#and the black boy there unless they wanna talk about his gang?
starlooove · 1 month
Batfans swear they’re not racist and then you click a character tag and see how they talk about poc they’ve never met
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allzelemonz · 10 months
Horses: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘sir’, ‘mister’, and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violent themes, language Warnings: Chapter 1 setting, kidnapping, very fluffy Kieran Duffy, Kieran loves horses, passing joke about bestiality, Reader is kind of an asshole Summary: You volunteered to watch the O’Driscoll prisoner and all he seems to want to talk about are the horses around him.
He really does look pathetic. Bill had told you as much but you didn’t think an O’Driscoll could look so small. Since Charles has gone out hunting with Arthur, someone has to watch the prisoner and you jumped at the excuse to be away from the boys’ little building with all of their bickering. You’ve barely opened the door and his eyes have already found yours and looked away quickly. You decide to pay him little mind and go over to your horse, they need attention after all.
After a few minutes he speaks up. “A-Are you gonna hurt me?”
“No.” You say plainly. “Unless you give me a reason to.”
He hunches his shoulders, making himself look a little smaller. Another few minutes pass as you pet your horse and idly give them a few treats.
“Your horse is real pretty.” He says before hunching on himself again. “Sorry.”
You stare at him for a moment, a little baffled by the confidence to compliment a horse of all things only to go back into his little shell. “It’s fine… thanks.”
He perks up ever so slightly and watches for a moment as you pick a piece of hay out of the horse’s mane. “Seems like a good horse.”
You eye him and he shrinks again. “You got a thing for horses or something?”
“I-I,” He shakes his head. “No, sir. N-Not like that…”
You smirk to yourself as he trails off and stares at the floor. “You like them though?”
He nods.
“Well,” You walk around to stand in front of him and point to Baylock who stands just a few feet away. “That one’s the only one that might not like you, best to keep your distance.”
Kieran looks over at the black stallion then down at himself. “Kinda hard ta… ya know.”
You smile. “You’re funny, O’Driscoll.”
“Mister… I-I ain’t an O’Driscoll.”
“Really?” You mockingly tilt your head. “Because I distinctly remember looking through a pair of binoculars and seeing someone that looked a hell of a lot like you down in that little camp.”
“I-It ain’t like that!” He whines. “I… forget it…”
You sigh as he slumps in his bindings and sobs quietly. “Just keep quiet, I don’t wanna deal with you more than I have to.”
He sniffles, stifling the next sob as he nods.
You shake your head to yourself and go around to the horses, giving treats where you can. The Count seems colder than the others but he’d never let you put a blanket on him, you’ll have to go tell Dutch about it so he can. You give Brown Jack an extra treat because he looks uncomfortable all crammed into the stables. He’s always appreciative of treats anyway, even if Bill spoils him with them most days.
Only by the time you’ve seen every horse does the O’Driscoll speak up. “Can I ask ya somethin’, Mister?”
You let your hand drag down Maggie’s flank as you walk away from her to stand by the prisoner. “What?”
He wavers in his stature, the pole he’s tied to likely not making it easy to stand upright. “Could ya tell me about ‘em… the horses?”
You give him an odd look. “You wanna know about the horses?”
“I-I told ya, I like horses…”
“What is it you wanna know?”
He looks over his shoulder at a few of the large steeds. “Just, I don’t know, their names n’ such.”
“You don’t wanna ask for food or something?”
“I know ya ain’t gonna give me any… but ya seem ta like the horses.”
For a moment you consider if he could use the information against the gang somehow, if Dutch would be mad if the O’Driscoll suddenly knew things about the horses, or if he’s trying to weasel his way into something. But you determine all of those to be untrue enough to cave. “Fine.”
He cracks a smile, a broken one but still a smile.
You walk over to the generally threatening black stallion first. “This is Baylock.”
Then you walk to each horse in turn, introducing them. The Count, Silver Dollar, Brown Jack, Nell II, Old Belle, poor Ennis and the Callander boys’ horses without their owners. All except for Taima and Boaz who are out doing work or settled outside. Then you stop at your horse and say their name with a pat to their nose.
“R-Real pretty…” The O’Driscoll mumbles to himself.
Now Kieran has never called a man pretty before. He never thought he would. But after watching you treat each and every horse with such a fondness before even getting to your own, he can’t quite make his brain think of the right word to describe you. So when you stop right in the light of sunbeams and your face is illuminated just right as you smile at the horse in front of you, pretty is the only word that comes to mind.
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exist4me · 1 year
Night Out
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cw: fluff, suggestive dancing, cute Aaron.
word count: 954
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The BAU family finally got a weekend off, especially after such a difficult case. The gang wanted to let go for the night. They were all trying to convince Hotch to go out for one night and party with them.
“Come on, Hotch it's just tonight.” Derek persuaded.
“We might not get this time off for a long time. Let’s enjoy it together.” Emily backed Derek up. The group all agreed in their own ways.
“Even the boy genius believes some fun is good for your health. You don’t have to stay long just have two drinks and leave if you want unless you’re enjoying yourself.” Rossi reasoned with him.
“I don’t know guys, I'll think about it,” Aaron said. 
“Well….. if you decide to come we'll be at the club, Watering Hole at 10,” Penelope said. Hotch nodded, saying goodbye to his teammates. The decision to go to the club was on his mind the entire journey home. Bright lights and loud noise isn’t what he would call relaxation but by the time he reached home, he decided that a few hours wouldn’t hurt. 
The group met up at the Watering Hole after a few hours. They all cheered and celebrated after seeing Hotch walk in. He smiled walking up to their seating area.
“You made it!” Penelope yelled over the upbeat music.
“Yea but I'm here only for 2 hours, so let’s have some fun,” Hotch said, chuckling at the group's drunken cheers.
You and your best friend were sitting and partying across the room when you made brief eye contact with a handsome middle age man. Your first thought was he has such a serious face but one of his friends, a bald black man, said something to him. You noticed his smile, it was so beautiful. You were fixated on him. The crinkle of his sparkly and lively eyes as the corners of his mouth turned upwards baring his white teeth. He has dimples. You smiled looking at him, his own smile contagious and beautiful. You saw him get up and head towards the bar.
“I’ll be right back,” you said to your friend. You rose from your seat, fixing your short dress to show more cleavage. Taking your small mirror out of your purse you ensured that your makeup, edges, and hair were perfect before leaving to approach the man.
Approaching this mystery man at the bar you noticed how tall he is with a lean build.
“Hi,” you said, sparking a conversation. He turns to face you looking down slightly.
“Hello,” he said in a deep vibrating voice.
“I'm guessing this isn’t your usual scene.”
He chuckled,” no, it's not actually. I’m here with friends.” 
“Same here. I’m y/n. What should I call you handsome.” you smiled
“Aaron,” he replied, putting his hand out. You shake it. His hand felt strong, firm, and rough. You started fantasizing about his hands all over your body. You guys made small talk until you heard the club play one of your favorite songs. It’s a slow tempo with a sensual feel. 
“This is my favorite song! Do you wanna dance with me?” you asked excitedly.
“Uh… I have to carry these drinks to my friends, I'm sure I'm taking too long.” you follow his eyesight to see his group of friends looking at us. They quickly turn away. You giggled.
“I'll be back quickly.” Aaron rushed across the room to his friends. You bought a shot and threw it back instantly waiting for his return.
“We see you, lover boy.” Derek teased. Aaron dropped the drinks onto the table rolling his eyes. 
“Go get ‘em Hotch.” Rossi urged. They yelled words of encouragement as he walked back to you.
“You're back.” you smiled
“Of course I am,” he said confidently.
You slowly take his hand leading him to the dark side of the club. You can feel Aaron's heated eyes on your body. Is he looking at my ass?
Your back is facing him as you press your ass as close as humanly possible to Arron’s front. You can hear him breathe in sharply. You took his hands and placed them around your waist. Peeking behind you, Aaron is looking down at you nervously, you smile reassuringly at him. 
You intertwine your hands with him at your waist, slowly grinding on him, moving your waist to the rhythm of the slow, breathy music. You can feel his warm breath on your neck as you sway. Aaron is stiffly dancing along with you, giggling to yourself. You plan to quickly loosen him up and entrance him.
You bend your knees, leaning forward to display your ass more to him, gyrating slowly and sultry. You can feel a firm tent pressing on your ass. He stiffen, and unfortunately, your plan backfired. Straightening up, you look back at him to see his face red and stunned.  
You asked him what was wrong.
He looks flustered," Isn't this dance a bit suggestive for the public."
You laughed at how cute he sounded.
"It's the club. This is how you dance. It's captivating and sexy." You smiled mischievously at him. "if it's too much for you we can take it slow."
He smiled, nodding at you. "I'm a gentleman. Maybe next time let me buy you dinner before you dance on me like that." He laughed.
"Definitely." you grinned, your face mirroring his.
The song changes into a more upbeat melody. You and Aaron continued to dance together for the rest of the night. You left the club that night with your friend but not without Aaron's number and a date next week. He was happy he made the decision to go out with the team tonight.
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slasherscrybaby · 2 years
ladies and bros, and nonbinary pals I would Like to introduce you to my OC ✨Verosika Adams✨
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Hello since I seen everyone doing this I wanted to join since @rottent33th @kalid-raven encourage me to join the group and make my own OC (Original character of you don’t know what OC was we all learning how fun☺️)
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Name: Verosika Adams
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 18
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Relationship Status: serious relationship with Stu Macher (After Tatum is sent to the shadow realm) now no one can interfere with his love for her 😚.
A Little About Her: Verosika is a big time music lover (Her playlist is a mess ngl). You can always hear her singing or humming if not she is dancing her heart out. Stu and Verosika would make playlists for each-other. Stu maybe (does) has a bunch of pictures of Verosika doing her everyday thing. Also if your lucky to be allowed inside her house you can find her rock collection she finds walking around. Poor baby does anti depression medications.
Physical Description: Verosika is light-skinned with curly black hair that’s bra strap length (BSL).
Her eyes are dark brown eyes (mhmmm dark chocolate😩)
Verosika is 5’9 (Tall gang) with a hour glass curvaceous figure
Personality Characteristics: humorous (head up when you’re around her bring a box of tissues because your going to be crying laughing tears),Quiet,creative loyal (Verosika is LOYAL as hell whatever you tell her will stay between you and her unless your talking about unaliving yourself then Verosika is snitching)
Style: Depending on her mood you’ll mostly see her wearing jeans and a sweater or flannel
How I imagine how Stu and Verosika got together and how they met
So I imagine Stu and Billy learning about Verosika through Tatum and Sidney since she was friends with them. Billy being him probably told stu “Ight she gotta go” maybe not like that but you get it and Stu just like “Lol okay”. Meeting Verosika Billy will be his using bad boy persona and Stu is well himself and boy oh boy they don’t know what they getting themselves into. Okay so they stalk Verosika and try to kill her just to get their ass whooped disrespectfully. I feel like Casey in the after life just cheering her on like “BEAT THEIR ASS BRO”. Anyway they took a big L and Stu feel in love and after kissing the floor and after that he probably call dibs and argue with Billy that he wants you and Billy probably be like “Whoever you fall for” and Stu probably be like “I'm just the best friend in Hollywood movies
Who only exist to continue the story”. Both Billy and Stu would be flabbergasted when you say that you like Stu Billy probably keep a eye on your to see you don’t hurt his dumb friend and he likely be kinda hurt like you sure you want him he’s a idiot and Stu would agree she would just laugh and be like “Do you wanna date or I could just leave” and Stu would literally be smiling like a idiot saying yeah while his heart it threatening to pop out his chest.
