#and thats the entire webpage
filenamedotpng · 2 years
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syn4k · 6 days
if i wanted mianite s3 and declan said king helgrind was there i would piss on his feet for the sole purpose of getting ip blocked from the webpage
if i have to deal with king helgrind typing one word in chat in messages in series not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when he is mentioned or alive 
i dont even know why i hate him so much. like objectively he sucks but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some nepo baby shithead whos wife died and thats why he blamed it all on his only surviving fucking son ill go ham
BETTER have been sent to the nether roof cuz if he didnt Im going to make wag do it to him
episodes not even about him. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be his castle and I lost it 
where the fuck is king helgrind if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch helgrind and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is one final book he kept on him at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in minecraft enchantment table
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when he died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone 
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who couldnt even treat his own family like human people
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
🎻 here to say 🥹🥰😭🫠😵‍💫 thats only a quarter of the emotions i felt through during flutter. ryen the cat i cant wth. the scene with his song on loop is so special too. the way reader and yoongi are so similar cause shes insecure about things hes not but hes insecure about things she thinks he shouldnt be. fuck. you made me cry again with this. forget wanting someone like yoongi i want reader. shes a beautiful and loving human being
also i shared this story with my roommate/bff and hes currently working his way through - about halfway. if he makes a tumblr i told him how this works. if not we can send his thoughts through mine. hes pretty excited to provide another male voice! anyway much love ryen take care for the holidays 😘
VIOLIN??? you mean we're close to getting another guy's perspective on 3tan oh my gOD i'm so fcking excited! that made my entire day pls tell your roommate/bff that i am grateful no matter what (and i believe you can still send anon even if you don't have a tumblr, but it's gotta be through the webpage on mobile or desktop.)
📖 and 🏀, we're gonna have another one!
but also! yeah. flutter. uhm. what else can i really say here other than your emojis are absolutely correct lmfaoooo. the cat scene, the music scene (revisited!).. and you have a good ass point about their insecurities and what they're secure about. that's a really great way to describe them. i'm so glad you were able to read it (and that you gave this series a chance holy hell. what a journey already!)
"forget wanting someone like yoongi i want reader. shes a beautiful and loving human being" CRYINGGGG whenever y'all say you love reader?? my heart grows in size bc they truly are so special to me. ugh.. i will protect them with everything i have. thank you so much for being here and for the lovely commentary! and thank you both in the future :D take care for the holidays yourselves<3
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jamesgournalist · 10 months
james gournalist game award picks!!
with the two thousand and twenty third game awards mere days away, we at james gournalist headed up to the boss's office to ask him his opinions on the nominees. what happened when we got there was something else entirely.
mr gournalist was no where to be found. to long time listeners, lurkers and jerkers, this will be alarming. to those amongst us joinging our party for the first time, know this; you should be alarmed.
james got out. and we don't know where he went.
in the positive hand, what we did find in his office was a list of his top picks for the jame awards! rejoice, reader, as we did! raise your arms to the sky and praise the power of james!
okay, so he had picked baldur's gate three for every category including 'best esports coach', electing to cut out and glue on a small image of gale's head over every humanoid body on his printed out version of the voting webpage, but i think we can forgive a man with his genius (and vile, vile cruelty) for his peculiarities.
so thats our official james gournalist© recummendation. we loved playing bgthree just as much as we fear that james is gone.
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twerkstallion · 1 year
entire youtube sub box is shorts... if i wanted short-form videos i didnt have to load an entire webpage for (with a queue button thats been Hidden within another menu???) id go to tiktok. im here for vids that are 10 mins at the LEAST. preferably 40+ mins. this is so fuckign spammy god i hate it
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honeyrisuke · 2 years
can I just say
whenever I see weird tiktok subcultures obviously the exact same subcultures have happened on tumblr. like, the glorification of mental illness, the weird wolfpeople, the whole debate about who's more valid in between trans people
but I still find it infinitely more aggrivating and bad over there, because on tumblr we were just fucking around. We were teenagers whose face wasn't plastered all over that content on a nieche space within the internet and most of the drama happened because of in-fighting or because someone was a dickhead. Nobody got pushed to the forefront and half the time the outside world had no idea this stuff even existed. Nobody knew there was a whole subculture of teenagers on the internet pretending to have DID because it gave them cool-person-points in their weird little online friend group. These groups also didn't have an impact on people who actually have DID, because they were largely isolated in their little bubble to do what they wanted. When people claimed to turn into wolves during fullmoon it was their little tumblr thing and that was it. We were teenagers, we did dumb things that later in life make us cringe, and we were allowed to simply move on from it one day by logging off of that sideblog.
the kids on tiktok have their face, their life, their everything connected to that stuff- and not only that, they aren't just messing around within the group or fighting with each other because thats what weird online friendgroups do- no. They're all influencers to some extent. They're all gathering a following, they are all trying to market themselves to an audience. They aren't messing around because they have a special interest or try to be active in a community- they're doing this because they're on a stage and try to get as much out of it as possible. Not because of some weird greedy incentive, tho- but because that is how tiktok (and most other types of social media these days, honestly) work. They are actively impacting not just their every day life, but also the people around them and the people who are struggling with the conditions these people may or may not have. They get their face plastered all over TV and mocked in weird little news segments. They get harassed by an international audience to the point where they CANT log off anymore.
