#and then imma focus all my attention of my fan game
5h0w1sh · 5 months
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Shadow bites the curb 4k HD
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vigilantaes · 2 years
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name:   andy
pronouns:  she / he / they. whatever vibes i give u
preference  of  communication:  discord but i'm slow and busy to reply LOL my bad. its the adhd
name  of  most  active muse(s):   cass! im probably moving my wonder woman to a sideblog here tho cuz i miss her. also looking into another character to go w/ scoob's sandra... stay tuned.
experience/how  long  (months/years?):  like my whole ass life.... i think i literally started rping on wizard101. tumblr wise tho i belieevveee 2015ish? give or take
platforms  you’ve  used:  besdies online mmo games, i started more serious literary rp on devi.antart. got on tumblr a few years later and thats my fave to this day. not a fan of discord rp
best  experience:  man there were so many... obligatory best experience being meeting my fiance on here or whatever. imma be honest i wouldnt have mentioned this if kat didnt also almost forget and put it on her's GEHSUIEGSJKHDG but my best muses were probably when me and her were writing shin.obu and ka.nae from demon slayer. still am obsessed w/ those portrayals. probably my peak. had an insanely popular tsu.yu from b.nha blog that was also a fun time mostly
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers:  uhhh don't treat our rp stuff like we're in a dedicated 8 year long relationship or something because i do not take this website seriously whatsoever. also dupes who take out their dupe anxiety on/around me is the worst thing ever... especially bc i love dupes so so bad but ive had a long string of them starting shit w/ my friends just cuz they were jealous of something. we're alll just a bunch of nerds writing collaborative fanfiction its not that deep.
fluff,  angst,  or  smut:  i like all three! preference for fluff and angst but i'll plot out smut. never really wrote much of it myself but i'm open to that depending on the occasion. if i had to choose one i guess angst cuz im the best at writing that but i get bored of just one thing all the time.
plots  or  memes:  memes because my attention span is garbage and im sadly too busy to full on plot with people. i do loooovee plots but its also kinda difficult since it has a lot to do with if you and the other person vibe or not u_u would love to plot more tho
long  or  short  replies: i'll be honest. i love long so bad but it takes forever to write so i prefer like 70% short stuff and 30% long stuff. i don't like dialogue for more than goofing around. short for me is like 2-4 paragraphs and long is 5+, for reference.
best  time  to  write:  when my mentally ill brain allows me to focus/fixate long enough to do so AND im not being bombarded w/ ppl needing my help or job stuff. the woes of being a techy...
are  you  like  your  muse(s): in a few ways (like aesthetic) but not really, i've had other characters that i act way more like in the past. love her so bad tho she's definitely one of my fave character types to write even if i dont act much ilke her
tagged by @leopardblow ♥ ♥ ♥ tagging whoever hasn't done it! idk i haven't been on LOL
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auramindedd · 4 years
Fixed? Never - SMAU*
Part 3
CorpseHusband x FemReader
Warnings: cussing
A/N: again, any posts with a “ * ” attached to “smau” has writing in it. imma focus A LOT more on just the social media n message perspective, but y/n n corpse meet in this part soooo i had to add some writing :) something else b4 i forget; i’m updating my masterlist and changing it into a directory post that way you guys can also request through a google form! i’ll have requests open at all times unless i get too stressed out or if they overfill. due to me changing my masterlist, there’s gonna be about 6 posts i think. also,, thank you guys so much for 600 followers! i’ve been hitting a bunch of milestones and haven’t been remembering to say thank you, but just know that i appreciate every single one of you... also i love reading y’all’s comments 😭
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You make sure you’re set up before 6 PM, which was probably a mistake. You can’t sit still, you’re starting to get nervous, and you kind of just want to run away to McDonald’s.
Sure, you know Ludwig, Dream, and Rae, but it feels like you’re at school all over again. That anxious feeling of having to be with people while your best friends aren’t around.
You’re leg is bouncing, your nails are tapping on your desk, and you can’t stop running your hand through your hair. It probably looks like a fucking bird nest by now.
You start streaming, deciding that maybe talking to your supporters will make things a bit better.
“Hey, loves,” You greet in a not so Y/N-fashioned way. Of course, the chat catches on, and you’re being called out for it. You can’t help but giggle at the fact that your supporters know how you usually are.
@user: What happened to, “Hey, bitches!”
@user: Ou, someone is nervous.
Yeah, they obviously know you very well.
“Alright, let’s start over.” You clear your throat for dramatic effect because, well, when are you not dramatic? “Hey, bitches!” Yup, even you know that just feels right.
After a while of talking to your supporters, Rae sends you the Discord invite and the Among Us code. You join, feeling your nerves start to come back.
“Y/N!” Rae exclaims in excitement when she sees you’ve joined the Among Us lobby.
“Hi,” You say, shyness lacing your voice.
“Oh my God! The cutest voice.” Jack says. Wow, what a compliment coming from the Jack_Septic_Eye.
You take time to introduce yourself to everyone, trying to calm your nerves.
“Are we gonna start?” Ludwig’s impatient ass asks.
“We’re waiting for Corpse.” Rae explains.
Shit, another person you have to introduce yourself to?
“Hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno greets quickly, very obviously racing to be the first to say hi to Corpse.
“Hey, Sykkuno,” Corpse chuckles, and woah, the last thing you expected. You can’t help but be surprised, and you know it’s showing on your face. Why? Because your supporters are teasing you in the chat.
“Corpse,” Rae says in a sing-songy tone. “This is Y/N.” And your heart drops to your fucking stomach. Every single time it happens when you have to meet someone, but now your heart is beating even faster because you’re obviously the only one who hasn’t met Corpse. They’re all expecting a reaction out of you...
“Hey, Y/N.” His deep, husky voice says. You can hear the smile in his voice and it helps ease your nerves.
“Hi,” You greet, shyness still lacing your voice.
Corpse chuckles, “So cute.” Now you’re blushing. Great...
Rae starts the game, saving you before the others can start teasing you.
You’ve only played Among Us once, in a public server with Dream, George, Karl, and Alex, and then you got bullied for not knowing what the fuck to do.
To say the least, you’re pretty glad to be Crewmate and not Impostor.
“Y/N!” Jack shouts, walking up to you. You slightly jump, forgetting they’re playing with Proximity Chat.
“Jack!” You shout back, letting his astronaut catch up to you.
“We were expecting a reaction.” He says, and of course they were.
“Uh, yeah, I don’t know. I feel like he hears it a lot, don’t want to add on to the list of Things People Say To Him Everyday.”
“Yeah, he’s probably very grateful for that.”
“Grateful for what?” Charlie walks up to you two.
“Nothing,” Jack drawls. You’ve just met Charlie, but you know that he’d tease both you and Corpse about one another’s voices.
“Oh, I know!” Charlie exclaims, but before he can say what he knows-
“Okayyy! That’s enough interaction with Charlie for today.” Jack says, and you take that as a, ‘Walk the fuck away now, Y/N!’
You walk around, trying your best to finish tasks, but when it comes to the card swipe in Admin, you want to quit life as a whole.
“Ugh, I fucking quit.” You groan, slamming your hands on your desk. A deep, rumbling chuckle comes through on your headphones.
“Having trouble?” Corpse teases.
“Yeah. I wanna rip every strand of my fucking hair out.”
“Swipe it slower.” And with that, you try again. Voila! Just like magic.
“Well if I would’ve fucking known.” You groan, Corpse chuckling.
“Here, I can help you with the game.”
“Yes, please, I don’t know shit about it.”
“You know, you cuss a lot for having such a sweet, innocent, and cute voice.” Corpse laughs.
“Yeah,” You drawl. “I know, bad fucking habit.” You slap your hand over your mouth. How does someone cuss in every sentence? Get a filter, damn.
Corpse walks around with you as you both finish tasks, explaining how the game works, and giving you tips for when you do end up being an Impostor.
Honestly, you could listen to his voice all day. He’s also really sweet.
“What are you two up to?” Brooke asks, doing tasks in Electrical with you two. Corpse told you to make sure you’re always aware of your surroundings when you’re in Electrical. So, naturally, you’re freaking out, but silently and internally.
“Brooke,” Corpse warns. He doesn’t even have time to finish his warning. Brooke kills him, his body flopping over, the one bone sticking out from the top of his body. Your mouth falls open.
“Hey, Y/N. Let’s be besties!” You don’t know what to do, but ay, #girlsupportinggirls, right? So, you walk with her. She helps you along the way, also telling you tips on the game, explaining how everything works. Then, after about a minute, a whole 60 seconds, Corpse’s body is reported.
“Why Corpse? Such an innocent man with a beautiful voice.” Lud fake cries.
“Get over it,” Brooke says.
“It’s Brooke! Brooke’s an Impostor!” Lud shouts.
“What? No! I was with Y/N for a lot of this round.” Brooke defends herself, and oh fuck, who the fuck do you defend? You’ve just met both of them, one of them will possibly hate you forever.
“Y/N?” Sykkuno grabs your attention, snapping you out of your thinking.
“Yeah, she was. She wouldn’t have had time to kill Corpse. Where was the body?” Well, there you go, potentially ruining yours and Corpse’s blooming friendship. Sad Girl Hour, type beat.
“In Electrical,” Charlie says.
“Yeah, no way she would’ve had to time to kill him.”
Nobody’s voted out. Brooke hasn’t even told you who the second Impostor is so, you don’t know if you should stay with her or not.
As you and Brooke are walking around, or skipping as she sees it, and holding hands, Dream pops out of a vent. Well, there’s Imposter two.
“Woah! Dream, way to out yourself out.” You tease, throwing your head back and laughing.
“Please, you’ve been with Brooke the whole time. Don’t say anything.” Dream begs, making you and Brooke giggle.
“I won’t, I won’t.”
“Thank you,” He starts walking away from you guys, but not without finishing his sentence that you thought was already finished. “Cutie.” And there, finished.
Fucking finished! Tweedle-dee, tweedle dum! Whoopty-fucking-do! Fan-fucking-tastic! A-fucking-mazing!
And of course you’re blushing for the whole 80,000+ people watching to tease you about.
“Oh my God!” Brooke squeals. “What was that?!”
“I’ll explain later,”
“Y/N, how could you?” Corpse says, offended.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know what to do.”
“She’s my enemy, Y/N. We were supposed to stick together. I told you some tips and tricks, explained how to be a badass Impostor, everything!” Wow, he’s a good fucking actor.
“I can very well do the same thing, bitch.” Brooke spits, all in a playful manner - you hope...
“Not better than me, bitch.” Corpse retorts, his astronaut getting closer.
With Corpse.
Your enemy. Or as he put it, “Enemy who he can maybe, and most likely, will become friends with in the near future.”
“Follow,” He says, and even though he’s your enemy, you do.
“I gotta do my own thing.”
“You don’t know how to do shit.” Corpse scoffs.
“Okay then, what the fuck are we gonna do?”
“Double kills, all the way, but only when we meet up with each other. So, right now, we’ll both go our own ways, but when we see each other again, we’ll walk to a pair and do a double kill if we can.” Corpse explains.
“Brooke told me not to do double kills often. It won’t help get through a game.”
Corpse snorts, “Brooke doesn’t know dog shit about this game.”
“Fine,” You groan, going along with it only because you don’t know dog shit about the game either.
As Corpse explained, you two do double kills every time you meet up. You two managed to get double kills where people rarely go - Shields, Comms, and the top of Cafeteria.
After killing Rae and Sykkuno, the game ends. You made sure to leave Brooke and Dream alive.
“Period, we did that!” You exclaim, everyone else groaning and complaining about how you two should never be an Impostor duo again. “But I still fucking hate you because you hate me!”
“Exactly!” Corpse retorts in the same tone as you.
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g-on-ef · 3 years
Hey I was wondering if you're still a fan of Helluva Boss and what you thought of the latest episode?
@megashadowdragon asked: have you watched helluva boss episode 6 which came out today ( if you were unaware) what are your thoughts
It warms my heart to know you guys ask for my opinion ^^ now let's get down to business
To answer both questions yes I still watch Helluva Boss however after their latest episode I think I will just stick to writing fanfiction about Blitz and Striker as well as stick to whatever content the fandom creates.
This episode if Imma be honest with you guys was not worth the wait, hell I was literally tempted to leave the episode as it just didn’t have my attention as the others.
The episode had some decent moments where I was chuckling a little but other than that I wasn’t that into it, to be honest the bad out weigh the good. 
Also I wanna add that a while ago I wrote how Vivzipop and her crew did not know how to handle complex characters or complex scenes and I was right, this show and their crew do not know how to handle mature topics without reducing them into a joke but we are getting ahead of ourselves so let’s start with the pros, the cons, and everything in between.
Let’s start of with the pros,
Loona knowing when Blitz was being serious was a nice touch, it showed that even if Loona acts like she doesn’t care about Blitz she actually pays attention to him and knows when he is being serious and when he is joking around.
Moxxie was the true MVP his interaction with the agents had me smiling as well enjoying his moments.
Blitz protecting Moxxie
STRIKER !!!! I am a simp for this imp and I’ll take whatever crumbs I can get to see him ^^
Verosika, Fitzorallia, love them, love them 
And that’s it...to be honest that’s it...like other than that that’s basically all that I like from that episode...
Now let’s get into the rest of this episode...
Okay was anyone other than me confused as to why they decided now was a good time to introduce the agents so late in the game?
Like at this point I am convinced that Vivizie and her crew are just winging it.
