#and thats actually where some of the art in this came from cause i went back to that article today
fishsticksart · 9 months
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Francesca - Hozier
If someone asked me at the end, I'll tell them put me back in it
[Francesca, Hozier // The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca Appear to Dante and Virgil, Ary Scheffer // Francesca, Hozier // Canto V, Inferno, Dante Alighieri // Francesca (Official Video), Hozier // Francesca, Hozier // Ship on Stormy Seas, Ivan Aivazovsky // Francesca, Hozier // Canto V, Inferno, Dante Alighieri // Paolo and Francesca, Mosè Bianchi // Francesca, Hozier // Paolo and Francesca da Rimini, Gustave Doré // Before Romeo and Juliet, Paolo and Francesca Were Literature’s Star-Crossed Lovers, John-Paul Heil // Paolo and Francesca, Frank Dicksee // Francesca i Paolo, Ludwik Wiesiołowski // Before Romeo and Juliet, Paolo and Francesca Were Literature’s Star-Crossed Lovers, John-Paul Heil // Paolo and Francesca da Rimini, Dante Gabriel Rossetti // Francesca, Hozier // Francesca (Later with Jools Holland), Hozier on BBC Music // Canto V, Inferno, Dante Alighieri // tumblr user @handgf // The Kiss, Auguste Rodin // Paolo e Francesca, or Morte di Paolo e Francesca, Gaetano Previati // Hozier // Hozier // Hozier]
#web weaving#web weave#web weavings#webweaving#hozier webweaving#hozier#hozier lyrics#francesca#francesca hozier#francesca da rimini#dantes inferno#paolo and francesca#you have no idea how insane this song makes me#first of all MY NAME IS LITERALLY FRANCESCA#LIKE HOZIER WROTE A SONG WITH MY NAME AND NOW I GET TO HEAR MY NAME IN INTERVIEWS???#AND MY NAME WRITTEN IN HIS HANDWRITING?? HELLO INSANE#and then my second thought was when i realized since it was dantes inferno themed album it was probably in reference to ->#-> francesca da rimini and ding ding ding i was right#and i knew this cause im a complete nerd who reads Smithsonian articles for fun and there was one article about francesca and paolo#and thats actually where some of the art in this came from cause i went back to that article today#and i forgot that part about Tchaikovsky but it's actually really touching and fitting i felt like#its so cool how much art has been inspired by francesca and paolo for so long#and i just had to make this and i loved it cause its such an aching touching song that descends beauty#and the quotes from the inferno itself with francesca speaking were so beautiful#wow im such a nerd but i love it#shoutout to hozier once again for giving francesca and all francescas out there the recognition they deserve#OH AND ALSO I HAD TO PUT IN A CLASSIC Ivan Aivazovsky PAINTING#CAUSE THATS THE ONE THAT PEOPLE MISTAKE FOR GATHERING STORM BUT ITS DIFFERNT!!!!!!!!!!!!#CAUSE THIS ONE IS MORE ANGRY AND TURBULENT AND OMINOUS#WHICH DEFINETLY FITS THE STORM AND HURRICANE LYRIC I FEEL LIKE IDK I LOVE COMBINING MY NERDY ARTSY INTERESTS
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mirrorballhughes · 6 months
i miss you im sorry: luke hughes x adelaide hunter
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hii i will be starting to write the actual fic soon! this is just gonna be a small portion of the fic on ade and luke going to UMich and meeting the hockey team :)
spring of 2021
the couple was at the hughes household with their college acceptance letters in hand. luke and adelaide were sitting at the table holding hands. adelaide was nervous, she gets good grades so she has nothing to worry about, but shes just scared of lukes reaction. the girls dream was to go to academy of arts university, that was allll way in new york. but she had some thoughts and over thought a bunch. quinn had helped ade with her decision.
fall of 2020 flashback
“academy of arts university is perfect for me q. but at the same time i think i would hate it. i just don’t think i could be away from luke.” the girl admitted, knowing quinn understands where she is coming from. the teenagers were always attached to the hip, unless they were both doing their own things. “adelaide thats totally understandable. you gotta go with your gut though. but to not be bias or anything i think you would fit in at UMich though.” quinn smiled, causing the brunette to shake her head. “they also have an arts program. a good fit for you.” ade smiled at the older boy, taking his thought into consideration, already having Umich right underneath AOAU. “thanks q. i appreciate it.” the girl hugged the boy as he rubbed circles on her back.
back to spring of 2021
“on three?” luke smiled looking at his girlfriend, then down at his letter. hughes & hunter family both counted down, “three!” the couple rushed into the envelopes going as quickly as possible. pulling the piece of paper out, reading their letters. “i got in!” they couple stood up looking at each other excitedly. “im going to UMich!” they both said at the same time, adelaide shot quinn a smile then brought her attention to luke, who didn’t comprehend what the brunette had said till it finally hit him.
“wait el, your also going to UMich? what about AOAU?” the boy questioned looking at his girlfriend. “new york is pretty far. also i feel like i wouldn’t like it. andd if i wear anything devils related i might get jumped.” she joked, causing everyone in the room to laugh, jack shaking his head at the younger girl. “i looked into it. they have a pretty awesome arts program. they were also interested in me because i used to be a field hockey player.” the girl said, causing luke to smile at el, pulling her in for a hug. “i'm excited ill be able to see you more! that means movie nights in dorms!” ade smiled, pulling her boyfriend in for a kiss on the lips, pulling away quickly as they were in front of family.
“well congratulations to you both! UMich will be honored to have you both!!” ellen pulled the couple in for a hug. they went around giving everyone a hug, ade whispered a quick thank you to quinn. “now whos hungry?”
august of 2021
summer came by fast and here the couple was now standing in the UMich campus going to find ades dorm first. the couple had found her dorm, walking in seeing her roommate wasn’t here yet. “okay let's get unpacking!” the girl cheered, looking at her boyfriend then to their fathers. quinn, jack and their moms were still at the car grabbing more of the girls' things. luke set down some boxes that he was carrying then started helping the girl set her side of the room up. they finished unpacking everything, their mothers did the last finishing touches and told them to go find lukes dorm.
adelaide found the curly haired boys dorm, “it’s down here!” she shouted waving her arms to get the group’s attention. their dorms weren’t that far from each others, lukes was on the same side as adelaide’s but in a different hallway. once the group caught up, adelaide opened the door and let luke walk in first. she followed behind him, seeing his roommate was unpacking as well. “oh hey! you must be luke, im dylan” the other brunette spoke, reaching his hand out for luke to shake it. “its nice to meet you. this is adelaide, my girlfriend.” luke pointed at the girl who waved. “its nice to meet you adelaide.” “its nice to meet you too dylan!” the pair smiled at each other then adelaide started moving lukes stuff in with the help of his brothers.
few weeks later
the couple was definitely enjoying UMich alot. they both met a ton of people and they were as happy as ever. luke wanted adelaide to come meet the hockey team, she was a bit nervous but not really. luke had met the girl at her dorm then headed to diner where the rest of the team was at. “don't be nervous love. they will love you.” luke grabbed the girls hand, noticing her shaking a little. he rubbed circles on the top of her hand to sooth her anxiety. “you got nothing to worry about. i'm here.” the girl smiled, kissing the boy's cheek as they headed down to the boy's car.
about 15 minutes later the couple was now at the diner. luke got out of the car, quickly making his way over to els side, opening the door for her as he took her hand. “if you wanna leave just squeeze my hand twice and we will go.” the boy kissed her forehead as she nodded, then they walked inside. “luke! over here!” a voice spoke causing adelaide to look up seeing a bunch of waving hands. luke smiled at his teammates then to the girl walking over there. “hey guys! this is adelaide.” the blonde smiled looking at the guys, there was about 4 people here. luke said there was 29 people on the team, counting him so the rest did not show. also by the looks of it, they are all freshmen and their faces look familiar ish.
“okay so el, this is ethan, mark, mackie and you already know duker.” she smiled at the four boys, “hi it’s nice to meet you guys. i have seen you guys around i think.” ethan smirked at the girl then to mark whose face was beat red. “what's up with estapa?” luke asked as the boy was usually hyper and talking. “well you see luke, mark was telling me about his hallway crush as he usually does right? he said she was wearing a devil's hoodie. so connecting the dots here, marks hallway crush is on your girlfriend.” mark glared at ethan, “dude!” the rest of the boys laughed, adelaide’s face got a slight tint of pink as she laughed along with them. the group got quiet realizing luke wasn’t laughing instead he was shooting daggers at mark. ethan grabbed luke and pulled him aside. “i can see the smoke exploding out of your ears right now hughesy. its just a hallway crush! nothing is gonna happen. look at the way she looks at you. she's madly in love with you.” the brunette boy reassured him as they made their way back over.
