#and the present day of wherever you are from is not a neutral setting
broodparasitism · 2 years
I think actually my biggest gripe in the world when it comes to storytelling takes is when people assume a setting is neutral and therefore interchangeable with any other setting. I love to see genuinely transformative stuff but I don’t agree you can just retell any story and change where and when it’s set without actually paying attention to the way in which that will change the story. Changing isn’t a bad thing! But you’ve got to do it all on purpose!
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waldau · 3 months
i don't know anyone who writes wonwoo as perfect as you! you manage to capture his personality so well🥺could i please request a friends to lovers thing for wonu? you've been friends for YEARS and you've had your moments and hidden glances but this one night you're just sitting out and feeling the winter breeze together. he can feel you staring and asks why you're doing that..while you contemplate whether to give in and just confess. you're so overwhelmed with emotions for him but you're also so terrified to tell him bcos you're scared to change the dynamics your relationship has so far.
thank you so much for saying that about my writing, anon :') took me entirely too long but i had a sudden burst of inspiration after seeing the latest gam3 bo1 wonwoo with long hair 😵‍💫 hope you like this! title taken from the english version of crush by seventeen.
hearts in parallel — jeon wonwoo | 2,730 words | fluff
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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wonwoo's standing outside your car in the parking lot of your office. part of you is convinced you're just imagining things, because he's supposed to be in japan. touring. doing idol things. having fun.
every morning you look forward to the pictures he's made a habit of sending whenever he's on tour, whether they're what he had for breakfast, or what a sleeping dokyeom looked like with a moustache drawn on his face. his only motive for doing that has been to convince you to let him take you on a vacation whenever you're free, because he says there's always something you'd enjoy wherever he goes.
it's sweet. it really is. even if you have to keep reminding him that you have your usual 9-5 that's so different from his schedules.
but it is wonwoo, when you focus on the way he's standing against the hood of your car, hands in his pockets as he looks at what you assume is the view of the sun setting in the distance. crazy how he'd sent a picture of it to you just today morning from another country.
suddenly, you fell woefully out-dressed. it's your usual work attire, but wonwoo's got his airport look on, complete with a dashing coat that you've never seen before. maybe he has it on only for today.
"surprise?" wonwoo asks sheepishly, when he catches you staring at him.
you blink once more, just in case. "wonwoo?" you ask, a little uncertain. "aren't you supposed to..."
"tour ended last night," he explains, pushing himself to stand properly. "i texted you afterwards."
you think back to the messages you exchanged last night, but they're a haze at best. all you can currently think of is your calendar you've been crossing things off of for a better part of the day.
any other time, you'd be extremely happy to see wonwoo, but today you don't feel like you can match his energy. "sorry," you murmur, rubbing your face. maybe if you rub it hard enough he'll disappear and you can catch up with him when you're a bit more presentable.
"hey, no," he says, catching your wrist as you pull your hands away. "you look perfectly fine. did i catch you at a wrong time?"
you realize you just said your last sentence out loud. "just tired," you say, proud of yourself at how even your voice is despite the fact that your hand is in his. "i'm glad you're here, though."
wonwoo lets go of your hand. "then is it fine if i drive you home?"
you look at him. he looks pretty serious, and you snort. "did you seriously come here just to drive me home?"
wonwoo nods. "straight from the airport. dropped my stuff home, then took a cab and came here."
no wonder he's still got the airport look on.
"you're a weird man, jeon wonwoo," you say, searching for your keys in your pocket.
"that's probably why we're friends," he deadpans, catching the keys you toss him.
"you should be sleeping," you say, chucking your bag on the backseat. "or resting at home. not being my chauffeur."
"maybe i wanted to be your chauffeur because i'm not sleepy," wonwoo replies, slipping on his seatbelt, waiting for you to do the same before starting your car. "it's been a while since we've hung out together."
that's true, you think. ever since you got this new job, your hours have been filled with work, and even though you're not overly swamped, you've been seeing your friends a bit less frequently than you would have liked. wonwoo included. and wonwoo's also had less time to spend with you, given how the band's been planning more foreign tours in the past year.
so you're glad you're spending time with him, even if you're not at your best.
"who said you don't look good?" wonwoo asks.
you bite your tongue when you realize you've spoken out your thoughts again — it's just a testament to how tired you are, with no filter between your thoughts and words. you shake your head, but wonwoo's not having any of it.
"i came here straight off my flight and i look absolutely dishevelled. you're lucky i don't mind you seeing me like this."
"your so-called dishevelled airport look is just as good as me at my best, so don't even start, okay?"
"yah," wonwoo says, laughing. "i don't appreciate you slandering yourself like that."
"fine, what do you appreciate?"
"you spending some time with me and not worrying about anything else."
blunt, as always. you appreciate it, even if it makes your heart jump a little. and it's not that you're worrying over anything: it's just the sudden nature of wonwoo's appearance that has you a little confused. but you're not complaining.
"by the way," wonwoo says, when you finally pull out onto the main road after leaving all the traffic behind, "i got you something."
"again? wonwoo, i told you i don't need souvenirs from every—"
"this was for your birthday, sweetheart," he says, pausing to pull something out of the pocket of his coat. "i still have your stuff from japan waiting to be unpacked."
"you're a menace, won," you say, hands hesitating to accept the slim box sitting on the dashboard. "i told you i didn't want anything."
"and i told you it'd be a crime if i didn't get you anything. maybe i would've listened to you if you didn't get that insanely expensive camera for me."
you glance at him. "that's—"
"—a completely valid argument," he retorts, reaching for the slim box and putting it in your lap. "i've been waiting to see your reaction ever since i got it."
shaking your head, you make a show of opening it. one thing about wonwoo is that he somehow always knows what to gift others. you could tell him you didn't want anything, and then he'd give you something you didn't even know you wanted.
case in point: there's a dainty silver chain sitting in the box, with the pendant looking very familiar. you take a closer look at it and realize—
"you didn't."
wonwoo has his mischievous grin on. "of course i did."
it's a customized engraving of your cat on the circular coin of metal, a perfect replica down to the little discoloured patch of fur on your cat's face.
you'd complained to wonwoo, once, drunkenly, about this really cute online jewellery store that sold customized necklaces. you'd never been able to find it again despite going through your search history and searching the web extensively.
now that it's sitting in your hands, you can't help but wonder how much time he must have spent tracking it down, finding the perfect picture for the engraving.
"i don't know how to thank you," you say honestly, looking at wonwoo. he still has the smile on his face, looking straight ahead.
"just wear it forever, and you're good."
"oh, emotionally manipulating me? is that how it's going to be?" you ask, tracing the chain with your finger.
"i don't think it's manipulation if it's your cat."
you can't argue with that. you snap the box shut and put it in the pocket of your jeans. "you shouldn't have, won," you say perfunctorily.
wonwoo doesn't respond, simply choosing to switch on the radio.
for once, you're not driving, and you get the chance to appreciate how beautiful the city looks when it's nearing night.
"you hungry?" wonwoo asks, when the car stops at a red light.
you shake your head. "not for a few more hours. you?"
"nope," wonwoo says, flexing his fingers on the wheel. "but tonight's a full moon night, so i was thinking we could go to the riverside and just hang out near the pier? if you're not too tired?"
you think about it. you get to hang out with wonwoo in the moonlight, which will definitely be a sight to behold. the way he's been living rent-free in your mind for a while now is embarrassing, to say the least.
"i don't mind."
you sneak glances at him when he's answers a call from dino asking him if he's free to hang out tomorrow, when he's excited to hear one of his own songs on the radio. he's cute, and the feeling's eating you up from the inside every single time you're with him.
he just looks so...boyfriend. he's let his hair grow out, and black really is his colour. not to mention his glasses which might just be your undoing.
wonwoo parks at a spot not far from the pier.
you get out of the car and immediately get hit by a gust of cool air, and you're really glad wonwoo decided to come pick you up today, because there's no way you would've come here by yourself.
the walkway around the river seems nicer than the last time you were here, bigger and better with more lights and somehow, lesser people. it's exactly what you need right now.
you fall in step alongside wonwoo, comfortably silent as you make your way from the car park, the relative silence amplifying the sound of insects chirping and people chattering around you.
you don't look down for a second, and suddenly there's a tiny pebble that gets stuck in your shoe and trips you up. you brace yourself for a slightly hard impact, but the next thing you know is that wonwoo's arm is around your waist, pulling you into himself.
"careful," he chides softly, rubbing your back for a moment before letting go. "are you okay?"
you nod mechanically.
"let's switch sides. the light's better here."
it's these little things that wonwoo does, that make you fall for him even more. what started off as a little crush is now a hopeless, helpless twinge in your heart that multiplies whenever you so much as look at him. no matter how much you've gotten better at controlling your feelings around him, you can't help but stare at how good he looks tonight, the moon highlighting his face, its silver beams running through his black hair.
you've really, really missed this. just hanging out with him. and maybe you miss the time before you realized your feelings were so earth-consumingly deep that it began clouding every interaction the two of you have had.
"do you have the box with you?" wonwoo asks, all of a sudden.
you question his words for a second, then remember. "yeah," you say, patting at the slim box sitting in the pocket of your jeans.
"let me put it on for you?"
what should have been a calm night out with wonwoo by the riverside has now ended up into you becoming a mess of nerves, your skin burning where his fingertips touch you, fastening the clasp into place. you can't see how it looks on you right now, but wonwoo already has a solution.
"stand here," he says, directing you to a particularly bright lamppost. "you need to see how good it looks on you."
you try protesting, but wonwoo brushes away your concerns. "let me just take a picture. just one."
it's never just one picture with wonwoo, and you can't stop him when he has his mind set on something. you give in and stand under the light and try to muster up a real smile for the camera. you succeed because it's wonwoo standing behind the camera, pulling a funny face that makes you laugh.
he shows you the photos once he's done taking them, and you're not looking at the camera in a single one. he always makes you look better than you do, somehow. you return the favour, taking pictures of him posing in the same spot.
"these are good," wonwoo remarks, scrolling through the photos. "i'm glad you got the moon, too."
you nod before you say something embarrassing like you're the moon, though. you watch as wonwoo takes some more pictures of the sky, and the life around the riverside. the restaurants and shops light up the view for you but you can't help but just look at wonwoo. he looks so serene and in his environment that you can't help but wonder if having wonwoo as your boyfriend would entail dates like this on a regular basis.
"you're staring," is all he says, after two full minutes of silence.
you hum and slowly turn your gaze away from him, focusing on the trees in the distance, trying to play it off casually. rookie error.
"is everything okay?" he asks, pocketing his phone and moving a bit closer to you. "want to go home?"
you shake your head. "you?"
"no, i'm fine."
and then his hand is covering yours.
you try your best not to freak out, but under his hand, your hand is gripping the railing so tightly that you're sure your knuckles are white.
"sorry i missed your birthday," wonwoo says, leaning in close enough that he's towering over you. it's the perfect height to k—
"it's not your fault," you say, licking your lips. "you had work. and you even called me when you were free."
