#and then seeing people who identify as mentally ill saying things like oh they're even on MEDICATION... like its a big deal
thursdayglrl · 2 years
ppl on the internet will be like I'm insane I'm crazyyyy I would have gotten a lobotomyyyy and then they have mild anxiety and think psychotropic drugs are scary.
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myragewillendworlds · 7 months
The "gender identity" language really was the wrong approach for explaining transsexualism and gender dysphoria. While it seemed like a sensible and simple way to try to explain things, using "I was born as X, but I identify as Y" is what opened up the gates to all the transphobic and non-sensical "non-binary" language we see today. Saying "I identify as X" relies on people's tolerance, not on logic, and it doesn't distance itself from such things as "Well I identify as a goat" and "Oh, so I can just choose to identify as a gender, then?"
The approach should be a medical one; scientific, rational, neutral. Transsexualism is neurological, something a person is simply born with. The simplified version would be that everyone's brain naturally has a gender, that which makes you feel like a man or a woman, and in transgender people, that gender developed in the opposite direction of the body's physical sex. That's the story that makes people go "Oh, that makes sense, then" and helps them understand why transgender people feel the way they do, that they're born that way and aren't mentally ill, and that they neurologically really are the gender they say they are. It garners both understanding and respect, when it's about acknowledging something real, and not just a request to "be nice".
It's too late to turn back the clock now, but I do believe it'll still be helpful moving forward to explain transsexualism with simplified versions of the science behind it, like this. Every single person I have given this explanation to (in real life, to people who aren't terminally online) has responded with some version of "Oh, I didn't know that, now it makes sense." Not only does it help them understand transgender people better instantly, they immediately draw the conclusion themselves, without me even needing to explain it, that this is distinct from the "non-binary" trend. The latter in particular is also very important; it helps redirect misplaced frustration with identity politics away from regular transgender people and back onto the ideology that is responsible for it.
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beeben · 2 months
So I was going through some Krieg fics on AO3 and found your story "Monstrous"... Fuck that hit way too close to home. It was so amazingly written, I can sympathize bc I suffer with self loathing in my worse times, some of it was like seeing my own thoughts written out in front of me. I'm 1000% going to be reading Paging Doctor Samuels once I get the time to, I can tell its something you've had a passion for based on how much content you have going for it. Keep up the amazing writing 💙
AUUUUUGHHH THANK YOUUU monstrous is honestly one of my favorite things ive ever written like i poured my GUTS into that thing brother. I try so hard to capture him right. Hes always been a challenge for me because of a few reasons, i try to keep his thought patterns as realistic as i can with also acknowledging that hes like. Not normal yknow??? I don't like going oh psycho krieg sane krieg babbling back and forth i dont think real people work like that (even in someone with DID. I don't think he does have DID i just think he has a compartmentalized personality and schizo-affective disorder.) I don't like saying a specific disorder because i think that ties him too much to real life and it devalues people who have like schizophrenia or bipolar or other real cluster b personality disorders.. i dont think its right to add a real label to a character they specifically made to be an ahhh crazy psycho dude...... THAT BEING SAID! i think he (especially in the dlc) is one of the more respectful renditions of a severe mental illness that ive seen and i do want to keep him in that vein of believability.
Him saying "my other self" is referring to what everyone thinks is psycho krieg, but to me when I look at that, its not different from him. He says "my other self" to distance himself from things he finds revolting/stuff hed "never do". I think his body image is one of the leading things that effect this and thats kinda why i wrote this. He looks in the mirror and he doesnt see himself. He sees a thing that someone else made and attached his soul to. a lot of what i focus on with him is the acceptance stage in grief, i think thats the hardest part and people definitely back track a lot.
Hes grieving his past self. Its a big issue for him. He misses something he doesn't remember, and thinking of it for too long scares him. He feels stuck. He feels stupid. He feels like hes lost.
Mayas kinda like an anchor for him. Not in a manic pixie dream girl type of way- i dont think either of them see her as that- but like a support system. Everyone benefits from someone who can ground you during a crisis and i don't necessarily think it has to be a romantic partner but in this case it is, cus she knows him well enough and she sees and can identify the signs of him when hes going through it.
