#and then there's her; she gets all of those sprung on her all at once
dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Could we get a continuation of a cluster of cores? Teen parent Danny is gonna be run ragged with so many little ones and it will only be a matter of time before Dani and Lian shows them the Puppy Eyes, good thing there gonna have plenty of aunts and uncles to also bully.
Roy's newfound hero is still locked in a coma. It's been nearly three months now, and they had managed to keep him alive with tubes feeding him food and water, but it worried everyone they could not figure out the reason for his slumber.
Dani, the young alien girl, assured everyone it was fine, as she could naturally sense her father's core healing. Despite their humanoid appearance, a quick scan showed that the Fentons (as Dani had identified them) were indeed aliens.
Then there were their documents. They were all legal... in Daxam, where these travelers were from. He had contacted the Justice League, and the Green Lanterns had easily authenticated their identities.
Daxam was a plant with a red sun, one that had life forms similar to those of Kryptonians. However, the natives of the plant, before Krypton colonized it, were different in how their young were born and the origin of their powers.
Roy has learned through the Oa headquarters records that Indigenous Daxamites were formed within cores. These egg-like parts held the entity of their souls but at too different times to fully hatch, so a sibling of a cluster could hatch five years before the rest. When they formed, their powers came from an "Obsession" or a part of their environment instead of just the sun.
Their culture and species revolved heavily around the child clusters, as Indigenous Daxamite could only lay them once in their lifetime. This was disastrous when their kind was slowly hunted into extinction, as Daxam was conquered nearly a hundred thousand years ago and became a colony by Krypton.
The Kryptonians had always targeted the clusters before they could hatch, drastically declining the numbers of Daxamites.
The Indigenous Daxamites had nearly been wiped out in a horrific genocide during the colonization days, and the remaining ones had been mixed with Kryptonians to the point their species had evolved.
The cluster of core births was nothing more than history to the planet, even when outliving Krypton. That did not mean that the generational racism died with the Kryptonians.
Daxamites had become hostile to the original Daxam dwellers (Roy found records of Kryptonians demonizing the species, often referring to their god Rao commanding them to cleanse the planet for daring to gain power from pagan gods. He is pretty sure that was just an excuse for the holy war, as Clark had never mentioned anything in.), and a sort of witch hunt for any pure Indigenous Daxamite sprung to life a thousand years ago.
The Green Lanterns corps had to step in when word reached them, but by that point, many innocent Daxamites had been executed on accusations alone of being Indigenous Daxamites. To the heavy heart of the reporting Green Lantersn, the Indigenous Daxamites have been wiped from existence because of the witch trials a good nine hundred years ago.
Oh, so they thought.
Danny Fenton and his children may as well be the very last of their kind. Roy figured that Danny and his people had hidden themselves from their government.
He likely had spent his life attempting to keep his kind a secret, as his planet had been under the thumb of an oppressive dictatorship since Krypton had perished. Daxam was notorious for its complicated border control, which made leaving the planet near impossible.
He is still determining what led to Danny's discovery, but based on what they managed to salvage from the bomb site of his once house, Danny fled his planet after his secret was outed.
There was an active warrant for his capture on Daxam and an open order to neutralize his "demonic unholy offspring." Roy felt sick when he heard from a grim-faced John Stewart, the Green Lanter working as their intermediary between the two planets, that the populace on Daxam had been campaigning for Danny's death to be slow and public, as the hatred for his kind was that deep.
Dani refused to explain how her father smuggled them all out. She mentioned a few times that they had help from a mysterious "Clockwork" but had to keep a tight lid on anything else.
All they knew for sure was that Danny was severely damaged from the escape, and his constant feedings to his young (even in his sleep, his body naturally sent over ectoplasm to the cluster that never left this side) had put him in grave danger when he saved Lian. Roy still held his daughter only because this man risked everything for a child of a planet he had no ties to.
He was willing to take on all Daxam if they dared to come for Danny for that alone.
Thankfully, Justice Leauge felt the same way, and with the support of the Green Lanterns Corp, they were debating with the galactic high court to make Danny a citizen of Earth using asylum. Things were looking good for their cause, given that Danny was with a child (children??) and that his small family was an endangered species.
The Justice League was also a recognized police force by the galactic association, no matter how new, so their word carried a lot in the court.
Roy was letting the big names handle everything political. Bruce, especially, was working overtime since the big bad bat had a giant soft spot for children. He focused more on his living situation and Danny himself.
Not only because they were best friends but because Gotham seemed to be one of the only cities with "ectoplasm" (High-density levels of death?? It was naturally, according to Daxam) that the Fentons needed. Danny was resting in the Drake Hospital of Gotham, while Dani had been housed with Jason.
Jason had been more than willing to open his home to Roy and Lian until they could return to their city. They were among the many houses destroyed, so it would be a while before their home was fixed. Oliver extended the same offer, wanting his son and granddaughter back home with him.
He would have taken Oliver's offer had Jason not asked first. Things were better between the arrows now that Roy had cleaned his addiction, but he felt more at ease with Jason.
She was still young enough to need slight feedings from her father but was also able to process food from the environment. Roy tried his best to make Dani feel at home, but he could tell by her somber eyes and weak smile that she was struggling with her displacement.
Jason was better at helping her. He made time to read her a bedtime story, have her help cook, and even take her on rides around Gotham on his bike, but somehow, he did it in a way that she didn't have to speak.
Dani seemed relaxed with him.
Roy has always known Jason was better with kids, but seeing it in person makes his heart melt.
"Is my dad awake yet?" Dani asks Lian one morning. The two girls were playing with dolls, though Dani seemed confused by them the first time. She apparently never had a doll before, and Roy is curious if it was due to her being on the constant run or if dolls were not toys on her home planet.
"I don't think so. But don't worry, my Daddy is a hero. He'll save him!"
Roy's heart leaps in joy at her words, but it breaks only half a second when Dani replies in a small voice. "My Dad is a hero too. But he can still die."
Gosh, is that something a child should say?
Roy puts down the pan he used to make pancakes, wiping his hands on his apron to tell the girls breakfast is ready when Jason comes stumbling out of his room. He had a late night as Red Hood, having taken out an uprising in one of his territories.
Usually, this means Jason sleeps until two or three in the afternoon so to see him up and about at nine was a shock. He has his phone pressed to his ear, with a frantic look in his eye causing Roy to tense.
"Thanks, Tim. I'll get Roy and the girls ready. We'll be there as soon as I can," Jason said, twisting to grab hold of Roy's shoulder. We need to get to Drake Hospital."
Hope rose in his chest as Roy pressed a hand over Jason's "Is he awake?"
Jason's mouth tightens. "No. One of the cores hatched."
Oh no.
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arsenalsrusso23 · 1 month
warnings: little bit of angst and tooth rotting fluff :)
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when alessia arrived home from training she was excited to have a quiet night in with you, her five and a half month pregnant fiancé, ordering take out and slumming it on the couch.
as she entered the apartment the two of you shared, she found it strange how you didn’t come and greet her like you usually would.
“babe?” alessia called out into the eerily quiet apartment “baby?” as she entered your shared room she heard a faint response.
“in here less” as she walked into the conjoined bathroom she found you sitting on the floor clutching your stomach.
“baby are you okay?” she squatted down beside you and ran her hand through your hair.
“I think something is happening with the baby” I said through a wince as a sharp pain ran through my body.
alessia placed a kiss to my sweaty forehead and gently picked me up and brought me to our bedroom murmuring that we should call a doctor.
as she placed me on the bed she ordered me to lift my arms as she whispered how much she missed me into my ear and changed me into one of her hoodies.
“let me take your pants off my love” she bent down as I lifted my hips, she slid them down my legs and went to find me something comfortable. but suddenly a searing pain took over my abdomen, causing me to panic.
“ah” I winced and held my stomach “what? what’s wrong babe?” alessia was quick to my side and held her hand over mine, the one on my stomach.
“less it really hurts, somethings wrong” alessia was quick to try and help me into a pair of tracksuits when she paused, all of the colour draining from her face.
“fuck” she stared wide eyed and was in shock to how much blood there was between my legs, taking one look at my face she knew she had to act quickly. she sprung to her feet and scooped me up in her arms bridal style and made her way down the stairs as fast as she could, trying her hardest not to fall, especially with you in her arms.
“im gonna drive us to the hospital alright lovie?” I didn’t respond due to how dizzy and light headed I was, already disoriented from the blood loss, not knowing what was going on.
she yanked the front door open as best she could with you in her arms and snatched her keys that she had only put on the hook not even five minutes ago and booked it to her car.
once she rounded the car to the passenger side door she placed you on your feet, she yanked her hoodie off and opened the door, placing it on the seat. she wrapped one arm around you to keep you steady. after gently helping you down and into the seat, she ran around to the driver’s side opening the door and jumping in.
she quickly got her phone out to text her mum but as she looked over to you and saw how pale and disoriented you looked she opted to calling her instead, she quickly started the car and connected her phone.
alessia slammed on the accelerator and was breathing heavily and her fingers were shaking, reaching for the screen and clicking on her mothers contact. she was terrified. terrified from the stress of you not being okay or, possibly not making it. she rapidly shook her head to get rid those horrifying thoughts.
“c’mon mum, please pick up” she repeatedly choked out. when her mum finally answered she breathed a sigh of relief “mum? mum i don’t know what to do”she stumbled out. she continued, babbling something was wrong with you and the baby and to meet the two of you at the hospital.
“alright, lessi, slow down everything will be okay, i will make my way there now. I’ll be as quick as i can okay sweetheart?” her mum tried to soothe. alessia hurriedly mumbled out an agreement and promptly hung up.
alessia stole a glance at you, reaching out her hand to hold yours, to try and stabilise herself and you. a tear fell from her eye as she started to try and talk to you but you were on the verge of unconsciousness and weren’t responding, and that made her even more worried and upset. she bit her lip and focused on the road, only a few minutes from the hospital.
once she found a park in the emergency section, she quickly shut the car off and fumbled with her door handle muttering a “fuck sakes”.
once she opened the door, she rushed around to the passenger side and almost ripped the door off its hinges. “babe? baby we’re here, it’s gonna be alright, okay?” she whispered into your hair as she walked to the door with you in her arms. “lessi?…” you mumbled out weakly trying to lift your arms to reach for her face, but everything was blurry and you couldn’t focus on anything.
“you’re okay, you’re okay babygirl” she said as she made eye contact with a nurse who rushed to pick up the phone, alessia guessed to call a doctor, she hoped. she guessed correctly as a women in purple scrubs rushed out from the double doors and asked alessia to follow her through to a room, while asking her what was wrong.
“yes, hi please help her. she’s my fiancée and she’s five and a half months pregnant and she’s bleeding a lot. as soon as i saw the blood I rushed her here.” alessia placed you onto the bed while the doctor said some things she didn’t know the meaning of to the nurses.
the doctor ordered for an ultrasound, which alessia knew what that was as she never missed an appointment with you for the baby. she held your hand as you winced as the doctor squeezed the cold gel onto your stomach, alessia’s eyes flicked between watching the screen and the doctors face, and she could tell by the doctors facial expression, something was really wrong.
“go go go everyone! OR 5 is open, call doctor richard’s for an emergency cyst removal!” the nurses started scrambling to get you out of the room, one of them having to hold alessia back as she tried to follow you and the nurse having to explain what was going on.
just as you were leaving the room, alessia’s parents and brother luca and his wife arrived, they watched you get wheeled away in shock.
alessia was yelling at this point, with tears streaming down her face at the prospect of not knowing what was going on and the fact you might not make it. her family quickly made their way over, alessia only now realising their presence and fell into her mothers arms.
her mother and luca’s wife sat her down in the chair that was already in the room and were comforting her, while her father and brother spoke to the nurse.
“there was so much blood mum” alessia broke down, with her mother hugging her and shedding tears of her own.
“she is a strong girl lessi, she’s going to pull through, I know it.”
the nurse suggested waiting in the emergency surgery waiting room, as updates on you and the baby would be given faster there.
after filling out the necessary paperwork, alessia was now pacing, back and forth from one wall to the other, stressed out of her mind.
her family had tried to convince her to sit down and try and relax, but she was in her own head, so many thoughts scrambling through it.
she finally sat down as her father basically dragged her into the seat, but that only caused her to start bouncing her leg and chewing on her finger nails, a bad habit she had when she was really nervous.
you had tried to get her to stop, but it was no use. she fiddled with her engagement ring that you both went to pick out after she had proposed, she didn’t get one at the same time that she got yours, in case you were to say no.
she was embarrassed when you asked about it that night while you were both in bed, recovering from celebrating together. she had told you her reason, and you responded “you were stupid to think I would say no.”
she smiles, remembering that night fondly and she honestly couldn’t imagine you not in her life.
her gaze suddenly snapped up from her ring as the sound of a door opening was heard, and a doctor dressed in scrubs and a cap walked through them.
she almost flew out of her seat and immediately asked if you were okay “ms russo, the surgery was a success. we removed a large cyst from ms y/l/n’s uterine wall. i am happy to say she and both your baby boys pulled through.”
as alessia listened to the doctors words she felt the tension in her shoulders dissipate, but the end of his sentence had her in shock.
“what do you mean both babies?” she asked, super confused and mostly in shock.
it was now the doctors turn to look confused “your babies? ms y/l/n is pregnant with twins. did you not know?” he replied.
“I was with her in every appointment, the doctor there showed us the screen and there was only one baby?”
“baby b had been hiding behind baby a, as he is smaller.”
alessia didn’t have much time to process the fact that you both went from having one baby to two and was dumbfounded that the doctor and both of you had not seen a second one on the previous ultrasounds.
she rapidly nodded when the doctor asked if she wanted to see you, turning back to her family who told her to come and get them when you both were ready.
as she was following the doctor he explained your condition to alessia “she is awake and talking, she just kept asking for you to tell the big news about both of your babies.”
that put a smile on alessia’s face. that she was the first one you asked for. hearing ‘babies’ instead of ‘baby’ was going to take some time getting used to, but she definitely could. in reality she was over the moon. she had expressed to you a couple times how she wanted three or four kids, and now you were pregnant with twins.
the doctor stopped outside a door and gestured to her that this was your room. alessia didn’t waste any time and practically shoved the door open.
as soon as she looked over towards you, you both made eye contact. alessia took in the sight of you and almost burst into tears, there you were, sitting in a hospital bed with a smile on your face, looking as beautiful as ever. you gave a warm wave that prompted alessia to finally move in your direction.
as she got closer to the bed the tears started forming in both of your eyes. you held your arms out to her for a hug and she immediately fell into your arms, being mindful of your stitches and how much of her weight she was putting on you.
“oh my love..” she choked out into the crown of your head, she pulled back from the embrace but only far enough for her to hold your face in her palms and rub her thumbs over your cheekbones.
you had tears in your eyes as well, you reached up to hold her hands that were still on your face. you both leaned in and shared a tender kiss, it was full of love and relief to be reunited again.
“we’re having twins, and they’re both boys!” you pulled back only far enough to say those words.
alessia had a lovesick smile on her face as she nodded and pecked your lips multiple times.
“I don’t think I can express how happy I am, not only that we are going to have two babies, but that you’re still here with me as well. god, I was so scared when they started wheeling you away.” she managed to choke out and confess.
“I’m so sorry lessi, I didn’t mean to scare you. I love you so much, and I’m so excited to start this new chapter with you” you said with a soft smile.
“god we are gonna have to buy two of everything now, fuck, I don’t even want to think about the price.” she nervously chuckled, scared for her bank account.
“and now we have to come up with two names, instead of just one” you giggled, and oh, alessia couldn’t describe how happy that made her, hearing your laugh again.
“my family are here, are you okay if they come in to see you?” alessia explained and asked.
“of course, let me get a few more of these first though” you both giggled as you practically yanked her back down for a slow, and love filled kiss that you both were smiling into.
the next few months went by in a flash, you were massive now, not that alessia would say anything as she would probably have her head bitten off by you.
every minuscule thing would set you off at this point in the pregnancy, getting mad that alessia was too hot at night and making you overheat. or the fact that you thought she didn’t give you enough attention, even though she is with you almost twenty three hours of the day.
you were now only due in a week, but that week couldn’t come quick enough for you. you were sick of being pregnant now, the sickness, the lack of movement, needing to piss every 10 minutes - everything.
it was a cosy tuesday night, alessia had already told arsenal that she would be on maternity leave for as long as needed. you were both cuddled up in bed, alessia spooning you from behind. you groaned as you felt the need to pee again, so did alessia when you moved to get up. she was almost asleep.
you quickly went to the toilet and as you were washing your hands you felt a bursting sensation and then a wet one. as you looked down you let out a shriek at the sight of your joggers soaked.
alessia had sprung out of bed at the noise, still on edge after the hospital scare. as she approached you she took in your soaked joggers and looked up to your face and in that moment she knew she was about to become a mother.
“oh my god” she whispered. and just like that she was in full panic mode, telling you to get ready while she quickly threw on a matching set and rushed around the house like a mad women.
you had both decided to move out of your apartment when the lease was up, deciding that a house would be a better option for your growing family.
alessia had just finished triple checking the hospital bag when you came down the stairs, ready to have two little ones.
“are you ready baby? do you have everything you need? can I get you an-“ you cut her off with a sweet kiss.
“clam down less” you chuckled “we have some time, my contractions are twelve minutes apart.” in all of her rush she completely forgot to time your contractions.
alessia sighed “I’m sorry, i’m just nervous - but also really excited!” you were both quick to smile at her words.
“god I can’t wait for this to be over, my back is killing me” you groaned. alessia spun you around so your back was pressing into her front and put her hands under your bump.
“I can help with that” she placed a loving peck on your cheek and almost effortlessly lifted both of your children, still in your belly.
you sighed out in relief and sagged against her, the feeling of pain in your back being temporarily gone.
“I love you so, so much my girl” alessia was whispering in your ear all the things that you needed to hear in that moment.
“I love you, thank you for everything” you replied back, just as you did a strong contraction hit and you were almost doubling over in pain.
“fuck, less I think it’s time to go.” alessia gently lowered your bump back down and rubbed your back through your intense contraction.
“I’ll quickly put everything in the car and we’ll go” alessia rushed to throw everything you would both need at the hospital into the car.
she helped you walk out the front door after locking up and help you get comfortable in the car, turning your heated seat on in advance as it was a chilly night in north london.
once alessia made sure everything was in the car she quickly connected her phone to she clicked on her mums contact.
you had met alessia in college, deciding that moving to America was the best choice in becoming more independent. you got in with a scholarship for the football program and you both hit it off.
alessia, being nervous as ever stumbled her way over to you in the empty dressing room, after you had just played a match and was a stuttering mess.
