#a majority of fanon is from ppl who don’t read
starlooove · 5 months
Batfans swear they’re not racist and then you click a character tag and see how they talk about poc they’ve never met
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(I loved your dead boy detectives game!)
Hey just read your tags and I totally agree with you with you— in every fandom I have been in, there’s at least one major fanon character interpretation that feels like a misinterpretation to me. So that being said, I don’t think it’s inherently bad to make a post with different evidence, because that’s what makes fandom fun! It also might be a relief to other people who also weren’t into the earlier meta analysis. I think where it gets hairy are the little comments like “everyone who disagrees with me is bad/dumb/stupid” that get tacked on at the end, or direct references to people who like other characters or ships all being malicious. There’s just no need for that, and I’ve seen it a lot in the past few days from some folks. :/
Games and general analysis spread a lot of positivity though! That’s what keeps fandom alive and makes people feel like they’re part of the fun. Thanks again for starting that ask game.
Actually, I started that ask game specifically to meet people!
Big fandoms are usually riddled with ppl who annoy one another, so my strategy is usually to *start* in the tag so I can block any blogs that would stop me from having fun with fandom, and whittle it down to a mutuals group so I can eventuality just use my dash instead.
I decided to use a mixture of surface, deep, and canon-irrelevant questions in order for others who use it to see multiple types of answers that blogs might not post otherwise, and realize which blogs they like. I think asking questions someone might not think to make a post on otherwise can be very revealing. Ask engagement is a really fun way to make friends here!
I think there are definitely points where mischaracterization can be malintended or even just accidentally harmful- reducing characters to either just their actions or just their circumstance runs the risk of stereotyping them or romanticizing/demonizing their behaviors, neither of which makes fandom a fun or accommodating form of socializing. Personally I take a non-confrontational approach and try to narrow my interaction, but I really don't know how to make fandom safer in general. I don't want to waste time on people who don't care, but it is hard to tell the difference between people who will and won't listen until you spend time asking!
Part of why it is difficult (for me) to make that distinction is fandom language. "ship" is a big one! When people "ship" a pairing, I don't know whether they mean it is interesting, whether they want it to be canon, whether or not they think it is healthy, whether they think it is already implied, or some other meaning, all of which change how and if I'd interact with them- and making fandom friends is part of why I'm here! I don't really have a solution here either, but it is pretty hard to navigate and pretty easy to get lost 'round these parts.
It's also hard to tell with popular fanon if people *know* it's fanon
Anyways, half of that was totally irrelevant to the ask bc I got into a tangent, but basically thanks for visiting my blog, even if you don't stay long! Have fun with fandom ! <2
(And one last hot tip! I mentioned going into the main tag before finding the blogs y'all like, but character tags, art/fic/meta-specific tags, and ship tags will tailor more to your taste!)
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sueske · 2 years
Do you think sns is toxic? People use this excuse to dislike sns all the time to explain why nh and ss are 'underdeveloped but at least they are healthy (nh more than ss)'. I don't agree with nh and ss shippers about them being healthier than sns (them believing it just make me want to scrub my eyes with holy soap), but I admit that sns is toxic if one only stans the fanon versions of naruto and sasuke who says that either one dominate the other (not equal in skills and relationship).
I think that canon versions of sns are toxic only on the surface level. People forget that sasuke and naruto are ninja, resolving conflict with a deadly battle (vote 1 and vote 2) is not considered... too toxic? I mean at least they meaningfully communicate before, during, and after the battle unlike the majority of ninja in the naruto world. They show vulnerability to each other compared to Hashirama-Madara and Obito-Kakashi fights (Naruto crying in vote 1 before Sasuke puts a chidori arm through his chest) (Sasuke screaming in vote 2 as he punches Naruto, uncharacteristically with eyes closed). After vote 2 they work together (not counting the monstrosity of boruto etc) and seem to have a relationship (platonic or romantic doesn't matter it's still love) that isn't about hurting each other (mentally or otherwise).
I’ve never been under the illusion that sns’ relationship is 100% perfect. Like most relationships tend to be, they are flawed in certain ways.
The people I’ve seen say sns are toxic cite the following reasons: naruto wanting to beat sasuke into submission and making him come back to konoha (vote1 and vote2), to make sasuke forgive konoha by working for konoha and covering up the massacre, saying he’d die with sasuke at the bridge, etc. It’s based on the violent nature of their encounters and the shutting down of sasuke’s wants.
People don’t put it into context though. Naruto said both at vote1 and vote2 that he never wanted those fights. I’ve spoken about it in another posts, vote1 was to prevent a friend from going to orochimaru and making sure he was safe, and vote2 was showing sasuke there were other ways to achieve his goals rather than take on the pain of the whole world on his shoulders and be alone for all eternity because that would cause sasuke pain. Idk why it’s so hard for ppl to understand this. 
Naruto’s first instinct was to tell everyone about the massacre before even confirming it. Kakashi was the one who stopped him. Then at the bridge naruto didn’t even need confirmation. He just said he understood sasuke’s actions. The choice to not tell anyone about the massacre - isn’t it common sense that naruto would eventually leave that choice up to sasuke given these reasons? If sasuke wanted ppl to find out, he would, and naruto would NOT say ‘no don’t’. kakashi would tho.
Naruto saying he’d die at the bridge with sasuke - while… romantic… it was not the best way to go about things. But sasuke said he was going to destroy konoha then. Naruto didn’t want sasuke to destroy konoha. So naruto was like: 'okay. though first, take out your anger on me. But just so you know, if we do fight… we’ll die.'
The intent behind SNS ‘toxic moments’ are founded on love for each other and the context of the times that they live in. They care for one another so much. They resort to violence because they're ninja after all, and they speak heart to heart through their fists. “I knew it was going to take more than just words to understand you.” "When 2 high level shinobi exchange blows they can read each other's hearts."
So, while SNS' relationship had elements to it that can be considered toxic, they ended up working through those. You know... their reconciliation.
Ss and nh are in a completely different ballgame. 
Pink girl just chases after sasuke cuz he’s a prize to her. What is ‘healthy’ about a girl that chases after a guy, after the guy told her ‘no’ so many times, a girl who doesn’t try to understand the guy and just resolves to kill him cuz oh no he’s evil :’(  pink girl only talking about HER feelings, both at the beginning and end of the manga. She never bothered to understand sasuke. “I can’t trade blows with you” read between the lines: 'I cannot read your heart.’ They were never meant to understand each other. “I have no reason to love her and for her to love me.” What is healthy about a relationship where the guy doesn't even see the girl for like 10 years... not because he can't but because he doesn't want to.
Lady h… I can’t even be bothered with her tbh. she admired naruto from afar but it’s moot if she never did anything about it. Naruto always maintained it was iruka and sasuke for him. what did lady h do? girl confessed in the middle of the battlefield only to get one-shotted by big boss pain in front of everyone and after the arc naruto just ignored her and was like ‘ANW SASUKE’ LOL. 
My point is, they’re one-sided. How are one-sided relationships healthy? And while sns did have their toxic moments, how come ppl misinterpret where they stemmed from, how they were eventually resolved, how Kishimoto took great care in showing that sns' feelings were reciprocated while the others weren't, when sns still have the strongest bond even post-naruto?
Sns are not perfect. but they're not toxic. and ss and nh aren't healthier either.