The agents were literally thrown in the show and it felt outta the blue, like I said it feels like Vivizie and her crew don’t know what they are doing and are just throwing things together like they could’ve given us hints that the agents were watching them, or give us a hint that they were being spied on, it didn’t even have to be big it could have just been small.
An example would be from my favorite book series Cirque Du Freak, in the first book Mr. Crepsely (a main character in the book) mentions something small that will become huge in later books, it was small but allowed the reader to be curious it gave the reader that something big was coming and we should be prepared.
Like I said it was a small hint but I left me curious and wanting to read more to find out more about what is going on.
Helluva boss didn’t do that it just threw this new idea and new characters without giving the others to grow.
If they gave us a hint that they were being watched it wouldn’t have felt like that idea came outta nowhere.
Also was I the only one that was uncomfortable with the way Blitz kept making jokes about the agent’s dead mom? I’m sorry but that was just wrong on soooo many levels.
Also with the truth serum thing...why did they use it if they weren’t even gonna get answers like again this came outta nowhere because the truth serum was supposed to make them speak the truth not look like they were tripping on acid. On less I missed something please let me now if I did.
Also to be honest the whole confession thing was once again treated like a joke, especially when Blitz asked Moxxie why he let Millie peg him, ummm...an emotional scene like that shouldn’t have jokes of any kind surrounding it, especially when it was supposed to be a heartfull moment.
Now Blitz ... okay Blitz and his vision was a little decent but I also didn’t like it.  A lot of people had their speculation especially with the Stolas scene but the more I look at it the more I see it as a bittersweet moment.
Revealing that he was afraid of intamacy wasn’t that big of a surprised since we already knew that like it was nice for conformation.
Okay now onto the Sto*itz moment in the song ... like I said this was bittersweet moment,
People interpet the scene as how Blitz is afraid to love Stolas others saw it as Blitz was still chained to Stolas and would only be free if he and Stolas talk it out and another mentioned how he was forever chained to Stolas and how toxic the relationship between the two is.
Honestly I viewed it as how Blitz will be forever trapped in situations like this were he is to afraid to love someone or love himself and unless he comes to terms with his own demons he’ll forever be trapped in an endless cycle of pain and misery.
Now onto why I think that that Vivizie and her crew can’t handle mature themes.
Two characters have just had a revelation about their relationship with one another and instead of being honest with each other it gets turned into a joke...again...
Moxxie told Blitz what he felt and Blitz told him he treats him like shit cause its tough love...da freak ??? You just had a moment where you realized you pushed everyone away because you were afraid to be alone so you rather push everyone away so you have an excuse to let them leave and instead of admitting to that you just tell Moxxie it was all tough love.
Not to mentioned that you’re giving compliments and than tell him your done because your out of compliments...again you had a huge revelation and instead of giving the characters time to digest what they went through you just toss it to the side. 
Another thing that pissed me off was how right after a huge moment you throw in a fight scene...I...why...just why ???
You had an emotional scene (that had no build up) but than throw it to the side for a fight scene that shouldn’t have been added at all.
Like the minute Millie and Loona saved them they should’ve opened up a portal and take them away not waste time on fighting only for them to get caught in the end.
Like I literally feel like they wasted all that time on animation than on writing and planning what they wanted from this.
Like again they had an emotional connection/scene and threw it to the side for some fight scenes which was a disappointment because had Loona and Millie saved them  and take them home Blitz could’ve had some major character development and the four of them could have a heartfelt scene admitting everything that bothers them and help them get closer. 
Nope, they decided to just throw a fight scene why I don’t know but it bothers me how they just tossed an emotional scene for some action scenes.
So yeah I am not happy with how that was handle at all.
Let’s also get to the Loona and Millie scenes...Millie crying for Moxxie once again made no sense as we never seen Millie care for Moxxie, hell she cares more for Blitz than Moxxie which is fucked up.
Hell when Moxxie was being critizied by her parents she didn’t do much to defend him hell Sally Mae was more honest with him than Millie.
Honestly Millie feels like she is being written by twenty different people who don’t know what they want from her.
And Loona, Loona could seriously be written outta the episode and nothing would changed.
Also they truly refused to let their characters grow seriously Moxxie was still treated like shit by Blitz in the end so yeah no character growth at all.
And now onto the last scene with Stolas and Blitz ... holy shit man Imma be honest with you guys Stolas asking for sex after saving them feels fucked up, to me it felt like the only reasons he saved the imps is so that he doesn’t get in trouble and for Blitz to reward him for saving them.
Again they could’ve had Stolas saving them and they could have had a heart to heart moment nope we had to toss all that emotional build up (if one can call it that) and toss it to the side for cheap jokes and a horny owl.
needless to say I was beyond disappointed with this episode and with the way they handle the “saddest” scene in the episode I am scared to see how they will handle the other scenes.
AGAIN I honestly don’t see why this episode took so long and I feel like Vivzie and her crew are more focus on the animation than anything else which sucks because this show has so much potential and it is being thrown to the side for pretty designs and shipping moments. 
Anywhore that’s my thought on this show let me know what you guys think ^^
~GoNEF out ^^
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loafbud · 3 years
Updates on my Socials
Mainly Twitter, Instagram, and DeviantArt (and other sites, but these are my main ones I was formerly active on)
Since my confidence in being a creative has been waverin' and teeterin', I just decided to leave said socials entirely.
Coz for a very long time, I'm just now realizing how much energy social media can take out of me. Like... just scrolling through Twitter or posting art on Instagram has me feeling drained completely after.
And I realize why. Opening Twitter and checking my dA and IG was always the first thing I did when I wake up. Ritually. Like, before I even drank water. Right off the bat, I've already set myself up to have a fatigue kinda day, y'know?
And it just feels like lately I'm going through a social media hibernation period anyhow. And whenever I don't take that detox, I just plow forward and what I get in the end? Creative burnout, fatigue, and perfectionism. AKA, That's That Bullshit!!
I actually wanna take steps (finally lol) into putting myself first, and to make sure I don't distract myself with said sites ever again. I spent the whole day yesterday having my first 24 hours with Twitter and IG uninstalled (and Mario Kart Tour coz wow, I let that be a distraction attraction for me long enough) and I can already feel the difference of feeling well-rested.
On top of that, it just felt like I was sharing my art to the void. Imma keep it real. Lately, I've been getting the good-ol' "underappreciation" illusionary feelery in my headspace. And August 8th was when I had that mental snap and was like "Forget it. I'm done giving to places I feel incomplete in. Peace. ✌🏿". And it's not even that I physically see it – I just feel it. Like an energetic shift, yeah? And trying to live up to the whole "putting yourself out there" and "show the world your light" just felt very exhausting to me.
I plan to initiate a healthy habit of mine and just abandon my Twitter, IG, and DeviantArt altogether from posting artwork.
In terms of Twitter, that includes both my main/personal and my Obey Me! fandom Twitter (I'm still a fan and play the game, I just lost interest in putting my energy into posting art there). The leave was rather abrupt and decided at the turn of a dime, but I feel resolute with all this! I won't hesitate to move on and find something better for me as a creative. I want to go back to how things were for me in the past: before I allowed social media into my life. Where I had no socials to worry about, and just let my imagination and creativity and fun times run rampant. Because I realized my best times creatively was when I never used sites like Twitter (or even knew it existed). I had no interest in seeking outside validation. I shared what I would create, yes, but it would be out of passion and because I personally was proud and happy with what I created and KNEW my worth, and I had a desire to let the world know. But leading up to now, when I do this, it's out of seeking validation... and falling into that trap led me to forget to validate myself from within.
While I will stop sharing my art on those places, I won't entirely stop posting new art – OCs & fanart, both one-off pieces and bigger projects – on the internet.
From now on, my main focus of posting new artwork is on Artfol, Toyhouse, and here!
I feel a lot more comfortable posting on Artfol mostly, and Toyhouse I use an an OC archive. Here, while I do post art, I mostly use this site as an excuse to just ramble on about whatever. Here, not everything I post is artwork.
So yeah, I just wanted to type this all out! While I don't consider Tumblr as a site I'd actively use, you can still expect me to post here every now and then.
I want to post art to Artfol, Tumblr, and Toyhouse, to limit how many places I post at once, but to still have a voice in creative form. Somewhere. I just won't give my attention, energy, or focus to Twitter anymore. Or Instagram. Or DeviantArt.
This came out longer than expected,, but I just wanted to post this uodate here! See ya!
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
It’s All Fun and Games Series Masterlist // main masterlist // next part
Summary: The gang plays Monopoly. Y/N is losing.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: swearing; one sexual reference
A/N: i am obviously not speaking from experience when i say that monopoly is the devil’s game; short one but i loved writing it!
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The noise from 15B doesn’t seem to subside, although it’s nearing midnight. There are only 4 lights turned on in the entire apartment – one forgotten in the bathroom, after Bucky leapt out as fast as possible in the possibility of Sam stealing his $500 note that he’s left on the table, one in the kitchen where Wanda is trying to make some popcorn but failing at understanding Steve’s  microwave, and two lamps in the corners of the living room, where there’s a huge debate on whether Y/N can skip paying the luxury tax just because one of the dice slipped from her hand.
“No, I am not losing this fucking game, just because you reinforce rules whenever it suits you!” Y/N shouts, finger pointing in Sam’s direction.
“But it slipped from your hand!” He retorts. “You were rolling it!”
“I’ve let you not give me the full rent when you landed on my Boardwalk and this is how you repay me?”
“Ok, settle down, guys.” Steve interferes, before they start wrestling (as it is known to have happened last time). “Y/N, you’re gonna pass Go in your next round anyway. Just mortgage something.”
“Boy, it’s about the principle, not about what’s the easiest way around.”
“You have no principles.” Wanda chimes in. She sits down next to Nat on the sofa, rearranging the blanket on their legs, and hands her the bowl of popcorn. Both of them look at Y/N with half-amused half-accusing expressions.
“You’ve offered to suck Bucky’s dick for one last dollar that you were missing when you landed on his space.” Nat points out.
“Well, how the fuck is it my fault that he has three fucking hotels next to each other and I’ve landed on each?” Y/N’s hands shoot to the ceiling, frustration rising.
They all know how competitive she can get whenever they play Monopoly, and although the girls had decided a long time ago not to play with her anymore, preferring to just watch and comment as referees, Sam likes to laugh at her for how bad she can be at the game, regardless of the thousands of times she’s played it. Bucky and Steve were just goaded into it, with the promise of the loser having to do their dishes for a month, and they figured their chances were pretty big considering Sam’s complete lack of strategy and Y/N’s competitive rage that does nothing but blind her.
“Just declare yourself bankrupt.” Sam says, an ironic undertone to his seemingly considerate remark.
“Bitch, I’ll die before I lose to you.” She seethes, fingers going white as she clutches the coffee table.
“Ok, ok, that’s enough.” Bucky pries her hands open, and clutches them in one of his. He takes one $100 note from the bunch he has in front of him and places it in the box between him and Steve. “She paid it, now move on.”
“You can’t do that!” Sam yells, smirk falling from his face.
“Yeah!” Y/N shouts as well. “You can’t do that! I want to win this fair and square!”
“I’m helping you out, just say thank you and move on.” Bucky sighs, slapping her hand that reaches towards the box. “You can give it back after you pass Go if you’re so desperate.”
“No.” Y/N sets her jaw and tries to lunge herself over Bucky, only to be easily stopped by his strong hands around her arms, practically forcing her into a human straitjacket.
“Sam, your turn now.” Bucky says, completely unfazed by Y/N’s efforts to break free.
Wanda throws some popcorn at Y/N’s head, not missing her target once, which only makes her grumble and lash out more. Bucky is relentless, and having already warned Y/N once to stop thrashing out, he just manoeuvres her like a puppet until she sits between his legs, arms wrapped tightly around her. In the meantime, Sam builds another house and Steve ends up in jail, but Nat puts on an episode of The Office which immediately draws their attention from the boardgame to the tv.
Bucky leans on the armchair behind him, loosening his grip on Y/N, now that she’s closely following an episode that she’s already probably seen countless times. Such a baby, he thinks, amused by her inability to focus on anything else when it comes to her favourite show.
As the episode progresses, so does Y/N’s body mould itself into Bucky. It started with her drawing nearer, her back pressing into his chest, then her head rested on his shoulder, and now her hands find his in order to interlace their fingers. Her hair tickles his collarbone, but he doesn’t mind; she’s keeping him warm. She moves her head up and to the side, until her breath fans over his jaw. If he would look down at her now, their lips would be an inch apart, his mind provides.
“The worst thing about prison was the dementors.” She whispers in time with Michael.
Bucky’s chest starts rumbling under her with a suppressed laugh. She giggles quietly, returning her gaze to the tv. Another stray popcorn hits her head and Y/N groans, grabbing the nearest thing to her (Sam’s top hat on the board) and throws it in the direction of the sofa, only to land in Steve’s hair. Bucky and Y/N both watch in fascination as Steve just pats his left ear, completely unaware of what just happened, and continuing to watch the episode. They look at each other, mouths pressed into thin lines, barely holding in their laughter.
“Five bucks he’ll find it when he goes to sleep.” Bucky whispers in her ear.
“Are you nuts? With the amount of hairspray that he’s got going on, he’ll find it in the shower tomorrow.”
“Bet?” He offers, luring her in in one of their usual games.
“This is too easy and I’ll win. Higher stakes?”
“You’ll go with me at my cousin’s wedding next week.”
Y/N looks up at him again, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I thought I already agreed to that.”
