#oh now we cant let ppl have fun okay
starlooove · 5 months
Batfans swear they’re not racist and then you click a character tag and see how they talk about poc they’ve never met
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whatsupwalnut · 2 months
Painland Week Day 2: Myths/Legends
@ deathsankh: lmao does Edwin Payne rly think i cant see him 😂
@ deathsankh: poor kid’s been in hell for 73 years and he comes right back to school? NERD
@ deathsankh: omg he made a friend, i love this for him
@ deathsankh: his lil friend is cute but imma let them cook 🙏
@ deathsankh: bumped into the boys again today, they brought me an offering
@ deathsankh: little girl didnt know she was dead, poor thing
@ deathsankh: i can’t share deets (thanks hipaa) but she died in her apartment and she’s been stuck there for decades
@ deathsankh: they played a game with her and suddenly her soul is calling to me??? okay boys, go offff
@ deathsankh: they thought i couldnt see them BEHIND A DESK lmaooooo 
@ deathsankh: these new kids crack me up
@ deathsankh: the dead boys are still in that apartment, they can’t hide for shit
@ deathsankh: 🏅 congrats to the worst to ever do it 🏅
@ deathsankh: they sent me two more souls in the past month and they’re still scared of me
@deathsankh: we’re colleagues now darlings, have fun out there 💅
@ deathsankh: stop, the little dead boys
@ deathsankh: im obsessed
@ deathsankh: they started a “detective agency” and ive gotten like 16 tributes from them so far
@ deathsankh: and get this
@ deathsankh: they’re calling it
@ deathsankh: like that’s not gunna attract attention from the afterlife
@ deathsankh: i put my contacts on notice, hands off unless they go thru me
@ deathsankh: the night nurse could be a problem but who’s gunna say no to me 💅
@ deathsankh: these boys are lucky i like they, they literally freed a ghost IN THEIR OFFICE tonight
@ deathsankh: like im not gunna sense them hiding on the windowsill 🙄
@ deathsankh: i should have said BOO right before i took Wilfred 😂 but u know im too profesh
@ deathsankh: i guess the dead boy detectives got spooked bc now they’re in port townsend??? 
@ deathsankh: BITCH IM EVERYWHERE 😂😂
@ deathsankh: i gotta call my girl Lilith, she was out there last time we spoke and it’s been too long
@ deathsankh: their little friend kinda reminds me of her
@ deathsankh: these boys stay getting themselves into situations ong
@ deathsankh: i cant talk specifics but that dad was a piece of work
@ deathsankh: im only sorry i couldnt get to him myself.
@ deathsankh: Lilith is Not Doing Well, please reach out if you have her info 🙏
@ deathsankh: shit is POPPING OFF in port townsend
@ deathsankh: why cant these kids take a proper holiday
@ deathsankh: night nurse is ON MY ASS like i don’t already know about this
@ deathsankh: she takes this shit too seriously lmao
@ deathsankh: YO
@ deathsankh: HELL????
@ deathsankh: oh shit what up @simonpages 
@ deathsankh: Thank you to everyone who reached out to Lilith, including the dead boy’s little friend! She’s doing much better now and hell has a new resident :) 
@ deathsankh: NOT LILITH lmao my bad 😂
@ deathsankh: the boys are out of hell but everyone is still sad??? they said their neighbor died but i didnt hear anything? mods????????????????????????????????????
@ deathsankh: this one is out of my jurisdiction gl out there boys 🫡
@ deathsankh: whole squad is back in London
@ deathsankh: the medium’s parents are annoying i need to give them a buzz…
@ deathsankh: NOT LIKE THAT u know i can’t take ppl before their time, but like…
@ deathsankh: they need a lil reminder that im coming :) 
@ deathsankh: i gotta take the night nurse out for drinks bc she is STRUGGLING @ThePrincipal u crazy for this one queen 😂😂 girls night soon?
@ deathsankh: fr tho does nn think i look at all that paperwork bc LMAO
@ deathsankh: the tweedy one loves it tho have fun king
@ deathsankh: like im not gunna approve the asylum paperwork sksksksks
@ deathsankh: omg they got the news and the whole squad is crying in the club 
@ deathsankh: even the night nurse lmao im never letting her live this down
@ deathsankh: maybe i shouldnt have delivered the news personally, i think i almost killed the boys again 😬 my bad yall
@ deathsankh: was anyone surprised the curly one kissed the tweedy one when i told them 😂
@ deathsankh: took them long enough tbh 😻
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voidthehuman · 2 months
Things that annoy me abt people
1. Two faced people If you dont know what two faced means, first of all for fellow Muslims out there its a massive sin. It kind of means you treat one differently than one another. Lettme give an example: lets say you tie people you know with a tight rope that kind of hurts. One of them is maybe a really close friend or maybe a family member. So you loosen the rope on theirs to relieve the pain but keep the rest tight. That is two-faced. Now- I seen this mostly in tickle rp or even just being a good friend in general. People just treat one friend better than another because they see one as a closer friend than another- or one may be their partner, I understand completely that u may do things with ur partner that u wouldnt do with ur friends. But it dont mean that u treat ur friends worse because you have a partner. Its BS. And it doesn't matter that you feel hesitant to treat one friend like a close friend. Because if it does matter, than you could say that its okay to for u to k!ll someone because you dont feel like letting them live- and dont say "oh but thats different." If I have the title that I am ur friend than u better not treat me worse or better than the rest of your friends, doesnt matter how long me or they had been your friend for. 2. Passive-Aggressive people Again, haram. If you purposely talk to me or anyone dryly than I probably just- wont be ur friend. And if you ignore me or anyone else without even telling them the reason why, then again, wont be ur friend. Maybe I wont just instantly unfriend you and maybe ill talk to you but still people love being passive aggressive for some reason. They think its cool, maybe they will change their mind when they see Hellfire. 3. People who get angry easily Agaiiiin haram. You are considered weak in Islam if you get angry easily. I dont need a paragraph explanation for this honestly. If you lash out at me, or be in a "bad mood" and when i speak to u, u just be like "what." Then, again, unfriended. 4. People who say they are in the tickle community but never actually do anything tickle-related. This is self-explanatory. This is kind of a vent- cuz I recently been feeling kinda left out. Like man I remember a while ago in the gacha tickle community I was called the "tickle pet of the community" and I would wake up to some fun tickle rps n stuff. It wasnt just back and fourth tickling we actually set up a plot and everything like a tickle school or a tickle version SCP site- was fun. But recently, nobody really rps or hangs out with me as much. I see people sending nice paragraphs to each other in public and I dont really get any unless i send one first. And ofc, two-faced people treating me like 1/4 of how good of a friend they can actually treat me like yet treating others much better. When we talk abt it, it always goes down to "they r closer friends" orrrr "trust issues" which I dont even consider someone a friend if they cant trust me- idek what they dont trust me abt- its just about treating me like they do with their close friends and rp with me as much as they do with them. And if u know this is u, just know ur not the only one treating me like this- theres many ppl doin this- I made another tickle photo so I will be posting that. Welp, cya.
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capcavan · 1 year
AFTG tfc ch1 Re Read by cavan
(i do not remember any details so its almost like im reading it first time lmao) tumblr does not give me read more cut off option so deal with this i guess sorry #CavanrereadAFTG if you need to block it chapter 1 "She'd beat him to the hell and back if she saw him sitting around and mopping like that" is quite violent way to phrase "she woudl be displeased to see him .." so was neil casually beaten by his mom or we only on page 4 of neil backed up trauma management and im already thinking about scene where this boy will finally brek open and admit how much he wants normal life and not having to hide his emotions and you know live a little without this whole batman personal covering his face already hit by brain made connection about how exy is what took rikos life away from him and how it's the thing that kept neil alive through the worst of his here i am making it about this little cunt already but what else were you expecting of me?
