#and the diamonds conquered and shattered them all except for a few
zombieplaguedoc · 7 months
What started out as me and 2p Nyo America as gems turned into me making my own SU lore and origins that are different from canon.
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(Last question I swear) Speaking of rebellious reader, what if — if all the bois and reader were diamonds — what if reader pulled a Rose Quartz and faked her shattering to set Earth and other gems free? I remember you saying a while back that Sans would lose all trust in reader if she went missing for days upon end without a word. I can only imagine if he found out about her literally faking her shattering.
I had to leave this one for a little while… it’s so good it deserves a long answer.
Much like Blue, Yellow and White, it’s not that they don’t love her. Azure, Red and Black love her very much… They just take their poor little Purple Diamond for granted. Tw neglect.
Sans visited her the most frequently, but that really isn’t saying much. He was on Homeworld most of the time and 9/10 of his visits were to tell her off for something small she did. Some off-colour she showed empathy to, some broken Diamond procedure, something she didn’t do well enough. He made her feel like she was constantly failing. If he was reprimanding her for failing that would be fine… but the issue is, he never congratulated her for doing something right.
Red was hardly ever home. At the start, when he was, it was one of the few times she was happy- playing with him in the pool and making him laugh with little jokes and riding on his shoulder brought her so much joy. He’d call her regularly to keep her updated on everything. … But he was always too busy, always doing something else, always leaving half way through to answer a different call or command his fleet. And once the empire grew to a certain size, and his workload became too much… he stopped contacting, he stopped coming home, just not having enough time. And in return, she gave up trying to be around him. 
Skull would get self-conscious and had bouts of self-hate that could last several years, where he barricaded himself in his room and no one could talk to him. She tried so hard to lift him out of them, she always told him she thought he was pretty, and sometimes it was enough, sometimes it brought him out of his moods and he would hold her close in happy silence. But (much like Red) the expanding empire, growing population and the large amount of work mean he had very little time for her and a very short temper. She tried sitting by his legs, she tried telling him she loved him, and he responded with a sharp bark of ‘get out’.
It was commonplace for her to be left in her tower for days on end with no company except her endless revolving door of Pearls and Charoites and Chalcedonys that the other Diamonds keep dubbing unfit for her company and destroying, no matter how much she begged to keep them. This made her progressively more lonely, and unable to find joy in any of the gems supposed to entertain her. The Diamonds never told her they loved her, and after a while… she started believing that they didn’t. For thousands of years she tried so hard to be good enough to get their attention, but gradually, she became number and number to the point where she preferred being in her tower by herself.
Azure noticed her closing in on herself first, and consulted Black Diamond about it- they decided that perhaps a simple little colony that didn’t require much work would keep her busy and happy. Red Diamond (joining in the conversation over the Diamond Line) wasn’t quite sure about it, he had a bad feeling… but he acquiesced, believing it would be a good way to improve her mood. So they gave Purple Diamond her own colony. And they were right- her mood definitely improved, and for a little while they had their happy Purple back. But what they didn’t realise was the reason she was so happy was that she was at the helm of this seemingly totally insignificant rebellion under the guise of a common Iolite, making new friends, meeting people she believed loved her, seeing a new world of possibilities. And when Azure, frustrated, told her that if she didn’t deal with this rebellion personally he’d send a fleet to destroy the planet himself, it was the final straw. Mc, a Violet Moonstone and a Jade fake the shattering of Purple Diamond at the hands of the rebellion leader. She fully assumes her Iolite form.
And just like that, the sanity of the Diamond Authority cracks into pieces. They corrupt the planet under the belief they’re obliterating the rebellion and leave. (Mc and her closest friends survive- Moonstone’s power is making her and others temporarily impervious to any harm).
Azure goes into a deep depression, hoarding everything she once owned, every gem and toy and room, as if it will somehow fill the gap she left behind. Red’s fury is like nothing the galaxies have ever seen before… it becomes less about conquering the planets and more about completely obliterating them so he has some outlet to direct his grief. He’s never home- home is too empty. When he’s in another star system it’s easier to forget. Black shuts himself off permanently. Each of them blame themselves for her ‘shattering’… Red for not intervening when he felt something was wrong, Black for allotting her Earth (any other planet.. any other planet and she would still be here, telling him he’s worth something…), and Azure for suggesting the idea of a colony in the first place. 
After a few thousand years go by and his rage has quelled enough to think about the Earth without screaming in fury, Red decides it’s time to do something about that stain on his starmaps. Azure begs him not to do anything, it was hers, she loved it so much before her shattering, think about it- but Red isn’t thinking.
He decides it’s time to destroy Earth once and for all.
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countryshitposts · 5 years
You’re Shooting Your Bullet The Wrong Way
I Have No Good Title For Chapter 7
Trigger Warnings: mentions of rape and prostitution
AO3 Link
Chapter 1
Name Guide:
Koku Nippon- Japan
Teikoku Nippon- Japan Empire
Ost- East Germany
Nabi- KE’s wife, belongs to @redffeather
Daehan Jeguk- Korean Empire
Daehan Imsi- Korean Provisional Government
Daehan Minguk- South Korea
Choson Inmin- North Korea
She and Koku were once again in his lair in the gardens; America was staring at the greenery once again, her eyes doing somersaults as she finds herself staring at the wonderful and colourful butterflies that had escaped through the door. Koku, meanwhile, was busily answering a worksheet Teikoku forced him to answer. For the past twenty minutes, his grey eyes were pinned to the worksheet in front of him, muttering a few hypothetical words and solving a little before answering.
America would crane her neck to peek at what Koku was answering, before furrowing her brow at how complicated the questions are to the point even her brain cannot answer the items immediately, so she let him be.
They were both quiet, not one of them talking to one another, which was fine; they’d just be as serene and as quiet as the butterflies around the gardens.
Japan sighs as he flips his paper once again, his eyes back to the words written on the worksheet, biting his thumb, but his grey eyes would escape to America, time and time again. He thinks he was being discreet, but America can clearly see the way he looks at her: like he had just found a person who’d keep him and his secrets company until he has to be taken by death itself and his old dreams and secrets are relinquished to be with the stars.
America merely scoffs; she was not his ‘company’, and she will only be with him for a short matter of time until she must go.
But America’s mind wasn’t on him.
It was on her mother- Netherlands.
A long time ago, America had given up on asking her father who her mother was; only for this curiosity and fear to come crashing to her in the future, like she was being swept by the current of a river towards a rumbling waterfall, its liquid gushing and churning and wishing she collides with the rocks as she desperately tries to swim back but the currents were like a person; pushing her closer and closer to the edge until her scream was drowned out by the waters.
America felt sick to her stomach as her memories pushes her back to her encounters with Netherlands… the time when the woman had kidnapped her when she was a child… when she had slipped drugs into her drink… when the woman threatened to hunt her down like a dog… when Netherlands tied a noose around America’s neck with a smile…
She chokes, like the noose was still on her neck and it tightens on her windpipe. She clutches at her throat, subconsciously trying to take the damned rope off before Netherlands kicked the chair from underneath her feet and her body dangling.
“Amerika!”, someone from the other side of her nightmares calls out to her, but all she can feel was the rope around her neck, trying to suffocate her entire being, as if it was real, and that nothing else was true except the rope burning around her neck.
Then she feels hands on her shoulders, shaking her slightly but all she can comprehend is the shaking and quaking of the chair, Netherlands clearly teasing her with her hazy grey eyes and lips curling into a smile.
The hands were wrapping into her now, but the hazy voice she supposed was Netherland’s was replaced by a newer, much more worried voice, calling out to her again and again, as the arms around her tighten and now she feels skin against her uniform and not the noose around her neck, as if her reality that had been distorted is now reconnecting to the same reality once again.
“Amerika!”, like she had emerged from the depths of the water, the voice near her ear becoming clear as the waters in the pools.
She turns her head, seeing Koku’s worried face, striking grey eyes staring back at her, his brows furrowed as his hair makes contact with the nape of her neck.
Koku continues, “Are you alright? You were choking for a minute there.”
America blinks, not having the tongue to answer him, then looking down at the arms around her waist.
She then realises in what position they were in.
Face turning red, she forcibly breaks from Koku’s grip, with the other still staring back at her worriedly.
She regains her composure, glaring back at Koku with her ‘professional’ look. “Go back to solving your math problems. I’ll be here, guarding you.”
Koku scoffs, sitting back down and picking up his pen, then he turns his eyes back to the worksheets.
Meanwhile, America misses Koku’s arms around her, wanting that warmth once again, a flame saying to the winds to find something missing; dying colder and colder as Koku’s glances towards her strain as he focuses more on his work at hand and not at her.
“Sorry about scaring you there”, America sighs exhaustively, still facing the other way from Japan, “something in my personal life happened.”
She hears the placing of a pen back on the table, and grey eyes staring at her back. “Well, I’m sorry for also scaring you. And it’s fine, I forgive you.”
America turns back to stare at Koku, whose grey eyes were boring at her with such intensity and magnitude to the point she was afraid he’d set her on fire with his own mind. But there was something else in there now; curiosity to why she had overreacted, questions in his eyes like fragile glass waiting to be shattered. Crystals waiting to be dug up by miners and those who seek their treasures. Both of their eyes were full of stars, both of them unaware they were each other’s galaxy.
Koku clears his throat, blinking a little like he was out of tune, before turning back to his worksheet, leaving America staring at him answering the items like it was nothing, fast as lightning but not at all.
(She admits that she misses the way he looks at her, like he had all the time in the world.)
“You’re thinking of something again.” Koku states, lifting a hand up to inspect if there would be any chance of a downpour, as the clouds conquer and divide the light that the sun has given the world to entirely different entities, thunder sounding from the sky like it was preparing themselves for war. America keeps her eyes focused on the ground, cosying herself into her coat when a gust of cold wind blows her way.
(They were walking towards the Deutsche Towers, since Teikoku had told Koku to meet and greet Ost once again, but Koku demanded America come with him, much to Teikoku’s irritation.)
“And I should tell you my thoughts why?”, America asks Koku acidly, whose eyes were still focused on the dark grey clouds, marching to bring and harbour rain towards their city and dampening their entire city from ground up. “These are my thoughts, Japan. Not yours.”
Koku sighs, looking at America with an unamused expression, “Meri, I was just stating the obvious. No need to get over defensive about it.”
America was taken aback- not from what he said, but the nickname. The way Koku had said it, like it was nothing, the way the syllables roll on his tongue like he was the ocean’s waves crashing onto the sandy shoals with such impact it leaves the beach weak and vulnerable for days. The way he gave her a nickname sounded natural, like it was nothing more than a simple drop of rain in a dry desert waiting for a life-saving gift to come to them, an oasis, a paradise.
Something simple in one’s tongue is complex in another’s mind, and she just stares at Koku, mouth gaping like she had something to say.
Then a drop of rain falls down towards the sidewalk.
“It really is gonna rain”, Koku mutters as he takes out his umbrella from his pocket, once the rain drops start multiplying like viruses climbing and growing in infected numbers. America buries herself in her coat even more, preparing for the downpour (especially since her dim-witted ass forgot to bring an umbrella).
She then feels an arm wrap around her shoulder, and without a thought she is pulled into Koku’s umbrella, Koku holding the handle, looking everywhere except the girl underneath his arms.
“I didn’t know the downpour would be this bad”, Koku huffs a little, carefully strolling through the damp sidewalks, puddles dampening the insides of his shoe, and he tries to kick his shoe to release the liquid inside it.
Meanwhile, America was still linking arms with Japan, face hidden underneath Koku’s scarf (he’d insisted she was cold and let her wear it), staring at the rain pouring over them as she and Japan were being shielded by his umbrella.
“Are we there yet?”, America complains, mindlessly kicking on a puddle, which flies to Koku’s direction, making his pants wetter and colder than they were before. He glares at her and she smiles apologetically.
“No”, Koku replies, “just a block away. We haven’t encountered any butterflies yet.”
America blinks, confused to why they’d need to see butterflies in this sordid and desolate weather; they’re most likely in their own place, in their paradise somewhere in some gardens, frolicking and being their own thing and person, since that is what they are, dainty looking creatures that will seek shelter in the darkest of weathers.
So they keep walking, shoes sloshing on puddles and rain pouring down.
Then out of the corner of her eye, she spots a butterfly with emerald green wings; the patterns on its wing looking like an eye.
She raises a brow at it, but the insect didn’t look the slightest bit hindered at the fact that it is raining and it is cold. It was just there, staring at them with its wings-looking eye. She turns to Koku, who was staring at it with a face of knowing.
“We’re close”, he states, as he picks up his pace, following the green-winged butterfly. America, not being one to get caught in the rain, picks up her pace to match with Koku.
America was no stranger to the Deutsche Towers; its long and winding spiral staircases embedded in diamonds and spires… its transparent glass windows that dim once the sunlight becomes too much… the fountain in the middle of the hallway, which was also the centre of all surveillance… the grey rooms looked as if it was more of a mental ward than people actually living in the Towers… and of course, the basement, where America had only been in once and that was when Weimar’s father Deutsches Reich surrendered.
America frowns at her new surroundings- it had just been a month since Deutsches Reich had announced his bankruptcy for all to see and laugh, but he is nowhere to be found.
Then she remembered what Australia and New Zealand said.
Deutsches Reich is dead.
Weimar hadn’t even notified the police forces of such a murder, let alone looked like he cared about him.
She narrows her eyes at the looming Deutsche Towers above her, its glass windows watching her with caution and mockery.
If the man in Australia and New Zealand’s story is Weimar.
Koku skids to a stop in front of the entrance to America’s supposed nightmare. She could see what was on the inside; two guards in complete uniform reaching for the doors, opening them.
A rush of air flies out of the Tower’s entrance and into the couple’s faces, and combined with the cold rainwater dripping from their clothes, America shakes from the cold, as if the frozen winter tries to hurl a blizzard right in her warmth, but she dodges it to an extent, but the marks of cold are still there.
On the base of the stairs, it seems that someone was already waiting for them. The green butterfly that Koku had followed earlier flutters towards a man with a white trench coat, sown with butterflies, light locks brushed aside, his emerald green eyes glinting like emeralds under the ground, his lips curled into a small smile, as the butterflies around him flutter and play around him like he was in a paradise where everything was fine.
Or he was in the cemetery playing with people’s dead souls, as his laughs grow wilder and wilder and he claims to have seen death itself.
“Guten Abend, Japan”, Weimar greets in a slow, pleasant voice, his tone fake but civil, as if he was playing his part as Koku’s ‘father-in-law’ (America blanches at the thought; the thought that Koku is going to marry a fifteen year-old) but he will crush him after he becomes triumphant in his own plan. His eyes turn to America, and his pleasant grin becomes slightly cracked, eyes twitching as his emerald green eyes burn with hate.
America takes a deep breath- of course this man knows her name, of course she recognises her face, of course she doesn’t stand a chance against the truth and lies she committed. She was being cornered to a wall, as Weimar had always known her since the beginning of time, since she has intervened in all this mafia mob nonsense with a gun on her hand, poised to kill any of those who needed to be killed.
She could see it in his eyes; flaring like sparks as the emeralds grow out of control, not controlling their own fiery heart’s desire as they try to become the trees surrounding the mountain side.
Koku, unaware of the tension but knowing that Weimar’s eyes are pinned on America, looks back at the man before them. “This is my bodyguard: America.”
Weimar’s smile returns to its normal and less unsettling grin, turning back to Koku, his hands on his back, his body cool and composed. “Now then; shall we have some tea? I’ll get my children of course.”
Koku smiles a little, but it was fake and empty, his grey eyes wary of Weimar, and it has the slightest tinge of fear. “That would be lovely, gifu.”
Weimar’s eyes lit up, but there was still a blazing wildfire in his flaring eyes. “Good! Now then, let us go to the gardens, shall we?”
“It’s raining outside”, America deadpans, pointing at the open windows, the sound of raindrops over head.
Instead of Koku agreeing however, he goes mum, as he looks at both Weimar with wide and scared eyes, then back at America with an apprehensive expression, like she had just disrespected a king in his own castle. Weimar’s eye twitches, his neck tilting to an odd angle, making America feel something new around this brand new ‘Weimar’.
“I know it is raining outside, you little minx”, he spits out, words of fire mixing in with an eerie calm around him. “We are going to go to the indoor gardens. Say if you were a cop, searching for a criminal in the most obvious spots, where would you find the bastard, then? Would you go looking around for circles even though he is right in front of you, waiting for you to catch him?”
America goes bright pink, and Weimar seems to feel her embarrassment, as he smiles triumphantly.
Silence fills the entire hallway, only the sound of the downpour being heard.
Then Koku’s voice breaks through it like a sonic boom. He turns to Weimar, glaring at him. “Do not talk to her like that. She made a mistake, that’s all.”
Weimar stares at Koku for a while, his grin ear-splitting and becoming uncomfortable and unbearable to look at before blinking, but Koku stays strong, even if his grey eyes show his greatest nightmares.
Weimar clicks his tongue, “Shall we go to the gardens now?”
Koku immediately follows Weimar, who was strutting so confidently and so surely, and America lags behind them.
“Hallo, Japan!”, a young girl holding a school notebook greets Koku while he was observing the rosebushes (who also immediately backs up in shock once a butterfly takes a special seat there, much to America’s confusion).
America turns towards the twins- both sporting big and naive smiles, able to light up the entire world with just them. She notices how only their eyes differ: Ost has her father’s emerald eyes, except kinder and much more free-spirited, while West has dark blue eyes. America furrows her brow as she sees parts of ginger in West’s hair, but none in Ost’s, who sports freckles instead.
West was reading a trivia book about History and how it was told, before accidentally bumping into America. She wasn’t that hindered though; West is as thin as a stick America had picked up from one of her community service efforts. West looks up at America with big, apologetic eyes.
“Es tut mir leid, Miss”, West says, awkwardly looking down to his shoes.
America shakes her head, smiling, “It’s fine, it’s just an accident.”
Her eyes pivot to Koku and Ost, in an awkward conversation, beads of sweat rolling down their faces despite the cold weather, as if they were being watched. As if someone is monitoring the couple’s moves and is simply waiting for them to say the wrong thing before they are fed to the wolves. Ost was holding her phone a little too tightly, looking the opposite direction from Koku but occasionally glancing at her phone’s screen for messages. Meanwhile, Koku was studying a peony bush, trying to carry on their dead conversation with his own hands, but he glances at America.
No, not at her.
He glances at West, who was giving the couple - mostly Koku though - a dirty glare, before fixing himself back at his book.
America could understand why West seemingly doesn’t like or is not fond of Koku; Ost is fifteen and she is going to marry a complete stranger who not only is older than her by almost a decade, he also doesn’t seem to be too stoked to this marriage idea. And that Koku’s brother is literally one of the most cruel mafia mob bosses everyone has ever seen, so that must mean there was a brutal killing streak inside of Koku as well.
Koku and Ost’s conversation goes dim, as if they have nothing in common and they do not wish to make an effort to communicate with each other, beau or not. They glance the other way, with Ost texting someone on her phone, and Koku staring right at America, who was only tuning out every single thing, distorting reality and replacing it with empty static in her head to entertain herself. She can hear West’s muttering of Egypt and its pyramid, but there is a blockade in her brain.
She feels someone’s hand on her arm, and she looks up to find Koku staring at her with a small smile on his face. “You wanna see those shiroi bara in the back of the gardens?”
America blinks up at his smile, already putting the sun to shame, and she grins. “Alright.” 
“I have no idea why we’re doing this”, America says in an exhausted expression, as she feels Koku’s - comforting - fingers threading through her smooth and soft hair, humming to himself.
America has to confess to herself; the fingers around her hair making her relax, as tendrils of exhaustion are being snipped short as he softly runs through her hair in a delicate manner, an animal being calmed down like it was nothing. Her guilty pleasure was letting someone run through her hair so softly and slowly, like they had time in the entire world, a hand planting seeds deep into the ground, so that after a few days it can emerge into something far more great and glorious.
She sighs softly, relieving herself of pent up stress, leaning onto Koku’s chest for support, slowly letting him have control of her blonde locks, his fingers starting to do their work. She smells the absolute fragrance of the entire garden, flowers’ scents mixing and mingling with each other, as if they were talking, as if they were live and sentient beings that can talk about their feeling without the humans noticing them. They were hypnotizing her just by their scent alone, driving her to the wall, all letting her smell them without having the punishment of pollen allergies and coughing and hacking.
