#and then pick something creative that represents something from one of the plans
seashellronan · 3 months
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i love you mary oliver, the trees will save me
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thedivineart · 1 year
PICK A CARD ✶ words to describe your current life v.s your future life﹙💮﹚
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collab with: @thedivineart
cards: king of wands, the tower, the hermit
life's has been rough for you and you losing hope about your future, it's like no matter how effort and hard work you put in certain situation and doing, you still being end up like nothing, you lose hope about succeeding in your life and you never see yourself being in that situation. there's no good being in negativity, keep trying until you succeed, if you still failed try again, the one of main reason why you have years to spend to try again whenever you failed, made a mistake and learned lesson from it. don't give up, roads might have a lot of rocks however that's was a part of your path, how can you remove the rocks if your just going to stare on it - try to do something so you can move, remember your patience and determination is being tested at this present time. Keep going and keep trying for a better future of yours, blockages and challenges may want you to give up but that is part of your line and the path towards your desire or dream life. Also you really lose hope since no one was their during your hard times, no one is listening to your problems and rants about your life which brings so much sadness and loneliness in you.
cards: the chariot, 4 of swords, ace of swords, wheel of fortune, queen of cups
in future, you will overcome a lot of obstacles in your journey to success. you were to determine to achieve this kind of victory in life, you were working too hard and as well focus in what you do however you might be lucky some rest and possibly your health becomes low if you doesn't learn to focus on your health, balancing is the key here. on the other hand, for some people who pick this pile, I do sense that you still not be able to face your obstacles in life, which causes leaving fear inside of you. stress and anxiety will be knocking at you door and it is a part of your path. your ideas, hard work and intellectual ability will lead you to other places that you never been knew before perhaps your boss choose you to be the representative that will be send to foreign country to deal something important. it likes your mental capability and skills will lead you to the success you want in your previous life. your life might be not really good at the present however that is a part of your destiny or fate, also it is part of your past life karma. you will actually change a lot in future, you will become more mature, focus and serious. you often use your mind to create something creative ideas and plans that can be use to your working skills and success. You actually know what to do and you got some plans for your future, you got the clarity vision of it, don't doubt your intuition. you will becoming someone who is kind, warm and sensitive. as the time past by you will learn from your mistakes, and will be a warning not to do it again. I think of people who pick this pile are Libra or got strong Libra placements into their chart, you could be a psychic too.
learn to congratulate yourself even in small wins
your mission here in life wasn't to survive, you were here to thrive and we know you can do it
not all the winners are the one who never fail sometimes it is the people who never quit
whenever you brings back the memories on how far you been through, you'll find yourself being thankful
you were strong because you been through in weak and downfall moments
you will be creating the life you want
you are a magnet of wealth and success
when you learn something. teach people. when you get something. give people
resort, gathering, basketball, city & light are bright, pinkish, city, big chandelier, air sign, heartbreaker, clumsy, Asia, bald, cooking, clean/neat, medium, they will approach, a friend, rings, dog, possessive, girl, successful, summer, big, drinks, poor, selfish
Hello, please do pay a visit to my account @thedivineart , your support and encouragement will be always enlightened me, Thank You♡
: ・. ゚ ✧. : ・. ☽˚。 ・゚ ✧: ・. :.
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collab with: @pinksobg
pile two, your current life came represented with appreciation and/or your passion for something, it came very pretty and a clear image of you getting your hands up as a young apprentice, who is just starting out but this is far from being bad, because you have love for your ideals within you. the tower; for this beautiful apprentice who came like you, here seems to exist a turning point or something unexpected; like when life seems to give you a big punch in the gut, whether it's a worry or something. with the passing intellect or energies in your life, we can see the 6 of swords: oh yes! after that crumbling tower moment, metaphorically speaking, you're picking up your things and moving on. you are going and walking a path where you can think for yourself. is about that, pile 2? look, with the passage of this path; I asked about your emotional state and another movement card came: the car. you are really changing things, it seems here. changing ideas, concepts, airs or even some cycle of people and/or energies. in your current life, spirituality came like the ace of cups: it seems here that good news comes to you like this; with signs, intuition, good advice, acts of charity or kindness (whether from you, others or both parts); you can really receive good news from the universe, affection, love, respect and even a kind of epiphany through words or, like a beautiful sunset or a flower rising.
for the future, pile two, we can see your efforts. we can see the harvest from after times. with the wheel of fortune, it is possible to perceive that it will be a new cycle. spring, summer, fall, winter. page of cups and knight of wands: you will be stabilized, how nice! 💞 you will be with your emotional state and your passions/activities working as a team. is this your wish? this is the result of a lot of practice, right? maybe you'll need protection from envy, but rest assured, you're safe. friend, if you are interested, try a bath of herbs or new scents to connect with your inner desires and needs — sounds like an advice from your future self. everything will be fine and you will grow up, you will learn how to deal with things you want clarification for. moreover, we have here the seven of cups. "Watch carefully how you treat yourself. Then your course will be extremely clear. Focus and surrender to what is really important to you. Choices are necessary."
"The card seven of cups also tells that we tend to create excesses to compensate for some things that are on low."
"To find your own truth and get back on track, you have to stop traveling in illusions. Whatever you refuse to see or acknowledge within yourself manifests itself in your environment with undeniable force. Take healthy responsibilities. When you are willing to do this, a solution can come much faster."
channeled messages: wine, orange, 7, love, cinderella, love (again), welcoming, welcome, cycles, changes, four seasons, apprentice work, discipline, table, pillow, calming music, spiritual words, high spirituality, sun, sunset, courage, fire placements, rising, air placements.
Hello, please do take have some time to visit their account @pinksobg , read and support their works and blog, trust me they are amazing, Thank You♡
: ・. ゚ ✧. : ・. ☽˚。 ・゚ ✧: ・. :.
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collab with: @alchemie-tarot
cards: 3 of swords, the chariot, queen of wands
you seem to be trying to move on really fast from something heavy and really personal to you. something terrible or something drastically different from what you were expecting had happened. it has affected you deeply but you seem quite determined to not let it show. there is a facade you’re keeping right now— i’m hearing “strong and independent.” you take a lot of pride in appearing put together and making others see that it doesn’t faze you. if this was about a connection, you’re in quite a rush to surround yourself with new people, but for want of distraction that you may be afraid to admit to yourself. it can feel kinda nice for a while but you see, you can only deny the reality of what you truly feel for so long. these feeling will continue to linger not so far off behind you if you keep avoiding to process them, especially if it’s regarding something important to you.
cards: king of pentacles, the sun, the star
very lovely shift of energy!! gradually, this situation will feel a bit bearable to handle. you will let go of the need to rush out of it or run away from it. it’s okay, pile 3; just because some things don’t resolve right away doesn’t mean they won’t ever resolve at all. it may not feel like things are moving right now, but they are, and you will see the change soon, seriously. have some trust that the deep sadness and despair will turn right around in its own way. at some point, you’re just gonna realize that it no longer has a grip on you anymore. for some reason, i feel like this loss ends up leading to a certain gain, a material one. perhaps your story or experience is key for you to start an idea related to business or simply something that leads to more growth for you. something that plants your feet firmly on the ground. soon your own cup will be overflowing. no more baggage. what happened before will stay in the past and will only serve to direct you to the healing and shining happiness that will be in front of you in due time.
Hello, please do take have some time to visit her account @alchemie-tarot , read and support her works and blog, trust me they are amazing, Thank You♡
: ・. ゚ ✧. : ・. ☽˚。 ・゚ ✧: ・. :.
