#and then she watches over her soon-to-be granddaughter
luxaofhesperides · 2 months
the lost brother - damian
There is static in his ears.
There is a baby in his arms.
His niece. His niece from a brother dead before he was born. The daughter of Danyal, his mother's greatest regret, the ghost haunting his childhood, the brother he never got to have.
She is so small in his arms. Still. Quiet.
It frightens him, cradling such a fragile life in his arms. He's not good with most people, let alone a baby.
Danyal must have been truly desperate to leave her with him.
The voice makes the world come rushing back into place. Damian moves before he thinks, turning his body to shield his niece from danger, but it's only Red Robin standing before him. He stares, wide eyed, until Red Robin pushes his cowl back and Drake stands before him, expression carefully neutral. He doesn't look at the baby in Damian's arms. He only looks at Damian.
"Robin, come on. The Batmobile is right below us."
Damian hesitates, then follows Drake to the edge of the roof. He takes the fire escape down, landing carefully so he doesn't jostle the baby in his arms, and Drake grapples down a moment later, carefully maintaining the distance between them.
He knows it's to keep Damian from feeling trapped, and he's stupidly grateful, though he'll never say so.
The rest of the family will be a pain to deal with. They will demand answers he doesn't have, invade his space, insist on taking his niece from him. At least Drake is quiet and willing to observe without interference beyond getting them all home.
As promised, the Batmobile waits for them in the alley. Drake holds the door open and Damian slides in, adjusting his niece to make sure she's comfortable. She blinks up at him with dark blue eyes.
How strange. He had expected them to be green.
Drake drives them, speaking in short bursts into his comm. Damian brings a hand up to his own, realising rather belatedly that it's muted. Oracle must have grown annoyed at the barage of questions heading his way and silenced them for him.
He'll have to thank her later, once things have settled down.
For now, all his attention is on his little baby niece. What did Danyal say her name was?
Ellie Ellie Ellie.
She reaches up with a small hand, curious, and Damian offers a finger for her to latch on to. Her grip isn't strong, and her hand is small and barely warm.
He holds her closer for the rest of the ride home.
Father wants to take Ellie away for tests. Damian refuses to let go of her, going as far as leveling a sword at anyone who tries.
Drake is the only one who offers to only draw the barest minimum amount of blood for a DNA test, all while Damian holds her.
This, he accepts.
The others hover in his periphery, muttering amongst themselves, but Damian cares little for their thoughts and judgements. He was given Ellie for the sole purpose of caring for her. He will not fail in his duty. If it comes to it that he has to hide away with Mother for the rest of them to calm down, then he will. Surely she'll want to be involved with her granddaughter.
He'll have to tell her about Danyal, anyways.
Father stays at the computer, watching as the results load. He does not look away from the screen to even greet Ellie.
Damian pushes down his bitterness. He knows well the kind of man Father is, now. This is expected of him.
It's Richard that stays by him, hurrying across the Cave with an armful of diapers and baby clothes.
"I wasn't sure what to get, so I got a bit of everything," he explains, setting everything down on the cot where Damian sits with Ellie. Richard cut his patrol short as soon as Danyal left and made an emergency run to the nearest store with baby supplies, pulling sweatpants and a jacket over his Nightwing suit. The collar of the suit peeks out from beneath his jacket, and Damian is sure that it's only the late hour that kept anyone from asking too many questions while Richard was shopping.
"Thank you," Damian mutters. He sets Ellie down carefully, and she blinks up at him with tired eyes. Her face is round with baby fat, but not by much. "How do I…?"
"I think I know how to change a diaper," Richard offers, already pulling a fresh one out of the pack. He gets a small pack of baby wipes out of his pocket and quickly undoes the diaper on Ellie, wiping her down. Damian watches carefully, committing each step to memory as Richard changes her diaper and makes sure she's comfortable.
They're all out of their depths, Damian realizes. Have any of them actually cared for a baby? Pennyworth might have had some idea, and though he died a few years ago, the loss of him aches sharply even now.
"We'll have to figure out how old she is before we get any food for her," Richard murmurs, reaching out to brush a finger against her cheek. His eyes are soft, sad, and Damian lets out a slow breath, relived to know he can trust Richard with Ellie. "What happened?"
It's the question everyone's been asking him, and Damian has refused to answer each time.
But he will answer Richard.
"I saw a person on the edge of the roof as I patrolled. I went down to bring them to safety. He was… I had an older brother who died before I was born. But I know what he looks like. It was him, on that roof."
"You think he came back to life?"
"He must have. He was placed in a Lazarus Pit, but Mother said it didn't bring him back. Perhaps it just took time."
"What made you think it was him, if you've never met him?"
Damian thinks back. The man on the roof was a few years older than Drake, thin and worn-down. His eyes caught Damian's attention first; al Ghul's have very distinctive eyes, and it seems they both inherited that trait from Mother. Beyond that…
Lazarus Pits have magic in them. They wouldn't be able to do what they did without it. Those revived by Lazarus Pits carry some of it with them; it's not Pit Rage, which fades within an hour, but something else that leaves them on the boundary of inhuman. Damian grew up around the Pits and people who used them. He knows what the magic of the Pits feels like, and he could feel it in Danyal.
"I just knew," Damian answers. "Should Mother ever meet him, she'll be able to tell you the same thing: that was Danyal. And this is his daughter."
"Do you know why he left his daughter with you?"
"He asked if Batman was a good father. If I was safe here. Only then did he give Ellie to me."
"He could have stayed to," Richard says, sadness coloring his tone.
Damian doesn't respond. What could he say? Yes, Danyal could have stayed and joined them. He chose not to, for whatever reason. They have not found him yet, and Damian doubts they will find him any time soon.
Danyal is the first son of Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne. He will not be found until he wants to be.
Damian will have to wait until then.
The DNA results come back after eight rounds of testing.
Ellie is indeed Damian's niece.
The closest matches to her in the database are Damian and Bruce, which all but confirms that Danyal is indeed the first blood son of the Bat.
Father stares down at Ellie with an unreadable look on his face. He doesn't try to hold her; Damian doesn't know if he should be grateful for this or not.
"I have another son," he says. "And neither you nor your mother ever told me."
"He was dead," Damian answers, "What use would a dead child be to you? Even I never met him until tonight. He was gone long before I was born."
"He's still my son!"
"He's a stranger," Damian bites back. "Why do you pretend to care now? He has never been a part of our lives before. You won't even hold his daughter."
Father flinches back, just slightly, but it's enough to know that the barb hit. Damian gathers Ellie up into his arms and heads for the stairs. "I will be going to sleep now. Ellie will stay with me. You are welcome to stay down here to search for Danyal, or you can get some rest to join me in shopping for Ellie. I will call Mother. Good night."
The others don't have the decency to wait until he's completely out of the Cave before they begin shouting amongst themselves. Damian clicks his tongue and looks down at Ellie, who's sleeping peacefully.
"Let's hope you grow up to have more sense than them," he says to her.
He lays her on top of the blankets, then curls up next to her. It's a long time before he's able to fall asleep.
Mother calls first thing in the morning. Damian's barely had time to brush his teeth before his phone is ringing, and he has to rush to catch it before the call ends.
"Is it true?" she demands as soon as he answers, "Was it Danyal?"
Damian bites back a curse. He said he'd call her. It would have been best if he had been the one to break the news, rather than anyone else, but it doesn't surprise him that no one listened.
"It's true," he says. "Danyal was in Gotham last night. He left his daughter in my care before disappearing. I was unable to speak to him more."
"How can that be," she says, breathless, "It's been decades since his death. The Lazarus Pit never returned him to me."
"It was him. That's all I know."
There's a pause as his mother gathers her composure. Then she says, "I will be in Gotham in a week. I will not be kept out of my granddaughter's life."
"I will make sure we have a room ready for you."
"Good. Take care, habibi."
The call ends without any other fanfare. Damian drops his head with a sigh and tosses his phone back onto his desk.
On his bed, Ellie is sitting up, watching him curiously.
"You and your father have caused a lot of trouble already," he tells her, and she claps her hands together.
When he goes downstairs, he immediately makes note of Drake and Brown's presence with displeasure. His hopes for a quiet morning are dashed before he even reached the kitchen.
"There you are!" Brown says far too loudly. She bounds up to him, ignoring his scowl, and peers at Ellie. "Hm, I'd guess around nine to eleven months, accounting for FTT and some malnutrition."
"FTT?" he repeats.
"Failure to thrive. If infants aren't care for properly, which includes cuddling, then they just… don't grow as they should. They end up smaller and weaker than is expected for their age."
"I imagine she was not taken care of properly, wherever she was before. She wouldn't have been left with me otherwise."
Brown looks troubled, but she blinks it away and smiles when Ellie reaches up to grab at her nose. "Hello there," she says in a soft voice, "I'm your favorite aunt. Don't forget that, alright! I'm your favorite."
Damian pushes her away. "She has no favorites."
"Not yet, but it'll definitely be me when she does!"
"Don't you have anything better to do than bother me?"
"No. But, in all seriousness, me and Tim are here to help. He gave me a rundown and what happened and I still have a bunch of stuff from my pregnancy classes that can help you. We also got some baby food and milk and formula for the baby, since she'll need to eat and be burped. I can walk you through all of that so you can start getting some experience in baby care."
Ah. He had forgotten that Brown had once been pregnant. That she gave away her own baby.
It must be hard for her to be on the other end of that situation, to watch someone take in a baby whose parent couldn't properly care for her, to muster up a smile and all the information she has to make things better.
"I would… appreciate that, Brown."
"Good! Well, lesson one starts now."
She throws open the door to the kitchen, where Drake is pressing the tip of a feeding bottle against the inside of his wrist. "Come here," he says to Damian. "Hold out a hand."
Curious, Damian does as told, and watches as Drake pressed the warm tip of the bottle against his wrist, where liquid splots out onto his skin. "That's about how warm it should be when you feed her. Here." He presses the bottle into Damian's hands, and it takes some adjustment before he can feed Ellie, who starts off slowly, then with more energy.
Brown tosses a rag over his shoulder, and instructs him on how to burp Ellie once she's finished eating. She coughs up some formula, then settles back into his arms, eyes closing as she begins to doze.
"I'll handle shopping," Drake says. "You need a crib, right? Maybe some toys… Just text me a list, I'll get everything."
"Why are you doing all this?" Damian can't help but ask. "We are not exactly… close."
Drake blinks at him, as though he's confused. "Because a baby is a big responsibility. And just because we don't always get along doesn't mean we're not family. She's my neice too. Doesn't she deserve to have more people in her corner?"
Damian can't argue with that, so he nods and lets Drake go to buy whatever he thinks is necessary. Brown lingers in the kitchen, making breakfast for them both in between sneaking glances at Ellie. Usually being watched so obviously would have him on edge and snappy, but he understands the urge to keep looking; he also can't take his eyes off of Ellie.
For someone so small to go through such hardship already… he doesn't understand how anyone can look at her and not want to keep her safe.
He wonders if anyone is keeping Danyal safe.
As much as he wants to go after Danyal, search for his resurrected brother, Ellie takes priority.
She's the one who's here to stay, after all.
Father doesn't come up from the Batcave all day.
Damian tries not to hate him for it.
He doesn't think he succeeds.
(masterpost for all parts)
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
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Here are before/after pics of my two shorn llamas ✂ ✂ Pampoldine was the one with the most wool, which makes sense seeing as her father looks like a long-necked Komondor dog. I didn't shear Pampelune, she's my least woolly llama so I decided to leave her alone until next year, to her great satisfaction.
Shearing Poldine made me discover new aspects of her, like the fact that her tail is very impressive! It's not as striking when the rest of her is covered in equally thick hair but look at it now:
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I had tried to prepare Poldine in previous weeks by stroking her with a stick in increasingly annoying ways while going bzzzzzz (we had reached a point where her only reaction to being bothered in this way was glaring at me). I should have bzzz'ed louder, though. Or maybe bothered her with an electric toothbrush instead, or sat on the couch with her to watch youtube shearing tutorials together with the volume turned up—because when the moment came she was very alarmed by what an ugly noise the shears made. Every time I turned the thing off to reapply oil to the clippers then turned it on again she was like aaaahhh what's that noise all over again.
I bought cordless shears so I could shear her in the pasture, surrounded by the emotional support of her loving family, but as soon as they saw Poldine tied to a post and heard that ominous robotic wasp sound, Pampe & Pampy went okay Poldine it was nice knowing you! And left. Abandoning their daughter / granddaughter to her grim fate.
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(the very bad quality pics in this post are screenshots from bad quality videos) (oh and the grey fur you see at the bottom right is Pandolf's, my mum brushed him a few days ago. I promise I didn't shear Pandolf—although he would have probably volunteered, to share Poldine's suffering.)
Considering it was her first ever shearing, I think she was very brave and stoic! There was no spitting, no dramatic hyperventilating, no attempts to lie down on the ground and play dead as llamas sometimes do. (But wait for Part II.) She just danced around a lot to escape the shears, and made plaintive HMM sounds in a vain attempt to awaken some deeply-buried maternal instinct in Pampérigouste. Who never came.
The only (tiny) incident was when Poldine stepped towards me as I was shearing (surprising; she kept moving away before) so I took advantage of this spark of goodwill to lean over her back to shear on the other side, and then she abruptly stepped away and almost made me fall !
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This second pic is the most malevolent Poldine has ever looked. She looks just like her mother!
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But other than that, it went really well. The process was long and tiring (the shears get heavy after a while) and I kept discovering hidden unshorn spots when I thought I was almost done (look at these Niagara Falls of wool in the pic below!), but Poldine was very sweet. I didn't insist too much on her legs or under her belly as those were her least favourite parts, and I also left a little goatee at the top of her neck so she can stroke it pensively and look wise, and I gave her muesli afterwards and she gave me a kiss, no hard feelings. I couldn't have asked for a better llama partner for my first shearing.
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My second shearing, however.
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(Continued in Part II...)
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bethsvrse · 1 month
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PAIRING Hugh Jackman x actress!reader
SUMMARY a whisper challenge at your interview for your new movie has a special surprise
WARNINGS little spicy at the end but other then that it’s just fluff
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The lights brighten, the band strikes up a tune, and the studio audience is buzzing with excitement. Jimmy Fallon’s voice cuts through the noise with his signature infectious energy.
“Welcome back, everyone!” Jimmy Fallon’s voice booms over the studio, pulling the crowd’s attention back to the stage. “Tonight, we have a very special guest with us! She’s an incredible actress, a producer, a writer, and she just so happens to be starring in the new film Little Light. Please give it up for Y/N Jackman!”
You step onto the stage, beaming as the audience erupts into cheers and applause. You wave, offering them that warm, genuine smile you’ve perfected over the years. Settling into the guest chair, you take a moment to appreciate the atmosphere—there’s something so alive about being on Jimmy’s show.
Jimmy beams at you, leaning forward in his chair, the playful glint in his eyes unmistakable. “I have to say, Y/N, it’s great to have you back. You’re always such a fun guest, and now you’re starring in Little Light — which I’ve heard so many incredible things about. It’s a powerful story.”
You nod, crossing one leg over the other as you settle in. “Yes, uh Little Light is really close to my heart. It’s about a mother who experiences a miscarriage and finds an unexpected connection with her neighbor’s granddaughter, who’s staying with her grandmother for the summer.”
Jimmy nods, looking thoughtful. “That sounds like such a moving story, I’m so excited to watch it. And—if I’m not mistaken—you’re starring in the movie alongside your own daughter, River?”
A smile crosses your face, a mix of pride and affection filling your voice. “Yes, that’s right. River plays the granddaughter in the film, and she’s absolutely phenomenal. I mean, I’m biased, obviously, but she blew me away on set. She’s 16 now and really coming into her own as an actress. She’s got such natural talent, and working with her… it’s been such an incredible experience.”
The audience lets out a collective “aww,” and Jimmy grins, his eyes widening in that playful way he has. “Sixteen?! She’s already acting with her mum—how cool is that?”
“Yeah, sixteen going on thirty, I swear,” you joke, shaking your head with a smile. “But, to be honest, it hasn’t been easy. With her rising career, my work, Hugh’s work, we’re constantly on the move. It’s hard to balance everything sometimes. And right now, she’s back at the hotel, actually. She wasn’t feeling too great, so she’s watching this on TV, probably critiquing every word I say.” You chuckle and wave at the camera. “Hey, sweetie! Get well soon, I love you.” You added with a small kiss to the camera.
Jimmy leans forward conspiratorially. “So, does she give you notes after interviews like this?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you reply, grinning. “She’ll text me after every appearance like, ‘Mum, why did you say that?’ or ‘You looked a bit awkward there.’ She’s brutally honest. But I love it.”
Jimmy laughs along with you before shifting in his chair. “You know, something else I heard… and you can tell me if this is true… you haven’t seen Hugh in almost a year?”
“Sadly, that is correct,” you say with a wistful sigh. “With Little Light being an Australian movie, we filmed it there—which, don’t get me wrong, was absolutely amazing to be back home—but it meant that River and I were always across the world. We’d typically be filming in America, so a 10-hour flight was manageable to visit Hugh. But an 18-hour one? Neither of us could do it with filming so it’s been tough. FaceTime has been our best friend at the moment,” you joked with a small laugh, trying to lighten the tension in the room that Jimmy could definitely feel, not so much the audience though.
Jimmy looks genuinely sympathetic. “That’s gotta be so hard, especially after all this time together. But you two… you’ve been through a lot, and you always seem to make it work.”
You nod appreciatively. “We do. We’ve been married for a long time now, and we’ve gotten pretty good at the long-distance thing. But it’s never easy. The reunions, though… those are always something special.”
After some more laughs and talking about the movie, it’s time for the commercial break. You sip some water, chatting briefly with Jimmy off-camera, as the stagehands move around preparing for the next segment.
As the cameras roll back on, Jimmy is already in game mode. “Alright, Y/N! You know we love to play games here, so I figured we’d try something a little fun,” he says, holding up a pair of headphones.
You laugh softly, already anticipating whatever wild challenge is coming. “Oh boy, what have you got in store for me, Jimmy?”
“We’re gonna play the ‘Whisper Challenge!’” he announces, holding up the headphones for the audience to see. “I’m going to wear these headphones and try to guess what you’re saying while I listen to loud music, then it’ll be your turn. Sound good?”
You nod, leaning back in your chair with a playful glint in your eyes. “Sounds great!“
Jimmy slips on his headphones and gives you a thumbs-up. The music starts blasting in his ears, and you mouth the phrase silently, moving your lips in exaggerated fashion.
Jimmy squints at you, clearly baffled. “Uh… Salad dressing?” he guesses.
The audience erupts into laughter as you shake your head, mouthing the phrase again.
“Santa’s resting?” Jimmy tries again, causing another round of laughter.
You give him one more exaggerated mouth of the phrase. “Shopping center?” He said confused, “I’m so bad at this,” he said, much more loudly then he meant form the music coming from his head phones.
You repeated the words once more, putting on as much emphasis as you could and you watched as Jimmy’s face lit up. “Little Light! Little Light!” He said excitedly before taking off his headphones, “it was little light right?” He asked almost worried.
You let out a small laugh with a nod, “yes, yes it was little light.”
“Whew! I was worried I’d never get that one. I wasn’t even close as well, Santa’s resting? Where did I get that,” Jimmy chuckles, slipping off his headphones and shaking his head in amusement. “Alright, your turn!”
He hands you the headphones, and as you place them over your ears, you give him a grin. The loud music blasts into your ears almost immediately, and you can't help but laugh to yourself—this was definitely River’s favorite song. She’d been playing it nonstop in the car, at home… pretty much everywhere.
Jimmy raises his voice slightly to speak over the music, “What’s playing?”
You respond without thinking, still adjusting the headphones so they were no longer on your ears. “What? Oh shit—wait, are we playing yet?! Sorry for swearing! My bad!” you blurt out, the apology spilling out before you even register Jimmy laughing across from you.
“No, no! You’re good!” Jimmy reassures you, still chuckling. “I asked you what song was playing.” He repeated
“It’s murder on the dance floor,” you answered, “River absolutely loves this song.” You added, flashing him a sheepish grin before putting the headphones back on. The game begins, and as Jimmy starts mouthing words, you do your best to concentrate, squinting as if that might help you somehow decipher the movements of his lips.
“your husband is behind you.” He said, emphasing the word.
You tilt your head, not quite catching what he said. “The tour is behind me? What?” You shrug, honestly still a little distracted by the music.
The audience suddenly bursts into loud cheers, and you notice the energy in the room shift. Your brow furrows in confusion as you glance back at Jimmy, who’s now practically glowing with excitement. He repeats himself slowly, exaggerating every word, “YOUR HUSBAND… IS BEHIND YOU.”
Before you can even process what he’s saying, you feel a pair of hands gently land on your shoulders. You jump slightly, your headphones slipping off as you whirl around—only to see Hugh standing right there, grinning down at you.
