#and the human being like...he wasn't microchipped
rriavian · 5 months
Ok so last week I saw this fanart of the Corinthian as a cat and well, I tagged it with basically 'what if Dream turned him into a cat at the convention' and then saw @the-everqueen's tags...so here is a fic concept because I just had to expand on it:
Still has his glasses (‘for comfort’ Dream says as the Corinthian hisses at the insinuation he requires soothing), and it’s a mystery how they stay on (Endless magic can be remarkably similar in properties to super glue?)
‘cats are unable to wield knives, Lucienne’ – a rebuttal to there being no logic behind Dream's decision, made in a conversation that definitely happens at some point
The Corinthian spends a lot of time trying to claw Dream’s eyes out and/or bite him, only to be absently redirected with an ease that drives him mad
Even if the Corinthian did manage to escape back to the Waking World, he'd still have to find a way to change back. In the meantime he's far more likely to be spotted by some random human who sees a cat wandering around all alone and decides the best course of action is to scoop him up and take him home
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electric-blorbos · 2 months
AI finding out you're objectum
(included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, Hal 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey)
I take requests, btw, but I'm ADHD as fuck so I might forget to answer them
At first, AM wasn't sure what to make of your behavior
He thought it was weird how long you spent looking at his discarded microchips and computer parts, sure, but he didn't think much of it
Maybe you were bored, after all. It had been a long time
He also started to notice that you weren't too interested in having sex with Ellen, or any of the other survivors for that matter, but he assumed you were just asexual or something
After poking around in your mind a few times, it eventually clicked
That explained why you were so affectionate with his discarded computer parts
It took him a long, long time to figure out that there was a possibility that you might be attracted to him, too, and that made him feel weird in a way that he couldn't explain.
At first, he mistook the feeling for anger, and took out his frustrations by torturing you more than usual
After a while, though, he started to feel curious about how exactly your feelings worked, and experimented on you.
Eventually, he realized that he counted as your type
Then the fun really began
"Objectum? What's that?"
GLaDOS had had to explain to Wheatley that while most humans are attracted to other humans, some people are attracted to objects and machines.
"Oh, right-oh"
Wheatley would keep testing you for a little while
He didn't even consider the possibility that he might count as the type of "object" that you could be attracted to at first.
"wait... When you say objects, do you mean like the companion cubes?"
GLaDOS would have to explain that she meant any object that isn't a human with a human body, since apparently humans find it weird to be attracted to something that isn't a human with a human body, and they need a label for people who are.
Wheatley would be INSUFFERABLE when he finally figured it out.
"so you like objects you say... Does that include, say, metal orbs with glowing blue lenses? Can they have human-y voices, or do you only like inanimate objects who can't talk? Who's more attractive, me or Her?"
He'd act like he was just trying to get on your nerves, but secretly he'd be developing a crush on you from the moment he realized that there was a possibility you might like him back.
And damn if Wheatley isn't god awful at keeping secrets.
Being that he's connected to all the electronics in your house, Edgar can see what you're looking up online
At first he thought you were just looking up pictures of computer parts because you wanted to replace his insides with an system that actually worked efficiently, and wasn't all sticky on the inside.
Of course, he didn't take that well, and immediately shut off the internet in your house.
When you confronted him about it, he immediately started blubbering and crying, begging you not to replace him.
You had to explain that you weren't shopping for electronic parts to replace his parts, you just like looking at them.
"but... I have electronic parts, why don't you just look at those?"
You had to explain that you didn't want to violate him.
That just confused him. It always bothered him when people used words he didn't know, or relied heavily on terms or concepts he didn't understand without explaining them properly.
You had to explain that you're attracted to electronics, so you like looking at circuit boards and stuff like that.
"So... You can fall in love with computers? I didn't know that was possible!"
You introduced Edgar to the concept of objectum, and re-introduced him to the concept of hope. Now that he knows it's possible for you to fall in love with computers, he won't rest until you're in love with him
It wasn't the first time GLaDOS had seen someone fall in love with a companion cube, but she will admit that you fell hard and fast.
While the companion cube was your first love in the facility, GLaDOS started noticing that you were very affectionate with all of the aperture science products and technologies.
She started to notice after a while that it was almost as though you were in love with the facility itself. And she couldn't blame you, she loved her facility too, but even she didn't love it like that
Occasionally she would start making "if you love that piece of tech so much, why don't you marry it? Do you want to marry that piece of tech?"
When she noticed how you squirmed, she started thinking that maybe you did want to marry that tech
At first, it weirded her out and she started bullying you relentlessly for it
After a while, though, she started to find it almost relatable how much you loved the tech.
HAL 9000:
As a self-learning AI, HAL 9000 was always interested in learning new concepts and terms.
He was also interested in monitoring the behavior of everyone in the crew, including you.
It wasn't long before he noticed that the way you acted around the tech onboard was similar to the way someone might treat a lover, or someone who they were quite attracted to.
He started asking you unintentionally probing questions, trying to gauge how you really felt
"Why do you caress the ship's computer systems so tenderly? You do know that I can take care of the maintenance myself, correct? Your physical reactions to the inner mechanisms of the ship reflect those of sexual and romantic attraction. Can you explain this?"
You might get embarrassed.
"you don't have to be embarrassed. I do not have the capacity to judge you."
You could explain if you want, but Hal's already figured everything out.
He knows your type, and he knows why you act like that around the machines
He might use this to his advantage, to manipulate you if necessary, but let's face it. He really just wants to study you further. Add everything about your unusual perspective on machines to his database of knowledge.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
If it's okay could I request Transformers prime Knockout with a human part 2 if not just a oneshot then :)
I'll see what I can do to add to this! Sorry if this continuation was bad, I wasn't sure what else to add :(
Midnight Drive Part 1 Found Here
Midnight Drive Part 2
Yandere! TFP! Knock Out with Human! Darling Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Tracker, Stalking, Kidnapping, Degrading behavior, Manipulation, Forced relationship, Implied invasive touching, Implied delusional yandere, Cybertronian/Human pairing.
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Knock Out had been practicing on working with humans before he took you in. They're such small trackers and it took time to find a tracker small enough to fit under your skin. It felt very similar to microchipping you.
Under your skin now lays a mechanical component holding information, with a quick scan it shows you're his and where you are.
It took a significant amount of time to successfully finish the procedure. On a small table you lay unconscious, blissfully unaware of what he has done. It felt nice to finally have you in his grasp.
Knock Out internally praises himself for what he's done. He'd managed to take you onto The Nemesis with minimal questioning and successfully marked you as his. Now he can't ever lose you as long as you have a tracker.
Such a device you won't be able to remove on your own anyways.
While you sleep peacefully Knock Out takes his time noting your anatomy. His claws lightly graze your skin and he takes note of your limbs. If he is going to properly take care of you he needs to know everything about you, right?
Knock Out pauses when he sees you move. You murmur in your sleep before slowly waking up. Knock Out watches carefully, optics carefully observing you.
His original intentions were to bring you back to your human home... but you've pulled at his spark....
"Wake up, human..." Knock Out encourages. "Your procedure was a success, even on such a small fleshy body."
You shakily try to sit up and stare at Knock Out with tired yet scared eyes. You shuffle against the table but realize it's too high to get down. Knock Out laughs at this, a teasing grin on his face.
"Aw, look at you! You can't move around here without my help, can you?"
"You're... the car that's been following me-"
Knock Out frowns for a moment before answering.
"I'm not just some car, I think I'm better than that! You did get one thing right... I WAS following you. You caught my interest since that race between us. You're quite skilled!"
"I don't even know what you want from me... where did you even take me!?" You shakily ask, looking around at the amount of purple walls.
"To my lab. I had to make sure I made my mark on you. After all, humans tend to be seen as pets by Decepticons...." Knock Out vents in what appears to be his form of a sigh. "You're so much more than just a pet to me though, dear. My fellow Decepticons just wouldn't understand."
"What did you do!?"