“you okay? it’s just a hallway crush. we all have them. i remember you had the biggest one on-“ adelaide stopped talking as she realized luke covered her mouth with his hand. “okay that's enough. let's eat i'm hungry.” he gently pushed his girlfriend into the booth sitting beside her. as the other 4 settled in with them, 3 on the other side and one more joining the couple. lukes hand rested on the girls thigh, watching her talk to his friends smiling to himself. luke was happy to see his friends and girlfriend get along so well. it just warmed his heart seeing his girlfriend smiling and laughing.
random facts
adelaide becomes close with mark but she only sees him as a friend and so does he. that sparkle in her eye is literally only a luke thing. but the pair just got along so well once mark stopped being embarrassed about having a hallway crush on his friend's girlfriend.
addie is also close with duker, giving the fact luke goes on mini rants about the girl in a positive manner so he knows pretty much everything about her because of the hughes brother. the pair also does tend to hangout a lot when the girl is waiting for her boyfriend to come back to his dorm after classes. out of all of luke's friends duker definitely knows her the best.
addies roommate, storm they clicked instantly. they got along so well when storm saw adelaide was wearing a devils hoodie, which made storm laugh as she was a canes fan. the pair would always sit down and watch their teams games together and always enjoyed when they played against each other. storm could basically tell you everything about luke as well. she could listen to adelaide talk about him for hours because she knew that was pure genuine love. storm was an absolute blessing of a roommate and friend. the two girls just got along so well.
storm and duker being friends only because of their roommates, they usually go on debriefing starbucks talks about the couple. the debriefing starbucks runs were only when the pair was fighting, meaning they would try to get to the bottom of the whole thing seeing who was right, who was wrong, and how to fix it. they were the ones who basically got the couple back together, they came up with this whole mastermind plan.
as adelaide was going to umich with the arts program, she was taking a bunch of classes for photography. she needed a subject to shoot so she decided to use her boyfriend as one. so during their morning practices the blonde would take some action shots of her boyfriend. as she was taking pictures of luke, some of the others caught her eye so she took pictures of them as well. she handed in the pictures to get graded on, as that was happening luke had talked to the coach to see if el could be on the ice hockey's media team.
the coach needed to see the pictures to make his decision. once she got the grade A photos back let the coach take a look at them. he approved it and then made el the media girl. she would take pictures of the team and do all the video work for any social media. sometimes she would also get to post on the ice hockeys socials at times. this made el feel closer with luke. she already knew tons about hockey before but this just opened something more inside her. she also felt this helped her get closer with his teammates, and luke really adored that.
if you guys want any extras like, certain scenarios (ex. how both of the couple are when they are jealous, how adelaide’s relationship is with quinn and jack, what songs are about luke and why, the couples reaction when luke got drafted, them at parties, hiw they got together, angst of any kind. anything like that!) but i hope you guys are enjoying this!! im having fun writting this :)
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deliicacymercy · 9 months
kobd: the wildbreak theory
So, let it be known Mercy loves this piece of shit show - only for the Stunticons and specifically Wildbreak 
He’s my favorite character ever, only because every time i see him i go: “omg same” 
HOWEVER, the Wildbreak appreciation post comes later - I got some damning proof this fucker is a KOBD child.
This is fucking long. And only me being obsessed would produce this masteriece.
Buckle up BUCKAROOS- 
So, to begin. 
The famous fan theory in Transformers is that Wildbreak is the love child of Breakdown and Knockout from TFP. 
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It’s so popular that everytime you see domestic KOBD art, there’s a good chance a tiny little Wildbreak is in there. 
Usually comes from the fact that TF:RID 2015 is a sequel series to TFP, as well as Wildbreak has an image likened to both of them. He is a Stunticon like Breakdown, but has similarities to Knockout. blah blah, someone already made a shorter post that explains the appearance factor- 
Let’s talk about Wildbreak’s Weapon. 
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Cutie pie does not get a lot of screen time, in fact, all he gets is five episodes he appears in and one dedicated to him and Dragstrip mainly.
So this episode is all we get of him + Dragstrip + Dragbreak 
In the ep, Dragstrip and Wildbreak stole Windblade’s weapon stash and are being chased down by Bee and the gang. They only get one fight scene and its as Dragbreak [Wildbreak/Dragstrip combined]. 
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So when I saw that Dragbreak had a weapon in the form of a HAMMER ON A STICK - I thought huh, sounds too good to be true.
Because isnt it funny that KOBD weapon combo would be a hammer on a stick. 
Let’s assess. aka let mercy ramble at 2am
At first im like, that couldn’t be KO’s weapon [”a shock stick”] cause his is notorious shaped like a “trident” and its extendable.
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[lol it has to be the toy model cause TFP’S LIGHTING IS SO DARK I CANT GET A GOOD SCREENSHOT OF IT] 
I sped it down by 0.25 and i see it transform into this
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this is Dragstrip’s weapon
its even seen with DRAGBREAK- 
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I even looked into the older G1 Stunticons for further reference and saw that all Stunticons had guns p much, especially Dragstrip. And I looked at G1 Wildrider and Breakdown since thats where Wildbreak’s namesake came from and...they both have guns. No hammer or staff. Which means- 
The inspo for a Hammer and Staff sounds like it came from ~~ 
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Hello everyone, welcome to half way point where Mercy acknowledges that she’s lost her fucking mind and cant stop the conspiracy theories on her fav character from a show no one watched. 
However I just like to say as a funny side note, that Wildbreak is voiced by Kakashi and Dragstrip is Brain from Pinkie & the Brain. 
Literally looking at the voice cast list for EVERYONE in this show and you’ll realize where the budget actually went. CAUSE IT WASNT TO THE WRITERS-
can u tell i love this fucking show
At first I got a wee bit scared cause Im thinking- wait, the whole episode was about them finding Windblade’s weapons stash...maybe these were Windblades weapons???
But after closer inspection:
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In fact, Wildbreak is so cute and helpful, he did a 180 for me to see front and back. uwu 
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Even Dragstrip doesnt have any that resemble his gun or retractable hammer.
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‘ o ‘ 
And for a show that loves reusing models for everything-
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(im still mad about this)
Why wouldn’t they reuse the weapon models?? ...unless they were specifically suppose to be weapons for Dragstrip and Wildbreak~
Also I was looking to see if their toys came with any weapons and- 
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they dont 
but its so funny cause now Wildbreak is the one on top LOL DSAKLFJASLD
Haaaaa, guess they are both switches--- [this isnt canon. there’s no way Wildbreak is a switch.]
Well then it comes down to if they had their weapons on them at all during the show outside of this scene then its a done deal. 
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Nope. They just come out of thin air. Thanks show. 
But Mercy- doesn’t Knockout’s staff have a “shock” ability? 
Well im glad you said that mercy, cause this fucking happens
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and it also explodes for some reason at the end of the episode?!?!??!!?!?
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So rip 
Wildbreak’s gift from his dads doesnt exist anymore. bb sad. 
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anyways thats my talk on confirmation that KOBD had a lil bb named Wildbreak and he got a combo weapon from them-
thanks for coming to the ramble!!!
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Gay Sideswipe
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sixty-silver-wishes · 7 months
I hope you don't mind but I'm about to tell you about my first impressions of The Cabinet of Dr Caligiri, since youre practically the ambassador for it at this point:
Came from the Bigtop Burger random and heard talk of Cesare being inspired by tcodc, so I browsed the tcodc tag for a bit and made some assumptions.
-I thought that Cesare WAS dr Caligiri since he's on the main poster + they're both italian names. So I thought he was Dr. Cesare Caligiri, from Italy.
-I also didn't know what a somnambulist was so I just assumed it was a doctor specialising in sleep. And I also guessed since everyone called him a sleepwalker, that he was doing a bunch of experiments on himself which made him sleepwalk, or got into the "somnambulism" profession to try and find a cure for his sleepwalking.
-These experiments made him kill? I just ran with it and hoped there was context in the original movie lol. I also assumed that nobody accused him since he was such a sweet heart and that's how he got away with it. +he had no memory of it lol.
-I saw some art from flypanegg where Cesare sleepwalks into Francis' room while an asylum caretaker escorted him out. Didn't realise they were in an asylum and thought they were just in a hotel.
- So I assumed that Dr Cesare Caligari was abroad somewhere (maybe at a scientist meet up since I thought Francis was from France or something?), that in the movie he accidently sleepwalked into Francis's room and had who I assumed was Cesares work assistant escort him back.
- So, my idea was Dr Cesare Caligari goes on a trip to a different country and stays in a hotel called Holstenwall?, where he tries out a couple new experiments on himself, which causes him to stir from his sleep and murder. Francis is still the protagonist and he tries to expose Dr CC as the murderer but literally no one believes him, meanwhile awake Cesare is constantly trying to befriend Francis who is terrified of him. Jane's there too I guess??Also it's a horror comedy now. I did not have enough info to guess what happened next so thats all that I could gleen from it.
It was only when i found your blog that i actually found out what the plot/characters were. I think you posted a link to the actual movie and that's where I first saw it lol, and that was a few weeks after I knew what was going on. Lmao even.
Oh my god, this is amazing lmaooo
I have been thoroughly entertained. thank you. 10/10
I love the weirdly cursed idea of morally decent caligari. who is also cesare. and I love how we went from “caligari experimented on cesare” to “caligari and cesare are the same person, who was experimenting on himself”. absolute gold
also you’re not the first one to confuse cesare and caligari lmao; one of my friends saw a picture of caligari and was like, “wait, I thought caligari was the hot one!”
on another note it’s really funny to me how only two characters in the entire film have both first and last names? jane’s last name is olsen, and the other murderer guy who tries to kill an old lady is named “jakob straat” in the original screenplay. why are a side character and a minor character the only ones with full names? I have no idea
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I see you too are making a spidersona :eyes: may I share some lore/ideas around mine?
why yes of course Castle, I'd love for you to lore/idea share!! But only if you excuse the lore/art dump im about to drop on here for mine!!