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chuthulhu-reads · 1 year
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[ID: a double-page spread from Trigun. In the fore-right, cast in shadow, Vash the Stampede has his back to the reader, so only his startled eyes can be seen. To the left, Legato Bluesummers is walking past Vash, facing the reader, so close that their left arms appear to be brushing past. Legato's face is mostly shadowed by his hair, so all that can be seen of his expression is his frowning mouth. Both men are almost comically broad-shouldered but that might just bea wonky result of the double-page spread. A juddering sound effect is splashed across the pair to represent the tonal whiplash from the previous cheerful page. End ID.]
The framing of Legato's introduction, with him sending chills through Vash just by walking by him, kinda has me wondering if, at the time this was drawn, the plan was for Legato to have Vash's left arm. This is Trigun, before the original magazine got cancelled and Nightow started using the anime to tell the story he wouldn't get to draw now, before the manga was picked up again as Trigun Maximum. Legato having Vash's left arm grafted onto him is 98-only; in the manga, he's had his powers since childhood, with an implication that he might have been experimented on by the slavers who owned him, but it's never made clear. I always find it interesting to tweak at threads in episodic storytelling that show you how the writer's headspace/plans changed as the story started to come to life under them, and I am really curious if Legato's powers coming from misuse of Vash's severed arm was something entirely created for the 98 anime, or if it was the original plan and Nightow dropped it when he got to do Maximum and developed new ideas for how to tell the story--or maybe he always had a few options in mind for Legato's backstory and figured that, since he got to tell one in the anime already, he wanted to try a different one in Maximum (one that he could only really have told in a seinen magazine, because jesus fucking christ it's dark). IDK I love storytelling in all its forms and poking at creative minds, if Nightow's talked about this anywhere I'd DESPERATELY like to know
(Also just the biggest props to @trigun-manga-overhaul for producing such a beautiful, clean edition of the manga; the omnibus volumes I have have always formatted these kinds of double-page spreads in a really wonky way, so in reading this I'm seeing some of the art properly for the very first time and it's glorious <3)
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A bouquet of yellow foxglove and snapdragon VS A bouquet of gladiolus flowers and lilies, with spiky knautia, shield, dogwood, iris, lotus, lily of the valley, foxglove, rock rose, water lily, daffodil, green and black roses, sunflower, poppy, crystanthenum, wolfsbane, liatris, buttercup, and bleeding heart flowers. There's a sole kadupul flower in the middle of it.
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First, let's talk about the bouquet of foxglove and snapdragon
Meaning and why this flower was chosen:
Foxglove, which generally represents insincerity (especially in Victorian flower language) and the duality of hurting and healing, as well as other meanings like magic, creativity, secrets, and insecurity, represents him well because he’s a con artist, of the trickster archetype, and somewhat of an antihero; his actions and plans, while good at the core, often hurt other people at least a little on the way, and he’s okay with that if they’re not his people. Other characters, and the audience, often have reason to doubt his sincerity as a friend and as a partner [...] he’s generally got more than one motive going on at once. It’s not something I’d blame him for, but insincerity is a constant question when it comes to him that it takes a long time for anyone to overcome. Also, regarding the other meanings, he’s a clever character with subtle magical powers, he keeps a lot about him under wraps from most everyone, and he’s deeply insecure [...] I’d particularly choose a yellow foxglove because that color has implications of positivity and support, and he is cheerful, friendly, and when it comes to the people he does love, he’s never giving up on helping them. As a bonus (and why I picked this), the flower’s name fits him, as he has a nickname related to foxes. I’d also choose snapdragon, for strength in harsh habitats, and also deception. He comes from a humble background, was bullied as a child, is a little bit homeless during the main story, and lives in a society bigoted against him, but he’s thriving anyway. Deception, meanwhile, is central to his character and something he leans on; he lies, hides, keeps secrets, and has that fear of being perceived, and even his names are a kind of benevolent deception, as being known only by his naturalized name to most people helps keep him safe. Also, snapdragon symbolizes grace, relevant to one career he’s had. Description: He’s a poor trickster who ran away from home as a teenager and joined the circus in order to rescue his missing mother [...] He’s loud, extroverted, loving and voracious, has a sparkling personality, and is powerfully annoying when he wants to be. He’s a public figure sometimes but the limelight is deeply not for him. He distrusts many people, including especially reporters, rich people, and the government, which is of course completely valid. He’s a petty thief by necessity and habit, and he always knows a guy. It takes him years of having magical powers to realize that they include invisibility, and when he finds out, the first thing he uses it for is to tickle someone. He’s flirted with a guy he deeply envies and who envies (and kinda hates) him right back; I’m never sure if it’s weirder if he doesn’t like the guy in question, or if he actually does. He’s tried to save a celebrity from descent into alcoholism. He’s committed war crimes against ghosts. He’s narrowly escaped being mobbed by a religious group and has been kidnapped by a popular entrepreneur. He has been deemed ‘strange in all ways’ by a coworker. He loves pastrami sandwiches. He’s not that short but everyone he knows would call him a short king if they had that vocabulary [...]
Check his post here for the full description
Now, let's see the bouquet of gladiolus flowers and lilies, with spiky knautia, shield, dogwood, iris, lotus, lily of the valley, foxglove, rock rose, water lily, daffodil, green and black roses, sunflower, poppy, crystanthenum, wolfsbane, liatris, buttercup, and bleeding heart flowers. There's a sole kadupul flower in the middle of it.
Meaning and why they were chosen: Gladiolus: Integrity, Strength, Victory | Lily: purity, commitment and rebirth | Spiky Knautia: Unfortunate love (also because of the name (thunder and lightning), markings, blooming season and conditions) | Shield: it symbolizes integrity and protection | Dogwood: strength, reliability, loyalty and devotion | Iris: faith, hope, courage, wisdom, admiration and foresight | Lily of the Valley: purity, love, sincerity, and luck, because of their poisonous nature | Foxglove: because of their poisonous nature, they mean insincerity, pride, intuition, creativity, energy Rock Rose: they are know for growing back stronger quickly after a fire, they mean deep healing, togetherness, soothing. | Water Lily: birth, resurrection, purity and majesty. | Daffodil: rebirth, new beginnings, forgiviness, memory and inspiration | Green Rose: hope and vitality | Black rose: death, mourning or tragedy | Sunflower: because they follow the sun, they mean unwavering faith and unconditional love | Poppy: consolation, sleep and expression Chrysanthemum: friendship, happiness, and well-being | Wolfsbane: caution and treachery | Liatris: joy, bliss and happiness | Buttercup: joy, youth, purity, happiness and friendship | Bleeding heart flowers: Unconditional love (platonic) and death of a loved one | Kadupul: it means wish, fulfilment and stellar beauty, and it was chosen because it blooms at night Why these flowers were chosen: Each flower minus the first two represent a person special to her, or important to her story. They also each connect to a specific event that affects her, and their individual symbolism are all parts of her development. She surrounds herself with her friends constantly, so her bouquet is less about her identity and more about them [...] Description: A talented lovestruck young girl with the ability to grow and communicate with plants. She's best friends with a pair of brothers, and has a pretty big friend group surrounding them. She also leads a group of six other girls on escapades, and has a lovely, if small, immediate family of her parents and dog. While she's sweet and caring, she's also a little too happy to call something a death match, and will fight and win against anyone if need be. The combination of her skills and friends would make her a force to be reckoned with even without her powers.
Check her post here for the full description
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cozycottagetarot · 2 years
Quick Pick: What Do You Need To Know
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I've finally managed to do a reading! 🎉This reading is a quick pick so it's a fairly short reading, but hopefully, that doesn't stop it from resonating. I've also used a deck that is still fairly new to me and I haven't done any type of reading in months so feedback is 100% welcomed.