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learning new things about English language always nice! neil "its cool my mom died i can finally stay in one place for a bit" how had this boy not murdered this woman himself is beyond me fr ,, please go away" neil wymack already adopted you just haven't got the adoption papers yet I wonder if Janie Smalls is taller than Andrew Minyard "her best friend found her bleeding out" okay but - who is Janie's best friend is it one of foxes? what if it's seth ? Makes sense for it to be seth nvm friend explained to me that potential recruit means she was not at palmetto at the time " Typical of a fox " see riko would make amazing fox that's boy self destructive af in all of my head cannons
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broadening my vocab nice nice Notorious for their tiny size i know it's bc there only 9 of them but i will stay believing it is bc everyone is short math time, had not seen kevin in 8 years neil is 18-19 now so he was 10 ok will remember Neil: i need to be very sneaky about my past wymack: do you need a pen? neil: i can't play for you because you signed kevin day wymack: ....... ??????? I LOVE HOW ANDREW WAY TO SAY HI IS FUCKING CRUSHING NEILS LUNGS AGAINST HIS SPINE ????? forgot how radioactive they are bc of how cute they are welp things align riko broke kevins hand andrew beat up neils internal organs for no reason at all! i love when all my ships are fucked up
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assailant here is the word i keep using but spelling "assultant" lmao , man im learning so much ,, Andrew was blamed for kevins recent transfer" - kandrew is strong with this one ppl in universe just assumed kevin fell in love on first sight and they ARE RIGHT
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i cant tell if im here to study cannon or english but like i know what those words mean but i don't know their definitions does that make sense? OH THIS IS SO CUTE I WILL DRAW THIS FUCK YES LETS GO he slammed motherfucker with his own racket dfghsdjfhgg Hernandez is literary the only normal person over the course of those 3 books andrew *assults someone as hello* wymack: Andrew's a bit raw on manners / my dude with this reading speed it will take me half year to go through those books but im having actually a lot of fun here neil: i already said i can not sign with you wymack:OK BUT YOU STILL NEED TO EXPLAIN WHY KEVIN DAY IS THE ISSUE HERE did kevin heard it lmoa i wonder if kevin heard the ,, do you need a pen - YoU sIgNeD KeViN DaY no wonder kevin was bitch to neil he thought the lil bitch hated him on the start lmao Andrew was only here because Kevin day never went anywhere alone here you go with your raven programming <3 YEARS SINCE THEY'D WATCHED NEIL'S FATHER CUT A SCREAMING MAN INTO HUNDRED BLOODY PIECES Kevin / Dark hair and green eyes, black number 2 neil saw that number and wanted to retch He and his adopted brother Riko Moriyama wrote the numbers one and two on their faces with markers, tracing them over and over anytime they started to fade. ok so were they drawing their own numbers? it sound like kevin was drawing his number too also this is the only mention i think of riko being reffered to as kevin,s brother in the books anyway I have case to make assuming kevin and riko were doing those numbers form young age pre 10 ... it just makes sense the system they use would be Arabic not roman i just can't imagine small kids knowing roman numbers when they were neglected in nest i think this is best case i can make for it. friend provided proof that in book the four tattoo neil get's is introduced as "4" so ok arabic canon moving on Riko nad Kevin were inducted to national court 1 year pre aftg story starts They were champions and neil was a jumble of lies and dead-ends on one hand it's funny how desperate they all are to sign neil on other hand i deeply believe they just see the desperation in his eyes, we know that neil wants it and those contact lenses do not hide it , they know that he wants to say yes, they are just confused about what the fuck makes him say no (kevin's bitchiness) or at least i would make this be the case if neil didn't just got assaulted and if they didn't literary phrased it as ,, we are not living without you signing this" like .. kidnapping with extra steps much ???? playing like he has everything to lose is not excuse for you all to harass this poor man like that OK HOLD ON A SECOND "He'd remember the scrimmage interrupted by that man's murder"
what man what murder the man nathan butchered for them? did nathan murdered someone during game?
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the moment kevin would start looking at him funny- he already is ngl im only on page 12 and i just hate neils mom i have no phrasing for it but the fact that every choice neil could make for his happiness is meet with ,, mom would be sooo mad" is really frustrating to read about... what is the point of even being alive for this boy fr???? i wonder if theres any specific place they would have been safe it? kind of would be fun to have au where neil and his mom go to japan and end up getting protection form yakuza F BOMB 1 F BOMB 2 COMBO fuck i love those characters so much okay like all of them It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you"
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David "idealistic idiot" Wymack wymacks sincerity is what lets foxes trust him , wymack is the first adult in their lives that understands Savge yank of her hands in his hair here we go fuck he has so much guilt over trying to live a little this is so un fair "I'm sorry"he gasped out between wet coughs. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
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kimmkitsuragi · 1 year
ok this goes under readmore
i be thinking damn i know transition periods are super stressful n scary, and i had a very fucking bad final semester in all ways, and im superfucking stressed about the [redacted], and i am supersuperfucking stressed about the [the future career things in general which i do nothing abt rn bc *gestures at the beginning of the post* and then i become even more mega stressed] like i get that MAYBE having a break IS kinda necessary lol but then also i feel like im running out of time and i get scared that i will be stuck in a loop of not doing anything ever and ever again and all that. and i feel like it's trueeeee i gotta do SOMETHINg at one point but im fucking exploding so icannot do anything in general
and anyway what i be thinking is this: i know all THAT ^. but also like i said I gotta get past all that and Move... BUT.... then i think i literally have been showing so very bad physical symptoms of anxiety due to all THAT ^. like. very bad i think I've been having panic attacks but im not sure and i dont wanna assume????? but i had that feeling for the first time in may when all that shit was happening like i thought i WAS gonna have a heart attack or something genuinely. and it's been fine in general after mid-june but then....... this last 1-2 weeks all of THAT^^ have been becoming too much in general for me i guess. and now i get that feeling very very often like i had it 2 times (???) today and last night i couldnt sleep lol.
and ANYWAY then i think to myself please get your shit together whatever the fuck has been happening to you have been happening but like. let's move on okay. you're being pathetic and loserlike and you just have to move on like what u gonna do be jobless for the rest of time and do nothing in general like? what IS your plan babygirl perhaps we should move on and i DO think im right about this
BUT...... then literally everyone i see in the last week has been getting worried abt me like. it just makes me realize more and more that this is not just another stressful week i have to move through bravely maybe. idk what im supposed to do but it's BAD i know that i realize that. i know ive been staring at the Nothingness a lot more and i know i havent been sleeping that much and it's not for working reasons anymore so i have no reason literally (and it's not for fun purposes either like watching movies or reading or playing or whatever) and i know I have shortness of breath and a Lot of shakes and a lot of trouble with trying not to vomit and just existing in general or doing anything. and it shows in things like hand eye coordination too i have been breaking things constantly and when it's useless stuff it's whatever but like i just straight up dropped a fucking LAPTOP to the ground and it wasnt even mine i feel literally so bad abt all this i feel like all these stuff must also be worrying and or annoying for other ppl (thankfully the laptop is generally fine but the usb of the wireless mouse was totally screwed thanks to me :/) oh and I've been crying a lot but it's nothing new i guess
anyway i wrote all that to say Something has been up with me certainly but like. i am still feeling paralyzed in general so not doing anything about anything but i SHOULD. i should move on from whatever the fuck is this weird mind phase i just need to get myshit together and be NORMAL and like do the things i must do without crying and screaming and throwing up and then having a panic attack on top of that lmao
(and the worst part is all of this is literallyjust normal life stuff in general like ijust cant cope with normal stuff i guess then what the fuck am I supposed to do then)
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astralmarionette · 8 months
THIUGHTS ON THE GUILD GO! I loved them sm they were my fav faction and all the characters make me deeply insane I am WAITING for them to come back they have to asagiri set up too many plot points not to bring them back. Sigh. my favs r lucy n poe n mitchell n hawthorne n steinbeck but I like all of them
Omg omg okay i LOVE thr Guild I spent like 30 minutes last night trying to predict the different Guild members because Autism. (I FUCKING LOOKED UP MARk TWAIN BC I WAS LIKE U CANT HAVE AMRRICAN AUTHORS AN NOT HAVE MARKY YKW??? LIKE HES LItERALLY BROUGHT UP IN EVERY SINGLE LIT CLASS IN AMERICA BRO and nothing came up OU IM SO MAD)
BTW, I tend to use a first name basis with authors btw theyre actually all my best friends i know them on a deeper level (my mom said that i need to seek help today, this is what happens when all yr friendships are superficial as a kid methinks)
anyways. here are my thoughts:
Mr Francy Pants (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald): i wasn't too opinionated on him til I learned his ability (like i said we need to stop letting white ppl get rich bro...) and then i was like i need this guy dead and then i learned his motive and i was like oh my god hes literally just a guy he wants nothing but to mAKE HIS WIFE HAPPY OUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so he slays actaully i hope hes alive :((
Louisa May Alcott: LOMLLLLLLLL i love little women so im extremely bias towards her but wtv when Francis was going on his lil rant abt owning her and everything i was like woah now careful abt how you speak to my girl
Nathaniel: Lord....forgive me...... HES SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FINE OH my GODDDD Nathaniel was made for the girlies with complicated relationships with religion i fear (ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME )
Margaret: love me a woman who dresses like that okay but im fairly certain the actual woman was racist soooo kinda mixed feelings?? but the character is amazing and perfect (ignoring the restoring her family's honor.........) and i actually loved her accent lol it was southern enough to be southern but not too southern to be fake lol southern accents actaully arent always there for my area lol they come and go and are stronger when angry/ come out stronger on certain words or phrases loll
Anne is SOOO Cutie Pie too btw and I love that one she looks like Anne of Green Gables (obvi) BUT ALSO Raggedy Anns!!!!!