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I wanted to take the gwen stacey approach to spidersona's but obviously playing into the self-insert fun aspect of it as well! So we have my oc Jane Johanna Jamerson - niece/ ward of James Jonah Jamerson talking head and head of the Daily Bugle.
Jane is this worlds MJ, Harvey Oswald is this worlds Harry Osborne and of course you have Peter Parker because I wanted a trio in a spiderstory again!
Jane lives with her uncle because of circumstances and got bitten by a spider from Oscrops research when her, peter and Harvey were all playing in the main research building, because Norman Osborne let them play in his office whilst he was in a meeting and they went and explored - thats how she got her powers.
Most of the villains in this universe are a result of escaped Oscorp experiments or intervention form the company, so you have Curt Conners as Lizard obviously, but the Vulture is less tech inclined in this universe and more infected by Oscorp with modified vulture DNA - yes that means he has a twinge of cannibalism in this version! Rhino was tech-inclined at first but ended up taking his 'mysterious benefactor' aka Norman Osborne up on his offer to become a super solider the likes of which the world hasn't thought to create since Captain America. (the universe is set just before cap awakens from his ice nap so he's nothing more than history at the start of Lumo's journey)
Jane is called Lumo-Spider because of my recent obsession with Zinc Oxide, which is luminescent at room temperature and so I wanted her to have glowy webs, and so i decided that her spider had zinc oxide production as one of its unknown but mundane mutations - so Lumo's webs both glow in darker spaces but also have really good conductivity based on temperature! Which means she's accidentally lethal to those that get caught in the crosshairs of her and Electro's fights in the winter.
She got bitten around age 12 and exhibited signs of the X-gene (actually the spider mutations) so Jamerson sent her off to be evaluated by Xaviour's school for gifted children, where they quickly concurred she was an artificial mutant - similar to deadpool or Wolverine where she didn't posess the X-gene but outside forces had forced her body to accommodate what should have been handled by the x-gene causing adverse side effects. For her its not being able to control her abilities. Her uncle is under the assumption that she's simply got super strength and that's the limitations because the school help her cover her other abilities and spider-like mannerisms up because she -and the school- are worried that her uncle might disown her, and she's one of the only 'mutant' children that seems to have a supporting family willing to keep their child and nobody wants to risk that.
Oscorp starts being the villains after Lumo's first spin around new york. I'm thinking she was training part time to control her powers so the x-men gave her a training suit that she personalised with her friends help (because i know in some of the cartoons, and older comics i have that students at the school got their own x-men suits as like a 'pe uniform' even if they weren't going out into the field) and they came to the conclusion that a competitor stole their feasible spider mutation and made their own super soldier and decide to try and capture Lumo to figure out who she works for.
Her canon event doesn't happen till she's eighteen, when she finds Peter Parker mauled to death by the Lizard and Vulture, after her uncle sends Peter out to cover a prison break case and tells him not to come back without pictures, putting him in the crosshairs. It's what forces her to break free form her uncles side because he considers lumo 'worse than the x-men' because she's just another law breaking vigilante but she can't even keep other mutated from killing NY citizens and she can't ever imagine her telling him turning out well and now he's 'gotten peter killed'.
Harvey ends up being the Green Goblin rather than Hobgoblin here, but i could literally do an entire post just on ideas for Harvey.
Also the second picture is my FAVOURITE idea for this spidersona.
Little 14 year old Jane getting seriously injured and for the first time in the 2 years she's been fighting not knowing how to hide it, not knowing how she's supposed to keep this hidden, especially since she's got two massive facial injuries, who got hurt before she put the suit on and had just enough time to change back before she was found by rescue teams because she was in a half-collapsed building.
Jamerson is on the ground reporting for this one because it's Lumo's most destructive fight yet and he's prepping with his cameraman going on a rant when the camerman points Jane out to him and all Jamerson can see when he sees his niece - who should be at home, oh god she'd been walking home from SCHOOL when the attack started, to be bleeding this badly she must have been caught in it from the beginning, why hadn't he thought to phone her to make sure she was okay!?- is the seven year old girl who he had to take in because there was nobody left who could - or would do it properly.
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raphwshere · 10 months
jefferson morales, father of two. (its actually one but he doesnt know thats atm) (this is a character analysis) (its long)
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so in the beginning of the movie, its clear that jefferson isnt entirely sure how to interact with miles given the way they interact, specifically in the i love you scene at visions. the drive isnt much better either but the i love you scene. he doesnt approve of miles' incredibly mild vandalism, which like, he is a cop. were gonna ignore that though cause uh, its my post. point is, in the beginning of the film, jefferson doesnt know what to do with miles at all, they love eachother but theres a rift. (this rift is likely caused in part by miles' attachment to aaron but that is for another day)
anyways, i dont have all the screenshots and even if i did, a large amount of the development im about to reference is offscreen. also theres a picture limit.
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sometime after he issued the apb for spidey he probably spoke to rio, who probably wouldve helped him process enough to get to the point hes at when he shows up at the miles' dorm for his talk, which because miles was tied up ended up being more of a speech. something about aarons death made him realize that keeping his thoughts about miles and his hope for him locked up could only end badly. he spends to whole movie reaching out to miles, here is where he actually manages a genuine connection. hes just lost his brother, and for all they didnt get along near then end theyre family. jefferson doesnt want to lose miles, thats what this is about. not entirely, but enough.
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more time passes, i imagine another talk with rio and some wicked introspection, then hes at the collider. he sees wilson fisk beating up the new spiderman, wilson fisk the philanthropist. throughout the movie its hammered into the audience that between all the spideys, one of the few things they all have in common is that they get back up, the characters know this to. what else is he supposed to do here but say "get up spiderman"?
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when they get out of fisk tower, the first thing miles does is call jefferson, heres where i really reccomend you just rewatch the scene buti i will talk about it after this. once spidey shows up, we see that jefferson is mildly uncomfortable and unsure how to react in his presence, its not hard to understand, hes gone from thinking spiderman killed his brother to knowing that he didnt. that and the fact that he saw him save the city and probably the world first hand has the obvious potential to make one uncomfortable.
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miles however, is entirely comfortable with talking to him, even going so far as to hug him, mitigating most, if not all, of jeffersons discomfort. now heres the thing, he doesnt know this spiderman, wedont even know if he new peters spiderman. miles has been spidey for a very short time and for most of it hes been wanted. but not only does jefferson allow himself to be hugged, he hugs back. of course from his end its sorta awkward, but still. heres another hug from them just cause i can.
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jefferson has always wanted to support miles, we know that from his speech in the dorm, but the way he specifically finds a way to connect with miles though graffiti is different. its fairly safe to assume that part of the reason he specifically went to graffiti is because before aaron died miles did art with him. while there isnt really any evidence jefferson knew specifically what aaron and miles got up to its not a stretch really, he and aaron did graffiti when they were younger and miles is very artistically inclined. id also like to take the time to point out how palpable the relief on their faces is during the call. just cause.
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idk where this came from tbh. father-son relationships are very specifically important to me. also this was not written in order but i did rewite the non analyzing parts. this wasnt even supposed to be an analysis but here we are :D im open to criticism btw :)
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briefcasejuice · 1 day
in every single one of his art pieces he is actively using people and then tossing them aside once he's gained enough attention from them/their cause. (see: the inhuman "statue" gallery, explicitly read by one of the cops as a pro-inhuman message but he's literally desecrating their corpses and he never returns to this subject ever again.) And all of this is honestly why i really like that we dont know shit about his backstory, because he could be just Any White Man Who Went To An Art School. I feel like thats where muse's strengths as a villain lay. So reading him as queer took me SO OFFGUARD. I think you could make that work maybe if you furthered the metaphor (white gays are still white and constantly putting down/dismissing/being racist to people of color, all while using their queerness as a shield from accountability). BUT IT WOULD TAKE SOME WORK ME THINKS. and also would require us knowing anything about muse's personal life which i think is a bad idea
my interpretation literally came from a lack of thought about the themes and techniques he represents BUT i think it's cool as shit that you're taking my dumbass take and spinning it to actually mean something really interesting because viewing him as queer could definitely both add and take from this interpretation. white queers literally have a tendency to hold the same regard for their existence as muse does (thinking they're In on oppression when really they're just taking advantage of it). if i were to stick with my idea of him having any kind of queerness he would have to be taking advantage of it
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k00297635 · 6 months
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3D Material workshop Concept development:
During the week I met with Ashling for a peer review meeting. I explained my idea of looking at not necessarily disrupting things but how things that cant speak say so much about disruptions. I explained that I came home one weekend and when I went to the bathroom I saw two tubes of toothpaste a a ring that marked where the third one used to lie. I knew at that moment I was in for a quiet weekend. I did not know where the other girl had gone but from one item missing in our busy house I knew there was going to be a weekend free of arguments and disruption. We decided it would be interesting to cast some tubes of toothpaste. I wanted one that was full and one that was squeezed empty. I would like to place them together next to a ring of toothpaste that can imply the third and final toothpastes existence. The remaining two toothpastes belong to two girls who have a beautiful, long friendship or supporting each other through thick and thin. The empty(ish) tube of toothpaste is mine. I am so poor (I love college but I am so poor) and every time I look at my toothpaste I am just determined to squeeze more out of it because if I give up looking after my teeth and keep smoking I'll grow up and they'll all fall out. The other tube belongs to my beautiful house mate. Even though its full (because shes working full time) she is running on empty (emotionally). I know that seems like a big long ramble but being this age is so difficult. There is so much to do everyday and thats ignoring all the time it takes to attend to your basic needs. Taking that time each day can feel so exhausting but every time I do it I try and think of how this disruption will be worth it in the long run. I also think its so interesting and strangely insightful to look at different objects that belong to very different people and see the level of giving a fuck to these annoying disruptions they give. I don't know if people are aware of this but Corsadyl is expensive but my dentist (also expensive) told me to use it. Maybe the crack in the tube a represent the disruption to my bank account its causing.