Deck Used: Woodland Wardens by Jessica Roux
Disclaimer at the bottom.
Pile 1
Cards: The Deer and Oat (healing), The Bee and Pomegranate (productivity) Rev., The Ladybug and Sweet Pea (happiness), The Antelope and Wheat (nourishment), The Spider and Passionflower (creative ingenuity)
Hello my pile 1's. As I shuffled your cards many kept jumping out and hiding. Makes me think that for some of you you're barely holding your shit together and you're longing for the opportunity to put down your load. Based on the cards I pulled, for a few of you the past few weeks or maybe months have been hard on you and it's time for you to take a break from it all and rest and relax. You may be trying and trying to get a particular task or project finished, but the cards represent that no breakthrough will happen until you tend to yourself first. The Ladybug and Sweet Pea, represent that good things are going to start happening. Whatever hardship has been troubling you will start to ease up soon. You could also be finding unexpectedly innovative solutions to your problems as long as you have patience with yourself.
Edit: I felt like I needed to draw another card long after completing your reading and I pulled The Lizard and Pitcher Plant (stagnation). This card is about being able to leave something behind in order to move forward. If you find yourself with a full list of to-do's, don't be afraid to erase some of them completely so you can focus on the ones that will make the most impact in your life (such as taking time to rest 😉).
Pile 2
Cards: The Hound and Pear (loyalty), The Rooster and Sunflower (communication), The Ram and Dahlia (determination), The Marten and Foxglove (mischief), The Butterfly and Snowdrop (hope)
Hi pile 2! Your spread has such a bright disposition simply from the bright imagery on the cards. A friendship is blossoming for you pile 2! I feel like many of you who picked this pile are accustomed to being misunderstood, but someone in your life or coming soon is going to see you for you-- someone loyal, kind and caring. Some of you could be gaining a promotion or stepping into a leadership position. For others, stepping into a new era of confidence and unapologeticness is what The Rooster and Sunflower represent for you. Regardless of whichever situation resonates with you, clear communication is going to be key, and your determination is going to be the thing that makes this happen for you. Overall positive things are coming your way, and if adventurous opportunities take you by surprise, don't be afraid to say yes!
Pile 3
Cards: The Otter and Cattail (peace), The Bobcat and Blackthorn (patience), The Snake and Fern (starting over), The Porcupine and Anemone, The Snail and Huckleberry (trust in the invisible) rev.
Just by looking at the cards, I'm feeling like some part of your life, if not all of it, has fallen apart pile 3. A significant relationship in your life pops out to me for some of you. Peaceful times are coming to you, however, the journey towards peace may not be the easiest. It will require you to do some planning and have patience. Alternately, this good is something that you've been holding out for. There's a lot of dark imagery in the cards, but the animals look calm so for some of you you knew the situation you were in was holding you in a dark place, however, you've been biding your time for your chance to make the change in your life. If the relationship stands out to you, it might be that you didn't have strong boundaries in the past so you gave what you had until it depleted you. In general, maintaining your boundaries in your new beginning is very important. With The Snail and Huckleberry, regardless of whether you're actively pursuing change, it's important to believe that your peace is coming, whether you see physical proof of it or not.
Disclaimer: All readings and tarot/blog games are for self-reflection & fun and entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to act as or replace professional advice of any kind. You know yourself and what’s going on in your life best so I ask that you trust yourself above all else. Finally please take only what resonates from the reading which may be some of it, all of it, or none at all.
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houseoffourcats · 11 months
What Do You Need to Know Right Now? Pick a Pile & Find Out!
22 July 2023
CW: Illustrated nudity
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If you like this reading, please leave feedback! Also, if you’d like your own personalized reading, check out my Etsy page. Thanks for your support!
Pile One:
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The Chariot - II of Cups (Reversed) - VII of Wands (Reversed)
This reading went in an unexpected direction, with the powerful indication of movement toward victory depicted in the Chariot paired with two Minor Arcana cards that seem to contradict its positive connotations. With both Minor Arcana cards reversed, though, it seems to me that they’re linked in such a way that their upright meanings should also be considered.
The Chariot indicates that you will be finding a strong sense of purpose (if you haven’t already), and will be going at full speed toward this goal. It’ll be at a pace that works for you, though; not careless, but focused and exhilarating. There’s a problem, though: in the way of your charge forward will be one of your closest relationships. This is someone you’ve been inseparable from for a long time, with whom you’re on the same wavelength. Maybe it’s that you will have been neglecting a friendship in favor of pursuing a romantic partner, or putting aside a relationship in favor of working all the time toward a work-related or creative goal. If your focus were to be directed toward a cause, it may be something that alienates the other person, making them feel like they don’t even know you anymore.
The presence of the reversed VII of Wands next to the reversed II of Cups strongly suggests that you will need to step back from pursuing your goal to protect this relationship. You’ll have to back down on something important in this. Either way it will leave a bad taste in your mouth, but you’ll regret losing the close connection you have more in the end. If nothing else, when you do inevitably encounter a major hurdle in reaching whatever you’re trying to accomplish, you don’t want to be alone in facing it. This could very well be a “lose the battle to win the war” type situation, where backing down on some part of your goal or the specific plan to reach it will allow you to take some time to repair the relationship while finding another way forward. If the other person doesn’t like a potential partner of yours or strongly object on a political issue, you may have to agree to disagree and put that particular topic to the side for at least a while. In any case, make time for them, and let them take the lead for a while in deciding what to do and talk about so they know how much you value them.
Pile Two:
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Knight of Cups - The Emperor - VIII of Swords
This reading reminds me of nothing so much as a classic fairy tale narrative - the knight in shining armor gets handed a quest by the king (or in this case the Emperor) to rescue a damsel in distress. This adventure-based reading is backed up by the fact that both Knights and VIII’s are cards of action. But it can’t be that simple, right? After all, the Emperor is both literally and figuratively (as a Major Arcana card) the central figure here. Still, court cards generally influence, rather than be influenced by, the cards around them.
In any case, you’re the Knight of Cups here, the main character of this particular adventure. You’re kind and idealistic, and likely have been waiting for a “quest” in life for a long time. That being said, you can be a bit flighty, and haven’t faced and overcome the sort of challenges that you’ll meet along the way yet. The Emperor, therefore, is not just there to give you a sense of purpose in this case, but help you fulfill it. He represents discipline - firm but not harsh. Whether he’s an actual person who inspires you to take action or a discipline in and of himself (such as a course of study), he’ll help you develop the perseverance you’ll need when things get tough. In particular, he’ll help you learn to use your head as well as your heart in the face of difficulty - you’ll need it!
The “damsel” is probably not an actual, single person. Likely it will be a group of people (or animals) that you want to fight for in one way or another who are trapped in overwhelmingly terrible situations. Maybe working on behalf of survivors of domestic violence, for instance, or becoming a cancer researcher to develop better treatments. However, you’ll find that the situation is more complicated than you thought; it’s a multifaceted issue that will require many different, careful, and informed approaches. There will be elements of it that even your preparation with the Emperor won’t have touched on. Figuring it out will allow you to better help more people, though, and maybe teach others to do the same. You might not be able to save or protect everyone, but every single person matters, and your efforts will matter greatly to them.
Pile Three:
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X of Cups - IX of Swords - The Star (Reversed)
Oof, this one is pretty rough-looking one, save for the X of Cups there at the beginning. The contrast between the X of Cups and the IX of Swords suggests a conflict between your actual situation and your framework for understanding it. The reversed Star as I see it here is more of an explanation than anything, which can be used to better understand and shift that framework.