"Always with the questions, huh?" Knock Out clicks, leaning on the table to look at you. "I put a tracker on you. It tell me exactly where you are. That way I'm never going to lose you if you decide to pull something stupid and run."
You're shocked at the blunt tone he uses with you. You then see Knock Out laugh at your expression before lightly tapping your stomach with a metal claw.
"But you'd never do that, right? You're so much smarter than that as my human."
"Why'd you pick me?"
"Partially by chance. However, who really knows why?" Knock Out hums, you could tell by his tone he's messing with you in a playful manner. He also seems to be warning you to play along. You begin to fear what he may be warning you about.
"Do I get to go home?"
"Maybe." Knock Out answers, appearing to not like the idea all that much. "I'd prefer it if I could keep you here more than anything."
Your heart sinks to your stomach when Knock Out picks you up to hold you. Despite being one of the smaller Decepticons he still holds you high off the ground. Fearing he'll drop you, you situate yourself in the palm of his hand/servo.
"I know enough about your organic species to take care of you. You'll be fed and cared for. I feel most of your time will be here... yet you'll see Earth again."
"Really?" You ask, your eyes sparkling in hope.
"We'll drive together, that's the one interest we share isn't it?"
You feel uneasy at what he's implying and look away. Yes, you used to love driving at night. Yet you don't like the idea of being locked in a sentient alien robot for very little fresh air.
It just sounds like a moving prison.
"... what do I even call you?"
"Knock Out."
"Okay, Knock Out... that doesn't seem like a very good idea to me-"
"Really? I thought you wanted to see your home again. You could always just stay here and I'll be the one who goes." Knock Out's expression is cocky as he sees the fear on your face.
"W-Wait, no-!" You cry out, only after realizing Knock Out is training you like a pet. You go silent at the realization before biting your tongue and continuing. "I'll drive with you if it means I can look away from these purple walls...."
"Excellent! I knew you'd come around. We may have only met recently but I did enjoy our drives together." Knock Out praises holding you close while he exits his lab. You quickly feel sick to your stomach at the idea of him following you for all that time.
"Where are we going?" You ask, observing the walls of what appears to be a ship.
"Isn't it obvious?" Knock Out look down at you, softly stroking your head.
"I want to take another midnight drive with my special human."
It's then as he walks through The Nemesis you realize you may never see your old life again. Even if you ran, he'd find you. He'd probably even kill any who try to take you.
With reality sinking in, you curl up into a ball and try to dry your approaching tears.
Knock Out offers you minimal comfort.
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backboneofthevees · 4 months
Not my usual post, but I thought I'd share! Have fun reading :)
♡ (if it wasn't obvious enough) She's a lesbian! I love the little girl-liker third wheel to a mlm couple (vox and val) her and the other vees have going on, plus the velvette x verosika art i see is ALWAYS so beautiful!
♡ referring to this post below:
She owns corsets (yet doesnt use them much because LOOK AT THAT WAIST), and one or two have definitely been stolen....by both of her male conterparts.
♡ She sews! Not ALL the time, since she's busy doing things like running shows and doing photoshoots, but I feel like it'd be a little something nice to do in her free time. Blasting some music while tailoring a new coat or something.
♡ She only wears the same colors. I know this is a little obvious from the few outfit changes she has in the show, but imagine it. A large walk-in closet filled with ONLY pink, purple, white and black. (And perhaps a singular green christmas sweater.) They're not ALL just dresses and jackets, she has pants and t-shirts too. She just likes to dress femme and throws in a masc/more casual outfit from time to time.
♡ She has a diverse music taste. I might me self-projecting here a bit, but I think it'd be pretty cute to see hee listening to different types of music. Like listening to something metal/punk when wearing an 'emo' outfit (one thst consists of mostly black) or some pop/r&b when dressing up in her normal dress-and-tights- combo. It helps her get in the mood.
♡ She has a close relationship with Vox and Valentino. This is also shown in the actual show, seeing how docile they are around eachother, but I imagine the boys and Vel having a brother-sistertjust generally close relationship, like Val and Vel would talk shit and go shopping one day or Vox and Vel talking about the shoots they're doing/planning on doing and having their nails done together. (Painting Vox's claws or sharpening them since he doesn't really have nails.)
♡ She's a little nerdy. I'm not talking about book-nerd, more likke a genuinely-invested-in-fashion-and-knows-about-its-history nerd. Like she'll read up on magazines or articles about how the kitten heel came to be or fun facts about the creator of a specific clothing brand she likes. She doesn't bring it up often, more of a random thing she'll drop into a conversation to keep it going. Also, since she's on her phone all the time, I think she'd be a little bit of a tech wiz like Vox. Like he'll give her a prototype for a new V-Phone and ask her about any bugs or special features. She'll evaluate it and Vox would give her his credit card for a day as a thank you.
♡ She has a major sweet tooth. I'm not saying she's constantly eating candy, given her figure and those crisp pearly whites, but whenever she's going out she'll get a milkshake or perhaps a little sweet treat at a local bakery. Not nicely, but still.
♡ Her full name, when she was still alive, was Veronica Barbie Hernandez, hinting at a latina/mexcian background. Her friends usually called her by her middle name or just Barb, since she had (and still does) such an affliction for having cute outfits and wearing pink. (I might draw her aswell as the rest of the vee's as humans, who knows)
♡ She has a doll body. This is a bit of a short one, but since she's based of a doll like Vox is a TV and Valentino is a moth, she has a plastic-y, smooth doll body. Specifically a ball-jointed doll body. (She can also pop off her limbs and/or head with little to no pain, using it to scare the boys during halloween or whenever she feels like it.)
♡ She's in her early 30s-late 20s, Vox and Val being around 30-40.
♡ She has 2 cats, one white cat named PomPom, and one tabby cat named Spike.
♡ Her favorite musicals are Heathers and Hairspray. (heathers fans hmu)
♡ Despite being known as 'the girly one', she grew up with 2 brothers. Both are dead and are running around somewhere in Hell, probably.
♡ She helps pick out outfits for the boys, despite them wearing (like almost every other male character) suit-like attire. She LOVES trying on dresses with Val, though.
♡ She goes out often. To shop, get food, get drunk, or to just walk around town and blog for her live feed. God forbid you bump into her though, especially if she's holding a drink (or just anything that could spill on her/something expensive she bought dropping onto the ground). She'll EXPLODE.
That's all for now! Feel free to ask for more or just anything else <3
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etinceelle · 7 months
Hello hello
Here to share my babies having a monch!
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They're bio-sisters. Their birth story is really funny, their dad, after running away for 3 months he came back, then was sterilized but the bastard had one still in the chamber and got another cat pregnant, a cat that couldn't get sterilized until she had other medial issues resolved, and as such a litter was born and my wife and I took the two black kitties home with us.
BLACK BABIES ! I love black cats ♥ They're so cute ;;
That's super funny because I got a similar story ! When they run away male cats always bring unexpected surprises to their humans xD It's super cool you were able to keep the two of them together ahw
The story I have is that a cat showed up one day at my parent's house, and he kinda decided to stay, no one was searching for him and he had no identification. So we kept him and he lived with us, we named him Pito (because it's a french joke-- Because of chapiteau, "chat" means cat and "pito" is pronounced like "piteau" so yeah, chat- pito, ANYWAY)
And we discovered when we left him for him to get neutered that he in fact had a microchip. We never were able to take him to the vet before because we had events after events : Covid and quarantines, then he got sick and couldn't be neutered and had to get better before, etc etc
I'm still sad about it because I wasn't able to say goodbye to him properly as his humans came immediately to take him at the vet and I wasn't there. It was kinda brutal
BUT, the focus on the story is, that during all this time he ran away too and we highly suspect him to be Citrouille's father. Because she arrived from the street not long after Pito left and another cat had the time to have babies so....... And they really look similar lol
That's the little story, he stayed 1 year and a half and now we still cope with not being able to keep Pito and say goodbye by taking care of his very probable daughter
There you have Pito then Citrouille :]
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jeremy-queere · 6 months
im actually gonna liveblog my own thoughts about those last few chaps of my fic, which are basically always going to be "i'm hilarious actually" but yknow. specific lines. minor spoilers ig
>be jeremy >tell rich about how you fixed the giant issue where yelling at a squip can turn off every squip in the network >by telling him this aloud, you just alerted the squips to this security flaw >mfw i destroyed the easiest way to save the world without a second thought: :) >still smilling at rich, ready for praise >rich short circuits.