Your eyes go wide, your mouth falling open in shock. Without thinking, you spin in your chair, shifting to kneel on the cushion so you can throw your arms around him. The audience erupts into applause and cheers as you hug him tightly, not even caring that you’re half-perched on the chair. You squeeze your eyes shut for a second, savoring the moment of finally having him close after so long apart.
Hugh chuckles softly, his voice warm and full of affection. “Missed me?”
You pull back just enough to look up at him, still in disbelief. “You have no idea,” you whisper, your smile so big it almost hurts. “Oh my god.”
Jimmy laughs, clapping his hands together as the audience’s cheers grow louder. "Hugh Jackman, everybody!" he calls out, standing up and joining in the applause.
Hugh gives a small wave to the audience before turning his attention back to you. You’re still in shock, hands covering your mouth as you try to comprehend what just happened. The cameras catch every second of your raw, genuine reaction, and it’s clear to everyone that this moment means everything to you.
Jimmy, ever the showman, grins and says, “I think we just had the best Whisper Challenge moment in history right here!”
You laugh, watching as Hugh comes to sit next to you. “I did not expect that. You sneaky bastard,” you joke, playfully swatting his arm.
Hugh chuckles, his arm resting behind you. “I figured I’d surprise you, and when Jimmy reached out to me about it, I thought, ‘Why not?’ It’s been way too long.”
Jimmy leans forward, loving every second of this wholesome interaction. “So, Hugh, how did you manage to keep this a secret from Y/N?”
“Oh, it wasn’t easy,” Hugh admits, smirking. “I had to avoid every FaceTime call for the last few days so I wouldn’t slip up. But it was worth it.”
You shake your head, still smiling, feeling your heart swell with happiness. “I can’t believe you pulled this off.”
Hugh chuckles, taking your hand in his. “It was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.”
Jimmy sits back down, looking at Hugh with newfound enthusiasm. “Alright, Hugh, now that you’re here, I’ve gotta ask—how excited are you to see Little Light?”
Hugh’s eyes light up. “Oh, I’m thrilled! I’ve seen some early footage, and it’s incredible. I tried to get Y/N to show me more but she won’t budge.”
You laugh, looking over at him lovingly, “just because your my husband doesn’t mean you get special treatment.” You teased
“I showed you unreleased Deadpool and Wolverine footage!” Hugh defended with a smile.
“You wanted to! You said you desperately needed someone to talk to about it because Ryan was annoying you.” You replied
“I did not say that. Stop putting words in my mouth,” he says with a small shake of his head but still having a smile on his face.
“I’m not putting words in your mouth! If anything River is because she told me that’s what you said on the phone!” You said, Hugh letting out a laugh, muttering of course she did under his breath.
“Speaking of River, what do you think about her acting career? I mean, she’s following in her parents’ footsteps in a big way.” Jimmy asked with a smile
Hugh’s face softens with pride as he talks about his daughter. “I’m incredibly proud of her. She’s got so much talent and dedication. Watching her grow and develop her craft has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. She’s worked so hard, and seeing her succeed is just amazing. We have to get all of us in a film together.” He added with a soft laugh.
“I’m sure she’s jumping up and down in the hotel room because she gets to see her dad again.” Jimmy smiles.
“I can actually call her,” Hugh mentions casually as he brings out his phone.
“Oh my god, yes.” Jimmy nodded, leaning in as it rang.
“You can get mad at her for being sick,” you told Jimmy with a smirk.
The phone rings a few more times before River picks up, her voice immediately full of energy. “Oh my god,I can’t believe you’re here!” She explained happily. “I wish I was there. Why the hell did I have to be sick today of all days.” She sighed, “I do have to say that if you don’t come straight to the hotel after the interview I will genuinely never speak to you again.”
Hugh laughs softly, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "You heard that, right? No pressure or anything." He looks at you and Jimmy with a grin.
"She’s got you wrapped around her little finger, doesn’t she?" Jimmy teases, leaning forward as if he’s sharing a secret.
You nod, chiming in with a smirk, “Completely. He doesn’t stand a chance.”
River’s voice comes through the speaker, playfully annoyed. “Mum, don’t gang up on him! I’m sick, remember?”
“Oh trust me, I know,” you say, feigning seriousness. “I’m the one who had to watch The Office with you for the past two days.”
Hugh chuckles, shaking his head. “You love it, admit it.”
“I do, I do, I got to baby her again so it was great,” you confess with a laugh, before addressing River again. “Alright, sweetie, we’ll come straight to the hotel after this, I promise.”
“You’d better,” River replies, her tone softening. “Love you both. Get through the rest of the interview, then come hang out with your sick daughter.”
“Love you too,” Hugh says before hanging up the call, slipping his phone back into his pocket. He leans back in his chair, looking content. “She’s always keeping us on our toes.”
Jimmy smiles warmly, looking between the two of you. “I’ve gotta say, you three are the definition of family goals. I love it.”
You glance at Hugh, sharing a knowing look before turning back to Jimmy. “We’re pretty lucky, that’s for sure.”
“Well, I think that’s a perfect note to wrap things up. Y/N, Hugh, thank you both so much for being here. It’s been an absolute pleasure. And Hugh, it’s always great to have you. Don’t forget, everyone—go see Little Light in cinemas August 14th, and mark your calendars for Deadpool and Wolverine on July 26th!” Jimmy says with a large smile.
The interview wraps with a warm round of applause, and as soon as the cameras stop rolling, you and Hugh exchange quick smiles with Jimmy before stepping off the stage. The lights dim, and the lively hum of the audience fades into the background as you make your way toward the backstage area. Hugh’s arm wraps around your waist, drawing you closer as you navigate the narrow hallway.
As soon as you’re inside the dressing room, the tension hits like a wave. Hugh’s hand doesn’t leave your side, fingers brushing your waist like he’s scared you’ll slip away again. The door barely clicks shut before his lips crash into yours—no hesitation, no holding back, just pure need after a year of waiting.
You melt into him immediately, your hands flying up to grip his shoulders, fingers digging in as if you need to make sure he’s solid, that this isn’t just another dream of him that you’ll wake up from alone. The kiss deepens, hot and urgent, months of distance and longing pouring into it. The way he holds you, like he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he lets go, makes your heart skip.
Your back hits the door with a thud, and you can’t help but smile into the kiss, breathless but teasing as you mumble against his lips, “You know... someone might hear us.”
His lips curve into a grin, and he pulls back just enough to look at you, forehead resting against yours, his eyes dark with hunger. His hands slide down your body, fingers tightening at your hips, pulling you closer until there’s not an inch of space between you. “Let them,” he breathes, voice low, almost a growl. “I don’t give a damn. I’ve waited a whole fucking year for this. For you. Let the whole world hear.”
Your laugh comes out soft, shaky, your heart pounding in your chest like it’s trying to keep pace with his. You let your hands wander down his chest, feeling the hard muscle beneath his shirt, the steady thud of his heartbeat beneath your fingertips. “I missed you too,” you whisper, eyes locked on his. Then you pull him back into a kiss—this one slower, more deliberate, but still burning with the intensity that’s been building for far too long.
Every touch, every brush of his lips against yours, feels like it’s pulling you deeper into him, and for the first time in what feels like forever, you let yourself give in. His hands explore, tracing your sides, your back, reacquainting themselves with every inch of you. You respond in kind, your hands sliding beneath his shirt, fingers mapping the familiar lines of his torso, rediscovering every scar, every dip and ridge of muscle.
The kiss breaks only when you’re both gasping for air, but even then, neither of you pulls away. You rest your head against his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breathing, and for a moment, the world fades away. It’s just the two of you, the rest of the universe outside that door forgotten.
He presses a kiss to the top of your head, his arms wrapping around you, holding you tight as if he can’t believe you’re really here. “I thought about you every day,” he admits, his voice barely a whisper, rough with emotion. “I couldn’t stop. I tried. But nothing... nothing feels right without you.”
Your heart clenches at his words, and you pull back just enough to meet his eyes, your hands cupping his face. “I know,” you whisper back, your voice soft but steady. “Me too.”
He kisses you again, slower this time, like he’s savoring every second, every inch of you. It’s not just about need anymore—it’s about the connection, about being with the one person who feels like home. You don’t need to speak; the way his hands hold you, the way his lips move against yours, says it all.
Looks like River might need to hold off a bit longer before she gets to see her dad again.
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cameronluvr · 4 months
BABY DADDY PART 2 — exbf!dad!rafe x mom!reader
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summary: after rafe refuses to let you take the baby home, you call his dad and ask for his help. ward is the only person you know that can take control of rafe and calm him down.
warnings: toxic!rafe, arguing, angst, mentions of cocaine, mostly ward x rafe but rafe x reader towards the end, rafe is less toxic in this part — lmk if i missed any 𐙚
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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you sit in your car outside rafe’s place, not daring to drive away knowing that your daughter isn’t in safe hands. you only know one person that can help you right now, and that’s ward. as crazy as ward can be sometimes, he is always willing to help protect you and his granddaughter when rafe gets too much.
you dial ward’s number in your phone, and he picks up almost straight away. “hey y/n, you ok?” he asks on the other end. “hi, uh… actually i sort of need your help. rafe’s— uh, in one of his moods again… and he has drugs lying around and is refusing to give y/d/n back to me.” you explain the situation to ward.
“he what?— i’ll be right over.” he tells you before hanging up. you sigh, putting your phone down in your lap and resting your head on the steering wheel in front of you, anxiously waiting for rafe’s dad to get there.
less than ten minutes later, he pulls up, parking his car behind yours. you saw him open the door and get out, so you do the same. “you alright?” ward walks up to you, rubbing your arm to try cheer you up. you looked awful. your eyes were red and wet, as well as your cheeks. “no, i just want her back” you shake your head, your lips quivering as you try to hold back tears.
“stay here, okay? i’ll go get her.” he tells you, seeing you nod. he walks up to the house, so you get back in your car and watch him through the window. ward wasn’t the greatest dad to rafe, but he wanted what’s best for you and your child, his granddaughter. he knows that rafe doesn’t treat you as well as he should, and thinks you deserve better.
ward knocks on the door, and rafe answers shortly after, holding the no longer crying baby in his arms. “oh, really?” he scoffs knowing you had called his dad. “yes, really, rafe. what the fuck are you doing?” he asks, looking at his son with disappointment, wanting to hear his side of the story.
“i’m not doing nothin’, dad, she was yelling at me, she made the fuckin’ baby cry, so i ain’t givin’ her back.” rafe looks his dad in the eye as he speaks, shaking his head. “why was she yelling at you, rafe?” ward asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
… no answer.
“huh? why, son?” he asks again, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from him. rafe rolls his eyes and sighs loudly, not necessarily wanting to say the reason. ward shakes his head and invites himself into the house, walking past rafe. “come in…?” rafe sarcastically mumbles to himself as he shuts the door with his free hand.
ward walks around the place to look for the drugs you were talking about. logically, rafe would’ve gotten rid of the evidence as soon as you left, but he didn’t get rid of all of it. the lines of cocaine were gone, but the bag was still there, indicating that he sniffed it when you left, but ward doesn’t know about that.
ward locks eyes onto the bag of coke, and walks over to it to snatch it from the coffee table. “really, rafe?!” ward raises his voice at his son, but not loud enough to scare the baby, she’s already witnessed enough fighting and yelling today.
“dad,” rafe whines like a child, as if he isn’t holding his own in his arms. “don’t dad me, are you kidding me?” ward’s eyebrows raise, and eyes widen in anger and shock, holding the bag in front of him.
“… rafe. you have a baby in your arms right now, and you’re high off this shit?” ward asks, sighing. “i’m not high.” rafe shakes his head, but ward knows he is. “right, okay. give me the baby” ward huffs, holding out his arms.
“no, why?” rafe asks, holding her back just like he did when you tried to take her. “because, she needs her mom. she’s worried sick outside, she’s crying… she just wants y/d/n back.” ward sighs as he explains, just wanting his son to understand and comply, not excuse and argue.
“she made her cry—”
“you had cocaine lying around with her child in here. you don’t think she has a reason to fucking yell at you?” ward asks, defending you, not him.
“she’s my child too!” rafe argues, pointing to himself with his free hand.
“i know, rafe, but a good dad wouldn’t put their child in danger like that.” ward says. “oh, and you were the most perfect dad, yeah?” rafe scoffs a laugh. “i know i wasn’t, son, and i’m sorry about that, okay? but can you please just give me the baby so y/n can take her home? do you really want her to think about her father the same way you think of me?” ward asks, holding out his arms, waiting for rafe to hand the kid over.
rafe really thinks about what his dad just said. he realizes that he really doesn’t want his baby girl to grow up and hate her dad, just like how he hated his dad for always mistreating him, leaving him out, and telling him to man up. he sighs after a few moments of silence, giving his daughter a kiss on the cheek before finally deciding to hand her over to ward.
“hi, sweet girl,” he softly says to her, gently taking her from rafe’s arms to hold her in his, smiling at her and kissing the top of her head. “thank you, son” he looks at his son as he holds his granddaughter on his hip, giving rafe a proud look. rafe nods, realizing he did the right thing.
“y/n’s waiting outside, so… i should go.” ward tells rafe, seeing him nod again. they both walk over to the door and rafe opens it, ward exits and stands in the doorway with the kid on his hip. “i love you, son, okay? remember that” ward tells him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “yeah…” rafe nods. he had never experienced much affection from his dad, so it was mostly unfamiliar to him.
as for you, you look out your car window to see rafe and ward at the door, and thankfully ward has your baby. you get out of your car, walking up the driveway to meet ward halfway. he hands the little girl to you, who is already looking at you with a grin and grabby hands. you quickly take her, mouthing a “thank you” to ward before he turns to talk to his son for a moment.
you walk back to your car to place your daughter in her car seat, sitting her down and strapping her up, making sure she has everything she needs. you place a pacifier in her mouth before giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek, turning around to see ward walking towards you, rafe following a bit behind him. “thank you, again, ward…” you say quietly, not wanting rafe to overhear and belittle you over it later. you know how unpredictable he can be.
“don’t worry about it, just glad she’s okay,” he says, giving you a little hug before saying goodbye to the baby in the car. “see you soon my little princess,” he rubs his granddaughters cheek with his finger, watching her smile at him. he takes his head out of the car, and says goodbye to you before heading back to his car.
rafe approaches you now, sighing as he silently walks up. “… i’m sorry” he seemed hesitant to say, it wasn’t ok, but he is still your baby’s father, whether you like it or not.
“… just, don’t do that shit around my daughter again, okay? because you seriously won’t be seeing her—”
“i won’t,” he cuts you off. “okay? i won’t. i’m sorry.” he says, surrendering his hands up in front of him. “good.” you cross your arms, nodding as you accept his apology.
he walks past you, and walks to the open car door behind you, where your daughter sat in the backseat, strapped and ready to go. she has a plushie toy in her hand she’s playing with, so rafe reaches down and giggles at the sight of her.
“daddy loves you, princess, m’kay? i’ll be better, for you” he says like she can understand him, giving her a kiss on the head before standing back up to close the door, turning around to face you again.
you stand with your arms crossed over your chest, and a slight smile on your face. “you mean that?” you ask, seeing him nod. “i’ll change, y/n. i realized i don’t want her to grow up with a shitty dad… like mine was,” he sighs. he loved his dad, but he sure was toxic.
“i’ll change for you, too, y’know…” he scratches the back of his head. you aren’t together, but he wants the best for his daughter, and that means keeping you happy, too.
you smile, opening your arms for a small hug. he accepts it, loosely wrapping his arms around your back to hug you. “i’ll see you soon, ‘kay?” you ask, seeing him nod. you walk around to the drivers side, getting in the car and putting your belt on.
you drive away, sighing at what had just happened. you’ve heard those words a thousand times from him in the past, you don’t know why you’re expecting him to keep his promises now that you have a kid together, but you sure as shit hope he changes. for the baby.
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IDK WHY I ALWAYS MAKE RAFE LESS TOXIC IN THE 2ND PART OF EVERY STORY 💀 but nonetheless, i hope you guys enjoy part 2! .𖥔 ݁ ˖ let me know what you think in the comments. LOTS OF LOVE <33 — PS, NOT PROOFREAD, COULD BE MULTIPLE MISTAKES LOL, JUST IGNORE HAH
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bluesidez · 5 months
Firefighter!Miguel Part 2
content warning: the urge to use AAVE was slipping through the nerves of my fingers. I tried to hold off, so if you see something that looks grammatically different, then it’s probably AAVE that I couldn’t NOT add. this is all fluff too! there are also mentions of food, but that's a norm for these drabbles
word count: 2.2k, proofread! (I think there's no mistakes 😭)
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“Eileen! Is that you?!”
You internally groaned as your grandma hopped out of the motorized shopping cart to greet yet another person.
The trip to the grocery store to buy ingredients turned into a meet & greet with the star being your grandmother knowing everyone in the town.
You felt loopy, going from almost burning down your house to contemplating whether or not the hot fire captain would prefer yams or potato salad. Maybe both?
You grumbled to yourself as you scanned the aisle for a specific brand of cookies for some banana pudding. If all else fails, this was a dessert you could make with no oven.
“And now we’re here, trying to find this child something to cook with,” you heard your grandma fuss out. Why did your business have to be the topic of the conversation?
You turned and walked the short distance to your grandma and another woman who was….her old coworker? Her church member? Or maybe they went to school together….
“Good morning Ms. Eileen,” you say, thankful that you caught her name. You couldn’t keep up with everyone like your grandma.
“Is this the baby?!” she says, shocked eyes going from you to your grandma and back to you.
Your grandma nodded, a smile growing on her face.
“Child, I haven’t seen you since you were this little!” she says, holding her hand about 2 feet off the ground. She turns back to your grandma, “This can’t be the baby!”
You stand there with your lips in a line as you wait for the realization that at least two decades have gone by since you’ve last seen her.
Or more like since she’s seen you. You’re still trying to gather who she is.
“Yeah, this is my grandchild! All grown up and now we’re trying to win over a husband,” your grandma says, shaking your arm.
You wanted a hole to swallow you up or possibly grow some wings so that you could take flight. Anything to get out of this conversation.
“A husband?!” Ms. Eileen smiles mischievously. “Who are you trying to marry?”
“Honey, this child got the Fire Chief ringing my doorbell!”
“He’s actually the Fire Captain-” you mumble, trying to get your two cents in
Ms. Eileen holds your hands and starts doing an excited bounce as she vocalizes her excitement.
“I need to get right then if we’re fixin’ to have a wedding!” she said, gesturing to her hair as if to fix it.
“It’ll be soon! Just wait and see!” your grandma says, putting her hands back on the handlebars of the car. “Let us go on and buy the rest of this stuff. We’ve got a lot to do. It was good to talk with you!”
Your grandma starts to move forward, somewhat ignoring Ms. Eileen as she started to open her mouth again.
“Leave me some of that food ok?” she calls out.
“If there’s any left, I’ll let you know!” your grandma says as she turns down the aisle.
You chase after her, waving to Ms. Eileen as you leave.
“Who was she again?” you ask as you two go down a new aisle.
“Eileen Wilkins from the school.” So she was a coworker! “She still doesn’t know how to stop talking, though.”
Your laugh sneaks out of you as you watch your grandma stop at some seasonings.
“Why do you say that? You were keeping the conversation up.”
“I was just being nice! It was fine until she started bragging about that granddaughter of hers. That girl doesn’t know her left from her right. How she make it to nursing school?”
“Maybe she’s a hard worker!” you respond.
Your grandma snorts, “Yeah. Working hard at paying somebody else to do her work.”
You just shake your head at your grandma. What are you going to do with this woman?
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“Will you call the number already?”
“I don’t really want to do that,” you say, tapping your foot against the ground.
This would be the fourth station within the area that you called with no record of a "Captain O'Hara." You were starting to believe that you and your grandma made him up. Just a small figment of both of your imaginations. What your grandma saw as a suitor and what you saw as a hot guy just trying to do his job.
"You need to want to call," your grandma, responds. "We didn't get all of this food made for nothing. And you're wearing my good necklace! He won't know what hit him when sees you."
You both decided on soul food. Tin pans full of food for the entire crew from greens to mac to fried catfish. Then, there was a hefty styrofoam takeout plate made especially for him. Your banana pudding for him in a tupperware container with Nilla wafers patterned along the side.
Not to mention, you spent an unhealthy amount of time deciding which scent you should wear.
You looked infinitely better than you did when he last saw you with ingredients dusting your front and smoke coming out of your windows.
Still, it would all be for nothing if you couldn’t find his station.
While yon were staring off, your grandma tapped your phone, impatience riddling her frame.
“Grandma!” you shout, holding your phone as if it were a game of hot potato.
“Just ask if he’s there!” your grandma says.
“That’s not how this works-”
“Station 29, this is Captain O’Hara speaking.”
