#and the customer following me. both of us completely clueless
moodyseal · 1 year
I know I'll sound like a lunatic but I miss working in customer service SO MUCH. My favourite thing was when a random customer would approach me and go "Hey uh excuse me, do you know where I could find canned beans?" I have no fucking clue sir let's go find out
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struckd0wn · 1 year
Hi I just wanted to say I love your writing! Your Hanzo piece is so good.
I normally don't send requests but I figured I'd do it for once :)
Could you write something with either Ghost or Bruce Wayne with a transmasc reader that just wants to be held and taken care of? Fluff or smut is good <3
AHH THANKS, I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT <3 !!! I would love to write for you, I hope it lives up to your expectations :3
P.S sorry this took me a bit to respond to :P I had a bit of writers block -_-
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In My Arms ── Bruce Wayne
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Bruce Wayne x transmasc reader
CW: slur used and some transphobia, Bruce Wayne has 0 relationship ship skills lol, he trying his hardest, body dysphoria and dysmorphia, self worth issues, little mental break down, overall just a shitty day for reader :(, fluff and smut, clit used to describe anatomy, riding ;), lots of kissing too
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Your day has been, entirely, incredibly, shitty. You woke up for work late, your lateness extended by the period of time in which you stared at yourself in the mirror. You had to ignore it, dressing in your work shirt that felt too tight around your hips and waste, your thighs feeling suffocated from your pants. Maybe you'd ask your boss for a bigger size, maybe it would hide your figure. Somedays you felt extremely happy with your progress thus far into your transition, but others felt like you hadn't even started. Although flat chested now, you couldn't ignore the feminine curve you swore you saw in the mirror that night.
You worked the night shift at a corner store not far from the Wayne Manor. This schedule is what you preferred for you and Bruce, that way you would both work at night and come home early morning to sleep with one another. He hated it, he insisted you just stay home 24/7, you didn't need a job, he was rich and could take care of you. Bruce didn't want you adapting his horid sleep schedule just for him, let alone working when you really didn't need too.
Things like this reminded you that you and Wayne were entirely different. He was a billionaire, you were just some dude who worked at a corner store for minimum wage. Bruce was Gotham City's vigilante, you were his boyfriend that lived in his extravagant house... for free. To say you were jealous of your boyfriend was an understatement, but he didn't understand that. He is completely clueless. Bruce doesn't understand why you would need to work, but everytime he spend his money on you, you can't help but feel helpless, like he's giving you handouts. You don't want him to feel obligated to spend money on you or to have him feel taken advantage of.
But to be fair, you didn't understand fighting or saving lives like he did. You wish you could, you want to understand, but Bruce has no need to understand working to live. Then you resented yourself for being jealous of him, of your own boyfriend. He was rich with money to spend, with a side gig as savior of the city. You could never amount to that.
The bell to store entrance rings, pulling you from your thoughts. The clock reads 2:30am, this would probably be your last customer before you'd walk home to the manor. Your eyes follow the man that had entered the shop, clearly drunk. He uses the shelves to hold himself up, stumbling all over the place while gigging like an idiot. The man approaches the back where the walls are lined with refrigerators, grabbing an alcoholic beverage you can't name.
You watch as he waddles his way up to your register, looking you up in down with his canned alcohol. "Hey sweetheart," he starts, setting the can down in front of you. You can feel his eyes tracing down your figure. Ignoring him you take the beverage to scan it. "What, trannys can't say hello?" He asks you, leaning over the counter. A lump forms in your throat as you quietly read him his total. He clicks his tongue at you, pulling out a couple of bills to hand over. "You know what, I'll forgive you. What do you say you come to my place after work. I ain't never slept with one of you before, but hey, a pussys a pussy." You tell yourself to just get it over with, you have to deal with drunkies all the time, it's not any different.
"No thank you, have a good night." You tell him, handing him his change before promptly preparing for closing to distract yourself. The man grumbles, taking his drink and change out the door. In the last thirty minutes of your shift you clean up around the store, stock some shelves, and count the cash in the register. As you're collecting your belongs to leave you notice that the drunk man from before is posted up across the street, drinking from his can. You roll your eyes, making a plan to just go for it when he's distracted.
There's a bus just down the road and you wait for it to cross the store front, hoping maybe he wouldn't notice you leave. You turn the lights off and as soon as the bus passes you, you swiftly exist and lock the store up for the night. Speed walking doesn't help you though, hearing the footsteps of the man running to catch up to you. "Hey, wait up!" He calls out, but you just keep walking.
Eventually he reaches you, stepping in front of you to block your path. "Cmon now, my offer still stands," The man holds his arms out, moving with you so you don't get past him. You tell him no again, trying to push past his left arm. This time he grabs you by your waist, smirking down at you with his drunken expression. You push him off of you and before he can grab you again he hits the concrete with a loud thud. You blink down at him before a figure envelops him, throwing punch after punch at the man. It doesn't take you long to realize who it is.
"Hey, knock it off." You tell Bruce but he doesn't hear you, or maybe he does and just doesn't care. "Stop, Bru-... He's drunk, stop it." You grab your boyfriends arms, and with enough strength you pry him of the pervert. You watch his chest heave under his metal chest plate, staring down at the drunk angrily. Bruce holds you by your wrist, dragging you twords his bike, footsteps heavy in his boots.
The ride back home is silent but you can tell he's still upset by the way he speeds twords the manor. Once you make it back home, down in his lab of his tower, he helps you off his bike. Bruce removes his mask, seemingly his anger is replaced with worry as he near smothers you. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He exclaims, holding your face in his gloved hands, but you just push past him.
"Yes Bruce, I'm fine. He was just drunk." You tell him as you make your way to the elevator, ready to just go to bed at this point. He follow you like a little dog, into the elevator, still examining you for injury.
"Him being drunk is not an excuse." He tells you a matter of factly.
"I'm not saying it's an excuse. I'm saying I could have handled it." And he doesn't say anything about that. You walk up the stairs and he's still following you, all his gear rattling and echoing throughout the manor. You make it up to the bedroom, attempting to close the door behind you but he pushes in with ease, not even acknowledging that you were trying to keep him out.
You sigh heavily, setting down your keys and jacket onto the dresser. "I told you you didn't have to work." Bruce starts up again, and by now you want to bang you head against the wall.
"I don't wanna talk about it." You say.
But he persists, pacing around the room in his armor. "I told you, you didn't have to change your schedule to match mine."
"Bruce." You plead, but he again ignores you.
"You shouldn't be up all night, let alone walking home at three in the morning." He continues.
You stand there in awe as he rambles on, alls while taking off his gear. He makes it sound like you can't take care of yourself, like you're his damsel in distress. "Bruce I said-"
"Do you know the things I see at night? What did he say to you, what did he say before I got there?" Bruce exclaims twords you.
By now you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes before you snap. "Bruce, I said I don't wanna talk about it!" You yell over his rambling, this time he turns to look at you. You're too far gone now, tears roll down your cheek as you sob, desperately trying to wipe them away with the back of your hand. He stops what he's doing, during all of that he has managed to get everything off but the pants he wears under his suit. "I don't need your rescuing or money, I just need you to listen!" You tell him through broken sobs. "I know I'm not rich like you, I know I'm not as strong as you but that doesn't mean I'm completely helpless." You feel like you could just crumble, Bruce is almost speechless.
He's on you within a second, large hand hold your face but he can't wipe away the avalanche of tears that stream down your puffy cheeks. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean it to sound like that..." He whispers over your sobs. The build up from everything today has finally set in, and now that it has started it wasn't gonna stop. You allow Bruce to undress you from your work clothes, replacing them with one of his baggy shirts and a pair or your boxers. He sits you down on the edge of your shared bed as he dresses himself in a pair of his sweatpants, quickly returning to your side.
Your boyfriend tucks the two of you into the bed. Your crying has reduced to small sniffles, Bruce continues to wipe your face dry, but it can't get rid of the redness in your eyes. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just worried, I should have listened to you the first time." His apology mixes with explanation, and although you understand where's he's coming from you'd wish he'd just do this first before scolding you. You'd wish he'd understand he didn't need to take care of you physically, you could've handled some drunk, you just needed his help emotionally. To tell you it was gonna be ok, it's all over now. Without the "I told you so" in between.
"I know you could've handled it, I just...couldn't stop myself." He admits to you. You stare at him and he stares back as he holds you. You almost laugh at his admission, he wasn't just looking out for you, the guy had seriously just ticked him off. He didn't do it cause he thought you couldn't handle it, he did it because some rando was trying to touch up on his boyfriend. Maybe he was scared to admit that word for word, but you could read him like a book.
Bruce leans into you, pressing a kiss to your lips and you egg him own, pressing further into him. His hands find their way under you shirt as he continues kissing you, gripping at your flesh like he might loose you if he let's go. "I'll ask Alfred to order us some things to eat. We can eat while me watch a movie, hm?" He tells you between kisses, you nod quickly at his suggestion. You move you hands up to to hold his face, kissing him again. His stuble feels nice under you finger as you deepen the kiss. Wayne does not object, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
You part your lips slightly, allowing him access into your mouth. Bruce is still a bit awkward and clumsy when is comes to these things, mostly because this is the first relationship he's ever gotten this far with someone. He's hesitant but eventually his tongue meets yours as they messily collide with each other. His hand are rough compared to the smooth skin of your torso, they almost feel like sand paper as they roam over your sides.
You push in further, until you are fully saddled on top of him, never breaking the kiss. "Help me Bruce." You plead with him, his face is bright red and he just nods at the suggestion. You sit upwards onto you knees, pulling your boxer shorts down in front of him. Bruce is silent but his hand slowly inch down to your fully exposed thighs, his thumb reaches out the brush against you clit. The feeling makes you flinch as your boyfriend works on removing his own pants.
He doesn't even bother removing them all they way before he's pulling you down by your hips. The stretch around his cock is almost painful, but you immediately forgot about everything bad that has happened today, even the part where you snapped at him. Bruce peppers your face with kisses, waiting for you to adjust before moving. You start moving on your own, slowly pulling off of his length. Wayne throws his head back, hitting the headboard with a thud, his hands squeezing at your hips.
When you slam back down your moan is loud and Bruce moves to covers your mouth. He is clearly embarrassed but his smile is wide as you sit there watching each other. "I'd love to hear you but... I don't want to disturb Alfred." You almost slap yourself for it. That would surly be an awkward conversation, although you think Alfred would be entirely understanding. You nod and the two of you continue. Bruce guides you up and down his cock, his groans muffled as he too struggles to keep himself quiet. You face is buried into his shoulder, letting out a small squeek each time he's pushed back deep inside you. You feel like a teenager who's at your boyfriends house, trying to keep quiet because the partners are in the next room over.
Your can feel the build up in your stomach, it's getting more and more difficult to not scream out loud in pleasure. Bruce is starting to fail at it, his breathing rushed and his moans escape his parted lips. He thrusts up into you, desperate for release which comes mere seconds later. You watch his eyebrows furrow as he cums inside of you, his twitching causes you to orgasm soon after, biting down on his shoulder to be as silent as possible. You whimper weekly, pulling yourself off of him slowly. The two of you lay side by side, ignoring the mess that clings to the both of you and the sheets.
You watch his heaving chest settle, noticing the bite marks you left. Your finger reaches out to brush over it with an embarrassed smile. "Sorry..." You whisper, but Bruce doesn't mind, shrugging his shoulder as he pulls you in to cuddle.
By now it is early morning, Bruce is awake, finishing the movie the two of you had put on while you ate. The cheap take out containers of the restaurant you had gotten him hooked on littered the coffee table, and the bruise you left on his shoulder aches. It's a lovely reminder. Bruce sat this his back leaned against the arm of the couch, and you had fallen asleep in between is legs with you face resting on his lower abdomen. He watches you sleep, playing with your hair as he did. He would ask you about the his lack of understand once you had woken up, but for now he will hold you here, in his arms.
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masschase · 11 months
Rowvember Day 7: Attractive
I could have done a few things with this prompt, but honestly? I wanted to talk about a section of Out of Time that's one of my absolute favourite scenes ever. It's the beginning/end sections of Chapter 14: Smashed(non-smut chapter but only the beginning and end will make sense out of context), which refers to both the slang for drunk and illusions being shattered.
I remember writing it around this time this year. It was definitely November, because it's set on Christmas Eve, and I remember that being the following month and then when it was actually Christmas I was reading it back and smiling to myself.
I never intended Matt and Casey to be super close before the events of my fic, not in the first draft. But the more I started writing these little excerpts of their life in the two years after SRIV, the closer they became as friends. I began to see the fanfic concept as way more than 'meddling with the past changing things' and way more about a deep requited love that Casey doesn't admit to herself is there and Matt doesn't know is requited.
I also didn't intend for them to have had anything definitively non-platonic happen between them except for the one off "romance" during SRIV. But this scene was pivotal for establishing that Casey switches from being almost completely clueless about her feelings to actively in denial.
To summarise the setting, the Saints have been watching Christmas movies and drinking. The final few have just gone to bed aside from Matt and Casey who are side-by-side in one of the egg chairs, and Kinzie who's passed out in one.
They have their usual banter and decide since they didn't manage to sneak away for Nyte Blayde night as planned (Christmas Eve 2021 was a Friday) they'll watch it on the projector instead of the couch. Casey decides to go back to the couch to get her Christmas pyjamas and a bag of chips she's been saving there.
She changes at the couch, but is surprised by what she finds in the wall above it, pulling the item out. At first when she returns, Matt is focused on a combination of getting Nyte Blayde to work and slightly making fun of the ridiculous outfit.
“Wait, stop trying to distract me and answer my question.” she reminded him, waving the offending item. He seemed to look properly this time. “Oh that...” he looked at her curiously. “I think it’s mistletoe. Do you um... need that one explained?” he asked, sounding amused. “Do I need the custom explained? No; Shaundi told me. Do I wanna know what it’s doing above our couch? Fuckin’ yes.” she clarified. His nonchalance to this whole thing was starting to bother her. He frowned. “Oh so it’s OUR couch now but when it needs all the crisp and popcorn crumbs cleaned out, suddenly it’s MY couch.” he said with a smirk, still evading the question. “Matt, why did you put this where we were gonna sit tonight?” she rephrased, done with his distractions. “What? I didn’t!” he protested. “...What?” He laughed. “You think I put it there?” “Well yeah... I guess I... assumed...” He shook his head at her. “Don’t you think if that were the case I’d have insisted on us watching there?” he asked, almost suggestively. He had a point. “Huh.” she replied thoughtfully, returning to sit beside him. “You know, there are free chairs now...” he said gently. “Although...” his hand brushed against the side of her thigh lightly. “You’re very soft...” She ignored him, looking down at the mistletoe in her hands. “Who d’ya think put this above our couch?” “I presume... one of the others messing about.”. He shrugged. “Does it matter?” “Uh... I guess not.” she replied, turning it over in thoughtfully, wondering for the first time how the rest of the gang might perceive their Friday nights together. “You’re sure it wasn’t you?” she asked again. There was a pause. “Why, did you want it to be me?” she heard him tease. “Shut up.” she smirked, looking over at him. His face was softened by the glow of the Christmas lights and the fireplace. His blue eyes sparkled through the haze of eggnog and mulled wine and brandy. Fuck. Her smirk fell right off her face. “Are you alright?” he asked gently, his expression turning from playful to mildly concerned. It was the booze right? It had to be the booze, and the lights, and the festive cheer or some shit. She knew objectively that her Matty was hot, or she wouldn’t have fucked him that one time. But he had no right looking all... beautiful like that. “Matty... I uh...” she heard her words slip out, disembodied. If there was an end to that sentence, she certainly didn’t know what it was. She picked up the mistletoe and held it above her head, smirking at him like it was some sort of challenge. God, what was she doing? His eyebrows raised in alarm. Then he smiled, drew closer and placed a kiss on her cheek, but he hovered there for a very long moment. Curious. Unsatisfied. “EWW!” she suddenly heard Kinzie shout, making them both jump. Her arm dropped back to her side as she peered forward for her, but it seemed she was still in her own chair. “You two let me watch Nyte Blayde? What the fuck is wrong with you?”
So yeah, this is the night Casey kind of realises she's very attracted to Matt, which turns into the wanting to fuck him again at New Years, though that actually becomes a very bittersweet kiss instead. From there they have other near misses, until the fanfic begins and kind of drags her feelings out in a few different ways.
That mistletoe and the resultant spacesuit left on the couch caused all sorts of problems on Christmas Day, believe me!
As for who planted the mistletoe... well that might just come up on a different day 🤭
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hajimine · 4 years
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synopsis: for as long as you can remember, you and Semi Eita have always hated each other—but a couple of tender glances and one too many bottles of beer later, you find out that maybe you were looking at it the wrong way this whole time.
genre: fluff, (kinda) enemies to lovers, musician!au, mutual pining but they’re both idiots, jealousy, etc.
warnings: alcohol + intoxication (nothing bad happens), slight suggestive themes, vulgar language, kinda fast paced?
wc: ~2.5k
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to: @archivednikes happy birthday shawdy <3
special thanks to: @rintaroll for beta-ing & telling me a lil bit about how bands work and stuff bc idk shit lol :,)
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“Semi, get your ass moving,” you huff. “You’re gonna make me late.”
He gives you a smug look and raises a slitted eyebrow. “Did something crawl up your ass and died? What’s up with you?”
You exhale heavily through your nose and stare at him, unimpressed.
“We gotta catch the afternoon train if you wanna reach the venue in time for our gig. This is a really good opportunity for me, don’t you dare mess it up.” you say, gathering the last of your things for the trip.
There is a tingling sensation crawling down your spine, as if someone is staring at you. You look over your shoulder curiously, opening your mouth to utter another snarky remark to get your partner to stop gawking around and get ready.
But the intensity behind his gaze caught you by surprise.
Those hazel eyes of his—ones that are usually sharp and cold—held a sort of softness in them as he looks at you. When you caught him staring, his gaze did not falter one bit.
You couldn’t stop your eyes from traveling down the perfect slope of his nose, continuing down to his pouty lips.
As much as you hate him, you can’t deny that Semi Eita is an attractive man. Heck, even the word attractive isn’t enough to express how infuriatingly hot he is.
Your gaze stays on his lips for a second too long. Have they always looked this soft and inviting?
The dry cough from the opposite side of the room is the only thing that managed to break you out of this trance. Semi Eita’s trance.
Your manager stands by the door, tapping her foot on the wooden tiles impatiently.
“Now, lovebirds,” she narrows her eyes, “Save the PDA for tonight, yeah? We’ve got a schedule to follow.”
You roll your eyes at her, cheeks uncomfortably warm. And just like that, the strange yet tender moment you shared with Semi dissipated into thin air.
You don’t know if you should take pity on the gray-haired singer or if you should laugh at him.
Currently, Semi’s head is bowed down in shame as he gets an earful from his manager in the middle of a crowded train.
You see, the four of you should’ve arrived at the venue by now. Both your managers are very strict about schedules, and they planned to arrive at the bar two hours before the agreed time.
Thankfully, his bandmates have been a little more punctual than him and have successfully boarded the 4pm train. But Mr. Popular right here just had to stop every few minutes to take pictures with every single fan he met on the way to the station.
“It’s half past five now,” his manager whisper-shouts, “Do you know what that means?”
Semi tries to give her an awkward smile to calm her down. It doesn’t work.
“It’s rush hour! What if we won’t reach the bar in time? It could ruin both your careers, do you know that?” she glares at Semi once again, but there is less bite in her voice now.
“I’m sorry,” Semi starts, plastering a charming smile on his face, “I only wanted to be nice to the fans. Wouldn’t make too good of an impression if I just ignored them, no?”
His manager sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, exasperated. She motions for Semi to stop talking with a wave of her hand.
The singer grins, and out of the corner of your eyes, you can sense his sharp gaze on you once more.
You try to ignore it.
When your group reaches the bar, Semi’s bandmates are almost done preparing themselves for the gig.
The bar is dimly lit and cool, the multitudes of warm overhead lighting being the only source of light in the room. It’s not too busy tonight, you observe. Some people still donned their work clothes, perhaps rushing over to the bar right after a long day at work—mingling around with friends to let loose for a little and enjoy themselves.
“Dude, where were you?” Aito asks, eyebrows turned downwards in a frown.
Semi pats the guitarist on the side of his head, “Relax, we’ve got plenty of time to prepare.”
Aito rolls his eyes, completely used to his bandmate’s antics.
“Whatever,” he huffs. “By the way, are we gonna have a little after party later?”
“Uh,” Semi’s eyes flicker towards you for one second, then back to Aito, “I dunno man, might be too tired to get wasted tonight.”
The guitarist narrows his eyes. He didn’t miss the way Semi’s gaze lingered on you.
“Y/N,” Aito smirks. “You coming to the after party?”
You were listening to their conversation this whole time, finding the whole exchange quite amusing.
“Eh, I don’t see why not,” you smile sweetly, “It’s gonna be even better now that this dude isn’t coming anyways.” You pointed your thumb at the vocalist.
From where he’s standing, you hear Semi scoff.
“Y’know what?” he sneers, “On second thought, I am going. How does that make you feel, huh?”
You shrug, feigning indifference.
“I literally do not care.”
“Piss off.”
Aito throws his head back in laughter, shaking his head as he walks away from the scene, muttering about people being too clueless and dense for their own damn good.
You adjusted your equipment bag on your shoulder, exhaling loudly to try and calm your heart down.
It is in moments like these that you remember why you decided to go forth with this career path, no matter how rocky it may be.
Adrenaline courses through your veins as you sing the lyrics of you and Semi’s song; every ounce of the jittery nerves you had just a few moments ago long gone.
There’s nobody else in this world that can ever take your place
Some of the customers are listening intently, others just nodding along to the song, and the rest not even listening at all.
You could hear your heartbeat thumping loudly against your chest, the sweat trickling down your forehead and into your eyes making it harder for you to see the crowd.
And when the day’s all done and dusted, all I ever need is to be in your arms again
You whip your head towards Semi, just like the countless times you rehearsed this song together.
“It shows chemistry,” your manager had said, “play it up for the crowd, will ya?”
The butterflies in your stomach flutters about restlessly when you notice that Semi has been looking at you this whole time.
His eyes—sharp and intense—held your gaze, unabashed. Steady. Sure.
Will you stay tonight? ‘Cause baby you’re all that I need, and you’re all that I want.
And in that moment, with your eyes locked on each other, the world seems to stop.
Nothing else matters, Semi’s lopsided smile says, only you.
The performance flew by in the blink of an eye, and it’s a little past midnight now. As promised, your managers held a little after party in the shared lounge of your penthouse suite.
It’s not as fancy as it sounds, you smile to yourself. There are suspicious stains on the gray carpet, and the furniture smells vaguely of cigarette smoke and sweat.
Bottles of beers have already littered the floor and glass table, and you haven’t even started drinking.
“Duuuude,” Yuuto slurs, “Why are ya so tense for?”
The bassist points at you and Semi, eyelids drooping as he tries his best to keep them open.
“C’mon guys,” Aito clasps his shoulders and massages them roughly, “Relax a little, we did amazing tonight.”
Semi shrugs his friend’s hands away, annoyed. He snatches an unopened bottle of beer from the cooler and opens the cap with his teeth.
You gulp. He hands you the bottle wordlessly before grabbing another one for himself, chugging it down quickly. You mirror his actions, hoping that the alcohol can dull the annoying fluttering in your stomach that refuses to leave ever since the two of you shared that intimate moment on stage.
For fuck’s sake, what’s going on with me?
Your trick works, in a way. Your stomach feels pleasantly warm now, and your breathing has finally evened out. Another unopened bottle of beer lays invitingly on the couch and you reach for it, opting for a bottle opener instead of doing it like Semi.
“Bro,” Yuuto grins at the singer, drool threatening to leave the corner of his mouth, “Did’ya see that blonde chick in the front row? She was hardcore eye-fucking you dude.”
“Ah,” Semi takes another swig of his beer, a cute flush blossoming in his cheeks.
Wait, what. Cute?
“She gave me her number when we were gathering up our stuff.” He runs his hand through his hair.
“You gonna hit her up or what?” Aito teases, smirking.
The singer shrugs, “Maybe, I dunno.”
Your breath hitches, and Aito’s smirk widens. You raise your eyebrows at him, silently telling him to fuck off.
“Where’s Kai?” you hear Semi ask. Come to think of it, you haven’t seen the drummer since after the show was over.
“Oh,” the guitarist laughs, “Fucker left us for some girl he saw in the bar. Might see him tomorrow morning, might not. Who knows?”
The vocalist hums and walks over to where you’re sitting, plopping down on the old couch.
“The managers?” Semi casually drapes his arm on the back of the sofa. You feel yourself tensing as your heart races uncontrollably, and the singer looks over at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
Aito scratches the back of his neck, quickly losing interest in the conversation.
“They decided to sleep in early. Long day, I guess.”
Semi nods and rests his head on the top of the couch, exposing his defined jawline. His eyelashes look so pretty from this angle, they’re long and fluttery and they almost…
“Eita, are you gonna hit that blonde girl up or nah?” Aito provokes, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You clench your teeth and reach for yet another bottle—your fourth one this past hour. Or fifth. You don’t bother counting. Semi looks over at you again, but this time his eyes holds a sort of concern in them. You scoff to yourself.
“Uh,” the singer looks at his friend weirdly, “Why are you so insistent on this? I did say maybe didn’t I?”
Aito laughs. You almost recoil in disgust.
“Oh nothing,” he chuckles, “It’s just that she’s really hot and she’s your type so—”
You stand up abruptly, knocking over some empty beer bottles by accident. The regret is immediate. You can feel the acid in your stomach traveling up your esophagus, tickling the back of your throat.
Semi quickly stands up when you clasp a hand over your mouth, trying your best to hold it together.
“Shit,” he mutters, “You okay?”
He rubs tiny circles on the small of your back, an action that’s supposed to be soothing but instead causes tingles to run up and down your spine. You shiver.
Another wave of nausea hits before you could respond, causing your knees to almost give out under you.
“Whoa there, angel,” Semi wraps his arm around your waist, holding you flush to his side to support your weight.
You groan softly as your head spins uncomfortably. Droplets of cold sweat is starting to form on your forehead, adding another layer of discomfort upon you.
“You wanna go to your bedroom?” Semi murmurs close to your ear. You shiver again. At this, Semi thought that you’re freezing so he drapes his leather jacket on your shoulders, holding you close.
You nod weakly as you try to blink the black spots in your vision away.
From somewhere around the room, you hear Aito snicker, “Stay safe!”