"still. it doesn't make up for me not being here."
"i don't mind," you say honestly, your other hand gripping the railing for strength you don't currently possess. "you're here now."
wonwoo hums, seemingly dissatisfied. your hand's genuinely burning under his, and you resist the urge to check if it's on fire.
"well, for what it's worth," wonwoo says, turning to face you, "i hope you had a good day, and i hope i'm there for your birthday next year. like a good friend."
"you are a good friend, won," you say quietly. "the best."
you wonder if you should just give in and tell him how you feel. given you know how mature he is, you doubt he's going to shun you the way you're afraid he will, but part of you doesn't want your dynamic to change. he's so easy to talk to, and he knows so much about you, and you're afraid of having to find it all over again in another person. maybe it's for the best to let this moment pass.
"you are too, sweetheart." his thumb brushes against the back of your hand, and something in you snaps.
"would you still consider me the best if i told you i liked you?"
wonwoo blinks. in the wake of his silence you can once again hear the vehicles on the road behind you, the sounds of people around you, and maybe even your heart if you shut your eyes.
"you know," he says after a while, his grip on your hand still in place, "i've been trying to give you a chance to say that for the past few months."
your brain plays a comically loud record scratch sound. you look up at him, but he's smiling.
"i...was hoping there would be a small chance you liked me, and then jeonghan let it out one night when we were out drinking. but i couldn't make the first move because i was scared."
"you were scared? of?"
wonwoo takes his hand back and rubs his neck sheepishly. "i didn't know if he was telling me the truth or making things up. you know jeonghan."
"...yeah," you say, brain still trying to get back on track. "so right now i have one more person on my hitlist."
"whoa, what? i just...implied i liked you!"
"and i just said— wait. what?"
wonwoo laughs. "do you want to be on the same page as me?"
you nod slowly, still processing things. still not believing your luck.
"here's what we'll do, then," wonwoo says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "i'm going to drive you home tonight. then we can take jeonghan off your hitlist and send him some more alcohol, just as a thanks."
you wouldn't even have imagined this a few hours ago. you trail your fingers along the railing, reaching out to hold wonwoo's hand again. he meets your fingers with ease. "and what do i get in return?"
"you get to call me your boyfriend. and kiss me, if you like." wonwoo's leaning over you again. it's the perfect height to kiss you.
and he does end up kissing you, this time.
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi @nonononranghaee
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CONGRATS ON HUNDRED DOVE!! you sent me a risqué ask for 100 so now i do it back to ye-
"caught in the rain" with leona :D or ruggie, if someone got to him first! ehehehehehehhehehehe you can see stuff 😳👀 for free ✨✨✨
btw your ask is sending me so hard but i'm already typing out so much for leona so your ask is gonna be the last one for the event lol
Caught in the Rain; Leona Kingscholar
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, reader needs to get bonked with a stick (/j)
Content Warning; Swearing
Word Count; 700+
AN; Don't expose my ass on my own blog, Soru /j. (just trying to feed your own simping along with the simps) But I hope you enjoy what I wrote for Leona and this prompt! As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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The sky lay heavy with dark clouds, the smell of rain thick in the air, yet not a single drop had yet to strike the ground. The air was dense with humidity, warm from the harsh sun’s rays from earlier in the day. But yet, you found yourself outside, trying to find Leona.
He had invited you to spend your summer break as his guest in the palace. Well, less so 'invited', more so demanded.
“Do you have anywhere else to be, herbivore? I thought as much. Come on, you’re staying with me.”
You still don’t really know why, but you weren’t going to throw away the chance of staying someplace beyond nice for the summer… plus Leona wasn’t so bad once you got to know him. Yes, he puts on an act of not caring, and being abrasive, but you knew that he cared, that he worried. Also, the two of you had been having this back-and-forth banter for months; blurring the lines of just friends bickering and something... more. But neither of you had made a move. It just hung in the air between you, nearly as suffocating as the humidity now; potent with the possibility of a massive storm.
Back to the present though. You were on the outskirts of the palace, looking for wherever Leona had decided to take a nap for this afternoon.
“Leona,” you called, but all you heard in return was the low rumble of thunder in the distance. Where is that overgrown house cat? I swear if I get caught in a downpour because of him… “LEONA!”
The first drops of rain began to fall, gentle and sparse. But you knew full well that in a few minutes' time they would be falling hard and fast.
“LEONA KINGSCHOLAR?!” You shouted at the top of your lungs.
You heard an annoyed huff of air off to your left, and looking up you saw none other than Leona lounging in the low-hanging branches of a tree.
“Ya don’t need to yell, ya know,” he sighed, landing softly on the ground. He looked up to the sky and frowned before setting a slow pace back to the palace. “Are you coming or what, herbivore?”
You followed after him, catching up so the both of you were going at a comfortable pace. Thunder was still rumbling, and the rain was slowly picking up, but there was no rush. Well, there wasn’t any rush until there was a flash of lightning and it seemed like the entire sky’s worth of water came down all at once on the both of you.
“Shit,” Leona hissed and guided the both of you to the relative cover of a tree to wait out the worst of the monsoon. “Just our luc-” He stopped talking when he looked at you though.
You were spitting out some stray rainwater that had managed to get into your mouth. But once the intruding water was gone you looked over to him but you felt your eyes lock on his torso; the white shirt that he was wearing was now completely see-through and you could see everything. Stop staring! Damn though- STOP STARING! But your eyes refused to move.
Leona noticed this, and he also took in your drenched appearance but was more subtle with it. “Tch,” he tapped you on the nose, breaking you of your staring stupor. “My eyes are up here,” his voice was teasing though, light.
You snapped out of it, catching his mirthful eyes. “You’re beautiful,” you whisper. You felt your face grow warm at the slip of your tongue, but it was true. Even before you openly ogled at him, you always thought that, but never said it to his face.
Leona chuffed, but he didn’t say anything; neither denying or accepting your statement. “You aren’t half bad yourself,” he said softly.
The two of you sat underneath the tree, still in your soaked clothes, watching the rain fall together in a comfortable quiet. And while the first golden rays of sunlight may have been stunning, the both of you thought it was nothing when compared to the captor of your hearts; each other.
After all, you still had the rest of the summer to build on this new development.
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imashoe69420 · 2 years
Rise!Leo X Reader Headcanons☆彡
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Some points are from my other works I’ve written on here so some stuff may look familiar lol
Relationship: Dating (official)
Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (but in second person)
Warnings ⚠️ : Swearing
Genre: mostly fluff, some angst
• One thing about Leo is he is a very touchy person.
• Whenever you're around, he has to hold your hand or set you on his lap with his chin resting on the top of your head or something of the sort.
• He would never tell his brothers, but he loves to carry you around. If he has to go anywhere outside of viewing distance, he will carry you like a koala wherever he needed to go. Yes, it slightly inconvenienced him, but at least he could occasionally kiss your cheek or neck as he prepared a snack in the kitchen.
• Although he was charming, he often poked fun at you. Especially when he found your diary from the 5th grade where you had an obsession with this one boy that's presently kinda ugly.
• “Dear diary, Colin is soooo cute!" Leo read in an exaggerated breathy voice.
•"Leo, don't!" You screamed playfully as you tried to reach for the diary, but he held it away out of your reach.
• "Hold on, just one more page!"
• "Leo! Give it back!"
• But sometimes, he didn't register your mood before making a crude joke.
• One time, he made a joke about something you were insecure about. Usually you'd just laugh it off, but you had had a bad day and that was your breaking point.
• He felt like the worst boyfriend seeing you cry because of him. He apologized over and over until he practically went horse. "I'm sorry, that was dumb. I'm dumb. That was stupid. I thought it was gonna be funny. I'm sorry, don't cry!"
• "No... it's just... today kinda sucked." You told him.
• Leo was relieved that it wasn't solely him that made you upset, but he was still pissed at himself.
• He got you a few blankets to wrap you in, and then he tried to cook you something that epically failed, so he settled for some canned tomato soup that he tried to pass off as his own. Which epically failed again.
• "You did not!" You accused him. "You don't know how to cook.”
• "I do too!"
• "Do not!"
• "Do too!" Leo grabbed you, smothering you with kisses as you giggled and tried to push him away.
• He always knew how to make you feel better.
• During every one of his missions, he would send you a selfie of him posing with the villain in the background. The villain was usually getting their ass kicked by his brothers.
• Be back soon, babe! He would text you.
• You laughed and texted back, You shouldn’t be texting me! You’re gonna get hurt!
• Just checking in w the love of my life, he texted back, making you blush.
• Of course, Leo can’t meet new people often, but you had introduced him to your younger siblings when he had swooped in through your open window and your eight (8) year old sister stood staring at him in awe.
• Leo didn’t know what to say as he didn’t even know you had siblings. He just stared awkwardly for a bit.
• “(Y/N) has you on her screen saver.” Their sister ratted on them.
• (Y/N)’s ten (10) brother stalked out of his room to see who his sister was talking to. He screamed when he saw Leo. “(Y/N)! There’s a monster in the living room!”
• (Y/N) rushed out of their room and sighed when they just saw the turtle still staring dumbfounded at her little sister, Harriet.
• “Harri, Carson, this is Leo.” (Y/N) said slowly as they approached Leo rested a hand against his shoulder, finally shaking him out of his stupor. “He isn’t a monster. He’s… uh, a friend.”
• Harriet quickly took advantage of Leo’s social awkwardness and forced him into a tea party, then a makeover. She kept asking him question after question: how old are you? Where do you live? What’s it like being a turtle? Do you go to school? What grade are you in? Do you like to color? What color lipstick do you want: red or purple?
• Although he was uncomfortable, Leo tried his best to be nice and charismatic.
• Your brother sat in the corner of his sister’s room to make sure that what you said was true and Leo wouldn’t to eat her.
• “Are you and (Y/N) in love?” Harriet asked the turtle. He tried to laugh it off, but the little girl stared intently at him, waiting for an answer.
• Of course Leo’s in love with you, but he’d never said it verbatim. Maybe an “I love you” or “you’re the love of my life”, but he’d never said he was in love with you.
• “No duh!” Carson scoffed before Leo could answer. “They’re always talking about him but didn’t think to tell us that he was a big green monster!”
• “Stop it! You’re hurting his feelings!” Harriet threw a dusty eyeshadow at her brother. “You’re being a bad brother in-law!”
• “He’s the in-law, not me!” The boy retorts.
• “Hey, can we just—” Leo tried to deescalate the situation for the sake of his heart mere seconds away from pounding out of his chest at the idea of him and (Y/N) getting married.
• The kids continued to argue until (Y/N) came into the room with a plate of cheese, crackers, and grapes cut in half. The siblings flocked over to the plate, leaving Leo in a chair that was way too short for him.
• (Y/N) stifled a laugh at the makeup smeared all over Leo’s face.
• “Looks like Harri likes you.” They took a makeup wipe sitting in a pack on their little sister’s dresser.
• The turtle shrugged, a smile on his face as you wiped away his colorful yet messy “makeover”.
