#and then I've been making reading lists
paleode-ology · 7 months
spent the last solid couple of hours going through my old tumblr likes in order to have things better archived... unfortunately didn't make a note of how many I started at but it was probably in the mid 2000s and I've only cut it down to 2000 now. this is gonna take so long
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hedgehog-moss · 9 months
My top 10 nonfiction reads of 2023 (the asterisked ones are in French with no translation as of yet) :
Belle Greene, Alexandra Lapierre
The Indomitable Marie-Antoinette, Simone Bertière
Reporter: A Memoir, Seymour Hersh
Red Carpet: Hollywood, China and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy, Erich Schwartzel
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty, Patrick Keefe
Servir les riches, Alizée Delpierre*
La Comtesse Greffulhe : L’ombre des Guermantes, Laure Hillerin*
Le Courage de la nuance, Jean Birnbaum*
The Book Collectors of Daraya, Delphine Minoui
Flowers of Fire: The Inside Story of South Korea's Feminist Movement, Hawon Jung
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ranchthoughts · 9 months
thanks for the tag @distant-screaming (here)! I decided to get a little creative with it, and also customized it a bit to myself (I'm not a big soundtrack or fanfiction person).
This also functions more or less as my "First Year in BL" post - I watched my first BL in mid January 2023, made this sideblog in mid March 2023, and I haven't looked back since.
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I'm going to tag @airenyah, @chickenstrangers, @colourme-feral, @sollucets, @twig-tea, @waitmyturtles, and @williamrikers to do any version of a wrap up they please (or none at all!). I'm also curious to see other people's years summed up, so if you're reading this feel free to tag me - I haven't been on Tumblr much lately so I know I've missed things.
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ghostly-cabbage · 8 months
I have officially edited and updated my DP fic recommendation document
I've so far only used it for friends but now I'm wondering if any of you guys would be interested...
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jackyjango · 1 year
Cherik LJ recs
I realised that I forgot to post my stash of cherik LJ recs. So here they are:
Fics recced by @gerec and @eugeline earlier can be found here
I've been reading and adding these fics to my list since before the dawn of time. So the descriptions on many of the fics are somewhat wonky. Plus, you know how the kink meme works on LJ *shrugs*. So read them at your own risk.
I'll start with one of my favourites:
Desperate Measures https://temperance-k.livejournal.com/37682.html The inhabitants of Charles' estate (Charles, his conniving younger sister Raven, his adorable but mischievous adopted children, and their live-in handyman Erik) have been growing restless. To keep the children (who range in age from kindergarten to fifth or sixth grade) from destroying everything in sight, Charles comes up with a scavenger hunt of sorts. The objective? To find his "heart" (which is actually a heart-shaped photo of everyone)
1. Shelter https://niched.livejournal.com/1456.html ‎Prompt: In his attempts to help Erik let go of his anger Charles manages to break/unlock something in him and Erik takes it out on him in bed, taking him extremely roughly Erik is too rough, and Charles is too tender. They almost get it right. But the realms of each other's bodies are foreign, incomprehensibly difficult to conquer
2. Mehrdeutiges Lächeln https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/4418.html?thread=5842242#t5842242 Erik's smile frightens the children but Charles loves it
3. Silent Music a. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/6527.html?thread=10707327#t10707327 b. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/6527.html?thread=10707583#t10707583  domestic!Cherik dancing in the kitchen
4. photography http://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/3115.html?thread=3334699#t3334699 photography in bed
5. Five Packages Charles Xavier Did Not Order [and one he did] https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=4030196#t4030196 It all started, Charles thought to himself sometimes, with that damned catalogue. It arrived with the day's mail addressed to one "Anon Y. Mouse", which was such an obvious pseudonym his immediate reaction was to wonder which of the students had sent for it. After deciding that there were some things he was better off not knowing, he hastily did a mental sweep of the house to make sure there was no one heading his way and slowly began to flip through the pages.
6. Night Time Friends https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=4288294#t4288294 Erik helping Charles through his headaches
7. Cheers https://zamwessell.livejournal.com/2532.html Charles is drunk. Slightly less drunk Erik finds it oddly endearing
8. (we're) a beautiful mess https://dastardlywords.livejournal.com/925.html The longing Erik can feel coming of Charles in waves now is not charity nor friendship nor some misguided attempt to con Erik out of his ideals: it feels selfish and human and so clearly irrational that it can’t be mistaken for anything but stupid, helpless love.