The good news is that everything’s going to work out for you! You have great friends and family - birth and found - who make you feel loved and seen. Your work and hobbies will inspire and fulfill you. You’ve come through a lot, but it’s all worked out. Except, it seems too good to be true. When you’re on your own and not doing anything to keep your mind occupied, you start thinking about how easy it would be for all of it to fall apart. Maybe you’ve had nightmares or even flashbacks about what came before and how it could happen again. Whatever it was, it was incredibly traumatic, and it shattered your trust in the world. You want to move on, but you don’t know how without letting your guard down… and that, you figure, is when the shoe will finally drop.
The framework you developed in response is there to protect you from ending up in the same situation you were in, or help you brace from the full effects of doing so. You can’t really think your way out of this, or just decide to believe something different when it flies in the face of your experience. Having faith and letting things go are made to sound much easier than they are. You may want to seek outside help. I can’t give medical advice, but I would strongly suggest doing some research on some of the newer interventions for trauma survivors. If an approach shames you, though, or doesn’t work for you, don’t try to force yourself to fit into that framework. In any case, it’s okay to take time to recover, and the people around you will stay by your side to support you.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! If so, please reblog or comment with feedback, and check out my Etsy page for personalized readings. Thank you!
Oh, and here’s a picture of Sam doing a blep:
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - December 25th
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Happy Holidays if you’re celebrating and if not--Happy Sunday! Here’s what I’ve read this week. Enjoy and remember to leave your author comments/kudos. 
***Marks my recent favorites 
this is how by Areiton
This is how the world ends:
Gaps in the code.
 you'll remember me by Areiton
Tony closes his eyes and wonders, a brief sharp sting of pain, if Steve's watching tonight.
If he still likes to drink his whiskey and coke and pick out winners before they are announced, if his eyes still light up when he watches a movie.
Tony licks his lips and pushes the thought down away, where it can't hurt him, where it won't show on his face. Because he won't show it, not here, not where the entire world is watching.
It's his.
Just his.
  Teenage Dream by Etharei
"That," says Tony, tone unmistakably smug despite his split lip, "is Captain America. Who, by the way, happens to be my godfather."
LOOOOOOVED this so much. 
Possess by romanoff
Tony and Steve take a night for themselves to just relax. It goes exactly as planned, and then some.
(If anyone asks, Steve is absolutely not a sucker for blissed out Tony. Absolutely not.)
For Sentimental Reasons by BlossomsintheMist
Ultimates Steve and Tony have hard lives--and they end up relaxing together. It turns into a habit. Non-sexual submission with service top Steve and sub Tony.
Steve is just so soft with Tony and I love it. 
Stress Reliever by RebelSpaceOddity
The first touch of the man’s hands on Tony’s bare flesh is like the day he brought Dum-E to life: it’s a leap forward, and it’s something he can never step back from. Pepper was so, so right; he needed this.
The masseur looking like a golden Adonis was just a bonus, really.
(Plot? What's that?)
I'll Give You Rest by MusicalLuna 
Steve wants to repay Tony for taking care of his wings. It takes a little creativity.
Baking Powder by dara3008
Steve witnesses a strange sight in the middle of the night... Tony Stark baking. Maybe it's time to get to know the man better.
The Counselors Are In by valdomarx
Steve and Tony from Avengers Assemble open a counseling service for all the other Steves and Tonys from across the multiverse. God knows they need it.
Ad Infinitum by vorkosigan
After incidentally inhaling timefog (or an MCU equivalent thereof), Tony and Steve, stuck on different sides of the world, start sharing dreams. Only, these aren't your regular dreams; these seem to be echoes of all the shit that tends to happen to other Tonys and Steves all across the multiverse. But a side effect is, they slowly become aware of each other's feelings in this universe too. Only, who would believe such a thing is even possible? Tony, for one, thinks it's bullshit; going crazy seems like a way more plausible explanation.
What the History Books Don't Teach You by Neverever
Tony might destroy his friendship with Steve when he has a strong reaction to Steve's undercover costume as a booth babe representing Stark Industries. He really does love Steve for his mind, not just the booty shorts.
The Winged Soul by inukagome15
It wasn't until he was three that he realized he was different and no one else could see the wings.
And the World Keeps Spinning by Perpetual Motion (perpetfic)
He considers everything he knows. His keys don't work. Bucky's in his apartment. There's a gun to his head. He doesn't have his phone or his Avengers tag. "I died."
Off Grid by Letterblade
Steve and Tony go camping, bears are the greatest threat facing America, and tick tweezers are the best invention of the decade.
I’ve read this before but it’s just. So lovely. I don’t even like camping. 
Google this! by dorcas_gustine
Ah, the wonders of the Internet!
The Libertine by Sineala
Steve and Tony have both made certain assumptions about each other. You know what they say about assuming things.
Stronger Together by Neverever 
Steve has to fight on new battlegrounds to save Tony when Tony is terribly injured in a fight and it's revealed that they're secretly married.
It’s Not the Mountain We Conquer by Darkyu
Steve Rogers was known to be an honest man. And, really, he is. But even Captain America has his limits and Tony is well known for challenging them.
Steve, after trying it all, decides that he needs to try a different tactic to get Tony to quit stubbornly denying the love that they have for each other.
Luckily for Steve, he has some powerful friends in the magic field that could offer him a final solution to his problem.
Bright As You Can by Sineala
When Steve shows up at Tony's penthouse for one of their usual no-strings-attached dalliances, he's sure as hell not expecting to find a second Tony waiting for him. And they're both interested in keeping him company.
Never Gonna Happen by Annehiggins
Tony Stark never really believed Steve Rogers would actually marry him, but he'd never dreamed it would be because Bucky Barnes turned up alive on their wedding day. Takes into account all pre-Winter Soldier movies except Tony and Pepper broke up between The Avengers and Iron Man 3 for the usual reasons.
Man Behind the Mouth-Slit by Amuly
Tony Stark is dating the amazing, wonderful, attentive Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America. Only problem is, Tony Stark is AKA Iron Man, AKA crime-fighting partner of Steve Rogers AKA Captain America... and Steve doesn't know it. Tony Stark thinks it's for the best: Steve likes knowing his boyfriend is out of harm's way. Janet van Dyne, on the other hand, has a wholly different opinion on the matter. And the determination and strength of will to make her opinion the right one.
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vacayisland · 6 months
HIII! YOURE LIKE MY INSPIRATION I HAVE LIKE A QUESTION SOO,,im having trouble writing a fanfic
do you plan out your stories beforehand?
(because personally when i write i would want to add a bunch of things and ended up dragging the whole story)
i did try to make a plan but i keep changing it because if i added something, i will want to change the whole thing. and it will get me nowhere (i hope it makes sense)
Okay I totally gets this, because this happens to me with longer fanfictions! It's a real struggle for many writers I've talked to, so you're actually not alone in this. But for starters, for my one-shots or "head-cannon" like stories I don't really plan them out. I have a vague idea of where I want to go and just kind of follow the flow with most things. But that's how I do it, and I know not many people are like that. I have a friend who needs to plan everything out, reread their stories thrice and then change things they don't like. Which is totally fine! Remember writing is a creative art, it's meant to represent the person who is typing the words just as art is meant to represent the person drawing it.
So, going into planning works gets a bit more complex because it means you might actually have to stick to a vague plot. I'm going to try and explain this through the rough idea that I have going for the Mafia! Trolls au that I've scrapped up. You'll want to start with a basic idea first. You cannot get anywhere without a starting idea to bounce off of! (and this does not mean this has to be your story through and through, this is just a starting idea. It can be changed. But too much change might mean you'll be writing a different story than what you started with so be weary of that.)