“Hi! Hello,” you turn back to the phone in a rush, embarrassed that he might have heard you and your grandma. You introduce yourself properly this time, saying that you wanted to bring some dinner down to the crew.
You hear a noise of shock as he starts to speak again, “That would be amazing actually. The crew was just trying to decide what to eat. When can we expect you?”
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” you say, a little too quickly to be honest.
“Perfect. We’ll see you then!”
You end the call and look up to your grandma who’s staring at you with a small smile.
“Now you tell him to bring back my good tupperware,” she says, instantly switching back to her regular self.
You just shake your head. Grandmas will be grandmas.
“I’m just trying to get you a good man!” she fussed. “And that’s my good tupperware. He’ll hear from me until I get it back.”
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“And who were you just on the phone with? You’re smiling real hard there.”
“Shut up Parker,” Miguel fired back. “And why are you even in here. Aren’t you supposed to be washing T29 right now?”
“I finished that an hour ago, thank you very much. You’re so touchy!”
Miguel got up and shuffled Peter out of his office, “I’m not touchy. You’re just irritating me like usual.”
“Oh my god? You do have someone you’re talking to,” Peter says as he digs his feet into the ground, stopping Miguel. “How come you didn’t tell me? Is it that lady with the tree-loving cat? No! It’s the guy whose dog keeps getting stuck in the wall! There’s a theme here.”
“No, I’m not- Will you move? I’m not dating anyone with daredevil pets,” Miguel responded, trying to push Peter in a new spot.
“Cap is dating?” Ben asks as he walks by the two bickering like cats. “When can we see them?”
“I’m not dating-”
“Miguel! You didn’t tell me anything,” Jess says as she comes down the hallway.
“Why won’t you ever address me as Captain?”
“I will if you tell me who you’re dating,” she says with a smile on her face.
“I’m going to lose my mind,” Miguel mumbles, letting Peter fall to the ground instead of fighting him.
“Well if you weren’t talking to your lover, who was that?” he asks from the ground, the wind knocked out of him.
“While you all were slacking, I was making sure that everyone goes home with a full stomach. Remember the kitchen fire from earlier this week? They’re bringing some food for us.”
“Will it be safe to eat?” Ben says, eyes flittering to Jess nervously.
“It was a broken gas line, you idiot,” Jess says with her mouth turned sideways. “At least wait until the food is here before you judge it.”
“No way,” Peter says from the ground. “You put them in your lap and now they’re bringing you food.”
Miguel lightly kicks Peter in the thigh, making him scream out a scale of keys.
“That face gets so many people,” Jess sighs annoyingly.
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Firefighter!Miguel who jogs out to the car when you arrive. No, he wasn’t watching the clock or his cameras. He just happened to see some movement in one of the security cameras.
He opens the door for you, helping you out of the car.
It’s like you’re a totally different person from the frantic little baker from earlier.
“Can you help me get the plates out of the trunk?” you say, voice barely reaching his ears with how soft you’re speaking.
“Of course,” he replies.
He manages to carry all four hot tins of food, leaving you with just two plastic bags to carry.
Firefighter!Miguel who places the tins on the table with ease.
“Is there anything else?” Peter asks, walking up to his side.
“No, I think this was all of the tins,” Miguel replied with his hands on his hips.
“Show off,” Peter whispers with a smile on his face. He patted his shoulder and walked towards the entrance.
Miguel blushed, realizing how that might have read to you.
Firefighter!Miguel whose eyebrows raise as you hold him back from getting in line, a plastic bag aimed towards him.
“I made you a separate plate. You were especially kind to me and I wanted to show my appreciation,” you say with a smile on your face.
“Thank you,” he says, taking the bag. “Should I give you the verdict?”
Your heart beats faster, watching his pretty face light up. You nod your head, hopeful that he’ll love the food.
Firefighter!Miguel who has you sit next to him at the table. The crew is quiet for once. Nothing but smacks and the shuffling of cups could be heard.
“Don’t be rude, guys. Say thanks,” Miguel chides at his crew.
At the sound of his voice, everyone starts thanking you profusely.
Miguel starts to open his bag and you feel like you could break out in a sweat.
You watch as he opens the plate and his eyes go big.
“Hey, how come he gets the extra stuff?” Ben whines from the end of the table.
Jess elbows him to shut him up, eyes throwing daggers.
You may or may not have added some fried chicken and potato salad to his plate.
You wait anxiously as he takes a bite.
Is it weird that you counted the seconds as he chewed?
“Damn, that’s good,” he says, leaning back in his chair.
If everyone could hear your thoughts, they’d truly be terrified at the screams going on right now.
“You like it?” you ask, biting your lip.
“This might be the best food I’ve had in a while,” he replies back. “Thank you!”
Your smile grows, watching as he tears away at his food. His laser focus doesn’t stop him from smacking Peter’s hand away from his banana pudding.
Firefighter!Miguel who walks you back to the car. Everyone was chatting and laughing at the table. The after-food glow on all of their faces.
“Everything was really delicious. Thank you for this. You didn’t have to,” he says as he opens your door.
“Stop, I really wanted to thank you guys. You all are the true heroes. Oh! And my grandma would really appreciate it if you brought her container back.”
Miguel chuckles, giving you that charming smile of his. He looked so pretty that way. The black shirt he was sporting was hugging him just right too.
“Of course,” he responded. “We still have to check out your kitchen too, yeah?”
You nod, shocked that he remembered.
“Tell you what, I’ll give you my number and we can work that out tomorrow.”
He hands you a card, writing down what you assume is his personal number. As he hands the card to you, your heart picks up as his fingers graze yours.
“I’ll see you then,” he says, waiting for you to get in your car before he closes it. He taps the hood and walks backwards, watching as you back out of the driveway.
You give him a little wave and squeal to yourself when gives a hearty one back.
Firefighter!Miguel who is hounded by his crew when he gets back inside.
Some of them are making kissy faces and the others are patting his back in encouragement.
“Would you all get back to work?” he sighed, annoyed at all of the attention.
He moved fast to his office, face in flames.
Firefighter!Miguel who groans out when he scoops some banana pudding in his mouth.
You were good. Really good.
He makes an angry face as he takes another bite, “My god.”
“Oo, they got you real good,” Jess snickers as she steals a bite of his dessert.
“Hey!” he said, moving too late to stop her.
She laughs as she runs from his office. Miguel gets up and locks the door, making sure that no one else could steal his food.
It was specifically made for him, after all.
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divider by: @dollywons + @starzyyy1 ❤️‍🔥
a/n: Special thanks to @slushycoookie for giving me ideas! It was brilliant and much needed ☺️
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taglist: @snails-doodles22 @xerorizz @questionable-behaviour @babygotl01292003
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theveryworstthing · 1 year
life has been lifein’ haven’t been posting for a while but hopefully i’ll have stuff to post soon. 
without getting into the full rollercoaster of misery, health problems abound in my loved ones and every year for the last 3 years we’ve lost at least one family member. my gramma Rosezina died on July 1st after 83 years of being A Problem. her funeral was on the 8th during a day so hot that we couldn’t be at the graveside for more than a few minutes, fitting weather for a woman nicknamed Hot for her good looks and spicy temper. i loved her very much, i love her very much, and the emotional strain of everything that came after the Big Stroke fucked me up a little bit.
here’s one of my favorite stories about her, stop me if you’ve heard this one:
my gramma was schizophrenic, a fact i didn’t figure out until i was told by a family member at some time during my preteen or early teen years because the way schizophrenia was depicted on tv or movies was so different from what she was. she was an amazing quilter, gardener, cook, baker (i’ll never have a caramel cake that rivals hers), and general gold star deep country grandmother who was always sweet to me, her first born granddaughter, even when she stopped remembering who i was exactly in her later years. 
also, she never liked being told what to do.
also, also, she hung out with the devil for a while.
she said he’d just show up sometimes, the most beautiful, angelic, enchanting man you ever did see. he’d come to her when she was feeling overwhelmed, upset, or lonely, and offered words of comfort and a gentle listening ear. she had a hard life, and that comfort was very valuable to her even if it was coming from the devil, so over time he became her friend and she trusted him right up until the day he told her to kill her kids and free herself from all the problems constantly weighing her down. 
need i remind you, she did. not. like. being told what to do. (especially when the thing she’s being told to do is murdering her own children)
so of course, she told all her kids to walk up the road to my great gramma’s house, and when they were gone Hot dragged the couch the devil was sitting on outside into the front yard and set it on fire with him sitting on it. 
from what i was told he seemed very irritated but didn’t get up as she stared him down and watched him burn. 
afterwards some other family members put the fire out and she returned to her chores like nothing happened. as far as i know the devil never talked to her again.
and that’s why i grew up knowing that the, ‘the devil made me do it’ defense is some bullshit. if the devil is real he can’t make you do shit. he flounces off if told no (and set on fire) once. 
weak bitch. 
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daisyblog · 28 days
The Show
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Harry, YN and Grace go to Niall’s show in Manchester.
Based on this request.
Like Niall had surprised them at Harry’s show, YN had suggested that they do the same to him. So sneakily YN has managed to organise everything with the help of Amelia.
With Grace safely secure as she sat in her carrier on Harry’s chest, they walked hand in hand through the corridors of the arena, Anne and Darren behind, keeping them company.
“Do you think he’ll be surprised?”. Harry asked as he lead his family towards the backstage area.
“I bloody hope so…I’ve planned this for months”. YN reached across to place Grace’s dummy back in.
As they rounded the corner Amelia was quick to spot them. Greeting them both with a hug, saying how nice it was to them again.
“Hello little cutie…are you going to have a little dance tonight?”. Amelia made a fuss of the smaller Styles who only gave a gummy smile back. “You are just too cute!”.
“Amelia? Babe?”. Niall’s voice called, startling them. Before they knew it the main man appeared, shock written all over his face as he noticed who Amelia was talking to.
“Surprise!”. YN shouted, impressed with how surprised Niall looked. His mouth opening and closing as he processed it.
Niall opened his arms ready to give them all a cuddle. “You sly little fucker!”. YN laughed into Niall’s shoulder as she had text him a little white lie earlier on about how she was in London.
“You should have known we would never miss your show”. YN squeezed him tight as she hadn’t seen him in a while due to his tour.
“Hello darling!”. Niall’s attention was soon taken by Grace. “Have you come to see me be silly on stage?”.
“Aaahhh!”. Grace cooed, bringing her fist up to her mouth to attempt to chew on.
“Have you got a request? Or are you just like your Mummy and anything One Direction will keep you happy?”. Niall teased.
YN playfully rolled her eyes, but secretly she hoped he hadn’t changed his setlist.
“Didn’t realise you brought the whole family Harry”. Niall noticed Anne further up the hallway. “Anne!”.
Harry glanced at his Mum behind him. “She’s on Grandma duty!”.
“Ah Niall…my love…so good to see you”. She wrapped her motherly arms around the Irish lad.
“Thank you for coming!”. Niall was taken back at his much love he was surrounded with. “They’ve got you on Granny duty have they?”.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way”. Anne smiled at her Granddaughter who was looking around at all the new faces that walked by.
“Niall…you’re on in ten”. A voice interrupted them, telling them all that they needed to move to their seats.
“Have fun out there…so proud of you man!”. Harry gave Niall a brotherly hug, both of them trying not to squish Grace in the process.
Niall quickly gave Anne a quickly hug and thanked her again for coming to the show.
But in typical YN style, she managed to hear Niall’s infectious laugh as she pulled away from his cuddle. “I’m only here for the One Direction songs”.
Niall knew YN was teasing, it was what he loved the most about her was her cheeky and mischievous personality. “Tomlinson…I’ll sing them just for you tonight”. He used her old nickname as he called back down the hallway.
As the Styles family settled into their seats in the box, fans were quick to notice their attendance at Niall’s show. Taking photos and videoing them wanting to share with fans around the world that Harry was supporting Niall.
Grace was cuddled into Anne’s arms as her tired eyes grew heavy and her ears covered with her defenders. The lights dimming and the sound of the Nice To Meet You began.
“I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear…I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear…'Cause when the morning comes…I know you won't be there…Every time I turn around, you disappear”.
With Grace fully asleep and in the safe hands of Anne, YN and Harry enjoyed the start if the show. Singing along and both wearing proud smiles as they watched Niall appear on stage.
“Nice to meet ya…Where ya been?…Let me treat ya…To a drink…Nice to meet ya”.
YN sang along loudly to the lyrics, feeling her inner fangirl appear.
YN knew Niall’s song lyrics word for word, so the minute she heard the beginning she would get excited. Harry was honest, he’d a few but each one was like hearing them for the first time.
“Tell me what you want, because you know I want it too…Let's skip all the small talk and go straight up to your room…I've been thinking what I'd do when I'm alone with you…Just say nothing, small talk only gets in the way”.
YN sang the lyrics into Harry’s ear, which only caused him to pull her closer to him, his hands now resting on her waist.
“Just remember my Mum is behind us…I know how carried away you get”. Harry spoke into her ear as the loud arena sang along.
YN only glanced up at him with a cheeky smirk. “No small talk”.
“Yeah, she loves when everybody's watching…She knows the way her body moves…She loves…the way they all crawl back when she says…She loves nobody else but you”.
YN danced along to Niall signing, swaying her hips as she playfully sang the lyrics to Harry, who nodded his head to the catchy beat.
“Hold tight, get ready for the ride”.
YN and Harry both waited for the beat to drop, something they do in the privacy of their own home.
“If everythin' was easy, nothing ever broke…If everythin' was simple, how would we know?…How to fix your tears, how to fake a show…How to paint a smile, yeah, how would we know?…How good we have it though?”.
The husband and wife, held eachother as they belted out the lyrics, knowing the meaning behind them.
“Oh, my, my, you just took me by surprise…And I can't believe my eyes…Oh, I must be seeing blind…Oh, no I, you're too good to be all mine…Now I'm looking in your eyes…Oh, I must be seeing blind”.
Harry couldn’t hide his blushed face as YN loudly sang the words to him, but fans were quick to capture him placing a kiss to her lips.
Black and White was definitely one of the couples favourites, and that was down the lyrics and purpose of the song. There would never be another love for either of them, and they had promised each other they would love the other for the rest of their life.
“Yeah, I see us in black and white…Crystal clear on a starlit night…In all your gorgeous colors…I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life…See you standin' in your dress…Swear in front of all our friends…There'll never be another…I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life”.
With Harry’s arm wrapped around YN’s shoulder and hers around his waist, they bounced along singing as loud as they could, feeling the lyrics deep.
“Baby, you could start a cult, you see…Anywhere you go, I'll be…You are so much more than beautiful to me”.
YN now stood in front of Harry, his arms now wrapped around her body as they swayed gently to Niall’s acoustic voice and the sound of the guitar strumming.
“Oh, I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow…I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow…I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow…I'll follow you”.
“God only knows where this could go…and even if our love starts to grow outta control…And you and me go up in flames…Heaven won't be the same”.
Joining in with the fans, YN and Harry waved their arms back and forth in rhythm before clapping along to the chorus.
As Niall was singing If You Leave Me, Grace began to stir and as much as she loved her Grandma Anne, cuddles with her Mummy was just what she wanted.
“If you leave me…Oh, I think that I just might lose it completely, yeah…If you leave me…Hope you know that you're sentencing me to a life on my knees…Don't know who I would be”.
Still wearing her ear defenders, Grace looked at the stage from her mother’s arms. The bright lights catching her attention as YN danced gently with Grace in her arms.
Grace was now watching the show from Harry’s arms, cooing and awwing at the change of lights, and smiling at her Daddy as he danced silly with her.
“Who's that shadow holding me hostage?”.
The all too familiar song began, and Harry had never seen YN’s eyes light up so much. “You woke up just in time Gracie”. Harry placed a loving kiss to her cheek. “Daddy wrote this one!”.
“I've been here for days…Who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away?…I know they'll be coming to find me soon…But I fear I'm getting used to being held by you”.
The inner 1D fan girl was rushing out of YN as she and Anne sang the lyrics proudly, dancing together.
“Oh, baby, look what you've done to me…Oh, baby, look what you've done now…Oh, baby, I'll never leave you if you keep holding me this way…Oh-oh-oh-oh”.
Harry couldn’t help but notice the full circle moment. He had gone from writing this song in a studio one day, to performing it on stage with his four brothers, to singing it on his own at his own shows, to dancing and singing it with his wife and daughter.
And in the words of Niall Horan “No, it doesn't get, doesn't get better than this!”.
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994 @macy-tpwk
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rip-quizilla · 1 month
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Impossible to Hate You ~ Part 8
Pairing: Eddie Munson X fem!Reader
Summary: "We were friends for a long time... and then we weren't."
Word Count: 4.3 K
Divider was created by @hellfire--cult ❤️
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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New Years Eve, 1983
There was always so much noise at Granny’s house.
People were everywhere. In the kitchen, in the bedrooms, in the den, even outside in the cold. There was no escaping from the noise no matter where one went in this house.
So why, then, as you sat on Granny’s little gossip bench staring at her pale yellow phone, did you feel completely suffocated by its silence?
“Are you expecting a call?” 
Startled, you looked up at your grandmother and answered, “Yes… maybe…” you looked down at your lap, feeling utterly childish as you tumbled through your sentence. “He didn’t say when he would call, exactly. Just said that he would.”
Granny watched you with understanding, nodding her head as if you were making complete sense and not ignoring what an entire week of silence from that phone must mean. 
“Well dear,” Granny said softly, “the way I see it, you have two options.” 
You listened intently, worrying the telephone cord between your fingers as you had been for who knew how long by now. 
“-Ether you risk missing that call- which I’m sure any sorry soul who waits a week to call a girl as pretty as my granddaughter would understand- and spend some time with your family,” you didn’t miss the knowing smile she gave you or the raise of one near translucent gray eyebrow. “-or you can sit by the phone for the rest of your time here letting some boy take over your entire holiday.”
You cringed, looking back at the phone for one more longing second before smiling at your granny as you stood from the chair. 
“Need any help in the kitchen, Gran?” 
She grinned, hooking your arm with her own as the two of you made your way to the already crowded kitchen to find something to occupy your mind other than some boy. 
However, you still chanced a look over your shoulder at the telephone before it disappeared from your sight. Eddie said he would call. It’s been a week, why hasn’t he called? 
He said he would call.
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Eddie was staring at the phone too.
He’d been staring at it ever since Robin had told him what happened with Alan. Been staring on Christmas Day, been staring every day after that, stared at it on New Years Eve when he wondered if he’d ever get to claim your New Year’s kiss one day. Fantasized, more like. He knew it wasn’t a possibility now. 
He’d already made up his mind, and that was why he wouldn’t touch the phone.
For the best, he told himself. It’s for the best. 
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The radio silence continued for far longer than you’d thought it would. 
Eddie knew when you were coming home- you’d told him that he could see you as soon as you got home the Friday after New Years’. He’d said the two of you could make up for the lost holiday time over the weekend before school began. 
But there was no call from Eddie. And even though you knew he was in the wrong, there was a part of you that was laughing at yourself for being so naive that you’d expected this to actually happen. Dating Eddie Munson… who were you kidding? He didn’t even want you wearing his jacket around school; for a moment you had thought that he may feel the same way about you as you felt about him, but even if that were true he wasn’t about to let the whole of Hawkins know that. Now, you weren’t even worth a phone call.
You shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up.
These were the thoughts that plagued you as you crossed the frigid parking lot of Hawkins High on the first day of the spring semester. It felt strange to drive yourself to school again… it had been almost a year since you’d done that, since your usual ride was a 1971 Chevy Astro. You couldn’t help searching the lot for that very brown and yellow van, and weren’t sure if it was relief or disappointment you felt when it was nowhere to be seen.
You didn’t see him in Latin class. Or History. Or Pre-Cal. You were beginning to think he’d just cut school for the day when you walked into the cafeteria and saw him sitting at his normal spot, head of the table as always. 
Your face started to get hot, palms sweating and heart racing- you thought about sitting at a different table since he obviously didn’t want to see you. Let yourself down easy, let the memory of him fade from your life, let him have his way. 
But then he saw you. 
For a split second, he looked as ghost-white as you felt. The next second, he was smiling and laughing at something one of the guys was saying. 
As if you weren’t even there. As if the elephant- the mammoth- in the room wasn’t even there. 
Maybe… maybe everything was fine? Maybe he had simply forgotten that he’d said he would call? What if you had remembered the conversation you’d had wrong, and it was you who was supposed to call him, and he was only avoiding you because he’d thought you were mad at him. 
A thousand possibilities were running through your head as you made your way to the lunch table, setting your things down and sitting in your usual spot beside Eddie. 
You received a couple of greetings from the guys, but not from him. That wasn’t good.
Your heart was racing; you must have done something, said something. There was some kind of misunderstanding, but you would work it out. You just had to extend an olive branch. 
