#and then received a text that my boyfriend wouldn’t be home tonight cause he’s meeting from friends
wallowing in self pity as an after work activity.
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cavillsbitch · 1 year
Hi my fellow Hotch fangirl :D
May I please request a Hotch x Fem!Reader scenario where the reader is a firefighter and ends up hospitalized due to a severe emergency which causes him to admit his love for her?
ooooo this is a good one…
aaron hotchner x firefighter!reader
cw/tw: descriptions of injury/trauma, hospitals
It wasn’t really supposed to happen like this.
Of course, as timing would have it, you were getting ready for a date with your extremely attractive and smooth talking FBI agent… “boyfriend” named Aaron Hotchner when you get an emergency call for a car accident. Normally you would hope that they would get enough help and you wouldn’t have to go since tonight was your night off, but it seemed to be intense enough to warrant most if not all hands.
Since you pretty much lived at the fire house, which is partially why you were unlucky enough to be expected to go on the call, you were already there getting ready when the call came in. You shot a quick text to Aaron that you’d have to reschedule and started gearing up to leave the fire house on the truck with everyone else.
You weren’t quite sure what to make of your relationship with Aaron. He had never asked to make your relationship official, but the two of you acted like a couple. You’d been seeing him for about three months when you can, given that the two of you had very demanding jobs. You definitely loved him, but you wouldn’t dare be the first to admit that between the two of you given Aaron’s past. The last thing you’d want is to overwhelm him or scare him away. However, you feared that your feelings were stronger and that you’d end up hurting yourself in the end. You hoped that Aaron would reschedule the date and maybe… just maybe you’d grow a pair and open up a conversation about your relationship. Maybe.
“Y/N, quit daydreaming and let’s go!”
The loud booming voice of your captain shook you from your thoughts as you strapped on the last bit of your gear and ran to the trucks.
Aaron never saw himself getting back out there after Haley died. He’d given Rossi the benefit of the doubt (he just needed him to shut up) and gone on a few dates, but nothing had ever come of any of it. However, a case of two ago had brought him a beautiful young (too young, he’d though and worried about) woman that just so happened to be a firefighter on the scene. He knew it would be completely inappropriate to ask for her number on the case, so he implored Garcia to track her down and call her, giving her his personal number. As luck would have it, she called him and he asked her out.
She really was lovely, he thought. He admired the way she loved her job, her passion, her work ethic, and the way that she listened to him and was interest in what he had to say. He never thought he would find someone after Haley died, but he was falling fast and afraid he would bring it up too soon.
Tonight was supposed to be perfect, which he’d let Dave help plan. He was going to take her to a very very nice dinner downtown, take her for a walk on the river afterward, and maybe… he would take her back to his place, if she wanted. He still couldn’t believe that she was interested in him being older and widowed and being a single father, but he hoped that she was in it for the long haul like he could already tell he was. He was ready for her to meet Jack, he was ready for all of it. He loved her.
Then, he felt extremely disappointed when her text came through that she would have to reschedule.
Obviously he understood more than most people that work was unpredictable, and he responded that way. However… he couldn’t help the intense feeling that he felt thinking that maybe she was having second thoughts. He tried to shake that, already looking ahead at when he could reschedule, and decided to call the restaurant to cancel the reservation.
Shortly after he received the text, Rossi knocked on his office door, “Shouldn’t you already be home getting ready to go pick up your hot date?”
Aaron chuckled pathetically to himself, “If there were a hot date, I’m sure I would. She got called in for a pretty bad accident, so she can’t make it.”
Rossi nodded, “More time for you to think about how you’re gonna ask her to be in your life more permanently?”
Aaron kept his eyes down at his desk, mindlessly making a note on a file. “It’s complicated, Dave. I have a lot of baggage. She’s young, she’s got her whole life. I don’t want to make her feel like she needs to be ready for that kind of commitment.”
Rossi shook his head, “If she wasn’t ready to be with you, she would tell you.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Aaron mumbled, closing a case file and looking at his friend.
Dave shared a sympathetic look with him, “Look, Aaron, if that’s the case then so be it and move on. She’s a great woman, but there are other great women out there.”
Aaron knew that he wasn’t ready to put the time in to find other women as great as you were. He figured that if this didn’t work out, he might give up all together on finding love again.
Rossi’s eye wandered to the bullpen, where Prentiss, JJ, and Morgan were crowded around Reid’s desktop. His eyebrows furrowed, “What are they doing?”
Hotch stood, walking past Rossi to stand outside of his office, “What are you all doing?”
Morgan popped his head above the crouched group, “Bridge collapsed, fire and EMS crew were already responding to an accident on the bridge when a semi hit the support beam underneath, lot of casualties.”
The color drained from Aaron’s face as Morgan gave details. He could hear the reporters continuing to talk on the screen. Rossi looked at him and realized, putting his hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Aaron…”
Quickly without realizing, he bumped Rossi out of the way to grab his keys and briefcase before practically running down the stairs and out of the BAU.
All you could feel in pain in your body.
But, you were alive… and in a hospital?
The beeping of whatever machine you were on was making your head surge with pain as you came to slowly. You had on a neck brace, your right leg was in a full cast, and you were in pain. Lots of pain.
As you woke up, a nurse entered to check on you. She asked you what today’s date was, who the president is, and other questions. She pushed more pain meds for you when you complained before asking, “What happened?”
She checked and noted your vitals from the machine, “The north bridge collapsed, you were responding to an accident on the bridge when it happened. You’re lucky to be alive.”
You nodded, remembering some things then. You’d fallen, but you weren’t sure how far or where you landed. The memory scared you, and you shook it away. “My leg is broken?”
She nodded, “The doctors had to repair it in surgery, but with lots of physical therapy you should be just fine. You had trauma to your neck, which we may have to keep an eye on. You were very close to being paralyzed. Again, you’re very lucky.”
She said she would grab you some food and water before exiting your room, leaving you alone.
You suddenly felt very emotional, trying not to cry. You knew many of your friends probably died, you weren’t sure exactly what happened, and you were alone in a hospital, broken and sad.
Turning to find a tissue, the nurse came back in with a tray of food with water, and a visitor.
Aaron Hotchner was in your hospital room.
“We told him he had to wait until you were awake to come in, he gave us quite the hard time about that…” she set your tray down and helped you wipe your eyes and nose with a tissue.
“I’m not sure what husband wouldn’t want to see his wife immediately.”
Maybe you’d forgotten more than you realized. Did he just say…
“Sorry, sir. Policy. Call me if you need anything,” she said to you before leaving again.
You suddenly became very aware of how awful you probably looked at the moment in front of this man who absolutely was not your husband… and absolutely had no obligation to you.
“Husband, huh?” you reached for your water and tried to sip it, not seeing the straw on the tray. Aaron stood up and grabbed the straw, helping you take a drink.
“It was the only way they’d let me come in here at all.”
You nodded as you finished the cup of water completely, allowing Aaron to take it from you and set it on the tray. He sat in the chair right next to you and you sighed.
“I’m… sorry about this. Did they call you? They might have went through my phone contacts and tried to find someone to call.”
Aaron furrowed his brow as he usually did, shaking his head, “What? No, Y/N… I saw the collapse on the news at Quantico and came right here. I was here before you were, I think.”
You turned as much as you could to look at him, “Really?”
He chuckled in disbelief, “Yes, really. I thought I’d lost you. I can’t believe you’re alive, from what they told me.”
You looked at him, noting the sincerity in his eyes. You knew that he lost his ex wife, and you couldn’t imagine what he felt now having… whatever you were to him in life threatening danger.
“I’m really sorry, Aaron. I’m happy to be alive. I still… don’t really know what happened but I am glad I’m alive.”
He nodded, lightly grabbing your hand, “I am, too.”
You looked at the time, it was almost 4 in the afternoon, the day after the accident. “How long have you been here?”
He looked at the clock then, too, “Since about 8 last night.”
“What? Aaron, you’ve seen me now, I’m alive. Go home. I’ll call when I’m sent home.” You almost laughed in disbelief thinking about how long he’d been waiting for you to wake up.
He shook his head immediately, “I’ll stay, besides, we didn’t get to have our date, and I’ve missed you.”
You sighed, again, “You don’t have any obligation to be here…”
He sat up straight, “Of course I do… I… I love you.”
Your eyes widened as his confession sunk in, a mix of excited and happy and scared and anxiety swirling through you, “Really?”
He smiled as he reflected, “Yeah, I do. I love you.”
You smiled back, squeezing the hand that was still in yours, “Well I’ll be damned, I love you too, Aaron Hotchner.”
He smiled bigger and laughed as tears welled in his eyes, “I’m so relieved to hear you say that.”
You smiled as he leaned in to kiss you gently, a kiss more meaningful than any of the ones you’d shared before.
“So,” you started, “About that date… might have to be rescheduled even later than anticipated.”
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rommahh · 3 years
Love On Tour…Actually
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{Im sorry for how late this was. I went to the show Friday and honestly, it was the best day of my life. I had a little PCD which made me super unmotivated but I’m back. I love you all, R}
You woke up a little grumpy, you won’t lie. You didn’t like waking up alone especially on a show day. It made you uncomfortable to be left to your own devices without any structure or schedule. You understood that Harry was a busy man but it would’ve been nice to receive some text so you could plan your day accordingly.
Sitting on the couch in the lounge of your hotel room, you chowed down on leftover pasta while watching Netflix on your iPad. You had yet to receive a text from Harry even though you had texted him hours ago when you woke up. It was hard to tell if he was ignoring you out of anger or if he was simply just lost in track. Either way you felt dejected.
On the other hand, Harry hadn’t even noticed that he iced you. He was busy running around Nashville trying to get things ready for tonight’s show. He bought you a new dress and shoes, and got the ring fitted. It was hard to figure out your ring size but he end up measuring your finger when you were passed out asleep in bed last night. When you slept, you slept and he knew that would be the perfect time to measure your finger.
Harry was so busy that morning, that by the end of his errands he realized he didn’t even have time to go back to the hotel before rehearsals. He was sporting a small cough and his vocal chords felt overworked but that’s all apart of tour.
Pulling his phone out of his back pocket as he walked into the arena, he dialed your number quickly. He had people trying to talk to him but he paid them no mind.
“Oh? Would you look who’s here?” Harry’s head shot up to the sound of your voice. There you sat on his dressing room couch, arms crossed over one another as you glared at him. Your gaze burned through him and he could just tell he was in trouble.
“Hello lovie.” Harry rasped.
“Harry you sound like shit but here you are up and about running around. You should’ve slept in this morning.” Scolding as you stand up to walk in front of him. Harry could feel the anger radiate off of you but you hid it well. He melted into your hands that cupped his warm cheeks.
“I had a lot of errands to run and I didn’t want to wake you. Also it’s just a sore throat from singing and traveling- comes with being on tour.” He mumbles dropping his head into your neck. You caress the hairs on the back on his neck and massage the tense muscles.
“You’ve got to think about yourself more, Harry. You have a show to put on but you can’t put on your best show if you’re not at your best. I am not happy with you at all.” Even though your words were scolding him, you held him your arms in the most soothing way. That’s what Harry loved about you, you cared for him like no one else could (aside from his mom). You could tell him off with your harshest words but he’d always feel your love from miles away.
“You’re right love, sorry for not keeping in touch today.” You hum in acknowledgement. You both pulled away from each other when his driver walked in with Harry’s abundance of bags. “Thank you, sir.”
“What all did you buy?” You ask walking towards the bags. Harry’s arm shot out in front of you making you stop. You looked up at him in shock. “Fine be secretive.”
You huffed before making your way back to the couch. Harry rolled his eyes at you, making way to his shopping bags. Plucking the bag from Nordstrom he plopped it down on the table in front of you.
“I just didn’t want you snooping at some other stuff. I bought you this, for tonight.” He sat down beside you, thighs touching leaving no room between you two.
“Im not trying to be mean. Just a little peeved that you left this morning without telling me. You also have a cold and I wanna take care of you since you won’t do it.” A hand rubs his forehead luring his eyes shut.
“Sorry baby, I thank you for caring so much.” He whispers sleepily.
“Im always gonna care for my bubs.” Kissing him on the lips, your turn your attention to the bag. The small grey bag had light tissue paper covering the product within the bag. The tissue falls to the floor as you dig into the bag. A silky champagne dress, folded neatly to decrease wrinkles, sits in the bag. The dress was soft and you knew it was loose enough to give you the room to dance. Soft snores escaped the boy beside you- the exhaustion evident on his face.
You pull the dress out of the bag and walk over to where his outfit of the night hung. The dress was hung beside his to be steamed for later. Turning around, you smile at the sight of your curled up boyfriend. Your heart hurt knowing that in a few minutes he would have to go rehearse.
Harry sleepily went through rehearsals sitting in a chair the whole time. He knew his stage cues and performance, he only had one more thing to rehearse but it required for you to not be in the room. He gave one look to Jeff to signal him to get you out. Jeff made up some excuse saying that he needed help with some social media post for the show.
Before the show, there was a catered dinner from some local restaurant. Harry ate a light meal of fresh vegetables and a sweet iced tea which has grown on him having lived in the states for some years. You ate grilled chicken and fries enjoying the free food. The two of you ate alone in his dressing room- wanting a moment of piece before the crazy.
“How are you feeling?” You ask Harry. He shrugs, he was more nervous than anything but you wouldn’t understand why if he had told that to you. He felt floaty. Tonight would be a game changer, a step in a whole new direction. This is something he’s wanted to do for years now but it’s finally happening, and he’s scared.
"Im ok, a little tired but what else is new. I can't wait to sleep all night and cuddle with you." He grabs your hand from across the table. you squeeze it, frowning at his revelation.
"I don't like that you're so tired." You worry, his hand squeezes yours in reassurance.
“Im ok, it’s all apart if the job.” He looks down to your bare ring finger, thumb brushing over the empty spot. Your nails were done in your favorite way, some funky pattern you found from Pinterest all painted on short coffin nails.
“I love you Harry and I’m so proud of you. I know that these years put us both in a bad place mentally but I’m happy of where we are now.” Harry could almost tear up to your words. They settled into his mind, resonating. He was making the perfect decision and you solidified that ideal.
Harry didn’t know how they did it. A show every night, a new state everyday, a new country every few months- he was burnt out. He was tired of shared tour buses and the lack of autonomy. Last nights LA show was amazing, the crowd was amazing, the energy was amazing- so why did he feel so horrid?
He walked around in The Grove, security guards walking in front and behind him. He wanted a peaceful day alone but here they were. Fans watched suspiciously trying to decipher if it was Harry or not. His hat and sunglasses were obviously not the disguise he thought they would be.
As the whispers got louder, his heart started to flurry more. Panic seeped into his veins as he looked for an escape. Bolting in the Barnes and Nobles- security guards close behind- Harry asked for the employees to close shop just for a moment. Harry only needed a moment to get a car near by to escape to. Feeling overwhelmed, Harry hid.
In between the historical fiction and romance aisle is where he sat. Head between his knees, trying to catch his breathe.
“Are you ok?” A voice asked from above him. His head whipped up in shock. Standing there was you, three books clutched between your arms. Adjusting your dress you dropped down to the floor in front of him.
“I-im fine, tired but fine.” He replied. He looked different than he did the night before, you thought. Last night, he was energetic and full of life and now, now you saw a boy whose exhaustion overpowered him.
“You here for any books?” You were just trying to change the subject, something you did with yourself when you had panic attacks.
“Oh no, I don’t-“ he stuttered shaking his head. You smiled at him before pulling a book from your stack. The fault In Our Stars, your new favorite.
“I love this book, one of my favorites. Heard a movie is coming out too so that’s fun.” You joke. Harry’s relaxed slightly, you nestled closer to him. Opening the book, you began reading, your gentle voice calming Harry.
At the start of chapter four, an interruption pulled you both away. Harry’s security guard told Harry that a car was waiting and the perimeter of the store was clear. Harry nodded telling the guard to give him five more minutes.
“I guess this is it.” You mumble closing your book. Harry nods but makes no move to leave. Something clicks in him as he looks at your face again.
“You were at the concert last night, meet and greet?” He muses.
“Yeah, One Direction is my favorite band. My friend bought our vip tickets for my birthday. Best night ever.” You say quietly, scared that he might think that you’re some obsessed fan.
“Oh, well I’m glad you enjoyed the show….so why didn’t you freak out today or- or expose where I was?”
“You’re a human being, just like me. You get nervous, frustrated, and sad just like me. You get panic attacks just like. Who am I to treat you differently?” Your words did so much for Harry. “Now don’t get me wrong, you’re my favorite in the band, but I don’t idolize you nor do I wish to be in your position cause I know it must be hard.”
“It is. Hard, I mean, really really hard. I love my job but I’m tired.” The silence you two shared burned a connection between you two. “This may be weird but could I have your number? I like talking to you and I wanna hear more of this book.”
Placing your hand made bookmark in the book, you closed in and gently placed it on Harry’s lap. “Have it. I have one at home and if you still want to talk about it- I’ll give you my number.”
Harry stills as the book sits in his lap. “I want to talk to you about the book.”
After exchanging numbers, Harry was urged by you to go. Walking side by side to the door, you were separated by his security.
“Harry, don’t let this keep hurting you. Find the joy and grasp on to it.”
You turned out to be his joy. Calls every night after shows and different books being read together, you both gravitated towards each other. Everyday was a new day to grow closer together. He invited you to more concerts, paying for every ticket because he just needed to be with you.
The show was going beautifully. Harry looked amazing in stage in all white and most fans were captivated by your outfit too. It worried you to see Harry so exhausted on stage but you knew he would stick it through like he always does. Proud was an understatement in your eyes. Harry made you more than proud.
You stood in the back of the watermelon pit at the end of the aisle where his stage stopped a few feet away. Jeff stood beside you like he normally did but he was acting suspicious. You two never stood on the side of Harry’s exit but this is where Jeff said you’d get the best view tonight.
Harry sang his final ‘we’ll be alright’ before doing his stage stroll and bows, but instead of finishing in the middle of the stage- he went down stage to the place he normally exits to at the end of the night. You watched in confusion, along with the crowd, as he walked down the steps to you. The crowd erupted in screams as the lights focused on where you were standing.
“What are you doing?” You asked with large eyes of shock. You felt your heart stop in your chest. The crowd getting louder by the moment. Harry walked closer to you, one hand digging into his pocket while his eyes focused on your face. You couldn’t place what was happening but you’re eyes welled with even more tears nonetheless. Jeff was to the side with a huge smile and his phone out to capture the moment.
“Y/N, my love, my light, the best thing that has happened to me,” he didn’t have his mic on so the crowd couldn’t hear him but you could hear him perfectly. As if you two were the only ones in the large arena, you could only see Harry. “From the moment I met you in the bookstore, I knew you were meant to be in my life. Somehow you took me from my darkest place and guided me to my lightest.
I know our lives have been hard but we’ve always found a way to be alright. I want that for the rest of my life. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life, so will you please, my love, marry me?”
You gave him no time to answer as you yanked him up by his arm. You wept as you exclaimed loud yeses, yeses that could be heard by a few fans who screamed in excitement igniting the rest of the crowd to scream. Harry picked you up in his arms, throwing one arm out to wave at the crowd before bounding backstage.
“Oh my god Harry!” You exclaimed as he set you down. He only had a few minutes to talk so you kept it quick. You pulled his face down to your kissing his lips. This kiss pulled you both deeper into each other.
He pulled away making you whine. “I gotta go back but I promise you’ll get it all tonight. I can’t believe you said yes. I love you so much.”
Harry’s energy multiplied by 100 going back on stage. He even went as far as to explain what watermelon sugar was about. Remembering when the song was made, it made your legs clench together- a pulse overwhelming your lower regions.
Looking down at your hand, you could feel yourself tear up again at the ring he bought you. It fit perfectly in your hand, you remember him measuring your hand that night even though he thought you were asleep. The thought of your future made your heart swell. A future with new music, a wedding, a nice house, and babies made your heart swell. This was something you couldn’t wait for.
Harry found his joy in you but he never knew about the joy he was to your dark life.
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arctickat2400 · 3 years
My Girl <> Tom Felton
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Anonymous Request: can u plsss write a tom felton imagine where they meet on set of a movie or show they’re both starring in and they start hooking up, but the reader is around 21/22 and tom feels she’s too young or whatever so won’t commit to her? then he finds out she’s falling for him so he decides to like abandon her and start publicly seeing another older actress and the reader is heartbroken and completely changes from like happy and sweet to quiet and isolated. then tom realises he’s actually in love with her and has to try and make up the hurt he caused her? lots of angst and fluff (maybe even a smudge of smut if ur comfortable) plsssss i love ur writing sm !!
Note: Thank you so much for requesting this whoever you are! I hope I was able to satisfy your request. I've never written something like this before, and half the time I was in the car traveling while writing it and the other half in a hotel, so yeah, we'll see how it turns out. Sorry there's no smut, I'm not that kind of person. I will but rarely add smut to my writings, but I'm a fluff kind of girl and don't write smut very well. Anyways, enjoy!🖤
* * *
Walking around the set, saying hi to the cast and crew, you made your way to your next scene. You feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket and see you got a text from your friend back at home. Laughing at something she said, you begin to text back, but not before your phone drops to the floor on the impact of running into someone. You stumble, but the person steadies you. Looking up, you see that it’s Tom, your co-star, your boyfriend, and yet still your crush for who knows how long.
“Hey, Y/N. Probably should watch where you’re going. Never know who or what could sneak up on you,” Tom chuckles, receiving a giggle back from you. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss of greeting. A shiver cascaded down your spine. Every time you were with Tom, or even near him, you could feel the sparks, and your stomach felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Well, hi, to you too, Tom. Where are you off to? Our scene is that way,” You question, pointing in the opposite direction that he’s going.
“Oh, really? These big places always confuse me. Walk with me?” Tom smiles, holding his arm out for you. Your smile widens and you take his arm as he guides you to the set together.
“Y/N, I was wondering, would you like to go out with me tonight? After today’s shooting is done. There’s a nice restaurant down the street, not too far from here.” Tom mentioned and you felt all giddy inside.
“Tom, I would love to!” You almost screamed with excitement but tried to hold back the best you could. You haven’t been able to go out much lately with the movie and all, so you’re always so excited when you’re able to go out and have a nice evening with your boyfriend.
* * *
Once your scene with Tom was done for the most part, you both parted ways. “See you later, my love,” You told him, kissing his cheek and walking away, missing the wide-eyed look on his face.
Tom went to shoot a different scene and you went back to your trailer to get ready for your date with Tom. It was a short shooting day, so Tom was coming to pick you up at 7. You had a little over an hour to get ready as you picked out a cute black, off-the-shoulder dress and some converse. After touching up a bit on your hair, you sat at your vanity and waited.
Tom was rarely ever late coming to see you. That’s why you were surprised when the clock struck 7 and Tom hadn’t come to your trailer yet. Maybe he just got caught up in a scene or talking to a crew member, you thought.
You waited and waited. You even texted him, however, with no reply. You didn’t want to seem clingy, so you just left it at one text. You became worried when you realized Tom was half an hour late. Setting an alarm for 8, you decided you’ll text him again. But, for now, you wait. You looked over your script, trying to memorize your lines for tomorrow’s scenes.
Jumping suddenly at your phone’s alarm, it was already 8 and Tom still hasn’t shown up yet. You shot him another text, asking about his whereabouts before stepping out of your trailer to go and find him.
“Hey, have you seen Tom anywhere?” You asked a passing crew member, but he said he didn’t know, that the last place he saw him, though, was his last scene set. You thanked him, then made your way there, not finding Tom, but finding his friend.
“Hey, have you seen Tom? I’ve been waiting for him for an hour, but he never showed. I’ve been looking around for him, but can’t find him.” You told him, sounding a bit exasperated.
“No, sorry, I haven’t seen him. But, I think he mentioned going out with a friend. Have you checked his trailer?” He asked, a little worried himself. He knows that you and Tom are together so he’s a bit suspicious of Tom’s unknown whereabouts.
“I was just about to go check there. Thanks.” You told him, waving with a smile even though your heart was racing.
You head out of the building and zigzag through the various cast and crew trailers until you reached Tom’s trailer, knocking before climbing the stairs to open the door. He’s never had a problem with you just going in.
“Tom, it’s been more than an hour. What’s going-?” There wasn’t a chance to say anything else as the shock of the sight in front of you silenced your voice. Tom kissing your best friend, Emma Watson, was the thing you feared most. You had a feeling there was something between Emma and Tom, but you wanted over everything for that to not be true. But, here you are, staring at your best friend and your boyfriend, making out.
You didn’t have time to say anything before you were out the door, tears rushing down your cheeks.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!” You heard Tom’s voice behind you.
“What, Tom? What could you possibly say to me right now? How could you?” You were yelling at him, infuriated.
“This isn’t how I wanted you to find out. I was going to tell you,” He started, but you weren’t going to give him the time of day.
“No, Tom. Just, no. There’s nothing you can say to make this better. Just don’t,” Is the last thing you said to him before walking away, sobbing, back to your trailer, missing the way Tom was staring as you walked away from him, heartbroken and guilty all at the same time.
It’s been days since you talked to Tom. Luckily, you haven’t had to shoot any scenes with him. If you see him walking towards you, you’d walk the other way. If he tried to talk to you, you still wouldn’t give him the time of day and you’d just walk away.
Ever since that day, you wouldn’t greet the cast and crew like you used to. Of course, if someone said hi to you, you would respond, but the smiles became short and fake. You isolated yourself. You would shoot your scenes, then go back to your trailer when you weren’t needed, which seems like all the time lately.
And ever since that day, when you caught him cheating with your best friend, Tom’s been miserable. He hates himself for what he did to you, for hurting you, especially because it was for a stupid reason. He’s vowed to make it up to you, to get you back, because he’s realized that he loves you. So, he will do everything he can in order to get you back, to show you he loves you.
You were walking back to your trailer after a long day of shooting, getting towards the end of the movie, when you were stopped by a very anxious-looking Tom.
“Y/N, please, let me talk to you for just a minute, please,” He begged, although he didn’t really give you much space to agree or not.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, Y/N, I did what I did for a stupid reason; because I thought you were too young and we wouldn’t work because of the age difference. I didn’t think I could commit to this relationship, and I’m so sorry for what I did, not telling you before and making out with Emma and you having to see it. Katie, I cannot tell you how sorry I am. If I could I would take it all back…” But you interrupted him.
“But, that’s the thing, Tom, you can’t take it back. It’s done, I saw it. And with my best friend, of all people. I always knew there was something going on between you two," You took a deep breath. "I can’t deal with this right now, so please, just leave me alone,” You told him before turning around and continuing back to your trailer, leaving behind a sad and heartbroken Tom.
You step up into your trailer, plugging your phone into the charger, and seeing a flash of red in the corner of your eye. How could you have not seen it before?
Laid on your bed were a perfect bouquet of red roses and a note on top. You picked up the bouquet, the beautiful scent filling your senses. You knew who they were from even before you saw the note.
My love,
I know this doesn’t make up for what I did, but I am sincerely sorry. I hope you will give me the honor of giving me some of your time so I can explain.
Just then, looking down, you noticed a small black velvet box that must have been hidden underneath the flowers. You hadn’t noticed it before. Setting down the flowers and note, you picked up the box, opening it to see a beautiful silver ring with a sparkling diamond in the middle, For me, there is only you, engraved on the inside. Tears were once again beginning to form. You had to go apologize for not letting him speak his case. Some part of you said he didn’t deserve you or your time. But another part is saying he does deserve you. You love him and, even after what he did, he still deserves a second chance.
After slipping your shoes back on and shoving the ring into your pocket, you run out of your trailer and towards the sets to try and find him. You knew he had a scene to shoot soon so he should be around somewhere.
Just as you turned a corner, there he was, that sad look on his face with a mix of guilt and who knows what else. He spotted you and your eyes met. All these emotions were flooding through your mind. Your heart was saying one thing, that you need to run to him and let him explain. But your head was telling you to turn around, run away. You tend to listen to your head over your heart, unfortunately, so you turned around and began walking back, tears beginning to fill to the brim.
“Y/N,” The sound of Tom’s voice made you stop; something about it struck you and made you freeze on the spot. He walked towards you and took a deep breath and continued what he had started before. “I hate myself for what I did to you. I know I can’t undo it, and I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I love you, Y/N. After what I did, I saw you crying, and something in me just snapped, and I haven’t been able to sleep or eat, and…”
“Wait, you love me?” You turned suddenly and looked up into his eyes, tears spilling over onto your cheeks. Tom’s hand makes its way to your cheek, ridding away the oncoming tears as he looks into your eyes with a sincere, sad smile.
“Yes, I do. Baby, I love you so much. And I will do anything to make everything up to you. I will beg you for your love until you take it and love me back…”
Next thing you know, your lips were on his, your lips moving together in perfect sync. You both pulled back for air as you slipped your hand into your pocket and pulled out the promise ring. Tom looked down and smiled.
“Do you mean it?” You questioned him hopefully, looking up into his eyes, his hands on your waist and your arms around his neck.
“I mean it all, my love. Indeed, for me, there is only you. I love you and I always will.” Tom declared, taking the ring from you and slipping it onto your ring finger. Tom placed his forehead against yours.
“I love you, too, Tom,” You exclaimed, your sweet smile that no one has seen for the past several days resurfacing.
“I will make it up to you, my love. In any and all ways that I can, I will make sure you know how sorry I am and how much I love you.” Leaning in, he placed a passionate kiss to your lips, adoring the way your lips feel on his.
“The flowers were beautiful, by the way,” You smiled up at him, and the way he looked at you made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the whole universe.
“Only for my girl.”
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ɴᴇʀᴅ ⓟⓐⓡⓣ ②
ғʀᴀᴛʙᴏʏ!ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x sʜʏ-ɪsʜ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀᴜ (ɪɴᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇᴅ ɪ ɢᴜᴇss)
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: (two part series!) You’re starting to struggle in class and decide to ask your professor for some tutoring or extra classes to boost your  grade. He ends up assigning the last person you’d expect to tutor you. (is it really a surprise though?)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: cw: talking about a car accident and infertility
smut 18+  (praise kink, dirty talk, oral fem receiving, hair pulling, marking, choking, slight spanking if you squint, slight bondage), major aftercare, fluff? This is pretty filthy lmao. 
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟺.𝟹 ᴋ (ɪ ᴀᴍ sᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏ sᴏʀʀʏ ᴛʜɪs ɪs sᴏᴏᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ!)
ᴀ/ɴ: Thank you so much for all the love in the last part! I was truly expecting maybe about 20 likes but so far its gotten over 100! Thank you for being so nice to me on my first ever post and hope you enjoy part 2!