Example: Brozone Mafia au where the reader gets sold to Brozone.
A one sentence starting idea is your baseline. From there, depending on how long your fanfic is you'll go between two options.
Shorter fic: what is the plot that I want to do? Longer fic: How can I make this fit into the already established world and/or how do I make it fit?
For shorter fics, you don't need as much world building as longer fics. This is because they're meant to be little chunks of your writing; think of it like a snack instead of a full meal or maybe a sampler. Shorter fics are meant to be digested in relatively one sitting, they're meant to be sweet and fulling but not stuffing. As such, that'll severely hurt how much you want to put into a fic! Personally, I do an average 2-5 scenes for a short fanfiction. And for those, if you really need to structure and limit yourself, pick the top 2-5 things you want and/or need to put into the short fic. Remember, not everything has to be used, the more you store for later fics the better! Because one day you're going to run out of ideas and wish you didn't shove them all into one fic when you could have expanded it out between multiple. Furthermore, I don't know if this will help but to stop myself from dragging on I remember one rule:
If you get bored writing and reading your own writing other people will get to!
Literally, if you're sitting there bored out of your mind writing something because it keeps dragging and dragging and dragging very few people will want to read it. And it's not because your writing is bad it's just boring because scene A keeps dragging when scene B should have started and there is a lot of dead space between actions of dialogue. Remember you can achieve the allusion of time passing with words instead of writing full paragraphs detailing everything a character is doing. Furthermore, you can also achieve the same illusion of background characters doing things without fully describing what they're doing! If it's not important don't spend more than three sentences on an action!
In example, say Branch is doing bunker up-keep in the background and Poppy is trying to talk to him. Would you rather read: Option A "Branch come on!" Poppy exclaimed towards Branch, standing in the center of his bunker tapping her foot. watching as he climbed his later to grab his ration jars. He was doing his daily bunker upkeep, counting out his food and tallying his water all the while Poppy kept pestering him. or Option B "Branch come on!" Poppy exclaimed towards Branch, standing in the center of his bunker tapping her foot. Branch was scaling up his latter to grab jars of peanuts, nuts, berries, and anything else he had managed to scavenge from the wilderness; Bringing them back down to pour on the table as he began to slowly count each nut. Poppy was less then amused watching this, hearing Branch's slow counting as he went from one to two to three to four.
That might have been a poor example because I'm not in my writing mode, but it serves its purpose. Most readers know what Branch is like, furthermore what his rations is and how he's about them! So option A gives off the same idea as option B in fewer words and it lets the reader to visualize it a little more in their own way. Which also goes into knowing your audiences. If you're writing fanfictions you're writing to a specific audience who knows your media! In which, you don't have to describe as much as you would for a story you've just made up. Readers know what Branch's bunker looks like, what Pop village looks like, who characters are and what they look like. You can describe them, always, but don't go full out and be like:
Branch is a grey toll who stood a little higher than me. His dark-grey hair stood up in and... etc.
Know your audience, only describe what is needed. Such as facial expressions, differing clothing or hair that a character has in your story than cannon, if someone is losing or gaining their colors, and honestly anything important. I'll say this again, a good way to kill a story is to get bogged down in the unimportant factors.
Backgrounds and scenes are important! Setting a tone and mood are important! Setting a place for your readers to visualize is important!
But they're not more important than your plot. Do not spend 1/4 of your story describing a village that people know. Do not spend 4+ sentences describing what background characters that are adding nothing to plot are doing. Do not spend your effort writing something the readers will forget by the end, spend your efforts on other things! Of course, there is no defendant rule to how everything should go and how everything should be. There is no oh, this should be x sentences or x paragraphs. Writing is an art, it's meant to be free styled, to the most part, and a lot of this is decided upon the writing and their style. As such, you can push the boundaries of things, you can describe some things more in detail and some not at all. The most powerful tool you have is honestly your imagination and that's all you need to start writing. But here is just a few things I believe personally kills stories and I try avoiding, if you want to reference them:
1) Describing what villager B is doing for a whole paragraph or more. 2) Handling too much and doing way too much. Let there be one major plot point over arching the story and not several that keep stacking upon each other. It will confuse the reader. 3) dragging out plot points. 4) Unnatural reactions or speech 5) Plot holes or unexplained plots later in the story.
And that's honestly just a few that I can think of off the top of my head. Personally, I've only been writing since 2018-2019, so I have a little experience but sure not a tone. Much like art and theatre, or anything else creative, writing takes times and practice and effort to make good. Listen to your gut more, let yourself just write. Soon you'll find some sort of balance between everything that'll make it work. Because trust me, my first stories were all over the place and those will forever remain locked in the wattpad vault. Also, much like art, don't be afraid to get inspired by other people's writing styles. Identify what you like about them, wording choices, transitions, flow, etc. and try using it with your style! It's a lot of experimenting, a lot of revising, and honestly (for me) a lot of turning off my mind and just writing.
For bigger stories, it's a lot more complex. It takes more effort to plan everything out before you can actually begin writing and that's honestly a whole separate post upon itself. Since oneshots are snippets and not full stories they don't follow the natural flow of stories, they don't have those extremes ups and downs, they're kind of always dissected straight from the middle of a story, a don't have a true ending or beginning. So with longer stories you need to spend time actually plotting it out, trying to figure out how it'll go and get a good plot going with some sub plots to make the story feel alive. That requires a lot of different little traits such as world building, character building, and understanding troupes, and growth, and plot. Longer stories are always going to be harder because it encompasses so much more and it's harder not to go off once you set a plot down for it. Because unlike oneshots they're a continuous story being told in different snippets called chapters and those chapters are different parts of a full meal. If you choose option A, which is like potato, and you throw in option B mid way, which is like brownies, they won't mash and just taste and read awful together. So you have to plan it much more than oneshots.
But honestly writing is supposed to be fun, even if it takes a lot of time and a lot of practicing to do so. So please do not stress yourself over it, things can be changes and things can and can't be helped. Just keep writing and find your flow, it'll come and you'll impress yourself will all the things you do.
Writing is an art, I will say this over and over. And like any art it takes practice, patience, referencing, and time to develop. It doesn't just grow off trees and while some people might have some natural talent they still need to practice and develop it like everyone else. It's okay to be burnt out, take a break. It's okay to not have the perfect story, it's practice. It's okay to not like a work, you're not always going to. It's okay to write something you're not going to publish, it's your decision. It's okay not to write everyday, you need breaks. It's okay to take writing at your own pace and time. It's okay to get through things fast or slow. It's okay to do whatever you need to do to write in a way that makes you happy, in a way that makes you want to pick up a pen or a keyboard or laptop and write what's in your head.
But it's never okay to give up. You can take breaks, pause from writing for however long you might need. But never give up.
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mekana47 · 5 months
2023 Fanfic Reflections
Tagging: With no pressure, @beepbeepsan, @isabellehemlock, @alllthequeenshorses, @genyathefirebird, and anyone else who wants to play.
What is your favorite thing you created?   “A Little Trust” because it was my first fic in The Witcher fandom. I was nervous to try something new and starting off with an AU, but I love the idea of Lambert running a floral shop that’s a front for poisons and antidotes for this underworld of killers-for-hire.
Which work are you proudest of?  “Scene by Scene” I had a nearly completed fast draft of this story by the end of 2020, but it took me nearly three years to edit and post it. My standards changed, my skills changed, The Old Guard fandom shrunk considerably, but the emotional payoff speaks for itself.
Is there anything you are proud of that you achieved this year? I finished “Scene by Scene.” I posted 14 other fics, nearly doubling my total on AO3.