Casting process: We decided to use Alginate with is a seaweed powder that gets mixed with water (water is poured onto the powder, always). I glued the tube of toothpaste to a board and attached a cylinder piece of card around it and poured the mixture in. It sets in about 4 minutes and then you're ready to take the object out and mix up some plaster to create the piece. Below is a video of me chuffed pulling the toothpaste out.
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I understand how influential art is and how it's crafts and skills that are taken seriously to move people into thinking, feeling and questioning, but, if you can't tell from this video I was actually just having so much fun with this whole process.
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Afterwards I repeated the same process but casted a bread roll (another staple and I know its weird to put bread in the fridge but food goes off so fast and bread just lasts longer if you keep it in the fridge and I have no time to go to Lidl more than once a week). The mould looked good so I mixed up some plaster. Mixing plaster is the opposite to mixing Alginate as you start with water and slowly add the plaster powder in. You fill your mould with water and then you pour that into a bowl so you have an idea of how much plaster you'll need. You slowly add the powder in in circular movements until it started to sit on the top. Then (and only then) can you stir it gently by placing your hand in and mixing under the surface. If you're taking your hand in and out you're going to add air in and you don't want air bubbles in your piece so you have to be gentle and careful. For the full tube of toothpaste I did a wax cast because i wanted to try a different material. I wasn't happy with how it looked because it doesn't really look like toothpaste but I might etch some toothpaste resembling things (disrupt the surface) onto it so the viewer knows its toothpaste. I wanted to use red wax because I thought it would be an interesting way to demonstrate that just because you're put together enough to regularly restock your toothpaste does not mean you are physically and mentally doing so great. These are the final pieces. I but the bread roll back into the bag I bought it in and I'm chuffed with how it turned out. For the afternoon I made some beer bottles that and delicately kissing. I would rather talk about this subject in person.
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ferelbasta · 6 months
Hopefully back for good
Hey everyone, you might not recognize me but it's actually @bigbluebeast talking here. I wanted to start anew here since I've been so so inactive over on my old main account, plus alot about me has changed so I feel a new account is necessary.
As seen by my username I go by FerelBasta now, I still have the name That Blue Otter here since they're one of my sonas/selves, my otter self ( Beast) and my Daeodon self ( Ferel ), there is a third self but thats more personal. I also now identify as non-binary and asexual and go by they/them and he/him, just these make me feel alot better in my own skin. I've also have been searching within regarding my religious beliefs, but I won't get into too much of that until I decide to talk more on it, basically alot about myself has changed regarding how I was on this website may years ago...
I want to apologize first off to being so inactive... everywhere really. My personal life has not been the best due to certain things going on that really prevented me from sitting down and just getting some art done how I used to do back then, mainly starting in 2016... I've been over this countless times it feels but a rather drastic event happened over on twitter that caused my derailing from creating any artwork, I became very nervous and scared to really post much of anything thanks to what happened and looking back all these years nothing has changed. My depression and the events had caused me to shy away from creating and just watch from afar, I knew I was always bad with starting and then just stopping, but things were taken to a new extreme now. The past four years especially didn't help anything regarding my healing due to finding a job where I was harassed and then... something awful happening between me and a family member near the end of 2020, which did lead to my discovery of me being non-binary but.. I still wish things went better... I ended up finding a different job in the middle of 2019 but ever since the pandemic hit I wasn't able to function at that job anymore.. plus even more harassment from co-workers doesn't help either. Though despite all this.. it soon seemed like something was going to change.
Near the end of February of 2021 I was talking with a good friend of mine over the phone, she and I have known eachother ever since we met on twitter in 2016, and in 2019 we started to talk again after two years of silence from both ends. I remember it was that very evening she admitted she felt in love with me.. and honestly I felt the very same way with her <3 I had started to feel some sort of adoration for her after we started talking on the phone, just hearing her voice and bonding with her made me feel things I never really felt before, sure I had puppy love crushes on some friends before but that was because I'm a rather cuddly and affectionate person to begin with, but this time? hearing she felt the same way just set things in stone.. I had found love. She then came to visit in March of that same year and we've been inseparable ever since, yes we do have our moments but what couple doesn't have them? We've been growing stronger and closer as time went on and I feel thanks to her I felt like life was worth living.. like there are things to look forward to and do.. just having someone like her with me makes me feel so happy and thankful to be alive.
I believe in late 2021 I returned here with a new blog relating to help myself cope with things going on in my life and just with life in general, but due to certain things happening I have again fell off the horse for maintaining said blog. I won't get into too much because it's very personal but I'll just say that I was struggling with where I stood regarding certain things around it. I have since settled and stood my ground on where I am with it all and I'm feeling alot better about it, the same could also be said about my religious beliefs, I grew up christian but I never ever identified with being one due to... well... more personal things but I recently discovered a religion that I felt like I belonged in, Kemeticism. I'll save most of the info for its own post but to just make it brief, I have always loved the culture and history of ancient Egypt ever since I was a very young kid, and I had a awakening of some sorts after coming to terms when a game I play had a Egyptian themed event going on, now it really feels like I found where I truly belong...
We now come to when I'm writing this entry, the start of my new dA account and some tumblr as well! I just last night fixed what was going on with my tablet because it wasn't working properly which prevented me from making any new art, that and I lot access to photoshop CS5 due to my laptop needing to be updated and... the program was outdated for the OS... ofc... BUT! I still have Clip Studio Paint so until I get another art program to do the coloring and touch ups in, thats what I will be working with. I will also be posting my traditional sketches here and tumblr just so I have stuff to offer to everyone, this will be a rough journey of relearning how to not be afraid and just get to making things that make me happy, but it seems like I'm on the right path
Thats all I have to say for now, but until next time, I hope to see everyone again soon,
Thank you for reading <3
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royrockstone · 11 months
not really a question, just wanted to give you some flowers
ive been reading your stuff for the past three weeks and im so glad i came across you cause i didnt think id find a writer in the succ sphere that can write roman in a way that won’t annoy me LOL (tbf i did find very few others since then but youre my fav) also it’s so hard to get a laugh out of me with writing and i totally belly laughed a few times, you’re fucking funny
idk i think youre pretty brilliant and get the characters so well its almost unbelievable at times
and jesus christ i love the way you write ed stuff, i was thinking about it watching the show but you just gave it a whole new dimension 
i still didn’t read everything, don’t want to binge it and then be sad. 
actually i do have a question, do you have any personal writing outside of fic realm? or ever considered writing whatever original stuff? well regardless i think you’re insanely good at imitation and a few dialogue moments feel like a memory of the canon show in my head 
k that’s it :))
this was so SO kind (to the point where i kinda didnt want to answer just to keep it in my inbox ) thank you for taking the time to write out your thoughts and send them my way!! 
beyond glad to hear you think im funny and a Roman Understander— that's everything i want to hear <33
re: the ed stuff, i tend to bring a “hm getting a lot of ed vibes from this” mindset to a lot of media 😭 (and we live in a disordered culture! most media with something to say about the world has something to say about food and bodies) but its ofc become clear over time that its incredibly intentional in succ! which is a win for me but also. a devastating loss emotionally. and it adds a ton of depth and dimension to its stance on wealth, gender, trauma, personal identity and family dynamics. im glad to hear that the way i write it hits the mark for you <3 (truly my biggest flex is that i was an ed!roman truther from before the esquire interview. i saw the dog pound scene and went “hm. rexie vibes.” and never looked back.)
i know there will be fewer eyeballs on it after the show ends/once the post-finale glow (or anger, but hopefully glow!) wears off, but i have a few more ideas i want to bash out abt these characters before i pack it up, so you’ll get more content even if you finish all thats currently out there!