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For the next two or so weeks you avoid Bucky like the bubonic plague. You didn’t exactly hate the fact that he kissed, but he was your tutor. Isn’t that inappropriate? Let alone him being a part of a frat house. It wouldn’t be a good mix.
One good thing though is that your overall grade in class has gone up since your tutor sessions with Bucky so at least it wasn’t for nothing. He’s tried to talk to you in class a couple times when you didn't go to him but ended up giving up when you began showing up right when class started or going out of your way to even go near him. 
Again, you didn’t hate him; hell you weren’t mad anymore, but you still avoided at all costs. It’s totally not because you're scared you’ll actually fall for him. How could someone like Bucky even look your way? Maybe he just wanted to get into your pants like all the boys in the house.
You didn’t tell Natasha that Bucky kissed but she could definitely tell that something was up. You were usually at Bucky’s frat house on weekdays but you’ve been canceling sessions every night since the incident. 
One night you were studying alone in your apartment and Natasha was pacing around on her phone. She was dressed to go to a frat party tonight but it seems maybe her ride isn’t available. You wonder why she can’t herself when she has a car.
“Hey Y/n,” Nat crept up to you.
“Yes,” you drew out.
“Would maybe, possibly, perhaps, might be able to be my DD?” she asked.
“Your what?”
“My designated driver. Wanda has a family emergency; her and her brother flew out like an hour ago and I haven’t been able to find anyone to pick me up.”
“I can drop you off and pick you up,” you offered. You’d rather stay up late in case she wants to come home than stay at the party all night, especially if she finds another bed to stay in till morning. 
“I mean you could do that but would it be more fun to actually party for once. Come on babe you’re too uptight, you need to have fun especially with how hard you’re working in school right now.”
“Nat, you know that’s not my scene.”
“Just stay with me. Or Bucky I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hanging with you tonight,” she suggestively, bringing confusion to your face.
“Oh nothing Just come with me please? If it gets too much text me and I’ll let you know if I need a ride back home.”
“Actually?” you asked.
“Pinky promise.”
“Ok give me like 5 mins.”
You ran to your  room and picked out an outfit you felt sexy but comfortable in; I mean if you were going to inevitably run into Bucky at this party might as well look presentable right? When you came out ready, Nat whistled, hyping you up and felt your face heat up a bit. 
“Stop, let’s just go,” you averted.
You arrived at the house music booming from down the street. People outside drinking from red solo cups, cars already picking up drunks and dropping people off to get said drunk. You hastily parked the car and Nat grabbed your hand and pulled you close as you guys walked to the party. You weren’t going to lie, you were really nervous.
You heard stories about these parties but you were trying to convince yourself that they may be exaggerated somewhat but still didn’t do much for your nerves. When you walked you eyes almost immediately locked with Bucky’s. To say he was shocked to see you at a frat party was for sure an understatement.
Bucky began to move through the crowd to meet up with you but when he got to the entrance it was like you disappeared. Disappointed, he returned to the mini bar where the drinks were all held, where Steve served the drinks. Asked for a beer.
“How’s it going, man?” Steve asked.
“She’s here.”
“Nat? I really think there's something between us. I’m thinking about asking her on a proper date you know?”
“Really? That’s awesome, but I’m talking ‘bout Y/n,” Bucky clarified.
“What? I thought she hated parties.” 
“I did too.”
As if on queue, you tapped Bucky on the shoulder.
“Hey, what on earth are you doing here?”
“Nat needed a designated driver and Wanda and her brother are out of town.”
“Yeah Pietro lives here in the house, Steve drove him and Wanda to the airport a couple hours ago.”
You nodded your head and things got awkward again, but then again what’s new with that.
“Do you want anything to drink?”
“I can’t drink.”
“Oh right. Do we have soda?”
“We coke for the rum but you can take a can.”
“Thanks Steve,” you took a can of coke from him. 
You and Bucky and Steve all held wholesome conversation for a little  bit then Nat came and whisked him away. Bucky was put on bar duty from then on and you decided to keep him company until Nat was ready to go home. But so far from the way Steve and her were dancing together you didn’t think Nat was gonna wanna go home.
You asked Bucky how long Steve and Nat have had their little thing and apparently it’s been going on for awhile. You had sneaking suspicion that they were together in some way but since Nat never brought it up you didn’t want to bug her. It was pretty easy to figure out though considering she didn’t come home some nights.
They’re good together though and you hope they make it official soon.
Talking to Bucky, you felt a hand brush against but when you looked no one was there. You figured it was just getting crowded. After a couple of hours you decided to text Nat to see where she was. When she didn’t respond, you took it upon yourself to call her.
“Nat where did you go?”
“I'm in the car,” she slurred.
“What! You can’t be driving! How did you even get the keys?” you yelled.
“I snatched them from you when you and Bucky were flirting with each other. Steve couldn’t  find his keys so I took yours,” she shouted into the phone.
“When did you- whatever, is he sober?” you asked.
“Yeah and I am not even that dru-,” she hiccuped. 
“Nat…” you warned. 
“Steve is my boyfriend and we’re clean. I’ll be safe; it’s not like I can have kids anyway.”
“Nat.” When you moved in together at the beginning of the year, you noticed one time her grabbing her lower stomach in discomfort and offered her any products for her period. She told you she doesn’t get one and being the dumbass you are you asked why. She told you when she was a teenager she got into a car accident that caused extreme internal bleeding causing Nat to become infertle. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that,” you apologized.
“It’s ok babe. If anything you be safe.”
“She can’t see you, babygirl,” you heard Steve say and laughed out loud.
“Oh! I’m winking!” she shouted.
“Oh my god. Whatever,” you rolled your eyes.
“Anyways buh-bye, girly!” she hung up the phone.
“What happened?” Bucky came up behind you. You looked over at the bar and saw Bruce bar-keeping.
“Nat took the fucking car with Steve.”
“Why didn’t he use my car?”
“She said he couldn’t find the keys and I guess it was easier to just steal from me when I wasn’t looking.”
“Wow, ok. Stealth much?”
“Right? She’s like a Russian spy,” you laughed.
“Well, you probably need a ride then,” Bucky brought up.
“I don’t know if I wanna go home knowing Steve is probably gonna be railing her into the next dimension.”
“Yeah, you can spend the night here. I can sleep on the floor.”
“Yeah it’s not a problem. We probably have an air mattress hiding somewhere.”
“Thanks Buck. well since I’m not going anywhere I guess I could have a drink now.”
“What’ll it be?”
You drank a couple beers feeling the alcohol beginning to flow effortlessly through your veins. The music was still booming through the house and you found yourself getting lost to the rhythm. You made your way to where everyone was also dancing and let the music guide your body sensually. 
You didn’t notice it yet but Bucky was staring completely in love with the way you were moving. He’d never seen you in this kind of environment and definitely not in the clothing you were wearing. You looked truly sexy even more so dancing the way you were dancing; like you had control over everything in the world.
You soon felt a pair of hands circle around to your waist instantly knowing who they belong to. Bucky moved his hips snug against your backside perfectly fitting with you. You let your head lean back feeling Bucky breathe against your neck.  
“You driving me crazy, doll,” Bucky whispered against your ear.
You shivered at his words. 
“Please, let me show you how fucking stunning you are,” he moved his hands towards the front of your hips.
“What?” you turned around. You hadn’t expected Bucky to want to do anything with you.
“I can make you feel so good. You deserve it.”
“Do you want me to make you feel good?”
“I do,” you whined as he rubbed his hands against your lower back, pulling you so close.
He kissed you too softly, barely touching your lips, as he grabbed your hands and led to his room upstairs.  
When you reached his room, the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat while your knees went to either side of his thighs. God his thighs. His hands went up your shirt grazing your bare skin with his fingertips as you continued to makeout sloppily. 
“Can I take this off?” he asked, tugging your shirt.
“Please, yes please.”
Your arms went over your head and Bucky slowly kissed the exposed skin as your shirt inched higher and higher up until he tossed it to the side. The straps of your bra left off shoulders and Bucky continued to kiss any exposed skin on your body. Your hands ran through his hair and you tugged his strands earning a moan in return.
You tugged at his shirt as well and he complied quickly getting rid of his shirt and throwing it to the side. Bucky hands ran over your bottom and you jumped off him nearly ripping your bottoms off your body. You heard bucky chuckled as he too took the opportunity to take his pants off leaving him in boxers and nothing else.
“I want to taste you baby girl,” Bucky bit at your ear.
Your body tensed a bit because although you were not a virgin, you were not that experienced, especially compared to Bucky. 
“Is that ok? I’m sorry, we don’t have to do anything. I don’t want you to regret anything, princess. We can stop.”
“No! I don’t want to stop. No one’s just ever wanted to do that, you know,” you whispered feeling a bit overwhelmed.
“Oh baby, what kinda shit boys were you with? Let me show how good a woman is supposed to feel, got it?”
You swallowed hard, but nodded of course. 
Bucky picked you up and gently laid you down onto the bed. His hands rubbed your thighs softly and he kissed your stomach ever so softly. He was trying his very hardest to make sure you were comfortable and relaxed as much as possible. Bucky traced the lining of your underwear and looked to you once again to make sure everything was ok by you. You nodded but that wasn’t enough for Bucky.
“Words, baby. I wanna hear you say it,” he whispered, lips against your inner thigh. 
“Bucky,” you whined.
“Come on, baby. Use your words like a big girl,” he snickered.
“Please, touch me, Bucky. I want you to use your mouth on me like you promised.”
“There ya go,” he said pulling your underwear down your legs.
He slowly opened your legs and kissed your inner thigh leaving a dark purple mark for him to see and him only. When he was satisfied with the marks he left on your inner thighs he licked a slow and wet line against your pussy. Your hips instantly bucked into his face and your hands flew to his hair.
You tugged at his hair again and released a grunt from Bucky, the vibrations from his mouth pleasuring you even more. Bucky brought his fingers to your hole and he continued circling his tongue around your clit making you moan and arch your back. 
He entered a finger into you and then another. You were already beginning to feel full from just his fingers alone, you couldn’t wait until he was able to fuck you balls deep. Your orgasm was approaching quicker than you anticipated, your toes curled and your back arched off the bed. Your heels dug into Bucky’s back but he simply continued to eat you out until you finally peaked.
“Bucky!” you shouted his name in pleasure.
“That’s it baby girl. You're my good girl, right?”
“Yes, I’m your good girl. Oh god, I’m cumming,” you moaned.
Bucky helped you ride out your first orgasm of the night completely enamored by your beauty. When you finally came down from you high you reached for Bucky pulling him into a heated kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue and moaned into his mouth. You pulled him closer and sat up moving him to sit his back against his headboard.
“I don’t know what I want to do more, return the favor or ride you until my legs shake.”
“You can return the favor another time. Let me see you ride my dick, doll,” Bucky growled. Another time?
You crawled onto Bucky’s lap after he discarded his boxers letting his dick spring up, the tip red from lack of attention. It shocked you if you were being honest, it was so… big. 
“Is that gonna fit?” you asked genuinely.
“Yeah, it will; but if it hurts too much you tell me to stop ok?” you nodded.
Bucky reached behind your back and unclasped your bra only to toss it to wherever the rest of your clothes were. His hands caressing your breasts; thumbs rubbing over your sensitive nipples, sending chills throughout your body. He kissed along your collarbone to your neck to your jaw before whispering in your ear.
“I have to grab a condom from the bathroom, baby girl. Sorry,” he began to move you.
“Why are you sorry?” you stopped him.
“I don’t wanna ruin the mood but safety is important before anything else.”
You weren’t gonna lie that actually kinda shocked you; and turned you on even more. You had completely forgotten about having a condom. You were on the pill but that doesn't mean you shouldn’t still use a condom. Bucky was back in no time and you took the condom from him wanting to put it on for him. Bucky moaned as you wrapped his dick and soon enough you were ready to go, arousal practically dripping down your inner thighs.
Bucky’s hand lid up to the back of your neck as you slid down his cock; both moaning at the feeling. You took a second to move but when you did things practically fell into pace. You quickly found a good rhythm for the both of you and soon enough you felt yourselves growing near climax.
Bucky’s hands gripped at your ass, grunting and moaning at the feeling of your walls gliding in and out of you. He smacked your ass leaving a slight red-ish mark for you to admire later. You pulled him closer, if that was even possible, burying your face in between Bucky’s neck and shoulder. 
“I can feel ya getting close, baby. Fucking squeezing me. Feels so good, princess.”
“I'm gonna come, I’m so close.”
“Don’t come until I say so. Hold it, I know you can. Be my good little girl and fucking hold it.”
You sucked and kissed and licked his neck leaving little marks not nearly as big as the ones he was leaving all over you. Soon enough you felt the coil building in the pit of your stomach snap and you moaned so loud into Bucky’s ear, he almost came from hearing your moans.
“Sorry I literally screamed in your ear.”
“I told you not to come until I say so.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t hold it anymore. You felt too good,” you whispered, barely audible.
“That doesn’t matter. I told you to hold it,” Bucky got off the bed and reached for his pants. You got so scared that he was going to leave; terrified. But instead he took his belt he was wearing and stalked back towards you. Oh how the butterflies in your stomach fluttered right now.
“Arms up baby girl. You don’t get to touch me now.”
You complied, your stomach fluttering immensely at the mere thought of what Bucky was going to  do with you now. When he finished looping the belt around the headboard of the bed his hands ran along your entire body kissing here and there until back up to you. 
“Too tight?” you shook your head.
“Perfect. Winter; say the word and I stop,” he kissed passionately, sliding back in you, pussy sensitive from orgasming twice tonight. 
Bucky didn’t take as much time as you did before starting to slam into you over and over again. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, toes curling in themselves, tears brimming your eyes. Bucky fingers dug into your waist surely leaving more marks for you in the morning. 
His hand came up to wrap around your neck and squeezed ever so slightly.
“Feel good? My little fucking slut, whining and wiggling under me,” Bucky said, more to himself than anything.
“Fuck-” you moaned. You wrists rubbing against the belt, trying to pull away so you could touch Bucky.
“What is it? You wanna touch me,” Bucky’s hand squeezed a bit more and you moaned even louder, legs wrapping around his waist pulling him closer that way.
“Oh good please Bucky, let me touch you!”
“Uh-uh, bad girls don’t get what they want. If you want to touch me you have to beg me like the good little whore you are,” Bucky growled.
“Fuck Bucky please, I’ll do anything for you just me let me touch you. Please, please, please!”
“Tell me your mine.”
“I’m yours, Buck. All fucking yours. No one else’s!”
“No one is ever gonna fuck as good as I do. Your mine.”
“Yes! I’m yours, oh god,” you moaned.
Bucky was extremely close to cumming and so were you so he undid the belt with one hand skillfully and your arms wrapped around his body pulling as close to you as humanly possible. Your hands ran through his hair and pulled hard as you both fell over the edge. Bucky settled between your legs for a minute kissing your breasts, your chest heaving trying to catch your breath. 
Bucky got up and discarded the condoms making sure there were no tears or rips considering how rough he’d been with you. He didn’t intend to be rough at first but his mind was so clouded with you he practically lost control; but you didn’t mind not one bit. 
Bucky came back with bottled water from a small refrigerator he kept in the corner of his room and held you back and head as you brought the water to your lips. After satisfying your dry and hoarse throat, Bucky picked you up and set down on his bathroom counter, the cold of the marble counter in extreme contrast to your hot skin. 
He cleaned you up and inspected your wrists making sure you weren’t hurt; although they were quite red and would probably hurt in the morning. Lastly, he grabbed a wipe and cleaned the remaining mess of makeup you had put on the night before speaking up again.
“Was I too rough? I didn’t mean to be,” Bucky caressing the sides of your waist. You shocked your head no; the face with a blissfully fucked out expression and a smile making Bucky chuckle. He rubbed your skin with lotion to ease any irritation anything may have caused and kissed the marks he made during sex. He admits that he really likes seeing you marked up by him knowing he’s the only one who gets to see them and make them. Makes him proud that he was able to fuck so good and you loved it too.
He picked you up and took you to bed; kissing you all over one last time before letting you fall asleep in his arms. The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was Bucky whispering about how good were to him, calling you his good little girl; rubbing your back ever so softly putting you to sleep.
You woke the next morning arms and legs tangled with another. You turn your head to find Bucky Barnes’ face tucked into your neck soft breaths tickling your skin. You rubbed his arms and back, nails lightly scratching him causing him to stir a bit.
Bucky pressed soft kisses against your skin and rested his large warm hands on your ass and thighs. You felt the urge to use the restroom and haven’t going last night, you figured you should as soon as possible. Prying your mildly sweaty body from his was obviously unsuccessful with how much stronger he was compared to you. His legs moved further in between your thighs and he began kissing your chest making you giggle in return.
“Bucky, I have to use the restroom,” you grabbed his face.
“Oh, sorry,” he chuckled and released his hold on you, not without whining of course.
You ran into his bathroom and shut the door. When you turned around you gasped realizing how marked up you were. Dark purple spots littered all over your chest and neck. Your wrists were bright red from the belt he used last night; however they didn’t hurt, a bit sore but not painful. Your thighs were also decorated with love bites and hickeys from Bucky last night and you smiled to yourself.
After you used the bathroom you cleaned yourself as well as possible but admittedly needed a shower in the end. You opened the door only to find Bucky, grinning like a little boy. You folded your hands underneath your chin evidently hiding your body with your arms as much as you could. 
Bucky came up to you and placed his hands on your waist kissing the top of your head before turning you around to look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. His body was flush against your and you could feel his dick sitting against your ass and lower back. His face came up and rested on your shoulder then grabbed your hands to wrap them behind his head and yours. 
You played with his hair a bit feeling so confident and loved by the affection Bucky has been giving since you came into his room. His hands ran across your body everywhere they could reach before making eye contact with you in the mirror.
“Look at you, goddamn.”
“What?” you chuckled.
“Do you see what I’m seeing?”
You shook your head, feeling incredibly shy suddenly.
“Look how  fucking beautiful and gorgeous and perfect you are. Geez, I can’t even handle it.” 
You laughed out at how dramatic he was being.
“Goddamn, I could stare at your perfect body all fucking day,” he whispered, it wasn’t in a sensual tone however. It was almost like he was saying to himself, like he actually wanted to do as such.
“Please stay,” he asked you.
“Are you ok?” you sensed he was being incredibly serious, almost about to cry even.
His sad painted with sadness, eyes begging you to stay with him for the day. He wanted something with you.he wanted to be yours and hoped to God that you’d be his in return.
“Stay with me. Please?” you realized you didn’t think he was talking about staying for now, he meant stay with him, as a partner.
“What happened?” you caressed his face in your hands. He lifted you and placed you on the counter Like he did the night before, settling his hips in between your legs.
“They always leave,” he whispered.
“Who? ”
“I didn’t want to just sleep around with girls anymore so I started talking to them and taking them out but every time the night we had sex, they would always leave. I tried talking to them the next day but they always said they didn’t want anything out of it. So I stopped having sex altogether.” 
Your heart ached for him. You didn’t want to do that to him. Of course you thought about it, but that was clearly before you realized Bucky wanted to be with you.
“I won’t leave.”
“We can stay in my room all day. You don’t even have to get out of bed. I can grab a couple game consoles from downstairs and we play on the tv. We order breakfast. I’ll wash your clothes. We have a washing machine in the basement,” Bucky said excitedly, you smiled excited as well for your day with Bucky.
“Can we take a shower first?” you asked.
“Yes of course, let’s take a shower.”
“Let’s?” you wiggled your eyebrows.
“Of course. Maybe we can pop in a couple rounds while we’re at it,” Bucky winked.
Ok, all done. :) Hope you liked it and maybe give it a little like or reblog? You don’t have  to though lol
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tsukiihime · 3 years
Heartbreak Chapter 4 (Shinsou x Fem!Reader, Bakugou X Fem!Reader)
I am on the fence if I should do an ending for each character, but I'll mull it over a bit more before making the next chapter. Hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Drinking, Angst
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
This isn’t how you imagined you would be spending your weekend.
You’ve spent the night flipping through channels, ordering Chinese takeout as you sit cross-legged on Shinsou’s couch in your favorite tank top and shorts staring blankly at the television screen. You’ve kept your phone by you all this time in hopes of receiving a call that hasn’t come yet, and at this point you’re pretty sure it won’t come at all. You’ve been mulling over it for hours - do you call Bakugou? Let your pride take a backseat to your longing and put an end to your uncertainty? Or do you wait for him to break first?
‘Who am I kidding’, you scoff to yourself, ‘Bakugou doesn’t apologize or bow down to anyone. I’ll probably die before I get him to make the first move.’ You scratch your neck, looking out of the corner of your eye at your cell phone sitting inconspicuously on the coffee table. If you’re being honest with yourself, you want some form of closure with Bakugou. There’s so many unanswered questions between the two of you: Whose underwear was that in your shared bedroom? Are Bakugou and Camie romantically involved? Why did he call you that night?
You want - no, you need answers before you drive yourself crazy with what ifs - so you decide that tonight you’re going to take the plunge and call your ex-boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou.
At least that was the plan, but all you’ve been doing for the past thirty minutes has been nervously pacing back and forth in Shinsou’s bedroom. You pick up your phone only to throw it back down in anxiety - what if you make a fool out of yourself? What if he really did call you on accident and you’re just getting your hopes up?
It takes another thirty-four minutes before you’ve calmed your nerves enough to dial his number and not feel like vomiting. You decided against drinking some alcohol to get some liquid courage - you needed to be sober for this conversation as much as it pained you. The phone line on the other side rings, and you’ve never been more afraid of what’s going to happen next than you have been your entire life. You bite your lip in anticipation, pulling at the bottom of your shorts to distract you from what seems like endless ringing in your ear.
All too soon, the ringing stops and you are greeted with a rough ‘hello’. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.
Bakugou feels like his soul has left his body when he sees your name flash across his screen - you’re calling him. He’s wished for this moment for weeks: every single missed call, unread text and late night thought about you has now culminated in this moment. You’re finally giving him a chance to speak to you and you’re even making the first move! But he feels a strange new emotion well up inside him as his finger hovers over the ‘answer’ button.
It’s a new feeling to the Explosion Hero - he’s always been a doer and not a thinker, action before thought. He’s always thought of himself as the best, the cream of the crop in every aspect of his life. But the vibrating cherry red phone in his hand makes his confidence waver. He’s hesitating to answer you, even if he’s missed you for so long. That’s right: the great Katsuki Bakugou is afraid.
He’s afraid to answer the phone, to get his hopes up that you’re calling because you miss him, when you could be just calling him by accident. You probably meant to call Shinsou, or maybe you’re calling to say that you left something at his house and want it back.
But this fear is quickly dispelled - this may be his last chance to tell you how he feels. How he truly feels, without his agency or anyone else getting in the way. He now knows that Shinsou is in love with you and he still loves you with every fiber of his being - if he’s going to have a rival in romance he needs to put everything on the table. He needs you to know how he feels so that he can have no regrets, no matter what happens between the two of you in the future.
His train of thought is interrupted by his brain urging him to swipe right and answer the phone before the call is missed. Bakugou steadies himself, leans against the railing and puts his cell up to his ear. He answers gruffly: “Hello?”
“Hey Bakugou.” He takes notice of your use of his last name - he was expecting you to call him ‘Katsuki’, just as you’ve always done. His eyebrows knit together in disappointment.
“I don’t mean to call so late,” he can hear shuffling on your end, it sounds like you’re pacing around the house, “I know you’re always asleep at this time but I just had to do it before my nerves got the best of me.” You admit sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck as you smile to yourself softly. “I saw you called me around a week ago and I just wanted to see what you wanted? There was no voicemail or text, so I assumed that you maybe called by mistake? It’s okay if you did, I just wanted to double check you know?” You’re talking a mile a minute, rambling on and on as your nerves are set aflame by your embarrassment and fear. You’ve walked around Shinsou’s bedroom countless times, your heart racing in absolute dread at your decision. Why did you do this? Why did you call late at night? Why did you call him? You laugh uneasily, waiting for an answer and preparing for the worst.
“I called ‘cause I missed you.” You almost drop your phone in sheer shock, but you manage to compose yourself before your voice betrays your surprise.
You remain silent and he sucks in a breath, trying his best to calm himself down as he waits for you to answer. His palms won’t stop sweating, covering his cracked cell phone in glycerin laced sweat as he paces back and forth the rooftop from one end to the next. He feels like throwing up, and a small voice in his head urges him to hang up the phone before he makes more of a fool out of himself. But he stands his ground - he’s not leaving this call until you know how he feels. He hates opening up to others but you’re different, you’re special to him and by God he’s going to prove it to you.
“I’m sorry?” You ask for confirmation, not wanting to misunderstand. You hear a small ‘tch’ in response.
“Haaah? You not listening? I said,” he puts extra emphasis on the last part and he’s speaking so close to the phone that it’s almost like he’s next to you speaking directly into your ear, “that I missed you.” You both grow silent, listening to the sound of the other’s breathing for what seems like an eternity. The air is still rife with tension, but you smile - wide and beaming in total joy. Bakugou missed you. Just like you missed him. You feel comfortable being a little more familiar with him now that he’s confirmed for you that he’s not messing with you and you’re relieved that you’re able to keep your pride intact after you hang up the phone.
“I’m going to be perfectly honest. I wasn’t expecting that, Bakugou.” You give a small giggle and he smiles without realizing it. He’s missed your laugh, and he can imagine the way your nose crinkles slightly when you chuckle, how your eyes used to shine when he would make you laugh. “I’m surprised though - the great Katsuki Bakugou missing ‘lil ole me?”
“What, am I not allowed to be upfront ‘bout it? ‘M not gonna lie and say that I didn’t.” He huffs, slightly annoyed at your reaction. Your tone is teasing and half of him hates it while the other half is grateful for your reaction.
“I missed you too, Katsuki.” You say it, and it’s true. It comes out so naturally that it makes you smile with content. You do miss Bakugou. He closes his eyes and replays it in his mind.
‘I missed you too, Katsuki.’ He loves the way his name rolls off your tongue, sweet and soft just like he remembers. He can envision you lying next to him in bed, your legs entangled in the cream colored sheets as you drift in and out of sleep, running your fingers through flaxen spikes, his arms wrapped around your waist as he snores softly laying his head down on your chest. He’s indescribably happy that you missed him too.
“Look I-”
“So I wanted to-” You both speak at the same time, cutting the other off. You giggle softly. “You can go first Katsuki. Tell me: why have you been calling me?” He inhales deeply, preparing to pour his heart out to you under the starry sky. You lie back on Shinsou’s bed, the cool sheets meeting with your warm skin as you wait for the blonde man to answer.
“I wanted to hear your voice. I honestly thought you wouldn’t pick up or return my calls, so I was content with thinking I’d just hear your voicemail message. I had been trying to call you for days. I know you’re mad and you have every right to be, but I just...I want to talk to you. I want to talk about what happened, ‘bout us. I miss you,” he says without hesitation causing you to take in a breath in surprise, “so much. I didn’t think I’d miss someone like I miss you. I want to talk about what happened, what I did, and make it up to you. I want you back in my life, even if it’s not how we used to be before.”
You can hardly believe that you’re talking to Bakugou - prideful, arrogant, ruthless Bakugou who never opens his heart to anyone, not even you. He’s selfish in everything: with work, with love, and with you. He cares so much about being the number one Hero that it consumes him. You haven’t forgotten the cancelled dates when he stays in late at work to get another case wrapped up so it would boost his ratings, or the nights where you fell asleep on the couch waiting for him to get home when he would work late. Nor have you forgiven the days when you would cook him dinner only to find it untouched when you return home, or when he spends his days off training or hanging out with the Bakusquad rather than staying in with you.
But this Bakugou in front of you? He’s vulnerable, baring his heart and soul to you as he lets you know exactly how he feels. Instantly, the bad times leave your mind and you instead look back at all the good memories he’s given you over the two years you’ve known him: His amazing cooking on nights he wants to spoil you for working hard, the scent of caramel he leaves behind after he works out in the living room, the fierce kisses he left you with before he heads off to work. The way he lets you hold him gently, the way he lets you see him in his most unguarded state. The way he made you feel so loved, so cared for.
However, that doesn’t make you forget what he’s put you through the past month.
You still remember the way your heart shattered when you found that unknown lingerie set in your bedroom, and the way your heart ached when you saw Bakugou with his arm around Camie’s waist. Your grip tightens on your phone and you breathe in deep. You love Bakugou, but he needs to atone for what he’s done if he wants to be in your life again. You sit up on Shinsou’s bed, hugging your knees close to your chest.
“Listen Bakugou - I want to forgive you, I really do. But some of the things you did,” you feel a dull pang in your chest as you envision him holding another woman, “really hurt me. And it’s made me believe that I can’t trust you.” He grimaces, imagining how you must have looked seeing him at the award ceremony with another woman. He cards a hand through his blonde locks, scarlet eyes half lidded in disappointment. “But…” you trail off, and he perks up slightly.
“I don’t want to lose you. You’ve been a big part of my life, and I care about you. I’m willing to talk things out with you if you promise that you’ll take my concerns seriously, okay?” There’s no hesitation this time.
“I promise. Baby, I don’t want to lose you again.” Your eyes widen in shock, and Bakugou quickly coughs to distract you. “Er, sorry.” You giggle and he swells with pride at the noise, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“S’okay. I’ll let it slide this time since you’re so cute.” Bakugou is beside himself in a cocktail of emotions: are you flirting with him? You can’t help but tease him, imagining him turning beet red in embarrassment. Your heart leaps with happiness at how he calls you ‘baby’, but your pride and dignity stop you before you get ahead of yourself: Bakugou has much making up to you before you even think of jumping back into a relationship with him.
“But I think we should have this conversation in person, it’ll be easier. I’m gonna be pretty busy for the next few weeks or so, work and school’s been crazy and I’ve been looking for a new apartment.”
“Eye Bags told me you were looking for a new place to live.”
“Oh, you saw ‘Toshi? Hope he didn’t give you too much trouble. He can be a bit, ah, protective at times.” Katsuki scoffs to himself. ‘Yeah, he’s protective of you ‘cause he’s in love with you’ he thinks, but doesn’t say anything out loud. He may not exactly like Shinsou, but he’s not about to share his secret with you. “Anyways, how about I give you a call when I’m free? We can get together when I’m not swamped with responsibilities.”
“I’d like that.” This call has gone a lot better than he could’ve possibly hoped, and the promise of seeing you again, in person makes his heart soar. He can’t stop himself from beaming, happiness exuding from every pore.