9. shake it baby now (let me know you're mine) https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/3115.html?thread=4509995#t4509995 Charles makes Erik listen to pop music (especially 'Wild Thing' or 'The Twist'), and Erik is like "how is this even music, etc etc etc" but he secretly really likes it, especially when Charles tries to teach him to do the twist.
10. The Methods (are always the same) https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=384038#t384038 Charles is taken in by the government (who managed to block his abilities). He's brutally interrogated, tortured and raped until he finally breaks. Erik finds out and he's on the warpath, saving Charles and taking him to his lair to nurse him back to help and put the pieces back together.
11. Surprise! https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/4418.html?thread=6809666#t6809666 They are halfway to the bed/or any available surface, tugging at each others' clothes before they noticed the kids were in the room, hosting a surprise party for them. So much for being discreet.
12. Hush-a-bye https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/6084.html?thread=8283332#t8283332 One of the guys is shirtless and holding a baby? And the other is all, 'that is both dawww and hot'?
13. Not Wrecked with the Day's Work https://saavikam77.livejournal.com/324815.html Charles falls asleep on Erik while they're waiting for a bus on their mutant-recruiting road trip
14. The One About The Turtleneck a. https://zamwessell.livejournal.com/2910.html b. https://zamwessell.livejournal.com/3149.html c. https://zamwessell.livejournal.com/3335.html d. https://zamwessell.livejournal.com/3689.html e. https://zamwessell.livejournal.com/3892.html Charles borrows one of Erik's turtlenecks. Things quickly get out of hand
15. Be Not Ashamed https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/6527.html?thread=9819775#t9819775 Charles and Erik inadvertently.... ok probably during sex or snuggles... figure out that one of them (you pick which one, I'm not too choosy!) finds suckling the other's nipples is comforting and arousing. So they fall into a routine where (dry or wet, doesn't matter to me) nursing becomes their go to for foreplay and for soothing away fear/stress/ upset/angry feelings. But I want it to be a special thing just between them, so obviously not something the children know about; and for them to remain adults throughout (i.e. different from "adult baby")
16. Blue Sniffles https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/6527.html?thread=10166911#t10166911 Charles sneezing a lot? And Erik's just like "Are you all right?" and all bemused by it.
17. dirty morning sex https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/6527.html?thread=11974271#t11974271 18. Vanilla https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7315.html?thread=11897491#t11897491 Still sexy and affectionate but Erik's still got his business socks on and Charles is maybe thinking about what's for breakfast and they're both so comfortable with each other that they don't really mind when someone yawns in the middle or if someone gets called on for bad morning breath? 19. Charles yelling at Erik https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7315.html?thread=14084755#t14084755
20. Charles is protective of Erik https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7315.html?thread=14201491#t14201491
21. it's a disaster (but that's all right) https://freezer-penguin.livejournal.com/8256.html domestic cookery failure
22. Magneto analysing sleepy!Charles a. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7761.html?thread=15216465#t15216465%2F b. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7761.html?thread=15213393#t15213393%2F
23. Erik likes to make Charles squeal https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7761.html?thread=15539281#t15539281 Charles is naturally a very talkative person, and that dribbles over into the bed scene a bit; he whimpers, mewls, moans and groans, laughs, and makes every little sound in between. But what Erik loves the most is when he draws out Charles' undeniably, absolutely girly squeal, because he knows Charles finds it utterly embarrassing
24. Just a Star in Your Sky https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7761.html?thread=14945361#t14945361 Charles may have felt more for Erik than Erik did for him
25. Fast as I can https://neriwind.livejournal.com/546.html#cutid1 Erik can't say: I love you
26. Razor Sharp https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7761.html?thread=15779921#t15779921 Erik boxing with bloody knuckles. h/c
27. Childish Things https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/7761.html?thread=14844497#t14844497 Charles is extremely ticklish. This gives Erik ideas
28. this constant state of war https://pidgeoned.livejournal.com/11844.html#cutid1 Charles and Erik are the Odd Couple. Quasi-cracky, teeth rottingly fluffy
29. My Arms Will Hold You https://koala-ecrit.livejournal.com/26907.html Charles brings three young recruits to the mansion: Ororo, Scott, and Jean. Much to Erik's dismay and annoyance, the children - especially Ororo - take up all of Charles' time. Erik realizes, however, that he and Ororo may have more in common than what first meets the eye, and that he has hidden parenting skills that he never knew about
30. A little soft https://themadwritings.livejournal.com/44817.html Erik likes sleeping on Charles' pudgy stomach
31. Try, Try Again https://and-backagain.livejournal.com/6669.html Except that this has happened before, he thinks with a start, and something in his throat closes up as he revolves on the spot, already knowing what he's going to see. Charles' back is arching as he falls, his eyes wide, and the crumpled bullet falls to the sand beside him like a calling card. X-Men: First Class Groundhog Day!AU
32. mutant school AU https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=100390#t100390 Future AU in which Erik stays with Charles and helps him establish his school/teach new mutants.