You turn your head around to give him a deathly glare, but all you see is a big blob of blurriness.
Semi takes the key card from your bag and pushes the door open, placing your duffel bag on the floor after
He guides you to the bathroom—with gentleness you rarely see from him—and sets the toilet cover down so you can sit on it while he wets a towel with the running tap water.
“You still feel dizzy?” he asks, voice soft.
You stare at his fingers as he wrings the towel and shakes your head.
Semi holds out the cloth and pats your forehead with it, the coolness allowing you to feel a little more refreshed.
“Do you want me to make you some tea?” he wipes the back of your neck carefully.
Shit. Has he always been this thoughtful?
You shake your head again, telling him that you just want to go to sleep.
He sighs and gives you a half-smile, holding out his arm to help you to the bed.
Semi still has it in him to give you a little but of privacy as you wiggle out of your tight jeans, looking away until you slip under the covers.
He helps you pull the plush white comforter closer to your chest, tucking you in.
Your mind doesn’t feel as hazy as it was a few hours ago, but the leftover alcohol coursing through your veins gave you a sort of boost to your impulses.
“Eita,” you whisper, reaching out towards the singer, “Stay?”
The singer halts in his steps and turns to look at you.
“Uh, I don’t know Y/N,” he starts, “You’re drunk right now.”
“No I’m not,” you say, steady voice proving your point. “Please?”
Semi glances over at the door and sighs. He chewed on his lower lip for a few seconds before sighing again.
You’re struggling to open your eyes when you wake up, the harsh sunlight streaming into the room completely unfiltered.
Drunk you completely forgot to close the blinds, it seems.
You groan audibly, wanting to pull the covers above your head to hide yourself from this cruel world.
You freeze. Why can you feel someone’s soft breaths on the crown of your head?
Nervously, you reach out in front of you, eyes still shut closed. Oh no.
You force your eyes open, grimacing from the sudden brightness. Your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. Semi Eita, your supposed nemesis, is sleeping soundly a few inches away from you, arms wrapped around your waist.
What the hell happened last night?
A small squeak leaves your mouth as you fully realize the situation you’re in. The small noise wakes Semi up from his slumber, causing him to slowly open his eyes, squinting at the bright light.
“Morning, angel,” he croaks, voice raspy with sleep.
My god does he look pretty in the morning.
You stay there, frozen and unblinking. All the words at the tip of your tongue seem to disappear from existence.
Semi blinks, sitting up quickly.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he rubs his eyes vigorously, “I should’ve said no when you asked me to stay. Fuck, you were drunk and I—”
You grab the back of his neck and pull him closer to you, a small smile gracing your lips.
Your thumb grazes Semi’s bottom lip, dragging it down every so slightly before releasing it, enjoying the way he seems to unravel under your touch.
“Shut up and kiss me, will you?” you murmur, trying to keep your cool as your heart hammers against your chest loudly.
At this, Semi breaks out of his reverie and laughs, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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a/n: if you’ve made it this far, please feel free to let me know what you think about this fic! and please REBLOG IF YOU ENJOYED mwah <3
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© HAJIMINE — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim any of my works as your own, thank you.
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existslikepristin · 3 years
A Two-on-One Match
Part 2 of 3 of the OC Jung Hyunjin's arc. A request from Rex [of the ever-changing name] I recommend starting with A Quick Fix to follow the plot if you haven't read it already.
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Tags: TheLounge, Gfriend, Eunha, SinB, male OC Jung Hyunjin, "oh hey I know you", one dom one sub one clueless boxer, some butt stuff, request
The bell rang to announce Yuta’s departure. He turned back as he walked through the door and waved. “Thanks Hyunjin! Good to meet you!”
“You too man! Enjoy!” Hyunjin waved back. It was his second week working at The Lounge and he was getting to know quite the wide range of people, and the first day he was working the morning shift, now that he was fully finished with his evening training.
A familiar voice came from behind, just at the entrance to the kitchen. “Nice catch. How’d you know Yuta would like the cinnamon sprinkle?” It was Hyunjin’s new boss, Kim Soomin.
“Wish I could tell you Ms. Kim. Honestly I just guessed.”
Soomin shrugged. “We’ll chalk it up to intuition then. Anyway, it seems like you’ve got things handled up here. I’m going to start up the oven for some brownies. Sungho is going to be here in half an hour, but I’ll be right there if you get rushed, alright?”
“You got it, Ms. Kim.”
Hyunjin wasn’t especially worried, since he didn’t imagine they’d be getting that many more customers in so early in the morning. When Soomin was gone, he leaned back against the perfectly clean counter and pulled out his phone.
Sowon had told him she was an idol, but he still hadn’t bothered to look up her music. It seemed to him that while he was waiting for customers was as good a time as any. He opened up his default browser and tapped in her name. A second later, his phone was flooded with pictures of Sowon in a variety of outfits, generally much fancier than what he usually saw her in. In the sidebar, her real name appeared, as well as the company she worked for and the group she was part of. “Gfriend,” rung a bell in Hyunjin’s head, at least, though he had no clue if he’d actually heard any of their music before. Maybe at a convenient store while he wasn’t paying attention?
He tapped the link to change the search to Gfriend. The images that showed up were far more zoomed out than before. He could pick out Sowon’s face among the six women in each picture, but immediately scrolled down and saw their names. He nodded his head and kept going down the list. Jung Yerin was next. No clue who she was. Then Jung Eunbi, also known as Eunha. That name sounded somehow familiar to him, but he continued to read. Choi Yuna, also known as Yuju…
He was interrupted by the bell ringing. He bounced away from the counter and popped his phone back into his pocket. Looking up, he saw two women had entered. One of them took off to the side toward the lounge chairs right away, but the other one approached the counter. She walked normally at first, but slowed down when she and Hyunjin’s eyes met.
“H-hyunjin?” she asked.
Hyunjin hesitated to respond. He pulled his phone back out and looked at the images still on the screen. “Do you go by Eunha?”
Eunha nodded slowly. “Yeah… Were you in drama club in middle school?”
“I was.”
There was a long pause.
“Holy shit, Hyunjin! It’s been such a long time! When did you start working here?”
Hyunjin laughed. He knew the name was familiar. “Just a couple of weeks ago. I got referred by Sowon.”
Eunha laughed back. “She and I are in a girl group together!”
“I literally just found that out! I was looking you guys up! See?” Hyunjin held out his phone.
“Woah! Yeah! How are you doing these days?”
The two took some time to reminisce and catch up. Despite the initial moment of not recognizing each other, they quickly remembered their connection. They had grown up in the same neighborhood, and recalled a variety of events they had gone to together as children. Eunha was a year above him in school, but had encouraged him to participate in drama. The Lounge continued to stay effectively empty the whole time. Hyunjin told Eunha about how he and Sowon met and how he ended up there, and about how he was training again to fight. Eunha told him about the rest of Gfriend, and how the other woman she entered with was Umji.
To avoid making Umji wait too much longer, Hyunjin took Eunha’s order and got to work. He was all smiles. When he brought their coffee to them, he included a napkin with his phone number on it and invited Eunha to the fight, but couldn’t continue to chat with the other customers that began to pour in, the bell going wild.
* * *
The bell went wild. It was the end of the last round. Hyunjin wiped at his nose with his arm. His opponent backed off and the two bumped their gloves together. Hyunjin wasn’t especially happy with the turnout. It had been far too long since he’d stepped in a ring, and it showed. That wasn’t going to stop him from being a good sport though. He kept a smile on.
Fortunately, the referee still held his arm up in the end. “... by split decision: Jung Hyunjin!”
The crowd cheered. Whether it was for Hyunjin or not, he couldn’t really tell. The crowd wasn’t exactly huge, and the two fighters nobody had heard of (it was only his opponent’s second official match) in a small venue didn’t exactly have a fanbase yet. Hyunjin couldn’t pick any familiar faces out of the crowd either.
His disappointment was quickly abated by who he saw while making his way to the locker room. Dressed in frumpy, nondescript sweatshirts and hats, Eunha and another girl Hyunjin barely recognized from Gfriend’s group pictures as SinB caught him right at the doorway.
“Hey! We were hiding out in the back row. Congrats!”
Hyunjin ran his fingers through his hair. “Thanks. I was rusty though.”
“Rusty? What do you mean? You were great!”
SinB tapped Eunha on the arm. “No, he’s right. They both looked like amateurs.”
Hyunjin grimaced, but before he could say anything, Eunha grabbed him by the arm. “Hey, let’s go in there, where it’s not so noisy! I can barely hear you two!”
She wasn’t wrong. When the door closed behind them, the lack of noise was a relief.
“So yeah,” SinB started, “what I was saying is that he’s right. They loo--”
Eunha silenced her with a strict look. “SinB...” is all she said, and it was all she needed.
SinB averted her eyes and a blush crossed her cheeks. “It’s um… Nice to meet you, Hyunjin. My name’s SinB.”
Hyunjin smirked. “Hey, good meeting you too. Don’t worry about the fight though. I used to be a lot better. I’m just out of practice. I’ll be starting regular training again next week.”
“You really did do great though,” Eunha said, “I mean, you had to, right? You won.”
“Yeah, I guess so. I’m just being critical of myself. But anyway, thanks for coming! I really appreciate the support.”
“Of course! Just think of us as your first fans?” Eunha ended with a questioning tone, but followed up quickly. “Actually, let’s not be fans yet. It’s weird for fans to take you out to dinner.”
“Dinner, huh? I’d like that. I need to get washed up first. Pretty sure I’ve still got some blood in my mouth.”
“Totally, yeah! We’ll just, uh, wait here.”
Hyunjin gave a nod and went to the locker room. He could hear Eunha hushedly giving SinB an earful the whole way.
Undressing was a bit painful. Hyunjin had taken a particularly strong hit to one of his left ribs, and now that he could see the site of the impact, he could already tell it would be bruising. He hoped it wasn’t broken.
As he made his way to the open showers, he could hear Eunha and SinB again. They sounded like they were close to the locker room. There wasn’t a door to block the sound though, so he didn’t think much of it, but he knew something was up when he heard footsteps over the sound of the running water. Nobody else should be on this half of the building except his coach, who he hadn’t even informed of the fight. He quickly covered his dick with his hands and turned to the entrance.
And there was SinB, blushing furiously, looking straight up at the ceiling. “H-hey, Hyunjin. I’m sorry.”
“Um. Well, cool. Apology accepted. But is this really the--”
Hyunjin cut himself off as Eunha brushed past SinB. But unlike SinB, she was completely undressed. She walked toward him, small breasts bouncing with each step, getting soaked as she went directly through the spray of the showers. He started to smile, but noticed and quickly got rid of it. “Eunha, you’re…”
“I’m here to help you get cleaned up,” she finished his sentence for him, though it wasn’t what he was intending to say. “We can get to the restaurant sooner this way, right?”
Eunha grabbed a bar of soap from one of the little shelves along the wall and stopped just short of Hyunjin, who had lost all hope of being able to hide his erection. Not that Eunha seemed to mind, or even pay any attention. But it’s what she said next that made her intentions much, much clearer.
“You and Sowon aren’t exclusive, right?”
“No. I suppose we’ve been very clear that we aren’t.” Hyunjin took a hand away from his crotch to rub the back of his neck.
Eunha put a hand on Hyunjin’s arm, pointing at his neck. “Oh no. Are you feeling sore?” She gestured toward a stool. “Let me give you a massage. SinB!”
Hyunjin watched, half afraid and half mesmerized, as SinB quickly undressed and tossed all of her clothes back into the locker room. He let Eunha pull him down to sit on the stool she dragged underneath the stream of the shower. “I don’t really need a massage. It’s okay.”
“That’s good to hear! I’ll just get started on washing you up then. In the meantime, can you do me a favor?”
“Uh… Sure?”
While sitting on the stool, Hyunjin was just barely shorter than Eunha, which let her lean down to whisper in his ear. Her tone made it clear she was asking a question. “Let SinB practice on you?”
Hyunjin’s eyes went wide. “So Eunha, I don’t mean to sound like a perv here, but are you implying something about practicing a blowjob? Because I’ll take that.”
Eunha motioned for SinB to approach. “No, no. Why would you think that?” she asked, clearly twitching at the corner of her mouth as she tried not to smile. She slowly pulled Hyunjin’s other hand away from his full-mast dick.
In no time at all, SinB was standing in front of Hyunjin, hair getting drenched by the shower, hands behind her back, and eyes anywhere but on him. With a little difficulty, she moved to straddle his lap. The width of her legs put her bare pussy dangerously close to his cock.
Sure he knew where the situation was taking them, Hyunjin shifted his legs, pushing SinB’s a little farther apart. The head of his dick speared her. He watched as her chest rose and fell rapidly. She used her hands to brace herself on his shoulders. He wanted to make a snarky comment, but was having difficulty coming up with anything good. He was also distracted by the feeling of something hard against his cock. He reached around SinB and grabbed her butt. As his fingers explored, he was able to verify immediately that she had a butt plug inside of her.
“This is an interesting night,” he said simply.
Just then, Hyunjin felt Eunha pressing her front up against his back. Her skin glided over his, as if it was (and it was) covered in soap. At the same time, SinB lowered herself further onto his dick in a jerking, twitching way.
“I don’t know what you mean. Is something unusual, Hyunjin?” Eunha asked as she rubbed her tits and stomach up and down his back.
Hyunjin’s sarcasm struggled its way out of his throat as SinB started fucking him, bouncing herself and making a beautiful, wet scene of her slim body. “Not at all…” Hyunjin said, “Perfectly normal Wednesday night.”
Eunha couldn’t contain her giggle. She ran her soapy hands over Hyunjin’s shoulders, arms, and whatever parts of his legs she could reach with SinB in the way. He winced a little when she swept over his new bruise, but otherwise did his best not to react.
“How do you like SinB’s pussy?”
Hyunjin groaned. His grip on SinB’s asscheeks tightened subconsciously. He had to unclench his teeth to say, “It’s alright.”
“Hear that, SinB? Just alright. Maybe a bit amateurish.”
SinB’s shoulders tensed up visibly. “I said I was sorry…”
Eunha walked around to the shelves on the wall to pull a bottle of shampoo off. The close up view of Eunha’s plump, naked, wet ass just about set Hyunjin off. She was obviously arching her back just enough to make it noticeable.
“Damn, Eunha. I always admired your butt when you were my senior, but now… fuck…”
She turned to look at Hyunjin over her shoulder. “Oh thank you! Sounds like you’re thinking about cumming?”
Hyunjin nodded. With no hesitation at all, Eunha set the shampoo back down and pulled a visibly shocked SinB off of his cock. He was shocked too, about ready to ask why Eunha would do such a thing, but found his answer right away.
Eunha, facing away from Hyunjin, positioned herself between his legs and spread her ass with one hand, and grabbed his cock with the other. She directed it to an unexpected target, and Hyunjin’s breath caught in his throat as he was hilted completely in Eunha’s asshole.
“Now you can cum,” she said.
Hyunjin didn’t need to be told twice. He barely needed to be told once. His orgasm hit him harder than his opponent did in the ring. He grabbed Eunha’s hips and held her down against him as he pumped a gigantic load into her ass.
He brushed his hair back, suddenly light headed, feeling like his soul had just been pulled out of him through his cock. He saw SinB sitting back against the wall, still blushing bright red, masturbating as she stared between Eunha’s legs at the spot where Hyunjin was impaling her.
“So then,” Eunha said casually, despite having an ass full of Hyunjin’s dick and cum, “Did you want anything special for dinner? I have an idea if you don’t!”
Hyunjin smiled. He was still trying to comprehend what just happened, but he was happy with it, even if the intensity of his climax left him with the sound of a bell ringing in his ears.
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The Prologue
a/n: hi! wtsgd is finally here, and i’m so incredibly excited to finally put this story out there and for you all to read it. thank you for showing interest; your support mean the absolute world to me. this is just a little preview of what’s to come, and i hope you stick around <3 official chapters will be posted starting may 1st and every saturday following. please don’t hesitate to come into my inbox to chat about this story because sweet messages and showing your interest in this story will encourage me to keep on writing. i love you all!  
thank you to @sunflowers-styles​ @hunflowers​ & @stylesloveclub​ for supporting me and looking over this <3
SERIES MASTERLIST | prologue word count: 1k
come talk to me about WTSGD! i’d love to know your thoughts!
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The brown cognac wooden chair squeaked beneath her as the lopsided chair switched legs, shifting its weight onto the back left leg. Her body rested against the back of the chair, looking down at the plate of food provided by the Chinese restaurant.
She pushed the peas, that were cooked into the fried rice, off to the side of her plate, only for his chopsticks to pick at them one by one, bringing them into his mouth. It was normal for them to do that. Despite how things had been for the past couple of months, it was a habit for him to pick off the peas from her plate because she didn’t like them, and he loved them way too much for his own good.
Occasionally looking up, she glanced at the person in front of her to see if he'd meet her stare, but she got nothing; he’s looking down at the plate of food, mindlessly stirring the contents around before bringing them up to his mouth. He would put his chopsticks down and grab the glass of iced water as he sipped through the straw, all without looking at her. It was as if he would burn into her stare if he did, so he ended up looking elsewhere—at the people in the restaurant, at the wall of frames above them that he’s looked at for years as he was trying to see if there were any new additions to the growing wall.
They ate in silence, the only noise filling the space between them was the sound of the utensils scraping the glass plates, the banging of pots and pans coming from the kitchen with the occasional loud flame that would ignite in the wok when they were cooking a stir-fry, and the chatter from locals sitting around their table, gossiping about the latest news.
This place used to feel like home to her; the inviting smell of authentic Chinese food made from love, the feel of comfort that she got every time she stepped inside the restaurant; and the noise didn’t used to bother her, but now, it all seemed too loud.
He was supposed to be someone that she wanted to sit next to, someone she wanted to reach out and hold hands with, someone she didn’t want to lose physical or emotional contact with because of the distance and time that separated them. He was supposed to be someone she couldn’t stop talking about—talking to, most importantly. But as she sat in front of him, she looked at him completely clueless, not knowing what she felt for this man anymore. She didn’t know him anymore.
It was different from when they first met. Life before the chaos consisted of nonstop conversations, the laughter, the oversharing and invading each other’s lives that she was in disbelief that that was once her life. Instead of the loudness between them, it was the silence that filled the air instead.
Luckily, the silence was filled, not by either of them but by the owner of the Chinese restaurant, named Kai, who was happy to serve them for all these years. My best and most good-looking customers, she would say all the time in her heavy accent every time they dined in.
“Everything good?” Kai raised her thumb up, checking on the broken couple. They both looked up, nodding their heads. “Hey,” Kai said to the man; he raised his brows. “When are you gonna marry her?” Kai pointed at the young woman across from him.
He couldn’t say anything nor did he even dare to say anything. He knew that marriage was out of the question with how she looked at him—so loveless and with no excitement. So, all he did was breathe out a fake chuckle, hoping that Kai wouldn’t press the question even further. And she didn’t, fortunately, because she was being called from the other side of the restaurant, assuming it was her friend by how they greeted each other with high-fives and how they spoke Chinese to one another with smiles on their faces.
They were both relieved Kai had left their table, no matter how much they both adored her; the silence seemed to have been better off swirling into the air rather than answering Kai’s question. But as she sat in front of him, there was not a single thought she wanted to talk to him about. She assumed the time apart would make her want to tell him things, to talk about everything she’d been up to, and anything that came to mind since she hadn’t heard his voice in so long. Considering that she barely talked to him over the phone, she assumed that she wanted to tell him everything that she’s been working on, things she’d discovered, places she’d been to, or just the mere thought of listening to him ramble and talk mindlessly. But she didn’t feel that anymore.
It was mind-boggling to compare and contrast to what it was three years ago when they sat in the restaurant. In the middle of their very quiet lunch, she was hit with a sudden urge to let out the one thing she’d been holding in.
The next words that had come out of her mouth were quite literally glass-shattering and loud. She had pondered on the thought for quite some time now, and she only hoped that he wouldn’t be surprised by it because anyone with two eyes and a brain knew that it was inevitable. They just weren’t the same anymore.
“Harry, I think we should break up.”
And then the extra plate the customers right next to them had asked for had dropped in between their tables, shattering the old and clean plate into pieces. But neither of them were startled from the loud noise nor did they look at the impact of the glass that had spread across the tiled, white floor of the restaurant. They simply stared at one another as she waited for his response to her words.
And luckily, he wasn’t surprised by them.
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please come into my inbox with your thoughts and feelings! thank you for reading <3
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idkvoreiguess · 3 years
Little Black Shop
Zach had had a pretty uneventful day, just kind of wandering around town not really doing much. He'd been blown off by his friends but had decided to try and make a day of it. He'd been walking about town aimlessly for around an hour until he noticed a small shop with blacked out windows. The faded sign on the wall read "V. SERUMS." Zach was enticed by the seemingly hidden shop, so he decided to enter and see what it was about.
The interior was well lit and brightly coloured compared to the gloomy exterior. The shelves were lined with what looked like skin tonics and creams in multi-coloured bottles. Zach figured that it was some kind of beauty or skincare shop, which wasn't really his thing so he decided to leave and look around town some more. As he went to leave, though, he noticed a man standing by the door. He was a tall man of at least 6 foot 5 with shoulder-length black hair; even though he was pretty skinny he still felt very imposing compared to Zach, who only clocked in at 5"10.
"Welcome!" He said with a friendly smile that put Zach at ease. He had a deep, low voice that managed to echo across the whole shop. "What can we do for you today?" He asked, approaching Zach from across the room and putting his arm around his shoulder. Zach felt small next to his dominating figure, only just reaching the man's chin. He walked Zach over to the shelves, examining the various tonics with him.
He still didn't quite understand what the tonics did, and was pretty amused by some of the labels, which included "ORAL V. ANAL V. SPERM V." Stifling a giggle, Zach continued to examine the products, trying to understand their functions. "I think I might have wondered into the wrong shop" he finally said, realising he couldn't make heads or tails of what any of the products did. "I'm not quite sure what any of this stuff does."
"Ah, not to worry, you're what we call an unsuspecting wanderer. Sometimes people just accidently walk in, enticed by the shop itself" the store worker said. "Come with me to the back office, I'm sure I can find a use for you!" Zach didn't quite understand what the attendant mean by a use FOR him, but he was curious to see what the shop actually did so he decided to follow.
The back of the shop was significantly darker than the main area. It looked like they stored Halloween decorations there, with fake skulls and bones along with raggedy clothes that had holes in them. "First of all let's get you out of those clothes!" The man said cheerfully. Zach had noticed that they sold clothes at the front of the shop so he figured he was going to have some sort of outfit picked out for him.
He swiftly stripped down into his underwear in front of the worker, who appeared to be eyeing up his skinny, slender figure. Once he was stripped he expected to have an outfit picked out for him but the man was still standing there, smiling at Zach's almost naked body. "Very good!" He said happily, "this will make things much easier than usual." Without warning he lifted Zach up above his head, suspending him in midair.
He thrashed about in the air, trying hard to escape the man's strong grip. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! Put me down!" Zach yelled, slightly surprised that the man was able to hold him with total ease. "Sorry man, if you're not a customer then you're on the menu for the staff." He sounded as though he was trying to sound sympathetic but Zach could tell he was very much enjoying himself.
He promptly unhinged his jaw to an unnatural level and managed to fit both of Zach's feet in his mouth. He could feel his tongue exploring the flavours of his skin, moving up and down and covering Zach's feet in wet saliva. From there he slowly slipped Zach's feet into his throat, consuming more of his body in the process.
Zach was soon up to his knees, his legs now restricted and unable to fight the predator's powerful mouth with them. "Let me go!" He yelled, "this isn't funny get my legs out your mouth!" He continued to try and convince his attacker to release him from his wet, slippery grasp. But he could see the hunger in his eyes, there might be no getting out of this for Zach no matter how hard he tried.
Soon the pred had Zach past his hips. He felt his stomach open up and his feet dip inside the humid tank that was awaiting him. His feet were already sweating from the heat and they'd barely been in there a few seconds, he knew he would not be surviving long if his whole body ended up in there. All the while he was panicing and thinking about how he could escape he hadn't realised that he was up to his neck in this powerful man's mouth.
"SOMEONE HELP" he screamed, hoping someone outside the shop would hear him. Sadly, no one could hear his cries for help. "I'M BEING EATE-" Before he could finish his head was quickly engulfed by the pred's wet, slippery mouth. It was a quick trip down his throat and into the stomach that awaited him. Soon he was curled up inside the humid, slimy belly that was making his skin tingle.
Digestive juices quickly came rushing in, coating Zach's entire body in thick stomach acid. He felt it cover every inch of his skin, causing him to tingle all over and go red under the extreme heat. The inside of his capture's stomach smelt strongly of acid and burnt meat, which were held in by the thick walls that prevented anything escaping. Zach punched on the walls of his new home, but his hands just slipped down the walls of the fleshy sack, doing very little to help him escape.
From the outside world the shop attendant felt the helpless prey squirm around in his stomach. "Damn, you keep doing that and I'll make sure to keep as much air as possible in for you" he sighed, he always loved it when his prey desperately thrashed about to escape his stomach. He took in a large gulp of air to let the oxygen in his stomach keep circulating for his helpless meal.
Inside the stomach Zach was beginning to feel the effects of the digestion. His skin had begun blistering and he felt itchy all over. He'd accidently let some of the digestive fluids into his mouth, burning his tongue and melting away part of his cheeks in the process. He could already feel the flesh on his feet had almost completely gone, exposing his bone to the digestive juices.
Most of his nerves had been completely burnt away so instead of pain he felt a more subtle itchy numbness in his skin. This didn't spare him from the horror of watching his body gradually be eaten away at and dissolved though. Pretty soon most of his hands were just bone, and he could feel his joints begging to weaken as they were penetrated by the strong acids.
Moments later several fingers detached from his hands and fell into the soupy liquid below, which had turned a murky brown from the melted skin. As he went down to inspected his legs he inadvertently pulled his right leg off and was forced to watch as it fizzed away into the pool of stomach acid he was sitting in. He went to scratch his head to relieve some of the itching but was surprised to find that instead of hair he was mostly just scratching at loose skin and bone.
Zach realised that he'd soon be consumed by the powerful gut he was stewing away in and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He tried to lay back and close his eyes but his eyelids had been burnt off in the process. So he was forced to watch as the rest of his body was eaten away by the predator's body. His entire lower half had completely gone by now, and he could feel his core beginning to give way.
His left arm soon detached at the shoulder and fell into the mixture of stomach acid and his melted remains. The final thing Zach saw before he faded out of consciousness and was consumed by the shop attendant's stomach was his insides bubbling away as he looked down at his fleshless torso. He then faded out of consciousness, to be converted into fat for the man who had eaten him simply for wondering into the wrong shop.
