#and the last one is bonnie as a kid - before she got her glass body mods and still had a honey filling in her stomach glass :>
marinakaefer · 2 years
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[OCs] some more Bonnies!
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elejah-wonderland · 10 months
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_a fanfic snippet
"Hey" Elena said.
"Hello" Elijah muttered approaching the brunette.
"I got held up with the cookie baking for the kids in the hospital." Elena said.
"You're doing all these wonderful things - and I -well- kept to myself the last few days."
"I need to - kinda have some normality. So volunteering in the hospital makes it easier not to think about Bonnie and the others trying to figure things out- and we can't help them."
"Yes - we can only "sit and wait" Elijah muttered.
"Yeah - uhm - do you want to go- for a drink? Or - don't know" Elena gestured towards the Grill. She smiled, inhaling inwardly.
All the lights are comin' on now
How I wish that it would snow now
I don't feel like going home now
I wish that I could stay
Elijah nodded. And instead of going to the Grill, they walked to the Christmas Market, ending up back at the house in a little while.
"Bourbon or - Cognac? You seem to prefer that." Elena looked at the bottles in the cabinet.
"Yes." Elijah undid his coat, folding it neatly, resting it on the armchair.
Elena poured them both the golden fiery drink.
"France is your all time favourite country?" Elena felt a chit chat suddenly would help her with the nervousness that she tried so desperately to shake off.
"One of them. I love Italy, too." Elijah replied.
"You went to Paris, I hear." Elijah said having overheard a few days back Elena and Caroline talking about their trips.
"Yeah. The three of us finally got away for a holiday. It was great. I loved it."
"I prefer southern France. The Provance." Elijah replied.
"How about Italy?"
"Every region has its gems. I love the Renaissance cities."
"I guess you spent some time there." Elena stated.
"I did. The arts flourished during this period. The concept of humanism is what attracted me mainly. I do not wish to bore you." Elijah put the glass aside on the little table next to the sofa.
"You don't bore me. You can never do that. You've actually - intrigued me." Elena admitted.
Elijah turned to her phased by the declaration. He looked at her with soft inqusitive eyes.
"Yeah - we played one another - I daggered you and -"
"Undaggered me" Elijah interjected.
"I did." Elena said faintly, gulping a little.
Elijah drew a deep breath and turned to her.
"I have often thought about you - and your very clever negotiating skills. But mostly - that you showed courage - you showed me then - and even now how wonderful it is to be human."
Elena's eyes watered a little. She wanted to speak, but he stopped her.
"Please - the last few days - so much has come into perspective. Now, for the first time in my life... It is as if my soul sits on soft grass upon a gentle hill. It was always the simplest thing with you. Your warm brown eyes. Your humanity. I've wanted someone like you forever. Elena...it's simply that they weren't able to, as if my soul was in a different room and there was no key. But I believe that you had it though. You had it as if God put it in your pocket with a whisper and a four leaf clover. In a way, when I met you I was stunned. My soul had been alone so long it was almost unsettling to suddenly have company. To find or seek another would be condemning myself to a lifetime in darkness, knowing full well what I hid from myself before.
I behaved so silly. It's all so frustrating. It's all so painful. Because -I didn't allow myself to be worthy of you."
Elena narrowed the gap between them.
Warmth blossomed in her, sparks igniting as Elijah leaned in closer. The smell of her perfume, of the soft, floral scent of her conditioner, was dizzying.
Butterflies danced in her stomach as their lips met, hesitant at first, tentative. He slid his hands up her back. She felt the warmth of him against her body, solid beneath the expensive Italian suit. A muffled moan escaped her lips,melting into him as he deepened the kiss.
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Poly sea three x reader - oneshot - Lonely
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*as i finished this i realized this has no dialogue...which is kinda cool i’ve never written a no dialogue fic, so enjoy!* ((y/n) is Jack Sparrows kid btw if you couldn't guess from the compass on the moodboard) 
After Uma left, her life was harder…harder than it was before. Uma was the rock of the crew, always there, always steady, and ready to command the lot at a moment's notice. The crew saw a polished rock, hard and smooth, shining like the stars in the galaxy.
Only three people in the crew saw the rough edges. Uma only trusted three people to see behind the polished glaze, exposing the rocky terrain within her. On nights where it had just been too much stress at the chip shop, she would retreat to one of three rooms, sometimes even gathering all of them to be in her room so she could just relax with her favorite people.
Her head rested on her first mate's chest, his solid heartbeat and even breathing lulling her to sleep, her body tangled with her war chief, arms wrapped around each other like snakes and thumb gently rubbing her back. Her legs coiled around her second mate, his hands pressed against her calf and thigh, always letting her know he was there.
Uma didn’t know how much she relied on them until she couldn't get back behind the barrier, eyes wide with helplessness as she called out for them on the other side, Harry when he would nab some fish from an unsuspecting fisherman, (y/n) when they sat on the docks, carving whatever they felt like into their dagger, Gil when he was skipping rocks.
They never heard her, and she didn’t try again as she watched them walk around on the deck of her ship.
She missed them, she realized that almost as soon as she hit the water outside the barrier, stopping for a moment to look back, watching as the barrier closed and she was separated from her friends.
Sometimes, she would see things that reminded her of them, the scarlet ribbon of a disregarded dress, a sparrow flying above her, a broken arrowhead at the bottom of the sea.
Uma just wanted to be with them again, her heart ached every night she went on without the sound of Harry's heart, the feeling of (y/n)s hands gently scratching at her back, the feeling of Gil's hands gently massaging her legs. She realized she loved them, all three of them, the longer she was away from them.
She missed them all, so much.
And she hoped that they missed her too.
After Uma left, the isle was harder…harder than it was before. Uma was the rock of the crew, always there, always steady, and ready to command the lot of you at a moment's notice. The crew saw a polished rock, hard and smooth, shining like the stars in the galaxy.
Only three people in the crew saw the rough edges. Uma only trusted three people to see behind the polished glaze, exposing the rocky terrain within her. And she saw the inner workings of them behind closed doors, rusty cogs and scratched glass resting before her eyes.
Harry got more…twitchy, after Uma left, his usual controlled rage that used to bubble beneath his skin bursting out more often, scaring the crew sometimes, but never you and Gil. you both knew he’d never hurt either of you, he’d throw himself off the edge of the world before he even thought about doing so.
Harry was just so angry that Uma was gone, stuck on the other side of the barrier, he had no doubt she didn’t abandon any of you but that didn’t stop him from screaming and destroying the training dummies.
He shut himself away from everyone soon after the anger burned out, even Harriet hadn’t been able to convince him to unlock his door. It had taken almost a month for him to let you and Gil inside, and he looked awful, his skin was pale and his nose and cheeks were red, his eyes puffy and dull. The only reason he wasn’t skinny was thanks to you and Gil leaving trays full of food in front of his door at mealtimes, and leaving it there for him to grab it.
During those months of anger and depression, you and Gil took over the crew, you ascended into the role of captain, being the most knowledgeable about the position thanks to your lineage and Gil becoming first mate, all temporary until Harry recovered and Uma returned.
Though once Harry started to slowly return to his “normal” self, he didn’t care to try to take back his role as the first mate or become the captain as his first mate duties proclaimed, that alone told you and Gil and something was still wrong with Harry.
One night you and Gil dragged Harry into Uma’s empty quarters, and just laid in her bed in a tangle of limbs, Gil laying between Harry's legs with his head on Harry’s stomach, while Harry curled up into your chest, hands clutching onto your shirt. That night was one of the few times you saw Harry cry, choked sobs ripping from his throat as he attempted to muffle them in your neck.
You and Gil let your feelings out that night as well, assuring Harry that he wasn’t alone in missing Uma, you all did. So.damn.much.
Harry had always been in love with Uma, never afraid to show it, but that night you and Gil finally proclaimed the same after years of hiding your feelings in fear they would be used against you. And you loved each other too, it was hard to deny, not after revealing your feelings for Uma.
You all vowed that when Uma returned you would shower her in the love that you had all been deprived of for many years.
It was over a year later before you saw her again, Gil and Harry had jumped out of the barrier behind Mal and her goons plus Celia, Harry knocking the blue gem out of Mal's hand.
Your breath escaped you when a turquoise tentacle caught it, and Uma, looking more beautiful than you remembered, emerged from the water, dressed in an altered version of her turquoise cotillion dress, the sweetheart neckline showing off her glowing shell necklace.
Uma and your boys reunited, but she didn’t look at you, probably because you were back behind the tunnel and she couldn’t see you through the barrier and the darkness of the tunnel. But that was fine, you could wait just a bit longer before you looked her in the eyes again.
You would wait a thousand years for her.
But you wouldn’t have to wait that long, the next morning you awoke to the crew loudly celebrating, cheers and chaos echoing through the halls of the ship from the main deck.
You slipped out of bed, quickly changing into your gear and racing up to the main deck, unable to keep the smile of your lips as you saw Uma, who continued to glow with an echo of her magic, being lifted by the crew, all cheering and celebrating her return.
Her eyes locked onto yours, and as the crew set her down on her feet, you walked toward her, taking off your tri-corn hat and kneeling in front of her. You said her name like a prayer to the gods, a whisper on your lips. Uma shivered at the tone, feeling something wash over her at your worship.
As she looked around at the crew, Harry and Gil standing only a few inches from her, not wanting to be far from her, she realized that while Auradon had everything one could want, riches, good food, magic.
It was nothing compared to the warmth she felt surrounded by her crew and the three people she loved with all her soul.
Uma grabbed your face as you stood up, biting back a smile at your confused look, and pressed a kiss to your lips, the crew around them exploding into cheers.
Uma pulled back from you, smirking at your dazed look as she spun around and grabbed Harry's jacket, pulling him down to her height for a kiss, laughing into it as he slumped into her and groaned. She pulled away one last time and turned to Gil, grinning at his ‘excited puppy’ look, and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, smiling as he picked her up by her waist to give her better access.
The crew celebrated and cheered, Bonnie handing Desiree a wad of cash when you and Harry kissed as Gil set Uma down and pulled the four of you into a hug, Uma pressing a kiss to his cheek as he did.
All was well again.
Uma wasn’t lonely anymore.
lowkey kinda proud of this one hehe, tell me what yall thought! this was originally going to be a under the sea kinda fic but it turned into them all missing Uma and Uma missing them and then they all reunited and kiss and just asaoishdahsda i couldn't help but do the fluff at the end 
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @remembered-license​
@random-thoughts-003​  @imtryingthisout​
@rintheemolion​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ 
@verboetoperee​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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aereres · 4 years
Still Into You - Mitch Marner
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Summary: When Y/N agreed to join her older brother at the Marners' for Christmas, she didn't expect to find herself infatuated with her brother's best friend all over again.
A/N: I am so excited to post this ngl... Anons, here’s the Mitch fic!
Word Count: 3,4k
Warnings: drinking, maybe some swear words, lots of teasing and flirting, maybe some angst?
"God, this is bringing back High School memories," Andrew mumbled under his breath, a smile on his lips as he drove through the snowy streets. The landscape was a mixture of tall trees and mountains, some clouds blocking the view of their peaks.
"You guys came here often?" You asked your brother, noticing a rather large house just a few miles away.
"Every summer," Andrew said, taking another turn as he gave you a quick look. "We used to throw the biggest parties ever, before Marner left,"
"And you didn't even invite me," you tsked, pushing your beanie on the top of your head when he pulled up inside a driveway, your eyes scanning the fancy mountain house before you.
"Try to be nice, okay?" Andrew warned you, pointing a finger your way as he left the car. You lifted up your middle finger when he turned your back to you to knock on the front door, and you finally left the car to grab your bags.
"Oh my God, Andy! Hi!" You recognized Bonnie's voice, a smile forming on your lips as you looked at your long-time family friend hugging your brother tightly. "I haven't seen you in ages,"
"Hi, Bonnie," your brother chuckled, gently pulling back to hug her husband. His smile grew even larger when Mitch appeared, the two best friends finding themselves in a tight embrace as they laughed in chorus.
"Oh, Y/N," Bonnie sighed happily, pulling you in a hug and kissing the top of your head lightly. "I'm so happy you could make it, honey,"
"Thank you for having me," you smiled, hugging Paul when he greeted you. You met Mitch's eyes, a smile forming on your lips as you found yourself in front of the old friend. His features had changed from the last time you'd seen him, he was built, and he definitely looked taller. His smile was still the same, though. The one you had loved so much.
"Hi," he said lightly, opening his arms for you, letting you go after a couple of seconds. You took in the insides of the house: the tall Christmas tree, the fireplace in the living room, the large windows, and the soft lights that illuminated the various rooms. It felt... cozy.
"Anyone wants hot chocolate?"
Mitch was trying to keep his eyes off of you. The light of the fireplace was hitting your body just right, and he could have sworn you were the prettiest sight on earth. It had been years since he had last seen you, leaving you with a quick 'goodbye' and an excited smile on his face.
It had been the night before the draft, he could still remember it. He said goodbye to all his friends, left the girl he was seeing with a kiss, and came to see Andrew one last time. You had happened to stand by the doorway, catching the last few glimpses of their bone-crushing hug as they laughed. Mitch had walked past you, ruffling your hair with a chuckle before walking towards the front door of your door to go back home, ready for his new start.
Since then, he had barely spent time home, missing not only the growth of his entire family, but also of his closest friends which, in some ways, involved you, too.
The braces you had once worn were gone, your short hair had become long, framing your face in the best possible way, and your younger version had left to let the new you take over. You were a sight to see.
"Marner, eyes on the game," Andrew snapped him out of his trance, tapping his thigh with his controller and pointing at the TV. His best friend had beaten him another time, making him scoff softly.
"Man, and I thought I got better at videogames," Mitch joked, slipping his phone out of his pocket to check some messages. Andrew stood up, stretched for a couple of seconds, and looked at his sister.
"I'm going to bed," he stated, running a hand through his dark hair. "We gotta throw a party, man, like the old times,"
"Sure," Mitch mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as he saw the little smile that formed on your lips. "I'll try to find a way to get my parents out of here,"
"Cool," Andrew said, ruffling your hair and making you scoff softly before leaving the room with a small 'goodnight'. Silence grew between you and Mitch as you kept your eyes trained on your book, your heart beating out of your chest.
"It's been a while," he admitted, running a hand through his hair as his eyes found the fireplace. "I've missed you,"
You smiled softly, looking up at him as you shut the book. "Everyone missed you, around here," you chuckled. "How's the big NHL life going?"
"Busy," he sighed, letting his neck lean against the back of the couch and close his eyes. "Just constantly training and having games, but it's rewarding. School?"
"Dropped out of college," you chuckled. "I mean, now I got a job, so it's not that big of a deal,"
"Oh wow," Mitch teased, stealing your book and smirking your way. "So, nerdy Y/N is telling me she dropped out of college?"
"I wasn't nerdy," you mumbled as you tried to reach for your novel, stepping on the tip of your toes and following him around the living room. He let you get your book, his hands placing themselves against the wall behind you, caging you between his arms and the nearest wall.
"Oh really?" He whispered in your ear, your body so close to his you could feel his warmth. His nose touched yours, the smirk still painting his lips as his hazel orbs stared deep into yours. "Your glasses were cute, back then,"
The noise of a door opening made him scramble away from you, your brother's heavy steps making their way down the stairs. "God, I am thirsty," Andrew mumbled under his breath, totally not realizing what had been happening just seconds prior.
"I-I'm going to bed," you stuttered, gathering your things and letting your adrenaline-filled body lift itself up from the couch. "Goodnight,"
You didn't register their answers as you made your way to the guest bedroom as quickly as you could, shutting the door and sliding your back against it. Your breathing was heavy, hands shaking as the events replayed in your head. Mitch was just so close, his words just so teasing, he had you wrapped around his fingers.
But you were so sure you had moved on, you were so sure that your tiny, stupid crush on him had been over when he'd left, when many other girls had started to gain his attention. You were sure that you had been over what once was a teenage crush on your brother's best friend.
You clearly were not.
The lights of the lampposts outside the mountain house reflected inside Mitch's room. He had been lying awake for what felt like hours, his thoughts making it impossible for him to sleep. Three days into the Christmas getaway and things were already going messy for him.
The vacation was supposed to bring him out of the chaos and anxiety that filled his head, to make him relax, to let all the stress that was his normal life aside for a couple of weeks. Yet, his love life had decided to make an appearance, turning his plans into old, stupid thoughts.
You had left his mind when he got drafted, he was going to be honest. He didn't expect to feel the exact way about you as he felt when he was a teen, he didn't expect his old crush to come back when he saw you after all those years.
The feelings inside his body were foreign, from the way his heart would start beating loudly when he'd see you around the house, to the way his fingers would tingle after he'd touch your skin. He couldn't understand his own body, and it frustrated him.
He felt as if he was standing in the middle of an empty, dark room, where he couldn't understand what was happening around him and to him. He was confused, and he needed to know what he was feeling for you, what his heart needed.
He closed his eyes, fisting the bedsheets as he clenched his jaw.
Mitchell Marner hated being confused.
Mitch skated slowly on top of the iced lake, puffs of warmth leaving his mouth as he and your brother passed each other a puck, just like the old times. Mitch was laughing loudly, throwing his head back at something Andrew had said, his rosy cheeks looking as adorable as you remembered them.
Bonnie handed you a cup of warm tea before going back to the living room, leaving you to stand by the backdoor to look at the boys. Mitch's eyes caught yours as he skated around, a small smile never leaving his lips as he got off the ice, Andrew following right in tow.
"Damn, it's cold out there," Andrew mumbled while they got rid of their skates. Your brother walked past you to reach the fireplace, your eyes finding Mitch before you moved towards the kitchen.
You grabbed the sugar container and a spoon, turning your back to the entryway and getting deep inside your thoughts. A hand on your hip brought you back to real life, the feeling of a firm chest against your back making chills run up your spine. You spun around to face Mitch, your hands flattening against his chest.
"What are you doing, Mitch?!" You whisper yelled.
"Just, you know, reaching for a mug," he said, the smirk you knew too well adorning his features. "What are you doing, princess?"
You fluttered at the name, biting on your bottom lip as he kept his body close to yours. Your mind went into overdrive, thoughts filling your head as you got lost in his pretty eyes. You needed to understand.
He pushed a stray hair behind your ear, smiling at you when you blushed lightly. "Mitch, what are we doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"What's-" you motioned between your bodies. "What's this? You leave me hanging, tease me,"
"Ever heard of flirting, Y/N? Or is Andrew that protective?" Mitch smirked, watching you bite on your bottom lip as you looked at him. "I could tell you had a crush on me when we were kids, and maybe now it's slowly getting mutual,"
You looked at him in shock as he moved around the kitchen, filling up his mug with tea, adding some sugar to it, grabbing a snack. "You-"
"I mean, I saw you as a little sister back then just because I didn't want to fuck things up with Andy," he said, leaning against the counter to look your way, his smirk replaced with a small, soft smile. "But now we grew up, Andrew has more important things to focus on, and you can't stop leaving my mind,"
He leaned down to place a lingering kiss on your cheek, making you heat up and gasp softly as he grabbed his mug. "Gotta go, now," he smirked your way. "Oh, and we're throwing that party on Thursday,"
Thursday. Christmas Eve.
"Alright," you sighed out, your heart beating out of your chest. He sent you a wink as he left the kitchen, your body still buzzing from his contact. You took some time to get yourself back together, biting on your lip before you made your way towards the living room, joining your brother and the Marners.
'Home Alone' was playing on the TV when you took place next to Andrew on the couch, picking at the skin around your nails as your long-forgotten tea sat in front of you.
"You okay?" Andrew asked, his eyes scanning your features before settling back on the TV. "You've been weird these past few days,"
"I'm fine. Just missing home, I guess," you mumbled, feeling Mitch's eyes on you, already knowing he was smirking. You almost groaned out loud at the thought of him having you wrapped around his fingers, at the thought of being so at his mercy.
"You'll be fine, you just need to relax," Andrew sighed. "The party this Thursday will probably make you feel better,"
You nodded your head absentmindedly, not noticing your brother's worried glare as you silently kept your eyes on the TV. You zoned out, the laughter from your companions becoming background noise as you fell back into your train of thoughts.