What Verosika out looks like
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chidoroki · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers S3EP4
aka: comrade swap
Ah, so scoping out the traitors and punishing them is the special role Chifuyu was talking about with Mucho and fifth division.
Did the OP get some minor changes or am losing my mind? …Oh, nope! It definitely did! That shot of Tenjiku is new! Even that fade to black when Emma smiles.. oh no.
They show Koko and Inui joining different sides yet remove Koko, Mucho and Sanzu from that other group shot of Tenjiku for some reason even though they were shown there previously.
Damn, Emma really do be looking like her mom.
I was wondering if Izana went to a foster home from the letters last ep.. only reason I doubt it was because of that one bit in the ED where it looks like he’s in a cell of some sort. Unless he was just lying to young Emma about going to a foster home to make her feel better.. I dunno. It's probably a lie.
Shit, you had history with Izana too, Inui?
OH!! DUH, the damn white jacket he had from that one flashback last season! That was a Black Dragon uniform and I vaguely remember him asking Koko what happened to the gang once he was released from juvie.. now it’s all coming back to me.
Oohh boy, I kinda love Izana with that long hair style he’s got going on in that quick flashback a bit better though.
“I’m one of the founding members of Tenjiku.” And I honestly would’ve been so very surprised about that had the OP not spoiled it so heavily.
“Now that I think about it, he was the only captain who wasn’t a victim of Tenjiku’s surprise attack.” Okay, well, I’m slow in realizing that.. completely true.
Mucho’s loyal, I’ll give him that much.
It ain’t far how pretty Koko looks even when all beat up.
Damn, so Koko joins Tenjiku to spare Inui and Takemichi’s lives? All because Izana wants to use his spectacular ability of making money?
“Us members of S-62 Generation are now 18. We’re not going to mess around with kiddie stuff like biker gangs.” A whole lot of them look way older than 18, just saying.
Nice speech from Takemichi for standing up for Koko but I gotta feeling it all that courage ain’t gonna help.
Oh? Inui remembered Shinichiro? He knew him?
Hey if Takemichi can survive a brawl with Taiju, then he can last a couple hits from Mucho.. hopefully.
Pfft nevermind, dude literally woke up in the trash.
Aw, Inui actually tried helping our boy though. No wonder Koko gives in. He really didn’t wanna see those two get beat up. At least him being forced to join is better than him willingly offering his help to Tenjiku.
Now, I dunno too much about later arcs, but I'm a little certain that Koko stays on opposite sides of Inui, so now I'm wondering if that was done by choice or if the poor guy is always stuck making hard decisions against his will.
Inui’s little chuckle is precious.
“Please become the 11th leader of Black Dragon! Hanagki, save Koko. Please, save us.” Oohh wow, Inui’s even bowing to him and shedding tears. This poor boy needs a hug!
Oh, the hideout used to be Shinichiro’s bike shop.. that pieces some things together.
“Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Friends to laugh at dumb stuff you’d done together, even as adults.. I admired that king of gang.” This is becoming so wholesome.
“I’ll be captain of Tokyo Manji Gang’s first division and the 11th leader of Black Dragon.” Both?? At once?
Man.. here I was, all excited to finally see more of Sanzu and the dude just stood by the whole ep. Another time I suppose.
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Chapter Seven: With Him and With You
For Mature Audiences
CW: None needed. Probably because Aizen doesn’t show up here. Very very mild gaslighting/manipulation from Shinji. He’s an ass.
“What’s the big idea getting my family involved!?” A particularly miffed Chisei said, grabbing at the man’s tie to bring his scrawny self down to her level. “First you hit on my sisters, not knowing they were 15, then you turn around and hit on me… And now you’re talking to my brother in school!? What’s your deal!?”
The feisty woman had just finished knocking some sense into some delinquents, many of which were trying to gang up on her younger brother. He was finishing up school, and he had a tough guy streak… Luckily for him, his smaller, older sister has an even bigger protective streak. Something this one blonde guy was really striking right now… Meanwhile he was blinking and wondering to himself how he found a woman of the same aggression levels of the shrimp… Questioning just how much he wanted to pursue things with this woman.
”Well you didn’t want to answer any of my questions, so I figured I’d ask your brother. I think his name’s Kibo?” The man hummed, his expression deadpan glancing over to the boys scrabbling away, “What’s the problem anyway? He approached me askin’ about the other night, ‘cause your sisters were bugging you about it. If you’re talkin’ about me, Doll, maybe you shouldn’t blab to your family…”
”Would you shut your mouth, Shinji, I-“ Chisei threw up her hands and released his tie, instead grabbing his arm. “Come on. You wanna talk, let’s talk.” She started practically dragging him, though it looked more like a child pulling along a babysitter. Once in a quieter spot, the woman let go and crossed her arms.
”If you wanted somewhere more private, all y’had to do was ask…” Shinji rubbed his neck, soon fiddling with his tie as if trying to get any creases out of it. “I don’t know why you’re so quiet about being a Quincy anyway, what’s the point? Not like anyone will know what that is. ‘Cept for people who can see Hollows.”
”Because that includes my family and that’s what I’ve tried telling you already?” The brunette huffed. “And my family has nothing to do with you following me around! Why do I keep running into you everywhere I go!?”
”You know, they say when you think more about someone you can pick them out of a crowd more easily. This town isn’t that big. So why are you thinkin’ about me so much, Doll?” Shinji smiled at her clenching her fists to hold back from doing something. For someone who was so eloquent when they first met, she had a tendency to sputter and short-circuit whenever challenged with creative wording.
”Because, you infuriating stick, I have another Shinigami bastard coming to separate my family again and here I am having to explain to my siblings that I’m not dating this random high schooler! You don’t even seem to care about how that could affect my job and my family’s income, but it’s all fine to you if you don’t have any consequences!” Chisei spoke in a very animated way, she was still steaming mad while she tried to point out the ways his actions could ruin not only her life, but that of her family’s. “My family can’t survive without my income, what about that don’t you understand??” Out of the corner of her eye, two black-haired heads started to approach her from behind.
”You think I’m with those guys? That’s cute, Doll. Though the high school does provide some good cover. And if people think we’re dating, that means we have another planned in the future… Unless you don’t count that club event. Aaaaand you’re not listening anymore are you-? What’re you doin’?” Shinji watched her curiously, in a quick move that looked like she only rolled up her sleeves a cell phone appeared in her hand. She held it up to her ear, and right on time two young girls came out.
”Sis, we were looking for you!” One of them called, waving to her. Chisei turned to them and smiled, showing she had a phone in her hand.
“Don’t say a damn word.” She said under her breath, glaring over her shoulder. ”I gotta call you back, family matter- Yup, sounds good. Bye.” It was down to a science as Chisei flipped the phone closed and stuffed it into her pocket, waving to her younger sisters. Twin girls in Ichigo’s grade, appearance wise, they were pretty similar but their personalities drastically differed. As they approached, not once did they look in Shinji’s direction. “Heyyy! You guys and Kibo okay?”
”He went to the library after school. Guess whateveryou told him finally got through.” The same girl said.
”Either that or he realized he’s not a kid anymore.” The other mentioned, checking her nails. “Speaking of kid, whatever happened to that Paperboy guy? Kibo said something to him but there’s no way that guy’s our age right?”
”Apparently he’s in the same class as Ichigo, right? He can’t be younger than Kibo, there’s no way…”
At that point it clicked, Shinji’s eyes widened at the realization. He didn’t use his gigai that day. The girls couldn’t see him. Guess the little Quincy woman he had been pestering was telling the trtth.
”Ugh, that guy…” Chisei put a hand to her head, shaking it. “I don’t know his age and I’m not taking the chance. If he’s not an adult, that’s that. Never mind everything else… Oh, and Heiwa-“ She pointed her finger at the second twin, making the girl look up. “Don’t go looking for him. I don’t care to find out, and he’s trouble.”
”Aw man…” Heiwa groaned. “If he was old enough though, he’d be the first guy closer to your age than the other guys who hit on you…”
”She’s right… At least it wasn’t some fat businessman type who’s older than dad.” The other mused. “The last guy tried to pull you in for some modeling, right?”
“Tsuito!” The brunette groaned, though she wasn’t looking she could almost feel that cocky smug grin behind her head. “Listen, I got called in to fix something at work… Those idiots bugging Kibo went crying home, it should be all clear. Can you take care of dinner tonight for mom and dad?”
”I’ll let Kibo know it’s safe whenever he’s done studying.” Tsuito took out her own phone and started to text him. “Any idea when you’ll be home?”
”No clue, but if I’m late for dinner then don’t worry. I can always grab something to eat later.” Chisei gave them a wave, she started to walk away from the two while they went about their business.
Shinji, frozen for a moment, then hurried after her. “Look at that. You really weren’t kidding…” He said. “Seems like they weren’t kidding about your dating luck either… Old fat businessmen? Sheesh.”
”That’s what you got from that conversation!?” Chisei hissed, maintaining the volume of her voice to not draw attention. She looked at him incredulously, before shaking her head and sighing. “…Yes. To both. I’m in my prime, my dating life sucks, and I’m a Quincy who was adopted by a bunch of humans. Happy?” The woman started to walk down the street.
“It certainly explains your reactions. Not so much the Shinigami bit…” He commented, keeping in stride with her. “I’m sure you can tell me more about that. And seeing as you mentioned not being home for dinner… Sounds to me like you’re free tonight.”
”… You jackass, how did you do that??” She rolled her eyes and sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Okay, fine… Fine. If you’re that pressed to know… You got an ID to get into bars?”
”Course I do. ‘Cept I left it in my other body, so… Spirits by the mall, 6pm?” Shinji suggested, hands in his pockets while he gave her a wink. “Wear somethin’ with orange. It’ll suit you.”
”Guess I’m going there early because I don’t own anything orange, and the mall might have something… Didn’t know you had color preferences for a first date.” She scoffed and pulled out her wallet, fingering through the bills she had to count them.
”Is that more of a third or fifth date thing for you?” He chuckled. “Trust me. You’ll enjoy it. And maybe you can treat yourself for once. I get the feeling you don’t do that too often…”
“Hopefully that bar isn’t too loud.” She noted, then turned to him. “Okay…I’ll see you at six?”
”It’s a date.” The man grinned down to the woman, next thing she knew he had shunpo’d away and left her to her own devices…
By the time 6 pm had arrived, the blonde man had settled himself into a booth with a bit of scotch in his glass. He figured being early would help him find a more secluded spot. As much as he would’ve enjoyed having the open bar, or on the other end of the spectrum, a corner booth so he could slide next to her, they’d have to settle for something more standard. He had a feeling this wouldn’t be a normal date anyway.
He swirled the contents of the glass, glancing up at the door when he heard the bell ring. From there he had to do a double take, staring in awe. “I’ll be damned, you did it…” Shinji hummed. In walked Chisei, dressed in a tasteful orange dress with a brown belt across the waist. A very wide neck followed by long sleeves, and just above knee length. She wore small brown heels, not giving her too much height, but just enough that he knew he’d have to watch her leave. The brunette scanned the bar, though as soon as she saw that telltale haircut she started her approach. Thanking a member of staff who offered to help, but she found who she needed. Chisei gave Shinji a small wave and smile, not wanting to draw too much attention.
”By the gods, woman, who knew you could clean up this good?” He leaned over to eye her legs while she slid into her side of the booth. “Looks like I was right though… Orange suits you.”