Marky Mark: HES SO CUTE ACTUALLY ???? I love his "im just here for the fun of it" attitude that was rlly nice AND HUCK AND TOM ARE SOOOO CUTE and i love the fact that hes a gunsmith despite im pretty sure the book characters he brought to life and real life author being like these scrappy lil southern boys lolll i like that they didnt go the kenji route with him and have him be like a (read this in a southern accent btw) lil farmer boy with good intentions for everyone :D type character !!!!!! love him 10/10 scrunkly
John Steinbeck: his grape thing freaked me the fuck out the first time he did it i was so thoroughly gagged like...... hes cute but in term of design he and Francy look soo similar I got tired of these basic ass white men sorry TvT (looking at them made me feel like i was watching hetalia again LMAOOO) hes scrunkly poo too tho and i love his quirk (mha gagged with quirk im sooo sorry)
Lovecraft: He rlly puts the love in Lovecr....Im gonna stop there sorry :( that sounded jsut as bad in my head LMAO I LVOE HIM i love the fact that him turning into Kraken is just. smth he can do. not his quirk hes jsut like that. (okay actually he didnt write Kraken so idk what the fuck he turns into but he just like me fr) i love his absolute apathy to everything he rlly is sucha girl like he just wants to sleep fr !!!! he had empty eyes and long lucious hair and thats enough to make me love you so i literally DONT CARE bout NOTHIGN ELSE !!!! 10000/10 hes so fine omg....
Melville: hes actually so chill. i like him! he had honor and standards that he upheld himself and i heavy respect that! going down w yr ship is like the easiest way to gain my respect cuz that troupe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Edgar Allan Poe:
do I, Dorian Nico di Marionette (my legal Tumblr name), even need to say anything about how much I love this man. I'm not even just talking about the bsd character. I'm talking about the actual author too. He's literally so cool. Like so cool. He came, he lived, he fucked around and found out, and he died!!! He is literally everything I wish to be. Cool, Autistic, Mysterious, Silly. And now specifically the character: I love his need for praise bc ME tOO. I love that he had given himself ONE PURPOSE and that purpose was to beat Ranpo and give him the mystery of his life like yes girl devote your entire being and existence to that ONE (1) man !!!!!! (me) (we need help)
i love that he has a pet Raccoon esp since the general agreement is that he died of rabies like...... ( i personally think he was murdered but idk... ijust feel like someone didnt like him bc he accomplished alot and they probably couldn)
he and ranpos lil friendhsip warms my lil heart to like................... like i said in my tags they remind me of Hikaru and Kaoru in a way where their world was "us" and "not us" and like they are the only ones who can keep each other on each others toes and constantly getting better and giving the ultimate form of praise (theres nothing like getting praise from someone in your field of work, esp someone that you regard as "better than you") and thats so.......... (and if i say codependcy (I WILL PUSH CODEPENDCY ON EVERYTHING BRO I NEED TO SEEK HELP))
anyways these are my excessive thoughts i need help lol
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nerd-at-sea5 · 1 year
this is my chaos post while watching spoilers ahead
bc i watched this on the bus and couldn’t scream
tai and shauna this is gonna make me cry
oh. that’s what the rock pile is.
‘we are an intentional community.’ ‘what is the intention, exactly?’ VAN I LOVE YOU.
ok a) the way they look at each other is gay as fuck, b) natalie spokesman for lottie’s community i support this
vantai???? OW. vantai why must you do this. is this implying van is suicidal? that’s what it feels like. ow.
van trying to leave and tai being like ‘nah i’m in this shit’ and also lottie’s ‘that was over a decade ago’ im crying omfg
van hating her phone-i’m honestly surprised she even has one
ben what are you hallucinating what’s going on
oh misty….she’s not my fav but still. hearing ppl talk shit about you is not fun at ALL
oh jeez okay yeah let’s have that conversation right now
aw she actually does care about the goat
oh my god she’s so happy she isn’t killing a goat i love her
oh what the fuck is happening
ben do not do what i think you are about to do
misty what the actual fuck.
van i adore you
oh ok. there’s the spoiler. fuck.
van oh my god
‘natalie scatorccio is telling us not to fuck around?’ DYING
‘but it’s not bullshit bc there’s booze’ VAN I LOVE YOUUU
‘cutting your own bangs’ AGAIN I LOVE YOU
and that’s how misty’s glasses break
how many people are going to fucking bite van during this show oh my god
lottie no. lottie no. please no.
yay javi not watching and THE FUCKING T SHIRT
sorry just the shot of natalie’s face while shauna hits lottie. how many times has she seen this but it’s her dad hitting her mom? the same with van, except with van it’s how many times has it been her mom as shauna and her as lottie?
oh hey found adam.
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
nick watches spiderman (cont.)
im gonna make another post bc i have a feeling im close to hitting the text limit on my other one but we're still on the first movie!! im gonna try and get thru this movie soon bc i HAVE to get to the second ones before my demons get me
okay where we are rn ben just died and peters in his evil era tryin to find the guy who did it
like hes just goin up to random dudes and beating them up bc he thinks its The Guy when its not
and every time i watch this movie i forget if they find him or if the plot point is abandoned bc peter has bigger problems by then KJGSHLKGJHSKH guess we'll remember together
peter falls thru a roof and these guys just let him go. like they leave him there. to be fair what were they supposed to do but still.
this is where we get the inspo to make a suit!! he sees a wrestling poster and is like "that could be me =D"
agh i wanna look like him so BAD bro i wish that were me
shoutout to him STEALING FROM OSCORP to make his web fluid thats so funny
this handstand moment is apparently judged by a lot of fans as him becoming spiderman but theyre SO wrong that doesnt happen until later in the film in my opinion
like thats just my opinion but other ppl can be wrong ig /lh
also how did he get this police radio. how do any of the spidermans get their radios. did they take them from officers. can u buy them. whats goin on here.
omggggg its captain stacyyyyy he'll be important later
like. incredibly important. GKJHSGKJSHGKJ we'll get to him in a minute.
"spandex.....spandex.......everything.......spandex......" i love peter so much
i love this suit sooooo much its so textured and i love the logo its so fun
this car thief scene is rlly the scene of all time i love it
so many good peter lines from this scene
"seriously? u rlly think im a cop? a cop in a skin tight red and blue suit? yknow, u have got the mind of a true scholar, sir" PETER PLEASE BE NORMAL
this head tilt. the peter head tilt. in this context its kinda menacing but hes so me coded bc i also do the head tilt thing KHGSKJDHGKJ
the first time i saw this scene and for a while after i thought he told the cop "i just TOOK 80% of ur job" after he took the gun but he actually says "i just DID 80% of ur job" bc he webbed the criminal and i was so disappointed bc i rlly thought he was making a solid dig at the police force but hes just being petty KJGHSKJGHKSJ
ugh him talking to may here makes me sooooo sad. "u dont have to wait up for me, yknow" "yes i do" SHE LOVES HER NEPHEW PLEASEEEE
shes so worried for her nephew. seeing him hurt just destroys her. this boy is all she has. she lost her husband, her brother, her sister in law, and seeing her nephew come home at god knows what time just beat up and wounded must be so heartwrenching and she cant do anything bc he wont talk to her. i love tasm may shes so interesting.