Nudging Eddie’s elbow with your own got his attention, but not how you’d wanted. Instead, he flinched away as if you’d burned him. Flinched. His eyes were wide, surprised and slightly skittish as he looked at you for the first time since you’d sat down. 
Why is he so jumpy? You thought, What did I do?
“How- ahem,” your voice was surprisingly hoarse, and it dawned on you that you’d hardly spoken since you’d told your parents goodbye that morning. “-how was your break?”
He stared at you for a moment, blinked, then donned a mask of indifference as he turned his attention back to his meager lunch of pretzels and a Slim Jim and shrugged. “Good.” 
His voice was light, airy. Noncommittal and monosyllabic. The tone of voice someone used when speaking to a person they’d rather not be speaking to. You’d heard that tone from him before, but never directed at you. 
“You…” you stuttered the end of that word, struggling to make up your mind about which words would follow it. “...you said you would call, Eddie…”
If you’d thought his face was white before, you knew it was now. You noticed his chest heaving underneath his layers of jackets, and for a split second you wondered if maybe everything would be okay after all. Maybe you were just in your head, and this was all some big mistake, that everything was fine and you were just being dramatic. 
“Yeah, I…” Eddie gulped, and suddenly he was indifferent again, aloof and uncaring. “...I was busy. Sorry.” 
Nothing about this made sense. Not a single thing about this interaction made any damn sense. Eddie was never aloof with you. Never uncaring. 
“You were busy?” You repeated, and the edge in your words must have been stronger than you’d intended because the conversations around you were starting to taper off into silence in favor of listening in on the quarrel at the head of their table. 
Eddie narrowed his eyes on you, annoyed. “Yeah, I had a busy week, I already said I’m sorry.” 
“So busy you didn’t have time for even one phone call?” you whispered, keeping your voice down. You were upset, but giving the boys a show wasn’t on your agenda. “Eddie, I… we… I had a good time before we left, I thought it…” you were feeling so many emotions right now, a cocktail of embarrassment, anger, frustration, everything but sureness of yourself was swirling in a cyclone behind your eyes, and Eddie saw all of it in only one glance. It’s why he looked away and searched desperately for something else to train his gaze on. 
“...Eddie, I thought we-”
His eyes refused to meet your own, but his tone was biting when he interrupted your whispered plea with a bitter mumble. “It was one date, you’re acting like we’re married or something. Don’t be so dramatic about it.” Then he bit down on a pretzel, breaking it in half with a single crunch. 
You felt like you’d been slapped across the face. “I…I- you…” What were you trying to say? What could you say? Nothing came to mind. You didn’t have words for what you were feeling, and your brain was already moving a mile a minute. You’d thought things would be different now, but not like this. Not worse. That one date hadn’t just made things weird, it had apparently caused irreparable damage to your friendship. It was too late to take anything back. You couldn’t go back to normal after this. You didn’t want normal after this. Not when you knew what what could have been felt like, and especially not now that you knew he wanted absolutely nothing to do with what could have been. Nothing to do with you.
The thoughts were swirling, and the cyclone was growing louder and more dangerous. Suddenly your eyesight was blurry, and something wet was falling down the slope of your cheek, and your heart felt as if it was clawing its way up your throat. So up you stood, snatching your unopened lunchbox from the table and crashing through the exit door. You didn’t care that it was freezing out and that you had nothing but your cable-knit red sweater for warmth, you ran anyway. You ran until you reached the black cherry tree, collapsing against its steady bark as you finally let the tears fall. 
Your heart finally found freedom from your throat when a sob wrenched its way out of you, shaking your shoulders with a violent gasp. How did this happen? How had you gone from being completely and totally sure of where you stood with him one week, and weeping over him the next? You had whiplash, you felt like you were dreaming. This wasn’t your Eddie; he was acting like a different person, why? What had you done to upset him like this?
You heard footsteps crunch across the dry, dew-frozen grass behind you, and you didn’t need to look to see who it was. You also didn’t want this particular person to see your tears; they would only serve as proof that he was right about you being too dramatic. You stared daggers into the trunk of your tree and tried to sound as unfeeling as he had. 
“I want to sit out here today.” you said, cursing the hiccup that escaped you in between sentences. “You can go back inside.” 
Eddie just stood there, silently. He didn’t know what to say. This wasn’t in his nature- being hateful. Being mean. It killed him to do this, to know he was even capable of hurting you. Yet here he was, doing it anyway.
“Okay.” he mumbled, “If you’re sure.” 
Every fiber of his being was fighting him. No rational part of him wanted to go along with this twisted plan that the darkest part of him had created- the side of him that knew deep down that he never deserved your friendship in the first place. The side of him that knew if he stayed on the path he’d been on until last week, you would get hurt again- people like Alan would make sure of it. He would drag you down, he would hold you back, and you would stand by him taking hit after hit for him all the while like the perfect angel you were. 
Simply put, he hadn’t done a damn thing to deserve you, and you didn’t deserve the shit that came with having anything to do with Eddie Munson. So here he was- righting the balance. 
He turned to walk away from you, leaving you shivering and sobbing in the cold, and just when he didn’t think he could feel like any more of an asshole, he heard your soft quavering voice from over his shoulder and his heart just about shattered.
“What did I do wrong, Eddie?”
He was glad his back was turned, or else you would have seen his expression crumple for a moment before he regained his composure. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” 
He had to make it hurt. He had to be brutal, he had to be heartless. If you thought there was a way to talk this out, you’d take it, and he’d be weak enough to let you. Then all of this would be for nothing.
He had to hurt you now; it was the only way he could make sure he never hurt you again. 
“I mean, come on. You’ve had a crush on me from day one, if I’d wanted anything serious I would have acted on it before now.” Eddie was facing you now, but he couldn’t look at you. His eyes were staring at his Reeboks with such intensity, he wondered if he might burn a hole through his toes. “I only asked you out because I felt bad for you. You were so desperate for attention… I mean, we had some fun, yeah, but that was all it was. Girls like you are just too easy to be anything serious.”
He saw your head snap up out of his periphery, and despite his better judgment, he lifted his gaze to get a better look.
Your eyes were red and wild, tear stained cheeks grayish from your makeup and upper lip slick from what your sniffles couldn’t quite catch. 
“Girls like me?” You repeated; he felt a chill run down his spine at the tone of your voice, and he knew it wasn’t due to the cold. It was low, eerily quiet and foreboding. He couldn’t help but feel like he may have gone too far, but it was too late to take it back now. 
“Well since you’re an expert on girls like me, Eddie Munson, let me tell you a thing or two about boys like you.” The tears were still flowing down your face, but the look in your eyes was anything but sad. He’d seen that look on everyone important in his life but you up until now. 
“Boys like you,” you said, “are liars. Because the way I see it, either you’re lying to yourself and to me right now, or you’ve been lying to me every day since we met and you’ve finally decided to show your true colors.”
You hiccupped through a breath, stifling a sob as your composure threatened to crinkle in on itself. 
“I can’t reconcile that the person I’ve known this whole time and the person you’re being right now are the same guy! I don’t know if you’ve always been this way and pretended you weren’t or if you’re lying right now for some reason that you aren’t telling me… But Eddie, you’re a liar either way.” 
You saw right through him; he’d almost hoped that you would. He couldn’t do anything about it, though- he wouldn’t deny nor confirm, because if he spoke he might break. He just stood there, eyes lowered to the ground like a scolded child.
You marched toward him, and his heart felt as though he’d put it behind bars. He’d silenced it, shoved it in a cell and locked the door. Even when you were standing within arms reach, he couldn’t bear to look you in the eye. “I know when I’m not wanted, and I’m not going to fight for something that means so little to you that you’re willing to throw it away without even telling me why.”
You reached down to pick up the lunchbox you’d dropped during the onslaught of your sobbing, and caught his eye contact on the way back up. You held it menacingly and without question as to who held the authority to break it and who didn’t. “You want to let this lie? Fine. I’ll let it lie. It can lie right under a gravestone for all I care.” You shook your head slightly, face crumpling into bitter disappointment. “Bye.”
Then you walked right past him, and he did nothing. 
He didn’t chase you. He didn’t argue, he didn’t fess up about how all of this is an act meant to convince you not to spend another minute associating yourself with the likes of him. He didn’t even say ‘bye’ back. He stared at the ground and prayed to whatever god was listening that it would swallow him whole. 
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It was surreal how quickly a routine could change when necessary. 
One day, Eddie was an integral part of your life. He was the reason you were excited to go to school every day. He was the source and recipient of nearly every smile you gave. 
The next day, he was gone. His presence in your life had disappeared into thin air, and while there was a part of you that had started out hoping that Eddie would come back to you with apologies and explanations, that part was never satisfied. 
It was like the last year had never happened. Eddie hung out with his Hellfire friends and you hung out with Robin. You gravitated back into your old social circles and never overlapped.
You had explained everything to Robin immediately, reeling when she told you what she’d divulged to Eddie about the incident with Alan and wondering if somehow, that had something to do with Eddie’s sudden shift in behavior. But in the end, it didn’t matter- he’d dropped you this quickly, and no reason could justify that to you. You wanted nothing to do with someone who didn’t care enough to try harder to keep you.
Winter subsided to spring, and when the time came to think about college you set your sights on schools as far away as possible- Hawkins might have been your home, but there were so many pockets of your small town that reminded you of Eddie. The lake, Benny’s, the Starcourt mall… so many places were haunted by memories of him, preserved like flowers that had begun to mold because they hadn’t been pressed quite right. 
You passed your exams in the spring easily. Despite your better judgment, you worried about Eddie doing the same without you to help him study, and that worry proved it wasn’t in vain when you heard down the grapevine that he had failed enough of his core classes that he wouldn’t be graduating with the rest of you. Funny, you thought, how you had spent so much time helping him figure out his learning style only for him to forget all of it the moment you were gone. 
If you could have seen through Eddie’s eyes, however, you would have known that he remembered everything. Painfully so. He wished he could forget, that way he might not feel so guilty when deciding not to try anymore. At a certain point, graduating just didn’t feel like something he deserved anymore.
And graduation came and went without him. You moved out to New York for college at the end of the summer, and Eddie stayed in Hawkins. You remembered hearing a rumor that he planned on dropping out. You tried not to feel responsible. 
You resolved to remember your friendship with Eddie Munson as a strong, but short lived connection. You told yourself that’s all it was ever meant to be- a powerful connection with an expiration date. With time, the pain would begin to numb and you would learn to forget about him. 
All it would take was time. 
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~ 10 Years Later ~
“Okay, how about this- I take the monstera, but you get to keep all of the succulents.”
You sighed, keeping your new wireless telephone wedged between your shoulder and your ear as you worked your way through unloading the dishes from your dishwasher. It was a quaint, compact appliance designed to fit perfectly in one-butt-at-a-time kitchens such as the one in your New York City apartment. 
“Kate,” you started, wondering if she was ever going to drop this or if you were going to have to force her to take all of the plants with her when she moved out. “You have always been the one that takes care of these damn plants. You know me- am I ever going to remember to water these things?”
Her voice was quiet for a moment before you heard her defeated “...No.”
“Correct.” you confirmed, nodding sagely as you lined thrifted mismatched water glasses into a cupboard. “Do you want a single one of your precious babies to die while in my care, Kate?”
“But maybe you’ll decide you want to take care of them because they make the apartment so pretty!”
“I will not! You know that I will not, and that is why you are taking all of the plants.”
You snorted when you heard her disgruntled sigh garbled through the phone. “Don’t you want at least one of them? They brighten up the place so much, and I’m sure your new roomie would appreciate the extra oxygen it would bring-”
“-Then he can bring his own plants.” you countered, drying off your hands after unloading the last dish. 
“I still can’t believe I’m moving out…” Kate’s voice took on that nostalgic, mirror-glazed tone that you’d heard so many times this month already. It broke you down a bit- always did. You and Kate had lived in this little apartment together for the last five years. You’d seen each other through college graduations, new jobs, good dates, bad dates- and now, new living situations. 
“Kate,” you warned, “if you were going to talk yourself out of moving, it would have been a lot more convenient before you signed a lease across town and I found a new roommate.” You let yourself fall into the worn out corduroy sofa under a window where your cat, Icarus, liked to perch on the sill and soak up the sun. You reached up to scratch between his ears absentmindedly. “He’s on his way here now, so it’ll be pretty awkward if I have to tell him to get lost.”
“You’re sure this guy isn’t some weirdo?” Kate sounded concerned, which was typical of her. While she may be two years younger than you, she still worried about you like a doting big sister. “You haven’t even met him, and he’s already moving in.” 
“Well if he is,” you said, gazing at the door to what used to be Kate’s bedroom. “Then I just don’t resign the lease with him. He’s only subletting until the end of the summer anyway, so there’s nothing binding that’s keeping him here. And besides, he’s friends with one of Cathy’s brothers’ girlfriends.”
You could practically hear Kate rolling her eyes through the phone. “Right, he’s basically family at that point.”
A knock at the door caught your attention, Dun-dun-dudun-dun… dun-dun.
“Well he’s here now, so if you don’t hear from me by tonight you’ll know he’s an ax murderer.” 
“Not funny!”
You chuckled, finding it very funny. “Love you!”
“Love you too. Seriously, call me tonight!” 
You hung the phone up on its wall mount as you made your way to the door. You were curious who this mystery roommate was. When your coworker had heard you talking about how Kate was taking a job that would relocate her across town, she’d raved about this person who she’d met at a Christmas party back home who would be moving to New York and needed a place to stay. She went on and on about how he was the nicest guy, easygoing and down to earth- you’d initially wondered why Cathy wasn’t inviting him to move in with her before you remembered that she was married. 
You plastered on a welcoming smile as you turned the knob of your front door and swung it open.
You saw the eyes first. They still looked the same, sweet chocolate brown eyes framed in lashes that a Covergirl would envy. You noticed traces of eyeliner around the edges- that was new- but the eyes were the same.
The hair… there was so much more of it now. It was longer, it was shinier… it fell over his shoulders in waves and matched the scruff that dusted his cheeks and jawline. You saw light glint off an earring somewhere in all that hair. 
Your eyes zeroed in on the bats before you could focus on any of the other tattoos that now littered his arms. They were more faded now, patchy and fuzzed at the edges. Yours didn’t look too different- it looked pretty much the same, minus the bluish tint that his had taken on from too much sun exposure. 
He dressed a little differently; seemed taller too- but it was him. There was no mistaking those eyes.
On one side of your doorway, you stood in complete and utter silence. On the other side, a ghost stood in equal silence with a suitcase in one hand, a beaten guitar case in the other, and a duffel bag slung over one shoulder. 
The irony of it was funny, really. The person who had shut you out all those years ago, standing at your door, waiting to be let in. 
It just had to be you, you thought bitterly, didn’t it, Eddie?
It had to be you.
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Part 9
Taglist: @rustboxstarr, @josephquinnsfreckles, @rozxartaki, @sheneedsrocknroll92, @melodymishahiddlestan , @stylesxmunson , @fishwithtitz , @elvendria , @carrotbunnies21 , @the-unforgivenn , @munson-blurbs , @writinginthetwilight , @ghost-proofbaby , @hellfire--cult , @nix-rose , @chaoticgood-munson , @3rd-conchord , @aphrogeneias , @definitionwanderlust , @aheadfullofsteverogers , @artsymaddie , @mopeymopeymouse , @alwaysbeenfamous
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Summary: Melissa's nonna is in the hospital and you just so happen to be the nurse assigned to the woman.
WC: ~3.2k
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The last thing that Melissa Schemmenti expects when she picks up the phone that day is to hear her mother crying into the phone that Nonna had a stroke and was in the hospital. 
“Ma? What do you mean Nonna had a stroke?” Melissa rushes out as she’s grading papers in her classroom.
“She- she had a stroke, I don’t know!” the older Schemmenti hisses into the phone. “The point is, she’s in the hospital, and she’s asking for you- so you better get your ass down here and be here for her!”
“I-” Melissa glances up at the clock. She still has half an hour of her prep, and if she acts fast, she can pull together sub plans, arrange for coverage, and run out. “I’ll be there as soon as I sort everything out with my kids.”
“Please,” her mother whispers into the phone, and it breaks the teacher’s heart the way she can hear her mother falling apart inside.
“I’ll be there, Ma. Just give me a bit of time.”
As soon as Melissa hangs up with her mother, she’s dialing Ava.
“Melissa, what? I’m watching The Bachelor,” the principal answers the phone, clearly pissed at being interrupted.
“And I don’t give a shit,” the redhead retorts into the phone as she pulls up a document to start making her plan for the rest of the day. “I have to go. Family emergency. My kids are at music, I’m leaving plans on my desk, and I honestly don’t care if it goes well or not. I don’t even care who my sub is.”
At the note that she doesn’t care who her sub is, Ava is intrigued. “Girl, is everything okay?”
“No. My nonna is in the hospital for the first time in her life, my mom just called me in tears, and I have to go be there,” Melissa rushes out. “Please, just get me a sub.”
The desperate tone that the tough teacher uses sparks something within the principal, and she sits up a bit straighter and close out of the hulu tab she has open on her computer. “Go. I’ll handle it.”
“Thank you.” She hangs up after that, types at rapid speeds to finish her plans for the rest of the day, not even bothering to check it for any spelling or grammar errors, prints it, and runs out of her room. 
Before she heads out, she does stop down to her work wife’s room. Barbara is in the middle of teaching though, and it makes the other veteran teacher raise a brow at her friend unexpectedly dropping by.
“Miss Schemmenti, how can I help you? I am in the middle of a lesson.”
“Just letting you know that I’m running. There’s ziti in the fridge, and it’s yours,” the redhead states. She knocks once on the doorframe before sprinting down the hall and out to her car before Barbara can get a word out.
She’s at the hospital and in the building far faster than her mother had expected.
“Melissa, dear,” the woman’s mother runs to her. “You got here fast.”
“When you call telling me to get to the hospital for Nonna, I run a few lights,” Melissa shrugs as she embraces her mother. “How is she?”
“As feisty as ever,” the teacher’s mother groans. “Claiming that she doesn’t need to be here, they’re treating her all wrong, and she’s threatening to leave while hooked up to all of their machines. I’m sure she could use seeing you right now to calm her down.”
“Where is she?”
Melissa is led back to the room, and she can hear her grandmother before she can see her.
“Dammit to hell, I am fine! Would you quit poking me?” she’s yelling at the abundance of nurses in her room and personal space.
“I’m sorry,” you tell her. Then you crack a small smile “The doctor orders. I just have the pleasure of doing his dirty work.”
“Nonna,” the redhead sighs as she makes her way into the room. “The nurse is doing her job. They have to check your vitals and blood oxygen levels to make sure that you’re okay.”
“I don’t even know why I’m here,” the matriarch of the family grumbles, but she does lighten up just a little with her favorite granddaughter in the room now. Then, Melissa crosses her way over to the bed and takes her Nonna’s hand in her own. “You’re damned mother dragged me here.”
“Because you were having a stroke,” the mother exasperates. “You were having a stroke, Ma. And I wasn’t about to let you die on my watch.”
“God couldn’t take me, even if he wanted to,” Nonna states. “He ain’t taking me off this earth until I see my Melly fall in love again.”
At that little comment from the woman in the hospital bed, you have to let out a soft chuckle. This woman really was something.
“What’s so funny, Miss…” the grandmother squints to read your name off of your badge. “Y/N?”
“Nothing, ma’am,” you bite back your laughter. “You’re a fiery one, you know that, right?”
“You ain’t the first one to call me that,” the woman tells you. “Hey, you’re pretty. What do you think of my granddaughter?”
“Nonna!” Melissa reprimands.
You do look up though, temporarily pausing what you’re doing. The woman now sitting by the bed is absolutely stunning. Her hair is beautiful, her green eyes sparkle in a way that you don’t think you’ve ever seen before, and her body is… wow.
And when Melissa sees your face for the first time, her jaw almost drops. You’re… you’re beautiful. If she didn’t know you were a nurse, she would think you were a model- you belong on a magazine cover in her opinion. 
“Well?” the patient asks, rather impatiently.
You chuckle softly. “She’s a good granddaughter for getting here so quickly for you, Mrs. Schemmenti,” you tell her, and you do mean it.
“Yeah, yeah,” the woman waves you off, but that isn’t what she wants to hear. “What do you think of her though?”
Knowing you won’t get out of this one, you relent. “She’s very pretty.”
“You hear that, Annette?” the grandmother asks. “Y/N thinks our Melly is pretty! Melly, what do you think of Y/N?”
“Nonna, I ain’t-”
“What. Do. You. Think?” the woman grits out each of her words. “C’mon, just give me this one.”
“She’s very pretty, Nonna,” Melissa gives in to her Nonna’s pestering. “Now will you quit it?”
The grandmother just grins and shrugs. Then she winces as you begin to draw her blood.
“I know,” you say sympathetically. “But this is the last of the tests, ma’am, and then they do want to keep you for a few days to keep an eye on you.”