If they wake up in 2 years and think "well yeah that was kinda fucked up, why the hell did I do that" they can't just abandon the blog or the webpage and make a fresh new account. They're DONE. their whole family knows. Their entire town knows. If they're unlucky, they will meet new people and will be recognized because "aren't you that weirdass person who got caught faking DID that lived two towns over lol", even though that part of their life is long gone
it's not that these things are new. it's that these websites are actively breeding nothing but bullshit. and I want them gone :)
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a9saga · 3 years
digital textbooks which do not include an audio book, or at the very least, a screen reader that will read double columns in the correct order, are crap and should be a thing of the past.
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thedeafprophet · 3 years
The worst thing about all this ao3 stuff to me is that I genuinely do have criticism and issues with the site, especially around racism in fandom, which is extremely important to address, and the websites issues in properly dealing with harassment, among other things. 
But it is a non profit organization run entirely by volunteers that operates based off of american law. There are no ads on the websites and it is solely funded by donations, and running a website with that many pages with that much content is *expensive*, especially if they want to implement more features in the future. It is a website set to archive fanwork, not just a social media site. And it is possible to critique parts of the webpage without jumping immediately to it being a spawn of satan and everyone supporting it is evil and terrible. Thats just inane.
Not all situations are entirely black and white and it is possible to have nuance and reasonability with these kinds of things. 
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stanharu · 4 years
some beastars s2 ep1 thoughts!!
the op slaps, and yes, animation-wise its not as impressive as the first one. after watching it a few times i really feel like some parts were intentionally left more sparse bc they’ll be filled in with new/different animations as the series progresses, which will be rly exciting if this actually turns out to be true. it really is strange that it doesnt have any spoilers for this season and louis is completely absent despite him being a huge part of this arc.
so the ep seems to cover chapters 50-54, but a lotta stuff has been moved around, with some anime original scenes added too.
i thought it was a fine introductory episode to get ppl back into the swing of things. the ghost story bit was an interesting way to stitch all the scenes together, and i appreciate the new 701 content lol.
the one big thing that stuck out to me was that despite louis making a brief appearance in the first ep, we didnt get to see the big reveal that he’s working with the shishigumi now, which im a lil disappointed about. i really wanted to see this scene animated!!
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ill be sad if this iconic reveal gets cut from the anime completely. this scene had such a big impact on me when i was first reading the manga.
i had a feeling that the flashback of how louis became leader of the shishigumi will be in episode 2, and the preview pics that were posted yesterday confirmed that. i’m really excited to finally see all the lions animated! i think since this first episode was very legosi focused, the next ep may be more louis focused? thats what im hoping anyway.
another part that kinda bothered me was that the scene that sets up gon's meeting with other species leaders to decide on the next beastar is in this ep, but then we go right back to the 701 boys’ antics, rather than seeing gon at the meeting immediately after, the way that it is in the manga. it looks like this will also be in ep 2. its a lil weird to me that they’d break these scenes up like that, but this may just be me nitpicking lol.
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also the idea that cherryton just has an entire webpage dedicated to potential beastar candidates on their website is really funny to me.
lastly, the flashback of jack and legosi when they were younger was taken out, but im p sure it’ll just be moved closer to a more jack-centric episode later on. ive been really excited to see baby legosi and baby jack!!
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btw did yall notice yahya’s name on the wall in the mid-ep eyecatch? 👀 i hope this is a sign that they plan to animate the rest of the series in the future... i really hope he gets a cameo at the very end of this season. and i hope his voice is Deep
there was no ed this ep, so im really curious what it’ll be like next week. i saw some speculation that since louis wasnt in the op that perhaps him and the shishigumi will be in the ed lol. i wonder if they’ll do multiple different ones like s1?? im not really counting on it but it’d be nice...
the animation is really nice as always and i really liked the voice acting!! legosi and haru’s awkwardness during the staircase scene really came thru lol. and legosi’s surprise/worry when he sees louis again was good too.