"aunt may please, please go to sleep." "i cant sleep! dont u understand? i cant sleep! peter, listen to me. secrets have a cost, theyre not for free. not now, not ever." SOOOOO TRUE QUEEN. I SENSE A THEME.
oh yeah they're pushing curt to start human trials when they cure isnt ready, oscorp is so incredibly corrupt and its done so well in both films
"people die. even norman osborn." AKJGHKJSAGH SOOOOOO TRUE. YES. I HATE NORMAN SO MUCH.
also sorry for just quoting this movie so much it has so many good lines that i could talk about for the rest of my life
oh yeahhhhh this guy wants to start human trials??? at the veterans hospital?????
ugh theyre talking about plot that we dont learn until like the second film so its not important yet but its such a cool thing later on
she really cares about him and it makes me so happy
shes inviting him to dinner!!!! with her family!!!!! its a family hes never met eating a meal hes never heard of but still its with the girl he really likes so hes gonna just deal with it and show up anyway
ugh normans doing things /neg
hes doing human trials. on himself. lets see how this goes HGKJSDHGKJL
oh hi peter. dinner date time.
he brought gwens mother flowers???? KWHGKSJGHSKJHGK theyre a little messed up bc they were in his bag while he was swinging but still!!! he brought flowers for this girls mom hes so sweet
"you must be peter" "dad this is. peter." thank u gwen
oh yeah i failed to mention that the captain of the police department is gwens dad if u didnt catch that from his last name
curt has his arm back!!! the cure worked!!!! hoping and praying that nothing bad happens and he just gets to live a normal life and be happy from now on
he has to go catch the one guy that i forgot the name of (edit its dr ratha) from going to the veteran hospital but the cure is backfiring so hes like. goin thru it. lizard moment.
anyway peter cant cut fish corrcctly
hes never had a fancy meal like this!! hes a little dumb!!!
uh ohhhh theyre talking about spidermannnnn yikes
this is what it feels like to talk politics with relatives
"if i wanted the car thief off the street, he wouldve been off the street" "so why wasnt he then?" PETER. CHILL. UR TRYING TO DATE HIS DAUGHTER PLS BE NICE
"its called strategy, im sure ur aware of the term strategy? maybe u learned about that in school?" MR STACY U ARE ALSO NOT HELPINGGGG
"i think he stands for what u stand for, sir. protecting innocent people from bad guys." banger line right there skajfhksjd
peter still apologized and said that he didnt mean to insult mr stacy but still ksajdfhkjsd cmon peter be nice
BIG PLOT HOLE HERE. peter webs gwen and pulls her closer and she goes "youre spiderman?" before he kisses her. HE HASNT GOTTEN THAT NAME YET. NO ONES CALLING HIM SPIDERMAN YET. WHERE DID SHE GET THAT.
ugh it gets me every time like where did that come frommmm
peter pulling away completely and turning around when her mother catches them is so funny hes trying to be respectful
uh oh crime time
so yeah curt connors is now a giant lizard monster thing trying to find dr ratha and?? kill him???? okay yeah kill him he just threw his car off the bridge
peter has this moment of either going after lizard or helping save this mans son and he goes to save the kid and i love peter so much
hes also very very good with kids. he convinces this little boy that his mask has special powers to help the kid get out of the car safe and its so sweet
like this kid is terrified and honestly so is peter but hes staying calm and convincing this kid that this mask will make him stronger so he can save him. THIS is the moment i was talking about. this is when peter becomes spiderman.
the moment he gave that kid back to his father alive and safe is when he became a superhero. thats also when he coins the name. but this exact moment is what made him into the actual hero rather than just having the name. he gets home and he stares at his mask bc now he knows he has an immense responsibility to save peoples lives and keep them safe.
i love this movie
oh yeah mr stacy issued an arrest warrant for spiderman after the bridge attack thats so silly of him.
more petergwen lets goooo
"does it scare you? what you can do?" "no." "...youve got to lay low." "no, cant do that." "youve got to. i mean, why?" "because of last night. those people on the bridge. whatever was attacking them wouldve killed them. so i gotta go after it." "thats not your job." "maybe it is." SUCHHHHH A GOOD CONVERSATION. UGH.
OKAY IM GONNA. LEAVE THIS ONE HERE. ive finally got motivation so im gonna keep it going in a reblog like right away but im gonna stop this post here before it gets too long skjhfksjd
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ellellen · 1 year
‼️TW: bad english‼️Wait.. Wait, wait. Just before we start, yall need to get to know the charachters, and some past before all that chaos.. right? lets start. (there all r 15-16, execept ppl who have siblings) James, evryone think the apocalyptic started bc of him. hm, you will find out. or you wont? anyways he is in a group with 2 other ppl (basically an group of three) and he is an litlear jerk. He always bullies ppl and stuff. Anways next is Noah, He is in a group with James. He is rlly dumb. Not to be mean or smth but he cant even think staigh. He'll be walking norrmally looking staight and he will bump into smth. Anways he is too dumb to even bully, he ends up making fun of himself. And the last one in the group (main 3) Loga (short for logan) He is probably the most normal one. he dosent speak too much tho. He is just there to be there.. yk? anways they (main 3) used to bully allot of ppl (yall will meet them on the way) and they used to know alot of ppl. Ill just mention some. Ethan, he used to be rlly sweet and carring. Thats why he was made fun of in the first place. one day he just dissapired. Is he still the same? I guess well find out. Next is Mike. He is rlly mean and kinda of jerk. Anwyas he used to be made fun of too. But ppl kinda fogot aboth him. Him and Ethan used to hang out like alot. Anways lets meet some of the girls then get onto present. Luna, She is pretty smart and intelligent. She is pretty too. Alice, She can be smart if she wants too. She only cares ab her beauty tho. But i can say. She is stunning tho. Next is Scarlett, she is pretty smart, not only in school but when ot comes tho thinking. She is rlly strong too, and emo. Probably talest one. ???? ohh, well she is ?????? nothing much ab her. Anways "presents"
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Noah: Uhh guys? I think there's something like rlly weird outta here. Somone is green. he is falling apart. im so confused..
Noah: Um no..? Go look, he look goofy ngl.
James: Loga, go look.
Logan: bro why me.
James: bc. now go look.
Noah. Also, i think the school is burning. i saw fire.
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Noah: Guysss. I kinda forgot to tell yall but the teacher told us 3 hour's ago to get outta of school..
James: NOAH. how in the fuck could you forget that.
Noah: sorry, dont blame me that the tacher is lazy to tell yall.
Logan: Guys please. dont start fighting, we can all co- OH LORD YALL RUN.
James: stop being dramatic. We need to find other ppl..
Logan: yea. James is right, we would be stronger. but at the same time th-
James: og stfu. Lets just find other ppl
Logan: Okay.. whatever you say.
Noah: guys, maybe we shall order food?
James: Noah you fucking idiot, we cant order food, who do you expect to bring us food? A fucking fly?
Noah: damn chill out i was just asking..
Logan: I mean we can just go to store and get food, we just need to be fast.
Noah: Guys, what will happend to Allen?
James: Who in the- Ah who is Allen
Logan: Its his sister, how do you forget, god yall r stupid.
James: shut up, you are always here to say smth
Loagn: anywas we can just go get her
Noah: yall somone is behind yall
James: dude. RUN.
*after like 20 mins*
Noah: Guys im outta breath. Wait..
Noah: Wait i cant.
*while with girls*
Luna: Girls, we really need to find an place to stay at.
Scarlett: We can stay at my place.
Alice: Okay ig if we need to. i just dont want to get my new dress dirty. It costed like alot "sobs"
Luna: yea.. whatever you say.
*at Scarlett's house*
Alice: ig its fine as long as my stuff dosent get dirty.
Scarlett: Og gosh. Alice i swear to god stop complaning.
Alice: Shut up, you stink.
Scarlett: What did you just say to me.
Alice: that you stink.
Scarlett: you will stink once i throe you outta this window to the zombies.
Alice: id like to see you try.
Scarlett: Oh yeah? Well-
Luna: guys just stop it. We have bigger problems to deal with.
Alice: yeah. okay. anyways, where is Lisa?
Luna: damn. i forgot ab her. ill call her to see if she is okay. "Calling Lisa"
Lisa: Gu..s.. H...Wh..d-d..i ya..l call me?
Luna: Hi Lisa, can you come over? btw i cant hear you very well. the connection is rlly poor.
Lisa:.....Come..fiv..e.mi.. "hangs up the phone"
Luna: I think she will come.
Alice: okay great!
Scarlett: We can clearly see who you like and dislike..
Alice: Yea, im happy that you noticed!
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Luna: Huh. who could that be.
Scarlett: ill go get it
Alice: Ill come With
Luna: Same
Scarlett: Okay
????: Um. Hii, hope i can stay over for a while
all: oh. my. god.