“Alright then, it’s a date. I’ll talk to you later, okay? Have a good night Katsuki.” He gives his goodbyes and hangs up the phone, turning to overlook the cityscape. He can’t stop smiling - you’re really giving him a chance. He’s going to work his hardest to make you feel loved, to make up for everything he’s done and to win your heart again. He won’t lose.
He feels his phone vibrate in his hand, and it’s a message from you.
From: Y/N
Hey Katsuki! It was nice talking to you again. I’m glad we had this little talk...I think I’ll be free two weeks from now on that Friday. Can you meet me then? I’ll let you pick a place to eat, but it better not be too spicy or I won’t be able to eat anything. Let me know, okay?
He quickly responds.
To: Y/N
Got a place in mind. Has mild stuff too. I’m free that day, text me your new address and I’ll pick you up.
He sees the three dots appear and stops typing, waiting for your response.
From: Y/N
Sounds good! Make sure to drive safe kay? Last time I thought I was going to die being in the car with you.
Katsuki smiles as he types up a quick response and makes his way back to his friends downstairs - he spends the rest of the night texting you about anything and everything. He can’t wait to see you again.
Shinsou is so grateful that Todoroki is rich - he’s currently drowning in his sorrows at the bar in the luxurious apartment that Shoto calls home. He doesn’t want to see anyone else and he wants to go home, but home is where you are and he doesn’t want to see you either. How can he after coming to the realization he did tonight?
He’s in love with his best friend.
And not only is he in love with you, but he knows that you’re still in love with Bakugou. In his mind, he can’t hold a candle to the Explosion Hero - Bakugou is a high ranking, high paid Hero with legions of fans. He is good looking and even though Shinsou thinks his personality is ass, you seem to be perfectly fine with it. On the other hand, Shinsou is a relatively unknown moderately paid Hero with confidence issues. He hates this part of himself - you always tell him to be kinder to himself and to believe in his abilities but he just can’t help it. He feels so inadequate compared to Bakugou. How can he even think of confessing to you when he can’t even keep you happy?
‘What’s the point of telling her’ he thinks to himself ‘when she won’t ever see me as more than a friend?” The thorns of self doubt dig into Shinsou’s heart and mind. He would rather pine for you for eternity than lose you - you’ve always been there for him as his rock, his pillar of support. If he loses you, he crumbles. But at the same time, how can he live with this secret? Will he spend the rest of his life looking for you in other women, imagining it's your hands he’s holding, your lips he’s kissing, your body that is sleeping next to him in bed? Will he walk you down the aisle at your wedding to Bakugou, seeing how beautiful you look in your white gown while he wishes he could be your groom?
So here lies the dilemma of Hitoshi Shinsou: confess to his best friend that he is utterly head over heels in love with her and risk losing her all together or say nothing and watch her fall in love with someone else.
He doesn’t know what to do or think, and that’s why he downs shot after shot of tequila, feeling the burn of alcohol down his throat and the pleasurable buzz in his fingertips. His phone vibrates and he sees it’s a message from you.
From: Y/N
Hey ‘Toshi! Are you okay? Need me to come rescue you from social interaction yet? :)
For the first time in his life, he doesn’t want to hear from you or speak to you. You’ll just make his problem worse. A part of him fills up with anger - why can’t you tell that he’s in love with you? The things you two do together is way past the point of being friends: the cuddling, the forehead kisses, the hugs, the sleeping in the same bed - do you truly not see how he feels?
He knows it’s selfish of him to say, and it’s wrong of him to feel this way. You still see those actions as friendly because you’ve always been that way with Shinsou. He’s the one who has twisted it into something romantic, longing for you with every touch. Aching for your presence in his life, wondering what your lips would feel like on his. He responds back in resentment, alcohol fueling his discontent.
To: Y/N
Don’t need you to come. Staying night at Shoto’s. Don’t wait up.
The message is curt and short. He feels so incompetent - he loathes this feeling of not being good enough. ‘It’s no wonder she loves Bakugou - why would she love you? You have a villain’s quirk, a meager apartment, a moderate paycheck. Why would she choose you when she has a better option?’ He thinks to himself, self-hatred poisoning his mind. His phone dings, and as expected, you’re texting him back.
From: Y/N
What’s wrong ‘Toshi? You seem off thru text...are you okay?
To: Y/N
I told you, I’m fine. Leave me alone for the night, don’t wanna talk to you.
He sends his final message and sees you immediately start typing back - but he’s through with this conversation. He puts his phone on do not disturb and leaves it on the bar countertop, grabs his beer and makes his way to Izuku, Uraraka, Tsuyu and the others. As soon as he leaves, his phone flashes with a missed call from you.
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nerdflash · 3 years
Lights, Camera Action
A/N: Here’s the second part of the Lights, Camera, Action series. You can find Part One here
Synopsis: Tom Holland x Fem! Reader. You’ve started developing feelings for Tom on the set of his new film. On a day off, you receive a message, that makes you question if he is flirting with you.
Word Count: 1.6k
Mentions: Alcohol and alcohol use, lousy ex boyfriends, men being players and social media.
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PART TWO - Mixed Messages
You’re not sure what time it is when your room mate wakes you up leaving the apartment, but you mutter a curse word and reach for your phone to check the time. Even though it’s 10am you’re still feeling wiped out after getting home around 4am but you know you won’t be able to get back to sleep now you’ve looked at your phone. Vanessa has sent you a message, you click on it and smile.
“He asked me out on a third date! He asked ME!! Fancy going for a few drinks later and I can fill you in on all the details?” 
“Sure, I have an apartment viewing at 2pm but free after that. Let me know where, I don’t want to show up looking casual, if you’re in one of your dressing up moods! ;)” 
A few seconds later your phone pings with a reply.
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?! Fine, let’s meet at The Varnish around 7pm. Dress code smart casual!” 
“See you later! I can’t wait to hear about your date! <3”
You roll on to your side and reach down to plug your phone charger in. Time for a social media binge before you get out of bed. You scroll through Facebook and reply to a couple of messages to friends back home. This would be the longest amount of time you’d spent away from home, but when you’d been offered the job to coordinate on a feature film, you couldn’t turn it down. You’d had to say goodbye to everyone you loved, knowing you wouldn’t be able to see them for around 8 months, but Vanessa had become a firm friend fast. She was also proving to be a great mentor and had helped you learn so much more.
You click on instagram and are scrolling through, when you see that Tom has uploaded a photo. He’s sat reading through a script and the caption reads “Can’t wait for you guys to see what I’m working on. I hope you like it.” 
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You smile as you scroll through the comments and see nothing but support and excitement for Tom from his fans. Quite a fair number declaring their love and apparent attraction to him. You lick your lips and decide to leave a comment. You’re fairly sure he gets that many notifications and comments, he probably won’t even notice it, right? Besides, he doesn’t even know you have instagram.
“They’re going to love it, because you’re much better than you give yourself credit for Mr Holland.” You hit send and decide to face the day, but first coffee. You switch on your Spotify playlist and head into the kitchen, thankful that you don’t have to make small talk with your horrible room mate and her horrible “boyfriend” Soon the kitchen smells of freshly brewed coffee and you’re feeling excited about a bit of a girls night tonight. Your phone pings with a notification.
You click on the screen and are taken to the Instagram app, you feel your palms break out in a sweat when you see that Tom has started following you. You click on the inbox and see a message from Tom. Letting out a little yelp of surprise, you throw your phone on the side as though it’s burnt you.
You pace back and forth for a moment before reaching for the phone and taking a deep breath. You open the message.
“You don’t have to call me Mr Holland on your day off! ;)” 
In spite of the nerves running through you, you can’t help but laugh.
“I don’t have to call you Mr Holland at all…” You hit send and bite your lower lip as you see that Tom is typing something back.
“True...But I kind of like it when you do… Anyway, I should let you get back to sleep right? :P”
Something warm travels deep within you and you realize that you have crossed a line now, where you no longer see Tom as a friend and a work colleague, but someone who you want to spend time with, someone you want to learn more about and give him reasons to smile and be happy. You want to reply with every cell of  your being, but you decide you’ll talk to Vanessa first. She’d noticed that you and Tom spent alot of time talking between takes weeks ago, when she’d asked you about it she’d known by the colour of your cheeks that you had developed a crush on Tom.
Whilst she technically shouldn’t encourage anything, in order to maintain a professional environment on set, she also said that the two of you looked good together and if anything was to happen, then there were some legalities with HR that would need to be sorted but it wasn’t against the law, you wouldn’t lose your job and that she would like ALL the details if anything happened.
You shoot her a quick text.
“Can we meet a bit earlier? Say around 4pm? I need some advice!”
“Of course, are you ok?”
You smile at her concern and reply
“I need to talk about Tom and get your thoughts on a message he sent me!”
“I’ll be there...I want to know everything!”
You smile over at Vanessa and pick up your glass.
“Cheers to you and your very successful second date. It sounds like he really likes you Vanessa.” The woman sat opposite you smiles and takes a sip of her drink, a shy smile on her face. Vanessa was so confident at work and amazing at her job, but for some reason, she’d seemed to have dated a lot of losers and in turn, it had made her not be as confident in herself. But she was beautiful, smart and successful, and honestly, this guy did seem really nice.
“You think so?” You nod your head and put your hand on her arm.
“Of course, I mean he kissed you and asked you on a third date, which involves cooking for you. Please. He’s smitten!” Vanessa smiles at you and clinks her glass against yours before taking a sip and sitting back in her seat.
“So...Tell me about this message from Tom.” You fill Vanessa in on a bit of the backstory about how he’d told you he doubted his talent and the name you use to tease him with. You show her his message and watch as she reads. 
“He is totally flirting with you!” Vanessa looks at you. “The way he says he kind of likes it when you call him Mr Holland!” She raises her eyebrows at you and wiggles them, causing you to laugh.
“But, what if he’s just a flirty person and it doesn’t mean anything?” You shrug your shoulder knowing this must be the only explanation because there’s no way Tom Holland could be flirting with you. Vanessa shakes her head and looks thoughtful.
“No, I don’t think so. Usually guys who are just flirty with everyone, tend to keep their comments private because they want to play multiple girls at once without them knowing about the others existence. You need to post a selfie or a hot pic of yourself and see if he comments.”
Your eyes widen at her suggestion. “A selfie? I don’t know. What if he doesn’t comment? I feel like it’s going to be worse if he doesn’t because then I’ll feel extra stupid for flirting with him.” Vanessa looks at you sternly.
“Don’t be ridiculous. You need to make sure he has no choice but to comment. Come on.” She stands up and grabs your hand and leads you over to a wall decorated with flowers, she orders another two drinks from a passing waiter and reaches into her bag. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, as she takes out some setting powder and starts wiping gently across your head and down your nose. 
“Getting you ready for a photo.” You sigh, unsure of what to say. She tells you to put some more lipstick on, so you oblige and shake out your loose curls. Vanessa adjusts them over one shoulder, and pulls one of the straps of your dress down.
“Again, what are you doing?” You reach for the strap but Vanessa swats your hand away.
“Leave it. Trust me, right now hold your drink in this hand, and look that way.” You sigh and roll your eyes.
“I feel ridiculous!” Vanessa laughs and snaps a photo.
“But you look amazing! Ok, stop frowning on this one. Smile….Y/N smile...No, you look like your cringing. Is it hard to smile because you’re British?” And you don’t know why, but this makes you genuinely laugh out loud. Vanessa walks over to you after a few moments, looking pleased.
“Here!” She passes you her phone and you look at the photo, feeling somewhat pleasantly surprised. Your smile is genuine and the way she’s framed the photo, makes it look as though your laughing at someone you’re looking at off camera. The fallen dress strap brings attention to your neck and clavicle, which kind of gives it a sexy vibe. 
“Ok I’m impressed. Send it to me?” Vanessa smiles and takes her phone back. You save the photo on your phone and bite your lip wondering if this is a good idea. Your friend shakes her head and looks you in the eye.
“Come on, post it. You look amazing!” In spite of your nerves you smile and decide to post the photo with the caption.
“Blowing off some steam after a long week at work! Photo credit to my girl @VCullenLA”
You look at your friend “Now what?” She smiles and leads you to the bar.
“More drinks!” And you think nothing more of the photo.
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infinitebells · 4 years
propositions (s. gojō)
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genre: fluff, suggestive (but not nsfw)
description: of all of the things gojō has brought home as a souvenir in the years you’ve known (and dated) him, you never expected him to bring this home.
word count: 1409
warnings: fem!reader, suggestive
a/n: ok this was inspired by the kissing prompt “wild, breathless kisses brought on by a heartfelt gift” and now i can’t get the thought out of my head so ENJOY.
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“baby! i’m home!” a grin broke out on your face upon hearing your boyfriend’s voice echo through your house. throwing your phone down on the bed, you sprint from your shared bedroom, down your steps (tripping a little at the end in your haste) towards your front entrance. upon seeing gojō, his mess of white hair and mini sunglasses perched precariously on his nose, giggles escape you. your instincts take over, causing you to sprint full speed and jump towards him. he drops the bag in his hand to catch you, a small grunt leaving him as your body hits his full force. however, he doesn’t drop you, instead wrapping his arms around you tightly and holding your body close to his as your arms come around his neck and your legs plant themselves around his waist, hooking at the ankles.
“hi,” your voice is small, almost tentative, but he knows you’re excited to see him after being gone for a week and a half.
“hi gorgeous. missed me?” teasing was always a big part of your relationship, so you aren’t surprised at his mocking tone.
“never, nanami kept me company obviously,” an offended gasp leaves his mouth. his arms drop from your thighs, yet you stay attached to gojō.
“what are you a koala bear?” he laughs in astonishment, and you can’t help but giggle as well.
“i’m your koala bear,” he can’t help but wrap his arms back around you and move around his dropped bag towards the couch. with one arm wrapped around you, he moves the other to grab the back of the sofa for support as he plops down with you now safely on his lap.
“i missed you,” he murmurs in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple as you adjust to sit comfortably on him.
“i missed you too stupid,” your words were muffled against the crook of his neck, and your body vibrated as he laughed at your “affectionate” nickname for him. he shuffled underneath you for a moment before setting one arm around your waist and the other one pushing your head closer to him. he deeply sighed beneath you, basking in the warmth your body radiated. he took a moment to admire your outfit, smiling softly at your white fuzzy socks with blueberries printed on them (which you insisted were representative of his white hair and ocean blue eyes) before looking up to see-
“are you wearing my t-shirt?” your giggles sound almost evil as you lean back to look at him, look down at his your shirt, and then look back to him.
“perhaps. although i think it looks better on me,” your argument is enough for him to drop whatever rebuttal he had in mind, instead focusing on something else.
“oh! i have a present for you. but, you gotta go upstairs and wait until i call you down to come get it ok? i gotta get part of it ready first,” he explained, and you nod excitedly before dismounting from him and scurrying upstairs to wait patiently for him to finish getting your present ready. in your time, you send a quick text to shōko, letting her know gojō had made it home and that you’d meet with her tomorrow for lunch instead of tonight for dinner. after receiving a thumbs up from her, you scroll through various social media programs, trying to buy time.
“babeee i’m done!” you jump in surprise upon seeing gojō standing in the doorway of your room.
“jeez you scared me stupid,” you laugh a little at his cheeky grin, not being able to stay mad at him.
“you’re so loving, i’m so lucky to be with you!” he walks over, pinching your cheeks and squeezing them together. after finally pushing him away you rub your cheeks in protest.
“ow! that hurt,” pouting towards him, he simply laughs at your over exaggeration.
“my present will make up for it. for now, put on this blindfold and i’ll lead you downstairs okay?” he pushes the blindfold towards you, shaking it a bit after you didn’t take it immediately.
“promise not to let me run into things?” you say, hesitantly reaching out to grab at the soft fabric.
“i promise, now come on!” he pushes the blindfold over your eyes, submerging you into pure darkness. his warm hands envelop your shaky ones, carefully leading you across the floor. even though you had no sense of vision, you trusted gojō with your life. you knew he’d protect you no matter what.
“okay we reached the stairs so i’m just gonna carry you down,” he says from what you perceive as in front of you. before you can protest, you feel his arm wrap around your sides, gently picking you up and moving your legs so they wrap around his torso. his hands settle underneath your thighs, and you instinctively wrap your arms around his neck, nuzzling your head into his chest as he walks down the stairs.
“you’re adorable i hope you know,” he mumbles, leaving a light kiss on the top of your head. you hum in contentment, that familiar warm feeling (that you only get with him) spreading throughout your chest.
“alright love, we reached the bottom of the stairs so i’m gonna set you down. wait until i tell you to to take the blindfold off okay?” you feel him gently set you down, his hands leaving your legs.
“okie,” you stand in place, hearing him shuffle around. the longer you stand there the more you feel slightly anxious from having to wait so long.
“alright baby you can look now,” at that, you yank the blindfold off. in front of you is two lines of macarons lining a pathway of white rose petals. at the end of the line of treats and petals, is gojō satoru, the love of your life, your one and everything, kneeling with a box and a ring. you can only gasp, tears welling in your eyes as the sight before you shocks you to your very core.
“in all the years i’ve known you, i knew you were the one for me. i would love to go on this winded explanation as to why i feel that way but i’m too impatient to sit here without knowing my answer. so please, will you be my wife and do me the honor of mar-“ he doesn’t get the chance to finish as you fling yourself towards him, enveloping him in a hug as your lips meet his, tears streaming down your face. you pull back to let out a breathless laugh, as your eyes meet.
“yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” you finish with another kiss, one hand flying up to your head, his fingers burying themselves in your hair to hold your head closer. your kisses are anything but neat, teeth clashing and spit leaking from your mouths but neither of you could care in that moment. you detach from each others lips for him to bring the ring in between you two, carefully slipping the ring on your left ring finger. you marvel at the beauty of it’s simplicity, a larger diamond with two, smaller sapphires surrounding it.
“god i love you so much,” you breathe out, grabbing his face with both hands and mashing your lips together again. you can’t stay attached long enough before planting infinite messy kisses along the rest of his face.
“i love you to infinity and beyond love, always and forever,” he says, holding your waist tightly before standing up with you in your arms. you squeal in surprise, genuine laughs echoing around you both. using his incredible speed, he has you both in your room in a matter of two seconds, dropping you on the bed as he yanks his shirt off and crawling on top of you, encasing your lips in yet another kiss. this time, it’s much slower, much more passionate. his tongue slithers along yours, tasting every inch of your mouth. breathy moans erupt from your throat, causing him to pull back smirking at you.
“now, let me show my new fiancé just how much i love you,” he finishes with a hand sliding up your side, cupping your naked breast. with the look in his eyes and the calculated movements of his fingertips, you know you’ll be in for a long, long night. but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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chimnevhan · 4 years
Mystery Man: Luke Alvez x Female Reader
Prompt: The reader has to go to a wedding and tells her mother she is bringing her “boyfriend” that doesn’t actually exist, so Luke volunteers to go.
Words: 4.7k
Notes: This is my first real fanfiction I have written in about a year! I hope you enjoy
~~~~~~~~~~~ Y/n woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She checked the caller id to see that it was her mother. She answered the call and her mother began to yell in her ear.
“Y/n this wedding is in two weeks, and you said you were going to rsvp last week. You are cutting very close to the deadline and you know your cousin hates it when you do that. Also, are you bringing that mystery boyfriend?” Y/n’s mother yelled through the phone. 
“Good morning to you to Mother. I know I said I was going to rsvp last week, I just got busy with a new case. I will put in for the time off today and talk to my boyfriend and see if he wants to come with.” Y/n said as she started to stress over how there was no mystery boyfriend. She made it up to please her mother. 
“There is no seeing if he wants to come with Y/n. He is either coming or you are not coming at all. I can not have my only daughter come without her boyfriend. The family will think I raised you to be a joke, which I did not. Do you understand me? Send in your rsvp today and I will talk to you later.” With that, her mother hangs up leaving y/n speechless as she lay in her bed. Y/n looked at the clock and realized she was going to be late for work. 
As soon as y/n sat down at her desk, Luke could immediately tell something was off about her mood. It didn’t take a profiler to tell she was upset about something. He was about to get up to ask her what was wrong but before he could Emily called the team into the briefing room. Luke walked with y/n to the briefing room. 
“Hey, do you want to talk about it on the jet?” He whispered in her ear as they walked up the steps. She nodded in response as she walked into the room. Luke took the seat next to her and opened up his tablet to see what the case was about.
“We have a case in Lewiston, Maine. Four women have been tortured and killed in the last 4 days. The local police are calling us in due to the connections each of the victims have. They are all between the ages of 21-25 and were all last seen leaving local bars. Alright, we will discuss more once we get there. Get your go bags and then wheels up.” Emily stated as she turned off the board and walked out of the room. 
Y/n and Luke grabbed their bags from under their desks and headed to the elevator. Once the elevator doors shut Luke looked at his sad coworker. 
“So what is going on in that beautiful head of yours?” Luke asked as he put his hand on y/n’s back. 
“Oh my cousin’s wedding and just me disappointing my mother again. How does she expect me to have a boyfriend with the job I have? I honestly do not understand how JJ and Will make it work. I mean they even have kids too.” Y/n said with a sigh as she looked up at Luke.
“So what about the wedding. Are you going? It will be a good chance to get out of work for a week. You do need a break.” Luke said, trying to comfort her. 
“I want to go, I think it would be nice, but I don’t have a boyfriend. I told my mom I had a boyfriend about 4 months ago. Yet I don’t, and she said if I don’t bring him with me, I am not allowed to go.” 
“I will go. You know, if you want. I mean come on. The team already thinks we are dating. We spend almost every day together, we share rooms on cases, how hard could it be?” Luke said with a smile as the elevator doors opened. 
“Luke, are you sure? I mean. It is a lot more than what we have now. You know my family.” Y/n said as she got into the passenger side of Luke’s car. 
“I am sure. I have a suit and everything. Just let me know how many days and I will request off. I have as many vacation days as you if not more. I am sure Garcia would be more than happy to watch Roxy while I am gone.” Luke replied as he started the car. “Plus, it will get you a break from your mother hounding you.” 
“Well, I guess I will send in the rsvp,” Y/n mumbled as she took out her phone. With a click of a button, she was in. “No backing out on me now Alvez.” Y/n said with a smirk on her face. 
They arrived at the airport in no time and met the rest of the team on the jet. As they walked in they received smirks from the rest of the team. 
“There are the love birds.” Rossi said as Luke and y/n sat down on the couch. Everybody laughed and received eye rolls from the pair. 
 The flight wasn’t long and the team was in Lewiston within 2 hours. Emily assigned everyone to go to different offices, pairing everyone up. Reid and Simmons, Tara and Rossi, Her and JJ, and Y/n and Luke. 
On their way to the corners, Luke asked Y/n about what he should bring and what he should be expecting at this wedding. 
“Well it is in the Bahamas so bring a swimsuit, and nice dress clothes. Honestly Luke, just be yourself. My family will like you more than they like me anyway.”
“Oh, Y/n that isn’t true. I am sure they all love you very much.” Luke comforted her with a soft smile. 
“Well. We will be sharing a room, but that shouldn’t be a problem, since we do it all the time. Basically, act as my boyfriend. Kiss me every now and then, hold my hand, tell me you love me. I will play along. No one there will notice a thing, they didn’t go to school to be a profiler. They don’t notice the little things like you and I do.” Y/n told him as they pulled into the corners parking lot. 
“So you wouldn’t mind if I just-” Luke grabbed y/n and kissed her. 
“LUKE!! Oh my god- WE ARE WORKING!!” Y/n screamed as she pulled away. “But yes, do that, except when we are not working!!” As y/n got out of the car, Luke sat there in shock. After a few seconds passed he got out of the car
The two of them walked into the coroner's office, silently. Y/n was still shocked that Luke would kiss her in the middle of a case. They met up with the medical examiner and went back to the morgue. The bodies laid covered on tables throughout the room. 
“Which is the first victim?” Y/n asked the medical examiner. 
“This one over here.” She replied, leading Luke and y/n over a body. “Her name is Melissa Vernon. She is 23 and her cause of death was a gunshot to the head.”
“Was there any signs of torture to any of the victims?” Luke asked.
“No sir, they seemed to be tied to a chair, shot in the head, and then left to be found.” 
“Alright, thank you. Give us a call if you find anything new.” Y/n said as she followed Luke out of the morgue. Luke and y/n walked out to the car and headed back to the station.
“Something seemed off about the victims.” Luke mentioned to y/n while they were driving. 
“What about them?” Y/n answered. She was confused about what he was trying to say.
“None of the victims were drunk when they were abducted nor poisoned.”
“You are right, so either they all knew the unsub or he was able to seduce them to want to go home with him.” Y/n said as she took out her phone. “I am going to ask Penelope to look into the background of the victims more. Have her check past history with the victims.” 
Once back at the station Luke filled Emily in with the information they gathered while y/n was on the phone with Garcia. 
“So according to their cell phone records each victim had a 2 minute phone call with the same number 5 minutes before they were abducted. Garcia tried to find the owner of the number but it was on a disposable phone, but based off of the towers the phone pinged off of. The unsub was in this area during the time of each call.” Y/n said as she drew on the map on the whiteboard. 
“If we spread out, tonight we might be able to catch him if he is around. I am sure with his killing pace, one victim a night, he will strike again. I think it is time to give the profile.” Emily stated as she texted the rest of the team to get back to the station as fast as they could. 
When the rest of the team arrived at the station, they gave the profile. 
“Alright, everyone go back to the motel, freshen up. Get some lunch and then meet back around here by 5 pm.” Emily told her team. As everyone left Luke and y/n stayed behind. 
“Hey Prentiss, I have to talk to you.” Y/n stated as she sat down at the table Emily was sitting at. 
“Alright, Luke, wait outside.” 
“No Emily, he can stay.” Luke shut the door and sat down at the table with the women. “In two weeks I need to take personal time for a week, and so does Luke.” Y/n said to Emily as she fiddled with her hands. She looked up to see that Emily had a grin on her face. “No Emily it’s not-”
“No need to explain y/n whenever we get back to Quantico I will put in both of your personal days.” Emily said as she got up from the table and led the two out of the room. 
“Do you want to go get some dinner since we have an hour to kill?” Luke said as he opened the station door so y/n could walk out of the building. “You could also tell me more about what I am getting myself into going to this wedding.” 
“Yeah, we can do that. I am starving.” 
After they sat down at their table, Luke noticed something off about y/n as she looked around the restaurant. He looked around to see what she was looking at, but then suddenly her head snapped back in his direction. 
“Y/n what is the matter? Tell me what you see.” Luke questioned her. 
“Something seems off about the guy in the corner, but I am probably just over reacting. Anyways, what do you want to know about my family?” Y/n answered as she drawed all of her attention back to Luke. 
“Well I know you have one of the richest families in the Quantico area. Anything I shouldn’t say or watch what I say around them?” Luke asked as he took a sip of his lemonade. 
“Well, don’t make smart ass comments, don’t be loud, just act like my mother but in Luke form.” Y/n began. “Wait, do not act like my mother, don’t be a bitch. Basically if you just stand there and nod your head you will be fine.” Y/n laughed at the comment she made about her mother, receiving a laugh from Luke as well. 
“Alright, I won’t act like your mom. So, how long has your cousin and her fiance been together?” 
“Oh, they have been friends since highschool. They have probably been dating for years by now.” Y/n said with an eye roll as the waitress brought over their food. While eating y/n saw the strange man from the corner exiting the building. “Luke, he has a gun.” 
“Well, y/n so do we.” Luke said as he took another bite of his lo mein. 
“Luke, he has it hidden in the back of his shirt, and it is the same gun used in the murders.” Y/n said as she got up from the table and Luke followed. “Luke tells the waitress that we will be back in to pay. I am going out to talk to the guy.” With that she walked out of the building to see the man leaning against the side of the building smoking a cigarette. “Hey, do you have a permit to be carrying that firearm sir?” 
“Well hello there pretty lady.” The man said as he put out his cigarette. Luke walked out of the building right as the man drew his gun and aimed it towards y/n. Luke walked up slowly behind y/n and pointed his gun at the man. “I can take you both out in one shot, now I suggest you let me leave peacefully if you want to get back to your little date.” Both Luke and y/n lowered their weapons and let the man go. 
“If we see that man again. I-” Luke began before y/n cut him off. 
“You won’t do anything.” 
“Y/n he drew his gun on you for asking a question. You expect me to just let that happen?” 
“No, but I had it under control Luke. I am going to go pay the tab and then we can head back to the station to meet with Emily and the team.” Y/n said as she walked back into the restaurant. 
The car ride back was silent because y/n was taking a short nap. Luke was going to be honest with himself. He was glad he was going to be spending the week with y/n down in the Bahamas. Maybe she will get the same feelings that he has for her while they are fake dating.  
Once at the station everyone headed out to their designated destinations. It was getting dark and the unsub should be making the call soon. Penelope was on the phone with the team and was keeping track to see when the phone would ping. Y/n was standing next to Luke when she noticed movement in a car. The car looked just like the car they saw the strange man get into at the restaurant. 
“Luke over there. Penelope, have you got anything yet?” Y/n whispered as she crouched down behind a bench as she moved closer to the car. 
“Y/n that is him. Be safe my angels.” Penelope said before she hung up. The team slowly moved in and circled the vehicle. 
“FBI get out of the vehicle and keep your hands in the air!” Luke yelled as he moved toward the drivers side of the car. The Unsub jumped out and took off in a sprint. Luke followed him down the street. 
“Agent Alvez I have a clean shot. Do you want me to take the shot?” One of the sharpshooters asked Luke. 
“No don’t shoot, I repeat Agent do not shoot!” 
“Agent Alvez are you sure?”
“Yes.” Luke groaned as he caught up to the unsub. The unsub had nowhere to go; he ran into a dead end alleyway with no escape plan. Luke knocked the guy down to the ground and cuffed him. Y/n caught up and helped Luke put the man in the car. 
“I figured I would see you around again pretty lady.” The unsub said as Luke shoved him into the back of the officer’s car. Y/n shivered over the fact that this awful man called her a pretty lady. 
“Hey Luke are you okay? That was a rough fall to the ground.” Y/n said as Luke walked over to where she was standing. 
“Yeah. I will ice it when we get back to the motel room. Speaking of the motel room, do you want to head back now? It is getting late and Emily wants to leave before 7 tomorrow.” The two of them walked over to their vehicle and drove back to the motel. Y/n asked Luke if he wanted her to drive but he insisted on driving. 