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filmtv2022 · 8 months
Ineffable Agony
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Pairing: Aziraphale x Platonic!Reader x Crowley
Synopsis: One quiet night, Aziraphale and Crowley's world is rocked. A fallen angel is dropped on their doorstep. Their very presence shoves the reality of their Earthly partnership back into view and calls into question the very stability of Heaven and Hell. Aziraphale and Crowley struggle not only to understand the depth of the situation they've found themselves in but also to save the reader.
Warning: bleeding/blood loss + death.
A/N: I tried my best to use gender-neutral language in this one. The reader does have hair, but other than that, I think their physicality is fairly nondescript. As always, I apologize for any mistakes. It's getting late & I'm super tired.
Warm light spilled out of the wide windows of A.Z. Fell and Co: Antiquarian and Unusual Books. Inside, surrounded by unruly shelves and half-empty bottles of red wine sat the oddest and most right pair in celestial history. Aziraphale had long since set aside his glass of wine, forgoing further intoxication for a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Crowley on the other hand had continued to sip away, which glass or bottle he was on remained a bit unclear.
Feeling his head turning fuzzy, the demon slowed his pace of consumption, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion and inebriation. In the days post averting the apocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley found themselves settling into this new life. One free from apparent oversight from both Heaven and Hell. The two indulged in human luxury wherever and whenever they liked, unencumbered by the pull from their respective head offices. For the first time in millennia, they felt truly free to live as they liked, and what a life it was.  
“How does breakfast at the Ritz sound, Angel? I think I could do with a nice morning out, feeding the ducks, fancy tea… or perhaps we'll pop over to France for some crepes?” 
“That sounds lovely. ” Smiling sweetly at Crowley, he swallowed the last bit of his drink before standing to return the dirty cup to the sink in the back. 
A sudden burst of white light flashed like the sun, flooding the space before being replaced by the wretched orange and red of hell fire, stopping him in his tracks. Inky darkness replaced the flare as fast as it happened. Snapping his attention to the entrance, Aziraphale stood in observation waiting in anticipation for something more to happen. Having seen, the display from his seat, Crowley stood and joined the Angel.
“What’s going on?” 
“I…I don’t know. There was a…”
A sudden thump of something heavy smacking into the door forced him to stop speaking. To the human senses, nothing seemed out of place, the world continued to move just as it always had, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The air began to thrum with energy, the waves pouring into the store erratically, their intensity growing stronger the longer it went on. Crowley hissed, a guttural reaction to the feel of pain that roared through them both. Fighting to stay upright, Aziraphle gripped the demon’s shoulders as he doubled over in pain.
“Are you all right?” Pushing aside the ache that filled his own head, Aziraphale struggled to focus on the present, caught between concern for Crowley and whatever… or whoever was causing this to happen. 
“I’m fine, just dandy, but I’d be better if my insides weren’t twisting around knots.” 
“Yes, of course.”
Closing his eyes, the angel searched for a miracle, one strong enough to put an end to the horrific suffering that flowed freely into the room. Celestial magic hummed over his skin but died as he worked to make it so. Trying again, and failing, dread bubbled hot in in Zira’s chest. 
“It’s not working!”
Groaning, Crowley clutched at his stomach as Aziraphale whimpered next to him. The angel’s head was full to the bursting point as if his mind was being ripped apart at the seams.
“I… I don’t know what to do!” 
Forcing himself to stand to his full height, Crowley removed himself from the angel’s hold, “Fine, I’ll finish this myself.” 
He too searched for a miracle. The darkness of his own magic flooded over his senses as he worked, but nothing happened. The lick of heat that always accompanied his miracles ran cold, leaving a chill over his skin in its absence. Aziraphale’s knees buckled as the pressure in his skull intensified. Dropping to the ground with him, Crowley held onto his angel.
Then as quickly as it started, the vibrations ceased to exist. Panting hard, the pair stood up on shaky legs. Crowley’s hand stayed firm on Aizraphale’s back, helping the Angel along as well as grounding himself. Stumbling toward the door, Zirh’s fingers trembled as he reached for the handle. Glancing at Crowley, he waited for some sign of reassurance, which was freely given in the form of a nearly imperceptible nod. Opening the door, their eyes immediately fell on the torn figure slumped face down on the ground before them. Slashes cut through their jacket and pants, the flesh below ripped to shreds and bleeding heavily. Ichor coated the surface of the stoop, pooling in a wide swath before spilling down the step. Kneeling down to see things more clearly, Aziraphale gently rolled over the stranger, the gore staining his hands red. 
“They’re an angel.” Laying them on their back, his fingers felt for a pulse. It was weak, barely more than a flutter, but it was there.
“Not anymore.” Crowley gritted his teeth as he spoke, the realization of what had happened hitting too close to home, “They’ve been cast down.”
“Cast down? But Heaven they’ve… they’ve taken…” 
“Taken their wings, yes.” 
“That’s not supposed to happen?” 
“And yet it did.” 
“Why not? It certainly makes a statement.” Reaching for their hand, Crowley slowly unfurled their fist, removing the gore-soaked paper from within. 
“A statement for who?”
“Us.” Peeling apart the folds, Crowley read the smeared words aloud, “To the attention of one A.Z. Fell & Anthony J. Crowley. Your actions have consequences that reach far behind the realms of Heaven and Hell. You’ve set something in motion that must be stopped.” 
Locking eyes with the demon, Zira struggles to find words, “What does this mean?”
“I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.” 
Scooping the fallen angel into his arms, Crowley deftly made his way toward the second floor of the bookshop. Finding the first door on the right partially open, he pushed it open with his foot. A couple of strong strides had him standing next to the bed, scanning over their face for any sign of familiarity. Finding nothing, he placed them down on the mattress on their side before turning his attention to the wounds. Trying yet again to use his magic, Crowley reached out in search of a way to staunch the flow. The stream slowed slightly, but not nearly enough.
“The bleeding won’t stop.” Waiting for an answer, he pushed his palms into the worst of the gashes, but when no response came, he shouted for assistance, “Angel, a little help here!”
“Oh, yes!” knocked back into reality, Aziraphale made his way to the bed, his stained hands once again reaching for the being before him. Using what little magic he could muster, he managed to lessen the bleeding to a trickle.
Feeling it still running between his fingers, Crowley’s head dropped between his shoulders, a deep exhale releasing as he tried to let go of the panic coursing through his system. It was an unnatural state for the demon, one that he’d only felt a few other times in his 6,000 years of life. He’d done a keen job of compartmentalizing the memory of his own fall, relegating it to the deepest depths of his mind. This, however, hit too close to home. While he’d been lucky enough to keep his wings, the transition from Heavinly Being to a Demon of Hell was horrific at best. The darkness, the pain… the loneliness. It was all too much to think about even now, all these years later. 
Letting go of his hold on their wounds, Crowley gingerly placed them on their back, hoping the pressure who stop the rest of the bleeding. Sinking down beside the bed, he rested his head back on the mattress and closed his eyes tightly.
“What could they possibly have done to deserve this?” Aziraphale’s voice cracked as he spoke, his eyes never leaving their face. Brushing his fingers over their hair, he pushed the blood-coated strands out of the way.
“We better hope they wake up so we can find out.” Standing up, Crowley stalked out of the room, pounding down the hall toward the bathroom. 
Turning on the water, he let it pour from the faucet until steam rolled from the stream. Hot enough to scald, he scrubbed vigorously at his hands. The red of the gore was replaced by the angry color of his skin beneath as he fought to rid himself of the stains. Standing in the doorway to the bathroom, Aziraphale watched in concern, his brows furrowed at the sight before. Losing control of himself, Crowley snapped off the water, slamming his fists down upon the porcelain and letting loose a rage-filled growl. Pushing his way past the angel, he pounded down the stairs toward the front door.
Following in his wake, Zira called to his demon, “Where are you going?”
“To find out what in the hell is going on?” 
“But what if something happens… I-I should come with you.”
Snapping around, Crowley’s yellow eyes stopped Aziraphale in his tracks, “Stay here, take care of the angel… demon… thing. I’ll be back, I promise.” 
Nodding in agreement, Aziraphale watched Crowley drive away, the Bentley tires screaming along the pavement.
Agonizing flashes of pain radiated from the jagged wounds as cold sweat coated your skin turning into a slick mess of drying blood and perspiration. Spasms racked your body, each one more powerful than the last. You were dying, or so you thought. But what did that really mean for angel turned demon? You were even really alive to begin with? Where would your ‘death’ leave you? Certainly not in Heaven, they’d made it quite clear you were no longer welcome amongst their kind. So that left two other options. One being an eternity in Hell, rotting away with the other demons. The other was much more frightening… nothingness, your soul relegated to the black void somewhere between the realms. Alone. Cold. Unneeded… Unwanted. Stuck in purgatory for all time. 
Time ceased to exist, and all sounds and feelings apart from the physical and mental torment fell away as you were trapped in the endless cycle of pain. Giving into it all, you allowed yourself to fall further away from the light. The beacons of Heaven were only a dim glow on the horizon. Their cool white was replaced by the furious red of the gates below. It was warm, welcoming even. It would have been so easy to let go, to surrender, and yet some small part of you keep a firm hold on the life you’d had before. Unable, or perhaps unwilling, to relinquish it fully.
The gentle press of a hand against your cheek pulled a quiet whimper from you, the touch kind and comforting. A tender voice spoke in a low mumble, their words unclear, but their intentions certain. There was something familiar about it as if a long-lost friend had come to visit. 
“I’m so sorry, but this is going to hurt.” 
Undoing the buttons of your shirt, the person gingerly pulled you into their chest, your forehead resting on their shoulder as they removed your top. A strangled groan fell from your lips at their ministrations.
“I know, I know.” Smoothing over your hair, they laid you back on the bed, this time on your side so they could access your body. 
Walking around to the other side of the bed, they began the delicate work of cleaning the wounds. Rag and after rag came away crimson, and the cloths were discarded nearby on the floor. Slowly, but surely, the gashes were stitched and covered. Finished closing the wounds, they began to wash away the rest of the blood as best they could. The task was slow and tedious. 
“There, that’s better. Now. let’s get you some fresh clothes.” 
Standing from the bed, Aziraphale sought out a pair of his pajamas. Returning to your side, he slipped the jumper over your head and shoulders, taking great care to not bump your most tender spots. Moving on, he carefully peeled away your trousers, the white was splotched with darkening red. Dropping them on the pile of used rags, he then shimmied the plaid bottoms over your frame. His hands were unsure and timid as he moved. 
Once again laying flat on your back, Zira pulled a blanket over you. Taking a moment to adjust the pillows, he sank back down into the spot next to you, his hands wrapping warmly around your own. 
“Who are you?” 
The previous question was barely more than a whisper, making the utterance of a name from your lips even more surprising. With eyes closed tight, and no other signs of consciousness, a singular word tumbled out for him to hear.
Zira was left speechless. What about him? Why were saying his name? 
