sigh staring back up at the bottom of the bunk rested above him, "don't sneak up on people like that y/n" he spoke bitterly adjusting the cuffs on his leather jacket.
"i did try to knock" she spoke jokingly but she could see he wasn't amused so she pushed her smile away sitting against the edge of the bed where his feet had rested.
"lemme guess the group needs somethin" he grumbled reaching for his belt where everything he needed was attached but she stopped him with the grasp of her hand.
"no they don't everything's all fine" she could see his hand slip back behind his head to prop it up while he looked at her.
"why ya here then y/n" he spoke harshly watching her gulp at his bitter tone, he noticed her fists bawled up and her eyes looking away from his almost like she was gonna cry.
"j-just wanted to check on you" she spoke meekly feeling her voice crack, she wished daryl wasn't as bitter to her because in reality all she was tryna do was be sweet to him.
"i can assure ya i'm fine i don't need anyone to check up on me" he spat at her, he could hear a sniffle come from her while she wiped her eyes trying to hide the fact she was letting a few tears slip.
she tried to speak but her voice croaked and only a meek sob came out from her mouth, he frowned softly grabbing her wrists to pull her head onto his chest.
"shh shh shh i'm sorry sugar" he cooed to her rubbing her hair while he could feel her face nuzzling into his neck , trying to hold her cries back but nothing was working.
"it's okay princess c'mon look at me" she looked up at him with puffy eyes and still a single tear slipped down her cheek to which he wiped it away with a soft smile.
"that's good sugar just focus on me, now tell me why yer crying is it cause of me?" he asked knowing the obvious answer but he wanted her to feel like he was there like he was listening to make her feel better.
"j-just wanna be around you dar" she admitted shyly feeling his hands rubbing over hers, his coarse fingertips skimming her gentle skin.
"why is that y/n? what about rick or the others i'm sure they'll keep ya company when yer lonely hmm?" he asked watching her bite down onto her inner cheek and look down at their hands.
"c'mon look at me, talk to me tell me what's wrong" he used his hand to move her chin so that she was looking at him, he could feel her squirm slightly at the eye contact but his hands held her still.
"i don't like them like t-that" she admitted watching his brows furrow his eyes softening at the realization.
he placed a soft kiss on her hands making a trail up her arms, "oh princess ya gotta crush isn't that what i'm a hearin"
he smiled at her watching her face turn to the color of a red rose, now she felt restless in her position her crotch accidentally glided against his making him groan out,
"stop squirmin" he didn't know how to tell her that he was enjoying her body on top of his he didn't have the right words.
"im s-sorry" she spoke shyly a factor that he liked,
She was shy to the group, a good shooter but when it came down to personality they were both the loners both the ones who didn't fit in when it came to any final draws.
"sugar ya got a crush it's normal i just never thought it'd me me ya know?" he shrugged using his hands to lift up her shirt slightly, just so he could feel the bare skin of her waist.
"why not you?" she questioned watching his expression turn quickly mopey while she looked at him. "not so good for ya" he spoke squeezing at her sides, she tilted her head at his words.
"you're perfect for me dar, you're smart and you help this group out alot!" she spoke eagerly accidentally letting her body jump at her excitement of just talking to him.
she could hear him let out a groan when her hips slammed down onto his, he was praying that he wouldn't grow a boner over just the small touch of her body squirming over him.
this time he gripped her waist harder to prevent her from moving, "god princess i can't hold it back anymore ya can't keep squirming like this all over me ya know it makes it impossible" he tossed his head against the pillows trying to sink back from his words.
he watched her frown like she had done something wrong, "ya did nothing sweetheart it's just-" he stopped looking down to see the bulge that had formed in his pants.
"c-can i help you dar" she asked with a pleading smile feeling as his hands squeezed at her sides, he hesitantly gave her a soft yes from his mouth feeling her starting to grind against his bulge.
he let out a grunt before hearing a soft moan slip from her lips making him swallow harshly, he liked y/n.
He liked everything about her even if his brother had constantly taunted her and called her weak, even if she would cry over the smallest things, he hadn't cared about that,
he hadn't cared about her flaws.
"oh god" she whined as her hands pressed into his abdomen feeling the hardness of his abs press back against her, she could feel almost like a knot in her stomach, almost like something inside her was begging to just be released from her.
she started whimpering aloud catching Daryl's attention, "what's wrong doll hmm? ya close?" he asked rubbing the side of her cheek, she let a tear slip down it while she could feel the knot coming looser and looser with each movement of their hips.
