#then imma do my small animation
5h0w1sh · 5 months
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Shadow bites the curb 4k HD
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flovverworks · 10 months
person about to cry over lack of official akira art rmbrs a anime project was promised
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
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🏖Your Own Standards of Beauty ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
I’ve seen one too many times East Asian YouTubers, when talking about EA’s ‘rigid standards of beauty’ giving this sense of defensiveness or helplessness—because it’s culture, right? With every fibre of my mixed ancestry I loathed that particular brand of apologist behaviour.
‘Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals, whereas culture has invented a single mold to which all must conform. It is grotesque.’ – U.G. Krishnamurti
Up until fairly recently, I was still struggling with comprehending the thought process behind this ‘invention’ of a grotesquely small and narrow mould of beauty and conduct to which ALL East Asians must abide lest you’re a total disharmonious failure. After some long and hard rumination, frustration, accompanied by occasional bouts of repugnance, I think I finally get ‘why’.
Almost ALL people in East Asia ALL LOOK THE SAME!!! By nature!!! LMAO LMAO People can ONLY have black hair and black eyes LMAO Ahahahohohhahah I think these Asians were never ‘socialised’ to appreciate variety. Hahhh that’s so pathetic. If this really is the reason, man, it’s pathetic as fuck. Ionno tho. You think I’ve figured it out.
All I know is that East Asians must repent for all the sins they’ve committed against childhood, individuality, creativity, aaand society and Humanity itself. Yes, Humanity. Standing on the side of all genetically diverse peoples of Asia, such as the Ainus, Mongols, Uyghurs, to some extent the Zainichis, and sooo many other ‘anomalies’ who, in recent history, have been cast aside and treated poorly only because they don’t ‘fit in’ to the ideals and cultures of the main races of some purebred fucks.
For all I care, the part of East Asian culture that has birthed this infamous ‘rigid standards of beauty, and, conduct’ can go to fucking hell. If you’re the type of person who’s even the slightest bit proud—or defensive—of this you can go and fuck yourself. No one should be proud of that kind of a racist, fascist, repulsive, little bitch mindset. Are you a little bitch? I ain’t one.
I am a Supreme Bitch! Imma be myself and do whatever the fuck I want and look however I want. And if my society can’t take that? Those types of people—Asian or no Asian—can die on the wrong side of history! I. AM. MY OWN. PROTOTYPE.
perspective: Why BUSHIDO Is The Root of All Social Problems in Japan by Let’s ask Shogo
documentary: WE ARE X on YouTube (watch before it’s taken down LOL)
‘X challenged a conservative Japanese society and showed us a new way to be. They started a revolution, honestly.’
‘Be proud!! Be proud of yourself! We are!! X!!!’
deck-bottom: X(!?!) The Wheel of Fortune, Priestess of Ambition, Gold Magus (Johannes Faustus)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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Pile 1 – A Light of Innocence in this Insanely Debased World
playlist: silly playlist for silly people with rare songs!! by Rita wild
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the TYPA beauty you are – Page of Cups
You are someone who’s known for being quite childlike. It could be that you do look young, but it’s mostly your mannerism. Technically speaking, it’s just YOU being the happy pill that you are. Listen, some of you tuning into this Pile could be dark and sombre on the inside—especially if you have a significant Scorpio/Pluto about you or if you’ve had a very unhappy childhood—but the way you’re perceived on the outside is totally bright, beautifully soft and pleasant, and dang, people really be liking your aenergy when you’re in a room.
You’re the type of beauty that exudes ‘purity’ in the most innocent way, no matter how you look or dress. You could be perceived as ethereal or unreal. otherworldly in a sense that you don’t seem to fit in this dimension. Are you an alien? Are you a goddess? Are you a fairy, elf, or an anime character? People may not have the exact words to describe you but you’re INTERDIMENSIONAL is what’s going on.
It isn’t just your physical beauty or the attractive way that you smile. People may not realise this themselves either but what’s truly beautiful about you is this VIBE or AURA that you generate from having a vastly pure heart. No, no, not pure in the sense that you never think sexy thoughts, what? Pure in the sense that you really operate from your Higher Heart and has very little ego driving your ambitions in Life~^_☆-v
effects on the world around you – Ace of Cups Rx
Basically, you just love beautiful things. You always look for beautiful things. And you make an effort to surround yourself with things you find beautiful in your own standards. And in a way, you’re also the kind of person who sees beauty in everything and everybody. You’re the type of person who sees Light even in a narc’s darkest corners of their blackened heart (if they had one), which is really such a beautiful thing but could also prove DANGEROUS!
It’s wonderful to have childlike wonder but it ain’t cool whatsoever to be childish enough not to acknowledge the presence of evil fucks. Bad people exist, OK? Very predatory and murderous people exist, OK? And it’s a spectrum. And you’ve been such an easy target for those on the milder spectrum of psychopathy! Babe! OMG You’re often drained of good aenergy after catering to the stupid whims of very narcissistic, histrionic, pathetic, selfish and whiney fucks.
STOP THAT. Of all the Piles, you’re the type of soft beauty who’s often underestimated and taken for granted just because you’re always so positive. If not ‘positive’ per se, you’re perceived as ‘strong’, so those types of people don’t even feel shame for constantly taking and demanding your aenergy. Keep allowing that long enough and your physical beauty could be drained out of you by the time your First Saturn Return jaywalks along and smacks you in the head.
keep being you, Glorious One – 6 of Swords Rx
Truly, you’re a silly angel who holds the power to absorb other people’s pain and gloomy feelings. But if this is your main pile, thing is, you might not have learnt how to release or transmute the negativity you’ve absorbed from your surroundings. It is paramount that you learn to call upon divine protection so that you’re shielded from the Evil Eye of those who are envious of your beauty and feel silly in your purity. Your Spirit Guides aren’t saying that you should stop being innocent, right?
A Soul like you is very rare in this perverted world. Some people might say, ‘They don’t make people like you anymore…’ WRONG. You’re the catalyst, if anything. By your example, there’s gonna be MORE people who are gonna be comfortable in their purity. Knowing that there’s nothing wrong with them for being this way. Fully comprehending that it is this world that’s gone too insane, and DEBASED. And this world has been this way for far longer than people realise. I mean, I’m sure you’re aware of how inhumane most people were in the medieval times LOL
Keep being the innocent and pure you, Glorious One. What you’re being advised to do is learn to set healthy boundaries from which you can still shine your Light safely. I’m being told that many of you choosing this Pile, due to your heightened sense of aesthetic, might want to have a social media presence or any kind of public platform where you’re free to share bits and pieces of your beautiful Life as a form of your Lightwork. Some kind of a lifestyle influencer?
I’m thinking of channels and blogs that typically share aesthetic daily vlogs and stuff like that—like nemui atelier on YouTube. You know what I mean; I don’t know what I mean XD
story of your evolution – Priestess of Prosperity
a legacy of authenticity – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
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Pile 2 – An Unexpectedly Romantic Dreamer of Luxury
playlist: songs like 𝑚𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 (MITSKI) by song with love
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the TYPA beauty you are – 2 of Cups
Ah~! You are such a dreamy and romantic beauty! You’re soft, elegant, sweet and lovely, with a kicking spice for those who would get on your bad side LMAO You’re actually a lot tougher than appearances give but most people don’t always get this until they’ve gotten to know you. For the most part, at first glance, at first encounter, you’re a sweet goddess, who probably gets projected on a lot.
You really have an unassuming quality about you. So then, people think there’s not much going on within and think it’s easy to typecast you into something, with some simplistic label. People think it’s easy to figure you out and classify you into some kind of a dream girl who’s always going to be nice, warm and friendly with everybody. You’re not. You’re a totally self-respecting babe. Actually, you really hate it when people act like they know you.
When people act like they’re close, buddy-buddy with you, it’s super annoying and depending on your mood that day, you could sometimes feel this urge to break people’s faces. But you don’t do that; you’re too nice. And you’ve got a plethora of coping mechanisms to deal with how annoyed you are with your surrounding XD Good for you!
effects on the world around you – 5 of Swords Rx
First of all, I think many of you tapping into this Pile love shopping. Retail is definitely your therapy. Is this good? Is this bad? Depends, I guess. You tend to spend money gregariously or consume a lot of food, or buy a lot of aesthetic knickknacks, or buy a lot of arts and craft as a means of therapy. Deep down, you’re somebody who has a lot of anger or a general sense of dissatisfaction with the world you’re a part of and this rage, almost, needs to be channelled creatively.
There’s a perpetual sense of disgust inside of you. You’re keen to observe and notice how much Humanity is failing. Everything that is ugly about society and people in general disgusts you. That’s why it’s important for you to live in beauty or indulge in creativity. That’s why it is paramount that your immediate surrounding, that your own Life, within what you’re able to control, is beautified to the max. You could be quite desperate in this pursuit because this is some kind of an overcompensation for the beauty and creativity that you feel is lacking in the world.
Your aenergy is kinda reminding me of this quote by the iconic Edie Sedgwick when describing why she dressed up the way she did:
‘When I was girl of the year and superstar and all that crap, everything I did was really…motivated by psychological disturbance. But I’d make a mask out of my face because I didn’t realize I was quite beautiful…I had to wear heavy black eyelashes like bat wings and dark lines under my eyes. Cut all of my hair off and strip it silver and blond. All these little manoeuvres I did out of things that were happening in my life that upset me. I’d freak out in a very physical way, and…it was all taken in a fashion trend.’
In fact, I think all of her famous words here could resonate with you. You are what trend-setters and superstars are made of, that much of your effect on the world is certain~
keep being you, Glorious One – Queen of Pentacles
Really, that’s all dandy as long as you can make a living out of your pursuit of beauty and creativity. This about you is really something that you can utilise as a means of therapy, self-care and self-improvement because you really are an artist, one way or another. It would be wonderful if you could monetise your beauty and creativity in some trendy way.
If you feel that you’re not particularly good at any kind of ‘real’ art, then you can ‘serve face’ to help other people sell their shit. You don’t think this is smart enough? Muses are often people who don’t do art—rather they inspire Art in the minds and hearts of other artists. Truly, you are an artist; but those of you tuning into this Pile who feel like you’re not one…you are potentially someone’s Muse.
Luxury is yours for the taking. But a lot of people in this world pursue luxury and some form of fame for vapid reasons and that often makes people very unhappy. Your Spirit Guides are saying that you do have a talent for balancing modern money-making and self-care. I think what they mean to say is that, you can be the prototype for how people can be completely and uniquely offbeat whilst still maintaining a good work-life balance.
After all, you do remember how much people like to project on you, right? Well, use them to make Life a lot easier! XD After all, it’s not like their projection and labelling would be useful any other way LOL🐙
story of your evolution – Priestess of Luxury
a legacy of authenticity – Green Historian (Herodotus)
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Pile 3 – A Ghostly Bitch Witch Who’s Quite Literally a Fucken Sigma
playlist: Everything Is Still Under Control by Mabisyo
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the TYPA beauty you are – Queen of Wands Rx
You, are, by nature, magical. You’re incredibly magnetic and this ain’t even something you’ve needed to work on; it all comes naturally. If anything, it seems you’ve needed to learn the very hard way how to shield yourself from aenergy vampires. You’ve needed to work on your boundary. This is because it took you such a long time to realise most everybody around you was nothing but anklebiters. These were people who just wanted to be seen orbiting you because doing so would elevate their status or image.
Whether or not you’re aware of it, you’re quite literally thee IT girl. You’re also THAT girl, because a lot of what you do and just who you are is very aspirational. Well of course aspirational to the motivated ones; to the weak, lame-ass ones? Almost everything about you is irritating. And most people are really lame, don’t we all agree on this? So you may have felt like you’re really quite an unlikeable character. WRONG. Dead wrong. It’s not you; it’s your lame-ass environment.
