#and the wedding is in Texas
marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
Tony: Why are you here so late?
Happy: his flight was 5 hours late
Peter: How come?
Harley: Someone literally died on the flight
Peter: that's terrible!
Harley: we made an emergency landing and everyone missed their connections
Tony: Well, that sucks for them I guess but would they rather be on a flight with a literal corpse
Harley: Yeah well the guy behind me would disagree with you
Peter: What? Why?
Harley: he was complaining and saying "how is it an emergency if he's already dead?"
Tony: okay wow. That is so controversial
Peter: yet so brave
Harley: right!?
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avocadoraisin · 7 months
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Now its HIS day!!
they're pregaming for the big night
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artemis-pendragon · 8 months
Writing Good Omens fic in a church parking lot in Texas can I get a yeehaw
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yrsonpurpose · 7 months
at first we said rwrb sequel as a joke but uhh i don't think it's a joke anymore
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eraofelizabeth · 30 days
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vintage gunne sax dress
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femmelated · 4 months
i need to be wifed up asap actually i keep looking at gorgeous wedding rings and its making me go CRAZY
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actually-not-me · 1 year
Shy Carlos is so adorable 🫠☺️
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 finale sneak peek via Entertainment Weekly
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renegadesstuff · 1 year
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Carlos calling TK 'Tyler' 🥹🤍
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We can replicate ANY #designer #wedding #dress for A FRACTION of the original cost! Send #photos of your #favorite #weddingdress to see how much an Inspired Recreations will cost. Get answers to questions about custom #weddingdresses & #replicas at www.dariuscordell.com . .
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southernloverrgirl · 3 months
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
17 - Officially a Cooper Wedding
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Part 18
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley
“Okay so I don’t know all the tricks but let’s see what you’ve got.” I responded towards the young Cooper girl.
She smiled at me since I had come after school to teach her some baseball throws for fun. I wasn’t very good but I knew some throws to make it where she didn’t almost hit a car the first time we met. “I can’t believe I know a high schooler.”
“Hey when I’m here that doesn’t matter. I’m just Y/n. Now let’s see how you throw.” Tossing the ball back and forth in my hands I lifted my arm back, throwing it lightly in her direction.
Missy reached up and caught the ball where she stumbled backwards a little. “I am loving you right now. Here you go.”
She threw it where I grunted falling back onto the ground on my butt catching the ball in my clove. “Woah girl. You’ve got a good arm. We just need to get your accuracy.”
“Okay I think I can do that.” Throwing the ball back to her she caught it easily.
I heard a truck pull up in the driveway where I saw Sheldon the smart nine year old get out first. “Statistically if you go for it instead of punting for it you will likely win the game.”
“Sheldon, stop talking.” Someone shut the passenger door where I recognized Georgie who was coming home from football practice after school.
Sheldon kept on. “The opposing team has a 92% of scoring. When they punt from deep in their own territory the other team still has a 77% chance of scoring. They convert on fourth down 50% of the time the math says they shouldn’t punt again.”
Georgie grumbled walking towards the front door where he glanced at me. “Sheldon everybody punts, Watch out!” He shouted when I turned my head seeing that Missy had thrown a ball before he tackled me onto the ground so I didn’t get hit in the face.
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” Missy covered her mouth in shock tilting her head slightly to the side. “Wow you know you two could get married someday."
Georgie shot his head up, holding himself up with his hands on either side of my body. "Be quiet, Missy…Are you okay…uh Y/n?"
"Yeah…Georgie. Thanks." I sucked in a breath meeting his gaze when he shifted his gaze downward to mine.
He slowly nodded his head getting to his feet offering me a hand to help me up off the grass. "No problem. I didn’t know you knew about baseball."
"Very little honestly. My dad and I would just toss the ball around a little bit." Shrugging my shoulders I sent him a smile.
The front door opened where we turned our heads seeing Mrs. Copper waving her kids inside. "Kids dinner is ready!"
"Mom, can my new friend Y/n stay for dinner!" Missy bolted to the porch.
Mrs. Copper nodded at me. "If it's fine with her parents." She shut the front door leaving us alone.
"After you, darling." Georgie gestures his arm in front of him letting me go inside first.
I blushed lightly seeing him smile and the fact that I enjoyed the way darling sounded from his lips. "Thanks Georgie."
Someone knocked on the door where I glanced over my shoulder seeing Missy come inside the room carrying the bouquet of flowers in her hands for me. "I can't believe you're finally marrying my brother."
"What I can't believe is that you were right when we were kids that we would likely get married." I grinned taking them from her hands
The door opened again with me seeing Mary, Connie and my mother. Amy and Sheldon were watching our kids since my parents had to be in the ceremony. “Mandy just got here and everyone is getting settled in by Pastor Jeff.”