33. I CAN NEVER TELL https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=23078#t23078 Charles still gets shot and is crying in Erik's arms- but instead of leaving, Erik realizes that being vengeful will only ever hurt the man he loves. So he stays with Charles and confesses his ~feelings~ and kisses him and takes care of him as he gets better and they're beautiful and in love.
34. Belonging a. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=258342 b. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=258598 Charles and the Children celebrate Erik's birthday
35. Response https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=560166#t560166 Charles and Erik have to attend a black tie event (to spy on an evil dude, maybe) together. Before they leave, the others mention to Charles that Erik looks dapper as fuck, and Charles is all "mhmm didn't really notice," and the others are like, "uh-huh denial is not just a river in egypt" and he's all like "wut." But Erik's tux is tailored to his body, and throughout the night, Charles is unable to resist stealing glances. Maybe they end up having sex? Maybe they end up making out in the backseat of the car like teenagers on prom night?
36. Held Taut https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=615206#t615206 Erik is bleeding out fast, but help is on the way. he just needs to stay conscious, which is getting increasingly difficult. It feels like he hasn't slept in years, if only he could close his eyes for just a few moments...luckily Charles is there with his telepathy to help him out.
37. Technicolor a. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=2301222#t2301222 b. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=2302246#t2302246 c. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=2302502#t2302502 Charles don't know the meaning of 'excess'
38. Lemon Twist https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/806.html?thread=386598#t386598 Charles is the one with the nightmares, and Erik has to bring him out and comfort him. Maybe when he sleeps, Charles can tap into random minds. Or maybe he just remembers people he's touched.
39. Molten https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=3559156#t3559156 Metal Sex Toys
40. Scarred a. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=1129972#t1129972 b. https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=1133044#t1133044 Charles wonders about Erik's scars
41. coming back for even more of exactly the same https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=1115380#t1115380 Chess turns into something more
42. wait to watch the fire https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=1315060#t1315060 something tear-inducing and horribly tragic. Maybe they only realise their feelings for each other just before Erik's changing of sides?
43. Five Times Charles Taught the Younger Mutants An Important Lesson/One Time They Taught Him One https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=1207796#t1207796
44. Overload https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=2603252#t2603252 Sex and Telepathy
45. Language Kink https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=2515700#t2515700 Charles gets turned on when Erik talks to him dirty in the many languages he knows
46. speed-dating https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=9705716#t9705716 Charles and run a speed-dating service, and Charles participated
47. Entangled https://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/2292.html?thread=1565428#t1565428 It's ridiculously hot and humid where I am and I just have this image of Erik and Charles tangled together in bedsheets, sticky and hot but unwilling to separate because they want/need to be close.
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deadpresidents · 5 months
What books have you been reading since your last update?
I don't remember what I shared with my last update, so apologies if I repeat anything, but these are some of the books I've read over the past couple months:
•An Unfinished Love Story: A Personal History of the 1960s by Doris Kearns Goodwin (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) I'm actually still reading this new book by the legendary Doris Kearns Goodwin, so I still have a couple of chapters to go, but I can definitely recommend it. This is undoubtedly the most personal book that DKG has ever written, and it's a fascinating story.