“You’ll have to pretend to be my girlfriend so I can finally get my sister off my back.” Bucky shrugs.
“Bet.” She concedes, offering her pinky. Bucky grabs it with his own and they shake once.
He knows he’ll win the bet, mainly because he’ll be the one creeping into Steve’s room when everyone’s gone to let him know there’s a Monopoly top hat stuck in his hair.
@imma-new-soul​ | @feelmyroarrrr​
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midnightartemis · 4 years
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Chapter One (Part One)
She learned that life was a game of survival from a young age. First, it was the religious fanatics— the ones with the locked fridge and the forced prayers and the idea that children were the spawn of Satan to be beaten and starved into godly angels. After them came the Johnsons. They were a young couple, hopeful and naive, and completely unprepared for the half-feral, skin and bones desert commune child that the government dumped in their laps. She didn’t last long there either. But they hadn’t let her starve and they hadn’t hit her and Rey tended to put that down as a plus in her book. It was why she started speaking (though in a British accent much to everyone’s surprise) and it was why she still kept their last name. Even when they gave up on her. After them… It was years in the system until she came to be in the hands of Unkar Plutt.
She learned how to survive. Learned how he always hit her where no one could see, but he only did it when he was raging drunk and he only was raging drunk a few times a month. She learned his tells, knew that some nights she was better off stealing a slushie from the 7-eleven and camping out at the skatepark until it was late enough to go back home. 
As long as she did her chores and didn’t give him trouble, Plutt let her be. Rey was okay with that. She could survive that. 
She sat on the lip of the park's bowl as the sun set, casting riotous shades of pink and purple and red across the cloudy sky. Summer had only just begun and while that met school, which she hated, was over, it also met more time with Plutt. More time in his shop. More ways to mess up and more drunken rages to avoid. She often wondered if he kept her around as something to look at or because she knew how to keep her mouth shut and balance his books. Both sets. 
She’s been coming to the park for a while now, at least when the weather was decent. The weather was always decent. There was something comforting about the sound of wheels and boards on concrete, the whoops and hollers of the skaters, the warmth of the sun on her skin. Reminded her of the desert- only the best parts. People left her alone. 
They learned after… Well, after they learned what happened when they didn’t. A few bloody noses. A few broken boards. Cause and effect. 
The only ones who ever paid her any mind were Kuruk and his small band of nerdy boys in black. Even then it was only a few words here and there. She respected their space and they respected hers. And after the broken nose incident, she’d almost become an honorary member of their group. A staple of the skatepark. She’d never had anywhere to belong before. 
It didn’t mean anything and you could fuck off if you thought it did. 
Rey watched them lazily, sipping on her stolen slushie as Cardo and AP kept biffing it on the same rail trick with a loud “fuck!” Every time. 
There were a few other people around, but like usual, most had left as it started to get dark. 
“Hey! Hey!”
Rey snapped to focus, frowning as she realized Kuruk had been trying to get her attention for a while and was now slowly jogging over to her. He held his board at his side and there was a lopsided smile on his face. He wore black baggy jeans and a baggy t-shirt like the rest of them and he always kept his dark hair buzz cut like he thought about joining the military but only committed to the hair style. 
Kuruk laughed. “You’re a Rey of fuckin sunshine, you know that?”
Rey rolled her eyes. It was only the millionth time he had used that line on her. “What do you want, Kuruk?”
“The guys and I are headed to the loft. We wanted to know if you wanted to come.” He gave her that look that he always did that only told Rey he was trying to get in her pants. She was pretty sure the guys had a bet going on it. 
She sighed. “You better have the good vodka this time. And better smokes. Those last ones tasted like dried out ass crack.”
“Yeah, yeah. Totally. One of my buddies is coming back from Chandrila and bringing the good college town shit.”
She didn’t know much about college towns but was fairly certain that “good” college town shit didn’t exist. She nodded anyway. “Fine. But imma kick your ass in Mario Kart.”
“Bet.” Kuruk offered her a hand and Rey let him pull her to her feet. She practically flew off the ground and threw them both into the bowl. It wasn’t that Kuruk was supernaturally strong or anything- she had seen him shirtless and seen that unfortunate happy trail- it was just that she was built like a skinny prepubescent boy with an eating disorder. Rey landed in Kuruks chest and scowled, shoving him off before he could say anything. Some whistles echoed over the park. She grabbed her melted purple slushie and flipped off the rest of the guys. 
Rey went with them with the promise that life would maybe suck less for a little bit with them. At the very least they treated her to free booze and a toke. Inebriation was about the only thing that made Trudge and Ushar’s misogynistic idiocy palatable and Kuruk’s advances maybe not the worst thing in the world. It was nice to be liked. To be wanted. Even if it was just to win a bet. She’d never let them know that. Maker end her if they ever found out. She had enough self worth to know it would never fucking happen. 
They skated through the darkening streets of Coruscant, slow enough that Rey could keep up on foot. It wasn’t hard. None of them could go ten feet without tipping a trash can over or trying to nail a trick off the curb. No one cared as they loudly made their way down the street, making themselves known to the world in the one way they could. Rey trailed after them in the dark. They left the cracked and degrading streets and dipped through a hole in the chain link fence, passing through a barely used rail yard and a dry culvert until they reached a small mostly abandoned warehouse. 
A few years back some real estate guy had bought it and started trying to convert the place into condos. He got about half way done before, probably, coming to his senses and realizing that no one on the south side of Coruscant wanted to buy a luxury condo. Even if there was exposed brick and industrial aesthetic, there was also high crime rates and a hatred of outsiders and gentrification. Scared off most of the investors and the rest vanished after the recession hit and never seemed to leave the south side. Buying the one completed loft back from the city was the only smart decision the guys ever made. Even if they only did it to piss the cops off who kept kicking them out for trespassing. 
Part of Rey wishes she had seen the encounter instead of hearing about it every five seconds from one of the guys. The other part of Rey wondered how they were even smart enough to come up with that plan, let alone execute it.
The Loft as they called it consisted of a giant open area that functioned as a gaming room and kitchen, the most disgusting bathroom Rey had ever stepped foot in, and three bedrooms which had once been split between all of them till Cardo got his own place and Vic moved in with his pregnant girlfriend. Three bedrooms became six after one drunken night where Ushar had taken a sledgehammer to the wall and broken into the abandoned half-finished apartment next door. As far as Rey knew, they were arguing between turning that living room into a sex dungeon or a pool table room. The vote was fifty fifty since Rey refused to participate and Trudge refused to pick a side. The whole place constantly smelled of weed and Kuruk’s weird incense. 
Rey would never admit it, but she secretly loved the place. The ceilings were at least twelve feet high and there were huge metal framed windows that looked out over a field of dead grass to the lights of the city.
Kuruk dug through the mess of a freezer pulling out a half bottle of Everclear and a mostly empty bottle of captain morgans, which Rey snatched from him without a word. She found an unopened can of coke and poured it straight into the Captain's bottle, swishing it around before taking a large sip. No one blinked an eye. 
Across the room, AP cursed as he tried to get the projector working. It wasn’t that old of a projector, but it had been purchased from some seedy electronic store that definitely looked the other way on where they acquired their products. Gaming was about the only thing they ever spent their money on and they had almost every game and system out there. That was the other reason Rey secretly liked this place. Secretly liked most of them. 
Rey carried her bottle with her across the room, stopping AP before the short haired black kid started to rip the machine apart in frustration. If she was being honest, AP was the only guy she ever thought about letting win their stupid bet. He was shy and generally quiet and never really said much to her, which Rey prefered. He gave up the projector to her with a frustrated grunt and sat down on the giant sectional couch to roll a joint with the last of their weed. 
After Rey popped open the lid of the projector and blew out the fan and circuitry, the projector came to life with a small whine. She popped the lid back on and adjusted the focus so it hit the stretched sheet across the room right. 
She hopped down from the chair and took the lit joint from AP for a deep hit before passing it back. Trudge and Ushar eventually moved from the back rooms howling to each other and fighting over who would play COD first. 
“Hey, dickheads. The lady’s already chosen Mario Kart.” Kuruk slammed a shot glass on the table. “Loser finishes the everclear.”
“She always fuckin wins.” Trudge groaned. “She always picks rainbow road. I fuckin hate rainbow road.”
Rey smiled to herself as Trudge and Ushar groaned but ultimately complied with their ringleader’s orders. 
She could kick their asses at Mario Kart with a blindfold on. Rey snatched up the Wii remote and easily beat Trudge, Ushar, and Kuruk on Mario Kart’s three hardest courses. Even when Kuruk sat beside her and Trudge tried to tackle him over the back of the couch. Happy with her victory and at the sight of Ushar and Trudge gagging down straight everclear, she released them to fight over endless rounds of COD. 
Her and AP quietly pass the last joint back and forth, her eyes growing hazy as she practices blowing smoke rings into the air. 
“God you fuckers are rank.”
Rey grips tightly the mostly gone Captain’s bottle in her hand at the unrecognizable voice. People stopped by the loft constantly, but it was always someone she knew. She was halfway to smashing her bottle and brandishing it as a weapon when the guys broke into a flurry of motion, leaping over the couch and flying at the voice as they howled. Rey jumps in the opposite way, watching as the stranger was set upon by the guys. It took a moment for Rey to realize that they weren’t actually beating him up. She took a long swig of her drink. 
Out of the male-bonding wrestling pit emerged one of the tallest, broadest men she had ever seen. He wore all black like the rest of them, but there was something different about him. Long black hair came to his shoulders and Rey fought off the sudden urge to run her fingers through it. His pale skin was covered in smatterings of moles and freckles and his long nose was hooked from a break that didn’t heal right. It wasn’t until his eyes caught hers that the world seemed to break away under her feet. She felt his intense brown eyes from across the room. They dropped down before traveling back up again. He met her with eyes with a smirk and Rey scowled back. Something flashed across his face, too quick for Rey to tell what it was. Confusion, maybe? 
Kuruk caught him staring at her and puffed out his chest in some sort of testosterone filled dominance display. The stranger's eyes didn’t leave her. Rey did the only thing she could think of to win whatever battle she was having with this asshole and downed the rest of the Captain's bottle without breaking eye contact. The corner of his lip tweaked up. 
Kuruk cleared his throat. “Kylo - Rey. Rey - Kylo.”
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momentofmemory · 5 years
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it’s almost the end of october, which means one of the greatest, most terrifying exploits known to writers is upon us: NaNoWriMo.
there are plenty of super good survival posts out there, but as this’ll be my seventh time participating (six wins, hoping for a seventh), i thought i’d drop my own set of tips into the mix. i’m going to focus mostly on the practical details of how to write; if you want tips on the writing itself either search the writing/reference tags or pester me to do another one later :P with that said, ~on with the post~
Step One: Figure Out Your Goal
i know, i know, obviously it’s to write 50k, but what does that mean to you? are you expecting
polished prose, ready to send off to a publisher?
being able to write every day? 
just throwing up a bunch of ideas?
a mix of everything?
all of these are valid, but they’re going to require different approaches. if you want jaw-dropping writing, you’re going to need in the ballpark of five or more hours each day, if not more. if you want consistency, you’ll want to look at your normal schedule and set up a couple times you know you can write at. if just you want words, pretty much all you need to make sure is that you squeeze writing time in whenever.
your goal will probably change as the month progresses, and that’s totally fine. just check in every so often to remember a)what you’re working for and b)if it’s actually plausible. speaking of...
Step Two: Realize Your Limitations
1. Typing.
imma get super practical here: your typing speed dictates how fast you can get done. if you write 40wpm (the average), you cannot write the full 1667 in a half hour any more than you can run a mile in under three minutes. it’s honestly not a bad idea to check out your own speed, if only to help you understand yourself better. in my experience, actual writing then works like this (using my max speed, 89, as an example):
Absolute Max: 89 wpm (baseline)
Warring: 70 (75% of baseline)
In the zone: 45 (50% of baseline)
Taking my time, concentrated: 22 (25% of baseline)
anything lower than your max/4 probably means you’re spending a lot of time either researching or staring at the page, so just be aware of that.
2. Time & Focus
this kinda goes without saying, but best case scenario this is at least 1-2 hours of your life a day, or dedicating full Saturday/Sundays if you’re a weekend warrior kind of person. it’s so, so worth it if you can make time for it, but also don’t feel bad if you can’t! doing a half nano (25k) or whatever you want is also a fully acceptable plan.
that said, if you do have time, figure out your focus too. if you’ve never been the kind of person that can type for six hours straight, you will probably not magically become this person when it hits Nov. 1 (though with practice, you might be by Nov. 30). i like trying to write at least 300 before work and another 300 during lunch. that way there’s only 1k left for the evening, and having words on the page just makes me feel better. experiment with different ways of blocking out your time in the first few days and see what works best for you.
3. Don’t Forget You Live in a Body
writing is hard work, you will need to eat brain food! hunching over wrecks your back, stand up and stretch every so often! you will hate existing if you forgo sleep for days! and for the love of charles dickens, patron saint of getting paid by the word, take care of your mother-effing wrists!!
seriously on that last one. i’ve ignored it in the past and thoroughly screwed up my wrists one year; don’t be me. keep in them in a neutral position, do regular stretches, and if you need to, get wrist wraps (i recommend these).
Step Three: Actually Doing the Thing
the previous steps have had pretty broad advice, but now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty. these are mostly things i know work for me, and therefore may not for you—adjust to your own needs!