In a measure of cosmic timing, the telephone downstairs began to ring. It’s incessant trill bounding off the walls, calling to the angel. Leaving his spot, he was forced to let go of your hands. The loss of his touch caused a pained look to contort your features.
“I’ll be right back, don’t you worry.” 
Silence fell over the room, as Aziraphale quietly closed the door behind himself, leaving you alone. It was as if in his absence the darkness began to creep back in, closing the distance between you and the void. Black hands reached for you, threatening to drag you away from the world of the living. Fighting against their searing grip, your body twitched and thrashed on the bed. Soon the motions were followed by gasping screams, the sounds shrill and bloodcurdling flew down the stairs toward Aziraphale. The pounding of footfalls was masked by the blistering screeches from Hell that rang in your ears. Soft hands gripped your shoulders, calling to you through the panic.
“I’m here, I’m…” Placing his palm on the side of your head, the heat rolling off your skin nearly burned him. Knowing he needed to act quickly, he flooded your mind with celestial light. Instantly, your body began to relax and your temperature dropped.
Falling limp against the pillows, your chest rose and fell in rapid succession. Sweat had soaked through the collar of the shirt, staining it darker than the rest. Aziraphale’s fingertips ran in soft arcs down your face as he continued to murmur words of comfort. Fearful of leaving your side again, he yanked the chair from the corner of the room to the side of the bed. Clasping your hand in his, he took a seat and waited. Crowley would be back soon enough, he’d promised.
Hours passed and eventually, sleep overtook Aziraphale. Slumping back in the chair, he managed to keep a hold of your hand. Returning to the bookshop with little to no information in hand, Crowley made his way upstairs in search of his Angel. The door to the first guest room was flung wide open, and he was greeted with the image of Zira fast asleep, the lines of worry still creased between his brows. With his promise to return in mind, Crowley softly shook the angel awake. 
“You’re back.”
“I promised, didn’t I.” 
“Of course, What did you find out?”
“Not much. Nothing seems out of place, and the lines between Hell and Earth are quiet. Whatever this is, it’s either from Heaven alone or somebody’s going to dangerous lengths to keep it hidden.” 
“Hidden? They were dropped on our front porch! How is that hidden?” 
“You’ve got a point, but it doesn’t change the fact that there's nothing on the radar.” Turning to look at the stranger on the bed, Crowley’s tone softened as he spoke again, “How are they doing?” 
“As best as can be expected… there was so much blood.” Shifting forward, Aziraphale adjusted his grip on your hand, “They spoke in their sleep while you were away. It didn’t make sense, but they spoke.”
“What did they say?”
“My name…”
“You name? As in Aziraphale, Angel of the Eastern Gate, giver of the flaming sword and forestaller of the end of days” 
“That’s what I’ve said isn’t it?” Impatience touching the edge of the question.
“Yes, but how would they know your name?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea…” 
Crowley’s thoughts raced at the realization of what that could mean for Heaven. If they had fallen so far as to mutilate those they cast down then things were much worse off than he’d ever expected.
“Perhaps Heaven’s become more like Hell than they’d ever care to admit.” 
Stunned into silence, the pair sat quietly for a while, observing the rise and fall of your chest. The steady movement was just enough to ease some of the worries that festered. 
“There was one other thing they said while you were gone?”
“The phone rang while you were out, when I left to answer, they… they started to scream—terrible screeching wails, as if… as if Hell itself was coming for them. And when I returned, their skin… it was burning like fire. Between the screams, they were calling for you.”
Nodding yes, he continued on, “Over and over, begging… pleading for you. They know us Crowley, and yet I’m sure I’ve never seen this face before.” 
“Neither have I.” 
Morning broke over the quaint yet busy street, and the rumble of cars and voices floated in from outside. Your eyes fluttered open, and the unchecked sunlight beaming into the room assaulted your sensitive eyes. Hissing at the daggers of light, your whole body recoiled. Slamming your lids shut again, you scrambled back to retreat from the intrusive light. The mangled flesh of your back crashed against the headboard in your attempt to flee from the light. The sudden movement sent shockwaves through your body as the stitches in your wounds tugged sharply. Hearing and feeling your stir, Aziraphale and Crowley sat bolt upright in their respective positions. Zira in the same chair as the night before, and Crowley in the vanity chair across the room. 
Catching your attempt to flee from the overwhelming sensations, Aizraphale reached for your shoulders and tried his best to push you back down into the pillows. His sure hands were commanding and gentle as they kept you from hurting yourself further. 
“You’re all right. Careful now or you’ll rip your stitches.” 
Simultaneously, Crowley was up out of his chair, his own hand coming up to grip your chin, holding your face in his direction. Your eyes flew open again as if called to look by some hell-born bond. And what he saw brought a moment of hesitation. The whites of your eyes were flooded with a sickening crimson as if every blood vessel had burst. While your pupils were blown large, covering nearly the entirety of your eyes. Shaking off the unsettling nature of your appearance, the demon deftly removed his sunglasses and placed them on your face. 
“It’s their eyes, they’re not used to the light.” Stepping back, Crowley reached out a hand to Aziraphale, pushing him away from you, “Careful, Angel, emotions can be a bit unsteady.” 
“It’s all right, Crowley. As you said, they’re in pain, why don’t you let me help.” 
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” 
“Nonsense!” stepping back to your side, Aziraphale’s fingertips aligned with your temples as a gentle light filled the room.
Your breathing began to slow as the ache faded both mentally and physically. Slowly, you opened your eyes, finding that the dark lenses made the world around you much more bearable to view. Weakness replaced the pain leaving you incapable of moving, your power sat dormant, but hot beneath your skin. The heady mix of emotions melded together in what was certain to become an explosive combination. 
Pushing down the flames, you spoke as if greeting old friends, “Crowley… Aziraphale… finally.” 
“How do you know our names?” Zira’s question was far from accusatory.
“Oh Aziraphale, I’ve known you for thousands of years… the same goes for you, Crowley.” 
“Who are you? Why do you know us?” Crowley on the other hand couldn’t help the accusation that threaded over his words.
Tilting your head to the side, you focused on him. The yellow of his snake-like eyes glinted in the sun, strong and fierce in demeanor. 
“It was my job, to know you, to follow your biddings here on Earth. Like a celestial watchdog, I suppose.” 
“Watchdog?” Crowley tensed at the very thought of Heaven having watched him for millennia after his fall. 
“Yes. It was my job to track your movements, particularly in the years since your delivery of the AntiChrist. Well, you and Aziraphale. There was some… hesitation regarding the pair of you, given your shared history of questionable decision-making. Need I mention your flaming sword and apple debacles?” Your voice was weak and breathy as if speaking drained you of what little energy you’d recouped.
“All right, no need to rub it in. Enough about us, you’ve yet to answer our other question, demon. Who are you?” 
“Well, I don’t know how this works exactly, but I suppose my angelic name will do for now. I’m Y/N.” 
“And why are you here… Y/N?” Aziraphale uttered your name sweetly as if to encourage you to continue. 
“It’s simple really, I’m the same as you, Crowley. I asked too many questions… I doubted the ineffable plan.” Sinking further back into the pillows, you turned your head to look at the demon. 
“You what? Why?” Aziraphaled asked in shock.
“Because… you were happy.” Shifting your body slightly so that you could gaze at him, you felt a warm hand wrap around your own, “And the more I watched you here on Earth enjoying your lives together, the humanity … it made me think. Why were we going to end it all? And after such a short time as well? I saw how you looked at the world and couldn’t imagine it ceasing to exist. But even more than that… I couldn’t bear the thought of…” 
Your voice caught in your throat as a fresh spasm racked your frame. The tightening of the muscles along the expanse of your back ripped the air from your lungs causing you to gasp and groan. Folding forward at the waist, the glasses slipped down your nose exposing your eyes to the blinding rays once again. Desperate to block it out, you pressed the heel of your palms into your eyes knocking the sunglasses onto the blanket covering your lap. Steady vibrations rolled through the space around you as your power spilled out unchecked. A blood-curdling wail tore from your lips as your skin flushed hot from the touch of Hell once more. Shocked by the sounds, Aziraphale took a few steps back, putting some distance between the two of you.
Crowley had returned to your side, his strong hands holding tightly to your biceps. The heat of your skin burned and blistered his palms, and yet he remained unfazed. 
“Y/N, Y/N, listen to- listen to me. You’ve got to push away, you’ve got to fight against it!”
Gripping you tightly, he watched as your body spasmed beneath his touch. Blood soon tinged the light cream of the jumper you were wearing, the sudden movements having torn the stitches from your flesh. Furthermore, the heat radiating from within you singed the fabric, leaving behind blackened holes in its wake. A wet gurgle accompanied your labored breathing as if you were drowning on dry land. Coughing and choking, a blackish liquid oozed out the corners of your mouth, the scene grew more horrific as the substances ran down the exposed column of your neck. Crowley’s palms smoothed over it, wiping away the mess as best he could, but it just kept coming. Every wet hack brought more of it flooding out to replace what he’d tried to clean up. 
“Crowley! Crowley, what’s happening?” Stammering, Aziraphale was frozen to his spot.
“They’re dying, the transition is consuming them.”
“But I thought-”
“Whatever you thought about this was wrong, Angel. This is the reality.”
“But I… what we can do?” 
“There’s nothing we can do except ease their pain and hope for the best. It’s up to them now. Either they find the strength to fight against the darkness or it consumes them.” 
Trembling, Zira moved to your side and eased himself down onto the bed. Cautiously, he reached out to touch you, his hand brushing over Crowley’s as he sought out your temples. 
Turning his head to look at the demon, Aziraphale whispered one simple word, “Together.” 
Understanding what he meant, Crowley nodded his head silently. Placing the pads of their fingers along your hairline, the two worked to rid you of the pain. A calming wash of peace flooded over you, chasing out the panic and terror. Your hot skin now sat cool to the touch, and the blisters covering Crowley’s hands began to heal. Slowly, your breathing regulated and the crackling wetness ceased to hinder your lungs. Serene peace settled over your features as they untwisted from the pain. Sensing that the limit of help and available miracles for this situation had been reached, both Crowley and Aziraphale sat back. Their eyes never left you as they watched for signs that their magic had failed. Zira was the first to speak
“What do we do now?”
“We wait.” 
“For how long?”
“Not long now I think.” Crowley’s voice was thick with emotion. 
Tracking the rise and fall of your chest, the pair watched as the movement became more erratic. The time between inhales turned more inconsistent and further apart the longer time went on. Eventually, it stopped altogether, and the last vestiges of pain fell from your features leaving behind a mask of perfect peace. 
“What do we do now?” Zira asked in shock.
“We find out who the hell is responsible and we make them bleed” Looking Aziraphle in the eyes, Crowley's own brimmed with emotion, “But more importantly, we live, we live for them.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
@theauthor2103 : Miranda taking care of a severely injured YN who was out in the woods looking for firewood or whatever idk. She was attacked by a bear/lycan, or fell off a cliff in a river, or whatever idk. She could honestly be burned by a dragon haha😅 just how Miranda would take care of her.