•Charging a Tyrant: The Arraignment of Saddam Hussein by Greg Slavonic (BOOK | KINDLE)
•Life: My Story Through History by Pope Francis with Fabio Marchese Ragona (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•George VI and Elizabeth: The Marriage That Saved the Monarchy by Sally Bedell Smith (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Byron: A Life in Ten Letters by Andrew Stauffer (BOOK | KINDLE)
•The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat by Ryszard Kapuscinski
•Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism by Jeffrey Toobin (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•The Making of a Leader: The Formative Years of George C. Marshall by Josiah Bunting III (BOOK | KINDLE)
•The Year of the Three Kaisers: Bismarck and the German Succession, 1887-88 by J. Alden Nichols
•God Is Ever New: Meditations on Life, Love, and Freedom by Pope Benedict XVI (BOOK | KINDLE)
•Paul VI: The Divided Pope by Yves Chiron (BOOK | KINDLE)
•Buffalo Bill and the Mormons by Brent M. Rogers (BOOK | KINDLE)
•The Great Abolitionist: Charles Sumner and the Fight for a More Perfect Union by Stephen Puleo (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Macho Man: The Untamed, Unbelievable Life of Randy Savage by Jon Finkel (BOOK | KINDLE)
•Business Is About to Pick Up!: 50 Years of Wrestling in 50 Unforgettable Calls by Jim Ross with Paul O'Brien (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
•Zanzibar Was a Country: Exile and Citizenship Between East Africa and the Gulf by Nathaniel Mathews (BOOK | KINDLE)
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fictionadventurer · 19 days
Potential September Reading
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (ideally in audio)
An English Squire by Christabel R. Coleridge
A Sherlock Holmes story (and/or a screen adaptation)
C.S. Lewis nonfiction
A sensation or mystery novel
A piece of one of the Psmith stories
Some kind of nonfiction book
#monthly reading lists#books#a nicely restrained list#mostly made up of my strong september associations#of course it's psmith pseptember so i must read at least a chapter or two#(i know too well that i don't have the discipline to expect more but i would like a taste)#sherlock holmes audiobooks made great commute reading during several septembers and now it's a vital part of the season#(i'll prob only read one or two short stories rather than try for a whole volume)#i've vaguely been feeling i'm due for a hobbit reread for a few months#but now it hit me strongly that i must read it in audio#(if i can't find a good audio version i'll have to skip that item)#i read 'surprised by joy' one september while my sister was in ireland and i was missing it#and now it feels right especially because there's an oxford academia vibe that's great for back-to-school#i want to read some kind of female-written mystery#but yet to decide if i want victorian sensation novel or agatha christie#or if i'll just try a vaguely gothic christian novel#an english squire gets on the list thanks to thatscarletflycatcher and it just feels right to have that be my next obscure classic#i wanted something for back-to-school but i didn't know if i wanted a non-psmith school story or what#so i just went with nonfiction because it's about me learning new things#also several things that didn't make the list but may be read#i was very close to putting the tenant of wildfell hall on the list#but i don't want the pressure#if i do read it it needs to be something i'm not required to do#i will probably try to finish chesterton's 'varied types'#and prob read more emma m lion#and maybe pride and prejudice on audio?
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neversetyoufree · 11 months
I saw that you said you don’t read much VNC fanfiction, but of what you have read, do you have any recs?
In general, anything by fl4nel is probably an absolute banger imo. I have three (3) user subscriptions on Ao3, and they're one of them. Blood and Thunder is a fandom classic if you want a starting point, but their less popular fics are just as good. Their writing style is absolutely gorgeous, and they nail the sort of tension that good canonverse vanoé fic requires.
I'm also fond of fortuna, choosing sides by leovenus and you're the one (i think i'll regret this) by coffeebiscuits.
It's probably becoming clear by now that my favorite genre of vnc fic is more or less canon compliant oneshots in which vanoé pine and yearn and want each other without ever fully acting on that tension. Unfulfilled yearning that you can't voice would be Vanitas's middle name if he had one. And anyway, both of the above fics do that specific thing very well. There's a certain similar mood that they both capture.
To be entirely honest, beyond that, the vnc fic I read/reread most often is my own An Act of Trust. Might be mildly tacky to self-promo on a rec list, but I unabashedly love that fic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think it's pretty solid, and if you want a taste of what I like in vnc fic, it's incredibly self indulgent in that regard.
For the rest of y'all, feel free to drop your own recs in the replies. Esp if y'all have recommendations for any good Domi and/or Jeanne centric stuff.