The grandmother sighs. “If you must. But enough of this ‘ma’am’ and ‘Mrs. Schemmenti’ shit. My name is Bea.”
“Okay, Bea,” you smile at her. “I’ll make a note of that.” If her sudden change in demeanor at the thought of staying in the hospital is odd to you, you don’t mention it. Neither do her family members- it’s abundantly clear that her being more open to the idea of staying is much easier than fighting her to stay.
“And don’t send in those other shit nurses,” she tells you. “If you’re around, I want you- the only woman here who isn’t trying to kill me, I swear.”
“Nobody is trying to kill you, Nonna,” Melissa rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “They are quite literally doing the opposite and keeping you alive.”
“I didn’t ask for that,” the grandmother huffs.
“You literally just told us that God can’t take you from this earth until I find love again!” Melissa groans. Then her eyes widen slightly at her realization. “Oh God, Ma! She’s gonna outlive us all!”
You just laugh as you quietly make your exit. 
“She’s really pretty,” Nonna tells Melissa quietly.
“I see you’re feeling well enough to meddle in my love life,” the redhead notes.
“I already told you, I don’t know why I’m here,” the grandmother retorts. “It was just a little hiccup, and your mother freaked out over it.”
Annette puts her head in her hands. “Ma, you were slurring your words all over the place, and the doc already told you you had a mini stroke.”
“Eh, what do they know?” Nonna rolls her eyes. She turns her attention back to her granddaughter. “You should ask her out. She’ll be in my room a lot, and you and I both know you’ll be here for the next few days keeping your ol’ nonna company.
“Nonna, I’m not gonna ask the nurse out,” the teacher laughs. “She’s probably in a relationship as it is- nobody that pretty is single.”
“You is,” Nonna points out.
Those green eyes glare at her grandmother. “I am not nearly as pretty as she is.”
“Don’t sell yourself short there, Melly. Youse quite the looker, if I do say so myself.” Melissa took after her grandmother in the best possible ways.
The next time you come into the room, it’s to bring Bea her lunch, and Melissa is still sitting there.
“Ah, there’s the pretty woman,” the patient chuckles from her place in bed.
“Hi Bea,” you chuckle as you set her tray up for her. “I see you’re feeling better.”
“I was feeling fine when I first got checked in,” Bea laughs. “Now, what do you say you take a load off and sit with me while I eat since my granddaughter over here doesn’t much feel like talking to her old sickly grandmother?”
That gets the redhead to look up from the papers that she’s grading. “Nonna, are you sick, or aren’t ya? Make up your mind.”
“Quiet, you,” the woman in bed guffaws loudly. “I’ll be whatever the hell I want to be. Melly’s too busy grading her kids’ papers to talk to her dear old grandmother, and Annette is out takin’ a smoke break, so what do you say?”
You glance down at your watch. Your supervisor had given you a bit of time to handle Bea, knowing she was more difficult, but with her being so complacent at her request to have you come in more than the other nurses, you have the time. “I have about fifteen minutes,” you tell her with a smile as you sit down in one of the chairs there for visitors.
“That’s more than enough time for you to get to know Melly!” Bea grins.
“Nonna, I’m grading,” the redhead sighs as she bites the marker cap between her teeth.
“What do you teach?” you ask, clearly interested. You weren’t lying when you said that Bea’s granddaughter was very pretty, and if you have the time, maybe you should get to know her.
“Second and third,” the teacher huffs out as she marks an answer wrong on one of her student’s tests. “Down at Abbott.”
“Two grades?” you ask her, surprised. You had never heard of one teacher with two different grades at the elementary level.
“Budget wasn’t big enough to hire another teacher, and I’m the best second grade teacher there, so they gave me an extra ten third graders,” Melissa sighs.
“I’m sure you do a great job,” you assure her with a soft and warm smile.
Bea finds her way into the conversation. “Melly is the best teacher there is. It’s always a blast to go in as a mystery reader and watch her do her thing. The kids love her, and they should. She ain’t nearly as tough as she plays.”
“You ain’t nearly as tough as you play either, Nonna,” the granddaughter snorts as she sets aside her papers. “Where d’you think I learned all my tricks from?”
“Your mother,” Bea narrows her eyes, but they sparkle with mischief.
You chat with the two of them for the remainder of your fifteen minute break before you sigh and stand. “I have to get back to my rounds, but it was lovely to chat with you both.” You make sure to look at both of them, but your eyes do linger on the stunning woman sitting in the stuffy and uncomfortable chair next to the bed. “Call if you need anything.”
It’s a bit later that you’re called back into the Schemmenti room. Melissa is asleep in the chair, and Annette is conveniently out for another smoke break.
“What’s goin’ on, Bea?” you ask the patient. “Trying to cause more trouble for me?”
“Not this time,” she chuckles as her eyes stay glued to the soap opera on the television. “Just wondering if it would be possible to get another blanket, dear.”
You nod, head into the hall and grab another knit blanket before heading back in. You go to drape it over the elderly woman, but she shakes her head and points to the redhead.
“For her,” Bea instructs. “She’s freezing, as much as she won’t admit it. I’ve been watching her shiver through her entire nap.”
You shake your head and roll your eyes playfully, but you do gently set the blanket overtop of the sleeping woman. 
When Melissa wakes, she’s warm. She remembers drifting off to sleep practically freezing as she pulled her Abbott Elementary sweatshirt as tightly to her body as she could.
“Good mornin’, sleepyhead,” Nonna chuckles.
“Where’d the blanket come from?” Melissa asks as she stretches just slightly, loving the way that her whole upper body cracks at the movement- it feels so good after being cramped in the chair for the day.
“I had Y/N bring it in for you,” the woman smiles. “Sweet girl. You should ask her out.”
“I ain’t lookin’ for any romance right now, Nonna,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “And ‘sides, I don’t even know if she’s gay.”
“She is,” the grandmother confirms. “We were chatting a bit earlier about her own love life when she came in to check my vitals.”
“How do you know?” Melissa raises a brow.
Nonna shrugs. “Mentioned something about an ex-girlfriend dumping her because she was always here… sounds like the perfect relationship for you- you workaholics seem to get along well, and you should know. You and Joe worked beautifully until he let himself go and wasn’t the driven man you thought you knew.”
“Don’t remind me of that time,” the granddaughter sighs.
“All I’m sayin’ is, you should ask her out,” Nonna grins and reaches a hand out. “She’s gorgeous, she’s a sweetheart, she has a good head on her shoulders… was telling me about how she works well with the little ones who come in and helps calm them down, so she’s good with kids. Everything you’re looking for.”
“I already told you, I ain’t lookin’,” Melissa rolls her eyes.
Nonna rolls her own green eyes. “You never want me to die,” she sighs dramatically.
The next few days, you spend quite a bit of time with the Schemmenti family because Bea practically refuses all of the other nurses on the clock. In that time, Melissa is almost always there. You find yourself looking forward to seeing her each day.
The day that Bea Schemmenti is discharged from the hospital, she pinches your cheeks and thanks you for your kindness and help over the last couple days- as much as she didn’t need it.
“Of course, Bea,” you chuckle as you shake her hand gently. “It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and your family.”
Melissa is holding onto the wheelchair to push her grandmother out of the facility when the older woman turns around and smacks the redhead’s arm. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“Don’t you got something you want to ask Y/N?” Been prompts.
The teacher sighs. “Do you want a free grandma?”
“That was not the question, and you know it- you pain in my ass!” Nonna smacks her granddaughter’s arm playfully as she’s wheeled out.
“Thanks for taking care of crazy lady,” Melissa calls over her shoulder.
Once Melissa gets her grandmother settled at home, Nonna sighs dramatically. “I thought you said you were going to ask her out!”
“I said I would think about it, Nonna.”
“And that to me, means that you were! Come on now Melly!”
“Well, you’re out of the hospital, so there’s no reason for me to go back there again,” the redhead tells her grandmother.
“I could have another stroke,” the older woman suggests with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
“That would be dramatic, even for you,” Melissa rolls her eyes.
Nonna shrugs. “Your reason to go back there could simply be to ask her out.”
“Will that really make you happy?” the redhead finally begins to crack. She grabs her keys and circles them around her finger a few times.
“I’ve been trying to get you to ask her out for the past three days!” Bea nods frantically. “C’mon now. Don’t make me wait any longer for grandkids!”
“Nobody said anything about grandkids, Nonna!” Melissa tells her grandmother as she makes her way out the door.
You’re just about to take your twenty minute break when you see familiar red hair standing at the desk.
“Hi, Melissa,” you smile at her warmly. “What’re you doin’ back here?”
The woman runs a hand through her gently curled hair. “Makin’ my nonna happy.”
“How so?”
Melissa runs a hand over her face. “God, I can’t believe I’m letting my grandmother pressure me into this, but… do you wanna go out with me for dinner one night? Or I can cook?”
Your eyes widen at her question. “What?”
“My nonna took a liking to you and has been trying to get me to ask you out for the last three days… I thought about it, and here I am. What do you say?”
“I have…” you look down at your watch. “seventeen minutes left of my break?”
Those green eyes sparkle. She takes your hand gently and leads you outside.
Those seventeen minutes are the best that you’ve had in quite some time. The timer on your phone goes off all too quickly, and you let out a disappointed huff as you stand from the curb just outside the hospital doors.  You dust yourself off before extending a hand out to help her up from the low stoop. She takes it with a smile.
“I don’t know about you,” Melissa tells you as she squeezes your hand. “But I would love to see you again… the next time you have a night off.”
“I have off tomorrow if that’s not too soon,” you laugh softly. You pull your phone out of your scrubs before handing it over.
“I’ll pick you up at six,” the redhead winks as she starts to make her way back to her car.
You watch her go before heading back into the hallway with the bright lights and smell of disinfectant. 
When Melissa comes home, Nonna looks at her knowingly. “So?”
“Shut it,” the redhead laughs as she makes her way into the kitchen to start on the next meal.
TAGS, and let me know if you want to be added: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months
Heeeyyy it's been a while since I've been here, but i got another idea.
So you remember me telling about the trope of readee being hated and suxh by the sully, well, instead of the usual 'sad reader wanting to fit in the family and gets hurt in the process', i actually thought of a reader who is overly calm and very strategic and honestly doesn't care about the fact that her family hates her, cause she spends more time with her friends and such and only comes when it's an emergency. She's also better than Neteyam at being a warrior that she trained many new warriors and has a very high spiritual connection with eywa, even more than Kiri
sully family x sister/daughter
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The sully family had live by two quotes one of them being " sully stick together" and second on being " that their family was a fortress" well that was all true but false. There was one family member that didn't get the same love and treatment like all the other children within the family and outside of the family. That family member is Jake and neytiri daughter, who never seem to with over her parents and even her siblings along with the rest of the clan. A child who does not get love and care will soon grow up by themselves and becoming independent, and might not return love and care to those who never gave it to them.
y/n " ........" you soon rolled out of bed way before any of your siblings wake up, even before your parents as well. This is the norm for you from such a young age you learned to stay out of your family way.
y/n " good morning grandmother" you soon went to the healer hut to see your grandmother as she was getting ready for the day.
mo'at " hello my granddaughter you are here early"
y/n " well it best if I stay out of toruk makto way along with neytiri as well" mo'at was the only few people who cared for the child, and over time grow dislike towards Jake and neytiri for their treatment of their daughter.
mo'at " yes it seems like goes well for you when you keep out of their way along with majority of the clan"
y/n " well I do stay around to make sure everyone is safe I even watch over tuk and younger kids when they play, far from their mothers watch but make sure not to get caught"
mo'at " you are might warrior my child and pure of heart as well"
y/n " well I only have a few more years of being a teen until I'm an adult and toruk makto will tell me to leave or kick me out"
mo'at " well you always have a place in my home my child"
y/n " thank you grandmother I might stay her a bit longer when I'm older then leave to seek out more of our world as eywa has been calling me"
mo'at " follow your heart my dear" you smile at your grandmother the happy mood had been changed, when the other healers had arrived young and old but none of them set towards the hut.
mo'at " don't stand there like fools come we have to get ready for the day"
y/n " it best if I take my leave grandmother my present make everyone uncomfortable"
mo'at " dear you can stay your sisters will be coming for thier lessons, and I will love you to join them"
y/n " I will like to honor your wish but that will lead to trouble for you grandmother, with our mighty leader I will see you later on" you bid your grandmother goodbye and soon left the hut, getting glares and hearing whispers but you didn't care you stopped care many years ago.
y/n " sisters good morning"
kiri "morning y/n"
tuk " big sister good morning I have missed you ... oh I mean good morning y/n" you sighed as tuk had been the only sibling to call you sister, but it seems like Jake and neytiri actions and words had finally made her start calling you sister.
tuk " are you here to help grandmother and learn with us"
tuk " that not fair or nice"
y/n " it okay little one I understand well I shouldn't hold you all up anymore, I pray to the great mother to watch over all three of you" the duo said nothing else as they soon walked away from you, but it seems like they felt bad about their behavior. You were walking around the village trying to get somewhere.
y/n " ......" you had realized you had forgotten something that home, and soon ran back to get it. You soon reached the home and went to your bed and grabbed it, the home smells like breakfast meaning the family had morning meal together. You had sighed it was normal for you to not have meals with your family at home.
y/n " time to get going" you had grabbed your armband and soon put it on before you walked out of your home, you soon made your way through the village once again.
navi man " there that girl again"
navi women " I still can't believe she toruk makto daughter she nothing like her parents or siblings, even kiri a better daughter then her"
navi man 2 " I have heard rumors that toruk makto has plans to send to live on her own"
navi women " well I heard him and neytiri were trying to find a boy to become her mate, they were given any man a good offer to be with her" you had gotten use to hearing all the hate and rumors made about you, over time when you were younger you tried you best to prove you were good enough but soon stopped over time. The feeling of not caring about other had started when you become 13 and stayed that way since then.
Jake " if we hunt on these grounds we will be able to bring back a good hunt" you soon came across Jake and his hunting group as he had your brothers and spider with him.
y/n " ........" one of the warriors had noticed you and soon whispered something to the group, as everyone soon looked at you.
Jake " y/n you are wake you were not up when we served morning meal, your mother works hard on these meals it rude to miss them"
y/n " I'm sorry sir but something came up that morning and I went to meet with grandmother"
Jake " sure whatever just stay out of trouble I don't need you causing anymore trouble"
y/n " yes sir"
lo'ak " hey sis well dad giving you the same lecture over and over again, when are you going to learn"
y/n " when are you going to stop being so hothead brother"
spider " haha she got you good bro"
neteyam " enough the people are watching stop picking on him y/n it rude"
y/n " what he started it"
neteyam " well you need to be the better person dad is stress enough he doesn't need more work about you, and have you been practicing you skills .... you know how dad and mom are"
y/n " I ....."
neytiri " yes have you been training or act like your child your younger sister has better skills then you"
neteyam " mom"
y/n " yes I have been practicing ma'am"
neytiri " not enough if you haven't pass the test like your brother"
y/n " I'm doing my best that all I can say"
Jake " enough y/n I and your mother have more important stuff to deal with verse your failing to caught up with the family .... just go and stay out of the way of everyone and everything" you didn't say anything else as you soon walked away. Your brother and spider said nothing else, even tsutey who was there said nothing as well.
norm " hey there kiddo off again"
y/n " yes same as usual"
max " had another fight with your dad again and mom"
y/n " yes it seems like I'm not enough for Jake sully and neytiri, always blaming me for stuff like some of the others and always judging me"
norm " he does care"
y/n " stopping lying we all know that false norm he doesn't care and he will never care" norm and max along with some other humans knew that was true and hate how you were treated, but they couldn't say and do that much unless they wish to start trouble with the clan.
max " you know one day you will do something amazing kid"
y/n " thank you max well I'm going off if you need Jake sully he about to leave with his hunting party along, with my brother and spider" you soon ran off getting far away from home tree and soon calling your ikran, she was not allowed to stay with the others because she looked different and was not wanted around.
y/n " come on girl lets go for a flight and to see what we will happen today" you soon took off on your ikran and started flying around the skies, feeling for free and happy. After some travel you soon reached a part the end of the forest and where the sea began. This was so a beautiful place.
y/n " ........" you were walking around the area exploring everything and having a bright smile on your face. Then you felt someone place their hands on your waist.
y/n " ahhh kawwney" you had turned around to see you friend kawwney standing there, he soon smirked at you. As he soon backed away from you and smiled.
kawwney " hello ma y/n I was waiting for your arrival"
y/n " well I'm help to me here it better then being at home right now" kawwney had become your friend many years ago when you both of you were small. He was not from the forest he was from reef clan the metkayaian, you had meet him when you were with your grandmother on trip and kawwney was with his mom. After that day the both of you had become the best of friends.
Kawwney " almsot there hold it like that ... okay now fire the spear" you soon fire the spear and soon hit the target as kawwney had cheered for you.
kawwney " good job you are doing a well job with using a spear and your breathing as well"
y/n " thank you"
kawwney “ what the matter”
y/n “ family problems once again” kawwney soon sighed he knew you didn’t have, a good relationship with your parents. He really didn't like your parents and clan for their treatment of you, and he really wished to do anything to make your life better.
Kawwney “ y/n you are perfect no matter what they have to say or do, they are blind fools for treating you like this”
Y/n “ thank you kawwney there are whispers going around that Jake will kick me out or true to marry to off not anyone who will take the offer”
kawwney “ I will take the offer or even he does kick you out if you leave come join my clan, out of all forest Navi we have seen we only likes a few … you make those names of people we like even my father likes you and wishes to have you stay with us”
y/n “ thank you kawwney you will make a great leader one day and bring pride to your clan and people”
kawweny “ thanks you and one day you will make a great tshiak and leader, as well maybe you can rule by my side as well”
kawwney “ here a gift my dear a necklace I made for you perfect for you, and it will symbolize our bond” you smile as kawwney as he place the necklace around your neck, kawwney soon pulled your closer to him not caring who saw them.
later at night
y/n " ......." you soon had arrived home after being gone all day with your friends having a fun time and practicing as well, you heard your family laughing and talking. Once she had stepped into the home everything had become silent as everyone looked at her.
Jake " it seems like you have decided to come home after all"
y/n " yes sir I was out doing some practice"
Jake " that seems like a bunch of lies young lady"
y/n " ........."
Jake " you know you will soon be an adult you will need to make, the right decision if you wish to have a place in the clan and family" you didn't say anything as you nodded your head.
neytiri " if you can't be a hunter then lets hope you can do something else for the clan and family, or maybe your father and brother can find you a good match to strengthen the family and clan" your siblings stay quite as they watched your parents speak to you.
Jake " y/n you can't stay act like a child for the rest of your life, soon you will have to grow up and become an adult and give up your childish for once and a while"
y/n " yes sir"
Jake " good now this conversation is over with I hope you will take I and your mother words to heart" you stayed silent you knew the day will come when your family will have to make the decisions, to allow you to stay in the family of to have you leave. You had taken some soon went to bed to stay out of your family happy moment together, you soon thought about the words Jake will say " sully stick together" and " that our family is a fortress". You soon scoffed at those words they were false words coming from a man that has failed to be father to his daughter. When the time will come you will make the decisions you want that will mean no longer being a sully, even if it mean parting some the life she had live for so many years but maybe it was time for some change in her life.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
baby’s first christmas II m.earps x reader
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part of the a date to remember universe series
baby’s first christmas II m.earps x reader
"this is nice, isn't it?" you chuckled at your wifes words, the two of you cuddled up on the sofa watching a movie, well you were.
"is it? because you haven't stopped bouncing your knee, checking your phone and looking out the front window since delilah was picked up." you smiled knowingly, mary burying her face in her hands.
"i'm trying!" mary whined with a pout, sinking down further into the lounge. "she's with your mum mary she's going to be absolutely fine. you need to get over this anxious attachment love its going to rub off on her." you moved to straddle the keepers lap with an empathetic smile.
"i know i know. i just worry baby, she's so little." mary sighed, hands resting on your thighs. "she is and i know you are fiercely protective my love but you need to trust she's okay when shes with someone other than you or i." you ran your hands through her hair which was down for once, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
“you know one day she’s going to need to go to school, get a job, move out-“ your words were cut off as your wife practically tackled you down onto the sofa, covering her ears and yelling loudly to drown you out. “mary! you’re such a child.” you squirmed beneath her with a shake of your head. “she’s never ever allowed to grow up that is a disgusting illegal incorrect thought shes going to be our sweet little angel forever and ever!” the keeper warned sternly, pointing down at you with a menacing look.
“when?” your wife looked confused at the question. “what what?” she countered with a frown. “when did you learn to control time? you know normally that’s father times job, you might need to grow a beard or something to fit in. don’t know if I’d be into that babe.” you reached up to stroke her chin as she rolled her eyes and pushed your hands away.