I needed some Miranda T^T Reader, as usual, is gender-neutral. Let’s get into it!
You awaken with a dull ache coursing through your body, your vision blurred and surroundings unfamiliar. As your senses slowly regain focus, you notice the soothing warmth emanating from a crackling fireplace nearby. Blinking away the haze, you realize you’re at home.
Turning your head, you see Miranda sitting beside you, her expression a mixture of concern and relief. Her gentle touch rests on your arm, her fingers tracing over bandages that wrap around your wounds. The memories of the attack flood back, the sharp claws of a lycan tearing into your flesh.
“Oh, you’re awake, draga mea!” Miranda’s voice breaks through the fog in your mind, bringing you back to the present. Her voice is filled with genuine care and tenderness, offering a glimmer of comfort in the aftermath of the ordeal.
Miranda kisses your forehead, being careful not to cause you any extra pain.
“Babe,” You say with a smile as you look at her. “Umm… How… How long have I been out?” You manage to croak, your throat dry and raspy.
Miranda’s eyes soften, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. “A couple of days. You took quite a beating, draga mea.”
With great effort, you prop yourself up, wincing as pain radiates from your injuries.
Miranda quickly reaches out to steady you, providing much-needed support. She adjusts the pillows behind you, creating a more comfortable position.
“I can’t believe you went out in the woods alone, my love,” She says softly, trying not to be upset by your actions. You are stubborn, but she knows that. She actually finds the trait rather endearing… Well, when you don’t almost get killed by a lycan, that is. She clears her throat. “Let’s not dwell on that now, though. You’re home and safe. That’s all I care about.”
She rises from her seat and moves towards a nearby table, where a pitcher and a glass of water await. She returns to your side, carefully handing you the glass.
You happily drink, eager to soothe the dryness in your throat.
“Let me get you something to eat, my darling. I’ll be right back,” Miranda says and kisses you again, walking out before you can even protest.
You finish your water and go to pour yourself some more when Miranda comes in again. She’s holding a tray of food for you. The aroma of warm soup and freshly baked bread fills the air, awakening your senses.
“You need to eat,” Miranda urges with a smile, her eyes fixed on you intently. “You’re on some pretty strong pain killers.” She says. She begins feeding you and you feel like you’re falling in love all over again. Miranda’s so attentive and nurturing. You’re so lucky to have her.
As you eat, Miranda fills you in on the details of the rescue.
“Some villagers heard the attack and went to investigate. Once they saw you, they ran to get me. After I found you… I carried you back here,” She explains.
You feel a bit guilty. That must have been really scary for her. You shouldn’t have gone off in the woods alone, but you just hate the idea of not being able to go wherever you want… This situation might change your perspective on that.
Miranda continues feeding you and making sure your are getting enough to drink as well. “At first, I just did what I could to tend to your wounds superficially, but you needed proper medical attention. So, I brought you down to the lab.” She explains. “You needed blood and a lot of stitches, but… Thankfully you’re okay now,” She says and smiles softly… But then she gets choked up. She looks away as tears well in her eyes. She sets the bowl of soup down and frantically wipes at her eyes, hoping you won’t see how scared she was.
Your eyes grow wide and you reach out to take her hands. “Babe, it’s going to be alright,” You tell her. “I’m fine, see?” You ask and gesture to yourself. You hold your arms out to her and she gently gives you a hug.
Miranda takes a deep breath and pulls back a bit. “You just needed so much… Help. I hated seeing you like that,” She sniffles. “It took a long time to get the bleeding to stop and I just kept worrying that I didn’t do enough,” She reveals quietly.
Her words paint a picture of her tireless efforts, the lengths she went to ensure your safety. It’s clear that she spared no expense to care for you.
“I love you, Miranda,” You tell her. “Thank you for everything, babe,” You tell her and lean in to kiss her soft lips. “I’ll never do anything like this again,” You promise.
Miranda breathes out a sigh of relief at your words. “I love you too, my darling,” She says.
As the days pass, Miranda becomes your personal guardian, attending to your every need. She administers medication, changes bandages with gentle precision, and provides comfort with just her presence alone. Her touch is both soothing and healing, her words a balm to your very soul.
Gradually, under Miranda’s care, your body begins to heal. Each day brings a noticeable improvement, a testament to her skill and dedication.
But, it’s her unwavering love that truly mends your spirit, helping you find strength within yourself to get better.
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Girl. I'm unable to contain myself right now. So please please pretty please:
Could you write something with Lando and Martin (even Max and Luisa could be in it) based on the Weeknd's Moth to a Flame song? I leave it entirely up to you. (You can definitely spice it up a bit tho 😂😂)
Thank you so much, i can't wait to see what you'll come up with 😍😍 love youu 💕
Oh bestie! I actually had quite some fun writing this one. I will say for anyone else reading this that i probably wont write for Martin again, this was a special occasion 😬 but please do still enjoy
Moth to a Flame - Martin Garrix (plus Lando Norris)
gender neutral first person pov // 2511 words // very minor feelings of being pushed aside (I cant think of a better word rn) but there is a happy ending
--- Two years ago:
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want things to go like this…”
My voice was shaky. It felt like the walls of the apartment were closing in on me slowly. There was nowhere to run to: I had to stand and face the music.
“It’s ok, my liefje.”
Martijn’s words took me by surprise. Sweet, beautiful Martjin who didn’t deserve what I was doing to him but was still trying to make me feel better.
“I understand why you need to leave. This life is a bit much. I can be a bit much sometimes.”
It had been a tough three months; not knowing where his work ended and our relationship began. Working on something new even as we lay in bed together at home in our supposed free time. Face timing while he’s in the studio just because he wanted to talk only to be interrupted by someone else.
 You couldn’t separate Martjin from his work, not that I wanted to but he deserved someone who would understand. And at that moment in my life, it wasn’t me.
“Maybe if we’d met a little bit later, things could’ve been different,” he said, brushing a tear off of my cheek. “But you need to do what’s right for you, my liefje.”
“Right person, wrong time,” I said quietly.
He nodded.
“Right person, wrong time.”
~ Present day:
How I’d ended up in this crazy world of race cars was anybody’s guess. How had I ended up as a friend to Lando Norris was also a mystery to me. More-than-friends but not quite a relationship was probably a better way to sum it up, in all honesty.
“Ok, we’re making plans for summer break. Is there anything you want to do?”
Lando was abuzz. The first half of the season had been gruelling in so many ways but he was looking forward to putting it all aside. That was something I really appreciated. Sure, F1 took up a lot of Lando’s life but when the race weekend was over, it was over. He had nothing more to do with it till he absolutely needed to.
“Hmmm…” I thought out loud. “Nothing really is coming to mind. I’ll go with wherever you guys pick.”
 “Cool.” He typed away on his phone, no doubt trying to get the ragtag group of boys to come to a decision (a much harder endeavour than one might think). “Oh yeah, we thought about maybe going to Ibiza cause there’s a concert there.”
“Ooo, what concert?”
“Martin Garrix,” he said casually.
My whole body froze. Lando didn’t know about our history. I hadn’t told him and I had never really planned on telling him because in truth, I had never completely stopped feeling something for Martjin.
“You do like Martin Garrix, right?”
It was an innocent enough question.
“Yeah, I guess so…”
“He seems like a super cool guy. Max, not Fewtrell other Max, is friends with him and says that he’s really nice.”
“Oh… are we going to meet him?”
Lando gave me a cheeky smile. If my heart wasn’t already pounding in my chest, it would’ve started then.
“That’s the plan, Max is going to set us up.”
He turned back to his phone and continued his quest to make it a holiday to remember, unaware of how my world had just been turned upside down.
“Hi, Martjin, I’m sorry to be sending this so late but… If you have some free time, I need to call you. It’s nothing bad just… please call me. Sorry again.”
It was a terrible voice note but I had tried countless times already and nothing had sounded right. Eventually I’d just given up.
With Lando out for the evening, the house was quiet but my mind buzzed like a power plant with thoughts so loud it seemed like there was noise everywhere.
‘Do I want to see him again? Could I stomach seeing him again? Will I forget myself and run into his arms the moment I lay eyes on him?’
For the outside world, and especially Lando, I was feigning excitement over going to the concert. Even for the whole trip. But there was this pit in the bottom of my stomach that wouldn’t go away. Not even when I was with Lando which normally could distract me from anything.
I nearly jumped out of my skin as my phone started to ring. Cautiously, I accepted the call.
“Hi, Martjin.”
“Hello, my…” He stopped himself short. “Hey…”
“I didn’t expect you to call so soon. I thought that you might be busy.”
He sighed softly, like he always used to when he knew he was in the wrong and couldn’t argue his way out of it.
“Well, technically I’m busy. But when I saw your message… I will always make time for you.”
‘No, Martjin don’t say that to me.’
“Oh, thank you. I just have a bit of a strange thing to ask you.”
That pit in my stomach felt like it was growing and taking over my body.
“Some friends of mine and I are going to be at your show in Ibiza and they plan on meeting you.” I got up and started walking around the room. “This thing is…”
“They don’t know,” he completed my sentence for me.
“No. And I’d really like to keep it that way. If it’s an issue for you then I won’t come to the concert…”
“My liefje… Sorry.” Martjin took a breather. “It won’t be a problem. Come have a good time. I’ll pretend as though I’ve never met you before. It’ll be fine.”
Realistically it would be the perfect plan but, deep down in my heart, that was not what I’d wanted him to say.
“Can I ask who your friends are? Just in case I see them beforehand.”
“Yeah… You can know.”
Time seemed to crawl forward till the holidays began but once it did it was a rush. I blinked and we were on a plane. I blinked again and we were on a beach. When I next opened my eyes, I found myself looking at my reflection, debating if this was the outfit I wanted to wear tonight. This night. The night I’d been dreading for so long now.
“Are you ready to go?”
Lando came up behind me, putting his hands on my waist. I caught his eye in the mirror as he spoke again.
“You look great. Beautiful, actually. You have nothing to worry about.”
He leant forward and sweetly kissed my cheek before moving off to get his belongings.
‘It’s now or never,’ I thought and walked to the door, ready to accept my fate.
The crowds were immense and loud, as they always were. People loved Martjin. Or rather, people loved Martin Garrix and they loved his music.
Lando led our group of friends through the back entrances, simply flashing our VIP passes as we did, breezing past the chaos and into a quiet lounge backstage. There weren’t many other people but we filled the space and took the drinks we were offered.
“This is going to be wild,” Max said, sipping his drink. “I saw some clips from his previous concert, absolutely insane.”
“Must be a bit intimidating though,” Lando said. “All those people watching you.”
“Says the man who drives an F1 car for a living,” Max countered.
Lando rolled his eyes.
“This is different. In the car, you’re aware of the crowds but it’s not what you’re focused on.”
The two kept jabbering as I moved away. The palms of my hands felt clammy and I didn’t want them to notice how jittery I was being. I knew how the process worked: he’d come in, meet and greet everyone and then go do final prep before the show. But now I was on the other side. Things were different.