”It’s really not that much…” Chisei tucked some hair behind her ear, setting her bag beside her before clearing her throat. “…You look good.”
”Way to sound enthused, I’ll be sure to return the favor.” He took a sip of the scotch, sliding her the drink menu. “Hey, on the bright side… We have some alone time. Now the question is… How much dating experience do you have?”
”Huh-?” She balked before that scowl returned, sighing. “Admittedly… Not much. Don’t find the free time. Not between the family and helping out with hollows…”
”So you do help. That was one of my questions.” Shinji eyed the menu in front of her then pointed out one of the names. “This seems like something you’d like.”
”That would be, but I’m feeling wine tonight.” Chisei thought, checking the wine list. “I’ll try the plum wine, sounds interesting.” The woman looked ready to flag down one of the staff but Shinji beat her to it, leaving her surprised.
”Can I help you, sir?”
”Can we get a glass of the plum wine for the lady?” He asked, to which the waiter nodded and quickly walked back towards the bar. The ‘lady’ gave him a confused look, raising a brow.
”Okay, so… Are you paying for all this?” She questioned, “I can pay for myself…”
”You could, but I’m pretty sure I asked you out and you were just going on about your family’s money problems… In fact, you should take a night to live a little before you gotta go back to that life.” Shinji said, glancing over when the waiter brought over her wine glass. She nodded a quick thank you, taking a small sip of the drink before giving a pleased hum.
“Alright. So you’re not with the Shinigami, but clearly have the powers of one.” Chisei noted. “You’re also following Ichigo around like a lost puppy which… Different issue, he can figure that out. Then we meet and you start following me around because… I’m a Quincy and you’re more interested because I’m not one of the Quincies you know… Am I missing anything?”
”That sums it up. The Ishidas I’m aware of but there’s never been a Kudake… And you’ve been here your whole life.” He tapped his finger on his glass. “Another interesting layer was added today because your sisters couldn’t see me earlier, so Kudake isn’t your birth name…”
”If you could find it, I’d love to know.” She commented, staring down into her wine. “I was adopted. The old paperwork didn’t list my birth parents’ names, the house was ransacked, there wasn’t anything to identify them.” Glancing back up, Chisei could only smile to try and lighten the mood. “I don’t know what life would’ve been like if I was raised by them… Guess it was a good thing they didn’t give me this until I was 18.” She held up her left wrist to present the cross.
”So… Adopted, oldest sibling. I’m thinking it’s safe to guess that you never received any formal training either… Your fighting style is like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” He thought about it, setting the glass down. “Guess I only have one more question about this…”
”How did you manage to piss off some Soul Reaper and live to tell me about it?”
“My Lady??” Knock, knock, knock. “Lady Chisei, your breakfast is here!”
The woman blinked and looked around the room, remembering the monochrome that surrounded her… Remembering what she had done the night before. Chisei sat up, only to gasp and flinch at the sudden twinge of pain. Prickles of pain along her neck and chest, and a tender soreness made her core ache… That was right. Last night. She looked over to his side of the bed, covering herself with the sheet. He wasn’t beside her. Though he couldn’t have woken her up to say goodbye? “…Must’ve had something to do this morning…” She mumbled aloud, another series of knocks made her turn to the door. “Yes, I’m coming! Thank you!”
The woman slowly eased herself out of the bed, wincing. He did promise to make it difficult to walk, and he was true to his word. She staggered her way over to her closet to get dressed, opening the door to a pleasant surprise. A soft bathrobe. He must have requested it for this occasion, something comfortable to wear during this ‘down day’… It didn’t cover all the bite marks, but it was better than getting fully dressed.
”Okay… Day off. Unwind. No distractions…” Chisei said to herself, tying the robe gently before she paused. What on earth was she dreaming about before that servant came by? Something pleasant from the past, or… As pleasant as it could be with him involved.
Why was she thinking so much of Shinji after her night with Aizen? Wasn’t she happy with who she chose?
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lovemeian · 3 years
seijoh 5 inky thoughts—
not me headcanoning crap just because i have so many thoughts on men with tattoos, like. yes, sir. you’re right. you’re absolutely valid and right.
iwa calls you ‘doll’ + issei calls you ‘pretty girl/boy’ + tani’s an absolute sweetheart <3
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tattoo artist!oikawa— an absolute flirt. biggest revenue of their shop is his instagram and wild thirst trap posts of his artists & piercers. has on sense of personal space or ‘privacy’ when it comes to them; they’re flexed arms + serious expression is free real estate. always booked to the brim months in advance, likes doing colourful works; dainty but intricate pieces are his speciality. talks you through the pain, very chatty, very flirty. it’s kinda hard not be attracted to him while your in his chair because he’s charisma is just wild. king of terms of endearments and praises— “breathe through your nose, pretty baby, you’re doing so well for me.” and like, he smells sweet and soft? like fresh laundry? and sandalwood and lavenver? and he’s so close that if you don’t end up simping for the man, i applaud your self control. & if you both vibe well and are comfortable with each other, mans might actually kiss your hand and end it with a wink.
tattoo artist & piercer!iwaizumi— mate, if your mouth doesn’t water the minute you come for your appointment idek what’s up. i just. see this black muscle shirt, sweatpants, and his face curled in concentration when he’s bent over you like sir, how rude for my poor heart. his arms flexing to control the machine, and he’s so close, he smells like fresh shower and musky body spray that mingles with sweat soon because its hours later, and he flexes and smiles at you, half apologetic about his state. but! also kind of baby powder??? if that makes sense??? and despite his very gruff stature, his voice is very calm and low like, if you’re scared and it’s your first time getting tattoo or pierced— “it’s okay, look at me. just look at me. you’ll be okay.” won’t call you pet names unless like, it’s sessions later and he’s gotten closer to you that he greets you with a smirk and a, “so what’s it this time, doll?” WOOF. his work is prided more on the critical details. takes lesser bookings because he does a lot of big or intricate pieces. incredibly patient and bonds well with his clients that if you’re down to be friends, the best (sexiest) friend to have.
piercer!makki— likes getting tattoos than giving them, but he’s an absolute joy to have as a piercer. will test your mood and make jokes to ease into the scariness of it all. breezy flirter, it’s just how he is. very casual with it, that even uses the most obnoxious petnames like ‘aye, honey bun, what’s up?’ ANNOYING but adorable. if he’s concentrating, then you’ll see his pierced tongue and if he catches you looking, man is winking, going, “like what you see, huh? can’t blame ‘ya.” annoying, but super cute— that’s his entire brand deal. will take so, so much care in telling you how to deal with aftercare so you don’t get it infected. likes recurring customers and is just so at eased that you just. . . relax right back. unconsciously draws circles on your skin while he hums while he works. he smells like coffee. just. fresh brew. and some fruity, minty candy that he’ll probably offer you if you’re too panicked. distracts you when the piercing’s about to go, like, will do one-liners like an idiot to keep you distracted.
tattoo artist!issei— ah. the sexiest tattoo artist you’ll probably meet. ngl, very intimidating even before you’re booking lol, his slots are at the oddest fucking hours that people wonder if his ass is an actual vampire from oikawa’s rude photos— sexy tol man in black clothes and so many silver accessories and smirks? to having a slot at 12am?? are you okay sir?? but his office is nice, superiorly wipe-cleaned from top to bottom, some moody rock song or croony jazz one, playing in the background. his odd hours are usually easier for him, because he’s a night owl. despite it, theres a long list of clients wanting to booked, always need to be months in advanced because he takes the fewest slots. he does more intricate, thick pieces. from pattern tattoos to really big ones. every single tattoo is worked on damn near for hours because he likes jotting as littlest of the details as possible. issei smells like body spray, gum, and kind of the really fresh humidifier smell shshsh, and lightly of smoke and leather. he can do long stretches of silence, sometimes humming along to the music, but will chat with you if ya wanna. he’s just more. lowkey. will call you ‘pretty girl/boy’. if a session gets really late, he’ll probably walk you to the station/bus stop? if you’re ok with it.
piercer!kyotani— poor bby, he looks intimidating, but he’s so soft and patient. it doesn’t help that some people piss him off— makki or oikawa — so you may sometimes hear him shouting, half growling when he slaps on latex gloves. and he looks so serious, listening to how/where you want your piercing, and the minute he speaks— answering any questions or the like, his voice is low and calm, and you can see how patient and knowledgeable about it he is. he would make you choose the songs to play, not back-biting on how much it might hurt, and to tell him immediately if anything feels wrong/too painful. his aftercare notes after are bulleted pointed, and telling you his number/social media is always free in case you have more questions or how the healing is doing. he’s the most concerned about his clients, asking for updates, and feeling satisfied from another satisfied customer. he’s actually such a sweetheart, best piercer this block of the gang.
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made by lavi <3
taglist: @asaitashi​, @jadasz​, @encrytpta​, @kenmaslov3r​, @wuyaiscrow​, @sakusasimpbot​, @omiikeii​, @jesssobs​, @uhhkims​, @iworshipyelena​, @fiona782​,
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Small Actions (Create Big Ripples) CC!Plat!Ranboo x GN!Reader
I've been thinking lately about this little drabble and it makes me a bit upset? Like.. I'm in this position high key but theres nothing I can do about it...
(R/R/n) stands for Ranboo's real name. Also if you're really tall.... No you're not. Shhhh. For plot purposes
You stayed away from social media as much as possible. Now, don't get me wrong, you used to love watching Youtubers play their games and happily interact with their fans.. But growing up, you never seemed to have enough money to donate when they streamed, or go to events where they were.
You had always wanted to tell them how much they've helped you through life, or shaped your personality.. Or saved you. But... They get told that every day by over hundreds of people.. So there would be no real sentiment behind it..
You'd probably just get a simple, "Aw. Happy I could help." Before turning back to their game without blinking twice.
So, you just watched silently. It hurt, you know? Wanting to thank them, or send them something to show your appreciation.. But you never seemed to be able to send it, with the thought that 'it won't really matter to them after five minutes.. You'll just be brushed over. It's pointless.'
Eventually it hurt too much to keep watching the content creators that raised you, so you just stopped and went on with your life.
It was hard, but at least you didn't have to deal with the fact that you would never be able to thank the people you watched for making your life that much better.
As time went on, while you still heard about the creators, it was just... less. Now people were non stop blabbering about these people from something called the DreamSMP?
Your sister was obsessed with it to say the least, and you always heard her mumbling about strange people like Technoblade? Or Sapnap? And apparently some people had children with inanimate objects?! Like a Samsung Fridge and a salmon?! Yeah you didn't even bother trying to understand what she was rambling about most of the times. It just spun your head in circles.
"Okay, I gotta take my mutt to the vet," Your sister and closest friend, (S/n), tilted her head towards the backseat to her dog as you sat in the passenger seat. "You think you'll be good to do the shopping for two or so hours? I'll call when I'm finished, and plus I know how you can get distracted with looking at some things."
"Yeah, I think I'll be good." You nodded slightly, going over the list in your hand of things to get for your classes, food and just some clothing for the changing seasons.
(S/n) pulled into the parking lot and looked you over briefly, "You forgot your mask didn't you?" She watched as your hands flew up to your face to feel for the fabric, but you didn't find it so you fished through the pockets of your sweater before smiling nervously at the driver. "Uuugggggggghhhh. Of course. Okay, I got a new one from the merch store that you can use, but do not damage it! I spent a whole $30 on it!"
Scoffing as you rolled your eyes, you snagged the half white and half black mask away from her, "You and your merch. Honestly, (S/n), your obsession scares me. But anyway, thanks. I won't get it damaged, I swear." You pulled the mask onto your face after giving her a smile and walked into the store as she drove off.