“hey! um hi, I was just wondering - cause you know um or not that lotte— shit. um do you want to come to my dorm for dinner? as a date? or not! it doesn’t have to be a date, but do you? do you want to go on a date with me?”
you quickly agreed, maybe a bit too quickly. you both were just as nervous as each other. alessia had told you that lotte was somewhere else studying. she cooked you dinner and you both watched a movie.
you both lost track of time and it ended up being too late to go home, so you stayed the night.
after a few more dates and another nervous speech from alessia, you began dating. eight years is pretty impressive, she proposed to you after she won the euros and you celebrated all night with each other and her england teammates and family.
your family lived back in Australia and when you had decided to move to the UK after college and signed with Arsenal, you got really close with her family, even though she was in manchester, you made it work.
alessia’s family loved you, they were the best people ever and you couldn’t ask for better future in laws.
you had expressed to alessia and her mum that you wanted her there in the delivery room, as you were hoping for a natural birth, with an epidural.
your plans changed when you found out you were having two babies, you opted for a c-section instead of pushing two whole humans out of you.
which means alessia’s mum unfortunately couldn’t be in the room with you during the procedure.
“mum? y/n’s water’s just broken, we are on our way to the hospital now.”
all that was heard in response was yelling, and shrieking, probably alessia’s mother to her father.
once she had calmed down and processed the fact that she was going to become a grandmother tonight she quickly said to message her when you were both ready for visitors, telling you to take as much time as you needed.
alessia was sat on a stool at your head and was smiling down at you with that stupid lopsided grin that she always had on her face when she was excited.
“I’m so excited. I’m so ready to meet our baby boys” she was already on the verge of tears and the surgery hadn’t even started yet.
you grinned up at her and puckered your lips, asking for a final kiss where it would only be you two for a very long time. she giggled and gave in, leaning down and granting your wish.
the words “love you so much lessi” were mumbled against her lips and you both pulled apart with a smile as the doctors asked if you were ready.
“yes, definitely” you replied, looking away from alessia and to the surgeon.
as the surgery went on, you became increasingly more excited. you were clutching one of alessia’s hands and her other one was stroking your hair.
you were both whispering to each other about your future with your almost born twins.
you both abruptly stopped talking as the sounds of cries were heard, and not even a second later one of your babies was being placed on your chest.
“baby a is perfectly healthy” the nurse was wiping him down and all you could do was stare at him.
“he’s so beautiful” you looked up to alessia and she was biting her lip and nodding at your statement, tears forming in her eyes.
she reached out for his head and gently stroked it, amazed that this was actually happening. with you. her absolute favourite person.
as both you and alessia were fawning over your first born child another set of cries were heard and your other baby was being wrapped up in a blanket.
“mum, do you want to hold him?” the nurse gently asked alessia.
alessia looked at you and you nodded in response to her questioning gaze.
“yeah, yes I do” alessia breathed out. the nurse placed him in her arms and you could tell by the look on her face that this was the best decision you had ever made in your life.
“hi finny, it’s mummy. gosh you are so beautiful, you’ve got your mummies eyes haven’t you?” alessia cooed.
both you and alessia have had many discussions about names, and after many nights tangled together debating on some that you liked, both of you ultimately decided on oliver and finn.
as you were being stitched back up the nurses took both oliver and finn to get cleaned up and checked on.
“they are so beautiful, this is the best day of my life. I love you so much, I’m so grateful for you, giving me the opportunity to be a mum.” alessia choked out, she had a few tears falling down her face as she brought her hand up to stroke your hair out of your face.
“they are, aren’t they? i love you so much less, I’m so glad you are the one I’m doing motherhood with, it’s the best day of my life too” you smiled up at her.
“go and be with them, I’ll be fine” you told her. you had noticed alessia’s eyes flicking up to your babies almost every second. alessia tried protesting, saying that you were literally still open on an operating table, but she couldn’t get over the cuteness of your newborn babies, she had too go and see them again.
as alessia made her way over to the tables that your babies were on, she couldn’t help but admire. the fact that they both had just come out of you, that they were a part of both her and you, had her absolutely baffled.
as the nurses were putting oliver’s nappy on, she reached out for his tiny hand and she’s pretty sure her face almost split in half with how big her smile was when his tiny hand wrapped around her much bigger finger.
“hi baby, I love you so much already, my beautiful boy” alessia whispered softly, her other hand coming up to stroke his head, where he had a full head of jet black hair. alessia knew it was very common for newborns to be born with dark hair, she found it adorable.
“alright everyone, let’s get mum into a room. she’s all done here.”
for the first time, finally, both you and alessia now had some alone time with your babies. the nurses had showed you how to get both of them latched to your boobs so they can be fed at the same time.
alessia couldn’t help but think how attractive you looked in this moment, both of your babies in your arms and looking at them like they were your whole world.
she had already taken a few pictures of the twins and you, unable to resist capturing this beautiful moment, with her beautiful family.
once they had both finished feeding the nurses recommended some skin on skin bonding with both you and alessia, as it brings a lot of comfort to the parents and the babies.
alessia had removed her shirt and bra, whilst you moved over on the bed as best you could with two babies, to give her enough space to sit next to you.
“which one do you want me to take?” she asked gently as she took her spot next to you, you both were pretty exhausted, it was the very early hours of wednesday morning and you both hadn’t slept in a while. but the excitement and adrenaline had kept you both going (plus some coffee, which you were very grateful for.)
“ollie’s closer and you haven’t held him yet, why don’t you take him?” you smiled up at her.
she eagerly nodded and gently pulled him from your arms. once he was out of your arms you rearranged finn to have his head in the crook of your neck.
alessia scooted down the bed a little bit and laid oliver on her chest. she was surprised that neither one of them had cried yet, as her mother had told her when she was just born she cried and screamed bloody mary for hours on end.
alessia laid her head on your shoulder and kissed the top of oliver’s head softly, she brought her hand up to run it up and down his back.
you rested your head on top of alessia’s and let out a content sigh.
“do you want to call your family and tell them to come and meet the twins?” you murmured, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere that you were in.
“yeah, just let me have a few more minutes of peace before my mum comes” she chuckled softly, already knowing how her mother would react to the twins.
as soon as alessia called her mother, she said she would gather everyone up and would be there in half an hour.
you put the twins in their cots and went to go and freshen up, doing your hair and a little bit of makeup.
you looked up into the mirror and caught eyes with alessia through the mirror. she sent you a beaming smile and walked closer.
she pressed up behind you and wrapped her arms around you. she rested her chin on your shoulder and sent you her signature beaming lopsided grin.
she started placing light pecks down your throat all the way down to your now covered shoulder
“you alright?” she stood up straight and ran her hands up and down your arms
“yeah, I’m really, really good” you smiled and turned your head to place a firm kiss to her lips.
she replied just as eager, pouring all of her love and gratitude into the kiss.
the kiss naturally died out, alessia placing long, soft pecks to your own plush lips.
after both of you finished freshening up you both went to check on your now sleeping babies.
you placed one hand on oliver’s stomach and the other on finn’s and gently rubbed your hands over the soft material of the custom made arsenal onesies, courtesy of the one and only leah williamson.
alessia stood back and admired all three of you, all three of you were now her whole world and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
thank you all so much for reading! if you have any requests for any players send them through!
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bucky-barnes-lover · 11 months
Kinktober day 17: Henry Cavill
Lumberjack! Henry Cavill x Wife!reader
Warnings: SMUT!! 18+, Poorly written Oral (m receiving), Slight Praise kink, Slight Size kink
W.C: 653
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The sound of wood being cut echoed around the tin shed. I stood in the doorway watching my husband cutting up firewood.
"Dinner's almost ready" I yelled to him, over the noise.
"I'll be inside in a minute, love" He responded. His silky british accent sent shivers down my spine.
"Okay. I'll set the table." I responded, feeling my face heat up. I could tell Henry was smirking as he watched me walk away. He knows I get all flustered when he calls me Love.
I could hear him chopping a couple more blocks of wood as I made my way inside our cozy cabin, out in the forest.
The table was set and dinner was laid out on the table.
"Could you please put some more wood on the fire, Baby" I asked him as he brought in the sack of wood and placed it near the fireplace.
"Yep. Was just about to do that." Henry grunted as he kneeled down to place more wood on the flames.
"What's for dinner, Love?" He questioned as I took his bowl.
"Shepherd's pie, Your favorite" I advised seeing his face lit up with a huge smile.
We had dinner in peace, complete with a glass of red wine and small talk.
Henry offered to do the dishes as I went for a shower.
I lay on our bed, cozy in my silk pajamas and the warm fluffy blanket.
Henry came out of the bathroom, shirtless with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
I inhaled, my heart stuck in my throat. I squeezed my thighs together, feeling the wetness.
"Cat got your tongue Love?" Henry asked as he saw my reaction. He was undeniably big underneath all those clothes and not just his height.
"I want you to fuck me" I whispered, without thinking twice.
"What was that love?" He smirked,
"I want you to fuck me, Henry" I stated, sounding a lot more stubborn than I thought.
"My dear girl gets all wet and turned on when she sees her man, so much bigger than her" He mocked, removing the towel from around his waist.
His huge cock sprung free. Hard and ready, I got on my knees without question and wrapped my hands around him. Spreading the precum along his cock before taking him in my mouth. Henry let out an animalistic growl while I worked my tongue around him. Taking him even further in my mouth, gagging a couple times but never once backing out.
"Fuck love. You feel so good" He moaned as he grabbed a handful of my hair and started thrusting into my mouth.
Drool seeped down my chin onto my pj's, moans escaped my lips. Finally I let him out of my mouth with a 'pop'.
Before I could comprehend what was going on, Henry picked me up and threw me on the bed, sliding my pajama shorts and panties down my legs.
"You were a good girl just now. Continuing being the good girl I taught you to be" He growled before sliding his thick cock through my folds. I didn't even have time to adjust to his size before he started thrusting in and out of me. Feeling me up so good, causing me to scream his name.
"Fuck Henry" I moaned as he worked himself in and out.
"Don't cum until I tell you to. Understand that Love?" He questioned, staring me dead in the eye. I nodded pathetically, basically begging for release. Henry started rubbing my clit with his thumb.
I felt myself coming closer to my orgasm, but just as I was about to cum, Henry pulled out of me. Leaving me feeling suddenly empty.
"Why'd you do that for Hen?!" I asked angrily. He just smirked in response. "Because the only way I'm going to let you cum is by my tongue." He replied coldly.
And that was how it ended.
Please re blog if u do like it, I really appreciate all the support
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mjr-acourtofdreams · 4 months
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Warning: depression, suicidal thoughts and actions, anxiety. torcher, blood, self-harm (If missed anything lmk) Description: realizing that she was never enough for him and deciding the world might just be better without her in it
part 4
It has been three weeks since Azriel's and I talk in the kitchen during that early morning run in, he has been stealing glances more often now but still most of his attention is taking by that sweet Elain. As those three went by it has been getting hard to even be in the same room has everyone since I knew that those two would be basically on top of each other it seems, maybe I am just overreacting about the whole thing I should be happy for Azriel that he is happy and he found someone that makes him feel that way but why does it hurt so much though.
Cold sweat coats my skin, my breathing is fast and labored. Running as fast as my legs can carry me the branches of the trees rip my skin as I fly through them trying to escape, the wetness of the blood dripping down across my skin burns like fire and ice. Laughter and screams echos in the dark. RUN! RUN! RUN! WORTHLESS! WHORE! USELESS! I covered my ears with my hands and fell down to the ground and screamed, the ground opened up and I fell into the darkness I reached up for anyone to help me my own screams now echoed in the dark hollowness... no came so I fell down, down until...
I gasped and sprung up right holding my chest trying to catch my breath a dream it was a dream. flinging the covers off my burning body and walked over to the window and looked out towards the lights of Velaris the night sky was full of the stars that look like they were alive I tried to calm myself but all those feelings that I was feeling in that night terror came rushing back and hit me like a brick wall and then the tears came rushing down my cheeks "worthless... useless..." I looked down at myself and wrapped my arms around myself "unwanted." it hit me then, that all of that is in fact true. Turning I made my way to my bathroom and shut the door be hide me locking it.
Seeing my reflection in the mirror the tears started to run down my face again I am a shell of the person I once was. Opening the medicinal cabinet, I grab my razor blade and the vile of fae-bane, lacing the blade this liquid I slide down the side of the tub and sat on the floor bring my right arm across my lap and looking down at the scares that now ghost the skin, silent tears fell from my face while I took the razor blade and ran across my skin the burn from the fae-bane made me winced but that soon passed and I see the blood start to bead up then I again to the blade slicing it across my skin again, again and again until all I saw was red. The razor dropped on the floor leaning my head back on the side of the tub tears drained my face just the words echoed in my mind "worthless, useless, unwanted." over and over again.
Azriel's POV
Tossing and turning sleep was not finding me once again tonight seems like it just has been getting worse the last three weeks, setting up I ran my hands down my face looking out towards the window seeing the night sky full of stars that seems a little dimmer than normal I flung the blankets off and made my way to the bathroom the faelight came on and looked myself in the mirror the dark circles formed under my eyes signing I turn to leave and try to find sleep once more when a shadow came up to me in panic HURT HURT the shadow bounced back and forth in a hurry panicking more and more NEEDS HELP HURT now I felt the panic start to form inside me as I made it to my bedroom door to the hallway and stopped "who?!" I spoke the shadows that zipped to the door across the hall Y/N my heart felt like it was about to explode out of my chest as I ran across the hall and flung y/n's door open to see her bed a mess and the room dark my shadows took off all at once to the bathroom door where I see the light shining through the crack of the door and sprinted to the door trying to opening it but it was locked, my shadows went under the door and only a few came back to me yelling at me HURT I banged and banged on the door "Y/N! Y/N! OPEN THE DOOR!" I banged on the door again "fuck this." I whisper to myself I took a step back and kicked the door with much force the lock broke and pushed through the door "y/n!" falling down to my knees grabbing her pulling her close "no no no no... stay with me, wake up. Wake up y/n." I yelled for Rhysand in my mind telling him to get here has fast has he can and to bring Madja. Looking down I see y/n looking at me with silent tears running down her cheeks my own tears were now starting to fall. "you're going to be okay, Rhys and Madja are coming." she looked at me, like she was looking right into my soul "I'm sorry Az..." I shook my head before I could respond to her Rhysand and Madja rushed in "Get her to the bed now!" they both seems to yell I set her down carefully on to her bed "now move! I got to get to work!" Madja demanded Rhysand pushed me out the door and shut me out while he returned to help Madja. Tears poured down my face as I looked up and seen Cassian and Nesta watching me with worried looks, it was Cassian that spoke first "W-what happened?" his own voice cracked I looked at him my body started to shake "I-i don't k-know..."
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lovelytsunoda · 10 months
i saw mommy kissing santa claus // alex albon
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summary: alex has to keep up the illusion that santa claus is real, and every year gets more extreme than the last. he's got footprints to put on the living room floor and cookies to eat and stocking to fill . . . and at this rate, he's going to wake up the whole house.
pairing: alex albon x wife! reader
warnings: set in the future, so alex is about 30, children ( their names are gabriel and isabella ), gabriel sees his mommy kissing santa claus (who's really just alex in a festive hat), honestly it's just fluff guys (aside from one joke about having george shove alex off a cliff if she left him to go out with santa claus)
it was the night before christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even alex albon's five cats. his wife was asleep in their bed upstairs, and the kids were down for the count, wrapped in layers of blankets as alexander tiptoes down to the living room, where the christmas tree was set up in the bay window.
he turned on the tree lights, slipping a santa hat over his dark heair and opening the walk-in closet to find the large canvas bag that he and his wife had filled with christmas presents.
above the fireplace hung four stockings. stockings that his wife had painstakingly bedazzeld for each member of the family: alex, y/n, gabriel and isabella.
he rubbed his palms together, looking at the pilsbury cookies on the coffee table.
he had some work to do.
meanwhile, y/n albon was stirring in bed, panic setting in as she groggily opened her eyes, finding her husband's side of the bed empty.
"alex?" she mumbled, slowly sitting up. a zit on her back had popped during the night, a small spattering of blood hardening on the back of her cotton nightdress.
she heard a crash coming from the basement, and she sprung out of the bed, her mama bear instincts kicking in and telling her to go and check on the kids.
first she checked on isabella, her youngest. she three-year-old had just migrated form crib to toddler bed, the small piece of ikea furniture made from stunning white wrought iron. the little girl was peacefully asleep, nestled under her snoopy blanket with a build a bear in her arms, three large stuffed animals watching over her from the foot of the bed.
she backed out of the room, closing the door before she moved further down the hall, past the sim room, to the white door decorated in glow-in-the-dark stars. gabriel was curled up in his twin bed, his head barely poking out from over his Spider-Man duvet, a stuffed reindeer clutches in his arms. a karting trophy sat on his dresser, next to a picture of him and his dad when he won his first race.
satisfied that both her kids were still soundly asleep, she set out to find her husband.
“alex?” she called out, pulling her bathrobe tight around her body as she made her way to the main floor. “alexander, what the hell are you doing?”
alex knelt in front of the couch, shaking flour over a card stock cutout of a boot print. “baby? what are you doing awake?”
“honey, you knocked the lamp over.” she chuckled, picking the ikea lamp up off the floor and setting back in the side table. “what are you doing?”
“setting the scene for Santa’s visit, obviously.” Alex chirped, yanking away the card stock. “see, snowy footprints!”
y/n laughed, fingertips against her temple. “you know that once isabella sees those presents she’s going to run right through all of the work you just put in to those footprints.”
“it’s all about the fun, love” one of the cats mewled, nuzzling against alex’s thigh as he leaned towards the coffee table, holding up the square plate. “cookie?”
"darling, it's four in the morning." she laughed, picking up a reindeer cookie from the plate. "you know that you'll eventually have to tell the kids that santa claus isn't real, right?"
"or i could let them figure it out for themselves." alex reasoned, getting to his feet and pulling his wife close. "isabella is smart, she'll figure it out before her brother does. she takes after you."
"and gabriel takes after his father. some days, it's like having three children in this house."
"hey!" alex feigned hurt. "give me a hand putting the presents under the tree? i've got springsteen."
she laughed, kissing him softly. "if you put the springsteen on, you're going to wake the kids."
"not if we use my airpods." he winked, tossing her the bluetooth case.
she let the airpods connect, putting one in her right ear before passing the case back to alexander. bruce springsteen's 'merry christmas baby' began to play as they started to empty out the canvas sack, stacking the beautifully wrapped presents underneath the white christmas tree. alex was dancing, shuffling around on the hardwood in his socks and messing up a few of the flour footprints, causing his wife to laugh.
"alex, you're going to wake the kids." she reminded, giggling as she reached for his hands, allowing him to pull her in for a dance.
she rested her head against his chest, allowing her husband to sway side to side with her, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
"i'm so glad i met you. i love you, and i love our kids, and i love the life that i have created with you." alex whispered, still holding her close.
"i love you too." she hummed, leaning up to kiss him softly.
alex and y/n startled, jumping and slipping apart, turning to face the stairs. gabriel stood in the middle of the staircase, white as a sheet as he clutched his stuffed reindeer.
"gabriel, honey, what are you doing awake?" y/n cooed, concerned as she walked over to her son.
"mommy, why were you kissing santa claus?"
she shot a glance at alex before taking her son's hand, walking up the stairs with gabriel as she tried to calm him down.
"sweetie, that wasn't santa claus. that was just your dad, he was tidying the living room for when santa comes to visit. we don't want santa claus tripping on any cat toys, do we?"
after she tucked gabriel back into bed, with his dinosaur nightlight switched on, she left the door open slightly, holding her robe tightly around her body as she watched him fall asleep through the crack in the door.