1. Write for 15 Minutes Every Day, Non-Negotiable.
i don’t even mean this is a “write 15 min and then your brain will be tricked into writing more” kinda way, but like, literally. you’re probably not going to be able to do 1667 every day—sometimes you’ll be tired and just won’t have the time. you’re very likely, however, to have 15 minutes, and you’ll want to use them. Doesn’t matter if you write 50 words or 500 in that time, at least you’ll have done something, and that’s usually enough to keep you from feeling like just giving up the next day.
2. You Might Need Physical Spaces
i’m a pretty sensory person when it comes to writing, and having a dedicated writing space is so helpful for me. going back to the idea of being an embodied person, it’s a lot easier to get your brain into a writing mode if your body’s already there. some good options include:
coffee shops (cozy! food!)
a specific room in your home (easily accessed! do what you want!)
libraries (free! quiet!)
a friend’s house (writing buddy! easy access to sounding board!)
all of these places usually have access to wifi, which is a positive.
3. You Definitely Need Digital Spaces
i pretty much always write in the same processor, once again because it helps set the mood. the main options include:
google drive (solid choice, cloud backup, mobile accessible)
dabble writer (cloud backup, links to nano, dark mode, chapter options)
write or die (only for actual writing—a scary but effective motivator; save elsewhere)
word/pages/etc. (ready to go on your computer, formatting options)
scrivener (great plotting tools, detailed interface)
i use dabble writer myself (they’re a nano sponsor, so you can get it free for this month, and as a double bonus you get it half off for the rest of the year if you win). and no, i’m not getting paid to wax poetic about them, but honestly i’ve used it to win the past two years and i adore it. 
anyway my biggest tip here is that i SUPER SUPER DON’T RECOMMEND NON-CLOUD OPTIONS. it’s very risky, but if you must, do a proper back up at least once a week. that shiz is not worth it.
4. The Timer is Your New Best Friend
because i’ve heard this argument before: no, it’s not a crutch, and no, it’s not cheating. it’s literally best practices. i’m personally a big fan of this online timer, and i let it run for 15 min every time i write. after each session i check how many words i wrote, then after maybe a quick 1-2 min break, start over.
you can totally set the timer for longer or shorter periods, depending on what works for you. i’m a fan of the 15 min sessions bc it’s just long enough to get a bit of flow going, and just short enough that i can convince my spacy brain that we can get through it without wandering. it’s also a fantastic length for warring, if you’re down for that.
5. Write That Idea Down for Lewis’s Sake
the original idea for the chronicles of narnia came to c.s. lewis when he was at a restaurant, and thank the lord, he wrote it down on a napkin. he wouldn’t write it until some time later, but if he hadn’t written it down, he might’ve forgotten it. why is this important, you ask?
if you have an idea, write it down in your phone or your notebook or the waterproof paper in your shower, because i don’t care how sure you are that you’ll remember it, you super won’t. i’ve forgotten many solutions to plot holes in my time and i still hold vigils over their graves. don’t be me. write it down.
Step Four: Managing that Inner Critic of Yours
all right, pay attention. i’m not going to tell you not to edit, because i would be a massive hypocrite if i did. i totally edit during nano. the important part is letting your editor help you win, not hurt you. and that means gaming your critic’s system.
1. Have a Dedicated Deletion Section
many people hear “don’t delete anything” and baulk, because for some of us it’s distracting and we want to rewrite that section until it matches our vision. so, i’m here to tell you: delete it!! rewrite entire chapters!! just save the original content as part of your word count. this is another reason i love dabble, bc at the start of nano i just make a separate part of the book, label it “delete”, and any time i’m writing and dislike a sentence/paragraph i just dump it into that folder and move on. this way you still get to keep the numbers (and why shouldn’t you? you wrote them!) while also writing words you actually like. plus, sometimes that line you deleted in ch. 1 winds up being supremely pertinent in ch.15, and now you can just copy/paste it instead of having to try to remember what exactly you’d said.
2. Acknowledge Ranting as a Time Honoured Tradition
think there’s no precedent for that 2K diatribe you wrote on the london underground? well fear not, because you can’t possibly do worse than hugo’s entire chapters worth of content on the french sewer system! or melville’s frankly terrifying obsession with the finer features of whale biology!
like, yeah, maybe you’ll decide later you don’t need it, but for now, embrace that soap box. dead white guys have been doing it for centuries and still get places in college syllabi. the least you can do is give it a place in your word count.
Step Five: Have Fun!
i know, i know, it’s cliche, but seriously. if this isn’t fun, or at least rewarding, why are you doing it anyway? so enjoy it! send passages you’re proud of to your friends! daydream about it in the car on the way to work/school! cry over a notebook about the twist you just came up with! nano’s a time of fun and exploration, and you shouldn’t miss out on it because you’re thinking too much.
also, this might be counter productive to put at the end of an essay on nano, but don’t obsess over reading essays on nano :P there comes a time when one must simply do, and nano is pretty much the definition of that.
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
Rhapsode Reacts: RWBY Volume 3
Hey guys, Rhapsode here. So I’ve been on the record numerous times saying I haven’t watched the internet series RWBY. I haven’t. However, I have a rather close mutual @remnantoforario who tells me about most of the series and characters. Seriously, I basically have experienced the plot through osmosis. Now me and remnant work on a lot of fanfiction stuff and general discussions of video games and manga. And highly suggest anyone who wants a more in depth look at RWBY to please check him out. He’s great.
Now due to the fact he has basically told me the series up this point, its kinda been a bit frustrating when I forget something and ask him to reiterate. So I decided to knuckle down and watch some of the series.
I helped remnant get a non RWBY fan opinion, by basically live-blogging him in our PMs. And I thought I had some level of humorous reactions and Remnant had some witty observations to my reactions.
Anyway, if you didn’t catch it the first time, I must repeat, I’m not coming at this from the perspective of a fan. I have very little emotional or personal enjoyment going in the series up to this point. If I say something that offends you as a fan, I’m sorry in advance.
With that out of the way, let’s dive in:
Oh that’s a sweet scene of Ruby at her mother’s grave.
Why would you start Team RWBY’s preliminary fight in the middle of it?
the Vytal Festival feels like it should be reversed: you should start with 1, then go to 2, then for your finals, 4. Or just do a solid 4 v 4 all tournament
Remnantoforario: I dont know what the purpose of the tournament is, or why anyone would want to participate. There is no prize 
Me: Bragging rights I guess. But the whole point of the festival is to celebrate peace. Lets celebrate piece with a bunch of kids beating each other up .
Ruby has a line of "we did it?" like she was surprised. Was that a concern? 
Like I understand the festival has been built up since the second volume, but there's a reason most good tournament arcs ease you into the first round. Its to reaffirm character motivation and actually show you what a fight would look like 
  I do appreciate some of the “show don't tell” moments like the one girl using a heat crystal in her skate board to free her teammate
But usually even if the first round is jobbers, they're at least presented as a threat. I never really got that. The tide seemed more and Rwby's favor, but I can't tell if that was always the case because we started in the middle of the fight
the pacing just feels like you can't handle the story, so it wants to get to the fight scenes to keep your attention 
Emerald is actually really funny, holy shit 
“How can they be so happy?” And “It’s the heiress and the bimbo” 
Still Weiss and Yang, better savor this duo while I can 
Neo’s gothic Lolita is cute. Though I feel like their match should’ve gotten a focus 
Like I mean not an episode but if they started with the instant eliminations of 1v1, I could easily see this cool intro of Rwby has met Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder, but then is shocked at who this fourth member even is 
OK I feel like the scene with Rwby and JNPR should’ve happened before the first round.  Given Nora’s rant would actually tie to Ruby’s whole “we won?” Surprise
“Cinder: Even if you know how the story ends that doesn’t make it any less fun to watch.” I’d agree with you if you know the story wasn’t Rwby. And it’s not really that fun to watch a bunch of fighting with no weight.
OK team JNPR vs team BRNZ is actually a much better introduction to the tournament than Rwby vs Abrn
We actually see how the field is chosen and we actually get some genuine strategy and coordination. And before all this we actually get some motivation about how the characters feel going into this battle
Me: OK why are these not the protagonists and why was this not episode one?
Remnantoforario: questions for the writers 
I got admit I’m not very much of a fan of melee weapons that also turn into guns and just kind of makes the purpose of melee fighters and ranged fighters pointless 
Logically it makes sense that if you’re making a weapon you do want it to have multiple functionality but at the same time it kind of makes a lot of that fighting less fun 
I mean what do you want to see more a team complete each other or just one person who can just do everything with the right weapon?
  Ehh OK the team meeting joke is running a tad too long
Okay, that was what I was mentioning before... Just cut out Nora with missiles. I feels more like a give and take as well as more unique to have that moment with her slamming on the ground 
“Crow Bar.” Oh you go to the corner for that pun.
OK that joke with Weiss and telling Indigo to beat up Neptune was timed and delivered really bad 
Also port makes a point that Sun is from Vacuo. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the leader or any membr of Indigo actually did know Sun from Vacuo?
I say that because no member of team Indigo has said anything, and it would at least add something unique to this fight
OK I have to bring up the weird use of western cartoon comedy
Neptune running up the mountain it’s super speed is kind of funny but this is also a fight I’m supposed to take seriously 
Nora and Ruby kind of get away with it given their powers but Neptune just ran up a mountain like it was nothing
What is the tone here?
Sage went out like a bitch 
you know if you wanted to eliminate someone to make me feel for this team being in trouble why didn’t you just eliminate Neptune? 
OK scarlet’s scene actually really works 
That nut joke didn’t. Again, tone? 
Me: Why would you sacrifice the two characters we don’t know anything about just to do Neptunes stupid joke?
Remnant: COMEDY 
OK this fight was bad 
Me: I get the idea indigo was a bunch of jobbers so you decided to play the comedy angle. OK, well then tone down the serious rock music, turn down the cartoon physics
Remnant: For reference. That was a post Monty fight 
I agree with Qrow, that was a mess
okay introduction to Winter is pretty good. Shame we don't really get that "Novice victory" vibe from their fight. Maybe if it last for more than 8 minutes and didn't start from the middle... 
okay see, I don't mid Winter and Qrow having a fight in the middle of the square as it helps serve as an introduction to the characters and flexes their strength
though Im also starting to notice something else that bugs me in the fights, no banter or introspection or comments
its just fight moves 
like there's times that's god, DBZ did it tons of times when its just Goku making "Hiyah" noises but there was still a bit of time to get in a line that both broke up the action and highlighted how two characters felt or through thought was able to give us a peek into their head
watching rwby fights makes me think, "This be better as a video game" 
so... does no woman in this world wear a bra? 
 Ironwood: “If you were one of my men, I'd have you shot!”
Okay, that can't be legal
Ironwood is kinda becoming my favorite character 
He's a flawed human being, and the narrative shows that, but it also shows he has a point 
Okay, yeah I see what you mean, all this Fall stuff is happening in the background which is nice, but there's no real plot with the tournament 
Okay Mercury and Emerald vs Coco and Yatsuhashi is actually really good 
not much character, but its actually more intimidating seeing how strong these two are. Wish the music had a bit more ambiance 
Okay, that's an interesting plot point. Qrow explaining how beating one high profile criminal hasn't stopped crime. And the fact there is zero crime is concerning and relating it back to Ironwood
Wow, its almost when you just slow down and lt characters breath and talk to each other and have them be characters without shoving in a fight scene, its pretty good
Why is team Cardin fighting a non faunus team? Feels like a waste of characters 
disappointing that Ciel doesn't know Penny is a robot
mainly because the way its queued up with Ciel seemed like she was only spending time with Penny because ordered and her attention to the schedule makes it seem like she is a soldier just having to play dress up for the robot to make it comfortable 
Me: Wow Weiss's heels...  Never noticed them. I just thought they were boots
Remnant: Nope heels 
Also Neon and Flynt actually have a pretty good intro 
We know what Atlas is like seeing Winter and Ironwood, so Neon and Flynt make an interesting and immediate contrast
And it feels like there is something riding on our opponents side given Flynts history with the Schnee. Which makes him stand out from the other jobbers
And Neon's intentionally irritating personality actually is more character displayed by any other opponent character
I actually really like the OST in the fight too. This might be my favorite action scene 
Flynt actually has a really cool semblance too 
oh wow, some actual dread with Weiss getting eliminated 
Imma let you get away with that Hulk reference Port
I like how Yang beat Flynt, but if I was gonna beat Neon, I'd have Yang punch the ground and through her off balance 
Haha Ironwood doesn't have a heart, I get it, he's tin man 
least they didn't go with Ozpin saying Qrow doesn't have a brain 
Me: So... If Pyrrha is all these things, why aren't we following her team?
So abridged version of the four seasons story Four random chicks find a guy camped out in his house, be nice to him and he gives them super powers. If I were a kid being told that, I’d demand another story 
Pyrrha: like a semblance?
Oz: Like magic!
Me: Like a semblance
Qrow is right, this selection is stupid 
You’re keeping a woman in your basement in cryogenic suspension. Oz you and Rhea need to share notes 
Oh god... Adam. You can’t act
Adam seems already psychopathic Or maybe that’s just his acting
So this is the famous Yang punching Mercury... It works I guess
Actually getting a chance to see some Jaune and Pyrrha moments in v3 and it’s good 
Me: Velvet is British? Huh... never predicted that 
Remnant: Australian 
How can Ruby notice Emerald all the way across the arena? Actually wait she’s the only one not in a black uniform 
Why did they leave Mercury behind where anyone could find him? 