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eatsteas · 4 years
i have a lot of work to do but my brain wouldnt stop being in aquabats mode so i didnt do anything and instead i spent the entire afternoon downloading images from their 2001 photo archive that wasnt accessible through the main webpage but i found access to through the site map but i dont think thats an excuse that my boss will accept
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nie7027 · 5 years
DadReigen week day 3: Sports | Lessons
well heres the second (third, sorry mods of the event it wasn’t my intetion to disrupt the order ) fic for dadreigenweek with some Shou feelings(or at least tried)
I hope you like it 
“It’s here” Reigen said at last stopping in the green open field.
“Here?” Shou glanced around and pointed with his thumbsat the monkey bars a few meters away from them “It’s a park Reigen. What kind of second rate spirit would haunt a park?” he deadpanned.
“What do you even know about spirits?!! Stop talking and let’s get to work. I’m the specialist here and I know what I’m talking about!”
“Sure you do old man. Sure you do” said Shou knowing fully well there wasn’t any spirit here. When Reigen turned his back to keep walking Shou stuck his tongue at him but still followed him.
Truth be told Shou had nothing better to do with Ritsu and the others being at school. He had already exhausted all his options and was dying of boredom, so when Reigen had asked his help this morning with a job he was very quick to accept. Too quick actually. I
f he had known it would require this much walking he would have thought it better.
But well this is what he deserved for sneaking into the office at unholy 8 in the morning and scaring the shit outta of Reigen.
Shou chuckled at the memory of  the first time when Reigen took hold of his umbrella and lounged to attack what he thought was a intruder, screaming the entire time
It made Shou realize he should tell Reigen to put better locks at the office because if thats was how he planned to defend against an attack then he had very poor chances. It had been very easy for him to block the umbrella.
Reigen just groaned when Shou said this to him the next day.
“If some people just entered through the door like any decent person, I wouldn’t have the need to defend myself “
“Where’s the fun in that?” had said Shou grinning.
Reigen suddenly stopped and waved his hand “What are you laughing at? We are wasting time. Spirits wont be exorcised by just chattering!”
Shou decided to play along 
“So, what exactly are we doing here? What was so important that you had to explicitly ask me for help instead of your oh-so-helpful-goodie-two shoes Serizawa?” Shou had to stop himself from cringing, that had come out more bitter than he had intended.
If Reigen noticed he didn’t acted on it.
“Even Serizawa has his personal matters to attend. Besides it’s not like he isn’t doing his work, someone had to stay back and look after the office” he then shrugged the backpack he had brought along and started rummaging looking for something “As for what we are doing….We are going to do and old ritual of sorts known from warding off evil spirits and attracting good energies-AJA HERE IT IS”
Shou had to do a double take at what Reigen was proudly holding in his hand.
An old worn out baseball ball.
Shou knew the man was a fraud but he was starting to think he had gone nuts. 
“Reigen you do realize that’s a baseball ball right? Like do you realize you are holding a toy?”
“Of course I know what it is!” he said tossing the ball at Shou who caught it reflexively “It’s the most important part of the ritual”
“Ritual?” Shou inspected the ball. As he thought it was just a simple ball. “ What kind of ritual involves a baseball ball?”
“Im telling you. It’s a very old ritual!” Reigen exclaimed offended “We pass each other the ball thus creating with our own energies a ward circle that extends and protects the whole area”
“What? Where did you get that-” Shou bursted laughing when a relizations struck him “Ritsu was right and you get all your practices from shady webpages... How old are you exactly to believe that kind of bullshit?”
 “Hey! you brat, I’ll let you know this is 100% real bussines, but what would a kid like you know disrepecting adults-”
“Shut up”
Shou frowned, it had been fun at first but now it was straight up annoying. 
“I’m not Mob and if you think I am as naive as him to believe everything you say is right just because you are and adult and you said so then you are wrong.”
Shou turned his back fully intent of going away but froze when Reigen spoke.
“No! wait Shou, I’m sorry! It wasn’t my intention to make you feel less just for being a kid”
“I’m not a kid” Shou huffed 
“I’m sorry anyway”
Shou sighed and turned around, scrutinizing Reigen’s gaze. It seemed sincere...unlike what he had seen in most adults throughout all his life.
“What are we doing here then?”he said crossing his arms “No more lies”
Reigen sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“For the last 2 weeks you have spent the morning at the office-I’m not saying you can’t, you are always welcomed but you just sit there waiting for Ritsu to come, or Mob or whoever gets there... It’s not good for you”
He then looked down at Shou “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Shou nodded, he had thought of those things already but….it was stupid but he had been so focused with taking down his dad he hadn’t thought what he would do next.