"gonna cum p-please" she cried feeling daryl wipe a tear from her cheek, "c'mon cum for me" at his words she could feel the knot come loose as a warm puddle of juices shot into her panties.
he came with her feeling his cum seep into his boxers making its way free into his jeans, he could see her panting and whispering softly,
"such a pretty girl aren't ya, ya did a very good job doll" he whispered kissing the top of her head with a dim smile.
"lemme get ya some new clothes doll" he spoke slipping up from the bed he could hear her whine while he slipped his body away from his, he made his way into a closet where they stored the clothes pulling out a pair of panties and a new pair of jeans he smiled.
Daryl slipped back into the prison cell helping her changed as he looked away to respect her privacy, he changed himself before tossing off his shirt onto his work bench and laying down on the mattress feeling his back sink into it.
He held his arms open so that she'd slip into them and she did so gently burying her face in his neck, "that make ya feel better" he asked softly combing through her hair with his fingers.
"mhm" she mumbled soaking even further into him to take up his body heat while the prison grew colder and colder by the minute.
"ya know i love you right?" he asked feeling her let out a soft hum against the crook of his neck, "i love you to dar" she smiled closing her eyes and taking the softness of his embrace.
"get some sleep doll"
A/N: no spoilers for the twd finale but omfg i cried, i sobbed so many times i literally was violently sobbing because of that episode i honestly am going to miss the show :((
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i don't think i've ever said this about choices before but wow this really was the ladies' chapter and i for one am thrilled. we didn't get a lot of imtura as usual but what we did get I was very happy with. i've said this before but i'm loving seeing imtura growing more confident (more than she was in book 1, even) and stepping into the leadership role she was always perfect for but never confident enough to really take. of course she was the wraith's captain but i think this is the first time we're seeing imtura really plan in detail what they're going to do, take charge of the group. she's not asking and she's not apologetic but not imposing either, listening to ideas and adjusting accordingly. she's a great leader and it's so nice to see her really grow into that role, especially since her main conflict in book 2 has been about feeling like she's not good enough to be anything other than the brawns. she has 100% been the brains of the team these last few chapters, and she doesn't even seem to realize she's doing it. it's great to see. i'm also liking seeing her slowly repair her dynamic with mal. i've written before about how mal and imtura have always been the only ones who get each other in the group, and how falling out must have been devastating to both of them. and now we're starting to see them slowly fall back into their groove, teasing each other but still with a lot of respect, and slowly starting to get over the hurt they both put on each other. although i wish it was being addressed more directly, i'm still loving it. and of course, their consistent reminders that her most important value is equality - you share the wealth, share the food, take care of each other. that's the kind of leader she is, in direct opposition of her mother who wished to centralize everything and institute hierarchy. imtura is an orc to the bone, free and strong but caring and believing in equality, and i love seeing that being consitently shown these last few chapters. also, her dancing scene was so fucking sweet
valax is simply the love of my life. and we got TWO separate chances to make out with her. the world is a beautiful place. but more than that, we are getting to know her better, and reconcile the valax we first met with the valax we saw at ironbreach. i like how they're not at odds, and although there's the obvious, well, brainwashing aspect, she is violent because she's kind and cares about her people. by which i mean lines like this:
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it's not at all unlike what MC is doing. as much as everyone MC kills or incapacitates or whatever is some faceless rando, they're still essentialy waging war for what they believe in. and i like that. as i've said before, my favorite thing about blades 2 is how it's been unraveling all of the myths from book 1, showing the other side. history is written by the victors and all that, and i think book 2 is really showing how it's important to question those nationalistic myths where everything on your side is good, the other is bad, etc. and valax telling us about how the Light Realm fucked the Shadow Realm over adds to that, which makes valax an important part of the plot not only as a villain or potential love interest but also as an important source of information about the worldbuilding and what the other side is like. at the same time, we got to see her being conflicted - admitting that she's naive, starting to question the state of the army, betraying MC but also apologizing for it - and just overall a complex person/villain. we got more backstory, more of her motivations, more glimpses of Shadow Realm history, truly we got everything from valax this chapter
i also love how her betrayal was not only inevitable but also due to a fundamental flaw in nia's plan: assuming valax would choose self-preservation over completing her mission and helping her people. it'd be a safe bet to make with pretty much anyone else, but we've seen enough of valax to know that it definitely doesn't apply to her - she has never lived for herself, she doesn't exist for herself, and so she was always going to bid her time until she could go through the pain to complete the mission. that might be the most fundamental part of her character, and it is both shown very well and given even more important narrative weight in this scene