Sighing slightly, you walked in, sanitized your hands, and set off on your journey to find the things you needed. Surprisingly, today seemed to be a good day as you miraculously pulled the card that didn't have the busted wheel!
Humming a soft tune to yourself, you paced up and down aisles in search of (S/n)'s favourite coffee. Pausing for a moment as you scanned the shelves, you finally spotted it and made a noise of anger as you realized it was on the very top shelf. "Oh, I hate it here..." You mumbled, a phrase you had picked up from your sister who was really big on trends like that.
Grumbling to yourself, you stood on the tips of your toes, jumped up and down, even climbed the shelves a small bit, but it just seemed to brush by your fingertips every time. Apparently it had been long enough to the point where someone had wandered into the aisle as well.
"Hey... Uh.. Nice mask? You need help?" A male voice asked very hesitantly making your head turn towards him. He was t a l l and literally could tower over you if you got close enough. He had fluffy dirty blonde hair possibly? It looked a little damp so you couldn't really tell. Rain had been in the weather report, but guess it couldn't hold off long enough. Oddly enough, he was wearing dark sunglasses and the exact same mask as you?
'Maybe he's a fan of one of (S/n)'s fandoms?' You stepped back with a sheepish smile and a blush. "Oh! Yes please! Uhm.. Also, could you tell me about what these masks represent? This is my sister's... And I kinda want to make sure I'm not looking like I'm part of some gang or something."
The tall boy reached up for the coffee before pausing midway through and looking at you in surprise. "You don't know who... Oh, it's just from a Twitch Streamer.." He murmured rather softly as he got the coffee down for you.
With a cheerful "Thank you!" You placed the container in the cart. "Oh? Yeah that makes sense. My sister loves that kind of stuff. Are they... A good person?"
"I-I'd like to think so." He nodded quickly. "Are you not.. Like, a fan of content creators? Like.. Uh.. Dream or (P/F/C)?" (Past favourite creator)
"Well... I mean I used to really like (p/f/c) when I was younger. But it kind of... Saddened me, you know?"
He looked at you again and tilted his head a bit, "Saddened you? Did they do something bad?"
"No no! It's just... I try to avoid joining fandoms, even if they make me really happy while in them despite the toxicity. I really enjoy the people who create content, and I like watching them have fun... It's just.." Were you really gonna spill some personal stuff to some stranger who showed you the slightest bit of kindness? Not originally. But he kept watching you, patiently waiting for you to continue the sentence. "They'll... Never know.. How much they saved me."
"Oh.. I see. Yeah.. I've had that happen a lot. When, I watch this guy's streams," He pulled at his mask for a moment, "People always donate money and tell him how much they appreciate him for getting them through rocky times.. It's heartwarming to say the least but he does sound genuinely thankful."
"Oh that's sweet.. What does he do? Or what's he like?" You asked with a smile, although he couldn't see it, as you crouched down to get something from the sheleves. "Unless you have places to be of course!"
He looked a little surprised at first, "Ah... I got time. It's just.. Kinda nice being able to talk to people again after quarantine..." He trailed off briefly before taking something off the shelf as well and putting it in his basket, "Uh.. The streamer is a popular minecraft player. He recently hit a record during a stream and everyone lost their minds. He's a little painfully awkward at some points but he enjoys playing the games and interacting with his chat."
"Oh he sounds nice! I would definitely want to friends with someone like him!" You chuckled softly before frowning and glancing away. "Oh.. Popular.. So I'd be another comment in the flood of a chat.. Damn. I got a little excited. Oh! My bad, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you!" You laughed softly in an attempt to brush off the sad atmosphere you made.
"(R/r/n). But everyone just calls me Ranboo. Nice to meet you too." He sounded as if he was smiling but there was a soft sadness in his tone. "Do you not like popular streamers then?"
"No, it's just... that I had always wanted to tell them how much they've helped me through life, or shaped my personality.. Or saved me.. But... They get told that every day by over hundreds of people.. So there would be no real sentiment behind it.. I suppose it just left me feeling a bit hopeless and like a broken record of every other fan of theirs. So, I just watched silently. It hurt, you know? Wanting to thank them, or send them something to show appreciation.. But I never seemed to be able to send it, with the thought that 'it won't really matter to them after five minutes.. You'll just be brushed over. It's pointless.'.."
Ranboo seemed slightly more upset and he shifted his basket into his other hand, "I don't think it's like that at all.. I believe that streamers and creators truly cherish anyone who even interacts with their videos, and even though they know there's some people in the world who can't say anything or buy their merchandise, the creators still know that they're there. They appreciate everyone who comes along their path, whether they support them by giving them money, criticism or their attention!"
You blinked at how... Passionate your new friend was about this topic before smiling softly. "I guess... It never passed my mind.. Thank you Ranboo.. Hey, you wanna be friends and get to know each other more?"
His expression was unreadable due to the fabric covering his mouth and nose, and the glasses covering his eyes. "Oh! Sure!" He sounded quite happy, so you were guessing that you weren't being too awkward. "Here's my number, as long as you promise to never give it to anyone. Even if someone wants to get to know me, okay?"
You took out your phone and looked at him with a strange expression, but quickly nodded. 'Maybe he is just really strict about his privacy.' Once he gave you the number, you sent a quick text to him to give him your contact in return. "Great! It was wonderful meeting you, I hope we can hang out more often! After.. covid of course."
Eagerly nodding, Ranboo finished writing your contact into his phone and slipped it back into his pocket. "Oh yeah definitely! I'll see you soon, (Y/n)!"
Parting your separate ways, you looked down at the newly added contact, 🤍Ranboo🖤 (Platonic hearts), with a smile.
Maybe small actions weren't as useless as you thought...
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vanillann · 3 years
busted lip kisses (steve rogers x reader)
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a/n: i love steve rogers with my whole heart, it’s so sad!! also this is kinda a college au! because i’ve been obsessed with them lately
word count: 1.5k
warning: mention of fighting, blood, swearing, implied smut (nothing graphic), and TALK OF A GUY BEING A REAL CREEP
marvel masterlist entire masterlist
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I knew Steve Rogers never backed down from a fight, it was a simple known fact, but when I swung open my door accepting Wanda and found a bloody Steve I was definitely in a state of shock.
Rightfully so.
“What the hell!” I reached for his arm on the door frame, wrapping it lightly around my shoulder. Steve tried to get my name from his lips but instead came a small drop of blood.
“Holy shit!”
“L-languag-e,” his words were spaced out, the single word sounded like a whole paragraph falling from his lips, yet he still had the tiniest smirk on his lips.
I didn’t say anything about his comment, normally I would be making fun of his outburst as he would say “a sailor couldn’t curse as much as you” but I brushed it off and moved him deeper into the apartment.
Wanda and Shuri were supposed to be here by now, but after bar surfing, you knew better than you assume they would be home before three in the morning.
Steve stumbled deeper into the apartment, making it to one of the stools at the kitchen island. His head rested on the cold surface and I could tell by the way he hid his face from the light he had a headache.
I flipped the overhead light off, using the smile night light Wanda bought and the little lap on the counter for light.
“Did you fight a biker gang?”
I didn’t wait for an answer, running past him and my homework that definitely wouldn’t get done now, into the little bathroom. I heard him yell my name and him begging me to come back but my fingers were reading over the different bottles.
Once I found the last set of badges I closed the cabinet, shocked to find Steve leaning against the door frame with a little pout on his busted lip.
“I don’t need t-that,” he stuttered out, his body suddenly going limp in the doorway, sending him to the floor of the doorway.
“Shit Steve,” I moved to sit on the floor beside him, studying his face as she shook himself from the little trace.
“I drank too much.”
I rolled my eyes, readying to get him comfortable so I could get my phone and call either Bucky or Sam, praying they weren’t the ones who got him in this mess and then left him on the doorstep. While it didn’t sound like them I couldn’t help but question.
“How much did you drink?”
“Actually not a lot, just feels like it. After he smashed my head into the table I started feeling like this,” she spoke absentmindedly as if his words weren’t making me worry more.
My hands shaky grabbed the alcohol wipes, opening a pack and pulling out the whip.
“This might burn,” I didn’t get him time before I wiped the cut on his lip, which earned an overdramatized win and I knew he was either drunker than he says or he did hit his head hard, Steve Roger wasn’t a whiner.
“I’m sorry, you have a test tomorrow,” he was suddenly coming back, placing his hand on the floor as if he was going to leave but I placed my hand over his, stopping him immediately.
“You aren’t leaving.”
He didn’t question me, slowly sitting back to the floor of the bathroom as he watched me clean up the blood in his eyebrow and trying to avoid the black eye.
Shuri was the doctor in training, not me.
“Just tell me what happened?”
Steve stopped looking at me for the first time since he sat down, his eyes trained on the hinges of the bathroom door.
“Steve, please.”
I hated the way my voice was begging, but this was Steve we were talking about. Like I said earlier, Steve didn’t back down from a fight, but he never fought because he got bored.
There was always a reason, a real reason.
“You didn’t hear them,” he spoke under his breath, his voice far away like he wasn’t on the same campus as me.
I gently moved to sit shoulder to shoulder with him, placing his hand in my lap while I cleaned up his bloody knuckles. The bruises were already forming and I wonder how long ago he was beating someone up before he walked into my house and gave me puppy dog eyes.
“Rumlow,” I rolled my eyes at hearing his name. The jerk was a grade A ass who just happened to be captain of the football team.
What a cliche.
“What did Rumlow do this time? Did he say something about Bucky again?” I could only guess what stupid name he had given Bucky or Same this time, as he normally stuck to Bird Brains and Robobitch.
“It wasn’t them, he was talking about you.”
I dropped his hand in my lap, turning to study the side of his face with a frown. He still didn’t look at me but I saw the look in his eyes. He was reliving as we spoke.
“He was talking about having a class with Wanda-” he stopped, taking in a sharp breath and I watched him bawl a bit with my sweatpants in his hand, “talking about how he was going to partner with her to get closer to you.”
I knew that wasn’t it, Rumlow would have to get nastier than that for Steve to snap like this.
“What else Rogers?”
“Said he was going to sneak into your room and take your undergarments.”
I felt the vile build up in my throat, I suddenly felt small and the thought of him being on the same campus as me.
“So you punched him?”
“Not exactly, I smashed a glass over his head.”
I gasped, turning to look at the side of his face better. I was in shock for sure, he wasn’t one to do things like this. No matter what it was always a view, punches, and once he choked a dude for like a single second, but smashing glasses over someone's head?
“What the hell Steve?”
“I told you (Y/N), you didn’t hear ‘em,” I knew better than to ask who else saw, his eyes were already filled with rage just telling me around Rumlow.
The only thing he hated more than bullies were bystanders.
“I understand that Steve, but smashing a glass over his head!”
“Did you not hear what I just told you?” Steve finally looked at me and it took everything in me not to back away. He looked like he could slap someone in half at this point.
“I get that Steve, it’s fucking gross but I’m not some girl that you need to defend my honor! I’m your friend-” his hand slammed into the tile of the bathroom, his eye looking deep into my own.
“Don’t you see, I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your neck!”
Suddenly I was more scared of his words than him because I could have sworn he just said he wanted to kiss my neck.
“You must be concussed,” my words were barely above a whisper as I spoke.
“Trust me, I’m not.”
His harsh jaw was softer now, his lips frowning as he looked at me. That was the scary part, how he looked at me. You don’t expect someone to look at you like a siren until they are.