Two weeks had passed and the team had been fortunate to have been doing desk work since the Lewiston case. Today was the day y/n and Luke were leaving for the wedding. They face timed the night before so they could make sure they had everything they needed for the trip. Luke arrived at y/n’s house earlier in the morning so they could leave for their flight. Y/n was tired and slept through her alarm so she didn’t hear Luke knocking on the door. 
“Y/n we are going to be late if you don’t hurry up.” Luke said as he stood outside of her door. A few minutes passed and she still didn't answer, then he remembered that she gave him a key to his apartment. “Y/n, I am coming inside.” Luke announced as he opened the door. He saw her bags on the floor in the living room but didn’t see her anywhere. He walked around for a bit looking for her, until he found her sleeping in her bed. He has seen her sleeping many times before but never in her own bed. He couldn’t help but smile. She looked so peaceful and he hated that he had to wake her up. He walked over to the bed and crouched down next to it. “Y/n we have to leave.” He said in a soothing voice trying to wake her up. It worked and she sat straight up. 
“Oh god, I slept through my alarm. Let me brush my hair and we can go. I am so sorry Luke.” Y/n groaned as she got out of bed and ran into her bathroom. 
“No no take your time, I figured we could stop and get coffee before we leave anyway, so no rush.” Luke said as he walked back into her living room. “I am going to take your bags down to my car y/n I will be back up then.” 
A few minutes later y/n met Luke down at his car. She helped him load her bags into the trunk and backseat of his car and then sat in the passenger seat. Luke readjusted some things in the trunk and then joined her in the car.
“I am so sorry Luke, I really didn’t mean to oversleep.” Y/n sighed as she rested her head against the car window. 
“Hey Y/n it is fine, really it is. You can sleep some more, so you will be rested for the trip.” Luke said with a smile as he rubbed her shoulder. The touch of his hand caused y/n to blush. She was so glad to have Luke as her friend, but she didn’t want to admit to herself that she had some feelings for him. 
“Alright, thank you for coming Luke. Honestly, what would I do without you?” Y/n chuckled as she shut her eyes. Luke laughed with her and continued his drive to the airport. 
Thirty minutes later Luke pulled into the parking lot at the airport. Their flight would leave in about twenty minutes. He figured he would let y/n sleep for about five more minutes so she would be well rested for their long flight. 
“Hey y/n we are here.” Luke said softly as he opened the passenger door. Y/n stretched her arms and yawned. Luke didn’t know if he had ever seen something so beautiful before. The way the sun shined in her tired eyes and her smile. He wished she felt the same way about him as he felt about her. Y/n got out of the car and grabbed her bags from the back of the car. She noticed someone standing outside of the airport, someone familiar. As they got closer she realized it was her mother. 
“Oh my god, Alvez hold my hand.” Y/n mumbled as she reached for his hand. He accepted her urgent offer and took her hand in his. “See that woman standing over there. That is my mother.” Luke nodded his head in response to her statement. Once they made their way over to the front of the airport y/n’s mother greeted them with a smile. 
“Hello dear, you must be the mystery boyfriend, my daughter has been talking about for a while.” Y/n’s mother said as she gave Luke a hug. Y/n just rolled her eyes. “What is your name, darling?” Y/n’s mother asked as she started to walk into the building.
“My name is Luke, it is a pleasure to meet you. Y/n always says such nice things about you.” Luke answered with a smile as he opened the door for y/n and her mother.
“Wait, you are Luke? The one that works with my daughter?” Y/n’s mother said in shock. Luke nodded in response. “Wow, whenever she is over she never stops talking about you. I was going to be a bit upset if you weren’t the mystery man.” Y/n’s face got bright red and she looked down at the floor of the airport. Luke gave y/n a soft grin to let her know it was okay. “Well, Luke, I apologize you couldn’t bring your dog with. Roxy is her name, correct?” Luke was surprised, y/n did talk about him a lot. 
“Yes ma’am that is her name. It is fine, she is being watched by one of our coworkers while we are away.” He answered with a smile as he loaded the bags into the bag cart. After some more small talk with y/n’s mother they all boarded the plane and they were off to The Bahamas.
Six hours later the plane landed in The Bahamas. Half way through the flight y/n had fallen asleep on Luke’s shoulder. He saw her mother taking photos of them, and to be honest he didn’t mind. Luke was glad to see that y/n was finally getting some rest, since their job didn’t allow a normal sleep schedule. After they got off of the plane they received their bags and headed to the hotel room. 
After they got to the hotel Luke helped y/n’s mother take her luggage to her room, and then joined y/n in their room. When he entered the room he was surprised to see her nowhere in sight. He laid his bags on the bed and that is when he noticed she was standing on the balcony. He sat on the bed and took a photo of her. He figured he would use it as his wallpaper while they were on vacation. Y/n’s skin glowed in the evening sunlight, her hair was moving with the wind, she was honestly the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He got up out of bed and walked out to join her. 
“Hey sunshine.” Luke said as he hugged her from behind. Y/n lifted her head up to look at him. 
“You know you don’t have to be so nice to me when my family isn’t around.” She muttered as she turned to face him. 
“I know, but how could I not be nice to you?” He said with a chuckle. Y/n punched him on the shoulder and walked back into the hotel room and flopped on the bed. 
“Well “babe” what do you want to watch on tv?” Y/n asked him sarcastically and patted the spot next to her on the bed. 
“Whatever you want to watch is fine, and I am not Roxy, you don’t need to pat the bed for me to come over.” Luke replied as he sat down next to her gently. She smirked at his reply and started to look for a channel on the tv. “So y/n, what does your dress look like?” 
“It is a tea length lavender dress, with a lace pattern on the front. I hope whatever you chose matches well.” Y/n said as she laid back and rested her head on Luke’s chest. Luke felt his face getting hot and he could tell it was most likely red. He never imagined that y/n would use his chest as a pillow. “Well there is nothing good on tv. I think we should just go to bed because we have, well at least I do, a long day tomorrow. My cousin is already mad I didn’t come to the rehearsal tonight.” She said as she turned off the tv. Luke yawned and that was their que that it was time to get some real rest.
Luke awoke to the sound of y/n moving around the hotel room. He laid there and watched her move in and out of the bathroom. She eventually noticed that he was watching her. “Do you like what you see Alvez?” He nodded and sat up in the bed. “I am going to need your help then.” y/n said as she grabbed her dress and walked back into the bathroom. After she shut the door Luke got up and got on his suit for the wedding. He left the tie in his suitcase and kept the top two buttons on his dress shirt open. He turned to look in the mirror and caught a glance of y/n as she opened the bathroom door. She glared at him and waved for him to come over. “Keep your mouth shut Luke. I know what you are going to say. Now can you help me zipper the back of this thing.” 
“Y/n… You look beautiful.” He said as he zippered up the back of her dress making sure she didn’t get any of her hair in the way. 
“Well, this will be the only time you ever see me in a dress because it never happens.” Y/n told him with a chuckle. “Well we better get going, I don't want to tick off my cousin anymore than I already do.” Y/n grabbed her bag and headed to the door. Luke was so glad that y/n chose him to be her fake boyfriend and not anyone else. He was glad that he was able to have some alone time with her and was going to be able to treat her like he has always wanted to, plus he figured there is no one on their team here to make fun of them. 
Y/n’s mother met them in the hallway and her jaw dropped as she saw Luke and y/n standing together by the elevator. Luke heard her mother approaching and figured now would be an appropriate time to kiss y/n. 
“Y/n, can I kiss you?” Luke asked quietly so her mother wouldn’t hear. Y/n could feel the heat from her stomach rising up to her chest, she could feel Luke’s lips getting closer and closer to her’s. She knew her mother was standing behind them watching their every move, but she didn’t care. Kissing Luke was the only thing on her mind. The moment his lips touched hers y/n felt a sudden feeling of relief. This kiss lasted a lot longer than the one in the car outside of the coroner's office. When Luke pulled away y/n was a bit upset, but she knew there was more to come. “We will finish that later.” Luke whispered in her ear before he hit the elevator button to go down. 
“Yes, yes we will Agent Alvez.”
Taglist- @scandinavian-punk @hotchsbabygirl @haleymalaffey @queer-rambling @gravelyhumerus @luke-alvez @thelukealvez @sunlightgalaxy
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secretaryunpaid · 3 years
I think I wanna Marry you (part 2)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,000 approx (what can I say, I love Love)
Warning: Lot’s of sex, it’s their wedding night !!!
~~~~~ The Grandhotel Pupp, Czech Republic ~~~~~
“Abiento, Sra. Dalton.” 
“Excuse you, I’m no Dalton ...”
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“My apologies Sra., then perhaps I should presume you to be a guest of Sr. Samuel Dalton’s party.” 
“I’m Sra. Dalton’s aunt, but that wouldn’t be any of your business now would it?” 
“Sincere apologies. I didn’t wish to offend... Please, let me take care of your stay to make this up to you. I own the hotel, and just wanted to be hospitable to our esteemed guests.”
 After allowing him to do as he stated, taking his card as requested should she require anything further, Dahlia’s Aunt Marilyn finally met up with her older sister Patricia, explaining her delay... very much to Patricia’s disbelief. 
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Marilyn continues... “Well, I wouldn’t mind a free stay in the hotel... He was so insistent, I wasn’t going to admit that I have a home here... Let’s take full advantage of the spa and other amenities... We can question our Dahlia a bit more about this billionaire boyfriend turned husband a bit later. It’s a good thing we talked to Riley isn’t it... Dahlia will be very surprised to see us...”
~~~~~ The Greeting, Take 2  ~~~~~
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Having received word of their helicopter arrival, he makes his way quickly to the front desk to greet his most influential guest. “Anton Edison, welcome to my hotel Mr. &  Mrs. Dalton... I’d like to personally invite you to my Casino in Monaco as my private guests... Consider it my wedding gift to you, along with this stay being my compliments... (Both Sam and Dahlia look as if this is some sort of prank until he assures them otherwise, giving Sam his personal Exclusive Contact card.) ... No pressure, just please let me know, should you decide to take me up on my offer. Enjoy your stay!”
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As introductions conclude, Anton returns to his private office, pondering if the couple will actually take them up on his generosity... He must have an answer prior to his and their departure from this hotel... An impromptu dinner or meeting will just have to occur... This opportunity will not pass him over... it is crucial that he succeed.
Anxious to start this “Dalton’s love story” he has planned, he practically drags his bride to the private paternoster... But he is respectful of Anton’s hospitality, only kissing her teasingly as the ascent to their room begins. The second wedding had Sam feeling that not only the ceremony deserved a do over.
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Once in their room, Sam insists that Dahlia shower, telling her that he wants to make preparations for dinner before joining her... wanting it to be a surprise, and pleading with her through kisses to allow him his way this once.
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Setting up his “surprise” with lightning speed, having pre-planned everything down to the last word. He joins her in the shower, totally distracting her mind to prevent any questions as to what he was up to. 
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After getting properly dressed for this wondrous evening planned, Sam slips out to take his position just before she comes out adjusting her jewelry... looking up to find Sam looking like a lost Cupid ... which puts a deep smile on her face...
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“First, I have the infused chocolates... to heighten our mood...”
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“Next, I’ve poured the champagne... You know ... to get the tickles in your mouth before I taste those lips...” She closes her eyes, looking away from the playfulness. When she turns back, Sam is holding a rose between his teeth and a sign... resulting in her audible face palm... 
“More lovemaking? After we just completed that and got all dressed up? But we’ve got the whole stay... And I must tell you love, that although it feels brand new each time... (she whispers, hand against face) It’s no longer an unexpected surprise!”
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“Ah, just teasing... but you’ll be asking for this sign again very shortly...”
“Sam, truly what’s going on?” He looks at the sign, rolling his eyes at the oversight...
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“Oh shit, I am showing the wrong side... Let me try that once more... “
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“Marry me woman !!!? Please... I can’t live without you...” 
“What happened to going down on one knee, Sam?” (Finally understanding what Sam has been trying to do all of this time...)
“Oh baby, I’ll do you one better and go down on you on both knees... Come here, and let me plead for you to marry me... Lick by lick!”
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“I’ve still got it!” He teases her, reminding him of the first time he chose to propose... both agreeing that it truly wasn’t the best time... Her reminding him of how romantically unplanned the second proposal was, but truth be told, this is the one she would have ugly cried through before devouring him. “Love, you could never be ugly... no matter what you do.”
After giving it much thought, Sam sent a text to Anton, stating, “Monaco sounds fun, and my wife is anxious to take in the best that Monaco has to offer! Look forward to meeting with you again!”
~~~~~ Rewind to the Wedding Night  ~~~~~
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Running a single finger down her sternum, lightly pinching her breasts, tracing her sides until his hands meet her hips, he whispers his plans for her tonight.
Tonight, he’ll be taking her as his wife, not a woman whose affections he has been chasing for support or desire. Tonight… the heights of pleasure he is planning to drag her through will be on a much higher level, knowing her instinctual resistance will only stimulate his drive even more.
He seductively teases her as hidden as possible as they sway through their first dance of the night. Yes, their coming together after their first joining to one another as husband and wife was ethereal and stitched him to her in a way he didn’t think possible again. But this marriage… before family and friends … permanently enclosed his heart with hers in his eyes.
She’d never looked more beautiful on any other day. He was blessed to lay eyes upon her. As he traced the outline of her lips, he imagined them encapsulating his length. Envisioning her teasing his scrotum… drawing shivers from him as her small fingers glide along his pubic hairs, reaching his hips… inducing the assisted gyration within her drooling mouth… increasing her hold with her perfect tongue pressure… inciting satisfied groans… 
“Babe, open your eyes… You’re groaning out loud,” she laughs… “Thinking about us, are you?”
His slow kiss gives all the response she needs. He releases her, twirling her around, capturing her back into his embrace … Her back pressed to his chest as he grinds into her the way he’d wished he could privately, but in a way that was respectful to onlookers… if there is such a thing… But, soon his restraint falters… He wants his wife to know his full desire.
Dragging her over to the microphone, he makes an announcement that he and his bride need a few private moments, “Please enjoy the Cristal, music and cake… We hope to return to the celebration, but don’t be too upset if we happened not to… Mom… Dad... twin duty? Thank you everyone…” All Dahlia can do is wave briefly before he lifts her, practically running with her as the crowd’s laughter quickly faded in the distance…
Unable to hold back any further, he finds a secluded corner, lowering her down to her feet… turning her against the wall, dropping to his knees and covering himself under her gown… tasting her already overflowing desire… her head pressing hard into the brick, uncaring of its grittiness.
His constant lapping of her center draws out an uncharacteristic lisp as she whispers her scream of his name. Needing her against him, he stands, hurriedly exposing his overpowering erection, burying it so excitedly into her that it causes her to seemingly climb the wall… both now burning with a need uncontrolled, insatiable, moving with a building friction that brings her love sounds repeatedly … now fueling his own sounds in answer…
“Sam, I need you covering me … Room! Now!” Reluctantly he withdraws, pulling her away from the wall… both now in an excited sprint … Their room is still much too far away to reach … Their growing need for satisfaction overcomes them, so they maintain connection through touch and short kisses.
Coming across cleaning staff, Sam brings them to a near missed stop at her side. “Excuse me Miss… Do you have a room available like, right now! Dahlia buries her face in his neck from sheer embarrassment as he pulls out his wallet. The staff takes notice of their attire and, without hesitation, opens the door out of which she just exited.
Quickly handing her what could easily been over five grand, he carries Dahlia in hurriedly, kicking the door closed, reaching up to put the additional lock on
Now desperately searching her dress for any means to remove it .. feeling way too impatient, he rips it down her back side… to her shock. “Sam !!! It had a zipper !!!” “Can’t wait,” he says as his tongue spirals along her bare skin… already moving out of his own clothes… When he spins her around, both are completely free of clothing…
He pulls her to the bed’s edge, kissing, groping… moaning … Switching positions, he now stands behind her, pushing her into a bend, entering her before he hardens even more … Her gripping of the sheets and muffled whimpers spur his rapid thrusts, her ass clapping against his frame … He grips her hips, ramming himself deep as her walls swallow him repeatedly ...
“Too? … Rough?,” is his broken question… Her throaty, “No… Harder !!,” sends an excitement through him. Before she realizes, she is flush against the mattress with him closing her legs inside of his … Now situated atop her ass, driving deeply, slapping her cheeks before laying against her backside … stroking roughly as she returns his thrust … his hands gripping her hair, marking his territory with such vessel shattering kisses, she claws his ass, spurring him even further still…
“Yes, ba-by… Yesss!,” she hisses. He continues this way until his need to see how she is enjoying him causes his withdrawal, her audible disappointment and turning to pull him back to her proving more than any vision of her clenched eyes could prove…
She all but snatches him back onto her. His rushed entry draws out the sound of pain… He stops, but she moves against him… “No, Sam … Don’t stop!” Driving even deeper still, his forceful movements back her up into the headboard, but she opens herself to him as wide as she could, separating her legs in a lifted grip… her own nails practically piercing her skin…
Sam grips the headboard, determined to send every ounce of his longing through her … Soon they both are screaming each other’s name... her orgasm cascading pleasurably over his slowing strokes… but he withdraws, both watching his seed flow against her mound … spreading it until nearly dried.
Leaning to her ear, Sam whispers, “I’m not ending this night this early … I won’t cum inside you until you beg me to …” Her desperate kiss, tongue pulling, and lip biting, provides her approval … “Let’s get to our room now. I have so many pleasures in store for you tonight, my love,” ending his confession in another sensual breathtaking kiss …
Chests heaving, he pulls her to the pile of clothes on the floor … Realizing now that there is no way she can put her dress back on, they both snicker over his previous over excitement, which is quickly escalating at the bounce of her breasts as she laughs.
“It’s okay… I’ll hold it in place somehow.”
“Here, put my suit coat over it.”
He peers out of the doors, seeing the cleaning staff giving a bashful smile… “Okay, let’s get out of here…” Pulling her yet again in another sprint, her dress catches, almost exposing her… Sam scoops her up, kissing her, steadfast in their rush to reach their room … Shaking her head and covering her lips in a slight grin, the woman enters to clean the room once again. Totally surprised at how disheveled the room had been left in such a short stay.
Now inside, heading towards the elevator, he sees a group of frustrated guests, implying that the elevator has kept them waiting. They give each other a defeated look, but soon Sam sees another cleaning cart… They both nod in agreement, and soon he is rounding the corner.
“Excuse me!... Excuse me!” The gentleman stops pushing the cart of soiled linen to address them… “Is there a private elevator or staff lift?” Noting Dahlia’s clothing dilemma and marriage attire, he leads them to the corner elevator. “It takes a key to operate, so I’ll have to escort you…” 
“FINE!!!” Both laugh, as the man shakes his head knowingly. Pulling her into the furthest corner of the elevator, Sam lowers her, taking a protective stand in front of his wife’s exposed frame. He removes his wallet, taking out another wad, handing it hurriedly to the staffer. Quickly standing to his side, speaking in a whisper, the gentleman clears his throat in understanding.
Sam steps back to Dahlia, with her immediately tugging his shoulder down to inquire of the words spoken to the man. Turning, Sam lowers his head to her ear saying that he told him to forget what he was about to hear. And with that, he was falling to his knees, kissing his way up her calves, knees, thighs… until he reached her… “OH !!!” … center... covered with her dress yet again. She fought for quiet,  failing miserably.
For each floor the elevator was forced to stop on, the staffer would wave the incoming staffer away, hurriedly pressing for the doors to close. Sam peers from under her dress, realizing he never told what floor, but the staffer said, “We’ll reach the honeymoon suite shortly Mr. Dalton. I mean, sir !!” With that, he's back under the layers of dress once again, Dahlia gasping in the best efforts at silenced pleasure as she could. Once the elevator chimes it’s final time, the staffer steps out to clear the hallway of possible guests to avoid further exposure… “All clear, but not for-” 
“Ooooh, Sam!!! Yessss !!”
Clearing his throat loudly, the bride and groom take the hint, Sam carrying her down the hallway hurriedly once again, Dahlia burying her head in his chest. Shaking his head with a smirk, the staffer enters the elevator, understanding their “rush” with familiarity. Planning out his use of the $10K amnesia payment… wondering how many more private elevator rides will be needed with a hearty laugh.
Finally inside their honeymoon suite, Dahlia leaps from Sam’s arms, now tearing his clothing free, lowering herself to his engulfed member, teasingly drawing his deep inhales, her hair now being ruffled into a knotted mess… holding him assisted as her strength allows against his pelvis, she works him desperately, hungrily pleasing him to no end… until he unloads … She allows him to watch her take every drop… 
“Perfection !!!” He pulls her into his lustful kiss, then holds her, forehead to forehead, hearts beating erratically. Neither satisfied, both expecting a totally sleepless night. 
“Mrs. Dalton…” 
“Yes, Mr. Dalton…”
“I’m going to eat you alive! But first…”
“Let’s hydrate !!!”
Both break into laughter, heading over to the chilled champagne, walking over with the bucket and glasses, lowering themselves into the jacuzzi. Sam guided her between his legs so that he could hold her tenderly, pouring their first drink of the night.
“Sam, I don’t think this really counts as hydration…”
“Then we’ll just have to keep drinking each other,” he says with hunger building in his eyes yet again. “You know this is your fault for putting me on hiatus until tonight?...”
She smiles into his lips … “I’m not complaining one bit, though…” Her lips now making a heated trail down his center, coupled with an enticing tongue flicker…
By checkout, there is a mess of wax and torn sheets strewn throughout, in the midst of empty bottles, lost lingerie, and a note with a generous tip left for the cleaning crew… The words written:
“Off to our honeymoon! Our deepest apologies for the … yeah !!! The Daltons … Please let us know if jacuzzi replacement costs are required.” … Sam’s signature on the back of his business card.
“Nope, consider this celebration’s damage on the house, lol” She didn’t think her tip last night could get any better, but after her shift, she’s off to shop for her new car. “Come again!,” she exclaims, laughing at the happenings that must have gone on in this room ...
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 16
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 16: The Ex From Down Under
“Bye dad! I’m heading out!” MK called as he rushed to the table and quickly stuffed his bag with all his stuff that was lying around.
“See ya,” he poked his head out of the kitchen. “If you're coming back again, I’m making some Mapo Tofu for dinner tonight if you want to stop by.”
“The mouth searing one,” he questionly asked as he continued packing without even looking at what he was putting in.
“I’ll have a milder one on the side,” he chuckled as he watched his child's fist pump the air.
“I will totally be here.”
“Alrighty, and you can ask Wukong if he wants to come,” he nonchalantly said as he wiped his hands on his apron. He then noticed MK staring at him and he raised his eyebrow, “What? By the gods know when that dumbass ever had a good meal that wasn’t from his own hair.”
“Uh huh,” was all he said as he tightened his bag then he gave him a wide grin. “Well I’m off,” he ran up to his dad and gave him a big hug before leaping out of the window free falling before stepping on a branch and hopping from tree to tree.
“…I may have enabled his window hopping habits,” he mused to himself before shrugging his shoulders and walking off.
“Remember, don’t let your body tighten so much when you get into the swing, ease up before snapping, giving you more momentum,” Monkey King lectured as he demonstrated with a staff. It was always a bit of a struggle to teach his student new techniques when he already had a style in place. Macaque always leaned more towards the silent route with swift strikes and keeping the body low, while he kept more towards the louder method of quick feet and aiming high. Each monkey had incorporated their style to fit themselves and they have taught their own moves to the other just to get more variety and not to be so predictable. Once he had learned that Macaque had taught MK his own fighting style, it was much easier to incorporate his own style into his as well.
MK focuses as he did exactly that as he jumped up in the air and landed a hit on the training dummy high in the sky. “Yes!” He fistbumped the air, it had taken so long to actually complete that move, but he has finally done it!
“Nicely done kiddo,” he grinned and ruffled his hair. “Now how about we take a small break.”
“Sounds good to me!” He stretched out his limbs as he made his way to his bag. He paused as he quickly caught the water bottle thrown at his head, “Thanks!”
“No problem,” the monkey said as he sat down next to him. “So how has everything been? I heard you got into a gang turf war the other day.”
“By the gods,” MK groaned, “that had to be the stupidest fight I have ever seen and I’m friends with Mei! So here I am minding my own business and delivering some noodles to this random dude when all of a sudden gunshots ring out and the man begins to rave like an absolute lunatic.”
As Wukong listened to the story he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering over to MK messy hair as he instinctively scooted over next to him and began to smooth out his hair.
“-then the leader on the opposing side decides to step in cause why not?! And declares that-,” he paused as he finally felt his mentor grooming his hair after he was ranting for ten minutes. “Uhhh?”
“Go on, I’m still listening,” he said as he continued to thread his fingers in his hair.
The teenager only blinked once before going with it, “And do you know what he declares? He declares that the bowl of noodles is actually for him and guess what?! Now we have both sides gearing up for a fight over a goddamn bowl of noodles!”
“Don’t swear,” he murmured then let out a soft purr as he untangled a particular spot.
“Dad says it’s fine as long as I don’t do it in front of kids.”
“…yeah that seems pretty like him.”
“Speaking of him, you're invited to dinner tonight if you want to come,” he said.
“Yes!” MK blinked at the immediate response, but then the Monkey King quickly settled down and casually said, “Yeah, that would be fine.”
“Coolio, I’ll text him,” he waited for him to release his hair before he got up, but it didn’t seem like it hit the monkey until he saw MK eyes staring at him.
“Oh right, I should probably let go,” he gave a forced chuckle.
“Don’t worry Dad is a lot worse,” he reassured him as he made his way to his bag, “he sometimes would take hours on grooming and wouldn’t release me until he had deemed it worthy.”
“Sounds nice,” the Sage muttered.
“To you, but I was so bored sometimes that I would fall asleep just to pass the time,” he said as he was about to grab his phone when he noticed a paper. “What is this?” He took it out and saw that it was a letter, but it wasn’t addressed to him, but rather all it said on the envelope was the phrase ‘My Love.’ “Well this is weird?”
“There’s a lot of things that are weird bud, but I think you need to be a little more specific,” he smiled at his student's confused look.
“Well I have a letter that I’m pretty sure isn’t mine,” he held out the mail.
“It looks like someone has an admirer,” he teased seeing the words.
“Noooo,” he softly whispered. He already had his experience with one crazy fangirl and it took both Mei and Red Son threatening the living hell out of her before she finally backed off. He really doesn’t want anything to do with that anytime soon. “It’s not for me.”
“Well open it and see whose it is for then.”
“Isn’t that like an invasion of property and technically a crime?”
“How else are you gonna know whose it for then?”
“…touché,” so he did exactly that and carefully opened the envelope and took out the paper that was just full of writing. He felt his stomach drop as he saw who it was for on the first line. “To my dear Macaque.”
“What,” Wukong's tone was dead flat as he processed what MK just said.
MK said nothing as he continued to read and the more he read the creepier it got.
To My Dear Macaque,
It’s been so long since I have seen you, I hope you have been receiving each and every one of my letters. If not, that’s okay. I'll keep saying this as many times as needed.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
I will forever say this even when you don’t believe out of connection anymore, for you have stolen my heart and doused it with the most burning of acids that the two of us have created. It burns like the hellfire consuming my soul, it stings like the little needles digging through each and every last one of my smallest injuries and gently tearing it apart. It hurts and it hurts and it hurts and you hurt me. You hurt me and left me to my despair after I have given all of my love to you and only to you. You left and walked away after denouncing our burning heart we made together.
You left it there and it’s still burning.
But I forgive you.
I forgive all that you had done to me because I know that deep down you still feel the same. But don’t worry, once I see you again I’ll show you that the two of us were meant to last far longer than even the stars. I’ll show you that we are meant to be together even if I have to drag you away by force and give you my medicine to show you that all we need is each other. You have tasted the sweet elixir before and you were more than agreeable once the potion had set in and shown my love for you.
But I’m sure it won’t have to come to that.
We will meet soon my love, until then, please take care.
From your heart, Shun
“Who the f- who is Shun,” the monkey let out a low growl as he finished reading the creepy ass letter. “And why does he know moonlight? And what is with the creepy letter?!”
“That’s Dad's creepy ex boyfriend!” He said in a panic as he began to pace around.
“His WHAT?!” He couldn’t stop the small burst of energy erupting from out of him as his eyes glowed a dark gold and the ground slightly cracked beneath his feet.
“This is bad. This is bad. This is so so so so BAD!” MK began to panic as he kept pacing around the area and gripping his hair. “So very bad! How long has this been happening? How long since he has been receiving his creepy letters?! It’s also ready bad enough he mentioned the potion, but now he’s implying he’s coming here?!”
“Kid, kid,” Wukong managed to wrangle down his enraged emotions (hello jealously how have you been) and moved towards his kid in an effort to calm him down. “MK, it’s okay, everything will be okay,” he said as he gently pried the stubborn fingers from his hair. “I’m sure he will be fine, this is Macaque we’re talking about here, and sure that no potion he could dish up could stop-”
“It’s a love potion,” he blurted out.
“That devil concoction,” he hissed out. But took a deep breath in and reluctantly pushed the rebranded slave poison to the side of his mind…for now. “Like I said, I’m sure he will be just fine.”
“Maybe I’m freaking out. I mean he’s probably not even here or anywhere near here. Maybe dad even told him off and he’s probably not even coming. Maybe I’m just blowing this whole thing out of proportion,” MK tried to reason out.
“There we go, now breathe with me.”
“I will I will…right after I call dad!” He immediately shot towards his phone and dumped almost everything before he found it. He quickly called his Dad's number and waited for the call to go through.
‘I’m not in right now, if you're calling for medical treatment or prescriptions then leave a voicemail. If you're anyone else, why? Just why?’
“He’s not answering! Time to panic!!”
The figure had just made it to the edge of the Plum Blossom Forest and out in the distance, he saw the tallest Plum tree he recognized.
“It’s been so long my love,” he lovingly whispered as he gave a few licks to his arm before quickly moving through the trees.
Happily ignoring the hisses and snarls close behind him as they all were not happy at the intruder.
Inside said home, a certain monkey's whole body twitched as he slammed his items in hand and began to match to the door.
“Fuck me, I thought his creepy ass wouldn’t be anywhere near here until next week, at least then MK would be back at Pigsy shop,” he hissed as he materialized a two sharp bladed tonfas in hand. “I had no appointments, all my stocks are good, all I literally wanted to do today was to make food, drink some tea, and enjoy a family dinner with Sunshine included but I guess not the fuck today! I guess it’s a good fucking thing I have the perfect target to direct my anger I suppose.”
He gave out another snarl that was amongst the long line to come as he dipped into the shadows once more and took off towards the intruder that every creature in the forest, whether it be animal, demon, or creature alike, no one liked the intruder roaming in their home.