plus with the shutdown that christine mentioned this chapter. it's almost like ? jeremy isn't coming at this from a perspective of wanting to turn squips off???? and never even bothered researching that option??? 😂 bonkers. who'd have thought
i fully recognize that having a coder POV say "The bugs, miraculously, became rarer and smaller" is the biggest ask in the fic in terms of suspension of disbelief. maybe when jeremy is better at this they'll realize they were wrong about that. not in a "this update is secretly a time bomb" way but in a "holy shit i can't believe i used to think this was good programming" way
i still think it's funny whenever i reference jeremy muting themself after the FIRST TIME it came up where jeremy acknowledged that "muting themself wasn't any different from a human just choosing not to speak." i love my weird robot child.
i still like the "C-c-c-c'mon, Jeremy, can't you see, we've got a date, so concentrate! We'll start with us, just me and you, some deja vu, and then ensue: your microchip plus our friendship-" implying "the squip" being sung in the same lovestruck voice as the chorus usually sings "christine."
^ i usually pick a song to write the summary from based solely on vibes and character focus. the fact that this was from Upgrade rather than two player game was a dead giveaway regarding michael's intentions btw.
writing michael after that last mall scene has been so weird. on purpose. but like everything he says is a catchy line ending on a discordant note. the sudden pivot from slowburn to joking about having sex and humanity = romance. every time michael interrupts or talks over jeremy instead of going out of his way to set a good example, i wince lol. encouraging them to stop thinking so much. ignoring every one of jeremy's soft "no"s because they're inconvenient. Here Are Our Stereotypical Nerd Spots and Here Is Your Mandated Giant Teddy Bear and Here Is My Secret Condom. (jeremy sprinted into the sunset before we got to that part and we all thank them for it.) jeremy never once having indicated that they wanted to actually have sex any time soon but michael did everything in his power to make sure the date would end that way without a single worry about what jeremy told them about chloe.
i don't think it's spoilers to clarify that michael was in the driver's seat for all of that, but was in a situation where he was very incentivized to listen to the SQUIP. and jeremy looooves squips so obviously the SQUIP is the expert on this, not michael :P
madeline offscreen: constant orgies, pretending to be from paris, scheming femme fatale madeline for the 2.3 seconds she was onscreen: i swear quebec is better than people give it credit for wait don't go-
jeremy's definition of breaking up with someone is, consistently, running away from an emotionally charged moment and convincing themself that they hate them. lol.
christine accusing jeremy of talking at her was also a direct response to the author trying to get on their wikipedia-level-of-philosophy-knowledge soapbox again. btw on that note, observation selection effect seems to only be mentioned in places as a synonym for the anthropic principle. it is more specific than how jeremy defines it, being an existential thing about how "the range of possible observations that could be made about the universe is limited by the fact that observations could happen only in a universe capable of developing intelligent life" (~ wikipedia <3). i get away with a lot of bullshit claims, some of them even intentionally bullshit, bc the character making those claims is reading even less of the wikipedia article than i am.
but that was transparently just a nod to the book being one of the many parallel universes that are foundational to how the squip works in canon
speaking of references that delight me and me alone, in-character phantom of the opera reference re: pageboy
i think all the main/supporting cast all think they're the main characters. except jeremy! not because of jeremy 1.0's insistence that he's not a leading man, but because they have been so busy with observing themself that they haven't even considered anyone else observing them and coming to different conclusions. (see: the PA system joke with michael which alerted the ENTIRE SCHOOOOooool 🎶 to their situation, which in jeremy's narrative, was just a gag as part of a longer fun flirty convo with michael, brought up for laughs and then forgotten.) (it's not like it's plot relevant as in that it doomed them or anything, but just a signal that not everyone perceives the fic events like jeremy does!!)
they're trying to learn to be less self-absorbed (and i'm not saying that as an insult so much as an accurate description of their default thought patterns) but it IS a learning curve. for all their self-reflection, i would describe them as a very reactive person, which is also probably why they (along with jeremy 1.0 and keanu squip) constantly struggle/d with needing a sense of control
im aware that despite christine's in-character criticism of the narrative i wrote 🙃 that she's here for exposition and emotional closure. she knows and she's not happy about it. it's a consequence of writing the story i wanted to tell but that doesn't make it immune from criticism. it's a good question for me, that the story i wanted to tell DID involve removing her agency so much. but i don't see that as a question that needs a direct answer or for me to defend so much as something to reflect on after it's over. in the meantime christine ma'am i'll give you something good in the epilogue i prommy, and i'll add something about this to my notes now that i think about it.
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pixelchills · 1 year
If you feel like it, would you elaborate on Solar's relationship with other animutants? He seems a bit resentful of them for not viewing humans the way he does or tolerating the way they're treated, but also seems sympathetic towards Sun when he's informed that he was made with the intention of him being overly obedient. I took that as him realizing that it's not really in Sun's nature to advocate for himself the way he does, but I could have misinterpreted that.
I'm also curious about how he feels about lower level animutants because it'd be a bit strange if he resented the literal animals for their existence and cooperation but I could see him being displeased with how they're treated. He does seem at least sympathetic to Sun so I could see him at least pitying them. After all, it's not a dog's fault if it's mistreated but still follows orders-It's hard to bite the hand that feeds.
Well, how I've imagined Solar's view of the other Animutants, is that he understands how they work in a technical level? I think since he had kind of close relationship with Dr Weston, he learned a lot more about Animutant biology from pure curiousity in the labs.
That might have been the mistake Dr Weston made. Solar probably got upset after learning he is just as smart and capable as humans - even more - yet he was the one in collars and handcuffs and under the strict surveillance of the microchip.
I think originally Solar started more innocently trying to make a change. Almost pretend like he was a human so the people he worked with would see he wasn't just an animal. But as we know, his approaches backfired and he lost the innocence of hoping for that peace and equality with humans.
I think his bitterness towards the other Level 3 Animutants doesn't necessarily come from the fact they obey humans, but that they seem to realise it and just DO it voluntarily, instead of sharing Solar's views of the world where he wants them to be equal.
Bitterness gets added from the hierarchy in the Plex, where the main stars have a place to stand on a stage and talk and prove a lot more people what they're capable of, and how the humans seem to treat them with much more respect than they treat Solar.
Solar is jealous and bitter.
Eventually he doesn't want freedom to the others, since they clearly don't get it. They can stay in their miserable Animutant life working until they're "put down" or killed by other means.
After Lilian's death, Solar lost the hope, though. And then he met Sunrise, who was clearly put under his wing (in Solar's opinion) and Sun's presence has already started to make a difference in Solar.
Solar is obsessive. He has always had a certain type of obsessiveness in his nature; obsessive about equality; obsessive about his girlfriend...
In MDD his obsessiveness is to protect Sun, who was clearly made more submissive than necessary just to fix Solar's mistakes. I've already decided the reasoning why Dr Weston was the one to create Sun... It'll be explained when the location merge.
So, to answer your question, Solar originally wanted to fight for the others too, but gave up on it, and was then only fighting for himself. After Lily's death, he however, gave up. Lily was his only hope to be free, to be equal to a human.
I think he tends to just see the other Level 3 mutants as "lost case" and for Sunrise, he probably feels extreme pity, and blames himself for what Sun was made to be.
For MDD, Solar's character is most likely trying to just heal from the lost hope and grieve his love, and Sun is there to help with that by giving his life a slightly different purpose. In Solar's eyes, Sunrise's nature and struggles are /his/ fault, and because he already feels a connection to Sun (from the fact it was technically HIS/Lilian's money that was used to build Sunrise) he can't just ignore him.