Krieg to me is a very private person. He puts on a persona to people for defense. The fact that Maya can see right through it makes him WILDLY uncomfortable. Cus he's always been taught that in order to be a good partner for someone (a man with a woman specifically) you cant act dangerous or threatening at all to them or else its predatory and youre seen like an abuser. He thinks his whole being is dangerous. Its not really that he struggles with masculinity, thats not a problem for him really its more like hes been told that he SPECIFICALLY is undesirable, he specifically is overly violent, hes too big, hes too unhinged to be in a healthy relationship with a woman. (This goes back further than the experimentation i feel like his mother specifically had something to do with his self image + why he became a mercenary in the first place.)
Maya doesn't care about that. Shes had like . 0000000001% of the romantic/sexual experience that he's had she does NOT know what a typical relationship looks like whatsoever. She doesnt even call him her boyfriend she doesn't define relationships like that at all. They're partners thats what she sees. Theyre equals to eachother. Mayas just as if not more fucked in the head as he is, and twice as dangerous.
She'll support him through anything he needs and she loves him for his uniqueness and his roughness and his WHOLE personality not just what he thinks is likeable about him. His thought process getting with her started as " she can see that deep down im not a monster" to "shed still be there even if i was a monster and still feel the same way" its subtle but its emotionally wrecking to him because that means she's really not there to coddle him. Its not tough love like you and i would say necessarily but he has this image in his head that if he found true love hed go "back to normal" and if he doesn't then hes not trying hard enough. He's gotta accept he'll never be normal and that's completely fine.
With that though comes loneliness. Even if he accepts hes different its still very isolating. It doesn't have to be though, especially in borderlands.
Krieg is still human. Thats probably the most important thing to me. He looks a little funny but his heart beats red blood and his head is full of deep philosophy and love and emotions that only people can experience.
Sentience is a blessing and i feel like he needs to learn that that blessing includes him :) thanks for reading.
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basingstokemercury · 11 months
Think I've finally put my finger on the thing that bothers me most about this whole genetic engineering storyline.
(The following may sound rather arrogant, I'm trying to be factual about it though)
I was a gifted kid. I am a highly intelligent adult.
I'm very creative, able to see connections and put information together in ways that aren't always obvious to others. I love solving logic puzzles and picking up on small details to draw a cohesive picture. I adore mystery stories, for the same reason.
I'm not a human computer or even good at the calculating side of maths, though I love the theories and ideas behind it. I do read genetics and neuroscience textbooks for fun though.
I tend to infodump about topics that interest me when given half a chance - the non-G&S fans in my offline life can probably attest to this, as the internet isn't always sufficient to vent my fascination with small fandoms.
Social cues in general - when to talk, whether someone's interested in my company - have never been my strong suit.
And I find it very hard to sit still for long periods of time, always needing to do something with my hands or sometimes walk around and feel a space.
I can get along with people who don't share my nerdy traits or interests, but it does sometimes get frustrating when I feel like we just can't connect intellectually. Interacting with people who really get me in those areas, when I find them, feels amazing.
So when a character turns up in a show who shares just about all of these traits (except for being extroverted and a much better person overall), it's impossible for me not to get instantly attached. We even have the same expression when focusing on a speaker and trying to look intent.
It's incredibly exciting to see a character who reminds me of myself so much, and whom I can identify with to this extent! Of all my favourite fictional people, here's one of the few I think I could actually form a positive connection with if he were real!
And then they say "No. This isn't natural. He's Different and Weird. Oh and he can just calculate anything in his head because that's what smart people do."
Great. Lovely. Having a conflict around how people like that aren't seen as human doesn't change the fact that you wrote it that way! You created a universe in which a man whose personality and interests remind me of myself so much is singled out as being the way he is because he isn't normal!
What does that say about me and viewers like me, who were so excited to see themselves represented? How do you think I feel seeing that you can't think of a backstory for someone like me that doesn't involve explaining why they're like that, as opposed to how them being like that affected them?
I think this is really the center of why this whole thing and the way it's handled makes me so uncomfortable.