“Aren’t you supposed to be ‘courting’ Ost?”, America asks, still in bliss, jolting slightly as Koku accidentally touches a sensitive spot on her neck. “Why are you here- with me?”
Koku rolls his eyes, as if he had answered this question a fair amount of times. “Me and Ost aren’t exactly… ‘couple’ material.”
America snorts, “It’s obvious.
Koku continues, “And I like your company. A lot.”
The girl below him goes red. “Uh… thanks.”
Koku smiles a little, a small idea in his head, before he completely dismisses it in fear of rejection and awkwardness. “Watashi wa honkidesu.”
America feels light objects on her head, not weighing her down, but the fragrance they were emitting is. She inhales, smelling the blooming flowers that were seated on top of her head like a crown. Like she was a queen and she was on a throne.
“Alright, finished!”, Koku says from above America enthusiastically, and he offers her a hand mirror to gaze on her reflection.
Koku was a good hairstylist, as it turns out; the braid was so neatly done and clean, no stray hair strands, the crown perfectly in place. She smiles into her reflection as she leans into Koku more, admiring and loving his warmth like he was the sun beating down on the crops and helping them grow. She feels arms wrap around her, and she feels the summer breeze and spring air billowing in her hair. America smiles serenely, like nothing is wrong and that she has a perfect life right here and right now.
Then her mind comes back to her mother and that noose on her hand, her lips curved into a malicious smile.
She stiffens at the memory and jumps out of Koku’s arms, much to the latter’s shock. Grey eyes stab at her with worry, but all she can feel once again are the hands that had tried to come for her all those years ago, leading to here now. She was breathing harshly, trying to remember that this is the reality, and Netherlands holding the noose was a long time ago, a blurb in her fading memories, but her mind is sentient and refuses to listen.
“America?”, Koku bounds towards her, but America takes a step back, still seemingly shaken from the memory, especially trying to differentiate Koku’s grey eyes with Netherlands’. “Is everything all right?”
America stares at Koku with scared and vulnerable eyes, fearing luring in the apex predator that will rip her to shreds, but she catches the twins watching them from a far as well. She can feel embarrassment creeping on her back like it was nothing. Her frustration was wrapping into her like a crown of thorns, tearing her limbs apart like she was a delicate flower with beautiful petals. So, as a normal and human adult frustrated with everything, she turns her frustration to someone else.
“I’m not a friend, Koku”, she hisses coolly, glaring right up at his grey eyes, trying to muster the coldest expression she ever has, a tundra in the side of the mountains, “I’m your bodyguard, simple as that. I’m not supposed to act buddy-buddy with you, I’m supposed to protect you from harm’s way; I’m not able to do that if you keep playing dress-up with me.”
Koku opens his mouth to respond, but he closes them instead, eyes glaring at America, the calm before the storm. He stands from his place, pulling on his coat, before turning his back on America.
“Fine then”, he says, marching towards the garden’s exit, refusing to face his bodyguard, who was still glaring daggers at him, but there was regret in her eyes, feeling horrible that she pushed someone out of her life just like that. “I’m leaving, I’ve had enough. Sayonara, West and Ost.”
“Hold on!”, America says, covering herself from the rain using her coat and the scarf Japan gave her earlier, the rain and mist covering her vision, warping it into something else, but Koku’s back is still visible despite the foggy rain trying to blind her, umbrella in hand, dark hair billowing against the gusts of wind. He did not break a step, his shoes landing on puddle after puddle, now indifferent at the fact he is making himself wet.
America, meanwhile, was holding the coat over her head, trying to stop the rain from coming down on her, which was futile, and that most of her clothes are wet and damp by now. She almost slips on the rain-covered sidewalk, before stabilising herself with one of the lamp posts. America stares at Koku’s back, who stops just a short distance away, but he still doesn’t face her.
Perhaps it was time for her to swallow her pride… again.
“Look”, she starts, her voice being drowned out by the rain, continuously pouring down on the both of them, “I’m sorry about my outburst earlier. I just feel like shit this past few days, especially yesterday when my brothers told me something. And, uh, I now feel self-conscious that I’m not being a good bodyguard for you.” She lowers her head; what was now a fake apology now feeling real, as if she was virtual, as if they live in a world where everything is fine and alright and nothing happened. She had actually regretted snapping at Koku, regretted everything she did to him today because, in reality, he’s been treating her nicely. Like she was a friend of his. Like he had all the time in the world for her.
She feels an arm on her shoulder, and her eyes look up to find Koku staring at her with a sheepish look on his face, as if he was the one in the wrong and not her. The rain was noticeably not dripping down on her, and she looks up to find Koku’s umbrella covering the both of them (although Koku had to inch closer to save himself from the rain).
He smiles at her guiltily, “I’m sorry too, for leaving you in the rain like this.”
America laughs pleasantly, “I kinda deserve it, though.”
Another cold breeze targets America, and she shivers; her clothes were now damp from the rain, and Koku sighs sheepishly before taking off America’s coat from her shoulders and giving her his drier and larger one.
“Uh”, America raises a questioning brow at Koku, who was now putting on her coat, “what are you doing?”
“Put mine on”, he says with a small smile, “and we’ll go home.
America complies, putting on Koku’s coat; the sleeves were loose on her arms. “This barely fits me”, she deadpans, but there was a small grin on her face.
“To protect yourself more from the rain”, Koku snorts as they both turn back to their destination, the rain not bothering them anymore as America leans into Koku once again.
“So you’re also basically a tutor?”, America asks, as Koku closes his umbrella, and puts it on the door frame, knocking on the door softly but surely. “I thought the Nippon family are rich.”
Koku chuckles, the sun’s rays dripping down on everything it touches, the flowers facing towards it, “I’m not doing this for money; I’m doing this to help others.”
America raises a brow, smirking all the while as they wait for someone to tell them to come in or for someone to open the door.
“Who are you tutoring this desolate and rainy afternoon?”, America asks, impatiently tapping her foot, soaked by the rain and dreaming about the warm, running water on her body, caressing her gently, letting her through a land where warmth ruled over the cold climates, where she was in the seas’ shores herself.
Once America asks Koku the question, his smile immediately falters, his grey eyes lacing with irritation as he sighs exhaustedly; whoever he was tutoring must be quite a handful if even one of the most patient and relaxed people would sigh before entering their humble abode.
“Coming!”, an all too familiar voice rings from the inside, as feet thud from the stairs and the door knob twisting and turning.
America then comes face-to-face with Daehan Imsi, whose warm smile immediately falters at the sight of Koku, as if he was the death of all the flowers and seeds in his garden, the annoying little weed to all plants, the parasite thriving in his body. His dark blue eyes turn an icy cold, calculating the dark-haired boy in front of him with such intensity, to the point that even Koku’s forehead was forming beads of sweat. Then he turns to face America with a raised brow, and America puts a finger to her lips, to which Imsi understood, and turns back to Koku with an unreadable look.
“Konnichiwa, Imsi-wa”, Koku says, bowing as he says it. “I believe it’s time for Minguk’s lesson?”
If Koku was aware of Imsi’s apparent distaste for him, he was not showing it; Imsi did not say anything for a full minute, lips curling as he looks everywhere but Koku, before forcing a smile on his face, once he glances at America again. “Yes, it’s time for Minguk’s lesson… unsu nappeuge.”
Imsi leads Koku inside his home first, and once America follows him inside, Imsi stops her with a hand on her shoulder.
“What are you doing with him?”, Imsi asks in a hushed tone, his eyes pinned on Koku, who takes off - America’s - his coat and puts it on the coat rack neatly. “Do you and your brothers have a plan to stop Teikoku?”
America bites her lower lip, whether telling Imsi would be a good call or not.
“Look, can we talk in a much…”, she glances at Koku who was busily studying the table for any crumbs of food before he dumps the pens and pencils he keeps on his pockets, “safer setting?”
Imsi stares at America for a moment, before nodding.
“Why, if it isn’t my favourite babo!”, Minguk exclaims cheerily, making his way to the living room with a few books and pencils for what seems like Calculus. He sits on one of the chairs eagerly, but there was an intense hatred in his eyes at the boy right in front of him, his smile hiding malice and torrents of loathing towards him. “So, what’re you going to teach me today?”
There clearly was an unadulterated loathing for Koku.
“We’re going to answer a few exercises first”, Koku says calmly and professionally, as if he was more of a teacher and not a home schooled boy being puppeteered around by his father.
Then, a woman whom America had never seen before (but although looks vaguely familiar) exits from one of the rooms carrying a couple of books and a tray of tea walks to the dining room, “Thank you for the company Imsi; your company comforts me every time-” She freezes suddenly, her eyes now locked on Koku, her hands shaking as she drops everything she’s holding down to the floor. The rigid silence is only broken by the sound of shattering tea cups, screaming a tune of horror as they plummet down to their deaths in the cold hard floor, spilling tea everywhere, but it doesn’t seem like the woman is concerned by its boiling properties, her eyes still pinned on Koku with a hint of panic, fear, and horror mixing in her eyes. Her body starts to shake, eyes brimming with tears.
“T-Teikoku?”, she stammers, shaking a little, her breathing becoming ragged and desperate, like she had no air left in her. “Please don’t… make me come back…” She was choking now, sobbing and giving out a few gasps for air, clearly having a panic attack.
Koku looks confused, clearly concerned at the woman who is now trying to breathe hard, as if his mere presence is taking away her oxygen. “You must be mistaken; I’m Koku. My brother’s Teikoku.”
The woman gives out another choked gasp as she runs back to her room, locking it.
No one even dared break the tense silence, Imsi and Minguk’s eyes pinned on Koku, who was staring at the room that was locked, concerned, worried and confused at why her reaction to seeing him was like that. Imsi and Minguk glare at Koku with a burning intensity, lips curling in utter abhorring for someone. The flames in their eyes rival Japan’s morning glow, as he stands awkwardly, still waiting for the proper time to excuse himself from them both.
“... Sit down, Ilbon”, Imsi says with a tone of detesting, and he turns to look at America, “Ije, gaja.”
America touches Koku’s shoulder, giving him a comforting look, saying, “It’s alright, it’s not your fault”, before following Imsi to the woman’s room.
“Who is she?”, America whisper-asks at Imsi, who was still glaring daggers at Koku, who in turn was biting his lip, gazing down at the floors.
“Her name’s Shanghai”, Imsi replies, focusing on the closed door, “I found her roaming the streets all scared and afraid two days ago.”
“Have you ever asked her where she lived before coming here?”, America asks, skeptic of the newcomer. “Have you ever thought of consolidating with us? The police department before you let her stay with you?”
Imsi gives her a testing glare, “Shanghai doesn’t seem to like the police.”
“But still”, America retorts, glaring back at the man in front of her, “you should’ve talked to us about her first.”
They hear sniffling from inside the room, and Imsi’s glare turns more to a worried look, as he softly raps on the door. “Shanghai? Gwaenchanh euseyo? Mwoga munje ya?”
There was no reply from the other side of the door, just incoherent whispers and whimpers at the other side of the door.
Imsi knocks on the door once again, still quite concerned for the woman who was whimpering softly, “Please talk to me, Shanghai. You seemed to have a history with Teikoku.”
They hear the door clicking, and Shanghai peeks her head from the slightly ajar door, her terrified eyes staring at Koku, who was now teaching Minguk.
(The both of them did not look in the mood though, with Koku droning on and on about more quadratic and algebraic functions while Minguk was glaring at his tutor, wanting to put a bullet on his head.)
“He’s going to drag me away”, Shanghai murmurs shakily, her face stained with tears, her lip quivering as she looks back at Koku. “H-he’s going to put me back-”
“No he won’t”, America interjects, her gaze hardening, intent to play the hero once again. “I won’t let him take you away.”
Shanghai stares at America, her eyes shaking, before going back to staring at Imsi, petrified.
“Can we come inside though?”, Imsi asks softly, looking into Shanghai’s eyes.
Shanghai widens the entrance of her door, and America and Imsi walk in.
All Koku has to say about this situation is that it was the most awkward meeting he has had with the Korean family; even much awkward than him meeting Minguk and Imsi which was, as he put it, a disaster.
(He is clearly aware of their distasteful looks - and attitude - they radiate towards him, but he does not call him out on their behavior.)
But when that woman came in, she had looked into Koku’s eyes, it wasn’t hatred or anger that overtook her; it was pure fear, as if he had done many faults to her family but she is the one to have paid the price, from her hollow and haunted eyes and the way she seemed to recognize him more as his brother than himself- as always, most of the time.
Sometimes it exhausts Koku; the fact that most recognize him as ‘Teikoku’s brother’ and not his own self gives him issues if he would be following in his brother’s footsteps- his ruinous and destructive footsteps to the future. Sometimes Koku’s mind will plague and hypothesize if he will become just like his brother in the near future, evil clutching beneath his palms, forfeiting lives like it was nothing, revelling in people’s pain like it was nothing.
Koku bites his lip, remembering how his mother had looked at him in her final moments.
He tries to make sure he doesn’t look and act like Teikoku.
Which is futile, as his physical appearance reminds everyone more of Teikoku than his actual self, and he is getting sick of this whole thing.
So what if his brother had done a lifetime worth of crimes?
He feels everyone’s eyes on him, always, calculating and cold, as icy as the most isolated tundras in the Poles, calculating, as if one wrong move they were going to feed him to the wolves and watch his corpse then be fed to the butterflies, crunching on his bones, forever and ever. They had rights to hate him, of course; they just think they were being discreet with the way their eyes flare up with loathing once he enters one room, discreet with the way they were lowkey trying to insult him and his family, perhaps taking jabs at how his mother is dead.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling himself suffocate despite the glaring contest being over; Japan doesn’t want anything to do with Teikoku, if he has to be honest.
He sighs, energy drained from his meeting with Weimar and the teenager next to him, who can’t even conclude the difference between each solution unless Koku grabs his pencil and starts to graph out the solutions and formulas that he had given this dense boy two pages ago. How is it when he visits Minguk for a session, Minguk’s ruler doesn’t end up on his hands and rather, on his nose like the incomprehensive dimwit he was.
They have been going on about quadratic formulas for a week by now, but it seems that Minguk’s brain couldn’t wrap around such a simple equation, always asking questions he supposedly knows the answer and solution to.
Sometimes Koku’s brain supplies that Minguk is doing this to spite him- indeed, he hadn’t been fond of Koku ever since he volunteered to be his tutor.
(Don’t tell Minguk that Koku has seen his report card and all of his subjects were straight A’s, so something must clearly be afoot.)
He shoves a few worksheets Koku has solved himself earlier today, and while Minguk is busy pretending he is unaware of graphing the domain and range, Koku’s mind reverts to America.
He can’t wrap the idea of what his brain wants from her; sometimes she’s in his thoughts like a sweet memory, a morning star to rival the moon arising from the tides for the small waves to rack the shores… sometimes she was like an annoying little weed he has difficulty removing from his vast garden of literal death.
There was something in her that made his mind do a complete 180 from what he was doing, focusing back to her, always her, now and forever.
America makes him feel… like he is complete, like he has nothing to hide from the woman as she cosies up to him, and with cheeks pink he opens his mouth and tells her a secret, one at a time, in random, unravelling the knot growing inside his stomach, because talking to America had made the entire air around them feel natural, like his entire life did not revolve around the man who ruined his life from the start of his fate cutting in half.
He feels something with America, something peculiar and twisted because his heart goes haywire for the way she looks at him, even if she looks annoyed or panicked or suspicious, a look is a look.
Koku always immediately goes warm whenever he thinks of her, so flawless with her looks but flawed with her attitude and personality, lips always curled into a thin line and her eyes serious, but when she smiles or laughs, it brings him complete and utter joy, a flower blooming in spring as dew touches its stem, the bright and warm sun behind it, guiding the flower to the right path.
He can feel butterflies in his stomach every time he looks at her, like it was the end of the world but she’d be his saviour.
It’s honestly panicking how a simple smile and touch is enough to make him melt.
Why does she make him feel like that?
“Koku?”, an irritating voice snaps Koku out from his thoughts, and he goes back to giving Minguk an undermining look. He was looking up at Japan with a mischievous glint in his eyes, and he opens his mouth, but before he opens his mouth he stops him right there,
“Don’t bother”, Japan sighs as he inspects the item Minguk is ‘stuck’ on, feeling Minguk grin beside him. “I can do your homework myself.”
Meanwhile, America was pacing Shanghai’s room, muttering a few phrases to herself as Imsi calms a still shaken Shanghai down, who was saying that Koku was going to drag her away. Which is puzzling- did this woman have a history with the Nippon family? Because it seems quite obvious that she has, since the first emotion she reacted outwards to Koku was pure, unadulterated fear.
Then an idea lights up: maybe Shanghai had ran afoul of Teikoku once; maybe she was held captive by the bastard for something.
From Shanghai’s wild eyes and shaking body, perhaps she actually had an encounter with the bastard.
Not a good one, though.
America’s brain comes back to the woman’s name: Shanghai.
The name sounds familiar, like a pearl falling to the waters and its owner desperately trying to differentiate each and every single one of the artefacts, trying to find which is which in the vast sea of pearls being offered out to them. Shanghai was calming down now, Imsi soothing her while giving her hushed whispers of comfort. America studies the woman’s face, trying to put a finger to where she had seen it before, once again putting one real face over another printed one, in those damned Wanted and Missing posters that are littered around her office, and she still couldn’t be bothered to study each one of them.
America thinks the woman’s name was familiar, from a bunch of documents she had studied years ago, knowing that she was one of Minguo’s mob members.
Zhonghua Minguo, who disappeared from the face of the earth a decade ago, leaving all his territories and old members at the mercy of other mafia mobs.
Imsi rubs Shanghai’s back soothingly, as she buries her face into her hands, curling to a fetal position as the only man in the room glances at America.
“So, what’re you doing following that bastard?”, Imsi asks, a poisonous tone in his voice, hatred in his eyes as he glares at the door. “Do you have a plan to get Teikoku arrested and my sister-in-law out of wherever she is?”
“Canada’s doing the spying in the brothels”, America explains, her eyes on the door, “I’m trying to get answers on the inside.”
Imsi’s glare hardens through the door, a black hole to Koku’s galaxy, “Do you have any evidence that Teikoku’s doing something more than a normal mafia crime here and there?”
“Some compelling evidence, but not compelling enough”, America replies, her eyes on a shaking Shanghai.
“Why are you with Koku, then?”
“Canada told me to play bodyguard with the guy’s brother.”
“And? Did you extract any secrets from him if Teikoku is hard to get through?”
America shrugs, “I mean, he’s only talking about his life, but not to Teikoku’s schemes. And from one of Australia and New Zealand’s statements, he wasn’t really stoked on his marriage to Ost.”
Imsi rolls his eyes, crossing his arms, “Just because he isn’t shown to be ‘aware’ of his brother’s deeds doesn’t deem him innocent! Give me one good reason to take pity on Teikoku’s family, aside from that bastard being their brother and father.”
America purses her lips, her mind going back to Koku’s warm summer smile and ruffly dark hair, his grey eyes piercing her with thunder and lighting, stormy grey clouds giving her solace as she takes shelter from the rain; frankly, she has no idea why her mind is acting like this around Koku- perhaps it was just because he was one of the only people who looked at her without wanting something from her.
She meets Imsi’s eyes, still firm and filled with hatred for the Nippon family that ruined his life all those years ago.
“Look, I don’t like Teikoku too”, America responds, “but I gotta say, his family is quite pleasant to be around with-”
“Yes yes, ‘pleasant’”, Imsi spits acidly, “but that doesn’t mean ttong to me. Teikoku has my gajog, and he’s torturing her as we speak.”
America’s eyes hover back to Shanghai, something clicking inside of her to why her reaction to Koku being in the same room as her was explosive. She stretches, hands back on her head, staring right back at Imsi.
“Meanwhile, you have one of Teikoku’s properties”, America deadpans, gazing at the woman, who stiffens at America’s statement, then goes back to shaking once again, muttering and whimpering, as Imsi’s glare hardens, daggers staring at guns.
“How dare you address her like that!”, Imsi berates, more like an offended father supporting his child than a man who was trying to tell someone they were incorrect. “She is not one of Teikoku’s ‘properties’, and even if she is there’s a reason why she left hell.”