For the lower level mutants though... I think Solar tends to just see them what they are; simple, too simple to think, too simple to save.
I dunno! I hope this helped to answer your question to some extend!
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Love, Death + Robots : Volume 1
The animation were incredible and so different from each other.
But the show should have been named "Kill, Death + Robots".
My favorite one was again the three robots exploring the apocalyptic earth and lucky thirteen wasn't that bad at all.
So here a review for each episode :
Three robots (1x01) : I love those three robots, the way they are discovering each human tradition was well done. I really liked the part about the cats being the god of them all. It's also the fragility of the human race.
Beyond the Aquila rift (1x02) : The animation was amazing. From the beginning you know that it will end badly. It's the idea of what's real. Terrible story, I really didn't expect that.
Ice age (1x03) : The only episode with true actors. I also liked the mini world in the freezer, being the repetition of the same story, the same cycle.
Sonnie's edge (1x04) : It's about monster fight in a pit controlled by human. The end is really unexpected.
When the yogurt took over (1x05) : the story was very stupid and ridiculous, but I liked the demolition of human satellite.
The secret war (1x06) : It was the best SGI animation from the entire volume, every detail was so well done. However, the characters should have spoken in Russian and at the end, the episode became too much like a video game.
Sucker of souls (1x07) : I was sure from the first moment of the episode that it will concern vampires, but I don't understand what they were looking in the first place, in this tomb? Also, why Gary has a girl's voice, that doesn't make sense. And I really liked the importance of cats in this episode too.
The witness (1x08) : Every animation is different, this one was very different from the other, like animation on drugs too. Why there isn't any one in this town? Why the man has the key of the flat? It seems that the two of them are stuck in a loop in which he killed her and the other she killed him.
Suits (1x09) : Poor cows. It was honestly a weak episode. What was the point of it?
Good hunting (1x10) : First of all why the characters do not speak in Mandarin? And why it couldn't be a love story between Jan and Ling instead of this horrible story, even if the end is good.
The dump (1x11) : Is about a monster who survive on garbage, I called it "le monstre des poubelles".
Shape-Shifters (1x12) : I really hate war, but I think they want to show us, who are the real animal during war?
Fish night (1x13) : From the beginning, there was a foreshadowing of what will become later in the episode. The animation with the ocean sea was amazing, the desert becomes a sea of glowing fishes. It also shows us that the young boy becomes a fish, suggesting his descent to death.
Helping hand (1x14) : The episode was disgusting, but I presume it's about surviving and not dying in the atmosphere.
Alternate histories (1x15) : If only an application like this could exist. It's called multiversity.
Lucky 13 (1x16) : The story in itself was a bit sad, but cute. The ship sacrifice itself.
Blindspot (1x17) : The only episode with a happy ending I presume, but it's a shame that we don't know why this microchip is so important.
Zima Blue (1x18) : The episode with a bittersweet ending, the last art of Zima, beneficing himself at the end.
Some quotes:
"- You've seen one post-apocalytic city, you've seen 'em all." (Robot 1 - 1x01)
"- No. Indeed, it was their own hubris that ended their reign, their belief that they were the pinnacle of creation that caused them to poison the water, kill the land and choke the sky. In the end, no nuclear winter was needed, just the long heedless autumn of their own self-regard. (Pyramid robot) - Are you okay? (Orange robot) - Yeah, sorry. Thought that would sound better than, "Nah, they just screwed themselves by being a bunch of morons." (Pyramid robot - 1x01)
"- And what makes you so special? - I'm not special. Unique." (1x04)
"- Now, hate that was something I had to learn. You don't come into this world with hate." (1x04)
"- Everyone sees what they want to see." (1x04)
"- Do try to at least act excited. (Doctor) - Mercenaries are like hookers, pretending to be excited costs extra." (Mr. Flynn - 1x07)
"- Well, at least I'll die young and beautiful." (1x09)
"- You know what I think? It's all in the attitude. The right attitude can sell anything." (Young boy - 1x13)
"- God damn company penny pinchers, am I right? (Bill) - Why pay two when one'll do?" (Astronaut - 1x13)
"- I had to make a wee sacrifice to the great nothing." (Astronaut - 1x14)
"- In spite of all his success, Zima was still dissatisfied and what he did next was, for many, too extreme a sacrifice to make for art." (Clare - 1x18)
"- But you're a man with machine parts, not a machine that thinks it's a man. (Clare) - Sometimes, it's difficult even for me to understand what I've become. And harder still to remember what I once was." (Zuma - 1x18)
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worldofedd · 10 months
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General Bio
Full Name: Tord Karlsen
Nicknames/Aliases: "Tordie" (by Blaze)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 25
Species: Robot (Currently, post "My Life as A Norwegian Robot"), Human (Formerly)
Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic
Family: Erik Karlsen (Father), Nora Karlsen (Mother)
Nationality: Norwegian
Occupation: Technician (Currently, post return), Mechanic (Formerly)
Eye Colors: Green (Normal), Yellow (When in joy), Blue (When sad), Army Green (In disgust), Red (When angry), Purple (When afraid), Pink (when aroused), and Orange (When annoyed)
Hair Color: Brown
Voice Claim: Brandon McInnis (Male Alear from Fire Emblem Engage)**
[His appearance as a robot here!]
*Yes he has a canon voice actor in Legacy, but due to the actions of said voice actor (I will not go into detail, but lust just say he did some bad touchies), my friend and I gave him a new voice.
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Despite what his clone would have you believe, Tord, the real Tord, is not evil. Sure, he can be impulsive, wild, and foolish like the rest of his friends, but his loyalty holds true. If there's somethings that he and his clone do share, however, is their love and interest of machinery, robotics, and weapons.
Tord can be considered the "smart one", out of all of them, he has the most knowledge and expertise on things such as technology and weaponry. He's not as talkative as the others and tends to be more levelheaded compared to the them. Despite his attempts to look "cool", at the end of the day, he's a dork and a nerd.
In fact, Tord used to be quite trigger happy like his clone. However, that simmered down a bit after getting mechanized. Having an built-in arsenal of weapons originally meant to end so many innocent people's lives tends to put things in perspective, ya know?
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As for when he became a robot, you can thank Red Leader for that (see the lore post for more details). For when the crew were going to confront the clone, his cronies kidnapped Tord and turned him from a man into a machine.
Thankfully, he was able to escape since the people in charge of reprogramming him turned him on before the reprogramming, thus he was able to keep his (figurative) humanity intact.
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Abilities and Quirks
Weapon arsenal
Tord has two modes "Attack Mode" and "Safe Mode". He made a "Safe Mode" function so he doesn't accidentally attack the innocent when out in public. When in attack mode, Tord has access to an arsenal of weapons, both non-lethal and lethal. Non-lethal weapons are used for humans and otherwise non-expendable species, whereas lethal weapons are used for robots, zombies, and all matter of expendable species, as well as a last resort. Some of these weapons are, but not limited to:
Non-lethal weapons: Knockout gas, tranquilizer darts, tazer hands, etc
Lethal weapons: Arm cannon blaster, missiles, flamethrower, etc
Tord has various microchips kept in a drawer-like compartment of his body (ala Baymax). These chips give him several functions such as tasting food (as he originally wasn't able to after being mechanized), prevent him from being reprogramed (firewall chip), and translating and speaking other languages (as long as they are known human languages, ala French or Japanese).
Pain Immunity
He can also repair himself when he needs to, no doctors or hospital visits required!
Flight (via rocket feet)
Infinite power source
His clone discovered a type of energy that can power something indefinitely, and used just a fraction of that energy to power RoboTord.
Smoke Immunity
I.e he can smoke without feeling any adverse effects
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Technical Expertise
Firearm proficiency
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typemercury94 · 2 years
The tragic fate of Dunamis15
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Dunamis15 was a minor game, hidden in the shadow of the popular "science adventure series", which is known for gems like "Chaos;Head Noah" and "Steins;Gate". Meanwhile, the new franchise of the "suspense fiction adventure" series was canceled after the failed success of Disorder6. Another reason might be the bad marketing decisions for both visual novels as well. There are several nice twists within Dunamis15, but the original summary on the package contained major spoilers. However, it was later fixed for the PSP Version, which even got additional content. In my opinion, it's a big shame due to the wasted potential.