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bloodhailmp3 · 1 year
its to be expected from the organisation i work in but ffs the lack of cohesion on this project is ridiculous. like. we've implemented a shiny new learning platform yeah cool. heres how u use it everyone! have fun! oh oops nobody has actually been given a clear guide beforehand as to how to use it. it frees up time for the admin team bc trainers can take their own attendance! oh wait theres like huge chunks of ppl who arent on the system for whatever reason. n now admin team is swamped w ppl complaining they cant book on bc theyre external or theyre new starters or theres some mysterious fault with the booking system itself. okay whatever we'll pass it on to the lms provider:3 now its time to produce those monthly reports for the big bosses! oh OOOOOPS u cant do that bc every report just has no data on it and we DONT KNOW WHY!!!! like its kinda fine bc its not my fault bc i dont do any of the backend work so im not too worried abt ppl getting pissy w me specifically but its still super humiliating to have to keep being like "sorry we cant do this. oh why? we dont know how to. we implemented this new lms without accounting for these myriad things that could go wrong and make it nigh unusable and now our data is fucked and no one can book training, apart from when they can and then the system lets them overbook so the trainers get mad at me too. hope that helps!"
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taegularities · 2 years
i hope you are having an AMAZING DAY! ❤️ the weather here is so good, im so happy :)
okay SUPER long tea alert; my friends recently peer pressured (not rlly) me into downloading tinder 🤭 ive always been pretty against tinder bc i wanna meet my soulmate irl and ppl on tinder tend to be pretty thirsty (not all, but most) 🤷‍♀️
but anyways, I FEEL CONFLICTED!! this one (who is so incredibly hot may i add 🤭) started texting me and oh god, hes so smooth. he teases a little and we haven't been texting long but he asked me out on a date for next friday! BUT THEN!!! this other guy, who is def more sweeter, also asked to get coffee with me this week. i said yes to both but idk I FEEL GUILTY! 🧍‍♀️ im a loyal girl and i keep having to remind myself that im single and dating like this okay... but idk it just feels strange? im sure im overthinking it, but god im nervous!!
also ive never been on an official date before (which makes this more nerve wracking😔) ive been on like "dates" but nothing where the guy intentionally says that he wants to take me out on a date 🧍‍♀️the last time i was about to go on a date, the man pretty much cancelled and never rescheduled, so i feel nervous even being excited about it bc what if they cancel?? (im def overthinking, i genuinely cant help it 💀)
but anyways, thats my current dilemma, any advice would help!!! i hope you are well and PLEASE take ur time w cmi!!! 🙏 i saw a couple of asks of ppl asking u to rush or work on two chapters at once... please dont listen! thats where burnout comes from! take your time (i will literally wait 10 years for another chapter) 🫡
- wife from war anon 💂‍♀️
BABE HELLO !!!! <3 i'm okay, just weirdly tired !! kinda glad uni is starting soon but also sad bc i won't be able to be here as much anymore 😔 but yes, the weather has gotten better here, too !! i saw the sun today 🥺
girl, the tea you just spilled has me dead 😭 okay listen, most important thing first: i was on tinder for over a year and the people on there are insane – some would fake their age, others would use someone else's pictures. i could dive into my strange ass tinder experience but 💀 next time lmaoo. but what i wanna say is – make sure those guys are who they say they are! and meet in a very public place, just in case... let someone know that you're on that date, just to be sure, okay??
BUT MOVING ON. LISTEN. two guys that you're vibing with? that's amazing 😭 it's absolutely okay to meet both, that's literally what tinder is for! if it makes you feel better, you could let the guys know that you've been meeting others, too, as friends/casually? but since you're not with any of them, it's fine to get to know people. you might even end up with new friends :D i honestly do hope though, that they don't cancel, reschedule or hurt you, or i'll start rolling up my sleeves lol
keep things casual for now! if any of them does end up cancelling, remember you're better than this 😌 and you might even find up someone better later! that's okay, dating apps are like that :') but seriously, don't feel guilty, go with the flow and have fun... and definitely lmk how things played out >:)
yesss, i'll take my time for sure! i just outlined that jk chapter, but i only work on it when i feel like it. i started rereading the series today to have a better overview of it, and got to our beloved chapter lights hehehe but yeah. definitely working at my own pace. thank you, babe. it'll be a ride <333
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brothalynchhung · 9 months
2023 overview part 2
since when was there a text limit?
anywho lolla was so much even if i was alone
chicago food slapped the city was so much fun and yeah just enjoy being in america
the record stores 🫡
that kokoroko story omg the fact that i went to the same places as new jeans just a few days apart 😭 but still that store was my 80s dreams
so much fun honestly the vibes of an american music festival r unmatched
loved summer so much
then i went back to toronto and just waited for the torment to be over cuz i just wanted to get the fuck out of there
seriously chilling w that bitch nd her weird ass bf was hell
literally toronto was the worst place i went to this year.. lol
anyways its over and never happening again
now i know forsure im never going back i HAVE to make it somewhere else
ANYWAYS i left canada then came back around sept and had to deal w moving out
left my old isolated place
gunna miss that view tho lol and my old gym / salon but othat than thaat... BYE
then moved in w nada which is going okay i guess whatever
im in a weird limbo state in my life rn -_- after an amazing few months of travelling idk what the hell going on
i quickly got a job LOL ofc but i kinda got into it/entered it not rlly knowing what the fawk was happening in my life like uh yeah i guess okay lets just do this cuz i need to sell my furniture and put it somewhere and i need a visa
legit its just for the visa until i figure out where i wanna go -_- bUTTT
i havent had much time to even think about that or my future cuz...
of that stupid ass discord. .. group -_-
look its not even the group idc about them like yeah nice weirdos woo whatelse is new
but that stupid ass day i decided to go to the korean restaurant.. -_-
like i was doing so well man but then my eyes set on fire
im still figuring it out but whatever idk
like work was good tbh it doesnt even FEEL like work cuz yeah tbh after that hell job i just dont care about labor anymore like nah im NEVER putting my whole pussy into a job ever again im putting myself first always now so this current job just doing feel like shit
actually its kinda helping me get my mind off this bitch
idk man i met that bitch and now i cant stop thinking about him
blah blah typically me shit i obsess over someone and daydream crazy about them idk
hes cute tho ig i think hes better than all those other bitches i been w
thank god 😩
i mean it didnt go the way i would have wanted to..
i move too fast -_- and i think that was the problem
but after that spell broke i thought i would be done w it but nope
im crazy and started to get depressed
idk what i want or if im just using this bitch as a distraction from work/figuring out life
idk what i want bc obv this bitch isint anything special hes just kinda cute? but whatever HES NOT GL
so many red flags but im acting like a bull
brrr whatever the biggest this is just selling that fucking ass furniture
anyways the whole end of this year was just the new job, this bitch and me going crazy
the new job is fun the ppl are nice the client is annoying but its manageable thank god we got wfh but yeah even in office isint bad the ppl r nice which is the best part
the partying.. lol girl -_- i need to slow it down i cant keep on getting lit BECAUSE HONESTLY whats ruining me is the drinking
maybe if that bitch didnt exist in my life i would be fine and have control but jeesuss its like im trying to forget my current situation through him then try to forget him through partying and bullshit -________-
god please send me gl .. or whatever
or maybe i just need to act normal and stop being fucking crazy over a bitch i barely know that will do nothing for me and go back to focusing on getting shit done and FORWARD with my life
yeah -_-
anyways end of the year partying wooo work friends woo this weird discord chat group wooo delusions wooo
gym movies books learning japanese learning music theory (which i rlly need to get back to...) videos skateboarding art basically always encompasses my years
i just need to put myself out there more idk i need to get out of my head and start to do more
which is were im at perfectly idk why i had to go so crazy from oct-dec but whatever i think its over now
i cant suffer forever
anyways this was a long ass busy crazy year with so much travel beginnings and endings moving cutting off and meeting new people... im so so so grateful despite the emotional breakdowns and work stress and this bitch stress im sooo happy i think this was such a fun year and yeah we need ups and downs..
pluto in aquarius eh? so shit about to get crazier... nice -_-
i just want to make videos do my website idk FIGURE OUT WHERE I WANT TO LIVE sell my furniture and yeah ofc read read read movies movies movies be HEALTHY create more and realign my brain w my goals after this dumb bitch entered my life ugh (im doing it to myself fr) anddd idk what else make friends that are like me and MOVE FORWARD
remember self CONTINUE!! CONTINUE!!!
see u next year and hey future self if ur reading this i love you u can do it U SURVIVED THIS YEAR U CAN DO IT
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dominikadecember · 1 year
Okay, I got pizza, i've got a drink, i've peed, lets start this
omg i knew they chose the perfect alex via taylor cus of his BDE but holy shit dude can do sensitive too and we're just a minute in!!!!!!!!