You’re a Queen of Passion who’s been living in peasant quarters, figuratively speaking. You’ve been surrounded by misers who don’t even understand why it’s deeply important for them to raise their own standards of authenticity. Thing is, they can’t afford to be authentic. It’s probably not entirely their fault—after all, peasants are highly dependent on thee System. Not you. You’re the menacingly magnetic bitch witch of a system buster!
effects on the world around you – 8 of Cups
As much as you make an effort to be left alone, you magnetise admirers to no end. This is reminiscent of Greta Garbo’s famous quote, ‘I never said, "I want to be alone". I only said, "I want to be left alone". There is a whole world of difference.’ It’s true with you as well. You’re not necessarily an antisocial bitch who hates people; you just want to be left alone by gluttonous gossipers and silly simpers. You find it hard to grasp why people behave unreasonably in society, all, the, time.
You yearn for a more intellectual world where people behave honourably, which is quite paradoxical considering you’re often perceived as quite scandalous in your behaviour and lifestyle choices as well. For example, you could be gay or queer? You could desire to defy social norms such as ‘having to marry by a certain age’? You either reject social norms or you live completely opposite to what’s expected of your gender, nationality or age. You don’t like being told how to live your Life as if you couldn’t work it out yourself. It's YOUR Life, right?
It’s MY Life! My Story! Is what you say.
You’re the kind of super bad bitch that gives no one permission to decide how you should sail your ship. You’re at the wheel so you’re gonna sail the world however best you know. You’re gonna learn a ton because you’re not afraid of detours or delays or whatever—you could meet accidents, hopefully not fatal ones, but you’re going to learn. That’s what growing up well is all about for you. And if you meet the right kind of audience, your whole AURA is going to empower them to do just the same for themselves~
keep being you, Glorious One – 4 of Cups Rx
You are destined for an exciting Life. In fact, you’re meant to have an audience, have some kind of impact on the world, you’re meant to become some kind of a famous person. Could be a celeb, yeah, but in this social media era, literally everybody can have their own unique kind of celebrity, right? You’re meant to be seen, heard, listened to, watched, analysed (LOL), and learn from.
You’re somebody who’s rare and your perspectives are deeply needed by this world. This world that’s often blindsided by optical illusions. Of all people, you’re the only one who’s not getting sucked into the mirage of mass media and deceitful politicians. You’re the one who’s noticing where the lies are all at. And you need to point that shit out, spell it out for other people to see what’s truly going on in this world.
You could gain enemies, lots of them, in fact; but you are definitely gaining a massive following far greater than that if you remain authentic and courageous. Stay spooky. Stay scandalous. Stay gloriously YOU~ You’ve no idea just how much that Light of yours is needed in this world of long shadows. Keep your Third Eye open and keep your divine protection. Most people have yet to catch on to the one thing that makes YOU superfluously attractive: a courageous Heart that seeks to liberate others from the chains of their own cowardice.
story of your evolution – Priestess of Luck
a legacy of authenticity – Green Magus (John Dee)
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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nyxvuxoa-writes · 1 year
Hello, my love... so okay... yes... would you kindly do.... Prompt #176. “I’m going to fuck you against the windows, i want everyone to see how good you are.” This prompt is for Roman Godfrey...
👉👈Thank you 👉👈
Imma go hide in a dark corner now...
Excited to finally write something for you that is tailored for you and not having you just appeal to my obsessions. I hope you like this.
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𝑨 𝑹𝒐𝒐𝒎 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝑽𝒊𝒆𝒘
Roman Godfrey x Fem!Reader
#176. “I’m going to fuck you against the windows, i want everyone to see how good you are.”
◢ Genre: A touch of fluff, Kink, Smut ---- Suitable For Adults Only
◢ Warnings: PWP, dom!Roman, submissive!reader, exhibitionism, sort of window fetish, sort of public sex(?), some spanking, unprotected sex, p in v, sex from behind, hair pulling, biting, creampie, sexy time talk. slight praise kink, begging, mention of aftercare.
◢ Word Count: 2.6k
◢ A/N: Okay, so I have never written for Roman before, but I feel this will be pretty straightforward. I hope it hits all the right spots.
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You have become accustom to how your relationship with Roman had grown. There was a sort of mutual understanding on how things are with him. He is in charge, and you had a 'place' to be in, for lack of better terms. In some small way you had control, but not in the normal sense of things; you had the control that a submissive in a bdsm relationship would have it.
This is your relationship with Roman. You are his submissive and he is your master. But when you are asked to strip down and stand in front of floor to ceiling windows, you hesitate slightly. Your eyes gaze to the window, watching as people walk past it. You would feel and be rather exposed to anyone who had possible wondering eyes.
After a moment though, and wanting to avoid correction, you slowly manage to strip down to nothing. Kicking your clothes to side, you look down at them like you had just lost your security blanket. Instinctually you want to cover yourself with your arms. It was natural for you to keep yourself covered, feeling rather unconfident, but you knew he would correct you. A part of you hated it.
Slowly you take in a deep breath through your nose, your fingers pressing into the palm of you hand. Roman was always one to push those boundaries with you. He like getting you to try something new, even if it made you a little scared or uncomfortable. He damn well knew this was going to make you uncomfortable. A part of him questioned if you would need to use your safe word. He hoped not.
Walking around you like an animal observing a cornered prey, he couldn't help but smirk slightly, a small chuckle escaping him. His finger reach over and the tips of them so gently graze your skin, moving from the side of your thigh and up around your body as he walked back around to stand in front of you. He fingers come to your nipple and he pinches and pulls at it slightly.
You tense a bit, feeling a small bit of pain. For a moment your lips push out and your brow furrows, almost as if you are pouting at him for doing that to you. At least he knows that he has your attention. You're focused and not zoned out, or withdrawing too much into yourself. This was going to be a big step for you.
“I’m going to fuck you against the windows, I want everyone to see how good you are.” He states, cutting straight to the point for the reason he had you here right now.
Your eyes go wide. "What?"
"I'm going to fuck you against the windows." He repeated, his tone slowing down slightly as he is allowing the sentence to sink into your brain for a moment. He licks at his lips as his hands reach up and he starts to take off his suit coat, laying it over the couch. He doesn't opt to take off his shirt, instead he loosens the tie and rolls up his sleeves to expose his forearms.
You could have used your safeword at that moment. You could have stopped him dead in his tracks and kept it from happening. The choice was right there and for a moment you considered it. But at the same time, there was something appealing about the idea. How many people would notice? How many people could stop to watch to see what was going on in the window.
Watching as Roman turned around and slid his hands into his pockets, watching you closely, you could feel as your heart started to pound in your chest. This wasn't how you were expecting your night to go. It was scary, but exciting. A small part of you remembered that you could stop this at any point if it became too much, and you mentally reminded yourself of that.
Letting your body relax, you looked at Roman with a small smile before you nodded your head, giving him that sort of consent that you were going to give it a shot. Roman smiles slightly, approaching you to cup your chin in his hand as he lifts your head to gaze up at him. He leans in and kisses you, pressing his lips roughly against yours before he spins you around to the window.
Gripping your arms, he brings your hands up to the window and presses your palms against it as he bends you over slightly. His hands move to your hips and he brings your hips out slightly, bringing you to that perfect level for him. His hand move gently over your lower back, grazing against your ass as he gently grips at your left cheek, his fingers pressing for a moment before brings his hand up and smacks it down against your flesh.
You tense and jump slightly. You had been expecting the motion, but it still had caught you off guard. This only caused your heart to pound in your chest a little more. Why did you have to face the window? Couldn't he have just lifted you up and pressed you against it? By his logic, sure, and maybe at some point he will. But this way people could see the faces you make as he presses his cock into the dewy folds between your legs. Bonus points if there happened to be an ex that walked by at that moment, but he doubt he would get that lucky.
A small chuckle escapes him as he steps back and takes a moment to observe you and the people that were already glancing into the window. This was going to be satisfying. His jaw clenches slightly, feeling himself starting to quickly stiffen in the restricting fabric of his pants. He starts to undo his belt, a sound that causes your ears to hyper-tune into it with clashing of the metal buckle. But he doesn't take it off, he simply starts to unbutton his pants, letting them drop just enough with his briefs to free his growing erect self.
Keeping his erect self in one hand, he reaches forward wit the other and bring his fingers to graze against your lower lips. Roman can feel the dampness spread as he presses his fingers into the folds slightly and runs them against your clit. This causes you to lift your hips slightly, a wave of excitement rushing over you with that feeling of anticipation and being nervous. It was a lot to feel at once and it caused goosebumps against your skin.
His finger press into your hole, as if he was preparing you to be ready for what would come right after them. He slowly pushes them deeply, reaching the full length of the fingers and starts to do a back and forth motion. You moan softly, your legs spreading a little bit as your juices start to coat them. Feeling satisfied with how wet you are becoming, Roman removes his fingers from you and positions himself behind you.
For a moment, your eyes glance up at the window and you can somewhat make out your reflections in it. Your lips part in a heavy breath as you watch, your vision going from his reflection and the people outside. A few stood by to watch, acting as though they were just leaning against something. Others simply shook their heads and walked on. This caused your heart to race further. Could you get in trouble for this? Technically speaking, yes.
Your toes curl slightly against the floor as you feel the head of Roman's cock pressing against your hole and then slowly sliding into you. He lets out a heavy groan, his hands quickly moving to your hips as he grips on and presses his entire length deeply into you. Your body grips at him, taking him deeply as your muscles felt around him slightly, almost as if to pull him in deeper.
Your slow moan and gasp for air felt louder than you intended, as if it bounced off the window in front of you and back at you. Your suck in your stomach a moment, feeling you body tense as his motions start in. First he moved slowly, bringing himself back to tip before he pressed his length into you again. He relished in the moment of how you felt around him. He was the reason you were tight. He was the reason you were wet. That is a satisfying feeling to him.
His hands travel against your body, moving from your hips up your side and resting against your ribs. For a moment his fingers dig into you, sending a little pain to mix with the feeling of pleasure, and that causes you to moan a little louder and press your hips back into his. When your ass met his somewhat open pants and flesh, he groaned, tensing slightly. You were letting that wall down, exploring something new, and he was eating it up.
Roman starts to pick up his pace as he grips at your ribs, allowing for just slightly quicker motions into your wet fold. He keeps himself buried a little more, no longer letting you feel the full length, but instead letting you feel the slightly faster, forceful nature of his hips. His breathing starts to pick up as he hears your moans and for a moment he leans forward slightly.
One hand reaches forward, gripping at your breast. He squeezes it in his hand as he presses his entire length into you, holding it for a moment as he allows his hand to fondle with your chest. His lips start to wonder against your shoulder-blade, kissing at your skin with a sense of passion. It hadn't been just a moment into hearing you moan more that Roman starts his motions again, pumping his hips into you.
"You feel so good." He mutters. "So wet. So tight. Are you my good girl?" He asks, while still leaning over slightly against your back.
You nod quickly, moaning and breathing heavily. You had forgotten what your hands were pressed against, the feeling of the glass more slick under your palms with sweat. He smirks against your skin slightly as he presses his teeth into your shoulder, biting at you a little, as his motions become more rough. Screaming out, your head drops a little more as your body tense out in both pain and pleasure.
Roman comes from the bite, lifting his lips and teeth off your shoulder-blade to see deeply purple markings and a faint bruise already starting to form. What's his, is his and he has no issues with marking his girl. Feeling pleased with himself, his cock twitches and hardens a little more inside you, which causes him to bring his hands back to your waist.