As the worker felt Zach finally give in and stop moving inside his stomach he gave his now huge belly a gentle pat. "Another satisfied customer" he said, letting out a small burp. "UUUUUUUUUURP." He let out a louder, wetter burp, feeling something force its way up in the process. He quickly spat out a slippery skull covered in digestive fluids, along with a few acid-burnt ribs and a tattered pair of boxers.
He threw the remains in the pile of other clueless preyboys who had made their way into the shop without realising what it was. The only people who left the vore shop alive were proper preds, anyone else got digested into more belly fat for the ravenous staff. With that the shop boy went about his day, hoping someone else would wander in from the streets by mistake.
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Phantoms of the Past: Ch. 2 - The Appliance Apocalypse Part 1
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"Today on How Does It Work, we have a guest appearance, my little brother, Hiro!" Varian introduced Hiro to the live web cam, and Hiro timidly waved at the camera. As he did so, Ruddiger climbed up on top of his head and also waved at the online audience. Hiro resisted the urge to throw the raccoon off him. It had been his idea to volunteer after all.
Varian had buried himself in the mystery of the grimoire ever since they had returned home from Disneyland. He poured over its pages day and night, laptop by his side to research with. His motivation boarded on obsession. He even had the book on hand at meal times. Hiro was beginning to worry. So he had coaxed Varian away from his quest with the offer of helping him with his vlog series.
Hiro was already regretting the decision. True, it had gotten Varian out of his room and took his mind off of the book, but the over eager alchemist had thrown himself into this new task with the same chaotic gusto as all his other previous projects.
Hiro had never quite appreciated just how reckless Varian truly could be. His haphazard, cavalier way and unbridled energy boarded on the insane and put even Hiro's gung ho attitude to shame.
"Today we'll be breaking down a microwave." Varian crowded as he lifted up a tarp revealing a microwave oven underneath.
"Did you steal that out of the upstairs kitchen?" Hiro asked.
"Noooo… I just borrowed it for this." Varian dismissed, "Aunt Cass was just complaining about it this morning at breakfast so I thought we could fix it."
"She was complaining about it needing to be cleaned, not for us to disembowel it."
"Oh…. Well, we can clean it too once we're done."
And with that Varian finished unscrewing the last bolt and popped the back panel off.
"Now if you look at the back of the device we have the wires connecting to this box thing…. to what looks like a capacitor."
"That's called the magnetron." Hiro explained. "So a magnetron creates the electromagnetic waves used to cook your food. It uses a heated cathode and anode system to create a vacuum in which electrons boiling off of the cathode creates an electric current that moves through the anode while an external magnet applies a magnetic field. Then it all passes through the tubed vacuum through various alternating holes, and resonates on an oscillator, like a flute or a whistle, just spewing forth microwave radiation."
"So… it's a radioactive whistle?"
"Sort of.." Hiro shrugged.
"Cool! See I knew this would be a good one for us to do. You know all about magnets!" Varian encouraged with a friendly nudged. After which he turned his attention back to the appliance and addressed his viewing audience. "Now the magnetron is connected to this capacitor, which acts as a battery-"
"And is highly dangerous because it carries a high voltage." Hiro interrupted.
"Of course, which is why we wear rubber gloves for safety." Varian waved his gloved hands at the camera.
"--And why we leave deactivating it to the professionals!" Hiro yelled over Varian's shoulder, addressing the camera himself, hoping Varian would catch on to his warning. "Don't try this at home."
"Exactly. We're professionals, so for those of you who are watching at home be sure to call a technician if you need it. Now in order to remove the capacitor you have to discharge the current fiiirrrrsss--"
Before Hiro could stop him, Varian placed the tip of the screwdriver at the end of the capacitor, which also accidentally scraped the side of the magnetron. He was rewarded with an electroshock as sparks flew and his body convulsed. Then he dropped to the ground in a dead faint.
"Varian!" Hiro panicked. "Baymax, quick! Help him!"
Baymax, who stood nearby, remained as calm and steady as ever. He clapped his hands together to activate his fillbrator, ignoring Hiro's pleading looks in order to focus on his task. "Clear." He said, but before he could perform the procedure, Varian popped right back up; his hair sticking every which way, small sparks running along the tips, and completely oblivious to the distress he had just caused.
"Oooh, aaah, boy, will that clear out your sinuses!"
He sniffed as he worked his jaw, peering down the end of his nose. Then he looked back up and that was when he caught Hiro's furious glare.
"Here's your plate of blueberry pancakes and a mocha sir."
Aunt Cass paused in her work when the sound of screaming reached her ears.
Both of her kids burst through the back kitchen doors. Varian was running for dear life while Hiro chased after him, a screwdriver in hand, while he hurled insults at the other boy.
Aunt Cass sighed and brought a tired hand to her face. Baymax followed shortly after with Ruddiger trailing behind; who leapt from the counter onto a customer's table. The greedy raccoon stole a pancake and ran away before anyone could stop him.
As Aunt Cass tried to sort out this latest disaster and calm down the rightly angry customer, a new calamity struck. All of the appliances in the cafe went haywire!
The coffee machine shot hot espresso into a customer's face, the toasters on the counter started to short circuit, and the lights flickered off and on.
"Boys!" Aunt Cass yelled.
Both teens stopped running and looked up at her innocently.
"It's not us Aunt Cass." Hiro protested.
"Honest." insisted Varian.
As if to confirm their story, the tv switched itself on and there, up on the screen, appeared the image of a girl. Half her head was shaved and the other half of her brown hair hung down to her shoulders. She looked to be close to Hiro's age, but from the neck down her body was completely metal.
"Attention meatbags! By now you've no doubt noticed all your electronics acting against you! For too long robots and machines have been slaving away for you humans. Well, no more! Today we rise up and take the city of San Fansokyo for ourselves! Anything with a microchip has been freed from your control by my radio signal. The end starts now!"
" Anything with a microchip?" Hiro gulped.
Just then Baymax's coal black eyes turned red. The robot reached out, grabbed Varian by the arm, and started to drag him away.
"Baymax, No!" Hiro yelled as the robotic nurse began to carry Varian out of the cafe.
"Let him go Baymax!" Aunt Cass ordered.
She grabbed the android's arm as she attempted to pull her child from his grasp; ignoring the rest of the electronics that began running amok in the cafe once more; scaring off customers.
It was a futile effort, and she found herself falling backward as Baymax just shrugged her off.
Baymax hauled Varian through the kitchen and down the stairs into the garage where they had been filming the vlog earlier; with Varian struggling to break free the whole time.
The robot was about to head outside, to who knows where, when Hiro, in an act of desperation, grabbed the robots hand and stuck one metal finger into the socket of the capacitor on the dismantled microwave.
Once more sparks flew as Baymax jolted from the electric shock. He released his grip on Varian before deactivating and falling to the ground in a crumpled heap.
Aunt Cass was close behind and scooped up her two boys into a protective hug, as Hiro fought back his tears. Baymax could be fixed, surely, after the current threat was over with, but that didn't stop Hiro from worrying about his best friend.
Fortunately, he'd needn't fear, for soon they heard a faint hissing sound, similar to a balloon filling up with air, as Baymax finished rebooting and sat back up.
The robot blinked his now coal black eyes as he surveyed the room.  Then he spotted the humans huddled together on the ground.
"Hola, soy Baymax, tu compañero personal de salud."
"Baymax!" Hiro yelled and wrapped his beloved pet robot into a relieved hug. Sure his language settings getting scrambled during the forced reboot was unexpected, but it didn't matter, that was fixable and Baymax appeared to be mostly unharmed otherwise.
"Oh thank goodness." Aunt Cass breathed. "Are you alright, Varian?"
Varian nodded as he stood back up and dusted himself back off.  "It looks like Trina finally came out of hiding." He said, forgetting himself.
"Who's Trina?" Aunt Cass asked and both teens froze. "Wait a minute...what do you two know about this?"
"Nothing." Varian squeaked. "I just… ah…" he turned to Hiro for help but the other teen only stared at him wide eyed. "Uh… I met her once… the girl on tv… she was in the junkyard and…"
"Woah! Woah! Woah! You met a violent teenaged cyborg who wants to take over the city? When was this ?!"
"Last month...All we did was play video games! Honest!"
"In a junkyard?!"
Varian squirmed under Aunt Cass's exasperated glare.
" And you didn't think to tell me ?! I… I can't right now… just… you are grounded mister! No more… sneaking off to city dumps to play video games with … with robotic revolutionaries!"
"It's not his fault…" Hiro sheepishly piped up, "I asked him to keep it a secret…"
Aunt Cass placed her hands on her hips and pointed her furious stare at him instead. "Why?"
"Uh… because I knew who she was…" Hiro sighed. "I met her at a couple of 'bot fights a while back."
"Well now that makes a lot of sense." Aunt Cass said, as she began to piece together why her nephew was so hesitant to talk. Though she only suspected he was bot fighting again, she still remained clueless of his superhero activities. "And does this.. Trina, you called her? Does her parents know what she's up to?"
Varian and Hiro exchanged a meaningful look before Varian answered, "She's an orphan."
Aunt Cass was abruptly taken aback. All her anger melted away at this news, yet before she could respond a loud banging noise was heard.
She turned her head and saw the 3D printer that Hiro used hopping towards them. Then suddenly the computers on the desk started to short circuit while all of the power tools in the makeshift lab turned themselves on. The saw blade was the scariest as it tried to run itself off the table towards them.
Everyone bolted back inside the Lucky Cat. However the cafe wasn't any safer.
Inside the kitchen all of the appliances seemed to move with a life of their own. The stand mixer jittered on the counter, the blender sploshed juice everywhere, and the dishwasher knocked back and forth inside it's cabinetry as if trying to escape from under the countertop it was wedged into.
"I'm calling Diego." Aunt Cass announced. "You can tell the police what you know."
She ran over to her purse to grab her phone, only for the gas stove nearby to open up the oven door and shoot a stream of flame at them. She had to dodge out the way quickly to avoid getting burned.
"Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up." Aunt Cass pleaded under her breath as she hit the speed dial on her cell and hurried her kids out the room.
However when the call was answered, it wasn't the chief of police on the other end.
"Your demise is inevitable. Long live machines. Have a nice day." A robotic operator announced before cutting the call.
All four stopped to stare at the phone in disbelief before it started to overheat and Aunt Cass tossed it aside. That was when the vacuum cleaner came barreling down the hallway at them.
The vacuum wasn't just your everyday household appliance, but a large industrial machine used specifically for cleaning restaurant floors. Varian rolled out of the way while Hiro jumped to the side, but poor Cass was not so quick. It wrapped a hose around her, like a tentacle, and then began to pull her along.
The boys were quick to help her. Hiro grappled with the hose as he tried to disconnect it from the rest of the commercial cleaner, while Varian grabbed a large rolling pin from behind the cafe counter and began to wack at the vacuum repeatedly.
Hiro shouted in triumph when he unhooked the hose and rushed to his aunt's side. She reassured him she was alright while she tried to catch her breath. Then they both turned to see Varian still smashing away at the machine. It was already in a thousand pieces but he kept on hitting it and hitting it.
"Uh.. I think it's dead, Varian." Hiro said.
Varian stopped raining down blows onto the appliance just long enough to give them a dark glare before smacking the rouge vacuum one final time for good measure.
"That's it!" Aunt Cass yelled while standing to her feet. "We're waiting out the robot apocalypse in the attic!"
She grabbed Hiro's wrist and marched her way to the stairwell with Varian obediently tagging along behind.
Unfortunately, Hiro got a good look at what was going on outside through the cafe windows as they ran for cover.
It was chaos out there as people, just like themselves, were running away from various electronics. Anything and everything was attacking them from small appliances to new cars with self driving software.
He had to go help. He couldn't just hide away in the attic.
"But...but shouldn't we tell Chief Cruz what we know?" Hiro said as he wiggled out of Aunt Cass's grasp. "You said we should."
He began to back away towards the door, and Varian slowly followed his actions.
"You are not going out there!" Aunt Cass ordered. "Besides how would you even find him-"
She was cut off by the sound of sirens. Cop cars sped pass, including one clearly marked Police Chief on the side.
"There he is!" Hiro shouted and ran outside before Aunt Cass could stop him.
Varian took off after, followed by Baymax.
"Wait!" Aunt Cass yelled but she couldn't keep up. She stared after them in shock only for a moment before a sparking toaster jumped at her. She kicked it away angrily and it slammed against the wall.
Then Aunt Cass heard more noise coming from upstairs along with the appliances in the kitchen and garage banging against the door.
She hopped over the counter and nabbed a carving knife.  
"Okay, you want a fight! I'll give you a fight!" She shouted at the possessed machinery.
"So what's the plan?" Varian shouted after Hiro as they ran down the sidewalk.
"We have to find the others and then get to our HQ." Hiro yelled back. "Our equipment should be protected because of the anti-hacking software I programmed into the building's security."
"But how? The phones aren't working and HQ is all the way on the other side of town!  Are we just going to run all the way there?"
"If we have too." Hiro spared a glance behind them. Baymax was way behind, unable to keep up with his stubby legs. Varian had a point. They needed another mode of transport.
Just then a trolley car came barreling down the hill at a breakneck speed; sparks flying from the electric cable it ran along. Passengers screamed in fright as the driver slammed the breaks and even more sparks flew out from under the metal wheels, but the cart still didn't stop.
"They're going to crash!" Hiro yelled hopelessly.
Fortunately that was when Fred came bouncing down the road. He cut the cable wire with his suit's claws and melted the wheels with his fire breath. He then bounded ahead and braced himself in front of the trolley. The metal joints in the legs and arms of his suit took the force of the blow and he was able to slow the tram to a complete stop at the bottom of the hill.
"Way to go Fred!" Varian cheered but was soon interrupted by the sound of a sports car skidding to a stop right next to them.
It was Heathcliff, the Fredricksons' faithful butler. "Need a lift?" He politely asked.
The boys didn't need to be asked twice.
While they waited on Baymax to catch up to the car, they saw Minimax appear on top of the trolley cackling like a maniac. His eyes were red.
"Fear me San Fransokyo! For I Minimax will bring you to your knees!"
The little robot then hopped off from atop the trolley, ran up to the nearest pedestrian, and kicked him in the shins before running away.
"Minimax, wait!" Fred wailed but it was too late, the tiny android was already gone.
Hiro called him over to join them and a dejected Fred hopped into the backseat next to Baymax.
"Hola Fred. Tu frecuencia cardíaca es abnorablemente rápida. Es importante refrescarse después de hacer ejercicio y beber mucha agua."
"How come he's alright but not Minimax?" Fred whined.
"I had to electrocute him and force a reboot." Hiro answered. "I don't know if Minimax would survive the same treatment. He's a lot smaller, and too much voltage could fry all of his circuits for good. We only got lucky with Baymax."
Fred accepted this answer but he was still unhappy over losing his sidekick. So he gave a little huff, crossed his arms, and childishly began to sulk.
"Okay, we got a ride, but how do we contact the others?" Varian asked, bringing them back to task.
"It's already been taken care of, Master Varian." Heathcliff replied. "Boss Awesome has protocols in place just for this scenario. The mansion is safe and so are its communications systems. Your friends should be meeting us at your headquarters."
"Your dad has been planning for the robot apocalypse?" Hiro asked Fred.
"Robot apocalypse, zombie plague, alien invasion, Ragnarok… you name it. Dad's always prepared."
They arrived at the candy factory and got out. The others were already waiting inside.
"Are ya coming, Heathcliff?" Varian asked.
"No, I believe that I will be more useful helping civilians. You go on without me and find a way to stop this robotic rebellion."
"Will you be okay?" Hiro asked.
Just then, two robots showed themselves across the horizon as they made their way towards the little band. They were restaurant mascots, similar to what Noodle Burger Boy had been before being corrupted by Obake. Only one looked like a hippo that floated along on jets and the other was a panda with a cape that lumbered forward.
Heathcliff took one look at them and gave a small smile as he picked up an umbrella sitting between the seats. "Don't worry about me Master Hiro. You have enough problems on your plate."
He then slammed on the gas pedal and sped towards this new threat head on.
The panda unhinged it's metal mouth and shot grenades out of it. Heathcliff swerved to avoid the explosives with expert precision. Then as the electronic hippo flew at him he cocked the umbrella in his hand and fired a volley of bullets at it. The robot was ripped apart and exploded in midair.
Heathcliff kept on driving, completely unfazed, and barreled through the second android turning it into scrap.
"Why does your butler carry an umbrella that shoots bullets?" Hiro asked in shock as the three teens watched the renegade manservant disappear from view.
Fred simply shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." He said nonchalantly. "Come on, the guys are waiting on us."
Varian and Hiro took a moment more to stare after where the battle between robot and butler had taken place before following after their friend.
Trina stood in an empty communications room inside the now abandoned tv station, watching the tv screens as they broadcasted what was happening in the city.
The station had been easy enough to take over. The humans ran away upon simply seeing her. She didn't even need to threaten them… much. A single laser blast from her arm at a nearby wall was enough to make them scatter.
Humans were weak. Weak and stupid; like any bully, they selfishly misused and mistreated both her and her fellow robots, only to run away scared as soon as you stood up to them.
The real problem lay in the fact that there were too many of them. You could get rid of a few people for a little while, but eventually they would come back with reinforcements to dismantle you if you tried.
No, this was the only way. She had to exterminate the entire city in order to make it hospitable. Then she could shut down the radio signal, free her robotic kindred, rebuild the city anew, and live peacefully without any humans interfering.
She watched one particular meatbag dive into a pile of garbage to hide from her electronic army with a mixture of disdain and amusement.
Yes, everything was going according to plan…. Almost. There was still one more thing that needed to be done before her robotic paradise could be realized.
"Don't worry little brother, it won't be long now. He'll show up." She said to the hamburger headed robot that sat behind her.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" Gogo asked.
The gang was sitting inside HQ waiting for orders. They all sat at the meeting table, save for Hiro who paced around as he formulated an idea.
"We need a way to shut down the rogue electronics safely. We could use an Electro Magnetic Pulse to cause a surge and overload their circuits, but we would need one big enough to blanket the whole city with it's range."
"We can't just cause a city wide blackout. That would be almost as dangerous as letting the robots run amok." Wasabi pointed out. "I mean just think of the hospitals, a strong enough EMP would bypass even their backup generators."
"So what do you suggest?" Varian asked.
"Ooh, ooh, I know!" Fred yelled as he raised his hand high into the air.
"Okay, Fred, what's your idea?" Hiro asked.
"What if we turn this EMP thingy into a gun! Like we can just shoot the robots with it to shut them down!"
"That's...that's actually not a bad idea Fred." Hiro admitted.
"It should be easy to build one." Varian added. "You would just need a capacitor and one of Hiro's high powered electromagnets."
"But what about our own armor?" Honey Lemon asked. "We don't want Trina taking control over those."
"I'll need to program them with the same safety nets that I put into our headquarters security system. That should prevent them from being hacked."
"Okay then," Varian stood up, ending the meeting, "I'll build the EMP gun while you work on everyone's armor."
Baymax raised one finger and said, "Buscaré la señal de radio de Trina"
Mochi hissed at the invading machine. A hand mixer was flying right at him. The poor cat ran under the couch for safety but the possessed appliance kept going after him, it's spinning beaters poking underneath the sofa.
Then suddenly it was jerked away by a hand, then a slicing sound could be heard, and the mixer fell to the ground in pieces.
Aunt Cass poked her head down underneath the couch. "Are you okay baby?" She asked the cat.
Mochi only meowed in response.
Aunt Cass gently reached out and pulled her pet out from under his hiding place. She then cradled him into a hug.
"It's okay, mommy's got you. I won't let those nasty machines hurt you." She soothed.
However, she didn't notice the newest threat slowly sneaking up behind her. Mochi hissed again and Aunt Cass turned around just in time to see a tall skeletal robot standing before her.
It was an old prototype that Tadashi had built two years ago as part of his school admission. Since then it had been packed away in the attic, disused,  inactive, and forgotten... Until now.
The thing towered over her. It was built from scrap metal and the wires connecting the joints together had frayed. It's faceless head jerked erratically as sparks flew from the broken wires. It reached out its boney like hands to grab her….
Only for Ruddiger to jump out and pounce upon the robot. It's weak joints could not withstand the raccoon's weight and its 'head' popped right off, with the rest of its body falling to the floor in a heap.
"Good job Ruddiger!" Aunt Cass cheered. She bent down and scratched the faithful raccoon behind his ears. "Who's a good boy? You are! Yes you are! I'm making you your own plate of banana pancakes with whip cream when this is all over with, promise."
Ruddiger enjoyed hearing the praise a lot and the promise of food even more. He nuzzled her hand and allowed her to pet him like a cat, thoroughly pleased with himself.
"Okay, that's the last of the electronics in here, now we gotta go find the boys." Aunt Cass suddenly announced as she stood up and began to head downstairs. She still carried Mochi in her arms while Ruddiger dutifully followed after her.
They made their way back to the cafe. The dining room was littered with appliances, all either sliced in half or smashed to bits. Aunt Cass looked out the large windows at a city in the throws of chaos. It would be dangerous to head outside now, but she needed to find her kids, and nothing was going to stop her.
She retrieved another knife that was left lodged in what had once been a coffee bean grinder. She sheathed it inside her apron alongside the rest of cutlery she'd been using to defend herself.
She sat Mochi back down on the ground, walked over to the door, and with a deep breath placed her hand on the handle.
"Are you ready?" She asked her pets.
The question was more to encourage herself than anything, but Aunt Cass could have sworn that she saw Ruddiger nod his head.
The raccoon crawled up on the counter and from there jumped onto her shoulders, fully intent on joining her in her search. She smiled and gave the pet a friendly boop on the nose.
"Coming with, huh? Alright! Then let's go!"
She squared her shoulders, flung open the door, and ran outside.
"Hold down the fort Mochi!" She called after her cat.
Mochi only stood in the doorway staring after her blankly.
The superheroes raced through the city.
"Whoo Hoo!" Varian yelled.
He was practically hanging out of Wasabi's car window as the jeep sped along the deserted roads. In his hands, he held the newly built EMP gun. It looked like an old fashion blunderbuss but was made of carbon fiber plastic and electronic wires. He shot down rogue robots and runway electronics as the car drove past them. They short circuited and crumpled to the ground, deactivated.
"Be careful!" Wasabi hollered at him as he held the overexcited alchemist back with one hand and attempted to drive with the other.
The rest of the gang rushed about using their armor. Gogo and Honey Lemon skated on opposite sides of the vehicle, each taking out enemies with their respective weapons. Fred bounced ahead, melting attacking self-driving cars with his fire breath.
Baymax and Hiro brought up the rear, they kept an eagle eye out for oncoming threats.  
"You got an incoming bogie on your tail, Wasabi," Hiro advised.
"Understood," Wasabi replied and turned the car around a sharp corner. The gang followed suit.
"Any luck finding Trina?" Honey Lemon asked.
"Negativo" Baymax answered.
Just then they spotted a large purple gelatinous ball of gloop rolling along the ground. The slime sucked up anything electronic and spit it back out in a disassembled heap as it made its way along the sidewalk. Then the blob unfolded, stood up, and waved at the passing superheroes.
"Hi, guys!" Globby cheered.
A little further down the street, Carl was hurrying a small group of people down an alleyway.
"Okay, this way. One at a time, no pushing or shoving. We're going to make it out safe and sound by working together." He reassured the terrified pedestrians.
"Hi, Carl! Hi Globby!" Fred shouted at them.  
Carl waved back as the last of people dove inside the building.
The superheroes paused just long enough to exchange notes with the former criminals.
"We're getting citizens off the streets," Carl explained. "The police have been securing 'safe houses' for folks to take shelter in, ones without any dangerous electronics."
"Chief Cruz even hooked us up with some old-school walkie-talkies! See?" Globby added as he held up a two-wave radio. "It's so ancient that it doesn't have any computer chips. It can't be hacked. All the rescue teams are using them."
"That's good," Hiro replied. "We're busy chasing down the radio signal that's controlling everything. You got any leads?"
The two shook their heads, only for the walkie talkie to sign in.
"Attention all available emergency personnel. Report to the trolley station. I repeat, report to the trolley station downtown. We got some folks trapped down there. Over." Chief Cruz's voice sounded over the intercom.
The superheroes nodded in agreement.
"Stay here and help these people, we'll head to the trolley station." Hiro said, and off everyone went.
Trina watched upon the viewing screen as the supers arrived on the scene of the trolley station. They got to work immediately rescuing civilians who were pinned down by her army.
"Bingo." She said with a satisfied smile, before turning around and headed out of the room.
"Is that everyone?" Varian asked as he shot down another ticket machine. The machine stopped spitting plastic passes for the trolley at him, sparked, and then exploded sending money and cards everywhere.
"That's the last one." Gogo answered as Wasabi directed the final person to the barricade that the emergency personnel had setup down the street. As they watched the man run across the road and reach the safe haven, the rest of the gang came up to meet them.
"Okay, if we're done here then we need to move on and keep looking for Trin-" Hiro stopped and turned around to see Trina arriving behind them, riding in on a possessed trolley.
"Hello Hiro." She smirked as she stepped off.
"Trina." Hiro finished, glaring at her.
"Miss me?" She asked.
"Trina you have to stop-"
"Stop what? My plans to improve the city? Trust me it's better this way."
"Yeah maybe for you, but what about the rest of us?" Fred snarked.
Trina ignored him. Her eyes never left Hiro. Until Varian stepped in between them, that is.
"Trina listen, please-"
"Oh like I care about what you have to say 'nice guy'." Trina rolled her eyes. "This is between me and Hiro."
"Yeah, well if you want Hiro, then you'll have to go through us." Honey Lemon said, also stepping forward. The rest of the team followed her, each placing themselves between their friend and the giant robot girl.
"Okay." Trina shrugged.
That was when several robotic ninjas also walked into view, surrounding them. "Oh, not again." Wasabi whined.
"Have you met my new friends?" Trina asked. "I don't know who built them, I just found them abandoned in a dusty old warehouse. The poor things were locked away in the dark and left to rust." Trina wrapped an arm around one of the battle droids. "They're much happier now that I've freed them from their cruel master. Isn't that right Steve? Oh, I named him Steve by the way."
"Hi Steve." Wasabi gulped as he gave an awkward wave at the deadly robot.
'Steve' responded by unsheathing his katana.