A door opened to the side and someone stepped into the room, the movement making me look over. Through the gap, past the staff members, I saw Martjin and I knew he had seen me too. I froze. The door swung closed again and the fleeting moment was over.
“Martin will be joining you all shortly,” the staff member announced and the buzz around the room picked up even more.
All the feelings of regret from when I left him suddenly swelled up inside of me. None of this was right. It wasn’t fair to Lando to be lying to him; it wasn’t fair on Martjin to be making him lie. It wasn’t even fair to myself, knowing that I was the cause of all this.
“Lando, I’m not feeling well,” I whispered in his ear after moving closer. “I’m going to the bathroom; I’ll meet you backstage.”
Before he could say anything back, I quickly walked out of the room, holding back the tears.
Peering from the wings, I could see Lando and Max on the stage to the side, having a blast. The atmosphere was like a drug; it got into your system and pushed you to a high you’d never felt before.
Looking past them, I looked to the DJ stand and watched as Martjin worked the audience. He looked good. Not just handsome but he looked healthy; thriving. Even from so far away I could see the sparkle in his eye and his smile which was contagious as always. I found myself feeling alright.
Martjin looked to the boys on the stage, giving them a thumbs up which they eagerly returned. Looking further on, he found me. I thought of all the previous times I’d hidden like this just off to the side while Martjin worked, staying up late with him and sleeping in till midday.
He waved and timidly I waved back. Satisfied, he looked back over the sea of people in front of him; in front of us.
There I stayed, watching from the side lines, wondering if it was too late to go back and change my own mind, to stay with Martjin and work through our issues together. What I wouldn’t give to rewind time and tell him how much I loved him.
‘Gone exploring. Be back before lunch. Sleep as late as you like <3’
I’d sworn to myself as I wrote the note, that it would be the last lie I told him. After this morning, I’d come clean about everything and tell Lando anything he wanted to know. But first I had to talk to Martjin.
In the dark hours of the early morning, I’d called him while hiding in the bathroom of my hotel room, trusting that he hadn’t yet come down from the high and was still awake. There had only been one ring before Martjin had picked up and we’d arranged in hushed voices where and when to meet.
So, I found myself waiting in the foyer of his hotel, eyes constantly darting to the elevator in case the next time the doors opened, it’d be him.
‘He won’t come,’ I thought. ‘I wouldn’t come if I was him. Not after all I did to him.’
Those thoughts were quickly disproven as out from the silver doors stepped Martjin, looking sleepy still but happy. Probably still residue from the night before.
“Morning,” I said, standing up as he neared.
“Morning.” Martjin smiled. “Are you hungry? The breakfast here is really good.”
“I was hoping maybe we could go somewhere quieter. Away from…” I looked around the room.
He nodded and walked me through the hotel, out the back door and into the gardens. The grass was still damp and the sunshine made the dew glisten. A stone pathway led us to a secluded bench, far away from any prying eyes and eavesdroppers.
“You weren’t at the meet and greet last night,” Martjin said as brushed the worst of the water off the seat.
“I just needed a moment.”
We sat down together, looking at the greenery all around us and not at the other person. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, determined to say what I had come here to say.
“I’m sorry,” I started, my voice soft. “I’m so sorry for everything. I’m sorry for making you lie last night and especially to Lando because I’m sure you two are going to be good friends and this is a terrible way to start a friendship with someone. I’m sorry for using you as my safety net while I’ve been with someone else.”
Shifting on the bench, I turned to look at Martjin. Sweet and kind Martjin.
“And most of all, I’m sorry for leaving you. For how I left and when I left. Hell, even why I left. Looking back, it was such a stupid reason, we could’ve… I could’ve worked through that. And I know it means nothing but deep down I still love you, Martjin, so whatever you want I’ll do. I’m going to tell Lando the truth today but if you never want to talk to me again, I understand. I’ll do it.”
Martjin looked at me, blue eyes shining in the morning light. Reaching over, he took my hand in his and pressed his lips to my knuckles.
“My liefje,” he said without hesitation. “I think the person you’re hurting the most right now, is yourself. You’re like a moth always flying too close to the fire and one day you’re going to singe your wings.
“I just want you to be happy. If you’re happy with Lando, then stay with him but tell him the truth. If you aren’t… Well, that’s a decision that you need to make.”
Martjin took a deep breath before continuing.
“As for me, I never stopped caring about you, my liefje. I would give anything to be with you again but we can’t be what we used to be. It’s up to you to decide what happens now.”
The hotel room was just as I had left it, the only difference being that Lando was now awake. He lay in the bed, scrolling through his phone, no doubt scoping all the pictures from the concert.
“Hey, did you enjoy your exploring?” He asked with a sleepy smile as I came inside, which made me feel so villainous for what I was about to do next.
“Lando, there’s something I have to tell you. I can’t keep hiding this anymore.”
 His smile faltered but still I persisted.
I told him everything.
~ One year later:
It had been so long since I’d been in this apartment and I took a pause to gather my mind before knocking on the door. Almost a year’s worth of healing had brought me back here but it was where I needed to be in order to finish my journey.
It didn’t take long for him to answer the door, despite the fact this would be a surprise to him.
“You came back, my liefje,” Martjin said, a big grin forming on his face.
“Like a moth to flame,” I answered.
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laroy-in · 16 days
nail polish combos
Our premium transparent nail polish and chemical free nail polish collection is available at the lowest prices in India for any occasion. Explore our premium collection now!
Best Chemical-Free Transparent Nail Polish in India - LaRoy
In the pursuit of beauty and self-expression, nail polish has become a staple in every woman's cosmetic collection. However, with growing concerns about the chemicals present in traditional nail polishes, the demand for safer and more transparent options has surged. This is where LaRoy steps in, offering the best chemical-free transparent nail polish in India.
LaRoy has carved a niche for itself in the beauty industry by prioritizing quality, safety, and transparency. Their range of chemical-free transparent nail polishes not only delivers stunning color but also ensures that your nails remain healthy and free from harmful toxins. Let's delve deeper into what makes LaRoy the go-to choice for conscious consumers.
1. Natural Ingredients for Healthier Nails:
LaRoy's commitment to quality starts with its ingredients. Unlike conventional nail polishes that contain harsh chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, and DBP, LaRoy's formulations are free from these toxic substances. Instead, they harness the power of natural ingredients such as plant-based oils and extracts, ensuring that your nails receive the care they deserve without compromising on style.
2. Transparency and Trust:
At LaRoy, transparency is not just a buzzword – it's a promise. They believe in providing consumers with full disclosure regarding the ingredients used in their products. Each bottle of LaRoy nail polish comes with a complete list of ingredients, so you can make an informed choice about what you're putting on your nails. This transparency fosters trust and confidence among customers, knowing that they're investing in a brand that prioritizes their well-being.
3. Vibrant Colors, Long-Lasting Shine:
Who says you have to sacrifice color for safety? LaRoy offers a stunning array of vibrant shades that cater to every mood and occasion. From classic neutrals to bold statement hues, there's a color for everyone in LaRoy's collection. What's more, their nail polishes are formulated to deliver long-lasting shine and chip-resistant wear, so your manicure stays flawless for days on end.
4. Cruelty-Free and Environmentally Conscious:
Beyond prioritizing the health of consumers, LaRoy is also committed to ethical and sustainable practices. Their products are cruelty-free, meaning they're never tested on animals. Additionally, LaRoy strives to minimize its environmental footprint by opting for eco-friendly packaging and reducing waste wherever possible. When you choose LaRoy, you're not just pampering yourself – you're making a conscious choice to support a brand that cares for animals and the planet.
5. A Beauty Revolution:
LaRoy is more than just a beauty brand – it's a movement towards safer, more sustainable beauty practices. By offering chemical-free transparent nail polish in India, LaRoy is leading the way in redefining beauty standards and empowering consumers to make informed choices about the products they use. Join the beauty revolution today and experience the difference with LaRoy.
In conclusion, if you're in search of the best chemical-free transparent nail polish in India, look no further than LaRoy. With their commitment to quality, transparency, and sustainability, LaRoy is setting a new standard for beauty that's safe, stylish, and socially responsible. Elevate your manicure game and embrace healthier, more beautiful nails with LaRoy. Discover their range of products today at https://laroy.in/.
Visit Fore More Information :- https://laroy.in/
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theennoble · 3 months
Elevate Your Wardrobe with Ennoble Brand Women’s Blazers: A Stylish Statement of Power and Sophistication
In the realm of fashion, few garments possess the transformative power and timeless elegance of a well-tailored blazer. Whether it’s for a professional setting, a casual outing, or a formal event, a blazer effortlessly elevates any ensemble, exuding confidence, sophistication, and authority. At Ennoble Brand, we understand the importance of striking the perfect balance between style and substance, which is why we present our exquisite collection of women’s blazers — a fusion of impeccable craftsmanship, modern design, and unparalleled quality.
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Crafted with Precision:
Each Ennoble Brand women’s blazer is meticulously crafted with attention to detail, ensuring a flawless fit and superior comfort. We source only the finest materials, from luxurious fabrics to premium hardware, to guarantee a garment that not only looks exceptional but also feels exquisite against your skin. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship is evident in every stitch, seam, and silhouette, resulting in blazers that exude sophistication and durability.
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Versatile Elegance:
From boardroom meetings to after-work soirées, our women’s blazers seamlessly transition from day to night, offering versatility without compromising on style. Whether you prefer classic neutrals like black, navy, or gray for a timeless appeal, or opt for bold hues and statement prints to make a striking impression, our diverse range of designs caters to every individual taste and occasion. With tailored cuts, flattering silhouettes, and refined finishes, our blazers empower you to express your unique sense of style with confidence and flair.
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Empowering Confidence:
A well-fitted blazer has the remarkable ability to evoke a sense of empowerment and self-assurance. At Ennoble Brand, we believe that every woman deserves to feel confident, capable, and empowered in her own skin. That’s why our women’s blazers are designed not only to enhance your outer appearance but also to bolster your inner strength and confidence. Whether you’re commanding the boardroom, navigating the urban jungle, or making a bold fashion statement, our blazers serve as a symbol of empowerment and resilience, empowering you to conquer any challenge with grace and poise.
Timeless Investment:
In a world where trends come and go, a classic blazer remains a timeless investment piece that transcends seasons and styles. With its versatility, durability, and enduring appeal, an Ennoble Brand women’s blazer is not just a fleeting fashion accessory but a wardrobe essential that stands the test of time. Whether paired with tailored trousers for a polished professional look, draped over a dress for effortless elegance, or styled with denim for casual chic, our blazers effortlessly elevate any outfit, making them a wise investment that you’ll cherish for years to come.
In the realm of women’s fashion, few garments possess the versatility, elegance, and timeless appeal of a well-crafted blazer. At Ennoble Brand, we pride ourselves on offering a curated collection of women’s blazers that embody the perfect synergy of style, sophistication, and quality craftsmanship. From impeccable tailoring to versatile designs, our blazers empower women to exude confidence, express their individuality, and make a lasting impression wherever they go. Elevate your wardrobe with an Ennoble Brand women’s blazer and experience the transformative power of style and sophistication.