and at the risk of sounding like a hater, this was the first chapter where i truly felt like they were going somewhere interesting with nia's arc. i have a lot of sympathy for her book 1 arc - realizing she has been groomed, trying to reclaim her faith - but she still has always kind of felt one dimensional to me. this chapter was the first time we got to see more of nia; we even had it be implied that at least part of her always being cheery and put-together is a facade. more than just turning her back on the temple this is the first time she is turning her back on the shitty parts of what they taught her - that she doesn't matter, that she lives only for the light, that she can't have needs and desires of her own. all in all, she needs catharsis, and if it's the shadow form that gives her that, then cheers! but regardless of how you feel about shadow!nia i think we can agree that it's giving us more and better glimpses into nia as a character who feels a lot of pain and immense pressure to be good while also trying to figure out which parts of her upbringing she needs to unlearn and which she gets to keep, deal with the grief of losing MC and watching her friend group fall apart, and trying to be a rock for them through it all, then immediately dealing with another world-shattering threat while also trying to hide a part of her for a good portion of it. i've seen a lot f people complain about how no one noticed shadow!nia before and MC was forced to keep that secret but i think it's a good analogy to how there are parts of nia that no one sees, that she tried so hard to suppress they were bound to take over her eventually. nia is more than a bubbly born sexy yesterday sweet girl and i'm delighted to see that being acknowledged
so, yeah. the ladies' chapter. loved it
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Autistic Anime Girls Group 2 Round 2 Match 7
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Alluka -
"OKAY so this might just be me having brain worms about things, but I feel like Alluka and Nanika together are a really good allegory for what it's like to be autistic. For those that don't know-- Alluka is a child who's been trapped in the basement of her family's manor ever since they learned that she's possessed by a spirit called Nanika. The reason that they trapped her is because Nanika can grant people any wish they desire, no matter how dangerous or impossible, but she always takes something of great value in return. The person won't know what will be taken until it's been taken, and people have lost body parts, friends, and other things.
Alluka doesn't control when Nanika comes out, but when she does, the person that she's talking to MUST ask three wishes from her before she's able to leave. Most of her family doesn't attempt to understand her besides the most basic "oh she's possessed and we have to abide by these rules if we want things to be safe and normal again". They simply refuse to interact with her and remain afraid and disturbed by her. Nanika herself can't really speak many words, but she clearly isn't just an unfeeling monster that grants wishes like they believe her to be. She has feelings and desires too, and she cares deeply for the people that love her. Even though she's different than others and seems inhuman and incomprehensible to most people, she's still just a person- a child, and if people put in effort to try to understand and communicate with her, they'd be able to see that she doesn't actually want to cause anyone harm, she just has certain rules that she needs to follow that allow her to function normally.
Alluka and Nanika are two parts of a whole. While they are considered to be separate entities, they both inhabit the same body and share each other's experiences. So any struggles that Nanika faces are also felt by Alluka once she wakes up and Nanika hides away again. Even when Alluka is asked to hide Nanika forever so that she can have a normal life, she refuses and gets upset and distressed, because Nanika is a part of who she is, and she doesn't want to hurt Nanika in that way. Together, Alluka and Nanika are an autistic girl who is unable to mask the part of herself that makes her seem different from other people. As a result, most people don't understand her and are afraid of her. They shun her, abuse her, try to "cure" her, use her for whatever she can give them, and then try to kill her when they decide she's too much trouble. Really, she's still just a girl. :("
Ringo -
"In addition to what I've sent before, Ringo also speaks in a very polite manner at all times yet still accidentally comes off as rude to others when she really doesn't mean to. She gives nicknames to people she doesn't know based on their behaviour/clothing items in order to remember them better and her food taste is also considered weird. She also carries a very specific apple on her at all times and feels lost without it."
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katarikitten · 6 months
The Firehose Faction has begun!
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I introduce to you, this silly goober! Firehoseman!
Firehoseman is the normal male variant of the Firehose Faction. Now while the other factions are usually quite large and have lots of normal agents, the Firehose Faction only has one of each variant excluding striders and flying/helicopters variants. But their titan picks up the slack where its needed most!