The story they're trying to tell now, (putting aside mental illness handling), about this highly gifted character finally meeting people on his level and connecting with them differently than with "normal" people - it would be so relatable to me, and I'd love it! If they came at it from that angle, and not from "these people are so smart because Bad Science, they have their little smartness cult, isn't that creepy?"
As it is, I just feel like someone's trying to write about my experience from the outside but really doesn't understand how to get that experience across without dehumanising the people who have it.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
I am not making light of Jimin's feelings or the people who identifies with this kind of feeling but I started realizing the way Jimin practices selflessness is a bit toxic and unproductive.Before I elaborate let me say that I am not saying he is feeling a certain way for certain.I could be wrong in misinterpreting his intentions. I am just going to say that this is also a very common feeling a lot of people feel who lack control in their life.That feeling is 'why people does not love me as much as I love them' or 'I put others' needs before me but no one does it for me,I deserve better'. I understand it is natural to want your feelings be reciprocated,but the feeling of liking someone as friends,or lovers does not abide by any law.Sometimes I like totally random thing totally for totally random reason.Jimin practising selflessness is okay,but I have a feeling he thinks it is an obligation of the other party to return the same feelings that he showered on them. I see many Jimin fans also think this way. Someone's action of perceived selflessness should not be creating an obligation for the other party. Also ,the selfless act may be just a self-serving action.If I like someone for whatever I would be more likely to sacrifice for them.However,it'll be a toxic thing to expect them to be obliged to return the level of selflessness that I have shown for them.
Oh boy. Okay.
Let's debunk this.
Yes, selflessness can be toxic, but it hinges a lot on what your primary motivations are, among other things like your current state in life, your relationship history, your childhood, etc. There are so many factors to consider before you can even begin to assume someone's altruism might be toxic.
The Internet and age of social media annoys me for this reason. For a long time, there was a movement where the concept of being happy/finding your happiness/living your best life was pushed beyond the boundaries of what was realistic for everyday people—social pressure, essentially. To no one's surprise, it created pushback from those who recognized that constant rhetoric as toxic—which it was—but because there's no mediation online for these kinds of things, they also pushed that discourse to the extremes where it initially sounds like they're being pro-mental health but in actuality, they're not so different. So then you get people who are genuinely happy/content with themselves and others who are not (and the rest who may be neither but have an opinion on the matter), blaming one another for something that all varies from person to person but are sharing this on a medium that has infinite reach, thus spreading inaccurate ideologies to the masses.
Of what we know about Jimin, his motivations seem to be authentic. We have no insight to what his relationships with other people are like/where he's at in life/etc., other than what he tells us. I don't know if this is who he is now, but at one point he was very quick to cut people out of his life who spoke ill/were unsupportive of his friends and family. Already that doesn't sound like someone who has zero boundaries, and people who are selfless to a fault are generally unable to set limits for themselves because they don't actually know what those are. (This is a simplified example of what that might look like.)
Jimin practising selflessness is okay,but I have a feeling he thinks it is an obligation of the other party to return the same feelings that he showered on them.
What exactly do you think he expects in return and from whom is he expecting it? ARMY? That's a mutually beneficial relationship. You also talk a lot about feelings being reciprocated, which sounds relationship-centric, but that's not what I discussed at all with regards to Jimin.
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cordycepsfem · 10 months
If Pete Wentz is really that sad because one guy on the internet reads about him getting fucked in the ass, he can look at his bank account to feel better.
You're actually admitting yourself that I have gender dysphoria by saying that I just wish I was a real man. People with gender dysphoria are trans! Being trans causes gender dysphoria! And since trans men are men, I am a "real man". And because I like other men, I AM GAY!
You are obviously cis, because no trans woman would be this transphobic towards her trans siblings. And I have seen some trans women be extremely transphobic towards their trans siblings. Also, even if you're a lesbian, you have absolutely no right to tell gay men what we can and cannot do as long as we aren't hurting anyone, which we are not by simply existing.
You just think I'm faking being a system because I disagree with you, which is ableist. Being disabled doesn't exempt you from being ableist, and you are indeed being ableist because you have zero evidence of me faking anything other than me saying I'm a system, which means you think systems aren't real. Which is an ableist belief to have.