He started to give rougher, more forceful thrusts into you. Groaning and moaning loudly with you. The occasional fuck or oh god leaving someone's lips in a breathy moaned tone. The louder you became the rougher his motions started to get. Eventually, Roman's hands were in your hair and he was pulling on it. He pulled you back slightly, arching your back a bit, as his knees bent just enough to give himself a different angle.
He pressed himself into deeply, finding that right length to insert that would hit your sweet spot. He causes your legs to shake, trembling under you and you feel like your about to give way and lose your self of balance. He knew what that leg shaking meant, that tremble that ran through your body was something he had memorized. He learned how to work you, to help you achieve the finish that you craved from from.
"Good girl. My wonderful girl. Does that feel good?" He ask. "Y-yes Sir." You stammer, your fingers and palms red from how hard you were pressing them into the window. "Would you like to cum baby?" He coos at you, pressing his length in deeply as he says the word cum.
You moan and nod, hoping that he doesn't ask you to beg for it. But it was instinct, and before he could even say it, you were already begging for that sweet release.
"Please, can I cum? Please? I'm right there." You manage to get out between moans and heaving breaths. Roman looks amused, and rather proud of you.
"Ask me again." He mutters, almost growling as he's trying to contain his own moans for just a moment.
"Please. May I cum? Please let me cum." You insist. "Alright. Cum baby. Make a mess for me." He says, as both his hands go to grip at your sides.
You start to take some sort of small control as you rock your body back and forth a moment, starting to bounce yourself against Roman's length. He doesn't stop you and you cause his body to tense and the pressure to build more and more. "Oh fuck..." He manages to mutter. "Don't stop baby. Keep going. Keep going." He says, almost begging you. "You've got me right there baby."
You pick up the pace, feeling that release right on the edge there. And as he speaks, that begging and slightly needy tone coming from him, you find yourself trembling with a finish. Feeling like electricity was moving from head to toe, your body tenses and you start to have a heavy tremble work it's way through you. You cry out, moaning loudly as you keep yourself bouncing back and forth against him.
The feeling of your finish drove him. The way you tightened around him and moved against his length with desire and need, worked him to release that finish. He let go, his own legs trembling slightly as his fingers press into your skin. At first his head hung back in a moan before it drops down and he starts to give you short, hard thrusts, making sure to coat your insides with his seed.
For a moment, you both stood there, allowing yourselves to come down from the moment. He couldn't help but chuckle, feeling as you press back once more against him. Roman gives a small thwack at your ass and another grip at it for good measure, before he slowly pulls himself from you. It feels like you have lost your sense of legs, they shake under you with a heavy tremble and you wonder if you are even able to walk right now.
Roman smiles, helping you a moment as he turns you back to him and wraps his arms around your waist. His lips met yours and he kisses you deeply before pulling from it, allowing himself a moment to simply look at your features. This man adores you, with every fiber of his being.
"I'm proud of you." He comments. "Why?" You ask quietly, gazing up at him. "You didn't need to use your safe word. You went with it." He tells you honestly before he kisses you again. "How about we get you into a hot bath and I order some food?" He suggests, reaching up to touch the side of your face. You smile at him, feeling almost shy about being praised, but it felt good at the same time. Hearing that you have done good, that you have made him proud, it sort of drives you. It keeps you going. It gives you the motivation to care.
"A bath sound good." You state. It wasn't always easy to let someone take care of you, but right now, it felt right. It was going to be a good night and everything in your body told you that. Roman didn't hesitate, he takes your hand and helps you to the bathroom, making sure that you have fresh clothes and a big, clean, fluffy towel to dry off with. You are a good girl, and he was going to make sure you know it. After all, he's not the type of man to slack.
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midnightwriter21 · 1 month
heyy :) can i request small scenarios of s/o asking the kny hashira what hairstyle do they like the best on them?? (like braid, ponytail, bun, hair down etc etc) some fluff!!
demon slayer hcs: which hairstyles do the hashira prefer
characters: obanai, rengoku, sanemi, muichiro, mitsuri, tengen, shinobu, giyuu
warnings: i say meanie words
an: giyuu’s kinda sucked lol i’m sorry. i don’t write for gyomei
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i think obanai would prefer his partner to have a practical hairstyle
that way it doesn’t become an obstacle or even a danger if they come into contact with a demon
therefore he’d probably like his partner to wear their hair tied up in some way
whether it’s braided like mitsuri
or in a simple ponytail
as long as it’s outta the way and won’t become a safety hazard
bc with snake boy
your safety is his top priority
obanai is canonically down bad for his bae
so he’d also like his partners hair tied up so that it doesn’t obscure their face from his view
he likes to admire you
wants to see every inch of every expression that crosses your face
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i’ve said this before in other hcs but imma restate it here
kyo is the ultimate service bf
will do EVERYTHING for you
including doing your hair
that being said
i feel like he’d do your hair exactly the same way he does his
the lil half up half down thing he got goin on?
it’s the only hair style he knows how to do lmfao
if you don’t prefer that hairstyle he would absolutely learn how to do other ones
would prob ask mitsuri to teach him how to do hair
he just wants you to be happy with the way you look
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he’s so gorgeous it makes me sick
my man’s likes long hair
now do NOT get it twisted!!
if you’re on a mission?
that hair better be tied tf up
ponytail, braids, bun, pigtails
he don’t care
but put it up
like obanai, your safety comes first
sanemi will tie your hair up himself if need be
it might get tangled… but it’ll be up
if you’re just chilling at the butterfly mansion or at his estate though…
he likes it down
he likes the way it flows down your back and frames your face
and when he’s feeling soft he likes to run his fingers through it
he thinks it makes you look more innocent and carefree
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he does not gaf
at all lmfaoooooo
okay that’s a lie
i feel like he doesn’t really care about the length of your hair
or the exact style you wear it in
but i do think he likes face framing bangs
not for any real reason
just that it accentuates your facial features
it draws more attention to just how cute you are
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oh you already know that y’all are about to be TWINNINGGGG
mitsuri is braiding your hair herself😤
i just know she’s so gentle with it too
she’s brushing your hair and detangling any stubborn knots
you don’t even feel the slightest tug on your scalp
did y’all’s moms ever pull tf outta your hair while they were doing ur hair when u were little?
i learned to do my own hair rly young cause she was so rough… just me? oh okay
yk when you used to plan to wear the same outfits as your friends when you were younger?
the whole “let’s both wear a skirt tomorrow” type thing?
that’s mitsuri but with your hair
and it’s every single day
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he does not have to be THAT fine bro tell the animators to calm down
ik they be animating him with one hand if ykwim lmfaoo
*ahem* anyways
another one that does not gaf what you do with your hair
as long as it’s ✨flashy✨
and by flashy i mean he wants it to be something that makes you feel and look confident
cause confidence is sexy af
now he does want you to keep up your hair maintenance
and by hair maintenance
i mean make sure that hair dye stays fresh
those split ends? trimmed
and keep that shit washed and clean too
other than hair maintenance i don’t think he’s that picky
every once in a while he might suggest a hairstyle he thinks would suit you
but ultimately it’s your decision
also i think he’s really good at doing hair
i mean the man has 3 wives already
if you think he’s not helping them style theirs… your wrong
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mommy? sorry… mommy?
i think she’d prefer your hair to be tied up in a bun
she likes to see your face
study your expressions
she likes being able to read you
things you like, dislike, and how you react to certain things
not only does she think you’re adorable
but she thinks your facial expressions are entertaining as well
she’s gonna help you do your hair
and she’s def the best at doing hair compared to the other hashira
she’s gonna have you looking good asf
not a hair out of place
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water boy likes short hair
not super short
like below the chin but just barely above the shoulders
idk why i just feel it in my bones
also the cute wispy bangs covering your forehead
i can’t come up with a reason for this i just think it fits lmfao sorry
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Alright I'll bite
First of, take care of yourself before I motherfucking wrap you in a blanket and make you a burrito, and make you take rest /threat
Lin kuei trio brothers..., with a reader, whos just small LIKKKEEEEE, theyre just small 😋😋😋, the trio having hard time to keep them in one place and safe
Alright thanks for listening to my crazy delusional take
Stay Put Please!
Yip notes: “Alright I’ll bite” you’ve been biting. I want to make a certain joke but then I feel like it will not land well so I’ll just say…
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Gn reader
Warnings‼️: Imma keep you and put you with my trinkets have fun with Gudetama
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You absolute scoundrel, you’re gonna give the men heart attacks. Where did you go this time?
Tomas was very careful with his steps. It was his turn to watch over you and prevent you from running off again. That doesn’t work out when you are as small as a rat and you have the skills of an assassin. You can disappear at any moment. Freaking escape artist.
He looked away from you for a second so he could train and you took that opportunity to run away. You have nothing against Tomas, you just don’t like being babysat. So although you are safe, Tomas doesn’t feel safe. Bi-Han is gonna kill him when he figures out he lost you.
He’s damn near dragging his feet because he is afraid of possibly stepping on you. His ears are carefully listening to everything, hoping he will be lucky enough to hear your small footsteps or even scratching.
“Please, come out. If you come out now I’ll give you a treat.” He offered.
Heh, he’s treating you like an animal. Like you’re so simple as to leave your hiding spot just for a-
“I’ll give you some chocolate.”
Oh hell yeah.
Just then, Kuai Liang walked into the room and saw his brother looking frantically.
“What is the matter? You seem to be in a panic.” He said while walking closer.
Tomas put his hands up to prevent Kuai Liang from moving around. He didn’t want to risk the chances of you being stepped on. Kuai Liang was unsure of what was happening until he saw your tiny body running up to Tomas. You stared up at him with your eyes wide. You awaited your treat. You even held your hand out to signal him to give it to you. Give the chocolate! You looked like you’re about to burst into tears if you didn’t receive it.
“Kuai Liang, go get some chocolate from the kitchen area,” Tomas told him.
“…We do not have chocolate. We ran out.”
“You liars!” You yelled at both of them. What did Kuai Liang do? He just walked in.
You turned around and started scattering. You were like a tarantula in a panic. You were moving in a zigzag pattern. Your small size allowed you to move quickly. Your small feet thumped against the ground like rain on a drum. Tomas and Kuai Liang went into a panic as they tried to keep their eyes on you.
Without thinking, Tomas threw his smoke bomb across the room. It smacked against the wall and busted into a large cloud of gray smoke. You stop since you know it would be risky to walk into that mess. It would be like walking into Black Sunday during the Dust Bowl. That gave Kuai Liang enough time to scoop you up and lift you up. You were forced to look at his disappointed expression as he nodded his head.
“You do understand that we are doing this to keep you safe, right?” He asked.
“I’m a grown adult, I don’t need you to watch over me.” Really? You’re grown?
“You are small. You can easily go missing and possibly get hurt. We cannot risk that.” Especially with how important you are to Bi-Han.
Surprisingly, Bi-Han finds you to be an important part of the clan. Your small size is useful. You can easily sneak around and gain information without anyone knowing. The only downside is your rebellious side. You need to rebel and run around the place. You’ve almost gotten yourself killed because of that. You’ve almost been stomped, kicked, smacked, and attacked by other small creatures. That’s why Bi-Han and his brothers need to keep an eye on you. They can’t save you from every golden orb-weaver you encounter.
Kuai Liang decided to take over so Tomas could continue training. He walked out of the room with you in the palm of his warm hands. This is the only time you will stay still since he is so warm. It’s like being in a heated bed that surrounds you with comfort. He would have liked to keep you in his hands to prevent you from being a menace but he had to use both hands for what he had to do. He was hungry and he had to cook.
He placed you down on the counter in the kitchen area before looking around to see what he could cook. He handed you a cracker to distract you from making a devious plan in your head. Don’t choke on the cracker by shoving it into your cheeks. He will smack your back to make you spit it out. You watched him walk around and collect vegetables to chop up.