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barbreypilled · 1 year
⭐ for ikte!!!
anyway I started writing this silly ahh fic in July 2022 after rereading the series and I have a lot of silly headcanons and silly little facts that I cooked up in my crazy brain hehehe also this is going to be annoyingly long so I'm putting it under a read more
-I’ve had the headcanon that the victors were trafficked out of a physical brothel since about 7th grade when I found out what a brothel was, i liked the idea of them all kind of commiserating. In my mind sex trafficking is actually a huge moneymaker in the Capitol even before Ptolemy’s time but he streamlined it in some way and eventually was able to monopolize it (I won’t get into that fully yet bc there’s a pretty big plot point related to that) (I spent way too much time thinking about this lmao), in addition to victors and ‘roadsiders’ as mentioned in the 3rd chapter he also gets his pick of new shipments of Avoxes, which go for way cheaper. (I’m trying to remember what has actually been published yet lmao I’m just omw home from work rn, none of this is like. major spoilers tho like I won’t talk about [REDACTED] or the [REDACTED] 🤪😎 anyway I love writing about evil shitty ppl doing weird evil shit my Baby Book headcanons are very ASOIAF coded
-idk how many chapters there are going to be yet but as of right now probably about 70, I’m contemplating breaking it up by year bc it starts w Annie’s games and ends right at the beginning of CF w a post-MJ epilogue. Im also giving pre-canon POV chapters to a few characters, as of rn I have one for Asenath and one for Ronan aka Ciaran’s dad but I can’t decide who else…. also on that note Asenath’s backstory is fucking bonkers and I can’t get into it rn without just openly spoiling a huge chunk of the second half of the fic but it’s. a lot. it starts to be hinted at in the 7th chapter which will ideally be up soon… >:)
-I have entirely too many opinions about fanon Annie and how I am literally the only person who Gets Her and I won’t get into all of that now but as an Actual Mentally Ill Person™️ I definitely don’t think the Capitol would have just left her alone after she Came Back Wrong like I definitely think the upper echelon would have kind of pretended all that never happened especially bc (at least in my take as we will see soon bc I have actually finished those chapters hehe) she was INCREDIBLY inconvenient as it pertained to mainstream entertainment/network tv but the tabloids and more low-brow media outlets would have had an absolute field day w her and that’s a major plot point in The Piss. Also as someone who has had actual psychotic episodes and has actual OCD and actual autism I’m definitely taking her in a different direction than most ppl do lmao. Also somewhat on that note I know there is a high demand for like. rly saccharine odesta content there is absolutely none of that in the piss lmao. Like they have cute little couple-y scenes but for a good chunk of it they are two deeply traumatized unemployed 18/19year olds w way too much money basically just sniping at each other until one of them overhears someone talking shit about the other and gets their child gladiator sleeper agent murder instinct triggered
-A few scenes I'm rly looking forward to publishing in no particular order without any context are The Seal Scene, Angerona Heavensbee's Wedding, the 72nd games, The Ismene Reveal, The Phoca Reveal and Persephone's introduction hehehehe and half of these are already fully finished >:)
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zelzenik · 4 years
a huge informal essay on being biracial and shipping zutara
ok genuinely i’m so tired of this. so, so tired of this. obviously not all biracial people are the same, and we have our own experiences/histories based on our own racial identities, but a lot of the biracial ZK friends that i’ve made via tumblr/ao3 have the same or similar opinions that i do, and we are TIRED. that being said, i’m not speaking for all biracial people, but i’m speaking from a place of personal experience.
those who headcanon Fire Lady Katara are not inherently in the wrong. those who do not headcanon Fire Lady Katara are ALSO not inherently in the wrong either. there are racist/sexist ways to execute this headcanon, the same way there are with literally every other headcanon. those who attack this trope, though, need to evaluate themselves because the reasons they give are often sexist and racist (ironically lol).
i’m literally half Asian (from a country that was heavily colonized by other Asian countries). did my Asian parent have to give up their Asian culture in order to be with my non-Asian parent? NO. did my Asian parent have to give up their Asian identity in order to be with my non-Asian parent? NO. did the presence of my non-Asian parent completely erase all the harmful racism my Asian parent experienced growing up? OF COURSE NOT.
i’ve read a LOT of ZK fic over the past few months, and i can say that i’ve read most, if not all, of the major Fire Lady Katara fics that exist within the fandom, and i cannot name a single one where Katara is forced to give up her culture in favor of Zuko’s. even in various ZK art pieces that feature Fire Lord Zuko and Fire Lady Katara, Katara often has Water Tribe furs and symbols incorporated with her regalia, and sometimes ZUKO does too. my non-Asian parent wears the traditional dress of my Asian parent’s culture when the situation calls for it, and my Asian parent does the same. (and that’s just an example with clothing - there are tons more applicable situations). interracial relationships are (under most circumstances) a blending of all the cultures present, and often, incorporating the other’s culture into daily life is an act of love. my non-Asian parent LOVES my Asian parent’s culture and does everything in their power to respect it, cherish it, and help my Asian parent to pass it down to their children (like me, lol). i can’t imagine Zuko not doing the same for Katara. 
similarly with the above point, i can’t recall any Fire Lady Katara fic where Katara’s racial identity gets erased in favor of Zuko’s. just because those fics tend to occur in the Fire Nation doesn’t mean that she’s... not Water Tribe anymore. just because my Asian parent does not live in an Asian country doesn’t make them any less Asian. i’m not spending much time on this point because it literally doesn’t make sense.
i do think that it’s important to mention, though, that Zuko’s presence in Katara’s life does not erase the way the Fire Nation hurt her. that hurt will likely always exist because those types of wounds go deep. but at the end of the day, they’re both two PEOPLE. they’re Katara and Zuko. the same way that Indians marry British people or Koreans marry Japanese people, people from the Water Tribe can marry those in the Fire Nation. to imply that a marriage couldn’t occur between someone from the Fire Nation and someone else from the Water Tribe is stupid because it happens all the time in the real world.
i honestly think it’s really stupid that some SJWs act as though they’re doing non-white or biracial or multiracial people a favor by attacking a headcanon that was created and has been largely supported by those who are oppressed in the real world bc of their race. obviously the Fire Lady Katara trope isn’t for everyone, but to imply that it’s racist and sexist while tearing down the POCs who headcanon it? really? don’t get me wrong, i LOVE Katara (i would do anything for her, no lie), but how is attacking real POCs better than defending imaginary ones? sorry not sorry, but that’s stupid.
the Fire Lady Katara trope has the potential to grant Katara with tons of agency, not only within her relationship with her significant other, but also with the country that HURT her (so she can prove any of the prejudiced Fire Nation people the hell wrong and provide protection for the Water Tribe in a post-war world). 
and going a step further, personally, i identify heavily with Zutara Steambabies (as i know a bunch of my other biracial ZK friends do) because of the intricacy behind their racial identities. a Fire Nation and Water Tribe union WOULD be complicated due to the countries’ histories together, but that doesn’t make it impossible. love CAN be born despite broken histories and deep-set prejudices. that’s part of what makes Zutara so beautiful, in my opinion. 
finally, i don’t know what people are on when they attack mostly only Zutara for these sort of headcanons. don’t y’all realize that 85% of all the canon/fanon ships within the ATLA-verse are interracial?? K*taang is interracial. Sukka is interracial. Taang is interracial. Z*kka is interracial. Jetko is interracial. Azutara is interracial. Jue is interracial. Tokka is interracial. Jetara is interracial. Ty Lokka is interracial. Jinko is interracial. (I COULD GO ON). y’all are straight CLOWNING if you only come for Zutara shippers on the grounds that we’re being racist and sexist for having a headcanon like Fire Lady Katara. don’t be a hypocrite.
additionally, just because you’re poc or biracial or multiracial does not mean that you can’t be racist. so many of the people who attack this headcanon pull the “i’m biracial!” or “i’m a poc!” card. I’M NOT HAVING IT. it’s okay if the trope isn’t for you! you’re free to headcanon whatever you want. to be blatantly racist to other poc or biracial or multiracial ppl who headcanon, though, it is wrong. we already catch enough flack irl for being what we are without people attacking us in our fandom spaces too.
that being said, i love Zutara deeply. for me, as a biracial person, it’s a comfort ship. a bunch of kids posting and mistagging salt regarding our headcanons isn’t gonna change that, lol.