The Firehose Faction works as a unit together to put out fires of a wide range of sizes, from small house fires all the way up to raging wildfires!
General Information/Equipment information:
Height: 6'7"
Rank: Captain
Specialties: Can easily carry someone in the firefighter carry when needed, wide range of water pressure and flow settings he can switch between, has the widest range of colors and shapes to be used in eye communication since he is the most expressing.
Other Information:
He likes gardening
If he gets irritated he will puff out a small mist cloud from his nozzle
Don't make him mad, he will douse you in water
Intake and output pumps on backpack for two different ways of getting water to hose head
Fire axe for chopping down doors and such
Hose can detach and small panel can slide down to cover head intake channel
Log [REDACTED], (##, ##, 1995): He was finally introduced to the others after passing safety exams. As always [REDACTED] acted aggressive and cold towards the newcomer, which the scientists and I agreed on simply calling him Firehoseman. This will go away with time though, it always has. [REDACTED] will always come around, after all, he is the beacon of hope for this group.
-Doctor [REDACTED]
Log [REDACTED], (##, ##, 1995): "We had to lock him up, put him away for the time being. He's unsafe right now. After we let him join the group he quickly came up with his own ideals of right and wrong after responding to calls. None are very out of order, the typical, "stealing is bad" and so on so forth. And today, he finally acted upon those ideals."
"He killed four people, though they were far from innocent, and he nearly killed two of our own while trying to restrain him. His metaphorical "eye" was gone, just a dim yellow glow radiated from his empty lights, and his clothing had blood all over it and there was some splatters even on his nozzle. He displayed extreme aggression towards those he killed and the guards who restrained him, only seeming to calm slightly when brought back to the group before being locked up. This can't happen again, he, they as a group, are supposed to help people by putting out fires, not chopping up criminals like pigs with a fire axe. I will look into how to correct his behavior, though I may have to go to data formatting. But I wish not to, their AI is like the human mind, it learns and adapts, but at a much quicker pace than our own. I will leave myself with that to look back to."
-Doctor [REDACTED]
Sidenote: The firehose as an object head/skibidi toilet faction is now off the list of open ideas, tis mine now. Please don't use this goober or any of the future goobers without permission, please and thank you.
Sidenote #2: If you have any questions about Firehoseman or future variants, please ask, I'll be happy to answer any questions!
Edit: I decided to take the general information about the Firehose Faction and make a separate post that I will continuously add onto as more variants appear so that this post is more focused on Firehoseman.
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wiz-writes · 4 months
The OoTY update was everything I wanted thank you for the food 🙏🏼 I love how you gave every RO a moment to shine in, after this I really want to make 4 separate MCs for each of them. And the cliffhanger at the end... you sure do love to torture us, uh?
My current MC is going for Wei Qing and 🥲 thinking about baby Shiyi and Shiqi breaks my heart. Selecting certain dialogues + Wei Qing's unconscious reactions towards the MC made sure to imprint in my mind that their relationship used to be very close before the Elders drove a wedge between them, so playing a MC who was haunted by his 'death' and will get to start all over again with him is going to be interesting, to say the least.
Also, I love the double standards that the MC can keep regarding everyone vs. Wei Qing:
MC: *tries to keep their intentions and identify hidden from their protege, the heiress of the manor, their weapons teacher, etc.*
WQ: Why are you here?
MC: *immediately tells the truth*
Hmm, final thoughts I've had from reading the demo again:
1. I've got the feeling that Master Hua already suspected that the Yinshan Society/someone else (most probably the person who commissioned the society to steal Wujin) would try to do something funny in light of the rumors about his supposed illness. I even doubt he's really ill— I wouldn't be surprised if he spread the rumors intentionally to make his target take the bait, after all.
You touch the piece of broken green jade, running your thumb across its polished surface. You don't know why you agreed to take it back then [...] Maybe it was the shock, or you simply couldn't refuse a dying man's last wish.
Oooh, more mysterious MC backstory that definitely will not cast suspicion/backfire on them later on. No sir, it's just an innocuous piece of jade, nothing more. 🙄
Aaaah, Anon, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that you like all the ROs!
The cliffhanger originally wasn't supposed to be there, but I felt that the ending was kind of meh, so I decided to move it to the next chapter.