 SCREAMING that someone would like my fic enough to ask about my non-fanworks writing. actually screaming. dream come true! ok ok i Do have a personal writing practice. ive been published a few times in cultural criticism (and one poem lol. nothing earth-shaking, as its something im relatively new at and haven’t put a ton of effort into yet) id also be happy to dm you some critical writing ive done that deals with ed themes if thats of interest! like most mediocre prose writers, ive dreamed about writing a book. and im currently writing a screenplay (my la-era roman slay) but i don’t rlllly expect that to go anywhere since Everyone has written a screenplay (ive mentioned it obliquely on here before, but its thematically centered around dancers/theater/the political economy of the culture industry/the legacy of aids in the arts) but yes, if im talented at anything, its mimicry (thats why i tend to write in fandoms with rlly specific, imitable dialogue styles and tones- succ, veep, the secret history) so i understand if people would not be interested in my original writing.
ty for this ur very kind and i will treasure this ask foreverrrr <333
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videostak · 11 months
rly wanna hook up the nes for some reason.. like ya i have both a famicom and nes okay kill me hoarder girls unite but like srsly i got a nes at a swap meet when i was like 13 or smthn maybe even younger (actually i think the same swap meet im going to tomorrow lol back when i would go with my grandma and older sister often) and then later down the line probably when i was like 16 or smthn got a regular famciom but it was modded to be av p poorly so eventually decided to get a twin famicom ANYWAYS enough backstory but ya i have an urge to hook up the nes for some reason... like idk i guess they rly do have different energies.. i have most of the same library on it but a year or so ago got some nes games from my uncle who had some he was getting rid of and got like kid icarus and tmnt and lolo 3(playing that just makes me wanna get lolo 1 tho -_-) and robocop and cool shit like that but for some reason i have a urge to play mario 3 specifically on nes even tho i have it on famicom?! idk when iwas cleaning out my closet i found this lil like figure thats based off the art of tanooki mario from mario 3 but like rly accurate to how mario looked back then and the proportions idk where these figures come from i think they have one of yoshi from smw too but like i think my family got it for me in like 2014 or smthn when they went to nintendo store in new york on vacation. but anyways i think looking at it is making me wanna play smb3 and for some reason like i associate all the art for it and the kinda vibe it gives off more with the american nes than the famicom. i guess that makes sense tho. like its def THE nes game moreso than THE famicom game. like u kno. itss release and everything seems to mean alot more like a big event over here than when it came out in japan? actually idk what it was liek when it came out over there since i dont kno but like i associate mario 3 stuff with the nes alot maybe cause that was also a game i got at the swap meet too(same one) like itss just a v nes ‘retro culture’ type game so ya. i associate og super mario bros more with the famicom tho cause when i think of that i think of like old strategy guides and all that early art where mario has beautiful sexy red overalls and like the characters all having somewhat different designs and fds mario 2 and based shit like that. anyways yeas...
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awoken-artist · 1 year
Honestly respect more people should have fun with their fma ocs. It's like people forget fma is a fantasy world and people can't do more magical things with their ocs
Fucking. Agree. 100%. Also its worse when the people who were nit picking my oc were idk “well known” in the community on DeviantArt [unsure how it is on other platforms but I can care less.]
I got so nit picked on my FMA OC so many times its ridiculous. Plus the fact they kept shoving reality scientific shit into a fantasy world of FMA. Like, dude I get it alchemy exist but shoving reality bullshit into the fantasy world is down right just an excuse to put someone down because “its not realistic enough” or whatever. 
I had someone nit pick a FMA OC named Keilay [who I am still working on cause shes part of my ocs ancestory or at least apart of her moms side of the familys culture ancestor ruler.] and they just went “weh thats not even fricken possible” and try to make excuses and I just stare “humunculi shouldnt even exist period let alone chimeras if you wanna shove reality in my face of “ThIs CaNt HaPpEn”. Because part of my FMA Story [which im working on both 2003 version and brotherhood] theres going to be a scene where they end up running into the phantom of her and Ed being skeptic and my oc points out about other things that shouldnt even be possible to exist [chimeras or at least humunculi being a huge one]
Another OC they nit picked on was my oc Katherine and one of the people went “why she have violet eye color is she a humunculous wtf? if not then she shouldnt really be having that”. something along the lines. jokes on them I researched eye colors and Lilac is a ACTUAL eye color and I wanted to give this OC a unique rare eye color. I found it so stupid for the nit picking.
It got worse when someone decided to pull the “racist” card by calling me racist when I was thinking of changing things a bit slightly on another FMA OC of mine - Thanos. I changed his name from Nike to Thanos, I figured he be half xingese and ishvallen and yet i got called racist for it which- confused the shit out of me. like if something i said came off as such uh yeah please point it out???? but all i said was Im thinking of making him xingese and ishvallen cause I think it make sense for him cause I want to keep the fact he has red eyes so he got that genetic from his parents. 
honestly the whole nit pick and getting on my ass was stupid. I even had someone being stupidly bitchy at me on my super old works. like as if its “brand new art” when its not. the date was even ON THE FRICKEN DA PAGE OF THE DEVIANTATION OF COURSE ITS OLD. 
I just figured these people dont like new ocs or dont like particular ocs even if its a self insert kind and theyre very hostile about it. at least to the artists who came at me which out of all the fandoms , this one came at me for no reason over time. I dont give a shit if they are jealous or want to be an ass to me for no reason cause god forbid i paired a oc with edward elric. I never went at anyone for their ocs being paired with ed and anyone else thats my favorite characters, because it does make me happy my fav characters are getting some love at least.  I think everyone should not be so judgemental and hostile to anyone who makes FMA OCs especially when they pair their ocs with any of the canon characters. everyones allowed to have fun. so long as no one is gatekeeping and going “YOU CANT PAIR YOUR OC WITH THIS CHARACTER THEIR MINE IM MARRIED TO THEM YOU ARE MAKING THEM CHEAT” kind of deal. 
also anyone who tries pulling the “realism” bullshit into FMA really need to get their heads out of their butts and understand this is still a fantasy world. theres alot of things to EXPLORE. alot of things left UNKNOWN as long as you understand how the fma world works and get an idea from reading the manga even the shows [2003 and/or brotherhood] you can get very creative. i think we all should help everyone out and know your allowed to have fun with your oc and dont let people pull you down. 
I almost thought about quitting fma entirely but no i love my fma pairings, i can care absolute less on what anyone thinks about my pairing. Ive paired them for years and I have ideas and plans. 
I dont mind getting suggestions or maybe some ideas for story wise or ocs. I even so were all allowed to have fun. just have fun! we should all unite and just have fun together instead of putting people down. nit picking doesnt help. de-constructive critiscm never helps. making fun and putting people down on old works to make them feel like shit NEVER helps. 
we should help eachother up not put people down. let people have fun with their fma ocs damn it! >:U
im not letting people get me down and make me quit. neither should anyone having possible similar issues. 
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in like august or something i sent lorel a very rambly ask about blogverse. well im doing it again because it was such a big thing in my life and i loved it so much.
it is i, roleplayer of bv!shandy/shando, bv!digi/mercury, and the very first lorelcest ship kid; oleander. There's more, but those were the ones i remember clearly. to this day i regret deactivating those blogs, mostly due to all the lost memories. it brought me so much joy. looking back, it was definitely my hyperfixation at the time.
the summer of 2020 (holy shit almost 3 years ago) and i think early into the start of online school, i watched from the sidelines as blogverse grew. every day i watched my little people in the screen. I wasnt much younger but i was still a cringe little tumblr kid having a shit time in school. and then i realized that i could just join. i didnt need permission or anything, i could just make a blog from the get-go and become one of them.
and thats how blogverse shandy was born. my very first tumblr blog, and the one that made me stay. (actually, idk which of them was the first)
i'm still pissed at myself for clearing out my google drive because i used to still have the shitty pictures i drew on my computer of them, due to the fact my ipad was broken at the time. those shitty little pictures were what kept me interested in art (they didnt make me better, i was trash through and through, but they're what sparked my interest and led me to get better). i treasure the old fanart i find in their tags when i go through the ruins of blogverse.
They didn't really have a fleshed out personality or backstory. they were "weird and quirky" one moment, then straight up violent the next. this was mostly because i had no prior experience at actually fleshing out characters. though, i think their "wild card"ness somehow became their personality in the end. i was still some cringe little kid who thought i was a genius at writing because i had this little guy in my computer who lived in a void and had a cat and atattchment issues.
but holy shit i loved them. i used to think about them like a real flesh and blood person. i'd spend long nights roleplaying with others and long days talking to myself about my plans for them and then totally abandoning them moments later. i drew them poorly and decided i was a master of character design. they felt like a part of me.
i had no idea how tumblr worked but it was so much fun. bv digi, bv shandy, and oleander were 3 separate blogs because i didn't even know side blogs were a thing. bv shandy was deactivated several times due to minor issues that could've been fixed with the press of a button.
then came oleander, who i kind of had an idea for. they were a snotty little motherfricker who i absolutely adored being. it started as a joke and then it wasnt a joke anymore and they were a fully fledged character. i got bored quick though, and their blog went inactive soon. i hate their design to this day, and in the morning i'll probably redraw them.
there was also bv digi, whose entire personality was being a little weirdo who kidnapped ship kids at random just be-fucking-cause. they might've actually been the first blog i dont remember. anyway, they had the normalest design and the least art. i loved them with my whole fucking soul.
they made no sense and were generally shitty but that was the best thing to ever happen to me i think. bv introduced me to tumblr where i'd meet so many amazing people and see so many hilarious and sometimes eye-opening posts. it got me into art, writing, and roleplay, my 3 biggest hobbies to this day. it was a hyperfixation i leaned on to cope with the mild distress that just came with being alive and a dumb kid in 2020. my very first 'real' blog was made after bv's fall, and i met one of my longest mutuals bc she wrote a lorelcest fic.