Did you explore anything new this year? (A new way to be creative, a trope you didn’t write before, or an idea you hadn’t thought of earlier, etc.) I started writing for a new fandom, which I had resisted because I still love TOG and have a ton of ideas and drafts, but to my surprise, writing for The Witcher also got me back into writing, in general, including for The Old Guard. I also did 48-hour challenges ten times. Having that deadline for posting doesn’t let me second-guess my choices.
Which work gave you the most difficulty? Either “Between You and Me (and You)” because it’s a Tenet time-travel PWP with two versions of the same character who canonically does not have a name, or “Buy Me Some Peanuts” because I completely restarted this Witcher baseball AU when I realized I’d started the story way too early for a flash fic. Also I cut like half the baseball jargon and I still feel like it’s jargon heavy.
What was your biggest creative challenge this year? I’m still not great at balancing new ideas, completed drafts that need editing, WIPs that aren’t ready to post, and WIPs that are already partially posted. Adding a new fandom gave me this surge of creativity and productivity, but I also have even more ideas. What am I going to post next? Not even I know.
Which work brought you the most joy? All of them, in different ways, but to choose one, “A Changing Tide.” I wanted to write something new solely for me, so I picked some prompts off a list and ended up with a fun TOG pirate AU.
Which of your works do you think people should check out? It depends on your interests. For The Witcher, I’d say “At Your Back” is representative of how I think about canon-- a web of witchers who trust and care about few others but will also trust those who’ve earned their loved ones’ trust. For The Old Guard, I strayed from my typical mission-fic this year for mostly PWPs, but “A Changing Tide” might be the most representative.
Do you have creative plans for next year?  Is there anything exciting you’re currently working on? For The Witcher, I’d like to finish “All Our Truths, Crossed Out,” keeping doing flash challenges that spark ideas, and work on a cursed!Geralt fic through January. For The Old Guard, I have two completed fast drafts that need heavy edits (one’s a sequel to the a/b/o “Rapid Boiling” and one’s a sorta spiritual prequel to “Hold Tight”), a Keane-centric futurefic that I adore but have only written about half of the fast draft, and the possibility of more pirates.
Lastly, any words of wisdom or anything else you would like to share? Have fun. Write what you want to write. You might be surprised what other people like. Finishing things can be helpful, but so can setting things aside.
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gollancz · 8 months
Heya, this is probably just in my head cause I've been typing up a story, but I've been writing books for years but have no clue how publishing works so other than typing one up out of my notebooks and currently working on typing up another nothing gets done with them.
If I wanted to like submit a novel to Gollancz to see if you'd publish it would I need like a writing agent or something?
Hi there! Congratulations on all your writing! Getting started is the hardest part, followed by actually finishing the dang thing (and then followed by whichever bit of editing the author is currently on and therefore hating the most)
We are occasionally open to unsolicited/unagented submissions, however as we are still (shamefully) working through our last batch - thanks to a grave underestimating of how many we would get, and overestimating of how much time we had around everything else - I can't say for certain when we plan to re-open them.
That said, even for authors we pick up through unagented submissions, we would generally recommend that they look into getting a literary agent, and often will refer them to agents we work with regularly! This is for a number of reasons that will benefit both you and us:
Your agent will have a broader knowledge of your genre pool, and be able to submit your work to editors within the field more broadly. If they've been around a while, they'll also have a sense of what each editor's tastes are so they know where it's worthwhile to try.
Your agent should be your biggest champion. They should have a good knowledge of publishing contracts, so they understand what's standard to be asked, and what is unusual. That helps manage expectations for both the author and the publisher in negotations.
They will act as a relationship buffer: when your book is acquired, it'll be based on passion and excitement, and - particularly if you're a debut author - it can be very hard to bring up things you're uncomfortable with for fear of rocking the boat or damaging the relationship with your editor. Your agent gets the lovely job of being able to be the person who can communicate any concerns or things you're upset with directly to your editor, without you having to feel like you have to throw your toys out of the pram directly. The nature of a go-between might feel like a bit of a game of Telephone, but it's actually really valuable to also take a step back from the situation and can often take the panic out of discussions. (Note: You should NEVER be in a situation where you feel like your editor is making you uncomfortable or that they wouldn't take feedback well, however the relationships between authors and editors and agents and editors are very different)
They can focus on the business administration side of things while you get to focus on the fun bit of actually being creative!
There are loads of ways you can pitch to agents - whether it's through one of the many pitching events (PitchWars, PitMad, specific pitching hashtags on twitter etc.), through writing competitions (The Future Worlds Prize is one we're directly involved with for unrepresented British SFF writers of colour) or as a direct submission. If you are submitting directly to an agent, make sure that you check:
Are they open to submissions?
Do they represent books in your area?
What are their submission guidelines?
Most agents will get inundated with submissions - more than it's feasible to read! And if you aren't in their genre, or don't follow their submission guidelines, it's a quick way to get your work disregarded without it even being looked at. Check out Manuscript wishlists, agent websites, and agents' social media to see what's going on!
On tumblr, @literaticat has a wonderful 'Ask the Agent' blog and I really recommend it. Agents on twitter often run AMAs as well, depending on what else is happening, so keep an eye out there.
I hope this is helpful! I'm always happy to answer publishing and writing questions, and good luck with your writing!
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desultory-novice · 9 months
I've actually been planning on a Kirby fangame. It's a Kirby RPG where we play... As a puffball other than Kirby. The idea is based around. What if Kirby was lured to the dark side? How would that impact their friends? How would that impact the protagonist's view on themself? How many of the past bad guys would relapse when the one who set them back on the path of light falls off that path themselves? Would any of the bad guys relapse? And more importantly... What would need to happen Kirby to turn evil in the first place? It's gonna take a long time, but. It's something I'm drafting up. Right now, the main party consists of this other puffball, a scared and worried Adeleine who is mostly out of the loop and a Bandanna Dee who just wants their friend back. I'm stuck on who the fourth party member should be. It's either an Elfilin who, due to the stressful situation everyone is going through right now, is kinda struggling to control their emotions that they got from their other half or Marx, who I'm not sure what to do with yet. But I do know I want him to be one of the ex-villains to NOT relapse because honestly. Everyone would EXPECT him to relapse.
Sorry I let this one sit for so long, Emerald! (Where does the time go?!) I hope you're still working on "The Circle of Time" (cool title, btw!) and that this answer is relevant to you as I wanted to say, this is a really interesting idea!
You've got me invested with the idea of "Would anyone relapse now that Kirby's not just gone but gone...bad?"
Adeleine, Bandee, and Elfilin are a cute idea because they could sort of represent the different eras of Kirby companionship, but your idea with Marx is so good it already sounds like he'd be your best bet for a fourth party member because you'd have so much to do with him! And creativity is the spice of fan projects!
Also, I think the "Surprise! Didn't turn bad!" idea you have really works best when he's part of the Kirby search-and-rescue team as opposed to just being an important NPC.
As for your other question...!
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I'm glad you've done more concept work on your RPG since last time! Remember not to burn yourself out or put too much on your plate! An RPG is already a huge undertaking!
But, if you want ideas, hmm... Marx is a really good one because Marx already has ties to Smash and I think fans would love to see him. Gooey would be a good candidate because he was in Kirby Fighters 2 so is a proven fighter, and Adeleine... well, haha, while at first she seems like an odd fit for the role of a Smash Rep, I'm someone who really, really wanted characters like Lip or Arle or Dixie for Smash so I can't not support my favorite artist girl!