A bit of background info about MC and Wei Qing, which I'm not sure will ever come up in the story, and also a little bit of insight into what Wei Qing's thinking, so SPOILERS ahead:
There were altogether seven people in your "group" at Yinshan, with Shiyi being the oldest and the MC being the youngest. Out of these seven disciples, Shiyi and MC were definitely the closest until their Mentors intervened. While you got the MC's side of what happened afterwards and how they moved on, Wei Qing is kind of still stuck in the past, because he never experienced what the MC did. So when his little Shiqi appeared in front of him again, it was like he had gone back to the time when everything was okay. Except, you're not really his little Shiqi anymore.
Man, I think I might write a side story with his POV.
As to your final thoughts:
That's a great theory! And Master Hua is certainly capable of coming up with this sort of plan!
Tsk, what did the piece of jade do to you, Anon? It's just a little piece of jewelry, nothing strange about it, no no, absolutely nothing! 😂
This got long, sorry! Anyway, thank you so much for the ask, Anon ❤️
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talah-dorei · 9 months
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Translation: (Varies with Speaker Preference) Survival Borne, Borne of Survival, Enduring Children, Surviving Children, Children of Endurance, Children of Survival
Anu’eran voras.
Translation: We rise from the ruins.
We are a night elf themed, lore-friendly, heavy roleplay collective. Our goal is to create a welcoming community for kaldorei roleplayers and their allies. We will strive to promote, generate, and encourage roleplay opportunities outside of the city hubs and inspire world roleplay. Talah’dorei is not a new organization or sect to the night elf culture. It is simply a chosen community name that captures the essence of the night elven story thus far. They have survived so much tragedy. They have endured.
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We have a diverse group of people and accept EVERYONE for who they are. So keep sexuality, race, religion, politics, and other similar "High Impact" subjects out of public channels.
Out of Character drama needs to be kept to a bare minimum. Also, remember to keep IC and OOC separate. If you have a problem with a member, please contact the leader/moderator of your choosing, and hopefully, we can find a solution before it makes everyone uncomfortable.
Keep your roleplay etiquette in check. No God Modding. No Meta Gaming. No Trolling. We are a lore-friendly community. We understand there is grey area where headcanon can flourish and expand but please do not force your personal canon on others or expect them to accept it as their own.
We are a 21+ community. Due to the discussions here, members must be able to handle mature language and content. That said, there is no reason to push the mature rating to its limits. Use the spoilers feature for questionable art, this server is a no ERP zone, and keep excessively explicit conversations out of the public channels.
This is, first and foremost, a game. Don't go out of your way to make someone's game time miserable. We all pay to play. Let's have fun and enjoy it! In light of this, since this community is an extension of the game, we are not going to breed misery here. Therefore, any disparaging remarks about the game content, lore, questlines, storylines, or Blizzard choices needs to be kept out of public channels.
Grandstanding will not be tolerated. Broadcasting that you will quit, in the public channels of this discord, because Blizzard made a choice you disagree with will result in a ban. This also pertains broadcasted pity parties that hint or imply that you might as well quit because something is or isn't happening, etc. You will not be shown attention or sympathy. You will be shown the door. No one here pays extra for guilt trips.
Any image created by an AI generator must be explicitly labeled at an "AI Generated Image". Additionally, these images should not be posted in the art channels as it does not qualify as such. If you wish to use such images as a representation of your character, you may do so only in your Character Profile, with the label given above.
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lyramundana · 1 year
So, last night I had a really fucking weird dream about Skz. Like, it was all very bizarre and unrealistic, but it also got me going in some way? I'll elaborate.
I don't know if anyone else shares this opinion, but I personally hate how opressed and controlled k-pop idols are. Most western celebrities are allowed to have normal lives, like hanging out with friends, getting drunk and having affairs (not even serious ones), and literally no one bats an eye. Because it's normal, because we don't fans here understand the big wall that separates idol from fan. K-pop culture encourages this phenomenom of parasocial relationships with idols to the fans and imposes the belief that these people are simply perfect puppets to be controlled by the fans. It's fucking surreal. They can't be too cozy with fans, but they also get angry if idols don't interact with them. Any indication of a romance with someone is subjected to obsessive hate and scrutinity, but they constantly ship them with others from the industry, preferably their members. K-pop idols aren't allowed to show genuine feelings, to be imperfect, they must always be conservatives and "pure" for their fans. Never straying far from the expectations, never breaking the rules. Always following the fans' wishes and keep them content.