He quickly ventured through the shadows, roaming from plant to tree, animal to grass, until he finally saw a ring tailed lemur with a soft smile upon his face as he paused and his eyes lit up
“It’s been so long my love,” he cooed as he tried to find the humming presence. He didn’t have time to dodge the blow coming from the front as blades sliced into him, but his smile didn’t falter as he took in the sight of his beloved. “You're still as beautiful as ever”
“And you're still as creepy as ever,” he snarled as let his tonfas glow brighter. “I thought I told you to fuck off and away.”
“It was a mere trifle the both of us had, words were said, but I forgive you,” he gently smiled.
“Ughh I really hate when you do that,” he grimaced at his former horrible choice of a partner. “I will give you one fucking chance, leave before I show you once more why you should have stayed gone.”
“I’m sorry, but I will show you with all of my heart and being just how much you truly need me,” Shun only needed to drag a foot back in preparations as a sense of eagerness thrummed deep within him. It’s been so long since he had physics contact with his love after all.
Macaque forced down the shudder as he once again disappeared into the shadows as soon as he sent some clones towards him to attack.
Some creatures of the forest were spectating as this whole fight went down, eager to watch the intruder fall, maybe if the Guardian is generous enough he’ll allow them to feast on what remains.
The forest was about to become a little more wild when first blood was spilled.
“What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?!” MK was clutching his phone as he attempted to call his Dad a few more times, but his heart picked up each time he didn’t answer.
“Kid,” he attempted to once more calm him down when he shot up.
“Yanyu! I should call Yanyu!” He quickly dialed her number and his legs began to shake in anticipation as the number rang.
“What’s up short-”
“EMERGENCY!” He shouted out.
“GHA! What do you-”
“Big problem! Huge problem! So I was packing my bag cause I was in a rush to get to training and I was talking to Dad so I didn’t notice what I put in my bag. So I went for trainingandwhenbreakdtstartedIfounditinmybagandIcantbelievr-”
‘MK BREATHE’ it wasn’t just the bluenette, but two other voices that joined her.
“Mei, Red, what are you guys doing with Yan?” He questioned for a moment before shaking his head, “Wait, not important, there is a big problem!”
‘Well spit it out then,’ Red huffed.
‘I think he’s trying,’ he could hear Mei's amused voice in the background.
‘Both of you hush,’ Yanyu turned back to the phone, ‘Now what’s happening?’
“Shun contacted Dad. He's almost here and Dad won’t pick up his phone!”
‘WHAT!!!’ They all screamed with both Red and Yanyu being significantly higher as the adult continued, ‘What do you mean creepy fucker is coming?!’
“Fuck Fuck Fuck this is bad!’ He could hear the prince in the background slowly freaking out. ‘I thought his crazy ass wouldn’t come back!’
“Apparently he did!’ Mei yelled out.
“I don’t know!” MK hysterically said as he began to almost hyperventilate, but the Monkey King began to run his back.
“Okay everyone breathe,” he firmly told the centuries younger children on call. “You are forgetting, this is Macaque you’re talking about here, I’m sure he will be fine.”
“The Monkey King is listening to this?!” Red hissed as he accidentally showed weakness to one of his greatest enemies.
“I know he will kick his scrawny ass, but that doesn’t alleviate my fear of him getting poisoned again and being put under an eternal sleep to be used as a god damn porcelain doll again!” Yanyu shouted, bypassing the fact that she was talking to the Monkey King.
“Again!” Everyone bar Red shouted together.
‘Yeah! And you thought the love poison was bad, this is just fucked up! Now do you see why I’m freaking out!’
“Why do you think we don’t want uncle anywhere near him!” The Bull prince continued.
“Okay that’s it,” Wukong summoned his cloud, “Hop on, we’re heading over there. Even if he’s not there, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
“Thank you!” He leaped onto the cloud.
‘We'll meet up with you as fast as we can on Mei ride,’ Yanyu said with a rush to her voice as the trio quickly went to the motorbike which thankfully has a side seat.
“Okay,” MK muttered as he held onto the fluffy cloud.
‘Oh and Monkey King.’
‘You better not fuck it up,’ she said with an ominous grin in her voice as she sat in the sidecar and Red held onto Mei as she quickly revved up her engines.
“…I’ve been hearing a lot of those lately.”
‘Good! See you real soon,’ she finished as he heard the motorcycle take off and the call ended.
“I guess we will,” he said to himself as they took off for the Plum Blossom Forest.
“I really hope Dad is okay,” MK muttered as he gripped tighter.
“He will be,” he firmly stated. ‘You better be okay mango,’ he privately thought. ‘Else I don’t think your kid would take it….fuck your better be alright else I will be kicking your ex boyfriend ass and making sure he knows the meaning of pain.’ He silently hissed out in his mind as he got the cloud to love even faster as it soared over the ocean.
“What is up with the forest right now,” Mei growled out as the group sprinted through the trees with Yanyu leading them.
“I don’t know, it has never done this before,” MK confusingly shouted out as they ran through. For some reason, when the two were about to go over the forest, the cloud suddenly dropped until it was underneath the treetops, making it near impossible to travel by cloud. Luckily they spotted the others a little ways behind them and grouped up together.
“It’s part of Mac magic,” the bluenette said as she paused at one tree before darting to the left.
“What do you mean?” Monkey King asked as he tried to locate Macaque's aura using his golden eyes, but all it showed was the entire area covered with a faint pulse of violet energy.
“So you know how he planted basically all the trees in the forest right,” she got affirmations from them as they continued. “Well in the process he put his own energy into the plants, because apparently he wanted to make sure they grew up okay. Thus making this whole forest basically under his control.”
“So that's why it felt familiar,” the Monkey muttered as he remembered back to the first time he saw the forest. “It also makes sense why my true sight isn’t working.
“That would be more awesome if we weren’t currently lost in this!” Mei said.
“I know the way, he showed me after the last time Shun showed up. This forest was on a complete lockdown and nothing was recognizable like now,” she emphasized the land around them. While it seemed that nothing at first glance changed at first, if you really looked then they would notice that each tree looked almost identical to each other. No distinguishing marks, no distorted branches, not even the groves held any difference.
Each and every tree that they saw were the exact same.
“Okay that is disturbing,” Red muttered.
“Like I said, his little magic is intertwined with the forest and even with some of the creatures living here. It was supposed to be made for protection for not only the creatures living here and to anyone who may accidentally wander in, but to keep out the intruder that seeks to harm. He taught me to seek out the odd spots and openings left open in case something like this happened again. Though I don’t think he literally meant this exact scenario,” she grumbled. “He’ll probably teach you guys this after this whole thing is over.”
“We’re getting closer,” Wukong stated.
“What makes you say that,” MK asked without taking his eyes off Yanyu's back.
“The animals running,” he pointed out several animals, birds, monkeys, and insects alike, all fleeing from the same direction.
“We’re getting close,” she said as they continued to run.
It was only twenty minutes later did Red speak as he tried to look ahead, “I’m not the only one who can hear the sounds of growls right?”
Everyone nodded their ahead and just up ahead they saw a rather large crowd of mythical beings, spirits, and demons alike all grouped together and waiting as they kept their eyes firmly on what’s ahead. They follow their gaze and can faintly see, just between gaps a bright violet glow followed by a form of black mass.
It was Macaque.
“Dad/Pops!” Mei and MK yelled out for him, but he didn’t react to them as he pushed back against something else.
Monkey King wasted no time in climbing up one of the trees to get a better view with MK and everyone else quickly following him. There they witness Macaque fighting against an agile lemur who seemed to be trying to throw himself at the monkey, but he keeps dodging out of the way in time.
“Fuck it is Shun,” Yanyu groaned as Red let out a soft “noooo.”
“So how do we go about this,” Mei questioned as she fingered her sword while she watched her pops dive back into the shadows only to get pulled right back out, “cause I say we go in swingin.”
“We will not be doing any of that,” Red hissed as he grabbed hold of Mei's collar, “We have to play this smart, while Shun is a certified psychopath, he is a very smart psychopath.”
“No kidding, it’s how the two of them got together in the first place,” the doctor muttered and smirked as she saw her former teacher trip up the lemur and slammed him to the ground, but that didn’t stop her from noticing a certain brown furred monkey twitch as she mentioned that.
“Okay, we are getting a full explanation on how even when this is all said and done,” Mei grumbled and settled back down on the branch. “So what do we do?”
“We just have to wait and see what happens,” the bluenette got comfortable, “I doubt he’ll need our help, but I rather not take chances.”
“Nice plan, nice plan, just one flaw with that,” both demon and human glanced at Mei. “Two certain monkeys didn’t get that memo.”
Both of them blinked, then dropped their heads and sighed.
“Of course they would, cause why not,” Yanyu uttered as she turned her attention back to the fight. At least she won’t have to worry too much about stepping in, not that she thinks she could stand a chance, with both Monkey King and Doc's son charging in.
“You know it would be so much easier for you if you just fuck off you know,” Macaque mocked as he flicked off the blood from his blades. “Maybe you’ll still have a working arm if you run fast enough.”
“Aww you worry my dear-,” he smiled as he didn’t even flinch at the blood dripping down his arm.
“Not in the slightest.”
“Don’t fret, it will soon be over, but I will admit that I am getting a bit agitated,” his voice echoed out, which didn’t seem to do much at first as many spectators cackled at his attempted intimidation.
But then a weird smell filled the air, it seemed to have always been there as they hadn't taken notice of it before, but it got stronger as it smelt remarkably of a flower. They couldn’t quite put what kind of flower it was before-
Many creatures fell victim to this as they froze in place and whimpered out as they barked their necks in hopes to quell the predator or maybe grant them a quick death.
It was imposing.
It was encompassing
It was frightening.
And this only made Macaque still for a moment of the sudden smell before he got his bearings back, but that was all Shun needed as he leaped towards him with arms and mouth open wide.
Here’s a fun fact that not many know about lemurs, while they are known for being quick on their feet and agile to escape predators, there is one species who have, through a long process of evolution, developed another way of warding off predators or capturing their prey.
It was a toxic bite.
Apparently a certain species called slow lorises poison is so deadly that it can kill humans with a single bite and guess which lemur has that lucky parent.
‘Finally,’ he thought to himself as he closed the distance between him and his love. ‘I have finally got you back with me. Don’t worry, with my new potion I’ll make sure this time we won’t part,’ he lovingly thought as he tasted the special mixture in his mouth. He should really send his carrier a fruit basket when his love is properly back with him, she was the one who taught him everything he needed to know about potion making. Without her expertise, then he would have never known how to make the love potion, after all that was how she managed to snag his sire to mate with her.
Everything would finally be perfect…except for one little detail.
Not every creature was affected by the smell.
Ní merely flicked her tails in annoyance as she calmly watched.
Shui Gui took a huge breath of the smell in and puffed it out after a few seconds to reveal a green miasma cloud.
Xianglu merely shook their heads as they tried to rid of the foul smell in their nose.
BaBa just hissed at the inferior attack before nestling down.
Even the Faeries were tittering away at the pathetic illusion the demon tried to submerge them in.
These creatures, deities, demons, are just some of the few with a long history backed by so much experience that the infant lemur cannot comprehend. It was quite amusing to think that such a being could even equate to their level, even their Guardian was merely humoring him, but quite funny nonetheless. Regardless though Shun did possess the quality to allude himself to being much scarier to those around him with his…disturbing methods that he tends to use and hides himself behind his illusion. Unfortunately for him, it’s quite easy to bypass with multiple tools in hand, either physically and mentally. But more often than not, there is one sure fire method that most people tend to turn to if they don’t know which is correct.
Which embodied a young adult as he bashed his staff against the lemur head, and a Sage monkey who punched him so hard that he left a crater when he finally landed.
Both beings were very determined to at least brutally maim the creep by the time they were finished with him.
“DON’T TOUCH MY DAD!/MOON!” Both MK and Wukong respectively shouted as they stood in front of a sighing Macaque.
“You know I had this handled right?” He looked towards the both of them, not bothering them with the possessive form both monkeys said. Though the same couldn’t be said for Shun as he was still in his spot and didn’t know who to first turn his attention to until his eye settled on MK.
“You have a child,” he said wonder in his voice as his whole face lit up.
“I’m not liking that look,” MK muttered to Wukong who nodded.
“No, no, please don’t say-” Macaque practically begged him not to say what he was about to dread.
“We have a child.”
“Nooooo,” he whispered out as he wished he could just knock himself out after hearing those words then shook it off and said with a growl. “Not your child, my child. You are not part of this equation, you're not even a variable that was left out, you are nowhere near part of any of this.”
“But my love-”
“Not my/his love,” all three monkeys stated.
“Despite our brief separation, you know it has always been a dream of mine to have a child of our own. Remember the time we spent out in the town as we laid our eyes at a beautiful family,” he almost cooed at the child's awkward face. “Two parents and two children, a boy and a girl, they looked very lovely together.”
Macaque did remember what he was talking about, he remembered his eyes lingering on the family as they were in town on a date. He couldn’t stop his eyes from lingering on them as he let a small smile play on his lips as Shun shared that same sentiment and wrapped his arms tighter around him. It used to be comforting, that small embrace used to mean ‘he is here for him, he won’t let you go’, but now all it means now is ‘he will not let you go, no matter how much you beg.’ It has turned so very confining. But he kept his mouth shut and let his former boyfriend ramble, trying to look for another way not to get bitten from his ‘love bite.’
“It was pure bliss just the two of us, those small moments we shared to the nights laid up in our nest as you laid under me as I enraptured your mouth and slowly move-.”
‘Never mind!’ He quickly burst forward and sent a high knee to the underside of his jaw that was followed by a staff to the side of the neck and a claw to the stomach courtesy of both child and friend. ‘He is not about to go there!’
“I do not want to hear any of that!” MK shouted as he backed away from the lemur after his attack.
“That makes two of us,” Wukong lowly growled as only his self control was the only thing stopping him from ripping the bastard in front of him. And even that was by the hair as he learned that new little tidbit that he did not want to hear.
“I have been a bit curious,” Shun simply stood back up and looked towards the Monkey King, “Who are you to him?”
“I am the Monkey King, you may have heard of me,” he said as he stood up straight as his golden eyes flickered in his eyes.
“How quaint,” he merely said, “but you didn’t answer my question,” a tinge of aggression laced his voice. “Who are you to him?”
Now at this point Wukong self control was almost completely gone since the first time he heard about this creepy ass bastard (which he so needs to interrogate Mac on why the fuck he would even date someone like him) and it was not looking so good. So to hear this black and white knockoff of a two legged beetle that deserves its tongue to be torn out, implies that he was the outsider in all of this rather than the other way around. Well, he decided right then and there that this nasty little bug needed to learn a few things first before he became a rotting corpse for the rest to feast upon.
“Wukong don’t you dare,” Macaque saw that look in his eyes.
“I was his friend long before you ever thought of,” he taunted and wrapped his arm around Mac's shoulder. “I have known him longer than even the mountains have formed and before towns became cities. He knows me longer than some of the forest was ever formed and before kingdoms have reached their destruction. We know each other very thoroughly, both inside and out, and seen the other at our best of times and our worst of times. It feels like eons have passed since then, but when it comes down to it you can say the two of us are made up of the same soul.” He finished his dramatic speech with a nuzzle to his black fur as he gave a soft kiss on his head. He opened one golden eye and grinned mockingly as he said, “So how long have you known him?”
Silence filled the air as they all locked eyes on a stiff Shun who didn’t even move an inch since Wukong started it. But what they could see was the underlying darkness in his eyes as he slowly blinked. Then he smiled, teeth bared and all, as he stated. “It will be a great joy when I tear out your throat and rip that nasty little tongue right out of your mouth and force you to watch as I consume it.”
“Try me,” he said with teeth bared.
Both Lemur and Monkey locked eyes with each other as you can almost see lighting shoot out of their eyes from the sheer animosity the two had with each other despite not even knowing the other for ten minutes.
The black furred monkey muttered, “And they said I’m the dramatic one,” to whom he was referring. It may never be known as Wukong and Shun leaped at each other at the same time. Macaque just groaned and decided to walk over to his son instead of the fight that was happening. “So, you met Shun.”
“I hate him,” MK instantly said as he got closer to his Dad. “I really hate him.”
“You and me both starlight, so why are you here anyways? Aren’t you supposed to be training right now?”
“So this morning I may have accidentally grabbed the letter while I was stuffing everything into my bag,” he said as he cheered when his mentor used his tail to choke the lemur while he had his arms pinned.
“Damn it, I thought I trashed them all. Must have been one that just came in,” he grimaced.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you?”
“That your creepy ex was back,” MK said with a twinge of irritation in his voice. “I could have helped.”
“Nice thought comet, but I had it handled,” he smirked as he watched Shun attempt to break Wukong's arm only to get a vicious claw to the face. “This isn’t my first time dealing with his creepy ass.”
“But I could have helped,” he almost whined, “Mei has tons of ideas for retribution and I got a very powerful stick that tends to hurt…a lot.”
“And I believe that, but I got it,” he ruffled his kid hair, “but thank you for looking out for little ol me even when I don’t need it.”
“Like how the Monkey King is doing right now.”
“He’s just an impulsive idiot right now,” he grinned sharply as he watched Shun stagger in place from his wound as Wukong taunted him as his hand dripped red. He is not totally blind to see that his friend has a protective streak wider than the Earth when it comes to people he cares for. He has certainly seen it when his leg was broken by an uppity pack of Tiger demons. Needless to say, when the Wukong got back and saw him lying there and surrounded by demons, well let’s just say that the food was pretty good that day and even had some warm blankets to go alongside with it.
So to see that this still applies for him despite their long separation, he couldn’t stop that warm burst of feeling brew from inside of him.
Wukong, on the other hand, was feeling the blood pump in his ears with each hit he landed on the bastard. And while he unfortunately can’t go full Sage mode on his ass (the forest probably won’t be able to stand if he did and he actually likes this haven his mate had created) he is still enjoying kicking this disgusting little lemur ass.
“Bet you really feeling it now,” he taunted as he broke another rib. “Can ya feel it? Each little bone in your body breaking? It must fucking suck!” He viciously laughed, “But that’s what you get when you don’t fuck off when someone tells you no, especially Moonbright.”
“Stop calling him that,” the lemur growled for the first time.
“Oh what Moonbright,” he received another growl in return. “Or maybe Mango? Moon? Moonlight? My heart?”
“YES!” He hissed out as he recklessly leaped towards the monkey.
“Nah, can’t do that,” he smirked as he grabbed the lemur arm and tossed him back towards the growing crater. Then he let a wicked smile show on his face, “I mean, he is my other half,” he emphasized. Was he making this worse? Yes, yes he was. Does he care in the slightest? No he does fucking not. He’s been wanting to let loose some of those words out for quite some time, albeit it’s under an illusion that he’s just riling him up, but damn does it feel good to say.
Before the lemur could leap back up a charge at him once more another force came into play.
“Having fun without me!” Shun felt a pain burst from his back as he saw a pig tailed girl leaped off of him with blood dripping from her sword. “That is a damn shame.”
“I had this handled you know,” Monkey King petulantly said.
“Oh I know,” she slings her sword over her shoulder, “but I really wanted to land a hit on this bastard at least once for what he did to Pops.”
“Fair enough.”
“Another child!” He said with glee despite his broken bones and blood dripping down his face.
“He is seriously messed up in the head,” she muttered as she couldn’t help but step back at his gaze though she did raise a brow as Wukong stepped beside her while he kept his eyes on the lemur.
“Okay fuck this, I’m ending it,” Macaque huffed as he stepped forward.
“Actually Dad, can I do this,” he paused at his son's words as his eyes were locked firmly onto the agitated lemur.
“MK, I’m not about to let you-” he was cut off.
“Please,” he pleaded as his brown eyes flickered to violet ones.
“…fine, but if things are looking bad then I will step the fuck in,” he huffed as he subtly sent some more shadow clones in the foliage of trees and amongst his son's shadow.
“Oh don’t worry,” he began to spin his staff as he walked forward. “I won’t even need to leave your line of sight when I get done with him.”
MK continued forward as he neared the lemur, passing by both Mei and Wukong who gave him a glance.
“I’m ending this,” he simply said.
“You need help?” The dragon's successor looked to her brother.
“Nope,” said the doctor's son.
“Well holler if you do.”
“Always happy to lend a hand,” the Monkey Sage joked as he wiped off his own bloody hand. He wouldn’t mind another round of beating to the lemur…maybe a couple more just to be fair.
“Oh trust me, I won’t,” he darkly chuckled, which surprised the other two.
MK was done with Shun, he was already creeped out before he met him, disgusted by the letter, nauseated when he first saw him, and down right pissed when he heard him speak to his Dad like that.
It was time for his Dad to be protected for once instead of the other way around. Shun is gonna regret ever breathing by the time they're done with him.
Shun's eyes lit up when he saw MK approach. “It so good to see you for the first ti-”
“Shut the fuck up,” he cut him off.
“I said shut the fuck up.”
“…excuse me?”
“You're not excused,” he shrugged his shoulder.
“That is no way to talk to your parent-” he was interrupted once more.
“Well it’s a good thing that you aren’t then isn’t it, I mean if you were then I would willingly go back to my deadbeat sperm donors than you,” he mocked him.
“I’m sorry what?!” Wukong was already taken by surprise by his student's sudden shift in attitude, let alone this new heaping pile of info.
“That’s a whole nother story for later,” Mac patted his shoulder.
“But here’s what’s gonna happen, you will either die in this forest or flee from here by the skin of your teeth,” he bluntly stated.
“Oh? And what makes you say that?” He let some amusement drip in his voice.
“Have you not seen the entities that live in this forest?”
“Indeed I have and they are truly a magnificent feature, but they are no match for me,” he arrogantly said.
“…hey Red! I thought you said he was smart?” He yelled out to the tree he had previously jumped from.
“Smart as in he knows some pretty advanced science that even leaves me confused,” the Bull prince said as sat down on the branch next to an anticipating bluenette.
“Oh, well that makes sense, cause if you were really smart then you wouldn’t have even stepped foot in this forest with the intent to kill, even Ever is dangerous despite his looks,” he concluded. Ignoring the faint chuckle from the trees.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He got increasingly agitated at the despairing remark upon his intelligence.
“It means that you have an overinflated ego stuff in between your ears that replaced your brain a long time ago.”
“If you had any brain cells then you would have known that you signed your name personally upon Yama book when you stepped foot in this forest, cause let me tell you.” It was at this point that the pressure began to dip as Shun suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe as the trees seemed to loom above him and glowing eyes were gazing upon him from the shadows. “You would have known that we don’t take kindly to people trying to harm our own, especially Dad.”
One by one, the demon, creatures, mythical and animals alike all began to emerge from the shadows with a nasty snarl fresh on their faces.
The Faeries' smiles were sharp with their fanged teeth wide with glee.
Qianglu slithered forward as they let out a terrifying hiss that thrummed in his ears.
The Monkey tribe all had their teeth bared in face of the intruder.
The Shui Gui was grinning happily as he licked his lips in anticipation.
Ní elegantly walked forward as her tails flickered behind her, but her hazel eyes only had sight for the prey.
Even amongst the trees BaBa, much too large to entirely fit in the clearing, kept her bright yellow eye, larger than all the beings in the area itself, gazed upon the scene.
As more and more beasts gathered around, for the first time in a long while, Shun felt fear.
“Welcome to the neighborhood,” MK casually slung the staff over his shoulder as he gave him a parting wave, “Let us show you how we handle intruders.”
Shun ran and ran and ran as fast and as hard as he could. But they followed.
And then he slowly vanished back into the woods as all the creatures that he thought were prey were the predators chasing after him. He really did forget that not creatures show who they truly are at first look, they like to pretend their fickle little insects that scatter at first sight of danger. But if you take a peek beneath the shell then it turns out that there are monsters lurking underneath with their jaws wide awaiting their first morsel.
So, he didn’t leave with a grand finale nor his deserved epic fight to the death. No, he simply blew out like a candle amongst a sea of lights cause in the end he knew what he really was.
Not the feared predator.
No, he was the prey and it was his turn to be feasted upon the monsters.
“Well that was easy,” Yanyu said as she jumped down from the tree.
“You're telling me,” said Red as he followed, then he turned to MK, “Who is Ever anyways?”
MK snapped out of his former personality shift as his cheeks blushed, “It’s Shui Gui, you know, Kappa.”
“Right, right, but what does it stand for?” He pushed, “cause you wouldn’t be blushing like that if there wasn’t something else.”
Mei turned her head to hide her smile.
“It..it stands for Whatever,” he whispered, but Wukong still heard that perfectly clear.
“His name is Whatever?” He confusedly asked for such a strange name.
“I was like seven! You can’t blame me!” He defended himself with arms crossed.
“Ah the Shui Gui cares not for names,” Red nodded, “so he usually will respond to any. My question is why did you call him whatever out of everything?”
Yanyu snorted loudly.
“I was a kid and I was getting really frustrated with him that I blurted out the first thing in mind! How was I supposed to know that he would actually respond to it! Now he won’t let it go!” He threw his hands up.
At this point both girls are full on laughing at MK's frustration.
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” the prince nodded at his various times meeting Kappa. He was indeed the strangest creature in the forest.
“I’m lost,” Wukong deadpanned.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you later,” Mac said as he leaned into the simian. It felt good finally having that bastard out of sight once again.
Wukong did the same as he wrapped his arms back around the other monkey, pulled him a bit closer, and wrapped his tail firmly around the other waist. “You better,” he faintly purred in his ears.
Macaque could barely stop the shiver at the lips so close to his face, but he managed to make it off by just shifting his body to get into a comfortable position.
Though that didn’t stop the Sage from gazing at him as he looked at his long fur once more and just when he was about to open his mouth.
“Alright! Whose ass am I kicking!” Daiyu screeched out as she scanned the scene for the ex boyfriend from hell. They had gotten a call from Yanyu earlier about his ass potentially showing up and they booked it there.
“God fucking Damnit,” Wukong cursed as he reluctantly move slightly away.
“He appears to not be here, Dai,” said Ahmed as he walked into the clearing with Minsheng and Bohai.
“Seemed he had left the coop,” chuckled Sheng as they looked towards everyone, “gave him a good ass kicking I'm guessing.”
“That and he is now currently running from almost every beast in the forest,” MK happily said.
Bohai gave a low whistle, “So he’s not leaving this forest alive then.”
“Nope,” came the response from all.
“That’s what he gets for messing with the King of the Forest,” Mei jokes, earning a groan from Mac.
“Don’t you even start on that.”
“What do you mean your royal highness,” the rabbit cheekily said.
“Is there something wrong your majesty,” the vulture said.
“Are you actually-”
“Did we speak out of your magnificence,” Yanyu mockingly bowed.
“Out of place your grace,” Mei courtesy with a sly grin.
“Out of turn your excellency,” MK did something with his hands as he bowed low.
“I swear-”
“Guys let’s all calm down before we get on our imperial majesty's last nerve,” Red casually said.
“Thank you-I swear to all things!”
“Our deepest of apologies your kingliness,” Wukong teased as he pressed closer to him.
“I expected nothing less from you,” he barked at him.
“Alright let’s all settle down,” Ahmed chuckled, “we don’t want to get his reverence too worked up.”
“…fuck it, I’m done for the day!” He threw his hands up and began to march back home. “If any of you guys want food then your ass better be helping me do some shit. It either helps me in the kitchen or checks on the state of the forest, more specifically how everything and everyone is holding up. Preferably the ones going are the ones that don’t mind fighting cause there’s gonna be a lot of those bastards still on edge and need to let loose some steam.”
“Yes, dinner sounds great right about now,” Daiyu said as she spread her wings and took off.
“Count me in!” Minsheng said as they began to hop into the forest.
“Same!” Mei yelled as she raced after them.
“Let me just check in on my gremlins and I will for sure help you out in the kitchen,” Yanyu replied as she took out her phone.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing what else lives in this forest,” Wukong said as he stretched his arms.
“I’ll help you Dad,” MK said as Ahmed followed close behind.
Red Son stood there as the other began to walk away with a bit of uncertainty before Macaque called back to him.
“Are you coming or not?”
“Wait me too?” Red said with some hesitation.
“If I’m letting those lunatics join in then why not,” he raised his brow.
Red gave a slight smile as he caught up and walked beside MK, “What are we making?”
“Mapo Tofu,” said the young adult.
“Will there be any spicy?”
“He has a whole tray filled with them,” MK can almost taste it.
Also a shout out to Pen-Woman for the lovely idea of Protective kiddos!!
Also longest chapter yet!!! Just over 8000 words!!!
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spencerreidowo · 3 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 & 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨 | 𝟎𝟎𝟏
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summary: reader hasn’t had a very good life. until she meets spencer, and falls in love. is it too early?
word count: 1.46k
warnings: age gap, reader is very depressed, relationship issues
Why? Why is life so unfair? This is what I get for focusing on school more than my love life. And also not seeing the signs. Seeing the signs that my long term boyfriend was cheating on me. I’m so stupid. How does someone not see the signs? I should just consider quitting on being in relationships. Because I always get cheated on. He also was a jerk though. He would say mean things to me sometimes though. Not to mention, he cheated on me with my best friend. I trusted her too. I knew she kinda had a thing for him, but I didn’t think that she would sleep with him. She was my best friend for a very long time. I can’t be friends with her anymore, after what she did. Anyways, I have to get to class. I’m mayoring in Psychology, I always loved the aspects of psychology. I also loved to help people that needed the help.
After my classes of the day finished, I went to the cafe so I could get some coffee; so I had the energy to do my homework later tonight. I love to drink coffee. It’s one of my favorite things. Yes, I’m weird. I know this already. When I’m sad, I watch romances. Mainly kdramas. There is a lot of weird things about me that a lot of people don’t like. During my free time I read books. When I don’t feel like doing anything, I sleep.
When it was my turn to take my order of coffee, I ordered a black coffee with extra sugar. I’m not a sugar fanatic, but I like a decent amount of sugar in my coffee. After I got my coffee, I went to take a seat. On my way to take a seat, I ran into a guy. Actually, let me rephrase it. He ran into me. I spilt my coffee causing it to spill all over me and the floor. He looked surprised about what just happened.
“Oh shit! I’m so sorry!” He said, as he grabbed some napkins that were ironically in his hands. He used the napkins to clean up the mess that was in the floor. A staff member came over to finish cleaning up the mess he made. As for someone that ruined my coffee, he was really nice.