omg the blank was hilarious in the trailer but it's soooooo much funnier in full speed. I AM CACKLING
their interactions are perrrrrrfect!!!!!
the cake scene, is so uncomforttable. i cant watch this but i need to watch this but OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the best thing that has happened since sliced bread
you may want to put me on mute bc holy shit i don't know i how ill get through two hours of this mornons
the opening credits are a perfect choice for this movie/book
sarah shahi just keeps getting prettier
uma is the perfect person to be cast as alex's ma and us prezzie
Best line ever 'There is no getting out of this." 'What if I set myself on fire?' 'We'd ship the ashes to Heathrow.' I LOVE ZAHRA!!!!!!!!
ugh loads of london sights, so boring SHAAN IS HOT AS FUCK
henry needs all the makeup bc he's a pretty boy but alex is fucking FAAAAAINE
ughhhhh i love this movie so much imma cry
lmfao alex just called queen victoria 'vicky' in an interview and henry looks like he had a stroke
this is so good, the book closet vs movie closet scene is so well done i am so happy
taylor's. fucking. eyelashes. someone made this boy a maybeline ad from birth
yaaaas ppl owning their privilege and being honest they may not be perf is mah jammmm
is alex in this movie not supposed to realise he is bi before he hooks up with henry like in the book? bc taylor has chemistry with EEEEEEEERRRRYBODY
omg they're starting to be friendsssssss
I love how they filmed the messaging scenes. So interesting.
alex's political career! i love this plot!!!
Zahra is srsly so fucking pretty
Nora is gorgeous as hell tooooooooo!!!!!!!! Everyone in this movie is absolutely perfect and pretty and i love them
Henry is just a dorky dork with dorkdom
ummm how did alex not get mono at this damn NYE party???
Nora is great but she's like a mix of Nora and June and idk how to feel about it.
Nora and Alex being besties works rllllllly well
lmao alex ignoring an ex for henry was the most obvious thing ever how did no one realise?????
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Wow, someone said 'I'm bisexual' and it feels really fucking awesome.
my cat keeps on walking in and out scared cus i keep shouting OH MY GOD SO SORRY TYMEK ALSO NICHOLAS GALITZINE ON A HORSE IS ABSOLUTELY A FANTASY OF MINE
'I think we should make love tonight'
'Um...yeah...I'm down' BOY PLS HOW DID YOU EVER GET LAID?????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I can't they are so fucking hot and cute and how is this okay??????????????????????
sorry heteros, no movie will ever have a love scene as beautiful as this movie
oh shittttt an argument between alex and ellen and alex going 'yes madam president' instead of 'yes mom' DAAAAAAAMN
Alex excited about stuff is lovely and Taylor is a very pretty boi
The CGI is pretty crappy but thankfully it doesn't feature way too much.
THE ZAHRA SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED
Shit. Alex coming out to his ma scene was beautiful and it hurt and it was perfect.
omg they are all so cute and perfect and cowboyy??? i am 100000000% into the cowboy!!!!!!!! and nicholas' voice, i forgot thhat the boy can sing!
They changed from the book that alex's parents are together and not divorced and i think it works so well.
Oh no, this bit, this bit is sad, there is sad angst coming
1 hour and 17 minutes in. First fucking sighting of David the dog. Unbelievable. HE IS THE TRUE STAR OF THIS MOVIE!!!
sad angsty angst ☹️
'what if he won't see me?' OMG MY HEART
aw man, i wish we would have seen the dramatic scene where alex is at the palace gates screaming to be let in like that eric andre meme
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there better be thousand deleted scenes
wooooooooah this confrontation is so much more powerful than in my book, these boys are such good actors omg
alex boy you're gonna catch a cold with that wet shirt 🙁 i think most of it is your tears than the rain
ugh, so jelly they got to have a museum all to themselves at night no less
also the V&E has never looked that nice whenever i've been there
'just a daft pubescent fantasy' BOY THAT'S HOW I LIVE
Oh right, this fucking thing
The boys being outed by asshats
ofc miguel is involved, fuck off dipshit
Alex is fantastic at politics and I am in love with how fiercly he is protecting his and henry's relationship
lmao you gossipy bitches
stephen fry in DA HOUSE!
lmao homophobia in the royal house here plaaaaay!
lmao when the king says 'i have read your emails all of them' alex is tots thinking 'they were hot weren't they' and henry is thinking 'fuckityfuck alex talks about my crack ☹️'
lmao philip 'you can't go out there' WHAT YOU GONNA DO? STOP THEM FIT BOYS WITH YOUR PASTY ASS STICK ARMS???
you know it's fiction when texas has become a democratic state
That is absolutely not the house I imagined.
lmao there's a bit at the end of the credit with the cake scene and alex going 'do you think anyone noticed?' i love this idiot so much
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x8 after hours
I saw the white neck thing I THOUGHT he was a priest! & then he brought out his rosary
Ooh nice dessert Rick can make those jokes but not you jim
Both your parents are lawyers?? MARTHA SHUT THE UP
RC: ‘Cause honestly that whole death thing is sounding pretty good right now. KB: There’s been a murder down town. RC: Close enough.
They are probs happy for the excuse to get away from their parents
Well in s6 you have a worse dinner with alexis...
*wiping off her makeup* JE: Wow, already? How’d that go? KB: RC: JE: Okay, well, JE: speaking of fathers, we have one right over here.
found religion lol oof holding his rosary must be good. Good marksman, picks up casings
Assassination is basically murder for political OR RELIGIOUS or similar motives.
MC-murtry, irish preist probs, is he ryan's priest? or not. Murdoch mysteries moments.
WOAH WE'R EINTERVIEWING A NUN? don't worry my irish friend, as a michif I know your struggle
Valid lol, acab & all you remember the address???
KR: *makes himself a coffee and he catches sight of the SISTER MARY exiting the elevator. He stills.* KR: A nun walks into a precinct. It’s like the beginnings of a bad joke. *He goes to take a sip of his coffee but stops. He sets the coffee down and works on straightening his tie.* JE: Want to borrow a comb or something? KR: Shut up. JE: (smirks) You know what this reminds me of? Watching one of those body switching movies where the guy looks like a grown man but he’s actually 12. KR, stopping his primping: Hey. Let me tell you something. Catholic school is like combat. Unless you’ve been there you don’t know. JE: Uhhh, I have been there. In combat. And it’s way worse than some old lady. ((he said it was LIKE combat, as in you DON'T KNOW unless you've been there)) ((also no bro catholic school can be horrible, I've been there, but thankfully not the one with nuns)) KR: goes back to fixing his appearance. As SISTER MARY walks by, she levels him with a stern look.
sitting up So Straight around the nun she's so horrible & annoying girl of COURSE you should care abt ppl despite thier soul JE: Of course, I'm-- I'm sorry *starting to understand ryan's perspective* who the HECK would leave for a phone call in the middle of mass?
Like Ford & Lee (also illegal to park blocking a way like that)
They were both insulting each other's interest Drop It Castle Wow I like castle's jacket, nice red hem
Wow just in his apartment,,, scary af
Ya think?!?
Castle is right abt the cement shoes & also right it is not helping (You need to sit there as homoerotically as possible while you set their feet in cement
calls her dude lol
that was NOT castle saying "get the car"
KR: Not that I'd ever doubt a nun! Reminds me of the episode in the near future, you know the one, the irish mob on KR: The guy took out a priest. We can’t just let him disappear.
A DOLLAR ARE YOU KIDDING ME? (not talking about it being expensive, but talking abt the wire being cut)
leo stfu
interesting transition sending esposito there alone?
He's right, cops don't rly come to this town
Leo relationship therapist moments WOAH SHE JUST BROKE THE CAR!?
can't you call 911 without the password?
esposito not wearing a vest? (also ryan is pretty af)
interesting angle & cant & all that this is sooo cute Bro don't talk to them!!! Check where the fingerprints are on the phone screen it HAS a schedule but it doesn't FOLLOW it Leo: I'm starting to feel like I'd be safer outside
Yeah lol just a joyride in a cop car
Martha & Jim <3 MR, long winded & dramatic: Well after I got a call from Detective Esposito I became very concerned, so I checked in with – JB: Well after I got a call from Detective Esposito I became very concerned, so I checked in with – VG: There’s no cause for alarm. It’s just that we’re having trouble pinpointing their perspective – MR: Oh please, stop. You are a terrible actress. ((GIRL)) There is no way that anyone would have called me if they weren’t really worried ((Lol probably true)) and I want to know what is really going on here.