As he began to chop the vegetables he would occasionally stop to look at you. The knife would hit the cutting board constantly before stopping abruptly and then continuing. He needed to keep an eye on you. But there you were, munching away innocently on a cracker.
Of course, the moment he looks away from you…you are gone once again. Kuai Liang slammed the knife down as he started looking around. You were just on the counter! He saw your little body running over to the stove. You leaned down and pressed down on the stove’s knob to turn it sideways. A fire ignited behind you, the flames flicker and wave towards you. Yet you are oblivious to the danger you put yourself in.
“You stop right there!” He yelled, but when do you ever listen?
Kuai Liang watched in horror and frustration as you leap onto the flat part of the knob. You took another leap and hoped to land successfully. To your surprise, you landed in the warm hands of Kuai Liang. That man threw himself forward to catch you.
When you looked at Kuai Liang his eyes burned greater than the flames on the stove. He was not displeased by your antics. His hand went up to turn the stove off before he got back on his feet.
“Why did you try to run away again?” He asked.
“I didn’t want to sit there anymore. It’s cold and hard.”
Kuai Liang didn’t say another word. He walked off with you to somewhere else in the temple. You apologize to him since you were being a little stinker.
You saw him walking over to Bi-Han as he watched over the others as they trained. Bi-Han was surprised to see his brother walking towards him with a serious expression on his face. Kuai Liang grabbed Bi-Han’s hand and placed you onto his palm.
“It’s your turn.” He said bluntly before walking off.
Bi-Han nabbed the back of your shirt and lifted you off his hand. He glared at you because he knew what Kuai Liang meant. You drove him and Tomas worried sick. Now it was up to Bi-Han to handle you.
“You have caused enough chaos for today. I have a solution to your little schemes.” There was a certain darkness to his tone. A message saying ‘I won’t let you get away with this’.
You heard the jingling of something metal. You were placed down on a table before Bi-Han started to move your arms around. You were unsure of what he was doing but you felt something slip onto you. A click was heard and when you looked down you saw he put a harness on you.
My gosh, he’s putting a leash on you. One of those leashes and harnesses that they put on rats or squirrels.
He placed you down on the ground and everyone was observing you. Some thought it was silly while others thought it was cute. Come on, look at that angry glare. You could kill a man with that stare if you were full size. Bi-Han told everyone to continue on and he told you to act good. He didn’t need you getting hurt.
You didn’t want to be tied down. What is this, a marriage?! You won’t stand for this. You tried to walk off but even taking one step made Bi-Han yank you back. He had no shame in doing that. You were pushing your limits, it’s time to slow down.
Running around his legs won’t do anything either, you’re just upsetting him more. You would run around and the leash would tighten around his legs. Once there was no more you’d fall down with a thud sound being produced. He didn’t even yank that was on you. You’d get right back up and do the same thing except in the other direction. It almost worked too. You were driving him insane to the point he almost unleashed you. But you tired yourself out. Your little body could only hold so much energy. Bi-Han noticed that you were barely moving. He looked down to see you sitting on the floor, slightly swaying as you struggled to sit upright. Bi-Han picked you up gently and held you in his hand for the remainder of the training session.
After that was done he went looking for his brothers. He found Kuai Liang and Tomas sitting together. Kuai Liang managed to make his food and Tomas was napping. All that worrying made him tired. Bi-Han placed you on the table and finally took the harness off. Kuai Liang was confused but didn’t feel like asking. He already had an idea of what happened. The tiny harness was cute though.
“How did you make them so tired, brother?” Kuai Liang asked.
“I did not do that. It was their decision that made them tired.”
Bi-Han started rummaging around the cabinets. He pulled out a large chocolate bar that was still wrapped in the silver wrapping. Okay so Kuai Liang was a liar there was chocolate. He broke off a tiny piece before giving it to you. Hopefully, that sugar will fully knock you out.
You used up your remaining energy to nibble at the chocolate piece. A wonderful treat to have after being a menace for a whole day. You rested your body against Tomas’ resting face and indulged in the chocolate. You only got halfway through before you started to close your eyes. Your grip on the chocolate piece grew loose until it tumbled out of your hands. Alright, that’s pretty cute, even to Bi-Han.
Kuai Liang helped to clean your mouth up from the chocolate stains that were left. He was about to pass your sleeping body to Bi-Han before he stopped him.
“Is there any way to prevent them from escaping in the morning? I do not want to look for them in the morning just because they wanted breakfast early.” No rest for the wicked.
Kuai Liang took a moment to look around to see if he could use anything to hold you in place. He got a brilliant idea when he spotted a hand towel. He grabbed it and immediately wrapped you in it. He literally rolled you and tightened it. He gave you back to Bi-Han who was intrigued. I mean, if it works it works.
He said goodnight to Kuai Liang before returning to his room. You’re forced to stay in Bi-Han’s room since you can’t be trusted to have your own. Your grandmaster has to keep an eye on you.
He walked over to your makeshift hammock that was in a cage. Yes, he knows you can manage a way to escape the cage. You’ve done it dozens of times. He gave up closing the door.
He placed you in your hammock and slightly swung you to make sure you’d stay sleeping. What a long day. At least Bi-Han doesn’t have to worry about you being gone in the morning. You seem pretty snug as a bug in that towel. He doesn’t want you getting hurt. This world is literally too big for you. Getting hurt is not an option.
Do the men a favor and play nice. You’re gonna send Tomas to an early grave. You’re gonna be the end of Kuai Liang’s life. You’re gonna give Bi-Han a heart attack. Please oh please be good and listen. Don’t go making an alliance with the rodents in the walls.
Do it, it would be so slay because I said so.
Yap notes: So I started one fanfic, wasn't hitting, tried to do another and it didn't hit, got chest pains and took my medicine incorrectly, woke up sad, decided to do this fanfic to make me happy, and now I'm posting at midnight. Bon appétit. I was actually gonna start this a bit ago when one of my wounds reopened because I thought that was my signal but I waited. I ended up accidentally getting hurt in the same area on the other side of my body so I thought fuck it I should do this. I...I'm not good self care I think. Oh well. Adiós!
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fushigur0ll · 1 year
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — you’re mad at miles so he tries to change that
includes ; fluff, kisses, you’re ticklish, black fem reader
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“baby c’mon” your bf chuckles lowly as he watches you sit in the corner of your room, staring at the wall.
“nah you got it, you definitely got it. you can sit on that bed alone lil nigga” you huff and continue to watch the wall, rolling your eyes when you hear him laugh a bit louder. “you’re actually mad at me?” he stands up from your bed, slowly walking towards you and you feel his presence coming closer and closer.
“yes! yes i am actually, and i have a right to be so there’s nothing you can do to change my mind”
he hums and stops right behind you, staring at the back of your head with a small smirk. he sits behind you and wraps his toned arm around your waist and the other around your neck then to make you fall back against his chest with a yelp.
“miles!” you squeal and look up at him seeing him with that same damn smirk. you sigh and rolls your eyes again. “nope still mad” you cross your arms.
“i know you ain’t really that mad, ma” he mumbles, tightening his arms around you. you blink, not answering him and all he does is just nod.
“so that’s how it’s gonna be now, hm?”
he comes up with an immediate idea and starts tickling your stomach and sides making you burst into loud laughter. “MILES- MILES STOP-PFFT” you laugh and laugh— giggling and snorting making him laugh as well. one thing about miles is that he knows how to tick you off and how to make you smile. when you smile, he smiles, when you laugh, he laughs. you’re so contagious it’s crazy to him really.
“IMMA BEAT YOUR A- STOPPP!!” you scream, kicking your legs as hard as you could and he finally listens, stopping his hands on your body and you relax. your legs fall to the floor, chest heaving up and down. you finally catch your breath before changing your face to an angry look that to him makes you look cute. “why are you making me laugh, im angry at you remember?” you cross your arms and look away huffing. “always tryna make me fight for my life with you” he shakes his head at your dramatics, hearing you mumble underneath your breath.
“how dramatic can you be, baby”
“THIN ICE AS IS” you point a stern finger close to his face and he doesn’t flinch at all. in fact, he smirks and tries to bite your finger but you gasp and take it back.
“damn animal, move from me” you grumble and try to move away from him but he brings you to his lap, placing his arms around your body as he stares at your “angry face”
“okay how about this” he starts, pulling your face towards his way. “i’m sorry for not answering your call when i was using the bathroom, mami” you blink like 3 times before looking up and sighing harshly. “…i see that you’re trying to make me realize the reason im mad at you sounds ridiculous and i see that now” you embarrassedly admit and he bursts into laughter, leaning in to place his forehead on yours.
“i’m glad you realize it now” he chuckles and bites your neck to which you squeal and cower yourself into his chest. “it’s not everyday fight my girlfriend day” you relax into his arms
“but it makes me happy”
you gasp dramatically and hit his chest softly. “sadist” he rolls his eyes playfully and softly kisses the corner of your lips.
“yeah, yeah”
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fushigur0ll © 2022 all rights reserved. do not plagarize, translate, or post to other sites please.
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dreaming-of-lu · 7 months
A thought that I shared with a couple of mutuals, cause I cannot shut up about Stardew Valley right now. Imma mix mash my favs together and make y'all spiral with me.
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You, the only beloved grandchild of your grandfather, was given a letter by your grandfather who was on his last leg, filled with information regarding his left behind farm and cottage in your name. He told you when the day comes that when you've grown tired of the city and yearn for a life free from the shackles of the ever growing demand of corporates and nonstop hustle bustle. The farm and cottage will be waiting until you are ready. Years passed and of course, you become tired, exactly what your grandfather told you would. With no thoughts to spare to the city you left behind and little clothes on your back. Quitting your job, you head towards Pelican Town.
The mayor was friendly, save for the carpenter that definitely made you laugh until she made a jab at your grandfather's cottage. While you could agree, since it's honestly not much, yet you'll make do with what you got for now and add things on later. However, the slight pang went through your heart at the disrespect she gave to him. Before the mayor could set off, he highly encouraged you to introduce yourself to the entire town. He then goes over with you about the shipping container, what to put in there while handing you a sack filled with parsnip seeds. He also gestures to the tools he was able to get you that were sitting on the porch, with a wordless pat of good luck, he sets off down the road back to the town.
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First: Single (Bachelor)
Meeting First was quite quick since the man was known to be busy and quite on the run to get things done before heading back to the adventurer's guild that his great uncle runs. He was short in his greetings to you and apologized swiftly that he had to be somewhere.
It may not seem like it, but this man is definitely a poet with words. Chivalrous, that had his great uncle playfully rolling his eyes at his nephew.
Yet there's something underlying mysterious about him that drew you in to him. Perhaps you should gift him things and get to know him a little more better!
Sky: Single (Bachelor)
The eldest son of the carpenter! He lives down southeast of Lon Lon Ranch. He's the absolute sweetest person you've ever met in your entire life. The bright smile on his sleepy face had you mentally cooing at him.
He carves, paints, builds little bird houses just like what his mother use to do. He definitely decorates his home each time the season changes, it's so damn adorable.
He's single due to a breakup that did not end on good terms unfortunately. While he still respect her, however, there are things that were said that ended up hurting the other.
Four: Single (Bachelor)
The grandson of the blacksmith. He was working behind the counter when your fresh face entered the shop. Obviously, a little put off since not many people tend to flock to Pelican Town. He's a bit shy yet he makes small talk just to get to know you better. Until his grandfather emerged and the look on his face had him laughing.
Yeah, he ain't laughing anymore when his grandfather told him 'that's the kid you used to play with all the time when you were younger.'
He takes the tools you got and upgrades them or process the geodes that you tend to bring in.
Time: Single (Bachelor)
The working left hand man of Lon Lon Ranch. This man scared the absolute shit out of you when he showed up on your front porch that morning. To open a door to a towering, one eye, scarred man was not on your bingo card of shit you witness while living here.