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
This is the anon who was responsible for asking about the origin of fanon jc… now what is the origin of jc bashing, etc? I feel like I am blessed to see fanfic from these tags adding up over time, don’t get me wrong, but do we really need to tag jc bashing for like our fanfic if let’s say we write him unfavorably for only five chapters because he is irrelevant to the story and he never appears again outside of the five chapters? What is the measurement for jc bashing? Some authors wrote jc being his canonical asshole self and doesn’t tag their fanfic because maybe jc is only mentioned, or cameo of him that adds nothing to the story etc. Some authors just wrote canon divergence and stories pertaining their canon characterization including jc and they don’t tag bashing as well, because they state that they wrote fanfic from the MXTX chinese novels or english translation but since it’s canon characteristics and let’s say the fanfic is 60 or 50 chapters and jc only appears in around ten chapters or more or less, and even then his appearances are brief, he only played major role once, twice, or maybe just irrelevant in there, like how do we even know the standard of the so-called bashing because in Lofter if we read jc bashing it’s literally really bashing as in like PIDW Airplane making fun of SJ and trolling him with karma stuff etc and something like that. AO3 english since coming to Lofter for fanfics had left me in a confusing I don’t know where to tag or how to tag this so-called bashing when you write canon characterization and have different standards of AO3 vs Lofter tagging system. I hope you don’t mind me airing this out or ranting in your ask.
air away :) This is a canon jc safe space lmao
I mean at this point I just tag almost everything I write about jc, jiang cheng. Unless I'm just daydreaming about his painful premature departure from this world...actually scratch that I just remembered this dog post I wrote a few days ago. He's an antagonist and an irritating little shit who shows zero growth, not to mention a fictional character so ?? What am I supposed to tiptoe around at this point? The block button is there for a reason. I find it hilariously self involved when jc stans are like TAKE IT OuT OF HISSSS TAGS!!!!!1111 >:-//// Let's be honest it's all about control for them. They just want to control what other ppl do. You don't see me going on their page telling them to take their trash "jc is the bEsT uNcLe to Sizhui the kid whose whole family he butchered it wOuLd b SOoo cUte whEn hE thReaTenS to BrEak hiS LEgs" out of the Sizhui tag.
And yes I think canon jc should just be tagged jiang cheng in fics. canon jiang cheng at best. But 'jc bashing'? When oftentimes it's STILL slightly softened canon? Nah. If it says "jc bashing" he better get dropped into an active volcano. What about all the fics where jc is fanon babysadangrygrape that are just tagged jiang cheng? Ain't no warning on that shit. aCtuALLY he'S rough on the outside but he has a toFu hEarTT!! Go in expecting Wangxian fluff and suddenly you're hit by WWX excusing jc's rage & casual homophobia & I'll break ur legs >:-/ bs bc it's his Lurrrve language & they're ‘brOtherS’. 🤢
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Sorry to bother you, but RE: the Jason Todd in Arkham thing, like, what was Dick supposed to do? Take him home to the same house where two of the KIDS that Jason had threatened/attacked were supposed to be living in what one hoped would be relative safety?
Like, full offence, Jason had at that point proven himself a danger to all the people around him. If he wound up at Arkham, oh well, maybe don’t kill a whole bunch of ppl and harm numerous others. If Arkham doesn’t work as a hospital, maybe he should have been at another one, but at that point in his character arc, a secure mental health facility was probably the best he could expect.
It’s like ppl forget he’s a multiple murderer with a history of targeting the ppl Dick loves. I don’t even read the comics and I know this much.
Oh for sure, I mean, I've posted meta about this before because the fandom accepted narrative gets it sooooooo wrong. Like, I'll always be right at the front of the line yelling IT WAS JASON'S CHARACTERIZATION THAT WAS CRAP THROUGH ALL THAT, THAT'S NOT JASON, GIMME NUANCE OR GIMME DEATH. Y'know, something like that.
But like, given that Jason was written as repeatedly trying to kill Dick's other two brothers its like, yeah?! What was Dick supposed to do? He'd tried asking Jason nicely hey could you stop doing that and Jason was like LOL no.
And also....people are like - Dick callously threw Jason into Arkham right next to the Joker and then just left him there and forgot about him and....SOURCE?
1) Dick didn't DO this to Jason, JASON went after Dick and Damian and in the process of fighting him in a very public space, Dick beat Jason and police were already like....right there? Dick didn't actually have the option of being uh no, you can't take this known and notorious criminal into custody, I'll stop you on the basis of - well I can't tell you actually but plz just trust me okay, he totes didn't mean it! (except like also, at that point he totes did, so.....)
2) What pull Dick DID have as Batman with the GCPD, he used to get Jason put into Arkham INSTEAD of Blackgate for his SAFETY. We know this to be true. Jason himself confirmed that absolutely nothing bad happened to him in Arkham, he just didn't want to be there but WHO THE HELL EVER WANTS TO BE IN A PRISON OF ANY SORT? And the first thing Dick said when Bruce said Jason had demanded to be transferred to Blackgate is that Jason wouldn't be safe there with all the enemies he had gunning for him. It was abundantly clear that Jason's safety had been a primary concern for Dick the whole time (and Jason wasn't safe at Blackgate, its just fine, he only wanted to be transferred in order to enact an escape plan that got like 80 people indiscriminately killed but whatevs. Its Gotham, what's a few dozen more dead criminals am I right? *rolls eyes at how often that little detail gets left out of the narrative).
3) Dick consistently put time, focus and Wayne Enterprises money into Arkham Asylum while he was Batman, since Arkham was being rebuilt from the ground up after it was blown up in Battle for the Cowl. Also, Dick had been one of the last 'patients' in the old Arkham, given that he went undercover to infiltrate the Black Glove while they were in control of Arkham and spent a week in there drugged to the gills, locked up and in a straitjacket before being almost lobotomized. He has every grievance with Arkham that fan writers like to PRETEND Jason has from his stay there, but Jason's only complaint was that he again, was bored, and he had to take psych evals every other week because it was after all, still a mental health institution. Dick did everything in his power at the time to make sure that even if Jason did have to be locked up to keep him from going after more people, like, it was going to be as humane as possible and the stuff that Dick himself had JUST experienced in the old Arkham WOULDN'T happen to Jason.
4) The Joker was literally nowhere near Arkham THE ENTIRE TIME. This is not a small detail, given that 'the Joker was just five cells down' is the entire basis of most writers' Jason-in-Arkham angst and the anti-Dick sentiments they tend to create. All the major Rogues escaped from the old Arkham in Battle for the Cowl BEFORE it blew up. That's why they're not DEAD. Dick's run as Batman was primarily about fighting the escapees. And Joker, very significantly, was clearly among those Rogues not present in Arkham during Dick's Batman run, given he was literally toying with Dick and Damian through most of it. Seriously, how much do people have to hate Dick and think the worst of him to think that he - the dude who btw, BEAT THE JOKER TO DEATH WITH HIS BARE HANDS FOR MAKING JOKES ABOUT KILLING JASON - would just....obliviously lock Jason up right next to the Joker and throw away the key?
Like...and it goes on and on, lol. I remember the first time I brought all this up in an argument with some Jason stans, they literally started laughing back and forth to each other in the replies about how someone was a bit too carried away with their own fanon, and its like...LMAO! Yes! Someone is! Its YOU! You are the people you guys are talking about, looooool, I can literally back all this up with sourced panels.
Buuuuuuut, c'est la vie.
I mean, this is nothing new for us, its literally Teen Wolf fandom alllll over again. Probably why I just said nope, not doing this again awhile back and was like umm actually I will NOT just be ignoring the blatant false narratives thrown around here just so that people happy with the fanon narratives that prioritize the characters they like and sling shit at the characters they don't can have their fandom just the way they want it at the expense of everyone else in it. You wanna push bad faith interpretations of specific characters at every literal opportunity, its like, that's cool! I got the drive! I can push back with actual facts, its all good!
But the most hilarious thing to me will always be how fucking INDIGNANT people get about that, like "How dare you point out the precedent we established in not caring about any fandom experience other than our own and thus being loud and everpresent with our preferred interpretations in an attempt to drown out any other possible interpretation just so that the most people possible would be influenced by us instead of anything else, and we'd get more of the content we like at the expense of any possible nuance whatsoever."