MR: All right – where is that fancy coffee machine that Richard bought for the precinct? Over there? (she points)
flying to DUBLIN?
Don't u have only like 30 possibly attempts before it gets locked? So call me maybe <3 Castle GET TO THE POINT SAY YOU NEED HER TO CALL 911 Yes I LET her hang up Castle don't throw it outside like that rly quick wtffff
Why'd he fall oooooof Could have said "we need to get this man to a hospital he broke his ankle" bc the cabbie saw that
Oh no they ar egoing to get Locked In he COULD stand on it & run on it for a minute there when his life was in deep danger...
Gates in the interview uwu Hell, I'll even drive you to the airport! She's so good "My people" sfdjhfjdsh castle is one of her people
Get a deaf employee lol
Wait wasn't chinese relevant? RC: No. But I’ve seen every episode of MacGyver
PARTNERS partners Lol relationship therapist moments
Brings up the simple boring thing hhhsdjfhkjshfjs He's a new yorker ofc he likes baseball Big bro said that these two would end up together & it reminded me of sammy keyes she should NOT feel safe when he is watching Cut to them fighting? Ah sadly not RC: Yeah. C’mon. We’re a couple of idiots who can’t remember what we were fighting about. So … what were we fighting about?
Then enjoy the bubble while you have it! Breaking the bubble sooner is still breaking the bubble!
RC: Maybe I’m not speaking the right language. (he tries again, this time with a trucker accent) Breaker, breaker. I got a mama bear and two joes who need a ride back to the bear cave. (to BECKETT) I once had Derrick Storm beat up a trucker.
RC: Besides, it’s him they want dead, not me. Leo: Thanks for the reminder.
Remember in morse code: s is shorter than o bc s happens more
at least castle apologizes
.. . --- .- ..- . m e s a u e I'm too slow in morse code I should really practice
I love how he is just relationship therpisting
Ooh music NOT a journalist "figuring out" endings lol Poker moments Castle is totally double bluffing here, misleading him. Also what if you didn't know which side was north? LIke me? bad sense of direction!
wait he IS the guy who kidnapped the detectives castle would totally make friends with them lol, like daniel in the lion's den in the veggie tales adaptation, got pizza
Did leo coach her on what to say?
... Baseball game? So should castle tell dolan that there is probably smth wrong or...?
Probably not a sociopath. Sociopaths often have social anxiety & are very flakey, not coldblooded killers
Also whose gun is that? Right, NOT beckett's, it was the gun of the mobster. Uness he took beckett's gun Why didn't they scout out the location first, there is ALWAYS fishy business
Should have kept one bullet for a double tap
Why didn't we hear the sirens before this?
Never never always Oh he got her gun & badge back
Wow new yorker whistled & magically got a cab. Yep.
He's OFFERING to do time? Also it was bright out, the sun is rising, they are all still in their clothes,,, been a long night huh Gates has what like snacks?
*seeing them kiss* k no nvm it was not a kiss lol
Hey I somehow only spent an hour on this episode! I started watching at 10, then I didn't get off until 12 (tho the goal was 11.30) but now I'm off at 1! that's only an hour! Proud of myself!
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xz017 · 6 years
#entry#rip okay so ive been writing in the journal that i rediscovered whilst cleaning lately i thought itd be a dignified alternative switch until#you know if we actually gave it to her rip big shame oof so today i woke up and then stayed in bed starin at the ceilin tryna think out#my plans n routes cos umm not spendin 30+ on lyft 💀it's either time or money lads and i chose to spend time n effort n not money✌🏽️i spent#an hour waiting for the second bus so my first trip was 2.5 hrs🙃 rip ive never been here so lil anxiety#but whilst i was waiting she texted rip she thought I was the one singing as if i could be shameless like my RM singin whilst there are ppl#like...oof got i hate my RM even when she has her headphones on it's super loud i can hear💀n i have to put my headphones on just not to hear#what already should be quiet💀🗡🗡🗡anyway rip she texted me and 💀she didnt get to go do what she planned to do yesterday cos her lungs🗡🥺bein#rude af like dskæsns let her breathe proper im so!!! annoyed like legit i was so fired up i redecided to be a savage capitalist ready to#walk over people to get to the top and bypass waitin and bureacracy just to get her the best healthcare 😒🗡like !!! ughh rip n she thought#i was just tryna be cute like first of alli cant even be cute even if i tried like...most of the things i do is for her or Us someday 💀#but like rip i felt bad she said i changed her 🥶 n it didbt sound good like rip i was writing about it last night the coinkidinkerooni oof#i dont exactly remember what prompted me to think that line of thought but i was just like what if she follows all these productive steps#that i want her to follow but she ends up miserable anyway rip i mean there are people who cant not be miserable whatever they do i.e. Me#but like💀idk what i wrote resonated with what happened today like she was safe n cosy at home but she got invited to a bar n she said no tnx#and they were makin fun of her a lil and i was like all dont worry theyll suffer n she was like im sufferin now ye dont gotta say that abt#them i already said no n i was like 🥺oof but like she said she didnt wanna go anyway rip like before i go somewhere or do something my#brain takes me through the likely experience like oh. noisy. loud ppl. talkin n laughin loud with each other.alcohol. body heat. too many#ppl--thats why i say no like 91% of the time people actually ask me if i wanna go somewhere with them cos it's just not enjoyable but rip#she gets lonely so idk and rip some Man asked to walk with her at midnight like...wat man casually asks a woman if midnight walks are okay#lil creepy but okay🗡 but rip idk she been inside all day n i feel bad meanwhile i let her go to chill i was tryna finish the Work of love#rip thats lame but like 5ppl at least kept passing bye and complimenting me n i was like...😒🗡thanks i mean i hope so rip but lowkey i was#like...dont...look at it it's not meant for you like imagine i believed in compliments and the person it's for the most important person is#like...its nice not bad! id be like 💀 anyway rip ppl kept passin by n sayin stugf about it n i was like 🥶thanks 🗡 ugh i hope it turns out#well i tried to scrape off thick paints so it wouldnt pull in the oven oof id cry if some be smeared n overlap#couldnt reach n fix the inside heart doe😞 but i finished!!! weeks of work💀💓i asked Her what else she wanted in the parcel rip n we got to#talkin about old clothes vs new clothes i send her rip shame im poor😖😰so i invest in unique stuff for her normal stuff are usually mine rip#i hope thats not creepy yikes💀she said she was feelin better n im like rip i hope n she went off to charge n read some history stuff!!! 🥰#tomorrow she said she'll do what she planned today n try n tackle EH oof i saw them equations yikes i h8 bless her#gonna make my way home rip im a lil anxious cos time n darkness fallin n whathave ye but 🤷🏻‍♂️it be like that✌🏽️
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meltwonu · 3 years
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✦ 👻  𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 SEASON 2 👻 ✦
this chapter pairing; angel!joshua x succubus!reader
genre&warnings; [fallen]angel!joshua, succubus!reader, dom!joshua, angry fucking, dirty talk, degradation, name-calling, ‼️fucking in a church‼️, ‼️fisting‼️, PWP, ‼️insanely sacrilegious‼️.
notes; I … [hands over mouth like I’m shocked @ myself] it is what it is, ghouly-ghouls. ☠️ This is the most actual sacrilegious thing I'll probably ever write and again if this kind of thing bothers you, please please just skip this one!! 😭 I ain’t tryna get ppl complaining about the content of this one as if the warnings aren’t right there, okay kjfkdh Also, now I'm like damn Halloween is on a Sunday I should’ve saved this one for then to make it even more sinful but also I wanted MMS2 to go out with a bang which is why the last chapter is... also what it is 😈😮‍💨 I cannot believe there’s only two chapters left after this, where is my time going 😭💕 But also thank you sooo so so so so so much for all of your support thus far with each chapter 🥺💕 I cant wait to do my inbox roundup at the end and chat with all the alt plots and ideas I had too! 🥰✨ Enjoy ch 11, have a lovely day and I’ll see you tomorrow! 🥸👻🎃
word count; ~2000
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - x - x
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you be the moon, I'll be the earth.
and when we burst,
start over, oh, darling,
begin again,
begin again,
begin again.
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“Why the long face, huh?”
You grin at Joshua’s back as he sits in one of the church pews - his eyes closed and hands folded neatly in his lap as you saunter up from behind.
“I don’t want to hear it.” He responds quietly; eyes fluttering open when he feels your aura starting to leak out into the church. “This… This is all your fault.”