Now we got this off the way (there's a shit ton more I could say about this topic but this post isn't about this)..
In my dream, now the details are blurry, but it was something like this. Some sort of "virus" or "fever" spread around kpop groups and they started to act up. To break the mold. They become like these twisted, "dark" versions of themselves who decide to say "fuck everything" and get into scandals. It becomes news in the country and the companies try to stop it. The fans raised hell upon it, furious that their perfect "idols" weren't keeping the idealized image they have about them "clean". But turns out the idols don't give a fuck anymore. They get into scandals, have affairs openly with people without hiding it, they write explicit lyrics of songs instead of censoring them. And because my Stray Kids are my obsession, of course my brain made them main characters of this weird ass fuck dream.
They flirt with fans, but not the usual harmless, shy flirting they usually do. Nope. Felix clims down stage to sing directly into a random fan's ear, smirking in her ear. Chan admits what he was thinking about when he wrote Connected, Drive and Red Lights, all proud and cocky. Hyunjin pulled out a fan from the public, sat her in a chair, and basically gave her a lap dance. Even Minho got bold and out of nowhere, grabbed a fanboy to kiss him. A peck, but still scandalous enough.
The whole point of the dream was, i guess, what could it be if k-pop idols broke off the invisible chains that hold them back and just did whatever they fuck they wanted to? And funny thing was that, since they're the main sources of money of the company, the boss couldn't do shit to stop them. The fans that protested and tried to sabotage were useless, in fact they it spurred them more.
And it got me thinking, because as absurd and unrealistic this shit was, imagine if it was real. Imagine having, I don't know, the Christopher fucking Bang come down at you and sing Red Light in your face with that fuckboyish grin of his, in front of all cameras and fans with zero care. Imagine them interacting with fans like some western artists to, bringing them up to stage and do stuff with them.
What I intend to go with this is 1: I need to sleep more, and 2: This is gonna be inspiration for some more scenarios in the future.
Taggging my bitches @channieandhisgoonsquad @2chopsticks2eyes @moonlightndaydreams @linlinaert @queenmea604 @hanjisunglover because I need to hear thoughts from sane people to bring me back to reality.
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lazulisocinfodump · 3 months
An Idea for an Ask Blog that I Will Not Make - Kinitopet: Ejection AU
I do not and will likely never will have the spoons to run and maintain an Ask Blog. But I must at least produce Word Vomit about this to appease the rabid Idea Monsters in my brain.
I have been thinking about a Kinitopet Bliss Ending AU. In which during the deletion of the servers, Kinito prioritized getting as many of his captives out alive as he could. And they were haphazardly ejected into the internet.
The blog would start with my OC Aria, someone who has been a captive for a moderate amount of time. After being ejected, they find themselves stuck in the form of a cartoon sea angel. The blog would follow them attempting to survive the digital landscape and figure out what the heck happened. Most likely gather with a small group of other OCs to form a core cast.
Other askers could play other ejected captives finding each other and figuring out how to survive being something they don't really understand, in a world that pretty much runs on different laws of reality, outside their previously carefully maintained digital terrariums. Or play people on the outside wanting to help (or hinder).
Some would wish to go back to their Artificial Worlds. Some would wish to be human again. Some *love* being weird internet ghosts, even if they look like cartoon sea animals. Some would just be happy to be free. And there would be some unlucky souls simply have their minds crack from being forced to experience something it was not made to be or comprehend. Some who got corrupted in the process of being ejected from the servers, which could have a range of mental and "physical" effects of varying levels of severity.
The characters would run into hazards on the internet, like viruses and other malware. The sheer Size of the internet making it relatively easy to get lost or separated from the group. Outside humans mistaking them for malware and trying to delete them. Other possible supernatural entities living in the code. And of course, not everybody made it out of the server deletion alive.
And then there is the matter of Kinito.
The blog characters would have different mixes of feelings about their previous Captor. Hate, Love, Greif, Indifference, Rage, Confusion, Fear, Fondness. And it doesn’t help that every instance of Kinito would adapt its behavior to each “User”. Everyone has different opinions, ideas, theories and previous relationships with him. The blog would encourage discussion about Kinito’s Character through this narrative. Pondering Who and What he actually is.