The trip was supposed to be a way to relax, and yet, there you were: panicking over Mitchell Marner. Your brother's best friend. Everything about what was happening was wrong, starting off with the fact that Andrew and Mitch had been friends since day one.
"You just need to relax," were Andrew's words, the ones that were playing on repeat in your mind. And what better way to relax than to join the party? Cute guys, drinks, music. It would have been enough to calm you down and figure things out with Mitch.
There was no way you'd miss the party.
Mitch was deep in his thoughts, his phone pressed against his ear as he looked out of the window. Auston was talking about something that had happened to his sister the day prior, laughter coming from his side as Mitch looked at the snow.
"Man, you're never this silent," Auston sighed, making Mitch shut his eyes and bite back a groan. "I know something's happening, so spill,"
"You better not tell a soul," Mitch said, biting his nails. Auston tsked from the other side of the line, urging his best friend to finally start talking. "Alright, you remember Andrew? My friend from home?"
"He's with us for Christmas, and-" Mitch sighed softly, getting ready for his teammate's endless teasing. "And his sister is over, too,"
"Oh, God. You like her, don't you?" Auston whisper-yelled. Mitch was silent, which brought his best friend to conclusions. "Mitch, your best friend's little sister?!"
"I've liked her for years, but I've settled for other girls because of her brother," Mitch explained, rubbing his forehead as he tried to explain the situation better. "But now she's back, looking as pretty as ever, and I just can't help it,"
Silence came from Auston's line, making Mitch's heart beat a little faster than usual. "Aus?"
"I mean, I know you like her, and I know you wouldn't try to break her heart or mess your friendship up," Auston sighed. "Just- be careful, Marner,"
"Uh- yeah," Mitch mumbled.
There was a beat, silence being the only thing coming from both lines. "I gotta go now, man," Auston sighed. "I'll see you soon, okay? Don't fuck things up and ask her out,"
"Alright, bye," Mitch said, ending the call and letting his body fall on his bed. Surely, catching feelings for his best friend's younger sister had been a problem from the start, but he was sure. He was sure that, that time, it wasn't going to be just a game.
The loud bass was enough to snap you out of your thoughts, making you take one last look at yourself in the mirror before leaving your room. People were already crowding the living room, the smell of sweat and alcohol reaching your nostrils and making you wince softly.
You took in some of the familiar faces while you slowly made your way towards the kitchen, your only goal being getting yourself a drink.
The countertop had been transformed into a makeshift bar, different types of alcohol sitting on top of it, waiting to be used. You poured yourself something heavy, just the right mixture that could make you forget about the events of the previous week.
Your eyes fell on the people in the living room, especially on Andrew, who was dancing with a random girl. Next to him stood Mitch, his arms wrapped around two different girls, his large smile on his lips.
Your stomach churned, jealousy taking over you as you stumbled across the house and reached the improvised dance floor. You swayed your hips to the music mindlessly, hoping you'd catch someone's attention and, hopefully, give Mitch a taste of his own medicine.
A pair of hands settled on your hips soon after, resting against the soft material of your skirt and pulling you to a warm body. The stranger's lips were close to your neck, his breath fanning against your shoulder as you moved against him. Wrapping your arms around him, you kept your movements sensual and teasing, your own hands running over your curves and feeling yourself up.
What was supposed to be just one song turned into two, another body taking its place behind you and dancing with you as you lost the concept of time. When you looked around and noticed that Mitch had gone missing, you fell back into your senses, throwing your empty cup inside the closest bin.
As you wandered around the house, you took notice of the people surrounding you, from the beautiful girls, to the boys you swore everyone had a crush on in High School. In the corner stood your brother, a shorter girl wrapped in his arms as the two made out, his hands dangerously close to her ass.
You shook your head, chuckling to yourself as you grabbed your coat, ready to head out to take a breather and chill down. As you stepped outside, you noticed the sound of the hot tub, a long sigh leaving your lips as your heated face met the cold air.
"Hot inside, huh?"
You snapped your head around, noticing Mitch's body inside the warm water, his eyes closed as he talked to you.
"Uh- yeah," you mumbled, biting on your lip as your eyes ran over his tattoos, his strong chest, his muscled thighs.
"You should come in, it feels great after dancing,"
"I'll die of hypothermia, Marner," you scoffed, turning back around to face the view of the mountains, the snow already making your feet cold. "And I don't have a swimming suit with me,"
"I'll keep you warm, Y/N," he smirked, running a hand through his hair. "Just- sit on the edge, I know you're starting to freeze,"
You rolled your eyes, awkwardly walking towards the tub and taking place on the warm edge. You took off your shoes and let your feet fall inside the warm water, a sigh of relief leaving your lips.
"See? I told you you would be just fine," he said, his hand toying with the hem of your skirt absentmindedly.
"What are you doing here, Mitch? This is your party,"
"Got bored, I guess," he mumbled. "And I didn't want to see you with those douches all over you,"
You chuckled coldly, wrapping your arms around your middle to keep yourself warm. "You were all over those girls, I had to give you a taste of your own medicine,"
He laughed under his breath, his hazel eyes finally meeting yours. "There's nothing holding us back, why are we playing hard to get?"
"I don't know," you whispered, your toes grazing the skin of his thigh as you moved around. "I don't understand if you're doing this for fun or if you want me for good, I can't have my heart broken again,"
Mitch looked in front of himself for a second, facing the mountains and the snow that surrounded him before looking back at you. "There has always been something about you, ever since we were kids. I've always tried to push it back because of Andrew, but now, after all these years, I can't just help it anymore,"
You looked at him, squealing when his hands found your smaller back and brought you inside the water, positioning your body on his lap. "I know that you deserve better than me, that you deserve someone who's always present and there for you, but maybe things will finally work out for us,"
"Mitch, just-" you whispered, closing your eyes as you took in his words. "Don't break my heart,"
He leaned in, his promise embedded in his kiss as he let his body lean into yours. Your hands found his cheeks, holding him close to you as you melted into his arms, the whole world around you disappearing. The music that was playing inside the house vanished, and so did the people, leaving only Mitch and you in your own universe.
You pulled away only when your lungs started to hurt, screaming at you to breathe in some air. Your eyes stayed closed as your forehead rested against Mitch's, his hands soft against your skin. "I won't," he whispered, his swollen lips brushing against yours.
"I promise I won't,"
Taglist: @thirsthy-bitch​ @bellaguarneri​ @celestialblae​
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
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(*i do not own this gif*)
A/N: (from wattpad): heyyy...how y'all doin? ugh i'm not too happy with the sex scene (even though i'm grateful that a friend of mine helped me with one of the paragraphs) but this is the best i can do right now with the mental state i'm in. pls bare with me with posting, my personal life has gone downhill so fast it's crazy. i wanted to get this up on halloween but it sadly didn't happen. i do apologize. but i hope ur excited for this fic! thank u so much for reading ilyyyyyyy :) (from tumblr): ok last post until tonight! sorry for the spam, i only had this so far so i thought why not throw it all on here now lol. but ok enjoy :)
Category: smut
CW: daddy kink; degradation (from both men to clover); penetration (female receiving); oral (m+f recieving and giving); drunk sex; praise kink; this chapter is not full of smut but you don't have to read the smut if you're uncomfortable
Word Count: 3235
positions | prologue
~Clover's POV~
~Two Years Later~
It's been two years since I joined the team, and I've never felt more at home than I did on my first week. Luke, Spencer and I have been named, 'The Golden Trio' thanks to Penelope. We've been stuck like glue ever since I beat them in poker, like the best friends I always wanted but never had. Because of what happen when I was a kid, I always stayed close to my dad and never felt the need to make friends. Sure, I'd have people that I'd see 5 days a week at school, but nothing as close as we were. During our days off, we'd get drunk and have a poker night or a chess night, teaching Luke how to play but he never seemed to understand it, so we'd slowly switch to UNO or Cards Against Humanity.
Today, Halloween of all days, was just another paperwork day. Sure, being out in the field was exciting, saving American citizens like how Emily saved me, but I found relaxation in looking over files and sending my behavioral advice. Everything was calm in the office with everyone doing their work, and some days we'd watch a movie in the conference room or play games when we either got done with our work early or, as Garcia would say, "All serial killers have taken the day off. Maybe even went to therapy."
As I walked back to my desk after turning in the last of my files to Emily, Rossi came out of his office and stood at the railing. "Everyone," he announced, "I think it's safe to say that for the first in several years, we do not have a case on Halloween night!"
Everyone cheered, especially Spencer. Halloween was his favorite holiday, you learned. He was very passionate about its spooky nature by dressing up in a scary mask at work, before having to take it off because of a case. He would pout when he would see Emily, Rossi, or Garcia come out, telling the team that we had a case. This year, however, I noticed a grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear.
"In honor of that, I will be throwing a party at my house and you're all invited. But don't think you could run away from my grandmother's recipe!"
I turned over to Spencer, who's desk was right next to mine, a curious grin growing on my face. "So doc, what are you going to be for Halloween?"
He leaned back in his chair and looked over to me, his left elbow pressed against the armrest. "I was originally going to go as Tom Baker's Doctor Who since I still have the cosplay from when Garcia and I tried going to a convention, but with how my hair looks now, I think I'll go as a mad scientist or, if I want to be more specific, Einstein himself."
"I can see you dressing up as Einstein," I smiled, "Hell, you could even go as Dr.Emmett Brown, himself."
I looked back at him, jaw falling to my desk. "You know, from Back to the Future?"
He still looked confused.
"Don't worry about it, Clover," Luke said as he walked over and sat at the desk in front of me, "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."
"Now I'm curious about this movie." Spencer said, his curious face getting curiouser and curiouser.
"Maybe we can sneak away from the party tonight at some point and watch it." I wink at him and the two began chuckling.
"Those movie's are the closest to nerd I'll ever get." said Luke, which sparked Spencer's interest even more.
"So what are you going to be tonight, Kingsley?"
I looked over at him with a smirk."Oh, Alvez, THAT is a surprise."
~That Night~
"They did the monnnster mash!"
Music was coming from all over the backyard and in the house. Everyone from the BAU was dressed up in their spooky (or sexy...or cutest) best and was dancing the night away with champagne in their hands. I had walked in a little bit late compared to everyone else, which somehow Rossi didn't give me a sassy but funny remark about it. Rossi and Krystall dressed up as Bonnie and Clyde, Tara, along with Jj, Emily, and Garcia, went as nuns, and Matt went as Rickey while his wife, Kristy, was Lucy.
Luke ended up going as Magic Mike, not because he was full of himself, that was way out of line for him, but because the team would joke that he could become a stripper if he had to and played along. Spencer was, indeed, Albert Einstein. Garcia must've helped him with his hair, getting it to stick out like Einstein's and spraying gray hairspray in his hair. Both looked really good in their costumes, I couldn't complain.
I walked in as a sexy devil. I'm not scared to dress sexy when I could. I was comfortable in my body and I wasn't doing it to get someone's attention. I just love to feel myself from time to time, almost like a confidence boost if I needed it. I walked over to my two dudes and saw their eyes bulging out of their heads as they turned around to see. I was in a tight red crop top that showed off the girlies, with red short shorts, black fishnet tights, and red heels. I had horns on the top of my head thanks to a headband, and a tail that was attached to my shorts. The two were completely shocked, but were the respectful men that I always knew they were.
As the night went on, I was kind of getting bored. While I loved being surrounded by my coworkers turned family, I wanted to get wasted. It was Halloween night for crying out loud, but I didn't like being drunk in front of a lot of people. Even when I would go to the club, I would just have one drink and then dance with everyone on the dance floor. I didn't trust my drunk self, not physically but just how my personality changes. It embarrassed me to no end, so I only trusted a few people. Two of them, obviously, being Spencer and Luke.
At one point, I was sitting on the couch in the living room by myself. Luke and Spencer came in and sat down next to me, asking me if I was ok. When I explained to them what I was feeling, they both grinned in unison as they looked at one another, then back at me. I knew exactly what they were thinking, and they were in for it. We said goodbye to everyone, grabbed our coats, and headed out the door where we all met up at Luke's place.
When we walked in, Spencer and I sat on his couch getting Back to the Future ready while Luke made us all drinks. As we watched, we ended up leaving our glasses on the table and started taking turns drinking the vodka bottle, numb to the burning sensation. After taking the last shot in the bottle, I set it down and lay back against the back of the couch and blacked out, letting the alcohol take over my mind and body. The last thing I remember was leaning my head against Spencer's shoulder, while my feet were on Luke's lap...
Clover was giggling on Spencer's shoulder as her foot slowly rubbed over Luke's lap. Luke shifted his position on the couch, trying not to notice what that was doing to him. Not like he had a foot fetish or anything, but the amount of friction caused his pants grow tighter by the minute. Spencer, who had never been this drunk before in his life, started playing with her hair as he moved his arm around her. Spencer could tell that she was just as drunk as he was, but he didn't expect her to lay her hand on his chest, playing with the necklace he had around his neck. He tried to focus his attention to Back to the Future III, but once she started playing with the gold piece of metal with her mouth, he couldn't help but to look down at her, her eyes never leaving his.
He looked over to Luke, who had moved Clover's foot over and started palming himself  through his pants. Spencer quickly looked away, trying not to give in to his own urges. He moved his focus back to Clover, who's eyes were still locked on him. Before he could do anything, she let go of the necklace and began to slowly move her hand down Spencer's chest.
"I know why Luke moved my foot away," she whispered as her hand gently fell on his lap. She moved her fingers ever so lightly over the bulge that was growing in his pants. She had also moved her foot back onto to Luke's bulge, rubbing over it softly.
The two looked at each other, almost in confusion at first. But then, they silently agreed that they were up for it, as Clover clearly was as well. Luke moved her foot off of it and stood up, pausing the movie as Spencer moved her hand out of the way and lifted her head up as he started to get up. He takes her hand and helps her up, grabbing Luke's hand before wobbling their way into his room. She jumped onto the bed as Spencer shut the door, letting the light from the moon and street lamps illuminate the room. The two stood in front of her before she motioned her finger for them to come over.
"You're one hell of a brat, Kingsley." Luke slurred as the two quickly walked over to her, plopping down on either side of her on the bed.
Clover leans in and kisses Luke while Spencer went for her neck, cupping her left breast and massaging it. The touch alone had a moan leave her lips and into Luke's as he moved his tongue on her bottom lip, asking for entrance. As their tongues melded together, Spencer moved the fabric of her top over and took her breast out of the cup of her bra, leaning in and began licking her nipple before taking the whole thing in his mouth sucking it. Clover broke the kiss and let out a whimper, which made both men chuckle as she leaned both of her arms behind her on the bed for support.
Luke looks over to Spencer as he lets go of her breast and looks up to Luke. "Do you think she'll stop being a brat if we do something like this?" Luke asks before moving his fingers down to her core, rubbing over her shorts. Clover bites her lip to hold in a gasp, which Luke wasn't too pleased by.
"Are you going to behave, little one?" Spencer asks as he plays with the waistband of her shorts, his lips ghosting her cheek.
Clover nods, still holding in a moan just from being touched.  Luke grabs ahold of her jaw and quickly turns her face to look at him. "Use your words, princesa."
"Please," she whines.
Spencer has Clover buck her hips as he pulled her shorts and tights off of her. They notice how turned on she was on her panties and both lean in, biting and sucking on either side of her neck. Spencer's fingers linger the inside of her thighs while Luke went back to rubbing her through the cloth. She moves her hips against his fingers, begging for more.
"You were such a tease just a few minutes ago, and now look at you. So helpless and needy in a matter of seconds." says Spencer in between kisses.
Hearing that made Clover take her panties off in a swift, but quick, motion. She couldn't take it anymore, she needed their touch.
"Eager little girl, aren't you?" Luke chuckled.
It took a minute for her to realize that Spencer went straight in, sticking two fingers inside her and pumping slowly while Luke rubbed her pussy. Her brain had turned into mush full of pleasure that when they went in, she couldn't help but let out a loud moan. They sped up their movements, making her let out a silent scream.
"Fuck, daddy!" She gasped out.
The two were shocked, but didn't complain about the name. "Which one of us is daddy, kitten?" Spencer asked.
"You can't think straight, can you?" Luke asked.
Clover pulls Spencer in by his tie while pulling Luke in at the same time by his belt. "Shut up," she says breathy, "just shut up and fuck me."
"Don't go back to being a brat now," says Luke finally after a moment of silence, "You are going to behave or you'll be punished. And I don't think you'll like what we'll do."
Spencer continues to finger her quickly and deeply, curling his fingers as he hit her gspot every time while Luke rubs faster on her clit. Clover falls onto the bed as wave of pleasure hit her like a train.  She closed her walls around Spencers fingers, getting closer and closer to release as he sped up his pace even more.
"Cum for me, little girl, I want you cum so hard on daddy's fingers."
Spencer connects his lips back to her neck as she screamed, letting the waves of pleasure shoot through her body. Luke rubs her slowly to let her ride out her orgasm as Spencer pulls his fingers out and sticks them in his mouth. The way he cleaned her off made her ache all over again, wanting more and more. She didn't want this to end; This was the most pleasure she's ever had.
Luke looks over as Spencer finished devouring her, removing his fingers from his mouth with a small pop. "She tastes so sweet."
Without a single word, Luke gets off the bed and kneels in front of it, pulling Clover by her knees closer to him. As Spencer started making out with her, Luke dives right in between her thighs, licking a single thick stripe up her core, making her moan through the kiss. As their tongues fought like swords in their mouths, Spencer starts to unbuckle his belt and pulled his pants with his boxers in a swift motion, letting his cock spring free. Before it could hit his stomach, however, she grabs onto it with her left hand and starting pumping him slowly. He groans into her mouth before breaking apart, watching her stroke his aching cock.
"Please, daddy. I need your cock so bad fUCK!"
Neither of the two knew who she was talking to, but they did know that it didn't matter. Luke gets up from the floor and takes his costume off while Spencer moved his position so that his knees were on the bed. Clover moves up a bit so that Luke could get back on. The two pump themselves a few times before they pushed themselves in. She took Spencer's cock in her mouth as Spencer grabs a handful of her hair, slowly pushing her down as Luke thrust. As soon as she was comfortable of their size, Luke began thrusting slowly. Clover moaned and grind against him, begging for more, which he happily obliged. Spencer groaned under his breath when she moaned, making him buck his hips forward, shoving his cock down her throat. She gagged on it, tears piercing her eyes.
Clover was at this moment, and maybe even every moment after this, beneath them. Spencer and Luke were exercising their rights to dominate, belittle, and humiliate her. Her holes were filled as her mind quickly unraveled from the rush of pleasure from every minute pulsation. She couldn't even follow their taunts anymore, and the only bit of rationale that she could muster was to be the best sex doll for her two dominators. Her pussy ached for more punishment as they admonished her sloppy performance. She moaned hungrily as she was ravaged, playing the broken slut; no, she was their broken slut. Eagerly enjoying their obvious amusement.
The knot in her stomach was getting tighter and tighter again. She knew Luke was just edging her, making her wait to cum until he was ready. He looked to Spencer, who was holding on for dear life, almost getting into some sort of sub space of his own as the look on his face was begging for release. Clover felt both of their cocks twitch inside her, letting her know they were close.
"Cum for us, princesa," Luke growls, "just one more time for daddy. I know you want to, baby."
Clover turned into a screaming, moaning mess as she came all over Luke's cock, making a huge mess on the bed. That was the last straw for the two men, as they both released inside her, filling her over the edge. The two pulled themselves out, Spencer laying next to Clover (who was showing him that she swallowed every last drop of him) while Luke watched his cum pool out from her, enjoying the view before he lay on the other side of her. Clover wiggled her arms through theirs, focusing on something to cuddle her way into. Spencer quickly grabbed tissues from his side of the bed and cleaned her up.