And Penny is dead and I do not care at this point
Cinder’s little speech is the first time I’m actually feeling like I’m getting a villain motivation out of her 
She talks about how Oz and the headmasters are just men capable of making mistakes But she’s someone who would embrace and all powerful godly being. Though that seems and odds with the presumed motive that she’s working with Salem to potentially kill the brother gods
Okay, Blake and Weiss have a pretty good scene when all hell was breaking loose 
Ruby versus the big ass bird was actually pretty cool and the scene of everyone’s lockers being what puts it down is really clever 
Oh really cool scene of Port and Oobleck. Hey the fall is turning out pretty decent
Ironwood killing the wolf was pretty good 
Roman is a breath of fresh air as a villain. And it’s namely his acting 
You know I feel like you could let the more tertiary characters fight the robots while Weiss and Blake fight WF 
OK I repeat this is just become a video game. Giant dragon that spawns mini monsters in a destroyed town 
The spectacle fighting actually really works when your opponents are mindless and faceless brutes
You have Adam in a school full of terrified people, why aren’t you showing his nuance by showing he won’t hurt Faunus staff and is giving them an out? 
Velvet’s scene be cool if it was powers she was mimicking. Looking at a lot of weapons really doesn’t do much for me.
That said, this could work if she ended up copying the mech and fighting against it
Okay I feel like Weiss finally being able to summon something should’ve been done with a lot more gravitas
And Sun proceeds to be the best male character 
Neo is fucking beast. Y’know what, let her be final boss
Now I just have this image of Neo flying through the air with a sign reading “I’m Mary Poppins, Y’all”
Wow, Roman went out like a bitch 
Like zero build up just dead. And his replacement is Adam... There is no justice 
Ironwood: someone has done the unthinkable and taken control of my machines!
Watts: What? Like it’s hard? 
Blake and Yang holding hands on the ground after Yang lost an arm. Yeah that’s pretty shippy 
Also, I feel like the animation really limits a lot of the characters expressions. Like the time Ruby spent dwelling on her sister being mutilated is well timed. But usually a lot of the emotional devastation comes down to the expression.
a lot of faces seem stiff in transition expressions. Or they have this doll like quality 
The most expressive person seems to be Emerald 
Pyrrha and Jaune’s kiss is actually really tender 
Me: Okay how the hell is Cinder’s dress still managing to cover her loins? 
Remnant: maiden magic.
And Pyrrha died 
Are you done with the whole line of do you believe in destiny was fine Personally I would’ve also accepted the Ted Kord response, Rot in Hell.
Ruby went super saiyan 
Tai being the first person Ruby sees is nice 
Yang’s bitterness works here. Though given how I wasn’t feeling too much of the sisterly bond between the two, it’s probably not as hard hitting as they wanted 
Salem’s introduction isn’t bad 
so after watching V3. my final opinion is meh 
Strikes me as they wanted to the fall, and the tournament was just a lot of window dressing. Because the stuff with the Fall is the best part, but everything else has felt dull and fillery.
Maybe I’ll do this for the next season of a series I binge. But till next time, take care.
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thedenofravenpuff · 5 years
2, 4, 6, Greaaat - Episode Reaction
More foreign early releases, I guess! I just wanna catch up before people give in to the inner spoiler imp inside them, so read these episode reactions at own risk if you still wait for the proper American release schedule.
Now let’s see what this one is about.
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Jocklestia is now canon.
Twilight’s face at Pinke XD
With as much extra screen time Snails now gets as a athlete, I always wonder about Snips. Then I remember how he acted last time he showed up to abuse his slow friend’s fame for profit and I care less.
Overly excited pegabirb enters stage.
Twi... Twi... you picked the jockiest of jocks among your friends to ever have jocked, for cheerleading? I’m kinda amused by this actually. Especially with cheerleader prof Pinkie cast as the coach instead.
Audio issues during themesong, and I’m not talking about my usual complaints about the visuals of the new intro never truly sync with the song’s pace. Hopefully it’s not a repeat issue through the episode beyond the themesong.
Also, another addition to the School of Friendship that kind of excludes non-pony students when you think about it.
I’m both surprised and accepting by Rainbow’s reaction to be declared cheer squad coach. Of course she appreciates cheerleaders more than let on now, she lives for attention and appreciations of her accomplishments. But as she said, her focus have always been on the accomplishments on the field, obviously never put much thought into the work cheer squads put into what hey do. Whiiiich still spells her as bad choice for this, beyond the joke. Twi, she can’t coach what she has no clue about.
Oh, there’s Snips.
At least they are consistent with his newfound hunger for profit, I can respect that. Dude got business sense.
Don’t lie, Smolder. You know you’ll look hella cute in a cheerleader outfit.
Awwwwww, Ocellus~
Aaand we got Dash phoning it in.
Yes, Dash is obviously being selfish on this, but it’s hard for her to fake interest in something she has no, well, interest in. It’s true to her character although definitely put in thick for this. Usually Dash would hate to let down other people needing her, but again this cris cross a lot against her actual interesting distracting her.
But also, really gonna go cliche with only female cheerleaders (Snips just on the side for merch)?
Aaand there she tries to smear it off onto somepony else.
Oh Snails.
Snails is killing it, going full guru. He gonna ascend!
I definitely like those new outfits rather than the dirt brown only the two ponies were wearing.
Still same day? How many hours already used on this!? Tho I dig Smolder’s frustrated expression with that line delivery XD
Yap, Smolder definitely looks hecka cute in a cheerleader skirt.
Damn, Rainbow.
Ya know things fiicked when Ocellus actually raises her voice. Except Dash.
“You are the most enthusiastic pony in all of Equestria, when it’s something YOU care about!” AAAAAND there you have it.
Behind upskirt view for Snips, I’m expecting pervy fan works of that, and you all know you do too.
I do wanna see Snips actually got himself a permit for making and selling this merch, but he sounds deep enough into it to made sure of it. I like he gets a chance too to show he’s not just a locale dumb redneck like in his first appearance, just like Snails.
I do like the dragon smoke machine thing they got going. Only drawback being it’s obviously not water based vapor.
OoOoOooooooooh.. I was wondering about a school for Gifted Unicorns were gonna make a diverse buckball team, I thought they (the writers) were just gonna fudge it and pretend out of nowhere they school also have pegasi and earth ponies studying different kinds of magic. But silly me, that would be too heavy a concept of diversity that the school could offer more than just unicorn lessons. But I do adore to see magic cancelling horn rings are now official canon and to see the return of those magic wings from the first season.
Jocklestia, we need a character blog of her being a real sports nut Chad.
Really do dig they made good use of Yona’s stomping powers instead of just telling her to stop stomping.
Very cute show ^u^
Unicorns really did out maneuver natural earth pony and pegasi? Okay it did beat the cliche of letting the side of the protags automatically win, but I got harder time buying this. Of course we don’t know how much extra time they been practicing before Celestia suggested a friendly game between the schools, only giving the Friendship team two weeks to catch up.
Yes, Imma be digging this new canon of competitive Celestia. She gonna make a cheersquad of her own now just to beat Rainbow Dash’s team.
Twilight, Rainbow caused two students to run off CRYING from failed practice because of her lack of care, before she learned her lesson.
Still a fairly cute episode, Dash was pouring it on a bit thick to a point of hurting others. But still somewhat true to her character that she can dismissive to a point of cruel when not interested in something she gets forced on her. Easy flaw for most, Dash can just be a bit too oblivious about it for her part.
I like they keep expanding the buckball concept, it’s an official sport now and now also got official schools teams competing outside the official leagues. Still got rules that although they can twist around them to allow a full unicorn team to play a three tribe role team, it still seems to exclude non-ponies. We need a sport that can be played across the boarders too.
Anyways, cute episode.
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wittywallflower · 6 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: One Day at a Time (TV 2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Penelope Alvarez/Schneider
An intense moment between Penelope and Schneider during his relapse changes the dynamic between them.
AN: there’s angst, then there’s UST
Penelope knelt on the floor and retrieved the controller. If it was Alex throwing things around, she would take it away from him, say it was broken and hide it until he started to feel the loss of it. Her kids may not always get along but they did enjoy several games together. But it was Schneider’s stuff, so she set both controllers on top of the console and switched it off.
When she rose, there was a bottle in his hand.
“Schneider, what the hell?!” She was so surprised by its sudden appearance that she couldn’t hold her tongue.
For a second Schneider was surprised as well. Eight years was a long time to be sober and he was so out of practice at drinking that the bottle actually felt alien in his hand. Where had that even come from? Did he stash it behind a throw pillow? The one thing he used to be good at was drinking, but now it didn't make him interesting and fun, it just made him stupid and confused. Didn't this used to make him feel good?
He knew it was messed up but it hurt all the more knowing his addiction couldn’t even give him false comfort anymore.
His eyes turned bleak and he sagged in on himself. Gazing at the bottle in his hand, he shrugged despondently.
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter. I’m just a loser.” She tried to interrupt but he continued. “Seven time failure of rehab. Nothing but an embarrassment to my father. Ruined the only good relationship I’ve had with a woman. Can’t even win a video game against a mom.”
“Schneider, c’mon, you’re not a loser-“
He shook his head in immediate denial, twisting open the bottle so he could drown her words with a drink.
“Hey, no! Schneider!”
Penelope had no idea how her short legs managed to clear the coffee table like that but she threw herself at him before he managed to take a swig. She didn’t really have time to think about whether or not was a good idea to try to wrestle the bottle away from him. She just reacted. Schneider was a lot stronger than her and had more reach, but his reactions were delayed and he wasn't used to Penny getting physical with him so she was able to knock it out of his hands. By the time she did they were both out of breath, her hair was wildly askew, the alcohol had spilled, and she was sitting on him to pin him down. Eyes met for a moment as their chests heaved.
Which drew his attention to her neckline. Her shirt was barely containing her after their scuffle. She should fix it, she knew she should. But she was distracted by his hand that had ended up on her hip.
Then Schneider became aware of the brown liquid staining his expensive shirt. He surged up from the couch and Penny scrambled off his lap to get out of the way. Once on his feet, Schneider scrubbed ineffectually at the wet shirt with his hands, succeeding only in making them sticky and booze-scented. The bourbon had sloshed everywhere. He sighed in disgust.
“If you’ll excuse me, imma take a shower.” he said with a slight slur, not meeting her eye as he unbuttoned his pants to step out of them and hauled his rumpled shirt over his head. Schneider didn’t seem to notice his glasses had come off as well and were now wadded up with his inside-out shirt.
But on his way the the bathroom he kicked the bottle laying on the floor and stopped to pick it up. It made Penny a little sick to see his slack face and somewhat vacant eyes light up for a moment when he realized he was holding a liquor bottle. When he realized it was empty, he slumped in disappointment and tossed the empty over his shoulder. Thankfully it landed gently on a cushion instead of shattering everywhere. In this state, he would forget he broke it and wouldn’t be able to see the glass on the floor until he stepped on it.
“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.” Penelope bit out. “I’ll make you some coffee while you’re at it and then we’ll wait for your sponsor. He’s out of town but swears he’s on his way back.”
“You called Nick?” Schneider scoffed and waved her off dismissively, which threw him off balance, sending him lurching into his desk.
I can’t leave him alone like this, he’ll fall in the tub and split his head open like a melón, Penelope thought.
“Come on, I’ll help you.” With an arm around his waist to steady him, she draped his arm over her shoulders and began to guide him.
“You gonna join me and scrub my back?” He gave her a lopsided grin and waggled his eyebrows at her.
Penelope just rolled her eyes, shifting her grip on his waist and pulling him closer as he leaned against her. He was so tall she could barely support him but if he fell, she didn’t have the strength to drag his dead weight around. With a few bumps against the wall they made it into the bathroom. She propped him up against the sink while she pulled the shower curtain aside.
“Okay, you’re gonna get cleaned up, then you’re going to come to the kitchen and I’m going to make you some food that you are going to eat, you got that?” Penelope ordered briskly as she bent to start the water in the shower.
Schneider had some fancy waterfall shower-head installed. Of course. No one ever said she wasn't just a little petty. Penny adjusted the water temperature to cold. That might help sober him up a little, she justified internally.
She straightened to find Schneider staring myopically at her read end.
“Hey!” she snapped, tone sharp. “Eyes up!”
He grinned a little sheepishly but couldn’t keep his gaze from drifting. Like they used to when she first met him and that clueless white boy with frosted tips tried to make a pass at her. Sometimes Penelope forget all about that bobo she met back then. The Schneider she saw every day was nothing like that dumb kid. But she was starting to see the resemblance in Drunk Schneider.
She grabbed a towel and tossed it down on the lid of the toilet nearby because she didn’t trust him to operate even a towel bar in this state.
“Okay, Schneider, time to-“ her voice died away.
His eyes no longer vacant, Schneider was standing upright now. In fact he seemed rock steady, and he was looking at her in a way that was kind of... intense. Penelope had never seen Schneider look at her that way before.
Slowly, deliberately, like the whole world was in slow motion, he took a step towards her. His eyes roved up and down her body.
Another step and he caught his lower lip gently between his teeth.
The room began to feel steamy, despite the shower running cold. If Penny’s could have brought herself to move, she might have fanned her suddenly-flushed face with her hand. But she was frozen, waiting. She was no stranger to that kind of look coming from men. Coming from Schneider it should be weird and a little gross.
A racing heart and suddenly damp palms were normal signs of being weirded out, right?
“Schneider?” she queried uncertainly.