“So I thought...When I was young I used to play with-err I enjoyed playing fetch” 
Reigen tried to leave it there but Shou wasn’t dumb, nor liked to be treated like he was fragile “I said no more lies, if you have something to say just do it”
“I was there, when you father tried to take over the world and I saw...I bet you have never played it”
He was right.
Shou handed him back the ball “Fine, let’s play.
Reigen smiled and for the second time that day Shou felts he shouldn’t have said yes so quickly. He had of course seen people playing fetch, it wasn’t that complicated but for some reason he still stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
Reigen moved some meters away and asked him if he was ready before throwing the ball which Shou caught again with no problem at all.
He returned the ball 
Shou was confussed “How is this supposed to be fun?”
“Just wait and see!” 
Reigen then took a few steps back before tossing the ball again. This time with too much force.
The flew past Shou to high for him to reach it so with a flick of his hands he commanded his powers to bring the ball to him.
“HEY NO POWERS THAT’S CHEATING” Reigen immediately screamed 
“You were the one who threw it with too much force! How was I supposed to catch it? Running?”
Shou was gonna make him eat his words.
With as much force as he could muster (and not powers) Shou threw the ball at him, it went above Reigen’s head but he actually ran and jumped catching the ball.
Shou pursed his lips, his competitive side taking over, when Reigen made a silly dance of victory.
The game was on.
They played until they were left panting and sweating on the ground, both their hair sticking to their foreheads and it was until then that Shou saw what else was inside the bag.
Juices pouches and sliced fruit.
Shou didn’t want to know why Reigen thought he could pass this as some spirit exorcism.
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sunnychaiup · 4 years
my favorite part of this update is that @staff decided to alter the design of the webpage rather than like fix any of the problems this hellhole as
like how in mobile when you try to post something with images it just fucking wont and it rubs it in your face with messages like uwu sorry there was turbulence! and like it doesnt even save it it just deletes the entire thing for you to start over or you can be like me and just give up bcuz its too much work
OR having to type up the post w/o the images first then save it as a draft and then add the images and often times the post wont save so you have to keep trying until it does AND THEN you can post.
So a post that wouldve only taken you like a couple minutes to do ends up being like 10 minutes :)
but no. change the layout of the website. thats more important 😊🖕🏼
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trayvonfleary-blog · 6 years
General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive
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Hello All, instead of posting my normal content relating to cars and/or trucks, I will be taking a deeper dive into my daily life, particularly regarding the software engineering immersive program that I am currently undergoing, which is a technology bootcamp. For a couple of months, I am going to sway away from discussing different sectors within the automotive industry while I focus strictly on technology, but automotive is not going anywhere so stay tuned for big announcements following;)
What Is It?
Currently I’m completing General Assembly’s Software Development Immersive, which is a “12 week award-winning program that has expert instructors and career coaches, and connect graduates with 19k+ hiring partners to get them jobs at A-list companies.” It is slated as your best course for career transformation. The company boats 9,000+ hires, as it states that they are the leader in placing their grads into high-growth, and high-pay tech jobs. Yes, this is all accomplished within 12 weeks. I’m sure you’re asking, “Are these jobs guaranteed?” Of course not, but the company is quite confident. Continue reading as to “why?” after this quick infographic below illustrating what you can expect from this program.
Im currently entering into my 5th week of this program. On our first day, a General Assembly employee bursts in our classroom, after getting another graduate hired, and asked, “Did you guys here about our last cohort?”, which had ended a couple of months prior. We had no clue what she was referring to but then she claims that their last cohort had a 93%+ hire rate. Impressive right. Thats a way to bring some motivation if you had any doubts before. Who knows if this was the truth, but they were all very excited and I have personally heard from some earlier attendees about the jobs that they received after the course and some even during the last week or 2 of the course ending. Before this starts sounding like a fantasy world where you can spend the 3 months and someone else can spend 4-5 years getting a computer science degree and you both end up with the same job (very possible), I’m going to break things down a bit.
Tuition Options?
First, starting with cost, I feel that the tuition share agreement is the best payment option and allows many people who can’t afford it to have a chance at something that can be life changing. It is not yet available in all states, but it’s a great option if you are not trying to pay $14k(approximate tuition cost) out of pocket and upfront(or in a few payments).  Focusing on the $0 upfront income share agreement, it is structured very fair in my opinion. You are only required to pay an upfront $250 deposit until you land a software engineering job (ex: web development, full stack, etc) and depending on your location, entry level is probably hovering around $60k and above.
So if you don’t land a job, you are not at the hands of a huge loan that you cannot afford and most importantly, you’re not out of $14k+ that many pay to take the program. If you have additional experience in UX/UI design, and/or other skills for that matter, your pay can be a lot higher.