“whose being a child now?”
"okay but in all seriousness it's her first christmas my love, this is supposed to be exciting!" you shook her lightly as she finally perked up. "okay okay mary slow down!" you laughed as your wife rattled off a million and one things she wanted to do with your daughter during the holiday season.
"oo when she gets back lets take her for a walk to look at some lights, and have hot chocolate, and watch a movie!" the keeper lit up as you nodded your agreement, tugging the taller girl down into a kiss.
"i'd also like to finish this movie if you'd sit still and stop stressing for another...hour and ten minutes." you chuckled checking your phone, marys mum due to drop delilah back off at five.
“you’ll go grey at your age if you’re not careful about your stress levels baby.” you teased, squealing as her fingers dug into your sides. “watch it, cheeky.”
to marys credit she sat mostly still, though as soon as the clock ticked five she was back into the routine of checking her phone and glancing out the window every thirty seconds, the bouncing of her knee shaking your own body which was curled up into hers.
"mary! for god sakes she's probably stuck in traffic or enjoying her time with her granddaughter." you snatched the girls phone off of her and slid it into your hoodie pocket, smacking her knee to stop it bouncing.
"you're being ridiculous, if anything was wrong we would be the first people your mum would call. now if you want to keep busy and get your mind off of it, go and get the rest of the decorations you've been promising me you'll grab in 'just a minute babe'!" you mocked, raising an eyebrow as the girl went to argue your point.
"yes love, whatever you say love." mary sighed in defeat, kissing your cheek and getting to her feet. "remember; happy wife happy life earps." you smirked as she flipped you off over her shoulder with a sarcastic smile, disappearing upstairs.
she returned a few minutes later with boxes piled high in her arms, depositing them onto the carpet near the tree as you dropped to your knees and started sorting through them.
"that was exhausting." mary complained as she collapsed onto the lounge. "baby you went up the stairs, into the spare room, into the closet, grabbed the boxes, came downstairs. you didn't even train today!" you laughed at your wife, though her chance to respond disappeared as the doorbell sounded and she was on her feet in seconds flat.
"hi julie!" you greeted the woman warmly as mary flung the door open, snatching delilah up and out of her pram cooing at her, completely ignoring her mum as you elbowed her harshly. "yeah hi mum." mary mumbled dismissively, attention completely locked on the squirming baby in her arms.
"would you like to come in for a cup of tea? it's freezing!" you offered, the woman thanking you for the offer but declining, giving you a tight hug and rolling her eyes at mary who waved but otherwise continued to ignore her.
"mary! that was so rude.” you scolded your wife, smacking her shoulder making delilah giggle once you'd put away her things. "oh did you like that bubba?" you cooed, punching your wife again and grinning at the adorable giggles that followed.
"oi! stop teaching her to be violent." mary warned, kicking you away with her foot as she hoisted delilah onto her hip and returned to the living room. "she can learn that from you sweary earps." you teased, earning yourself a filthy look.
"look at those! aren't they pretty lilah." you bounced delilah up and down as mary tickled her chin, both of you melting at the giggles which followed. "god she laughs at everything now!" you sighed happily, mary pushing the pram around as you wandered the streets looking at lights.
"i'm surprised she can even see given all those bloody layers you've got her trapped in, like a little burrito!" mary smirked as you pushed her with your free hand, delilah again giggling in delight. "its the middle of winter mary of course she's bundled up. don’t pretend as if you would have dressed her any differently and you've got about five layers on yourself!" you pointed out, your wife holding her hands up in the air unable to argue as she sipped on her hot chocolate.
at her request you swapped, you now pushing the empty pram as mary wandered beside you chattering away to delilah, pointing out house after house and trying to get her to speak. "say santa, santa!" you laughed at her efforts, the poor girl barely able to speak much more than a few words among her baby gibberish.
"babe i think my toes might drop off and her cheeks are quite pink, lets head back yeah?"
"oh that is so cute." mary squealed as you balanced a santa hat on delilahs head, the baby crawling about on the ground in front of the tree as you and your wife snapped a hundred and one pictures.
the three of you had spent the rest of the evening after dinner dancing around the house to christmas music as you finished putting up the rest of the directions, mary offering up for the two of you to host your families for christmas dinner this year which was sure to be an interesting experience.
"oh! baby i forgot have a surprise." you raised an eyebrow as your wife jumped happily to her feet with so much eagerness that she tripped on the edge of the carpet, racing off as you rolled your eyes. "mama is so silly sometimes! yes she is, yes she is." you cooed to your daughter who was sat up on the carpet in front of you with an adorably lopsided smile.
you snapped another photo of the santa hat perched on her head with her little candy cane pyjamas and sent it to both ella and alessia, getting an influx of texts back demanding more pictures as you rolled your eyes and tossed your phone up on the sofa.
between marys national and club team mates and your own friends and families there was already a small village of presents for delilah stacked under the tree, then add in yours and marys inability not to spoil her rotten and you'd needed to move half of them into the other room to save space.
"close your eyes please beautiful!" you heard your wife call out from another room as you did so, hearing her footsteps return to the room and the floorboards squeak a little as she sat back down on the carpet.
"hands out." she ordered, snatching up your daughter and sitting her in her lap as you hesitantly opened your palms. "baby its nothing bad! do you not trust me?" mary huffed at your obvious hesitance making a smile curl onto your lips.
"okay, open." you felt something round and smooth dropped into your hand as you opened your eyes again. "oh my god mary." you breathed out, the small golden bauble reading 'babys first christmas' in beautiful calligraphy.
"its perfect. i love it!" you sent her a soft smile, leaning over to reward her with a tender kiss, a pair of tiny hands wrenching their way between your mouths as you broke apart with a laugh, both of you attacking delilahs little face with kisses instead.
"i thought we could get her a new one every year and then when she's older she'll have all these little baubles and ornaments to pass down to her own kids." mary admitted as you could have melted into a puddle then and there.
“i love that idea. once she’s a bit older she can even make some of her own!” you tickled under the girls chin making her giggle adorably as both you and your wife swooned at the sound.
"not that you're allowed a boyfriend or a girlfriend or anything until you're at least thirty missy!" the goalkeeper warned the small girl seriously making you laugh. "lets get her to hang it before she goes down." you suggested, the two of you standing with mary holding delilah.
grabbing her tiny hand you held the bauble between your finger tips, guiding her hand to hang it on the tree. "perfect! just like you." mary blew a gentle raspberry on delilahs cheek who let out a tired giggle and a yawn.
"you're it! i put her down for her nap at lunch time." you patted your wife on the back and kissed delilah goodnight, collapsing back into the sofa as mary disappeared to put your daughter to bed.
you busied yourself making the two of you another hot chocolate before flicking through christmas movies as you awaited your wife to return. she did so a half hour later, having changed her hoodie as you grinned knowing exactly what that meant.
"load of washing tomorrow then?" you teased, the older girl mocking you under her breath and flopping down on top of you, her body laid out between your legs as her head rested on your chest.
"oh you know me so well." mary sighed happily as you selected the holiday which was forever her favourite christmas movie. “no quoting it word for word or you can sleep on the sofa.” you teased, carding your hands through her hair with a smile, mary grabbing a blanket off the back of the sofa and draping it over the two of you.
"our first christmas as mothers." the keeper beamed, moving so her chin was resting on your sternum and she smiled softly up at you. "the first of many baby, i love you mrs earps." you smiled softly.
"i love you more mrs earps."
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macfrog · 1 year
state-of-the-art sex on fire chapter two
*chants* ceo joel ceo joel ceo joel
part 2 to you shook me all night long!!! massive credit to @whore-4-pedro again for the concept this is SO much fun. work trip coming soon babies!!! masterlist here, ao3 here 💓
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pairing: ceo!joel x fem!reader
summary: joel’s had a rough week at work. you figure you know the perfect way to relieve some of his tension
warnings: 18+ (minors dni!!!) more teasing and touching, oral (m receiving), getting handsy in public + fingering, unprotected semi-public piv sex, creampie, daddy kink, softdom!joel, age gap (reader is late 20s, joel late 40s), cursing, workplace relationship
word count: 6.6k
series masterlist | main masterlist | playlist
The stretch is too much; he’s all the way in down to his knuckles, curling and then uncurling his fingers deep inside you. Your hips are slowly circling by instinct, rutting against his hand as it fucks you, sending fluttery waves of pleasure all over your body. You ball up your fist, nails digging half-moons into the skin of your palm, attempting to fight the tidal wave fast approaching as Joel’s fingers snap harder into you, a third beckoning your orgasm nearer and nearer. You’re there – right where he wants you, almost throwing your head back with the feeling he’s giving you. And then you make the mistake of looking at him, catching that ever so Joel smile when, shielded from the others by his hand, he breathes, “There’s my girl.”
The black mug. Not the one with the gold handle – that’s one of Martha’s. She doesn’t use it much – at least not as much as the one with her granddaughter’s face printed on it – but she once left you with a stack of paperwork to shred all by yourself just ‘cause you made yourself a tea in it.
No. Just plain black all over. No words, no pictures. Plain. Black.
Few spoonsful of coffee into the filter, hard granules sprinkling over the white paper. Close the lid, flick the switch, and then wait for it to brew. Once it’s done, fill the mug almost to the top – until the coffee kisses the bottom of that one chip in the ceramic. No sugar. No sweetener. No nothing.
Just plain black.
“Thanks, darlin’.” Joel takes the mug carefully from your hands as you wander over, then you perch yourself by his side on Martha’s desk. He takes a sip and nods like usual, confirming what you already know.
You make a damn good cup of coffee.
“You’re worth, what, a few hundred million? You can’t buy a better coffee machine?”
“’s wrong with that one?” he asks, mug on his bottom lip.
“Works like it’s from the eighties or something.”
Martha clears her throat behind you both. “I am gonna give you five seconds to explain what you mean by that.”
“I mean…it’s not exactly state-of-the-art, is it?”
Joel’s jaw drops dramatically. His head wobbles like it’s about to implode, hearing what you just said. “You hear that, Martha? We ain’t state-of-the-art anymore, you ‘n me. We’re older ‘n that coffee machine, you know.”
Martha’s shaking her head, clicking away at her computer.
Joel nudges your arm with a soft chuckle and you sigh, turning away to watch the four men in his office; stood an awkward distance apart, small talking, pacing, adjusting their suits. One of them is messing with some trinket on Joel’s bookshelf.
“You think they’re nervous?” you ask, and he laughs from behind you.
“I reckon they’ve a lot to be nervous about.”
“Was it that bad? On Monday?”
Joel had spent the better part of four hours locked in that conference room, right after you two – you know. He was late for lunch by the time he was ushering them out, collars loose, jackets slung over arms. It was probably a good thing you’d tired him out a little beforehand, or he’d have been way more unforgiving than he was.
Three departments in Joel’s company have gone over budget. It isn’t a huge deal. He has the money. Just, he wants the right people in charge of it, and right now…he clearly doesn’t have that. Honestly, you hate to admit it, but it makes sense. You’re kinda on Joel’s side.
He’d given them to the end of the week to come up with action plans, figure out how to undo the mess. This is the end of the week. This is supposed to be the big reveal.
Joel runs a hand through his hair, palm hooking around the back of his neck.
“Wasn’t great,” he mutters.
You knew that much. You’d asked what he wanted to eat as he passed your desk en route back to his office, and he’d waved his hand and told you to order whatever you wanted with his card. When his door closed, you glanced over to Martha, who shrugged, and went back to playing solitaire.
You figured he wasn’t down for more sex. He didn’t reappear until five o’clock, when he walked you down to the street, carrying your jacket for you, and helped you into your cab.
The elevator dings and the brass doors separate, revealing a figure behind.
George Mackley. Short. Stout. Obnoxiously bright red tie. Head of marketing.
He waddles in a hurry toward the three of you, nodding curtly to Joel as he passes. His shaking hand fumbles around the handle of the office door, which he pulls on instead of pushing, and gives an awkward chuckle before rushing inside.
“Fuckin’…finally,” Joel grunts, passing you his mug and standing up.
“Should I order my own lunch again?” you ask, looking up at the man stretching his arms out before you. Like he’s about to go in and punch sense into them all.
You’d probably love him to do that. It’d make for some great sex afterward.
“I’ll be takin’ a lunch break,” he replies, tapping your knee, “whether we’re done or not. Be out at one.”
You nod, and he stalks off to his office. His mug’s still warm in your lap. You’re still staring when he enters the room, watching how all five men immediately file into the couches across from his desk just at the sight of him. Watching how Joel’s lean figure sits back against his desk, his ankles crossed. His arms folded at his chest. His broad shoulders beneath that tight white shirt.
He has that way about him. Commanding, confident. Strong. It’s probably what convinced you to fold, if you’re honest. Sure, he’s kind, and he’s a good boss, all things considered. He’s funny. But he’s cool. It takes a lot to shake Joel.
This meeting? It’s not shaking him. He’s barely even giving these guys enough attention to sit up straight. He’s so damn breezy, so laidback that when he pushes off of his desk and stands up, you give a small gasp.
You lift his mug, drinking from the same spot his lips touched only minutes ago.
“Thought you hated black coffee,” Martha murmurs.
“Stress sipping,” you reply. “Fucking hell…”
Joel’s erratic. Waving his arms, pacing around the room. You swear the men cower as he approaches; shoulders hunched and heads low until he’s past them.
He looks…Yeah. Fuck it. He looks a little shaken.
Martha tuts. “Shouldn’t be idiots with his money.”
“He has money, though,” you offer. “Like, this ain’t that big a deal, is it? He can afford to go over budget sometimes.”
“Joel doesn’t like anyone messin’ with what’s his,” she tells you. “Doesn’t like other hands on his toys. It’s not the overspending he’s pissed about. It’s the crossin’ the line.”
Your eyebrow cocks. She can’t see your expression, and good thing, because it’d probably give you away. Doesn’t like other hands on his toys.
A flash of movement from Joel’s office drags your eyes from the dregs of his coffee back to the transparent wall between you. He’s whipping the shades closed one by one, putting a barrier between his office and the outside world.
It can’t mean anything good, right? It doesn’t look like they’re about to sit in a circle and braid each other’s hair. Sure as hell aren’t about to see Joel’s good side.
“I gotta go in,” you declare, lifting off of Martha’s desk like you’ve taken flight.
She calls your name, almost tired of your antics. “I don’t think that’s a good idea…”
But you’re already scooping up a notepad, slipping it under your arm and fishing a pen from your desk. Already walking over to the office door, hearing the dangerous hum of Joel’s voice through the wood.
Your knuckles rap three times. You don’t wait to be called inside. Just push the handle down and slip in.
He’s stood against the frame of one of the windows, hands in his pockets. When you materialize from behind the door, his face relaxes. Brows loosen, jaw slackens. Lips almost tug into a smile.
“Sorry I’m late.” You sidle over to his desk and sit down in his chair, biting on your bottom lip, casting an unsure glance around the room.
Five pale faces turned to you. George Mackley looks like he’s about to weep.
Joel thanks you and then steps forward. “So, Ken, we were at last month’s sales.”
“Uh, yeah…” Ken draws his gaze from you when Joel moves in front of the desk. As he waltzes by, he spins slowly, giving you a look as he passes.
Kill me, he mouths, rolling his eyes. You smile, looking down at your blank notebook. You’re not here to take the fucking minutes. You know that, Joel knows that. You’re only here so he has something to keep him from losing it. Something to sit and look pretty, and calm him down.
Also: you kinda want the gossip. What the fuck did these guys do with all of Joel’s money, right?
Almost two hours in, a dozen games of tic-tac-toe against yourself, and one very crude drawing of Monday morning’s activities, Joel startles you by slamming a file down onto his glass coffee table.
“And you think that’s a solution?” he spits, voice laced with fury.
“Joel, you gotta see it from my side. I’m managing thirty people down there, it’s–”
“’n I’m managing five idiots from up here. Mackley,” he turns to the face as red as the tie below it, “you got anythin’ else for me?”
George Mackley shakes his head. His hair’s unkempt; it was gelled flat to his head when he arrived, but his hands have been through it more times than Joel’s lapped the office.
“Alright. Y’know what,” Joel seethes, backing up and motioning for them to stand, “everyone out. Meeting’s over. Go.”
“Joel–” A tall man with blue eyes stands up.
“If you ain’t about to offer me somethin’ that can fuckin’ fix this mess, then shut your mouth and get out of my office. All of you.”
The men sheepishly collect their briefcases, their documents, themselves, and stand, filing out of the door one by one. You rise from Joel’s chair, taking your notepad between your fingers, and slowly wander around the desk.
He’s standing with his head in his hands, shoulders swelling with his breathing. Does he want you to leave, too? You don’t want to rile him more; certainly don’t want to be the first face his angry self sees. But you want to make sure he’s okay. Want to check on him.
Plus, he’s kind of hot when he’s pissed.
You’re tottering toward the door when Joel drops his hands from his face, notices you, and says, plain as the coffee in his mug, “Not you.”
You turn back, pushing the door closed behind you.
“Didn’t mean to yell.”
You don’t reply. Your hand lifts to find the lock blindly behind your hip, and you click it. Now there’s nobody, no one to disturb you both. No one to walk in, no one to see.
You approach him.
He’s still talking: “Didn’t want you to have to hear all that. I spoil your morning?”
Your head shakes and you mutely take his hands, leading him around to his chair and pushing him back into it.
“Baby, what–”
You part his legs with your own, his fingers still interlocked with yours. Then you think he gets it. Understands where you’re going.
You sink to your knees between his thighs.
“They were bein’ idiots,” you say, fingers undoing his belt. “’n you didn’t spoil my mornin’. You gave me a little bit of excitement.”
Joel’s breath shudders as he watches you tug his belt through the loops of his pants and drop it to the floor. Still, he laughs, and asks, “Is that so?”
“N– Oh, fuck. Not like that. Like–” You pause, breathing out a sigh.
Yeah, okay. Like that, if you want. I’m down if you are.
His pants are open, lying loose on his hips. The waistband of his boxers visible. You hook two fingers over it and peel it down a fraction, following Joel’s happy trail as it grows thicker and darker, when he puts a hand over yours and breathes your name.
“Relax,” you mutter back, nudging his hand off of yours. “Just let me take care of you.”
His head falls against the back of his chair and his shoulders sink into the leather. You pull on the elastic and take hold of the base of his cock, already stiff, slipping it out from beneath the black cotton.
Joel’s knees fall slack when you take a hold of him. Two hands, because he’s so fucking big. Your fists pump him a few times, feeling him harden in your grasp, warm skin rock solid in your hands. You lean forward on your knees, thick bead of saliva falling from your lips onto his head, dribbling down his smooth shaft.
Joel’s watching through hooded lids. Caressing your hair, petting you. Your fingers collect your spit and drag it up and down him, and you swear he almost fucking whines.
Almost isn’t enough. You want to really hear him. So you slacken your jaw, part your lips, and slide them down, tongue flat against the underside of his length as he fills your mouth. Joel’s fist tightens, pulls harshly on your hair for just a second, until he’s breathing out again in relief, body relaxing to the feel of your wet tongue around his hard cock.
“Don’t need to – do this, babygirl.”
“Mhm,” you mumble around him.
“Fuck…” he whispers.
Your elbows are hooked over his thighs, holding yourself up in place between his legs. He tastes salty; skin warm, smooth. Your tongue flickers over his head, collecting precum, and Joel groans.
You pull off of him and lick your lips.
“What you gonna do?” you ask, fingers squeezing and dragging saliva and Joel’s arousal up and down. “About the budget stuff?”
His chest is heaving, hips lifting out of the seat almost like he’s trying to put himself back where he belongs. “What…can I do?” he asks through desperate pants. “Can’t – fuck – can’t drum sense into ‘em.”
You wrap your puffy lips around his tip, kissing it, tongue playing with him again. Swirling around, gathering him on your tastebuds. “Why don’t you cut ‘em loose, then?”
Your head dips again, lips sucking around his shaft, tongue still darting around his swollen head.
He can barely fucking answer. His eyes close over and, with a groan either side of the sentence, he replies, “’s not that easy, baby. Fuck. Keep doin’ that.”
You loosen your lips enough to let your reply pass them. Your voice is muffled, thick. “Sounds easy to me.”
“Shut up,” he grunts. “Keep fuckin’ – usin’ your tongue.”
You obey, running your tongue up and down his length and coming to rest to pay more attention to his tip.
“Yeah, just like that. Good girl.”
You hollow your cheeks and let your lips trickle up and down for a bit before releasing him with a pop. Joel’s writhing underneath you, leaning almost horizontal in his chair.
“Gonna cum, daddy?”
He nods, eyes still screwed shut. “Yeah, pretty girl. You want it down your throat again?”
“Fuck – dirty girl.”