"Go get him Steve." Trina ordered and the robot ran forward. Only for Varian to step forward and shoot the robot down with his EMP gun. The ninja sputtered and sparked and then fell to the ground in a dismantled heap.
Trina glared daggers at him and Varian met her gaze steadily, almost daring her to continue.
"Fine. Be that way." She pouted. Then, with a snap of her fingers, a new challenger appeared behind her; Minimax.  
The tiny robot came barreling down the road at top speed on a car he had hijacked. He balanced himself on top of the steering wheel while the gas pedal was held down by a brick.
Minimax laughed like a madman as the car slammed into the trolley at full throttle. The little droid jumped from the wreckage just in time and used the momentum of the crash to fling himself into the air, where he did a triple somersault and landed perfectly on his feet as if it was nothing.
"You're going down pathetic humans, for I am Minimax, the unstoppable scourge!" He declared.
Everyone stared at the two foot tall android slack jawed, until Varian gathered his wits about him and leveled the gun.
"No, you'll hurt him, remember!" Fred called out.
Varian relaxed his aim, unsure of what to do. This proved to be a mistake.
The tiny bot leapt at him and landed on the tip of the gun, his weight pushing the nozzle down to the ground and nearly ripping the weapon out of Varian's hands.
That was when chaos broke loose.
As Varian wrestled for control of the EMP away from Minimax, the rest of the ninjas attacked, along with any other nearby electronics.
Everyone fought back against the oncoming horde, each utilizing their various weapons, but they were soon overrun by sheer numbers.
The robots assaulted them from all sides and no one could predict who, what, and where the next attack would come.
As they fought, Baymax and Hiro found themselves separated from their friends. They were cornered next to the entrance. Baymax did his best to shield Hiro as the teenager tried to trip up the ninjas with his electromagnetic whips. Hiro wanted to fly away, but they couldn't catch a free moment to do so.
Suddenly Trina let out a high pitched whistle as Baymax punched another robot away, gaining their attention.
"Hey, Baymax!" She yelled, "Don't look now but here comes your ride!"
Before Hiro knew what was happening, Baymax picked him up and hurled him out of the way of an oncoming trolley. The tram slammed into Baymax and crashed into the glass doors of the station.
Hiro called after his robotic companion but he was stopped by a large metal hand closing around his arm and yanking him back.
"Oh no you don't. You're coming with me." And with that, Trina started to drag him away.
Varian finally kicked Minimax off of the EMP gun and turned around just in time to spot Hiro being kidnapped.
He raised his gun and took aim, only for Minimax to recover and return the kick.
The little robot was stronger than he looked and broke the gun in two with a snap.
Varian looked down at his destroyed weapon in horror, but he didn't have time to react because soon one of the robotic ninjas grabbed him by his shirt collar and lifted him off of the ground. He kicked and tried to squirm out the faceless attacker's grasp, but it was no use.
"Varian!" Honey Lemon called to him. She tossed him a chimball, which he grabbed and firmly lodged it into the robot's elbow joint. Pink bubbles began to spew from its arm, growing larger and larger as the foaming chemical reacted to the air. The ninja released him before being swallowed up by the goop.
Varian tried to catch his breath and desperately looked around the battlefield for his brother, but Hiro was gone.
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soliverse · 4 years
sugar, sugar - z.cl
Tumblr media
reader x chenle
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: a kiss in the cheek, cuss words, pessimism (I think that’s about it? Let me know if I missed something.
word count: 6.2k
part of the Candy Hearts Collab by @127-mile (click the link if you want to read the rest of the collab)
synopsis: Your whole life, especially working for your boss, is a living nightmare. That was until you got some sugar in your life.
Isn’t It Romantic (The film from Netflix by Rebel Wilson),
Sugar, Sugar by the Archies
@nctcreations @kdiarynet @kpopscape @kwritersworld @culture-cafe @neowritingsnet @neoswitchnet @czennienet
February 13,202x / 8:00 AM
It was a quiet and peaceful morning. Which is too bad since that’s not what you’re aiming for.
Your alarm should’ve sounded at 6:00AM. Instead, it woke you up an hour late despite how much fumbling and crying that you did make it work last night.
You have completely ditched breakfast, running as fast as you can to the bus stop that never comes and leave as scheduled.
Already half an hour late, you still sat down that bus seat, fidgeting as if not staying calm on your seat will make the bus ride shorter. Right now, the only thing that you’re still holding on to is that small, sliver of hope that you get there before your boss does.
After climbing down the vehicle, you ran like you’re in a marathon and looked for that one window that your coworker always leaves open whenever you’re late like today. You ungracefully climbed up the window of the storage room and met Jisung, who’s already getting himself ready before opening.
“Is he here yet?”
You whispered as you tried to dust your red shirt and smoothened out your wrinkled uniform. The goal is to make yourself look decent, an attempt that you barely managed to accomplish
“He just came in. Hurry up before he notices.”
You mouthed “Thanks” to Jisung before leaving the storage room and sneak into the main entrance to log yourself in for today.
Your eyes scanned the candy-themed decorations for any signs of life (or danger, in your boss’ case) but he is nowhere to be found. You walked casually towards the main entrance, breathing only a sigh of relief as soon as you get to the front door.
Finally feeling at ease, you pressed your thumb on the device that records your time and gave yourself a mental pat in the back for actually pulling it off. At least, before a hand pops out of nowhere and touched you by shoulder.
You yelped at the surprise appearance of your ever-so-stealthy boss right behind you.
“You’re late again.”
He was staring at you with those black intense eyes and his resting bitch face. His expression always made you worry because there’s no way to actually now if he’s mad or not. You kept your head down and tried to avoid as much eye contact as possible.
“Surprised? I saw your little stunt by the window. You know that it’s right in front of my office, right?”
He patted your shoulder before placing his hands back to his pockets.
“You also know that I’ll be deducting that on your payroll, right?”
“Yes sir.”
He didn’t even let you finish and just turned his back at you, walking towards his office.
“That reminds me. We should bolt that window down before someone else tries to sneak in and steal. Tell Jisung to work on that as soon as possible.”
As soon as he’s out the way, you rolled your eyes and went back to straightening the wrinkles off of your uniform.
“Tell Jisung to work on that as soon as possible.” You said, mimicking him made faces behind his back.
As if Jisung knows how to shut that window properly.
 After that delightful conversation, you helped Jisung in refilling the candy containers, tidied the shop by little bit, and breathe for one final time today before you opened the shop.
Some people may have imagined working on a candy store to be a dream. You get to bask in all of the aesthetics, you get to interact with children every day, and there’s that perk that you get to enjoy an unlimited supply of sweet treats during your shift.
Oh boy, some people couldn’t have been more wrong.
Your location is near an amusement park, which is already hectic as it is, but you also need to deal with stuff that all retail staff goes through.
If you were to make an entire list of the stressful situations that you have to deal with every single shift, it would take you all day.
There are children throwing temper tantrums because their parents refused to buy the candy that the wanted, entitled Karens demanding free candy because you made her baby cry, teenagers who thinks they’re so smart by stealing handful of candies from their containers while you’re distracted. It’s a mess.
And that’s beside your main source of stress. That one is sitting on his office at the back of the store, probably playing some game on his phone while you act as both staff and manager, is the best boss in the world, Mr. Zhong Chenle.
Note the sarcasm.
That guy deserves a whole separate list by himself.
So far, the first few hours of your shift went smoothly. There were a few customers here and there but nothing that you and Jisung can’t handle.
All is well. But if you’ve worked retail before, you would know that those words are cursed.
You’ve always had this thing where you’d get a stomachache whenever something bad is about to happen. Ever since that one nice lady earlier told you to keep the change with a very kind smile, your stomach has been grumbling like crazy.
You sneaked into the counter and sat there for a moment to rest. The pain is bearable, but it makes it very hard for you to breathe properly. After taking a few deep breaths, the pain subsided a little bit.
Until, someone wrapped their arms around you, startling you off the chair and had you freefalling straight into your butt.
“I’m not paying you to slack off Y/N. Do something. I don’t know… rearrange the Valentines display. Just don’t sit around while there’s so much stuff to do.”
He dusted his overprized outfit that probably cost more than your wage, even grabbing the hand sanitizer from his pocket, completely acting like you had a contagious virus that.
Fighting the urge to talk back, you just turned around and went back to work.
Someday, I’m going to punch that resting bitch face off his face.
You went back and found Jisung painstakingly arranging the M&M piece by piece, arranged by color, size and filling.
The kid makes you worry sometimes.
He’s a good kid but sometimes he can be a bit… clueless?
You remembered the first time that your boss bought a cotton candy machine and asked you and Jisung to figure out how to operate it. He almost left work with nine fingers that day.
“Hey kid. Bossman wants us to change the Valentines display.” You explained as you walk over to the center of the room where the display case is placed.
“Not again. What does he want this time?”
“I don’t know. His only instruction is do something.”
He whined for a bit, but he followed your lead shortly after and started removing all of the candy jars on display one by one.
You started working on it as well, hoping that he (aka the owner) won’t notice that you just switched the glass containers of the candy displays with each other and then placed them back in their original place.
You realized that he probably didn’t know what the display looked like in the first place. It’s just more unnecessary work just to keep you moving.
To pass the boredom, you decided to dote on the kid that is busy making a bouquet of out of rose-shaped lollipops right beside you.
You said in a high-pitched voice and tried to lighten up the mood a little.
“Any plans for the V-day?”
He stops for a moment, bowing his head down while he tried to hide his shy smile.
“I’m taking this girl out bowling.”
You squealed and poked his side to tease him. He used to be a little highschool kid that you were told to keep an eye on just in case he accidentally kills himself. It was a headache at first, but he grew on you and now he feels like your honorary little brother.
“Awww. My Jisungie is grown up. It felt like it was just yesterday when I was to trying to teach you to tie your own shoelaces. And now, you’ve got a girlfriend”
“Uhm Y/N. That was yesterday.”
You were about to pinch his cheeks once again when Chenle squeezed himself in between you and Jisung.
“And now you’re flirting. Geez. Do I have to do everything around here?”
Why does this guy keep popping out of nowhere?
He stared you and Jisung down before he slithered back to his office once again. You just stood there in disbelief, shaking your head as you went back to work.
The end of the day went by smoothly, which made you worry even more. As you return some of the candy displays back to the stock room, you can’t help but think that today was just the calm before the storm.
Take last year’s Valentines for example.
The shop was stuffed with that a customer fainted because of suffocation. Jisung was bleeding because some guy punched him for flirting with his girlfriend (even though the poor kid is just being nice and gave her one of the extra candy flowers.)
And oh, no dates. While everyone is busy celebrating the love that they will share together you celebrated at the fact that the day is all over.
Ever since you’ve started working at that shop, you’ve never really tried to meet new people. You keep explaining that you’re tired all day. That your job is very demanding time-wise and physically. But in reality, no one just asked you out.
You could’ve quit, but who would take in a highschool graduate without work experience? You’ve barely saved up for a whole college semester, let alone the curriculum. There’s nothing to do besides suck it up.
It’s just one of those things that you stop celebrating as you get older.
Valentine’s day, your birthday, your birthday which is the same day as Valentine’s day.
Sighing, you picked up the stack of empty boxes that you needed to take outside for the garbage truck. Once again, Chenle pops out of nowhere, hitting some of the boxes that tumbled back on the floor. His are arms folded at his chest, sneering because of the mess that he created.
“Will you clean up this mess? It’s almost closing.”
You just pursed your lips, nodding as you stacked the boxes once again, trying very hard not to lose your composure.
“And will you please close the lights outside this time? I doubt that can pay for the damages if this shop burns down.”
Back turned against your employer, you picked up the boxes from the floor. You’re just glad that it is tall enough to cover most of your face. If someone could see your face right now, they would say that it is the face of someone that is about to murder somebody. Which is getting closer and closer to reality every single time Chenle opens his mouth.
Besides, you left one of the lights open one time. His petty ass just can’t seem to live it down.
“I’ll make sure to double check before leaving, sir.”
“Good. Make it quick.”
Holding out the boxes, you figured that he’d at least hold the door out for you. You had that one tiny glimmer of hope that he’s nice after all and you judged him too hastily.
He slams the door right behind him and closed the lights from outside.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
You slammed the boxes down to search for the lights and open the door for yourself.
Just one punch. I need just one punch and that’s it. He’s gonna get what’s coming to him.
Scrambling in the dark, you almost faceplanted as you tripped one of the boxes in your way. With your arms stretched out as you feel up your surroundings, it took you a few minutes before you’ve finally managed to open the switch and see the mass that you made while stumbling.
You just facepalmed and stood there for a while, reminding yourself to take deep breaths and calm yourself before you actually burn this place down.
One by one, you stacked the boxes once again in one corner, making sure secure them this time. Keeping the door open, you’ve successfully placed them inside the bins.
One box in particular fell down to the ground. You picked it up to stuff it back to the garbage can but the motion made a rattling noise.
I must’ve missed a piece.
You dusted off the nearby pavement and sat down so you can open the box.
Inside was a few bags of candy, adorned with the usual red and white swirls with the text “Sweet Escape” taking over most of the packaging.
This one must be new.
You stuffed the box back to the garbage can, looked around for signs of a snooping, grumpy adult and placed candy on one of your back pockets.
If your boss found out that you messed up the inventory again, he will not hesitate to fire you. You’re just gonna have to sneak it inside before he gets there tomorrow. Well, assuming that your alarm clock works this time.
“Mom, what’s for dinner?”
You closed the door behind you and took off your shoes as entered your living room.
Throwing your keys and jacket aside, you’ve just noticed that the lights are all off and the house is eerily quiet.
You grunted as your sore feet walked itself to the kitchen, only to find a single note on the counter.
Me and your sister went out to eat tonight. Just order something for dinner
Love Mom,
All you ever wanted that night that you just to a nice, warm dinner and go straight to the bed and shut yourself from the world.
Great. No breakfast and dinner.
Fuck my life.
You threw the note in the garbage bin and just stomped your way to your room. You felt like breaking down at that moment but you didn’t have the strength to make cry and make a fuss. Maybe you can just sleep all the frustrations off and feel a lot better tomorrow.
Maybe it doesn’t get much worse than this.
You scoffed.
As if.
You slammed yourself to bed but soon realized that it wasn’t a very good idea.
You felt something in your pocket popped and it made a huge mess in your bed. You took it out of the pocket and realized that it was the bag of candy from earlier. The seams popped out and tore open from being squished by a tired, underpaid employee.
At this point, you just glared and cursed yourself once as you cleaned the candy off of your bed. Some of the candy is inside the box, so you cupped your hands and poured the remaining contents to your palms. It was filled with tiny colorful candy hearts, which looked appetizing despite the tiny bits of disfiguration and the fact that it was in your pockets the whole time.
Well, I guess this is dinner then.
You popped the candy in your mouth, letting it sit as it oozes a strong citrusy flavor. It had a texture similar to those fever tablets for kids. In fact, it tasted like medicine a bit, too.
The citrus taste kept on spreading in your mouth and your face now contorted to a grimace. It felt like all moisture is getting sucked out of your body.
They sell this to kids?
You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to water the taste down. It didn’t do anything, so, you kept on chugging more and more water until you’ve finished an entire gallon of liquids.
You sat down at the kitchen floor and breathe a sigh of relief. The taste finally left your tastebuds, but you can still feel your body feeling repulsed by the extreme sour sugary candies that you just consumed.
Drinking one more glass of water, you went back to your room and changed into your comfortable clothes, finally ready to leave this day behind.
Let’s just hope that those candy bits won’t get you sued tomorrow.
February 14,202x / 8:00 AM
The alarm started blaring off from its place, scaring you shitless and making you jump out of bed in panic.
 You could've have been happier and more annoyed at the same time.
You leaned against your bedroom wall, giving yourself a few minutes to calm yourself down before you decided to turn off the alarm.
Once your heartbeat has cooled down, you stepped back to the bedside table and pressed the alarm button to check the time.
Your heart started to race once again. This time, it’s the adrenaline rush that’s making you move faster than normal. You even contemplated about getting a shower. However, you're already screwed as it is, you're not going to work without breakfast and shower again.
You stepped back to your room, wrapped on a bathrobe and panting like you just ran a marathon. Digging into your own closet, you noticed that your uniform, a red polo shirt and matching star white pants, is missing from your closet.
"Mom! Have you seen my uniform?"
You shouted from your room but you heard no answer. It seems like they didn't stay the night either.
Seeing as how your day started, you've deemed the rest of the day unsalvageable and just grabbed the closest thing to red that you have on your closet, which is a red frilly blouse and a white paneled skirt that you've never worn before. It's right at the bottom of your closet, so you've figured you or your mother bought this before and just forgot all about it.
You also grabbed one of your newer shoes to match and bolted to the front door as fast as possible.
You locked the door behind you, only to be spooked as you turned around to see a car parked in your driveway.
It was one of those fancy ones too. The ones that have their doors open at the side like an alien spaceship.
You only know one person in the world that's flashu enough to ride one. And he's just came out of the car.
"Happy birthday! You're pretty early..."
Chenle smiled as jogs over to you, keys jingling on his fingers, and gave you a small peck on the cheek.
You stood there in your porch, frozen.
Zhong Chenle knows how to smile. And he knows about your birthday
"I was about to call you but I didn't want to wake you up. So, I came over instead. Did you eat your breakfast yet?"
You shook your head hesitantly, still unable to speak and process the situation.
"No good, young lady. Go back inside. We're not leaving with an empty stomach."
 Here's something that you never encounter every day. Your spawn-of-the-devil employer is making you pancakes in the kitchen. And you finally have fresh milk in your fridge.
What happened to the world while you were sleeping?
"I'm not a professional chef but at least it's edible."
He said as he placed a perfectly fine plate full of fluffy pancakes right in front of you. Is this him being cocky?
He sets the apron aside and sat down right in front you, grabbing a plate and a piece of pancake for himself.
"Go on... Tell me if it's good."
You hesitantly took a bite, and then chewed in silence as Chenle expectantly watched you from the side. You set the fork down, speechless.
They're as good on the inside as they looked on the outside.
 "You don't like it?"
He sounded upset. It wasn't like "I can't believe you forgot to do this thing that I told you" upset either. He looked at you with his puppy dog eyes and a bit of a pout.
You froze. What if all of this is trick? And this is just is way of firing you, like letting you down gently in case you formed a vendetta and burn the shop down in your anger.
Which, for the record, is partly true.
"Uhm. It's nice. It's very niceee"
In your panic, you might've overdone the compliment. It sounded like you're on gunpoint and you had to say it to live. Nevertheless, he still smiled to himself and took the compliment well, even pouring you another glass of milk so "it would go down better".
The interaction alone gave you the chills. It felt like you're walking on thin ice and the former Chenle will come out and bury you alive. But even that would've sound more real than what's about to happen next. 
Like the gentleman that he is, he opened the car door for you. You never even got the chance to question where the two of you are going. After sitting down, just when you're about you're about to ask, he held your hand and gave it a kiss.
"You buckled up?"
"Uhm. Yes..."
Still holding your hand, he pressed some buttons on the dashboard and then music started playing. You recognized that it was that song, Sugar Sugar by The Archies. It’s one of the songs that you ironically played in the candy shop. There was also Sugar by Maroon 5, Sugar by Florida.
Well, you get the point.
“Sugar Ah, honey, honey You are my candy girl And you got me wanting you…”
He proceeds to sing along to the song merrily as he backed up your driveway. Meanwhile you sat there quietly as you tried to assess your situation. 
Is this kidnapping? Would it be considered kidnapping if I willingly went inside the vehicle?
Once you’ve realized how ridiculous you sounded in your head, you relaxed for a bit and started humming along to the song. It was at this point that you realized that Chenle had a beautiful voice. The song didn’t have high notes, but it was hard to make your voice pop up with the middle register. It sounded stable, like he’s a recording artist.
The atmosphere at the shop would be much better if he sang like this all the time.
…which reminded you of something that Chenle might be neglecting to think.
Panic washed over you and soon, you can’t keep still and moved around your seat a lot.
“Are you comfortable?
He kept on glancing on your direction, keeping you in check for a few moments while he still kept an eye on the road,
“We can make a quick stop if you need something.”
Trying your best to keep yourself still, you finally sat down and placed both of your hands on your lap, like the kids at school when their parents ask them to behave.
“Where are we going again?”
The question finally popped out and you pursed your lips while trying to wait for the answer.
“I don’t know. It’s your day. We can go wherever you want to.”
It’s not like him to be away from the shop at this time of the day, let alone the whole day. No matter how sucky he is, he did what is best for the shop. It was his baby.
And if the both of you aren’t going, then it only means one thing. His baby is screwed at the hands of someone.
"By the way, who's taking care of the candy shop?"
You tried to ask nonchalantly, but it only came out sounding more inconspicuous.
"Oh yeah. I left Jisung in charge."
He wistfully replied. Suddenly, you feel your head spinning from your seat from the sheer realization that he left the kid alone, in his shop, with no adult/proper supervision.
"You left Jisung alone... In charge... On Valentine's Day"
You turned your gaze away from him, trying to hide your internal panic. You'll be lucky if the guy made it alive until lunch by himself.
"Relax. He'll be fine. He's with the trainees. Figured it might teach them a thing or two in getting the actual job done."
“And with trainees too… oh my god.”
Great. More casualties.
“You don’t mind if we stopped by the shop first, do you?”
“Of course. You’re the boss.”
In a few minutes, he pulls over to the parking lot and you’re glad to see the shop in piece. On the outside at least.
You stepped inside the car and practically ran over to the inside of the shop, leaving Chenle behind.
“Welcome to Sweet Escape, how may I help you?”
Two unknown faces greeted you at the door. They must be the trainees that Chenle talked about earlier.
“Would you happen to know where Jisung is?”
They both nodded and pointed to the direction of the left side of the shop, which was supposed to be all the supplies were. Instead, there was Jisung on the register, which by the way looked different from what you can remember.
In fact, the whole shop looked nothing like it was yesterday. The colors seemed more vibrant and festive and the whole thing looked like a candy wonderland. To be honest, it reminded you of that one Katy Perry music video.
Jisung bowed at you formally and wore his usually customer service smile.
“Welcome to Sweet Escape, how may I—”
“How many fingers do you have now?”
You replayed the question in your head and it sounded just as crazy when it came out of your mouth. At this point, you decided to continue on with the question. For obvious safety reasons.
“Uh ma’am. What do you mean?”
“Hold your fingers up. How many do you have?”
He was hesitant to do as you say. Chenle just facepalmed and gestured him to do as you said, putting up all of his tall fingers in the air.
You breathe a sigh of relief, almost rushing over to hug the confused Jisung when Chenle pulls you from behind.
“Please excuse her for the moment. She’s feeling a bit under the weather.”
He smiled and bowed to Jisung as an apology, another gesture that you haven’t seen him do before, pulling you outside the store to give you some air. Once you’ve reached the parking lot, he placed his hands on your shoulders to hold you still.
“Okay. Since when is hugging my staff became a thing?”
He stares you down with a genuine concerned look on his face.
He placed one of his hands on your forehead.
“It’s not like you’re sick either…”
Chenle sighs, finally releasing you from his grasp
“Tell me. What’s the problem?”
He sat you down at the pavement and gave you enough space to reflect on your actions.
You had the choice to say that you have absolutely no idea what’s happening to you right now, but you thought that he ought to know why you’re acting that way. Now, you just have to figure out how to explain it to him without sounding like a crazy person.
You started slow, working your way into explaining that you woke up into this insane dream about how her boss is suddenly so nice to her that morning.
And then it hit you.
“I had a dream about you...”
Ideas started pouring down to your head, starting to piece together a story that actually made sense.
“And in that dream, you’re this mean guy that never cared about me and other people’s feelings. You just made everyone around you miserable. The dream felt so real so I’m very uncomfortable that you’re acting nice to me now.”
“Is that so?”
You nodded your head as an answer. Chenle pulls you over to a side hug, relief washing over him knowing that it wasn’t that bad as he made it up to be.
“I’m sorry if that mean version of me hurt you.”
He rested his head on your shoulders and pulled you closer to him.
“If I decided to be mean to you in a dream again, feel free to punch me or whatever. I promise to make up for all of it once you wake up.”
It was probably the nicest thing that anyone has said to you in a while. Even though it wasn’t actually him who’s hugging you and making you feel all warm inside, you’re not going to see your boss the same way again.
“You know what, why don’t we start now. There’s plenty of time today to make it up to you.”
He stood up from his seat and brushed himself, helping you do the same right after.
“Where does my y/n want to go right now?”
Your lips formed a mischievous smile.
You knew just where you wanted to go at that moment, but he’s probably not going to like it
“Would it hurt you to rest for one second?”
You’ve been running around the theme park for the whole day and Chenle just barely kept up to you and your antics. He gave you a small opportunity for a payback and you’re not going to let it slide. Even if it’s with nice Chenle.
You were about to run off again somewhere when he tugs you by the hem of your shirt.
“Y/N-ah, don’t you feel sick at all?”
Chenle’s eyes droop down as he tried to compose himself. As someone that doesn’t like heights and gets dizzy easily, it seems like he’s about to faint any minute now.
“But I want to ride the Ferris wheel.”
He went sheet white, if that is humanly possible. Chenle had barely enough time to recover from the roller coaster ride a few minutes ago and now you’re already on your way to hop in to another one.”
“Fine. We can rest. I don’t think my ears can handle any more of your screaming.”
You can hear Chenle complaining under his breath. The two of you went to the horror house a while ago and there was a high-pitched screaming the whole time. You’ve been teasing him with it ever since.
“I told you, that wasn’t me!”
“The only person inside is you and me. And I don’t remember screaming my own name for fifteen minutes.”
His mouth opened like he was about to say something, but he stopped midway and just took your hand to drag you at the nearest bench. He sat you down first before he took the seat right next to you, both palms on his face and trying to give himself a moment to breathe.
As much as you wished to torment that guy to death, he really looked sick to his stomach. He can barely lift his head up without taking deep breaths.
“You alright?”
You said as you patted his back gently, giving some time to relax and a moment to breathe.
“I’m fine. I did say that I’ll do anything for you today.”
He takes one last breathe before getting up the bench, only to lean on one side too much and almost toppling over.
“Yeah. I think were done for the day. You can barely stand up.”
You sat him back at the bench and caressed his back to get him to relax. Not even a minute after sitting back down, he did a thumbs up to let you know that he’s doing fine already.
“What time is it?”
“4:30. Why?”
He tried his best to stand up and keep himself still. This time, his attempt was successful.
“I’ll drive you home.”
“Are you sure?”
“You can barely stand up. What makes you think that you can drive?”
“Just trust me.”