Income Share Agreement?
As far as General Assembly not offering the income share agreement not being offered in all states, specifically New York at the moment, I believe that it has to do with the amount of jobs being offered and the amount that are vacant. Here in the Greater Atlanta Area, the tech scene is taking on massive growth along with an abundant amount tech jobs that have yet to be filled. Whether it’s startups, fintech companies, or larger corporations, there is a massive demand for tech jobs in many industries here. I’m not sure of the availability in other cities and states in respective to the amount of tech workers seeking employment.
Adding to the tuition share agreement option, applicants are also subject to a more strict batch of pre course work, along with an evaluation to see if you are prepared and can be successful at this program. My pre course work (estimated to take 40 hours if you have prior knowledge) took me at least 60+ hours, and thats literally. Going through the pre course work, I decided to take notes and continue to reference them even when the program started so that I could truly retain the information, just as I would with another language until I could demonstrate it effortlessly.
The only negative to this income share agreement is that the total amount paid for the course increases to approximately $20,000, instead of the $14,000 that you could sign up for up front after getting accepted. Although this $20,000 will be paid for over a multiple of years (small monthly payments ranging from $300-$800 per month), depending on how much income you are making per year with the lower end being around the $50k end and the upper being $100k+ end.
That is where the trade off comes in, as you decide whether you would want to pay $14k up front or $20k over a multiple of 3-5 years. Simply put, both options come with what some will see as a hefty price but when compared to the average college tuition for 3-5 years, it is significantly less. So is it worth it?  My simple answer: Yes, but its not for everyone and also depends on how much time you willing to dedicate!
What does it take?
Personally, as I’m approaching week 5 in the 12 week program, I would say that it is well worth it. This may not be the same for everyone else. There are so many factors that go into this decision and realizing if it is worth it for you or not. First off, the program is 12 weeks long and runs on a very strict schedule, from Monday – Friday (9am-5pm). All of my cohort(class) had to quit their jobs, and/or whatever else they were doing including school, etc. This IS NOT just a 9-5 job for three months. Ample time is required outside of class for this program to be worth it. You get what you give. Currently, it is very normal for me and my “codemates” to spend another 20-40+hours outside of class per week, on top of our current 9-5 days.
Being Prepared?
Handling this amount of work in such a short period of time is life changing mentally, physically, socially, and financially of course. Savings is required as it’s almost impossible to take on a full time job during this time. Knowing how to handle stress and pressure is also very important, as there will be a lot of ups and downs during the course. Another importance is your family and support. Your time will be very limited during this time, so just be prepared to be a bit disconnected during this time.
For me, personally, I had no real coding experience before starting the pre work for this program, but doing a lot of studying in the year prior to signing up for the program certainly helped with knowing different technologies and frameworks, and what they were used for. Regardless, free time gets pretty scarce during this time of development. It is extremely tough to stay consistent with a certain level of focus each and every day in this program, as it’s basically like learning a new language. So, being prepared is very critical.
The Daily Grind?
Each and every day has a structured schedule that we are given at the beginning of the cohort. The days normally start with lecture, or a quick meeting if it’s project week. Throughout the day, we go through enormous amounts of material, but it’s never just a lecture. Practice, practice, and more practice! Daily learning on how to structure, develop, and implement responsive webpages and applications from the ground up. This is where General Assembly separates itself from just trying to read and learn to code online, or even while pursuing a 4 year computer science degree while spending meaningless time on classes and material that you don’t need or ever use again.
As the saying goes, if you want to learn Chinese, the fastest way is to get dropped directly into the middle of China! This is the exact same. You’re being thrown right into the programming fire everyday, but in a good way. All of the new information learned is always directly followed by practice, as you jump right into the CLI(command line interface) and your IDE(integrated development environment). HTML, and CSS fly by within the first couple of days and then you will be jumping directly into Javascript. After that, you are off and running, and thats when the real challenge starts and the bulk of the course begins.
Is It Really Worth It?
All in all, I think it is definitely worth it if you have a passion to work in tech, whether to create your dream company or to work for another. This is the case, but this immersive program is not something that you spend a little time on and make it into a small side gig. If that’s what you’re looking for, then programming may not be ideal for you. It takes intense focus and dedication to be successful in the field. One mistake can crash an entire program, or maybe even delete an entire database and cause the company to crash. What if someone deleted the entire database of Uber drivers because they told the computer an incorrect command? Of course this would not happen, as their infrastructure has too much sophistication for that to happen, but the company would literally be out of operations for who knows how long and this would cause the end of one of the biggest companies that the world has ever seen.