“She’s the woman Canada saved”, America states, unhindered from Imsi’s outburst like he was a petulant child in need of discipline, “she’s a prostitute, Imsi.”
“How dare you!”, Imsi shoots back, “how dare you call her that! You think you know better?! You think that just because she is a prostitute means that you have full right to shame her of her shortcomings?! Shame on you, Migug!”
“N-no”, comes Shanghai’s croaked voice, looking up at America, her face wet with tears, her make-up ruined from drenching it whole. She was staring at America with large eyes, full of insecurity and secrets, her entire body still shaking with a magnitude that will rival an earthquake that Poseidon would wreck upon humanity. “S-she’s right, Imsi- I came from Teikoku.”
America did not look proud or held herself in a prideful disposition, keeping a straight face as she let Shanghai continue.
Imsi shakes his head, eyes shining with worry and sadness. “N-no, there has to be some mistake-”
“No mistake”, Shanghai breathes, trying to level her breathing, lungs cracking underneath the pressure. “I was one of Teikoku’s… toys.”
Imsi repeatedly shakes his head, still possessing the sad look on his eyes. “No. even if you are, you don’t deserve to call yourself that.”
Shanghai gives Imsi a glassy-eyed look, “You say that but that won’t help me overcome the truth, Imsi.” She escapes from Imsi’s grasp, who was still denying the truth despite the fact it is hanging right in front of him, telling him of a great wide truth that has been accepted by the two girls in the room. Shanghai’s back hunches, body shaking as she starts to crackle into nerve-wracking sobs. “I don’t deserve your kindness. I’m just a whore a cop saved since I couldn’t even save myself.”
The room lapses into another awkward and rigid silence, complete with Imsi staring at Shanghai, face clouding with sadness, trying to think of ways to help the woman. Her shaking body was like the land shaking as another earthquake hits the place involuntarily, a hardy and sturdy resolve within her, her tears are the rain flowing down to kiss the ground with the daintiest and softest of lips.
Slowly but surely, Imsi parts his lips to speak, low, soft, and all the more fatherly, “You deserve my kindness, Shanghai. I don’t care if you were held captive by Teikoku, you are still a person. Don’t you ever forget that, jinju gat-eun i ttawi.”
The statement causes Shanghai to sob slightly quieter, but her mourning and shame was still evident. Imsi does his best to comfort her once again, more like a patronising and selfless father than a caretaker.
But there is no more time left to mourn.
America composes herself, “Shanghai, do you know this man’s sister-in-law?”
The sobbing woman in front of her tries controlling her sobs to comprehend the question. “W-what’s her name?” She glances at Imsi, who was biting his lip, before standing to search the entire room.
Imsi comes back later with a photo of a bright young woman, looking more like the twins’ sister rather than a mother with her smiling, youthful face, golden eyes staring into America’s soul, pearly white teeth directed towards her husband (a man who resembled Imsi’s look too much it was haunting that a dead man can live within someone’s looks), who was wrapping an arm around her, not looking into the camera and rather at his wife. Imsi offers the photo to Shanghai, who gasps softly of familiarity, eyes on the young woman.
“Do you know her?”, Imsi asks softly, gazing down at the picture with Shanghai, but his eyes were pinned on her husband, the other half of his soul, which had been rudely taken away by someone much crueller than death.
Shanghai traces the woman’s image, trying to get a vision in the past that she was real and not rather a digital adaptation. “Nabi… is your wife?”
Imsi’s eyes visibly go wide, before awkwardly chuckling and shaking his head, his dark eyes pinned on his twin once again. “No- she was my brother’s wife, Jeguk.” His reassuring stare morphs into a sad look. “He died a long time ago.”
She meets Imsi’s sad stare, “I’m sorry.”
He recollects himself, “It’s fine. It’s just… I haven’t seen my sister-in-law for ages. Is she with you?”
Shanghai nods, averting her gaze, “Y-yes… Nabi’s condition in our place is complicated, to say the least.”
“What did Teikoku do to her?”, Imsi asks, a fire flaring in his voice, trying to signal a blaze, “if I get my hands on him I’ll-”
“She was his… favourite”, Shanghai badgers on, lips quivering, either from terror or disgust. “Many other clients seem to think so.”
Imsi’s face changes, his arms going slack, his dark eyes full of defiance against a regime becoming empty with realisation. He slowly turns to Shanghai, a look of horror in his face.
“I… I should’ve saved her from Teikoku, all those years ago”, Imsi responds, shaking his head, biting his lip, trying not to let the tears in his eyes spill and destroy his facade of calmness. “It’d be better if I was dead but at least the twins would still have their mother.” He caresses his left shoulder, as if a long lasting wound was there.
“No, don’t say that”, Shanghai reassures, “Nabi told us about her family. About you and her twin sons. About her dead husband, too much to the point she would become heart sick. If you died, it’d be another heartbreak for Nabi… and what about her children? She wouldn’t have picked a better caretaker than you.”
Imsi’s eyes cross with Shanghai’s much livelier one; as if talking about Nabi had gained her spirit, as if she is once again independent.
“And I was good at keeping her sons together”, Imsi replies, eyes on the floor, but America knows who he was talking about.
The girl and the boy were walking side-by-side, shielding themselves from the rain underneath an umbrella, the girl’s arm linking with the boy, both of them at peace, both of them looking as if they are enlightened from many of what they’ve just endured this day. The rain didn’t seem to bother the both of them anymore, something in their touch halting their chance at caring at everything that nature seemed to throw at them, their touches becoming one and the same, warmth surrounding the both of them, no coat and all.
“How’s your day?”, America asks, looking up at Koku, a serene smile and face being lit up by the lamp posts around the sidewalk, stepping on a puddle.
“My day’s great, thank you very much”, comes a chipper reply, his grey eyes stuck on America’s face once again, loving her smile. “Anata ga soko ni itakara.”
America blinks, trying to make sense of Koku’s statement, “Eh?”
Koku just chuckles, handling the umbrella tightly, smiling brighter at America. “Nanimonai.” 
Guten Abend- good afternoon Gifu- father-in-law Es tut mir leid- I’m sorry Shiroi bara- white roses unsu nappeuge- unfortunately Ije gaja- let’s go now Gwaenchanh euseyo- are you okay Mwoga munje ya- what’s wrong Gajog- family Jinju gat-eun i ttawi- pearl Anata ga soko ni itakara- because you were there Nanimonai- nothing
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fanfictionsrookie · 5 years
Yellow Diamond As A Dark Souls Boss...
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The second in the series, although the other two might take awhile. The speedpaint should be up within a few days ;P
It is told that in even in the dawn of White Diamond's rule, Yellow Diamond stood at her side as a loyal knight. During those times, her sole purpose was to vanquish all that stood in her Goddess' way. She was not even yet considered a Diamond, but her true name remains lost to time.
It was through conquering kingdoms and vanquishing enemies with even the strongest of souls, that she earned the title of Godslayer and White Diamond bequeathed a gem to her knight. The gem, worn proudly on her chest struck fear and awe into all those that layed eyes upon them.
With the exception of the one that gave it to her, Yellow Diamond's gem, thrumming with the power of the countless of souls kept inside, was rivaled by none. Or so she had thought.
In the far outskirts of White Diamond's kingdom, Yellow Diamond came across a land, ruled by a king, who fathered the wise, brilliant and beautiful woman that would centuries later, be known as Blue Diamond.
With the blessings of White Diamond, Yellow and Blue Diamond were wed in an ever expanding kingdom that they could call a home of their own. However, it was not long before an uprising stirred in a land at the penumbra of the earth's end. Yellow Diamond, was quick to snuff out that flicker of rebelion before it could catch light and slaughtered every man and woman who was unfortunate to have set foot in the land's capital.
It was only when Yellow Diamond raised her hand against a crying infant, that Blue Diamond stepped in. Despite her protest Yellow could not keep her fellow Diamond from taking the child as their own.
Eons would pass and in those years, Yellow Diamond found moments of peace and love in the people that had come to be her wife and daughter.
Bur peace never lasts long for a person born to carry souls and shards in their hands, Yellow Diamond knew that well.
What she didn't expect however, was that she would be the one to hold her daughter's shards and the broken bits of her wife's soul.
Despite her desire to move onward the Godslayer continued to carry the single scratch that Rose Quarts, The Shatterer left on her armour. It is a mark of shame, a reminder and a promise to destroy the rebelion when it rose with The Shatterer's child…
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writing-frenzy · 5 years
My Hero Academia AU: Aizawa’s Dark Adventure Fantasy Isekai
So... I kinda found out about Villain!Mic and rediscovered my love for ErasureMic, and my twisted brain decided you know what, let’s have fun with this. 
And thus, we get Aizawa’s Dark Adventure Fantasy Isekai, or ADAFI as it could be called.
Here is some set up; Aizawa grew up in a non-quirk world, became an Ethics/Maths teacher after he quit being a cop, and teaches self-defense for free every Sunday for those at YMCA or youth centers for those who really need but can’t afford it. His life was fine, even at times rather pleasant.
But Aizawa Shouta, no matter what world, will always be a hero. Maybe it was a class saved from a mad shooter, maybe it was stopping a bomb, could have even been a sacrifice he willingly did to ensure the survival of many others; either way, the teacher dies saving so many young lives, always a hero to the very end.
Aizawa just never expected to open his eyes once more, in an entirely different world at that.
A world of magic and wonders around where ever one would look.
A world where death was everywhere and terrors always took. 
(A world so strangely advanced in some ways (Eco power) and yet lacking in others)
A world Aizawa woke up to in a young body (much too young) and an ability that he couldn’t quiet understand.
To the de-aged man’s luck, he actually get’s picked up by some nice people, who teach him about the world of crazy magic he has found himself in, along with the sign language the group uses to communicate. After a while, the faux youth tries to teach the found family he has his language, (Maybe a longing to hear a piece of home once more) ending up very confused at how shocked everyone seems to be to speak, and just how grateful and pleased everyone of them take to his language like a duck to water. As long as he doesn’t get kicked out for making so many old people cry, he can live with all the touchy feely stuff.
But as Years go in this vein, as Shouta learns how to get by in this insane world where people have slaves, kill others in broad daylight, and will steal children if one strays too far. Shouta learns his ability is rather powerful, seeing as it neutralizes any ability/blessing/magic around it, except for Bloodline abilities, magics so entwined with their host/user that they can’t be separated. (It’s like a field of void around him, where magic in a way seems to actually die around him if keeps it up too long, though is weaker with his eyes closed.)  
He finds out about the difference between kings and conquers, regular men with higher powers, bloodlines, and loyalty behind them, and actual Royals of this world, beings with Magics connected to the very world’s soul, Immortals and Torch Bearers alike of the Red and Black Courts, who keep the world balanced and in place. (kinda think Fae here, but with humans with magical bullshit and instincts.) Aizawa just takes this information in because he is as caustious as ever, even as he wonders why the hell the symbols of the courts are playing card trumps. (Because I like symbolism :) )
Realizes his found family are in fact considered a cursed people by the very old gods, long dead (it was the courts :3 ) but their magic not, cursed to never speak, their language strike from their mouth’s and brains and books, and unable to learn any in this world, the loophole of nothing being spoken the only reason they can still communicate with their hands. Realizes that with this, their can be no link with one’s magic, because while physical magicians can easily craft spells and slice through curses with but a gesture, not all can do so. Because every discovery risks being lost because one can’t write it down ever, because written words were cursed from them, even symbols of their letters with hands can not be written.
(Now, Aizawa realizes, with a startling clarity, why they treasure his lessons; his language was one made in an entirely other world, crafted by man and man alone; this way, while their language may be forever lost, their traditions, dreams, thoughts, Magic and Culture will never be... And if Aizawa spends a year transcribing their Sign language into a book for translation, using a trick of drawling the hands himself just in case, helped by a few other determined and slightly teary eyed people... it’s his own business) 
Things could have gone on like this, been peaceful and all... (which is odd in a way, threats of conflicts between Black and Red Courts have been threatening for years, The Club’s Royalty unsteady as the only Black Court to steady both The Heart’s and The Diamond’s Royalty, only to suddenly quiet down, The Club’s Kuler (King + Ruler) suddenly being restored a few year’s back)
But then word tells of a Sorcerer coming out and about, trying to claim any territory that strikes their fancy, breaking love and loyalties all along the way with his flirtatious wit and cunning green eyes, words so sweet and easy until you hear that last deadly scream in the night. (People whisper and warn about Socercer’s Obsessions and crazed behavior that is not natural... To Aizawa, it honestly sounds a little bit like bad cases of mania and Obsessive compulsive disorder, but who is he to judge right in this world of magic and blood?)
Shouta wouldn’t really care all that much, right up until this Sound Socercer, one Present Voice (couldn’t figure out how to work in Mic, otherwise I would) tries to take over the only land his family has claim on (only place they can be safe).
Shouta takes offense to this; he shows why, after living here for a few decades (and yet still looking late twenties), why his clan’s lands have had no murders, genocides, or kidnapped/missing children in the last decade. (it wasn’t just him, his family were always there to help and support him all along the way) He takes this Sound Villian down hard, gives him a good warning and kicks him to the curb because for all this world has harden him, Aizawa Shout is not a killer or murderer and never will be if he doesn’t have to.
Though if he knew the Socercer would keep coming back... he may have broken his legs to ensure he wouldn’t be running around anytime soon.
(As for Yamada Hizashi, who feels the world is but a stage for his entertainment, can’t but want just an audience of one forever, if it means those dark eyes that can turn such a beautiful red will never leave his own.)
After notes:
 Yes, Aizawa is indeed the other Black Royal, the Spade Royal :) The aspect of death is part of his powers, hence magic dying around him; oddly enough, him coming into the world helped restore the sanity of the Club’s Royalty, as they no longer had to worry about dealing with their counterpart’s (Diamond) Magic, but the Heart Court’s powerful emotional one as well, restoring balance to the world once more just by existing. 
Hizashi will indeed become Aizawa’s Quyal (Queen +Royal), but that doesn’t mean they will be in a relationship at the time :) Quyal’s are second in commands to the Kuler, so they can be from bodyguad to head strategist.
Jaquer (Jack +  Conquer) is the third in Court ranks, again a very important role in many ways, especially for Torch Bearing Courts as they can be groom for succession. everyone below are either Knights, Pawns, or civilians (which is everyone outside the courts)
Aizawa is painfully oblivious to any romantic intentions towards himself; he very demi :3 Hizashi has a lot of work ahead of him to get his Kuler.
(No one, no one know who the Spade’s Royal Kuler is. Not even the Kuler themselves :3)   
The reason why their was no Spade Court for so long? That killing the Old God’s was a bit stressful for the soul, so the Spade Kuler, who with the aspect of death had to bear the brunt of it, of the time had to retreat to an entirely different world, devoid of magic to actually restore themselves, or their soul could have possibly shattered. Aizawa dying just returned to healed, if still weary soul back to where it came from.
And that is what I got for this. :) I like this.     
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shadowstepper · 4 years
So do you think Ardyn could beat Ganondorf?
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The short answer is, maybe.
The long answer is down below.
If you mean do I think my Ardyn can best @daemoniumganondorf ‘s Ganondorf? I mean maybe but I’m having fun with the thread as it is, regardless of a win or loss.
I’m no mathematician so I can’t really bring out the science to support this. This is really observations, readings, and some speculation. You’ll see the last one clearly.
So let’s talk weaknesses first. Ganondorf has the obvious weakness to holy weapons and holy magics. The Master Sword and Silver Arrows are the obvious candidates there. While he is technically able to be harmed by most other weapons, only holy weapons can specifically capitalize on his weakness.
Ardyn on the other hand is not expressly stated to be weak to holy magics. Lunafreya’s healing touch might have been something he averted simply because it would rid him of the Starscourge and thus his greatest power. When Bahamut tortured him, he did so with a vision of Aera stabbing him with the Trident of the Oracle. Despite being a Royal Arm, it is not explicitly to be holy by any means. 
So Ardyn’s weakness to holy means is kind of up in the air. If he is vulnerable to it, then Ganondorf has a way to exploit that. If not, then I suppose he doesn’t.
Now let’s talk arsenal. Ganondorf is a master swordsman and warlock, and his training by the Twinrova Witches has come very much in handy. This is further magnified by being a reincarnation of Demise and having control over the Triforce of Power. His swords can channel his magical power, and even then he’s still a master swordsman after all. He can easily wield two swords at once and fight on horseback with no effort.
Even without the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf has numerous magical abilities. He can summon phantoms to fight alongside him, possess foes, fly, and teleport just to name a few. Plus it is implied (at least I think it is I could be wrong and if so my bad) that he can access powers he’s had across his numerous lifetimes, including his Twilight magic and Malice magic.
The Triforce grants Ganondorf more abilities, including unlimited magical power, superhuman strength, immortality, and near-invulnerability. Along with his transformations and all the power they confer without costing Ganondorf any of his intellect.
Speaking of, Ganondorf is incredibly intelligent, clever, and cunning. He was able to manipulate the rulers of the world and Link into giving him access to the Sacred Realm where the Triforce lay. While the complete relic rejected him, Power stayed with him. He has also controlled the minds of both Zant and Zelda.
Beyond his magic, Ganondorf wields the Swords of Demise, his Dark Trident, and even the Sword of the Sages. If you’ve played Twilight Princess, you know that Ganondorf was impaled with this very sword, only to then break his restrains and kill the Sage who had impaled him. He kept the sword afterward and is able to use it.
Meaning he has his own holy weapon in his arsenal. That’s important.
Now there is more to talk about but let’s cut to Ardyn and cover his arsenal. Like Ganondorf, Ardyn is an expert manipulator and deceiver. He played his way into becoming the Chancellor of Niflheim, despite having no interest in Imperial rule. He did this by helping them create their magitek army, something that was impossible to do without his aid. He also created daemons for them to weaponize, such as the Diamond Weapons. 
For weaponry, Ardyn has the Royal Arms and various magical skills at his disposal. The Royal Arms are specific to the Lucis Caelum bloodline and cannot be used by anyone outside of it. In essence, it’s a skill he always has at all times and he cannot be robbed of. Having an armoury of ethereal blades at your call that can’t be taken from you is a pretty nice thing to have.
However, are they holy weapons? There is a bit of a contradiction on this. The Royal Arms Noctis collects during the game are all non-elemental, so the answer is no right? Well they are also extremely effective against daemons, which are supposed to be twisted creatures of darkness. Hence my calling it a contradiction.
For the sake of this scenario, let’s assume the Royal Arms are not holy by any measure and thus cannot exploit Ganondorf’s weakness to holy means.
Next, let’s talk magic. In the world of FF15, to cast magic you need a magic flask to draw magical energy from. Ardyn is an exception to this as he does not need any flasks to cast his magical power. Why this is is unknown, but his power is devastating nonetheless. It’s not clear if he has a finite reserve or not, but given that he doesn’t need flasks at all it could be assumed that he has unlimited magical power.
That’s a stretch I know but that’s why I said some of this is speculation. Ganondorf has multiple games alone over many years so he has the proof to back up many claims and theories about his power. Ardyn only has one game, one episode, and one book by comparison. Just not an equal pool of information to draw from.
Anyway, Ardyn’s main element is darkness but he can also cast energy beams from his palms, summon meteorites from the sky, temporarily turn into miasma, (gaining the ability to teleport and fly while in this form though this is independent of his own warping ability via his bloodline) temporarily halt time, disguise himself as anyone he wishes, (regardless of having daemonized them given how he transformed into Noctis, Prompto, and Gladiolus on separate occasions) and more powers in his repertoire. 
Now let’s talk strength and durability. Now I’m not sure of any explicitly physical feats of strength from Ganondorf but given that the Triforce of Power grants him superhuman strength and he can use his dark magics to augment his physical attacks, well those muscles are certainly not for show. He is strong enough to create shockwaves with a punch though so that’s something.
Ardyn likewise is no slouch in physical strength either. Despite two thousand years of captivity, Ardyn was cutting down Kingsguard members in minutes after being released and his strength was so grand that he easily bested Regis and Somnus, shocking them with just how powerful he was. Ardyn was also able to keep up with Noctis while he had the power of Providence, easily countering his blows and even pinning him down at one point.
Since Ardyn is also implied (I think so anyway, don’t quote me on that) to have superhuman strength, I’m not sure who to give this one to. I feel like it would still be Ganondorf though since he can boost his own strength further with his dark magic and Ardyn cannot. At least not according to my research.