You don’t expect someone like Steve Rogers swinging at a stupid boy because he apparently wants to kiss your neck.
“I think-”
“Unless you're going to tell me to fuck off or fuck you I don’t wanna hear it.”
I slowly brought my finger up to my lips, trying to think over my words before I spoke. I couldn’t believe how forward he was and I don’t think he sounded either by the way his face fell.
“Shit, sorry (Y/N)-”
He looked back at me, his eye wide as I slowly had a little smirk growing on my lips. I felt myself shift around on the floor, smiling wickedly when he started to stutter over his words.
“You wanna kiss my neck?” I asked, my hand slowly moving up his arm.
“I mean, yeah, but without the busted lip and-”
“You wanna wait till your lip heals?” I titled my head, liking the way he watched my hand and my words were making him fall around like a fish outta water.
“What? No, I uhm-”
My finger finally reached the back of his neck, my body slowly moving closer to his own. Once my forehead was touching his he leaned in, his lips so light against mine it felt he was there. When I went to push slightly hard, still worried for his lip, I felt his hand grab my wrist.
I slightly pulled back, smiling at him with my eyes closed. I just kissed my best friend and liked it, a lot.
“I can’t wait for my lip to heal now.”
join the taglist!
permanent taglist:
@kittykylax​ @itstaylorcale​ @head-over-heart @marvel-rhapsody​ @accioxtina​ @always-spaced-out​ @carnations-red​ @onetoomanyfilms​ @suranne-doesstuff​
marvel taglist:
@lovinlikeloki​ @zizzlekwum​ @waywardwifey​ @welcometomyworldwithoutrules​
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do you have any head canon about how the reunion between Dazai getting out of prison and Atsushi would be like?
I did a post that kinda answer to this question and what I really want to happen🥺💕
I read like three fanfics based of the hc of how they'll reunite...and it really touched my heart😔❤
Also the latest bsd WAN! ep destroyed me so we deserve the fluff😭💕
Dazai POV
Once Dazai gets released or someone breaks him free.
The first thing that comes in his mind is: "Atsushi-kun"
Yup you heard me
Since Dazai was already helping a stressed Atsushi when he was in PRISON
I think he wants to see him in personal and face to face and makes sure that he is truly okay and safe
Ango suffered because Dazai's heart beat was just screaming "Atsushi-kun Atsushi-kun Atsushi-kun"
Once everything is at peace again or maybe a little bit chaos and ADA proved their innocence
Dazai is just strolling around the city, hands in his pockets, and taking several deep breaths "We did it once again...Odasaku"
Yes I am bringing back the angst
Because Dazai wants to believe that he is truly a good person🥺
He decided to go to a specific special place to his heart
What place would that be i wonder?🤔
When he was standing infront of the special place
He saw a familiar long black belt and a shiny silver hair running towards him
Atsushi POV
Most of the people agree on this
That Atsushi is an open book
That he never hides his true feelings and inner thoughts and opinions
Or rather he is BAD at hiding it
Little baby
We must protect him😔💕
I meant he literally LEPT at Kunikida to hug him
I love that scene with my whole SOUL
*Ahem* moving on
Obviously since Atsushi is seeing so many Dazai hallucination
He heard rumors about Dazai's release
And he wants to BELIEVE that its true not a lie
He really missed him and really can't wait to see him
Since he is the first person that he believed in Atsushi and protected him
Let's not forget that he literally cooked for him his fav food
Boyfriend instincts I guess🤷🏽‍♀️
Once he dealt with the mustache dude
Yeah I don't know his name oops
And HOPEFULLY Akutagawa is safe
Poor bby🥺💔
Any who
Atsushi started to help the gang too clean up the mess and stuff
Until Ranpo called him up
He told him to go to specific place and will found smth
But our oblivious sweet cinnamon roll Atsushi didn't know why but obeyed
So have any idea what place am talking about?😏
Dazatsu POV
Yup u guessed it
The famous river bank
That they the two fist met
With of course underneath the sunset sky
When Dazai arrived at the river
He chuckled to himself "am not drowning now... especially not now" "unless I want a specific beautiful weretiger to pull me out...again"
He still can't believe that its been months or maybe a year and a half(?) ago he met Atsushi
The boy that he saved from starve
The boy he will protect with whole his life
The boy that believed in Dazai and saved him numerous times
The boy who gave Dazai a reason to keep on living
And the boy who is Dazai's true happiness
Dazai smiled fondly at the last one
"Huh...I guess saving is way more beautiful than I thought it would be..."
This man truly needs a hug
From who you say?
Dazai glanced at the side and saw a familiar boy running towards him
"Ah...those beautiful sunset eyes that I truly missed and never get tired of" and smiled softly
Atsushi was running towards him like his life depends on it
Dazai was about to greet him with his usual cheerful greeting
But before he knew
He was tackled on the floor with bear hug from the one and only weretiger
Dazai blinked from the fast action
Atsushi buried his face onto Dazai's chest and hugging him tightly like he would disappear, body trembling heavily
Dazai chuckled one hand rubbing Atsushi's back and the other patting his head
Through Atsushi's heavy breathing and hard cries Dazai heard a small:
"...welcome back"
Dazai looked down and saw the beautiful teary sunset eyes looking straight at him with a soft and warm look
Dazai wiped his tears and said in a whisper:
"I'm back, Atsushi-kun"
When pulled away Atsushi was still looking at him with so much love
Dazai decided to tease him
"My, my Atsushi-kun i never knew you had a way to greet people how bold of you"
Atsushi flushed and ducked his head
"S-sorry about that, is just that..." looked back at him
Dazai's tilted his head in curiosity
"...I really missed you, Dazai-san"
Dazai eye widened from that, each tims he sees Atsushi training, eating, laughing, fighting, and most importantly believing in Dazai and trusts him
He thinks that this is all just a dream
And Atsushi was just an angel
That he thinks he doesn't deserve
'He really grew up alot, huh?'
He pats Atsushi's head and pulled into another hug that Atsushi flushed from but returned the hug burying his face onto Dazai's shoulder
"Thank you for waiting for me..Atsushi-kun",'and thank you Odasaku for giving me a reason to keep on living'
He tighten the hug which resulted Atsushi with questionable look
Dazai chuckled and let go but cupped Atsushi's cheek and looked with a soft and warm expression
"I'm fine wanna go and grab some lunched? Perhaps some chazuke?"
Atsushi's eyes sparked at that"CHAZUKE!"
They got up and Atsushi decided to hold his hand and intertwine their fingers blushing and smiling at Dazai and Dazai smiled back and off they went through the horizon
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IBVS Week, Day One: Kindness
well shit, here we go again folks!
i actually had this done a couple of days ago, since there's more time this year to prepare, so i decided to write my take on how isaac and chris would have met. obviously this would most likely be different in canon, but hey, that's what fanfiction is for, isn't it?
warning for mentions of homophobia? there isn't really any homophobic actions implied or mentioned here though, just felix and his gang of bitches, really.
ibvs belongs to @onebizarrekai
Isaac understood the concept of kindness, but at the same time? Not exactly.
He was a loner. Not a loner in the sense that he was a “bad boy”, putting on a mysterious, lone wolf type front to try and attract chicks or dudes or something like that. No, he was a loner in the sense that he was an outcast, ignored by most of his peers unless they wanted something, or if they were Edward.
Hell, they didn’t even call him by his real name, when they did talk to him. Isaac doubted that anyone knew his name, even. They usually called him Ink (thanks to Edward), but more often than not they’d just shout “nerd” or “kid” or whatever.
It bothered him, but at the same time, it really didn’t. He was pretty used to it by now, if he was being totally honest. But something inside of him longed for someone to show him a hint of compassion, or to just have a simple conversation with him.
And that moment came, much later than Isaac had thought.
It was October, about a month or so into junior year. Isaac was just sitting by himself, eating a sandwich and doodling random things in his sketchbook. Everyone was scattered around the cafeteria, either with their groups or clubs, or just sitting with friends, but Isaac was alone. As he usually was.
“U-Uh, excuse me?”
Isaac glanced up to the source of the voice, recognizing the person immediately. It was the transfer student, who’d only really been at Foxfield High for a day or two. He seemed pretty on edge, which Isaac could understand; the kid was a new student, after all, if anything Isaac would be surprised if he wasn’t anxious about starting in a new school.
“I, uh. Noticed you were sitting alone, and I don’t have anywhere to sit, so… is it okay if I sit here?” The transfer kid shifted from one foot to another. He was tall, maybe an inch or so shorter than Edward, if he had to guess. His eyes were gray, which was sort of fascinating to Isaac, since he’d never seen someone with gray eyes outside of fictional media. His ears were pierced, with simple black studs, and he was wearing a shirt with some sort of fancy writing on it in a language Isaac didn’t know (Japanese, maybe?) and a hoodie.
Looked like your average nerd.
“Sure, why not,” Isaac shrugged, scooting over a bit. “It’s not like anyone else is gonna sit here.”
“Thanks.” He sat down, digging a brown lunch bag out of his bag and pulling out a slightly squashed sandwich, some mustard slightly oozing out the sides. “I really appreciate it, dude.”
Isaac felt all warm inside. “Huh?”
“Well, I haven’t really been able to make that many friends. Some people just throw spitballs at me. You’re nice.”
The warm feeling was stronger now.
“...Oh. Uh, you’re welcome, I guess.” Isaac smiled, but you could tell it was a forced one, one meant to break the tension. “Just a warning. Avoid the football team whenever you can.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Well, to put it simply, they’re assholes.”
“The homophobic kind or the ‘normal’ kind?”
“The homophobic kind. I know from experience.” Isaac averted the kid’s eyes slightly, hoping that they wouldn’t pick up on the fact that he’d come out (albeit subtly) to him.
“You’re gay?”
Isaac braced himself.
“Huh. That’s cool.”
...what? He didn’t care? Isaac looked back up at the kid, who was now eating a bag of chips.
“...you don’t care?” the freckled blonde asked, tilting his head slightly. “That I’m gay?”
“Huh? No, I don’t.” His face quickly looked anxious. “N-Not that I don’t care about LGBT community or anything like that! But why should I judge someone based on who they’re attracted to? That’s just… not really nice, y’know?”
“...yeah, you’re right.” Isaac smiled slightly. “Hey dude, what’s your name?”
“Uh, Chris.”
“I’m Isaac. Do you wanna come over and play Brawl with me sometime?”
“...I...I’d like that.”
So this is what kindness is.
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writteninkat · 3 years
iv - carnival tickets
word count: 2,246
warnings: mentions of blood and dead animals
"I'ma break you off, let me be your motivation"
Today was the day you and the rest of class 1A can finally try out their hero costumes. You smiled, looking at yourself in the mirror, giving yourself butterflies as you do so.
Your hero costume was a simple black bodysuit type. Garters attacked to the clothing helped keep your thigh high boots up. The top covered your entire arms, hands and fingers- you designed it this way so your palms wouldn’t be littered with callouses given that you deal with weapons like swords and scythes every time you use your quirk.
The bodysuit is a title neck type that showed off your shoulders. Your costume is finished off with a full face black kitsune mask with glowing blue paint around the eyes, it makes up the whiskers as well as a little nose of a fox.
You keep it up on your head, not wanting to put it on unless you're engaging in combat.
You close your locker, joining the girls who are hyping each other up in what they’re wearing. You all step out of the changing area and you can’t help but feel giddy as you approach your teachers, excited with the activities for today.