...Basically, all three ideas are good! Curse me for being a Libra and being unable to choose! (Plus, you just happened to choose three of my biases to pick amongst! I can't, I just can't!!)
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tacticalvalor · 2 months
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
Less of a headcanon and more of a confirmation, but for Autism Acceptance Month (not awareness, that language was used by eugenics-based groups like Autism Speaks to portray autism as a "disease" that needs to be cured)...
Jäger was confirmed to be autistic by Ubisoft's team! It's kind of obvious to us neurodivergent folk, but it's nice to see it spelled out and undeniable. So! To celebrate, here's the section about him from the article (which will be sourced below):
One of the first Operators in Rainbow Six Siege, Jäger, is a fierce Defender, using his Active Defense System (ADS) as his unique ability and his bulletproof camera and observation blocker as secondary gadgets to protect allies and seek out Attackers.
"His diagnosis is not yet officially stated in-game, but his autistic traits manifest through the same channels as our other characters, mainly the in-game bios and barks,” says Simon Ducharme, a writer on Rainbow Six Siege. “Jäger’s bio mentions, for example, a discomfort with strict academic form, a singular passion for aviation, intense curiosity, a tendency to infodump, and how he views sharing information as a way to make connections.”
Ducharme goes on to describe an accidental visual component: Jäger is one of the few Operators in Rainbow Six Siege who has never shown his face, instead only ever wearing headgear like a mask or a helmet. “I see an element of sensory control in that. Visual and auditory stimuli can often be overwhelming for an autistic person, so this could be his way of self-regulating, if you ask me.”
According to Ducharme, Jäger wasn’t intentionally created as autistic; instead, traits of the writer came through, and fans were the ones to pick up on those tendencies and embrace them. “A lot of the discussion around Jäger over the years has come from autistic people who saw themselves in him,” says Ducharme. “That sense of belonging is important, something that many people struggle with.”
Now that the team is aware of his traits, they are beginning to consciously reinforce them and actively look for more ways to represent that aspect of Jäger. However, in terms of story, there aren’t yet plans to confirm Jäger’s autism in-game. According to Ducharme, narrative opportunities in Siege are largely focused on new characters and storylines with new seasons. “As creatives, we have to stay on the lookout so Jäger’s inclusion is organic.”
Though Jäger’s diagnosis hasn’t been confirmed in-game, and confirmation of it doesn’t affect the Defender’s gameplay or the writers’ approach to his character, Ducharme says it’s still important to recognize that the fans see Jäger as autistic and that the developers see it as canon. “Every element of a fictional world or story is a choice,” says Ducharme. “If we looked at Jäger, looked at the autistic traits he displays, looked at how the community has embraced him, and then said ‘You know what? Let’s not bother,’ what would the message be behind that choice?”
article source [src]. bonus pic below the cut.
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my brother's reply to me texting him the news
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radioghosts-freakster · 4 months
poppy red, garnet, and jasper for excel! (i might be back later with some for rockstar. >:D)
Hiiii Rina!!! Thank you so much for the Excel ask! It feels good to get the serotonin to gush about my hot Addi-guy again 😉💖 Rockstar's really been hogging the spotlight lately, heh!! Not that he minds ✨️
Poppy Red: How familiar is your f/o about Valentine's Day or their source's equivalent of it? What's their opinion of it?
I think Excel knows about the concept of Valentine's Day in his au canon because it's a pretty major kind of holiday where people all over the world buy chocolates and flowers, stuffed animals and the like... and being an Addison, his job - in fact, his sole purpose as a Darkner - is to sell, no matter what! Addisons like him live for these big events where they can sell huge amounts of products en masse. The more people he can manage to make 'accidentally' click on his ads, the more of a profit he turns!
As for knowing what V-day represents... I don't think he considered that at all until he met Amber. Addisons in my au version of Cyber City are purely focused on making themselves a lot of money because that's all they were created to do. Lightners make ads in the Light world so that they might be able to sell things to other Lightners across the internet; so each time they programmed one of these popup ads, an Addison with goals related to that ad also came to exist in the Dark world. Basically, Addisons are sentient digital beings that were never built to fall in love, so it's a foreign concept to... most of them.
But like I said, meeting Amber changed a few things for a few certain Addisons - Excel, especially 💖
Nowadays, he's pretty much the sappiest lovestruck dork known to Darknerkind. He spends hours, if not days, planning what to give to Amber so he can show her the depths of his devotion. He spoils her rotten already anyway, but V-day just gives him an excuse to completely outdo himself (even if Amber literally tells him that he doesn't have to go to such lengths for her sake)!
Garnet: How do both of you feel about soulmates or any kind of belief about being fated to be with someone? Have these opinions about it changed after meeting each other?
Considering how I first realized that I loved Excel, I'd say that some kind of pull of fate must exist in some way! When I introduced him in the au, I never expected to fall as hard as I did! At first, he was just a cool oc that I really enjoyed writing for! But as time wore on, and I started to develop his character and personality further, I began to wonder how I truly felt about him? Under the surface, there was something different about how I viewed him. Without realizing it, my feelings for him had become deeper than the usual dopamine and creative inspiration fix.
And eventually, while I was at work one day, I started to think about him for fun - because I love thinking about him and imagining him in my mind (HINT HINT REFFIE YOU FOOL /lh 😆). Then, completely out of nowhere, I just... randomly called him my husband! It came so naturally to me that I actually stopped what I was doing to focus more on what I'd just thought xD
No matter what I did, I kept referring to him as my husband, my husband, my precious hubby... I couldn't stop calling him that all day long!! So it had to be true, I had to love him a lot!! Otherwise why would I call him that??
After this huge epiphany moment hit me, it all went downhill from there hehe. I accepted and committed to my feelings for him, and Excel became my very first f/o on my blog!! So yeah, I definitely think that our views on soulmates and fated love was altered forever after we met each other 💖
Jasper: What's a song that reminds your f/o of you? A song that they'll hear and will always think of you.
Hmm... that's a tough one! I'm always listening to some kind of music, so he doesn't have a lack of choice when it comes to songs, at least xD
But he'd probably pick something with a good beat and strong vocals, because that tends to be what I listen to most! I also play a lot of Alt or Alt Rock, so that'd be his first point of reference for me LOL
In the end... I think he'd probably choose The End 😂
Excel knows that I relate to the lyrics quite a bit, and the hard beats are just my style when I need to feel pumped up! I guess you could say it's the closest I've gotten to a theme song for my life, so it'd be pretty fitting for a song I consider my theme to remind him of me 💖
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gradualjinx · 4 months
Temperature Blanket Ideas & Customization
I wanted to share some of the design choices I made to customize my temperature blanket, and some stuff I didn't do but I think would be cool to see:
I chose to do the average temperature for each day. Some people choose to do the highs or lows, but I felt that the average temperature was the most representative of how the day felt.
I have a different color for every 10 degrees starting with <20-29 and ending with 90-100+. In my state it should stay within these bounds with a good degree of variability. I have cooler colors picked out for low temperatures and warmer colors for high temperatures, but all the colors fit with the aesthetic of my apartment.
I'm picking the average temperature based on what state/country I'm in for that day. So not only is the blanket tracking the temperature, but also my movements.
I am using single crochet stitches for most days and half-double crochets for special events like anniversaries and birthdays.
My blanket is 300 stitches long and I am using stitch markers every 20 stitches so that I can keep track. If I somehow add or drop a stitch I will be able to tell right away, and would only need to backtrack ~20 stitches to find the problem.
Things I'm not doing but you could!
Make a temperature blanket but for a different year. Maybe the birth year of someone important to you- this would be especially meaningful if you are planning on gifting them the blanket or want to memorialize a person's life. You can also chose an important year from your life, for example the year you turned a certain age, transitioned to a new stage in life, celebrated a milestone, got married, etc.