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theyoungeragrippina · 10 months
💫 5 gentlebeard fic recs
to see if we have similar taste or find more to read, you can access 15 more recs here, or my current master recommendations list as an ao3 collection.
all the works on this particular post:
are longer-form (40k+)
have no steddyhands (simply not my thing)
are generally, all around brilliant (well-written, had me kicking my feet and giggling, laughing, or crying)
are complete!
enjoy <3 !!!
The Angriest Chicken In The Apothecary by @ignisentis
49k, explicit
"Stede's a lonely apothecary owner looking for love. Ed's a jaded potions master looking for his place in the world. This is how they find what they're looking for in each other."
so funny & creative & witty. i would actually die for stede's chicken familiar clemmy. clemmy stan club for life. i love her. this is SOOO good.
The Curse of Blackbeard's Sword by @dimplyowl
69k, explicit
"Stede is beside himself when he's hired to acquire and restore the infamous sword of Blackbeard, the scourge of the Caribbean and Stede's childhood obsession. He didn't expect that the sword would come with the ghost of Blackbeard attached, for Blackbeard to be so interested in him, nor for his simple offer to help Blackbeard's soul move on open the gates to a relationship right out of his deepest fantasies."
a super fun magical realism quest/romp/rom-com. also i LOVE witch frenchie and stede's cat and poor third-wheeling lucius.
Hold Fast by @cuddlytogas
304k, explicit (all the sex scenes except the last one are pretty easy to skip, but definitely still worth reading without it. pls feel free to message me if you want pointers on where to read around in the last bit and i can summarise/signpost for u!!)
"Stede Bonnet is free at last, and on his way back to his love. As "Captain Thomas Edwards", he'll learn a lot about sailing and emotional availability, and perhaps even make a name for himself as the man either brave or foolish enough to hunt the legendary Blackbeard. But rumour has it that Blackbeard may be the opposite of welcoming, if and when he ever catches up..."
this is so long and so well characterised that it felt like an alternate canon continuation to the show. every time i came back to it it was like sinking into a warm and comfortable and familiar bed <3 so easy and emotional and incredible and SO well written.
Liquid Gold by @perkynurples
79k, mature
"Stede Bonnet, recently divorced, returns to the town he once knew with a plan. He's got the house, he's got the bees, and he's going to be(e) happy if it's the last thing he does. (Stede is, as it turns out, a bit miserable no matter how hard he tries.) Ed Teach has been keeping all of his various demos at bay more or less successfully for years now. He's known as THE beekeeper in town, always meticulous, always gentle, never too bothered with rules, expectations, or protective gear for that matter. (Ed is also, no matter how hard he tries, a bit bored at this point.)"
ed and stede are so well characterised, heaps of cat and bee and flower rep, fantastic sassy and nosy lucius. just a fun and funky and good time! (also contains my personal no. one favourite piece of fanart ever).
To Stede, This Morning by keriiiocabinet
71k, mature (nothing sexually explicit!)
"In July of 2003, music journalist Lucius Spriggs travels to Valle Crucis, North Carolina to secure the interview of a lifetime: a candid, one-on-one conversation with with the elusive country music legend Edward Teach. He expects the basics - talking to the infamous Man in Black about what the industry was like at his prime, the potential to unlock an exclusive confession or two, if he was lucky. But the story Lucius gets from Ed starts in the spring of 1963, when Ed Teach met Stede Bonnet. A story of chances taken, D-I-V-O-R-C-E, nudie suits, and an unconditional love spanning across forty years."
this is one of THE best pieces of fiction i've ever read, but also i am genuinely weeping. it is 9:30 on a thursday morning and tears are streaming down my face. unbelievably bittersweet.
let me know if there's any works you've loved or written that i've missed!
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mettywiththenotes · 16 hours
Hawks and Toga confrontation fic!!
Heed the tags!
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bigbrainbiology · 5 months
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I'm still alive guys work is just ✨busy✨
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crimeronan · 4 months
oh the other influencing factor in that book poll is that i've read almost 100% of the listed trashy teen paranormal romance & teen dystopian romance titles. yes even the ones that suck. yes even those ones. i was non-discriminating as a teenager and i know what i like (drama and garbage).