Everyone begins freaking out at the site of All Might- which you don’t get at all. He’s blond, has a freakish smile and a built body. So what? “Who’s he?” You whisper at Mina who looks at you as if you’ve grown two heads.
You sigh, “Who’s he? And why is everyone freaking out about him?” You ask again and Mina gives you that same look, but much worse. She’s acting as if you’ve just asked a very stupid question. “That’s All Might.” She answers, tone unusually calm and soft.
“I meat who is he?”
“The number one hero.”
You furrow your brows, gaze scanning the man who’s busy talking in front of the awestruck class. You tilt your head to the side, “That’s your number one pro hero?” You ask, pouting.
“You sound a lot of things- underwhelmed? Disappointed? Dissatisfied?” Bakugou says from behind you, the look in his eyes catching you off guard. You pause for a moment, choosing your words carefully to make sure you’re not offending anyone who’s within earshot.
“You look up to him?” You ask and he raises a brow at you as if you’ve just asked the most obvious question in all time. “He’s been my hero since forever. I look up to him more than anyone in the world. He’s my inspiration and the one of the biggest contributors to my dream go being a hero.” Your eyebrows lift in shock, you’ve never heard nor seen Bakugou respect a person so much. And by the looks of Mina, Kirishima and Denki, they haven’t seen this side of him either.
Your heart breaks as you return your gaze to the number one hero in front of you, smiling sadly. You don't know how or why, but your judgement tells you that the seven-footer man in front of you isn't all that powerful- not anymore at least.
"Here's the breakdown. There will be four teams of two- half of them will be heroes and the other half will be villains. The hero team can win in two ways; you can either capture the villains or retrieve the bomb. The villain team wins if the hero team is unable to do any of the tasks within the time limit." He explains quite clearly and thoroughly.
You feel your heart beat against your chest, you're feeling very giddy. Your excitement causes Bakugou's lips to twitch upwards, carving out a soft smile to which he hides almodt immediately so no one can see him.
All Might pulls out a draw lots box, letting fate decide which teams everyone belong to. You end up being teammates with Aoyama and Mina who you happily greet.
Everyone is asked to stay inside a monitoring room to watch and observe their classmates in battle. When All Might announces Bakugou and Izuku's team being up first, you don't think before walking up to the blond and placing a hand on his shoulder. He turns his head to the side, raising an expecting brow.
"Good luck out there." You smile softly to which he scoffs at. "I don't need luck to win." He punches his palm as he sets of his quirk, "I already know I will."
You roll your eyes, walking towards Izuku to wish him good kuck as well before following the class to the monitor room. Your eyes scan over the wall of monitors, finding it closely similar to the monitor room your house has back in the US.
As you watch Bakugou and Izuku in battle, it's clear to see that there's something going on between them. There seems to be a conflict between them that you can't quite point and as much as you wanted to ask Bakugou about it, you decided to wait until he'd tell you.
Why on earth do you think he'd tell you?
You shake your head and clear your stupid thoughts, stepping away into a corner and sitting down to mentally prepare yourself. As you try to meditate, you don't realise how much time has went by until you're being called by All Might for your turn.
You scan the room but don't spot an angry blond nor an angel look-a-like green haired boy. You pout, hoping to at least see thosep pretty vermilion eyes before the activity.
As you take your steps towards the building, a small smile stretches across your lips when you see Bakugou's familiar back towards you, only for it to smile when you see just how upset he looks like.
"C'mon, Y/n! We're the villains right now we can't be late!!" Mina calls out to you, waving her hand up. You look back at Bakugo one last time, your gazes catching each other before you step inside the building, pulling your mask down to cover your face.
"Hey Mina? Can you let me take charge of our group?" You ask as the three of you make your way towards the room where the fake bomb is. "Alright! We'll be at your command!" She salutes to you a little too enthusiastically to which you chuckle softly at, making sure to smile with your eyes to make sure she sees you're smiling despite the mask covering your face.
After All Might makes sure each teams' statuses are a go, he commences the activity. "Alright. What would you like for us to do, captain?" Mina asks. You stay quiet for a moment, summoning two katanas in each of your hands. You move them around, making sure your wrists are loose and flexible before actually using them.
"You guys can stay still and guard the bomb." You say, adjusting your gloves before turning around to face the only entrance and exit of the room. "I'll have to go and hunt me some heroes."
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"It's been a few minutes since they started and when Y/n suddenly disappeared like that. What do you think the villains are planning?" Tsuyu asks, eyes on the screen as the class continues to search for you in every monitor in the wall, but to no avail.
"I've been seeing a few mice here and there. Do you think that's Koda's doing?" Kirishima asks, to which Denki asks back, "Are the mice you see dead or alive?"
Kirishima furrows his brows at the blond, about to explain how the mice are alive but stops himself when he looks back at the screen and sees the mice he was looking at just a few seconds ago was now dead, body sliced in half. He checks the other monitors as well and his confusion rises even more at the sight of multiple dead mice all over the floors.
"Time is ticking, heroes. You better get to the bomb or if this was a real life situation it'd have blown up by now." All Might says into the mic which puts pressure on the two boys.
The class watches in anticipation as the two steps into a wide and open room, somewhere similar to where Bakugou and Izuku were fighting in a while ago.
"No one's here." Sato states, turning around. "Then, there should only be one room left-"
"Leaving so soon, heroes?" You ask, body leaning on the closed door with one foot pressed on it and your arms crossed across your chest.
Sato and Koda raise their guards, stepping into a fighting stance as theylook at you with such focused eyes. You chuckle, "Your little friends running around the building were pretty hard to find. Not to mention there were quite a handful of them which caused me to reach my speed quirk's limit."
"So it was Y/n who sliced all those rats? But we didn't see her at all. There were no movements in any of the cameras." Sero points out, confusion evident in his face. "Well, she did use her speed quirk. And if what she stated was true, then she'll be no longer to use that quirk of hers, at least during this fight." Iida voices out.
"Two guys against one girl? Isn't that too unfair for her?" Mineta asks, receiving a growl from Bakugou. "If you think her being a girl puts her at a disadvantage you're wrong. If you wanna be a hero, it doesn't matter what your gender is, as long as you're strong."
Despite being in a foul mood, Bakugou still found himself wanting to fight for you. He didn't like the thought of people lookibg down at him, but he found it weird how he preferred it when people not look down at you instead.
"Come on boys. I'll keep this quick and short for you so we can end this activity already." Fingerless boxing gloves appear in each of your hands, they're black but with neon blue accents. You get into a fighting stance, "I really hate sweating."
Sato charges at you, throwing a naive punch at your way to which you dodge easily- scoffing. What was he trying to do, intimidate a little child? As you moved your body to the side, dodging his immature punch, you punch him in the gut, eyes on Koda as you do this.
You hear Sato wheeze before his body falls to the ground. You crack your knuckles, walking towards Koda who begins to panic, using his quirk to call in all sorts of birds and squirrels.
"Koda, this is as scary as being chased by a street gang of kittens." You say, stepping towards him. You step to his side, bringing your hand up to his forehead and flicking it, the contact causing him to tremble before losing consciousness.
Your mother's body guard taught you this- it was a skill he said that most assassins he worked with knows about. He never clearly explained to you how to do it, but as long as your opponent had the slightest bit of fear for you, it will end up working. For Koda's case, he looked like he was about to piss his pants, so it worked out a little too well for you.
"Y/n's team wins this round." All Might announces as the rest of class 1A stands behind him, unsure of what they had just seen.
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As the day comes to an end, you learn from Kirishima and Mina that Bakugou has been feeling off since the fight lately. "We tried to stop him from leaving, but he just wouldn't listen. Izuku went and ran after him too. If you go now you should be able to catch up to the both of them." Urataka explains, setting the stack of books she's carrying on a desk.
You run out of the classroom, jumping down flights of stairs to get to the entrance of the highschool as quickly as possible. By the time your eyes finally caught sight of the two boys, they were already talking with each other.
"I wasn't hiding my quirk from you. It was given to me by someone else, recently."
You raise your brows, quickly hiding yourself from the both of them. You place a finger gently on your lips as you stared at the floor, listening as Izuku explained to Bakugou.
The next thing you know it, Bakugou was now yelling at the green haired boy. He sounded so upset, as if he wanted to cry. It was clear as day that the blond didn't like losing, not to anyone and especially not to Izuku.
You took a peak, eyes widening as you see Katsuki Bakugou looking so vulnerable with tears in the corners of his eyes, his brows knitted from being so upset with himself. He walks away, slouching as he wipes his tears with the back of his hand.
You step out of your hiding spot, Izuku's expression growing nervous when he sees you. "O-oh hey, hey Y/n! I didn't... ummm... did you..." He looks down, scratching the back of his head. "Did you hear something?"
You stare him down for a moment, unsure of what to answer before sighing. "I'm not going to say anything to anyone nor ask you about it. But I will tell you this." Your words causes Izuku to look up at you in anticipation. "The second you master that power of yours, you have to fight me with everything you've got. Alright?"
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Bakugou grumbles to himself, kicking at a rock, watching as it rolls into a canal. He huffs, annoyed. "I'd tell you you look ugly when you're mad, but then I'd be telling you you look ugly everyday." You yell at him from behind, causing him to turn around.
"School isn't over yet." Bakugou furrows his brows as he watches you make your way towards him. "And yet here we are." You point out, smiling as you put your hands behind your back.
He sighs, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. "What do you want?"
You take out two pink carnival tickets from your pocket, shoving it at his face and waving it in front of him. "I've always went to this carnival with my mom back in the US and I'm feeling kind of homesick. I accidentally bought two tickets too so now you gotta go with me."
You begin to pull at him to which he pulls back, a bored expression resting on his adorable face.
"No." He grunts.
You smile at him, "I wasn't giving you a choice."
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Bad Boy
Summary: Sweet pea/Reader- Sweet Pea’s stereotyped as the “silent brooding bad boy”, you find out there’s a lot more under his skin
You don’t look up from the book you’re reading; you’ve managed to secure the armchair by the window in the student lounge and you refuse to move at risk of losing the spot. You don’t bother listening to the fight on the other side of the room; or the rush of students when whoever is doing the fighting leave. The bell rings and you sigh; slowly packing up to get ready for gym.
You’re jogging slightly to get to the locker room before the late bell rings and as you slide through the door Cheryl laughs and you grin laughing at her when she locks the door; you can hear a couple of people on the other side cursing and you send a prayer in thanks that you’re not going to get chewed out by the coach as you pull your gym clothes on.
Gym finishes and Cheryl invites you to Pop’s after school but you decline waving the assignment that your history teacher had given you.
“Can’t you just research that on the weekend?” She rolls her eyes and you shrug.
“Well I could, but you wanted to go out with Toni and all the Serpent’s; I can’t do that if I’m researching this now can I?” She sighs and waves you off.
“Fine; we’ll see you later though right? We haven’t seen you in weeks.” She whines and you laugh.
“Cheryl you and the rest of the Serpent’s saw me last weekend; and on that Wednesday we had off. And Thursday when we had a free class and-”
“Fine. Go study; nerd.” She smiles and you nod grinning as you turn to walk towards the library. You hesitate outside it and then turn back; Cheryl leaning against her car as she lowers her sunglasses when you walk back over.
“I’ll come to Pop’s. I can do this on the weekend.”
Pop’s in uneventful; the only interesting thing is listening to Sweet Pea talk about how he got a black eye over the weekend; you’re half paying attention; he’s been dragging out this fight for almost thirty minutes backtracking over things he’s said and repeating half of the story as everyone eats.