"who taught him that santa claus was a thirty year old thai man?" alex scoffed. "has he learned nothing from his aunties? do i look like i could eat eight billion plates of cookies in one night?"
y/n laughed, allowing her husband to hug her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. "didn't your brother try and teach him that santa claus was an alien?"
"yeah, he did, didn't he." alex chuckled. "what did you tell him?"
"that you were just moving gucci's cat toys out of the way so that santa wouldn't trip. he thought i was cheating on you with saint nick."
"baby, if you left me for an aging, overweight white man and went to go live in the arctic and bake cookies all day, i'd have george shove me off a cliff."
she tilted her head up to face alex, thumb rubbing circles over his knuckles. "we're doing a damn good job with these kids, aren't we?"
"yeah babe, we are. but soon they'll grow up, and then we'll be grandparents-"
"stop talking. you're going to make me feel old!"
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @lorarri @cartierre @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @oconso @thatsdemko @twinkodium
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absfawn · 9 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 a.anderson
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Rough padded fingers trace the pattern of your face. From the slope of your nose, the cupids bow of your lips, slowly trailing up and over your cheeks, where they rest for a few seconds, blue eyes watching your sleeping figure. A soft smile appears on her face at how your hand grips tighter on her shirt, your face snuggling more into her side, and she’s at peace because she has you, has you in her arms yet again. 
The soft patter of the snow hitting the glass tears her attention from you to the window that was above the small desk you had put together on one of the many habits you picked up when Abby was away on patrol. Those blue eyes watched. She watched every trickle of snow that hit the windowsill outside, and her brain was slowly waking up from a good night’s sleep that it had only occurred to her that this was the first time you both had been witnessing snow, together, as a couple. She had seen it once, but the memory was so far back that it was almost a blur, but right now, standing under there, with you in her arms was something she needed.
The feeling of soft lips pressing against your temple had you humming, your eyes remaining shut the longer she trailed them all over your face, “Wake up” Her voice was still raspy from sleep but it always sounded like heaven to you. “I know you’re still tired, baby but there’s something i wanna do with you”
“Which is?”
“It’s snowing—”
Her eyes widened in surprise when your once comfortable body had sprung out of the small bed, almost stumbling over your clothes that were trashed on the floor, at the mere mention of it snowing. Abby didn’t know whether to laugh, ask if you were okay, or tell you to slow down as you picked up random pieces of clothing, because you looked so happy that she didn’t want to ruin that for you.
“Baby, you know it’s still going to be there after you get dressed, you know that right?” She chuckles, sitting up in the bed, and watches you continue to rush around, dressing in those same random pieces of clothing. Including one of her fuckin socks.
“That’s not the point” You huff, turning around to look at her with a pout on your face. “The point is, it’s snowing, and it barely snows”
“At least wear something that—” She pauses, looking you up and down slowly with a raised eyebrow. Not happy with the fact you’re wearing the thinnest fuckin’ t-shirt possible. “Babe, you’re going to get a cold if you wear that outside”
“If only my girlfriend would get out of bed quicker and help me. oh, whatever will i do?” You sigh dramatically, throwing on a random hoodie which was in fact Abby’s. It was obvious with the way she chuckled under her breath with a soft ‘of course you steal mine’ that followed.
Reluctantly stumbling out of bed, Abby watches you closely. She watches the way you press your forehead onto the glass. The way your fingers trace shapes and patterns on the condensation upon the window. Especially how your smile brights at the sight of a snowflake. “you’re so damn pretty” She murmurs, eyes locked onto you.
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Miss Anderson”
“Flattery my ass, i was just sayin—”
She barely realized you were in distance of her and she heaved a breathless chuckle when your lips landed on her cheek, the soft sound of your giggle filling her ears. “i know, Handsome. you’re prettier though”
“Fuckin— let’s just go” She mumbled, breathlessly with flushed cheeks. 
Certainly didn’t have to tell you twice, but not before giving her a final kiss on the cheek.
The minute you’re both outside, and your feet are hitting the snow-covered floor, you’re shivering, teeth chattering as you quickly slip one of your hands into Abby’s jacket pocket, the warmth of her instantly warming up your now cold fingertips. “Told you to wear something warmer, baby” she mumbles, but rubs your hand nonetheless.
“I wasn’t cold then”
“That’s—” she pauses to look over at you, you’re already looking at all the snow but she’s scoffing softly under her breath. “—that’s beside the point. The point is, you’re going to get cold, and then you’re going to get sic—”
“Then it’s a good job i have you” Your eyes are flicking up to meet hers and they twinkle in a way that Abby almost loses her breath, and balance. “My favorite nurse”
“You’re going to be the death of me” Abby chuckles.
“Besides, if seeing snow makes me get a little ill, it’s so fuckin’ worth it”
You’re already ripping your hand from her pocket and slumping into the snow before she can even get a word out. It’s not that she hates snow, she would rather just watch you enjoy it this time. It’s always raining or it’s way too sunny usually, but this change is a nice one, it’s a good change and she’s just glad it’s making you happy. “Abby think fast!”
“Think fast for— ow!” she scowls, stumbling back a few steps when the cold snow hits her square in the face. “You’re such a brat”
Throwing your head back, you howl out laughter that has her heart melting and lips curling up into a smile. “Oh my god— your face is priceless!”
“yeah yeah, laugh it up” Abby grumbles, crouching down to scoop up some of the snow in her hands, her eyes trained on you and how you were oblivious to see what she was doing. “i’ll get you back, don’t even worry baby”
“Oh, what are you going to do? Smother my face with snow until i profess my undying love for you?” you giggled, the tips of your fingers freezing as you drew random patterns in the snow.
“I mean, that is a start” Abby smiles brightly, snow falling into the loops of her braid. “You do love me don’t you, baby?” her hands behind her back, snowball protected from your view.
Her cold breath grazed the tips of your ears, and you just hummed with a soft smile. “Course i do Abs”
“Okay good because—”
“Because what?” you quipped back with interest. Head turning and scrunching up your nose cutely as her blue eyes stare into your soft ones. “Don’t tell me you’ve found a woman around here— Abigail!” you shriek the second you feel her drop the ball of snow on your head, mushing it around with a giggle.
Abby, who was laughing loudly at your annoyed face, falls back into the pile of snow behind her. Groaning with a huff when you turn around and slump right on top of her, pouting involuntarily above her. “That was mean”
“Hey, you started it, may i remind you”  she grumbled. her cold fingers, just like yours, stroke the droplets of snow off your cheek, smiling as you lean into her touch, lips pressing against her palm. “still look pretty though”
“you’re prettier” you whispered. fingers moving on their own accord, tucking the loose strands of her hair back under her beanie, and dusting off the snow that was collected on her braid. “there”
“thank you, baby, even though i’m laying in a pile of snow, i’m sure my hair is protected now” she snorts playfully, stroking the side of your face with her fingers. “cold yet?”
“nah, you’re pretty warm right now”
chuckling under her breath, abby’s hand cups the back of your head, pressing it down gently against her chest, giving you the chance to listen to the sound of her steady heartbeat. being in her arms was always your safe space. to feel her strong arms wrapped around you, shielding your face in her chest, keeping the outside world, far away from you. her blue eyes wide, watching the droplets of snow falling from the sky, dropping onto your back, melting into the thin fabric of her hoodie.
“i like being here with you, like this” she mumbled. fingers dancing across your back with a soft smile on her lips. “just us and nothing in the way” she continued, not caring if the snow pile under her ass was slowly melting through the pants she was wearing. “s’perfect”
“you’re perfect, abs” you mumbled. head now lifted and chin resting on her chest, eyes soft and looking up at her like she was genuinely the only person left in the cruel, cruel world. “i wouldn’t want to be here, right now, with anyone else but you”
the confession had abby’s cheeks turning red, although she was slightly sure it was also due to the coldness of the weather and snow, but your words were buried deep in her chest, her heart melting as she looked up at you.
“i love you” she whispered. Her fingers trace your cheekbones and down your jaw where she cupped your face, smiling softly. “prettiest girl” 
Leaning down slowly, you press your lips to her forehead, your fingers absentmindedly tucking lose strands of hair behind her ear. “i love you most” you smiled. Your gentle kisses feathering to between the crease of her eyebrows, to the slope of her nose, and finally to the apples of her cheeks. “handsome” 
Locking your lips into a soft and gentle kiss when you get closer to the corner of her mouth, abby’s hand cups the back of your neck. your own resting on her shoulders. Droplets of rain and fragile snowflakes build a home in the small ridges of your beanie, melting as more fall. “wouldn’t wanna be here with anyone else either” She admitted against your lips, cold fingers grazing the skin on your neck. “you’re my home, and that's all i need” 
“good, because you’re stuck with me now” 
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rogue ink
Daemon Targaryen x f!reader
word count: 3.4k ▪︎ masterlist
themes/warnings: fluff, language, very brief mention of smut
The reader is devastated at the loss of her precious journal, worried that it might fall into the wrong hands. And who better else to discover it, but the Rogue Prince himself?
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It was a small thing.
A small, leather-bound journal. Filled with accounts of your days and nights, your deepest thoughts, your pains. An unassuming object, sort of tattered from use.
And it had been missing for three days. The gods were not good.
You searched everywhere. Every corner of your chambers, in all the pouches you had especially sewn onto your dresses, practically every inch of the Red Keep which you have called home ever since your family was invited to King Viserys' court.
And yet it was nowhere to be found.
It was immediately noticeable to your inner circle that something was amiss, but you just shrugged it off. One person you did confide in, however, was Princess Rhaenyra herself. The two of you quickly grew close after her former companion, Alicent, was sent off to wed some wealthy, Southern lord.
"So what if it has gone missing? Perhaps you have simply misplaced it? Anyway, we could easily get you a new one, y/n."
Your head swiftly turned in her direction, "I appreciate your tone of confidence, Rhaenyra - "
She nodded, making a playful show of curtsying.
" - but... I've scrolled down personal matters in those pages. Especially when it concerns..."
She paused in her step. Hands clasped behind her, she leaned forward, "Ah. I see."
When it concerns Daemon. But it need not be said aloud.
Rhaenyra has been privy to some of your musings about her beloved uncle. Only the ones that you would ever let befall on another person's ears, that is. Some of it... well... would be more than enough to make any maiden blush.
"How could I forget?" Rhaenyra smiled, "You fancy Daemon." Then her face turns sly, "He fancies you too, you know. But of course, I know why you would be reluctant to engage with all of... that."
Your hand reaches up in an attempt to hide your face from shame, "Gods, what would happen if anyone at court were to find it? It would only be so easy to determine that the thing is my possession. I've written my father's and mother's names on it, and yours, and Daemon's..."
"What's the worst that could happen?" Rhaenyra wrapped an arm around your shoulders, keeping you steady, "This court of sycophants never runs out of fodder for their dull conversations. Your journal might be spoken of for a day or two, then they shall move on to something of lesser import."
You sighed deeply, a mask of calm appearing on your visage, though Rhaenyra knew better.
It will be alright. Another half-truth. This loss will soon be a trifling thing.
If only...
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Daemon Targaryen has been having quite the interesting time as of late.
The pages of your small, tattered journal feel light on his fingertips, but he might be inclined to say that the mere feel of the parchment is exhilarating.
These thoughts were yours. These secrets, these desires were yours.
Truthfully, he has not been completely shy about his admiration for you. His precious dove. His sweetling. You thought nothing of it, knowing full well how he is. The Rogue Prince has been known to possess countless paramours.
And you are damned if you would allow yourself to be one of his mere passing fancies. To be bedded one night and forgotten the next.
He once thought that his admiration is not well-received, until one morning, when he watched as an object fell out of your dress as you sprinted down the hallway, headed to only the gods knew where. You bumped into several ladies of the court, mumbling rushed apologies, only to be met with irate stares, but you went on without any mind to them.
Daemon failed to hide the smile that sprung from his lips. He quietly shifted to the spot where you dropped something, and that's when he saw it. Your journal.
It could only be yours. Who else would scroll down that thinly veiled warning on the first page, dedicated to any stranger who might deign to read it?
Daemon, of course, believed himself immune to such threats and he hurriedly found a secluded place to sit down and immerse himself in the woman who has managed to take sanctum in his mind.
And his heart, but the notorious prince would still be loath to admit that.
A few pages in, with amusement dancing his eyes, his chest felt warm at the image of you inking these thoughts onto the parchment.
Then came – “Once more, if you might be a nosy intruder, turn away now, or the very worst fortunes shall fall upon you. I swear this on both the old gods and the new.”
Perhaps I should stop. After all, she just might impale me with mine own Dark Sister if she found this in my possession. Daemon’s hand hesitated as he was about to turn the next page.
He had half a mind to close your journal, partially resolved at returning it to your chambers without you even having to notice its loss, but his eyes were quickly drawn to the following words…
“I finally saw Prince Daemon Targaryen this morning.”
How could Daemon stop his perusing at that moment? He read on with renewed interest, yearning to know more of what you think about him.
“By the gods, he is as beautiful as he is infuriating. I was made to be the cupbearer in today’s small council meeting, and the Rogue Prince strolled in, well in the middle of the discussion, without any mind as to the disturbance that his late arrival caused, if any. Not a care in the seven kingdoms. He paid absolutely no mind to me, standing there in the corner.
But I saw him.”
Daemon found himself rolling his eyes. Of course, he would give off the worst impression upon the first moment she glanced at him. But then again…
She thinks me beautiful. Vanity had allowed him to glaze over the part where you call him “infuriating”.
I suppose I shall have further use for your precious book, my sweetling.
And so the next few days were spent raking your journal for passages about him. Daemon knows full well that doing so can be deemed a violation of your privacy, but if he can use this to get closer to you, then this is something that simply must be allowed.
In his eyes, it may even be necessary. He needs this. Wants it, even. He wants to get under your skin, and these pages all but symbolize that very thing.
After all, Daemon swore that he shall only read the parts wherein he is concerned, and that is well within his right, is it not?
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“Daemon is indeed something to behold. Yes, my opinion still stands.
However, I am not certain what to make of him. Is he to be trusted? No. Bloody well not. Is he kind? That is not really a word anyone would use to define him.
But… there is something… something in his eyes. Daemon is much more than the rogue scoundrel that his moniker deems him to be. He is more than just ‘dangerous’ or ‘unpredictable’ or a potential ‘second Maegor’ (Truthfully, I find it hard to believe that last thing). Daemon is… more than that.
I just can’t find the words to encapsulate him. Perhaps words never can.”
The days pass quickly, and Daemon finds himself opening your journal now and again.
He cannot help it. The more he reads, the more he learns of you. But that is not the only reason. He is also discovering himself, as it turns out - an image of himself that he has not entertained before.
Not only The Rogue Prince, but a person of greater value than his notorious misdeeds. He believes that you see something in him that not even he can see himself.
Something more. Something… good.
Though his intentions prove to be not entirely innocent, as is the usual case. He comes upon one specific part, with your penmanship turning into a nervous scribble. It is as if you were wary that someone might be looking over your shoulder and deign to discover what salacious scrawls you have put down about the Rogue Prince.
Daemon’s eyes hurriedly glide over the ink, basking in what he reads.
“I must confess something.
I know it is quite unbecoming of a lady. Of a maiden. But in the last hour of the owl, I…
Oh, gods. I pleasured myself to the thought of him.
You know. It can only be him. Daemon.”
“Seven fucking save me.” Daemon finds himself cursing with delight at what he just read. So his sweetling does want him in return. Oh, you cannot even imagine what I will do to you…
“We have grown quite close, him and I. Daemon is… Daemon is aflame. There can be no better word for him. He is fire incarnate, and I am not afraid of getting burned.
Or… I don’t want to be. I just. Want. Him.
I want to feel him. I want to feel his lips on mine. Not long ago, he leaned in close and his musk enveloped me. His lips very nearly grazed my cheek. Silly me could not come up with a witty response then and there. A shame. But can you blame me? All I could think about was snogging the fucking Rogue Prince himself!
Ha! Gods!
Perhaps I have gone insane.”
Daemon chuckles freely, alone in his chambers, your journal firmly between both hands. Any clueless onlooker would think it strange, as the Rogue Prince does not make a habit of exhibiting such behaviour. The pleasure in the tone of his laughter rings true and genuine.
If it becomes known that the reason for this is the Lady Y/n, then only a fool would dare deny the centre of their prince’s affections.
“But I cannot deny it.
I cannot have him. I shall not… he is… he does not seem willing to devote himself to just one lady. One wife. There is never a lack of gossip about the prince’s exploits in the Street of Silk, and a hundred other brothels besides.
His need cannot be sated it seems. I… surely, I will not be enough to sate it.
And I won’t allow myself to be one among many paramours.
If I am to love, I have to be chosen as the only one.
Mother spare me.
However… I find myself imagining Daemon’s hands roaming freely across the planes of my skin, fondling my chest, his fingers drifting downward until they are buried in the heat of my soaked cunt.
When the castle is asleep, I find myself writhing in my sheets, thinking about the prince’s massive co – “
A knock echoes across the chambers. Daemon’s head shoots up immediately, irritation blooming across his face, but his cheeks remain flushed from what he just read.
Who the fuck is this?
His squire enters, a gangly young lad of six and ten. He bows hurriedly, and with a shaky voice, he implores, “My prince, you are being summoned by His Grace King Viserys to the small council meeting.”
Has that blasted formality come round again so soon? Daemon shrugs, turning back to the pages. Though he can hardly focus with the snivelling interruption still present in the room, who risks arousing his master’s anger when he speaks once more, “Forgive me, my prince, but I have been instructed to report with - ”
“Will you remove yourself from my sight willingly, or shall I do it for you?”
“M-my prince… I…” The squire nearly stumbles backwards at Daemon’s wroth.
“Leave. The small council will have the privilege of my presence in due course.”
And so, Daemon is again left alone, his squire’s rapid footsteps practically bolting out the doors.
Smirking, he greets your journal like an old friend. “Now, where was I?”
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Your newly gifted journal boasts of a far more opulent appearance than its predecessor. Rhaenyra made sure that the Maesters bound only the finest parchment and leather for this very thing; the cover even has gold and red embossments, as well as inscriptions in High Valyrian.
You were reluctant to accept such a gift, but Rhaenyra was persistent. And everyone knows, there is no refusing the Realm’s Delight when she has her heart set on something.
Still, it wouldn’t hurt to know of the whereabouts of your journal… well, your old journal now.
Nestled in your usual spot in the gardens, you turn your new journal over in your hands, admiring the handiwork of the Maesters.
The rear possesses the inscription - Isse otāpagon hen ñuha ojūdan udra, se isse ōños hen skoros pirtra hembar… - which Rhaenyra explained as roughly translating to - In remembrance of my rogue ink, and in joyous anticipation of what lies ahead…
You did not fail to notice the deliberate placement of the word rogue, which can only be Rhaenyra’s doing. Clever.
Rogue ink. Rogue Prince. Am I to call myself Lady Rogue now?
“My Lady.” His voice calls out, nearly startling the journal out of your hands. Oh fuck.