If you’re not passionate about it, and that goes for anything in life, then you shouldn’t waste your time and/or money. It is also only worth it if you have time. This point needs to be emphasized. For example: If you have a family and can’t afford to quit your full time job, this is not a good idea. I’ve found that many who go through these programs don’t have many responsibilities at the moment, or they have wonderful supporters around them who help them throughout the duration. The immersive is very time consuming, and some may find it easier than others, but the amount of time that has to be put in is undeniable.
In a quick rundown, within 5 weeks, I have learned HTML, CSS, Javascript/jQuery, started creating our own servers, learning node, express, mongoDB, certain data structures and science, and so much more underlying information. This is not everything, and has taken massive work outside of class along with in class work and lecture. Just 5 weeks ago, I wouldn’t even know where to start.
Why Would You Put Yourself Through Such a Daunting Task?
For me, taking this leap was about being creative and bringing my ideas to life, as I push to provide immense value to this world for decades to come. My friends have always told me that I have all of the ideas, but to me they meant nothing if I could never bring them to life. I avoided obtaining these skills for the simple reason of believing that they were too time consuming, or that it was too old to start now, or simply because of me believing that I didn’t belong in that time of environment (the common imposture syndrome). Whether you’re a cook, waitress, sales associate, truck driver, garbage truck operator or whatever it may be, you can be successful not only in this program, but in this career field as a whole.
All of these technologies are fairly new, relative to our society, and if you spend 10+ hours a day on something while someone else maybe spends a hour every few days, you will be amazed at how far you can go. If you are thinking of a career change, or simply love the tech field and need this sort of structure to learn, I will highly advise taking General Assembly’s Software Engineering Immersive if time and your situation persists. You will also hear the phrases “Web Developer”, “Full Stack Developer”, etc associated with software engineering as a lot of the knowledge intertwines.
Youtube Series Update?
Last but NOT LEAST, stay tuned as this will be just an intro to these blog and content posts regarding my Software Development journey. I aim to produce this content for the remaining 7-8 weeks in the course, while also producing content beyond the program as I work on different projects and aim to connect with like minded people in the industry. In the upcoming posts, I will link a youtube video that goes into depth about my particular General Assembly Immersive location, in the Greater Atlanta Area. Stay tuned, and be blessed!
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graph100 · 2 years
Thoughts on Social Networks (the Future) (Manifesto?)
i think one of my big goals for programming would be to create functional social networks. ive already taught myself the groundwork for a making a basic messageboard a la pre-4-chan sites in japan.
unrelated to my programming skill, i feel like we should bring back forums, but still keep the rapid nature that i like about twitter.
i love that on smth like twitter i can just say my thoughts into the void an someone might enjoy them. i also like the old internet style of forums and i 1000% apriciate those who answer my obscure forums, especially those on the casio calculator forums so i could learn how to program my casio calculator, but thats a story for a different time
maybe for this new twitter x forum design strategy we could rewrite the hyper-contained nature of forum threads and topics and make them more fluid, maybe containing them to topics via hashtags. ofc things like html tag-esc styles to posts, i especially like the way discord does it, however i use *(insert thing here)* to emphasize things, and italicising it is not what i mean, so that could be improved upon.
also the character count can be limited because yea. like does anyone really like that? its either a non existant problem or something to break your pace while writing something big and important, in an almost innapropriate-for-the-situation manner.
I also feel like message boards and oekaki boards should be brought back, i think they could be very fun, but we (the designers/creators of the sites) would need to be careful to avoid a situation to the tschernobyl-nuclear-reaction-site-ish nature of 4chan and whatever happened to 8chan (i think) that got it to be destroyed because of hyper-harmful political effects (if i remember correctly)
for a long time now ive also envisioned a social network that revolves around music, almost like an imageboard but with mp3 files.
[unfortunately for audiophiles] mp3 files would be the best option considering theyre much less limited than midi, but arent as heavy as wav or flacc files. maybe ogg files would be a better choice considering their universal nature, but does every browser support it?
also being able to comment and like posts would be mandatory, and maybe an in-browser lightweight audio file editor could be added for things like sneak peeks or possibly to create a culture of remixes like nightcore, chopping up songs, slowed versions, fast versions, a=432 versions, extended mixes, etc.