"You did so good, Clover." says Spencer. He throws the used tissues away in the waste bin beside him and turns back to see tears prickling from her eyes again. "Ssh ssh, it's ok," he coos as he wraps his arms around her. Spencer's soft praises mixed with Luke's gentle hand playing with her hair helped her come back down from the cloudy headspace she was in. She felt cared for and safe with them comforting her.
Clover snuggles into Spencer as Luke's arm wrapped around her waist, spooning behind her. Spencer kissed the top of her head as she nestled her head on his chest, letting the sleepiness that alcohol gave take over them.
As she drifted off to sleep, Clover hoped that she wouldn't forget this perfect night.
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fangirlyah · 4 years
✦ good enough - Finn Shelby x Reader
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summary: finn thinks he should prove to others that he's enough and his best idea is to face a boxer in the ring
warnings: mentions of sex, cursing
word count: 1,602
a typical day in birmingham. clouds, some natural and some others of the smoke, smell of shit and the sound of shots. you were used to it, you’d grown up all your life there, and now that you lived with your boyfriend, finn, in his apartment, bullets were heard closer than before. 
as you stepped on the dirty pavement at the entrance to the shelby factory, everyone was looking at you. your beauty always stood out among the darkness of the city, your shiny hair and sympathetic eyes that captured the attention of any man or woman. when the news that you were dating the youngest of the shelby family spread, the surprise was not missing in any home. how someone so delicate and precious would be with a peaky blinder? or worse, a shelby?
neither of you was affected by the absurd conversations of others, you two loved each other that was the only thing that mattered. 
"hey johnny!" the long grey corridors seemed endless when you didn’t recognize a familiar face, until johnny appeared in your visual range. 
"well hello, mrs. y/l... may I ask what you’re doing here?" It was obvious that he was surprised, polly loved you very much and for that reason she didn’t let you near the factory very much, not even to greet tommy or any brother that was around the place. according to her, it wouldn’t take long for men to put you on everybody’s conversations and grab you behind a wall, to do things that god doesn’t want to hear. anyway, you frequented there.
"I came to pick up finn, he told me this morning to look for him here" in the evenings you used to help out at grace’s charity foundation, you loved kids and what better way to practice your teacher skills than there
 "that little piece of shit...he is back in the rings" now it was your turn to look surprised, what was finn doing there?
you just smiled at johnny, to rush through the vast automobile factory and all the other illegal occupations it had inside. when you were only a few steps away from reaching the wooden and glass door that led you to the precarious place of boxing, you began to hear the moans and male screams that indicated that you were in the right place. when you opened the door a smell of sweat invaded you from head to toe, and between the three boxing rings in front of you, you could see your boyfriend fighting with nothing but, bonnie gold.
"what’s he doing?!" you asked tommy once you got to his side, so close to the ring you could hear the painful punches. thomas did not answer, only pulled out a malicious smile as he watched his younger brother bleed, as he was clearly losing. finn didn’t see you, or hear you. the fight was so intense that you thought at that point nothing could stop it. to everyone’s surprise, finn knew how to defend himself; bonnie had taken his good blows but your boyfriend was worse.
aberama laughed quietly, watching his son win. gold’s ambition was big and they were not going to miss the opportunity to beat a shelby. their bodies moved at a great speed and agility through the ring, and there you remembered that finn had already taken boxing lessons years ago and you prayed that he could remember what he had learned. 
the fight could have gone on, but a big bang broke them up. it was coming from outside the factory, but still aberama and thomas quietly retreated in search of the blast creator.
both teenagers took some old towels, which were on the side of the ring, to wipe off the sweat. finn turned around looking for his shirt and saw you holding it in your hands. you had taken it to separate it from the spit that bonnie expelled while fighting. you saw your boyfriend’s look clear, but you couldn’t figure out if he was proud that you’d seen him fight or ashamed of it, because after all he was losing.
"you were lucky, shelby, I would have beaten you with one hand if we kept going" bonnie had his back to you while he was talking, so he didn’t know you were there. finn had already come down from the ring and approached you, leaving a sweet kiss on your cheek which you returned with a look of disappointment. 
"shut the fuck up" replied the youngest of the shelby, as he put his shirt on, causing gold to turn around and see you standing. you knew he was in love with you, so his presence made you very uncomfortable; especially when you noticed how hard he tried to show his muscles or to get a look under your skirt every time you were around. finn knew it too, and he didn’t like it at all.
"oh little y/n, good to see you!" a malicious and perverted smile appeared on the black haired man’s face, causing finn’s fists to tighten so hard that you thought a fight would break out once again. 
"hello, bonnie" short and dry, that was your answer. there was no worker left watching the scene, everyone had gone off to continue their chores, so there’s only the three of you left in the big shed. 
"I must admit I missed seeing your sweet face, y/n" bonnie knew exactly what he was doing, provoking her, his best quality.
"you want me to break your face?!" your body was placed in front of finn’s, who was going to hit gold again, your hands were caressing his shoulders to relax him and you did it. 
"you couldn’t do it once, you think you could do it the second time?" you took advantage of the fact that your boyfriend was already changed and ready to leave, to speed up the withdrawal process. 
"let it go, finn, let’s go home" you gently took his hand and entered your fingers, making it obvious to bonnie.
"I really thought you were more man, finnegan" a laugh, very fake, came out of his mouth; while you and finn started walking towards the exit. you could tell how stressed your boyfriend was and you knew that if it wasn’t for you being there, he would have already started throwing punches "oh y/n, tell your little boyfriend to practice his mediocre boxing technique!" as you walked around you turned your body to yell back. 
"don’t worry, bonnie, I’ll tell him while he’s fucking me against the kitchen table tonight!" a proud smile appeared in finn’s mouth as he hastened his way out.
the apartment you shared was not far away, so in less than five minutes you had arrived. the road had been quiet and you knew finn was eager to get there, and so were you. the area where your two lived wasn’t very nice, so when you walked in through the front door, you let out the air you didn’t know you were holding. you had lived there for months, but the constant fear was now stronger than at first. luckily, finn protected you with everything he had.
just when finn stepped into the apartment kitchen, he took off his typical peaky blinder coat and hat to look at you. you knew that look, he was horny, but when he saw your look, his fell a little. 
"why did you do that?" your voice was soft but serious. "why did I, what?" finn took a seat at the table, looking at you feigning confusion. 
"why did you fight with bonnie gold knowing he’s a fucking boxer?" he kept quiet, but you knew he had something to say "tommy forced you? arthur?" to mention both, he denied with his head.
"nobody forced me! I did it on my own!" finn was frustrated and it was not something unusual, you had seen it like that the last few weeks.
 "but why, finn? you’re not like that, you don’t go through life beating people!" 
"I know! I just... I just want to be good enough, alright?! because... my brothers won’t let me do anything, because I am not useful in that fucking company, because they keep treating me like a fucking kid! and because...and because if I go on like this you will go away" slowly you approached him, and with your hands on his cheeks, you raised his face to smile at him.
"you really think I’ll leave you?" he nodded "you’re very naive, finnegan shelby, if you believe that. haven’t you realized these past few months how much I love you? you shouldn’t prove anything to anyone, finn... if you really want to help your brothers with their jobs, and they don’t accept you, it’s their loss" your eyes exploded with admiration and love for your boyfriend and he could see it, because his eyes were the same.
"you want me to work with them?" he whispered. 
"I just want you to be safe, and I know that’s not the best way to be sure… but it’s a decision you must make, and whatever it is I’ll stay beside you” 
"I love you, y/n" 
"I love you, finn" you laid your lips sweetly on his. 
"now..." said your boyfriend separating the kiss "it was very hot what you told gold" you released a little embarrassed laugh "do you think we can make it happen?" his hands moved to the tip of your skirt, lifting it little by little. 
“I think we can" and this time it was finn who started the kiss.
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thedemisedroyal · 3 years
Dangerous Betrayal | TVD/TO
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals
AU Story
I do not own the name of Scarlet Witch, nor anything involving her, I just really loved the name, it suits my characters. It belongs to Marvel and everyone on that side, I only own 'Esme' and her plot lines/storylines.
• E S M E •
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"The one of all kinds.."
"The one that rules all.."
"The one who is darkness and light combined.."
Voices..that's all the girl heard as she was forced awake, it was nearly three o' clock in the morning, pitch black outside with everyone asked in the Gilbert household. Except for a stumbling Esme who was trying to make her way out the bedroom to call for help, but it was as if her body was controlling it against her will, driving her away.
Instead, she fell atop her desk, dropping books, papers, pens and pencils on the floor, making a lot of noise. She supported herself on the dark wood desk, her hands clenching the sides of the desk. Jordan looked up, the mirror that was attached showed the girl her reflection.
Her eyes were glowing a neon scarlet red, along with the same colored flares dancing around her hands. She tilted her head a bit, confused as to what was happening. It was a moment as if the world around her stopped, a light bulb turning on in her head,"Oh no." The goddess knew exactly what she was, or what Esme was. "Shit, shit, shit..you've got to be kidding me." She ranted, but her anger was swept away and relaxed by immense pain, she yelled in agony.
Her hands clenching even tighter, if possible, on the sides of her wooden desk, the sounds of snapping filled the room. Jordan fell to the ground, holding her head, letting go of the two, rather large, chunks of the desk she broke off from her inhuman strength. Jordan curled into a fetal position, clutching her head, opening her shut eyes, seeing the walls of her room covered int the same red scarlet flares that shined from her eyes and covered her hands.
That was the last thing she saw before she completely knocked out, welcoming the dark abyss.
"Esme!" The female voice echoed throughout the dizzy-headed girl, who was still in fetal position on the floor, beside her bed. "Esme! Get your butt down here! You said you would help me get ready for the Founder's Day Party!" The brunettes eyes slowly opened, taking in her surroundings, noticing the bright, shiny sun pouring into her room.
Jordan groaned, holding her head as she slowly lifted herself up from the ground, just sitting on her butt, looking around her room with widened eyes. It was completely wrecked and ruined, her bookshelf was on the floor, the books covering the room all over. Her hanging paintings were on the floor, slightly ripped and scratched. Her mirror on her desk was cracked all over, shards of glass scattering on the floor and desk beside her. Clothes that were perfectly hung in the closet and folded in her drawer, which was on the ground, were thrown into different places all over her room.
She got up from the floor, in complete distraught and shock,"What the fuck happened." Jordan cursed under her breath, walking around her. As she walked towards her curtains, where the sun shined through, her arms had hit the rays of sun, making her skin sizzle from the contact. "Shit!" She yelled, pulling the arm away, grabbing on to it as pain spread through her wound. Jordan looked at it, seeing the bubbling skin, that was literally smoking, heal within three seconds. "Woah." She whispered, she touched the healed wound, confused as to what happened.
Jordan slowly moved her hand to the rays once again, slightly shaking with anticipation. She sucked in a breath was she was once again burned with sunlight. Quickly pulling back, taking a deep breath, already seeing her hand healing. Jordan ran a hand through her hair, clearly frustrated, "Scarlet witch, really! You have to be fucking kidding me!" Jordan exclaimed, kicking her bed that soon flew across the room,"Oh!" She yelled, putting her hands around her mouth.
"Esme!" Elena yelled louder from downstairs, the girls eyes widened. "Sorry, coming!" She yelled back, looking around the room in fear. Jordan shook her head, just grabbing her thin jacket, and walking out the room but remembering to lock it on her way out. She walked down the stairs to see Bonnie and Elena in the kitchen, talking about nail polish, she plastered a smile and put on her act. "Ooh, la la. It looks like someone's getting all dolled up!" Esme spoke, Elena turned around from the sink, rolling her eyes at her sister.
Bonnie chuckled, putting down the two nail polishes she was holding,"Hey squeakers!" Esme stopped walking and glared at the Bennet,"Are you ever going to stop calling me that, branches?" The Gilbert playfully asked, Bonnie smiled but sent a soft glare,"Whenever you stop calling me branches!" Bonnie exclaimed, the two laughed and sent each other a smile.
Elena softly smiled,"You guys are so annoying." The eldest twin rolled her eyes, sitting down on her chair. "Shut it gillies." Bonnie and Esme said in unison, Elena glared at the two,"I thought we decided to forget that situation.." Elena muttered under her breath, the two shook their heads,"Never my dear sister, never." Esme sent a sarcastic smirk her way, sitting down as well.
Jordan blew air out of her mouth, annoyed by her current situation. She was expected to got to the Founders Day Party, with Bonnie, as the two were left by their fellow best friends, all alone. The two agreed on being each other's dates to the party, but Jordan had to make an excuse to being late, as if she walked in the sun she would be bacon, literally. She told the others that Jenna didn't want her to leave unless she cleaned her dirty room like she promised for the past week, but haven't done.
Luckily, in her case, her room was already dirty. With her desk broken, glass everywhere, clothes thrown across the room, her drawer on the floor and her bed across the damn room. And not only that but, she, or Esme, was a damn Scarlet Witch, probably the last one in this entire world. What was worse is that Jordan doesn't know how to control her powers, she may be one of the strongest creatures to walk this universe, but it had seem as if her knowledge within controlling her powers had completely left her mind, and she knew why.
The voices were messing with her, mainly Adira and Eila, who absolutely hate the girl. They had so much power of the goddess, and she was completely and utterly powerless. As for the past sixteen years of her new life, she was temporarily stripped of the Firstbeing power she owned. Without any knowledge on how to control it, but, Jordan did know some information about the Scarlet Witches that supposedly all died nearly thousands of years ago.
Unfortunately, with all this thinking, and like usual, the princess was lost in thought and didn't hear anything around her, especially not her door opening. She turned to face the door, seeing a scared Jenna, she furrowed a brow until she felt it. Power...surging through her entire body, she  lifted her hands, seeing the scarlet red flares wrapping around them. Jenna suddenly turned around and ran out of the door, before she could scream, Jordan appeared already in front of her, tackling her to the floor.
"Stop!" Jordan forced her down to the ground, holding Jennas wrist, who was still fighting. The two locked eyes, "Stop resisting me and listen?" Jordan exclaimed, and just like that, Jenna stopped, the goddess quirked a brow, "What?" She muttered,"You guys okay over there?" Elena shouted, her eyes widened in fear. "Yeah, stubbed my toe of the table!" The brunette yelled back, wincing a bit.
"Oh, okay." Elena bought the lie, Jordan let out a breath she was holding. She looked back at the aunt, remembering one of the powers these types of witches held were, as vampire, compulsion. Jordan looked Jenna right in the eye, her pulls dilating, "You won't remember this encounter, nothing within this hour. You'll go back downstairs and do whatever it was you were doing beforehand. When someone asks you where I am, you say.."
"Your sister is not leaving this house until she is done with that disgusting room of hers." Jenna playfully told, looking at the girl with a small smile, Esme rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll get it finished and I will meet you lovely ladies at the party." Esme reassured her sister, aunt and fellow best friend, sending a sweet smile toward them. They nodded and grabbed their stuff, heading out the door, saying goodbye and heading to the party.
Jordan closed the front door, quickly checking around her surrounding before using her vampire-speed to her room. Closing her bedroom door and locking it, looking around her room to face the horrible mess.
She cleared her throat, putting her hands in front of her face, trying to concentrate. Slowly, the neon red flares surrounding her hands, the same color started to glow from her eyes as well. Without thinking, she shot the balls of power she held within her palm, to the ground.
The red flares covered the floor and made their way to the walls, and finally the ceiling. The power redesigned the room just how it was before. Shards of glass were gone, the bookshelves and the books it held were out nicely back together. Her bed was back in the middle of her room, nicely made, pillows fluffed and all. Even her desk that is usually messy with papers and notebooks, was organized, cleaned of dust, and the fairy lights that were around the mirror even worked again, though they went out months ago and Jordan was lazy to get the replaced Everything was absolutely perfect, maybe a few irks but she would get the hang of it.
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Jordan's celebration was short-lived as a massive headache soared through her head, she clenched her eyes shut and supported herself on the wall nearby. "Woah." She rubbed her eyes and forehead to try and soothe the pain. "Really need to work on that." Jordan pushed off of the wall, steadying herself, opening her eyes to once more see the clean room.
She smiled,"Now all we gotta do is find a dress." Jordan whispered to herself, now realizing she didn't have anything to wear to the Founders Day Party. But, the girl had a hour to spare, as the sun was still up, and she couldn't leave, not yet anyways. Jordan ran a hand through her dark chocolate brown hair, "Lets get ready, shall we?" She asked herself out loud, clapping her hands together as her process to get ready had begun.
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trulivin · 4 years
No Humanity
A/N: Hello everyone! Here’s the lovely Damon Salvatore hehe. The timeline on this is WAY off but you all get the picture. As always, feedback is encouraged and requests are open! And this could potentially have a part 2 so just let me know!
Damon Salvatore X Reader, The Vampire Diaries
*Gif credit goes to original owner!*
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“What’s the point!” Y/N screamed, pacing around the boarding house. Silas had murdered her little brother, leaving the young vampire in a state of absolute pain and terror. Her parents were split up: one in prison and the other one already dead. That left Y/N with her two younger siblings. Luckily for her, Y/N was old enough to keep her little brother and sister with her in Mystic Falls, but that came with a major risk. And now her worst nightmare had come true. Her baby brother fell to the hands of the supernatural.
Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena watched nervously as Y/N began to crumble. “I never should have kept them with me,” she mumbled to herself. “God I was so stupid!” 
“No, Y/N, you weren’t,” Caroline tried reasoning with her. “What do you know?” Y/N hissed at the blond vampire, “You don’t have the responsibility of two children!” Caroline recoiled at her harsh words but didn’t say anything about her mother she had protected until the day she died. Y/N was hurting so Caroline understood why she was lashing out. 
All of Y/N’s friends had been extremely supportive and helpful in taking care of the two younger Y/L/N’s. Damon and Stefan had been especially helpful when she was turned. They kept her away from her siblings when she was learning to control her thirst and protected them more than Y/N thought she deserved. Y/N always felt as though the kids were a burden to her friends because they were just another thing on the list of people to protect, but all of her friends insisted otherwise. Damon, especially. 
To Y/N, somehow Damon had always been more than a friend. She found herself craving his presence and always wanted to be around him, but there was never a sire bond. And whenever the two were together, they would constantly flirt much to the annoyance of everyone else. As a young vampire, Y/N would seem to listen to Damon more than anyone even if there wasn’t a sire bond. She just felt a natural pull towards him and he to her. 
However, Y/N wouldn’t listen to Damon this time. He told her to calm down and she didn’t. He knew where her mind was taking her and he told her to get out of there. She didn’t. All she wanted was for the pain to go away. They all did it, so why couldn’t she?
“Y/N,” Elena said, slowly approaching the girl. “Don’t do this. You do awful, terrible things when you turn it off. You will regret every single thing you did once it’s over.” 
Y/N continued pacing as Elena kept trying to soothe her. “Believe me. I know how it feels, and it’s not good. You’re filled with this empty void--” Y/N snapped her attention at the brunette and cut her off, “That’s the point, Elena!” she hissed, “You got rid of the pain when your brother died! Caroline got rid of hers when her mother died! Everyone has done it! God, you’re so selfish Elena! You’re always trying to find a way to make this about you. We get it! Your experience wasn’t good! So what?” Y/N snapped. 
Damon watched Y/N closely. He could tell they were losing her, but he didn’t know how to get her back. He knew she couldn’t be talked out of this. Maybe she needed to turn it off. After all, he was the one who told Elena to turn off her humanity. It wasn’t that Damon liked the idea of the one girl who really seemed to care about him lose her humanity, but he didn’t want to see her in pain anymore. Plus, he had already tried to help and it didn’t work. 
Elena hesitated, taking Y/N’s harsh words. She took a deep breath and carried on, “I’m just saying, you don’t want to do this. Please don’t do this.” 
Y/N shot her an icy glare and finally stopped pacing. She was tired of feeling this way, tired of crying, and tired of listening to her friends try and stop her. Y/N took a shaky breath and closed her eyes. 
Everyone knew what was about to happen. 
“No, no, no. Don’t do this Y/N!” she heard Elena start begging. Her voice was the easiest to block out.