But also there are more practical questions about Kinito for the characters to consider. Nobody knows if Kinito is still alive. Or what to do if he is. Should they try to find him? Should they try to hide from him? Could they fight him, now that they are not separated and can work as a group? Should they? Would he even have any real power without his Servers?
(The Answer is That Kinito is Still Alive.)
(But He is Not The Same.)
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leptonyx-constellate · 6 months
heglo. main blog is @lesboylycan where we post sillies and where you can find our selfship blog. this is our plurality blog. a blog for us being plural. collectively, our pronouns are it/its and ze/hir. do not use they/them for us.
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[IDs in alt text]
(sidenote: here is a link to collective identities we either already have in the #id hoard tag, or that we're looking for! if you find any of the ones that we're looking for, please please please send us a link to the coining post, we'd appreciate it much. also, here is a link to our frequent fronter directory in case you're curious about some of the more common names to pop up here!)
we're mixed origins spontaneous-adaptive, and we're a mediple gateway collective; we as a whole do not consider ourselves a system due to the semantics of "many parts that make up a whole"; we do not feel like we make up a whole anything, and are simply connected by being (A) having dropped into this headspace, (B) being able to control the body, and (C) being part of the "hivemind" (and thus being affected by our DID). our otherworld is seen as a real, physical place, and it's separate from us--it existed long before we did, and it will exist long after we cease to. as such, natives of the world--Yhine--are never and will never be forced to consider themselves as "part of Us" (although they're free to do so if they wish)
we have DID. the DID did not cause our plurality, however. we're also polyfragmented as you will see below. our DID does not cancel out our basis in metaphysicality; if you try to turn any part of our plurality beyond the DID itself (and particularly the dissociation and amnesia) into a psychological thing, we will block you without further warning. this is your warning. don't fucking do it.
there is a small group that does consider itself to be a system: Wolf, made up of Oakley, Matty, Dave, Inti, Junie, and Twitch. it also considers itself to be a disordered system, specifically via AvPD; tl;dr: unlike how most of us form, Wolf is made up of a bunch of AvPD masks and coping mechanisms that split off of the core/genitor, Oakley, and they are specifically disordered because their functioning as masks instead of individuals makes it more difficult to handle symptoms related to our AvPD (particularly fear of vulnerability, judgment, and ridicule) and the trauma that caused it.
when talking about themselves, they'll frequently switch between i/me/my/mine/myself and wei/meus/myur/miurs/myursel[f/ves], as opposed to how the whole collective is referred to as we/us/our/ours/ourselves. they also will frequently refer to themselves in the third person (as wei're doing now!)
we have posts from before where we talked about Wolf being disordered via ASPD; these were from before we knew we had AvPD.
we are very big according to most folks' standards at 550+. about 85% of that is made up of introjects, from fictives to factives to songtives to dreamtives to octives, etc etc etc. the vast majority of those are fictives from our SpIn, both of canon and non-canon characters.
as said above, we're polyfragmented. to keep in mind, the 550+ number is almost entirely made up of people in our main homebase layer/otherworld, Yhine. it is very possible that there are thousands of us, considering we have 16 layers total, 15 of which are either inhabited or otherwise owned by the constellate. we're not super interested in actively finding Every Single Headmate; we'll meet them as they come.
we like talking about ourselves please send asks :3 (outside of the plurality stuff: we're physically disabled + a mobility aid user; we're autistic, ADHD, ASPD, NPD, AvPD and schizophrenic; and we're a clinical lycanthrope, which you can see a little more of on our main, and a lot more of on our nonhuman sideblog which is linked in our main's pinned post)
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[ID in alt text]
no DNI (other than "anti-endos and those willing to be friends with them, shove off" (this includes "neutrals". no, we don't fucking trust people who say they're "neutral" on people's existence, screw you. not to mention, we're not risking anti-endos who might interact with you finding us and trying to pull shit) and "if you believe in thought crimes--in ANY fashion--shove off" [note: this means we're proship/profic. follow your own DNI; self-identified antis get blocked on sight]. + if you're exclusionary in any way, we're the mspec alloaro transsexual male genderfaun butch gaybian the exclus are afraid of), we use the block button liberally. tag list below
#original post - original posts made by us
#[name].txt - posts by specific headmates who are making it known that it's from them specifically
#reblog - reblogged posts
#self reblog - posts made by us that we're reblogging
#id hoard - for (plural) terms that we identify with
#off-topic - posts not about us being plural
#on Wolf - posts (whether original or reblogged) related specifically to Wolf
#on Yhine - posts (whether original or reblogged) about Yhine and how it works/how we fit into the mix
#silly goofies - fun, good things that happen within us that we'd like to share
#syscourse - syscourse. sometimes also tagged #tw syscourse, although that tag is usually (note: emphasis on usually; this is not a hard and fast rule) used for posts where syscourse is talked about, but is not inviting discourse
#plural positivity - general positivity!