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keautybeauty · 5 months
Presenting Keauty Beauty Loose Translucent Powder designed to give you an even & luminous finish to Keep makeup lasting long. Available in two shades Neutral set and Banana. It helps soften fine lines and enhance skin tone. Absorb Excess oil from your face so that your makeup looks flawless throughout the day.
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1tarot1with1k1o · 8 months
Hello klo! How are u doing?? I wanna participate in your newer k-pop game please! I hope it's still open!
1 I think you are similar to joohoney from MX cause I think you have strength to you but also soft!
2. Get along well with -Johnny idk maybe someone who is very social but doesn't try to take control in social settings would go well with you.
3. Do you like Shinee? I literally channeled them and then their song started to play. is Minho from the group your bias by any chance?
These are all I got for you, I got a lot even though your said to choose one! And I'm asking for Kihyun from MX for me please!
Hii 💕 I’m doing alright, thank you very much! I hope you’re doing well yourself 🫶 of course you can still participate!!
Omg joohoney 🥺 it’s so cute to be associated with him! Fun fact…his aegyo is the only one I actually melt over lol. Usually it’s quite cringe to me, but he’s just so adorable 😭. I’m honored to give you similar vibes to him. He’s really cool!!!
Yes you’re so on point! I either need someone as calm as me, or someone who takes the lead in the conversation but that isn’t overwhelming to be around. Johnny seems really fun to hang out with (plus he’s tall so I could finally wear heels around him and not feel self conscious lol). I’d love to do fun activities and chill with him!
Omg girllll!!! (gender neutral lol) hahahahahahha I swear I used to have the biggest celebrity crush on Minho years ago!!!! Lmaoo. He’s just such an interesting and strong person! How can you not like him…not you exposing me like that 👀. But it’s so funny you channeled that hahha, great job 🤣
Such cute energies from you two 🥹 aww. I got the feeling that he would be very protective towards you (not in an overbearing way. He would simply be extra attentive and worry about your well being). He would definitely look out for you, and make sure that you’re having the best time when you’re around him. I could literally see him looking at you while smiling with an endeared expression on his face. He would be so whipped, and he would find you very cute and lovely. Not even necessarily in a romantic way, but he would really like you! He would find you interesting, and think of you as a very precious person. I feel the energy of a big brother caring for the younger sibling. Not to siblingzone you lol; it’s just the kind of vibe I get hahah. He would really like to cook for you I heard? He would try his best. He would really want to do something for you, so feeding you homemade food is one of the things he would really want to do. He’d always ask you to update him, and he would attentively listen to you, and then give you words of encouragement or advice. Depending on what you would need in that moment. I feel like he would try to help you as much as he can, but when he won’t be able to actually help you, he will do his best to still offer you support. The kind of person that would give you his jacket or sweater if you’re cold, or that would buy you a comfortable pair of shoes if your feet are hurting. He would go to the extra mile in order to be of service to you, and make your day better. You might have an age gap, and that’s why he’d feel extra endeared by you, or he would simply see you as someone very precious because of the way you are/present yourself. He might also be physically affectionate with you! I saw him patting your head, and even holding your hand or waist as to not make you get separated in a crowd. He would do anything to comfort you. He’d definitely drive you wherever you need him to, and he would totally be the type of person to get in the car and go pick you up if you’re out late at night, or if you had something to drink; regardless of the hour. It’s giving kdrama boyfriend. You’d activate his dad friend side. It’s truly such a sweet energy omg I love it so much 😭😭😭
I hope you enjoyed the reading!! I really liked your ask, as you can probably tell hahah. Have an amazing day! 🥰🩷
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savysing · 2 years
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1) Occasion:
This style is very flabbergasted and rich. For extra nice and relaxed places, long and thicker wholesale mens scarves are more suitable for being looser and for being used every one of the more gently missing a ton of rules made by scarves manufacturers.
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Nothing is more terrible than showing up at the ocean side (or pool, or lake… we don't separate!) and acknowledging you don't have around 50% of the things you wish you had pressed.
You will scarcely believe; I've been there and done that many, commonly, so let me teach you on whats in my ocean side sack. The following are ten fundamental things for a day at the beach. bags manufacturers make the ideal ocean side packs. Whether you utilize one that has been distributed nearby brimming with promotion things or you search out your own printed one, they are wherever at the present time.
This specific one comes in peach conceal and is made of terry towel material. The sack has one fundamental compartment and afterward a little scaled down pocket as an afterthought for your keys, wallet, or some other more modest things you want to keep hurdled up.
bags manufacturers have bunches of advantages. They supplant our plastic shopping sacks (and assist you with setting aside cash while saving the planet), they look cool, or if nothing else our own do, and they are exceptionally pragmatic. Figure out why handbags, on top of everything are really the best ocean side packs.
It's the ideal size
Everything required for your ocean side day fits! Indeed, even the water bottle! It truly feels like it has been intended for this reason (really, they've been intended to reflect the look and feel of bags wholesalers, for a portion of the ecological effect).
Wholesale beach bags are NON Disposables
You can't go to the ocean side with a wholesale beach bags. To be single use, it would have been made of plastic, and they at this point are any place in the oceans. With the breeze we have on the islands, that would be a particularly misguided thought. You would end up loosing it because of the breeze no ifs, ands or buts.
Your wholesale beach bags is reusable, and weight enough to not be blown away while you swim.
bags wholesalers  works out in a good way for your ocean side look
Shapes and varieties make them extremely fit to go to the ocean side. View as a model intended for summer, perhaps better, for the objective you picked, and you will be pleased to carry it. Handbags are dressed sufficiently down to oblige an ocean side outfit. Stay away from the calfskin ones obviously, and any handbag with metal decorations also.
It's not difficult to wash
Handbags are extremely simple to wash. Just put them in your washing squashing, 30 degrees et bam! Clean handbag. No clothes washer ? Simply some high temp water and a touch of cleanser will get the job done. Air dry your pack topsy turvy for an improved outcome.
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betterpiner · 2 years
Figma ipad
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With prototyping in Figma, you can create multiple flows for your prototype in one page to preview a user's full journey and experience through your designs. Set this to a neutral color, or customize this with a brand color for extra polish. You'll see this color behind your selected device. Set the Background color of the prototyping screen. View a Preview of how the device will look in Presentation view. You can choose which color-way you would like to use.ĭepending on the device you selected, you can specify a certain Model.
For example: the iPhone 11 Pro Max comes in four different colors.
And you can learn more about this update here.Note: It's not possible to switch between orientations within a prototype. This is something to bear in mind if you have frames in your prototype across both orientations. Since everything happens in real-time, teams can also take advantage of collaborative sessions.įIgJam for iPad is available here on the App Store. Its users can also use a larger desktop display while using an iPad as a second screen for quick annotations. With your finger or an Apple Pencil, you can circle annotations, underline, and mark up words and sketches on the canvas. Replace the physical notebook with a digital one.įigJam for iPad, specifically, wants to make feedback more personal.
Jot down ideas: capture bursts of imagination from wherever you are.
Hand-write notes: make feedback feel more personal and human.
Sketch flows and diagrams: quickly map out flows with out-of-the-box shapes and automatic connectors.
Annotate designs: leave comments and thoughts as you go, solo or with your team.
Design in low-fidelity: it’s not about pixel perfection, but early ideas.
Insertable stickers allow for a small dose of big personality wherever your file needs a little punctuation.Īccording to Figma, these are the most common uses of FigJam for iPad:.
Stamps and emotes are a way to instantly respond and provide your opinion, without relying on text.
A toolbox of plugins, templates and widgets that instantly add personalization to any file - whether you want to create a team ice breaker, speed up your team’s flow or create structure.
An easy-to-use toolbar that focuses less on precision and polish, and instead leans into joyful exploration and collaboration.
In this whiteboard, users can build an iterative design flow with live collaboration that keeps you in the loop whether you’re working remotely or in the office. “FigJam for iPad brings a more human way of working remotely.” It’s really an interesting approachable way of people creating on the go and also around the house,” said Rob Bye, product manager of mobile & desktop apps at Figma. “People just want to try Figma on iPad and it’s finally here. As everything happens in real-time, users on the web and iPad can work together with ease. In this online whiteboard, teams can ideate and brainstorm together, making it easier for coworkers to sketch the early days of a project in a clean way.įigJam for iPad brings the same tools Figma users already have on the web, but with the practicality of being able to do all of that on the iPad with the Apple Pencil or even using the Magic Keyboard. Figma, the design tool first built for the web, is launching FigJam for the iPad today.
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ejlersennorwood97 · 2 years
Trend is a matter that looks a little bit overpowering to a ton of folks at instances. This is for the reason that it looks like there is always way too substantially information and facts that you are not able to maintain up with when it arrives to fashion, this is not real. If you want to learn a bit about vogue then examine on.
In present-day business enterprise entire world, it is very important that men be very well dressed. For that reason, it is essential to store for prime drawer apparel when buying clothing for your upcoming interview. To start out your search, glimpse by present day company publications to make sure your wardrobe matches the prime executives. Glance for whether or not men are putting on cuffed trousers or hemmed pants, ties with designs or stable ties as properly as what sort of shoe is at this time in fashion. Insert some fun to your wardrobe by donning pieces with some attention-grabbing prints and patterns. You could have on geometric patterned shirts or striped patterned skirts. You could even use animal print heels or polka-dotted attire. Whether or mens necklaces: classy & unique men's pendant necklaces wish a elegant or an edgy appear, you can uncover a print or sample to healthy your design and style. The primary black gown is crucial for any woman's wardrobe. You can have on this costume for relaxed instances by accessorizing it with a pair of relaxed pumps. You can don the exact costume for a additional formal event if you set up your hair and accessorize with a pearl necklace and earrings. If you struggle with frizz, don't vigorously dry your hair with your towel immediately after washing it. That damages your hair and encourages frizz. Try out wrapping it in the towel and pushing it to take up the humidity rather. When you are pleased with how substantially water you've gotten out, you can unwrap it and then brush with a comb. A person way to make absolutely sure that you look terrific is to come across a specific reduce or manufacturer that fits you perfectly and acquire multiples of it. This is important for the reason that you will not constantly locate that fantastic outfit, specially if you are searching at the very last minute. Invest in much more than just one of the exact colour even, just in circumstance it will get damaged in some way. Pack lots of neutral colored clothing for trip you will be capable to use them all interchangeably. This makes sure that you will not have to be involved about hues clashing. Decorate by making use of belts and scarves. Be careful wherever sizing is concerned. Really don't buy any write-up of apparel devoid of seeking it on. Present day measurements aren't based mostly on any regular measurements. Some models have pretty distinct dimensions from just one an additional. When you invest in clothing online, carefully examine the world-wide-web site's sizing chart. Also look into their return plan. When obtaining the right coat, it is significant that you uncover 1 with the proper in shape. A superior coat will flatten the form of your higher physique. It need to be just loose more than enough so that you can access insider to get some thing out of your breast pocket. Any looser and your seem will not be stylish. If you want to seem greater in any combination of your wardrobe, exercise normally. A physique that stands tall with confidence would make any outfit seem much better. You do not have to have chiseled abdominal muscles. Even a typical walking regimen of light intervals can make your backbone stand up plenty of to make a variance. Make certain that you costume for just about every situation you go to appropriately. If you go to a big extravagant evening meal, you are going to want to make certain that you dress in great official apparel. Nevertheless, if you are going to a uncomplicated outing with mates, then you will not have to go all out. Possess a good substantial established of black sunglasses. If you have crimson eyes from a rough night time or below eye baggage from a lousy night's sleep, you can conceal them with a trendy pair of sunglasses. They are a traditional, glamorous model and evoke Audrey Hepburn or Jackie Kennedy. A wonderful pair can be experienced at a superior cost. As you may perhaps now know it would not have to have an insane amount of money of awareness to determine out how to get a excellent fashion perception. WIth every little thing that you realized check out and use you so that you can enhance the way you glimpse, and folks will appreciate the new kinds you have designed for you.