When he finally finishes and offers to walk you home;
“It’s too dark for you to be walking alone; hell even I don’t want to go out there.” You bitten back asking if he was scared of the dark; you’d heard almost every rumor of Sweet Pea living up to the gang member stereotype and you weren’t keen on the idea of becoming another girl he was going to sleep with and toss aside.
“Thanks.” He grins at the first words you’ve actually spoken to him the entire day and nods towards your door from the sidewalk.
“You’re not going to walk me to my door?”
“I can see your parent’s glaring from the window; best not tempt fate.” he laughs as you chuckle and when you turn back to look after opening the door he’s already walking away.
t’s only a few minutes past eight am you know no one else will be in the library so you can get a good chunk of work done from your history project.
“Y/N; we usually have a kids reading group in for the next hour just so you know; they won’t be too loud.” You nod to the librarian; smiling as you can see a few kids wandering in and sitting in what you assume is the area they get read to.
You’re halfway through your second draft and you decide to take a break. You’re walking toward the door, back out of the library to grab something at the corner store but walking past the reading area has you pausing.
Sweet Pea’s sitting in an armchair; a group of kids sitting around him as he reads from what you think is Where The Wild Things Are.
-”Sweet Pea! Wanna get Pop’s?” You grin from where he’s gathering his things and smile wider when he nods.
“So working on the history project; I should get on that soon.”
“Yeah; it’s not too bad if you know what you’re researching. What were you doing there?” Sweet Pea’s eyebrow’s furrow and he shrugs a little.
“Just reading to the kids.”
“Like community service?”
“I guess; I mean it’s not like court ordered or anything; but I used to go there with my family; well they’d drop me off. Fred Andrews used to read to the kids there every weekend.”
“Is there anything Fred didn’t do for Riverdale?” You both laugh and he nods towards the back booth in Pop’s.
“Fair point.” You grin before turning to the waitress to order; surprised when Sweet Pea orders a veggie burger.
“You don’t eat meat?”
‘I try not to when I can; just hate the thought of needless suffering.” You nod watching as he sips on a strawberry milkshake.
“What? You’re staring.” he nods slightly and you flush.
“Nothing; you’re just different than I heard…”
“Different how?”
“Well i didn’t think you’d read to kids on the weekends and not eat meat cause you’re thinking of animals; hell I’m sure there’s so much more i don’t know about you.”
“Do you want to?”
“Hm?” You frown when he pays for the meal.
“Want to know more about me?”
“Yes; do you feel the same; about me that is?” He grins nodding.
“I wouldn’t have agreed to Pop’s unless I wanted too. With all the rumors about you.”
“Rumors?” You arch an eyebrow; last you’d been hearing Sweet Pea was the object of the rumor mill.
“Yeah everyone is convinced you’re like some ice princess that’s gonna cure cancer or some other super smart thing. You’re always studying.”
“So I spend lunch in the comfy armchair in the library and everyone loses their minds over it?” Sweet Pea shrugs.
“Doesn’t matter to me as long as you don’t mind me intruding on your lunch time.” He nods to assure you and you grin back.
“Well you’re going to have to if you want to get to know me better; we barely get any free time and there’s only so many times we can go to Pop’s without someone catching on!” You raise your voice at the last part and laugh when Cheryl narrows her eyes from behind the tree she’d parked her car at.
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phantomthiefsbitch · 3 years
phantom thief au oneshots p1
"Are you sure we can get away with this?" "Oh no, I'm just bringing you here because I knew we were gonna get caught! Obviously!" "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not at this point." The moon shone over the cracked sidewalk, making the raindrops glimmer like diamonds in the warm sunlight. Skyscrapers towered over everything in sight, blinding us to the far sides of the city. I was assigned a mission. A mission to find the world-renowned phantom thief and send him to justice. Pfft, that's easier said than done. The main plan was simple really. Pretend to be on his side, lure him to an obscure area no one can see, and put him in cuffs. We continued walking towards where ever the hell he was leading me. You'd think a rational person would've backed out. I mean, he could be taking me anywhere! He could be taking me to a fucking torture chamber for all I know! But I'm almost 100% sure that where ever he was taking me, wasn't going to harm me in any way. You see, the thing about the phantom thief is that he hasn't been loved much in his years, meaning if you treat him with the smallest bit of consideration he'll never ever forget it. Fortunately for me, I've studied human psychology for quite some time now, and I've been trying to understand him more using that knowledge. "Welp, we're here!" We stood before the grand building decorated with bright neon lights, forming the words "CASINO" in huge bold lettering creating a city-wide purple light source. Is this really where he was taking me? It seemed so noticeable and obvious. "There's no way in hell that we aren't gonna get caught in there! Are you out of your mi-" I felt a warm finger brush over my lips as I looked down, finding myself staring directly into his eyes. Shhhh, I promise we won't get caught. I have a plan! Just follow my lead, 'kay?!" He lifted his hand off my chin and clutched my hand, walking me to the entrance as he pulled out a key from his hand and unlocked the enormous wooden door. Immediately as we entered, the scent of booze and air freshener filled my lungs. The walls were painted with a red and black checkerboard pattern, complimenting the black marble floor which was covered in old magazines, cigarettes, and empty beer cans. "I know, I know, this isn't the greatest place! But don't worry, my dearest detective, there's more! Follow me!" He ran to a small hallway that blended in with the walls in the corner of the room, leading me to a silver elevator, lined with gold string, making it look like a child's birthday party. The button on the left lit up as he aggressively clicked it, making the doors open into a rather cramped space. The clamping of his boots against the hard marble floor echoed throughout the building as he stepped into the elevator. "Where are you taking me?! I asked for a meetup spot, not a casino!" "Nee-heehee! A casino is technically a meetup a lot, silly! And either way, the whole casino thing is just a disguise for what this place actually is!" The elevator door slowly creaked open, revealing a calm little room. There were maybe around 9 or 10 people there, all doing something different. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to D.I.C.E's headquarters!" he shouted, even though I was the only one entering the room.
[7:18 PM]"Hey, don't you think it's a bit...err...irresponsible to show the person trying to capture you your gang's headquarters? I mean, what if I was with the police?!" "Now now, it's not time to worry about that! Let's just relax! Hey guys, could you leave me and Shuichi alone for a while?! Go to your rooms or something!" As if they were robots, they all got up and walked to the doors with their suitable nametags on them. His smile slowly dropped as he put his hand on my shoulder, looking me dead in the eyes. "Is something wrong?" "Don't play dumb. How could my dear detective do this? I thought maybe someone, anyone, could care about me or even just listen to what I had to say! But it seems as if I was wrong..." Even though he was a liar, he sounded genuinely upset and betrayed. No matter how hard I tried fighting it, I really did feel awful for him. No matter how bad he was, he didn't deserve this. "N-No, you've got it wrong!" I was just following instructi-"
"Oh come on, there's no need to lie! But y'know, I do think there was some truth to your act. Even as a liar myself, the way you talked to me, it was definitely an act out of lust. I mean, if it really was a lie, I'm both upset that you lied to me and proud of how amazing of a liar you are! But I seriously doubt that you were lying." I quickly took my handcuffs out, trying to hide how nervous I was. "You're under arrest. Don't try resisting any further." "Awww, what a shame! But unfortunately, I can't let you arrest me! Sorry not sorry!" "I have a weapon." I exclaimed, pointing my tazer directly at him, feeling my body sway back and forth slowly.
"Nee-heehee! And I don't?" I flinched as he cocked his gun, putting it so close I could feel it brush against my forehead. "I'm not gonna hurt you, unless you try something. I know you don't wanna turn me in. You really do wanna understand me right? Don't you wanna know why a villian like me does so many bad things? Actually, you don't need to answer that. I know you do! So just listen to my plan, 'kay?! You're gonna go over to the cops and tell them that you couldn't catch me in time. Just give me a chance, alright? I mean, you obviously don't have a choice!" His slender fingertips traced my face as he glared deep into my eyes. "You're really pretty, you know that?" My face flushed into a light red shade which I quickly fought against. "Aww, someone's nervous! Well no wonder, you have a gun to your head! Soooo, do we have a deal or not?! Just a reminder, you only choice is yes!" I should've said no, tazed him, and put him in handcuffs. I should've stopped him. But something inside me, I don't know, fear? Lust? Nervousness? Something inside me just didn't let me do that. "Y-Yeah, okay." "Nee-heehee! Yay! Hey, by the way, can I have your number?! Don't you want the nitty-gritty details of my plan?! I know you do!" ... "Riiiight, well, here's my totally legit business card! Alright, bye bye now!" I thought he'd leave a normal way, like through the elevator we came from or like, go back into his room. Nope. He opened a window, falling backwards into the late night streets giggling. No matter how much I tried to bury it, he was right. I felt drawn to him, more than just being curious about his lies and his motives. Maybe I was trying to deny it, not because I was scared of getting fired, but in fear for my own life.
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occasionaloneshots · 3 years
Gang Mom- Bowers Gang
So, I write a lot of fanfiction on my own just like for myself, I’m working on one now with the bowers gang (If I actually power through and finish it I’m gonna have Chapter 2 sequel called “Club Mom” but that’s off topic, might actually post it somewhere one day) But I wanted to share the summary/blurb for it.
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    No one really understood how she ended up with them, she was too nice. The kindness was in her own special way at times, yet definitely too nice for Henry. But she was at the sides of the Bowers gang from the time the met in the first grade, how they met was never really known by others, but that’s how they had always been. Two boys on the calmer side, an angrier boy with a temper, and their female voice of reason. And everyone learned to accept that was how it is.
    Of course there was rumors. The losers club seemed to be the worst with gossip about why a girl who would go out of her way to point out birds to Stan if they somehow got put together and laughed at Richie’s jokes would be in the Bowers gang. They swore there had to be some sort of secret relationship there, but even then none of them could see how she was fit for them. But it was fueled by the little things. How she was the only one allowed to touch Henry, and how after a few months of him having it, his pink leather jacket found its way to her shoulders, the girl hardly being seen without it after that. Or how Belch Huggins would let her drive his car, her own mixtape blasting from its speakers. Then there was Victor Cross and how the two were always leaning on to each other, sharing a cigarette when or laughing at each other. And yet, they didn’t mind it, because as long as Hailey was with them, the losers were safe. They swear she has some sort of secret soft spot for them. 
    And then came Patrick Hockstetter, rowdy and always seeming to egg on Henry. Everyone swore that would be the pint that she left the Bowers Gang, that he would be her last straw with them. Yet, she stayed, if you looked through the windshield at the group you’d see the way she sat leaning back, a smile pressed to her lips as Patrick and Victor leaned over her. She would crack a joke, sending the two in the front seat into laughter as the two in the back with her shoved her around. And unless you really looked, you wouldn’t notice a change in them. Unless you realized the way she and Vic lean into each other’s sides, became more of a cling, an arm around her shoulders and one around his waist. Or the way she was more gentle with Henry when he’s mad than she used to be. Perhaps you saw the protective nature Belch picked up over her, even letting her drive his car more than Henry would ever be allowed to.  But you could also see that despite all the changes, they were somehow still the same.
    One could almost find it comical, the way the original four members would share a silent conversation before she answered some of Patrick’s questions. And you could see the way things minorly changed in her bag, new snacks being thrown in that she never carried before, more Band-Aids and even gauze and medical tape found their way in. She even started to carry around pain meds. Because she cared for them, she was the gangs Achilles heel. And they were her boys, despite their obvious flaws. But then there was four again, then two, that damn clown, and then one, crying in a sewer.
Henry Bowers 
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 “I’m okay, really- NO I don’t have a concussion! Relax a little.”