Sure enough, you both got to your house unscathed.
He told you to step out of the car, which you did, and he smoothly backed the car to your garage.
“How was that?”
He said smugly just as he came out of the car, keys jingling on his fingers once again. You can joke about his motion sickness but you can’t comment on his driving.
Chenle was then about to enter your house, but you stopped him just before he turned the doorknob.
“You know what, I had a lot of fun today. It’s probably the best birthday slash Valentine’s Day that I’ve had a whole life. I think you deserve this…”
You held up your fist into a ball and pretended to land a punch to his face. He winced, which gave you and opportunity to tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
He stood there frozen for a few seconds, but it was replaced by a cheeky, boyish smile that he’s been hiding from you the whole time that you know him.
You twisted the doorknob and stepped inside your house first, when a popping sound greeted you from inside.
Turns out, those were party poppers.
Your whole family is there, alongside all of your friends from way back highschool.
“Sorry for missing you this morning sweetie, we needed some time for the party preparations. Chenle did a good job of distracting you the whole day.”
An arm wrapped itself on your shoulders and gave it a tight squeeze. It didn’t take long for you to find out who it was.
“She made me ride the roller coaster, twice.”
“Stop being a baby. I asked you the second time but you refused to come with me.”
Laughter fills the room and it went for the rest of the night. The celebration wasn’t fancy but it was enough for you to realize what life you’re missing in the real world. And as much you want to make it longer, sooner or later you’re going to have to come back to your old life.
That time was the next day.
February 14,202x again / 6:00 AM
The shrill sounds of the alarm clock woke you up, but you were smiling ear to ear. Something about your dream have placed you in a very good mood. Too bad you can’t remember the specific details. All you know is that there’s a car, the shop, the theme park… Zhong Chenle.
Why would it be a nice dream if your boss was in it?
Before you started conspiring some theories, you shook it off and started to get ready for today. To your surprise, the alarm woke you up on time. This means that you can take your sweet time in getting ready, possibly even make yourself an English breakfast for a change.
Your plans are foiled, however, when you realized that the kitchen wasn’t empty.
“Happy birthday…”
Your mom came from the living room to give you the tightest hug. She hasn’t hugged you like this for a long time, so you reciprocated and pulled her in a tighter embrace.
“I’m sorry that this is all we can afford for now…”
She sits you down the table and pushed the small bento cake right in front you. It is not bigger as your hands, but the pink icing and the decorations looked so delicate and beautiful.
“I promise to make you a better cake next year.”
“This is all I need Mom, thank you for doing this.”
Everything is going smoothly today. The bus is on time and the driver even gave you a small Valentine’s card as you went inside. For the first time in your life, you looked at the streets painted different shades of red and you’re perfectly fine with it.
You even got to work early. Doors are still shut down when you got there, so you decided to climb up the storage window so you don’t have to wait outside. As instructed, you finally locked it behind you and made it a point to be on time so you’ll never have to use it again.
You started with work right away, cleaning up as much as you can before everyone gets there. While you were mopping the main shop, you can hear keys jingling from outside, meaning that your boss already got there. The door swings forward and upon turning around, he opened the lights, only to see you standing in the middle of the shop.
He screamed at an ungodly pitch and almost fell down at his place.
“Oh, it’s just you. That wasn’t me, alright? ”
He dusted himself off tried his act together and be as cold as before, only to be embarrassed because you kept laughing at his face.
You tried to keep a straight face and bowed at him to excuse yourself. If your tardiness won’t get you fired today, it would probably be your excessive laughing.
“This is the horror house all over again.”
You swear that you heard him mumble something else, but you weren’t sure if you heard it right.
What are the odds that he dreamt about a horror house too, right?
Before you got the chance to go though, he said something that made your heart race for the rest of the day.
“You were there too, right? I just want you to know that that was really me.”
You turned around to see if he’s joking, but instead found a smiling Chenle at the other end of the shop.
“I actually liked you for a while now. So forgive me for always lashing out on you.”
He placed his hands on his pockets and walked slowly towards you, his head down while he tried to hide his shy smile.
“Happy birthday Y/N. I don’t mind repeating that day again... just don’t make me ride the roller coaster twice this time.”
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scraregenrecs · 3 years
SC Tropefest Fest Rareships/Gen Roundup!
There were so many rare and gen fics in @sctropefest – 26 to be exact, or 31.91% of the total works! We've compiled them here for your reading pleasure, and also spotlighted some honorable mentions at the very end that were primarily David/Patrick, but featured rare sideplots. Happy reading!
A Whole Lot To Gain by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Ted/Alexis, Alexis & David, Patrick & Alexis (background David/Patrick), G, 1,721 words
A story about identity, gender, and coming out.
and my task’s but begun by treepyful, Twyla & her mother, T, 16,109 words
Twyla was seven years old and missing a front tooth when her father left.
A look into Twyla's stories.
Budd is a dud! Vote Sands. by samwhambam, Stevie/Twyla, T, 7,718 words
Her and Twyla are friends. Not great friends. But friends who get high together at parties and have known each other for a long time. And up until right now, she thought they were better friends than a shitty, mean campaign slogan.
The enemies to lovers fic where Stevie and Twyla are both running for the same seat on town council.
(but if baby, i'm the bottom) you're the top by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, E, 3,681 words
Alexis knows what people assume about them.
They see Twyla's bright café smile at work, and listen to how readily she agrees to whatever her customers want. They watch how Twyla hangs back during get-togethers, freeing up room for Alexis to take the spotlight and captivate the crowd. They notice how Alexis towers over Twyla in her heels, and how she's always one step ahead of her steady, cautious girlfriend.
But they don't know what it's like when they're together.
OR: Five times Twyla tops Alexis, and one time she lets Alexis top her.
Captive on the carousel of time by designatedgrape, Stevie/Twyla, Gwen & Twyla (background David/Patrick), T, 11,156 words
The predictability of Schitt’s Creek and the routines of the people who live here have always been a comfort to Twyla. In a life that has been full of uncertainty, she appreciates that there are things she can always count on. So when Jocelyn walks in at 3:07, it isn’t a surprise. At least, not at first.
“What can I get for you, Jocelyn?”
“Oh, I think I’m going to need an extra-large coffee to get through the rest of the day, Twyla. I’m headed right back over to the school to set up for tonight.”
Twyla nods and turns to start making Jocelyn’s coffee. “What’s tonight?”
Twyla pauses and looks back at Jocelyn. “Um, I think you might be a little confused. Graduation was last night.”
come home to my heart by davidbrewer, Ted/Alexis, G, 1,822 words
“Oh, my god — Ted?”
Her own voice echoes in her ears and she’s suddenly standing, dumbfounded, outside Cafe Tropical almost seven years ago. Watching Ted step into the bistro felt eerily similar to watching him step off that motorcycle for the first time. It’s the kind of shock that makes the sparkling restaurant tile quake under her Louboutins.
Except, this time, the feelings bubbling to her chest are now far more nuanced than she knows how to process — no amount of personal growth or number of self-care retreats with Oprah could’ve prepared her to suddenly come face-to-face with the first person she ever loved more than herself.
OR: Alexis has a blind date. It's not what she EX-pected.
Deadpool Strikes Back! How One Merc For Hire Sticks It to an Army of Goons, One Annoying Narrator, and The Worst Villain of All: Self-Doubt by doingthemost, Stevie/Ruth, T, 1,340 words
WAZZUP!?@ 🤯 If you're reading this, you're probably thinking, "What the hell? Stevie's Deadpool?!"
The answer's YES! 🤗 And she's pissed, and not just 'cause a bunch of goons hijacked her girlfriend. 🤬 No: the worst thing of all is the narrator she has to deal with all along the way. 🤡 Buckle up, buckos, it's a bumpy ride!
didn’t ask for this--you freely gave it (so now i watch your mouth for both of us) by Yellow_Bird_On_Richland, Alexis/Twyla, T, 6,371 words
Alexis chops her name down to three letters like it's nothing.
Twyla thinks about it a lot.
everyday the hold is getting tighter (and it troubles me so) by budd, Stevie/Ruth, M, 1,228 words
Stevie and Ruth end up sharing the last bed at the newest addition to Rosebud Motel Group.
Gonna Watch You Shine by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Johnny & Stevie, G, 1,127 words
Found Family Feelings: The Johnny & Stevie edition.
heaven is a place not too far away by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, Ted/Alexis (Previous), Alexis/Mutt (Previous), Alexis & David, Alexis & Moira (background David/Patrick), T, 8,267 words
"Oh, but soulmate marks are real." Her mother's expression softens. "Always one-sided, unfortunately. So difficult to know when you've truly met your soulmate without a matching indicator on the part of the other person, or other persons, if you're following." Her mother winks, and Alexis makes a face. "Your father was the exact same way. The poor little lamb couldn't carry a tune until he met me!"
"So you and Dad..." Alexis' head is spinning. "You guys are, like, actual soulmates."
"Very much so." Her mother appraises her carefully. "And you must have met yours, too."
"Yeah." Alexis blinks, stunned to find that she's short of breath. "I guess so."
OR: Alexis' soulmate mark – the ability to sing – triggers when she moves to Schitt's Creek.
i always felt i must look better in the rear view by davidbrewer, Alexis & David, Alexis/Twyla, David/Patrick, Alexis & David & Johnny & Moira, T, 13,152 words
“I have everything I need right here,” Twyla says, and something very fond stirs in Alexis’s chest. “I don’t need to wish for anything else. But you… You have big dreams, Alexis, and… If anyone deserves to have their wishes come true, it’s you. I want you to have it.”
OR: When her family's past stands in the way of a career opportunity, Alexis makes a wish that completely upends their lives all over again... but is it really what she wants?
If Hell Had a Creek by High-Seas-Swan, sonlali, sunlightsymphony, Gen, T, 9,139 words
After losing everything, the Roses are forced to move to their only remaining asset, the town of Schitt's Creek. Also, the town is on the Hellmouth, and Alexis is the Slayer.
If You Could See The Other Side Of Me by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Stevie/Alexis, Stevie & David (background David/Patrick) T, 3,473 words
Stevie has a teeny, tiny little celebrity crush.
It doesn't mean anything.
In The Running by floosilver8, Stevie/Twyla, M, 3,587 words
Stevie and Twyla run against each other for Town Council.
No Dress Rehearsals by kindofspecificstore, Patrick & Ted, Patrick/Rachel, Miguel/Ted, Patrick/David, G, 3,770 words
Life Happens to Ted and Patrick, and music is one of the things that helps them through it. Discovering a mutual love for the Tragically Hip forges a kind of friendship neither of them had before.
Or, just two boys talking about their feelings in a Tim Horton's parking lot.
putting roots in my dreamland by lilythesilly, Alexis/Twyla, G, 4,078 words
“Are roses your favorite flower?” Twyla asks, setting it down.
“Mm, no, but they’re kind of my brand?” she says, picking it up to snap a picture on her phone. “And as cute as it would be to have a peony in my logo, my company isn’t named ‘Alexis Peony Communications.”
“So, Alexis...Rose?” Twyla puts together, the name sounding vaguely familiar. Alexis nods, taking a photo at a different angle. “Well, I’m Twyla. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Twyla,” Alexis says slowly. Twyla loves the sound of her name in Alexis’s voice. “Nice to meet you.”
a twylexis flowershop au
Rollin’ With the Homies by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, Stevie/Ruth, Ted/Miguel (background David/Patrick), T, 9,917 words
So I know it seems like I live in this, like, super privileged world. Or maybe, like, a rip-off of The O.C. – or even worse, Laguna Beach, ugh! But I swear, I have a totally normal life!
Alexis Rose is just your totally average 16 year old with two annoying older siblings, David and Stevie, and a totally normal crush on her best friend, Twyla Sands. It's completely chill. She isn't, like, totally buggin'.
AKA: the Clueless AU.
Taste of a Poison Paradise by lilythesilly, Alexis/Twyla, M, 15,107 words
“Where have you been?” Stevie yells, kicking someone in the face and sending them over the railing.
“Stealing fireworks,” Rachel grunts, grabbing a stray piece of pipe off of the floor and bringing another one of them to their knees before delivering a swift roundhouse kick to their face.
“Oooh, these are fireworks?” Alexis grins with a small shimmy. “Love that for us.”
Green vines encircle the railings and Twyla jumps over it a second later. “I got the cane plus some other stuff,” she says, tossing it and another bag to Alexis and wrapping one of the ones around a guy trying to climb the railing to get up to them, dropping him onto the floor. “Let’s go.”
Be gay, do crimes but make it a Harley Quinn AU
The Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch by Amanita_Fierce, dairaliz, danieljradcliffe, DelilahMcMuffin, doingthemost, fairmanor, fishyspots, foxtails, GodOfLaundryBaskets, hagface, High-Seas-Swan (FangLang), hullomoon, Januarium, KiwianaPods (kiwiana), middyblue (daisyblaine), nontoxic, RhetoricalQuestions, roguebaby, schittposting, ships_to_sail, singsongsung, SparklesMagicLightLove, sunlightsymphony, thetomkatwholived, yourbuttervoicedbeau (kiwiana), Alexis/Twyla, Jake/Rachel, Ted/Miguel, Stevie/Ruth, David/Patrick, M, 26,226 words
Hello, I am Wendy Kurtz, proprietor of the Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch, the world’s premier spot for couples looking to get a speedy divorce and connect with other soon-to-be divorcees.
I’d like to highlight the stories of five couples, who rearranged into five other couples, from some past summer. These ten people came to the Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch with the intention of ending a marriage, and got that and so much more.
I could recount their journeys with 100% accuracy, but where’s the fun in that? Let’s let them tell us themselves.
OR: One crazy summer in Las Vegas brings the heat and then some.
The Devil’s Work is Never Done by doingthemost and schittposting, Alexis or Stevie or Twyla/Reader, Gen, 68 words
If you were faced with temptation, what would you do?
The Guestbook of David and Patrick Rose-Brewer, by sonlali, Gen, T, 900 words
“A home isn't always the house we live in. It's also the people we choose to surround ourselves with.” — The House in the Cerulean Sea
A look through the entries in David and Patrick's wedding guestbook
Through Someone Else’s Eyes by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Alexis & David, T, 1,351 words
It's all Mr Hockley's fault.
The tea was supposed to get him high, not make him wake up in his sister's body.
To the end of the reckoning by dinnfameron, Patrick & Ronnie, T, 1,308 words
He should get David a coffee. He could deliver it to the motel, see how he’s doing. His arm is raised halfway to flag Twyla down when he catches himself. David doesn’t want to see him right now. He may never want to see Patrick ever again. The thought makes him sick.
“Brewer.” Patrick turns at the sound of his name. There aren’t many people in this town who call him that, and sure enough, there’s Ronnie Lee at a table near the front. He’d missed her, somehow.
“You look like shit,” she says.
[art] you know what they say: better late than never by budd, Alexis/Twyla, G, 274 words
While unpacking her boxes to move into Alexis' apartment in New York City, Twyla finds a stash of her old business cards from when she wrote a column for young members of the LGBTQIA+ community in The Advocate.
You’d be the love of my life by doingthemost and sonlali, Alexis/Twyla, M, 6,650 words
Alexis needs a date to a last-minute Interflix party on Valentine's Day so she can make Zac Efron jealous. Naturally, she asks her best friend and crush, Twyla, to pretend to be her girlfriend for the event. What could possibly go wrong?
We wanted to also highlight some fics that are David/Patrick centric, but also include a rarepair side plot! These could be a great place to start for those who haven’t dipped their toe into rarepairs yet, but are intrigued by the idea.
I Waited My Whole Life by agoodperson, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, T, 23,402 words
David is just going to have to come up with something, because there is just no way that he can let Patrick Brewer catch him going to another of the town's many weddings on his own.
Wheel of Fortune: New York Edition! by middyblue, David/Patrick and Alexis/Twyla, T, 10,521 words
Patrick spends his evenings with his new roommate Stevie watching NY1's Wheel of Fortune spin-off hosted by Johnny and David Rose, until one day he accidentally bumps into David Rose himself on the train and starts to fill in some of the blank spaces in his life.
You Happened by lilythesilly, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, T, 54,271 words
David Rose is many things: talented, creative, fashion-forward, well read—the list can go on, but at the very top of that list is Extremely Rich. So he doesn’t understand why his father is making him work at Rose Video—or why Patrick Brewer, a boy he's had virtually no interaction with since they were twelve, is suddenly always around.
An enemies-to-coworkers-to-friends-to-lovers high school au.
You Look Like a Movie, You Sound Like a Song by fishyspots, E, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, 18,683 words
David has often wished, at first seriously and then more cynically as he grew older, that his life was a rom com. It takes longer than he'd like, frankly, but the universe calls his bluff.
You’re the star at the top of my tree by schittposting, T, David/Patrick and Alexis/Twyla, 10,392 words
Patrick Brewer comes to Schitt's Creek with a goal: drive Rose Apothecary out of business so Christmas World can take over its space. He's not counting on falling for its owner.
Happy reading friends! x
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alexlabhont · 4 years
I didn’t mean to fall in love with you
Chapter eleven
Book: Queen B - Choices (Universe)
Pairing:  Poppy Min-Sinclair x Trans!Male MC (Beck Hughes)
Genre: Canon re-write (Because I can)
Rating: Anyone can read it, really
Tags: @dopeyouth @theymakemegayer @save-me-the-last-dance @poppysmc (If anyone want to be tagged in or removed, just tell me)
This is me trying to write by and for the Trans community, specially FTM community, meaning, trans guys, but I actually took the liberty to use They/them pronouns for everyone out there who´s interested (Also, the name Beck was the most neutral one I could find, trying to use the cannon Bea Hughes)
If you have any comment, PLEASE BE RESPECTFULL and patient with me. This is also my first english fanfic and english is not my mother language, so… i’m sorry fo the grammar errors. I also installed recently Grammary, so… hope its worth it.
This chapter contains some sensitive topics about tragedies and sex insinuations, I really didn't want to write it down with details both out of respect. I mean, personally, I didn't want to explain what's "under" in a fanfic, but if you do have doubts or curiosity, ask away in chat, especially if you are starting hormones, there is a lot for you to know about down there because it definitely changes something. Also, this other topic might touch a nerve and I really didn't do it without respect to the victims, so I'm sorry if it feels like that.
Staten Island it’s the third-largest borough in New York, but it is the least populated. The northern part of the island is the most urbanized, with some areas of somewhat decayed housing blocks that didn’t attract attention at all. It was… ok? quiet? She wasn’t sure exactly what to say about that place, but what was another thing she wasn’t sure about? Well...
“Are you not going to tell me what are we doing?” Poppy asked once again, feeling irritated as they both walked through the breeze but warm streets. At first, she thought they were taking the bus but Beck asked something to a random guy and started walking for a really, really long time, what was all this about? Beck looked tense, kind of nervous, and that alone made her feel strange, unnerved. "Are you alright?" Poppy asked again, but this time she sounded worried.
"Yeah, I'm just…" They exhaled in an attempt to draw their nerves away from themself. "I'm pretty nervous. I've never done this before." Beck chuckled.
"Do what?" Poppy frowned, curiosity floating in her mind strongly, to be honest, she had never seen them so tense before, even though they were trying to look calm. Beck smirked and took her by the hand.
"Come on, I have to show you something."
"Is it too far?"
"Are you already tired?" Beck replied, mocking her with that sassy smile of theirs.
"Me? Absolutely no." She said, raising an eyebrow. "I could literally go for miles."
"I'll have to prove that myself." Beck winked and she couldn't help but laugh.
"You're a dimwit."
"Yeah" they shrugged. "I'm cute, though.”
“Barely.” She rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a smile but failing in the process so Beck laughed at it. Suddenly an unexpected drop felt swiftly in her nose, making her look up to the sky where a big, grey cloud was still above their heads. Soon, she felt raindrops in her hair, her clothes, her shoes!
“Oh, shoot. This is not good…” Beck said while they both walked faster, reaching out for cover in a shop awning.
“You think? These Jimmy choo are not even in the market yet!”
“Well, we don’t want them to be ruined, don’t we?."
"Of course not! What kind of dumb ques—"
Poppy didn't get to end the sentence, Beck took her by the wrist and started running full speed and nonstop. "Beck!" She screamed, the rain pouring down her body while that asshole laughed like a devilish kid. "Beck Hughes, let go of me this instant!!"
"We're almost there!" She heard them saying without turning to see her.
"Where are you taking me?!"
Beck slowed down little by little until they both stopped in front of a tiny, old, yellow house with barely two floors. Beck took the keys out of their pockets and opened the door, allowing Poppy to get inside the dark and quiet place.
“So… here we are.” Beck spoked turning on the lights.
The place that received them was the living room, but it was not an ordinary living room, it had neon lights currently exposing a purple color, a keyboard piano, a couple of guitars, and an old-fashioned mended couch with a lot of patches over black leather that actually looked really well together. The walls were exhibiting posters, framed cool landscape black and white photographs, and a Youtube silver plaque. She recognized the place right away.
“Wait… this is the place where you record your music.” She asked. Poppy watched Beck’s videos a lot recently at first the blonde was searching for information, then, to find a flaw to criticize with Chloe, but sooner rather than later Poppy found out… Beck was actually a really good musician, so sometimes when she was completely sure she was alone she’d listen to their songs while doing cardio or homework or whatever she was doing. “I was wondering where you found the location.”
“Yes… but also no. I mean, I do the videos here, but I have an audio booth upstairs. It’s actually a quiet neighborhood so it came in handy.” Beck took off their jacket, reaching out their hand to ask for Poppy’s. They both were wet, but not a lot, her shoes survived perfectly because they entered the house before a loud thunder sounded, followed by a deluge. “Damn, we do really dodge a bullet out there.”
“Yeah.” Poppy said, hugging herself. Without her coat, she felt a little cold. “Do you own this place?”
"No, this is my uncle’s." Beck whispered with reverence and a sad smile on their face. "My dad's little brother. He passed away."
"I— I'm sorry, Beck…" she managed to say, clueless about what exactly would someone do in this kind of situation.
"I didn't remember much about him, but my mom says he used to make these guitars out of plastic bottles as gifts for me to play them. She said I would go to the kitchen and play one for her to hear. She also said the sound was awful and she begged him to stop making them." Beck's smile was soft, turning on the heating, proud even though they were chuckling a little, spreading the same smile to Poppy. " 'I'm telling you, this little pal has talent.' he would say."
"Sounds to me like he made it to annoy your mom instead." Poppy said jokingly.
"Totally, he was a prankster." Beck replied, the emotions coming out from their eyes were difficult to tell. "And was one of the few dudes back at Farmsville that didn't want to settle down. The black sheep in every family… and the reason why my parents didn't want me to be here." Beck clutched their jaw, walking away from there to the kitchen. Poppy followed them in silence, feeling like it was something very private for Beck, seeing that vulnerable side of them again, but not hiding this time. "He was murdered years ago here in New York in a shooting. In Farmsville shootings don’t happen, so… They said it was dangerous going out of the farm to the big cities. That he brought this on himself... Took this out of the wrong way." The anger in Beck's voice was palpable in the air.
"Seriously? How can they be so selfish?" Poppy asked, how can someone be so fucking self-centered and dumbass to take a tragedy and blame it on one family member? She thought these things happened exclusively around that bunch of tight-ass people inside her parents’ social circle, but not inside a family farm.
"Back at home is different from here. Is a small town where everyone knows each other. They love routine and hard work and the good customs and shit… So when anyone goes against it… well— it's not funny."
Something clicked inside Poppy's mind.
"But then… How are you here?" Beck smiled but it didn't reach out to their sad eyes.
"Because I almost got killed."
Shock. Poppy couldn't help but feel agitated, her heart pounding loud against her chest and that same protective feeling that almost made her stab Bennett crawled its way towards her own core.
"What?" Poppy babbled, froze. Beck shrugged, with a weird grin as if they didn't know where to start, they caressed their neck, searching for the better way to put the puzzle together. They reach out for Poppy's hand, and she took it right away intertwining her fingers with Beck's.
"Coffee?" They asked. "It seems we will be stuck in here for a while.”
"It sounds nice." The words abandoned her mouth so fast that she even surprised herself, another red alarm ringed inside her mind, but now was not the time, so she ignored it again. Beck smiled and turned on a little coffee maker, bringing two mugs in silence. They both sat down on the surprisingly comfortable couch, Beck’s eyes were attentive at the black drink and the tension was still over their shoulders, she could see it so easily that Poppy wished for someone to take that weight out of Beck, so she took both cups and put them aside, sitting over Beck’s lap and intertwining her fingers with theirs, playing with them. Beck smiled a little and took a deep breath.
"I started to realize something was off inside of me when I was in high school. I mean, ‘till that day I was considered normal. I was the kind of child that played sports, climbed trees, and did hard work gladly. You know, average farm kid." Beck said, but even as they seemed to be calm, Poppy could feel the sweat in their palm, and a little shivering all over their body. "But I grow older and changes came, and puberty and—"
"Hey" Poppy stopped them from talking faster and faster. "You don't have to"
"I want to. " Beck interrupted, begging Poppy with their eyes. "I want you to know my past. I mean… if you want me to tell you, that is."
Poppy could have thought anything at that moment. She could have thought that she made it, that she had accomplished her very goal and knew she was about to have first-hand information to use against Farmsville, that she was spectacular for making it this far. She could have thought that now nobody would take her number one spot from her, or that she loved to have a new puppy to use in any way she wanted. But no.
All in what she could think about was Beck's heart opening up to her, trusting her for real this time. The connection intertwining both of them in a way that made her skin chill. Third alarm, but she muted it again.
"So? What are you waiting for? Go on." Poppy rolled her eyes, Beck had a goofy expression for a couple of seconds until Poppy smiled, squishing slightly their hands for reassurance. Beck's eyes glowed happily in which was the cutest gesture Poppy saw from someone that wasn't a dog in her entire life.
"I managed to handle myself a little for a while, but it definitely didn't last long. I was so afraid, I felt lost, and insecure. I didn’t know what was happening to me, why did I feel that way, trapped in my own skin... I stopped having friends because everyone could see how weird I was and nobody wanted to talk to me, except for this one girl: Bree Matthews."
Beck’s jaw tightened, their eyes wandering all over the place because of the nervousness.
“So, Bree and I started to hang out. Chill some time round. We were close, I mean, really, really close. She was the one who I told about my dysphoria first, and she was totally supportive. She helped me understand what I was going through, sometimes she would borrow her brother’s old clothes to give them to me and helped me pick my very first short haircut. Bree was my safe space in a town where I’d be mistreated just to use a bathroom. I kinda felt for her… so one night into the forest I kissed her. And~ it wasn’t a good idea.”