Next, durability. Ganondorf has survived some pretty insane things. There was the aforementioned impaling along with surviving being stabbed in the face with the Master Sword, his castle collapsing on top of him and Hyrule Castle exploding on him. That is some serious durability right there. Granted, he is still not wholly invulnerable but he’s far from a pushover.
Plus it specifically takes holy means to kill Ganondorf and even then that’s no guarantee of victory.
Ardyn may be immune to physical pain, or at least extremely resistant to it. Despite being slashed across the face by Gladiolus and then immediately shot in the heart by Prompto, Ardyn just got back up, picked up his hat, and was on his way unharmed. Even assuming he’s only resistant to physical pain, Ardyn’s true durability lies in his immortality. 
After being rejected by the Crystal, Ardyn’s soul became trapped in the beyond. Because of this, whenever his body died, he would simply come back as his soul could not die without someone going into the Astral Realm and striking him down there. But since you had to be dead or a god to go there, that wasn’t happening anytime soon. 
With this effective immortality, Ardyn has returned from being frozen solid by Shiva and then shattered by Noctis. He was back to normal and taunting Noct all over again literally minutes later. Gladio and Prompto’s attacks should have killed him, yet he just shrugged them off and came right back. His weakness to the supernatural may have just been an act for all we know, and there’s no way to really confirm that he is vulnerable to holy means.
So Ardyn gets the durability advantage. Next, speed.
Ganondorf can keep up with Link, who is capable of dodging Beamos lasers. According to DEATH BATTLE, Link can move and react at at least 11% the speed of light. That’s pretty impressive still and Ganondorf can certainly reach that speed.
Ardyn doesn’t have any speed feats to compare but he has his warping ability that is specific to his bloodline (though Kings of Lucis can share this power with their Kingsguard soldiers if they so choose). Since Nocits frequently uses the Warp-Strike ability to get around and in fights, and Ardyn has shown he can do the same, this could be argued his speed stat.
But since Ganondorf is keeping his speed in movement essentially all the time while Ardyn’s is only specifically available via warping, I’d say Ganondorf has the speed advantage.
Finally, we come to power. And this is a tricky one. As DEATH BATTLE reasoned, the Triforce of Power comes from the goddess Din, who created the world itself. Scaling the Triforce of Power directly to Din’s creation feat means Ganondorf could potentially command planet-level scales of power. 
But potentially is the key word.
For Ardyn, he definitely does not have any powers that scale to that level. Though he did succeed in spreading the Starscourge across the world and essentially conquering it, that doesn’t mean he has the power to destroy it. We could scale him to Bahamut however but even that is tricky.
Bahamut is the king of the gods in FF15 and he has an all-powerful attack that would obliterate all life on Eos. How exactly he does this without destroying the planet is unknown but let’s assume it can destroy the planet as well. According to the Dawn of the Future AU book, Bahamut tried to use this attack 2,000 years prior to destroy the Starscourge but the other gods blocked it. It takes Bahamut millennia to recharge this attack so it is definitely something he doesn’t want to use casually. 
In the book, he plans to use the darkness-infected Lunafreya to charge up the attack and use it again. While he succeeds, it is still blocked. As Ardyn is responsible for striking down Bahamut in this alternate version of the story, it could be argued that he has greater power than Bahamut and therefore greater than Ganondorf by comparison. 
But while Ganondorf’s is logical and even feasible, Ardyn’s is not and requires a lot of speculation and stretching. However it is stated that Ardyn increases in power with each person he absorbs. Theoretically, he could absorb enough to be more powerful than Ganondorf. But there’s no way to tell exactly how many people would be needed for that. So the edge for power goes to Ganondorf as his measures are more clear cut.
Let’s run through the rest quickly. For experience, this is tricky. Ganondorf has, in theory, more formal training than Ardyn thanks to his tutelage under the Twinrova Witches. Ardyn however gains the memories of those he daemonizes and absorbs so with that could come combat skill and new abilities. He specifically learned how to fight hand-to-hand so he wouldn’t have to rely on his Royal Arms and thus expose his true heritage in the process. 
Ganondorf’s is clearer but limited, Ardyn’s is theoretical but limitless. I’ll leave it up to you to decide.
Next, versatility. Ganondorf has more magic than Ardyn, but Ardyn has more weapons. Do they balance out? No I’d say Ganondorf has this one thanks to his greater magical power and variety.
I could keep going but this is long enough. In summary, I’d say Ganondorf would win. But I said maybe at the start cause it’s more of a 60/40 chance here. Ganondorf has more consistency on his side and that affords him some leeway. There’s still so many unknowns about Ardyn and we may never get them answered. 
Ardyn still has a good chance. He could take the Sword of the Sages for instance and turn it on Ganondorf. It might work, it might not, but it would exploit his weakness to holy means so that’s a possibility. But still, I’d say Ganondorf has this one more often than not.
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rohad93 · 5 years
Bellow Diamond Week 2019: A Work in Progress: Day 7 - Support
The rotation had begun as any other. Blue Diamond awoke in her bed slowly. She and Yellow had taken up more sleeping as Steven had suggested and it was working wonders on both of them. The bags under her eyes were the lightest they had been in centuries and she was delighted to see the lines in Yellow’s face were now more akin to creases than deep canyons beneath her eyes.
Even if they didn't technically need to sleep, it was still nice to spend time together in quiet serenity.
Groggily Blue reached out and finding the other side empty, frowned, remembering that Yellow was still off world, seeing to one of her colonies that had been having issues.
With a quiet sigh she sat up and called her Pearl to her side to look at her schedule for the appointments coming in the next few cycles.
She hummed to herself as she scrolled slowly through the screen of meetings and things she needed to see to. The head Bismuth was coming to speak to her about further projects she had arranged to begin construction of on a few more of her colonies and apparently a meeting with White had been arranged. That did make her smile, though in the past that would not have been the case. Less like the meetings of the past, stuffy, formal affairs that made both Yellow and herself itch nervously. They were now more of a pleasant get together, though they did still talk business more often than not.
Pleasant, because Steven had been working his charm on the gem matriarch and she was slowly but steadily relaxing. Relaxing her standards of perfection that were projected on everything and everyone from colonies and Pearls to Diamonds…
She no longer turned to ice on the inside at the idea of being in the elder gems presence. Though, this would be the first time since White had begun to change that she would not be there with Yellow.
Yellow had only been gone for twenty rotations, longer than Blue wished but not even close to the longest they had ever been apart, which had been about two decades. They both had colonies quite far apart at the time and even when they did return to Homeworld, they always seemed to miss each other. It hadn’t bothered her in the slightest then. Of course things had been vastly different then.
Pink had still been with them, White hadn’t kept herself locked in her own head, relaying herself through her Pearl and she and Yellow hadn’t been near as close as they were now.
She hummed to herself in thought. Yellow herself had said that she had loved her since the beginning, if that was true had Yellow missed her those years they hadn’t seen each other than quickly had calls on the diamond line?
Now, the idea of spending two decades apart made Blue’s gem tighten with anxiety. Perhaps all that time ago, easily, but now?
No, she couldn’t stand the idea of not being able to go into Yellow’s control room when it suited her and wrap her arms around the rigid, angular form bent over her screens, run her fingers through that course honey colored hair, and listen to Yellow’s low pleasurable hum of approval.
A pang of longing coursed through her and she shook herself as she climbed out of the rich cobalt cushions emblazoned with golden diamonds.
Yellow would be back before she knew it. This colony was hardly as far away as that one had been, and she was not on the opposite side of the galaxy tending to her own. She would be here when Yellow returned, no doubt aggravated by the incompetence of some of her gems.
Grumbling under her breath about the poor management skills of citrine’s
She smiled at the thought as she straightened herself out and made herself presentable for her meeting with her head Bismuth and White.
Even if things were slightly more relaxed now, she was still a Diamond and had to present herself as such.
Blue tapped her chin thoughtfully, a habit she would deny she picked up from Yellow who did it constantly, as she looked at the star maps in White’s quarters.
The observable universe was laid out before them, or at least as far as their species had ever travelled to and mapped. Which was still quite the expanse of the cosmos. Stars, planets, nebulas and black holes were all marked. Especially their colonies.
Every colony was highlighted with a diamond colored to the gem it belonged to. There was plenty of worlds highlighted in bright white and even more in brilliant blue but neither of them could deny that blazing yellow seemed to outnumber either of the other two individually.
White chuckled to herself as she stood beside Blue, noticing the off balance of colors.
“She always has been a productive and vehement one.” White smiled, taping a long black nail against her lip as she too observed all the spots of Yellow dotting the map of stars and galaxies.
“She works too hard.” Blue frowned, a blue finger reached out and moved the map to another sector of the milky way, much the same as the previous, yellow outnumbered every other color. Blue rolled her eyes.
She hadn’t realized how much Yellow had thrown herself into colonizing after Pink was ‘shattered’ and she had lost herself to thousands of years of grief. They had all done their fair share during Era one but it seemed that Yellow had done nothing but conquer worlds for the last several thousand years. Her eyes darted from one planet marked by a yellow diamond to the next when a thought struck her like her partner’s lightening as she gazed at the map.
This was how Yellow had grieved.
She knew she had been no comfort to the reserved gem, wailing and hiding herself in Pink’s room in the zoo. She could see that clearly now and secretly it was one of her greatest shames.
How many times had Yellow come to her? Tried to cheer her up, hold her? In the beginning it was often, far more often than Blue had ever sought her out, she had barely thought of how Yellow might be hurting.
As the years passed it was less often and less comforting and more about picking herself up and moving on. The idea hurt her, how could either of them just move on? How could Yellow just forget their Pink and move on?
She knew she couldn’t.
Apparently neither could Yellow though.
She had let herself, in her grief, be blind to the fact that Yellow was not a being who let others see her emotions, who let down her guard or showed weakness. She was stalwart and indomitable, on the outside.
Blue had taken it at face value, looked at her counterparts dry eyes and rigid posture and felt that Yellow couldn’t possibly hurt how she was hurting, but she was. She knew now, oh so well that Yellow had hurt and grieved just as she had.
Only, unlike Blue, who made everyone feel her pain, Yellow had turned her grief inward, turned it to anger and conviction, to the destruction of worlds. It was plain as the stars in the sky to her as she looked at all the crystal system colonies Yellow had created across the universe.
“On that I would have to agree.” White brought her out of her thoughts. “She’s going to work herself into dust one day.” She shook her head as she pulled up the specs for one of her own colonies, an older one that had been abandoned long ago when it’s crust had begun to cave in.
They were only working to convert those that had yet to be hollowed out for their resources. There was nothing that could be done for the completed colonies that had collapsed except not repeat past mistakes.
Luckily it took many, many years, even by their standards, for their colonies to reach that point. They had plenty of planets still they could cease resource mining on and make better use of.
They talked a while longer, debating the merits of putting Yellow’s solar converters on the newer incomplete colonies when the doors to White’s chamber hissed open without warning, something completely unprecedented.
They both turned to look at the gem that would dare walk into White Diamond’s personal chambers unannounced or unsummoned.
Of the small gems that stood at their feet their was now an extra. Her own Pearl, looking surprised, Pink’s Pearl who had stayed with White, also looking quite nervous and now standing next to them looking up at them with wide terrified eyes was, Yellow’s Pearl?
“My Diamond’s…” The small canary colored gem started, shaking like a leaf in the wind as she saluted, bending at the waist in an unusually less than perfect curtsey. “There was...an incident on Osiria X6L.” Her voice quivered.
Osiria? That was the colony Yellow had gone to check on. An icy chill ran up Blue’s back as a dreadful sense of deja vu swept over her.
‘There was an incident on Earth... echoed in her mind from six thousand years in the past.
“What is it? Speak!” White commanded the small gem in her booming voice. She too could sense something wrong in the air.
“My Diamond ordered the resource drills to be removed, however...it was done incorrectly… removal of the drills from Osiria’s core caused it to become unstable...and it... imploded, destroying the planet.” The small gem spoke shakingly. White’s mouth hung ajar in silent shock.
A hot bolt of anguish spiked through the core of Blue’s gem and a wave of azure aura encompassed the room, filling the lesser gems eyes with tears and bringing them to their knees. White squinted against Blue’s power as it flooded the room, filling her with dread and sorrow that was not her own, though she felt it keenly in that moment.
“Where is she?” It came out in a ragged gasp, like the words had to claw their way out of her throat as hot tears started to drip down her face. Every second that passed caused panic to rise in Blue like a tsunami.
“Where is Yellow Diamond!?”
Her anguished cry echoed through the room. The hiss of the doors made the diamonds look up to a fusion of four Topazes, their extra size needed as in their arms they gingerly carried a large golden diamond.
Blue’s aura receded as White quickly passed her, she reached down and gently picked up the seemingly whole gem. Blue hurried to her side, tears still dripping down her face and looked down at the palm sized gem that glowed like a sun against White’s starkly colorless hand in unfiltered worry.
Careful of her nails White ran her fingers gingerly over all the facets of the large square cut diamond in her hand. Experienced eyes roamed it’s surface for even the slightest sliver of a crack with trepidation. After several painfully silent moments her shoulders seemed to relax.
“She is whole and unharmed.” White announced to the gems all waiting on bated breath. Below them Yellow’s Pearl sobbed in relief as the other two patted her comfortingly. “Explain.” She ordered the Topaz, who saluted before telling the two diamonds that when the core had begun to implode Yellow Diamond had taken to seeing the evacuation of her troops, taking damage from the planet’s explosions and debris by shielding the retreating gems from the worst of it. They had managed a fully successful evacuation and cleared the planet’s blast radius before the Generals form had given out. Saving all her troops at the expense of being poofed.
White dismissed them with a wave of her hand before handing the yellow gem over to an anxious Blue who held it tightly in her grasp as she turned back to their star maps and drew a large ‘X’ over what was once a colony.
“Oh my darling.” Blue breathed in relief, holding the warm glittering gem to her face. “You scared me… far too valiant for your own good.” She mumbled as the remaining tears slid down her face, wetting the gem pressed to her cheek.
“... One might say reckless…” White said, though there was no heat behind the words. “She had nearly two hundered gems with her on that planet, to manage a full evacuation, I can only imagine what she must have put her form through.” She hummed, looking at Yellow’s notes on the planet. “It has been eons since she had to retreat to her gem.” The matriarch looked over her shoulder at her.
“Yes, I can hardly remember the last time.” Blue didn’t look up as she rubbed her fingers tenderly over the brilliantly polished surface of her lovers gem.
“Can you watch over her until she reforms?” White questioned, as she went back to her screens. Yellow was fine, but the tenseness remained in her. White was not prepared to lose her or Blue and she was still slightly shaken, though she would never say as much.
“Of course.” Their gems clinked quietly as Blue pressed the square cut diamond to her chest, where it brushed against her own gem. “Come Pearls.” She looked down, addressing the tiny cyan and canary colored gems.
It had only been two rotations and things had already begun to pile up. As the diamond with the most colonies Yellow had the most work to do. Blue knew this of course, it was why she stayed locked in her control room for several rotations at a time. Many more if Blue would let her.
The open screen beeped and chirped incessantly, though Blue had not even opened it.
Her own work was much more quickly taken care of but she felt a certain anxiety as she watched everything begin to pile up on the screen. When Yellow finally saw fit to return a true reunion with her would have to be put off for some time in order to see to all the things she had missed while inside her gemstone.
Blue tapped her fingers on the armrest of Yellow’s control room chair as she watched Yellow’s sleeping monitor chime every few minutes. Her eyes slid to her left, where sitting on a table on a soft blue cushion was Yellow’s quiet and still gem.
Perhaps Blue had not been as ardent a conqueror as her companion in the last six thousand years but she had entire galaxies worth of planets that she had brought to heel once. Till she had fallen into mourning and let them wither.
Or at least they would have if Yellow hadn’t assumed control of her court during that time…
And Pinks…
And Whites....
Sudden guilt filled her.
For so long Yellow had essentially been Homeworlds sole ruler. She had controlled her own court and continued to expand the empire, keeping their dwindling resources afloat by conquering worlds.
When Pink was ‘shattered’ Yellow had taken in the gems of her court. Then White had retreated into herself, avoiding them and everything in her grief. Yellow had then commandeered White’s suddenly leaderless underlings as well, and during it all she had hidden away, mourning and letting her own subjects languish without her. Yellow took responsibility for them as well and for so long had run herself into the dirt. Leading the four courts of homeworld while also taking care of her when she could.
Now, she was sitting here letting her work pile up, not the same four person load it had been but still hefty for any one of them.
There was no reason she couldn’t do it. She owed Yellow this much at the very least.
She could finally support her this way. By taking care of all the things Yellow would lose her mind over going undone in her absence.
With her mind made up she leaned over and laid a soft kiss on the luminous yellow jewel at her side.
“Don’t worry, my darling. I won’t let you come back to a mess.” She assured quietly as she turned back to the screen and swiped her finger over its surface, bringing it to life.
A large empty word field popped up, prompting her for a password. Blue blinked at the screen thoughtfully. Only Yellow would have her own things under lock. She rolled her eyes as she tried to think of what her beloved would use.
She tried the name of Yellow’s first colony but it buzzed a negative, returning to blank. With a hum she tried the name of Yellow’s first gems. It too came back wrong.
“Yellow…” She sighed under her breath. Another ten minutes went by before she was trying things at random and growing increasingly aggravated as it continued buzzing at her.
Tapping her fingers on the armrest she reached up and typed ‘White’ and than “Pink” when they both buzzed she leaned back with a groan, eyes staring tiredly at the screen.
Finally, biting her lip she typed ‘Blue’ and hit enter.
Blue threw herself back into the chair with a huff, thoroughly frustrated with this.
“Your radiance…” A small voice piped up from near her feet. Blue looked down to find Yellow’s Pearl looking up at her.
“Yes, what is it, Pearl?” She sighed.
“Blue Diamond,” The small gem said.
Blues eyes furrowed in slight annoyance.
“What, Pearl?” Her tone held a bit more bite, making the small gem jump.
“No, my Diamond. Th-the password. It’s ‘Blue Diamond’.” She clarified. Blue blinked before turning back to the screen.
She typed her own full name into the box and it beeped, pulling up all of Yellow’s documents. Her gem thrummed with pleasure and she smiled. ‘Yellow…’ She thought happily to herself.
“Thank you, Pearl.” She acknowledged before beginning work on all the most urgent reports and requests.
For fourteen solid rotations she worked endlessly on both her own and Yellow’s work. She was tired but no matter how tired she got this was still only half the work Yellow had taken on for six thousand years.
At some point during the fifteenth rotation Blue was sitting slumped back in Yellow’s chair, the screen sat empty of reports and emergency requests. Her eyes were closed, not asleep but very close to it as she rested her tired mind.
How many reports and messages had she gone over? How many gems had she had to meet with in just a single rotation.
How had Yellow managed to micromanage four courts for six thousand years? It was no wonder the lines beneath her eyes were so deep and cavernous.
Oh, how she longed for her company.
She hadn’t even bothered returning to her bed in all this time. She didn’t technically need sleep and without Yellow to hold and be near, there was no point, yet she was so tired.
Both Steven and White had called to check on the inert general only for Blue to report no change.
‘Give it time,’ Had been White’s patient and knowing advice.
‘I know it’s hard, but she’ll come back soon. It will be okay.’ Steven had assured with a sad smile. He knew the kind of relationship the two diamonds shared and was sympathetic to Blue’s pain.
With a sigh Blue reached over and gently caressed the beautiful gold gem lovingly, as if trying to entice Yellow to return to her.
“I miss you.” She said quietly, though the room was empty.
She had been running the Pearl’s ragged fetching things and going through appointments. She had sent them both to rest three rotations ago.
With a sigh she folded her arms over her middle and slumped down in the chair, her eyes closed, perhaps just a short rest. Everything else had been taken care of.
It hadn’t been more than a few minutes when a bright light shone through her eyelids making them pop open in time to see the gemstone at her side begin to glow brightly.
She sat up, watching wide eyed as the incandescent yellow light began to take a familiar shape before bursting and dissipating into nothing. Left standing in its place was Yellow Diamond, turned away from her and inspecting her regenerated form with a critical eye.
“Yellow!” Blue wailed, jumping up from the chair, tears beginning to gather in the corners of her eyes.