I think back on it as the good old days, nostalgic even. Blogverse was my pride and joy, what i'd go do after a day of suffering in school or do when i retreated to my room. When it died so did my hyperfixation, but now looking back it meant so fucking much to me and was arguably my strongest interest and maybe even coping mechanism.
sure, it deprived me of sleep and sometimes food because i was so caught up with it, but it made me happy. all's well that ends well, right?
and i still am a dumb kid (Older Edition, yay), but even when i'm a dumb adult i'll never forget blogverse. BV was my pride and joy that summer. Thank you for being its accidental ringleader, and i know its wacky to say, but without bv i would be a different person.
I'm so surprised yet happy that there's still at least one person that remembers BV! It was a lot of work to run so many blogs but I'm happy to know that it was worth it. BV means a lot to me aswell :)
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If steve didnt went back to the 40s tfaws timeline wouldve been amazing yet chaotic . Lets add vixen here for a twist (hope you enjoy this)
After steve came back to 2023 after returning the stones and he passed the sheild to sam vixen came next to him "ready to go liebing" he nods "ready darlin" the two looked at the men and she said" if you need us feel free to bug us esspecialy him " they all chcukled . Meanwhile after alot of dates , fluff moments etc vixen and steve married that choice is a good one on both ends they did had a talk of "what would you do if you werent involved in the mess " same response Fall in love with a s/o and get married persue a art career and a family . Some nights are little hard from nightmares luckily they went to therapy for help they even catch up with bucky sides therapy but also as friends including hanging out with sam . A year later the events start one with sam handing the sheild over . Steve may or may not understand vixen understand sams choice . They saw the new cap vixen rolls her eyes on the guy. Bucky and vixens therapy almost similar and instead of buckys Catching the bad guy she can convince the people in her list to actually surender steve dosent mind her way and shakes his head laughing at buckys version . Some point steve recived the video sam got of bucky jumping out on the plane vi jokes "well you two are alike " he shook his head "mine was higher " its all light and when bucky came to visit after that he mentions that mission and asks help too and that happened after his akward date. They met isah the super soildier with sam at the place and the boys had a talk vi feels bad about him even the old man recognized her " your looking well today, your limbs repaired too" she is guilty like bucky in a way . After that encounter both bucky and vixen were arrested for not coming to court mandate therapy both steve ....and john bailed them , john is shocked steve was their and both had a stern talk steve was not impressed with the whole personal close john mentioned in the interview some point in the talk bucky and vixen at the officers desk with bucky a grouchy look and vixen a sigh little did walker knew about vixen hes blown away and didnt take long to notice the ring on her finger . Alright that went bad sorry . Buckys therapist came she called both him , vixen sam and steve in a room to do the talk and instead of the sheild is the only fam . Its about something personal both steve and vixen calm him down the doc took notes . The events in germany happened back plus te mention of zemo sam and vixen thought is a bad idea steve knows bucky well now and trusts him to do the talking without mentioning it to his wife and sam . As bucky reached to zemos area as the man tests the trigger it did not work they have a talk and bucky helps him escape
Sam:Zemos going to mess with your minds esspecialy you two, no offence
Bucky:offence . Let me walk you through a hypothetical
Sam:what did you do
Bucky:i didnt do anything
Sam*chill*i dont like how casual being about this is un natrual. Where are we man??
Y/n:this is a bad idea
Steve*nods* whats going on pal?
Zemo*came as a guard
SamWOAH WOAH WOAH . What are you doing here?!
Bucky: i didnt want to tell you cause this will happen
Y/n*points her gun at zemo*Hands up where we can see them baron
Zemo:if i may
All four: N O
Sam:so our first move is grand theft auto
The air port
Sam:so all this time you've been rich
Zemo:im a baron sam, my family was royalty till your friends destroyed my country
Steve*head down covers his face with his hat*
Zemo:you dont know whats its like to be locked up in a cell*sees vixen and bucky*oh , thats right they do
*steve did give bucky the notebook and they all agred on the music half
Bucky:i like forties music
Bucky: i like marvin gane
Sam:Steve adored marvin gane
Steve*blush * sam
Y/n*bit her lip to avoid giggling
*the three did stop bucky trying not to choke zemo *
Sam:we have to do something abou this i look like a pimp
Zemo:only an american would asume a fashion forward black man looks like a pimp
Steve:i look like a mob boss in this
Zemo:its only fair that you match one
Y/n*in a jumpsuit nearly matching bucky*
Bucky*silent and metal arm out
The bar drink scene vi almost broke her character frm te way sam was disgusted and bucky nodded as a pay back for not lifting his seat in civil war
Someone messed with them steve and zemo comanded (steve had to fake comand her which feels bad ) both vixen and "winter soildier" to kick the bother some man back till both had to stop them to prove they are allowed to atay to meet the person they will talk too
The chaos in the madriapor hunt
*all sticked sides zemo who scrambled *
Sharon helpped their asses and the line she mentioned
Sharon:i stole steves sheild remember*while pointing a gun*i also took the wints to save your ass *to bucky* From his ass*points at zemo
Steve:thank you
Sharon*shrugs* i got a place in high town for the night
* the party plus sam n bucky bicker lol
Steve and vixen* a drink*
Steve:cant belive this is still happening
Y/n:agree . We have a break atm to figure this out
Steve*nods* yes, are you ok back there?
Y/n: felt weird being "comanded" *sips her drink
Zemo*dose his victory dance
Sharon:before you were his pet psycopath you were *sarcastic*Mr america , Caps best friend
Bucky:shes awful now
Steve*tries not to laugh*bucky
Y/n:still that was a dumb idea to guve the sheild away
Zemo:someone agrees
Day fight with sam and bucky argue in the fight
Steve:Will you two Stop bickering !
Sam& bucky *argue
Y/n*on top of the cargo and shoots too till the explotion*Fuckin hell zemo
this is a whole story of itself
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Could you write about dating akutagawa being atsushi's twin sister? The idea makes me laugh at how ironic it sounds him falling for the person he hates' sister (plus her having an abily of manipulating her really long hair, kinda like entrapta from she-ra and the princesses of power)
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What is your relationship with him? (Akutagawa x Fem!Reader)
Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings:Akutagawa x Fem!Reader
A/n:Wow this is a tough one! its really funny actually XD i mean its weird for both of them,but they have to put up with it because of you...anyway here you go baby,and tysm for requesting i was bored as hell :)
◆ok.so youre not a part of the agency.Atsushi didnt want you to be in danger,and you werent interested in being an agent.
◆since you loved reading books(like Aku) you went to the best bookstore in yokohama to buy a rare edition of the book you wanted.you saw the book on the shelf and reached your hand to get it,but a hand(with pale skin :>) grabbed the book with you at the same time.
◆you turned your head to see who it was,and you saw a young man with strong gaze that was focused on you.
◆"let go"
"you let go"
"i got here first"
"i dont care"
"neither do i"
◆you gave him a demonic smile,and in a second you flipped the book outa his hands and ran toward the bookstores owner.you quickly gave him the money and got out of the store
◆you quickly sensed something black comming toward your back,and suddenly you turned around and used your hair to block it.thats when the stranger makes an amazed face.
◆"youre an ability user?!"
"why are you shocked?youre one yourself"
"ive never seen an ability like this before,its...so stupid!"
"hey!take that back"
◆you started fighting.he didnt really want to make a scene,but since he wanted that book so bad he was going to get it no matter what it takes.you knew a little bit of self-defence and you had your ability ofc,so you were able to block his attacks.(he was going easy on you,if he really wanted to kill you,you were dead by now)
◆after a while you gave up and put your hands up.
"hey,can we come to some sort of agreement?im at my limit now and i really dont wanna lose the book"
he remained silent for a second,then he looked back at you.
"I suppose.i want that book too,but eveyone should be able to enjoy art and literature"
"hm.how about you let me go right now,and i give the book to you when i finished it"
"how would i know youll keep your promise"
◆after talking a bit,you decided to come here everyday at 7 pm,and read the book together.you were both uncomfortable at first,but after a while you begin to enjoy each others company.you hanged out a a teahouse instead of the bookstore and became closer to each other.he didnt tell you about his job because he didnt think it was necessary,and your brother didnt tell you about his enemys cause he didnt want to maked you worried so you didnt know that he was your brothers enemy.
◆Akutagawa liked you a lot.it wasnt just about your taste in books,you were also talented,strong and beautiful.you didnt like judging people or talk about useless stuff,and that was really attractive to him.when he saw other guys looking at you and trying to make conversation with you at the teahouse,he felt a strong feeling growing inside him.he didnt want to admit it,but he knew what it was.it was jealousy.it made him look like a petty person,but he couldnt do anything about it.he wanted you to be his,he wanted to be more than friends.
◆thats when he asked you out.it was really shocking at first,but then you became really happy cause you liked him too.(you were afraid that he might not like you too,so you didnt confess to him)
◆everything was going smoothly.he even took some days of to go on a date with you,which made his coworkers really shocked.like what happend to him?ive never seen him taking a break from work!
◆yeah,thats how much he liked you.
◆one day you came home late,and you found your brother waiting for you.
"y/n?where have you been untill now?i was worried sick!"