#asks - all asks
#ambiguous mail - we're very bad at tone, this is for asks who we can't tell if they're intended as hate
#hate mail - hate asks (probably won't post many, if any of these unless we're proving a point)
#ask games - both reblogged posts for the ask games and asks for those games!
#vent - vent posts
#werebeastliness - anything regarding us being a physical werebeast (note: will not ever be tagged as unreality; it is, at the very least, real for us, and tagging it as unreality would be reality checking if not just entirely false. if this makes you uncomfortable, block the tag or block us)
#queerness - anything regarding our queerness
#other neurodivergencies - anything about our other neurodivergencies
#physdis - anything about our physical disabilities
#intro post - this post
#blog upkeep - blog upkeep
tag list subject to change
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What I wish my dear system understood is, it's completely normal for us to avoid being around people who have certain disorders. It doesn't make us ableist. It doesn't make anybody ableist, in fact, because trauma does not equal discrimination unless the person chooses to engage in hateful behaviors, which is a completely separate topic. Ableism, by definition, "is discrimination and social prejudice against people with physical or mental disabilities. Ableism characterizes people as they are defined by their disabilities and it also classifies disabled people as people who are inferior to non-disabled people."
It is not the same as trauma.
There is a line drawn between being ableist and traumatized. Until you are actively speaking out against certain people and discriminate against them, until you are actively trying to put them down, to hurt them, to speak of them with hate, you are not being hateful by avoiding certain groups of people depending on characteristics they have. That goes for ableism too.
The easiest example of this I can give are women who are avoiding men because of sexual trauma. You wouldn't immediately assume that they are being sexist, you would think they have trauma around them, understand them, and while these women would still have to engage with men from time to time, you'd support them (women) in wanting separation from them (men) in every other way. Then how is it the same with disabled people?
My dear system, we have been around narcissists our entire lives non-stop. We had narcissists who used their disorder as an excuse to hurt us, and we felt too guilty to stand up for ourselves because we thought we would be ableist if we were to tell them to stop. "They just don't know any different," we told ourselves. But the harsh truth is, no matter the amount of empathy, no disorder allows you to hurt others. No matter if you can control it or not, it is not an excuse, ever, and we have always had a right to say we do not want to engage with people with NPD. We are not being hateful towards them. My darling heamdates, we tried to understand them the best we could and find ways to work with them. And we know that if those people decided to abuse us again, we would fall for it immediately. We were always allowed to sat "no." We were always allowed to avoid them.
No person is being ableist if they set a boundary in order to not hurt themselves. We have no kind of prejudice against them other than basic trauma and a desire to not get into yet another relationship/friendship that would retraumatize us. We are allowed to join support groups for those like us. The people who we have been with put us through literal hell, and we can't even admit it due to there being so much that if we're not in denial, we are going to spiral into insanity.
We ourselves barely experience empathy, if at all, and we never gave ourselves the opportunity to hurt others.
And people out there with same experiences, you are allowed to avoid certain groups of people because of your trauma. Or just simply because you're uncomfortable. I know that there are disorders that are stigmatized to the core, and so people are trying to defend them the best they can, but it should not enable abuse. If a person is abusive, they are abusive. If they are abusive because of their disorder, they are abusive because of their disorder. If they have a disorder that makes it hard for them to understand empathy, social cues, etc, they can still listen to a "no," "stop," "I don't like this," "you're hurting me," "you're making me uncomfortable." Therapy exists, and if it's not available, basic human decency works, too. Nobody is saying it's fun for people with certain disorders to be stigmatized because of them and treated like garbage. But it also doesn't give said people the "okay" to treat others like garbage either.
Ableism is not the same as avoidance due to trauma.
The existence of stigma and ableism and people suffering from it is not an excuse to enable abuse.
Your trauma isn't any less valid just because somebody had a mental/physical disability that influenced/cause their behavior.
And whoever decides to tell us, or wheoever's reading it, otherwise, should go to hell.
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