Yellow turned just in time to catch the other diamond in her arms.
“Blue…!” Was all she managed before Blue’s lips silenced anything she could have said.
Knowing how long she had been gone Yellow didn’t struggle and just wrapped her arms tightly around the other diamond, returning the fervent kiss.
When Blue finally released her with an audible pop she pulled back and cerulean and amber eyes met for the first time in over a month.
“Did you miss me?” Yellow teased, a wide grin lit up her usually serious face and it made Blue’s gem tremble with joy.
“Of course I did.” She admitted, resting her forehead against Yellow’s.
Amber eyes seemed to finally take in her appearance, her tired face and the re-darkened bags under her eyes.
“You look awful...” she said without thinking, Blue frowned. “Tired!” Yellow belted. “I meant you look tired, my love.” She amended, reaching up to caress a cool blue cheek. Blue smiled, leaning into the touch, willing to overlook the earlier comment. She probably did look awful.
Yellow looked around and noticed their surroundings.
“Why are we in my control room?” She asked before looking back at Blue, a brow cocked in question.
“I didn’t want you to come back and work yourself into poofing again.” Blue mumbled against her palm as she pressed her lips to it.
Untangling herself from Blue she walked over and hit a few buttons before the blank screen popped up, showing only the current time on Homeworld.
“You did all my work…?” Yellow turned to look at Blue, surprise apparent in her diamond shaped pupils.
“You did all of mine, all of ours, for a long time, this was the least I could do for you.” She brushed an errant lock of silver hair from her face as Yellow walked back to stand in front of her.
“That was unnecessary… but I appreciate that you did it.” She leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of Blue’s smiling mouth. “Come, Blue. You look tired, let’s get you to bed to sleep for a while.” She wrapped an arm around Blue’s waist.
“That sounds lovely.” She sighed, leaning heavily against Yellow who chuckled as they left the control room and went straight to Blue’s personal chamber.
They passed a few gems in the halls that stopped and saluted the two diamonds, Yellow only nodded to them as they passed.
When they made it through the doors of Blues chambers she wasted no time spreading herself languidly across the cushions with a sigh. How had she ever gone so long without the glory of sleep?
Yellow stood beside the bed and watched her with an amused smile.
When she wasn’t joined after a moment a single, tired cerulean eye slid open, looking up at the smirking diamond.
“Are you going to lay down?” She mumbled tiredly.
“I really should go speak to White before I do anything else…” Ever the responsible one. Even when for once there was no work to be done.
Blue reached out and grabbed one of her warm gloved hands.
“White will wait…” She insisted, tugging softly on Yellow’s hand.
“Very well…” She mumbled crawling onto the cushions and wrapping her body comfortingly around Blue who smiled at the warmth that enveloped her.
“I see I didn’t need to twist your arm.” Blue mumbled against Yellow’s neck. She felt more than heard her indignant huff.
“Hush,” She quietly scolded, running her fingers through silky silver locks, ignoring the breathy laughter on her neck. “Go to sleep.” her surly tone rumbled.
“Will you be here when I wake?” Blue asked, reaching up to cup the warm sunny colored gem in the center of Yellow’s chest against her palm.
“Of course.”
Soon Yellow could sense the quiet lull in Blue’s aura and knew she was asleep. She closed her eyes and buried her nose into her hair and before she realized it was also lulled to sleep by the soothing presence wrapped in her arms.
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rosequartz-queen · 5 years
   Notes on Pink/Rose that we know of:
The youngest of the Diamonds. (White seems to be oldest, potential for Yellow-Blue to be same age (if not one slightly older than the other; I’d pick Yellow for oldest over Blue), then Pink.
It’s hinted at by Blue Diamond in Change Your Mind- while Steven has a dream-flashback of Pink in the tower- that Pink Diamonds antics were making White upset, threatening to take away her Pearl if they kept up.
(So “White” Pearl- aka Pink Pearl- was taken away for this reason? Replaced by this other Pearl- our Pearl- to keep her more in line, perhaps?)
Noteworthy that Pink has ALWAYS cared too much; she saved some animals/creatures from a planet either Blue or Yellow had as a colony. Saved them from death, but also set them loose during the Ball.
Edit: Just watched the flashback dream from Jungle Moon; I think those creatures were from the planet Yellow was conquering in that flashback?!? Geezums, Rebecca Sugar...
Also, Pink was locked away in a tower for her mischief on Homeworld, often subjected to Blue’s powers unintentionally as part of her “crimes.”
Spinel was gifted to her somewhere before Pink Pearl was taken away; Pink Diamond seems to have learned juggling from Spinel and shows off to her Pearl what she learned.
Also, Pink abandoned Spinel around the same time she was gifted her colony, Earth. (Apparently a crisp 6,000 years before the start of the show...if a little less, if we assume it’s a perfect six thousand by the time of the movie.)
Likely done as an attempt on Pink’s part to run away from her problems AND let go of “childish” things in one fell swoop. (Not accounting for how Spinel would feel about this, since it was likely PD assumed nothing of what could happen to her until far later, if at all. Also, we ALL know by now she’s horrible with figuring out emotions that other people deal with; other people’s emotional problems are a mystery to her on a deeper level.)
PD obtains Earth and Pearl, likely as help to get work done. (Could this mean Pink went without a Pearl for a few hundred/thousand years? It’s possible, since it’d be like taking a toy away from a troublesome, disobedient child... Except that “toy” is a living being all their own. The Diamonds are fucked up.)
However... Colonies are actually SUPER boring. Pink realizes this too late, as well as the fact she’s not allowed to make friends with her new, growing court. (Blue and Yellow are looking over her shoulder a LOT; where’s White??)
Cue Pearl helping Pink realize the freedom she could have by disguising herself as a Rose Quartz to hang with the Amethysts. Whoops Number 1.
Rose- in this way- learns about the beauty of Earth. Because her sympathetic butt doesn’t want to hurt the Earth anymore, this starts up a new phase: Pink doesn’t want to continue the colony nor the plans for it. However, Blue nor Yellow won’t have her backing out now.
It’s shown Blue COMPLETELY shuts her down. (Can’t Go Back) Yellow isn’t even looking at Pink... Very likely was yelling at her/getting into a screaming match over the colony. (Yellow very much has a temperament; we’ve seen this before.)
“...too many organics...cities too hard to dismantle...” Sounds like Pink’s been thinking of every excuse in the book to save this planet.
Blue even gave her the idea. If Pink isn’t there to rule...guess it’s nobody’s planet then, is it?
Bismuth likely came up with the Breaking Point around this time, wanting to shatter the Diamonds. Rose, who didn’t want internal fighting nor to be LITERALLY SHATTERED, could only find one solution: attack Bismuth when she argued her literal point, then bubble her, hiding her gem away in Lion’s mane.
(Lion existed around this time, too?!? Rose, what the he-)
Cue the eventual “shattering” of Pink Diamond. (A Single Pale Rose) This allows her to be Rose Quartz full time; no more Pink Diamond.
This registers with her gem as a new form, as well. (Can be seen in Change Your Mind.) However, doesn’t stop her gem from being a full Pink Diamond... Thus, the poofing problem. (And why Pearl got so sacrificial over Rose during this time.)
Cue the Corruption Song. This marks the “end” of the war, but no side wins. Rose and the remaining CGs are stuck on Earth with no way back. Their forces- Homeworld and CG alike- corrupted with no cure. The Diamonds mourning the “death” of Pink Diamond.
It’s unknown if Rose realized what she meant to the Diamonds after this. Either way, it didn’t matter; she couldn’t confess anything, anyways. She wouldn’t want to, either.
Rose gets a shitton of boyfriends and girlfriends and datemates. She seems to love Pearl- on occasion- but also doesn’t take anything seriously, leaving her pining Pearl on the sidelines while she has short-lived (literally) relationships left and right. For thousands of years.
Some time during (or before?) this, the Temple is founded. (Definitely wasn’t during the war, but also in time for Amethyst to have fused with everyone, creating Obsidian, who is the Temple Fusion. Also was before the first Dewey landed in Beach City.)
I also personally HC that Rose’s Fountain was the main hub of Crystal Gem activity during the war. It’d certainly make healing cracked gems easier, if Rose wasn’t around to personally do so.
Greg eventually shows up and turns everything on its head.
Originally treated like all the other humans- a toy-like or pet-like commodity to play with and not take seriously- it’s him pushing her to become...human. To realize what it means to REALLY love and care about someone...and that means equivalent exchange. Give back what you’re given.
This very likely blossoms into a relationship where Greg does a lot of teaching for Rose, helping her be more mindful and kind... However, considering her background at the hand of the Diamonds, it’s incredibly likely she still slipped up and said some insensitive things, on occasion.
Greg confirms to Steven that Rose tried to tell him everything at a later date. (Steven’s Dream) Greg potentially knew Rose had been Pink Diamond? Though it sounds like he either stopped her before she admitted it or heard as much as she wanted to say, stopped her from rambling, and then- more or less- forgot about it. (Judging by how he responds to Steven, however, I’d say she told him, he knows, but he still doesn’t care.)
Meeting baby Sourcream influences Rose to want a child of her own. Immature when meeting the little guy, but now determined and excited to make new life with someone she loves.
Rose is many, thoughtless things, but I still strongly believe in Lion 3: Straight to Video and Storm in the Room; Rose was far more invested in a child who was half her, half Greg....all new. There was no intentions to run from old problems with Steven/Nora, nor have her child have to DEAL with those problems.
She sincerely believed the problems were over with. The Diamonds would never come back to Earth. The war was over, Earth safe. The Crystal Gems weren’t needed, including her...and Spinel was likely forgotten due to everything that had happened.
Her last act of “cruelty” would be to leave the remaining Crystal Gems behind, but it’s also a little unfair to put the blame on Rose. In trying to set everyone free, she accidentally put herself BACK in the role of the idolized leader. Something she’d been trying to run from as PD. Pearl had never gotten past her programming, Garnet was inspired by Rose, and Amethyst...saw Greg as her best friend and Rose as a mom-figure. (So she lost someone that was her world, and blamed him for it due to some emotional immaturity on her part. Not that I can blame her, either...)
Garnet can’t stop this, but can’t ask questions due to an accidental Diamond Command Rose issued. Pearl can do nothing but panic and cry and lash out in blind anger. Amethyst...very likely did her best to face facts and be excited, but the realization she’d be losing Rose hit her just as hard as the rest.
That’s BEFORE mentioning Greg... Poor guy met the love of his life and he has to watch her belly grow, knowing in nine months, he’ll have lost his love, gained a child, and have forever three other gems hovering over and around him. Judging him for a decision Rose made.
(I love Rose/Pink so much, but considering how codependent so many of her friends/followers were, I have to admit... It’s true. She is better off “dead” as she is... Nobody would have reached their full growth if she was still alive. Nothing short of her running away again would’ve changed them and- without meaning to- she kinda did just that by having Steven. She NEEDED to leave for them to find themselves and Steven to show them what they really need.)
(...But also, FUCK, give my son a break?!? JFC, he’s NOT YOUR THERAPIST...!!! #Let Steven Take a Long Nap 2k19 and 2k20.)
On a sidenote from the timeline: Love Like You is from Rose’s POV. It’s been said before, but I need to say it again.
“I always thought I might be bad, now I’m sure that it’s true, cause I think you’re so good, and I’m nothing like you.” ( @ Greg)
“Look at you go; I just adore you, I wish that I knew... What makes you think I’m so special.” (I can see this still being aimed at Greg, but I also imagine Steven a lot with this line; Steven also very much idolized Rose and I feel like she wouldn’t understand why her son would feel like he couldn’t match up or was so great. I truly feel that- later in life- Rose realized her flaws and is rightfully ashamed of them.)
“If I could begin to do something that does right by you, I could do anything, I could even learn how to love like you.” (More things at Greg. He was her biggest motivation...)
Also, this would make an interesting contrast to how Greg viewed Rose in the early years. RE: Destiny and Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart.
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introvert-celeste · 5 years
Amethyst meeting with the fam at the ball?
I have to reiterate that I literally got most of the prompts in my inbox, including this, sometime in January, and I apologize for how late it is. I hope you like! There probably wasn’t nearly as much angst in this scene as I made it out to be, but I’ve been a ball of anxiety lately and I wrote this to decompress XD
Amethyststood unsteadily, testing her new limb enhancers as she ignored the judgmentalglare of the Peridot beside her. The foreign instruments felt uncomfortableconnected to her skin, making her extremities tingle where they ended and herbody began. She was still recovering from the installation process, a small zapon each limb to disrupt her form making it easier to interface with theenhancer’s technology, or so the Peridot grumbled irritably in response toAmethyst naïve and intrigued questions.
She took afew steps, wobbling from the unexpected weight and height. She had shapeshiftedto this height plenty of times before, but they seemed to hang awkwardly offher body. They were clearly not made for a gem as tactile as a Quartz.
“Wow, thesesure are…different,” Amethyst affirmed, not wanting to seem ungrateful. “Theyfit pretty good, I think.”
“I wouldthink so,” the Peridot scoffed. “They’re made to your specific measurements.” Asan extra dig, she added, “You’re lucky Blue Diamond has made such exceptionsfor a gem like you.”
“Yeah?”Amethyst replied, trying to sound more curious than offended.
She rolledher eyes, the offense implied. “Yes. Defective gems are normally shattered onsight, and you are very lucky the Diamonds have granted you mercy.” She stoodto see Amethyst out of her station. This Peridot was clearly Era 1, as her fullheight almost matched Amethyst’s simulated size. “Now, you may go.”
Hobblingdown unfamiliar corridors, Amethyst closely followed the directions Pearl hadgiven her before she left. Clinging close to the righthand wall, she tried toremain as unnoticeable as possible. She had no shame in her size, not anymore,but the Peridot’s words still managed to wriggle under her skin and the limbenhancers did nothing to dispel her shame. If anything, they emphasized her size, making her defect all the more obvious to passing gems who no doubt heldthe same prejudices.
Miraculously,Amethyst found her way to the ballroom without incident, drawing littleattention to herself, however the crowd of gems that gathered in the confinesof the room made her want to sink through the floor. There were so many gemsaround her, she could scarcely see the far wall, save for the looming thronesof the three, currently absent Diamonds. Pink’s was barely visible, and it was amiracle that she could pick out Steven’s bored and impatient form beyond thethrong, Pearl standing impassively on one side and Connie seated on the other.
At the veryleast, the sight of familiar faces put her at ease a little.
“You’relate,” she heard an oddly familiar voice his at her gruffly. She turned to findan Amethyst beside her, looming over her despite the limb enhancers. Her heavybangs—which hung over her eyes—and notedly restrained composure said she wasnot an Amethyst she knew, certainly not one from Prime. Likewise, all of thesoldiers around her matched this Amethyst in both appearance and composure,quietly judging her.
“S-sorry,I’m uh…new here,” she stammered, smiling apologetically.
The Amethystsmirked. “Yeah, we know.” She pointed toward the crowd. “Just get in line. PinkDiamond’s gems stand over there.”
“You aren’tPink Diamond’s gems?”
“Does itlook like we are?” She laughed, turning her back before Amethyst could answerand returning to her own group, undoubtedly belonging to Blue’s court.
Despite thehumiliating encounter, Amethyst was undeterred. After all, they were not a partof her court, where she would, at the very least, find gems that hadpersonalities similar to her own. At least the gems in front of her didn’t giveher dismissive looks, instead opting to smile blankly ahead. Even at thisdistance, she could hear their droning, repetitive, pleasant greetings andSteven’s weary responses. In their awe of “Pink Diamond,” she was thoroughlyignored, and that was just what she wanted.
While shewaited, she began to fiddle with her enhancers. Having gotten used to walking,she found that the sensation was easy to ignore, as well, however awkward anduncomfortable they may be. Worried about losing one of her fingers, she focuseddeeply on keeping them all aligned, until she found that it didn’t take nearlyas much mental energy as she thought it did. In her idle waiting, she began tofiddle with them, levitating them up and around her head and over the heads ofthe gems in front of her, testing it’s reach. She couldn’t hope to understandthe actual functions of the limb enhancers, but this was simple enough tograsp.
As she camecloser, she once again caught a familiar sight: Amethysts among other Quartzes,but they were still too far away to recognize. They stood together, sometalking excitedly while others cast weary glances at the talkers and whisperedamong themselves. A small hope overcame Amethyst, but she didn’t dare setherself up for disappointment.
“Hi, how’sit going?!” She called to the nearest group, emboldened by her friendlyinteraction with “Pink Diamond.”
At the veryleast, she was sure it would impress these gems despite her obvious flaw, evengreater than the Blues she met earlier. When she approached the gatheredsoldiers, however, all she received were stony, distrustful gazes andnon-discrete whispers behind hands. They still wore the blue insignia, but itwas clear by their demeanor that this was not their original court, standoffishbut lacking the cold composure of their counterparts. They didn’t even graceher with a response, as the Blues had done, instead gathering closer into theirgroups, drawing away from her as if she were contagious. “Earth” came up justas frequently as “defect” and “small,” until she wasn’t sure which repulsedthem more.
She hunchedher shoulders uncomfortably, wishing again to disappear. If it weren’t forSteven, she would have already left, ditching her new appendages at the door,but she had to stick it out. She had to make the most of her situation, for hissake, but that didn’t lessen the weight of her limb enhancers, grown heavier under the scrutinizing gazes of strangers.
“Em?” Sheheard suddenly, then more excitedly. “8XM?!”
A volley ofshushes sounded around them, maintaining the crowded yet eerily quietatmosphere.
Amethystspun around, nearly toppling over to find the source, apprehension and adesperate excitement washing over her in equal measures. In a far corner, asmall group stood gathered away from the others, who began shooting weary looksat them now, but it hardly mattered as recognition dawned on her. Beforeshe had time to react, the caller broke from the group and strode toward her,sweeping her up in a tight embrace, ignoring the complaints of the other gems.
“8XL!”Amethyst cried, relief washing over her. “What’re you doing here?”
“I could askyou the same question,” she chuckled, holding her back at arm’s length, partially to look at her and partially to steady her. “Ithought you’d be smart enough to go back to Earth while you still could.”
“It’s a longstory…” Amethyst trailed off, smiling apologetically.
“And is thatthe human you nabbed from the zoo?” She questioned, her expression growing moreperplexed.
Amethystshrugged, unsure where to start and not wanting to waste this short timegetting into particulars. “Also a long story. All’s I can say is Steven is PinkDiamond, half human and half gem.” She stood up taller, diamond-saluting her in mockseriousness. “By helping us rescue him from the zoo, you have done your civicduty to our great and powerful overlord. You will be rewarded greatly for yourbravery.”
8XL rolledher eyes good-naturedly. “Yeah, I’m sure he’ll repay us so handsomely forscaring him half to death with that prank.”
The othersbegan to gravitate toward them, her relief reflected onto their own faces.There was a handful of Amethysts from her own kindergarten, as well as a coupleJaspers from Beta, who stuck out even among the variety of gems attending theball. All of them seemed to stick out, despite the lack of variation among theAmethysts, and she noticed that the other gems looked at them in the same waythey looked at her.
“Where’severyone else?” She asked, accepting a round of hugs from her fam, thankful forthe familiar crowd around her to block out the strangers.
“Back at thezoo,” 8XL replied, a twinge of disappointment in her voice.
One of theJaspers crossed her arms defensively, knitting her brows together. “We got aninvitation saying some of us could attend, and Holly chose the ones whowould be the least likely to embarrass her. The ones who aren’t as loud andobnoxious…or defective.”
“As ifanyone knows who she is,” the other Jasper agreed vehemently, glaring at thesuspicious soldiers nearby. “But clearly everyone knows who we are.”
This time, it was 8XL’s turn to shush them, raising her palms in caution as the whispering increased around them. Now was not the time to speak ill of higher-ups, however obscure they may be, and more attention was the last thing they needed. Like Amethyst, they were here based on technicalities. If it weren’t for their connection to Pink Diamond, all of them would have likely been shattered sooner or later, whether from physical defects or on some obscure battlefield, conquering in the name of Homeworld. They were kept relatively safe at the zoo, subjected to Holly’s bullying, while Amethyst was lucky enough to emerge after the war ended. No one wanted to jeopardize that good fortune now.