He was straight to the point of who to come to when buying animals whenever you get your barn and coop up n going.
He's someone you want to be careful around, an anger you do not want aimed towards you. That mask you saw sitting on his belt felt ominous. He's hard to get warm up to.
Twilight: Single (Bachelor)
You were just planting the parsnip seeds when you heard a bark come from behind you and yelling from someone telling to 'Come back!' A black and white dog ran up on your porch with its tail wagging a mile a minute. A cute dirty blonde haired male came jogging up with an exasperated look before realizing you were the new farmer there.
He was embarrassed yet quickly introduced himself. The adopted son of Uli and Rusl's, the older brother to Colin and his soon to be born little sister. He also works at Lon Lon Ranch.
He's hiding something.
Hyrule: Single (Bachelor)
The doctor of the town. A shy sweetheart that introduced himself to you after you came in due to an already early incident on the farm. He scolds you gently for doing something stupid and rash.
May or may not have told you one day that he wasn't getting enough patients which affected his pay heavily.
Man has unprocessed trauma.
Wild: Single (Bachelor)
He runs the saloon, all by himself, save for his friend Flora does tend to come help him to keep things smooth and sailing when it gets packed. He was friendly enough to introduce himself to you when seeing you pass him on your way to Ravio's General Store.
He def encouraged you to take a load off once and awhile to relax in his Saloon.
He doesn't remember his old life, it seems like he doesn't want to either way.
Warriors: Single (Bachelor)
The older brother to Wind and Aryll. House is on the beach and he's dramatic as hell yet he comes in later on year 2 of your life on the farm. He introduced himself first thing in the morning and he's a bit stiff about it.
He's the only soldier(?) in Pelican Town and ties to the city, he seems so tired and run down honestly.
He's doing his absolute best to raise Wind and Aryll after the funeral of their grandmother.
Legend: Single (Bachelor)
The lone wizard that "summoned" you to his tower to gift you the language of the Junimos. Just to be able to easily translate the language and to fix up the community center.
His sassy attitude def threw you off yet he's standoffish. Only asking you of things he needed from the mines.
He seems to be mourning something.
Ravio: Single???
The owner of Ravio's General Store. The sight of his bunny ear hat sat upon his head was the first thing that caught your eyes. His eagerness to greet you while showing you the package of seeds he was given, showing off the wares he gotten.
The sight of his broken heart made yours clench when one of the workers of Joja mart came in and declared loudly that things were on sale for 50% off. He's trying his best, but the income is needed.
Is finding ways to take down Joja Mart
-TO BACHELORETTES (To be added at some point-
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 9 months
Featuring Sukuna and Itadori as brothers teehee
A/n: I got this wonderful idea from nessieart's artwork of sukuna and megumi... I love nessieart but I'm not tryna bother them by @ing them like a mad woman...anywho enjoy
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You were looking for Yuuji around the building, he told you he wanted to talk to you.
You round a corner and there's 2 of them
Itadori just laughs and introduces his older brother to you
"Uh..nice to meet you. I'm L/n Y/n."
You hold out your hand for him to shake when he walks over to you. He just stares at you, no emotion on his face. Did he not like you or something? All of a sudden, his hand shoots out of his pocket and plops down on your shoulder.
He keeps eye contact with you and then smirks.
You looked in shock and Yuuji couldn't even look at the scene in front of him.
"Bro, you're cringing up the place."
Sukuna had to skedaddle even if he didn't want to but being pushed by Yuuji just reluctantly helped him to leave.
You wanted an explanation after that whole cringe fest.
"Yuuji, I need an explanation. I never knew you had a brother." You place your hands on your hips, staring daggers into your friend.
"Okay Y/n, imma explain now."
He explains that his brother wasn't here, he was in Kyoto for some studies and came back just now. He pulls a picture out of his wallet of them smiling with the words 'happy graduation' above them.
You take the picture from his fingers and look closely at it.
"H-He went to school?"
Yuuji nods, smiling wide.
"He graduated?"
Yuuji nods but looks to the side like 'of course'.
"What do you mean impossible?"
The way you look at him tells him everything he needs to know.
"Nevermind but you should hang out with us while you can. He might leave again and he can probably answer your questions better than I can."
So with that, you began hanging out with both Yuuji and Sukuna
They had the cutest relationship to you, even though Ryomen would call his brother a brat sometimes which would cause a small quarrel.
During this time, you had a sleepover at their house.
When you awake in the morning, you overhear a conversation between the two siblings...
You press yourself against the wall near the kitchen and listen in on their conversation.
"Aniki [older brother], have you seen my-" Yuuji pauses and then makes a noise. "What are you doing?"
"Making lunch."
You peek around the corner, making sure you aren't seen by Yuuji or Ryo.
Yuuji quickly pads over to his brother's side and peeks over his shoulder.
"Careful. You almost burned down the kitchen last time you cooked."
He looks closely at the counter. "Why are there 3 boxes?"
You hear a small thump against the floor, signaling that Ryo pushed Yuuji back.
"I watched tutorials this time...one's for L/n."
Yuuji opens the bento boxes and lets out a snicker with his hand covering his mouth. The bentos are decorated so it looks like different animals.
"This is so corny but cute as hell. What are you, 5?"
"What's that supposed to be?" He points at one of the bentos.
"It's a F/a!" He slaps Yuuji's hand away from the bento.
Yuuji lets out another laugh and then a long 'aw' while approaching his brother.
"Who would've thought that my big scary brother has a crush~?"
"Fuck off brat!"
Ryomen has a big blush on his face, focusing on finishing up the bento boxes. You blush at the fact that he might have a crush on you. You decided that it's time to stop eavesdropping on their conversation.
You stand and make yourself let out a loud yawn to announce yourself to the both of them.
"I smelt food."
Yuuji is about to say something but Ryo elbows him to quiet him.
"This bento is for you L/n."
You take it from his hands with a smile.
"Thank you Ryo but remember, you don't have to call me L/n. Y/n is fine."
You open the bento box and smile at the animal he created for you.
"Is this a F/a?!" You smile while eating the food on the top of the bento.
He smiled and nods proudly...you sadly, really couldn't tell what it was, thank God for him telling Yuuji.
You and Yuuji were originally supposed to train with Gojo-sensei but now Ryomen is babysitting the both of y'all
Gojo is such a child...
"All you have to do is just help them train, physically."
"So, pretty much beat them up?"
He looks back at Yuuji with the most fiery expression, showing off his cursed technique.
"Yeah pretty much. Sorry kids, I got a date with destiny!" He kisses the side of his phone and leaves the field as quick as possible.
You and Yuuji's mouths become agape then you both turn toward Ryo. He laughs and removes his top layer to reveal...a tank top. You were really hoping he would be shirtless but whatever, it still works.
Yuuji takes his top layer off as well, revealing his red hoodie. You removed yours as well since everyone else was doing it.
"Well losers, let's fight."
You both end the training session breathing heavily on the floor, fistbumping Yuuji. Ryo pulls you both up onto your feet. He pushes Yuuji's jacket into his hands while he gently hands you yours.
"Come on brats, I'm hungry and y'all need to change quickly. We're done for the day."
You tag Yuuji and run back inside of the school before he can catch you. You two change quickly and walk back outside to his brother.
"Let's go, I'm paying for the ramen."
You guys walk through the streets, just conversating with each other. Then Itadori spoke up.
"If Aniki and I were drowning, who would you save?"
You don't think long about your answer, you smile and blurt it out.
"Well because of my cursed technique, I could save you both."
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vroomvroommuppett · 6 months
lando norris x ex vettel!reader, max verstappen x vettel!reader
send an ask or reblog to tell me what you think, and/or what you think could happen
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liked by mickschumacher, francesca.cgomez, and others
blakelyvettel "happier than ever" out now ❤
fan1 she really said "imma surprise them"
carmenmmundt YES BLAKELY
sebastianvettel Proud of you, sweetie.
maxfewtrell Target has been reached. Thank you for your service.
fan2 SHUT UP
maxverstappen1 Simply lovely.
charles_leclerc YESSSSSS
mickschumacher THATS MY MOM
liamlawson30 She's mine. logansargeant Back off she's mine oscarpiastri No she's mine. mickschumacher Nuh uh! blakelyvettel you're all my children logansargeant Then who's your favorite? blakelyvettel i love all you equally. lewishamilton It's Mick. blakelyvettel SIR LEWIS CARL DAVIDSON HAMILTON mickschumacher HAHAHHA TAKE THAT
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liked by lewishamilton, yukitsinoda0511, and others
blakelyvettel gina decided to take me to a drive through safari. never again @/ginaschumacher (blakely is on the left)
carlossainz55 oH mY gOd YoUrE sO pReEtY aNd BiG
ginaschumacher Sorry B.
logansargeant 🤣🤣🤣
charles_leclerc Dead.
georgerussel63 Who knew B got scared?
blakelyvettel theY WERE LARGER THAN I THOUGHT, OK?! georgerussel63 Scaredy cat. blakelyvettel Shut up.
maxverstappen1 You don't have that reaction with Jimmy and Sassy
blakelyvettel that's cause they're small animals, not big ass ones, maxie fan1 why do i lowkey ship blakley and max? fan2 same
carmenmmundt This is amazing.
francescac.gomez 💀
alexandrastlmeux I can't.
oscarpiastri So I take it you wouldn't want to pet a kangaroo?
blakelyvettel maybe
@barnestatic @daemyratwst @obsessed-fan-alert @boiohboii @dark-night-sky-99 @jointhehunt67 @nichmeddar @poppyflower-22 @lieswithoutfairytales @claudiajacobs
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yccoffeesimp · 7 months
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Dan Heng looked at the grey-furred animal that rested in your arms. The raccoon stared back at him, still resting in your hold. Dan Heng wasn't even aware of how you even got a hold of it, especially how it let you just pick it up so easily.
After all, this was just to be a nice outing in Belobog to distract yourselves from the stressful events that recently have passed. Dan Heng barely went out of his room, his nightmares more frequent. You weren't so sure how you could help him being his partner. So you made a plan for the two of you to spend the afternoon together would help him a bit. It worked a bit, it wasn't so busy in Belobog today. Dan Heng probably couldn't be able to handle it if it was.
But during your little evening out, you both stopped at a large trash dumpster. Hearing noises coming from it. Thinking it could be a Warp Trotter, Dan Heng got Cloud Piecer out, with you taking your weapon out. You slowly walked towards it before immediately jumping at whatever was making the sounds. You lightly squealed, causing Dan Heng to begin to walk toward you. You were kneeling on the ground, immediately imagining the worst, Dan Heng rushed to your side before he saw the raccoon you now held.
"Look, Dan Heng!" You smiled, slightly raising the mammal towards Dan Heng. "A raccoon?" He said, his shoulders falling a bit from the stress he had before now vanished. "Isn't it cute?" Dan Heng took a closer look at it. Soft grey fur with a patch of black fur on its face. It looked fairly cute but it had a little weird trash slop on its hands. "It is but I don't think you should be holding it.." He replied.
"Why not?" You asked, Dan Heng sighed. "It was just near a dumpster, there's no telling what it was doing or where it's been. Plus it could have several diseases for all we know." He answered."True.." You mumbled, looking at the raccoon in your arms. "Come now.. It's getting late, we should probably head back to the express now." You nodded in agreement, the both of you already heading back. Dan Heng and you soon arrived back at the Astral Express.
Pom-Pom being the first to greet you. "Well well, it's nice to see you two are safe and sound. Everyone else is already asleep or in their rooms." They said, the front lobby was empty. The lights dimmed, showing that everyone was in fact in the passenger cabin already. "Did we stay out that late?" You muttered to yourself. "It seems so.."