◆you didnt like keeping things from Atsushi and was looking for a chance to tell him about your boyfriend,so when you saw him like that you told him everything.
◆he got even more worried as expected.he wanted to know who was spending time with his beloved sister,so he asked you to entroduce him to you bf.
◆you told him to come to the teahouse at 7:30 pm.you told Akutagawa that your older brother wants to meet him.he wasnt really thrilled about the idea,but he accepted it because of you.
◆so you and Akutagawa were talking and suddenly Akutagawa became angry.
◆"jinko!what the hell are you doing here?"
◆you tured around and saw your brother standing next to your table.
◆"Akutagawa!what are you doing here?...WAIT!dont tell me..."
"you know each other?"
◆they both looked at you at the same time,and suddenly everything became clear.
◆"your Atsushis sister?!"
"this is the boyfriend you were talking about!?"
◆they were about to fight each other,but you immediately jumped between them and asked them to come down.you forced them to sit in front of eachother.you went to sit next to your brother,but Rashoumon grabbed your hand and made you sit next to Aku,which made Atsushi furious
◆"hey! let go of her!"
"shes mine!"
"shes my sister!"
◆"Stop it both of you!"
◆so you explain to Aku and Atsu the whole thing.there was an awkward silence between the three of you (and dont forget their gaze toward each other)
◆you asked Akutagawa to wait outside while you talk to your brother.he wasnt sure about it,but since you were looking at him with your puppy eyes,he agreed.
◆Atsushi was againts your relationship.he told you to immediately stop seeing him.Akutagawa didnt deserve you in his eyes.he was cruel,petty,harsh and dangerous.he was his number 1 enemy for gods sake.
◆you told him that theres absolutally no way you break up with him. his different around you and Atsushi doesnt know him completely.hes only seen him in battlefields,not in normal life.
◆Atsushi is still not sure,but he knows that he cant do anything about it since youre so stubborn.he tries to put up with it.and his kinda relieved that nobody can hurt you when your with Akutagawa.
◆you go outside and ask your bf if hes ok with all of this,and he tild you that although its kinda disappointing,it doesnt matter who you are related to,he loves you for you :)
◆you got sooo excited by his words that you immediately kissed him out of the blue.
◆boy is blushing :>
◆after a while they kinda get along,not too much though
◆Akutagawa kinda unhappy cause he cant kill Atsushi anymore XD
Sorry if this is not good enough baby :) Love,
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asmo-baby5 · 3 years
Request: @seerachii-art
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Description: Mc had gotten very used to the Devildom and would wander around by themself now. They had pacts with the seven highest ranking demons right after the Prince himself and they were close friends with the angels, the powerful sorcerer, and Barbatos and Diavolo themselves. They never accounted for a lower ranking demon wanting to attack them for these relationships.
CW: mentions of burns, slight gore (not a lot)
•he had gone out looking for Mc after they never showed up for dinner.
•he was very pissed that they went out alone, but he assumed if they really needed help they would call or use their pact to summon him.
•he walked through the Devildom with a very calm demeanor.
•of course, that was right up until he actually saw them.
•Mc was sitting outside of RAD with Barbatos hovering over them like a worried mother.
•"Mc, it is past time for dinner. What are you doing still at..."
•his voice faded out as Mc looked up at him.
•they were holding a damp towel over half their face and tears were flowing freely out of their open eye.
•his normal calm demeanor gave way to an eerie calm.
•"what happened?"
•his voice was low and made Mc flinch away from him.
•they looked so pathetic...
•Barbatos tried to explain what happened but he looked straight at Mc, waiting for their recount of events.
•"he was saying, saying bad things about you." They somehow got out through all the crying.
•lucifer was starting to fill in the blanks himself, but he still needed to assess the damage in order to decide what punishment would befit a lower demon who dared to harm this human.
•Barbatos helped Mc to gently pull the towel away from their face and show Lucifer the large burn covering over their eye.
•the cold towel had stopped the skin from pulling away from their face more than it already had.
•needless to say that calm demeanor quickly turned into burning hot (no pun intended) anger.
•with the help of Barbatos, who had just so happened to be leaving RAD at the time Mc was attacked, Lucifer was able to get them home.
•he offered, more than once, to fly back but they refused so he settled on just carrying them back.
•every fiber of his being wanted to go after the demon that harmed Mc, but he knew he had to get them home and settled before he could even think about leaving their side again.
•Mc refused any magical treatment, so Lucifer took them back to the human world for medical treatment.
•they ended up with a scar over the eye they had unfortunately lost sight in.
•everytime Lucifer saw that scar he'd get very irritated and would be stuck to Mc's side up until he physically could not have them with him for work.
•would pass them onto Simeon so he could keep an eye on them because he didn't trust any of his brothers to keep them completely out of harms way.
•the demon who hurt them was currently (and for the next few centuries) being used as a chew toy for Cerberus.
•rarely let's Mc out of his sight,
•so when they somehow manage to give him the slip one day he starts to freak out, rightfully so.
•not only that but his pact mark was starting to heat up, that only happened when Mc was in trouble.
•he retraces their steps from that day hoping to find Mc at one of the places they had visited.
•he smells them before he actually sees them.
•a mix of tears, sweat, and burnt flesh drew him towards a corner just outside of RAD.
•Mc was holding a sopping wet cloth up to their cheek and was wiping at the tears falling down their face with their free hand.
•every so often they would grimace as they moved the cloth around.
•Mammon was frozen in place looking at his human crying and shaking.
•he could practically feel their pain and their fear.
•he snapped out of it when he caught a glimpse of what was under the cloth.
•"Mc, who the hell burned ya?"
•he tried to keep calm, but let's be honest, being calm when the one person he loved above others was hurt was not exactly easy.
•"who. Burned. You?" His tone dropped to a threatening low growl.
•when Mc flinched at his tone he did calm down a bit though.
•he had to take care of them first before looking for revenge.
•when Mc explained that they were cornered by two lower demons and then lightly burned before they ran away, Mammon had to literally fight to keep from growling.
•it was bad enough for Mc to be attacked, but to be cornered by two demons was the most cowardly thing he had ever heard.
•when he checked the burn his heart clenched.
•there was a good chunk of flesh missing from their cheek.
•he flew them home and tried to convince them to get it magically treated so it wouldn't take as long and there'd be no scar, but Mc refused.
•he didnt leave their side after that incident.
•if you thought Mammon was possessive before, just wait until you see him now.
•he sleeps in Mc's room
•walks with them to school
•constantly texts them when in separate classes
•and goes with them wherever after school
•he doesn't trust anyone else with Mc's wellbeing.
•seeing the scar on their cheek ups his protectiveness and he will follow them around like a puppy.
•he knew something was wrong when Mc never showed up for the new episode of an anime they were watching together.
•he was immediately anxious but tried to reason that maybe they were just caught up doing homework or maybe getting snacks and Beel cornered them for the food etc etc.
•yeah, his reasoning quickly turned into overthinking.
•he was about to go looking for them when suddenly he felt a pit in his stomach.
•he could just feel that something in the House of Lamentation was wrong.
•he opened his door only to be met with panicked shouts from floor to floor and the sound of running footsteps.
•like he thought, something was wrong.
•angry Lucifer shouts were coming from downstairs, so thats where he headed to see what was so wrong.
•he stopped in his tracks though as the view of Mc curled into a ball on Mammon's lap with a towel over their face entered his field of vision.
•he was supposed to be looking after them and the pit in his stomach only grew as he watched Mammon make very small and soft movements with Mc, something he never did ever.
•Levi's voice was small as he got closer and could finally smell it,
•the burnt flesh on Mc's face being held together by the cold towel.
•he almost gagged, and would have if Lucifer didn't suddenly grab his shoulder pulling his senses away from the smell and sight. 
•"where were you!?"
•is all Lucifer had to ask for Levi to realize that Mc got hurt,
•they got hurt on his watch,
•he couldn't protect them.
•"I- I'm ok, okay." Mc had stuttered out, the pain made it hard to string words together
•it took a moment for Levi to compose himself, and even when he did outwardly he was an utter MESS inside.
•do-dont lie, Mc..." he slowly made his way over to them, but kept his distance from them.
•they got hurt because he wasn't competent enough,
•there was no way he could let himself ever indulge in their presence after this.
•he would of course take revenge against whoever dared to hurt Mc,
•but when they reached out and gently held onto Levi's hand, their's still trembling,
•he finally decided that being with them was the only place he wanted to be.
•as much as he wanted to absolutely decimate whoever hurt them, Mc needed him there more,
•and his Henry always came first.
•besides, he was fairly certain Lucifer was already making preparations to take care of the demon.
•he was out with Mc looking for some new books from a bookstore that just opened.
•the two got separated for barely two minutes,
•but it was more than enough time for a group of demons to walk over and taunt them.
•Mc's already poor relationship with the other demons in the Devildom had recently got worse.
•its not like Satan didn't know this,
•he was hyper aware of the fact Mc was being targeted more often by lower demons for petty jabs.
•that's why losing them in a new store caused anxiety to creep into his body and sit like a rock in the pit of his stomach.
•Mc had expressed their fear of these demons (cowards, as Satan kindly referred to them) trying something more than jabs,
•so he felt very protective over them since then, wanting them to feel safe when they were with him.