“Prince Daemon,” you swivel around to his voice, and sure enough, he leans against one of the tall hedges, studying you. Not a care in the seven kingdoms, as always.
“Good morrow, sweetling.” He saunters over, permanent smirk on his lips. “That is a lovely thing you have got there,” he says, gesturing to the new journal in your lap.
“Why yes, it is.” You lay it down beside you, and he promptly picks it up without even asking for your leave.
“Isse otāpagon hen ñuha ojūdan udra…” He reads, the High Valyrian sounding musical on his tongue. Far better than how you attempted to voice out the same words.
“Hmm.” He hands it over, and sits right next to you, stretching his long legs in front of him.
“Rogue ink.” He mumbles thoughtfully, glancing at you.
“It was Rhaenyra’s idea.” You say, your throat suddenly feeling dry, your heart racing from his proximity.
“Ah, yes. I was very sorry to hear of how you lost your journal. Rhaenyra said you were quite devastated.” Daemon lies plainly. His beloved niece never shared this with him, for she knows you would not approve.
“She did?”
“I do recall, yes.”
“Oh.”  You clear your throat, choosing to let it pass. “Well, she was awfully kind in giving me this as a replacement. I could not thank her enough.”
Daemon smiles, casting his gaze downward, as if he is privy to a secret that is kept from you. Does the handsome bastard know something?
“It is a shame that I could not find it,” you sigh, “I am still perturbed by the thought of someone whose intentions are unsavoury, reading all that I have written.”
“Whatever would you do to them, were you to find out their identity, my sweetling?”
You shake your head slightly at the name he has given you. Anything to distract from the warmth spreading across your face. You lean in closer, suddenly, much to Daemon’s surprise, “Would you let me wield Dark Sister, so I might teach them a lesson?”
Daemon swallows, the sight of your darkened, mischievous expression spurring him on.
“I might,” he leans in, “but I am far too fond of myself to allow something like that to transpire. Besides,” his fingers languidly trace your jawline, “I have read that you are far too fond of me to do such a thing.”
Your stomach falls, the sensation so sudden that you simply freeze in place, with Daemon’s warm breath still fanning your face.
Your face scrunches in a mixture of what can only be shock and anger and embarrassment. Daemon only finds it endearing. Adorable.
He starts, “Now, sweetling, try not to be cross - ”
You do not let him finish. You punch him in the shoulder, hard, making him lean away. Your legs seem to have a mind of their own, because you find yourself pacing quickly.
Gods, I just assaulted a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms. More pacing. Who cares? It’s Daemon, and he deserves it.
The sound of his laughter echoes in the gardens, grating in your ears.
He stands, pulling something out of the pocket of his trousers, and presenting it to you. Your little, rogue journal.
Wrenching it from him, you can only ask, “You stole it from me?”
He looks appalled, “No, I would not do that. I found it. It might occur to you to thank me. Who knows what could have happened if anyone else besides me discovered your precious journal when you dropped it in a haste.”
“Thank you?” You stare him down, your left hand squeezing your journal firmly, threatening to destroy its very structure. “Why did it take so long for you to return it to me? Did you… did you…”
“Read it?” His eyes rake your face, over and over, enamoured by the passion he sees.
You say nothing. Of course he has.
“You must forgive my curiosity, sweetling. I could not help myself, plainly, to have some glimpse into your mind, into your heart… I simply… I had to.”
You soften a little at that. “Did you read everything?”
Daemon steps forward, overwhelming your space once more, “Not everything. Not quite.”
He gently pries the journal from your fist tucked beside you, and you watch as he flits through the pages as if it were his own. He whispers, “Only what you wrote about me.”
“Gods.” You desperately look toward the sky for some respite, not finding any.
He lands on the page he was searching for, a smile spreading across his face. “I am flattered, my lady, about how you envisioned us in what can only be… very compromising positions.”
“Enough, Daemon, please…” you bite your lip, as his hands drift across your stomach, settling low on your hips, pulling you flush against him.
The journal has been discarded by your feet, and Daemon only has eyes for you. His voice is genuine when he says, “You have written about me as if I were… someone else. Someone more.”
Your eyes catch how his tongue flicks across his lips. You start to give in, and say, “Daemon, I write only what I see.”
His lips are curled in their familiar roguish way, when he drifts even closer, tilting your face up at him with one hand.
“Sweetling… let me give you something to write about.”
In true Daemon fashion, he does not reign himself in. 
His lips land on yours. The impact catches you by surprise, making you take a few steps back, and he promptly follows suit. Your bodies move in sync, until your back collides into one of the marble plinths.
His tongue pries your mouth open wide, snaking past your teeth in a frenzy. Without breaking the kiss, he takes your hands, and guides them to the back of his neck, so that you might hold him in turn. You do, burying your fingers in his silver tresses.
Your lips battle each other, and Daemon tilts your head back so that he might advance more. A low growl escapes his chest as his teeth carefully clamp down on your bottom lip, pulling at the flesh.
He pulls away, pleased at how swollen your lips have become due to his work, “If I were inclined to write as you do, the words would doubtlessly be a tribute to you, sweetling.”
You did not expect that.
Still reeling from the taste of his mouth, you finally smile, though wryly, “You could only be telling me what I wish to hear. Soften my anger at how you invaded my most intimate musings.”
He nods once, one hand reaching up to lean on the plinth above your head. His violet eyes bore into yours, burning with unmistakable desire.
“I could indeed.” He kisses you again, his lips briefly pressing against your own, with a gentleness that is quite unusual for the Rogue Prince. “But mayhaps I shall prove to be quite convincing.”
You take a deep breath, peering up at him in a haze. Your shaky nerves finally settle, and you drink him in. Your rogue muse. The object of your affection, as he now knows. “Prove it then. My new journal is in need of fresh accountings. What better thing to write about than the taste of your lips…”
Another kiss, and another.
“I am yours, sweetling.”
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Been a while, loves! Hectic stuff + writing ruts can tend to cause such breaks, but I'm glad to be back and writing again ❤️
Yes, it seems that I sometimes take weeks (even months) to update series works. But then I'll get oneshot ideas, and they get done within a day (like this one). I can't explain it either 🙃
But anyway - series updates up... soon enough!
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sugarstartitzzz · 6 months
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Amidst the soft glow of candlelight, Mila and Matt sat at a cozy table in the corner of their favorite Italian restaurant, which was Mila’s because you were allowed the smoke there. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they shared stories and enjoyed their meals.
Mila glanced affectionately at Matt, her heart swelling with love for the man beside her. But as the evening progressed, she noticed a subtle shift in his demeanor. His playful banter turned into thinly veiled jabs, each comment pushing her patience a little further. Matt would sometimes act out like this for no apparent reason and she never said anything, knowing she was too angry to be able to hold back from saying something she’d regret once she’d start. Her anger allowed her to do nothing but scream when Matt got like this, and most of the time, she did not want to.
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What a dick, I thought to myself. As Matt’s words sliced through the air like a dagger, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger bubbling within me because of how hurt I was. His attempts at humor fell flat, each comment landing with the weight of an anvil and poisoning the once vibrant atmosphere around us. Despite my mounting frustration, I bit back my retorts in an attempt to remain calm and not act impulsively on my anger.
Eventually, I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, letting the smoke fill my lungs. “You can’t go a day without smoking?” Matt asked in a harsh, monotone voice. I shut my eyes at those words and breathed out through my nose, taking the cigarette back up to my mouth, sucking in the smoke softly and blowing it out. I tongued my front teeth before pressing the freshly lit cigarette onto his hand.
Everyone’s eyes widened in shock as Matt flinched back roughly and hissed in pain, “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He yelled. I smirked sadistically at his reaction. Is it wrong to have enjoyed that? yeah. Is that fact gonna stop me from enjoying it? fuck.no.
“You’re so fucking stupid.” Matt stated harshly, raising his angry voice before unexpectedly grabbing a hold on my wrist and dragging me away from everyone. Strings of curses continued to leave his mouth as he did so.
“Ow!” I exclaimed eventually as the pain of his tight grip got too much. He dragged me all the way out the restaurant and practically shoved me in the car. I didn’t say anything out of shock of his sudden actions, obviously I was expecting him to be mad but only verbally, at most to break up with me.
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He pulled me into the house he shared with his brothers who we had left at the restaurant. Matt shut the door and without a warning or time to process anything he speaks demandingly, “get on your knees.”
“what?” I asked with surprise, scrunching up my face slightly.
The annoyance in his eyes were elevated by my question, a hard sigh through his nose left before he grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me down into the position he originally wanted me in. My knees fell weak with aching after they had roughly hit the floor.
Matt undid his belt in a fast manner, the action followed by him unzipping his pants, “You’re a real fucking bitch, you know that?” He spoke lowly.
His dick sprung up, almost hitting me in the face and making me flinch back yet I was given no time to come back from the jump scare when his cold hand grabbed a rough hold of my jaw— forcing it open.
He shoved his dick into my mouth, thrusting it at an incredibly fast pace as he had a handful of my hair, using both hands to hold onto my head. I gagged as I felt his cock go repeatedly in and out of my throat, my eyes welling up with tears. My hands held onto his hips for support.
I shut my eyes in pain before starting to reach upwards, pushing him away which signalled for him to stop. As soon as he pulled his dick out my mouth, a string of coughs left my mouth, saliva and tears mixed with mascara dripping down my chin.
Matt wrapped one hand around my neck and the other grabbing a chunk of my hair as he pulled he up with no intent of being gentle. Then, he pushed me down yet again, putting my hands and knees on the stairs in doggy position.
He undid my pants and pulled them down with my underwear in one motion, my desperate coughing gasps for air became one shocked gasp as he began pounding into me with no mercy. “You fucking whore.” Matt mumbled angrily with a breathy tone, his hands holding onto my hips for support as he continued ramming into me at a fast pace.
My moans intensified each second, “Matt!” I screamed out in a mix of pain and pleasure from his roughness, feeling the knot tie in my stomach. I whimpered as he roughly slapped my eyes, leaving a residue of an unbearable sting.
He pulls me back by my hair, pressing me up against him with one hand on boobs and the other wrapped tightly around my neck as he slows his thrusts. Matt groans into my ear before marking my neck, biting into me in an almost malicious way. He brings his lips back up to my ear, “Fuck you.” I let out a weak moan before croaking out— “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, you should be.” He said with bitterness, turning me around quickly and shoving my back into the cold hard stairs. I let out heavy breaths mixed with whimpers as he put my legs on his shoulder, thrusting his dick in me slowly. “You’re gonna apologise to me in the exact way that I want you to. Understand?” Matt stated, his face close to mine, making me nervous with direct eye contact. I nodded softly. “Speak.” He demanded.
“Yeah.” I complied quietly, biting my lip in pleasure. “Yeah what?” He demanded again, wanting more, his thrusts slowing as a warning as he knew how badly it tortured me to be fucked slowly. “I understand.” I replied in a pathetic, pleading tone. “Good girl.” He laid a soft peck on my lips before backing away from me and picking up his pace, his tip bruising my cervix.
It felt as though he was ramming right into my stomach. My moans collided with his soft groans in the air like a harmonised song.
A moan left his mouth, his hands gripped onto my thighs with his painted nails digging into my skin. My hands slid all around the staircase in an attempt to hold onto something yet that want was disturbed by his sudden, rough movements moving my entire body. “I’m gonna cum!” I moaned out, my words a soft whimper. “Mhm. Go ahead.” Matt’s voice was low and quiet as he approved through breaths.
My moans became more of a scream as I released all over his dick, my orgasm overtaking my entire body with pleasure. My eyes rolled back, he moaned as soon as I came yet paid no attention to slowing down to let me ride out my orgasm and only intensified his pounding.
Matt grabbed ahold of my legs by my ankles, pressing them together and bending them to the side. “Fuck.” He moaned lowly, he let himself fall, catching himself with his hand on the stairs one step above my head. His other hand took a rough grip on my jaw— making me directly look at him. “Say you’re sorry.”
“I’m sorry.” I conceded quietly. “Louder.”
“I’m sorry!”
Matt’s hand connected with my face in between his harsh thrusts making me moan through heavy breaths, “Fucking slut.” he uttered angrily, taking his dick out me and spreading my legs open. Matt grabbed ahold of my waist and picked me up, turning around and pressing me against the door with force, making sure I didn’t bang my head on it.
He slid his big cock back inside me, bouncing me on him for a little bit— “Fuck, Matt…” I moaned, he eventually began his rough thrusts again, bounding me without mercy. My moans intensified into screams as I felt my next orgasm build up. He slapped my ass as hard as he could twice in a row, leaving behind a painful redness before aggressively pressing his lips to mine.
I moaned into his mouth as I came again, leaving it agape as I let my head fall into his shoulder. My brain melting orgasm lasted long, and that accompanied by Matt’s merciless pounding made it unbearable. “Mm..” I whimpered, hearing him groan as I scratched his back, feeling unable to even think.
“Look at me, you fucking bitch.” Matt spat out his words aggressively. “I can’t…” I managed to whimper out my quiet words. He grabbed me by my neck and pressed my head up against the door, forcing me to look at him. My vision was blurry, my eyes sleepy as I shut them roughly. “Too much.” I moaned.
“Fuck, baby, let me finish.” his voice came across softer as he kissed me gently. He stopped his thrusts to lay me down on the ground and pushed himself back into me in missionary.
Although his thrusts started slow, they intensified like always— becoming more rough and fast as he rode out his high. Our moans collided, filling up the silence.
He fell on top of me, his thrusts becoming sloppy as I felt his load shoot up into me with a hard thrust, his low whimpers like a song in my ear. My eyes widened at the sensation of him cumming in me.
After a few moments he lifted himself off of me, gently stroking my hair out my face as he spoke gently, “You okay?” He inquired genuinely.
“Mhm.” I nodded, my body still feeling weak. “I didn’t hurt you, yeah?”
“I’m okay.” I smiled softly before he gently took my hand into his and stood up— helping me up. I stumbled onto my feet, my legs feeling wobbly as I almost fell but was caught by Matt. “Come here, let’s go take a shower.” He said with a carefulness in his voice as he picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs and into the bathroom in his room.
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The hot water cascaded down, enveloping me in its warmth. The steam rose around me, filling the air with a comforting haze. Matt’s hands find my hips from behind me, kissing my cheek then moving onto my neck. I hold onto his wrists gently as his right hand reaches towards my pussy. He rubbed circles on my swollen clit making me moan. His fingers slid downwards into my hole, pumping in and out a few times before he took them out and put them in my mouth. “Suck.” Matt demanded and I did as told.
“Good girl.”
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🐇 Deuce Spade Easter Headcanons 🐇
In light of it being Easter Sunday, I decided to compile a list of Easter themed headcanons for our local baby chick boy
Also, quick word of warning - I’ve never celebrated Easter before so I deeply apologise if any of this is offensive. I just thought that the whole aesthetic of chicks, eggs and bunnies would go really well with Deuce and wanted to write about that
Reader is female
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Since Spring has sprung, you decided to tell Deuce about a holiday from your world and him being the sweetheart he is, wanted to recreate it with you here in Twisted Wonderland
🐣 Imagine decorating Easter eggs with him, just having a blast in Ramshackle, with old newspapers covering the surface of the dining table and a bunch of paints spread out. Deuce takes this very seriously, scrunching his nose up in concentration as a shaky hand carefully applies paint to each egg. You did have a wonderful time coming up with different designs but then Ace got wind of your little date and whined about you playing favourites (“Of course, she’s playing favourites - I’m her boyfriend!”) so the next day your entire first year squad (+ Ortho) all decided to decorate Easter eggs so you ended up with a range of colourful mismatched eggs that were worth their weight in gold.
🐣 MATCHING EASTER THEMED OUTFITS. Like obviously you’d have chick themed outfits but imagine also bunny themed outfits as well with him. Of course, you have to deal with Leona’s teasing about how you look even more like a herbivore now but you kind of predicted that. Also, you send every single picture that you take of you and Deuce to his mother (that you are having constant conversations with) and whilst Deuce is so unbelievably happy that his two favourite people are getting along so well, he could do with a little less gushing about him.
🐣 Speaking of Easter outfits, imagine making Easter bonnets together, using a hot glue gun to stick on little bits and bobs like tiny chicks, bunnies and fake flowers
🐣 You handmake him homemade chocolates that are shaped like little baby chicks and bunnies. He loves them so much that he doesn’t even want to eat them, only to get slapped on the head by Ace for being a whipped idiot
🐣 You, Deuce and the rest of the first (minus Jack) totally don’t get food comas from eating too many chocolate eggs at once, by the way
🐣 You already have a habit of making him cute bento boxes or adorable looking omurice dishes, but you decided to go the extra mile and put little chick figurines inside each one. Deuce feels like he’s going to cry - he loves you so much.
🐣 You get him a bunch of those wind up chick toys - the bright eyed smile on his face outshined the sun
🐣 You organise an Easter egg hunt inside Ramshackle, consisting of chocolate eggs, the eggs you decorated and plastic eggs with little toys inside and let the first years go wild
🐣 The two of you go on dates to petting zoos so that you could hang around with actual chicks and bunnies in a safe environment and also go on picnics in the park where you feed nearby ducks (not bread. Bread is not a safe food for ducks to eat.)
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shangchiswife · 2 years
joel miller- the babysitter part 2
hi everyone thank you so much for all of the love on my previous post on here and on tik tok. i appreciate it so much <3 now here is the long-awaited second part. hope you enjoy!
summary: joel lets you have a turn at your pleasure
joel miller x fem!reader
warnings: smut, language
word count: 2448
link to part 1: part 1
You woke up early, the thrill of yesterday’s events with Joel filling your head. The ghost of his lips lingered on your lips as it sent electricity down your spine. 
You immediately sprung out of bed and went to the bathroom, changing into your laciest, sexiest bra and matching panties. You covered your lingerie with an innocent-looking dress with flowers, an ode to Sarah who always used to give you flowers when you babysat her.
Before going to Sarah’s party, you had driven to the local bakery to buy her her favorite dessert: strawberry cheesecake cupcakes.
After buying the sweet dessert, you drove over to Joel’s house, buzzing with excitement at the thought of seeing both Sarah and Joel.
The moment he opened the door, his breath caught in his throat at how beautiful you looked. 
He put his hand out, brushing a stray hair from your cheeks.
“You look so pretty, sweetheart,” his eyes were soft as he caressed your cheek with one hand.
You whimpered at how close the two of you were, making his lips turn up in a smirk.
Sarah’s voice made Joel promptly drop his hand from your cheek as the young girl jumped into your arms.
“Thank you so much for coming!” she squealed.
You laughed at her excitement.
“Careful, I’m gonna drop these,” you said as she untangled herself from your arms and stared at the delicacies in your hand.
“Are those-no way! Strawberry cheesecake cupcakes? You’re the best Y/N!” she yelled, taking the cupcake box from your hands and sprinting to the kitchen to put them away.
Joel smiled fondly at you as he watched the interaction between his daughter and you. 
You stared at him, your cheeks heating up.
His wet hair was slicked back and his body was adorned with one of his classic plaid shirts.
How did he always look so fucking amazing?
“See somethin’ you like?” he chuckled as his brown eyes bored into yours.
You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. You were embarrassed that you had been caught staring.