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kiltsale · 2 years
Who would have believed that camouflage patterns could be used indoors? When worn correctly, a man's camouflage pattern may be really attractive. With our variety of tactical kilts, you can accomplish all of this and more! Let us show our passion for patriotic camo design with our newest collection of 8 kilt camo patterns! The durable fabric used to make this robust military gear is ideal for use in nature's unruliest conditions. Tactical kilt are usually regarded as the ideal hiking apparel because of their versatility and ease of mobility.
You may show your Celtic passion while traveling by customizing the Camo Kilt to your clan's tartan. Your appearance will match your tribe's ferocity, and your kilt will perform like a utility kilt. To wear to work or dress up for a night out, you can't go wrong with a high-quality camouflage design. You may let the modern guy in you enjoy the unique kilt experience of Scotland by choosing the style and color of cloth that you desire kilt sale.
Tactical Kilt sets a new benchmark in this area. Only a Tactical Combat Kilt can give you a greater sense of patriotism than any other! It's based on British army camouflage designs as well as the Celtic heritage era. With this khaki and brown kilt, you'll redefine what it means to be patriotic and proud of one's heritage.
In the wild, hunters don camouflaged clothing to blend in with their surroundings. Using camouflage, which is tailored for a variety of situations, is the primary purpose of a hunter's efforts. Additionally, camouflage is used in military operations with the purpose of concealing troops wherever they are. Tactical kilt, on the other hand, is an attention-grabbing design that will draw the attention of everybody who sees it.
The tactical kilt is an informal and rugged evolution of tartan wool kilts used in Scotland. There are very few persons in the world who wear kilts who aren't of Scottish ancestry. However, why leave things as they are? Anyone may feel like an outlaw without having to be an outlaw from the Scottish Highlands, with logs flying and long swords at the ready. While paying homage to the original, our Tactical kilt also represents a significant step forward.
Kilts are making a comeback, particularly in the city's hippest neighborhoods! A kilt might not fit in your closet, but you'd be surprised to hear that it's mostly because of societal traditions about what a male can wear that has been around for a long time. Several well-known non-Celtic celebrities, including Kanye West and Vin Diesel, have worn the pleats on occasion. In spite of what some would have you believe, kilts are not just worn by Scots. Outside of Scotland, traditional wool kilts are more commonly seen at non-ceremonial gatherings. They're cozy and heavy.
If you're looking to match your kilts to your present wardrobe, our main pleat panels are available in a variety of neutral shades including khaki or black. Wear your kilt with a T-shirt or blazer, whatever you want. Aside from being an iconic emblem of Scottish independence and biasness, kilts are also defying fashion preconceptions. Our utility kilts also have ample compartments for all of your possessions, so you can put away your man bag.
It is made of superior drill cotton, which is stain-resistant and easy to care for, making it the perfect utility kilt. Kilts are designed for guys who are active, and ours is no exception. When it comes to heavy-duty use, this is the best option available. There is a cotton mix in the Tactical Kilt that makes it both stylish and breathable.
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divinolenta · 3 years
when they realize they're in love: kazuha + xiao
character x gender neutral reader, fluff/sfw
the exact moment when they realize they're completely enamoured by you and you alone, and that they wouldn't trade you for anything in the world.
additional notes: first kazuha fic hell yeah !!?!?!? he's so pretty i'm down bad i wrote this in a day so i beg you, please ignore any embarrassing mistakes...
childe + kaeya's version here
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wandering wherever the breeze brings him, there has been no one and nowhere capable of binding kazuha to one place
sure, he does feel a odd pang of bittersweet sorrow when the crux sets off once again from liyue, and he watches the familiar shores recede
or the immense sense of yearning as kazuha bids farewell to faraway lands that he wishes he had the time to explore more
but there is no pull, nothing to tie him to a place where he feels that he truly belongs to
yet after meeting you, he realizes that a small yet essential part of him rejoices when beidou decides to return to liyue, for that means that he'll finally be able to be with you
he knows he's fallen in love when he finds himself always anticipating the return to your open arms and sweet smile
kazuha squints at the horizon, the ship's sails billowing overhead as he bounces impatiently on the balls of his feet, exhibiting uncharacteristic behaviour.
soon enough, liyue harbour comes into view, and kazuha gazes at it longingly, wondering if you're present among the crowd that waits on the wooden docks.
the alcor seems to take even longer to dock and settle than he remembers and kazuha huffs quietly in displeasure, the sound lost amongst the urgent shouts and boisterous orders from the crew as they carry out the usual procedure and tasks of anchoring.
"someone's getting antsy." beidou comments with a chuckle and a knowing glance thrown in his direction, her arms crossed over her chest as she oversees the hectic activities.
he merely hums, neither confirming her statement or refuting. beidou shakes her head in mirth and ruffles his hair before walking off to survey the situation at hand, occasionally issuing orders.
he turns his gaze back to the swarm of people. despite his vantage point above, kazuha can't make out your familiar figure anywhere which stirs up a nauseated, anxious sensation in him. once beidou gives her nod of approval, he descends the ship, swiveling to and fro in search, weaving through the throng with ease.
just as kazuha is about to admit defeat, thinking that you've forgotten, hands slip over his eyes and a triumphant voice chirps, "guess who?"
kazuha's lips twitch into a smile before he turns, catching your wrist and tugging you towards him. his other hand cradles your jaw and your face heats up as you avert your eyes from his affectionate gaze. without a warning, he leans in, slotting his mouth against yours.
when you try to pull away with an indignant squeak, kazuha merely crushes your body against his, preventing you from escaping.
the moment he relents, you open your mouth, about to chastise him for kissing you like that in public. your face was surely as red as a tomato by now. "kazu-"
kazuha interrupts you with a peck, and with the way his ruby eyes glint with mischief, you know he's doing this on purpose.
you try again, but to no avail as he lovingly attacks your face with kisses. "kaedehara kazuha!" you wail as you successfully shove his face away, mortified by the crew practically howling with laughter as passersby pause to gape.
to your relief, he complies. "forgive me, my love, i simply missed you." he laughs, unfazed, and you shoot him a weak glare.
silence ensues as you cross your arms and look away, frowning. after a couple of seconds, you dare a glance at him, only to see him staring at you with a lovesick expression.
coughing, you confront kazuha, flushed. "why are you looking at me like that?"
"i love you." kazuha shrugs nonchalantly, but you see his ears redden. he was accustomed to confessing his love in vague, poetic sentences but being away for a month made his heart ache, and he missed you more than he thought he would.
you open your mouth, but before you can respond, beidou yells, "get a room, lovebirds!" and you want to bury yourself into the ground and just disappear as more people turn to stare.
kazuha chuckles, turning to wave at the captain before pulling you along as he hurries towards your shared home.
when you turn on a desolate alley that leads to your place, that's when you quietly say, "i love you too kazu."
he doesn't reply, but his smile tells you he's heard you.
being a ruthless warrior who has witnessed countless deaths at his hands, xiao truly believes he is not worthy of love
when you first tell him he's gentle and lovely, xiao scoffs, and doesn't know whether to feel offended or concerned. surely, a murderer cannot be associated with such soft, tender words.
yet he is, with the way a tiny smile makes its way on to his face as he watches children play in the street or how he'll feed the strays near wangshu inn with a shaky hand, like he's afraid of accidentally hurting them
xiao encourages you to stay away, to hate him, with stoic and intimidating words but to his chagrin, you're adamant, and soon you have his heart in your hands
"adepti don't need to rest."
that was what xiao replied with when you offered for him to rest his head on your lap. under the ginkgo tree, vibrant yellow leaves slowly flutter down as you attempt to persuade him, hands clasped in front of you.
"c'mon, just this once? patrolling all night must be so tiring, even if you're immortal or whatever."
xiao nearly gives in when you direct your pleading gaze at him but he shakes his head, crossing his arms as he watches you with faint amusement.
"you clearly need some sleep, xiao." you insist, poking at his cheek. his skin was indeed more pallid lately, and you didn't want to risk him collapsing from exhaustion, immortal or not.
seeing xiao hesitate as he considers, you strike. "liyue won't go up in flames if you take a short nap. if anything happens, i promise to wake you up immediately." you vow, hopeful.
xiao sighs, defeated, before moving closer and laying his head on your thighs. "fine."
you don't mind his curt words as you crow triumphantly, fingers instinctively moving to play with the soft strands of his hair as you shift, your back pressing against the rough bark of the tree trunk. you watch xiao's eyes flutter close as he folds his hands on his stomach.
your hands cease their movements as you shamelessly admire how pretty your lover is. he looks absolutely angelic in the dappled sunlight, his chest rising and falling rhythmically, and you lean slightly closer, entranced.
xiao hums, nudging his head against your hand as he wordlessly asks you to continue playing with his hair. you shake your head fondly before doing as he asks, smiling when he nestles against you like a cat.
you lean your head against the tree, listening to the birds sing interwoven melodies, the gentle breeze kissing your cheeks.
...it wouldn't hurt if you rested your eyes for a bit, right?
xiao awakens a little later, too aware of the noises around him to slumber any longer. he cracks his eyes open, wincing when he's immediately blinded by sunlight. once his eyes adjust to the sudden intrusion, his gaze wanders to you.
your head is tilted down at an uncomfortable angle, mouth slightly agape as you doze. xiao sighs to himself even as his heartbeat accelerates at your serene face. "foolish mortal." he murmurs, easing off your lap carefully to avoid waking you.
he situates himself next to you instead, leaves crackling under his weight as he makes himself comfortable. xiao studies you for a moment before gingerly guiding your head until you're lying on his shoulder. knuckles lightly graze your face in a chaste manner, and he rests his head against yours.
the faintest blush settles on his cheeks as he whispers into the silence.
"i wish to spend eternity with you."
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