#and then queue breakdown
gatheryepens · 1 year
My third driving lesson today and well it’s not going so well…
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konaharts · 9 months
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I'm 10+ years late to the Transformers fandom but I drew some TF Prime Decepticons some weeks ago lskdjfkdsl
The Autobots will come at a later time, as will some G1/IDW designs b/c I love them too aaaaaa ;;;
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yikes-ajax · 7 months
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I dont have a clever and witty sarcastic comment tonight, I just think she's cute
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 10 months
Sun: Your mental breakdown is imminent.
Eclipse: I solve it with Pop Tarts and Cheez-Its.
Sun: …
Sun: That doesn’t even make any sense.
Eclipse: It’s a mental breakdown, does it have to make sense?
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thepacksurvives · 8 months
I might need to re-read the books (or at least the characters' pov chapters) before advancing such claims but I definitely feel like there is something to be said about the way Catelyn's pov and thoughts on Westerosi politics and Sansa's contrast each other.
It's been pointed out a lot that Catelyn is pretty pragmatic, knowledgeable and politically savvy. She knows what she's doing and for the most part, she knows how to navigate this gruesome world. She looks at it as it is and navigates it as it is.
Sansa, on the other hand, is still learning and while I do think she's a quick study, there's still something very new and fresh about the way she looks at politics. She has ideals but I don't think they're that unreachable and she's willing to make them happen. And you can see that in the little transgressions she allows herself, the way she rejects some of Cersei or Baelish's most cynical teachings. She wants to learn about politics but not just to keep everything as it is: she actually wants to do right by her people, to do better than former rulers.
Sansa is, I think, on her way to become a great ruler/queen and look, this might just be me projecting but I still like to think that she won't be the ruler Catelyn would have expected but one she'd love and be proud of.
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pool-core · 9 months
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shkspr · 10 months
category 178349 drank a lot leonard cohen incident dont call dont text
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mahamatra-cyno · 19 days
Did I leave my deck at your place?
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scootarooni · 2 years
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were you ever really there?
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
Honestly I always mostly just think of the [looks at notes] 3 managers Harry was friends with when thinking of what he lost but considering he's that old and has been jumping between franchises so much and also the fact Every Fucking Phoney (save for 3) got scrapped by the time we meet him; how much as this man lost? How many people he cared about has he seen die gruesome deaths again and again? Has he managed to find time to process this to grieve or has he just desensitized himself to the situation entirely? I wonder if some vague memory or reaction from how he dealt w this while in the war is how he keeps it at bay. Though it's rich of me to take his formality at face value when he has shown to not be a stranger to strong emotional reactions. Much to think about!
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dailyedgeworth · 10 months
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hiiiii i made a game for a game jam..... play it if you want and try find the incredibly well hidden edgeworth
here are some more details under a readmore
made in ten days for the Velox Fabula jam and with the theme of unreliable narrator, it's the first game everyone on the team made!! it was great to learn how to use renpy :)
ama me (in incisis), a latin phrase that can mean "love me" or, put in a sentence in between commas (just like this one, that's what "incisis" means), "believe me".
all according to my trusted dictionary.
reconnect with an old friend from high school in a very specific italian experience!
or don't!
that said i really am super new at this (i never programmed anything in my life before this) so while i appreciate advice on stuff, please be nice to me and my friends that helped me work on this!!
content warnings:
around 5k words in total
partial voice acting (might jumpscare you... we had some issues)
a namable protagonist
one friend/love interest
4 endings
1 cg
squished saves
possible implied death
mentioned child neglect
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Follow for the same picture of a rock every day
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[ image id: a picture of a grey and white rock on a white background, with a stock photo water mark overlaid on it end id]
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pinkorchidsinspring · 11 months
Ivy is so so gay, to explain let us lyric analyze:
How's one to know? I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones, In a faith forgotten land
Hoax: “your faithless love’s the only hoax I believe in”
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A complicated relationship with religion is not something lacking throughout gay culture.