So you're saying it's okay to create content about real live people doing things they probably would not do as long as those people are financially compensated by their real-life jobs? Gross. You suck at boundaries.
You're not a gay man and you're straight, as a female person who likes men. It's okay to be those things and to identify as a trans man who likes men. That's still straight and you're still attempting to reclaim a slur that's not yours, which is also gross.
I'm not cis. I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in August of 2020. As an actual homosexual person, I feel comfortable telling straight people what they can and cannot do in regards to claiming homosexuality. (They shouldn't do it.)
I think you're faking being a system because literally everyone on the internet who says they're a system is faking being one. I'm not going to tell you how I know, but I do, and it repulses me every time I see another fool on the internet claiming to be one. It's not ableist if the people in question aren't disabled, but I feel like you definitely have some mental illness happening, just not the one you'd like to have.
I feel like we're getting closer to you telling me about your fictives and I'm so ready for it. Work was brutal today and I could use a laugh. Hit me, oh emo one - which fictional characters are you claiming live in your brain? Oh, let me guess - it's one of the Fall Out Boys. Please tell me I'm right. It would absolutely make my day.
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redhoodedangel · 3 years
Scars that Last (Arkham!Jason Todd X Scarlet Witch! Reader) Pt.1-Deseparation
I have no self-control... Please help...
So, this is a Soulmate AU, where if your soulmate receives a scar or feels physical pain, you also receive the scar and feel their pain.
Yeah... and this is Arkhamverse!Jason Todd and Scarlet Witch!Reader... you know what that means...
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ : Violence, mentions of torture and abuse, death, heartache and mental illness
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There are a rare few people in this world, destined to have someone to love and be with. However, no one ever said it would be easy to meet and fall in love someone you've never met. Hell, falling in love with someone is never easy, especially if your future lover is out there, waiting for you. Especially if you don't know where they are, who they are, what they're doing or what's happening to them.
That's what makes it dangerous...
That's what makes it so gut-wrenching...
That's what makes it so scary...
The unknown of it all. The uncertainty of how you will meet your destined one and how that relationship will go. It could end happily and things could work out well, leading to some version of that sought-after white picket-fence life. But, sometimes... it could end down in tragedy before the relationship even begins...
And those unlucky enough to lose their soulmate before they meet them... will experience the worst kind of heartache possible...
At a young age, you were told you were special. Not only did you have unexplained powers that basically made you a witch, you were gifted with the rare bond and connection of a soulmate. This extremely rare and seemingly magical condition came in many different forms and varieties. Some people can't see color until they meet their soulmate. Some have matching tattoos or can send messages to their soulmate via writing on their skin.
Yours was a little more harsh and even painful. If you or your soulmate get hurt, one of you would also get the injury and feel the pain of the other...
Yeah... not exactly encouraging... but it was a way to identify your soulmate once you meet them...
Your adoptive family of your father, Commissioner Jim Gordon, and your sister, Barbara Gordon, were supportive of your condition. As for your powers, you only told Barbara about them, who she kept it a secret as a promise to you. She discovered you had them after she caught you using them to do the dishes and cooking dinner while Dad was working late one night.
At first, the scars that appeared on you were minimal at best. A paper cut here, a scrape on the knee there and nothing more. On the more exciting days, you would feel pain in the bridge of your nose and blood would leak from your nostrils. Hell, you even woke up some mornings with a few bruises on your torso, back and legs. This lead you to believe or assume that your soulmate was a bit of a fighter and a determined one at that. But deep down, you knew that there was something more to them than that...
"Hey (Y/N)! How goes learning more about your future significant other?" Barbara asked brightly, coming into the living room before going into the kitchen to get a refill on her coffee. She had just gotten back from a nightly crusade as Batgirl, so she was trying to stay awake. You smiled lightly at her before saying, "They're a trooper, Barb. They’re so tough and resilient. But, I feel like they has a soft spot, just waiting to be uncovered..."
"They sound perfect for you, sis..." you smiled once again at Barbara's compliment. For once, you feel like things were hopeful for the future.