“Me? That’s rich!” Your laugh reverberates in the empty church as you step into the pew right in front of Joshua - leaning over it as he furrows his brows at you. “It takes two to tango, baby. We both took a bite out of the forbidden fruit and now you’re paying the price. It’s as much of my fault as it is yours, Joshua~ You gave into the temptation, didn’t you?”
His hands ball up into fists in his lap at your words; frustrated despite how right you’d been.
There was only a matter of time before he found himself banished for his actions and he’d gone only three weeks before his time was up - the white angel wings ripped from him as he’d fallen.
“Shut up… Shut up!” He stands up in a hurry, flustered beyond words as you kneel on the pew in front of him.
“You should come join me~ Hell can be so fun, Joshua~ I can teach you so much and we’re quite friendly down there too~ We love to share~” You comment teasingly - hands running over the worn wood of the pews. “Although, my my, how rough you were fucking me last time. Hard to believe you were still an angel then with the way your cock was pounding my cunt so hard~ Making my toes curl when you came inside of me~”
“D-don’t speak like that in a church. It’s--It’s… i-improper.” He retorts.
“I’m surprised you still care. Don’t you feel so much better?” You smirk as he bites his bottom lip, “Now you can fuck me whenever you want and we don’t have to hide it~”
Joshua falls into silence as he mulls over your words - already giving into the temptation when he starts to feel his cock hardening in his neatly pressed slacks.
“Mm~ How about one time in the church, huh? Fuck me in the place you seem to still give a fuck about. Bend me over this pew right now and give it to me good~ Hah, or would you rather I get on my knees? Is that a familiar position for you, Joshua?”
“Shut up and spread your legs.”
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The first time you’d tempted Joshua - he knew he shouldn’t have given in.
“Oh, mmnh! R-right there, Joshua! Fuck me harder~!”
Your red lips had eased into a sultry smirk as you toyed with the feathers of his angel wings out of curiosity and he had let you sink down onto your knees in front of him as you’d sucked him off - frustrated tears pooling in his eyes when he knew it’d been so inexcusable yet so sinfully pleasurable when he’d cum down your throat.
And the second time, it’d been all Joshua’s doing when he pushed you against the wall of an alleyway on earth; his moans and grunts muffled while he’d fucked you under the guise of night.
“You’re a filthy whore taking my cock like this in a church.” He grunts, “Bent over a pew with your cunt dripping everywhere and soaking my cock.”
“A-ah, mmh, you sound so h-hot talking like that~ Fuck, tell me more~ I bet your head is just, ngh, full of all the filthy shit you want to do to me, i-isn’t it?” And Joshua feels a weightlessness he’s never felt before as his lips ease into a small smirk of his own.
The desire to give into all the thoughts he forbade himself to think about finally coming to the surface as he thrusts into you harshly.
“I a-always stopped myself from thinking about the things you’d say in the heat of it all… But now I can indulge in it, too.” He whispers, “And I’m going to do every single one of those filthy little things to you. I’ll let you take your pick where we start because I’m sure you can take it all, can’t you, slut? You were made to sin - made to take cock all hours of the day. Made to take your pleasure from sex and sex alone, right?”
You laugh deliciously as you clench around his length; working your hips back to meet his punishing pace as you think it over.
“You know I like it so rough, Joshua~ But you did cum when I started talking about you fisting my tiny ‘lil cunt~ You wouldn’t stop thrusting into me until you came a second time too~ I couldn’t believe such a filthy thing got you so riled up~”
Joshua gulps harshly, hips stuttering momentarily before he growls and starts to double it instead.
“I’m going to cum inside you first. Then when you’re all slicked with my cum, I’ll slide my fist into that cunt of yours and get you to cum just like that. Pounding your fucking hole until you’re a crying mess underneath me.”
You mewl as you drink in his energy - thrice as powerful as a human’s as you feel your entire body buzzing with electricity.
“Oh, Joshua~ Mmnh, you’re so good at this~” You giggle, “I don’t think being an angel suited you very well~ You’re already so much filthier than most incubus with just your words~” His blunt fingernails dig into the skin of your waist as you laugh and the sound of skin slapping echoes in the church as he continues to fuck you.
“I learned it from you, slut. That filthy mouth of yours will land you in trouble one day, you know.”
You lick your lips in return as you stare off into the distance; eyes flitting over to the stained glass allowing some of the moonlight to peek through the coloured tiles.
“Will it? Do you think you’re punishing me right now?” You reply mockingly; eating up the way his sexual energy spikes as you egg him on. “This is barely scraping the surface of what we normally do, Joshua~”
He feels his cock start to throb as he lets out a breathy moan - ready to tip over the edge of an orgasm as your walls suck him in deeper.
“Mmnh, hurry up and cum inside me like how I know you want to… I wanna feel you fisting my cunt like you said you would~ I wanna see how good you can stretch my pussy out after you’ve already fucked it~”
Joshua repeats your words over and over in his head until his hips are stuttering; his cum filling you up as you mewl and let him ride out his pleasure.
And for once, he doesn’t hold back as he curses under his breath - head thrown back in absolute bliss as he unloads all of his cum inside of your tight heat without thinking of the repercussions.
I finally can do what I want, he mentally tells himself, I don’t have to be so proper anymore.
It takes a few tense, hazy minutes before Joshua is coming back down to earth but the second he catches his bearings, he’s pulling out of you in one fluid motion and roughly shoving your body as he maneuvers you onto your back on the pew.
“Hold your legs open because I won’t do it for you.” He mutters.
You smirk lazily as you part your legs for him and in the narrow walkway of the pew, Joshua makes do as he kicks the kneeler down and uses it to his advantage.
“Look at you… Letting my cum drip out onto the pew like a filthy slut. But don’t worry, I’ll put it right back where it belongs.”
Joshua brings his fingertips towards your entrance and scoops up the leaking cum before he’s pushing it back inside of you - repeating the process a few more times as you try to fuck yourself on his fingers.
“Hurry~ I wanna cum too, Joshua~”
He shoots you an annoyed look before he’s easing three fingers into your pussy at once - loud moans spilling from your lips from the stretch.
“You asked for it so you’ll take it.” He retorts.
“O-oh, mmnh, yes! Fuck, you know I--I can… Give me m-more! Fuck, make me cum!”
Joshua flicks his wrist as he pumps his digits into your pussy - only slowing down after a few minutes to add a fourth.
You feel your toes curl at the pleasure it brings and all Joshua can do is stare at you in awe at the way your pussy stretches around his fingers.
“Fuck… You’re taking in my fingers so well. I almost have my entire fist inside of your tight cunt and you’re barely flinching.”
You feel yourself starting to drool with each thrust of his fingers and when he pauses for the last time to add in his thumb - you let out a drawn out moan when he slowly eases in his entire fist.
“Mmngh… Oh f-fuck… Oh fuck, oh fuck…! It feels so g-good, Joshua~ I feel so full, ngh, I--fuck, I can feel you in my stomach… You’re inside me s-so deep…”
He gives you a moment to adjust but it doesn’t last long before he’s experimenting - alternating between wiggling his fingers and thrusting into you shallowly as your loud moans only get louder with each motion.
“Ngh, ‘m gonna cum… Fuck, I’m g-gonna cum, Joshua~ Do it h-harder!” You moan.
He smirks at you as he does exactly what you ask of him - his entire fist stretching you out as he thrusts it in hard enough to make your body jerk against the pew.
“Then cum, angel. I wanna see that pretty face of yours when you cum with my fist fucking your pussy. Stretching you out so good while my cum is forced out of you.” He scoffs, “You’re making such a mess on the pew, you know. I’ll have to make you clean it once we’re done.” Your back arches off of the wood as you feel your body start to go rigid - only a few more hard thrusts before you’re finally cumming and screaming Joshua’s name in the otherwise quiet church.
And Joshua watches with fascination as your walls flutter around his fist; cock twitching as he watches you take your pleasure.
“Oh, g-god, Joshua!”
“God, huh? Using his name in vain like this while I bring you pleasure with my fist in your cunt. So shameless, angel.”
You shoot him a lazy smirk as your eyes flash crimson - your energy levels skyrocketing as you hold his challenging stare.
“Your cock is already getting hard again, Joshua… How about I show you how much more shameless I can get~” You retort teasingly.
And Joshua, despite his earlier hesitation, fully gives in as he pulls his fist out of your pussy in a fluid motion as you whine loudly from the emptiness.
He peers down at his hand covered in your wetness and his cum as he licks his lips.
“Show me how much filthier you can get so I can punish you appropriately, angel.”
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