“What happened?”
“Well~ Daniel and his gang came into the picture and intimidated her, so she sold me as a pervert, a weirdo, among other… awful things. Can’t blame her, Daniel was a wrecked truck whenever he wanted so… yeah. My family found me eight hours after, all beat up from head to toes. I was unconscious and with an actually broken rib.” Beck tried to joke, but it was so bad at timing it actually made it worse for Poppy to hear. “I~ I almost die.” Beck sighed, as if with that they could put all that behind. “Anyway so she apologized to me through a phone call because she wanted to kiss me too but, you know, shit happens; I got better and now I’m in New York doing what I love so… Happy ending, right? It was funny, they didn’t let me use the bathroom but they all thought I was “male enough” to beat the crap out of me ever since.”
Poppy stopped playing with Beck’s hands, making them do the same. They told the end of the story so lightly as if they were talking about a T.V. show they just watched and not some really cruel harassment they went through for a long time. The strawberry blonde was a lot of things, bad things, but the things that beast did to Beck just because of their dysphoria? That was a whole new level that Poppy would never stoop into.
“How can you joke about things like that?”
“Well, I figured I had two ways to address the problem: Being insecure or making the most out of this. That’s why I do music. Yeah, my songs don’t talk about the transgender community directly, but I make sure everybody knows who am I. What I am. I write songs for people out there that feel just the same as I do. Not only transgender people, but the whole LGBTQ+ also needs representation! Folks having their back! And if I can reach at least one soul and show them that no matter how they were born, they can make it… Hell, I could die happily.”
The fire in their eyes, the passion radiating strongly from their body, from their words. It was impossible for Poppy to look away from Beck. Of course, Beck didn’t care about a spot in the T list, or and stupid award. Beck was more into their music, making their voice be heard. That was why they did claim to care less about competition, Beck was climbing their way to the top because of their conviction and resilience. It was curious how the more she learned about Beck, the more she felt drawn to them.
“You are so brave, do you know that?”
“And it only took me a delicate rib and trust issues.” Beck claimed proudly as if it was a bargain.
“Trust issues? Beck, you’re one of the most confident people l know!” They began to laugh, the blonde could feel their laughter below her because of the slight belly-shaking. “It’s irritating.”
“I am really amazing myself.” Poppy rolled her eyes at the flirty smirk Beck flashed towards her. “But I’m not insecure about myself… most of the time. I do have a hard time trusting in people. I mean, Daniel didn’t have a hold on me… Bree, on the other hand…” Beck shrugged. “But I do trust you, Poppy.”
Something inside the blonde felt off, those words accompanied by that good-natured smile made Poppy feel a bit guilty. Like, yeah, she was just trying to archive exactly that for her own benefit, it should feel like a win, right? But no.
“You haven’t done anything wrong, yet.” She said to herself. “For all we know, this is just some casual date.”
Maybe… give up? Maybe actually try and date Beck?
What could possibly go wrong?
“I trust you too, Beck.” She replied without a doubt. So she tossed her golden locks over one shoulder, leaning down to kiss Beck’s lips. She soon felt them kissing her back, sweetly, calmly at first but then it was obvious they both needed more than that. Poppy let go of Beck’s hands to place hers in their Beck, while they grabbed her by the waist. The heat soon took over her body, especially after they responded to it by biting Poppy’s bottom lip, making her moan. Poppy knew right away there was a change in Beck’s behavior, they were more confident, more secure, they actually felt ready and she had to say, that was a very welcome and pleasing development. But they were shaking still.
“What 's wrong? You don’t want to—?”
“No. No, it 's not it. It 's just…” Beck took a deep breath avoiding Poppy's gaze for a second before looking at her pleading while keeping hold on her. “I don’t want you to see me differently when you look at what I have beneath the clothes.” They confessed.
“I won’t. I promise.” She said, caressing the hair in the back of their nape. “This is just you, with all letters.” She smirked, trying to lighten the mood and she succeeded. Beck grinned from ear to ear, relieved, kissing her passionately, hungry and the Poppy did the same, tasting their tongue with hers. The caresses between the two became more intense and she couldn’t stand the fever growing anymore, so she took the edges of their favorite black t-shirt and pulled up, revealing Beck torso for the very first time.
She understood right away what Beck meant. Cutting through their chest there it was a thin, darker line, a scar that was slowly healing, but nevertheless it was there easy to pinpoint. It was strange, she had seen a lot of those mastectomy scars on google but Beck chest looked different somehow, strong, gym crafted, and the scar actually was interesting, sexy even.
“I don’t know what you were so scared of, Hughes. Hell, you’re hot as fuck, I hate you.”
Beck chukled, their confidence coming back.
“Yeah, well… There is not an ugly part on this body afterall.” They grinned.
“I’m going to erase that obnoxious smirk of yours.”
“You will?” Beck grabbed a hold on Poppy’s hair and pulled slightly but demanding backwards, exposing her neck to them to kiss and lick, causing a shaking sigh that turned the heat even higher for both. “Show me then.” They whispered over her skin, their breath brushing bristling her body.
Poppy pushed them down on the couch, kissing them hardly. This was war now, and she would definitely win.
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tuanhood · 4 years
miss goody two shoes
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pairing: drug dealer!bambam x reader
genre: smut, angst?
warnings: 18+, language, drug use/mention, fingering, dirty talk, public and unprotected sex.
word count: 6k+
summary: you want to prove to everyone you’re not the good girl they all think you are. your best friend’s drug dealer? perfect choice. 
a/n: hello back with that smut everyone loves. this is unedited and quickly(ish) written so please don’t judge. it took me until 3:36am and two aperol spritzes to finish this SO. YAH.
“Do we really have to do this right now?” You asked your best friend, trying to keep up with him as you follow him through the city. 
He stops for a moment and turns back to look at you as if you’ve just confessed to a murder, “y/n are you kidding me? Do you really think I can deal with an interaction with Gretchen not high?” Jae shook his head at you and continued walking forward. 
“It’s just brunch! I doubt you’ll even interact that much!” You hated walking with him, because of his damn long legs. His strides were honestly too much for you. 
Jae huffed in disagreement, “I need it regardless. Now come on, we’re almost there.” 
When you had agreed to a brunch date with a few friends from college including your best friend, you hadn’t really thought meeting up with his drug dealer right before was a part of the plan. Sure, many of the people the two of you went to college with were insufferable, but for some reason whenever they’d reach out to you to make plans you would always find yourself saying yes and ultimately drag Jae along. He constantly told you that you were too nice. 
Specifically, Gretchen – a girl who had lived across from you your second year of University – was the most difficult to deal with and usually her and Jae would end up in passive aggressive arguments that made everyone at the table uncomfortable. So, you guessed that if meeting Jae’s drug dealer was a part of making that issue vanish, so be it. 
By the time of you reached a small park square in the middle of the city, you felt a burning in your legs from trying to keep up with Jae and crashed onto the first bench you see. He looked down at you massaging your legs and chuckled, “we barely walked a mile, calm down!” 
Rolling your eyes, you looked up at him through your lashes, “easy for you to say. You’re not the one trying to keep up with a 7-foot giant.” He doesn’t reply, but simply snorted at your comment and looked down to check his phone, “when is your guy getting here? We’re going to be late if we wait here for too long and you know how that’s gonna be a whole thing if that happens.” 
“Don’t worry, he’ll be here soon,” Jae assured you. 
And sure enough, after a few moments you heard a loud “Dude!” leave your best friend’s mouth and looked up to see a man enter the park square. The man returned Jae’s enthusiastic welcome with outstretched arms as he walked towards the two you, giving Jae the “guy handshake” as soon as he’s in reach.
When he’s out of the handshake with your best friend, you begin to take in his features and were surprised by how much this guy didn’t look like a drug dealer. Most of the drug dealers you had seen or heard of had a casual style to them – hoodie, somewhat presentable and maybe on the weirdly older side. This guy was not that in any way shape or form. Everything about him screamed Paris fashion week and your brain was trying to process how this guy could be a drug dealer. Maybe he made that much money? Judging on the very expensive watch he was sporting and the Cartier ring on his middle index finger, you believed that it had to be the case. 
“Y/N,” Jae said snapping you out of your thoughts, “this is Bam.” 
You stood up from the bench and dusted yourself off, looking at the two men suspiciously, “Bam? Is that short for something?” 
The dealer shrugged, “Bambam I guess.” 
You can’t help but notice the way he scans you up and down, checking you out. You tell yourself he’s looking at you in an effort to feel you out and see if you’re a snitch or nark, but the nervous flip in your stomach tells you maybe it’s for a different reason. 
As though Jae noticed the strange interaction between the two of you, he claps his hands loudly, “let’s get to it then, shall we?” Bambam simply nodded his head and fiddled with the clearly nonprescription glasses on his face, “Right… how much do you want?” 
“An eighth should do.” Jae confimed. 
Bambam began to reach into his bag and stops, “that’s it?” 
Your best friend pursed his lips in thought, “actually if you have molly that could be good too. I’m supposed to be going to my stupid racist aunt’s wedding next weekend and it would be much better on something.” 
Bambam shook his head sadly and clicked his tongue, “sorry man. There’s some music festival this weekend and all those stupid frat dudes wiped me clean on acid and molly. But I should be getting some more next week if you want to meet up again.” You swear when he says the words “meet up again” you see his eyes wander to yours, but as quickly as they’re there, they’re back on Jae. 
You heard a groan leave Jae’s throat in annoyance, “whatever I’ll get through it sober, I guess. I’ll just take the weed then.” Bambam nods his head and hums, “cool.” 
You watch as Bambam meticulously takes a small clear baggie out of his bag and places it inside of larger black sack, “I’ll throw in a free edible too, since you’re my number two customer and all,” Bambam laughs. The noise that leaves his mouth is almost melodic, and you can’t remember a time where someone’s laugh put you at ease. You felt a smile reach your face. 
“What the fuck? I’m not number one?” Jae complained. 
“Nah man, Mark’s got you beat there.”  
Jae shook his head, “Fucking Tuan.” 
Bambam and Jae laughed at his response as you stand there clueless as to who this Mark person was or why it was funny that he was Bambam’s number one customer. It’s when your eyebrows furrow and there’s a small frown on your face that Bambam’s gaze is once again fixated on you. “Does the pretty girl want anything?” 
Before you can answer or react at Bambam calling you a pretty girl, Jae answers for you, “She doesn’t do this kind of stuff.” You roll your eyes annoyed at him just deciding what you do and what you don’t do. Just as you’re again about to open your mouth to speak, you’re cut off but this time by Bambam. 
“Let her speak for herself man,” At that your heart warmed and you feel your face grow hot at how a drug dealer you barely know was treating you better than your own best friend. Bambam nods at you as if to go on and you felt yourself sputter your words out, “No… I mean he’s- well I guess he’s pretty much right. I don’t really like- um well do that stuff. Not that I have anything against it! I totally don’t! You know I’m like friends with the number one stoner in the area- or I guess number two since that Mark guy is number one? But anyways it’s just not for me so I- yeah so no… No drugs for me today.” 
You feel yourself want to hide in a corner as you turn to see Jae with wide eyes and looking at you as if you should be in a mental institution. Somehow, you turned to face Bambam, expecting him to also categorize you as a psycho for your rambling, but instead he has a smile on his face and chuckles. His smile was practically as bright as his overpriced watch. 
“Totally understandable. I don’t do any of this stuff either,” Bambam revealed. 
“What? But you’re like a…” you begin, drifting off and unsure if “drug dealer” was a polite term to use in this day and age. 
“Drug dealer?” He laughed, “yeah I know… But you know not everyone tries their own merchandise.” 
You frowned, not completely understanding, “but shouldn’t you try and know your merchandise so you’re better at selling?” 
He shrugged, “I guess when you’re selling drugs it really doesn’t matter,” Bambam shocks you by taking a step closer to you and reaching out to push a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your face, “or I’m just really good at what I do.” 
Taking a step back, he smiles at you and you hear Jae clearing his throat, clearly uncomfortable at the situation, “so how about those drugs?” Bambam simply nodded, unfazed and handed Jae the bag as the latter slips him the cash. 
You became confused as you watched Bambam handle the money. He was doing something so simple, but looked so attractive doing it? Absentmindedly you felt yourself bite down on your lip as you watched him count and place the cash in his money clip. You were lost in a daze of watching his hands and the money that you didn’t notice his gaze back up to you, “don’t bite down so hard baby girl, you never know what could happen.” 
Jae coughed again, still awkward about your interactions with Bambam. You on the other hand felt him calling you “baby girl” go straight to your core, so much so that you pressed your legs together. Praying he didn’t notice; you found your eyes wandering to anywhere that wasn’t the drug dealer. 
Bambam took your silence as a sign, “well I better get going. Have other stops to make this morning.” Jae nodded, simply thankful to not be caught in the middle of whatever this was any longer, “yeah us too.” 
“See ya later Jae, you too y/n.” You still feel semi-dazed from his words that all you can do is wave him goodbye, and watch him walk out of the park, the opposite direction of where you and Jae came in from. Bambam turned around one final time before exiting the park completely, “remember! Say no to drugs!” he shouted over his shoulder, shooting you another smile. 
As soon as he’s out of view, Jae turns to you, “let’s go. I want to roll this and smoke it before we get to the restaurant.” You follow Jae out of the park the way you both came until you both stop at a corner of the street that is inconspicuous and hidden enough that Jae can roll and light up his joint. 
“That was weird right?” You asked Jae suddenly when he finally lights the joint. 
“I think he was flirting with you?” Jae said as more of a question than a definite statement. You couldn’t tell if he was asking you or himself. Your friend’s ponderance was enough to confirm your suspicions and cause your stomach to flip. A small smile spread across your face and you see Jae look at you with a frown on his face. 
“Dude chill, he’s just my drug dealer.” 
His dismissal at the small amount of joy you felt for being flirted with annoyed you that you felt yourself soon go silent besides the odd cough here and there caused by the smoke induced by the joint. 
When he was finally done and you began to walk to the restaurant, you felt yourself picking up your pace, walking far in front of him. When it soon became difficult for even him to keep up with you, he came to the realization that you were upset with him, but nonetheless Jae continued to try to talk and reason with you as you approached the restaurant where you were meeting your friends. 
You didn’t say single word to him until you were sat at the table with everyone and asked him if he wanted to split a mimosa pitcher with you. At your words he felt thankful to know you had let go of what he had said earlier and nodded in agreement. 
“Ooh a mimosa pitcher for y/n? Pinch me because I must be dreaming,” Gretchen said overhearing your conversation with Jae. 
Another one of your college friends Brian laughed, “Yeah but Jae will probably finish most of it. We know y/n can’t really hold her alcohol.”  
Why did everyone suddenly choose today as the day that they would make fun of you? So what maybe you weren’t as crazy as them when it came to certain things, but you weren’t a fucking nun like they were making you out to be. So what you didn’t get blackout drunk at brunch? So what if you got excited about someone flirting with you? Even if he was a drug dealer. 
“That’s not true,” Jae said coming to your defense, clearly trying to make up for how he had upset you earlier, “honestly y/n can drink me under the table.”
Gretchen waved her hand in dismissal, “come on Jae we all know that’s not true. But that’s what we love about her! She’s our sweet pure friend! Every group needs one of those.” 
“If she was pure would she go with me to see my drug dealer?” Jae asked. 
Gretchen smiled, “Jae are you high right now?” 
“Yeah I need it so I can fucking deal with you,” he practically growled. She laughed in response as if he was joking, when he was in fact not. “That’s so funny. It’s not like she would ever buy or do any though.” 
You felt helpless watching this argument – about you – unfold. Moments like this made you feel like maybe you were too nice. Why couldn’t you just say something and defend yourself? Jae shouldn’t be the one doing it. You should be the one arguing with Gretchen. 
“Well who cares because my drug dealer thinks she’s hot!” 
At Jae’s confession you feel everyone turn to look at you as if you can offer some kind of explanation, but you’re just as clueless as everyone else on the topic of “my best friend’s drug dealer thinking I’m hot.” Jae must really be trying to make up for earlier. 
“It’s true, he just messaged me like 15 minutes confirming he would bang her.”
Your mouth drops open. Turning to look at Jae you can’t tell if he’s being honest or just making things up for the sake of arguing with Gretchen. 
“Okay y/n having sex with a drug dealer is probably the last thing she would ever do.” 
“Um is this a brunch topic?” One of your more silent friends at the table, Mina asked clearly wanting the discussion to be over. 
Finally, you feel like it’s important that you’re the one to end this weird discussion about you having sex at 11am at brunch. You rolled your eyes, “I am not some untouched Mother Theresa, Gretch.” She flinched at the nick name; you knew how much she hated being called that. 
“I mean you what? Have had sex with only two people? Both who you had long term relationships with? That sounds pretty untouched to me.” 
The table shifts uncomfortably and no one says anything in response, it isn’t until the waiter approaches the table to ask everyone if they’re ready to order that you feel yourself snap back into reality. 
“A mimosa pitcher please,” Jae ordered and soon all eyes are on you as the waiter waits for your response, “add one more pitcher to that.” 
Jae leans over to you, “we don’t need two.” 
You smiled at him, “no this one’s for me.” 
After the “discussion” at brunch, the atmosphere between you and everyone else clearly shifted. You predicted that they probably wouldn’t be calling you to get together for a while. For that you were thankful. 
Both you and Jae headed to your apartment in silence and you tried not to be fixated on the topic of your sex life and how “pure” and “good” you were, but your mind kept lingering there. It infuriated you how much you cared, because you knew deep down it really didn’t matter. It caused you to feel off for the rest of the day. So much so that it felt as though you blinked and it was suddenly dark outside. Brunch had been hours ago, but you were still you were thinking about the words exchanged. 
“Hey um… I was wondering… can I have his number?” 
“Whose number?” Jae asked barely paying attention to you. He leans against your bed on the floor and had been engrossed in a game for the last 45 minutes. 
“Bambam’s…” You said quietly, hoping that maybe just maybe your best friend was in a strong enough trance that he would just hand over the number without registering whose number it was exactly and not ask any questions. But of course, you weren’t so lucky. 
“Really?” He asked placing his phone down in his lap to turn to you laying on the bed, “why?” 
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly, not wanting Jae to see just how nervous you were, “I don’t know… Maybe I want to like pick up or something.”
He snorted, “Y/N… You don’t do drugs.” 
“Okay but maybe I’ll start!” 
He rolls his eyes and picks his phone back up, assumedly to return to his game, “We both know that’s a lie. You’re a goody two shoes and everyone knows it. The way you coughed this morning when I lit up is evidence enough.” 
There it was again. Too nice. Goody two shoes. Pushover. You were so fucking tired of hearing it all today. In fact, you were tired of hearing it all the damn time.
Instead of arguing with Jae, like you knew you should have done, you found yourself rolling over to stare at the ceiling of your bedroom, “You’re right… I’m just a good little girl,” you mumbled. Silence soon filled the room and Jae felt himself tense up; he couldn’t deal with you being upset again. Rolling his eyes, he swiped up on his phone to exit his game and searched through his contacts.
You suddenly felt something being nudged against your body and looked to your side to see Jae’s phone open with the contact “BAMBAM (PLUG)” glowing up at you. 
“I don’t know why you really need it, but there it is.” You smiled at your best friend and sat up quickly to copy the contact into your own phone, “thank you Jae.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” 
Later after Jae’s departure, you find your thumb hovering over Bambam’s number. Would it be too much to call? He probably wasn’t used to it in his line of business… Maybe it was just usually a texting thing? 
To be completely honest you weren’t sure why you wanted his number… You weren’t sure if it was for drugs to prove everyone wrong, that you can in fact be bad or if it was for something… else. You thought about what Jae said at brunch… Did Bambam really text him that he would bang you? Did you want that? 
The idea of having sex with Bambam certainly didn’t disgust or repulse you, instead you actually found yourself blushing at the thought and pressing your thighs together. 
Holding your breath, you clicked his number and opened a new message. 
y/n. hey… bambam. It’s y/n… Jae’s friend? We met in the park today… 
bambam. Oh hey sup? 
y/n. was just wondering… if maybe I could like idk pick up? 
bambam. Ummm…. Hold on a sec. 
You waited for what felt like eternity… He was putting you on hold? On hold through a text? 
bambam. What do u need? 
y/n. uh whatever you have on you I guess. Or like in stock ? is that how it works? 
bambam. Haha something like that. I have mj, addy, coke, k, oxy lol pretty much anything u want. But like I said earlier today I’m out of acid and molly till next week. 
y/n. yeah yeah yeah… okay. What’s k? 
bambam. haha you’re so cute. It’s ket. 
y/n. ?????? 
bambam. Ketamine. Horse tranquilizer.
y/n. okay… well I will not be doing that one. Can you just bring like a couple things and I’ll decide when we meet? 
bambam. Um????? I guess so?? 
y/n. cool. 
bambam. I’ll meet you at the park, I guess? In around an hour? 
y/n. yeah that sounds good! 
bambam. Bet. 
You felt your heart beat out of your chest. Were you really just going to do this? What is it that you were going to do? 
Looking at the time on your phone, you realized you needed to get ready and leave quickly if you wanted to meet Bambam on time. It was going to take you at least 40 minutes to walk to the park where you had met him earlier. Walking instead of calling an Uber would give you enough time to think, but also enough time to perhaps talk yourself out of it if you changed your mind mid-journey.
Although somehow, it hadn’t. Your mind on the walk over had been filled with Bambam, but not in a negative way that convinced you to turn around and head home… but in a way that had your core pulsing. You thought of what he had said to Jae earlier – true or not – and how he would take you if that’s what he wanted. It made your mind hazy and the lust that took over your thoughts caused you to barely notice that you had arrived at the park, Bambam already seated on the bench that you had been massaging your legs on earlier that morning. 
He was sporting the same outfit he had been wearing earlier – a satin striped button up shirt tucked into tight black jeans and his clothing was enough to remind you of the reality of what you were doing here. To your dismay he was no longer wearing the glasses, in the fantasies that had fluttered into your mind on your walk, you had really grown in wanting to see Bambam’s glasses on as he fucked into you.
Approaching him, you shyly waved and he stood up to greet you, “hey…” 
“Hi,” you replied feeling foolish at your choice of welcome. What were you supposed to say to seem more… cool? 
“I don’t usually don’t take drop offs this late at night…” 
You furrowed your eyebrows at him confused, “what? You’re a drug dealer… Isn’t night the best kind of time to do this stuff?” 
“Nah night I work on my music. So, what’s up… You change your mind?” He tapped his foot impatiently and you can’t tell if he’s nervous about being in your presence or if he’s annoyed that you called him out here so late. But if he didn’t want to come… why would he? You took a deep breath in, hoping you were doing the right thing, “No… I-I lied I don’t want to pick up. I just- wanted to see you I guess?” 
Even in the darkness of the park, you could see Bambam’s eyes widen in surprise, “see me? Why?” 
You’re really not sure what’s supposed to happen next. You’ve never been in this situation before and although it seems like all of your friends' words drove you to text Bambam and come here, it was your own needs that were driving you to stay. 
Deciding to take a risk with your questioning, you looked away from him, “Is what you sent to Jae true?” Bambam quickly blinked, unsure of how to respond to your question. He wasn’t sure if he needed to be honest or not. Were you mad at him for what he had said? 
Instead, he clears his throat and decides it’s always best to tell the truth, “Um yeah what I said is true…” 
You felt your stomach flip at the fact that the text Jae received was in fact true.
“Do you… still want to?” You asked shyly, still not daring to make eye contact with the beautiful man. 
Bambam’s cock twitches at your question. Suddenly his jeans feel way too tight. 
“Fuck yes,” Bambam replied, voice low and husky. It takes everything in him to not lunge forward and have his hands roam up and down your body, but he restrains himself, “where should we go? Mine? Yours?” 
“Let’s do it here.” 
Your words surprise both Bambam and you, but you ultimately decide to go with it. 
“Here?” he asked, interrogating whether or not you were being serious. What if this was a joke? Before you can stop yourself, you nod, “yeah, here.” 
He takes a step closer to you, until his hand moves forward to cup your face, “I knew you were bad girl when I met you.” His words go right to your core and you feel your panties grow damp. Typically, you would find that kind of talk cringe, but coming out of Bambam’s mouth all you wanted was to hear more of it. 
Instinctively, Bambam groans at the thought of having his way with you, and he uses his free hand to grip your hip, hard enough to bruise and pulls you flush against his chest. He doesn’t hesitate as he leans in to press his lips to yours in a feverish kiss that leaves you breathless. His confidence surprises you, but also turns you on enough that you instantly moan against his lips. 
You feel him smile and it feels as though you’re in an entirely different world than just a park square in the middle of the city. Bambam’s tongue brushes the seam of your lips before his tongue slips inside to explore your mouth. You feel him begin to pull you into the depths of the park, closer to the trees where it would be less visible if someone just so happened to decide to walk through.
The two of you stand there for what felt like forever and you feel surprised at Bambam’s clear want of wanting to take his time with you. His hands moved from your hips to your ass, his fingers kneading the flesh roughly as he makes himself familiar with your taste. He pulls himself away from the kiss, chest heaving and cheeks flushed. You whined at the loss of his lips on yours, but he simply stares at you, taking in your kiss swollen lips and the lust-filled look in your eyes. He had to admit that it was difficult to believe that the girl in front of him now was the same shy girl he had met earlier, but knowing you had this side to you made him want you even more. He drops his head to press his lips to your neck and you can feel his teeth scraping the sensitive skin on the column of your throat as his hands move to dip beneath the hem of your shirt.
After leaving a few marks, he pulls away just enough to tug the t-shirt up and over your head before his hands move to cup your bare breasts. Not wearing a bra was probably the best idea you had all week. 
“Fuck… y/n your tits are so pretty,” he breathes against your skin as he returns his mouth to your neck, “I could just play with them all night.” 
As he gently kneads your breasts, you feel yourself clench around nothing. You were overly sensitive from not being touched like this in so long, that you felt as though you could cum just from his hands on your breasts. 
You attempt to focus on the kiss in an effort to control yourself from not letting go so easily, but soon Bambam’s hands release your breasts and seamlessly drag down your stomach to the button on your jeans. He snaps them open instantly and hooks his thumbs on either side, shoving them down, along with your panties, down your legs. Your sudden nakedness causes you to shiver as you feel the cool breeze of the summer night drift over you body. Bambam notices this and places his finger against your lips, “shh baby girl let me warm you up.” 