You and Dan Heng then walked to the archives, opening the door to the small yet always comforting room. Dan Heng's makeshift bed on the floor as always with an extra pillow beside it for you. As mentioned before he had his nightmares more frequently, so you began sleeping over to keep him company. Dan Heng took off his coat as you set down your bag.
"Imma go change into my other clothes in my room real quick before we head to bed, okay Dan Heng?" He nodded before you left. Your bag rested in a chair in the archives. It was silent as Dan Heng waited for you to return before something cluttered and the sound of something moving around sounded. Dan Heng looked around for a bit before the sound came once,
Dan Heng's gaze then landed on your bag. It was moving... As much as he respected your privacy and hated the idea of going through your bag to see what you had in there, he reluctantly walked towards it. Pulling back the zipper and opening the bag to reveal... "You've got to be kidding me.." He sighed, the same raccoon from before stared at him.
A small cookie in its hand that it seemed to have through the packaging it was in."Okay, I'm back- Oh.." You've returned to see Dan Heng holding your bag with the raccoon's head sticking out of it, munching on the cookie. "Care to explain why you have an animal in your bag?" He spoke. His tone was unreadable, you couldn't tell if he was annoyed, angry, or just tired. Maybe a mixture of three...
"Well, you see uh- Funny story.." "Mhm, I bet this will be interesting." "Well uh- It looked hungry and since we were already going back to the express. I let it into my bag and gave it some cookies..." You explained, rubbing the back of your neck.
Dan Heng's gaze made you a bit nervous cause you didn't know how this would end. Either with a lecture about bringing animals onto the express or a lecture about randomly taking animals. The possibilities were endless at this point. Your lover sighed once more. "Was bringing it on the Astral Express also within your plan.?"
"I mean... If I asked permission to keep it as a pet maybe?" You shrugged. "You can't keep a raccoon as a pet." Dan Heng groaned. "Who says I can't keep Jimmy as a pet."
"You can't keep- I'm sorry... Did you just call the raccoon Jimmy..." Dan Heng froze at you suddenly naming the animal. "What's wrong with the name Jimmy?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips. "I can't believe you already named it.." Dan Heng rubbed his temples, your bag set down on the same chair it was on before.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Just tired.." Dan Heng said, his posture was slowly slumping. You walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Take a rest, I'll handle the raccoon." "Are you sure, I could go with you-" "Yes. I'll only be gone for a while but in that while, you should be resting." Dan Heng was about to say something else, but seeing how you really wouldn't back down from this, he stopped himself.
"Alright then, be safe.. and don't bring any other animals from Jarilo- VI.." "Can't make any promises." You shrugged. It was a few minutes before you left, the small animal going with you. Dan Heng turned to one of the tablets for the database. To pass the time of your absence, he figured to list something in a locked data folder.20 minutes passed before the door to the archives opened, Dan Heng turned to see you standing triumphantly, your bag was empty.
"Ta-da! I have returned!" You cheer. "Well done.." Dan Heng gave a short nod, his hands closing off the data folder he was in. "Now after a rather long day, would you agree that some rest is needed, oh wise Master Dan Heng." You smile, Dan Heng had a bland expression on his face, unamused by the title. "Please be normal for once." He replied.
"Augh- You wound me so.." You joke, walking to cut off the lights. Dan Heng was already under the covers of his makeshift bed before you crawled beside him. His head was on your chest while he melted into you. "Good night sleepy head.."
"Good night {name}.."
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kimbap-r0ll · 11 months
Dorm Leaders Meet Villain Counterparts
If my childhood self saw Twst, I feel like she would combust because it's literally two parts of my childhood put together (anime and Disney). But here's something I thought of for Halloween or for some writing in general, hope you enjoy!
I feel like he would kind of fangirl, like omg this is literally a Great Seven just standing in front of him!
Is extremely polite, the queen probably likes him because he remembers every rule, every little thing that will get him on his good side.
The two of them probably get along to some extent, though I feel like even if she is kinda bonkers, she would feel a little bad for how he basically had no childhood. Like yeah Riddle's the role-model student and dorm leader, but this kid hasn't had much fun in his life. Might actually be a little more chill with him haha
Overall the two of them are definitely immediate friends and will be a nightmare to Ace and Deuce. I can see these two enjoying tea together while Ace and Deuce have to paint flowers lmaooo
How does this work? Like a lion meeting a beastman? I feel like Scar would be more confused than Leona like "what is going on this guy's like half me?"
I feel like they wouldn't really have a fangirling moment like Riddle did, but they are definitely chill together. Like Leona might be like "Imma sleep here" and Scar's like "👍" and they don't bother each other. Do I think Scar will try to eat Leona? No. But will he try to eat other students? Maybe
The two totally understand the whole "my-brother-got-all-the-attention" feeling and might bond a bit with that. Not sure what that would look like, but they might complain about how Mufasa/Farena feel too pompous. Oh, and they don't like kids, find them annoying haha
I really have no idea how this would look like since it would look like a lion just standing around in a dorm lobby with a prince just like "yo whattup bro" but I would love to see it!
Definitely fangirls a little bit, might scare Ursula a tad because he seems to know everything about her? I mean, great at least she's regarding as a "benevolent" person
The two are totally going to plot for someone's demise together and make a fail-proof plan to take over the school. Crowley stops the two from going too far but they have the plan, it might happen any day lol. They definitely talk about their favorite spells and potions for sure
I feel like Ursula would feel kinda bad for Azul too, sort of like Riddle's case. Will remind him to not worry about others since she thinks he's much better than all of the other students. Azul might tear up a bit (the two share a small wholesome moment before going back to business-related stuff)
I feel like it would be kinda fun to see how they would act together. I think they would at first notice each others' scams and then be like "omg great minds think alike" lmaoo
Kalim (feat. Jamil)
Kalim thinks Jafar looks scary, but nonetheless is super hyped to meet him. Will throw a big party and it might cause the sorcerer to be low-key stunned by all of the attention. If Iago's there, he definitely got a biscuit/cracker from Kalim by force
I feel like Jafar will talk more to Jamil than Kalim while he's busy trying to chase Iago down by carpet (please a carpet chase please) mainly because Jafar kinda feels bad for Jamil. Like this guy's had almost the same life as he did, but Jamil is like "nope don't worry I have a plan 😈"
Jamil probably likes Iago because he's always wanted a parrot as a pet, will likely not force a cracker/biscuit which helps Iago warm up to him faster than Kalim.
I think all of these characters could hit it off well, but it's honestly kinda awkward when Jafar's like "I was going to overthrow the sultan" and then Kalim's like "...that lowkey feels familiar but imma let that slide 💀"
The two are immediately like "you're beautiful queen" "thank you bae" 😭
I literally feel like they would bash their respective rivals while doing skin care together. Like they'll be like "xyz is so annoying" whlie lying down on a couch and the other one is like "fr." Iconic, and definitely all the students can tell the Evil Queen has a regal air about her. Vil doesn't fangirl as much as the others, but he definitely says that he respects her a lot
I think the Evil Queen, as evil as she is, will still feel bad for Vil since she can see how much effort and work he puts into his work. He's a model, an influencer, a dorm leader, all at once and it feels like not a lot of people respect him as much as they should. Definitely tells him that he's doing well
The two of them need to do a collaboration of some kind, and if she happens to help him out on dorm duties one day all of the students are like "oh no it's like 2 Vils at once" lol
I actually really want to see this, probably will be the funniest interaction because they're almost like polar opposites. Hades is all like "Hades, Lord of the Underworld how'rya doin?" and Idia's like "...eep"
While Hades is around Twisted Wonderland he'll definitely try to raise idia's confidence. Will take him all around campus to get him to talk to people and also to show off his own skills lol. But Hades probably loved watching Idia play video games, like damn why's he so good at rhythm games 💀
Will find Ortho super adorable, but definitely felt really bad about Ortho and Idia's backstory. He may be evil in the Disney version of Greek mythology, but I feel like Hades would still have a bit of a heart to feel bad for Idia, like he's gone through so much in so little time. Probs gave him a hug too
The two of them have definitely tried playing some games together, and whenever the two of them got angry at a boss it was like the room lit up red because of their hair lol. Idia probably thought it was super cool that Hades had similar hair to him, maybe fangirled a little bit about that
I feel like the two would have the chillest conversations out of all of them because they just feel like the cool-headed ones. Malleus definitely is respectful towards her, and she is too. Definitely praised him for his magic abilities
The two have bonded over their lack of party invitations, but Malleus is like "oh I've been getting invited to a house tho!" and then boom Yuu has to meet one of the greatest Disney villains of all time while in their pajamas lol
I feel like for sure Maleficent thinks Malleus is a super cool person, might want to meet his mother too just because it might be an interesting interaction. Nonetheless the two of them are super chill. Sebek will want to talk to her too just because she's just so popular
Will Malleus geek out about grotesques and gargoyles to her? Yes. Is it fun for her? Surprisingly so! I feel like even if she's known as the Mistress of Evil, she might like smaller more mundane things like medieval architecture, and it's always fun to hear from Malleus so why not? She has definitely asked Yuu about their life and experiences which might've scared the shit out of them but still haha
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thel0v3hashira143 · 8 months
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ eren armin jean reiner n levi ☆ various aot men as dads!!
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ fem!reader (referred to as mom or mommy), black aligned reader but as per usual anyone can read
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ notes: y'all thought i was playin when i said had 2 other pieces huh...well anyways heres my 2nd official revamp entry!! erm i hope u guys like it cause i lost like 3 hours of sleep over this. (its bhm you have to like it or else) stay hot!! 🎀🎀
eren yaeger 🌸
2 words. girl dad.
this man was born to have an army of girls surrounding him at all times (but he's not necessarily complaining in this case)
you two's daughter is a very passionate and outgoing child and eren totally embraces that
he's deeply involved in his child's life, sharing stories about the world and instilling a sense of curiosity (aka giving her bad ideas)
he was an outside and play in the mud kid so he is all for letting her have free range to express/play how she wants
and he's a sucker for your little girl so he usually gets roped into her shenanigans
when you come home and the house is quiet you know those two are up to something nefarious 😭😭
"eren, why the hell does my kitchen look a hot ass mess?"
"she wanted to make a cake, babe!"
i can see your daughter playing sports (soccer specifically) and he is 1000 the dad that yells at the ref.
"did you see that [name]!? that brat just pushed her over l, why didn't that bastard call it!?"
will get down and dirty for his girls. no matter what
emphasizes the importance of freedom, encouraging your to pursue her dreams no matter what.
actually the most supportive ever??
your daughter wants to play 10 different sports? he's buying all the equipment no matter the cost. she wants to be the next picasso? he'll buy her brand new art supplies and be her model.
just hes so just....*sigh*
armin arlert 🌸
my man, loml, my day 1, my soul mate my everything (he was my first anime crush i will be projecting on this one argue wit ur mama)
he is definitely a gentle parent to your little boy who's just a shy little dude
armin knows what it feels like to be that shy and quiet kid so he's very patient and understanding
him and your son are practically carbon copies of eachother minus his curly hair (which he got from you) but you think its adorable
he knew taking care of your son's hair was going to require extra effort because of his texture but he doesnt care and learns anyway (sob sob)
him and your son are attached at the hip and wherever one goes you typically find the other.
they spend many quiet moments together and obviously armin reads him multiple stories before bed.
i can totally see y'alls son being an artist/artistically gifted
you can find him and armin sprawled out on the floor with paper and various art supplies as armin nods along to the nonsense coming out of your son's mouth
"mhmm, oh i see! i think that color looks great there too."
meanwhile you're in the corner just sobbing and dying of cuteness in your house
much like eren he teaches his son the values of curiosity and freedom, even if his son is a little more reserved
he wouldn't ever force him into doing anything he doesn't want to, but encourages him in the small things
i also fantasize about living by a beach with armin so ik he takes y'all to the beach at least 3 times a month.
every single time he goes he carries his son on his hip as the explore the beach in search of shells and other treasures to take home.