Taylor is more than likely referencing her own struggle with her relationship to a religion not approving of her sexuality.
Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow, Tarnished but so grand
The lovers touch while beautiful, was a sin, and wrong in the view of most but to Taylor this touch was amazing despite being tainted with those ideas.
Oh, goddamn, My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand, Taking mine, but it's been promised to another
This is probably a reference to the "adultery" being committed here, because the narrator has a fiancé/beard.
Oh, I can't, Stop you putting roots in my dreamland
She can’t control this love.
Her dreamland of “Folklore” is based in her real, honest, raw emotions.
She can’t stop this lover from being the reason for this dreamland.
I wish to know, The fatal flaw that makes you long to be, Magnificently cursed
Being gay has never been easy, and early on makes everyone who is gay in any way, wonder why they can’t just be straight. Taylor has most likely dealt with her own version of internalized homophobia shown in the original version of “Picture to Burn”: “Go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy, that's fine; I'll tell mine you're gay”.
Clover blooms in the fields, Spring breaks loose, the time is near, What would he do if he found us out?
This whole paragraph just gives forbidden gay love, and screams I don't want to care what other people think in this moment.
Crescent moon, coast is clear
Again with the hiding in “coast is clear”
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Associated with feminine energy??? Combined with the coast is clear??? Yep, screams hetero.
Spring breaks loose, but so does fear
So very gay. Very gay. Come on. Sound like recent political events in America? With the turn of a new season, fear, specifically fear of being caught together, or the media finding out becomes more relevant than normal.
He's gonna burn this house to the ground
This male partner/beard is going to ruin their relationship, completely out of fear of what would happen if the truth of who she loved came out.
I'd live and die for moments that we stole, On begged and borrowed time
Even though this love was kept a secret, it was still Taylor’s whole life at the time.
These moments were "on begged and borrowed time" due to outside pressure. Possibly the pressure to be straight, and to appear straight, and not have longing looks directed at your "best friend".
So yeah, it's a fire, It's a goddamn blaze in the dark, And you started it, You started it, So yeah, it's a war
You Are In Love: “You understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars”
The Great War -so LGBTQIA
She finally understands that she has to fight through societies pressures to keep the love of her life.
It's the goddamn fight of my life
What would be so hard about being straight and in love with Joe Alwyn? Especially when you’re only known for writing break up songs about “men”…
Most recently while introducing “Dear, John” Taylor told swifties that : we should not “feel the need to defend [her] on the internet against someone [we] think [she] might have written a song about 14 billion years ago."
There are many things that don’t allow this song to have a hetero explanation. These are the things. <3
My other song analysis’ if you’re interested <3
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 11 months
Eclipse, having a mental breakdown: *wailing*
Blood Moon: It’s okay to go through your canon event.
Harvest Moon: Because our whole family has mental breakdowns as canon events.
Kill Code Moon: You can get a puppy after your canon event.
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istherewifiinhell · 4 months
Gay car saga: coworker confessional moment
VD: TFP Clip, Starscream and Knockout, running through the Nemesis ship halls, approaching a room.
Starscream: In here. [They both leap past the closing doors comically]
Hiding crouched behind some consoles.
Starscream: Knockout, this situation might be a bit more dire than either of us ever imagined.
Knockout: Hmm, I find it rather ironic that, after battling autobots all these years, getting smacked down, shot at, blown up... This is how out lights go out?
Starscream (emotively): Drained of our... precious fluids. If this is indeed the end, if we are to become terrorcon chow. It has been an honour serving Lord Megatron with you.
Knockout: You're no Breakdown though, I must confess, I have always admired your lustrous finish.
He finished staring meaningfully at Starscream, who smiles back. They look away from each other awkwardly, Knockout brings a hand to his chin, the sound affects of moment are pointedly loud.
Starscream coughs: Well then.
Knockout: Should be going.
Door opens. Clip ends.
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
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