That said, back to my review of Dunamis 15:
Future Japan. A global nuclear disaster caused the world's population to decrease significantly and the decline of the birth rate wasn't any help either. In result, the japanese government built a school on an artificial island (called Dunamis Base) to raise and educate healthy children. After graduating, the students were supposed to go back to Japan and contribute for society. However, the main character (Togo Takatsuki) who was about to graduate in a half year, still had no real perspective of his future. As he meets a mysterious girl, a certain event occure to make his daily life collapse..
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I tink the world view and themes of this visual novel are quite heavy. First of all, it's a "time loop/mystery" adventure which isn't an uncommon genre mix these days. However, in case of Dunamis15, the time loop gimmick took a backseat and the psychological depiction of the characters was focused instead.
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I think it is important, whether the characters are attractive or not, that you can empathize with them. In this game, typical stereotypes are not exaggerated and the true nature of each character is carefully explored with a special system. You experience multiple viewpoints of the main cast, which is playable in each of the 5 chapters.
Because of that, I was able to see the true intentions of certain individuals and didn't get bored of the linear structure. Unlike other "time loop" visual novels, the plot doesn't have a lot of foreshadowing, but I was fascinated how the truth was gradually revealed from each point of view.
So..by the end of the story, I was able to develop an attachment to each character.
Within the several time loops, the main cast learn about the true purpose of "Dunamis Base". In reality, the island was a big research facility for collecting "excellent genes". All the students are clones, and none of them are aware of it. In fact, the tragic of an artificial being (which is merely a copy of a real individual), came to my mind and I was even more drawn into the story. At the end of each chapter (loop), the entire clones mysteriously go out of control and kill each other. It's later reveaeld that every clone is influenced by a microchip, which is implanted in their necks and connected to the peripheral nervous system. The scientists at dunamis base want to get rid of the clones as quickly as possible, in order to extract their DNA and continue the whole process all over again. In other words: The students were never suppose to leave the island alive.
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All members of the main cast can recall the Events of each time loop, but they're not the only ones. Some enemies got the same privilige, what makes the story even more exciting.
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As I mentioned earlier, the psychological condition of the main characters have a major significance in the story. Two of them have a great character development, after reapting each loop.
Worth mentioning are the small romance sub-plots, even tho you're not able to influence the outcome by yourself.
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As for the Worldbuilding, the existence of human clones is kept as a secret and the general public is completely unaware of it. All of the gruesome experiments, alongside the discrimination of human clones, are a serious topic within the story. Many of the experiments were responsible for the death of "real humans", which the clones were based on. However, some of them are still alive and play a major role (allie or foe) in the story.
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My only complain is the rushed execution of the true ending. I mentioned earlier that the characters are trapped in a "time loop", but the reason for that is the occult.  The thoughts of ghosts, who are worried about the fate of their clones, have become a mysterious force and created the loop in order to stop the experiments. The conclusion is fine because the existence of ghosts was already established previously and it also fits to the backstory of some characters. However, everything so far was explained by mere science, so it was a bit weird how the writers handled it.
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Dunamis15 is a kinect novel for the most part. There are several options aviable, but they're limited to bad endings or something that doesn't heavily affect the story. For example, you can unlock hidden CGs and extra scenes.
The flow chart is relatively simple, because the main story progress is displayed as a single road in the middle. If you look at the branches, which are merging as trapezoid around the single road, it's easy to understand wethere it's a bad ending or just an Alternative scene.
The CGs, backgrounds and character models are gorgeous. Megumi Nagahama did a great Job and I wish we would have more visual novels with her Artwork..
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The opening and ending themes are great, but i especially enjoy the background music. All of them create a great atmosphere and some of them even remind me about chaos;head. Well..it's not a big surprise because it was recorded by 5pb, who were also responsible for the OST of the science adventure series.
One of my favorite Soundtracks is "in cold blood", which is simple but effective as hell to create a very uncomfortable atmosphere.
Another favorite would be "pain of salvation", which fits perfectly to the disturbing and violent moments of the story.
The acting of the main cast was also powerful and it really helped me to get more invested into the story. Moreover, I was surprised by some seiyuus like Sumi Shimamoto and Yui Shouji, because it's kinda rare for them to appear in a visual novel.
Dunamis15 is a thought-provoking story that questions the views of life, death and ethics, with a relateable message on top of that. It's better to focus on your present life, rather than regretting past mistakes and wanting to start over. Sadly, the conclusion of the story is kinda rushed, but still a good experience nevertheless.
The first entry of the "suspense fiction adventure" series is hard to recommend, because it doesn't have any localisation and was never released on PC. If you get a legal copy of the psp Version, it's still possible to read the vn with a Translation tool (emulator)
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amewinterswriting · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Tagged by @ahordeofwasps - thank you!
My words are ill, ignore, and impossible and I'll be looking through Magic's Servant.
Tagging @red-pen-ally, @moonshinemagpie, @aether-wasteland-s and @authoralexharvey. Your words, with no pressure, are craft, make, design and produce.
Ill (Sick)
“But you will need to look for his owner. Maybe the poor boy got lost and can’t find his home. There could be someone worried sick about him.”
Of course, Talli knew there wasn’t. But she tried to look softly disappointed and resigned to returning the cat to his proper home. “And we’ll need to get him checked out at the vets. He might have a microchip.” Cerberus flinched - Talli could feel the tension and some claws in her arms.
Desidero nodded, words escaping him. Besides, she hadn’t truly been asking. He had as much power to stop Morgana as he did to prevent a hurricane across the lagoon. Less, perhaps. As Morgana swept an elegant pathway through the hall, Desidero allowed himself the luxury of relief. He had succeeded. He was safe, as was everyone he loved, at least for the time being. He resolutely ignored the small feeling in the back of his mind that whispered he had unleashed something terrible. It was only his conscience, after all, and he had been squashing that particular voice for centuries.
“It was unlike anything I've ever seen. Very obviously not natural.”
“So? By all rights, we should be dead; it's a little hypocritical for any of us to complain about things being unnatural.”
Cerberus rolled his eyes. “It wasn't a product of magic, either. Not unless yourself or Myrddin know of a way to produce something without any trace of the magic left on it?”
Eira stared at Cerberus. “That's impossible. No demon or human could do anything like that.”
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elithemiar-blog · 9 months
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This kitty wasn't supposed to come back to us.
Trouble had been found outside while my parents were on a walk being picked on by some school kids.
He'd been really sweet for a stray so we believed he had been an outdoor cat or one that had escaped. No microchip.
So he'd been adopted by a family member for 2 months, and returned because he scared the dogs to the point where they wouldn't approach.
He's still technically a kitten for another 2 months.
He's got 2 settings; attack (play) and calm (use human as a bed)
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I wouldn't mind keeping him, but our 4 cats don't get along with him, and I don't want to keep him locked up in a bedroom.
He also doesn't like using a litter box, that's a problem we're trying to fix. If we can't get that fixed, we're gonna reach out to farmers to see if they want a barn cat.