Chose a different location from where you are. Maybe the location of a friend or loved one (again great for gifting or memorializing), a place you would like to visit, your old hometown, or a place you visited once and loved.
Make a temperature scarf or table runner for a smaller less intimidating project.
Highlight important dates on your blanket with a unique color yarn that will stand out such as white. You could also add a unique color to your usual single crochet row (crocheting with two colors of yarn at once, one white and one temperature color), creating a row that a stands out in both size and color.
Adding borders to indicate different months.
Assign colors to temperatures based on what makes the most sense for you. For example, you have one color for every 5 degrees.
Switch your colors around and assign warm colors for cooler temperatures and cooler colors for warmer temperatures.
Get creative with the stitch or pattern that you choose. There are plenty of free patterns and less expensive one's on sites like Etsy that will allow you to create something truly unique.
I would love to hear what other people have chosen to do with their temperature blankets (or other temperature craft ideas) too!
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Round 2; A bouquet of white orchids and purple hyacinths Vs A bouquet of yellow foxglove and snapdragon
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First, let's talk about the bouquet of white orchids and purple hyacinth
Meaning: White orchids means purity and innocence, and purple hyacinths mean sorrow and a desire for forgiveness Why this flower was chosen: The girls found him holding them. They buried him that way too Description: • i think he’s a time traveller. • he always wears a silver locket. i don’t know what’s in it. he might not, either • he dies in the middle. • he’s in a qpr with the aforementioned girls
Check his post here
Now, let's talk about the bouquet of yellow foxglove and snapdragon
Meaning and why this flower was chosen: Foxglove, which generally represents insincerity (especially in Victorian flower language) and the duality of hurting and healing, as well as other meanings like magic, creativity, secrets, and insecurity, represents him well because he’s a con artist, of the trickster archetype, and somewhat of an antihero; his actions and plans, while good at the core, often hurt other people at least a little on the way, and he’s okay with that if they’re not his people. Other characters, and the audience, often have reason to doubt his sincerity as a friend and as a partner, for example when he’s helping a business of sorts stay afloat financially while secretly investigating the owner for misdeeds he suspects; he’s generally got more than one motive going on at once. It’s not something I’d blame him for, but insincerity is a constant question when it comes to him that it takes a long time for anyone to overcome. Also, regarding the other meanings, he’s a clever character with subtle magical powers, he keeps a lot about him under wraps from most everyone, and he’s deeply insecure (partially due to feeling compared to someone else and coming up with little to show for it). I’d particularly choose a yellow foxglove because that color has implications of positivity and support, and he is cheerful, friendly, and when it comes to the people he does love, he’s never giving up on helping them. As a bonus (and why I picked this), the flower’s name fits him, as he has a nickname related to foxes. I’d also choose snapdragon, for strength in harsh habitats, and also deception. He comes from a humble background, was bullied as a child, is a little bit homeless during the main story, and lives in a society bigoted against him, but he’s thriving anyway. Deception, meanwhile, is central to his character and something he leans on; he lies, hides, keeps secrets, and has that fear of being perceived, and even his names are a kind of benevolent deception, as being known only by his naturalized name to most people helps keep him safe. Also, snapdragon symbolizes grace, relevant to one career he’s had. Description: He’s a poor trickster who ran away from home as a teenager and joined the circus in order to rescue his missing mother (it’s a long story). He’s loud, extroverted, loving and voracious, has a sparkling personality, and is powerfully annoying when he wants to be. He’s a public figure sometimes but the limelight is deeply not for him. He distrusts many people, including especially reporters, rich people, and the government, which is of course completely valid. He’s a petty thief by necessity and habit, and he always knows a guy. It takes him years of having magical powers to realize that they include invisibility, and when he finds out, the first thing he uses it for is to tickle someone. He’s flirted with a guy he deeply envies and who envies (and kinda hates) him right back; I’m never sure if it’s weirder if he doesn’t like the guy in question, or if he actually does. He’s tried to save a celebrity from descent into alcoholism. He’s committed war crimes against ghosts. He’s narrowly escaped being mobbed by a religious group and has been kidnapped by a popular entrepreneur. He has been deemed ‘strange in all ways’ by a coworker. He loves pastrami sandwiches. He’s not that short but everyone he knows would call him a short king if they had that vocabulary; he has big brown(ish) eyes and he wears a peacoat.
Check his post here
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Writing/OC art asks for whichever OC you'd like!
pencil, paintbrush, Copics, tortillon, pastels, and creative!
Thanks! :D I'll do this for Yo-han from The Case Files of Seo Yo-han:
Pencil: does this character have any "sketchy" habits? Have they ever broken the law? Do they regret it?:
He doesn't exactly have any sketchy habits (apart from being interested in other people's business :P ), but he technically breaks the law twice: at the end of Silver Glass and the start of Houses Full of Deceit. In SG he lets a murderer go (but under the circumstances it would have been worse not to let him go) and in HFOD he lets an assassin stay in his house.
Paintbrush: How often does your character "brush over" conflict instead of facing it head on? Is there something specific they don't like to face, or do they avoid conflict as a whole?:
He's a detective, so seeking out conflict is basically his job :P When not detecting, though, he tries to avoid his family. Specifically his stepmother, because he once accused her of poisoning his mother (who was actually dying of cancer). Which makes family reunions slightly awkward ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (In his defence, he was thirteen at the time.)
Copics: what is this character's most expensive habit or hobby? Do they ever feel guilty about the money they spend on it?:
Travelling the world to solve mysteries. Guilty? Not really, but sometimes he gets tired of it.
Tortillon: does your OC "blend in" with the people around them? Physically? Metaphorically?:
Not really. He's Korean and so far the other main characters are British, Hungarian or Armenian, and he notices things no one else does.
Pastels: Give me three colours that best represent your OC. Now give me three colours that your OC likes best. Is there an overlap?:
Hmm... when I pick colours that represent an OC, I pick ones they wear at least once. Unfortunately men's clothes in 1915 had a very limited selection of colours ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sooo... black, white and grey, I guess?
His favourite colours: dark red, purple and light blue.
Creative!: free space! Share something you've been dying to share about your writing! Could be an OC that never gets the limelight, a moment you were proud of, or anything else you'd like to share:
I've talked about Yo-han, so now I'll talk about his arch-enemy :D
An Ji-hun started out as a supporting character in Like Snow on Hungry Graves, where he was a hitman working for Rusudan who fell in love with a mer. (A different mer than Hariye; that poor kid's been through enough without having to deal with Ji-hun too.) Several outline revisions later, and I realised his subplot no longer fit the story. So his character got cut.
Then when I started planning Houses Full of Deceit, I realised I needed another assassin. And since it's set in Korea, why not reuse the Korean assassin I've already invented? So that's how Ji-hun went from a fantasy kingdom based on medieval Georgia to a semi-realistic 1910s Korea :D
(Incidentally his appearance is based on Lee Dong-wook as Seo Moon-jo. This started as an in-joke because Rusudan collects her victims' teeth like Moon-jo. After he moved WIPs this becomes a different in-joke, because Seo Yo-han's surname is a reference to Moon-jo.)
Adding The Unfortunate Moth's and Silver Glass's taglists: @akindofmagictoo​, @lightgriffinsect, @original-writing​, @zonnemaagd, @oh-no-another-idea​, @verba-writing, @kittensartswriting, @writingpotato07, @sarahlizziewrites, @acertainmoshke, @author-a-holmes, @sam-glade, @late-to-the-fandom (Let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
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