Oh, if only you knew how cruel fate could be…
Several months later, you woke up in the middle of the night to horrible, intense pain. It felt like your bones and muscles were destroying themselves from the inside out. Like someone was using your body as a punching bag and doing an autopsy on you at the same time. You had never experienced anything like this before, but you were certain that it had to do with your soulmate.
Something very bad… in every sense of the word…
You immediately ran to the bathroom to see what was going on. However, your legs and body screamed in protest and you had to use the walls of the apartment to get to where you needed to go.
Once in the bathroom, you frantically turned on the lights before moving to the sink and mirror. Upon seeing your reflection, you wanted to scream, but all the shriek did was create a lump in your throat. You couldn't breathe or speak, only stare at the horror looking back at you.
There were multiple cuts and bruises all over your body, your face showing the most visible damage. Many of them freely bled out and stung like a bitch due to the cold air meeting them. Your right eye socket was severely bruised and your eye was red and irritated, pained tears welling up in it. In a fit of panic, you turned on the faucet and cupped your hands under the stream of water before splashing what was collected into your face.
"(Y/N), why are you doing-Oh my God! What happened?!" Barbara came rushing into the bathroom and proceeded to take your head in her hands.
"I don't know, Barb..." you wheezed out, tears spilling past your lashes as you placed your hands on top of hers. You then continued, all the while trying to calm yourself, "I think... I think my soulmate... I think they're in danger!"
"What is going on-Oh my God, (Y/N)!" Your father exclaimed, running up to you.
"Dad, I think my soulmate's in danger!"
"Don't worry, sweetheart... I'll put out a report, using your scars as a reference, okay? I'll make sure all the officers keep their eyes peeled while on duty, too."
You had a bad feeling about your father's declaration, but you chose to believe it. While he searched for your future partner with law enforcement, you would be working to get your powers to be able to create a mental connection between you and your soulmate. That way, should the police fail in their search, you would be able to find them on your own and bring them home.
It had been a few months since your father assigned the police to the task of finding your tormented soulmate. You were still receiving scars and injuries because of the torment they were going through. He even had Batman, who seemed to have an idea as to who your mysterious partner was. Though, he wouldn't tell you or your dad... almost as if he regretted what happened to them. So far, the search was showing very little success. It wasn't long until the vigilante gave you a name... and an alter ego...
"Your soulmate... Their name is Jason Todd. He was kidnapped by the Joker. He's the second boy in my custody to take on the mantle of Robin... and I couldn't save him from getting captured." He told you in that low, gruff voice that most criminals shrieked at the sound of. But the way he spoke the last sentence was almost akin to the remorseful tone of a father figure.
"Oh my god. Do you have any idea where he could be? Any leads at all?" You asked, desperate to find Jason, now that you knew he was the one bonded to you by fate.
"I don't have any clues as where the Joker is keeping him. He could be anywhere in the city."
"Then we can't just sit around now, can we?" You then started concentrating your powers towards the one thing on your mind-Jason.
"(Y/N), what are you doing?!" Batman yelled, now having seen your hands surrounded by a flaming red glow and that you were steadily moving them towards your own head.
"I'm sorry, but I can't let him go through the torture anymore. He could die! I can't let that happen! I have to help him... in whatever way I can!" You continued to move your glowing hands towards your head.
"(Y/N), he's not going to die! I'm gonna make sure of that!"
"YOU DON'T KNOW THAT! You, me and almost everyone else in Gotham know what kind of evil that fucking Pennywise washup is capable of! No amount of medicine or therapy is gonna fix that bastard... and I'm not about to let my soulmate, my future partner, be his next victim!" With that, you pressed your fingertips into your scalp, sending the energy you conjured into your mind.
Within a split second, you saw a boy in the Robin costume screaming in agony. For help... for any kind of help...
In the background, you could hear the laughter of the Devil who had trapped him in his very own undeserved hell...
The pain became too much for you to handle and you suddenly blacked out, never getting the location of your missing soulmate, Jason Todd...
A/N: I might have this split in two routes. One where the Reader tries to save Jason, but fails, leading to Jason becoming the Arkham Knight without her knowing. The other route is when Reader finds Jason after Joker kills him (of course Y/N kicks Joker's ass and helps Jason) and they both go down the path of the Arkham Knight and (Y/N) becomes... actually, I'm gonna save that for Route B...