He laughed once more.
“So damn cute, I can’t wait to ruin you,” his voice was deep, as he stared you down, watching your every movement.
Your whole body jittered with excitement.
“C’mon, let’s go see what Sarah’s up to,” he said, his Southern accent slipping into his words.
He put a hand on the small of your back sending shockwaves through your entire body as he led you to the kitchen.
You looked up at him as his lips curled up more.
He knew exactly what kind of effect he had on you and he was doing it on purpose. His mind was filled with what he planned to do to you.
Sarah was slumped over a purple colored bag as she poured contents into it.
“What’s that?” you asked, plopping next to her.
“A goody bag,” she said matter-of-factly before tying the purple bag and placing it at the edge of the table with the rest of the completed bags.
“Need some help?” you questioned, arching a brow.
“Yes please,” Sarah turned to you with worried eyes.
“Alright,” you shrugged your shoulders and started placing the small tubes of mascara and butterfly clips into the bag.
“Dad, don't just stand there help us out!” Sarah ordered as Joel placed his hands up in surrender and took a seat beside you. He carefully brushed one of his hands over your thighs, making you suck in a breath.
“Somethin’ wrong Y/N?” he questioned, obviously trying to get a reaction out of you.
You glared daggers at him as Sarah looked up with concern.
“Everything’s great,” you mumbled.
“That’s good,” Joel said happily before starting to tie the bags together.
This man is going to be the death of me, you thought before you continued assembling the bags.
Once you had finished the goody bags, Sarah’s friends started piling into the house and Joel had taken that as his cue to go upstairs in solitude. Joel had always been on the quieter side and was careful about who he got close to. 
You would’ve joined him if it weren’t for Sarah looping you into a game of Musical Chairs and Never Have I Ever. You didn’t mind though, you loved Sarah.
After hours of playing games, watching a movie, snarfing on pizza, and eating birthday cake, it was time for Sarah and her friends to leave as her friend Lily’s mom was picking the girls up to go to the mall.
Joel came downstairs to say goodbye to the girls and converse with Lily’s mom about what time Sarah was going to be dropped off.
Lily’s mom was twirling a strand of her bleach-blonde hair while she checked Joel out. You felt your blood boil at the sight as you clenched your jaw at the sight.
Joel looked completely oblivious to her actions which made you angrier. 
“Oh don’t worry, Joel she’ll be back before dinner. Now come on kids let’s get you all to the mall,” the woman chirped, sending him a quick wink before she herded all of the children out of the house.
“Bye dad, bye Y/N!” Sarah waved before she entered Lily’s mother’s large minivan.
Once the car cleared out of the driveway, Joel shut the door.
A mixture of silence and tension filled the room as Joel took a deep breath and turned around to face you.
Your heart pounded fast as he approached you and your breath caught in your throat as he looked you up and down once more.
You tapped your foot impatiently.
“Are you going to kiss me or not?” you crossed your arms as you saw Joel’s eyes flash.
In one moment you were on the wall with Joel’s lips on yours.
It was a messy kiss filled with passion and need.
You moaned into the kiss as you pushed his head closer to get better access to his lips.
You opened your mouth for a brief moment and he took the opportunity to thrust his tongue into your mouth, tongues battling for dominance. A battle that he easily won unsurprisingly.
With his win, Joel pushed you deeper into the wall and let his lips trail down to your neck, his teeth gently grazing your collarbone, making your panties wet.
“Joel,” you sighed with pleasure as he continued to kiss your neck softly. You could feel him smiling on your skin.
Cocky bastard, you thought.
He nudged your closed thighs together with his knee and you immediately started to grind on it, your dress riding up over your thighs giving him a peek at your racy panties.
“Such a needy girl,” he chuckled darkly before he started to suck harshly on your neck. Surely there would be bright marks the next morning.
You whimpered as you straddled his clothed thigh trying to relieve the ache you felt in your core.
“I saw you getting a little jealous with Lily’s mom over there, so fuckin’ cute,” his hot breath fanned over your ear as you closed your eyes with bliss.
Joel bounced his thigh, making your mouth contort into an o shape as you continued to grind on him, holding his shoulders for support.
“Yeah, you like that huh? Such a dirty girl getting off on an older man’s thigh,” 
Your pussy clenched around nothing at his filthy words.
His thigh wasn’t enough for you. You wanted more.
“I want…I want your cock,” you panted as you continued to go up and down on his jeans, his rough texture scratching your thighs.
Joel smiled.
“You need to get prepped first, honey,” he said as he lifted you up and went to his bedroom, placing you gently on the bed as if you were royalty.
He made a movement to take off your dress but stopped.
“This feel okay?” his eyebrows furrowed with concern, putting two fingers under your chin as he watched your face.
You nodded.
“I couldn’t hear you,” he declared, his voice laced with lust.
“I want you,” you blurted out.
He growled at your admission before he lifted the dress off your body, exposing your black matching lingerie set. 
“Holy fuck, so damn pretty,” he muttered as he took in your beautiful form as you smiled brightly at his compliment.
The older man placed a gentle kiss on the valley of your breasts before trailing kisses down your stomach.
Meanwhile, his hands groped your clothed breasts, squeezing them tightly.
You sighed breathlessly as he continued to kiss you until he was at your panties.
“I’m gonna take these off for you ok, baby?” he said as he used his teeth to skillfully pull down your panties and then used his hands to take them off your feet.
You moaned as the cool air hit your bare pussy.
Joel growled at the sight of it.
“So wet, I hope this is for me,” he teased, dipping one of his fingers into your folds, testing the waters.
“Only for you, Joel,” you sighed your fist clenching around the covers.
“Good,” he said as he dropped his head so that he was face to face with your pussy.
Oh, this was the game he wanted to play, you thought.
He started with gentle kitten licks that made you whimper with delight.
Then he licked large stripes and swirled his tongue around your pussy driving you insane.
“Stop fucking teasing, Joel,” you said before he thrust one of his digits in your pussy while his tongue flicked it simultaneously. 
Your hands immediately grabbed his hair, grasping it tightly, causing him to let out a moan while he ate you out like a starved man.
“So fuckin’ sweet,” he groaned.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Joel added another finger, plunging them both in and out of your folds while his tongue skillfully glided across your slickness.
Once Joel started sucking on your clit, you knew you’d be done in a matter of moments.
“Joel I’m gonna-” you moaned loudly, your eyes blurring from the intensity and your thighs crushing his head.
“Cum for me, sweetheart,” his vibrations urging your orgasm as you cummed all over his beard.
You panted, staring at Joel with blown-out pupils as he climbed on top of you.
You unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on the floor while he started unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans and slid them off.
He was so fucking beautiful with his scarred olive skin and toned upper body. How did you even get so lucky?
The moment his cock sprung out of his boxers, you knew it was over for you.
His length was average but he was just so thick and girthy.
Your mouth watered at the sight as he watched you.
You reached over to pump it as Joel sighed at your touch.
“You keep doin’ that and I’m gonna cum and I don't think you want that to happen just yet,” he said, kissing your warm cheek before he lined himself with your entrance.
You braced yourself for the stretch as he pushed the tip of his throbbing cock through you.
You whined at the slight pain you felt from his thickness as he shushed you and placed a hand on your cheek.
“You’ll be alright, sweetheart, you can handle it,” his voice was soft as he bottomed out.
The pain of the stretch quickly subsided and was replaced with pleasure as you needed friction of some kind.
“Move,” you breathed out as he wasted no time, grabbing your hips and thrusting in and out.
You panted. The feeling of his cock sliding in and out of your cunt was delicious.
One of your hands moved to play with your clothed breasts as you squeezed it for additional pressure.
“Holy shit,” Joel moaned as he watched you toy with your bouncing boobs.
He brought one of his own hands down to your pussy and circled your clit with his thumb, putting more pressure each time he circled.
“Oh,” you sighed as he started to piston into you at a rougher pace, slamming into you fast. The sounds of your slickness and both of your panting filled the air.
“You keep making those pretty noises, honey,” he pressed his forehead against yours as his cock twitched inside of you making you gasp. You clenched around him as you dragged your fingernails along his spine.
“Such a good fucking girl, taking my cock so well,” Joel gritted his teeth as his thrusts started to falter.
His words sent electricity to your pussy making you see stars because the stimulation is just too much.
“I’m gonna-” 
“Me too,” he admitted, continuing his fast thrusts as you squeezed your eyes together with pleasure as your climax hit you hard, your thighs shaking.
“Where,” Joel asked breathlessly.
“Inside,” you panted.
“Fuck,” Joel threw his head back in pleasure before he spilled his seed inside of you, painting your womb white.
He slipped out of you and then rolled beside you on the large king-sized bed.
“Holy shit, that was better than what I had dreamed of,” you said.
“Yeah,” he admitted before standing up and going to his bathroom and instantly returning with a cloth.
He started cleaning you and you just let him, shocked by this gentle action.
“I never took it, you were an aftercare guy,” you stated as he chuckled.
“Are you kidding me? I’m from the South, we have to have our Southern hospitality,” he said, dragging the piece of cloth on your pussy.
“True,” you laughed as you laid back against his mattress.
“You’re gettin’ quite comfy over there,” Joel said, disposing the cloth and moving to lay beside you.
“I can’t help it that my orgasms were too strong and your bed is too cozy,” you said, grabbing his pillow and nuzzling against it.
Joel let out a hearty chuckle.
“C’mere,” you took his hand and pulled him next to you.
“So damn strong,” he whistled as you placed your head on his chest.
“Oh shut up,” you rolled your eyes before wrapping an arm around him.
In response, he rested a hand on your waist.
Joel’s body felt like a warm blanket around you making your eyes droop from the amount of comfort you felt.
“You gettin’ sleepy, baby girl?” he laughed.
“Mhm,” you smiled into his chest, heart singing from his nickname.
“Alright then, go to sleep, baby,” he cooed, raking a hand through your hair.
You shut your eyes at his words and immediately fell asleep instantly.
Joel pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Goodnight, princess,”
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thisapplepielife · 2 months
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
Just The Facts
Week #14 Prompt: "Can you hear me?" | Word Count: 813 | Rating: T | POV: Erica | Characters: Erica, Steve | CW: Language, Minor Allusions to Period-Typical Microaggressions | Tags: S4 "The Piggyback" Missing Scene, Scoops Troop Forever
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Erica runs.
She hurries, just like Lucas asked. 
Her knee hurts, her back, her ankle. 
She feels sprung, in a way she never has before. Not crawling through the ductwork of the mall. Not in the elevator, surging down, down, down. That had been an adventure. 
Scoops Troop, solving the mystery. Taking down the big bad. 
It had been fun.
This isn't fun.
Not anymore. 
She barrels down the staircase, and out the front door, and straight across the street to the run-down park. She picks up her abandoned walkie, and presses the button down, holding it tight.
"Can you hear me? Code red. Code red! Over," she says, letting up on the button. And there's no response, just static. "Dustin?"
There's no one, "Code red. I need an ambulance. Hang on. I'm going for help."
And she runs down the street. Runs to the nearest house on the block that has any lights on, and bangs on the door. When it opens, she holds up her hands. Just the facts. That's all she needs to give.
"I'm Erica Sinclair. I live on Maple. My brother's hurt, and we need an ambulance."
Erica is running up the sidewalk when she sees it, the house ripping apart and she stutters, stopping, waiting to see where she'll be able to go from here. 
She's not even sure she can get back in the house. Not sure if there's anything left to get back to, not in there. Not now.
Lucas. Max.
She called for help. 
Lucas told her to, and she did.
Sirens are wailing in the distance, but she can't be sure if they're headed her way or not. Not now. There's a jagged line ripped through the earth, and the damage must be bad. Really, bad. All over.
Erica wants to go home. She wants her mom. She wants her dad. She wants Lucas.
Right now, she has none of those things.
So, she sits on the grass, and holds her leg. It hurts in several places, and she's scared. She won't cry, though. She won't.
And she doesn't cry, and she's proud of herself as she finally hears a car coming up the street, moving fast, and she hopes it's the ambulance.
It's not. 
But it might be better.
"What happened?" Steve screams as soon as his head pops up out of the car, then he's barreling towards her from down the road, where'd he'd parked as close as he could get to the falling apart house.
"I got tackled!" she screams, and she doesn't know why. That's not important. Max is hurt. Lucas too, probably.
Her stupid knee doesn't matter.
"By who?!" Steve screams back, falling to his knees, face twisted into a grimace as he hits the ground, sitting back on his haunches. "How hurt are you?" he asks, his hands touching her arms, her face, looking over her.
She thinks maybe she should ask him the same thing.
"I don't know. Some basketball goon. I'm okay. Max. Max is upstairs. With Lucas. It happened," she says, and Steve looks up. 
"Shit," he says.
"My thoughts exactly," she echoes.
The ambulance finally pulls up behind Steve's car, and Steve takes over, making her sit there, demanding that she not move. 
For once, she listens.
The ambulance takes Max, and Lucas crawls in with her after a small argument, but Steve vouches for him, and they seem to take his word when they wouldn't believe Lucas saying the same, exact thing.
She wants to think it's because Steve's older, because he's a Harrington, but she knows that's not all of the whole story, and she pushes it out of her mind. She got help. She did what Lucas asked her to do, and Steve's here now.
She doesn't have Lucas, or her mom or dad. But she has Steve.
And Steve's moving as if he's gonna pick her up, holding out his hands, like he expects her to be lifted onto his hip. Like she's a baby.
"What do you think you're doing, nerd?" she asks, but there's no heat, not tonight, "I'm eleven, not five."
Steve laughs, "Of course you are. Piggyback?"
Well, her body does hurt from being tackled by an overgrown horse's ass of a basketball player.
She nods, and Steve squats, letting her climb up. He moves stiffly, and winces as she wraps her legs around his sides, and she thinks maybe she should have declined his offer, just to keep from hurting him worse than he clearly already is.
"I'm eleven," she says softly, more to herself than him.
"I know you are, and none of this was cool," he says, hoisting her higher onto his back.
And that's what does it. It's embarrassing, and she couldn't explain it if she tried, but she buries her face in Steve's back, and finally cries.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun!
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mysmuttyy · 7 months
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summary: mattheo and y/n are enemies, but he has a nightmare that makes his realise he loves her.
⚠️: death, crying, confessions, fluff
Pink: y/n | Red: mattheo.
Monday Morning.
Voices echoed around the room. The voices were heard in front of him, behind him, but not beside him. For the first time in three years, her seat remained empty, chair tucked under the desk- Just like she left it. Mattheo felt odd not having her there, but slowly, he shrugged it off, convincing himself that she’d show up any second.
The class dragged on, the doors opened and closed, but she never walked in. It was like this for the rest of the day, no one had seen her.
His overthinking won and his anxiety set in, the echo of his footsteps following him down the quiet hallways. With a mumble of the password, the doors swung open, allowing him access. The curly haired boy wasted no time in hurrying up those steps, rushing toward her bedroom. His veiny hand clutches onto the handle, knees buckling once his dark eyes spot her limp body lying in a pool of her own blood.
The whole world stops, and he feels a shooting pain coarse throughout his entire body, heart shattering into a million pieces, every ounce of happiness he possessed fading away.
People arrived and he somehow gained the strength to get up, stumbling toward the phone booth, tears streaming down his face as he dialled in her mothers number. Her sweet voice was heard on the other side, sounding just like y/n’s. He felt his heart break all over again, as this mother cried on the other side of the phone, repeatedly asking for him to be joking.
Mrs Drew, y/n’s mother, choked on her cries as she informed Mattheo about y/n’s feelings for him. She was in love with him. That’s all it took for him to fully break down, knees dropping to the floor, loud sobs filling the booth.
“I’m so sorry!” The boy cried, begging for her mothers forgiveness. She cried back, telling him never to apologise.
Monday Morning.
The great hall doors sprung open, slamming into the walls. Everybody turned to look, watching as Mattheo Riddles dark eyes scanned the crowded room. Y/n stared at the man who hated her, noticing a change in his demeanour. Today, he didn’t seem unbothered like usual, he actually seemed to be very bothered.
Once their eyes locked, he smiled, a sweet, genuine smile, one that made butterflies swarm her stomach. Her cheeks flushed red, a smile she couldn’t hide forming across her nervous face. Mattheo Riddle walked down from the doors, heading toward her. She watched, eyes following his figure, melting when his hand cupped her cheek.
Mattheo pulled her up from her chair, holding her gently, leaning in until their lips smashed together. Everything changed in that moment, there was no more darkness, it was colourful. The two felt their souls had finally come together, accepting that their meant for each other.
She pulled away from his touch, quick to question what was going on. That’s when he confessed to not only her, but the whole of Hogwarts too. “Y/n, I’m so in love with you.” He told her, holding her so tightly, too afraid to let go.
The girl giggled before him, making his heart do a backflip.
A/N; this is my first fluff, no hate pls 😂😂 also, i haven’t gone over it bc I’m too lazy n half asleep so, ignore any spelling mistakes! thank you for all the support, i love you all.
ps: i need smut ideas, send them thru xoxoxo
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corroded-hellfire · 8 months
AYW!Eddie and Steve debauchery--I cannot get enough of those idiots. What was their friendship like before they each got married and had kids?
You are all in for a wild ride with this one. All humor is courtesy of @munson-blurbs as usual. Please enjoy the chaos that has sprung from our minds!
Warnings: alcohol consumption, stripping, dumb boys
Words: 2.2k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eddie had originally never thought he’d have more than one bachelor party in his life because he hadn’t planned on ever getting married more than once. But when the first wife was Brittany, it’s no surprise that marriage didn’t last.
This second bachelor party he’s having is already way more fun and is with people he loves—not that he doesn’t love his high school friends with all his heart. But nothing could beat palling around with his sons. 
Wayne sits next to Eddie in the passenger’s seat of the car, while Steve is in the back, squished between Ryan and Luke. The steakhouse they’re going to isn’t far from the apartment and then they’ll be headed to the bowling alley for some friendly competition amongst them. 
“This is nice,” Luke says, folding his hands and relaxing them behind his head, “just us guys.”
Eddie chuckles to himself as he pulls into the restaurant’s parking lot. As insane as his first bachelor party had been, it didn’t have the humor that Luke would undoubtedly inject into this evening. 
“I would like to order the chicken fingers. Not the ones on the kid’s menu, the ones on the adult menu,” Eddie’s youngest son informs the waitress when she comes to take their orders. Eddie half expects the precocious child to wink at the waitress or call her “doll.”
Eddie can’t stop smiling. Being out with his kids, uncle, and best friend for a nice evening to celebrate his upcoming marriage. To you. The girl of his dreams, the love of his life. How could he not be ecstatic? 
Even his bowling game gets off to a good start until Wayne begins to wipe the floor with him. For an old man with arthritis, he’s impressively skilled at bowling. 
After Luke’s third gutterball in a row, he huffs a sigh of annoyance and eyes the arcade in the back corner of the bowling alley with interest. Lights flash and whistles blow from the small room, calling like a siren to any child within its grasp. After his big brother has his turn and only manages to knock down two pins, Luke recruits him in asking their dad if they can go into the arcade. 