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malboraslihan · 11 months
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hello friends <3 it's been a while since i posted a plotting call / interest post so i finally sat down today and wrote (more like assembled) plots / threads ideas i've been wanting to do. if you're interested in any of those LIKE THIS POST and i'll send you a message. just an important observation: we don't need to actually plot out most of these (some require working out details but that's it), if you want to write that plot with me just tell me which one and which muse you're interested and i'll write you a starter! so yeah basically, if you like any of those: * like the post * tell me which plot and which muse you want me to use (or which muse you think would work from your end so i can figure out who to use!) * i'll write you that starter
some need to knows... ig?
please do not worry about "making it fair" or anything like that, most of these plots are for my males and they're actual muses i want to develop so don't feel pressured to only choose one or all that.
on that same note, do not ask for a plot with one my girls just because you want one from my men. i honestly prepfer you pick plots you actually want to do instead of doubling threads and shit like that.
i'm open to plotting! but if we're gonna do it, i'd prefer we do it on discord cause the tumblr ims are always glitching to me and i keep losing tracks of things. so, if you wanna talk about things AND I'D LOVE TO, just lmk and i'll message you / give you my discord as well. (also, if we rp on discord and you wanna write some of these there, i'm obvs open<3)
these plots do not all need to be f/m ! i'm very open to make most of them f/f and while i'm a little more selective with who i write m/m plots, i'm willing to work things out if you have an idea :)
the bianchi reign
you're dating the mob boss / you're his sister / daughter and i'm his second in command but i can't stay away from you and you quickly realize it and we're flirting but if anyone finds out i'm dead
i'm infiltrating your gang to try and destroy it but we started sleeping together and it turns out there's feelings now but i just got an order to murder / kidnap you so now what
we were never close, i always thought you were annoying and now you fucked up big time on a mission and my father who's your boss wants to kill you but i marry you to stop him (insp)
i faked my own death to protect you/stop people from killing me/save our people and now three years later i send you a text asking you to meet me and at first you think it's a joke but then you come anyway and hi i'm alive (for noah!!!)
“we got framed for a crime we didn’t commit so now we’re on the run and having to kill and steal to survive and avoid arrest and now we really are dangerous criminals” au (maybe the crime was actually a fuck up inside the gang so now they're wanted <3) (for lorenzo or hazel)
the hawthorne family
you're dating my brother but he's constantly leaving you alone during events or even family trips to kiss my dad's ass and try to maintain his job so i keep you company until we're both drunk one night and i let it slip that i would love to kiss you
a plot where he’s a little too old for her but she doesn’t care. he thinks she’s immature and too reckless with her behavior. but she’s hellbent on proving him otherwise. so she applies for the position of his new personal assistant and he can’t help but appreciate her determination. of course he hires her but he does nothing short of giving her a hard time because this is her first job and she has no idea what she’s doing. but crap he finds her crying in the bathroom and his first instinct is to hold her and comfort her. he can’t believe he’s the cause of this and wises up fast. also maybe it has to do with his now urge to protect her. (for arthur)
not another rockstar by maisie peters.. just that toxic good old fangirl x stupid rockstar dynamic (for jean/hunter)
“you read one of my thirst tweets on a talk show and now my thirst is a minor internet sensation, so thanks for that” au (for hunter, jean)
‘we had a one night stand a couple of weekends ago and i really didn’t think i’d ever see you again but wow, now i’m sitting in your office interviewing for a job but all i can think about is the incredible s3x we had’ (for adam or arthur)
rich kids
a poly relationship, could someone who is just as rich as them or someone who isn't and they're spoiling the fuck out of them... someone who worked for one of them before or a friend idk (mostly for gigi, hunter and sara) (insp)
since i’m on a sugar baby phase imagine a plot where a college student is absolutely pampered by annoymous guy. all he asks in return is to be remained mysterious, occasion nudes, and all the attention he craves. she’s all too willing to give it for the pretty penny he’s offering. but her birthday comes around and he surprises her with a trip to see her favorite singer / actor with vip access / meet & oh hold a second, how does he know my name ? (for jean or hunter / hae park (nicha yontararak fc) / angel)
someone give me a thread where this rich dude falls for the normal down to earth girl nd introduces her to his world full of private jets nd yachts nd all that stuff and yES PLEASE