“Wait, Y/N,” Stefan started, but she blocked his voice out too. “Y/N,” Caroline said. The more they talked, the more Y/N tuned them out. She could feel the pain slipping away as she moved towards the darkness inside her mind. No one could stop her here. She could hear the peace and quiet. 
Elena whipped around to Damon, “Do something!” she hissed. Damon looked at Y/N for a moment. She finally looked at peace, but the other voice in Damon told him to be selfish. Make her stop. Show her how much you love her. Make her feel for you. Keep her here because once she’s gone, she will no longer feel anything for you. 
Damon gritted his teeth and sped over to Y/N. She felt her body slam against her wall, and the force of the impact made her eyes open. She was standing right in front of that door in her mind. 
Her eyes opened to find Damon’s dark eyes. His eyes were swimming with unreadable emotion. Damon noticed there was still a flicker of humanity left in Y/N’s eyes, but one wrong move and the scale would tip the wrong way. 
“Y/N,” he said, his voice dangerously low. Y/N could’ve melted in his arms at the sound of his voice. “Don’t do this to yourself.” Her eyes welled with tears as she looked into the face of the man she had fallen in love with. But even that couldn’t make the pain hurt any less. And for all she new, Damon was still in love with Elena. 
“What’s the point?” she croaked. “You have everyone here to help you,” Damon said immediately. “You have me.” 
Damon waited, his heart pounding out of his chest. He had been in love with his best friend ever since the sire bond with Elena had been broken. He watched the conflict behind Y/N’s eyes. But the light was fading fast, he could see it. She was still going to do it. So, without thinking, he pressed his lips to hers. 
Y/N felt Damon close the distance between them and kiss her. It was nothing like she’d ever felt before. Their lips automatically molding together as if they were made for each other. It was everything she imagined their first kiss would be like.
But, she was too close to that door in her mind, and a voice said he’s only kissing you out of pity. He’s still in love with Elena. It’s all about Elena. Turn it off and you won’t have to feel the pain of his rejection too. 
As if someone hit Y/N in the back of the head, she jumped into the darkness. All of a sudden, her head was quiet. There was nothing telling her to grieve over her brother, care about what Damon thinks, and tell her to ignore that burning hunger for human blood. Nothing mattered anymore. 
Damon felt her stop kissing back. No, no, no. He pulled back slowly, peeling his eyes open. Y/N stood there with her eyes still shut. “Y/N?” he asked quietly. The girl slowly opened her eyes and his stomach sank to the floor. Her E/C eyes held that blank stare he knew all too well. That flicker of humanity was gone leaving behind nothing. 
“Damnit!” Damon growled, punching the wall by her head. “Turn it on. Now.” The blank look on her face was wiped away by a cold glare. Her eyes snapped to his. 
“Get off, Damon,” she said coldly. 
He went to grab her throat so she couldn’t escape, but in one swift movement, Damon’s neck was snapped and his body crumbled to the floor. 
Bonnie was the next to try stopping Y/N, but the vampire threw a glass at her head before she could get in her head with her magic, and managed to knock her out. Stefan, Caroline, and Elena came at Y/N all at once, but she managed to stab Elena with part of a broken table, snap Caroline’s neck, and break both of Stefan’s arms. 
“Don’t, Y/N please,” Stefan grunted in pain. Y/N smirked, grabbing another part of the table and rammed it through his stomach. “Sorry Stef,” she grinned and snapped his neck. Y/N rose from her squatting position and turned to Elena. “Saved the best for last didn’t I?” Y/N quirked a brow at her. Elena coughed, blood trickling out of her mouth. 
“Y/N,” she coughed as Y/N stalked up to her. She knelt down in front of the injured vampire and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, precious Elena,” Y/N hissed, her voice laced with venom. “Please. I was just trying to help,” Elena coughed again. 
Y/N chuckled before dropping her hand. Before Elena knew it, her neck snapped and she was met with darkness. 
“Nighty night, Elena Gilbert and friends,” Y/N looked at her work. The hunger for blood caught her attention and she sighed. “I guess it’s dinner time,” Y/N mumbled to herself before rushing out of the boarding house before anyone could stop her. 
Hope you enjoyed! This was written like a long time ago so I’m not sure it’s my best work, but if anyone has any other requests for Damon please send them in! 
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Imagine: learning about the supernatural life from Klaus and him asking you too go too New Orleans with him
Author note: this is a request from @nick-1432 who gave me rang too write a Klaus imagine! Only had 3 things she wanted 1) be a Klaus x reader 2) be out by today ( for her birthday if possible) and 3) make it long lol 😂. I just moved back home so (yesterday) so I’ve been busy. But somehow I got this done! I had too for nicks-1432 birthday! So.. since I’ve been moving, and unpacking / packing this isn’t proof read. And I hope it’s good. And long enough! (And also that you wanted a girl reader. As I’m writing this note. I fucking realized you could be a male 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. I should of asked. If you are male I will write a even longer Imagine too replace this one !!! In advance I’m sorry!)
Did I proof read?: No sorry 😐
Rating : pg 13, mentions of death but it’s TVD ppl die lol
Fandom: the vampire diaries/ the originals
Word count : 16,746 ( nine pages lol 😂 hope it’s long enough!)
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Being Elena’s twin was difficult, like when you were int e car with your parents and Her, when it crashed. Elena got out without a scratch, you got out. So badly damaged the doctors put you into a medical induced coma for a few months too help your body heal. When you woke up everything was different. Your world turned upside down. You struggled with your new reality with No parents, your sister being distant and cold and not telling you anything. Your brother soon joined in on keeping secrets from you and trying too distract you from the truth. It soon traveled thru your group of friends, from Caroline , Tyler, Matt, and Bonnie. They all kept secrets from you. Everyone in your life started treated you differently after the accident. Poor damage orphan. Who was on the brick of death. It drove you crazy , epically having too sit back and watch your sister make some..interesting choices. In her life. From Dating Stefan who was Nice and Kind respectful even. Too Damon who seemed like a complete Asshole. Who is Stefan’s older brother.
Luckily the only other person who was in the dark with you was Aunt Jenna. It gave you some comfort knowing you weren’t the only one. Who was clearly in the dark about your family. Jeremy was rarely ever around and Elena was always coming in Late or not at all. You figured she was going too Stefans place. Aunt Jenna was cool about it. Then the unthinkable happened your Aunt passed away. A wild animal attack. It broke you too pieces.
Having your parent gone, then your guardian your siblings were speechless and sad. When your uncle John arrived he lasted a few days but Elena, and Jeremy kicked him out. Having your History teacher and Aunt Jenna’s boyfriend Aleric being your guardian. That was your Tipping point.
You weren’t a huge fan of Uncle John he was. Okay. But at least he was family. And he was stepping up too care for you three. Elena and Jeremy decided for you that he wasn’t good enough that some guy who Jenna dated for a few months was better then blood? You were furious. Done with the secrets, and them dictating what is best for you. You had a teammate. Between their lies, and secrets and them treating you like a kid! Especially Jeremy treating you like a kid. Being older then him it should be you who was over protective of your baby brother! You were in contract with Uncle John Finished with them. Even the new comers the Mikaelson couldn’t change your mind even those. They were close.
Everyone was curious about them. The Dashing. Well dressed Elijah who looked like a Prince in another life strong chin, big brown eyes. Very formal and polite, Rebecca who was the only girl. Blonde hair that was long and shinny, pail reflection like her brothers. A sight attitude but is the only person in the entire town of Mystic falls who will tell you the truth too your face. And Klaus.
Trouble maker Klaus, who pushed everyone’s buttons in your life, Elena, Jeremy, Even your friends warned you too stay away from them. Even Aleric and Stefan and Damon who you weren’t close with all begged you too Not go near them. Of course them being the ONLY people in the entire town besides your aunt too treat you like A adult. You didn’t listen.
One day. Rebecca invited you over for a sleep over. You gladly accepted, you thought it was a sleepover. But they all sat you down and they told you everything. About vampires, werewolves, witches, hybrids about your family line being full of vampire hunters, too how Aunt Jenna who recently died. Actuallyq died) about the reasonings, about all the secrets they all kept from you.
Having a huge crush on Klaus didn’t stop the fact he killed your Aunt. You went too leave until they informed you about a ancient Threat that made the ‘original vampires scared” you told them too screw themselves and went home.
Getting home you got Thur the front door seeing No one, Like always they were all gone. Typical.
Hearing your phone bing you looked down seeing it was your uncle Jon getting back too your text. Who you now know is your biological father. And that Alerics dead wife is your biological mother. And that your parents adopted you from them..
Uncle Jon:I’m sorry Y/N I would love too have you but I can’t- I think your siblings need you more. I’m sorry I’ll call on the weekend and we can talk about this okay?I’m sorry kiddo
Reading the text you ended up tossing your phone too the sofa as you turned seeing Rebecca at the doorframe.
“Mind if I come in?”
Turning too her you held your arms, “So that myth about having too be invited is fake?”
“No. Unfortunately.”
You rolled your shoulders, “Fine- come in. If you came too suck my blood. It’s probably too biter to be good right now.” She chuckled weakly. “Please I prefer my meals too be male.” She walked in as she spoke, “how are you?”
You shook your head weakly looking around, “Since Jenna. I’m always alone.. I lost basically All my friends because they all kept me in the dark about this stupid town! And the only person I had was Jenna.. and your brother killed her!”
“I’ve seen Klaus kill thousands of people in his lifetime.. Jenna was the Only one that he felt bad about- He knew that she was all you had-what.. what can I do too help.”
You cried stepping over hugging her. She was stunned but hugged back as you cried. She was always strong but Rebecca was soft As you spoke, “uncle Jon wont take me.. I’m stuck in this Hell hole.- Why tell me.. about all the this?”
Becca hold tighter as she spoke, “we don’t want too see you get killed because you were clueless. We all care for you. It’s one of the factors that have bonded us lately.- When Klaus calmed down and realized what he did.. he destroyed the house. It was the first time we ever seen him remorseful.. he’s truly sorry for harming you. It was the last thing he ever wanted.”
Pushing back. You breathed deeply. Looking at your best friend. You rubbed your face collecting your thoughts as you spoke, “It was Elena, and Stefans, and Jeremy – it was their fault too.”
She was surprised hearing that response, “if they told Us about you, all or about Why your so dangerous- about all the he dangers in this town. Maybe! Jenna wouldn’t be dead! I’m Furious at Klaus but I’m More angry at the betrayal of my own blood!”
“come sleep over we can talk this out, and you wont get a truthful answer from your family.”
Nodding your. Head you agreed too that as you went upstairs too pack.
Collecting your phone before you left. You Got too Rebecca mansion too see Klaus having a glass of whiskey you walked over grabbing it from him drinking it all as you spoke, ‘you killed my aunt!” You hit him as he took it.
Hitting him over and over again you cried. As you fell too the ground Klaus never hit back. He stood there taking your punishment until he crashed down. Next too you hugging you. Gripping up too his shirt pulling him closer as you cried into his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry.”
Klaus let you cry your heart felt like it was about too explode, your stomach was so tense you felt like you were about too break. As you bawled. Everyone you loved. Cared for has lied too you.. and it took Jenna’s killer and he’s siblings too tell you the truth.
After crying your phone dinged too see you had a text from Aleric, Elena and Jeremy wondering where you are. You whipped your cheeks as you looked down at them.
“will you kill them?”
That got everyone too tense up, “my family- are you planning too kill anymore of them?”
“No- I need Elena alive,And I swear not too harm Jeremy.” Looking up at Klaus you thanked him and Rebecca took you too her room so you can talk it out.
Weeks passed you weren’t as close with Klaus as you were before. The whole “killing your aunt” really drove a wage between your relationship with him. Which hurt you wanted Klaus around.
You thought you were hanging the trauma and heartbreak of everything. Then Elena turned into a vampire. Of course NO ONE TOLD YOU! You never told your family you knew. Or your friends about all their secrets. It was Klaus who appeared into your room one day. Telling you what happened too Elena. Rebecca ran them over the bridge that your parents died on. Stefan saved Matt and Elena died with Damons blood in her. Turning her into a vampire. You were furious at Rebecca. And Soon Elena started bootcamp too survive being a vampire. Her being turned. Changed your thoughts on Klaus. Then Jeremy Died. you realized. Elena was death.. And she loved being a vampire, but when Jeremy died. She flicked a switch and her humanity’s was gone. Klaus begged you too move in with him for your safety. And you accepted. Elena terrified you. Especially her doppelgänger Katherine who was always around. So you agreed. With the new threat around. Being with murderous honest vampires.. Not so bad compared too your sister.
Before Elena turned her switch she was thriving and back too her bubbly old self before your parents death. She was truly happy. So you forgive Rebecca. It’s been weeks living with them. You just returned from a day of shopping. Rebecca’s suggestion wanting too find the perfect dress for prom. You were exhausted! Stretching out on your bed. Surrounded by bags as Klaus walked by your open door seeing the damage you and Rebecca did on the family money (that Rebecca thankfully offered too pay since your part time job at the grill would pay for one item you got together)
“did you and Rebecca leave anything in the store?” You grinned weakly hearing Klaus’s voice you shook your head. “Barely. Only the mustered color stuff.” He chuckled as you opened your eyes shifting too sit up as he spoke, ‘did you find a dress for the Prom?” You nodded your head weakly. “Yea. Rebecca picked it out.- I’m still unsure.”
Klaus leaned against the doorframe as he spoke, “let me see.”
Getting too your closest pulling out a pink dress, it was a corset top, with a ball gown skirt, every inch was sparkles it reflected softly on the lights in your room as klaus turned around and you realized he wanted you too try it on. You did. Stripping quickly and hopping into it you spoke up, ‘it’s so.. reveling those. I mean it’s slightly low, and my back..”
Klaus turned looking at you as he spoke, “you are a vision. You breathtaking Y/N” smiling weakly you thanked him as he stepped over as he spoke, “you could wear a potato sack and be potato sack and be beautiful.” Feeling your face going red he breathed deeply as he spoke, ‘what unworthy boy is taking you too prom?’
“None- I’m going alone..” that surprised Klaus as he spoke, “really?” You nodded your head, “yea- Matt asked me but that would be too weird.. and with Elena being- bat shit crazy.. and Caroline and Stefan- whatever they are doing and Bonnie.. it’s easier. Less complicated..”
“I’ll take you.”
Smiling hearing that you nodded your head “sure.” He smiled as he went too go as he turned looking at you, “I was going too ask- what are your plans for after graduation? You apply for any schools?”
Shaking your head slightly you spoke, “No- it’s.. I.need a break and too explore.. I’m taking a year off.” With that he walked off.
Prom was perfect. Shortly after Rebecca, Klaus and Elijah were needed in New Orleans and they left you too watch the place. It was only there did you realize they weren’t coming back. It broke your heart. Then graduation came And you were waiting in line too get your diploma, uncle John wasn’t here. Even those you invited him. Elena smashed that idea of having him here. Elena got up and everyone cheered and clapped for her you got up after her getting your diploma when you noticed Klaus in the crowd. He was near the front clapping loudly. With a big smile on his face. You smiled brightly seeing him. Getting off the stage you waited with the rest of your class.
Finishing the ceremony. You leaped off the stage hugging Klaus tightly. “Thank you.” He smiled hugging you back as he spoke, “I couldn’t miss this- Rebecca apologize and Elijah they wanted too come but things in New Orleans are sticky..”
You pushed back holding his face as you smiled brightly. You dreaded today. Having no family with you too celebrate, with Being stuck with Death herself. And your friends who kept you in the dark. You smiled so wide it made Klaus smile back. Looking at you. Seeing this. One kind act make you smile so wide and bright. It made the tough cruel Klaus melt. You were the only person without a motive. He’s meet thousands of people who had motives too kill him or use him. And then their was you. Who just wanted him for himself. It was a different feeling that Klaus wasn’t use too.
You reached up kissing him which surprised Klaus as you pulled back “thank you.”
A huge goofy smile appeared on his face as you dashed over too Elena and hugged her. And your friends. Seeing Klaus changed your mood incredibly. When it was all said and done after Jeremy was brought back too life. (By magic. Which you weren’t sure what happened. He just came back too life) you were sitting on the bleachers with Klaus looking at the football field that held up to be the graduation. Looking out at the field Klaus spoke up, “congratulations Y/N.”
Facing Klaus you smiled brightly reaching over grabbing his arm. “Thanks- and thank you for coming I was dreading this all month-having you here.. felt like I wasn’t alone.”
He smiled weakly as he spoke, “Still going on a grand adventure for a year?”
Nodding your head looking around, “with all the lies and descent and Death around here.the farer away the better.”
“glad too hear that.” Glancing over at Klaus he looked at you shifting too look at you better as he spoke “come with me.”
‘excuse me?”
He chuckled softly rubbing his neck, “Come with me too New Orleans, we all miss you. Especially Me.. Come with me. Let me show you the world. Music , the arts, History music. Let me share it with you.”
You grabbed his hand tightly as you spoke, “Only- if you promise it can be forever.” He squeezed back as he spoke, “you want too turn?”
“Maybe- If I want too.. can you. Be the one?” He nodded his head. You reached over hugging him tightly, “Don’t get your hopes up. On that. But take me with you Klaus. Don’t leave me behind again”
A year passed with learning that Klaus one night booty call got pregnant with. His baby. You and Elijah (who was madly in love with Hailey) you both were on pins and needles wondering how that would play out. You got a Job at a Bar- Mystic Falls was a training area for the big league for Vampires and werewolves and witches. A turf war was going on. The Mikaelson convinced each group that you weren’t involved. That you weren’t some Ploy you were human. So they mostly left you alone.
Klaus has been acting weird lately. You seen the good , the bad, and Now your seeing the awkward. You enter a room and he excuses himself, he spends. Little times around you. Rebecca said you were imagine it. But Elijah noticed and often talked too Klaus about it.
Hope was fussing so you were soothing her as she went back too sleep.
“You’re a natural.”
Turning too Klaus seeing him leaning against the door . You smiled as he walked over helping you put her down .
“do you want this…”
That surprised you. Turning too Klaus you shook your head. “I love Hope- but IM not.. Anywhere Close too being ready for a baby.. I don’t know if I want it. Why?”
“you asked too be changed.” “Maybe.” Correcting him he nodded his head. “If your changed.. you can’t have this..”
“ you impregnate a werewolf… Never say never.”
Klaus frowned hearing that as he spoke, “you know that was a fluke.”
Nodding your head weakly you turned too Klaus rolling your shoulders, “IM not thinking about having babies. Hell- I haven’t had a serious relationship… I’m far too young.-“ he nodded his head looking at Hope.
“is that why you been involving me lately? Your scared I want a baby. And too stay human?”
“I’m Not good..”
“I’ve seen you with Hope- your Goodness is there. Klaus- You shown it with me. From the beginning. You’re the kindest. Person I know. You tell me the truth even if it’s not Kind. But you know how much I appreciate the truth. That’s showing me kindness. Hope is so lucky too have you. I’m so happy too have you.”
“I want more.”
That surprised you as he rubbed his face, “I love you. Always have. Always will.. I want too be selfish and bite you and keep you..”
Nodding your head. You reached over grabbing his hand. “I love you too…I .. I’m not ready too give up my human status.. you okay with that?”
He nodded his head stepping over kissing you. You smiled kissing him back.
You knew eventually too keep. Klaus , Rebecca, Elijah you would have too change. But for Right now. You were happy.
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kyloswarstars · 4 years
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Come on! • Part 5 – „Black Clouds“
Peaky Blinders • Mini-Series
Vendetta had brought your family back to Small Heath for a while. As a Blinder you received orders from Tommy like everyone else did as well. Your current one: Keep eyes on Bonnie Gold. When you first heard those words you wouldn’t have dared to imagine this order would take a complete turn on you.
Pairing • Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Reader
Words • 2.2k
Come on! • masterlist
Another funeral. Another brother turning into dust. Were you supposed to get used to losing those you loved? Because if so you would never be able to.
This time, seeing another one of your siblings go, Bonnie was at your side. He stood next to you. He grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours when you flinched at the sight of Charlie as he soaked the wood under the caravan in petrol.