also, my most favorite idea for music yet, GIF ALBUM COVERS! i dont care how you pronounce it (seriously why is this still a thing), but i feel like it would be super cool to have gif album covers. some problems for looking in the future would be the limited color nature of some gif formats, and loading times, but regardless its still a cool idea. think of the possibilities! ofc theres basic things like simple moving images or short animations or color changes, but you could also have different versions of album covers because one image just doesnt do the trick, you could have album covers that change the language for more international understanding, you could have animations that sync to the beat of the song, the possibilities are endless
although, there is one end. file sizes for both covers and songs alike would be needed. maybe some of the remixes i suggested earlier could have a json file that adds those changes instead of an entirely new mp3 file, similar to sheet music, although there would need to be a quick way to create those effects on the fly. I also really dont want to end up in the pitfall that most modern websites end up in, where they sacrifice efficient web browsing for instead taking your personal information in inneficient javascript and making it take a whole half-hour to scroll through a simple webpage. i know that in earlier internet days, when gifs were all the rage, webpages would get really slow from all of the animations that were playing, and this is still an issue till this day
anyways that concules my ted talk
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llotwor · 2 years
Cellucor P6 – Understand The Core Concepts Now!
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Most probably, male growth hormone often is the vital hormone shifts with the male’s shape on the grounds that its certainly necessary tiers supply you with a great deal of what are the benefits. In your a hormonal agent throughout the males’ body shapes thats generally connected to these types of, simply as sexual energy will maximize sensual your life, greatly improve the pc muscle good quality, allow your health durring an powerful means. Person of which want to demand workout and need to achieve muscular tissue preferably should look into their valuable sexual energy grades considering the fact that excessive androgenic hormone or testosterone phases maximize muscles rate of growth and produce this sex life higher for men. By much higher androgen hormone or testosterone volumes, people obtain a healthier personality, boosted resistence, a lot better staying power, more powerful coupled with long-lasting erectile, and plenty of other incredible benefits. By simply of which great androgenic hormone or synthesis likewise improves the bodily movements amount of all men. Sexually active men seem newer coupled with much healthier as part of their outdated platform if they've huge sexual energy phases. To reinforce or even testosterone extremes, players have several ways they are able to adopt.
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giannisbct-blog · 6 years
I “LIKE” programming
Well just like this blog, when it came to the like system, I wasn’t entirely sure where to start. I had started working on this before we had decided to go with AR built in Unity so I figured I would get the mechanics working and then be able to transfer them into Unity. Initially when we were thinking of building a physical model or projection mapping, I was going to have the like button on a webpage so that anyone could access it, an inherently thats where I started. I had the thought of using a python script to build the whole back end mechanic of the system and that data would be passed from the user via the webpage, and after quickly running this by Liam (who has done something similar before) he agreed that it would be the easiest way and we could have multiple users at once which is what we wanted. I built the most basic version of the “front end” part so that someone could input their name and then like it so the likes would be attributed to them, just like it is on social media.
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Liam recommended using the flask module for Python to host the server (and webpage for testing). Once I had installed that I managed to get a connection between the two and even by complete fluke was getting it to receive data from multiple devices and be able to register that it was from different devices. I personally was stoked about this because it was 90% of the like system working but then Liam pointed out, as we don’t know why it worked, if it stopped working we also wouldn’t be able to pick out why. I figured it was in my best interests to learn the best practice for this rather than get the minimum working version as it would be great reference material for the future. In these early stages, Liam helped me a lot by explaining why one way was better than another and generally guiding me through which was super helpful as I was almost coming from no coding background. The main think I am super grateful for is him introducing me to JSON, which I’ll be honest was an absolute pain at first but I now realise it was definitely the best way to go as it was far more reliable and actually made sense. So essentially what was happening is that the HTML page was passing the name that was submitted by the user, to the python script every time the like button was clicked. The script would then add a new value to its own defined variable “like” and count them like that. The bonus of doing it like this is that if someone played once and then after a while came back too have another go, their “score” would compound and keep increasing. On that note though the downside is that if two users input the same name they will have a super score rather than two separate scores. While this would be a downside for an actual game where the score would need to be counted from just one game at a time and not an overall total, for our project it sort of just adds to it. The idea is that the more people “like” the disaster that happens, the more it proves our point that social media is building a screen which separates people from reality and that they can simply click a button to show their support, and the more they do that, the more they are helping? Or at least thats the theory.