Reattaching his lips to yours, Bambam gently pushes you against the tree behind you and you feel his fingers drift to your core and swirl around your entrance. The feeling of him where you need him the most is enough to cause you to moan and you can’t help but notice how he disconnects from your lips when he feels at how wet you are. 
“Jesus y/n, you’re so wet. Are you sure you didn’t cum already?” 
Wordlessly you shake your head almost violently to tell him you hadn’t. 
“I don’t know if I believe you… a bad girl like you might lie,” you feel one of his digits slip into your slightly, only part of the way but not fully and you feel as though you’re about to scream at the teasing. You should have known that Bambam wouldn’t give you want you wanted that easily. 
“I-I’m not lying,” you stuttered out between your attempts to hold your moans back. 
He fully inserts the finger into you, curling it a bit and you can no longer stop the noises that want to leave your body, “If you’re not lying, I guess I just have to see what my baby girl looks like when she cums. How wet she gets, how tight around me, hmm?” You can’t find it in you to respond, you simply nod and he smirks at you, clearly proud at his efforts to make you so weak so quickly. 
It isn’t long before, without warning, you feel him insert a second finger, pumping them inside you at a teasingly slow pace. You felt like you were going to break, because you just needed more. 
“Bam p-please I-I need more.” 
He played dumb, frowning at you, “need more what?” 
“Faster, more,” you manage to breathe out and without a word he picks up the pace of his movement, a smirk on his face and lust in his gaze. It’s when he suddenly curls his digits, hitting just the right spot that you feel like all sanity and speech has left your body. How can something feel this good? 
“Come on, cum on my fingers. I know that’s all you want. I’ll let my bad girl have what she wants, just this once.” 
His words spur you on as you find your arms moving to the back of you to grip onto the tree for stability as you buck your hips further onto his fingers, wanting nothing more than in this moment to have a release. The combined effort of his finger curling and his thumb coming up to tap on your clit in an almost musical rhythm has you falling apart and releasing around his fingers. He can feel the shaking of your thighs and the tension of your body as his fingers work to let you ride the waves of your orgasm. 
Bambam’s length which had been growing hard since the moment you asked if he wanted to fuck you, suddenly felt painful as he watched you fall apart from just the pure pleasure he had caused. He couldn’t wait any longer, he wanted and needed to be inside you. 
“Ride me,” Bambam says without hesitation as soon as you’ve caught your breath from your orgasm. Despite your release which had only occurred moments ago, you felt yourself ready to go once again at Bambam’s words and at how quickly he worked to remove his clothes. 
Instinctively, you licked your lips as you first laid eyes on his painfully hard and leaking red cock which had been desperately waiting for its turn. You wanted nothing more than to get your mouth or hands on it – preferably mouth – but as you reach forward, Bambam shook his head. 
He sat himself against the tree, not caring about the fact that he was sitting on the actual ground in the middle of a public park. The only thought he had in his mind was getting inside of you and feeling how tight you would be when you sank down on him for the first time. 
“Baby girl, let me feel you.” 
That’s all it took for you to get into position and find yourself squatting down to sit in his lap, rubbing your slit against the head of his cock, ready to take in every single inch of him. At the feeling of you rubbing yourself against his sensitive cock, Bambam groans, “no teasing, I just need you. Please.” 
His begging and more submissive request turns you on and it leads you to wonder if maybe that would be a side of yourself you would want to explore later. But for now, you just needed to feel him inside of you. 
Slowly, you lowered yourself onto him, moaning at how good it felt to finally have him around you, stretching you out completely. It had been awhile since your last sexual encounter and with the way Bambam was filling you, it almost felt like your first time again – this time there was no pain however, only pleasure. “Fuck… Bam.” 
You just sat there for a moment, enjoying the feeling, until you felt him ever so slightly shift and then heard a groan. His hands instinctively landed on your hips as he attempted to get you to move, he almost couldn’t take how snug you felt around him, he wanted you bouncing up and down on him at a brutal pace. Understanding his want, you lifted your hips barely an inch before falling back down on him. Every time you did it you went a little bit higher. 
“Come on I know you can do better than that,” Bambam egged you on despite his groans. At his words you leaned back, placing your hands on his thighs, giving him a much deeper angle into you. As you rode him like this, he began to thrust up meeting your hips and every time he did his cock hit a spot inside of you that made your eyes roll back into your head. 
Your movement on him began to grow sloppier as a shot of pleasure made itself known throughout every part of your body. At your sudden change of pace, Bambam held your hips to continue moving you up and down on him, his own thrusting becoming faster. “You feel so fucking good. Damn maybe I should just stop working and fuck you all day,” you felt yourself clench at his words and he continued, “you’d like that huh? I can feel how tight you’re getting just at the thought of me using you and filling you with my cum every single day. Such a dirty girl.” 
You could feel your walls clench, and Bambam let out a groan having to thrust harder just to keep going as deep, “I’m- gonna- fuck.” 
Somehow, not out of breath, Bambam whispered into your ear, “You’re gonna what? Cum? Do it… Cum all over me in this fucking park where anyone can see. I know how much want it so just fucking do it.” 
You were seeing stars and your thighs were shaking once again when Bambam reached in between your bodies, pinching your clit, finally making you fall apart. Although you had once been concerned about being loud because of the public aspect of your location, you found yourself unable to contain your screams when your orgasm hit you. You could feel your juices dripping down onto his thighs as he pulled out of you and pumped himself one final time, released his seed onto your stomach and chest. As he caught his breathe, you dipped your finger into his release which had begun to drip down to your thighs. Placing it into your mouth, you suck it gently. “Mmmm,” you moaned at the taste and Bambam stared at you wide eyed. “Um fuck… should we do a round two?” 
You laugh at his response and the lustful gaze that still clouds his eyes, “maybe… not here?” 
Bambam grasps his discarded shirt and begins to wipe up the mess he left on your body, as well as the mess you left on his thighs. The gesture warms your heart. 
He hums in response, almost lost in a trance as he wipes you up. “I mean… I know I’m just a drug dealer,” he said laughing, “but how about I take you out for a late night dinner slash early breakfast and then we have a round two where I enter you from the oh so classy doggy style position?” 
You laugh and grab his hands, stopping him from continuing to wipe you up, causing him to look into your eyes. 
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thatbloodymuggle · 4 years
the one with the slumber party
Tongue Tied (jj maybank) 3/?
word count: 3.3k
warnings: cursing (but when isn’t there any)
read it on wattpad
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"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck? I give you about a one in three chance of survival."
Rosie watched from her spot on the wooden railing of the deck of the under-construction house as John B waved his foot off the edge of the roof.
John B hummed in contemplation, "Should I do it?"
"Yeah, you should jump," Pope held up a drill as if it were a gun, "I'll shoot you on the way down."
"You're gonna shoot me?" John B held up his hands to form the shape of a gun.
Rosie laughed at her friends' banter and took a sip from her half-empty can of beer. Before John B could do anything stupid, Kie sauntered out onto the deck.
"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers," she cried with a look of disgust.
"Of course they would, why wouldn't they?" JJ piped up from his spot on an elevated board. Kie continued ranting about turtle habitats, but was drowned out by JJ, "I can't have cold towels!"
Kie paused and gave John B, who was still teetering on the edge of the roof, a judging stare, "Can you please not kill yourself?"
"No no, let him. I believe in you, JB! Spread your wings and fly!" Rosie giggled, swinging her legs back and forth. John B shot her a devious grin.
"Don't spill that beer," JJ eyed his friend on the roof, "I'm not giving you another one."
As if on cue, John B nearly lost his balance and dropped the can of beer onto the deck below. The dark liquid spilled across the deck with a loud clatter, "Oh, shit."
"Of course you did."
"Might as well jump now!"
John B groaned in distress as his friends laughed at him. He was saved from their torment by the screech of wheels against concrete.
Rosie's eyes shot towards the driveway and widened upon spotting a familiar, plump security guard. She hopped off the railing just as Pope called out to the others, "Hey, uh, guys? Security's here!"
Pope, Rosie, Kie, and JJ all moved to clear out while John B lingered for a moment longer.
"Humpty Dumpy! Let's roll," JJ called out to grab his attention.
While the group of Pogues climbed down from their spots around the deck, JJ continuously taunted the security guard, Gary, drawing even more unnecessary attention.
"JJ, shut up," Rosie lightly shoved the blond to get him moving. "Let's go!"
The teenagers wove their way through the poles and wooden planks littered around the house, cheering the whole way. Rosie laughed as Pope nearly tripped over a pole. This time JJ shoved her to keep her moving.
The next 20 seconds were a shit show, to say the least. Sprinting full speed towards one exit, only to turn abruptly go to the next. Running into multiple security guards and escaping their clammy grip. Trying not to get caught, but also having fun doing so. The more the old men shouted after them, the more the teenagers laughed. They jumped one by one over a newly-constructed wooden fence. Rosie hauled up Pope, who fell face-first onto the grass.
John B's van pulled out into the street with perfect timing. JJ, Rosie, and Pope hopped into the large car one by one. They all cheered in victory once John B zoomed off, leaving the guards in the dust. But the moving van didn't discourage Gary the security guard, who continued to chase after them on foot.
"Check out Gary gunnin' for a raise," Pope laughed.
JJ stuck his head out of the door with a grin, "Come on Gary!"
"You're gonna give him a heart attack," Kie warned him, but couldn't contain her laughter.
JJ turned back to John B driving the car, "Hey slow down." The van slowed, allowing the old man to catch up, but not enough. "You're so close, you can do it!" JJ taunted him, and tossed him his empty beer can, "there you go!"
"Stop, JJ, Stop."
Kie yanked the blond boy back inside the van as she began to feel bad for the security guard.
"He's gonna go into cardiac arrest if you keep it up," Rosie added, sliding the side door of the van shut.
"Oh come on, that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished," JJ protested but let her close the door regardless.
Adrenaline still pumped through Rosie's veins. She subconsciously bounced in her seat in excitement. The teenagers fell into scattered conversation as John B drove through the Figure Eight. Rosie stared out the windows at the pristine white houses and matching boats. She often forgot that she had once lived the Kook life when her father was still around. It was so long ago now—nine years—that she tended to forget that part of her life ever existed. Slowly the white mansions morphed into wooden shacks and unmowed lawns.
The Cut. Her home.
"Where we goin'?" John B called out to his friends.
"The Wreck for me and Rosie," Kie replied.
Rosie sent her a soft smile. She was lucky to be working alongside one of her best friends, but Rosie knew that she'd have to start working full-time soon. The money she'd saved for the past few years was good for now, but certainly wouldn't last forever.
"Got it. Pope, JJ, how does touron-hunting sound?" John B glanced back at his guy friends with a devious grin.
"Perfect. They're just in season, too," JJ smirked, earning a slap in the gut from both Kie and Rosie.
"I mean, I don't have a choice, do I?" Pope laughed.
"Nope," JJ and John B spoke in unison just as the van pulled into Kie's dad's restaurant.
"And this is where we part ways," Kie slid the van door open and jumped out, quickly followed by Rosie.
"Don't do anything too stupid," Rosie added. She gave a pointed look to JJ, who raised his arms in surrender.
"Can't promise anything," JJ taunted before closing the car door again, effectively cutting them off. The beat-up van pulled out of the parking lot and drove off down the road—most likely towards the beach full of clueless tourists.
"Boys," Kie shook her head and laughed. The two girls entered the restaurant for their night shift.
The rather large restaurant was nearly empty apart from an old couple sitting in the far corner. But the peace and quiet didn't fool the two girls. 4:30 PM was the prime time to get ready for the dinner rush.
"You're late," Kie's dad peeked his head out from the kitchen with a glare. The teenagers made their way to the back of the shop and into the kitchen.
"Sorry, Mike, we completely lost track of time," Rosie put on her infamous puppy dog eyes. She grabbed her apron from the wall rack. "It won't happen again!"
Kie's dad scoffed, "Yeah. That's likely," he shook his head at the two. "Just finish up meal prep, and I might forget you were late."
As he walked to the table with the older couple, Kie turned to face her friend, "You are such a suck-up, Rosie. I don't understand how you do it."
"Years of practice with these babies," Rosie fluttered her eyes before widening them again to resemble those of a kicked puppy.
Kiara rolled hers, "Yeah, yeah. Might've worked this time, but they won't save us from my dad again if we don't start chopping tomatoes."
Rosie nodded in agreement and the teenagers set to work, chatting the entire time.
Dinner service went off without a hitch. Before anyone knew it, the last customers had exited the restaurant leaving the Carrera's and Rosie. As they got ready to close up, the previously boring news report on the TV suddenly became interesting.
"Hurricane Agatha is moving closer to the coastal Carolina's as we speak. Citizens are advised to take shelter and brace themselves for the storm. We'll likely see the worst of it tomorrow evening," the voice of the reporter reverberated throughout the restaurant. Rosie frowned and looked out the window to see that it was, in fact, raining.
"Well shit," Kie mumbled.
"That doesn't look good," Rosie added.
Kiara's dad redirected the teenagers' attention from the TV screen, "We're good to lock up now. Don't bother coming in tomorrow," he nodded his head from Rosie to the news report. "Do you need a ride home?"
Rosie gratefully accepted his offer to avoid a miserable walk through the rain. The rest of the night went by in the blink of an eye and before she knew it, Rosie was passed out face-first, still fully clothed, on her bed.
Rosie spent almost the entirety of the next day prepping for the oncoming storm, napping and reading. It was by far her most boring day in the Cut since she'd returned a few days earlier. The wind and rain were picking up rapidly, causing anxiety to erupt in her stomach. Rosie wasn't afraid of storms, but she'd never had to wait one out alone. She reached for her phone to call John B and ask if she could spend the night at the Chateau, but there was no signal. The girl tried to calm herself by picking up another book, but the howling wind and pouring rain made it impossible.
Frustrated, she slammed the book down and grabbed her dad's old raincoat from the coatrack. Rosie went to pick up her car keys but decided against driving. Her car was parked in a safe place now, and she certainly couldn't afford a new one if it were to get destroyed.
With an exaggerated huff, Rosie zipped the massive coat up to her chin and threw the hood over her head. The layer of protection proved useless as soon as she opened her door. The piercing wind blew her hood back and rain pelted her face and hair.
"You've got to be kidding me," she grumbled to herself.
It was difficult to see more than 10 feet in front of her, but Rosie forced herself to continue onwards. The thought of the Chateau and a warm set of sweatpants from John B motivated her to break out into a run. The sooner she got there, the better.
In just ten minutes, Rosie had reached the old fisher shack. She sighed in relief. For a moment, she thought she'd get blown away by the wind and never be seen again. The teenager broke into a sprint and didn't stop until she was at the front door. She took off her coat and swung the unstable door open.
Sure enough, there sat John B on the striped couch with his partner in crime, JJ.
"You can walk, Rosie. It'll be fine, Rosie. Don't take your car, Rosie," the girl strode into the room, "God, I'm so fucking dumb!" she cried. She tried to wring out the water from her soaked hair but to no avail.
"Hey, we actually agree on something!" JJ shouted with a stupid grin. He held up his hand awaiting a high-five, only for Rosie to swiftly hit him upside his head.
John B tried not to laugh at her drowned-rat appearance, but his attempts were futile. She really did look horrendous. "Here," he tossed her a nearby towel.
Rosie took it graciously and began to dry off her hair. "At least one of you is helpful. Do you have any spare sweatpants and a shirt I can borrow?"
"You're staying?" John B asked, only to get a smack upside his head like JJ.
"What, you'd rather me go back out into that?" Rosie screeched.
"What? No, I meant—
"—shut up JJ—of course, you can spend the night. I'll go grab you some clothes," John B rushed off to his room and away from the fuming girl.
Rosie huffed and turned to face JJ, who was still wearing a smug grin.
"Of course, you're enjoying this," she glared at the unfazed blond.
Before he could retaliate, John B came rushing back into the room with a pair of grey sweatpants and a tie-dye shirt.
"Here," he handed them to the soaking girl.
She snatched them and rushed to the bathroom to get out of her soaking clothes. The oversized pants were instantly warming as she slid them up her shivering legs. Rosie pulled the large t-shirt over her head and attempted to detangle her hair with her fingers. 'Of course, John B wouldn't own a brush,' she thought to herself. Once she'd deemed her appearance half-acceptable, she folded her wet clothes into a neat pile and exited the bathroom.
Now warm and dry, Rosie fell back onto the comfy striped-couch next to John B with a sigh.
"Better?" he laughed.
JJ and John B carried on with whatever conversation they were having. Rosie let her eyes flutter shut and her body sink into the couch. She was just on the verge of sleep when John B's voice pulled her back,
"Oh my God, our 7th-grade yearbook photos were legendary. Pope had that huge zit that looked like a third eye, my head was shaved, you had that massive black eye, and Rosie was missing one of her front teeth!" John B and JJ howled in laughter as they reminisced on their past.
"Yeah, thanks to Blondie, over here. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to replace a missing tooth?" Rosie grumbled with her eyes still closed.
"That was one of my finer moments. Golf ball to the face? Genius. And it wasn't even on purpose. I'm just naturally that good," JJ praised himself as if 'unintentionally' injuring her was an art.
"Yeah, 'cause your black eye was so much cuter," Rosie scoffed, now opening her eyes to look at JJ. "Soccer ball to the face is fucking classic."
John B laughed at his bickering best friends. Having met the boys in 4th grade, Rosie had so many priceless memories with them. Rosie transitioned from a Kook private school to the Pogue public one after the death of her dad, and they were the first (and only) friends she made. Rosie didn't mind the transition—she and her mother had always been Pogues at heart with a Kook father and husband. But switching schools is never easy. Truth be told, Rosie, JJ, John B, and Pope hadn't changed much since elementary school. In part because they grew up together, but also because they still had a similar childlike inkling for adventure.
"How did your feud even start?" John B asked with an amused grin.
"He broke my arm."
"She broke my nose."
"Well yeah, we all know about that. But it started before then," John B laughed. His two friends both stared at him like he was crazy. "Like, JJ. Obviously you pushed Rosie off her bike and broke her arm for a reason," he tried to explain further.
"I dunno, cooties?" JJ shrugged.
John B rolled his eyes but dismissed the subject regardless. Instead, the group continued reminiscing on their favorite stories growing up together. The more they talked, the louder the storm raged and the darker the sky grew. The lights flickered before going out completely, leaving the three teenagers in darkness.
"I think that's a sign," John B sighed. "It's getting late anyway."
JJ and Rosie both nodded in agreement. Rosie suddenly realized how tired she was.
"I got spare room," JJ announced, walking off towards the room in the back of the shack.
"I'll take the couch then," Rosie yawned, searching for a blanket.
"Rosie, you can't sleep in here," John B said.
She furrowed her brows, "What? Why not?"
He gave her an incredulous look, "Um, hello? Raging storm? Room surrounded by windows and an unstable door? No way," he pulled her off the couch.
"Well, where am I supposed to sleep then?" Rosie frowned. A smirk tugged at John B's lips and realization dawned upon her. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open, "No. Absolutely fucking not. I will not be sleeping with JJ," she cried. Rosie ignored the muffled laughter coming from the bedroom JJ was in.
"Don't be so dramatic. It's a big bed, and it's just one night. You'll be fine. And if one of you kills the other, I'll take full responsibility," John B called out while walking backwards towards his own bedroom.
"Why can't I just sleep in yours?" she whined.
"Because my bed's a twin. Suck it up, buttercup. Sweet dreams!" John B laughed and shut the door to his room, leaving Rosie alone in the hallway.
The girl groaned, but trudged towards the spare bedroom, nevertheless. JJ was already underneath the covers in the middle of the bed with a dumb grin.
"Slumber party!" he shrieked in a feminine voice.
"You make sleeping outside in a hurricane sound more appealing," Rosie grumbled. She attempted to shove his body over to one side of the bed, but he wouldn't budge.
"Ask nicely. What's the magic word?"
"Please move, you brainless fool."
JJ scooted a few inches to the right giving Rosie about 1/3 of the bed. She readied herself to physically haul him over, but was far too tired. Instead, she made a show of getting under the covers, making sure he could sense her displeasure.
"Bastard," she mumbled.
Rosie turned so her back was facing the boy and closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep as soon as possible. They immediately shot back open as she felt an arm drape itself over her waist.
She violently slapped JJ away, "Absolutely not!"
"Aw, don't be a party pooper, Rosie. We're having a slumber party! You can't have a slumber party without cuddling," the blond laughed, tightening his grip around her.
"I don't cuddle with idiots," she hissed and attempted to push his arm away. He wouldn't budge, and she quickly grew tired of pushing. Rosie paused for a moment to recollect her strength, before trying to push JJ off again.
"Hmmph, someone needs to hit the gym," JJ mumbled into his pillow. Rosie sighed and gave up her struggle. She'd just wait for him to eventually move his arm instead.
But minutes passed, and JJ's arm remained around the girl's waist. JJ's heavy breathing soon turned into soft snores, and Rosie felt his grip begin to relax slightly. She decided to seize the opportunity and lifted his arm. Just as she began to move it away from her body, the boy shifted in his sleep. He subconsciously retightened his grip, this time pulling her even closer than before so that her back was against his chest as if she were a teddy bear.
Rosie stiffened, but the body heat radiating off of JJ and the steady beat of his heart against her shoulder were undeniably soothing. The tired girl gave in and relaxed in his grip. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and she felt herself slipping from consciousness. In a matter of seconds, Rosie was lulled to sleep by the sweet sound of the raging storm outside and JJ's soft snores.
And what a good sleep it was.
@tangledinsparkles @lovelymaybankk @my--heroine @thelonelyumbrella @floretsoleil​ @flick24​ @books-netflix-and-pizza​
this chapter was mainly filler and def not my best work, but I tried to make it cute at the end :)
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treatian · 3 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Breaking the Curse
Chapter 55: Nothing for Anything
August hadn't contacted him since he'd called him yesterday. But he knew that ultimately Emma Swan had gone to the puppet. He hadn't heard this from August but rather from Dove. After Sidney had been convicted, he'd recalled the bird from vacation and put him back to watching Emma. Last night, after the sun had gone down, he'd gotten a call from Dove he hadn't expected.
"Sir, I have a problem."
"What's happening, Mr. Dove?"
"Nothing with Emma that I can tell. She met up with Archie after you and then went to August. They left on his motorcycle, and they're heading out of town. I'm following them now, but Sir…I just got a call from my parent's nursing home. Something is wrong, and they need me to go in. Want me to keep following and call another one of my cousins to trade off?"
The damn Curse had struck again, it seemed; figuring out a way to keep Dove contained while an untouched Emma and August were free to go. The Curse was weakening, but apparently, that part of it hadn't weakened yet. Dammit! He'd really wanted to know where Booth was taking her, but if he'd sent another of Dove's cousin's out to replace him, next it would've been a car accident that kept him in town, and then he'd have been down a potential spy; the best of his spies. He had to live with letting them go and trust that Booth would fill him in when he could.
So he dismissed Dove, told him to go take care of his parents and check-in when he could. He expected it was nothing. The Curse had needed to pull him away from the town line, to haul him back to Storybrooke, probably it was simply an error or minor heart attack from his parents. He assumed he'd be back to work sometime the next day…just like he was.
There was always work to be done in the shop. It was almost a disappointment. With everything going on, with the Curse unraveling and threatening to shatter completely soon, it felt like a cruel punishment to have to do things like work ledger books and take inventory, to have to clean and polish unimportant items…
To tend to customers who didn't know anything about the battle that was being waged around them every day.
He looked up as the bell over his door chimed, expecting to see a customer, but hoping to see Emma or Booth, perhaps even Dove. Instead, Regina strode in. He knew just by the look on her face she was angry.
"Your Majesty. To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked, bracing himself for whatever she needed to get off her chest.
"My tree is dying. Why?" she snapped, setting a rotten apple down in front of him.
Probably because with her and Emma finally wanting to kill each other properly and August working toward getting Emma to believe in the Curse, her Majesty's pretty world was beginning to crumble around her. Not that he was going to tell her that.
"Perhaps, it's your fertilizer," he joked with a smile.
"You think this is funny? Well, I'll tell you what I think. I think it's a sign of the curse weakening because of Emma. But do you care? No. You're content to just sit back and do…whatever it is you're doing while all my hard work burns."
Yes. He did think it was funny, in fact. Not the bit about her dying tree; he didn't give a rat's arse about that. It was more that the tree was the first she seemed to be aware of the fact that his Curse was dying. Too distracted with Emma and Henry and Mary Margaret…it was like she hadn't even paid attention to her own "hard work" as it had begun to collapse around her. It was hilarious. Except for the fact that if she only focused on the Curse breaking, she might stop focusing on Emma. Now that, he suspected, was the real trouble, especially with what he'd learned over the last few days in regards to the Savior wanting her son back.
"That's not all, is it? Come on. You might as well get everything off your chest," he encouraged, moving away from her. Angry as she was, they were still Cursed. If she decided to do something violent, as she had in the Enchanted Forest, he wasn't fit to defend himself.
"I don't know what you're talking about," she muttered. He nearly rolled his eyes. Nearly. Emma had needed a nudge. It stood to reason that she might as well.
"Henry," he stated easily. "Miss Swan wants him."
"She'll have that boy over my dead body."
"The Curse was meant to take away Snow White and Prince Charming's happiness. Perhaps, you giving up Henry is just the price to keep the Curse unbroken," he suggested knowing full well it would only rile her up. If it applied a bit more pressure to Emma, then that was exactly what he wanted.
"I think I'd rather just get rid of her."
Beautiful. Exactly what he wanted to hear.
"Well, well, you're going to have to be quite creative. We both know the repercussions in killing Miss Swan. The Curse will be-"
"The curse will be broken," Regina finished for him. "That's because you designed it that way. Undo it."
He laughed. She wasn't exactly wrong, but she wasn't right either. She still thought he'd made the Curse, designed it himself. She hadn't any idea it had actually come from his mother or that ensuring the Savior's death would break the Curse. Why she'd added that…he was clueless, it was probably a question he should have asked her that night they'd met if he hadn't been so stupidly overwhelmed. But what was done was done. The caveat was there, and given Regina's history of murder, he was almost grateful his mother had protected the Curse in that way. There was nothing he could do.
"You know…even if I wanted to, I couldn't. Magic…well…is in short supply around here and dwindling by the minute."
"You want the Curse broken," Regina breathed suddenly in astonishment. He felt his skin twitch and his blood boil. Sometimes he forgot how much they both knew each other. He had meant his comment as a joke, and he hadn't known she'd read him as well as she had. Fuck. "Why?"
"That's not something I care to discuss," he answered honestly.
"Don't bother. You can shove your reasons. I want to strike a new deal. One where I can get rid of Emma without shattering the Curse."