It was the same place where you held John’s funeral. It was the same people. It was the same damn black clouds floating behind your back and waiting for the perfect moment to come and get you. But that moment never came. Something else came. Rather someone else: Mrs. Changretta – holding a white flag.
She had the audacity to show up at Arthur’s funeral when one of her men had been responsible for his death. And Tommy had the audacity to not send her away – or put a bullet in her head which you would’ve preferred in that moment.
He lit the fire under your brother and not long after you’ve been shoved in a room with her, Tom, Pol and Finn. You stared out of the window, noticed Mrs. Changretta was talking about how the vendetta was won and they would take all of the Shelby businesses. Otherwise her son would kill all of your family. But their words seemed too far away. The window brought some daylight in but your vision was blurred. The black clouds were reaching out and you finally had enough of them. Resisting was hard and you didn’t have the strength for it anymore. Though, you didn’t have the strength to grieve as well.
You felt torn, just wanted to leave when Mrs. Changretta was finally brought out. Finn had already left, Tommy and Pol were already in a quiet conversation but he broke it off and you heard his steps hurrying after you.
„Hey, Y/N, stop it!“
You had avoided being alone with Tommy since the night Arthur died. 
That night Bonnie rushed out of the ring and tried to shake you out of your shock, but it must’ve taken him a good while until he was able to. Everything was a mess. You remembered him bringing you back home, that he undressed and laid you down in your bed. You were laying on your side, looking through him once again when he tried to wash off the blood on his body over the tiny wash bowl. He blew out the candle, climbed in bed and held you. You didn’t sleep that night. Instead of celebrating his victory, you buried yourself in his chest and listened to his quiet humming while he was rubbing circles on your back.
You had expected the clouds would intensify in quantity but they didn’t. What changed was the force they tried to pull you with them. So no, you didn’t want to face your consequences for disobeying Tommy’s orders back at the boxing venue. Now in the hallway, though, you couldn’t avoid him anymore.
„What did you think you were doing?“ Instead of him being furious he was almost compassionate. You wouldn’t fall for it, though. 
„I was protecting my brother after I just lost another one. It’s what siblings do. Protect each other.“
Tom’s face was a mystery and none of his expressions ever made sense to you. All he said was: „Finn has to become a man.“
„And you have to remember what it means to be a brother. So leave me the fuck alone.“ You had enough of this. He never told anyone anything about his plans, therefore his orders were hardly ever comprehensible for someone who wasn’t Thomas Shelby. He wanted Finn to grow up, even though he wasn’t ready yet to take that step. And you wanted Finn to be okay with the decisions he made – seemed like a dilemma to you.
The clouds fuelled your anger and before you would say anything else you’d regret later, you left for your room.
Bonnie was waiting.
You grabbed your bag. „I have to get out of here.“
He nodded.
Bonnie wasn’t in shape yet to go boxing again but he accompanied you to King Maine’s. There were not many people anymore, given it was almost nine in the evening. He was already at your favorite punching bag, waiting for you when you got out of your little lumber room. He silently wrapped the bandages around your hands, tied your gloves over them and then steadied the sandbag as you started hitting it.
His face was still a bit swollen, the cuts were finally closed and didn’t look that intimidating anymore.
You didn’t look at him when you rammed your fists into the hard surface. All you wanted was for the clouds to go away but they didn’t. Your thoughts didn’t decrease. Everything that had happen, the burden you were carrying no matter what – the clouds were coming, gnawing on your skin and your fists couldn’t push them away anymore.
You stopped boxing and let yourself flop on the floor sitting. You gave in to the clouds. Running away was always only a temporary solution.
Bonnie sat down next to you when he realised you wouldn’t stand up soon. Within his presence you felt safe enough to let go, fall into the clouds and wait for the tears to come. You stared at him with your vision slowly getting blurry. Maybe that moment had been inevitable. After John died there hadn’t been a moment like this because you ran away from it. To suffer through losing someone was something you must’ve known you weren’t strong enough for on your own.
Bonnie was there. He dragged you into his arms when the sobbing started. And only let go when Finn came into the boxing studio to take your ass home.
As always, you didn’t know the plan. All you knew was that Tommy wouldn’t surrender so easily. So there must be a plan you didn’t know of and which would save all of your asses. Otherwise he and Polly wouldn’t have been so calm when Finn and you followed them to the gin distillery.
You didn’t sleep at all last night but there hadn’t grown any hair back yet you could’ve shaved off. Thinking back at it now, you didn’t even need to shave your head again to feel better. Recovering from falling into the clouds with Bonnie at your side had been enough.
Luca Changretta and his men arrived. They spread some papers on the table, searched you and took your guns. He wanted Tom to sign over the businesses but your brother didn’t move.
It seemed that Luca Changretta didn’t have much self-control because it didn’t take long for him to push the papers off the table and tell Tommy to sign them on his fucking knees. He did kneel down. And then pulled the shit he always did.
When Tommy told him that big always fucks small, and he found people who wanted to take over the Changretta’s businesses in New York, it slowly dawned on Changretta that he perhaps could take Sabini, the Titanics and even Alfie Solomons, but not the Shelby’s.
He fully realised how fucked he was when Tom told him his people had new orders because obviously Luca Changretta wasn’t the highest bidder anymore.
Changretta pulled his gun but your brother pushed it away. They started to hit each other. You always forgot how incredibly ruthless Thomas could be once he started throwing punches. He shoved Luca Changretta into a table full of empty bottles and repeatedly forced his body down into the shards.
Some people entering the distillery distracted you from the rather unpleasant image of Changretta’s cut up face.
When you turned your head and saw who had entered the room, you reached out for Finn next to you and dig your fingers into his arm.
Arthur. Your brother Arthur. He was dead. You burned him. And now he was standing only a few feet away.
You turned to look at Finn – being the twins you were, you most likely had the same expression on your faces, looking each other in shock and trying to comprehend as to how Arthur could be here. You simultaneously turned to your dead-not-so-dead brother again.
Tommy pulled Changretta up as if he had expected Arthur to come and finish him off. Sure, Tommy knew. And Polly – that was why they had been so calm. 
Arthur ever so slowly aimed his gun at Changretta and gave him a bullet to the head which exited his brain on the backside and made its way to the barrel behind him. The body sank to the ground and got soaked in gin.
Tommy had some last words for the men and then Arthur ordered them to leave.
Just like he hadn’t been dead – which he obviously wasn’t but your brain couldn’t comprehend that yet – Arthur’s voice was strangely calm. „Tell your boss what you saw here today. Tell him… you don’t fuck with the Peaky Blinders.“
Never had you been so quick to throw yourself into Arthur’s arms. You wrapped around him and heard him coughing because you probably cut off his air – it didn’t stop you, though.
„It’s alright, kid.“ He gently petted your back but didn’t break the hug. Finn threw his arms around you and Arthur as well and now squeezed the air out of both of your lungs.
Black clouds had made you give in and grieve for John and Arthur and now one of them was back. The mess in your head was real. Tonight you needed more than one drink, that was for sure.
So, Tommy launched a family party at Arrow House. The vendetta was done. Last time the whole family was at this place hell broke loose but now, you were at a ‚happier place’, to go by Tommy‘s words. 
He raised a toast and everyone was raising their glasses. Bonnie stood across the room and you looked at him. He was holding out his glass into your direction. You nodded. He nodded back.
Arthur took over the word but you didn’t really listen. You noticed he suggested Tommy should go on holiday and put his feet up, your eyes and thoughts were fixated on Bonnie, though.
You sat with him during dinner. Right after everyone finished eating you snuck out into the huge backyard of Arrow House. It was dark, the moon only a small crescent. You dragged Bonnie along.
„Where are we going?“
„I don’t know, Bon. I just want to run!“ You started to run in the same moment and didn’t stop until you reached the first trees. Collapsing next to each other on the damp grass, Bonnie still had your hand in his.
Your breathing, trying to get back to its normal rhythm, filled the nocturnal silence. It was just like the night on the blanket as you laid there on the grass. When you finally admitted to those feelings you had for him. When you realised it was love.
You still couldn’t believe the plan Tommy had went through with. And Arthur not being dead. When they explained it all, the immediate wish emerged that John’s death should’ve been only a farce as well. 
Your mind took you back to the night of Bonnie’s fight. Finn had took you aside tonight, thanking you for doing what he couldn’t do that night. The shock when Tommy had shot in that hall tried to creep back along with the black clouds. But something else, something more important to you right now, took over your thoughts.
„Bonnie.“ You rolled on him and tried to see a little more than nothing of his face. It took a good minute until your eyes got used to it and you could figure out where his eyes and his lips were. „We didn’t celebrate yet.“
„No, we didn’t,“ he confirmed.
„I promised something.“
„You did.“ You couldn’t see it but by the tone of his voice you knew he was smirking.
„Come one!“ Getting back on your feet and pulling him up, you ran back to the house together and sneaked your way up to your room. You kept your promise. 
And Bonnie made a thousand other ones while you laid awake until the next morning. He would always hold the punching bag throughout your session. He would always treat you the way you deserved to be treated. He would always be there and fall with you into the black clouds so he could pull you out if you couldn’t do it on your own. He would never stop loving you. And he would be there, for the rest of your life, to remind you that being unapologetically you was everything he ever wanted you to be with him.
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Caught In Between 21. Torn Heart
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Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 10.05.20
Word count: 3.6k
Based off: 03x21 “Before Sunset”
CIB Masterlist
After a night of not much sleep, I quickly got up to help Caroline clean up after the dance. I make my way into the cafeteria where Rebekah is, with Caroline not too far behind me.
“Where’s Matt?” Caroline asks.
“He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute,” Rebekah responds while putting trash in a bin.
“Are you kidding me? So it’s just us three?” Caroline asks.
“Yes, and you two are late. Clean-up committee started at 8:00,” Rebekah responds annoyed.
“It’s like 8:02,” I say looking at my phone.
“Exactly. I managed to turn up on time and I didn’t even get to attend the dance that I organized,” Rebekah says before dumping the trash in a bigger bin.
“I’m sorry about your mom. I mean, I know you, like, hated her and everything, but still. I’m sorry,” Caroline says.
“Sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy,” Rebekah says.
“Yeh, he was,” I respond.
“I’m going to get started on the gym,” Rebekah says before walking out. Not a moment later Caroline and I hear a slam against some lockers in the hallway as Rebekah screams. The two of us didn’t hesitate to rush out to the hall. We see a very much “alive” Alaric ready to stab Rebekah with a white oak stake. Caroline and I shove Alaric off of her and against the lockers.
Rebekah quickly shoves the stake into Alaric’s chest. But he just pulls it right out of his chest. The three of us speed away before we could watch what happens next. I run to the side of the school where the stoners hang out. The next thing I know my neck is snapped.
I wake up and find myself in Alaric’s classroom, in a chair with pencils in my hands, pinning them to the desk. Alaric doesn’t hesitate one moment once I woke up to put a vervain and wolfsbane soaked cloth around my mouth. He then makes a call, to whom I’m sure is someone he’d think would save me.
“Whoever this is, it’s not funny,” I hear Elena’s voice over the phone.
“Who else would it be?” Alaric questions back.
“Ric?” She questions back.
“Listen closely. I’m at the school. I have Athena. And if you want to keep her alive, I need you to get into your car and come down here right away. If you tell anyone where you are going, I will kill her,” Alaric threatens before hanging up.
A few minutes later Elena arrives in Alaric’s classroom, “Athena! Let her go, Alaric,” She demands.
“Free her yourself,” Alaric gestures to me.
Elena slowly makes her way to me and stays as far as she could from Alaric. She starts to pull the pencil out of my right hand before Alaric quickly shoves it back in. Leading me to let out an excruciating scream.
“You said that you would let her go!” Elena yells at Alaric.
“How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires!” Alaric yells at Elena.
~ Elena’s House ~ 
Klaus is stalking the outside of Elena’s house as Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, and Jeremy were stuck inside. He walks over to a neighboring house and contemplates his next move. Once he figures it out he makes his way back to Elena’s house. Throwing a soccer ball through the front door, blowing it open. The next thing he threw was a fence post at Damon, who ducked below it.
“Missed me!” Damon yells at Klaus. Damon breaks off the fence post and throws it back at Klaus, but he dodged it as well. Klaus then separates his last post and throws it at Damon.
“Missed me again!” Damon yells again. As the craziness ensues Stefan receives a call from Alaric. Klaus comes back with a newspaper on fire and a gas tank on his other hand.
“Put it out,” Stefan says making his way to the door.
“Come outside and make me,” Klaus says before Stefan steps out of the doorway.
“Elena’s not here. Alaric has her and Athena. He’s going to kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him,” Stefan states. After a few moments of thought, Klaus tosses the newspaper and gas tank.
“Now I know you’re not asking me to walk into a certain death,” Klaus says.
“I really wish we could,” Stefan chuckles. “But unfortunately, if Alaric kills you, there’s a one and four chance that we die, too,” Stefan states.
“I’ll take those odds,” Damon says strutting out of the house carrying a fence post.
“And a hundred percent chance that Tyler and Athena die,” Stefan states looking to his brother.
“I’m good with that, too,” Damon says clearly having no regard for Athena anymore. 
“Why don’t we just figure out a way to put Alaric down, hmm?” Stefan suggests.
“Ok. How about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric while Stefan grabs Elena and carries her to safety,” Klaus suggests.
“Oh, that’s a great idea. What’s to stop me from being killed instantly?” Damons asks.
“Nothing,” Klaus responds nonchalantly.
“Athena’s in there. Don’t you have a thing for her, or did she just reject your supposed undying love for her too many times?” Damon asks annoyed.
“This isn’t really, uh, helping too much,” Stefan says trying to calm them down.
“I might have an idea,” Bonnie says coming up to the doorway. “My mom used a desiccation spell on Mikael that immobilized him for over 15 years. If I can get it, I might be able to use it on Alaric,” Bonnie suggests.
“If and might. Your words inspire such confidence,” Klaus says.
“I’ll get it. But even with the spell, we’ll need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down. Including yours,” Bonnie says staring at Klaus.
“Just so we’re clear. The sun sets in about 8 hours. We don’t succeed before then, Elena will be dead, I’ll be gone, and the rest of you will be left to fend for yourselves,” Klaus threatens. 
“And what about Athena. You’d just leave her here to die? I thought you loved her so much you’d do anything. At least that’s how she explained it,” Damon asks.
“I know she’s smart and strong enough to get out of there by herself,” Klaus says confidently.
~Athena’s POV ~
“No, don’t, please don’t,” I plead as Alaric refreshes the cloth with more vervain and wolfsbane.
“Alaric stop!” Elena demands getting up from her desk beside me.
“Sit down,” Alaric snaps back and pushes Elena back into the seat. “This keeps the vervain and wolfsbane in her system. It’s like inhaling razor blades with every breath,” Alaric explains as he ties the cloth around my face once more. It burns worse than anything I had ever felt in my life. I couldn’t help but let out a screech as I felt the solution enter my body.
“Why are you doing this?” Elena questions Alaric.
“To make it easier on you when you put her out of her misery,” Alaric says coldly.
“What? No!” Elena protests back.
“Isn’t this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire? Well, here’s a vampire, better yet a hybrid, Elena,” Alaric says pointing the stake to me then back to Elena. “Kill her,” 
“This isn’t what I want,” Elena responds.
“Of course it is. All those hours you spent training, getting stronger...you could be a hunter, Elena. But you’ve never actually staked a vampire through the heart,” Alaric says holding the stake out to Elena.
“Why are you doing this?” Elena asks once more.
“Because you need me. Because you’re an 18-year-old girl without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore,” Alaric states.
“Look at you. How is this right?” Elena asks gesturing at me.
“She’s a murderer. She is an abomination. Something that should never have existed. See, Elena your parents led the council. It was their life’s mission to keep this town safe. They weren’t dead six months before you undid it all,” Alaric says.
“You don’t know anything about them,” Elena responds.
“Why, am I wrong? Do you actually think...that they’d be proud of you?” Alaric asks before bending down to see eye to eye with her. “If you don’t side with the humans...you’re just as bad as them. Now kill her. Or I’ll do it for you and I’ll make it hurt,” Alaric demands once more and quickly drags Elena in front of me. He forces the stake into her hand. 
Elena gets ready to stake me but instead turns towards Alaric and shoves the stake at him, but he stops her. “I thought I taught you better than that,” Alaric states.
“You did,” Elena says before smashing the glass of vervain and wolfsbane into his face. Elena works quickly to pull the pencils out of my hand and untie the cloth. “Get help!” Elena says as she helps me get up. 
I run out of the classroom and quickly speed away into the hall. I turn around hoping that Elena was close behind. I was then grabbed by someone, covering my mouth and pulling me back. 
“Shhhh...It’s ok. It’s ok,” I hear a familiar voice whisper into my ear. “It’s me. It’s ok. You’re safe,” Klaus says moving his hand away from my mouth. He looks over from where I came from, “We’ll save Elena. You go straight home, you stay inside, do you understand?” He asks. “Do you understand me?” He questions once more turning me to face him. 
I nod my head, “Thank you,” I whisper back as I notice the worried look on his face. Klaus kisses my forehead before he rushes away.
I quickly make my way out of the school and instead of the Salvatore house but my own. Knowing that Alaric doesn’t know where it is, or at least I think so. I hadn’t been back since the day I arrived in Mystic Falls but this time it’s a redesigned and fully furnished home. I forgot all the nice things I got for my house, but it also didn’t feel right to be here. Maybe that’s why I didn’t come back, why I’ve been staying at the Salvatores. 
Luckily before I could sink even further into my thoughts I get a call from Bonnie, “What’s up?” I asked picking up the phone.
“Klaus has Elena. He’s gonna kill her. We’re gonna use the plan that we had for Alaric on Klaus. But we need you as a distraction. Can you do it?” Bonnie explains.
“I’ll do what I can to protect the people I care about. Where do I need to be?” I ask.
“He should be at his mansion. Stefan and Damon will meet you there,” Bonnie responds.
“Alright, I’ll get there as fast as I can,” I respond before hanging up.
I meet Stefan and Damon outside of the mansion. Damon hands me a small bottle of blood, “What’s this for?” I ask confused.
“It’s Bonnie’s blood. Binds us to her so she can do her witchy stuff. She wanted me to give you some in case. You need to make a physical connection to Klaus, a major artery, or something. So she can bring him down,” Damon explains.
“And what is this witchy stuff she plans to do? She didn’t tell me much except to be the distraction,” I respond.
“She plans to desiccate him. Like her mother did to Mikael,” Stefan explains. 
“We’ll be the ones to take him down, but Bonnie wanted to have you as a backup,” Damon says gesturing to his brother.
“Alright, well I should get in there before anything worse happens,” I say to the brothers and head off. 
I make my way into Klaus’ mansion and follow the voices of him and Tyler, “Good-bye Tyler,” I hear Klaus say as I get closer.
“Klaus, don’t!” I say from behind him. I watch as I notice Tyler ready to fight but I shake my head no, hoping he understood I had this under control.
“Athena,” Klaus says letting Tyler go. “I thought I told you to stay home,” Klaus turns towards me. 
“I--I did. But as I waited at home, I came to a realization. I don’t want to be here anymore. I--I want to travel the world...with you,” I move closer to Klaus. “I want to get away from all of this,” I gesture to the situation were in. “I want it to just be us again,” I say only a few inches away from his face, pressing my hand on his chest. 
“I want to be with you forever,” I press my lips against his before he could respond. I feel him pull me into his grasp. For a moment it felt like it was only us in the room, but I remembered what I had to do. It was hard to muster the strength to fight the sire bond, but before either of us pulled away I plunged my fingers into his chest.
Klaus pulled away screaming as Damon, Stefan and, Tyler came to hold him back. I feel as his heart starts to slow down. As we continue to hold Klaus back and I feel his heartbeat slow, he looks up at me with a somber look in his face as he realizes he can’t win. I return the look and mouth “I’m sorry,” to him as I feel a tear fall down my face. 
Soon enough the desiccation engulfs him. Tyler helps Klaus’ body down to the ground as I stare at him, hoping I did what was right. Not just for my friends, but for myself.