Like, the most common complaint I get is people griping about how damn often I'm saying "mmmm, no, this isn't what happened actually" and "okay but have you considered flipping the script BACK from the way you flipped it initially in order to get this weird ass interpretation of a superhero noted for his emphasis on emotional caretaking of his loved ones actually being this callous oblivious selfish jerk who tramples all over the feelings of everyone around them and makes them just the woobiest woobies that ever did woobie all throughout Woobieland?"
And I'm just like, okay see, I hear you, its just the thing is, the THING IS......
If you didn't want that to be the topic of conversation so damn often, then hey, just a suggesh, but maybe you shouldn't have devoted literal years to coming up with the most bad faith interpretations of this character possible at literally every available opportunity. Maybe there'd be like.....less reason for the topic to come up so often, if like....you by your own actions hadn't made it a necessary topic to tackle so often?
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Wait Emmett is a Dolly Parton stan?
I thought jasper would be the one since he’s from the south
Ah. A newcomer.
So here’s the thing, babe - I’ve already answered this same question before (though I can’t find the stupid ask for the life of me) and thus I’ve already explained my reasoning as to why it’s Emmett and not Mr. Single Star on my Collar Confederate that is the die-hard fan of the Country Queen. But because this is the LAST time I want to have to say this, I’ll go ahead and reiterate myself.
For reference to anyone reading this, Anon is referring to my current blog title (”emmett’s a dolly stan”).
I gotta lot of things to say about this so bear with me, it's gonna be a whole - actually, scratch that, multiple bullet lists. We’ll start with Emmett.
First thing’s first, I made this moodboard 
... and I made this post to go with it as a way to explain my reasoning.
As you can see from the post above and Emmett’s wiki, ya boy is from Gatlinburg, Tennessee! Good ole country boy who was just making a living to take care of his family!! Gotta love him. As you can also see from my post linked above, I mentioned that Dollyworld, Dolly Parton’s theme park that she had built to create jobs in that area, is located in Gatlinburg!!
Now, we know that Dollyworld wasn’t around in the ‘20s when Emmett was still human and living in the area, but (and yes, it is mentioned that he technically ~never looked back~ but that doesn’t matter because this is a headcanon) if you read the post above (how many times am I gonna repeat that phrase lol) I lay out why I think he would still have a soft spot for his hometown and, specifically, the music icon popular of that region, who is also from Tennessee herself!!
Other points worth mentioning: He’s from the back country, and because I think he’s a country boy, he would just enjoy some actually good country music. Srsly, how can one not like her music anyway??????? 
So to finish off this little bullet list.... Anon, do you not think Tennessee is in the South???? It is Or were you not aware of his Tennessean roots??? Not saying that to be mean, but ya know. Worth asking.
Now, onto Jasper.
As we have previously established, Jasper ain’t the only Southern gentleman in the Cullen Clan. 
Here is where I delve into canon (or at least, what ik from canon). We know from his anecdote that he relayed to Bella in Eclipse about the newborn army he trained that once he got turned, he was really out of it in terms of keeping up with the human world. His world was just violence and pain and conquering until he left and met Alice. From what I interpreted, Jasper still hasn’t really kept up with human affairs. I mean, okay yeah, it says in the Guide that he has a degree in history, so he went to college and knows some things (which is really fucking ironic when you think about how he was so proud of being a major in the Confed army but anyways), but he seems to just check out when it come to like... pop culture, you know? Idk about y’all, but to me, he doesn’t really seem like someone who would care about all the different kinds of music out there, so it seems like a stretch to me that he would zoom in on Mrs. Parton. Maybe he does keep up, I haven’t really read Midnight Sun so maybe I’m wrong, but to me, it just doesn’t seem like he’d be into a particular artist. That may be because I just write him off as some boring and racist character so I don’t give enough shits to breathe any life into him fanon-wise, but hey, if y’all are into that, I ain’t stopping you. 
I think the reason that ppl tend to get confused about this is that Jasper had the opportunity to relegate his backstory for plot driven reasons, and Emmett didn’t. Jasper talking about his human life really cemented in the minds of readers that he is From The South, but if Emmett somehow got to talk about anything beyond getting mauled by a grizzly (another mistake on smeyer’s part - grizzlies are out West, not in Appalachia), I think readers would also associate him as being from the rural South too. But because his backstory is only really recounted in his wiki and The Guide, it’s not the most well-known aspect of his identity. 
I feel like the majority of ppl that assume Jasper would be the one to like Dolly, and also just country music in general, is because they’re operating on the assumption that being from the South = good enough reasoning for a character to like country music, which can be kind of reductive but hey. And because fandom only thinks it’s Jasper who’s Southern and they skip over Emmett and Alice (I will give credit where credit is due - I know there was someone on here who made a country music playlist based off of those three’s Southern origins, but I can’t remember who it was unfortunately), he tends to get assigned those headcanons. Ig he does retain that Texan style a bit so it wouldn’t be a huge stretch if he liked country but anyways.
TLDR; To be blunt, it just makes more sense to me that the Tennessean whose hometown is literally where Dolly has her business would be a plausible Dolly Parton stan, not the aloof Texan who’d probably have some kind of vampiric seizure if he discovered that she supports BLM. 
Not to mention that I’m not the only one who thinks this. 
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nikadd · 4 years
every time ppl start talking abt gay rep i’m thinking back to my freshman year writing seminar based around homosexuality in american cinema and the first paper we had to write that was inspired by the celluloid closet.
we had to pick an Image created after 1995 (the year the celluloid closet was released) that could be described as Gay and base the rest of the paper on that. my thing ended up being about destiel/queerbaiting/etc, and i remember mentioning other shows that may or may not do that and this guy going, “well, actually, [some show that also has a v popular m/m ship] now has lgbt characters, so it’s not that.”
his comment threw me a little bit, because, yeah, sure, i love finding out that a show has lgbt characters, but at the same time... that specific thing wasn’t relevant to what i was talking about.
unless you’re someone who watches things just because they are gay (and i don’t personally have anything against you, i’ve just never been one of you), you’ve probably noticed that the approach to resolving queerbaiting is not entirely about simply hitting a gay rep quota. fans get invested in a character and/or a major relationship in canonverse of a show/film series/etc and recognize gay subtext for however much there is of it within that character and/or relationship’s writing. the textualization of queerness is not seen as a bone they want thrown, but as a payoff, a logical and systematic development on the already built-in storylines and characterization.
of course, not all subtextual relationships are created equal, so it would not be fair to expect a show to canonize every single gay ship that has garnered a fan following, but the unequal treatment of gay and straight ships is noticeable in this regard. this is obviously built into the fact that most of those characters are not gay from their introduction and are never intended to go through a sexuality realization in any way or form, so the queer reading of them is largely regarded as fanon from its conception. which is why, when new gay (and openly so!) characters are introduced, i always wonder if the writers had done that to offset the complaints they were getting from the shippers of specific major ships.
i want to clarify that no, i do not believe that shipping is inherently a demand for representation. there are many people who ship major gay ships who are homophobic themselves and/or can only perceive lgbt people through fanfic. this post is not about them. this post is about the gay fans who are invested, passionate, observant, and tired of being misunderstood. i don’t think the addition of prepackaged gay characters is downright bad; i love a lot of them and wouldn’t want to lose them either. nonetheless, it does feel like the writers mostly create characters who are either already openly gay, are Just About to come out, or will have some kind of never-identified and unlabeled sexuality for woke points. there is rarely if ever a development for a character to figure this out over multiple seasons, and it’s even rarer for that to be a main character’s storyline. straight people are already invested in that one, aren’t they? we can’t have them suddenly realize they aren’t as straight as they were previously believed to be written.
in many ways, this feels like people asking to be represented in what is already there, and the writers telling them, “well, you are wrong, there isn’t anything for you here... yet. please take this new character made specifically for you, and shut up about the ones you already love.”