“Sure,” Eddie says. He pulls a twenty out of his wallet and raises his eyebrows at the boys. “This is for you two to share. Evenly. I don’t want any arguing. Capiche?”
“Capiche,” the brothers agree in unison. Ryan takes the twenty from his father and the two kids make their way towards a basketball arcade game, their bowling shoes squeaking on the polished floor beneath them. 
Steve eyes the bowling alley around them, his hands on his hips as Eddie bowls a frame behind him. It’s fairly empty, save for a bowling team at the other end of the lanes. Some old 80’s pop is playing dully over the speakers and the scent of beer and French fries stains the air. 
“This sure looks a whole lot different than your first bachelor party,” Steve remarks. 
Wayne raises an eyebrow at Eddie as he comes back over towards the ball return, keeping an eye out for the twelve-pound blue marbled ball he’s been using. 
“Was that the time this knucklehead—” the older man starts to ask, mirth lighting his face.
“Oh yeah,” Eddie says with a bark of laughter. “It sure was.”
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November 1988
The Hideout is the same as it always is: dimly lit, every surface sticky with spilled beer, music crackling through ancient speakers. Tonight, however, there’s a liveliness that isn’t usually present. 
“Another shot, Harrington?” Jeff calls out, raising two tiny glasses filled with tequila. “Or are you pussing out on us?”
Steve grins and accepts the drink, though he’s already a bit wobbly on his feet. “You wish.” He jabs a playful finger towards the guitarist. “Shot for shot? Winner gets to be the best man.”
“You’re on, man!”
Dustin rolls his eyes, the beer in his hand giving him a false sense of maturity. That, and the wispy mustache he’d been trying to grow out to avoid being carded at the bar. No one had the heart to tell him that The Hideout would probably serve bourbon to a baby.
He leans over and whispers to Eddie. “They don’t know that you already asked me to be the best man?”
“Nah, but don’t say anything. This is entertaining.” Eddie watches as the two men throw back shot after shot, taking a sip of his own rum and Coke. 
Steve is ultimately the winner, throwing a fist up in victory. “Looks like I’m the best man,” he gloats, cackling as he practically falls into the booth. 
Jeff just shakes his head, balancing on the bartop and silently chastising himself for the loss. 
None of the men pay attention when the door swings open. It’s only when the person speaks that their ears perk up. 
“Is there an Eddie Munson here?”
Eddie swivels around to see a police officer standing there with her arms crossed. She looks serious, determined, and he combs through any recent activities that would land him in the slammer. 
He tries to keep his composure, clearing his throat before saying, “I’m Eddie Munson.”
The officer smiles, sauntering over to him with a stride that Eddie had never seen from a cop before. It isn’t until she’s standing in front of him that he notices the way her cleavage spills out of her low-cut top and the high heels that would render her unable to chase after a real criminal. 
Oh, hell yeah. 
“I’m afraid you’ve been a bad boy, Eddie,” she coos, tilting his chin up with the pad of her forefinger. “And bad boys get arrested.” She whips out a pair of black fuzzy handcuffs and gestures for him to drag his chair to the center of the room, to which he immediately obliges. 
“Okay, which one of you bastards did this?” He says with a giant smirk, only to be met with a disapproving tut from the dancer. 
“Eyes on Vanilla, big boy.” She presses a button on her portable CD player and a sensual beat fills the room. 
Eddie keeps his gaze trained on her, just as she ordered. He watches as she slowly unbuttons her tiny uniform, her bare breasts spilling out once the final button is opened. 
“I think I’m in love,” Steve says from his seat, but Eddie barely registers it. Not when he has a pair of tits in front of him. The Russians could drop an A-bomb and he wouldn’t even notice. 
Dustin’s eyes widen as Vanilla reveals her lacy black thong. “Eddie should marry her instead of Brittany,” he muses. 
“Not if I marry her first,” Steve quips back. 
Vanilla’s bare ass grinds over Eddie’s lap, and he smiles through the arousal kicking up in his pants. He never wants it to end—the dance and the attention. It vaguely occurs to him that his own fiancée doesn’t care this much about his pleasure. 
This woman is paid to care, he reminds himself. That’s why. 
With one final roll of her hips, the song ends, and Vanilla stands up. She’s flushed from all of the movement, her lipstick slightly smudged from where she’d kissed Eddie’s collarbone. 
Steve glides over to her as best as he can in his inebriated state, holding out his hand. “Hi. Steve Harrington. Former Hawkins High swim team co-captain and Keg Stand King.” He lifts her hand to his lips and kisses it. “Can I interest you in a shot?”
Enamored by his attempted chivalry, Vanilla blushes and accepts, buttoning herself back into her costume. 
“Leave it to Harrington to charm the goddamn stripper,” Eddie mumbles, but he grins as he rejoins the party. 
It only takes a few moments before Steve and Vanilla are making out in the corner, just a blur of limbs and tongues. He’s grabbing her ass so tightly that it’ll probably leave bruises, but she certainly isn’t complaining. 
“Hey, you guys!” Gareth says, flinging one arm around Eddie and the other around Jeff. “What if we do a little trial run before the big day?”
“The hell are you talking about?” Jeff asks. 
Gareth rolls his eyes as though the answer is obvious. “I’m talking about using my new ordination skills on those two lovebirds.” He gestures towards Steve and Vanilla. “That way I’m not as nervous for Eddie’s wedding.”
Too drunk to argue, Eddie shrugs. “S’okay with me if it’s okay with them.”
“Harrington! Vanilla!” Gareth yells far too loudly. “Do you two wanna get hitched?”
Steve pulls away for a second. “Hell yeah!” He calls back, and Vanilla nods emphatically. 
“Looks like we’re having a wedding!” Will chimes in. “Okay, let’s make this legit. Everyone needs a role. I’m the wedding planner, of course.” He assigns Eddie the role of Best Man and makes Mike the Maid of Honor. Frank is the ring bearer, and Lucas volunteers to be the flower girl. 
“Erica got to do it when we were kids. Now it’s my turn,” he explains. 
Dustin starts walking Vanilla down the aisle, as Jeff plays Here Comes the Bride using the painfully out-of-tune guitar he’d snagged from the bar’s tiny green room. Steve and Gareth wait for Vanilla to join them on the Hideout stage. 
“Dearly Beloved,” Gareth begins, “we gather here to wed this man and this bombshell exotic dancer in holy matrimony…shit, we don’t have rings!”
Steve leans back to Eddie. “Is he allowed to say ‘shit?’” He mumbles. 
“Guess so. He’s not a priest.”
Gareth shakes off the snafu and continues. “It’s fine; we’ll skip that part.” He turns to Steve. “Do you, King Steve Harrington, take Vanilla to be your wife? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part—Jesus, that’s dark.”
“I so fuckin’ do.”
“And Vanilla,” Gareth continues, “do you take Steve to be your husband? In sickness and health and all that other bullshit I said before?”
Vanilla smiles drunkenly. “Hell yeah, I do.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” Gareth announces. “You may continue dry humping in the corner. Oh, but first,” he digs into his jacket pocket and pulls out an official looking piece of paper, “I picked up this bad boy today. Let me make sure I get this right. Just need a pen…”
Dustin procures one from the bartender, and Gareth shows the newlyweds where to sign. “Oh, and we need a witness, too. Eddie, c’mere.”
Eddie shuffles over, grinning as he writes his name in sloppy cursive. He’ll have to remind Gareth to get a new license before the actual wedding, but that’s tomorrow’s problem. 
“Hey, Steve,” Eddie giggles, “your wife gave me a lap dance.”
“Shut up, Munson. I’m gonna get one later.”
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“Thank God for annulments,” Steve says with a sigh. 
Eddie grabs his Styrofoam cup of Pepsi resting on the chair next to him. He holds it in the air as he says, “To ending marriages and finding actual love.”
“Hear, hear,” Steve agrees, knocking his own Styrofoam cup against his buddy’s.
Wayne takes a sip from his can of beer, shaking his head in amusement at the pair of them. 
“You weren’t with Nancy at the time, were ya?” Wayne asks.
“God, no,” Steve says, shaking his head vehemently. “Was pretty damn funny when she first found out about it though and learned that her brother was the maid of honor.”
“How the hell you got Nancy to marry you is still a mystery to me,” Eddie says with a laugh before lifting his cup up to his lips. 
Before Steve can open his mouth to defend his honor (or say the same about Eddie with you), the boys come skipping over, a few skimpy prizes in their hands that they won. The yellow slinky was sure to get lost by tomorrow and the little hot dog shaped whistle was something Eddie was already planning to “misplace.”
“Can we get ice cream?” Ryan asks as the boys switch from their bowling shoes to the sneakers they arrived in.
“That sounds all right to me,” Eddie says. 
The rental shoes all get returned at the counter and Luke takes his father’s hand as the gang walks out into the parking lot.
“What flavors are you guys gonna get?” Luke asks.
“Well,” Eddie says, a hint of a smirk on his lips, “I know Uncle Steve will go for Vanilla.”
Steve silently shoots daggers at his friend before replying, “And your dad won’t decide until he gets there because he likes the newest flavors.”
Two soft thuds have Ryan turning around. He sees both his father and uncle holding the back of their heads while his grandfather walks past them, shaking his head. 
“Ow,” Eddie complains, but Wayne just ignores him and keeps walking towards the car.
“I’m sitting in the backseat with you two,” Wayne tells the boys. “Probably more mature than these two knuckleheads—Ed, if you grab that man’s nipple one more time, I swear to God, I’ll leave you both here.”
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soft-mafia · 7 months
Saved [anime!Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, fem y/n, nsfw, smut, Buggy’s a bit of a perv, Buggy detaching his penis, fingering, fisting, blowjob, piss poor ending tbh
a/n: HELLLLOOO it’s been forever, I know. My HxH fic might take a while because I worked on the prequel right before working on the main one, and I’m currently struggling on that one😭 but if I execute it correctly I feel like the burnout will pay off once I finally finish it. I’m so excited for this little trilogy I’m cooking up guys, though I can’t decide if I want to publish the prequel first or the main fic. I’m already halfway finished with the prequel and I have a lot more energy when I write it😭maybe I need to change the premise of the main fic so I have more enthusiasm with it? But anyways, I’m gonna catch up with x reader writing lol.
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There was a huge gust of wind, he was yelling at his crew over something he doesn’t even remember, and before he knew it he was flying into the ocean, trapped beneath the waves. Buggy’s entire body was frozen still not from his own choice, his eyes were wide and he hadn’t even gotten a suck of breath before he was pulled beneath the water. He truly thought he was going to die at this moment.
Suddenly, he feels someone is pulling at his arm. Well, attempting to that is, he’s not exactly light and dainty. But still, they pull and fight to get him above the water and back onto the ship. Once his head can poke out of the water and he can gasp in a breath of fresh air he sees his savior; it’s his chef.
Y/n had hidden a lot of her strength when she first joined his crew however she used it whenever she saw fit. Buggy’s eyes were still wide, he didn’t know why but when he saw her with wet hair, her makeup smeared all over— it was the hottest thing he had ever seen. Buggy had already been caught taking peeks at her from time to time, especially when she’s in the middle of prepping meals for the crew. Buggy can’t help but admire her lean, yet muscular arms as she pulls him back up onto the deck with some help from the crew.
The captain was still winded though, spitting and coughing up water. He was shaking, clothes damp and heavy, still feeling weak due to being soaked with pure sea water.
“Give him some air!” Y/n ordered his crew, getting them to back away from him for a moment. The way she barked that command made it seem like she was the captain of this ship. Buggy thought he should feel threatened, but the dominance in her voice was… oddly arousing.
Those feelings of arousal were quickly washed away as he sat up, coughing up more salty sea water. He then groaned and wiggled off his soaking wet coat that felt like it weighed a ton.
“Some help you guys were!!” Buggy snapped at his crew, then grumbled and let out another cough before turning to Y/n, “Thank you.” He choked out.
Y/n smiled at him, she always had such a soft smile when she looked at him. It seemed like every time she addressed him she had bedroom eyes, a dreamy smile on her lips, painted with black lipstick.
“I couldn’t let you drown.” She said to him, she blinked softly, her dark eyelashes were enchanting.
Buggy let out a shaky laugh, then slowly pulled himself up, “I’m gonna—…” he started, nearly falling over but he quickly found his balance, “—dry myself off.”
“Let me help you!” Y/n chimed as she sprung up as well, helping Buggy to the lower decks, rushing to where they kept all of the towels, getting Buggy the ones that were already clean and sitting in the dryer.
Buggy was wrapped up in towels, he could still taste the nasty water in his mouth, and his nostrils burned lightly, “I should really stop standing so close to the edge…” he muttered hoarsely. Y/n chuckled as she dried him off, rubbing his shoulders through the towels in soft circles.
“Nothing wrong with being clumsy, Captain.” She said, which in turn Buggy gave her a look.
“I’m not clumsy! It’s the damn wind… damn seasons changing.” He grumbled, which made Y/n laugh again. His cheeks blushed a bright red, if this was anyone else on his crew saying this… he would’ve chucked them overboard instantly, however he had to admit he found himself having a bias towards Y/n, due to her being absolutely gorgeous… and being the best chef he’s ever had in ages. Buggy didn’t think he could survive without her homemade hotdogs.
Sometimes Buggy wondered, why was Y/n so eager to join his crew in the first place? She was strong, hot, she could’ve stayed on her own and worked her way up at the restaurant she was working at but she snuck into a barrel on his ship and challenged his previous chef. Y/n made him the best pot roast he ever had and it instantly won him over. She would make him tons of food, feeding him more than his other crew mates(not that he was complaining about it) but why? He shouldn’t be anything special to a woman like her, he was just a dirty old clown, but for some reason she seemed to like spoiling him with meals.
“Hey…” Buggy looked back at her, “You’re not planning to kill me are you?” He looks at her with a suspicious glint in his eyes, something that would threaten any of his subordinates, however Y/n remained calm.
“Of course not.” Y/n chuckled, “Why would you think that?” She asked, it was a question out of curiosity, not a hint of guilt or intimidation in her voice.
Buggy looked forward, “You’re just so…” he couldn’t think of what exactly he was worried about, “Confusing.” He grumbled. There was a long silence, she started to dry off his torso.
“You’re powerful in your own right, you can go anywhere you want… but yet you’re here, with me.” He continued, “And you’re so damn generous. You make the best food I’ve ever tasted.”
“Is that something to complain about?” Y/n asked, gently taking off his hat and drying off his long flowing hair(which truthfully he hadn’t washed in days).
“Well— no.” Buggy stammered, then looked up at her, tilting his head back, looking at her upside down, “But why me?” He liked to talk big, but he knew that there were far more threatening people on these seas that would seem to be of Y/n’s caliber, men out there more worthy of having someone like her on their crew.
Y/n paused for a moment, looking down at him with her glimmering eyes. She then turned away, looking like she was going to get more towels but she was just fidgeting around with them, “Why not?” She asked.
Buggy frowned, then suddenly stood up and grabbed her by the shoulders, making her face him, “CAN YOU STOP ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS WITH ANOTHER DAMN QUESTION?!” He shouted, shaking her lightly, “TELL ME WHY YOU’RE HERE!!!”
“It's because I like you!!” Y/n cried out, then suddenly pulled away and turned her back towards him, covering her face. Buggy paused for a moment, stepping back. She… what? He then noticed she was sniffling, did he make the poor girl cry? There was a soft pain in his chest when he heard those sniffles, he felt terrible.
He stepped back over to her, then turned her back around.
“This is so humiliating-” She began, but before she could get another word out, Buggy connected his lips with hers.
It was a soft kiss, but it was passionate nonetheless. However Buggy hadn’t kissed anyone since he was in his 20s, so he was a bit rusty and had to turn his head awkwardly so he wouldn’t hit her with his damned nose. When he pulled back his face was flushed a bright red. Oh I shouldn’t have done that… He knew pirates didn’t go by any rulebooks or whatnot, but he knew he had committed a dozen conduct violations.
Y/n looked up at him, her eyes were wide, she looked so vulnerable and small compared to his large stature, Buggy felt more heat rise to his face, his eyes just as wide as hers. His arms instinctively squeezed around her waist, it was gentle and subtle but it pulled Y/n closer to him. Buggy realized what he was doing and quickly pulled away from her and grabbed his hat, he was quick to rush out of the laundry room. He let out a few grumbles to excuse himself although nothing coherent came out.
Buggy had locked himself away in his quarters for the rest of the evening, he was embarrassed and ashamed. Of course he always wanted to do that, everybody on his crew wanted to get a piece of Y/n, being horny pirates who haven’t seen a woman in ages before she came along and all… he sat at the edge of his bed, hands over his face as he sighed. Well if she wasn’t creeped out before she definitely is now, he growled to himself, Should I apologize? I’m probably the last person she wants to see right now-
His thoughts were halted when he heard a light knock at his door. This was around the time when Y/n would bring him dinner, which made Buggy feel even more terrible. The poor girl was probably so scared she thought she still had to make him food. The captain sighed as he stood up and made his way over to the door, opening it.
“It’s ok Y/n, you don’t have to-” Buggy was interrupted by Y/n stepping into his quarters, she then sighed and turned to look at him once she had entered.
“Was the kiss real?” She asked him, making Buggy speechless for a moment, she then spoke up again, “Or was it just a nervous reflex?”
Buggy thought for a moment, he didn’t know why he went in initially. It just felt like the right thing to do in the moment, “I-…” he felt his cheeks redden again, “Yes.” He croaked, “I’m sorry.” He said, putting a hand to his forehead.
“Don’t be.” Y/n said quietly, stepping closer to him, looking down at the floor, she then looked up at him again and put a hand to his face, cupping his jaw, his stubble prickled at her hand.
“I-… haven’t shaved.” Buggy chuckled nervously. Which made Y/n laugh and lean into kissing him on the lips, “I don’t mind.” She whispered when she pulled away.
One thing led to another, and before Buggy knew it, Y/n was stripped down to her underwear, lying beneath him on his bed. He was shirtless, his hands roamed over her body, he then pulled back and quickly slipped his gloves off with his teeth, tossing them to the side so he could get a good feel of Y/n’s body more thoroughly.
“Damn baby.” Buggy growled under his breath, making Y/n whimper and shiver. His fingers toyed around the hem of her bra strap, then he quickly moved his hands behind her to unclip her bra and toss it to the side. He lowered his face down in her chest and breathed it in.
In all honesty, Buggy didn’t care if he seemed like a perv, he was so lost in the moment that he was acting purely on instinct, though Y/n didn’t seem to mind at all, one of her legs was wrapped around his hips, her hands on his back. Her skin was cold to the touch, which took him aback at first but the warmth from his own body quickly warmed her up.
Buggy maneuvered the position and laid Y/n on her side, his crotch pressed up right against her ass, he lifted one of her legs in the air and detached his free hand, using that to move her panties to the side and rub at her clit. Her whimpers and moans were like sweet music to his ears, she was trembling against him, gasping softly. “Captain…” Y/n whimpered breathily, looking up at him.
“That’s right baby.” Buggy chuckled, watching her jolt and tilt her head back when he pushed deeper into her, groaning softly at the way her pussy swallowed his fingers. He added another one, until he got his whole hand inside of her, he thrusted in and out, she was already soaking wet, dripping onto him. Her moans grew, she panted heavily.