•But safe was the exact opposite of what they were now.
•Satan quickly found Mc, but he also witnessed one demon slap them,
•hard enough that they left a burnt handprint scarred onto Mc's cheek.
•Satan could barely process what had happened.
•before he knew it his vision had gone red and he could feel a low growl coming from deep in his gut.
•he was about to go after the demons who did this but Mc stopped him with a whimper that immediately brought him back.
•he wasn't really the most calm all the time,
•but in a crisis he was the best demon to go to because he could keep a surprisingly cool head.
•once his temper had cooled down enough for him to stop clenching both his jaw and his fists, he set to work caring for them.
•As he took the time to properly dress the wound the human way, Mc explained to him what happened.
•the group apparently confronted them about Satan's reputation.
•he was once known as the cruelest and scariest demon right after Lucifer,
•but apparently rumors had started to spread that he had become soft.
•many demons blamed Mc for this change because they had a pact with him and Satan was most definitely not known for having pacts with anyone.
•as he listened to this his anger started to spike again, but he pushed it back down enough to swiftly carry the Mc home.
•he didnt want to have to rely on Lucifer for anything, but only he could come and go between the human world and the Devildom,
•and Mc needed burn treatment in an environment that would promote healing for humans.
•once he knew Mc was being well taken care of though, he finally let his anger rise and bubble at the surface.
•he got a pretty good look at the demons who hurt Mc, and Satan NEVER forgot a face.
•once the Mc had come back, the scar left by the demon made Satan's rage come back anew every time.
•he even requested that Asmo try any and all facials and treatments that could get rid of scars.
•and as for the group of demons?
•let's just say,
•you should never make the Avatar of Wrath your enemy...
•he and Mc were on a date.
•clothes shopping, tea, sweets, spa, and hairdresser.
•everything was going great,
•Asmo was having the most perfect time being with Mc for so long without his brothers interfering.
•that is, up until their hair appointment.
•the two were separated for a bit because they each needed different treatments done to their hair.
•Asmo didn't think much of it.
•he had taken Mc to this particular hairdresser many times already, so he never thought anything bad could possibly happen to them.
•he was proven wrong when a scream came from the other side of the building,
•the area where Mc was.
•Asmo shot up out of his chair and practically teleported to where they were.
•what he saw made this normally pretty calm demon's blood boil.
•one of the workers was bowing and apologizing repeatedly as Mc looked at them dazedly.
•but what really got to him was the intern hiding behind a corner, laughing.
•"so this is funny, is it?"
•he had snuck up behind them and asked, his voice unusually low.
•"this particular human is under the complete protection of Lord Diavolo, would you like to explain to him why there is now a burn covering half their face?"
•the intern paled at that and shook their head.
•"I would not think so. Now explain to me how this happened."
•the intern explained that they dipped the cloth that goes on Mc's face in scalding hot water.
•they knew Mc was a human and they wanted to test their limits,
•but they adamantly maintained that they never intentionally harmed Mc.
•Asmo was furious, especially because this happened in a place where he was only a few feet away.
•but he did give up on grilling the intern, deciding he'd give their name over to Diavolo and Lucifer later, in favor of comforting Mc.
•they were coming out of their daze but that meant the pain was starting to set in.
•Asmo was able to carry them out of the shop and quickly home before they could scream again,
•or cry.
•he would definitely go on a rampage if Mc started crying and killing a demon in broad daylight was not a good look for his cute image.
•he informed Lucifer what happened and trusted he would then take it to Diavolo.
•Asmo carried Mc to his room and set them in his low hanging seat so he could tend to their burn.
•thankfully it wasnt bad enough to be cause for major concern,
•but it was bad enough that Asmo was worried about some scarring.
•he was able to clean the skin around the burn and then apply a few different treatments to lessen the scarring process.
•he promised to use all kinds of facials on Mc, once they were feeling up to it, so the scars would heal quickly.
•once Mc was taken care of, he couldn't even think of leaving their side,
•so he opted to lie down on his bed with them.
•Mc fell asleep rather quickly, the trauma making them exhausted.
•Asmo couldn't fall asleep for a while though as he spent time blaming himself for the injury.
•he would never, ever, forget this day...
•he was out to eat with Mc as usual.
•there was an all you can eat buffet that had just opened up and Beel was all willing to pay for both of their meals if Mc went with him.
•of course they did.
•it is way too hard to say no to Beel.
•while he was on his fifth plate of food, Mc wandered of to the bathroom for a small break.
•they accidentally ran into a group of demons on the way there and got into a small altercation.
•they started badgering Mc and complaining about how the nicest demon brother was no longer able nor willing to hang out with them because he'd rather be with Mc.
•it was a small, petty, argument that unfortunately ended up in a small burn that ate through the first and second layer of skin on Mc's cheek.
•the demon that did it freaked out because they knew humans were weak by my god they're way too weak!
•the group ran away, out of the restaurant, leaving Mc staring wide eyed at the floor, the pain from their cheek slowly starting to register.
•they walked calmly back to the table to grab Beel.
•"B-Beel, Beel, we need to, to leave." They had stuttered out.
•the pain was making it hard to form sentences.
•"Mc, I can get a free meal if I finish this..."
•Beel's sentence had faded off as he finally looked up.
•Mc's eyes were glazed over from the pain and blood was dripping down from the pretty sizeable hole in their cheek.
•the big demon was up and out of the restaurant in no time, carrying Mc with him.
•he didnt really know what to do in the moment but he did know Mc needed help, fast.
•he went to Solomon first because his magic is the first thing Beel's panicked mind landed on.
•Solomon immediately went to work cleaning and bandaging the wound.
•because of his medicinal herbs, he had learned a fair amount of human medicine and knew how to care for a burn.
•Beel refused to leave their side, only doing so when Solomon convinced him to call Lucifer and inform him of what happened.
•After Solomon had taken care of the burn, he talked Beel into letting Mc stay at Purgatory Hall for a few days so that the rowdy demon brothers wouldn't interfere with their healing.
•Beel was over every day, almost every hour, to check up on them.
•once the burn had healed a fair amount, Solomon was able to use his magic to prevent any scarring.
•Beel 100% blamed himself for the injury, he felt he had once again failed to protect an important part of his family.
•it took a lot of convincing from Mc and Belphie for him to stop blaming himself so much.
•he was never focused on revenge against the demons that did this as his full focus was on Mc and their recovery,
•Lucky for him, Solomon and Lucifer weren't as focused on Mc..
•he never really left the house and he wasn't super overprotective of Mc like the other brothers were.
•he knew their strength but also knew that if they needed him they would call for him.
•so when the pact mark he had with Mc started to heat up and quickly started to burn, he knew that was them calling for him.
•they needed his help and he was more than willing to give it.
•he left the house in a hurry as the mark started to burn more and more.
•despite trusting Mc to pretty much take care of themself,
•he couldn't deny the worry and concern rapidly growing.
•the pact mark between a human and their demon is supposed to connect them and one is supposed to be able to find the other through this mark
•but Belphie was new to pacts with humans and he wasn't quite sure how to use it to find Mc.
•this did not help his concern as he realized they could literally be anywhere in the Devildom.
•he decided to just go to all their favorite places to see if he could find them.
•he eventually found them pacing right outside the planetarium.
•it was their place, the two of them, so he mentally slapped himself for not checking there sooner.
•"Mc, whats going on?"
•he walked over to them but they turned away from him.
•he froze as one of the worst smells ever finally reached his nose.
•it was awful.
•"Mc, what happened?" He tried to reach out and grab their shoulder but he stopped when he noticed them trembling.
•"Uh, um, its nothing, nothing bad."
•their voice was trembling just as much as their body and Belphie had finally reached his limit.
•he spun them around and was about to say something but he froze.
•Mc was crying while holding their jacket over one half of their face.
•Belphie grabbed the hand that was holding the jacket and gently pried it away from their face.
•Mc grimaced with every movement and Belphie swore under his breath, hating that he was hurting them.
•once the jacket was fully gone his sleepy eyes widened and any left over drowsiness from earlier was completely gone.
•there was a large burn over their eye and the skin around it was pulling away.
•he realized that's where the smell was coming from.
•"What happened?"
•he repeated his question from earlier but this time there was no way anyone could ignore his threateningly low voice.
•"N-nothing, seriously, Im taking care of it. And I, I called Solomon and he's on, on his way to help. I'm okay."
•Belphie felt his heart drop as Mc said this.
•either they didnt trust him enough to let him help or they didnt love him enough to tell him what happened.
•he really hated both of those options.
•"I'll stay here with you until he shows up then."
•he'd feel even more awful if he brought it up and made Mc feel guilty on top of their physical pain though.
•he sat with them silently for a few minutes until Solomon showed up.
•Solomon took them back to Purgatory Hall to clean and patch up the burn.
•Belphie went with and held their hand as Solomon had to get rough to fully clean it.
•he stayed with them the whole time, swearing to never leave their side again.
•once they finally fell asleep he took it on himself to go after whoever dared to touch, let alone harm his human.
•they would pay.
•he wasn't nearly as cruel, or strong, as some of his older brothers,
•but he sure knew how to hold a grudge.
•and that promise of never leaving their side could hold off a few more hours...
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