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petersheart · 5 years
me again, i sent you the big long 2 part finn rant! i found you on tumblr bc on ao3 in you profile you had a tumblr (which i presume was an old username) but when i looked it up this acc came up! i think maybe the fic you're thinking of, and i could be wrong here, is "independent" but peakyblinders1919. i read that a while ago and it was the first fic i ever saw that tried to fill in finns plotholes. i also thought maybe he had dyslexia or smthn and i would SO LOVE to see the shelbys (part 1/2)
(part 2/2) teaching him to read. i also always think about how finn is an orphan and was pretty much only raised by pol and yet she doesn’t seem particularly close to him? you would think he would be like a child to her but michael comes along and she drops finn like hot shit. tbh it feels like everyone drops finn when michael comes along. & i see it alot around tumblr but loads of ppl say “finn was/is closest to arthur” (part 3) do ppl just presume that bc arthur is the oldest and finn is the baby or is there a scene i missed somewhere? bc yes i see that arthur is one of the few who show finn affection but he’d also the meanest imo what with finn not being able to breath without being told to shut up or fuck off. but don’t get me wrong i love the idea of finn being closest w/ arthur. thoughts? ❤️ (ps sorry for spamming, but u seem just as concerned about finn as me 😂)
noo dont say sorry, i love your messages a whole lot, and i appreciate getting to ramble on about this!! I got so excited when I saw you were back!
I also feel like I should clarify that all my opinions mainly come from what I read out of scenes, since we’ve seen very little of this stuff, and alot of this isn’t “facts” but just how i see it
I was actually just thinking about Finn and Pol today! In math class bc you know, it was boring
Theres a scene, very short, in s2ep5, (i think michaels just been arrested and Pol is LIVID) they’re having a family meeting, and she goes “This life is ALL BAD” and she walks over and grabs Finn’s arm, and he lets her drag him out of the meeting only asking “what are you doing aunt pol???” and she answers “just shut up and walk,” and that he does. And none of the siblings say anything? Just looks on? It’s one of the few times, after the first ep, we get a very clear show of Pol’s feelings about Finn. And it shows the respect the others have for her and her responsibility over Finn, since none of them argues with her. I really wish we could’ve gotten more of Finn’s reaction to the whole “Pol suddenly having a son” thing, and the fact that Michael so quickly got a better position than Finn, though I guess it was because Michael is older. and i know that they only have so much time and so many characters and a whole plot to tell but still, my heart aches for those family feels and i do totally agree with you on how it seems like everyone drops finn the second michael arrives, and it hurts my heart. I feel like even if they haven’t shown it too much, they have built up that kind of view that Pol stepped up and took care of Finn after their mother died? that we’re meant to assume that? maybe its just fanon, idk, i just really wish we got more of that. she barely reacted when she got told Finn had gotten shot in s5????? Like what?? I know that it was probably because he wasn’t in any danger but stilll! and once again; there’s much potential angst and fluff studying that relationship! 
Also for the other part, I think Arthur telling Finn to “fuck off” and stuff, is his own a little misguided way trying to protect him. Finn is his kid-brother, always will be, and especially in the first seasons none of the shelbys wants Finn, for his own best, to be in on all the “grown up” shit they do. Arthur, kind of like Polly I guess, wants Finn to stay out of things for as long as possible, and that means him “fucking off” in serious meetings or him staying out of it when shit hits the fan. Arthur is more open with his care than Tommy, but is also very a kind of “tough love” guy. The scene in s4ep2, when Finn gets to sit at the table, and Arthur grabs him and says “Little Bastard. Sending his fucking kid, Sergeant Major, to do men’s work.” The acting is so great, like that HURT and its right after they lost John,  and i feel like it says alot about Arthur’s relationship with Finn, and how he views his little brother as just that - little, and wants to spare him for the kinda life his older brothers have lived and still do live. 
I think Tommy’s way of protecting Finn is trying to make him more hardened, more of a man, and teaching him the right ways to do things, how to survive in this life they’ve made themselves, while Arthur is more on the “keep him out of it, keep him safe that way” side, at least at the start, and it’s a very interesting contradictory
ALSO the scene i mentioned over when finn gets to sit at the table, it hurts when you later watch the scene where finn admits that he isn’t john which i could go on and on about, and i think it must be quite heartbreaking for Arthur to see that just as much as he wanted to keep his little brother out of “the life,” Finn maybe didn’t actually want it either when he realised what it meant?? and still he was brought into it because honestly, it was bound to happen, they never couldve kept him out of it even if Arthur really wanted too and maybe thats me going a bit off my feelings and not something that clearly shows in the actual show of course s5 fucks all that over but, well
can they please give us more family scenes, i need to see some brotherly bonding or angst with finn, i mean come on
i could continue but this is getting so so long, but yeah, dont hesitate sending me more asks, i love talking about finn and worrying about this poor boyo
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catradora · 6 years
ur so right abt the disconnect between f/f and m/m+m/f ships!!!! tbh i feel like its really down to hets bc i KNOW if we had the amount of straighties who put work and care into kl content (some good some bad) give half that effort for wlw ships, then other ppl would be incentivized to make content aswell? i think a problem w c/a even with fellow wlw is that we love it as a concept, but fandom is so essential in providing hype and nurturing the characters (1/2)
(2/2) into smth peoplewant to read and see developed (in addition to canon, obvs). and bc its mainlywlw and theres less of us, and therefore less artists and writers, its justplain out harder AND we dont have as big of an audience !!! also if im gonna bring up vld i feel like a reason kl and other charas are soloved is BECAUSE vld fucked up and did so many things wrong and fans weredesperate to come up w smth they could enjoy, hence the fix its and popularleakira art
(3/2) and see charasthey related to get treated well (sorry skskks u dont hav to post these omg)but yea in general even i dont feel as much comfort in c/a and spop charas asmuch as i did/do w/ kl (and i havent even seen 90% of vld omfg) bc theres justisnt…. as much love being put in (quantity wise) if that makes sense:( i justwant a big fic to come out i want people to get invested!!!!! at the point itslike fuck it ill do it myself:(( hh sry for this but u truly summed up theproblem
yeah! fandoms tend to grow best when canon content fails to completely satisfy fans it’s completely understandable. she-ra only has 1 season out and it was good. fans don’t always feel the need to come in and flesh out canon if canon feels comfortable. the best part is that she-ra has the makings for great fanon content. i feel like we’ve made a big fandom but i recognize everyone so in a way it feels small.
when anybody comes from voltron fandom, you feel spoiled. constant content, major fics, big artists…leaving that behind and coming to something new+different is rough. wlw ships tend to be very niche and they get most of their love+attention when canon content is supplying it. once that hype dies, people leave for a more steady stream of content. there’s only one season of she-ra right now so i get that people haven’t latched on, but fandoms tend to display internalized emotions toward female characters+f/f ships (see: allura’s fandom treatment) which imo is where the disconnect comes from. it isn’t that people hate f/f ships, but so much has conditioned a response to find comfort in male characters since media gives them much better treatment and more personality. that isn’t a call out to fans! i’ve been in fandom for a long time and had to teach myself to knock that off too. i love the fandom we have now and i love everyone i interact with. i’m satisfied but deep down there’s that huffy part of me that knows if c/a gets endgame, they’ll flock to that spotlight like they’d been here the entire time.