Cabin fever- CORPSE 
“ I just want some loyal brothers, makin' money, tryna grind, but/Y'all just wanna talk, man, that shit's so hard to find”  “ When they fuckin' want me happy, I ain't fuckin' play pretend”
Reginald “Reggie” “Belch” Huggins
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“Careful! Turn here- you know where I live.” 
Teenage Dirtbag- Wheatus 
“ How does she know who I am?/And why does she give a damn about me?/I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby/Come with me Friday, don't say maybe/I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you” Victor “Vic” Criss
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“Couldn’t I just stay here? Henry was in such a mood yesterday and your mom wouldn’t catch me here anyway.”
SICK OF IT ALL - blackbear
“ And all I want/Is someone really there, baby/Sick of all the songs, reminding me/That I'm really still all alone” “ I'm getting kind of sick of everything that's in my life/I'm sick of my girl, sick of my dawgs/I'm sick of my crib, I'm sick of it all”
Patrick "Pat" Hockstetter
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“Hey Hales, you got a can of hairspray in there?” 
Golden God- MGK 
“I'm a golden god, I'm a golden god/I'm on the roof of the party/Still almost famous, still all the way dangerous”
Hailey “Hales” “Hailstorm” Black 
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“As if they would ask questions if I genuinely asked them to go after someone, now scram. Hey, do you need some help with that?” 
Dancer in the Dark - Chase Atlantic 
“ Oh baby, maybe it's that look in your eyes/They been telling me she wanna leave/She's been dancing with the devil all night/It's like Hell is where she wanna be” “I love to watch her dance/When the light's all gone her emotion shows/I love to watch her dance/Seems like tragedy is all she knows”
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babybatscreationsv2 · 3 years
A King on a Leash ch3
Marvel | Starker
Tony Stark is a powerful man with a beautiful husband and a loyal crime  family, but it looks like he didn't keep his husband on a short enough  leash. After turning Peter lose on a Cuban gang leader, Peter's life is  in danger. The real trouble is that Tony now realizes that Peter is the  only thing in this world that he cares about and he never meant for that  to happen.  
Rating: Explicit
Full Fic
A Doll on a String
Warnings under the cut*
Warnings this chapter: mentions of violence and murder
Tony at sat at the dining table and stared at the far wall caught between a daydream and a serious self-flogging. He was the fucking Boss of a motherfucking crime family and here he was pouting and daydreaming about his husband. Peter had only been gone a few hours. He'd given him a kiss and then ran off to the theater for practice. Maybe he should start going to Peter's meetings. No... no Peter deserved the time and the privacy with his friends.
Tony took a deep breath and he caught scent of Peter's skin still clinging to him. He had scratches on his back from his manicured nails. Tony could hear the echoes of his cries as he'd clung to him, near sobbing in pain and pleasure. Tony licked his lips. Fuck, the way his angel had slaughtered that whole boat for his sake. God, he was hard.
He could call him and Peter would come running home. He could grab him, strip him down, lick every inch of his skin.
He couldn't do that though. They had the trust that they did because neither of them pulled stupid shit like that. He couldn't interrupt something important because he was needy and Peter's dancing was important to him.
Tony groaned. He slapped his own face. "Get it together, Stark. There's work to do."
He pulled himself up from his chair and went to take a shower. He indulged himself a little more, thinking about Peter waiting for him in a lounge chair, splattered with their enemy's blood. He got himself off then he washed away Peter's scent from his skin. No more distractions.
Dressed in his suit, all black to balance Peter's taste for pure while, he finally went to take care of business.
He drove himself, followed loosely by a guard. They made their way into the city and down to the warehouse. Tony stepped out of the car and smoothed the lapels of his suit. He let the guard enter first to check the room before he stepped inside. The day's product was being packaged. There were the gold bars that Peter had recovered, whatever drugs Bucky was peddling, not a lot going out of the warehouse today, but that wasn't really where the money was at anyway. The money was in the casinos, Sam Wilson's jewelry shop, Steve's cafe. Legitimate businesses, until you went into the back. The casinos were rigged, Sam sold illegal and precious jewels, and Steve had his girls. That was the funny thing about Steve. He was so straight laced and caring, but he made his money in prostitutes. He treated them well though. Well enough that even Natasha never bothered him about it.
Tony strode his way into the back, ignoring the greetings of the associates on the floor. He preferred them to fear him. If they thought he was friendly, then they would be inclined to betray him. They would expect mercy where they would find none.
Rhodey was waiting for him outside the office.
"You gotta put that boy on a leash, Tony," he said, not for the first time.
Tony rolled his eyes. "Who did he kill now?" He pushed open the door and Rhodey followed him inside.
"I'm talking about Suarez."
Tony turned and raised an eyebrow at him. "That second rate gang banger?"
Rhodey closed the door and stepped further into the room. "His men are going wild trying to track Peter down. They're not stupid. They know Peter was on that boat, they know he was an outsider, and they know that their boss never came home."
"So they haven't found his body yet?" Tony sat at his desk and picked up his book. Yinsen must have been too busy to stick around this morning. Sometimes he just dropped it off.
"They will. They have divers going down there this afternoon. From the story that's circulating the boys, it's gonna be pretty damn obvious what happened."
Tony asked, pointedly ignoring him. "Did Fisk get his diamonds back?"
Rhodey stared.
Tony sighed. "What's the big deal? They don't even know Peter's last name and there's a million Peters in New York. They'll never find him. They won't come after us. And if they do, I'm sure it'll be no big deal to sweep them off the board."
"You don't get it, Tony. Your boy goes and fucks with powerful people and then we all get fucked. When they find out who did it and then come looking for trouble we're gonna lose good people. I know you don't give a damn about our soldiers, but what happens when it's one of your Capos? The people you do give a shit about? What the fuck kind of family doesn't take care of their own?"
"You're going too fucking far, Rhodes," Tony snapped. He ground his teeth. He didn't want to fight with Rhodey, not him. He was the only one that ever made sense. Only now he wasn't.
"You stay the fuck out of my husband's business. Capiche?"
Rhodey took a step back. "Right. Got it?"
"Now, did Fisk get his diamonds?"
"Yeah, he got the fucking diamonds. Sent a fucking convoy to deliver them late last night. Didn't figure he'd wanna wait until morning."
"That's a good call. He'll appreciate that."
Rhodey sighed. "Why are you trying to win his favor anyway? He's a piece of shit. Word is he's still trafficking. Kids even."
Tony hardened himself, refused to hear the truth in it, refused to let it bother him. "I need someone to back me up at the meeting this weekend."
"What's going on?"
"Toomes keeps prodding at the whole Octavius bullshit."
"What do you mean?"
"He thinks Peter should pay for killing him, despite what happened."
Rhodey gave him a very 'I told you so look'.
"What? I'm supposed to throw him to the wolves? If it hadn't been him, it would have been you and you I can't protect."
"I'm not convinced you would try."
Tony ignored that too. He had enough to deal with. "He keeps trying to cast doubts on. Make him seem disloyal. I'm inclined to cut out his tongue for how many times he's put Peter's name in his mouth."
"You can't keep killing Bosses, Tony."
"I know that. But Toomes needs to be put in his place. He's getting too bold. Having Fisk on my side helps. Everyone respects him, or fears him at least."
Rhodey didn't say what Tony knew he was thinking. 'They used to respect you.' Maybe he did need to reign Peter in a little. At least make sure he doesn't murder anymore gang leaders. Let him keep pruning the weeds among the associates. Profits had been up since Peter joined the family. Plus it made his angel happy. It gave him a way to feel like he was protecting Tony without being in harm's way. Which meant that it was exactly what he needed to be doing. And he couldn't say he didn't like watching his baby go to town on some snitch... He had to stop thinking about Peter if he was going to get the books done.
Rhodey left him alone, though he left with a grim expression on his face. Tony cleared his mind and returned to his work.
Yinsen kept detailed records of every penny that came and went. He kept up with what each Capo was doing every day and made sure that proper records were kept of money and of behavior. Any suspicious activity from any Capo or soldier was reported to Tony twice per week. Unless of course, it were more serious. That's what the book was for. Yinsen insisted on keep paper records only. Things that could be destroyed at a moment's notice and could not be simply hacked into for information. It was occasionally inconvenient, but Tony understood his reasoning. Besides, Yinsen was one of the only people Tony had genuine trust for. After all, he'd been tortured near to death for Tony's sake. That had been Obediah's doing.
The books looked fairly clean. Money was flowing exactly as it should, but Yinsen had caught wind of a solider belonging to Steve who was misbehaving. Steve had already put him in check once. That meant it was Tony's turn and if Tony couldn't get him to fall in line, then Tony would let Peter have him.
It was a good system. One that Rhodey had no business questioning. He could be so soft sometimes.
Tony tucked the book away in his safe and stepped out of the office. His guards followed behind. They drove on down the road to park in the back of Steve's cafe 'Patriot Brew'. The name drew a handful of white supremacists who Steve was quick to take out back and deal with. The thing that amused Tony was that he hadn't picked the name as a sort of trap for domestic terrorists, he was just the sort who genuinely believed in his country. If Tony admired anything about the states, it was how easy it was for organized crime to thrive, but he didn't give a fuck about patriotism.
He knocked on the backdoor and was let in after a moment. He allowed one of his guards to enter first. Steve was in the kitchen, pulling cookies out of the oven. Tony leaned against counter and plucked up a cookie that was already cooled.
"Nice mitts, soldier boy." Tony pulled a piece off of his cookie and chewed it.
Steve set down his tray and each of his star-spangled oven mitts. "Do we really have to do it like this? Mark's a good guy?"
"You couldn't get him in line so now I have to," Tony said with a mouthful of cookie.
His shoulders sagged. "Would it really be so bad if he opened his own business?"
"Do I really have to answer that?" Tony took another bite of his cookie. "We both know he's not looking to open a bakery. And with him trying to go behind your back like that? How did you punish him anyway? Make him mop the floors?"
Steve stared. It was a look that conveyed both 'I'm not going to answer that' and 'You wouldn't like the answer' yet with Steve these things were not necessarily mutually inclusive.
"If a soldier wants to open a business you make him lick your boots first and then cut you thirty percent. Keep being soft on your boys and you'll wake up with a knife in your back."
"I encourage my people to be successful and on their own terms."
"They ask permission and they pay their dues. We have a system for a reason. What happens when your boy opens up a shop across the street? Who's gonna come here when there's something hot and new nearby? We don't create competition within the family. He could have had a place where he could have gotten all ambitious, but he lied and he went behind your back. He's lucky to be getting another chance."
Steve folded his arms across his chest. "If Peter had it his way, he wouldn't get another chance."
Tony rolled his eyes. "Why is everyone so soft today? We're the fucking mob, get used to it. Now where's your boy? Mark, was it?"
Steven sighed. "Make it clear I'm not allowing him to have his own girls, I don't trust anyone else with that."
"Why couldn't you tell him yourself, Rogers? Anyone else would have had this handled."
"So, I'm soft on my guys, alright? Does that make you happy? They're all the family I have."
"Family," Tony grumbled. "We're all a family. And sometimes moms and dads have to discipline the children."
"And who disciplines us?"
"God?" Tony shrugged. He walked past the man. "Box up some cookies for Peter. He likes the blue sprinkles."
He heard Steve huff when he left the room. If he didn't know how much his men liked Peter, he would worry about the way they talked. Maybe they thought he was a little wild, but they would let themselves get caught holding the knife to protect him. If he thought otherwise, he would kill every last one of them.
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