Murmurs began to roll over the crowd as they gathered in their respective spaces, looking expectantly toward the doors. 8XL tugged at her elbow, dragging her into the corner they commandeered for the occasion.
“Come on, the ball is about to start,” she whispered. “At least I went to one of these on Earth, before the war. I’ll show you a dance or two before the Diamonds get settled.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Amethyst chuckled, placing herself among her fam, feeling oddly at home, despite having only met these gems once. At the same time, however, a quiet fear began to build inside her at the thought of losing touch with them again. There was no telling when she would see any of them again. So, after a moment of silence, she added, “maybe when all this is over, you guys can come back with us…to Earth. I can put in a good word with ‘Pink Diamond’ or something. Does that sound nice?”
There was pain behind 8XL’s grin, as if she knew that it would never be as simple as that. “That does sound nice. Someday.”
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crimsonxserpent · 5 years
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( Katie McGrath, 34, cisfemale, she/her ) Was that DIANA SINCLAIR ? I heard a rumor they work for the O’SHEA family, but who knows for sure ? they can be a bit VINDICTIVE  &  HEDONISTIC, but I also heard they can be CARING & PRAGMATIC. you’ll usually find them at SKYFALL in their spare time, when they’re not being a GENERAL. you may want to keep an eye on that one !
hi it is i, claire again (she/her, GMT+2) i present to you the second of my bbies, the myth, the legend, a bitch by the name Diana Sinclair (shh that’s not her real name). anyway she’s an old kid of mine that I’ve had for 5 years so i have a lot of thoughts on her, and if you want me to throw her at you leave a  ❤ (i love her so much but i promise i’ll contain myself) 
pinterest page STATS: ➤  NAME: Diana Odette Sinclair ➤  REAL NAME: Anastasiya Spasskaya ➤  AGE: 34 ➤  DOB: 3rd of January ➤  BORN: Sankt Petersburg, Russia Paris, France ➤  HEIGHT: 5′5′’ ➤  SIBLINGS: a twin brother (Evgeny Spassky)  ➤  MBTI: ENTJ ➤  ORIENTATION: bisexual ➤  OCCUPATION: art thief/forger, general for the O’Shea ➤  EDUCATION: bachelor’s degree in fine arts, finance  ➤  TATTOOS: yes, a rose with thorns medially from her hip  ➤  SCARS: yes, various ➤  AESTHETICS: chanel and dior and agent provocateur, goes nowhere without her jimmy choos, blood-red lipstick and nails to match, diamonds are a girl’s best friend, classic aston martin DB5, a gun strapped to her thigh, and knives in various places, sly words and a sharp smile, ‘mon cheri and darling’ thrown in when she’s talking, black sobranie and an old silver lighter ➤  VICES: tobacco, alcohol, sex ➤  PETS: yes, an akhal-teke mare named Duchess and a border collie named Nyx
➤  They were called the golden twins, as children so alike each other you could barely tell them apart, and always together, two of them against the world. Born two minutes prior to her brother, Anastasiya Spasskaya was the eldest child, and perhaps it was fated from the moment of her birth, that her life would never be normal. Spoiled to the excess, as the daughter of a Russian mobster masquerading as an oligarch in oil trade, the world Anastasiya was raised in alongside her twin was as far from ‘real’ as one could get. It was all opulence, luxury and extravagance, and yet in its core it was as limiting as a prison cell. Born in this world of violence, from the moment they were conceived, the twins had a target painted squarely on their backs. Two innocents born into the life of savagery, Anastasiya and Evgeny never knew the world outside the violence and opulence that surrounded them, and this was perhaps exactly what eventually made them more savage than the world they were born into.  ➤  Fearful that their enemies might find their children and use them as leverage, the moment a threat was uttered against the twins’ life when they were still infants, Alina and Alexander Spassky bought a deed to an estate near Sochi and rarely allowed them to leave it. A gated mansion only Alexander held keys to, the 97 acre estate held everything imaginable required for human happiness. A place large enough for the twins to get lost in, by accident or by resolve, and daunting enough for them to never want to leave it, it was the only place they ever called home. ➤  Besides, the two were given everything they needed, and more – caretakers, toys, private tutors, chefs, horses and abundance of clothes, everything except motherly love. Cold and distant, Alina was as rotten on the inside as she was fair on the outside – a former Bolshoi ballerina, she never harbored much maternal instinct. But what their mother lacked in fondness, their father made up for every chance he got, spoiling his little angels to no end, especially Anastasiya in whose fire he saw his true heir. Their parents were rarely home however, spending weeks – sometimes months – away in Moscow and Sankt-Petersburg. Devoid of love and in absence of their parents, the twins learned to always rely on each other, and the love they shared was the only love they ever knew.  ➤  Anastasiya was seven when she first witnessed a man being killed. Though such appalling scene might have scarred anyone, by the time Anastasiya was ten, she was completely desensitized to the violence and treachery of her father’s mob that it became simply another aspect of everyday life. Her father had killed, had tortured, had maimed and yet this fact never quite phased her, she would just whisper about it to Evgeny as if it excited her to see their usual routine interrupted by something, even if that something was painted red with blood. They were honed and perfect the way one would prepare a weapon, to one day become the heirs, and it felt like the world was theirs to conquer. ➤  Little did they know than in a matter of a years this illusion would be shattered into a million pieces, and that their inevitable fall from grace was fast approaching. And what a fall it was. It was their mother - their seemingly disinterested mother - who took away the one parent they cared for, committing the betrayal none of them saw coming, and one she would pay for just like Anastasiya promised. It was then that Anastasiya realised she was capable of committing monstrous crimes just to keep her brother safe, to keep them both safe. But would it be enough?  ➤  The answer came soon enough in a form of her brother’s blood, drenching her hands as she knelt beside his lifeless body. While Anastasiya managed to overthrow the apparatus her mother instated after her husband’s untimely death, partly with her own two hands and partly through a loyal apparatus of her own - dangers still lurked in the shadows, too many to keep track of for a 19 year old girl, too many to stop when they decided to kill her brother.  ➤  She left Moscow then - and she hasn’t looked back ever since. There was nothing left there that she cared for, their legacy was nothing without her father and brother. She followed the instructions her father had left her in case the empire fell apart and the two of them had to escape, and she followed them all the way to Paris, a beautiful white house in Trocadéro. A man awaited her there – somehow he knew she was coming long before even she did – a man, she would learn, whose name was a thing of shadows, deep depraved corners of the criminal world. She’d expected him to be a force to be reckoned with in his own right, but she’d never expected him to be so young and handsome and charming. He was barely 26, pulling the strings from the shadows, his presence a perilous, alluring thing - how could she resist, she was enthralled.  ➤  He taught her how you could trade names and secrets instead of weapons and oil, how art was where the money was at, how one could kill for the pleasure of it. She became his protege, his assassin, and finally his wife. It was a turbulent relationship, one could not call it love per se, but a mutual obsession. She was young and fascinated, and he was brilliant and unpredictable. And so was his death.  ➤  She never saw it coming - although in retrospective, she should have. He was unstable, a price one had to pay for the genius he possessed. He’d decided he’d won the game, conquered what he wanted, that a gun to his head was one final, ultimate check mate to his opponents. He never cared about how shattered it would leave her, how empty she would feel without him, how she was losing yet another man she loved. And as she held his body and blood painted the snow red, she decided she had to go - where? She had no idea. What was there left for her to do, but do the one thing she was good at - murder and theft.  ➤  And so she picked Chicago - a city large enough to offer her anonymity, and depraved enough to take her for what she was - a murderess. She had connections there, people both her father and her husband had been involved in - the O’Sheas. They offered her a cornerstone, something to hold on to, something to be loyal to, a purpose - and she would forever be grateful for that. Whatever life she’d once lead was behind her now, lost in the wind of time - there was nothing else to do but look ahead. 
+  caring, loyal, pragmatic, charming, intelligent -   vindictive, hedonistic, quick-tempered, dramatic, violent
➤  She drives an Aston Martin DB5 and is absolutely obsessed with it, she loves that car. It was a gift from her father back in the day and she’s kept it in pristine condition all these years. Her fierce attachment comes from the fact it’s one of those rare things that keeps her connected to her father.  ➤  The akhal-teke mare, Duchess, was an anniversary gift from her husband - she got her a few months before he killed himself, and she loves that horse dearly, making sure to visit her whenever she has time.  ➤   She has a fondness for sniper rifles - it’s a clean job and requires peace of mind and precision, something she’d learned back in Paris. It’s sort of a legacy from another time, and her preferred way of killing someone when it’s possible. Her signature shot is a bullet through the carotid artery.  ➤   She was once a girl of faith, but it’s a topic she has mixed feelings on these days - how can she believe in something when her hands are stained red with blood? Still, she likes the peace and quiet of churches, regardless which faith they belong to, and they offer her shelter and solace when she needs it.  ➤  She’s not as bad as she might appear. Though she can be cruel and heartless and her words seem sharp and aloof - she’s a deeply human creature. There’s a sense of morality about her that she abides by, it’s a way to make peace with everything she’s done in her life. She’s capable of love and fiercely loyal to those she cares about.  ➤  She actually always wanted to be a mom, to do a better job than her mother did, but she realizes it’s not a possibility considering her line of work and the life she lives. One of the more heartbreaking moments in her life was realizing her husband wanted nothing to do with children, and it was absolutely out of question.  ➤   She has an addictive personality and seems to gravitate to all things bad for her, it explains a lot about her marriage and generally life.  ➤   She actually fell in love with another assassin that worked for her husband back in Paris, probably because he was more like her than her husband was, more human and real. But unbeknownst to her, her husband had him killed and covered up so to this day she blames herself for his death, thinking she should’ve been there to have his back because they were partners in the field. Little does she know there’s nothing she could’ve done if her husband wanted him gone.  ➤  She likes dealing art in the black market when she’s not out there killing people. It’s an appreciation her father had instilled in her when she was a child, and later on something her husband showed her could be a job. She’s been involved in both art theft and forgery of paintings since painting is something she’s been skilled at since she was a kid.  ➤  She keeps her true identity a secret, partly because she doesn’t want anyone coming after her, but mostly because it’s a painful chapter of her life that she prefers to forget. She considers her pain and humanity a great weakness and is very careful about who she lets in on it.  ➤   She’s fiercely protective of people in her gang, even if she doesn’t get along with them - doesn’t matter, they’re a family and you have to have have family’s back. But if she’s on really good terms with you, you’ll see a softer side to her, there’s a lot of maternal instinct in there and she tends to care a lot (if and when she allows herself that)  ➤   She speaks Russian, French and English fluently but for the sake of appearing genuine she dons a faint French accent and throws in a ‘mon cheri’ here and there for good measure. She speaks English just fine though, bitch’s just acting and being extraTM.  ➤   Also very flirty and can be domineering, I mean what did you expect hahaha
Also connections! i’m going to post a wanted connections page soon but feel free to contact me anyway, like she needs it all from proteges, to friends, to enemies, to fwb just ALL of it, she’s a wild woman 
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gaycrystalfemme · 6 years
Hi I usually do fanart and this is my first fanfic. I hope you like it 😘
Setting: After Pink's shattering but definitely before LFHTH, or before the reveal of Pink being alive in a "different" form.
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Space, vast and distant. Somewhere in the cosmos is a spacecraft of some sort. Gracefully and quietly, it's heading towards a star, maybe a planet, maybe a moon base. A chime breaks the silence in the ship.
"This is the Yellow Diamon.... Oh, it's you. One moment please."
Yellow Pearl had been accustomed to these calls wherein the caller rarely ever speaks. Silent and still on the other end was Blue Pearl. She was calling in behalf of her diamond, Blue Diamond.
"My Diamond, it is Blue Diamond."
"Hmm, hand me the communicator, Pearl."
Yellow Diamond, seated on her throne in the ship, was sifting through centuries-worth of hardwork and reports from her subordinates. The opposite end, however, was now also handed to another Diamond.
"Blue?" Yellow asked implying a query as to why she called.
"Yellow, where are you?"
"Might you want my coordinates, Blue? I reckon we're light years apart."
"Yellow, I just..."
Yellow had known Blue for eons. Heck, she had known her ever since she existed! Ever since they both existed. They came about simultaneously anyway, from distant and opposite galaxies*. Because of this, Yellow had always viewed Blue as her partner, her other half.
Knowing Blue all too well, Yellow firmly suspects this is about Blue's grief towards Pink's shattering. Comfort, of course. Blue always sought out Yellow for such indulgence from their busy, demanding, Diamond lives.
"Blue, provide me your coordinates." Frantic, with her fingers on the bridge of her nose, Yellow decides it'd be best that she go to Blue instead. The lady, as distraught as she is, might get lost in space if Yellow were the one to divulge her coordinates.
A few centuries later (which seems like just 5.7 hours in mortal human time), Yellow finally sees a glimpse of a giant blue arm. She's relieved to have finally arrived.
Inside the blue arm were countless chambers and hallways but only a handful of gems on-board. Except for Yellow Diamond and her Pearl, everything in the ship were within shades of blue and violet and indigo.
"Pearl, wait here." Yellow Pearl was ordered to stay outside Blue's control room after opening the door for her Diamond.
~ ~ ~
Finally, she's here.
"Yellow," Blue had uttered her name before she managed to spring out her chair. Blue had awaited Yellow's arrival, for what felt like forever. Just like Yellow, Blue commanded her Pearl to leave the control room and wait outside.
Blue stood in awe at the sight before her. A regal form, as regal and majestic as her. They were both Diamonds, sure. But seeing Yellow was a different experience, even for a fellow Diamond. It was like the pang of seeing her for the first time. The first time again, in ages. The striking figure seemed as if it glowed in contrast to all the shades of blue and indigo that Blue was well acquainted to. Yellow Diamond, her partner. Had always been, she thought.
"Blue, please tell me this is very important that I had to waste my ship's resources in order to..."
Before Yellow could finish, Blue had clung herself to Yellow's mighty figure. Tightly, her arms clasped around Yellow's massive shoulder pads. Her face buried in Yellow's chest, almost beside her gem she could kiss it if she wanted. If she weren't a Diamond, Blue would definitely have been shattered by now. If it were Pink, Yellow would've protested and yelled, "Such a disgrace. How unbecoming of a Diamond!" But it was BLUE DIAMOND, always had been the exception to the rule. Well at least to Yellow's rules.
And not that Blue didn't care about resouces, and more importantly, Yellow's resources, but to be with Yellow was something much much more important than wasting a mere handful of resources. And if it were her, she knew she could drain an entire galaxy, maybe even two or who knows, just to be with Yellow.
"I'm glad you came."
"Blue, I.... Why the stars did you make me go all the way here?"
Blue I.... was worried, was something Yellow could not verbally admit. However, her actions obviously exposed what she truly meant. She was here now. After all those space miles and as swiftly as a Diamond possibly could, she went all the way here.
Before Yellow could press any more questions on Blue, she felt something fall to her gem. A drop of... Oh, and now it was streaming. Blue's tears came gushing. She feels herself tearing up as well. It was Blue's magic, to make any gem well up in tears, in sorrow. Even Yellow was never immune to this.
Forget the wasted resources. Rather than sorrow, Yellow felt both more blessed and relieved for being beside Blue. She looked at the weeping Diamond before her. And with her left arm, she wrapped Blue's waist pulling both of them closer. With her right, Yellow cupped Blue's weeping face, wiping the tears with her thumb. Carefully, she tilted Blue's head so they could see face to face. But really, she did so just to have a glimpse of her partner.
Oh darling, it was such a heartbreak for Yellow to see Blue like this. It always was. She wished, perhaps even prayed, for Blue to finally break free from the mourning. From the thousands of years of endless mourning.
Meanwhile, Blue, with her left hand, reached for Yellow's cheek. Pulled herself up so her face could align with Yellow's. Now they stood equal to one another. Hands around eachother's. Close, quite close even for two Diamonds. Their eyes locked on one another like nothing else in the universe existed. Their faces revealed the emotions they exclusively have had for one another.
Blue closed her eyes, and slowly their noses were against eachother. And, as soon as Yellow closed her eyes, their lips finally touched. Blue gave Yellow the softest kiss there ever was in the galaxy. And to Yellow, Blue's kisses were one of the few things she existed for.
"So you made me come all the way here for this?" Yellow's voice was stern, as usual. Comfort, huh? It was more like...
Stern and yet trembling. Blue can see through Yellow, she knew Yellow wanted it too. Wanted her too. Even if she hid it with all her might, Yellow's desire for Blue was written all over her face, all over her hands, all over her edges and facades. Blue knew. Because she did too. At this point, Blue's tears had stopped from falling.
It was warm between them. Both of them blushing. Their gems both glowing, an open invitation to fuse. But they know all too well that if they did, they would have to provide years and years (and more years) worth of reports, explanations, and cover-ups for their actions. Not to mention the resources that would cost to repair, or possibly even to build Blue's ship anew. A disgrace, the most elite doing such things especially while on duty. There was no valid reason for them to do so. No formidable foe in sight, not even in a few space miles' radius. Not to mention, the explanation White would require of them.
NO. Fusion is definitely out of the question.
They have fused a handful of times before. The last time was eons ago, however. A very very very rare chance of a lifetime that was. They were inspecting a prospective galaxy. Blue had ordered her Pearl to go back to Homeworld to check on something while Yellow had ordered hers to one of her colonies to take a few things. Surprisingly, they were on eachother's radars just a planet away from each other. They weren't expecting their Pearls to return until a few years time (the fastest they could). So they met up and fused. It was the best feeling in the whole universe and they would definitely do it again if they had the chance. Fusion, of two Diamonds? Oh what an intergalactic indulgence!
The thought of them fusing now made them hot to the touch. Their kisses more vigorous, wilder in contrast to the ones earlier. Now both were on the floor of the control room. Blue at the bottom, Yellow on her top. Their status, for a moment, didn't matter. They were alone. The raw emotions and desires they had for one another demanding to be unleashed and expressed. They needed to make love without having to fuse. Climactic rather than intergalactic. They knew exactly how they would. Their hips now aligned, their legs all apart in order to hold their pleasurable stance. Their folds touching each's. Yellow, still yellow but all the parts of her touching Blue were glowing green. Blue, still blue but all the parts of her touching Yellow were glowing green. Hotter and hotter they were both getting, and so was the room. They were both about to experience a sort of climactic pleasure, but usually one after the other. As Diamonds, they needed their indulgence too, of course.
~ ~ ~
Outside Blue's control room were Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl, both awaiting orders from their respective Diamonds. This had happened a dozen times before. They never really knew what it was. They had no idea. They always believed it was a "call of duty", some strategic colonization meeting, or Blue's venting to Yellow. It was always one calling the other, both of them Pearls waiting outside either Blue or Yellow's control room. In a few rare occasions, it would be outside the moonbase of a newly conquered planet.
Whenever they waited outside, they almost always noticed the doors gradually turning hot. So hot sometimes the door felt like it were to melt. But what worried both the Pearls were the muffled sounds on the other room. It sounded like a cry, "Oh, Yellow!" Sometimes, "Blue, no don't..." Most of the time inaudible. Both wondered if there was a possibility for a foe to have intruded and attacked their precious Diamonds. They would share a look, worry and a hint of fear written on both their faces. Always unsure whether they should open the door and save their Diamonds. The Diamonds.
There were multiple occasions where Yellow Pearl had dared to open the door of Yellow Diamond's control room during these meetings. But Blue Pearl had always intervened Yellow's Pearl. Thank the stars though. Cause, sure enough, Yellow Pearl would undoubtedly be shattered. Actually, maybe even both of them.
~ ~ ~
"We haven't done that for so long," Blue contentedly remarked at the aftermath. It was Blue's ship but Yellow was sitting on the chair of the control room while Blue was sitting on Yellow's lap, her head on Yellow's chest.
"It would take another millenia before we can do that again, Blue," Yellow also sounded content, yet already longing.
"I hope in just a century. Or even just in a thousand years at least!"
"Yes. I hope," bluntly but hopefully, Yellow wished as well.
A chime from Blue's screen breaks their loving form. It was a call from Blue's Emerald. It must be important. Both Diamonds got up and tidied themselves. They look shinier than ever. Blue now properly seated to her ship's throne, arranging the screens and the advanced keypads as if nothing unholy had happened.
"Time to go back to our duties, then," Yellow bent down and sealed a kiss on Blue's forehead.
"PEARL!" With Yellow's Diamond's roar, the door opened in an instant.