The guy helped me get a new coffee and now we were sitting at a table, making an casual conversation. His name was apparently; spencer. And he was a “genius”. Spencer was a really nice guy. I mean, he paid for my coffee, after he killed it. So, he has a heart to some extent. At some point, we started taking about each other’s interests. He apparently knows how to speak Korean. Maybe he could watch kdramas with me.
I have only known spencer for 20 minutes, and I am slowly coming to the conclusion that he is my soulmate. What I have learned from the last 20 minutes of talking to him; is that he likes to read as much as me. Maybe even more than me. Spencer is apparently, like; 35 years old while I’m 22 years old. Spencer also works for the FBI. He didn’t tell me what he actually does though. It probably isn’t the most casual thing to talk about.
At some point spencer had to leave because he got a call from his job. “So that was work. I have to sadly leave.” Spencer said, with a sad expression on his face.
“It’s okay. I understand. We could always talk again another day when you’re not working if you’d like.” I told him, with a smile on my face.
“Alright. I’d like that. Would you mind giving me your phone number?” Spencer asked me, with a smile on his face.
“Of course. Here you go.” I said writing down my phone number on a piece of paper and giving it to him. After Spencer received the piece of paper with my phone number on it, he said goodbye and left so he could go to work.
I didn’t know Perfect men actually existed. He was the nicest mean I have ever Met. Spencer was easily my ideal type. I’m so stupid. I literally just met him. What the fuck? I can’t fall for him. Especially after what happened in my last relationship.
Anyways, after staying in the cafe while reading a book for a bit, I went home so I could sleep for a little bit. I always liked the sound of literally, nothing. I liked no noise. Well, except when I was hanging out with Maisie. I had known Maisie since I was very little.
Although we didn’t really have the same interests; like me and Spencer do. She was really; girly and outgoing. She was a social butterfly. Me, on the other hand was very quiet and didn’t talk to other people a lot. I really only talked to Maisie. Maisie was very ironically; my other half.
I try not to think about what happened between me and Maisie; but who the fuck sleeps with they’re best friends boyfriend and says it’s an accident? Well, apparently Maisie does.
At some point; I end up falling asleep while thinking about Maisie and our old memories of when we were little kids. As crazy as it sounds, Maisie was very shy when we were little kids. She would get very anxious when she had to interact with people she didn’t know. And now she is a cheater. She knew what would happen if I found out.
After I woke up, it was time to get up and get ready for some of my classes for the day. I decided to wear a purple sweater, jeans and a pair of old converse. I wear sweaters a lot. It’s kinda my thing. I also have body image issues. I don’t like wearing clothes that show my curves.
Eventually, I ate something to fill my stomach. I ate a bagel for breakfast. It wasn’t much but it was something. I never had a really big appetite if I’m being honest.
At some point, I was ready to go to my classes for the day. I left my house and got in my car so I could go to my classes. Oddly enough, today there was a lot of traffic. Hopefully not a bunch of traffic, so I’m not late for my 1st class of the day.
Eventually, I made it to my class on time. I was only a few minutes early. I almost forgot, Maisie is in this class. And she sits next to me. Fucking shit. I’m not going to be able to concentrate with her right next to me. Cause when I see her, I think of her betraying me. Betraying me and our long friendship.
A minute after I show up, she appears and takes a seat right next to me. She turns towards me, showing a guilty smile. She still feels guilty for sleeping with my ex-boyfriend. She passed me a note that says; can I talk to you after class? She wrote me a note because she knows I won’t verbally talk to her. She knows how upset I am about what she did.
Very soon, after that, our professor for the class shows up. So, I try to forget about Maisie and try to focus. As soon as our professor starts to teach, Maisie Focuses too. The Professor for this class was pretty nice, and wouldn’t really care if we were late, it just couldn’t be all the time. At least he wasn’t teaching much today.
Eventually, our class is over and I grab my stuff and leave. Maisie follows me, because she still wants to have a chat. “Hey, y/n can we talk?” She asked, walking right behind me. I didn’t answer. “Please? Can we please just talk?” She asked again.
“Fine. What do you want to talk about?” I said, with a bitter tone.
“I’m really really sorry about what happened. But at the same time; that was not what happened!” Maisie said, apparently explaining what actually happened.
“Yeah sure. Like it was not him having fucking sex with you. I’m not a fucking idiot Maisie.” I said, my tone becoming louder; almost loud enough to be considered yelling.
“I’m not saying that you’re an idiot! I’m just saying that is not what happened!” Maisie said, almost yelling at me too.
“I do not have time for this Maisie. I’m not going to continue to listen to you lie to me. Also, I have to get to class.” I said, walking away.
After walking away I got a text from Spencer saying; wanna hangout some time?
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httpjeon · 5 years
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synopsis. as part of a special valentines day sale, you make a bid in hopes to get a special discounted date with one of the dreamy bachelors of club ardor. you decide to choose The Romantic. 
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pairing. seokjin/reader genre. angst, fluff, smut au. fake dating!au, date-for-hire!au wordcount. 6,171 contents. sad!seokjin, lonely!seokjin, light pining, teasing, protected sex, breast play, fingering, size kink (?), scratching, overstimulation, doggy style, pet names, light aftercare note. seokjins was by far the hardest to write. i have such a difficult time writing him ): i apologize, i did my best for him!
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— club ardor masterlist.
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© httpjeon 2020. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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Your phone let out a startling ding, making you jump as you hadn't realized you'd forgotten to silence it. Taking a look around your cubicle, you made sure no one had noticed before you pulled it out and went to put in do not disturb mode. Before you did, however, the preview notification caught your attention.
As you were about to unlock your phone to take a look, you heard the light clicks of your boss's heels coming towards you. You quickly slid your phone back into your drawer and turned your attention to your screen, feigning reading something.
Her footsteps paused outside of your cubicle before she called your name. You spun around in your chair to meet her gaze curiously.
"I really need those expense reports within the next hour, can you do that?" she asked.
"Oh yeah," you nodded, turning around once again to face your desk, "I'm actually almost done, I can probably have them on your desk in 30 minutes."
"That's perfect," she smiled, "Thank you."
You returned her smile and let out a sigh once you heard her footsteps disappear. Shaking your head, you let yourself become absorbed in your work once again -- forgetting about that email you'd received.
You caught a taxi to head home, not feeling like walking even though your apartment was only 5 minutes away. Your feet were aching and you just desperately wanted to take a shower and eat dinner as you'd accidentally missed your lunch break by working through it.
It wasn't the first time you'd considered yourself a bit too much of a workaholic.
It was nearing 11PM by the time you finally were able to settle down on the couch. Your hair was freshly washed and you were wrapped in a soft bathrobe with a nice face mask.
Reclining as the TV played in the background, you unlocked your phone to check after spending most of the day without. You responded to texts and checked your social media before suddenly remembered the email you had received earlier.
It sat at the top of your emails and when you opened it, you were greeted with an image similar to a party invite. In pretty, cursive font it was written; "Once in a lifetime chance to meet the man of your dreams!"
There was a link beneath it that you clicked, causing it to open a new Safari page. The search bar indicated it had taken you to clubardor.com. It wasn't the first time you'd been on the website.
You heard of it's grand opening half a year ago and went to check it out. Unfortunately, you discovered that even the most basic package was 2 grand for 12 hours. The deluxe had a price that nearly sent you into cardiac arrest.
In the end, you just signed up for newsletters and things to be sent by email.
It seemed it paid off, as you found yourself on a page detailing a Valentine's special.
For the entire month of February, they were hosting a giveaway. According to each Date's schedule, a lucky woman would be chosen from a lottery to get a date with them for just $500 instead of $2,000. The insane discount had your jaw dropping.
You weren't embarrassed to admit that you were curious about the date-for-hire service. Biting your lip, you decided to throw your hat into the ring and place a bid on the special.
"Full money-back guarantee if you're not chosen!" was written in bold letters above the credit card input.
You had no worry about being scammed, Club Ardor had risen to the top in terms of dating services in the country -- after just 6 months of activity and just 7 bachelors available. They had an excellent reputation and were known for having an extremely high-class clientele.
With your lip caught between your teeth, an excited smile on your face, you put your payment information in and hit 'Enter'.
"Thank you for your bid! Please keep an eye on your email within the next week to determine if you've been chosen! Your lottery number is 1-241-994."
You opened up your note app and typed down the number on a blank note for safe keeping.
Returning to the website, you began to do some digging into each of the men available to hire. While their pictures weren't viewable -- for safety reasons, you supposed, there was plenty of information about them.
"Each Date has full control over creating his own scene. Location, dynamic, and length of time will vary. Please speak to your Date for more information on his plans to be sure you have allotted the correct time-frame. Abide by rules and limits he sets."
You flicked through the profiles of each man, eying their listed physical and emotional qualities.
That night, you went to sleep with excitement stirring in your heart.
Somehow, you managed to work through a couple days and ended up forgetting about even signing up for it. You were working so hard to get a promotion so you could escape the shitty cubicle that somehow spending $500 completely slipped your mind.
At least, that was until you were eating a bowl of cereal at nearly 3 in the morning on a Friday night -- 6 days after you had signed up, and your phone pinged with the alert of an email. Holding the spoon in your mouth, you picked up the device and unlocked it without even looking at the notification.
You went to your email and paused when you saw the email was from Club Ardor.
With shaking fingers, you opened it.
"Below are the applicants who filed for the lottery that won. If you do not see your number, expect a monetary refund within the next 24 hours."
You clicked out and went to your note app to check the number you had gotten. Refreshing your memory, you returned to the email and scanned down the list. There were a lot of numbers listed, you quickly realized. But by some miracle, you spotted your own number listed there in the middle.
"If your number is listed, please check your email for further instructions."
You backed out of the email and refreshed, sitting up straight when you realized you had a new one from Club Ardor.
"Congratulations on winning a special night, please follow this link to register for a date with the man of your choice!"
Clicking the bright red hyperlink, you watched the screen load for several seconds and go from white to black.
You flicked through all seven of the men passing the boyfriend, the romantic, the quiet one, the playboy, the softy, the bad boy, and the alpha male. It was easy to rule out the playboy, bad boy, and alpha male -- deeming them a little too hard of scenes than what you would be able to handle.
After a bit of deliberating, you decided on the romantic. He seemed to be the oldest at 26 years old and from the silhouette of his picture, you could see he had a very nice build with hide shoulders and pretty, thin waist. You assumed he would be closer to your type and you did enjoy romance so with a couple of clicks, you were registered for a date with him.
You were brought to another page which held instructions for downloading an application called Club Ardor along with a code it told you to input.
You did as you were instructed, highly impressed with the company's extensive work on the hiring process. It was very obvious to you that Club Ardor was, in fact, suited for those of high class. The service held an obviously high regard for discretion and safety for both its bachelors and clients.
Once the app was downloaded, you opened it and found a box to enter the code you'd been given.
You were then brought to a page to input information such as your name, age, height, likes, dislikes, and preferences. After entering it all, you were brought to an empty text message thread.
Before you could attempt to look around, your phone let out a jingle and a new text message popped up.
From: Seokjin Hi cutie! Our date is set for tomorrow night. Meet me at the Club Ardor building at 7PM sharp. Wear something nice and pretty, but comfortable. Can't wait to see you!
You read the text several times, surprised by the quick work he made before typing out a response letting him know you understood. The final thing he texted was a an address to the building you would meet him at.
Thankfully, your job has required you to dress nicely for business dinners in the past so you had a decent amount of things to wear. You decided on just a flowing dress that was breathable but complimented your figure. Placing it in the front of your closet for easy access, you went through your nightly routine and got into bed.
You worked through the day, it was a Friday so you compiled the information of the entire week and input it into the data system. It kept you busy and the hours passed by quickly.
You got off at 5, having made sure you finished everything as quickly as possible so you wouldn't have to work over time.
"You're in a rush today, _____," your boss smiled as she met you in the elevator, carrying a couple files.
"I um...I have a date tonight," you confessed sheepishly, face flushing when she gasped.
"Congratulations, I hope you have a wonderful time," she said, patting you on the back, "Stay safe, I'll see you on Monday."
The elevator opened to the 3rd floor and she got off, shooting you a little wave before the doors closed again. You were dropped off at the lobby and you adjusted your bag on your shoulder, bidding a goodbye to the receptionist as you exited your building.
Grabbing a taxi, you made your way home.
As soon as you stepped out of the shower, you heard your phone go off from your bedroom. The notification bell for the Club Ardor app was extremely hard to miss.
Wrapping a towel around yourself, you wandered into your bedroom and picked the device up.
From: Seokjin [5:45PM] Super excited, cutie! Can't wait to see you!
You smiled, typing out your response immediately, "Me either! See you soon!".
You were ready earlier than you would have liked. There were still 20 minutes until you could leave and be at Club Ardor on time. You didn't want to be too early or too late.
Timing it just right, you grabbed your purse and slipped your phone into the side pocket before slipping your heels on. The Uber you called pulled up right on time as you exited the lobby of your apartment complex.
Exchanging pleasantries, you crawled into the back seat and let out a nervous breath. Of course it wasn't until you were literally on your way that the nerves would kick in.
Club Ardor came into view at precisely 6:58PM.
The building was a huge high rise building with several floors. Club Ardor was a brightly lit neon sign atop the building. The Uber pulled up to the front curb and you stepped out, checking the time to see it was 6:59PM.
As the Uber sped away, you stepped up to the door, unsure of what to do. Deciding that you should probably let him know you were there, but as you unlocked your phone, the lobby door opened and a man stepped out.
He was dressed in a tux with a bowtie and he looked around for a second before his eyes landed on you.
"_____?" he smiled, walking up to you with his hand out, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Seokjin."
"Hi, Seokjin," you greeted, noting how big his hand was in yours before he pulled away.
"My cars in the garage," he jerked his head in the direction around the building, "Do you want to come or I can pull up."
"I'll...wait here," you said, making him laugh before nodding his head.
"I get it," he waved it off and began to jog around the building.
You could hear the rev of a car engine echo from the garage before a sleek white car came into view. Seokjin got out and jogged around the car to open the door for you.
You thanked him with a soft smile before getting in, pulling the seat belt on as he slammed the door shut.
Once in an enclosed space with him, you were immediately aware of how good he smelled. An almost sweet, fruity perfume wafted off of him and if you looked closely you could see he had a lip tint on.
"So, what's the plan?" you asked, breaking the silence that had settled.
"A romantic date on the water for two," he sighed, almost dreamily.
It couldn't help but laugh, which in turn brought a bright smile onto his face. The atmosphere became increasingly less tense as Seokjin drove to somewhere unknown.
"I'm so hungry," he complained from the driver's seat, making a turn onto a less populated road, "The food is honestly to die for."
"Whoa, what is this place?" you asked, not fully hearing his comment as you watched him pull up at a parking lot near a huge lake.
"This is where our date is, silly!" he grinned, getting out of the car and rounding to open your door for you.
He took your hand, escorting you towards a pier where there was a large boat bobbing with the waters natural movement.
"Hop aboard, lovely," he kept h is hold on your hand as you got onto the boat. He followed you and tugged your hand to get you to follow him.
Your body wavered as the boat suddenly took off but Seokjin was there to steady you with a broad grin.
"Have a seat," he motioned to a small table with two chairs across from one another.
"So," you huffed a laugh as you took a seat, "When you said...dinner on the water."
"I meant it literally," he shrugged, reaching over to click a button and several strings of white fairy lights illuminated everything around you.
"Whoa," you gasped, looking around.
You could see the lights from the buildings on shore and there was a beautiful cast of the moon shining over the water. It was beautiful and as you turned your gaze back to Seokjin, you were surprised to find him leaning his chin on his hand as he watched you.
"Your eyes are sparkling," he said, an almost serene smile on his lips.
In more proper light, you could make out his features more. He had wide shoulders, pretty, plump lips and flawless skin. His eyes were sparkling as well, the dark irises looking like stars were shining within them.
"Would you like to start eating?" he asked, reaching across the table to place his hand over yours. His skin was soft and warm and it made you smile as you nodded.
Dinner was a blur, he had a few dishes available to choose from since he didn't know exactly what you would like. You chose the steak, which seemed to make Seokjin quite happy as he ordered the same thing.
You could see where his romantic title came from as he reached across the table to feed you a couple bites every once in a while. Once the main course was over, the two of you shared a strawberry cheesecake slice after he lit the candle at the end of the table.
You had a good laugh when he failed to light it a few times because the breeze kept blowing it out.
"Now, the next portion of our date I'll admit...it's a little lame," he confessed sheepishly as he walked you back to the car.
"Oh?" you climbed into the seat after he opened the door for you.
"We're going to head back to Club Ardor, drink, and watch movies," he said, turning the key in the ignition.
"It's not lame," you giggled, resting your head back on the seat, "I think it's a great way to unwind."
"I'm glad you feel that way," he said, sounding relieved.
When you finally pulled back up to Club Ardor, Seokjin was blasting music and singing obnoxiously to it. You had your hand over your mouth to keep from laughing too much. Every once in a while, he'd take a look at you and end up laughing midway through his singing.
He pulled into the garage and pulled into a parking spot that had his name on a sign in front of it.
There was a door that he had to scan a card to unlock which led into what appeared to be a lounge room. He didn't waste any time in clicking the button to call the elevator.
Seokjin was comfortable. He had such a calm, relaxing demeanor that it put you at ease.
The two of you sat on the couch and clinked your glasses together before you both downed the shot he had poured. You cringed as it burned going down your throat, leaving a horrible taste in your mouth.
A bit of a lightweight, it didn't take much to get you tipsy and soon you were both losing it over some horrible movie he had accidentally picked.
"I swear it looked good in the previews!" he argued through laughter when you teased him about his choice.
"I'm picking the next one, you've lost movie-picking privileges!" you laughed, stealing the remote from his hands, making him gasp in shock.
He immediately began to try and get it back from you, his body pressed against yours. His perfume once again and it made your eyes flutter.
Pressed against the arm of the couch with Seokjin's body dangerously close to yours, you both paused. He met your eyes, seemingly searching for something in your gaze. As you searched his, you couldn't deny how...sad they looked.
Your breath began to quicken when his face slowly got closer to yours. You could feel his breath against your lips but before they could meet, he was pulling away. He took the remote with him and took his seat beside you once again, leaving you pressing your hand to your chest as your heart raced almost painfully.
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There was a terrifyingly loud alarm that rang throughout the room, making you jolt awake.
Looking at the clock, you were disgruntled to see that it was 7 in the morning. Sitting up, you realized you were in bed when you were positive you fell asleep with Seokjin on the couch.
"Hey," he said, making you jump as he suddenly appeared in the doorway, "It's 7am."
"I see that," you mumbled, sliding out of bed, still sleepy.
"Our 12 hours are up."
And just like that it was over.
However, Seokjin didn't leave your mind after that though. Even when you stepped into your apartment, you couldn't stop thinking about him.
Especially how you almost kissed.
You were, of course, aware that Club Ardor dates would occasionally participate in physical intimacy. You hadn't expected it to happen to though. You could still remember the way his scent wafted around you and how close his lips were to yours or that sad look in his eyes.
A week passed by quickly and painlessly. You fell back into a rhythm with work, giving vague replies to your boss when she asked about how it went.
Somehow, Seokjin kept slipping into your mind. You couldn't shake him.
A measly 12 hours with a man you had only just met, and he seemed to have invaded your very subconscious.
That day, after work, you decided to take a detour to a local bar. It wasn't a very big, popular bar but the people in your neighborhood frequented it quite often. The atmosphere was buzzing inside and you made to take a seat at the bar but paused when you spotted a figure you recognized. You blinked several times, making sure you weren't hallucinating him.
"Seokjin?" you asked, making him jump.
His head snapped over to look at you, his eyes wide. He took you in for a second before his face morphed into confusion.
"What're you doing here? How'd you know I was here?" he sounded defensive and it made you frown, shaking your head.
"I live in the apartment complex down the street, I stopped here after work for a nice Friday drink," you motioned to your work attire and he seemed to relax. Part of you was offended that he thought you were some kind of stalker but you supposed in his line of work, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.
He was drinking a beer slowly, seemingly lost in his own little world as he turned away from you. You got the hint, and went to walk away from him but you stopped when he called your name.
"Um...why don't you sit with me?" he asked, motioning to the empty stool beside him.
You were relieved he asked you to join him because that's all you wanted. You took the seat and he ordered you a drink, for which you thanked him. Being in his presence again felt nice and you already began to relax.
It seemed Seokjin had been drinking there for a while. His face was a little red and he was openly giggly and friendly -- a complete difference than what he was when you first sat him sitting there.
Time flew by with him but eventually you realized it had gotten dark outside and you'd stayed far longer than you had intended.
"I really need to be going," you sighed, the words painful as they slipped out of your mouth. You didn't want to leave him, you'd thought about him so long.
"Wait!" he cried, grabbing a hold of your blouse sleeve, effectively halting you.
"What is it?" you asked, alarmed by the saddened look on his face.
"I...Can't you stay?" he asked, voice soft.
"I...I really need to get home...I've got some reports to go over for work..." you explained, wincing when you watched him visibly deflate, "You...you can come over, if you want?"
"Really?" he looked hopeful again as he hopped off the stool.
He wobbled a bit and you laughed, reaching out to steady him even though you were a little tipsy yourself.
The two of you walked outside, the cool night air hitting your heated skin and making you shiver.
"I really...I'm not supposed to go home with clients..." he mumbled, as if talking to himself, "But I guess you're not technically a client anymore, right?"
You chuckled, cheeks burning when he pulled you close against him, "I guess I'm not."
"Yeah, so it's fine!" he chuckled.
Once the two of you stepped into your apartment, things seemed to shift. He took a seat on the couch and relaxed.
It gave you a moment to take him in; he wore jeans and a t-shirt, looking even better in casual clothes than he did in formal wear.
"Do you want some hot chocolate?" you asked suddenly, unable to hold back your smile when he visibly perked up, "I'll make you some."
You disappeared into the kitchen, letting out a deep breath as you realized your heart was racing. Seokjin seemed to have the effect. He didn't even do anything and he had you flustered.
You heated up some milk in the microwave, not wanting to bother with stove top. Pouring the powder into the cup you stood and waited for the milk to be done.
Before it could finish, you felt a presence behind you that had you jumping out of your skin. Turning around, you were face to face with Seokjin's incredible visage. His brown eyes were wide, almost curious and a smile lingered on his pretty lips.
You subconsciously licked your own lips and you swear your saw his own eyes drop to your lips. The energy was tense between the two of you and his perfume was permeating off of him once again. Seokjin opened his mouth to say something but before he could the microwave beeped.
The spell was broken and he backed off, wandering back into the kitchen as you began to mix the powder and milk in the cup.
You took a seat beside him, handing him the cup before turning the TV on. The two of you relaxed, you pulled your throw blanket over you shoulders as Seokjin sipped on his hot chocolate.
As you watched him, you couldn't help but find him cute.
"Hey Seokjin?" you asked, earning a hum from him, "How come you work at Club Ardor?"
"Why do you ask that?" he questioned, frowning as he sat up straighter.
You followed suit, shrugging your shoulders, "I mean surely being a date-for-hire wasn't the job you dreamed of," your words brought a smile to his face and he let out a soft chuckle, "Plus, you're crazy good looking, funny, and charming...I'd expect someone like you to be a model or something."
"Well...thanks..." he smiled, cheeks a little red, "To tell you the truth...I've dated quite a bit but..." he seemed to deflate as he spoke, "It never worked out, they all just wanted me for my money and looks."
"How shallow..." you sighed, shaking your head in dismay.
"Eventually, I just decided to stop trying but...if I'm honest I get so lonely," his confession made you frown, "But I just...don't want to be open to anyone so...this job makes me feel loved, even if it's fake."
"You won't even try to find a girlfriend again or something?" you asked, pained at the idea of him just giving up.
He shook his head, "No one ever wants me for me. Do you think I haven't tried my hardest? It never works, I'm sick of feeling left like I'm worth less than I am."
"Seokjin..." you muttered, reaching over to place your hand over his that was curled up in a fist on his knee, "You...deserve to have someone genuinely love you. It seems impossible but...it can't be like this forever. Someone will come along that will see you for you but you can't just...shut down. You should keep trying," you squeezed his hand, feeling it relax from the fist, "Maybe you've been dating the wrong women!"
"You're right," he mumbled, surprising you, "I think someone more like you is my type."
It took a second for those words to sink in,"Wha--" you shook your head, letting out a soft laugh, "Don't tease me like that!"
"No, I really mean it, _____," he whispered, meeting your gaze. It held such conviction and sincerity that you felt your heart speed up, "I think you're beautiful and you're so sincere. When we had our date," he paused after saying the word before sighing, "I had never wanted to kiss or touch someone more than I wanted to with you. You are absolutely captivating and you don't even know it."
He shifted on the couch, turning to face his body towards you. Your proximity was closer than you expected once he faced you, if you leaned in just a bit more your noses would touch.
The tension between you rose, something hot building that neither of you could deny.
Then, his lips were on yours -- soft and warm with the taste of hot chocolate lingering on them. It wasn't even a thought to hesitate, you were immediately returning the kiss.
It became more heated as the seconds ticked by. You found yourself pinned to the couch with him above you, never breaking the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair. Whimpering, you felt a shiver go down your spine when he softly nipped at your bottom lip.
When you pulled away, there was a minuscule thread of saliva connecting your lips. Once you met his heated gaze, you both knew what the other wanted.
The walk to the bedroom was a blur of shared kisses and wandering hands pushing clothes off. By the time you were pinned to the bed, you were both naked. 
Seokjin's pretty, plump lips found purchase on your neck, making you shiver as his breath fanned over the sensitive skin. Kisses trailed down to your chest, over your collarbones and sternum before reaching the gentle swell of your breasts. 
Your chest rose as you inhaled sharply at the feeling of his warm lips enveloping a perked nipple. His fingers caressed your skin so delicately you could almost miss it completely  
His digits dipped between your thighs to find your folds already wet. He groaned, lightly grazing his teeth against your nipple before looking up at you through his lashes.
“All this because of some kissing?” he teased, making your cheeks burn.
He huffed a laugh and moved to take your other nipple into his mouth. At that same moment, his fingers parted your folds and found your clit. You gasped, spreading your legs further for his access. 
His digits were skilled and graceful, circling your clit to make you whimper before dipping into your entrance. His fingers were long and found your sweet spot quickly, chuckling when your hips twitched upwards at the stimulation. 
He sat up, pulling away from you as he sat back on his heels. His fingers were still inside you and he eagerly watched the way your entrance stretched to accommodate his two — three fingers. 
Your eyes fluttered, rolling back in your head as he fucked you with his fingers. As a result, you missed him wrapping his left hand around his own cock, biting his lip as he finally got the stimulant he needed. 
Precum dripped down his shaft and he eagerly used it to lubricate his movements. He scissored his fingers inside you, making sure you were stretched enough to take him. 
When he pulled out, you whined at how empty you felt. 
“Have you got a condom?” he breathed, tightening his fist around his cock when you reached into your bedside drawer and pulled one out. 
You settled back, spreading your legs once again. He groaned, shuffling forward to cover your body with his. Your eyes met as the tip of this cock kissed your entrance. 
Both your mouths fell open as he sunk into you. Your tight walls squeezed him so wonderfully that he groaned. He stretched you open even more than his fingers had, giving you that wonderful burn you needed. 
He met your lips in a sweet kiss as he angled his hips toward your sweet spot. You whimpered, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to ground you as the pleasure ran rampant. He hissed, cock twitching at the sting of your nails on his back. 
His pelvic bone ground against your clit every time he sunk in, edging you closer and closer to release. Seokjin could feel the way you fluttered around him and he groaned.
Sliding a hand between your bodies, he circled the bud until you arched with a cry of pleasure. 
He eased you through the high, grinning when you trembled through the overstimulation. Finally, he slowed to a stop and pulled out. You whimpered, feeling your hole clench around nothing. 
“Roll over,” he breathed, cupping your hip to urge you onto your front.
With your face buried in the pillow and your ass in the air, you looked like a delectable treat for him. Standing on his knees, he sunk his cock back into your cunt. 
You both groaned. The angle had him hitting your spot with painful accuracy. You cried out, muffled in the fabric of the pillow, as he fucked you into even more overstimulation. Your recent orgasm had you much more sensitive and this position allowed him to abuse that. 
An almost sadistic grin crossed over his face as he enjoyed the little cries and whimpers you released the harder he fucked his cock into you. 
Reaching down, he tangled his hand in your hair. You gasped as he tugged until you were up on your knees as well. Your back was against his chest and you could feel him panting against your neck.
His lips found the junction of your neck and shoulder, nipping at the skin there. Your walls fluttered around him and he released your hair to reach around and cup your breast. 
“Fuck,” you gasped as he pinched your nipple, making your eyes roll back in your head.
“What is it, baby?” he groaned, the pet name making you flutter around him again. 
“M-Make me cum, please,” you begging, making him groan once more.
He didn't say anything further, simply slid his hand down your body until he found your swollen clit. The second his fingers touched the bud, you clenched tight around him in sensitivity. 
He circled the bud until you were trembling and gushing around him. You cried out his name as pleasure coursed through your body from your high. Seokjin didn't stop circling your clit and fucking his cock into your spasming walls until you were near tears.
He finally let you fall back down to the bed and began to chase his own high. He spread your ass cheeks apart, getting a good view of the way your cunt tried to suck him back in on every out stroke. The sight made him groan. 
It took you deliberately squeezing tightly around him tightly for him to cum. It was sudden and knocked the air out of him. He gripped your hips tightly as he spilled into the condom, his cock twitching the entire time.
Everything was still for several seconds before he pulled out. 
You rolled over to lay on your side as Seokjin got up and went into the bathroom. He came out a moment later with a wet cloth that he used to clean your thighs and folds with, laughing when you playfully smacked his shoulder from the oversensitivity. 
He finally crawled into the bed, the two of you wiggling until you were comfortable. 
You laid with Seokjin's chest beneath your head, the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat the only thing you heard. His hand softly combed through your hair and you smiled.
"This...This is what I've been needing for so long," he whispered, "No one trying to get something out of being with me. Just a sincere...caring touch."
"This is what you deserve, Seokjin," you sitting up to look at him. His hair was messed up in an adorable way that made you smile, "You can have so much more if you just...open yourself to it again."
Seokjin's gaze turns glassy as he opened his mouth to speak, "I'm just...scared."
Your heart ached when you saw a tear trickle from his eye. Reaching up, you swiped it away, "I know but...you deserve to be loved, Seokjin."
He didn't reply, simply reaching up to pull you back down into his arms. You held him in return, running your fingertips over his skin until you felt him relax as sleep finally overcame him. Adjusting yourself more comfortably, you let yourself fall asleep in his arms.