Buggy took his hand off of her leg to unzip his pants, fishing his cock out and letting it pop off, floating it over to Y/n’s mouth. His tip brushed against her soft lips, he gripped her chin firmly, “Open up, babygirl.” He said behind a devious grin. Y/n opened her mouth, then gagged against him as he slid his cock slowly down her throat until she took him all the way down to the base. Buggy let out a guttural grunt as her mouth squeezed around him. He thrusted his cock back and forth in her mouth while he thrusted his hand in and out of her pussy, essentially fucking her from both ends.
“You’re so fucking good.” Buggy groaned, “Letting an old clown like me use you like this…” he chuckled dryly, “You might be more of a freak than me.” He laughed. As Buggy thrusted his cock and hand in and out of her, he watched her breasts bounce with the force of his thrusts, he licked his lips, it was so arousing and it urged him to thrust deeper and faster into her throat, his balls hitting her chin as he fucked her face. Y/n’s eyes were rolled back, she was gagging and whimpering against his cock, juice splashing from her wet pussy as Buggy used her.
“Good girl…” Buggy growled deeply, “You’re being so good for your captain…” he grinned.
Buggy felt that familiar twinge in his cock, he groaned deeply, getting so close to spilling in her throat— but he couldn’t miss the opportunity to plunge inside of her. He quickly pulled his cock out of her mouth with a soft ‘pop’ from her lips before he could climax, then slid his hand out of her pussy. They were both panting heavily, Buggy’s cock hanging mid air, still hard yet dripping with her saliva. Y/n finally got a good look at it, his cock was big, veiny and girthy, with a fluff of thick blue hair feathering at the base of it, she remembered the way it had tickled her nose when he was fucking her face seconds ago.
Buggy turned Y/n’s face so she could face him, he kissed her on the lips, gently patting her on the cheek, “You can take me well, huh?” He chuckled, then his cock flew between her legs, pushing itself into her gaping pussy, making her gasp and arch her back, then let out another loud moan.
“That’s it.” Buggy chuckled, then grunted once he crammed himself deep inside, “Yes…” he moaned deeply.
He didn’t waste any time, thrusting with just as much force as when he had his cock in her mouth. Y/n gripped at the pillows, Buggy held her by the waist as their grunts and moans filled the room, his crummy bed squeaked beneath them. Buggy fucked her roughly, slamming his cock in and out of her, keeping her legs wide open for him as she trembled and squirmed. Y/n moaned his name out, whimpering and arching her back all for him. Buggy kissed her on the neck, then sucked on that area of skin, he hadn’t felt this good in so long, he didn’t know how he got this lucky.
“Captain!” Y/n moaned out again, her hips staggering, letting him know she was close.
“Just let it out baby…” Buggy groaned against her neck, “Let it all out, show me how good this cock is.”
Y/n’s pussy clenched around his cock, she came around him, coating his cock in that sweet cream. She let out a loud breath, then whimpered when Buggy continued to thrust, panting rhythmically.
Buggy was seeing stars, groaning and grunting as he plowed into Y/n, getting closer and closer to spilling out inside of her. “Can I-…” he grunted out, gasping before he could even get a word out from being so winded, “Bust inside…?”
Y/n gave him a nod, “Please.” She whimpered to him.
It didn’t take long before Buggy let out a deep grunt, holding Y/n tightly as he came inside of her, filling her up with sperm. Their sweaty bodies were pressed against each other, Buggy was so close to falling limp, it felt like all of the energy he had was drained out of him in an instant. He rolled over on his back, cock sliding out of her as his hands reconnected to his wrists.
“Holy fuck…” Buggy winced.
Y/n giggled, panting just as heavily but having more energy despite all of this. She rolled over as well and snuggled up against his side, holding his face again, noticing how he was completely flushed, his face was so red it looked like his nose was glowing too, she could help but laugh at that.
“You’re so cute, captain.” She kissed him on the cheek. No doubt the entire crew heard their love-making but Buggy was too exhausted to deal with it right now, hell he didn’t think he could even pull himself out of bed.
He turned to look at Y/n, then giggled at her, “You have a very odd taste in men.”
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Giving in to Temptations
G!PWanda Maximoff x Fem!R
Wanda’s not very happy with your agreeing to partake in No Nut November…
Request: Passed along to me lol
Warning: Slightly mean Wanda, but that’s also kinda hot, so… You’ve been warned 🤷🏼‍♀️
Smut: Oral (W/R), Facial (R), Fingering, Teasing, Unprotected Sex (R/W), Kinks: Breeding, Choking.
18+ | Minors DNI !!
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Wanda clenched her jaw as she watched, and listened to you speaking with Natasha. In some torturous twist of events the redhead had convinced you to partake in the silly "No Nut November," trend, and in hearing this Wanda felt almost betrayed by your eagerness to agree. Never in the last two years of your relationship has she had to go long without ravishing you. Only ever being forced to wait for long periods of time when you had missions, and at least in those situations you weren't there to tempt her.
Like now, watching you eat the lollipop ever so innocently while your conversation with Nat had continued on, and delved into other topics. A tightness in her pants began to form when your tongue was poking out to softly lick the red orb, then you mindlessly swirled it around the entire candy just before sucking it all in.
Wanda couldn't take the rising tension, so she made quick work of storming towards you, sending the redhead a tight smile as she yanked you up from your chair causing you to widen your eyes. Natasha smirked at you in perceived victory to which you swiftly flipped her off before you no longer had the chance as Wanda dragged you out of the room quickly.
"What were you thinking?," she hissed while throwing your nervous form onto the bed., "Wanda, what are you...," her stern glare cut your play of confusion off., "I wanted to prove that I could do it, Natasha said with the way we fuck like bunny's that there's no way I could.," you explained in exasperation, crossing your arms over your chest to show the obvious way her words offended you., "I can so hold out."
Wanda smirked., "Yeah, well what if I can't?," she stalked over to you in a predatory fashion., "What gave you the right to make this pussy off limits to me?," you gulped and tried to avert your eyes, but she gripped your chin harshly., "Did you forget who fucking owns you detka?," you quickly shook your head in the negatory., "No, mommy, I-I didn't mean to upset you."
Wanda hummed as she pretended to take your weak apology to heart., "Well, your apologies don't help mommy here, now do they?," she slowly unzipped her jeans with her free hand, forcing your gaze to watch as her cock sprung free and for you to shuffle uncomfortably on the bed., "I'm not partaking in this silly bet, but there's a way you can help mommy, but still win.," your eyes widened when she tapped your lips with the tip of her cock., "Last time I checked it's you who can't nut, so get to work."
A shiver ran down your spine when you realized what you'd gotten yourself into, but you also couldn't pretend you weren't thrilled. Wanda's hand flew to your hair as soon as your tongue teasingly swirled around her dark red tip, her abs tensed as she prepared herself for the familiar feeling of your mouth, and once she felt the sensational warmth she groaned., "Don't fucking stop until I cum down your fucking throat detka.," she panted as you began to bob your head up and down her length in a consistent rhythm that had her cock twitching uncontrollably., "That's it detka, keep going."
Wanda came with a strangled moan when you  forced the entirety of her length down your throat, the titillating sounds of you gagging enough to throw her over the edge of bliss. After a few more thrusts into your mouth the woman pulled out, then chuckled darkly when you looked to her like you always did whenever you were ready for her to spread you open.
"Oh no detka, mommy doesn't date quitters.," she taunted your whining form., "You got this."
You stared in adjunct horror as your lover left the room as if she didn't just violate your throat, then leave you in your sexual distress. You groaned as you fell back into the mattress, cursing Natasha as you stared at the ceiling.
A cold shower... Yeah, that should help...
It was odd for the witch, this newfound need to constantly have your lips around her cock. It's as if the invisible barrier between her and your sex made her even more needy for you, the idea of being denied her cocks rightful home forcing her to find other vacancies; it was thrilling. She'd already taken you by surprise ten times in two weeks, to her that was a show of mercy, and to you it was like actual fucking torture.
Which is why you'd done your best to avoid her for the last few days, changing up your routine in the slightest ways so it wasn't too obvious, but the witch wasn't an idiot, and it only made her more needy having to chase you. Said chase coming to an end now as she found you in the same meeting room., "Oh, look who it is.," your whole body tensed, an unfamiliar reaction to the voice of the woman you love.
"You've been avoiding mommy.," you tried to shake your head, but she wasn't having it., "Don't play coy detka, I can hear your thoughts and I have to say, it hurts that you'd do this.," she pouted, but you saw right through the facade., "My jaw was sore.," you admittedly grumbled causing her to laugh maniacally., "That's unfortunate, because seeing you in those shorts is making mommy's cock throb."
In a swift motion she pulled you up from your chair, and into her for an aggressive kiss as she slammed your body into the wall. Slowly she began to thrust her front into yours, purposely turning you on just so she could leave you in a fit like you'd left her for days., "Knees, now.," you whimpered when she abruptly shoved you down, and removed you from her soft lips., "Take care of the mess you've made detka."
Without anymore prompts you pulled her grey sweats down to rest by her knees with her red boxers following suit. Wanda smiled down at you when your hands began to pump her shaft, your pace was slow, and she was amused by it., "Detka, we don't have all day, unless you're in for giving the entire team a show.," you sighed, then you leaned forward to delicately kiss her tip that was coated in her precum, giggling to yourself as the appendage twitched for you.
You took a ragged breathe through your nose while you worked your way down her shaft, hollowing your cheeks as you pull back slowly, and repeating this only a few times as you soon got used to the sizable intrusion. Your jaw was indeed still sore, but you weren't that upset to have Wanda filling your mouth, it always made you feel great to know she needed you wholly. Also, knowing that you were the reason she was moaning so loudly, and leaning into the wall as she became desperate for her release. There was no greater feeling than the pride that came with making Wanda reach her bliss.
Wanda was grateful she locked the doors with her powers, even though the rest of the team weren't due for another half hour, she wanted to preserve the both of your dignity, or at least hers. With her hand in your hair she began to thrust her hips, meeting your bobbing head, and once your throat constricted around her cock she became erratic with her movements.
No longer were you in control—you never really were—her hand was holding you steady while she fucked your throat without reprieve. With every thrust down your throat you could feel her twitching more and more, your hands held tightly to her ass, kneading the flesh to honestly calm yourself down while focusing on breathing in through your nose., "Detka, mommy's going to—fuck, I'm going to cum, and you better fucking swallow it all down!," in an attempt to push her forward you lowered your hands to squeeze her ballsack, and the moan that tore from her throat was enough to have you clenching your thighs together.
Wanda continued to thrust into you as her load was released down your throat, pearls of white settled on the corners of your lips as she was spreading her release all around while she came down from her oh so glorious high., "Fucking hell detka, I miss your pussy, but your mouth is just as fucking magical.," she lifted you up off the ground with a hand around your throat, slamming you back into the wall while she intensely looked you over.
Wanda leaned forward, her hand tightening around your throat while her tongue licked over your lips, cleaning off the mess she made before she tenderly kissed your lips and left you breathless in every sense of the word., "Don't ever leave mommy hanging like this again detka.," she growled out in direct contrast to her former softness, then she released her grip on you just in time for you to gasp enough to regather your breath, and then to take your designated seat besides her.
No one questioned your disheveled appearance as they started to file into the room, but you did catch the way Natasha softly snorted as she looked between you and Wanda, who wore a satisfied smile, while you stared at your hands. Tony began to speak about the team mission next week, but you were too busy hyper focusing on the woman's slick that was coating your mouth and dripping down your throat.
*Focus up detka, or you're going to make mommy need your assistance again...*
The mission that you all went on was grueling, your body ached incessantly as you entered the compound, and all you wanted to do was sleep. But as you laid down in the bed after cleaning the grime off you couldn't stop thinking of your lover, she had looked so defeated after you'd entered together, and all you now wanted was to find her and make her feel a smidge better. Wanda told you she'd be in the kitchen; baking did always make her feel better, but you had something else in mind to relieve the stress.
When you entered the kitchen you stood in the doorway, watching as she swayed around to the beat of her calming nature sounds and held a bowl in her hands that you believed to be the batter for her delectable, ooey gooey brownies., "Detka, take a picture, it'll last longer.," you rolled your eyes, then made your way over to wrap your arms around her from behind., "What happened to your nap, are you okay?," your heart warmed to hear her clear concern.
"I missed you mommy.," she shivered when you placed a kiss to the nape of her neck while your hand slowly slid beneath her apron, and slipped into her pants to palm her over her boxers., "Detka.," she breathed through gritted teeth, but you could feel her hardening as you began to slowly rub her over the dri-fit fabric., "Shh, mommy just let me take care of you."
Wanda nearly dropped her batter when you delved into her boxers and groped her shaft., "Don't tease me detka.," she released a shaky breath as your hand began to move up and down her shaft in slow, and steady strokes. This pace of yours actually seemed to help, her tense muscles were relaxing with every move; she felt at peace with your body against hers.
The idea of releasing in her pants however didn't sit well with her as she was still baking. Her hand stopped yours, causing you to pout against her shoulder but she soon remedied the situation when she spun in your hold to kiss you hard, while her hand now took over stroking her throbbing cock., "Mmm, I wanna cum on your face baby, please.," she was so incredibly desperate to see you in such a state.
There was no hesitation as you dropped to your knees, taking over for her so that she could just enjoy the show., "Shit, you look so fucking hot when you're on your knees for me honey.," she could feel her stomach flexing as you increased the speed of your hand, and looked up at her with eyes that shone with a faux innocence., "Fuck, fuck, fuck.," she chanted the curse as she felt the pit in her stomach burst, she watched in awe as her load spurted out in thick white lines atop of your freshly cleaned face. 
Wanda smirked at the sight of you, with her cum perfectly drizzled over your face in swirls., "Cinnamon rolls sound good to you detka?," you returned her smirk, and nodded softly., "Sounds perfect mommy.," she hummed as you kissed her, her tongue then set out to clean your face of the sinful evidence, before she placed a final few kisses to your plump lips., "Get me the flour then will you moya lyubov?"
As with most missions that require the entire team, there's always an unnecessary party to follow. Tony declared that it would fall at the end of the month, his way of bridging the gap between the months for thanks and cheer. Wanda told you she'd see you there as she had taken it upon herself to set up, but really she just wanted to surprise you with her suit, but had she really been thinking she should've known you'd had the same sort of idea.
When you arrived at the gala all eyes were tuned onto you, the flashes of cameras not even throwing you off as you shoved passed Tony's crew and into the venue in search of your love. Nobody's eyes mattered to you more than hers, and fortunately for you they'd been fixated on the door, and were now dilated at seeing you. Wanda was unable to hear Bucky anymore, his crisis over Steve was now left unresolved as she settled her glass on the nearby table and left.
The dress you wore was designed to be ruined, Wanda was almost sure of it as she shamelessly  stared at you from the end of the venues bar. Those familiar thighs of yours were on display as the deep red fabric was slitted on each side. Wanda was desperate to be buried between them, it didn't matter how either, her mouth, fingers or cock, nothing was off limits to her. It'd been too fucking long, and the both of you were painstakingly aware of this, which is exactly why you wore this, to remind her of what she's been missing out on this month.
Wanda met you halfway after you locked eyes., "Detka, you look beautiful.," she immediately pulled you in by your hips, nuzzling her nose against your own before kissing you lovingly., "Thank you honey, but have you seen yourself"
Wanda smirked, because yes, she had indeed seen herself, and she knew she looked good., "Oh this?," she teased you, chuckling as you left her without a reply, because your eyes were too busy looking her over, in the suit that somehow matched the shade of your dress perfectly.
Funny enough there wasn't anything revealing about her outfit like there was yours, where your breasts were out on display, hers were tucked away beneath her bright white polo. Wanda didn't need to show skin to look hot, it was all in her dominant stance, coupled with the way she looked at you with her hypnotizing viridescent eyes that shone with so much love for you that it made your heart burst.
Then when she grips your bicep to regather your attention, like now, you can feel the chill of her metal rings as they settle atop your skin., "Hm?," you girlfriend chuckled, taking the drink from your hands just to down it for you., "I lost you there for a minute detka, maybe you should lay off the booze, yeah?," she winked, and you pouted but reluctantly you nodded., "Good girl..."
Wanda pulled you onto the dance floor, and allowed your bodies to sway to whatever beat was playing as she stared down at her watch. Time was taunting her, because in just two hours time she was allowed to have you, but with the way you were pushing yourself back into her crotch she wasn't sure she'd last., "Careful detka, wouldn't want you to lose when you're this close.," you whined as she stilled your movements with a firm grip of your hips.
"Mommy, please.," you spun around to see her, "I don't care anymore, I just want you inside."
Wanda pulled you forward, her lips met yours, catching the pitiful groans you let out as you felt her hardened bulge through your dress. The witch wasted no time either as she pulled you off the floor, and towards the exit where you just so happened to catch sight of Natasha. The redhead smirked as she caught on, sending a wink your way with the tip of her drink, and if your eyes didn't deceive you, you're almost certain she mouthed out a "you're welcome." To which you once again just flipped her off.
Once you were back in your room you felt like you were combust as Wanda snapped your dress out of existence and shoved you back onto the bed., “I’m going to wreck you.,” she now hovered above you in her bra, and briefs., “Please do.,” you groaned before pulling her face down and into yours for a passionate kiss. Wanda groaned herself as she was slowly thrusting down, just for your ample wetness to quickly transfer from your panties to her briefs.
Wanda pulled back to look up from you, a smirk took over her face as she saw the time. 11:50PM flashed brightly from your bedside table., “Ten minutes detka, bet we can time it just right too.,” she giggled when you met her with a confused expression, then she began to slowly move down your body, leaving behind deep marks like she always did, it was her favorite way to remind you that you were hers.
The witch lifted the hem of your panties teasingly slow, giving the illusion of incoming relief, then she watched your body flinch as she allowed the fabric to slap back into your skin., “Patience detka.,” she mocked, then she pulled the sticky fabric down, staring in awe as she was met with your glistening folds., “Mmm.,” she took a deep breath in, letting the smell of your arousal really seep in before she began to lightly lick at the sensitive mound, making your body squirm and twitch, and huff out in obvious frustration., “Mommy!,” she hummed against your clit causing your thighs to clench around her head., “Mommy said she doesn’t date quitters, so just be patient now detka…”
Wanda continued to tease you, increasing the amount of arousal that coated your thighs, and now her lips as she barely gave you any relief. After a painstakingly long six minutes she finally picked up her pace, slipping two of her fingers into you unannounced, and loving the way your body reacted to such a simple act. Her lithe fingers pumped in and out of you in a steady rhythm, building you up, but expertly ensuring you didn’t fall over into bliss just yet. It wasn’t until the clock flashed 11:59pm that your lover increased the momentum, and added the use of her mouth back into the mix.
Counting down from ten against your clit in a stimulating hum had your whole body tensing in anticipation for the release that was about to take place, the pit was tightened unbearably, and after she got to one, her fingers curled strategically into your spot, causing your back to arch off of the bed while your bodies lower half convulsed. Wanda graciously replaced her fingers with her tongue as she claimed every last bit of your given arousal, even delving it deep within you to prolong your high.