Until the next few years, my other half. Blue thought before she answered the impending call.
◇ ◇ ◇
LFHTH = Legs From Here To Homeworld
*headcanon = I theorize that it would take an ENTIRE galaxy, and a super slim chance like 1.64%, to successfully produce a diamond.
*If you read this, tell me what you think 😚
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starz-n-sunshine · 7 years
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This is my crystal gem group! You guys already know Azurite, and these are her friends who were apart of the Crystal Gems back during the Gem War. I'll go into more about their back story as I post more about them but basically they left the Homeworld side at different times, sometimes together but mostly they left alone or with other gems. They were a fantastic group of fighters and because of their various skill sets they were really good as reconnaissance missions, and often would spy on the different gems bases on and off of earth. They all mysteriously disappeared during a rather dangerous mission near the end of the Gem War, while researching a rumored weapon that would cause massive destruction. No one really knows what happened to them. (Going from left to right) Mahogany Obsidian- They joined the crystal gems relatively early in the war. Obsidian was working under Pink Diamond as a sentry when she was shattered but he was originally made for White Diamond. He had been sent away due to scandal over gems hearing that he was in a relationship with a gem that wasn't another Obsidian like themselves. After hearing Rose Quartz's accepting and kind words they joined her in the hopes that they could convince the gem they were in love with to run away with them to a group that would accept their love for what it was. Their gem weapon is a longbow and arrow and they are highly skilled at long distance shots and sneaking tactics. A bit of a silent and stoic type, Obsidian is very even tempered and level headed and despite their seemingly standoffish nature they care very deeply for those they are are close to. Obsidian unfortunately can care too much sometimes and as a result like the gem they are made from their pride and feelings can be chipped away leaving them with a sharper personality. Azurite- She joined the Crystal Gems a little after the time they attacked Blue Diamond and Sapphire and Ruby fused. She was a General under Blue Diamond whose skill was battle tactics and in battle maneuvers. She had several friends she loved by this point who had joined the Crystal Gems and was eventually convinced by one while out near a beta kindergarten to join them. She did and never looked back. She felt there was a lot wrong with the way gems took over these worlds and even treated each other, and certain relationships with each other were banned and looked down upon. Azurite fled with Emerald who also worked under Blue Diamond as a designer and builder for the kindergartens. During her time in the war she lead their small band of misfits in many missions for information and fought alongside Rose Quartz looking up to her for her courage and kindness. Her weapon is a long sword and she loved to spare with the others especially Pearl. Azurite can plan ahead and build amazing tactics but often she holds herself to too high of a standard and fears failure extremely. She cannot handle when plans fail and Obsidian seems to be one of the only gems who can calm her down when she has a panic attack. She was very close to Lapis Lazuli but she and Lapis had different opinions about the war so when she ran away that was the last time Azurite saw Lapis. Lapis still mourns the fact that she lost such a good friend but takes comfort in the stories the Crystal Gems tell her. Coral- Born on Earth Coral was apart of the original kindergarten and was one of the first gems to hatch out. Their job was to help care for and continue the project of planting and creating more gems. While no other gem has ever been known to heal cracked gems, Coral was basically somewhat the equivalent of a healer. Coral was very skilled at their job and was small so they could help in crawling into tiny spaces to plant gems and repair broken machinery. When the war started Coral was taken to many beta kindergartens to help make more gem warriors for Homeworld and as a result was often privy in places and info that a Coral usually wouldn't hear. Coral was with a group of gems that fled the beta kindergarten and joined the Crystal Gems still pretty early on in the war. A lot of Corals had been mistreated and even eventually forced to fight at times despite the fact that they were not naturally warriors. Coral lost a lot of siblings that didn't need to die. The second they had the chance to Coral ran and never looked back. Since they had so much info on the betas they helped to get stop production and also invade several areas. They discovered they were really good at sneaking around and obtaining info and eventually became apart of Azurites recon group. Coral discovered they could use a dagger similar to that of a ceremonial bone knife. Coral lacks a lot of self confidence and has a hard time speaking up for themselves and can reliant on others for strength but they have had great moments of strength when others were in danger and would rescue them. Emerald- Also a worker for Blue Diamond, Emerald was apart of the original building team sent to help Pink Diamond in conquering Earth and colonizing it. She was a skilled architect and apart from building the Alpha kindergarten she also built a lot of the structures for homeworld. She often worked along side Coral in the kindergartens building new areas and doing upkeep. Emerald is also friendly  with Azurite who often made visits to the kindergartens for updates or to protect them from raids and battles. She ran off a little after Azurite convinced by her to join their side after rescuing her from a mine collapse. She and several other gems including our Coral were excavating an area for important research when it collapsed due to a battle nearby. They were seen as useless and the Homeworld leaders decided to not rescue them leaving them trapped. Azurites group rescued them and most left with them except for a few Emeralds and Peridots our Emerald was close to. Emerald deeply misses her friends and hates the fact that this war tore them apart. Emeralds weapon is a large sledge hammer type tool, though it was originally used to help with building. Emerald can be a bit haughty, acts like a bit of a know-it-all, and isn't always the best team player, but she is very smart and strong, acting like the strongman of the group. She knows a lot about structures on the enemy side and her knowledge has gotten them out of many tight spots. Double Quartz (Herkimer Diamond)- Double Quartz is a double-terminated quartz or a Herkimer Diamond. A gem soldier DQ was made on earth for White Diamond but she quickly changed sides and joined Rose Quartz while still a rather young and confused gem warrior. She greatly looked up to several members of the team like Pearl and Azurite and often followed them like a bit of a lost puppy. As the war went on she grew greatly and bloomed as a gem making many close friends with gems that were also made on earth like Amethyst. She has a close sibling bond with Obsidian which is partly why she joined Azurites team. Double Quartz' weapon is a double bladed sword (think Darth Maul), and she is talented in an acrobatic style of fighting moves. Double Quartz is about the same age as Coral but just a bit younger. She came from the last batch of gems to hatch before Pink Diamond was shattered. Double Quarts can be a bit naive, and is a very optimistic gem despite the war. She at times is a bit too trusting of others just due to inexperience and is a bit of a hot head, running headlong into danger and putting herself and others at risk.
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moon-ruled-rising · 4 years
as the rain hides the stars
Read the full story on ao3...
and Wattpad, if you so wish...
vi: the damsels are depressed
American stories, faded before me.
I’m feeling hopless,
the damsels are depressed.
Boys will be boys, the, where are the wise men?
Darling, I’m scared.
-Taylor Swift, “Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince”
The hairdresser lowered the silver tiara on top of Dany’s silk curls. Most of the tiaras in the Targaryen collection were intricate floral patterns dotted with diamonds but Dany’s was special.
Her tiara was geometric. A band of silver with a large pear shaped diamond set into it, surrounded by hundreds of smaller ones from the mines of Valyria. The pressure from the cataclysmic collapse of the Targaryen homeland a millennia ago created the most beautiful diamonds on the planet. The Targaryen royalty made it tradition to have the gems in all of their crown jewels. Dany was no exception. 
It was the opposite of all things a princess was supposed to be. Angular, intimidating, and cold. The tiara was commissioned for her sixteenth nameday, her official debut into society. The gala she planned for it was a testament to her excellent taste. All the best people, dressed in the best designers, and dancing to moody music in low lighting. 
The Annual Charity Gala was nothing like that. It was outdated courtiers dressed in antiquated fashion with nothing better to do than gossip about each other. All milling around under harsh lights and awaiting Rhaegar’s speech, indulging themselves in the expensive alcohol. 
She jutted her chin and pouted her lower lip, checking her lipstick in the giant mirror before her. It was bad taste to wear a red lip with a red dress, she knew, but she couldn’t resist, especially with the honored guests they were receiving. She needed a power move to show that even after her slight, she still demanded respect. Even from stuffy Northerners.
Missandei entered the boudoir dressed in one of Elia’s old gowns the seamstress did quick alterations on. Yellow, off-the-shoulder, the train of the dress extending from under her shoulders. Her curls framed her face, highlighting her gorgeous complexion. All of Dany’s old gowns were in soft, pastel hues and could never do Missy justice.
“You look stunning!” Dany cheered, wrapping her friend in another hug. 
“Thank you. Elia has good taste.”
“It’s too bad we can’t put you in a tiara.”
Tiaras were for royalty only and they were only worn at evening functions or important state events. Like important speeches, coronations, and weddings.To put Missandei in even a small one would cause the poor old patrons of the court to keel over where they stood.
The two girls laughed. Elia knocked at the door, stepping in cautiously when Dany called to her. 
She was wearing a pale sunset orange, the frothy chiffon embroidered with the stylized sun of House Martell. A tiara composed of the same golden suns was nestled in her long curls. She glittered in the low light of the room. 
“You two look beautiful,” she complimented, reaching up to adjust Dany’s tiara.
Elia looked at her with soft eyes, resting her hands on Dany’s bare shoulders.
“Thank you,” Dany smiled
“Rheagar wants to speak with you.”
“Now? But the gala’s-”
“He’s in his office. It’s very important so, please, don’t keep him waiting.”
Dany gave a sorry look to Missandei, “Duty calls.”
“I’ll keep our lovely guest company until you get back,” Elia promised.
She traveled down the hall, the lavish rug muffling the click of her heels. Dany’s apartments were on the north end of the palace, with Rhaenys’ rooms and the main guest rooms. Because Dany was still living in King’s Landing at the time of Aegon’s birth, his rooms were prepared at the south end of the complex; closer to Elia and Rhaegar’s apartments. She was surprised when she returned home and they hadn’t moved her to the family guest suites on the opposite side of the palace. 
The long hallway to Rheagar’s study had a wall of windows on one side and mirrors on the other. The interior designers wanted the unusually small walkway to feel as wide and grand as the others. 
She watched her reflection as she passed. A dangerous and proud woman ready to face the world. Ready to face her brother. She took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders back, lifting her chin for good measure. 
The impressive door was open but she made sure to close it when she entered. From the way he didn’t look up from the papers on his desk, Dany knew he wasn’t excited about having her home.
“Dany, thank you for coming. It’s good to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back.”
She spotted the tray of liquor on a table and made her way over. She needed to be a little buzzed before the party started and Rheagar kept the best scotch in his office for his important guests. Well, I am nothing if not important, she reminded herself with a pleased smile.
“How as Braavos?”
“Wonderful,” she deadpanned, pouring herself a glass of the potent alcohol. 
“Would you like water, Dany?”
The jab at her recent liquor fueled exploits didn’t go unnoticed.
“No, I much prefer a good glass of scotch. They don’t have this fine stuff in Braavos. Although, they do have a strong liquor from Lorath called vodka. It’s knocked me off my ass quite a few times.”
“I didn’t ask you here to talk about your drinking habits while abroad.” 
“Then why did you ask me here?”
Dany lowered herself into the wingback chair in front of his impressive desk. The same desk Dany hid under during games of hide and seek with Viserys. Rhaegar never played with them, he was always too busy with lessons.
It was strange how much Rhaegar looked like their father, poised behind the antique desk. He had silver hair like all of the Targaryens but his violet eyes were much darker.
“Galazza Galare contacted Baelish earlier today and told him that your little slip up was the work of photoshop. You got lucky this time but it’s not likely to change people’s minds.”
Dany couldn’t celebrate the news of her accident being manufactured. Not with Rhaegar staring her down. If anything, she held her breath in anticipation of what he would berate her for next.
“There’s still the fact that you were hanging on this… Daario Naharis. Do you have any idea what people will say?”
“You don’t have to worry about Daario. He’s just a fling. Nothing like the last time.”
“Dany, we can’t have you acting like this. The public will assume you’ve gone down the same path as Viserys. You had your freedom but it’s time to reign it in.”
Being compared to Viserys hurt and the tone of Rhaegar’s voice reinforced the image of their father. She’d never been the victim of one of his lectures on reputation but Rhaegar was subjected to them all the time. The need to protect the Targaryen name was ingrained in his brain like a bad tattoo. 
“I think you’re forgetting that I spent my time between semesters in Slaver’s Bay helping with the human trafficking crsis.”
“No, I didn’t forget that, but the negative aspects of your personality have taken the spotlight over all of your good deeds.”
Dany considered for a minute with a long drink. Other people said scotch burned on its way down but Dany only felt a tickle. Targaryen’s knew how to hold their alcohol. The last drop slid from the glass and into her mouth. She set the cut crystal down with an indignant sound and traced her finger around the edge.
“There’s something you’re not telling me.”
“Dany,” Rhaegar sighed.
“You called me home for a reason and it’s bigger than my reputation. So, spill it.”
Rheagar opened a desk drawer and pulled out an official looking manilla folder with the state seal printed on the front. It was a variation of the old Targaryen sigil. A single dragon with three heads, each representing a branch of the state intelligence agency, and a set of scales and a longsword grasped in its talons.
“A couple of months ago we received a message from King Eddard Stark of the North. He seeks an alliance.”
“An alliance?”
“Yes. He said the North suffered a low harvest and needs men to man the Wall before winter comes.”
Dany raised an eyebrow at him. Rhaegar was never good at getting to the point, a habit he learned from their father. He met her eyes and cleared his throat.
“I see this as a way to finally secure the North and eliminate the threat of war.”
“So I offered him a marriage contract between our house and his.”
Dany’s hand tightened around her glass, dreading the next words out of Rhaegar’s mouth. “Between you and his heir.”
The expensive glass hurtled at his head. Rhaegar ducked in time but the cut crystal shattered against the ornate marble mantle behind him. She couldn’t stop herself. Part of the reason she always got into so much trouble was because she didn’t know when to stop.
“And you didn’t think to talk to me about it first,” she yelled.
There was no doubt her voice carried through the halls. She wasn’t known for holding her tongue and always vocalizing her distaste. The palace staff were used to her outbursts.
“Dany, please, sit down- “No! You can’t expect me to go through with this!”
Rheagar sighed and rubbed his temples, “I expect you to do what is right and put your family before yourself. When Aegon conquered Westeros he didn’t do it because of a silly whim, he did it to save his family. The same family that you and I are now tasked with preserving.”
“The Northmen pose no threat to us. And even if they did, we outnumber their forces.”
“I’m afraid they might be a greater concern than we originally thought.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The North is sparsely populated, which makes filling the ranks hard, but one of the great houses have been steadily building up their forces for some time. If the situation is as dire as King Eddard claims, we could expect him to utilize these forces to attack our borders for resources.”
“I will not be your pawn.”
“Have you ever stopped to consider that there are some things bigger than you!” he slammed his palms on the desk. “Monarchy is dying, Daenerys. Everyday more people turn against us and you make it worse by acting like a common whore. Do you know what they say about us?”
For once in her life she was too stunned to speak. Rhaegar never lashed out like this. But she wouldn’t let him get to her. 
“Oh, let me guess! Those Targaryens are an outdated, a symbol of the old world! We’d be better off without them. And that Daenerys, she’s the worst of all, the filthy whore,” Dany spat.
She was in Rhaegar’s face, leaning over the desk. The tears burned and her throat was tight. Daenerys Targaryen does not cry, she assured herself as she inhaled a shaking breath. Her hands balled into fists, fingernails digging into her palms. She needed to punch something or someone, she needed to run. 
“This isn’t a foreign policy matter. It’s punishment for my behavior. Do you honestly think selling me off to a foreign country is going to silence the rumors about me?  
Rhaegar’s eyes softened with the realization of what he’d implied and he sunk into his chair.
“I don’t expect you to understand the delicacy of this situation but you need to acknowledge that you are a member of House Targaryen. The same regal house that has ruled over these kingdoms for hundreds of years. We do not let our personal feelings get in the way of duty.”
“That is so-”
“Like it or not, you belong to the Crown and when it calls, you answer.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“I wouldn’t advise that.”
“Why not?”
He took a deep breath, clasped his hands, and looked her dead in the eyes, “I’ll disown you.”
She laughed but the stoic look on her brother’s face said it all.
“Oh, you’re serious. You’re going to disown me because I want to be viewed as a human being instead of a political bargaining chip?”
“It’s not an easy decision but if that’s what it takes.”
She clenched her jaw. 
Rheagar held the folder out. Dany scowled at her brother as she snatched it and retreated from his extravagant office in a huff, her red dress added to the dramatism of her exit.
He never apologized. Never. ‘It’s not a King’s job to apologize’, their father would say.
She found Elia and Missy in her boudoir, giggling over something on a phone.
“Did you know about this?” Dany demanded of Elia.
Elia’s dark brows furrowed in confusion.
“Did you know that Rhaegar sold me off for some alliance we don’t need?”
Elia sighed, “He asked me not to tell you. He knew you would react like this.”
“Wait, what’s happening?” Missy questioned from the ottoman.
“I’m engaged.”
“Excuse me? You’re getting married and you didn’t tell me.”
“As the bride, I only found out minutes ago.”
Missandei balked, Dany’s same reaction. The tension in her limbs was back and the familiar urge to hit something burned in her. 
“Political business, I’m afraid,” Elia confirmed.
Dany handed the dossier to Missy, watching her face as she laid eyes on the official portrait of Prince Jon.
“Oh, he’s hot!”
Elia hummed in agreement, “He’s the Heir to the North. His country seeks an alliance with the United Kingdoms of Westeros. And he is handsome, you could do a lot worse.”
“So your brother arranged a marriage contract without your consent?”
“Yes and I will not be going through with it.” Dany took the file back so she wouldn’t have to hear anymore about her fiance’s looks. 
Her fiance. The word made her want to vomit. No, he wasn't her fiance, he wasn’t even a suitor. He was a minor inconvenience she needed to weed out.
She flipped through it unceremoniously before taking the official portrait from the paper clip and tossing the rest onto her bed. Elia reclaimed the papers.
“Three brothers, two sisters. He’s served in the military and was very successful in school,” she recited.
“And he’s hot,” Missy singsonged.
Dany considered the photo again. Despite his military time, his face still held the softness of youth. Arrogant and buoyant.
“He’s a legitimized bastard.” Elia pointed to the specific line.
Dany looked up from the photo, “That’s hardly appropriate. I’m the Princess Royal of the United Kingdoms of Westeros! I can’t marry a bastard, even a legitimized one.”
“He’s going to be a King,” Elia stressed, “Give the guy a chance.”
“I’ve spent six years in Slaver’s Bay making change, real change. And not by holding fancy galas and bullshit fundraisers but by getting my hands dirty. If I marry him, all of that goes away. I can’t go where I want, when I want…”
“Dany,” Missy spoke, “I agree with Elia, um- Her Majesty. You did all of that work, but only as a Princess. If you were a queen, you could do so much more. I’m sure they’d let you go to Slaver’s Bay and do your work.”
“But I’ll have so much security, my work would hardly be impactful. And I don’t know anything about their customs. I’ll just embarrass myself-”
“So? You’ll learn. You’re forgetting that Rhaegar and I’s marriage was arranged. I survived and you will too.”
“Not if I have anything to do about it!”
“Like it or not, this is life as a member of the royal family. You could abdicate but you know Rhaegar would never allow it and nobody likes a disgraced royal.”
Dany glanced back at the photo, still clutched in her hand. She hadn’t noticed how tight her grip was and relaxed her hand. Even with the crinkles in the photo she could see what Elia and Missy saw. She wasn’t blind. In his military uniform he looked dignified and strong. He looked worthy of a woman like Dany.
Unfortunately, looks didn’t determine a successful marriage. She would need to get him alone to determine if he was really worth the risk. 
“What do you think, Dany?” Missy prompted.
“Fine. I’ll give him a chance, but I’m expecting your help.”
Elia gave her a smile.
“What do we need to do?” Missy asked, excitement and mischief in her voice.
“Be my agents. Talk to him, gather more information, report back to me. I’ll make my move when I feel it’s right.”
An assistant poked their head into the room and reminded them that they needed to get into place for the gala. Missy had to leave with the assistant to go through the secret side entrance since she wasn’t an aristocrat. 
Elia and Dany found Rhaegar waiting for them, checking his watch. When he smiled at them, Dany could only scowl back. 
“It’s about time you two showed up.” he planted a kiss on Elia’s cheek. 
He placed his hands firmly on Dany’s bare shoulders, “Please, remember to smile.”
She shoved his hands off and he sighed. 
Elia swooped her into a tight hug and whispered, “I’m so proud of you, no matter what.”