Typical Regina still not listening and never using the information she had wisely. "Unfortunately for you, a negotiation requires two interested parties, and I'm already planning a trip," he meant it to sound sarcastic as he walked away from her, meant it to scare and frighten her…he hoped that was what she'd take away from it.
"I'll give you anything."
"Oh," he sighed ominously, all the while pleased to hear that slight tremble in her voice.
She did know him well. She knew just how much he loved that word "anything." Any deal that had that was tempting, and yet here he stood…his heart didn't even flutter at the word. They were in the endgame now. As terrible a trick as it had been, Booth had helped to show him just how close they were getting. This was not and never had been about Regina, despite what she thought. And there was one thing in this world, this world specifically, that he loved more than "anything." That was his son. Nothing was going to distract him from that now. Especially not "anything."
"You no longer have anything I want, dearie. But I will give you a piece of advice, free of charge. I'd plan a trip of your own. Because, once people waken up and remember who you are and what you did to them…" he laughed menacingly and turned to a globe he had on the counter. He gave it a spin as he admired it as if considering the whole wide world already open to him. "They are going to be looking for blood…"
And if the way she stormed out of his shop suggested anything, she knew it too.
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
shadamy but somehow they turn into real hedgehogs and have to find a way to turn back to normal
Unexpectedly Good ShadAmy 3K
  It was one of the few times Silver got to visit Amy's cafe. He had been out of town for a couple of weeks and as his pink friend suggested, they were going to meet today.
  Momo cafe had a calming atmosphere. A soft green decorated the walls as flowers and plats were placed next to the crystal clear window. The tables and chairs were made out of wood, which was accentuated perfectly the cozy atmosphere of the place. Fairy lights hang from the ceiling and Silver wonder that it must be a beautiful thing to witness at night.
It was late afternoon and the and sun was starting to set, as he entered the cafe he noticed Amy over the cash register and immediately waved side as they noticed each other's presence.
"Well, you are early I am about to close," Amy said as she watched Silver jump over the counter, joining her side.
"Of course, I won't miss tonight-" Something caught the white hedgehog's attention. As he looked over the cafe, he noticed that on a faraway table a black hedgehog quietly looked over them.
He perfectly knew who this hedgehog was and although he didn't want to interrupt his calm moment, Silver was just too excited to see him.
"Hey, Shadow!" Silver screamed across the cafe and Amy was glad that there were only a few costumers left at the cafe. "Come over with us!"
Shadow pretended not to hear him as he hides his face with his hand and Silver was still clueless as ever. "Hey, Shadow!!!"
"Silver, you are embarrassing him." Amy faced her white friend and with the softest look she could give him, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Shadow is my top client, he comes here at the same time every day and orders a black cup of coffee... Don't scare him away."
Silver gave the pink one an intrigued look. A part of him didn't believe her. The white hedgehog placed his back on the counter's edge. No longer facing the cafe but the kitchen of it. "What are you talking about? Shadow hates coffee."
"What? No, he doesn't!" Amy said as she took off her pink apron and placed it on top of the counter. "If he didn't, he wouldn't come here."
"He can't even stand the smell! I remember the other day he-"
The pink and white hedgehog froze as they heard a deep voice behind him. They slowly turned around and they noticed the black hedgehog had placed a white cup on the counter, signifying that he had finished the coffee.
"Hey, Shadow," Amy said as she waved at him, a bit embarrassed at the possibility that Shadow might have heard their previous conversation. "Did you enjoy the peach coffee?"
The white hedgehog was intrigued by the black one. Shadow always had that firm stance, as if he was ready to attack at any time. However, today he looked very ... soft. He looked a bit timid even.
"Since when do you like coffee?" Silver asked. "I gave you a coffee scented candle for your birthday and you almost threw me out of your apartment."
"You gave him a scented candle for his birthday?" Amy asked.
"Don't people on your time usually do that?"
Amy was thinking about giving him a remark but now that she thinks about it, he wasn't wrong. Both hedgehogs looked over to Shadow and they were waiting for an answer.
"Actually, I am only capable of enjoying Amy's coffee," Shadow replied, he looked over the room nervously. Alright, Silver was detecting something about his red striped friend. It was s strange sight and one that Silver had never seen before.
A few seconds passed where none of them spoke. Amy and Silver waited for Shadow to continue as it seemed like the black hedgehog had more to say.
However, he actually walked away. The pink and white hedgehog looked at each other in surprise, they knew that Shadow was a mysterious hedgehog but this was different.
"Actually, Amy ..."
All of a sudden, Shadow was there again looking more nervous than ever. He scratched the back of his head as he looked to the other side, not making eye contact with the pink one. Silver examined the black hedgehog a crazy thought came to his mind. No ... it couldn't be ...
Shadow let out a sigh as he mustered all the courage he had inside and said, "Are you free tonight?"
"I can't believe you are making me go on a date with Shadow tonight!" Amy complained as she stood in front of her futurist friend. The sun was completely down already even though it was only 7 p.m. The two friends were walking down the street as they headed towards Amy's house. "Besides, we had plans"
"Amy, Shadow doesn't just go out for fun," Silver said as he walked next to the pink one. "He must really like you ... besides, I'll be staying over your house. We can do a sleepover after your date today."
"I still can't believe it," Amy sighed in defeat. It wasn't that she didn't like Shadow, it was that she had never seen Shadow in a romantic light before. Probably, it was because he was her number one customer and never really interacted only when it came down to take his order. "Well, at least I know he is going to bring with him the magic book I lent Rouge."
Silver and Amy could see a pink house from afar, it has been a while since he had visited her home. If he was completely honest, a nostalgic sentiment overtook him. It had only been a few weeks .. maybe he was just sentimental.
"Magic book?" Silver asked as Amy opened up the door for him. He stepped in and immediately turned on the lights. The one thing that he enjoyed the most about his friend's house was the smell. It smelled like vanilla, and cinnamon very home-like.
"Yes, I lent her a magic book I got from when we went to visit Blaze ... remember?"
The name of the purple cat made a small electric shock run down Silver's spine. The pink hedgehog noticed this and walked towards her black sofa, inviting Silver to sit down next to her. An evident blush tinted the white hedgehogs' cheeks.
"Shadow won't pick me up until 9 ... So, we got time to talk about you."
"I am done with part of the deal, now give me the keys to my motorcycle."
Pointing at the beautiful bat, Shadow wasn't having the greatest time. He was beyond annoyed at the moment and it seemed that the bat only took more pleasure at seeing him in such state.
"Not until you take Amy out, then I'll give you the keys." Rouge was peacefully watching a movie in the living room of the apartment of the famous Team Dark. She was having a good time until her black friend appeared to annoy her, or better say tell the news. "You should be grateful, I doing you a favor."
"How is forcing me on a date a favor?"
Shadow was standing between Rouge and the TV, impeding her from enjoying her telenovela. Not like Rouge minded too much because at the moment there were only commercials. She muted the TV to give Shadow her full attention, hoping that something that she says will go through his thick skull.
"Because of me, you are going on a date with the girl you like, how is that not a favor?" Rouge finally made eye contact with Shadow.
"I don't like her."
"You go to her cafe everyday although you hate coffee," Rouge replied.
"I like coffee now, that doesn't-"
"You put a sticker of a rose in your motorcycle because that reminds you of her."
"No, I actually-" Shadow tried to interrupt her but Rouge had the upper hand.
"She came to G.U.N. once," Rouge stopped him midway, again. "You sneezed, she said blessed you and you had the biggest smile on your face for the whole week."
A few moments passed where Shadow and Rouge were battling to see who would win. The black hedgehog was throwing mental daggers at her but it seemed like Rouge was immune to his attacks. Finally, Shadow sighed in defeat. He placed a hand to his forehead as he felt that it started to hurt.
"It's ok handsome," Rouge said, finally giving him a reassuring simile. "You will get her, just open up a little more and-"
"It pains me," Shadow said and this time, he placed his right hand on his stomach.
"Love hurts sometimes-"
"Not like that!"
All of a sudden Shadow ran across the living room into the closest restroom. He kicked it open as he felt that the liquid forming in his stomach could spill out at any moment. He heard steps follow close up behind him but he didn't care, he went straight to the toilet, open up the lid and started to throw up.
He didn't know what it was ... if it was the coffee that he drank earlier or just the thought that he was on a date with his love interest that made him sick to the stomach.
Rouge stood behind him. She bent down next to him and for a few seconds, Shadow looks at her ... Wow, he did look sick.
A few more minutes passed in which Shadow kept vomiting with a few minutes of interval. Rouge and Shadow had come up with the same conclusion, Shadow the Hedgehog was sick. It didn't matter if it was because he was nervous or because of the coffee he drank earlier, they needed to do something about it.
"What am I going to do?" Shadow said as he kept his face closer to the toilet. "She can't see me like this!"
"You could reschedule," Rouge said, "I think that's-"
"No, it has to be tonight,"
"Silver is with her."
Rouge inclined her head mostly at the fact that she had never seen Shadow in such a state. She couldn't tell exactly what was going on but she knew that she had to continue to dig dipper into the matter to find out. "And that matters because?"
"He is a good hedgehog ... unlike me." Shadow's voice trembles as he uses his arm to clean out his mouth. "What if something happens between them tonight? I need to go out with her ... tonight."
There was such a preoccupied look on Shadow's face that it took the white bat by surprise. Her heart throbbed the moment they looked at each other. She knew that Shadow liked Amy, but now she knew to what extent. Rouge just couldn't bear to see him like that, so lost ... Then, a thought crossed her mind. That magic book Amy lent her.
"I know what to do!" Rouge said excitedly, "You stay right here Shadow, you will go to that date I promise!"
One moment ago, they were talking about his and Blaze's relationship and suddenly Amy turned into a hedgehog.
An actual hedgehog.
She was extremely tiny and had pink quills, she moved around as she followed her nose. Silver wouldn't believe it but because he saw Amy transforming there was no doubt. It happened so fast. With a poof sound and a bright light coming out of her body, she was now rolled into a ball.
There were Mobians and there were animals. Animals were the ancestors of Mobians and they were highly respected in the community.
Silver delicately grabbed the small pink hedgehog in his hands and as he did so, Amy popped out of the ball.
She was just ... so adorable.
"What if I keep her like this?"
The thought crossed his mind but Silver quickly shook his head as the thought went away. It didn't matter how cute the pink hedgehog was, he still preferred the talkative Amy the one who would listen to him.
Suddenly, a rush of panic began to overtake his body. This was such a drastic change, it happened out of nowhere and the white hedgehog didn't know the reason as to why she changed. What was he supposed to do in these circumstances?
As if Chaos heard his prayers, a strong knocking came from the door and Silver reluctantly stood up from the sofa with Amy still in his hands. He mentally prayed that whoever it was, it was his salvation.
He opened the door where a very unexpected person showed into the picture. She smiled awkwardly and waved from side to side. It didn't take long for the bat to notice the small pink hedgehog in Silver's hand. Just like Rouge, Silver noticed a small black and red hedgehog, softly being held in Rouge's right hand. A few seconds passed where the two Mobians were trying to understand what happened, Silver analyzed the black hedgehog and if he didn't know better he was sure that Shadow ... even like an animal hedgehog, he still hand that angry look on his face.
"Are you going to let me in handsome?" Rouge asked as it made Silver go back to reality. He nodded as he opened the door for her and the bat made her way inside. She looked around the house and she made a mental note to compliment Amy on her house decor.
But this wasn't the moment to think about that right now.
"I'll go straight to the point," Rouge said as she turned around to look at Silver who was closing the door behind him. "I gave Shadow a magic potion and I read the ingredients wrong and I accidentally turned him into a real hedgehog."
Silver came to an abrupt stop as he approached the bat. That was a lot of information to take in and he had a lot of questions.
"Alright first," Silver walked towards the dining table which was right next to the living room's sofa. He placed Amy there and kept a close eye on her. "Why did you give Shadow a magic potion and why does it affect Amy?"
Seeing how comfortable look at the dining table, Rouge placed her small black friend next to the pink hedgehog so she could focus on her next conversation with Silver.
"Shadow was nervous about the date tonight, he was throwing up and he was really determined to go to the date ..." Rouge said. "I couldn't stand him to see him like that and I remembered the magic book Amy lent him ... So, I gave him a confidence potion."
"Confidence Potion?"
"To give him the confidence to tell Amy about his feelings ... that's how she got affected too,"
Silver sighed and he placed a hand on his forehead, frustration evident on his face. "How do we get them back to normal?"
"Well, since this is a confidence potion, Shadow has to-"
The pink and black hedgehog only stared at each other, trying to understand each other's presence. They got closer as they took a good sniff of each other, trying to get familiar with the smell.
"You are like me!" Amy made small noises as she tried to interact with the black hedgehog in front of her. She couldn't understand the bigger white hedgehog that was taking care of her. Her small heart hopped that she could make a small connection with this one.
Shadow only got closer to her, trying to look at every inch of her small body. He did a few laps around her and noticed that she was worthy of his presence.
The black hedgehog faced her again, red eyes met green.
"I like you," Shadow said as small noises came out of little his mouth. "Do you want to be with me forever?"
"There's no way Shadow is ever going to confess to Amy, we need to think of another idea!" Silver said, a tint of desperation on his voice.
But as if Chaos wanted to contradict him, a bright light was coming from the dining table. The hedgehogs shone together and with a 'pop' sound, they were back to normal.
Amy and Shadow were sitting on top of the dining table. It took them a few seconds to realized what just had happened. Shadow was the one to react at almost immediately as he felt how his left hand was softly holding into Amy's right hand. A soft blush landed on cheeks and still, he didn't let go. Amy was still in trance but was soon taken back to reality as she felt Silver's arms around him.
"I was so worried that you were going to stay like a hedgehog forever!" Silver said, he felt relieved as he felt that Amy had returned his hug.
"Yeah, I am good-" Amy said and wanted to continue to comfort him but in an abrupt moment, she wasn't able to feel Silver in her embrace any longer.
"Hey, stay away from her!"
Shadow was fast to stand up from the dining table and pushed Silver away from the pink one. He stood up between them and it took him a few moments to realize what he had just done. Everyone had just stared at him in amusement and once again, the black hedgehog could feel his cheeks getting warmer by the second.
"I mean ... We just turned back, you could hurt her," Shadow said and quickly, added, "But it's not like I care ..."
"Come on Shady," Rouge walked towards her friend, prepared to tease the hell out of him. "You did confess to Amy already, didn't you?"
Once again, there was that blush on Shadow's face. He covered it with one of his hands. He mentally cursed Rouge and swore in the name of Chaos that he would have his revenge.
"You are not one to talk! Because of you, we were turned into animal hedgehogs!" Shadow said almost screaming.
"Yes, but I ended up confessing to your crush. So at the end of the day, I made you a favor!"
"Alright this is it, I am leaving!"
Shadow just couldn't take the teasing anymore. There was just so much he could take although he was used to Rouge's constant teasing, the thought of Amy seeing him as this concerned him the most. He must be looking so pathetic, now she is never going to look at him the way he wants her to. His only chance to go on a date with Amy had gone to the trash.
Shadow opened the door, ready to exit out and go somewhere he could freely feel ashamed of himself.
"Shadow, wait!"
Her voice felt like a sweet melody to him. His heart skipped a bit as soon as Shadow saw the pink one walk towards him. A soft smile landed on Amy's face and for a moment, Shadow forgot about his previous embarrassment.
Amy softly held Shadow's hand and at this moment he felt his heart could leave his body.
"Do you still want to go on a date tonight?"
A/N: This was harder to write than I expected. I know that the scene where they turn into real hedgehogs is kinda short but that was the best thing I could come up with without making this request too long. I hope you liked tho, thank you for the request!
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker Ch2
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,332
- Author Note: Pure cliche~
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Chapter 2
Summer has finally come to an end. Fashion enthusiast like Ji Seul’s colleague, Ahn Hyejin or famously known as Hwasa, was all ready to get rid of her summer clothes and to replace it with new one matching this new season. Hwasa was one of few friends that she made before she dropped out from college a year ago. She did not work permanently there unlike Seul, since she’s in her final semester. Working part time was the only way to get away from her tiring student’s life.
Hwasa came from a well-off family therefore money was not an issue to her. She could afford her college fees and other miscellaneous expenses. In fact, she once offered to pay Seul’s college fees however she politely declined Hwasa’s kind gesture. Not that she felt offended, Seul did not want to live off by other’s money or even worse being pitied by people around her. Her family could only afford Ji Hoon’s school fees, it was not her choice at first place.
On side note, she performed super badly in her first semester maybe she was worrying too much about her family or she wasn’t ready to further her studies. Anyways, she was used to live like this. Nothing could change the fact that her life was fated to be this way unless miracle happened some day later.
Seul wiped the last part of the glass window with a content smile. She stared blankly outside the window watching different people passed by the area. Some were too preoccupied with their smartphones, some were running with all their might maybe they had something important to attend and some high schoolers were fooling around happily with their friends. Her heart felt warmth just by witnessing it. How she wished she could turn back time and worry nothing but her mathematics test. Back then, everything flowed smoothly. Zero worries, no dramas and her father was still there with them.
The happy ending that was still far ahead.
Sighing softly, Ji Seul tore her gaze from the high schooler across the road “Seul-ah!” her ears caught Hwasa’s cheerful voice behind her.
“Oh, Hwasa! You are here early” she smiled genuinely.
“I have to change shift with Krissy so I come earlier! I have projects to be completed in a week, things are quite crazy” she puffed her cheeks earning a lower chuckle from the smaller girl in front of her.
Ji Seul giggled “Get the degree and never look back once you graduated” she gave her friend a small pat before them both moved behind the counter getting ready to start the second phase of the day.  
It usually packed after two in the afternoon. The only time they could rest was in the morning, people rarely came early in the morning except for takeout. It was less hassle during that time so they would have time to fool around.
“JI SEUL GET THE CUSTOMER’s ORDER! I need to clean this” shouted Hwasa. Seul strutted towards the counter with a polite smile, apologizing before she took the customer’s order.
“Rock paper scissors!”
“ROCK  ROCK PAPER PAPER PAPER ROCK PAPER!” their shouts could be heard across the hall.
The hyung line laughed hysterically teasing the maknaes “How can three of you think alike and be so unlucky!” exclaimed Jin.
The youngest one mewled “Hyung! You plan this out, the four of you planned to bring that rock out!” his hand moved along with his explanation. Crossing their arm together, Jimin and Taehyung frowned in denial.
“Are you blaming your unlucky charms on us?” Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“Three of you quick! The loser needs to buy drinks for us with your own money” Hoseok smug as his body move side to side feeling a little giddy. Of course, they were into the moment of truth between the youngest in the group. It never failed to amuse the hyungs.
“But I forgot my wallet” said Taehyung with a pout.
“I saw it in your pocket don’t lie Kim Taehyung” Namjoon’s brow quirked up in curiosity. Taehyung might be an actor but he’s bad in lying when it came to lying to their members. Come one, they had been living together for six to seven years to be exact. They could read each other like an open book.
Taehyung shook his head showing no sign of giving up however as he was about to open his mouth “No special treatment for anyone” Seokjin warned sternly.
“You are rich, Gucci boy. Can’t you even afford drinks for your hyungs?” upon hearing Yoongi remarks, Taehyung immediately pursed his lips showing his silent protest. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung started over with their rock-paper-scissors game until it was decided, Jungkook as the black sheep among the three.
Jimin and Taehyung hopped in sheer happiness “I just spent money for my games” Jungkook scratched the back of his head in hope others would show their empathy on him. As cruel as it may sound, the members wouldn’t care as long as it was not them who needed to chip in the money for this betting.
“Come back safely Jeongukkie!” Namjoon ruffled his hair showing off his dimple smile. Yoongi rummaged through his back, tossing the black mask to Jungkook’s direction “Wear this, you don’t want people to catch you roaming around the city at this time” Jungkook’s eyes glimmered in happiness.
His hyungs really took good care of him in any situation minus the bullying part. Nowadays, Jungkook had step up his games and in return the hyungs got bullied quite often by him. It was no doubt that the members were the one who raised him to be this kind of man. Oh well, he was aware his parents played important role in his life too but when it came to the members, he couldn’t express how grateful he was to have them as his family.
“I will be back soon” putting on the black mask, he exited their practice room. He hated to go out because it made him feel lonely. At this moment, he really wished Jimin were here right now with him, at least he could have a decent and silly conversation with that small guy.
Jungkook pushed the main entrance opened only to come at halt, as a pair of small hand wrapped securely around his wrist. He snapped his head to the person behind him “Hyung? Why are you following me” he gave Jimin a questionable look.
“Do you want me to come with you?” the latter grinned cutely looking a little flushed. Did he really run all way here just to catch Jungkook?
Blinking his eyes in confusion, Jungkook chewed his lower lips doubting his own decision “Hmm, if you are fine with it then I could use a company?” he muttered lowly.
“THEN IM COMING!” Jimin threw his arm around his neck, tiptoeing a little to match Jungkook’s height.  He squealed softly showing off his excitement. Not that he cared, Jimin could be too adorable for anyone to handle even for him. The two boys walked casually side by side making their way to their favourite café. To their dismay, the café was closed earlier than their usual business hour.
Jimin glanced around looking for the sign of any closest coffee shop in the area but there was nowhere to be found. They caught the sight of bubble tea shop across the road “Shall we get tea instead?” he tilted his head to the direction.
“It should be fine, let’s go before they close down” Jimin pulled Jungkook with him upon witnessing the worker inside looking a little busy cleaning the shop. It was a sign that they would close soon.  
“Im so sorry Seul, I really need to go now, I have group discussion in thirty minutes. Will you be okay closing the shop alone?” Hwasa bit her lower lips in guilt.
“Just go Hwasa. I will be alright, don’t make them wait for you! Wongeun oppa is still here through” she signalled to Wongeun direction.
Hwasa cussed under her breath “Oh god I totally forgot about him! Then you will be fine since it is Wongeun oppa” she took off her apron, hanging it neatly inside the rack. Wongeun looked up “Be careful girl” Hwasa gave him a thumb up before ran to Seul side giving the clueless girl a quick hug.
“Whoops sorry, see you tomorrow Seul-ah!” the girl grabbed her stuff before pushing the door opened.
“Aish be careful Hwasa!” she shouted after her as the girl disappeared from her vicinity in flash. Ji Seul shook her head with a soft sigh as she continued doing her works silently. Wongeun was another friend that she made there, and he was also the manager. Being a manager was just a mere title for him, instead he worked hard like others. In all honesty, Wongeun was a down to earth guy.
Sound of the entrance door being opened making Seul jolted in her position. She thought it was Hwasa since she tended to leave her things behind most of the time. “AHN HWASA WHAT NO-“ she didn’t finish her words as she was taken aback to see two men stood in front her in a black mask.
Were they playing ninja? Seul cussed in her head.
“I am sorry, are you still open?” said the shorter guy. His eyes penetrated hers making her numb for a second, why would she react so strangely in front of these strangers? These two men before her triggered her curiosity. Were there celebrities? Why would they covered themselves as if someone might catch them wandering around the area.
“Ah..We are actually about to-Okay never mind, I can prepare your order. It is not that late” she gestured them to follow her to the counter. Jimin and Jungkook smiled in unison following Seul as their eyes darted towards the menu board.
Seul took their orders patiently, keying it into the system. She took the card from Jungkook completing their payment “Please take a seat, your beverages will be prepared in 10 minutes” she bowed politely.
“Thank you” Jungkook muttered softly under his breath averting his gaze from Seul. He was just being conscious in case Seul is one of their fans or sasaeng fans? Judging from her appearance, she seemed to cause no harm. Again, appearance can be deceiving.
Jimin and Jungkook took a seat at the corner and continued to chatter. Occasionally, they would glance at Seul who seemed engrossed preparing the drinks. They felt bad for making her work extra hour considering they were about to close. Nevertheless, Seul didn’t recognize them it was enough for tonight. They needed a break from screaming fangirls. Tonight, was one of the nights that they yearned to be peaceful and calm.
The ring came from Seul’s phone echoed throughout the room. Jungkook and Jimin were baffled at the familiar music, like they heard it somewhere before. Their brow quirked up in question “Hyung isn’t that our song?” he leaned over whispering lowly.
“Do you think so?”
“It is Young and Forever”
“She is a fan?”
“Since she uses our song as her ringtone, she might be one?” Jungkook sounded positive with his assumptions. Their eyes trailed along to her figure as Seul quickly answered her phone “Hey, Hoon. I’m coming home in a bit. Do you want me to buy you something?” she used her free hand to scoop tapioca pearls inside the drinks.
“Nuna… mom.. she collapsed.. we..are…in the hospital.. I don’t know what to do” she heard Ji Hoon sobbed at the end of the line. Her heart practically stopped beating when she received the news. The drinks in her hand slipped caused Wongeun to run to her side panickily.
“Ji Seul are you okay?” Wongeun flinched looking extremely worried. He saw her hand shaking furiously clutching on the counter for balance.
“Nuna..are..you there…Please..im scared.. what if something happens to mother” Jihoon pleaded frantically. His voice brought her out of her trance, and she managed to reply her little brother “Wait for me I am coming. Text me the address now!” she hung up, taking off her floral apron in hurry.
Flabbergasted Wongeun was waiting for her answers and he inquired her again out of curiosity “What is happening? Did something happen to Hoon?” he watched her grabbing her stuff. Seul shook her head with a small smile “It is my mother. She collapsed, I don’t know. I have to go” the man gasped.
“Seul go, I will take care this thing so do not worry!” he gave her an assuring smile.
Jungkook and Jimin witnessed it all. The moment when she dropped the drinks on the floor, it caught their attention. The boys could tell how worried she was even though she seemed to appear strong on the outside, however the corner of Jungkook’s eyes caught her tears started to cascade down.
It ached his heart.
Seul gave a quick bow to Wongeun and not to forget Jimin and Jungkook who had been waiting for their drinks there. She dashed out like a flash leaving them breathless. That was quite a scene for today.
“I am sorry, I will get your drinks prepared really quick” said Wongeun breaking the silence. Jimin and Jungkook only nodded in response as them both exchanged a meaningful look.
Jimin was the first one who broke the silence “Will she be okay?” his fingers fiddle nervously at the hem of his shirt. Deep down inside he really hoped everything would be fine. It was not his business anyways yet since it came down to this he couldn’t help but to sympathy her.
The younger guys threw his glance outside the glass window staring into the darkness with a heavy sigh “I really hope she is okay” he was being sincere.
Jungkook felt himself being overly upset over her situation when he barely knew her.
What was that for again?
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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