She didn’t realize she was stepping back, giving ground as he advanced, until her back hit the wall. She had been too busy noticing, but trying not to notice, the tall elegant physique of him. He may be a mess right now, but that weirdly-sexy-Schneider vibe was back in a big way. He wasn’t wearing his glasses again; wasn’t wearing anything except a pair of boxers, but she tried not to focus on that. She failed.
She had seen him without a shirt before. She shouldn’t be so affected by his near-nudity, or its nearness to her.
Penelope could no longer ignore the fact that Schneider was in great shape physically when he closed in to press that great physical shape against her. She gasped as he molded his body to hers. Her skin began to tingle where it touched his.
She pulled out her most authoritative, Don’t-Mess-With-Mom tone of voice before this got out of hand. But it didn’t seem to work on the man staring at her with desire in his eyes.
She put a hand on his chest to push him away but when he leaned down, his lips barely brushing her skin as he buried his face against her neck and inhaled the scent of her, her fingers instead curled into his chest hair. Penny’s body lit up like a Christmas tree. Every hair stood on end and a warm rush swept through her. Schneider pressed his hands to the wall on either side of her head and while it hadn’t been all that long since the last time she was with a man… Dios, did she ever want to lean into him. Smell the manliness of him, feel his rough beard rasp gently over her soft skin, slide her hands over his flat stomach and trim hips, fill her palms with that flat Caucasian excuse for an ass-
 Oookay, this was definitely getting out of hand.
And it was getting harder for her to think clearly. His hips shifted closer and she bit back a moan. She had to say something.
That was not what she had intended to say, especially not in that breathy, almost needy whisper.
Schneider wasn’t expecting her to say that either. Hearing the name no one called him outside of AA made him freeze with his nose still in her hair. There was a long moment while his tipsy brain processed the situation he was in.
He was drunk.
He was pressed up against someone.
And that someone was...
“Pen?” he asked. Confused, unsure, a little horrified.
She cleared her throat to respond but could only manage a nod.
Schneider jumped back like he had been scalded and turned away. In the mirror his face was beet red; could have been the alcohol, the arousal, or the abject shame and embarrassment he was feeling. But Penelope didn’t notice. She was equally eager to eschew any eye contact as Schneider was to avoid looking in her general direction.
She fled the room, mumbling something incoherent about privacy and coffee and food and she knew not what else before he could stammer out an apology. The bathroom door rattled in its frame when she shut it behind her with a little too much force. It was echoed seconds later when the front door slammed as well.
Schneider heaved a sigh of deep self loathing, leaning his forehead against the wall. His fist followed it and he punched the wall viciously, repeatedly, while calling himself a moron, a jerk, what would an Alvarez say - a total bobo… at least eight different kinds of awful. She would never forgive him. And she shouldn't. Eventually he did move to the shower so the cold water could rinse the tears from his face, but it couldn’t wash away his shame.
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babybluepeaches · 6 years
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Permission pt. 2 {a killmonger fic}
pt. 1   /   pt. 3
AN: Since your first wild adrenaline-filled meeting, you and Erik have been inseparable during your nightly dope deals. But tonight, you might discover a  secret side of himself he’s been hiding when your life is threatened in a deal gone awry. Stay tuned for the sex in part 3 ❤︎
1 new message
Sender: Y/N
Message: “Bout to be outside.”
Erik picks up his phone and shoots back a text. Getting out of bed, as per his new nightly routine, he changes out of his pajamas into his outside clothes. After a bit of deliberation he settles on a black T-shirt and camo pants.
He had been seeing Y/N for a month now, just going with her on her nightly drop offs. He wasn’t one to keep up attached relationships, but there was something about Y/N that made him almost forget about everything. Besides the sex and free “gas”, he liked that she didn’t ask him any heavy questions, being a dealer she wasn’t too into trading personal information. When they hooked up they just drove, talked, and smoked. It seemed effortless.
Erik had to admit to himself, he liked her energy. She was cool, confident, and she didn’t have any expectations of him. This worked perfectly for Erik, who wanted nothing more but to escape the tidal wave of feelings he had been keeping at bay about his so-called family and his legacy.
Grabbing his essentials, he heads out his apartment and walks towards a black car.
1 new message
Sender: Erik
Message: “Bet”
You glance at your phone before putting your car into park in front of Erik’s place.
You didn’t want to admit how much Erik Stevens had influenced you over the past couple of weeks, but it was unmistakable. The long car rides, the impromptu hook ups, you had even slept over his place a couple of times. Not to mention he influenced you into getting that single gold cap grill you always wanted. It shined in your mouth’s top row of teeth, a little dollar sign flashing when you smiled.
Hell, it helped to have his intimidating body in your passenger seat too. Your thirsty customers used to ask to sit in the back of your car. “Just to sample what you got,” they would say. Now when they lean in to check you out, they see Erik too. You’ve lost count of the times you’ve had to stop yourself from laughing at their disappointment. Sometimes Erik grabs your thigh when you’re bagging for them, or talks to you casually. With all the creepy niggas at bay, you actually started to enjoy the night. So it’s safe to say Erik became your part-time partner in crime.
While you were adding songs to your tidal queue, Erik opens your door and climbs in the car.
“‘Sup E,” you say, now shifting your attention to program your first address into the GPS. Before you had even glanced over, Erik’s smell and presence wafts into the car. He always smelled like sandalwood and honey. It was a small comfort, not that you would admit it.
“Wassup sis,” he said with a smile, making fun of what your underlings call you.
“You are not allowed to call me that,” you say, returning his grin and pulling off the lot.
“Damn, okay Y/N,” he says, followed by, “Where we going?”
“Melrose, Highland, some random ass place out East.”
“Dope,” Erik says, picking up your phone to add his preferred songs to your tidal queue.
You’re cruising, rapping along to X by 21 Savage. You loved to drive and Erik didn’t mind when you zoned out. Your vibe was interrupted when Erik abruptly says, “Oh my god pull in here.”
“Pull in where?” you yell over the music.
“Girl.The In-N-Out. What you think?”
You laugh and hang a left to the In-N-Out drive thru. This boy was something else.
When you drive up to order, Erik climbs in the back seat and you pull up so he can reach the mic. Erik’s upper body hangs out the window and he strokes his beard.
Licking his lips he says, “Yeah hey Cindy. Imma get a double double with 4 slices of cheese. A chocolate shake, a root beer, and a coke. Thanks.”
You hear Cindy make a remark about his 3 drinks and Erik laughs in response.
“Nah the root beer’s for my girl,” he says smiling. As he thanks Cindy and gets back in the passenger seat, you try to wipe the smile off your own face.
When Erik dips his body back in the car, you drive around to pick up the food. You pull up, Erik pays, and the In-N-Out worker hands you a small bag with 3 drinks.
Sticking your straw in your mouth you pull out of the parking lot. After a moment you propose casually, “So I’m your girl now?“
“You tryna be my girl now?” Erik returns, mimicking your casual tone.
“Only if it comes with refills,” you say, shaking your drink. Erik laughs and writes you off.
You drive around the city making your runs while Erik destroys his In-N-Out. Striking off name after name on your list, you land on the last one. Small amount of tree, they request to meet up on the East side. An easy quick one to end the night.
You pull up to the street you’re supposed to meet the mystery client and park, semi incognito of course. This place was no where you’ve been before.
In fact, no one was around. No old woman hobbling home from church, no old men sitting on any porches. You lean onto your stirring wheel and hold it to your chest while you peer out the windshield.
“This… Is hella sus,” you say to Erik, who’s been absorbed in a text message.
“Huh?” Erik turns off his phone screen, “You ain’t been here?”
“Nah,” after another second of scoping the neighborhood, you start digging in your backseat.
When you sit up you toss Erik one of your emergency guns.
“Stay alert,” you say, reaching for your own gun. Before you can touch it, Erik’s head snaps up and peers out your window. He squints.
“Yo is that… Lil Pump?”
Your windows are tinted but you cant mistake that gangly white frame coming towards your car.
The figure approaching your car wore a black hoodie, black baggie pants and a black shirt. All of which would be very discreet, if he wasnt also sporting greasy multicolored dreadlocks and a lollipop face tatt.
“Fuck, it’s Rare,” you groan. What was his raggedy ass doing here?
Rare showed up on the scene a few months ago as a new dealer a couple hoods over. You had always laughed at him, you couldn’t help but find his white boy thug front amusing. Once, he actually approached you and tried to get you to work some “big deals” with him. You blew his offer off with a laugh, and ever since he’s always had something cocky to say to you.
“Who?” Erik says.
“He’s a dealer. Not too fond of me,” you roll your eyes at the thought.
Rare approaches the car with a smile, signaling for you to roll your window down. You shake your head no, but he pulls up his hoodie to reveal an AR-15 rifle strapped to his torso, something strong enough to blast through the windows if you wouldn’t comply.
“Talk about overcompensation,” you mutter as you roll down the window.
“What is this? A deal?” you spit at him.
He smiles and when he gets close enough he pulls a second gun and pressing it to your temple. He coos, “Mmm, how about a set up?” smiling to reveal a whole mouth full of rainbow grillz.
You feel Erik’s body stiffen and his energy set on fire, you shoot him a quick look you hope communicates ’don’t do anything stupid.’
“I see you brought some muscle,” he says eyeing Erik, “So did I.”
Rare gestures to his cronies, which have now fanned out around the car. They’re all armed, all have ski masks covering their faces.
“Let’s go inside and make some arrangements shall we?” Rare says, as he reaches inside your car to open your door. He pulls you out and zip ties your arms around your back. Erik is getting the same treatment by the masked goons.
For a minute you’re both facing each other, and you cant help but notice Erik’s demeanor has changed completely. While he lets himself be restrained he’s as attentive as a soldier, nothing but his scowl and his lazor focus on you denotes any emotion. You see a inferno in his eyes though, even with his calm expression Erik seems dangerous.
Before you can give Erik any nonverbal reassurance, Rare is pulling you up the steps of the house by your locked arms. When filed inside one of Rare’s men pipes up.
“Uh, what should we do with him?” referring to Erik, who seems even more pissed at the sight of you being manhandled.
“Sit him down, see if he knows anything useful,” you and Rare watch Erik be tied to a chair, “if he causes any trouble, kill him,” Rare smirks and pulls you toward one of the back rooms.
You look at Erik one last time before the door shuts. Safe to say, your world starts shaking internally.
Shit I shouldnt have dragged him into this. He has my gun though he has my gun it’s fine we’re gonna get out of this, we’re-
Your thoughts are interrupted by Rare slamming you down in your own chair.
“Oh J,” he says, shooting you your fake name while he sits across from you. “You know why they call me Rare, right?” he grins, showing off his grimey technicolored smile.
“Nah, actually I don’t,” you say. Omitting the ‘I heard that’s what they call your dick game, medium rare’ you’d love to drop on him.
“Its because ain’t nobody can do it like me,” he says, placing his elbows on his legs to lean close to you.
“So why did you lure me here?” you tilt your head and squint at him, “If you’re so rare you wouldn’t need me.”
“I don’t need you, sweetheart. I need to know where you keep your money,” he smiles and lifts your chin with his gun.
“Seriously?” you laugh, “You out already?”
“I want to make a few investments, and I got to thinking that Imma need more.”
Before you could respond, three rapid gunshots are heard from the front of the house.
“Shit.” Erik.
All rationality goes out the window, you needed to know Erik was okay. Now.
Pushing yourself away from Rare with your feet, you headbutt his gun to the ground and run out of the room with your hands still zipped behind you.
“Eri-” you begin, but stop in your tracks to see what was unfolding in front of you.
Erik hand gotten his hands free and was round house kicking a gun out of one of the guards hands. He grabs the man and uses him as a human shield to block gunshots coming from another direction.
You notice Erik appeared roughed up, his shirt had ripped at the front. His eyes were wild and his movements were unbelievably quick. You watch in awe as he threw the man he was using as the shield at the one shooting at him. While they stumbled Erik knocks their feet from under them and they tumble to the ground.
When Erik turns to face you, you feel Rare roughly yank you back by your restraints and press his gun to your head.
“It’s up to you,” he says to Erik, “Tell me all about her little operation and maybe,” he pauses with a grin, “I won’t blow her brains out.”
You could practically hear your heartbeat blasting in your eardrums.
Erik’s eyes fly between you and Rare.
In one swift motion, Erik grabs Rare’s hand holding the gun and pulls it away from your head, getting behind him. You move out of Rare’s arms, right in time for him to shoot wildly in Erik’s grip.
Erik releases him and raises his leg to kick him hard in the back. Rare flies into some dusty coffee tables and you’re sure he’s going to have some broken bones to attend to.
Bodies of the masked members of Rare’s crew littered the floor, and Erik was standing over them huffing. Nostrils flared and torn shirt, he was looking more wild than you’ve ever seen him.
Erik turns away from the bodies and immediately goes behind you to begin untying your arms.
Before you can thank him, you both hear police sirens in the distance and his actions freeze momentarily. Someone must have heard the gun shots and called 911.