When she pulled back she had the mom look on her face. The same one she gave Dany when she got into university or when Aegon took his first steps.
Rhaegar and Elia entered to monstrous applause but when Dany entered, she faced dead silence. Despite the number of people in the Grand Hall, the whispers echoed. And that Daenerys, she’s the worst of all of them, the filthy whore, she couldn’t stop the thought from coming back. She shook it off. She was the blood of the dragon, dragons do not care about the opinions of sheep. She didn’t need their approval. They were all jealous and petty.
Dany paused at the top of the stairs to survey the court. She spotted the newcomers immediately, situated in the furthest corner by a window. Her eyes caught on the eldest daughter’s hair before she saw the eldest brother and finally, her fiance.
Her breath caught in her throat as she realized he was a real person. And the situation she was so sure she could get herself out of, felt even more impossible.
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irregodless · 7 years
okay readmore time
feel free to contact me to discuss theories or general plot
so this is gonna be hella segmented but just deal okay
my thoughts are never very organized so im just gonna talk about some disappointments and other stuff
why does homeworld have a court session for rose quartz i mean i get theyre bureaucrats suddenly but like. um? kinda feels silly. why would they give her a chance to defend herself? also have they advanced like humans? bc blue diamond sure af didnt give garnet a chance to plead a case when she fused ON ACCIDENT
that being said what happened to all the stuff about like moon goddesses and stuff. i wasnt really counting on the diamonds being like. actual goddess figures but i was kinda hoping for more than ceo bosses in pantsuits
where he hell is white diamond and why wasnt she present. was she out conquering new planets? the symbol represents her so she appears to still be around. so where is she? i honestly think its suspicious that shes not present. i figure given her color and gem placement she is a cold calculating unfeeling machine who is only concerned with purity, structure and justice. so like the anithesis of what steven fights for: feeling for each other, empathizing etc
kinda disappointed there were so few off-colors but maybe well find some more later
also kinda disappointed steven and lars didnt fuse but i mean maybe later. also there wasnt really a need to so far nor was it implied they would
why did everyone run away from rutile when they emerged? the fact they were not INSTANTLY captured and shattered for breaking the mold suggests that all the kindergartners ran too. now they might have been around MUCH LONGER AGO but to me that would mean imperfect gems were MORE COMMON to find. the gems dont seem to be too put off by strange appearances. im just saying its weird that they would all run from a defect gem. im not crying plot hole, im actually saying i think something ELSE happened to make them run away. not a mutated rutile.
i was kind of hoping to find a secret society of garnets of other rubies and sapphires who followed our garnets example lol. they couldve helped steven feel more at home or something
im kind of sad it wasnt set up more like a movie, but again it wasnt SUPPOSED to be. understand i can identify things i was expecting incorrectly and things im genuinely upset by. this was just my expectations being in the wrong place.
im also sad there isnt more of a prospect of there being like. a season of being stranded on homeworld. but now it feels like in the two years itll take for season 6 to show up till just be a bunch of “””filler””” where lars is just stranded on homeworld and not spoken about until a stevenbomb halfway through. id much rather learn about homeworld!!
we also got no new information about the war or homeworld, really!!!! :( not even a flashback
yellow diamond is guilty af. she didnt want to hold the trial and she was ESPECIALLY outraged by the “crazy theory” that she did it. also, im just sayin, eyeball ruby (the only known witness we know of atm) also couldnt tell that the jasper she had ALSO SEEN WITH HER ONE EYE AND LVOED SO MUCH was really amethyst. like she didnt even notice her chest gem OR her coloration. so i mean. the rose quartz that shattered pink COULD HAVE BEEN yellow or COULD HAVE BEEN a shapeshifted gem. esp since her sword isnt supposed to shatter. so someones murder mystery unravels by getting a core detail wrong. i still kind of like the theory of like. pink transferring her consciousness a la lars and steven to a rose and shattering herself so she wouldnt have to conquer and destroy. so our rose is actually pink diamond but in the body of a rose quartz (making steven still a rose quartz but not a pink diamond like his mom... ‘s personality. which is what matters over physical form. esp with gems. itd also make the rose is pink diamond theories hilarious true but also false lmao)
kind of disappointed in lions new origin story too! i think the pink pearl theories were interesting if not always positively RIDDLED with holes. (some people thought he was a gem monster but um we would have seen pearls gem on his tummy. and steven has pet his tummy MANY A TIME)
I KIND OF DONT LIKE THAT THE HAPPY ENDING WAS JUST STEVEN REUNITING WITH HIS FAMILY BUT LARS GETTIN FUCKED OFF LEFT ON HOMEWORLD LOL. i mean i know he told him to go and tell everone and stuff but its like. look everythings back to normal and theyre back together!! oh except lars who isnt alive and will live forever as an organic lich servant to steven but dont worry l m a o o o. i jsut didnt like that whole lars thing a lot in general... nor do i feel like turning pink instantly redeems him. not that i hated him. but i dont think turnign pink was the character development we needed.
plz tell me well get more homeworld adventures and lars will smuggle gems in his hair
are they going to send pumpkin to homeworld as rose or something and sacriice him lol (i actually just wanted to ask why he was relevant at all but then i imagined just like. replacing him with lars)
are the crystal gems gonna go to homeworld and start shit princess marco style teach those gems about rock and roll pearl!! liberate them form the oppressive THE MAN, AMETHYST
can i mention that while it was funny but also irrelevant to this special, i kinda didnt like the like. garnet just drawing herself “i like me” bit. like it was funny but also like. almost too off-focus and too self-absorbed for her character. i could imagine sardonyx doing that but not garnet. idk it was just a single silly gag but i didnt like it
are the zircons okay tho
but like seriously whats homeworld even like like whats going on. especially since they dont seem to have an actual culture (if gems dont know what jokes are i really cant imagine them having a purpsoe outside of militial. how does a civilization survive on being NOTHING but war machines?)
i kinda feel like were coming to the tip of excitement here i feel like theres very little more that can be done in the show. idk. like what happens next anyways
do i have any MORE questions or musings to ask/muse????? yes. but i cant think of any rn. so later. 
EDIT: so i was thinking and i wanted to ammend the lars things. he DEF had character development and it was DEF even before he turned pink. i think i felt that the only thing being addressed or taken away was that he was pink now? and i kinda dont like character development thats done like completely suddenly as a heelturn and is heretofore ooc. lars however was written WELL. he developed REALLY WELL AND I LOVE IT. there was just something at the time that made it seem like it was all about him turning pink that almost made me forget he literally saved everyone? and i realize him being left out of the happy ending was of his own accord and sacrifice it just kinda rubbed me the wrong way. just a personal thing i guess.
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
Gemstuck- Lost
Chapter 1: Aspherical Lapis
      Soft breeze, flowing grass, an open plain to the left of an unkempt forest, a land uninhabited even by the previous owners of this planet. A soft glow resonates from the ground on top of a small hill, waiting for its time to burst out in full bloom. Hesitant gems make their way to this area unknowingly, merely following the soft glow of their gems. One would say they were scared for what awaited them, but that would be controversial.
      Paraiba Tourmaline, a rarity these days, and as a result, one of the higher classes of blue. They are often sought to for personal guidance, often those who had been relieved of their responsibilities and sent off to be a common gem. They guide others by giving insight through one’s own thoughts and experiences, leading them towards a road that can fulfill the gems need for purpose.
     Zircon, a middle class blue, used to alleviate new lands of negative energy and toxins, a necessity after a rather bad takeover of a poisoned planet by some rather ill-mannered species.
      Both gems were of completely different fields and in high demand with every new conquering, as a result, neither would have ever known of the others specific existence. Yet their gems glowed for each other, as if they’d known one another long before.
      They met for the first time, a few feet away from the open plain, hidden from all sight except each other. They met eyes, confused as to who the other was. The Zircon bowed out of politeness, acknowledged with a question both had in the back of their heads.
      “What are you here for?” Paraiba Tourmaline asked, the gemstone on her right hand glowing a soft brilliance of an electric blue. Zircon straightened themselves, meeting the higher blue’s gaze with confusion.
      “I apologize for my lack of knowledge.” Zircon replied, a customary answer when lacking the knowledge to enlighten another. The gemstone in between their shoulder blades emitted a vivid blue.
      “Your gemstone has lead you here also I assume?” More of a stating tone than questioning.
      Zircon nodded. “Yes, it had suddenly started glowing after I finished relieving a plot of land of its toxins. I followed the pull and was lead here.” She gestured, leading both gazes towards the plain before them, only then noticing the soft blue glow emanating from the ground on the top of a small hill. Both gems stared, neither wanting to step forward for fear of what could await them.
      A distant sound of a running river, a strong breeze, and a cold chill that the gems would never forget. The glow from the top of the hill brightened, almost blinding, shooting up as if they were being warped, and the hill gave way to a small head, then shoulders and back which carried a lapis stone with orange flecks in the center. A new gem was blooming right before their very eyes. They felt a strange pull, as if they had to go and claim them as their own, protect them, guide them. As Lapis rose from the ground, the palms of their hands could be seen and in the right was, a sapphire, rather dark and streaky despite its perfect shape.
      It was when the two gems noticed the sapphire stone that they became detached and further confused. Is it possible for a fusion to be harvested? They gave each other a questioning look, suspicious of the other, before the light gave way and the small form was able to be seen more clearly. Both stepped closer, hidden from sight of the new gem.
      It was disgusting. It’s as if it’s skin couldn’t decide what shade it wanted to be, ranging from various bright blues to dark ones. So discolored, so patchy, it’s small size could be forgiven seeing as they only just emerged and would need time to reform but the golden specks that corroded their form would signal one to avert their eyes so as to not be scarred. Its hair was so short, quite unbecoming, even for a lapis.
      Both of the speculating gems stopped glowing, sending relief through their minds. They stared at the new gem, once in a while acknowledging one another with accusing glances towards each other’s gems. They both had an idea of what was happening, they’d read about this in books, though it had been folktales of a past dystopian civilization where a pair particularly infatuated with one another, gems would glow, signaling the expectation of a new gem to call their own and to grow and care for until the gem could provide for themselves.
      Of course those had only been stories from gems with too much time on their hands and no guidance for purpose. Yet it was the only explanation, and neither was accepting of it.
      They fled, leaving the young gem behind. Speaking of it only to each other when they arrived to civilization in hushed tones. Both agreed to go back to homeworld, to their own private lands where they could speak in secrecy of the event. They each brought their own books of folktales they’d gotten on a whim, all of which explaining how the gem came to fruition, but not explaining its form.
      Eventually they came across a headline in a newspaper article.
Headline News:
      As homeworld starts sending out soldiers to take over several planets at once for the first time, more and more are coming back corrupted causing stricter resistance breeding. Coincidentally as more gems are being made and sent off to fight wars, corrupted gems become a higher probability, leading to a higher chance of mutated gems.
      This had to be no more than a few thousand years ago, something neither had paid much attention to, yet there it was, an answer to the question they’d both been asking, one neither was too keen of and rather disgusted about. Zircon crushed the article between her fingers, feeling rather displeased with the outcome. That thing was a direct result of she and Tourmaline, something they were supposed to burden themselves with for years. She placed her hand over her stomach, suddenly feeling ill, she didn’t understand, what was happening? Had the foul thing poisoned her? Was it toxic? She felt a sudden pang of a horrid sensation she had no word for, she felt bad, responsible for what happened, she felt as if she could have done something to prevent it and failed. This was her job, to rid the land of toxins, and yet, as she thought of the new gem, she was brought to her knees in deep remorse.
      Tourmaline stepped in immediately, tapping into Zircon’s emotions, learning from them, and guided her towards a stable mindset, never leaving her side, patient every step of the way.
      “I can’t believe.” Zircon whispered. “We became ‘parents’ of a mutant.” Tourmaline rubbed soothing circles on Zircons back, sending positive energy to her, calming her slowly.
      “We won’t speak of this to anyone.” Tourmaline promised. “That mutant is not ours.”
      Back in the field, where the breeze has settled down and the grass sways gently, a child stands before their hole, lost.
      They stay where they are, taking in the long plains and soft grass. The bearing trees behind them with leaves waving as if to shooing away the new gem. The sound of a distant river calls for them but the child stands, expectantly, not moving.
      Eventually the sun starts to rest, the child not having moved from their spot, waiting for something, someone, if there even was anyone out there for them. Eventually they understand there is nothing to wait for and make their way towards the distant river on foot.
      They follow the pull in their stomach, leading them towards the sound of the river, yet as the sound grew closer, the child found nothing of the sorts, and instead, from the top of a tall hill, came across a civilization of several different gems, each a different color. The child went to climb down, and with misfortune of stepping on a weak rock, fell. They closed their eyes tight, scared, then felt the light touch of the ground beneath them, opening their eyes to see themselves seated on the ground.
      If not for the sound of flowing water, they would have stopped to marvel at themselves. Instead, they stepped forward and found themselves at a gate, guarded by two gems of the same color, they were identical, perhaps they came from the same hole?
      The child walked past the two guards, riddled with shock as the child entered the city they were assigned to. The child passed several gems, each stopping to stare at them in shock, some dropping whatever their hands were occupied with. The child grew nervous, queasy, unsure, only the sound of water pushing them forward. Eventually they arrived to a plaza, of which only blue gems inhabited, from which the center were speakers which emitted the sound of rushing water. The gems glowered down at the confused child, before uttering the first word the new gem would ever hear and identify themselves with.
 “Mutant.” An accusing tone, as if the child chose to be what they were. The crowd burst with unconcealed murmurs. “Those are real?” “So those stories weren’t just folktales.” “I KNEW it.” “Do the diamonds know?” “It’s so ugly.” “How disgusting.” “Why does it have two gems?” Unnatural. Freak. Monstrous. Vile. Repulsive. “Shatter it.” 
      The two guards before the gate approached the thing, swords at the ready. The mutant ran. 
       Several slurs were thrown at the child. They covered their ears in an attempt to block out the sounds. It was no use, there was so much noise, they needed to run, faster, faster, faster. The child sped up at an alarming speed, evading the tip of a guard’s fingers and rushing past the gates on the opposite end of which they came. They didn’t stop until the sun awoke, raising its head from its pillow of a mountain, shining light upon the child’s golden freckles and revealed patches of bright and dark skin. Their legs gave out in the middle of a jungle. Everything looked the same, the child no longer knew it’s left from right, they slapped their hands over their ears, the sound of wind rustling leaves and birds cawing and chirping proving too much for the poor child.
      They had no idea where they were, and with a speeding mind they quickly became emotionally overwhelmed. They dropped to the ground, bringing their knees to their chest, hiding their face behind them and gave way to silent tears.
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starz-n-sunshine · 8 years
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This is my crystal gem group! You guys already know Azurite, and these are her friends who were apart of the Crystal Gems back during the Gem War. I'll go into more about their back story as I post more about them but basically they left the Homeworld side at different times, sometimes together but mostly they left alone or with other gems. They were a fantastic group of fighters and because of their various skill sets they were really good as reconnaissance missions, and often would spy on the different gems bases on and off of earth. They all mysteriously disappeared during a rather dangerous mission near the end of the Gem War, while researching a rumored weapon that would cause massive destruction. No one really knows what happened to them. (Going from left to right) Mahogany Obsidian- They joined the crystal gems relatively early in the war. Obsidian was working under Pink Diamond as a sentry when she was shattered but he was originally made for White Diamond. He had been sent away due to scandal over gems hearing that he was in a relationship with a gem that wasn't another Obsidian like themselves. After hearing Rose Quartz's accepting and kind words they joined her in the hopes that they could convince the gem they were in love with to run away with them to a group that would accept their love for what it was. Their gem weapon is a longbow and arrow and they are highly skilled at long distance shots and sneaking tactics. A bit of a silent and stoic type, Obsidian is very even tempered and level headed and despite their seemingly standoffish nature they care very deeply for those they are are close to. Obsidian unfortunately can care too much sometimes and as a result like the gem they are made from their pride and feelings can be chipped away leaving them with a sharper personality. Azurite- She joined the Crystal Gems a little after the time they attacked Blue Diamond and Sapphire and Ruby fused. She was a General under Blue Diamond whose skill was battle tactics and in battle maneuvers. She had several friends she loved by this point who had joined the Crystal Gems and was eventually convinced by one while out near a beta kindergarten to join them. She did and never looked back. She felt there was a lot wrong with the way gems took over these worlds and even treated each other, and certain relationships with each other were banned and looked down upon. Azurite fled with Emerald who also worked under Blue Diamond as a designer and builder for the kindergartens. During her time in the war she lead their small band of misfits in many missions for information and fought alongside Rose Quartz looking up to her for her courage and kindness. Her weapon is a long sword and she loved to spare with the others especially Pearl. Azurite can plan ahead and build amazing tactics but often she holds herself to too high of a standard and fears failure extremely. She cannot handle when plans fail and Obsidian seems to be one of the only gems who can calm her down when she has a panic attack. She was very close to Lapis Lazuli but she and Lapis had different opinions about the war so when she ran away that was the last time Azurite saw Lapis. Lapis still mourns the fact that she lost such a good friend but takes comfort in the stories the Crystal Gems tell her. Coral- Born on Earth Coral was apart of the original kindergarten and was one of the first gems to hatch out. Their job was to help care for and continue the project of planting and creating more gems. While no other gem has ever been known to heal cracked gems, Coral was basically somewhat the equivalent of a healer. Coral was very skilled at their job and was small so they could help in crawling into tiny spaces to plant gems and repair broken machinery. When the war started Coral was taken to many beta kindergartens to help make more gem warriors for Homeworld and as a result was often privy in places and info that a Coral usually wouldn't hear. Coral was with a group of gems that fled the beta kindergarten and joined the Crystal Gems still pretty early on in the war. A lot of Corals had been mistreated and even eventually forced to fight at times despite the fact that they were not naturally warriors. Coral lost a lot of siblings that didn't need to die. The second they had the chance to Coral ran and never looked back. Since they had so much info on the betas they helped to get stop production and also invade several areas. They discovered they were really good at sneaking around and obtaining info and eventually became apart of Azurites recon group. Coral discovered they could use a dagger similar to that of a ceremonial bone knife. Coral lacks a lot of self confidence and has a hard time speaking up for themselves and can reliant on others for strength but they have had great moments of strength when others were in danger and would rescue them. Emerald- Also a worker for Blue Diamond, Emerald was apart of the original building team sent to help Pink Diamond in conquering Earth and colonizing it. She was a skilled architect and apart from building the Alpha kindergarten she also built a lot of the structures for homeworld. She often worked along side Coral in the kindergartens building new areas and doing upkeep. Emerald is also friendly  with Azurite who often made visits to the kindergartens for updates or to protect them from raids and battles. She ran off a little after Azurite convinced by her to join their side after rescuing her from a mine collapse. She and several other gems including our Coral were excavating an area for important research when it collapsed due to a battle nearby. They were seen as useless and the Homeworld leaders decided to not rescue them leaving them trapped. Azurites group rescued them and most left with them except for a few Emeralds and Peridots our Emerald was close to. Emerald deeply misses her friends and hates the fact that this war tore them apart. Emeralds weapon is a large sledge hammer type tool, though it was originally used to help with building. Emerald can be a bit haughty, acts like a bit of a know-it-all, and isn't always the best team player, but she is very smart and strong, acting like the strongman of the group. She knows a lot about structures on the enemy side and her knowledge has gotten them out of many tight spots. Double Quartz (Herkimer Diamond)- Double Quartz is a double-terminated quartz or a Herkimer Diamond. A gem soldier DQ was made on earth for White Diamond but she quickly changed sides and joined Rose Quartz while still a rather young and confused gem warrior. She greatly looked up to several meambers of the team like Pearl and Azurite and often followed them like a bit of a lost puppy. As the war went on she grew greatly and bloomed as a gem making many close friends with gems that were also made on earth like Amethyst. She has a close sibling bond with Obsidian which is partly why she joined Azurites team. Double Quartz' weapon is a double bladed sword (think Darth Maul), and she is talented in an acrobatic style of fighting moves. Double Quartz is about the same age as Coral but just a bit younger. She came from the last batch of gems to hatch before Pink Diamond was shattered. Double Quarts can be a bit naive, and is a very optimistic gem despite the war. She at times is a bit too trusting of others just due to inexperience and is a bit of a hot head, running headlong into danger and putting herself and others at risk.
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