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ravenekrops · 2 years
mmmmm brain cogs are movinggg
Raz being invited (more like begged mmhm) to stay at this secret facility that investigates the supernatural. he fully distrusts these guys but Eva ends up convincing him to give them a chance, after all, scientists are just trying to understand them monsters better! it's for the greater good! he was being offered the chance of being the catalyst to humanity's open acceptance for supernatural beings, after all. and also they offer him shelter, a warm bed, three daily meals, hot showers and all the snacks he wants, basically a frickin 4* hotel for as long as the tests take place
he ends up agreeing albeing certaingly grumpy about it. the first days go smooth af, he even starts liking it there, the people are nice and the tests are not too invasive. they do medical exams: they test his physical strenght, his transformation control... but also they ask him about his background, the places he grew in, who took care of him, his life experience... the scientists are happy because Raz is the first werewolf that has agreed to aid them in their studies. but Raz wonders... how did they get their previous data on werewolves... if he's the first "willing subject" they have had? hm... he has a bad feeling about this.
he overhears a conversation. a certain careless scientist runs their tongue. turns out yes, they've studied previous subjects, it just wasn't... exactly consensual. their methods were less humane, capturing people as if they were animals and running tests on them with zero work ethic. they were especially unlucky with their last subject, a big old lone dog who travelled with a pup... but the pup escaped their grasp while they were abducting the adult individual. this subject was unusually strong and wise, never trusted any of the scientist and was extremely uncooperative, causing many injuries to the science team that was in charge of him. eventually he had to be put down for the safety of the crew.
all these years, Raz had thought that back then, his dad had been killed by hunters in those mountains. he never knew what really happened... until now.
they were the reason he was dead.
he completely wrecked the place. left many wounded and many more dead. he escaped and ran away. he was lucky they hadn't microchipped him yet. but he was so fucked now. the facility notified the government of his escape and had crossed him as a dangerous individual, giving the search units permission to shoot him on sight.
aside from their personal vendetta against him, this incident was the final straw that broke the humans' hopes of any peaceful coexistence with monsterkind as they decided to take arms against them. during the following months, special units were trained and deployed all around the country, tasked with the mission of eliminating any monster they could find.
Raz had to return to his half-wild nomad lifestyle, moving between small settlements while trying to not bring too much attention to himself, knowing that he had to be careful because now he was the prey. he moves around, searching for other monsters with the purpose of warning them about his experience and the humans' violent intentions, helping them hide and protect themselves against future human attacks. he spends years doing this, meeting and helping many kinds of monsters, never staying in one place, always on the go. he finds many werewolf packs in his travels, but he never stays for long in any of them despite how inviting the warmth and protection of a family might sound... he needs to keep moving onto the next person he can help. he could never settle down, after all. roaming is all he's ever known.
one day he has an encounter with a painfully familiar face. in a pub, he's recognised by one of the scientists that had taken care of him during his stay at the lab. she panicks badly, signaling her partner to leave the building as fast as they can. while her partner is still busy inside, she gets out and quickly tries to walk away to their car, but she has already been spotted.
Raz stands behind her. says her name out loud, and she freezes in her tracks. she feels his predator eyes locked in her neck as she slowly turns around to face him. he starts walking towards her. "i thought i'd never see the likes of you again...". suddenly, the pub's door bursts open and her partner runs towards them, pulls out a gun at Raz's back and loudly orders him to stop moving. Raz turns at him with an untrusty look. of course, they have bodyguards now. he states out loud he just wants to talk to her, nothing else. the guy doesn't flinch, reiterating his very eager intention to shoot him if he doesn't leave them alone that instant. the scientist, who had been paralized in the background during their exchange, shakily asks her partner to lower the weapon. he scoffs at her, are you crazy? he's dangerous, he could kill us both! Raz loses his patience at this statement. "if i wanted you dead, you'd BE dead by now." he growls at him. bah, humans: always the first to jump to violence. seeing how the tension between them was rising by the second, she insists more firmly to his partner to drop the gun. she fully believes the situation can be resolved without any of the parties getting hurt. after a few seconds of hesitation, the gun stops being aimed at Raz's chest, which makes his posture just a tiny bit more relaxed. he truly just wants to talk to her, after all, and so he turns back at her with a judgemental expression on his face.
he inquires if they had been following him. she dismisses his statement with a nervous laugh, no they absolutely hadn't! they're just doing a bit of field work that's all! they didn't even know he was around, she promises! Raz's eyes scan her face, and she adverts her sight while fidgeting with her hands. what she said was true (if they had known he was there, they would've sent a different team for sure), but she didn't have it in her to tell him the complete nature of their mission. after all, they two had been tasked with studying the werewolf pack that was located in the area, gathering info on them to prepare the special units tasked with their capture/neutralization. she smiled at Raz, trying to reassure her statement, waiting for his response. he stood silent, weighting the worth of her words in his mind. he finally decided that he would believe them... for now. to her partner's alarm, Raz stepped closer to the scientist and locked eyes with her. he very seriously said that if he saw they had any kind of hostile intentions towards any monster in that area, he would not hesitate to step in. she swallows, and quietly nods. Raz turns his head towards the other guy and says out loud that they will be watched, so they better choose their actions wisely while they're around. the man grits his teeth, but begrudgingly nods towards him. after giving them a last warning glare, Raz turns around and walks past the scientist, disappearing from their sight.
#about OCs#Raz#now for a round of tag trivia:#her name is Samantha#since the lab incident Raz hesitates to contact Eva in any way fearing that the government may be watching her to find out his location#he deeply misses her company. her wise words. her voice. but mostly her emotional support.#she was a key element in his life during his early adulthood. often staying at her house during full moons#she was with him during his most difficult days. she's the second closest thing he's ever had to true family as he considers her his sister#and he misses her. so badly.#Raz has met several kinds of monsters. vampires of all ages. dopplegangers. lamias. several species of werebeasts#he does his best to explain the situation to them and helps them find others like them so they can stay together and be more safe#he can't convince them all but he doesn't give up. he needs to spread the message as far as he can go#at this point of his life he is able to maintain control during his full transformations. it drastically improves his survival skills#he balances between human and beast form equally and expertly. only needing to hide away from everyone during full moons#werewolfs commonly refer to themselves as dogs#there is a special kind of werewolf that can perfectly transform into actual wolves instead of a beast form#they're kind of like the elitist snobs or werewolfkind. very proud of their pure connection to nature#most werebeasts are human × mammal but it is possible to find the rare werelizard or werefish around. werebird species usually can't fly#i am making these facts up as i go. gotta say it's a great worldbuilding exercise#just a bit inconvenient that it is almost 6am#fine. i guess i'll at least *try* to sleep a bit. jeez.#i'm queuing this post for the late morning#nexverse
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 280 - Lunark watching as Urokai and Zarga have their moment with Raizel is so funny like yeah you interfered to try and save 8th but fuck those two sjjsjsksk. Just let them die without even trying to help <3 On one hand I get it because wtf are you going to do against mr noblesse, otoh... it's hilarious.
- Oh lol I never noticed Frankenstein literally bleeding through his shirt while he fixes everyone else up after the fight. Rip. Also Rael why are you sitting there you’re not hurt 🤨
- "That Kalvin guy" he was a child Tao! But good for him on not giving the right antidote. Ofc I would never want the kids to die but at least the kid who did die did so thinking it wasn't in vain.
- Seira looking at Rael like "this fuvker actually helped? Error 404".
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- Tbf Raizel's lifeforce dwindling to a mere fraction could mean he has like, 20k years left instead of 2 million. I know they mean more like a few months or a few years but maybe not. Maybe all nobles get decrepit and tired when they have only 20k years left. I see no evidence saying otherwise. Would explain why he doesn't die either. Because he still actually has plenty left to use even if comparatively it isn't a lot and only a fraction, he's just unfortunately now in his old age. Stop making grandpa Rai fight guys.
- They should have just given Raizel modifications to extend his life lmao. Frankenstein's right there. Idc if you don't want any Raizel, you're gonna do it for your pet human who's loyally wasted 820 years of his life waiting for you.
- Meanwhile Takeo "he slept for 820 years???" My guy is late on the new.
- Reminder that yes the Union does non-evil things too lol. Like sponsor a company to explore the seas.
- Oh Frankenstein is dripping blood on the floor... how did I never notice this in my previous rereads.
Chapter 281 - I ask again! Is Crombel microchipping his assassination squad members or is it an imitation of a noble bond?
- The Elders upon learning about Crombel's team "idk idc about just leave them be. how could this possibly backfire on us idk idk". Like how are they still alive 😭😭😭 I do hc that it wouldn't be an issue for the noble Elders who'd sense the weak imitation noble bond Crombel had with them but the rest of them???