“We should get her home before the sun sets. You too Athena,” Stefan says.
I head to the car and get in with the Salvatore brothers and Elena. They drive us to Elena’s house. I get out with them and walk towards Elena’s house. “Heh, you three are really going to walk me all the way to the door, aren’t you?” Elena questions.
“You lost a lot of blood today,” Stefan states.
“Yeah, I know, but I told you, I’m fine. I just--I have a little headache,” Elena explains.
“Yeah, but the sun’s about to go down. And Ric’s going to be able to terrorize the streets any minute,” Damon explains.
“Yeah, but he can’t hurt me. It’s you three we should be worrying about,” Elena states.
“He won’t be able to find us,” Stefan says as we make it to Elena’s door. 
“I’ll call you when we get back. Athena, you should probably stay here with Elena, might be best,” Stefan says.
“I’ll be fine on my own. If anything I can go to my house, Alaric doesn’t know where it is,” I explain. “But I’ll stay here for a little, if that’s alright with you Elena,” I say knowing it’ll probably make them feel better.
“Fine, just be safe,” Stefan responds.
“I’m gonna umm… head upstairs and clean up,” I say looking at my hand covered in Klaus’ blood.
As I head into the house, I hear some rustling in the kitchen. As I walk in I find the whole gang setting up a small feast. Not too soon after Elena walks in just as confused as I am.
“What are you guys doing here?” She asks. 
“Welcome to our victory party!” Caroline yells.
“What victory?” I ask.
“We failed. Alaric’s still out there,” Elena points out.
“We know. But we’ve been trying to get rid of Klaus forever and Caroline convinced us to enjoy it-- for a night,” Bonnie explains.
“Got to be honest--I’m a little pissed none of you let me take down original brother number two,” Matt says all pippy.
“Yeah, he would have taken you right down to the hospital, bro,” Tyler responds.
“Please, I’m more stealth than that. I’m like a ninja,” Matt says.
After hearing that, I just felt a rush of emotions roll over me. I quickly head upstairs, feeling overwhelmed, “What’s up with her?” I hear Jeremy say as I head upstairs.
“I’ll go talk to her. Just be a bit more delicate with how you say things,” Elena says. “She was the one to take him down,” Elena whispers, even though I still heard it. 
I make my way into her bathroom to clean my hand up, I take a deep breath as I feel a tear fall down my face. I keep reassuring myself that I did the right thing, that I had to do it to keep everyone safe. 
“Hey. You alright?” I hear Elena’s soft voice behind me.
“Uhh...yeah. I just wanted to clean my hand,” I say not turning around, trying to keep my voice from wavering.
“Something’s bothering you. I can tell,” Elena says from the doorway.
“No, I’m fine,” I deflect.
 “I know you’ve been through a lot in your life and I’m sure this was hard for you. And your strength and will is something I really admire. You’re one of the strongest people I know,” Elena says. “You know it’s ok to be vulnerable sometimes,” Elena says after a few moments of silence. 
“It’s just--I can’t keep fighting myself like this. By doing what I did, I felt like I almost lost a part of myself. I don’t want to feel this way anymore,” I say keeping my back turned to her.
“I know and I’m sure we’ll find a way,” Elena responds.
“I already know there’s a way,” I respond turning to Elena. “Tyler broke his sire bond. I’m sure he can help break mine,” I say.
“And you think that’ll work?” Elena asks.
“I don’t know but I want to find out if what I fe--feel for him is the sire bond...or me,” I say. 
“We’ll figure this out I know it. But for tonight. See this little victory as a night you don’t need to fight with yourself, ok?” Elena says.
“I’ll try,” I give her a slight smile.
We head back down into the kitchen and Caroline hands us some shots. “Here, you two need this,” Caroline says. Elena and I look at her confused.
“I heard. And you know that sooner or later, you’re going to have to choose right?” Caroline asks Elena.
“I know,” Elena responds.
“And you,” Caroline turns towards me. “I’m sure you’re hurting right now. Whether it’s the sire bond or not. You probably need this more than anyone right now,” Caroline says rubbing her hand on my arm.
“Hey. Give me your hand,” Tyler says walking up to us. He pours some salt on our hands.
“Thank you for standing up to Klaus like that. Both of you,” Elena shifts her gaze between Tyler and me.
“Let’s just say it’s been a long time coming,” Tyler says as I nod in agreement.
“Way too long,” Caroline says pulling Tyler into a side hug. “All right, Let’s drink,” She says to the rest of the group.
“I do not condone this by the way,” Elena says turning to her little brother.
“You survived Klaus. All right, make an exception. You can go back to being responsible tomorrow,” Jeremy rebuttals.
“Ok,” Elena says.
“Hang on. Do you guys hear that?” Tyler asks as we all look around confused and worried. “That is the sound of a Klaus-free life,” Tyler finally says as we all laugh. Yet my own was a bit forced. 
“To a Klaus-free life,” I say a raise my shot. Clearly getting some surprise expressions from a few people. “And to all of you, my family,” I add.
“Cheers!” The group says as we clink glasses and take our shots.
We spend a couple more hours hanging out and celebrating a quiet night. “Hey Tyler, can I talk to you a bit?” I ask coming up to him.
“Uh yeah,” He says as I lead him away from the group into the hall.
“So you broke your sire bond with Klaus right?” I ask as he nods in response. “Do you think you can help me break mine?” I ask.
“Yeh. Anything to get a hybrid away from his control,” Tyler responds.
“Thanks,” I say.
“Are you alright?” Tyler asks clearly picking up on my mood.
“Yeh. I just--I want to make sure whatever I feel is because of the sire bond. I’m done fighting myself,” I respond.
“We’ll get through this, together. I’ll help any way I can,” He says.
“Thanks,” I respond before we both head back into the kitchen.
After a couple more minutes of hanging out everyone starts to head home. “You’re more than welcome to stay the night here,” Elena says to me.
“Oh, It’s ok. I’d hate to intrude for the night,” I repsond.
“It’s fine. I’m sure youd rather be here than alone in your house or the Salvatore’s,” Elena says.
“They’ll be home in a bit. I’ll be fine,” I respond.
“Come on, Athena just take the offer. We haven’t had a girls night in a while,” Elena begs.
“Fine,” I say and give a slight smile. We head up to her room as she helps prepare a place to sleep.
“I’m gonna go check on Jeremy. I’ll be back in a bit. Get some rest,” Elena says.
“Thanks,” I respond as she leaves the room.
I lay my head down and close my eyes. I try for a few minutes to sleep, but I can’t. Not after tonight. I get up and leave the room to get some water. As I leave Elena’s room I look to my left to find Elena laying on the floor with her nose bleeding into the spilled paint.
I rush over to her, shaking her hoping she’d wake up, “Jeremy!” I yell realizing it’s not working.
“What happened?” He asks coming into the room.
“I--I don’t know. I just came out of her room and found her like this,” I explain.
“Alright, let’s just get her to the hospital,” Jeremy says picking up his sister. 
A/N: Will Klaus forgive Athena for what she did? I hope you all enjoyed this part! Thanks for reading. 
🏷: @tristanacarry​ | @commentaryfanfic​ | @april-14-blog​ |  @simonsbluee​ | @awkwardspontaneity​ | @keiko0​
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Warnings for blood mention, mechanical body horror, gore mention, torture mention, 'glitchy' unrealistic stuttering, calling a violent person 'unstable' (he is not mentally ill, but his crew thinks he is dangerous and unhinged, and he doesn't try to quell these rumors), slightly unreliable narrator?, He's just going through A Lot and coping via torture though it is not graphic here, this is really the beginning of his recovery, to be honest.
Alexander really did not think he would be embarking on a project where he fully considered the sentience and inherent 'humanity' in an Armada soldier, but, well, everything in his life had always been strange.
He finally solved the Khurgas' problem, as unconventional as it was, and continued forward as the tiger commander gave him a final order to turn the tide of battle on the Marleybonian Isle Of Fetch. With his orders, he and his crew advanced towards the beacon glowing from a beached Armada ship.
The new form of Armada units they found was strange- bulky, massive. Taller than any of their crew, easily two people's width as well. They were tougher than any flimsy hunk of metal carrying a musket or halberd the crew had destroyed before.
They hit hard, and that in itself was worrying. Currently alongside him were Bonnie Anne, Sarah Steele, and Gracie Conrad, a new crewmate he actually befriended, an unusual occurance these days when he took on a new person.
So when Sarah fell unconscious at a rough hit to the head from one of the Armada soldiers' weapons, Alexander's heart sank, but he knew it would happen. Currently everyone in his lineup was rather dainty, and he himself was a bit of a glass cannon, even the higher-ups sitting on their asses in the war room could recognize that.
So when the final battle neared, he called Ratbeard up to assist. The man was more solidly built than the rest, and he or Subodai were good picks as a fellow front line fighter while Bonnie Anne sat back to observe the field and Gracie spent the first vital moments constructing traps.
It was almost hilariously easy at first, on the ship. Gracie quickly whispered instructions, to half turn the crank, then destroy the generators, causing a power surge to blast the whole operations to pieces. Alexander cloaked the entire party in shadows, and half turned the mechanism himself.
The Armada soldiers, confused, still following battle protocols, began to destroy the only active thing on the battlefield: the generators.
Alexander was tempted to laugh, but managed to hold off until they began their ambush. He taunted the lifeless machines, mocking them with a leer as he cut them down one by one, relishing in the sound of twisted, screeching metal and the hot pour of slick oil that stained the hands and face and gave his blades a ghoulish tint.
And he would have done the same if they were people. And that alone caused Gracie and Bonnie Anne to look at him questioningly.
The beacon exploded, causing Ratbeard to cheer, hollering into the night, and Gracie appeared satisfied, but her tail wagged slowly and head cocked in thought.
"Captain, could I check for more devices in the ship's interior?" She asked.
Alexander nodded, breathing hard, blood singing still, head pounding. He kicked open the doors into the lower decks, while Gracie checked the captain's cabin.
Alexander didn't know what to look for, mind distant and scanning the room, prepared for it to turn battlefield any second, but he certainly did not expect the brig to have an occupant.
It was a barred room, one of the same make as the one Alexander spent a stint of time in whilst seventeen, about to start this twisted adventure. Inside, however, was no punk kid nor warrior of Mooshu, as was last time.
Alexander was entranced by what he saw, a strange echo of his actions above deck. The clockwork lying inside was large, the same frame as the largest model the crew had newly encountered. That was where the similarities stopped. The clockwork had no weapon, and was sparking and whirring weakly, fingers twitching as it lay limp, thrown against the back wall.
What was there to do but venture inside?
The closer he got after unlocking the cell, the more the entire situation grew unnerving. The clockwork soldier's head was bowed, hat hung low and obscuring. All armor or clothes were gone, leaving only bronze, black, and white planes of machinery, and glimpses of wires that sparked, cut. Several dents and gashes decorated the main torso plate, one arm hanging by a hinge.
When Alexander brushed the hat to the side, his breath hitched.
Surprises were not as common these days. He was a twenty-three year old man, he had been betrayed, played a fool and a puppet, stabbed in the back, and watched some of the most grotesque torture. He had inflicted some of that, eager, panting and sniffing out blood and weaknesses like a sommelier sniffed out fine wines from the way it swished against the glass, legs of the fluid sliding up smoothly, the fragrant booze plunging the senses into something smokey, smelling the barrel it was aged in, picking up hints of wood and fruits and lush flowers. All to drink it, let the intoxicating liquid slide and seep into their tastebuds, sink into their teeth, and swallow it. Much like Alexander would watch blood trail from a wound, the fear induced sweat on the skin making the passage of the fluid all the more simple, sharp iron in the air, the scent stained into their clothes.
He had seen some gruesome scenes. Nothing prepared him for seeing the dark void of chaos beneath a clockwork's mask.
The sharp intake of breath burned when he held it, eyes flitting rapidly to take it in.
Shattered porcelain remnants of its mask remained at the sides near where ones ears would go, but aside from those jagged pieces it was a whole different story. Bronze metal parts, strange and small and intricate, all clicking weakly along. The teeth- exposed now, sculpted and perfectly straight. They looked real and a chill dripped down Alexander's spine like someone cracked an egg at his neck.
The eyes. The eyes. The eyes.
Oh, the eyes.
Alexander was captivated, staring, staring and falling deep into an onyx void with a spark of true intelligence. Machinery sputtered for a moment, before the clockworks head turned just a smidge, mouth now agape, letting words spill.
"I-I-I-I-I." The machine glitched and stuttered, hand twitching once, the wrist twisting. "B-B-B-B-Bir-r-r-r."
Alexander found himself soft, quiet, until he cooed like one would at a baby, a soft "oh-hhh.", One that means nothing but to reassure. "Take you're time." He whispered.
"Ow-Ow-Oww-w-w-l-l." The thing stopped, whirred quickly, and spoke again. "Owl. N-N-" with a soft scrape a new part of its mangled face shifted, a bolt falling loose. "Owl."
Definitely not expected.
For a brief, hysterical moment, he wondered if he was wasted, having a bad drunken dream.
And it struck some kind of cord. Alexander wanted to know why. Why was this beaten to shit clockwork in an Armada brig.
But the machine slumped, stuttering about owls.
So he made the completely rational decision of dragging it out and yelling up to his crew for assistance.
And that in itself was shocking enough to send Bonnie Anne running in a flat sprint, crashing into walls as she went. Alexander never asked for help unless he was about to die or it truly was an impossible task to do alone. She hoped for the latter.
Alexander watched Bonnie Anne rush in, sniper on her shoulder ready to aim for the head. When all she saw was a busted clockwork, she let her weapon fall to her side and scoffed.
"Can't take it to our ship alone." Alexander explained, tone expectant.
"We could find scrap metal much closer to the ship if we really need it, captain."
"No. This isn't that- look at it, Bonnie. It was locked up. Why would the Armada do this to one of their own?"
"I don't know, captain, and frankly, don't know why I should care. It isn't alive."
"Well then, I guess I'll drag this to the ship on my own and get us all caught by any of the Armada between me and the dock." Alexander drawled now, a tone that promised he would follow through.
"Fine." Bonnie Anne barked out, jaws snapping.
With her and Ratbeard's help, they got it on board rather easily, Gracie running off to inform the tigers of their victory.
"To the brig with this hunk of junk, captain?" Ratbeard asked.
Alexander gazed over the war torn Isle Of Fetch, before looking back at the clockwork. "Bring it to my cabin. Tell Gracie she can check in if she's interested, but I'd rather this was my project."
Every crewmate exchanged confused glances, but with their captain turning from eccentric and frivolous into a dangerous, unstable man, they knew not to question a simple request that would hurt no one. Bonnie Anne did roll her eyes though, unable to resist.
And so Alexander found something new to fixate on, finally something that made the echoing, forlorn voices of his parents silent. Something that wasn't blood, or the way a betrayer screams for mercy, and not the crack of bone or crunch of cartilage.
Something quiet.
Gracie stayed in his room as well, silent as a grave, handing him tools and bits and bobs to fix up the broken toy soldier. Bonnie Anne led the crew in his absence, not for the first time.
He spent days intricately carving a plate of ivory, giving it the suggestion of a nose reminiscent of the Armada's plain porcelain masks. He inlayed gold in the outside, blushed it with more gold between the eye sockets and atop that nose. It was delicate, at odds with the sturdy body, the body itself a slightly uneven, less efficient thing, but it seemed proper, given the stutters about birds.
The mask looked like an Owl. It fit perfectly in every sense Alexander’s feverishly working mind could conjure. He worked on the internals last, of course, always one to prioritize the aesthetic over what lies underneath.
That was the sticking point, it seemed. He and Gracie would need more intel on either war golem construction, or the Armada’s own blueprints to figure out how to connect the pieces and give that spark of life Alexander had witnessed, to bring it back to the husk of metal and ensure it would still be rambling about owls, and not simply bash Alexander’s head in with the nearest wrench.
So Alexander left his work table as it was and allowed Bonnie Anne to drag him back into their mission, where they had to help a different branch of the Marleybonian bootlickers to ensure Alexander could finally be given the title of captain, which in itself was only to get proper access to Catbeard in order to get the imprisoned captain’s shred of the map
Plans within plans, however. Alexander let Bonnie Anne remember the big picture, and he let himself be busied by the immediate task, as well as secretly contemplating the mechanisms and delicate machinery that made up what might be a person, might be more than faulty programming. 
He didn’t know what conclusion this would come to, but for the first time since hearing an echo of his lost parents’ voices, it was more than just El Dorado.
It was the strange clockwork soldier, as well.
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logicalbookthief · 5 years
76 on the prompt list :>>> excited to see what u come up w/
Anon, your faith in me was truly misguided. I saw this prompt and went, “ooh, ok, let’s do some heartfelt angst,” and then as I started that my brain went, “nah, this instead.”
And by this, I mean “domestic & married Reddie being gross and in love and having a drama queen for a kid”
Prompt: 76 – “It could be worse. They could be dating.” “Wait. They are?!”
Summary: “Our daughter is dating a nose-picker?!” Eddie says it with the disdain of someone describing a serial killer.
Richie kicks the door closed with his foot, already slipping it halfway out of his shoe. He dumps his duffel on the floor, which Eddie’ll chide him for later. That’s a problem for future Richie, not present Richie, who’s running on pure caffeine after his non-stop flight from Atlanta to LA.
The distant thump of 80s music lures him to the kitchen. Eddie’s humming along to the radio as he rinses lettuce for one of his seasonal salads. Richie would bet his life it includes pine nuts. 
Padding quietly across the hardwood, Richie warps his arms around his husband from behind. “Honey, I’m home!”
Eddie jolts, relaxing the minute he feels the frame of Richie’s glasses against his head. “Jesus,” he sighs, dropping to a whisper. “Jack, what’re you doing, you know my husband’s coming home today!”
“Jack?!” Richie squawks, twisting him around by the lapels. “As in, our mailman?”
“Oh, whoops,” Eddie feigns shock, the facade lasting all of a second before he throws his arms around Richie’s neck, swooping in for a kiss. 
Richie moans, a little satisfied hum against Eddie’s lips. “Where’s my other sweetheart?”
His husband adjusts his shirt where it’s riding up, due to his Richie’s wandering hands. “Moping,” he explains, delicately.
“She’s seven. What does she have to mope about?” Richie deadpans. His mouth twists into a grimace. “Wait. Are you trying the tuna casserole recipe again?”
Eddie whips around. “What the fuck’s wrong with my–?”
“Nothing!” he answers quickly. Eddie narrows his eyes, wielding the salad-spinner like he wants to use it on something besides leafy greens. “So what’s eating my little Spaghetti-o?”
“Mrs. Diaz separated her from her cubby-buddy, Jonas,” Eddie informs, eyebrows rocketing to his hairline. “Apparently they were too disruptive as a pair.”
“Jonas? Isn’t that the nose-picker?” He regrets this observation as Eddie gags over the croutons. 
Everyone has a thing, a thing that trips the gag reflex. Many things bring out that response in Eddie, yet none so viscerally as his aversion to snot, boogers, and the like. Ever since they were kids, it was the surefire way to make him heave. Even if the snot in question was connected to their child.
So when it came to boogers, Richie was the go-to parent, while Eddie graciously agreed to handle the diaper meltdowns. After all, the key to a successful marriage is compromise. Compromise, and lots of Clorox wipes. 
At the school’s Christmas pageant last year, the boy standing next to Nina started digging for gold halfway through Twelve Days of Christmas and found a nugget before they hit two turtle-doves. Poor Eds nearly hurled in Richie’s lap. 
“Don’t remind me,” Eddie shudders. “Anyway, she’s heartbroken over it. As soon as we got home she ran to her room. I tried to talk to her when I brought her a snack and she asked me to please give her time.”
Richie imagines that coming out of his seven-year-old’s mouth and snorts. “Sorry,” he adds. “Not funny.”
Eddie ducks his chin to hide his smile. “Even for her, it’s a tad overdramatic,” he admits, glancing up at Richie through his lashes. “I didn’t have the heart to pester her, but, maybe since you’re home…”
“I’m on it!” Richie stretches the lingering kinks out of his neck. “I’m a world-famous comedian back from a sold-out show. Cheering our daughter up should be a cinch.”