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yuzuria · 6 years
for 1, komahina, pekozuki, kirizono and for 2 komaeda and kirigiri. sorry if its too much;;
not at all!! i appreciate spamming me more, thank you oliver~ ily
001 | komahina: (i’ve had this meme before and answered this but i’ll do it again and see if some stuff changed hehe)
when I started shipping it if I did: a lil after dr3 ended and i fully got back in dr fandom after 3 years o(--(
my thoughts: always the first spot in my heart, i always rant about them in twt and i don’t think i can ever fully convey what i feel about them but they’re the most canon ship i’ve ever had and it gave me fulfillment ha ha ;;;
What makes me happy about them: all of their interactions are significant and sheds light on each of their development, komaeda continues to push hinata forward even after his death and meanwhile hinata destroyed komaeda’s toxic worldview and mind you, didn’t give the hope to komaeda but made komaeda realize the hope is within himself and overall their rship conveys such a strong message. komaeda may not be the one who made the final act to make hinata move on and face their future but he’s the one hinata’s with in that future 
What makes me sad about them: facing the other is like facing oneself and their flaws which makes this ship really complicated because they argue a lot even if that’s the process to becoming better people where komaeda’s pushed to stop accepting what comes to him and learn to change himself while hinata needed acceptance within himself, but because komaeda offed himself their rship ended rocky like a broken wild rollercoaster and it was thrown over and we’ve seen how much komaeda’s death affected hinata because hinata only thought that he wouldn’t see komaeda anymore after the killing game over not because he died, what makes me sad is this complex exploration will always be limited in the fandom bc people will see it as abusive or unhealthy or for yaoizz sake from either haters or fans, it’s sometimes sad to be in this fandom and see all misinterpretations and hate all around but ha ha #justfandomthings
things done in fanfic that annoys me: the ridiculous fanon characteristics, you know what are they, too many to mention, i hate most of their interpretations im a really cranky grandma as a result with fight or flight response to their content online
things I look for in fanfic: rn i want more tdp
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: the people i dont mind for them are already dead (matsuda (which in my heart is komaeda’s canon first love) for komaeda  and natsumi for hinata) 
My happily ever after for them: dr3 sucks but they already have the happy ending i could ask for, just... hopefully they came to terms and closure from the simulation and are in whatever situation they think best for their future, not even me can dictate it for them
who is the big spoon/little spoon: hinata/komaeda
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: having dates in animal cafes...like cat cafe....dog cafe..hedgehog cafe... *sobs*
001 | pekozumi
when i started shipping it if i did: has it been last year or early this year i cant recall
my thoughts: they both have a problem being selfless and looking out for others over themselves and i think it balances out if they’re the one who looks out for each other... 
what makes me happy about them: their tdp is so good!! koizumi taking a picture of peko smiling and making peko realize the things that make her happy is so pure.... 
what makes me sad about them: we didn’t get to see a resolution with you know... “i killed you for my master who killed your former girlfriend who killed his sister...” 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: it doesn’t exist
things i look for in fanfic: ANYTHING
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: nope, their major ships are lowkey my notps so no thanks
my happily ever after for them: i want to see them explore the world together, koizumi taking pictures of smiles as the world is being rebuild while peko looks for her own happiness recovering from her attitude with seeing herself as a mere tool
who is the big spoon/little spoon: they switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: koizumi learns to love taking selfies only with peko bc they make embarrassed faces but they think the other is v cute so they do it often
001 | kirizono
when I started shipping it if I did: also in 2016, i saw them beside each other and it shook me how blind for so long for not noticing them
my thoughts: tragic highschool sweethearts
What makes me happy about them: even though they didn’t interact once in dr1 we have enough idea how they would act towards each other, they both can read people well and are both reserved and dedicated to their talents and those are, but in their class pictures they looked close so i’ll hold on to that they were lovers before the killing game and sayaka died without them remembering it, also their one (1) interaction in tdp is precious,, they can read each other so well and are concerned for each other uuuu;;;
What makes me sad about them: they. didn’t, interact, AT ALL!! UNTIL TDP AND THAT UMBRELLA POSTER  SPIKE MADE. 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i havent read much but from what i’ve read eeee it’s fine but not my flavor (i want more angst and more mundane situations...)
things I look for in fanfic: non despair au where they go in adventure and fall in love, hpa days where they fall in love, when kirigiri remembers their hpa days and grieve, au where naegi dies instead of sayaka and she becomes the protag (i’ve had this idea before drv3 okay)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: non
My happily ever after for them: kirigiri holds onto sayaka’s memories and doesn’t marry/have a relationship with anyone (fuck naegi) until she dies and reunite with sayaka..... or sayaka lives... pls LET SAYAKA LIVE I’M CRYING SO MUCH 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: card games
002 | komaeda
how i feel about this character: my dearest angel
all the people i ship romantically with this character: hinata, matsuda, kamukura im trash
my non-romantic otp for this character: sonia, kirigiri, kuzuryuu, koizumi, amami
my unpopular opinion about this character: komaeda isn’t gaga for kamukura because he’s the embodiment of hope and talents, it’s quite the opposite lmao, komaeda believes in natural-born talent and the will to make it flourish and improve which kamukura neither isn’t so it’s so so so boring when people only thinks of kamukoma this way, komaeda is capable of hating kamukura, in fact he’s more likely to hate kamukura than love him because of his passive listless attitude despite being capable of turning tides
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: what i wanted in canon already made magi happen so i don’t expect much anymore bc kdk isn’t the best person wrapping up his characters that’s why it’s so convenient 60+% of his characters are dead
my otp: hikoma
my cross over ship: komaeda/amami for that fwb au i have... also platonic komaeda/tae (gintam) where they cook together and make everything on fire
a headcanon fact: komaeda’s first love is matsuda, komaeda’s house/mansion isn’t empty but rather have a huge well-kept collection of his eccentric tastes and things he got via his luck and remember each story behind them, how many people was caught up with his bad luck or what he experienced
002 | kirigiri
how i feel about this character: my bestest girl
all the people i ship romantically with this character: sayaka
my non-romantic otp for this character: komaeda, dr1 girls, sonia
my unpopular opinion about this character: ppl barely talk about her so idk what’s unpopular or popular... maybe i just don’t see naegiri as a romantic thing or tonaegiri as a trio
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: be an actual good character in dr3 like who she is in dr1
my otp: kirizono
my cross over ship: no
a headcanon fact: she rides a motorcycle
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a list of semi coherent thoughts I’ve had about mcu wanda maximoff
0.5 this post is open to discourse. if u are unwilling to see viewpoints that are pro wanda or anti wanda this is not the post 4 u.
1. wanda runs off of very powerful emotions and that’s an a + character trait. her rage fueled grief and power is just fascinating to watch.
2. ew whitewashing why do you do this to me mcu. stop. enough.
3. yeah it’s kind of ridiculous to kill the ex-ceo of a weapons company that killed your parents as compared to whoever fired the missiles or whoever ordered said military action but it’s not that ridiculous if you apply the barest modicum of generous interpretation to it.
Tony Stark was emblematic of the very destructive American ideal of we’re great and right and coming with guns. Going off of IM2, even as he was doing great things (”I’ve successfully privatized world peace”) his performance was still very um American (”no one’s man enough to go [against me]”). Like as audience members we get it but I could see how that sort of look-at-me attitude would not ring like redemption to someone in that much emotional pain. Like, you could easily read their actions as being about attacking every American/foreign influence figure head, which is sort of supported by the fact that the twins wanted the avengers down not just Tony Stark.
If the weapons were illegally sold there’s no guarantee the twins knew that Tony wasn’t responsible. It’s possible Tony leaked the truth about Obadiah after the “I Am Iron Man” press conference, but the original plan was a SHIELD coverup.
I’m not inclined to conflate profiting of our wrongs or moral ambiguities on the same moral level as instigating wrongs, but it’s also up in the air whether or not Stark Industries cared about collateral damage in the design of their weapons and that’s something the twins could legitimately blame them for. IM1 canon is a mixed bag - we have intellicrops (concern for philanthropy) but we also have, y’know the Jericho (the weapon that levels mountains)
(read more under the cut)
tl;dr: wanda is a fascinating flawed character who suffers from writing problems but she’s also wearing the name of a jewish/romani woman even though marvel studios is too much of a coward to translate that to film & i’m perpetually bitter and indecisive about everything.
4. the twins had enormous social factors encouraging them to hate the avengers/america. even american media was questioning the avengers; shield had fell; people were putting up anti avengers graffiti
5. considering the twins spent their formative years in a country at war and lost their parents I’m assuming they went through quite a few economic hardships.
6. what sort of access did the twins have to media or education?
7. I’m not inclined to blame the twins for their desire to get revenge but it is worth noting that they seemed to have very little concern for collateral damage even though the only thing we as an audience knows for certain is that the whole reason they’re seeking revenge is because of collateral damage.