Edit: So, I changed my mind about what I'm doing for Route B because I want to do something different. (Y/N) is still gonna save Jason and stop the Joker, but it gonna end differently than what I had planned. However, if you still want to see my original plan for Route B, I might consider making it into a third Route, or Route C. Please let me know if that's what you want! Bye!~
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strawberrybabydog · 2 years
hello! so some anti otherkin people are telling me that ..”kin shifts and memories aren’t possible” “kin is only a relating to thing” “if you actually believed you’re that character you are delusional or a system in denial” .. and even though I’ve been alterhuman for years and possibly schizophrenic,, with the large amount of people saying were “delusional in denial” it makes me question the reality of things. the truth. they say “how is it not a delusion to believe you’re a character even if it’s non physical.. if it’s not recognized as a delusion then it should be because it obviously is” and idk what to say to them anymore I’m just confused bc people keep saying all otherkin are just in denial .. but then we tell the anti kin/DA community that *theyre* sometimes actually in denial about being otherkin and aren’t always actually having a delusion. so much different info makes me confused and stared im wrong and spreading misinfo if I say otherkin is not a delusion .. what is true? :(
oh hey! i responded to someone saying this exact thing (the sanism/bullying, not like, being worried about this) earlier today. i'd recommend going to read it because i'm not really gonna repeat much that i said there in this post & it covers Why People Should Not Be Saying This About Otherkin
Otherkinnity isn't and has never inherently been related to being delusional. any Otherkin person will tell you that, and i trust them to know more about their own community and identity than... anyone else. there are a few individuals who i know whose Otherkinnity is tied to their delusions in some way (hello beloved mutuals LOL,) but i really dont know very many people who identify in that way & even those who do will tell you that Otherkinnity is not inherently tied to delusions.
identities are literally barred from being considered delusions. here's your proof - this is a specific article i actually found this morning talking about the reason why faith isn't considered to be related to delusions, and thats just because it's a part of personhood which isn't inherently harmful to a person. and also that delusions are caused by mental illness and identity generally isn't, that too.
obviously there are some exceptions to personhood being tied to delusions, like me! but people like me are very far and few between. people saying things like "this may not be considered a delusion, but it should be" clearly know absolutely nothing whatsoever about delusions because... as i said above there's literally a reason that this isn't already a thing. delusions arent under researched. yeah - certain areas are under researched - but this isn't a specific area we're talking about, they're just talking about what defines a delusion and delusions in general. i mean, technically they are talking about a specific kind of delusion? the kind the i have? and if they did literally any research on it they'd find that it is actually a recognized thing but it's not recognized in the way they seem to think it is and learning this would really disappoint them. idk, maybe deep down they know that 1 minute on google will prove their whole argument wrong and thats why they dont use it. who knows lololol
i gotta say though, it is kinda weird to see this type of concerntroll/bullying rhetoric come back. especially from leftist spaces. you'd think they'd know better than to use a severe and debilitating mental illness that Real Actual People Live With as an insult, especially when the Real Actual People Who Live With It really dont like it when you use their name to tear other groups down & spread misinformation and stigma about them. either way, i'm really sorry that you're having these things told to you and it's such a distressing experience. you have my support and i hope that reading this helped a little at least :0)
in like the last 2 days this is the third time i've heard of someone saying this exact thing so i'm guessing someone popular on tiktok said it or something lol
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Oh they absolutely would have been.
Like, Jews were targeted in a very broad stroke, and the nazis were in no way rounding in favor of whiteness or gentile-ness or able-bodied-ness or anything else when they were deciding who was an undesireable. Standard practice was entire households being kidnapped, and Nazi eugenics often spoke of eliminating multiple generations forward and backward just to reeeeeeally scrub out any taint of the blood.
That said, it was ALSO fairly standard practice for the Nazis to take young children who happened to have idealized features from their "degenerate" families and try to raise them as good and honorable members of the aryan race, Hitler Youth, and National Citizenry. So like. Nazis were not known for being terribly consistent about their ethnic policies regardless. They basically did what suited them.