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m0onbean · 7 years
Pepero Stick
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category: floooooooooooooooooooooof
pairing: mark tuan X reader
note: i decided to put this in bullets bc it’s quicker and funnier :-) anyways this is lowkey dedicated to @tuan626 and @rawrlxxsa bc i know you guys are mark trash smh collect yourselves
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mark tuan your lovely handsome sweet boyfriend gave you tickets to his concert bc he was performing in your area
and you're mainly happy bc um excuse me he's an idol and busy 24/7 so you don't even get to see him a lot
and also ur tired of watching him on your tumblr screen when he's literally dating you jesus christ
so you go to GOT7's concert really happily
and thankfully it's a pretty small audience since they're performing in a small town
and then they perform never ever and you're like
w o w
and you highkey lowkey tear up because your bf worked so hard moving to korea and not knowing english and dealing with the kpop trainee life and now you're crying in the front row how nice
and as the concert progresses mark steals winks from you and makes eye contact with you knowingly
and this sneaky little boi would throw you finger hearts secretly and go up to the front row and pat your head as if you're a normal fan
and you're like mark pLEASE
and then they move onto their next activity which requires 7 audience members to go up and play games with them
and ofc you volunteer and you get chosen and you're like YaAYyaYA 
but when you step onto the stage mark is about to choose you as his partner until the MC steps in and is like
wait wait wait this girl wants to be with mark can you switch partners
and mark looks at you regretfully but he knows that since it's HIS fan you can't really reject something like that
so he smiles and he's like ok! and you agree bc that girl should have a chance to play with your boyfriend
so instead you get partnered with bambam which you aren't complaining about bc everyone in GOT7 is like a brother to you
and also bc bambam's super litty and knows how to have fun
and so the game begins and it's the game where you have to do that pepero stick challenge
and at first you're kinda like wait what why would they make us do this game when obsessive fans can go ahead and straight up kiss their idol what is this
ok he didn't say that it was more of a "please refrain from making direct lip contact and instead focus on keeping the pepero stick a short length" 
and you notice mark warily eyeing you but you quickly look away and back to bambam
and bambam isnt dumb ok maybe he is a little bit and he just smirks at you and is like OHOHOHOHO IS YOUR BF GETTING JEALOUS
and so the challenge starts and you and bambam start off quickly
and the crowd is like :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 
but they obviously don't know how close you and bambam are
and as you two lean forward you flicker your eyes to mark to see his face
and mark isn't even paying attention to his partner
and correct me if im wrong but you're pretty sure you saw him scowl
and you can see his partner is like "uhhhhhhhhhh pay attention 2 me whatre you looking at"
and then you and bambam finally split off before your lips can touch
and your stick came out as 1 cm
and you're both like DABBBBBBB  but you immediately regret dabbing on stage bc bambam is becoming hypehype now and he's dabbing while screaming DABBOIDABBOI really loudly *cue that ASC video of him* 
and then bambam suddenly whispers in your ear "look at mark hyung"
and then you swivel your head and you can see him just g l a r  i  n g at bambam angrily
and you're like o shit
then the concert ends and you go backstage to meet up with the boys
and they all bearhug you and are like "(Y/N) I MISSED YOU"
and then mark just kinda watches and then steps up after you're left alone to drag you into another room
and you're like huh whats wrong
and then he starts getting pouty and cute even tho you know he's trying to be mad
he sticks his bottom lip out and places his hands on his hips and starts saying "wHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET SO CLOSE WITH BAMBAM YOU TWO WERE ABOUT TO KISS"
and you two are silent for a moment
and then he says "so did bambam make your heart flutter""no mark no he didn't"
"did your heart beat quickly when he leaned in"
"mark nO"
"is he a good kisser ???????"
"hOw wOuLd i kNoW tHaT"
"because you guys PRACTICALLY kissed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"fiajfapoja we didn't mark!"
"i'm actually going to kiss him myself to find out if he's a good kisser"
then he keeps on ranting about how you and bambam are way too intimate and you want him to shut up
so you do that cheesy thing where you kiss him to make him shut up 
and his eyes bulge out of his head and he's frozen 
and then he starts smiling again really really hard that his lips are gonna fall off his face
then HE STARTS GETTING CHEESY AND HE PERFORMS HIS AEGYO LIKE "kiss me one more time ?? <3 (。◕‿‿◕。)" 
"i hate you so much""you love me"
"only a little bit"
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
So Done
Daniel (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope) & Reader (Trans Masc - using They/them pronouns)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Platonic fluff, humor
Summary: Having a crush isn’t easy but having a friend who has a crush he thinks is hopeless is even worse. Dealing with the constant self-deprecation and agony, Y/N’s gotten used to it, but damn if they stop trying to convince Daniel otherwise. Cause that’s what best friends do.
Requested by my platonic spouse @hopeveon Here’s the fic you requested literal ages ago bro - sorry for the wait! Still, hope you enjoy it :) Love, Vy ❤
“If you don’t stop gazing dreamily at Taylor, I swear imma throw a french-fry at your forehead.“ I caught onto Daniel’s inability to focus on the conversation we were having quite early on so I just gave up on it. Well, not completely - he has a tendency of claiming he’s been listening to all I’ve said so I’ve just been rambling nonsense for the past ten minutes and he hasn’t reacted to ANYTHING. Yeah, he’s totally paying attention. TOTALLY.
It’s not like I mind it or anything - ok, sometimes I do, but what really bugs me is this dragging out of the inevitable love story that’s gonna occur here, no matter how hopeless he claims his case to be. Trying to beat that mindset out of him hasn’t proved to be effective nor has beating him out of that mindset so I’m just left to my own devices here because he’s starting to prove me wrong - he might actually be a hopeless case. Just not in the way he thinks.
“W-what?“ He suddenly snaps out of his odd state, turning to look at me with a baffled gaze. Probably the sound of Taylor’s name set him off. It seems to be the only way I can draw his attention. 
You see, I’ve known Daniel since high school sophomore year which means I’ve seen him have several crushes and girlfriends over the years. However, I have never seen him whipped quite like this. My dude’s literally in love and completely star-struck. And very fucking discouraged in the romantic field for some reason. I don’t understand when or why this sudden change in him happened but I can’t say I’m a fan. He’s always been the confident one in our duo and I’ve seen him win over girls with a single conversation many times. Yet here he is, across the cafeteria from the girl he’s infatuated with, unable to work up the courage to even text her let alone go up to her and talk to her.
Instead, he sits here, pretending to be listening to me. Wonderful, but I’d like the old Daniel back please.
“I said it’d be cool if a meteor struck that dumbass who sits next to me in class.“ I say, my head tilted to the side, very unamused.
He furrows his brows, lost and confused as though he needs a map for the conversation, “And what does Taylor have to do with that?”
I can’t help but roll my eyes. I’m typically a person of average patience but right now I feel a really strong urge to grab neon signs and spell it all out for Daniel. I roll my eyes and take a deep breath so I don’t snap, “Nothing with the meteor, but she’s got plenty to do with the fact that you’re completely different compared to the Daniel I knew in high school.”
He shrugs his shoulders like an accused child that doesn’t wanna admit what they did wrong. “College changed me.”
I give him another eye-roll, more annoyed than the previous, “That’s bullshit. You were the same dumbass in freshman year too.” I say, observing as he insecurely pushes his food around the plate with the plastic fork, “It’s all got to do with Taylor. You can’t rattle my resolve there.”
It’s his turn to be annoyed - the audacity he has, damn. “Alright, thanks Y/N, great observations. How about you give me some solutions though? Seeing as how I’m a dumbass and all that.”
“Well you are...“ I reply, unbothered by his childish outburst, “...especially since I just gave you a solution to your damn problem: go and talk to her! You have like four classes together, do you really have nothing to discuss? Any interests in common? Anything?“
“I don’t know.” He sighs defeatedly, “We’ve never talked about our interests. But I bet she’s not a video game nerd like I am. Nor does she look like she’s into sports. The most we could have in common is music and who knows what kind of music she listens to.“
“Oh God, I’m on the brink of losing my sanity.“ I mutter under my breath, burying my face in my hands. This is literal agony. “Daniel, YOU’d know if you went up to her and talked to her! Meeting people isn’t a guessing game - and look who’s talking! I hate approaching people first too, but this case of yours is too severe.“
“You realize you’re being hypocritical right now?“ He dares to ask me.
“You realize you’re being an actual coward right now?“ I retort, narrowing my eyes at him with what I can only describe as a threat put into a look. Oh if looks could kill, I would’ve killed his doubts asap.
He tilts his head back, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans back into his seat, “You can’t be serious....”
“They are serious, but more importantly - they are right.“ Says a voice I recognize immediately. One that belongs to the guy that just occupied one of the last two open seats at our table - Andrew. “And you gotta stop torturing yourself like this, Dan.“
“Yourself and us. This feels like watching paint dry with ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ as a soundtrack for it.“ I intervene, “It’s absolutely fucking brutal.“
Daniel’s gaze switches between Andrew and I, clearly defeated considering he’s been outnumbered and very clearly second-guessing his decision to be sitting here with us right now. “Two against one, this ain’t even fair.” He finally says through an uneasy sigh.
“It’s perfectly fair in democracy - two votes you go talk to Taylor, one - yours - for the opposite option.“ I shrug my shoulders, fist-bumping Andrew the table. “So...I think you know what you gotta do.“
His gaze does a few more back-and-fourths between the two of us before he mutters, “I’m so done with the two of you” and gets up out of his chair, headed to the other side of the cafeteria where Taylor’s seated with a few of her friends seniors.
“We’re done with you too!“ We call out to him in unison, watching as he walks away, no doubt having an inward debate on what to say or do. 
“He’s gonna thank us one day.“ Andrew says, taking a sip of his soda.
I nod, a small smile appearing on my face as I say: “Ten bucks says he’ll get too in-depth about the weather.“
Andrew snorts, almost choking on his drink as he bursts out laughing, “I’m not picking that up, I can’t afford to lose another ten bucks to a bet with you.”
“Smart guy, smart guy.“ I chuckle, stealing the unopened soda can Daniel left behind. Considering he has sat down at the seniors’ table and appears to be making casual small talk by the looks of it, I don’t think he’ll be returning to complain about the stolen drink anytime soon.
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midnightartemis · 4 years
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Chapter One (On AO3 Now!)
She learned that life was a game of survival from a young age. First, it was the religious fanatics— the ones with the locked fridge and the forced prayers and the idea that children were the spawn of Satan to be beaten and starved into godly angels. After them came the Johnsons. They were a young couple, hopeful and naive, and completely unprepared for the half-feral, skin and bones desert commune child that the government dumped in their laps. She didn’t last long there either. But they hadn’t let her starve and they hadn’t hit her and Rey tended to put that down as a plus in her book. It was why she started speaking (though in a British accent much to everyone’s surprise) and it was why she still kept their last name. Even when they gave up on her. After them… It was years in the system until she came to be in the hand of Unkar Plutt.
She learned how to survive. Learned how he always hit her where no one could see, but he only did it when he was raging drunk and he only was raging drunk a few times a month. She learned his tells, knew that some nights she was better off stealing a slushie from the 7-Eleven and camping out at the skatepark until it was late enough to go back home.
As long as she did her chores and didn’t give him trouble, Plutt let her be. Rey was okay with that. She could survive that.
She sat on the lip of the park's bowl as the sun set, casting riotous shades of pink and purple and red across the cloudy sky. Summer had only just begun and while that met school, which she hated, was over, it also met more time with Plutt. More time in his shop. More ways to mess up and more drunken rages to avoid. She often wondered if he kept her around as something to look at or because she knew how to keep her mouth shut and balance his books. Both sets.
She’s been coming to the park for a while now, at least when the weather was decent, which it almost always was in Southern Cali. There was something comforting about the sound of wheels and boards on concrete, the whoops and hollers of the skaters, the warmth of the sun on her skin. Reminded her of the desert- only the best parts. People left her alone.
They had learned to after… Well, after they learned what happened when they didn’t. A few bloody noses. A few broken boards. Cause and effect.
The only ones who ever paid her any mind were Kuruk and his small band of boys in black. She respected their space and they respected hers. And after the broken nose incident, she’d almost become an honorary member of their group. A staple of the skatepark. She’d never had anywhere to belong before.
It didn’t mean anything and you could fuck off if you thought it did.
Rey watched them lazily, sipping on her stolen slushie as Cardo and AP kept biffing it on the same rail trick with a loud “fuck!” Every time.
There were a few other people around, but like usual, most had left as it started to get dark.
“Hey! Hey!”
Rey snapped to focus, frowning as she realized Kuruk had been trying to get her attention for a while and was now slowly jogging over to her. He held his board at his side and there was a lopsided smile on his face. He wore black baggy jeans and a baggy t-shirt like the rest of them and he always kept his dark hair buzz cut like he once thought about joining the military but only committed to the hairstyle.
Kuruk laughed. “You’re a Rey of fuckin sunshine, you know that?”
Rey rolled her eyes. It was only the millionth time he had used that line on her. “What do you want, Kuruk?”
“The guys and I are headed to the loft. We wanted to know if you wanted to come.” He gave her that look that he always did that only told Rey he was trying to get in her pants. She was pretty sure the guys had a bet going on it.
She sighed. “You better have the good vodka this time. And better smokes. Those last ones tasted like dried out ass crack.”
“Yeah, yeah. Totally. One of my buddies is coming back from Chandrila and bringing the good college town shit.”
She didn’t know much about college towns but was fairly certain that “good college town shit” didn’t exist. She nodded anyway. “Fine. But imma kick your ass in Mario Kart.”
“Bet.” Kuruk offered her a hand and Rey let him pull her to her feet. She practically flew off the ground and threw them both into the bowl. It wasn’t that Kuruk was supernaturally strong or anything- she had seen him shirtless and seen that unfortunate happy trail- it was just that she was built like a skinny prepubescent boy with an eating disorder. Rey landed in Kuruk’s arms and scowled, shoving him off before he could say anything. Some whistles echoed over the park. She grabbed her melted purple slushie and flipped off the rest of the guys.