8. there’s a gap of 8-12 years between the death of their parents and their attack on the avengers. no matter what mitigating circumstances there were (and I think there were a lot) that’s a premeditated crime
9. there’s a lot of parallels between wanda maximoff and kira nerys except the writers on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine actually cared about Kira Nerys.
10. both of Wanda’s major fuck ups (willingly unleashing the Hulk on Johannesburg and failing to protect everyone in Lagos) happened in African countries. I believe in some suspension of belief for superhero movies but I’m not sure it’s entirely appropriate to be like hey! look at Wanda! the whitewashed character who fucks things up in African countries! such girl power! great anti-imperialism message!
(I mean, the same disregard applies to all the avengers though. I’m pretty sure the safest interpretation of Lagos is “the avengers could have done better by not fighting in proximity with a bunch of civilians” which is on Steve. And unless I fever dreamed this Steve tosses his cowl at the feet of anti-avengers graffiti in the beginning of aou and there is nothing appropriate about that).
11. Wanda was introduced in AOU, a movie with sub par dialogue and tbh I have a feeling Whedon et.al never thought through the implications of Johannesburg bc he just wanted a convenient way to introduce a hulkbuster fight.
12. tbh I really want a scarlet witch movie to fix all of this but I also really want a recast and I know I won’t get either (fanon wanda is the best because we can fix all of this with a hammer).
13. CA:CW seemed to draw on a lot of Wanda’s comic history (specifically in the oppression metaphors) but since it followed the clusterfuck that was AOU I can’t exactly give them a standing ovation for that.
14. ca:cw did a very bad job following through wanda’s plot threads from aou. tbh I’m not even team we need to stretch Wanda’s redemption arc further but idk, it might be nice if she mentioned her dead brother or tied the Lagos incident/Sokovia accords to, idk, her past living in a war zone.
15. ca:cw could’ve given me wanda wryly commenting on how luxurious the compound was compared to sokovia but instead it gave the should-be-jewish character a cross in her bedroom and fuck that marvel why don’t you just stake me through the heart so I don’t have to deal with your bullshit
16. I wish wanda in the airport scene was more about her desire to do good (go stop the supersoldiers) than the awkward oppression metaphor
17. although push come to shove I would’ve focused on poverty/american foreign intervention over calling the powers she volunteered for the source of her oppression the whole raft scene does demonstrate that people whose powers (or even training) cannot be separated like say Sam and the Falcon or Tony and the suits face a special criminal justice risk.
but this isn’t really relevant to the accords, which are not the SHRA and honestly the same ethical problem of how to incarcerate enhanced people exists whether or not someone is acting as a superhero (is it ethical to put a psychic murderer in solitary confinement if that’s the only way to prevent them from using their powers to escape or assault guards?)
18. according to beta canon/film subtext wanda & pietro did not willingly sign up to work with hydra. Just good to remember.
19. I will forever be attached to the idea of wanda liking Vision’s company because he is both practically invulnerable (not going to get shot 7 times on a floating city) and emotionally dependent on her support (just like Pietro). (this is not implying twincest btw)
20. I think wanda’s house arrest in ca:cw is not completely unreasonable (she’s probably awaiting investigation & is at risk of being hurt/hurting others from mob violence) but definitely steve (and probably natasha & sam) should be under house arrest as well. but they aren’t, and I think it’s fair to say that in universe that’s xenophobia/anti-immigrant sentiment. why be afraid of the american icon when you can be afraid of the poor sokovian woman?
21. antis make way too much of the whole “she’s just a kid line”. like steve was responding to tony calling her, a human being, a weapon of mass destruction. like, he was just trying to humanize her and calling the youngest person in a group a kid even when they’re an adult isn’t that strange.
22. in lagos wanda was trying so damn hard to stop that bomb and yes she didn’t manage it but blaming her instead of steve? uh gross.
23. how much experience does she have? yes tony stark throwing himself into superheroics worked out surprisingly well but superheroes need training
24. I insist marvel release a 22 page dissertation on wanda’s mind powers but also if I don’t like it I’ll call it not canon. (my initial theory was that she produces ptsd symptoms - even if the person normally doesn’t suffer from ptsd - but something in the confidence that she can manipulate tony before entering his mind makes me think she has slight suggestive abilities beyond fear and also thor’s vision arguably followed a different vein)
25. antis like to argue that the maximoffs only turned on ultron because it benefited them but let’s be clear the maximoffs fought ultron because they thought he was wrong and wanted to personally help. they could’ve just tipped off the avengers and left or left ultron to do whatever ultron was going to do and only fought him if he directly came after them okay the twins had options and they chose the most altruistic option.
26. ppl who say wanda isn’t really whitewashed because marvel’s decades of retcons have whitewashed her at past points are pretty much using a two-wrongs argumentative fallacy.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 7 years
Is it just me, or are most people in the VC fandom women? (Not saying I mind, I'm just legit curious if and why.)
(Reminder: I am/was not a gender studies major, nor a student of fandom. This is just an entertainment blog and all that follows is my opinion only.)
This is a highly sensitive topic that people study academically for many fandoms, and I will hardly do it justice here. But I felt it was important to share what I can, anyway. Some links are under the cut for further reading about this topic, even though they do not apply to VC fandom specifically.
The short answer is that, from my experience, yes, most ppl in the VC fandom seem to be women. This is based on the past 20 years of AR’s booksignings I’ve attended, online communities, interviews/articles over the years, AR’s FB (her own posts + comments from her People of the Page), and AR’s Twitter. However, I would add that she absolutely does have fans who are men, NB, agender, genderqueer, transgender, etc. It would be difficult to do a thorough demographic study of all of her fans (current/past/specific time period(s)/etc.), so I wouldn’t know what portion of the fanbase is made up of women.
Let’s take a brief look at our superfan from movie!IWTV:
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^What is superfan thinking? Does she think Santiago is a REAL VAMPIRE? Does she want to die? … or, is she simply a groupie of that media and enjoying it as a fantasy situation? We don’t get her backstory in the movie, so we may never know.
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^Santiago has had to deal with hecklers and admirers for years so he’s not really fazed by her disrupting his show, and when he shuts her offer down, it draws a laugh from the audience. Laugh at the fan who confessed her love for the fantasy of it all and offered herself as tribute. 
Before we specify why women are in VC fandom, one thing to consider is What is fandom? In my opinion, it’s a group of people who are drawn to a shared space bc of a shared interest in specific media. Within that, you still have to reach out to individuals in order to become friends. You don’t necessarily have to agree on every aspect of the media you each enjoy, but having chemistry certainly helps. Participating in fandom can also mean creating/consuming fanworks without having any personal connection with other fans. Sometimes it’s just in posting fic and/or leaving kudos. Some join a skype chat group so that they focus primarily on their personal connections with other fans. It’s a wide spectrum and there are different ways to engage with other fans within a fandom.
Why VC fandom? We all have our reasons for being in VC fandom. I would prefer not to speak for other fans as to their reasons, but everyone is welcome to respond in the comments/reblogs of this post, or message me on/off anon, and I might gather up those responses and add them to this post. 
Why I was drawn to VC: Personally, I’m a woman, and I’m in this fandom bc the canon/fanon is intellectually stimulating to me. I’ve made some of my best friends here. We share a love for these characters and we discuss them at length. This does not mean we 100% support everything the characters do in canon. We enjoy them as fictional characters, not necessarily as role models.
Secondly… I had posted a personal account about my reasons for being into VC canon, but later deleted that post bc I was informed that my reasons weren’t acceptable. That VC was not for straight women. I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’ll briefly tell you my reasons for being attached to VC, under the cut. 
Brief historical context:
These books are/were written by a straight white woman, and she’s always advised her fans to “write the book you want to read.” She currently writes for herself, presumably, as she does not use an editor in the traditional sense. She began VC in the early 1970s with the short story, “The Master of Rampling Gate” (which eventually became the full novel IWTV). The short story was published in Redbook magazine at the time, which is/was a magazine for women, and the short story was written in the vein (pun intended!) of the older gothic romance novels that were extremely popular in the ‘60s. 