You opened your eyes to the morning sun shining into your bedroom. You licked your lips as your mouth felt dry and moved to sit up. As you did, you remembered what happened last night.
Looking beside you, you realized he wasn't in bed and the sheets were cold. Standing up, you wrapped your fuzzy robe around you and crept out of the bedroom.
"Seokjin?" you called, frowning when you received no reply.
Your heart was pounding as you made a round around the apartment to see if he left a note of anything. When you couldn't find anything, you returned to your bedroom to pick up your phone.
You froze, realizing you never actually got his phone number. You'd only communicated through the Club Ardor app.
Clicking on the icon, you waited for it to load.
Instead of being brought to your profile, you reached a page with a simple notice on it.
"Your date has filed a report, you are now blocked from using the Club Ardor service. If further contact is attempted, Club Ardor will be forced to take legal matters."
You stared at your phone for several seconds.
Everything that happened flashed through your mind -- the way he kissed you and confessed his feelings of loneliness and hurt to you. You wondered if any of it was true. Were you a game to him?
Your view of the notice on your screen became blurry as you realized you would never know.
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Hello I was wondering if you could write s/o ignores them for a day prank but with kuroo and bokuto please?
kuroo and bokuto when their fem s/o ignores them as a prank
your friend recently told you about how she pranked her boyfriend by ignoring him for a day. she mentioned that he got super needy and begged for her attention. this made you think, when was the last time kuroo “begged” for you attention? you’ve also been feeling really clingy lately, especially since you always asked kuroo to hang out after practice and on his days off. you decided to give this little “prank” a try. tomorrow, you will ignore your boyfriend for a whole day.
kuroo always made sure to see you in the mornings before school started. usually, he wanted to tell you about whatever crazy dream he had last night. however, instead of waiting for him by your locker, you headed straight to class. you heard your phone buzz. “where are you?” when you read the text you smiled to yourself. a couple minutes before school started you received another text from kuroo. “well, if you stayed home today cause you’re sick or something, i hope you feel better. i’ll try to see you later.” reading that made your heart clench… he was such a caring boyfriend.
you didn’t have any classes with kuroo, so you didn’t really worry about running into him… until lunch time. kuroo always met with the rest of the volleyball team for lunch. sometimes, he would just eat really quick and practice spiking as soon as possible. you didn’t mind, though. you knew how much time he dedicated to the sport he loved. but kuroo always made sure to see you within the last ten minutes of the period. you weren’t sure if you should leave the classroom… or just ignore him right in front of his face. the latter seemed to appeal to you much more; it’d probably be more fun.
you watched kuroo enter your classroom and look for you. when your eyes met with his, he raised his eyebrows and smiled as he walked towards you. “hey babe! i missed you this morning. i don’t know if you saw my text but i thought you were sick.” you simply continued finishing your lunch. he gave you an odd look. “uhh are you going to say anything?” you shook your head and stood up to throw your trash away. kuroo followed behind you and gently grabbed your wrist. “hey, is everything okay? are you mad at me??” he looked genuinely concerned. you looked at his face but didn’t say anything and walked back to your seat. “y/n, what the hell?” your friend laughed. “isn’t it clear that she’s ignoring you, kuroo?” kuroo looked at her, clearly displeased. “well obviously, but why?” your friend shrugged her shoulders. “i bet i didn’t even do anything. you’re just playing a silly joke on me, aren’t you? well if you’re not gonna talk to me, i’m just gonna leave,” kuroo said playfully. he waited for a bit to see if you would respond and when you didn’t, he gave you a quick peck on the cheek and left the classroom. “dickhead,” you muttered. “HA, you’re just mad he isn’t being affected by this!”, your friend cackled. “oh shut uppp.”
you saw kuroo two more times throughout the school day and each time he gave you an exaggerated wave and a toothy grin. he was really trying to get on your nerves. you knew he figured you out and it bothered you that he wouldn’t at least play along. you continued on with your day like regular. you had a club meeting after school today so you stayed at school a couple hours extra. on your way home, you heard someone running behind you.
“hey babe! done ignoring me yet?” kuroo had clearly just finished practice and ran down the block to catch up with you on your way home. honestly, you were so bummed out that kuroo didn’t get upset that you genuinely forgot to respond to him. “seriously… still?” he asked, betrayal evidently heard in his voice. he pouted. “oh what? sorry, i forgot to answer. yes, i’m done i guess.” kuroo swung his arm around you. “awesome, now tell me about your day.”
you and kuroo neared the street where you would have to part ways so you could get home. “y’know, y/n… i know i was messing around with you today, but part of me actually worried if you were mad at me for something…” you turned your head to look at him. “really? tetsu, if i actually had a problem with you, you know i’d tell you, right?” he seemed embarrassed. “i know, i know, but i couldn’t help but worry a little…” hm, maybe your prank did work, in a way. kuroo placed his hands on your waist and gave you a goodbye kiss. before letting you go, he muttered an “i love you” against your lips, followed by another quick kiss.
you’ve been wanting to ignore bokuto as a prank for a while now. it’s just that, you had to plan it out carefully. you couldn’t do it when he was practicing for a really important game and you definitely could not do it on an actual game day. fukurodani recently started having regular practices again. you decided that now it was the perfect time. hopefully, bokuto doesn’t get too upset by it.
you know bokuto doesn’t really check his phone in the mornings, so you didn’t worry about him talking to you until you arrived at school. you walked into the building and headed towards bokuto’s classroom. you just wanted to see if he was there or not. and there he was, your boyfriend, face down on the desk. he was obviously tired. you laughed to yourself. there was no point in waking him up since you weren’t going to talk to him anyways, so you went to your own class.
you and bokuto would always try to eat lunch together but fortunately for you, you had to meet with one of your guidance counselors for that period. bokuto headed towards your classroom and when he didn’t see you there, he got worried. he hadn't seen you all day, which almost never happened. “hey, do you know where y/n is?”, he asked one of your classmates. “i think she’s in college counseling right now.” bokuto smiled and muttered a “thanks.” he thought to himself, “well, those don’t usually take up the whole period. i’ll just wait for her to come back.”
you finished your counseling session and headed back to your classroom. when you walked in, you saw bokuto standing by your desk. he wasn’t even talking to anyone, it’s like he was patiently waiting for you. well, he eventually noticed you because soon enough, you heard a loud voice. “hey! y/n!” he ran up to you and hugged you. “i haven’t seen you all day.” you had to use everything in your body not smile and hug him back. you just let him squeeze you and headed back to your seat without a word. oh no, bokuto is absolutely crushed by this. you always hugged him back. he trailed behind you. “babe, is everything okay?” you didn’t even look at him. he kneeled down to look at you in the eyes. “are you mad at me? did i do something wrong? i’m sorry if i did…” you turned your head. bokuto grabbed your hand and you looked at him again. his eyes were glassy and he looked so hurt. you felt your heart sink to your stomach. you were about to say it was all a joke, but the bell rang. bokuto got up and walked out of the classroom with his shoulders down.
you knew that if you texted bokuto that ignoring him was only a prank, he wouldn’t believe it. you were going to have to tell him tomorrow, though. you had to work at your job after school today so you couldn’t see bokuto before or after his practice. you were nearing your workplace when you got a call from akaashi. “y/n, what did you do??? bokuto doesn’t want to practice today. tell me what i can do about this.” akaashi stopped talking and all you could hear on the other line was someone weeping. “ughhhh, i think y/n is mad at me…*groan* she won’t talk to me and i don’t know why,” bokuto cried out. you knew bokuto would be upset but you didn’t expect him to go full emo mode. “akaashi, tell him it was a joke.. i was just messing around.” you heard akaashi sigh. “bokuto-san, y/n was just playing a prank on you, there’s nothing wrong. here, listen for yourself.” you were now on the phone with your groaning boyfriend. “koutaro, i’m just joking. it’s a prank, babe,” you explained. “you don’t have to lie, y/n. i’m sorry for making you upset. please don’t break up with me…” hearing this broke your heart. “akaashi, i’m so sorry, but i have to start work in a couple of minutes. i promise i’ll fix this!”
when you were done working, you shot akaashi a text. “how was he today?” a couple minutes later, you got a response. “well, we eventually got him to practice… but he barely tried. can you please try to see him tonight? we both know how much worse it’ll be if this leads into tomorrow.” he was right. “yea, i’ll stop by his place tonight.”
on your way home from work, you took a detour to bokuto’s house. you rang the doorbell and waited patiently. bokuto opened the door in sweatpants and a hoodie. “y/n? why are you here?” he didn’t even look at you. you hooked your arms around his neck like instinct. “i’m so sorry, my love! i was ignoring you as a prank. i promise i’m not mad at you! please forgive me, i’ll never do it again!” you started giving him kisses all over his face and he straightened up his back and placed his hands on your hips.
“really?” he looked at you with puppy dog eyes. “yes, really! i love you so so so so soooooo much, koutaro. you’re the most amazing boyfriend ever,” you said as you nuzzled your head into chest. his you felt his arms go around your body as he pulled you into his embrace. “oh thank god! i was so worried.” he moved your face away from him and cupped your cheeks, leaning in to kiss your lips. “i love you, y/n… but please don’t scare me like that again. especially for no reason!”
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luminescencefics · 4 years
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(there is) no time like the present
On his way towards the rest of their friends in the booth by the back of the pub, Niall finally spots Aisling’s auburn hair and glittery dress standing near the wooden table. He’d be lying if he didn’t think she looked quite pretty. Niall’s always known Aisling to be pretty, in a way that he knows that thunder follows lightning during a storm and that the sun always shines the brightest in the summer. It was just a universal thing.
But tonight, he finds that he’s entirely hyperaware of Aisling’s prettiness.
And he isn’t quite sure what to do about that.
A (short) story about a brown-haired boy and an auburn-haired girl trying to convince the world that they aren’t lonely, and how time really isn’t of the essence.
written for the 1dff discord server fic challenge
new year’s eve // roommates trope
niall/ofc, 8k words | banner credit
In Aisling O’Leary’s twenty-eight years of living, she has known two constants. The first being, she could never say no to people. No matter how hard she tried to, she just couldn’t bring herself to disappoint the people she cared about most in her life. She blames that on her trait of always trying to please people. The second constant is that she was a settler, in every sense of the word.
She settled with her group of friends in secondary school back home in Clifden. She settled when she chose to go to university across the country in Dublin instead of taking the leap and applying to schools in her dream city of London. She settled with her marketing position at a publishing house when her dream was to be an editor. And, she settled with her last boyfriend of two years, Cormac Hayes.
When he decided to end things with her three months ago, Aisling knows that she probably should have been more upset over it. Truth is, she stayed with Cormac for that long because it was easy. He loved her at arm’s length and she was okay with that. He gave her attention and loved her the best way he knew how, and although it wasn’t enough for Aisling in the end, she sort of just let it happen. And when she didn’t even shed a tear over losing her boyfriend of two years, she wasn’t surprised in the least.
That’s just how Aisling O’Leary worked.
She tries her hardest to ignore the constant ringing of her mobile from the inside of her purse under her work desk. It was Friday afternoon and she was practically the only soul in the office because most of her other co-workers decided to take the day off to prepare for this evening’s New Year’s Eve festivities.
Aisling didn’t really think too much about it, to be honest. What did she have to celebrate this past year? The fact that she received an end of the year bonus at her job that she hasn’t enjoyed for the past four years? The fact that she’s single, once again? The fact that she’s still living with her uni mate and putting off her goal of moving to London?
She pushes those thoughts away when an image of said uni mate flashes across the screen of her mobile.
“Niall, for the love of god, please stop ringing me,” Aisling scolds, harshly whispering into the receiver. It’s really no use considering it’s just her and the unlucky intern who couldn’t get the day off, but she does it anyways for dramatic intent.
“As lovely as ever, sweet Aisling,” Niall starts, the sound of whooshing air in the background a bit distracting. Aisling can only assume that he’s walking around outside, the sound of the chilling winter wind blowing through the phone loudly giving him away.
“Sorry, Niall. Just, uh, busy is all.” Aisling lies and Niall doesn’t even try to fall for it. She does feel a little bad for snapping at him, because it’s really not his fault that she’s in such a shit mood. And taking it out on her uni mate turned flatmate turned best mate just wasn’t really fair.
Niall Horan crashed into Aisling’s life during her first year at University College Dublin (the word crashed used very appropriately). She was sitting towards the back of her Art History lecture, a random gen-ed requirement her advisor forced her to take. She chose the back because she assumed she wouldn’t be bothered, but then eight minutes after class began, Niall ran in with flushed cheeks and his freshly bleached blonde hair standing up all over the place. And out of all the empty seats in the entire lecture hall, he chose to sit next to Aisling.
He spent the entirety of the lecture fidgeting in the plastic seat next to Aisling, looking over her shoulder at the notes she was scribbling down aggressively. He didn't even bother to bring a notebook, let alone a pen, to the lecture. Normally, Aisling would find that infuriating. But when it comes to Niall, Aisling has found that most of the things that should bother her just, well, don’t.
“I’m walking into the shops. Everyone’s been texting like mad about tonight, driving me up the fuckin’ wall. Did you put the group chat on mute again?” Niall asks and Aisling doesn’t even bother answering, because of course she did.
It’s not that she didn’t like her uni mates, because they really were the best friends Aisling has ever had. But when they decided amongst themselves that her and Niall’s flat would be the destination for pre-drinks tonight, conveniently leaving Aisling and Niall out of the conversation altogether, she couldn’t help but grow increasingly annoyed.
But in typical Aisling fashion, she just let it happen. She blames it on that first constant of hers.
“Just while I was working. Didn’t want to be distracted,” Aisling decides to say, pausing as she hears the sound of an automatic door opening and closing on Niall’s end. She knows he’s probably completely aware that she’s not that excited about tonight. But in typical Niall fashion, he tries to find the silver lining in every situation—even if he is feeling equally as shitty about this evening.
“Well, you’re probably the only person in all of Ireland working today,” Niall says, a chuckle added at the end to let Aisling know that he’s just messing with her.
“That’s not true. Sean’s here with me, having the time of his life.” Aisling watches the office intern sit at his desk with his head in his hands, clearly hungover and annoyed that he got stuck working the day of New Year’s Eve. She feels a bit bad for the lad, empathetic to his cause.
Niall agrees. “What’re we drinking tonight, Aisling? How ossified do we feel like getting, scale of one to ten?”
Aisling sighs. She knows getting drunk off her arse tonight is probably not the best move to make. But then she starts to think of her friends and how they seem a lot more bearable after a few drinks. She starts to think about the past three months of her life and how she feels like she’s just taking up space. She starts to think about the last phone call she had with her mam, and how she’s suddenly begun to worry about her oldest daughter. She starts to think about her future, and how she’s not really excited about it at all, to be fair.
The more she thinks about it, the more getting completely plastered sounds better and better in her head.
“Whiskey. Lots of it,” Aisling replies, sure and assertive.
“There’s my girl,” Niall says, and she can practically hear the glass bottles being added to the shopping trolley. “I’ll see you when you get home. Let’s just try and have fun tonight, yeah? Forget about all the bullshit.”
Aisling agrees to try her hardest to do that for Niall. But she’s got enough bullshit going on in her life to hold anybody down, and if she’s going to try and get over it, she’s going to need a lot of whiskey to do that.
And some courage—lots of it.
In Niall Horan’s twenty-eight years of living, he’s known two constants. The first being, he puts too much trust in other people, not nearly guarding his heart the way he should. He’s always fallen too quickly and too harshly, never really thinking of the repercussions. The second constant being that he was always blissfully one step behind everybody else, overlooking hidden clues and secret hints, not really understanding the longing look in another person’s eyes, or why their cheeks heat up around somebody’s presence. He wouldn’t blame that on selfishness, per se, rather, naiveté. If it wasn’t hitting Niall right in the face, chances are he completely missed it.
He’s thinking about his unguarded heart while lining up the various liquor bottles he bought at the shops a few hours ago, creating a makeshift bar on the kitchen countertop. His mind briefly falls to Sheridan, as it does most times when he’s feeling a bit lonely. He thinks about her blonde hair and turquoise eyes and warm pale skin. How she was the most important thing in his life on and off for five years. How he loved her with everything inside of him, and he figured that would be enough.
But then she gets a job offer a world away in America, and she takes it without even looking back. Without even considering how it would affect Niall. Without even including him in the conversation.
He wonders if she’s always been selfish with his heart.
Niall tries his hardest to not think about it. She left Ireland almost nine months ago, and he really has been doing better. He wants nothing more than to forget about this year. It was one filled with heartbreak and anger and pain, and the idea of drinking his sorrows away to start over again is exactly what he needed.
But there’s no denying that Niall Horan is admittedly lonely.
He thinks of Aisling, and how she seems just as lost as he is most of the time. Back in uni she was always the rational one between the pair, always taking notes and showing up to class and making sure that Niall kept his head on straight. When he meets Sheridan at the end of their first year, he remembers instantly thinking that she was the one for him. He blames it on that first constant of his.
Sheridan Walsh was beautiful and rich and, admittedly, so far out of Niall’s league the second he met her at a mutual friend’s house party. She was studying linguistics at Trinity as a hobby, a job at her parent’s enormous investment bank already secured. Her family had an expansive estate in Killiney overlooking Dalkey Island and Niall did everything he could to try and fit into her world.
When he meets her he charms her instantly, and the second he realizes that she was in a different social class than his own, Niall runs into Aisling’s dorm room and begs her to strip the bleach from his hair. He spends Years Two and Three doing everything he can to impress Sheridan, and finally one night she gives in, and he feels as if he’s floating through thin air.
To this day, Niall still isn’t sure what it was about him that made Sheridan finally agree to start dating him. She didn’t approve of his course of study, she found his hometown of Mullingar to be quaint, and she never really understood why he decided to live with Aisling in their too-small flat.
If there’s one thing Niall can appreciate most about his friendship with Aisling (and there’s a lot to be thankful for, to be fair) it’s that she tried her hardest to be nice to Sheridan, even though there would never be a world where the two of them would ever be friends. Aisling showed Niall how to properly knot a tie to prepare him for meeting Sheridan’s parents, she explained to him the difference between an oyster fork and a salad fork whenever he had to go to fancy dinner parties, and she constantly reminded him that he shouldn’t try as hard to fit into Sheridan’s world, because she loved him just the way he was.
If only it were true in the end.
In reality, Niall has a lot to be thankful for when it comes to Aisling O’Leary. He just hopes that he purchased enough whiskey to try and make her enjoy herself for the first time in three months.
Normally it takes Aisling twenty minutes to get home from her office near O’Connell Street to her and Niall’s shared flat in Ranelagh. But she’s stalling, walking along the River Liffey in the brisk evening weather instead of getting on the bus to start getting ready for tonight.
Niall knows this, as he’s grown accustomed to Aisling whipping open the front door twenty minutes after five, complaining about the crammed rush hour commute while untying her boots and throwing her scarf haphazardly over their wobbly coat hanger. He’s currently watching the clock change from the half hour mark almost nearing quarter to six, debating if he should ring her or not.
As if reading his mind, Aisling shoots Niall a text, assuring him that she’s not avoiding their mates (lie) and that she isn’t contemplating ditching this evening’s festivities (lie) and that she’s stopping at the nearest shop to grab snacks for their friends (half-lie turned truth). Niall doesn’t bother telling her that their friends already agreed to bring food over, because he knows Aisling better than she knows herself sometimes. Instead, he writes, Do what you need to do, A. I’ve got a drink waiting for you when you get home xx, and Aisling starts to feel a bit more at ease.
It’s near six when Aisling appears with a shopping bag filled with crackers and the nicest assortment of cheese she could find last minute. Niall can hear her usual foot pattern by the front door while he starts pouring the two of them whiskey neats in the nice glasses Sheridan re-gifted him two Christmases ago.
“Sorry I was late. The shops were brutal, too many people banging about. Couldn’t even find the good cheese Cara likes,” Aisling says, entering the kitchen with a smile headed in Niall’s direction. He watches as she starts putting the items into the fridge and respective cupboards, avoiding making eye contact.
“If you turned your mobile on every now and then, you’d have seen that Cara and Robbie already got food for tonight,” Niall says, sliding Aisling’s drink across the kitchen counter.
Aisling gives Niall a sheepish look. “Right. I was just—”
“—Busy.” Niall gives Aisling a look she knows all too well, and she immediately feels guilty, slumping down in the chair across from him. “Your mam rang me earlier. Was wondering why her lovely daughter wasn’t answering her calls.”
Aisling chuckles softly, bringing the glass to her lips. “Ah, of course she did. Sometimes I think she rings you because she likes you a bit too much.”
“What can I say? Mam’s love me—especially yours,” Niall says with a grin, puffing his chest out a bit.
Aisling snorts. “Did she say anything of interest this time ‘round?”
“Just went on about how your da can’t find a proper barmaid for tonight,” Niall says, the mention of Aisling’s family’s pub in Clifden bringing a nostalgic smile to her face. “She might have also mentioned that she’s worried about you.”
Aisling frowns. “Worried?”
Niall nods cautiously. “Yeah. She thinks you're lonely.”
Aisling pauses for a moment, watching the amber liquid inside her cup slosh with each swivel of the glass on the countertop. She really hates that word—lonely. To Aisling, loneliness implies the absence of something. How can she miss a feeling she’s never even truly felt in the first place? The only thing Aisling has felt for the past few years has been complacency. And that’s one she’d love to shed with the new year.
“Well, she’s nothing to worry about. ‘M not lonely,” Aisling mumbles, downing the rest of her drink with one large gulp.
Niall cocks an eyebrow in her direction. “That’s exactly what a lonely person would say.”
It’s one of those rare moments when Aisling can’t tell if Niall is taking the piss or genuinely concerned. But with one look in his blue eyes, Aisling decides to go with the latter.
“I promise you, Niall, I’m not lonely. It’s been three months. I barely even think about Cormac anymore, so quit your worrying,” Aisling counters, beginning to pour herself another glass, this time a bit shorter.
“You never even thought about him to begin with,” Niall quips, finishing his drink as well. “That’s what I’m worried about.”
Aisling doesn’t really know how to answer that, because there’s no denying that Niall is absolutely correct. She just isn’t quite sure how to explain to her best mate that she never truly felt heartbreak in the same capacity that he did. Cormac ending things with Aisling did not shatter her heart the same way that Sheridan did to Niall’s.
Aisling starts to wonder if there’s something wrong with this so-called heart of hers.
“I think I saw it coming before it actually happened, ya know?” Aisling begins to explain. “I think I knew Cormac wasn’t the one for me. It made the blow less harsh, in a way.” It’s a version of the truth that both Niall and Aisling can settle on. And she can tell that he’s understanding as he nods through his final swallow of whiskey.
“Just want you to be happy, is all,” Niall says, placing his empty glass on the countertop. “It’s the beauty of New Years, my sweet Aisling. You can start fresh.”
Aisling just smiles, finishing her glass as well. “Let’s hope you’re right.”
And this time, she truly hopes he is.
Aisling is starting to think that it’s far too early for her friends to be this inebriated.
It’s barely half past seven and her friends had started to arrive nearly an hour earlier. After her unsettling conversation with Niall, Aisling resorted to locking herself in her bedroom with the excuse of getting ready. Instead, she sat in the shower for far too long until the hot water turned cold, building up the courage to just try and let loose for one fucking night.
The second she hears Cara and Robbie enter the flat, Aisling immediately fights the urge to down another whiskey neat.
There was a time when Aisling believed that Cara and Robbie would be the first pair out of their uni group to get married. They had been together ever since Aisling lived next door to Cara in the dorms during her first year at UCD. And while everybody else had seemingly tried to grow up during the past seven years, Cara and Robbie seemed content in their post-uni bubble.
Aisling was pretty sure that bubble should have been popped some time after their twenty-fifth birthdays.
“Oi! Aisy! Pass me a fresh Smithwick while you’re at it!” Conor hollers over from the small loveseat in the living room when he notices Aisling heading towards the fridge for a new drink.
She nods, biting her tongue at the ridiculous nickname that he hasn’t stopped calling her since Year Two. Aisling’s just happy he isn’t calling her feek anymore.
If Aisling had the choice, she would never have had Conor worm his way into the inner-workings of their unusual friend group. But alas, Conor came along with Niall, and if Aisling wanted to keep Niall in her life (which she very much would like to), then she had to suck it up and deal with his unruly best mate.
Aisling passes Conor the freshly opened bottle of beer, smiling politely at the pretty brown-haired girl seated to his right. According to Niall, Conor’s been bringing her along to their group pub outings for a few weeks now. Aisling promised to remember her name if she stuck around for another month. Conor had a bad habit of flying through girls, and it became harder with each new face to remember their names.
Aisling heads back into the kitchen to start preparing the cheeseboard, watching in her periphery as a long slender red-painted finger reaches out to snatch a stray cracker hanging off the side of the tray.
“Wait your turn like everybody else, Han,” Aisling scolds, ignoring the snicker her friend makes in between bites of the cracker.
“Sorry mum, you know how I get if I don’t eat something before drinking,” Hannah says, her Scouse accent already beginning to muddle together. Aisling does her best to keep her eye roll to herself.
“It’s too early for you to be slurring. Lay off the drink until we get to the pub, okay?” Aisling responds, reaching out to grab the half-finished vodka tonic in Hannah’s shaky hands. She tosses it aside, hopefully long forgotten by the time Hannah finishes eating something.
She watches Hannah nod her head agreeably, before sneaking another cracker off of the plate. This time, Aisling doesn’t scold her.
“I’m sorry you’re ringing in the New Year all by yourself,” Hannah says after Aisling has a sip of her drink. “Shite being alone, innit?”
There’s that word again. Alone. Aisling shrugs half-heartedly even though she doesn’t really agree with Hannah’s logic. Even if she tried to explain it to her, she knows she wouldn’t understand it. While Hannah’s been a great friend to Aisling over the years, she’s admittedly been quite selfish. Therefore, Aisling tries not to burden her with matters of the heart.
Niall overhears the conversation when he walks into the kitchen with Hannah’s boyfriend Rory, and immediately he starts to feel a bit guilty.
Aisling and Cormac would never have met if it weren’t for Niall. They both played together in Niall's men’s league for footie, and he thought that they would be a good match together. So when he gave Cormac his flatmate’s number one night after practice and a week later they went out to dinner, Niall really believed that he did Aisling a solid.
Now though, he feels a bit shitty.
“What’re you two gossiping about?” Rory asks, slinging an arm over Hannah’s pointy shoulders, unaware of the awkward tension left hanging in the kitchen from Hannah’s previous comment.
“Nothing, babe. Just sad that Aisling won’t have a New Year’s kiss,” Hannah says, the backhanded dig flying completely over her head. Aisling feels it though, and so does Niall, who immediately steps in.
“Keep drinkin’ like that Hannah and you might not make it to midnight for a kiss this year either.” The lightness of his tone makes it seem to Hannah and Rory that he’s just joking with them, but Aisling knows Niall, and she can hear the undercurrent of frustration laced between his words. So when she lifts her head up and looks at him and already finds that he’s staring right back at her, she smiles a bit, mouthing a quick thank you in his direction.
Sometimes, she’s really lucky to have a friend like Niall.
Niall slams down his second shot of whiskey since entering the pub nearly thirty minutes ago, and he’s finally starting to feel that type of drunkenness where everything seems a bit lighter and everybody seems a lot happier. They’ve chosen a pub in Parnell Square in favor over the crowded pubs in the Temple Bar area, and he’s happy with their choice considering the pub is filled with twenty-somethings instead of the usual younger, rowdier crowd.
After the incident in the kitchen, Niall finds himself keeping a closer watch on Aisling. While he knows the past few months have been quite hard on her, he didn’t realize how apathetic some of their mates were. He also didn’t notice how sad it made her.
He wonders if she’s always felt like this, and he’s always just been too wrapped up in his own sadness to notice her own.
Regretfully, he blames that second constant of his.
“Oi, Horan! Drink up!” Conor yells over from his left, another shot of whiskey waiting for him on the bartop. Niall tears his eyes away from Aisling, instead focusing on the overflowing shot glass in front of him. He gulps, already mentally preparing to slow down in order to keep his wits about him until midnight approaches.
Niall shoots the drink back, slamming the glass onto the sticky bartop and wiping the back of his hand over his lips. He can hear Conor cackling beside him, and he tries to ignore the elbow digging into his ribcage. He tries to find Aisling’s wavy auburn hair through the crowd, or even her sparkly long-sleeved dress, but it’s no use. She’s too far out of his view.
“Are you lookin’ to pull?” Conor asks smugly after noticing Niall’s gaze flittering over the other side of the pub.
“Nah mate. Not tonight,” Niall replies, the thought of pulling a random girl for the night sounding entirely unappealing.
Conor turns towards his friend, putting his back to his pretty date. “Niall, tonight’s the perfect night for a random lay. C’mon mate, it’s New Years! Every single bird here is looking for an easy shag. It’s been months anyways, what’re you waiting for? Sheri’s not comin’ back.”
Niall tries his hardest not to flinch at his friend’s words. He knows deep down that if he really wanted to sleep with a random girl for the night, he could. And earlier, he probably would have done just that to cure his loneliness. But now the thought of doing just that sort of makes his skin crawl a little.
Including the fact that he can’t stop trying to find his flatmate in the crowded pub. But he’s not quite sure what that means.
“Fuck off Conor. I know she’s not coming back.” Niall’s annoyed that his friend decided to bring Sheridan up. He just wishes everybody would stop fucking bringing her up.
Conor just shrugs. “Then why aren’t you lookin’ for an easy lay?”
Niall’s grip on his whiskey coke is so tight that his knuckles turn white. He grits his teeth before taking a long sip, before giving his stupid friend one last annoyed look. “Because sex isn’t the answer to everything.” And with that, Niall walks away.
“It sure helps though, prick!” Conor shouts from his place at the bar, and Niall just shakes his head, ignoring him.
On his way towards the rest of their friends in the booth by the back of the pub, Niall finally spots Aisling’s auburn hair and glittery dress standing near the wooden table. He’d be lying if he didn’t think she looked quite pretty. Niall’s always known Aisling to be pretty, in a way that he knows that thunder follows lightning during a storm and that the sun always shines the brightest in the summer. It was just a universal thing.
But tonight, he finds that he’s entirely hyperaware of Aisling’s prettiness.
He’s watching the way her head falls back when a loud laugh rips through her lungs, her long auburn hair falling past her shoulders, catching the dim pub lighting in a way that stops Niall dead in his tracks. The sparkles in her shift dress glitter with every bend of her knees or swivel of her hips, and Niall tries his hardest to keep his eyes off of Aisling’s lower half. Her eyes have that glow to them that only happens when she feels totally comfortable, and he’s wondering if it’s genuine or if the liquor is helping mask her unease surrounding tonight.