“Mhm,” Eddie intones, not sounding very confident. Which, rude. He seems rather distracted by the length of Richie’s biceps as they stretch over his head. His eyes gleam with an anticipation that has nothing to do with salad. Richie’s got the same itch crawling beneath his skin and he’s very eager to scratch it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and the dick grow harder. 
His knocks at Nina’s room are ignored, so Richie gently pushes the door open to peer inside. At the sight of his daughter curled up on the bed, he breaks into a smile.
“Eyyy, there’s my girl!” 
Nina raises her head from the pillow, uttering a curt, “Hi, Dad.”
Well, that’s far less enthusiasm than he was expecting. Considering he was gone for almost a week. Nothing like a child’s indifference to keep you humble.
“Aww, sweetie, what’s wrong?” His ears perk at the soft croon of Whitney Houston in the background. “And … what the heck are you listening to?”
“Playlist,” she mutters, blindly flinging an arm toward her device. She’s got it open to his Spotify. 
Richie should probably delete the app from her tablet, like, yesterday. If she ever stumbles across his “Songs to fuck Eddie to” playlist he’ll have to commit samurai-suicide.
However. Given this playlist is called “Sad love songs to cry into your Chipotle burrito,” Richie has a better idea of what type of crisis he’s dealing with here. 
“Sooo, uh. Your daddy told me. You and Jonas, you two are…?” He winces at her lip-tremble, which confirms his worst suspicions. “That’s rough, kiddo.”
“I’ll never be happy again,” Nina sniffs miserably. “I love Jonas and now we’ll never see each other!”
“You are still in the same class,” Richie points out.
She whirls on him, eyes flashing lividly.
“We sit by last names! His is at the beginning, mine’s at the end!” With more venom than a child should be capable of, she hisses, “I hate the alphabet.” 
“O-Kay,” says Richie, truly at a loss. Luckily, she doesn’t seem inclined to talk about it anymore. Instead she stuffs her face back in the pillow, not quite fluffy enough to absorb her lovelorn sigh.
He pets her hair, curling it around his fingers, until the sniffles eventually dwindle. “Do you want us to make you a special dinner? Anything you want,” Richie cajoles.
Nina thinks it over, tilting her cheek enough to say, “Can you ask Daddy to make tuna casserole?”
Richie blanches. “Wha– Why?”
“I want my belly to feel as bad as my heart,” she mumbles.
He manages to keep a straight face as he bends to kiss her brow and leaves her to sulk, but it’s a close call. When he reports back to the kitchen with his news, there’s no tact necessary.
Eddie laughs ‘til he’s out of breath. “It isn’t funny,” he repeats, slightly winded.
“Of course not,” Richie agrees, failing to stifle his own grin.
“I love her, I’m sorry she’s hurting, but she’s so–”
“She gets that from you,” Eddie accuses.
“Excuse a moi?” Richie balks. “This, coming from the guy who kissed me out of the deadlights like some low-budget horror rebut of Sleeping Beauty?”
“What, should I have let the clown eat you?” Eddie glances his way, slyly. “I was referring to middle school. When you spent an entire night cranking your mom’s Bonnie Tyler records because I said you kind of looked like a frog, and you remembered how three weeks ago I told Bev I’d never kiss a frog even if it turned into a handsome prince?”
“Fucking Stanley,”  Richie huffs. “I swore him to secrecy. We spit on it and everything.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “At least for Nina, it’s only a crush. It could be worse,” he scoffs. “They could be dating.”
Richie tries to school his expression, he does, but – the thing is. After spending almost their whole fucking lives together, minus those twenty-two years of amnesia in between, Eddie can spot his tells from a mile away.
“Wait. They are?!” He slaps a hand over his mouth, aghast. “Our daughter is dating a nose-picker?”
He says it with the disdain of someone describing a serial killer.
“Ugh, Rich, that–ew! What if they hold hands after h–he–”
The suggestion of it alone has Eddie bending over the sink.
“Babe, c’mon.” Richie soothes a palm up-and-down his spine. “You’ve drilled the importance of hand-washing into Nina since she could walk. I doubt she’s carrying around any clingers.”
On cue, Eddie lets loose another dry heave.
“Will you stop?” he groans, glaring over his shoulder at Richie. “This is awful. Literally, of all the kids in her class, why this one?” 
“You’re blowing this way out of proportion,” says Richie, though Eddie’s eyebrows beg to differ. He loves his husband, deeply, irrevocably, but he’s also one of most ridiculous people on the planet. “Remember, we like Jonas? Jonas is nice! If a little unsanitary… He’ll grow out of it, though. Like I did.”
The words leave his mouth before his brain can flash any of the red warning signs. Slowly, ever so slowly, Eddie turns. They lock eyes. His gaze brims with the horror of this realization.
“Are you saying,” Eddie begins, dangerously low, “that you used to pick your nose when we were kids a-and then, you’d touch me?”
“Used to?” Richie grabs the fleeing Eddie and hauls him back before he really does leave him for their incredibly buff mailman.
“Babe!” he chuckles. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, I swear! I swear on Ben’s chiseled abs!”
“Disgusting, you’re disgusting,” Eddie grumbles, wriggling in his grasp. “Let go of me, don’t even think of touching me with–”
All of a sudden, Eddie squeals, wracked with a full-bodied spasm.
“With what?” Richie taunts, continuing to tickle him. “With these filthy, boogery fingers of mine?”
“St–op!” Eddie wheezes. “I’m gonna piss my pants!”
“Don’t exploit my pee kink,” he snaps, which only makes Eddie wheeze harder.
“I’ve had my fingers in your ass,” Richie reminds. “In fact, you love my fingers in your ass.”
Whether from embarrassment or exertion, Eddie flushes. “Fuck you, that’s extremely different!”
“You’re right, it’s probably more disgusting.” Teeth skirting over his earlobe, Richie leans down, his voice a sultry hush, “Because I like to use my mouth there, too.”
Eddie muffles a moan into his fist. “I see what you’re doing,” he grits out. “And it won’t work. No way I’m sleeping with you now, nose-picker.”
Richie makes a wounded noise, clutching him more firmly to his chest. “Please, Eds, baby, I can change! I’ll go to meetings, therapy– I’ll never stick my finger anywhere you don’t want again!”
“I don’t know if I can ever look at you the same.” Eddie’s reply cuts off into a giggle as those fingers attack his flank. “Seriously, Rich, I am going to–!” 
They’re interrupted by the violent swing of Nina’s door against the wall.
“Will you two keep it down?!” she shouts. “I’m trying to mourn!”
The door slams shut again. They gawk at each other in silence. Finally, Richie pools enough blood into his brain to speak.
“Are we terrible parents?”
Eddie kisses the underside of his chin. “Ask me that when your semi isn’t plastered against my ass,” he says, flatly.
Hi my name is Richie and I’m a recovering nose-picker. Ages 3 thru 9 were rough, but with the support of my dear husband, I’ve managed to keep my fingers clean. Hope my story can help inspire someone else xx
Bev: why did Eddie ask for the number of my divorce lawyer ?
Bev: nvm I saw your tweet
Am I projecting my own snot-induced gag reflex onto Eddie? Yes. Do I still believe my characterization was spot-on? Yes again.  
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queenlists · 5 years
Way back home.
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A/N: This is a fluffy story involving Dean and the reader. I hope you all enjoy this! Thank you all for your support ✌
Post date: 12/08/2019
“We met at a convenience store when we were just little kids.”
“You know, if you get caught you’re going to go to prison?” I sighed, looking at the young boy who had to be my age shoving chips down his pants’ pockets. “You know, if you don’t shut up you’re going to get beat up?” the young boy hissed, walking away from me towards the drinks. Biting the inside of my cheek, I followed behind him to watch. The boy shoved drinks into a backpack, looking around cautiously until his eyes fell on me. He groaned, rolling his eyes “Look, I’m not trying to be rude, but can you go?” “Why are you stealing?” I stepped closer. “Why are you so nosy?” the young boy rolled his eyes, smoothing out his pockets. I shrugged, watching the young boy try to conceal the stolen goods “Just curious. I also have money, so if you give up the information then I can give this to you.” I pulled out a twenty-dollar bill that I had just gotten that day, waving it in front of the young boy with a big smirk on my face. “Why do you want to know so bad?” “Maybe I could be the Bonnie to your Clyde?” I giggled while flashing the young boy the contents of my purse: snacks that would never get paid for. The boy smiled, looking down “My name’s Dean. I’m just trying to get some food for my little brother and I. Our dad is out on a job.” “Let me guess, he left you in that creepy motel right across the street?” The young boy cocked an eyebrow at me “How’d you know?” “My parents do the same. Often.” I cleared the sob from my throat, shoving the twenty in his hand. “If you’re gonna steal, do it right.” I continued, smoothing out his pockets. I backed away, giving Dean a small smile before grabbing a chocolate bar to pay for at the cash register.
My parents warned me to stay indoors at all times unless I was extremely low on food and drinks because I was a young girl in a sketchy town, but after meeting Dean I became restless. I couldn’t even finish my frozen dinner because Dean was on my mind. A kid living a life similar to mine was a rare find for me. I would peek through the curtains in hopes of catching sight of Dean, but that didn’t happen. It didn’t happen for weeks. Eventually, I just gave up. He was probably long gone by now.
I skipped down the street, humming to myself. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn’t bother to pay them any attention. It wasn’t until the footsteps began to increase their pace that I felt alarmed. My heart thumping out of my chest, I began to run. “Hey! It’s just me.” I quickly stopped when I heard that familiar voice. A big smile spread across my face as I spun around to see Dean. “I never caught your name.” Dean rubbed the back of his neck, as his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. “(Y/n),” I looked away from Dean as I felt my own cheeks start to heat up. “We should go out for ice cream sometime. I saved that money for whenever I saw you again. You, Sammy, and I could all go out together.” “That sounds fun. Let’s go now!” I suggested, holding my hand out to Dean. Dean stared at my hand as if this gesture was foreign to him before taking my hand in his, leading me back to his place to get Sam.
We ended up spending every day together to the point where I decided to move all of my stuff to theirs. There were only two beds, so Dean would sleep with Sam while I got the other bed to myself. We all got along well. My parents sent me enough money to sustain all three of us. Everything was as perfect as things could be for kids in adult situations until the reality of how short our time was together showed up.
“Boys, get packed. We gotta go to the next town.” I listened carefully, not moving. The room was dark as I watched the strange figure navigate his way through the messy room, soon finding the light to turn it on “Boys!” the man’s voice boomed throughout the room causing me to wince. The man quickly looked at me as I quickly hid under the covers. “Who is this?” I heard the man’s footsteps come closer and closer until he was right there. “Dad, she’s a friend.” Dean yawned. I heard the bed he was in creak as he came to me, pulling the covers off of me. “Her name is (Y/n). She bought me snacks, dad!” Sam beamed, crawling out of bed to run to his father for a hug. “Where are your parents, sweetheart?” The man held Sam as he smiled at me gently. “I have no clue,” I whimpered. I knew that him being back meant Dean and Sam were going to leave me here all alone forever. “Can she come with us?” Dean grabbed onto my hand as tears welled up in my eyes, bracing for the harsh answer we both knew was bound to be said. “She has parents. I can’t. We have to go.” Dean and Sam’s father hung his head as he grabbed up their bags, tugging the protesting boys out of the room. Dean looked at me one last time, tears falling down his face as he was pushed out of sight. “(Y/n), if you ever need us. Give us a call.” The man scribbled out a number on an old, crinkly receipt before slamming the door shut behind him. I listened to the three pairs of footsteps stomping down the halls. I listened until I couldn’t hear them anymore. Soon, I heard a roar of a car. I ran out of bed to look at them go. I saw the old car back away and speed off into the distance. I watched it until I couldn’t make out their car anymore. My heart breaking with every second that passed. If I didn’t know what true sadness felt like, I did then.
I crawled into the bed that Dean and Sam were sleeping in. The bed was still warm from their bodies. Pulling the blanket up over my head, suffocating myself in their scent. I sobbed, holding onto Dean’s pillow taking in his scent. The time we spent together would forever be with me.
“We met again in high school.”
“Dean Winchester?” The teacher scanned the room, looking for said Dean. “Right here, toots!” I rolled my eyes at the cocky comment, turning my head to catch sight of this guy. Our eyes immediately connected as we both cocked an eyebrow at each other. He looked oddly familiar. “(Y/n) (Y/l/n)?” I heard the teacher call my name as Dean’s jaw dropped. At that moment, it was confirmed. Cocky Dean was, in fact, my Dean. The young boy who I thought about almost constantly even years later. The Dean I thought I would never see again. I smiled at him, clearing the sob that was forming in my throat “Here, toots!” I called out to the teacher, Dean and I both laughing aloud at my response. I immediately grabbed my stuff to sit by him. “I thought I’d never see you again,” Dean smiled at me. I bit my lip, sighing “Same.” I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him and neither could he keep his off of me. I guess he must have missed me almost as much as I missed him.
After class, we decided to skip the rest of the day together to catch up with one another. As we walked to Dean’s car, the memories rushed back to me “The impala? You have that old impala?” “Hey now! Baby is not old. Don’t listen to her.” Dean scoffed, rubbing the hood of the car gently. “I watched you guys drive away that night you left and this is the car,” I frowned at the thought of that day. “I know. I stared back at you the whole time,” Dean sighed, biting his lip. My lip began to quiver as I pulled Dean into a tight hug, he didn’t hesitate to hold me close. I took a deep breath to breathe him in. I buried my face into his worn-in leather jacket, sighing in bliss “I missed you, Dean.” “I missed you too, (Y/n).”
We picked up where we left off, but something was different. Something wasn’t as innocent between us as it was when we were kids. We both knew something was different. “Dean, I really like you. Like I want us to be more than friends,” I bit my lip as I stared into his eyes. Dean was obviously at a loss for words, but decided to respond in nonverbal way, a better way. Dean pulled me into a gentle kiss, our lips were just pressed against each others. My eyes closed shut as I let myself melt into this beautiful kiss. After a little bit, Dean slowly pulled away from the kiss “I just don’t want things to mess up between us. You’re a good friend,” Dean kissed my forehead as I nodded. My heart sank to my stomach like a heavy anchor, but I refused to show that. I refused to show Dean just how vulnerable he had me. How open I was to him. How desperate I was for him to stay with me forever. “Yeah, no. You’re totally right. We’re great as friends,” I quickly got out of the car, slamming the door shut with tears falling down my face. Not knowing that would be the end of this era, I didn’t bother to turn back to look at him. I thought I’d see him again the next day, but he never showed up again at school. His motel room was vacant. Baby was never seen again in this small closed off town. “Again, Dean. Again?” I yelled as I pounded my fists against his old motel room’s door. I didn’t stop until the manager said something. My heart was broken all over again. He was just in my grasp last night! He couldn’t have called to say goodbye?
“I was angry. I was lost. I was hurt beyond words when he left again for a second time, but this time without a word about it. My wonder for the Winchester was soon over, when we met again as adults.”
Lonely and on my third failed date of the week, I found myself at the bar a little too long. Lingering for another round of alcohol to fill the void in my heart. Shot after shot after shot, I downed every one of those and asked for more each time. I knew it was becoming too much, but feeling my true emotions wasn’t an option for me. Not right now at least. “Another, please,” I hiccupped, pushing my glass over to the sympathetic bartender who witnessed all three of said failed dates. “No, I think she’s had quite enough,” I rolled my eyes at the stranger’s comment. “What’s your issue?” I turned over to the stranger. He was tall with beautiful long brown hair. “You’ve had enough, (Y/n). Come with me,” the handsome stranger held his hand out for me. I stared at his outstretched hand “Who are you?” “Sam. Dean’s little brother,” I felt myself quickly sober up as I looked Sam up and down in amazement “Oh my gosh, Sammy!” I squealed, jumping up to hug him. He chuckled, hugging me back. “You got so tall! I missed you.” “I missed you too.”
Sam took me back to his place where I was able to meet his fiancee, Jessica. We all got along great to the point where Jess asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, which I gladly accepted. Every week leading up to the wedding, we all would go out for a nice dinner together. It was Sam’s way of keeping an eye on me and keeping me out of any and all bars. I was nothing, but happy for the soon to be married couple. The only thing that seemed to dim the moment for me was knowing Dean was most likely going to be at the wedding as well and I was not ready to face him.
After months of preparation, the wedding day finally arrived. Faster than what I had expected as I had forgotten to turn my alarm on the night before. I was speeding through my hotel room as I quickly got myself together. Running out of the hotel room, I ran faster than I ever did to catch that elevator “Hey, can you hold that open?” I yelled across the hall to the person inside of the elevator as I ran. A hand waved in front of the doors, preventing it from shutting. Out of breath, I made it in the elevator “Thank you so much! I’m so going to be late to this wedding. The bride’s going to murder me” I laughed out, putting on my shoes. “Same.” My smile dropped as the voice echoed in my ears. I turned to face no one other than Dean himself. I cleared my throat and continued to get myself looking semi decent. “Come on, you can’t just ignore me. I left years ago! Decades ago. Sam was still a child.” “You left the night I told you how I felt about you without a word about it. Don’t you realize how much that hurt me?” I yelled at Dean as tears fell down my face. Dean went to wipe my tears away, but I pushed him away. “(Y/n), please. It was complicated. I was stupid. I couldn’t handle that!” “You kissed me! How could you say you wanted to only be friends after YOU kissed ME?” I balled up my fists and punched him in the arm “You hurt me! You ruined me!” “How, (Y/n)? How? You haven’t gotten over me? You’re telling me you never got over that?” “I haven’t.” I admitted, staring at the metallic doors with tears messing up the little eye makeup I managed to slip on. I wiped the black streaks off of my face only making a bigger mess. Dean took out his white handkerchief, licking it, and wiping away the mess on my face “You don’t need this crap on your face anyway. You look beautiful as ever.” I couldn’t help but smile at him like an idiot. Dean’s cheeks went a bright red as he pulled me close to him, lifting my chin up with a hooked finger, and softly kissing me. I hesitated at first but quickly gave in. Just like I’d give into him any other time. All for him. Only for him. The elevator doors opened up, but neither of us pulled away from the kiss. This kiss was the seal of fate. This kiss was the start of our forever.
“I moved out of my crappy apartment into a house with him. We were making a mess out of this new life together, spending more money than we had and skipping out on bills to go out for drinks, but we were happy. Happier than ever. We ended up getting engaged during Sam and Jessica’s wedding weekend, but it was privately done in a hotel room after our first time together. Out of respect, I didn’t put on the cheap metal until a month later. Sam and Jessica were amused when we told them. All in a matter of six months, we were moved in together, engaged, and expecting our first child together. Everyone was happy.’
Was happy until Dean didn’t come home one night. Until Sam told us just what their father John was doing in those months he was away from them. The monsters that lurked our world. The monsters that walked by us. Dean had gone on a quick job, but just never returned. Sam had Jessica and I stay with each other, so he could search for his brother. Months went by and nothing. Dean was gone and so was Sam. Jessica and I resorted to sleeping in the same room together to keep one another company and to dry each other’s eyes as we missed the boys and worried ourselves sick.
Then it happened, Sam came home with Dean. Sam’s eyes swollen and red as he carried Dean in his arms. My Dean dead in Sam’s arms. We gave him the proper hunter’s burial. I couldn’t breathe through my sobs, so Jess ended up taking me back home to comfort me away from the scene. My life was ruined. I can’t do this without him. 
That night was the night I felt our baby move for the first time. That night was the night I found the strength to push through. This baby was Dean’s and I owed it to him to raise our baby up the way he would have wanted.
Strong, loved, and AWAY from the family business.
“Dad wasn’t found, but I pushed those memories out of my head. I had a baby on the way, a handsome baby on the way. I had to be strong for you.” I smiled at my smiling baby boy. He resembled his father so much. From his looks to his love for cars and chicks. “Do you think dad’s ever going to come home?” I inhaled sharply as tears pricked at my eyes “Yes, your dad always finds his way back home.”