"you like this one buddy? why don't we give it to mommy as a nice present, yeah?"
i can't write too long or imma short circuit but i will be expanding on this because i love armin so much
he's so neat :]
jean kirstein 🌸
jean, as a dad, is like a mix of cornyness and seriousness
on the one hand i can totally see him making the stupidest dad jokes while you and your daughter are just like 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️
like the irl personification of "im not a regular mom, i'm a cool mom"
but on the other hand he's just like my dad where he can turn anything into a life lesson and you have to sit while he scolds your daughter for at least 30 minutes
it's all out of love tho
he thrives in a lighthearted atmosphere at home and spending time together is a huge thing for him
he is a bbq/camping dad and no i will not take criticism on this
jean takes pride in teaching life skills, from fixing things around the house to imparting practical wisdom (even though it isn't always wanted 💀)
your daughter will likely be well-prepared for the challenges of the world. he likes to think he's the reason she has a good head on her shoulders.
speaking of which, your daughter is very much sassy...(jean swears she gets if from you but we know the truth)
shes the first one to have something smart to say and its gotten her in trouble quite a few times with jean...but theyre besties.
balances tough love with genuine affection, cause he definitely mellowed out as he got older but knows when to put his foot down (unlike eren. what who said that??)
your daughter knows she can always count on him. ♡
reiner braun 🌸
anyways as soon as your son was born he only knew one word.
specifically timeskip!reiner. i can only imagine him as a worrier and a helicopter parent up until your son is like 6-7.
"rei, if you don't let that boy go play with the other kids!" "[name], i read that a slide has 82 times more germs than a kitchen sink. i won't let him be exposed to that."
it's just like *sigh* but thanks to you he eventually mellows out.
y'alls son is a really kind boy. like stupidly nice. damn near a pushover. (but we love him)
while you're ready to fight the other parents (or kids) who hurt your baby, reiner is actually more gentle in his approach
he's clearly a big strong guy but he's very gentle in his approach when it comes to seeing his son cry or just in general
reiner, as a dad, is the protector. he's vigilant and caring, instilling a strong sense of security in your home
your son feels safe knowing reiner is there to shield him from any harm.
seeing talk all soft to y'alls son makes you go sksmwkwmwka he's so man...
"hey, me and mom love you very much. you got that bud?"
balances strength with gentleness. offering a listening ear and encouraging open communication.
he wants his son to know he'll always be there for him since he never really had a father growing up
safe to say your son grows up feeling understood and supported by both parents ♡
levi ackerman 🌸
for sure the strictest dad on this list.
from the moment your daughter was born he had her on a schedule that was planned meticulously.
like hour by hour he knows what's going on and you're just there like🧍🏽‍♀️
"i read a consistent schedule helps with her brain development." "...."
as she gets older he calms down a little. but like only the smallest little bit.
however! levi, although strict, is a fiercely devoted dad
this just came to me but he's the dad where if you our your daughter syas you like a snack one time he'll buy a lifetime supply until you tell him otherwise
despite his stoic exterior, Levi has a soft spot for his child's well-being and takes pride in their achievements, no matter how small
your daughter is a dancer. fight me.
even if you can't make it, you see him in the audience at every recital with a soft smile.
"you did great. yes, i recorded all of it for mom to see too."
ngl he is very rule oriented but 9/10 he bends begrudgingly for your daughter (she looks like you, so he can never say no.)
he values discipline and order but also knows the importance of showing love and appreciation.
like reiner he didn't grow up with the best father figure (if one at all) or anyone to really give him confidence growing up.
your daughter never doubts that daddy loves her and thinks she's the best ♡
he also is so skilled at doing hair?? probably better than armin.
ponytail, bun, twist, braids, you name it, he can do it. (has put you shame on multiple occasions)
teaches self-reliance and responsibility, ensuring his child is well-prepared for life's challenges.
expects excellence but also provides unwavering support
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ 2nd piece done!! why was i fighting for my life during jean and reiner's....but i actually really wanna expand on dad!armin and dad!levi so maybe i'll give all the kids names sometime in the future. i tried to finish this is my ap chem class and my teacher almost took my phone 💀💀 but expect more soon cause i am on a roll! 🏃🏽‍♀️💨
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐲 ♡
𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚!
𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙡0𝙫3𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖143 2024
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Imma share my Splatoon ocs with you all. I have 6 of them to share and i hope you guys like them. I'll show you what their main outfit is, their secondary outfit, general info, likes, dislikes, favourite idols, stuff like that!
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Age: 19, She/Her, Sexuality: Lesbian
Sunny is a 19 year old inkling who attends university. She's very peppy, energetic, outgoing and emotionally intelligent as she's able to pick up on peoples emotions very quickly. Sunny has a large circle of acquaintances but a small group of people she would actually consider friends. Her days are very busy as she juggles between university, hanging out with friends, engaging in hobbies and being with her mum, dad and younger sister.
Although she may seem bubbly and happy on the surface, deep down she has tons of spiraling thoughts in her head that she constantly tries to shut down by keeping herself busy, which leads to her being exhausted after each day. She cannot handle darkness and pure silence and needs nightlights and white noise to help her sleep.
Dress up
Fighting games
90s style Anime (not actual 90s anime, just anime in the style from our 90s in the splatoon world)
Sports/outdoor activities
Ice cold drinks and spicey food
Cold weather
Country music
Favourite weapon: Hero shot
Favourite sub weapon: Burst Bomb
Favourite special: Trizooka
Favourite Idol: Frye - Loves her feisty personality and rooting for an underdog. She managed to grab a selfie with her out of sheer luck and has kept that photo ever since in her locker.
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Fun trivia: She was the second Splatoon oc i came up with, i used a female Inkling for Splatoon 3 at launch and after making a gear set for competitive play, the idea of Sunny came into my brain and she was slowly developed from there.
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Age: 20, He/Him, Sexuality: Heterosexual
V is a 20 year old Inkling who used to live in Inkopolis before moving to Splatsville after the Final Fest as it was cheaper to live there. He is quite shy and non-talkative most of the time and he genuinely likes to be by himself. However that doesn't mean he is rude, he's very caring and compassionate but he's not the best at expressing that kindness due to poor social skills.
He spends a lot of time in ranked matches to earn money where he grew a name for himself and his aggressive playstyle with his main being the Roller class. V used to do Salmon Runs as well before quitting after it became too stressful for him. When he's not doing turf war matches or ranked, he loves to lounge about, playing video games, listening to music and engaging in Idol content.
However, V is quite sensitive and any sort of comment or judgement from teammates in matches will make him shut himself off and try his hardest not to cry. He also has anger issues and can let his anger get the best of him. Due to him overusing the Kraken Royale special in matches, it gave him... unwanted side effects...
If he becomes too angry he will transform into a kraken and go on a rampage. Another side effect from abusing the Kraken Royale special is that he also has the ability to grow squid tentacles from anywhere on his body which he can control like arms. Although he doesn't use this ability in matches as it would get him into trouble.
Video games/Video game collecting
High paced music (Drum and Bass)
Cold weather
Condescending people
Tight clothing
Flying insects
Most vegetables
Splattercolour screen
Unexpected routine changes
Favourite weapon: Splat Roller
Favourite sub weapon: Splat Bomb
Favourite special: Kraken Royale
Favourite Idol: Callie - Is a massive fan of hers and has tons of merch of her. His friends make fun of him for his obsession which makes V feel incredibly embarrassed and blush like no tomorrow. He sleeps with a Callie plushie every night to help himself fall asleep.
He even got to meet her during his birthday when he was out with some friends in Inkopolis Plaza. He was stuttering and was extremely nervous when talking to her, but Callie just wished him a happy birthday, gave him a hug and her signature on the inner part of his visor. She even told him that if he wants someone to talk to he can just knock on the window at Inkopolis Plaza, and he did just that the next day.
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Fun trivia: V was the first Splatoon oc i made. He is based off of the Inkling i used to rock in Splatoon 2 and i developed a character based on that. the name "V" comes from the animal, vampire squid. The kraken and tentacle abilities he has are inspired by the Venom symbiote in Spider-Man media and the classic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde dynamic in media.
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Age: 21, He/Him, Sexuality: Asexual
Hapalo is a 21 year old Octoling born in the Octarian domes and was brought to the surface with his family when he was VERY young. He is a kind soul and brings a gentle vibe with him. He is very interested in Inkling culture and loves exploring and consuming new art, writing, movies, tv shows, music, etc. whenever he can. He also does poetry and other forms of writing to express himself. He even won writing competitions at school at Inkopolis and he still keeps those cheap plastic medals up on his wall.
Hapalo also works at a library where he sorts books and manages things. He sometimes reads stories to young Inklings and Octolings and he's always delighted to interact with them. He even sometimes sneaks in milk cartons for all of the kids when his supervisor isn't looking.
However, Hapalo is very against getting into arguments and anything too overwhelming. Anything that disrupts his chill mood makes him incredibly upset and he needs to be alone to calm down. He's also very sensitive to certain sounds, smells, tastes and textures.
Movie nights
Swimming (in Ink pools... not water)
Tableturf card collecting
Drinks with solids in them
Crowded spaces
Social media
Unorganised areas
Favourite weapon: Snipewriter 5H
Favourite sub weapon: Sprinkler
Favourite special: Tacticooler
Favourite Idol: Marina - Finds her cute and loves her style of music. He also finds some relatability in her as she's also an Octoling. He got to meet her during the Final Fest and they talked about Inkling and Octoling culture and art.
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Fun trivia: Hapalo's name is based on the scientific name for a blue-ringed octopus Hapalochlaena lunulata. I came up with the idea of him based on the male Octoling that i used to use in Splatoon 2, however i only started developing him months back.
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Age: 20, She/Her, Sexuality: Bisexual
Bloom is a 20 year old Octoling who grew up in a chaotic household in Eeltail Alley with five younger brothers and a mother who has gotten pretty sick. She is pure chaos incarnate, she's extremely energetic, excitable, sassy and is always looking to get rough and dirty. Bloom is always out and about, riding an old motorbike, rock climbing and sneaking into gyms to work out for free as the memberships are too expensive for her. She even attends motorbike races and dirt bike competitions as a racer which gives her some decent cash.
Although she still comes home on time to take of her brothers and her mother. She has a kind heart but she won't miss an opportunity to push peoples buttons which can land her into trouble.
Bloom also has an interest in the water ever since she was a kid. She would often put her finger and other limbs in bodies of water to see how they would react to it.
However, she often acts very jokey and silly with others in order to hide pain she's feeling. Bloom worries about her mother constantly and dooms over if something bad is gonna happen to her and her brothers. She'll tend to isolate herself from others or be overly attached to her friends.
Her family
Old machinery
Working out
Fizzy drinks
Winter clothes
Really sterile places
Charger mains
Choc mint ice cream
Favourite weapon: Luna Blaster
Favourite sub weapon: Fizzy Bomb
Favourite special: Zipcaster
Favourite Idol: Pearl - She loves listening to her raps and enjoys her spunky energy. Bloom managed to meet Pearl when Off the Hook were touring near Splatsville. Pearl took a breather and that's when Bloom found her and said how much she loves her music and how she's a big fan. Pearl was a little put off by her energy at first but eventually warmed up to the excited Octoling and gave her a fist bump and a thank you.
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Fun trivia: Her name is based off of a name for a group of jellyfish. I decided to base her name from that because the colour and hair choice i picked for her reminded me of jellyfish.
