#and then to add insult to injury
incomingalbatross · 19 days
you ever have a dream that's clearly constructed as a fragment of something larger and then wake up like "why isn't this a genuine story with a fandom so I can see more of what just happened and also talk to people about it"
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awakentrashpanda · 5 months
Do you guys remember this show?
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Do you ever think about how the lore of that show was basically that there was a huge war and the winning side killed everybody on the losing side and then stuffed their corpses into a glorified lava lamp??
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nepotisim · 1 month
I'm so tired of phrases like "anti-woke". Just say you're a racist/homophobic weirdo.
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krazieka2 · 1 year
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The comic I drew for the @hulethzine! And some older huleth doodles of equal quality.
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scootkiddo · 2 years
The fact that the introduction this time around lended more time to fleshing our Joel & Sarah along with their domesticity and day to day life made for a woefully soul-churning slow burn I could not BEAR. Knowing the outcome of what preluded the game, I was sitting here wringing my hands while agonizingly bracing for the normalcy to erupt into pandemonium and rapid destruction. It was the dwindling remnants of normal life that I found the most haunting. You would see Sarah go through her daily routine- have breakfast with Joel, greet the neighbors, go to school- ostensibly nothing out of the ordinary. But there was this underlined foreshadowing that tainted the slice of life. There were momentary tokens of caution, warning signs of the times ahead. Radio reports of the cordyceps taking helm, Sarah’s classmate twitching right beside her at school, the elderly woman convulsing while out of focus- under the brush, the inevitable catalyst that would send humanity through a downward spiral and elicit the inciting event that was Sarah’s death was slowly but surely breeding itself into fruition. The tail end of habitual life may had been in the foreground, but the presage and promise of apocalyptic mayhem was brewing in the milieu
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ianthesmells · 7 months
if babs had beautiful brown eyes like a baby cow none of that would have happened to him btw
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mahoutoons · 2 months
me reading oniisama e and finding out kaoru and henmi get together was like
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saccharinescorpion · 21 days
imagine being Maple and being obsessed with the idea of becoming a queen and having your DORK of a big sister be the one in your family to get the name “Reina”
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sicklymadscientist · 3 days
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Thought I’d branch out from my usual An/gel Du/st content and give Alas/tor a turn.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
I’ve been saying this for several years now, but once my body stops trying to kill me it’s over for you (my executive dysfunction) bitches.
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macaiv · 3 months
I need to rant lol
So when Gasly attacks Esteban for multiple laps, making him defend rather than concentrate on catching and attacking Alonso and making them lose time, that's okay with Alpine. But when Gasly passes Esteban (with DRS, hence why he is a bit faster), and Esteban tries to fight back, they immediately asked Esteban to hold position?
I'm sorry but you can't let your drivers fight and then just suddenly tell them to stop when one passes. Especially when it's clear as day that the other can still fight back for position.
Try not to be obvious, Alpine. This is clear favouritism.
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mayasaura · 8 months
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sea-buns · 2 months
orym dropped, what, three times? four? and two failed death saves? im exhausted just thinking about it.
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Do you guys ever think that after Sal left Tommy would go to make a joke or tell him something or just look at him only to look over and see an empty chair. Do you ever think he started a sentence with “hey Sal-“ before realizing no one was going to answer him. Do you think Hen and Chimney looked at him with pity when he would sit alone at the kitchen island and eat by himself and try to ignore how much Tommy used to laugh at Sal’s dry sense of humor after a bad shift when Sal tried to cheer him up. Do you think Bobby saw how Tommy would look around for something before realizing with a pang of guilt he was looking for someone. Do you think Bobby slipped Tommy a flier for the LAFD Air Ops because he knew it would help Tommy and in a way knew his time at the 118 had ended long before they threw him a goodbye party. His time at the 118 had ended that day too just took longer for everyone to realize.
(More pain in the tags)
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froody · 5 months
My periods are 25 to 40 days apart. Could happen anytime. When I first got my period in 5th grade I was like “oh okay they’ll even out and be more predictable eventually” no. Aunt Flo is waiting around every corner to surprise attack me. I can barely predict when it’s coming.
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fr-likes-chocolate · 1 year
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Oh lord Phil’s lore went from 0 to 100 REALLY FAST….
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