Rey went with them with the promise that life would maybe suck less for a little bit with them. At the very least they treated her to free booze and a toke. Inebriation was about the only thing that made Trudge and Ushar’s misogynistic idiocy palatable and Kuruk’s advances maybe not the worst thing in the world. It was nice to be liked. To be wanted. Even if it was just to win a bet. She’d never let them know that. Maker end her if they ever found out. She had enough self-worth to know it would never fucking happen.
They skated through the darkening streets of Coruscant, slow enough that Rey could keep up on foot. It wasn’t hard. None of them could go ten feet without tipping a trash can over or trying to nail a trick off the curb. No one cared as they loudly made their way down the street, making themselves known to the world in the one way they could. Rey trailed after them in the dark. They left the cracked and degrading streets and dipped through a hole in the chain-link fence, passing through a barely used rail yard and a dry culvert until they reached a small mostly abandoned warehouse.
A few years back some real estate guy had bought it and started trying to convert the place into condos. He got about halfway done before, probably, coming to his senses and realizing that no one on the south side of Coruscant wanted to buy a luxury condo. Even if there was exposed brick and industrial aesthetic , there was also high crime rates and a hatred of outsiders and gentrification. Scared off most of the investors and the rest vanished after the recession hit and never seemed to leave the south side. Buying the one completed loft back from the city was the only smart decision the guys ever made. Even if they only did it to piss the cops off who kept kicking them out for trespassing.
Part of Rey wishes she had seen the encounter instead of hearing about it every five seconds from one of the guys. The other part of Rey wondered how they were even smart enough to come up with that plan, let alone execute it.
The Loft as they called it consisted of a giant open area that functioned as a gaming room and kitchen, the most disgusting bathroom Rey had ever stepped foot in, and three bedrooms which had once been split between all of them till Cardo got his own place and Vic moved in with his pregnant girlfriend. Three bedrooms became six after one drunken night where Ushar had taken a sledgehammer to the wall and broken into the abandoned half-finished apartment next door. As far as Rey knew, they were arguing between turning that living room into a sex dungeon or a pool table room. The vote was fifty-fifty since Rey refused to participate and Trudge, convinced he could have both, refused to pick a side. The whole place constantly smelled of weed and Kuruk’s weird incense.
Rey would never admit it, but she secretly loved the place. The ceilings were at least twelve feet high and there were huge metal-framed windows that looked out over a field of dead grass to the lights of the city.
Kuruk dug through the mess of a freezer pulling out a half bottle of Everclear and a mostly empty bottle of Captain Morgan, which Rey snatched from him without a word. She found an unopened can of coke and poured it straight into the Captain's bottle, swishing it around before taking a large sip. No one blinked an eye.
Across the room, Ushar cursed as he tried to get the projector working. It wasn’t that old of a projector, but it had been purchased from some seedy electronic store that definitely looked the other way on where they acquired their products. Gaming was about the only thing they ever spent their money on and they had almost every game and system out there. That was the other reason Rey secretly liked this place. Secretly liked most of them.
Rey carried her bottle with her across the room, stopping Ushar before the stout Mexican twin started to rip the machine apart in frustration. His brother, Trudge, was the same in almost every way- built like a tank and while they could be bright at times, they were oblivious to almost everything.
If she was being honest, AP was the only guy she ever thought about letting win their stupid bet. He was shy and generally quiet and never really said much to her, which Rey preferred. He was cute, too, with short black hair, dark skin, and brown eyes. But he was more like a brother than anything. He was insanely smart, which made him the brains of the operation, and about the only one with any real sense. He took up his usual position on the couch and started to roll a joint from their last bits of weed.
After Rey popped open the lid of the projector and blew out the fan and circuitry, the projector came to life with a small whine. She popped the lid back on and adjusted the focus so it hit the stretched sheet across the room right.
She hopped down from the chair and took the lit joint from AP for a deep hit before passing it back. Trudge and Ushar eventually moved from the back rooms howling to each other and fighting over who would play COD first.
“Hey, dickheads. The lady’s already chosen Mario Kart.” Kuruk slammed a shot glass on the table. “Loser finishes the Everclear.”
“She always fuckin wins.” Trudge groaned. “She always picks rainbow road. I fuckin hate rainbow road.”
Rey smiled to herself as Trudge and Ushar groaned but ultimately complied with their ringleader’s orders.
She could kick their asses at Mario Kart with a blindfold on. Rey snatched up the Wii remote and easily beat Trudge, Ushar, and Kuruk on Mario Kart’s three hardest courses. Even when Kuruk sat beside her and Trudge tried to tackle him over the back of the couch. Happy with her victory and at the sight of Ushar and Trudge gagging down straight Everclear, she released them to fight over endless rounds of COD.
Her and AP quietly pass the last joint back and forth, her eyes growing hazy as she practices blowing smoke rings into the air.
“God you fuckers are rank.”
Rey grips tightly the mostly gone Captain’s bottle in her hand at the unrecognizable voice. People stopped by the loft constantly, but it was always someone she knew. She was halfway to smashing her bottle and brandishing it as a weapon when the guys broke into a flurry of motion, leaping over the couch and flying at the voice as they howled. Rey jumps in the opposite way, watching as the stranger was set upon by the guys. It took a moment for Rey to realize that they weren’t actually beating him up. She took a long swig of her drink.
Out of the male-bonding wrestling pit emerged one of the tallest, broadest men she had ever seen. He wore all black like the rest of them, but there was something different about him. Long black hair came to his shoulders and Rey fought off the sudden urge to run her fingers through it. His pale skin was covered in smatterings of moles and freckles and his long nose was hooked from a break that didn’t heal right. It wasn’t until his eyes caught hers that the world seemed to break away under her feet. She felt his intense brown eyes from across the room. They dropped down before traveling back up again. He met her with eyes with a smirk and Rey scowled back. Something flashed across his face, too quick for Rey to tell what it was. Confusion, maybe?
Kuruk caught him staring at her and puffed out his chest in some sort of testosterone-filled dominance display. The stranger's eyes didn’t leave her. Rey did the only thing she could think of to win whatever battle she was having with this asshole and downed the rest of the Captain's bottle without breaking eye contact. The corner of his lip tweaked up.
Kuruk cleared his throat. “Kylo - Rey. Rey - Kylo.”
Kylo. Rey glared. What was it with them and stupid names?
Kylo frowned at her glare for only a moment before shoving a black backpack into Kuruk’s chest. “I brought your shit seeing as that’s the only reason you wanted me back, fucker.”
Maker, his voice. Deep and rough liked smoked whiskey and thunder. She wasn’t high enough for this.
Rey sat back down on the end seat of the couch and tried to mindlessly watch as Trudge and Ushar went back to trying to kill each other. AP returned to his rolling board with the fresh bag of weed. Bag of bags Rey realized. There had to be several hundred dollars in a dozen different strains in there. She tried not to let her eyes drift to the newcomer. He stood in the kitchen pouring drinks with Kuruk. The muscles in his back stretched his tight black t-shirt as he moved. The bottle he held looked fucking minuscule in his hands. He talked to Kuruk with dark eyes and a scowl on his face, never stopping as he pulled bartending tools out of various drawers and cabinets. He knew the loft. He knew them well enough to waltz in and start digging through the drawers.
Rey looked away before Kuruk could catch her watching Kylo. It was barely a secret that Kuruk was trying to claim her— a fact that pissed her off to no end. But the last thing she wanted tonight was to start a fight. She just wanted to bliss out for a bit. Pass out on the couch so she didn’t have to wander back to Plutt until the afternoon when her shift started.
Her eyes kept betraying her, slipping away from COD to the man taking up a majority of the kitchen. Kylo had pulled several bottles of liquor and mixers from the bag and- was that a fucking lemon and lime?
Kylo’s eyes flickered up to meet hers. A little smirk formed on his lips and Rey kept her mouth in a firm scowl. She already had too many cocky assholes in her life. She didn’t need one more.
She looked away from him and poked AP with her foot. Without skipping a beat, he pulled her favorite bong out from under the table, packed it, and handed it and a lighter to her. Maybe she wasn’t completely surrounded by assholes. He knew not to give her sativas, not after the time he found her in the bathtub having a full-blown panic attack.
Rey adjusted herself and lit up, filling the pipe until it was opaque with smoke. She sucked the entire take deep into her lungs in one go, holding it there as she let her head fall back. She let the smoke out slowly playing with it and blowing double rings into the air to watch them drift lazily up. Kuruk wasn’t lying. This was the good stuff. A dark figure stepped into the corner of her eye and Rey looked up to find Kylo standing by the couch. He held a dark amber drink in one hand and a pale pink drink in the other.
“Trade?” There was a teasing quality to his question that pissed Rey off. No doubt the pink drink was meant for her. Rey smiled sweetly.
“Sure.” She pressed the bong to his ridiculously broad chest— no she was not noticing or thinking about it at all— and snatched the glass of amber liquid from his hand. A puzzled look crossed over his face and Rey pushed away the unwanted thought that he was kinda cute. For an asshole. A moment later that cocky smile was back and he set the pink drink on the table. Kylo motioned for the lighter and she handed it to him snatching her hand back like she was burned when his hand brushed against her own. Rey blamed it on the fact that she was half-way to Elysium when she openly stared at him as he took a hit as strong as her own and pulled off a proper French inhale.
It wasn’t sexy.
It wasn’t sexy at all.
A moment later he exhaled completely, their smoke combining to hang around them in a thick haze. His eyes never left her and Rey wondered if he could see into the darkest depths of her soul to see his own reflection. He handed the bong back to her, reached down for the pink drink and downed it all in one go.
A loud swear from Trudge broke Rey out of whatever hellish subspace she had been trapped in with Kylo. AP shot her a glance like he saw everything that happened and behind him in the kitchen, Kuruk looked close to murder. He had seen too.
“How long you staying, Ren?” AP shifted between the two of them, sensing the impending fight as much as Rey did.
“No fucking clue. Might stick around for a bit.”
“Awwww was college too much for you, Einstein?” Kuruk pouted mockingly.
“Nah. They’re blaming me for nearly blowing up the chem building. Academic probation since they can’t prove it wasn’t an accident.” Kylo held on to his glass and stared down Kuruk. AP went back to rolling his joints not wanting to get in the middle of it. This was bigger than her, Rey realized. Territory dispute.
Strange how they do that. Though girls tended to be worse than guys. Guys just wanted to sleep with her. Girls wanted to murder her. Sometimes it was cause and effect— either way.
“Was it?” It took a moment for her brain to catch up to her mouth to realize she had said that.
Kylo raised an eyebrow. “Was it what, sunshine?”
“Fuck off, dickwad.” Kuruk plopped down beside her and threw his arm on the couch behind her shoulder. Not quite touching her but still trying to stake a claim on her. As if he could. He smelt of BO and stale cigarettes and she couldn’t get the thought of that sad happy trail out of her head. She wasn’t in the mood to be the chess piece in whatever fucked up game they were playing.
“Touch me, Kuruk, and you’ll wake up without a dick.”
Mr. Tall, dark, and asshole snorts, but his eyes widen ever so slightly as Kuruk actually takes his arm away from her without complaint. She smirks a little, thinking back to the time when Kuruk thought she was only joking. He had figured out pretty quickly that Rey would follow through on her threats when he woke up with a knife hovering over his junk. It was clear to them after that that no one touched her without her permission. After a while, they just straight up accepted it. No one touches Rey. Kuruk was the only one to ever press that boundary.
Rey picks up her bong and goes back to practicing smoke rings. She’s been working on her triple ring trick for a while but can’t seem to get the timing down. It’s relaxing. She could focus all her energy on just that and let the rest of the world drift away for a while.
AP finished rolling his joints and packed her bong again before picking up his bag and taking off without a word. He’d be back in a few hours and about 500$ richer. Split between the six of them with the majority going to Kylo and AP, she’d maybe get twenty bucks out of it. Still twenty bucks was twenty bucks. Maybe she’d actually buy her slushie next time.
Her neck burned as if someone was watching her. Sure enough when she looked over Kylo’s eyes were unabashedly fixed on her and ignoring Kuruk’s pointed glares. Rey stared back at him, her eyes slowly caressing over his cheekbones and strong jaw. She found constellations in his freckles. He leaned back in his chair letting her observe him, a faint cocky smile ghosting his lips. She wondered for a minute if she should feel embarrassed for ogling him like this, but she couldn’t. Not when she felt so light and free. Not when nothing mattered. Not really. This must be what death felt like.
She wondered what he’d taste like. What his moans sounded like. If his touch would feel like fire against her skin. He looked at her as if he knew exactly what she was thinking and was wondering the same thing.
But why?
Why... when you’re nothing. When you’re no one. When you’re far too skinny and you have no tits and half-healed bruises on your ribs. When even the gentlest touch makes you want to puke. You’re nothing but a quick lay. Something to use and discard.
Rey frowned and quickly locked her emotions down in the darkest parts of her. Kylo frowned, too. His eyes flitted away from her but never strayed far.
Learning how to swim but the lands are dry Feeling like a shark, If I stop I'll die Things are lit and the blood's on fire Underneath the buzz of the telephone wire
All my friends are doing fine While I'm looking for a sign Is this body even mine? Feels good to be alive but I hate my life
So tied up and tired of this self-inflicted fight In spite of, I light up, to leave my demons inside Tell myself I'm fine while I'm looking for a sign Is this body even mine? Feels good to be alive but I hate my life
- Good to Be Alive, PVRIS
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