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x10 - Spinnin’ round and round... (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to – The secret facility, Edward’s cell which, unlike Matt’s, is quite luxurious. He is lying on his bed, sedated, having flashbacks from his past. 
Cut to- 3 years ago, the Powell’s NYC mansion.
TAMARA: Moy malen’kiy geroy, I’m happy you are home; I was getting worried.
EDWARD: Oh, come on mom, I was only gone for a couple of hours.
TAMARA: Come, sit with me, have some wine. (Pours him a glass) So, how did she take it?
EDWARD: Not very well, but that had more to do with her ego than her feelings.
TAMARA: You made the right decision, I never liked her.
EDWARD: I know, you made that quite clear any time she was around.
TAMARA: Well, I tried my best to behave but I just couldn’t stand seeing you with someone that didn’t deserve you; let alone a Luxford. What else did you expect, my dear?
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EDWARD: (Smiles in complicity) That’s true. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I thought she might be different given that she actually studied a dignified career, instead of being just another socialite.
TAMARA: Oh, my dear, you can be so naive sometimes. The only reason she got into Harvard medical is because of who her father is, nothing more. Now, let’s forget about her and move on to you. Have you thought about your father’s proposal?
EDWARD: Mother, how can you even ask me that after everything he has put us through? Especially you…
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TAMARA: I know, and I will hate him for the rest of my life for what he has done to us, but this is not about him, it’s about the order, and your god-given right to be at the top of that pyramid.
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EDWARD: I don’t know if I want that… is it even worth it? I mean, for the price one has to pay… I really don’t think it is.
TAMARA: If I didn’t know what they were capable of, I would agree with you, but unfortunately, whether you like it or not, you were born into this, and there is no escaping that.
EDWARD: You managed to get away from him…
TAMARA: Oh, my dear boy, you have it all wrong. I might have been able to get him away from us, but by no means have I escaped him. Just like you, whether I like it or not, I married into this and there is no way out… except death, of course.
EDWARD: Don’t say that, god, mother, you can be so dark sometimes!
TAMARA: I’m sorry, moy malen'kiy geroy, I didn’t mean to upset you. Why don’t we change the subject and lighten the mood. How about we start planning for Anthony’s surprise birthday party, it’s coming soon, and we need to start preparing.
EDWARD: That, I can get on board with.
TAMARA: How about a Gatsby theme? He loves Fitzgerald.
EDWARD: That’s perfect!
TAMARA: The Madame arrives tomorrow; we can ask her to help; she has so many memorabilia from the ’20s, it will come in handy.
EDWARD: If anyone knows how to throw a party, it’s her.
TAMARA: Tell me about it! Wildest days of my life have been with her (they laugh). Alright, my love, it’s getting late and I need my beauty sleep. We’ll get into the planning details tomorrow.
EDWARD: I’m going to stay for a bit longer.
TAMARA: Okay, but don’t stay up too late, sleep is important. (Kisses his cheek) I love you.
EDWARD: I love you too, have a good rest.
Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline are at a beautiful cenote, getting ready to scuba dive.
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BONNIE: Wow, Care, I have to say, I’m so proud of you! Just a few days ago you wouldn’t even get near the ocean, and now you are suiting up to explore the deep waters!
CAROLINE: I know! I’m a changed woman, that’s for sure! Also, Alfredo (their dive instructor) said there are no sharks in these waters…
ALFREDO: That’s right, nothing to worry about. Now, if you see a pair of red-eyes shine… let me know.
CAROLINE: What!!!!!
ALFREDO: (Laughs) Just kidding! It’s fine, only thing you might see, if you are lucky, is some fish. Now, everyone, ready?
DAMON: (All suited up) Let’s do this!!
ALFREDO: Remember what I taught you, and stay close. It can get very dark at some points inside the caves, so don’t let go of the lifeline.
STEFAN: I think I’m regretting this decision…  
BONNIE: Oh, come on, Stefan, you love the dark.
STEFAN: But not underwater…
CAROLINE: Let’s give it a try, if we don’t like it, we can abort mission (turns to Alfredo), right?
ALFREDO: Of course, you know the signal, so if you want out, let me know and I’ll bring you right back up; no worries. 
STEFAN: What the hell, let’s do it!
ALFREDO: Excellent, my friend! You won’t regret it.  Okay, on the count of three, we’ll jump in. One… two… three!
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Cut to – The Salvatore school, Alaric’s study. After many unsuccessful tries, Radka, Alaric, Lexi and Tyler are still trying to figure out how to undo the body switch spell. Katherine is getting desperate; the student seems to be enjoying this new body, just a tad much…
 KATHERINE: (Catches the student touching his boobs) Hey!!! Hands off perv!!!
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THE STUDENT: I’m sorry Miss Pierce! I swear it won’t happen again; I was just curious.
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KATHERINE: Oh yes, I’m sure that’s what that was! I have my eye on you! (Turns to Lexi and Tyler who can’t stop laughing) And you two... I swear, I’ll get you back!
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TYLER: Oh, come on, Katherine, have a little sense of humor. You have to see the irony in all of this.
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KATHERINE: Not when my body smells like a testosterone-filled locker room and I have a thing hanging between my legs!!
LEXI: (Mocking) As long as it’s not stiff…
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KATHERINE: Shut up, Lexi!! (Throws the couch pillow at her face, Lexi catches it with her vamp reflexes).
ALARIC: (With a grin, trying to contain the laughter) Relax, Katherine, I’m sure we’ll find a way to revert this… at some point.  
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RADKA: (Scrolling through different spellbooks) Well, even if we do, we’ll need to find a different witch to do the spell, an experienced one, Ivan (the traveler student) or any other witch student won’t be able to pull it off without guidance. And, Margo (the witchcraft teacher) is on sick leave, and Bonnie on vacation, so it might take more time than we had hoped.
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KATHERINE: Are you kidding me??! I can’t be trapped in this body any longer!! Look at me!! I’m hideous and hormonal!!!
LEXI: (Looking at her package, smirking) And excited, I see...
KATHERINE: Oh, damn!! 
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(Looking at Alaric, Tyler, and Ivan) How do you live like this??!! It’s disgusting! (Gets up to go to the bathroom, as she walks out, they all crack up).
Cut to- Munich Medical Lab, inside an old operating theatre; first day of the program. Sam, Elena, Alex and Sage, along with the rest of the students, are waiting for the program’s sponsor to arrive for the welcoming speech. After an hour, he finally arrives; absolutely no rush or apology for his tardiness.
PIETRO: Welcome everyone. If you are here you are one of the chosen, and you better be very grateful for that. From this point on, your life is about to change. Those who survive the program will be transformed, from pathetic wannabes to legends. Good luck (He leaves).
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ELENA: That’s it? That’s what we waited an hour for? Speech didn’t even last a minute! No introduction, nothing! How rude!
SAGE: You really are lost, aren’t you? Don’t you know who that is? We should be thankful he even gave us 30 seconds of his time.
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SAM: Drop it, Sage. She doesn’t have to know who he is. And you give him too much credit, he’s just an asshole with a shit load of money, that’s all.  
SAGE: Are you serious, Sam?! God, going small-town really affected you… the old Sam would have been fanboying at the mere glimpse of him.
ALEX:  Oh, please, Sage, just stop. The only reason you worship him is because he’s powerful, and “supposedly” a far relative of yours; which I doubt.
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SAGE: No, the only reason I worship him is because he is a true legend, far more than Grayson was. And we are related.
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ELENA: Wow, your are a bitch...
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SAGE: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I am being a bitch...Sorry about that, I get very defensive when it comes to him, I’m a huge fan. I’ll stop, I swear. I really am sorry for saying that. Truce?
ELENA: Just keep my father’s name out of your mouth, and we’ll be fine.
SAGE: Done.
SAM: Okay… let’s head to our first course before this gets even more uncomfortable.
ELENA: (As they are heading out) So, what’s the big shots name?
SAM: Pietro Salvatore (Elena holds him back; Sage and Alex keep walking).
ELENA: Salvatore… 
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SAM: I know, what a coincidence! Seems like you can’t escape that name…(Teasing) Good thing this one is much older, I mean, in real-time, so I have nothing to worry about.
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ELENA: As for him, or any other Salvatore in the world, you don’t; but if your “friend” keeps up with her snarky commentary, you will have something to be worried about.
SAM: I’m sorry, she can be a hand full, but that’s not who she really is. She puts up this tough bitchy exterior as a defense mechanism; but once she puts her guard down, she’s a completely different person; trust me.
ELENA: I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because I love you. But if she doesn’t stop, she’ll know just how bitchy I can be too.
SAM: I’ll keep her in line, I swear.
ELENA: Good.
SAM: Just to be sure, there is no way Damon and Stefan are related to him, right? You told me they were the last ones in their bloodline.
ELENA: They are; the last remaining Salvatore, Sara, was killed by Damon.
SAM: Seriously? Wow, your ex is really fucked up.  
ELENA: Well, he was under some siren’s psychic mind control thing, so it wasn’t his fault.
SAM: I know it’s your home an all, but I’m glad we got away.
ELENA: Me too. Although, I really miss my friends.
SAM: I know (kisses her), let’s hope they come visit soon.
 Cut to – The Powell mansion. Anthony knocks on The Madame’s bedroom door.
ANTHONY: Madame, I am sorry to disturb you at this hour, but Mr. Powell did not come home last night, and he still hasn’t arrived. I am becoming concerned. Do you happen to know where he might be?
THE MADAME: Anthony, love. I think we both know where, or rather who he is with. Trouble is, Augustus has some very annoying tech thta is blocking my ability to track Edward. I’ve been trying to get a reach on him, but nothing.
ANTHONY: I knew this was a mistake, I warned you both.
THE MADAME: I know. I thought we had it under control, was not expecting Augustus’ toys getting in the way.  
ANTHONY: You were sworn to protect him, and if I must say, you are not doing a good job.
THE MADAME: Anthony, as much as I respect and appreciate you, be careful with your words. We wouldn’t want this situation escalating…
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ANTHONY: Am I supposed to take that as a threat?
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THE MADAME: Not at all. I would never hurt you. Just take it as advice to be more empathetic to those that love Edward, just as much as you do. And, FYI, you also failed to protect him, so if there is blood, it will be on both of our hands.
ANTHONY: Pardon me, Madame. I understand what you are saying; and you speak the truth. I’m just desperate, and very scared for him.
THE MADAME: As am I. I’ve dealt with all sorts of supernatural things for years, but I have never been faced with this kind of enemy, mostly because I can’t really comprehend it; I despise technology. But you have my word, I will not rest until I find him and bring him home safely.
ANTHONY: Thank you, Madame. And, once again, I do apologize for my behavior, I was out of line.
THE MADAME: You were being a father, I understand.
ANTHONY: And you, a mother.
THE MADAME: We will find him, I promise.
ANTHONY: I’ll leave you to your duties, Madame. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
THE MADAME: I will, Anthony. Have a goodnight.
ANTHONY: You too, Madame.
 Cut to – New Orleans, a downtown bar. Klaus and Danae are having a drink. A familiar face walks in.
 KLAUS: (His eyes light up as if they were on fire) Are my eyes deceiving me again?
ABBY: They’re not.
KLAUS: You returned…
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ABBY: (Smirks) I told you I would …
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TVD 9x10 (part 2) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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jaspitch · 4 years
Five Nightguards At Freddy’s
September's Archives- Archive 2
Tonight was no different than most other nights. Show up to take over the last half of the week for whoever was there originally. Thank God Mike called in sick. Despite September practically hating Mike, he didn't want him to get killed. That was plain and simple. The only one who could die and be fine was William, but that's besides the point.
September stepped out of his car with a groan. Last night a friend of his had coaxed him into going to a party and he was feeling the final drag of a hangover kick in. Brushing a thick lock of hair behind his ear, the tall man started walking towards the large red double doors. Somebody was standing there, and on further inspection, September let out a mental groan. It was fucking Justin. Since when did he do Day Shifts? Or locking up?
Eventually he stopped as Justin looked up from his phone. "Hi, Grumps! Aren't ya happy to see me?" Justin threw an arm around September's neck with a laugh. "Just give me the damn keys," The other man stated, rolling his eyes. "Hey, what's up with the deeper voice? Are you going through pubery?"
With that, September shoved his cousin away. He turned and glared at him, "People don't go through puberty twice, dumb-fuck." With that, he snatched the keys away and started for the back entrance, which was by far easier to unlock and lock. Of course, September finally locking up would depend on him surviving another night of Hell. After doing said process, a sigh of relief flowed through his body. The lights were still on, but he only had a few minutes to get into the office before they turned off. 
He walked towards the office, running his hand through his thick, fluffy hair. That reminded him of Storm, who always loved to pet his “silky locks.” Honestly, just because he used Old Spice didn’t give the girl a right to be treating him like a dog. Upon reaching the office, September grumbled before almost tripping over something. The man looked down to see a bottle of what looked to be Pepsi-Cola and he kicked it into the hallway. Why the hell did they even have a damn janitor? He never did his job.
Unlocking the drawer with the tablet in it, an even more anoyed groan left the male. Why in the name of God was the fucking tablet not charging in the drawer? The clock chimed right on time, which just panicked the usually calm man. He looked around for about twenty minutes, in a cold sweat, before finding the tablet, some sort of sauce smeared on it, and almost completely dead. Well, fuck that. If some people can’t do their jobs, why should he?
September ran down the hallway, right to Henry’s office, and found it locked. There wasn’t any animatronics roaming and ready to maime him just yet, thank the Lord. He used his pocket knife to pick the lock because that skill was definately needed to survive here in this hell-hole. Placing the tablet on the dark oak desk, September relocked the door and sat down next to the device, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. This was, by far, the worst night ever. A hangover, having to run around the pizzeria, not being able to find the tablet, and then the tablet being dead. 
Tomorrow he was dead ass asking for a raise. If he didn’t get one, he would be moving to Loisianna to go be a District Attorney. Of course he wouldn’t actually do that, seeing as how he couldn’t leave Storm here by herelf. Actually, rewind, Storm here with Michael Fucking Schmidt. His hatred flared up immediately. The slacker was such a nuiscance. One moment he’d be cursing the living life out of someone and the the next he’d be flirting with Storm. Weird, considering Storm was playing matchmaker and was trying to get her friend Doll to give it a go at him.
The mere thought of Storm and Mike together rose some sort of anxious feeling in September’s chest. Alongside bile in his throat. He could imagine it now. 
“Hey, September! September! Guess what?!”
“What, Storm?”
“I’m pregnant! And getting married!”
“What!? Who are you marrying?”
“Mike! I’m gonna marry Mike!”
Yeah, that’d never happen. He wouldn’t let it. A large bang burst the young man from his thoughts. The door was being hit multiple times, as if someone, or more like something knew he was in there. After a few minutes of this, September relaxed. The door is way too solid for that. Just as he though this, the door exploded off the hinges and went flying right past him. There, in his beautiful purple glory, was Bonnie. The large rabbit’s eye were pupil sized with black floating around them. Not unusual to see, but definately odd. He locked eyes with September before the man threw the tablet at him.
Bolting to the side door, September opened it to be met with the hallway to the bathrooms. He ran down it, Bonnie on his trail. Side swiping a chair in hopes to trip the damned robot up, he nearly ran straight into Freddy, who was coming out of the girl’s bathroom. Ew, what the Hell? Weirdo! Was all he thought before being picked up by his collar and being screeched at. The mere force of the yell startled September and must have overdone his nerves, because within seconds, he was fast asleep.
It seemed to be decades before he awoke, but when he did, some sort of smell almost impuriated his nostrils. What. The. fuck. Was. That. Smell? It smelt like rusted iron..... That’s what blood usually tasted like and smelt liked, isn’t it? Slowly opening his amber orbs, fear immediately set in. Oh God, Oh God. His legs and middle torse were almost completely filed and stuffed into some sort of suit. It looked to be like one of Freddy’s so it wasn’t tight fitting, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t indeed some rods and wires sticking into mainly his legs. September tried to slowly inch his left leg to the right and a jolt of pain flashed through him.
He looked up, his vision blurry at first. Then he caught note of Chica spazzing out in front of him, Bonnie and Freddy walking away, and Foxy peaking in before shutting the door. Chica turned and looked down, meeting eyes with September. Her beak was fixed and not hanging off to the side oddly enough. “Se..ptemvar.” She groaned, her voice cracking and making a high pitched squeak. “Sep..tem..bar. Do vu rec..on..ide mee...eee?”  W h a t? Narrowing his eyes, the male tried to move back a bit, only a small portion of pain filing through his legs. “Fucking bird, just go join your damn friends!” He yelped, hoping that whatever had stopped the others from completely stuffing him would be the same for the chicken.
“But.. I... em... su..cie.” Chica squeaked again and the mascot’s head twitched. “Su-cie?” It took a second, but the name registered. Suzie was a girl September had known when he first moved here. She was eight and he fiffteen upon meeting. September had been hired to babysit the girl before she died, they would always play games. She made him feel like he could be himself- funny and outgoing. Even a bit silly. That was then, of course. By the time sixteen rolled around, he was cold and a bit narcassistic. “Suzie?” He asked, narrowing his eyes.
Chica smiled and let out some weird “AhrGhGhgahG” sound before leaning down and starting to slowly take the suit’s pieces off. Her movements were jerky and robotic, but nonetheless helpful. And painful. After an hour or so, September was sitting by the chicken, rapping bandages around his legs. Chica was staring at him, watching his every movement. This probably explained why she had never shown up at the door but once, and when they met in the hallway after a power outage, she would just stand and stare at him.
“Okay, done. So, Chica, let me get this right. You’re suddenly not wanting to kill me because I’m well, me. However, the others aren’t going to kill me either because you said so. And this only goes for me when Suzie is in control because she knows me. Also, this further enhances my knowledge that this place is hella haunted?” Chica nodded, which made him drop his eyelids half way and give her a ‘really, bitch?’ look. He wanted to play another yes and no game. That would be how they would talk from now on. “Okay, yes or no, somebody killed you and stuffed you in the suit?” She nodded.
“That somebody works here but you don’t know who, you just know it’s not me because you already know me?” Chica gave a nod, making her head squeak. “You can’t determine genders, can you?” For a second, he thought she was going to shake her head, meaning she couldn’t, but she then nodded. “Wait, so what gender killed you?” That was when everything clicked into place: she shrugged saying she had no idea. Somebody didn’t just kill these kids, they dressed up as a character and killed them. Holy crap, Storm would love to know that. Love to know she could try and talk to them so she could survive and find out who did this. That, besides Mike, was their main mission all along. However, this also just furthern intesified his thoughts that he couldn’t trust anyone.
“I have a few ideas on who it might be. Let’s see, William, because he’s a fucking creep and I wouldn’t put it past him. Scott, because he’s so damn jumpy. Malayn, because he’s a sadist, and maybe Mike because I don’t know if he’s completely sane or not.” As soon as the list was done, Chica blinked oddly. She closed one eye before the other before suddenly bolting out the door. Narrowing his eyebrows, September was about to follow her before the bell rang. Damn, he just barely survived tonight. William was waiting by the entrance, seemingly arguing with Scott. Scott noticed September approaching before abruptly shutting his mouth. “Hello, ladies. Need these?” He dropped the keys on William’s head, turning to look at a concerned Scott.
Through his peripheral vison, he noted William untangling the keys from his hair and settling them in his pocket. “What hapened to your legs? And your uniform?” September shrugged, “Y’know just got dragged into the back room and nearly killed. The usual.” William snickered at his sarcasm, but he really wasn’t joking. “Holy crap! Are you okay? We can take you to a doctor!” He seemed to be about to have a nervous breakdown so September just waved him off. “I’m fine, woman. You need to get off your period.” With that, he walked towards his Falcon(It’s a ‘67 Ford if you didn’t know that. Most people don’t know much about older cars :’) ) and drove himself home. After falling asleep on the couch due to intense lazines, September decided to take a shower, change, renew his bandages, and call Storm. They had a lot to talk about.
September’s Archive Ends Here
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