“I grabbed your boots from your apartment since you don’t like heels.” Mary held them up for me where I slipped them on, eyeing my wedding dress hanging.
Getting to my feet I took it off the hook where I slipped my shirt and shorts off and onto the floor. Shrugging the material over my head the dress fit like a glove. Running my hands down the white material I did a few spins in it looking like a princess. “Name someone else who has more than one wedding to the same person.”
“I’ll go watch the girls so Mandy can come curl your hair.” Connie hugged me and I hugged her back leaving the room. Mandy came in and it took about an hour to curl my hair and help me with my jewelry.
Most of my hair was loose down my back. But I had some strand’s laying over the front of my shoulders. I had a jewel crown on top of my head when I looked in the mirror. “There you go, now you’re a princess.” Mandy grinned with someone else knocking on the door.
“Dad, are you ready to give me away for real?” Turning around in my chair the girls left the room when he helped me down by looping my arm through his.
We began walking through the church in Medford since it had taken time before we decided to have the wedding here. Yet I would always remember our small wedding in the Cooper backyard like the back of my hand. “I love you, dad.” I mumbled when he walked me down the aisle with everyone watching us.
My eyes shifted down to the very end seeing Georgie standing there smiling like he was a child again. He left his hair a mess and he was wearing a black suit and tie. By the time we stopped at the edge of the row where my dad kissed my forehead putting my hand in Georgie’s once he offered it. “Take care of my baby girl, Cooper. I love you honey.”
Georgie and I intertwined our hands together grinning at one another. Pastor Jeff walked up sharing the same look. “Friends and family, I am blessed to be here today. To join Y/n L/n and George Cooper Jr in the bonds of marriage. Now I will let these two do their vows.”
“Georgie, I love you. I have loved you since the moment we actually had our first conversation outside on the front lawn of your house. You have always thought that you weren’t as smart as Sheldon yet you are the smartest person I know. You are kind, stubborn, loving and a perfect father to our daughters and our son.” I started off the vows squeezing his hands in mine struggling through happy tears.
He chuckled, sending me a bright smile running his thumbs over my palms. “I love you too, darling. You have always been there for me and my family through the good times and bad times. You are a great mother to our children and you have made me not feel dumb. And I am the happiest person right now getting to marry you a second time.”
The pastor came up again holding out the rings that we had taken off so we could use them during the ceremony. “With these rings they will be joined together by God forever.”
“With this ring I marry you, Y/n M/n L/n.” Georgie took his meemaw's ring, sliding it onto my left ring finger.
Taking the ring for him I slid it on his finger smiling brightly. “With this ring I marry you, George Marshall Cooper.”
Pastor Jeff took a step back declaring to the room with Sheldon and his friends all watching us with happy smiles on their faces. “I now pronounce you husband and wife ... .oh my everyone remain calm.” Everyone in the church shifted their heads to the windows hearing the loud crash of thunder and hail hitting the windows harshly.
“Georgie…” I hugged my body against his chest terrified when the wind began picking up and the power went out in the building.
He wrapped his arms around my waist calling over to our daughters who were hugged up by Penny and Leonard. “It’s okay baby. We’re gonna be okay..girls!”
Aurora and Eve rushed forward where I wrapped my arms around their tiny bodies when some people were closing the church doors as tightly as they could. “Okay everyone, we need to take shelter in the basement.” Tornadoes were common in Texas but I never thought one would come today of all days.
Everyone was doing their best to get downstairs and into the basement under the church building. It wasn’t safe to be upstairs with all the glass windows and everything else. Georgie and I were huddled in one of the corners with his family. Clutching onto his jacket with my hands tightly I whimpered into his chest. “Georgie I’m scared….”
“Sssh it’s gonna be okay. We’re all going to be fine.” He mumbled wrapping his arms around me tightly. He rested his chin on top of my head when I buried my face against his chest.
Aurora huddled up into my lap with Evelyn she whimpered. “Mommy…”
Evelyn held Montana in her arms when he started stirring in his nap. “I’m scared.” Sniffing through tears I didn’t care about my wedding dress getting ruined. I just cared about keeping my family safe from a storm like this. I was always meant to be a Cooper.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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stormkpr · 9 months
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qos4blk · 11 months
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Not only is @farmmom39 hot AF, she likes to ride black cowboys bareback and reverse. Follow her NOW!
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kkmeeluqq · 2 years
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angelbabyyys-world · 7 months
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renegadesstuff · 1 year
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1x03 -> 4x18 🤍🤍
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