And listen. Even aside from the nazi's perspective on the issue, I want to be clear that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. Converts are no less Jewish than anyone else, and their racial and ethnic situation can get complicated as a result. After all, is an ethnic Jew merely someone born to a Jewish family? Only someone born to a Jewish mother? What about adult children of late-life converts?
There's a woman at my synagogue who, when she finished her conversion and had her ceremony, established her Jewish line as being her grandchildren forward because her adult children already had religious affiliation but had agreed with her that their children should have a place in their spiritual and cultural heritage from her. Are they now ethnic Jews?
Who fucking knows! Religious leaders and philosophers have only been discussing that for thousands of years, how much longer could it take?
But back to the more specific question here. Not the question of who is ~really~ a Jew or of who would ~count~ to the Nazis with their twisted, no-basis-in-reality eugenic policies. The question you're really getting at here is "did converts die/get collected in the holocaust and could they again or are people co-opting an experience they have no claim to". They answers to those questions are yes, yes, and no. Converts DID die in the Holocaust. They died as Jew and for being Jews even if/when the Nazis erased their conversion or the cultural inheritance of their children. If we have another genocide of the Jews, converts will die alongside us the same as they basically always have because it doesn't matter what the Nazis think they ARE it matters what they represent, and converts, as with all Jews, represent our faith, our traditions, and our bloodline, which is a problem for anyone trying to get rid of Jews. Converts cannot "co-opt" general Jewish experiences because they genuinely are Jewish.
I can understand where your frustration might be coming from. And it may be worth looking further into exactly what people are doing that is setting it off. Like is there something specific you're seeing certain converts say that's frustrating and still would be if they were ethnic Jews? Are you having trouble understanding how "Judaism as an ethnic community" plays into conversion and racial conversations? Are you a person of color who struggles with seeing white people talk cavalierly about genocide? Like there are any number of reasons why what you're seeing might frustrate you that are reasonable concerns, unrelated to the status of a convert, and there are plenty more that may be based in stereotypes or misinformation. Either way, it's worth exploring your feelings on this further.
But I do want to zero in on a phrasing you used that I think might be part of what's happening here. "Otherwise white converts" are still white. Their race did not change when they converted even if their bloodline is now more complicated than society's understanding of whiteness allows for. We have done ourselves a great disservice by abandoning the word and concept of xenophobia in favor of exclusively talking about race. There's a reason most research and academia and philosophical thought usually discusses BOTH race and ethnicity. The two often overlap but are not the same. A white Jew (convert or no, and for all there are some people on this site who insist it's not possible, I know waaaay too many Jews who consistently refer to their own white privilege as white people because shockingly some Jews are actually white even when they're also ethnic Jews) is still a Jew, and they still share our ethnicity. That brings with it more than enough xenophobia and other bigotry to complicate any white convert's understanding of racial politics. But white Jews are still also, racially, white. Again, regardless of being an ethnic jew or a white jew.
And even that's contextual! In the 40's, you for SURE would not have seen very many people referring to Jews as racially white, and the one-drop rule of racial segregationist policy still applies to most of us to this day (that is no matter how distant we are from our culture and faith, or how much inter-marriage we've done, us and our children are still Jewish in the eyes of our oppressors). But these days, many Jews identify as white, and certainly white converts do not suddenly become POC despite a lifetime of whiteness. In both cases, their access to white privilege may be limited or even null depending on context, but that doesn't make them POC.
I suspect that what you're struggling to reckon with here is the notion of "no such thing as a white jew" that tumblr's weird game of telephone has made commonplace combined with the notion of "white people can and do convert to judaism" and that cognitive dissonance is causing you to fixate your concerns here on the seemingly more straight forward convert part rather than the more complicated question of racial and ethnic identity. But to that I say: White Jews died in the holocaust too, and they died in the states at the hands of neo-nazi and white supremacist groups just the same as non-white Jews did.
If someone decides to come for us again, why do you think they will target my family? Because I'm Jewish? Because my partner is converting? Because my sibling is MENA? Because I married a black person? Because my children will be black by virtue of the one-drop rule? That my children will be Jewish by virtue of the one-drop rule? Because we're queer? Because we're mentally ill and disabled? Because we're political dissidents? Because we're poor? Because we have questionable citizenship? Because some of us are people of color? Because those of us who are white MARRIED people of color?