It’s all the encouragement you need. You widen your jaw, taking him in your mouth in full, until he’s choking you down to what feels like the bottom of your fucking neck. You fuck him with your throat, bobbing up and down, his fist in your hair pushing and pulling even though you don’t need him to. Your mouth meets the skin at the base of his cock over and over, dark hair brushing against your glossy lips.
Joel’s moaning each time, when his cock kisses the back of your throat, when you involuntarily choke around him, when your tongue drags along his length as he pulls you up and down. And soon his breathing loses rhythm, hips tense, and you know he’s there.
He cums, hard, at the back of your mouth. Warm release spilling out over your tongue, neatly running down your throat as you wait for him to still. His cock throbs with each shot of cum, swelling and jerking between your lips. When Joel sinks back into his chair again, you slip him out of your mouth and back under his boxershorts.
Your head lulls to the side, resting on his big thigh as you swallow him with a smile on your lips. His grip on your hair loosens, turns instead back to soft stroking, chest still panting as he comes back down. You watch him through glazed eyes; his shoulders rising and falling, breaths passing his lips like waves at the beach.
He’s twirling your hair gently around his finger, looking down at you like you’re made of twinkling gold dust.
Eventually, Joel takes a deep breath and sits up straight, beckoning you to do the same. He tucks his shirt back in, redoes his pants, then leans forward and hooks both hands under your arms, pulling you up to him.
You giggle as he lifts you onto his lap, straddling him with your knees either side of his waist. Your elbows rest on his shoulders, hands linking at the back of his neck.
His jaw turns upward, and you lower yours, your lips meeting in a soft embrace. You laugh against him, letting his tongue slip into your mouth, pushing yours into his.
“Better?” you ask once you part.
“Better, darlin’. Thank you.”
He kisses you again, a little more rushed, little less tender. Then his hands squeeze your ass and you squeal into his mouth, jumping up off of him.
You pass him his belt and lift the empty coffee mug off of his desk. “Refill?”
“Yeah. Sure. Thanks,” he says, slipping the leather through his belt loops. His shoulders are lifted, tummy sucked in as he feeds it through. He almost looks cute.
You smile and then turn on your heels, wiping the corners of your mouth as you emerge from the office.
“Is he comin’, or what?”
Martha jerks her head in the direction of Joel’s office. She’s stood at your desk, hands on her hips, bag over her shoulder.
“He’s…Yeah, he said he would be. Let me go check.”
You close over the budget report file you’d been reading through and shimmy out from behind your desk, trying to amble as casually as possible over to the shuttered blinds.
You turn the handle, poking your head around the door.
He’s stood at his desk, raking a hand through his hair, top button of his shirt undone. Tie sitting loose around his collar. He spots you and gives an apologetic smile.
You comin’? you mouth.
Joel points to his phone. Some panicked voice fills the silence between you both.
“…so I gave the two of ‘em a tellin’; they shouldn’t make any more purchase orders without my permission. Without your permission, Joel, I mean…And about last month’s sales, too…”
You step over to his desk, slow, suspicious. Mischief on your mind.
“Sorry, baby,” he whispers, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
You cock your head, brows furrowing. You’d been looking forward to lunch with Joel all day; something to take his mind off the meeting this morning.
Martha had called his favorite restaurant, they’d told her they had no space, she’d mentioned it was for Mr. Miller, and a table had magically opened up. Then you’d encouraged her to ask Deb, knowing she’d inevitably ask James, her admin assistant, and, before you knew it, your small lunch was a party of five.
Worked for you. You and Joel would probably be too caught up in each other’s company to notice the rest.
Except, the way things are looking, Joel isn’t getting off this call anytime soon. Soon meaning within the next thirty seconds, given the reservation is in ten minutes.
You’re growing desperate. Running out of time, knowing if you don’t do something to shut this guy the fuck up, your little daydream of sitting side by side with Joel, so close you can feel the heat off of him, feel his chest vibrate when he talks, maybe even feel his hand trailing up your thigh…won’t come true.
“What if you just…” Your fingers walk along Joel’s desktop, heading for his phone. “…lost…connection…?”
He doesn’t say a word, but the smirk that forms across his lips grants you all the permission you need. Your fingers clutch the receiver, lifting it barely an inch, then drop it back into its cradle. The panicked voice cuts.
“Oops.” You shrug, straightening up in front of Joel.
“Oops,” he repeats, wrapping his strong arms around your shoulders and pulling you into him again. You lift your jaw to kiss him only quickly, before you’re pushing yourself off of his chest and dragging him away from his desk.
“Sorry, Ken!” you call as Joel yanks the door open, the pair of you laughing like schoolkids.
You meet the others outside the building, huddled together at the bottom of the concrete steps. Deb puts her cigarette out on top of a trashcan when you both approach.
“Well, we thought you weren’t comin’,” she utters to Joel.
He lifts his eyebrows in response, hands slipping into his pockets, and glances around the group. “We goin’?”
“Waiting for your driver, Mr. CEO.” Martha winks.
“Aha,” Joel replies, face unmoving, “funny.”
“It’s, like, two blocks, we can walk,” you say, setting off down the street. Joel’s quick to follow, strolling at your side, but there’s a chorus of groans from the rest of your party. “Come on!” you yell over your shoulder.
“We’re supposed to be dining with the head of the fuckin’ company!” Martha cries, and Deb cackles.
“I gotta live like the rest of y’all sometimes,” Joel shrugs, walking backward, “keeps my feet rooted, doesn’t it?”
“I hate you,” you mutter, and he knocks into your shoulder with his own.
The Courtyard is bright, modern, and…beige. It’s only Joel’s favorite because it was a buddy of his from grad school who opened it, but you’re the only person he’s entrusted with that information. It’s decent food – they do a great chicken risotto – and it is always busy, so Drew must be doing alright with it.
You walk under a fake ivy plant covering the entrance, past twinkling fairy lights and to a rustic wooden reception area. Some hyper server comes bounding over and introduces himself as Jake, before Martha gives the name of the reservation and he batters it into a keyboard.
“Lopez?” you ask Martha, screwing your face up.
“Yeah. Comma Jennifer. I like to make it exciting.”
“If you wanted exciting, go for Beyoncé, or something. Lopez?”
“You really think Beyoncé is gonna come eat here?”
“You really think Jennifer Lopez is?”
She bats you away, turning her attention to Deb, who finds the JLo joke hilarious. When Jake springs off, beckoning you all to follow him, Joel leans in close to you.
“She used to use Pamela Anderson. Glad she’s evolved a little.”
You snort and follow Jake toward the same table Joel always sits at: the very back of the restaurant, quieter, separated by screens of more fake greenery. Windows looking out over the busy streets. Bare lightbulbs hanging from unnecessarily long wires over the tables.
Joel pulls your chair out for you and slots in beside you, on your right. Martha, Deb, and James – who hasn’t said or done much more than chortle at anything Joel’s said – sit opposite. Jake borderline frisbees the menus at you guys and tells you to give him a shout when you’re ready to order.
You turn to Joel who shakes his head, hand cupping his chin.
The five of you scan down the menus – at least, you, Joel and Martha pretend to. You’ve been coming here regularly enough for long enough that you know what you’ll inevitably end up ordering. James is asking Deb if the steak might fill him up too much before his squash practice later on tonight when you feel a familiar heat on your leg, and look past your menu to see Joel’s hand curving around your thigh.
You hold back a smile, pretending to be really into the laminated sheet in your hands. So long as he keeps it PG, and James keeps rabbiting on about squash being good for your hand-eye co-ordination, this is fine. This is…enjoyable.
This is exactly what you fucking wanted, when you organized lunch.
But when Jake returns to collect the menus under his arm then scurries back off, and Martha and Deb start discussing some TV show they’re both hooked on, Joel’s hand begins to rake higher. Taking the hem of your skirt with it. You suck in a deep breath, pretending to watch the two women and trying your best to listen to the words they’re saying, but he’s getting dangerously close to your–
“You ever try squash, Joel?”
“Huh?” Joel’s hand halts instantly. You exhale.
James is sitting forward, elbows on the table, nodding with a perfectly innocent smile on his face. “Squash. Yeah. I play every Friday evening, straight after work. It’s fantastic for shakin’ off that week-long stress, y’know? Not that workin’ here is a stress, but sometimes it can build up, sometimes you just need something to…” He balls his fists and jerks them, gritting his teeth.
You choke on a laugh and play it off as a cough.
Joel shifts a little in his seat, his palm still clamped around the top of your thigh. “Never played squash. More of a golfing guy.”
“That what you’re gonna do this weekend? Burn off all that stress you’ve had with a round of golf?” you ask Joel, lips almost trembling with the effort it’s taking you not to burst out laughing.
“Not what I had in mind, naw,” he almost spits back.
“Well, if you ever wanna try it, you know who to call. Squash, I mean. I mean – sorry, I don’t mean call squash. I mean call me. To try squash. You won’t find a better stress reliever.”
“Thanks, James,” Joel mutters, fingers fumbling with the cutlery on the table in front of him.
You could fucking burst. No better stress reliever than squash, right Joel? Nothing like it. Not even the one sitting next to you, her thigh under your grasp. Nope.
You’re thankful when Martha calls your name and averts your attention.
“You have got to watch it. I reckon she’d really love it, right?”
Deb nods eagerly.
“What’s that?” you ask.
They both start chirping away, describing the plot of some mystery thriller. It’s hard to keep up, what with them both speaking over one another, deciding which parts are safe to tell you and No, we can’t tell her that, that’s a spoiler, which actors are in it and how many episodes it took for them to really get into it.
Not to mention Joel’s hand, which has resumed its climb up your leg.
“There are three seasons,” Martha says, finger drawing shapes on her placemat, “and do not go lookin’ online for anything, because at the end of season two, there’s a massive death, and…”
Your thighs are bare again, skirt rolled up and held at the top of your legs by Joel’s wrist. He’s squeezing as he goes, massaging, driving you fucking insane as he adds more and more pressure. Still, your legs part for him the higher he goes.
“W-what– where can I watch it?” you ask, your eyes closing over as Joel’s fingers loosen their grip.
Deb says something, but it’s muffled. Drowned out by the ringing in your ears. Joel’s right hand sits under his chin, elbow propped on the table as if he’s musing over the weather or considering what to do with his weekend.
His left moves swiftly over to run along the elastic of your panties. Sift his thumb down below them. Fingers drop to cup you over the lace fabric. Suddenly, you’re sitting upright, your arms propping on the table, then falling to your lap, then one elbow up, then both down again.
What the fuck– how the fuck do you make this look casual? Being touched by your boss at lunch, with three colleagues sat opposite you?
Joel seems to be enjoying watching you squirm. You hear him breathe a laugh into his hand, and then his fingers begin to travel even further south, moving your panties to the side to sift through your folds.
Which are, regrettably, fucking soaked.
“Hm,” you hear Joel hum, and you can’t look at him. Knowing he’s found exactly what he was looking for. Knowing he’s achieved exactly what he set out to do.
You sit stunned, staying completely still for fear you might draw attention from your company. But then he’s dipping a finger in, pushing deep inside you, and your jaw falls loose, a silent moan escaping in the form of a sigh.
“Oh, that reminds me,” Martha addresses you and Joel, “as requested, flights organized. You leave for Paris next Friday morning, fly home Monday afternoon.”
“Yep,” you reply, shuddering slightly. “Sounds good.”
You’re not fucking listening to a word she’s saying.
“Thanks, Martha,” Joel says, as casual as if he were telling her the time. Almost bored.
You drop your hand and it clamps around Joel’s wrist; you’re sure you’re scratching him, but you don’t care. Not only does he deserve it, but it’s all you can do to stop yourself from screaming out when he inserts a second finger.
The stretch is too much; he’s all the way in down to his knuckles, curling and then uncurling his fingers deep inside you. Your hips are slowly circling by instinct, rutting against his hand as it fucks you, sending fluttery waves of pleasure all over your body.
You ball up your fist, nails digging half-moons into the skin of your palm, attempting to fight the tidal wave fast approaching as Joel’s fingers snap harder into you, a third beckoning your orgasm nearer and nearer.
You’re there – right where he wants you, almost throwing your head back with the feeling he’s giving you. And then you make the mistake of looking at him, catching that ever so Joel smile when, shielded from the others by his hand, he breathes, “There’s my girl.”
It’s the last push. The last fucking shove.
Your walls clamp around his fist, your entire body screams, a scream that forcibly dies out in your throat as you lean forward and –
You slam your fist down on the tabletop, the sudden jolt of cutlery and glass making the three opposite you jump.
“Are you– what’s wrong?” Martha asks, leaning closer.
“Cr– fuck– cramp,” you mumble, eyes screwed shut, hand still gripping Joel’s wrist. He slowly drags his soaked fingers out of your tight cunt, casually maneuvering his arm back where it belongs whilst the table’s attention is still on your head and shoulders.
“My – fucking – leg. I’ll be – right back.” You’re almost hyperventilating as you shakily stand, shoving your chair back with your legs only for it to be caught by the hand Joel had inside you seconds before.
You waddle off to the front of the restaurant, nearly breaking out into a run when you reach the hallway leading to the restrooms. The door to the ladies room bursts open and you throw yourself against a sink, gripping onto the ceramic, chest heaving, shoulders hunched. Your cunt is still throbbing, waves of your orgasm slowly losing power and retreating.
You wave your hand under the faucet and cold water automatically flows, filling your cupped hands, cooling your blood, cooling your skin when you dab it onto your cheeks. You sigh with relief, leaning against the sink, catching pathetic glimpses of yourself in the mirror.
And then, the door pushes open. And his silhouette sneaks inside. He leans back against the wall, hands in his pockets. Face with a smirk you want to slap off of him.
“How’s the cramp?”
“Are you fucking–” You flick your hands toward him, splashing him with water as he throws an arm up to dodge it, laughing. That fucking laugh.
He wanders around you, looking your shaking body up and down, and comes to a halt with his chest against your back. His chin leans into your shoulder, and you look at each other in the mirror.
It takes everything in you to fight the smile growing on your lips, but when Joel mirrors it, you can’t help it.
“Fucker,” you whisper, and he kisses your shoulder. You lean back into him, ass pressing against him, feeling something you already suspected would be there.
“Feel what you did to me?” he asks, voice muffled into the cotton of your shirt.
“Mhm,” you reply, and you drop your hand to take the outline of him through his pants.
“You wanna fix it for me?”
Your head rolls back against his shoulder, smutty grin melting across your face. “Yeah, daddy.”
“Good girl,” he tells you, lips dragging across your neck, hands at his belt.
Your fingers clutch your skirt, still hiked halfway up your thighs, and pull it further. Joel’s hands replace yours on your hips and he shoves his pants apart, lining his bulge up with your core. Then his palm is at the bottom of your back, pushing you forward into position. Your knuckles whiten around the ceramic sink.
“Fuck,” you whisper when you feel his tip at your entrance. You’re already soaked through, no need for him to take his time. Not that you have time, anyway, with three coworkers out front waiting for the two of you.
Joel thrusts forward, entering you in one go, filling you up so fast you nearly double over. He keeps a tight grip on your hips, dragging you up and down the top of his cock a few times before slamming all the way into you again, eliciting a cry from your lips.
“Quiet, babygirl,” he says, low, dangerous. “Just gettin’ you warmed up.”
“Your hand wasn’t enough of a warmup?” you throw over your shoulder, and he takes your arms and pulls you flush against him.
“You gonna run that pretty mouth the entire time we’re in here, or you gonna let me fuck you?” he breathes around the shell of your ear.
You bite back a whimper when his hips buck into you painfully. A telling: don’t start.
Joel establishes a pace quick enough, both of you aware you can’t take too long in here. His grunts match the rate his body snaps against yours, your panting matches the rate you bounce up and down on him.
You’re watching the sight reflected in the mirror: Joel hooked around your shoulder, lips against your ear, whispering praises and filth, and you, leaning back against him, rutting on his hard cock with a thick smile on your lips.
“Daddy…” you whine, and Joel’s vice grip tightens even more.
“Good girl,” he pants, “so fuckin’ good for me.”
It’s not long before that heat is swirling around your core again, sparks of lightning jolting through the whirlwind of pleasure Joel’s hips create between yours. You take a hold of his arms for stability as you begin to feel your orgasm crest the horizon, knowing by the sounds he’s making in your ear that Joel isn’t far off, either.
“Cum in me,” you whimper, watching for his reaction in the mirror.
He pulls a face that’s almost…defeated. Groans like you’ve given him an impossible problem to solve.
You plead with your eyes. “Cum – in – me.”
It’s like you’re pressing on the weakest part of a porcelain vase; daring it to break. Daring it to fall apart. Joel knows he shouldn’t, knows it’s more sensible not to. But the way you look, body against his, whining and whimpering and fucking smiling right back at him – the way you feel, so warm and wet, squeezing him so tight he’s surprised he’s even lasted this long…
He can’t fucking help himself.
He moans and his hands clamp on your waist, forcing you forward as he ruts into you once, twice, three times before he’s twitching deep inside, warm seed spilling out and coating your walls. Your release floods over you, then, too, your head falling forward as your legs give for a few seconds, Joel’s grip the only thing keeping you upright.
Stars in your eyes, you pull the strength to lift your head and look at your reflection; Joel behind you, face to the ceiling as he slowly stills between your legs.
Your cunt throbs, and you move your hips back and forth gently, drawing a noise from Joel that you wish you could never stop hearing.
“Baby,” he lulls, looking down to watch as your dripping cunt rocks back and forth, taking him all and then letting him go again.
It’s a minute or so before you both return to reality. Bodies still connected, Joel places a steady kiss to your cheek. You lean into him, turning to place your lips against his. You’re both hot, sweaty, it’s probably pretty noticeable you just fucked.
And you don’t care.
Joel slips out of you and backs up, letting you fix yourself in the mirror as he stuffs himself back into his pants.
“You think you can walk back to the office?” he asks, smirking.
“Call Rand,” you reply, and his head tips back in a laugh.
He nods toward the door and the pair of you slip out discreetly, you first to check the coast is clear, and Joel right behind. You walk along the hallway, heels clicking, like you’ve just come across each other right outside the restrooms.
“Hey, Joel,” a voice says from behind you both as you wander past the bar.
“Drew,” Joel replies, and shakes the hand of a tall blonde guy in all black. His t-shirt’s so tight you can make out his pecs underneath it.
“How’s it goin’? You been in long?”
“Just waitin’ for our food,” Joel says, “it’s probably out by now.” He glances over at you and your legs clench subconsciously. He introduces you then, says, “My assistant. Best assistant I could ask for,” and your lungs close up.
Drew shakes your hand and then turns back to Joel. “Don’t go without catchin’ me, ain’t lettin’ you pay a thing. How’s business?”
Joel nods. “Good, good. We’re, uh, we’re heading out to Europe next week, so.”
“Yeah. Place is lookin’ good, same as always.” Joel glances around, pointing randomly to the light fixture above your heads.
Drew does that thing men do when trapped in a dry conversation: folds his arms, looks to the floor, and nods some more. Waiting for Joel to say —
“Alright, well. Great seein’ you again. Thanks for lunch.”
He puts an arm around your back and guides you off back to the table.
“Nice meetin’ you.” You smile at Drew as you pass and he returns it, turning back to the bar.
Once you’re out of earshot, you look over to Joel.
“Something going on there?”
You scoff. “You two couldn’t wait to be away from each other. Why’d you always come here if it’s so awkward?”
“Well, if I see ‘im, I get free food.”
You slap his arm as he pulls your chair back out for you.
“Feelin’ better?” Deb asks, pushing French fries around her plate.
You nod, pulling your seat in beside Joel, who’s still laughing at himself. As you settle, you feel the warmth he left behind spill out of you a little, pooling in your underwear. And Joel seems to notice, whether from some sexual sixth sense he has when it comes to you, or just the way you awkwardly shift in your seat. He hands you a smug smirk, nudging you with his elbow.
You narrow your eyes at him and turn back to Martha.
“So, you were saying you fixed the flights for Paris?”
taglist: @regalwhovianbrowncoat774 @casa-boiardi @earthtogrogu @sexygaypalpatine @serenaxpedro @brittmb115 @pascalpvnk @jediknightjana @mrsquill @uncassettodiricordi (lmk if i’ve missed you out & check my taglist info for how to be added!)
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mamaestapa · 10 months
joe burrow
baby’s first thanksgiving
Baby’s First Thanksgiving || Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: It’s Josie’s first Thanksgiving!
•warnings: a baby and pure fluff<3
“Look at your little bow peanut, you look so pretty, yes you do!”
You smiled to yourself as you stood in the doorway of your daughter’s nursery, listening to her sweet baby giggles as you watched Joe coo down at her as he got her dressed.
“She says you look just like me,” Joe picked his daughter up, smiling at her as he spoke, “but I think you look beautiful like your mommy Josie girl.”
Your heart swelled at your husbands sweet words. You decided to make your presence known, walking into your daughter’s room and grinning as you spoke.
“I don’t know, I think she looks just like her daddy.”