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Age: 18, She/Her, Sexuality: Bisexual
Lilly is an 18 year old Inkling who is the younger sister to Sunny. She is sort of a shut in and spends most of her time indoors on her PC. She used to be talkative at school, but over years of bullying and being talked down to by everyone, she became a recluse and avoids going outside due to anxiety and a skin condition that makes her sensitive to sunlight so she always brings an umbrella with her when going out on a bright day.
Lilly is a digital artist and hoarder of random technology, ranging from old laptops, hard drives, video game consoles and rhythm game controllers like guitars and DJ turntables. She runs a website where she takes commissions, although she doesn't get much money it's still pretty good cash. She doesn't attend school and still lives with her parents.
She can be quite cheeky and has a weird way with her words that make interacting her feel... off. She can also be quite perverted in her speech but she won't push any boundaries if the other person is uncomfortable by her.
Rhythm games
Her older sister Sunny
Outdoor activities
Hot weather
Very outgoing people
Favourite weapon: Recycled Brella
Favourite sub weapon: Autobomb
Favourite special: Crab Tank
Favourite Idol: Marie - Finds her extremely attractive and cool. She was her sexual awakening when she saw Marie dance from a video online. Lilly even purchased a giant Marie plushie to snuggle with and has kept hidden from her family in her cluttered closet.
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Fun trivia: Lilly is based off of Futaba Sakura from Persona 5. I wanted to have a character that is similar to her, down to the colour choice and personality.
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Age: 22, She/Her, Sexuality: Heterosexual
Shinobu is a 22 year old Octoling who grew up in the Octarain domes. She always had trouble in school and was talked down to by her instructors and parents. She was told to "be more disciplined! Be like other Octolings! Stop being lazy!" She was even physically abused by her parents and decided enough was enough and ran away to the surface at age 13, determined to leave her old life behind and start a new.
She quickly adapted to Inkling culture and learnt the language at an insane speed, all fueled by the pain of her past. In fact she adapted so quickly people often mistook her as an Inkling. Shinobu learnt the ways of turf war and discovered a new obsession and career path, music production. She grew a name for herself as an indie music artist and currently has 3 albums with 13 songs in each. She has a unique musical style that involves sampling the Idols' vocals and making tracks that blend jungle drum and bass, and pop.
She also became obsessed with fashion and is always constantly making new outfits for herself. Shinobu also has a rare disorder that affects the pigment in her ink which causes it to switch between purple and pink at random. Although it doesn't cause her any pain fortunately.
Shinobu is bold, highly determined and sure of herself. She cannot be manipulated or mind controlled. You give her the hypnoshades? She ain't getting hypnotised. You give her the Controller VM? Nothing will happen. However if she hears the Calamari Inkantation she can't help herself and starts dancing like crazy.
She has a chill demeanor and never lies no matter what, she is always compelled to tell the truth even if it'll hurt her or the other person. She is also very empathic and understanding of others and will always be there for her friends and the ones she loves.
Shinobu also has a very excited side to her when alone or with someone she's very close with. She has a huge smile on her face, is very touchy and is giddy.
However she often suffers from nightmares and anxiety which cause her to not get very much sleep. She's sort of a night owl and not by choice...
Roller skating
Tableturf card battles
Small or cramped spaces
Heavy metal music
Public transport
Loud sounds
Messy places
Favourite weapon: Splatana Stamper and Charcoal Decavitator
Favourite sub weapon: Burst Bomb
Favourite special: Inkjet
Favourite Idol: Shiver - Loves her style of singing and how she's a shark tamer. She often watches videos of her performances and gets all giddy and yells when Shiver does kakegoe.
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Fun trivia: Shinobu is based off of the character of the same name in No More Heroes, Shinobu. I wanted to make a Splatoon oc that was a cool fighter that wields a Splatana and i developed the idea from there.
Sunny's relationships
V: Solid friends
Hapalo: Good acquaintances but nothing too special
Lilly: Love her to death
Shinobu: Thinks she has cool style
V's relationships
Sunny: Cool gal
Hapalo: Friend since school
Bloom: Likes her energy
Lilly: Think she's funny and a good time on voice calls
Shinobu: Girlfriend, loves her a ton : )
Hapalo's relationships
Sunny: Likes her positive attitude
V: Hope he's doing okay
Bloom: Not on good terms after an... incident at the library...
Lilly: Impressed by her art skills
Shinobu: Feels bad for her
Bloom's relationships
Sunny: BESTIES!!!!!!!!!!
V: Feels like he should open up more but he's still a nice friend
Hapalo: Doesn't like him. Aside from his hair
Lilly: Thinks she's a little weird...
Shinobu: Doesn't like her attitude but feels sorry for her past
Lilly's relationships
Sunny: Little jealous of her but still loves her
V: A good friend to play games with
Hapalo: Doesn't understand how he thinks her art is good...
Bloom: A bit put off by her energy...
Shinobu: Big fan of her music work
Shinobu's relationships
Sunny: Thinks she's nice but is worried about her busy life
V: Boyfriend, loves his gentle and quiet energy
Hapalo: Likes his writing and can relate to him somewhat
Bloom: Respects her love for her family
Lilly: Thinks her art is great and that she should be more confident
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Okay that is it for my Splatoon OCS! If you wish to... i dont knowww... draw any of them..... 👉👈 then DM me and i can give you better looks at them!
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
Ten Thousand Candles
Kiss Me You Animal
Relationship: Cooper “The Ghoul” Howard x Zylia “The Freak” Shelley
Fandom: Fallout
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Strong Language, Mentions of Death and Killing
Word Count: 711
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
//Chapter Two//
Kiss Me You Animal Masterlist: Here
Summary: Cooper is not too sure if he is impressed or fed up with this new girl. Probably both.
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Have you ever seen someone who just looks like if you say the wrong thing, no matter how small, they would hurt you and everyone in the immediate vicinity? That was Cooper Howard right now. He was tearing through the town faster than a bat out of hell, trailing after a girl. Why was he following this girl? Because just a few minutes ago they met, as she stole his bounty that she was now cashing in on.
Walking into town, he just caught the trail of the unearthly colored hair disappearing into the shop where the bounty originated. He gritted his teeth, and waited outside until she was to return. Cooper found a rocking chair, and waited. He was a patient man, and that was being put to the test as he sat there. Most people passed by him without so much as a glance, but others took one look at him and scurried away. It did not much matter to him anymore. He had two hundred years to come to terms with his new state.
Seeing her white hair come through the door, he took note and noticed her shoving something in her bag. He stood up slowly, marching his way up to her while she was distracted.
“Well, gotta say, sure as shit been a long time since someone stole my bounty from right under me.” Howard drawled, almost jovial in his speech. The woman’s head whipped up to see The Ghoul in front of her once more.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be so slow then, Ghoulie.” She teased, finding joy in annoying him.
“I wasn’t slow,” he growled, “you were just a sneaky little minx who can’t keep her sticky fingers away from what’s not hers.” Cooper stepped closer to the woman, assessing whether or not he needed to draw his gun. But she just laughed.
“That ain’t how I remember it.” The still unknown woman got even closer to Cooper, and toyed with the edge of his jacket. He snatched it away, and stepped away with a flourish.
“Now, only time Imma tell you. Give me the caps that you got paid for my bounty, and we’ll be on our way.” His hand rested on his pistol while the other was outstretched.
“And if I don’t give you my caps for my bounty?” She replied, brushing a hand through her hair nonchalantly.
“I’d hate to kill someone as pretty as you now darlin’.” Cooper smiled, and hoped she would do the right thing. As she stood there, contemplating, The Ghoul was steadily losing his patience. She came closer and closer to his outstretched gloved hand, until it was resting right against her stomach. Sifting through her bag, she placed a singular bottle cap in his hand and closed his fingers around it.
“For you troubles. Name’s Zylia, by the way. Next time don’t be so slow.” The now named woman patted Cooper on the shoulder, and began to walk away from him. However, he had different plans. Howard stood there with the cap in his hand, and a million thoughts running through his head. Pocketing the cap, he turned to where Zylia was walking away.
“Do you have a death wish?” He called, making her stop for a brief moment. Even from all this distance, the pink eyes she held pierced his very soul.
“Maybe. What’s it to you?” Zylia responded, toying with a strand of hair.
“Do you know who I am?” Cooper questioned again, fully turning his body to face her.
“No. Should I?” Once more, his patience was being tested. Cooper moved his duster out of the way and rested a hand on his pistol that was still holstered.
“Little girl, I’m really not in the mood for this. Give me the caps.” He repeated, fully ready for a shoot out.
“Little girl? Well, I might be little, but not young enough to be a girl. I’m just gonna be on my way if that’s alright with you, Ghoul.” Again, Zylia turned around and began to walk away from the man. He chuckled softly, before drawing his pistol and aiming it at the girl.
It all happened in a flash, but the sound was one that was an everyday occurrence in the Wastelands.
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thetreefairy · 1 year
Platonic Aizawa and Present mic where Shigaraki is obsessed with reader..Bro is in love with reader. Shigaraki will do everything in his power to be a little creep perv😭😭
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I can just imagine Shigaraki being like: "HEHE ERASERHEAD HAS A CHILD IMMA DATE THEM" I added Eri and Hitoshi as a platonic yandere who make a small appearance warnings: romantic shigaraki is a warning for itself, yandere themes, isolation, creep behavior, grown up reader
Reader's quirk: Divinity heal
This basically mean they can heal injuries instantly, they can't heal serious illnesses.
masterlist - p.2
A lovely meeting
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Reader couldn't help but be excited, they had conviced their fathers to let them go out alone! Well they had to bring their younger brother: Hitoshi.
"When I am done with my errand, do you want to go to that cat café you like? I'll pay." Reader asked Hitoshi while holding up their card with a toothy grin. "I love you." Hitoshi blurted out. "Where do we have to go first?"
"The videogame store. I want to buy the new horizon game and some extra joy cons for the switch and an extra switch for Eri with some games." Reader explained, they had been saving up all the money they got from their freelance job to be able to pay. Hitoshi nodded, Eri's birthday was coming up. "After that I need to buy that book pa wanted."
"How about you go to the videogame store and I pick up that book? That way we can go the café sooner." Hitoshi suggested with a happy tone, which caused Reader to chuckle. "Sure, I'll give you some cash to buy the book." They dropped some cash in Hitoshi's hands. "I'll see you at the café, okay?"
Hitoshi nodded and gave Reader a hug. "Stay safe alright." Reader chuckled and petted his hair. "Always."
When reader was at the videogame store, they grabbed a basket and greeted the shop's owner. "I have a copy of the new Horizon game at the counter waiting for you." The shop's owner told Reader. "Thank you so much, I just need to grab a few things for Eri's birthday."
Well much to Reader's luck, they still had mario party and animal crossing :D, so they took one happily. "Do you like Animal crossing?" Reader heard a rough voice behind them, causing them to turn in surprise.
"I want to know if it's worth purchasing." The guy added with an awkward chuckle. "I love it myself, like I love the interactions and making your own island. It's like getting away from the real world for a while." Reader rambled happily while smiling at the guy, until they noticed the blood on his neck. "Oh, you're bleeding, can I heal you?"
The guy looked at them in surprise, and then nodded. "I'm Tomura." He whispered while Reader healed his neck, it gave him a soft tingly feeling. "My name is Reader. Let's exchange numbers so that we can play animal crossing sometime."
Reader couldn't help but want to be friends with him. He didn 't seem as suffactiong as their parents and siblings.
"I would like that." Tomura smiled at them. "Here, put it in my phone, if you don't mind I have to go, my littler brother is waiting for me."
Tomura put his phone number in Reader's phone and nodded. "Send me a text when you have the time."
Tomura had the feeling that this could turn out to be something great
Part one, why? otherwise this will become too long. I like wrote this 20 times. and I am still not satisfied
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