we're fighting in different sides of a war and when we meet during a negotiation we find out we're mated
stuck in a mission together and we've always hated each other but then it's freezing cold and we have only one bed in this shitty cabin we're staying for the night so we should cuddle
you are supposed to get married to make peace between our countries/courts but we hate each other and we're constantly bickering and fighting and i think you might have actually tried to kill me once or twice (insp)
harbor springs
a plot based on ‘tis the damn season…. small town, childhood friends, one stayed put and the other moved away for college… now comes back for the holidays ten years later… pls
based on stick season by noah kahan: we were best friend since day one, dated during high school and broke up because you left for college / pursue your dreams and i stayed behind but one day i get a notification from you that you liked a photo or you shared a by pic and i liked and we just go back to talking and we're getting close again until you invite me to spend summer with you wherever you are and i actually been saving up money to leave town so i go and when i see you again i know i'm definitely still in love with you (for videl, keegan, ivy, patrick, angel, rani)
sports themed
(the nationals + tobias + gregory)
based on the trade by ki stephens: the hockey team has a tradition of trading dates during the end of season dinner and i invite you and make my best friend invite your roommate cause i wanna get with her but we actually start getting close and i fall in love with you but at the night of the dinner one of the guy spills everything (for benny or gael)
based on the deal by elle kennedy: i'll pretend i'm your boyfriend if you agree to tutor me and of course we fall in love (for benny, keegan or dane)
based on icebreaker by hannah grace: you hate hockey players and you say that to my face after i make a move on you so now i have to prove you wrong (bonus points if she's a figure skater and he has to help her after her partner bails or smt) (bonus points if they share the same rink so they're always bickering about late practices and shit) (for benny, keegan or gael)
he left his hometown to play professional and ended up breaking up with high school sweetheart because the distance and the busy schedule was just too much but a few years later he's won the superbowl and he's miserable and he meets her at some random party in his new town and wait she's engaged to someone else (for tobias, greg, benny, keegan)
plot where muse a is a star athlete on a professional team, and they go to a bar/pub after a great victory, where they meet muse b - a very attractive, bitter stranger wearing a fan jersey from the rival team.
 a frat boy who’s like every normal frat boy. he drinks too much, he parties, and he sleeps with random girls but everything changes when he’s around the girl from back home. the girl that really matters to him. he doesn’t want to admit that he likes her a lot but, that’s what it comes down to when one of the guys in his frat house wants to hook up with her and she’s perfectly willing. (for benny or keegan)
horror plots
some spooky muses i made <3
muse a and muse b get stranded on a roadtrip and are offered a place to stay by a friendly looking local, only to find out they’re a serial killer looking to make them their next two victims. ( + bonus points if they’re exes who literally just broke up minutes before their car broke down??? the drama )
based on x, we're renting a farm house to film a college project / independent horror film / porn and one of our friends disappears on the first day and then our car disappears and now we don't know what to do cause there's no one around and the nearest stop was a forty minutes car drive away
i made you join a cult with me (recruited you / joined with you / made you join whatever) but now shit is happening and you're miserable and i can't bear to see you like this cause i actually grew too fond of you so i don't know what to do but i keep protecting you a little too much and people are going to realize at some point (for ubon or milo)
popular girl x her best friend.. bonus points if the popular girl has a boyfriend or is constantly hooking up with different people (for ivy, giovana, madeline, rani)
church girl + unholy bf (for rani) and the opposite church boy + unholy gf (for jacob, videl)
lacy by olivia rodrigo: you're dating my ex boyfriend but i'm actually obsessed with you and not really sorry that i lost him. (bonus points if they're in the same friend group) (for giovana, madeline, anastasia, grace, hazal, saja)
i really want a plot based two weeks ago by maisie peters.. the whole vibe of being in love with someone and have it finally happen before they need to get on a plane and go somewhere else? really want to explore the long distance relationship situation with all the jealousy and missed calls, timezones that don’t match (for literally anyone.. but some that i could see this working with are: jacob, videl, benny thompson, gigi, rani, ivy, pinar)