The sound of your voice made Joe take his attention away from his six month old daughter and to you instead. His smile widened, making his eyes crinkle up at the corners in a way you always loved. You walked further into the room, standing behind Joe and waving at your smiling baby girl.
“How long have you been eavesdropping on Josie and I?” Joe asked with a smirk as he brought Josie into his arms. You shrugged, your smile turning into a smirk to match Joe’s. “Long enough.” your smirk turned back into a smile as you reached your arms out to take your daughter from Joe’s arms.
“Hi Josie girl!” You beamed as soon as your daughter was in your arms, “You look so cute.”
“Say thanks mommy,” Joe spoke in a higher octave, making it seem like Josie was the one speaking, “Daddy picked out my outfit.”
You eyed Joe as you replied, “Well daddy did a great job.” You kissed Josie’s chubby cheeks, making the baby girl giggle happily as she flashed you and Joe a wide, gummy smile. Her sweet giggles never failed to put a smile on yours and Joe’s faces.
“Are you so excited for your first Thanksgiving? Try some sweet potatoes, rolls, turkey—.”
“And ham.”
You chuckled as Joe cut in.
“And ham.” You added, tickling your daughter’s sides and making her giggle once again. Joe smiled at you two as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side.
“Are my girls ready to go?”
You nodded, bouncing your daughter on your hip slightly, “Say yes daddy, we’re ready when you are.”
Joe leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of yours and Josie’s head, making both of you smile. Your little family was full of so much love that only grew more and more each day.
Once you made sure you had Josie’s diaper bag all packed up, the three of you left your house and headed over to Joe’s parents for Thanksgiving dinner.
~time skip~
“Here Josie girl,” you grabbed a half a spoonful of your sweet potato’s and brought them up to your baby’s girls little lips, “you wanna try some?”
She opened her mouth like a little bird, eating the sweet potatoes off the spoon. You and Joe watched with smiles on your faces as she smacked her lips and babbled happily.
“Do you like them peanut?” Joe asked, chuckling as Josie leaned forward to take more from the spoon you were holding. “Mmm,” you hummed, your daughter making the same sound as you. “Yeah?” You asked, cooing sweetly at your daughter, “yummy huh?”
Joe’s parents watched from across the table with wide grins as you and Joe introduced their granddaughter to some of her first solid foods.
You picked up a piece of turkey from your plate, tearing off a small piece and holding it out for Josie. She took it from your hand with her chubby fingers and shoved it into mouth. As soon as the turkey hit her tongue, her face turned into a look of disgust as she slowly chewed. She spit the turkey out and whined slightly.
You chuckled as you looked over at Joe, “She really is your little twin Joe.” Joe smiled and reached out to rub his thumb across Josie’s cheek, swiping away some of her drool.
“It’s OK baby girl,” he cooed at his daughter, “daddy doesn’t like turkey either.”
Joe took his hand away from her mouth and grabbed a small piece of ham from his plate. He brought the meat up to her lips, the two of you watching cautiously as Josie hesitantly took the ham from her father’s finger. Josie’s face instantly lit up as she started chewing the ham.
“You like it Josie?” Joe asked, smiling at his daughter as she clapped her hands.
“I’m taking that as a yes.” Robin spoke up, a smile on her face too.
Joe chuckled at his moms comment and tore off another small piece of ham, giving it to Josie who gladly accepted it. “She really is just like me, huh?” he asked, glancing at you with a smirk.
“I told you she was,” you replied, “she looks like you, acts like you, and now she hates turkey like you do, too.”
yourusername instagram post
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liked by bengals, allisonkuch, and 30,359 others
tagged: @joeyb_9
yourusername- Happy Thanksgiving from The Burrow fam🦃🤍
(PSA: Josie is a certified turkey hater just like her daddy)
bengals- Like father like daughter. Happy Thanksgiving to our QB1 and his little family❤️
lahjay10_- Y’all are crazy for that one
yourusername- they’re literally the craziest uncle marr.
joeyb_9- Not crazy, Josie girl and I just have taste
allisonkuch- She is so stinkin’ cute🤍
bengalsbabe9- Joe and Josie 🤝 despising turkey
yourusername- !!!!
nbsmallerbear- Happy Thanksgiving Burrows. Miss little miss Josie
yourusername- she miss you too uncle nicky!❤️
robinburrow- LOVE YOU THREE!!❤️❤️❤️
joeyb_9- My girls.🩷
yourusername- we love you daddy😚
joeyb_9- I love you more
joeyb9lova- Josie’s first thanksgiving🥹
lsufootball- Happy Thanksgiving!
morganpagewilson- Y’all have the cutest little family🥹🤍
yourusername- we love you auntie morgan! can’t wait to spend thanksgiving with you, logan, and baby girl next year🩷
teehiggins- ❤️❤️
bengalsfan915- I absolutely adore this family.
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hi loves!!
ugh don’t you just love dad joe? because i do. so fun to write !
going to keep this note short and sweet: i’ve got a couple more blurbs coming tonight, so stay tuned ;) as always, thank you so much for reading and showing your support. you are all so amazing☺️🤍
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iliketangerines · 7 months
If you're still doing requests, what about Bi-han falling for Madam Bo's granddaughter?
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come visit soon
a/n: i gotchu cuties. this turned out much fluffier than i thought.
pairing: bi han x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), praise kink
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Kuai Liang had managed to convince Bi Han that they all should go to Madam Bo’s for dinner as a treat for a difficult but successful mission
and so, they all were sitting at Madam Bo’s, drinking the complementary green tea while waiting for the waiter to come and take their order
you walk on over, a pretty smile on your face and sweet voice greeting the three of them and ask for their order, and Bi Han is enraptured by your beauty
his eyes trail over your body, and he notes how there’s clearly some muscle build-up in your arms and legs, especially your ample chest
but he tries to hide his feeling, just grunting out his order as Tomas and Kuai Liang ask for today’s special and anything you would recommend
you smile and laugh at Tomas’s joke, and Bi Han shoots him a dirty glare, but then shakes it off because it’s not like the two of you are dating or anything
you take off with their orders, and Tomas smiles back at Bi Han with a shit-eating smirk, and Bi Han growls at him to not say a single word
Madam Bo comes over soon after you’ve left and asks the three of them how they’re doing, and they all respond cordially
she asks whether her granddaughter is treating all of them well, and Bi Han figures that all the muscle in your body comes from training in martial arts
you come back soon with their drink orders, and Madam Bo introduces the three of them to you and says you should train with them, that they’re some of the best and that Bi Han is the grandmaster of them all
you light up at her words, clearly excited to go and improve your martial arts skills, and Bi Han reluctantly agrees, he respected Madam Bo a great deal and would allow this
after dinner, you tell them to pick you up in one week as you’ve got some unfinished business to take care, and he grunts out an agreement before leaving with his brothers
but he can’t hide the small blush on his face without the mask and hopes you didn’t see it
as agreed, he comes back a week later and picks you up by himself
you’ve packed light, only the essentials and an extra pair of clothes, and he hums approvingly, eyes maybe lingering a bit too long on how the uniform fits your body perfectly
he takes you to the Lin Kuei base, and you unpack and immediately start your training with fighting against some of the lower-level foot soldiers
but you prove to be much more formidable than he had thought
he watches from his own training area as you easily dispatch of the foot ninjas, letting them come at you in groups at a time and taking them down in a flash
you may not have any special power, but you certainly had the hard work and training and muscle to prove your strength
by the end of the day, you’re hardly covered in a scratch, some sweat beads at your hairline but otherwise you look unaffected as you bow and head off to the showers to wash off the day’s grime
Bi Han watches as you walk away and feels his heart stutter in his chest as your hips sway back and forth
Tomas pokes at his arm teasingly, and Bi Han swipes at him with an ice spear, but the assassin disappears into a cloud of smoke, only his laughter echoing in the air
the next day, you ask Tomas to a duel, smiling teasingly, and Tomas agrees
Bi Han stands on the sideline, officiating the spar and calls for the spar to start, and for a moment, nothing happens, the both of you sizing each other up
finally, you strike first, and Tomas retaliates, dodging and disappearing as you go to hit him
but you quickly learn his weak spots and land a few quick strikes on him, and he lands a few hits on you as well
it’s mesmerizing, and Bi Han watches in fascination as you move like water on the ground, moving effortlessly and redirecting your momentum and energy rather than fighting against it
you lose, caught in a moment of weakness when your eyes glance over to Bi Han, and Tomas has you pinned down to the floor
you yield, and he gets off of you, and you two bow towards each other before Tomas engages in a much more friendly conversation with you
he offers to train you, and Bi Han stalks up to the both of you, ordering Tomas to go on some useless errand, and Bi Han tells you he will train you personally
you smile and salute him lazily, asking him when the lessons start
he says now and walks into the training field and beckons you to come
he walks you through the basics, making sure nothing was out of place and only makes minute changes to your stance 
he moves through the levels of training slowly, making sure all of your stances and hits are perfect, and you move through them patiently, never once complaining
by the end of the night, you’re sweating but have worked through most of the stances and hits with Bi Han correcting you every so often
he tells you good job, and you smile and blush and Bi Han’s glad his mask hides the flush on his cheeks
he tells you to go and grab dinner and wash off the day, and you hurry off while Bi Han goes to the dining hall and tries to get his thoughts off of you
the next day, he meets you for training and tells you to spar with him
you smile and stay light on your feet as you both circle each other, and Bi Han attacks first
you easily dodge, and the two of you engage with each other in a blur of fists, but soon enough, Bi Han has you pinned down to the ground, wrists pinned above you and chest heaving up and down
Bi Han can’t help but blush at the sight of your breasts raising up, and how you’re so exposed to him right now, but he gets off, shaking off the lewd thoughts
you smile and grin and ask him to go again, and he grunts in agreement
the rest of the day is spent sparring, only a small break for lunch where you regale him with tales of tourists coming to Madam Bo’s and hitting on you with terrible jokes
you tell him about one time how a guy decided to get too handsy, and you flipped him on his back in front of everyone
Bi Han tells you good, that’ exactly what you should’ve done, and you grin widely at him
your days are spent training with Bi Han, sometimes Kuai Liang and Tomas when Bi Han gets too busy, and the two of you get closer and closer
you two always make time to eat lunch with each other and sit closer and closer together until the both of you are squished right next to each other despite the ample space
he can’t help himself from thinking about how soft your thigh is pressed against his, and he has to think clean thoughts as his dick starts taking an interest
after sparring that day, you finally beat him, standing over him proudly with the wooden sword pointed at his throat, and he congratulates you
you smile and help him up, giddy that you had finally beaten the Grandmaster, and throw your arms him, wrapping him in a tight hug
he freezes at the contact, and you realize what you’ve done and let go of him apologizing, but he drags you back into his embrace
he buries his face in your neck and breathes in your sweet scent, and his face heats up at the feeling of your chest pushing into him
he finally pulls back, and you stay in his arms and ask him if you can kiss him
he breathlessly tells you yes, and you reach up to cup his face before kissing him softly
he’s not quite sure of how to kiss you at first, having spent his entire life at the Lin Kuei, but he learns quickly and it has you groaning into his mouth
you both part after a few seconds, both breathless and flushed pink, and he clears his throat and averts his gaze from your wide eyes
he escorts you back to your room, and you grab his hand, asking him what this is
he stands quiet for a moment, contemplating whether or not he wants to tell you he’s wanted you since the second he saw you, he wants to tell you how he wants you all to himself, and how badly he wants to fuck you
he just tells you that he wants to court you properly, and you smile and nod before disappearing in your room
Bi Han’s head spins as he returns to his room, and he can’t help himself from pulling out his half-hard dick and pumping himself, thinking about your soft lips
he comes into his hand quietly and cleans himself up and goes to bed, thinking of how to court you properly
he brings you small gifts throughout the days, fills up your plate for you, walks you to and fro from your room to the training rooms, the dining halls, and everywhere else
on your final day at the Lin Kuei, late at night after he’s finished sparring with you, he gives you a soft kiss goodnight but before he can leave, you hold onto his hand and invite him inside, face burning red
he blushes and enters your room and closes the door behind him softly
you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him softly, he deepens the kiss, prodding at your lips with with his tongue, and you let him in
the two of you make-out for a few moments, grinding against each other slowly, and Bi Han can feel his dick hardening
he walks you backward, still kissing you, until the back of your knees hit the bed, and you fall backward
you look like an angel, lips swollen and hair spread around your head like a halo, and Bi Han groans at the sight
he undresses you slowly, slipping off the training uniform, and he traces your soft skin with his fingers, fingertips dragging along the grooves of your muscles flexing underneath his cool touch
you let him explore your upper body, tracing your body and cupping your breasts and softly squeezing them
he gets rid of his own shirt, and you explore him just the same, sitting up to trace your fingers along his arms and his stomach
Bi Han takes off his pants, dick springing upwards, and you undress yourself similarly, and Bi Han drools at the sight of your bare cunt laid out for him
he gets on top of you, cupping your face and kissing you gently as you wrap your legs around his waist and grind your wet pussy into his dick
the both of you just gently grind against each other, small moans of pleasure escaping Bi Han’s lips and little whimpers coming from your throat
eventually he breaks away from your lips and lines himself up with you and slides in slowly
you whine at the stretch, tears pricking at your eyes, and Bi Han kisses them away softly and gently thrusts in and out of you
you’re so warm and tight around him, and he can feel the way your pussy clenches down on him when your moans turn sinful
words naturally come to him, saying that you’ve been so good for him, that you’re such a good girl him and only him, that you’re so beautiful
he tells you that you’ve been so so good, listening to him without complaint, and that you deserve so much more
you whine at his words and beg him to go faster, and he complies with your pleas
he quickens his pace, and the sound of wet slapping fills the room along with your moans and his grunts
you reach one of your hands down to rub at your clit, and he takes note of how it makes your whines increase in pitch and how your pussy spasms around his dick
he kisses you deeply, intertwining your free hand with his, and you cum on his dick, your whines swallowed by Bi Han
he cums soon after you, leaving his dick buried inside of you as he lets his weight fully settle on his body
you groan and tell him he’s too heavy, but he just hums and keeps you pinned down under his body
after a minute, he pulls out of your warm pussy and lays down next to you, and the two of you cuddle and kiss each other until you fall asleep
when Bi Han drops you off in front of Madam Bo’s, you throw your arms around him and kiss him one more time
he leans into the kiss and your both part from each other, and he pulls something out from his bag
it’s a flower made of ice, and you gasp and hold in gently in your hands, afraid it might break
he tells you it won’t melt, he made sure of it, and you thank him quietly and then look up at him and promise to visit as much as you can
you kiss him one more time before you go off and greet your grandmother
Bi Han watches you for a few more moments, and then disappears to go back to base, hoping your next visit is soon
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calicoheartz · 5 months
could you write something about being coach bluder's granddaughter but not having any interest in basketball but you show up tp practice one day to surprise your grandma and Caitlin immediately has a crush on you?
Unexpectedly Unexpected ; Caitlin Clark ⸝⸝ ♡
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summary : you are coach bluders granddaughter , what happens when Iowa’s star player has a little crush on you ? 👀
wc ; 774
warnings : none
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : hey guys! so happy to be back posting my cait fics , tysm for requesting this! Enjoy ◡̈
As the granddaughter of Coach Bluder, basketball has always been a huge part of your life. The sound of dribbling balls and squeaking snickers filled your childhood, as you spent countless hours watching from the bleachers, absorbing the excitement and intensity that came with it.
But despite this, basketball never really spoke to you. Yeah you enjoyed watching it, but it never really captured your interests like it did for the rest of your family. You instead pursued other passions, carving out your own path outside of the basketball world.
Years went by, and you found yourself living your own life, one that consisted of being away from the court. You still stayed in touch with your grandma, visiting her whenever you can and keeping up with her team's achievements and progress. One day, you decided to surprise her by showing up to a team practice, something you hadn't done in years.
As you walked into the gym, you were suddenly hit by a wave of nostalgia, with the sound of sneakers hitting the squeaky gym floor and the smell of the basketballs bringing you back to your childhood, and you couldn't help but smile as you watched the team scramble across the court.
Coach Bluder soon noticed you, breaking into a wide grin and soon rushing over to you to give you a big and loving embrace. The players, who had heard so much about you, welcomed you with open arms. Incredibly grateful and eager to meet the girl their coach had spoken so fondly of.
Among the players was Caitlin Clark, Iowa’s star point guard. Her talent on the court was undeniable of course, but it was her charisma and charm that truly set her apart from the rest. When she saw you, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but be completely drawn to you. Your presence engulfing her entirely and pulling the point guard in.
Throughout practice, Caitlin could not take her eyes off of you. She watched you closely as you interacted with the other players, laughing and joking with them as if you had known them for an entire lifetime. There was something about your easy going nature that captivated her, but couldn't put it into words.
After practice, she approached you, with a nervous grin displayed across her lips. She struck up a conversation, eager to learn anything about you. As you spoke, you found yourself to be completely drawn to her as well. Her passion for the game was infectious, and the way she herself spoke about it brought you to see basketball in an entirely new light.
In the following days, the brunette had taken you under her wing as you started to frequent their practices more often. As she showed you the ins and outs of the game, and introducing you to her teammates. You found yourself spending almost all your free time with her, being drawn to her enthusiasm and passion. Despite your initial disinterest in basketball, you couldn't help in being swept up by the excitement of it all.
As your bond with Caitlin grew stronger, so did her feelings with you. She found herself falling for you in ways that she never expected. Almost kissing on numerous occasions, she finally decided to bite the bullet and ask you the anticipated question.
After a victorious win for Iowa, she again approached you with the never grin she did when the two of you first met. You had noticed that she had been acting a bit strange all day, and you were curious as to what was on her mind.
“Hey..” she said, twirling her hair between her fingers. “I was wondering if…uhm, if you'd like to go out with me sometime? Like on a date?”
You were taken aback, not expecting for Caitlin to ask you out so directly. You could feel your cheeks getting red, and your heart skipping a beat as you tried to process her words, with a small smile spreading across your face.
“I would love to,” you replied, trying your best to try and contain your excitement.
The guard let out a sigh of relief, a wide grin soon appearing across her face. “Great! How does Saturday work for you? We could maybe catch a movie and grab dinner afterwards?”
“That sounds perfect,” you said, feeling a wave of calmness and content wash over you.
You soon walked away from the gym, hand in hand with Caitlin, and you couldn't help but feel extremely grateful for a sudden turn of events. Who knew that one simple visit would lead to such an exciting and promising future?
omgggg this is sooo cute!!! I promise im gonna start posting longer / more vague fics as i do have some series’s in the works! as always, tysm for reading! 😊❤️
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eightstarr · 1 year
hello baby i’m here to request some gym hcs for both abby and ellie (abby for sure goes but does ellie??)
💗💗 it have overtaken my life as you know
hi princess <3 i just got this but i immediately had more thoughts than i expected so here it is!!
abby has a strict routine that she designed a long time ago and hasn't changed in the slightest since. i'm a firm believer that she goes to the gym at night!! it works with her schedule and she likes that there aren't as many people around.
she has never missed a workout a day in her life. i know we know this but it needs to be stressed!! she has gone in tired, hungover and sick— or all three things at once. you tell her she should stay in bed when she has a cold and she says, "it'll be good for me, baby, i'll sweat out the germs."
you look unimpressed. "is that a medical term?"
she slips on a loose tank top over warm skin stricken with chills and comes to kiss your forehead, something quick, her lips barely making contact. a sentiment more than a gesture. she doesn't want you getting sick. "it's an abby term," she explains, and smiles like she does when she wants to get out of trouble. "even more official than a medical term."
i know everyone wants to go with abby to the gym and live out the plot from a lesbian porn video but i'm sorry to say that if you do come along, she's not paying attention to you <3 she'll compliment you to death on your outfit before you get there and kiss you stupid right before you go in, but as soon as you cross the door she's gone!! she's been doing it for too long to let distractions slip in. she clicks into that comfortable headspace and wears expensive noise canceling headphones and she loves you, she really really does, but she's not looking at you once until she's done. she'll let you come if you really want to, though, she likes knowing that you're watching her. sometimes she'll avoid her carefully prepared towel and wipe the sweat from her forehead with her shirt, just for you! but that's all you're getting.
abby has like, two gym buddies and they're both men in their early 60s that go there maybe once a month but they chat for like forty minutes when they see each other! she gets really excited. every cool gym person that's there everyday wants to be her friend but she doesn't wanna talk about working out, she wants to hear about paul's granddaughter and dan's new lawnmower, thank you very much!
definitely has strong opinions on water bottles. has tried so so many and you cannot tell her that her current one isn't the best in the market. i will not elaborate on the details because i do not know enough about the subject, but she can tell you all about it if you ask! please ask.
ellie doesn't go to the gym but she runs after the bus when she's late sometimes :) does that count? i just asked her and she said that it counts.
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