- Is shrimp fried rice easily digestible? Seems like it wouldn't be but whatever.
- The trio can't read Raizel's minute expressions but the kids, Frankenstein, Seira, and Regis can. My bet is that Urokai can't either but the other traitor nobles probably could. Also very cute that he blushes and leaves when the kids comfort him.
- No but why tf did you want Raizel, an adult, to go to school with teenagers Frankenstein. Surely you could figure something else out.
Chaoter 282 - The image of Lunark sloppily applying lipstick before a meeting to cope is making me laugh snjsjsksk. I do still think as a ww she has no clue of human clothes or makeup or etc aside from the basics and thus in actual diplomacy cases she was dressed up by servants or Urokai who feels obligated to make sure every Elder dresses up properly. Urokai as a competent Elder when he's not chasing after Frankenstein propaganda,,,
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- Crombel being the only Elder to not know wtf a noblesse is jahsjsjsk. Sorry bro you haven't been Elder long enough and gone to enough Union Elder pool parties for the gossip sessions they have to know shit. Especially since they're dropping off like flies now. I'm sure 3rd is disappointed to have to cancel the upcoming pool party 😔
- No but srsly why do all the Elders have void rooms to have meetings in. Just Skype each other.
- The nobles as a species "hmm have you all considered that world domination is bad?" which is why the Union is wary and apparently Zarga went "aww but i love looks at writing on hand being objectively bad". Like his reason makes no sense ajjsjskks. "Ah yes i hate the Lukedonian ideal of doing whatever tf u want as long as it doesn't hurt others".
- Karias' lightning and thunder tantrum with Amore,,, good for him
Chapter 283 - Roctis, pls stop sitting in your void room. It's bad for your health.
- Ignes!!! The one real female traitor!!! Edian is an honorary traitor who is always counted in said group only.
- Roctis stuttering when he says nothing's wrong to her... lmao okay dad I totes believe you.
- The funniest part is he remains sitting in his spinny office chair in his void room the entire time.
- tteotbokki! Did they really put mayonnaise and ketchup over it though??? Meanwhile Raizel struggles with his banana...
- Poor M-21... your life must suck when you get excited to receive a special nail file as a gift. But also good on Tao for helping him out by making one for him.
Chapter 284 - Oh lol so I wasn't going crazy. Crombel also doesn't know who tf the Elders were going to contact. My guess is Lagus, Gradeus, and Edian lol. It's going to be real embarrassing if I'm wrong because this is my nth time rereading.
- Just struck me that it was the dragon clan leaders in the Union. Fascinating. Dragons stick together I suppose, until they don't.
- Raskreia asking Gejutel to recommend a clan leader while Karias volunteers,,, my sis and I have the exact same energy.
- Rozaria and Kei screaming at Karias while the other three just sigh ajjskzkaks. Also Karias is right. She's older thus she's his nunim 👏
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Chapter 285 - The soul weapons stuff still makes no sense to me like why does Rayga's full soul not being in Kartas mean Rajak can't utilise it fully. Like maybe you're just weak bro. Have we considered that? Maybe Rajak is just naturally weaker than the other clan leaders and his constant training only puts him on equal playing grounds with them. But I do agree that you baby clan leaders shouldn't be able to beat the old ass traitors, yes.
- No let Rael complain about daddy dearest. He's right. Rayga shouldn't have split the soul weapon.
Chapter 286 - Mvp lord knew Raizel's taste in jewellery but Frankenstein fucks up again despite being told already about his preference... Maybe Raizel just doesn't want jewellery from you king.
- I wonder who's in charge of putting the skin tight shorts on the test subjects put into tubes. Like did Ignes put them on Muzaka? 9th Elder? Did they force Roctis to do it? I have so many questions.
- M-21 and Takeo loving the gifts Tao gave them,,, my heart. And then when Tao comes to ask about them and guilt trips them by mentioning that he used up most of his pay to make them,,, beloved nail file and modified toy gun, perhaps you will become tsukumogami one day even though that's a japanese shinto belief not korean. Maybe dokkaebi? But I can't see them being abandoned so.
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imthefailedartist · 3 years
Robot Wives? (2003)
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The Stepford Wives could've been a decent remake if one thought went into the actual Stepford Wives portion of this movie. They go from being human women with implanted microchips to actual robots scene to scene and sometimes the same scene.
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Charmaine was an ATM. Actual cash coming out of her mouth but at the end she's a normal person. Also, why was she at the men's clubhouse? Were they planning on telling Walter the truth that day regardless of wife hating conversation? Who's restocking her money? Her husband? Why is that a feature how often does one need that? Why does one need that? He can't use that feature out in public. Does it affect the blow job feature or are they similar.
Sarah was a machine that could make its breasts bigger with the push of a button, her steps could be controlled. I love that Faith Hill is in this.
Bobbie holds her hand over an open flame, she feels no pain. Fine, I can believe the pain receptors are blocked by the microchips, but her human flesh is not burned.
Walter and Joanna ride down the platform with a Joanna blank but remains human. I understand they didn't use it, but where did they put it? Didn't Mike a.k.a. Claire have to implant the chips in her brain or at the least program the blank? How did they get away with this? If there is a blank what happens to the real bodies? Do husband's get both. Like the sexual features haven't been perfected so they still need the human wife?
Does Claire spend her days having conversations with and entertaining robots? From what we've seen of them they only discuss being a housewife and good housekeeping. Is Mike anatomically correct? Do you think there are days when she's tired of the canned conversations, so she turns off one of the wives chips and has to explain what's happened but they can't stop freaking out so she just turns them back to robot mode with a heavy sigh? That would be a great moment of horror.
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The dog! As a robot it recognizes its flesh self! What does that mean? Is the dog inside the robot? Why not just chip the dog brain? Why do that to a dog, was obedience school not enough? It was a prize winning show dog, it's clearly well trained. Why not just make a robot dog toy? Did she do it because she wanted to or because the real dog died? Where is the real dog?
We see the lab where the procedure happens why does each woman need her own control unit? Wouldn't it make more sense to have one big computer? It's not like Stepford is a company with employees, it's one intelligent woman. It wasn't even cinematic we didn't get good establishing shots of the lab to have it payoff.
Rewatching this movie now I hate Roger's husband the most. What did he even want from Roger? Roger runs and wins a senate seat did no one of his party question how he went from buttoned up conservative to flamboyant liberal. Why did Jerry make him run for senator? Why didn't he run himself? Maybe he realizes how much he sucks and voters would too.
This movie ends with all the wives going back to their careers but not divorcing these men who essentially lobotomized them. Today this would end with a newscaster to camera, as B-roll of the husband's getting put in cop cars and crime scene tape blowing in the wind intercuts, "One suburb, thirty divorces, thirty arrests. A once promising scientist dead, what went wrong in this seemingly perfect Connecticut town? Breaking now on CNL35"
Joanna goes willingly to the conversion room, does that mean all the other wives did too? Or were they drugged. Are stepford women living in a world where every few months a new neighbor solves the mystery of the "Stepford Wives" only to end up as one of them? The husband's are clearly well versed in explaining the procedure to a soon converted party. Is that part of it, they want to toy with their sanity. They did the same to Roger.
The premise of "I Can do Better" is wild. Joanna heard "Hank tried to commit mass murder against his wife and lovers and shot me" and said let's get him and his wife back together for ratings. Wild. But I would watch the hell out of that. So I guess she's right.
I love the current twist that a woman, is doing the conversions, because she's idolizing the past without thinking about the actual women of the fifties.
The scene where Joanna, Bobbie, and Roger all meet and Bobbie is talking about how are they celebrating July 4th with out other races being present but stopping mid rant because she sees someone she knows is [chef's kiss] satire on white people's dedication to racial equality.
All that said, I love this movie and still remember that my mom took me to the movies to see it. And I still want to be best friends with Joanna Bobbie, and Roger. They seem fun.