i'm pretty sure my husband/boyfriend is cheating on me so i go out to do the same but i can't just sleep with a random but then i meet you, my long time friend and we end up talking and laughing until i kiss you and we hook up but now i'm trying to work things out with my husband/boyfriend but i can't stop thinking about you (insp) (for anastasia, fatma, grace, nari / arthur, finnley, keegan, tobias)
“your ex hired me to make you fall in love with me then break your heart but oops i think i fell in love and now i’m conflicted what the fuck is happening i’m supposed to hurt you ow what am i sUPPOSED TO DO” (for gigi, gael, theo hughes (kaden h fc))
he fucked up big time but he never forgot about her and was constantly trying to fix their relationship until at some point he gives up and that's when she finally texts back / shows up at his door (for jacob, patrick, videl, arthur / hazal, verda) insp
a nice, shy, nerdy boy who literally no one pays attention to asks the popular, outgoing, ray of sunshine out and she was so confused and didn’t think he meant it at first but she agrees anyway because she doesn’t want him to feel bad because she sees that he really tried so hard to ask her out? and maybe it didn’t work out so well at first but he tries again anyway? it doesn’t work a few times because of her schedule but he’s really sweet so she agrees to another more because it wouldn’t hurt and by the end of the date he works up the courage to ask if he could kiss her and she reluctantly says okay - and completely underestimates him but holy shit that wasn’t a chaste kiss? and before she knows it her clothes are on the floor and he’s fucking her like a whore but she’s so intO IT? (for sebastian aka my luke hemmings fc muse)
accidentally swapped phones with someone at a party and don’t realize until their mom calls in the morning and you spend like three hours talking to this hilarious woman about life and when you go to her house to return her kid’s phone wow the kid is the really good kisser from the party last night au (for maddie, videl, benny, aurora, tobias)
we dated in high school, i wrote a book about you five years later and now you’re at a fan event asking for an autograph.. (for the writer: maddie / for the ex: benny, benny hawthorne, tobias, videl)
“i’ve lost my memory and idk who you are but i just have this feeling that i’m supposed to trust you” (for arthur, videl, jacob)
“i’m in love with you and i just watched you get proposed to by your boyfriend right before my eyes and now i’m upset”  (for jacob, patrick, keegan)
before trilogy inspired: we were the only ones waiting for a train but it was delayed for twelve hours / our next flight connection is not until tomorrow and we just decide to walk around the city and we end up kissing, i like you too much and i don't wanna lose this but it's time to go and we make a pact to come back here next month but we never actually do for different reasons and then 3/5/10 years later we meet again somewhere else.. (for ivy, rani, hunter or saja)
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sysig · 1 month
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Hazel boys ♥ (Patreon)
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
kiryu you were not about to write that on your bucket list you lying faker you gay ass homosexual man
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luxe-pauvre · 2 years
BEST OF 2022
Incarnadine, the Bloody Red of Fashionable Cosmetics and Shakespearean Poetics
Psychology, Misinformation, and the Public Square
Everyone Is Beautiful and No One Is Horny
Actually, Let’s Not Be in the Moment
Do Brain Implants Change Your Identity?
Adam Savage on Lists, More Lists, and the Power of Checkboxes
Our Pseudonymous Selves
The skincare con
consistency is proficiency
Hundreds of Ways to Get S#!+ Done - and We Still Don’t
The digital death of collecting
The Mundanity of Excellence
Icons: Eli Keszler in Conversation with Adam Curtis
modern malaise
The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari
Is There Such A Thing As Good Taste?
The Odor of Things
What It Takes To Put Our Phone Away
Personal Style Is Dead And The Algorithm Killed It
The Philosopher of Feelings
Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit
Expert by Roger Kneebone
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe
The Act of Living by Frank Tallis
Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett
The Joy of Science by Jim Al-Khalili
The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good? by Michael J. Sandel
Sedated: How Modern Capitalism Created Our Mental Health Crisis by James Davies
Literary Rendezvous at Rue Cambon: Girl.
In the library of Charlotte Casiraghi
Brave New World vs Nineteen Eighty-Four featuring Adam Gopnik and Will Self
Peaky Blinders (S6)
Killing Eve (S4)
The Decade the Rich Won
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Listened To:
Alt J’s The Dream
Beyonce’s Renaissance
Went To:
Swan Lake @ Royal Opera House
Fabergé in London: Romance to Revolution @ the V&A
Ancient Greeks: Science and Wisdom @ the Science Museum
Vision & Virtuosity by Tiffany & Co. @ Saatchi Gallery
Henry Marsh in conversation with Will Self
Feminine power: the divine to the demonic @ The British Museum
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