Do you really believe they would just pick one of those? Maybe for our trials. But they would collect us for each and every one of those charges. For the sum total of our existences. Every aspect of us is an insult to their philosophies, a threat to their worldview, and proof of our degeneracy. They could and would collect us for any single one of those reasons but the reality is that we are all of them.
Even if no one looking at me on the street knew I was Jewish, even if my name weren't attached to my synagogue and my money weren't funding their social justice efforts, I am still a race traitor for marrying a black person and committing miscegenation. My partner is still married to a Jew even if they stop conversion right this very second and renounce Judaism.
They don't hate our identities first and then try to prove we carry them. They hate US first and then justify it with any identity we hold.
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myriaddiscourse · 7 years
Ever wonder why those w/out gender dysphoria will say they're trans and obsess over it so much? Like I'm cis, so I don't know what GD feels like: but can imagine how debilitating it must be. Being cis, I rarely fuss over my gender unless I have to (as far as health and what not). It just isn't a thing to me. Yet there's all these transtrenders running around freaking out about it. I just don't understand. What do you think? PS- Only referring to trenders, not legitimate transgender people.
I can take a solid good two or three guesses.1) When they started radicalizing everything and claiming people are oppressors, they included trans issues in the mix. It's likely that they demonized being cis SO MUCH, that they were afraid of being ostracized by the community, because according to them, "cis people are all oppressors" and whatnot.2) They could have Munchausen Syndrome. This a disorder where you fake having a mental illness. It's not exactly known what causes the disorder, but it's theorized it could come about from negligence as a child. It's also difficult to diagnose it, since there's so much dishonesty going on and whatnot.Though, judging from the list of symptoms themselves, most trenders may probably not have it. You can read more about it here: http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/munchausen-syndrome and here: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/munchausen-syndrome3) They're just kids looking for attention. I remember being thirteen and faking having bipolar and schizophrenia, because I knew people would react. I'm not sure how much these folk can admit it to themselves, but I knew for the most part I was doing it for attention. Around that time, the main social media platforms I used were Flipnote Hatena (A drawing and animating app on the DSI), and Twitter. I was... Pretty lonely to say the least then. It wasn't always easy making friends for me on either, ESPECIALLY Twitter. I was lucky if I ever actually got any notifications on there. It's still up if you want to see just how bad it was: https://mobile.twitter.com/cplover158629 (And yes, it's creepypasta roleplay.)Yet I hardly never acted this way in real life. I had friends there. I wasn't ignored. I did sometimes, just to make people uncomfortable.So there's no doubt in my mind there some who are doing for attention.. Especially praise. On this website, you're basically an angel if you're trans. At least, as long as you don't disagree with the majority of trans leftists, haha.But I find it very disheartening seeing all these people choosing to be something they shouldn't be. Remember when I faked being mentally ill as a teen? I ended up getting anxiety and depression. It's highly likely that transtrenders are going to fuck up, whether it be developing mental illnesses, trying to transition and getting actual dysphoria, or even end up getting abused by violent transphobes/thrown in the streets.----------------Oh wait! I just remembered of one more possible point:4) They themselves may ACTUALLY have dysphoria, but don't know how to identify it, or just not understand what dysphoria even is. I wouldn't be surprised if many people were with the latter, seeing as to tucutes, dysphoria is just about "hating yourself 24/7" and that "we need to all experience dysphoria the same way", or so they imply, anyways, when it's literally just the amount of discomfort felt when your gender doesn't match your sex. This is because in our minds, we're cis of whatever gender we are. So the brain gets all worked up when it realises that our genitals differ from our gender. A man should not have a vagina, and vise versa. Either way, I also wouldn't be too surprised if a self proclaimed "non dysphoric" trans person transitioned and turned out fine, because that means they had it all along. However, it's very alarming by the amount of people who transition, get misdiagnosed, and end up having to detransition. That's certainly a good way to make TERFs, haha.In any case, I find it VERRRRY interesting how I have not seen any actual reasoning for a tucute defending non dysphorics. All I've seen is "They are because they are" or because "gender is a feeling"
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