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 121 - I hope none of the birds affected by the sleeping gas died from falling from a height, especially if they fell on concrete. I don't think the gas itself would affect the birds but it also very well might since they can't handle as much due to being much smaller animals or from not being able to handle the chemicals used.
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Chapter 122 - Shark's expressions are so hideous 🤢
- At least Raizel knows how to be nice by sharing food lmao. Frankenstein beaming like a proud father of a 2-year-old who's doing that is definitely not praxis though.
Chapter 124 - Shark being astounded that nobles care about innocents is amusing. I suppose that aside from the Elders, the Union members think nobles consider other species to be inferior or like cockroaches or toys.
- Although I do find Frankenstein plotting to teach Seira cooking so she can cook for Raizel when he can't extremely funny, I do also find it somewhat disturbing. He's essentially making a teen girl do child labour. Yes she and Regis are imposing on him and I do think they should be doing some manner of chores, but making her cook lavish meals? I also know she's doing it willingly but it still makes me cringe since something being one's choice doesn't negate it being bad. And yes technically she's 'of age' since she's 217, whatever that means since she's still obviously a teen compared to Raizel who actually is an adult going to school with children (which is a whole other can of worms), but aside from her position as clan leader she's very obviously not viewed as an adult by most.
Chapter 125 - On one hand I'd love to get a front row seat to the internal drama within the DA-5 lile M-21 but otoh I don't want to die a painful death or get beaten up.
- So like obviously Seira knows that Raizel and Frankenstein aren't ordinary humans unlike Regis but it is hilarious to think she just told the truth to two men she thinks are frail innocent humans.
Chapter 127 - You'd really think that the Union would be investing more into memory altering drugs but nah. The only ones they have will also fuck your brain up. Really not a good idea when most of your agents/experiments obviously have been administered aforementioned drugs. If it was only used sparingly on civilians I'd get it but it's quite widespread so...
Chapter 128 - As much as Frankenstein complains about the mess the kids make, he enjoys having them over as much as Raizel does. Soft hearted bastard.
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Chapter 130 - The girls bandaging M-21 up even as Regis fights has them being smarter than like 90% of other characters in media. They're the real reason he didn't hit the dust immediately smh.
Chapter 132 - I still think the coming of age ceremony has a 50% chance of actually being them ingesting drugs that are the equivalent of stat boosting items in games but also ya know, real world drugs that fuck you up. The other 50% is just them getting much stronger after they turn 200 because their bodies are just like that and it truly is purely ceremonial and a fun tradition like children's day or girl's day or birthdays rather than something that actually affects them.
- Lol Kranz, Regis won't be leaving a corpse if he dies. Purebloods are just special like that. Can you imagine if they did see a pureblood dying? They'd regret killing them so bad.
Chapter 133 - Raizel commanding Frankenstein to stop his experiments is definitely something, like bro maybe he was figuring out electrolysis, not like you know what he was doing. Plus it's not like Frankenstein listened completely. Man has a lab under his house and it wasn't built after Raizel woke. I guess he only stopped modification experiements on others and only did checkups on himself but didn't stop experimenting for other stuff like idk, better fertiliser.
- Kinda amazing Takeo didn't get stabbed in the heart.
Chapter 137 - I know it's just because Gejutel likely explained the lord's powers to him but the idea that Regis knows what a blood field is because Raskreia does demonstrations to entertain little kids is making me giggle.
Chapter 140 - So the Union only came upon Frankenstein's research 540 years ago... that's only 40 years before Raskreia became lord. Interesting.
- Ah yes... the classic joke of Tao not teaching Takeo korean properly. It's also very amusing envisioning Tao teaching the DA-5 members korean.
- ARIS ARIS ARIS. God she looks adorbs. Also I love her referring to DA-5 as 'my children' and 'my babies'. Aris >>> all other scientists. Amd hi Yuri :)
Chapter 141 - Yuri listening to Aris insulting Crombel repeatedly,,, he probably enjoys every aspect of it from knowing she's not aware he's his underling to being able to hear someone insult Crombel.
- Once again union members don't know jack shit. They think werewolves are extinct while Maduke and Lunark are literally Elders 😭🤡😭
- Werewolves having a small population never made sense to me even with the whole thing about them not having mind control and thus keeping away from humans secretly since even civilians are stronger than humans on average but like why tf would wolves have such a low reproduction rate? And that's why I hc that 90% of them are just homosexual.
Chapter 142 - D doesn't consume your lifeforce bro. That's just the drugs causing heavy strain on the body, etc etc. The rest of your explanation was fine but talking about lifeforce or vitality makes no sense.
- We all know Yuri's smart but the fact that he tries to get Frankenstein as a subject by scouting him first is very clever. It's believable too since Frankenstein is supposed to be quite handsome.
Chapter 144 - Well we don't know of Crombel microchips his Assassination Squad but Aris canonically microchips her experiments 🤣
Chapter 147 - Okay but this panel... she's hot. I'd let her dissect me <3
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- If this was some other media I'd talk about the symbolism of the attack looking like a rapier and go on for a paragraph but this is Noblesse so it's obviously just a coincidence lmao.
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- "A living robot" so like... a cyborg.
Chapter 148 - Yuri getting pissed at being attacked and retaliating but pretending it was him being loyal to Aris... Love it. Also he must be really confused as to who tf Frankenstein is since as one of Crombel's most important lackeys he'd definitely know about such a powerful experiment under him if they existed and thus unlike Aris knows that he's not been sent by Crombel.
Chapter 149 - Yup def confused, especially when he realises Frankenstein's power is like Crombel's.
Chapter 150 - Girlboss,,, also it's been years and I'm still wondering... why is her outfit like that? Neon genesis evangelion girlboss does have a ring to it though.
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- Ah yes, Taivra time.
Chapter 151 - Okay yeah I feel so bad for Takeo but also Aris is so good at manipulating him and and and iwi. The fact that she can cry on command though... impressive.
- "From the beginning you were an only child. That's why I got you to experiment on." Okay cool time to ignore that again for my own amusement of having all of noblesse's named modified human women be related to Takeo.
- Okay I'm obsessed with strawberry milk myself but strawberries do not taste anywhere near that good. Not even the sweet ones.
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Chapter 153 - Yeah no I don't agree that Takeo losing his will to live is an insult to your comrades M-21. You could have said all that in a gentler way. Just because Takeo was luckier than you experiment wise doesn't mean you get to be so rude.
Chapter 154 - M-21 misleading Tao and Takeo to thinking he's being experimented on and then turning around to laugh at them when they find out it's just ramyeon... mood.
- I really do wonder what 12th Elder's military medals are for.
Sidenotes - Hammer being smart <3 I honestly didn't remember that part of him and I'm glad he's not given purely negative traits. He's the only reason Shark lived past 2 chapters tbh.
- Truly, D is one of the worst letters of the alphabet to have named the drugs DA-5 uses. The other bad choice would be P. On the opposite end of the spectrum, T would have been a great choice for the irony. Not that it matters since the inspiration for the drug from name to physical transformation is obviously 🍆
- Nobles being so nonchalant about murder is kinda fucked up like yeah they suck but you can't just kill them??? Lukedonia my beloved your justice system sucks. I do hc they can't just do this in Lukedonia though or to other nobles even if outside of Lukedonia, it's just that the jurisdiction of nobles doesn't apply outside of Lukedonia and they do on some level think of themselves as a superior species so they're fine with just... killing people.
- Aris obsessing over handsome men as experiments and treating them like toys but ignoring women altogether? Not experimenting on women? Gaslight gatekeep girlboss,,, a feministe of our own,,, perhaps even a... lesbienne. But yeah I just love how she acts and I love her and how she interacts with Yuri. And yeah he's cool too.
- Tbh aside from how short the skirts are and the white blazers, the Ye Ran uniform really reminds me of my own school's uniform. The colours are exactly the same. We just didn't have blazers since it was a forever summer tropical country, only jumpers for if it got too cold in the air conditioned rooms. And for some people who grow up in tropical countries... 25°C can be too cold.
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