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^In fact, this edition of IWTV is straight-baiting, as the only female love interest that Louis might have gotten into that physical position with would be Babette, and that… definitely doesn’t happen.
IWTV is a dissection of Louis’ feelings, and Louis was a stand-in for Anne herself. VC in general has a lot of emotion, both in the dialogue, and the introspection woven into the narrative itself. The fact that these books are mostly written from the 1st person perspective is a very intimate means of communication to the reader, and makes the novels that much more emotionally rich. Some might say that such emotional writing tends to appeal to women.
The books are intimate. There is a constant thread of intimacy throughout which seems to appeal to women of all sexual orientations, in my opinion. I started the series with IWTV when I was 11 yrs old and I’ve heard from other fans of other genders that they also started VC when they were young, even around the age that I did. Being right before puberty, maybe that adds some extra addictive quality to it, that it explores a kind of intimacy when we’re in the phase of life where we’re just becoming interested in sexuality. I remember mooning over pics of Brad Pitt in my table group at lunch, and we would talk about him, but I doubt any of us would have wanted to actually kiss him at the time, we just wanted to speculate about dating and romance!
After the first book, the intimacy continues with TVL, where we get Lestat’s backstory, and as the series progresses, it just keeps going. Whichever book new VC fans enter the series, they’re going to hit that vein, more or less. It’s not as strong in the most current books, but it’s still there. I would say that AR found that the way she wrote the first 2 books was so well-received that she felt validated in her style of writing, that it was appealing to her readers, and continued to produce it.
There’s also quite a lot of wealthporn, where the characters describe their expensive clothes, jewelry, or lavish surroundings, none of them have to hold a dayjob or anything menial like that. Since many of us do not currently enjoy such luxuries of material goods and/or freedom of leisure time, it’s another element that might make it appealing to certain demographics. There’s a ton of wish fulfillment in the books. 
Hit the jump for a little more.
My reasons for being into VC
Basically, I was bullied when I was 11 (for having a bad fashion sense and bad teeth), which is right around the time that someone gave me a copy of IWTV. I had always loved horror novels and scary stories as a way to study monsters and see if I could unpack them and better understand them. I drew inspiration from the way the VC characters handled their own obstacles, I loved getting Lestat’s backstory, he was not just a colorful antagonist, he had his own reasons for acting the way he did. Reasons are not EXCUSES, but in understanding monstrous behavior, we can equip ourselves to weather it when we see it in real life. Eventually, I got braces, grew out of my 90′s grunge phase, and while the bullies changed form over time, I learned how to deal with them. 
Could I have drawn inspiration from other books/movies/music? Yes! And I did. But VC, for the intimacy of the stories, for the vibrancy of the characters, for so many reasons that I can’t go into on a post I’m trying to keep brief… this is a piece of media that I’ve held onto over the years. Not the only one, but certainly the main one, for me.
A few good posts to check out re: women in fandom:
And I don’t mean to attack you, Anon, but these posts are written with a tone because there is so much criticism of what women in fandom are not allowed to enjoy. Please read at your own risk, but they have some very good points about why women might be into certain things in fandom.
a comprehensive guide to mlm shipping habits in transformative fandom
villain-relatable marginalization 
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yuzuria · 8 years
Bnha for the 1 and komahina for the 2!
001 | bnha
Favorite character: kacchan!! i havent gotten around in bnha lately but hes still my number one angry sonLeast Favorite character: the grape pervert i forgot the name, monota? mineta?5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): i dont srsly ship any of these but i enjoy some like kiribaku (yebc of u) momojirou is cute!! todomomo dekuraka (tfw ur str8) and tododeku Character I find most attractive: hatsume and momo!! also /sweaty/ midnightCharacter I would marry: maybe momo i adore her a lot Character I would be best friends with: uraraka!!! the sweetest summer child. id rly love to be in their group tbh iida (?) and deku are cool tooA random thought: i need to relearn their names and catch up. i stopped reading at ch 69 (yes i did that in purpose so i can remember)An unpopular opinion: hmm not rly i dont even know whats popular or not My canon OTP: is there one? hm nahNon-canon OTP: nahMost badass character: iwant kendou itsuka to kick me and step on me and make me her personal punching bagPairing I am not a fan of: teachers/teachers and don’t ever tell me teacher/students existsCharacter I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i still don’t rly know yet !Favourite friendship: are deku and kacchan’s mom besties or was that just a hc? if not then for the main trio and momojirou
002 | komahina
when or if I started shipping it. my thoughts: okay so i think i’ve known them since 2013, i was a lurker and had seen stuff of them. i even had a bad impression of them bc said materials let me saw the “fanon komahina” with crazy stalker ko x tsun maso hinata so i stayed away as much as possible from that order (till now tbh it scarred me). then dr3 happened ! i invested a lot of time while dr3 was airing to get to know them and spoiled myself to the majority of sdr2, i was in denial in that period tbh bc i was dissatisfied with their rship in sdr2 bc of the lack of closure and how i believed hinata won’t ever return komaeda’s feelings (as how i put it before when i still didnt know better) it’s almost hilarious i was in denial i ship them while i read their top fics in ao3, 100k word fics included, every night then wake up and tell the world nope! i dont ship them! then it just happened, the denial decreased, i started to read more abt sdr2, followed ppl and read their thoughts about komahina, kibou hen already ended, occasional rts (spams) their art in twitter then before i knew it, i never expected myself to like komahina but im in here deep
What makes me happy about them: how do i even start… i had to sort through my memory bc almost all of their canon interactions make me sad. ok first thing i love how one’s smile has impact to the other, of how hinata thinks ko’s smile is calming and drives his worries away and how painful it was for komaeda to remember hinata’s that implies to weigh equally as his death in sdr2.5 ( this is sad and not happy wtf ) hinata wanting to understand komaeda, komaeda feeling serenity when he’s with hinata, the dangan island scenes!! the ridiculous ones with “i don’t mind if you want to see me naked”, hinata taking komaeda to a carousel, komaeda being nervous around hinata when he noticed they’re alone, hinata never expressed disgust or called ko “creepy” in canon unlike the others where he thinks komaeda being confusing. and hinata reaching out to take komaeda’s hand twice in sdr2.5 
What makes me sad about them: everything in sdr2 wtf? one, there’s so many unsaid things between them in canon, like komaeda saying less about his feelings when there’s more to it, him lying about lying about his condition in his last fte and hinata’s confused and frustrated over that? he didn’t know which are true or not and he simply can’t figure it out alone. komaeda and their hostile situation are definitely not helping. also where he shrugs off thoughts that could lead him understanding komaeda’s true feelings as “overthinking” especially in chapter 5. but in the end of his fte, hinata acknowledges he feels a mysterious bond with him which is true, of how they look after each other in a way after everything and other else.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i back off before i start to read those i think are gonna annoy me but i hate myself and i still checked so here are some,
-the fanon komahina mentioned above goes here without a doubt-the crack fics that spam and flood their tag… like really? shrekmaeda? trumpmaeda? s*mmer l*ve???-the “uwu so pure cant hurt everyone! pls protect me hinatakun” komaeda and “hide in my arms babe im here for u” hinata-just. very aggressive and clingy komaeda.-violent dom/sub, noncon, hate sex-shsl slut hinata-kun-fucking komaeda who’s stuttering every single time
Things I look for in fanfic: i’m up to anything! tbh i’ll accept any post dr3 where they’re happy or alternative post sdr2 where it’s angsty with pent up emotions and both of them have to deal with a lot of things left from the simulation (im disappointed sdr2.5 didnt give us drama :0 ) or just simple fluff aus good for the soul. angsty aus bc sadness is never enough to me. canon divergence!! im happy to see some twists made within sdr2… and dr3 please. 
My kinks:  komahina being passionate with each other : ‘  D
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: non Non No. this ask got very long do you think i even have the time to imagine either of them without the other… well there’s kamukoma, technically it doesn’t count, and that’s it
My happily ever after for them: komahina moving on from ordeals together finally reached a complete understanding, they might still hit a rocky road along the way but they have each other to rely on. that s cheesy, most probably, but please
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