Before he’s caught, Niall pulls himself together and approaches the group.
“Niall!” Aisling squeals once he’s entered the small half-huddle the girls in the group have formed. She’s leaning in, a bit unsteady on her chunky heels, and Niall can feel the whiskey warmth of her breath fan over his cheeks. She’s definitely drunk, Niall thinks, securing an arm around her middle so Aisling doesn’t end up arse over tit on the dirty pub floor.
“Somebody’s havin’ fun,” Niall pushes through a grin, his arms tightening around her waist once Aisling presses two small hands on his shoulders to steady herself. She giggles and it sounds like the prettiest song he’s ever heard.
“Wasn’t it you who told me to drink away all the bullshit?” Aisling asks, finishing the rest of her drink, her head falling back on her neck dramatically as she swallows. Niall chuckles, grabbing the empty glass from her shaky fingers before it slips and cracks on the floor.
“Might’ve. But slow your roll, sweet Aisling. Still three hours left until midnight,” Niall tuts, smiling a bit when she huffs out in disappointment, her lower lip jutting out in a pout. He finds it incredibly adorable.
“Don’t leave me alone with these eejits then! They’re the ones forcing drinks down me throat!” Aisling calls out, pointing a skinny finger towards Cara and Robbie who look responsible. Her Western accent grows much stronger with each level of intoxication Aisling passes, and Niall knows that if she continues he’s going to start struggling piecing together what she’s trying to say.
So he laughs, removing his arm around her waist and throwing it around her shoulders instead, pulling her closer to his chest so that his chin rests above the crown of her head.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got ya,” Niall says, and Aisling smiles back, squeezing his hand that dangles in front of her chest tightly in thanks.
Niall squeezes back, thinking that if he had to spend the next three hours with her, he wouldn’t mind at all. He especially wouldn’t mind it if Aisling was still tucked under his arm once midnight struck.
Aisling has spent the last twenty minutes holding Cara’s curly hair back while she retches into the toilet. She stopped drinking about an hour ago once she noticed the pallor beneath Cara’s copper skin, knowing it was only a matter of time until she grew sick.
And just like clockwork, with an hour to go until midnight, Cara grabbed Aisling with shaky hands and dragged her to the toilet before vomiting into the porcelain basin below. Aisling rubs her friend’s back, wrapping her curly hair around her wrists to make sure the coiled tendrils stay vomit-free.
She wishes the night didn’t have to end like this.
But it seems to always happen whenever she’s around Cara. As much as Aisling loves her, she can’t help but wonder if this is how it’ll always be with her friend. She wonders when she’ll finally just grow up.
Once again, Aisling has to give up her night in order to make sure Cara’s isn’t ruined.
Cara moans under her and Aisling snaps out of her miserable state, asking her friend if she was okay and if she needed anything. Cara shakes her head, albeit still unsteady on her feet as she slowly hobbles over towards the sink. Aisling sighs for what feels like the hundredth time, wishing her friend would stop being so stubborn.
Before they leave the toilets, Aisling dampens some paper towels and blots it over Cara’s sticky forehead. Her friend swats at her wrists angrily, snatching the wet paper towels from Aisling’s hands and throwing it into the rubbish bin.
“‘M wearing foundation Aisling! Christ, yer gonna fuck it up!” Cara scolds, walking past her friend and fixing what’s left of her mangled curls into a topknot.
Aisling just frowns, wishing her friend would be a bit kinder to her considering she did just spend the better part of her evening holding her hair back and listening to her retch into a shitty public toilet.
“Sorry,” Aisling mumbles, because she knows she could never yell at her friend no matter how angry she makes her. Aisling would rather not rock the boat, so instead she just lets Cara take out her frustrations on her. She’s been doing it for the past seven years anyways, why stop now?
Cara says nothing. Instead, she irons out her black dress with her hands and leaves the toilets, heading towards their group of friends in the back of the pub. Aisling watches her go, taking a few seconds to herself to just breathe.
If Aisling were a different person, she probably would have told Cara off for acting like a Grade A Bitch. She would tell her to stop being so selfish, to stop making everything about her, to stop acting like such a fucking child.
But Aisling is not that person.
So instead she shakes those words from her head, focusing on regulating her breathing and making sure the redness in her cheeks goes away. She wishes she was the same level of drunkenness she happened to be a few hours ago, where everything seemed a bit more bearable and she wasn’t focusing on the shittier parts of her friendships.
When she emerges from the hallway, she spots Niall immediately. She’s found that he’s always standing a bit closer to her than normal, always making sure she’s okay and that she’s enjoying herself. She’s grateful for it, if she’s being honest, because out of everybody in this crowded pub, she’s happy that it’s Niall who’s standing by her side.
She watches as his brown hair flops over his forehead, hanging around his face in a messy boyish way. He looks handsome with his white button down shirt tucked into his navy blue houndstooth dress pants. When he turns a bit so he can laugh at whatever obscene joke Conor just made, she can see the way the shirtsleeves tighten around his flexed bicep, and the way his waist looks thinner when he swivels his hip, and the way his arse arches in his new pants.
Aisling is immediately transported back to a time when every movement Niall made would make her blush uncontrollably. When his hair was blonder and his laugh was louder and he wasn’t as muscley—when he would barge into her dorm room at all hours of the day and show up at Aisling’s library table and doodle notes and scribbles on her coursework. When she found herself crushing on her first ever real uni mate, when she tried her hardest to ignore it, until it ultimately faded as the years passed on.
But sometimes, in moments like this, the feelings would shoot straight into her chest like a lightning strike, and she finds herself struggling for air. It usually happened in fleeting moments—typically when he laughed so hard his blue eyes scrunched, or he held her really tightly whenever she had a bad day, and especially when he called her sweet Aisling.
And just like that, the moment is gone, leaving just as quickly as it came. As if noticing her absence (something that he’s been doing a lot of tonight), blue eyes meet hazel and he cocks his head in concern, the silent question of Are you okay? floating through the air until it stops right in Aisling’s path.
She nods her head and it’s entirely unconvincing. But before Niall could leave their friends and approach Aisling, she gestures towards the bar with a small smile, insinuating she was going to grab a new drink. Niall just nods, staring at her as she approaches the bartop.
As soon as she feels the heat of his gaze leave her back, Aisling orders a water. Suddenly, she doesn’t want to be here anymore, the dreaded feelings she had earlier in the day flooding her insides without warning. She doesn’t give a fuck about midnight anymore, doesn’t give a fuck about watching her mates cheers to the start of a new year.
She just wants to leave.
Niall turns away from his conversation with Conor, wondering why Aisling hasn’t returned to their spot in the back of the pub. He watched her head towards the bar almost ten minutes ago, and he’s not quite sure if there’s something wrong.
He’s reminded back to the lifeless look in her eyes when she left the toilets with Cara moments ago, and he instantly feels his stomach drop a little at the thought of something bad happening to her. Did they get into a fight? Did Cara say something to upset her? Where the fuck is she?
“Cara, where’s Aisling?” Niall asks, leaning into her ear to talk over the loud music. He cranes his neck towards the bar where he last saw her, and finds that her auburn hair is no longer in view.
Cara shrugs her shoulders, looking less than interested in this conversation. “Dunno, mate. Fucked off in the jacks ‘coupla minutes ago.” Niall scrunches his nose at the lingering smell of bile on her breath.
“What’d you do?” Niall knows that his tone is a bit accusatory, but he feels like an idiot for not realizing that Aisling was upset sooner. He’s instantly brought back to the kitchen when Hannah hurt her feelings, and Niall’s left wondering if he’s as much of a prick as their friends have been lately.
“Oh, fuck off Niall,” Cara starts, laughing even though it’s not funny. “Did nothin’! She probably just doesn’t wanna be ‘ere durin’ midnight ‘cos she’s single and all.”
Niall knows that isn’t true. He also knows that if Cara had asked Aisling herself, she would know that Aisling could give less of a shit about being single.
Niall’s suddenly left with the unwavering thought that maybe nobody has asked Aisling how she’s truly felt in a long time.
Before he can reply, he notices the countdown start to begin, and suddenly he doesn't want to be around his friends at all.
He wants to find Aisling.
Aisling can hear the ten second countdown from her spot outside the pub, leaning against the cold brick wall, cooling her down from the inside out. Her winter coat is still clenched in her right hand, the heat of her anger keeping her warm against the evening breeze.
Her eyes are closed tight and she’s trying her hardest not to cry. Aisling knows it’s stupid—crying over her friends who didn’t even spare her a second glance when she stormed out of the pub door. She doesn’t want to blame them, because even though they can be selfish and unaware of her sadness, Aisling has let it slide for far too long. She’s starting to think that her friends have grown accustomed to her knack of shrugging things off her shoulder, and she really only has herself to blame.
Aisling sighs as she hears the countdown end, the sounds of celebration reverberating through the thick brick. She’s ringing in this new year alone, as it seems, and she wonders if she’s part to blame for it.
She wonders why she’s never spoken up when her friends overlook her feelings and say hurtful things about her. Aisling knows that they aren’t intentional, and that her friends don’t truly mean to hurt her feelings, but part of her wishes they would just understand.
She wonders why she’s never been bold enough to go after the job she actually wanted. Why she stays working her shitty desk job day after day, losing interest in everything around her. Why she never acted on that job listing she received an email from in London, why she never even tried to move there in the first place.
She wonders why she’s wasted so much time trying to find love in boys who can never offer her what she truly needs. Why even though Cormac was a sound lad, she knew he wasn’t right for her, but the thought of leaving him was much more difficult than staying, so she chose the easier option.
Aisling wishes she was the type of person to speak up, to act on what she wants, to simply be better.
But she isn’t.
So she sinks down to the cool pavement below her, her neck stretched upwards as her head rests on the brick wall. Her eyes are still closed shut, and she thinks that if she keeps them closed, she can squeeze out the girl she so badly wants to get rid of.
She thinks that when she opens her eyes again, she’ll be a new person. The person she wants to be.
Niall finally finds Aisling outside, her head resting against the wall upturned towards the night sky. Her eyes are closed and Niall’s eyes are trained on her long ivory neck, and he wonders what would have happened if he came out here just as the clock struck midnight.
He shakes that thought from his head, because she looks so small. So unsure. So sad.
Aisling doesn’t look at Niall until he’s sitting near her with his warm hand resting on her bent knee. He’s looking at her as her eyes flutter open, hazel eyes glassy from the tears threatening to fall. He knows Aisling though—knows her so well that she won’t let them fall, no matter how badly she wants to.
She offers Niall a weak smile, and he’s sitting close enough that he can see her bottom lip wobble. It makes him angry.
“Ready to get out of here?” Niall asks softly, ignoring the millions of other questions he wants to ask her. He knows how fragile she is. How adamant she is about not explaining her feelings, so he takes the easy way out even though it kills him to do so.
Aisling smiles at him, a little stronger than before. “Please.”
Niall doesn’t say anything else. Instead, he stands up, grabbing her winter coat in one hand and her smaller hand in the other. Once she’s standing in front of him, close enough that he can feel her shaky breath on his neck, he holds open her coat and buttons her up.
“Let’s go.”
Niall and Aisling have been sitting around the kitchen island, a half-finished bottle of whiskey on the countertop between them. Aisling’s heels are discarded somewhere near the front door, her feet resting on the unoccupied stool to Niall’s left. He’s rubbing her shins in between pulls of liquor, his navy blazer thrown over the couch, the top few buttons of his crisp white shirt opened to show his patch of chest hair.
They haven’t really said much in the fifteen minutes they’ve been home. Niall knows when to bite, and he knows that getting Aisling reacquainted with whiskey will make the conversation a lot easier.
So they sit. And he jokes. And she smiles.
It’s only after Niall says something stupid that makes Aisling snort—something that should be completely unattractive to most but Niall finds it incredible endearing—that her words make Niall’s heart stop.
“God, now I remember why I had such a crush on you in uni,” Aisling says after a pull of whiskey.
Niall stops his laughing, eyes immediately going wide. “Wait, what?”
“Oi, quit being an eejit,” she says with a roll of her hazel eyes. “Don’t act surprised, everybody knew.”
But Niall can’t help it. He is surprised.
Why hadn’t anybody told him? More so, why hadn’t she told him?
Was he really the only person who didn’t know?
“Aisling, why didn’t you tell me?” Niall asks, his voice void of teasing. He’s honest and when she looks deep into his ocean eyes, Aisling realizes that she probably shouldn’t have mentioned the crush she had on him in uni seven years ago.
“I genuinely thought you knew. Christ Niall, everybody knew,” she whispers, placing the whiskey bottle back on the table separating them.
“I just—I,” Niall’s confused. And overwhelmed. And slightly angry with himself. “Just wish I knew, is all.”
“Why? It wouldn’t have changed anything, Niall. It was years ago. And you were with Sheri. It really isn’t a big deal, I shouldn’t have said anything—”
“—Don’t do that,” Niall says abruptly, cutting her off.
Aisling’s eyes widen, mirroring Niall’s. “Do what?”
Niall huffs in response, running a frustrated hand through his messy hair. “Act like your feelings don’t matter. They do. And I just—fuck, I dunno, Aisling. I just wish I fucking knew.”
“Why, what would you have done?” Aisling asks, repeating herself, half out of annoyance and half out of sheer curiosity. She truly wishes she just kept her fucking mouth shut.
“Who knows,” Niall says, grabbing the whiskey bottle for himself and pouring it down his throat. “Probably would have spared myself the heartache of dating a girl who could give less of a shit about me. But hey, the past is in the past. New year and all that. New beginnings or summat.” He holds up the bottle in a false cheers, his eyes dull and harsh.
Aisling’s replaying what he said earlier over and over in her head, watching as her best mate continues to gulp back whiskey.
Act like your feelings don’t matter.
Has she been doing that for years now? Acting like her feelings are insignificant, like everybody else’s feelings are more important than hers? Like every thought she has is just her completely overthinking everything?
She reaches out and grabs the bottle from Niall’s lips, placing it on the countertop in front of them with a gentle thud.
“It’s not that I don’t think my feelings matter,” Aisling starts, her voice a small mumble. “It’s just—nobody bothers to ask. I’m always helping everybody else with their problems, and it’s not that I don't want to, because I’d do it for anybody. I’m just different, I suppose. I keep things in, because sometimes the things I try and say are just shit, if I’m being honest. So I don’t really say anything.”
Niall sighs sadly, reaching across the countertop for Aisling’s hand instead of the whiskey bottle.
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” Niall starts, a sad look on his face. “I’m sorry I never bother to ask sometimes. It’s just, fuck Aisling, you’re just hard to read sometimes. And it’s so frustrating ‘cos you’re my best mate, yeah? I care about you so much.” Niall’s thumbs are brushing against Aisling’s hands and she tries her hardest not to shudder. “Hate when you keep things in. Need you to tell me, yeah?”
Aisling nods and she prays that Niall keeps his hands in hers.
“‘M sorry too, Niall. Care about you, too. Quite a bit.” Aisling is wondering if she’s imagining Niall leaning closer towards her, or if she just wants it to happen so badly that she’s conjuring it up in her own head.
Sitting across from Aisling in their tiny kitchenette, Niall wonders if he’s ever truly thought about kissing her before tonight. Sure, Aisling’s always been beautiful. And sure, she’s been one of his closest mates ever since they first moved in together. But as he sits here, watching the way her skin glows from the overhead lights, watching the way she’s slowly leaning in towards him, he’s really thinking about it.
So he leans in, too.
And he kisses her.
When they break apart, Aisling feels as if she’s on fire. Her forearms are balancing her upper body on the countertop, and Niall’s longer arms are holding her elbows tightly. Blue eyes meet hazel and their faces are so close that Aisling’s eyelashes are tickling the apples of Niall’s cheeks.
They’re breathing each other in before Aisling’s hand wraps around the back of Niall’s neck and she’s bringing his lips against hers for another searing kiss.
He reacts almost instantly, bringing one hand away from her elbow and up to her cheek, slotting his bottom lip over her top lip and holding back a groan from the back of his throat.
They break apart again, the edge of the counter digging into Aisling’s chest in an uncomfortable way. She sits back against the chair on her knees, her breathing labored and eyes blown wide. Niall’s staring at her, taking in her rosy cheeks and her messy hair, her swollen lips and huffing chest.
He thinks she’s the prettiest thing he’s seen all night. (Even though he knew that to begin with, to be fair).
So he stands up, holding an outstretched hand towards her body, giving her a boyish grin to which she returns instantly. “C’mere.”
Aisling practically jumps into his arms then, leaning her entire torso onto his with her arms wrapped securely around his neck. She can feel Niall’s forearms against the small of her back, and she’s standing on the tips of her toes in order to press her lips fully against his.
Niall squeezes against her hips and Aisling gasps, her mouth opening against his allowing him to lap his tongue against her own. It’s everything and more, and the sound exploding from the back of his throat practically causes Aisling to melt against his chest.
His hand is knotted into her hair, pulling back slightly so that she can reach his mouth. Aisling slowly starts to back Niall up against the wall adjacent to the hallway, and with that support he can run his hands down her back and against her bum, squeezing the skin through her glittery dress. When he pulls away for a breath, Aisling starts to kiss down the hollow of his throat, sucking a lovebite against the juncture of his neck and shoulder, causing Niall to rock his hips against hers.
“Christ Aisling,” Niall says through a strained breath, his head falling back against the wall when she blows over the fresh mark on his skin.
She steps away cautiously, her eyes wide in anxiousness. Was she doing too much? Niall practically whines when the warmth of her body leaves his own far too quickly, and his arms stretch out to bring her back to him.
“Is it too much? We can stop and forget that it even—”
“—What? Christ, who’s being the eejit now? Don’t leave,” Niall rushes out frantically, pulling Aisling flush against his chest to continue what they were doing before she left.
Aisling giggles into his mouth and it’s probably the sweetest sound he’s ever heard (a close second to her groaning into his mouth earlier). Before she can retreat again, he begins walking them backwards until she’s pushed up against the wall separating their bedrooms.
He breaks away and looks at her with a cocked eyebrow, a smirk growing against his strawberry swollen lips. “Mine or yours, sweet Aisling?”
Aisling laughs a bit, her arms still locked around his neck. Her hands are playing with the hair against the back of his neck, and he’s practically purring at the feeling of it. Without really thinking much (because how could she with the way he was looking at her?) she grabs the closest doorknob to her (which so happens to be hers) and opens it swiftly, dragging Niall by his forearms into the room until the backs of her knees hit her mattress and she’s falling into it with a gentle thud.
It’s all tangled limbs and pulled hair and knocking teeth, and they both could never have imagined their night ending this way. Niall practically rips the hidden zipper of Aisling’s dress off (“Sorry babe, can’t stop thinkin’ about what you look like under it”), Aisling tears through the remaining buttons on his white dress shirt, running her fingers through the hair on his chest causing him to groan against her neck (“Do you like that, Niall?”), Niall flips them over and when he’s leaning over her staring at Aisling hungrily in her cute little matching underwear set, he’s practically drooling at the mouth (“Dear god Aisling, you’re beautiful”), and when they’re both stripped down to nothing but skin and Niall’s leaning on his forearms over her, pushing into her with one swift breath, Aisling can feel herself falling apart inside (“Christ Niall, you’re everything”).
And when it’s all over and done with and they’re both lying against each other, breathing in and out, Aisling suddenly has a realization.
Truth is, maybe her and Niall were alone. But, for one night at least, they could forget about that. Why be alone by yourself when you could be alone together?
So with that thought, she cuddles deeper into Niall’s chest, feeling his hand tread through her auburn hair softly. Before she drifts off, he presses a kiss to the crown of her head, mumbling a quiet Happy New Year, sweet Aisling into her hair.
And when she mutters it back to him, sealing it with a kiss to his collarbone, she actually believes it for once.
That it was, truly, a very happy New Year (in the end).
taglist: @adoremp3​, @stylishmuser​, @ihearthemcallingforyou​, @verorax​, @unn--known​
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amelialincoln · 4 years
Helpless pt.2
prompt: @amelialincoln Can you write a fic where amelia is trying to shut link out but link will not let her!
Amelia watched the clouds get dark as she lay with her face upturned to the sky. Jackson and Alex came back about an hour later. Their arms filled with rubbish from the crash. Amelia felt strangely comforted by having Jo pressed against her side. Once she finished screaming, she slept most of the day. She heard Alex and Mer talking about how something might have triggered her psychotic break. Amelia was just relieved to have the worried muffles be about someone other than herself. She ghosted her hand over her tender stomach. The baby was so tiny, so young. She couldn’t help but imagine the worst. She’d done a good job of not getting too attached though, it was Link she was worried about.
Nico hadn’t remembered ever seeing his boss not be optimistic. He was kind of a pessimist himself so Link’s positive behaviour sometimes pissed him off. However, seeing him crouched over with his head in his hands upon entering a random on call room, he couldn’t help but blurt out “what’s wrong” in confusion. Link looked up in surprise. His eyes were red and his shaggy hair was disheveled opposed to neatly styled. Nico could only imagine how shocked he must look.
“Uh nothing,” Link answered, looking away. “You can go home. We’re done for the day.” He wasn’t surprised when Nico left the room quickly, not usually one to show emotion. It had been six hours and they’d heard nothing. He couldn’t leave the hospital because he wanted to be there if they got  updates from the rescue team. But they hadn’t found them or even a single trace of them. Link prodded his swollen knuckles. He’d never felt more helpless. He wasn’t necessarily religious but he prayed with everything he knew that they’d be found before nightfall.
“Wake up, Amelia.” She awoke to Mer’s aggressive shaking and moaned in response as a flash of red hot pain radiated from her chest. “Sorry, you have to stay awake,” she urged, awkwardly crawling to be beside her sister, despite her limp leg. Amelia’s extremities were starting to cramp from the lack of mobility. She hadn’t left her spot against the log in hours, lying as still as possible. Luckily they had Jackson, who was an avid camper and had managed to light a fire that was still burning from the afternoon.
“I’m going to collect some dry wood in case it rains tonight,” Jackson mumbled from somewhere behind her.
“I’ll come with you,” Alex offered, weary about letting the plastic surgeon go alone, despite being exhausted.
“Alex,” Jo practically wailed in protest.
“Just stay, dude,” Jackson sighed. Alex didn’t argue, leaning back to wrap his arms around Jo, who nestled into his chest.
“Do you think they’ll call off searches for the night?” Amelia coughed, receiving a worried look from Meredith who added another layer of bandages on her chest from a first aid kit the boys had found.
“I don’t know,” Mer responded truthfully.
Bailey finally let him come back into the conference room after about an hour of Link texting her and trying to convince her he’d stay calm. He received a couple concerned looks as he entered the room, suddenly embarrassed by his tender hand and Owen’s bruised face. Maggie patted the spot beside her, sympathizing for her sister’s emotionally wrecked looking boyfriend. He nodded gratefully and slipped into the seat beside her, trying to look unassuming. Catherine was speaking in front of the group. Link hadn’t even realized that her son was a part of the group. Jackson always seemed to slip subtly under the radar. However if Catherine was worried, she didn’t seem to show it. Instead she stood calmly in front of the group, discussing their options. Link was sure it was from years of practice but couldn’t imagine ever being able to seem so composed if it were his son that were missing. The baby. The thought would strike him every so often, full force, and he swooned a bit in his seat. She’s strong, his mind screamed and he took a swing from the water bottle in front of him.
“What do you think?” Catherine’s voice brought him back to reality and his eyes widened as he realized she was speaking to him.
“What?” He choked out, receiving a couple glances from the people sitting around the table. God he was sweaty, he found himself thinking.
“We’re trying to decide whether to send them to the nearest hospital or risk transferring them here when they’re found,” Maggie explained, he was thankful she didn’t say ‘if’.
“Transfer them,” he replied simply, not knowing why it was even a question. Bailey nodded at him from across the table, agreeing.
“We can’t make that call until we know what condition they’re in,” Owen argued.
“Do what you want with the others,” Link shrugged at him. “Amelia’s coming here.”
“I’m still her emergency contact,” Owen gulped, hoping Link wouldn’t rage at him.
“Only because she hasn’t had the chance to change it,” Link spat. “I’m the father of her baby.”
“Boys,” Catherine warned. “We just want the best for everyone. I agree that if they’re in bad shape we want them to get care immediately. But it’s likely they’re in the middle of nowhere considering they haven’t been found and I don’t want to put their lives at stake in some random hospital with limited technology.”
“I agree with Doctor Lincoln,” Bailey finally found her voice, receiving a supportive gesture from Richard. It was settled, they were coming here.
Amelia was beginning to drift in and out of consciousness, becoming unresponsive to Meredith’s attempts to keep her awake. She could barely lift her head without a wave of exhaustion forcing her back down. She supposed it was due to blood loss. So she barely noticed when flashlights flooded the ‘campsite’. Jo started uncontrollably sobbing as the rescue team descended upon the group. The helicopter came shortly after. Amelia was lifted into a stretcher, an oxygen mask placed over her face. She took in ragged breaths and finally let herself fall completely asleep.
As the group was brought into the vacant emergency room, long after midnight, almost every doctor waited for their arrival. There hadn’t been much communication so Bailey called in everyone just in case. Link eyes immediately found Amelia. So limp he almost cried out in horror before seeing the small puff of air escape her lungs and appear in the oxygen mask secured around her mouth and nose. Carina patted his back sympathetically before moving past him to tend to her. Link numbly followed, taking her hand in his and giving it a supportive squeeze. Her eyes fluttered open in response, taking in her surroundings.
“Link,” she coughed as she lashed out to reach him. Maggie forced her down, yelling at her to stay still. Link wished he could comfort her but all he wanted to do was run out of the room. Bile threatened to spill out of his mouth as Amelia cried out in pain.
“She’s not going to want drugs.” Was all he could manage to say. Amelia squeezed his hand in agreement.
“Let’s get her to CT,” Maggie ordered. “We don’t have time for this.” She was referring to Carina’s protests about getting an ultrasound. 
“Fine!” Carina finally pushed the machine back in frustration. “I’ll meet you in the OR.” Maggie nodded, wheeling Amelia’s gurney out of the emergency room. Link looked to the obstetrician, his eyes watery. To his dismay she shook her head. “Does not look good,” she confessed. “It was already too small.” She wished she could console him as he burst into tears but instead ran to catch up to Maggie.
Three months
“How was your meeting?” Link asked as the brunette slid into his car.
“Good,” she responded, pulling the pins that were securing her bun out of her hair.
“Did you work through anything in particular?” He asked tentatively.
“Link,” she warned, begging him to drop it.
“Whatever,” he muttered. Accelerating a little too quickly due to his anger and causing them to both jolt back in their seats. Amelia winced, placing a slender hand to her thorax and reaching into her bag for an advil. Amelia had been popping them like candy and although Link knew they weren’t addictive, the sight of Amelia even taking pills made him uncomfortable. “Why can’t you just talk to me?” he pressed, knowing he shouldn’t. He’d never felt more distant from her in his life, despite going through something so tragic with her. “You wake up at night screaming from nightmares, sounds set you off, we can’t have sex and you won’t talk to me. I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Amelia shook her head, leaning back in her seat as if the conversation was exhausting her. “I just prefer to get through my shit on my own.”
“Then why am I here?” He finds himself saying. “What am I good for?” His words seemed to echo in the vehicle and to his annoyance she didn’t reply. Instead she stepped out of the car and practically ran up the stairs to their apartment. When he finally followed her into their place he opened the door to find the shower running. He pushed the thought of how they always used to shower together out of his mind and numbly changed out of his scrubs into a pair of sweatpants. He walked into their ensuite to grab a fresh pair of socks and heard Amelia poorly stifle a sob from inside the frosted glass. He sighed, sliding the shower door open. He found her curled up in a ball on the ground, her fingertips tracing the healing scars on her breasts. Without hesitation he crawled in beside her, wrapping his arms around her trembling body. He hadn’t seen her unclothed in what felt like forever. He was surprised by how much had changed.
“I’m not going to let you shut me out, Mia,” he finally told her, smoothing his wet hair out of his face and cupping her cheek in his hand.
“I wanted him,” she sobbed, allowing Link to pull her into his bare chest.
“Who?” Link asked softly, hoping anything he responded with wouldn’t stop her from opening up.
“Our baby,” she grimaced, as if the words physically hurt.  
“Me too,” he admitted, his breath warm on her bare shoulder. He pressed a lingering kiss to her wet temple. “I can’t imagine what the five of you went through. I wish I was on that plane so I could. But I wasn’t and I don’t know how to help you.” 
“Don’t give up on me?” Was her almost immediate response. “I’m trying, Link. My brain is foggy and I feel like I’m in slow motion all the time. Everything’s moving too fast. Everyone’s moving on so fast. They’re all okay except they aren’t. And no one wants to talk about it.”
“Jo comes back Thursday,” Link offered.
“Alex doesn’t think she’s ready,” Amelia confessed. “He visited her last week and said there’s hardly been any change.”
“They won’t let me go see her,” Link added, wondering if his best friend would ever fully recover.
“Jackson just acts like nothing happened and Mer has just carried on working and sees a therapist. Bailey just cleared me last week and everyone still walks on eggshells around me.
“Everyone copes differently,” he tried.
“Not everyone is left with scars that are a constant reminder every time you look in the mirror. They make me want to escape my own body.”
“Amelia, your body is beautiful.” He traced her curves, trying to ignore that the last time she was completely naked in front of them they were trying to decide whether she was showing or not. “They tell a story.”
“An awful story. A story I want to forget.” Her voice was as sharp as a knife.
“When I look at them I see your strength. You’ve gone through hell, Amelia. I’m in pain. I can’t even begin to imagine what yours must be like. But you’re not alone, I’m here.”
“I know,” she mumbled. He was surprised when she placed a tentative kiss on his lips. “I just want to forget. Can you make me forget?” It hurt how broken her voice sounded. He nodded, allowing his lips to trail down her neck, her back arching in response.
“Of course.”
Hours later they were wrapped in each other’s arms, in the same bed that Link had felt so alone in over the past couple of months, despite her laying beside him.
“I love you,” he whispered into her hair, half expecting her to be asleep.
“I love you too,” she responded, sleepily. To Link’s surprise she didn’t wake up screaming at any point in the night. When the subway rattled their condo she barely flinched and instead allowed him to wrap her tighter into his protective grasp. Link couldn’t help but smile, knowing that he was slowly getting the woman he loved back.  
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