Wanda was aching for release of her own, she went to roll a condom over her length but you quickly stopped her., “Mommy, no, I-I want you to cum inside me, please.,” her eyes lit up as you finally gave her the go ahead she’d been dreaming about., “Oh detka, you’re going to look so fucking beautiful carrying my child.,” she took a shaky breath in as she prepared her body to feel your warmth in totality, she has an unusually high stamina, but the fear of being lost in the feeling of your pussy and therefore prematurely busting was at an all time high.
Your whines for more inspired her to finally take the next step, her cock was even twitching in anticipation as she finally pushed her tip in., “Oh shit.,” she groaned as the unfamiliar feel of you organically wrapping around her hit, and you clenched hard at the feel of her filling you., “You’re so fucking tight detka, gonna make me cum without even fucking trying.,” she rested her forehead against yours, the both of your breaths mixing as she tried to reel herself in, then she finally brought her lips to yours in a rough kiss to match the pace she picked up.
Her tongue easily overtook yours, she explored your mouth, intent on tasting you in all forms, with added hints of sweetness from your drink, and a sliver of your essence from your arousal that still somewhat coated her lips and tongue. Your broken moans were filtering into her mouth as she fucked her cock so deeply into you that you could feel a prominent bulging of your abdomen with every repeated thrust. Wanda eventually lost her ability to keep up with the kiss as you’d already done long before her, she instead burrowed her face in your neck, sucking at the unmarred skin as she worked tirelessly to build you both up.
“Mommy please, I need to cum, but I need you to fill me up, wanna feel you deep inside.,” she groaned at your pleadings, you sounded as desperate for it as she herself felt, and so she ruthlessly pounded you into the mattress, choking out moans as your walls fluttered intensely around her length for a final time as she stilled atop you, her cum painting your walls white, and sending you into one of the most aggressive orgasms you’ve ever had.
Wanda watched in awe as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your back arching only causing her to spasm further as her cock was twisted and squeezed even harder, and she collapsed into you as the last of her cum spilled out of her, she was content with this position too, this way her seed didn’t come spilling out, and also, when she wakes up with her usual morning wood she’d already be in the perfect place to relieve that tension. Double ensuring that you ended up pregnant, and that she is never displaced from your cunt again.
“Sleep well princessa, mommy loves you.,” she laid a gentle kiss to your cheek, then hummed when you turned to meet her lips for a slow kiss., “I love you too Wands, so very much.,” she smiled tiredly, flicking her wrist to cover your bodies with the blanket, then she slipped off into a well deserved nights sleep after you.
3,918 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 🥵
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nanaminsmoon · 1 year
Could we maybe get a p2 to ‘no good’? Where we lowkey regret what happened at the party & have a stronger resolve and Connie has to grovel for forgiveness and change his ways,, after they make up, while Connie’s in it he’s upset cus how could we keep the pussy away from him for so long 🤭
so...i was never gonna go a pt.2 to this but i'm so glad you asked for this because i kinda like it more than pt.1. but~~~i hope you like it👀
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cw: connie is real romantic in this one so there's not much to say, public fingering+dry humping, implied oral (f receiving), n word usage, connie calls reader; 'ma', and 'hermosa'(gorgeous), 'rapido' (faster/hurry up), it's weirdly kinda sad at the end lol.
wc: 3894
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small jolts of pain sprung through your body, as pupils pushed at the salacious marks on your thighs, making the walk away from the bathroom a shameful one. well, that and the nut slipping out of you. both those things did nothing for the vomit inducing guilt twisting around in your stomach, permeating your stomach lining to laden your every step. you wished you had stood your ground a little more, but you gave in to connie because it was what your heart wanted. fucking him wasn’t where your regrets lay, it was with the fact that you had been a recovering addict, once again encountering the thing you were trying so hard to heal from. now, all you could was leave, and hope you’d never see connie ever again. even if it meant really cutting everyone off this time. mikasa included.
”hey girl, imma go now. but thanks for having me—”, you pulled her outside to announce your departure. and mikasa just cut you off, a dramatic frown on her face.
”y/n, you can’t go now. the party hasn’t even started yet”, her hand delicately gripped onto your wrist, trying to pull you back into the house, but your feet remained firmly placed underneath you. and she turned to see why you weren’t moving.
”i know, but i just…”, you sighed out, ”i really can’t be here if connie is here too. i just can’t.”, you shook your head, and mikasa nodded in understanding. despite not inviting him, she wasn’t surprised connie was here, but she hated that it meant you had go so soon.
”but…just five more minutes”, her hands clasped together in desperation, but your decision had long been made and there would be no changing it.
”i’d love to, but if he’s here for those five minutes then i can’t be”, was all you said to mikasa, before you turned to go find your uber home.
the few weeks after the connie-bathroom incident were, fortunately, very quiet. you didn’t see him, or any of his friends, once. and your life started to feel the same way it did before you had met him. even if any man who tried to approached you was compared to him; from dress sense, to height, to build, down to the way he spoke to you. connie was like a viral rash that refused to go away; one that implored for attention, but you knew that scratching it again would only make you break out in hives. so ignored were the thoughts that randomly popped into your mind, telling you to unblock him and ask him if he really meant those words; ’how could i not love you?’, or if they were just some ploy to lure you back into his life again. only for him to go back to his old ways, and hurt you all over again. because you were sure that’s how things would play out.
however, unbeknownst to you, connie had changed. every girl that wasn’t you, a relative, or close friend, had been deleted from his phone; instagram dms, numbers, dating apps. all of it had been erased, and a picture of you asleep in his bed had been made his lockscreen. ymir told him to manifest you back in his life, telling him: ”if you act like she’s your girlfriend, then she will be”. and, as dumb as that sounded at first, he was really clutching at straws. he just needed you, and only you, back in his life. this transformation hadn’t been a voluntary one, more so the product of a torturous snowball effect, caused by an avalanche of everything he had ever known about himself, burying him in everything that he now knew. it was the product of late nights of heavy balls placing him balls deep in some girl he had met on tinder; no matter what she did, no matter how deep in her throat his tip travelled, his balls would only empty at the thought of you underneath him. it was the product of seeing couples at his university campus, and being envious. envy quickly turned to fury at the realisation that he had once had a warm hand to hold, and he let it go because of self-sabotage and oblivion.
lockscreen changes and introspection could only get him so far, and they could only keep him sane for so long. connie just wanted you—a feat he knew was next to impossible because you had washed your hands of him completely. he was still blocked on everything, and he had no real way of contacting you…aside from showing up at your front door. but he wouldn’t do that because he deemed it creepy. unlike, showing up at your university, and waiting for you in his car. which he did for, like, 3 hours before he finally saw you.
”y/n!”, luckily for him, you hadn’t put your headphones on yet, so you heard him. the bad news was that, as soon as you saw who was calling for you, you automatically switched directions and speed walked the other way. that wouldn’t deter connie though, knowing something like this would happen, he just started driving towards you, and just drove besides where you were walking.
”y/n. y/n, listen to me. just give me a chance to explain myself”, his words fell on deaf ears as you just kept walking. taking your headphones out of your bag would mean stopping, and stopping meant that connie could just keep talking at you. so you just kept walking, and hoped that the road he was driving on would have a turn.
”hello~? i know you hear me”, connie’s head was constantly switching between facing you, and the road.
”then you should realise that i’m ignoring you.”, you finally chided. a win is a win in connie’s mind so, even if you were basically telling him to leave you alone, at least you were talking to him.
”you still haven’t unblocked me”, he said, watching you instead of the road.
”why would i?”, you refused to face him, so you just kept looking at the path ahead of you.
”i miss you”, he confessed, ”like a lot. it’s killing me actually.”, if he had said this to you a few months ago, you might forgiven him and taken him back, but things had changed.
”why’s that my problem?”,
”it’s not. but, just get in the car for a second, and let’s talk”,
”we have nothing to talk about, connie”, your pace picked up, and the path you were approaching had no road beside it, so connie just parked his car, and got out. walking behind you, he spoke,
”y/n, i just need one more chance. i meant every single word i said at mikasa’s”, your ears perked up, and so did those of the other students walking around you, ”i do love you. i do want to be better this time round, and i want to give you everything you deserve plus loads of other shit on top of that—”, connie’s spiel was cut short by you **turning around. causing him to stop dead in his tracks as you slowly walked over to him,
”you can’t park there, they’ll give you a ticket.”, you pointed behind him, and as he turned to see, you began to walk away. connie reached out to grab your arm, pulling you back to him.
”fuck the ticket. go out with me. tomorrow. i’ll plan everything, just wear something cute and show up. that’s all i ask of you. if you hate it, then we’ll never speak again”, you dropped your gaze to your hand, firmly clasped in both of his, before looking back up at connie’s face.
”we’re not meant to be speaking right now”,
”but we are.”, he lifted your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles, ”that’s gotta mean something, right?”, your face was blank. but your true feelings were exposed when you yanked your hand from him.
”no.”, connie’s shock was written in his eyes, and it stayed there as you continued, ”i meant what i said too; we’re done. as in, finished. don’t come back here, connie”, were your last words to connie before you walked away from him. and he just stood there, watching you leave; the heaviness of his heart causing it to drop to his shoes, so he couldn’t even run after you.
it would take a while for that weight to lift, so connie just sat in that rejection for a few months. but, sick of seeing his friend constantly moping around over a girl he fucked over, ony was the one who suggested connie to try getting back with you again. he assumed that showing up somewhere like your uni, or house, was a terrible idea so he just told connie to send some flowers to your place.
”the fuck’s that gonna do?”, connie remarked in confusion.
”nigga, you put a note in the flowers.”, ony nudged him, “and be nice because you’ll probably only get one chance before she catches on it’s you and starts throwing them out without even reading the note on it”, ony had advised. so that’s what connie did, he bought you your favourite flowers, sent them to your place, and just waited.
you got them two days after he sent them, and you could already guess who they were from. but the note confirmed it, reading:
”i’m so sorry for everything. y/n, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and you deserved better than what i gave you. you don’t have to love me again, you don’t have to trust me again, you don’t even have to commit to me again. let’s just go on a date. or whatever you’d like. let’s spend some time together. if you’re down, meet me outside your apartment building at 4 tomorrow. wear something fancy<3 - c”
you mulled it over for a few seconds before walking over to your wardrobe to find something to wear. you didn’t know how the night would end, but you wanted him to spend it realising what he had lost. so you wore a dress that represented that.
connie knew he was taking a risk that could potentially make him more depressed than he was before, but that didn’t stop him from getting dressed and driving to your place. fingers moving anxiously on his steering wheel were calmed into stillness when connie saw you stood outside your apartment complex, dress blowing in the wind, as you swayed slightly looking around. it was your turn to be nervous, when you looked up to see his car. he pulled up right in front of you before getting out of the car to walk to the side you were stood at, to open your door,
”you’re beautiful, you know that?”, he gestured for you to get in the car, and his hand itched to just smack your ass. but, he was here for forgiveness, and he wouldn’t be granted it if he acted like that. so he just closed the door behind you, and walked back to the driver’s side.
”what, no compliment back? i haven’t dressed up like this in years”, connie teased, and you rolled your eyes. as much as you didn’t want to, you had to admit that connie looked really good; dressed in a black dress shirt, black dress trousers, and black dress shoes. as always, he smelled divine. but you couldn’t give in to him from the very beginning.
”you don’t look bad”, you shrugged, looking out the window. connie just laughed at you, reaching his arm across to you to flick your chin with his index finger.
“it’s been so long you can’t even compliment me right?”, he teased again, and when you moved his hand from your face, he poked your side.
”connie, stop before i make you turn this damn car around”, you threatened, but connie just let out another laugh.
”and if i don’t? then what? you’ll walk back home?”,
”if i have to, yeah”,
”okay, i’ll stop. but…it’s just ‘cause i missed you so much. i’ll chill though”, he moved his hand away from you, but he’d still be looking at you every chance he could.
”you ain’t miss me?”, he teased again, and you turned to look at him blankly before shaking your head.
the evening was nice, and the food was amazing. being in connie’s company, nothing ever felt forced, so things just progressed very smoothly. and an evening of flirtatious glances and comments, led to connie’s lips crashing into yours. with your back against his car because he couldn’t wait until you got back to your apartment. regard for your location had been left in the restaurant as your dress shifted higher on your body at the hands of the man kissing and sucking on your neck. and, honestly, connie would’ve taken you right then and there if it wasn’t for a restaurant staff member asking you guys to refrain because of other patrons.
”sorry”, connie chuckled, hands pulling your dress down before opening your door. he apologised one more time to the guy that worked there, before rushing over to his side of the car. as soon as he got in, his lips were attached to yours again, tongue entering your mouth, as his hand rested on the side of your face.
”backseat?”, he whispered into your mouth, and you had to pull back and look at him like ’really?’.
”what?”, he chuckled.
”i thought you changed, and now you want to fuck in your backseat?”, he chuckled again, before shrugging at you, ”when i look like this?”, you motioned at your dress, and he backed off you. holding his hands up in defeat, before he just started the car,
”you’re right. what was i thinking?”, he said, and you just kissed your teeth and put your seatbelt on, ”when you look this good, i need to fuck you into a mattress, not a car seat”,
you didn’t even make it to your front door before the pink fabric covering you was moving upwards again, the newfound draft hitting the cold wet patch at the front of your underwear. connie’s hands were grabbing and kneading at whatever they could, as you fumbled to unlock your door. not only were his hands busying themselves with distracting you, but his lips were fully occupied; leaving wet kisses all over your neck and jaw. these, in tandem, made your concentration levels drop dramatically, but connie wasn’t letting up,
”connie, wait”, you breathed out, and a hum of rejection rumbled on your neck.
”rapido, hermosa, i need you”, heavy breaths rolled out of connie’s mouth, to transfigure into light whimpers as connie pushed the growing tent in his dress trousers against you. because your lower half was basically fully exposed, connie had no issue wrapping his arm around you to put his hand in your thong, and rub your clit.
”connie, let me just open the door first”, your pleas were unheard, and connie’s hands kept moving. as did his hips—desparate for more of you. he could’ve gotten more of you if he just let you unlock the door, but his mind had short-circuited the first time your lips met at the restaurant car park, and he was working off pure instinct now. hopes and prayers that your neighbours wouldn’t see this plagued the small bit of your mind that wasn’t losing it. your forehead had fallen to rest on the door in front of you, as connie’s chest was pushing you into it. one of his fingers had found your entrance, as his thumb continued its task on your clit. the same could not be said for his other arm that he had placed around your center to keep you from falling over. its task had been neglected as his hand had rose to take your tit out of your dress—squeezing at it, and pinching at your nipple. you knew better than to let this man finger you in your apartment hallway, but the sounds of him sucking on your earlobe, and kissing the space behind your ears, made it very difficult for you to care anymore. so you spread your legs further apart, and just let him do whatever he wanted with you. that built courage inside connie. the hand that was on your tit moved to undo his belt, the button to his dress trousers, before finally pulling them down to his midthigh. his dick was hard enough now for him to just fuck himself against your clothed pussy—the pool of precum collecting at the front of his boxers growing quickly. the concern that one of your neighbours might hear the low moans and groans leaving your mouths grew fainter, until it was fully replaced by connie’s words in your ears,
”i need to fuck you so bad, ma. i’m about to nut in my boxers at the thought of it”, you had no response. even if you could think one up, it would’ve been stolen from you by the intense orgasm that washed over you. connie’s followed yours, and once he removed his hands from you, his tongue was swirling around his fingers.
the taste of you on his tongue drove connie wild. so, as soon as you made it into your bedroom, he was stripping you of your dress, and laying you on you back, as he ate you out like doing so would save him from eternal hellfire. obviously, you came not too long after he started, and when he came up from in between your legs, he had the biggest grin on his face. he quickly stripped himself of all his clothes, and within seconds he was knelt between your legs, stroking himself. his eyes were transfixed—like, if this man had a tail, he would’ve flown away with how hard it would’ve been wagging.
”how’re you more beautiful than i remember?”, his quiet words of admiration fell onto you, and you shrugged up at him, obviously shy.
”why so quiet? you’ve never been one to be shy with me, talk to me”, he had one hand on either side of your head as he placed light pecks on your lips, waiting for them to part so something could come out of them.
”’s just been a while”, you kept pecking his lips, and he pulled back.
”too long, ma. it’s been too long.”, he placed one final kiss on your lips, before positioning himself at your leaking hole. unlike that night at mikasa’s, connie was gentle with you because, as corny as it sounded to his own ears, he didn’t want to fuck you—he wanted to make love to you. meaning he couldn’t rush it; he would push himself into you very slowly, allowing you to adjust to him, and the way that one vein sent tingles down your spine.
he was slow with you, but he still managed to hit every spot needed to make your eyes roll into the back of their sockets. perhaps due to your history together (or the fact that this man is a slut™), connie knew what your body would react to too well. and, as a result, all it took was both of your legs over his shoulders, and a few wet kisses on your neck, for your swollen lips to produce a sweet cacophony. wherein, in between elongated mewls of his name, connie could hear a word very similar to ’love’, and that alone was enough for him to never want to look at anyone that wasn’t you ever again. regardless of gender. and, coming down from your high, you could feel that connie hadn’t cum yet—probably because he always put your pleasure first. but, you could also feel him holding back. which was very unlike him. you knew you would need to push him a little, so that’s exactly what you did,
”if-f this your pussy n-now, show m-me why”, connie froze for a second, then his body moved on its own. for the first time that night, you were presented with the connie springer you had always known. romanticism was thrown out of the window for a moment as he pushed your legs against your chest, moaning loudly at how good you felt,
”don’t know how i went so long without this, hermosa, i’m losing it right now”, even if you wanted to reply, you couldn’t because he was fucking the wind out of your lungs.
”why’d you keep doing this to me, ma?”, he said, referring to you keeping heaven on earth away from him.
”y-you d-do it to yourself-f”, your hands reached to dig into connie’s forearms; your hands were the only things that could help you, because you had been fucked void of coherent speech, and your eyes were barely focusing with how much they were rolling. you could feel yourself about to cum again, and so could connie.
”and it ain’t gonna happen ever again. trust.”, the way you twitched around him made it hard for him to keep himself together but luckily for him, all he had to do was drop one of your legs, and wrap a hand around your throat, for you to come undone underneath him. connie had been fighting holding his nut back since the second he was fully inside you, so once your walls clamped around him, he unravelled immediately. but, as soon as he could steady himself again, connie would be moving inside of you.
your hands and eyes tangled in each other, did to connie the very things that he had been running away from for years. it tickled that one spot in his chest that he had forgotten held the ability to produce sensation. it made the ducts he had tried to close up, melt open, and connie didn’t even know they could work the way they once did until his vision grew blurry and when he blinked, a saltine droplet landed on your cheek.
”fuck”, he paused to swipe his thumb against your cheek, ”sorry ‘bout that”, he muttered, and you shook your head at him. up until this point, his sincerity had been a point of contention but, unless he was a master manipulator and award winning actor, you could finally see how losing you had affected him. you hoped it would cement his change in behaviour, but the only way to confirm that would be to walk that walk with him; hand in hand, just like you were right now.
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