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In the past when it has come to doing small code projects I have looked up how to do something, found code that suited my need, copied it and then tweaked it to properly fit my programme. However, this doesn’t mean I necessarily understood it which is something I wanted to do differently this time. As this was basically my main role in the team, I wanted to make sure I would be able to explain to other people how it worked rather than have a piece that worked but just because it did. Which I guess relates to this whole degree itself, nothing is really taught to us (especially in studio) and its all self directed so we need to learn the skills ourselves and in this day in age when you don’t need a computer science degree to become a developer but simply be able to copy code from different places to suit your programme, I believe it is quite important to know what you are doing because I the future it will make me far more efficient. And its the learning by doing thing that works really well for me that I like. For example when it came to having to deal with GET requests from both the server and user side, I had done something similar before with the instagram location finder programme that I had had a play with earlier in the semester, and because I had used it before I sort of knew how it worked but then I had the code itself I could look through again and figure out why it worked and what parts I could omit for this different programme. I have to say, I think this semester I have learned more about programming from simply trial and error, Liam and online tutorials than I did in all of last year where I did both programming papers. It was also great to learn this in a group setting where the other team members also are not super coding savvy as trying to explain what I was doing or why I couldn’t do something that we wanted to do due to the nature of the system that I was writing in non technical terms helped clarify what I was doing for myself. I would certainly like to keep doing more programming projects in the future to further develop my skills and learn new things.
Transferring the user side to Unity was a whole different box of frogs though. First of all Unity is all scripted in C# which I have never used before (but luckily is similar to java which I had dabbled in with processing last year) but the whole mechanic of connecting to a server is made a lot more difficult as all requests need to be sent through a Coroutine. Which I’ll be honest, I had never heard of until I stumbled across a million Stack Overflow forums that explained that that is what you have to use. I think I have got my head around them mostly but there are still some things about them that elude me, for example everywhere (including the Unity manual) it says that they end when they hit a “return”, but I have coroutines that have functions or call new functions still enclosed in the coroutine but after the return type and it still calls them (see below).
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They also supposedly run for their specified length (of time) regardless where they are called, i.e will run for 6 seconds if told to after being called from the Update( ) function. However, I have found that in some of my code this works, in other parts it just sort of ignores that rule and sometimes it waits for a wee while longer than the instructed time. So its not totally something that I fully understand but I know it enough to be able to use it in the right places and the majority of the function of the Unity scene is run by coroutines so I am clearly doing something right. I like to think of it as a poorly trained animal, I know the commands and the animal knows what they mean but sometimes chooses to do its own thing.
Another major challenge I had was dealing with JSON, for starters sending the exact same data as I was from the webpage but through unity, it was as if it was parson the data into JSON and then parsing the JSON into more JSON even though the commands where almost the same, so on the python side I had to update it so that it decoded the incoming JSON properly so it was then actually processed logically. This brought in a whole world of problems in itself as then the data that was being sent back to the user was all jumbled and messed up which was less than ideal as it felt I had actually gone backwards rather than made progress. But as I have learned from this project, every new error you get means that you are making progress as you have made it past the previous error. After all of that though, I did get it working.
Once I had done all of that, I realised that it was a perfectly functioning Like system that recorded multiple user’s scores and could compound them and it was perfect, but only once. There was no way to restart it without stopping the whole application and going again. So there was the next challenge which proved a lot more difficult that initially suspected mainly due to how referencing different Game Objects is from a script and even harder, referencing the scripts of those Game Objects which is what caused me many hours of strife. To make matters more difficult as well, Unity doesn’t appreciate all the things you could normally do in a C# script so you have to find ways around its very stubborn walls which in my case lead to many, many scripts. Doesn’t sound like such a terrible thing but to make sure each was working correctly I was logging things to the debug console from almost every script so then when I wanted to look for a specific message I was sending to try and get something working, it became a whole lot harder because there were 20+ scripts that were all printing to the console. But once again, I am a champion and figured it out.
As I write this I realise that it doesn’t sound that difficult and didn’t take that long but the code for the like system has been haunting me at night and has been an ongoing saga for weeks . I certainly have learned heaps and am happy with my process that I undertook. However, if I was to do it again knowing what I know now, I would skip out the HTML part and just go straight for the C# scrips because I think that transition was the hardest part of this whole process. In HTML (with javascript) it is easy to do everything all in on document but with C#, you can’t send data and also receive it in the same script, you need to separate them into multiple scripts which is where confusion starts manifesting as you try and think across multiple scripts and have to remember what each one is referencing and how it will then affect the other one. The issue with backend systems as well is you don’t overtly see your mistake as you would with front end because either something happens or it doesn’t and if it doesn’t you then have to comb through your code to find the broken section and find out what is messing you up. Overall I think this is what I found the most frustrating as I have only really done mainly front end development rather than back end, but this project was certainly a great insight into it. Now as for this whole project once we got on a roll, I obviously stopped blogging as I got so engrossed in the work which I do understand is not the best practice but as we were pushed for time (having left it so late to start doing something) I focused solely on getting the work done and from an outsider’s perspective the final product doesn’t really show how much work went into the programming of it, so I have uploaded all my scripts to GitHub so you can have a look at them, and also see how things work if you are interested: https://github.com/JabronusMaximus/ARcde-Scripts
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